IRC log for #asterisk on 20111219

00:02.53laurisis it possible to extract disposition and billsec through agi on h extension?
00:04.34p3nguinMost likely.
00:06.18laurisdo you know how? it's not included by default -
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00:29.12SeRip3nguin: for sure th 501 is bad.
00:46.45p3nguinlauris: You'll have to write it into your script.
00:46.54p3nguinseri: How did you finally determine it is bad?
00:55.44SeRip3nguin: I cant hear novody out of it at times
00:57.13SeRip3nguin: my resource of 25 is now online and first one to ring
00:57.16SeRinext is my android
00:57.45SeRiI guess it need it time to show up as a resource
00:58.09*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:04.23SeRip3nguin: how can I have my gv looup cnam?
01:15.53*** join/#asterisk kolyaflash (
01:20.54*** join/#asterisk Korolev (
01:47.05p3nguinYou'll have to look up the name externally, just like for any other type of phone service.
01:47.25*** join/#asterisk gravin (
01:48.06p3nguinDip into a cnam db and write it to the channel.
01:50.36*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:53.05SeRip3nguin: ok
01:59.02*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
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02:50.01k-manI bought 9 x snom 300 phones second hand the other day. they were very cheap
02:50.14k-manare they OK?
03:04.10*** join/#asterisk r33dtard (~r33dtard@gateway/tor-sasl/r33dtard)
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05:02.18p3nguinseri: What do you think about Toshiba and Fujitsu?
05:44.14*** join/#asterisk LiuYan1 (~liu.yan@
05:51.23WIMPyk-man: If that's the same series as 320/360/370, then yes.
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06:23.21k-manWIMPy, yeah I believe it is the lowest spec model in that range
06:23.39k-man2 line small LCD
06:24.28WIMPyAt least it seems still supported.
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07:10.32schmidtsgood morning
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08:19.32*** join/#asterisk IsUp (~nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
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08:20.18WIMPyIsUp GotUp
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08:34.43IsUp503 bad sequence of commands.
08:35.05ollii404 not found
08:35.32IsUpanyone using "nagios" or "monit" here?
08:36.05IsUpwhich one? both? :p
08:36.09olliifirst ne
08:36.50IsUpare you monitoring asterisk (channels, peers etc) or connection?
08:36.56*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
08:37.54olliiasterisk process, asterisk alive via AMI and some high priority peers like our media gateway
08:38.45olliiand sip stack
08:38.57IsUpis that possible to monitor "logs" with nagios? "grep 'UNREACHABLE' /var/log/asterisk/full" for example
08:40.24olliiyou want to watch sip peers?
08:41.14IsUpollii: i want to watch my net connection, and yes sip peers
08:41.25WIMPyLogs? What about AMI?
08:41.49IsUpWIMPy: it was an example, i have some AGI verbose outputs in my logs, so i want to check them actually
08:42.34WIMPyIf it's from AGI, why don't you actively trigger whatever you need?
08:43.26IsUpAGI is a remote host actually
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09:07.03*** join/#asterisk Yourname`` (~Yourname@
09:07.22Yourname``Hi. Does it matter if under peer disallow is top and allow is somewhere down below?
09:07.37Yourname``Like disallow=all nat=yes qualify=yes allow=ulaw
09:08.08WIMPyYes. It has to be in that order.
09:13.24dijibany late nighters in here?
09:13.34dijibnothing to report, reporting in
09:16.44Yourname``WIMPy: You mean it doesn't matter if there's anything in between as long as disallow comes first?
09:19.11*** join/#asterisk dandre (
09:19.15Yourname``What about the deny and allow IP restrictions.. do they interfere with audio, by any chance?
09:19.25*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (~chris@
09:20.08WIMPyThat's only for SIP, *I think*.
09:20.42Yourname``Cool, appreciate it.
09:22.38*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
09:25.44*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
09:29.34IsUpYourname``: it's deny= and permit=, not 'allow/disallow'
09:31.01Yourname``That too IsUp :)
09:34.32*** join/#asterisk gravin (
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11:05.36*** join/#asterisk mac|gyver (~sanderrij@2001:960:66e:0:216:cbff:fead:1d5)
11:07.06mac|gyverI have a problem with incoming calls. It finds the peer, but results in 401.. username mismatch, have <trunkname>, digest has <anonymous>
11:08.16IsUpmac|gyver: pastebin your peer, mask passwords
11:09.46mac|gyverI will.. strange thing is it uses the outgoing trunk name, not incoming
11:11.40IsUpmac|gyver: which host sending you calls? because your host is not matching as my opinion
11:12.10IsUpmac|gyver: okay just try "", dont use &, reload and place a call for test
11:12.39mac|gyverthat won't work, because sometimes the provider also uses the other IP. I can skip dynamic though
11:15.04IsUpmac|gyver: i am not so sure if you can use a dynamic ip on peer.
11:15.15mac|gyverit's gone..
11:15.31IsUpmac|gyver: try template, define 3 other hosts.
11:17.12mac|gyverhmm removing the &<ip> fixes it
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11:17.32mac|gyveruntil they start using the other IP, then it'll break again
11:18.04IsUpmac|gyver: then register to them, they should be using static ip.
11:18.33IsUpmac|gyver: if you know all IPs that calls coming from, define them one by one, but use template. so you dont have to type context codecs and other settings again.
11:19.08mac|gyverah clear.. I'll try this for now, and use template when needed..
