IRC log for #asterisk on 20111204

00:06.34*** join/#asterisk dhorner_mb (~dhorner_m@
00:12.21*** join/#asterisk matelko (~ABC@unaffiliated/matelko)
00:13.42*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
00:18.53*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
00:19.38matelkoHello. I would like to start asterisk in our compaly. Now we have about 5 incoming analog lines to our old analog PBX. Incomming calls are transmitted inside the company by the operator-man. I would like to automate this with the asterisk.  I dont know if it is possible to make it like this: I want incomming calls to go on specifig VOIP telephone inside the company. But how to make it?  Need I some cooperation from our telephone service operator to a
00:19.38matelkoctivate some service to do that? What incoming line I need for it - analog or ISDN? Give me an advice please if asterisk is capable of it. Thank you.
00:20.36WIMPyUse ISDN or VOIP. That will make your life easier.
00:21.20matelkoI think I can use only ISDN of analog for outside connection.
00:21.58WIMPyCan't parse that.
00:22.41matelkowhat exactly do you mean?
00:23.08WIMPyI don;t understand your sentence.
00:23.29matelkook, I will try again
00:26.40matelkolets do it simple for example:  I need to have 2 ISDN lines for incomming/outgoing calls from our company. In the company will be about 20 VOIP telephones. I want the people from the outside could call directly to any from the 20 inside telephones.
00:27.15WIMPyNothing special so far.
00:27.30matelkothats all
00:27.59matelkobut what will be the number of the telephone?
00:28.05WIMPyOrder lines with DDI and you're done.
00:28.22WIMPyThat's what you configure in your dialplan.
00:28.59matelkoAhh - it calls DDI?  I did not knew that.
00:29.35matelkoIs DDI working with analog or only ISDN lines please?
00:29.54infobotit has been said that ddi is Direct Dialling Inward, URL:
00:29.58WIMPyISDN only.
00:30.12matelkook, thank you.
00:31.56matelkoSo asterisk is capable working with DDI? Sorry, maybe I am asking simple thing but I need it to know - because of buying proper Digium card.
00:32.45matelkook, thank you very much. Now I am in the picture. :)
00:41.05WIMPyIst there any way to make dahdi send a 'sending complete'?
00:41.47*** join/#asterisk dijib (
00:41.53dijibguys whats going on?
00:42.18WIMPyIf I knew, I'd fix it.
00:44.03*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
00:45.35dijibSeRi: are you around?
00:47.36*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
00:55.19*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
00:55.44dijibwhat the heck boys
00:55.49dijibnothing going on tonight
01:01.05honreeall sorts
01:01.22WIMPyLots of fishy things.
01:01.46dijibwhat kindof fishy things
01:01.57dijibthe sabbah is over
01:02.06dijibdeamons are roaming.
01:02.28dijiblock your windows close your doors, biggy smalls. uhhm m m p
01:02.32WIMPycalls losing their number, extremely slow call processing and stuck channels.
01:02.47WIMPyAnd missing audio.
01:03.06honreeone way audio with people who arent actually there
01:03.12dijiblosing calleridnum? whats tops saying on cpu?
01:03.23dijibmissing audio in call?
01:03.39WIMPyNo losing the called number.
01:03.50WIMPyCPU is >90% idle.
01:03.54dijiblike not going through
01:04.03WIMPyStill it looks like it's too slow.
01:04.34WIMPyAnd I think it's the faster box that's too slow.
01:04.59dijibwhats top saying for loads?
01:05.15WIMPyNext to nothing.
01:05.21dijibmaybe you have a locked process or something,.
01:05.25dijibbad memory soemwhere
01:05.49WIMPyNope did a memtest yesterday before installing.
01:10.50*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
01:12.14dijibwhats the system?
01:12.18dijibnot that that matters
01:12.22dijiball builds good?
01:12.32WIMPyAthlon64 2.2G
01:12.54dijibthis is a production box
01:13.19WIMPyAnd no, there's definitely something different about that box. But I have NFI, what or why.
01:13.33WIMPyNot yet.
01:15.04dijibno clue what nfi is
01:15.07dijiband cant find it
01:15.13dijibim guessing network balancing?
01:15.26WIMPy"No f***ing idea"
01:15.31dijibahh k
01:15.51dijibdid you build or was it a package?
01:16.09WIMPyAll built.
01:16.10dijibdid you supress dependencies?
01:16.31dijibor were all satisfied
01:29.41WIMPyIt was all from source. No chance to skip dependencies there.
01:30.07WIMPyBut I'm leaving that part for later.
01:31.37*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
01:41.34*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
01:43.27*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
01:53.51SeRiwaz up dijib
01:57.16*** join/#asterisk brookshi1e (
01:57.16*** join/#asterisk TJNII (
01:57.18*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
01:57.18*** join/#asterisk phix (
01:57.33*** join/#asterisk tzanger (
01:58.12*** join/#asterisk lanning (
02:00.06*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
02:04.31*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
02:06.44*** join/#asterisk saliak (
02:12.48*** join/#asterisk agrotemp (
02:13.26agrotempI have been writing a few applications for Asterisk recently, but I wanted to know how to check the frequency of something that is been received from the caller in a channel? Can anyone help me with this?
