IRC log for #asterisk on 20111202

00:00.02SeRip3nguin: ping
00:01.12*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (~quassel@
00:03.03SeRifucking sick!
00:03.07SeRiI was there once :(
00:04.03p3nguinI'm tellin' ya, I just need to reboot the router and restart networking a few more times and I'll be over 100.  :)
00:06.39SeRihow is that making a difference?
00:07.46p3nguinIt isn't.  It's a joke.
00:08.13SeRiYou are convincing!
00:08.13_N1X_ < ? >
00:08.18_N1X_85.75 M
00:08.18SeRiwell shit let me try and reboot my router
00:09.38SeRi :(
00:10.11p3nguinAt least you're faster than 77% of the US.
00:10.26p3nguinIt's not as fast as my 93%, but still not bad.
00:11.37SeRiYea now that I sont have extream ya want to show off!
00:12.11p3nguinWhen did you downgrade?
00:12.27SeRileate last month.
00:12.34SeRiIt is worthless in comcast
00:12.54SeRiour line have caps so why the fuck do I need to pay over 150 dollars for bandwith I cant use
00:13.00mircoHey guy's I need a hand with asterisk-gui: "The GUI does not have necessary privileges. Please check the manager permissions for the user !" But manager and http.conf seem to be fine..
00:13.26p3nguinWe don't support the Asterisk GUI here.
00:13.36p3nguinTry #asterisk-gui
00:13.42WIMPymirco: #asterisk-gui
00:13.42mircop3nguin: thx
00:13.56WIMPyI told you before.
00:13.58mircoWIMPy: thx to you too
00:14.29mircoas I said I didn't expect it to be something external… :-(
00:16.44SeRip3nguin: * is now all ok?
00:16.54p3nguinHow would I know?
00:17.02*** join/#asterisk _r33dtard (~r33dtard@gateway/tor-sasl/r33dtard)
00:17.08SeRino more drops.... :/
00:17.53p3nguinNot since the last time you asked.
00:18.08SeRip3nguin: Thats what I meant.... If your issues of calls been drop has not presented it self...
00:18.17SeRiI havent.
00:18.23p3nguinHaven't had any calls since the last time you asked.
00:18.55p3nguinAsk again in two days for an accurate answer.
00:19.19SeRi:/ ok :/ lol
00:19.25*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:20.11SeRip3nguin: so you all ways had those speeds and you didnt know about it?
00:20.31p3nguinThe last time I checked my speed, it was around 60 Mbit.
00:20.47p3nguinFor several weeks (at least), my shit has been feeling very slow.
00:21.20*** join/#asterisk mnicholson (~mnicholso@nat/digium/x-aewxovuztlpdmeeu)
00:21.20*** mode/#asterisk [+o mnicholson] by ChanServ
00:21.34p3nguinIt was never enough of a problem until today to try to fix it.
00:22.06SeRio wow.... nice speeds man even at 60Mbps
00:22.16SeRibusiness line?
00:22.20p3nguinI didn't know we could get over 60.
00:22.33p3nguinNo, business class is too expensive for crap service.
00:23.04SeRisame here in comcastic land
00:23.28p3nguinThe only advantage is you get priority in the event of an outage.
00:23.44p3nguinBut if there's an outage that affects me, they are going to work on it quickly anyway.
00:23.58SeRiI am in no need of that service...
00:24.01SeRirofl I bet
00:24.16p3nguinThey don't like to have outages.
00:24.30SeRicomcas loves them
00:25.28p3nguinWhile I wait on the results of my network changes and dropping calls, I'd like to make sure I have a good shaper policy.  Do you think 24% to IAX2, 24% to SIP, 24% to RTP, and 24% to default (everything else) is sensible?
00:26.02p3nguinI'm allowing 2Mbit out of my actual 3Mbit upload.
00:26.15SeRi24% is more than enough. Make sure your prioritys are set correctly and you should be golden
00:26.38SeRiI have mine set a 15% and 20% max
00:26.39p3nguinI could probably go up to 2.50Mbit or even more without a problem, but I figured 2.00 was good enough.
00:26.49SeRiindeed is.
00:27.01p3nguinI don't see any way to set priorities.
00:27.38SeRiooo ok.
00:27.50p3nguinIt's just a shaper, not QoS.
00:28.04SeRiyes for got about that.
00:28.18SeRis/for got/forgot/
00:29.31p3nguinWhen I was researching how to configure it, I kept running across things for vyatta referring to qos policy or something, but my version does not have that, it only has traffic-policy.  I don't know if that's something the subscription version has or if it was something in a previous version.
00:29.31SeRiCan't connect to IMAP4 server: imap.mail.r*****
00:30.06SeRiI am sure it must be for the paid version....
00:30.25SeRip3nguin: one sec. I brb.
00:33.03*** join/#asterisk tompaw (
00:33.56p3nguinI think this shaper policy should be reasonable, but I just don't know.
00:34.11wcselbywow, forgot this was open
00:34.14wcselbyo/ later all
00:34.31*** join/#asterisk radic (
00:34.56*** join/#asterisk mirco (
00:35.09*** join/#asterisk master_of_master (
00:43.06dijibp3nguin: did you eva figure out that mixmon audio sync. not sure if still having it, but my shaping izza shaping
00:43.46SeRiok back
00:43.51SeRiwaz up dijib
00:45.12p3nguinThe last time I checked, it was still out of sync.
00:45.17SeRip3nguin: Class Based Queueing is a classful qdisc that implements a rich linksharing hierarchy of classes. It contains shaping elements as well as prioritizing capabilities
00:45.35SeRiso you can use priority's
00:45.51SeRiYes Sr!
00:46.00dijibhey all
00:46.12p3nguinWe don't use an apostrophe to make words plural.
00:46.57SeRiYes Sr.
00:47.01SeRiwaz up dijib
00:47.02p3nguinFor priority settings, I will have to look at what traffic-policy offers.
00:47.09dijibwhats up Fro
00:47.18SeRip3nguin: I see.
00:47.36dijibim using prioritiez
00:47.47dijibyes i know
00:48.02dijibmy head hurts.
00:48.14dijibwhy must the legal system continually be a joke
00:48.25dijibuse computers nimrods
00:49.25p3nguinOh, it does have a priority setting.
00:49.40SeRip3nguin: Is it "class"?
00:49.54p3nguinset traffic-policy shaper VoIP-out class 20 priority
00:49.55p3nguinPossible completions: <0-7>         Priority order for bandwidth pool
00:50.04SeRiah. nice
00:50.29p3nguinNow I need to think about setting some priority.
00:50.33SeRiThe higher the better. I have mine set at 7
00:50.37dijibwhat are you using? your appliance
00:50.54dijibmines the other way. lower, is higher priority
00:51.15WIMPyis with dijib
00:51.44p3nguinShould IAX2, SIP, and RTP all have the same priority?
00:51.58SeRiYes. That should be ok
00:52.05dijibno clue.
00:52.12dijibrtp should be more?
00:52.16SeRieverything else in the queue's could have lower priority
00:52.22SeRistuff you dont care for...
00:52.37SeRidijib: 7 is the highest
00:52.49dijib0 is highest
00:53.00dijibfor my non vyetta, lincoln
00:53.28dijibtraffic control
00:53.29SeRip3nguin: maybe yours is set the same way since it uses tc... not sure. I know on bsd 7 is highest
00:53.40p3nguinFor now, everything is fair-queue.  Since it is dedicated to my asterisk system, I think it is okay to not use priority.
00:53.42dijiband come to think of it, i should be producing a backup box.
00:53.51dijibi mean another backup box.
00:54.01SeRip3nguin: +1 I agree. if its the only device in that segment
00:54.19p3nguinIt is the only system using that router as a gateway.
00:54.28dijibmy script still spits out warnings everywhere but its working well from what i can tell.
00:54.32SeRiYou should be ok.
00:54.35WIMPyThere are implied priorities.
00:54.42SeRidijib: LOL
00:55.03dijibsrsly dude
00:55.08dijibshit works,
00:55.14p3nguinBut eventually, this topology will change and everything will use the vyatta as a gateway.  At that point, I may have to look at priorities a little closer.
00:55.15SeRiI dont doubt you.
00:55.18dijibor poop was it
00:55.35SeRip3nguin: I see.
00:55.40p3nguinpoop shaper
00:55.48dijibyeh that was it
00:55.50SeRishit shaper
00:56.22p3nguinI will eliminate a router which is sucking up power.
00:56.28p3nguinover 110 Watts.
00:56.32WIMPyJust imagine putting nozzels up your ass.
00:56.38p3nguinThe Vyatta uses 22 Watts.
00:56.45SeRip3nguin: nice
00:56.52dijibyou actually have the appliance?
00:56.57SeRiMy asterisk uses 12v :P
00:57.01dijibi figured you were just running their soft.
00:57.03p3nguinMine, too.
00:57.10SeRip3nguin: Nice!
00:57.12dijibyeah but thats not consumption seri
00:57.20WIMPyYes. Network equipment is evil. That's why I replaced the switch with a quad HME.
00:57.28SeRid00d trust me it does not go over 12v
00:57.42p3nguinBoth the asterisk and vyatta boxes are 12V.
00:57.49dijibthats just voltage of v x amps = watts was that the math?
00:58.00p3nguinI have not measured the usage of the asterisk box, but I did on the other.
00:58.02SeRiits a 12v embedded system
00:58.09SeRimax 1.2amps
00:58.14SeRiif I am not mistaken
00:58.26SeRidijib: I know
00:58.34SeRiwhat I mean is that the system it self is 12v
00:58.47dijib12.4 watts?
00:58.58p3nguinCould be!
00:59.01SeRiI know that it runs the watts over comsumption time
00:59.19SeRimessuring devices like that is stupid ebcause everything comsumes electricity
00:59.25dijibWatts is a unit of power having the dimensions (energy per unit time)
00:59.30WIMPyDo they share a PSU?
00:59.30dijibM L2 / T2 divided by T = M L 2 / T 3
01:00.15p3nguinI have two separate systems, so no they don't share a PSU.
01:00.41SeRip3nguin: you built them correct?
01:00.48p3nguinHP did
01:00.53SeRiah there hp.
01:00.54WIMPyOne large PSU uses less power than several small ones.
01:01.19dijibWIMPy: i hear that
01:01.37dijibespacially if you have battery banks and generation solution
01:02.20WIMPyI saved some power just bu connecting the wifi AP to the PC instead of using the dedicated PSU.
01:02.33dijiband nuclear silo's, they help too
01:02.37WIMPyAnd my LED lighting is also connected to the PC.
01:02.45p3nguinnot "silo is"
01:04.02dijibi would think the plural is a thing, has a plural using 's
01:04.18dijibi know that made no sense
01:04.24dijibok like silo is a thing
01:04.27p3nguinYou don't us apostrophe for making something plural.
01:04.29dijib2 silo's
01:04.31dijibis thus
01:04.36p3nguintwo silos
01:04.52dijibnot thinking so
01:04.53p3nguinApostrophes are for possession and contractions.
01:05.18dijibyou a prof or something, how can you pull that out like that?
01:05.20p3nguinthe silo's walls
01:05.46p3nguinThe silos are for shaping shit.
01:05.54SeRiWIMPy: did you see my question?
01:06.02dijibdude my shit shaper is shapin shit just fine thank you
01:06.03WIMPyPlural is not a contraction, either.
01:06.18WIMPyBut it can be a condition if it's about your personality.
01:06.33p3nguinone silo's thing
01:06.38p3nguintwo silos' things
01:06.46dijibtoo greek for me dude
01:06.52p3nguinIt's English.
01:06.57coppiceWIMPy: many of the current generation of small PSUs are extremely efficient, although older ones can be pretty poor
01:07.03WIMPySeRi: Yes. That's why I connect everything I can to the PC.
01:07.22SeRiOk. Than I am good.
01:07.42WIMPycoppice: Yes, but the statement remains true none the less.
01:08.30coppiceno it doesn't. few PC PSUs are much above 80% efficient. 90+ is common for small wall warts now
01:08.37WIMPyAnd non-switching PSUs should definitely be avoided.
01:08.56p3nguinMy 12V bricks are very similar and the CPUs are similar, so I'd estimate the consumption of those two systems to be near the same if not equal.
01:09.15WIMPyI didn't say PC PSU are the best. Just that a big one is better than several small ones.
01:09.41p3nguinActually, I think the CPUs are exactly the same.
01:09.47WIMPyPC stuff generelly tends to be cheap and inefficient.
01:10.57dijibwhy are they bricks?!?! jtag
01:11.12dijiboh power bricks
01:11.15dijibnot following
01:11.16SeRibrick = psu
01:11.25p3nguinBoth are VIA Nehemiah CentaurHauls 800 MHz.
01:12.01p3nguinJust two.
01:12.03WIMPyYou can get the PC inside the PSU, like the SheevaPlugs, etc..
01:12.25dijibdude, rasberrypi
01:12.28dijibseen it?
01:13.01WIMPyLots of nice hardware comming up.
01:13.08dijibcould handle small asterisk deployments
01:13.16WIMPyBeagleboard, etc.
01:13.47WIMPyThey're just missing interfaces.
01:19.03dijibanybody else cold?
01:20.42SeRisynology nas are cool.
01:21.07dijibok so i use for text2speech but the text2wave is brutal
01:21.19dijibso how do i go about getting what was it swift?
01:22.34p3nguin4 C over here.
01:23.03p3nguinIt will be 0 before the night is over.
01:23.20p3nguinNot yet.
01:23.32dijibwe got about 8 inches the other night
01:23.44dijibstill sticking around.
01:23.50dijibnot happy about it
01:24.22WIMPylikes snow, but we are at a warm 6.6°C here.
01:24.31dijibso when installing cepstral voices what version do i download?
01:24.40dijibfor the asterisk box?
