IRC log for #asterisk on 20111130

00:06.32*** join/#asterisk dailylinux (~test@
00:08.24*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
00:15.01*** join/#asterisk Kyosh (
00:35.57p3nguinInteresting.  I think just went offline.
00:37.40gordonjcpcan externip be passed a hostname rather than an IP address?
00:38.50p3nguinBut fortunately, there's externhost !
00:39.03gordonjcpah, makes sense
00:40.03p3nguinUsually externaddr (formerly externip) is used with a static public IP address, and externhost is used with a dynamic host name.
00:42.56*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
01:02.35s[X]p3nguin, you familiar with  nsupdate
01:02.43p3nguinOnly a little.
01:03.01s[X]cant get my key pairs to auth
01:03.07s[X]its painfully frustrating
01:07.19*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
01:09.07*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
01:12.19*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
01:18.42*** join/#asterisk WiretapSeven (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
01:25.15*** join/#asterisk Crowb4r (u1012@gateway/web/
01:29.40*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:32.22*** join/#asterisk libryder (~david@
01:33.05libryderanyone know how to control what order hunt members are dialed in a linear queue strategy? i tried penalty but it just keeps calling the member with the lowest penalty every time
01:49.51*** join/#asterisk kaushal (~kaushal@
01:54.42*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
02:12.05*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
02:16.45*** join/#asterisk chalcedony (~llhull@unaffiliated/chalcedony)
02:21.55*** join/#asterisk master_of_master (
02:33.45*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
02:34.55F2KnightJust did an svn update on a test box and got an error about NAT anyone encounter this yet?
02:35.03F2Knightand what might be the fix
02:35.19tzangeris that link accurate for 1.8.x? thinking of using sqlite for sip realtime but that suggests that unless unixodbc has support for it, it doesn't exist
02:36.21F2Knighttzanger, the contribs/realtime directory has some defined SQL statements for different supported DB engines.
02:36.57F2Knightbut the primary reason most people would use realtime is because you can have a centurally located database with your accounts.
02:37.24F2Knightusing SQLITE ... while i believe technically possible, has no real value.
02:38.08tzangerF2Knight: yes, I know sqlite has no network support and more than one accessor is... not recommended
02:38.14tzangerI'll take a look there and see
02:38.15F2KnightSQLLite is very I/O heavy as it is not a proper database.. well not a Relational Database anyways.. its more like MS ACCESS. where its all in one file.
02:38.17tzangerthank you
02:38.33tzangerF2Knight: yeah, I'm pretty familliar with sqlite, just not with asterisk :-)
02:38.40F2KnightI run realtime.. MySQL DB
02:39.40F2Knightthere are some 'fixes' you might need to apply to the sql scripts.. look at it and adjust to your needs
02:39.53F2Knight1.8 does use sqlite3 now for its internal astdb
02:40.27F2Knightbut if you are running a single node setup. your more often then not best to just stick with the static sip.conf file
02:40.45F2Knightesp if your not fimular with * at all
02:40.53tzangeroh I'm quite familiar with asterisk
02:41.02tzangerbeen running it since 1.0
02:41.12tzangercompiled dialplans ftw. :-)
02:41.23*** join/#asterisk p3nguin_ (
02:41.26F2Knight<tzanger> F2Knight: yeah, I'm pretty familliar with sqlite, just not with asterisk :-) <--- seems there is a misunderstanding then
02:41.46tzangerF2Knight: familliar with sqlite3, familliar with asterisk, just not the two together
02:41.49tzangerand not with realtime at all
02:42.15F2Knightah well they have nothing to do with each other really
02:42.31F2Knightone is a DB access using common everyday ODBC
02:42.40F2Knightthe other is a differnt ball of wax
02:42.51tzangerwhat's odbc got to do with sqlite3 use in asterisk?
02:43.01F2Knightasterisk Realtime.
02:43.19tzangerasterisk realtime isn't locked to odbc, unless I'm mistaken
02:43.21tzangerwhich is possible
02:43.24F2KnightODBC. must use it if you want things to work right, esp things like voicemail
02:43.38tzangerright right
02:43.54F2Knightthe older versions were not at all but they are moving everything to ODBC support pretty much entierly
02:44.10tzangerI'm still in the design stage, might end up using Kamailio in front of * to isolate it but I am not sure I'll end upw tih that
02:44.18tzangervoicemail on the handsets isn't really coming from this * box anyway
02:44.41F2Knightif the system supports an ODBC interface asterisk can interface with that and let the system deal with interfacing to what ever the DB is.. flat file sqlite3 mysql firebird DB3 etc asterisk just dont care at that point its ODBC for it
02:45.37tzangerwe're using sqlite3 for other aspects of the system, but there are going to be very few (i.e. under 30) devices registered, but they're all dynamically allocated
02:45.43F2KnightKamillio is a big learning curve.. been trying to work with it my self... and plan to use my RealtimeDB to fetch account info to kamaillio.. but remember. Kamaillio does not media.
02:45.53tzangeror at least the bulk of them. autocreatepeer is being used to handle that though
02:46.40tzangerno I know kamailio has no media support. that's fine. this * box is always in the loop. I might be playing with some forced reinvites to send the call over another bearer mid-call based on outside-of-asterisk routing decisions
02:47.03tzangerjust looking at kamailio to do the funky stuff if Asterisk proves too difficult
02:47.16F2Knightso if your PBX is mostly going to be doing media stuff IVR/ voicemail etc. You may want to reconsider ... also unless you have thousands of calls persecond I think Kamailio might be over kill. its fail over support is nice.. for load balancing .. but I think you need several thousands of calls to warrent that.. vs. just asterisk with HA setup
02:47.29tzangerno no this is very low volume, just complex
02:47.46tzangerno need for HA in this application either, which is nice
02:47.58tzangerthe other end is all high availability, I'm not on that team though
02:48.15tzangeranyway, I should get back to the hotel. thanks for the info, I appreciate it
02:48.43F2Knighthappy )*( hacking
03:02.24*** join/#asterisk chalcedony (~llhull@unaffiliated/chalcedony)
03:02.26*** join/#asterisk sogi (
03:02.31sogihey guys.
03:03.16sogisomebody with problem with DTMF on asterisk 1.8 - couple of DTMF are being ignored
03:03.39sogi+ I can only enter 3 digits in IVR...
03:03.48sogithat was question :D sorry
03:11.35*** join/#asterisk vpopov (~happylife@
03:13.27SeRi|zzZZzzp3nguin_: !!!!!!
03:14.16SeRirofl @ the msg
03:17.58SeRiwhat a day
03:18.21p3nguin_What message?
03:19.27SeRid00d I just got home :/
03:19.41SeRiwent to a customers after work...
03:20.19SeRiIll be working on saturday so no boxing for me :(
03:25.38p3nguinNo ground 'n pound?
03:28.47sogianybody to save my ass? :D
03:30.39SeRip3nguin: nope :(
03:32.59*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:34.09*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:35.14s[X]woot got nsupdate working
03:35.17s[X]stupid fkn permissions
03:38.55*** join/#asterisk Russ (
03:40.13*** part/#asterisk webguynow (
03:43.29SeRip3nguin: I have a small problem when parking calls.
03:43.45SeRiwhen I park the call and retrieve it I can hear them but they can not hear me.
03:43.57SeRionly when parking calls
03:44.31SeRip3nguin: can you give me a hand with this issue?
03:44.42SeRiI cant seem to see anything on the logs
03:53.28SeRiany body in? :(
03:56.52SeRiit's only with pstn calls
03:57.21*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
03:58.35WIMPyI had an issue with one-way-audio in ConfBridge after putting a call on hold.
03:59.00SeRiWIMPy: I do have confbridge setup
03:59.20WIMPyMaybe there's a general issue with inactive calls.
03:59.23SeRibut its just regular calls coming in and been parked
03:59.41SeRiI see. let me try and disable confbridge
04:00.15WIMPyIf you're not using it, I don't think it will do you any harm.
04:00.47WIMPyI was more thinking it could be two symptoms of another issue.
04:01.11SeRiI see
04:01.16SeRiwell is odd.
04:01.23SeRiI can find anything on the logs...
04:01.35SeRithat would say there is an issue
04:02.13WIMPyMight be interesting to debug hold states.
04:02.23SeRihow can I do that?
04:02.49WIMPyDepends on the channels.
04:05.46SeRimhhh just in case I just turn off the shit shaper
04:08.05*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
04:09.13SeRiok is not that
04:09.22SeRiI just did a regular hold and it works fine
04:09.28SeRiits only with parked calls
04:10.03WIMPyA hold flag in core show channels would be a good thing.
04:10.44p3nguinHow will you "disable confbridge"?
04:12.18WIMPyBTW: Is there some add-on for SIP to display hold status?
04:13.03SeRip3nguin: well per say I didnt disable it. but the way to disable it is by unloading the module
04:13.11p3nguinit's "per se"
04:13.25SeRiYes sr :)
04:13.29JerJeranyone have any ideas why I can telnet to tcp port 5060, paste in a register and get a 401 unauth response but absolutely nothing when using asterisk ?   (asterisk just retransmits)
04:13.29Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
04:13.50SeRip3nguin: It only happens with parked calls only
04:13.56JerJerno firewalls or nat
04:13.57p3nguinSIP doesn't use TCP 5060.
04:13.59WIMPyDid you tell it to use tcp?
04:14.40SeRip3nguin: you want to take a look at the logs and see if you spot something my untrain eyes cant see?
04:14.47p3nguinNot right now.
04:15.01JerJeri see packets  in tcpdump - but nothing gets to the other end
04:15.08SeRi:( ok.
04:15.15[TK]D-Fender"when using asterisk" also tells us nothing.  We have no idea how these 2 scenarios relate to each other networking wise.  What you are connecting to, how, etc
04:15.38[TK]D-FenderI suppose you might be trying to imply that * should be trying to register...
04:15.56[TK]D-FenderWhich we don't see configs for, status dumps to iundicate attempts, SIP debug from CLI....
04:16.00JerJer[TK]D-Fender:  i see the same attitude is still in this channel
04:16.12[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Just filling in what I don't see :)
04:16.29JerJerobviously i've tried the common shit if i'm askign here
04:16.45[TK]D-FenderJerJer: You can pony up something at any time.  Our callers are waiting to take your orders now!
04:17.02[TK]D-FenderJerJer: Well you aren't showing us anything.... Really.. you know we aren't psychic.
04:17.23SeRi[TK]D-Fender: I am having issues when parking calls. and I cant seem to find anythong on the calls
04:17.37*** part/#asterisk JerJer (~JerJer@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
04:17.45SeRidam it
04:18.07[TK]D-FenderLots 'o'
04:18.24SeRiany who I get garble audio and sometimes only one way audio.
04:18.24F2Knightfudge brownies w/ wallnuts
04:18.28SeRionly with a parked calls
04:18.53F2KnightSeRi,  is one of the devices behind nat?
04:19.04SeRieverythign else works fine. as soon as I park a call and retrive it I can hear them fine but the cant hear me
04:19.25SeRiF2Knight: obiously not the issue if all calls can come in just fine
04:19.39SeRibut yes my * is behind nat
04:19.59SeRiIt all works well. It is only when I park a call.
04:20.32F2KnightI had a simiular issue where calls came in fine but when going to a queue it would come out all mucked up one way and stuff but worked fine if all callers were on the same LAN. can you see if parking works from a lan to lan side?
04:20.37SeRiso I have to asume the issue is internally
04:20.58SeRiF2Knight: one sec
04:21.18F2Knightfor me the issue turned out to be that I was not handling re-invites correctly
04:24.00SeRiF2Knight: in the lan seems to work ok
04:24.16SeRiMhhhhh so what did you do for re invites?
04:24.49F2Knightlooking through my notes now to see if I can find it.
04:24.55SeRiF2Knight: Thanks
04:24.58F2Knightbut now you know its a NAT issue :)
04:25.17SeRiWell it puzzles me because it was working fine before :/
04:25.27SeRiOut of no where I have this issue
04:25.36SeRibut.... mhhhhh one sec
04:27.39SeRinope that was not it....
04:27.59SeRiI made some changes on the ports but that was not it
04:28.36SeRihold works fine from pstn or internally
04:28.46F2Knightwhat is your sip.conf entry for the channel in quesiton.. ? look at the canreinvie=no
04:29.05SeRiThats set
04:29.55SeRiI dont think the inernal phones need to have that option... correct?
04:31.23WIMPyjust wonders how to actually use the park app.
04:32.29SeRiIts defently with parked calls only
04:33.06WIMPyIf I transfer a call to Park() it becomes inactive indeed.
04:33.49WIMPyBut what's the point of telling the parked part where they have been parked?
04:34.00*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
04:34.37[TK]D-FenderYou don't tell the parked party where they are parked.
04:34.54WIMPyNo, but Asterisk does.
04:35.01*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
04:35.05[TK]D-Fendernot if you're doing it right
04:35.13WIMPyBut then I'm not sure how it coult tell me.
04:35.57[TK]D-FenderStop doing blind transfers to parking
04:36.57WIMPyBut when I do an attended transfer I only get MOH. Obviousely Asterisk can't know it will become a transfer at that point.