02:13.47*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
02:15.07*** join/#asterisk budster (
02:22.18*** join/#asterisk master_of_master (
02:30.04*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
02:36.21dijibSeRi: you missed me before
02:38.57dijibstill havnt done anything about that dialplan
02:54.20*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
03:00.52SeRiwaz up dijib
03:03.58*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
03:11.27*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
03:22.46*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
03:30.39*** join/#asterisk saliak (
03:33.25*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
03:35.41dijibnothings up SeRi, im in the man case
03:35.49dijibthinking about puffin
03:36.09dijibjust got off the phone, god how i love my phone
03:37.00dijibis this right? GotoIf(${DB(callback/number = "${CALLERID(num)}"]?callback,1)
03:37.03autofsckkdo you have configured skype and gtalk in your asterisk box?
03:37.26dijibnot at all. you?
03:37.43autofsckkautofsckk: nop, i want to test it, see how it goes
03:38.08dijibmight be interesting
03:38.35dijibactually i would like to join you for the skype portion of your endevour. might aswell go full fledged
03:38.58autofsckki have to try many things that i havent done, like connect 2 ast boxes, or conference room
03:39.11dijibbut first i would like when your calleridnum is in my callback database a call originated to your number after specified time and then call my phone
03:39.21dijibsee p3 i said phone
03:40.16autofsckkim a newbie :D
03:42.30*** join/#asterisk SeRi (
03:48.55dijibis this line right?
03:49.00dijibsame  => n,Originate(Local/1@phones,exten,phones,${DB(callback/number)},1);
03:54.17*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
04:30.47*** join/#asterisk radic (
04:51.10SeRip3nguin: you in?
04:53.25*** join/#asterisk dijib (
04:53.31dijibseri wow. i suck
04:57.13SeRiwhat happen dijib ?
04:58.50*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
04:59.03[TK]D-Fender[22:37]dijibis this right? GotoIf(${DB(callback/number = "${CALLERID(num)}"]?callback,1) <- nope
04:59.50[TK]D-Fenderdijib: GotoIf("${DB(callback/number)}" = "${CALLERID(num)}"]?callback,1)
05:01.56SeRidamn boxing... I am nervous!
05:03.36*** part/#asterisk g_r_eek (
05:04.49*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
05:09.28p3nguinseri: Yes, just woke up.  Time for more pills!
05:12.17dijibwtf more pills...
05:12.28dijibi think seri is sleeping also
05:34.08*** join/#asterisk AmirBehzad (~behzad@
05:40.28*** join/#asterisk dieno (273025e4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:40.37dienoHello ever1
05:40.47dienodoes any one of you have experience in SIP TLS
05:51.09*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
05:51.43*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
05:52.02dienoanyone with SIP TLS   experience
05:52.58dijibguys whats wrong with this?
05:53.01dijibsame => n,GotoIf(${DB(callback/number = "${CALLERID(num)}"]?callback,1);
05:53.12dijiband no dieno
05:54.18sawgoodWould using a http API or a TCP API from Asterisk to a GSM (be the better solution)?
05:54.51dienodijib i think curly bracket is missing
05:55.50WIMPydijib: [TK]D-Fender answered that.
05:56.03dijibi think your right
05:56.08dijibdid he?
05:56.12dijibway ^^ ?
05:56.24dijibthanks [TK]D-Fender
05:56.25ChannelZyou're missing a square bracked
05:56.35WIMPysawgood: So far http uses tcp, but what are you actually on about?
05:56.38dijibyou mean }
05:57.04WIMPydieno: Didn't really work for me.
05:57.08dijibsame => n,GotoIf(${DB(callback/number} = "${CALLERID(num)}"]?callback,1);
05:57.14dijibthere thats where it stands
05:57.27sawgoodfrom a GSM to Asterisk (is the goal)
05:57.33dijibyikes i am missing a quare
05:57.34sawgoodsending SMS ... (sorry)
05:57.47sawgoodSMS from a GSM to/from an Asterisk box ...
05:58.40dienohmm i think you are missing lots of brackets :D
05:58.45WIMPysawgood: That obviousely depends on what options you have.
05:59.15sawgoodwell, I have both ...
05:59.47sawgoodI can SSH/Telnet (give commands) and/or issue commands from http directly to the box
05:59.47Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
06:00.26WIMPyIf you want to do it from the dialplan, http via curl should be the easy option.
06:00.42sawgoodI do want to do it from the dialplan (sorry) ...
06:00.51sawgoodthank you, WIMPy
06:06.20SeRiwe won!!!!!!!!! :D
06:07.20dijibyou boxed?
06:07.22dijibsame => n,GotoIf($[DB(callback/number) = "${CALLERID(num)}"]?callback,1);
06:07.27dijibhow am i retarted now?
06:10.00sawgoodWhat is generally 'really used' to allow some GUI CDR process (added to Asterisk)?
06:10.21sawgoodpeople want a front end to view all their phone calls ...
06:10.45sawgoodCDR-stats was ok
06:16.47*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
06:17.06ChannelZDoes your database entry callback/number have quotes?
06:17.37ChannelZand also you need ${} to call the DB function
06:19.56dijibit does not have quotes
06:21.36*** join/#asterisk s[X] (
06:22.46ChannelZthen you either need to compare them both that way, or remove the quotes as I did (which assumes neither item will have spaces in them)
06:22.49dijibwait i need ("callback/entry")
06:31.54*** join/#asterisk vpopov (~happylife@
06:35.28*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
06:39.25dijibGotoIf($["${DB(callback/number)}" = "${CALLERID(num)}"]?callback,1);
06:39.28dijibstill no love
06:39.40SeRistill at it?
