IRC log for #asterisk on 20111117

00:00.38JTF2Knight: i take it 9999999999999 is above the extension number on the phone?
00:00.47JTif it is it should ring once
00:02.07F2Knightwell in that example the -e100-9999999999999999999999 tries every extension in that range. you can also pass a port option to hit multiple ports,
00:02.22F2Knightand yes in the test it does ring it until you pick it up
00:03.53F2Knightpart of what I am seeing is that the calls will light up multiple times.. because it is getting more then one attempt. this makes sense because the phone will light up the other lines as roll overs to support multiple inbound calls.
00:04.01JTbut it only rings once not zillions of times? assuming you pick up
00:04.17F2Knightusually its about 5 calls that are comming in at once so my 4 lines light up i hang them all up and get one more
00:04.30F2Knightassuming i pick up yes
00:04.37JTand since the phone only has 1 identity
00:04.57F2Knightbut it will ring for about 20 - 30 seconds before giving up
00:05.32F2Knightjust rand a default test.. .and ,,,,
00:05.40F2Knightstill ringinging
00:05.44F2Knightahh 1 min
00:06.07F2Knightso it will ring the phone for 1 min by default.. (using sip vicious tools)
00:07.15p3nguinMy phone's name is not related to the extension number, so I'll test in a bit.
00:07.32F2Knightjust changed the attack streing..
00:07.58F2Knight./ -m INVITE ipaddress
00:08.09F2Knightsame thing.. didnt even need to pass an extension range.
00:08.44JTbe curious what the packet trace shows, but it could be a big one
00:08.45citywokwere you getting scanned and curious what was going on, or are you just playing?
00:09.12F2Knighti just attacked my own phone with the sv tools ..
00:09.22F2Knightit replicated the issue just as I have been seeing.
00:09.41p3nguinFrom outside the NAT, this should never be a problem.
00:09.43citywokthere was a talk at astricon about sending invites to phones trying to get them to initiate long distance calls or something
00:10.32F2Knightand doing this on the cli ./ -v  --port=5060 -m INVITE;./ -v  --port=5060 -m INVITE;./ -v  --port=5060 -m INVITE;./ -v  --port=5060 -m INVITE;./ -v  --port=5060 -m INVITE made all the lines light up as I expected
00:10.51F2Knightand it is a pain to end all the calls when that happens
00:11.01p3nguinGo outside the NAT and try it.
00:11.09citywoki'd just reboot the phone but then again it's a polycom and that takes a couple years
00:11.27F2Knightcitywok, I wonder if this is what is happening .. people still trying to do this attack
00:11.27Naikrovek45 seconds?
00:11.45citywokmy ip 650 doesn't boot in 45 seconds
00:12.01p3nguinNot everyone has a provisioning server to hand out files when the phone wants them.
00:12.19F2Knightmy GXP2110 boots in less then 20 seconds.. about 13 - 15 seconds.
00:12.44citywokhmm i should time all my phones
00:12.57F2Knightp3nguin, yes this needs to be preformed out side the nat.. and that is where I have not been able to replicate..
00:13.19JTF2Knight: you need a dodgier router!
00:13.29F2Knightso I am not sure if they have a modified script that is taking advantage of some hole or what.
00:13.30JTget some model numbers off affected customers
00:13.58F2Knightthey are using there ITSP supplied equipment
00:14.10F2Knightat&t/ comcast etc
00:14.12JTitsp? that's you isnt it?
00:14.27*** join/#asterisk slidesinger-lt (
00:14.29F2Knightsorry ment ISP
00:14.36F2Knightso use to typing ITSP lol
00:14.42JTwell yeah try behind one of those devices
00:14.58SeRip3nguin, you avail?
00:15.08p3nguinIf you're lucky.
00:16.20SeRiI am getting some weird issues with where a fax like tone keeps answering the calls. Have you ever had an issue like that with
00:16.35p3nguinStop calling a fax number.
00:16.43SeRiincoming and outgoing inside voipms
00:16.45SeRiI am not
00:16.48SeRiI am calling my house.
00:16.52SeRiand my brother
00:17.12JTdon't whistle like a fax handshake
00:17.17p3nguinI've never used the voipms internal extensions.  Is that what you're talking about?
00:17.36p3nguinI've never had a reason to use them.
00:18.12SeRiIt was a test.... so I guess not big deal. I report it but wanted to see if you ever had that issue
00:18.35*** join/#asterisk r33dtard (~r33dtard@gateway/tor-sasl/r33dtard)
00:18.40citywokAastra 6739i 1minute, 6757i 30 seconds; but both were POE booted and they boot 5 seconds quicker on wall power.  CloudTc Glass phone running android about a minute
00:19.44citywokmy local provisioning server isn't running so the ip650... well. yea :P
00:19.51p3nguinHow are you dialing the internal extension?
00:20.13SeRijust the ext
00:20.45SeRiboth phones reg to (Soft Phones) over cell.
00:21.23p3nguinDo I need to rephrase the question?
00:23.19SeRiI dont know what you are looking for. I register to with sipdroid and than I dial the ext associated with the account.
00:23.25*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
00:24.41SeRiwas that you?
00:25.07SeRiI got dead air.
00:25.52SeRip3nguin, ^^
00:26.34p3nguinOkay, registering directly to voipms and dialing the extension makes sense to me.
00:26.43p3nguinI just wanted to know HOW you were dialing it.
00:27.01p3nguinDial it through your Asterisk box and see how that works.
00:27.42SeRiIt wont work.
00:29.02SeRip3nguin, jump in the conf.
00:30.45Jupegeeze. you'd think i could google this and not find an answer to every question BUT this simple question. I can't remember the name of the file you use on apache to set the hostname in debian linux.
00:30.54Jupenot with virtual hosts, btw.
00:31.37p3nguinWhat do you mean it won't work?  It will only not work if you do it wrong.
00:31.57Jupethere's a file you have to create... it's like, /etc/apache2/hostname.conf or something
00:32.34p3nguinYou don't set a systems host name via the web server.
00:32.46SeRip3nguin, I guess I did it wrong when I tried it would give me a fast busy tone. Right now I cant try it because my brother is off line.
00:32.54p3nguinAre you just trying to set the canonical name for the web server?
00:33.03p3nguinIt's in httpd.conf
00:34.43Jupei used to always go back to the same tutorial at a certain VPS hosting provider to copy and paste the commands to install mysql, apache2 and php on Debian, and then rackspace swallowed them up
00:35.11ChannelZsee how weak these GUIs make you?  :P
00:35.28Jupeguis are good for... adobe photoshop =p
00:35.33Jupeand that's it :D
00:37.00JTEnhance 224 to 176. Enhance, stop. Move in, stop.
00:37.07JTdon't need GUI for photoshop ;)
00:37.36*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
00:39.41citywokJupe: apt-get install apache2 phpmyadmin
00:39.47citywokthat should cover pretty much everything you want :P
00:46.27*** join/#asterisk Jupe (
00:47.26SeRip3nguin, does arch core give you ethernet modules on a fresh install?
00:48.06SeRiok Thanks.
00:50.51SeRiinstalling it now.
00:51.27SeRi:) I finally got the time.
00:51.33Jupeit's servername.conf
00:52.07JupeI found that old tutorial i always c/p from
00:52.39Jupeinterestingly enough, it told me it couldn't determine my hostname when i tried to symlink to /var/www
00:54.29SeRiis updating hes vibrant to a new r0m and installing Arch. something is bound to go wrong.
00:55.10p3nguinWhat kind of a jacked up distro breaks httpd.conf into pieces as small as servername.conf?
00:55.18p3nguinLet me guess, Ubuntu.
00:55.24Jupeno. i use Debian
00:55.39Jupelol Ubuntu
00:55.41p3nguinDebian does that?
00:56.07SeRiJupe, what version of Debian?
00:57.43SeRiare you using vhost?
00:57.46Jupe"squeeze" v 3
00:58.14SeRiIf you are not using vhost than it shouldnt split it that way....
00:58.32SeRiI remember something about vhost been in seperate files like newserver.conf
00:58.43SeRiand so forth and so on for vhosts
00:58.49WIMPySo there's potential for freepbx :-)
00:59.00SeRinot for the main .conf file
00:59.16SeRicanonical names are set in the general area
00:59.21Jupewhat? lol. i don't know much about vhosts with apache. i've never really used them
00:59.29SeRiThats just weird from Debian
00:59.35Jupeplain ole hostname is in /etc/apache2/hostname.conf
01:00.18*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
01:00.32Jupenext time i have to set up apache2, i'll be leet and do 'sudo cat /etc/debian_version >> /etc/apache2/hostname.conf' =p
01:00.49SeRiWIMPy, I have notice that most people who have issues and mention ubuntu along those lines there is a freepbx install.
01:01.25Jupesomeone's been trying to convince me to use FreeSwitch and not asterisk
01:01.32JupeI'm like, well, i'll set up a freeswitch some other time
01:01.39JupeI wanna do Asterisk first. lol
01:02.19Jupeone of the reasons why is this:
01:02.24JupeBluebox patch :D
01:03.04WIMPyThat also exists in LCR.
01:04.21SeRifuck my monitor just died.
01:04.32SeRinow I have to go dig in the attic.
01:07.24p3nguin(1900.31) <Jupe> next time i have to set up apache2, i'll be leet and do 'sudo cat /etc/debian_version >> /etc/apache2/hostname.conf' =p      <---- except that this command will not work, because the sudo won't pass through the redirection, and your regular user can't write to /etc/apache2/hostname.conf.  :/
01:08.33p3nguinBut you could use sudo -i to get a root shell first, and then cat /etc/debian_version >> /etc/apache2/hostname.conf
01:09.09SeRip3nguin, moving my install to a netbook for now. my damn monitor just died.
01:09.29Jupespank you spanky helper =p
01:09.48p3nguinNetbook: Asterisk Edition?
01:10.07SeRirofl. probably.
01:10.20p3nguinAsterisk: Netbook Edition?
01:10.24SeRiIts an Old HP NetBook I have.
01:10.58SeRiI installed aptosid long time ago. I am sure arch will work
01:12.45Jupep3nguin i could also do 'cat /etc/version >> ~/blah | sudo mv ~/blah /etc/apache2/hostname.conf' =p
01:14.18*** part/#asterisk daemonn (
01:19.10SeRipv is awesome
01:19.57Jupespeaking of tutorials, i'm looking for a good one on how to set up a home asterisk box, in case anyone has any recommendations. i was told by someone on #telephreak on 2600 IRC to check, so that's what i'm doing
01:20.50SeRithink Jupe is a robot-copypasta
01:21.04Jupelol robot copypasta
01:21.13*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
01:21.29*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
01:21.59Jupei copypasta whenever possible, because my hypothalamus wants me to forget everything important, like what i had for breakfast yesterday
01:22.32SeRido you understand what you copypasta?
01:22.44Jupeand where the apache hostname conf file is at, and all of that good stuff. can't live without a web server.
01:23.04Jupesometimes. i try to at least understand that what i'm copying and pasting is the right stuff, even if i don't understand all of it word-for-word
01:23.15Jupei try to understand what all of it means. i just don't always remember.
01:23.45Jupesometimes i'll figure out what it is I need to run, and then put it in a shell script for re-use later.
