IRC log for #asterisk on 20120125

16:20.43*** join/#asterisk infobot (
16:20.43*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.0.1 (2012/01/19), (2012/01/19), dahdi-linux (2011/10/21), dahdi-tools (2011/10/21), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
16:24.52asteriskATmarmuDbye guys, and thanks for your time!
16:29.33*** join/#asterisk FlashDeluxe (
16:30.55FlashDeluxehi everyone! got a question: how can i allocate different voicemail intros to different numbers?
16:31.12*** join/#asterisk malcolmd_ (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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16:31.20*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
16:31.27QwellFlashDeluxe: There's an option to skip the intro in app_voicemail, and then you'd just Playback() before calling Voicemail()
16:32.04*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
16:32.25FlashDeluxeqwell: ok thanks :)
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17:05.14c0rnoTaWIMPy: coppice: after downgrading to  HDLC Abort message was disappeared :)
17:05.24c0rnoTadahdi I mean
17:05.41WIMPyHmm. bad.
17:05.52c0rnoTaYou think so?
17:06.05*** join/#asterisk sp3 (
17:06.15WIMPyLooks liek there might be soemthing wrong with 2.6.
17:07.20c0rnoTaWIMPy: yes, you are right. I should to search something wired in jira before posting an issue.
17:08.02c0rnoTaMay be it was already founded and fixed. And I haven't looked in JIRA before. It's my mistake.
17:12.05pabelangerc0rnoTa: which HDLC Abort message?
17:12.24c0rnoTapabelanger: number 6, you know
17:13.24c0rnoTapabelanger: PRI got this event about HDLC Abort (code number 6) on D-channel of my span to PSTN
17:13.27pabelangerc0rnoTa: odd, I just recently ran across that message the other day.  Do you D-channel reset after it?
17:13.46pabelangerEG: go into red alarm
17:14.33c0rnoTapabelanger: no, just messages. and worse fax statistic
17:16.01c0rnoTapabelanger: I have wrote about it in chat recently. May be it was my messages about another server.
17:16.17c0rnoTapabelanger: you should to know that another server has dahdi 2.6.0
17:16.31c0rnoTaI'll downgrade it tomorrow
17:19.29SeRip3nguin: you fax via
17:20.38*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
17:20.49p3nguinYes I do.
17:22.18SeRip3nguin: do you use a regular fax machine?
17:22.31p3nguinattached to an ATA
17:22.40SeRiany special settings?
17:22.41p3nguinSPA 3102, to be exact.
17:22.55p3nguinJust make sure it uses ulaw.
17:23.01SeRiok cool. I am going to give it a spin
17:23.07p3nguinIt is a little slow, but still works.
17:23.08SeRiwhat is the rate failure you experience?
17:23.18p3nguinI haven't had one fail yet.
17:24.09p3nguinFor fax reception, I use ReceiveFax.
17:24.44SeRiunder asterisk?
17:24.45p3nguinI send with the fax machine, though.
17:24.56p3nguinI use fax for asterisk.
17:25.05p3nguinres_fax and res_fax_digium
17:25.16SeRiI do the same thing for fax reciving but I need to figure out an option for fax sending
17:25.24p3nguinFax machine!
17:25.37SeRiwill try it now
17:25.40p3nguinOr you can use a scanner and scan your doc, then send with SendFax.
17:25.56p3nguinIf you have a networked scanner, that would be simple enough.
17:26.26SeRiI dont :( I have an old HP all in one... and i mean old!
17:27.02p3nguinYou can still scan it in, then send the image with asterisk.
17:27.38p3nguinIt would be easy if you have samba configured on the asterisk system.
17:28.11SeRiI see.
17:28.19SeRiwell Mhhhhh
17:28.26p3nguinBut if you have a fax machine and an ATA, you're ready to fax as is.
17:28.43SeRigot it. I have both
17:29.28SeRiI guess ill send my self a fax to test
17:29.51p3nguinYou can send it to me and I can send it back, if you want.
17:30.02SeRiperfect. Thanks!