06:39.49dijibyeah apparently im retarted
06:42.27dijibi dont get it
06:43.23SeRione sec
06:58.58*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:59.17dijibSeRi: why is texas throwing storms at us?
06:59.17NuggetDon't mess with Texas.
07:01.28*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
07:04.29dijibstill not grabbing them with same => n,GotoIf($["${DB(callback/number)}" = "${CALLERID(num)}"]?callback,1)
07:05.41ChannelZwell syntactically it makes sense but whether or not your DB is right, or your caller ID, etc.. we can only guess.  What is the actual problem?  What do you get in the console?
07:06.09dijibdatabase put callback 5555551234 "test"
07:06.15dijibis what i put essentially
07:07.22ChannelZthen your database entry is really DB(callback/5555551234) then and not DB(callback/number)
07:07.57ChannelZdo "database show" and you'll see
07:07.58dijibi need the ${CALLERID(num)}
07:09.31dijibsame => n,GotoIf($["${DB(callback/${CALLERID(num)})}" = "${CALLERID(num)}"]?callback,1)
07:10.02dijibwait a min.
07:12.19dijibnope. im boned.
07:12.29dijiband cold. and getting tired
07:12.34dijibmight call it a night
07:14.03dijib/callback/600                                     : Test
07:14.58dijibill check in the morning.
07:15.00dijibgnite all.
07:15.11dijibhow do i set my mood as away?
07:18.08*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@
07:20.36ChannelZwe can't help you if we don't even know what you're doing
07:21.14ChannelZbut "Test" does not equal "600" if that's what you're complaining about
07:29.32SeRiI cant get pass that.... It puzzles me when people does not understand what they are doing....
07:29.54SeRiand go around just copy and paste what they see
07:30.13SeRiI am not saying dijib does that I am saying in general...
07:30.23SeRiany who all... g/n!
07:30.28dijibi thought that entry was valid
07:30.49dijibso how do i pull the fild i want
07:34.49ChannelZWe can't read minds, I have no idea what you want.
07:35.53ChannelZmy *guess* is perhaps you want GotoIf($[${DB(callback/${CALLERID(num)})}=Test?callback,1)
07:36.08dijibi just want to check sgsindy s list like blacklist
07:36.18ChannelZthough you maybe want to do something like set the database to 1 instead of Test but either way
07:37.40ChannelZNo I said what I meant
07:38.01ChannelZI think what you're not understanding is that the AstDB works as family/key=value
07:38.27ChannelZso callback/${CALLERID(num)}  (in your case) is like the name of the database entry
07:38.31ChannelZand the value is something else
07:38.39ChannelZTest in your case above
07:39.38ChannelZto assuming CALLERID(num) is 600, your example above is comparing the value of callback/600 to 600.  But you show the value of callback/600 as Test:
07:39.42ChannelZ<dijib> /callback/600                                     : Test
07:40.31ChannelZa better way to think/do it is   Set(DB(blacklisted/${CALLERID(num)}=1)
07:41.45ChannelZthen GotoIf($[${DB(blacklisted/${CALLERID(num)})}=1]?numisblacklisted,1)
07:42.57ChannelZor whatever context/exten/priority but for the purposes of example..
07:52.07*** join/#asterisk FainaUkraina (~Gene@
07:52.31*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
08:33.21p3nguinseri: What did you win?
08:33.39*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
08:34.28*** join/#asterisk dieno (27309ba2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:38.58*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
08:51.08p3nguinWhy are people so weird?
08:52.23*** join/#asterisk LiuYan1 (~LiuYan@
08:55.48*** join/#asterisk Akuma (
09:00.54*** join/#asterisk xpot (
09:06.12*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
09:19.07*** join/#asterisk bluregard (
09:21.07bluregardis there a way to set a range of values for a conditional?  like = 1-5 to say either 1 2 3 4 or 5?
09:31.06*** join/#asterisk endemic (~endemic@2001:49f0:400e::5)
09:36.45*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
09:38.32*** join/#asterisk troyt (
09:45.32ChannelZbluregard: yeah.. <, >, <= and >= are all valid expressions.. & for logical AND and | for logical OR, but you have to 'nest' them.. like $[ $[whatever>=1] & $[whatever<=5] ]
10:04.40bluregardChannelz: yeah, I know how to do the logic part, I just can't figure out how to specify a range of values.
10:05.05*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
10:06.52ChannelZI just showed you
10:08.00ChannelZ"if whatever is greater than or equal to 1, AND if whatever is less than or equal to 5" is 1-5... right?
10:08.37bluregardyeah ok, so there's no way to just say 1-5 or 1:5 like regex?
10:12.06ChannelZwell there are regex expressions too but those are character comparisons, not values.
10:17.53bluregardreally all I'm trying to do is simulate random hangups to test an app i'm writing.  I was going to just use the last digit of the number dialed, if its between 1 and 5 go to a hangup label.  I had forgot about the RAND() func so GotoIf($["${$RAND(0,100)}" < "75"]?:hangup) should do it 75% of the time right?
10:20.16ChannelZremove the quotes, compare values not strings
10:20.21*** join/#asterisk AmirBehzad (~behzad@
10:21.26bluregardaround the 75? or all together?
