IRC log for #asterisk on 20120117

00:02.31*** join/#asterisk Buuyo (
00:03.51Buuyonickfennell: Thanks for the hint earlier about IRQ sharing. I rebooted teh box and killed the (unused) firewire controller sharing that irq and magically the FXS ports are silent. :)
00:04.15BuuyoSo much for cheap counterfeit cards on ebay. :) It turned out ok in the end.
00:04.38*** join/#asterisk blizzow (~jburns@
00:11.34*** join/#asterisk OngMap (~angryant@
00:15.36*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
00:26.34*** join/#asterisk jmordica_mac (
00:27.05jmordica_macare you guys working on a scalable cloud solution with asterisk?
00:27.16jmordica_macheard this from someone but couldn't find anything on it
00:36.38*** join/#asterisk its_jeremy_ (
00:39.57WIMPyjmordica_mac: It's called SCF.
00:42.49jmordica_macare there API's that can be hooked into so developers can build their own GUI's or is there a GUI being working on?
00:44.49*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
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00:52.40*** join/#asterisk lucasb (
01:10.57*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
01:17.10*** join/#asterisk picard276 (~chatzilla@
01:17.21picard276anyone very familiar with USSD and HLR's?
01:17.31p3nguinjmordica_mac: GUIs suck.  Use vim.
01:23.32*** part/#asterisk mahables (
01:27.38phixpaulc: That sounds pretty neat
01:28.08phixjmordica_mac: If I hear the word cloud one more time!>>R*(#*#&#!!!11
01:38.37BuuyoWhat could cause asterisk's Hangup() to not really hangup an FXO? For some reason, if I Hangup() as a callee, but the caller doesn't hang up, the line stays busy. Actually, when I get Asterisk to dial using that FXO, the caller that didnt hang up can hear the numbers dialed.
02:03.58*** join/#asterisk rhamnett (
02:15.52*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
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02:16.48*** join/#asterisk Micc (
02:16.55Miccanyone ever use voipmonitor?
02:25.50WIMPyBuuyo: Sounds like your telco hasn't updated their equipment for at least 30 years.
02:26.09BuuyoI just realized it's not asterisk's fault.
02:26.16BuuyoIt does it with a plain ol' telephone on the line too
02:26.37BuuyoIt must be something about the unit they have on premises :|
02:26.52WIMPyWhat country is it?
02:27.15Buuyoshould be fxs_ks yeah?
02:28.12WIMPyI'm not that good at history :-)
02:28.43BuuyoAsterisk notices right away if the caller hangs up at least.
02:29.12BuuyoI almost wonder if there's a way to keep the line as occupied until at least like 15 seconds after asterisk hangs up. :|
02:34.35*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
03:01.46*** join/#asterisk GGD (
03:04.28*** join/#asterisk TheCops (~mdb@
03:16.47SeRip3nguin: I got a new job :D
03:19.35*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
03:21.28SeRiI been busy thats why I havent been online much.
03:21.34SeRiBut yes finally it happend
03:48.18WIMPyIs there some configuration option for chan_dahdi to make it accept keypad?
03:50.29p3nguinseri: What happened to the old job, and what is the new job?
03:50.38*** part/#asterisk Buuyo (
03:52.47*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
03:52.56*** join/#asterisk D-Boy (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
04:42.39ChannelZWIMPy: what do you mean?
04:45.08WIMPyI tried to dial a number starting with # and had to find out that it doesn't work.
04:45.28ChannelZhmm.. misinterpreted as a feature code?
04:45.37WIMPyMany phones automatically switch to keypad mode when you dial something starting with * or #/
04:45.51WIMPyAnd chan_dahdi seems to ignore those.
04:49.02*** join/#asterisk keepar (
04:49.55[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: If you're referring to FXS yes, by default it steals # as an end-of-dial char
04:50.07[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: For first-dial, not IVRs, etc
04:50.09WIMPyNo. BRI.
04:51.00WIMPyPOTS doesn't differ between called number and keypads.
05:04.51*** join/#asterisk irroot (
05:15.54*** join/#asterisk DaPrivateer (
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05:39.23*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
06:02.53*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (0e190c94@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:03.25BeeBuui got a problem
06:04.43BeeBuui had a queue,the agent off line,but when i type "queue show" command in CLI, it still show agent is "BUSY" why?
06:05.06BeeBuui had a queue,the agent off line,but when i type "queue show" command in CLI, it still show agent is "BUSY"! why? how can i fix this?
06:12.13*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-gripekaevzsdjfmv)
06:38.32*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
07:08.00*** join/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~RAMYT@
07:13.40*** join/#asterisk luke0512 (
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07:33.41luke0512need some help for configuring hfc card on centos and asterisk 1.6...her are some infos of my installation
07:35.11luke0512the asterisk box is connected to an internal S0 of an telefon box with 1 external S0, one internal S0 an 4 Analog connections
07:35.19WIMPyThat resource allocation conflict doesn't look good.
07:35.31WIMPyBut I'd recommend at least Asterisk 1.8 anyway.
07:36.14luke0512therefore i have to use a beta, cause its only in testing area
07:36.48WIMPyFor what?
07:36.53WIMPyAnd what's your issue?
07:37.14*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
07:37.15WIMPyThe resource conflict seems to happen elsewhere.
07:37.16schmidtsgood morning
07:37.17luke0512asterisk 1.8, cause i want to use rpm source
07:37.58WIMPyI think you will find rpms for all official versions, but I don't care about packets.
07:38.05WIMPyMoin schmidts
07:40.27WIMPyBut you still haven't told us what isn't working. The card seems fine from your paste.
07:46.06luke0512what isn't working is not correct sense or i have used wrong sentence...i have get asterisk working with some internal phones (Gigaset 610 and Ekiga Softphone)...but what do i have to configure for outgoing calls?
07:46.18*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
07:46.39luke0512the asterisk box is connected via ISDN to the phone box
07:46.59*** join/#asterisk bjornts (
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07:48.08luke0512i just tried to find information in asterisk book from stan wintermeyer but there is not much info inside for isdn connection
07:48.47luke0512i just have found information that i have to use the misdn module
07:48.53*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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07:49.06luke0512but what about configuration?
07:49.08WIMPyIf I get it right, you're using misdn2.
07:49.26WIMPyThat works with LCR which then connects to Asterisk via chan_lcr.
07:50.07luke0512what i  have installed is mISDN and not misdn, take care of Capital letter
07:50.27WIMPyOr you downgrade to misdn1 and use chan_misdn or you try a dahdi version with hfc support.
07:50.51WIMPyBoth are written mISDN. I'm just too lazy to press Shift.
07:51.08luke0512ok i think i try the way by using 1.8 from testing
07:51.14*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:52.51*** join/#asterisk simplydrew_ (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
08:01.45*** join/#asterisk flipityflop (
08:04.12luke0512i now have installed 1.8.3 but the asterisk misdn will not be installed -->
08:04.54WIMPyThat's what I said above. The versions don't fit.
08:04.57*** join/#asterisk lftsy (~lftsy@
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08:24.30*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:31.05*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
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08:42.37*** join/#asterisk ollii (~risker@2001:470:1f15:1384:62eb:69ff:fe31:b4)
08:47.43*** join/#asterisk myschyk (~IceChat9@
08:54.00myschykDoes anyone has fix for astmonproxy getting bufferoverlow issue?
08:58.29*** join/#asterisk moneer (
08:58.45moneerhello any one here
08:58.49moneerI nned help
08:58.54moneeri need help
08:59.16infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
08:59.57jacc0wazup moneer?