11:19.40IsUpmac|gyver: np
11:20.56mac|gyverabout complaining to the provider. I found threads dating back to 2005 complaining about the same thing. So I think we're considering another provider :-)
11:39.24*** part/#asterisk fe[nl]ix (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/professional/fenlix)
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12:18.43nny: No closing parenthesis found? 'SipAddHeader(P-Asserted-Identity: <' at line 175 of extensions.conf FROM exten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,SipAddHeader(P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:${};otg=sc6960>)
12:19.01nnythis is suggested by a voip vendor
12:19.07nnythe otg is breaking it
12:19.26nnybut not sure what/where/why they are making it so complicated. Any help in correcting their statement appreciated
12:19.32nnyIsUp: heh
12:19.45nnyIsUp: we meet again, and um.. same thing as before with them. I'll try it
12:20.09nnythe last suggestion worked great, seems NO special chars in register strings though they sent me a ? after the first one
12:21.24nnySipAddHeader(P-Asserted-Identity: <sip:${}\;otg=sc6960>)
12:21.52nnysorry changed it back to having the ${}. not sure if that's needed or not for this
12:22.03*** part/#asterisk gajini (~root@
12:22.30IsUpexten => _1XXXXXXXXXX,1,SipAddHeader(P-Asserted-Identity: <\;otg=sc6960>)
12:22.39nnyIsUp: will try thanks
12:23.09*** join/#asterisk _omer (~omer@
12:23.39nnyIsUp: no error, thanks!
12:23.53nnyIsUp: heh they're suggested stuff has got me all discombobulated with proper syntax
12:23.55_omerI have a queuemetrics related question, Anyone have experience with QueueMetrics ?
12:24.06IsUpnny: :)
12:24.24nnyIsUp: apparently I am helping a voip vendor learn how to setup trunks by proxy.. :\
12:27.37_omerQueueMetrics   QM.Realtime  returns Array header but not any data.........anyhelp ???
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12:31.58nnylol AAaaand back to the vendor
12:32.28*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
12:33.07nnythis has to be the most involved setup yet for this.. probably some horrific media gateway on their end
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13:29.03Yourname`Hi. I have an asterisk server, eyebeam softphones on windows 7, and a gsm gateway all behind NAT. The asterisk server has the gsm gw as it's sip trunk and 2 dahdi lines coming in. Ports have been forwarded to the pbx IP. Windows firewalls are disabled. I'm having one way audio issues. Sometimes complete dead air. Asterisk SIP trace:
13:29.43Yourname`[ADDTIONAL INFO] Hi. I have an asterisk server, eyebeam softphones on windows 7, and a gsm gateway all behind NAT. The asterisk server has the gsm gw as it's sip trunk and 2 dahdi lines coming in. Ports have been forwarded to the pbx IP. Windows firewalls are disabled. I'm having one way audio issues. Sometimes complete dead air. *43 shows a little bit of choppiness and also makes it sound
13:29.44Yourname`like I'm farrr from the MIC. Asterisk SIP trace:
13:32.38Yourname`Oh, also, when the call comes in through DAHDI, 9 out of 10 times there's full on dead air on both sides.
13:35.17infobotrumour has it, nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
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13:36.15Yourname`IsUp: All set and done too. Sorry I didn't mention that in the original long post.
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13:51.23*** join/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~Mundt@
13:52.26asteriskATmarmuDhi guys. I need a complete list of all asterisk 1.4  hangupcauses. all I found is the one from voip-info which does not seem to be complete:
13:54.43WIMPyasteriskATmarmuD: Q.850
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13:55.57asteriskATmarmuDWIMPy: thx a lot!
14:02.53asteriskATmarmuDWIMPy: I gotta ask and assure myself, is that all related to asterisk 1.4?
14:04.31WIMPyNo, it's not related to Asterisk at all.
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14:07.26asteriskATmarmuDWIMPy: ok, but asterisk uses the same defined codes?
14:08.00WIMPyIt only gives you what it received from the network.
14:10.19TheCopsLooks like its gonna be a christmast without snow
14:10.30TheCopsoops sorry
14:10.50WIMPyDid you lock it up?
14:14.13asteriskATmarmuDI am looking at the codes right now. hmm, my network is an SIP-TO-ISDN gateway... but we won't be able to use more that the ones stated in that document?
14:14.50asteriskATmarmuDI mean these codes are all we can use? I can't any "redirection" code :(
14:15.06leifmadsenasteriskATmarmuD: look in the code -- <source>/include/asterisk/causes.h
14:15.14WIMPyIn that case I wouldn;t exprct HANGUPCAUSE to contain sensible values.
14:15.31Yourname`Anyone around for helping me out on audio issues?
14:15.40WIMPyIn that case I wouldn't expect HANGUPCAUSE to contain sensible values.
14:16.09asteriskATmarmuDthx guys. will go on on my own. your help is really appreciated.
14:16.17WIMPyThe translations from SIP are few and last time I looked at them partially questionable.
14:17.00WIMPyMaybe your GW sends some SIP header containing the original value. Take a look with sip debug.
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14:18.05asteriskATmarmuDWIMPy: we can even tell our device to map certain ISDN codes to defined SIP-codes. these should printed using "sip debug"
14:18.30asteriskATmarmuDWIMPy: but asterisk 1.4 can't really use SIP codes (at least in the dialplan)
14:19.28WIMPyYes, I think that only works for INVITEs.
