IRC log for #asterisk on 20111216

00:02.08`mdcan someone help me with my asterisk setup? i cant get calls in or out of my sip provider, internal calls work tho :/ i am not sure what i am doing wrong, tried several guides for my sip provider where people said they have it working
00:05.40*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
00:09.02`mdi am getting SIP/2.0 603 Declined when i try an outgoing call for example
00:09.17*** join/#asterisk gravin (
00:10.23`mdalso it seems asterisk tries to map the external number i am calling to itself instead of to my sip provider
00:10.42`mdi am really at a loss here
00:11.02p3nguinPastebin your sip.conf and extensions.conf.
00:11.04infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
00:12.06p3nguinDon't forget to hide your passwords.
00:12.38*** join/#asterisk Korolev (
00:13.46`md sip.conf
00:14.32`md extensions.conf
00:16.14`mdbtw it registers just fine with the sip provider
00:16.21*** join/#asterisk k-man (~k-man@unaffiliated/k-man)
00:16.35`mdsip show registry shows all 3 as registered
00:16.58k-manany idea what the differences between cisco 7940, 7941 and 7942 phones are?
00:17.37p3nguinFirst thing, you don't need an inbound and outbound entry.  One entry of type peer is good enough.
00:18.20p3nguinThe extension in the incoming context is wrong.
00:18.33p3nguinYou have:  exten => 051198xxxx,1,Dial,SIP/11,30,r
00:18.49p3nguinIt should be:  exten => 051198xxxx,1,Dial(SIP/11,30)
00:19.26p3nguinLine number 19, you have:  exten => _0.,2,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@t-online,30,tr)
00:20.02p3nguinIt should be:  exten => _0.,n,Dial(SIP/t-online/${EXTEN},30)
00:20.07p3nguinWait, no...
00:20.11p3nguinIt should be:  exten => _0.,n,Dial(SIP/t-online/${EXTEN})
00:20.12p3nguinno timeout.
00:20.16*** join/#asterisk rdegges (xeXsTIKg0a@
00:20.22p3nguinLet them deal with the timeout.
00:20.30rdeggesQuestion: what's the maximum and minimum values you can use in the ``VOLUME`` function?
00:20.52p3nguinLines 7, 11, and 15... take off the r in the dial options.
00:21.22p3nguinLine 18, you have:  exten => _0.,1,SetCallerID(051198xxxx)
00:21.40p3nguinIt should be:  exten => _0.,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=051198xxxx)
00:22.04`mdah :D
00:22.09carrarNigel says to put the volumn at 11
00:22.23p3nguinActually, just let me fix everything.  You have more things wrong.
00:22.37carrarIt's ONE LOUDER
00:23.40`mdoh yea thats already better!
00:23.48`mdnow it at least tries to use the sip provider
00:24.33`mdbut i am getting an error 400 back, it complains about RFC3261
00:24.45`mdthe error codes are in german :/
00:25.20p3nguinThere.  Much better.
00:26.53`mdlet me reload that
00:27.47p3nguinAnd that's just patching up yours.  If you had me set it up, it would be different still.
00:29.24p3nguinYour sip.conf could use a couple changes, too.
00:29.38`mdyea i am sure it could
00:29.47p3nguint-online has nat=yes, but they are not behind NAT.  Should be nat=no.
00:30.13p3nguininsecure=very is no longer valid.  Should be insecure=port,invite if you even need it at all.
00:30.32*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
00:30.47p3nguindtmfmode=info ?  Why info?  rfc2833 is preferred.
00:31.04`mdi read it on forums that i might need it for my provider, not too sure about it tho
00:31.50p3nguinThere's a chance that you will need it.  It depends on how they have things set up.  If you do need it, it's "port,invite", not "very".
00:31.55WIMPyp3nguin: linux-stable has been 3.2.0-r1 for five weeks.
00:32.23p3nguinI ran Linux 2.6 until yesterday.
00:33.17WIMPyI just learned from sruffell that you need at least 2.6.39 if you want IRQ time accounting.
00:33.41WIMPyWithout it you don't see why dahdi with SWEC fails.
00:34.36WIMPyI tried the same configuration with misdn today. It didn't sound any better but unlike dahdi it was able to keep the link stable.
00:37.37*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
00:38.09`mdholy shit
00:38.13`mdoutgoing works now :DDDD
00:39.35`mdincoming still wont work tho
00:40.11`mdi see the call incoming in the asterisk console
00:40.22`mdbut extension 11 isnt ringing and i get a busy tone
00:40.38p3nguinOf course not.  Extensions don't ring.  Phones ring, though.
00:40.44`mduhm yea
00:40.49`mdthats what i meant
00:41.09p3nguinHave you fixed the two peer entry thing in sip.conf yet?
00:41.19`mdthere's just one now
00:41.27p3nguinIs the context still set to incoming?
00:42.05p3nguinYou see the call coming in, so what extension is it going to?
00:43.09*** join/#asterisk gravin (
00:43.14p3nguinYou have only one extension in the incoming context, but you have three phone numbers.
00:43.18p3nguinat least three, anyway.
00:43.42`mdi am calling the number that i have specified in incoming
00:43.48p3nguinIf you didn't filter out something I didn't ask you to filter out, I would have fixed that part for you as well.
00:44.19`mdlike my phone numbers?
00:44.48p3nguinI don't really care what your phone numbers are, but you asked for help.  Help fixing phone calls requires knowing what extensions calls are going to.
00:44.52p3nguinI'll have to see the evidence of what's going on.
00:44.52`mdi see something like this   == Spawn extension (incoming, 051198xxxx, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/t-online-00000012'
00:45.23p3nguinI'll need to see the sip debug with core verbose included.
00:45.29p3nguincore set verbose 3
00:45.33`mdi have that
00:45.33p3nguinsip set debug on
00:45.38`mdi have that too
00:45.48p3nguinMake a call.  Pastebin it.  Don't filter, or I can't (and won't try) to help you.
00:45.49`mdshould i paste the output
00:46.49*** join/#asterisk sam555 (
00:46.56sam555hello all!
00:47.23sam555does anyone know what these are called?
00:47.33sam555I'm trying to order them and they are not called phone crimps
00:47.51p3nguinsplice connectors
00:47.58sam555p3nguin: thanks!!!
00:49.31WIMPysam555: 3M scotchlock
00:50.13p3nguinI'm not seeing the verbose output in this debug.
00:50.29`mdVerbosity is at least 3
00:50.29`mdCore debug is at least 1
00:50.37`mddidnt you say 3?
00:50.58p3nguinI need at least 3.
00:51.07p3nguinI don't see it, though.
00:51.17p3nguinIf you can see it in that debug, please point it out to me.
00:51.45`mdshould i do it again with 4? 5?
00:52.28p3nguinGo ahead and turn off sip debug for a minute.  Increase verbose to at least 3.  Make a call.
00:54.08`mdthats with 5 and sip debug off
00:54.47p3nguinooooookay... so there's no call happening.
00:54.48p3nguinHow odd.
00:55.27p3nguinAre you sure you have that extension in the incoming context?  I didn't see it.
00:55.33WIMPyA call ending without an error or something happening looks wrong.
00:55.39`mdexten => 051198436418,1,Dial,(SIP/11,30)
00:55.41`mdis what i have
00:55.59p3nguinLooks the same to me.
00:56.04`mdto me as well
00:56.20p3nguinYou remembered to "sip reload" and "dialplan reload" after making the changes?
00:56.47`mdi did a core reload, and i think i even completely restarted it, but let me make sure
00:57.02*** join/#asterisk lanning (
00:57.58`mdok i completely shut down asterisk and started it again
00:58.06`mdand i get exactly the same behaviour as before
00:59.01p3nguinI honestly don't get it.  How can a call to an extension exit when there was no call to an extension showing up before it?
00:59.16`mdthat's exactly what puzzles me as well
00:59.26`mdis there anything else anywhere that can influence this?
01:00.34WIMPyI'd say this shouldn't be possible.
01:00.47WIMPyWhat Asterisk version are you running?
01:00.59p3nguinMaybe the phone that is trying to be called isn't available or something.  Add a Verbose() before your Dial().
01:01.27p3nguinSomething like Verbose(The call made it here)
01:01.31WIMPyHmmm. Dies that version perhaps include the remote console loglevel changes that were bad?
01:01.54`mdi think i have it now
01:01.59`mdthere was a typo
01:02.01`mdhow strange
01:02.07p3nguinWhere was the typo?
01:02.19`mdthere was a , between Dial and ()
01:02.21p3nguinI see.
01:02.34`mdnow it works :)
01:02.34p3nguinSo the extension died before it could run.
01:02.48WIMPyOk, so now we know what that means.
01:02.49p3nguinI would have expected more info.
01:03.23`mddoes asterisk have the concept of "groups"?
01:03.32p3nguinMaybe.  What kind of group?
01:03.36WIMPyWht kind of groups?
01:03.50`mda group that includes extensions, and where i can route external numbers to
01:04.08p3nguinI don't understand.
01:04.10WIMPyYou can dial as may peers as you like in a single Dial()
01:04.20p3nguinAre you talking about dialing phones?
01:04.32`mdwell that would work
01:04.44*** join/#asterisk Micc_ (
01:05.02p3nguinIt works, but I don't know if that's what you're asking or not.  I didn't understand your question.
01:05.10*** part/#asterisk sam555 (
01:05.13`mdwell i dont usually work with asterisk, but with alcatel-lucent... there you can define groups and put extensions inside, and have the group number in the external numbering plan
01:05.39`mdyou call one external number, and several phones ring
01:05.40p3nguinAsterisk doesn't do things like that.  If you want that, you'll write it yourself.
01:05.50p3nguinDial(SIP/10&SIP/11&SIP/12,30)   <---- this
01:05.52`mdyea well that is what i was asking :D
01:05.56p3nguinOne extension.  Three phones.
01:05.57`mdso asterisk doesnt have that, ok
01:06.00WIMPyIn asterisk an "extension" is a target in the dialplan.
01:06.18WIMPyAnd that can do or call whatever you want.
01:06.36`mdthat sounds interesting
01:06.41`mdyea i can see how you mean
01:06.48`mdthat's actually pretty neat
01:06.53p3nguinexten => 051198436418,1,Dial(SIP/10&SIP/11&SIP/12,30)
01:07.07WIMPyIt's flexible, but not neccessarily convenient.
01:07.13p3nguinExtension 051198436418 dials SIP/10, SIP/11, and SIP/12.
01:07.19p3nguin(1905.56) <p3nguin> One extension.  Three phones.
01:07.54p3nguinYou can also set a global which contains all the phones, and then Dial() the global variable.