01:25.23p3nguinUse. Your. Package. Manager.
01:28.46dijibyour mean.
01:28.57dijibyou know the packet manager doesnt have cepstral
01:29.01dijibdoes it?
01:29.05dijibi doubt it
01:29.18dijibim downloading and building, but do i have to compile allison.
01:29.18WIMPyBe your own package manager.
01:29.38dijiblibraries man libraries
01:29.50p3nguinIf they don't offer an RPM, build your own.
01:30.03dijibive attempted to build * b4 and had issue being my own manager
01:30.18dijibif they dont. what about just skip to build your own?
01:31.08dijibwait you can have dog voices?
01:31.26p3nguinIn the install instructions, just replace "make install" with "checkinstall"
01:32.13p3nguinThat's the n00b's way to build a package.
01:32.27dijibwhats it dO?
01:32.30p3nguinThen you can manage it correctly with your package manager.
01:33.01dijibwhats the non noob way to install?
01:33.45p3nguinNon-noob way?  Write your own srpm.
01:34.04p3nguinIt's not that hard, but you'll never be able to do it.
01:34.16dijibi think your right
01:34.21p3nguinnot my left?
01:34.35dijibi think your tuesday actually p3nguin
01:34.52p3nguinToday is my Thursday, though.
01:35.06dijibi think this thursdays mine
01:35.12dijibbut apparently not, its yours
01:35.13p3nguinI'll get the next one
01:35.18dijibim actually really mad at this day
01:35.25dijibthis fucking cunttree is a joke
01:35.26p3nguinSlap it around a bit.
01:35.32dijibthe wife?
01:35.46dijibfucking day
01:35.55dijib1st of fuck you december '11
01:36.20dijibnot a good day
01:36.36dijibcome to my rescue alison
01:36.48dijibbring something good to this day
01:37.01SeRidijib: conf?
01:37.14dijibi guess
01:37.21dijibi should move to the back office
01:37.30dijiband i should also call that the back oriface
01:37.35dijibbecause technically
01:37.37dijibits one
01:38.11dijibcrap i didnt screen my terminal
01:38.15SeRino stress if you are bussy
01:38.19dijibim finding screen pretty invaluble
01:38.31dijibim not but im going to move the workstation
01:38.34dijib" "
01:38.40dijibin 93s
01:38.45dijibwaiting for this download to finish
01:39.03dijibi see you
01:39.06p3nguinGoing backward?
01:39.10WIMPyIt will abort at 99% anyway.
01:39.22dijib.54 SeRi
01:39.54dijibhow did you stop MOH?
01:39.55p3nguinI'd rather use dtach for a lot of things many people use screen for.
01:40.06dijibdtach ive never heard of
01:40.17p3nguinyum -y install dtach
01:40.22p3nguinman dtach
01:41.18SeRio wow they where here ^^
01:41.24*** join/#asterisk woleium (
01:41.37p3nguinSomeone called TheCops.
01:41.52SeRidijib: did you call them?
01:41.57p3nguinFortunately for dijib, TheCops left.
01:42.06dijibk going to the back, brb
01:44.01SeRip3nguin: you busy?
01:47.36p3nguinonly a little.
01:47.37dijibseri did you leave?
01:47.49SeRidijib: yes one sec
01:47.53dijibi might have called the cops
01:47.55SeRiill be there in 2min
01:48.12dijibit better fucking warm up in here.. i think i need a baseboard heater
01:48.42WIMPyThat's what happens if you reduce the electrical heating.
01:49.40dijibits go a gas outlet but i would have to keep this door open for the system to know where
01:53.24*** join/#asterisk TheCops (~mdb@
01:55.03SeRiTheCops: are back!
01:55.39*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:56.46WIMPyAs soo as TheCops are back, you get fisted.
01:58.56_N1X_please i need to setup dial plan  for trunk001 in context001  with prefix 99|.
01:59.02_N1X_how to do it !
02:00.31p3nguinGood luck dialing a pipeline/vertical bar from your keypad.
02:03.32[TK]D-Fender_N1X_: #freepbx <-
02:03.51[TK]D-Fender_N1X_: And stop hand editing the config files.
02:10.16*** join/#asterisk rpluto (
02:12.36*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
02:18.37p3nguinHmm, that's a first.  I just saw an iPod Touch commercial on TV.
02:19.35rplutoi never see in my country apple ads
02:19.41rplutoon tv
02:19.52SeRiseriously? I see them all the time.... well they stop for a while...
02:20.04p3nguinI see iPhone all the time, but never an iPod Touch one.
02:20.06[TK]D-FenderI've been broadcast TV free for over 6 years now.... The few times I see commercials now I straigt-up cringe...
02:20.58rplutobut truth to be told, i dont  i see lot of tv, only series and movies
02:21.14jayteecringing can cause arterial sclerosis
02:21.22*** join/#asterisk cbwest (~cbwest@nat/cisco/x-alaqywgzsetvozjq)
02:21.23p3nguinHey, look!  It's that Cisco guy, cbwest, again.
02:22.13*** join/#asterisk master_of_master (
02:22.54s[X]ahoi SeRi and [TK]D-Fender
02:23.06SeRis[X]: hola!
02:23.40rplutoi need some alcatel guy to make me clear how i can integrate my asterisk sip with the old pbx
02:24.06p3nguinDoes the legacy PBX support SIP?
02:24.25rplutowith cisco its everything easy
02:24.39rplutobecause u have products for everything
02:25.21rplutop3nguin: right now i have one voip card for 8 channels
02:25.27rplutomaby is on sip
02:25.48rplutobut i can find configurations for
02:26.38s[X]rpluto: how old is it ?
02:26.56rplutothe pbx, is recent
02:27.03rpluto3 for years
02:27.16rpluto3 / 4 years
02:27.40p3nguin3/4?  Is that .75 year?
02:28.22s[X]3 or 4 years i think he means
02:31.30rplutoyes 3 or 4
02:32.05rplutois a Alcatel OmniPCX with firmware i think
02:35.01rplutoi want virtualized asterix, because i dont need fxo or fxs i need direct connection to the pbx and make it works, its a interesting project
02:36.04rplutoand after that have the possibilitie to have sip:email to the ext of the coloborator
02:36.11rplutowith that email
02:36.32rplutooffice extension or mobile extension
02:38.09*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
02:40.08SeRidijib: you cut off?
02:48.40SedoroxOK... so... I've used asterisk for probably 6-7 years now... and I love it.. it's awesome.. and I finally got the chance to do a VoIP Deployment for a company, and I picked Switchvox... so far it's Freaking Awesome!
02:49.40p3nguinIs that the Digium appliance?
02:51.00rplutoSedorox: ist possible to integrade with old things
02:51.04dijibp3nguin: how can i load app_swift
02:51.14dijibits not in module show
02:51.17*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
02:51.20Sedoroxrpluto: eh?
02:51.39p3nguinIf you loaded it, it would be in module show.
02:51.58rplutoold pbx Sedorox
02:52.06dijibi did module reload, it: install -m 755 /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
02:52.31Sedoroxrpluto: you mean to integrate with the old PBX system? so your running both?
02:52.51p3nguinWhy would you run "module reload"?
02:53.06rplutoyes. to use old phone and other things
02:53.13p3nguinInstall the module.  Load the module.
02:53.41rplutobut give the possibitie to the new ipbx features
02:54.28SedoroxI know you can, and I looked into it.. but in this instance.. they want to get rid of the old PBX (Nortel NorStar system that is dying slowly), so we're going to do a full swapout over a weekend
02:54.50Sedoroxthat and to do the integration, woudl have ment buying other cards for the nortel system, and not worth it when they are switching out
02:55.32rplutoya that is a good thing but i cant do that no money for that
02:56.14Sedoroxhehe yea, I was lucky.. 15 hardwire phones, 25 extensions total..  so in the scheme of things it wasn't too bad
02:56.14rplutoi need to study the best solution for that with the minimum investment
02:56.19Sedoroxand they had the money too :p
02:56.47rplutoehehe i am talking about 100 phones
02:57.01Sedoroxrpluto: oh, did you ask if it was possible to integrate? I thought you said "it is possible", not  in the question form
02:57.08rpluto2 gsm gateways
02:58.00Sedoroxthe best way to integrate would be a T1 trunk
02:58.01rplutoyes is possible, but i need to do for my self, not money to use
02:58.05SedoroxI would think
02:59.07rplutoand some configurations on old pbx i ask for support and only for that is lot of money to spend
02:59.52rplutot1 trunk u talk about bandwith?
03:00.30Sedoroxwell physical T1.. would give you 24 channels between the systems.. most will allow you to extend extensions over a T1 for system links
03:01.46rplutodont know the bandwith of a T1
03:02.36rplutobut onsite we have 1Gbit and between sites we have 4Mbit
03:03.18rplutoand all the site have 30/3 dwl upl internet
03:03.48rpluto30Mbit download 3Mbit upload
03:04.11rplutobut for evrything not only for voip
03:05.04Sedoroxhonestly it really depends on what your old system is, what you pick for the new one, and what your options are for interconnecting the two
03:05.42rplutowe will contact some asterisk or digium resaller or partner to help me with
03:06.30rplutosure, the old pbx is a alcatel OmniPCX
03:06.43rplutoin booth sites
03:06.59rplutowe have 2 of them
03:07.30Sedoroxah, not familar with it so I can't really help
03:08.11Sedoroxall I know is I'm impressed with what Digium has put together with the GUI and such... I know the configs fairly well, so it took me a bit to get familar with how they are doing things GUI wise.. but it's sweet
03:08.15SedoroxI'm impressed
03:08.38rplutono problem i am here to talk about this and get ideas or help someone in things i can help
03:09.30[TK]D-FenderSedorox: Which GUi are you referring to?
03:09.31rplutoSedorox: can u say the price for it
03:10.11rpluto[TK]D-Fender: possible Digium own GUI!!!
03:10.28rplutoto config the apliance
03:10.36[TK]D-Fenderrpluto: I'm asking for him to be specific in terms of which one he is referring to.
03:10.46[TK]D-FenderAlso depends on "which appliance"
03:11.08[TK]D-FenderThe old AA50 ran AsteriskGUI.  That one is just short of dead developmentally.
03:11.25[TK]D-FenderTheir paid commerical product, Switchvox, is another matter
03:11.50rplutois that one
03:12.19rpluto02:49 Sedorox  OK... so... I've used asterisk for probably 6-7 years now... and I love it.. it's awesome.. and I finally got the chance to do a VoIP Deployment for a company, and I picked Switchvox... so far it's Freaking Awesome!
03:13.35[TK]D-FenderOk, that used to be from a separate company then Digium bought them out.  It's closed and commercial... not sure what you can do with it compared to other solutions
03:13.51rplutosomeone knows one good companie for this jobs in north of portugal(porto)
03:15.47rplutome neither
03:17.47rplutopuzzled: thx
03:19.59Sedorox[TK]D-Fender: It's the Switchvox GUI.. as was pointed out, it's the commerical side of Digium.. and I know there's other solutions, but since this is consulting, and I'm not there full time, I wanted something with full support
03:20.20SedoroxThis is a SMB65 unit they got
03:21.06Sedoroxrpluto: I got the SMB65, 25 extensions, 15 phone packs, TDM800 (for 8 incoming analog lines), and 4 years extended support... was around $8.5k
03:21.10Sedoroxpriced through digium's website
03:21.17[TK]D-FenderSedorox: I just missed the line where you mentioned it.  I jsut saw "GUI" all over the conversation with a name.  Now it's clear
03:21.29rplutoSedorox: thx
03:22.52rplutosomeone have try or see lync festures?
03:22.54Sedoroxyea, I'm comfortable with just throwing plain Asterisk on a Linux box, but I wanted something that if I were to leave the area for a different job, or even now, they can click a few things and add an extension, or change settings, etc
03:24.13Sedoroxmy normal job is starting to deploy lync, but it doesn't have more then a handful of people (and isn't complete yet)
03:31.34dijibCLI> module show like app_swift
03:31.34dijibModule                         Description                              Use Count
03:31.37dijib0 modules loaded
03:32.00p3nguinDid you ever bother to load it?
03:32.11dijibbut its in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
03:32.17dijiband yes ive bothered
03:32.21p3nguinYeah?  So?
03:32.31p3nguinHaving the module does not make it a loaded module.
03:32.34dijibunable to load.
03:32.42dijibi realise
03:32.43p3nguinThen why would you expect module show to show it?
03:32.47dijibive tried to load.. its failing
03:32.51p3nguinThen why would you expect module show to show it?
03:33.01dijibbecuase i core restart now
03:33.21dijibhit it with a hammer
03:33.33dijibi had already tried to module load
03:33.53p3nguinAnd yet you still expect module show to show it.
03:34.07dijib:@ no i dont ok
03:34.16dijibpermissions are 755 on the file
03:34.26dijibdo i need to config swift.conf?
03:35.56*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
03:36.52*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
03:45.29SeRiwants a Raspberry Pi
03:46.06*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (
03:54.16SeRip3nguin: did you hit 100Mbps yet?
03:55.22p3nguinI think I still new a couple more reboots.
03:57.32SeRiI am still working at it.... I am not having the same results though :/
03:58.48SeRip3nguin: any low budget speaker phone that you recomend for the kids?
03:59.57SeRiI had a grandstream in there room and it died....
04:00.14infobot[grandstream] the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run...  Run away now.  Though, therealcircut says that they're not that bad.
04:00.51SeRiLOL I know but hey it was free and you cant say no to free :P
04:01.29SeRiI need it to be a sip phone so i can activate the speaker
04:01.35SeRiwith auto answer
04:01.52p3nguinOr an SCCP phone.
04:02.08infobot[sccp] Proprietary protocol used between Cisco Call Manager and Cisco VOIP phones. Also supported by some other vendors.  Also Signaling Connection Control Part (SCCP), a routing protocol in SS7 protocol suite in layer 4, provides end-to-end routing for TCAP messages to their proper database.
