IRC log for #asterisk on 20111128

00:01.45dijibp3nguin: did you ever solve your issue with MixMonitor sync?
00:01.55dijiband relax ive been drinking
00:02.52*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
00:03.54*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49)
00:04.48SeRiwaz up guys
00:04.56dijibim live
00:05.03dijibat least 36 hours in
00:05.06SeRidijib: waz up d00d
00:05.16SeRino sleep?
00:05.21dijibbeen drinking. neit.
00:05.25SeRinice :/
00:05.37dijibus canadians dont work enough
00:05.44dijibor me, canadian
00:05.56SeRisingular ;)
00:06.02ChannelZis watching Canada's Worst Driver
00:06.09dijibirregardless. dont say irregardless... those half whit americans
00:06.21SeRione sec phone
00:07.41dijibdude i need perl, for wakeup call for asterisk, unless you fine young afro american gentlemen have a like script that i can run though bash php
00:07.55dijibor am i the afro american gentleman
00:08.30dijibChannelZ: are you in ca?
00:08.49dijibagain ive been drinking its most likely my slurry would be understood, likely
00:09.06dijibhave you ever driven across black ice?
00:09.29ChannelZYes, I live in Colorado
00:09.38dijibdont even know
00:09.42dijibnear qb?
00:09.55ChannelZUSA.  Colorado.  Lots of mountains and snow.
00:10.26dijibnorth mid west?
00:10.36dijibnot mexico im sure
00:10.56parasitodelsurO ok.  I though Colorado was in Mexico.
00:11.20ChannelZno.. Colorado :)
00:12.26parasitodelsurWoW that's awesome!
00:12.30*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:12.51*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
00:13.33[TK]D-Fender[19:06]dijibirregardless. dont say irregardless... those half whit americans <- "Don't", "wit", "Americans"
00:15.38ChannelZ<sings to the tune Yesterday> Irony... My words actually make fun of me...
00:16.01*** join/#asterisk LostyJai (~blah@
00:16.16LostyJaihey guys
00:16.22LostyJaiin the asterisk full log, does it show what codec is used for each call?
00:17.49ChannelZNo I don't think that's logged by default anywhere
00:18.19SeRiwtf... my system rebooted
00:18.48LostyJaihow can i check what codec is used?
00:19.00ChannelZYou can add a Log() something to your dialplan and spit it out
00:19.09p3nguinsip show channels
00:19.11LostyJaiwe use cisco phones and you can set the "preferred" codec, but that's not necessarily the case?
00:19.15LostyJaigood man!
00:19.32SeRiwaz up p3nguin
00:19.43LostyJaii just see IP and port
00:19.45LostyJaioh wait
00:19.51p3nguinYou can also make sure your phones use the codec you want them to use by disallowing all and allowing only the codec you want it to use.
00:20.01LostyJaithe format field?
00:20.22LostyJaiin codec.conf?
00:20.30p3nguinsip.conf for sip phones
00:23.26SeRip3nguin: the light went away for some time here... did you manage to get the file?
00:24.02p3nguinIt was reported to be 100%.
00:26.12SeRip3nguin: cool. I got the the meds. Will be trying it tonight.
00:26.30p3nguinWhich dosage did you get?
00:26.43p3nguinTR or regular?
00:26.59SeRiregular. they didnt have TR at the store
00:27.03SeRionline only
00:27.08p3nguinThat will be a good place to start.
00:27.26SeRiclearence at CVS
00:27.42p3nguinThe purple bottle?
00:27.45SeRiYes sr
00:28.15SeRiI am excited. I want it to work :)
00:28.56p3nguinThe only thing I don't like about the kind with B6 in it is that you shouldn't take two pills because they already have 500% of the daily allowance of B6.
00:28.57*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
00:29.19s[X]fkn drug addicts
00:29.57p3nguinWith the ones without B6, you could take two instead if you needed to increase to 6mg.
00:32.08SeRip3nguin: I see. thats good info. thanks for letting me know
00:32.38SeRip3nguin: is it possible to set color to the windows tabs on irssi?
00:33.02p3nguinI... don't have any tabs, so I wouldn't know.
00:33.10p3nguinI just have numbered windows.
00:33.23s[X]on what planet is PCI-E the same as PCIx, stupid fkn ebay seller
00:33.38SeRip3nguin: That
00:33.41SeRiI have the same
00:33.45SeRiI call them tabs :P
00:34.03SeRi1 2 3 4 5 etc....
00:34.23p3nguinI suppose you could try to color them, but then the normal colors for activities would be affected.
00:34.56SeRiI see. that makes sense
00:35.52p3nguinI just save my window layout so my channels are always on the same window number.  E.g., freenode/#asterisk is always on 30.
00:36.20p3nguinAnd the keyboard shortcut for that is Alt+x.
00:37.53s[X]You guys on Nix / Win / OSX ?
00:38.42LostyJaidoes this look ok?
00:39.36SeRip3nguin: lol
00:39.59SeRis[X]: I am an archaista
00:39.59p3nguinlostyjai: Is that the codecs.conf?
00:40.07LostyJaip3nguin: yes sir
00:40.19p3nguinI use the sample codecs.conf for my stuff.
00:40.20s[X]SeRi..... Dos ?
00:40.30p3nguinIf that's what you have, then it's good.
00:40.36LostyJaiit's the default
00:41.34SeRis[X]: lol no. Arch (Arch Linux) aista (user)
00:42.37s[X]I figured u meant archaist and perhaps you used some antiquated operating system lol
00:43.37F2Knightcan anyone help me with routing table rules?
00:44.07p3nguinWhat's the question?
00:44.17p3nguinnetstat -nr
00:44.23parasitodelsurI would be very impressed if seri knew such word.
00:44.38F2Knight2 nic's eth0 and eth1, can not gain proper routing on eth1
00:44.44F2Knighteth0 works fine
00:44.51*** join/#asterisk WiretapNotWorkin (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
00:45.08p3nguinPastebin the output from netstat -nr
00:45.35p3nguinOr be selective and just show me the lines with addresses on them.
00:46.58F2Knightp3nguin, eth1 is a private lan, eth0 is public facing nic. computer does not routing.
00:47.15F2KnightHave been mucking with route and ip route commands trying to fix issue.
00:47.27p3nguinWhat's line 4 doing?
00:47.44F2Knightit was default from when the system booted
00:47.58F2Knightlooks like its just a broadcast
00:48.34p3nguinIt appears that it is trying to send all broadcast traffic out eth0.  What about the ones that need to go out eth1?
00:48.37F2Knightline 5 i 'think' should read eth1
00:49.12F2Knightthat is there is a router for the lan at
00:49.29p3nguin5 is currently only matching traffic to, which you probably never use.
00:49.43[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: You may be looking at going to enable IPForwarding in your kernel, and doing NAT for your devices behind *
00:50.06p3nguinAre you trying to use this computer as a gateway?
00:50.11F2Knight[TK]D-Fender,  trying to NOT do nat.. LAN needs to be a walled garden so to speak
00:50.19F2Knightno not a gateway
00:50.32[TK]D-FenderAt least * on both sides... I can only presume he womight want it as a general gatwway as well
00:50.34F2Knighteth1 should be its own independent network from eth0
00:50.43[TK]D-FenderOk, or not :)
00:50.48p3nguinSo basically it's a dual-homed system in an unconventional way.
00:50.58F2Knightpretty much
00:51.01[TK]D-FenderNo, pretty conventional.
00:51.15F2Knightwhat comes in over eth0 should go out eth0 , what comes on eth1 should go out on eth1
00:51.15p3nguinTypically a dual-homed system would have a couple public IPs... this has one public and one private.
00:51.47[TK]D-FenderNot quite "dual homed" in that sense as I said a hour ot two ago
00:51.47dijibso p3nguin did you ever figure that? or are you going to rely on demux remux for that?
00:51.48p3nguinBut it's not a gateway, so that's a bit unusual.
00:52.13F2Knightokay, so its odd.. but how can we make it work?
00:52.14dijibthe sync.
00:52.42p3nguinDon't configure NAT.  Don't set up ip forward.
00:52.54F2KnightI am sure its a pretty simple route command but ... not sure what to do
00:53.04F2Knightthere is no NAT  or ip forward
00:53.13[TK]D-Fenderothing to set up then
00:53.13F2Knightlitterally just added a new nic gave it an IP
00:53.30F2Knightwell not [TK]D-Fender because the routing does not work
00:53.31p3nguinYou just need a route for each interface, which you have (but you need to fix that one).
00:53.44[TK]D-Fenderwhat "routing"?  You are being very vague
00:54.29p3nguinIf you send traffic to this system which is destined for the other network which it is connected to, it will route (if you have forwarding enabled).
00:54.33[TK]D-FenderSo far there is no "route"  between the 2 interfaces.  Each is a dead-end to *
00:54.43p3nguinThe secret is having a route on the other machines, too.
00:55.08p3nguinJust because you send traffic from one side to a machine on the other side does not mean that receiving one has a route for return traffic.
00:55.27p3nguinThat's when you'd implement something like RIP or OSPF.
00:58.15p3nguinSomewhere along the line, I got confused... I thought you didn't want it to be a router, but then you said you did want it to route.
00:58.57F2Knightjust restarted the system...
00:59.14F2Knightokay p3nguin I know I need a new route to add to my system.
01:00.01F2KnightI  do not want eth1 to 'route' to eth0 ... if it needs the public IP it should go through the gateway device like any other normal lan
01:00.28F2Knightbut I do not know what commands to issue to get the gateway route to be correct... gateway not default gateway
01:01.25p3nguinTo prevent it from routing, do not enable ip forward at the kernel level.
01:01.41F2Knightwhich it is not /..
01:01.58F2Knightbut the default route table does not seem to allow proper connectivity
01:02.33p3nguinYou should have three routes: one for each directly-connected network, and a default route.
01:02.50F2KnightI mean if I issue a ping -I eth1 it should bing the gateway using eth1
01:03.30F2Knightand it does not .
01:04.17p3nguinroute add -net netmask dev eth1
01:04.43[TK]D-Fender10.0.0.0 UGH
01:04.55[TK]D-Fendermask failure
01:04.58p3nguinThat should have been configured automatically when you brought up the interface.
01:05.18p3nguinIf your interface has 10.x.x.x with a netmask of, the route should have been created.
01:06.24F2Knightright but the gateway goes to the default route.
01:06.33F2Knight0.0.0.0 which is the wrong interfacve
01:06.43F2Knighti need to make the gateway go to
01:06.47p3nguinYou want the default gw to use the other interface?
01:07.01F2Knightdefault gateway for eth0 is fine
01:07.10p3nguinThere is only one default.
01:07.15F2Knightbut for eth1 it should be set to only
01:07.25F2Knightdefault yes but not gw
01:07.34p3nguinThere is only one default gw.
01:07.45F2Knightdefault gw = eth0
01:08.02p3nguindefault gw =
01:08.05F2Knightbut eth1 needs to go to gateway not the default
01:08.07p3nguinvia eth0
01:08.21p3nguinWe're not on the same page, here.
01:08.22F2Knightin other words eth1 needs its OWN gateway
01:08.43p3nguinThat's not how routing works.
01:09.45F2Knightthats exactly what it does. ":)
01:10.01F2Knightif a gw is defined it will use that gw.
01:10.06p3nguinNo, you're mistaken.  There has to be a destination address for the routing table to know where to send the traffic.
01:10.18F2Knightif none are found or is set as the gw it will use the default route
01:10.36p3nguinIf you have a route for a network, it will send it to either a next hop or out a device.
01:10.51p3nguinI've already told you how to send all traffic for out eth1.
01:10.53[TK]D-FenderDefault is for named subnets
01:10.59[TK]D-Fenderor.. NON named oops
01:11.10F2Knightthat was already set but it does not work
01:11.14p3nguinIt's wrong.
01:11.22p3nguinAnd I told you how to fix it.
01:11.40[TK]D-Fenderbad mask
01:11.45*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
01:11.47F2Knightwhen connecting from a device on the 10 netowrk it does not route back to it because all data is being sent out the default route. I need to define a route for the 10 gateway
01:11.49p3nguinI'd guess the reason it is wrong is because of the wrong mask on the interface.