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14:22.11kaldemarasteriskATmarmuD: you use numbers for cause codes that are mapped to SIP ones.
14:23.10asteriskATmarmuDkaldemar: is that a question or did you just tell me how asterisk works?
14:24.06kaldemarasteriskATmarmuD: not a question. see hangup_cause2sip in chan_sip.c for mappings.
14:24.24asteriskATmarmuDkaldemar: great many thanks
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14:25.07kaldemarall numbers are not there in the comments, you'll need to have a peek at include/asterisk/causes.h as well.
14:25.36leifmadsenheh, I mentioned that 10 mins ago as well :D
14:27.08asteriskATmarmuDkaldemar: causes.h already opened. you are so good to me :)
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14:28.37CGMChrisIt's too early in the morning for header files.
14:29.07TheCopsits not that hard :p
14:29.41CGMChrisYou're right...the header files are the easy part... its the c file that can get hairy.
14:31.10n1x0nHello, I have register foo:pass@egg/100 , then 100 does exten 100,1,Dial(SIP/foo1&SIP/foo2...,30,r) so that all phones ring when I get incomming calls - it all works fine excluding the caller id, do I need to do some "magic" (like storing it in a temp variable etc..) to get callerid to be passed further down ?
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14:58.12leifmadsenn1x0n: no, although possible you wan the 'o' option to dial -- or if this is SIP (which it looks like) you may need trustrpid=yes and sendrpid=yes in sip.conf
14:59.14n1x0nleifmadsen: thank you very much , I'll try your suggestions.
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15:58.25kl4mHi, I'm looking for a way to make voicemail transfers (option 8 on a message) work where my mailboxes have a prefix (ex.: clientname101) . Transfers currently give me e.g. " forward_message: '101' is not a valid mailbox". Voicemail is working fine otherwise. I'm using realtime voicemail with MySQL. Any ideas?
15:59.01*** join/#asterisk DagMoller (~aguirre@unaffiliated/dagmoller)
15:59.19DagMollerapp_fax or res_fax?
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16:09.07mjordankl4m: app_voicemail's menus are compiled into the application.  As such, their behavior is what it is - in the case of forwarding a message, it either uses the output of app_directory or it collects DTMF digits and uses that to look up a mailbox.  There isn't a way of prepending anything to that input.
16:10.22kl4mOK I'll patch something
16:24.22*** join/#asterisk ven0m (~ven@
16:24.52ven0mHi. I've connected sip trunk to my server. For reason, when i dial, i get Dial failed for some reason with DIALSTATUS = BUSY and HANGUPCAUSE = 21
16:24.56ven0mwhat could be the problem?
16:25.09ven0mI also got Dial failed due to trunk reporting BUSY - giving up
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17:38.16leifmadsenven0m: usually means the other side rejected the call -- look at the SIP trace and see what the problem is
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17:49.24r0m|uany ideas what this means? res_jabber.c:2060 aji_client_info_handler: User does not support discovery.
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17:53.35jimbo_ukHi all
17:53.42jimbo_ukAnyone in UK out there?
17:53.57infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
17:54.00paulcI'm from the UK, but now in Canada
17:54.21jimbo_ukHi Paul,
17:54.34jimbo_uknice, canada is lovely! I'm touting for a UK'er though!
17:55.08paulcCanada's alright, although the weather's a bit mardy today:
17:55.12paulcwhat you after a UK'er for?
17:55.22jimbo_uklooking for some long term help
17:55.45Qwelljimbo_uk: You aught to try the asterisk-biz mailing list.
17:56.06jimbo_uksounds good
17:56.22Qwellbe specific.  Don't just say "I need someone in the UK for something."
17:56.30*** join/#asterisk tyman (~tyman@
17:56.41jimbo_uknoone on -biz but me!!!
17:56.51jimbo_ukok, i'll be specific
17:56.58QwellThat would be why I said mailing list...
17:57.02jimbo_ukwe're recruiting for asterisk experts
17:57.09jimbo_ukah, ok
17:58.08paulcjimbo_uk: Have passport, will travel? ;-)  That said, I'm pretty settled in Canada.. but I was talking to another guy from back home last week who was looking for people, kicking off a biiig project. Related?
17:58.35jimbo_ukpossibly, don't think so though
17:58.44jimbo_ukwe always have big projects on the go.
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18:09.03jimbo_ukHey Paul,
18:09.14jimbo_ukWe're looking for a full time role....
18:09.23jimbo_uki guess it's not up your street?
18:15.21*** join/#asterisk libryder (~david@
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18:17.56libryderi'm using mixmonitor currently so i can move the recorded file after mixmonitor is finished... is there a way to do this with monitor?
18:19.59libryderorrr is there a way to get mixmonitor to separate audio from the two channels?
18:20.27p3nguinMonitor() records the channels separately.
18:21.04libryderi'm using mixmonitor right now because i can pass it a command to move the recorded file to an NFS mount
18:21.06p3nguinMixMonitor(), as the name should imply, records the channels mixed.
18:21.26libryderbut i'd like to have separate files for each part of the stream
18:21.33libryderboth channels*
18:22.41p3nguinI don't know what to tell you -- MixMonitor mixes as it records.
18:23.23cmendes0101If you want to use Monitor your going to have to do System or something after to execute the move
18:23.40cmendes0101I dont believe monitor has a exec feature like mixmonitor
18:24.07paulcjimbo_uk: delayed reply, sorry... uh.. "could be" - always open to talking but kinda half settled here.. talk is free though :-)
18:24.38librydercmendes0101: thanks
18:24.50libryderp3nguin: the answer was pretty simple, no?