01:24.54Jupeso, in other words... [20:22] <SeRi> do you understand what you copypasta? <- what? :)
01:26.00*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
01:26.09JTJupe: not /etc/hostname?
01:26.44JupeJT no.
01:26.53SeRimoves to electro bugy and raps copypasta-robot
01:27.01Jupethat's a different hostname file. that's for the linux system hostname.
01:27.15Jupeseri: lol. copypast dubstep eh?
01:27.37JTJupe: i just use vhosts for everything in apache generally
01:27.41SeRithinks dubstep is c00l
01:27.49SeRiJT, +1
01:28.20JupeJt i've never really used vhosts. i started reading about vhosts, and I was like, what? lol
01:28.31Jupeso i figured I would move on until i found a reason to use vhosts
01:29.46Jupei'm pretty much just trying to figure out where and how i need to modify my asterisk conf files to get things they way i want them now :)
01:29.54Jupethis is my first asterisk PBX setup :D
01:30.08Naikroveki always use virtualization unless i have a very good reason not to
01:30.10SeRiraps robot robot.... copypasta-robot w00t!
01:30.31JTJupe: most websites are vhosts these days :P
01:30.47JTServerName is the attribute you want i believe
01:31.14SeRip3nguin, you in?
01:31.33Jupewhat would you use apache vhosts for?
01:31.48JTmore than one domain name per IP
01:31.54JTthere's not many IPv4 IPs anymore
01:32.26Jupeah i see. that's cool
01:32.51SeRiyou can run as many sites as your server can handle and keep the seperate from each other
01:33.12SeRivhost p2wn3s your Debian skills
01:33.15Jupeinteresting. cool.
01:33.29Jupei've never used more than one domain name per IP
01:33.58SeRilooks like people dont liek to seed arch :/
01:34.17SeRilet me try the bot thing
01:34.21Jupe/\/0 17 p\/\//\/$ j00/2 |-|4><0/2 7y91/\/6
01:34.41Jupe<- 0ldsk00l
01:34.41SeRiholy mother of bat man! is a h4x0r!
01:35.28SeRiwow can I be your friend?
01:36.19JupeNO! i'm too cool! I hang out with the "in" crowd. we stuff people in lockers all day
01:37.16SeRip3nguin, when you get a chance msg me. Please. Thanks.
01:50.25*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
01:51.41*** join/#asterisk hfb (
01:52.08*** part/#asterisk tessier (~treed@kernel-panic/copilotco)
01:53.50*** join/#asterisk Jupe (
02:00.07autofsckkgood night, i have a warning on my *    chan_sip.c:3351 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0xb6e1bcf8 (len 390) to (null) returned -1: Invalid argument
02:00.39autofsckkthere are a lot of warnings :S and an error   ERROR[2083]: netsock2.c:263 ast_sockaddr_resolve: getaddrinfo("", "(null)", ...): Temporary failure in name resolution
02:02.59autofsckkwell it seems that it cant register with my provider :S
02:04.30SeRiautofsckk, is dns broken in your system?
02:04.48SeRiautofsckk, can you ping
02:04.54SeRifrom your asterisk server
02:06.53Jupeautofsckk maybe you broke the internet. i did that once.
02:06.55SeRido you have srvlookup=yes?
02:07.24autofsckksorry i move from my desktop
02:07.27SeRiJupe, you have 3lit3 h4x0r skiils. Its expected.
02:07.42autofsckki think my provider banned my ip with fail2ban :S
02:07.55SeRiautofsckk, how did you determine that?
02:09.14autofsckkits connected now
02:09.25autofsckkSeRi: because it happened 2 days ago
02:09.29Jupeme and the l0pht took down the internet in 45 minutes
02:09.29autofsckkthanks for your help
02:13.36SeRiautofsckk, lower your retry's
02:13.50SeRip3nguin, you avail?
02:14.39autofsckkSeRi: where do i change that? asterisk.conf?
02:14.42SeRiI just wanted to know where was you ast pkg located in the repo's...
02:14.49SeRip3nguin, ^^
02:15.20autofsckkp3nguin: thanks for helping me with the spa3102, it is working great now, i follow your advice and didnt upgrade the firmware
02:18.03p3nguinseri: What?
02:18.15p3nguinOh, my asterisk?
02:18.19SeRiautofsckk, I am not sure I think is registerattempts= andregistertimeout= under sip.conf
02:18.29SeRip3nguin, Yes I have Arch going
02:18.40p3nguinmkdir -p .build/asterisk
02:18.47p3nguincd $_
02:19.42autofsckkok SeRi thanks
02:19.47*** join/#asterisk TJNII (
02:20.13p3nguincurl -O
02:20.47p3nguintar xf asterisk-
02:20.51p3nguinvim PKGBUILD
02:20.58p3nguinLook over the file.
02:21.14SeRip3nguin, one sec.
02:22.11p3nguinI made a mistake.
02:22.19p3nguinThere's an asterisk directory in the tarball.
02:22.43SeRihold on. my system craped out. looks like the hdd is not taking it :(
02:22.51p3nguinrm -fr asterisk
02:22.57p3nguinmv asterisk- ..
02:23.03p3nguincd ..
02:23.05p3nguintar xf asterisk-
02:23.11p3nguinTHEN vim PKGBUILD
02:23.21p3nguinWait, no...
02:23.26*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
02:23.27p3nguinI'm still telling you wrong.
02:23.37p3nguinyou have to cd asterisk after tar.
02:23.44p3nguinThen you can vim the PKGBUILD
02:23.53p3nguinneeds more beerz
02:24.08Jupei'm tryin to just get a basic extension set up, dial into my asterisk box and mess with stuff. it's a lot to learn for a newbie :D
02:24.47p3nguinseri: Do I need to take it from the top, or will you fix what I forgot?
02:25.05p3nguinjupe: Extensions don't dial in.  Extensions are run when phones dial in.
02:25.11Jupei know
02:25.16SeRiIll fix it. Thanks for the info. I just need it the build.
02:25.19SeRiThanks p3nguin
02:25.27infobotrumour has it, monitor is A device for viewing the output from a computer, traditionally a much more precise TV set.
02:25.46Jupei'm familiar with the concept of a PBX extention. i've never set up asterisk before
02:26.07SeRip3nguin, you take donations? Ill buy you a beer right now via pay pal ;)
02:26.23p3nguinOnce you look over the PKGBUILD, you'll probably see a couple things you want to deal with in there.  Edit accordingly.  When done, save and exit.  Then run makepkg.
02:26.37SeRip3nguin, got it!
02:26.51p3nguinI'm guessing you probably need to take care of some dependencies, though.
02:26.55Jupethere's a dude i know who's handle is penguin, and he does a lot of cool stuff with Asterisk.
02:27.09SeRip3nguin, I am sure.
02:27.23p3nguinmakepkg should tell you what you're missing.
02:27.25SeRiIll have to bring a monitor from work. the netbook didnt survive
02:27.28Jupei'm not sure where to begin. lol
02:27.32p3nguinIt died, too?
02:27.41SeRiThe hdd is having issues during part
02:27.59Jupekind of wish i wasn't running this on a VM, to tell you the truth
02:28.06p3nguinYou want to know what *I'm* having issues with?
02:28.26SeRip3nguin, I dare to ask? :)
02:28.32Jupep3nguin women?
02:28.40Jupeor was that answer too easy?
02:29.25Jupeinfobot: die
02:29.25infobotACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
02:29.26p3nguinI wanted to use a mic on my iPod touch 3rd gen.  I borrowed the mic from my wife's 2nd gen, which she uses regularly.  When I connect it to my 3rd gen, it does not work -- peck, peck peck, peck peck, peck, peck peck.  Broken.
02:29.49SeRio! that sucks nuts!
02:30.03p3nguinSo I got another 3rd gen to replace what I thought was a broken iPod.
02:30.10p3nguinThis new one does the exact same thing!
02:30.14p3nguinWhat gives?!
02:30.28Jupebroken or incompatible mic?
02:30.55Jupeincompatible mic, probably
02:30.56p3nguinHow could a working mic compatible with a 2nd gen be a broken incompatible mic on a 3rd gen?
02:31.20Jupei don't know. i don't have an iphone, so i've never got to show anyone my broken iphone =p
02:31.25p3nguinIt should be the same jack.
02:31.40Jupei like the keypad on the iphone
02:31.46JupeQWERTY ftw
02:32.06SeRip3nguin, I can probably help. call the conf. I am working on the Arch setup so I am not paying attention to the mon.
02:33.31*** join/#asterisk cbwest (~cbwest@nat/cisco/x-hkfjhkgbblupkfya)
02:42.28SeRip3nguin, looks like I revivedthe hdd. is all going again.
02:42.36SeRiwaiting fir it to finish building
02:43.43SeRiso far likes pacman
02:44.52Jupei like playing PacMan on Nestopia
02:45.19JupePacMan, Tetris, Super Mario Bros 1 - 3, Friday the 13th, Snake Rattle 'n Roll
02:46.16SeRiface palm.
02:48.02autofsckkSeRi: install yaourt or clyde
02:48.44p3nguins/yaourt or clyde/cower/
02:49.18p3nguinor packer, if you'd prefer it.
02:49.48SeRiautofsckk, you use arch?
02:49.54autofsckkyes i do
02:50.06*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
02:51.19SeRiso far pacman suits my needs
02:51.33autofsckkSeRi: what do you use?
02:51.34p3nguinIt will until you need things from AUR.
02:51.50p3nguinThen you'll be asking how to get stuff from AUR... and the answer is cower or packer.
02:51.55SeRiI am a slack guy
02:52.23SeRip3nguin, I see
02:54.36*** join/#asterisk slidesinger-lt (
02:55.18p3nguinThis is really irritating.  I can't even use my square reader.
02:56.55SeRiwell shit I didnt install dhclient... LOL
02:57.20autofsckkdhcpcd on asterisk
02:57.43p3nguinYOu don't use dhclient on arch.
02:58.01SeRiwell tahts different
02:58.13p3nguinUse dhcpcd, but don't use it directly.  Configure the network in /etc/rc.conf and then use /etc/rc.d/network start
02:58.19p3nguinor rc.d start network?
02:58.34SeRirc.d network start
02:58.47p3nguinI was thinking it was backward for some reason.
02:58.51p3nguinI don't use it, so I don't know.
02:59.17SeRicool. well its online. I am going to move it to my other network to start the configuration on it.
02:59.27autofsckkyou can configure it on rc.conf, its pretty easy
03:00.09SeRiI am sure.
03:01.04autofsckkSeRi:    its the best wiki i have seen so far
03:01.35p3nguinAnd no, dhcpcd doesn't really work any differently for the end user... dhcpcd eth0.
03:01.51p3nguinOh, goody... my square reader does work on the replacement iPod.
03:02.29p3nguinSo maybe the mic really isn't compatible with a 3rd gen.  How weird.
03:02.40SeRidhclient is just a wrapper I know.
03:03.17p3nguinIt is?
03:03.25p3nguinFor what?
03:03.54SeRiwell fuck I was wrong. it is not is a static bin
03:03.56p3nguinThis is the first I'm hearing about it being a wrapper for anything.
03:04.06p3nguinI'm just saying YOU DON"T NEED IT.