01:11.59p3nguinAsked and answered.
01:12.09p3nguinSaying it over and over isn't going to change the answer.
01:12.18p3nguinYou've been told how to set the route.
01:12.27p3nguin(1904.17) <p3nguin> route add -net netmask dev eth1
01:12.40[TK]D-FenderNormally that route is automatic when you add the interface
01:12.49p3nguinYep, but the auto route was wrong.
01:12.57p3nguinProbably due to bad mask on the interface.
01:13.03[TK]D-FenderWhich leads me to thinking is ifcfg-eth1 is bad
01:13.04F2Knightup dated route after a reboot
01:13.38[TK]D-Fender169.254.0.0 <- WTF?
01:13.52[TK]D-FenderI don't think you are configuring your NIC's right at all here
01:13.59*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
01:14.04[TK]D-FenderAuto IP?
01:14.43p3nguinThat's probably written in the script to bring up the interface for people who don't know how to otherwise set up networking.
01:14.52F2Knightdefault configs i suppose
01:15.04LostyJaiso i'm calling from my wokr phone to my mobile
01:15.10[TK]D-FenderConfigs don't default to knowing what subnet and IP you want for your NIC
01:15.20LostyJaithe call drops out on my mobile, but on my work (desktop) phone it remains connected?
01:15.22p3nguinIt's fine to have that.  It isn't hurting anything as it is.
01:15.27[TK]D-FenderThat would require and I'm not about to hand out my pre-release copy
01:15.31F2Knightthank you p3nguin.
01:15.55F2Knightbut when I do something like this ... ping -I eth1 it fails
01:15.57p3nguinBut now I see on line 7 that you have a valid net destination via eth1.
01:16.36F2Knightyes but an invalid gateway.
01:17.03p3nguinOkay, so we can set a next hop, too.
01:17.09F2Knightline 7 has a gateway of ...the default gateway. ... that goes out over eth0 .. not wha tI want
01:17.20F2Knightokay well this is where I think i got all messed up.
01:17.57F2Knightline 7 : i think should read eth1
01:18.23[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: You have a WAN interface.  THat is where your default route will go or your internet access on it is fucked.  Clear?  It needs to be the default route.  Your * can talk to whatever other subnets you want, but a GLOBA DEFAULT.
01:18.25F2Knightwhich would mean this machine would use as the gateway for the 10 network
01:19.24F2Knight[TK]D-Fender, I am not looking to set the default route but assign a gateway route for a specfic network.
01:19.51[TK]D-FenderYou should not have to set routes.  merely defining your IP properly for your 10 network should do its thing
01:20.03[TK]D-Fenderand come up automatically.
01:20.34*** part/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (
01:21.18F2Knightthe problem [TK]D-Fender is that this system (physical machine) can not access the gateway
01:21.24F2Knightbecause there is no route configured for it
01:21.39F2Knighthense why there is needed a route
01:21.40[TK]D-Fenderfix your interface definition <-
01:21.50WiretapNotWorkinF2Knight: you don't route to a gateway
01:21.51p3nguinIf you ping, you get nothing?
01:21.54WiretapNotWorkinyou route to a router
01:21.55[TK]D-FenderAnd what "gateway"?
01:22.00WiretapNotWorkinrather, a router routes
01:22.08[TK]D-Fender* is already on the 10 subnet, it doesn't need a "gateway"
01:22.09WiretapNotWorkinyou have a default route that goes to the default gateway for your subnet
01:22.23WiretapNotWorkinand you don't need a gateway at all if the devices are on the same subnet
01:23.17p3nguin10.0.0.0       U     0      0        0 eth1     <--- this is the route to
01:24.17F2Knightthe is a 'router'
01:24.40[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: NO.  your box is NOT going out that router.
01:24.45p3nguinAnd if you send traffic to it which is destined for one of its routes which is not the same network you are on, it will route.
01:24.57[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: Your WAN connected NIC is default, and that's it.  ONE default route, and that NIC has to be it
01:25.05p3nguinIf you send it to the same network, it will not route.
01:25.39F2Knightif I issue a ping -I eth1 I get a response.. I am using eth1 to ping a device.
01:25.58[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: You shouldn't have to specify an interface for ping at all
01:26.12[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: Your box already knows the subnet is on that  interface
01:26.23F2Knightif i issue a ping -I eth1 it will not send it to the device to get out
01:26.32[TK]D-FenderOF COURSE NOT
01:26.40[TK]D-FenderYou have ONE default route!
01:26.44[TK]D-FenderNot one per interface!
01:26.59p3nguinSet a route to via eth1, and it'll work.
01:27.48[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: Your dream of using that WAN NIC exclusively for phones and using your other router for general traffic is not happening.  That is not how this networking works.
01:28.20F2Knightwell thats not what I am trying to do [TK]D-Fender
01:28.21[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: You don't get 2 "general" (default) routes out.  It doesn't work like that.
01:28.28p3nguinIf you configure a route for all applicable networks, it would happen.
01:28.49[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: is not a way for your system to get to
01:29.01p3nguinnot unless you tell it to.
01:29.06F2KnightI am trying to keep traffic on the 10 network as if it was a computer with a single nic.
01:29.19F2Knightbut that IS the way for that NETWORK to get to the out side world.
01:29.22[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: Your box has a direct internetconnection and is the default route.  That is where it will go.
01:29.36[TK]D-Fender[20:29]F2KnightI am trying to keep traffic on the 10 network as if it was a computer with a single nic. <- what part of "not happening" is unclear"?
01:29.50*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
01:29.56F2Knightthe 10 network HAS and USES the gateway/router (little netgear) to get internet access to the 10 network
01:30.22p3nguinYou want to ping via eth1?  Configure a route for it.
01:30.29p3nguinUntil then, forget it.
01:30.31F2Knightthe box happens to have its own WAN connection for something else all together.
01:30.51p3nguinYou chose to have the default gateway on that WAN side.
01:30.54F2Knightso from this box it has a default route over eth0 yes i know it works fine.
01:30.54[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: Since you put a WAN IP on your server directly that is not the case.  End of story.  That WAN NIC = default and that is the end of it.  No more discussion.  That is your way to the internet.  No secondary choice.  No secondary "default route"
01:31.34[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: If you try changing the default route you will kill your WAN NIC effectively
01:31.45[TK]D-FenderThat is the consequence
01:31.51florzyou can perfectly well have multiple default routes active at the same time
01:32.13p3nguinWith the use of ip, magical things can happen.
01:32.18[TK]D-FenderPackets might arrive in, but your responses will all go out your LAN based router on another IP and you're screwed
01:32.47F2KnightBUT if from this box I want to check that the LAN side is working correctly , I can not get out side the LAN because the route for eth1 has a gateway of that is on eth0 . If I define the 10 network *on this box only* to use as its gateway, it should route the data to the existing router and work as if it had only one nic and was ascessing the network like anyone else
01:32.53*** join/#asterisk lovetide (~lovetide@
01:32.56[TK]D-FenderSomeone talks to you on A.  You answer back on B and they say "GTFO"
01:33.35*** part/#asterisk SeRi (
01:33.51*** join/#asterisk cbwest (~cbwest@nat/cisco/x-xzeimcgbpgxuaxvk)
01:33.51p3nguinHey, look!  It's that Cisco guy, cbwest, again.
01:33.56[TK]D-FenderETH0 = outside the LAN
01:34.14F2Knight> sudo route del -net netmask dev eth0
01:34.15F2Knight> route -n
01:34.15F2KnightKernel IP routing table
01:34.15F2KnightDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface
01:34.15F2Knight192.168.200.0   U     0      0        0 eth1
01:34.15F2Knight155.246.0.0     U     0      0        0 eth0
01:34.16p3nguinThis will be the last time I say it:  if you configure a route for the destination with a gateway address of, it will work like you expect.  Until you create a route for that destination, the traffic is headed out eth0.
01:34.17F2Knight0.0.0.0         UG    0      0        0 eth0
01:34.19F2Knight0.0.0.0         UG    100    0        0 eth1
01:34.21F2Knight0.0.0.0         UG    100    0        0 eth0
01:34.56[TK]D-FenderWhat are those insane WAN routes...
01:35.02F2Knightdidnt mean to paste that.
01:35.35p3nguinHaving two gateways like that won't send your traffic where you intend to send it.
01:35.43[TK]D-FenderWhere'd this 200 come from?
01:36.08F2Knightignore that paste its it not relevent
01:36.12p3nguinThere's nothing to distinguish traffic for destination on eth0 from traffic destined for on eth1.
01:37.09F2Knightp3nguin, you said with IP magical things happen .. .are you talking about the 'ip' command from route2?
01:37.22p3nguinBut with one having a metric of 0 and one of 100, the 0 is where traffic will go every time.
01:37.27p3nguinYes, iproute2.
01:37.36F2Knightthats what I thought.
01:37.49p3nguinYou can set up multiple gateways with various weights and whatnot.
01:37.57F2Knightyes with ip route  i should be able to add a specfic gateway for a network
01:38.21p3nguinYou can specify a gateway for a network without iproute2.
01:38.26[TK]D-Fenderheads out for a while...
01:38.34p3nguinI've even told you how at least twice.
01:38.53F2Knightit might have gotten lost with [TK]D-Fender telling me its not possible.
01:39.24dijib20:23 < p3nguin>       U     0      0 0 eth1     <--- this is the route to
01:39.27dijib20:24 < WiretapNotWorkin> yep
01:39.32*** join/#asterisk tyman (
01:39.51p3nguinBut now he wants to add destinations and gateways.
01:40.01florzF2Knight: well, nearly everything is possible, but without a firm grasp on the concepts it may be difficult to put together anything that works reliably
01:40.11[TK]D-FenderOnly destination we saw was a ping to Google.
01:40.14*** join/#asterisk SeRi (
01:40.34p3nguinAnd there is no route TO GOOGLE via eth1, only via eth0.
01:40.35[TK]D-FenderGenerla internet traffic is not going out that way
01:40.52F2Knightping to anything outside the 10 network. when using eth1 should route to the 10 networks gateway.
01:40.57florzoh, and BTW "addresses" is orthogonal to "connections" in principle
01:41.05p3nguinShould?  No.
01:41.17p3nguinJust because you want it to work that way doesn't mean it *should*.
01:41.31[TK]D-FenderDefault route = ETH0
01:41.57p3nguinMaybe you can explain to him that he still doesn't have a route TO GOOGLE via eth1.  I've said it enough and it still hasn't gotten in.
01:41.58F2Knightspecficly if i run a program that listens ONLY on one interface. (eth1) and that said program makes a request for connectivity over that networks interface for outside access it should go where?
01:42.13[TK]D-Fenderhas to be otherwise traffic coming in on ETH0 Will get responded via ETH1 which FUBAR's you
01:42.35F2Knightokay NOT looking to change the default route.
01:42.37florzF2Knight: you cannot "listen on one interface" with IP
01:42.54F2Knightokay here
01:43.07florz[TK]D-Fender: not necessarily
01:43.16F2Knighttell me how do i check from this system that the 10 network is able to make out side connections using the 10 networks gateway
01:43.17[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: how packets are created is another matter.
01:43.19p3nguinAs much as I'd love for you to get the result you want, you won't help yourself, so I'm done.
01:44.49*** join/#asterisk FainaUkraina (
01:52.08*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
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01:55.43SeRip3nguin: you avail?
01:56.33p3nguinKind of.
01:57.25SeRiI had a questions about irssi but I got it..... I was able to some what modify the numbered screens with a script
01:58.01SeRiMy auto reg is not working well.. :/
01:58.21p3nguinauto... reg?
01:59.02SeRiI mean auto ident
01:59.13p3nguinYou're doing it wrong.
01:59.37SeRii AM SURE LOL
01:59.40SeRiops caps
01:59.43p3nguinSpecify a password for the server.
01:59.44SeRiI am sure :)
02:02.15p3nguinI guess my traffic shaper is killing calls.  Randomly, calls hangup and all my SIP registrations drop.