01:08.15p3nguinIn globals, ALL_PHONES=SIP/10&SIP/11&SIP/12
01:08.32p3nguinthen  exten => 051198436418,1,Dial(${ALL_PHONES},30)
01:08.39`mdor i could do this?
01:08.40`mdexten => 20,1,Dial(SIP/10&SIP/11SIP/12,30)
01:08.40`mdexten => 20,n,Hangup
01:08.55p3nguinExtension 20 would dial the three phones.
01:09.06`mdand i can chain that right
01:09.14p3nguinAs in...?
01:09.22`mdso when i call my external number i can have it call 20, and that calls all the phones
01:09.35p3nguinYes, using a Local channel.
01:09.36`mdexten => 051198436418,1,Dial(SIP/20,30)
01:09.38`mdlike so
01:09.43WIMPyYes, but that's probably not what you want.
01:10.16p3nguinextension 20 has nothing to do with SIP
01:10.20`mdah it's Local not SIP
01:10.21WIMPyThere is no link between extensions and devices except for Dial commands in you dialplan.
01:10.25`mdof course
01:10.26p3nguinSIP/20 is a phone, named 20.
01:10.31`mdit's not a sip peer of course :D
01:10.52p3nguinLocal channels are wonderful.  They turn points in your dialplan into devices.
01:11.02WIMPyBut a simple Goto might be easier.
01:11.47p3nguinYeah, might be better.
01:12.01p3nguinrather than Dial()
01:12.07`mdah interesting
01:12.27p3nguinThen you aren't creating a new channel when you don't *really* need one.
01:12.55p3nguinThe end result would be the same in both cases though -- the three phones would ring.
01:13.42WIMPySo for a classic aproach, you could have a groups context defining extensions that call multiple devices and in your incomming context you goto the group extensions.
01:14.14p3nguinYour imagination is the limit.  You create the concepts.
01:14.48`mdyea i slowly start to understand just HOW powerful asterisk can be
01:15.52`mdworks pretty well
01:31.59luckman212whoa ..... asterisk 10 is released!
01:33.25*** join/#asterisk kotis__ (~kotis@
01:43.10SeRiMhhhhhhh...... I might wait a few months before I put my hands on it
01:44.55p3nguinWait until next year, at least.
01:45.33WIMPyWil next year be a good Asterisk year?
01:45.48p3nguinEvery year is a good Asterisk year.
01:46.11`mdi wonder how well asterisk works as a sip trunk of another pbx
01:46.19infoboti guess trunk is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term. the nose of an elephant
01:46.25`mdi shall try that soon
01:47.06`mdalcatel calls it that :/
01:47.09p3nguinBut asterisk to asterisk using SIP works just fine.  Asterisk to asterisk using IAX2 works pretty well, too.
01:47.12WIMPyIn ethernet, LACP is also called trunk.
01:47.26`mdi was thinking asterisk to alcatel
01:47.48p3nguinThere's no SIP trunk, only SIP peers.
01:48.16p3nguinAsterisk doesn't really care what kind of device peers with it, as long as it understands SIP pretty much the same as Asterisk understands it.
01:48.49`mdsounds like it could work then
01:49.01p3nguinIf it does SIP, it will most likely work.
01:50.16`mdit does sip
01:56.57*** join/#asterisk francisvgarcia (~francisvg@
02:05.09SeRiI am bore
02:05.14SeRiI am bored*
02:06.36SeRicompiling some times gets boring....
02:07.08francisvgarciaboring is when u got a phone working
02:07.12WIMPyGet a faster box.
02:07.27francisvgarciaand suddenly start to have one way audio
02:07.33francisvgarciafor no reason like me now
02:07.39SeRiWIMPy: buy me one :) I am still sitting on my dual core xtream from like 6yrs a go... LOL
02:07.53SeRifrancisvgarcia: LOL!
02:08.07WIMPyMy Asterisk test box is a dual PIII.
02:09.00SeRimy test box is an atom
02:09.01francisvgarciaMy personal machine is a Intel Celeron :D
02:09.27francisvgarciawith 512 of RAM DDR1 533
02:09.41SeRimy mom ask for christmas if I could buy her a new latop.... I felt bad for her.... she still runs on a PIII :( bad son
02:09.42francisvgarciarunning ubuntu
02:10.11SeRiops sorry she has a sempron
02:10.14WIMPyI still have an old c2d. Maybe I should get a board for it.
02:10.20SeRino better though.... lol
02:14.24SeRiany body care to be my monkey for a few days or maybe more? I am going to be building a modified version of astlinux..... If you want to test let me know.
02:15.04SeRiI am almost done compiling :)
02:15.16WIMPyI think "testing Asterisk distributions" was somewhere on my to do list.
02:15.41SeRiWIMPy: Ill take that as you want in :)
02:16.00WIMPyI guess it might be pretty interesting what the hardware support looks like in them.
02:16.14*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
02:16.19WIMPyCan I do a netinstall?
02:16.36SeRiSure :)
02:16.43SeRiIll just have to prep it for that
02:17.06SeRiyou have a static IP?
02:17.24WIMPyThat would certainly make it easier. I don't think I can moticat myself to carry media around.
02:17.50WIMPyYes, but I was on about doing it via PXE.
02:18.14SeRiwell I have to allow your IP in.
02:18.46SeRimsg me your ip.
02:18.50WIMPyThe BIOS won't search the internet.
02:19.12WIMPyIt's about how I get it on to a blank PC.
02:19.24SeRigot it. ok ill pass you the files when done
02:19.42SeRiastlinux leaves on the ram.
02:19.54SeRiI am wondering if load it via pxe would work.
02:19.58SeRiwe shall try
02:20.20WIMPyloves PXE.
02:20.40WIMPyNo more CDs, DVDs or pendrives.
02:23.32SeRiNew on this build: mpg123, wget, option for new or existing persistant storage, ipkg capabilities, encryption, psql, gtal, etc.....
02:23.35*** join/#asterisk master_of_master (
02:24.04SeRiIll get a list put together
02:24.50SeRiI am going to try and make a full install option as well.
02:25.03SeRiwhich will inlcude more options
02:25.11WIMPyIs it a good idea to have mpg123 in a distribution?
02:25.25SeRiIt depends
02:25.31SeRihow you use it I guess
02:25.39WIMPyInstead of what? Does it run "live"?
02:26.09SeRiwhat do you mean live?
02:26.20WIMPyYes, it does. But if you include it I guess you have to inform the user.
02:26.33SeRiooo yes.
02:26.42WIMPyWhat's the other option to "full install"?
02:26.48SeRiMy idea behind it is for streaming audio options
02:27.18SeRiWIMPy: astlinux runs on memory. It does not install on your system is a live OS
02:27.33*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
02:27.42SeRipersistant storage is made as per the users option
02:28.04WIMPyok. Should make it easy to try.
02:28.27SeRibut astl wont install on the persistant fs... It's only for storage of files and media
02:29.35WIMPyBut a live system is hard to patch.
02:29.54SeRifor example. if you do persistant storage all the files you edit teh most will leave there
02:30.06SeRiYes. Thats why I want to make an option
02:30.22WIMPyhad to patch a lot so far.
02:30.42WIMPyEspecially to get hardware working.
02:32.09SeRiYea I saw your posts
02:32.33WIMPyProbably not all of them :-)
02:33.10WIMPyUnfortinately I even lost one of them.
02:37.32p3nguinAs for the mpg123 thing, just make users of your ast distro agree to be bound by the same license that he would agree to to install mpg123 himself.  Wouldn't that be sufficient?
02:38.48WIMPyDon't know what is says, but probably yes.
02:40.49SeRip3nguin: I am looking in to it.
02:44.58p3nguinOptionally, you could have two branches: one with mpg123 with license terms, and one without mpg123 for those who don't want to agree.
02:46.32*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
02:49.35*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
02:50.02F2KnightQ: Just upgraded a box to to check it out.. and got this error about NAT.
02:50.33WIMPyThat has been discussed a lot the last days.
02:50.38SeRip3nguin: I thin I like that better
02:50.59p3nguinf2knight: That is not an error.
02:51.09F2Knightno its a warning..
02:51.23p3nguinwarning != error
02:51.25F2Knightbut it takes for ever to load asterisk now.
02:51.41p3nguinFix sip.conf according to the information provided in the warning.
02:51.48F2Knightand I am not sure what they are implying to fix.
02:52.19WIMPyOnly one nat= line per asterisk.
02:52.33p3nguinIt says do not set nat per peer.  Set it in general only.
02:53.19p3nguinBasically, turn on nat for asterisk and every peer, or turn it off entirely.
02:54.27p3nguinThis change is going to make me redo my templates for my phones.
02:54.40F2Knightokay so ... heres my question then..
02:54.47F2KnightNot all device will be natted..
02:54.55F2Knightby setting nat = yes in global.
02:55.05F2Knightwill that effect non nated clients?
02:55.12p3nguinIt isn't supposed to.
02:55.40F2KnightI wonder what the devs are trying to do with this.. .where is the ... end goal so to speak
02:55.51p3nguinIt's stated in the warning.
02:56.51F2Knightno I mean.. in the next few versions.. what is going to be the end result..? like is Nat going to be on by default only? no nat support? external nat control?
02:57.03F2Knightjust trying to understand what the change was for
02:57.05SeRip3nguin: Is there a way to know which number is been dialed FROM the DB... right now I get MYNUMBERHERE is calling s
02:57.38p3nguinI don't understand your question.  The database doesn't dial numbers.
02:57.52SeRiok one sec...
03:00.41SeRiwhen I dial 1101 I see in the cli MYNUMBERHERE is calling s
03:00.50WIMPyLooks like I have a session-timer issue with an SPA962. Is there a solution other than disabling them on Asterisk?
03:01.50p3nguinseri: That's what line 5 says to show you.  What more do you want?
03:02.02p3nguinI don't understand the point of this macro in the first place.
03:02.16SeRiIs there a way to make it show the number instead of "s"
03:02.25SeRiIs a speed dial
03:02.32SeRiI show this before
03:02.39SeRiand you said it was welld one
03:02.40p3nguinYes, there is.  Don't use a macro when you don't need one.
03:03.06SeRiok so how can I convert it?
03:04.25p3nguinWhat is your exact goal?  Just have speed dials in astdb?  E.g., speed dial 10 = 3145551212
03:05.48SeRi/sysdial/04 :numberhere
03:06.05p3nguinWhy sysdial?  Why not speeddial?
03:06.25F2Knightsip shois there a way of setting the make menuselect options with out running make menuselect? for scripted builds
03:06.29WIMPyGetting 481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist from the SPA.
