IRC log for #asterisk on 20120111

00:00.10leifmadsen1.4 -> 1.8 migration, dialplan and configuration review, and other feature development
00:01.27citywokthat sounds like fun :p
00:01.29*** join/#asterisk Smirker (
00:02.19Smirkerhey hey. is there any way to set a SIP header in an Asterisk call file? i'm trying to set up auto-answer on the first leg of the call.
00:02.42leifmadsenSIP_HEADER() ?
00:02.47citywokSmirker: i use SIPAddHeader(Call-Info:<sip:>\;answer-after=0)
00:02.52leifmadsenor SipAddHeader()
00:03.00leifmadsencitywok: well played
00:03.07Smirkerthanks. but in a call file?
00:03.17citywokoh, no idea, i don't use call file's.  i originate via AMI
00:03.47citywokleifmadsen: :D
00:04.11Smirkerah okay. i think that's what i'll have to do! thanks
00:04.32citywokleifmadsen: who do you work for now?
00:04.40leifmadsencitywok: CoreDial
00:04.42citywokSmirker: i'm sure it can be done via call files, i just have no use for them
00:05.16Smirkerthere seems to be no parameter for it :(
00:06.03citywokah, well, then do it in the dialplan the callfile calls
00:06.38Smirkerafaik, the 'Channel' paramater acts as a Dial() command in the call file. once it has been answered, the dialplan executes.
00:06.57[TK]D-FenderSo choose a better Channel
00:06.59Smirkerunless there's a way to specify headers as a paramater in a Dial command, but i haven't discovered such thing
00:07.02citywoki dial the internal leg of the call via local/extension@internal-auto-answer and the context takes care of the sipheader.
00:07.11citywokSmirker: i think you are looking for local channels
00:07.28Smirkerah :) this sounds promising
00:08.01leifmadsenLocal channels are FTW
00:11.08citywokwhat's a local channel?
00:11.29leifmadsena very close channel
00:11.47citywokwhat's a private channel?
00:11.47leifmadsenthere are also international and long-distance channels, but those cost money
00:11.59leifmadsencitywok: private channel is like a private cloud
00:12.19citywokwhat's a private cloud?
00:12.29leifmadsenyou don't even want to know
00:12.39citywokwhat's an i don't even want to know?
00:12.45citywokokay, i'm done
00:12.55WIMPyleifmadsen: That reads as if you're writing about cause locations :-)
00:14.09WIMPyWhich reminds me that such a variable might be quite usefull.
00:18.22Smirkercitywok: thanks, local channels rock :) works perfectly
00:18.41Smirkeri think i'll be abusing local channels hereafter
00:21.20leifmadsenSmirker: lots of people tend to once they figure out how to use them
00:22.22citywokSmirker: yw, and yes, as leifmadsen said, they do get heavily abused so to speak
00:23.04leifmadsencheck out Asterisk: The Definitive Guide for a neat find-me-follow-me usage of Local channels to scatter timeouts for Dial()
00:23.19citywokhaha self plugging eh!?!? :p
00:23.24leifmadsenmaybe :)
00:23.30leifmadsenbook is free, so hey :)
00:24.07leifmadsenya that
00:24.30citywoki forgot my trailing /, i wonder if you could correct that. lol
00:25.05citywokapparently not :(
00:25.24leifmadsenno escaping I guess
00:25.28citywokyea, sad panda
00:25.34leifmadsenthat could get a bit crazy
00:25.39leifmadseninfinite loops ftw? :)
00:25.43citywokoh god
00:27.50*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:46.03seanbrightso i have a server with some polycoms registered to it and mwi works fine
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00:46.18seanbrighti have a secondary server connected to the first with iax2
00:46.37seanbrightthere is a phone registered to that server (also a polycom) that shares an 'extension' with the phones on the first server
00:46.58seanbrightand i would like mwi to work there as well, except looking at the first server
00:47.20citywokeww distributed stuff... over my head!
00:48.12leifmadsenseanbright: I think you need distributed device state -- look at ais.conf
00:48.22leifmadsenit'll handle the mwi transfer amongst servers
00:49.07leifmadsenotherwise you'll need to subscribe to MWI from another server using SIP directly
00:49.24seanbrighti thought ais was only good for high speed connections
00:49.34seanbrightthis link is not 'fast'
00:49.36leifmadsenseanbright: it is, so you need XMPP if they are further distributed
00:49.45leifmadsenor... via sip.conf:
00:49.53leifmadsenmwi =>
00:50.01leifmadsenwhich can likely get real messy
00:50.32leifmadsenso ya, you need the xmpp distributed device state stuff it sounds like
00:50.48leifmadsenI'm not aware of a way to distribute it over the IAX2 connection
00:51.32WIMPyDoes IAX have MWi support at all?
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00:53.19seanbrightleifmadsen: what conf file i am looking for with the xmpp mojo?
00:54.03seanbrightthank you, sir.
00:54.26leifmadsenseanbright: np!
00:54.35leifmadsenand now I'm done working for the evening and will go watch TV with my lovely wife
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01:06.21*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
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01:08.42SeRip3nguin: I started the porting process
01:11.16p3nguinIt will probably go quickly.  I know my last one did.
01:38.56*** join/#asterisk worstadmin (
01:39.45worstadminDoes anyone know a service I can SIP link my asterisk with and provides a pstn number for people to dial in on?
01:40.08worstadminI'd like to create a bridge that is cell phone and soft client reachable (you know, assuming the phoen isnt using voip)
01:40.25infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
01:40.47worstadminAny particular one you guys prefer?
01:41.10p3nguinI use primarily.
01:41.36*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:42.25infobotdid is, like, Direct Inward Dialing, or just a phone number
01:42.44infobot[sms] Surprise mindsecks!
01:44.03lanningheh... is that like secksting? :)
01:44.33coppiceSimple Minded Statements
01:45.08kaushalI have questions about
01:45.29kaushalso it has both Voice as well as SMS application
01:45.49kaushalI have question about SMS application
01:46.15kaushalI suppose Asterisk cannot handle SMS Application ?
01:46.46kaushalI happen to see
01:47.41kaushalCan i handle incoming and Outgoing SMS in the setup ?
01:47.51kaushalvia * PBX
01:48.14kaushalcorrect me if i am not getting it right
02:16.20Sean-DerWhats the proper way to do an if elseif else?
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02:55.18p3nguinsean-der: You could do it in an AGI or a combination of a couple GotoIf()s.
02:55.44Sean-Derp3nguin, I ended up using GotoIf and had it jump to a context
02:56.03Sean-DerI still miss my brackets though
02:59.46p3nguinWith GotoIf, you can go to a priority/label in the current extension in the current context, a different extension and priority in the current context, or a different context, extension, and priority.
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05:00.42*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
05:01.19LemensTSIf you set CALLERID(name)=something right before you dial out to your sip provider, and it does not show up on the receiving phone, there really is nothing left to do to fix that right
05:07.27kaldemarLemensTS: it's not usually the name part you want to set if you're talking about PSTN.
05:12.49*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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05:44.21LemensTSkaldemar: CALLERID(num) works fine. Im wanting to also set the name.
05:50.15p3nguinIf it is actually relevant to set the name, which is normally discarded by the telco, you set it the same way you set the number only:  Set(CALLERID(all)=Your Name <3145551212>)
05:50.47p3nguinYou could also set the CALLERID(name) and CALLERID(num) separately if you like to complicate things.
05:51.18kaldemarLemensTS: where are you expecting to see the name?
05:52.06p3nguinRemembe that caller id name is looked up by the destination's phone company; caller id name is not something that is transmitted from the source phone like the number is.
06:08.35[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: it is actually...