04:39.12[TK]D-FenderAttended transfer stat.  Listen to lot #.  Finished attended transfer.
04:39.31[TK]D-FenderYou don't sit there forever...
04:39.53carrarI like to sit here forever
04:40.04WIMPyI don't get an announcement, I only get MOH.
04:40.07carrarI'm you're huckleberry
04:40.30[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Show us configs and attempts.
04:42.14WIMPyWell the log says playing digits/1, but I don't hear it.
04:42.25WIMPyDo I need to Answer() before Park()?
04:42.43[TK]D-Fendersits and waits
04:43.37WIMPyOk, that makes a yes.
04:48.03[TK]D-FenderAnd another no-show bites the dust...
04:48.26*** join/#asterisk SeRi (
04:49.10SeRiwell that was no fun
04:49.41carrarThats comcastic
04:52.47SeRiwell I cant seem to figure it out. and looks like today every body is bussy.... :(
04:54.30[TK]D-FenderSeRi: I would chime in if there was anything to comment on...
04:54.51SeRi[TK]D-Fender: Thanks :)
04:55.47SeRiI cant seem to nail this one out and seem to be an internal issue. F2K claims a nat issue but Its not since holds work just fine. park uses a different module than hold....
04:56.21SeRithough technically is identical in some aspects
04:57.46SeRiok found something
04:58.07SeRiif the same phone that puts the call on park retrievs it the issue does not present it self
04:58.16p3nguinInstead of using Park, what happens if you use the parking feature?
04:58.31SeRip3nguin: Thats what I am doing
04:59.00SeRiusing the park feature and retreving it as the announce ext
04:59.07p3nguinNot using Park()?
04:59.10SeRiin all cases 701
05:00.14SeRip3nguin: I am using features.conf and including the context include => parkedcalls
05:00.41SeRiI send the calls to 700 to be parked
05:00.56SeRiand it anounces where is been parked
05:01.40SeRiIf I dal 701 from the same phone I sent the call to be parked to retrive it everything is fine
05:02.26[TK]D-FenderYup... nothing to see here...
05:02.32SeRibut if I dial 701 from my home phone "linksys pap2" I get nothing but garble audio from my side to her and some times they dont even get audio... Though I can hear them just fine
05:02.37[TK]D-Fendergoes back to watching the Colbert Report
05:05.01*** join/#asterisk gajini (~root@
05:08.16SeRiok the issue is only with the pap2
05:08.31SeRiI can retrive calls fine from the polycom
05:26.55SeRiif any body can look at this log for an issue with park calls and retrivial I grately appreciated.:
05:36.05SeRipap2 you are a bastard
05:36.17SeRiI am happy now :)
05:37.31ChannelZgood your log was a mess
05:38.18SeRiChannelZ: Thanks is my specialty
05:38.50SeRiwell some how the pap2 reverted some features back and I didnt know how tha f it happen.
05:39.14SeRimaybe I did it drunk or something
05:42.42SeRirtp packet size/jitter/rtp ports where all some how all fucked up and not matching my settings :/
05:52.04[TK]D-Fenderok, checking out for the night, later all
05:56.26*** join/#asterisk ilj (~ilj@sourcemage/grimoire/apprentice/ilj)
05:58.47*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (
06:17.44*** join/#asterisk tyman (
06:33.51*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
06:38.10*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
06:38.27*** join/#asterisk _omer (~omer@
06:40.01_omerhello, I need to dial 100 calls in a single loop in my AGI Script but loop get stopped at Dial command until call is not answered or timed out.....
06:42.28*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
06:43.42*** join/#asterisk chalcedony (~llhull@unaffiliated/chalcedony)
06:47.23irrootmy challenge is to see if i can get Samba 3 and 4 to coexist on same server different domains
06:48.03WIMPyI see the S&M scene is alive.
06:48.28irrootWIMPy LOL
06:49.09irrootwant to get openchange working it requires Samba 4 its a native replacement for exchange bug for bug compatibility :P
06:49.40SeRiirroot: I dont see why not.
06:49.57SeRiIf you compile the binary with a user prefix I dont see why the two can not run together
06:50.00irrootill bind it to a "spare" ip
06:50.08irrootor alias
06:50.44irrootthe prefix is not the issue samba4 is "samba" samba3 is "smbd/nmbd"
06:51.57WIMPy_omer: You're using the wrong tool. You want AMI, call files or a shell script.
06:51.58SeRiok so no troubles with the bin.... so spun a new ip for ether a second interface or as you posted an alias... Though I am not sure if that works since it has to resolve back to the same IP :/
06:52.28SeRisamba can not bind to the same IP twice
06:53.13SeRiwell two different ones.... unless there is something that I dont know.
06:55.05*** join/#asterisk devops (~devops@
06:55.39irrootSeRi yeah i will have a extra ip the namespace will be tricky may need to do some ju-ju with ldap config to get the domains seperated
06:55.55devopsIs dahdi providing API along with the driver
06:56.36irrootdevops yes indeed the dahdi driver and then chan_dahdi and chan_ss7 [libpri/libss7]
06:56.43SeRiirroot: I see. let me know how it works out..
06:57.03s[X]hey irroot
06:57.05irrootseri maybe delete outlook and install thunderbird :P
06:57.23irroots[X] morning there
06:57.29s[X]hey SeRi
06:57.41SeRis[X]: waz up.
06:57.55s[X]Replacing my noisy as fuck DL380 G3 with a laptop lol
07:00.09irroothehe the noise that bad ?
07:00.28irroots[X] i use a net book loving it took bit to get used too
07:00.29s[X]You wouldnt want to be in the same room as it for too long
07:00.44_omerWIMPy: yes, I am using AMI to initiate calls...but I thought if I could do that in a loop in AGI Script.
07:00.45s[X]Its just for my asterisk box
07:01.15irroots[X] depends on your requirements
07:01.22WIMPy_omer: You can't parallise dialplan.
07:01.22s[X]home asterisk box
07:01.31*** join/#asterisk xpot (
07:01.34s[X]i have a 45RU cabinet at hom
07:01.38irrooti use a small atom micro pc
07:02.10irroothehe double points for a aircon in the cab and double down if you have a pyro pack
07:02.32_omerWIMPy: yep, I got it...thanks
07:02.42*** join/#asterisk AmirBehzad (~behzad@
07:03.04*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:03.10*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:03.20s[X]irroot: busy constructing a custom thermoelectric cooler
07:03.33*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
07:03.46irroots[X] lol
07:04.07*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
07:04.15irrootp3nguin yo
07:04.22s[X]i got a photo here somewhere
07:05.37s[X]the HDD Array is probably the only piece of modern equipment
07:05.55s[X]Its 22TB of goodness :P
07:09.01irrootbangs head just got asked what to do when configure says no acceptable cc ....
07:09.08irroots[X] mmm super cool
07:10.18irrootaint seen the bay stuff in a while
07:10.31s[X]yeah she be old :P
07:10.35irrootthey were swallowed by nortel ??
07:11.12irrootremeber global internet ?? they used bay all over got x2 working on it back in the day
07:11.26s[X]nah dont
07:11.46devopsirroot: I am researching on ss7 stack . for developing ss7 stack
07:12.12devopsirroot: I didn't found any API doc for communicating with the card or the driver
07:12.58irroots[X] that was circa '97/8 one of the first ISP's here in ZA
07:13.13*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
07:13.14schmidtsgood morning
07:13.18s[X]Iafrica rings a bells
07:13.22irrootdevops get asterisk source dahdi source and libss7 source
07:13.43irrootthe libss7 docs [doxygen] should help
07:13.57irroots[X] yeah about same time
07:16.07*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
07:19.54*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
07:24.17s[X]Hey irroot i wouldnt chatting to you about the 7200s - > asterisk setup
07:24.24*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
07:24.39s[X]I'm about to head home but if ur available later wouldnt mind a quick chat
07:24.52irroots[X] i dont get too involved on the samsung setup
07:25.06irrootyeah should be arround 9am here
07:25.08*** join/#asterisk Akuma (
07:25.36SeRicya guys. g/n
07:26.29s[X]Isnt it already 9:30 ?
07:26.38*** join/#asterisk brdude (
07:26.41irrootSeRi hehe i just got here lol want to chase me
07:26.57irrootyeah 9:26 SAST
07:26.58SeRiI am leaving for the night
07:27.04SeRi130AM here :P
07:27.14irrootSeRi ah have a good morning then
07:27.18s[X]Cya Seri
07:27.20s[X]im heading home
07:27.21s[X]cya all
07:35.23irrootok genius with out CC wants to now get gcc
07:35.32irrootbut thats not all he wants to use "source"
07:35.39irrootso i gave him link
07:35.57*** join/#asterisk ollii (~risker@2001:470:1f15:1384:62eb:69ff:fe31:b4)
07:36.03irrootbut now who is going to tell him that you cant compile a compiler without a compiler
07:36.10irrootollii o/
07:36.31*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (
07:40.35kaiimorning everybody
07:42.05irrootkaii morning
07:46.08*** join/#asterisk creativx (
07:47.22*** join/#asterisk hetii (~hetii@
07:47.26olliiway to early...i should be in bed right now :/
07:47.54*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
07:48.14kaiiollii: i was here at work half an hour before you, dont complain :P
07:49.56irrootis at home in bed ... working best of both
07:50.11ollii-.- !
07:51.14*** join/#asterisk coppice (
08:02.33*** join/#asterisk Nasga (
08:02.50*** join/#asterisk zkn (~zkn@
08:05.49*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
08:11.35*** join/#asterisk Haraken (~ryuk@unaffiliated/haraken)
08:24.50zknHello, could someone briefly explain how is "pickupexten" in features.conf supposed to work? What I require at this point is to be able to pick up a ringing extension from another extension, would this allow this?
08:27.11*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:27.15kaldemarzkn: it won't allow it, but it only defines the combination that is used to pick up calls.
08:27.22*** join/#asterisk mandla (~quassel@
08:27.49zknok, so it's specifically for picking up calls from the parking lot after they have been parked
08:28.11kaldemarzkn: allowing pickup is configure with pickupgroup and callgroup in channel configuration files.
08:28.18zkni see
08:28.21*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:28.25kaldemarzkn: no, it is not related to parking.
08:28.53kaldemarit is for picking up a ringing channel.
08:29.10zknoh, still
08:29.44zknokay, so what I need is to set up call groups and pickupgroups
08:30.47kaldemarif you have callgroup=1 for channel A, any channel that has pickupgroup=1 can pick up a ringing call to A up by using *8 or someting else defined in features.conf.
08:31.16kaldemarsee the sample sip.conf for an example.
08:31.57zknalready checking
08:32.02zknthanks, kaldemar
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09:00.17*** join/#asterisk s[X] (
09:00.33s[X]Hey all
09:01.12*** join/#asterisk kriegerod (
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09:10.46angryuserHello anyone from sangoma here ?
09:10.55angryuserMarc ?
09:15.31FaustovMarc ftw, fixed my sangoma \o/
09:15.41Faustovbut I don't think he's here
09:16.26angryuserI have a very wierd stuff, installed a 101 in centos 6, card send nothing
09:16.37angryuserchanged, card, same result
09:16.48angryuserIt does not even detect loopback
09:17.24Faustovwell, are the modules up?
09:17.34Faustovwhat do you get in dmesg when you load them?
09:17.41angryuserFaustov, yea, i can see spans, ect
09:17.49Faustovwhich version of wanpipe are you using
09:17.51Faustovand which kernel
09:17.57angryuserFaustov, i tried also install it with Freswitch
09:18.13angryuserBoth see the card no problem
09:18.33angryuserFaustov, wanpipe-3.5.24
09:18.50angryuserFaustov, 2.6.32-71.29.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP
09:19.12Faustovok, from my experience 32 is the last version that lets wanpipe compile
09:19.28angryuserThe only difference i saw with asterisk are the unnumbered frames
09:19.53angryuserBut the interface w1g1 RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 b)
09:20.00Faustovbut I never used freswitch (whatever that is) so I can't really help, I've installed wanpipe manually and the configuration was quite easy over an interactive shell script
09:20.21Faustovwhat aboud dahdi? do you have it running, modules loaded?
09:20.23angryuserFaustov, its the same stuff, you think a kernel too high ?
09:20.30Faustovno, your kernel should be ok
09:20.42Faustovits the network abi that was causing problems
09:20.45angryuserFaustov, card detects, asterisk starts, i can see the span and channels
09:20.45s[X]irroot u around bud ?
09:20.46Faustovin later versions
09:21.27Faustovangryuser: and you can get dahdi show channels to list your ports?
09:21.38angryuserFaustov, but loopback doing nothing, i plugged that loopback to the patton GW, the port goes up
09:21.58angryuserangryuser, sure, i have the qsig debug even, ect
09:22.28angryuserFaustov, well, i will try with centos 5.6 just to be sure
09:22.44irroots[X] what up
09:23.11angryuserFaustov, with debian sqeeze latest sangomas drivers do not compile btw
09:23.14s[X]Hey just was curious if i were to go down the Asterisk route between my ITSP and 7200s
09:23.28s[X]I was going to virtualize the * box
09:24.31s[X]I didnt setup the 7200
09:24.37irrootshould be ok may affect timing
09:24.38s[X]You reckon it would be a big job
09:25.23s[X]Half tempted to get the guys that installed it to do it but they arent the sharpest
09:26.04Faustovangryuser: sorry I have no better ideas
09:28.25*** join/#asterisk joobie (~joobie@unaffiliated/moo0o0ooo00o0o0o)
09:28.50joobiehey guys.. i have a queue setup where there are multiple SIP members registered
09:29.16joobiei want to set this up so that a member is actually a telephone number
09:29.22joobiehow would this work? is it possible?