02:05.23*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
02:06.18SeRip3nguin: how is that?
02:07.49*** part/#asterisk SeRi (
02:08.15*** join/#asterisk SeRi (
02:08.24*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
02:09.52SeRiwell I think I messed some shit up on irssi
02:20.54*** join/#asterisk cbwest (~cbwest@nat/cisco/x-qygsfzufmlffgnkc)
02:20.54p3nguinHey, look!  It's that Cisco guy, cbwest, again.
02:21.27p3nguinEh... did that print even before he joined?
02:21.44*** join/#asterisk Wiretap_Work (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
02:21.53SeRiI dont think do
02:21.57p3nguinIt did here.
02:22.21SeRiwaht a fuck up
02:24.32p3nguinI think the traffic shaper is causing some problems, and I don't understand why.
02:24.48p3nguinSIP calls and registrations randomly drop.
02:25.11*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
02:25.11p3nguinThe registrations usually don't drop alone, but when there is a call, it drops and the regs drop, too.
02:39.41*** join/#asterisk x86 (
02:41.18*** join/#asterisk Pio (
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02:49.40*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
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03:02.52SeRiDoes your shaper have any drop counts?
03:02.58SeRip3nguin: ^^
03:03.04p3nguinAll 0.
03:03.09p3nguinPuzzling to me.
03:03.25SeRimessages file?
03:04.52p3nguinWhat I'd like to do right now is use tshark to make sure packets are being marked correctly.
03:06.12SeRilooks like a good idea
03:07.11SeRiI might drop. working on firewall
03:09.01*** join/#asterisk FainaUkraina (
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03:15.13*** join/#asterisk gajini (~root@
03:18.42*** join/#asterisk SeRi (
03:18.54SeRilooks like I am in now
03:19.48*** join/#asterisk n8ideas (~joshelson@
03:22.17n8ideasI am looking for a "clean" way to temporarily prevent DTMF tones from being heard in some circumstances... for instance, an agent on an inbound queue call.. anyone done this?
03:23.14*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
03:25.57p3nguintos 0xb8
03:26.06p3nguinWhich should be decimal 184.
03:26.21p3nguinWhich should be DSCF 46.
03:26.32p3nguinWhich I hope is codepoint name EF.
03:26.45p3nguinSo RTP isn't the problem.
03:26.50p3nguinThat was the problem before, but I guess I fixed that.
03:29.37*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
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03:37.44SeRip3nguin: I see.
03:56.14SeRip3nguin: any progress>
03:56.37p3nguinnot yet
03:56.59SeRiI see. got an idea of what it is?
03:58.45p3nguinI did learn something, though.
03:59.20p3nguinWimpy was talking about how the traffic shaping should allow all 100% of bandwidth if nothing else is using it...
03:59.37p3nguinI've learned that Vyatta does that through the ceiling setting in the shaper policy.
04:01.24p3nguinFor example, I can set a bandwidth of 2Mbit, and a default class with bandwidth 10% and ceiling 100%, and if other classes are using up their allotted bandwidth, the default class gets 10%.  But if the other classes are not using bandwidth, the default class can use up all 100%.
04:01.33p3nguinThat's exactly what he was aiming for.
04:01.58p3nguinAnd it seems that a ceiling of 100% is the default.
04:05.18SeRipfsense doe it that way.... as soon as it detects voip than it trigers the rules...
04:09.16*** join/#asterisk brdude (
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04:22.16p3nguinWhat do you think about this policy?
04:27.35SeRip3nguin: seems good to me.
04:27.58SeRiI have been playing with my settings as well.
04:29.36*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (~Gene@
04:32.46SeRip3nguin: let me know if you need to test. I know I do... I want to test my settings....
04:37.04p3nguinI hadn't had any trouble with it until today, and it dropped every call that was made through my system.
04:37.46p3nguinThere's a remote phone which goes through my box to voipms and the inverse as well.
04:38.12p3nguinEvery call got dropped after a random time period.
04:38.37p3nguinI've made several calls from my phone on the same lan as asterisk, but none very lengthy.
04:39.09SeRiI see.
04:39.09*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
04:39.16p3nguinAnd you dialed in to my conf for a long time without ever getting dropped.
04:41.55SeRiThats true...
04:42.05SeRiMhhh puzling...
04:45.13p3nguinI didn't touch the vyatta router between yesterday and today, but today calls were fuxed up.
04:45.35p3nguinDo you have a conf up?
04:46.02p3nguinOne that I don't have to remember a password for it, and one that I don't get recorded?
04:52.11*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
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05:05.14SeRip3nguin: yes one sec 37
05:11.22p3nguinCrap, missed again.
05:11.47SeRinow I understand what you mean by that
05:12.26SeRip3nguin: I gave you the wrong link
05:12.28SeRilook akain
05:16.40*** join/#asterisk freetown (
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06:18.03*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
06:18.12*** join/#asterisk cbwest (~cbwest@nat/cisco/x-gczzocqgkolmaixm)
06:18.13p3nguinHey, look!  It's that Cisco guy, cbwest, again.
06:23.17irrootp3nguin what is cisco :P
06:24.00irrootmorning folks
06:24.41freetownreal men use procurves
06:24.52freetownor was it D-Link?
06:26.37*** join/#asterisk AmirBehzad (~behzad@
06:26.43freetownis asterisk 1.4.17 on Hardy known to have problems with Dial?
06:27.00freetowni'm feeding it with the r flag but it won't provide a ringtone...
06:30.53*** join/#asterisk cbwest (~cbwest@nat/cisco/x-cmwqzhprgxarzown)
06:30.53p3nguinHey, look!  It's that Cisco guy, cbwest, again.
06:31.00irrootuses tin cans and string
06:31.18freetownbows before the mighty irroot
06:32.23irrootfolks are worried i might go and get arrested at cop17
06:32.47freetownirroot, so which are better for long distance? smoke signals or whistle language?
06:33.27irrootfreetown best protocol for disemination over long distance is the woman
06:34.19irrootits a rather indescriminate and insecure protocol but has high reliability
06:37.23SeRidijib: you drunk yet?
06:37.25p3nguinDon't forget to enable the shaper!
06:37.53SeRicore set shit shaper on
06:38.13SeRidijib: ^^
06:41.04freetownany suggestions on how I should go about finding out why Dial(,,r) won't provide a ringtone?
06:41.15SeRiare you using a shaper?
06:41.17infobotsomebody said r was The "r" option to Dial will override any sounds you should be hearing and provide a fake ringing sound to the caller.  You generally want the caller to hear the sounds they are supposed to hear, not a fake ringing sound.  The caller will hear ringing without the "r" option.  Using the "r" option is an edge case and should not normally be used or needed.
06:41.17freetownor Dial(,,m) a music on hold
06:41.24infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
06:41.32freetownno natting
06:41.59freetownno shaping either
06:42.09freetownasterisk is supposed to do all the legwork
06:46.18*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
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06:55.24*** part/#asterisk cbwest (~cbwest@nat/cisco/x-cmwqzhprgxarzown)
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07:07.19*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (c419e622@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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07:20.12ChannelZDidn't we ponder this the other day?
07:22.40freetownChannelZ, we did.
07:23.16freetownbesides looking at the sip debug scrolling off screen...anything else i can try to find out what is wrong?
07:23.36freetownor is it upgrade your asterisk from that junk that came with Hardy?
07:23.52ChannelZwhich is what?
07:24.22*** join/#asterisk ollii (~risker@2001:470:1f15:1384:62eb:69ff:fe31:b4)
07:24.23freetownUbuntu 8.04 - asterisk 1.4.17...
07:24.53ChannelZAnd this isn't even necessarily an Asterisk problem to begin wtih.  If your UCM is answering the channel, then that's all there is to it
07:25.14*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
07:25.42freetownyes, but asterisk picks up first from the provider...the people on the line just get silence while asterisk is dialing the extension on ucm
07:26.01freetownit used to provide a ringtone..
07:26.15ChannelZAnd what has changed from then to now?
07:26.34freetownthat's the hair tearing part of it...NOTHING.
07:26.47ChannelZ*something* obviously did
07:26.51freetownexcept maybe a possible upgrade to libraries/kernel/whatever due to the reboot...
07:27.07freetownhates blackouts
07:27.28freetownno configuration changes at all
07:27.55ChannelZYou still haven't really shown anything, to try and narrow the problem down - as I said if the UCM is providing bogus call progress, that's one reason it'd stop "working"
07:28.40freetownthe sip debug only shows a sip invite being transmitted to ucm and nothing else...
07:28.53freetownno returns from ucm...unless the call is picked up...
07:29.07ChannelZso there's your answer
07:29.11freetowni take it that call progress would be packets from ucm?
07:29.34freetownzero call progress? so...why does not the r option take over for me then?
07:29.37ChannelZIt should, at minimum, be replying with a 'Trying' message
07:29.43freetownthat's why i had r
07:30.44ChannelZI'm not sure 'r' works if the other side doesn't even acknowledge the INVITE *at all* and I don't have a good means to test
07:31.39freetownis gonna look up call progress doc on ucm then
07:33.43*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (
07:33.58*** join/#asterisk BJD10 (
07:35.10BJD10Hi guys,
07:35.11*** join/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~RAMYT@
07:35.37BJD10how would I go about creating a way of looking up different routes to help choose the lowest cost route.
07:36.09ChannelZHmm I just tried dialing a SIP URI that totally doesn't exist and it does ring... so either your UCM is answering the channel or something, or perhaps your indications are borked.
07:36.12BJD10I have about 15 providers and they all provide a 'prefix' but I do not know how I would make asterisk look at the 'prefix' to compare them
07:37.36ChannelZBJD10: adding extra logic in the dialplan.. or perhaps faster/easier to write a small AGI script to analyize the dialed number and choose accordingly, as doing it in the dialplan can get messy
07:38.22ChannelZfreetown: is your /etc/asterisk/indications.conf there?
07:43.35freetownChannelZ, yes...configured by destar...can that mess up ringing?
07:44.56p3nguinYou should never let the deathstar configure asterisk.
07:45.26freetownnewbie at the time and it purported to be a star for asterisk...
07:45.43freetownso...empty the indications.conf file?
07:46.10ChannelZfreetown: in the case where * is providing the actual tones, indications needs to be configured for the correct country and then the various tones for that country configured below
07:46.14BJD10ChannelZ: would doing textual searching in an AGI call be expensive?
07:46.36ChannelZthe distributed indications.conf should default to 'country=us' and a related [us] section defining the tone patterns Hong Kong here...i assume i can find the patterns on voip-info?
07:47.07*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
07:47.13ChannelZBJD10: depends on what language you use I suppose.  AGI is a relatively simple interface by its self
07:47.42ChannelZfreetown: ?? are you saying your indications.conf file is missing?
07:48.05freetownno...but no HK defined...
07:48.18BJD10Python I would think would be pretty quick and easy..
07:48.24ChannelZfreetown: what is country set to?
07:48.51BJD10but I am confuse as to how I would search for the match. Not the look up in the database.. but the textual matching..
07:49.14ChannelZBJD10: I dunno, however one does that in Python...
07:49.23BJD10I am a little confused as to the 'prefix' ... part;
07:49.44ChannelZBJD10: me too since I'm not sure what you even mean about the prefix and your 15 providers
07:50.25ChannelZI'm assuming you mean that certain providers are for certain regions, based on the number being dialed.. which is usually the first few digits (a prefix) that specify regions
07:50.46BJD10a lot of the providers, have a rate sheet that i can download.. they all have US as '1' for the prefix.. but lots of other prefixes for other countries.
07:51.23ChannelZwell you have to figure out the logic by which you select one provider over another
07:51.24BJD10so I guess what I am confuesed about is how an international call is routed
07:51.45*** join/#asterisk s[X] (
07:51.55BJD10I have never called an internaitional number so I do not know ... even what they look like
07:51.58ChannelZfreetown: ok that's fine, so long as there is a [us] section also in your indications.. and that Asterisk is reading it properly (it should say as much on a reload)
07:53.07freetownChannelZ, okay...back to ucm doc then
07:53.16ChannelZBJD10: depends on what country you're in.  From the US for instance you dial 011, then a country code like 44 for the UK, then the number...
