IRC log for #asterisk on 20120120

00:15.20*** join/#asterisk jsidhu (
00:16.08*** join/#asterisk resist0r (~resist0r@
00:24.20*** join/#asterisk devcoder (~leemelnyk@
00:44.19*** join/#asterisk jermey_g (
00:56.20*** join/#asterisk csd-199 (~asdf@
00:56.36*** part/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
00:57.10csd-199Hi. I have a CentOS 6 x64 and want to yum asterisk... when will I be able to do that?
00:57.31*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
01:00.02*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:04.58csd-199Hi. I have a CentOS 6 x64 and want to yum asterisk... when will I be able to do that?
01:05.18WIMPyAfter you found out, how.
01:09.50*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
01:10.40*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-yughepvzswxheddq)
01:13.03csd-199ok, how?
01:16.01jsidhu    anyone have a few minutes?  I can't get any of my SIP devices to register..
01:18.36*** join/#asterisk celord (
01:24.37pabelangerjsidhu: nice debug log, just missing one thing, sip.conf for your peer settings
01:29.00jsidhudoes that give any clues?
01:29.36*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:32.02*** join/#asterisk random800 (442596fb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:32.46random800Hey guys, I have a stupid problem with asterisk
01:32.47pabelangerjsidhu: Hmm, this might be a bug. This does not look right: WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="asterisk", nonce="4f18baa6"
01:32.59pabelangernotice the space / tab in nonce
01:33.02random800I have upgraded it from 1.6 to 1.8.8
01:33.48random800now it does not start. Any ideas on how to debug this?
01:33.50pabelangerjsidhu: what if you try type=peer
01:33.53jsidhuyes, i see it WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="asterisk", nonce="4f18baa6"
01:33.56jsidhulet me see
01:34.08pabelangerrandom800: is asterisk crashing?
01:34.14pabelangerand how are you starting it
01:35.02random800I am using ubuntu. I tried to ways to start it: 1. sudo service asterisk start, and 2. sudo asterisk
01:35.30jsidhupabelanger: same issue. 401 Unauthorized   and I still see the tab in the nonce, nonce="07ad126\t"
01:35.47random800I can't tell if it crashes or exits because of some bad config (left from the previous version)
01:36.19random800in dmesg the last line is: [Jan 19 20:10:57] WARNING[15090] translate.c: empty buf size, you need to supply one
01:39.14pabelangerjsidhu: what OS are you using?
01:39.32jsidhudebian wheezy/sid on arm.
01:39.57jsidhucheck my earlier post header
01:40.17jsidhuon ARM
01:40.26*** part/#asterisk csd-199 (~asdf@
01:41.56*** join/#asterisk jsidhu (
01:42.21pabelangerjsidhu: able to pb your config.log file?
01:43.11jsidhuwhat exactly do u need? I could trim and start new, from what point on do u want to see the log
01:43.38jsidhueverything, from startup to register? with verbose/debug set to high? I think 255 is max?
01:44.12pabelangerjsidhu: no, the config.log. The output from ./configure
01:44.23pabelangerI don't think you have it, a package install right?
01:44.32jsidhusorry, yes
01:44.59jsidhumaybe there's a -dev package
01:45.28pabelangerjsidhu: ls -la /dev/urandom
01:45.31pabelangerwhat is the output
01:45.53jsidhucrw-rw-rwT 1 root root 1, 9 Jan 19 00:55 /dev/urandom
01:52.36jsidhuyea i don't think the config.log is provided as part of the -dev package, only the headers and other include files
01:55.17*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:57.13pabelangerjsidhu: do you have a cleaner debug.log? It looks like the output is wrapped or something
01:58.49*** join/#asterisk resist0r (~resist0r@
02:00.19pabelangerrandom800: try starting asterisk via the command line, sudo asterisk -vvvvvc
02:04.26pabelangerrandom800: please don't mesg me, just make your posts here.  More people will help
02:04.33infobotsomebody said collectdebug was a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
02:04.38pabelangerrandom800: ^ start here
02:04.42jsidhupabelanger: I think I'm  going to step back and try the older release, Squeeze. I think Wheeze is too bleeding edge
02:05.18pabelangerjsidhu: do me a favor, create an issue in JIRA and upload your debug log.  It is defiantly a bug in asterisk
02:06.29WIMPyjsidhu, pabelanger: I'm sure I have seen that before.
02:06.31*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
02:06.36WIMPyBut I don;t know if it was here or on Jira.
02:07.26pabelangerWIMPy: I seen it on asterisk-user mailing list a while ago.
02:07.41*** join/#asterisk jsidhu_ (
02:07.53jsidhuat what verbosity do you guys recommend for the logs?
02:08.17WIMPypabelanger: I don't read that.
02:10.33WIMPyjsidhu: Is the platform big or little endian?
02:10.36*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
02:12.41jsidhuIm not sure
02:12.44jsidhulet me check
02:14.25F2KnightQ: working on trying to get a channel bank working....
02:14.26jsidhuThe device supports both Big Endian and Little Endian byte ordering, as defined in the ARM
02:14.27jsidhuArchitecture Reference Manual, Second Edition. It also supports hardware features for performing
02:14.27jsidhudata conversion on some of its interfaces
02:14.49jsidhuthats from the cpu func. spec pdf
02:15.00WIMPyYes, I know ARMs do both. That's why I ask what your architecture uses.
02:15.02F2KnightWould I be correct to assume that I should From asterisk... configure my second port as an fxsks to send to the channel bank?
02:15.31jsidhuDebian currently only supports little-endian ARM systems.
02:15.35jsidhuso its Little Endian
02:15.38WIMPy(at least the modern ones)
02:15.53jsidhuSorry, I was copy/pasting as I was figuring it out myself.
02:16.05WIMPyOk, so that's not the cause of the issue then.
02:16.38F2Knightit was working on a  1.2 box as fxoks.. but on the 1.8 it does not give dialtone.. tried for giggles to set it as fxs and while it got not dialtone or ring I could still get a call through it
02:17.29jsidhumaybe I should ditch the debian package and recompile
02:17.53WIMPySurely worth a try.
02:18.03jsidhuonly if the issue has been fixed, i should check jira
02:21.08*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
02:31.32*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2001:1938:240:3000::3)
02:36.14pabelangerjsidhu: cat /proc/cpu/alignment
02:36.16pabelangerif you don't mind
02:37.27jsidhuJust read this on plugpbx forums regarding asterisk 1.8 on arm:  -md5sum math/logic broken. This breaks SIP Authentication (can't use passwords).
02:37.36jsidhurebooting the device, give me one sec
02:37.49pabelangerjsidhu: link?
02:41.33*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
02:43.02jsidhucat /proc/cpu/alignment    --->
02:43.42pabelangerjsidhu: thank, attach that to the JIRA issue too if you don't mind
02:55.36*** join/#asterisk ninor (~ninor@
02:56.09ninorcan asterisk handle video over ip too?
02:56.10ninoror just voice
02:56.13WIMPyjsidhu: What arm is it exactely?
02:56.46WIMPyninor: As far as forwarding goes.
02:57.00ninorso just voice then
02:57.15WIMPyDid I say that?
02:57.24jsidhuCPU - Marvell Kirkwood 88F6281 @ 1.2GHz
02:58.11WIMPyGuruplug or something?
02:58.53ninorWIMPy, pardon me. i must have misunderstood. please clarify
02:59.09WIMPyIt says ARMv5, so that can't do misaligned acces.
02:59.34WIMPyninor: It can forward video, but it cannot process it.
03:00.03WIMPyExcept for the very limited ConfBridge support, which just switches by talk detection.
03:01.42ninorcould it forward around h.264 video calls?
03:01.49ninorbasically i wanna replace skype, and i need a server
03:01.52ninori can code the client myself
03:02.24WIMPyI don't think there's any restriction on what can be forwarded.
03:02.41*** part/#asterisk ninor (~ninor@
03:03.43WIMPyshould also play around with plugs or minicubes. But I already have trouble to find time for anything :-(
03:05.50jsidhuok, i've collected all the logs, and will create a issue on jira later, I'm gonna try and work with .16
03:06.19WIMPyMention that it's an ARMv5
03:06.29WIMPyOr ARMv5TE exactely
03:06.56WIMPyBut I don't think the extensions matter in any way.
03:08.19*** join/#asterisk gajini (~root@
03:13.26*** join/#asterisk budster (
03:19.07*** join/#asterisk Beave (
03:42.08*** join/#asterisk brah (
03:44.57*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
03:49.07*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
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04:48.20*** join/#asterisk damex (~damex@funtoo/user/damex)
04:50.46damexhello, im was using now elastix for asterisk (used before debian and gentoo with asterisk) and i wanted to interest about functionality that i want. for example, ppl calling 153 and adding number like 153*9 (directly from phone) and then call going automatically to extension "9". how can i do that?
05:40.31*** join/#asterisk reatoik (~atoik@
05:44.53[TK]D-Fenderdamex: You haven't explained what the 153 does or how there is an "extension" after it.
05:46.12damex[TK]D-Fender, its number on analog line on FXO port. and extension is the extension for the USER sip phone.
05:47.00[TK]D-Fenderdamex: Please redescribe the entire scenario
05:47.02*** join/#asterisk zopiac (
05:49.42damex[TK]D-Fender, i have now "analog telephone call to 153 number => FXO port on openvox a800e from system with asterisk => IVR menu => select 9 => go straight to user's extension number 9". what i want "analog telephone call to 153*9 number => FXO port on openvox a800e from system with asterisk => go straight to user's extension number 9"
05:49.55F2KnightWhen connecint to a channel bank device over T1 Interfaces... should asterisk be the Fxs or the Fxo? The channel bank connects to real telephones, and then back to asterisk over a Dual Port T1, (span2) Span1 already connects to a pri
05:50.39[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: * is the FXO
05:50.52[TK]D-Fender* = office, phones = stations
05:51.45p3nguinPhones have FXO ports in them.
05:52.30F2Knight[TK]D-Fender, that is what I thought.. but does that mean in dahdi/system.conf I should define the 2nd span like fxoks = 25-48, or  fxsks = 25-48?
05:53.01F2KnightCurrently it is at fxoks.. but I get no dialtone on the channel bank and when I send a call over it gets no ringing.
05:55.38damexasked about trouble and gone :(
05:55.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
05:56.42[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: Pb your configs and CLI status dump
06:02.47*** join/#asterisk singler (~singler@
06:06.14[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: You masked bit from chan_dahdi.  Don't.
06:06.17[TK]D-Fendernew PB
06:07.22F2Knight[TK]D-Fender, I removed the caller ID's and all the duplicate lines from chan_dahdi
06:07.34[TK]D-FenderAlso include the proper status dump from CLI that I requested
06:08.12[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: I want to see what you really have, not some hacked up version
06:10.48F2Knight[TK]D-Fender, Thats the full chan_dahdi
06:11.29[TK]D-Fendersignalling=auto <- should be fxo_ks
06:11.56[TK]D-Fenderand you didn't set any standard parms for 3-way calling, cid, transfer, etc.
06:12.11[TK]D-FenderDoesn't look like you tried specifying what you were configuring
06:13.40[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: And still no status dump
06:14.00F2Knightstatus dump?
06:14.13F2KnightI pasted the CLI output is that what you were wanting?
06:14.27[TK]D-FenderStatus <------
06:14.30[TK]D-Fenderdahdi show cstatus
06:14.37[TK]D-Fenderdahdi show channels
06:14.40F2Knightdidn't knwo about that . will do.
06:17.37zopiacBlagh, trying to set up Asterisk using the online documentation but the commands seem to be deprecated
06:18.56F2Knight[TK]D-Fender, implimented that fxo_ks.. what do I put for the standard parms you were talking about?
