IRC log for #asterisk on 20120110

00:20.32MiccI wonder if the problem is because I'm parking a call that was made from my phone instead of a call that came into it.
00:23.19*** join/#asterisk GGD (
00:23.34MiccIts also playing the parking spot number to the parked call instead of to my phone that parked the call.
00:26.01*** join/#asterisk troyt (
00:26.20*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
00:27.19MiccI added the peer config from sip.conf and features.conf to the pastebin
00:37.18*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
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00:41.25*** join/#asterisk jploh (~jploh@
00:42.28jplohi'm trying to connect a PSTN phone line to asterisk. i bought an x100m module for a tdm410p
00:42.51jplohdahdi-channels.conf says signalling=fxs_ks, is that correct?
00:43.45jplohdahdi_scan says port=1,FXO (until port=4) though
00:53.04p3nguinmicc: Is this some kind of crap FreePBX created for you?
00:54.06p3nguinsignalling is actually spelled signaling.  I don't know if that's relevant, though.
01:00.09jplohthat's what's spelled by dahdi_genconf
01:00.15jplohi'll try it with a single L
01:01.01p3nguinIf that's the way it is, someone made an error.
01:01.59*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:02.15jplohthat was from dahdi, changed the configuration by dahdi_genconf but channels are still not detected
01:02.38jplohdahdi show channels only returns pseudo
01:05.48jplohokay i had it working now
01:06.09jplohbut i manually pasted the contents of dahdi-channels.conf to chan_dahdi.conf
01:07.00jplohinclude => chan_dahdi.conf must be wrong
01:08.09*** part/#asterisk LostyJai (~blah@
01:08.20jplohd'oh! it should be #include dahdi-channels.conf
01:10.38*** join/#asterisk sixohquad (~sixoh@
01:13.11*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
01:14.55*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (
01:15.27asteriskmonkeyis it normal for asterisk to take up nearl 300megs in memory on a quite system?
01:17.15KavanSnot in my limited experience...
01:23.12*** join/#asterisk SupYoshi (
01:23.32SupYoshiHi can some suggest me a Dutch language voice for asterisk
01:38.31*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:45.10*** join/#asterisk dj_hamsta (~werwer@unaffiliated/dj-hamsta/x-2342346)
01:46.09dj_hamstai set up two extentions. I set one up outside of my network and forwarded the proper ports (5060). I am unable to make calls, what else would i need to set up?
02:03.19p3nguindj_hamsta: Phones.  You must have phones.  Got any phones?
02:07.45Miccp3nguin, that is stock vanilla asterisk.
02:09.51p3nguinI've seen someone else talking about it playing the parking lot to the parked leg... it has something to do with the phone doing the parking being hung up before the announcement plays.
02:10.50Miccp3nguin, thats a good place to look.
02:10.52p3nguinAs for calling back, that seems to be working correctly.  Parking returns the call to the PEER which parked it.  It was parked by the peer used for the ITSP, so it tries to call back to the ITSP's peer.  Completely correct and normal.
02:11.28MiccThe peer that parked the call was the phone though.
02:11.35p3nguinWhat phone?
02:11.56MiccI guess I left that part out.
02:13.35p3nguinWhat I saw in the debug was a call from an a specific peer was being parked by a phone using the same peer.
02:14.01Miccheres the full call
02:14.28Miccnwdmic1 is the peer that parked the call.
02:14.58p3nguinWhat is it?
02:15.18p3nguinWhat kind of device?
02:15.18MiccYealink T38G
02:15.32MiccI've got a few other phones here I can try.
02:16.37p3nguinWho created this dial plan?
02:17.36p3nguinWhat is the purpose of the added overhead?
02:17.46dj_hamstap3nguin, lol yes.. phones have been configured, i fear it may be the router on the other side. will check that first before asking again
02:18.23p3nguindj_hamsta: Do the phones register successfully?
02:19.04Miccwhat added overhead? It sets callerid because we use different callerid for internal. It makes sure they aren't using too many lines, then checks the dialout route in the database.
02:19.21dj_hamstap3nguin, yes
02:19.31Miccseems like the only things that need to be there to make it work correctly.
02:19.39p3nguinI'm talking about the added overhead of this macro.  All those things can be done without a macro.
02:20.12p3nguinThat was what made it appear to me as being a FreePBX problem.
02:20.24p3nguinMost sane people wouldn't use a macro in a case like that.
02:21.14Miccok, I could have used a gosub instead or just a regular context.
02:21.18p3nguinMy concern with the macro was that the call was going to be returned to extension 's' in whatever context it said.
02:21.43p3nguinAll of those things can be done in the existing extension.  No need for a subroutine of any kind.
02:21.51MiccIt says it will return to nwd-sip, which is the correct context for the phone.
02:22.06p3nguinWhat extension does it say it will call back?
02:22.19p3nguinWhat I read said extension s priority 1.
02:22.34MiccWill timeout back to extension [nwd-sip] s, 1 in 200 seconds
02:22.43Miccoh, which doesn't exist.
02:22.49p3nguinAnd there's no phone at that extension.
02:23.00p3nguinYour macro has it all messed up.
02:23.08p3nguinThe unnecessary macro, that is.
02:23.35MiccI'd be happy to learn how to do those things without this macro.
02:24.03p3nguinSo when the thing goes to s, it reads the channel information into the macro and calls back the existing channel rather than the one where it really should be going.
02:25.01Miccit would be NPANXXXXXX extension in most normal cases, but I don't see hwo that would solve the problem.
02:25.18p3nguinIt's the macro that is the problem.
02:25.53p3nguinWhen the call returns TO the macro, the macro's apps/functions take the wrong channel information and process a new call.
02:26.15MiccI'll hard code it and see if that fixes it then.
02:26.25p3nguinAt least that was my interpretation of what I read in your first pastebin.
02:27.03p3nguinLose the macro or you won't be gaining anything.
02:28.09*** join/#asterisk emhs (
02:28.28p3nguinA basic extension is capable of setting CALLERID(num), checking GROUP_COUNT(), and looking up a peer entry from a database.
02:29.32Miccsure, but its a lot more code. I was trying to simplify things by putting it in a macro.
02:29.46MiccI'd rather put it in a sub now, but I haven't gotten around to that.
02:30.04p3nguinHow is it more code?  Move the subroutine out of the macro and into the main routine.
02:30.26p3nguinIt's the exact same amount of code.
02:30.46p3nguinActually less...
02:30.58p3nguinone less line to execute the macro, and one less for the macro context name.
02:31.12p3nguinAll the rest will be exactly the same.
02:31.32emhsHowdy folks. I'm a devout Google Voice user, but I'm in the process of brainstorming a transition to secure space. I'm hoping y'all might be able to help with brainstorming a way to use asterisk to replace GV's ability to route from a central number to either my cell or a geographically static sip-phone as needed, centrally receive and forward text messages, and record calls and voicemails, while that central number is displayed as C
02:31.32emhsID for all outbound calls from either my cell or static sip-phone.
02:31.41MiccI call that macro from a few different places. Now I'll have that code in all those places.
02:31.42emhsAnyone have any thoughts on such a concept?
02:32.05p3nguinWhy do you need to put it in more than one place?  Variables are variable for a reason.
02:32.06MiccI can set some channel variables and just use goto.
02:32.40Miccso what is the point of a macro then?
02:32.43p3nguinI know you don't want to change your ways, but it is because of your way that the thing failed.
02:33.00p3nguinMacros have been deprecated, anyway.
02:33.30MiccI'm fine changing my ways but I'd like to change it to something clean. Can I use a Gosub then?
02:33.43p3nguinSubroutines are often useful for things... but I haven't seen anything warranting a subroutine in your case.
02:33.56p3nguinYOu don't need a subroutine at all.
02:34.27resist0rhas anyone compiled iaxclient?
02:34.45MiccIts mostly for managability. I have each customer's dial code all in one place and I can call it from many other places.
02:35.02p3nguinYou could do that without a subroutine.
02:35.15MiccIf they want to have a special prefix like 9 that dials out a different number or something, its easy, I just call it with a different parameter.
02:35.18*** join/#asterisk kactusotp (~chatzilla@
02:35.49MiccGoto doesn't take parameters, so you have to do a bunch of set's before you goto
02:35.51p3nguinIf they want to dial a 9 before a phone number, I'd tell them that 1986 called and they want their phone system back.
02:36.49Miccp3nguin, true thats not the default, but its nice in cases where they have multiple numbers and they want to choose which caller id number is used.
02:37.18p3nguinAll of that is still easily performed without sub routines.
02:37.24kactusotpHi Everyone, just wondering if there was anyone on hand to help with a major issue I'm seeing in asterisk 1.8? "Too much delay in IAX2 calltoken timestamp from address XX.XX.XX.XX"
02:37.46p3nguinkactusotp: Check your system time on both peers.
02:39.43kactusotpthat can do it? I'm pretty sure ntp is setup on both but I'll double check. Seems to be intermittent happens after anywhere from 6 - 24 hours of calls.
02:40.37p3nguinI don't know that the time *is* the problem, but the fact of a timestamp delay made me think of a system time sync issue.
02:43.13p3nguinI recommend three ntp peers to keep accurate time.
02:43.35emhsAnyone know any good, basic, free sip services compatible with an asterisk setup?
02:43.39MiccI use all kinds of subs and macros for inbound call routing too. Does that mean it will break parking for inbound calls too?
02:43.50resist0rp3nguin: what peers do you recomend
02:44.26p3nguinresist0r: It is dependent on your location.  I usually use geographically relevant peers from
02:44.55p3nguinsuch as {0,1,2}
02:47.09resist0rokay cool, I was having a discussion the other day with someone about use'n more than one ntp server.  Thanks
02:47.48kactusotpp3nguin: the distressing thing about this is that when it happens it drops all the iax peers (unreachable), and still processes sip but fails on iax. Have to restart asterisk to solve :/ time seems more or less a match though
02:47.50p3nguinDepending on your ntpd, you might be able to specify a single "servers" line and it will use multiple servers.
02:48.24p3nguinAs opposed to  server
02:51.48p3nguinIf you aren't in the US, check for other geographical pools.
02:51.59emhsOkay. Even simpler question: Does anyone know a good SIP dialout service?
02:52.11emhsFor reaching POTS from within sip-land?
02:52.19p3nguinYou want an ITSP.
02:52.19infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
02:52.22Miccp3nguin, if I can't even use a goto then how am I supposed to make this work without copying my code to 4 different places in the dialplan?
02:52.47p3nguinUse variables in a single routine.
02:53.03MiccI would have to match on everything then _.
02:53.09Miccthat doesn't seem secure.
02:53.19p3nguinThat is a TERRIBLE pattern.
02:53.49MiccI have different logic for if they dial 1 or use an npa prefix or not.
02:54.00kactusotp_X. is better, sorry Micc i missed what you were doing but would a gotoif not work?
02:54.25Micckactusotp, apparently not even a goto will work with parking in 1.8.
02:54.55MiccI've tried them all. onlything that works is keeping it all in the device's sip context.
02:55.00infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
02:55.00emhsYep, fail.
02:55.00emhsp3nguin: Can't see the list. Any ideas why?
02:55.01emhsp3nguin: Am I not authorized?
02:55.22*** join/#asterisk emhs (
02:55.26infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
02:56.16kactusotpMicc: have not played with parking in 1.8 sorry but push comes to shove if you want to do alot of processing but keep your patterns simple there is func_odbc. We do most of our heavy lifting there
02:56.38Micckactusotp, yes I use that a lot too.
02:57.38MiccI just don't want to have 10 lines of dialplan duplicated 3 times for every single sip device context.
02:58.05p3nguinEach device does not need to have its own context.
02:58.30Miccp3nguin, each customer has a context for its devices.
02:58.44p3nguinOkay, then use a gosub.
02:58.51p3nguinNow you're making more sense to me.
02:58.55Miccit doesn't work either. I already tried gosub and goto.
02:59.01p3nguinI'm glad we finally arrived here.
02:59.03Miccand I moved the extension from s to the extension.
03:00.49p3nguinIt is possible for a routine to start, run a Gosub(), do stuff common to all companies, Return() back to the main routine, then Park() the call, and when it times out it should go back to the correct place (if the other parts of the dial plan are correct).
03:01.29Miccp3nguin, thats not a bad idea at all.
03:01.42MiccI'll see if that works.
03:02.30p3nguinJust pay attention to what your verbose output says for where the call will go when it times out.
03:02.51Miccp3nguin, its still wrong, but its working.
03:03.03Miccthe output says my default context s,1
03:03.22emhsSo, can asterisk take a call from an ITSP and route it to a modem (which in turn is connected to a basic telephone)?
03:03.24Miccbut it goes back to park-dial with the peer
03:03.28p3nguinThat should be the standard fall back in the event the other does not exist.
03:03.42p3nguinemhs: Modem?  No, this is VoIP.
03:03.57p3nguinYou want an ATA.
03:03.59infobotmethinks ata is Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
03:04.05Miccit was using the parkee's peer before.
03:04.19p3nguinbecause of the macro.
03:04.21Miccso it would go back to park-dial with SIP_360-inbound
03:05.05MiccI still don't understand why that would matter if its just looking at the peer. but it doesn't seem to work when its in any other context than the sip peer's context.
03:05.29emhsp3nguin: And if I want have a VoIP number that rings both my cell and the ATA-connected device and connects the call to whichever I answer?
03:05.31p3nguinThe macro worked correctly, taking the values of the call... which were inaccurate.
03:06.10p3nguinemhs: Yes, you can Dial() multiple devices at one time.
03:06.11emhss/want/want to/
03:06.46Miccwhat values of the call were inaccurate?
03:07.19p3nguinThe data that the macro read was the data from the parked leg.  That wasn't what you wanted it to read.
03:07.22p3nguinThe parked leg ran the macro.
03:07.47Miccthe macro is run way before the park
03:08.01p3nguinBut when the park tried to return the call, it ran the macro again.
03:08.04emhsRight... So, can asterisk see the ATA device and both route calls to it and route its attempted call-outs to the ITSP?
03:08.29Miccp3nguin, no it didn't.