09:29.57joobiei basically have a bunch of SIP phones registered in the office
09:30.25joobiebut for this one period of the day, those phones won't be serviced.. rather one user is going home and i want their home phone to ring as calls come through
09:30.41joobietheir home phone is just a standard home phone, disconnected from the voip.. so we need to ring it via the PSTN network
09:30.55joobiewe can use a sip peer of ours to do it.. just not sure how it would all integrate to the queue though
09:32.09kaldemarjoobie: use local channels.
09:32.53joobiei use 1.4
09:32.54kaldemarjoobie: then the members are just extensions in your dialplan and dial what you want based on a logic that you define.
09:33.04joobieis this compatible?
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09:34.12kaldemaryes. remember to use /n in the channel name so the local channel stays in the path.
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09:37.04joobiewhat would i use in the 'member' declariation within queues.conf kaldemar ?
09:37.17joobiecurrently i use 'member => SIP/1000' for example
09:37.35kaldemarjoobie: like i said, a local channel. Local/exten@context/n
09:39.02joobieahh k.. what about concurrent calls - like if i have 2 in queue
09:39.17joobie1 is answered.. will it try and dial the number over n over even though it's in use?
09:39.33joobiedo i need some sorta dialplan logic to limit it to 1 call?
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09:41.48kaldemarwhy would it?
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09:42.53joobiei dont know
09:42.59joobienever used chan_local
09:43.05joobienot sure how it handles
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09:51.02joobiekaldemar, i got an interesting warning back
09:51.26joobie[Nov 30 20:49:56] WARNING[26317]: app_queue.c:3137 try_calling: The device state of this queue member, Local/200@context/n, s still 'Not in Use' when it probably should not be! Please check UPGRADE.txt for correct configuration settings.
09:51.43joobieit works ok.. just i get that warning where it's not in use
09:52.16joobieit comes up when it is in use
09:52.18joobieany ideas?
09:54.08*** join/#asterisk Pio (
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10:05.12maxhbp204Hi, i am having digium card for E1 line 4 ports in it, now i want to configure ss7 on it for making calls, so do i need for each E1 link we shall use a separate signaling channel
10:05.18maxhbp204or it should be 1 for all
10:05.22dymHey - im now running a Digium TE220 connected and dahdi configured. But when i have a call incoming i dont see anything on the CLI. any idea?
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10:05.25maxhbp204can anybody help me for that
10:05.36kaldemarjoobie: that's probably because you have ringinuse=no configured for the queue and chan Local does not support device state.
10:06.20joobiecan i make it support device state
10:06.27joobieor put something in the dialplan to maket his work
10:06.51maxhbp204dym: i think you have not included dahdi-channels.conf in chan-dahdi,conf file
10:07.02dymmaxhbp204: checking...
10:07.32*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:5d7b:425a:59c5:fef4)
10:07.39kaldemarjoobie: i thought you said it works already? that's just a line of debug.
10:07.45maxhbp204I am having digium card for E1 line 4 ports in it, now i want to configure ss7 on it for making calls, so do i need for each E1 link we shall use a separate signaling channel??? can any body help me??
10:07.58*** join/#asterisk wannaknow (~realesnam@
10:08.13wannaknowHi everyone
10:09.43maxhbp204kaldemar: yes thanks for the link, i just want to know do i need seperate signalling lines or can i use the working first one?
10:12.04wannaknowi have a question: every 5 minutes exactly I see on my CLI "Manager 'admin' logged on from" and immediately afterwards "Manager 'admin' logged off from". Can anyone tell me what it means or what process originates it? I'm using version 1.8.4 and these manager connections often result in a "Broken pipe" error.
10:12.50*** join/#asterisk hajekd (~hajekd@
10:13.03kaldemarmaxhbp204: i think the sigchan is set per linkset, not per span.
10:13.13kaldemarmaxhbp204: not entirely sure though.
10:13.40hajekdIs it save to run AGI() in h extension?
10:13.47maxhbp204kaldemar: ok so i have to take 4 lines right, thanks for your suggestion, i will try with that as well
10:13.53*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
10:14.27kaldemarwannaknow: something or someone from the local host is logging in via the manager interface. if you get broken pipe errors, sounds like it is a broken script that does not read asterisk's responses properly.
10:15.21kaldemarhajekd: as safe as anywhere else. depends on what the AGI does.
10:17.06hajekdkaldemar: We are doing some cleanup code in AGI() in h extension, but dialplan is not processed when dst channel hangup first - same as this issue states:
10:24.17wannaknowkaldemar: Thanks for your reply. How can I tell what process is logging in every 5 minutes? We run different versions of Asterisk on quite a few servers, and the same thing happens on all of them. I'd like to fix the broken pipe error, but first I need to find that script.
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10:28.13kaldemarwannaknow: did you build the system yourself?
10:31.59wannaknowkaldemar: No, but as far as I know everything is pretty standard
10:32.04kaldemarhajekd: does your AGI hang up the channel?
10:33.28kaldemarwannaknow: pretty standard means pretty much nothing. nothing is plain asterisk itself will use AMI by itself, that's for sure. try to monitor what makes a connection to the tcp port that is defined as a bind port in manager.conf.
10:37.42wannaknowkaldemar: Thanks, I'll give it a shot
10:39.26*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
10:39.38kaldemarhajekd: the AGI hanging up the channel is not it. i can't reproduce your issue with a simple AGI script that only sets variables and executes a NoOp.
10:39.59kaldemarhajekd: i'm on asterisk 10 though, but the core snippet you put in jira has not changed.
10:40.49hajekdkaldemar: I didn't test on 10, but on 1.8 and 1.6. It works fine with 1.6 and 1.2. The diaplan after AGI is processed. But not in 1.8.
10:42.16hajekdkaldemar: And it depends who hangup first. Make sure dest channel (callee) hangup first
10:42.45hajekdkaldemar: It works fine when caller hangup first
10:43.20kaldemarhajekd: the callee did hang up first.
10:43.42hajekdkaldemar: 1.10?
10:43.54kaldemar10. there is no 1.10.
10:44.10hajekd;), ok
10:44.11joobieso when is asterisk 10 going to be "stable" ?
10:44.16joobieis there a release date yet?
10:44.54wdoekes2joobie: it's ready when it's ready
10:45.00joobiethat's nice
10:45.03joobiewhen is that?
10:45.17wdoekes2and even then, you shouldn't expect version 10.0 to be totally bug free
10:45.26joobieim considering doing an upgrade from 1.4 to 1.8 over the christmas period.. dont want to go to the effort if 10 is coming out the following month
10:45.42qakhani have setup a queue with 4 agents. when i transfer call from 1 agent to other agent, call transfer successfully, but when a new call comes in queue then call also goes to that agent to whom old call was transfered.
10:45.52wdoekes2it's in rc mode, so you could use that, unless you're affected by one of the open bugs
10:45.59qakhanwhy it is happening?
10:46.50joobiekaldemar, that says on the 12th of last month it shoudl have been released
10:46.52joobieor is that RC ?
10:46.57joobiewhat about stable...
10:47.08kaldemarjoobie: yes, it does say that. :)
10:47.20qakhanhi all
10:47.32joobieqakhan, what ring type mode are u using
10:47.35wdoekes2joobie: <-- no open blockers
10:47.42wdoekes2I suggest you try the latest rc version
10:48.21qakhanjoobie i am simply usind exten => queue(abc,t)
10:48.34qakhanis it correct?
10:49.01joobieall those blockers are resolved though wdoekes2
10:49.24joobieqakhan, what about your quque.conf
10:49.25wdoekes2"no open blockers"
10:49.37joobieso.. why is it still rc2?
10:49.49joobieqakhan, so ur next call after the transfer does not ringall?
10:49.53wdoekes2so people get to test it
10:49.54joobieit rings only one extension?
10:50.10wdoekes2the latest rc becomes the final version if no bugs are found within a reasonable time
10:50.10joobiesounds like 10 is almost htere
10:50.14joobieit supports skype ya?
10:50.51qakhanyes it rings all, but it not suppose to ring that agent while he is in call
10:50.52schmidtsjoobie AFAIK skype support is allready over
10:50.54kaldemarjoobie: forget about skype.
10:51.42joobiealready over?
10:51.45*** join/#asterisk TSM (
10:51.45joobieforget about skype?
10:51.50joobieit's not supported in 10?
10:51.54joobiei read it was a feature of 10.......
10:52.25joobieqakhan, when u say it rings the agent while he's in a call.. how does the agent see this?
10:52.47joobiedoes he have a multi-line phone
10:53.04joobieand multiple lines are registered
10:53.06joobieto his single extensino
10:53.11joobiefuk im out of booze :/
10:53.12qakhanand a popup shows in our application
10:53.13kaldemarjoobie: you read wrong. asterisk 10 supports SILK, the codec that skype uses.
10:53.48qakhanno only 1 ext is registered
10:53.56joobiekaldemar, so does this mean we still cant integrate to skype? just use the shitty skype codec?
10:54.07joobieqakhan, do a test
10:54.16joobieqakhan, ring the queue and get that dood to answer
10:54.21joobieand do 'queue show'
10:54.28joobiedoes it say he's in use
10:54.38joobiehe is in use?
10:55.16qakhanok agent A transfer call to Agent B
10:56.06qakhanafter trans call it shows agent A is free and Agent B also free, while Agent B is on call
10:56.52qakhani think i am doing something wrong with transfer calls in queue
10:56.59qakhanbut dont know what?
10:57.14kaldemarhajekd: can't reproduce your issue on either.
10:57.21gordonjcpyay, my phones arrived
10:57.23joobiei havent debuged this issue before qakhan
10:57.31joobiebut your problem is that it shoudl say "in use"
10:57.38joobieif the queue module doesnt see ur ext in use
10:57.44joobiethen u are fuked, and it willt ransfer calls to it
10:57.56hajekdkaldemar: You get NoOp message after the AGI(sleep)?
10:58.15joobiegordonjcp, what phone?
10:58.27qakhancan u tell me how tranfser a call to other agent in queue
10:58.35kaldemarhajekd: yes, i have two noops after the AGI call, and i see them.
10:58.40joobieit's just a normal transfer
10:58.48joobiequeue module should pick up state for the sip extension
10:58.58joobielike there's no funky "tell the queue i'm busy" type thing u need to do
10:59.14joobieif u dial out
10:59.17joobiefrom that phone
10:59.21joobiedoes it register and inuse
10:59.23joobiein queue show
10:59.35joobiei found sum scotch
10:59.58qakhanyes plz
11:00.37joobieguys i use 1.4 now
11:00.43joobieif i bump up to 10 or 1.8
11:00.55joobiewould i need to redo my extensions.conf / extensions.ael ?
11:00.59hajekdkaldemar: What do you have in your AGI( sleep )?
11:01.12hajekdkaldemar: will try the same
11:01.17qakhanwhat joobie
11:01.27joobieqakhan, huh?
11:02.05qakhanyou said you got something
11:02.44kaldemarhajekd: some exec noops, a few variable sets and gets, with proper response reads.
11:02.47joobietry dial out bro from that phone
11:02.53joobieand see if it comes up as in use in the queue show
11:05.50qakhanjoobie it shows    Agent/1003 (Not in use) has taken no calls yet
11:06.07qakhanwhile i made a call from 1003
11:06.41irrootjoobie the answer is not yes/no there are changes that may affect you some fuctions / apps have been changed or merged
11:06.48gordonjcpjoobie: Cisco 7910
11:07.12gordonjcpjoobie: I bought two just to play about with, for 20 quid each I can't really go wrong
11:07.42irrootthe one that sticks out is change from | to , as a seperator and changes to SET / MSET
11:07.42irrootits not painfull
11:07.53joobieahh nice gordonjcp
11:08.02joobieqakhan, that is ur issue
11:08.09joobieqakhan, the state is not coming up
11:08.21qakhanyes i know
11:08.23joobieqakhan, do you get any warnings / errors in console when u dial out?
11:08.26*** join/#asterisk frawd (
11:08.35joobiewhat version asterisk
11:09.02qakhanExecuting [1002@agent:1] Dial("SIP/1003-00000014", "SIP/1002") in new stack
11:09.10qakhanwhen i called to 1002
11:10.20joobiecan u dump ur sip.conf for 1003 ?
11:10.59qakhanu want to see my 1003 sip.conf?
