IRC log for #asterisk on 20111122

00:04.20*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
00:05.26sawgoodIs there a 'term' to describe when another side of a connection (not Asterisk) is sending your box a "+" symbol and 11 digits
00:05.52sawgoodI do not have a + in myside of the dialplan, so incoming calls are being dropped
00:06.16sawgoodI do not know the correct term to tell 'the other side' to stop sending a + symbol
00:06.24[TK]D-Fenderso fix your dialplan
00:06.48sawgoodI could fix it ... but all other connections send me 11 digits just fine
00:07.02sawgoodA standard has been set so to speak (send me 11 digits)
00:07.10[TK]D-FenderWell these guys dson't
00:07.23WIMPyexten => _+.,1,Goto(${EXTEN:1},1)
00:08.36sawgoodpoint being ... why do other connections send a + in their SIP messages and by default Asterisk does not?
00:09.13sawgoodcould be me though ... I slammed my finger into a wall while skating ...
00:09.19[TK]D-Fender"by default Asterisk does not" <- Asterisk sends whatever you tell it to
00:09.20sawgoodnasty hit
00:09.52[TK]D-FenderStop the insanity </powter>
00:10.11WIMPyYes, nno such thing as a default.
00:11.41sawgoodWIMPy: thank you for the shortcut (nice work)
00:12.22*** join/#asterisk dijib (
00:12.48*** join/#asterisk Russ (~russ@
00:12.54*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:22.05WIMPyYes, that direction is the easy one.
00:22.48sawgoodI like how it stays in the same context and picks up where it was last at
00:24.10*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
00:24.14*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
00:24.43F2KnightQ: Using ChanIsAvail , does anyone know what ${AVAILSTATUS} == 21 means?
00:41.18*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (~chatzilla@
00:48.15*** join/#asterisk dwmw2 (
00:53.01bacon4leifF2Knight: what version are you using?
00:54.17bacon4leifF2Knight: regardless, the answer is likely found at the top of the include/asterisk/causes.h file
00:56.08carrarF2Knight, did you look in the source?
00:57.13[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: Who shot J.R.?
00:57.32[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
00:57.53[TK]D-FenderF2Knight: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
00:58.59*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-gjveqcczjswgokxd)
01:03.02F2Knightcarrar, no did not look , didn't know where to look but now I do.
01:04.01carrarhowever I don't see it in there
01:04.36F2Knightbacon4leif, thanks, located /usr/src/asterisk/include/asterisk/causes.h
01:04.47bacon4leifyes, as I stated :)
01:05.03*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
01:06.25*** join/#asterisk dwmw2 (
01:06.43carraryeah its in that file
01:07.03F2Knightinteresting .. the code says it is for a _CALL_REJECTED.. but the extension is really not on line.
01:07.12carrara hangup cause
01:08.06F2Knightno, it was is the AVIAILSTATUS as returned from ChanIsAvail
01:08.35F2KnightI know the extension is 'offline' but I would have expected perhaps an unavailable rather then a rejected.
01:09.23bacon4leifah, AVAILSTATUS may not be what links to causes.h then
01:09.51bacon4leifthat is likely what AVAILCAUSECODE goes to
01:09.52F2Knightthe love hate relationship of asterisk
01:10.13F2Knightthe availcausecode actually returns nothing.
01:10.30bacon4leifright, so you're looking for a different cause -- someone mentioned devicestate.c
01:10.56bacon4leifruns away from the computer
01:11.57F2Knight-- Executing [~~s~~@ael-std-exten:10] Goto("SIP/", "sw_160_21,10") in new stack
01:11.57F2Knight[Nov 21 16:58:41]     -- Goto (ael-std-exten,sw_160_21,10)
01:11.57F2Knight[Nov 21 16:58:41]     -- Executing [sw_160_21@ael-std-exten:10] NoOp("SIP/", "AVAILSTATUS: 21, []") in new stack
01:11.57F2Knight[Nov 21 16:58:41]     -- Executing [sw_160_21@ael-std-exten:11] Goto("SIP/", "~~s~~,11") in new stack
01:14.05*** join/#asterisk Diffen (
01:14.52DiffenEvning. Is it possible to setup my asterisk as a sip-trunk provider to another asterisk? If so, where can I read more about it?
01:18.59F2KnightDiffen, sure is., first quesiton is are the boxes with static IP addresses or dynamic
01:19.28F2Knightbacon4leif, looked couldn't find it anywhere.. suppose its not a big issue at this point.
01:20.10DiffenF2Knight it will be static IP-addresses
01:33.06F2Knightdo you want to connect over IAX or SIP?
01:33.53DiffenF2Knight over SIP.
01:34.37F2Knightif you are doing it over sip and with static IP's you can forgo authenticaion, and just use the host= with the ip of the destination
01:36.30DiffenOk, so the only thing I need to do is to let the Asterisk server 2 connect to Asterisk server 1 and then the outgoing calls from Asterisk 2 will reach PSTN via Asterisk 1 without i need to do anything on Asterisk 1?
01:37.07DiffenInbound I need to route the incoming traffic on certain numbers on to the SIP-trunk to Asterisk 2. That shouldnt be a problem.
01:39.04*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
02:02.58*** join/#asterisk celord (
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02:22.24*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
02:33.23*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
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02:41.53*** part/#asterisk cbwest (~cbwest@nat/cisco/x-jzowdjvmbymhziof)
02:53.31*** join/#asterisk gajini (~root@
03:02.43*** join/#asterisk hovel (~hovel@unaffiliated/hovel)
03:03.38*** part/#asterisk hovel (~hovel@unaffiliated/hovel)
03:14.30justdavedo I need to do anything special in a SIP config for a trunk if I know the RTP is going to be coming from a different IP address than the SIP signalling?
03:14.44justdaveI imagine I need an allow line or something
03:15.15bacon4leifthat should just be configured in the SIP signalling
03:15.19pabelangerjustdave: no, it should just work.
03:15.20bacon4leifno configuration required
03:15.36bacon4leifpabelanger: what are you doing here?!
03:15.51pabelangerbacon4leif: I know right
03:15.53justdaveI know the sip signalling reports the IP to talk to, but I was thinking it might balk at it being different by default or something.
03:16.02bacon4leifthat's just how it works
03:16.06justdavethen again, if it did care that much, NAT would probably work better :)
03:16.07F2Knightdoes anyone have audio files for call forwarding setups?
03:16.22bacon4leifSIP signalling and RTP media are separate protocols anyways, so you have to say what the IP is regardless
03:16.41bacon4leifI rarely have problems with NAT
03:16.47bacon4leifnot sure why people find it such a big deal
03:17.03WIMPyF2Knight: Look at your sounds directory.
03:17.10[TK]D-Fenderjustdavedo I need to do anything special in a SIP config for a trunk if I know the RTP is going to be coming from a different IP address than the SIP signalling? <- nat = no
03:17.32justdave90% of the times I've had people who had problems with NAT it turned out to be they had a firewall that was trying to alter the SIP packets and screwing them up instead
03:17.56bacon4leifjustdave: yes... that
03:18.03justdavehaving them disable sip handling on their firewall usually fixed it
03:18.07bacon4leifdon't let your router mangle packets
03:18.17bacon4leifbecause it almost does it wrong
03:20.50F2KnightWIMPy, yea i have just didnt like any the way i put them together... was wondering if someone else had a better chain was all
03:21.55*** join/#asterisk cbwest (~cbwest@nat/cisco/x-zrppvncasjmzxjcc)
03:22.06WIMPyWhat's wrong with them?
03:41.40*** part/#asterisk mjordan (
03:45.35*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
03:45.46*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~dan@
03:46.45dandate2so i have an extention using eyebeam whose calls automatically drop after about 20 seconds. and his callerID reads oddly; in the format of <did@ip:5060>
03:47.12dandate2whereas functioning softphones just see <did> on their c aller id
03:47.23*** join/#asterisk master_of_master (
03:49.24*** join/#asterisk cbwest (~cbwest@nat/cisco/x-vhyxlsaljwgwuuru)
04:00.12F2Knightdandate2, can you try a different softphone?
04:00.39dandate2actually he got it working by switching internet providers
04:00.43dandate2strange times
04:01.04*** join/#asterisk spotter (~spotter@
04:01.43spotteris it possible to have an ivr/auto attendant system while a user is on hold in a queue?
04:02.03spotterex: to extract more information from caller if agent isn't available
04:02.30spotterbut on the flip side, not delay the user if an agent is ready (or becomes ready)
04:03.08dandate2everything is possilble
04:03.23dandate2you just need the right berzerk programmer to set it up
04:03.29spotterlet me rephrase, without hacking Queue
04:03.45spotterI can modify Queue if need be, but wondering if its possible to leverage it and have this functionalit
04:04.09dandate2gunna need to hack that queue actually
04:06.19*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
04:18.07spotterdandate2, the other Q is, what does the AGI functionality of Queue do
04:20.01dandate2i dont think theres any preset options like that
04:20.19dandate2to change what happens when you put people on hold other than hearing default moh; gunna need to rescript asterisk
04:20.41dandate2but certainly possible
04:22.10spotteris it just forking a copy of queue and playing around with that?
04:22.33spotterwondering what the agi option in queue accomplishes
04:25.11spotterI guess I can play with it and see what happens
04:25.42F2Knightspotter, from what I recall, the Queue is pertty much isolated from the rest of the way asterisk works.. a walled garden so to speak.
04:26.25F2Knightyou may be able to impliment the same type of features as a queue using a custom AGI script by its self, then still have the ability to keep additional informaiton.
04:26.44F2KnightRemember AGI is a way for asterisk to run 'external' programs.
04:27.03spotterF2Knight, my Q is, can the AGI basically replace moh
04:27.04[TK]D-Fender[23:01]spotteris it possible to have an ivr/auto attendant system while a user is on hold in a queue? <- "context="  in your queue definition
04:27.25F2Knightit would be trivial to make a user hear a music loop with out using moh
04:27.29spotter[TK]D-Fender, can you explain?
04:27.29[TK]D-Fender[23:26]F2KnightRemember AGI is a way for asterisk to run 'external' programs. <- AGI is an external program
04:27.51[TK]D-FenderSystem() and SHELL() are ways to directly run a simple outside command
04:27.53spotterF2Knight, right, so agi can then ask user Qs and do the ivr itself
04:28.05spotterif agent picks up, agi presumambly ends
04:28.29[TK]D-FenderIt's advisable to use AGI only when you need to do more processing than is reasonable in the dialplan by other means
04:28.44[TK]D-Fender[23:28]spotterif agent picks up, agi presumambly ends <- this cannot be done.
04:28.57[TK]D-Fender(without serious trickery)
04:29.05spotterwhat's the agi option to queue then?
04:29.12F2Knightspotter, no AGI for the most part stays active the entire time of the call
04:29.47[TK]D-Fenderin queues you have an "exit " IVR which maps out what keys a user can use to exit the queue.  Single digit exten you can advertise in a prompt like "to leave a Vm for us to call you back you can press 4 at any time", etc
04:30.20spotterso I can fake it out
04:30.34spotterenter and exit the queue as needed
04:30.43spottersuck if lose position
04:30.46F2Knightspotter, no... you would record your custom audio prompts to include what you wanted to tell them.
04:30.47spotterso would need to figure that out
04:31.07*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
04:31.08spotterF2Knight, yes, and I can have them "exit" the queue as a response
04:31.11[TK]D-Fender"AGI    Will setup an AGI script to be executed on the calling party's channel   once they are connected to a queue member." <- The instruction it gives you tells you right up front.
04:31.16F2Knightif they pressed one of the digits (DTMF tones) they would exit the Queue and run said AGI script
04:31.16spotterand make note of that in my dialplan
04:31.34[TK]D-Fender"once connected".  not "in the background while they wait"
04:31.46spotter[TK]D-Fender, ok that makes sense
04:32.26F2Knightyou might be better trying to see if the agent is available first and then if not ask additional quesitons,
04:32.39spotterF2Knight, I agree
04:32.53spotterbut then basically delay if agent becomes available
04:32.59F2Knightpretty much.
04:33.12F2Knightsounds ugly and stupid but ... well sometimes things are.
04:33.32spotterjust trying to learn what's possible
04:33.56spottermaybe I'll make a project of trying to add dialplan like actions to queue
04:34.08[TK]D-Fenderspotter: Now there is a "dirty" way of making this possible : instead of dumping into a queue directly your caller will instead Originate() a new call passing the currrent channel name on in a variable.  That new local channel will sit in queue for you.  on connect have THAT one use the AGI parm, taking the original channel name and BRIDGE-ing them in.