03:08.50p3nguinemhs: I'm having trouble with your sentence... but asterisk can Dial() multiple devices at one time.
03:08.51Miccp3nguin, when the park returned it returned to park-dial with the wrong peer name.
03:09.38emhsp3nguin: I'll make an infographic that explains what I'm trying to do. If I did that would you mind telling me what devices and services are necessary to make it happen?
03:10.03p3nguinemhs: I don't need a picture.  I understand that you want to call an ATA and a cell phone.
03:10.10Miccp3nguin, the value of the peer to return to is wrong at the time the park happens. And it ends up playing the park spot digits to the call that is being parked.
03:10.20p3nguinAnd for the third time, asterisk can Dial() multiple devices at the same time.
03:11.36Miccp3nguing, I agree that the macro was causing a problem, but not for the reason you think.
03:11.47MiccI just want to understand what is really happening.
03:12.09p3nguinWhat I saw said it was running the macro on returning the call to the phone who parked it.
03:12.10emhs... That part's easy enough. The real question is can the ATA and the cell phone, via asterisk (but at different times), dial out through the same ITSP number (the one whose received calls are being routed to the ATA and cell).
03:12.21Miccp3nguin, no that never happened.
03:12.50emhsAnd can asterisk arbitrarily (at a keypress) record those calls, both in from the ITSP and out to it?
03:13.10emhss/keypress/keypress on either phone/
03:13.13p3nguinYes it can do that.  That is called automon.
03:13.34p3nguinHow will you interface your cell phone with asterisk?
03:14.00emhsThere-in lies the question. I'm kinda making this up as I go along.
03:14.20emhsBasically I'm trying to replace google voice service.
03:14.44p3nguinI don't directly interface my cell with asterisk... I simply dial into my asterisk system and then I can dial back out as needed.
03:14.59emhsThat's pretty much what I was thinking.
03:15.13emhsAdded bonus: put it in your friends and family list to get free calls
03:15.13p3nguinBut there surely is something to do direct interface.   Maybe something like chan_mobile.
03:15.45p3nguinBut you'll pay the rate of the ITSP for calls you make through them going out to the PSTN.
03:16.03emhsWell, voicepulse connect has an unlimited-america plan.
03:16.07emhsCovers canada too
03:16.13emhsSo that's trivial.
03:16.27p3nguinFor termination service?
03:16.42p3nguinUnlimited is often only for origination, and termination will be per minute.
03:17.26emhsLooks all-inclusive to me.
03:18.24emhsSo the last question is this: Can ITSPs typically handle making two calls at once?
03:18.36emhsIE, how many lines do I need to buy?
03:19.08p3nguinWell, there are no lines, because it is VoIP... but you can ask them how many channels you get.
03:19.36p3nguinOn my per minute plan, I have some 25 outbound channels, which will support 25 calls at one time.
03:20.10p3nguinOn my inbound flat rate plan, I get two channels, which will support only two simultaneous inbound calls.
03:20.24emhsChannels is the term for how many connections I can have going at once for that line/number?
03:20.36*** join/#asterisk emhs (
03:20.39emhsChannels is the term for how many connections I can have going at once for that line/number?
03:20.53p3nguinFor each call, there is a channel to carry the call.
03:21.10p3nguinLike a channel on your TV.
03:21.17emhsThought so.
03:21.36emhsSo I just need to see how many channels the plan comes with and if it's >=2, I'm golden.
03:21.52p3nguinSo if they provide you with 5 channels, that will support 5 calls at a time.
03:22.07p3nguinCompanies will also sell you additional channels.
03:22.18Micc  I made some notes in this one. The macro is not being executed when it returns. The macro is only to dial the phone we want to park, which is my cell phone in this case.
03:22.22emhsp3nguin: Thank you so much. This is exceptionally helpful.
03:22.59emhsWhen I get the devices and services ready to config, I'll probably be back for more.
03:23.50emhsLast question: If I expose the right ports at the physical location of the ATA(s), can asterisk route at them remotely? Like can a server in the middle of nowhere receive the ITSP call and point it at an ATA in my living room?
03:24.35emhsY'all take care now.
03:25.37Miccp3nguin, in that one its not even a macro its just a goto.
03:28.11Miccp3nguin, call flow here is. I dial my cell phone from the peer nwdmic1, it sends call out 360, I answer on my cell phone. Then I place the call on park. You can see right at the time I park it is placing the correct call on park, but it is trying to play the park spot to the parked call. So when it returns its not rerunning anything, its just trying to dial the wrong peer.
03:29.46Miccp3nguin, have you given up on me?
03:30.03p3nguinNot exactly... I'm trying to eat supper.
03:30.41Miccno problem. :)
03:31.09p3nguincorned beef, potatoes, and carrots
03:31.41Miccoh nice, thats my favorite.
03:32.07Miccwith a little sourcrout
03:32.34MiccI'm gonna try your suggestion, gosub then return.
03:32.36*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
03:36.42Miccthat works. So it has to be in the context of the sip peer when it dials. I don't understand why. I haven't looked at the parkinglot code in 1.8 much yet though. But it never used to matter.
03:37.43Miccmaybe its using the call stack to store where to return the parked call to.
03:38.34SeRip3nguin: I am porting a did to for one of my clients.... I will let you know how that goes as a reseller.... maybe more bugs or maybe is not possible....
03:39.08p3nguinThat part is easy.
03:39.35p3nguinTake their last invoice, have them sign it, email/fax it to and wait.
03:40.15SeRio sool!
03:40.42p3nguinDid you already start the port request?
03:41.10*** join/#asterisk radic (
03:42.48SeRip3nguin: No.
03:42.53*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
03:42.58*** join/#asterisk Cubber (
03:43.08p3nguinIt's fairly painless.
03:43.23SeRiI open up a ticket to see what I need it but you answer my question! lol :)
03:43.33p3nguinIt's in the wiki.
03:43.48CubberI compiled asterisk 10 from source and am working on getting it setup with Google Voice.  I have outbound calling working fine, however inbound calls fail with the following error:  app_dial.c:2218 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
03:44.23Cubberafter that displays in the CLI i get a busy signal on the phone I am calling from, it never rings the asterisk extension that is mapped to the gvoice account for incoming calls
03:44.32p3nguinIt looks like your SIP phone is not available.
03:45.20Cubberp3nguin odd I can use it to access voice mail and make outbound calls.  it is a polycom ip335 gonna try to restart it
03:46.22SeRip3nguin: Thanks!
03:46.51Cubberp3nguin phone restart fixed it!
03:47.20Cubberwhat is this warning I get whenever an extension connects? db.c:295 ast_db_put: Couldn't execute statment: SQL logic error or missing database
03:47.32Cubberis it because I do not have mysql support in use?
03:47.34p3nguinExtensions do not connect.
03:47.40p3nguinExtensions are your dial plan rules.
03:48.01Cubberlet me rephrase, whenever a sip device registers
03:48.11p3nguinAre you using real time SIP peers?
03:48.26CubberI have not set any up
03:48.36p3nguinYour phones are configured in sip.conf?
03:49.57p3nguinIf that is showing up when your phone registers, maybe you need to disable your realtime SIP stuff.
03:50.22*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
03:51.19Cubberi never set any up. I just installed asterisk with the required gvoice modules, and setup a basic sip.conf and extensions.conf to get things going.  Was going to do more after I got it running correctly
03:51.20*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:51.48p3nguinWhat other confs do you have in /etc/asterisk/ ?
03:52.58CubberI have only edited sip.conf, extensions.conf, gtalk.conf, jabber.conf and voicemail.conf
03:53.23p3nguinYou see all those confs?
03:53.31p3nguinIf you aren't using them, get rid of them.
03:53.45Cubberthey are just the samples
03:54.10p3nguinThe samples are NOT FOR PRODUCTION files.
03:54.20p3nguinYou'll need a few for minimal operation, but many of them need to go.
03:54.37Cubberok so is there a list of the ones that are required somewhere?
03:54.53*** join/#asterisk sixohquad (~sixoh@
03:55.02CubberI have the oreilly book Asterisk the definitive guide.  Just got it, and need to start digging in.
03:56.20p3nguinI would keep: asterisk.conf, modules.conf, sip.conf, extensions.conf, indications.conf, voicemail.conf, codecs.conf, features.conf, rtp.conf, queues.conf
03:56.43p3nguinOnly create and configure files that you need.
03:56.59Cubberthanks for the tip
03:59.14sixohquadhey guys, am i able to include other .conf files in sip.conf and extensions.conf and if so, how do i do it?
03:59.30sixohquadi think i asked this earlier but i was working on the tablet and missed the answer
03:59.37p3nguin#Include other_file.conf
04:00.29sixohquadim reading the section on includes in the book and it says nothing about including outside files, just other contexts. maybe it talks about it later in the book
04:02.39p3nguinAre you reading it online?
04:02.52sixohquadis it available online?
04:02.56sixohquadim reading it in ebook
04:02.59infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
04:03.07sixohquadoh shite
04:03.38sixohquadwell, then i feel less bad about downloading torrent. excellent.
04:03.45p3nguinwoleium: I wish you'd knock it off.
04:03.49*** join/#asterisk saliak (
04:05.25Cubberp3nguin seems to be working with the minimal confs thanks again.
04:05.49p3nguinAdd more as needed.
04:06.21CubberI just moved the old /etc/asterisk folder to a backup folder and copied in the ones I needed to /etc/asterisk
04:06.43p3nguinGood plan.
04:06.57p3nguinThe sample files are for reference.
04:07.22p3nguinSome of the samples, however, are suitable to use because they have bare minimum configuration in them.
04:07.39*** join/#asterisk blognewb (~blognewb_@unaffiliated/blognewb)
04:08.14blognewbhey guys im new to obi
04:09.26*** join/#asterisk gajini (~root@
04:09.50p3nguinObi-Wan Kenobi?
04:10.10[TK]D-FenderYou're our only hope...
04:10.18woleiump3nguin: what am i doing?
04:10.22sixohquadp3nguin, and [TK]D-Fender are asterisk jedi
04:10.50blognewbp3nguin obi110
04:10.55p3nguinwoleium: All the goddamned nick changing is really annoying.  You're the only one in the channel doing it, so you kind of stand out like a sore thumb.
04:10.58blognewbi don't get what a sip gateway is
04:11.14blognewbdo you guys have a layman explanation for it?
04:11.32[TK]D-FenderGateway = going from one kind of thing to another
04:11.35p3nguinOn, obihai.
04:11.40blognewbi was watching this then i got lost halfway :(
04:11.41blognewbyes sir
04:11.58[TK]D-FenderSIP is one telephony statndard.  In the case of the OBI its either FXO or FXS
04:12.07blognewb[TK]D-Fender ] how is a gateway different from a router?
04:12.17[TK]D-FenderSo that lets you tun an analog phone into a SIP phone
04:12.26p3nguinA gateway could be a router with a specific purpose.
04:12.35[TK]D-FenderA router just moves packets.  Analog phone != VOIP
04:12.40blognewb[TK]D-Fender ] what is a sip though? :(((
04:12.50p3nguinBut a gateway can be other types of devices with a similar purpose.
04:12.51woleiumaaah, sorry p3nguin - I installed znc the other day. still tweaking settings
04:12.51infobotwell, sip is Session Initiation Protocol, (see RFC 3261) It's HIP to be SIP!
04:12.56[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: ^
04:12.58woleiumwanted off to change his settings
04:13.00sixohquadsip is a protocol
04:13.00blognewbp3nguin so strictly speaking are all routers gateways technically?
04:13.05[TK]D-FenderSIP is a VoIP protocol
04:13.16blognewboh its a voip protocol
04:13.22p3nguinBut a router with the purpose of being a gateway is a gateway.
04:13.42blognewbp3nguin how else are routers classified as other than being a gateway?
04:13.46p3nguinSuch as your router between your LAN and your DSL modem... that's a gateway.
04:14.19sixohquada router is not a gateway if its not delivering internet to you
04:14.28sixohquadif its only acting as a LAN hub, its not a gateway
04:14.33p3nguinI guess in a loose sense, a router between two networks of any kind could be considered a gateway, but it's not common usage of the term.
04:14.36blognewbLAN Hub
04:14.42blognewbsixohquad like intranet?
04:14.46[TK]D-FenderDSL modem = gateway.  It traverses mediums
04:14.48sixohquadblognewb, yes
04:14.57blognewbphew it gets so confusing :'(
04:15.14p3nguinwoleium: Thank you!  Less people will hate you once you have that fixed.
04:15.21sixohquada sip gateway is just something that turns a sip line into something else for you, typically an analog line...dare i say?
04:15.26p3nguinwoleium: They should have had some sane defaults, though.
04:15.44blognewbsixohquad so if a router acts as a LAN hub for instance but not as a gateway, what does it "route" as the name suggests?
04:16.01p3nguinA router is never a "LAN hub."
04:16.09sixohquadit still assigns dhcp addresses to each device
04:16.13blognewbp3nguin i thought sixohquad said it is
04:16.16woleium/me is sad that he has been upsetting people :-(
04:16.17sixohquadlan hub may have been the wrong terminaology
04:16.21p3nguinA dhcpd does that, not a router.
04:16.21sixohquadi was comparing
04:16.33sixohquadrouter's have dhcpd's in them tho
04:16.34p3nguinBut a router appliance can also contain a dhcpd.
04:16.49blognewbwhat is the last d in dhcpd
04:16.53p3nguinA router appliance can also have a switch.
04:17.00p3nguinbut the router just routes.
04:17.28blognewbbut don't routers have dhcpd in them
04:17.33blognewbi just checked mine
04:17.34p3nguinSometimes, yes.
04:17.36[TK]D-FenderMany do
04:17.48p3nguinBut that doesn't make it a gateway in all cases.
04:17.50sixohquadmost in consumer applications do
04:18.08blognewbso a dsl modem is also a gateway
04:18.24p3nguinFor example, I have a router with a dhdp server which is not my internet gateway.
04:18.31blognewbso if there's a router in between, is it defined as a gateway to the gateway
04:18.54sixohquadyou shouldn't really do that lol
04:18.56blognewbin a dsl modem - router - nodes setup, are the modem and router both gateways
04:19.12sixohquadwell not if your dsl modem has a builtin router
04:19.21p3nguinIf your modem is a bridge, I wouldn't call it a gateway.
