IRC log for #asterisk on 20111206

00:10.07*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
00:11.24*** join/#asterisk rpluto (
00:11.34*** part/#asterisk rpluto (
00:11.49*** join/#asterisk rpluto (
00:13.43SeRip3nguin: you in?
00:16.25TheCopscomplete idle :)
00:20.42*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
00:24.13*** join/#asterisk bintut (
00:37.33scubes13having issue every now and then where user making outbound call cannot hear a ring tone, gets silence….
00:37.47scubes13on the other end, the recipient is picking up and hears nothing as well....
00:38.00*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:38.04scubes13guessing it may be firewall related, but not sure where/how to begin to track down
00:38.17scubes1311 internal extensions on client network
00:38.23scubes13pbx is hosted "cloud"
00:39.24xpot-mobilerunning ver. on CentOS 5.7, when a user dials 555 for spy, sometimes the channel will lock.  I am unable to perform a channel request hangup and the only way to close the channel is to stop services.  Is this a known bug?  any ideas how to resolve this?  Appears to only happen with 555 spy extension.
00:39.48*** join/#asterisk bmoraca_work (
00:42.26thebitguruscubes13: I am using SIP and the server is on the same network, behind a firewall.  I am pretty sure that my issue is related to the firewall because things worked OK without the firewall
00:43.18scubes13thebitguru - ok… ours is hosted externally… our issue may be firewall as well, but guessing probably not the same… :(
00:43.35thebitguruwhat firewall are you using?
00:43.45scubes13we are using pfsense 2.0
00:44.01scubes13with sipproxyd
00:44.03thebitguruon a custom box or some appliance?
00:44.12scubes13on a custom box
00:44.25thebitguruI see.
00:44.27SeRiscubes13: I use pfsense 2.0 Relase and I have an asterisk box behind it
00:44.54SeRiDid you enable AON?
00:45.00SeRiscubes13: ^^
00:45.08scubes13our asterisk box is not behind the firewall - it is hosted from a datacenter with public ip… our phones are behind the firewall
00:45.36scubes13I had it enabled, but removed when I set sipproxyd
00:45.36SeRiok are you using siproxd?
00:45.36scubes13yes, siproxd (sorry)
00:46.11scubes13SeRi - should we be using both?
00:46.48SeRinot really. If you are using siproxd you should be ok. Though the discribed behavior sounds like a nat issue
00:47.10SeRiTry enabling AON and see how it works out for you.
00:47.38scubes13just enable it? anything else really needed beyond just that?
00:47.49SeRiNot really.
00:48.04SeRiAON is the onlything you have to enable when using SIP behind pfsense
00:48.29SeRibecause pfsense rewites the port and sip does not like that
00:49.10scubes13so need to enable "Static Port"?
00:49.21SeRiinfobot: had a loong week end I am sure....
00:49.33SeRiscubes13: Yes
00:50.33*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2001:5c0:1000:b::a06b)
00:51.36scubes13anything I might also look in logs for that would help point to NAT issue?
00:52.15SeRisip set debug on and core set verbose 3
00:52.35SeRiuse those two when the issue happen again to capture it.
00:53.53scubes13verbose was set to 10 originally
00:54.03scubes13sip debug wasnt on
00:55.21SeRiyou shouldnt need 10. 3 should sufice
00:55.45SeRicome back with a PB of the info *IF* it happens again
00:55.59scubes13def will do
00:56.02scubes13thanks so much!
00:57.39SeRiyour welcome
00:57.57scubes13with 10 extensions, and no active calls… should I see a lot of sip traffic at the moment?
00:59.10*** join/#asterisk mducharme-work (~nothing@
01:00.46*** part/#asterisk cbwest (~cbwest@nat/cisco/x-xjaapnzolluuodaz)
01:01.03*** join/#asterisk Wiretap7 (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
01:01.41SeRiscubes13: define "a lot of traffic"
01:02.05SeRiIf the phones are not been used you should not see anything going on.
01:02.32scubes13well, looks like a bunch of SIP Timers… stopping retransmision…. Destroying SIP dialog… Really destroying SIP dialog....
01:02.36SeRiscubes13: core show channels
01:02.50SeRiscubes13: Thats sip debug
01:02.57SeRiand thats all normal information
01:03.09scubes13ok, kewl deal…
01:03.22scubes13core channels showed none active :)
01:03.26SeRicore show channels will show you active calls and thats real sip traffic
01:03.51SeRiThe rest is registration/validation/etc....
01:04.05SeRiyou wont see it unless you have logger configure for it
01:05.00scubes13ok, was just curious more so if I was seeing a lot of that b/c maybe my nat was doing something.. like causing the phones to consistently reregister or something
01:05.09scubes13totally out of his depth
01:05.59scubes13am trying to learn though ;)
01:06.22scubes13for now, I will leave it be and have the users let me know when they start having probs next
01:06.34scubes13thanks again!
01:06.47SeRiTake care and good luck
01:06.52SeRiyour welcome
01:12.00*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
01:13.04s[X]woot Seri, got my email from freenum
01:16.56SeRis[X]: sick!
01:17.10SeRivery nice
01:17.24s[X]just trying to work out how to set it up in freepbx
01:20.02*** join/#asterisk WiretapSeven (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
01:20.32SeRidoes not know freepbx
01:24.32*** part/#asterisk honree (
01:32.45*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
01:32.55*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
01:33.10*** join/#asterisk hesco_home (
01:34.19hesco_homeEvening all:  I'm seeking recommendations for an affordable ITSP for BC Canada DIDs and call termination primarily in the Southern Interior of BC.  Any guidance?
01:47.12*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
01:47.12*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
01:51.40p3nguinFreePBX?  Why would anyone use FreePBX?  Especially for something so trivial as configuring Asterisk.
01:52.18SeRip3nguin: !!!!!!!!!!
01:52.28SeRiI got my psu :)
01:53.05SeRip3nguin: did the script at least give you some ideas?
01:53.09*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
02:10.02*** part/#asterisk rpluto (
02:11.44WIMPyHmm. Is it really that hard to copy a few bytes of samples from a TE407P that a bigger number of used channels generates IRQ misses?
02:22.37*** join/#asterisk master_of_master (
02:25.36*** join/#asterisk WiretapSeven (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
02:26.49*** join/#asterisk seanbright (~sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
02:47.28*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:47.34*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
02:48.49*** join/#asterisk cbwest (~cbwest@nat/cisco/x-pjuuqgabcrjcxbgu)
03:01.03*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:06.11dijibsup bitches?
03:24.49*** join/#asterisk LostyJai (~blah@
03:24.52LostyJaiwhen a channel is active, it does not necessarily mean it's calling in/out, right?
03:26.13p3nguinCalling in or out is a human concept.  All asterisk knows is that there is a channel in use.
03:26.42LostyJaisometimes we're getting "all circuits are busy"
03:26.46LostyJaijust wasn't too sure why
03:27.02p3nguinHow many active channels do you have?
03:27.11LostyJai10/100 atm
03:27.22LostyJainow 12
03:27.25p3nguin10 out of 100 available?
03:27.27dijibi so need a wakup call
03:27.36LostyJaido you mean from my sip provider
03:27.41LostyJaii mean VOIP provider
03:27.47LostyJaior my asterisk server?
03:27.51p3nguinI just mean how many channels are active.
03:27.56dijibp3 what do you think about my inability to run custom .so's
03:27.58LostyJaisays 12 now
03:28.12p3nguinWhat are those 12 channels doing?
03:28.22p3nguinCalls between phones and ITSP?
03:28.43LostyJaisome on calls
03:29.22p3nguin12 channels is probably 6 calls.
03:29.31LostyJaihow can i tell what the others are doing
03:29.33LostyJaisip show channels ?
03:29.42p3nguincore show channels will show channels/calls.
03:30.03LostyJai9 active channel, 6 active calls
03:30.53p3nguinWhat are the circumstances surrounding the all circuits busy message?