06:08.48[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: It is also often disregarded, but that is another matter
06:09.04[TK]D-Fenderp3gI've experienced telcos here where I had free reign
06:18.51*** join/#asterisk k-man (~k-man@unaffiliated/k-man)
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07:06.06*** join/#asterisk ven0m (~ven@
07:06.59ven0mHi. I am trying to connect with Xlite to my Asterisk Server. the calls seems to be connec, but there is no audio and the call drops after few seconds. In the console, i get " Retransmission timeout reached on transmission"
07:08.17infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
07:18.48*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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07:40.55schmidtsgood morning
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08:20.35qakhanhi all
08:21.34qakhani am using Digium AEX410P card. i setup an ivr on incoming call, press 1 for manager ext and press 0 for operator
08:22.17qakhanwhen caller press 1 card takes it 11, i noticed it in asterisk cli
08:22.36qakhanis there any DTMF setting for this card?
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08:33.53*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
08:36.24cmendes0101I'm having trouble getting callerid to work when sending a call. Can someone checkout the sip debug and see if anything is not correct. They are allowing that number to be used for callerid.
08:37.08*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~Dovid@
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08:50.15*** join/#asterisk jacc0 (
08:50.29jacc0hi all!! good morning!!
08:51.02jacc0does anyone know if asterisk 10 solves the issue of not being able to do macros 5 levels deep?
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08:51.24jacc0(or 7 levels deep)
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08:56.21kaldemarcmendes0101: your callerid seems to be set to 9095553333.
08:58.20cmendes0101yah the provider said that would work to do a small test but I guess that could be the problem also if they didnt actually allow that. Have to wait till morning to hear back from support but just wanted to see if the rest of the sip appears ok
09:03.05*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (
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09:23.50olliiprinter management in linux mint 12 is a pain -.-
09:37.10*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
09:37.23qakhani am using Digium AEX410P card. i setup an ivr on incoming call, press 1 for manager ext and press 0 for operator
09:37.30qakhanwhen caller press 1 card takes it 11, i noticed it in asterisk cli
09:37.37qakhanis there any DTMF setting for this card?
09:39.51olliirelaxdtmf in chan_dahdi.conf could be your setting
09:46.08kaldemarthat chan_dahdi.conf page should be removed or at least replaced with links to samples for known versions.
09:53.47kaldemarqakhan: how did you verify the 11?
09:54.23kaldemarqakhan: you should enable dtmf debugging in logger.conf for the console line. you'll see what asterisk interprets.
09:57.47*** join/#asterisk assalino (53f49842@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:57.59assalinohey guys
09:58.05assalinowe setup a server running asterisk
09:58.11assalinoand configured it to use google voice
09:58.24assalinonow we have no idea of how to tell asterisk to call a number
09:58.27assalinois it a command line thing?
09:58.35assalinois there a "dial xxx" command?
09:59.29kaldemardepends. if you have chan_oss, chan_alsa or chan_console loaded you can dial with "console dial". otherwise, use a phone or CLI originate.
10:03.03kaldemarthe feature is caller CLI originate. yes, the command is "channel originate ...".
10:12.34*** join/#asterisk assalino (53f49842@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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10:18.28assalinoright, so if I type "console dial"
10:18.35assalino(considering I'm trying to call through google voice
10:18.38assalinothis is what I get:
10:18.39assalino[Jan 11 10:18:06] WARNING[15202]: chan_oss.c:489 setformat: Unable to re-open DSP device /dev/dsp: No such file or directory [Jan 11 10:18:06] NOTICE[15202]: console_video.c:133 console_video_start: voice only, console video support not present  << Console call has been answered >>  [Jan 11 10:18:08] WARNING[15203]: chan_oss.c:489 setformat: Unable to re-open DSP device /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
10:19.15assalinoit says answered, but then I get loads of warnings
10:19.17assalinowith the same message
10:19.25assalinoWARNING[15203]: chan_oss.c:489 setformat: Unable to re-open DSP device /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
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10:24.25kaldemarassalino: looks like you don't have the choice to use "console dial".
10:27.05*** join/#asterisk FlashDeluxe (
10:28.18assalinowhat should I use then?
10:30.24*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
10:30.41FlashDeluxehi@all! i got a problem, i am using chan_capi 1.1.3 and asterisk 1.6.1 and i got two isdn cards with one controller each in the server. Now, if i want to call more than two users at the same time, the call failes :( can somebody help me please? i got my capi.conf and the error messages pasted here:
10:35.39assalinokaldemar, would you recommend any alternative?
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10:41.14kaldemarassalino: cli originate or a phone, like i said.
10:42.29assalinosorry, i had to close and reopen the window
10:42.32assalinoI get: No such command 'cli originate
10:42.51assalinonevermind, I removed the "cli"
10:46.00assalinokaldemar, it's weird though. I already have a dial plan setup. isn't there a way of just executing that dialplan?
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10:54.06jacc0console dial 123@yourcontext
10:54.15jacc0that sould do it for you assalino
10:54.26jacc0or take a look at:
10:54.46assalinohm, let me try
10:54.46jacc0channel originate (not cli originate)
10:55.52jacc0type this at CLI: 'core show help channel originate'
10:56.23assalinoI still get the same chan_oss.c error
10:56.42qakhankaldemar i setup in IVR if anyone press any digit expect 1 and 0 invalid playback run
10:58.19qakhani see in asterisk cli incoming call when call press 1 it shows invalid number "11"
11:02.12kaldemarassalino: sure, "channel originate Local/exten@context ..."
11:03.18kaldemarqakhan: give something real to look at.
11:09.15qakhankaldemar please look at this
11:09.18qakhanExecuting [s@outgoing:1] Answer("DAHDI/2-1", "") in new stack
11:09.46infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
11:09.52kaldemarqakhan: use pastebin next time.
11:10.15kaldemarqakhan: enable dtmf in logger.conf.
11:11.17qakhankaldemar plz tell me how
11:12.19kaldemarwhat is unclear?
11:12.42qakhanthere is no dtmf enable in logger.conf
11:14.05kaldemaredit logger.conf, add ",dtmf" at the end of the line that begins with "console =>" and give command "logger reload" in CLI.
11:15.12qakhani did console => dtmf
11:16.12kaldemardo what i told you. or did you not have a console line in there that had other values?
11:16.37qakhankaldemar sorry i did not get you
11:17.26qakhani added console => dtmf in loger.conf and reload the logger
11:17.35qakhanis it correct?
11:19.35kaldemarif you put it in the right place in the right file and gave the right command, yes. but i have no idea what you did. maybe you editer loger.conf instead of logger.conf or put it in the wrong place or gave a wrong command. who knows.
11:21.07qakhankaldemar i got this
11:21.41qakhan[Jan 11 00:14:47] DTMF[2080]: channel.c:2385 __ast_read: DTMF end '1' received on DAHDI/1-1, duration 0 ms
11:21.41qakhan[Jan 11 00:14:47] DTMF[2080]: channel.c:2440 __ast_read: DTMF end accepted without begin '1' on DAHDI/1-1
11:21.41qakhan[Jan 11 00:14:47] DTMF[2080]: channel.c:2451 __ast_read: DTMF end passthrough '1' on DAHDI/1-1
11:21.42qakhan[Jan 11 00:14:47] DTMF[2080]: channel.c:2385 __ast_read: DTMF end '1' received on DAHDI/1-1, duration 0 ms
11:21.42qakhan[Jan 11 00:14:47] DTMF[2080]: channel.c:2440 __ast_read: DTMF end accepted without begin '1' on DAHDI/1-1
11:21.42qakhan[Jan 11 00:14:47] DTMF[2080]: channel.c:2451 __ast_read: DTMF end passthrough '1' on DAHDI/1-1
11:21.47infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
11:22.18jacc0qakhan: use pastebin for everything more then 3 lines
11:22.36qakhanjacc0 what is pastebin?
11:22.58kaldemarjesus christ. it says what it is right there.
11:22.59jacc0you can past your cli output there
11:24.05qakhanyes kaldemar what happend?
11:24.40qakhanbut caller press 1 only once
11:26.58qakhankaldemar u there?