03:04.10p3nguinThere's no reason to install it.
03:04.18p3nguinYOu have dhcpcd by default.  Use it.
03:04.35SeRiI guess I got it confused. for some reason I thought in another sys dhclient was a wrapper.... never mind
03:04.41SeRiYea I saw that is not need it
03:04.50SeRiI have my network going
03:06.26autofsckki have never used slack
03:07.06SeRinot too far from arch in a way....
03:07.42SeRithings seem a bit simpler as far as pkg's go.
03:08.15p3nguinWait until you get into AUR.
03:08.22autofsckkis it rolling release too?
03:08.29p3nguinSlackware isn't.
03:08.30autofsckkyes, aur is great
03:08.47*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
03:09.30SeRiautofsckk, no they dont do like ubuntu etc....
03:10.14p3nguinScheduled releases?
03:10.24SeRionly stable release and patch fixes. you are in charge of your own pakg's and the maintenance behind it. including your kernel
03:10.28SeRip3nguin, Yes
03:11.11SeRi12.1, 13.1, 13.37 <---- that one was odd
03:11.37SeRian example ^^
03:11.54SeRior maybe I got it backwards
03:12.37SeRip3nguin, AUR?
03:12.43autofsckkthis install is from 2009 i think, i changed my hd from 160 to 250, changed from ext4 to xfs on some partitions, and made an lvm too :S
03:12.57p3nguinArch User Repository
03:13.09SeRiYea I just saw that at the wiki
03:13.24p3nguinIt's where all of the unsupported, user contributed stuff is.
03:13.45p3nguinIf someone else didn't already have an asterisk in there, I would have mine in AUR.
03:14.55autofsckkSeRi: if you liked pacman, you're gonna love yaourt
03:15.30p3nguinWe don't use yaourt anymore.
03:15.58SeRiI am sure I am going to like them all since automated pkg system in slackware is not huge and very obscure
03:15.59autofsckkwhy not?
03:16.10p3nguinLast I knew, it was broken anyway.
03:17.12autofsckkyaourt is working with no flaws, the one that was broken was clyde, but i think i saw that is fixed now
03:25.44SeRiMan this is dependency resolution is awesome! Is like yum :)
03:26.53*** join/#asterisk gajini (~root@
03:30.33SeRiasterisk is installing
03:30.37SeRifail2ban installing
03:30.47SeRiiptables is going
03:30.49p3nguinHow are you installing asterisk?
03:31.07p3nguinThat doesn't install it.
03:31.15SeRiYou know what i mean
03:31.18SeRiit builds the pkg
03:31.19p3nguinThat simply makes the package.
03:31.33p3nguinBut you can use makepkg -i to make and install.
03:31.44SeRicool. Thanks.
03:31.53p3nguinor the way I usually do, makepkg; pacman -U my-new-pkg
03:32.16autofsckkmakepkg -si
03:32.57SeRiI am sure ill have to rebuild it again for what ever reason... LOL
03:33.36SeRiso far the build is going
03:33.44p3nguinDid you edit the pkgbuild?
03:33.54SeRiyes I just add it mp3
03:34.20p3nguinI have another source package with a patch for mp3, too, but I haven't uploaded it.
03:34.37p3nguinI don't know if you saw I have patches included.
03:34.47SeRiah! :) that would be useful :)
03:34.58SeRiyes I did. and I can see them been download it
03:37.36SeRiThis is a Dual Core Atom/2GB RAM/60GB HDD/netbook so I am sure it will run ok.
03:38.37SeRimhhhhhh I got an idea for a modd.
03:38.43p3nguinI run arch with asterisk on an 800MHz CPU, 256MB RAM, 4G flash system, so I'm sure you'll be fine.
03:39.20autofsckki run it on my asus 900ha and runs great
03:39.21SeRiThats some nice specs for an embedded system :/
03:40.08p3nguinBut I also run Arch on my Core 2 Quad, 8G RAM, 2x 2TB system as well.
03:40.24SeRip3nguin, simmer down killer!
03:40.41p3nguinThat's my desktop.
03:40.47SeRinice specs
03:41.16p3nguinCore 2 Quad Q9550
03:41.25SeRimy office:
03:42.15SeRiIll be redoing my network this week end... I am hoping at least
03:43.00SeRiThose are old pics so my network has grown now.
03:45.04SeRiis still "making" asterisk
03:45.36SeRiI am going to leave this system as is. it will be only for asterisk and some asterisk devel.
03:46.09SeRionce I get use to it I might move to my desktop... dont see that happening any time soon though....
03:46.11carrarYou need a bigger UPS
03:46.22SeRicarrar, I did uograded it my ups
03:46.33SeRinot in the pics :)
03:46.49SeRihaven updated the pics with the new stuff
03:46.57*** join/#asterisk master_of_master (
03:47.08SeRi<SeRi> Those are old pics so my network has grown now. <------ havent updated it for a while :)
03:48.12p3nguinI have only one thing to say after looking at the pics and reading the posts.
03:48.56p3nguinits use, not it's use.  "it is" use does not make any sense.
03:49.25SeRireally? Thats it?
03:49.30p3nguinThat is all.
03:49.44SeRiuffff man I thought you where ready to burn me.
03:49.51SeRiis happey
03:49.51p3nguinI'm really irritated about people thinking it's means its.
03:49.52*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
03:50.10p3nguinit's means IT fucking IS, not something belongs to it.
03:50.40SeRiwell English is not my native language. I didnt even know it was different. I apologize.
03:51.10SeRiseriously I didnt know :(
03:51.34p3nguinits = possessive pronoun to show it owns something.  E.g., its paint; its ears
03:51.46SeRiI got burned before for some fucked up typos that even makes me laugh LOL
03:52.05SeRiwell thank you p3nguin!
03:52.13p3nguinit's = contraction for "it is" or "it has."  E.g., It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood.
03:52.47p3nguinor... It's going to be a shitty day in the neighborhood!
03:53.07[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: I'll be keeping an eye out for news reports of a grammar-nazi with a high-powered rifle on a water tower overlooking a middle-school ;)
03:53.32p3nguinYou know I'll make the TV news.
03:53.34SeRiah. wow. well thanks. now I know. like These and This and There and Their they all almost sound the same and all ways get me in trouble
03:55.33SeRilmao @ p3nguin
03:55.44SeRiI mean [TK]D-Fender
03:56.17SeRiI hope you like jelapanos. maybe you dont shoot me.
03:56.30SeRiI got plenty in my backyard. :P
03:56.32p3nguinI do like them.
03:56.55p3nguinI like them stuffed with cream cheese, wrapped in bacon, and baked.
03:57.26SeRicome to my BBQ and you will have the best ones you would ever have eaten!
03:58.24p3nguinI also like habaneros, but I typically fire roast them and put them into my chili.
03:58.28SeRimy wife loves when I make them the exact same way you describe. the trick is to snap the top and take out "some" seeds but not all. the cheese will take care of the hot....
03:59.04p3nguinSo don't slice them in half?
03:59.21SeRiIt has a nice blend of fucking hot and still eatable... the cheese kicks in and simmers your fucked in fire mouth
03:59.37SeRip3nguin, first mistake. dont cut them in half if your going to BBQ them
04:00.08SeRifucking in fire*
04:00.53SeRiwe have habaneros and jelapanos verdes
04:01.21p3nguinI'm not quite sure what that means.
04:01.43p3nguinI thought that means green.
04:01.43SeRithe problem with cutting them in half if you bbq theme the cheese will fall off if you try to cook them well
04:01.58SeRigreen jalapenos*
04:02.35SeRiYou could also se foil to get around it. and let the bacon juice do the rest.... but is not the same
04:02.43SeRilet the*
04:03.42p3nguinI like my habaneros red or orange, but I'm good with green jalapenos.
04:04.36*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
04:08.21SeRipacman -U asterisk-
04:08.59LiuYan~curl proxy
04:09.10SeRiMem in use 40MB
04:09.15SeRinice :/
04:09.30infobot[proxy] This is commonly a form of Internet security. You can use a proxy or proxy server to pass data between your internal network and the Internet. A machine on your network sends a request to the proxy. The proxy sends the request to a server on the Internet. Thus, it stands in for the computer on your network. The server on the Internet never knows that the request is coming from anywhere but the proxy. Thus 100 machines on your network could all ...
04:13.21SeRip3nguin, all done :)
04:13.53SeRitaking a small brake.
04:19.42SeRi[root@archaista ~]#
04:20.22SeRiits beautiful only 40MB of ram.
04:21.12SeRiThats the new ups
04:21.17SeRiwell not so new.
04:43.44*** join/#asterisk irroot (~gregory@
05:03.10ChannelZ"screen is simulated"
05:07.17*** join/#asterisk radic (
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05:24.25Kobazseems like you can't query channel ringing status via CHANNEL
05:26.20SeRip3nguin, you avail?
05:30.17p3nguinla la la la la
05:31.17SeRiis it possible to turn on and off recording via keys?
05:31.49SeRikey press*
05:32.29SeRiI couldn't find any reference on that while the conference is going.
05:32.56p3nguinYes and no.
05:33.07p3nguinIt depends on what recording you are doing.
05:33.27p3nguinI don't think you can stop MixMonitor() mid-call.
05:33.49SeRiah. I see. that was the question
05:34.06SeRiMhhhhhhh interesting.
05:38.54*** join/#asterisk dym (~patrick@unaffiliated/dym)
05:50.09SeRiThanks and g/n
05:50.46*** part/#asterisk gajini (~root@
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06:07.48SeRiwell for got about my cell doing the r0m update :/
06:16.17*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
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06:19.23infobotmethinks tts is time to sleep, or text to speech
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07:25.50schmidtsgood morning
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07:57.18schmidtsi have a question to you guys about fraud. i have read in the FCFA Fraud Report for 2011 that around 3% of Fraud terminates to Austria (+43) has anyone of you ever seen a fraud to this destination?
07:57.33*** join/#asterisk pietro1 (
07:57.59schmidtsbtw this means austria is on the of destinations, first one is cuba (what else) :D
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08:44.35OldSmurfI am looking for a way to test the maximum capacity on my meetme installation. What tools are available that can help me with this?
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08:45.26tuxx-OldSmurf: sipp maybe
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08:55.46irroothandy man bible .... if it moves and it should not tape it ... if it does not move and it should hit it with hammer
08:55.53irrootmorning folks
08:57.01coppiceTh gospel according to duct tape makers
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09:50.02Sakuranbohello, I need some help
09:50.54SakuranboI had a user who activated the call forwarding function on the phoneset and we are in seperate geographical offices connected by 4M MPLS
09:51.36Sakuranbowe havent implemented any voice compression over the WAN link
09:51.59Sakuranbobut whoever calls the far end, the ringtone is distorted
09:52.23Sakuranboand on the asterisk console I have the following error
09:53.19Sakuranbo" Dropping incompatible voice frame on Local/992307620@default-209f,2 of format slin since our native form at has changed to ilbc "
09:54.19*** join/#asterisk FlashDeluxe (
09:55.29FlashDeluxehi! i got a problem, if i want to start asterisk i get an error chan_capi.c:7834 cc_init_capi: CAPI not installed, chan_capi disabled! i start asterisk as root, so there shouldn`t be a permission problem, does anybody got a hint for me? i am using asterisk 1.6 with current chan_capi
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10:10.53tompawMorning guys
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10:13.02tompawI have a small problem with my DP: - I have a queue+confbridge configuration which puts an agent on a call within a conference room. The only problem is - that agent is not properly marked as "busy", and queue doesn't connect following calls to another agent.