04:02.19*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (~BigEight@
04:02.50SeRiah I see. sounds expensive :/
04:08.37*** join/#asterisk AgroTemp (
04:09.05AgroTempI was writing a function in C for wait_for_digit, but when I try to return an array of char*, it won't work...
04:09.28AgroTempWhen I don't return anything, it works fine... but I need that array.
04:10.14p3nguinDo you want a phone with speakerphone, or do you want a conference phone?
04:10.28AgroTempI mean, returning the char* array works for stream_file, say_number, but it doesn't work when I try wait_for_digit
04:13.05AgroTempDoes anyone know why this is happening? The WAIT FOR DIGIT command doesn't even make it to Asterisk's buffer, but it hasn't even returned anything since then...
04:13.08SeRip3nguin: a phone with speaker
04:13.23p3nguinHow much do you want to spend?
04:14.50SeRip3nguin: well no more than 50 dollars.... I guess.... All I need is for the phone to auto answer so I can call them down stairs instead of having to shout
04:17.36p3nguinYou can get a Cisco 7940 or one of several Polycom devices for that price.
04:18.35SeRiReally? Where? The cheapest polycom I found was the 321 for 80.00
04:19.40*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
04:21.03p3nguinEbay... 330, 430, 321, 301, 501, and several soundstation conf phones... $50 or less.
04:22.54p3nguinToo bad you don't want a conference phone.
04:24.03SeRip3nguin: Is it worth it? would it work for what I need?
04:24.07SeRiIll but it now
04:24.11SeRiThats cheap as hell!
04:24.18SeRiI though it was more epensive!
04:25.00p3nguinIt's just a table-top conference phone.  It works like a regular phone, but it is a 360 degree speakerphone only.
04:25.24p3nguinYou call it and make calls from it just like a handset phone.
04:25.36SeRiwell sold.
04:25.44p3nguinYou may even be able to wall mount it.
04:26.27p3nguinSend it an auto-answer, and it'll be like a whole room intercom.
04:27.25*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
04:28.08SeRiI can send an auto answer to a phone via asterisk?
04:28.20p3nguinWell sure.
04:28.24p3nguinHow did you do it before?
04:28.33irrootSeRi ?? like itercom ?
04:28.41SeRithe phone had an option to just auto answer everything
04:29.08p3nguinYou can send a SIP header that tells the phone to answer.
04:29.16SeRibut if I can just do it vi asterisk even better!
04:29.33SeRiirroot: Its for the kids room
04:29.36p3nguinFor intercom, I just prefix the extension number with *00.
04:29.36SeRiirroot: Yes
04:29.53p3nguinSo if the extension for the phone is 123, I'd dial *00123 to make it an intercom.
04:29.58SeRip3nguin: so this polycom will work with asterisk?
04:30.03dijibyou could remotely yell at the kids
04:30.16SeRip3nguin: ok I jjust bought it
04:31.01irrootSeRi i did some ju-ju with the snom worked quite well was while back
04:31.19irrootaint done so on polycom
04:31.31p3nguinIt's just a SIP header to make it answer.
04:32.21p3nguinsame  => n(autoanswer),Set(_ALERT_INFO="RA");           This is for the Polycoms
04:32.26p3nguinsame  => n,Dial(${DEVICE});
04:32.52p3nguinsame  => n,SIPAddHeader(Call-Info: Answer-After=0);     This is for the Grandstream, Snoms, and Others
04:33.11dijibwhy would not load?
04:33.20p3nguinRA = Ring Answer
04:33.21dijibalso doesnt load
04:34.55irrootp3nguin i know on the snom you need to enable it in the phone explicitly or its ignored SeRi heads up may need to check the .cfg
04:35.07irrootdijib is app_fax loaded ??
04:35.19irrootwhat error it give
04:36.29SeRip3nguin: p3nguin msg me please
04:36.47dijibno its not
04:38.14irrootdijib modules.conf
04:38.54SeRiI just bought it
04:39.05SeRiif you go back to the seller is no longer avail :)
04:39.43SeRiI hope I can get the configs for it....
04:43.01p3nguinYou didn't check that before buying?
04:43.15SeRiI just tought about that right now :(
04:43.32p3nguinIf it doesn't work out, put it back on ebay.
04:44.10*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
04:44.23p3nguinOr talk the seller into cancelation.
04:45.05SeRiwell fuck looks like this are not sip :(
04:45.25p3nguinSoundStation isn't SIP?  Since when?
04:46.09SeRiI am reading something about DCP
04:46.31SeRiWall module is DCP Module (Digital Communications Protocol)
04:46.46p3nguinwhat the ...
04:47.51SeRiI have no clue :/
04:48.30p3nguinMaybe you should ask for cancelation.
04:49.27p3nguin"Oh nose!  I bought the bad phone!  Please undo!"
04:51.02dijibok why dont my .so's load?
04:51.26p3nguinIt's December 1, 2011.
04:51.39p3nguinTry again tomorrow.
04:52.15p3nguinI thought you told me earlier that today was a bad day and nothing was working out for you.
04:52.23dijiboh it was
04:55.09sawgoodWhen needing to send information from Asterisk to a SMS gateway (would using a TCP base d API be the better choice vs a http syntax method)?
04:55.53SeRip3nguin: so I can use the auto answer and the phone wont ring it would just activate?
04:56.26p3nguinI don't know if there's any ring at all, but when you send the correct SIP header, it auto answers.
04:56.47p3nguinOn my Ciscos, the ring before answer is configurable.
04:57.14irrootin the asterisk cli with debug  / verbose
04:57.23irrootmodule load
04:57.29irrootwhat error it show
04:57.46SeRiI contacted the seller I hope for two things... That he comes back and say. It does work with asterisk! or Sure no harm no foul here is your money back :)
04:57.54p3nguinDid you request an undo?
04:58.16p3nguinBeg, I guess.
04:58.26SeRiO yes I did
05:01.56SeRip3nguin: what you think?
05:02.16SeRip3nguin: I also looked at the sellers policie and he accepts returns within 7 days
05:02.26p3nguinline 33 = not right
05:02.29SeRiso maybe he would cancell...
05:02.40p3nguinYou're at 0 days, so I'd say so.
05:06.26SeRiThanks p3nguin!
05:07.25p3nguinTry it against your Polycom.
05:09.59SeRip3nguin: I will in a min
05:10.05SeRihave the brother on the phone now
05:10.49dijibcould anybody point me in the right direction for app_swift
05:11.08dijibive compiled, checked permissions, rechecked permissions, still wont load
05:11.49SeRi[TK]D-Fender: you around?
05:12.26SeRi[TK]D-Fender: You know anything about this conf phone?
05:14.51*** join/#asterisk _N1X_ (~z03r0c00l@
05:15.15_N1X_hello all
05:15.52vader--what is the average timeframe to port a number? I am using flowroute and attempting to port two numbers from verizon
05:16.12_N1X_how can i set the username:pass@provider in call file (auto dialing)
05:17.48*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
05:19.38p3nguinvader--: up to 3 weeks
05:19.50p3nguinUsually more like a week or less.
05:20.06p3nguinProbably 2-3 days.
05:20.15dijibhey p3nguin i just checked that sync issue i was having with the mixmon and its corrected itself
05:20.18dijibi dont know
05:20.39vader--will they tell you when it will cut over?
05:20.48vader--just trying to figure out for loss of service issues or what not
05:23.15p3nguinPreconfigure your system.  It'll just start working, and then you'll get an email saying it has completed.
05:28.50*** join/#asterisk WiretapSeven (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
05:31.00vader--is it me or do the polycom phone's interfaces seem weird
05:31.16vader--i just installed a few SoundPoint 335's and their interfaces were tricky
05:31.23vader--not intuitive
05:36.25SeRinut can be a pita!
05:36.31SeRiwell all working again
05:37.32SeRip3nguin: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
05:37.36SeRiIts cancelled!
05:37.54SeRihe said that I was right... no workie with sip :(
05:38.22p3nguinMaybe you should try for one of the 330s or something.
05:38.46p3nguinOr a SoundStation that has IP in the model number?
05:38.58SeRiyea he said he will send me a list of what supports sip that he sells
05:42.16p3nguinIf you search for polycom and set a price limit of $50, you'll see several phones.
05:44.09SeRiYea I just saw a 501 .... the only problem is 501 can not be wall mounted
05:45.56SeRithe 321 comes witha wall mount option
05:47.34SeRi <---- new in box?
05:50.03p3nguinThat's what it says.
05:50.10p3nguinYou're not going to get it for $50, though.
05:50.23p3nguinIt's already at 46 and has over three days left.
05:50.33p3nguinplus shipping.
05:53.46p3nguin"If you took this drug and suffered blood clots and died, call us right now."
05:54.37vader--i know you guys don't like freepbx questions, but with freepbx installed do you happen to know where the template for the voicemail email is?
05:55.05p3nguinSure.  #freepbx
05:55.17vader--hehe ya i know, i asked in there but no one seems to be around
05:55.26p3nguinSince, you know, we don't support FreePBX here, and all.
05:55.33vader--i know :-)
05:55.38vader--was worth a shot
05:56.07p3nguinWhen someone shows up there, they will answer you.
05:56.26p3nguinActually, you did get an answer.
05:56.34SeRip3nguin: I dial *001003 and the call failed with no such number in context phones
05:56.40vader--ya it's not in the gui
05:56.47*** join/#asterisk gajini (~root@
05:57.10p3nguinseri: You have internal included in phones?
05:57.14SeRip3nguin: to extension '*001003' rejected because extension not found in context 'phones'.
05:57.17SeRiYes I do
05:57.20p3nguinAnd you did dialplan reload?
05:57.46p3nguinWhat if you try *00 only?
05:58.06SeRione sec
05:58.58s[X]and boom goes the dynamite
05:59.00SeRip3nguin: that worked. I got a beep but no dial or auto answer
05:59.16p3nguinIf you enter 1003 after the beep, what happened?
05:59.47SeRiright when I dail 1 it hangs up
05:59.53SeRiit does not let me finish
06:00.10SeRiInvalid extension '1', but no rule 'i' or 'e' in context 'intercom'
06:00.59p3nguinVery weird.
06:02.05gajiniHi, I have configured PRI card with asterisk, Hw can i make dialplan to get dialtone if i press any prefix number?
06:03.57p3nguinWhat does "dialplan show *001003@internal" show you?
06:06.33p3nguinI guess you have an error in your dial plan.
06:07.37SeRion the context. everything else works :)
06:07.41p3nguinHere's mine:
06:09.56p3nguinedited, reload.
06:10.20SeRiI did the XXXX which is the only difference
06:10.55p3nguinAnd it doesn't work?
06:11.33SeRiexten => _*00XXXX,1,Goto(intercom,${EXTEN:3},1);
06:11.55SeRifails hard... lol well one sec
06:12.02p3nguinOkay, so if you entered *001003, it would go to 1003 in intercom.
06:14.00SeRip3nguin: ok typo
06:14.05SeRigot it now
06:14.10p3nguinYeah?  What did you typo?
06:14.19SeRimissed one X on intercom
06:14.38p3nguinYou see... I pasted EXACTLY what you needed.  All you have to do is COPY AND PASTE.
06:14.44p3nguinThere's no typo in a copy and paste.
06:14.57SeRisorry but it was yours and didnt work p3nguin
06:15.14SeRiI had to change it from _*00NXX
06:15.20SeRito _*00XXXX
06:15.27p3nguinI didn't give you NXX.
06:15.34SeRiyes you did.
06:15.40p3nguinNo, I didn't.
06:15.52p3nguinDid you look at  when I gave it to you?
06:17.15SeRiI copy pasta that
06:17.28p3nguinI don't think you did.
06:17.37p3nguinIf you did, you would not have had NXX in it.
06:18.03SeRiwell fuck.... lol maybe I confused it with another window... I did had all of them open
06:18.17p3nguinThat's what I gave you.
06:18.54*** join/#asterisk gurra (~gurra__@unaffiliated/gurra)
06:18.56SeRiwow I didnt see that p3nguin
06:19.06SeRiI guess you are right I didnt see that pb
06:19.28p3nguin(2302.26) <p3nguin> line 33 = not right
06:19.29p3nguin(2304.17) <p3nguin>
06:19.31p3nguin(2307.25) <p3nguin> Try it against your Polycom.
06:21.12SeRiahhh lol
06:21.32SeRiit works but it wont auto answer
06:21.38p3nguinNo auto answer?
06:21.53p3nguinYou may have to enable it in the phone, I'm not sure.
06:22.11SeRiok one sec
06:22.24p3nguinThere's also an older method:
06:22.34p3nguinSIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Ring Answer)
06:23.19p3nguinIt might be a good idea to consult voip-info on the matter.
06:23.30SeRiI found the option :)
06:25.01SeRinow this onlu auto answers if asterisk tells it to right?
06:25.56p3nguinAs far as I know, if you don't send the alert info, it won't auto answer.
06:26.55p3nguinSince I don't have any Polycom phones, I can't say with 100% certainty what does what and how it works.
06:27.35p3nguinAsk me about Cisco 7940/7960 with SCCP, and you'll get much more definitive answers.
06:27.41SeRigot me a new mouse today.... Logitech Performance MX
06:28.09*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
06:28.19SeRireplacing my old ass MX Revolution 1000
06:28.25p3nguinDial(${DEVICE}/aa=2wc)   <-- auto answer, 2-way, reject with congestion.
06:28.56p3nguinI don't even know what model my mouse is.
06:30.16p3nguinThat freepbx doc you referred to says no intercom...
06:30.33p3nguinWhy would paging work but intercom not work?
06:32.02SeRinot sure I sort of ignored it becuase I dont see why it wouldnt work
06:32.24p3nguinFor my phones, I can use 1w for paging and 2w for intercom.