04:34.25[TK]D-FenderEffectively hijacking the guy who merrily went along filling out IVR options, etc
04:34.52F2Knight[TK]D-Fender, that is 'dirty'
04:34.57spotter[TK]D-Fender, can I pick your brain on this later when I understand more asterisk?
04:35.27F2KnightI can only see the nightmare now of trying to debug why 'queues' arent working with that
04:35.42[TK]D-FenderChan_local is the most incredibly useful piece of Asterisk.
04:35.59F2Knightso long as you remember to pass /n to the channel
04:36.11spotterI just got the book on sat, read through a lot of it
04:36.12[TK]D-FenderNever rebridge <-
04:36.15spotterbut still trying to learn
04:36.43F2Knightthe lack of the /n has perplexed me too many times.
04:37.34F2Knight[TK]D-Fender, I am writing a new dialplan full of fun little macros.. What is a good way to 'dynamicly' create a failover ?
04:37.38F2Knightfor the trunks that is.
04:37.51[TK]D-Fenderdefine "dynamic"
04:38.20ChannelZjazz hands
04:38.34F2Knightwell lets say I have a database (astdb,mysql,sqlite, flatfile, what ever) of providers.
04:39.36F2Knightin said list I perform some type of matching ... say for example ... I have a list of numbers I might perfer to send out one trunk over another, or maybe route based on cost.
04:39.49F2Knightbut that list may be anywhere from 2 providers to 100 providers.
04:40.46F2KnightI can create an AGI script to do the SQL lookup and loop through the list with out a problem, then hit each dial from there... but that will keep the AGI open the whole time...
04:40.49[TK]D-FenderEverything is vague right now.  Multiple criteria and no means of prioritizing yet
04:41.09F2KnightI see no other way though looping through a 'list' of providers
04:41.16F2Knightat leat not cleanly.
04:41.38[TK]D-FenderHit AGI.  make your choice in there.  Set VARIABLES for the results of your processing.  exit AGI back to the dialplan and use those vars to do your dialout <-
04:41.52[TK]D-FenderSimply don't do the Dial in the AGI itself
04:42.15[TK]D-FenderMake the choice in there, but no the dial and you won't leave those processes sitting open for no good reason
04:42.17F2Knightright but ... how would you 'loop' it?
04:42.29[TK]D-FenderVariables <-
04:42.42[TK]D-FenderSo the AGI knows where it left off.
04:42.45*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-dxbriiflesfdefdy)
04:42.53F2Knightoh and keep recalling the agi?
04:43.01F2Knightumm that seems a drag.
04:43.04[TK]D-Fenderonly the smallest processing to pick the next step
04:43.24[TK]D-Fendera drag is having a ton of calls all leaving agi's open all over the place
04:43.40F2Knightbut I guess it would only be hitting 1 anyways omst of the time.. only the second or more hit if they failed.
04:43.51[TK]D-FenderAnd there you have it
04:44.14F2Knightthnx, didn't even thing about just looping the call on the AGI part,
04:44.39*** join/#asterisk brdude (
04:46.08F2Knightdont even know why i didn't think of that I have a chat-line that does the exact same thing... looks for an available agent in the agi and sends the dial back to asterisk
04:48.32[TK]D-FenderThere are a few other ways you could do this as well.  Like building ALL of the dial strings in order of applicability and storing them in a SQL with the channel name as key.  Single DB pull for the next record, etc.
04:48.48[TK]D-FenderSo only 1 AGI call, and 1 DB pull for the loop.
04:49.22[TK]D-FenderIf you build the full list and just execute in order you only call AGI once.  You'd simply wat to clean up the DB at the end
04:49.39[TK]D-FenderBut the processing load of that would be very petty
04:54.49*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
04:59.42*** join/#asterisk the_5th_wheel (
05:00.37the_5th_wheelHi All. Has anyone had issues with soxmix not mixing entire asterisk mixed tracks together? Im having a strange issue where the mixed recording stops at about 20% into the call. Are there perhaps any alternatives to soxmix?
05:08.31*** join/#asterisk radic (
05:21.50*** join/#asterisk dijib (
05:22.03dijibhoney honey yall
05:22.07dijibhows everyone?
05:22.29*** join/#asterisk gogasca (~Adium@nat/cisco/x-jfxdypacxppgnsef)
05:31.26SeRiwaz up
05:33.05SeRitook my final. today. man it was hard but I think I did ok :)
05:37.25*** join/#asterisk endemic (~endemic@2001:49f0:400e::5)
05:39.41ChannelZDid you have to use the N-word in a sentence?
05:40.20SeRiYes. a few times. It was awkward... :/
05:40.30SeRilol j/k :P
05:52.27*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
06:01.50F2Knightcan anyone tell me the difference between asterisk functions and asterisk applications? example
06:02.32SeRidamn boot.
06:02.34[TK]D-FenderYou call functions in applications to get potentially variable results
06:02.54[TK]D-FenderSome are used to get & set certain properties, etc
06:03.40F2Knightsame error if i just do  DB(RCID/${EXTEN})
06:03.48[TK]D-FenderBecause it is a function, not an application
06:04.41F2KnightI am calling it from the dialplan.
06:04.56[TK]D-FenderYou are attempting to call it as an applicaiton
06:05.15[TK]D-Fenderinstead of as a function within some other application
06:05.16F2Knightokay .. well lets define the differnce
06:05.28F2Knightin my context ael-inbound
06:05.29[TK]D-FenderI already did.
06:05.35F2Knightwell macro actually
06:05.45F2KnightI am calling it from a macro
06:05.46[TK]D-FenderFunctions return values.. values you wmay be using in an application call.
06:06.16kaldemarexten => s,1,Application(${FUNCTION(value)})
06:06.25SeRiLike GotoIf
06:06.35F2Knightrunning it in an ael macro
06:07.10[TK]D-Fendermacro = jsut a context.  Has no specific relation to functions
06:07.10F2KnightSet(DB(RCID/${exten})=${CALLERID(num)}); works fine
06:07.27F2Knightbut does not when trying to ready it.
06:07.47[TK]D-Fender]F2Knightbut does not when trying to ready it. <- huh?
06:07.48*** join/#asterisk singler (
06:09.15[TK]D-FenderThen you're reading it wrong
06:13.22kaldemarF2Knight: think about this for a moment: ${DB(RCID/${exten})}
06:23.37*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~tim@
06:24.15DefrazHey all I am having trouble with a cisco 7960 phone. Everything is great except when I se the call forwarding softkey, my logs of asterisk say app_dial.c: Not accepting call completion offers from call-forward recipient
06:24.20DefrazHas anyone seen this?
06:45.59*** join/#asterisk irroot (
06:51.08justdavewho would I need to ping to get a symlink for 5Server pointing at 5 in ?
06:52.16justdavethat fun asterisknow-version package they pushed in the last couple days to switch people over to the new repos automatically fails on RHEL because of that
06:52.37justdave(and breaks yum until you manually fix the repo files)
07:07.03*** join/#asterisk IsUp (5b8e8e8f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:08.39*** join/#asterisk crioto (
07:09.38criotoHi everyone. Does TIMEOUT(response)=20 will include my Background playback time or it will wait for 20 seconds after Background is finished?
07:13.17IsUpcrioto: 'core show function TIMEOUT' may help
07:17.30IsUpi am debugging my PRI with 'intense' debug, also i am using Sangoma's debug tool, it creates pcap files.
07:18.03criotoI've read it already, but i don't think i'm getting it - when timeout starts? after background is finished or right when my extension starts
07:18.10IsUphow can i understand if i have a problem on my span? i see some "[Malformed Packets]" in pcap files.
07:18.35IsUpcrioto: maybe you can test? :p
07:18.51*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
07:19.16WIMPyIsUp: Do you see any disturbing messages in the pri debug?
07:19.39*** join/#asterisk irroot (
07:19.47WIMPyAnd is the a reason you think there might be a problem?
07:20.01IsUpWIMPy: actually its all disturbing :P well actually yes, i suspect that my telcos timing is corrupted. let me explain
07:20.37WIMPyDo you see HDLC aborts or something?
07:20.43IsUpWIMPy: my system was stable 3 days ago. i have telco PRI on span 1, also i have 3 GSM gateways on span 2, 3, 4 - my gsm gateways are using span 1 clock (ref clock)
07:21.15IsUpWIMPy: i have robotic voices, strange sounds, buzzers. my telco link was gone 3 days ago, just for 5 minutes. but i think thats when the problem started.
07:22.11WIMPyHave you tried to restart the interface? Either by software or by replugging the line?
07:22.33kaldemarcrioto: "after falling through a series of priorities"
07:22.57*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
07:23.55IsUpWIMPy: yes i did all. ive checked physical layer, software and everything. to be clear,  some ports are working fine on GSM gateways, no sound problems or anything
07:24.28WIMPyHave you also tried to reset the nt?
07:24.34IsUpWIMPy: also my problem is not sound at all, i have a problem with specific channels, DAHDI 38,39...,48
07:24.51IsUpWIMPy: yes, also i already talk to my telco for reset their side but nothing changed
07:25.20IsUpWIMPy: "Stopping T203 counter since we got an ACK", "Restarting T203 timer"
07:25.27WIMPyErr, where exactely do you have bad voice?
07:26.20WIMPyNothing interesting about that. Timers get started, reset and stopped all the time. It's only when they expire, you should have a closer look.
07:26.31IsUpWIMPy: all DAHDI channels which connected to my GSM gateways. (not fxo or fxs)
07:27.02WIMPyBut only some of them?
07:27.34IsUpWIMPy: also i am sure theres no problem with my GSM gateways, lets says my first GSM gateway is using channels between 32-62, but i only have problem on 38-48
07:27.57IsUpWIMPy: ive never changed any configuration, even dialplan. system was stable and fine
07:28.29IsUpWIMPy: but as i said, our telco link gone 3 days ago, just for 5 mins. when link comes back, problems started
07:28.59WIMPyIf you only have issues on some channels of an interface, that sounds like some driver fuckup to me.
07:29.20WIMPyDid you do the master reset?
07:29.39WIMPyAKA "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
07:30.09IsUpWIMPy: yes i did reboot, but i am really sure this is not a driver problem
07:30.30IsUpWIMPy: also this is my production server, i cant reboot and test thing everytime
07:30.56WIMPyJust reboot or power cycle?
07:31.00irrootWIMPy IsUp GSM E1 channel banks are E1 upto the system internally they relay on a MUX to the GSM module and are affected by
07:31.02irrootmany things ... some of these MUX also have management software one i know of runs a gui
07:31.20WIMPyAnd did you do it to your Asterisk only or to the gateway as well?
07:32.10IsUpWIMPy: i did power on/off, also i did it on my broadband modem (telco line is connected to it), and all gsm gateways
07:32.42WIMPySounds evil.
07:32.54WIMPyEspecially if you can't test.
07:33.12IsUpWIMPy: also i have an interface for my GSM gateways, it allows layer 1 2 3 tracing. ive compared calls fine call and bad call.
07:33.27WIMPyI'd try to disconnect the telco to see if that affects the communication to the GWs.
07:33.34IsUpWIMPy: i dont know much about ISDN but at least i can see ACK, and everything seems normal
07:34.09IsUpWIMPy: my pbx is providing clock to gsm gateways, and my pbx is getting clock from telco
07:34.18IsUpWIMPy: so its very complicated
07:34.30WIMPyBad timing most likely results in the famous HDLC aborts.
07:35.06WIMPyCan you generate timing for the interfaces to your GWs instead of passing it on from the 1st interface?
07:35.54IsUpWIMPy: i can generate but not with hardware, i think i have to use dahdidummy right?
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07:36.39WIMPyNo that would be in the card configuration. But I don't know the Sangomas.
07:37.02IsUpWIMPy: yes i can generate timing
07:37.37WIMPyThen you could try to run the ports asynchronously.
07:37.58IsUpWIMPy: also i can send pcap files and pri debug output if needed, i can provide SSH too if you want
07:39.27WIMPyAs I said: I'm not familiar with the Sangoma hardware and drivers.
07:39.59WIMPyBut bad voice only on vertain channels is pretty strange.
07:40.24IsUpWIMPy: do you think that bad timing cause it?
07:40.31IsUpWIMPy: and is there any way to test timing?
07:40.49WIMPyAre teh GWs configured correctly to accept clock from your Asterisk?
07:40.49F2KnightQ: I got a macro I am working on .. goes like this.. inbound-did call macro, macro does it things to check how to deliver call, but ... it keeps looping. like the macros end, and then get called again.
07:41.18IsUpWIMPy: yes and consider that system was stable 3 days ago, not even a single line changed
07:41.49IsUpWIMPy: we were using this configuration well, Sangoma techs helped me on setup too, it was stable since 4 months
07:41.59WIMPyWell you wouldn;t be the first inhere fo whom it worked most of the time.