06:19.42[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: Look at any other standard FXS doc on this
06:20.54[TK]D-Fenderzopiac: "the" documentation?  There are dozens upon dozens of different sites with "documentation" on it.  To which were you referring?
06:21.03zopiac[TK]D-Fender: That's where i am, but the Getting Started tells me to use the 'sip show peers' command but that says command not found
06:21.31[TK]D-FenderYEL  <--- yellow alarm doesn't look too good.
06:22.22[TK]D-Fenderzopiac: that isn't deprecated.  If it doesn't work then you either have a very broken sip.conf preventing chan_sip from loading, or the port was taken by another device and it couldn't bid, or you're missing a modules.conf to tell * what modules to load, etc
06:22.24F2Knightjust noticed that.. it was ok earlier.
06:22.33[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: Go look into it
06:22.35F2Knightbeing playing with config changes doing a restart
06:22.51zopiac[TK]D-Fender: hm, all right, I'll look into that
06:22.58[TK]D-Fenderzopiac: Are you running any other SIP software on your server?
06:23.16zopiac[TK]D-Fender: Asterisk as the server and Ekiga as the client, nothing else
06:23.26[TK]D-Fenderzopiac: that is the problem
06:23.36[TK]D-FenderMake sure to tell ekiga to bind to a different port
06:23.38zopiac[TK]D-Fender: That's why it can't execute a command?
06:24.10[TK]D-Fenderzopiac: Ekiga stole port 5060 for itself.  * wants to bind to it and Ekiga got it first so chan_sip bombs out and never loads
06:24.22[TK]D-FenderGet Ekiga to use a different port
06:24.28zopiac[TK]D-Fender: will do
06:25.48zopiac[TK]D-Fender: well, I would, if I could find how to modify the port it's trying to use
06:27.31zopiacall right port changed
06:28.12zopiacfixed the modules problem as well, woo
06:30.49F2Knight[TK]D-Fender, I think the guy that was on site earlier when we were trying to figure this out might have left it unpluged.
06:31.32[TK]D-FenderLack of pluggage is a definite potential issue
06:31.56zopiacstill getting "Could Not Register (remote party host is offline)
06:31.58zopiacback to the docs again
06:32.00F2Knight[TK]D-Fender, yes this would be.. But we were having the same issues alday.
06:32.55F2Knightoriginally this gateway sent the span2 out as a pri_net to a nother asterisk box that was already setup to work with the channel bank, but that system got zapped today
06:33.24F2Knightwe were hoping to just put the channel bank on to the span2. as the older system was an aserisk 1.2 box.
06:33.30F2Knightand this is now 1.8
06:36.56F2Knight[TK]D-Fender, okay just confirmed they unpluged the channelbank connection because it was causing all the phones to do an odd ringing when connected. So can we try and resolve with just looking at configs and try to adjust
06:37.24[TK]D-FenderYou mean ... like plug it in.... and like really actually kinda try?
06:37.55F2Knightno like can we review the configs and make any changes you might see that need to be made to make it work>
06:39.26*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:43.12[TK]D-Fenderbut on that note..... it's bedtime here.  Run with it and hopefully I'll be back on early tomorrow to hear that it's all running smoothe
06:43.17[TK]D-Fenderciao for now
06:44.55*** join/#asterisk luke0512 (
06:46.36*** join/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~RAMYT@
06:46.41*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
06:48.19*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-iynqiqrnwemgocvi)
07:02.31zopiacstill having difficultied getting ekiga to connect
07:04.13*** join/#asterisk mchou (~quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
07:18.37*** join/#asterisk Yourname` (~Yourname@unaffiliated/yourname/x-837320)
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07:34.04ChannelZtakes his pants off
07:36.29*** join/#asterisk ollii (~risker@2001:470:1f15:1384:62eb:69ff:fe31:b4)
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07:42.13schmidtsgood morning i meant ;)
07:42.24ChannelZI was gonna say, cuz my name is Bob
07:59.33olliischmidts: moin ;)
07:59.47*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
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08:37.04bulkorokjuten morgen... ^^ hi
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08:53.26*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
08:59.15*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
09:00.17*** join/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
09:00.27ujjainHello! :) Do people have experience with Voipbuster?
09:00.54ujjainThe call quality lately seems pretty horrible. Do people here have good experiences? I am looking for a cheap voip provider, but Voipbuster, call quality is horrible.
09:03.22*** join/#asterisk as001 (~uros@
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09:04.27*** join/#asterisk petaflot (
09:05.25as001Hello do you know why asterisk sometimes give status 0 (Unknown) to just logged in agent, when it should be 1 (not in use), right ? I get status via QueueStatus manager event.
09:07.14*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
09:07.48petaflothello! I have an issue with my asterisk server. it was workign fine, and now I have some phones that fail registering. for some reason, nmap shows port 5060 as closed
09:10.01*** join/#asterisk jacc0 (
09:10.02kaldemarpetaflot: you're scanning a tcp portm right? asterisk uses UDP by default for SIP.
09:10.09jacc0Goodmorning all!
09:10.54kaldemarpetaflot: enable sip debug and verbosity in the asterisk CLI and look at a registration attempt. the commands are "sip set debug on" and "core set verbosity 10".
09:10.56as001I use Asterisk, my queues are realtime
09:11.47rjvvlietujjain: not using voipbuster, but an affiliate, uses 2 servers one of them had trouble for a while, so check if there are more servers maybe it's only one of them.
09:12.06jacc0I'm doing a 'make menuselect' on assterisk and it is showing that `cdr_mysql` is deprecated; is that true? why? and is there a replacement?
09:12.07ujjainrjvvliet: Hmm, I have no better performance with 12voip unfortunately.
09:12.18*** join/#asterisk IsUp (~nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
09:12.33jacc0hi IsUp
09:12.36rjvvlietjacc0: i'am not mistaken is replaced for odbc.
09:12.44jacc0okay, ty
09:17.41jacc0How would one execute sql querys from dialplan using ODBS; I dont see a app_odbc ?
09:18.03*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
09:18.07qakhanhi all
09:18.09bulkorokjacc0: use func_odbc
09:19.27qakhani want to make a front end for user. where they can create exts make changes in dialplan etc
09:20.27qakhanany help...
09:21.29jacc0@qakhan; load your extensions from database (realtime)
09:21.47jacc0and give these users access to this database table only
09:21.55jacc0is that what you are looking form
09:22.43qakhani want to make a front end like trixbox has
09:23.04jacc0did you have a look at asterisk-GUI ?
09:23.31qakhani want to make front end which has access on .conf files and make changes in .conf files
09:23.57jacc0that is what asterisk-GUI does
09:25.23kaldemarqakhan: what do you want people to help you with?
09:25.46petaflotkaldemar: "core set verbosity 10" is not recognized as a command..
09:25.57kaldemarpetaflot: what version of asterisk are you using?
09:26.37kaldemarpetaflot: sorry, it was my mistake, the command is "core set verbose 10". verbose, not verbosity.
09:27.06rjvvlietjacc0: you answer to ODBC diaplan query see :  core show function ODBC_SQL
09:27.21*** part/#asterisk as001 (~uros@
09:28.44*** join/#asterisk reatoik (~diak2k@
09:31.16petaflotwhat does "jaK" mean?
09:33.11jacc0is there a escape functino for func_odbc; to prevent sql injection?
09:34.25*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
09:35.33qakhankaldemar i need an idea is there any help. i can create php front end which handle the .conf files
09:48.13jacc0I am getting an error when doing `make` of
09:48.16jacc0asterisk.c:147:25: error: ../defaults.h: No such file or directory
09:48.41wdoekes2make -j ?
09:48.57jacc0make -j9 i did
09:49.08wdoekes2drop the -j
09:49.11wdoekes2fixed in trunk
09:49.23jacc0hmm, why is that?
09:50.13jacc0:) IT WORKS WITHOUT THE -J
09:50.16kaldemarqakhan: do you have a question about it? if not, just make your php front end that modifies the files.
09:51.07wdoekes2jacc0: '${SQL_ESC(${var_with_quotes})}' iirc
09:51.23*** join/#asterisk black187 (
09:51.47jacc0does SQL_ESC still exist? I will have a look
09:51.59jacc0compiling first
09:52.15jacc0I couldn't find SQL_ESC in 1.8.8
09:52.27qakhankaldemar yes i have question how to make front end with php which make changes in .conf files
09:53.28black187hello, did anybody patched Asterisk 1.8 with T38 faxgateway? I've patched it, compile it (just res_fax and res_spandsp - without app_fax). Now I'm having trouble of setting up T.38 protocol in SIP, I've just made changes in the dialplan (exten => _X.,n,Set(FAXOPT(gateway)=yes)), but is this enough. Wireshark trace show's no T.38
09:53.40*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:84ac:b918:ac6c:39a3)
09:55.23jacc0SQL_ESC is there :)
09:57.10*** join/#asterisk fulcan (
09:58.54fulcaninbound huntgroup/busy signal, is this only handled by the telco or is there a trick you can do to trip the call over to another line like a forward and free up the preceeding line for new calls?
09:59.58jacc0how whould I retrieve multiple lines with ODBC_SQL?
10:00.08jacc0and multi column?
10:02.52jacc0ty :)
10:06.17*** join/#asterisk singler (
10:07.53*** join/#asterisk prasanthprabalan (~root@
10:08.27prabalanHi all
10:08.29bulkorokblack187: how about using t38modem !=
10:08.48fulcanI.E. line 1 is verizon, line 2 is google voice. If verizon line is busy, send call to google voice. hunt grouping across carriers, is this possible?
10:11.05rjvvlietblack187: udptl enabled in you sip.conf ?
10:12.28jacc0is there no need to open and close the odbc connection ?
10:13.06rjvvlietfulcan: i think you need to create your own fail trough if trunk1 reports congestion.
10:15.16rjvvlietfulcan: take a look at GROUP() and GROUP_COUNT() functions to count the number of calls on a sip peer.
10:15.33fulcanrjvvliet my problem is that conceptually I cannot visualize how the inbount rtp stream could cross networks transparently (without a forward) and that first line being made available for new calls. I keep seeing hits that there is a way around this, but I am just not seeing it. It would be a really neat trick if it could be done.
10:17.15*** join/#asterisk ccesario (~ccesario@
10:17.36rjvvlietfulcan: with asterisk you will have canreinvite=no enable the SIP and RTP will always go trough asterisk, othwise incall DTMF stops working.
10:18.26rjvvlietfulcan: i also think that its not the RTP you eed to think about but the SIP signalling, thats the real channel.
10:20.27petaflotf***. when I try to connect a windows 7 box to my wifi, it DHCPREQUESTs on - server makes an offer on the real subnet ( and informs the iwnodws host "unknown subnet". the windows client then keeps his crappy IP and therefore has no internet
10:20.31petaflotany clue?
10:20.34fulcanrjvvliet so what you are say is that with canreinvite=no, In an office of 20 phones I can cut 9 of my expensive verizon hardwire lines out and leave only 1, connect my old 9 line to free googlevoice phone number and I can have all the inbound (up to 10 simultainious calls) to the 1 single verizon hardwire number?
10:21.03petaflotsorry wrong chanel
10:21.23fulcanrjvvliet my brain hits a malfunction at the thought of it.
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10:22.19rjvvlietfulcan: hahah, yea same here, lets see if i can still follow...
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10:24.53fulcanrjvvliet cross network inbound hutgroups.  :)  In England they call it Centrex I believe. But the Centrex system has access to the their pstn to from the 'outsourced/inhouse' MLH  (don't quote me in this).