11:11.18qakhan1 min plz
11:11.31joobieincluding username and password if it will let me register from my location
11:11.46*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
11:12.08qakhan[1003]                                                                                                                                              $
11:12.09qakhantype=friend                                                                                                                                         $
11:12.09qakhancontext=agent                                                                                                                                       $
11:12.09qakhanhost=dynamic                                                                                                                                        $
11:12.10qakhansecret=1234                                                                                                                                         $
11:12.11qakhannotifyhold=yes                                                                                                                                      $
11:12.11qakhancall-limit=2                                                                                                                                        $
11:14.50joobieit's probably an issue with your limitonpeers / type
11:15.13joobietry remove limitonpeers
11:15.29hajekdkaldemar: really make sure both legs are hanguped when sleeping in that AGI
11:15.55joobiere-register ur sip
11:16.05joobieafter that
11:16.12hajekdkaldemar: I'm trying now and it does not work. Put sleep 10s in that agi and you should be able to reproduce
11:16.23qakhanwhat its mean limitonpeers?
11:16.43joobieim gona boot qakhan
11:16.48joobietry remove that
11:16.51joobieand re-register
11:17.11joobiealso notifyhold
11:17.15joobietry remove that
11:17.23joobieif it doesnt work
11:17.40joobiei use 1.4 and my states are OK
11:18.05joobiei dont use those options.. maybe there is a bug or something becuase they dont seem to directly relate to your issue
11:18.16joobielimitonpeers i can see may affect ur issue, but it's a longshot
11:18.18joobieanyway im out
11:20.44kaldemarhajekd: i see, that was the first time you said that the originating channel needs to hang up during the AGI execution. the hangup extension will not continue execution if the source channel hangs up during its execution. that has nothing to do with AGI.
11:21.07hajekdkaldemar: dial with g?
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11:23.35kaldemarhajekd: g has no effect. it makes the dialplan execution go on in the extension that does the dial, when the destination channel hangs up.
11:24.16hajekdkaldemar: ah, so you can reproduce now?
11:24.21mirelabdoes anyone know why my SIP/<exten>@<IP address> is seen as Unknown
11:24.37mirelabmy Agent*
11:25.02kaldemarhajekd: yes, but it is not related to AGI.
11:25.18mirelabi need to see status of SIP agent in queue status
11:32.21hajekdkaldemar: i think it is related to AGI, replace the h,n,AGI(wait.php) with h,n,System(sleep 10) and try it. It will work just fine and the NoOp message at then end is shown in all cases.
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11:48.43kaldemarhajekd: replace the agi call with a Wait(10) and try it for yourself.
11:53.49kaldemarhajekd: System does not work like other applications.
12:00.52*** part/#asterisk giany (
12:06.55*** join/#asterisk CVirus (~GoD@
12:07.03CVirusWhich codec shall I use ulaw or alaw ?
12:07.31IsUpCVirus: it depends
12:07.34mirelabHas anyone used member => SIP/1000 for example in queues?
12:07.50CVirusIsUp: on what exactly ?
12:08.11IsUpCVirus: on your provider, phone
12:08.23CVirusIsUp: I live in Egypt
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12:09.06mirelabCVirus: alaw is for Europian standard and ulaw for US standard
12:09.53hajekdkaldemar: yes with wait(10) it does not work -> so it is a bug
12:09.53mirelabCVirus: now the question is which standard is used in Egypt
12:09.59IsUpCVirus: ask your provider to be sure, in my opinion
12:10.05hajekdkaldemar: wonder if it works in 10
12:11.34kaldemarhajekd: it behaves the same in 10.
12:12.02hajekdkaldemar: try Dial with g option -> AGI will work and NoOp will be shown -> weird ;)
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12:23.26StaRetjiFolks, can someone help me out. I have to record all incoming calls to specific extension. I googled a bit, but so far I failed to make it work. Is there step by step guide for this feature? Thx
12:24.35ollii ?
12:25.47*** part/#asterisk alex_ole (~a.olehnov@
12:26.34devmikeyQuestion: What cell phone service providers are there?  I've thought of att, sprint, verizon, alltel, virgin mobile, tmobile, and metropcs.  anybody else come to mind?
12:27.05olliidevmikey: a country would be helpful...but i assume your from america :P
12:28.41devmikeydoesnt the fact that I assume you would know indicative enough?
12:28.58StaRetjiollii: thx dude, I'll check it out. So far I tried exten => 5551,1,Ringing()_________________exten => 5551,2,SetVar(CALLFILENAME=${TIMESTAMP}_${CALLERID(num)})______________exten => 5551,3,Monitor(wav,${CALLFILENAME},m)__________________exten => 5551,4,Dial(SIP/5551|20|trf) but in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor there is nothing
12:28.58*** join/#asterisk LiuYan1 (~LiuYan@
12:29.36olliidevmikey: so is america! ;>
12:41.44*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~dan@
12:42.12dandate2skype allows free call termination to toll-free numbers, if i install skype2sip will that allow me to call toll-free numbers for free?
12:46.37*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
12:46.44jacc0I want to send email from asterisk dialplan; can anyone point me to a good example?
12:47.23olliiSystem(echo "foo" | mail -s "subject" )
12:47.48*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (~joelsolan@
12:47.53joelsolankiGood morning
12:48.02olliiyou could use postfix for example
12:49.55jacc0ty again
12:57.59qakhanhi all
12:58.21qakhanhow i setup call transfer to other agent in a queue
13:01.25*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (~joelsolan@
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13:14.02dandate2hmm i see skype 2 asterisk is no longer for sale, anyway to get this open source?
13:17.01bulkorokdandate2: freeswitch can:
13:18.09*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
13:18.11bulkorokdandate2: more infos:
13:18.15dandate2i never looked into freeswitch, will this require me to reinstall or scrap my current asterisk phone system?
13:18.47bulkorokdandate2: freeswitch is a seperate program... more like a softswitch than a pbx...
13:19.34bulkorokmaybe you find some matching at
13:21.27*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
13:22.59dandate2we have all kinds of custom coding for our asterisk build, is there any other way to get free or cheap termination to toll-free numbers?
13:23.36dandate2all the voip providers are charging me 1 cent per minute; which is really lame since skype is free calls to toll-free
13:25.40IsUpdandate2: i dont think that Skype is totally 'free', probably theres a 'fair usage' policy
13:27.56dandate2well if i have a skype account with $0 balance i can call toll-free as much as i like; mabye they would crack down on a pbx making tons of concurrents tho
13:28.58IsUpdandate2: i can recommend a provider, i'm pming u
13:32.40IsUphello [TK]D-Fender
13:38.17devmikeyis there a site you trust to review wireless provider quality
13:38.39dandate2wow they were truly free toll-free calls
13:38.44dandate2i gotta setup this trunk asap
13:42.07leifmadsenqakhan: be more specific -- you can transfer in any number of ways
13:46.23*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (~joelsolan@
13:46.28joelsolankigood morning guys
13:47.22joelsolankiplz take a look. this is vps server. i want to use it for DIDs unfortunately. when registering eyebeam from private IP/nat IP calls doesnt come on eyebeam.
13:47.30joelsolankiit works on public ip. can recommendations plz
13:48.14IsUpjoelsolanki: set your externip= and localnet= under [general] in sip.conf
13:48.49leifmadsenplus if asterisk is behind a firewall/nat you'll need to make the appropriate changes to allow external devices to communicate with it
13:49.32*** join/#asterisk Wiretap7 (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
13:49.52joelsolankino asterisk is not on private ip.
13:49.56joelsolankieyebeam is on private ip.
13:50.04joelsolankiasterisk has a public ip
13:50.24joelsolankiso no need to use externip stuff.
13:51.07kaldemarjoelsolanki: explain "registered on NAT IP" some more. is that the address of the eyebeam?
13:51.07joelsolankiany solution for this problem ?
13:51.45joelsolankieyebeam is installed on windows with ip of
13:51.51[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki, You should have qualify=yes as a NAT keepalive on your peer <-
13:52.01kaldemarset qualify=yes for it. the router might be dropping the port.
13:52.18joelsolankii see. let me try it one moment
13:52.28s[X][TK]D-Fender: hey
13:52.30[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki, Correct this then if it failes (after restarting eyebeam for the test) then pastebin the SIP DEBUG of the registration attempt
13:53.12[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki, And now is a great time to stop using "|" as a parameter delimiter in extensions.conf ....
13:53.30leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: now? :)
13:53.32[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki, Before it bites you in the behind when you upgrade
13:53.41[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, "Then" too :)
13:53.50leifmadsenbtw: "then" was about 6 years ago
13:54.24[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, Well he wasn't bitten "then", so "now" would still be a good time :)
13:54.45[TK]D-FenderSo when will "then" be "now"? ........
13:57.30joelsolankii am getting same issue
13:57.36joelsolankilet me put in sip debug
13:59.18joelsolankihere is the sip debug
14:00.50*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
14:01.41[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki, There is no registration attempt from eyebeam in there.
14:01.56*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
14:02.05joelsolankiyou want me to register it again and do sip debug ?
14:02.10joelsolankioh ok
14:02.14joelsolankilet me do it again plz
14:02.14[TK]D-FenderThat's what I told you to do.
14:02.25[TK]D-FenderPlease do
14:02.34joelsolankiok sure
14:02.44dym[Nov 30 15:03:07] WARNING[2853]: pbx.c:8747 ast_pbx_run_app: No such application 'txfax'
14:02.51*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
14:03.32dymis it not called txfax anymore?
14:03.53[TK]D-Fenderdym, You are probably missing prerequisites when you installed *.
14:04.14[TK]D-Fenderdym, look in menuconfig to see if it's ***'d
14:04.21[TK]D-FenderThat's usually it
14:04.48dymits app_txfax right?
14:05.09*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-txytgnlcrqttydgh)
14:05.23dymres_fax and res_fax_spandsp are selectable
14:06.22dym[TK]D-Fender: so the spandsp one should be what im looking for, right?
14:06.54[TK]D-FenderIIRC that is the generic one, not FFA.
14:06.56[TK]D-FenderGo for it
14:07.53dymcant select - its in < >
14:08.00*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
14:09.54joelsolankihere is it is
14:09.57joelsolankiplz check.
14:10.35dym[TK]D-Fender: Do you know if, while transmitting a fax, it is possible to check the status, and/or cancel the sending?
14:11.30*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
14:12.03[TK]D-Fenderdym, Don't think so...
14:12.20[TK]D-Fenderdym, If that's what you're looking for I'd recommend IAXModem + Hylafax
14:12.49*** join/#asterisk [1]joelsolanki (~joelsolan@
14:13.04[1]joelsolankisorry i got disconnecteed
14:13.12[1]joelsolankihere is it is
14:13.22wdoekes2joelsolanki: NAT/firewall doesn't stay punctured. either you need to lower the qualifyfreq (more often), or enable keepalived on the remote end
14:14.04[1]joelsolankiqualify=400 is fine ?
14:15.00joelsolankilet me know plz
14:15.13wdoekes2or you could read the sample sip.conf
14:15.18[TK]D-Fender[1]joelsolanki, Looks registered..
14:15.36*** join/#asterisk kamikazemicrowav (
14:15.42[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki, However these retransmits make me wonder about something filtering the qualify packets.
14:16.06[TK]D-Fenderdon't lower qualify... that is the TTL, not the frequency
14:16.23olliimaybe an openvpn tunnel would be fine...nothing to worry about nat ?!
14:16.38*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-igucirkubtoyngwx)
14:17.12joelsolankii see
14:17.31joelsolankiasterisk is installed on virtual private server from guys
14:17.42joelsolankii doubt it has something to do with it ?
14:17.54[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki, I'm suspecting more on your eyebeam end
14:18.12[TK]D-Fenderit isn't responding.  Please describe in full detail that entire side of this picture.
14:18.14CVirusWhat is the difference between dahdi-complete and dahdi-linux ?
14:18.28[TK]D-FenderCVirus, complete + linux + tools
14:18.39[TK]D-FenderCVirus, complete =  linux + tools
14:18.49CVirus[TK]D-Fender: Thanks
14:18.54*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
14:19.08joelsolankiok then i should test on other private ip. what do you suggest ?
14:19.18joelsolankii mean other than this network ?
14:20.33dym[TK]D-Fender: we just switched from hylafax :D
14:20.41dymwe wanted a more versatile system
14:20.54CVirus[TK]D-Fender: I'm using dahdi-linux- and wanpipe-3.5.23 .. are they compatible ?
14:21.45olliiCVirus: yeah...somehow they are
14:21.50CVirusollii: thanks
14:22.02*** part/#asterisk AmirBehzad (~behzad@
14:22.02ollii#sangoma could help you for detailed questions
14:23.52dym[TK]D-Fender: Even after compiling with fax_spandsp i dont get app_rxfax / app_txfax
14:24.10dym[Nov 30 15:23:58] WARNING[13426]: pbx.c:8747 ast_pbx_run_app: No such application 'txfax'
14:24.25[TK]D-Fenderdym, "core show applications like fax"
14:24.55[TK]D-FenderEven :)
14:25.09*** join/#asterisk webguynow (
14:25.38dymSo its Sendfax? Is that still txfax of spandsp?
14:26.04joelsolankiany suggestion D-Fender ?
14:28.55SeRig/m all.
14:30.34*** join/#asterisk Bob_Pierce (~WESTMAN\p@
14:33.45wdoekes2joelsolanki: did you try my suggestions already?
14:35.44dymHow can I group a set of DAHDI Channels?