06:32.31p3nguin1-way or 2-way
06:32.36[TK]D-FenderSeRi: that conf phone is a Lucent system Polycom.  Which should mean that it uses Lucent (Avaya) standard digital signalling and is unusable for most commodity gear
06:33.20SeRi[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for the info. I cancel the order and we are in route now to a new sip phone
06:34.06p3nguinAre you waiting for the phone to reboot with the new setting?
06:34.24SeRip3nguin: It did and did not worked
06:35.08p3nguinCallcentric is happy to announce that we have released an Android app.
06:35.18p3nguinScrew you, callcentric.  Screw you.
06:36.03SeRiI didnt even bother
06:37.22SeRicallcentric = next vonage
06:37.45p3nguinI'm starting to hate this D-Link phone.
06:38.03SeRioh oh.....
06:38.10p3nguinIt's offline more than it is online.  And when it's online, the battery goes dead all the damn time.
06:38.10*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:38.59SeRiok so it does not auto answer
06:39.16p3nguinAnd the guy basically lied on the listing.  Said brand new, never used, but when I got it, it had a password on the network profile and it had IP addresses in the SIP account.
06:39.37SeRiI hate that shit
06:40.01s[X]wants a nice SIP phone
06:44.23p3nguinI think a lot of people have that same wish list.
06:44.34[TK]D-FenderThe d-link and linksys Wifi phones.  Suck.  Hard.  ALL OF THEM
06:44.42s[X]yeah i wouldnt touch either of them
06:44.54s[X]I wanted to get a Cisco until someone shot them down
06:44.54p3nguinIt was cheap and I wanted to give it a try.
06:45.02[TK]D-FenderDo you feel dirty?
06:45.17[TK]D-FenderIt'll come :)
06:45.18p3nguinJust kind of ripped off a little.
06:45.33p3nguinI was looking for a 7925G, but I didn't want to spend that much on a phone I don't really need.
06:46.00[TK]D-FenderMight be better to get an Aastra w/ DECT
06:46.14*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@
06:46.21p3nguinI had to pass on a 7920G becaues they are only wirless B and don't do WPA2.
06:46.22[TK]D-FenderI use a top end model for my warehouse shipping manager
06:46.37[TK]D-FenderYeah, that blows
06:46.59p3nguinI'm not going to reduce my speeds and security just for a silly wifi phone.
06:47.03[TK]D-FenderAnd on that note... beed time...
06:47.08[TK]D-Fenderbed *
06:47.18[TK]D-Fender'Nite all
06:47.27s[X][TK]D-Fender, Own company ?
06:47.38[TK]D-Fenders[X]: ?
06:47.38s[X]Night [TK]D-Fender
06:47.41SeRip3nguin: I think I found the issue
06:47.54s[X]When you said warehouse shipping manager, i was just curious
06:48.07[TK]D-Fenders[X]: Oh, no, not my own company, just where I'm employed
06:48.18s[X]We are in e-commerce
06:48.20s[X]yourself ?
06:48.27[TK]D-Fenderthe range on the DECT handset is just kinda sick
06:48.48p3nguinIf I could find one for under $50, I'd consider it.
06:48.57[TK]D-Fenderat least a 60,000 sqft warehouse full of steel and concrete
06:49.03[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Yeah, tall order
06:49.09[TK]D-Fenderok, definitely out now...
06:49.24p3nguinThe ones I looked at started around $150-ish.
06:52.50kikohnlIt's nice to work for a Cisco partner, we just got some 7945G's < $150 each Not for Retail, internal use only
06:53.25kikohnlwork much better than the Polycom 560's
06:55.28SeRip3nguin: I fixed the auto answer
06:55.37p3nguinAnd the problem was...
06:55.56SeRisame  => n(autoanswer),SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Ring Answer); This is for the Polycoms
06:56.10p3nguinSo you needed the old method.
06:56.15SeRiYes Sr
06:56.31p3nguinMakes sense, considering it's an older phone.
06:56.35SeRiI did some research and appertnly the new method is not supported in old polycoms
06:56.46SeRip3nguin: indeed
06:56.56p3nguinThat's why I also told you about the old method.
06:57.16SeRiyes and thats why I went and consulted Dr.voip-infp
06:58.06SeRias you adviced
06:59.34p3nguinDoes it have 2-way audio when you intercom it?
07:00.37SeRiindeed very nice
07:01.18SeRiI could buy another 501 and tape the hand set and just use the speaker and buy the wall mount option at
07:01.41SeRilol getthoriged
07:01.52*** join/#asterisk xpot (
07:01.52p3nguinYou can't find an SoundStation IP something?
07:02.30SeRilet me try
07:02.50p3nguinEven an old Cisco conf phone, which is made by Polycom, would be okay.
07:02.59p3nguinLike a 7935 or something.
07:03.29p3nguinCisco IP Conference Station 7935
07:04.11p3nguinWHAT?!  1 new from $1,499.00  (
07:04.39p3nguinGood lord that's a lot of money.
07:04.48SeRi <---- thoughts?
07:06.23p3nguinYours says for parts not working.
07:07.49*** join/#asterisk mnicholson (~mnicholso@nat/digium/x-tlawacfyvfoiyzha)
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07:07.50SeRiah true
07:08.17p3nguinI'm also not sure if there is a SIP firmware for it.  It may only do SCCP.
07:08.22SeRimhhh for that much I can buy a new polycom 321..
07:08.43SeRiah fuck it.... Ill just buy the damn 321
07:14.32p3nguinI'd buy one on ebay and save my money.
07:14.49p3nguinnot made of money
07:15.48SeRime and you both....
07:17.22*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
07:19.03SeRifor the first one shipping is 20.00
07:19.12SeRiI am going to place a bid right at 30.00 and see
07:19.55SeRiI find the shipping outrageous....
07:21.19p3nguinHere's your 501 wall mount bracket:
07:22.20p3nguinAnd here's one cheaper:
07:22.34SeRiyeap I seen it. the problem is that the handset does not hold so if you wall mount it it will fall....
07:23.02*** join/#asterisk ollii (~risker@2001:470:1f15:1384:62eb:69ff:fe31:b4)
07:23.15SeRithe 501 handset just sort of lay on top of the system there is nothing holding the phone besides a small gimp ass grove
07:23.41p3nguinThere's a hook for the handset.
07:24.49SeRion the base?
07:26.38p3nguinSomeone was just talking about that a few days ago.
07:27.00p3nguinSaid you have to poke something through somewhere to make it come up.
07:27.17p3nguinstill not a Polycom user
07:27.59*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:28.06SeRigot it
07:28.52p3nguinCheck out this:
07:29.34*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
07:29.36schmidtsgood morning
07:29.47p3nguinIt says IP, so I don't know if that means SIP or not.
07:31.03*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:32.38SeRiIt should
07:33.27p3nguinThey don't know, so you'd have to look it up.
07:34.34kikohnlI dont think they sip unless they are SoundPoint IP
07:37.02p3nguinIt's a conference phone, so it's going to be a SoundStation.
07:37.22p3nguinAnd it says IP.
07:37.23kikohnlsorry that's what I meant
07:38.05p3nguinBut it doesn't say IP6000 or IP4000 or whatever normal SIP conference phone models they have.
07:38.07*** join/#asterisk god-x6 (~poorelanc@funtoo/user/godmachine-x6)
07:38.24p3nguinGoogle might know, but I don't.
07:39.51SeRiI am looking at it..... I dont like the "Sold as is"
07:40.13SeRiI place a bid on the last two I am going to wait and see.
07:40.30SeRip3nguin: Thanks for the help.... it's been exausting
07:40.37SeRidid I use it's right?
07:41.19p3nguinit's = it is, it has
07:41.40SeRiYes Sr. :)
07:41.44*** join/#asterisk mirco (
07:43.48SeRibrb going for something to eat... hungry
07:44.00SeRis/to/to get/
07:44.19SeRiThat was all sorts of fucked up
07:44.53*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
07:45.22qakhanhi all
07:46.29qakhani want to setup timing in dialplan, 8AM to 8PM call can be go to a queue, 8pm to 8am calls go to voice mail
07:47.40ChannelZuse GotoIfTime
07:48.35qakhanplz send me some example
07:49.44dymDoes anyone know why i have the functions SendFAX and RecieveFAX in 1.8 available, even though i compiled with spandsp and its support? I'm missing rxfax and txfax
07:50.13p3nguinThose aren't functions, they're applications.
07:50.48p3nguinDid you turn off res_fax and turn on app_fax?
07:50.54ChannelZGotoIfTime(08:00-20:00,*,*,*?gotoqueue:gotovoicemail)   where gotoqueue and gotovoicemail are priorities in the same exten which can do whatever (see Goto for other ways to jump to other contexts/extens)
07:51.40*** join/#asterisk bjornts (
07:52.43qakhanok thank you very much Channelz
07:52.56qakhanyou always help :)
07:54.38*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
07:54.42SeRiI cant drink my night medicine and it sucks not been able today :(
07:54.42gavimobileI have an sbs server running behind a router. the sbs server gets mail and receives mail * I would like to a SIP (asterisks) server behind the router as well. if I use the name for my hostname, will I have networking problems with my network or servers?
07:55.13dymgavimobile: I dont see why.
07:55.17dymSo: No.
07:55.34dymYou will have to utilize NAT though
07:55.50dymIs the router your gateway to the internet?
07:58.15*** join/#asterisk waschtl (
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08:04.19gavimobiledym: my router is the gateway for wireless devices and servers only
08:04.39gavimobilebut the telephones and the workstations all get their ip from the sbs server
08:05.14gavimobilewhen you say "utilize nat"  you are refering to the asterisks  conf settings  (I think its sip_nat.conf)
08:12.24*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
08:12.25ChannelZthe question is does your Asterisk server have a real IP or is the router doing NAT/masquerading
08:17.20olliii have a question about queues and holdtime
08:18.01olliiwhat is excatly described by "holdtime" ? is that an average count?
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08:28.53ChannelZAs a status, yes.
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08:45.31arekmhello, what does this mean? -- Channel 0/30, span 4 received AOC-E charging 30 units
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08:57.18bulkorokoh... sorry arekm
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08:59.14arekmbulkorok: thanks. I wonder what "unit" it is here then
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09:30.15dymHow can i view the options a Dialplan Application uses?
09:30.48singlercore show application <application name>
09:30.58singlersame valid to functions too
09:31.45dymcore show application Recievefax fails
09:34.32kaldemar"Recieve" vs. "Receive"
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09:35.04ChannelZ"I before E except before Fax"
09:35.11kaldemarif it is spelled correctly and still there is no output, the providing module is not loaded.
09:35.45singleralso you can TAB-complete names, if no beginning is given then all apps/functions will be showed
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09:52.22elliot98on DTMFs, it states "duration 0 ms" and sends out an emulated DTMF
09:52.37elliot98is this correct?  Isn't there some sort of minimum duration set up?
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10:44.36apteni encouter issues with res_odbc and an external mysql server
10:45.23aptenif the server is available at start-up and then stops beeing available just during run-time of the asterisk there doesn't seem to be a timeout writing cdr
10:45.52aptenthe dialplan seems to work fine but actually nothing happes (e.g. connecting to a queue)
10:46.24aptenit seems that asterisk is waiting for the odbc connection to become available again but blocks any other operation
10:46.35aptenany ideas?
10:47.09aptenasterisk is 1.8.7
10:53.10schmidtsapten if asterisk couldnt reach your database server the call is blocked until it can reach it
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11:12.02apten@schmidts yes
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11:12.55aptenbut there is a connection timeout configured - so that shouldn't happen
11:13.08aptenat least from my point of view
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11:18.22schmidtsapten i dont use odbc but i had this problem with normal mysql too
11:18.46schmidtsdoes the call hang at the connection or when doing a query?
11:20.50BlackBishopanyone here using a gs ht503 ? :) I'm trying it to at least make it get into an extension upon an incoming call so I can do stuff but .. nothing ..
11:22.06jacc0it would not be so smart to allaw calls when database connection is failing; you would miss CDR and can't bill the user for the call
11:22.33aptenlooking at the cli & full log i can't actually see any details because it's about writing cdr. so by looking at CLI it just the call which hangs - but probably in the background the process writing log/cdr hangs
11:23.40aptenbut anyway i don't see any reason why writing of cdr should block a call
11:30.13apten@jacc0: but it can't be an good idea either to block incoming calls just because it's not possible to write cdr right now
11:33.27dymwhy doesnt _12345XX match 1234566 ?
11:34.42WIMPyBecause you wrote it in the wrong context?
11:34.49*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
11:34.56dymwhy would you hurt me? :(
11:34.59dymi surely did not
11:35.32WIMPyShow us
11:37.24puzzledhi WIMPy
11:41.12singlerwrong syntax
11:41.30WIMPyNo syntax?
11:42.29jacc0exten => 2._12345XX,1,NoOp(*** Hi! ***)
11:42.40jacc0exten => _12345XX,1,NoOp(*** Hi! ***)
11:42.54jacc0you should put  exten =>  in front of it
11:43.13dymhead - desk
11:43.18dymmr obvious strikes again
11:43.25jacc0WIMPy can you hurt him one more time ? :P
11:43.27dymthank GOD its friday
11:43.31dymNOOOO :(
11:43.56WIMPyLet me choose the right LART...
11:45.05dymstill same error message...
11:45.48apten@dym: you did reload the dialplan? ;)
11:46.06WIMPyIt will work when my parcel has arrived.
11:46.49*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
11:46.59WIMPyAnd did you save it before reloading it?
11:49.22*** join/#asterisk irroot (
11:51.04*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (~powerkill@
11:51.40singlerAnd did you put it in right context this time? :)
11:51.59WIMPyAnd are you logged in to the right box?