09:00.29*** join/#asterisk bbourdage (
09:00.56moneeri use say number in asterisk 10 dialplan but no sound is heard, when i use plapack(digit/${number}) i hear the digit sound, but when i use SayNumber(${number}) i didn;t hear any thing
09:02.57moneerjacc8 , can u tell me why, SayNumber is not working in asterisk 10
09:03.00jacc0could you pastebin your dialplan ?
09:03.06*** join/#asterisk awclin (~alinford@
09:03.08infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
09:03.28jacc0I haven't tried * 10
09:03.41*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
09:03.48moneeryes jacc8, i'm newbie and trying to figure out the dialplan concept
09:04.02moneeri use this dialplan code from one of the books
09:04.04moneerexten => 123,1,Set(COUNT=10)
09:04.04moneersame => n(start),GotoIf($[${COUNT} > 0]?:goodbye)
09:04.05moneersame => n,SayNumber(${COUNT})
09:04.05moneersame => n,Set(COUNT=$[${COUNT} - 1])
09:04.05moneersame => n,Goto(start)
09:04.05moneersame => n(goodbye),Hangup()
09:04.07*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
09:04.10jacc0the dialplan is in your extensions.conf; I would like to check it for typ0s
09:04.32schmidtsmoneer i am not sure but you might use an answer before saynumber
09:04.37jacc0I'm femiliar with `same`
09:05.58moneerif i put Playback(digits/${COUNT}) instead of SayNumber(${COUNT}) I can hear the voice
09:06.40moneerbut with sayNumber(${COUNT}), it is not working and the voice didn't work
09:07.46jacc0could you try to replace : 'same => n' with 'exten => 123,n'
09:07.53moneerschmidts, does sayNumber only work with Answer
09:08.45schmidtsmoneer normally most functions which playback any sound answer the channel first, maybe sayNumber doesnt do this
09:09.09moneerschmidts, yes it works when i use Answer before saynumber, that is good
09:09.14moneerthanks for help
09:09.36moneerone more question
09:10.57*** join/#asterisk roham (~ali@
09:11.51moneeri have the asterisk in linuxmint 10, and my softphone is in the same machine, i have defined one sip user, and one iax user, i need to comunicate with them in the same softphone, as my softphone support iax and sip, when i trying to register iax user after sip user it is not registered, and the server give me this
09:11.54moneerCall rejected, CallToken Support required. If unexpected, resolve by placing address in the calltokenoptional list or setting user 0000FFFF0005 requirecalltoken=no
09:12.28WIMPySo do as it told you.
09:12.43moneerwhen i put the requirecalltoken=no in the iax it is registered, but the iax user can not call any extension
09:12.47olliii assume your using * > 1.2 ?
09:13.07moneerwhat is going on, what the problem with that?
09:13.09olliiyou're using the right context?
09:13.35olliiput requriecalltoken to iax peer conf and start a call, then paste this output to
09:13.36infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
09:14.01olliitoo much needle in a haystack
09:14.47moneerodes it because i have to users defined in the same machine?
09:14.48*** join/#asterisk Autoeth (
09:14.54luke0512hmm WIMPy what do you think shall i do now?
09:15.06moneerdoes it because i have two users defined in the same machine?
09:16.08WIMPyluke0512: I gave you the three options you've got. Yu can also read the summary on
09:19.43jacc0anyone interested in host my brand new "Cisco SPA remote controle without authentication"
09:23.51*** join/#asterisk aurs (
09:26.19*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
09:40.35nickfennell40% wait...
09:41.37*** join/#asterisk screenn (~screenn@
09:47.36*** join/#asterisk moneer (~moneer@
09:47.47*** join/#asterisk Cadey (5a9804ea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:48.42CadeyHi guys, does anyone know how to get a cisco (LinkSys) 5XX range to allow a * mid dial string? when ever a * is part of the dial string and NOT the first charater of the dial string it simply fails the call and sends nothing to the server
09:48.49*** join/#asterisk jzaw (~jzaw@2001:8b0:7:0:216:cbff:febe:f5dd)
09:48.55jzawmorniing peeps
09:48.58Cadeyso *43 for ech works, but 111*111 would cause it to do nothing
09:48.58moneerwhen i try to register iax user using softphone i got this from asterisk server "Call rejected, CallToken Support required. If unexpected, resolve by placing address in the calltokenoptional list or setting user 0000FFFF0005 requirecalltoken=no
09:48.59moneer", what does that means??
09:50.12luke0512bye for now i have to go to work
09:51.04moneerhello guys any one can help here?, please
09:52.37infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
09:54.14moneerwhy i try to register an iax user using a software phone which support iax, i got this error from the asterisk server "Call rejected, CallToken Support required. If unexpected, resolve by placing address in the calltokenoptional list or setting user 0000FFFF0005 requirecalltoken=no
09:54.15moneer" what does that means
09:55.40*** join/#asterisk kaii (
09:57.22moneerwhen i try to register an iax user using asterisk 10 by a softphone, i get this error from the server "Call rejected, CallToken Support required. If unexpected, resolve by placing address in the calltokenoptional list or setting user 0000FFFF0005 requirecalltoken=no" what does this mean?? please help
09:58.01WIMPyhands moneer some glasses.
10:02.01nickfennellJust updated Chrome
10:02.07nickfennellLet's see what happens to my system now
10:02.22*** join/#asterisk RZero (
10:02.48RZeroHi guys is it possible to run SS7 and E1 connections together on the same Server ?
10:03.30WIMPyRZero: No sure what you're asking for. You can run SS7 on E1.
10:04.43*** join/#asterisk DaneoShiga (
10:04.43RZeroSorry I mean we have to suppliers one uses ss7 (c7) signalling and the other uses EuroISDN
10:05.22RZerois it possible to run both types of connections on a single server ?
10:05.46WIMPySo you want to run DSS1 on one port and SS7 on another port?
10:06.05WIMPyShould work. But maybe someone can definitely confirm that.
10:07.14RZerowe have two digium cards installed so 8 ports are available
10:07.27DaneoShigathere's a common used cdr fields combination to have real unique reference? since uniqueid aren't unique between CDRs?
10:11.32moneerusing asterisk 10 iax2 can not register, and can not receive, make call, please help
10:13.35moneerwhat is IAX provisioning, when i try to reload the module, I got IAX provisioning disabled
10:15.22WIMPyThat is to configure IAXys.
10:17.11DiffenWimpy hello. Just wanted to say that all worked out well after a reboot and a disk check. The only problem I had was to start iSymphony but that turned out to be an error in an xml file :)
10:17.58*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
10:18.13moneerWIMPy, i use iax.conf to configure iax, what else should i do to make iax work?
10:19.17WIMPyRead the messages you have been posting here several times.
10:21.01moneerWIMPy i put that requiretokencall=no, the device is registered, but no calles
10:21.36moneerthis message appear "Restricting registration for peer '0000FFFF0005' to 60 seconds (requested 120)"
10:21.44WIMPymoneer: You have already been asked if you've got the right context.
10:22.08WIMPyYou can safely ignore that one so far.
10:22.16moneerWIMPy, yes it right context
10:22.46WIMPyThen show us the output of a failed call attempt.
10:23.44moneerwhen i the iax device is registered it give s this "Restricting registration for peer '0000FFFF0005' to 60 seconds (requested 120)"
10:23.57moneerwhen i try to call , nothing happen
10:24.14*** join/#asterisk skrusty (~ksrusty@
10:24.17WIMPyTurn up debug and verbose.
10:24.32WIMPyIf you still see nothing, the problem is on the phone.