17:30.08SeRimsg me
17:30.10jkroonhi guys, having some trouble with the Pickup application under ast when trying to use the PICKUPMARK option
17:31.07jkroon - it simply states "No target channel found for foobob", however, the pasted dialplan clearly shows that PICKUPMARK is being set on the channel, and core show channels shows that the channel does in fact enter the Ring state (allowing it to be picked up)
17:31.09*** join/#asterisk libryder (~david@
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17:33.10*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
17:33.45p3nguinI have two systems on UPS.  One on a smart UPS connected by a cable and one on a dumb UPS with no cable.  Both computers are connected on the LAN.  The one on the smart UPS is using apcupsd and is configured to shutdown when the battery is almost empty.  I want to use the one on the smart UPS to tell the other one via SNMP to shut down.  Should I be looking at nutups or net-snmp to accomplish it most easily?
17:33.54libryderis there a way to tell what bitrate the voice channel on a call is set at?
17:34.32paulclibryder: you can do a "core show channel xxxxx" while the call is in progress.. or did you mean within the dialplan?
17:34.35*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
17:35.05libryderyeah that is perfect paulc thanks
17:36.59jkroonnm ... Set(_PICKUPMARK, not Set(PICKUPMARK ...
17:37.36*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
17:37.37p3nguinAh, a channel variable inheritance issue.
17:38.23libryderpaulc: it looks like core show channels is cutting off part of the channel name
17:38.33*** join/#asterisk mahlon (
17:38.41p3nguincore show channel <channel name here>
17:38.46p3nguincore show channels concise
17:40.08p3nguinincoming fax!
17:40.20paulcT.38 beeee BEEEEEEEEE brrrrbrbrrrbrbrbrbrrrrbrr
17:40.37paulclove that sound :)
17:40.41p3nguinI can't hear it; it's within asterisk.
17:40.43libryderthanks p3nguin
17:41.11paulctimes like that you need a trader-style turret that you can turn the volume up and down on.. that'd be cool :)
17:41.21p3nguinFax failed.
17:41.46*** join/#asterisk bluregard (
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17:41.54bluregardhello all
17:43.38paulchello bluregard
17:44.39bluregardI'm having an issue using AMD() with manager originates.  When the called party answers and the originate bridges the call with the extension specified which starts with AMD(), it takes about 2 seconds to actually call AMD(), so when a person answers and says hello, the AMD() app hasn't been called yet so every call is determined to be a machine.   Any advice on this?
17:45.18*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
17:46.05*** part/#asterisk libryder (~david@
17:47.01bluregardfrom what I can tell, its taking too long to register with asterisk that the originate has been answered.
17:47.06paulcbluregard: hmm.. that sounds odd.. if you replace AMD() with Playback(beep) - do you hear the beep immediately or 2 seconds after answering?
17:47.20paulcbluregard: also, what technology/channel are you using for the outbound call?
17:47.25bluregardpaulc: let me try real quick.
17:47.33bluregardpaulc: sip
17:48.49bluregardpaulc, the beep comes right away, almost before I can get the phone up to my ear.
17:48.52leifmadsennote that the originate works by first waiting for the other end to answer, then connects to the dialplan/extension configured for the other side of the originate. It's possible the audio you're getting is early media and it takes a bit for the other side to "answer" the call. You could originate to the dialplan and answer the call immediately, then dial the other side. The immediate Answer() should trigger the other chan
17:48.52leifmadsennel to start listening for AMD() right away.
17:49.06leifmadsenproblem though -- it'll mess with your CDRs if you care
17:54.21bluregardyeah, I'm relying on CDR for a lot of stuff with this
17:55.00bluregardI seem to be having a problem with audio coming into asterisk again.  It was just working perfectly but stopped working again.
17:55.34paulchmm.. intermittent problems are a pain in the ass
17:55.47bluregardyes sir
17:56.20bluregardI have a feeling its nat causing problems again, but I'm not sure yet.
17:56.40*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (~twanny@
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18:02.27paulcslap that router round and show it who's boss :-)
18:02.58bluregardyeah, part of this problem seems to be intermittent problems with audio coming into asterisk
18:06.06bluregardhmm, I wonder if its my rtp port forwarding on my router...
18:12.44bluregardBAH, I didn't realize asterisk doesn't use 10000:20000 for rtp by default.  It was using rtp ports that weren't being forwarded by the firewall.
18:22.29p3nguinThe default rtp.conf does use 10000-20000, but without that being set, there is a different port range.