03:31.04LostyJailet me see
03:31.06p3nguinCalls out to the PSTN via ITSP?
03:31.25WIMPyAnd wehere does the message come from?
03:31.53p3nguinIs it a voice message or a message printed on the console?
03:31.59p3nguinNEED DETAILS
03:32.43SeRiwaz up p3nguin
03:32.46LostyJaiyep i know
03:32.51LostyJaichecking now ><
03:33.04LostyJaiit's when registering with the provider
03:33.23LostyJai[Dec  6 09:54:48] VERBOSE[21357] logger.c: [Dec  6 09:54:48]     -- SIP/PROVIDER-08afb090 is circuit-busy
03:35.23p3nguinWhen you have the message, check "sip show registry" to see if you are registered.
03:35.33LostyJaiok cheers
03:35.58p3nguinMy ITSP requires that I am registered before I can send calls in to them.
03:36.05p3nguinSeveral behave this way.
03:36.24LostyJaidoesn't it show in the asterisk log if you are no longer registered?
03:36.52p3nguinIf you have configured logger to show it, maybe.
03:38.03WIMPyIt can't know if you're registered. It can only tell you when it fails to register.
03:38.38LostyJaiyeah i think it disconnected
03:38.43p3nguinAnd maybe if you become unregistered?
03:38.48LostyJaibecause registration time was 2minutes ago
03:38.58WIMPyBut the only way to find out what's going on it to enable sip debug and search for the message.
03:39.00p3nguinIf it says "Registered" then it's fine.
03:39.14LostyJairefresh is 105
03:39.19LostyJaidoes it reconnect every 105 seconds?
03:39.30p3nguinReconnect, no.  Reregister, yes.
03:39.45LostyJai"reg time" just updated
03:39.47LostyJaithat's normal?
03:39.56p3nguin(2139.00) <p3nguin> If it says "Registered" then it's fine.
03:40.17p3nguinSo that's probably not the issue.
03:40.30LostyJaialright i'll keep an eye out
03:40.38p3nguinHow many channels did they allow you?
03:40.42LostyJaii think 15
03:41.15p3nguinAny chance you're using all 15 already when the message appears?
03:41.25LostyJaii doubt it
03:41.42LostyJaiwait wait..
03:41.49LostyJaithat limit.... is that active CALLS or active CHANNELS?
03:42.27p3nguinWhen you say limit, are you talking about the number of channels allowed by the ITSP?
03:43.37p3nguinIf so, it's channels between your PBX and theirs.  That's potentially 30 active channels on your PBX and 15 calls involving the ITSP.
03:43.39SeRip3nguin: I configured an ivr for my brother today. My first setup :) I converted the wav file to ulaw using sox. I am proud of my self :P
03:43.58p3nguinYou could have just used "file convert" in the asterisk cli.
03:44.08p3nguinMuch easier.
03:44.38p3nguinfile convert myfile.wav myfile.ulaw
03:44.45SeRio well. At least I got it done.
03:45.09SeRiNow I know I can do it on the cli
03:46.45p3nguinI'm so tired of aches and pains.
03:47.11SeRiI can tell. You been quite....
03:47.15p3nguinI've had the worst headache all day... on top of the horrible back pain.
03:47.24SeRiThat sucks.
03:47.25*** join/#asterisk gajini (~root@
03:47.39p3nguinI didn't even start work until around 3 pm.
03:48.10ChannelZPerfect time to go to the range!
03:48.25SeRiI been in pain but not as bad.... You got me beat by a long run.
03:48.31p3nguinI took Tylenol for my head as soon as I got up, and it made me sick to my stomach.
03:48.51p3nguinSo then I had to wait for that to wear off.
03:49.15p3nguinI finally got around to eating lunch about 4:30.
03:49.35p3nguinI'm falling apart.  I sure hope it's temporary.
03:50.24dijibsounds like fun
03:50.36p3nguinThe good news is that I hardly notice the pain in my side that I thought was my liver.
03:50.52dijibtylonal can damage the liver
03:51.02p3nguinI don't take THAT much of it.
03:51.06SeRip3nguin: It will all pass.
03:51.07dijibespecially in combination with alcohol
03:51.17p3nguinI've has half my allowance of it for the day.
03:51.23dijibstop eating fast food
03:51.38p3nguinIt's only fast because I cook quickly.
03:52.35p3nguinI only have fast foods once every couple of weeks at the most.
03:53.03SeRionly fast food I eat here and there is pizza.
03:53.26p3nguinPizza is all the food groups.
03:54.11SeRiPizza=nom nom nom!
03:54.45p3nguinI usually don't get any vegetables on my pizza, though.  I don't like mushrooms, and I'm not a fan of onions that much.  So I guess pizza for me is most of the food groups.
03:54.58*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:55.42p3nguinTomato sauce and green peppers are fruits, cheese is dairy, the crust is bread/grain, sausage/pepperoni is meat...
03:55.45p3nguinWhat am I missing?
03:55.59*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
03:56.33SeRito eat!
03:56.36SeRinom nom nom
03:57.38SeRinow Ia m hungry.
03:57.46p3nguinMaybe beer would help.  Beer is healthy, right?
03:57.52p3nguinSteak in a can?
03:57.59p3nguinor bottle, as the case may be.
03:58.02SeRihells yea
03:58.18SeRigulp gulp whiskey
03:59.24p3nguinI don't drink hard liquor too much.  I have the occasional craving for some whiskey and cola or vodka with something.
03:59.58p3nguinSomeone I really wouldn't mind having is some egg nog with Southern Comfort.
04:00.35SeRiouch souther comfort
04:00.51p3nguinIt is delicious in egg nog.
04:01.06SeRinever tried.... I am curious
04:01.28p3nguinSouthern Comfort brand egg nog gave me the idea to try it.
04:02.34p3nguinI checked the carton to see if it had alcohol included, and it didn't, but said mix with SoCo.
04:02.44p3nguinSo I tried, and it was the best.
04:02.51SeRinice !
04:04.10*** join/#asterisk turtlefence (~tsmart@
04:09.37*** join/#asterisk tyman (
04:16.25*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
04:21.19*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (
04:21.24*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-dtuagmqexasfcvqo)
04:21.47SeRip3nguin: damn!
04:28.26*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
04:47.46*** join/#asterisk Wiretap7 (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
04:55.53*** join/#asterisk WiretapSeven (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
05:00.16*** join/#asterisk radic (
05:09.32*** join/#asterisk xpot (
05:22.52SeRip3nguin: you around?
05:23.45SeRiok one sec. I have a PB.
05:25.37*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
05:25.58SeRiwell never mind.
05:26.01SeRiI fixed it
05:26.38SeRiIt was the intercom.
05:26.41SeRiI broke it.
05:26.46SeRiand than fixed it again lol
05:28.02SeRisorry to bother.
05:29.38*** join/#asterisk s[X] (
05:39.41*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
05:47.52*** join/#asterisk brdude (
05:52.32*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
05:52.45*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
06:05.36*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
06:06.52*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
06:14.31SeRiworking on a script to make my AstLinux take over in case of my primary astrisk system fails to respond via AMI.
06:25.39*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
06:29.53*** join/#asterisk FainaUkraina (
06:33.31*** join/#asterisk turtlefence (
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06:38.02*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
06:41.13*** join/#asterisk zyphlar (
06:49.23*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
07:09.20*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (
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07:37.29*** join/#asterisk ollii (~risker@2001:470:1f15:1384:62eb:69ff:fe31:b4)
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07:43.23*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:44.00*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:02.16*** join/#asterisk waschtl (
08:06.15*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
08:09.47*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
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08:14.54*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
08:22.45*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (~quassel@
08:25.59*** join/#asterisk singler (
08:28.14*** join/#asterisk hajekd (~hajekd@
08:28.46hajekdIs it possible to display call price during call? Anyone was trying that with Asterisk?