10:24.40*** join/#asterisk master_of_master (
10:28.04moneerbut the phone is working fine with sip, and it is supporting iax as well
10:32.29moneerwhen i call i got this error "Determining if address with username 0000FFFF0005 requires calltoken validation.  Optional = 0  calltoken_required = 2
10:32.30moneerip callno count incremented to 2 for
10:32.30moneerChecking device state for device 0000FFFF0005
10:32.30moneeriax2_devicestate: Found peer. What's device state of 0000FFFF0005? addr=-1062731518, defaddr=0 maxms=0, lastms=0
10:32.31moneerChanging state for IAX2/0000FFFF0005 - state 0 (Unknown)
10:32.32moneerdevice 'IAX2/0000FFFF0005' state '0'
10:32.34moneerRestricting registration for peer '0000FFFF0005' to 60 seconds (requested 120)
10:32.36moneerChecking device state for device 0000FFFF0005
10:32.38moneeriax2_devicestate: Found peer. What's device state of 0000FFFF0005? addr=-1062731518, defaddr=0 maxms=0, lastms=0
10:32.41moneerChanging state for IAX2/0000FFFF0005 - state 0 (Unknown)
10:32.45moneerdevice 'IAX2/0000FFFF0005' state '0'
10:32.47moneerschedule decrement of callno used for in 60 seconds
10:32.49moneerip callno count decremented to 1 for"
10:39.22*** join/#asterisk moneer (
10:42.21*** join/#asterisk bbourdage (
10:54.34*** join/#asterisk pif (
10:55.01pifhi, should I use dahdi-channels.conf or chan_dadhi.conf ?
10:55.05pifare they the same?
10:55.50kaldemarchan_dahdi.conf is the config file for the DAHDI channel driver. anything else is something included in chan_dahdi.conf or invalid.
10:56.18pifso there is no dahdi-channels.conf ?
10:56.24pifok I see!
10:58.27kaldemaryou can use what ever names for custom config files, as long as they are included with an "#include" statement in the real config file.
10:59.04pifdahdi is not loaded by asterisk, where should I look?
10:59.31kaldemar"module load" in CLI with verbosity enabled
10:59.47*** join/#asterisk ashd (
11:00.58*** join/#asterisk roham (~ali@
11:01.14pifhmm, /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ is not there
11:03.49pifmust install asterisk-dahdi
11:13.31*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
11:13.38pifok works now, thanks
11:14.20*** join/#asterisk Faustov (madrid@gentoo/user/faustov)
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11:53.44moneerpeople the voice email have bug in asterisk 10
11:53.59moneervoicemail has some bug, any one agree
11:55.32moneerany one try voicemail in asterisk 10
12:01.17wdoekes2moneer: you're not being real specific ;) would you care to explain the symptoms of the observed bug?
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12:05.36*** join/#asterisk zarnick (~minterci@unaffiliated/zarnick)
12:06.06zarnickone question, is there anyway to know what codec has a physical telefone connect on a specific call?
12:06.52jacc0from CLI?
12:06.56jacc0or in dialplan?
12:07.04zarnickfrom cli
12:07.16jacc0sip show channels
12:07.24zarnickI'm having some audio problems, and I think it may be codec related
12:07.31moneerwdoekes2, ok, i'm trying to login toa test voice mail, what happen is that when i click 1, asterisk duplicate 1 to be 11, so each digit i press it is duplicated so for example i have a mailbox 100, it gives me 110000  for password is the same my password is 1234 but it give it 11223344 or duplicate it deffent order based on the speed of pressing for example 12123344
12:07.36jacc0in the 'format' collumn
12:08.23schmidtsmoneer then you have a DTMF problem and not a voicemail problem, check your DTMF settings
12:08.28*** join/#asterisk moneer (
12:09.03zarnickjacc0: is there any way to leave this on the logs so I can check lather when the problem occurs?
12:10.00schmidtszarnick core show function CHANNEL
12:10.09moneerok, i'm trying to login to a voicemail test account using asterisk 10, when the server prompt me to enter the mailbox i put 100, but unfortnatly the digit when pressed are duplicated for example 100 become 110000 or 101000 based on the digit press speed, the same is applied to the password, is that a bug?
12:10.26schmidtszarnick specially the audioreadformat, audionativeformat and audiowriteformat is interesting for you
12:10.46schmidtsmoneer no it is not a bug, your DTMF settings are wrong
12:10.52zarnickschmidts: I c
12:11.16moneerschmidts, so how can i correct it?
12:11.58schmidtsmoneer do you call in to asterisk using a sip client or something else?
12:12.08moneersip client , yes
12:12.42schmidtsmoneer then take a look at your dtmf settings in sip.conf and also what settings you are using in your client
12:12.58schmidtsmoneer sorry its dtmfmode
12:13.02moneerin sip.cof i put this dtmfmode=auto
12:13.44*** join/#asterisk devmikey (~irc@unaffiliated/devmikey)
12:13.55zarnickschmidts: how can I query to audioreadformat for instance?
12:14.58schmidtszarnick i dont know if this will work before the outgoing call leg is initiated but normally you use it like this: exten => 123,n,Noop(asterisk reads audio in format: ${CHANNEL(audioreadformat)} !)
12:15.00moneermy sitting for dtmfmode is auto in sip.conf, and i use SFLphone softphone
12:15.34schmidtsmoneer and whats your setting in your softphone for dtmf?
12:16.03moneerno option for that in my softphone
12:16.19zarnickschmidts: I c, there's no way I can use this to see, without actually changing the dialplans then right? only the 'sip show channels' commands right?
12:16.57schmidtszarnick core show channel SIP/phoneA should also show you these 3 formats
12:17.04zarnicklet me see
12:17.40schmidtsmoneer then try to add this option to your sip.conf file: relaxdtmf=yes
12:17.51moneeri delete that dtmfmode=auto, and it work now, but it will be make problem in other softphone or phone devices
12:18.06*** join/#asterisk benlangfeld (~ben@unaffiliated/benlangfeld)
12:18.24schmidtsmoneer then you should set dtmfmode=rfc2833 most phones work well with this
12:18.49moneerschmidts, ok thanks, my friend, i try it
12:18.58schmidtsmoneer your welcome helps
12:21.43*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
12:21.51qakhanhi all
12:22.13zarnicklet's see if I can catch that god damn error...some calls (outside) get muted only on some end (either caller or receiver), and it's completelly random, and both for incoming and outgoing connections...
12:23.30qakhani want to setup play message. if caller dial an ext which is not exist in asterisk then message play "ext not exist".
12:27.02*** part/#asterisk nickfennell (
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12:41.09schmidtszarnick do you use snom360 and maybe this calls were transfered from this phones?
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13:13.11*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
13:17.21*** join/#asterisk moneer (
13:19.57moneeri have this error appear when i register iax user in asterisk 10 "Restricting registration for peer '0000FFFF0005' to 60 seconds (requested 120)", what is the error, even the user can't make calls, but can receive calls
13:20.30*** join/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
13:21.11[TK]D-FenderThat isn't an error
13:21.44moneerso why user can't make call??
13:21.46[TK]D-FenderAs for failing to make calls, you should enable IAX2 debug and actually look at the failed attempt and show us.
13:23.08*** join/#asterisk waschtl (
13:26.16nickfennellHey [TK]D-Fender
13:26.18moneerthere is no any message appear when i'm calling using the iax user
13:26.42nickfennellHere's one for your awesome brain
13:26.59nickfennellI've got a few handsets that repeatedly fail to clear their inuse status
13:27.13nickfennelli have to core restart to clear it
13:27.16nickfennellseen it before?
13:27.53[TK]D-FenderRarely, and solution was the same.  No clue why and nothing I've bothered to dig into myself... wasn't critical
13:28.27[TK]D-Fendermoneer, If you're in * CLI at verbose 10 and IAX2 debug and you see nothing then packets aren't even reaching your server.