07:42.30WIMPyDo you get bad voice in both directions?
07:43.02WIMPyBad typing :-(
07:43.13IsUpWIMPy: i think bad voice is only from GW side, i did dahdi_monitor 40 -vvv for example, ive checked RX/TX levels
07:44.32WIMPyYou have 3 GWs?
07:44.47WIMPyDo you have some bad channels on all of them?
07:46.04IsUpWIMPy: yes i have 3x 2N Stargate GWs
07:47.14IsUpWIMPy: no all channels are ok, i mean hw/sw
07:47.32WIMPychannels with bad voice,
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07:48.39IsUpWIMPy: I only have bad voice on GW 1 and GW 3, GW 2 seems ok
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07:51.50IsUpWIMPy: 1 sec, ill post pcap file
07:52.24WIMPyI think the only way forward would be a software loopback. But I have no clue what Sangoma provides or what the 2N can do.
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07:55.11WIMPyThat doe not look good. But I have no idea, how reliable pcap capture or wireshark are for that purpose. Anything similar in the intense debug?
07:56.11WIMPyThe interesting part is that these malformed packets don't even have a direction.
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08:06.20polysicsat it again with in-call DTMF stuff
08:06.29WIMPyDamn. Have to get up in 90 Minutes and haven't slept yet. Try to get a quick nap.
08:06.37polysicsthere was an "info" setting someone mentioned i didn't' get the chance to try
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08:06.52schmidtsgood morning
08:08.15polysicsdo i need to set the dtmf mode using SIPDtmf_Mode application?
08:08.42polysicsor can i set it in the sip peer config?
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08:20.50NasgaHello, does anyone know a nice way to block some caller_id
08:21.05Nasgai would like to manage them in a text file
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08:28.51ChannelZNasga: Usually best to just write an AGI to do it
08:29.43NasgaChannelZ: agi is better than a bash script ?
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08:31.12ChannelZwell, an AGI can be a bash script.
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08:32.16ChannelZIt's a simple 'protocol', when Asterisk calls the AGI it spits out a bunch of variables to its stdin, and you can do what you want and spit some things back to Asterisk if needed via stdout.
08:32.33irrootAGI can also be a socket connex to a bash script even
08:33.26Nasgai was thinking about using "System" in my dialplan
08:33.32NasgaAGI is far better ^^
08:33.36Nasgathanks for the help
08:35.38*** join/#asterisk polysics (
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08:42.15polysicshow do i get DTMF events during a call?
08:42.31polysicsi don't really care about features running a macro for me
08:42.45polysicsi would just like to see DTMF pressed by users during a call
08:47.30ChannelZpolysics: Read()
08:47.54ChannelZor are you meaning on a debug level?
08:48.31polysicslet me present the full use case
08:48.36polysicsuser A calls user B
08:48.45polysicsthen user A or user B want to bring user C into the call
08:48.55polysicsthey both only have cell phones
08:49.01polysicsso it has to be done by DTMF
08:49.13polysicsi am stuck at the "detect DTMF in call" step
08:49.28polysicsas i am not seeing the DTMF tones anywhere
08:49.36polysicsDTMF works when in the IVR
08:49.45polysicsso something might be wrong at a fundamental level
08:50.03polysicsi then need to figure out how to join the three in a conversation but that's another thing :-)
08:53.40polysicsis it even feasible?
08:53.50polysicsi suppose so, it doesn't look too complicated
08:54.10polysicswhat i know for sure is that pressing DTMF on calls right now results in nothing
08:54.43ChannelZyea when a call is bridged nothing is really happening that isn't built into Dial
08:56.00polysicsi suppose i need some features.conf magic
08:56.08polysicsalthough i have no idea WHICH magic :-)
08:56.31ChannelZI'm not sure if you can get DTMF events via AMI which would be the only way I can think of to make your own arbitrary commands
08:57.43ChannelZactually there are 'dynamic features' which I've never used
08:58.09polysicsthe book is very clear about no DTMF events in bridged calls
08:58.12ChannelZsee the [applicationmap] section of the sample features.conf
08:59.24ChannelZthough what you can do is a bit limited probably for what you'd need to do.  But I'm going to bed.
09:00.04polysicsi could call a macro going into AGI
09:00.12polysicscumbersome but might be the only way
09:00.19irrootChannelZ extern ivr ??
09:00.28ChannelZwell but I don't think you can call a macro
09:00.29irroothave a good down time
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09:01.48polysicsyou can, looking at the Cookbook
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09:20.35polysicshmm, dynamic features are not working for me
09:20.48polysicsi tried a very simple example just doing playback
09:23.21polysicsumm , think i found what's wrong
09:23.43polysicsno DTMF can work in a bridged call if Asterisk is not in the media flow
09:24.08polysicsbut that would break our carefully crafted tunnel setup
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10:21.01kashuplease give me details to video call
10:23.14kashuhow to config  confbridge.conf
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10:25.45kashuplease how to video call possible asterisk 1.10
10:26.19criotoI have an extension, e.g. for button 1, but when i press it on my mobile - nothing happens. On sip phone everything works well
10:26.34kashuhello crioto
10:26.51criotokashu, hello, sorry
10:26.55criotoHi everyone!
10:28.07kashuhey check dial plane extension.conf
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10:31.06criotoEverything works well with soft phones, but not with real mobile cellphones
10:31.30irrootcrioto real mobile phones ?? dect / wifi / ???
10:31.58criotoirroot, not a wifi. GSM phone
10:32.57kashuvideo conference is possible asterisk1.10?
10:33.44criotoIs the key presses related to DTMF or i misunderstood something?
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10:38.09irrootcrioto ok with you but now you calling into the system from mobile ie you dialing the number "outside" you not inside on a sip phone any more
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10:38.30irrootkashu yes limited video conf support is in ConfBridge
10:39.02as001Hi is it possible in Asterisk to transfer call from Queue to other extension (for play back and recording purposes) and then to transfer it back to the same Agent in Queue?
10:39.38irrootas001 explain play back / recording
10:39.42criotoirrot what should i do then? I'm making simple IVR system and i really need to deal with all the phone types.
10:40.31irrootcrioto the connection you coming in on is not configured right for DTMF
10:40.57as001call comes in queue and agent gets it. Agent talk and at the end of call agent press button and call is transfer to other extension where i plan to playback message "Do you agree on ...." and then Record what client will say then playback other message then record again etc... and at the end to retransfer call to agent who transfered it
10:42.29irrootas001 i see not as simple as it seems
10:42.49as001yes that is not simple at all it seems impossible to me.
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10:45.27kashuplease help about bridge.conf how to configure
10:45.36irrootas001 not impossible there a couple things to take into account the agent transfering call needs to be on a "wrapuptime" so as not to get a call in this gap
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10:46.26as001ok I will pause agent from manger when it press that button and i will also transfer call to other extension but how to bring that call back to that agent after ?
10:46.31*** part/#asterisk as001 (~uros@
10:47.12irrootvariables are set on the channel by app_queue
10:47.43irrootthe agent if they do a attended transfer there info will be registered in the dialplan
10:48.32irrootthen when complete use the "Transfer" to get them back
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10:52.57as001sorry i crashed..
10:53.15irrootvariables are set on the channel by app_queue
10:53.17irrootthe agent if they do a attended transfer there info will be registered in the dialplan 12:47:42
10:53.19irrootthen when complete use the "Transfer" to get them back
10:53.44as001ok thanks
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11:11.02kashuhow to config confbridge.conf
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11:13.03qakhanhi all
11:14.28qakhani have 4 queues and 6 agents every queue. i want to pause an agent in all queues. plz help me in this regard
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11:31.17qakhananyone can help me?
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12:18.33kashuasterisk 1.10 conbridge.conf how to config?
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12:22.36pabelangerkashu: check out the sample, it will have examples and documentation
12:27.14qakhani have 4 queues and 6 agents every queue. i want to pause an agent in all queues. plz help me in this regard
12:29.28pabelangerqakhan: *CLI> core show application PauseQueueMember
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12:33.23nunneAnyone have any experience with asterisk 1.4 and misdn? I cant quite get it to work (trying to connect it to a panasonic pbx via BRI)
12:34.10nunnetrying to configure it as NT-PTP i cant get it up. But if i configure misdn to be NT-PMP and the PBX to PMP I can get L1Link: UP, but L2Link: DOWN
12:34.33irrootnunne what kernel ??
12:34.40qakhan<@pabelanger> i want to pause agent thourgh my application
12:35.04irrootqakhan hi there you can do it via AMI
12:35.21nunneis an embeded system (thats why im running asterisk 1.4)
12:35.34nunneand misdn isnt really the newest version as well, but i know it supposed to work :(
12:35.40qakhanirroot can u give me more detail how?
12:35.42irrootnunne you need to have mISDN v1 compiled into the kernel
12:36.11irrootit changed at some point in the 2.6.2X
12:36.27nunneirroot: i have it in kerne
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12:38.41nunneirroot: or no, i dont have it IN kernel. actually as modules.. but its based on switchfin latest stable revision with BRI support.
12:38.48nunneso misdn
12:38.55nunne*should* work :)
12:39.18irrootnunne but only mISDN v1 will work with chan_misdn
12:39.43irroot qakhan
12:41.15nunneirroot: im not on the computer where i have the sources. but im pretty sure it's the v1-branch.. for example i have the old configuration file etc. not the new xml-based one
12:42.02nunne<6>Modular ISDN Stack core version (1_2_0) revision ($Revision: 1.40 $)
12:43.38irrootok so it should be ok nunne now what type of interface USB/*PCI
12:43.46irrootlspci / lsusb
12:44.08irrootand make sure its loaded right with right options
12:44.15nunneits embeded, its via SPI bus
12:44.53irrootnunne and mISDN supports it ?
12:45.13nunneI have gotten it to work once before.. But Im not sure why im not getting it to work now :(
12:45.26nunnethat is from dmesg
12:45.36pabelangerqakhan: then use the manager interface
12:48.13irrootnunne you have it
12:48.30irrootnow to set up NT mode
12:48.45irrootshould have misportinfo ?
12:50.30nunne(im only trying to use port 1-2)
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12:51.55nunnehmm, now i got it to go up on PMP.. i tested removing some jumpers.. but last time i thought i had to put the jumpers on.. but obviously i must have been misstaken.
12:52.01irrootnunne looks like asterisk is running and all good
12:52.17nunnebut would be nice to know why it doesnt want to work in PTP.. since it's PTP PBX usually want to work in
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12:52.29irrootnunne need to terminate on 100ohm resistors and use cross over cable
12:52.46nunneirroot: problem has been that misdn show stacks show it as offline
12:52.56irrootnunne its PMP PTP is a leased line
12:53.13nunnecrossover i am using.. and the 100ohm is built in.. but obviously i should have removed the jumpers to use the 100ohm.. i was thinking in reverse it seems! :(
12:53.41nunneirroot: i have put one of the PBX bri lines to PTP. would be nice to just see that its working :P
12:55.07irrootits offical i dont like users.conf BLEGH
12:56.15nunneirroot: why even use users.conf? :)
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12:57.53irrootnunne just came across a site using it first time i have been exposed to iy
12:58.47irrootmandla you know who is guilty :P
13:00.14nunnei dont like things that create mailboxes and what not on the fly for you.. like users.conf tend to do :P
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13:02.07irrootnunne or extensions in a context bit messy ....
13:03.54qakhanirroot i am using Astrisk .net library to integrate my application with asterisk. i have a queue and 6 agents in that queue. i want that agent can transfer call to other agent or to supervisor. calls can be transfer and CLI number also. but caller data is not transfering to other agent or supervisor
13:04.08qakhanplz help
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13:13.47kashuhello all of you
13:14.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
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13:15.35kashuvideo call with asterisk 1.10 how to work?
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13:21.37qakhanirroot u there?
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13:29.42fpriorHi all: how to offer to my customer the possibility to add new extension, or manage other littles changes in * pbx ?
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13:31.35mandlairroot: you there??
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13:32.53[TK]D-Fenderfprior, Go make them a GUI to bluid what limited things you wnt them to be able to build.... or install one of the bolt-on ones that already exist.
13:33.20[TK]D-Fenderfprior, However you will be having to redo your configurations pretty much from scratchw hen you do.
13:34.37[TK]D-Fenderfprior, FreePBX is the most popular free one.  IIRC there is a limited release of Switchvox available, and ther is AsteriskGUI,  but that one Is still not really "mature" and has a very small user & support base
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13:40.39irrootfprior [TK]D-Fender realtime with a simple php or similar interface is quite quick and easy
13:41.34[TK]D-FenderRealtime is just an "end result dump option" really... Could generate flat configs like the others.  Depends if you care about using a DB for this.