11:27.03jacc0'duration 0 ms' sounds strange
11:27.54qakhanjacc0 is there card issue?
11:27.57*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
11:28.35jacc0i can not answer that
11:28.42jacc0i have no clue
11:29.09jacc0maybe you should check region settings of your card
11:29.30qakhankaldemar can u answer this
11:31.44kaldemaryou should probably turn off hardware dtmf detection on the card.
11:32.43qakhani just enable relaxdtmf=yes
11:34.56assalinokaldemar, would you happen to know an answer for this?
11:37.07*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@
11:37.42kaldemarassalino: there is no simple answer for that.
11:38.00assalinoI figured
11:38.15assalinoall I really wanted was an API service that would do the job easily
11:40.40kaldemaryou won't be able to do that with a few commands. for the making calls with asterisk, originate is the keyword. start with a softphone. using google voice is climbing a tree ass first.
11:41.11assalinoI actually did that 1st
11:41.23assalinoand I could get the call working
11:41.29assalinobut I was doing softphone to softphone
11:41.35assalinousing asterisk as a server
11:41.51assalinoI figured since that wasn't the way I'd be using it, because I want the server to call the user
11:42.01kaldemarthen learn to use originate with a soft phone.
11:42.03assalinothere was no point in testing softphone to softphone
11:42.17kaldemarif you want to do it from a website, your best choice is probably AMI originate.
11:42.33infobotAMI is the Asterisk Manager Interface, a way to control an Asterisk server (and retrieve information) via a TCP/IP socket. More information is available at and
11:42.45assalinonice, let me have a look at that :)
11:43.23assalinois the AMI an add-on?
11:45.04*** join/#asterisk IsUp (~nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
11:47.10kaldemarassalino: no, it's a core feature. you just need to enable it in manager.conf.
11:47.13*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
11:47.20assalinoright, on it
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11:52.03assalinokaldemar, could I just use the Asterisk GUI instead?
11:53.07*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
11:53.14qakhankaldemar u there
12:01.27kaldemarassalino: it won't do that for you.
12:02.12qakhankaldemar i just enabled relaxdtmf as jacc0 asked me to do that. now i disabled it again
12:02.23qakhanand still i m getting the same issue
12:03.34kaldemarqakhan: ask digium how to disable hardware dtmf detection on the card if that is what causes the duplicates.
12:04.21qakhani am using Digium AEX410P
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12:20.49FluxiFlax2022Hi On  1.4 I had a scrip written to stop calls after 3hrs, I did change the script to use it on 1.8 using hangup. The problem is that on 1.8 I have in core show channels calls in RING and DOWN state for hundreds of hours, I need a command to drop those, is this a bug ? Or did I miss something ..example :
12:21.24*** join/#asterisk irroot (
12:21.28FluxiFlax2022SIP/1xxxxxxx-0 default              20121899638         1 Down    AppDial      (Outgoing Line)           20121899638     762:14:0             1399775991  (None)
12:21.29FluxiFlax2022SIP/xxxxxxxxx default
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12:23.06FluxiFlax2022SIPxxxxxxxxxxxx default              008801817672877     1 Ringing AppDial      (Outgoing Line)           008801817672877 102:24:3
12:23.14skrustyi am trying to connect a channel to ChanSpy using AMI Originate, but i get an error; i suspect this is because ChanSpy requires an answered channel (the source of the originate). Am i right in thinking this?
12:23.15FluxiFlax20221.8.7.1 to be exact
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12:25.17FlashDeluxehi! i got a problem with chan capi and asterisk, i have two isdn cards but only one b channel is used for each card :( does anybody got a suggestion on it? heres my config
12:30.58WIMPyI see both progress and proceeding before the busy. That looks like the call went out and was busy elsewhere.
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12:32.36WIMPyBTW: Are you sure you want the people you call to transfer you somewhere else on your system?
12:36.35FlashDeluxei know, that the call-partner isn`t busy
12:37.20FlashDeluxeand i took a default config, i first want to get everythings working and after that i will configure it better ;)
12:37.23WIMPyEnable more debug.
12:38.15FlashDeluxeok, one second please
12:38.16kaldemarFluxiFlax2022: TIMEOUT(absolute)=10800 will limit all your calls to 3 hours.
12:38.32kaldemarFluxiFlax2022: in an appropriate place in the dialplan ofcourse.
12:39.21FluxiFlax2022kaldemar, will this take care of calls in DOWN and RING state ?
12:40.23kaldemarFluxiFlax2022: everything.
12:46.28skrustydoes anyone know what versions of asterisk currently implement Dynamic parking lots?
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12:47.03skrustyi see a patch has been applied as part of issue 0015135, but not sure how to determine from it which versions of asterisk contain this patch
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12:49.31FlashDeluxeWIMPy: Here we go
12:50.28FluxiFlax2022kaldemar, will it send a BYE to the the caller and properly terminate the call or just cut it on Asterisk ?
12:51.40FlashDeluxeWIMPy and my extensions.conf and sip.conf
12:54.53WIMPyWow. that's pretty unreadable stuff.
12:55.22kaldemarFluxiFlax2022: it will hang up properly.
12:55.44WIMPyBut I see a cahnnel identification (which isn't further decoded unfortunatly) which also suggests that the call has been set up.
12:56.03WIMPyOtherwise that log doesn't contain any additional information.
12:56.38FlashDeluxeok, maybe the call has been set up but why do i get a "busy"
12:56.44WIMPyNo further info on the cause, either.
12:56.59WIMPyI don;t know. Your log doesn't tell.
12:57.51WIMPyDo you have to use CAPI? Support seems a little thin there lately.
12:58.21*** part/#asterisk Ferraz (~Ferraz@
12:58.33FlashDeluxeyes i have to.. :( capi support is very rare, i know
12:59.09WIMPyLook fotr other debugging options.
12:59.42WIMPyMight be easier (cheaper) to get some cheap hardware instead.
13:01.08FlashDeluxeno, its a aserver of one of my customers, i would have to drive to him in order to get the new card into the server
13:01.20FlashDeluxebut maybe its a bug in chan_capi
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13:01.36FlashDeluxei could try the current trunk version
13:02.19WIMPyIt still looks like an external issue to me, but as stated, the Log isn't that informative.
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13:04.09FlashDeluxemhh i will try to find a better debug option
13:04.39ikevin_i've a problem while i try to setup a B410 BRI card (using Dahdi), while i make an outbound or inbound call, people can heard me so i can't heard people (/etc/dahdi/system.conf: , /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf: , /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf: )
13:04.48ikevin_anyone have an idea please?
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13:06.10davlefouis it better to have softphone in iax or sip with en trunk iax ?
13:07.56WIMPyFlashDeluxe: Just out of interest: What kind of card is it?
13:08.35WIMPyikevin: What are you using on the other end? Are you sure that works?
13:09.04WIMPyOne-way audio is extremely unlikely on tdm hardware.
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13:15.43ikevin_WIMPy:  it's connected to 2 T0 france telecom, i've an IPBX panasonic who work fine with it
13:15.53FlashDeluxeWIMPy a primux card from gerdes ag
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13:16.37ikevin_why it's unlikely?
13:17.14WIMPyikevin_: It should be impossible to get on-way audio by misconfiguration.
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13:18.26ikevin_if think i've a configuration problem, so i can't find where
13:18.38WIMPyFlashDeluxe: Not the 4s, by chance?
13:19.28WIMPyikevin_: What are you using on the other end? Have you tried to configure an echo extension and call in to that?
13:20.54ikevin_The card is connected to france telecom network using 2 T0/S0 links, i've made a test with an echotest, that same, i can heard the introduction so echotest won't work
13:21.23ikevin_for the moment i just make test to make an inbound call to an IVR
13:21.44ikevin_(using a SIP trunk work fine with the same IVVR)
13:21.57WIMPyFlashDeluxe: From what I see the Gerdes cards are all HFC-S based. So you shouldn't need CAPI.