08:32.49*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
08:35.22*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:44.13*** join/#asterisk kriegerod (
08:47.52*** join/#asterisk turtlefence (
08:51.15*** join/#asterisk turtlefence (
08:53.17*** join/#asterisk IsUp (~nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
08:54.11*** join/#asterisk Nasga (
08:55.24IsUpi have strange error messages in my log:
08:55.56olliinever tried it on my own
08:56.34olliiIsUp: you should use latest 1.4er version...your .26 is some kind of old
08:56.59IsUpollii: my system was working stable since 10 months. nothing changed.
08:57.47olliiMemory Allocation Failure...maybe theres a problem with your memory?
08:58.35hajekdollii: Yep, thanks - curious if anyone tried that on sip channel....
09:08.37IsUphajekd: if you have AOC announce (voice) file, you may use Playback with noanswer option. and put Progress before Playback.
09:08.48IsUphajekd: thats how i handle on SS7 channels.
09:15.01*** join/#asterisk oej (
09:17.48ChainsawIsUp: You're running out of RAM. Add more.
09:18.32IsUpChainsaw: 4 GB RAM and 160 mb free right now, are you sure its a RAM problem?
09:18.51ChainsawIsUp: Yes. It is wanting to allocate *memory* and it can't.
09:19.07*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
09:19.09ChainsawIsUp: What scenario other then "all memory already allocated" can you think of that would cause that?
09:19.25ChainsawIsUp: You have two options.
09:19.36ChainsawIsUp: You can upgrade your ancient software in the hope that there is a memory leak in older versions that has since been fixed.
09:19.50ChainsawIsUp: Or you can stubbornly stay on it, leak and all, and add more RAM so that it hurts you less.
09:20.04IsUpChanServ: i found the scenario. i am using cdr_tds, and my SQL server was down. so probably CDR buffer is caused that deadlock.
09:20.06Chainsawdoesn't care either way, but something will have to change
09:20.38ChainsawInvolving ChanServ in it now. Serious business.
09:20.42*** join/#asterisk aberrios (~aberrios@
09:20.55IsUpChainsaw: thanks for your advice but this is my production server and as i said, it was working stable 10+ months.
09:21.10IsUpChainsaw: probably cdr_tds caused that. because i see too many "Failed to connect SQL server" errors
09:21.32ChainsawIsUp: Yes. And the moment your SQL server is down you run out of RAM.
09:21.39aberriosI'm having an issue loading res_cepstral. Keeps complaining it cant find the swift library, but I've pointed to the correct dir and run ldconfig... anything I've missed?
09:21.48ChainsawIsUp: If you don't handle errors they will stack up and block your way. Yes.
09:35.49*** join/#asterisk krotos (~d3v1l@
09:35.52krotoshi all :)
09:48.55IsUpi have 3.2GB core file in my /tmp, what does it mean? i know my asterisk crashed somehow but why file is 3.2GB?
10:34.45*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
10:36.00hajekdGuys, what are you using for Outlook TAPI integration with Asterisk?
10:36.12hajekdActiva does not seem to be realiable...:(
10:42.00*** join/#asterisk singler (
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10:56.04olliiIsUp: core dump (more properly a memory dump or storage dump)
10:56.17olliihajekd: outcall,phonesuite, estos procall
10:56.24olliiordered by prize ;)
11:00.03*** join/#asterisk NetRipper (
11:00.31IsUpgotta go, thanks for help everyone
11:11.27*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
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11:49.35*** join/#asterisk mac|gyver (~sanderrij@2001:960:66e:0:216:cbff:fead:1d5)
11:50.32mac|gyverHi all, I have a problem when hanging up an incoming call: Spawn extension (macro-hangupcall, s, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/030XXXXXXX-00000002' in macro 'hangupcall'
11:55.02singlerand your problem is?
11:55.23fpriormac|gyver: can you post macro-hangupcall on pastebin ?
11:55.54mac|gyverthe problem is that after hanging up the call, I can't call inbound again, I get the voicemail of my provider
12:02.13*** join/#asterisk irroot (
12:13.19*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
12:14.27*** part/#asterisk gajini (~root@
12:18.07NetRipperhi, i have a question regarding outbound calls (no incoming calls at all) from a service using the AGI application (using asterisk-java library). I want to initiate multiple outgoing calls at the same time, but my voip provider only allows me to have one outstanding call at a time (subscription limitation). Is there a way to queue outgoing calls so that the next call is made after the first one hangs up?
12:30.29mac|gyverso after a fresh start, I can make an incoming call, when I hangup it does the "exited non-zero" message. Then when I call again this is logged: [Dec  6 13:26:58] NOTICE[6204] chan_sip.c: Call from '' to extension '307370602' rejected because extension not found in context 'default'.
12:37.26singlermac|gyver: exited non-zero is not related to your problem
12:37.44singlerwhere does your "normal" calls land?
12:38.08singlerI mean, which context
12:38.36singlerbecause that call entered default context, and required extension (307370602) was not found there
12:41.50mac|gyvercalls that do work use the same extension, not sure what context they use
12:43.11singlerin verbose output you can see
12:43.29mac|gyvergoes from from-pstn to from-did-direct
12:45.25singlerok, so that another call does not get matched to your sip config, check if provider uses same IP/credentials for failed call
12:46.31mac|gyverwhy would call #2 be different? (not saying that I disagree, just trying to understand)
12:46.54singlermissconfiguration/load balancing
12:48.04*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
12:48.04*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
12:55.08mac|gyversingler: how can I find out what IP/credentials the provider uses?
12:55.31singleris the system idle?
12:55.37*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (~MarKsaiti@
12:56.26singlerI think you can use "sip set debug on" to enable sip debug, I personally use tcpdump and then analyze with wireshark :)
12:56.39mac|gyverthat's a console command right
12:57.29singler"sip set debug on" is asterisk console command
12:57.42leifmadsenlikes tshark as well
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13:18.27jkroonirroot, or anybody else able to assist with T.38?
13:18.46jkroonHow do I go about debugging this:  [Dec  6 15:17:29] ERROR[5052]: res_fax.c:1558 receivefax_t38_init: error reading frame while generating CED tone on SIP/ac1-0000002d / [Dec  6 15:17:29] ERROR[5052]: res_fax.c:1885 receivefax_exec: error initializing channel 'SIP/ac1-0000002d' in T.38 mode
13:19.25gordonjcpis there a way to specify a dialplan on the Grandstream Budgetone BT100 family?
13:19.45gordonjcpI know they're old, cheap and crap as a Chinese motorbike, but they're what I have lying around the workshop
13:23.07[TK]D-Fendergordonjcp, No.
13:25.29gordonjcpman, these things really *suck* ;-)
13:25.44gordonjcpah well, good enough for rock'n'roll
13:25.48jkroongordonjcp, yes they do, but you CAN create dialplan code from them on asterisk side.
13:26.34mirelabdoes anyone know if CDR can be recorded for failed calls and if it's possible to record it before Hangup ? :P
13:26.47[TK]D-Fendergordonjcp, There's a reason they're known as BarbieTones.
13:27.16leifmadsengordonjcp: their great phones for smashing at the end of a rock concert
13:27.23[TK]D-Fendermirelab, Yes, there is a config option for that.  Read up on the samples...
13:28.30gordonjcpleifmadsen: :-)
13:28.37gordonjcpjkroon: I'm not that worried about it tbh
13:28.37[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, <--- when you absolutely, positively need to clock the McFuck outta someone, accept no substitutes.
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13:28.52gordonjcpI've been called upon to pull a SIP-over-wireless-link demo out of my arse at zero notice
13:28.56leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: pfffft, I have the rotary version of that phone :)
13:29.11gordonjcpit just so happens that py personal laptop runs Ubuntu so installing asterisk is a piece of piss
13:29.21[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, I've had both, but come on... touch-tone at least...