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13:45.16fprior[TK]D-Fender, in your opinion, freePbx dirty the dialplan with many other extensions ? is it safe ?
13:45.52[TK]D-Fenderfprior, No,  you won't be keeping your dialplan with FreePBX.  You will have to restart using their concepts.
13:46.49irrootfprior you will be boxed into what there "skin" offers and forget about doing something custom its a nightmare
13:48.05[TK]D-Fenderwell ... lets not blanket all "custom" as being a nightmare.  We'd have to see what you want to be able to do in addition to what their interface already allows you to do.
13:50.22fprior[TK]D-Fender, irroot, my doubt  is which is the correct/sane/professional strategy to work with asterisk dialplan, "manual" dialplan or freePbx ?
13:55.11[TK]D-Fenderfprior, Either.
13:55.22[TK]D-Fenderfprior, Just not a lot of both combined
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14:06.10fprior[TK]D-Fender, thanks. And howto install freepbx ? is better manually (installing tarball, apache, php, mysql, etc) o using freePbx distro ? [FreePbx distro == Trixbox & Co ?]
14:06.41[TK]D-Fenderfprior, Depends what you're comfortable with and what else you server will be doing for you, etc
14:07.04[TK]D-FenderEither works fine
14:09.13fprior[TK]D-Fender, thank you
14:10.55fpriorsomeone here will go to ?
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14:14.51carrarread the reviews
14:17.38Kobazhaha, someone walked by the cube i'm sitting at and said "do you have enough phones?"
14:17.56carrarone can never ave enough phones
14:18.21carrarIt's best if they are all different models too
14:18.29carrarone for every mood
14:19.26Kobazi've got two 331s two 330s, a 650, a 650 with a sidecar
14:19.51[TK]D-Fendercarrar, GOLD
14:19.52Kobazdeveloping some stuff, sitting at a customer site
14:19.52carrarno 4xx series?
14:19.54Kobazalways fun
14:20.11Kobazi try to avoid that, but... i'm here, i have some phones
14:20.53[TK]D-FenderI've got about a12+ extra Polycom phones in 2 boxes behind me due to downsizing....
14:21.02[TK]D-FenderMostl IP600's
14:21.34carrarwanna sel em?
14:21.46[TK]D-FenderHardly worth it....
14:22.11carraror 600
14:22.19[TK]D-FenderUsed market price might be 100$ for them.  And well.. I don't really care that much.
14:22.24[TK]D-Fender600's, no 601's
14:22.51[TK]D-Fender2-3 IP 430's, and a 320
14:23.11[TK]D-FenderI also have 2 Uniden UIP-200's which I'm glad I pulled first.
14:23.18[TK]D-FenderThose were crap
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14:39.18Kobazso that seems bad
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14:49.05dubclhi, i try to redirect a no answer call from a specific extension (ex. from 8199 to 8150), i search info for that but i dont find anything, any idea/clue?
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14:50.39[TK]D-Fenderdubcl, Please rephrase your question...
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14:58.51MrTelephonehas anyone ever had crosstalk on their digital t1 card? I'm getting the odd report about it and I experienced it myself a couple times. We are talking 100-500ms of conversation from a random timeslot other than the one that is being opened. Could this be inconsistencies with the pci bus/t1 card transmissions?
14:59.25nunneirroot: now my misdn is *working* but i hear a stutter/scramble on the line maybe 3-4 times per second. you have any idea what this might be? I have tried enabling echocancel and jitterbuffer to no effect :(
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15:00.34FlashDeluxehi! does anybody know how i can compile a old chan_capi (e.g. .0.6.3)?
15:00.44irrootnunne sorry have not seen this before maybe io load ??
15:01.13irrootFlashDeluxe with a compiler :P will need the right version possibly 1.4/1.2
15:01.34nunneits the "only" call on the pbx :( hmm.. i have to play some more with this i guess :P
15:02.03nunneor could it possibly be my kernel timing? but then i guess misdn wouldnt work at all?
15:03.06MrTelephoneYou have to be an electrical engineer to figure out any of this stuff.
15:03.17irrootnunne what is your "HZ" setting in kernel i remember time past if it is not high it causes strange problesm
15:03.21MrTelephoneWhen you pay 1400 for a dual port t1 card you expect it to work flawlessly though
15:04.01MrTelephoneAnd when you spend less on your server than your t1 card that can probably be the root cause. lol
15:04.18MrTelephoneis away ordering a new server
15:04.24irrootMrTelephone i use them all the time installed 2x4 + 2x2 port cards at a university last week
15:04.43irrootaint seen "crosstalk"
15:05.17irrootunless its a mux you connect to with analogue/GSM on the other side but that is not likely
15:05.20carrarGet a supermicro server or a HP
15:05.20MrTelephoneit's not really crosstalk. I think the card is messed up or the pci bus is messed up.
15:05.46MrTelephoneIt's sampling a few slices of audio from the wrong "memory address" or something
15:05.57nunneirroot: i have to check, i dont remember actually. and it resides on a differnet computer than i am at now :P but thanks for the tip!
15:06.08irrootcarrar LOL if HP is inbussiness soon after the hit apothetker commited
15:06.19MrTelephoneI'm an amatuer program but during call setup it's like its reading audio from a buffer that wasn't emptied that was used for another channel?
15:06.33carrarolder HP's work great
15:06.40*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
15:06.42MrTelephonewhat about newer stuff?
15:06.43carrarwe have a lot older machines working flawlessly
15:06.59carrarnewer stuff is over priced for HP
15:07.01carraror IBM
15:07.05MrTelephoneI like dual xeons. Could that be a problem?
15:07.07carrargo supermicro
15:07.14MrTelephoneI like asus
15:07.14carrarDP Xeon series
15:07.46carrarBecause you know you need 24 cores in your asterisk server :)
15:07.53MrTelephoneI had some riser cards in some of these servers before and always had issues
15:08.44MrTelephoneI think my network cards are stressing out more than the cpu though
15:09.53MrTelephoneI haven't heard of anyone else having crosstalk on digital cards. I have to attribute this to bad pci bus driver or something
15:10.08*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
15:10.32MrTelephoneHey does anyone use arris tmg502/602 modems?
15:12.02FlashDeluxehi! are there any chan_capi people here? i got a problem using asterisk 1.6.2 with a gerdes card and chan_capi trunk. If i want to load i get a segmention fault. looks like chan_capi sends a correct LISTEN_REQ on controller1 but after that it says that the controller number is 0 and not 1. Can somebody help me please?
15:13.51MrTelephoneArris modems have a feature *65 that is called "calleridpermdisable". There is no supported feature called "calleridpermenable". The only way to display your callerid is to reboot the device. Is that odd?
15:14.20*** join/#asterisk ccesario (~ccesario@
15:15.06r0m|uMrTelephone, is that a ata/modem?
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15:18.27puzzledFlashDeluxe: I don't think you need chan_capi trunk for 1.6. Have you tried the latest regular release?
15:18.29leifmadsenfor anyone interested, I just updated the site to show the latest 3rd edition of Asterisk: The Definitive. Should be a bit faster than the OFPS links.
15:19.23MrTelephoneToo bad my boss was an asshole and didn't want me to goto astricon
15:19.48MrTelephoneI'm going on strike next week
15:20.17leifmadsens/Definitive/Definitive Guide/
15:21.37puzzledleifmadsen: thanks, loads pretty fast
15:25.48tompawHey guys, I finally managed to build dahdi from source (non-stock kernel). With 1.8, what do I need to do now to use MeetMe? Do I have to modprobe dahdi-something?
15:28.05kaldemartompaw: install it and modprobe dahdi. the core module has the timer (dummy) in it nowadays.
15:28.24FlashDeluxepuzzled: yes, that doesn`t work either
15:28.44*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
15:28.46tompawkaldemar: thanks.
15:29.14FlashDeluxepuzzled: i guess there is a general problem between the card driver from gerdes and chan_capi
15:31.08*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
15:32.40dubcl[TK]D-Fender, how to redirect a no answer call from one extension to a specific extension?
15:34.29puzzledFlashDeluxe: so it seems. iirc there is a mailing list on the chan_capi site. maybe ask there
15:41.33*** join/#asterisk AmirBehzad (~behzad@
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15:46.56Kattyyou know what i hate.
15:47.01Kattywhen your irssi windows are out of order.
15:47.21Kattythis room is supposed to be alt 4, not alt 3 >.<
15:48.34Kattyalso, hi :>
15:49.31*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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15:49.31Qwellxchat is stupid.  it gets worse when you have like 14 windows
15:49.54Kattyhai Qwell!
15:49.57Kattyhugs Qwell to bits.
15:50.05Kattysweeps up bits, puts Qwell back together.
15:50.08Qwellmy bits!
15:50.17Katty4 bits in a byte.
15:50.23Kattyor was it 4 bits is a nibble
15:50.25Kattyand 4 nibbles is a byte
15:50.38Kobaz4 bits in a nibble
15:50.58sysreqhi everyone. has anyone played with distributed device states via xmpp using tigase? i got it working, but i was wondering if anyone had been able to disable event publishing to the originating node. server1 sends out a change of state to tigase, then tigase publishes that change to both server1 and server2.
15:51.02Kattyit is soooo adorable that 4 bits are in a nibble.
15:52.06sysreqi don't feel it's very efficient.. server1 obviously disregards these state changes, but still has to process them (i keep getting these notices: "res_jabber.c:3259 aji_handle_pubsub_event: Returning here, eid of incoming event matches ours!")
15:54.40Kattywhat's the little symbol for delete
15:55.29[TK]D-Fender<dubcl> [TK]D-Fender, how to redirect a no answer call from one extension to a specific extension? <- its your dialplan.  If they don't answer, Dial something else
15:56.21Kattyit's like.. ^D or something
15:56.34Kattywhen you hit delete or backspace
15:56.36Kattybut it doesn't do it
15:56.42Kattyit sticks those characters in
15:56.52Katty...yes, i realize i sound like a complete looney
15:57.15dubcl[TK]D-Fender, but i need redirect the incoming calls of one extension only, on DND and no connect extension
15:57.54[TK]D-Fenderdubcl, Its your dialplan.  just dial the failover after trying the main
16:01.53KattyQwell: Qwell
16:02.03QwellKatty: Katty: Katty
16:02.04KattyQwell: what's the symbol the terminal throws back at you when you hit delete
16:02.09KattyQwell: but you can't
16:02.13KattyQwell: it's like ^something
16:03.17*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
16:03.23Kattyi can always depend on Qwell for the smrts.
16:03.29Katty^- and refreshing my memory
16:03.33Qwellon other stuffs
16:03.43Qwellif you know what I mean.  I mean cookies.
16:03.57Kattyi make a mean cookie.
16:04.00Kattybut meaner cupcakes.
16:04.36Qwellerr, s/on/or/
16:05.51*** join/#asterisk wcselby (~wcselby@pdpc/supporter/professional/wcselby)
16:07.13Kattyit's a wcselbyyy!!!!!
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16:11.50tompawGuys, every 2-3 hours my 1.8 gets "stuck", it stops responding to SIP requests, when I do 'core stop now' it's just happily ignoring my request...
16:11.58tompawwhat's funny is that "reload" still works
16:12.06tompawwtf is going on?
16:12.45tompawI thought it might be grsec problem, but I disabled grsec and its happening again :/
16:13.28casixI have a problem with a hangup. When I make hangup(1) asterisk makes a "503 Service Unavailable" response and not "404 Not found" as it says in the documentation. How can I produce a 404 not found response?
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16:15.02tompawIt's latest version, not much I can do there...
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16:16.32casixI have tested this with an asterisk 1.4.42 and 1.4.23
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16:20.58wcselbyo/ Katty
16:21.18Kattyhugs on wcselby
16:21.51sysreqtompaw: looks like a deadlock.. you'd need the output of a 'core show locks' (which you can only get if you compile Asterisk with DEBUG_THREADS).
16:25.43wcselbycasix we need to see a SIP debug of the hangup message that's being sent, along with the CLI output of the call
16:25.45wcselbyuse pastebin
16:25.47infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:26.10wcselbyso Katty - my wife is getting ready to have a baby, any day now
16:26.22wcselbyshe called me on my way in to work to say she'd lost her plug, which means we're down to less than two days
16:26.38[TK]D-Fender<casix> I have a problem with a hangup. When I make hangup(1) asterisk makes a "503 Service Unavailable" response and not "404 Not found" as it says in the documentation. How can I produce a 404 not found response? <- you can't
16:26.41sysreqtompaw: i would also get a backtrace of the running process when it occurs, using gdb as such: gdb -ex "bt" -ex "bt full" -ex "thread apply all bt" --batch /usr/sbin/asterisk `pidof asterisk` > /tmp/backtrace.txt
16:29.51casix[TK]D-Fender: do you mean I can't choose witch response makes asterisk in a hangup?