10:13.20tompawI have therefore added a manual agent pause (line 27 in the pastebin).
10:13.34tompawThe only question is - how can I capture the agent hanging up and unpause him?
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10:30.39schmidtsjust want to put a little attention to this: take 1 minute to read and sign it, its worth doing it!
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10:31.59irroottompaw use custom device states in your case save you many headaches
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11:13.27jkroonhi guys, what can be done re the asthostid keep changing on some systems?
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11:34.41dandate2im having an issue with a pap2 voip gateway; it won't recognize the blind transfer code whereas other voip adapters will?
11:36.45dandate2we set the In-Call Asterisk Blind Transfer  to ## but when i dial that through a pap2 nothing happens
11:37.14*** join/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~RAMYT@
11:39.03Chainsawdandate2: And how are you sending DTMF to Asterisk for this PAP2 SIP peer?
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11:42.59dandate2dtmf mode says auto
11:43.39jkroonand what is the ATA set to?  try using rfc2833.
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11:48.28dandate2on the asterisk server the extentions are set to rfc2833
11:49.48jkroondandate2, then force it on the ata too
11:50.22dandate2shoot i just dont see any option for that in the pap2 setting
11:50.54dandate2RFC 2543 Call Hold:
11:51.08*** join/#asterisk screenn (~screenn@
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11:53.32jkroonno, it has to be there.  sure of it.
11:55.14cfchris6hm, I am running asterik 1.8 on debian here. somehow, the originate command does not exist. Has it been renamed/moved recently? (details at
11:55.22dandate2would that be under SIP
11:55.23dandate2L1  ?
11:55.28jkroonchannel originate
11:56.12cfchris6jkroon: m( thanks
11:56.37jkrooncheck cli_aliasses.conf iirc.  originate should still be aliassed there.
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12:03.42dandate2i compared the non-functioning pap2 to a working one, only difference in settings i could find is that the non-functioning one didnt have all the Vertical Service Activation Codes populated
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12:20.16dandate2ok so i made a bit of a breakthrough, it seems incall blind transfer works for the user receiving a call, but not if he had dialed out. is this a known issue?
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12:31.06DanFromUKHi. Currently, when i make a call to an IVR, from an asterisk SIP Peer, if I need to press #, the local asterisk says "transfer" and starts a blind transfer process. Is there any way to remove that?
12:34.50dandate2need to edit your feature  codes then and change transfer to ## or the likes
12:34.57kaldemarDanFromUK: sure, remove option T from your Dial or Queue command. or change the blindxfer value in features.conf to be something else than #.
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12:42.56tompawHm... is there a way to list confbridge conferences?
12:42.57DanFromUKah, i didnt realise blindxfer defaults to #. I just commented it out, when in fact, i have to change it completely.
12:43.16DanFromUKany way to reload features.conf without a full reload?
12:43.58DanFromUKgot it
12:44.00DanFromUKthanks all
12:46.56kaldemartompaw: confbridge <TAB><TAB>
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13:09.45tuxx-hi guys, what does the realtime sipfriend 'allow' field expect? I got 'all' in that field, but when i try to set up a call to asterisk i get the following:  chan_sip.c:8897 process_sdp: No compatible codecs, not accepting this offer!
13:09.54tuxx-this is the line from the sip invite: Capabilities: us - 0x0 (nothing), peer - audio=0x60e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|speex|ilbc)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing)
13:10.11tuxx-asterisk does not accept ANY codec it seems
13:14.49tuxx-hm weird, even when i put 'alaw;ulaw;gsm' in the allow field, and 'all' in disallow, it still says i have no codecs:   Codecs       : 0x0 (nothing)
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13:25.59jkroonis there a function for DAHDI similar to SIPPEER ?
13:26.13irrootdandate2 you need to see the  the t/T  options to Dial
13:26.41irrootjkroon in what way
13:26.42jkroonspecifically I want to be able to retrieve the accountcode and some channel variables.
13:27.19irrootjkroon the CDR / CHANNEL function will be the place to go what channel variables ??
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13:27.20jkroonie, something like DAHDICHAN(1,accountcode), similar to what I would do SIPPEER(jkroon,accountcode)
13:27.54dandate2right now its set to tr
13:27.56irrootjkroon ah ok so its for random channels nope dont think so
13:27.59dandate2should i change it to tTr
13:28.48irrootdandate2 tT will allow anyone to transfer in or out this is not "safe" you ideally want it set appropriately
13:29.01irrootso only "trusted" parties can do this
13:29.30dandate2we use a different feature code than # for transfer
13:29.40jkroonirroot, yes, unfortunately.
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13:31.17jkroonok crap, that means I need to jump a few loops here :(
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13:43.33irrootjkroon that sort of thing i do by func_odbc into the base of config that lands up in config files
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13:46.26jkroonirroot, i know, it's one of those _should_ cases, but the rest of the design isn't done that way at the moment, so it's kinda hard to start doing it now.
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13:46.51irrootalways is ....
13:47.02jkroonalthough, this might be an "easy" use case in this case, if I could write queries that recursively traverses tables ...
13:49.34tompawkaldemar: I don't have a "confbridge" command in my CLI :/
13:49.43tompawdunno why, its the latest 1.8.x
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14:07.47dandreI have difficulties to get MWI working. I have some pending voicemail messages (shown by voicemail show users). I have set my phone to subscribe to mwi but this doesn't show any indication of mwi sugnal.
14:07.59dandresip sow mwi shows nothing
14:08.31dandresip shows notifications show a mwi registration
14:08.57dandrewhat can I do to see where my mistake is?
14:14.30jkroondo you have a mailbox parameter set up in the SIP peers ?
14:19.34irrootbacon4leif sharing is caring :P
14:19.43bacon4leifirroot: heck ya :)
14:20.14[TK]D-Fenderna na na na na
14:20.43dandrejkroon: no but sip show peer 53 shows this:
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14:26.02jkroonyou have appropriate hints set up?
14:26.44dandreI have a warning:
14:26.53dandreWARNING[18258]: chan_sip.c:18552 handle_response: Remote host can't match request NOTIFY to call '3b4a-c0a80101-d-2@'. Giving up.
14:27.03dandrewhat does that means?
14:27.37jkrooni'm not the best person to be asked that question, but as I understand it it means that there is an issue matching up the subscribes and the notifies.
14:29.00p3nguinA SIP peer named 53?  Horrid!
14:29.31p3nguinHow is that unique and significant to the device?
14:29.48p3nguinI bet your extension to reach it is also 53.
14:29.57*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-bbvdqogkyuexbdwl)
14:30.05infobotDevices, extensions, and people should be entirely abstracted.  Extension numbers are applied to people, and people are applied to devices.  This means you should name your devices something unique to each device, such as an ID tag or asset tag number, or a MAC address.
14:35.46*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
14:37.58[TK]D-Fender<jkroon> do you have a mailbox parameter set up in the SIP peers ? <dandre> jkroon: no but sip show peer 53 shows this:
14:38.07[TK]D-Fenderdandre, Fix your peer.
14:41.30jkrooncan VALID_EXTEN deal with labels for piorities?  eg, VALID_EXTEN(randomcontext,${EXTEN},${var}) where var=asdf type of thing?
14:42.09[TK]D-Fendersounds like a safe bet
14:42.45jkrooninteresting ... because I can't seem to get it working :(
14:43.18p3nguinShow us evidence of a problem.
14:43.51dandreI have put mailbox=53@default but same result
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14:45.13jkroonp3nguin, i'd be very happy to be wrong in this case.
14:45.14p3nguinAnd you remembered to run "sip reload" after saving that change?
14:47.26tompawIs there a way to record a ConfBridge directly?
14:47.27p3nguinYou have dahdi in the VALID_EXTEN, but DAHDI as the label.
14:49.39jkroonp3nguin, crap, will recheck that quick thanks.
14:49.59jkrooni know that was one of the crazy ideas I tested.
14:52.31dandrein sip show subscriptions I have this:
14:52.32dandre192.168.0.143    53               110958-c0a80101  --               <none>         mwi             53,53@defa 003600
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14:57.19jayteewraps a blanket around Katty and hands her a hot toddy
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15:03.07jkroonp3nguin, [TK]D-Fender - anything?  I'm at a loss, it should work (and if I allow it to drop through the Hangup() at line 4 it does ...
15:03.22grharryHey all, I've installed asterisk 1.8.xx from the debian asterisk repo and trying to setup freepbx with it however I am having a difficulty to get asterisk manager to start and freepbx script "retrive_conf" fails ... with "Unable to connect to manager localhost:5038"
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15:09.33[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, show your latest version...
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15:13.17[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Looks legit... PB the app instructions
15:13.27[TK]D-Fender[DAHDI]        5. Set(chn=${CUT(CUT(CHANNEL(name),/,2),-,1)}) [pbx_config] <--$ error in 2nd cut
15:13.46[TK]D-FenderShouldn't actually interfere though
15:13.53[TK]D-Fenderbut should get fixed
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15:23.37jkroon[TK]D-Fender, funny enough, that line does work.
15:24.49[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, I think I see why.. because CUT evals s the 1st parm which is normally the var name, not the evaluation of it
15:24.56*** part/#asterisk grharry (
15:24.56[TK]D-FenderJust looks damn freaky
15:25.18jkroon[TK]D-Fender, DIALPLAN_EXISTS seems to work.
15:25.42jkroon[TK]D-Fender, so you suggest just splitting it out into two steps?
15:26.28[TK]D-FenderWhat did you do to fix the DIALPLAN_EXISTS issue?
15:26.43jkroonjus swapped VALID_EXTEN for DIALPLAN_EXISTS
15:26.56[TK]D-Fenderyeah, just noticed the reversal
15:27.27jkroonforgot about VALID_EXTEN being deprecated, figured i'd take a chance and see.
15:28.01[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, No, what you're doing is perfectly valid.  Just stating the oddities that are *'s parsing engine
15:28.44jkroonok, i'm missing the oddity, i'm aware that CUT takes the first param and evals it, that's why I didn't ${CUT()} the inner one ...
15:29.40r0m|uI just laugh at the silence in #elastix
15:29.57jkroonhmm, although, it could possibly have grabbed the first , for the inner CUT as the delimeter for the outer CUT come to think about it.
15:29.59bacon4leif[TK]D-Fender: ya, that ${CUT(CUT(...  stuff is valid, and you got it (you pass it the variable name, not the evaluation)
15:30.18jkroonfreaky but valid :p
15:30.28bacon4leifyes, that looks like an example I probably wrote :)
15:30.36[TK]D-Fenderbacon4leif, Yeah I always knew the var part... just created a momentary mental separation where function calls are concerned
15:31.19r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, hola
15:32.36jkroonis glad he haven't yet had to look at the asterisk parser code - can't be pretty.
15:33.32r0m|up3nguin, I haven't heard anything from you and the package.... Did you ever get it?