13:29.28gordonjcpand there are four Budgetone 102s kicking around in the Great Big Heap of Shite in the store
13:30.41leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: pfffft! you crazy kids and your buttons! you're probably all too fat now to get your fingers in the holes in the dial! In my day, if you couldn't use the dial, we starved you for 3 weeks and you were better off for it!
13:31.22jkroonok, so no help on the t38?
13:31.39jkroonany ideas where to start looking for what could be wrong in the above?
13:31.46singlerleifmadsen: you do not need to insert your finger fully into dial, to dial it :P
13:31.57leifmadsensingler: what do you know?!
13:32.08leifmadsenhas no idea and isn't nearly as old as he is trying to sound
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13:32.51singlerI know, maybe I am not old, but I am from "less advanced" country, I did use phone with a dial some days ago ;)
13:33.29leifmadsenI haven't used a pulse dial phone in years now....
13:33.39leifmadsenmaybe since I was a kid
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13:34.35[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, Last time I used pulse dial was when the keypad on a phone I was using was dead so I dialed with the hook-switch :)
13:35.13olliileifmadsen: one of our customers wanted his old "grandma" phone on his new * pbx ... so we took a grandstream
13:35.16olliiand boom bay
13:35.19leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: my cell phone doesn't have a hookswitch :)
13:35.38leifmadsenollii: ya, I'm thinking about hooking up an ATA and turning on pulse dialing :)
13:35.48leifmadsenthen putting my rotary dial phone somewhere in the house
13:36.21olliiits working ... pickup is a bit tricky...*8 ;)
13:38.11leifmadsenollii: change it to *1?
13:38.22leifmadsenat least only 1 long dial
13:38.24singlerstar is difficult, not digits
13:38.29leifmadsenoh right
13:38.39leifmadsentechnically you don't need to use * or #
13:38.52leifmadsenjust use 01 or something?
13:39.30olliievil magic
13:39.43leifmadsen6 is still a relatively long dial :)
13:40.02singleruse 0! :)
13:40.21singlerlike "000" :)
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13:40.40[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, You need --->
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13:43.08gpearsonAnyone familiar with Earthlink Business and configuring their T1 Voice lines in with Asterisk and Digium TE121 Card. Currently T1 is connected to an AdTrans Box to provide dialtone to Analog PBX
13:43.39leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: too funny
13:44.25[TK]D-Fendergpearson, Couldn't find a specifications sheet for the service you're paying them for, or get them to just tell you?
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13:48.14gpearson[TK]D-Dender: What I have been told is our T1 is has Signaling type of ESFB8ZS and configured for "loop".
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13:50.53[TK]D-Fendergpearson, "loop star" GAH... analog over digital... Get those chumps at the telco to get you real DID's at PRI signaling
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13:51.14mirelab[TK]D-Fender: Thanks :)
13:51.42[TK]D-Fendergpearson, span => 1,1,0,B8ZS, ESF
13:51.59[TK]D-Fendergpearson, fxsls=1-24
13:52.10[TK]D-Fendergpearson, mod for your ec of choice)
13:53.01[TK]D-Fendergpearson, those are the key systems.conf bits.  fxs_ls is what to use in chan_dahdi.conf and looks just like any other analog card aside from that.
13:54.01leifmadsenwow, I don't think I've ever seen loopstart analog over a digital circuit before
13:54.04leifmadsenthat's just madness
13:56.04jkroonlooks at that and wonders HOW you would even begin to physically build a loopstart using a digital channel
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14:13.01jkroonleifmadsen, gpearson - just bumped into this - the provider could be referring to CAS:
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14:43.12[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, Improvement! --->
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14:45.05mac|gyversingler: about the problem I had (still have actually), when I enable sip debugging I can't call the first time (I get the "goodbye" voice). If I don't enable debugging, I can call once, and it fails the second time (with "goodbye" too)
14:46.12olliimaybe today someone could answer my question... ;) (* 1.4 and 1.8) if im doing "queue show QUEUENAME" on * that avg holdtime a persistent value stored in astdb or somewhere in memory?
14:46.16singlerI think debugging is not at fault here, enable it and try a few times
14:46.31singleror use tcpdump/tshark to capture packets
14:46.36mac|gyveryeah I might try that
14:46.49leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: thanks, christmas idea sent to wife ;)
14:47.06jkroonmac|gyver, that sounds more like a dialplan issue IMHO.  unless the goodbye is generated on your phone.
14:47.09leifmadsenollii: I do not believe so
14:47.30mac|gyverjkroon: it's the goodbye from asterisk, it's also logged
14:47.43jkroonthen it's more than likely dialplan, not sip.
14:48.06singlerjkroon: some calls from provider hit default dialplan instead of from-pstn
14:48.07olliiso it might be only stored in memory?
14:48.10mac|gyverearlier I got the provider voicemail, I skipped the /DID from the registration string
14:48.28jkroonsingler, ah ok, no then your sip peers matching isn't happening properly.
14:48.42jkroonif you don't spec /did it defaults to /s
14:48.44singlerit is mac|gyver's
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14:51.36UlrarHi, is there a signal for C agi when the channel is hang up ? In perl I think it's a SIGHUP signal, is there something like that in C ?
14:53.52olliileifmadsen: what do you mean? stored in memory or in astdb?
14:54.28leifmadsen<ollii> that avg holdtime a persistent value stored in astdb or somewhere in memory?
14:54.31leifmadsen<leifmadsen> ollii: I do not believe so
14:54.46leifmadsen(i.e. not stored in the DB)
14:54.52olliiah okay, thanks
14:55.50WIMPyUlrar: DIGHUP is an OS thing, not a language thing, so yes.
14:56.13UlrarI didn't knew
14:56.15UlrarI'll try, thanks
14:59.21mac|gyverit's not that the hangup issue causes it to be in use or something?
15:01.27UlrarWell, in perl it looks like the SIGHUP signal is received when the channel is hanged up
15:01.37UlrarAnd that's what I need
15:01.43mac|gyverUlrar: oh sorry, it wasn't a response to you :)
15:01.50UlrarHo ^^'
15:03.50WIMPyYes, it's the HangUP signal.
15:04.09WIMPySo it makes sense for Asterisk to use that.
15:05.47mac|gyverjkroon: any idea how to debug that?
15:09.28[TK]D-Fendermac|gyver, SIP DEBUG will show you what the call is matching and loking for.
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15:11.51jkroonmac|gyver, with great difficulty, sip debug is a good start.
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15:12.16jkroonit takes some time and avoid looking into your eyelids.  simple typos have been known to cause hours of frustration.
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15:18.14voipengis there anyway to place a test call to multiple phone numbers from the cli?
15:19.04jkroonchannel originate?
15:20.31jkroonhelp channel originate
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15:24.05voipengwish i could just enter the number haha
15:25.11jkroonyou can - if you script it :p
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15:25.19mac|gyverjkroon: ah ha! destination IP changes
15:25.26mac|gyversource IP
15:26.01jkroonthen you need multiple definitions would be in your future, one for each possible source.
15:26.18jkroonor change your default sip context :p
15:26.34jkroonand rely on anonymous calls (heavy insecure - take precautions)
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15:33.50mirelabdoes anyone know how to change status of SIP/<exten>@<IP> member of queue, That is the phone that rings when caller joines queue
15:34.19leifmadsenchange status?
15:34.21leifmadsenlike, pause?
15:34.22mirelabbut member status is always "not in use "
15:34.29leifmadsenwhat version of asterisk?
15:34.35leifmadsenyou probably need callcounter=yes in sip.conf
15:34.35mirelablike from not in use to busy
15:34.49leifmadsenya, callcounter=yes in sip.conf
15:34.51leifmadsenshould be all you ened
15:35.22leifmadsenif it's dynamic and the peer isn't configured in sip.conf, then you might need to define the state_interface
15:35.24mirelabthx Laif :)
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15:37.08voipenganyone have an example i could use?