14:35.54*** join/#asterisk lcat (~lcat@
14:38.33FaustovWhat do you recommend to achieve the following result: 1 extension rings 2 agents over IAX trunks simultaneously, until the first one answers? I'm having a problem when someone sets "DND" and due to that, the other agent does not ring at all (gets SIP response 483)
14:39.26*** join/#asterisk screenn (~screenn@
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14:43.16leifmadsenFaustov: use the flag in Dial() to ignore the busy message
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14:50.02Faustovleifmadsen: the I option?
14:50.18leifmadsenI don't know, does it work? does the description seem to make sense?
14:50.20*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
14:50.52Faustovnot really, neither option's description seems to fit to exactly what you said, so I'm assuming one of the options includes this
14:51.11FaustovI - Asterisk will ignore any connected line update requests or redirecting party update requests it may receiveon this dial attempt.
14:51.15Faustovthis one seems the closest
14:51.25Faustovfrom here:
14:54.10[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki, I'm waiting for the answer to my last request
14:54.38leifmadsenFaustov: my bad -- 'i' is for forwarding requests, not busy requests
14:55.07leifmadsenFaustov: you'll need to use a Local channel to call them independently then
14:55.33[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Dial each leg via local channels and add a long Wait() on the end to kill time in case of no answer.
14:55.36leifmadsenthen you can handle call handling independently
14:56.34*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
14:58.44Faustovis processing
14:59.51Faustovok, thanks guys, seems like this is what I need to try
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15:12.21iprouteth0are g.729 license fees one-time?
15:13.09jeffspeffwhen i do an atxfer the CID doesn't update properly for the person that i transfered the call to; it still shows my phones CID. any suggestions?
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15:29.12[TK]D-Fenderiprouteth0, Per server
15:30.06SeRiWIMPy: you in?
15:30.13iprouteth0But no type of renewal needed like cisco licensing for instance
15:30.34WIMPySeRi: hi
15:31.21SeRiWIMPy: was it you that was talking about packet shaping/qos a week back with dijib?
15:31.49WIMPyI did take part at some time, yes.
15:32.52SeRiWIMPy: If my mind serves me correct I think it was you or flor that said that the goal was not to have packet drops or something similar I cant remember exactly what it was....
15:33.07*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
15:33.44WIMPyI.e. to make sure you don't send more packets that will be transmitted by your modem.
15:34.17SeRiok so something must be wrong on my setup. the qOthersHigh on LAN   has over 768 packets droped
15:34.30WIMPyAnd additionally to reorder packets.
15:34.37SeRiwhile everything else seems ok
15:34.59WIMPyYou mean your traffic control has dropped packets?
15:35.50SeRione sec
15:37.05SeRi0/pps 0 b/s 0 borrows 0 suspends 768 drops
15:37.15SeRi^^ thats what is reporting
15:37.56SeRiMy Traffic Shaper
15:38.21SeRiThe queue " qOthersHigh on LAN"
15:38.30WIMPyIf you try to use more BW than you have, you will get dropped packets. The point is to make sure to only drop packets that aren't important.
15:39.02WIMPyYes, you transmit scheduler will drop packets if neccessary. That's the idea.
15:39.30WIMPyIf you don't, your modem will and that will just drop any random packets.
15:40.32SeRiok. I understand. ill go back to the drwaing board and see what is consuming most of the bandwidth. and refine some of the queues
15:41.25*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
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15:43.02devmikeyanybody here use 'fon'?
15:44.56[TK]D-Fenderiprouteth0, Correct.  One time per server
15:47.47*** join/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
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16:00.56Qwelldevmikey: the wireless thingie?  I thought that died like 5 years ago.
16:01.51devmikeyyes the wireless thingy
16:05.50devmikeyBasically I want to buy something like att wifi or boingo access
16:06.07devmikeythat looked like an interesting alternatvie
16:07.00*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
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16:43.27dymHi there!
16:43.33dymdevmikey: oi! behave
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16:51.18StaRetjiNeed working example of
16:51.21StaRetjithx ;)
16:54.00*** join/#asterisk bullium (~wbradshaw@
16:54.34bulliumHow can I monitor/debug a single sip peer and only that peer from within the console
16:55.18[TK]D-Fenderbullium, "sip set debug peer [peer or ip]"
16:55.30leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: WOAH
16:55.31bullium[TK]D-Fender, thanks
16:57.07[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen,  ... </keanu> ?
16:57.14leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: sure!
16:57.22[TK]D-FenderPARTY ON!
17:06.09p3nguinseri: Bad news...
17:06.25p3nguinNo shaper, calls still get dropped after a random amount of time.
17:07.48p3nguinI've made another change and rebooted the router once, so I'll see if that makes any difference.  If it does not, I'll have to change out the cable modem.
17:13.51*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@
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17:20.27*** join/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
17:24.25*** join/#asterisk cbwest (~cbwest@nat/cisco/x-tqynaarblksvrvdm)
17:24.26p3nguinHey, look!  It's that Cisco guy, cbwest, again.
17:24.59QwellI wonder what Cisco uses Asterisk for!
17:25.15*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
17:26.42gordonjcpooh, a cisco guy, great
17:27.05gordonjcpwonder if he knows about 7910G+SW phones not working off PoE
17:27.16p3nguinNow if only he would actually participate in discussion and/or help with Cisco issues.
17:27.24Qwellp3nguin: if only
17:27.49gordonjcpif no-one turns up at the hackspace soon, I'm off home to play with my phones
17:27.56p3nguinI have a Cisco issue that no one seems to know how to overcome.
17:28.24WIMPyp3nguin: Do yu think it is possible to overcome?
17:28.37p3nguinYes, but I don't know how to do it.
17:28.39QwellWIMPy: Given that it's
17:29.05WIMPyQwell: That's what my experience tells me.
17:29.07p3nguinIt's possible.  Maybe not possible with Asterisk and chan_sccp-b, but it is possible.
17:29.31p3nguinI just want the phone to ring when active rather than give a call waiting tone.
17:29.46p3nguinThere's a parameter for it when using call manager.
17:30.13Qwellyeah you'd need to patch the source for that
17:31.02p3nguinWhere do I need to concentrate?  I thought it might just work if I put the right settings in the xml file.
17:31.05WIMPyYes, I also like it when the phone just rings.
17:31.45p3nguinsomething RingActive something
17:33.19p3nguinI think it would just give one single ring for a new call while I'm already on the phone.  That's better than just the beep tone in the ear piece.
17:33.46WIMPyThat's what my old phones used to do.
17:34.14r0m|up3nguin: waz up
17:34.34WIMPyBut maybe one day the VOIP world will catch up with the old stuff.
17:34.44*** join/#asterisk AmirBehzad (~behzad@
17:35.09p3nguin(1106.24) <p3nguin> No shaper, calls still get dropped after a random amount of time.
17:35.41WIMPyNot for that part probably.
17:35.52*** join/#asterisk wcselby (~wcselby@pdpc/supporter/professional/wcselby)
17:36.14r0m|up3nguin: Like I said before the issue seems past the shapers :/
17:36.21r0m|uwcselby: hola!
17:36.49wcselbyr0m|u did you ever get sorted with Comcast?
17:37.01r0m|uwcselby: Yes.
17:37.06r0m|uAll ok now.
17:37.29p3nguinI'm concentrating on the cable modem now.
17:37.34r0m|urandom drops still excist but my phone and my account has been untouched :)
17:38.19r0m|up3nguin: can you log in to your cable modems status page?
17:38.42r0m|uI have a route set in my firewall to allow me to reach
17:38.58p3nguinMe too!  It's called the "default gateway."
17:39.21p3nguinEveryone has one.
17:39.29*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
17:39.46WIMPyYou don't filter private IPs?
17:40.02r0m|up3nguin: not everybody can do that
17:40.09p3nguinWhy not?
17:40.20r0m|ucm are set in bridge mode and people most of the time can not reach the status page
17:40.29p3nguinThey're doing it wrong.
17:41.09p3nguinEven with a modem that is bridging, the modem's address is still available on the LAN port.
17:41.10r0m|uAnd is not the GW ether. my firewalls see the comcast gateway not my modems IP.
17:41.46p3nguinUh, no, that's not what I meant.  I mean that the default gateway is used when you try to access
17:41.53r0m|uah! :)
17:41.54p3nguinIt is then sent via your router to the modem.
17:42.05r0m|uI see :)
17:42.47p3nguinIf your router does not allow to be router to the WAN interface, that would prevent the modem from being reached.
17:43.12p3nguins/be router/be routed/
17:43.47p3nguinBut I've never ever encountered that in any residential router/modem deployment.  Ever.
17:43.56r0m|up3nguin:  can you PB RF Parameters? basically most issues come from high noise
17:44.08r0m|ulow power
17:44.16p3nguinI'll have a look at it.
17:45.20p3nguinSNR is 37dB, which is way above the lower limit.
17:45.27r0m|uif the modem is the issues... the modem log will show you an "out of sync" in the logs. "out of syncs" happen very quick but applications that are sensitive to connection can detect a drop and take you off line
17:45.28p3nguinThey're happy with 26.
17:45.40r0m|uif an "out of sync" happen for to long the modem reboots
17:46.05IsUpr0m|u: its cable or dsl?
17:46.23p3nguinDownstream power is -4 dB and upstream is 45 dB.  Both of those are very acceptable values.
17:46.29wcselbyi'm trying to do a boolean evaluation inside a gotoif statement, if I want to check if something has returned false, can I just say GotoIf($[!${validDid}]... or do I need to use GotoIf($["${validDid}" = "false"]... ?
17:46.51p3nguin0 and 50 is preferred, but downstream is good if it is between -10 and 10.
17:47.19*** join/#asterisk vpopov (~happylife@
17:47.23p3nguinwcselby: You can use ! to negate it.
17:47.55p3nguinAt least in other situations, like !${ISNULL}.
17:48.24p3nguinwhich would be the same as using EXISTS().
17:48.33r0m|up3nguin:  Corrected/Uncorrectables?
17:48.46p3nguin!${EXISTS(whatever)} would be the same as using ISNULL().
17:48.53p3nguinr0m|u: What?
17:49.55*** join/#asterisk rdahlin_1 (~rdahlin_1@2001:16d8:cc97:1:3c68:c9fa:9143:78c6)
17:50.03r0m|uwhen lots of noise happens the modem tend to correct mangled packet
17:50.11r0m|up3nguin: ^^
17:50.21p3nguinBut my SNR is very high, so I doubt there's much noise.
17:50.40r0m|uwhen ALOT of noise happens the modem is unable to correct them and loged them
17:50.48p3nguina lot, maybe?
17:50.52r0m|uyour SNR seems ok though it can still happen
17:50.58r0m|up3nguin: yes :P
17:51.02p3nguin(since alot isn't a word)
17:51.10r0m|uyes sr.
17:51.20p3nguinDid they have that on your test?
17:51.25r0m|usalutes sargent spell!
17:51.47r0m|up3nguin: no
17:51.52r0m|uThank God
17:51.56r0m|uI would probable fail
17:52.02p3nguinI wanted to be in your head for that one, too!
17:52.25r0m|uIt will stick ;)
17:52.40r0m|uI am getting better though :)
17:53.27p3nguinI hope I can work out whatever is dropping calls so I can use the shaper again.
17:54.10*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
17:57.29jeffspeffon a cisco 504g, i'm trying to set a programmed softkey to dial a featurecode that i've defined in features.conf. however the softkey keeps passing the code through the dialplan instead of dtmf (like if i just dialed the number) which works.
17:57.50IsUpp3nguin, i dont know much about your case but are you able to run wireshark or anything to save a trace or something?
17:57.59IsUpp3nguin, maybe it helps
17:58.13*** join/#asterisk rdahlin_1 (
17:59.00p3nguinI could run tshark on the router, I guess.
17:59.44IsUpalso, i am using adsl on my home. i was having strange problems. my link was going up/down at random times.
18:00.08IsUpfinally my telco techs replaced my cable, from my apartment to their street box or whatever its called
18:00.26IsUpand my noise levels was fine befure they replace anything
18:00.52r0m|up3nguin: run it.
18:01.10r0m|ueliminate the router out of the equation
18:01.31r0m|uif the router is not the issue and asterisk is not the issue than there is only one thing left
18:02.32IsUpp3nguin, your girlfriend is hanging up phone randomly.
18:04.46p3nguinIf I record the call to listen to what happens, both sides of the call still have audio hitting asterisk, but they are no longer talking to each other.  Both sides questioning, "Are you still there?" at the same time.
18:05.08p3nguinSIP registrations also drop at that exact moment.
18:06.29p3nguinAnyone know a toll-free number not provided on that would have an extremely long hold time?  :)
18:06.37*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
18:07.10p3nguinI'd need about 45 minutes to see if it happens again.
18:08.21IsUpp3nguin: you can use my voxbeam account if needed. i have enough credits.
18:08.37p3nguinI can't get a good test if I change accounts.
18:08.43devmikeyanyone ever use boingo?
18:08.46p3nguinI need to leave everything as it is.
18:09.01p3nguinJust need to call some number and sit on hold for an hour.
18:09.08r0m|up3nguin: would it work if you call a conf?