11:56.35*** join/#asterisk kaushal (~kaushal@
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12:11.39joobiehey guys, is there a shortcut key to rbeoot the linksys spa942?
12:11.49joobielike polycom 321 has volumedown, volumeup, speaker, hold
12:12.08WIMPyLike pulling the plug?
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12:17.36jacc0you could try that
12:17.50BlackBishopcan I make a call from the cli ?
12:19.47WIMPyBlackBishop: 'channel originate ...'
12:21.56plundrajoobie: Yes.
12:22.49olliiconsole dial xy@context is also usable...but with sangoma there was once a bug where the whole system was freezed after a console dial
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12:25.05plundrajoobie: Ok that was shitty help, can't find it :-) But there is a combo, I'm sure of it.
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12:37.22jacc0@ollii: Sangoma no longer supports asterisk 1.8.x at all : they tell you to use SMGv3
12:38.04WIMPyHuh? I thought that was the old way of doing it?
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12:45.33elliot98how does one check if a Digium card is using DTMF detection?
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13:05.23ornelliot98: The DTMF problems you're having is with a Digium card?
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13:07.58[koss]are there any asterisk distros with auto provisining out of the box like Druid had?
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13:19.14BlackBishopI'll be damned if I understand how to set up this ht503 thingy :)
13:19.42*** join/#asterisk slidesinger-lt (
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13:21.17ijpalmerhello all, I'm on *1.8.5 and using sip realtime, the problem is that when I restart Asterisk I have to reboot all the phones to get them to register again, is there a way around this.  Thanks
13:21.22voipengis there a command to see how many g729 concurent calls your license provides? It says i have 20 channels but im not sure how many concurrent calls are available
13:21.28[TK]D-Fender[koss], The FreePBX ISO comes with EPM
13:22.12leifmadsenijpalmer: uhhhhh.... set the registration timeout to be shorter
13:22.22leifmadsenit's probably at 3600 seconds (1 hour) by default)
13:22.40BlackBishopanyone any idea on how can I make the HT503 forward all the incoming calls to incoming_number@mysip ? :/ as in .. If it gets a call from xxxxxxx ( where each x is a number from 0 to 9 :)) ) to xxxxxxx@mysipserver ..
13:22.41leifmadsenat least that's what polycoms are set at by default -- I usually change it to 120 seconds
13:24.12ijpalmerleifmadsen: thanks, you're rigt it is set to 3600, I'll change it as you suggest
13:24.26BlackBishopor .. how could I make a call through it ? :/ I got the cable that comes from my telco in the "Line" ( FXS !? ) port
13:25.13leifmadsenijpalmer: rebooting the phones was unnecessary -- you just weren't patient enough :)
13:26.19ijpalmerleifmadsen: you're absolutely right, why does it all seem so obvious once you've spoken with someone else
13:26.57*** join/#asterisk cVsup (~cVsup@
13:30.15[TK]D-FendercVsup, Please rephrase your question and provide more detail
13:31.19BlackBishopdoesn't look like extensions.conf and other file setup to me :/
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13:32.09olliijacc0: really?! they told us to use wanpipe 3.5.2x with dahdi support and smg v3 is no longer supported
13:32.33ollii[koss]: try gemeinschaft
13:32.50olliiim not quite sure, but they have auto provisioning
13:33.19cVsupBlackBishop: i have wctdm interface with 3 fxo and one fxs
13:33.42[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Look closer
13:33.56cVsupi need set fxs as extension
13:35.22[TK]D-FendercVsup, exten => 100,1,Dial(DAHDI/4,30)
13:35.29fpriorHi all: can you help me to simplify this dialplan part ?
13:35.48[TK]D-FendercVsup, There... you now have an extension to dial the FXS port (in this case assuming it's on port 4)
13:36.35BlackBishop[TK]D-Fender: trying, trying, don't get how ..
13:36.52[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Their trunk info = sip.conf
13:37.13[TK]D-Fenderfprior, "core show application macro" <-
13:37.20olliiexten => _XXX.,1,Dial(SIP/spa400b/L3${EXTEN},300,t)
13:37.23*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-bohxxizvymjlpomd)
13:37.29ollii"." after _XXX
13:37.38[TK]D-Fenderollii, No.
13:38.40*** part/#asterisk ijpalmer (
13:38.40[TK]D-Fenderremoves access to only half of what he wants, and allows a nearly infinite amount of what he has not stated as wanting.
13:39.21cVsupmy dahdi sets
13:40.54[TK]D-FendercVsup, That defines the ports, but doesn't configure * to use them.
13:41.24[TK]D-FendercVsup, And you're running Elastix.  This is a ZAP/DAHDI Extension in the GUI
13:41.39[TK]D-FendercVsup, and as I mentioned, not the kind of thing supported here.
13:41.59cVsup[TK]D-Fender: i need help with dahdi sets
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13:42.17[TK]D-FendercVsup, that file looks fine.. its the others you need to look at
13:42.36[TK]D-FendercVsup, chan_dahdi.conf is what defines what and how * will use your card
13:46.45cVsup[TK]D-Fender: for fxs i need create extension ZAP or Dahdi?
13:46.57elliot98orn: well, does digium have onboard DTMF detection?
13:51.29[TK]D-FendercVsup, Yes
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13:54.34nfi|ermeson Centos 5.7 with kernel  2.6.18-274.el5 i installed asterisk and dahdi-linux-complete 2.5.0. But i receive error FATAL: Module wctdm not found. on /etc/init.d/dahdi start . Is there a compatibility issue between dahdi 2.5 and kernel 2.6.18-274.el5  ?
13:54.54BlackBishop[TK]D-Fender: neah, I still don't get it .. :|
13:55.05[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, What don't you get?
13:55.20fprior[TK]D-Fender: now, with macro, result: (is possible reduce the code ?)
13:56.10[TK]D-Fenderfprior, 1 macro.. 8 lines.  You did this backwards
13:56.52*** part/#asterisk gajini (~root@
13:56.53BlackBishopso, step 1 is to create a sip trunk, so I created "[314110724] context=from-trunk host=dynamic type=friend port=5062"
13:57.39BlackBishopthen under the fxo port section of ht503's web interface I made those settings...
13:59.07BlackBishopnow, I don't get about that inbound route ( creating and assigning )
13:59.47[TK]D-Fenderthat is your dialplan
13:59.59BlackBishopin .. extensions.ael ?
14:00.11[TK]D-Fendermake an extension to match the [pstn muber] they refer to
14:00.17[TK]D-FenderAEL is best forgotten
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14:00.53ornI often wonder whether anyone is using it
14:00.54BlackBishopI like it ! :/ it's a hell of alot easier for me to write it there than the default way of doing stuff ..
14:01.08BlackBishopbecause "line numbering" remembers me of z80 days
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14:01.34orni agree, it seems like a better way to go, but once you've gotten used to the other method it's just hard to get yourself to switch
14:02.04BlackBishopI switched in like 20 minutes to ael everything that took days to write in the default way
14:02.16BlackBishopso .. it's ok :)
14:02.16[TK]D-FenderAEL parses back to standard logic which is hard to compare when debugging, has limitations as to what you can do because of its nature.
14:02.27BlackBishopdebuging it isn't a problem...
14:02.41singlerI also use AEL, it is easier to use more advanced stuff (if, loops, etc), also syntax checked weeds out some stupid mistakes
14:02.44BlackBishopso far didn't get into the limitation of what I can do because I'm not doing that complex stuff
14:03.08singleralso no need to repeat extension on each line
14:03.09BlackBishopyeah, the loops and ifs are awesome
14:03.15BlackBishopthat too.
14:03.52[TK]D-FenderI ahven't seen a dialplan that really calls for anything like that yet
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14:03.58[TK]D-Fenderbut "whatever"
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14:04.35ornYeah, I haven't run into anything that I need to do that I can do with AEL and can't with the standard one
14:04.57[TK]D-Fenderorn, You never will.  As I said, it can only do less.
14:05.09BlackBishopwell, to each itsown .. ael seems alot easier to me ! :)
14:05.13*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-mwqfrvxlyxzseqoe)
14:05.27BlackBishophaving more code done in php .. it looks like it and I like it :)
14:05.36ornIf I'm doing really complex stuff anyway, I usually resort to AGIs
14:07.41singlerAEL is useful not only for complex stuff, for example if's. in standart way you need to use GotoIf, labels, maybe additional goto (if you need else part), adding another if case to same exten may be more difficult
14:08.03singlerbecause you need to account for all jumps in exten
14:08.12nfi|ermeson Centos 5.7 with kernel  2.6.18-274.el5 i installed asterisk and dahdi-linux-complete 2.5.0. But i receive error FATAL: Module wctdm not found. on /etc/init.d/dahdi start . Is there a compatibility issue between dahdi 2.5 and kernel 2.6.18-274.el5  ?
14:08.23fprior[TK]D-Fender: yeah, now
14:08.24singlerit's like ASM ;)
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14:09.14[TK]D-Fendersingler, I wrote a language once... looked like a cross of Pascal & ASM :)
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14:09.39knorkekniehi there
14:10.03WIMPynfi|ermes: There is no compatibility with kernel modules. They need to exactely match your kernel.
14:10.24[TK]D-Fenderfprior, Looks like you're catching on...
14:10.47BlackBishop[TK]D-Fender: when I call .. I see it as Call from '314110724' ( to extension '314110724
14:10.59nfi|ermesso, shoud i install dahdi-linux-complete 2.6 ?
14:11.01*** join/#asterisk filo1234 (~filo@unaffiliated/filo1234)
14:11.02BlackBishopI want to see the incoming number too :/
14:11.11BlackBishopas in, who is actually calling !
14:11.24[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, You probably have it
14:12.21BlackBishopin what ?!
14:12.32WIMPynfi|ermes: You need the dahdi modules for EXACTELY your kernel. The dahdi version doesn't really matter.
14:12.48[TK]D-Fenderfprior, Working nicely now?
14:12.58[TK]D-Fenderfprior, Sure looks a lot cleaner, doesn't it?
14:13.14[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, ...... CALLER ID <-
14:13.45nfi|ermesWIMPy, where can i find the dahdi module for 2.6.18-274.el5 ?
14:14.21BlackBishopI don't understand .. :|
14:14.32WIMPynfi|ermes: You need to ask p3nguin, he likes package manager. I have no theory as to how that could work without building it yourself.
14:14.34fprior[TK]D-Fender: yes, thanks
14:14.36[TK]D-Fendernfi|ermes, Did you modprobe it?  Have you potentially upgraded kernels since you isntalled DAHDI?
14:15.13BlackBishop314110724 is the type=friend I created, I don't see the number I'm calling from ( my cell ) anywhere in the log ..
14:15.36[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, What don't you understand?  When the devices sends the call to * it targets a number and the caller ID = the CALLER ID
14:16.05[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, When I yell "Hey John!" from across the room, I am calling John.. I am not saying that *I* am John.
14:16.28[TK]D-FenderOther sides name = CALLERID, not the extension they dial.
14:16.55BlackBishopwell, it's not sending the call to * .. it's sending it to 314110724@mysip !
14:17.11[TK]D-Fenderto extension '314110724 <------- where you told it to
14:17.25nfi|ermes[TK]D-Fender, i have not upgraded, it's a frssh installation and i builded dahdi from source; no error building
14:17.45BlackBishopso there's no way get it to extension 'incoming_number' :|
14:17.55[TK]D-FenderCall from '314110724'  <--- this might mean you didn't set up the HT to grab callerid.  Hard to say.  did you tell it to wait enough rings to get it?
14:17.57BlackBishopif I'm calling from 1298731927319 I want it to call 1298731927319
14:18.12[TK]D-Fender<BlackBishop> if I'm calling from 1298731927319 I want it to call 1298731927319 <- never happening
14:18.23BlackBishopwhy not ? :/
14:18.34[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, The call is to a fixed target.  the target is never the caller's number.  that is the CALLERID, not the EXTENSION
14:18.36BlackBishopto call 1298731927319@mysip !
14:18.45singlerBlackBishop: did you check CALLERID(num) variable?
14:18.47WIMPynfi|ermes: Why didn;t you tell us, you did them yourself? What happens if you modprobe them?
14:18.50[TK]D-Fenderthat is the ctarget, not the CALLERID
14:20.01nfi|ermes[root@centralino dahdi-linux-complete-]# modprobe wctdm
14:20.01nfi|ermesFATAL: Module wctdm not found.
14:20.15BlackBishopso I can't make it send the call from 1298731927319 to 1298731927319@mysip :(
14:20.17nfi|ermes[root@centralino dahdi-linux-complete-]# modprobe dahdi
14:20.17nfi|ermesFATAL: Module dahdi not found.
14:20.25*** join/#asterisk elred_ (~elred_@unaffiliated/elred-/x-5010831)
14:20.44nfi|ermesinsmod /lib/modules/2.6.18-274.12.1.el5/dahdi/wctdm.ko
14:20.44nfi|ermesinsmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.18-274.12.1.el5/dahdi/wctdm.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module
14:20.46WIMPynfi|ermes: Did you install them?
14:20.48singlernfi|ermes: did you made make install for dahdi?
14:20.59nfi|ermesof course
14:21.32WIMPynfi|ermes: Looks like the kernel source you used is not that of the kernel you're running.
14:21.54nfi|ermesuname -r
14:22.28[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, the inbound extension is never ther caller's phone number.  When you dial from a SIP phone you set up as [100] do they only dial 100?
14:22.50[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, You don't seem to be comprehending the difference between who is calling and who they are calling.
14:23.10WIMPynfi|ermes: Where is the "12.1"?
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14:24.06[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, If you have 10 phone numbers and one of those if for "customer service".  You'll want to know that the caller is dialing that customer service phone # so you can process them properly.  Th call comes in targeting YOUR customer service number.  not the caller's phone number.  Othewise yuo have to knwo everybody phone number... Like the entire planet
14:24.59[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, the call is to the phone number attached to the line you plugged into the HT503.  THAT is what was called.  the CALLER's name an number are int he CALLER ID of the call.