15:37.22voipengfor scripting the calling out function
15:38.10mac|gyverjkroon: think it's working now, thanks :)
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15:38.43dddhI guess I should have joined #skype
15:39.57dddhare there free skype<->sip solutions?
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15:42.42jkroonok, if asterisk for a peer has T.38 MaxDtgrm: 122 - why would it put this in the SDP:  a=T38FaxMaxDatagram:1393 ??
15:44.07leifmadsenvoipeng: it's pretty straight forward and wouldn't be any different than a regular dialout...
15:44.17dddh[TK]D-Fender: If I understand correctly "Skype Connect" is not a gateway
15:44.50dddhwants to call skype from sip
15:45.02voipengi dont typical do much configuration on the asterisk side, the voiceaxis software typically takes care of it for me
15:45.16leifmadsenvoipeng: for example, I just did this yesterday from the CLI:  channel originate SIP/MyVoipProvider/<destination_number> extension astley@Rickroll
15:45.50leifmadsenvoipeng: and the dialplan just looks like:  exten => astley,1,Playback(/home/lmadsen/RickAstley)
15:46.28leifmadsenthe 'astley' extension could just be a pattern match that does a Dial() to some peer
15:46.44leifmadsenso you could use your subroutine that converts the extension number to the SIP device you're calling
15:47.26leifmadsenanyways, I have to bike to the bank now, and it snowed out, so time to get bundled up
15:47.32voipengok, so first i make the extension
15:47.38voipengthen the dial function
15:47.43voipengthen the channel command?
15:50.27dddhI guess it means there are no working sip->skype solutions?
15:50.46olliilet it snow, let it snom, let it snom
15:50.55olliipay attention...snow is whore
15:52.20gordonjcplooove snow
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15:57.10mirelableifmadsen: I've set up sip trunk for that phone with callcounter=yes and now the status is changed from (Not in use) to (Ringing) but not changed after Hangup :(
15:57.49mirelableifmadsen: i know this is not a dynamic member this way :/
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16:00.21SeRileifmadsen: That was me that add it you to my google+ last night
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16:32.39UlrarMh, in my callback function for the SIGHUP signal, I do a "GET VARIABLE HANGUPCAUSE" and asterisk say that : "200 result=-1 endpos=32748"
16:33.02UlrarIs that normal ? It looks like a play function or somethink like that
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16:36.23adeel|workanyone know of a tool that can generate a call periodically? i was considering sipp or sipsack
16:37.16Qwelladeel|work: Asterisk?
16:37.57adeel|workwell the call must be routed through my * box, preferably from a typical UAC
16:38.08adeel|worki guess i could use another * box to do it
16:38.10QwellAsterisk is a UAC.
16:38.13adeel|worki'm aware
16:38.22QwellSo then why don't you generate the call in Asterisk?
16:38.42QwellI don't understand why you would need a separate box to do it.
16:38.44adeel|workbecause i have an SBC in front of it, and i'd like to test out the entire dialplan
16:38.52adeel|workand my entire network for that matter
16:40.42adeel|workplus, i'd like to raise an alert if the call fails and script out a few different events that should occur, without modifying the production dial plan
16:41.37jkroonUDPTL asked to send 59 bytes of IFP when far end only prepared to accept 54 bytes; data loss will occur.You may need to override the T38FaxMaxDatagram value for this endpoint in the channel driver configuration.
16:41.42jkroonany idea how to actually do that?
16:43.26Qwelljkroon: The error message tells you how.
16:43.36Qwellsee sip.conf.sample
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16:58.52jkroonQwell, actually it's already set to t38_udptl=maxdatagram=122,redundancy
16:59.37jkroon(which happens to be the value it advertizes)
17:00.01jkroonnow the question is, once I know that it is only prepared to accept 54 - how do I calculate what I should set maxdatagram to?
17:00.04hacimi want to setup asterisk to call out to a specific number, I've purchased termination from callcentric, but am a little confused what I need to do to set this up
17:02.38infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
17:02.43SeRihacim: ^^
17:03.26SeRiIt has good iformation and examples to get you setup.
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17:11.56hacim[Dec  6 09:10:30] WARNING[24981]: chan_sip.c:23482 set_insecure_flags: Unknown insecure mode 'very' on line 1173
17:12.05hacimipkall recommends that
17:13.09jkroonhacim, insecure=invite == better
17:13.30pdtpatrick_Question .. im trying to see the actual SIP invite that goes out when i make a call, how can i see that please?
17:13.38jkroonsip set debug peer ????
17:13.46hacimjkroon: i'll try that, dunno what ipkall supports
17:18.01SeRipdtpatrick_: sup set debug on
17:18.14pdtpatrick_much appreciated :)
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17:18.39SeRigood luck.
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17:32.58hacimhow can I pass more than one sound to Data: in a .call file?
17:34.05jkroonI'm assuming you are using Application along with that?
17:34.38hacimjkroon: i'm just dropping a .call file in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
17:34.54[TK]D-Fenderhacim, "core show application Playback"
17:35.15[TK]D-Fenderhacim, data is whatever the application takes. read its instructions
17:36.41hacimhm, i thought that I could do: Data: tt-monkeysintro&tt-monkeys
17:37.07jkroonyou can
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17:37.39hacimoh duh, tpo :)
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17:39.19l2trace99is there any way to set context by inbound ip  for sip ?
17:40.00[TK]D-Fenderl2trace99, Yes.  Make a peer for it
17:41.46l2trace99I already have one
17:42.29l2trace99I am looking to connect 2 servers  but need to route differently
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17:43.23l2trace99based on their inbound ip
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17:46.32[TK]D-FenderAnd that's what peers do
17:47.13l2trace99then how do I specify the host entry in the sip.conf ?
17:47.30l2trace99that is the remote ip
17:48.09[TK]D-FenderWell if you're referring to which IP on your server they came in on look at "core show function CHANNEL"
17:48.21l2trace99i am looking  to specify context based on inbound connection
17:48.43l2trace99so would have to do in the dialplan
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17:49.53l2trace99I was just looking to see if there was a way to do it from within the sip.conf
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18:01.01hacimis there way to provide a message on error when an outgoing call doesn't work?
18:04.38paulchacim: Sure - use the DIALSTATUS variable (I think) and jump to a Playback
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18:06.42hacimpaulc: hm. have an example? i'm using a .call file
18:07.21paulchacim: So you call party A via a call file, then want to call party B, but play an error message if the outbound call fails?
18:08.15hacimpaulc: i call party A via a call file (basically I am needing to call this number once per month to keep it alive) and if it fails I want to send an email or other notification
18:08.23hacimbecause if the call doesn't work in one month, the number goes away
18:08.59hacimessentially, I need some kind of notification that the call did not work
18:09.28paulchacim: Hmm.. You could do it via AMI - originate the call then watch events waiting for the result of that call
18:10.08paulcOr just set yourself a recurring calendar appointment and pick up the phone once a month - might be easier/more efficient in terms of time ;-)
18:10.14hacimi can't log via syslog or send an email on error or something?
18:11.04paulcSure.. get your call file to dial a Local/ channel, then use DIALSTATUS result to spawn a shell/system command to send you an email (for success or failure, so you know)
18:12.58hacimhm i wonder if I can plug that into nagios
18:13.12SeRihacim: Yes you can
18:13.23SeRiI monitor with nagios. open channels
18:13.35[TK]D-Fenderhacim, dial a local channel and put your logic in there.
18:13.47[TK]D-FenderAMI is serious overkill
18:13.59SeRialong with other things....
18:14.17hacimok, i'll look into how to dial a local channel
18:16.31SeRi[TK]D-Fender: My new polycom is on the way :P
18:22.00[TK]D-FenderSeRi, Which one are you getting now?
18:24.13SeRi[TK]D-Fender: os is the same I bid on last week. the 321.
18:24.49SeRishould be here by friday.
18:25.05[TK]D-FenderSeRi, Cool, you'll be able to give a run at the latest firmware then
18:25.17SeRiYes sr :)
18:25.32[TK]D-FenderSeRi, Prepare for culture shock...