13:22.40WIMPyikevin_: Did you Answer() the call?
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13:24.07ikevin_nop, just do: playback => echo => Playback => wait => hangup . i try to add a Answer
13:24.42ikevin_so, if i can heard the playback, that mean the communication is answered?
13:25.11WIMPyNot neccessarily, but unless you use the noanswer option to Playback, it should auto-answer.
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13:27.00ikevin_does dahdi_monitor can help me to know if my problem come from dahdi configuration or asterisk configuration?
13:28.41WIMPyikevin_: It will visualize the audio going in and out.
13:29.18ikevin_ok, and if i've a configuration problem on asterisk i'll see nothing more than asterisk log?
13:29.23WIMPyFluxiFlax2022: Do you use a timeout in your Dials?
13:30.15kaldemarFluxiFlax2022: not really based on what you've said so far.
13:30.27FluxiFlax2022WIMPy, as in TIMEOUT(Dial) ?
13:30.50WIMPyikevin_: I can't imagine how to configure such behaviour.
13:31.03kaldemarFluxiFlax2022: timeout as in this timeout: Dial(Technology/Resource[&Technology2/Resource2[&...]][,timeout[,options[,URL]]])
13:31.21WIMPyFluxiFlax2022: No, Dial(..., timeout)
13:32.11FlashDeluxeWIMPy i need capi, the gerdes cards do have their own proprietary driver + chan_capi
13:32.31FlashDeluxeWIMPy i tested it once with misdn, but i wasn`t very stable
13:32.51ikevin_WIMPy: ok
13:33.32WIMPyFlashDeluxe: That doesn't seem to make sense. It's the standard chip. It should either work or not. But probaly just work.
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13:35.43FlashDeluxeWIMPy i have been a trainee at gerdes ag for three years, i tested it there and it works in general, but as i said it isn`t very stable and its not recommended
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13:37.13WIMPyFlashDeluxe: misdn1 or misdn2?
13:37.55DiffenHello. If extension 100 calls 101 from an x-lite and extension 101 have Follow Me active to a cell phone. The number that shows in the cellphone are the DID for extension 101. Is it possible to do some changes so it will show the DID of extension 100?
13:38.47WIMPyFlashDeluxe: I find it hard to believe that it works partially.
13:39.19WIMPyI can see of the the b410p twhich has additional hardware, but the Gerdes things look bog standard.
13:39.28WIMPyDiffen: How do you call your mobile?
13:41.51FlashDeluxeWIMPy mybe something changed
13:42.18FlashDeluxeWIMPy its been a while that i tested it and i was not so happy with my tests
13:43.57FlashDeluxeWIMPy ahh it seems to be fully supported
13:44.12WIMPyI didn;t like the idea of having an extra application and that's certainly a big argument for embedded systems, but it has been the best solution for me so far.
13:44.21DiffenWimpy the asterisk is calling my mobile using find me / follow me. Im not sure how you mean.
13:44.59WIMPyDiffen: What way do you call out? POTS? ISDN? ITSP?
13:45.36DiffenWimpy im using sip.
13:46.40WIMPyDiffen: then you have to ask your ITSP if they will allow you to send foreign caller IDs.
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13:47.37DiffenWimpy hmm I guess the problem is in asterisk. the invite that goes out from my asterisk to pstn are sent from extension 101 to the mobile phone. not from extension 100.
13:48.09Diffenso the sip provider do right when it shows extension 101 did in my mobile.
13:48.42WIMPyAsterisk doesn't change Caller ID unless you tell it to.
13:48.55WIMPyhavong said that, I never used Followme.
13:49.14WIMPygrabs a hammer to flatten that o.
13:50.35Diffenwimpy ok. as far as i have understand how asterisk works is when extension 100 calls extension 101 to is 101 and from is 100 and thats cool. but when using follow me its not the extension 100 that calls my mobile, its extension 101. therefore my problem.
13:53.33*** join/#asterisk DaneoShiga (
13:55.21DaneoShigacould someone tell me if using CDR(userfield)=#blah and recordagentcalls=yes on agents.conf will somewhat append the data like :"agent-3403-1318583256-2748625.gsm#blah" ?
13:59.03[TK]D-FenderDaneoShiga, No.  Uou only get what you set
14:02.08DaneoShigagot it... gonna imagine some other way to do that, thanks [TK]D-Fender
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14:09.36DaneoShigarecordagentcalls already insert some data in userfield... i need to figure out a easy way to append more data there.
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14:28.17moos3so have the really crazy idea, installing asterisk 1.8 on should work right ?
14:29.15pabelangermoos3: which distro of linux?
14:29.38moos3pabelanger not sure yet, i'm leaning toward archlinux to just keep it extremely slim
14:29.57WIMPyI don't think any of the console channels support video so the Full-HD video output may stay unused :-)
14:30.27pabelangermoos3: You'll have to try, but I think you'll be fine
14:31.06moos3yea i want a simple way to give my pops a sip interface for a WIP with out taking up a bunch of space, i think this will work
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14:36.35akrohnmaybe a WIP310, which is a cisco wireless sip phone
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15:04.35*** join/#asterisk darKxyde (c1308404@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:04.41darKxydeHello there
15:06.17darKxydeI'm having issues with a Patton gateway, does anyone can help?
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15:09.34[TK]D-FenderdarKxyde, Show us what is happening and we'll see what we can advise on it.
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15:09.38infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:10.16darKxydeWell, I'm trying to set it as a ISDN/SIP Gateway
15:10.28darKxydemy externals calls are perfectly working
15:10.40darKxydebut I can't find a way to make the incomings call working
15:11.09darKxydePatton gets them
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15:12.22darKxydebut it fails to "send it" to the sip network
15:21.25[TK]D-FenderdarKxyde, Ok, this really is a Patton config issue.  Wait around a bit.  Ask again in a few hours if no-one has been able to help.  Also I'd check with Patton's community resources and the mailing list.
15:23.41darKxydeI've looked for a Patton's community for days, all I've found is the support team on so) but they don't seem to be that reactive (2/3weeks)
15:25.59[TK]D-FenderdarKxyde, That's pretty bad...
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15:34.34akrohni have an auto attendant that forwards callers to an employee cell phones. occasionally, the call drops after a minute or so. is there a setting i can change to minimize this behavior?
15:38.13[TK]D-Fenderakrohn, There isn't some option like "dontdropmycalls=yes"
15:38.24[TK]D-Fenderakrohn, You need to really look at the problem.
15:38.54min3rakrohn, im not sure in astrisk right off. I do know that freepbx has a 120 sec limit default before dropping calls
15:39.35akrohn[TK]D-Fender, that is the correct answer. but this stuff is so difficult to troubleshoot
15:39.55[TK]D-FenderFreePBX doesn't drop calls.  Or place calls.  Asterisk does.
15:40.09min3ryeah freepbx is a front end to asterisk config
15:41.16[TK]D-Fenderakrohn, Sometimes, but so far we have nothing to base that on.
15:42.00leifmadsendropped calls via SIP are typically due to NAT issues or network communications issues where a message isn't being responded to.
15:42.38carrarJust blame the network guy and then go to lunch
15:44.37[TK]D-FenderI do my best blaming after lunch...
15:44.48akrohnthanks, i will check it out
15:46.53leifmadsenyou're going to have to look at the console and review the SIP debug and such and see what it is doing and why it isn't working
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15:53.10SeRiwhats and LIDB/CNAM?
15:59.31pabelanger and
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16:25.02rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Just FYI, I did get it to work this morning.  Apparently udev picked up on the second module in the first card before the first module.
16:25.10rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Thanks again for the suggestion.
16:25.32[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Modul order in the card isn't a matter for udev...
16:25.57[TK]D-FenderIIRC the ports aren't orderd as one might think they should be on those older revision cards.
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16:27.05dj_hamstaso some ops here are employed by digium ?