18:09.23p3nguinIf it's not on voipms, yes.
18:09.30p3nguinI need it to be on the PSTN.
18:09.40r0m|uyou can dial my CC ID
18:09.52IsUpp3nguin: i can provide you my company DID, and i can put Wait() or whatever you need. its PSTN.
18:10.12r0m|up3nguin: I also have a DID from CC but its not 1800
18:10.50p3nguinI was going to make some larger company pay for the call to their toll-free so I don't pay for minutes...
18:11.15r0m|uYea I figured.... sorry :(
18:11.16p3nguinbut I could call non-toll-free.  It would only cost a little bit.
18:11.32p3nguinNot big deal, I was just being a cheap ass.
18:11.35IsUpp3nguin: i have an Asterisk test server with public ip if you want
18:11.37r0m|up3nguin: msg me ill set you up
18:11.44IsUpp3nguin: you can talk sip-to-sip if you needed
18:11.51p3nguinAgain, it has to be on the PSTN.
18:11.52IsUpp3nguin: i can give you my root access
18:11.53r0m|uIsUp: he needs pstn
18:12.09p3nguinChanging the scenario does not give a good test.
18:12.15p3nguinThe conditions must remain the same.
18:12.26IsUpp3nguin: yea just trying to help :p ok i have my Turkey PSTN DID. if you need anything just let me know
18:13.15p3nguinI have a feeling that will be routed differently, so I really need to use a US number not on my provider.
18:13.22r0m|up3nguin: if it would work msg me and ill set you up with my CC DID that you can call.
18:13.37p3nguinDoes it go into a conference?
18:13.50r0m|uI can have it go to what ever you tell me
18:13.52p3nguinwith moh, preferably
18:14.07IsUpor you can use Echo maybe
18:14.21p3nguinJust need an Answer() and a MeetMe() or ConfBridge() with moh.
18:14.43r0m|uI have meetme setup.
18:14.52r0m|uone sec while I make the change p3nguin
18:16.56p3nguin281 or 832 area code?  I see two numbers on calls from you via CC.
18:20.18*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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18:30.36IsUpp3nguin: i pmed u my account
18:30.38IsUpgotta go
18:31.22*** join/#asterisk asilva (~andre@2801:88:1000:2::12)
18:32.03asilvaHello, i'm trying to enable atxfer on features.conf, but i when i press *2 when try to type the destination number for the transfer i can only type 1 digit and the transfer got broken
18:33.21*** join/#asterisk Cesar_B (~chatzilla@
18:35.18Cesar_Bhi all, i m using asterisk , and i want to have the billsec in milliseconds, something like this:    billsec=23.215 , is that possible?
18:38.54*** part/#asterisk UQlev (~yuriy@
18:40.04*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
18:40.15p3nguinI guess it would have been helpful for isup to let me know about a pm prior to doing so, since I block unsolicited messages.
18:41.30p3nguinSo now I just sit and watch the console and tshark... and wait.
18:42.57p3nguinI'm only watching SIP and RTP on my WAN interface.  Should that be good enough?
18:43.17r0m|uI belive so.
18:43.18*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
18:44.02r0m|up3nguin: I am about to start setting up a white list. for some reason I been getting pm's as well :/
18:44.19r0m|uI see how that can be annoying for you guys
18:44.22[TK]D-FenderCesar_B, Certainly not in that branch.
18:44.23r0m|uand wuick
18:44.30[TK]D-FenderCesar_B, And that is a massively outdated release
18:44.53*** join/#asterisk pietro (
18:46.04p3nguinThat will be good if it was the modem giving me a problem.  I'll be able to put the shaper back on if it's fixed now.
18:47.04QwellCesar_B: Why such an old version?
18:47.39r0m|up3nguin: That will be the easy way :) I hope for you that it is the modem having to track down issues with vyatta seems bit obscure...
18:48.25*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
18:50.10[TK]D-FenderQwell, Looks like an old Debian stable #
18:50.37QwellMore like Debian insecure.
18:51.31[TK]D-FenderQwell, SHHH!! Leave them their delusions... it's all they've got left ;)
18:52.48Cesar_B[TK]D-Fender: in what branch can have that feature?
18:53.17[TK]D-FenderCesar_B, I'd start looking at 1.8.... not sure if it's there, but it is LTS at least
18:53.24Cesar_BQwell: because i m using a2billing
18:53.56Qwella2billing supports 1.8...
18:54.55Cesar_Bok, i will give a try, what its the setting in the conf to have milliseconds in the billsec? anyone knows?
18:55.05Cesar_Bin the 1.8 branch
18:56.28*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
18:58.56pdtpatrick1question .. is there a way to get clients that are registered?
18:59.18*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (~powerkill@
18:59.34wcselbypdtpatrick1 sip show registration?
18:59.37wcselbysip show peers?
18:59.51wcselbydepends on what technology your clients are using and if you ahve qualify set or not
19:00.09pdtpatrick1clients that have successfully authenticated to the AMI
19:00.21wcselbymanager show users I think
19:00.25wcselbyor manager show sessions maybe
19:01.03pdtpatrick1there's no sessions
19:01.12wcselbymanager show connected
19:01.26pdtpatrick1ahh i c
19:01.39wcselbyat least on that works
19:02.32pdtpatrick1yeah that's what i was looking for :) Thanks
19:09.22wcselbyi'll bbl
19:10.02*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@
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19:14.14pdtpatrick1is there a more detailed wiki for lua with asterisk besides the one in the wiki ?
19:14.46jeffspeffon a cisco 504g, i'm trying to set a programmed softkey to dial a featurecode that i've defined in features.conf. however the softkey keeps passing the code through the dialplan instead of dtmf (like if i just dialed the number) which works. any ideas on how to either get the softkey to dial through dtmf instead of extension or how to put the featurecode in extensions.conf instead of features.conf?
19:16.02*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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19:22.11p3nguintshark: The file "/tmp/wiresharkXXXXRHx506" could not be opened: Uncompression error: buffer error.
19:23.47p3nguintshark broke.
19:23.50p3nguinI can't restart it.
19:24.25WIMPyIs it still running?
19:28.22p3nguinIt died, and it won't restart.
19:29.04p3nguinUncompression error: buffer error.  I don't really get it.
19:31.00p3nguinI deleted all the files it created, now it starts again.
19:32.47p3nguinBut now I don't see RTP.
19:34.59WIMPyWhat are the new features in Asterisk 11?
19:36.20*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
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19:37.16p3nguinAh, it doesn't know they are RTP packets since I lost the original stream.  Now they are just showing up as UDP it seems.
19:46.55r0m|up3nguin: how is it holding out?
19:47.26p3nguinIt seems to be up still.  I called in to the conf and I can hear audio from that phone.
19:47.40p3nguinI had her call the conf and just put down the phone.
19:47.54p3nguinIt'd over 1 hour.
19:48.14r0m|uI see.
19:48.30p3nguinIt usually dropped between 1 and 40 minutes randomly.
19:48.42r0m|uMhhhh and nothing yet.....
19:48.50p3nguinNow I just need to make sure the phone still has audio from the conf.
19:48.52r0m|ulooking at my side everything seems ok
19:49.06r0m|uon warning of drop frames or anything
19:49.27p3nguinI'm going to figure it to be either my router or the modem, with a bias against the modem.
19:49.48p3nguinI'll run it like this for a few days, then turn the shaping back on.
19:50.38p3nguinIf it doesn't keep dropping calls during the next few days, that is.
19:50.53r0m|uSeems like a plan. I am have a 50/50.... I dont know vyatta so I wont blame it yet.... but I wouldnt doubt is killing yout sip sessions :/ is your isp know for been reliable unlike comcastic?
19:51.09p3nguinIf it still drops calls without the shaper and with the changes I've made, and even after I've done this test, I'll be at a loss.
19:52.16p3nguinI don't really know if they are known for being reliable or not, but until I changed asterisk to vyatta and a different modem, I didn't ever have this problem.
19:52.58p3nguinAnd I didn't notice it until I started doing shaping, so that was my first idea of the cause, which seems to be incorrect.
19:54.05r0m|umhhhhh mhhhhh this sounds like a vyatta issue. The only problem a modem could be causing is just loosing sync and or random reboots caused by the lost of sync.... your numbers look ok so I wont blame packet corruption.... at this point I am at 1 80/20 that vyatta is the issue
19:54.18p3nguinIAX2 Mini packet, Raw mu-law data (G.711)
19:54.27p3nguinWhy is it a mini packet instead of a packet?
19:55.14r0m|uThats strange. I never sharked on IAX only sip and even than they where packets
19:55.26Qwellp3nguin: full frames have more stuff in them, they aren't needed all the time
19:55.36p3nguinIs that part of trunking?
19:55.52Qwellnot sure
19:56.26r0m|uThat makes sense
19:59.00Cesar_Bi m looking at the configs in the 1.8 branch, looking for the setting to have microseconds in the billsec cdr field, they have a special setting to activate it, or its a default value now have the microseconds in the billsec field
20:09.25r0m|uhow can I see who is ether dialing in and or out?
20:09.34r0m|uor active calls
20:09.36p3nguincore show channels
20:11.03r0m|up3nguin:  you been the only one in the conf is it normal I see 4 active channels? Wouldnt be 2?
20:11.19p3nguinfour channels, two calls
20:11.30p3nguinCheck again.
20:11.46r0m|unobody is in
20:11.51p3nguinTest complete!
20:11.52r0m|udid you hung up?
20:12.07p3nguinDuration 92.616667m
20:12.07r0m|uyou got disconnected?
20:12.09p3nguinno drop
20:12.14r0m|uo wow
20:12.29r0m|ugood news .... I guess?
20:14.15*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~patrick@2001:980:5e31:1:6ef0:49ff:fe50:659d)
20:14.34p3nguinI think it's good.
20:14.47p3nguinCalls would drop between 1 and 40 minutes.
20:15.08p3nguinover 92 = good news
20:15.30p3nguinSo I'm going to run it like this for a few days before making any other changes.
20:15.40r0m|ubut thats weird..... did you change anything before the call?
20:15.48p3nguinIf calls are still dropping, I'll take additional steps.
20:15.53p3nguinYes, I made changes this morning.
20:16.00r0m|uo ok.
20:16.07p3nguinThat's why I wanted to do a new test.
20:16.16r0m|uI see. what did you do?
20:16.40p3nguinSo if I don't get any more dropped calls over a few days, I'll start shaping again.
20:17.34p3nguinMade some adjustments on the modem.
20:20.14*** join/#asterisk timeshell (
20:20.33timeshellHas anyone else found 1.8.x to be rather unstable?
20:20.36p3nguinI hate waiting days for things like this.  I'd like to start shaping right now.
20:20.53p3nguinI run, and it seems pretty stable.
20:21.04timeshellWe have really weird issues using it
20:21.05anonymouz666timeshell: it seems is for some people.
20:21.22*** join/#asterisk cbwest (~cbwest@nat/cisco/x-emxnntoxtcvrctaf)
20:21.23p3nguinHey, look!  It's that Cisco guy, cbwest, again.
20:21.34r0m|ucbwest: do you talk?
20:21.40timeshellLike phones continue ringing after you answer it.  Half attended transfers failing over to voicemail.
20:21.50leifmadsentimeshell: nope
20:21.58r0m|utimeshell: all ok here
20:22.09timeshellWe have had really weird issues ever since moving from 1.6 to 1.8
20:22.20leifmadsendefine: "really weird issues"
20:22.27timeshellSee above
20:22.49timeshellIn fact, it was most stable when were still on
20:23.06leifmadsensee "what" above?
20:23.12leifmadsenyou joined the room, then said you have weird issues
20:23.15leifmadsenthat is all I've seen
20:23.26leifmadsenoh there it is
20:23.58timeshellI have some cases where the phones continue to ring on one side but the person on the other hears the person talking
20:23.58leifmadsennever run into that issue
20:24.15leifmadsennever experienced that
20:24.19leifmadsenhave several deployments
20:24.20timeshellI have had issues where on my side I'd answer and hear the remote party talking but MY phone still keeps ringing while I'm talking to him
20:24.33leifmadsenwhat phone?
20:24.47timeshellPolycom IP 501's and Bria for iPhone.
20:25.02timeshellVery weird.
20:25.04leifmadsenhave many Polycom IP335's deployed and have never experienced that
20:25.11leifmadseneverything just seems to work
20:25.23leifmadsenwould have to see SIP traces and configurations to speak any more abu tit
20:25.26timeshellI have IP500's at home and experiencing the half attended transfer problems there too.
20:25.34timeshellSo, two installations with the same problems.
20:25.55timeshellBoth using 1.8.x
20:26.01timeshellNever seen these with 1.6
20:26.28timeshellSuppose that the config written for 1.6 is incompatible with 1.8?
20:26.38leifmadsenimpossible to say
20:26.40timeshellCausing weirdness?
20:26.43leifmadsenI'm still waiting for more information
20:27.30timeshellI'm going to try rewriting a clean config for one of them (eventually) and see if that clears it up.
20:27.56timeshellEither that or I have to revert back to one of the 1.6 versions.
20:28.16timeshellI have too many people complaining.