10:25.09rjvvlietfulcan: canreinvite= is just for SIP, is will always keep Asterisk in the call Path, of you set is to Yes, then phone are allowd to reINVITE the other end while oncall and the call stream will be direct phone2phone soa asterisk does not know ANY status.
10:26.15rjvvlietfulcan: Aaa, so when you Sinle Hardline is Busy the privoder will try a second number?
10:26.32rjvvlietfulcan: witch even can be another provider.
10:27.44Azrael808Hi guys, we have been using a Siemens Gigaset C460IP (cordless DECT phone) for a while, but it's been a bit problematic - I wonder if anyone has any alternative phones they could suggest?
10:29.52Azrael808Needs to be cordless/wireless
10:30.00fulcanrjvvliet yes, try a second number. but there is usually a cost, or it would have to be an outside service that has a deal cut with the provider to provide huntgrouping extensions.
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10:32.54rjvvlietfulcan: ok i get it, unfortunately no experience with this service.
10:33.00GoldwingAzrael808, why problematic? i have a couple of s685 basestations and 450/470 bases connected without problems
10:35.11Azrael808Well, the first problem we kept experiencing was that the phone kept entering a DnD mode...
10:35.42Azrael808And because it doesn't seem to support syslog, I found it hard to diagnose why.
10:35.58Azrael808Now the battery appears to be shot, because it's not holding charge :(
10:36.16Azrael808Understand the battery is just unlucky
10:36.46Azrael808But the DnD problem was annoying - we could only seem to resolve it by unplugging the base station and re connecting it.
10:37.08GoldwingSyslog, never tried to use it, so can't help with that, the DnD is strange, as i said, i have 5+ Siemens bases connected and none of them go into DnD
10:38.16Goldwingi did have one problem with 1.8 and lower versions of asterisk, somehow asterisk crashes the network in the base station every now and then, but that was solved with 10.0
10:39.09*** join/#asterisk ollii (~risker@2001:470:1f15:1384:62eb:69ff:fe31:b4)
10:41.28Azrael808Ok - well, we do have an older version of Asterisk I think
10:41.33Azrael808Let me just check version
10:42.52Azrael808ok... yeah, we're well out of date: 1.4.24
10:43.11Azrael808I'll have to try an upgrade... eek!
10:45.30Azrael808Thanks for the info though, good to know the phone isn't a problem :)
10:46.11Tamo7 days
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11:01.53[gnubie]i am running "Asterisk" and i am trying to configure a p2p sip uri dialing (like an e-mail address)..
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11:02.52[gnubie]but, i am getting this message from my asterisk console:  [Jan 20 18:55:58] NOTICE[2080]: chan_sip.c:22147 handle_request_invite: Call from '' ( to extension 'gnubie' rejected because extension not found in context 'default'.
11:03.29[gnubie]the thing is, i do not have a "default" context in my extensions.conf . any clue on how to fix this? thank you.
11:06.57rjvvlietgnubie: doe you have an 'exten => gnubie,' in the dedault section? or maybe included?
11:09.09rjvvlietgnubie: sorry mis read... set the context= in the SIP peer to a context that does exist with that extension.
11:14.20*** join/#asterisk phpboy (
11:14.42phpboyHow do I set a var to the response of a script I run using system() ?
11:15.30kaldemarphpboy: you don't. use function SHELL for that.
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11:26.26Ice_StrikeDoes _6[0-2]XX mean Start with 6 and it can be 0, 1 or 2 and then any number of two digits?
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11:47.05Ice_StrikeWhat is MACRO_EXTEN?
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11:51.25kaldemarIce_Strike: it has the value of the extension that executed the macro.
11:52.40Ice_Strikeahhh got it.
11:55.19Ice_StrikeLet say I have 20 hardware phones, it would be better the username and the extention number to be the same on each phone?
11:56.43Ice_StrikeSo for example:
11:56.46Ice_Strikeexten => _3[0-2]XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
11:56.53Ice_StrikeThat should work I think
11:58.23kaldemarsure that would work, but see "proper device naming" in that document.
11:59.11kaldemarand you'd have side effects when someone decides to dial a number that is not mapped to an existing device in sip.conf.
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12:09.45Ice_Strikekaldemar I have just read it, thanks. It say mac address can be used for device name. But then I would have to defince extention number for each device
12:15.59bulkorokIce_Strike: It's a bit hard for beginning, but if you make realtime peers you can handle extension-mapping with func_odbc and nice sql-querries...
12:19.32kaldemarIce_Strike: yes. but if you script it, it's no work at all.
12:40.57petaflotkaldemar: thanks for the help... things are getting to work again
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12:47.59jacc0here , , under the 'Tips and tricks' header it staets a problem with getting the insert id
12:48.21jacc0how can I make sure it doesn't happen
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12:54.42Ice_StrikeI can't find the reference what is ${TECHNOLOGY}
12:56.50kaldemarIce_Strike: where did you find such a variable?
12:56.51jacc0could be 'sip/', 'dahdi/' or some of the other technologys I guess
12:57.45jacc0how can I uses odbc  transaction in asterisk 1.8 ?
12:58.43Ice_Strikekaldemar the link you have provided
12:58.52Ice_StrikeI am trying to find a way to get a mac address
12:59.14Ice_Strikeexten => _3[0-2]XX,1,Dial(SIP/?????)
12:59.20Ice_Strikereplace ????? to mac address
12:59.30kaldemarIce_Strike: it is just a variable that is set from a database value.
12:59.45Ice_StrikeI already define mac address device in sip.conf
13:00.17leifmadsenIce_Strike: ${TECHNOLOGY} isn't a channel variable built in. In documentation "Technology" is usually in reference to DAHDI/, SIP/, IAX2/, etc
13:00.21kaldemarthat example assumes that astdb is used to store additional information. what are you trying to do?
13:00.57leifmadsenIce_Strike: you need to provide Asterisk the MAC address from somewhere ( a database for instance)
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13:03.58Ice_Strike@leifmadsen In the sip.conf - I will be having a couple of [mac-address] names
13:04.13jacc0should I use 'pre-connect => no' to make asterisk odbc use a new connection for every channel?
13:04.18leifmadsenIce_Strike: ok, that's step one
13:04.34Ice_Strike@leifmadsen in the extensions.conf - i don't want to define each mac address,  - it is time consuming.
13:04.34leifmadsenjacc0: that's basically what that would do, yes
13:04.46leifmadsenIce_Strike: you need to define it somewhere though, like a database
13:05.02leifmadsenIce_Strike: you need to map an extension or something to the MAC and then look up the MAC when someone dials an extension
13:05.10jacc0so it will overcome the problem that is stated here , , under the 'Tips and tricks' header it staets a problem with getting the insert id
13:06.10jacc0do I need to connect before every query? or wil asterisk auto-connect when a new channel is created?
13:07.25leifmadsenjacc0: no, use multirow mode I believe, then ODBCFinish() to close the multirow connection
13:07.26Ice_Strike@leifmadsen Thanks, I think I understand now..
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13:21.15makmak78should one use 1.6, 1.8 or 10?
13:22.22schmidtsmakmak78 1.8 or 10
13:22.42makmak78stable wise?
13:22.51makmak78which one
13:23.43*** join/#asterisk Tuju (
13:23.46leifmadsenwell, 1.6.{0,1,2} are no longer supported, 1.8 is a long-term-support releaese, and 10 is a standard (1 year support only) release
13:24.28makmak78are there any differences regarding performace on the 1.8 vs 10
13:24.42leifmadsenlikely not
13:24.54schmidtsleifmadsen ?! ahm wrong ;)
13:25.03leifmadsendepends where you're using it I guess
13:25.03schmidts10 is faster than 1.8
13:25.13leifmadsenschmidts: that's a pretty generalized statement
13:25.34schmidtsleifmadsen yes thats true, for example sip processing 10 is much better
13:26.03leifmadsenshakes his fist at polycom configurations
13:28.40rjvvlietleifmadsen: mmm, i think i got my answer on the status of your quest!
13:28.52leifmadsenrjvvliet: orly
13:28.55jacc0will ${SQL_ESC(${ARG1})} only escape singe quotes? or will it also escape other special/dangerous chars like % ?
13:29.20leifmadsenjacc0: might want to check the code to be sure how it is handling the escapes, or just test it and see what it does.
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13:30.08makmak78how about sql support in dialplan in 1.8, is it there? we use mssql
13:30.28jacc0that's a good idea, while I'm very into SQL-injection maybe I can make some sugestions how improve escaping
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13:31.17[TK]D-Fendermakmak78, fun_odbc <-
13:32.27makmak78whats the best way of using Fastagi using c#
13:32.56makmak78should one make a agiserver or is there any good out there
13:33.14leifmadsenrjvvliet: heh ya, I just tested it with _Corey_'s configs as well with 3.2.3 (version he was using) and same thing, so I must still be missing a configuration option somewhere
13:33.50jacc0@[TK]D-Fender: yes, my last name is ;Drop tables;
13:34.16[TK]D-Fenderjacc0, If you care enough do it in AGI
13:35.49rjvvlietleifmadsen: mm yea, i gave up, it's no fun whitout a polycom at hand... i Also think they did not understand the meaning if 'Directed call pickup' look more to me like a 'General call pickup'
13:36.19leifmadsenrjvvliet: ya -- also I may see something. This may just be a bug, or lack of functionality in the SLAStation() application!
13:36.42leifmadsenI see a lot more information from _Corey_'s SIP trace, but he is using Dial()
13:36.44leifmadsengoing to try that too
13:37.07rjvvlietleifmadsen:  WOW SLA and saterisk, gave that up after a day trying...
13:37.17leifmadsenrjvvliet: ya, I have that part working actually :)
13:37.23[TK]D-Fender* doesn't support SLA...
13:37.33leifmadsenonce you understand how the applications work, it's not too bad
13:38.01leifmadsenrjvvliet: I plan on writing more documentation once I understand all of it in terms of device handling and all that
13:38.04rjvvlietleifmadsen: Yeah, but i merely gave up because of callerid funcionality.
13:38.34leifmadsenrjvvliet: gotcha, ya, I might have to re-architect it all in the dialplan, but I think the scenario I'm setting up might work CallerID wise.
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13:38.58leifmadsenrjvvliet: I won't have any transfers or anything crazy, just inbound and outbound calls, so CallerID only needs ot be populated once
13:39.02rjvvlietleifmadsen: Wow, would be great, at is to the cookbook ;-) or the Def. Guide 4th
13:40.10rjvvlietleifmadsen: mm, was trying to rebuild an in incoming Key-System function that had with the current system. directed them to queues instead.
13:40.29leifmadsenrjvvliet: Definitive Guide 3rd edition has SLA configuration in it
13:40.35leifmadsenI think I need to fix a couple of things to be honest though
13:40.54leifmadsenrjvvliet: ah ya, that could get tricky -- we're not going to be using it for queues and such.
13:41.16rjvvlietleifmadsen: yeah i know, but you can update with your new knowledge ;-)
13:41.24leifmadsenindeed :)
13:42.03leifmadsenwish _Corey_ was online, I need to ask him a question now. He calls SIP/2042, but I think that's just his hint...
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13:44.41rjvvlietleifmadsen: But did you find a way to distinct wich BLF is pressed ?
13:45.11leifmadsenrjvvliet: that's what I'm working on right now
13:45.16leifmadsenonce I get that part working, I'll be gold
13:45.40rjvvlietleifmadsen: Yep thats 99% of the function....
13:45.59leifmadsenyep for sure -- and I'm seeing someone got it working :)
13:46.55rjvvlietleifmadsen: A, that something that keeps you going.