15:34.17[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, I wrote a type-sensitive language while in college and bored 18 years ago
15:37.45jkroon[TK]D-Fender, tha's a while back.  last time I was bored was 5 years ago whilst working on network card firmware ... splicing engines etc ...
15:37.51jkroonglad those days are over.
15:39.27[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, I've reached new levels of existentialism lately.  What do you do when you see n need for new "toys" and run out of things to care to do?
15:40.56*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
15:41.28jkroon[TK]D-Fender, you end up existing.  not a good place to be.
15:41.33jkroonfind something to do.
15:41.56[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Seriously motivationally challenged.  That's the issue.
15:42.26[TK]D-FenderThankfully I am quite capable on running on "empty" but its dragging on...
15:42.34jkroonit always is.  and finding motivation is HARD
15:42.41*** join/#asterisk DanFromUK (~DanFromUK@
15:43.59DanFromUKHi, I have a question. If call-limit is set to 1, and the limit is exceeded during a Dial command, ${DIALSTATUS} is set to "CHANUNAVAIL". However, if the SIP Peer is simply offline, ${DIALSTATUS is also CHANUNAVAIL.
15:44.32DanFromUKIs there any way to find out whether the dial was unsuccessful due to call-limit or sip peer offline?
15:44.58Kobazcall-limit is depricated
15:45.18DanFromUKin 1.4 call-limit is required in order to get call queuing to work
15:45.22Kobazah 1.4
15:45.26Kobazthat's okay then
15:45.53DanFromUKwaiting as long as possible before switching production to 1.8
15:45.59bacon4leif(in 1.6.2+ it's called callcounter=yes fyi)
15:46.15p3nguinr0m|u: Not as of yesterday.
15:47.08*** join/#asterisk asilva (~andre@2801:88:1000:2::12)
15:47.35r0m|up3nguin, stand by. heading to the university post office right now. by the way arch is as clean as any OS can get. Thanks for the recommendation.
15:47.49asilvaHello all, how do you guys refer to a Conventional Telephony System(PABX and Analog phones and sutff) ?
15:47.56tuxx-ello, short question, is it possible to make an ivr when using realtime dialplans ?
15:48.05Qwellasilva: We call them Sue.
15:48.11asilvaSue ?!
15:48.17[TK]D-Fenderasilva, You mean non-*?  Dead-end junk :p
15:48.26Qwelland if anybody corrects me, I will cut them.
15:48.26asilva[TK]D-Fender, yes
15:48.28asilvaQwell, l0l
15:48.36[TK]D-Fender"Toaster" is pretty common as well
15:48.48p3nguinjkroon: Did you get it to work yet?
15:48.50Qwellthis conversation could be quite humorous.  asilva: proceed with "Sue", and we'll help you out.
15:49.14asilvai'm writing something about in english and here we say "Conventional Telephony System" and i'm looking for the right term in english
15:49.22[TK]D-Fender"We" will be busy bleeding ;)
15:49.49Qwellasilva: people call it lots of different things.  Any of the terms you've used would work fine.
15:49.54[TK]D-FenderWell ... "they" anyway.  I'm far to well trained in the sharp and pointy....
15:49.58tuxx-asilva: POTS - Plain Old Telephone System ? :)
15:50.06*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
15:50.09p3nguinr0m|u: Wouldn't it be easier to simply enter in the tracking number on the web site?
15:50.11asilvatuxx-, that sounds about right!
15:50.24tuxx-oh its
15:50.31tuxx-telephone service, not system :)
15:51.36p3nguinjkroon: I have an idea... but if you fixed it, I don't need to say it.
15:51.51DanFromUKhow can i get the status of a peer during the dialplan? I cant seem to find the variable
15:52.31asilvathere is IAXPeer Function and SIPPEER
15:52.32*** join/#asterisk mandla (~mandla@
15:52.40[TK]D-FenderDanFromUK, "core show function DEVICE_STATE"
15:53.35DanFromUK[TK]D-Fender, Its not available in 1.4
15:53.54infobotfunc_devstate is a module included with Asterisk 1.6 and above.  A 1.4 backport is available here:
15:53.55mandlaIs there a way of assigning phone users phone usage codes??
15:54.12[TK]D-FenderDanFromUK, And you didn't tell us you took off with a PBX from the Smithsonian :p
15:54.35mandlaTo dial before making a call, so that i can trace who used the phone.
15:54.45[TK]D-Fendermandla, It's your dialplan... shove in checks wherever you'd like.
15:55.00p3nguinmandla: CDR(accountcode)
15:55.36[TK]D-Fenderjust shove the accountcode right in the peer <-
15:55.37DanFromUK[TK]D-Fender, is 1.8 ready for production use?
15:55.41p3nguinand accountcode= in sip.conf
15:55.47bacon4leifif anyone wants to test Asterisk 10.0.0-rc2 that would be great, because pending anything major, I'm releasing it on Friday
15:56.23bacon4leifDanFromUK: I've deployed several Asterisk 1.8 servers over the last few months. Works fine.
15:56.33[TK]D-FenderDanFromUK, Yes
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15:56.45mandla[TK]D-Fender, p3nguin, thanx.
15:56.52[TK]D-FenderDanFromUK, Pretty much any branch in full-release is.
15:57.04*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
15:57.14bacon4leifeverything is production ready with enough verification testing
15:57.42bacon4leifit totally depends on what you're using... if you're going to deploy chan_sccp with a lot of app_sms, then no, it's probably not production ready
15:57.47jkroonp3nguin, perhaps say it anyway?
15:58.14jkroonbut yes, I did fix it, swapping VALID_EXTEN for DIALPLAN_EXISTS sorted out the issue
15:58.19DanFromUKOk, i'll look into testing 1.8. thanks
15:58.28p3nguinGotoIf(${VALID_EXTEN(callorigination,${EXTEN},${CHANNEL(channeltype)})}?   should have been   GotoIf($[${VALID_EXTEN(callorigination,${EXTEN},${CHANNEL(channeltype)})}]?
15:58.42bacon4leifplus the fact it's the only LTS branch receiving support makes it a good version to start with
15:58.54p3nguinI don't know if that mistake is enough to make it not work, though.
15:59.15bacon4leifI always wrap my GotoIf() condition checks in $[   ]
15:59.22bacon4leifmakes sure you get a 0 or 1
15:59.31jkroonp3nguin, what difference would the $[] make in this case though? VALID_EXTEN returns a "0" or "1", which is what GotoIf expects.
16:00.01jkroonbut yes, for general it's not a bad idea.
16:00.02[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, it wouldn't
16:02.15*** part/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~RAMYT@
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16:10.45asilvawhich function i can use to search a char in a variavel !?
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16:11.42[TK]D-Fenderasilva, not standard means for this AFAIK.  You would have to spawn a call to "core show channel:" dump that and parse out the var.  Likely in AGI
16:12.03asilvai see
16:12.32p3nguinThere's always REGEX()
16:12.42irrootWalter Sisulu University Phase 1 Switchover to asterisk has been done
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16:12.54irrootevening folks
16:14.30_Corey_irroot: Your project?  (Congrats if so)
16:15.20r0m|up3nguin, got it. package was still sitting in the pick up room. some fucktard moved it off the pick up table. Taking the damn package to my local usps instead of the university mail. I should of done that from the beginning know what has happen in the past. sorry.
16:15.23irrootyeah colab between 2 companies thx
16:15.30r0m|uwcselby, whats going on
16:15.42wcselbynot much
16:15.45wcselbywassup with you?
16:16.07r0m|unothing much. happy that all my comcast issues are "gone"
16:16.11*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
16:16.13r0m|ufor now.
16:16.42r0m|uhaven't had an issue for a few days now "2" all times records
16:17.43r0m|uother than that waiting to strangle who ever keeps fucking around with the mail room here at work. university mail just sucks
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16:21.19wcselbyi'm tired
16:22.20r0m|ujust curious... does any body here used elastix?
16:22.28wcselbyi have used it in the past
16:22.47r0m|uhow was your experience?
16:23.07wcselbyit was a red trixbox
16:24.18*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
16:24.57r0m|uMy brother is just bent for gui stuff and he is using it.... I found it so heavy and buggy....  their community support just plain suck.
16:25.14wcselbythey do have a certification path thought
16:25.39wcselbyso apparently there's someone out there that knows how to support it
16:25.39r0m|uholy crap. on what? on how to clean their build?
16:25.50wcselbyi dunno, never looked into it
16:25.59wcselbyi got my dcap and stuck with that :)
16:28.30*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-fbqtzkeopsketdet)
16:28.34r0m|uwcselby, you got your cert online?
16:28.46Qwellr0m|u: dcap is done in person
16:28.47wcselbyi got it at astricon in dc in 2010
16:28.58r0m|uah I see.
16:29.12r0m|ulike rhce.
16:29.22_Corey_You can do a dCAA online, I believe
16:29.46r0m|uI see.
16:30.01Qwell_Corey_: you sure about that?
16:30.10_Corey_Yeah, it's done through the portal
16:30.18_Corey_one of my guys did it a couple weeks ago
16:30.32_Corey_Brainshark I think
16:30.45Qwellyeah you're right
16:31.38r0m|u2k for the fast start.
16:35.49r0m|uMhhhh I wonder if work would send me to train.... It does not relate to my job though :(
16:37.45eppigybooks homie
16:39.07p3nguinr0m|u: If he insists on using something other than plain Asterisk, AsteriskNOW is the answer.
16:39.28diegoCronoshi guys
16:39.57r0m|uis that the digium spin of asterisk gui?
16:40.09Qwellwell, sort of, but no.
16:40.10p3nguinNo, because that wouldn't make sense.
16:40.24r0m|uI dont make sense most of the time lol
16:40.37QwellAsteriskNOW is a Linux distribution.  It includes Asterisk and your choice of: FreePBX, Asterisk-GUI, no GUI.
16:40.41shido6you're here, so you'll save dollars. :)
16:40.44p3nguinAsteriskNOW is a CentOS-based Asterisk + FreePBX or Asterisk GUI distribution.
16:41.06r0m|uis looking at it now.
16:41.42blizzowWhen I do a queue show 602 for my queue, I have some registered members that are completely screwed up.  For example:
16:41.42blizzowSIP/  (619) 659-7144       (dynamic) (Unknown) has taken no calls yet
16:41.47Qwellr0m|u: The guy who wrote and maintains it is a seriously cool guy.
16:41.58Kattyhi Qwell
16:42.00p3nguinFor those who can't seem to install their own distro and Asterisk, there's the no GUI option.  This is the option I recommend.
16:42.06blizzowI tried queue remove member SIP/  (619) 659-7144  from 602 and that didn't work.
16:42.17blizzowHow do I remove a member with spaces and special characters?
16:42.20QwellKatty: ohai
16:42.38r0m|up3nguin, Thanks for the recommendation!
16:42.42Qwellp3nguin: I'm rather fond of that option myself.
16:43.24r0m|uQwell, Thats good to know. unlike elastix (no bashing intended) which is just lost....
16:43.46QwellI have no comment on other distributions (except trixbox, which I can bash all day long).