13:28.29nickfennellhmmm. darn.
13:28.36[TK]D-Fendermoneer, Check all your firewalls, forwarding, etc
13:29.01moneerhow to turn IAX2 debug
13:29.52[TK]D-Fender"help iax2" <- * CLI
13:30.08[TK]D-FenderTime to learn about *'s CLI help options.
13:30.16[TK]D-Fenderfirst place to look for things
13:30.41*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~Dovid@
13:32.30jzawdepends on vers but 1.6 1.8 and 10 prob use
13:32.30jzawcore show help iax2
13:32.56jzawmoneer ^^^^
13:33.27[TK]D-FenderEvery error points you better help :)
13:34.30moneerok i have enabled it
13:34.40moneerusing iax set debug on command
13:35.08moneerbut seems the packet is not received
13:35.27[TK]D-FenderTime to look at all your networking.
13:35.45moneerdo u think it is a problem in the phone, but the phon working fine with sip
13:36.43*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
13:37.14[TK]D-FenderIAX2 should generally work every place SIP does and more.
13:37.22[TK]D-FenderCheck your forwarding and firewalls
13:38.26jzawmoneer: is your phone registering with your *  ?
13:38.39moneeryes it is
13:38.48jzawand you see that in the console ?
13:38.54moneerthe soft phone is in the same machine right now with *
13:39.13moneerand the phone support the to protocols, sip and iax
13:39.32moneerwith sip it is working fine, but with iax it is not , it can make call
13:40.15[TK]D-FenderIf it's on the same machine I'd have to wonder if it's fighting with * to bind the IAX2 port
13:40.46[TK]D-Fenderand so forth.  This is a networking issues straight up and since its local you should have no issue tracking it to tht point of failure
13:41.13zarnickschmidts: (sorry for the "small" delay), but no, I don't use, they are simple outgoing calls that use a E1 line (with a digivoice board)
13:41.23moneeryes and the peer is registered  as show here "0000FFFF0005     (D)  42259     (E) Unmonitored     "
13:42.19[TK]D-Fendermoneer, packet dump time....
13:42.41moneerusing what command
13:44.30[TK]D-Fenderman tcpdump
13:44.35[TK]D-Fenderman netstat
13:45.29*** join/#asterisk tamiel (
13:46.00moneerD-fender, please check this "Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: REGREQ
13:46.02moneerTx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 002 Type: IAX     Subclass: REGACK
13:46.16moneerReceived packet 2, (6, 4)
13:46.18moneerCancelling transmission of packet 1
13:46.20moneerReally destroying 430, having been acked on final message
13:46.22moneerschedule decrement of callno used for in 60 seconds
13:46.24moneerRx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 002 ISeqno: 002 Type: IAX     Subclass: ACK
13:46.28moneerip callno count decremented to 1 for
13:48.24infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:48.33[TK]D-FenderDo not flood in here
13:48.38*** join/#asterisk b3nt_pin (~b3ntpin@
13:49.05moneerok , but did u check those messages
13:50.30[TK]D-Fendermoneer, Doesn't tell me nuch.  You also haven't described your working environment.
13:51.24*** join/#asterisk CrossWired (~chatzilla@
13:52.21moneerD-Fender, ok i'm installing the asterisk 10 , with all the dependecies, in a linux mint 10os, and i configure the sip and iax.conf files, and i have a softphone wich is supporting sip and iax, i'm testing and learning asterisk
13:53.13moneerso asterisk 10 with the softphone are in the same machine
13:53.37[TK]D-Fendermoneer, Not the pertinent details : what PC&OS is your softphone running?  What IP?  What routing to your server.  LOOK at your firewalls.  What about your sever?  Check them there as well.
13:54.01[TK]D-FenderYou need to change the port that the softphone uses
13:54.07[TK]D-Fenderso it doesn't conflict with *
13:55.01moneerthe asterisk and softphone are in the same machine, so the ip of the machine is and i use that in the doftphone configuration to connect with asterisk which is also in the same machine
13:55.12moneerso no firewall
13:55.39moneerthe OS is ubuntu desktop
13:56.29[TK]D-Fenderprove the FW is empty, and verify that the softphone is running on a different port
13:58.04moneerok, here si the sip registration peer i have
13:58.05moneer0000FFFF0001/moneer                              D   N             36190    Unmonitored
13:58.25moneerand here is the iax2 peer i have
13:58.26moneerName/Username    Host                 Mask             Port          Status      Description
13:58.27moneer0000FFFF0005     (D)  42259     (E) Unmonitored
13:58.32*** join/#asterisk ollii (~risker@2001:470:1f15:1384:62eb:69ff:fe31:b4)
13:58.34moneerthey are in defferent port
13:58.37jzawmoneer: add
13:58.54jzawin your iax.conf for that phone context
13:59.14moneerjzaw ok let me try
13:59.26jzawcan also tie things down
13:59.27jzawbindport = 4569           ; Port to bind to (IAX is 4569)
14:01.56[TK]D-Fendermoneer, If you can't see packets for a call attempt then you have a netowrking SNAFU.
14:03.02moneerD-Fender, do u think that because the two account are registered in the same machine
14:03.22*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-pdpofgzzlhtpgssi)
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14:03.23[TK]D-FenderYou're running multiple softphones AND * on the same machine?
14:03.30moneerjzaw i did that but unfortunatly no luck, not working the same problem
14:03.38*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (bjarne@pdpc/supporter/active/bn-7bc)
14:03.56moneerD-Fender, yes
14:05.15*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-hfgsvmuqtxltlchu)
14:06.06moneerD-Fender but the Sip i have tow accounts work and they are works fine, the calling each other, they also call the iax user., but the iax user can't call them or even call the voice mail
14:06.48moneerthat is make me cray
14:07.23kaldemar"call the iax user" = the phone rings and you actually have a call?
14:07.44*** join/#asterisk lhfnet (
14:07.46[TK]D-FenderShow us all of your settings in * and on the softphone.  show us the firewall on the PC.
14:08.17moneerlet show you the sip file, but is it ok to fload it here
14:08.51infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:09.14[TK] for screenshot for phone config, etc
14:09.34lhfnetHi, I have asterisk 10 configured with ODBC and some times when there is no activity the asterisk daemon goes down. Here the log
14:10.21moneerD-fender, ok let me find about them and once i ready i will talk with you
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14:21.06moneerD-Fender, Check this  the iax file
14:22.22kaldemarmoneer: did you at any point dump incoming packets to port 4569 when you try to call using the soft phone?
14:22.48moneerno i didn't because i don't know how
14:25.26moneerthis is the sip.conf
14:26.08moneerd-fender: this is the extensions.conf
14:26.36moneerd-fender: is that ok?
14:28.10jzawnat=yes             ; assume device is behind NAT
14:28.21jzawis the client behind nat compared to the server?
14:28.34jzawor vica versa
14:28.34[TK]D-Fendermoneer, Ok, I've said this several times and it doesn't seem to be sinking in...
14:28.41moneerjzaw: no it is not
14:28.44[TK]D-Fendermoneer, If * gets no packets then it's not *'s fault
14:29.01jzawwhat [TK]D-Fender said ^^^^
14:29.23moneerD-fender: ok then u think the softphone has a problem
14:29.31[TK]D-Fendermoneer, You don't seem to be checking your networking, you  seem to say you DIDN'T change the port your softphone uses (you said you couldn't).  I expect failure.
14:29.39[TK]D-Fenderyour setup has issues.
14:29.54[TK]D-FenderDoesn't matter which end changes but you are not making them fit.
14:30.29[TK]D-FenderAnd I'm tired of going over the same point repeatedly on this.