03:06.32SeRiIs an astlinux thing I guess... I do use the webui to create db's
03:06.40SeRiits simpler
03:07.00p3nguinbecause database put speeddial/04 5551212 is hard?
03:07.15p3nguinAt any rate, you don
03:07.19p3nguin't need a macro.
03:07.36p3nguinIt's because of the macro that your extension is s.
03:07.59SeRip3nguin: I dont have access to cli all the time. webui simplifies this for me.
03:08.24p3nguinGive me an example of how you would dial a speeddial.
03:09.18p3nguinIs that considered speeddial number 1?
03:09.36p3nguinSo your speed dial prefix is 110?
03:09.55p3nguinOr it is speed dial 01, and your speed dial prefix is 11?
03:10.21SeRiis o1 and prefix is 11
03:10.37p3nguinokay, one moment
03:10.42SeRiyes sr.
03:13.50Netgeeksif I'm getting zttest results of -29193%, what does that mean?  I've never seen negative percentages as a result of zttest
03:14.41WIMPyYour timing is screwed?
03:14.58Netgeeksyeah, horribly screwed...
03:15.16Netgeeksmaybe a hardware problem?  ztdummy is the timer
03:16.07WIMPyBut you are aware that zaptel was discontinued 3 years aog?
03:16.17WIMPyOr is it already 4?
03:16.36SeRi4* almost there :P
03:16.53Netgeeks*shrug*  I'm not using it, it's someone calling for help, and he's stuck with asterisk 1.4 and zaptel
03:17.08SeRitell him to upgrade :P
03:17.16NetgeeksI did
03:17.37*** join/#asterisk gajini (~root@
03:17.39Netgeekshe asked his boss, and his boss said no.....
03:17.48NetgeeksI'm going to tell him to get different hardware
03:21.44SeRiis on monkey mode! testing power up!
03:25.37WIMPyDidi you already break it?
03:28.56p3nguinseri: I have a typo...
03:29.04SeRiI know
03:29.06p3nguinline 2, I missed the n,
03:29.07SeRiis been fixed
03:29.13*** join/#asterisk radic (
03:29.21p3nguinIt's hard for me to write dial plan IN the pastebin.
03:29.37p3nguinI have a much easier time writing it in vim and then pastebinning it.
03:29.58p3nguinI miss simple errors such as that.
03:30.15WIMPyDou you have a dialplan syntax coloring mode?
03:30.45SeRiWIMPy: that would be nice
03:30.52SeRigood idea
03:30.58SeRip3nguin: Thanks. It works.
03:31.32p3nguinI don't in the pastebin, but I do in vim.
03:31.45SeRip3nguin: want to share it?
03:31.57p3nguinIt's built in.  :syntax on
03:32.11SeRiooo I thought you had your own colors
03:32.19p3nguinDon't need my own.
03:32.20SeRiI know about color on and off
03:32.25p3nguinThe default ones work just fine.
03:33.58*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
03:34.31*** join/#asterisk newsham (
03:34.43WIMPyBut it doesn't color same, switch or lswitch.
03:35.12newshamhi.  I have sipdroid on my android phone.  I have asterisk configured and running.  I have it configured to do incoming and outgoing calls through google voice.  mostlyworks..  however I tried to reconfigure it today to send incoming calls to my sipdroid and its not working.
03:35.23newshamalthough if i change it to dial a sip soft phone instead, it works!
03:35.36newshamonly difference is the name "SIP/twinkle1" vs. "SIP/droid" for my diff sip accounts
03:35.40newshamany ideas?
03:36.18p3nguinPastebin both peer entries.
03:36.46newshamthey're both   "[twinkle1](office-phone)\ncallerid=..."
03:36.48newshamusing the same template
03:36.50p3nguinAlso pastebin the extension used where you are changing the phone being dialed.
03:37.24newshamthe extensions plan is "Anwer();Wait(2);SendDTMF(1);Dial(SIP/droid,20)"
03:37.30newshamor "SIP/twinkle1"
03:37.36infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
03:37.42newshamyah i know pastebin
03:37.49SeRiuse it :)
03:37.58newshami already gave you all the info in two lines on irc.
03:38.01newshampastebin seems overkill
03:38.11infobotIf you actually know everything there is to know about this topic, you wouldn't be here asking *us* for help.  Just give us the information we're asking for, and we'll do our best to help you solve the problem.  Resistance is futile.  And it just pisses people off.
03:38.21SeRip3nguin: good luck on this one ;)
03:38.24newshami didnt say i know everything
03:38.33newshami said i gave you all the info
03:38.43newshamliterally the only diff in these two entries is s/droid/twinkle1"
03:39.13SeRisip debug? core verbose? nat? over cell? over wifi?
03:39.35newshamfwiw, i can call the SIP/droid from my other handsets.
03:39.47newshamits all over wifi.  i had debugging on and didnt notice anything.. lemme try again
03:40.03p3nguinI guess twinkle1 isn't online or something.
03:40.09SeRipb your sip debug and your core verbose
03:40.15newshamboth twinkle1 and droid are online.  i can call both from a third handset.
03:40.32newshamjsut from google voice i can only call one :(
03:41.46SeRiyou need ubuntu
03:43.31newshamfunny.. asterisk isnt running on ubuntu but i'm typing from ubuntu now
03:47.42newshami see a SIP invite, but i get no ringing.
03:48.37newshamand like i said, changing to another siphone extension (which is configured nearly identically) works perfectly :(
03:49.19newshamand calls between my handsets all work fine
03:50.25SeRip3nguin: I won the 560 for 125.00 dollars
03:50.38p3nguinCool.  How much is shipping?
03:50.52p3nguinEven better.
03:51.07SeRiI might pay for next day air
03:51.23*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
03:52.24SeRi[TK]D-Fender: I got the 560. :D
03:52.39SeRiI am going to annouce it to the world!
03:53.41newshamwell thanks for the help gents.
03:53.44*** part/#asterisk newsham (
03:55.00SeRihe left :/
03:55.10SeRijust when I was going to help him
03:55.12p3nguinRemember, resistance is futile... and it just pisses people off.
03:59.00*** join/#asterisk TheCops (~mdb@
04:11.14*** join/#asterisk Micc_ (
04:18.49*** join/#asterisk ks3 (
04:21.40SeRitook a little over 3hrs to build it all. nice
04:25.36*** join/#asterisk timeshell (~timeshell@
04:30.00*** join/#asterisk gravin (
04:32.50*** join/#asterisk timeshell (~timeshell@
04:37.33Kobazmy new office setup
04:38.36SeRia working office
04:38.50Kobazyeap yeap
04:39.12SeRi  <----- old pics of my office
04:39.25SeRiIt looks different now.... :)
04:39.37Kobazjust got the quad head working properly just a bit ago
04:39.47Kobazi had three monitors up but adding the third would break x
04:40.28Kobazer i mean, adding the fourth
04:44.00WIMPyonly has a really old pic of times whe monitors were big and the desk a lot tidier.
04:44.10*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
04:45.02WIMPyEven with a Mac keyboard...
04:47.40WIMPyOh, and the good old ZyXELs.
04:48.21Kobazwoah crts
04:49.04KobazSeRi: your office is way too clean
04:49.19WIMPyIndeed :-)
04:49.48SeRiI know. blame that on my ocd
04:56.24p3nguinI bought another D-Link product today.
04:56.37Kobazany good?
04:56.51p3nguin$20 for a b/g/n router.
04:56.57SeRip3nguin: ebay?
04:57.07p3nguinI have no desire to use it as a router... I'll connect it to my switch and use it as an AP.
04:57.34SeRiI use a EAP-3660 as AP
04:57.40p3nguinIf you're interested, I'll get the link and give you the promo code.
04:58.19p3nguinActually, if you are logged in, the code will show on that page.
04:59.06p3nguinI figured for $20, I should give it a try.
04:59.17Kobazi got a trendnet a/b/g/n router black friday special from tigerdirect for $15
04:59.18p3nguinI needed another AP.
04:59.35p3nguinThat would have been even better, but I didn't know about it.
05:00.04p3nguinThis is an impulse buy.
05:00.25Kobazyeah that was too
05:00.29p3nguins/ i/ wa/
05:00.50Kobazit was so cheap i couldn't resist the deals
05:01.11WIMPyknows that problem.
05:01.26Kobazshould have bought two
05:01.30p3nguinI should have looked around on all the regular sites, but I didn't even bother.
05:01.51SeRifor 20
05:01.56SeRishit I am buying onw
05:02.00p3nguinI don't have any wireless A devices anyway.
05:02.26p3nguinI figured for $20, you're not going to get a b/g/n AP or bridge anywhere else.
05:02.52Kobazi have the shoprunner thing for newegg too
05:02.56p3nguinOr if you can, it won't be any better or any worse than this one.
05:03.00Kobazfigured might as well, i order enough stuff
05:03.53p3nguinWhat's the benefit of it?
05:04.01Kobazfree two day shipping
05:04.05Kobazit's like amazon prime
05:04.09SeRilike that amazon stuff
05:04.33Kobazespecially on little things the shipping kills
05:04.57Kobazit's like you want some moxel power splitters, they are like $1.99 each and $1.99 shipping each
05:05.00Kobazor something stupid
05:05.08Kobazer. molex
05:07.11*** join/#asterisk s[X] (
05:08.01p3nguinI think I might upgrade the 601 to use a removable antenna.  Then I can connect my yagi to it.
05:08.23p3nguinAs long as I can get the right RP-TNC jack for it, I'll do it.
05:09.21p3nguinIt has an Atheros radio?  That's useful.
05:09.33p3nguinDid not know that when I bought it.
05:09.52p3nguinI had no intention of modifying it, but now I probably will.
05:10.11SeRinothing I own is not modified
05:13.20*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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05:17.49SeRiwas that even right?
05:20.24SeRilol. well the first img went slpendid
05:23.50SeRiI am happy again. now working on a second one and from there ill test and pass it to WIMPy I have 3. with mpg123 + modifications/no mpg123 + modifications/vanilla
05:24.40WIMPyWhat modifications?
05:25.04SeRiill post them as soon as I am done. most are new binary's and addons
05:25.41SeRip3nguin: you will be around?
05:27.45p3nguinI'll be here until at least 2AM.
05:28.15SeRiyes. can I test call your conf?
05:28.30p3nguinAs I said before, unless it is offline, you can call it.
05:28.37SeRio cool. thanks
05:29.13p3nguinDon't expect anyone to be on it, though, unless you recruit people to conf, or unless you let me know so I can join it.
05:29.22p3nguinBut if you want to listen to the music, it's always on.
05:30.37p3nguinI just charged my phone, too, so maybe it won't go dead mid-sentence.