18:25.04paulclibryder: you can use Monitor then call a macro afterwards I think - let me check something here..
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18:25.28p3nguinYes, the answer WAS simple.
18:25.42cmendes0101yah might want to do a macro since it would be 2 files to clean the context
18:25.55paulclibryder: yes - Set MONITOR_EXEC to whatever you want to run after Monitor is complete. It passes in 3 arguments I think.. left, right, and mix filenames
18:25.56r0m|up3nguin: p3nguin whats going on.
18:26.25cmendes0101doesnt MONITOR_EXEC just replace teh application it uses to mix? default:sox
18:26.35cmendes0101oh wait wrong thing
18:26.42paulclibryder: in mine, I call a PHP script that does some sox and lame stuff, mixing the channels into 1 file (caller on the left, agent on the right) then converting to MP3 and moving from ram disk to NFS
18:28.40libryderpaulc: so you basically have an external script that does all the work for monitor?
18:30.15*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
18:31.19paulclibryder: yeah - I have this in my dialplan:     same => n,Set(MONITOR_EXEC=/var/www/..../ws/CLI_ProcessRecording_OldSox.php)
18:31.53libryderand monitor is called after that?
18:32.18paulclibryder: then that PHP script has a #!/usr/bin/php at the begining and then does a bunch of stuff with the database (based on filename passed in - it's related to the internal call ID), and it shells out to call sox and lame to do mixing and converting
18:32.25paulcyeah - Monitor is the very next line in the dialplan
18:32.46paulcI can give you the PHP script if you like (I've got 2 versions - different distros used different versions of sox)
18:33.26libryderyeah that would be awesome
18:33.46paulclibryder: PM me your email
18:33.50cmendes0101you need to have the seperate channels plus a mixed version?
18:35.01librydercmendes0101: yeah one side of the call will be sent to a speech analytics system and the mixed version goes to a web gui where people can listen to their calls
18:36.04cmendes0101ah ok
18:39.41paulcWhat speech analytics are you using? We use Nexidia (but not with Asterisk)
18:41.37*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
18:42.06libryderwe're going to be using callminer - mostly for pci compliance
18:45.20paulcgotcha.. haven't seen their stuff myself.. Nexidia's stuff isn't bad for call center analysis.. we also got some bespoke work done for another app internally
18:45.27paulcPCI.. *shudder* hehe
18:49.26p3nguinr0m|u: I'm still trying to find a solution to this bug:
18:50.32r0m|up3nguin: ah!
18:50.52r0m|uI am still dealing with the choppiness issues.
18:51.03r0m|ulooks like the issue is in the route as we talked before
18:51.37p3nguinMy dhcpd uses Classless-Static-Route Option 121 or Classless-Static-Route-Microsoft Option 249, according to the client requesting the lease.
18:51.37r0m|uall calls from and to using my works wifi with a sip client to are perfect
18:52.00r0m|uthe route shows no loss from wrok to
18:52.01carrarp3nguin, Did you download the latest version of DHCPD from ISC?
18:52.11r0m|uso looks like comcast is defently at fault
18:52.15p3nguinNo, because dhcpd isn't the problem.
18:52.33p3nguindhcpd works correctly, giving both the static route and the default gateway.
18:54.06p3nguinIf the dhcpd wasn't including both the static route and the default gateway, then I would blame the dhcpd.
18:54.08carrarOh you are running dhcp server on a windows server anyways
18:54.15p3nguinNo, I'm not.
18:54.42carrartry a different OS?
18:56.09p3nguinYes.  Windows XP clients accept the classless static route and the default gateway correctly.
18:56.44*** join/#asterisk Beetlejooz (~IceChat77@
18:57.07p3nguinI'll look into upgrading dhcpd just to eliminate that as a variable.
18:57.13carrarUsing latest ISC DHCP client?
18:57.52carrarI don't use opensuse
18:58.07p3nguinI don't use opensuse, either.
18:58.24carrarShould use a router to route networks :)
18:58.26BeetlejoozCan anyone point me toward a reliable SIP provider -other than vitelity- who supports call center traffic?  Only doing B2B manual dials.
18:58.27carrarnot PC's
18:58.42p3nguinI _AM_ using a router to route.  wtf
18:58.54carrarWhy are you adding static routes then?
19:00.09p3nguinBecause there are two networks, each with a different router, but there is only one dhcp server.  Clients from network A should have a static route to network B through router B.
19:00.57carrarThe two routers should talk to each other
19:01.00Beetlejooz2 networks should require only one router.
19:01.02WIMPyIsn;t that their default GW then?
19:01.02carrarhave have the routes ont hem
19:01.10carrarlet the routers figure out how to get to the other network
19:01.16carrarlet the clients just haev a default
19:01.42carrarYou ip helper addresses on the routers to forward DHCP requests
19:02.12p3nguinI guess that's one alternative approach, but not the one I was trying to use.  Classless static routes are perfectly acceptable for this type of network... if the clients were not broken.
19:02.14carrarunless these are crqp routers and don't offer that
19:02.27BeetlejoozAre these cisco routers?
19:02.46p3nguinAnd the routers aren't the problem.
19:02.52carrarthey are the solution
19:03.27p3nguinThe problem is that dhcpcd doesn't configure the default gateway route when Classless-Static-Route Option 121 was also received.