07:54.27ChannelZfreetown: I mean the proper way to do it is the UCM to be providing real call progress based on whatever it's doing rather than trying to patch around it with 'r' on Asterisk
07:55.18ChannelZfreetown: but it's always possible there is some odd bug in * in your case, your package upgraded and screwed something up, who knows
07:55.25freetownChannelZ, i understand what you are did say that ucm has a knack of not providing call progress?
07:55.42ChannelZfreetown: no, I don't know a single thing about this UCM
07:55.59ChannelZIf what you're saying is true however, that it's not replying to SIP packets *at all*, it certainly isn't providing progress
07:56.18ChannelZI'm not actually sure how it's working at all to be honest if this is really the case
07:56.21freetownucm? cisco unified communications manager...the cisco ipphone/phone solution...
07:56.50ChannelZNo, I know what it is, but I mean I've never used one, have any experience with one, or any other knowledge of them
07:57.15ChannelZAlas from the outside looking in, it doesn't seem to do SIP very well.
07:57.36ChannelZNot sure if that counts as a "phone solution" :)
07:58.31freetownreading up on docs right now. thanks for the pointers ChannelZ
07:58.52*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
07:59.27*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:59.36ChannelZyeah well good luck, it's hard to diagnose a secondary system interaction without direct experience with the system in question or even seeing any debug output
07:59.55*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:01.08BJD10ChannelZ: so if dialing from US to the UK I would dial 011 + 44 + there number?
08:01.21*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
08:01.23schmidtsgood morning
08:02.57ChannelZBJD10: yes, typically.. your various ITSPs might have slightly different forms they want you to dial, possibly.
08:03.55*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
08:04.02ChannelZmorning schmidts
08:04.13BJD10ChannelZ: I guess there is no rule as to how long the 'phone number' portion is is there
08:05.36ChannelZI'm sure there is, I just don't know what it happens to be
08:05.52ChannelZAnd different countries surely have different dialplans
08:06.49p3nguinSome of those countries have variable length phone numbers, so it could get messy if you're trying to match the entire number.
08:07.19BJD10p3nguin: just trying to figure out how to determing the 'prefix' correctly for routing
08:07.29p3nguinWhat's a prefix?
08:08.03ChannelZthanks for driving this car in a circle
08:08.38kaldemarit's the opposite of suffix.
08:08.49p3nguinOh, no shit?
08:08.56ChannelZBJD10: are you indeed dialing out of the US?
08:09.23p3nguinIf you're talking about adding a 1 for US numbers or 011 for everything else, I guess it seems pretty clear how you'd know which one you're dialing.
08:12.20irrootirony as climate confrence opens in durban south africa there are 8 killed in floods in durban ... on the agenda is climate change droughts in africa
08:14.26ChannelZAl Gore's wet dream
08:14.42p3nguinAnyone here using squareup?
08:15.18p3nguinSquare/ whatever
08:15.28ChannelZthe credit card thingy?
08:16.02p3nguinI'm wondering if it's my imagination that the fee went up.
08:17.24ChannelZhmm dunno. I don't use it, just know some who do
08:17.35*** join/#asterisk pietro1 (
08:18.38ChannelZa random article says 2.75% + $.15, dated November 2010
08:19.18BJD10ChannelZ: well yes I am in the US :) and while I mainly care about the US routes from the providers If I can define how to sort the prefixes then I can enable INT calling as well
08:19.19ChannelZseems to be the same as what their website says now, minus the $.15
08:19.42ChannelZBJD10: well a US prefix (the area code I think you mean) is the first three numbers
08:19.51p3nguinI guess it went down then instead of up.
08:20.10ChannelZ3.5% + $.15 if you enter CC numbers manually.
08:20.44BJD10ChannelZ: thats our area codes.. but the US prefix is 1 on all the lists
08:21.01p3nguinAnd everything else will be something else.
08:21.14ChannelZwell yes, usually you have to dial 1 to make a 'long distance' call
08:21.32ChannelZon POTS.  My ITSP, Vitelity, always requires the 1 even for local calls
08:21.32*** join/#asterisk singler (
08:21.39BJD10btw. I use square up.. 2.75% on swiped cards no per transaction fees
08:21.41ChannelZ011 is for international
08:21.52BJD103.something on non swiped cards
08:21.55ChannelZso maybe that's all you're asking.  I really don't know.
08:22.33BJD10so from what I am getting it is like this ... <countrycode>+<areacode> is = prefix
08:22.42BJD10except the US is just 1/
08:23.04p3nguin1 is the country code.
08:23.12BJD10seems the UK listings are all 44+ a few digits.. like 447939
08:23.22p3nguinarea code is not a prefix, it's part of the phone number.
08:23.26BJD10or 44118005
08:23.45BJD10So I am guessing that when in the uk , you would not dial the 44 part
08:23.51p3nguinThe UK area code is 44.
08:24.09irrootUS / Canada 1 Russia is 7 i think here in south africa its 27 so +2711 is Johannesburg 11 area code the + translates in most places to 00 [int access]
08:24.17BJD10and just the 7939.... or the 118005.... both of them having part of the areacode and a number in it
08:24.28p3nguinFor an international call, we use a 011 access code, the 44 country code, the area code, and the rest of the number.
08:24.33s[X]Hey irroot u from SA ?
08:24.41irrootyip jozi
08:24.57irrootpoes lekker
08:25.07irroots[x] where you at
08:25.09s[X]im from Empangeni
08:25.12BJD10irroot: my list is showing 2711 as Johannesburg
08:25.25s[X]2711 is joburg
08:25.36freetownthe entirety of the sip conversation between asterisk and ucm
08:25.43freetownucm actually did send a 200....
08:25.48irrootEmpangeni see the COP17 fools brought some flooding your side
08:26.00s[X]Im in Australia now :P
08:26.04BJD10but yes all the SA seems to start at 27 and some numbers...  so irroot how would you dial a local number?
08:26.08p3nguin011 or 00 are acceptable access codes.
08:26.08irroots[x] ah
08:26.13ChannelZfreetown: can't be, there's not even an INVITE in that.
08:26.57freetownhmm...maybe sip set debug ip ain't good enough then...
08:27.05irrootBJD10 if i was to dial a local number my local access code is 0 so i dial 011XXXXXXX for johannesburg and 012XXXXXXX for pretoria
08:27.06freetowni guess i need it more verbose...
08:27.19s[X]South African introduced full 10 digit dialing
08:27.22irrootto call london it be 0044207XXXXXXX
08:27.23s[X]South Africa*
08:27.37s[X]Yeah int outbound dialing code for sa is 00
08:27.40ChannelZIt should be.  You turned on debug and THEN made a test call?
08:27.47s[X]00 + Country Code + Number
08:27.52irroots[X] yeah got rid of all the party lines and now on fully automated exchanges
08:27.54*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:27.55ChannelZThere should be a crapload of packets
08:27.59BJD10okay so the 0 is your areacode... what is the 11 part or the 12 part?
08:28.02p3nguin00 is the access code, 44 is the country code, 207 is the area code...
08:28.15s[X]i left 10 years ago hehe
08:28.15p3nguin0 is the access code, not area code.
08:28.24*** join/#asterisk coppice (
08:28.26BJD10oh okay
08:28.31irrootBJD10 0 is local access 00 is international access area code is 11
08:28.31p3nguin27 is the area code.
08:28.35BJD10are area codes across the global 3 digits?
08:28.37p3nguinBut it's local, so it is left out.
08:28.48irrootp3nguin 27 is country code
08:29.09freetownChannelZ, yeah...i turned on debug and then made a test call...
08:29.31ChannelZon the right system!? :)
08:29.38freetowni could have the phone on the ucm side of things ringing away while the cell just gave me silences
08:30.07singlerBJD10: no, in my country area codes varies from 1 to 3 digits
08:30.39BJD10Think I got it.. from the US we have to dial 011 to get international access. Other wise its considered local, or a 1 for long distance/local
08:30.44ChannelZfreetown: something is seriously hosed, you should have gotten an incoming INVITE from your ITSP and some additional chatter, as well as the outgoing INVITE to your UCM and subsequent chatter
08:30.56ChannelZyou did "sip set debug on" ?
08:31.04p3nguinI think UK area codes are 2-4 digits.
08:31.15freetownjust did...but then i get way too much chatter on screen...
08:31.24ChannelZwell yeah
08:31.32ChannelZso wtf did you paste then
08:31.39freetownis it possible to tie things down to one particular sip line?
08:31.52ChannelZyou can do it by ip
08:31.53freetownthen i can filter out the additional chatter
08:32.06freetownsame blooming ip for all lines :D
08:32.09ChannelZsip set debug ip x.x.x.x
08:32.19ChannelZWell life sucks
08:32.28freetownit does...
08:32.40BJD10so anything after 011 I can strip for the prefix to route with... the question then is if I use an agi script to query a database of prefixes.. how much lag will searching for it result in...
08:32.45irroot+27 87 9409936 is sip on my netbook
08:32.54p3nguinfive words:  test en vi ron ment
08:33.00singlerfreetown: ues tcpdump to capture sip, and then use wireshark to analyze voip calls, you'll get nice graphs
08:33.04ChannelZBJD10: depends how big your database is... what it is...
08:33.13irrootits a NGN the "areacode" 87 is reserved for VOIP termination
08:33.17s[X]ArchLinux is taking its sweet ass time to install
08:33.29ChannelZIt's probably going to take a second or less even with a huge database
08:35.20ChannelZfreetown: let's start very simple.  do "core set verbose 5" and then make a test call, pastebin that.
08:35.49ChannelZlet's see what Asterisk thinks is happening
08:36.08irrootBJD10 i have a database of international codes also some prefix descriptions
08:36.28BJD10irroot:  how do you select the route to use to dial ?
08:37.11freetownChannelZ, got a dump here:
08:37.30freetowni just realized that i could have a better filter with the other ucm ip
08:37.35*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
08:37.37BJD10here is an example of the rates download about 10K records, I have several lists like this about 100K records
08:37.45irrootBJD10 i have a AGI script that does this also calculates the cost and alocates the cost
08:38.46ChannelZfreetown: well if is your UCM, it seems to be doing progress OK.. it replies with "Trying", and even "Ringing"
08:39.42ChannelZin which case.. have you even tried without 'r'?
08:40.27BJD10irroot: is this a script you wrote?
08:42.01irrootbased on A2Billing but complete hatchet job
08:43.20*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (~Gene@
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08:48.04gianyhow can i disable the code for #1 ?
08:48.42ChannelZgiany: features.conf
08:50.52gianythat is what I thought too..
08:50.56ChannelZassuming your'e even using features I guess.  Otherwise it's possibly something your device is doing
08:51.12gianyin the Dial app what do tTW mean?
08:51.44ChannelZt and T allow transferring by either the called or calling party respectively.. so you could remove those too
08:51.56ChannelZW  is recording
08:52.16ChannelZW is recording by the calling party
08:52.29ChannelZs/recording/allow recording/
08:52.40ChannelZshould go to bed
08:52.45*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
08:52.52gianyok, thx its clear
08:56.18freetownChannelZ, I have tried with tT joy...
08:56.19*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
08:58.33ChannelZfreetown: I don't know why.  You said you're calling from a cell?
08:59.03freetownonly thing available to make a call to the sip line(s)
08:59.36ChannelZso you haven't tried a softphone somewhere else?
09:00.05ChannelZI can try calling you if you want
09:00.27ChannelZor wait.. what country are you in
09:00.59freetownChannelZ, i have a softphone to asterisk...using that to call an extension on ucm works just fine...
09:01.02*** join/#asterisk Nasga (
09:01.08ChannelZyou hear ringing
09:01.52freetownyou reckon the nortel crap from the sip provider is at fault now?
09:02.17ChannelZok well that would have been nice to know.  It might be something screwball with your cell provider
09:02.42freetownit's not just cell...even landlines....