05:31.33SeRiI have about 1 more hour to go before I can test
05:32.04*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
05:34.13*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:38.18ponyofdeathhi, guys is tehre an good wiki or guid on how to secure asterisk? currently i dont have port 5060 open to the outside but would like to do so?
05:39.01infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
05:39.38p3nguinDo you need a bunch of random people calling you via SIP?
05:40.44ponyofdeathp3nguin: no but i want to have my phone be able to use my sip server
05:41.02p3nguinThen adjust your firewall accordingly.
05:41.10ponyofdeathp3nguin: so what ur saying is that there is no need to open it up
05:41.51p3nguinYou are going to use an ITSP, right?
05:42.06ponyofdeathdont know what that is so no
05:42.11infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
05:47.38ponyofdeathkaldemar: cool ty
05:54.35SeRipeople is so missinformed ont voip :(
05:55.49SeRisome guy was arguing with me that voip can not provide better quality than gsm (Cell)
05:56.46p3nguinThat's too much of a generalization.
05:57.18p3nguin"VoIP" covers a broad spectrum of qualities.
05:57.33SeRiin many ways voip can be better than gsm.
05:57.39WIMPyUsually negative ones.
05:57.48SeRithey guys had no clue about codecs in voip
05:58.09WIMPyYes, but the better codec is about where it ends as well.
05:58.55SeRiWIMPy: what do you mean? If I make a call using g722 point to point thats all ready better
05:59.31WIMPyBut that's about the only thing that will be better.
05:59.48SeRiwell we are talking voice quality.
06:00.11WIMPyThat's not what you said initially.
06:00.14*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-wdrskypbelkzdhjb)
06:00.56SeRisome guy was arguing with me that voip can not provide better quality than gsm (Cell) <------ gsm is a codec and we are talking quality
06:01.08WIMPyAnd even then: GSM has (practically) no jitter.
06:01.41WIMPyThe way you wrote it it looks like you're talking about GSM, not one of the codecs made for that.
06:02.05SeRiI am not talking gsm bands
06:02.15SeRiI am talking gsm codec
06:02.32kaldemari.e. AMR
06:02.36WIMPyWhich one?
06:03.13WIMPyThere are at least three associated with the name GSM and indeed, AMR would also be an option.
06:03.37SeRiThat detail I did not ask.
06:04.24WIMPyThe one you find in Asterisk and voip phones has been obsolete for like ten years.
06:04.34SeRilol yes
06:04.46*** join/#asterisk Sean-Der (
06:05.55SeRiwow looks like this build will take longer.... :(
06:07.45WIMPyOoops. looks like EFR is from 1995.
06:07.56WIMPySo 10 years was not quite exact.
06:08.21*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
06:10.54SeRiyou know what sounds good right now?
06:17.36p3nguinDamn, I almost had that.
06:17.56p3nguinI just assembled a beef, cheddar, and horseraddish sandwich.
06:19.11SeRijesus!!!!! relax! man that sounds soooooo goooood!
06:19.12p3nguinI decided not to have nachos because I had tacos for lunch.
06:19.34SeRitacos are good
06:30.51Sean-DerIs there anyway to record a calls length, even if the server is only a trunk
06:32.07p3nguinI don't understand the second part of your sentence, but the answer is CDR.
06:32.52p3nguinAnd that was a good sandwich.
06:33.37p3nguinI think after I eat up all my beef, I should switch to ham and swiss.
06:34.07SeRiperfect... i like honey ham
06:35.08p3nguinI've got enough beef to last all next week.
06:36.02SeRii am a carnivour
06:36.08SeRisalads are for rabits
06:36.42p3nguinIf it oinks or moos, it probably tastes good.
06:36.48*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (~chris@
06:37.35WIMPyWhat does the beef eater say to the vegetarian?
06:37.46WIMPyMy food shits on yours.
06:39.27SeRiI am not sure psql is going to fly on this build :( maybe in the generic i586
06:39.46SeRip3nguin: you are running psql on your atom?
06:39.56p3nguinI don't have an atom.
06:40.14SeRioh.... sorry
06:40.33SeRiwhat are you running?
06:40.59p3nguinVIA Nehemiah CentaurHauls
06:41.15SeRiah.... mhhhhhhh 800Mhz?
06:41.33p3nguinpgsql?  yes.
06:42.15p3nguinIf you're talking about postgresql, yes I use it.
06:42.32SeRiok.... mhhh ill have to test and see how dose it do on an alix....
06:46.58SeRi-=[2.22 2.01 1.34]=-
06:47.37SeRicpu is pegged at 100% on first core and second @34%
06:49.35*** join/#asterisk gravin (~gravin@
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06:59.55SeRidijib: is now all ways online.... lol irssi
07:01.33SeRi~root@ :P
07:01.45p3nguinWhat a weirdo.
07:03.59*** join/#asterisk ayrjola (~ayrjola@
07:12.05*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
07:12.41Sean-DerThis talks about a little, I am trying to set notransfer = yes
07:13.01Sean-DerI don't want my server to step out of the Mediapath
07:14.31ectospasmfor Asterisk 1.8 you should set directmedia = no
07:14.38ectospasm...prolly 10 too
07:14.39*** join/#asterisk IsUp (~nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
07:15.19p3nguinThere's directmedia in iax2?
07:15.27ectospasmgood question
07:15.31p3nguinThere isn't.
07:15.36SeRiI thought iax2 there was no directmedia
07:15.53SeRio ok. I thought so :)
07:16.15*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:16.22ectospasmdidn't see the part about iax.conf... I should go to bed...
07:18.25Sean-Derin my iax.conf
07:18.30Sean-DerDoes exactly as I wanted it too
07:20.02*** join/#asterisk kerx (
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08:13.13schmidtsgood morning
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10:07.21phixIt's the morning?
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10:34.08IsUpin Tuırkey, yes. it's 12:34 atm
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10:49.12olliihey i have a question about * 1.8 and t.38 fax with a grandstream ht502...i'm testing my grandstream with * APP ReceiveFax as an endpoint, so t38 capable <-> t38 a sip trace, the invite with t38 looks fine except to mixed rtp ports...grandstream offers rtpport 5004 and * 34658... here is my sip.conf:
10:49.52olliiwith direct media receivefax and ht502 should have the same rtp port ?
10:50.19olliiand yeah sip name = extension is a bad idea...i know, just testing purpose
10:53.16*** join/#asterisk kriegerod (
10:53.23*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
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10:55.03catphishis it possible to permit or deny SIP 302 redirects on a per-call basis?
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12:20.25*** join/#asterisk Dovid[Laptop] (
12:26.11IsUpi want to monitor my PBX 7/24, if anything goes wrong (net connection, hardware error, anything) i want to see it in logs
12:26.14IsUpany ideas?
12:28.12Dovid[Laptop]IsUp: What you are asking is real broad
12:28.37Dovid[Laptop]for hardware it depends on the server. i use dell and they have something called openamange. i am sure there are other solutions to watch your hardware
12:28.38IsUpmaybe i should write some custom cronjobs or something
12:28.53Dovid[Laptop]for the OS etc. have a look at nagios
12:29.09Dovid[Laptop]i believe nagios has a plugin for asterisk so you can watch that as well
12:29.27IsUp'[Dec 16 00:48:00] NOTICE[7074] chan_sip.c: Peer 'england' is now UNREACHABLE!' -> for example maybe i should grep 'UNREACHABLE' and dump them to a txt file
12:29.55IsUpoh, i dont know why but all my peers went to "UNREACHABLE"
12:30.05IsUpdoes it means my connection lost for a sec?
12:30.46Dovid[Laptop]IsUp: You have qualify !=no
12:31.12Dovid[Laptop]if you have qualify = yes or qualify = 2000 in sip.conf asterisk will send options every x amount of time to the peer etc
12:31.28IsUpno it's not normal 'unreachable' output
12:31.42Dovid[Laptop]if there is no response it marks it as unreachable so if say you call a phone you get a busy right away instead of asterisk sending an invite a few times to the device before it gives up
12:31.42IsUp2000ms is enough for me, i have qualify=yes, i have 3 Asterisk setups on different locations
12:33.08Dovid[Laptop]IsUp: You can be getting the error for many reasons
12:33.10*** join/#asterisk fobus912 (~fobus912@
12:33.19fobus912Hi all
12:33.21Dovid[Laptop]internet ar your location/remote location etc.
12:33.32Dovid[Laptop]fobus912: hi there
12:33.45fobus912Is it possible through asterisk to set a different expiration for Registeration
12:33.48fobus912and subscription
12:34.12fobus912Hi Dovid[Laptop]
12:34.45Dovid[Laptop]fobus912: I know there is a setting in the general sip.conf section. try setting it for an individual peer and see. in general the end device sets how long it watns to register with asterisk for
12:35.33fobus912Dovid[Laptop] this expiration will be for both the register/Subscribtion
12:35.47fobus912But if you want to have for example the register to be 3600 sec
12:35.57fobus912and for the subscribe to set it to 300 sec
12:36.16Dovid[Laptop]fobus912: I have not poked around enough to see if you can split it. afaik it's one setting
12:36.32fobus912Yes this is all i found as well
12:36.37fobus912not sure if this can be done
12:38.23fobus912Also i have another question
12:38.42fobus912Can Asterisk be considered as an IP-PBX or a Softswitch ??
12:38.47fobus912It's quit confusing
12:39.05leifmadsenfobus912: PBX
12:39.16leifmadsenalthough it likely also fits into some regards as a softswitch
12:40.20Dovid[Laptop]leifmadsen: morning. why are you up this early?
12:40.34leifmadsenDovid[Laptop]: what do you mean?
12:40.35Dovid[Laptop]fobus912: It was built as a PBX but you can do almost anything with it
12:40.38*** join/#asterisk voipeng (
12:40.39leifmadsenI always start at 7:30am
12:40.51*** join/#asterisk s[X] (
12:40.54Dovid[Laptop]leifmadsen: ouch. just looked at the clock. didnt realize how late it was
12:41.05leifmadsenwhat time did you THINK it was?
12:41.54Dovid[Laptop]6:15 EST
12:47.14fobus912@leifmadsen so it can be considered as both ? right ?
12:47.37leifmadsenfobus912: it really depends on how you implement it I guess, but foremost Asterisk is a PBX platform
12:50.12fobus912I still don't see exactly the big difference between a softswitch and an IP-PBX
12:50.22fobus912since all the article are just confusing
12:50.41fobus912In one sentence how can distinguish the difference between them ?
12:54.22*** join/#asterisk lftsy (~lftsy@
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13:03.00*** join/#asterisk TonyM (
13:03.37TonyMhaven't been able to reach or for several hours. known problem?