18:23.06bluregardthe rtp.conf.sample does yes, but * by default does not.
18:23.38p3nguinThat's what I said.
18:24.10p3nguinI never really understood that.
18:24.38p3nguinYou'd think the default range configured in the sample file would correspond with the built-in default.
18:25.32bluregardyeah, that would make sense to me
18:29.52drmessanoAre the defaults 5000 to 31000?  Never thought to look
18:30.24drmessanoNo, bad google hit
18:30.31*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-usnvlfdyuckalxnw)
18:30.38leifmadsenwould be easier to check for sure in the code
18:31.51wdoekes25K and 31K indeed
18:32.17drmessanoNot sure why I didn't just google for rtp.c from the start lol
18:32.34leifmadsenrtp.conf.sample should really be updated to reflect the true defaults
18:33.00drmessanoSo what happens when asterisk negotiates port 5060 for rtp?
18:33.12drmessanoor 5038
18:33.33wdoekes25038 isn't used for udp, afaik, and 5060 is already bind, so not available
18:34.24drmessanoSo asterisk knows not to try to use 5038 and 5060, which are well within that 5k to 31k range, for RTP?
18:34.46p3nguinI'd say it would be able to use those ports if they are not already in use.
18:34.59wdoekes2it will try, but fail and try a different port instead
18:35.29*** join/#asterisk oliver1 (
18:36.23rossandAnyone know a trustworthy SIP or IAX2 provider with toll free DIDs in the UK, France, Finland, Sweden, and Germany?
18:37.39*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
18:37.49*** join/#asterisk elred_ (~elred_@unaffiliated/elred-/x-5010831)
18:38.26autofsckkhello everybody, any suggestions on a VPS for asterisk? i need a small one just for testing now, but i want to be able to make if bigger if i need too
18:38.54p3nguinlinode is pretty cheap and works good for asterisk.
18:39.22autofsckkthanks p3nguin
18:39.54*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
18:39.59autofsckkp3nguin: have you make any changes to your p3nguin-aur-asterisk version? :D
18:41.09autofsckkwell not aur really, i mean your version package of asterisk
18:42.05p3nguinI should have up there now.
18:42.44autofsckkcan you share it with me please?
18:43.55p3nguinOne moment.
18:46.48p3nguinSee /notice
18:48.45autofsckkthanks a lot
18:48.58autofsckkp3nguin: do you have an asterisk running on linode?
18:49.07autofsckki mean, arch
18:49.26*** join/#asterisk saliak (
18:49.51p3nguinI do have an asterisk on linode, but it's on CentOS rather than Arch Linux.
18:51.03p3nguinI run my own stuff on Arch.
18:51.06WIMPyrossand: No IAX, but sipgate should be a good start.
18:51.39*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~taleghani@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
18:51.56*** join/#asterisk thomas (
18:52.03AliRezaTaleghanihi all
18:52.08thomasis it posible to set an linebreak for "CALLERID" (name) ?
18:52.31p3nguinSounds like a terrible idea.
18:52.42AliRezaTaleghaniI have some problem with pthread time manager on asterisk 1.8
18:52.43p3nguinI might even reject a call that does that.
18:52.59rossandthanks WIMPy, much appreciated.
18:53.00AliRezaTaleghanias i send about 30calls peer second with sipp to my server
18:53.05thomasp3nguin: me?
18:53.36AliRezaTaleghaniand when the core channels goes over 120, it will crach
18:53.37p3nguinthomas: Right.  That sounds like a terrible thing to do, and if I received a call that did that, I might even reject it immediately.
18:53.49AliRezaTaleghaniwith pthream_mutex_lock()
18:53.52thomasp3nguin: hm, then you have maybe a otheridea
18:54.03thomasmy aastra-phone show only 14 digits
18:54.11thomasbut i need more
18:54.15rossandWIMPy: Nope. But thanks anyway.
18:54.22thomasi will show the companyname and maybe the name of person
18:54.25p3nguinYou want the caller id name to show more characters?
18:54.29thomaslike "Asterisk AG - Thomas Mebes"
18:54.37thomasp3nguin: jeppa
18:55.08WIMPyrossand: nope what?
18:55.08*** join/#asterisk rjvvliet (
18:55.32rossandWIMPy: sipgate does not do international DIDs.
18:56.08WIMPyrossand: The do everal countries.