09:02.43ChannelZAgain I haven't even seen your dialplan and how/why/what asterisk is doing in the middle of all this
09:02.59freetowni'd be happy to post the dialplan for you
09:03.14ChannelZwell I was waiting to see your verbose output which will tell a lot
09:03.37freetownoh that. coming
09:08.29freetownoh...should include sip stuff for asterisk <-> provider too?
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09:11.11ChannelZDid you not answer the call on the UCM side and just hang up?
09:11.48freetownNo, I did not answer the call on the ucm side...i just hung up after four rings or so
09:11.55freetownhung up the cell that is
09:12.35freetownzero natting...asterisk is the go between from ucm and provider...
09:12.38ChannelZwell it's reporting ringing, so either it's not generating the sound, or it's getting muted for some reason up the line (your ITSP or the cell)
09:13.07freetownmuted? just the ringing only?
09:13.54ChannelZwhy with 'r' it's not generating ringing either also seems like it's getting muted elsewhere.. unless your Asterisk has become screwed up and it is unable to generate the tones either which I can't guess how that can even happen if your indications.conf is default
09:14.23freetownindications has been touched by destar...
09:14.54ChannelZI don't think the communication between your ITSP and Asterisk is a factor since you're Answer()ing the channel on the Asterisk side.
09:15.25freetownasterisk configuration software with big fancy claims
09:15.42ChannelZoh.. another GUI?  these things are like infections
09:15.54freetownif only i had known...
09:16.12ChannelZso touched how?
09:16.23freetownshould i give that hk indications a go?
09:16.29irrootChannelZ lol so what that make me i supply asterisk with Gui
09:16.41freetown; Automatically created by DESTAR
09:16.51freetownthat's at the top of the indications file
09:17.06freetowni have no idea how it differs from default
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09:17.49irrootfreetown download asterisk source in there are the default configs
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09:18.12ChannelZmake it that
09:18.41freetownChannelZ, what about the hk indications on that voip-info page?
09:19.58ChannelZwhatever, you can try it though their syntax isn't quite right
09:20.58freetownright...i'll blow indications away and stick the default in then
09:21.02ChannelZmakes wierd noises here
09:21.12freetownHK is weird :p
09:21.29ChannelZit made like half a US ring and then just a long tone forever
09:22.09freetownooh...there was an indications.conf.orig...
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09:22.13freetownstuck that back in
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09:27.53freetownno joy.
09:30.16ChannelZwith r?
09:30.23freetownwith r
09:31.44ChannelZhas no idea
09:32.17freetownChannelZ, but thank you for your time and effort here. Really appreciated
09:33.25*** join/#asterisk hrolf (~hrolf@unaffiliated/hrolf)
09:33.36hrolfHow do I get the call start time in dial plan?
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09:35.05kaldemarhrolf: CDR(start)
09:36.32hrolfkaldemar: Thanks.
09:38.10ChannelZfreetown: can you make a test extension that calls PlayTones("440+480/400,0/200,440+480/400,0/4000")  and then a Wait(10)  and then call it?
09:42.03ChannelZ(oh.. and Answer() first)
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09:46.26freetownChannelZ, oh...a sip extension?
09:46.43freetownor something magic in extension.conf?
09:48.05ChannelZoh.. well I guess you'd have to hotwire your 's' to duplicate your normal calls.. but I guess this is a running system doing legitimate things
09:48.18freetownres_indications.c:212 handle_playtones: Unable to start playtones
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09:48.55ChannelZhmmm interesting
09:49.07freetownthat's what asterisk reported after PlayTones got triggered
09:49.23ChannelZtry "module load app_playtones" on the console
09:49.26ChannelZthen try again
09:49.45freetownModule 'app_playtones' could not be loaded
09:50.01freetowndon't tell me that is necessary for Dial r
09:50.06wdoekes2res_indications ?
09:50.37ChannelZres_indications is built-in.  app_playtones is just the dialplan app PlayTones()
09:51.05ChannelZI guess maybe your package doesn't have it built.  grrph.
09:51.18freetownoh. so Dial r should work? ???
09:51.49ChannelZideally yes but I'm not sure why it isn't.. even assuming it isn't
09:52.03wdoekes2Dial r needs the indications, it shouldn't need the playtones app
09:52.04ChannelZthis could be upstream from you
09:53.20ChannelZalthough hmmm
09:55.22*** join/#asterisk zogg_laptop (~michael@
09:55.58zogg_laptopi compiled dahdi on centos but as i try service dahdi start it says no dahdi service, did i miss anything?
09:55.59*** part/#asterisk AmirBehzad (~behzad@
09:56.32ChannelZthe start scripts aren't installed by default if I remember right
09:56.37ChannelZinit scripts rather
09:57.13zogg_laptopChannelZ, how do i install it than?
09:57.43zogg_laptopi think i did compiled somewhere dahdi before and it actually did install the script
09:58.15ChannelZI think they're part of dahdi-tools
09:59.04ChannelZand even then it's "make config" to install them, or you do it yourself
09:59.19zogg_laptopi got dahdi-linux-complete- so i asume it has tools, or might be wrong?\
09:59.50zogg_laptopChannelZ, i didn't do make config as i use my configs
10:00.02freetownChannelZ, with the m option, the softphone gets music...
10:00.14ChannelZfreetown: something odd is going on looking at the source based on that error you posted above, but I really have to go to bed.  Maybe your * install IS jacked.
10:00.43ChannelZzogg_laptop: make config in dahdi-tools, not Asterisk.
10:00.47freetownChannelZ, thanks for all the help
10:00.56freetowni have to go too.
10:01.26ChannelZfreetown: the 'Can't start playtones' or whatever it was is unrelated to the PlayTones app, but I'm not sure why it's unable to play.
10:02.12ChannelZYour package probably has all the dialplan apps compiled in not as modules which is why the module load returned an error;  if you do "core show application playtones" it probably shows you the app help correctly
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10:03.36zogg_laptopChannelZ thanks =)
10:03.39ChannelZyou know what i lied to you, I put quotes around that PlayTones string and there shouldn't be
10:03.47ChannelZthat's probably what it's whining about
10:03.55ChannelZI don't know why I typed those
10:04.28freetownChannelZ, :-D, yeah the help returned alright
10:04.49freetownasterisk reports playing music with the m option
10:04.53freetownmaybe it's too quiet?
10:05.02freetownis there a volume setting? :p
10:05.21ChannelZhave you use MOH before/have any songs even there?
10:05.21freetownman, i have to go before they lock me in
10:05.39freetownChannelZ, just tested with softphone - works
10:05.45ChannelZthe music?
10:05.47freetowna bit on the quiet side
10:05.51freetownyes, music
10:05.57ChannelZBut you didn't hear the music on your cell?
10:06.08ChannelZsomething funky is happening on your ITSP link.
10:06.16ChannelZI can't even fathom what
10:06.40freetowni better call up the ITSP then
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10:06.59freetownChannelZ, thanks again for the time
10:07.17ChannelZthe music thing really makes no sense.  You're not re-inviting so I don't know how they would even know you're making another call.
10:07.47ChannelZsure.  I'm really stumped.  I'll be interested to hear the ultimate solution because I'm out of ideas
10:08.22freetowngotcha. see you in 14 hours
10:09.32ChannelZI guess the final thing to look at is a complete SIP debug showing the traffic to/from your ITSP as well, for fun.  But goodnight for now
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10:21.54mechbangircis it possible to give caller an option "press 0 to leave a message" while caller is in queue on MOH?
10:25.57kaldemarmechbangirc: yes, define a context for the queue in queues.conf, it will enable single digit extensions in that context for queued callers.
10:26.52mechbangirckaldemar: wow thanks dude. I never thought it would be this much easy.
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10:40.28hrolfCan I have something like this as a dialing exten? Like exten => _A2Q:[A-Za-z0-9]*:[A-Za-z0-9],1,AGI(...) ?
10:40.54hrolfSo this way I'll be able to dial _A2Q:AnyText:AnyText ?
10:47.11kaldemarhrolf: _.[:].[:]. is closest to that.
10:47.35kaldemaror _A2Q[:].[:].
10:48.22hrolfkaldemar: What does '.' mean?
10:50.46kaldemarhrolf: one or more characters of anything.
10:53.39hrolfkaldemar: Is it a regex or it is specific to asterisk?
10:55.11kaldemar. is a single character in regex. this is asterisk-specific in patterns.
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11:08.12defsworkany suggestions on chanspy dropping the listening party after a while ?
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12:11.22Tim_Toadyi have an agi script (perl) that creates some sound files, plays them back and deletes them on exit, if the user hangs the call before the playback is completed script terminates and files are left on the disk. Is there a way to avoid it?
12:12.28*** part/#asterisk gajini (~root@
12:14.43kaldemarTim_Toady: either set AGISIGHUP variable to "no" before the AGI execution or use DeadAGI.
12:15.23Tim_Toadydeadagi is removed in asterisk10 right? so im trying to avoid it
12:15.40Tim_Toadyi ll check the other, thx kaldemar
12:18.33kaldemarwhere did you come up with that?
12:19.17kaldemarDeadAGI is not removed in 10.
12:21.08kaldemarit was just deprecated in 1.8, but it still is available. the AGISIGHUP method is preferred though.
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12:22.55Tim_Toadyah... I had the impression it was removed. Thats what you get for doing stuff at 5 am :P
12:34.44leifmadsenyou shouldn't really need to use DeadAGI though because I'm pretty sure AGI() just handles everything now
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12:37.21kaldemaryep, a DeadAGI call even prints the deprecation note.
12:39.29dymWhat is the exact definition of a "Span"?
12:53.45Tim_ToadyAGISISGHUP does the job for now but im thinking a better approach would be to create a signal handler in the script and clean the files when recieving a SIGHUP
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13:26.44ixyd_hi everyone, i would like to check if a queuemember is paused or unpaused in the there any way to get this information directly from the (realtime)backend, like a function or application? the only way i see is using a astdb or a custom devstate, but that wouldnt work in failover situations...any hints? :)
13:29.37asteriskATmarmuDhi guys. I am experiencing something strange. I got no DAHDI hardware installed and I am only using SIP phones. but I am using dahdi_dummy for timing purposes. any idea why I get the following warning? WARNING[10029]: channel.c:3740 ast_request: No channel type registered for 'DAHDI'
13:31.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
13:32.10kaldemarasteriskATmarmuD: you're trying to dial a DAHDI channel, and you don't have any.
13:41.11kaldemarasteriskATmarmuD: your dialplan is. somewhere you have "Dial(DAHDI/..." or some variable first inside a Dial command that begins with "DAHDI/".
13:41.26kaldemarasteriskATmarmuD: can you reproduce it?
13:42.07asteriskATmarmuDkaldemar: thx again. I will look into the dialplan again and search for DAHDI
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13:51.34irrootok guys be honnest who in the US is not haveing turkey for work
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13:54.46mizticno turkey here
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13:58.46pabelangerwild turkey and milk?
13:58.49pabelangerleifmadsen: ^
13:59.02leifmadsenpabelanger: that's my favourite breakfast drink!
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14:01.31cuscoI have a channel that I can't terminate
14:01.39cuscoand cli is showing: [Nov 28 14:00:41] WARNING[24468]: app_meetme.c:3338 conf_run: Unable to write frame to channel SIP/150-00000389
14:01.42cuscoover and over
14:02.05cuscoit was basically a MeetMe(1234,r,);
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14:31.00[Outcast]does asterisk have rtmp support?
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14:32.34kaldemar[Outcast]: no.
14:32.50coppiceFreeswitch supports RTMP
14:32.57[Outcast]i know
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14:40.58schmidtscoppice Freeswitch developer eat little children also :D
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14:42.06coppiceI thought it was Belgians who did that. At least that's what they told the British public
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14:45.06schmidtscoppice LOL wdoekes2 what can you say about this?
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15:05.08as001Hi can you recommend me little box for Asterisk where I can put 1 fxo and 1 fxs modules. (Which can connect to 1 telephone line and 1 telephone device) ?
15:05.37as001It should be conencted to internet too of course
15:06.55[TK]D-FenderLinksys SPA-3102
15:07.13as001ok Thanks [TK]D-Fender
15:07.40*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
15:08.54MrTelephoneIs it normal for a channel to go ZOMBIE on transfer ?