14:25.32*** join/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~Mundt@
14:26.06asteriskATmarmuDhi guys. I am looking for a solution for fax detection. came across nvfaxdetect. what is best for outgoing call fax detection
14:26.07BlackBishopor, you don't understand what I'm trying to do ..
14:26.11asteriskATmarmuDthanks in advance
14:26.34BlackBishopwhen a call gets into the HT503, I want it to forward that call to extension with the same number in my asterisk
14:26.43[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, it sends to one fixed number there is no "option"
14:27.02[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, No device has that option
14:27.19[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, You have the caller id jump BASED on that.
14:27.38[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Take it and do what you want with it, but the initial target is a fixed number
14:27.51BlackBishopahuh ..
14:29.11*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
14:29.11[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Also.. that line of CLI doesn't actually prove what the callerID was on that call.
14:29.14SeRigood morning
14:29.20[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, It could have actually been right
14:29.34[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, But we haven't gotten to look at a complete call
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14:37.58BlackBishop[2011-12-02 16:36:57] NOTICE[28063]: chan_sip.c:22866 handle_request_invite: Call from '314110724' ( to extension '314110724' rejected because extension not found in context 'from-trunk'.
14:38.21BlackBishopcontext from-trunk { 314110724 => { Hangup(); }; };
14:38.29[TK]D-FenderExtension does not exist as it says.
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14:39.41[TK]D-FenderSomething is wrong with your AEL.  Here comes that "debugging" part I was talking about...
14:40.10BlackBishopit's a damn simple context .. shouldn't need debugging ! :)
14:40.27[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Perhaps you should pastebin the whole mess and show me it being loaded
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14:41.31BlackBishopI just showed it to ya', for this test, I deleted everything in the extensions.ael and placed just this thing ..
14:42.07BlackBishopAdded a Verbose(Incoming CALL from ${CALLERID(num)}); now in the 314110724 => { ... };
14:42.47nfi|ermesthx so much WIMPy and [TK]D-Fender !!!
14:42.54nfi|ermesnow it's working
14:43.20*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
14:44.39BlackBishop ( including the loading part )
14:45.54TheCops314110724 is 8 caracther and _XXXXXXXXX => { is 9 ?
14:46.18[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Doesn't look like the "not found" you showed earlier
14:46.19TheCopsoh no
14:46.23TheCopssorry hehe
14:46.31TheCopsforgot the 3 :)
14:46.43BlackBishoprestarted asterisk
14:46.50[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Sure loks like the call is making it in.
14:46.50BlackBishopI only did the "dialplan reload" 'till now :/
14:47.03BlackBishopbut should it show the incomming call at each ring !?
14:47.07BlackBishop:| I only called once !
14:47.34infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
14:47.54*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
14:48.33BlackBishopwill do next time.
14:48.51BlackBishopa linksys spa_something will be commin' next month
14:48.57mandlairroot: its a friday!
14:49.55mandlaIts a friday Asterisk GURU's! All of you can come to my house for some wine/brandy/whiskey
14:51.43BlackBishopbesides the fact that I get that verbose like 5 times ( untill I hang up ) .. it doesn't show up the caller id .. which the grandstream should relay !
14:52.05infobotfrom memory, linksys is a tool of satan
14:52.19BlackBishopwhat is recommended then !? :/
14:55.13[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Answer before you hangup.
14:55.31[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, change the number of rings before forwarding, etc
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14:57.05BlackBishopI want them forwarded immediately .. why should I wait before forwarding ?
14:57.20BlackBishopand for this test .. to work, I decided to autodeny the call, why should I answer ? :|
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14:58.05[TK]D-Fenderto get rid of them.
14:58.14[TK]D-FenderSo just ignore it till it goes away
14:58.21[TK]D-FenderSince you're effetively doing that anyway
14:58.40BlackBishopNo, I'm not ignoring it .. I want to deny it !
14:58.43BlackBishopow, fsck !
14:58.47BlackBishopI remember !
14:58.55BlackBishopyou can't deny it like you do on a normal phone
14:59.01BlackBishopI mean, cell phone
14:59.21BlackBishopso true !
14:59.51[TK]D-FenderHelps when you remember what you're dealing with.  Analog has no "reject" button.
15:00.14BlackBishopnow to figure out the caller id thing ! :/
15:00.24BlackBishopthat verbose I put there should show me the number, right ?
15:02.28[TK]D-FenderIf the CID is provided and the HT was configured and able to pick it up
15:04.03BlackBishop"Caller ID Scheme:" .. what should I select for Romania !? :|
15:05.13[TK]D-FenderNot being from anywhere near there... who knows
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15:05.53[TK]D-FenderAs a Romanian :)
15:06.24SeRiGod give me strength to continue dealing with comcast. Amen.
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15:07.12SeRi^^ Thats about right with comcast
15:07.40MrTelephoneI just won the most worst programmer of the year award
15:07.59MrTelephoneis now known as mr spaghetti
15:08.23[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone, Pastafarianism may be right for you...
15:08.55MrTelephonemaybe it is because I don't plan. too much cut and pasting and less thinking about consolidating functions and subs
15:09.28MrTelephoneis there a good perl editor for linux?
15:10.01MrTelephoneit would be nice if there was something to show you when your missing brackets and whatever instead of executing to see the errors
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15:13.59SeRiMrTelephone: There is some perl validators out there
15:16.38SeRiwell looks like I wont the auction.
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15:16.59WIMPyWhat did you get?
15:17.00SeRiPolycom SP IP 321
15:17.06SeRi24 dollars
15:17.22SeRiperefect phone for the kids room
15:18.25BlackBishop[TK]D-Fender: the thing is that .. it should at least show unknown .. not the name of my own extension ! :|
15:18.31SeRiit's wall mountable and has auto answer and speaker phone. Is all I need :)
15:19.22BlackBishopI'm calling from 07something .. not 314110724 ..
15:19.53BlackBishop314110724 is the number of the line plugged in the HT .. and the name of the extension I assigned to it to forward calls to my asterisk
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15:20.47[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, tht doesn't address any of my previous points...
15:21.12[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, And you still don't seem to understand that no devices dials the CALLER'S phone number into * as the extnsion
15:21.31BlackBishopOk, I got that part !
15:21.37[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, When I dial from my SIP phone with a callerID of 100, do I use exten => 100,1, for calls from that phone?  No
15:21.44[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, You don't seem to have.
15:21.45BlackBishopbut I want to see in asterisk the caller id the handytone forwards the call from !
15:22.15[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Maybe it isn't picking it up... because of ... I dunno.. having no idea how to interpret the signalling on a Romanian phone line <-
15:22.29BlackBishopbut if it isn't picking it up .. shouldn't it show it as unknown !?
15:22.32BlackBishopor '' !
15:22.49[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Maybethat's just the way this thing works.
15:23.01[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Maybe you configured something wrong on it... hard to say.
15:23.20WIMPyBlackBishop: What's your setup like and what is it you don't like?
15:23.51[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, HT503 for PSTN access, Romanian phone line, no callerID.  Ask at your own peril :p
15:24.27WIMPyNone? Oh, I just read that as the wrong wone.
15:24.33BlackBishopWIMPy: , trying to make asterisk see the caller id of the incomming call in the HT503
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15:25.03BlackBishop"Incoming CALL from 314110724" isn't the right one ofcourse ! :|
15:25.28BlackBishopthe ht503 has the 314110724 sip user id registered on the fxo port
15:25.44[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, You've described it as looping through every ring.  In north America CID arrives between the 1st and second ring which means you need to wait at least 2 full ringins before answering to get it
15:25.56WIMPyOk, so it's about the devices configuration.
15:26.04[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, and look at the SIP DEBUG for this call to see if it is in there anywhere
15:26.10BlackBishopand under the basic settings page Unconditional Call Forward to VOIP: 314110724@my_asteriskbox
15:26.17MrTelephoneYou guys have polycoms for your house? that's crazy
15:26.49WIMPyYes, sip debug is a good idea. Maybe it's using PAI.
15:26.55[TK]D-FenderNo... using Polycom is an investment.  Grandstream is crazy :p
15:27.05BlackBishopsip set debug on
15:27.06BlackBishoplets see
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15:28.55TheCopsMrTelephone, 335 is only 130$
15:29.27[TK]D-Fender<SeRi> Polycom SP IP 321 - 24 dollars - perefect phone for the kids room <----
15:29.38Kobazi have some polycoms at my house
15:29.47TheCopshi koba
15:29.51Kobazlike 6
15:30.09TheCopshehe i have a 670 at my desk with console to monitor some call center agent :p
15:30.21TheCopspolycom phone rocks
15:31.06[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Nope, no callerID in there.  Make sure it is set to wait 3 rings
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15:31.42WIMPyOr maybe better get something decent.
15:31.48BlackBishoplike what ?
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15:32.30WIMPySoemthing digital.
15:33.26BlackBishopwell, I need something with the same features as this GS .. one FXS .. one FXO .. and the ability to use my asterisk for incomming calls in the small box .. and to call through it
15:33.52[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Go ask Grandstream support what scheme to use and if Romania's standards are even supported.
15:34.54WIMPyGet ISDN or VOIP. That will make your life a lot easier.
15:35.30BlackBishopI don't understand ... I'm talking about a hardware box, changing the provider line isn't an option !
15:35.50[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Go ask Grandstream support what scheme to use and if Romania's standards are even supported.
15:35.59BlackBishopit's one of the 3 national providers here doubt there's a problem from them since an actual 10$ phone with caller id support shows the caller id !
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15:37.27BlackBishopOk, posted on the forums.
15:37.57BlackBishopgoogle says romania uses etsi-fsk
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15:38.24[TK]D-FenderHappy hunting...
15:40.21*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
15:40.40BlackBishopI don't think the problem is there though, I think I'm configuring it wrong
15:40.59BlackBishopasterisk sees as incomming the same sip user id the HT loggins with !
15:41.11[TK]D-FenderPlenty of stated issues with the devie along with suggestions for tweaking.  ICD is a PITA in many places
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15:41.37[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Yes, other more general setting may be wrong.  Go read the manual check thier support chans, etc
15:41.56[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Nobody I know of who ever had one of these stuck with it
15:42.10BlackBishopwhat do you recommend gettig then ?
15:42.37[TK]D-FenderLinksys SPA-3102 is the next ste up
15:43.37akrohnhas a spa3201 on my desk. they are nifty
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15:45.48BlackBishop[TK]D-Fender: you think that would make what I want easier ? :)
15:45.53BlackBishopand would probably work better ?
15:46.12BlackBishopor at least .. would it do what I want ? :))
15:47.12[TK]D-FenderBetter odds
15:47.20[TK]D-FenderI would always checkw ith the vendor first
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15:52.02asteriskATmarmuDhow do you detect fax machines on outgoing calls?
15:52.23BlackBishopI don't  :))
15:55.11leifmadsenyou could probably use M() or U() and execute some dialplan that did a Wait(3) or something with a fax extension, and handle the call there if a fax detection was found in the intial call setup, otherwise just return from the subroutine and handle the call normally
15:55.56SeRileifmadsen: Did you get 2.3.x loaded on your phone?
15:56.12tuxxieI am looking for a guide to using the AMI. I have been unable to find what needs to be passed to commands. How can I find a list of commands with a detailed discriptions and a list of arguments that can be passed?
15:56.36tuxx-tuxxie: asterisk -rx "manager show commands"
15:57.13tuxx-for detailed information do asterisk -rx "manager show command <command>"
15:58.26leifmadsenSeRi: I have 2.3.4 installed, but no cyanogenmod because I have the SGH-T959P
15:58.32leifmadsenno firmware available for it
15:58.45leifmadsenlucky I didn't brick it while trying
15:58.50leifmadsenalthough it is now rooted
15:59.01leifmadsenand has the recovery software
15:59.07tuxxiegotcha thanks
15:59.39SeRiwow I see. cool! now you have unlocked another domension to your phone. Your phone has now become useful! :)
15:59.53leifmadsenSeRi: well, it being rooted does nothing for me :)
16:00.26SeRiYou should be able to use application locked by your carrier from the market
16:00.36SeRiwell only if your carrier had it that way
16:00.38leifmadsenI hadn't run into anything blocked
16:00.48SeRiI know AT&T does that
16:00.55SeRiah Isee.
16:00.58leifmadsenya, maybe Telus does, but I haven't found any software that was blocked
16:01.06leifmadsenmaybe I am missing out :)
16:01.19leifmadsennow just need to figure out how to move applications to the SD card
16:01.57SeRicool. settints ---- manage applications ----- lick on application and on the options move to sd card
16:02.25*** part/#asterisk apten (
16:02.55leifmadsenSeRi: ya just found it -- looks like most apps when I reinstalled put themselves on the SD anyways
16:02.58leifmadsenso yay for that
16:03.09SeRilol nice
16:05.36*** part/#asterisk asteriskATmarmuD (~Mundt@
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16:15.20MrTelephoneit's -4 F outside
16:15.25MrTelephoneI'm freezing my balls off
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16:22.02SeRiMrTelephone: where you at?
16:22.42TheCopsvery cold over here also
16:22.51dijibshit its the cops
16:23.03TheCopsold joke
16:23.26dijibk shower ytime
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16:28.51tuxxieI am using the AMI Action: CoreShowChannels, is there a way for me to limit the responces to only  "Application: Queue"
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16:54.23krotosI need
16:54.36p3nguinType more words before pressing Enter.
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16:55.11BlackBishop[TK]D-Fender: P-Asserted-Identity: <>
16:55.22BlackBishopit seems that that's what it sends as an Id
16:55.38BlackBishopI selected "Caller ID Transport Type:" Relay via P-Asserted-Identity
16:55.55p3nguinDid I assert that in a Shatner voice?  :)
16:57.05[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, I do a very good impression myself...