14:30.38moneerD-Fender: what is the default port for iax server?
14:30.40[TK]D-Fendergoes to work on other matters
14:30.51jzawi posted that above
14:31.28moneerok guys i knew i'm newbei in this
14:31.36moneeri have to check it further
14:31.47moneerany way thnaks for your help and your time
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14:41.06kaldemarmoneer: asterisk listens on port 4569 for IAX2 by default.
14:42.01moneerkaldemar: thanks for that, and 5060 for sip right?
14:42.55moneerwhat is the best ubuntu iax2 softphone
14:51.59*** join/#asterisk r0m|u (
14:52.50p3nguinFucking storms... blew up a bunch of important things.
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14:57.19plundraHmm, what's exit code 135? Grepping through the source I can't really find anything.
14:57.58*** join/#asterisk Cadey (5a9804ea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:58.24plundraBecause asterisk just died using/with that. (And imeditaly got started again by upstart, thankfully). But I'd like to know the cause, because it came out of nowhere.
14:59.04CadeyHI guys, does asterisk use a SIP notify to update the callerID when a call is transfered (Attended). I have seen this issue with Aastra 57i phones but it also present in using Cisco SPA200 range SIP phones
15:00.30r0m|up3nguin: that sucks
15:00.50r0m|ua storm came by here two weeks ago and did some crazy damage
15:01.16r0m|up3nguin: I still have my old job just moving up to bigger and better things
15:01.49r0m|usoing the same thing with very little pay race just really does not cut it
15:02.19p3nguinFatality count so far: two switches, one NIC, one phone, one TV, one light bulb, and possibly one UPS battery.
15:02.53r0m|up3nguin: damn :(
15:03.19r0m|up3nguin: something similar happen to me. the lightning came threw the comcast line and zapped everything connected to the network.
15:03.41WIMPyThat's the good thing about being in the middle of the city.
15:03.48r0m|ufrom TV's to systems and such.
15:05.28p3nguinThe good thing about being in the city is that I get lightning?
15:06.58*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
15:07.04p3nguinThe lightning hit and it sounded like my big rifle.
15:07.22p3nguinThe crack was so sharp.
15:10.04p3nguinI assume you are familiar with the crack from a supersonic round.
15:10.45*** join/#asterisk Faustov (madrid@gentoo/user/faustov)
15:11.29WIMPyHere on a block in another part of the town, people had nice sound effects a few weeks back.
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15:12.10WIMPyWhen engeneers for the electricity provider tried to find a faul by using 3kv test voltage and forgot to disconnect the households first.
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15:26.03p3nguinI'm still not sure how it got into my stuff with surge protectors on everything.
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15:48.36beekp3nguin: You need to have multiple surge protectors.   Start at the service with a meterbase mounted one.  Add one for the panel.  Then put individuals on the more sensitive devices.
15:50.14p3nguinWould a surge protector at the meter loop be something the power company would need to provide?
15:53.09p3nguinIt's very irritating that the surge ran across the Ethernet cable.  It killed two switches, the jack on a Cisco phone, and a NIC.
15:53.34p3nguinAnd that's just what I have found so far.  I haven't tested all connected equipment yet.
15:54.15ketassurge protectors are fscking expensive
15:54.35ketasWIMPy: wtf?!
15:54.39WIMPyI'd rather ask how it cam in to the ethernet cable.
15:55.15ketasthen don't be suprised
15:55.29p3nguinIt could have gotten onto the ethernet cable through any of the electronics connected to either switch.
15:55.41p3nguincomputers, phones, print servers
15:55.48beekp3nguin: They come in two flavors... one that the power company installs via pulling the meter, plugging it in and then seating the meter into it.  Another option is to have an electrician install one on the load side of the meter.
15:56.11beekp3nguin: You probably already know this but surge protectors are one-shot devices.
15:56.26p3nguinIn a building that I do not own, I'd guess the power company's protector would be the way to go.
15:56.44ketasbeek: some have changeable elements
15:56.49beekAnd they only are capable of taking so much power.
15:56.51ketasbeek: but basically yes
15:56.53beekketas: True.
15:56.58beekworks for a power company.
15:57.17p3nguinIf it just has a varistor in it, I can change those if they blow.
15:57.33p3nguinSo far, I haven't found any blown out surge protectors.
15:57.37*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
15:57.52beekketas: Not really.   His equipment got fried instead.
15:58.06ketaswith surge protectors?
15:58.11p3nguinI'd rather replace a surge protector or the components in them as opposed to hundreds of dollars worth of equipment.
15:58.25[TK]D-FenderThank God the bullet-proof vest is unmarred!  Johnny's face however....
15:58.31ketasyou had surge protector on every ethernet port?
15:58.40ketason every device on EVERY port
15:58.46beek[TK]D-Fender is in good form today.
15:59.05p3nguinI didn't have a surge protector on any ethernet port, but I did have it on all electrical equipment.
15:59.27WIMPyAnd what about telco lines?
15:59.32p3nguinI have none.
15:59.33beekDepending on where the lightning hit you also have the potential for high induced voltages.
15:59.45ketaswait, what are your external lines
15:59.49p3nguinIt struck very close by.
15:59.51ketasbesides power
15:59.58p3nguinJust power.
16:00.06beekAnd cable?
16:00.09p3nguinWait, power and cable.
16:00.20ketasdid cable had surge protector
16:00.27p3nguinBut the modems are not harmed.
16:00.40ketasbut did it have one?
16:00.41*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
16:00.50p3nguinI didn't have suppressors on the coax.  I kind of left that up to the cable company.
16:01.01ketassurge may as well go through the devices
16:01.12ketasthey can fail later, mysteriously
16:04.05ketasif you have somewhat expensive equipment, maybe you can find way to bind (i mean virtually) at least all external lines together
16:04.11ketasmight keep damage on edge
16:04.51*** join/#asterisk awclin (~alinford@
16:05.08ketaslightning once strike close to my home, i heard some snap around house and adsl link went down
16:05.21ketasit had one of those fine weak protectors on
16:05.36beekTo top it off, if your grounds aren't bonded together like ketas said then you can get ground loops.  They can be really nasty when you are dealing with the power of a lightning strike.
16:05.40ketasmaybe it helped and no damage was done to anything
16:06.09ketasi mean, everything still works
16:07.22ketasp3nguin: is coax ground connected to power ground?
16:07.33p3nguinI have no idea.
16:07.55ketasit's often connected to ground and sometimes even required
16:07.58p3nguinI would imagine that the coax ground is the earth outside.
16:08.28ketasis power and coax overhead?
16:08.58p3nguinEverything is underground.
16:09.47ketasthat can help but is no guarantee on lightning cases
16:12.57coppicesometimes you find your protectors intact.... but they've landed two streets away :-)
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16:22.13akrohnI have a cell phone that calls a DID on my asterisk box. the auto attendant answers and forwards the call to another cell phone. is there any way I can get asterisk to drop out of the middle of that call once it's connected?
16:23.09beekI'm thinking not.
16:24.16Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix plz???
16:24.24beekwaves to Katty
16:24.29olliirepeat this step until it works
16:24.38Kattyhugs beek
16:24.44Kattyollii: what is reboot?!??
16:24.52WIMPyKatty: Use a bigger hammer.
16:24.53olliiplug off the ac cord
16:25.01Kattywhat is ac cord?!
16:25.04Kattyand how to plug off???
16:25.05*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
16:25.09WIMPyakrohn: How do you get the call and how do you send it out again?