16:27.46lhfnetHello All, I upgraded from DAHDI 2.5.1 to 2.6.0 but low the outside calls have a lot of noise, I downgrade the version to 2.5.1 again, but the noise remains. Any idea?
16:28.04[TK]D-Fenderdj_hamsta, Most are.
16:28.25dj_hamstathat is awesome
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16:30.00lhfnetno one?
16:30.36rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Er, well, the port numbers are etched into the metal on the back of the card.
16:31.11[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Well I've never heard of the ports being reported as individual devices like that.
16:31.34[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, order between 2 cards sure, but not ont he ports within a card
16:34.17WIMPylhfnet: Sounds like
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16:36.06lhfnetWIMPy: Sorry I didn't restart asterisk and dahdi, with the 2.5.1 version the noise disappear
16:36.29lhfnetWIMPy: the problem is with 2.6.0
16:41.29rgsteeleWeird, Asterisk crashed, had to restart it, now I'm getting the weird silence thing again.
16:41.40rgsteelelogs look normal though, same as when they work
16:41.52rgsteeleIt's like the port changed or something
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17:12.34p3nguinrgsteele: What "port" are you talking about?
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17:26.00WintermeWhi. is it possible to allow only one single destination call for each peer ? i don't know how to implement that, i looked at other things like freeswitch, but i'm kindof lost.. :s
17:29.27dj_hamstathis asterisk gui is seriously easy
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17:38.38SeRidj_hamsta: I want to see you say the same thing when you make a hand edit on the files and go back to the gui... ;)
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17:55.31WIMPyWintermeW: That's what contexts are for.
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18:04.50thansenhow can I see attempts to login to sip accounts server side?
18:05.09[TK]D-Fenderthansen,  enable SIP debug at * CLI
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18:09.34thansen[TK]D-Fender: awesome, thanks..I recently bounced a server and I have some clients that stopped connecting
18:09.41thansenwhat would cause... SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
18:09.55p3nguinSeems pretty clear to me.
18:10.24thansenunauthorized at what level...I have not changed a single password or anything
18:10.53p3nguinIt means the device needs to authenticate because it is not authorized.
18:11.18thansenright, all of them have the same credentials as before
18:11.46p3nguinThen I guess it won't be much problem to get an authentication.
18:12.17thansenthey're spread out geographically as well as what the clients types are (softphone, pap2t, etc)
18:13.20[TK]D-Fenderthansen, And if you want to pin down your problem you will ignore all those other devices, all their configs, locations, etc and just focus on all the bits that are directly related to this one device
18:14.21thansenright, I've enabled debugging for the issue at my house and I have a pap2t and empthy/sofiasip...all 3 giving the same issue
18:14.30thansenor, the IP at my house
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18:15.10[TK]D-Fenderthansen, If you are looking for our help you should pastebin your sip.conf along with the complete debug.
18:15.15infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:16.02p3nguinComplete means you don't hide things like IP addresses and device names.  Complete means the only thing hidden will be passwords in the conf.
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18:19.58lodacwould I be able to use asterisk to route between exsiting nortel bcm's with t1 cards?
18:20.42thansen  there is a sample account that fails
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18:22.47Qwelllodac: sure, why not?
18:24.45[TK]D-Fenderthansen, That is less than half of what was requested
18:24.46lodacI have a situation, maybe you could take a look.
18:25.12thansenthere's the sip debug sequence
18:25.48thansenthe server changed IP addresses, would that have any effect on the authentication?
18:25.57lodacICES, SEAS, SFHA are sites. the Opt11c is at the SFHA site. Opt11c is dying, along with ICES BCM. My idea is to replace the Opt11c with a 4port T1 asterisk box to continue using the SEAS and SFHA BCM's
18:26.30lodacreplace ICES phones with SIP phones
18:27.33lodacwhich would use asterisk for voip
18:30.49[TK]D-Fenderthansen, "sip show peer 1298" , "sip show settings"
18:31.03cmendes0101Setting up a new server and getting this error from the settings on the provider in sip.conf [Jan 11 09:27:34] WARNING[17352]: chan_sip.c:3389 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x2aaaac0fd030 (len 536) to (providerip):5080 returned -1: Operation not permitted. Any idea what caused this?
18:33.52wdoekes2cmendes0101: iptables rules in the OUTPUT chain?
18:34.41thansenwonders about.. WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="asterisk", nonce="6a10603b"
18:35.41[TK]D-Fenderthansen, So your server has a pubilc IP directly on it?
18:35.46cmendes0101wdoekes2: ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere state NEW tcp dpt:sip & ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere state NEW tcp dpt:5080
18:36.09thansen[TK]D-Fender: yep (a slew of them currently if that matters)
18:36.18wdoekes2cmendes0101: udp?
18:36.40cmendes0101ahhh thanks lol
18:36.46QwellWhy 5080? O.o
18:36.50[TK]D-Fenderthansen, might pose a problem... * could be receiving on one IP and sending on another due to how packets are formed, and * is bound to all ports as well.
18:37.03[TK]D-Fenderthansen, Multi-homed = servere PITA
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18:37.45[TK]D-Fenderthansen, I would do a raw packet dump to very sure where things are really comeing from & going to...
18:37.49cmendes0101Qwell: not sure 1 provider is showing that error the other provider is showing the same error but with 5060. Sip.conf is at 5060 also
18:37.55thansenI *think* it had multiple IPs previously, but I don't remember exactly
18:38.07SeRip3nguin: can I call you? I need to test my CID. it's showing as uwknown for what ever reason...
18:38.11thansenmaybe I can just start it up bound to one IP or does that not help?
18:38.30[TK]D-Fenderthansen, won't help the outbound
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18:38.54[TK]D-Fenderthansen, that is based on your OS's stack which per the norm could go wonky on you
18:40.25*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
18:40.38thansenlemme see if it had multiple before just to be more sure that's likely the issue...
18:43.13rgsteelep3nguin: I meant the module that it's sending audio to
18:43.52thansen[TK]D-Fender: ok, it had 3 previously and 5 now (minus internal)
18:45.00[TK]D-Fenderthansen, Ok, Can't say if how it changed comes int play or not on this....
18:45.01thansenis this standard... WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="asterisk", nonce="6a10603b"
18:45.12[TK]D-Fenderthansen, Yup
18:45.23*** join/#asterisk tompaw (
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18:46.03thansenok, well, is there a nice little doc written up on how to gather the raw packet dump?  I normally don't delve into that
18:46.27[TK]D-Fenderthansen, Well this is conjecture as we haven't followed through on the packet trace.  Lets back up a step
18:46.44[TK]D-Fenderthansen, Take a look at the realm options on what you're trying to have connect first
18:46.48thansengives thanks for the help
18:47.35cmendes0101wdoekes2: thanks again, just double checked and its fine now
18:48.11[TK]D-Fenderthansen, I know Sofia is used by FS and I'm seeing places where their use of realm is the IP of a box(the phone itself?).  Not sure of the full implications or relevance, but it came up as a visual difference on a trace on their WIKI for interconnection.
18:48.41*** join/#asterisk FainaUkraina (
18:49.50thansenwell, I don't see 'realm' in the interface for empathy accounts or for the pap2t
18:51.34[TK]D-Fenderthansen, Ok, I'm afraid we're hitting the limits of my experience on this then....
18:53.47*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~VoiceClou@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
18:53.48thansenI'm also getting this garbage too.. Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox:
18:53.52*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~VoiceClou@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
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19:02.16thansen[TK]D-Fender: got it!
19:02.34thansenit is a multi-ip issue
19:02.57thansenI have dns for sip. and it points to what will be a floating IP
19:03.01[TK]D-Fenderthansen, Nice to know the outer reaches of my knowledge are occasionally useful :)
19:03.21thansenso it's the not the *mail* IP bound to the nic
19:03.42thansenI just hacked my client to point to the primary IP and it connected right away
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19:09.08thansen[TK]D-Fender: this looks quite old, but probably still valid...