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16:45.41wcselbyblizzow try escaping the special characters with a backslash "\"
16:46.09wcselbyabout the whole online certification thing, that seems really odd to me to be able to take a cert online.  all certs i've ever taken you have to do in person
16:46.10Qwellblizzow: You queue members name has spaces?  how the heck did that happen? O.o
16:46.17wcselbybut I guess times, they's a changin'
16:46.41[TK]D-FenderQwell, He didn't look at what he passed AQM
16:46.56Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I'm surprised it was allowed
16:46.58blizzowQwell: we use queuemetrics to log into queues and I think a couple of agents were confused or not paying attention when they put their login info into queuemetrics.
16:47.33[TK]D-FenderQwell, you can add anything.  remeber the preload issues with chan_local?  type doesn't need to be valid even.. it'll egt added.. and well crippled
16:47.54Qwellyeah but think of the children
16:49.05*** join/#asterisk saisoma (
16:49.38saisomaHi guys.  Is there a way to force an existing call to go on hold from the dialplan?
16:50.04Qwellsaisoma: depends on your definition of "on hold"
16:50.16QwellYou can certainly start music on hold
16:50.53saisomaQwell: I have built an emergency announcement system that works very well, except that if someone is on the phone, they do not get the call
16:51.20saisomaQwell: I don't want to force a hangup (bad for those ont he phone with emergency responders), but putting the call on hold would be ok i think
16:51.49Qwella phone "on hold" really doesn't mean anything special.  It's just getting no audio.
16:51.59saisomaQwell: I'm using polycom 560's and 330's and AutoAnswer, just FYI.
16:52.04[TK]D-Fendersaisoma, How are you announcing to the others?
16:52.17[TK]D-Fendersaisoma, then spawn a ChanSpy w/e whisper
16:52.29Qwellyes, that would be a vastly superior method
16:52.32saisoma[TK]D-Fender: gotcha.  good idea
16:52.42saisoma[TK]D-Fender: great idea.  Going to try that now. thanks guys!
16:57.21irrootmust remember to not allow spaces in the member interface in the fixups im busy with
17:00.29p3nguinWhile you're at it, fix up the Arguments section of core show application ConfBridge.  It says option s give you a menu when pressing '*' but it's really '#'
17:01.17Qwellp3nguin: what version?
17:01.33wcselbywhole new confbridge in 10
17:01.46p3nguinDoesn't make it any more accurate in 1.8
17:04.18Qwellp3nguin: It says # in r345545
17:04.32p3nguinDoes that mean someone changed it after the release?
17:04.53p3nguinI don't know what revision the release is.
17:04.54Qwellr345545 | qwell | 2011-11-17 11:04:05 -0600 (Thu, 17 Nov 2011) | 6 lines
17:04.55QwellFix documentation of 's' option.
17:04.55QwellThe menu key is #, not *.
17:04.55QwellReported by p3nguin on #asterisk.
17:05.10wcselbythat's from this morning
17:05.14Qwellthat's from right now
17:05.19wcselbyoh lol
17:05.19p3nguinThat's from NOW
17:07.08*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
17:07.26r0m|ucan two asterisk server coexist with each other?
17:07.31Qwellhas the power to make people wrong
17:07.35Qwellr0m|u: sure, why not?
17:07.39irrootQwell go fix "NODATE" that should be NODATA in include/asterisk/astobj2.h :P
17:07.42wcselbyQwell yeah, on the same box even
17:07.46wcselbysorry not Qwell
17:07.50wcselbyi meant that for r0m|u
17:08.01r0m|uQwell, I am trying to create a fail over server
17:08.07*** join/#asterisk edge (
17:08.21p3nguinDon't do it on the same network segment.
17:08.23r0m|uI setup Arch and I want to move it as my primary system and move my alix as back up
17:08.27Qwellirroot: I see no such thing
17:08.29irrootor main/astobj2.c ....
17:08.42irrootis going down in a few minutes
17:08.44Qwellpfft, comments.  Nobody cares about comments.
17:08.51Qwellps: you have commit.  Fix it yourself. :p
17:09.05irrootlol that is why i left it ......
17:09.06irrootill sort it out soon
17:09.11edgeCan Asterisk (paired with the right phone) park a call to a button on the phone, and then pick it up. I'm looking into doing a Asterisk deployment but i need to match our current phone systems features for ease of use. Currently if we hit hold on our phone systems it puts the call on a "line" and all our phones have those 4 lines. and we can then pickup that line with a button on the phone
17:09.35r0m|up3nguin, put it in a different block?
17:09.41Qwelledge: You could map hints on your phone to park extens if your phone supports that.
17:09.48bacon4leifya that
17:10.14edgeQwell, what kinds of phones would support that?
17:10.16p3nguinThe point of failover is to not have a single point of failure.  Using the same computer system on the same network for a failover doesn't do much good.
17:10.32edgeQwell, i havn't picked the phones to test yet. I have some Cisco 7961s laying around here
17:10.43Qwelledge: throw them away IMO
17:11.04edgeQwell, i don't want to use them, they are overly complicated. I just can't decided on a phone, but i know that park feature is a huge one.
17:11.05wcselbyedge Qwell is biased against Cisco phones
17:11.25wcselbyedge some of the cisco 5xx phones will probably support what you want, or some of the aastra phones
17:11.40wcselbyeven some polycoms
17:11.53wcselbyit all basically comes down to phones with enough buttons
17:12.18r0m|up3nguin, I understand. I have two systems. I have three different subnets and for the sake of redundancy ill keep one sync with the other.
17:12.18edgewcselby, and these would allow a user to press "hold" and it would park it to a line, and then allow them to say "you have a call on button 3" instead of line?
17:12.22p3nguinedge: If you use chan_sccp-b, you'll have a Park softkey, which will park the call and tell you what extension it is parked on.  If you have a speeddial for, say, 701, then you could pick up the call you parked on 701.
17:12.31wcselbyi've seen what you're asking for done with the cisco 5xx phones and aastra, and in theory you should be able to do it with some of the polycoms and others by other manufacturers
17:12.35p3nguinOr just dial 701.
17:13.49wcselbyit all comes down to being able to map custom extensions to custom hints and then setup speed dials to those extensions on the phone's buttons
17:14.26Qwellhonestly, it's a pretty basic phone feature
17:14.57r0m|uI have my polycom map with a softkey to park a call and another one to retrive a call
17:15.04wcselbyQwell I also left out the monitoring of those extenions in order to turn on a light next to the button (or light up the button, etc).  i'm distracted
17:15.11r0m|ufrom parking*
17:15.15Qwellwcselby: I think that's implied
17:15.28wcselbyQwell good 'cause i'm distracted
17:15.34wcselbyin case I didn't mention that
17:15.34QwellI suppose some phones might use icons for that though.  whatever
17:16.53*** part/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
17:17.04edgeSo picking up a cisco 504G , i could have them hit hold , it would auto park to one of the 4 or so 700-705 extensions, then it would light up (differently) that extension button's light or softbutton?
17:17.20Qwelledge: not hold, no
17:17.32edgeQwell, a different button then?
17:17.34Qwellhold != park
17:18.04edgeQwell, our current nortel does that, holding parks it to anybody can pick up the flashing light on all the sets, i'm kind of trying to duplicate that function
17:18.20*** part/#asterisk ShaunR (~ShaunR@freenode/sponsor/
17:18.28[TK]D-Fenderedge, Let go the the NorHell reflex....
17:18.37p3nguinIf you want to park, park; don't use hold.
17:18.45p3nguinIf you want to hold, hold; don't park.
17:18.51wcselbyedge you'd more likely do a transfer to one of those monitored extensions, which would actually be a parking lot
17:20.49edgei'm concerneed my users put calls "down" to give off to another user (after calling that user) and they forget which line it is on NOW, i can't imagine if they have to remember a 3 digit number
17:21.08edgeif it left something up like a button and flashed that button then these guys/gals could figure that out
17:21.28p3nguinIf you use the call parking feature, it will return to the caller who parked it after a configured timeout value.
17:21.35Qwelledge: we aren't saying it's not possible - you're just using the wrong term.
17:21.44Qwellhold = I can pick this call back up when I'm ready.
17:21.50Qwellpark = anyone can pick this call up
17:21.51p3nguinAnd if you want to send a call to another user, use the transfer button.
17:22.24edgeQwell, i do mean park.
17:22.40QwellI know you do.
17:23.01p3nguin"Please hold."  <transfer key> <friend's extension> (ringing) (answer) "I have a call for you." "Okay, transfer it." <transfer key>
17:23.19edgep3nguin, normally, we park the call, call upstairs to the intended party and say "you have a call on line 2 , its Joe bob", and then the upstairs party would pickup line 2 and say "hi joe, how are you"
17:23.33edgep3nguin, Oh? thats how that works?
17:23.36p3nguinTime to learn how to use transfer.
17:23.51edgep3nguin, yes i think transfer would work great!,
17:24.16edgep3nguin, what happens if friends extention doesn't pickup or doesn't want it? i can just not hit the key? and get the call back?
17:24.37p3nguinJust end the call and press resume... because the caller was placed on hold when you hit transfer.
17:24.41[TK]D-Fenderedge, It never left
17:24.53wcselbyedge what I'm saying is, you transfer the call to the parking lot by clicking the transfer button on the phone, and then hit the monitored button on the phone.  the call goes into the parking lot, the custom hint that ll of your phones are monitoring will cause that line to blink on all of the phones.  then when someone clicks that button, it dials into the parking lot and you're good.  just like the way it is now, except instead o
17:24.53wcselbyf "hold" button it's a "transfer - button" button
17:24.58[TK]D-Fenderedge, Attended Transfer <-
17:25.42p3nguinA blind transfer sends the call to the other exten blindly.  You have no way to know what happens when you do this.  With an attended transfer, you control what happens.
17:25.51edgewcselby, that will also work
17:26.25edge[TK]D-Fender, in attended transfers, does the person i'm planning on transfering hear my converstation with the entended party?
17:26.28wcselbythe way I described is a lot more difficult to setup than just using the built-in phones "transfer" feature, but in the end it's less for your end-users to learn
17:26.37wcselbyedge no
17:26.41[TK]D-Fenderedge, No
17:26.47p3nguinIt's not a conference call.
17:27.02edgewcselby, i like that way, what phone would you use, i'll buy 4 and get it to work, if i can i'll deploy it that way, if i can't then i'll have to figure something else out
17:27.07[TK]D-FenderYou could choose to make it one if you chose though
17:27.11wcselbyan attended transfer works like this - you answer, realize someone else needs to talk to the person, you say "please hold while I transfer you to jim", you hit the transfer button on your phone, the call goes on hold and you're presented a new dialtone.
17:27.16p3nguinWhen you press the transfer key the first time, your caller is put on hold and you are given a new "line" for calling the other exten.
17:27.32wcselbyyou then call jim, explain to him what's going on, then you click the "transfer" button again, and the original call is connected to jim
17:27.36edge[TK]D-Fender, i dont' want it a conference, sometimes our other employees don't want to be bothered and i don't want the customer to hear that "don't bother me right now" attitude lol
17:27.53p3nguinWhen the other side answers, you talk to the person, then press transfer a second time to transfer that on-hold call to this new extension.
17:28.26p3nguinBut if the other party does not answer or it goes to voice mail, don't press the transfer key (don't complete the transfer).
17:28.32edgep3nguin, does my SIP phones then need to be configured with two exentions for two lines?