04:19.29sixohquadIF your DSL modem is a gateway, then you should be able to plug a switch into it
04:19.32sixohquadyou shouldn't plug another router
04:19.33blognewbp3nguin oh wow what is a bridge this time?
04:19.47blognewbgateway and bridge sound synonymous
04:19.52p3nguinA modem in bridged mode does not behave as a node on the network.
04:20.00p3nguinA router does, though.
04:20.04sixohquadit just passes traffic through
04:20.08sixohquada router will actually route traffic
04:20.09p3nguinAnd the router would be the gateway.
04:20.20blognewbso p3nguin what does that imply if you set the modem in bridged mode while using a router
04:20.38p3nguinWhen a modem is not in a bridged mode, it is probably acting as a gateway.
04:20.46sixohquadyour modem will authenticate to the outside network, and your router will take care of passing traffic from internally to externally through the modem
04:21.03p3nguinIf your modem is in bridged mode, your connected gateway device (your router) is the first node on your premises.
04:21.37p3nguinIf you traceroute through it, your bridged modem will not appear as a hop.
04:21.51blognewbso if the modem is not in bridged mode it's always a node?
04:22.02blognewbthis is very educational
04:22.10p3nguinIf your modem is not bridged, it will be a hop in a traceroute.
04:22.29p3nguinAnd in that case, it is a gateway.
04:22.40blognewbwhy would one want to set the modem bridged?
04:22.41sixohquadyeah i guess if its bridged it probably DOESN"T do authentication, you would have to set your router to PPPOE eh?
04:23.29sixohquadhm, im not really sure about that concept, its been so long since i've really used ADSL
04:23.44p3nguinWhat does any of this have to do with an Obihai SIP gateway?
04:23.57sixohquadhah, he's just asking questions. and now i had one too :)
04:24.11blognewbp3nguin i was just confused since im gonna connect the obi into the router
04:24.28blognewbwhich is a gateway
04:24.32p3nguinGo for it... you're really connecting it to a switch in the "router" appliance.
04:24.50blognewbp3nguin i still have to buyh one though lol
04:24.59p3nguinPlastic routers usually have at least a 4-port switch built in.
04:25.00blognewbhoping i could find a coupon code somewhere
04:25.29blognewbp3nguin so this guy in the video keeps on using the term "sip account" does that pertain to getting a phone number?
04:25.47p3nguinProbably not.
04:26.05p3nguinHe's probably talking about the account that Obihai will give you.
04:26.09blognewbi dont get the concept of sip
04:26.20blognewbso it's a protocol followed by a hardware...?
04:26.37p3nguinSIP will be the protocol used for the VoIP calls.
04:26.48blognewbi see
04:26.59p3nguinThe SIP account will be the account used on their servers to provide those calls to your device.
04:27.53p3nguinKeep in mind that I have never used an Obihai device for Google Voice calling... because I use Asterisk and it isn't necessary.
04:28.10blognewbp3nguin so what would you call that thing which would provide you the phone number if not google voice
04:28.27p3nguinI would call it Google Voice.
04:28.57blognewbp3nguin are you able to use your landline phone device via asterisk
04:29.14infobotata is, like, Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
04:29.42blognewbp3nguin is there anything i need to buy to implement asterisk? is there like a for idiots/dummies guide?
04:29.45p3nguinAn ATA allows the connection of a bell telephone to your Ethernet LAN.
04:30.01p3nguinThe ATA turns it into SIP (in most cases).
04:31.25blognewbinformation overload. i wanna cry
04:32.35infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
04:32.38blognewbp3nguin is there an idiot friendly guide in the wiki page i can link my dad to
04:32.38[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: ^
04:32.49[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: Ok, lets try this.  Ever used Skype?
04:32.53blognewbyes sir
04:33.00blognewbis it easy to setup?
04:33.11[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: that is VOIP.  Skype is a PROTOCOL.  It also has an APPLICATION you install to use it
04:33.12blognewbi mean do i need to buy any hardware or something? or everything is software
04:33.15p3nguinThere's an entire book on most aspects of asterisk.
04:33.25[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: Ever used SkypeOut?  Or at least familiar with?
04:33.45p3nguinTo most people, skype is an application they execute on their computer.
04:34.06blognewb[TK]D-Fender ive used google voice to call out
04:34.13[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: An ATA lets you plug a boring analog phone and use it to speak that VoIP protocol.
04:34.15blognewbis that what skypeout essentially is
04:34.21[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: So that is what your device is
04:34.40[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: Just something to plug a phone into instead of using software on a PC w/ headset
04:35.13[TK]D-Fenderand a gateway is typically the other end of the equation.  A device that you plug a LINE into so that you can send those voip calls out onto the real world phone system'
04:35.48[TK]D-FenderSample : you want to use your PC to place local telephone calls out your cousin's physical phone line.
04:35.57blognewbi really want to teach senior citizens with this thing
04:36.14[TK]D-FenderYou install a SIP Gateway at his place.  You send sip calls to it and it dials out onto the physical telco line you plug into it
04:36.14p3nguinWhat do you intend to teach?
04:36.31blognewbp3nguin my dad how to setup this asterisk thing
04:36.46blognewbhmm so i need to setup an asterisk voip server???
04:36.52blognewbis that what we are all getting into
04:36.53[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: You don't understand what it is let along the owrkings...  Physician.. heal thyself :p
04:37.04blognewbi know!
04:37.14[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: Don't get aahead of yourself.
04:37.20p3nguinYou're probably not going to be teaching anyone to set up asterisk for a little while.
04:37.35blognewblol yeah i know
04:37.57[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: Asterisk is a PBX a telephony toolkit.  It gives you means of bringing various telephony technologies together.  What you do with it is up to you
04:38.25[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: You could use it to build a PBX.  Or you can do what I do and use it as a coffee timer and a jukebox.
04:38.38blognewbthis is like the evolution theory to a creationist for me
04:39.00blognewbyes it's getting less blurry
04:39.41p3nguinI think drmessano uses asterisk to turn on and off the lights in his house.
04:40.24blognewbthat's insane
04:40.45[TK]D-FenderNope, same harware I use for my coffee....
04:41.00blognewbyou guys are so smart
04:41.00[TK]D-Fenderperfectly sane
04:41.42p3nguinWhat is your coffee maker's extension?  :)
04:42.20[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: h4X0r
04:42.25p3nguinDoes the module have a way to poll for the current state, or do you have to use one extension for power on and another for power off?
04:42.41[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Time delayed on/off
04:44.15p3nguin"Hello, Mr. Coffee speaking..."
04:44.38blognewbthe concept is amazing
04:45.09p3nguin"Hi, brew me four cups of dark roast at zero six-hundred, please."
04:47.32[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Prior to starting with * I was working on a VB + Dragon ASR engine base for an AI to teach my home what i have and how to use it.  You program it by talkig to it.
04:47.43[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: So I literally explain my home to itself
04:47.44blognewb[TK]D-Fender <--?
04:47.55infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
04:48.10blognewbim sorry
04:48.20[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: That is a WEB Gui front-end for configuring Asterisk within the limits of the structures they came up with
04:48.21p3nguinYou'll never learn how to use asterisk if you let FreePBX run asterisk for you.
04:48.43p3nguins/run /use /
04:48.47[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: FreePBX builds * into a realtively common set of structures for an SMB PBX
04:49.29blognewb[TK]D-Fender i see. i was just trying to search a guide how to get it started like what to buy or do i have to buy anything at all etc
04:49.50p3nguinBut if you have no use for learning asterisk, FreePBX can do the work for you.
04:49.58[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: Depends what you want to do.
04:50.25[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: First you need to get a better grasp on what * can do, and then start seeing how it may help you accomplish your goals
04:50.48blognewb[TK]D-Fender well right now i jsut want to help my mom save on her landline bills and set her up on using google voice or something similar to cancel her hefty at&t monthly expenses
04:50.49p3nguinA 10 year old computer, a compatible Linux distro, and asterisk ... make a pretty good PBX.
04:51.16blognewbp3nguin i got my mom a lenovo laptop... does it have to be a separate comuter?
04:51.17[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: Asterisk doesn't inherently do any of that.
04:51.32[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: The key for you is "get her on cheaper service
04:51.47p3nguinYou'd have to leave the laptop on and online in order to make and get phone calls.
04:51.57blognewbi see
04:52.06blognewblike a server
04:52.08[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: GoogleVoice to call out is a cheapr service perhaps, as are probably many ITSP's
04:52.11infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
04:52.15p3nguinExactly like a server.
04:52.32[TK]D-FenderSo that is the service she would use instead of her current expensive one
04:53.10[TK]D-FenderThen the question is how will she use that service?  She could use software on a PC & headset just like GoogleVoice & Skype offer.
04:53.24sixohquadwhere does asterisk install all of its sounds?
04:53.31blognewbso i guess in the mean time ill get her an obi and use her existing google voice number and existing landline devices
04:53.51p3nguinI typically reduce a $50/mo landline phone service down to $15/mo or less by switching to VoIP over an internet service which is already being paid for anyway.
04:54.05[TK]D-FenderOr if she already has regular phone you could get a SIP ATA, plug the phone in abnd have that talk directly to the ITSP.  Presto, she has a real analog phone that places calls over that service
04:54.59sixohquadnice thanks
04:55.03blognewbp3nguin but google voice is free at the moment right.. i was planning to buy the obi 50$ and get free calls via google voice using the same phone devices
04:55.07[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: You should note that I have not introduced Asterisk into this solution at all.  Your defined need can be solved without it.
04:55.57blognewb[TK]D-Fender i got the itsp part but a "sip ata" is what, like a real-life example..
04:55.59*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
04:56.08blognewbobi = sip gateway right
04:56.12p3nguinSo $50 for phone + $30 for internet = $80.  Or $15 for VoIP + $30 for internet = $45.
04:56.28blognewbphew we never learned this in networking class.
04:56.31[TK]D-FenderYou plug dumb phone in, it talks SIP out the other side
04:56.42p3nguinThe obi device is like an ATA, but it is for the Obihai Google Voice service.
04:56.57[TK]D-Fenderbecause a dumb analog phone != LAN networking
04:57.08[TK]D-Fenderthat's what the ATA is for
04:57.20p3nguinI guess it's not like an ATA... it *is* an ATA, but one with a specific purpose predefined.
04:57.43blognewbso it's a sip ata gateway?
04:58.10p3nguinIt's an ATA preprogrammed for Obihai's service.
04:58.38[TK]D-Fender"OBi100 — The OBi100 has one phone port. It supports Google Voice, SIP & OBiTALK VoIP services. Use the OBi100 when you do not need an analog line to a traditional telephone network or service. The OBi100 is perfect for customers who do not have a traditional telco phone service and want the savings and simplicity of using a VoIP service for all their calls"
04:58.49[TK]D-FenderHelps when you read their product page
04:58.59[TK]D-Fenderit can talk multiple protocols <-
04:59.12[TK]D-FenderIt supports Google Voice, SIP & OBiTALK VoIP services
04:59.21blognewbill get the 110
05:00.26blognewb[TK]D-Fender do you have a clip of your * coffeemaker
05:00.38[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: Video?  No
05:01.38[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: blognewb I use the HEYU2 script to talk to my X-10 CM11A computer interface which remotely triggers the wall socket it is connected to
05:01.54[TK]D-FenderCoommodity gear that costs very little
05:02.14blognewb[TK]D-Fender you know those are all jargon to me
05:02.23p3nguingoogle it
05:02.28blognewbi will
05:02.35blognewbthat's like talking to a grandma what a twitter is
05:02.36[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: Where are you from?
05:02.45blognewbbay area
05:02.47blognewbthe irony
05:02.48*** join/#asterisk coreyf1513 (
05:03.13[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: Well  RadioScrap has been selling this stuff for 30 YEARS
05:03.36[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: And you'll likely have been bombarded with their adds for years
05:04.13blognewbim only 26.. half of which i spent day dreaming
05:04.26blognewbgoogles radioscrap
05:04.33[TK]D-FenderRadioShack <-
05:05.32blognewbim not a hardware guy im clueless about everything networking and radioshack
05:05.59blognewbi bought replacement regular phone batteries at radioshack once
05:06.02blognewbdoesn't count
05:06.46[TK]D-FenderWell they sold this home automation gear going back to before you were born....
05:06.55blognewbthis should be taught in school
05:07.04blognewbalong with financial planning
05:09.13blognewball i hear around me is jersey shore or kim kardashian so the next generation might be pretty phckd
05:09.24resist0rratshack was good for buying CB radio crystals as a kid heh
05:09.52[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: Go talk to that kid who it bulding HAM radios, blowing things up, playing with lasers, etc.
05:10.01[TK]D-FenderThese are people who are seeing how things work.
05:10.14blognewb[TK]D-Fender that's like big foot these days.
05:10.18blognewbat least in my area
05:10.31resist0rheh a myth ?
05:10.39resist0roften seen yet never confirmed
05:10.50blognewbwait there's this 16 yo girl in cupertino who cured cancer lol
05:10.58[TK]D-FenderNope, they're all over the place and most people are too dumb to truly begin to comprehend just how dumb they are
05:11.00blognewbso might not be far out
05:11.25resist0rhaha she didnt cure it... and besides she was working under a well known 'mad scientist'
05:11.44blognewbill put asterisk in my to-do list
05:11.48[TK]D-FenderCanada already found a cure for cancer and it doesn't seem it'll ever hit the market
05:11.49blognewbhis dad
05:12.02blognewbhis dad i learnt is some molecular biologist i think
05:12.20blognewbthe DCA something in canada?
05:12.28[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I should seriously write a book for all of these "what is * and what are the bits it's used to talk to.
05:12.42[TK]D-Fenderblognewb: Unfamiliar acronym....
05:12.52blognewbyeah that had side effects. but there's plenty more like beta glucan, egcg, liposomal curcumin
05:13.02blognewbeven vit c IV
05:13.07sixohquad[TK]D-Fender, university of alberta cured cancer, you famillar with their program there?