19:10.30[TK]D-Fenderthansen, Well the writing is clear... guess its the rule until we have reason to believe otherwise...
19:11.07thansenyeah, it makes good sense now, I'm sure before my dns entry pointed to the primary IP on the nic
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19:35.36WintermeWi don't really understand how the realtime dialplan is says you must add 'switch => Realtime/mycontext@realtime_ext' , but then it's not fully realtime since you still have hardcoded statements in your extensions.conf file
19:35.44CcSsNETok i am a voip noob. i have a unopened magic jack original sitting here. is there any hope for getting it to work fully on linux with or without asterisk?
19:39.53*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (~matthew@
19:40.47LemensTSHow would I pickup exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/800,21,tr)   ??? exten = _**800,1,Pickup(${EXTEN:2})    does not work
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19:40.59LemensTSI think its because it goes into 's' extension and not '800'
19:42.42cmendes0101with mysql() is there any way to verify the connection is still active? noticing alot of server has gone away warnings but the connid is still set
19:43.12[TK]D-FenderLemensTS, "core show application pickup"
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19:52.16thansen[TK]D-Fender: thanks again for the help!
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20:16.17MindTheGaphello all... Suppose I have to manage a mid size call center. Is there any open source candidate that wont completely take over my asterisk and turn my dialplan into a mess?
20:19.06QwellMindTheGap: vim
20:22.30[TK]D-FenderMindTheGap, "candidate"?
20:22.53[TK]D-FenderWhat is a "candidate" that is "taking over Asterisk"?
20:22.58ikevinan alternative of asterisk for callcenter:
20:23.36[TK]D-Fenderikevin: how is FreePBX an ALTERNATE to Asterisk?
20:23.41WintermeWnobody to explain is it still necessary to have contexts in extensions.conf when using extensions looks incoherent to me
20:24.04[TK]D-Fenderikevin: that's like asking what is better ... a wheel .. or a car.
20:24.42ikevinfreebpx is based on asterisk so optimised for a lot of call
20:24.50[TK]D-Fenderikevin: No
20:25.05_Corey_ikevin: freepbx is one of the less appropriate things for call center applications, FWIW
20:25.24[TK]D-Fenderikevin: FreePBX is a configuration frontend for building * configs.  It is not a substitute for it.
20:26.15MindTheGapok i can get basic callcenter functionality straight from asterisk, just create extensions, queues, disciplines and ppl start taking calls...
20:26.39ikevini speak about freepbx distribution, not the pbx daemon
20:27.46MindTheGapproble is managing it, offering supervisors an interface so he can push ppl back and forth among queues, follow sla, give agents a chance to pause (with motives!), and show all that stuff...
20:28.10MindTheGapgenerate reports, etcetera.
20:28.24[TK]D-Fenderikevin: A distribution is also not a "alternative" to an application.
20:28.34[TK]D-Fenderikevin: you keep comparing apples & oranges
20:28.46MindTheGapsomething like the switchvox SMB callcenter stuff.
20:28.57_Corey_MindTheGap: I'm assuming that you've already investigated FreePBX based on the way you phrased your question ("turn dialplan into a mess")...  unfortunately on the open-source level there isn't much else going on
20:29.18MindTheGap_Corey_, i see
20:29.23_Corey_MindTheGap: What's your definition of "mid-sized" ?
20:29.37MindTheGap_Corey_, ~200 seat
20:29.53_Corey_Too large for Switchvox then
20:30.29[TK]D-FenderSwitchvox doesn't have a solution that can handle 200 seats?
20:30.42_Corey_200 seats yes, 200 concurrent calls no
20:30.54ikevin<[TK]D-Fender> ikevin: you keep comparing apples & oranges <=== orange is not an apple optimised
20:31.00MindTheGap_Corey_, do you know indosoft q-suite? does it worth it?
20:31.28MindTheGapSMB 355 tops at 75 concurrent calls. according to docs.
20:31.40_Corey_MindTheGap: 200 seats puts you in real "contact center platform" territory...  some play nicely with asterisk though
20:31.50_Corey_I'm not familiar with Indosoft
20:32.17[TK]D-Fenderikevin: FreePBX ISO is a distro that includes *.  You can't go and compare that to * as jsut a piece of software.  it isn't an ALTERNATIVE.
20:32.33[TK]D-Fenderikevin: It contains *.  Your comparison is inappropriate
20:33.20_Corey_MindTheGap: For 200 seats with basic inbound and simple analytics needs, I'd probably recommend a straight Asterisk setup w/Queuemetrics (or similar)
20:33.55ikevinit contain * so optimized for a large amount of simultaneous calls
20:34.16ikevinso, i going to bed, have a good evening (else if someone has an idea:
20:34.30_Corey_ikevin: FreePBX is *not* optimized for a large amount of simultaneous calls
20:34.40Qwellikevin: FreePBX is the opposite of optimized for large call volume.
20:35.19MindTheGap_Corey_, queuemetrics is focused on analitics only isnt it? i still have to manage agents and give some autonomy to supervisors.
20:35.31_Corey_MindTheGap: Yes, indeed
20:35.33ikevini used it in my last job for ~100 150 simultaneous call it working perfect
20:35.44QwellOh, 100 whole calls.  Shocking.
20:36.16QwellLet us know when it can handle about 50x that.  Then we can start talking about it being optimized.
20:36.43_Corey_MindTheGap: for something more robust (read "enterprise grade") analytics, outbound (predictive), multi-channel etc...  you an PM me for a recommendation if you want
20:38.14ikevinQwell, i'm not working on large call center, just middle
20:38.33_Corey_ikevin: A lot of factors determine just when FreePBX will cause a system to become unstable, but in the past it was as easy as putting 30-40 phones in a queue with a ringall strategy and putting just a couple calls in queue...
20:39.25Netgeeksanyone here got sip realtime working with ldap?
20:39.33[TK]D-Fenderikevin: FreePBX ISO contains the same boring * you install on your own.  There is nothing changed there.  There is no "optimization".
20:41.03*** join/#asterisk voipeng (
20:42.00voipenghi, im tryin to install zaptel for the first time on a new server, got the kernel-devel package installed, and run ./configure fine, but i cannot make zaptel,
20:42.19Qwellvoipeng: Zaptel is dead.  You need to use DAHDI.
20:42.37voipengi cannot I use voiceaxis
20:42.43[TK]D-FenderQwell, He's probably still working to migrate a decrepit 1.4 install
20:42.57voipengnot migrate just get it install at all on a new server
20:42.58[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, And nobody knows that name BTW.... won't mean anything to them
20:43.11voipenghow should i refer to it?
20:43.21_Corey_He's talking about Coredial's platform...  ask leifmadsen
20:43.37[TK]D-FenderFor globa reference : VoiceAxis = GUI distro w/ custom front-end, their own repos, etc, and stuck in the stone-age
20:43.39Qwellvoipeng: Zaptel will never build on new kernels.
20:44.39leifmadsendid zaptel have menuselect?
20:45.07voipengi was unable to get the menuselect to work, it said to install ncurses but its already installed, ill pb it one moment
20:45.17QwellNo, stop.  You are wasting your time.
20:45.19[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, ncurses-devel
20:45.21QwellZaptel will never work with that kernel.  Period.
20:45.22*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-ieeregorzcykngua)
20:45.23voipengoh ok
20:45.45leifmadsenreboot to an older kernel
20:45.52leifmadsenyou ran yum update and are using the latest centos install
20:45.57leifmadsenyou need to use centos 5.4
20:46.03Qwellleifmadsen: It's a new server.
20:46.10leifmadsenI know
20:46.11[TK]D-FenderAnd an ancient kernel
20:46.13leifmadsenthat's the problem
20:46.19Qwell[TK]D-Fender: it's newer than Zaptel.
20:46.20leifmadsenhe's using centos 5.7 now
20:46.24[TK]D-FenderZaptel should work fine on that..