17:28.52[TK]D-Fenderedge, I've never seen a ophone that can't do this
17:28.57p3nguinWhen you end that new call, just hit resume to get back to the caller you put on hold when you originally hit transfer.
17:28.58mizticthey should do multiple lines with the same extension
17:28.58wcselbyedge msot don't
17:29.24p3nguinA single-line phone can do transfers.
17:29.35mizticsometimes it's a config option on how many lines it can do at the same time, but the default is usually pretty high like 4 simultaneous calls
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17:30.02wcselbyso edge, I'm thinking you can do this with the cisco 5xx series phones (the ones with lots of buttons), but pretty much any phone that will support presence and has plenty of buttons should be able to do this
17:30.03[TK]D-Fenderedge, Next important concept for you : completely disassociate a "call" from a "line"
17:30.26p3nguinI've never hit the limit on calls on a single line on my 7960.
17:30.48edge[TK]D-Fender, i think that is the most confusing part for me
17:31.13[TK]D-Fenderedge, A call is a call is a call.  The closest thing to a  "line" is a registration for a specific identity.
17:31.30[TK]D-Fenderedge, Typically a Phone has only one identity and can handle multiple simultaneous calls.
17:31.55[TK]D-Fenderedge, On "key systems" like Norstar, etc phones would have buttons directly tied into physical lines.  This is sooo 1980
17:32.33[TK]D-Fenderedge, To just abuot ever phone, having multiple buttons to represent individual calls has no assoiation to any particular resource like "intercom" or "line" keys on a key system
17:35.09edge[TK]D-Fender, while being so 1980, thats what my users would like to see, but i like the idea of attended transfers better, or blinking a monitored button because they can handle that. A lot of old people here, don't like to change. but this nortel system is about to die, its like ... 20+ years old almost
17:35.27[TK]D-Fenderedge, Looking at a decrepit Polycom IP 300.  Ancient model with 2 line keys.  This means it could support up to 2 completely separate identities.  Now if you only needed 1 identity (99% of phone users out there) you can actually handle up to *5* calls per keys
17:36.52mizticwe used to have a key system here with complete neophytes using them, they got used to the voip way pretty quick, only 1 guy has a decent reason for having a key system on his desk, he's got two cisco phones and is regularly on multiple calls at the same time
17:37.41[TK]D-Fenderedge, I ditched my Norstar 8x24 in 2005 for * + Polycom phones.  Thank God...
17:38.10edge[TK]D-Fender, i want to do the same , i just need to make sure i understand how transfers are going to work, and that i pick the right phones
17:38.20[TK]D-Fenderedge, Polycom > All
17:39.00edgeIf I use the transfer call button, in attended mode, and the friend i'm sending the call to its ready at that moment to recieve the call , would i have to wait a minute or so before hitting transfer? or can i then elect to park the call
17:39.39r0m|unom nom nom pupusa's. delicious!
17:40.15wcselby[TK]D-Fender they're not good for trying to replicate key systems, but they are very good otherwise
17:40.26wcselbythey're a nice evolution of office phone though
17:40.33wcselbyif you can get your users to adjust
17:40.38[TK]D-Fenderedge, Wait a sec ...[Transfer] 5000 ...... (answered) Hey you wanna take this guy I got on the line here?  OK [Transfer]
17:40.43p3nguinOnce you choose to not transfer to the new extension, and you end that part of the call, you hit resume to take back the call you put on hold.
17:40.55p3nguinAt that time, you can park it or tranfer it to someone else.
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17:41.51wcselbyone thing i never liked about polycoms (about the only gripe I have really) is having to use all my buttons in sequential order.  i can't just assign an extension to the last button on a side car and leave six blanks in front of it, for example
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17:42.35[TK]D-Fenderwcselby, Well. you can sort of cheat.. I added a "-" entry to space mine out for my receptionist.
17:43.01[TK]D-Fenderbut that isn't really "blank"
17:43.13wcselby[TK]D-Fender yeah I suppose, and that's a good idea, but I'd rather just have the abillity to assign any button at any time
17:43.27[TK]D-Fenderwcselby, Yeah, it might eb nice...
17:43.31wcselbybut like I said, that's my only gripe with polycoms
17:43.44wcselbyand I still recommend them over any other phone when my client's ask my opinion
17:43.49[TK]D-FenderAastra's do this well.. but way to many physical caveats for me to stomach
17:44.17wcselbyaastra's do it, the new cisco 5xx is supposed to do it, and I think the snom or yealink guys said you coudl do that on their phones when I talked to them at astricon
17:44.18[TK]D-FenderOne of my CSRs has their top'o'the'line colour touch-screen ones.... it is purrrty
17:45.02[TK]D-FenderBut... the buttons are still rubber shit and general call handling... blah :p
17:46.13edge[TK]D-Fender, so Polycom 321/331 would work great for this, or should i go bigger, saving money is cool with me.
17:46.30r0m|uany opinions on yealink?
17:46.30[TK]D-Fenderedge, Those will do.
17:46.40Naikroveki have 321s all over the place.  receptionist has a 650 w/2 sidecars
17:46.42Naikrovekeveryone is happy
17:46.46Naikrovekeven those who like to dial 9
17:46.48Naikrovek.... idiots
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17:47.06wcselbyNaikrovek lol
17:47.18Naikroveki have a few 450s around as well.  managers get PISSED when they don't get a "better" phone...
17:47.24wcselbyNaikrovek you use freepbx still?
17:47.29Naikrovekfor some, yes.
17:47.48[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek, I "down"graded from an IP 600 to an IP 335.  I like the smale profile and backlight
17:47.52Naikrovektrying to get a new asterisk system in here, but i'm not sure i'm of the caliber to maintain it
17:48.01Naikrovekyeah the 335s are nice.
17:48.08Naikroveki'm going to start ordering those for all new non-manager phones
17:48.24wcselbyNaikrovek why would you be able to handle it?
17:48.49Naikroveknew system will be a three-server vanilla asterisk solution that leifmadsen and I have put together.
17:48.57Naikroveki don't know vanilla asterisk very well at all
17:49.07Naikroveki can learn it, yes, but i don't have a lot of time
17:49.29Naikrovekit is a time concern more than anything else.
17:49.44Naikrovekcertainly not a capability concern.  /gloat
17:50.24Naikrovekso yeah i have a basic quote from him, i know what servers I need and where they need to go, leif is going to set most of it up once I get the software in place then he'll leave instructions for me to maintain
17:50.27Naikrovekthat's the plan
17:50.39Naikrovekwaiting on management for approval for new machines and leif's time.
17:50.51[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek, How big a setup?
17:51.02Naikrovekthree servers, two in india, on in illinois
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17:51.10wcselbyis it distributed call center setup?
17:51.16[TK]D-FenderWas referring more to complexity of deployment
17:51.17Naikrovekeh will wind up being about 450 endpoints by the time i'm done.
17:51.21jayteeconsidering it's leif I wouldn't be too concerned about being able to support it. probably won't require much on your end and he's usually available
17:51.22Naikroveknot complex
17:51.37Naikrovekjust three servers all connected to each other, static extensions, basic
17:51.48Naikroveknot a call center
17:51.53Naikrovekjust a lot of people that need to talk on the phone
17:51.55wcselbyare you doing like an xmpp distributed call presence feature or something?
17:52.00wcselbythat's not bad
17:52.18Naikrovekno, no xmpp, just basic phone stuff.
17:52.39wcselbyi hate it when my bluetooth mouse decides it doesn't want to work
17:52.43Naikrovekalso waiting on management to decide if people will move between offices, and if they need to keep their extension number if they do.
17:52.59Naikrovekdynamic extensions would be nice, but i'm not sure it's needed
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17:53.16[TK]D-FenderAll pretty basic
17:53.19p3nguinPeople should always keep their extension numbers, unless you have the same numbers in every office.
17:53.29infobotDevices, extensions, and people should be entirely abstracted.  Extension numbers are applied to people, and people are applied to devices.  This means you should name your devices something unique to each device, such as an ID tag or asset tag number, or a MAC address.
17:54.07r0m|up3nguin, your math was correct the other day. (me paying for CC) it came out to $3.24 or somewhere around there for
17:54.08Naikroveki agree with you, p3nguin, but people don't seem to move that much, and if they do, they take on a whole new role with new people to call.  not once has anyone asked me for this, and people have moved around a lot.
17:54.39r0m|up3nguin, so I am ditching CC and using all the way.
17:54.53p3nguinIt doesn't matter what the role is in relation to an extension, unless the role dictates the extensions.
17:54.57Naikrovekprobably been 50 moves since I started here (in two offices) and not once has anyone asked if they could keep their extension
17:55.06Naikrovekp3nguin: role does not dictate extension
17:55.33p3nguinpeons, 1000s; managers, 3000s
17:55.39Naikrovekbut with polycom sip 4 i won't have to worry about it.  it abstracts user from device all by itself.
17:55.54p3nguinThat might be a problem.
17:55.56Naikroveksit down, log into phone, you see YOUR extension, then you log out when you leave
17:56.00p3nguinDevices should never be tied to a person.
17:56.16Naikroveki agree, sip 4.0 allows it natively
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17:56.25p3nguinThat's fancy.
17:56.40eppigyoh you fancy huh
17:56.42p3nguinSaves for some configuration, I suppose.
17:56.52Naikrovekthe polycom sip 4 config separates device from user, if you configure it.
17:57.21Naikrovekso I could sit at a different desk each day, and keep my extension only by logging into and out of the phone where I'm sitting
17:57.26Naikrovekzero asterisk configuration
17:57.37Naikrovekat least that's what the documentation says
17:57.42Naikroveki don't have the firmware yet. :(
17:57.49p3nguinWhen I deploy a system, no matter how large or small, the extensions make the association in the astdb.  If a person moves offices and phones, I just change the device associated to the extension in the db and go on with my day.
17:58.35p3nguinThis allows for the person to use the phone without logging in or out.  It's his phone until otherwise instructed.
17:58.55r0m|up3nguin, +1
17:59.04r0m|up3nguin, I like that idea!
17:59.06vader--Anyone have a good source for a TDM400P with 2FXO and 2FXs? Trying to stay around $100 for it
17:59.09wcselbybtw edge, here's an example of using custom blf lamps and extensions to do stuff (a la what I was talking about with park).  this example is for configuring a night mode, and monitoring it, but it's the same basic principle -->
18:00.10[TK]D-Fendervader--, 3rd shelf ... right between the unicorns and leprechauns ...
18:00.21wcselbythis is just the asterisk configuration, btw.  the phone is then configured separately
18:02.16[TK]D-Fendertrickiest bit of hot-esking = MWI
18:07.50*** part/#asterisk pietro (
18:09.33Naikrovek... whoa
18:09.45Naikrovekjust got told that my company is moving OUT OF the building it owns.
18:09.52Naikrovekthis is straight up wtf territory
18:14.36wcselbyi heard that's what enron did too
18:14.49wcselbynot that's that is what's in store for you or anything
18:14.57wcselbyjust, you know....
18:15.10r0m|uNaikrovek, You in the US?
18:15.16NaikrovekI am.
18:15.36r0m|uI see.
18:15.39Naikroveklol we're not that big, only about 15 people.  the other company will stay in this building.