16:30.18casixIt allways response 503?
16:36.11[TK]D-Fendercasix, 503 is what happens if it hits the dialplan and never gets an answer
16:37.54*** join/#asterisk zyphlar (
16:37.58r0m|uwaz up wcselby.... Raining down there?
16:38.17r0m|uwcselby, congrats!
16:38.40wcselbythank r0m|u
16:38.53wcselbymy wife said it's pouring down in friendswood, out here near katy it's just dark and grey
16:39.20Qwellfriendswood sounds like a happenin' place
16:39.55r0m|uI commute in to downtown. I got pored on... sucks....
16:43.30*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
16:44.23wcselbybelieve me, friendswood (and the rest of Houston / Texas in general) needs the rain
16:44.26casix[TK]D-Fender: then this information in is false? 'It is possible to send different reply errors ("404 Not found", "484 Address incomplete" etc.) by setting <causecode> to one of the values defined by RFC 3398 - page 24.'. How can I read the X-Asterisk-HangupCause and X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode from the 503 message?
16:44.40wcselbywe've had a drought since last October, record low rainfall levels, etc etc
16:45.03wcselbycasix a lot of info on that site is old or outdated or just plain incorrect
16:45.23wcselbycasix if you could provide the requested information, we may be able to help you more
16:45.33casixone moment
16:45.45Kattywcselby: oh boy!!!!
16:45.50Kattywcselby: or...girl?
16:45.56wcselbyany day now
16:46.03wcselbywe shoudl probably pick a name
16:46.41KattyOH BOY!
16:46.46Kattyyes, yes a name would be good
16:47.11wcselbyI'm a fan of the name "Inigo Montoya", myself, but my wife just won't go for it
16:47.15Qwellwcselby: I've got a recommendation for one.
16:47.19wcselbyit really flows into my last name too
16:47.25KattyInigo montoya is a lovely name.
16:47.31Kattybut i wouldn't want anyone to kill you
16:47.35Kattyelse he may have to seek revenge.
16:47.52Kattypick a masculine sexy name.
16:47.55Kattyto bring sexy back
16:48.04*** join/#asterisk singler (~singler@
16:48.06Kattythat way he has all the girls in college.
16:48.30wcselbylike i said, inigo montoya
16:48.44wcselbycould you imagine all the play he'd get with that name
16:48.56wcselby"Hello ladies, my name is Inigo Montoya......"
16:49.07wcselbyand I'm sure there's a catchy ending to that, but I can't think of it right now
16:51.30tompawsysreq: does enabling DEBUG THREADS have serious impact on performance?
16:51.47tompawI am considering switching to stock kernel and trying MeetMe instead of ConfBridge.
16:52.48[TK]D-Fendercasix, "When call is hang up, Asterisk sends the extra SIP header "X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode" in in the BYE message." <- this is not a SIP 404 packet
16:53.50*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
16:54.33casix[TK]D-Fender: yes I know. If I cannot make asterisk response 404 maybe I can read the header to know why the call is not working if is because the number does not exist or because the destinations is busy..
16:55.13sysreqtompaw: yes, it kind of does.
16:57.04[TK]D-Fendercasix, Read where?
16:57.22kaldemarcasix: if you hangup with cause 2, asterisk will send a 404.
16:57.42kaldemarcasix: Hangup(2) that is.
16:58.15*** join/#asterisk Mimmus (
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16:58.53wcselbyulaw call in on one provider, ulaw call out on another provider, both legs talking to each other but all traffic flowing through asterisk = approx 128 kbit of bandwidth, yeah?
17:00.30kaldemarcasix: you'll see other supported causes in hangup_cause2sip in chan_sip. numerical values for the causes are in include/asterisk/causes.h.
17:01.14singlerwcselby:  nop, ~100k (with overhead) up and down to provider1, and ~100k up and down to provider2, totaling ~400k
17:01.29Qwell200 + 200 != 400
17:01.36Qwell200 + 200 = 200
17:02.04Qwellit's more like 80k * 2
17:02.13wcselbyinbound leg = 200k ?, outbound leg = 200k?
17:02.21Qwell~160, but yes
17:02.24wcselbyinbound leg = 160k?
17:02.48QwellTIL: People believe Cisco
17:03.00wcselbyTIL: Qwell is a redditor
17:03.11QwellBut, that 87k is about right. (still a far cry from 100k)
17:03.38singlerit is almost the same as you telling 80k
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17:04.21casixkaldemar: I will look at that
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17:07.00wcselbyso along those same lines, what is the bandwidth cost of g729 legs?
17:07.17wcselby10k per leg?
17:08.11[TK]D-Fender9.6 + 21
17:08.26[TK]D-Fenderunder RTp
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17:37.53p3nguinWhy won't variables parse from astdb?
17:37.58*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
17:39.16p3nguinIf I put ${myVar} in the database and then refer to it from dialplan, it shows ${myVar} instead of the value of the variable.
17:39.37[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, it doesn't double-parse
17:39.54p3nguinI also tried ${${myVar}} in the database, and it returns ${${myVar}}.
17:39.55[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, ${EVAL(${DB(testing/variable)})}
17:40.10p3nguinLet me try.
17:41.21leifmadsenyes, that's the purpose of EVAL()
17:42.04p3nguinI had never had an occasion to use it before.
17:42.11p3nguinBut it does what I need!  Thanks!
17:42.12leifmadsennow you do :)
17:42.22leifmadsenyep, EVAL() was created precisely for what you're doing
17:42.23[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, You're welcome
17:42.46*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
17:43.33p3nguinIs it safe to use EVAL() around all variables which are comprised of the DB() function?
17:43.51hardwireyeh.. you just have to sanity check what you're putting into the DB
17:44.25hardwireI have on occasion gotten back corrupt (looking in to that) astdb values.. Evalling it probably would do nothing.. but still.
17:44.36*** join/#asterisk dijib (
17:44.46hardwireI don't think little bobby tables lives on your phone system tho.
17:44.58p3nguinI think for now I'll do it on a case by case basis just to be sure.  Perhaps later I will make it more uniform and wrap them all.
17:45.04wcselbyhardwire lol @ bobby tables
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17:46.22hardwirep3nguin: I use 'replace' since I'm used to specifying template contexts.
17:46.31hardwireor however asterisk does substring replacement.
17:46.40hardwireit's a bit saner.
17:46.40*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
17:48.58p3nguinOkay, I used EVAL() on my actual case, and it works perfectly.
17:52.29p3nguinSet(DEVICE=${EVAL(${DB(phones/${EXTEN}/device)})});  Now I can put variable references, such as ${ringer}, in the device data and ${DEVICE} will include it, rather than using ${DEVICE/ringer=${ringer} in dial plan.
17:52.51r0m|up3nguin, waz up d00d.
17:53.12p3nguin${DEVICE}/ringer=${ringer}, that is.
17:53.22p3nguinjust workin'
17:53.25wcselbyum, wife just texted me, her contractions are like 6 minutes apart
17:53.32wcselbyi think it's time to leave, since I'm like an hour away
17:53.36r0m|uwcselby, you better go home
17:53.41wcselbyadios, #asterisk !
17:53.46*** join/#asterisk IsUp (5b8e8e8f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:53.48r0m|uvongrats and good lcuk!
17:54.02hardwirep3nguin: I'm gonna argue just a bit more about using REPLACE instead
17:54.05hardwireand I'm done
17:54.06hardwirethat was my bit.
17:54.08r0m|up3nguin, I see.
17:54.33r0m|up3nguin, Android 2.3 has a native sip client. works very well.
17:55.05r0m|uis listening to Nero - Guilt
17:55.25p3nguinhardwire: I'm not quite sure how to use it for this exact case.
17:55.51Qwellr0m|u: I keep hearing that, but I've not seen it.  How does one get to it?
17:56.34r0m|uQwell, What android version you on? What Carrier? rooted or stock?
17:56.40*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
17:56.53Qwellr0m|u: 2.3, t-mobile, rooted
17:57.35hardwirep3nguin: if you know what variables you will eventually want to replace (because you planned out what you're doing) then doing string replacement in a series via a macro may be faster than evaluating it and safer.
17:57.55r0m|uQwell, Settings ----- Call Settings ------ Scroll all the way to the bottom "Call Settings"
17:58.05r0m|uHit Accounts
17:58.18hardwirep3nguin: so I just use __variablename__ then replace it with $variablename later via replace.
17:58.30r0m|uQwell, "Internet Call Settings"
17:58.53Qwellr0m|u: How do I actually call once I've set it up?  I don't have a SIP account to play with ATM
17:59.35Qwelldoes it change up the dialer somehow?
17:59.42r0m|uQwell, once it regsiter you can set it up to ether receive calls on sip, make calls on sip, or propt you to use "internet calls"
17:59.59r0m|uQwell, no. Is native
18:00.02r0m|uso no changes
18:00.22Qwellr0m|u: so then how do I choose whether a call goes out via SIP or cell?
18:00.34r0m|uI have it set where for every calls it ask me what do I want to use "cell" or internet
18:00.39QwellI see
18:01.19r0m|uquality is excellent compare to none native apps
18:01.41r0m|uit blows tmobile's wifi callings out of the water
18:02.06r0m|uI am CM7.0.1 Firmware
18:02.20r0m|uI am CM7.1.0.1 Firmware*
18:02.46r0m|uSamsung Vibrant with FFC modd
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18:07.32leifmadsenhmmm darn.... I don't see that on my Samsung S1 w/ android 2.3.5
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18:08.06r0m|uleifmadsen, you need to let it grow some roots :P
18:08.44leifmadsenr0m|u: sounds like it!
18:08.53r0m|uleifmadsen, not all carriers allow it.... tmobile allows sip so it includes it on there 2.3 firmware.
18:09.05leifmadsengotcha, this is on Telus, so probably not allowed
18:09.13leifmadsensearches root samsung galaxy s
18:09.35hardwireleifmadsen: oooh
18:09.43r0m|uleifmadsen, even though I am on tmobile I am using cyanogenmod....
18:09.43hardwirehas a rooted samsung galaxy captivate
18:10.00r0m|uhates samsungs bloated firmware
18:10.56*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
18:10.58leifmadsenoh snap, thought it was 2.3.5 but it's only 2.3.4
18:11.16*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~VoCloud@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
18:11.18DelphiWorldhey all
18:11.44r0m|uleifmadsen, if you need help let me know. and in caser of er on your cell I have a jig and can recover your cell from hard or soft brick.
18:11.54r0m|uleifmadsen, ouch.... didnt know that :/
18:12.00DelphiWorldhello folks, please see my dialplan at
18:12.07DelphiWorldi want to add "+" to the Caller Id
18:12.09DelphiWorldbut i don't know how
18:12.26hardwireif you like it then you should have put a + on it.
18:12.42leifmadsenDelphiWorld: just put a + in front
18:12.51DelphiWorldleifmadsen: front of what ?
18:12.57leifmadsenof the CALLERID() function
18:13.15leifmadsensorry... of the value passed to CALLERID()
18:13.24hardwirewell.. CALLERID(number)
18:13.43leifmadsenthis is asterisk 101
18:15.00DelphiWorldleifmadsen: i only have this set: exten => s,1,Set(dialuri=${CUT(ARG1,\;,1)})
18:15.15leifmadsenthat means nothing to me
18:15.38DelphiWorldleifmadsen: see that:
18:16.10DelphiWorldexten => s,n,ExecIf($["${DB(${CALLERID(number)}/user_sipname)}" != ""],Set,CALLERID(number)=+${DB(${CALLERID(number)}/user_sipname)})
18:16.15DelphiWorldleifmadsen: right?
18:16.24r0m|uleifmadsen, 2.3.5 haz sip
18:17.18leifmadsenr0m|u: cool I'll check kies2 again and see what's up, although just checked it a couple weeks ago
18:18.11DelphiWorldleifmadsen: mine right ?
18:18.15DelphiWorldexten => s,n,ExecIf($["${DB(${CALLERID(number)}/user_sipname)}" != ""],Set,CALLERID(number)=+${DB(${CALLERID(number)}/user_sipname)})
18:18.19r0m|uleifmadsen, good luck. I am ure your carrier striped out the function. If the did root it and go get a custom firmware.... But from the android dev release 2.3.5 does have sip.