10:21.45*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
10:22.42ChannelZaround the 75 and ${RAND(0,100)}
10:25.27*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
10:26.43bluregardnow all calls are going to the hangup label..
10:29.27*** join/#asterisk elliot98 (~elliot@unaffiliated/elliot98)
10:29.36bluregardGotoIf($[${$RAND(0,100)} > 75]?:hangup) should select a random number between 0 and 100, if the number is < 75 it goes to the next priority, if its > 75 it goes to the hangup label right?
10:29.47elliot98gives a friendly wave
10:30.05ChannelZyes.  What random numbers are you getting?
10:30.39elliot98there's an odd PRI incoming call through a particular DID only works once and then DAHDI needs to be reloaded for that DID to work again
10:30.46ChannelZoh you have a syntax error
10:31.04ChannelZGotoIf($[${RAND(0,100)} > 75]?:hangup)
10:31.11bluregardoh ok
10:31.20ChannelZyou had an extra { in before RAND
10:31.45elliot98what's going on the PRI/driver?
10:31.47ChannelZelliot98: how does it 'not work' after a call?
10:32.04elliot98ChannelZ: debug states congestion
10:32.15elliot98ChannelZ: response 34
10:32.22ChannelZso it's not hanging up the channel?
10:32.57bluregardyou mean an extra $ ?
10:33.50ChannelZno.. $[] is for the expression.  ${} is needed to call the RAND function
10:34.32p3nguin<bluregard> GotoIf($[${$RAND(0,100)} > 75]?:hangup) should select a random number between 0 and 100, if the number is < 75 it goes to the next priority, if its > 75 it goes to the hangup label right?      <---- No, if it is greater than 75, it goes to next priority.  If it is less than 75, it goes to hangup label.
10:34.36ChannelZyou had $[${$RAND.... but {$RAND doesn't mean anything
10:34.47ChannelZwell it does, just not what you want it to
10:34.48elliot98ChannelZ: there is nothing in "core show channels", but still should not make a difference, the call should be allowed on another dahdi channel
10:35.38elliot98since the call does not enter any sort of dialplan at all, so the 34 response is coming from the PRI/Dahdi driver and not Asterisk
10:36.30bluregardGotoIf($[${RAND(0,100)} < 75]?:hangup) is working the way I want it
10:36.35elliot98this seemed to followed an upgrade from 1.4.37 to 1.4.42
10:36.53elliot98what impact does that have on the DAHDI/LibPRI?
10:36.57*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (~ectospasm@
10:37.04p3nguinThat says if it is less than 75, go to next priority; if greater than 75, go to hangup label.
10:37.37bluregardright, I want to simulate 25% hangup rate
10:37.47p3nguinYou could have also done GotoIf($[${RAND(0,100)} > 75]?hangup)
10:38.02ChannelZoh.. you changed the < to > from your first paste.
10:39.03*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
10:40.41bluregardyeah.  And I might end up adding a label for a true eval so I left it :hangup so I can just add something before the : if I need to.
10:40.42p3nguin< 75]?:hangup  is actually going to be 26%
10:40.44elliot98I mean, was there any change with DAHDI in the 37-42 upgrade
10:40.54p3nguinDon't know how precise you need the test to be.
10:40.58*** part/#asterisk AmirBehzad (~behzad@
10:41.02bluregardnot that much
10:41.20p3nguinThen no need to worry about that aspect of it at this time.
10:41.41ChannelZelliot98: well DAHDI is DAHDI, not related to Asterisk
10:41.55bluregardI can always make it 1,100 if that 1% really starts bothering me, but I doubt.
10:42.05ChannelZThough who can say if some bug is in * missing a signal or whatnot.
10:42.45p3nguinYou could simply change it to "<= 75"
10:43.34p3nguinBut it all comes down to how important the precision is.
10:43.43ChannelZwanders off to bed
10:45.41bluregardI'm doing originates from AMI to the Local channel and an extension that just counts to 30 using SayNumber.  There's no actual devices that the audio is going to, its just asterisk talking to itself.  Does it still process the audio the same way it would if it were a sip channel rather than local?
10:47.28p3nguinLocal channels simply provide you the ability to Dial() a location in extensions.conf rather than a device channel.
10:51.45bluregardright.  the channel in the originate is Channel => "local/$dbresults->{number}" . '@test/n' so the [test] context just has an exten => _. which answers and waits 60 seconds.  Then originate drops the call into another extension that does the counting with SayNumber.
10:52.49bluregardmy question is how much different is the load on the server using local than it would be during a real call on a sip or whatever channel.
10:53.02*** join/#asterisk LiuYan1 (~LiuYan@
10:54.14bluregardobviously local isn't using any bandwidth like sip will, but for server load alone
10:54.53p3nguinLocal channels will be optimized away, so the added load will be very temporary.
10:55.09p3nguinBut where you use /n, it will remain.
10:55.15p3nguinnot optimized away.
10:56.06bluregardok good.  so aside from bandwidth not being used I should see similar server loads
10:56.11p3nguinI don't have an answer for how much load is added when keeping a local channel instead of optimizing at away.
10:57.08bluregardwell I hope its similar.  I did a sip call with 50 locals in progress and didn't have any kind of audio issues.