13:03.44leifmadsenfobus912:  <-- good job of describing a softswitch, which is something asterisk can "act like", but Asterisk contains PBX like functionality, thus it is a PBX
13:03.55leifmadsenTonyM: yes, apparently nameserver issue
13:04.01TonyMok, thx
13:13.52*** part/#asterisk analogkid (
13:16.49schmidtsleifmadsen any idea which softphones would be the best to test the new video confbridge? :D
13:17.12leifmadsenBria probably also works well, but costs money of course
13:17.20schmidtsbad idea ;)
13:17.28leifmadsenconfbridge was heavily tested with jitsi
13:17.38leifmadsenI dont' know if x-lite has the appropriate codecs or not
13:18.08schmidtsok i will check
13:18.12schmidtsh264 i guess?
13:19.20leifmadsenasterisk won't do video transcoding
13:19.28leifmadsenso all endpoints must use the same video codec
13:22.50schmidtsas i thought ;)
13:23.28anonymouz666video transcoding seems to be way way way more complex than audio
13:23.41leifmadsenand it is
13:24.20schmidtshehe i really can understand this
13:28.01*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (~MarKsaiti@
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14:25.48schmidtsleifmadsen do you know if need anything else for the video confbridge to work?
14:26.05schmidtsi can make video calls between all 3 clients direclty but in the confbridge i only get audio
14:26.23jayteecan someone confirm that this is the right syntax to allow SIP traffic from a specific address?
14:26.26jayteeiptables -A INPUT -s -p udp --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT
14:26.34schmidtschannel shows me h264 and gsm on all three sip calls from the client but only slin on the confbridge in and out channels
14:26.51schmidtsjaytee looks fine
14:27.06jayteethanks, trying to tighten down security on my box
14:30.28*** join/#asterisk sunfone (
14:30.58schmidtsleifmadsen maybe enable video in confbridge.conf is a good idea :D
14:31.18sunfoneHowdy... anyone recall what the command is to check errors on a dahdi controlled TE410?
14:31.18leifmadsenschmidts: sounds like it could help :)
14:32.58*** join/#asterisk Sean-Der (
14:33.28Sean-DerIs there anyway I could log incoming calls did with CDR?
14:34.45sunfoneHrm... nevermind... dahdi_maint -s <span?
14:35.08schmidtsleifmadsen yes works now :D any chance to get something like split screen directly out of asterisk? and please dont tell me, i have the code :P
14:35.37[TK]D-FenderSean-Der, Callare already logged with CDR
14:35.43[TK]D-Fendercalls are*
14:36.29Sean-DerWhat column?
14:36.42Sean-DerI am using Freepbx so I asked over in the right channel
14:37.23[TK]D-Fendercolumn?  Pardon?
14:37.44Sean-Derin my MySQL cdr table
14:37.56[TK]D-FenderSean-Der, Indeed, wrong channel
14:38.01leifmadsenschmidts: no
14:38.13leifmadsenschmidts: that would require transcoding
14:39.02schmidtsleifmadsen hmm ok i see is there any plan of bring this into asterisk maybe version 12 or something?
14:39.22leifmadsenschmidts: there is no plan because it is non-trivial
14:39.43leifmadsenand using an external library causes potential issues due to licensing requirements
14:39.56leifmadsenand would be a significant hit on CPU usage as well
14:40.19schmidtsyes thats true ;) but still a very nice feature
14:40.27leifmadsenwinning the lottery is nice too :)
14:40.44leifmadsenanyways, for multiple pane video, you'll likely have to look into that yourself to get it any time soon
14:41.30schmidtsleifmadsen ha how many hours does a day have in canada? must be more than the days here have :D
14:41.50leifmadsenya, that's the same problem here too :)
14:45.54*** join/#asterisk CGMChris (~chatzilla@
14:46.45CGMChrisI haven't been able to get to all morning.  Anybody know what's up?
14:47.07schmidtsCGMChris Digiums nameserver plays hard to get today
14:47.08[TK]D-FenderTitle <-
14:47.22[TK]D-FenderTopic even.
14:47.55schmidtsleifmadsen maybe you know this, is there any app or func to disable faxdetect for a call?
14:48.05leifmadsennot sure
14:48.07CGMChris[TK]D-Fender: I agree, something should be included in the topic.
14:48.35leifmadsenit's not even 9am at Digium right now
14:48.49[TK]D-FenderNo, i was beeting its due to flooding for the release of * 10 :)
14:49.05*** topic/#asterisk by leifmadsen -> Yes and are down -=- Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.0.0 (2011/12/15), (2011/12/15), dahdi-linux (2011/10/21), dahdi-tools (2011/10/21), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
14:50.07CGMChrishmm, I guess I'll go try to hack my way around using IP addresses to install asterisk from the digium/asterisk YUM repos.... bbl
14:52.53leifmadsenyou all realize there is an easy way to find out the answer to these types of questions?
14:53.23[TK]D-FenderInterestingly the WIKI is still up there.
14:53.48CGMChrisI knew it was down... the real problem, for me at least, is I need to have a working PBX by end of day and all I have now is a fresh CentOS install.
14:54.19*** join/#asterisk sereal-work (~sereal@unaffiliated/sereal)
14:54.55sereal-workCan someone tell me if there is anything special about creating AGI scripts?
14:55.18sereal-workAre they just making a socket connection to asterisk?
14:56.21sereal-workIf I remember correctly from my expermentation of the asterisk manager stuff, it was just a socket connection I believe.
14:57.08TonyMfastagi uses a socket: AGI(agi://hostname/action)
14:57.35TonyMnormal AGI just calls a program and communicates with its stdin/stdout: AGI(program)
14:58.24CGMChrissereal-work:   lots of examples in all sorts of programming languages.
15:01.59sereal-workTonyM, so really it doesn't mater the language, there is nothing special going on behind the scenes.
15:02.00sereal-workAs long as you can write to stdin/stdout
15:02.20*** join/#asterisk andygraybeal (
15:02.36TonyM@serial-work - that's correct
15:02.57TonyMI write mine in C - many people use php and some use perl or python
15:03.23CGMChrisphp ftw!
15:08.15*** topic/#asterisk by leifmadsen -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.0.0 (2011/12/15), (2011/12/15), dahdi-linux (2011/10/21), dahdi-tools (2011/10/21), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
15:08.21leifmadsenservices restored
15:08.49CGMChrisawesome.  Thanks !
15:09.16leifmadsendon't thank me, I'm just delivering the msg :)
15:13.19*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
15:14.41*** join/#asterisk CGMChris (~chatzilla@
15:15.14CGMChrisNew problem....  = 404.  I guess I'm ahead of my time.  Best bet is I guess to use CentOS 5?
15:15.31r0m|usearch for the rpm
15:16.21CGMChrisfinding the RPM isnt difficult, but yum support is great.... i dont want to end up in rpm dependency purgatory and spend a half day searching.
15:16.49r0m|ulazy :/   :P
15:17.08CGMChrisI guess I can try my luck at hardcoding the path in the yum repo file, instead of letting it use the OS version...and see how the v5 ones do.
15:17.24*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
15:19.17CGMChrisnope, doesnt like the kernel version.  back to v5 I go !
15:20.03[TK]D-FenderCGMChris, You didn't think that would be the very first thing that would blow up in your face? :)
15:20.21[TK]D-FenderCGMChris, ARCH-BOMB!
15:20.25CGMChris[TK]D-Fender: Hope blinded me.  :-\
15:27.38*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
15:32.41leifmadsenCGMChris: ya no centos 6 packages yet if I remember correctly
15:34.52*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
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15:36.01TonyMg729 licences: anyone confirm whether a g729 call into Meetme uses up one licence, or whether it uses up two (one for Rx and one for Tx)?
15:36.51*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (
15:37.28r0m|uTo what I understand is one license per channel
15:38.25TonyMthat's what I would have thought... but wanted to be sure
15:41.58[TK]D-FenderTonyM, Every G.729 leg into Meetme sucks up one encoder & 1 decoder
15:45.11leifmadseneach license provides 1 encoder, 1 decoder
15:45.23*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
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15:51.04p3nguinr0m|u: VUC today!
15:52.16*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
15:54.00r0m|up3nguin: yES
15:54.05r0m|uYes :)
15:55.35r0m|uno meeting and I brought lunch in. The GSM Gateway should txt me with a reminder :P
15:56.20r0m|upinto beans, white rice, and beef stew is what is for lunch today.
15:57.12p3nguinI'm not sure what I'm going to have for lunch.
15:57.38*** join/#asterisk Roadblock_RVA (
15:59.55r0m|uis 10AM and I am thinking about lunch.... damn
16:00.59*** part/#asterisk TonyM (
16:09.10r0m|umy stickers are done.
16:10.24p3nguinpot stickers?  Those are delicious!
16:10.50p3nguinJust like a fried dumpling.
16:10.58r0m|unow does are good
16:10.58*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
16:11.34r0m|ugot an email that my requested "stickers" where done.... they did gave me some shit about it but they where cool enough to do it :)
16:11.40*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
16:11.50p3nguinWho did you have make them?
16:12.21r0m|ua shop down the road from my house..... flea market d00d could not do it withouth a high res img
16:12.39r0m|ufunny.... they knew aout it.
16:13.00r0m|uthey ask me what where my intentions. lol.... I said personal?
16:13.24p3nguin"I'm planning to stick them to my butt."
16:13.31p3nguin"And to my wife's butt."
16:14.44p3nguin"And I might even give some to my kids, so they can stick them to their butts, as well."
16:20.32r0m|uany body used askozia?
16:21.57*** join/#asterisk endemic (~endemic@2001:49f0:400e::5)
16:23.01*** join/#asterisk casix (
16:24.48casixhello, I'm trying to make and recieve calls from gmail but doesn't work. With the windows gtalk exe is working perfect but when I try from the gmail web doesn't. Any idea of the differeces from the configurations?
16:25.11*** join/#asterisk krotos (
16:25.25krotoshi all
16:28.29krotosthere is a way to bind asterisk on multiple ip
16:28.35krotosand not using bind= ?
16:28.35*** part/#asterisk catphish (~catphish@2001:9d8:2005:11:222:15ff:fe88:aae2)
16:28.46*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (~anonymouz@
16:29.30anonymouz666did you know that jeep = gp = general purpose
16:30.01*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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16:31.33p3nguinkrotos: You need to bind them all or bind one.  If you bind them all, then you can firewall off any that you don't want to be used.
16:32.29krotosp3nguin: thankyou :)
16:33.15anonymouz666it would be nice to bind one, two or all and even to choose between those binds to tcp/tls or udp.