13:47.16leifmadsenya that's the worst part because now I'm obsessive about making it work
13:47.57rjvvlietleifmadsen: And _thats_ something i can fully understand..
13:51.14leifmadsenrjvvliet: and I'm an idiot
13:51.16leifmadsenrjvvliet: working now
13:51.25leifmadsennotifycid=yes in sip.conf was missing
13:51.33rjvvlietleifmadsen: WOW...
13:52.02rjvvlietleifmadsen: please wait..... reading manual sip,conf.......
13:52.06leifmadsenrjvvliet: yep, although I don't at all see the *97XXXX invite at all :)
13:52.33leifmadsenit just calls Asterisk with the same line button info -- it might work with legacy mode like that
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13:53.37rjvvlietleifmadsen: yep, the button support two modes, legacy using INVITE and normal using the Code.
13:53.49leifmadsenrjvvliet: I think it's the other way around,b ut ya
13:53.54leifmadsenlegacy == the star code
13:54.13rjvvlietleifmadsen: mm, was not clear headed yesterday.
13:54.28leifmadsenya no worries, thanks for the links and encouragement :)
13:54.45rjvvlietleifmadsen: But still want to share this
13:54.48leifmadsenit makes so much sense now
13:55.03rjvvlietleifmadsen: OEPS.... that mensioning the enablecid=
13:55.09rjvvlietsorry, just found that
13:55.21rjvvliet3sec before you epifany
13:55.27leifmadsenrjvvliet: ya I read that too, and the idiot part was that I thougth I had that enabled already
13:55.33leifmadsenya I read that YESTERDAY
13:55.37leifmadsenstupid me
13:55.43leifmadsenoh well, figured out now I guess heh
13:56.58leifmadsenrjvvliet: so ya, thanks again for your help, much obliged
13:56.59rjvvlietleifmadsen: Well i think its google related, sometimes you just keep on searching not knowing you have it already.
13:57.16leifmadsenrjvvliet: ya for sure, it was my bad in not verifying my sip.conf was setup right
13:57.39leifmadsenit makes sense now, I need to notify the device (phone) about information so that it can respond appropriately I guess
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14:03.59iljI use pgsl as a backend for cdr and in cdr.conf I have for csv backed userfield=yes. however neither in pgsql nor in Master.csv userfields are recorded. I'm not sure whether this is something Aterisk generates on its own or it expects some input from user scripts or whatnot. Any pointers would ...
14:04.05ilj... be nice.
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14:07.25schmidtsilj do you set the userfield in your dialplan?
14:07.54schmidtsilj like exten => _X.,Set(CDR(userfield)=123-something)
14:08.35iljhm let me check
14:11.41iljschmidts, nope, apparently I don't. Man, wish I asked earlier lol Anyway, I learned quite a bit of new things in the process which is good anyway :)
14:14.10jkroonhi guys, callgroup and pickupgroup - it looks like it's only possible to set that in the range from 1 to 63?  I take it this is a bitmask in the code?  what if I need 300 such groups?
14:15.34kaldemarjkroon: i guess you'd need to modify source or implement the groups yourself in dialplan.
14:16.33jkroonusing the Pickup() dialplan calls :)
14:16.42[gnubie][Jan 20 22:16:06] ERROR[2459]: codec_dahdi.c:578 find_transcoders: Failed to open /dev/dahdi/transcode: No such file or directory
14:16.59[gnubie]but i already bought the g.729 codec license
14:17.28jkroonkaldemar, that can work!  thank you very much.
14:17.31Ice_StrikeIs it possible to output the value of ${EXTEN} ?
14:17.35Ice_StrikeFor debugging, etc.
14:17.36WIMPyHi jkroon! I came across your blog the other day.
14:17.52[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike, NoOp(whatvever you want)
14:17.53jkroon[gnubie], that error is for the hardware transcoder - ignore it.  if g729 show channels works, you're fine.
14:18.03rjvvlietIce_Strike: NoOp( ${EXTEN})
14:18.07jkroonWIMPy, ... not sure if that's a good thing ... ?
14:18.21Ice_StrikeAh I see, thanks.
14:18.32WIMPyjkroon: Normal patch cables should always work and that "flat cross" should never be used, even if it may work.
14:19.03jkroonWIMPy, jip, in theory.  have you ever bumped into Telkom equipment?
14:19.14[gnubie]jkroon: ok. but, somehow transcoding also does not work properly
14:19.31jkroon[gnubie], "core show translations" ?
14:19.49jkroonWIMPy, in theory yes, but I had that one case where it just would not work if I did not "flat cross" it.
14:20.06jkroonnot an electrical engineer, but yes, should not ever be required.
14:20.08[TK]D-Fender[gnubie], Show us the module is loaded and that * acknowledges your licenses
14:20.11WIMPyjkroon: That flat cross thing is a bit of a legend. Thing is that on ptmp you need to have all cables the same. So if all are reversed that's ok, but if you mix correct and reversed cables, you get i
14:20.39WIMPyjkroon: With only one device connected, it shouldn't matter.
14:20.47jkroonWIMPy, that could perhaps be what screwed me over.  I'll definitely update the entry with the info you just gave.
14:20.53jkroonif i remember ...
14:21.25WIMPyjkroon: I will put a section about cabling on my to do list as well.
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14:22.41jkroonplease do.  when i wrote that I struggled to find information.  over the last while I found some really misleading information, but also some more reasonably accurate info.  would be very good if there is an accurate source, something which people without much cabling experience can use.
14:23.32Kattyhello my asterisk does not work
14:23.37WIMPyI guess I have to draw up something or go hunt for pictures.
14:24.06Kattyhow to fix plz??
14:25.47leifmadsenKatty: I suggest you tune the flux capacitor 1/8th of a degree clockwise
14:25.56[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: kindly check
14:26.00leifmadsenKatty: but only the northern hemisphere
14:26.01Kattythat was original!!! YAY!
14:26.43[TK]D-Fender[gnubie], Ok, so far everything looks fine.  Now show us a problem.
14:27.26chuckfleifmadsen: what if she's in the northern hemisphere and the asterisk is in the southern?
14:28.15Kattysouthern is not northern
14:28.26Kattyand his directions were very specific
14:28.44leifmadsenchuckf: then she's screwed
14:31.49[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: what i noticed if a caller over pots to the trunk port of my home pbx reaches the Background() of my auto-attendant, the audio is so fast that i can't understand
14:32.14[TK]D-Fender[gnubie], What about normal calls?
14:32.33[TK]D-Fender[gnubie], Or any other audio files?  did you test with *'s stock G.729 sounds?
14:33.26[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: meaning, 2 end points on a call session using sip/g729 and dahdi/ulaw ?
14:33.49[TK]D-Fender[gnubie], G.729 end-to-end.  Other files in other formats, etc.
14:34.00[TK]D-Fender[gnubie], or "I don't trust YOUR file"
14:34.02[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: i will try changing the Background() audio file with a g.729 codec for testing
14:34.13jkroonhow can I switch off the *8 from features.conf?  or do I just need to set it to a different value?
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14:34.33[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Ctrl-K
14:34.42[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: if both end-points uses g.729, isn't it just a pass-through?
14:34.45jkroon:p  you're asuming i'm using nano.
14:34.52jkroon[gnubie], run a timing test.
14:35.17[TK]D-Fender[gnubie], fair point.  so trancode a call, and use *'s stock ulaw & G.729 files to test
14:35.19Ice_StrikeWhy there is nothing displaying on the console?
14:35.20Ice_Strikeexten => 121,1,Answer
14:35.20Ice_Strikeexten => 121,2,NoOp(${EXTEN})
14:35.35[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike, Because you didn't set the console verbose level
14:35.38jkroon[gnubie], just for interest's sake:  if the file on-disk is already g.729 then it's pass-through too.
14:35.41[gnubie]and, does dahdi on the trunk port to to pots uses ulaw or alaw codec only?
14:35.43[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike, "core set verbose 10"
14:36.05[TK]D-Fenderic_You should notive fo the fact of not seeing any of the call processing whatsoever
14:36.41[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Yeah.. that's catching up to me... Not on all cylinders just yet...
14:37.31[gnubie]jkroon: yes, that's also my assumption. and since i don't have a g.729 codec Background() audio file, i am assuming that asterisk will transcode it
14:38.00jkroonit will.  and i've never seen it break (permitting you have the appropriate codecs installed, and that the original file is actually sane)
14:38.20[TK]D-Fender[gnubie], What is your endpoint?
14:39.48[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: first scenario is only between a caller over pots to the dahdi (fxo) port and asterisk only
14:40.48[TK]D-Fender[gnubie], No, what is the phone that is talking G.729
14:40.58[gnubie]so the caller is either calling from another house using an analog phone or maybe using a mobile phone.. but both calls are incoming to the fxo of my home pbx
14:41.53[TK]D-Fender[gnubie], Ok, 2 parts : #1: DAHDI playing back g.729 = too fast.  What about to a G.729 phone?
14:42.23[TK]D-Fender[gnubie], #2 : G.729 phone to a ULAW file.  Too fast?
14:42.27[gnubie]the g.729 phone via sip has no problem
14:42.35*** join/#asterisk generalhan (~generalha@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
14:42.39[TK]D-Fender[gnubie], and use only stock recordings in those formats
14:42.53[TK]D-Fender[gnubie], Sounds like your file is bad then.
14:43.01[TK]D-Fender[gnubie], because * has to translate jsut the same
14:43.48[gnubie]i see.. let me check my configs and audio files first.. it's been a long that time that i didn't touched this home pbx of mine. :D
14:44.26jkroonhome pbx ... 10 years back i would never have thought that you'd have a pbx for home ... now i can't imagine having a phone without one :p
14:48.53*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
14:49.41[gnubie][TK]D-Fender and jkroon: i'm afraid, i have to leave for now. it's late already in here and my son want me to sleep with him. thanks guys. ;-)
14:49.55[gnubie]waves... Gong Xi Fa Cai
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14:56.16*** join/#asterisk ACiDV (cded2d81@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:58.02ACiDVHi, have a small question ... does it possible to do something like : exten => s,n,Set(CMD=Macro) ... exten => s,n,Set(ARG=blabla) .... exten => s,${CMD}(${ARG}) ?
14:58.39*** join/#asterisk mchou (~quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
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15:03.58[TK]D-FenderACiDV, No.  but you can use it in ExecIf()
15:04.16[TK]D-FenderACiDV, You were also missing a priority there... but who's counting?
15:05.05[TK]D-FenderACiDV, Aside from the raw exercise of what you've described, what is your practical application of this direction you're looking at?
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15:05.46ACiDV[TK]D-Fender:  I have an AGI script that execute command like Goto, etc... problem is that the AGI script doesn't exit until all command are executed
15:05.58*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
15:06.04ACiDV[TK]D-Fender: so I try to find a way to exit the script and continue the task on the dialplan
15:06.16[TK]D-FenderACiDV, So you want to line them up and "GTFO of AGI as fast as possible then?
15:06.28[TK]D-FenderSuppose that works.. to a point
15:07.00[TK]D-FenderACiDV, So yeah, nest it in ExecIf's
15:07.41ACiDV[TK]D-Fender: ok, so ExecIf($CMD=Macro) .... Macro($ARG) .... ExecIf($CMD=Voicemail) ... Voicemail($ARG) ?
15:08.08[TK]D-FenderACiDV, With proper var references, etc.
15:08.25ACiDV[TK]D-Fender: thanks for hint !
15:08.28[TK]D-FenderACiDV, Clearly gets messy fast as you have to pile on the parms, etc
15:08.43bbourdageDoes anyone have experience with a Cisco SPA525G and 722 codec ?, we are having a performance issue with this model ?