15:09.32MrTelephone== Spawn extension (macro-stdexten, s, 5) exited non-zero on 'SIP/601-0000959a<ZOMBIE>' in macro 'stdexten'
15:10.19stixI guess it's normal. You'll probably see some renames too
15:10.32schmidtsMrTelephone yes thats the way how it works
15:11.48MrTelephoneok just checking. I had a glitch where ${ARGV1} was being over written by something else in a macro. seen those ZOMBIE messages and was curious
15:12.37schmidtsMrTelephone when you do a transfer you normally have 3 calls and one of them dies after the transfer is completed and this one is marked as zombie ;)
15:12.56MrTelephoneok. I just wondering why it woulnd't exit on 0 (no error)?
15:13.07MrTelephonesince it's a normal operation :)
15:13.28schmidtsnon-zero doesnt means bad
15:16.27francisvgarciacan anybody call me at ?
15:17.09MrTelephonecan you safely use nested macros?
15:17.19dymfrancisvgarcia: will you moan? :(
15:17.31francisvgarciaIt's just for testing
15:17.34dymthen im out.
15:17.35schmidtsok then i will not call you :D
15:17.42dymo/ schmidts
15:17.54schmidtso/ dym
15:18.21francisvgarciaI want to deploy a click to dial in a web page
15:18.45francisvgarciaand I want to be sure that anybody from internet can call me
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15:20.22dymI dont use the phone much
15:20.26as001So Thanks [TK]D-Fender it is Asterisk what is working on that Cisco Small Business Pro SPA3102 ? I can configure it via ssh like I do with asterisk on clasic computer ?
15:20.51ChannelZthe 3102 has a web interface
15:21.01dymcompiles asterisk on [TK]D-Fender's classic computer
15:21.15[TK]D-Fenderit is just the gateway, not a full PS.  Go slap a netbook or other embeded device with it
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15:24.30as001is there any other device which is AsteriskPBX with one FXO, one FXS port and ethernet  in some small box which can work as standalone without netbook ?
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15:26.09schmidtsas001 i know a small SOHO internet router which can do this, maybe you can take a look at the openRG project for devices they support
15:26.23as001hmm ok
15:27.11as001thanks schmidts
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15:30.31[TK]D-Fenderas001, They are typically extremely limited in horsepower and storage and you might find yourself backed up into a corner depnding what you intend to get out of it.
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15:52.39as001DId someone play with this device ipPBX02 ? It looks like that what I need
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16:18.52[TK]D-Fenderas001,  PBX software: Asterisk 1.4.21
16:18.55voipengfor asterisknow 1.7 is the default cli password still maint and password?
16:19.09as001yes old one I noticed that
16:19.10[TK]D-FenderAncient, a security risk, and I'd want to be damn sure about what your upgrade path looks like
16:19.38[TK]D-FenderWhich I'm betting is nearly non-existant
16:20.26voipengnm got in i changed it already
16:20.29as001I don't know I still dont have that device
16:20.49[TK]D-Fenderas001, What are your real needs?
16:21.45as001small always turn on device with linux and asterisk and 1 fxo 1fxs port and network adapter so I can connect telephone line and device and internet connection to it and control it with ssh
16:22.17as001to make configuration by editing asterisk configuration files :)
16:22.41*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (
16:24.19as001like that one from link but with Asterisk 1.8 and Linux (not uClinux i dunno what is it...)
16:24.56*** part/#asterisk as001 (~uros@
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16:25.31SeRias001: make your own netop system
16:29.18as001I want to put that device in my home and to use legacy telephone device to call international calls via internet and to call local calls via present telephone line thanks to Asterisk dialplan...  I don't think that netop can help me.
16:29.25*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
16:30.11as001on the other hand I dont want to caputre my present computer to be just PBX which is always turn on in power...
16:31.51[TK]D-FenderNetbook = cheap & flxible
16:32.19[TK]D-Fenderlow power, built in battery backup, built in console.
16:32.25*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
16:32.27as001and why not in future to put that in as many homes I can and call all of them for free via internet... :)
16:32.43as001ok I will check netbook Fender
16:32.44*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
16:33.19as001but there must be some device capable for that like that above with ancient asterisk 1.4.21
16:34.38*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (~cS@
16:37.36as001thanks for help Fender. ChannelZ i remember your help from week ago..
16:39.32*** join/#asterisk Stratisphere (~Stratisph@unaffiliated/stratisphere)
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16:43.30SeRias001: of course a netop can do that...
16:43.48SeRiYou will need to buy a FXS/FXO card and thats it.
16:45.07SeRias001: I have no idea where you got that a netop can not do that. is fully doable. I am building one all ready.
16:46.01Stratisphereanyone know off the top of their head what the dial string is for the sangoma a500? currently I have WOOMERA/g0/$OUTNUM$
16:46.46as001ok I just looked a quickly netop and think it is remotely manager system far away from my place impossible to connect to my phone line.. I will check again thanks for help
16:46.50*** part/#asterisk as001 (~uros@
16:46.59gandhijeehey are the poly IP4000 speaker phones PoE ready or do they need some funky adapter
16:47.30_Corey_gandhijee: The IP4000s require the funky adapter
16:48.18_Corey_if you're buying new, go ip6000
16:48.30SeRiwow really that guy is clueles... lol
16:48.30gandhijeehow much do those run?
16:48.50_Corey_They're the successor to the ip4000, so about the same
16:50.15gandhijeei am gonna go out on a limb and guess that the polycom speaker phones are the only ones worth getting as well
16:50.43_Corey_Cisco, etc. slaps their logo on them
16:51.31*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
16:52.07Naikrovekthe conf phones, yeah, probably
16:52.24Naikrovekunless you take them apart and do a circuit board comparison that's just a guess but the design is certainly polycom
16:56.17SeRip3nguin: you avail?
16:56.33p3nguindun dun dunnnn
16:56.58SeRiwell they work. boy do they do.
16:58.38p3nguinJust remember, take one about 20 minutes before you are ready for bed.
16:58.39*** part/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~RAMYT@
16:59.03SeRip3nguin: Yea I lean that last night I tought it would take longer but it was pretty fast
16:59.31p3nguinGood thing you didn't get 5mg or 6mg.
17:00.44p3nguinClass      Policy               Sent     Rate  Dropped Overlimit  Backlog
17:00.45p3nguinroot       shaper           83374538                 0       17        0
17:00.57p3nguinThere was a lost call already, but it wasn't the same as before.
17:01.05*** join/#asterisk scubes13 (
17:01.13p3nguinThis time, the remote phone just disappeared and there was no SIP warning.
17:01.14SeRiwhat happen?
17:01.20SeRio shit
17:01.35p3nguinSince it was different, I don't know if it was the same problem or a new one.
17:02.12p3nguinIt was 1.000000m duration.  Could be a coincidence.
17:02.15SeRino logs on your firewall?
17:02.22SeRiI see
17:02.29*** part/#asterisk Stratisphere (~Stratisph@unaffiliated/stratisphere)
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17:04.46SeRip3nguin: sound like it...
17:08.49SeRiits weird though.....
17:09.32SeRibrb breakfast is ready... :) french toast!
17:10.17p3nguinIt's approaching lunch time.
17:10.49*** join/#asterisk d_preston215 (
17:11.07p3nguinI think I'll have roast beef and nacho cheese sauce on Texas toast.
17:11.10d_preston215Is there a way to disable a person leaving a voicemail message from marking the message as urgent?
17:11.30*** join/#asterisk tyman (
17:11.38[TK]D-Fenderd_preston215, don't give then the review option on the box
17:12.53*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (~cS@
17:14.18p3nguinThat's going to be for the mail box, though, not a single caller.
17:18.32SeRip3nguin: That sounds good lol
17:19.10SeRip3nguin: I see your over limits but that should not cause what happen earlier... I think that was a coinsidence
17:19.28p3nguinI'm trying to find out what causes root/shaper to have overlimits.
17:19.49p3nguinI thought everything not matched by one of my three classes should end up in default.
17:20.21p3nguinI'm not yet a vyatta expert, so I don't know how it happens.
17:20.56*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
17:22.59SeRinot sure if that would help.
17:23.05SeRiI have qlimits
17:23.11SeRiyou have "limits"
17:23.59p3nguinWith multiple calls at once, I didn't have any overlimits:
17:28.32*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
17:32.05SeRip3nguin: was it pstn call?
17:33.24p3nguinThe one that was lost earlier was, yes.  It was the same scenario as before: remote phone A making a call though asterisk to voipms (to the PSTN).
17:34.01*** part/#asterisk SeRi (
17:34.11voipengin asterisknow after I ran all updates I did not see ngrep installed, is there another application used for this function or do i need to download and install it on the server?
17:35.39[TK]D-Fenderyum <- like everything else
17:36.02voipengyea yum install ngrep does not work
17:36.03*** join/#asterisk SeRi (
17:36.14voipengwget the install and run the rpm?
17:36.25p3nguinYou could.
17:36.40p3nguinBut there were no sip_reg_timeout messages when it happened this time, so I'm inclined to think it was a different problem.
17:36.55*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
17:37.18Dovidis there any way to have asterisk use the same call-id on both legs of a call?
17:37.24p3nguinngrep is in the epel repo.  YOu may have to enable it.
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17:42.30wcselbybless you
17:42.51voipengp3nguin: did i want epel 4,5,or 6?
17:42.53SeRiwaz up wcselby... enjoying this clod ass weather?
17:43.49wcselbyit's like 50 degrees, not too bad :)
17:44.16SeRithis morning was like 35 fuck that
17:44.22wcselbylol yeah
17:44.32p3nguinvoipeng: Match your OS version.  I have CentOS 5 and use epel-5.
17:44.50wcselbyI thought I was going to have to scrape the ice, but then I realized I could just pull back two feet and let it sit in the sun for two minutes :)
17:46.06p3nguinCentOS 5.5 to be more specific.
17:46.32SeRiyay! is fixed
17:47.06p3nguin39 degrees here right now.
17:47.19p3nguinThat's 4 C.
17:49.37*** join/#asterisk AdamN (~AdamN@
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17:49.55voipengi am trying to setup a trunk to our production network.  I am looking at a ngrep from the asterisknow server and I do not see it trying to register...
17:50.22p3nguinUse the built-in sip debug.
17:50.38[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, * CIL SIP DEBUG.
17:50.52p3nguinsip set debug on
17:51.04voipeng[root@wlcpbx01 ~]# * cli sip debug
17:51.04voipeng-bash: anaconda-ks.cfg: command not found
17:51.52infobotmethinks cli is a Command Line Interface, the best form of interface around, of course  Call-Level Interface, originally developed by SQL Access Group, but now known as Microsoft's ODBC standard. an x86 assembly instruction  Common Language Infrastructure (See mono or .net)
17:52.13AdamNhas anyone else stopped recieving new voicemail notifications in the last asterisk update?
17:52.43[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvv
17:52.45SeRibbl guys. wife left me a "list" of stuff to go buy.
17:52.50SeRicya guys!
17:53.34pabelangernavaismo: possible, I know there was some recent fixes for voicemail and notifications.  You should try
17:54.08voipengD-Fender: wlcpbx01*CLI> sip debug
17:54.08voipengNo such command 'sip debug' (type 'core show help sip debug' for other possible commands)
17:54.08voipengwlcpbx01*CLI> sip debug enable
17:54.36infobotcollectdebug is probably a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
17:54.38pabelangervoipeng: ^
17:54.40[TK]D-Fender<p3nguin> sip set debug on
17:55.08voipengwlcpbx01*CLI> sip set debug on
17:55.08voipengNo such command 'sip set debug on' (type 'core show help sip set' for other possible commands)
17:55.14*** join/#asterisk pdtpatrick1 (~pdtpdt@
17:55.15navaismoAdamN: i think the response of pabelanger is for you
17:55.20[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, What version are you running?
17:55.48p3nguinNothing modern.
17:55.50pabelangernavaismo: mybad
17:55.57pdtpatrick1Question .. how does one avoid agents and/or queues going invalid? Right now they are set to dynamic which i believe is the problem. Any suggestions/links would be greatly appreciated
17:56.01voipengi check the version from the cli i take it?