16:33.25anonymouz666or a random port
16:33.51p3nguinChoosing a random port to bind might be a bit useless.
16:34.22p3nguinStarting asterisk would be like spinning the wheel of fortune... you never know what port it will bind, so you can't configure anything else to use it.
16:34.34*** join/#asterisk greenwolf (
16:34.39anonymouz666Non rare I have seem systems running away from 5060
16:35.04*** join/#asterisk gokulnath (~gokulnath@
16:37.01r0m|up3nguin: how can I get access to view the VUC panel?
16:37.18anonymouz666"spinning the whell of fortune" hehe I just remembered the same term in portuguese
16:37.19anonymouz666it's fun
16:37.33p3nguinlog in
16:39.04r0m|uconf code?
16:39.23p3nguinI think
16:39.52Roadblock_RVAIs there a simple way to receive a phone call notification instead of an email for voicemail?
16:39.57r0m|ustarts at 10:45 AM?
16:40.53casixRoadblock_RVA: via gmail chat
16:40.56casixhello, I'm trying to make and recieve calls from gmail but doesn't work. With the windows gtalk exe is working perfect but when I try from the gmail web doesn't. Any idea of the differeces from the configurations?
16:41.01p3nguinIt starts at 11, but you can join 15 minutes early.
16:43.43*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
16:49.08p3nguinr0m|u: Oops.  My dyslexia got me again.  200901
16:49.19*** join/#asterisk blizzow (~jburns@
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16:54.51p3nguinroadblock_rva: I use jabber for that.
16:55.35Roadblock_RVAI'll look into that ty.
16:56.26*** part/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~RAMYT@
17:02.05r0m|up3nguin: The Organizer has not yet started the meeting. Please try again in a few minutes.
17:02.14p3nguin(1049.08) <p3nguin> r0m|u: Oops.  My dyslexia got me again.  200901
17:03.58*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (bjarne@pdpc/supporter/active/bn-7bc)
17:04.15r0m|uman my cell pops up :(
17:04.34p3nguinWhat does that mean?
17:04.52r0m|uThat I am calling from my cell to the gsm gateway to the cong
17:05.14p3nguinOh, I see you.  You're the only one with an 11-digit USA caller id number.
17:05.26r0m|uI m not sure I can overwrite it since the gateways forces it
17:06.16p3nguinDon't expect anyone to call you.
17:07.03*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
17:07.40r0m|uI hope
17:08.16*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@
17:10.44p3nguinConfigure your account with your name and then use the call me button.  Enter in a phone number or SIP URI for the conf to call you.  That will hide your cell phone number.
17:11.05*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
17:11.11[sr]welcome 10.0.0!
17:14.16r0m|uIll do it for the next one. hope fully I dont get an ass calling me
17:14.50p3nguinYou won't.
17:22.20r0m|uI am so ammazed how clear it is over my cell system
17:23.52r0m|up3nguin: what is the link for that site that has the numbers of spammers?
17:29.38r0m|uI doubt they use something like watson
17:30.21*** join/#asterisk mpe (~mpe@
17:33.03*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
17:33.47*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
17:33.48p3nguinr0m|u: There are several:,,,,, and others.
17:44.22*** join/#asterisk wcselby (~wcselby@pdpc/supporter/professional/wcselby)
17:44.39r0m|uqaz up wcselby
17:44.48wcselbynot much
17:44.56wcselbyhow's it going for you?
17:45.21r0m|unothing much... listening on vcu.... on holiday mode at work :P
17:45.42wcselbyQwell or leifmadsen - asterisk-1.8-current still references, you have to manually download  just fyi
17:45.55leifmadsenoops, my bad
17:45.57leifmadsenwcselby: fixing
17:46.02wcselbyleifmadsen thanks :)
17:46.08leifmadsenthank you
17:46.16leifmadsenfor some reason I missed that step yesterday :(
17:48.22r0m|uwcselby: bussy today?
17:48.40leifmadsenwcselby: fixed -- will populate in the next 5-10 mins
17:48.52wcselbyr0m|u nah, have to install asterisk on one server and mysql on another and follow up on a couple items
17:48.57wcselbyr0m|u i'm working from home
17:49.17r0m|ucool. fun :)
17:49.26wcselbyleifmadsen cool beans :)
17:50.01r0m|uI am going to try and build astlinux with ast 1.8 and 10.
17:50.20r0m|unot sure how card it can be.... I am sure 1.8 should not be that hard.
17:50.32wcselbywhat's up with astlinux, you and p3nguin have been all about that build for a while now.  i had never heard anything good about it before
17:50.50r0m|up3nguin: ? not him... lol
17:50.54p3nguinI've never cared about it.
17:51.03wcselbyoh heh
17:51.12wcselbywell then I guess it was just r0m|u that I saw talking about it
17:51.41wcselbyokay, i thought it wa smore than just r0m|u  :)
17:51.54r0m|uwcselby: so you heard negative things?
17:52.04wcselbywell i dunno
17:52.14r0m|uI see.
17:52.15wcselbyall i'd ever seen were people asking how to make this part work or that part work
17:52.26r0m|uah. I see.
17:52.28wcselbynot really negative things, but i only ever saw it when people were having issues with it
17:55.38r0m|uah looks like I dont have to do anything. its there. all I have to do is add the source :)
17:58.24*** join/#asterisk dandre (
18:01.46r0m|uintergrate it to pr0n videos
18:03.32*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
18:03.59wcselbyso, if I don't ever use ael, am I safe in simply unselecting pbx_ael on the pbx modules of make menuselect?
18:04.16p3nguinshould be safe.
18:04.43[TK]D-Fendermore than.
18:04.54[TK]D-Fenderwcselby, Mind you I always just disable it in modules.conf
18:05.06wcselby[TK]D-Fender i've always done that too
18:05.11[TK]D-FenderI don't see the point in crippling an option that I can opt out of in config.
18:05.13wcselbysame with like chan_mgcp and other things I don't need
18:05.21wcselby[TK]D-Fender that's a good point
18:05.23[TK]D-FenderWorst thing is with yo had something that takes real work to get back
18:06.08*** join/#asterisk hehol (~Adium@2a01:198:71d:0:21f:d0ff:fea1:568e)
18:07.01*** part/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
18:08.02p3nguinI disable as much as possible to keep the package size as small as I can get it.
18:08.02wcselbyi always found it weird that chan_mgcp is enabled by default, but res_pktccops is not.  if you don't have res_pktccops installed, chan_mgcp will throw errors on startup (or at least it used to...I guess I'll find out in a minute if that's the case still)
18:09.26r0m|ugt22 is 64kbps?
18:10.13wcselby48, 56, or 64 kbps accordign tot he first line of wikipedia
18:10.51wcselbyfrom that page -> Whilst G.722 allows for bitrates of 64, 56 and 48 kbit/s, in practice, data is encoded at 64 kbit/s, with bits from the lower sub-band being used to encode auxiliary data. The greater the number of bits allocated to aux data, the lower the bit rate.
18:11.52r0m|uhow come it consumes more bandwitdth than ulaw?
18:12.37wcselbyulaw in practice consumes about 80-90 kbps
18:13.44r0m|uok so I guess I got confused.... I thought that g722 been a HD codec would consume more data than ulaw
18:14.24wcselbyi dunno, never really played with it
18:15.12*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
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18:17.41WIMPyNo, it's exactely yhe same.
18:18.08r0m|uWIMPy: Thanks for the answer
18:18.12*** join/#asterisk drmessano-lt (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
18:18.15WIMPy.. as it was made for exactely the same old 64kbps pcm channels.
18:21.06*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
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18:24.47wcselbyis there a way to disable reading users.conf by using a noload => line inside modules.conf?
18:26.13p3nguinJust delete the file.
18:26.25wcselbyyeah that's what I usually do
18:26.28wcselbyi was just curious
18:30.23*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
18:31.13r0m|uwcselby: everything simmer down @ your job?
18:31.29wcselbyr0m|u not really
18:31.38*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
18:32.12wcselbyr0m|u in fact, they told me they don't want me to get on IRC anymore during the days I'm in the office
18:32.27*** join/#asterisk lopz (be6806d4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:32.28wcselbymostly because they don't understand it, and it'd be too difficult to explain it to them
18:32.35r0m|uwtf! nazi's!
18:32.55p3nguinwcselby: I should have answered your question more directly... pbx_config loads the file, so there's really nothing you can noload to keep it from being loaded.  You basically just have to delete the file to keep it from being used.
18:33.34r0m|uwcselby: d00d that really sucks. irc is how I make my day go by.... I do most of my work in the morning unless I have to be @ the PDC
18:33.50wcselbyp3nguin I think I got it just now by disabling
18:35.18p3nguinhmm... pbx_config uses it, chan_sip uses it, res_phoneprov uses it, chan_agent uses it, chan_iax2 uses it, app_directory and app_voicemail use it...
18:36.16wcselbyp3nguin i know, but res_phoneprov was the only thing throwing up an error for the file not being there at startup time.  so I noload'ed it and I'm not getting the error / warning anymore
18:36.27p3nguinI see.
18:36.40wcselbyi've also deleted the file :)
18:38.45dijibi have life
18:38.49dijibhow is everyone
18:39.01dijibim facking starving, sitting in my automobile.
18:39.16dijibwaiting for the GF
18:41.14r0m|uwaz up dijib
18:41.32WIMPyAnd chan_dahdi.
18:41.52p3nguinYes, and chan_dahdi.
18:42.01r0m|usame here..... not as bad though.....
18:42.16p3nguinand chan_h323
18:42.24dijibdude i should send you guys a picture of what im looking at.
18:42.33dijibi feel like rotting from the inside out
18:42.49p3nguinDo you know her name?
18:43.12dijibso im building from trunk asterisk on another box.
18:43.28dijibcheated a bit with dependencies
18:43.41dijiblumenvox (not yet)
18:43.48dijibwhat else. mp3
18:43.57dijibdigium fax
18:44.02dijibwhat else iam i missing?>
18:44.13dijiband i know i flood, thanks.
18:44.19anonymouz666wants an oakley sunglass
18:46.10wcselbywhy does "service dahdi status" not return any output (running latest dahdi-linux-complete-current) ?
18:47.43dijibhere you go r0m|u
18:48.40anonymouz666where is it ?
18:49.27wcselbyafk a bit
18:51.48r0m|udijib: nice
18:52.14p3nguinI didn't see much nice about it.
18:52.19r0m|ulooks boring but peaceful and I like peaceful
18:52.37r0m|uis trying to be nice.