16:57.11WIMPyBlackBishop: What other options do you have?
16:58.58BlackBishopRelay via SIP From
16:59.02BlackBishopSend Anonymous
16:59.44WIMPyFrom sounds like a good option.
16:59.47tzangerasterisk needs a SetIf() application. Most of my dialplan is GotoIf(${test}) stuff for setting
17:00.09p3nguinJust use ExecIf(?Set())
17:00.34[TK]D-Fendertzanger, ExecIf
17:00.47tzangerExecif? that seems extreme
17:01.02BlackBishopWIMPy: yeah, it seems like the HT isn't sending the caller id right ! :|
17:01.03p3nguinIf something, execute the set.  How is that extreme?
17:01.06krotosI need to extract multiple remote  party id headers  from  a call,   but if i use sip_header(remote-party-id) I get only the first
17:01.09[TK]D-Fendertzanger, It's what we've got.
17:01.15p3nguinIt's EXAXCTLY what you want to do.
17:01.36[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, No, he'd like to knock it back 1 level more...
17:01.43[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, But lets not get greedy :)
17:01.44tzanger[TK]D-Fender: no I hear you, it just seems... excessive to be able to encode dialplan applications "laterally"
17:01.49tzangerbut yes that'd certainly work
17:02.13p3nguinI wish I would have thought of it.
17:02.20WIMPykrotos: You get the same header with different content in one message?
17:02.26p3nguinOh, wait, I did.
17:02.48[TK]D-Fendertzanger, Exec is a parallel to If / Then / Else.  SetIf would be a concept I've never seen in any language
17:03.36tzanger[TK]D-Fender: you've never used ternary operators?  bar = (foo == 1) ? baz : quux
17:03.44krotosIs there any way to get the next rpid headers? Or the enteire sip header?
17:03.52WIMPyThe dialplan is a language?
17:03.52[TK]D-Fendertzanger, Oh God....
17:04.13p3nguinThe dial plan is a language.
17:04.19[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, Technically, yes...
17:04.38tzanger[TK]D-Fender: how is that worse than bar = (foo == 1) ? doit(baz) : doit(quux) which is what execif is
17:05.01[TK]D-FenderSure I've done better as a teen just entering college almost 20 years ago.. but that's besides the point :)
17:05.33BlackBishopI think I got it !!!!!!
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17:06.36krotosWimpy,  same header but different data ...
17:06.54WIMPykrotos: Sounds evil
17:07.40p3nguinExecIf(?Set()) is your non-existent SetIf(), so use it or continue jumping around in dial plan unnecessarily.
17:09.46krotosThe call come comes from a nortel ..and in the successive rpid headers contain the hop of a call that was redirected
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17:14.10[TK]D-Fenderkrotos, I don't believe there is a stock means of doing this.  I'd take a look inside func_sip_header and see if the data store it hits has those available for parsing, and submit a patch to make pulling multiple records possible.
17:16.13krotosI m asking this  Because during a sip dump i 've noticed this : 1
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17:18.44*** join/#asterisk dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
17:19.03BlackBishopand .. broke it again :|
17:19.12BlackBishopdunno what it was .. but for a couple of rings, I saw my number !
17:19.26*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
17:22.07*** join/#asterisk Cesar_B (~chatzilla@
17:22.27BlackBishopkrotos: awesome !
17:22.52Cesar_Bhello to all, can anyone help a litlle bit with a ss7 problem? i dont understand what my telco its trying to do
17:25.50krotosAhshshs strange!!  If is not possible to extract  multiples rpid headers., there is some way to get entire sip packet? I can invoke a script with this as param
17:27.24[TK]D-Fenderkrotos, as I said, look at the function's source
17:28.01*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
17:28.35krotosOk :) now i 'm from phone ..sorry if i write so slow
17:30.23Cesar_Bpeople anyone from the presents know something about ss7 to help me with this issue?
17:33.41BlackBishop[TK]D-Fender, WIMPy :
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17:33.58BlackBishopthe From: is set right .. the first ring and a half, then the Hangup() comes in ..
17:34.10BlackBishopthen it gets set wrong ( that is just one call there .. no answering .. no nothing )
17:34.54BlackBishopso there is a bug in the firmware too .. I think ..
17:35.25[TK]D-Fender[2011-12-02 19:32:24] VERBOSE[30870] chan_sip.c: No matching peer for '0760905294' from ''
17:35.35[TK]D-Fender[2011-12-02 19:32:24] VERBOSE[30870] chan_sip.c: Looking for 314110724 in default (domain
17:35.40[TK]D-FenderSIP/2.0 404 Not Found
17:35.56BlackBishopthat's why it sets another from !?
17:36.04[TK]D-FenderNot matching your peer, therefor hitting the [general] context, not your peer, and landing in a place that has no target
17:36.33[TK]D-FenderThat isn't "why" it sets it.
17:36.47[TK]D-FenderI do not yet see a reason to associate these 2 facts
17:37.57BlackBishopwell, the lil' error about not finding the peer and stuff .. isn't a problem yet :)
17:38.14BlackBishopJust wondering why it fscks it up on the next rings after the hangup()
17:38.41p3nguinring... after hangup?
17:39.43[TK]D-FenderThre is no Hangup()
17:39.47[TK]D-Fenderyour dialplan isn't gettinghit
17:40.03BlackBishopahm :|
17:41.05*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
17:41.07p3nguindijib: Are you on the conf today?
17:41.26p3nguinseri: You too?
17:41.41SeRip3nguin: I I can jump in.
17:42.32SeRip3nguin: wich one?
17:42.55p3nguinEvery week, dijib says he didn't know about the VUC.  But it's at the exact same time every single Friday.  Today, I'm reminding him (an hour late).
17:43.06p3nguinThe VUC, of course.
17:44.11SeRione sec
17:44.20SeRiare you in?
17:44.37infobotVUC is the VoIP Users Conference
17:45.02p3nguinI'm there, but I usually only listen.
17:45.26p3nguinToday, they are talking about PBX hacking.
17:45.58p3nguinThe topic was AT&T's losses through hacked PBX services.
17:46.00anonymouz666I'd talk if my english was good
17:46.24SeRip3nguin: Nice!
17:46.26SeRiI am in.
17:47.11gordonjcpanonymouz666: I'm willing to bet that your English is better than most other people here's Portuguese
17:47.41SeRip3nguin: what time does this starts?
17:49.25*** part/#asterisk LiuYan1 (~LiuYan@
17:49.34p3nguin11 AM EST every Friday.  You can dial in up to 15 minutes early; I dial in at 10:50 automatically.
17:50.18p3nguin11 AM CST, sorry.
17:50.37p3nguinForgot what TZ I am in for a minute.
17:50.45SeRiYou auto dial?
17:51.21SeRiwill like to doa that. I will look in to it.
17:51.40gordonjcpp3nguin: sweet, so I can register a call to that and dial up from home?
17:51.42p3nguinIt starts at 11 AM CST, noon EST, every Friday.
17:51.55gordonjcpwhat's CST?
17:51.58BlackBishop[TK]D-Fender: .. notice the app_verbose.c
17:52.04p3nguinI don't know what "register a call" means.
17:52.14p3nguinGMT -6
17:52.23gordonjcpah, so starting in ten minutes
17:52.30p3nguinStarted an hour ago.
17:52.54SeRip3nguin: how can I talk?
17:52.57gordonjcpoh, 11am -6 hours, I see
17:53.01p3nguinUnmute.  Talk.
17:53.53p3nguinTopic: AT&T Fraud and Terrorism
17:54.43[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, What about it?
17:55.22BlackBishopit gets in one context at first, then in another :|
17:55.27p3nguinseri: Are you dialed in from a 223 phone number?
17:55.28BlackBishopwithout me answering or doing anything at all
17:56.28p3nguinIt's either that or a 1978 number.
17:57.06[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, And you can see that it is coming in unauthed one time, and not on the next
17:57.20[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Along the way you are continuing to break your auth setup for your device
17:58.16BlackBishopby hanging up ?
18:00.31BlackBishopmodified it to print the asserted identity too :|
18:00.35BlackBishopIncoming CALL from 314110724 - <>
18:00.39BlackBishopIncoming CALL from 314110724 - <>
18:04.17*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
18:04.29Cesar_Bany ss7 expert here?
18:05.39p3nguinseri: Hey!  Did you join MY conf rather than connecting to zipdx yourself?
18:06.02WIMPyCesar_B: I'm not that observant here atm, but did you already ask a question?
18:06.14p3nguinWhy'd you do that?!  Weirdo!
18:06.48Cesar_Bi dont know what its wrong in this:
18:06.56BlackBishopsame thing happens without the hangup(); too ! :))
18:07.37*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
18:07.44BlackBishopshould it send that message each time it rings ? ( even without a hangup(); ? )
18:08.21SeRilol p3nguin
18:08.25WIMPyCesar_B: It says "no route to specified transit network". Is that what you wanted to know?
18:08.29p3nguinWhy would you do that?
18:08.40p3nguin(1143.59) <p3nguin>
18:08.56Cesar_Bthe telco its doing a test, that he says
18:09.16Cesar_Band when the telco do that, that its the output
18:09.32Cesar_Band they say "you have something wrong"
18:10.18WIMPyThe routing or point code as it seems.
18:10.19SeRip3nguin: I won the phone
18:10.35Cesar_Bi m looking in google, and i see that the are doing its , LPA and CRC, Loop Back Acknowledgement, Continuity Check Request.
18:10.48p3nguinI redirected you to their conf.
18:10.51Cesar_Bwhat WIMPy ?
18:10.59p3nguinNow I see you on the dashboard by name.
18:11.09SeRip3nguin: Me?
18:11.33WIMPyCesar_B: Someone tries to talk to an unreachabel network.
18:11.33SeRihow did you do that?
18:11.43p3nguinchannel redirect ...
18:11.49SeRiyou have access?
18:12.04p3nguinOf course.
18:12.14SeRio shit. nice
18:12.32SeRiI notice I was moved. lol
18:12.36SeRiI was like wtf
18:12.36Cesar_Bbut they are doing a test, i supposed i need to answer that doing something like "test ok, dont do that again moron" jeje
18:12.49p3nguinWhat do yo mean you noticed?
18:12.49Cesar_Bthat its not a call, its a test over a voice channel
18:13.10SeRiI heard my self dialing in again and got the annoucement
18:13.29p3nguinI don't really understand.
18:14.16SeRiwell when you did that I got some what disconnected and than the phone was ringing for a sec and than heard the systems options
18:14.26SeRiand I was in
18:14.42p3nguinI suggested that you called the vuc.  Instead, you called me, so you did not appear in the dashboard.  I didn't want you to appear as me, so I redirected you to zipdx directly.
18:14.59SeRiI called you?
18:15.09SeRiwell fuck.... Sorry!
18:15.14SeRi:/ dumb ass me
18:15.16WIMPyCesar_B: I'm not into SS7, but I'd guess you don't have your point code correct.
18:15.29SeRisorry man.... meds here
18:15.42p3nguinAfter I redirected you, then I see you in the dashboard as Your Name (1003).
18:15.52*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
18:16.03SeRiwhere is the dashboard?
18:16.07Cesar_Bi confirmed with the carrier and the point code its correct , and the calls are good, inbound and outbound, WIMPy
18:16.27Cesar_Bthe only thing that are wrong its when the telco do that fucking test
18:16.46p3nguinIf you want to talk, you'll have to unmute yourself.
18:16.49Cesar_Band if i cannot solve this, they are shuting down the e1 ss7 lines
18:16.54WIMPyCesar_B: Ah
18:17.38*** join/#asterisk singler (~singler@
18:17.45SeRip3nguin: got it. and sorry about that earlier
18:17.57WIMPySorry, but I definitely have no clue about what features you get.
18:18.01p3nguinDoes your phone support wideband?
18:18.15Cesar_Bnot problem WIMPy thx anyway
18:18.23SeRinot sure....
18:18.23Cesar_Byou know who can hell me?
18:18.27p3nguinI'm connected to zipdx using g722, but you're connected through me using ulaw.
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18:19.31SeRip3nguin: how can I change the codec just for them?
18:19.42Cesar_Bhelp me, sorry
18:19.48p3nguinWhy worry about that?  Just use g722 all the time.
18:20.08SeRip3nguin: Mhhhhh ok
18:20.21SeRidisallow all allow g722?
18:20.27p3nguinSurely your network where your phone and asterisk live isn't so saturated that g722 from one phone would bring it down.
18:20.52SeRidoes supports it?
18:21.08p3nguinIt wouldn't do any good for them to support it.
18:21.16WIMPyCesar_B: I don't know who's in to that. I only know Schmidts is using it.
18:21.27p3nguinThe PSTN is ulaw at best, so it would be a waste.
18:21.34SeRiso how do I use both ulaw and g722?
18:21.42p3nguinWhy worry about it?
18:22.00*** join/#asterisk mindCrime (~chatzilla@
18:22.37SeRip3nguin: I am confused I can used g722 all the time and if a network does not support it will decode down to ulaw?
18:22.50p3nguinAsterisk will transcode.
18:23.07SeRiI see
18:23.38SeRiso i enable it on the peer for my phone right?
18:24.35SeRiok so is now is enabled on peer for polycom
18:25.05p3nguinAre you also allowing g722 in general?
18:25.07SeRihow can I see is using it?
18:25.12SeRip3nguin: now
18:25.28p3nguinsip show channels
18:26.02p3nguinIn your sip.conf general, be sure you allow g722.
18:26.08*** join/#asterisk Cesar_B (~chatzilla@
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18:30.29p3nguinAlso, why are you still qualifying your phone that is on your LAN?