18:25.48[TK]D-Fender3.3 diverged quite a bit... 4.0 looks even moreso
18:25.54SeRiis ready with matches and speer
18:26.48SeRi[TK]D-Fender: I was reading that I should do combined the first time flashing and than move to split.... does it really matter?
18:27.53mac|gyverone last problem.. I have my Outbound CallerID set on the sip trunk, but external phones receiving calls show "Blocked"
18:28.31[TK]D-FenderSeRi, not sure what you mean there..
18:28.59[TK]D-Fendermac|gyver, Show us the complete call in a pastebin
18:29.00infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:29.28mac|gyver[TK]D-Fender: just the default verbose logging? or sip debug?
18:30.06SeRi[TK]D-Fender: I read that when the phone has 3.x firmware on it and you are fixing to upgrade to 4.0 for the first time to use the combine firmware. once flashed than you can use the split conf files. It was at some blog....
18:30.52[TK]D-Fendermac|gyver, Both so you can see what's really going on
18:31.24[TK]D-FenderSeRi, I always dump the raw samples into a folder, and wipe it from scratch with stock, then start modding.
18:31.46SeRi[TK]D-Fender: noted. Thanks.
18:32.16*** join/#asterisk b0ot (~Jinxed---@
18:32.50b0otI have a device that is not registering that it supports DTMF signalling... could I have this device register with asterisk and then have asterisk tell that it supports DTMF signaling?
18:39.39[TK]D-Fenderb0ot, Registration has nothing to do with how its calls will process
18:39.49[TK]D-Fenderb0ot, the mde you set in you peer is what * will use
18:40.37b0ot[TK]D-Fender, I'm not sure what you mean, all I can tell is that my device doesn't seem to send the correct rtpmap setting and the other device doesn't think it can support DTMF...
18:42.18[TK]D-Fenderb0ot, What I'm saying is the "registration" has nothing to do with what gets negotiated.
18:42.41[TK]D-Fenderb0ot, set your mode in the peer.  that's all there is to do
18:43.47b0otWhere is the peer?
18:45.44*** join/#asterisk kamikazemicrowav (
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18:48.06*** join/#asterisk voipeng (
18:48.28voipengif g729 show licenses isnt an accepted command... i guess its safe to say its not installeD?
18:48.52*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
18:49.04SeRivoipeng: If I am not mistaken you have to buy the license from digium
18:49.21voipengyou are right
18:49.36voipengbut i want to check out if its already installed, i thought it was g729 show licenses
18:49.38mac|gyver[TK]D-Fender: the 030 number should be the outgoing CID, 06 is the destination
18:49.47mac|gyverso this is asterisk -> mobile phone
18:51.40SeRishow g729
18:51.47SeRivoipeng: ^^
18:54.17[TK]D-Fenderb0ot, sip.conf
18:54.23SeRivoipeng: whet v of * you have?
18:54.31dijibnt working today SeRi?
18:54.36*** join/#asterisk Srini (~Srini@
18:54.45SriniHi room
18:54.48SeRidijib: I been sick with shingles
18:54.59[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, If you don't have the commands then the module doesn't exist or isn't loaded
18:55.02dijibwernt you telling me about htat the other day>?/
18:55.12dijibsaying that i needn't be stressed about anything
18:55.42SriniI am a newbie trying to configure the digium te220 for the first time for inbound calls - can someone help me with a pointer to an easy step by step document?
18:56.02SriniGoogle did not help much :(
18:56.09SeRidijib: Yes... and I got it again.
18:56.25SeRiI went to work yesterday but I could not bare the pain
18:56.47dijibdamn ive never had it, must be a warm weather thing
18:57.03SeRiis 38F right now
18:57.08SeRifucking cold as shit
18:57.39irrootits 20:57 here 21c frogs croaking in the yard ....
18:57.58SeRimust be nice irroot!!!
18:58.13dijibaustralia? cookoo burrows?
18:58.17irrootdoors open windows open
18:58.29SeRiirroot: enjoy it :)
18:58.32irrootis in johannesburg south africa
18:58.45SeRiirroot: ^^
18:58.47irrootmaybe a whisky
18:58.50dijibim drinking beer this weekend
18:58.54SeRiahhhh indeed
18:59.08SeRiYou speko my language now :)
18:59.17SeRiand whiskey are best friends
19:00.05irrootdrinks like a dog ages never gets drunk as in dog beers i only have 2
19:02.06SeRiirroot: lol
19:04.48SriniHmmm no luck for me?
19:05.31irrootSrini you go to the digium site and get the pdf's there ??
19:05.34infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:05.45irrootsrini that will help too
19:06.25irrootim in M$ AD hell
19:07.02tuxxieI am  trying  to key to create a key based on the callerid with a value of 1.   Set(DB(gn1num/${CALLERID(num)})=1)
19:07.39dijibSrini, do you have to card installed properly? see it in lsmod?
19:08.05tuxxiebut this is not working. i get a error of ignoring entry 'DB(gn1num/9106206507=1' with no '='
19:08.18Srinidijib: yes I can see
19:08.36SriniIt is identified as wct4xxp
19:09.01tuxxiewhat am i missing?
19:10.51Srinidijib: Is it okay if I could explian my problem?
19:11.27dijibyouve have installed asterisk? configured iax.conf/sip.conf @ dialplan.conf ?
19:11.35dijibexplain Srini
19:12.01dijibtuxxie: i dont see whats wrong with you line.
19:13.11dijibalternatively you could do System(/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "database put gn1num ${CALLERID(num)} 1"
19:13.14dijibi believe
19:13.34infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
19:13.44SeRiSrini: ^^
19:13.50tuxxiedijib: i'll try than
19:13.55Srinidijib: I am on a PRI (E1) line connected to Span2 of the card. I have installed all the driver modules as explained in the Digium User manual. The module is visible in lsmod as wct4xxp. dahdi_tool still show RED BLU/RED alarm. I am completely new to Inbound setup using asterisk and digium card, I have had successfull trials using asterisk for Outbound (SIP) calling. Now I am not sure about
19:13.55Srinihe steps to follow in order to have inbound calls on my asterisk server...
19:14.46SeRidijib: I fail to see how your context was different from his.
19:14.48Srinidijib: I am not sure is my configuration is erroneous or the connection... trying with limited dahdi_ commands... lights on the card are still read and blinking
19:14.53dijiblets see your sip.conf
19:15.07infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:15.38dijibmake sure you change your passwords
19:15.42Srinidijib: I am asking for help in the room pointer to the 'steps' to follow
19:15.44irrootSrini if you see a Blue alarm may need to reset NT please pb the config have you set the jumper to E1 on the card do you need CRC4 ??
19:16.13dijibi have not ever touched digium hardware
19:16.45SeRiAnd thst why I dont offer to help on things I have no clue about :P
19:17.21irroothas no clue about anything <- my std disclaimer im sticking to it
19:17.29SeRisits back and watch those who have experience... I just learn :)
19:17.40SeRiirroot: lol
19:17.44dijibtotally SeRi
19:18.01dijibi like it irroot
19:18.23irrooti use E1 quite a bit so may know something about it :P
19:18.40tuxxiedijib: is there a way i can list all keys in gun1num?
19:19.06SeRiI am sure that has nothing to do with sip....
19:19.23SeRituxxie: database show gun1num
19:19.55irrooti think this may be a bit exesive 75%+ of the servers capacity is taken up with torrents
19:20.07tuxxieSeRi: Thanks
19:20.16SeRiirroot: way to much :/
19:20.22SeRituxxie: your welcome
19:20.22citywokirroot: good lord, that's a lot of keyboard drivers
19:20.44Sriniirroot: The jumpers were open (default set to T1), I have closed them to set it to E1
19:21.05Sriniirroot: which conf to pb? system.conf?