18:52.37dijibnot  nice cold
18:52.51dijibits been snowing on and off all day, wet crap
18:53.04dijibthis urun down crap town
18:53.17r0m|ulooks like TX is not having a white christmass this year
18:53.23r0m|uat least Houston
18:53.29dijibjet streams
18:54.25r0m|uman cant wait for the 20th
18:57.22*** join/#asterisk hfb (
19:00.05r0m|uwhat to do next.... :/ I am now doing the waiting game with the phone....
19:02.43*** join/#asterisk brainiac (
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19:05.00SuperNullHey guys, Anyone able to help me with user_id not being filled in cdr_mysql ? i have the setting in cdr_mysql.conf
19:06.20*** join/#asterisk brainiac (
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19:12.51BlackBishopanyone with a ht503 around here any ideas why when I pickup my fxo, it still rings (weird ring sound though) ? ( the other party doesn't see me answering )
19:14.13*** join/#asterisk libryder (~david@
19:15.37libryderi'm not sure where to ask this, but i have a rails app that makes a connection to the AMI using adhearsion's ManagerInterface class and because rails isn't closing the sockets when it is finished in the AMI, asterisk finally fills up the log with the following error message: WARNING[6076] asterisk.c: Accept returned -1: Too many open files
19:16.20libryderi found this patch: but i'm not sure what version asterisk it's for and if it will solve my problem
19:17.06WIMPyThat's obviouselt a bug in your software and not in asterisk.
19:17.52WIMPyKeeping a connection open may be a good idea, but only if you reuse it.
19:19.06libryderit's ok that asterisk runs out of connections until i fix the application, but asterisk writes a 7gb log file until the machine finally locks up
19:19.31libryderso i can't really do any testing safely
19:21.21WIMPyFor me, Asterisk has been automagically starting a new log file, once it hit the 2GB mark.
19:21.55libryderi wonder if that's a setting or if asterisk is just getting caught in an unstoppable loop
19:22.14p3nguinblackbishop: Clarify what you mean when you say, "I pickup my fxo."
19:22.16WIMPyDon't be a politician. Fix the part that's wrong, not the one that tells you about it.
19:25.20r0m|udoes any body know of an affordable wireless headset?
19:25.47WIMPyWhat kind of wireless?
19:27.15r0m|ubluetooth is prefeer
19:27.35BlackBishopp3nguin: the fxo line of the ht503 thing, is connected to my phone.
19:27.46BlackBishopgrrrr, I meant fxs
19:28.22p3nguinblackbishop: So what you meant before was that you pick up your phone (which is connected to the FXS port)?
19:29.44BlackBishopand I hear a weird sound like .. ringing ..
19:30.13BlackBishopand the other end ( probably because the ht ) doesn't notice me picking up
19:30.38[TK]D-Fenderlibryder, astmanproxy <-
19:32.00libryder[TK]D-Fender: awesome, thanks
19:32.30r0m|uWIMPy: what fs?
19:33.18*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
19:33.52r0m|uI think there was a limit on the file size on ext
19:33.59r0m|uI for got if it was ext2 or 3
19:34.29r0m|uadnd I think it had to do with 32Bit
19:34.47r0m|ushit I dont remember is been so long
19:34.47WIMPyAh. Hmm. I have NFI, what FS that box used. I didn't set it up and it has long gone.
19:34.49r0m|unever mind
19:35.11WIMPySo yes, maybe that was just because it couldn't write any more.
19:35.28r0m|uah I see.
19:39.54*** join/#asterisk rpluto (
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19:45.44wcselbyso i just opened notepad to write down some commands
19:45.51wcselbyand the first thing I typed was "conf t"
19:45.57wcselbyas if I needed to enter config mode
19:46.18wcselbyhas a headache
19:46.38WIMPySue Cisco for mental torture.
19:47.04p3nguinThat's a good one.
19:47.35wcselbyi guess it's better than me trying to use vi commands inside notepad
19:48.13WIMPyThat would at least stay in the "editor" category.
19:49.46wcselbyif i noload, does it screw anything up with dahdi timing?
19:50.43*** part/#asterisk rpluto (
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20:03.09wcselbylol, i love the fact that if you google for "asterisk wiki", the actual is the 4th result, below voip-info and two wikipedia entries
20:06.13wcselbyif I want to pull the IP address of an inbound SIP call, is there a variable for that?
20:11.49*** join/#asterisk mocker (~mocker@
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20:23.57p3nguinTiming, probably not... but you'll want chan_dahdi for things like meetme.
20:26.45WIMPywcselby: CHANNEL(peerip)
20:32.51*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
20:36.06wcselbyWIMPy will that give a better result than SIPCHANINFO(recvip) ?
20:38.28*** join/#asterisk mocker (~mocker@
20:42.17justdaveanyone know what the prefered way is to get the music-on-hold files for asterisk on rhel6?  None of the asterisk packages in EPEL seem to contain them
20:42.48justdavethe main asterisk package creates /usr/share/asterisk/moh but doesn't put anything in it
20:43.11WIMPywcselby: I have no idea what the differences are. Apart from that SIPCHANINFO is obviousely SIP only.
20:46.09dijibk back
20:49.12malcolmdjustdave: maybe just grab the tarballs then from ?
20:50.31justdavemalcolmd: yeah, probably.  Got several asterisk servers to deploy, guess I need to drop that tarball on an internal webserver somewhere puppet can get at it.
20:50.46malcolmdno idea why it's not in the epel packages, sorries
20:52.51r0m|umy sugar lavels are going crazy!
20:53.03r0m|uto much cookies
20:55.26*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
20:56.25kresp0hi all, im trying to filter telemarketers using "LookupBlacklist", but it seems that doesnt work:
20:56.28kresp0[Dec 16 21:53:05] WARNING[9226]: pbx.c:3680 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'LookupBlacklist' for extension (amigos, 25, 2)
20:57.05kresp0i'm using Asterisk
20:57.17leifmadsendoesn't work because it's not loaded
20:57.26leifmadsenLookupBlacklist doesn't exist apparently in your version
20:58.12kresp0thanks leifmadsen. any clue on how to load LookupBlacklist?
20:58.27leifmadsenif your package doesn't supply it, then you can't unless you comile
20:59.02kresp0ok, if i didnt found an alternative i'll compile *
20:59.07kresp0thank you again leifmadsen
20:59.08r0m|umust compile the world!
20:59.23leifmadsenjust look in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ and make sure it's not there -- maybe your modules.conf doesn't load it
20:59.37leifmadsennot sure, I don't normally use packages, especially ones crazy old like that one
21:00.15kresp0it's not there :/
21:00.40kresp0i like to use packages because others took care when a security update apears
21:02.10*** join/#asterisk afink (~afink@
21:02.13r0m|uIs that right? is that why you on 1.6x?
21:02.50kresp0yep r0m|u
21:03.11kresp0also, im on 1.6 because that is the version that comes with debian stable
21:03.32drmessanoAsterisk 10 rocks.. it's like 9 better than 1.x
21:03.38leifmadsenkresp0: you realize you're about 3-4 security issues behind right?
21:03.52r0m|uleifmadsen: apperently he does not
21:04.05afinkHello everyone,  I am trying to block some incoming callers.  See anything wrong here?
21:04.05kresp0omg, no!
21:04.27r0m|udrmessano: Ill catch the boat next year :P
21:05.08drmessanoIt was a painless upgrade.. I can't get any of the text messaging stuff to work yet, but everything else seems stable
21:05.57WIMPyafink: You realize that the 2nd GotoIf will never be executed?
21:06.31leifmadsenkresp0: you're missing every security issue raised in 2011
21:06.39leifmadsenI count 14
21:06.41r0m|uout for the week end
21:07.54afinkWIMPy: that is my issue, thanks!
21:08.15justdavehuh, the Haruhi S2 box set has a CD in it with the OP/ED on it
21:08.18afinktoo many left-handed cigarettes at lunch
21:08.23kresp0thank you leifmadsen, im adding to my repos
21:11.04wcselbylater r0m|u
21:14.37kresp0leifmadsen, r0m|u: i've updated to using the repos, and LookupBlacklist still doesn't exist :/
21:14.53leifmadsenthen you're not loading it, or that application doesn't exist
21:15.06leifmadsenwas that a production server?
21:15.14p3nguinOkay, ipv6 tunnel officially moved from old router to vyatta router.
21:15.21WIMPyI haven't read that name before.
21:15.21kresp0hehe an amateur one leifmadsen, dont worry :D
21:15.22leifmadsendid you just upgrade from 1.6.2 to 1.8 on production? that isn't smart.
21:15.47*** join/#asterisk blizzow (~jburns@
21:16.30kresp0i've made a config backup and i can revert all the changes if needed
21:18.06dijibhey p3nguin did you ever get that $5
21:18.39p3nguinwill look in 2 minutes
21:19.05p3nguinThe last time I saw, I had not.
21:19.16dijibit will be there soon
21:19.19p3nguinIt was "processing," though.
21:19.20dijibdont worry about checking
21:19.24dijibim good for it
21:19.58dijibso what software do i need for a full blown asterisk install?
21:20.05p3nguinPending Until Dec 19, 2011
21:20.13*** part/#asterisk libryder (~david@
21:20.19dijibcanadian banks are slow
21:20.30*** join/#asterisk mocker (~mocker@
21:20.44p3nguinGood thing I'm not starving waiting for it.  :)
21:21.25p3nguinSince, you know, everyone buys food with PayPal.
21:21.47dijiblol man
21:22.46dijibyou can deposit into your el banco
21:25.23kresp0leifmadsen, and for the record: finally I was able to made a LookupBlacklist alternative (without compiling asterisk)
21:25.49leifmadsen"how" would be better for the record though
21:25.52kresp0get the idea from here:
21:26.15leifmadsenoh so you just wrote some dialplan... ya, that is usually the solution
21:26.28leifmadsenI can think of at least 2 things I would fix in that dialplan :)
21:26.47dijibdatabase add
21:27.14kresp0the line i'm using instead of the LookupBlacklist one:
21:27.15kresp0exten => 25,n,Gotoif($["${DB(blacklist/${CALLERID(num)})}" = "1"]?blacklisted,s,1)
21:29.43p3nguini would probably use GotoIf($[${DB_EXISTS(blacklist/${CALLERID(num)})}]?wherever) to mimic the blacklist function.
21:30.43*** join/#asterisk miztic (
21:32.15kresp0thank you p3nguin, lets try it!
21:34.52*** join/#asterisk Micc (
21:35.01kresp0p3nguin: it works ok, thanks!
21:47.57*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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21:55.54pabelangerI though LookupBlacklist was deprecated in 1.6, and even removed.
21:57.56p3nguinI'm not familar with it.  I just use BLACKLIST().