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19:04.36p3nguinI didn't notice the dhcpcd version mentioned in that guy's bug report.
19:04.58Beetlejoozuse ip helper addresses like carrar said
19:05.05Beetlejoozsave yourself the headache
19:05.20p3nguinCLASSID='dhcpcd 3.2.3'?  Can't be version 3.2.3 ... I'm using version 5.x.x.
19:05.24carrarYou'll find other not so popular dhcp options don't always work
19:05.47carraror buggy
19:06.19p3nguinI don't need helper addresses -- there is only a single dhcp server.
19:06.29carrarwhich is why you DO need it
19:07.31Beetlejoozhow is the network with dhcp server going to get the bootp traffic if it doesn't know about it?
19:07.38p3nguinBut adding a route to router A so that clients A can have a route to network B is something I will do since classless static routing is busted in dhcpcd.
19:07.45WIMPyI don't think I get the picture. Do you have two routers on each net? One for default and one for the other LAN?
19:08.55p3nguinThere is one physical network.  There are two subnets.  There are two routers -- one internet gateway for each subnet.  There is one dhcpd.
19:09.01Beetlejoozremember, routers don't forward broadcast traffic unless you tell them to
19:11.11carrarThese default routers can't have two networks configred on them?
19:11.19carrarare they "DSL" modems?
19:11.26p3nguinRouter B is a part of both subnets.
19:11.35WIMPyVery interesting setup, but I fail to see why you need an additional route. You need a node with IPs from bith subnets to route, that should probably be the router that alredy is the default anyway.
19:12.16WIMPyAnd router A is not on B?
19:12.40WIMPyAny reason you can't change that?
19:12.46BeetlejoozYou could always add a dhcp server to your other network and end the dilemma
19:13.06p3nguinWhat is that going to solve?  The problem is not the dhcp server.
19:13.13p3nguinClients in both networks get dhcp just fine.
19:13.18WIMPyHow would that make a difference?
19:14.11p3nguinThe problem, as I've said at least three times, is that dhcpcd does not configure a default gateway on the client when Classless-Static-Route Option 121 is also received.
19:14.44WIMPyOr the problem is that Router A is not on net B.
19:15.08p3nguinThe dhcp server is giving out both Classless-Static-Route Option 121 *and* Default-Gateway Option 3 as it should be.
19:15.18p3nguinThe problem, as I've said at least four times, is that dhcpcd does not configure a default gateway on the client when Classless-Static-Route Option 121 is also received.
19:15.31*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
19:16.14WIMPyWhy is Router A not in net B?
19:16.22p3nguinA Windows XP client sets both the static route and the default gateway, as it should, and as I expected dhcpcd on the Linux client to do.
19:16.35WIMPyAnd have you tried replacing dhcpcd?
19:16.40carraris that correct per your design?
19:16.53p3nguinI'm not sure why... but I'm about to create a route on A to network B to work AROUND the broken dhcpcd on the clients.
19:17.31WIMPyThat sounds like a sensible idea.
19:18.09WIMPyBTW: I don't know if it's better, but I always preferred dhclient over dhcpcd.
19:18.16p3nguincarrar: More like this:
19:18.42carrarThis is a logical view
19:18.43Qwellp3nguin: You have to specify the default gateway in the 121
19:18.48carrarso same thing
19:18.52WIMPydhcpcd does funny things like configure interfaces that aren't connected.
19:19.00carrarswitch can be VLAN'd
19:19.02Qwelldhcp shouldn't be sending 121 and 3
19:19.05carrarto split out the networks
19:19.17p3nguinuh, what?  Shouldn't send 121 and 3?
19:19.22carraror are you running two networks on the same single logical network?
19:19.23Qwellp3nguin:, DHCP Server Administrator Responsibilities
19:22.01p3nguinIt says it should send both 121 and 3.  But 121 should contain the static route and the default gateway, and 3 will contain only the default gateway (as it typically does).
19:22.23*** join/#asterisk ruied (
19:22.36p3nguinI tried to add the default gateway into the classless static route option, but it didn't let me have two routes.
19:22.55p3nguinThat may be a limitation of the Vyatta software, or maybe I need to try harder.
19:26.30p3nguinWhen a Windows client asks for a lease, the dhcp server gives it Classless-Static-Route-Microsoft Option 249 and Default-Gateway Option 3, and the client configures correctly and as expected.
19:26.52carrarhere you go
19:26.56carrarget the right router
19:27.16p3nguinI have the right routerS.
19:27.27carrarI would disagree
19:27.45p3nguinOf course you would.
19:28.30WIMPyIf just both of them knew about the other network, that would be good enough.
19:28.35p3nguinAt some point, router A is going to be removed, and router B will deal with it all.
19:28.50WIMPyBut only one might be nicer.
19:28.57p3nguinBut for the time being, I just want it to work as it should.
19:30.52WIMPyThat is you'd like dhcpcd to do what you like, not the setup to work?
19:33.35r0m|up3nguin: I changed servers on and now all my calls are going to misc_calls
19:33.37*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
19:33.54p3nguinIf the correct operation of dhcpcd is to ignore Default-Gateway Option 3 when it also receives Classless-Static-Route Option 121, then I don't like the correct operation of dhcpcd.
19:34.15p3nguinr0m|u: Change the host in the peer and in the register statement.
19:34.58r0m|uops for got the peer
19:36.17r0m|up3nguin: I moved to chicago and calls now sound ok. mtr shows a clean path!