05:13.31resist0rheh vit c IV
05:13.45blognewbsodium ascorbate but not all the time
05:14.07blognewb[TK]D-Fender yes i think they used dca in that
05:14.14sixohquadyeah DCA
05:14.25blognewbno dca has side effects
05:14.34blognewbmight have worked in vitro but nah.
05:15.05blognewb[TK]D-Fender this one works:
05:15.27blognewbdisregard the company. beta 1,3->6 glucans is the molecule
05:15.35resist0rwell I suppose one could claim nearly anything with antioxidant properties is a cancer cure
05:16.04blognewbum not really. like say egcg robs you of iron, while vit c rusts the cancer cells with it
05:16.17resist0rhe oxidation
05:16.17blognewbso if you use both concurrently, you would not get treated
05:16.46blognewbbut they would work separately... although i think say if it's prostate cancer, might not want to use vit c
05:17.28resist0rin the form of sodium ascorbate or at all ?
05:17.33*** join/#asterisk irroot (
05:18.26blognewbresist0r at all. ascorbate is only used to alleviate the usual side effect of diarrhea
05:19.07blognewbegcg is the molecule from green tea
05:19.25blognewb8bux cancer treatment
05:19.43resist0rhmm I dunno, I'm lean'n toward the cytotoxic impact
05:20.06resist0rhaha 8bux cancer treatment
05:20.14resist0rway to put it
05:21.07blognewbresist0r lol well it's 8$ on iherb
05:23.04resist0rwhat corner of the world do you currently reside blognewb ?
05:23.16resist0rah okay
05:23.29resist0rI'm on the east coast of that very same country
05:24.34resist0rnot imply'n that cali is a country heh
05:24.41blognewbyay area
05:24.55resist0rtypo I assume yet still works
05:25.26blognewbyay area just take a trip downtown
05:25.34resist0rheh I bet
05:25.43blognewbebay hp sun
05:25.45blognewbi mean oracle
05:27.34blognewbI can't wait for nanotech though
05:28.39blognewbnanorobots pbx
05:34.50p3nguinscratches his head over this $36/hr thing.
05:37.18*** join/#asterisk hipitihop (~denis@
05:38.27blognewbp3nguin what was it
05:38.53p3nguinI need to deinstall an old Toshiba KSU.
05:39.24p3nguinI was just puzzled by the pay rate to do it.
05:39.46p3nguinI guess that is the negotiated rate or something odd.
05:59.58blognewb[TK]D-Fender you familiar with soursop
06:00.16[TK]D-Fenderaside from sweet&
06:00.20[TK]D-Fenderand hot&
06:00.27blognewbyeah that IS the cancer cure
06:01.24blognewbit's been buggin me all night so now i finally remembered
06:02.07blognewbit's a mitochondrial complex I inhibitor, ok shutting up now
06:04.38*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-qfikfvbbqgbbcitr)
06:05.33blognewbyou guys want me to use your amazon referral link? anybody
06:17.12resist0rah, the mighty mitochondria.  The power house
06:21.16*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:26.49*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
06:37.32*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@
07:03.27*** join/#asterisk kactusotp (~chatzilla@
07:04.08kactusotpHi Everyone, just wondering if there is a way to force disable calltoken between peers on IAX?
07:05.03kactusotpI've set call token optional on both sides the peer is showing that calltoken req is no, but
07:07.03kactusotpI still get "Too much delay in IAX2 calltoken timestamp from address" which searching through chan_iax is only called during in case 2 of handle_call_token
07:09.30kactusotpThis occurs between an asterisk and an asterisk (trixbox CE) updated to
07:11.07kactusotpThe 1.8 box was built over Christmas to replace a 1.6 server and I just need something to get me by until we can replace the trixboxes with PIAF
07:12.01kactusotpProblem crops up after 6-24 hours and causes all peers to go unreachable and stops processing all iax channels.
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09:29.18moobiushey there, it seems that there is a serious bug with video parsing on process_sdp crashing asterisk on Has anyone seen this before?
09:31.50kaldemarmoobius: even if there is, it won't be fixed. 1.6.2 branch has been in security fix only state since 2011-04-21.
09:33.57moobiuskaldemar: i think that it is a improperly constructed c= on the sdp received by asterisk
09:34.13moobiusif so it could possible lead to dos attacks
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09:45.13hetiiHello :)
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09:46.55hetiiI have trouble with hylafax. I got response on AT command when i send it via minicom or cu -l /dev/ttyS0 but the probemodem cannot deduce DTE-DCE speed. Any clue ?
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09:50.01c4rghetii: what's connected to hylafax? iaxmodem?
09:51.28hetiialso but now i talk about serial modem connected to ttyS0
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09:54.51hetiihmm here i found some interesting stuff
09:56.07hetiion my manual of cat the  -u   is (ignored)
09:56.20hetiiso i wondering if this can be a reason
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11:26.31joobiehey guys.. anyone know of an auto-attendant style phone that has 50+ extensions that support presence?
11:26.45joobiei had a look at the polycom 650, btu that has max 42 extensions
11:26.57joobiewant something wiht 50+ that's a decent phone
11:29.53schmidtsjoobie the cisco spa 5xx series can use two side bars with 64 extensions at all
11:30.35hipitihopcan someone tell me how to fix following error: ERROR[31552]: res_config_sqlite.c:842 cdr_handler: database is full
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11:31.13joobieschmidts, thanks..
11:31.16joobiewhat do you think of snom?
11:31.41joobiei need to get more basic phones for ordinary users.. but need some speed-dials on there.. the snom 320 has 12 speed dials
11:31.44joobiebut duno about quality
11:32.31schmidtsjoobie forget about snom, they are EVIL
11:33.45schmidtsjoobie trust me, they are just evil ;)
11:34.14joobiepoor quality audio?
11:34.22joobie.. just out of curiosity :P
11:34.39joobiedo you know of any decent phones with 10-12 line speed dial?
11:36.14sekilyou can buy a sidecar for any phone out there
11:36.32joobieim trying to find a <$200 solution
11:36.37joobieas it's for the ordinary user
11:37.01hipitihopis there an easy way to disable cdr_handler ?
11:37.07schmidtsjoobie a cisco spa 502 should be available for around 100$ and the 532 side panel is around the same price
11:41.13joobieschmidts, need a 2 line phone min
11:41.34joobiewho is decent in the US to buy these phones from btw?
11:41.36joobielike a good price
11:41.42joobiecos in AU, they are more expensive than 100$
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12:29.37skrustydoes anyone know what: "Received invalid event that had no device IE" means? I keep getting it when doing an Originate from AMI
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13:01.51saxahi, I have a strange situation, I use Grandstream GXP285 phones here. They have a LAN and a PC port RJ45. If I connect my laptop to the PC port by the cable, when I receive a call from asterisk, every time after hangup it rings back. On the console I saw it starts MOH. Any idea, on what is wrong ?
13:04.35*** part/#asterisk mjordan (
13:08.01skrustyi had a ploblem like that once before, might be worth looking at the dialplan
13:09.06skrustyi dont remember the specifics, but when one party hung up, they would be called again almost right away...
13:14.40*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
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13:18.27Kernel_Corehi all
13:18.53Kernel_Coreis it possible to use Silk codec with IAX2 ? or IAX2 Trunk ?
13:19.18saxaskrusty: yeah, it rings back imediately
13:20.14Kernel_Corewhat about trunk ?
13:22.39*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
13:22.46[TK]D-FenderKernel_Core, Yes
13:24.15Kernel_Core[TK]D-Fender: Thanks!
13:24.59saxaskrusty: strangely this happens only on one phone, and only when the notebook is connected to the PC port of the phone.
13:25.58saxaafaik in the dialplan all the phones (I have 5 of them) are listed in the same way.
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13:30.13cadeyHi guys, anyone got or can point me in the direction of a rather detailed Asterisk+CentOS hardening guide
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13:41.54as001Hi is it possible to see manager events without telneting to manager port. I have problem a lot of manager events which fly on the screen so I can't find what I need.
13:41.55Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
13:44.25cadeyas001  : use the manager through the web proxy
13:45.20cadeyas001 : Example would be - http://localhost:8088/asterisk/manager?action=login&username=foo&secret=bar
13:45.25as001ok thanks
13:45.33cadeyyou will then see the manager output in yoru browser
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13:51.31batfastadHi there. Not strictly Asterisk but anyone got any experience/recommendations for UK-based companies that can provide PSTN call forwarding for a pair of US/Canada toll free 866 numbers?
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13:52.35batfastadI've been trying to port these numbers away from their current provider but it's a nightmare trying to go through 4 levels of reseller to change the RespOrg
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13:54.41batfastadOr US-based call forwarding companies would be fine as well. Forwarding a pair of 866 numbers to our UK geographic numbers. I'd like the forwarding to happen over PSTN, not VoIP, as I'm concerned about the latency of the transatlantic hop over VoIP.
13:54.47DefrazI have a PRI coming into an asterisk server and I have two other asterisk servers, one as a primary and one as a secondary. I have my phones registered to both and I want some type of failover if server1 is offline. Would this dial plan work?
13:55.00Defrazexten=> 2085551234,1,Dial(SIP/ exten=> 2085551234,2,Dial(SIP/
13:55.12Defrazsorry that was supposed to be two lines
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13:56.10[TK]D-FenderdfrSure, but you should set up proper perrs between your servers and not se sending un-authed calls across like that
13:56.21[TK]D-FenderDefraz, ^
13:57.53DefrazOh I was trying to be as simple as possible but I could do peers. I allow only the ips of the phones and the Gateway PRI asterisk box to evenpass traffic to the server1 and server2
13:57.59DefrazDo I still need to authenticate?
13:59.55DefrazFor some reason my little two line dial plan doesn't work.
14:00.16[TK]D-FenderDefraz, As soons as IP's get spoofed or other traffic undesirably forwarded through your server... yes.. don't start getting lazy
14:01.31DefrazCan you point me in the direction of an example of a peered failover dialplan?
14:02.11DefrazIf you are authenticating would you go IAX or keep it SIP?
14:02.45WIMPyJust dialling one after the other was the right way.
14:03.11WIMPyYou could check status before, but for the simple case I don't see any benefit.
14:03.38[TK]D-FenderDefraz, SIP if you aren't choked for BW
14:04.21DefrazWeird, I will have to find out why it didn't work then. Server1 was actually off and it just hung there passing the call. I will have to check into that, but I might peer them anyhow.
14:04.38DefrazNope this is mostly internal.
14:04.50WIMPyTurn on qualify to get rid of the timeout.
14:05.06WIMPyYou can also modify the timeouts.
14:05.09Defrazjust in the sip.conf under general.
14:05.19Defrazjust a qualify=yes
14:05.39*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-zldejnqbxjwqygdf)
14:06.12DefrazTHanks for the info [TK]D-Fender and WIMPy.
14:06.26WIMPyYou can even tune qualifyfreq if you want.
14:06.45DefrazHaven't every done that.
14:06.53Defrazis that just another option?
14:07.07DefrazHas that always been around?
14:07.55Defrazor do you just put qualify=100
14:07.57Defrazor somethinglikethat
14:08.16[TK]D-FenderDefraz, qualify always has been, the freq I think is somewhat newish
14:08.30Defrazyea that is what I was thinking.
14:11.28DefrazWIMPy do you have a check status example?
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14:14.22WIMPyqualify= gives the timeout, qualifyfreq how often to check.
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14:16.26WIMPyAnd you may want to take a look at the timer values as well.
14:19.18Defrazautofallthrough=yes would that affect things.
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14:20.02DefrazI actually have never seen that setting until now. Just saw it while I was looking for how to set timer values
14:20.47WIMPyThat's the dialplan.
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14:24.08DefrazWell thanks for all the help! Off to work I go! Have a great day!
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14:35.52*** join/#asterisk Assalino (53f49842@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:39.02Assalinohello :)
14:39.29Assalinoare any of you Asterisk-experienced developers, based in the UK?
14:40.14infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
14:40.28*** join/#asterisk JamesJRH (
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14:41.59AssalinoWIMPy, was that for me?
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14:44.05AssalinoMy agency is looking for an Asterisk-experienced developer, based in the UK, to work on a project for a few weeks. Is anyone interested?
14:44.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
14:44.16Assalino@WIMPy, is that better?
14:45.18WIMPyFirst a short cut: th asterisk-bix mailing list may be the right place.
14:45.21schmidtsAssalino imho you will have more luck on the asterisk-biz list then in here but i might be wrong ;) maybe you could provide some information what exactly you will need
14:45.25schmidtsWimpy :P
14:45.25WIMPyBut you should tell more about the task.
14:45.48AssalinoI see
14:46.02wdoekes2why does he/she have to be in the uk?
14:46.02WIMPyAsterisk is far too komplex to know all of it so you should be more specific.
14:47.57AssalinoMy agency is looking for an Asterisk-experienced developer, based in the UK, to create an Asterisk solution that would allow a user to input a number on a website, get a phone call with an IVR which listens to the answers and processes them through Sphinx or any other speech recognition engine, returning the results as text and changing the website based on the result.
14:48.14AssalinoIdeally they'd be in the UK so they could freelance from our office and work closely with our developers
14:48.30Assalino(I'll check the asterix-biz list though, thanks)
14:48.52asteriskmonkeyAssalino, sphinx is sucking the big one for tranlating most of the time
14:49.03WIMPyYes, that description shold give decent answers.
14:49.33AssalinoI'm not too fussed about Sphinx. Could be LumenVox or Nuance :)
14:49.39Assalinowhatever works better
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14:53.06*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
14:53.09Assalinoso I don't suppose any of you lot are in the UK? :)
14:53.44WIMPyI've been there a few times. Does that count? ;-)
14:54.26[TK]D-FenderI've watched Dr. Who for several decades... does that count?
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14:54.51WIMPycan't keep up with that.
14:54.53jayteeI had some English Breakfast tea once...does that count?
14:55.04saxathis is a sample call, why do I see the starting of MOH ?
14:55.08rgsteeleCan you configure zaptel to handle calls from handsets out to the phone company if your card supports fxo and fxs (e.g., a tdm400p)?  I'm trying to decipher the zaptel docs, but it's not clear whether I can use a single POTS line to do fxs (to interface with the PTSN) and fxo (to accept calls from handsets).