20:47.40leifmadsenvoipeng: anyways, for your particular problem I believe you want to try with centos 5.4 and then things should just install fine
20:48.04voipenghmm ok wouldnt i have to rebuild it then?
20:48.36leifmadsenyou could try rebooting back into an older kernel which shouldbe available via grub
20:48.54voipengok ill have to wait after hours, they started forwarding phones from the server
20:48.56voipengthank you
20:49.40[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, I would start working on that DAHDI migration I recommended months ago/
20:50.54MindTheGapsorry, had to leave fo a while. anyway, _Corey_ , any other thing comes thtough your mind regarding management of queues?
20:51.55_Corey_MindTheGap: I could recommend a couple commercial solutions privately
20:54.51Netgeekswhat is the md5 secret hash format in 1.8?  <username>:<realm<:<secret> hashed?
20:55.24Netgeeks*boggle*  hrm, I must be doing something wrong
20:55.48leifmadsenecho "lmadsen:my_realm:welcome" | md5sum
20:55.52leifmadsenshold be it I think
20:55.57Qwellecho -n
20:56.08leifmadsenyou were just waiting for me to forget seomthing
20:56.14Qwellall the time
20:56.28Netgeeksbut thats okay, I'm using a python script to build the md5sum, and I verified that it produces the same thing as the echo command
20:56.31NetgeeksI see my error...
20:57.18Netgeeksldap ldif files do not like extra spaces at the end of a line
20:57.26jayteewow, CentOS 5.4? where could you get the iso for that? Last time I downloaded CentOS it was at 5.7 and I couldn't find any earlier versions on any of the mirror sites
20:58.06Netgeeksi have an archive I keep of all linux iso images that I download... I'm sure I have a centos 5.4 in there
20:58.14Netgeeksheck, I have a fedora core 2 iso
20:58.28*** join/#asterisk Alborracho (c819d8de@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:58.54AlborrachoHi everybody
20:59.51AlborrachoCan anyone help with a problem with a digium card, loks like asterisk cant comunicate with the card, i don see anything with "ss7 dump" and dahdi_tool shows all E1s in green without errors
21:00.55Alborrachoim using asterisk 1.4 and chan_ss7-2.1
21:08.35akrohndrivers? message logs?
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21:10.31picard276hey... is there anyway to use USSD over VoIP
21:10.45QwellWhat is USSD?  But, no.
21:10.47Alborrachopicard276: ussd over sigtran
21:10.58Alborrachobut it is not voip
21:11.19picard276what is sigtran?
21:11.44picard276connection to ss7 server
21:12.20jkroonAlborracho, what prevents it?  it's a call to a number, send some text bi-directionally, so why not?
21:12.21picard276but i have more of a question of how that technology works?
21:12.44picard276if i initiate a USSD request on my moblie device... pointed to my DID
21:13.04picard276it will obviously not go through... but why not? is there a driver or tool in order to then accept that? or does it have to come from a PSTN line?
21:13.06Alborrachoakrohn: in /varlog/messages got only clear alarms from yellow, asterisk messages show  ERROR[4299] codec_dahdi.c: Failed to open /dev/dahdi/transcode: No such file or directory
21:13.27picard276is it depedant on my DID carrier?
21:13.32picard276im confused on where it breaks down
21:14.38jayteeah! found a 5.4 iso in Alaska at the Arctic Region Supercomputing Center mirror
21:16.10picard276Alborracho do u knw where it breaks down
21:16.19picard276as in.. can a USSD request be sent over a DID and then some driver pick it up?
21:16.32picard276or some piece of hardware ... or do i need a special connection like a PSTN connection of some sort?
21:17.19Alborrachopicard276: i've only work with ussd over SS7 (E1s) and SIGTRAN (ETHERNET) but never heard of USSD in VoIP
21:18.33picard276Alborracho but im confused on what is the SIGTRAN gateway... do i need to be hooked into my mobile network.. do i need a special Phone NUmber.. etc... or can i setup over the internet a sigtran conncetion hooked into a phone number.. im confused on the logistics
21:18.41picard276is it like SIP
21:18.53picard276but for mobile operators... (confused on the actuality of what is)
21:19.16Alborrachopicard276: you need to be connected to a mobile telco, and more specific to the HLR
21:19.28AlborrachoUSSD is part of the GSM protocol
21:19.40picard276i understand that..
21:19.56picard276but my question is (example) if i am "roaming" on ATT (i do not own the ATT network)
21:20.18picard276and i send a USSD MO command (mobile originated) so like *171#phonenumber (my phone number on my server)
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21:20.40picard276Att will route that to my phone number ... but does that phone number have to be connected somehow.. it cannot be a VOIP did?
21:21.16Alborrachoif att donw have the *171# configurated it will carry your request to your telco
21:21.51picard276so if I created something *172312312123123123# or something ridiculously long
21:22.07picard276no telco would have that configued.. and they would deliver the message to #number?
21:22.35picard276but that #number.. has to be ... on a certain type of line? or can it  be a Voip based DID (you can see my understand is breaking down here)
21:23.11Alborrachono, imagine that *171#............ and everything before that belongs to the same route, in the end of that ropute should be a ussd gateway to get the request
21:23.29Alborrachobut a phone, i dont think so
21:23.41Alborrachomaybe its posible, but i never tried thatr
21:23.57picard276at the end of the route..
21:24.14picard276right... which could be initiated over a sigtran connection..
21:24.23picard276the part that i am not understand is what does the mobile operator "control"
21:24.31picard276i know the feature code *123124#number
21:25.02picard276i thought it was universal that *(featurecode)#(phonenumber).... in a sense the mobile operator will deliver automatically a feature code of 121 to the phone number #number assuming the #number has a USSD gateway programmed to it
21:25.26picard276but you cannot send a *featurecode#number unless you are over GSM (what about of sigtran?) ... and do i need a special type of phone
21:25.32Alborrachoit can be anything
21:25.40picard276what can be anything?
21:25.58Alborrachowe sell mobile banking via ussd, ringtones and that kind of thing
21:26.15Alborrachowe sell sms packets via ussd
21:26.36picard276so how does the user access your service?
21:26.50Alborracho*123# and we print a menu
21:27.00picard276but on which network?
21:27.09Alborrachothen the user navigates like ins the sim card but faster
21:27.33Alborrachotelcos network
21:27.34picard276is *123# you have to go to each carrier and be like.. hey make *123# point to this USSD gateway
21:27.57Alborrachoyeah, we have a box inside telco
21:28.04picard276for each telco though
21:28.08Alborrachoconected to the HLR
21:28.13picard276so if u want to work in each network..
21:28.19picard276so you have a separate box for ATT and Tmobile
21:28.49Alborrachoyes, ussd requieres low latency
21:28.57picard276but is that a latency issue
21:29.00picard276or is it that
21:29.01Alborrachoi dont know if you can work with a box outside
21:29.09picard276if i were to type *123# on tmobile
21:29.16picard276it would not get routed to your box.. tmobile has no idea where to route that?
21:29.25picard276or since you are in ONE HLR you can then be routed anywhere in the world?
21:30.12Alborrachoexactly if you are tmobile user and type 123, they don know what it means
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21:30.31Alborrachobut if you are att roaming in tmobile and type 123 they will carry that to your telco
21:31.01picard276i c ic
21:31.36picard276so u need the box in HLR of the subscriber you want to attach to
21:31.54picard276so a box in ATT... but you can roam anywhere.. as long as u have ur ATT sim in and it will work..
21:32.04Alborrachoyes, at least thats how we work, i dont know if there are other ways to do that
21:32.16picard276but... if u have a tmobile sim.. even if ur on ATT network (roaming) or any other network... then it will not work
21:32.20picard276that makes sense..
21:32.26picard276becuase i was not sure how the USSD call gets routed..
21:34.36picard276so even if u typed like *18005557788
21:34.41picard276it would not send the *to the 1800 number?
21:37.16picard276well different question i guess.
21:37.26picard276is there anyway to capture more information on an incoming call
21:37.30picard276i know i can get CallerID etc..