19:21.23mac|gyverIf anyone could have a look at this log: Outgoing calls don't show the caller ID. The 030 number should be the outgoing CID, 06 is the destination
19:21.42irrootSrini you will need to sit in the naughty corner :P yeah system.conf
19:22.19citywokmac|gyver: i don't know if (number) works... i always use (num)
19:22.40citywokoh, that's freepbx so it must be valid :p
19:22.46Sriniirroot: :)
19:22.57mac|gyvercitywok: you'd hope so :P
19:23.21[TK]D-Fendermac|gyver, back.  in your PB we can see that your CID is in the invite
19:23.26irrootcitywok have lots of test files for drivers too some for audio drivers and some for video even some for HD video
19:23.38mac|gyver[TK]D-Fender: so... something wrong at the provider most likely?
19:23.51[TK]D-Fendermac|gyver, To: <> Contact: <sip:0301234567@>
19:24.04[TK]D-Fendermac|gyver, Indeed they may block CID overall
19:24.09[TK]D-Fendermac|gyver, You should ask them
19:24.12citywokmac|gyver: on line 182 of the PB i see set(callerid(all) Sander <0301>
19:24.22mac|gyverthere's a setting for that in their interface, I disabled that I think
19:24.34mac|gyvercitywok: hmmm
19:24.49citywoklooks like it's doing the right thing (i got tired of typing, the whole thing was there)
19:24.50mac|gyveroh right
19:25.05[TK]D-Fendermac|gyver, [Dec  6 19:43:34] VERBOSE[17783] pbx.c:     -- Executing [s@macro-outbound-callerid:13] ExecIf("SIP/124-00000024", "1?Set(CALLERID(all)=Sander <0301234567>)") in new stack
19:25.22[TK]D-Fendermac|gyver, this is the line that takes effect and you can see that info in the "from:"
19:26.23*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
19:26.58mac|gyverok I got it working..
19:27.06mac|gyverblames the crappy crappy interface at the provider
19:27.23mac|gyverthey've hidden the save/reload button really really well
19:27.56[TK]D-Fendermac|gyver, If it took you this little time to find that exact option you suspected anyway ... I'd blame myself :p
19:28.10irrootSrini seems good
19:28.29irrootdahdi_cfg completes ?? lsdahdi ??
19:29.02irrootif the red alarm stays remove crc4 flag
19:29.04mac|gyver[TK]D-Fender: uh.. yeah I did feel quite stupid :)
19:29.13irrootif you not sure it must be used or not
19:30.37Sriniirroot: Yes it completes
19:30.47irrootSrini you can combine the dchan bchan and echocan lines to have 1 of each
19:31.24[TK]D-Fendermac|gyver, Minor brain-fart.  I'm sure you'll grow past it :)
19:32.04SeRi[TK]D-Fender: is it possible to have two * side by side with the same config but with the itsp reg comented out in one of them?
19:32.10Sriniirroot: :( if you don't mind... little more detail please
19:32.27Sriniirroot: Newbie
19:32.34citywokSeRi: sure, just edit sip.conf in the other one
19:33.00irrootbchan = 1-15,17-46,48-62
19:33.12citywokwe use a floating IP for the primary * box, and the secondary box registers to the ITSP as well, but the ITSP sends calls directly to the floating IP so it works pretty well
19:33.22SeRicitywok: Thanks. I figure so. I just wanted to make sure. I puting up a fail over system
19:33.51mac|gyver[TK]D-Fender: I just don't hope it's my last brain-fart :-)
19:34.20irrootSrini if you have the channels loaded you can go on to configure dahdi.conf in /etc/asterisk
19:36.20Sriniirroot: Well in my case I have the dahdi.conf is in /etc/modprobe.d/dahdi.conf and it looks like an empty file...
19:37.06Sriniirroot: dahdi_tool shows 31 channels total, 31 configured and 0 Active
19:37.16Sriniirroot: On span 2 I mean
19:37.38irrootSrini mmm that is a modprobe conf file dont think you must mess with that
19:38.08irrootSrini ok so both spans are there then and all channels are in span 2 this is good
19:38.23*** join/#asterisk singler (~singler@
19:38.41Sriniirroot: So 'somehow' the /etc/asterisk/dahdi.conf missing in my case? Mysterious!
19:38.43irrootSrini /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
19:38.51Sriniirroot: Got it
19:39.10dijibjust readinw hat i missed
19:39.17dijiblookin good srini
19:39.41Srinidijib: :)
19:40.06SeRiok I got my failover server online
19:40.10Sriniirroot: All lines are commented... is that normal?
19:41.29*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
19:43.32irrootSrini yeah need to config it for your purpose
19:43.58irrooti have a script that builds them for me so not much help did the script long time back
19:44.25Sriniirroot: Is it shareable?
19:44.51Sriniirroot: Sorry if the request is not appropriate
19:45.30irrootSrini its out there but will hurt your head more than help it uses the perl bits to go through the dahdi cards and config them
19:47.03irrootSrini msg me a email addie ill send you a 2 port config from a customer
19:47.10Sriniirroot: Ok, let me put it this way, I have to configure an inbound trunk so that I can recieve call from PRI then push them on to the extensions as necessary
19:47.32Sriniirroot: Sending my email id in pvt. hope people will not find it offending....
19:47.34dymHow can i verbosely log everything that occours on my asterisk CLI to a logfile? I want call executions and stuff like that to be logged for later analysis.
19:47.40SeRiok all of my phones have been switched to register to hostname instead of IP.
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19:53.47irrootSrini dispatched remove the one group there 2 groups one per PRI or leave it in as backup perhaps
20:02.08dijibk game time for me
20:15.42*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
20:18.18SeRip3nguin: you around?
20:31.44*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
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20:34.12SeRihates flexlm
20:34.36libryderis there some sort of data available for geographic routing based on npa/nxx? we have data from these guys but cellphones dont' always have a number that is issued to a wire center in their area
20:37.35_Corey_libryder: How does their data differ from what you can download from the NANPA site directly for free?
20:39.42libryder_Corey_: where is that data available on nanpa?
20:40.31_Corey_It's been a while since I've downloaded it myself, but I think it may be
20:41.12_Corey_Actually, it may be this one:
20:52.27*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
20:53.08sawgoodexten => h,1,NoOp(Hangupcause${HANGUPCAUSE})
20:53.22sawgoodwith the above statement, is it possible to issue two commands on one line?
20:53.29SeRilibryder: this people charge you for information that is free? Is there a difference from the data they are providing you?
20:53.33*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
20:53.52sawgoodI would like to see the current context name printed out in the NoOp as well as the hangupcause
20:56.19*** part/#asterisk cresl1n (~Adium@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
20:56.26*** part/#asterisk Srini (~Srini@
20:56.53sawgood-- Executing [h@ITSP1-incoming:1] NoOp("SIP/ITSP1-00015e5b", "Hangupcause16") in new stack
20:57.12sawgoodthis is what the command oututs ... and I would like more information in the output
20:59.29*** join/#asterisk henrikjott (
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21:01.02henrikjottHi all! I´m having a problem with asterisk picking up .call-files too late. As i understand * should process them right away but in some cases we´re experiencing waits for up to a minute. Does anybody know anything about this?
21:02.08henrikjottbtw im running asterisk
21:02.09*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (
21:03.00Qwell22-Jun-2010 17:55
21:03.07Qwell18 months old...
21:03.33luckman212anyone know if it's possible to interrupt SayDigits()  ?  i have some dialplan that reads out long strings of numbers, and sometimes I really just want to skip to the next step.   I tried pressing #  to skip but, doesn't seem to do anything
21:04.45henrikjott@Qwell: I know, but this is for a customer of mine and in a while we will upgrade it.. But this problem has appeared recently! Worked fine before..
21:05.46Qwellhenrikjott: Attempting to solve an issue in a version that old is a waste of your time and ours.