14:56.01jayteezaptel? sounds jurassic
14:56.02WIMPyrgsteele: Yes, but zaptel has been replaced by dahdi some years ago.
14:56.22[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, A single line isn't FXO and FXS, it's one or the other
14:56.23rgsteeleYeah, I know, this happens to be a location with a very old server that they don't want to have upgraded right now.
14:56.26rgsteeleJust trying to make it work.
14:56.29p3nguinrgsteele: The FXO port is the one you connect to your phone line.
14:56.33[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, And your description is somewhat circular
14:56.37[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Try again.
14:56.42rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: K, let me rephrase
14:56.44p3nguinrgsteele: The FXS port is the one that you connect phones to.
14:57.42p3nguinHook it up backward, and it will not work.  It might even ruin your module.
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14:59.07rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: I have a bunch of VOIP phones that all connect to an Asterisk server.  SIP calls work fine.  However, I need to be able to dial 911 via the POTS lines in an emergency if the SIP trunk is, for example, down.  I have a TDM400P card in the Asterisk box, with a single POTS line connected to it from the phone company.  I'm not quite sure what the right mixture of config options for...
14:59.09rgsteele...zaptel.conf, zapata.conf, and zapata-channels.conf are to get it to work, or if one POTS line connected to the TDM400P is even sufficient.
15:00.17[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, How many lines do you think you need?
15:00.32[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, And forget the config files.  You need to confirm your hardware requirement
15:00.37rgsteeleI've been looking at the docs on, but I'm still a little fuzzy on whether I need more than 1 line (wasn't sure if a single line could do fxs and fxo simultaneously; I know the card supports both)
15:01.07[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, I don't see you stating any need for FXS
15:01.19rgsteeleIt looks like you can configure the card to do fxsks so that it interfaces with the PSTN
15:01.26rgsteeleAnd then configure each module to do fxo
15:01.27[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, And that card supports both kinds of modules.  What you have on your card is another matter
15:01.51[TK]D-FenderYou don't configure the module to do FXS or FXO... it simply IS.
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15:01.59rgsteele is what I'm looking at (the section called "Example zaptel.conf file")
15:02.08[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Stop.
15:02.16[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Forget the configs.
15:02.24rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Okay.
15:02.42[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, You have what looks like a requirement to plug ONE phone line in.  Not a phone.  a LINE.  From the telco.
15:02.52[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Is this all?
15:03.11[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Then you need an FXO device.
15:03.30[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, single red FXO module on a TDM4XX will do.
15:04.10rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Oh, I was assuming each module on the TDM400P could do either FXO or FXS.
15:04.33[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, the signalling mode in zaptel.conf / system.conf  is "fxsks", in zapata.conf / chan_dahdi.conf is "fxs_ks"
15:05.02[TK]D-Fender<rgsteele> [TK]D-Fender: Oh, I was assuming each module on the TDM400P could do either FXO or FXS. <- no.  that is why they are modules.  So you buy and plug in the kind you need.
15:06.00rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Understood.  We never modified it - just used the standard configuration OOB
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15:06.14rgsteele(The TDM400P, that is)
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15:06.26[TK]D-Fender<rgsteele> [TK]D-Fender: Understood.  We never modified it - just used the standard configuration OOB <--- huh?
15:06.39[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Well what has it got on it?
15:07.22rgsteeleHm... ztscan says they're all FXO...
15:07.36[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Get a screwdriver and look at it
15:08.18rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: So, the FXO's are red and the FXS's are blue?
15:08.42rgsteeleEr, green
15:19.41*** join/#asterisk CGMChris (~chatzilla@
15:20.41CGMChrisDoes anyone know of an option or different command that works similarly to ChanSpy(), but would effectively require you to use your mute button as you spy, and turn off mute to turn the call into a full blown forced conference? (SIP, not ZAP)
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15:24.34WIMPycore show application ChanSpy
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15:25.10rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Hm, both had 4 Red FXO's
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15:25.54rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: I thought that the FXS's were what interfaced with the PSTN, though?
15:27.02rgsteeleI know you said only an FXO was needed - I just want to verify because the docs indicate that the FXS's are what's needed to talk to the telco.
15:27.33CGMChrisWIMPy: I've already read that, and the application reference in "The Book".  I do my best not to ask stupid questions in here.  Are you implying whisper mode accomplishes what I'm trying to achieve?
15:28.05WIMPyThe later.
15:28.29WIMPyYou can use it on either or both channels.
15:28.49rgsteeleWIMPy: You talking to me?
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15:29.17WIMPyrgsteele: No, that was for CGMChris
15:29.46rgsteeleWIMPy: Thought as much, just wanted to make sure so as not to ignore you if I was wrong :)
15:29.53[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, An FXO module is for connecting you to the Foreign eXchange Office.
15:30.17[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, However in the configs you can see the signalling says "fxs" all over it.  It ACTS like a station TO the telco
15:31.11rgsteeleAh, had it backwards, my apologies.
15:31.12[TK]D-Fender<CGMChris> Does anyone know of an option or different command that works similarly to ChanSpy(), but would effectively require you to use your mute button as you spy, and turn off mute to turn the call into a full blown forced conference? (SIP, not ZAP) <-- there is no "mut button" in SIP.
15:31.34rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: The docs were a little ambiguous - thanks for clearing that upl
15:32.01[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, There are a few docs that also explain this, but might not be always the first thigns you come across.
15:32.13[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, It does confuse plenty of people the first time through.
15:33.19rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Gotcha.  Yeah, the whole "configure the FXO module with FXS statements" certainly did that. :)
15:33.37*** join/#asterisk sled-dog (
15:34.01[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, When talking to the telcoyou should not be talking as though you are the telco.  Keep that logic in mind and you're good to go...
15:34.27CGMChrisWIMPy: ChanSpy(,w) and ChanSpy(,qw) and ChanSpy()...on an inbound call, no matter how many * asterisk toggles through channels, only the inbound caller...not the person using my PBX, can hear the spy-er.
15:34.38*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
15:34.58sled-dogSIP clients behind NAT I've gotten to work.... but now they're telling me my server also has to be behind NAT (the morons...). Can this too be worked around?
15:35.24[TK]D-FenderChanSpy only spys on 1 legs of the call.  So when it sends audio, its to one side only.
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15:35.37[TK]D-FenderCGMChris, If you want to talk to both ---> Bridge()
15:36.05[TK]D-Fendersled-dog, It isn't a problem (unless your router is crap)
15:36.14infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
15:36.43[TK]D-Fendersled-dog, 1.6+ uses "directmedia" instead of "canreinvite"
15:36.48[TK]D-Fendersled-dog, The rest applies.
15:37.11CGMChris[TK]D-Fender: That's new in 1.6, I'm using 1.4.  I guess that means I'd have to get really elaborate...or upgrade.  Thanks for your help.
15:37.39WIMPyCGMChris: See barge mode.
15:37.51[TK]D-FenderCGMChris, No, it means you can follow that guides as-is
15:38.18[TK]D-FenderCGMChris, sorry, coss-conversation.
15:38.33[TK]D-FenderCGMChris, Stuck on 1.4?  Yes, time to think about upgrading
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15:39.58p3nguinChanSpy() has the ability to spy on both channels.  See option B.
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15:42.57rgsteelebleh, channel congestion.
15:43.27rgsteeleSo, it's not connecting anymore, but I guess it's not really a step back since I was only getting silence prior to using all fxs config options
15:45.25schmidtsp3nguin to spy on both yes, but you can only talk to one side
15:45.32tzanger  <-- has anyone used any of the guys listed for Colorado? any recommendations or other?
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15:47.22WIMPyschmidts: What about option B?
15:49.39schmidtssorry my fault ;)
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15:57.05_Corey_Anyone else have one of these new Polycom VVX500 phones?  We're experiencing a lot of them "crashing"... curious if anyone else has had the same experience
15:57.53leifmadsen_Corey_: I know michael graves uses his quite a bit and hasn't run into that -- latest firmware I presume?
15:58.38_Corey_yeah, I think so...  I've triggered it a couple ways so far.  Once adding a contact and now with a particular dial string...  phone just locks and reboots
15:59.16_Corey_I've only had it on my desk a couple days so far...  still need to poke it a bit
16:00.26leifmadsengotcha, well that's certainly interesting; those are the kinds of things that, if you can show how to reproduce it, that sending information upstream to Polycom would be very beneficial
16:01.30_Corey_Yeah, we normally will submit a bug report after appropriate sanity checks...  :)
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16:02.25leifmadsen_Corey_: :)   unfortunately I don't have the resources to get something quite so fancy :)
16:02.27leifmadsennice phone though
16:02.38leifmadsenbetter than my Cisco 7970 which was a nightmare to get setup
16:02.44leifmadsenglad I sold that when I did
16:03.16_Corey_leifmadsen: They're cheap actually...  like $240 retail or something in that neighborhood
16:03.40eZzI have the following rule: exten => s,n,Set(Threshold=global=0.9;HUMAN=0.75;MACHINE=0.85;FAX=0.85)
16:03.43eZzsomebody knows why the char '=' in value is causing to: [Jan 10 07:59:24] WARNING[12874]: pbx_config.c:1546 pbx_load_config: No closing parenthesis found? 'Set(Threshold=global=0.9' at line 864 of extensions.conf
16:03.48leifmadsenoh wait, you said VVX500, the new smaller version, I was thinking the VVX1500 or whatever it is
16:04.00_Corey_Yeah, that thing is ridiculous
16:04.11_Corey_I had one on my desk for 6 months... hated it
16:04.17leifmadseneZz: because you have semi colons in the string
16:04.21[TK]D-FendereZz, Looks like a missing ")" to me...
16:04.22leifmadsenwhich are comments for asterisk
16:04.26leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: no he's not
16:04.30eZzleifmadsen: yes but i need to pass '=' char
16:04.40eZz[TK]D-Fender: no
16:04.41leifmadseneZz: you need to escape the semi-colons
16:04.46eZzleifmadsen: by \ ?
16:04.47leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: no, you're wrong
16:04.58leifmadseneZz: yes, in 1.8 it is \; in 1.4 \\\;
16:04.59[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, Where do you see it?
16:05.07leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: at the very end, he has it
16:05.09eZzleifmadsen: No closing parenthesis found? 'Set(Threshold=global\=0.9' at line 864 of extensions.conf
16:05.11leifmadsenhis problem is the semi-colons
16:05.12eZzthe same here
16:05.22leifmadseneZz: that is an equals sign, not a semi colon
16:05.29leifmadsenit's not the equal that is the problem
16:05.54eZzok, what do to in this case ?
16:05.56leifmadsenyou have semi-colons in your string, which means everything after 0.9 is commented out
16:05.57[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, Never seen a need to escape those before... ok...
16:06.02leifmadsenI just told you
16:06.05[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, Silly * :p
16:06.12leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: of course you would, why wouldn't you?
16:06.15leifmadsenit's a comment string
16:06.17leifmadsen; this is a comment
16:06.30leifmadsenSet(Threshold=foo;this is now a comment) <-- not closed
16:06.38eZzi see
16:06.39[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, because *'s parser should know that the ( is open
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16:07.00leifmadsen; Set(This is a perfectly valid comment and nothing was opened or closed)
16:07.02eZzhm, looks like \; shows no error
16:07.04[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, Bracket counting dangnammit :)
16:07.09leifmadseneZz: yes, like I said
16:07.23leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: you continue to be wrong
16:07.26correticois possible to make a call directly to any voicemail?? on my own asterisk?
16:07.40[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, How so?
16:07.40eZzok thank you very much
16:07.41eZzI just never had this before :-D
16:07.59leifmadseneZz: np, just remember that a semi-colon is a comment, so if you use it where you want it to be literal, you need to escape it
16:08.09eZzleifmadsen: ok will note, thanks
16:08.46[TK]D-Fender<leifmadsen> Set(Threshold=foo;this is now a comment) <-- not closed <--- yes * bitches... but it shouldn't.  It should be smart enough to know that the app call was missing its ) and not start counting it as a comment.  As I said this is a dumb move on the parser's part.
16:11.04[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> leifmadsen, Bracket counting dangnammit :) <- this was in reference to the parser's lack of intelligence.  Not that this was the user's fault.
16:12.29[TK]D-Fendercorretico, it's your dialplan.  You can do whatever you want withit
16:13.44leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: well that's how it has worked since the beginning of time, and it hasn't bothered anyone enough in over a decade to change, so it seems like a non-issue to me
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16:14.55[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, certainly not critical... I suppose if we were to look into that we may as well shred the whole thing and get a proper language in there with typed variables, etc ;)
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16:29.27corretico<[TK]D-Fender> this is for other asterisk that I need to call to specific voicemail. he ask me, if exist any number to dial my voicemail directly
16:30.17[TK]D-Fendercorretico, And again, you can dial whatever you want outwards, and inward it's your dialplan, you can do whatever you want with it
16:31.34*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
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16:40.06Assalinoguys, I've setup a server with ASterisk 1.8 and was trying to make a SIP call with 2 softphones
16:40.25AssalinoI can never hear sound and after 30 seconds the call drops
16:40.36Assalinothe asterisk CLI shows: Retransmission timeout reached on transmission
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16:40.48[TK]D-FenderCommon of improper NAT handling.
16:40.55Assalinoand then chan_sip.c:3658 retrans_pkt: Hanging up call YmJjMjQyYzA0OGI0MGFhYjU3ZGE4NTQ0YmU5YWQxZDg. - no reply to our critical packet (see
16:40.58[TK]D-FenderOr other similar networking SNAFU's
16:41.06Assalinois it a port thing?
16:41.09Assalinoor a config i missed?
16:41.17*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
16:41.20AssalinoI've followed so many different tutorials, I wouldn't be surprised
16:41.26Assalinothey're all incomplete, to some extent
16:41.52infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
16:41.59*** join/#asterisk jrose_atDigium (~jrose_atD@nat/digium/x-sdniywfctjfxbwzb)
16:42.09Assalinochecking :)
16:42.22[TK]D-Fender1.6+ uses "directmedia" instead of "canreinvite".   The rest applies.