19:36.35p3nguinAtlanta might be closer, though.
19:36.44r0m|uMhhhh true
19:37.06p3nguinDon't forget to change your DIDs to route to the correct server.
19:37.12r0m|uI did
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19:39.45p3nguinThe only real difference using Router A to route to Router B rather than clients having a static route to Router B is the extra hop when trying to reach Network B.
19:39.56p3nguinThis isn't a problem, but a fact.
19:40.16carrarRouter A may send a ICMP redirect to the client
19:40.25carrarso that the client sends it's traffic to router B
19:40.59p3nguintraceroute shows router A in the path between client A (on net A) and client B (on net B).
19:41.21p3nguin1. Router A   2. Router B   3. Client B
19:41.22carrarthats because router A is the default
19:41.43*** join/#asterisk vassilux (
19:41.59p3nguinWith a classless static route, there are only two hops.  1. Router B   2. Client B
19:42.16p3nguinBoth are acceptable, since it is a LAN.
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19:43.52p3nguin<p3nguin> This isn't a problem, but a fact.    <-------- this
19:53.40carrarproblems don't exist, only opportunities
19:55.15carrarOur Congress and Senate are missing their opportunity
19:56.14vassiluxhi, I try to use Asterisk-GUI with TDMOE without success, so may someone did it ? I can add this function in Asterisk-GUI but I don't know where I can be start.
19:56.52carrarThats a great opportunity for #asterisk-gui to answer your question.
19:57.19vassiluxYes but I asked without any response :-)
19:57.32[TK]D-FenderJoin now!  You can double their non-employee population!
19:59.57carrarHi TK!!
20:01.36carrarerr Lunch Time
20:18.20*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (~twanny@
20:20.25Beetlejooz[A]is now away - Reason : bbiaf
20:20.59Roadblock_RVAQuestion about dial 0 to return to operator:  If you are listening to someones voicemail message and you press 0 it should stop playing the voicemail and transfer the call?
20:24.23[TK]D-FenderRoadblock_RVA: It should leave app_voicemail and go to "o" if you have it defined in the current context.
20:24.31pabelangerBeetlejooz[A]: disable your auto-away notifications
20:26.35Roadblock_RVAThat is what I had thought.  It was setup by default in a PIAF install, and I'm assuming asterisk in general.
20:26.46Roadblock_RVAIt however doesn't seem to be working.
20:28.10[TK]D-Fenderbetter go check with them
20:28.58Roadblock_RVAI mostly wanted to try and make sure I wasn't barking up the wrong tree on how it was suppsed to be working.  Thanks for the info.
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20:36.20p3nguinr0m|u: If you changed your route to use another voipms location, and that works well, then Comcrap actually isn't the problem?
20:37.45r0m|up3nguin: Is taking a different route
20:37.55r0m|uit's not the same route to atlanta
20:38.09p3nguinYeah, that's the point of a different pop.
20:38.11r0m|uthe route to uses all comcast hops
20:38.23r0m|uall of the comcast hops have issues
20:38.39r0m|uso looks like a routing issue on comcast
20:38.57*** join/#asterisk pdtpatrick1 (~ptaylor@
20:39.05r0m|uThis is affecting my download and upload
20:39.07p3nguinI see.
20:39.30r0m|uso maybe not a tap issue but a comcast network issue
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20:40.39r0m|uso far mtr has been clean.
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20:41.22p3nguinBut you said you have signal problems.
20:42.03r0m|uYes. as of the last check by a tech. I dont think this issues are not related
20:42.04*** join/#asterisk celord (~celord@
20:42.24r0m|us/are not/are/
20:45.04*** join/#asterisk celord (~celord@
20:45.29r0m|uI really think comcast is having major issues.
20:45.38r0m|ubeyond my small problem
20:45.50r0m|uI have users are work with routing problems as well from home
20:45.58r0m|uand they are on comcast
20:46.07Roadblock_RVAComcast has been having serious issues for over a month now.  At least in our area.
20:46.18r0m|uRoadblock_RVA: what area?
20:46.33Roadblock_RVARichmond/Henrico VA
20:46.38r0m|uah I see
20:47.08Roadblock_RVAWe are seeing a lot of broken routes, and sporadic lost connectivity several times a day over the last month or so.
20:47.57*** join/#asterisk lanning (
20:50.36r0m|uSpring Texas here and been having some major issue.
20:51.31Roadblock_RVAI know a little over a month ago Comcast was on the receiving end of one hell of a DOS attack.  We've been seeing massive issues ever since.
20:52.33r0m|uRoadblock_RVA: I was not aware of that.
20:54.15Roadblock_RVAI don't know if or how the two are connected but the timing is pretty close for coincidence.
21:03.28Beetlejoozis no longer away : Gone for 43 minutes 4 seconds
21:03.40QwellBeetlejooz: turn that off
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21:13.09generalhanquick question, hopefully ... an old friend just called me for help with his asterisk system, its beeing hammered with like 20 login attempts per second, and he ask me to fix it for him. i dont have time to set up his iptables entries (which i know he has disabled) so i was trying to set it up in sip.conf using deny= and then 2 permit lines for the 1 remote user's network, and
21:13.09generalhanthe local net, but after reloading chan_sip and doing a flat reload, you can still see the attempts flowing in ! is there something else i can try ?