18:18.30r0m|uif they did*
18:18.40leifmadsenr0m|u: makes sense, might do that because I found going to 2.3 from 2.2 was really slow
18:18.44leifmadsen(made the phone slow rather)
18:18.53leifmadsenDelphiWorld: asked and answered
18:19.00DelphiWorldleifmadsen: didn't see it :P
18:19.08leifmadsenDelphiWorld: how about trying first
18:19.19DelphiWorldleifmadsen: LOL don't want to breick it up :)
18:19.48leifmadsenDelphiWorld: that's what development machines are for
18:19.55DelphiWorldleifmadsen: buy me one:)
18:19.56r0m|uleifmadsen, Yes. A lot of people are complaining about stock carriers firmware slowing down there phones specially 2.3.X Thats why I moved to CM7.1
18:20.11r0m|ulunch time
18:20.18pabelangerif you cannot afford a development box, you are doing it wrong
18:20.22leifmadsenpabelanger: +1
18:20.31DelphiWorldpabelanger:  leifmadsen -1
18:21.43luke-jrusing a Local channel for a call file… but Dial() seems to abort at failure; any way to have it go on instead?
18:21.47luke-jrso it can try dialing another numb?
18:23.14wdoekes2luke-jr: Dial will continue to the next extension after failure
18:23.22wdoekes2*next priority
18:23.52luke-jrwdoekes2: it doesn't in this case :/
18:25.28wdoekes2are you sure it failed then?
18:25.51wdoekes2which technology are you dealing with?
18:26.00luke-jrwell, it goes to OutgoingSpoolFailed
18:26.11luke-jrwdoekes2: Local/ext@context/n
18:26.26luke-jrext@context is where the Dial isn't going forward
18:29.55DelphiWorldthx leifmadsen
18:31.01*** join/#asterisk troyt (
18:31.39[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, Show us
18:33.00luke-jr[TK]D-Fender: translated to .conf, or is AEL ok?
18:33.23[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, and the actual call.
18:33.30[TK]D-Fender(and call-file)
18:35.58*** join/#asterisk pietro (
18:37.52[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, Your 2 dial's have no timeout <-
18:38.04[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, If the 1st one doesn't "die" you'll never get to the 2nd
18:38.22luke-jr1st one does die, in the log? O.o
18:38.28[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, And you've limited the waittime to 30s which is pretty bad
18:38.41luke-jris it?
18:40.50[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, You've overall limited the length of the attempt and not limited the individual dials.
18:41.00[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, And we don't see that out-call being answered
18:41.11luke-jrI see
18:41.28[TK]D-Fenderindefinite (or 30s ring) = fail
18:44.20*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~VoCloud@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
18:46.11*** join/#asterisk KryptoKnight (
18:47.06KryptoKnightHey guys, Bad practice aside is it practical to run 20 PRI interfaces on a single box using Asterisk1.6, there will be around 300 concurrent calls split amongst the 20 at any one time
18:48.50*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-xuwrlketeozlzusu)
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19:03.07*** join/#asterisk hudony (
19:03.51*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
19:04.12hudonyHi, I have a pbx configured with 1 DID.  I ordered 2 other dids, do I have to register them too or by some magic, only define extensions?
19:04.31r0m|uno magic here
19:04.41hudonyok thank you
19:05.05r0m|uYou will have to define the registration just as you did with the ones before
19:05.17r0m|udefine your peer and create your context
19:05.18[TK]D-FenderKryptoKnight, Every guideline I've seen has stated no more than 2 interface cards per system which on an 8-port Sangoma would only offer 16 ports.  However it's been a while since the last written doc and Sangoma was always very good at resource management anyway.
19:05.50[TK]D-Fender<hudony> Hi, I have a pbx configured with 1 DID.  I ordered 2 other dids, do I have to register them too or by some magic, only define extensions? <- depends on your provider
19:06.06p3nguinhudony: Within your context for that peer, define all the DIDs as extensions.
19:06.08[TK]D-FenderYou might need a registration for each.  You might not.
19:06.20IsUpKryptoKnight: i agree with D-Fender, i have Sangoma on my all servers
19:06.39hudonyok cause I tried with the register method but I can't get it to work
19:06.40[TK]D-FenderKryptoKnight, I'd suspec that with any halfway decent box you should be fine
19:06.43r0m|uActually rereading I answer wrong :/
19:06.59r0m|uhudony, [TK]D-Fender is right. if is from the same privider
19:07.14hudonyyes it is
19:07.21r0m|uOver looked that. sorry
19:07.32hudonyno problem!
19:07.49p3nguinDoes your register statement require your extension in it?
19:07.59KryptoKnightAh, I was just looking at the 8 port Digium cards but from what I'm reading Sangoma looks like the preferred option
19:08.24r0m|uthan yes just create a context for each new did if you want them to act independently....
19:08.30r0m|uhudony, ^^
19:08.37KryptoKnightI guess the only way to know really is to try, i have dual 6 core AMD CPU's and 16GB RAM
19:08.41KryptoKnightso im hoping it will wotk
19:08.49KryptoKnightCheers for your advice guys
19:08.50hudonyp3nguin: yes
19:08.55p3nguinYou don't need a context for each DID; you need a context for each peer.
19:09.01p3nguinAnd you need an extension for each DID.
19:09.13p3nguinOne provider, one peer, one context.
19:09.46r0m|up3nguin, requires each did to be define in the context for incoming no?
19:10.08p3nguinNot exactly, no.
19:10.21r0m|uah I see.
19:10.30p3nguinThey just send calls to your extensions.  Whatever you want to do with the calls, that's up to you.
19:10.42p3nguinThey can't require you to do anything with them.
19:10.43r0m|uI base my self from that... I see that is wrong now.
19:11.21p3nguinBut what you said was, "just create a context for each new did," which is not necessary.
19:11.25r0m|up3nguin, Thanks for the info.
19:11.34p3nguin(1309.13) <p3nguin> One provider, one peer, one context.
19:11.44[TK]D-Fender<p3nguin> You don't need a context for each DID; you need a context for each peer. And you need an extension for each DID. One provider, one peer, one context. <- not really... how you want to split stuff up "depends"
19:11.59r0m|uThats what I was refering too
19:12.16r0m|u<r0m|u> than yes just create a context for each new did if you want them to act independently....
19:12.19p3nguinIf you have one provider with one account...
19:12.26p3nguinYou can't have more than one context for it.
19:12.39p3nguinYou get one context per peer entry.
19:12.59r0m|uMhhhh O see what you mean.
19:13.01[TK]D-FenderSome providers send to a single (and sometimes "empty") extension requiring some extra ugly parsing.  As for contexts... depends again.  Multiple peers can still share the same inbound context.  Depends on the contexts, etc
19:13.41p3nguinMultiple peer entries can share a single context, but a single peer entry cannot have more than one assigned context.
19:13.47*** part/#asterisk pietro (
19:14.09r0m|up3nguin, for incoming?
19:14.16*** part/#asterisk AmirBehzad (~behzad@
19:14.28*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
19:14.36p3nguinAll calls to extensions are incoming from asterisk's perspective.
19:14.49r0m|uAh! yes! I see.
19:17.09p3nguinAnd always remember, there is an exception to almost every rule.
19:18.20luke-jrwhee, found another bug in Asterisk
19:18.59*** join/#asterisk francisvgarcia (~francis.g@
19:19.01luke-jrchecks that it's still in 10.0
19:19.04*** join/#asterisk happylife (~happylife@
19:19.05p3nguinIt could be a feature.
19:19.21r0m|up3nguin, I can do this under a context for incoming right?
19:20.05luke-jrp3nguin: infinite loop is a feature?
19:20.17p3nguinr0m|u: I don't understand your question.
19:20.17luke-jrtry this pattern: _[\|]
19:20.45[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, * 10 isnt released yet.
19:21.21r0m|up3nguin, If I have two DID's and I want them to do something different under a peer I can have it all under the same context.
19:21.55p3nguinr0m|u: Okay.  Continue.
19:21.57[TK]D-Fenderr0m|u, Wasteful duplication in there
19:22.08p3nguinThat was all I saw.
19:22.16p3nguin(just a duplication)
19:22.27r0m|uI know it just an example
19:22.29luke-jr[TK]D-Fender: rc is
19:23.49r0m|udont be so "all ways correct" I am just trying to see if "yes you can have two did's do independent functions" under the same context. or "not" :)
19:24.11r0m|uI know that my paste was a duplication.
19:24.16p3nguinThat's what extensions are for.
19:24.41p3nguinSeveral extensions don't always have to do the exact same thing.
19:24.59p3nguinSee my example dial plan.
19:25.27[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, RC = Candidate.
19:25.33luke-jrI'm aware.
19:25.42r0m|up3nguin, ok. so I use the wrong word. Thanks for the clarification. not context but extension.
19:25.53[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, Means don't bitch about bugs in hre, do that in -dev ;)
19:26.15p3nguinIn my example, I have three DIDs (extensions) defined in my incoming cotext.
19:26.26p3nguinEach does something different.
19:26.30r0m|uyes sr. that is correct.
19:27.12r0m|uI need to get my terms right.
19:27.22luke-jr[TK]D-Fender: I'm doing it on Jira :p
19:27.39[TK]D-Fenderluke-jr, I'm sure your contribution is appreciated :)
19:28.08*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
19:28.27IsUpperfection is a disease
19:28.47r0m|unot around here :P
19:28.57r0m|uYou have p3nguin and [TK]D-Fender perfection at best
19:30.49luke-jr fwiw
19:31.24r0m|uIf is not correct you will get corrected and bitch slap all in the same sentence.... With so fines and swiftness that you wont even notice.
19:32.45luke-jrr0m|u: it is. :p
19:32.46pabelangerluke-jr: attach a simple dialplan that reproduces it
19:32.57[TK]D-Fenderr0m|u, If you've been bitch-slapped ... and "won't even notice" .... then what are you talking about? It never happened (to you.  Or DID it?)  </philosoraptor>
19:33.10r0m|uThe best part is the results. You will do as told despite of anything.... :) it is called skills.
19:33.20Qwellluke-jr: like this?  exten => _[a\bc],1,NoOp(${EXTEN})
19:33.39luke-jrQwell: right
19:33.42Qwellworks on my box
19:34.06*** join/#asterisk libryder (~david@
19:34.14luke-jrwhat version?
19:34.28luke-jrI only tested (Debian stable) and reviewed the code in 10.0-rc2
19:34.36libryderI'm getting an error on incoming calls: Call from 'Tollfreefwd-USA1' to extension 'device' rejected because extension not found in context and I'm wondering why it's reading "device" as the extension
19:34.39Qwell1.6.2 isn't supported.
19:34.58r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, LOL. not to me I am just joking :) felt like saying something... :P
19:35.02luke-jrregardless, that's where I found it initially.
19:35.12luke-jrand I didn't see any fix in 10.0-rc2
19:35.24QwellSo you didn't bother testing it in 10?
19:35.29luke-jrtry _![\|]!
19:35.33QwellEven though your report says you did exactly that?
19:35.58p3nguinlibryder: Perhaps your register statement includes /device on it.
19:36.10Qwellluke-jr: That isn't a valid pattern.
19:36.31luke-jrQwell: perhaps, but an infinite loop is still bad :p
19:36.46luke-jrreviewing 10.0-rc2 code again, I see no possible way this works
19:36.47r0m|usee's a body slam on the making....
19:36.58luke-jrs1 never gets incremented
19:37.16QwellIt's never even getting to the range with that pattern.
19:37.18luke-jrperhaps the .conf parser filters it somehow
19:38.05r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, I meant no harm by the way. You guys have been awesome! You and p3nguin :)
19:38.46luke-jrQwell: try via AEL
19:39.11*** join/#asterisk voipeng (
19:39.36QwellGive examples on the issue of the failure, and steps to reproduce.
19:39.44luke-jrI gave an example
19:39.55luke-jrcontext testcase { _![\|]! => NoOP(); };
19:40.11QwellOn the issue.
19:40.32r0m|up3nguin, on my final test they had you use its and it's it reminded me of you... I busted out laughing on the middle of the test.
19:40.37*** join/#asterisk vpopov (~happylife@
19:41.00p3nguinBut did you get it right?
19:41.07voipengnot sure what the proper etiquite is for these channels, but I am having a problem with the zaptel driver on my pbxes, I started a thread at
19:41.10r0m|uYES SR! O DID I! LOL
19:41.24p3nguinThen I have been successful.
19:41.29voipenganyone available to assist?
19:41.31*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
19:42.04r0m|up3nguin, rofl! exactly why I was laughing! It engraved in my brain.
19:43.01hudonyok, got it working : only 1 register, 1 context, 3 extensions
19:43.27hudonyAS one said previously, when one call my second did, it is like the first one was forwarding the call explicitely to the second
19:43.33hudonyFrom what I can see from the console
19:43.37[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, Zaptel was replaced by DAHDI years ago and is no longer being developed under that name.  Your card is also discontinued.