16:48.42Assalino[TK]D-Fender, do you know if Digium/Asterisk themselves recommend any Speech Recog engine?
16:49.40[TK]D-FenderAssalino, Nothing formal that I know of.  Lumenvox is very reasonably priced and considerably better than Sphinx
16:52.29Assalinothanks :)
17:00.31Assalino[TK]D-Fender, that NAT tutorial you showed me is odd
17:00.39Assalinodoes it assume that we'll always know the caller's IPs?
17:03.14[TK]D-FenderAssalino, You tell your peer whether you can trust the IP their INVITE will give you and how to handle the media.
17:03.44Assalinogeez, this is so over my head :D
17:07.00*** join/#asterisk codatory (
17:07.30p3nguinassalino: Did you forward all the necessary ports?
17:07.40p3nguinMany people forward their SIP port but forget RTP.
17:08.16AssalinoI added all the ones that were in a tutorial
17:08.17Assalinolet's see
17:10.04Assalinoi've got these:
17:10.08Assalinoanything missing?
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17:12.17WIMPyUsually, SIP uses UDP.
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17:16.07Assalinoso I've got 4569 for UDP
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17:17.25Assalinoactually, there was a scroll and I didn't include all ports
17:17.35Assalinofor UDP I also have 5060 and 10000-20000
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17:19.54mattsqzwhat is the best prefab asterisk distro to start with? im setting up a VM to get my bearings and make sure this will work before i start building a server to replace the fonality box
17:20.39mattsqzi have asteriskNOW installed in a VM, should i stick with that for learning on?
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17:30.06[TK]D-Fendermattsqz, Depends on what you are "learning"
17:30.56mattsqzhow asterisk works, familiarity with the .conf files, etc
17:31.40[TK]D-Fendermattsqz, Then forget pre-fab and compile it yourself over something like debian, centos, etc
17:33.19mattsqzproduction server will likely be gentoo or debian. i really just want to spend a few days getting familiar with a running asterisk system before i dive in
17:33.44[TK]D-Fendermattsqz, no bare install is "running"
17:34.26mattsqzfirst task on my list will be to take all the fonality .conf and xml files and rework them for *>1.2
17:34.40[TK]D-Fendermattsqz, sample sip & extensions configs are usable only for documentation and as some loose syntax guide.  Not usable as-is
17:34.59*** join/#asterisk Cubber (
17:35.05[TK]D-Fendermattsqz, What is your end deployment supposed to look like?
17:35.23[TK]D-Fendermattsqz, And * knows nothing of XML
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17:35.57mattsqzi know, but i have to take what they do in xml and do similar things with *
17:35.58[TK]D-Fendermattsqz, And the only conf info that is of any use are things like DAHDI & SIP.  dialplan is worthless
17:36.25[TK]D-Fendermattsqz, so you are going completely DIY on this?
17:36.27mattsqzACD 10 seats, an additional 10 phones for regular incoming/outgoing
17:36.34CubberI have setup a google voice inbound section in my dial plan, but for some reason I cannot get the call to pass to the asterisk voicemail system if the call is not answered.  It just terminates.  Here is my gv-incoming dial plan:
17:36.53mattsqzthe grandstream and avaya phones we have should work fine.
17:37.01CubberI can get the call to go to GV voicemail if I change it a bit, but would rather use asterisk vm
17:37.32mattsqzpretty much
17:37.50[TK]D-FenderCubber, You aren't calling Voicemail() in there at all.
17:38.11mattsqzi dont think it should be terribly difficult to get an asterisk box up and running that i can swap the fonality system out for over a weekend
17:38.32Cubberso do I need to add a  line like exten =>,2,Voicemail(234)
17:38.51[TK]D-FenderCubber, You need to call Voicemail at the point where you want to call it.
17:39.48Cubber[TK]D-Fender I want it to pass to VM after say 5 rings
17:40.00[TK]D-FenderCubber, then call it after
17:40.23CubberI added that line at the end and reloaded the dialplan but it did not work
17:40.48[TK]D-FenderCubber, ok...
17:41.00Cubberprobably a matter of syntax I will keep messing with it
17:41.08Cubbergot it
17:41.09[TK]D-FenderCubber, Or you could try showing us
17:41.14CubberI had a 2 and needed a n
17:41.31[TK]D-FenderCubber, Because you already had a "2"
17:41.58Cubberso what does n actually mean, the next number?
17:42.06Cubberahh makes total sense now
17:42.08[TK]D-FenderCubber, exten =>,n,Set(crazygooglecid=${CALLERID(name)}) <- this was "2"
17:42.17Cubberyup I get it
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18:17.51Assalinohello again
18:18.01Assalinoso I setup an asterisk server
18:18.10Assalinoand I'd like it to make a call to a phone number
18:18.15Assalinoand play an mp3 (for example)
18:18.26AssalinoI'll need to register with a VOIP service 1st, right?
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18:23.56tzafrirYou need some sort of PSTN connectivity
18:24.10tzafrirA voip service is one way
18:24.13[TK]D-FenderAssalino, What you choose for that is up to you.
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18:29.23Assalino[TK]D-Fender, thanks
18:29.44Assalino[TK]D-Fender, I'm trying to find a tutorial that will explain how to set up a VOIP service with ASterisk and make a 1st phone call
18:29.54infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
18:30.21Assalinotutorials are usually quicker, but i'll try my best
18:31.29Cubberthe book is deffinitly worth getting
18:31.51Assalinodo you know of any VOIP service that will allow me to trial it with ASterisk 1st?
18:32.05Cubbergoogle voice is free
18:32.10Assalinoso I can see if it works before registering to a random plan
18:32.12Cubberand works fine
18:32.20Assalinocan you call a landline from google voice?
18:32.46Cubberyes I have spent the past 2 days messing with it and got it setup so I can call out and in to  pstn
18:33.25Assalinobut it's US & CAnada only, right?
18:33.28AssalinoI'm in the UK :(
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18:33.49CubberI also needed to reference the book to get it to work correctly, the wiki did not work for me but got me going in the right direction
18:34.05CubberI think you can use it in UK but may have to pay, not sure
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18:35.55CubberI am trying to get it so I can dial *97 from  my phone and access voicemail without typing in my user/pass.  I know there is a way to do it.
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18:36.33Cubbercurrently I have this for voicemail in extensions.conf
18:36.35p3nguinYou can do it based on caller id number.
18:36.46p3nguinOr you can do it based on account code.
18:37.00CubberI think what I have pasted is attempting caller id
18:37.09p3nguinI do it with both.  If the account code is present, use it; if not, use the caller id number.
18:37.10Cubberbut it does not work atm the way it is
18:37.21Cubberdo you have an example?
18:37.32p3nguinStop using numbered priorities.
18:37.49Cubbersorry changed to n's I got that from a site.
18:38.01[TK]D-FenderCubber, ${CALLERIDNUM} <-- this variable was deprecated in * 1.2
18:38.13[TK]D-FenderCubber, "core show function CALLERID"
18:38.52[TK]D-FenderCubber, Which if you look at your CLI outpu from your failed attempt, you'll probably see coming back blank
18:38.55Cubberso I can use CALLERID instead of what I am using or CID from what the dump shows?
18:39.14[TK]D-FenderCubber, yes
18:39.21p3nguin${CALLERID(num)} is the correct way to get the caller id number.  See my example.
18:40.42Cubberchanging to CALLERID(num) prompts just for the user password, thanks.
18:40.52Cubberp3nguin is the ? in line2 doing an or?
18:41.08p3nguincore show application ExecIf
18:41.32Cubberahh thanks
18:41.44p3nguinIf the account code is null, set the vmbox to the callerid number; otherwise, set it to the account code.
18:41.51p3nguinThat's what line 2 says.
18:41.55Cubberso an if else statement baseically
18:42.35p3nguinAll of the if applications use this concept.
18:42.46p3nguinzerohalo: You can fix that at any time.  Thanks.
18:43.57p3nguinSome times it runs another application, such as in the case of ExecIf.
18:44.14leifmadsenp3nguin: you could also have done:  Set(VMBOX=${IF($[${ISNULL(${CDR(accountcode)})}]?${CALLERID(num)}:${CDR(accountcode)})})
18:44.29leifmadsensame thing, different sauce
18:44.42p3nguinSome times it goes to a priority label, as in the case of GotoIf and GosubIf.
18:44.45QwellNow that's a Leifism if I ever saw one.
18:44.56leifmadsenQwell: <3 the IF() function
18:45.07QwellIF() nested with $[] FTW
18:45.21Qwellbonus points for the ISNULL()
18:45.27Cubberso by using: exten => *98,n,VoicemailMain()
18:45.35p3nguinleifmadsen: I'll mull that over for a while.  I may change the behavior if I determine I like it better.
18:45.36Cubberthey would be prmopted for everything correct?
18:46.13p3nguinIt will throw the caller into the default vm context, and ask for the mail box number.
18:46.21leifmadsenQwell: I just took the ExecIf() from p3nguin and tweaked it for my own style :)
18:46.34Cubberok thanks
18:46.50Qwellleifmadsen: we need a S_OR()
18:47.09leifmadsen<3 braces, brackets, and parenthesis
18:47.11QwellWe have one in the Asterisk code.  It does exactly what you just did above.  You'd use like...
18:47.16leifmadsenQwell: for some reason I almost thought we did...
18:47.30QwellSet(foo=${S_OR(${VAR1}, ${VAR2})}
18:47.35[TK]D-FenderISNULL() takes more chars than "" =  "".  Friends don't let friends waste characters ;0
18:48.17Qwellleifmadsen: in Asterisk, it's something like..  !ast_strlen_zero(var1) ? var1 : var2
18:48.27leifmadsenQwell: is it done yet?
18:49.43*** join/#asterisk Sean-Der (
18:51.47rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Hm, still having some problems - getting instant busy signal with the FXS-based configs.  Anything jump out at you here?
18:52.49[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Executing [s@macro-place-outbound-call:7] Dial("SIP/ryans-007c2980", "Zap/g1/411||TW") in new stack
18:53.06[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, you are dialing Group 1 .....and all of your channels are in Group 0
18:53.14[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, There are no channels to dial from
18:53.43rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, I tried using group 1, but then asterisk reports that reloading the module is unsuccessful
18:53.49[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Also curious you have 8 channels, but only mentioned one TDM400
18:54.02[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Not the reason
18:54.39[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Also, what ver of * are you on?
18:55.28[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, And simpler logic say just change your Dial() to match.. that doesn't require chan_zap to be reloaded
18:55.36rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, I tried putting channel => 1-8 in zapata.conf, but I also got the unsuccessful reload with that set.  This box is running 1.4.17 with some updates from newer versions.
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18:56.07[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Well you can look at that after... fix the group first
18:57.22[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, BTW, zapata-channels.conf is not a regular * config file and isn't being INCLUDE'd anywhere so it isn't being used for anything
18:57.41troytHow does one make a voicemail box have no password (ie. no password prompt, etc.)
18:57.42[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, I guess that may be "leftovers", because your zapata.conf only lists 4
18:58.57[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, note you have also only configured 4 of your 8 channels. across those 2 cards... make sure your line(s) are connected to the one * will actually end up using...
18:59.41*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
19:00.26[TK]D-Fendertroyt, "core show application VoiceMailMain"
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19:03.26rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Ok, back to the original behavior of nothing but silence:
19:03.37rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: I also updated it so all 8 channels are in zapata.conf
19:04.12rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: There are two cards, so yeah, 8 actual modules
19:06.07rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: FWIW, I do see this when doing a 'reload' or 'reload': [Jan 10 14:05:36] WARNING[28115] chan_zap.c: Ignoring signalling
19:06.33rgsteeleMight not be relevant though.
19:07.38[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, And are all 8 ports connected to lines that should be providing dialtome?
19:08.15rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Nope, only one.
19:08.24rgsteeleport number 1 on the first card
19:08.29[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Excellent odds it isn't on Zap/1
19:08.54[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, I'd just start jacking it in to each one after the next
19:09.22rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Hm, okay
19:22.21saxahi, anybody can help me understand why it starts moh by its own ?
19:23.56p3nguinzerohalo: Knock it off already.
19:25.14[TK]D-Fendersaxa, try looking at what SIP/ludmila is doing
19:27.59*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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19:35.17akrohni have an auto attendant with no phones attached to it. it just forwards calls using Dial() based on menu selections. Problem is, some of the calls drop off after a minute of connection. does anyone know what settings I can check to see which this happens?
19:39.59rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: I'm pretty sure it was just telling me which channel it was connecting to
19:40.24rgsteeleIf I switched it to the slot marked '1' on the other card, it hits Zap2/1
19:41.10*** join/#asterisk lauris (~la@unaffiliated/lauris)
19:41.21[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, that isn't what you think it is, nor the test I suggested
19:42.20rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: I did switch the port it was plugged in to
19:43.17[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, through all 8 until you found dialtone on one?
19:44.24rgsteeleI had to stop switching after four though - apparently that line is used more frequently than I thought for inbound international callers that can't use the toll-free's (which get routed through the SIP trunk).
19:45.27rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: But, on card 1, port 1, it was Zap/1-1, on card 2, port 1, it was Zap/2-1, etc. etc.
19:45.44[TK]D-FenderMaybe card 1 .. isn't card 1
19:46.07[TK]D-FenderYou stopped your test early and are trunning on an assumption of which one is which
19:47.47*** join/#asterisk SerajewelKS (devnull@wikipedia/Crazycomputers)
19:48.04rgsteeleRight, which is why I tested on the other card, on the port marked '1' (it's etched into the metal next to the port), and it changed to 2-1, and so on.  I will run through all of them tomorrow morning though, before 8am.  Besides, I won't hear a dialtone for it.  I mean, if I hook an analog phone up to the line, I do, but the SIP phones get a dialtone once they connect to the * server
19:48.54Miccis there any way to log all sip debug data to a database?
19:48.57rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: So, the two numbers after the Zap/... Are they supposed to be <card>-<channel>?