21:13.44r0m|ugeneralhan: fail2ban
21:14.04generalhanfirst i tried under the [general] context in sip.conf. when that didnt work i tried under the extension they are hammering, neither worked
21:14.07r0m|uattempts will get there uness you do something to stop it at th border
21:14.32[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: Of course the attempts will flow in.  * can't stop packets from arriving at the server or the application.  It will simply IGNORE them from non-valid IP's
21:14.59r0m|u[TK]D-Fender: +1
21:15.06generalhani figured the entire reason to have the deny in sip.conf was to *deny* login attempts :(
21:15.32[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: And don;'t have time to set it up in iptables?  that takes less time than you spend on your description of the problem.
21:15.37generalhani dont care if his machine is being hammered ... that is not what he asked me to fix. he just doesnt want to see the failed attemps scrolling on his CLI ! lol
21:15.55r0m|uface palms...
21:16.04[TK]D-FenderThen stop them from arriving at the application level
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21:16.19p3nguinYou'll do that at the firewall.
21:17.04generalhan[TK]D-Fender: bah ... iptables will cause more issues than that ... who knows what else he has tied to this box (or the reason he isnt using iptables to begin with) i am not getting myself into that mess, maybe if i was being paid ! lol
21:17.18p3nguiniptables will only cause problems if you do it wrong.
21:17.49p3nguinYou can leave the policy as ACCEPT, and just DENY those idiots that are trying to register.
21:17.52[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: "who knows" isn't important.  and it won't be doing anything other than the 2 limits you were looking to define anyway
21:17.55p3nguinEnd.  Enjoy.
21:18.11[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: If you care so little then just walk away.  he clearly doesn't care about doing the job right
21:18.31p3nguinGive him my name.  I'll fix him up correctly.
21:18.47generalhan[TK]D-Fender: that is very true. but i need to at least make it seem like i made an attempt! lol
21:19.09[TK]D-FenderGood, show his this chat.  It's the neast amount of effort aside from doing nothing :)
21:19.16generalhani am just going to block the IP at his router ... which will work until this person sees that he can no longer connect, and just changes his IP ! lol
21:19.43p3nguinfail2ban will catch them when they change IP addresses.
21:19.49p3nguin(1513.44) <r0m|u> generalhan: fail2ban
21:20.18p3nguinYou can run a policy of ACCEPT and still use fail2ban to block crap-heads.
21:20.47r0m|u* | r0m|u face palms...
21:20.54generalhannever heard of that ... i thought you were just being funny, saying that i failed 2 ban !
21:21.17p3nguinwill admin for food.
21:21.22n3hxsloves fail2ban :)
21:21.27r0m|uand again.... * | r0m|u face palms...
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21:26.28p3nguinWhy does freecnam fail on most numbers, but tnid has the data?  They claim to use tnid for their data.
21:27.53p3nguin8 out of 10 queries I've done via freecnam are blank, but when I look them up directly on tnid, there is a name.
21:28.45[TK]D-FenderThey said they were free.  Never said they were good or reliable.  Try their alternate service CostsButWorksCNAM
21:30.11gigawatts121Anyone know I can get Asterisk to do something with incoming Jabber messages? I have my asterisk setup as a google voice gateway, and it keeps my gmail jabber account online. I would like to log and/or route any of those incomming jabber messages to something I can see.
21:30.53gigawatts121like my openfire xmpp server, or something like that
21:31.25r0m|ugigawatts121: you can have multiple clients running along with asterisk jabber when using GV
21:31.37r0m|uYou have to set the priority properly
21:32.17r0m|uThe messanger uses a prio of 24. set your asterisk to a prio of 25
21:32.24r0m|uall calls will go to asterisk
21:32.34r0m|uand still able to see your messages on your client
21:32.38gigawatts121Yeah, I know I can have multiple clients, but if all other clients are off line, and people send me messages, I would like asterisk to log them somewhere
21:33.11gigawatts121If I turn verbose mode on in the asterisk console, I can see the inbound xmpp messages
21:33.21p3nguinYou could set asterisk to a priority of 0 or -1, and the server will store the messages until a client with a positive priority signs on.
21:33.29*** part/#asterisk Beetlejooz (~IceChat77@
21:33.37p3nguinNo clue what that will do to voice calls, though.
21:33.57*** part/#asterisk Poincare (~jefffnode@2001:470:cb24:4::2)
21:34.12r0m|uI am sure it wont route them to asterisk
21:35.06p3nguinI use asterisk as a component to my openfire rather than a client.  I'm not sure if that's something useful to you or not.
21:35.06gigawatts121I was hoping to find a way to have it capture those inbound messages, and forward them to a user on my openfire server (where it would dump them to me when I login to that account)
21:35.55gigawatts121Yeah, I tried playing around with the asterisk integration in openfire, didnt get very far
21:36.58gigawatts121p3nguin: what functionality does that give you? (asterisk component in openfire)
21:37.32p3nguinI feel like it makes asterisk more of a peer to the server rather than acting like just another client.
21:38.09p3nguinI haven't gone into much depth with integration, though.
21:38.39gigawatts121hmm, that sounds more along the lines of what I want to do, got any good docs/tuts about that?
21:39.39p3nguinChange the type from client to component in jabber.conf.  Configure a component in openfire instead of a client in openfire.
21:40.59r0m|up3nguin: is it possible to have a verbose set so I can see when somebody was sent to VM or called VM?
21:41.13p3nguinOf course.
21:41.27p3nguinUse Verbose() as needed.