18:56.16thomasp3nguin: jep, i want
18:56.53p3nguinthomas: I can't really think of how to override a phone's display limitations.
19:01.29*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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19:12.37leifmadsenp3nguin: thomas: only way I can think of is when you call the device, that you use something like a microbrowser that updates the screen and have the microbrowser actually show what is going on
19:12.55leifmadsenbut that is hacky for sure -- there won't be a way to override the maximum values a phone supports/accepts
19:24.27p3nguin> 13:22:16
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19:31.05*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
19:32.14sawgoodIf an Asterisk box has a context in sip.conf .. and the host=ip address ... does this peer need to use a username/password as well (or is this optional)
19:32.36sawgoodOne Asterisk box is registering to another Asterisk box as a 'friend'
19:32.48p3nguinYou lost me at "context in sip.conf."
19:32.54sawgoodI know ... I'm sorry
19:33.07p3nguinIf you're asking if a peer is required to have a password, the answer is no.
19:33.14sawgoodok ... Asterisk box A = has an account on Asterisk box B (inside of sip.conf)
19:33.43sawgoodWhat if A sends a username/password but that information is NOT in sip.conf on Asterisk B?
19:35.13sawgoodI guess does the usage of host=ip address (cut off any/all need to use any username/password even if the exist)?
19:36.15p3nguinhost=ip-address  only turns the peer entry into a peer entry that does not accept registrations.  For a peer that registers to you, you must use host=dynamic.
19:36.42sawgoodcool ... so username/passwords are only used IF host=dynamic then?
19:36.44p3nguinIt has nothing to do with passwords.
19:37.11p3nguinPasswords are used to authenticate, host is used to match.
19:37.38sawgoodSo, how does one require both host=IP address and authentication in sip.conf?
19:37.58[TK]D-Fenderhave a secret.
19:37.59p3nguinIf the host line has an IP address and you get a call from a different IP address, that peer entry does not match.  End.
19:38.24sawgoodperfectly understood
19:38.25p3nguinIf you also want to require password authentication, use secret=somesecretpassword.
19:38.36sawgoodwhat about username?
19:38.48p3nguinIt is what you make it.
19:39.05sawgoodso, can one have host=ip and just a secret and not a username?
19:39.21p3nguinThe peer name is the peer's name.
19:39.30sawgoodoh ... very cool ...
19:39.38sawgoodthank you for helping, p3nguin
19:40.02sawgoodsometimes, I see the usage of username inside of a lot of sip.conf files, so I thought it was required for authentication
19:40.39sawgoodSo, for security ... a host=ip address and a secret=something would be best?
19:43.13sawgoodanother thought ... what is client B keeps sending a 'registration' statment to server A, but server A does not have host=dyamic
19:43.43sawgoodThese darn 'error' statments are bothering me ... I do not have control over the other side of the connection (sending me the registration statement)
19:43.49p3nguinYou'll have to fix client B, because server A will complain about the misconfiguration.
19:44.00bluregarddoes AMD() read amd.conf every time its called, or is amd.conf read at load time?
19:44.06sawgoodand it does complain!
19:44.28p3nguinIf it is sending you registrations and you cannot control it, you will HAVE to change your entry to host=dynamic to accommodate its registration attempts.  You have no other choice.
19:44.58sawgoodthank you for the help, p3nguin that is what I did for now until I hear back from the admin of the other box
19:44.58p3nguinAnd then, I recommend you use an ACL in addition to the dynamic host configuration.
19:45.27p3nguinIt's not really a problem to accept registrations.  Configure your side accordingly and move on.
19:45.27*** join/#asterisk lanning (
19:45.28sawgoodACL in a firewall process or with Asterisk?
19:45.39p3nguinI meant in asterisk, but you can do both.
19:45.53sawgoodI'm using pfSence right now
19:46.07p3nguinYou create the ACL with a deny and permit pair in the peer entry.
19:46.44p3nguindeny=   permit=   for example.
19:47.01sawgoodnobody gettin by that rule!
19:47.24p3nguinIf the peer's address never changes, use subnet mask instead.
19:48.21p3nguinIf it can change, determine the netblock it uses and set the subnet mask accordingly.
19:49.27p3nguinThe ACL in asterisk keeps certain people out, but a firewall should be used to keep out most all others.