19:49.21SerajewelKSi've got a rather bizarre problem with my asterisk setup.  i don't think asterisk is the problem here, but hopefully someone knowledgeable can point me in the right direction.  i'm trying to dial in to an extension on my asterisk install from the telephony stuff we use at work, and the connection gets established but the client at work immediately disconnects and reports that RFC 2833 support is required.
19:50.00SerajewelKSa DID number i got works just fine (i can dial in from my phone) which leads me to believe that this is not an asterisk-related problem, but more likely something with my softphone.  however, the softphone appears to support RFC 2833.
19:50.08rgsteeleSerajewelKS: in your sip.conf, do you have rfc2833compensate=yes?
19:50.15rgsteeleIs your SIP provider requiring it?
19:50.41SerajewelKSthe SIP service i use at work appears to require that callees support it
19:50.50rgsteeleThere are also other rfc2833 settings you may want to look at, depending on your provider's requirement.
19:51.41SerajewelKSrgsteele: in my sip.conf i have dtmfmode unset (rfc2833 is the default) and i have dtmfmode=rfc2833 in the config for this particular phone
19:52.08SerajewelKSrgsteele: would there be a way to tell from the sip debug logs whether the phone supports rfc2833?
19:52.38[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, No, it's channel-sbcall
19:52.49SerajewelKSat the point when the connection is established, i see this: Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event)
19:52.52[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Which on FXO is pointless.
19:52.56rgsteeleSerajewelKS: Better would be to look at the docs for the phone
19:53.02rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Ah
19:53.08rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for the clarification
19:53.48SerajewelKSrgsteele: the phone's documentation doesn't provide any indication one way or the other (
19:54.09SerajewelKSrgsteele: is the telephone-event capability related to rfc2833 at all?
19:54.11rgsteeleI guess maybe call the company.  Also, do a tcpdump on the traffic
19:54.39rgsteeleSerajewelKS: My inclination would be to think that it's your * config, but hard to say without debugging.
19:54.52rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Gotta run, but I'll run thru all the lines tomorrow.
19:55.10rgsteele[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for the help
19:55.13[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, Alrighty...
19:55.17[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele, np
19:56.12SerajewelKShmm, i can't find any documentation in asterisk itself about rfc2833compensate.  all the google hits are vague and don't specify exactly what it does.
19:57.25SerajewelKSwould turning on RTP debugging help identify if RFC2833 is supported by my softphone?
19:58.33QwellIf your phone doesn't support RFC2833, you need to set it on fire.
19:59.40SerajewelKSit's a softphone, that's not really possible without damaging other hardware ;)
20:00.02SerajewelKSi suspect that the softphone does support it though.  i'm trying to deduce why our telephony system here can't figure that out.
20:01.57SerajewelKSit does appear to be the telephone-event capability
20:03.33SerajewelKSwhat exactly am i looking for in the SIP and/or RTP sessions to determine if my phone correctly advertises this capability?
20:04.24laurishow to make asterisk 1.6 to register as a client to a remote sip proxy? i did everything what was written in the manual but asterisk only sends OPTIONS packet
20:04.27laurisand no REGISTER
20:04.30saxa[TK]D-Fender: thx, any hint on how to do that ? sip set debug on ?
20:04.56laurisis there any magick in this case?
20:05.16*** join/#asterisk its_jeremy_ (
20:05.50Qwelllauris: see register under the [general] section
20:06.29laurisooops, my bad :)
20:06.33lauristhanks, now it works
20:06.44SerajewelKSmy phone advertises in the OK response to the INVITE:  a=rtpmap:96 telephone-event/8000
20:07.08Qwell~sip debug
20:07.14Qwellstupid bot.
20:07.32QwellSerajewelKS: pastebin the SIP debug for the full call, including logs where Asterisk is failing it
20:07.33SerajewelKSQwell: are you directing that to me or to lauris?
20:07.57SerajewelKSQwell: asterisk is not failing, our telephony system is hanging up the call because it wants RFC 2833 support
20:08.07QwellSet it on fire.
20:08.25Qwellalternatively, pastebin the SIP debug etc etc
20:08.56[TK]D-Fendersaxa, Yes
20:12.36SerajewelKSQwell: any particular part of the debug log you are interested in?  the full log contains several of my phone numbers many times and i'm a bit leery of posting those in public, yet i don't want to sanitize the entire log if only part of it would be helpful.
20:13.57citywokSerajewelKS: Find & Replace is your friend :)
20:15.42*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
20:18.00QwellSerajewelKS: sanitize phone numbers and/or IPs as needed, just make sure you replace them all with the same values.
20:18.36SerajewelKSi'm taking a more careful read of the log right now and i may have found the problem.  gimme a sec to research.
20:20.08*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
20:20.19[sr]hellou my friends
20:20.49SerajewelKSphone->* has telephone-event, *->phone has telephone-event.  corp->* has telephone-event, *->corp does not have telephone-event.
20:22.01SerajewelKSwhich, if i'm not mistaken, means that * is not opening an rfc2833-capable channel to our telephony system
20:24.29SerajewelKSthis phone has directmedia=no (since it is behind NAT) and dtmfmode=rfc2833.  it appears that * is not proxying the telephone-event RTP channel from the phone.
20:26.14[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS, * isn't a "proxy", it will send what you put in your peer
20:27.05SerajewelKS[TK]D-Fender: with directmedia=no it will effectively proxy the RTP stream, yes?  (it won't reinvite to get an optimal path between the peers)
20:27.22SerajewelKSnot proxy in the sense of blindly forwarding packets, of course
20:28.28SerajewelKSbut the RTP stream will in effect be going through * instead of directly between the two callers
20:28.43[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS, I wouldn't bet on it... perhaps it does or perhaps the packets are filtered...
20:28.58[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS, make sure your peer explicitly states what it should be using every time.
20:29.09SerajewelKSwell the incoming packets are interpreted and repackaged before sending them to the other peer
20:29.59SerajewelKSwhat i see is that my phone advertises the telephone-event channel in the OK response to *, then * turns around and does not advertise telephone-event to the corp in its OK
20:31.58SerajewelKScan the SIP debug log be directed to a file so that i can edit it without a huge copy/paste?  (running inside screen, so copying pages of data is not fun)
20:32.56[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS, Firs tset the dtmfmode for your peers
20:33.30*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
20:40.11SerajewelKS[TK]D-Fender: hmm?
20:40.21SerajewelKS[TK]D-Fender: the peer defined in sip.conf for my phone has dtmfmode=rfc2833
20:40.36SerajewelKS[TK]D-Fender: the other peer is an incoming call, so it should use the [global] dtmfmode=rfc2833
20:40.43[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS, that is only HALF of the picture
20:41.27SerajewelKSwhere is the other half then?
20:43.08[TK]D-Fenderthe other end of the call.
20:46.41SerajewelKSthe other end of the call is not being sent from asterisk
20:46.51SerajewelKShowever, i can see the traffic in a tcpdump on my server
20:47.23SerajewelKSi get the sense that i haven't accurately communicated the entire scenario
20:47.37[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS, You have phone & corp.  You've describes PHONE, and have avoided CORP solidly
20:47.54SerajewelKS"avoided" in what way?  i can see the traffic corp<->*
20:48.32*** join/#asterisk moos3 (
20:48.49[TK]D-Fender<SerajewelKS>  [TK]D-Fender: the peer defined in sip.conf for my phone has dtmfmode=rfc2833 <-- no mention of corp, only phone
20:49.04SerajewelKSthe traffic is the only information i have.  i do not have control over the PBX at corp.
20:49.15[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender: the other peer is an incoming call, so it should use the [global] dtmfmode=rfc2833 <- a peer is a peer, a peer is not a call
20:49.18SerajewelKSthe INVITE comes from the corp PBX
20:49.19moos3what would cause a SIP trunk from claim to be unreachable even tho the traffic is leaving my network ?
20:49.36[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS, You aren't showing how you're matching the call.
20:50.01[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS, And made some assumed claim that [general] was responsible for it.  We never got to see the call
20:50.41SerajewelKSmatching in what sense, the dialplan?
20:50.49[TK]D-Fenderno, SIP.CONF
20:51.30SerajewelKSconsidering that my phone and [general] are the only two sections in use, should [general] not apply to incoming calls?
20:51.53[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS, Make a proper peer for them
20:53.12*** part/#asterisk Da-Geek (
20:55.14SerajewelKSok, how can i verify that incoming calls are properly associate with this new peer, just to make sure this config works?
20:55.42*** join/#asterisk MrNemus (
20:55.47[TK]D-Fenderwatch the SIP debug from * CLI
20:57.31SerajewelKShah well i guess that answers that question.  forgot to define that context in the dialplan, so the call failed completely.
20:58.14SerajewelKSand now the call goes through.  hmm, fun.
20:58.34SerajewelKSwould it be safe to assume that some setting in [general] was interfering?
21:01.41*** part/#asterisk lauris (~la@unaffiliated/lauris)
21:02.10SerajewelKSi'm a bit confused since i thought that settings in [general] are inherited by peer/device sections.  the only thing in this peer section is type=peer, host/port, and context.
21:02.19SerajewelKSi do not change dtmfmode, for example
21:02.33SerajewelKSi'm baffled how the existence of a peer could change how the RTP stream is negotiated
21:03.29moos3anyone know anyone i can hire to look at a issue on by asterisk box, we use to hire leif but hes not avaliable
21:04.12SerajewelKSin fact, after commenting out that section and reloading the config, the call still goes through
21:05.00WIMPymoos3: The asterisk-biz mailing list is supposed to be a good place to ask, but you should be a lot more specific.
21:05.07[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS, Well rejected for dialplan SNAFU's is pretty blatant and serious
21:05.42SerajewelKS[TK]D-Fender: you mean how our PBX hangs up when the peer doesn't support rfc2833?
21:05.56[TK]D-FenderNo, that would be something else...
21:06.06SerajewelKSthen what do you mean by "rejected"
21:06.10[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS, But I'm not going to go around guessing without seeing calls at this point.
21:06.36[TK]D-Fender"forgot to define that context in the dialplan, so the call failed completely." <- rejected
21:07.13SerajewelKSoh, yes.  that was a misconfiguration that i quickly fixed.  that was after creating the new peer definition.  i only said that to indicate that obviously the incoming call was being matched to that peer.
21:08.10SerajewelKSthat wasn't the issue i've been wrestling with, that only indicated to me that i had the sip.conf configuration correct after adding the peer definition, just forgot to add a dialplan context
21:09.33SerajewelKSi have reverted my config to where it was when i started having this problem and now i can't reproduce the problem.  so i'm happy that it works, but really confused about why it wasn't.
21:12.34SerajewelKSmmkay, so restarting asterisk brought the problem back.  here's what i've figured out: defining the peer in sip.conf resolves the negotiation problem, but i haven't the faintest clue why.
21:17.17[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS, Possible that applicable parameters are peer-only.
21:17.44SerajewelKSright, i'm now trying to isolate which one is causing this problem
21:18.26SerajewelKSit's not dtmfmode.  i can set dtmfmode to rfc2833 or auto in the peer definition and the call goes through.
21:18.35SerajewelKSand those are the only values i've ever put in [global]
21:22.16SerajewelKSi just copied everything in [general] into this peer definition.  and it still works
21:22.22SerajewelKSi am extremely confused
21:22.34*** part/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
21:23.35SerajewelKSi can't define a peer for the entire internet.  so i'm unsure how i can expect this config to work with other internet hosts that want rfc2833.
21:25.56SerajewelKSand i'm not even sure why this config works at all :(
21:26.10*** join/#asterisk Troyblackman_ (
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21:28.53[TK]D-FenderCheckout time, BBIAB
21:29.17[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS, You aren't often dealing with "every ranom person on the internet".  That's what peers are for...
21:30.40*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
21:37.03[sr]hi WIMPy
21:39.39WIMPyHi [sr]
21:49.11SerajewelKSi've no idea wtf is going on with this config
21:52.29*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
21:55.03SerajewelKSanyway, can sip debug info be traced into a file instead of the console?
21:55.57SerajewelKSi want to collect some traces for a mailing list post
21:56.17p3nguinHow are you connected to the asterisk cli?
21:56.51SerajewelKSinvoked from a shell inside a screen session attached from an ssh session
21:58.24SerajewelKSi could invoke with |tee but that seems a bit dirty, and prompts will be mixed in with the output
21:58.35p3nguinYou aren't using PuTTY?
21:58.44SerajewelKSi am
21:58.57p3nguinGood.  Use PuTTY's logging feature.
21:59.12SerajewelKSthat will log the prompts as well, yes?
21:59.35p3nguinIt will log everything that you see on the console as you see it.
21:59.48SerajewelKSand i've had some pretty weird behavior from putty's built-in logging when using screen, since screen does some unconventional things.
22:00.05p3nguinSo get your thing like you want it, then enable logging, then do your tests, then turn off logging.
22:00.35p3nguinIf it gives you trouble, detach from screen, then run asterisk -r from outside of the screen session.
22:04.25jim_ec2tmux > *
22:05.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:05.11jim_ec2lol not asterisk, just all other terminal multiplexers out there
22:05.12p3nguinI missed the part where we started a debate about that.
22:06.32*** part/#asterisk MrNemus (
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22:08.37jim_ec2sounded like you were contemplating shells/terminal multiplexers
22:08.40*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
22:09.50SerajewelKSjim_ec2: i use multiplexers, but that doesn't mean that i'm going to drop everything and switch to a different one because some guy on IRC claims that his is better
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22:11.01jim_ec2w/e just a suggestion
22:12.19jim_ec2actually checked tmux's manual and i don't see any logging options so maybe it's not an alternative for this use case
22:12.37SerajewelKSscreen has logging, it just logs control characters as well
22:13.17jim_ec2except for the capture-pane function might accomplish that
22:13.49SerajewelKSp3nguin: and putty's logging feature does not handle escape characters properly either
22:14.21*** join/#asterisk libryder (~david@
22:15.08libryderany suggestions on how to test a sip trunk without making a call via the agi?
22:15.21*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
22:16.18*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
22:18.08[TK]D-Fenderlibryder: First, AGI doesn't "make calls"
22:18.55[TK]D-Fenderlibryder: And "test trunk" = "place a call".