18:32.23SeRip3nguin: ooo just testing I have been lazy and not taken it out. ill do that now
18:32.24*** join/#asterisk jaminja (~jaminja@unaffiliated/jaminja)
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18:33.11p3nguinIf you take an hour to make this simple codec change, the conf is going to be closed before you have a chance to test it.
18:33.27p3nguinOver 50% of the people have already left.
18:33.39p3nguinWas 46, now 18.
18:33.52SeRiok I am in
18:34.06p3nguinsip show channels
18:34.10SeRinice g722!
18:34.17p3nguinYou should see your codecs on both legs.
18:34.27p3nguinDo they both show g722?
18:34.33*** join/#asterisk mateu (
18:34.34p3nguinOne is ulaw?
18:34.40SeRiLooks like I have to enable it on the phone
18:34.58SeRiI have to see how on my phone
18:35.01p3nguinI don't know if the phone supports it or not.  That's why I asked if it does.
18:36.01[TK]D-FenderSeRi, what model?
18:36.13p3nguinI think it's a 501.
18:36.13SeRi[TK]D-Fender: 501
18:36.14[TK]D-FenderSeRi, No G.722 on that thing....
18:36.20SeRiah ok
18:36.25[TK]D-FenderNow stop wasting your time.
18:36.26SeRito old I guess
18:36.31[TK]D-FenderWAY too old
18:36.32SeRiI wonder if the pap2 would
18:36.40p3nguintoo cheap
18:38.12SeRidamn cheapness!!!!
18:38.46SeRi*6 unmute?
18:40.42*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (
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18:41.58p3nguinyes, *6 to unmute.
18:43.02luckman212Ast 1.8.8-rc4, Polycom IP331/550/650 running UC firmware 3.3.3 - whenever I initiate a reboot of a phone via Menu->3-1-6, I get this line in my *CLI> [2011-12-02 13:24:11] WARNING[9453]: chan_sip.c:20532 handle_response: Forbidden - maybe wrong password on authentication for NOTIFY
18:43.26luckman212tried turning on SIP debug for one of those peers but it doesn't reveal anything immediately obvious to me
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18:43.47luckman212no big deal just seems odd, wondering if anyone knows.  Google turned up nil.
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18:47.50BlackBishopanyhow, how, I wonder how could I make a call through it ! :)
18:48.21*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
18:49.14[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Go make a call through it
18:49.30BlackBishopDial(what );
18:50.23*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (
18:50.58BlackBishopheadbangs !
18:53.02[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, SIP is SIP.  Dial it like any other provider
18:54.17BlackBishopwhat I don't understand is .. how do I make my username ( blackbishop logged in through sip ) make the HT a call to where I want :|
18:56.50[TK]D-FenderJust like any other provider <-
18:59.15BlackBishopdestination => Dial(SIP/314110724); ?!
19:00.09[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Have you ever set up * to dial out of anything else?
19:00.22BlackBishopYeah, through a datacard...
19:00.44[TK]D-FenderWell I'm sure you'll recognize that you have to tell Dial() the number you want to dial out of it.
19:01.18[TK]D-FenderDial([tech]/[peer or channel]/[number to dial])
19:01.30BlackBishopMmm !!!!!
19:01.34BlackBishoptries it out
19:03.07*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
19:03.31n3hxswe have a very busy system and when we want to get some info out of the CLI, it goes past so fast you can't see it. Is there a way to capture the stream from CLI/
19:03.46BlackBishoplogger.conf ?
19:04.43JunK-Yn3hxs: yes, its called full in /var/log/asterisk/   (be sure to enable it in logger.conf, before)
19:05.26*** join/#asterisk krotos (~androirc@
19:05.59singlerand then use "logger reload" comman to apply config
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19:09.06*** join/#asterisk beta2k (
19:09.09beta2kHello all
19:09.17beta2kAnyone around running chan_sccp_b?
19:09.32beta2kI can't seem to get the realtime db to work with it
19:09.58beta2kUnfortunately their website doesn't explain why you're doing what it tells you too well :)
19:10.08p3nguinI use chan-sccp-b, but not with realtime.
19:10.28beta2kOr I'm missing something...
19:10.54beta2kI'm thinking about saying the heck with it and just doing it in the config :)
19:11.05BlackBishop[TK]D-Fender: sounds good, but .. trying to call my cell says "welcome to [my pstn telco], the number you have dialed is not in service"
19:11.11BlackBishopor any other number infact..
19:12.22*** join/#asterisk neurosys (~neurosys@
19:12.54[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, If you say so.
19:13.14BlackBishop:/ wonder what it tries to dial :|
19:13.30[TK]D-FenderYou are dialing it.  there shouldn't be any "wonder"
19:13.36infobotTelephony is not faith-based.  Look.  Always look, and then show.
19:13.36BlackBishopwwell, I'm dialing the right number.
19:13.52[TK]D-FenderAnd we don't see what yuor dialplan is doing.
19:14.08*** join/#asterisk sezuan (
19:14.18[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Then they don't like the number
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19:14.43[TK]D-FenderYour formatting is probably wrong for how you would need to dial it.
19:15.10p3nguin314110724 is the peer name as defined in sip.conf?
19:15.11[TK]D-FenderAnd that isn't CLI output from an actual attempt, nor dialplan code
19:16.47beta2k.v..'vv''vf'v;ptrying to call my cell says "welcome to [my pstn telco], the number you have dialed is not in service"
19:16.50beta2ktrying to call my cell says "welcome to [my pstn telco], the number you have dialed is not in service"
19:16.53beta2ktrying to call my cell says "welcome to [my pstn telco], the number you have dialed is not in service"
19:16.59beta2ktrying to call my cell says "welcome to [my pstn telco], the number you have dialed is not in service"
19:17.02beta2ktrying to call my cell says "welcome to [my pstn telco], the number you have dialed is not in service"
19:17.07beta2kbaby got the netbook :)
19:17.09infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:17.27kikohnlGood Morning!
19:17.44[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Well the telco doesn't like that number.  If you're sure the format is right for them to dial exactly like that.... then call the telco.
19:17.45beta2kHe sure loves keyboards lol
19:18.10beta2kAtleast he's not like his older brother, at this age he was removing the keys from every laptop keyboard he could get...
19:19.44p3nguinI guess the kid likes the combination of up arrow, then enter, repeat.
19:19.50BlackBishopit's the same format I'd call if I'd have the cable plugged in an actual phone !
19:23.47SeRip3nguin: You aint missing out much...
19:24.08SeRiI feal like puking.
19:24.15p3nguinJust lame chatter?
19:24.22SeRithe damn screen keeps flipin...
19:24.26SeRip3nguin: Yes.
19:25.02SeRiso when audio activates the screen flips to that persons video feed
19:25.13SeRiimagine what happens when they all start talking
19:25.33p3nguinlunch time
19:25.39SeRiI am about to have a seizure
19:25.53Cesar_Bsorry for re questioning this, but i need help to solve one problem using libss7 with "Continuity Check Procedure", anyone can help me with this?
19:31.16Cesar_Bno one?
19:33.37fpriorHi all; my scenario is Zoiper --> Asterisk --> LinkSys Spa400 --> POTS; during an outside call, when clients pickup, I receive very bad and strong noise. Check this: ; what cause this ?
19:39.25SeRip3nguin: I left that place... maybe next friday it will be interesting... the conf for sure was
19:40.22p3nguinCall it at 10:45-ish to get there when it starts.
19:40.36p3nguinThey have a main topic of discussion with a guest speaker most of the time.
19:40.56p3nguinBut that only lasts for the first hour (approximately).
19:41.29beta2kfprior, are your analog lines balanced?
19:42.02beta2kWe get nasty hum on one of our ATA's due to really long loop length and it's imballanced
19:42.06p3nguinAnd I would like to say that my $2 Subway meatball sub was yummy.
19:42.16Qwell$2?  WTF sorcery is this?
19:42.33*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
19:42.59p3nguinDecember is customer appreciation month at Subway.  Meatball and cold cut combo subs are just $2 for 6-inch.
19:43.13beta2kus only I assume?
19:43.15jrose_atDigiumSo I heard on the radio this morning.
19:43.33JunK-Yp3nguin: only in US, cause i ate the same and wasnt at 2$ :(
19:43.35p3nguinI couldn't say if they appreciate their customers in other countries or not.
19:44.28p3nguinI guess they don't.
19:44.50fpriorbeta2k: how can I check if line is balanced ?
19:44.53beta2kLets veto Subway Junk-Y for not appreciating us :)
19:45.41beta2khe telco
19:45.45beta2kYou'd need a timset (sp?), check it with a POTS phone and if it's still there complain at the telco
19:48.39*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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19:50.03SeRip3nguin: got it.
19:50.07SeRiout to lunch
19:50.47*** join/#asterisk neurosys_ (
19:51.24fpriorbeta2k: sorry, I don't understand, timset ?
19:51.52beta2kIt's a test set for ballanced lines
19:52.09beta2kJust check it with a regular phone and if it's there let the telco deal with it
19:52.45p3nguinseri: $2 Subway sub?
19:52.53p3nguinGet two and have a $4 footlong!
19:53.14SeRip3nguin: lol nope.
19:53.27SeRiFajita :)
19:53.43SeRior Fajaits
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19:58.50SeRiwell shit... no more fajitas :(
19:59.23fpriorbeta2k, I've checket with analog phone, directly connected with a POTS. There is no bad sound but in place of it exists imperceptible noise. this mean line is unbalanced ?
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20:16.28[TK]D-Fenderfprior, Card issue
20:17.00[TK]D-FenderThis would be the SPA400 apparently
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20:23.40fprior[TK]D-Fender, beta2k: I've found problem. is line. I've 4 line from same telco and only 1 has noise. If I change spa400 port, noise keep on same line, thanks
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20:28.10jimi_How can I tell if a queue call has ended? I want to call an external application once it's ended.
20:33.45BlackBishopnope .. it's not the telco, plugged in the cable into a phone and tried to dial the exact number, works ..
20:34.02BlackBishopso .. I'm using Dial(); wrong .. or the HT does something to it ..
20:35.56[TK]D-Fenderlook at the number.  if you're passing it right, then then HT is doing something wrong
20:36.57BlackBishopdefinetly HT is doing something wrong .. I know my own number..
20:38.26BlackBishopbut .. since it doesn't have a DEBUG windows :| I can't see what it does ..
20:39.21p3nguinThere's a debug feature in asterisk.  That would be helpful to see what a device is sending to asterisk.
20:40.24BlackBishopmhm, but wouldn't help to see what the device is sending to the telco
20:40.47BlackBishopsince it's making a connection to the telco, and I hear the telco robot "welcome to [telco], the number you have dialed is not in service"
20:43.48[TK]D-FenderBlackBishop, Pick up an analog phone in parallele and listen to hear if you get all the digits.  Also it may be dialing too fast
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20:56.28*** part/#asterisk StaRetji (~BigEight@
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21:26.25[TK]D-FenderCheckout time, BBIAB
21:29.31*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
21:36.02*** join/#asterisk Bidik (~bidik@
21:38.29*** join/#asterisk IsUp (IsUp@unaffiliated/isup)
21:40.11*** join/#asterisk CVirus (~GoD@
21:41.23CVirusAsterisk is segfaulting when I try to connect to it
21:42.37jrose_atDigiumCVirus:  You'll probably want to generate a backtrace.
21:42.51IsUpChanServ: anything in /var/log/messages ?
21:47.32CViruslet me get the backtrace
21:48.35IsUpCVirus: its Ubuntu, right?
21:48.41CVirusby the way asterisk is running normally .. the segfault only happens when I connect to it
21:48.45*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (~powerkill@
21:48.48CVirusIsUp: no this is another machine running Debian
21:49.02CViruseven after the segfault .. asterisk is still running
21:49.30*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:51.17IsUphello [TK]D-Fender
21:53.26CVirusgdb -se "asterisk" -ex "bt full" -ex "thread apply all bt" --batch -c core > /tmp/backtrace.txt
21:53.32CVirus/root/core: No such file or directory.
21:53.33CVirusNo stack
21:54.35WIMPyI'm not sure you can make the remote console do a core dump. You may have to run it with gdb.
21:55.19CVirusI misunderstood that part ... well asterisk doesn't actually crash in my case
21:55.26CVirusI only fail to connect to it
21:55.35CVirususing asterisk -rvvvvvvv
21:59.52Qwelltl;dr: You should have upgraded before asking.
22:03.55CVirusQwell: I'm already up-to-date on my branch
22:06.01CVirusp3nguin: Asterisk
22:07.36*** join/#asterisk TJNII (
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22:27.45BlackBishopwhat's the default insecure value *10 ? :/
22:32.18*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (~brianj@
22:43.07BlackBishopthe default value for insecure= for a peer if I don't specify any
22:46.03p3nguinIf none is specified, there is no value.
22:46.24p3nguinI guess that would be insecure=no
22:59.48p3nguinThis doesn't make any sense at all.  I applied the following patch, and core show application ConfBridge still shows * rather than # for the menu.
23:00.10p3nguinapp_confbridge.c is patched.
23:00.31p3nguinA new app_confbridge.o and are built.
23:01.04p3nguinInstall, restart (or reload, and it still shows the wrong character.
23:01.51p3nguingrepping the entire source tree only finds the line in app_confbridge.c and doc/core-en_US.xml, which are both now reflecting # correctly.
23:01.57p3nguinHow it that possible?
23:06.58dijibi dont know, same shite with mine and app_SWIFT
23:17.43*** join/#asterisk s[X] (
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23:39.55p3nguinDid swift compile successfully?
23:42.39*** join/#asterisk s[X] (
23:44.02dijibyes it did p3nguin
23:44.13p3nguinNo errors?
23:44.34p3nguinAny warnings?
23:46.50*** join/#asterisk s[X] (
23:50.03*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
23:55.38*** join/#asterisk golikwid|mac (~chrislees@

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