19:44.13r0m|up3nguin, your kung fu methods have been known to work and be effective. no doubt about that :P
19:44.52voipengd-fender, im not actually using any hardware resources
19:44.55p3nguinhudony: Still having that problem, or it is all fixed now?
19:45.27[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, And you also haven't even mentioned what versions you're running
19:46.06voipengd-fender, one sec ill post them as well here and on the forum
19:46.14[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, If you have a card that is what it will use for timing,  never dummy first
19:46.41voipengi never had a card, i shouldnt have posted that link... i wasnt familar with the resource so i posted it as a reference]
19:48.07voipengposted on the forum my related modinfo
19:48.10voipenghere it is as well
19:48.10voipengPBX11 who is not experiencing the problem seems to be running the same version as the problem pbx14.
19:48.10voipengLooks like our working pbx11 is running this:
19:48.10voipeng[tfiore@fs11(pbx11 primary) ~]$ sudo /sbin/modinfo /lib/modules/2.6.18-194.8.1.el5/kernel/misc/zaptel.ko
19:48.10voipengfilename: /lib/modules/2.6.18-194.8.1.el5/kernel/misc/zaptel.ko
19:48.12voipenglicense: GPL
19:48.14voipengdescription: Zapata Telephony Interface
19:48.17voipengauthor: Mark Spencer <>
19:48.18voipengsrcversion: 09F9962E84B1D28F6C7CD09
19:48.21voipengdepends: crc-ccitt
19:48.22voipengvermagic: 2.6.18-194.8.1.el5 SMP mod_unload 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-4.1
19:48.24voipengparm: debug:int
19:48.27voipengparm: deftaps:int
19:48.30voipeng[tfiore@fs11(pbx11 primary) ~]$
19:48.33voipeng[tfiore@fs16(primary) ~]$ sudo /sbin/modinfo /lib/modules/2.6.18-274.7.1.el5/kernel/misc/zaptel.ko
19:48.34voipengfilename: /lib/modules/2.6.18-274.7.1.el5/kernel/misc/zaptel.ko
19:48.37infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:48.38voipenglicense: GPL
19:48.40voipengdescription: Zapata Telephony Interface
19:48.43voipengauthor: Mark Spencer <>
19:48.44voipengsrcversion: 09F9962E84B1D28F6C7CD09
19:48.46voipengdepends: crc-ccitt
19:48.48voipengvermagic: 2.6.18-274.7.1.el5 SMP mod_unload 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-4.1
19:48.50voipengparm: debug:int
19:48.52voipengparm: deftaps:int
19:48.54voipeng[tfiore@fs16(primary) ~]$
19:48.56voipeng[tfiore@fs14(fs14) ~]$ sudo /sbin/modinfo /lib/modules/2.6.18-194.32.1.el5/kernel/misc/zaptel.ko
19:49.00voipengfilename: /lib/modules/2.6.18-194.32.1.el5/kernel/misc/zaptel.ko
19:49.03tzangervoipeng: don't dump everything to the channel
19:49.04voipenglicense: GPL
19:49.06voipengdescription: Zapata Telephony Interface
19:49.08voipengauthor: Mark Spencer <>
19:49.10voipengsrcversion: 09F9962E84B1D28F6C7CD09
19:49.12voipengdepends: crc-ccitt
19:49.14voipengvermagic: 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5 SMP mod_unload 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-4.1
19:49.16voipengparm: debug:int
19:49.18[TK]D-FenderQwell <-
19:49.18voipengparm: deftaps:int
19:49.20voipeng[tfiore@fs14(fs14) ~]$
19:49.24voipengthe file?
19:49.26voipenggotcha sorry
19:49.30tzangerwe need a few more people with op status here
19:49.36voipenglol really?
19:49.58infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:50.55voipeng<voipeng> PBX11 who is not experiencing the problem seems to be running the same version as the problem pbx14.
19:50.55voipeng<voipeng> Looks like our working pbx11 is running this:
19:50.55voipeng<voipeng> [tfiore@fs11(pbx11 primary) ~]$ sudo /sbin/modinfo /lib/modules/2.6.18-194.8.1.el5/kernel/misc/zaptel.ko
19:50.55voipeng<voipeng> filename: /lib/modules/2.6.18-194.8.1.el5/kernel/misc/zaptel.ko
19:50.56voipeng<voipeng> version:
19:50.58voipeng<voipeng> license: GPL
19:51.02voipeng<voipeng> description: Zapata Telephony Interface
19:51.04voipeng<voipeng> author: Mark Spencer <>
19:51.06voipeng<voipeng> srcversion: 09F9962E84B1D28F6C7CD09
19:51.08voipeng<voipeng> depends: crc-ccitt
19:51.10voipeng<voipeng> vermagic: 2.6.18-194.8.1.el5 SMP mod_unload 686 REGPARM 4KSTACKS gcc-4.1
19:51.12voipeng<voipeng> parm: debug:int
19:51.14voipeng<voipeng> parm: deftaps:int
19:51.14[TK]D-FenderQwell ?
19:51.16voipeng<voipeng> [tfiore@fs11(pbx11 primary) ~]$
19:51.18voipeng<voipeng> [tfiore@fs16(primary) ~]$ sudo /sbin/modinfo /lib/modules/2.6.18-274.7.1.el5/kernel/misc/zaptel.ko
19:51.21voipeng<voipeng> filename: /lib/modules/2.6.18-274.7.1.el5/kernel/misc/zaptel.ko
19:51.21*** kick/#asterisk [voipeng!~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (go away)
19:51.28[TK]D-FenderQwell, thanks...
19:52.09r0m|uiiinnnnn ttthhhhaaaa ffffaaacccceeee
19:52.40*** join/#asterisk voipeng (
19:52.46voipengthanks... here is my pb
19:53.19QwellUpgrade.  Next?
19:53.29voipengupgrade what to what?
19:53.35Qwelleverything, to not 1999
19:53.49voipeng... ok?
19:53.56voipengwell it works on one of the 4 pbxes
19:54.29hudonyThx for your help all of you.  My 3 did are working just fine
19:54.37navaismovoipeng: same load, same chipset, same processor, same ram?
19:55.07navaismovoipeng: upgrade your versions
19:55.43voipengok, is there a stable version I should try and update to?
19:55.50voipengwe attempted to update to the latest on pbx16
19:55.52r0m|uvoipeng, you didn't get the memo?
19:56.08Qwelllatest?  You're running zaptel.
19:57.06voipengok, so how can i tranisition to dahdi or upgrade to the latest stable zaptel version?
19:57.20voipengit seems like they are both active on my system, zaptel and dahdi
19:57.20QwellInstall dahdi, upgrade Asterisk.
19:57.31voipenganyway i can verify that?
19:57.50voipengi do see directories/files when i do a locate for dahdi, and some of the core commands use the dahdi commands instead
20:00.09voipengany links you would recommend that outline this process?
20:00.23voipengeither zaptel upgrade or dahdi install and asterisk upgrade
20:00.39*** join/#asterisk fprior (be0bbc86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:00.43*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
20:03.08navaismovoipeng: if you are using tarballs from the beginning download the latest version and compile it, if you are using distro packages ask Qwell
20:05.13voipengnavaismo: is this for upgrading the zaptel driver or converting to dahdi?
20:05.57navaismoboth, if you compiled the source code
20:06.31voipengtypically just use yum, thats what i used to upgrade the zaptel version
20:07.05navaismouse that method, mine is only if you compiled the packages
20:07.40voipengok so i do a yum update for dadhi first? then i would look into upgrading the asterisk version?
20:09.27navaismoi dont know i dont use distro packages
20:09.33navaismobut some else can helo you
20:09.52*** part/#asterisk IsUp (5b8e8e8f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:10.02voipengthis is what i get when i run a yum update
20:10.15voipengi dont see dahdi listed at all, i guess its not installed?
20:11.35[TK]D-Fendervoiceaxis  <-------- go ask these people.. you're running off their repo which we don't support
20:12.31voipengthey state its not using voiceaxis
20:12.35voipengits an asterisk related issue
20:13.13voipengwell they say it is, i obviously am unsure
20:14.05*** join/#asterisk celord (~celord@
20:17.30[TK]D-FenderYes and you've installed it from their resources so they should provide you with newer packages
20:19.30voipengive brought the problem to their attention and they stated they are running the same zaptel verison and it works
20:19.39voipengwhich i believe since one of our pbx'es work on that version as well
20:20.17[TK]D-Fendervoipeng, Well if you want to say "same software works elsewhere" then the problem is hardware.
20:20.20voipenginstead of focusing on what i am using, if i run the zttest and i see responses less than 90 something its definetly a timing issue right?
20:20.35[TK]D-Fenderzttest = timing test.
20:21.18voipengright, so the fact that voice quality/moh sounds bad when i see a zttest with a low percent it has to be timing related as well
20:21.22*** join/#asterisk cbwest (~cbwest@nat/cisco/x-efqrxdmozlxevyfa)
20:22.06*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-hfbsnrexlndxpuut)
20:22.27voipengsorry if your repeating yourself, I come from a CUCM background... this is a lot different
20:23.45voipengas for the hardware, the test server has virtually no load on it, so im doubting it is hardware
20:27.26*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
20:28.42*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
20:35.21voipengi just contacted the manager of the voiceaxis support and they stated its outside of their scope... any additional help you guys could provide would be greatly appreciated.
20:39.33*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
20:40.00[Outcast]does meetme support video conferencing
20:41.05pabelanger[Outcast]: no
20:41.13pabelangerconfbridge in asterisk 10 does
20:41.56*** join/#asterisk Eitan (~Eitan@
20:42.09[Outcast]is it good?
20:42.46pabelangerit's pretty bad ass
20:43.09[Outcast]so does it show all the uses or just the active speaker?
20:43.37[Outcast]my fingers tripped over my keyboard
20:45.09pabelangerno transcoding, so just the active speaker
20:45.16[Outcast]ok that is cool
20:47.48leifmadsenpabelanger: I can only get this far :)
20:48.13leifmadsenpabelanger: forget it... logout time
20:49.25voipengcan anyone suggest how to tweak zaptel drivers?  I am getting negative percentages sometimes...
20:49.25voipeng--- Results after 166 passes ---
20:49.26voipengBest: 99.153 -- Worst: -315.872 -- Average: 96.286203, Difference: 103.713797
20:50.08p3nguinZaptel?  There is no supported asterisk version using zaptel currently.
20:51.42*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
20:51.48voipenggotcha, my repo is locked where i have to use it... so i guess keep searching?
20:54.03navaismovoipeng: yes with your repo-maintener its possible if you use another you can broke your system
20:54.33voipenggotcha, i did an yum update and obtained a newer zaptel module
20:54.43voipengbut still same results in the test
20:56.21*** part/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
20:59.36*** part/#asterisk libryder (~david@
21:03.44[TK]D-Fender<p3nguin> Zaptel?  There is no supported asterisk version using zaptel currently.
21:04.56voipengyea i get that, but im limited to using it
21:06.05pabelangerdownload dahdi, compile and install
21:07.19jayteelast time I saw a system with zaptel it was 1.4.10 or something
21:07.30p3nguinIt was in use up to 1.4.21, I think.
21:07.45p3nguinRegardless, it is antiquated.
21:08.04voipengyea beleive me if i could change it i would
21:08.17voipengjust a tech trying to fix a problem heh
21:08.53jayteeI think you can still download the zaptel source and compile it
21:08.55voipengIm on 1.4.29 btw
21:09.04voipengI downloaded the one stamped good for my repo
21:09.06jayteethat version would need dahdi
21:09.12jayteenot zaptel
21:10.39voipengi have dahdi commands from the cli
21:10.46voipengbut i dont see it when i do a yum update
21:13.23voipengvmfs01a*CLI> dahdi show  status
21:13.23voipengDescription                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
21:13.23voipengZTDUMMY/1 (source: Linux26) 1            UNCONFIGUR 0          0          0
21:13.37*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
21:13.47voipengon my pbx that works it says its using source: RTC not source:Linux26
21:13.52voipengwould that make a difference?
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21:19.27voipengso does that mean i have some type of dahdi version installed?
21:21.18*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
21:29.34[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
21:31.15voipengso i am trying to install dahdi, is it possible to do through yum or do i need to manually pull down the files and scp them over ?
21:31.58voipengnot sure which to download from
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21:41.21navaismobut you need to update your asterisk too
21:42.17voipengah i need to update asterisk first?
21:42.27voipengI extracted the latest dahdi complete on the server
21:42.36voipengbut theres no make command?