10:57.31p3nguinI'm sure it would be a load similar to having one additional sip channel open.
10:57.51p3nguinOne local and one sip, for example, would probably have a load the same as two sip channels.
10:58.41bluregardI hope so
10:58.46p3nguinActually, a local channel probably has less load than a sip channel, since it doesn't do the same type of work.
10:59.20p3nguinI've never had a desire to do any benchmarking of such things.
10:59.32bluregardwell these locals are just for testing this app.  once its in production they'll be sip calls.
11:00.12p3nguinHow many concurrent calls do you intend to have?
11:00.18bluregardwatching top asterisk's cpu usage doesn't really go above 10% with 50 concurrent calls.
11:00.30bluregard50 max
11:00.33p3nguinThat's what I was getting around to.
11:01.17p3nguinWhen you get into transcoding, that's when you'll see more CPU load.
11:02.14bluregardwhich I shouldn't have an issue with.  these are going to be 1 sided calls with asterisk sending a recording to a sip channel over gsm.
11:03.14p3nguinWhen you say "over gsm," you mean a sip call using the gsm codec?
11:04.01bluregardyeah, my sip provider uses gsm and I think g.729
11:04.08p3nguinIf your sound files are also in gsm, and if you are not recording the call, there should be no transcoding.
11:04.56bluregardI'm thinking bandwidth might be my only potential issue
11:05.28p3nguinI think you're right.
11:05.43p3nguinWhat kind of upstream speed do you have?
11:06.52davlefouhi, i try to use iax2 with softphone, i have this error :
11:06.53davlefou[Dec  4 12:06:18] WARNING[2552]: app_dial.c:2218 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 20 - Unknown)
11:07.47p3nguinAre you trying to dial from the softphone or to it from another phone?
11:07.50bluregardit varies.  sometimes I get get 5+ mbps
11:08.35*** join/#asterisk Wiretap7 (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
11:08.47p3nguinDid you already calculate your bandwidth of a single GSM-encoded call?
11:09.56davlefoup3nguin: yes
11:10.20p3nguin"yes" is not a valid answer to the question I asked you.
11:10.32p3nguin(0507.46) <p3nguin> Are you trying to dial from the softphone or to it from another phone?
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11:17.09bluregardits too bad my provider doesn't support IAX.  I'd only need a fraction of the bandwidth for trunked IAX as I will SIP.
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11:20.18p3nguinYep.  I use IAX2 to my ITSP for that very reason.
11:20.45davlefoup3nguin: I see!
11:20.56bluregardwhat kind of rates do you get?
11:24.15p3nguinI don't have a high call volume, so I don't get a lot of use out of the trunking feature, but I figured that every little bit of savings helps.  I did have 5 Mbps up, but changed to 3 recently.  And when I do traffic shaping, I think I'm going to restrict it a little more to improve queuing.
11:26.37*** part/#asterisk bn-7bc (bjarne@pdpc/supporter/active/bn-7bc)
11:27.07bluregardno cost rates
11:27.46p3nguinOh.  1.05 cents/min
11:27.53p3nguinper channel
11:29.28bluregardI'm using a LCR rate plan so I get around .005 to .05/min
11:30.00bluregardrather .005 to .015
11:30.20bluregarddepending on the rate center I dial.
11:32.11bluregardwhat kind of router are you using that you can do traffic shaping?
11:34.56bluregardhaven't heard of that one.  is it a software router or hardware?
11:37.19p3nguinVyatta is the company, which sells the Vyatta appliances with the Vyatta software included, but the software is available for free.
11:38.26bluregardoh ok.  another iptables router or whatever
11:38.28gordonjcpp3nguin: fully functional?
11:39.14p3nguinYes, it is Debian-based, so it uses iptables for the firewall and NAT, and tc for traffic policies.
11:39.28gordonjcpfair enough
11:40.02p3nguinThe only thing I know of for sure that the free edition does not have that the subscription edition has is the web GUI for management.
11:40.03gordonjcpI like how you can get junos from Juniper, and run it on a PC with their blessing ;-)
11:40.41p3nguinBut I'd rather work in the console anyway, so I'm good with not having the GUI.
11:42.26gordonjcpthey do say it's unsupported and possibly unlicensed, so don't ask for support - with a bit of a sly wink
11:42.26gordonjcpthe big difference between an Olive and a proper Juniper router is it doesn't have the horking great FPGA with all the ethernet interface that does the actual packet switching in hardware
11:42.28bluregardI've been using junos on a pc and in GNS3 for testing network topologies for a while.  Its great.
11:42.36gordonjcpbluregard: yup
11:42.53gordonjcpbluregard: and now when your boss asks you to spec up some routers for a project, what are you going to buy?
11:43.07gordonjcpCisco?  Mmm, nope
11:43.15gordonjcpLevel One? Perish the thought!
11:44.28bluregardwell...  The problem with that is in this country in order to be a boss, you have to be mildly to severly retarded.  That means you only buy stuff you've seen an ad on TV for in the last 30 days.  So, Cisco it is.
11:44.46p3nguinbluregard: Which ITSP are you using that provides rates as low as .5c/min?
11:44.55gordonjcpbluregard: ah, easy
11:45.06bluregardVitelity.  But I've got a wholesale account.
11:45.17gordonjcpbluregard: the term you're looking for here is "Total Cost of Ownership"
11:45.45p3nguinDo they require a certain volume of calls to get that lower rate?