16:26.09olliigrab your hand around the black cord and pull so hard till its out
16:26.11Kattytelnet ^___________________^
16:26.11Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
16:26.15akrohnWIMPy, i send it out using our macros that eventually do a Dial()... not sure what you mean by 'how do i get it'
16:26.16KattyNugget: i love you.
16:26.32fenrusKatty, neat. :D
16:26.34Kattyor telnet -t if you're on winders.
16:26.40[TK]D-FenderKatty, I was about to copy that to your wall post :)
16:26.58WIMPyakrohn: What technology are you using?
16:27.06Kattyi have to figure out where that came from
16:27.08Kattyi bet it was from reddit
16:27.16*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
16:27.20p3nguinMaybe I should take this opportunity to upgrade my 7960 to a 7970, and then replace the blown up 7940 with my retired 7960.
16:27.50*** part/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
16:28.10akrohnWIMPy, the * box does everything in SIP. our core voip router handles our PRIs
16:28.19*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
16:29.02p3nguinAnyone here using a Cisco 7970?
16:29.17WIMPyakrohn: So if that core voip router knows reinvites, you can at least get rid of the media stream.
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16:31.48akrohnfascinating WIMPy. I'm going to check that out
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16:39.39CadeyHi guys, with asteriskNow how do you setup a digium PRI card, I have ran dahdi_test, dahdi_scan etc and i can see teh card
16:40.00Cadeybut I have no idea how to actualy get the links up?
16:40.44olliidahdi_genconf could be a start
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16:41.51anglerCadey, you may want to ask in the #asterisknow channel.
16:43.23[TK]D-FenderI don't believe genconf has a clue on how to set up digital cards....
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16:48.10Cadeydahdi_genconf does nothing
16:48.22Cadeyjust drops me back to a command line
16:48.27Cadeywith no errors
16:49.46WIMPyThen try dahdi_cfg -v
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16:51.11anglermalcolmd, howdy
16:52.46Cadeythat output the channels
16:57.05WIMPyIs there any config option I didn;t find for chan_dahdi that enables it to recogize keypad infos?
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17:28.56jrbaldwinwhat is the best /cheapest way to add a sms gateway to a local server, so users can send / receive text updates  to the server (via python + sql)
17:32.50[TK]D-Fenderjrbaldwin, Something that has nothing to do with *
17:34.59jrbaldwin[TK]D-Fender: ah sorry, but i didn't know where to you think a shell based sms gateway be achieved with a gsm usb modem and kannel software or?
17:36.23*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
17:36.32WindBackHi, I have a spa942 phone. When I leave the call forwarded from this phone, I'm receiving a 302 Moved Temporaly message in Asterisk. Then I see a local channel doing the call to the forwarded destination. Is there any way to know from the dial plan the channel who originates the call forwading (in this case the SPA942)?
17:39.34[TK]D-FenderWindBack, Highly doubt it, but take a look at the ${BLINDTRANSFER} var.  They might have tacked it on in there...
17:42.41WindBack[TK]D-Fender: thanks, I will look it
17:44.38Nuggethuggles Katty
17:58.41QwellNugget: hey, guess what
18:10.27*** join/#asterisk oliver1 (
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18:12.52WindBack[TK]D-Fender: The  ${BLINDTRANSFER} variable doesnt contain that information
18:13.15WindBack[TK]D-Fender: There is no varible to get that information.
18:15.06WindBack[TK]D-Fender: I want that information. because some people leave the phone forwareded to the mobile Phone and they want the forwareded call with the CID of their extensions
18:15.48[TK]D-FenderWindBack, Then tell them to stop doig it at the phone level and do it in the dialplan instead.
18:16.32*** part/#asterisk jaskew (
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18:16.56WindBack[TK]D-Fender: Do you mean to stop doing the call forwarding in the phone a to do in the dialplan?
18:17.19[TK]D-FenderFunny that looks exactly like what I just said :)
18:17.35NuggetQwell: what's up?
18:17.44Qwellnothing, just playing with telnet
18:17.55WindBack[TK]D-Fender: I
18:18.12WindBack[TK]D-Fender: Yes, I thought that posibility.. Thanks
18:18.17WIMPyTelnet? Wasn't that evil?
18:18.50WIMPyDoing diversions on a terminal is a pretty stupid idea anyway.
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18:24.04elperepatHi! I'm new here... Just reinstalled asterisk in my home server and have a problem with the "system" command in my extensions.conf. Anybody wanna help?
18:26.49p3nguincore show application System
18:27.00p3nguin(from the Asterisk CLI)
18:28.14elperepatYes, I know the basics, and copied/pasted a few examples fron the net. Here's what I have in my extensions:
18:28.24elperepatSystem(/usr/bin/wget -O /dev/null "http://galaxy/asterisk/inboundCall.php?number=${CALLERID(num)}&name=${CALLERID(name)}")
18:29.15p3nguinAnd the problem with that is what?
18:29.22elperepatThe problem I have is that the dialplan hangs at that line and wget sits in my processes.
18:29.48elperepatit does not return. However, if I execute this command from the shell, it runs smoothly
18:31.38p3nguinWould it help to background it and continue on, even if the command did not succeed?
18:31.53*** join/#asterisk DanFromUK (~IceChat77@
18:32.32elperepatYes and no: the command should succeed, but indeed, if I use TrySystem, the dialplan continues, but wget never run successfully
18:32.49DanFromUKHi all, I'm currently running two separate asterisk boxes (one main, one backup). Is there any way to run them live, together, and still allow call transfer, internal calls etc...?
18:33.10DanFromUKthey are in different datacentres.
18:34.37p3nguinAssuming you are running asterisk as the user 'asterisk', can the asterisk user execute /usr/bin/wget?
18:34.54elperepatthat's a good question. How could I test that?
18:34.58elperepatsu asterisk ?
18:35.09p3nguinAnd can it successfully resolve the host 'galaxy'?
18:35.52elperepatit can resolve correctly because I can run this command myslelf...
18:35.57elperepatsu asterisk
18:35.57elperepatThis account is currently not available.
18:36.12elperepatHow can I run a command from an other user from shell?
18:37.10p3nguinasterisk user should not have a good shell, so that's not going to work.
18:37.31elperepatsudo -u seems to work. give my 30 seconds to test...
18:37.35p3nguinYou could set a shell for asterisk and then su asterisk.
18:38.57jzawDanFromUK: thats the whole point of IAX .... inter asterisk exchange
18:39.05elperepatsudo -u asterisk wget -O /dev/null "http://galaxy/asterisk/inboundCall.php?number=1234567890&name=asdfasdf"
18:39.05elperepatreturned correctly
18:39.20elperepat2012-01-17 13:38:37 (2.55 MB/s) - `/dev/null' saved [229/229]
18:39.44jzawDanFromUK: and your dial plans will take care of routing
18:40.07jzawif busy ... route to other box etc
18:41.17DanFromUKjzaw: So to call a user with sip peer name of 'SIPJohn', I would do a Dial to SIP/SIPJohn,SIP/SIPJohn@Server2    ?
18:42.37[TK]D-FenderDanFromUK, No, you dial a number at the other server.  You can't dial it's devices directly.
18:42.46[TK]D-FenderDanFromUK, Dialplan = all
18:42.51DanFromUKAh, ok
18:43.00jzawive got two boxes
18:43.14jzawall the numbers  of the extensions on one are 2xxx
18:43.21jzawand all the numbers on the other are 3xxxx
18:43.38DanFromUKIs there any point implementing OpenSER?
18:45.05[TK]D-FenderDanFromUK, For you?  Who knows.
18:45.21[TK]D-FenderDanFromUK, State a need and we'll stats the means.
18:45.48DanFromUKIts a small hosted pbx platform for a handful of companies
18:46.19DanFromUKI need it to be highly available.