21:43.18r0m|uvoipeng, you have bigger issues....
21:43.21*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
21:43.32r0m|uno "make command"
21:43.51r0m|ubbl...... is time to switch home's
21:44.21voipeng[t@vmfs01a(vmfs01b) dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.0-rc1+2.6.0-rc1]$ ./configure
21:44.21voipeng-bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
21:44.21voipeng[t@vmfs01a(vmfs01b) dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.0-rc1+2.6.0-rc1]$ make
21:44.21voipeng-bash: make: command not found
21:44.21voipeng[t@vmfs01a(vmfs01b) dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.0-rc1+2.6.0-rc1]$
21:46.36*** join/#asterisk libryder (~david@
21:47.33libryderis it possible that i have a configuration problem if an incoming number from a SIP trunk is showing in asterisk as an extension "device" ?
21:48.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:48.57p3nguinDid you ever paste your register statement and peer entry for that provider?
21:48.59pabelangervoipeng: there is no configure script, and you are likely missing development tools
21:49.03pabelangerEG: gcc, make
21:51.06*** join/#asterisk pietro (
21:51.50voipenggotcha, i did try through yum and got the following output... looks like i need to uninstall the old asterisk version first?
21:54.27voipengim pretty sure gcc is installed
21:54.37p3nguin"which gcc" will tell you.
21:55.08voipengheh guess not
21:55.11*** join/#asterisk ulogic (4a59e7fc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:55.29voipengwhich: no gcc in (/usr/bin:/bin)
21:55.44p3nguinShould be found at /usr/bin/gcc.
21:56.04_Corey_voipeng: If you're on Centos/Fedora you can do 'yum groupinstall "Development Tools" ' or something like that
21:56.09p3nguinOn an rpm system, you can use rpm to see everything installed.
21:56.25tompawGuys, I rebuilt the kernel, dahdi, modprob'd dahdi, have it loaded - what else do I have to do to use MeetMe?
21:56.46p3nguin"rpm -qa gcc" would show you what gcc is installed.
21:56.57p3nguingcc-4.1.2-48.el5, for example.
21:57.42voipengwhen i run that command no output
21:57.57voipengi tried the development tools got this output
21:58.06p3nguinRight, because you already determined gcc was not installed.
21:58.13voipengmm ok
21:59.20librydernot sure where the register statement is
21:59.31p3nguinIt should be in the general section.
22:00.29ulogicTo use MeetMe, make sure to rerun ./configure in the asterisk source directory, then it should come up as an option when you run "make menuselect"
22:00.48tompawulogic: at this very second I realized I had to rebuild it :-) Thanks mate.
22:01.09ulogicHowever, app_meetme is being deprecated and is being replaced by app_confbridge
22:01.31KavanSwhy is meetme being deprecated?
22:01.40KavanSis just wondering
22:01.58p3nguin*being* would be the key word, since ConfBridge on the only currenly released/supported Asterisk version isn't very great.
22:02.21p3nguinSo until 10 is released, MeetMe is superior.
22:02.41tompawulogic: there is no way to control confbridge in 1.8 (list/record confs) and I feel it's killing my * every 2-3 hours
22:02.57tompawgoing to try meetme now and see if dreadlocks are gone
22:05.09libryderp3nguin: i don't see a register statement;  it's all commented out
22:05.22ulogicMeetMe depends on DAHDI whereas ConfBridge has no dependencies.  You will see this when you "make menuselect" in version 10.
22:05.38p3nguinlibryder: How do you tell your ITSP where to send your calls?
22:06.54tompawulogic: correct. I rebuilt * and meetme works great, thanks :-)
22:07.30*** join/#asterisk pietro (
22:08.25libryderp3nguin: we are a level3 peer co-located with one of their servers so we have a direct ip connection
22:09.12p3nguinSo what?  That doesn't magically make them authenticated to deliver calls to your system.
22:09.46p3nguinThere has to be some way to tell the other system where to send calls, and your system has to be told to accept them.
22:10.37p3nguinIf you are not telling the other side, via register statement, where to send calls, then the other side is responsible for this problem.
22:10.44*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
22:11.13p3nguinAnd from what I have seen so far, you aren't telling them anything.
22:13.48tompawwhat do I need to build
22:13.54tompawit's disabled in my menuconfig
22:14.57p3nguinNow I'm confused.
22:15.00p3nguin(1606.54) <tompaw> ulogic: correct. I rebuilt * and meetme works great, thanks :-)
22:15.11p3nguinIf you run "dahdi show channels" in your asterisk CLI, what happens?
22:15.36tompawp3nguin: meetme itself works, modprobe dahdi works, but:
22:15.38tompaw[Nov 22 23:12:01] WARNING[22764]: app_meetme.c:4073 find_conf: No DAHDI channel available for conference, conference recording disabled (is chan_dahdi loaded?)
22:15.49tompawthere is no and I cannot enable it in menuconfig
22:15.52p3nguinOh, I see.
22:16.05tompawno such command "dahdi"
22:16.11tompawlooks like it's... partially installed?
22:16.11ulogictompaw: Each time you meet a dependency, you have to rerun ./configure in the asterisk source directory
22:16.26p3nguinYou installed dahdi and then reconfigured asterisk?
22:17.02p3nguinDoes "module load" work?
22:17.07ulogictompaw: Also, you need to define some channels in /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf before the module will load.
22:17.15tompawAfter I installed dahdi, app_meetme became available (before it was XXX).
22:17.17p3nguinThat's not true.
22:17.24tompawBut chan_dahdi it's still XXX.
22:17.40tompawulogic: I don't think so, because the module does not exist. It's not being built during the build.
22:18.14tompawp3nguin: no such file or directory.
22:18.19p3nguinYou don't have to define channels in chan_dahdi.conf when you have no hardware channels to define.
22:18.25libryderp3nguin: the numbers i'm actually having problems with are coming from and according to their super basic instructions, we just need to open a specific set of ip addresses, which is what i was attempting to do with that sip conf i pasted earlier
22:18.30ulogictompaw: which version of asterisk are you building?
22:18.40p3nguinNo such file or directory?  That's not an asterisk error message.
22:18.41tompawp3nguin: could it be that I only installed dahdi-linux and not dahdi-tools?
22:19.09tompawAnd for dahdi.
22:19.21p3nguin(1618.39) <p3nguin> No such file or directory?  That's not an asterisk error message.
22:19.33p3nguinTry again.
22:19.35ulogicmake menuselect says chan_dahdi also depends on tonezone
22:19.38tompawWell, asterisk surely somehow "detects" dahdi, because it let me build app_meetme.
22:19.54tompawp3nguin: [Nov 22 23:18:03] WARNING[22042]: loader.c:387 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
22:20.04p3nguinThat's more like it.
22:20.19tompawlast part says no such file or directory :P
22:20.27p3nguinI see.
22:21.03tompawdon't I have to provide path to dahdi when I ./configure asterisk?
22:21.13p3nguinI find it interesting that you solved the dahdi dependency and app_meetme became available, yet dahdi doesn't exist.
22:21.28p3nguinNot usually, no.
22:21.51*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-nyuybjmesrslpyrt)
22:22.45tompawIt might be true I'm missing tonezone...
22:22.54tompawwhatever that is
22:23.02libryderthat's pretty much the same email i got
22:23.26ulogictompaw: try installing dahdi-tools, then after you install it, i believe you need to run make config
22:23.45p3nguinlibryder: Okay, so you can configure your destination on their system.  It looks like they have a "ring-to" field.
22:24.25p3nguinlibryder: Whatever you put in the field is what you should get.  If you put "device@ipaddress" expect the call to arrive at extension "device".
22:24.58p3nguinIf you want it to arrive at your phone number, which is what I would do, I would use 13145551212@myipaddress in the ring-to field.
22:25.19p3nguinor just 3145551212@myipaddress
22:26.03p3nguinThen I would configure extension 3145551212 in my system, in the context calls from that provider go into.
22:26.05tompawTIL: dahdi-tools is required in order to build chan_dahdi ;-)
22:26.17p3nguinIt is?
22:26.21p3nguinSince when?
22:27.58tompawSince 5 mintues ago. As soon as I installed dahdi-tools, chan_dahdi became available in *'s menuconfig (after ./configure of course).
22:28.13libryderp3nguin: you rock man
22:28.28p3nguinI don't recall ever having dahdi tools installed.
22:29.39tompawp3nguin: maybe you install dahdi-complete
22:30.29p3nguinI'll investigate later.
22:30.58tompawp3nguin: I can provide you with my version numbers if you need them later
22:31.18p3nguinI'll assume you are using the current versions of all software involved.
22:31.43*** part/#asterisk pietro (
22:35.33tompawp3nguin: yes plus custom kernel (since the stock version doesn't support my 10Gbps network card)
22:35.45tompawnot sure if that's relevant.
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23:18.35SeRiwaz up p3nguin
23:19.05p3nguinTrying to figure out how to unlock this damn iPhone 3G.
23:19.09*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
23:19.42SeRi:/ well after the last incident I have not been able to go to the PO over by my house....
23:19.57SeRi:( sorry.
23:20.11p3nguinI can't even figure out what search terms to use for this case.
23:20.27SeRiI am still puzzled about not been able to unlock it without a sim...
23:20.48p3nguinIt is considered to be not activated.  iTunes wants to activate the phone.
23:20.52SeRip3nguin, well you will have to jail brake it first
23:21.07p3nguinI don't know if I can do that, even.
23:21.21p3nguinI don't have any way to find out what iOS version is on it.
23:21.43SeRip3nguin, you should be able to since you dont eve need the phone to be communicating with itunes
23:22.02SeRinow thats an issue :/
23:22.05p3nguinWhat jailbreak app do you suggest I try first?
23:22.28SeRiI have been very succesfull with pawnage
23:22.40p3nguinpwnage tool?
23:23.06SeRiyes that :)
23:23.55SeRiThere is another one that's very good.... let me check my history one sec.
23:24.50p3nguinWhat about redsn0w?
23:26.47SeRiredsn0w is load it after its been jailbroken
23:27.26GreenlightEvening folks, am getting a strange issue when I'm using the AMI to bridge two channels. The bridge works correct and the channels are connected and can speak, but when either hangup the other starts to ring again and in the CLI I get the message "putting chan <CHANNEL> back into PBX again"
23:27.33GreenlightAny ideas why this is happening?
23:28.18p3nguinseri: No, that's ultrasn0w.
23:28.20SeRip3nguin, I would really give pwnage tool a try...
23:28.26SeRiah yes. sorry thats true
23:28.29p3nguinredsn0w is a jailbreaking app.
23:28.39SeRisome times I get them mix.
23:29.07p3nguinI'm trying to figure out which version I should use of pwnagetool and/or redsn0w.
23:29.25*** part/#asterisk navaismo (
23:30.04SeRinever used redsn0w here... but I dont see why it wouldnt work.
23:30.09GreenlightIs there a setting somewhere that controls if bridge channels are put back into the PBX, or something like that?
23:30.58p3nguinThe first page you linked me to said that redsn0w is the easier-to-use incarnation of pwnagetool.
23:32.05SeRiYes i was just reading that. Give it a try.
23:32.20SeRiYours is a 3G or 3GS?
23:34.41SeRip3nguin, ^^
23:34.45*** join/#asterisk jmwpc (
23:35.41SeRiMhhhhhhhh...... I think you are still in 3.x
23:35.47p3nguinBut I still have no way to know what iOS version I have.
23:35.47SeRiI doubt you are in 4.0
23:36.10p3nguinIf I am in 3, I have five choices.
23:36.46SeRip3nguin, the worst that it can help is that it will fail. It will not downgrade unless you are jail broken first so it will fail.
23:37.01SeRiI think you are safe to give it a try
23:37.10SeRiI would try 3.x firsth sthough
23:41.36SeRiis loving Androids 2.3 Native SIP :D
23:43.00*** part/#asterisk libryder (~david@
23:44.54SeRip3nguin, you like dubstep, trance, or chill?
23:47.02SeRip3nguin, <---- good site
23:55.23*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
23:56.12GreenlightCan't for the life of me work out why a channel would start ringing again when the other side has hungup, anyone got any ideas at all as to why this would happen?
23:56.51*** join/#asterisk Dovid (42570475@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:58.23SeRiGreenlight, that happens to me when I use a specific sip client over 3G connecting directly to Asterisk.... I found that the sip client is loosing so many packets that Asterisk never got the "HANGUP"
23:58.56SeRiI for got the actual name of the update it sends... :/
23:59.39GreenlightIt's getting the hangup okay, can see that in the CLI, but it's like for some weird reason it thinks it should send the other side of the call back to start ringing somewhere

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