19:54.05sawgoodIf client B is set and working on Server A ... (and since host=ip address) is set (leaving the connection as unmonitored) ... outside of a qualify=yes statement, is there any way to check from server A if client B is still 'there' and working'?
19:54.37p3nguinThe host= line has nothing to do with it being unmonitored.
19:54.45p3nguinThat's all on the qualify.
20:01.17*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
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20:37.41*** join/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
20:38.16fireman_biffhi, how do you change the amount of time asterisk waits for you to press a digit before it starts to dial?
20:38.58WIMPyfireman_biff: Are you sure it's Asterisk and not your phone?
20:39.53p3nguinIf you're talking about an IP phone, that is controlled by the phone.
20:40.19fireman_biffk, thanks guys
20:45.39fireman_biffWIMPy & p3nguin: is this the case for analog phones also?
20:46.06fireman_biffI'm seeing a command TIMEOUT(digit) that seems like what I want, but i was hoping for a setting
20:48.13WIMPyfireman_biff: Connected how? If via an ATA then that will decide when to dial.
20:48.51fireman_biffWIMPy: the pbx connects directly to regular analog lines
20:49.03WIMPyWrong end.
20:49.15fireman_biffanalog on both ends
20:49.20WIMPyIt's beween the phone and Asterisk.
20:50.42WIMPyFrom Asterisk to the PSTN there is no timeout, but with analog a delay.
20:50.43fireman_biffthere are FXS cards in the PBX if that's what you mean
20:51.13WIMPyYes, then it depends on your chan_dahdi.cfg and the dialplan.
20:52.12fireman_biffis there a setting for chan_dahdi.cfg that specifically handles the timeout?
20:53.10WIMPyI'm not sure about that one. But there is immediate and alwaysimmediate that decide if it's chan_dahdi that collects the digits and imposes the timeout or the dialplan.
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20:54.17fireman_biffalright, I'll see what I can find out about those settings
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21:22.40*** join/#asterisk CGMChris (~chatzilla@
21:24.17CGMChrisI'm trying to configure an SPA504g in a 1-employee branch office so that it will connect to the main office PBX.  When it dials an internal extension, it's specifying that the audio stream is on 10.0.0.X port Y...anyone familiar with this and how to get it to use its external IP in SIP packets?
21:24.49Kobazis there a way to allow sip calls to localhost
21:25.00Kobaz[2012-01-25 16:23:54]     -- <Local/1@_SipBasicTest-be12;1> Got SIP response 482 "Loop Detected" back from
21:25.12Kobazwhen i dial a sip peer with host = localhost
21:25.23Kobazi can loop back with iax2, but not sip
21:25.42LipsumWe're experiencing some deadlocks on 1.4.42: and - we've looked around but we cannot find anything useful. Any ideas on what to look at in order to solve these?
21:25.44p3nguincgmchris: Configure asterisk correctly for NAT and never configure an end point to try to do its own NAT traversal.
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21:26.59CGMChrisp3nguin: The phone is at one office on one internet connection.  The PBX is at another office on another internet connection. No VPN.  Doesn't the remote SPA504g need to identify itself by its proper external IP address for audio to work properly?
21:27.23p3nguincgmchris: Configure asterisk correctly for NAT and never configure an end point to try to do its own NAT traversal.     <-----------------------
21:29.16CGMChrisp3nguin: Not helpful.  Any more insight?  I don't see how NAT has anything to do with configuring a phone to connect to what is essentially a hosted PBX.
21:29.28p3nguinI've told you how to fix it.
21:29.49p3nguinIt should take you no more than two minutes to complete.
21:30.43CGMChrisp3nguin: One of us doesn't get it, lets say it's me since you're the pro at this.... can you throw me a bone?  some type of config setting I need in sip.conf or what?
21:31.08CGMChrisp3nguin: Asterisk and the phone arent on the same internet connection...
21:31.22p3nguinIn sip.conf, in the general section, set nat=yes to enable asterisk to work with natted devices.
21:31.54p3nguinAnd make sure the peer entry for that phone does not say nat=no, or it will negate the nat=yes setting in the previous step.
21:32.15p3nguinSave the change to the file.  Run "sip reload" on the asterisk CLI.
21:32.35p3nguinThen try another call.