15:09.11[TK]D-FenderACiDV, Does the actual call flow (app order) realy have to be that variable?
15:10.11*** join/#asterisk tully` (
15:10.33Ice_StrikeIs this secure enough?
15:10.36Ice_StrikeIn the Sip file: [Agent-101], [Agent-102], [Agent-103]
15:10.44Ice_Strikeand in the extensions.conf I have: exten => _[1-2]XX,1,Dial(SIP/Agent-${EXTEN})
15:11.19leifmadsenIce_Strike: it's not great... still pretty much an extension number that can be searched easily enough; make sure you have strong, unique passwords
15:12.32Ice_Strike@leifmadsen Each device will have a strong unique passwords
15:13.13Ice_Strikeso device name still need to be stroner?
15:13.33*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
15:13.44ACiDV[TK]D-Fender ... it work perfectly using :    exten => s,n,ExecIf($["${DIAL_NEXT_CMD}xxx" != "xxx"]?${DIAL_NEXT_CMD}(${DIAL_NEXT_ARG}))
15:14.27[TK]D-FenderACiDV, jsut use 1? so it's always true.  Or incremental var names, etc
15:14.48[TK]D-FenderACiDV, I might suggest something else depending on what it is this is really doing...
15:15.01[TK]D-FenderACiDV, What is the "blocking' part you're looking to avoid?
15:15.57ACiDV[TK]D-Fender: I want to kill the AGI script when I do a Macro/Dial/etc from the AGI script ... so I want to "externalize" some functions
15:16.36[TK]D-FenderACiDV, I generally recommend you splitting your AGI into multiple different AGI's and jumping back in when needed.
15:16.45[TK]D-FenderACiDV, But not needing dynamic dialplan...
15:17.12ACiDV[TK]D-Fender: Ok, thanks, will continue testing :) ttyl
15:17.51*** join/#asterisk bananapie (~david@
15:18.23bananapieI would like to see the output of 'dahdi show channel' on all my dahdi channels at once. Is there a way to do this without calling asterisk 23 times using seq in bash ?
15:19.28[TK]D-Fenderbananapie, Nope, X iterations of whatever method is what you've got
15:19.47bananapieOk, bummer. THanks :)
15:19.48*** join/#asterisk ollii (~risker@2001:470:1f15:1384:62eb:69ff:fe31:b4)
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15:23.16rjvvlietbananapie: is aan AMI DAHDIShowChannels usable?
15:24.03rjvvlietbananapie: Just tested this gives me all my channels in parsable format.
15:24.10hurdmani'm looking for a solution to know if my channel is ever open into an asterisk agi ( into a while, if there was an hangup or something like a crash ) to exit, any idea ?
15:24.50bananapieHmm, I am running a script in bash, I didn't think I could use AMI from bash
15:24.59WIMPyrjvvliet: "command"
15:25.40bananapieI think I'll use the AMI interface, it'll probably be faster
15:31.07[TK]D-FenderDoubt it.
15:31.27*** join/#asterisk rrittenhouse (~rrittenho@unaffiliated/rrittenhouse)
15:31.47bananapiein show channel status it has PRI Flags, can I get this in DAHDIShowChannels ?
15:32.27tully`Does anyone know of a good asterisk->skype solution? I've found a program called siptosis but it requires the actual skype client. I'm curious if anyone knows of anything similar to what digium had.
15:32.35rrittenhouseIs there a specific channel for asterisk scf or is this the correct channel?
15:35.16[TK]D-Fenderrrittenhouse, Not released yet and it's more than foreign enough that it'll have its own channel when the time comes
15:36.53_Corey_um, no... it's #asterisk-scf actually
15:36.56rjvvlietbananapie: Sorry, had some server troubles. yep AMI wil be faster than X times same command. and with a local shell its easy.
15:37.34bananapieok. I had a look, I can modify chan_dahdi.c to add more information to the AMI interface. Should I submit such a patch to asterisk ?
15:38.36bananapieI noticed that since I updated to from 1.6 occassionnally glare will crash a channel and it will freeze on 'PRI Flags: resetting', the only way to free the channel is to restart asterisk. Is this a driver, asterisk, libpri, dahdi or provider issue ?
15:38.42Ice_StrikeI want to develop a call manager website that will communicate with asterisk server. When Agent enter username and password on the website to login - I want the phone to ring to confirm it has logged in
15:38.45Ice_Strikehow can that be done?
15:39.21Ice_StrikeIs it important to store which phone the agent are using?
15:40.18[TK]D-FenderDepends if you consider it "import" and what your definition of "logged in" is
15:40.28WIMPybananapie: chan_dahdi and/or libpri.
15:40.52[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike, And as for "phone ring", that will be an actual call, there is no generic "just ring because"
15:41.07[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike, So you can Originate a call to it, etc
15:41.51*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
15:44.49rrittenhouse[TK]D-Fender: Thanks. I am reading the asterisk wiki info on it now. I would like to watch it develop. I currently use a Cisco CUCM cluster and I am waiting on something like SCF to come along.
15:45.30rjvvlietbananapie: don't forget call files dial a number and playback(Agent-loginok)
15:45.32_Corey_rrittenhouse: In case you missed it, the channel for SCF is #asterisk-scf
15:45.36*** join/#asterisk Lantizia (
15:45.58LantiziaOther than LumenVox does anyone know of any other speech recognition software that works well with asterisk?
15:46.00rrittenhouse_Corey_: Oh sorry. I didn't scroll up! Thanks :)
15:46.19_Corey_rrittenhouse: No problem
15:46.57*** join/#asterisk devmikey (~irc@unaffiliated/devmikey)
15:48.56Ice_Strike[TK]D-Fender I am trying to think of ideas how the call manager can be done. Agent can use any phones on the desk. On the website they will enter their username and password.  If they have sucessfully logged in, phone will ring (loud speaker) to confirm and they need to press answer/accept on the phone..
15:49.15Ice_StrikeMaybe include extention number textbox before loggin in.
15:49.38[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike, As I said, just Originate a call to the phone
15:49.45[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike, the rest is up to you and your dialplan
15:50.39*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
15:54.13lcatI spended two days with segment fault with static realtime on mysql asterisk-
15:55.52lcatand the problem was that column var_val was null
15:57.31lcatit's a bug? or it's expected?
16:00.42*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
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16:07.01jsjcI am having trouble troubleshooting a cisco 7912 phone that sometimes via SIP I can hear and sometimes not I know it must be a codec issue… what is the best way to troubleshoot this type of things?
16:08.28[TK]D-Fenderjsjc, "sometime hear" vs not is not a codec issue.  If there was a mismatcht he call would drop like a rock.
16:08.59[TK]D-Fenderjsjc, And the description is rather loos right now.  Show us something we can actually debug and maybe we'll be able to advise you on it.
16:10.25jsjcwhat sort of info will be nice to debug? Because I do not know where to start looking at due to theissue of sometimes SIP clients can hear and sometimes they do not hear nothing.
16:11.41*** join/#asterisk mchou (~quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
16:12.58[TK]D-Fenderjsjc, Dump your SIP channels at the time it happens.  Show use the complet call from beginning to end with SIP DEBUG enabled, etc
16:13.23[TK]D-Fenderjsjc, Give us actual details about the circumstances of the call.  What is on both ends, all networking in between, etc
16:14.02jsjcok Let me gather everything.
16:15.46Kattyanyone have a yummy pot pie recipe?
16:16.39[TK]D-FenderKatty, I've heard of a few good brownie ones though...
16:16.41*** part/#asterisk hurdman (
16:17.34Kattybrownie pot pie? ^_-
16:18.39[TK]D-Fenderpartly.... I'm sure you'll figure it out ;)
16:20.52Kattyyes, yes i did.
16:21.32*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
16:21.39mort_gibHi all
16:21.56Kattyhello dear
16:23.06mort_gibHey Katty, how are you??
16:23.26*** join/#asterisk bbourdage (~bbourdage@
16:23.47Kattylivin the dream, how're you mort?
16:24.03mort_gibAnyway, any thoughts on Avaya IP phones Like/Hate
16:24.20mort_gibA friend of mine wants to do an installation with them
16:24.37mort_gibthey "fell off the back of a truck" kind of approach
16:24.57*** join/#asterisk dimon00 (~chatzilla@
16:25.31Kattyi've never used avaya phones, unless that's what talkswitch uses. lemme check
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16:25.39Kattyinfobot: avaya?
16:25.39infobotavaya is probably some big company that equals Micro$oft in phone systems
16:25.51mort_gibInfobot is right
16:26.01dimon00asterisk 1.8: my icoming calls are from ISDN BRI channels
16:26.05mort_gibBut they DID (almost) come free
16:26.07dimon00my internal phones are SIP
16:26.17dimon00all the incoming calls are from anonymouse
16:26.40dimon00I'd like to see the called number on my display
16:26.44dimon00is there an easy solution?
16:26.59Kattyhmm, no, talkswitch uses aastra.
16:27.06Kattyso i've not used them.
16:27.51mort_gibdimon00 depends on your ISDN card, but mostly it comes with the default config
16:27.58mort_gibkatty Ok, thanks
16:28.14mort_gibSome 40 phones for free, I'd like to see how well they work
16:28.46dimon00mort_gib: I can see the called number in my console: CALLERID(num) is set... but it seems the SIP header is not
16:29.04WIMPymort_gib: What can the card do about that?
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16:29.12Kattymort_gib: you should snag one and put it on your desk for a couple days
16:29.20Kattymort_gib: give it a For Real test drive
16:29.36mort_gibkatty Already done that (getting crowded here)
16:30.08mort_gibdimon00 When you see it in the console then the ISDN card part has been done, like waiting for the callerid
16:30.46Kattymort_gib: what do you think of it?
16:32.09*** join/#asterisk dimon00 (~chatzilla@
16:32.13mort_gibLooks nice
16:32.18dimon00sorry disconnected
16:32.29mort_gibLost you there Dimon00
16:32.35dimon00my CALLERID(did) is set
16:32.43mort_gibWhen you see it in the console then the ISDN card part has been done, like waiting for the callerid
16:32.54dimon00I agree
16:32.59mort_gibBut you see "Asterisk" on the phones?
16:33.04dimon00it is something with the SIP part which is wrong
16:33.19mort_gib-Yes, like I wrote, mostly you get this with the default config
16:33.21mort_gibfor the cards
16:33.23dimon00you mean on the display? No.
16:33.29mort_gibBut still sometimes....
16:33.37mort_gibWhat do you get on the display??
16:33.49mort_gibWhat phones are you using??
16:34.00dimon00the account name or the time
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16:34.22mort_gibSo when the phone rings, you see the account name??
16:34.26mort_gibWhat phones??
16:36.09Kattyoh wait
16:36.12Kattyi've seen this before
16:36.21Kattyincoming call from Asterisk shows up when there's no callerid coming in
16:36.29Kattywhen there's nothing to display
16:36.40Kattyreads up
16:36.46mort_gibHe sees the callerid in the cli
16:37.00Kattyyeah i just saw that
16:37.01mort_gibIf no callerid is set I get asterisk
16:37.14Kattywould help if i read the full conversation ;)
16:39.02mort_gib:-) Possibly
16:39.41mort_gibSome of the really shitty phones just don't do this easy
16:39.51mort_gibI came across some "noname" ip phones
16:40.01mort_gibJesus, what a precious waste of time
16:40.19mort_gibi couldn't find ANY kind of branding on them
16:40.39mort_gibnmap came up with too many options, so I gave up
16:40.45WIMPyThere might be a reason for that.