11:48.00gordonjcpbluregard: in order to use unfamiliar Cisco equipment effectively, you will need either extensive (and expensive) training, or you're going to need to open up a couple of positions for junior Cisco wranglers - *or* you can go with the Junipers that you're already familiar with!
11:48.00bluregardthey require or at least strongly suggest a completion rate of 80% or higher and 80% of your calls need to be > 60 seconds.
11:48.31bluregardgordonjcp: I'm already familiar with Cisco and Juniper, but again, Cisco markets like no other.  To be fair, my boss understands how great Juniper is.  The problem is our clients.  They pay us to tell them what to do and how to do it, but then take our advise and throw it right out the window.
11:50.43p3nguinThey don't require a minimum amount of call volume to qualify?
11:52.51gordonjcpbluregard: ah yes
11:52.51bluregardoh yeah, sorry.  They have a montly commitment of $300
11:52.51p3nguinSome companies won't give you wholesale unless you have, for example, 10000 minutes each month.
11:52.51gordonjcpbluregard: "We want some new radios, we want the latest thing!" "oh okay, in which case you want these nice new Hytera digital ones" "No we want Motorola GP340s like we've used for the past 15 years"
11:52.51bluregardwe have this one client who against our recommendation decided to replace their perfectly good digital phones with Shoretel VoIP.
11:52.51gordonjcpbrb, bouncing openwrt
11:52.57bluregardI'll finish when you get back then
11:53.10gordonjcpit's ok, I'm in screen
11:55.08bluregardwell, we manage their data network and told them if they want to use voip on their existing network they needed to make some changes to the way they do backups.  Backups, for some dumbass reason, are carried out during the day over the wan and in a completely bone-headded manor.
11:55.37gordonjcpthere, and ssh didn't even disconnect
11:55.59gordonjcpoh ghod, you don't do *our* phone systems do you?
11:57.08bluregardwhys that
11:57.08bluregarddumbass backup practices?
11:57.08gordonjcpI'll let you finish yours, then I'll tell you a horror story
11:57.53bluregardwell, so they get to testing their shiney new unneccessary voip system and are having all kinds of problems which we diagnosed to be caused by their abuse of the wan.  Instead of listening to us they hired a CCIE to come in and evaluate it who also said change your backups.
11:58.44bluregardthese are the kinds of people we have to sell hardware to
11:59.12p3nguinIf I wanted to tinker with Junos on an i686 embedded computer, which software should I get?
11:59.40gordonjcpwe have an ancient accounting system that requires a VPN from one end of the country to the other
11:59.44bluregardoh embedded?
12:00.02p3nguinGNS3 would be good for a regular PC with hard drive?
12:00.02bluregardthat I'm not entirely sure.
12:00.35gordonjcpbluregard: now the vpn endpoint down south is where our connection breaks out to the Internet, and is also where three out of four DNS packets get dropped, 10% of normal network traffic gets dropped and all non-DNS UDP traffic gets dropped
12:00.36bluregardyou might be able to get it to run on an embedded system.  I've never tried.
12:02.11gordonjcpso in order to download the 300MB windows binary that you use to update the firmware on a radio with 32M of flash, I need to VPN *from inside the VPN at work* to my house about ten miles away
12:02.11gordonjcpafter two or three goes the VPN is up, and everything works more-or-less fine
12:02.15gordonjcpthe backups are a bit special, they back up the Windows server onto DAT, but only an incremental backup - they haven't done a full backup in about five years
12:02.39bluregardoh that'll be a fun recovery
12:02.45gordonjcpthey then restore this backup into a temporary directory, and then copy it across the VPN to another windows server down south, which they then back up onto tape again
12:03.03gordonjcpbluregard: I have my doubts about the reliability of this method
12:03.34bluregardwhats the point of sending it down south?
12:03.49gordonjcpbluregard: "a secure off-site backup"
12:04.04gordonjcpoh, and orders from on high at the parent company is that absolutely no super-secret confidential material like customer radio frequencies must ever leave the premises
12:04.18gordonjcpso, no taking the backup tapes home for safekeeping
12:04.38bluregardwhat kind of radios are these?
12:04.46gordonjcptries not to subconsciously look at where the USB hard disk is stashed
12:05.02gordonjcpbluregard: a mixture, all PMR stuff but various makes and models going back 20 years ;-)
12:05.21bluregardno I mean what are they used for
12:05.50gordonjcpall kinds of things, we have shopping centres, a couple of oil refineries, whisky distilleries, all kinds
12:08.03bluregardlike 2-way kinda thing
12:08.03gordonjcpunfortunately we have a paranoid litigation-fearing American parent company that doesn't understand a) UK law regarding the DPA, b) Scottish law regarding the DPA
12:08.03gordonjcpand the various UK and Scottish laws regarding things like corporate responsibility
12:08.03bluregardyou mean there are american companies that aren't paranoid and litigation-fearing?
12:08.03gordonjcpme, I do what I've done for the past 20-odd years when faced with boneheaded corporate policies
12:08.03bluregardlol, ignore them?
12:08.03gordonjcpI lie, cheat, and misappropriate data
12:08.03gordonjcpand then on the odd occasion when it all collapses in a great steaming pile I magically pull the backups out of my backside
12:08.09gordonjcpand we're all up and running again in an hour
12:08.14bluregardI friggen' hate the corporate mentality.