20:28.50leifmadsenyou need to do more debugging
20:28.58leifmadsenactually look at the traces and determine what is happening
20:29.08leifmadsenrewriting the entire configuration without debugging just seems like a lot of effort
20:29.17leifmadsenwithout any guarantee that it changes anything
20:29.38*** join/#asterisk IsUp (IsUp@unaffiliated/isup)
20:29.40timeshellI put the sip debug info on that one bug and was only told it didn't help....
20:30.10gordonjcpanyone here familiar with Cisco 7910G+SW phones?
20:30.16gordonjcpor any similar Cisco phone?
20:30.17leifmadsenpoints at cbwest
20:30.27gordonjcpin particular, is there anything you need to do to make them work with PoE?
20:31.04*** join/#asterisk coppice (
20:31.57Qwellleifmadsen: heh, I see what you did there.
20:32.11leifmadsenQwell: :)
20:32.25Qwellgordonjcp: iirc, those phones only support the bastardized Cisco version of PoE.
20:32.32QwellYou need to make a special cable.
20:32.32leifmadsenya that's what I remember as well
20:33.21gordonjcpQwell: oh, no probs, what does that involve?
20:33.30Qwellgot me
20:33.35Qwellswapping some pairs
20:33.50timeshellAt any rate, I have to try to get that trace too when I get some time for it.
20:44.27gordonjcpQwell: thanks, I've found an article that describes exactly the situation I'm in with a Cisco phone and 3Com PoE taps
20:57.06gordonjcpQwell: awesome, it's basically the opposite of a crossover cable; you swap blue and brown instead of orange and green
21:02.46*** join/#asterisk akrohn (~akrohn@
21:05.53akrohnI have a silly question for you. I have an Asterisk server that hosts around 20 or 30 customer businesses. usually around 25+ active calls. We had to create a cron script that runs every minute to see if asterisk has crashed and to restart it
21:06.43akrohnone of the last things in the logs is always "app_voicemail.c: Unable to read password"
21:07.28akrohnother than that, the logs give really no indication of why it's crashing. Are there (or can you tell me where to find) known bugs for voicemail that crashes asterisk in this version?
21:07.59akrohnheard that. that's my plan. but boss is insistent i resolve it
21:08.18QwellSometimes bosses are stupid.
21:08.28akrohnbecause we have to deal with the current system for a little while until the new one gets built
21:08.34akrohnhaha right?
21:08.38Qwelland that somehow prevents you from upgrading?
21:08.57akrohnif i jump from 1.6 to 1.8, won't my dialplans get screwed up?
21:09.14QwellI didn't say 1.8
21:09.28*** join/#asterisk KevinLynn (~klynn@
21:09.29akrohnthe latest 1.6 then
21:10.07KevinLynncan someone here tell me a channel for use by the AMI that is always answered? (used to know this but my info is at home)
21:10.10QwellYou're over a year behind the latest version in the 1.6.0 series.
21:11.02akrohnthanks Qwell, I'll check that out
21:13.03akrohnis there an upgrade path I should know about? or can i go from to ?
21:13.19Qwellread the UPGRADE.txt included with the source?
21:15.33klynnas per my question.. Local/s?
21:16.47_Corey_klynn: You want to make an extension that immediately answers?
21:17.22klynnCorey: I'm hoping one exists that always answers
21:17.28klynncan be an external sip address too
21:17.31klynnit's for testing
21:17.49_Corey_klynn: Well, no it depends on your dialplan...
21:18.06_Corey_[always-answer] can have an "s,1,Answer"
21:18.20_Corey_and you can dial Local/s@always-answer, etc.
21:18.28klynnnice let me try that
21:20.47klynnwell.. that would probably work but I'm trying to work strictly within default contexts
21:20.47*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
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21:31.33[TK]D-Fenderchecking out for now, BBIAB
21:31.38*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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21:34.41rotten777does anyone here have some sample polycom configs I can dig around in? I'm trying to pick up the 330+ pages in the admin guide but I learn much better by example...
21:34.51klynnhmm.. maybe if I create a conference I can just drop this to that conference..
21:39.33timeshellleifmadsen How do I do a backtrace in 1.8?
21:40.03infobotrumour has it, collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
21:40.08leifmadsenthere are pages on the wiki that explain -- same process as all versions of asterisk
21:40.13leifmadsenWIMPy: thanks
21:41.00timeshellThat's it?
21:41.18timeshellIsn't that what I did in ASTERISK-18685
21:41.28timeshellWhy are they asking for another trace then?
21:42.35Qwellbecause that isn't a sip debug
21:43.00timeshellWhat is it then?
21:43.08Qwellan asterisk debug log
21:43.12*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
21:44.02sawgoodHi: any channel op available?
21:44.04timeshell^^^^  that is more or less how I got it.
21:44.07Qwellsawgood: ?
21:44.24sawgoodHi Qwell ... I wanted to ask you if this would help the #asterisk channel ...
21:44.33sawgoodcan I send you a private msg?
21:45.18tuxxieis thier software that like trixbox or fonality's hud client that will dlsplay users calls status's
21:45.33Qwelltuxxie: core show channels ?
21:45.53Qwellsawgood: no.
21:46.03tuxxieQwell: for my cleints
21:46.06tuxxienot my self
21:46.10Qwellsawgood: We don't do advertising here.
21:46.22sawgoodno advertising ... a simple GIFT to the channel
21:46.28QwellIt's advertising.
21:46.43sawgoodoh ok ... I am a technican, so I just wanted to give back something
21:46.57*** join/#asterisk screenn (~screenn@
21:47.08sawgoodits cool ... I thought I would offer it ... no worries ...
21:47.42r0m|ulearns from Qwell's kung fu techniques
21:48.20_Corey_sawgood: Sponsor a cocktail hour at next year's Astricon...  that would be nie
21:48.24_Corey_nice even :)
21:48.43sawgoodright on .. a side party ...
21:48.43r0m|uill make sure to be there :P
21:49.02sawgoodhow was Astricon in Denver last month?
21:49.41leifmadsenpretty kick ass
21:49.46leifmadsenQwell was really excited
21:49.51QwellSO EXCITED
21:49.58sawgoodI was so close to coming, but my skill set is not par with you guys ...
21:50.08_Corey_a good time was had by all  ;)
21:50.09sawgoodI wanted more time in 'grade' before I met your team
21:50.09Qwellthat's...kinda the reason for going.
21:50.31sawgoodI will be there next year for sure (100%) as long as it is hosted in the US
21:50.32Qwell_Corey_: not I.  I was stuck in my room during the party, writing my presentation. :p
21:50.46Qwellone of like 14 that I had to give.
21:50.55WIMPyleifmadsen: About the Park(): You're right. The number is actually just cut off. If you listen really carefully, you can hear a tiny fraction of the end of the number.
21:51.12WIMPyBut is that the way it should be?
21:51.13_Corey_Qwell: lol, they had me doing three in one day with a hangover... i don't want to hear about it ;)
21:51.19Qwell3?  wow.
21:51.42sawgoodIs there a location set for 2012 yet?
21:51.46leifmadsenWIMPy: that happens all the time -- try not using answer or anything like that with a prompt into an auto-attendant
21:51.55leifmadsensawgood: no, but likely Denver again
21:52.13leifmadsenWIMPy: that's why I always put Playback(silence/1) before any prompts
21:52.22sawgoodperfect because I am Broncos fan!
21:52.37sawgoodleifmadsen: I really enjoyed your BOOKS
21:52.43leifmadsendoes the Tebow pose
21:52.43sawgoodI am on the 2nd pass of one of them
21:52.51timeshellsnaps a shot
21:52.54leifmadsensawgood: glad you're enjoying it :)
21:52.57sawgoodI've been a Broncos fan since 1976
21:53.02leifmadsenI was born in 1981
21:53.03WIMPyleifmadsen: I have to admit that I usually use Answer(300), but in that case Answer() is enough.
21:53.46WIMPyI don't think I missed a whole file so far.
21:53.50sawgood1981 Denver went 11-5 and was 'cheated' out of the playoffs
21:54.14_Corey_I think my only regret from this year's event was sleeping through the dCAP breakfast...
21:54.30_Corey_was it well attended?
21:54.53Qwell_Corey_: I was almost up until dCAP breakfast one of the nights...
21:54.55sawgoodI remember that year specifically because in week 16 Denver had to hope for one of two games to go their way, and both teams lost (and they missed the playoffs by 1/2 a game)
21:55.18leifmadsensawgood: sounds like the LEafs
21:55.34leifmadsenlast time the Leafs were in the playoffs, I had just started college
21:55.56sawgoodtwo tabby cats are fighting next to me
21:56.03sawgoodcat fight ..
21:56.49sawgoodthe smaller kitten beat out the full grown tabby in this round
21:58.23*** join/#asterisk Eitan (~Eitan@
21:58.36_Corey_Qwell: They need to move it from the morning after the party...  I've only managed to attend once in the 4 years I've been going to Astricon ;)
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22:04.50vader--I was wonder if you guys could provide some suggestions/examples of how small store's pbx system are setup. I am putting together one for a friend running asterisk. He will have 4 Polycom 335 IP Phones. 2 of them will be at his front of store counters, 2 for his offices. Each phone has two lines. I think he will eventually want an IVR, but to begin with he will want it to ring all phones. I know he will want to be able to put calls on ho
22:06.13*** part/#asterisk pietro (
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22:09.11s[X]hey p3nguin
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22:10.08s[X]hey [TK]D-Fender
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22:30.48paulcvader--: You get any replies to your question?
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22:33.06billy_ran_awayAnyone know what Ubuntu repo has Asterisk 10?
22:33.44[TK]D-FenderI'd be betting on "none"
22:33.50[TK]D-Fender* is not released yet
22:33.53Qwell[TK]D-Fender: All bets are closed.
22:34.12QwellMoney has been forfeit.  Please play again later.
22:34.20Qwellruns off to buy some stuff
22:35.18[TK]D-FenderThat was "I would", not "I did" :)
22:35.33Qwellambiguities go to Qwell.
22:35.39[TK]D-Fenderclubs Qwell with a Big Book Of Contractions and takes his money back
22:36.30billy_ran_awayanyone have a handy list of dependencies to compile asterisk 10 from source on ubuntu 11.10?
22:36.31[TK]D-FenderChapter 8: Octo-mom (Or nursing post-doggy style)
22:36.52[TK]D-Fenderbilly_ran_away: In the tarball
22:37.03billy_ran_away[TK]D-Fender: Awesome thanks
22:41.29vader--paulcpaulc not really
22:42.35*** join/#asterisk fiesch (d95c43dc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:46.11fieschhi.. can sb give me a hand on pri? I have a OpenVox DE210E here on asterisk, dahdi, libpri running on CentOS 5.6 which is driving me nuts.. 85 % of the time this card works beautifully, but when the remote line is "shaky" (distortion on the signal), the card does not get the full number - for instance when the remote party dials XXX-XXXYYYZZZ the card would only pick up XXX-XXXYYYZ or XXX-XXXYYYZZ
22:46.29fieschhas anyone in here seen behaviour like this? OpenVox themselves seem stumped
22:47.09Qwellfiesch: Welcome to the world of terrible clone cards.
22:47.17WIMPyfiesch: First of all I'd recommend more recent versions.
22:47.37WIMPyBut if your line is borked, there isn;t much you can do about that.
22:47.53fieschQwell: thanks ;)
22:48.09fieschWIMPy: Well now here's the tricky part
22:48.29fiescha) OpenVox said to downgrade versions because the new ones haven't been tested by them
22:48.36fieschso i did - without result
22:48.37fieschand b)
22:49.04fieschi have a legacy pbx working that same line normally with a cologne chip PRI card (SWYX) which handles the line just fine
22:49.48fieschweird thing is that this appears to be at libpri level as i can see the number beeing clipped in intense span debug
22:50.17fieschso i thought i might play around with line gain, to no avail
22:50.34WIMPyWell, in that case I'd go and bug OpenVox.
22:51.13fieschi did, it actually took me a whole week to get the card running altogether with the CEO of Openvox ending up on my server for 2 hours trying to fix things
22:51.31Qwellrefers to his previous comment.
22:51.49WIMPyFor small numbers of "fix".
22:51.58fieschnow i have a forum entry on their site which hasn't seen a entry in a month or so wince recommending to downgrade
22:52.23WIMPyWell, I'd personally seer clear of hardware that isn't supported by Linux natively, But that's not alwyas possible.
22:52.43fieschQwell: I actually orderer a Digium dual San PRI, but I couldn't get the card shipped on time in germany
22:53.25fieschso the distributor offered OpenVox saying he had had tons of satisfied customers with these
22:53.34WIMPyWhy didn;t you use th swyx card?
22:53.36fieschwhich could be shipped on time
22:54.09fieschThe card needs to stay in the legacy PBX to have a hot fallback in case the new thing breaks
22:54.47fieschit's a weird conglomerate of asterisk, lync and a third party fax server along with A/D Gateways and the like, a lot of ends that can break
22:55.08fieschand 10 minutes of downtime is a real problem with the customer
22:56.15fieschthe whole thing is actually running smoothely if it weren't for the dropped end digits which, of course, totally screws up my call routing
22:56.51WIMPySeems unlikely that's the only issue.