21:08.12cmendes0101luckman212: I think AGI has escape digits for "say digits" but not sure about in the dialplan
21:08.54*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-smijupntwtkoslsf)
21:09.47luckman212cmendes0101: going to try to convert SayDigits() to Background()
21:09.50henrikjott@Qwell: I guess you are right.. Im using asterisk to auto-dial out for a telemarketing service. As i said im using .call-files. but which way would be the best for auto-dialing? agi?
21:10.07Qwellcall files are fine
21:11.04[TK]D-Fenderhenrikjott, Check your clock.  call files placed in the future wait till their date comes due
21:11.32libryderSeRi: the data they provided us has wire center data with lat, lng, zipcode, city, switch name
21:11.46libryderi couldn't find that anywhere else
21:11.56*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (~Tank@
21:12.45[T]anki have a polycom soundpoint IP 4000 conference room phone. When i dial another extension and let it ring for a few seconds, then hang up... the phone that i dialed continues to ring. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to correct that. Any ideas?
21:13.01cmendes0101luckman212: if you use background wont you have to have something waitexten or a wait to make it not continue on?
21:13.21[T]ankits only that phone that does it. i have lynksys phones everywhere else and they behave like i would expect
21:13.23luckman212the next step is Read() so I think that might work?
21:13.49cmendes0101oh ok that would probably be fine, just watch our for the timeout i guess
21:13.58[TK]D-Fender[T]ank, Go look at the call.
21:14.22[T]ankwhen i debug, i dont see anything... its like the phone is not sending the hangup signal
21:15.23[T]anki wondered if it was an internal dial pattern, but everything i try makes no difference.
21:15.23[TK]D-Fender[T]ank, Well it either is or isn't... if you don't see it in *... well.. it's just not there.  What is the phone running?
21:18.23[TK]D-Fender[T]ank, See if you can upgrade it.  If the phone shows every sign of hanging up but no packet to back it up then I'd first suspect it's a bug
21:18.52cmendes0101For NorthAmerica, is there a NXXNXXX number in any area code that will do a directory listing or something? Had some directory listing charges and I think that was mentioned to me but I can't find what the number would be.
21:21.19SeRilibryder: Interesting.
21:21.23[T]ankK, thanks for the input. I will give an upgrade a try.
21:21.29henrikjott[TK]D-Fender: I have thought about that, but as im generating the files on the same system as * is running i thought the time would be in sync.. am i right?
21:22.42[TK]D-Fenderhenrikjott, I haven't heard that you've looked for these files in the folder you're supposed to put them in, don't see how you're doing it, no CLI to match.  Right now I have no idea what's really going on.
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21:26.15[TK]D-FenderCheckout time, bbiab
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21:44.10ejadoes a sip or iax2 peer show up as OK if qualify is turned off?  or will it always say unmonitored?
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21:48.52navaismoeja: unmonitored
21:49.53*** join/#asterisk kannan (kann@
21:50.44kannanhello, I am unable to use the # key as a termination / timeout for an IVR. i use a Backgound(file) followed by a WaitExten(5)
21:51.15kannanwhen i read back the respinse DTMF it includes the # also, instead of it returning only the response DTMF digits
21:51.37ejaso what's the downside of turning qualify on all voip trunks?  they won't register if the latency goes over 2s?
21:51.44WIMPyUse Read or use non-overlapping extensions.
21:52.06WIMPyeja: More traffic.
21:52.14kannanWIMPy , thanks
21:52.20WIMPyThe maximum latency can be configured.
21:52.44kannanWIMPy , so the BackGround / Wait Exten will not use # as a termination key?
21:52.56ejahow much more traffic?  default interval is 60s for OK and 10s for unreachable?
21:52.57*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
21:53.07SeRieja: you can control how qualify is used.
21:53.18WIMPykannan: No. They wait for an extension and they can include #.
21:53.32WIMPyeja: yes
21:53.54kannanWIMPy , thanks again
21:54.22SeRiI tone down the qualify
21:54.42*** join/#asterisk cj (~cjac@2607:ff08:f5:3a::3)
21:55.40ejaSeRi:  have you checked how much bandwidth those settings end up using?
21:55.41cjis there any way to authN to google talk without having the cleartext password in gtalk.conf ?
21:56.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:58.06SeRieja: with my settings not much at all. The frequency is 480 and and there is a gap in betwen each qualify
21:58.53SeRieja: what are you using qualify for?
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22:04.09ejai'd like the peers to show up as OK with the latency instead of unmonitored
22:04.35ejaor unreachable if they are
22:05.49SeRieja I see. well my settings so far worked ok for me. Although qualify purpose is dieffernt it can also be used that way.
22:08.55*** join/#asterisk s[X] (
22:09.04ejabut there's no real disadvantage to turning qualify on other than a small bandwidth hit?
22:19.47WIMPyAnd a little bit of CPU and RAM, off course.
22:24.48SeRiWIMPy: I have not seen a hit on ram or cpu on my embbeded system using qualify.
22:25.35WIMPyAdd more peers :-)
22:32.35ejanot too many peers per server i'd like to qualify.  maybe 10 on each.
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22:40.44SeRiI have about 15.
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23:19.30tmrhmdvHi, folks!
23:19.40tmrhmdvHow can I disable anonymous SIP calls?
23:20.04tmrhmdvActually, enable it
23:20.23tmrhmdvbut Hangup to unidentified callers
23:21.45tmrhmdvis it this code?
23:22.42WIMPySend them to a context that does whatever you want.
23:23.57tmrhmdvYep, thanks. Found it.
23:24.02tmrhmdvALLOW_SIP_ANON = yes
23:24.16WIMPyWhat is that?
23:24.24tmrhmdvand then send them to where ever I wish
23:24.48tmrhmdvUmm, I found that in FreePBX generated extensions.conf. Is it true?
23:24.51p3nguinThat's not a valid asterisk setting.
23:24.55infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
23:25.16p3nguinallowguest=yes or no
23:25.29tmrhmdvMy question isn't about FreePBX, I just used that thinking it was my solution
23:25.42tmrhmdvOh, thanks p3nguin
23:26.00p3nguinThe context that you configure in the general section determines where anonymous calls go.
23:26.42tmrhmdvThank you, works! :)
23:29.14SeRiwaz up p3nguin
23:30.21SeRip3nguin: how you feeling today?
23:49.02SeRip3nguin: I been having issues with having a failover system come up besides my main asterisk system
23:49.20SeRiwhen the system comes up after a few min callcentric drops off line
23:49.31SeRithe regsitration on the fail over system is disable
23:51.19p3nguinHow are you dealing with failover?  Does callcentric have a failover configuration like voipms, or do you have to deal with it completely on your end?
23:51.54SeRip3nguin: This is a system fail over. meaning if my alix fails than I have my arch take over.
23:52.09p3nguinI really don't want to repeat the last question.
23:52.45SeRip3nguin: callcentric does have fail over like where if the peer is off line it send the cllas to where evr you would like
23:52.57p3nguinIs that the part you're having issues with?
23:53.52SeRiThe part I am having issues is when I start asterisk in my second system after a few minutes callcentric drops off line on my main syste,
23:54.30p3nguinAre you registering both systems to the same account?
23:54.43n3hxsSo now you get VOCP   voice over cracked phone
23:54.43SeRiNo sr. I have registration disable in one system.
23:55.04n3hxsoops wrong window.
23:55.12p3nguinThat doesn't even make sense.  If there is no registration, cc won't know the second system exists.
23:55.35SeRiI know. it puzzles me. I do have a peer set on the second system for callcentric
23:55.47p3nguinThat can't affect the other system.
23:56.08p3nguinOnly a registration will tell cc that the second system exists.
23:56.15*** part/#asterisk libryder (~david@
23:56.25*** join/#asterisk benlangfeld (~ben@unaffiliated/benlangfeld)
23:56.53SeRiwell looks like an issue on there end!
23:57.10SeRiIt just drop off line and the second system is off line
23:58.24SeRiso looks like an issue on their end.

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