21:59.58p3nguinBut if he doesn't have that, the DB_EXISTS() function can mimic the behavior.
22:00.46*** join/#asterisk mocker (~mocker@
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22:02.42philippel_macwondering if anyone knows what specific version the CLI format changed from "core set global ..." to "dialplan set global ..." ?
22:03.26kresp0pabelanger, p3nguin: that DB_EXISTS solution its working like a charm, now im waiting for the telemarketers to call me ]:D
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22:04.36*** join/#asterisk lauris (~la@unaffiliated/lauris)
22:05.02laurishi, can asterisk work under nat?
22:05.08kresp0yes lauris
22:05.23laurisboth server and clients at the same time?
22:05.45kresp0lauris, take a look here:
22:06.07WIMPylauris: Usually yes, but it depends on the involved devices.
22:06.36laurisbasically situation is the following
22:07.00laurisi'm moving abroad and want to have access to my landline
22:07.45WIMPyIf it is for yourself, I'd suggest using a tunnel. That way you avoid any NAT issues.
22:08.07WIMPyAnd it may be handy for other things as well.
22:08.17laurisi didn't thought about that :) thanks for idea
22:08.29laurisi already have pptp running on my router
22:08.41laurisproblem closed :)
22:10.47lauriswhat version would you recommend me to install?
22:10.54laurislast time I played with asterisk it was 1.4.12
22:11.08laurisor no. maybe some earlier versions
22:13.31p3nguinkresp0: What was your reason for not using the BLACKLIST() function?
22:14.18p3nguinlauris: The current LTS is  I suggest you start there.
22:14.27*** join/#asterisk Gokee2 (
22:18.22laurisdoes it use the same configuration syntax as in 1.4?
22:18.45p3nguinIn all aspects, no.
22:19.02WIMPyFor the most parts. See the UPGRADE*.txt
22:19.05laurisif talking only about clients and extensions
22:19.07p3nguinThere are changes to sip.conf and several dial plan apps/functions, at least.
22:19.08*** join/#asterisk lanning (
22:19.13laurisi don't need any special features
22:19.22kresp0p3nguin: tought that BLACKLIST function was included in the LookupBlacklist app. i was wrong!
22:19.40p3nguinExtension syntax remains the same.  exten => 123,1,App(data)
22:19.42kresp0p3nguin: now i'm using the BLACKLIST() function
22:19.47kresp0simpler, better :D
22:20.16p3nguinIt isn't a hard change to go from 1.4 to 1.8 if you just pay attention.
22:20.23laurisWIMPy, using tunnel is really great idea! as it will allow to prevent hackers from scanning asterisk ;)
22:20.31laurisand trying to bruteforce password of a client
22:21.05WIMPylikes tunnels
22:21.20lauriswith one exception
22:21.35lauristhat user has to have some skills to use tunnel ;)
22:22.21WIMPyNot much.
22:22.27*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
22:23.22lauriscan I run asterisk in openvz container?
22:24.38kresp0yes lauris:
22:25.10laurisi don't need zaptel
22:25.12laurishave spa3102 for this purpose
22:25.21laurisbut in general answer is yes, cool ;-)
22:27.27*** join/#asterisk mocker (~mocker@
22:27.31kresp0anyone here is routing calls to +883 (international networks country code)?
22:27.42*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
22:27.52lauriswhat country is that?
22:27.57laurishaven't seen such a prefix
22:28.09kresp0is not a country, tought it has a country code
22:28.34kresp0is like the +881 country code used for satellite phones
22:28.44kresp0but for voip ("international networks")
22:28.56p3nguinI don't know what you mean by routing them, but I dial them and get calls to mine.
22:29.06p3nguinIt's iNum.
22:29.53kresp0p3nguin: how do you make calls to a inum # using * ?
22:30.06p3nguindial it
22:30.30carrarUse the magic function
22:30.57*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
22:31.13p3nguinDepending on your ITSP, you may need to send 00 or 011 on the front of the number.
22:31.34p3nguin00 883 1234 ....
22:31.57p3nguinAnd with that, I gotta run.
22:32.10kresp0p3nguin: i'm my own itsp
22:32.40kresp0tried with voipbuster but it doesnt work
22:33.16kresp0also tried with my traditional pots provider and with my mobile provider, with no luck
22:33.28carrarYour own ISP
22:33.37carrarBeing a Teir 1 is great
22:33.55carrarI AM THE INTERNET!!!!!
22:34.03kresp0yes, you are carrar :)
22:34.11WIMPyYou are Cisco?
22:34.25carrarCisco is not a ISP
22:34.39carrarMaybe Sisco
22:34.50WIMPyNo, but they are the internet. At least according to their TV ads some years ago.
22:35.01carrarIsn't that SUN?
22:35.36carrarerr no, SUN is "The network is the computer"
22:35.55carrarCisco is "Welcome to the human network"
22:36.38carrar"Juniper Your Net"
22:37.19carrarWhich brings us to Asterisk's slogan
22:38.25kresp0just found a way to call to a +883 number using SIP: using a ENUM query i've got the sip address for that number:
22:39.30carrar"The Open Source PBX"
22:40.09WIMPystill can't really see a PBX in Asterisk.
22:40.53carrarAsterisk is a Polymer-bonded explosive
22:41.40WIMPySo does using Asterisk make you a terrorist then?
22:43.00darkbasicdo someone know how to debug not working early b3?
22:43.16WIMPyWhat channeltype?
22:43.22darkbasicBRI for dahdi
22:43.52WIMPyCurrent libpri, dahdi and Asterisk?
22:44.51darkbasiclibpri svn 2273 (Wed Aug 17 15:48:54 2011), dahdi, asterisk 1.8.7, wanpipe-
22:45.21WIMPyShould work, I think.
22:45.40darkbasicI keep hearing the ring tone
22:45.51darkbasicmy telco said they do support early b3
22:46.13darkbasicI do progress() followed by playback with the noaswer opetion
22:46.19WIMPyWhat's the whole call like. From where and to where are you calling?
22:46.54darkbasicI tried to call from my mobile phone and from my messagenet sip account to my ISDN BRI attached to a sangoma A500
22:47.00WIMPySo the call is coming from the PST via BRI to your Asterisk and you want to send early media?
22:47.33WIMPyAnd you are sure you are allowed to SEND early media?
22:47.46darkbasicso said my telco...
22:47.52WIMPySounds unusual to me.
22:48.36darkbasicsounds inusual when something actually works :(
22:49.43WIMPyIf they allow you to send early media, they allow yo to make toll free calls, even is only for short times. That's why I doubt they do.
22:52.21darkbasica telco technician will call me tomorrow to try to track down the issue, I hope they aren't so stupid to tell me they support something they actually don't :|
22:54.09WIMPyThey usually tell you what you want to hear. Facts don't matter.
22:54.28WIMPyHave you looked at d-channel trace?
22:54.31*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:56.07darkbasicno I didn't
22:57.54tompawEvening guys, I need an idea. I have a dynamic queue with agents signing up and unpausing themselves using dialplan/web interface. The problem is, some of them do not sign themselves off before they shut down their voip phone.
22:58.23tompawSo I got a bunch of unpaused (active) entries in the queue that cannot be reached, because those people simply turned off their softphones.
22:59.16tompawSo the question is - how can I automatically check if the queue entries are live (they're just Local/1234 SIPs) and kick the ghosts?
23:00.34darkbasicWIMPy: Progress Description: Inband information or appropriate pattern now available.
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23:01.24WIMPydarkbasic: So unless Asterisk plays something other than you told it, you know where the issue is.
23:02.48*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-lcuecnvqqdynzchc)
23:03.13tompawIs there a way for Asterisk to test an extension - to check if it's reachable?
23:03.30tompawBecause if yes, I can simply test all members of the queue and kick the unreachables out.
23:03.48WIMPyThe queue is the extension.
23:04.04*** part/#asterisk Bob_Pierce (~WESTMAN\p@
23:04.07WIMPyAnd if you have qulify enabled, you can check the reachability of devices as well.
23:04.53tompawWell, what I meant was - I have a queue with a bunch of Local/123456 agents. I want to write a script that checks if every agent is SIP-reacable.
23:05.26WIMPyHow could a local channel be unreachable?
23:05.38WIMPySo you need to check the SIP peer.
23:06.04tompawI cannot, because they're dynamic peers (pgsql - based, they don't appear in sip show peers).
23:06.46tompawWIMPy: easily, an agent first REGISTERs - * checks the pgsql, then the agent sings in to the queue, but then he simply shuts down his sipphone.
23:07.03tompawTherefore his extension is still registered as an agent, even though it's unreachable.
23:09.35SeRiwaz up WIMPy
23:10.03SeRiworking on an img for here
23:10.16WIMPyHi SeRi
23:10.49SeRiI see you been bussy
23:11.16WIMPyNot much, no.
23:11.31SeRioh ok.
23:12.41tompawrtcachefriends=yes << looks like that might help
23:15.20tompawI don't really understand how rtautoclear works.
23:18.07tompawOK, let's hope rtcachefriends + rtautoclear + qualifyfreq do the job...
23:19.34tompawWhoa, one sec.
23:21.09tompaw(I feel like talking to myself)
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23:29.40tompawHm... no.
23:30.04tompawIs it possible to trigger an action by someone (un)registering?
23:30.37WIMPyYou can listen on AMI.
23:32.30tompawIs there something like regcontext, which dials an extension instead of adding it?
23:34.50tompawListening on AMI... hm...
23:34.55tompawnever thought of it to be honest
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23:44.18tompawWIMPy: that's a good idea thanks.
23:45.28*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
23:45.42SeRip3nguin: I need some help
23:46.01*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
23:46.11raden_workhow is asterisk 10 been running ?
23:46.17raden_workhow has ?
23:47.06raden_workwhere is everyone ?
23:48.01leifmadsenworking great on my pbx for the last 4-5 months :)
23:48.14raden_workleifmadsen, no issues at all ?
23:48.58leifmadsennone for me
23:48.59raden_workIdiot electrician hooked 220 up to a 120 outlet in fuse panel .... trying to get things back up and running was on 1.6
23:49.14raden_workWell I will give it a try
23:51.41raden_workleifmadsen, what OS do you generally favor ?
23:52.55leifmadsenLinux generally
23:53.02raden_workwhat distro ?
23:53.15leifmadsenCentOS and Ubuntu
23:53.24leifmadsenasterisk doesn't care
23:55.03raden_worki have lil bitty issues with suse at times
23:55.14raden_workwas thinking about loading next box with ubuntu
23:55.30raden_workjust hard to take jump , been on suse for like 10 years is having issues
23:57.21*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (

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