16:41.10mort_gibYeah, if I had developed those phones I would NOT like my name on them
16:41.24Kattywhy are sales reps so annoying? i emailed a dealership to see if they still had a 350z in stock that was on their website...and now they're email me every bloody day
16:41.27mort_gibAll the same been there... T-shirt etc
16:41.45mort_gibUhm um a Nissan??
16:42.59Kattyit was very shiny in the photo
16:43.10Kattysadly i don't think there is going to be room in it for laundry baskets.
16:43.24Kattyor ginormous puppy + passenger
16:44.45mort_gibAnd would that be in any way important
16:44.53Kattyyes, very important.
16:45.00Kattyhow else will i get my laundries to the laundrymat?
16:45.13mort_gibGet your bf to do it
16:45.19Kattypff, boyfriend.
16:45.24Kattywho needs one of those.
16:45.38mort_gibUps, sorry :-)
16:47.03Kattyhehe, s'ok
16:47.07Kattyi'm just a /little/ bitter
16:47.14Qwellglomps Katty
16:47.20Qwellbitter THIS
16:47.38*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~taleghani@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
16:47.56AliRezaTaleghanihi all
16:48.43AliRezaTaleghaniI have a question about the number of processors core, which is sufficient for asterisk to handle high loads?
16:48.58leifmadsendefine: high loads
16:48.59QwellIt depends.
16:49.20AliRezaTaleghaniI had install Asterisk on a DL360 with Doal Xeon X5670
16:49.21WIMPyAnd what form of load.
16:49.33AliRezaTaleghanibut all the times, just one of it's core is under the load
16:49.54AliRezaTaleghaniabout the load, we have to plan
16:50.20*** join/#asterisk nW44b (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
16:50.32AliRezaTaleghanifirst our company CallCenter which handle 8 E1 ( as incoming calls)
16:51.31AliRezaTaleghaniand we about about 1400 Lines of dialplan ( menus, IVRs, and some Queues) ...
16:51.33WIMPyAliRezaTaleghani: Do you use SWEC?
16:51.55AliRezaTaleghaniWIMPy: :-. no, I didn't know it
16:52.18WIMPySoftWare Echo Cancellation
16:52.30WIMPyOr do you use MeetMe?
16:52.43AliRezaTaleghanihow, right now ! no
16:53.12AliRezaTaleghanicos I have 2 Cisco AS5300 to convert the calls from PSTN to SIP for me
16:53.23AliRezaTaleghaniand they do echo canceletion
16:53.59WIMPyYou should tell us what your Asterisk does, not what other equipment does.
16:54.09AliRezaTaleghani:-/ the main problem is that why just one of the Cores are under the load.
16:54.22AliRezaTaleghaniWIMPy: ok, what should i exactly explain?
16:54.42AliRezaTaleghanithe way i handles the calls?
16:54.59WIMPyTell us what your Asterisk does.
16:55.24AliRezaTaleghaniI will Answer the calls, have some Read functions to get customer indentifying
16:56.02AliRezaTaleghani** I will identify the customers with some SOAP calls to check them on our CRM
16:56.31WIMPyThat does not sound like it could produce much load.
16:57.01AliRezaTaleghanithe i will handle some of the customers via IVRs and try to solve their problem,,, finally, if it's nessesery will put them on Queues, to be answered by agents.
16:57.11WIMPyMaybe if you have DTMF detection. Do you have out-of -band DTMF from your Cisco?
16:57.46*** join/#asterisk hfb (
16:58.50WIMPywonders if an AS5300 can do DTMF detection at all.
16:58.52AliRezaTaleghaniWIMPy: :-. I am not sure...
16:59.44AliRezaTaleghaniWIMPy: really they just catch the calls, and pass them to me by H.323
17:00.18WIMPyAbove you said SIP.
17:00.49AliRezaTaleghani:-. maybe It's my mistake... at the first we work on SIP on that side
17:00.59AliRezaTaleghanibut hade some problem about the Timers
17:01.04*** join/#asterisk emora (~emora@
17:01.06AliRezaTaleghaniso changed it to H.323
17:01.19AliRezaTaleghanibut my agents are working on SIP
17:02.06*** join/#asterisk emora (~emora@
17:02.14WIMPyBut you aren't (accidentally) transcoding, are you?
17:02.35AliRezaTaleghanireally no,
17:02.42WIMPyOtherwise DTMF is the only thing so far I can see producong load, and that shouldn't be too much.
17:02.49AliRezaTaleghaniwe just use alaw
17:03.52WIMPyUnfortunatly I have no idea, how expensive DTMF detection is.
17:04.10AliRezaTaleghanimust of the time, as the callers count goes over 120 the server load will rise up to 4~5 in 1 , 5, 15 min....
17:04.34AliRezaTaleghaniand the asterisk service will crash
17:04.48[TK]D-Fender* H.323 sucks.
17:05.03[TK]D-FenderBy most people accounts
17:05.06WIMPyWhere does the time go?
17:05.13WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: The Asterisk implementation?
17:05.21[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, Yes, all of them
17:05.40[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, instability, load issues, etc.
17:05.45WIMPyOtherwise it is magnitudes better than SIP.
17:06.56*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX1_ (
17:08.37leifmadsenQwell: ping
17:09.36*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
17:09.45leifmadsenQwell: where might I find a .spec file for DAHDI?
17:10.12*** join/#asterisk SimonMX (
17:10.22SimonMXHey guys, anyone familiar with RTPTIMEOUT ?
17:10.32*** join/#asterisk hariom (~hariom@
17:10.59SimonMXWe've got an interesting issue of calls where the caller doesn't speak for a few minutes being cut off
17:11.18Qwellleifmadsen: in an SRPM on
17:11.18hariomHow to build web based IVR and VOIP applications?
17:11.18SimonMXDoes RTPKeepalive actually work?
17:12.09leifmadsenQwell: thanks
17:13.32[TK]D-Fenderhariom, What is a "web based IVR"?
17:14.07[TK]D-Fenderhariom, " VOIP applications" is extremely vague.  Please specify what you want
17:14.11*** join/#asterisk nW44b (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
17:15.09hariom[TK]D-Fender, communication between two, Web browser <--> user on softphone or Browser
17:15.44[TK]D-Fenderhariom, then that is just a softphone launched on the viewers browser
17:16.13[TK]D-Fenderhariom, Something like that.  There are plenty of others.  Go Google around for them.
17:16.22infobot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
17:16.32[TK]D-Fenderhariom, ^^ some can be found ilsted here.
17:16.51hariom[TK]D-Fender: yea, that involves Red5 media server. Anything you know which is Just * and browser side technologies?
17:17.16[TK]D-Fenderhariom, Go look at that WIKI and google around.
17:17.53hariom[TK]D-Fender: I have been googling around for sometime and then came here. I am trying to figure out how phono has done it
17:18.23[TK]D-Fenderhariom, Maybe they just wrote their own.
17:19.08hariomHas anybody tried phono with *? Does that require any third party propertiery system to use?
17:22.53*** join/#asterisk WebSprocket (
17:23.42WebSprockethey guys, wondering if someone could help, restarted my asterisk box now cannot seem to make or recieve calls it just says == Using SIP RTP cos mark 5
17:23.46WebSprocketthen disconnect
17:24.38*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
17:27.29[TK]D-Fenderhariom, I'm sure pretty much nobody cares about "Phono"
17:27.56[TK]D-FenderWebSprocket, Enable SIP DEBUG and see what's actually coming in
17:28.57WebSprocket[TK]D-Fender is there any instructions on this bit of a newbie at all this.
17:29.23[TK]D-Fenderasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
17:29.27[TK]D-Fendersip set debug on
17:31.53WebSprocketsorry was going to say Non-codec capabilities (dtmf), that doesnt look normal
17:33.57[TK]D-FenderWebSprocket, No user '03300883864' in SIP users list  --  No matching peer for '03300883864' from '' <--- not matching a sip.conf entry
17:34.13[TK]D-FenderWebSprocket, Looking for 441785826400 in default (domain ---- SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
17:34.31[TK]D-FenderWebSprocket, Fall into [default] due to sip.conf [general] context entry and there is no dialplan match
17:35.21WebSprocketty, let me have a look
17:36.21WebSprocketmad default had become default1
17:36.26WebSprocketiv restarted and now working:)
17:36.47WebSprocketty for your help:)
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18:11.06dimon00back hoping in a better connection...
18:11.31dimon00I'm trying to show CALLERID(did) on my SIP phone display
18:11.37dimon00any easy way to do it?
18:11.38*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~taleghani@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
18:11.44dimon00I'm using asterisk 1.8
18:12.29dimon00inbound calls are through a isdn bri card and are redirected internally on SIP phones (siemens gigaset and x-lite softphones)
18:15.36dimon00basically I want to show the incoming called number (the number the caller made to call my PBX) on my SIP phone. Any idea?
18:19.15[TK]D-Fenderdimon00, "core show function CALLERID"
18:19.25[TK]D-Fenderdimon00, Set the callerID
18:19.59dimon00I tried set(CALLERID(num)=...
18:20.14dimon00but it is not displaying on my SIP phones
18:20.46*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
18:20.55dimon00gigaset and softphones show "anonymous" on their display when the phone is ringing
18:21.54rjvvlietdimon00: the incoming DID is the extension that is being processed. so first action in you EXTEN= > is to save the value of ${EXTEN}
18:23.02dimon00ok. where do I set it? in another variable? and how do I display it?
18:24.30rjvvlietdimon00: Save it at the first priority like 'exten => 00239484,1,Set(__DID=${EXTEN})'
18:25.05rjvvlietdimon00: Now you have the dailed number of incoming number in the var DID avail for all spawed channels.
18:25.31[TK]D-Fenderdimon00, Show us your call being processed including the SIP debug where it calls out to your phone
18:25.52rjvvlietdimon00: So in this case it contains 00239484 , as the DID
18:26.03[TK]D-Fenderrjvvliet, No need to make assumptions of what he's doing, lets jsut see
18:26.04*** join/#asterisk bdfoster (~bdfoster@unaffiliated/bdfoster)
18:26.27dimon00D-Fender: unfortunately I'm not at the office now so I don't have access to the asterisk installation now :(
18:27.25[TK]D-Fenderdimon00, Let us know when you are so we can have something to comment on.
18:28.14dimon00not before tuesday... which is far away.. I'd looking for hints before going back at the installation
18:29.19dimon00I tried something like 'exten => 00239484,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=${EXTEN}) and then I looked at the CALLERID(num) with noop
18:29.50dimon00the variable contains the DID value correctly but it is not display on the SIP phones when ringing
18:30.02dimon00they are simply showing anonymous
18:30.29[TK]D-Fenderdimon00, We don't know what you're really doing, ro what is really happning, or what phone you're using.  We have no evidence.  CALLERID() is what you set to change the callerID>  It works.  If something else is happening, including having done it wrong, we can't see.  There is evidence here.
18:30.32dimon00it seems the value is not passed at the SIP header but I cannot find any way (from asterisk) to modify a SIP header
18:30.59[TK]D-Fenderdimon00, So when you can show us what's happening on your side and are in a position to make changes and retest we can actually help you
18:31.20rjvvlietdimon00: i think we now need a sip trace ;-) , as a last sugestion do Set(CALLERID(num)=88888) does that work?
18:31.28*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:31.46[TK]D-Fenderrjvvliet, I don't think you've been following.  He's not at the office.  We won't have any evidence for many days
18:31.47dimon00rjvvliet: no, I tried it. It doesn't work
18:32.00rjvvlietdimon00: and don't forget Set(CALLERID(press)=passed_not_screened)
18:32.34dimon00Set(CALLERID(press)=passed_not_screened) this I didn't tried
18:33.05dimon00I tried even set(CALLERID(all)=John Smith <12345) nothing there as well :(
18:33.09rjvvliet[TK]D-Fender: Yep, a'am following, but he is stil asking some idea's so he know's what to try when hes there.