21:41.47r0m|uwell crap.
21:43.37j0I'm having random one-way audio problems. If I run a capture on the router or asterisk box I see both audio streams and everything appears to be working, but outgoing audio from my phone never makes it to the end caller
21:43.54j0I have the same problem on all 4 phones here in the office
21:44.30j0What would you look at first to troubleshoot it?
21:44.57j0I have some data from asterisk when running sip debug, but I don't see any errors. I also don't know what I'm looking at either
21:45.48p3nguinIs this an intermittent problem on those four phones?
21:46.05j0yes, about 1 out of every 15 calls
21:46.12r0m|up3nguin:  you ever seen this message? User does not support discovery
21:46.28r0m|uit pops up every so often on my asterisk
21:46.57p3nguinI don't know if it is normal.  I don't know if I ever saw it on my own system or not.
21:47.05*** part/#asterisk libryder (~david@
21:47.31gigawatts121pretty sure I see it all the time
21:47.45r0m|uI see,
21:48.08p3nguinIf I ever saw it on mine, it was a while ago.
21:48.56r0m|uI see.
21:49.07p3nguinand not frequently.
21:49.38r0m|uIs not frequent but it does popup here and there with that specific user.
21:50.15p3nguinThat's what we call frequent.
21:50.26p3nguinIf it happened to me, it was maybe one time.
21:51.39*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
21:51.54r0m|up3nguin: you have other peers in your gmail list?
21:52.31r0m|uI am sure you dont since you only use it for asterisk. or am I wrong?
21:53.22r0m|utime to go home
21:54.21p3nguinI use my regular gmail account.
21:54.38p3nguinI have several people on my list on the side of the page when I go into
21:55.10gigawatts121hmm, so with the type=component, the openfire jabber user doesnt show up as online anymore, but can still send messages to me?
21:55.52p3nguinIt should show up online as a component.
21:56.46gigawatts121as a component on the openfire admin page, yes, but that jabber user doesnt show up anymore as online in my buddy list (from yet another openfire user)
21:57.43fileI want everyone to know that paulc is a MEANIE
21:58.18*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
21:58.43gigawatts121would it be as simple as changing my gmail profile in the jabber.conf to be a component instead of client to not have my gmail account show up as online?
22:01.15p3nguinAsterisk shows up (as a component) in my roster.
22:05.59*** join/#asterisk pdtpatrick1 (~ptaylor@
22:15.07*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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22:33.13*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
22:51.27*** part/#asterisk generalhan (~generalha@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
22:52.44*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
22:55.20*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-fpzvnurzolztgmug)
23:10.45*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
23:16.26*** join/#asterisk moos3 (
23:16.44moos3is there any why to log all queries done by cdr to mysql ?
23:17.30*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-kgepcrkuvraiffxk)
23:25.56leifmadsenmoos3: that has to be done on the SQL server end, although you may or may not get some of that data with DEBUG level logging
23:26.15moos3leifmadsen yeah i have binlogging in place
23:26.33moos3i have in asterisk logs 95 calls and liek 30 in mysql
23:26.39moos3so theres a lost of 65 calls
23:26.51moos3time for canadian beer
23:26.53leifmadsenbut you're not seeing INSERT errors on the SQL side?
23:26.58leifmadsenI'm out of beer :(
23:28.11carrarThats MySQL for ya
23:28.38moos3i have no insert errors
23:28.45moos3which is odd as hell
23:29.09moos3i'm going to pull the binlogs from my pbx to my laptop and figure out why this is happening
23:29.18moos3well off to beer, thanks guys
23:29.25leifmadsenBEER ME!
23:30.13*** join/#asterisk coppice (
23:32.13carrarONE BEER, COMING RIGHT UP!!
23:39.41p3nguinSAAB has announced the end of life.
23:44.34*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~JerJer@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
23:44.44*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
23:45.11*** part/#asterisk Neptu (
23:46.22JerJercan anyone remember if there is anything specific that needed to be done in Asterisk 1.4 to make it leverage multiple processors (SMP)    I see Asterisk using 99% on one core, but never any others
23:46.47*** join/#asterisk SeRi (
23:48.07p3nguinGet an SMP kernel.
23:48.15JerJergot one
23:48.43JerJer2.6.9-67.ELsmp #1 SMP
23:48.57p3nguinThat should be all there is to it.
23:50.16WIMPyneither dahdi nor misdns echo canceller seem to be able to use more than one CPU as I found out. Are you using any of them?
23:50.45SeRiwhats going on p3nguin
23:51.45WIMPySo my guess would be that this restriction applies to MeetMe as well.
23:52.58[TK]D-Fenderor perhaps the EC module in question...."DAHDI" isn't an EC module.  KB1, MG2, etc.  Have you tried OSLEC or HPEC?
23:53.49WIMPyNo, it's dahdi. It does the DSP stuff in the interrupt handling code.
23:54.23WIMPyWich I think qualifies perfectly for "broken by design".
23:56.13WIMPyThat's actually the first time I feel that using an open source OS can have drawbacks. There is no one to definitely say "you must not do that".
23:58.06coppiceThere is little choice but to put the core of the EC code in the interrupt handler
23:58.54WIMPyThere is always a choice. And Linux offers several levels.
23:59.22coppicemaybe, but the physics of signal processing may not
23:59.35WIMPyThere is an extra system sapce between the user and the hardware.
23:59.58coppiceand that space incurs latency

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