17:56.28[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, when you connected to CLI it should have told you
17:56.39p3nguinIf "sip set debug on" does not work, you're running an old software and should try "sip set debug" instead.
17:56.40voipengtranslation     uptime          version         warranty
17:56.41voipengwlcpbx01*CLI> core show version
17:56.41voipengAsterisk built by root @ localhost.localdomain on a i686 running Linux on 2010-08-24 20:43:18 UTC
17:56.57voipengwlcpbx01*CLI> sip set debug
17:56.57voipengNo such command 'sip set debug' (type 'core show help sip set' for other possible commands)
17:57.04voipengI just installed the lastest asterisknow
17:57.10voipengand ran yum updates after installation
17:57.14p3nguinOkay, so you don't have any SIP channel.  Lovely.
17:57.27p3nguinThat would be why your shit does not work.
17:57.41[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, "sip show peers" <-
17:58.12d_preston215Its bad to use leastrecent ringstrategy with extensions with call waiting on them, right?
17:58.56voipengwlcpbx01*CLI> sip show peers
17:58.57voipengNo such command 'sip show peers' (type 'core show help sip show' for other possible commands)
17:59.04[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, chan_sip isn't even loaded
17:59.14[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, You've fubar'd your configs
17:59.32voipengi havent attempted to configure anything but the trunk yet, not sure what I could have screwed up
18:00.03[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, pastebin "ls -la /etc/asterisk" and your sip.conf and every INCLUDE-d file
18:00.20infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:02.43voipenggotcha im familar with pastebin now
18:02.48voipengand i did the ls -la
18:03.00voipengso you want sip.conf, what is include-d file?
18:03.12[TK]D-Fenderif you use the INCLUDE directive to include other files
18:03.13voipengevery file in that directory?
18:03.48pdtpatrick1QUestion .. does anyone know a good python API to talk to asterisk ?
18:06.24pabelangerpdtpatrick1: starpy
18:06.45[TK]D-Fendertrunk not passing on proper progress
18:07.16voipengdfender, im not sure what other files you needed?  here is the sip.conf
18:07.57[TK]D-Fender#include sip_custom.conf <--- INCLUDES
18:08.08voipengahhh ok
18:08.15[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, and pastebin your modules.conf while you're at it
18:08.29voipengd-fender: ok
18:08.47[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, pastebin "ls -la /etc/asterisk"  <-----
18:08.59[TK]D-Fendermask your PW's BTW
18:09.13voipengshit there was a password in there?
18:09.31voipengor your saying in the next files
18:10.11[TK]D-Fendernest files
18:10.13voipeng - ls -la
18:11.03[TK]D-Fender-rw-rw-r--  1 asterisk asterisk   619 Nov 28 13:40 sip_general_additional.conf
18:11.19[TK]D-Fender-rw-rw-r--  1 asterisk asterisk   418 Nov 28 13:40 sip_registrations.conf
18:11.26voipengdoing modules.conf now
18:11.27[TK]D-Fender-rw-rw-r--  1 asterisk asterisk   614 Nov 28 13:40 sip_additional.conf
18:11.31voipengwhat was the file that has the password?
18:11.32*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
18:11.44[TK]D-Fenderthose 3, along with modules.conf.  make sure to mask all PW's
18:12.17[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, And actually.. just do "module load" at * CLI
18:12.25[TK]D-Fenderlets see if you can load it manually
18:12.34voipeng  for module
18:12.39voipengk ill try that before i get the other 3 files
18:13.31voipengdone -
18:14.05*** join/#asterisk chazzam (
18:15.11[TK]D-Fenderok, it loaded
18:15.17[TK]D-Fenderforget the other PB now
18:15.26[TK]D-FenderI am wondering why it didn't load previously
18:15.35[TK]D-Fenderbut I'll leave that for now
18:15.35voipengi just did the yum updates this morning?
18:15.39p3nguinFreePBX support?
18:15.43voipengdidnt reboot system since
18:15.44wcselbyanyone here actually use the windows backup tool to backup their windows servers?
18:15.49[TK]D-FenderThis of course explains your previous failures.  No SIP at all
18:16.07p3nguinNah, I guess FreePBX doesn't control that part.
18:16.11[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, Ok, go try stuff now
18:16.30*** join/#asterisk blizzow (~jburns@
18:16.42voipenganyway i can force the trunk to try and re-register?
18:16.55voipengor do i save changes in the webgui and then apply changes
18:16.57blizzowI get lots of complaints in my call center about Zoiper biz.  Does anyone here have a recommendation for a good windows SIP client?
18:18.59[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, It should have jsut registered.  "sip show registry" "sip show peers" and when in doubt do "sip set debug on" and "sip reload" and watch the new attempt
18:19.17*** join/#asterisk tyman (
18:21.27voipengd-fender: ran those commands :
18:21.56voipengone peer is registration by ip only the other is by username
18:23.08[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, So you've double entered your trunks, or did a split suer/peer in a probably wrong way
18:23.30[TK]D-Fendervoipeng,  You also do not appear to have told it to register in the first palce
18:23.44voipengk np, i can blow them both out and do it correctly
18:23.50voipengwhats the right way :)
18:24.00[TK]D-FenderI don't know what you hav to configure.
18:24.13voipengtrunk from this asterisknow to our production server
18:24.15[TK]D-Fendermaybe they need 2 sections, maybe they don't I don't know what you put in, or why
18:24.29voipengi can do by ip or by username and pass..
18:24.33[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, And what is this "productions server"?
18:24.47voipengasterisk 1.4 something and voiceaxis
18:25.02[TK]D-FenderOh yes.. that mess...
18:25.06voipengtrying to offload applications that dont work there
18:25.10[TK]D-Fendersingle peer.
18:25.10voipenghere if i can get it to work
18:25.17voipengat the moment yes
18:25.32[TK]D-FenderNo, that is what you need
18:25.35voipengtrying to test a trunk from my context my voip phone is on to the asterisknow box
18:25.42[TK]D-Fenderyou sholdn't need a "user" section of a trunk, just the top part of one.
18:26.00[TK]D-FenderPlease continue in #freePBX as we have long left the scope of this channel
18:26.00voipeng? so do it ip based?
18:26.12voipengheh thanks..
18:28.50*** join/#asterisk francisvgarcia (~francis.g@
18:31.38p3nguinI'd tell you how to do it in Asterisk, but that won't do you any good once you press the big orange Apply button in FreePBX.
18:32.05voipengcant i manually do it your way through the cli?
18:32.07voipengor ssh
18:32.21voipenghavent gotten a response from the freepbx channel yet
18:32.46[TK]D-FenderYou asked 1 MINUTE ago
18:46.02*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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18:47.59voipengd-fender: posted the images you asked for
18:57.18*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
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19:27.27Dovidanyone here use sipp
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19:41.07p3nguinYou always get the easy questions.
19:43.21jkroonp3nguin, that's not an easy question.
19:43.27p3nguin(1327.27) <Dovid> anyone here use sipp
19:43.29p3nguin(1336.02) <@leifmadsen> yes
19:43.35p3nguinVery easy!
19:43.36leifmadsenseemed straight forward to me :)
19:43.55jkroonit's dead obvious.
19:45.04*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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20:00.30Dovidleifmadsen: Sorry. was busy fighting with sipp. i think i figued it out
20:00.45leifmadsendon't be sorry, I already answered your question
20:00.53*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
20:00.55leifmadsenwasn't waiting with baited breath
20:05.24hardwirewhat does that even mean?
20:05.29hardwireis it like a vampire thing?
20:05.37hardwireI can't imagine anything being attracted via breath.
20:07.17hardwirewell.. now I know.
20:07.44leifmadsenhardwire: aye, although I used the wrong "baited"
20:07.57leifmadsenhardwire: for anyone who is too lazy to look, it means, "waiting with anticipation"
20:08.07hardwireleifmadsen: apparently you did or didn't.. depending on who cares :)
20:08.19leifmadsenhardwire: probably depends if you're British or French :)
20:08.33hardwireor shakespeare.
20:11.38*** join/#asterisk Ast001 (
20:12.41Ast001Hello again. SeRi you were right about nettop I wonder which model do you use and how can I put digiurm card inside. It looks like small device.
20:14.11*** part/#asterisk Bob_Pierce (~WESTMAN\p@
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20:20.05kukuI have canreinvite=no everywhere, and it still reinvites... any clues ?
20:21.15_Corey_kuku: It's called 'directmedia' now
20:21.30[Outcast]kuku, you using nat and what version?
20:24.01*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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20:28.50navaismoanyone has used the syslog option with grandstream phones?
20:34.59kuku[Outcast]: using nat on some - yes
20:36.05SeRiAst001: some netops have pci,pcie, and or pcix, options
20:36.19SeRiis really up to how would you like to build it.
20:37.09Ast001I need 1 fxo and 1 fxs port card I already have such card but I dont know which model of netops to search for
20:38.25Ast001so I need netop with pci slot
20:40.05*** join/#asterisk wcselby (~wcselby@pdpc/supporter/professional/wcselby)
20:40.18wcselbyhello again
20:42.04[Outcast]kuku: read the first little bit here:
20:46.15p3nguinseri: I made some changes to the shaper:
20:50.24tzangerI'm playing around with sip auto-registration (autocreatepeer=yes) -- I dump them into a dialplan that I do my own authentication (PIN) in before I allow a call to be routed
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20:51.08tzangerthe question is about overriding/ignoring the phone-supplied username. Is there a way to override or replace what the phone gives me as a username, or a way to create a guaranteed-unique peer name?
20:51.31tzangerright now if phone A registers as Phone1 and phone B also registers as Phone1 I am concerned about mis-routing calls
20:54.07SeRiAst001: Yes
20:54.12SeRip3nguin: looking at it now
20:55.47*** join/#asterisk webguynow (
20:56.10SeRip3nguin: I see you distributed the over all % better. also you have a class now set?
20:59.08p3nguin"also you have a class now set?"  I do not understand this question.
21:00.10p3nguinI have the same three explicit classes and the default class that I have always had.  The only thing I've changed today is the bandwidth and ceiling on each of the four classes.
21:03.17SeRiI didnt notice the class.... Yes the % looks better distribute now.
21:04.19*** part/#asterisk Ast001 (
21:07.11p3nguinI don't know that the changes will have any effect on the dropped calls, though.
21:07.15*** join/#asterisk master_of_master (
21:08.21SeRiwell the celing might make a difference but I doubt your drop calls are caused by that.
21:11.29WIMPyWhy do you set a ceiling?
21:23.09p3nguinWhy not?
21:26.13p3nguinwimpy: I did want to let you know that the vyatta traffic shaper does give unused bandwidth to another class when needed.  I know you said you wanted that functionality from a shaper.  The bandwidth value is the guaranteed allocation and the ceiling is the limit on what can be used when other classes are not using their allocated bandwidth.
21:26.48p3nguinSo if I set bandwidth of 10% and ceiling of 100%, and no other classes are using up their bandwidth, this would give all 100% to this class.
21:26.56[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
21:27.48*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-hawqurajzsytgtcc)
21:29.00WIMPyThat's exactely what TC does.
21:29.43p3nguinVyatta is using TC in the back-end.
21:30.11p3nguinYou just simply don't touch tc directly, just like you don't touch iptables directly.
21:36.54p3nguinMore screwed up calls.  I'm disabling the shaper completely.
21:39.25SeRip3nguin: man that sucks that you are having those issues.
21:40.30p3nguinI'd bet the shaper is responsible for this one.  The recording is VERY choppy and the people cannot hear each other.
21:41.31*** join/#asterisk celord (~celord@
21:42.52p3nguin"Thuh yuh fuh cuhluh Suhluh huhputuh.  Ih yuh nuh duh extuh uh duh puh yuh uh cuhluh, pluh duh uh nuh..."
21:42.56p3nguinNO GOOD!
21:45.01SeRinot good at all :(
21:45.14p3nguinI've also noticed some jabber socket read errors during the call which is not working right.  Maybe it's the modem or the interface on the router.