22:57.57fieschi closely monitored the sys and haven't seen anything else in the logs.. I originally had the timing signal in mind as the bad guy but i guess calls would be all over the place if the base tick was screwed up
22:58.39WIMPyTo me it sounds like a timing or IRQ issue.
22:59.29fieschI have been considering scrapping the card, putting the paid cash on the "you'll learn" account and getting a digium card, but the problem is so hard for me to narrow down that I'm not a 100% confident that the problems would go away
23:00.07WIMPyHave you tried it in another PC?
23:00.42WIMPyAnd if you already know that a HFC-E1 works, you can always get one of those.
23:00.45fieschnot in this configuration, i had it in 5 Servers trying to get it to run altogether as requested by OpenVox..
23:01.12fieschThey, too, first suspected an IRQ issue which mad them request the platform change
23:01.37fieschthough it turned out to be a simple misconfiguration in dahdi system.conf
23:01.39WIMPyI assume you did go through things like IRQ sharing?
23:02.05fieschI did and disabled all onboard devices which were assigned the same irq
23:02.48fieschthough i am not a 100% sure how the state of it is right now. Is there a easy way to investigate the current irq assignment via bash?
23:02.51WIMPyEven disabled devices can still be an issue.
23:03.08WIMPycat /proc/interrupts
23:03.42fieschlooks good
23:04.22fiesch169:     237208          0   13736139     509362   IO-APIC-level  wct2xxp
23:05.15fieschmy problem with timing and irq as a source is that i can always reproducethe error from given line while being unable to generate the error from specific others
23:05.18WIMPyYou could try to assign only that IRQ to one core of its own.
23:05.37WIMPyBut I'm not sure that would help.
23:05.51WIMPyPlease elaborate.
23:06.07fieschthanks for your input, i apreciate it
23:06.43fieschif irq and / or timing issues were the reason for occasional problems in call reception
23:06.57fieschthose would randomly apply to all calls passing through the PBX
23:07.11WIMPySure. I'd like to know what kind of pattern you're finding.
23:08.01fieschthere are specific lines, like the one i am at right now, which will always produce the error, i have only one had a call passing thorugh fine out of 200
23:08.04WIMPyAnd have you compared that pattern with the other box with the HFC card?
23:08.13WIMPyIs that box also running Asterisk?
23:08.40fieschwhile on most other lines (like my cell for instance) i haven't been able to reproduce the error even once
23:09.02gordonjcpwoo and indeed yay
23:09.04fieschthe other box is running swyx on windows, the error is not reproducable on that box
23:09.20gordonjcpincoming and outgoing calls, to and from my SIP phones in here and to a real landline
23:09.37fieschgordonjcp: yay ;)
23:09.57gordonjcpoh, okay, spoke too soon ;-)
23:10.27WIMPyOk, have you tried calling from other MSNs of that line and/or to other DDIs?
23:10.49fieschWIMPy: yes, same pattern each time
23:11.02*** join/#asterisk troyt (
23:11.21fieschvery ^^
23:11.27WIMPyAnything special about that line?
23:12.23WIMPyThe part of another box not having the issue still smells like a very low level issue to me.
23:12.29fieschwhen i use a analog fax machine on that line i can hear cracking noises on the line, i assume that there is a slightly loose wire in the net connection somewhere
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23:12.44WIMPyBut depending on caller is quite interesting.
23:12.51fieschbut this isn't the only line with that issue
23:12.54WIMPyBut I came across such things earlier.
23:13.26fieschi had to pull the system from production use because customers were complaining after falling through to my "catchall" extension
23:14.06WIMPyAnd a garbeled called party number is the only issue you see?
23:14.27fieschyes, the only oddity
23:14.44WIMPyExtremely strange.
23:14.53fieschand always missig some of the trailing digits
23:15.13fieschlike it would consider the transmission of the called party number over too soon
23:15.33WIMPyAh. ok.
23:15.56WIMPyDoes your overlap receive work?
23:16.15fieschyou caught me in a "hm?" moment
23:17.20fieschi was - up until now - in the very beneficial position not having to get into the guts uf things with asterisk so that does not ring a bell with me
23:18.15WIMPyDoes it fail for all calls from standard phones?
23:18.41fieschnot all, i was able to get one through from this line today
23:18.42WIMPyPOTS/ISDN on a regular phone line without VOIP or whatnot.
23:19.25WIMPyDo you have immediate enabled in chan_dahdi?
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23:19.30fieschthe testline is a analog phone over a ISDN line (with a simple pbx)
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23:20.27WIMPyLooks like it comes down to a simple configuration issue.
23:20.35fieschlemme look up on this, i use freepbx on this box and i never find my configs on bash when i need to
23:21.06WIMPySounds interesting.
23:21.18WIMPyMaybe it will break it again if you find out how to fix it.
23:21.49fieschnah, when you put your additions in the right places this is a suprisingly sound system for a web interface
23:22.08WIMPyYes, but that's not an addition.
23:22.35WIMPyThis is something it should have set up correctly.
23:23.18WIMPyTry to add "immediate=no".
23:23.34fieschfor completeness' sake the system.conf
23:23.42WIMPyAnd you probably don;t want to set the "dialplan"s to national.
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23:24.23fieschthe dialplans are a thing for themselves as i had a hard time getting lync and asterisk getting to likeeach other with prefixes
23:24.30WIMPyOh, it's only the 1st span.
23:24.43fieschyes, the second one is the active one
23:24.57WIMPyUnless you know what you're doing, stick to "unknown".
23:25.16fieschbut i basically really do horrible thing to the numbering schemes in the course of callrouting between systems
23:25.23WIMPynational is a rather nasty default.
23:26.08WIMPyYes, set everything to 'unknown' and try again.
23:27.52fieschhm added the immediate line, had a good old fashioned asterisk restart, same behaviour
23:28.26fieschTried 2 times, the first time it clipped one digit, the second one 2 digits
23:29.54WIMPyOk, it must be the dialplan then.
23:30.13WIMPyBut that's definitely something you need to got to #freepbx for.
23:30.40fieschhm sure? I mean the intense span debug shows the number coming in clipped way before the dialplan is touched
23:31.08WIMPyThat's perfectely normal.
23:31.28WIMPyAdditional digits will be sent wen the caller types them into their phone.
23:32.16WIMPyYou will see the absence of "sending complete" in the setup message.
23:33.37fieschhm really weird
23:33.49gordonjcpthis is crazy, it's cheaper to call a mobile in Canada with sipgate than it is to call one in the UK, *from* the UK
23:33.57fieschi assumed they would be sent as a block from the analog phone through the small isdn pbx
23:34.11WIMPyNo. Why should they?
23:34.46fieschbut ok that gives me something to read up on ;) thank you very much for pulling me out of my dead end
23:34.49WIMPyYou'd need a timeout for that. Like most SIP ATAs do.
23:35.13WIMPy... and which is just plain horrible.
23:35.32gordonjcpSIP dialplans
23:36.08WIMPygordonjcp: That only works if you only want to be able to call a pre-known set of numbers.
23:36.11gordonjcpI have to say, I haven't a bloody clue how chan_sccp is supposed to work, but it works extremely well ;-)
23:36.14fieschall i know is that i will _very_ much enjoy that beer when this card is finally doing what it's supposed to do one fine day
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23:37.18WIMPyI have seen an installation with a PRI and FreePBX, but TBH i have no idea if it worked correctly.
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23:37.47WIMPyBut without, it shouldn't be hard to do.
23:37.49gordonjcpthe way you define lines for sccp seems to fly in the face of decoupling phone IDs and extension IDs
23:37.50fieschI have done several BRI ones with freepby, but this is the first one on PRIO with the dahdi addin for freepbx
23:37.51filo1234hi all, sorry there is an italian asterisk channel?
23:38.40WIMPyYou could have the same issue on BRIs if they are with DDI.
23:39.26fieschthey actually are but i didn't hav an issue there, still running smoothly
23:39.37WIMPyAnd you will definitely have an issue if you connect phones.
23:40.11WIMPyMaybe it's just a timeout thing.
23:40.13[TK]D-Fender[18:33]gordonjcpthis is crazy, it's cheaper to call a mobile in Canada with sipgate than it is to call one in the UK, *from* the UK <-- North America doesn't have a rate to call "mobiles" like so much of Europe does at all.
23:40.20fieschhm.. lemme check up on that
23:41.15fieschyep, one digit shorter
23:41.25filo1234well..I have installed asterisk on an Ubuntu 10.04 server, I have downloaded italian sounds but how can I set asterisk to use italian sounds, like Playback(hello-world) ?
23:42.03WIMPyfilo1234: Set  CHANNEL(language)
23:42.19WIMPyOn some channeltypes you can set it per peer.
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23:42.44filo1234WIMPy: in wich file? or you mean from cli?
23:43.06fieschfilo1234: this is for inside a dialplan
23:43.11WIMPyIn your dialplan.
23:44.04billy_ran_awayHi, I'm trying to use a Asterisk 10 almost as a Jabber server so I can support multi video conferencing… I've installed and configured Asterisk 1.8 for home user, so just one user, one dial plan to (Google Talk), so I'm familiar with Asterisk, but does anyone have any tips for my goal?
23:44.05fieschWIMPy: you actually saved me here
23:44.08filo1234WIMPy: sorry can I have an example?
23:44.10fieschit's overlapdial=yes
23:44.42WIMPyOh, I thought that was only used in NT mode.
23:44.57WIMPyWell, I guess I'm not that much in to dahdi.
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23:44.59p3nguinHey, look!  It's that Cisco guy, cbwest, again.
23:45.37fieschnow i see the behaviour you mentioned, the call passes in clipped but gets passed to the dialplan as the full number (after a short wait period)
23:46.11WIMPyOk, beer goes to Flensburg ;-)
23:46.24fieschI'll send it up from Munich
23:46.27[TK]D-Fenderfilo1234: "core show function CHANNEL"
23:47.33WIMPySorry to Digium :-)
23:47.45pdtpatrick1Question .. how's video on asterisk? i know there's configurations in sip.conf that mention video support. Has anyone experience in this area .. what did you use to make it work? if there's a wiki or guide somewhere, please link . Thanks
23:47.52fieschno i'll actually open one up right now.. I was pulling my hair for nights on end on this
23:48.20fieschWIMPy: thank you very much!
23:48.21[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick1: Enable the codecs for your peers.  Set vidiosupport=yes in [general].  The end.
23:48.40WIMPyDoesn't look too well for OpenVoxes support, I guess.
23:48.57[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick1: It'll negotiate with everything else.  No transcoding, no "mixing" for conferencing.  app_conference supports "follow the speaker" for video, but not "mixing"
23:48.58billy_ran_awayDid anyone see my message?
23:49.08billy_ran_awayNot sure I had identified yet...
23:49.34WIMPybilly_ran_away: yes
23:49.47[TK]D-Fenderbilly_ran_away: My comment to pdtpatrick1 largely applies to you as well
23:49.49billy_ran_awayWIMPy: I guess I meant the big long one...
23:49.52pdtpatrick1[TK]D-Fender, interesting. Do u know of any devices it prefers or as long as the device has video (example: softphone on laptop) it should work ?
23:50.03fieschWIMPy: honestly - you are not in a good position if you need support from openvox directly - especially not if you're in Europe as they have normal "CN" working hours
23:50.16[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick1: * doesn't care about devices, just protocols.
23:50.18fieschand for the professional side of things... you're correct
23:50.23billy_ran_awayI'm hoping to use Blink as my clients
23:50.26[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick1: * passes video through, that's all
23:50.31billy_ran_awayIt's a soft phone client,
23:51.04WIMPybilly_ran_away: A 6 line one.
23:51.41WIMPyfiesch: Don't trust north americans on anything telephony related. Especially not ISDN.
23:51.51filo1234[TK]D-Fender: Set(CHANNEL(language)=it) is right?
23:52.59filo1234or without SET? because syntax says CHANNEL(item)
23:53.33[TK]D-Fenderfilo1234: Good start.... that is how to set it in the dialplan in specific places.  You can also set languages on devices in sip.conf, etc via "language=it" for example so all calls from that device use it as the starting language for the channel
23:53.37WIMPyfilo1234: Exactely the way you wrote it.
23:53.58fieschWIMPy: I'll try to keep that in mind.. (I'm on a web client.. i actually don't have a clue what commands this thing supports)
23:54.37[TK]D-Fenderfilo1234: Use of that function is most beneficial for things like IVR's where you enter a language choice and want it to pull the right recordings without making extra copies and duplicating code, etc
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23:56.24filo1234[TK]D-Fender: ok thnks a lot
23:56.33chigambamukokoI have asterisk and a2billing, everything installed, just little trouble with the call routing, any takers? quick buck anyone?
23:57.20WIMPychigambamukoko: Now I have to think about Married With Children.
23:58.00chigambamukokoComone WIMPY don't be a WUSS
23:58.27chigambamukokothat kinda sounded fun
23:58.50pdtpatrick1Question .. does anyone have a softphone or IM client they'll recommend that can integrate the phone and jabber? im currently running asterisk server and jabber separately (openfire as jabber server).
23:59.35chigambamukokoanyway, WIMPy, I think this is should be a walk in the park for you

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