18:46.23jzawalso DanFromUK look up how to use dundi ... nice way to call each other on different boxes
18:46.34[TK]D-FenderDUNDi != HA
18:47.09DanFromUKHow do you load balance the remote sipphones between the boxes? DNS entries?
18:47.15[TK]D-FenderFood for thought
18:47.36DanFromUKSaw that page, but its not changed for a long time.
18:47.36[TK]D-FenderdnfNow you'er entering into OpenSER territory...
18:48.07[TK]D-FenderRound-robin DNS, SIP proxy for enpoint, limiting what roles * has in your routing & processing, etc.
18:50.10*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
18:52.17DanFromUKThanks for your help. I'll try it out.
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19:10.27krotoshi all :)
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19:12.00krotosi've got two account on the same provider ( same ip, same port)  the configuration is register + peer (type= friend, insecure=port,invite) and incoming call fall into the last peer declared in sip.conf. I'know that if i change port ( and my provider support another port for signaling) i can solve the problem
19:12.33krotosbut in this case, my provider offer only port 5060 for signaling, so i dont see a good solution for this
19:20.40p3nguin"UNKNOWN NAME" <unavailable>
19:20.45p3nguinGee, that's useful.
19:21.22p3nguinWhat is the file and the location of the settings configured by make menuselect?
19:23.32p3nguinI guess menuselect.makeopts in the main src dir, but what about menuselect.makedeps, menuselect-tree, and the menuselect directory?
19:27.55*** join/#asterisk hackeron (~hackeron@gentoo/user/hackeron)
19:30.51p3nguinDo I just need to copy over menuselect.makedeps and menuselect.makeopts?
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19:33.36hudonyhi there : using asterisk with cisco spa504G and when speaking, there is no "comfort noise", just like VAD (and CNG was deactivated) was activated but it is not
19:33.40sereal-workHello, i'm having a strange problem with trunking to a broadsoft system. I can dial certain numbers, like what appears to be extensions inside the PBX there, but dialing numbers outside the PBX simply hang. I had thought it was a issue with broadsoft but registering a softphone works fine.
19:34.31sereal-workHas anyone had similar issues with broadsoft systems? I figured out I need to set callerid - which allowed me to dial what I think are extensions inside the broadsoft pbx.
19:34.54*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
19:36.31p3nguinOh, I see something about this in the book.  Maybe that will help me.
19:38.55edwin_quijadai have a T1 working but now it card dowsnt sync with my telco. I have a Red alarm , change the cable and check everything but can not sync with telco. I am using dahdi and 1.4.38
19:39.20edwin_quijadathere is an app to run a diagnostic ?
19:39.41edwin_quijadaI use lspci -vv and the card is here and it blink in red
19:41.15p3nguinIt indicates that I would only need to copy menuselect.makeopts.  I guess I should forget about menuselect.makedeps.
19:41.42edwin_quijadaany idea where continue ?
19:44.37Kattywhy do i always turn into a zombie around 2
19:45.21WIMPyedwin_quijada: Either you've got a configuration issue at a very low level, i.e. dahdi/system.conf or you don't have connectivity.
19:45.40p3nguinWhat's the deal with .asterisk.makeopts that I found in a mailing list thread?  "you now should have a"
19:45.44p3nguinfile called menuselect.makeopts. Copy this file to your $HOME but
19:46.21p3nguin"you now should have a file called menuselect.makeopts. Copy this file to your $HOME but make sure it's called .asterisk.makeopts"
19:47.17Kattymaybe it requires a nap
19:47.21Kattyit is 2 afterall
19:48.01p3nguinStill have 12 minutes until 2pm.
19:48.14edwin_quijadaWIMPy: Conectivity I have
19:49.06edwin_quijadarespect a dahdi/system.conf i check again and I didnt see anything weird
19:49.18edwin_quijadaI can post dahdi/system.conf
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19:49.58WIMPyYou have to find out if it fits your line.
19:56.15[TK]D-Fendersereal-work, Provide actual configs & call debug for us to look at.
19:59.46sereal-work[TK]D-Fender, i'm trying to find what is actually useful. my configs are very similar to
20:00.16[TK]D-Fendersereal-work, "similar" is of no help.  We need to see actual configs and actual debug/
20:00.59sereal-workwell for sip.conf mine is exactly that except I have outboundproxy and my own sip data.
20:01.14sereal-work"failed to extend from 1024 to 1321" is the weird thing i'm getting in the logs.
20:01.53Kattyp3nguin: :<
20:01.55sereal-workit hangs on the call, doing nothing, the phone i'm calling doesn't ring, and I finally get "No one is available to answer at this time (1:0/0/0)"
20:02.49p3nguin14:02 ... Now you may nap.
20:03.15sereal-work- Executing [9999@from-sip:1] Set("SIP/test-000000df", "CALLERID(all)=1234567890") in new stack
20:07.04Kattyinfobot: nap?
20:07.04infobotnap is probably a command line napster client, at , also check out, or is now open source finally, or you may want to try TekNap instead
20:07.20Kattyinfobot: why u no have proper entry for nap?!
20:07.20infobotwhy not?
20:07.40Kattyinfobot: fail.
20:07.44Kattyinfobot: yes.
20:07.45infobotrumour has it, yes is the opposite of no
20:07.47*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
20:09.01Kattyo/~ rumor has it! o/~
20:09.53[TK]D-Fendersereal-work, You need to look at complete calls WITH SIP debug.
20:10.05[TK]D-Fendersereal-work, Just dialplan apps won';t prove what's going from A to B
20:10.35Kattyso i have this 87 page pdf i have to read
20:10.41Kattydocumentation to a new product..
20:11.14edwin_quijadathyis is my dahdi/system.conf
20:11.44Kattyputs document on head, hopes for osmosis
20:14.29edwin_quijadathis is the system.conf and dahdi_scan
20:14.29*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
20:14.35[TK]D-Fenderedwin_quijada, If you're connecting to the telco, then they should be providing timing.  should be span=1,1,0 not span 1,0,0
20:15.17*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
20:15.29edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: Ok, let me do this change even I had it before :-/
20:15.40edwin_quijadaI need restart the dahdi ?
20:15.49edwin_quijadaor asterisk >?
20:18.13Kattyinfobot: blacklist
20:18.13infobotIn etch, lenny and sid, create/edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local and add a line similar to this (without quotes): \"blacklist module_name\".  IMPORTANT: ask about <blacklist-initramfs>.  For sarge ask me about <blacklist sarge>.  To blacklist a module at installation time, ask me about <installer blacklist>.
20:18.32Kattythat's not what i mean
20:19.44Kattywho can i bribe into pastebinning me a blacklist example
20:19.49Kattyhow to add one, from the CLI
20:20.01Kattyfor i am lazy
20:20.06edwin_quijada[TK]D-Fender: I change the line but nothing happens. I need to restart something?
20:20.08Kattyand have the 2 oclock zombies
20:20.43WIMPyedwin_quijada: dahdi_cfg
20:21.00ChannelZrestart it all
20:21.30ChannelZstop asterisk, restart DAHDI, start asterisk
20:21.42[TK]D-FenderediYes, * & dahdi completely
20:21.46*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@unaffiliated/davlefou)
20:22.38p3nguinWhy do these IDIOTS sell IP phones on ebay without handsets?  Like handsets aren't a crucial part of the phone or something?
20:23.02WIMPyNot if you have headsets.
20:23.12*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
20:24.10p3nguinSo you use a phone base with an empty handset cradle when you use a headset?
20:24.38p3nguinThey came from the factory with handsets.
20:24.38edwin_quijadaWIMPy: this is
20:24.41WIMPyNo, but it wouldn't really make a difference.