18:33.16dimon00the variable are not passed to the SIP phones
18:33.52rjvvlietdimon00: Lets continue when your at the site, i think the SIP trace will tell _much_ more ;-)
18:33.56dimon00I annot find any documents on this topic.... so I decided to ask in IRC
18:35.21dimon00ok. Just going at the root of what I want to achieve
18:35.42dimon00I have 10 tel numbers and 3 companies
18:35.53dimon00any companies has its numbers
18:36.06dimon00the reception is the same for the 3 companies
18:36.34dimon00when somebody call one of the 10 numbers the call goes to the reception
18:36.47*** join/#asterisk resist0r (~resist0r@
18:37.04dimon00I want the receptionist to see the called number on her display so she can asnwer "good morning this is <name of the company>"
18:37.09dimon00is it possible?
18:37.22bipolarhas anyone been able to build sangoma's wanpipe driver on dahdi 2.6? I might need to downgrade to 2.5 :(
18:38.19rjvvlietdimon00: Should be possible, doing similar things... let's continue then. gotta go sorry.
18:38.29dimon00ok, next time then
18:41.40[TK]D-Fender<dimon00> I want the receptionist to see the called number on her display so she can asnwer "good morning this is <name of the company>"
18:42.21[TK]D-Fenderdimon00, I've been doing it with Asterisk for 8 years now.
18:43.07[TK]D-Fenderdimon00, If you have some trouble with this, it is specifically on your end and we need real backup to confirm precisely what is preventing you from getting the outcome you want.
18:43.33dimon00ok. Then I have to understand why I'm not able to pass the callerID to my SIP phones...
18:44.10[TK]D-Fenderdimon00, And we can't help yuo because you cant show us.
18:44.22[TK]D-Fenderdimon00, Come back soon with it
18:44.24dimon00yep, I understand
18:44.36dimon00I'm going to be back on tuesday, then
18:45.06dimon00so far thank you
18:51.53*** join/#asterisk jsidhu (
18:54.51[TK]D-FenderOk, was sure one of those was around
18:57.03*** join/#asterisk jsidhu (
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19:01.33Kattyseems like i told infobot something about that once
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19:09.57titterI have a queue with member extensions set directly to an IAX trunk ie. IAX2/gateway/1234. This works fine as it's a ringall. Everyone rings, everyone is happy. However if one of those IAX phones becomes unavilable, it instantly answers the queues and stops the other phones from ringing. Anyone know how to stop this?
19:10.58[TK]D-Fendertitter, You said it.  It answers.  Call = answered.  the end
19:15.01titterWhy is it answering is more or less my question. SIP members of the queue who are unavailable don't cause the same issue.
19:15.45*** join/#asterisk voipeng (
19:16.43[TK]D-Fendertitter, You should look/ask on that end
19:17.49titterAs I said the calls are just marked as answered by Asterisk on the far end.
19:18.16*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
19:18.18titterSIP clients local don't do this. SIP clients on that server in different queues don't do this. I am guessing this has something with IAX?
19:18.30[TK]D-Fenderno, it's what you're doing with the call.
19:19.48*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
19:23.38titterNothing special ... it's quite simple, hence my confusion. Incoming DID from a PRI does a goto to context that executes a ringall queue with 12 or so members. When it IAX's to the other server, it rings those extensions. If one of those is unavaialble it answers the call per the CLI on that end. The extensions on the far end are dialed via SIP.
19:24.09*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~taleghani@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
19:32.33GoldwingIs it possible for Asterisk to listen to DTMF while it's ringing an extension (make it possible for the person calling in to leave a voicemail by pressing 0)
19:34.18[TK]D-Fendertitter, It is explicitly answering the call.  Go look on their end
19:35.04[TK]D-FenderGoldwing, something like that,  yes. "core show application dial"
19:35.42Goldwing[TK]D-Fender,  Thx, reading..
19:41.44rossandIn asterisk 1.6.x, I want to add two variables. e.g. blah=${foo} + ${bar}  What is the right syntax for this?
19:47.22*** join/#asterisk _jamesf (
19:48.41_jamesfI'm having an issue with a simple SIP setup where extension A can call B, B cannot call A, and the configurations are identical - but using different clients.  Both are behind NAT and have NAT enabled as well.
19:48.55_jamesfthe windows client (x-lite) can place calls, the android client (sipdroid) cannot
19:49.13[TK]D-Fenderrossand, Set(blah=$[${foo} + ${bar}])
19:49.28[TK]D-Fenderrossand, go read THE BOOK for its sections on variables & expressions.
19:49.30infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:49.50[TK]D-FenderJamesJRH, show us :
19:49.51infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:50.00rossand[TK]D-Fender: thank you kindly. And I especially appreciate the book ref. will do.
19:51.25titter[TK]D-Fender: If the phone is available it shows as - IAX2/gateway-18257 is ringing. If it's unavailable - IAX2/gateway-16858 answered DAHDI/i1/941xxxxxxx-3cc. The far end then shows - WARNING[23730]: app_dial.c:2218 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
19:51.48[TK]D-Fendertitter, Real pastebin of the complete call execution please....
19:52.09[TK]D-Fenderboth ends
19:56.41[TK]D-Fendertitter, Where does it said IAX2 answered?
19:57.08titterLine 51
19:57.34[TK]D-FenderAh, I see it..
19:58.00[TK]D-Fender- Executing [s@unavailable:1] BackGround("IAX2/fortmyersro-8276", "vm_exten_option") in new stack <----- explicit answer right here
19:58.15[TK]D-Fenderthey answered.  Playing audio = answer.
19:59.23titterIt's an extension to the way calls go to voicemail ... instead of going directly to voicemail it hits that context playing back the option to try another extension or continue to voicemail. So if I can that it should work.
20:00.46Kattyhello. i am not dave.
20:03.24[TK]D-Fender"So if I can that it should work." <- no
20:03.54[TK]D-FenderPlayback= answer, background=answer, Voicemail=answer
20:08.32titterWell I would setup a different way to just dial those extensions
20:09.06*** join/#asterisk jzaw (~jzaw@2001:8b0:7:0:216:cbff:febe:f5dd)
20:09.13jzawlo peeps
20:09.37jzaware there any mod_client_asterisk users for ejabberd here pls?
20:09.40[TK]D-Fendertitter, You would have to.
20:10.11titter[TK]D-Fender: It's just doing this now:
20:10.33[TK]D-Fendertitter, exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/${ARG2},20,r) <------ r = EVIL
20:10.38[TK]D-Fenderforced audio ringing.
20:10.42[TK]D-Fenderdon't do this
20:11.00[TK]D-Fenderexten => s,n,Goto(unavailable,s,1) <--- guess what was here last time?  Background...
20:12.05titterWhy is r so evil? lol
20:12.11*** join/#asterisk rdegges (u4891@gateway/web/
20:12.30titterThat's what it's doing now, as in I need to fix that lol
20:13.34rdeggesHey guys, I had Asterisk crash on me last night (running Asterisk + DAHDI (latest)) on ubuntu 11.04 64-bit. The errors I got (filled up my log files), were:
20:14.04rdegges"app_meetme.c: Failed to read frame: Bad file descriptor"
20:14.12rdeggesI googled it, but I couldn't find any help.
20:14.53rdeggesI had approximately 150 callers active on the server, (spread across 50 conference rooms or so).
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20:36.02arekmhi, I'm trying to find out what's the proper way to enable addons in asterisk 10.x at build time (non-interactively). Some make ENABLESOMETHING=1 flag?
20:36.19arekmI'm interested in ooh323c addon
20:39.02titterCan you share or import variables from IAX channels?
20:40.29Kattyi've been talking to this guy
20:40.40Kattyand he's doing the typical let's impress the girl move.
20:40.56Kattyhe can build his own computer
20:41.04Katty....should i act impressed, or laugh at him?
20:41.13Kattyi mean, really?
20:41.13leifmadsenKatty: yes
20:41.36leifmadsenKatty: I never try to impress a girl with my computer building skills... that's the wrong approach
20:41.59Kattyi was not impressed.
20:42.00rdeggesI tried to impress my wife when we were in high school with computer building.
20:42.07rdeggesBut it backfired, and I was too nervous to get the damn lid off =p
20:42.11rdeggesSo I looked like an idiot!
20:42.43rdeggesI just kept fumbling around with the little screws and I was unable to get the lid open for like 10 minutes. So I eventually mumbled something and kinda walked away :(
20:43.03Kattyaww poor thing
20:43.11rdeggesSo, in that regard, I say at least act impressed because he probably put fourth a TON of effort and ginuwinely likes you ^^
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20:43.42Kattysee he already knows i'm not intrested
20:43.45jamesf - if i place a call from 6000 -> 6001 it fails, but 6001 -> 6000 works fine
20:43.52Kattybut he's trying to impress me anyway
20:43.59Kattyi'm already seeing a lovely boy
20:44.06jamesfsimple setup in freepbx
20:44.23Kattyrdegges: also, i just pictured the socially akward penguin when you walked away from the case.
20:44.23rdeggesjamesf: what does `sip show peers` output? :o
20:44.33leifmadsenjamesf: sounds like an authentication problem or configuration issue -- impossible to know without delving into that verbose output for a few mins
20:44.36rdeggesKatty: that's precisely how i felt, summed up by a reddit meme ^^
20:45.03titterleifmadsen: Can you share or import variables from over IAX?
20:45.14jamesfit shows (Unspecified) for host for 6001
20:45.17leifmadsentitter: not sure, I don't use IAX2
20:45.20rdeggesjamesf: that's the prob i think
20:45.23leifmadsenjamesf: host isn't registered then
20:45.30leifmadsenimpossible to call it
20:46.05jamesfleifmadsen: hmm.. if i place a call from 6001, while the call is in place (phone ringing next to me!) it still shows unspecified
20:46.09jamesfis that correct?
20:46.18Kattyrdegges: just for you, sweet pea.
20:46.41rdeggesthanks :)
20:46.52Kattyyou're wife will appreciate it ;)
20:46.59leifmadsenyour :)
20:47.03rdeggesany of you guys going to SCALE by chance?
20:47.08rdeggesI'll be there with the wife this year ^^
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21:00.26_Corey_rdegges: I'm not brave enough to take the fiance to a Linux event yet...  :)
21:00.52rdeggeswell she's not technical
21:02.12_Corey_I'm taking mine to AsteriskWorld in Miami though in a couple weeks...  She's an artist, so I doubt she'll come near a session :)
21:06.05Kattyleifmadsen: yesh.
21:13.34titterHmm AsteriskWorld in Miami ... short drive for me, maybe I shall go
21:19.10titter[TK]D-Fender: -- Created another IAX trunk for just queue's to use. It lands in the first context here to set a variable (unless there is a better way to share vars over IAX), then it skips going to the eventual Background. All is well. Easy fix in my queues. Thanks for your help!
21:20.09titterI a sense
21:20.19titterIn a sense, I suppose ... stupid rdp.
21:20.22WIMPy'core show function iaxvar'
21:20.32WIMPy'core show function IAXVAR'
21:20.40ketastaking girls to events
21:21.21titterI really should use that more often
21:22.14titterWIMPy: So if I set a var on server A, I can use server B to retrieve it via iaxvar?
21:22.43WIMPyYOu set it with that function on one side an dan retrieve it on the other.
21:23.08WIMPyYou set it with that function on one side and can retrieve it on the other.
21:23.58titterAwesome let me give it a go (core show needs to be implanted in my mind...)