21:45.20*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-hawqurajzsytgtcc)
21:45.35p3nguinHey, there goes a guy from Digium!
21:46.14p3nguinI noticed that the Cisco guy hasn't been around during business hours today.
21:46.26p3nguinI think he left at 0851.
21:50.22p3nguinWith a bandwidth of 24% and ceiling of 48% on default, perhaps that's why the stuff was really goofy on that last call.  I think maybe all my packets are not matching the classes.
21:52.09p3nguin24% of 2Mbit should be enough for calls to work, though.
21:52.58*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-huehabtyugykoevd)
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21:59.35SeRip3nguin: I am sure.
21:59.46p3nguinWhat would be the result of giving four classes each 50% bandwidth?
22:00.18SeRiI have mine set at real time top 15% and lowest 10% with a qlimit of 500
22:00.41p3nguinI really want to give priority to RTP, so I know I want to give it as much bandwidth as I can spare.
22:00.59p3nguinI know I want SIP to stop dropping, so I want to give it as much as possible, too.
22:01.16p3nguinAnd then there's IAX2, which also needs as much as possible.
22:01.27p3nguinEverything else can suck on a twinkie.
22:02.58SeRiI deleted a rule by accident
22:03.30p3nguinI'm averaging 1.92 Mbits/sec upstream on that system.
22:04.13*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
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22:04.36p3nguin1971 kbits/sec
22:04.54p3nguinAnd I set the bandwidth at 2000.
22:05.45*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
22:07.11*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
22:07.23s[X]hey p3nguin
22:08.14*** join/#asterisk dmz (
22:08.23SeRip3nguin: have you drop calls since you deleted the rules?
22:08.29SeRior disable shaping?
22:08.37SeRibrb phone
22:08.45s[X]hey SRi
22:08.46p3nguinNot yet... but there are no calls.
22:11.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:14.58p3nguinHow can I find out of some of my SIP traffic going out does not have a source port of 5060?
22:15.20p3nguinI think some of the traffic isn't matching the policy class.
22:18.43blizzowDoes anyone here know how to configure the Cisco IP communicator soft phone to work with asterisk over SIP?
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22:20.39SeRip3nguin: that depends on your nat translation
22:21.00SeRisome nat technologies re write the source port
22:21.11SeRiThis is the case in pfsense
22:21.36SeRiso I have to set the out bound natting to static
22:23.48SeRip3nguin: look at the types here:
22:24.58SeRip3nguin: here is the pfsense type for reference and to see hwy I have to set Out Bount NAT to static:
22:28.35SeRip3nguin: and I think you are in the same boat as me with symmetric nating.
22:29.18p3nguinI don't even understand that.
22:29.50p3nguiniptables doesn't do any magic as far as I can tell.  If the host sends from port 5060, it'll go out 5060.
22:30.41SeRiIts not iptables. its nat and iptables is not doing your nat. or is it?
22:31.48p3nguinIt is.
22:33.40*** join/#asterisk dmz (
22:33.56SeRiYou need to find out if vyatta is doing anything to the outbound destination port.
22:34.12SeRican you set a ws after the router?
22:35.55SeRip3nguin: do you have access to your states table? that would tell you what ports are been used as destination
22:37.56SeRip3nguin: ok I see your iptables setup. here is an example of a good state.... -> WANIP:5060 ->
22:39.32p3nguinPre-NAT src          Pre-NAT dst        Post-NAT src         Post-NAT dst
22:39.32SeRibad state: -> WANIP:58560 -> (Source Port re writing)
22:40.43SeRip3nguin: well shit you are good. well knowing that iptables is doing your nat you shouldnt have any issues on that side
22:41.28SeRip3nguin: so that answers your wuestion
22:41.40p3nguinNo, actually it doesn't.
22:41.46p3nguinIt answered *your* question.
22:41.55SeRi[16:14:58] <     p3nguin> | How can I find out of some of my SIP traffic going out does not have a source port of 5060?
22:42.02p3nguinMy question was whether or not all my SIP traffic always goes out 5060 or not.
22:42.22SeRidoes not seem like that to me :/
22:42.53p3nguinThe question you just quoted and the reiteration are the same.
22:43.37SeRiIf understood your question your asking how can you see if your traffic going out dot have the source port of 5060
22:44.21SeRithe answer is "nat states"
22:45.17p3nguinI'm not talking about NAT at all.
22:45.22p3nguinI'm talking about SIP traffic.
22:45.33SeRiok I see.
22:46.05SeRiother than using ws after the firewall or using pc on the firewall it would be hard to know....
22:46.29p3nguinI can tshark the WAN interface.
22:46.36*** join/#asterisk coppice (
22:46.46*** join/#asterisk _-Jon-_ (~jon@
22:46.53_-Jon-_Evening all
22:47.03SeRiperfect :) than thats the only idea I can think of to catch sip traffic and sport
22:47.24SeRijust listen for udp sip sessions or such...
22:47.26p3nguinBut then we're back to where I started:  how can I be sure that SIP traffic isn't using another port?
22:48.04_-Jon-_This might be a silly question, but is there a simple way of blacklisting a bunch of numbers?
22:48.16SeRiwell after it leaves the wan interface your catching it with tshark so that should tell you what sport it has or no?
22:48.38leifmadsen_-Jon-_: yes, just match them in the dialplan and hangup()
22:48.59SeRip3nguin: one sec
22:49.21leifmadsen_-Jon-_: ^^^
22:49.46_-Jon-_Sweet, that is exactly what I need :)
22:49.57leifmadsenodd how looking up documentation is useful :)
22:50.12p3nguinseri: Let me see if I can be more clear.  How will I be able to filter ONLY SIP TRAFFIC by something other than the port?  If the port is NOT 5060, and if I do not know the port, how will I find it?
22:50.30_-Jon-_leifmadsen, why are you here then? :)
22:51.41p3nguinI think a more appropriate question would be: Why are you here, when the documentation tells you what you wanted to know?
22:52.02Nuggethe heard there were muffins
22:52.09_-Jon-_And I like muffins
22:52.16p3nguinI don't blame you for that.
22:52.34s[X]ffs i really want a damm muffin now
22:52.39_-Jon-_And I also like the attitude I get when asking simple questions
22:55.06*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
23:01.02kresp0wtf! look:
23:01.10kresp0chi*CLI> sip show peers
23:01.10kresp0No such command 'sip show peers' (type 'core show help sip show' for other possible commands)
23:01.10kresp0chi*CLI> core show help sip show
23:01.10kresp0No such command 'sip show'.
23:01.29sawgoodsip show peers
23:01.46kresp0No such command 'sip show peers'
23:02.00p3nguinYou are have no loaded.
23:02.13kresp0thank you p3nguin
23:03.18_-Jon-_Oh sure, flame me, but not him!
23:07.22kresp0p3nguin, im trying to load the module but no luck:
23:07.23kresp0chi*CLI> load
23:07.23kresp0No such command 'load' (type 'core show help load' for other possible commands)
23:07.51p3nguinYou're doing it wrong.
23:07.56p3nguinmodule load <module name>
23:08.00kresp0yes, sure :D
23:08.15kresp0thank you again!
23:09.18*** join/#asterisk cj (~cjac@2607:ff08:f5:3a::3)
23:09.40cjbunnies hopping around the floor
23:09.42p3nguinseri: After inspecting the nat translations port numbers, I think I have my answer.
23:09.44cjI have pics.
23:10.12p3nguinseri: I don't detect any ports that would be SIP on a non-standard port.
23:10.25cjhave any of you used google voice for outgoing calls?
23:11.44cjI plan on registering with my asterisk box from my android using Bria™ and then placing calls via the google voice account I've already set up on the machine
23:12.02cjp3nguin: got an example config I can look through?
23:12.28p3nguinIt's in the wiki.
23:12.32cjI expect I need to add a context to my dial plan, eh?
23:12.42p3nguinYou don't necessarily have to.
23:12.54*** join/#asterisk bdfoster_ (~bdfoster@unaffiliated/bdfoster)
23:12.55p3nguinI've seen systems with everything crammed into a single context.
23:13.05cjoh, I plan on calling the PSTN via the google voice account, not just other google voice accounts
23:13.36p3nguinOf course.
23:14.07*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
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23:23.46cjokay, that was almost right but instead wrong.
23:24.31cjI called my home line via google voice.  when I picked up, everything was echoed back to on my home phone and no audio came back to my sip phone
23:24.43cjs/to on/to me on/
23:27.16*** join/#asterisk Eitan (~Eitan@
23:27.41Eitananybody have any expereince porting In any numbers to ATT... wondering if i am going to have downtime even if my system is all set up....
23:28.10*** join/#asterisk faktorqm (~faktorqm_@
23:28.38p3nguinThere's usually no down time if both new and old systems are ready to go.
23:29.15leifmadsenno, porting is pretty much instantly available in my experience once the port actually happens (takes a few days)
23:29.52faktorqmI want to install a helpdesk ticketing system totally integrated with asterisk, but I don't have idea which software has this features
23:29.54p3nguinThe last port I did (away from AT&T) happened and I didn't even know it was done.
23:30.07leifmadsen"totally integrated" is vague
23:30.12p3nguinI was prepared, so when it happened, it was seamless.
23:30.44faktorqmDo you know one? Here I found OTRS
23:31.03infobotremember, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people. <>
23:31.07faktorqmbut in the OTRS doesn't mention any asterisk related feature
23:31.09leifmadsenhmmm not what I wanted
23:31.19Eitanp3nguin... thanks: ill make sure ATT porivsioning teams knows whats happening and make sure new DID's are set up on my system
23:31.25Eitanso when it switches over its working fine
23:31.47leifmadsenI still don't know what "totally integrated" means
23:31.59leifmadsenI'm just going to go with, "no, it doesn't exist"
23:32.11p3nguinIt probably doesn't.
23:32.43p3nguinMaybe if the exact functionality was described...
23:32.49leifmadsenya, that
23:33.17faktorqmleifmadsen: means, for example, if extension 102 calls to 103, 102 is the user, and 103 is the helpdesk guy, in the screen of that guy, show up a window with the last 5 tickets of that person
23:33.17p3nguinAsterisk can certainly receive and make phone calls.  It can even make phone calls without having a phone to initiate the calls.
23:33.18leifmadsenI'm sure it could be built
23:33.47leifmadsenfaktorqm: sure, that has nothing to do with the ticketing system though
23:34.13p3nguinAsterisk can do sql lookups.
23:34.26hardwirefuncy ones.
23:34.27p3nguinAnd I'd assume you store ticket numbers in a database.
23:34.40p3nguinfuncy?  funky/fancy?
23:35.01faktorqmyes, in the database of a helpdesk program
23:35.13p3nguinThat part will not be relevant.
23:35.22hardwirep3nguin: func_odbc funcy.
23:35.41faktorqmmy question is, what helpdesk program has the feature to work with asterisk to do this kind of things?
23:35.47p3nguinYour datbase connector will not care HOW the ticket numbers were written, only that they exist.
23:36.11p3nguinSo pick a ticket system that uses an open databse.
23:36.29p3nguinIt won't "work with asterisk."
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23:36.45p3nguinIt will just work, and asterisk will look at the database it uses.
23:36.52p3nguinThere's no integration of the two.
23:38.18leifmadsenya, it really has nothing to do with the ticketing system at all
23:38.22leifmadsenjust how the data is stored
23:38.41p3nguinI realize this isn't real sql, but:  SELECT * where `uid` = $calleridnumber
23:39.02p3nguinThat would be the basic idea.
23:39.05faktorqmohhh I realized that! the helpdesk software is independent. I only need to see how the ticket data is stored by the helpdesk program
23:39.17leifmadsenand you want to access it with func_odbc
23:39.26faktorqmthank you very much for your help
23:39.56*** part/#asterisk faktorqm (~faktorqm_@
23:40.11[TK]D-FenderHOW I CAN EVERYTHING?!?!
23:41.03sawgoodteach me too please!
23:41.30[TK]D-FenderFunnier with 1 less "o" :)
23:41.30hardwireI was about to suggest using curl
23:41.51hardwirenow I just feel like he used p3nguin
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