12:08.27gordonjcpand nobody gets to ask how the trick was done
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12:09.24gordonjcpbluregard: yeah
12:10.07bluregardI've been doing intrusion detection for the last few years, so I really get a good look into just how paranoid companies can be.  Mostly directed completely in the wrong direction.
12:10.15gordonjcpbluregard: yeah
12:10.37gordonjcpbluregard: I used to work for a large computer company in Scotland
12:12.21gordonjcpbluregard: they had all manner of door entry systems relying on magstripe cards, that locked down various parts of the building after 7pm - when a lot of the tech support people were still working
12:12.21bluregardthat's funny.  I was just watching old Saturday NIght Live episodes with Mike Myers doing the Everything Scottish.  "If its not Scottish its CRAP!".
12:12.21gordonjcpand crucially they locked down the areas where the machines that topped up your coffee machine payment cards were
12:12.21gordonjcpbluregard: well this was an International company you see
12:12.24gordonjcprather focused on Machines intended for Business
12:13.04gordonjcpso it turns out that while us lowly senior support engineers could barely get in and out of the call centre after hours, the cleaners could go anywhere
12:13.55gordonjcpso one of the cleaners was a friendly chatty guy with not much to do of an evening, and when I was fiddling with a magstripe reader we were talking away
12:14.23gordonjcp"here, let me show you, all it stores is your payroll number - pass me your card a sec"
12:14.46gordonjcp"see?  That'll be what's on your payslip, look, mine's the same there and there"
12:14.53gordonjcponce he's buggered off
12:14.58gordonjcpout comes the card *writer*
12:15.23gordonjcpand an expired Costco card
12:15.55bluregardgood to know I'm not the only one to do devious stuff at the office
12:18.00p3nguinbluregard: Are you 'round Chicago?
12:18.00bluregardwe had this guy that was a real pain in the ass and used to use this red sharpy for everything he did.  So for about 2 months I would go and replace the red ink stick with one out of a black sharpy.  He'd get so pissed off and had no idea why.
12:18.00bluregardp3nguin: i am
12:18.00gordonjcpIdiotic Bumbling Morons also had an asinine password policy
12:18.13p3nguinThought so.  I'm about 300 miles south of you.
12:18.14gordonjcpeight characters *only*, alphanumeric *only*
12:18.28bluregardp3nguin: where about?
12:18.51p3nguinAre you familiar with any of south central IL?
12:18.54gordonjcpfirst two and last character must be alphabetic, one of them must be capital, and the middle five must include two digits
12:19.20bluregardp3nguin: somewhat.  I had a bunch of friends that went to ISU and UofI.
12:19.26gordonjcpI can't remember all of the totally arbitrary rules but I did work out on one quiet boring Sunday that they'd brought their password keyspace down to a couple of thousand valid passwords
12:19.57bluregardyeah, I've seen password policies that'd make you cry
12:20.31gordonjcpheh, chicago, you guys are all so far south ;-)
12:20.33bluregardand in places where you'd think security would be a top priority.  Like banks.
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12:21.44gordonjcpbluregard: yes
12:22.06gordonjcpwell expecting people to remember a line of alphabet soup is just going to make them write the password down...
12:23.35gordonjcphm, you guys must be over 1000 miles south of me ;-)
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12:27.00bluregardI'm gonna switch machines
12:27.22p3nguinWhere are you?
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12:28.26bluregardoh iMac how I've missed thee
12:29.56bluregardmy Wife's power supply went out on her machine so she's been playing WoW on mine.
12:33.33p3nguinI'm on and I have no clue what I'm looking for here.
12:33.35bluregardp3nguin: so where in southern IL are you?
12:33.48bluregardp3nguin: you want JunOS?
12:34.20gordonjcpp3nguin: me? NW Scotland
12:34.52gordonjcphm, half an hour ago I could see the hills behind my house and I thought "what a nice day, I think I'll walk to the pub for lunch"
12:35.07gordonjcpright now I can barely see my back fence
12:35.08p3nguinFamiliar with Mt. Vernon, Salem, Effingham, Vandalia?
12:35.34bluregardp3nguin: Mt. Vernon kinda
12:35.43gordonjcpthere *is* a Mt. Vernon near me, but I suspect it's a different one ;-)
12:35.45bluregardand I've heard of Salem and Effingham.
12:35.49p3nguinI'm right by Mt. Vernon.
12:37.39p3nguinK, I've gone to the software tab, but nothing indicates it is made for PC.
12:38.16bluregardthey're not.  you just run the JunOS you would on a router on your PC
12:38.34bluregardhang on, I have a great pdf that goes through the whole process.
12:40.11gordonjcpp3nguin: the Junos hardware is essentially a rackmount PC with a bloody great big FPGA on a PCI card
12:40.21gordonjcpthe FPGA does all the switching magic in hardware
12:41.22bluregardp3nguin: I can't find the pdf, I think  its on my laptop.  But should get you started.
12:44.18p3nguinThe only Juniper products I'm at all familiar with are like the SSG 5 and NetScreen 5GT.
12:44.52bluregardyeah, that's what I started on.  NS 5GT
12:45.21bluregardI have one around here somewhere, but its running ScreenOS, not JunOS.  I think it supports it though.