21:25.02[TK]D-FenderCheckout time, BBIAB
21:25.05titterSet(IAXVAR(nvm)=1) blarg
21:25.44*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
21:25.59_Corey_titter: It's a good event if you've never been:
21:26.24titter_Corey_: Never been. Not to far from me. 2 hour drive.
21:26.37WIMPyWhen is WMC?
21:27.10_Corey_titter: There is a lot more going on at ITEXPO and all the other colocated events too, so definitely check it out
21:27.20WIMPyMuch later.
21:28.40titterWIMPy: Thank you!!!!! Holy crap that was perfect.
21:29.34leifmadsen_Corey_: btw I solved my issue....
21:29.50leifmadsen_Corey_: notifycid=yes  <-- was missing in sip.conf
21:30.31_Corey_leifmadsen: Seriously...? I wouldn't have guessed it would have been something different on the Asterisk end of it
21:31.32_Corey_glad to hear it though...
21:32.01leifmadsen_Corey_: ya same here -- guess it kind of makes sense now. Asterisk needs to tell the device which line is being requested so it can request it back on the answer.
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21:32.54LemensTSanyone have a preference on 48port POE switches for Polycom phones?
21:33.53Linux4Ericanyone ever see their FFA license show 1 license but 0 Concurrent CHannels?
21:34.00voipengany fixes for echo... theres about a second delay the on our end, the wiresharks show a good rtp stream
21:34.39_Corey_leifmadsen: Well, I guess I need to look at a before/after SIP trace..  I think either way the phone has enough info to know which line is ringing and therefore enough to construct a proper INVITE to pick it up
21:35.06_Corey_I'm certainly not shocked to know that was the solution though... ;)
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21:43.56leifmadsen_Corey_: ya I took your configuration and downgraded to 3.2.3 and tested, and it still didn't work
21:44.06leifmadsenso I'm pretty sure notifycid=yes is the necessary component
21:44.45_Corey_oh, i don't doubt it...  It would have taken me going through the firmware stuff before I even considered Asterisk though
21:47.16_Corey_leifmadsen: anyway, congrats on figuring it out...  i'm going to make a note here about it on our internal wiki  ;)
21:48.40*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:49.00leifmadsen_Corey_: sounds good :)  too bad the Polycoms don't do anything with the hold notification
21:49.15leifmadsenwould be nice if when you put someone on hold that you could tell the line was on hold
21:50.01[TK]D-FenderYou can.
21:50.18[TK]D-FenderLine key status is evident on all models
21:51.15leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: BLF doesn't show hold status
21:52.07[TK]D-FenderDoes on every phone I've ever used
21:52.21_Corey_leifmadsen: yeah, i've gotten real bridged line appearances working OpenSER and they work pretty sweet like that
21:52.23[TK]D-Fender30X, 50X, 60x, 32X, 335
21:52.40_Corey_[TK]D-Fender: He's talking about on a BLF
21:52.52leifmadsen<leifmadsen> [TK]D-Fender: BLF doesn't show hold status
21:52.54[TK]D-FenderNo, no, I gotcha
21:53.01[TK]D-FenderMisinterpretation there
21:53.37[TK]D-FenderAnd actually I've never seen BLF report hold status.. if you are doing a BLF on an * hint...
21:53.52_Corey_leifmadsen: The Polycom attendant thing is pretty darn close though... not sure what would need to happen so that the phone got an appropriate NOTIFY on the hold status
21:53.56[TK]D-FenderI know * doesn't seem to differentiate in-call VS ringing....
21:54.10leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: sure it does
21:54.19leifmadsenI get differnet notifications for ringing vs inuse
21:54.35[TK]D-FenderSorry, meant "polycom" there
21:54.35_Corey_I can't imagine on the SIP level (from the phone's perspective) that it'd be much different between the OpenSER BLA implementation
21:54.35[TK]D-Fendersoooo COOOOLD
21:54.42leifmadsen_Corey_: pretty sure Asterisk sends hold status... I just don't think the polycom does anything with it
21:54.49leifmadsen_Corey_: there is no icon for hold from what i read
21:55.03_Corey_yeah, it flashes slow red
21:55.17_Corey_same as a primary line appearance
21:55.43_Corey_Although, now that I'm thinking about it that's not with the attendant config but with the shared registration
21:55.48leifmadsen_Corey_: hmmm, then I'm going to have to look at that because that should be working as I have notifyhold=yes enabled
21:55.55leifmadsen_Corey_: ah gotcha
21:56.09leifmadsenya, from what I was reading attendant didn't have hold status for some reason and thought that was odd when I read it
21:56.57*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-xvyrqcgdxorqnglf)
21:57.57_Corey_leifmadsen: Yeah, I had notifyhold set to yes so I just tried it... no dice
21:58.43_Corey_strange they didn't implement it the same as the shared line thing
21:59.20leifmadsen_Corey_: ya it made no sense to me either
22:01.41titterI believe it can be done, but requires SIP 3.2.x or later
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22:05.24LemensTSAnyone know if Polycom phones use the 2 data pairs as the POE pairs also?
22:05.31titterleifmadsen: Is this what you are looking for?
22:11.52WIMPyHow do you call that thing on a modular plug that locks it in to the socket?
22:11.55leifmadsentitter: I'm using 3.3.0
22:18.02titterleifmadsen: -- Page 6. You are right. No icon for it, but it does change from green to red when a call is on hold.
22:18.34leifmadsentitter: it's already red when it is in use -- page 9 of the document shows only active, busy, ringing.
22:18.49leifmadsenwhen a call is active, it's already red, not green
22:19.40titterCorrect, so it stays red if there is someone on hold as well ... so it supports it, just doesn't display it differently ... but if you presss and hold the line key, it should show all active and held calls
22:20.07leifmadsentitter: heh ok so it doesn't support it then :)
22:20.31titterYou aren't crazy ... it's a Polycom thing
22:21.01leifmadsenya, holding the line button doesn't tell me if it's on hold or not -- regardless, there is no visual indicator that a call is on hold vs active
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22:21.34_Corey_leifmadsen: Strictly speaking, I think the attendant implementation is even capable of picking up a call on hold should that information become available, so polycom probably decided not to confuse people
22:21.58titterDoes it show different softkeys? I would think it should let you pick up where as if they were on that line, not give those options
22:22.01leifmadsen_Corey_: ya, like if the call is on hold and I press a line key on another phone, it picks it up
22:22.43*** join/#asterisk s[X] (
22:22.46_Corey_leifmadsen: That would be the intuitive behavior...  which *is* exactly how their shared line implementation works
22:23.09leifmadsen_Corey_: yep and that's a good thing -- just would be nice if you could see when a call was on hold visually
22:23.56_Corey_leifmadsen: eh, I can see the upside of not having to keep explaining that even though so-and-so's line is blinking you can't actually pick it up...  ;)
22:24.39*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
22:25.31leifmadsen_Corey_: heh true :)
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22:34.54GoldwingJust curious, has anyone ever tried to make a game for asterisk?
22:35.28WIMPyA "win up to $300 or more" game?
22:35.56Goldwingnaah,.. just a braindead game for ppl that are waiting..
22:36.18Goldwingi'm trying to design "Guess the number"
22:36.46Goldwingi know... waste of time.. but i helps me understand how asterisk works alot better
22:37.11WIMPyably not a bad idea for that purpose.
22:37.20WIMPyProbably not a bad idea for that purpose.
22:38.03Goldwingif only... i could figure out how to do a RND(0-9) into a string..
22:38.28WIMPyA string?
22:38.33Goldwingsorry. value
22:38.53Goldwingit's late
22:39.04WIMPyAsterisk doesn't have types. You just don't care.
22:39.11cmendes0101Is there a way to overlap audio during playback? Background waits to finish before moving to playback
22:40.01GoldwingAsterisk does have $(somename) for a string right?
22:40.18Goldwingdoesn't it have %(somevalue) for a value?
22:40.28WIMPyIf that string contains a number you can do maths on it.
22:40.31Goldwingor something like it
22:40.38rjvvlietGoldwing: does ${RND(0-9)} work?
22:40.42WIMPyAnd it's ${varname}
22:41.27Goldwingrjvvliet : hmm.. is it that simple?... lemme try
22:41.28WIMPy"0-9" is not a valid parameter for RND.
22:41.37WIMPyAnd it's called RAND.
22:41.52rjvvlietGoldwing: Yeah wasn't sure about the RND tough... never used it.
22:42.16Goldwingsame here, to be honest, i've never used asterisk untill a couple of days ago..
22:42.32Goldwingbut.. it's fun (nerdy voice included)
22:42.50rjvvlietGoldwing: what wimpy sayd .. its RAND , core show function RAND
22:43.29Goldwingbuntu*CLI> core show function rand
22:43.30GoldwingNo function by that name registered.
22:43.30GoldwingCommand 'core show function rand' failed.
22:43.49Goldwinghmm capital...
22:43.54rjvvlietGoldwing: is uppercase
22:44.00Goldwingyea.. got it
22:44.22Goldwingwhowee....Set(junky=${RAND(1,8)}); Sets junky to a random number between
22:44.22Goldwing1 and 8, inclusive.
22:44.44rjvvlietGoldwing:  i'am leaving you with that last remark... its time to go... ttyl
22:45.01Goldwingseeya.. and sleep well
22:45.09rjvvlietGoldwing: thanks...
22:52.42WIMPySo can someone help me out with some english?
22:52.50WIMPyHow do you call that thing on a modular plug that locks it in to the socket?
22:53.40WIMPyThat thing you press to release it.
22:54.17carrarrelease tab?
22:54.33Goldwinguhmm.. jack-in-the-box... sorry.mate, i really dont know what you mean
22:54.56Goldwingooh.. wait
22:55.13Goldwingyou mean the connector on a telephone?
22:55.23WIMPycarrar: Sounds usable, thanks.
22:55.32WIMPyyes, or on a network cable, ot whatever.
22:55.54Goldwingyea, RJ11 (PSTN) or RJ45(UTP) connector
22:55.58*** join/#asterisk lanning (
22:56.25WIMPyWell, RJ-* are not the connectors, but, yes, those thing.
22:57.00GoldwingRJ = cable
22:57.13WIMPycarrar was on the right track I was only searching for a name for the release / lock thing.
22:57.40WIMPyRJ = Some Bell demarcation point.
22:57.42Goldwingdamn.. does that little plastic thing have a name???
22:57.54WIMPyThe connectors are known as modular or western plugs.
22:58.11WIMPyI could call it "nose", I guess.
22:58.37Goldwingor a " tightner"
22:58.40WIMPySo far "release tap" wins.
22:59.06carrarnot tap
22:59.18WIMPyErr, yes.
22:59.30WIMPyTapping is done elsewhere.
22:59.37Goldwingi vote for SDB (self destruct button"
22:59.41Goldwingi vote for SDB (self destruct button)
23:00.01Goldwingwhy?.. it sounds funny
23:00.51Goldwingma'm, i have te put a new plug on your telephone line, the TDB is broken off..
23:01.13Goldwingarrgs.. i even misspell my own joke.. SDB
23:01.32WIMPyUse hot glue ;-)
23:02.10GoldwingWIMPy, if you know what my clients look like, you'll forget the word "Hot" ....
23:03.11WIMPyTime to find new clients.
23:03.20Goldwingi agree....
23:05.04Goldwingdoes anyone know a US voip provider that hands out free/cheap US phonenumbers?
23:05.30Goldwingi need one for my holliday to FLA in 3 weeks
23:06.40eZzhm, what's a format of disallowed_methods if I have > 1 methods ? METHOD1, METHOD2 or METHOD1 METHOD2 ... METHODN ?
23:07.18eZzbecause I don't see it's really stripped, even if I see only one method

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