21:33.03CGMChrisI've got nat=route, I'll try nat=yes....changed this when I was debugging T.38 w/ broadvox a year or so ago.  Let me try again.
21:33.39p3nguinAlso look for the nat=no in the phone's peer entry and remove it if it exists.
21:39.42navaismoits possible to connect a microphone and speakers to the machine running asterisk and register to another asterisk as normal phone??
21:41.01becca_rit would be easier to use xlite or a softphone to connect to the other Asterisk box though.
21:42.19navaismobut the isea is use an a small appliance like ALIX boards and use it like a phone
21:43.40navaismoso im looking if its possible install asterisk under uClinux and redirect the media to the audio hardware
21:45.17*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
21:45.35navaismodo I'm telling nonsenses ?
21:46.36becca_rI haven't done it personally, but I would say you could.
21:46.52WIMPyThere are several console channels that will do that.
21:48.26navaismohmmm ok, i will search a lot, thanks anyway
21:49.38navaismoi think its "easier"install asterisk on uClinux tha continue doing this:
21:50.00navaismotrying to insert the IAX2 library to the  PICmicro
21:51.11WIMPyAsterisk is a pretty big thing.
21:54.27*** join/#asterisk cstachris (~chrismylo@
22:00.00*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
22:03.18*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-dcsukxbtxxsmatns)
22:04.36p3nguinI don't understand why sometimes my asterisk is started by root rather than by asterisk.
22:05.49WIMPyHow often do you start it?
22:06.43p3nguinDepending on what I am doing, it could be one time each 30 days, or 30 times in one day.
22:07.09p3nguinToday, it is several times because I am trying to determine why it is sometimes started as root and other times as asterisk.
22:07.37WIMPyBut if YOU start it, YOU should know how.
22:08.01p3nguinI don't know what your statement is supposed to mean.
22:08.53WIMPyIf it can be one way or another there must be some difference in how it is started,
22:09.55p3nguinThere are two ways my asterisk can be started:  I can run /etc/rc.d/asterisk start on the command line (as root), or a cron job can run the same script if asterisk it not already running.
22:11.40p3nguinOkay, I think I have solved it.
22:12.31p3nguinThat was bothersome for a moment.
22:13.26p3nguinApparently there is no default runuser and rungroup, despite documentation indicating the default is asterisk:asterisk.
22:14.04p3nguinSo when I ran the script (as root) to start asterisk, root ran asterisk.  When the cron job started asterisk (asterisk's crontab), asterisk owned the process.
22:14.50p3nguinI just needed to set the runuser and rungroup, and now starting asterisk with the script (as root), asterisk owns the process like it should.
22:17.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:18.04*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
22:41.33LipsumWe're experiencing some deadlocks on 1.4.42: and - we've looked around but we cannot find anything useful. Any ideas on what to look at in order to solve these?
22:41.34LipsumIt looks like two of my threads are waiting for line 5021 (, but I cannot see which thread is locking 5021? Am I missing something?
22:41.44*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:52.48*** join/#asterisk Lipsum (~lipsum@
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23:09.20*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
23:10.26*** join/#asterisk logicwrath (
23:12.37paulcDid JabberSend() in Asterisk 1.6.x become something else in Asterisk 10?
23:13.49p3nguinDoes "core show applications like jabber" show anything?
23:14.07p3nguinHow about "core show applications like xmpp"?
23:14.25paulcNope.. 0 Aplications matching.. for both jabber and xmpp
23:14.44p3nguinDid you install and load the relevant modules?
23:16.02paulcHmm.. I *thought* so.. but possibly not.. going from the instructions for our 1.6.x build, in make menuselect I enable func_curl in dialplan functions section, and res_jabber in the resource modules section.
23:16.12paulcUpon reflection, perhaps that second bit didn't happen..
23:16.34paulcah no, there it is.. [*] res_jabber
23:31.04*** join/#asterisk malconxx (~root@unaffiliated/malconxx)
23:32.14malconxxplease send traffic to username=003, passwd=123456, codec=g729
23:32.38navaismojoke right
23:34.38paulcProblem solved.. iksemel library couldn't be found, so wasn't loading - life continues...
23:58.45*** join/#asterisk ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
23:58.45*** mode/#asterisk [+o ChanServ] by

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