21:37.42picard276but is there anyway to get more information than just that from a phone call?
21:38.31WIMPyUSSDs are not related to phone numbers.
21:38.48WIMPyAnd AFAIK USSD is always routed to the HLR.
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21:39.12picard276can you explain WIMPy?
21:39.16Alborrachopicard276: it wont
21:39.24picard276ahh sorry
21:39.27picard276always routed to HLR
21:39.42picard276what about a server initiated USSD request
21:39.50picard276so i send a USSD message to my phone number?
21:40.01Alborrachopicard276: its fomr ussd gateway box, to hlr, to subscriber
21:40.03edgeWhat is the best way to take a call and transfer it to somebody's voicemail?
21:40.17picard276edge *exten
21:40.27picard276forget which way you do it
21:40.39picard276its *exten or exten*
21:40.54picard276right Alborracho ..
21:41.04picard276do i need to have sometihng in the HLR to do that?
21:41.08picard276so i have my cellphone sitting here
21:41.17picard276and lets theoretically say i have a USSD box here too
21:41.30picard276connected to what? (internet, Sip provider, ??)
21:41.31WIMPyYou need a connection to the Operator.
21:41.46picard276either way you are saying WIMPy wether i send it or i am receiving
21:41.49edgepicard276 i think my SPA502G phones are removing digits after the *
21:42.08picard276SPA502G are those cisco/linksys ... usually you have to config dial plan differently
21:42.12WIMPyDirection doesn't matter, no.
21:42.37picard276edge do u have the feature code enabled?"
21:43.38picard276one last question.. Alborracho u might be able to explain this as well
21:43.49picard276with WAP gateways.. i am assuming that has to be mobile side as well
21:43.54edgepicard276 I think it might be
21:44.07picard276so as an example
21:44.22picard276i create a WAP gateway... and put the settings in my phone to connect to that gateway
21:44.56picard276it will not connect... because my wap gateway has to be tied in at the HLR or somewere in the Mobile operator?
21:45.55WIMPyYes, you again need a link to the operator.
21:50.22edgeDoes anybody have the Cisco SPA502g and know how to disable it intercepting the *xxx ?
21:50.57WIMPyCheck (or just remove) the dialplan.
21:51.29picard276edge i do not have that phone... but i would add the *xxx to the beginning of the dial plan
21:53.00edgepicard276 i put it in the front of the phone's dialplan (and it is in asterisk's dial plan too) but it still cuts off the last digit. so if i dial *121 , it tries *12
21:53.26picard276you put it at the very front?
21:55.14edgepicard276 it is
21:55.22picard276try putting *121
21:55.25picard276at the very front..
21:55.29picard276then test that extension
21:55.36picard276and how are u editing the dial plan
21:55.46picard276end point manager?
21:55.54picard276make sure its updating correctly too
21:56.25edgepicard276 each phone has a web interface for configuration. I updated it there.
21:56.47picard276try doing a manual *121 and see if that worked for exten 121
21:57.06edgepicard276 I'll know in a moment, it has to restart after every single change
21:57.49*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:58.16WIMPyremembers those restart orgies :-(
21:58.40WIMPyNice to hear that this hasn;t changed :-(
21:58.42edgepicard276 still only accepts two digits after a *
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22:18.07Alborrachodoes anyone know how to capture ss7 signaling from my digium card?, "ss7 dump" doesnt print anything
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22:25.54carrardigium having DNS issues?
22:26.19WIMPyNot for me
22:26.20k-mananyone managed to get a cisco 7942g to work with asterisk? I'm having trouble working out the configuration files and what to put in them on my tftp server
22:26.40carrarspecifically switchvox
22:26.42k-manin fact I can't even get the phone to provision - haven't even go to trying to get it to work with asterisk yet
22:27.15fenrusk-man, check the logs on the tftp-server to see what files it tries to get
22:27.26WIMPycarrar: AAlso ok with a little delay.
22:27.30fenrusk-man, and make sure that you give it tftp-server address via dhcp-options
22:27.44carrarI'll clear my dns servers cache
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22:29.41carrarnow they are workin
22:30.10carrarWas querying their NAMERESOLVE.COM hosting company servers too
22:31.22k-manfenrus, yeah, I see them:   but what should I put in those files? I already set up a XMLDefault.cnf.xml
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22:33.38fenrustheres example files for the xml syntax
22:33.57fenrusthey should contain the configuration the phone needs, like username/password/asterisk ip
22:35.26jeffspeffI'm trying to alter the name of the CID for inbound calls... however, this isn't working. I have this placed in the step before it dials the internal phone.    exten=s,n,Set(CALLERID="Artius Inbound" <${CALLERID(num)}>)    it prints properly on the cli output, but the phone doesn't show this modded CID.
22:35.57[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: Show us
22:36.28jeffspeffjust a sec
22:36.31WIMPyyou didn't specify what part of the CALLERID you want to change. The pareameter is missing.
22:37.03jeffspeffWIMPy, i'm wanting it to change the name but leave the number
22:37.26[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: You aren't setting the callerID there
22:37.45WIMPySet CLLERID(name).
22:37.48[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: You are setting some random variable.
22:38.16jeffspeffbut if i just specify (name) then that'll remove the number completely won't it?
22:38.31[TK]D-Fenderthat should be (all) based on what you're setting it to
22:38.33WIMPyWhat makes you think so?
22:38.57[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: exten=s,n,Set(CALLERID="Artius Inbound" <${CALLERID(num)}>)  <- look at the format
22:39.27[TK]D-FenderNow of course since he's leaving the number alone effectively he should be just setting the name
22:39.32*** join/#asterisk shido6_ (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-stpghwybldxqbugm)
22:39.33WIMPyOh, misread that as two parts.
22:39.38*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
22:41.16p3nguinYou either Set(CALLERID(all)=NAME WITHOUT QUOTES <number>) or just Set(CALLERID(name)=NAME WITHOUT QUOTES).
22:41.58p3nguinIn your case, Set(CALLERID(name)=Artius Inbound) would be the correct thing to do.
22:42.48jeffspeffthanks everybody, as always, you all were correct. :) i don't know where i got the idea that if you set one and not the other it removes the other...
22:42.55WIMPyIt might be neccessary to also set CALLERID(name-pres)=allowed.
22:43.12*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (~wphill04@
22:43.56p3nguinSet(CALLERID(name)=Artius Inbound)   <------
22:45.18jeffspeffp3nguin, yes, that worked
22:46.00*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-ylhprtzzbawpiatk)
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22:53.21*** join/#asterisk bakermd (~bakermd@
22:54.29Alborrachoanyone knows how to capture ss7 signaling besides "ss7 dump" i think that asterisk cannont comunicate with my digium card
22:55.43*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-wxxglboitnnympmh)
22:56.27*** part/#asterisk bakermd (~bakermd@
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23:17.25*** join/#asterisk libryder (~david@
23:17.57libryderduring an active call, can i set an arbitrary channel variable using the SET application?
23:21.31*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-rudoyslykfgvtjvz)
23:21.45libryderi may have just found my answer
23:22.47*** join/#asterisk wdoekes2 (
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23:31.41picard276hey guys..
23:31.58picard276is there a way to grab data from an incoming call
23:32.05picard276more than what is currently displayed?
23:33.33libryder42 was close
23:36.20skrullHi. I have a working setup with asterisk and spa3102. I´m getting ¨Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/pstn1-0000000f' status is 'UNKNOWN'¨ when I dial local operator call-center. If I shutdown asterisk, spa3102 handles the call normally. Any thoughts on this?
23:38.06*** join/#asterisk joobie (~joobie@unaffiliated/moo0o0ooo00o0o0o)
23:38.16joobiehey guys.. anyone know with the SPA 508G how the 8 lines are useD?
23:38.37joobiei mean,can you use part of them as presence quickdial extensions?
23:54.29picard276Alborracho u still there?

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