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13:04.22p3nguinI guess I had the wrong idea about junos.  I thought it would be either an image to drop onto some form of flash memory or have some type of installer to install to hard drive... either of which would be a bare-metal OS.
13:04.56bluregardI think there's a way to do that.  you need a bootloader
13:14.50davlefouhi 2,
13:14.56davlefoui need some help!
13:15.41davlefouI start with asterisk but something seems me strangs, when create iax.conf users, i need to have some sip.conf users!
13:16.05bluregardhow so?
13:16.06p3nguinYeah?  That's not a problem.
13:16.15davlefouAnd in extension.conf, i have to route the sip users tout user the iax users!
13:16.23p3nguinIf you don't use SIP phones, you don't need to create SIP peers.
13:16.42davlefouno, i users iax users with sflphone!
13:16.42p3nguinDo you have SIP phones?
13:17.00davlefoui don't have!
13:17.06p3nguinThen forget about sip.conf.
13:17.15p3nguinYou don't use sip.conf to create IAX2 peers.
13:17.42bluregardthen in extensions.conf you use Dial(IAX2/username/${EXTEN}...)
13:17.48davlefouBut when i erase sip.conf users, it don't work!
13:18.04p3nguinWhat you're saying isn't making sense.
13:18.11p3nguinsip.conf has nothing to do with iax.
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13:18.28davlefoup3nguin: it s my opinion to!
13:18.36fromolhi guys , i have problem like this guy
13:18.38p3nguinIt's not an opinion.
13:18.47fromolhow i can fix it?
13:20.29bluregarddavlefou: are you useing the sample configs?
13:20.49davlefoubluregard: can you explain me, i only write this : exten => 202, 1, Dial(IAX2/david)
13:21.10davlefoubluregard: i follow tutorial!
13:21.15davlefouI try!
13:21.17infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
13:21.24bluregardand what response do you get when you dial ext 202?
13:21.34p3nguinAre those spaces valid?
13:22.09p3nguinDid you create a peer in iax.conf by the name of david?
13:22.34p3nguinWhat phone are you using to dial extension 202?
13:23.00davlefouslfphone said me, 503, unvailble, and cli that : [Dec  4 14:22:37] WARNING[3248]: app_dial.c:2218 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 20 - Unknown)
13:23.07p3nguinSo many questions, so few appropriate responses.
13:23.19p3nguin(0722.09) <p3nguin> Did you create a peer in iax.conf by the name of david?
13:24.06bluregardpastebin your iax.conf and extensions.conf
13:24.08p3nguinIt is unable to create the channel because there is no iax device registered by the name of david.
13:26.24p3nguinThe mailbox values are surely incorrect here.
13:26.45p3nguinAnd the callerid values are invalid.
13:26.57p3nguinThere are no quotes in the callerid field.
13:27.07p3nguinbut you have quotes.
13:27.35p3nguinShould be callerid=David Bieder <202>
13:27.52davlefouand for the mailbox?
13:27.57bluregardhow about extensions.conf?
13:28.10p3nguinmailbox is whatever you have configured in voicemail.conf.
13:28.12bluregardmailbox is for your voicemail box
13:28.14p3nguinIt's the voice mail box.
13:28.36p3nguinTypically something like 202@default
13:28.53p3nguin(but it has to be configured in voicemail.conf for it to work)
13:29.32bluregardyou need to get rid of those spaces
13:30.19davlefoubluregard: please?
13:30.39p3nguinexten => 202,1,Dial(IAX2/david)
13:30.40bluregardplease what?
13:30.44p3nguinnot exten => 202, 1, Dial(IAX2/david)
13:31.00davlefouexplain, i am not an native english!
13:31.13bluregardp3nguin just showed you
13:31.24p3nguinAnd I also told you why the call failed.
13:31.31p3nguin(0724.08) <p3nguin> It is unable to create the channel because there is no iax device registered by the name of david.
13:31.38bluregardthen from the console do core reload
13:31.49p3nguinHow about dialplan reload?
13:31.56bluregardthat won
13:32.02davlefoui had color, it seems better!
13:32.02bluregardwon't reload iax.conf
13:32.17p3nguinbut iax2 reload will
13:33.04bluregardas will reloading the whole thing.
13:33.05p3nguinUntil you get your phone registered, you won't be able to call it.  What have you done to try to configure the phone?
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13:40.20bluregardwtf is a netsplit?
13:41.07p3nguinIt's when a server becomes unlinked from the rest of the network.
13:42.30p3nguinSay I connect to the network via serverB and you connected on serverA.  They are linked, so we see each other.  If they split, I'll be in my own little world and you'll be in yours.  Eventually, they will come back together again and we'll see each other again.
13:43.46bluregardyeah, that's what I figured.  Kinda pointless for IRC though.
13:44.20bluregardI don't know the down and dirty details of how IRC works though
13:44.30p3nguinWhat's pointless?
13:44.57bluregardhaving servers online but disconnected from the rest of the freenode network
13:45.16p3nguinEveryone connected to any server on that US hub that will be restarting is going to be gone from the rest of the network.
13:45.36bluregardthat's my point
13:45.38p3nguinIt's not a desired behavior to be split.  It's a bad thing.
13:45.47p3nguinIt's something that happens.
13:46.37bluregardI know, that's what I'm saying.  If there's going to be a netsplit why not just take those servers offline or disallow connections to them.

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