20:24.44jzawwhich ip phone maybe id like one ?
20:25.53WIMPyedwin_quijada: It's loaded ok. Now do dahdi and your telco like each other?
20:26.54*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
20:33.45p3nguin_corey_: Do you use any CP-7970G phones?
20:34.18_Corey_p3nguin: I think I have a customer with a few live ones.  i have a few in a cabinet down in our lab
20:34.43p3nguinI was just wondering if there is any issue with them and Asterisk.  I'd be using SCCP.
20:34.54edwin_quijadaWIMPy: Now, I have alarm from my telco DS1 and ALM
20:35.00_Corey_p3nguin: I think we've used both SCCP and SIP without incident
20:35.08edwin_quijadaI dont have alarm from asterisk
20:36.19p3nguinLightning wiped out the Ethernet port on a 7940 I have, so I was thinking of retiring my 7960 to replace that burned phone and getting myself a 7970.
20:36.45p3nguinI can't decide.  It's an extra expense, so I may wait... I still have two switches and a NIC to replace, too.
20:37.28_Corey_p3nguin: I'm told they weren't the easiest to image from SCCP to SIP and that there were some MWI quirks with SIP.  If you're still running SCCP that'd probably be smoother
20:37.55_Corey_p3nguin: If you want something colorful that's nice, I've had one of the new Polycom VVX500s on my desk for a couple weeks
20:38.10_Corey_They're like $250 or something like that
20:39.45p3nguinAs much as a want a fancy phone, I should probably save the money and replace the 7940 with a spare 7940.
20:40.02p3nguins/a /I /
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21:03.14SupYoshiHey can someone help me with my error in CLI? I get this when I try to make a call
21:07.03SupYoshiSo how do I fix it? NOT? :P
21:07.39SupYoshior should I provide the outfit there???
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21:25.45pigpenI have a taboo question:  Using asterisk 1.8.7 and an Audiocodes FXO:  If the telco has call waiting setup on the line, can it be utilized by the asterisk/audiocdes worth a dam.
21:26.03pigpenI have always avoided call waiting as it never really had a place in business IMHO.
21:26.27pigpenMy gut tells me, disable call waiting on the line, then pickup a second line.
21:26.37WIMPyAsterisk can't do such things.
21:26.44pigpenBut I would like to hear from your gut.  ;-)
21:26.53pigpenWIMPy, yeah, I have never heard of it.
21:26.58WIMPyWhich is one of the biggest issues IMHO.
21:27.13pigpenso the Audiocodes -might-, but Asterisk, no.
21:27.41WIMPyDon't know about the Audiocodes, but probably not.
21:28.15WIMPyThat's not easily done on POTS.
21:28.49*** join/#asterisk Nasga (
21:29.23pigpenyeah, I am on the same line of thought.  But before I said, "no" I figured I would at least get some opinions.
21:31.20*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
21:33.48_Corey_pigpen: Sounds like a mess... :)  I think you'd be able to rig something on DAHDI trunks but the implementation would involve users doing something to trigger the Flash() application when they hear the beep
21:34.31pigpenNa, not a big deal.  It is one location out of 380 that has this.  Easy enough to say, "ah, no."
21:35.01_Corey_the least ugly solution would probably involve features.conf and some kind of inband-dtmf triggered thing but, imho a mess
21:35.06pigpenIf the cookie can't be cut the same, then it doesn't need to be cut.
21:35.15pigpenyeah, not going there.
21:39.42SupYoshiugh -.-
21:39.46SupYoshisutpid ubuntu bug
21:40.06SupYoshilolz whatever i hate it
21:40.15SupYoshi=/ i cant call now makes everything totally useless
21:40.26navaismohate the distro packages
21:41.08navaismouse the sources/"may the source be with you"
21:43.46*** join/#asterisk infobot (
21:43.46*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.0.0 (2011/12/15), (2011/12/30), dahdi-linux (2011/10/21), dahdi-tools (2011/10/21), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
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22:10.36cuscofound something weird today
22:11.10cuscoa bit from full log file
22:12.01eZzmanager set debug off and forget about this
22:12.26eZzlooks like this is a regular attack to ami
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22:58.58doughm, since ugprading to a newer asterisk, i don't get caller id on my phone no mores
22:59.46dougthat is, i don't see callerid when i get an incoming call
23:00.44navaismopstn callerid or internal callerid?
23:00.48dougat least not on the iax smartphone i'm using
23:00.53dougnavaismo: either
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23:01.55navaismoweird in the internal case, what do you see? "Asterisk" only
23:03.32dougwhich may be what the softphone fills in
23:03.43navaismodo you use conf files and set the callerid in the sip.conf?
23:03.59dougyup (or iax.conf)
23:04.48navaismoiax2 show peer <peer> show the right callerid?
23:06.15Nuggetpfft that can't be real.  Surely "Your Mama" is a 900 number.
23:07.43*** join/#asterisk lanning (
23:12.23dougi run a nonprofit sex line
23:13.00doughm, how's the iax part make calls?
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23:23.49doughm, a little lower level than i was thinking.
23:24.23dougi was wondering more how the generic asterisk call switching stuff interfaced with the iax routines to place the calls to my softphone
23:25.40navaismoyour phone has an IP addres the asterisk contact that IP addres asking for your peer and send the call to it
23:26.19dougi'm really wondering what the call stack looks like when a call is placed
23:26.28dougcuz i figure caller id will flow through the arguments there
23:26.58dougalthough actually, navaismo, i'd guess that asterisk doesn't contact the ip address, but rather triggers a channel.
23:27.17navaismoiax2 set debug peer <peer>
23:27.21dougit doesn't have inbound access to my softphone, so it'll have to rely on an existing tcp session that was initiated from the smartphone side earlier
23:27.22navaismoto see the call details
23:27.34dougcool, i'll try that.
23:28.05douglooks like i was about 6 months behind the current tip of svn, so i'm recompiling now.
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23:43.34devcoderhows it going everyone
23:44.04devcoderwhy is that?
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23:44.27WIMPyIt's called "life".
23:44.36devcoderyeah i hear ya there
23:45.15devcoderso anyone deal with registration of a soft phone running on a cellphone over verizon to a natter asterisk box?
23:45.53dougthat's two natted endpoints?
23:46.18devcoderi get it to work actually, but keep getting a error about a critical packet then hangs up, even thought i have two way audio communication working
23:46.37devcoderafter about 30 or so seconds that is
23:46.55devcodertrying to figure out if i need to open up a port on the firewall or what
23:49.19dougcould try it.  that's the first thing i'd do.
23:49.46dougurgh, ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to restore read format on '%s'\n", chan->name);
23:49.57dougi guess struct ast_channel doesn't have a name field any longer
23:50.26devcoder[Jan 17 19:04:14] WARNING[26886]: chan_sip.c:3622 retrans_pkt: Retransmission timeout reached on transmission 7V-wMBrs39Rk4DSE65AheBGYcaXQlDk--S for seqno 5985 (Critical Response) -- See
23:50.26devcoderPacket timed out after 63937ms with no response
23:50.26devcoder[Jan 17 19:04:14] WARNING[26886]: chan_sip.c:3651 retrans_pkt: Hanging up call 7V-wMBrs39Rk4DSE65AheBGYcaXQlDk--S - no reply to our critical packet (see
23:50.56dougchan->__do_not_use_name, nice.
23:51.18navaismodevcoder: do you set the: externhost/externip, localnet, and the peers involved as NAT=yes?
23:51.36devcoderyes i did
23:53.13navaismosip debug will be usefull
23:53.42dougso i guess we're up to now?
23:55.13devcoderi will try that, always fun looking threw that

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