22:25.44*** join/#asterisk dj_hamsta (~werwer@unaffiliated/dj-hamsta/x-2342346)
22:26.36dj_hamstaany one encountered problems with the spa942 not working with more than one extention ?
22:36.47librydersorry, i meant test a sip trunk using the agi
22:37.00libryderwithout physically placing a call.
22:37.11[TK]D-FenderAgain, AGI doesn't place calls...
22:37.14*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
22:37.20[TK]D-FenderAGI is a a dialplan app issued FROM a call
22:37.38p3nguinYou can't make a call without making a call.
22:38.00libryderyou can't test connectivity to the sip server from asterisk?
22:38.53p3nguinFirst of all, SIP is UDP, so there is no connection to be had.
22:39.06[TK]D-FenderAGI isn't the tool <-
22:39.19[TK]D-FenderYou aren't talking about the right thing
22:39.24p3nguinYou can enable qualify for the peer to see that there is communication, but you can't actually test your service without making a call.
22:39.37p3nguinAnd you don't have to use a phone to initiate the call, either.
22:39.46WIMPyp3nguin: Are you sure, that "connectivity" implies a connection?
22:39.50[TK]D-FenderIt's like asking where the gas cap is on a bicycle.
22:39.58libryderno, it isn't
22:40.00p3nguinwimpy: What do you think connectivity means?
22:40.38WIMPyp3nguin: I's understand it as the possibility fpr (successfull) cummunication.
22:41.20libryder3. Writing a small app that simply interrogates those interfaces that are important to the operation (iax2/udp, sip/udp, etc, send a crafted pkt and interpret the returned result. Port not open is obvious, no response is obvious, incorrect response is not so obvious)
22:41.21p3nguinI covered a way to ensure communication.  I'm sure he still hasn't done it, though.
22:42.04libryderi'm using adhearsion to go through our inventory to initiate a call and log it's successful path back to adhearsion
22:42.25libryderi'm also looking for a basic way to ensure that our sip trunk is up
22:43.00[TK]D-Fenderlibryder: "sip show registry", "sip show peers".  There.
22:43.09WIMPylibryder: Do as p3nguin suggested and turn on qualify.
22:43.22libryderWIMPy: thanks i'll look at that too
22:43.33[TK]D-Fender"sip show peers" lists the qualify time
22:43.52p3nguinThe qualify sends an OPTIONS packet to the peer.  The peer then responds to the packet, often with a negative response.
22:44.03p3nguinIf you get a response, there is communication.
22:44.32libryder19 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 19 online, 0 offline]
22:44.45p3nguinYou have zero with qualify enabled.
22:44.58p3nguinBut you have 19 out of 19 online.  That's good.
22:45.15libryderi'll enable qualify on those, thanks
22:45.20[TK]D-Fender19 defined that is.
22:45.26WIMPywhich doesn;t mean much without qualify.
22:45.27[TK]D-Fender"online" is debatable
22:45.36p3nguinYou really don't need to qualify your ITSP, though.
22:45.52libryderwithout qualify on, what does online mean?
22:46.00WIMPyDefined? They must have registered. But it may have been any time.
22:46.02p3nguinIf you qualify them, that doesn't force it to be available.
22:46.13[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Peers do not register.
22:46.18p3nguinMine do.
22:47.02[TK]D-FenderThat's a neat trick...
22:47.13p3nguinIt's pretty standard for most phones.
22:47.24[TK]D-FenderNo, I mean * sip.conf peers <-
22:47.28p3nguinMe too.
22:47.41p3nguinRight.  My phone is named iamapeer.
22:47.46p3nguinIt registers.
22:47.53[TK]D-Fenderother way.
22:47.59[TK]D-FenderI'm alking peer to ITSP
22:48.04p3nguinAsterisk never registers to my phones.
22:48.09[TK]D-Fenderwhere * REGSISTERS'
22:48.22[TK]D-FenderOk, if you're stuck on phones, I'm on the other side...
22:49.03p3nguinYou're saying peers don't register, and I'm saying my peers do register.  In this case, the peers which are registering are phones.
22:49.40[TK]D-Fenderand asterisk SIP peer does not register OUT.   Please realize the direction I'm talking about
22:49.53[TK]D-FenderI'm not talking about a PHONE registering IN to an * peer.
22:49.55libryderwhat's the downfall of using qualify?
22:49.56*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
22:50.03[TK]D-FenderI'm talking about a peer as you'd use for an ITSP.
22:50.12p3nguinExtra packets, I guess.
22:50.29[TK]D-Fenderlibryder: If qualify fails * won't even try to send calls to that peer.
22:50.43[TK]D-FenderAnd you'd better have your failover ready.
22:50.49p3nguinThat could be used for failover.
22:50.56[TK]D-FenderUsed to speed it up anyway
22:50.59libryderyeah it seems that would be preferred
22:51.10[TK]D-Fenderdepends on what you have
22:51.10p3nguinBut ChanIsAvail could be used for failover just the same without using qualify, I'd guess.
22:51.22[TK]D-FenderUm.. not really
22:51.26p3nguinWhy not?
22:51.36WIMPyHow could ChanIsAvail work without qualify?
22:51.46[TK]D-FenderDoesn't prove any actual call will go through.
22:51.48p3nguinIf the channel is not available, don't try to dial it.
22:52.12WIMPyHow do you find out if it is available?
22:52.41WIMPyDo you think ChanIsAvail makes a test call?
22:52.46WIMPyI don't.
22:52.50p3nguinOf course not.
22:52.59p3nguinBut it does poll the channel.
22:53.08libryderif qualify fails then would it matter if * didn't try to send the call to that peer? unless it was wrong?
22:53.11*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-gzntpadneguoaaht)
22:53.36WIMPylibryder: No, that's exactely the point.
22:53.58WIMPyp3nguin: And how would chan_sip know unless you enabled qualify?
22:53.58p3nguinIf you are using qualify and a peer becomes unreachable for any reason, Dial() will fail if you try to dial that unreachable peer.
22:54.12WIMPy(or it is a dynamic peer that has never been seen)
22:54.36p3nguinwimpy: I don't know.  Test it and get back to me.
22:56.02WIMPyI'm sure it won't find out.
22:56.32libryderi LOVE it! thanks guys
22:59.43libryderi'm *starting* to get the hang of asterisk
23:00.07WIMPyYou're doomed.
23:00.16libryderdoomed for failure? lol
23:00.37*** join/#asterisk dj_hamsta (~werwer@unaffiliated/dj-hamsta/x-2342346)
23:00.42dj_hamstaany one encountered problems with the spa942 not working with more than one extention ?
23:02.56libryder19 sip peers [Monitored: 14 online, 4 offline Unmonitored: 1 online, 0 offline] woot
23:03.17*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
23:03.17*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
23:05.00p3nguinI don't know how it is doing it, but when the phone is available, ChanIsAvail returns information on the available channel; when the phone is not available, ChanIsAvail returns a null value for the available channel.
23:06.09p3nguinThe phone is not using qualify, by the way.
23:07.41WIMPyYou are saying that ChanIsAvail will tell you is someone pulled the plug?
23:08.33*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
23:11.47MiccWIMPy, if your expire time is small, then within that window it will know.
23:12.01MiccWIMPy, if the phone doesn't reregister then its unavailable.
23:12.19p3nguinI tested it by pulling the network cable and immediately executed ChanIsAvail.  It reported that the channel was available.
23:12.31MiccWIMPy, but remember the cable could unplug right after registering, then you gotta wait for it to expire before it knows.
23:12.41WIMPyRegistration may have been a long timer ago or unavailable.
23:13.06MiccWIMPy, I always use 120 seconds for expire time if the device supports it.
23:13.11p3nguinNow I'll enable qualify and see if it responds within 1 second.
23:13.52Miccp3nguin, then its based on qualify frequency.
23:14.00WIMPywithin qualifyfreq.
23:14.11MiccNothing will tell you if a cable is unplugged right away.
23:14.17p3nguinOkay, 2 seconds.
23:14.26p3nguinqualify is 2000ms.
23:14.46WIMPyqualifyfreq, not qualify.
23:14.49Miccunless your qualify frequency is low, which seems like a waste of resources to me, but on a small number of devices it should be fine.
23:15.00WIMPyThat's the maximum allowed latency (timeout).
23:15.33bmoraca_workqualifyfreq = 10...only way to roll!
23:17.51p3nguinSo what is the purpose of the qualify time, then?
23:18.07[TK]D-Fender"how long to wait for an answer"
23:18.26[TK]D-Fendertack that on to the tail of total time since last check-in
23:18.36WIMPyIt will wait longer, but the peer would becom "lagged".
23:18.36p3nguinOkay, I got it.
23:18.49bmoraca_workyes, qualify time is not how often to send, it's how long to wait...and it expires after some multiple of qualify
23:18.59bmoraca_workqualifyfreq is how often to send qualifies
23:19.07bmoraca_worki have a backport for 1.4.36 if you need it
23:19.31WIMPylooks like I don;t get ChanIsAvail to work at all. I always get AVAILSTATUS=0.
23:19.47*** part/#asterisk libryder (~david@
23:20.02p3nguinCheck AVAILCHAN.
23:22.05WIMPyOk, that is either set or not.
23:22.23bmoraca_workit's a list of avaialble channels from your ChanIsAvail call
23:22.31WIMPyBut shouldn't AVAILSTATUS contain something that changes?
23:23.17SerajewelKS[TK]D-Fender: should you be interested, i've posted on the mailing list about this problem, and i attached the scrubbed sip debug log:
23:23.56p3nguinIf the channel is not available, you'll get a different AVAILSTATUS.
23:24.01bmoraca_workWIMPy: check "core show application chanisavail" for a description of the variables
23:24.09p3nguinFor example, I got a 27 on one test.
23:24.27*** join/#asterisk Sean-Der (
23:24.48moos3anyone have pointers for running asterisk 1.8 in ec2 ?
23:25.12WIMPyNo, AVAILSTATUS always gives 0. The other variables change.
23:25.13[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS: Well none of us got to see complete SIP debug or your actual ful configs masking only PW's and that post is missing most of that as well...
23:25.26Sean-DerWhat is the function that echo's to stdout?
23:25.38SerajewelKS[TK]D-Fender: the post does contain SIP debug logs
23:25.41[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS: As well intentioned as it is you come off looking like a "secret squirrel" as they say....
23:26.24[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS: Where is it?
23:26.25p3nguinsean-der: There's no function that I know of, but there is an application that prints on the CLI.  See: Verbose().
23:26.31SerajewelKS[TK]D-Fender: attached to the message
23:26.35[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS: I don't see it in the raw text, or some link yet...
23:26.51[TK]D-FenderAh I think I may have just found it...
23:27.07[TK]D-Fender.bin?  what kind of capture is this?
23:27.30SerajewelKS[TK]D-Fender: mailman does whatever the hell it wants to with attachments
23:27.35Sean-Derprintf to console, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks p3nguin
23:27.36p3nguinAn annoying one, I'd imagine.
23:27.53SerajewelKS[TK]D-Fender: see where it says "Name: sip-debug.log" on the message page?  that's what i called it.
23:28.18[TK]D-FenderOk, just a temp name, all good..
23:28.28SerajewelKS[TK]D-Fender: attachment.bin is the filename in the URL, and presumably the mailing list web interface isn't setting a content-disposition header, so your browser goes with the .bin name.  :)
23:28.32[TK]D-FenderJust how the browser interpreted the link.
23:29.00[TK]D-FenderUnfortunately still don't see the [general] section as a point of reference, but this is a still a good start...
23:29.31[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS: and rather than just hit the mailing list I'd have submitted this on the presise of the bug it might appear to be.  This would be on the tracker
23:29.49SerajewelKS[TK]D-Fender: i may add that later.  i will have to trim down all the comments and whatnot, and i didn't want to spend the time just yet.  if asked on the thread i'll post my config.
23:30.51[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS: Well you've hit a better spot on the "thorough" scal so the odds of something coming out of this are decent
23:30.58SerajewelKS[TK]D-Fender: hmm, usually i don't file bugs unless i'm pretty certain it's a bug.  i find projects are happier if i ask about it on the mailing list first, then go to the tracker if they indicate that it's probably a bug.  people seem to be happer to direct you to the bug tracker from the list than to close your bug NOTABUG.
23:31.25SerajewelKS(in other words, i don't like using bug trackers for support)
23:31.44[TK]D-FenderSerajewelKS: So far its not a bad thing with this project
23:31.48SerajewelKSand especially i don't like using bug trackers the first day i use some software as mature as asterisk :)
23:32.01citywokSerajewelKS: just be careful or leifmadsen will body slam you if you submit too many non-bugs to the tracker
23:32.20leifmadsencitywok: not my job anymore :)
23:32.28SerajewelKScitywok: exactly.  "hey, this is a bug and should be reported" is a better way to proceed in my opinion than "this isn't a bug, go ask the mailing list."
23:32.33citywokhaha i see the @ on your name still ;)
23:32.36WIMPydid I read "mature"?
23:32.49leifmadsencitywok: well I'm still kind of a big deal
23:32.54[TK]D-Fendercitywok: Not all ops are employed by Digium
23:33.12SerajewelKSWIMPy: in terms of stability and age, not the character of the community ;)
23:33.14citywokleifmadsen: that implies you ever WERE a big deal... *BURN****
23:33.26*** join/#asterisk lanning (
23:33.43WIMPyOk, the age may fit.
23:34.11SerajewelKSanyway, time to run home.  highlight me or reply on the thread if you have further input.
23:34.52SerajewelKSthanks for all the assistance and suggestions so far
23:35.39citywoklol whatever helps you sleep at night you cute little canuck you!
23:36.13*** join/#asterisk schreiber1337 (b838b7e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:37.32[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Pillars are OUT!  Suspension ALL the way.... FaB-U-LOUS!
23:38.07WIMPyOpen plan
23:38.32leifmadsencitywok: <3
23:39.00citywok:heart: just please don't hurt me... again
23:39.12citywokhow's life post bugmarshal?
23:47.48*** join/#asterisk k-man (~k-man@unaffiliated/k-man)
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23:59.51leifmadsencitywok: good so far!  I'm working on a lot of things now :)

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