18:15.56Naikrovekturns out that renovation of unused space will cost FAR more than leasing a new office for a decade.
18:16.06Naikrovekso, we move.
18:16.06r0m|uNaikrovek, I beet they are renting out the rest of the space
18:16.30r0m|uah I see.
18:16.33Naikrovekno, there are two companies in this building.  both are short on space.  one moves out, frees space for the other company.  both companies are owned by the same dude and managed as one.
18:16.47[TK]D-Fender"No, YOU move out..."
18:16.54Naikrovekthe company without strong ties to this facility will stay
18:17.02Naikrovek(this means I'm moving)
18:17.05r0m|umost side with revenue wins
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18:17.23Naikrovekwhich is seriously messed up because this is a 48k sq ft facility
18:17.35Naikrovekthe smaller company will be moving
18:18.04wcselbyNaikrovek so do you have to move all of your servers and stuff too?
18:18.06wcselbyor will those stay?
18:18.20Naikrovekmost of it will stay, with very small new infrastructure being put up at the new place
18:18.34Naikrovekthe company that's staying is who needs most of what's here now
18:18.54Naikrovekthe company I work for will create a new small infrastructure to serve the local office; core infrastructure will remain here.
18:19.02r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, Polycom phones know what files to put don base on the mac.cfg file? so many configs can exist together?
18:19.16Naikrovekpolycoms are smart
18:19.29Naikrovekthe phone knows which ones it needs
18:19.44[TK]D-Fender<mac>.cfg says what it needs
18:20.17r0m|uok thanks. just curious.
18:21.07*** join/#asterisk ruffle (51bb4263@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:23.35wcselbyi can't type today
18:23.49wcselbyi'm heading to our datacenter, i'll see you folks next week :)
18:23.57r0m|utake care!
18:24.17ruffleShaun Ruffell?  You on here? See you're on my Asterisk box.
18:24.36Qwellruffle: he doesn't come to #asterisk
18:24.51ruffleAh. He asked if I was on Freenode... so I assumed.
18:24.51Qwelltry messaging him - sruffell
18:25.40ruffleRighty Ho. Ta.  Ummmm.. I don't really use IRC... Off I go to find out how.
18:27.10*** join/#asterisk b0ot (~Jinxed---@
18:31.08b0otin my extensions.conf file how would I add a line that would send the digits dialed to a specific ip address... for example I want to send any call that is 1XXX to lets say would it be exten => 1***,1,Dial(SIP/@,20) ?
18:31.19*** join/#asterisk imox (
18:31.28b0otI can't find the variable for the number dialed
18:31.35b0otto add before the @ sign
18:32.32bchiab0ot "exten => _1XXX,1,Dial(SIP/@,20/${EXTEN})" is what yr looking for?
18:33.42bchiaactually that synatax is off - the time out comes later Dial(teck/resource/digits,timeout)
18:34.29bchia"exten => _1XXX,1,Dial(SIP/@,20/${EXTEN})" is wrong
18:34.49bchia"exten => _1XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20) is more correct
18:34.56b0otexten => _1XXX,1,Dial(SIP/{EXTEN}@,20)
18:35.10b0otexten => _1XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@,20)
18:35.42bchiayou can do it that way too
18:36.18b0otalright thanks again bchia
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18:49.16b0otbchia, Is that considered a trunk?
18:49.45bchiaright, I was thinking you were dialing out a trunk and sending digits out the trunk
18:50.53r0m|up3nguin, is G722 that much superior?
18:51.06r0m|uin terms of quality
18:51.26p3nguinBut you have to use it end to end, or it's worthless.
18:52.05r0m|uah. ok. so must be digital all the way across. correct?
18:52.57r0m|usip phone----astersik----provider----asterisk----sip phone?
18:54.08p3nguinWe're not talking about digital, we're talking about VoIP.
18:54.59p3nguinAnd your provider isn't going to support G.722, so you just broke the whole end to end thing I told you about.
18:55.09r0m|uwell voip is digital?
18:55.28p3nguinVoIP is VoIP.
18:55.42p3nguinDigital, in the terms of telephony is something completely different.
18:55.54p3nguinSee also: Panasonic PBX
18:56.02r0m|uah. I see. does not support G722 even thought they tell you to enable it only if your system supprots it?
18:56.20r0m|uOk got it!
18:56.43p3nguinEnd to end, meaning your phone will use g722, your asterisk will support g722, and the other phone you're calling which is connected to your asterisk supports g722.
18:57.02r0m|uwow so calling voip digital is a miss concept. I learn something new today :)
18:57.11p3nguinOr if you peer with another asterisk, that asterisk must support g722 and any phone you call on that system has to support g722.
18:57.19r0m|ugo it.
18:57.51p3nguinAt any point in the line of communication, if the codec is a lesser quality, your overall call quality will be reduced to that lower quality codec.
18:58.06[TK]D-Fenderb0ot, Better to make a peer than to shov IP's PW's, etc into the dilaplan.
18:58.58p3nguinSo you can set up your phone and asterisk to use g722, and any call you make to asterisk will be g722.
18:59.23p3nguinSet up another phone on asterisk to use g722, and call it from your phone... it'll be g722 end to end.
18:59.36p3nguinBut call your ITSP, and the call will be reduced to ulaw at best.
18:59.47r0m|up3nguin, ok. I see. I am experimenting with codes from one asterisk to another.
19:00.08p3nguinIf you can peer them with g722, go for it.
19:00.49r0m|uawesome. me and my brother are finally connected from asterisk to asterisk.
19:01.23r0m|uI am looking for a phone for him. he wants a cisco phone
19:01.27p3nguinIf you both support g722 on your handests, use g722.  You'll hear a difference.
19:01.53p3nguinI like my 7960G.
19:02.09p3nguinBut if you want to use SIP, consider a SIP phone.
19:03.32r0m|ugot it.
19:04.02p3nguinThe newer line of Cisco phones is SIP.
19:05.55carrarThey should use some propriatary protocol
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19:22.51p3nguinI'm having a problem with a lot of delay after entering a dtmf choice in a menu.  If I change 4 to _4! am I asking for trouble?  It makes it accept 4 instantly instead of waiting for a timeout.
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19:23.32[TK]D-Fenderit won't wait unless there is something longer that could match
19:24.09[TK]D-Fenderif you have 4000 in there it will wait.  If you dial 41 it will stop immediately on the 1
19:24.41[TK]D-Fender"As soon as there is no otehr number you could be dialing ; accept"
19:26.42vader--legit or not legit:
19:28.13p3nguinIt waits because there could be more to match.  But I don't want it to wait, I want it to be immediate if 4 is entered.  Is _4! safe to use where someone could dial more than just 4?
19:29.18*** join/#asterisk jaybee_ (~quassel@
19:29.38[TK]D-Fender"where someone could dial more than just 4?" = you can't just accept 4 instantly
19:29.59jaybee_Hi all. Is there any way to send DTMF to the person who initiated the call? SendDTMF sends it to the recipient
19:30.28[TK]D-Fenderjaybee_, When?  How?
19:32.00jaybee_Ok, so I call an extension from my phone. I want it to make DTMF noises to me
19:32.59jaybee_I just realised my question makes little sense. Let me think about this, and come back to you :)
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19:36.26p3nguinI believe the reason there is a long delay is because I have includes.
19:36.48p3nguinIn an included context, 4xx would be possible to dial.
19:37.06p3nguinBut I don't really NEED 4xx to be reachable.
19:37.19p3nguinSo I'd love for the 4 to be accepted straight away.
19:37.34p3nguinI've done it with _4! but I'm looking for caveats.
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19:38.24p3nguinBut now that I think about it, I think I'm going to restructure the menu to get away from the includes.  I'll make it so that if you want to get to those included extensions, you'll first enter another key to get to another menu level.
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19:40.13lordvadrCan we discuss SSRC and RFC2833 for a little bit?
19:41.18lordvadrAsterisk 1.8 changes the SSRC for each DTMF event.  I'm finding conflicting statements about whether this is correct, acceptable, or completely incorrect.  Can anybody shed any light on this?
19:43.28*** join/#asterisk navaismo (
19:43.35blizzowIf I do a queue show command, and I see one of the lines in a "ringing" state, does that mean it's an inbound ring or the user is making an outbound call and it's "ringing"?
19:44.19p3nguinI think I found a bug in Directory().
19:44.38[TK]D-FenderShould be calling the agent
19:45.19p3nguinI press * in the directory, and it says invalid extension.  The console says Invalid extension '*' in context 'internal', but pressing * in the directory is supposed to jump to 'a' as per core show application Directory.
19:45.40p3nguinAnd extension 'a' does exist in internal, so that's not the cause.
19:47.19*** part/#asterisk clintc (
19:48.43[TK]D-FenderDidn't think Directory used the escapes like Vicemail does
19:49.33mjordanp3nguin: which version?
19:50.33*** join/#asterisk rdahlin_1 (
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19:51.49p3nguinLet me confirm it is trying to run * instead of a.
19:54.12p3nguinDisregard.  It seems to work as expected.  Not sure... maybe I forgot a dialplan reload or something.
19:54.20p3nguinBug averted.
19:55.12p3nguinI don't think that's it, though, because I have always had 'a' in internal, and the console verbose output clearly said it was trying to find * in internal.
19:56.04p3nguinAh, I found it!
19:56.54p3nguinI pressed 0 in the directory.  I do not allow that, so there is no 0 in internal.  i in internal says invalid extension and then has a WaitExten to wait for a valid one.  I pressed * while in WaitExten rather than while in Directory.
19:57.43p3nguinCalling Directory fresh and entering * took me to 'a' in internal as it should have.
19:59.58tzangerI've already asked the so-called "experts" I know ( :-) ) ... does anyone know of anything even remotely multi-vendor for auto provisioning sip devices? a kind of bonjour or upnp kind of system for advertising voip termination?
20:07.27[TK]D-Fendertzanger, FreePBX's EPM is multi-vendor IIRC, and it doesn't sound like a stretch to have it scan a network.
20:08.47*** join/#asterisk francisvgarcia (~francis.g@
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20:15.32tzanger[TK]D-Fender: hmm, I'll check out EPM and see where it leads me
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20:51.54jeffspeffhow do i set the moh for when people are actually on hold? i have the moh class defined in the different dial()'s... however, when you dial an exten you hear the moh instead of ringing (like it's supposed to), but after the call is answered and the person puts the line/channel on hold, it goes to the [default] moh context instead of what's defined in the dial().
20:53.07[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, because its the calls of the person they are talking to.
20:53.24[TK]D-Fenderthe calling channel doesn't crontrol the hold.  The one who initiates the hold does
20:53.55jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, how do i change that?
20:54.03[TK]D-FenderYou don't
20:54.10[TK]D-Fender(the behaviour)
20:54.21[TK]D-Fenderyuo can go ahead and change your extensions MoH though
20:56.15jeffspeffok, so just so we are clear... if you call me right now, you'll hear [custom_moh_context] while my phone is "ringing". after i answer the call and put you on hold, it will play you the [default] moh from my * box. and there's no way to change it from [default]
20:56.45*** join/#asterisk chalcedony (~llhull@unaffiliated/chalcedony)
21:02.02[TK]D-FenderStop attaching classnames on thins
21:02.11[TK]D-Fenderthe HOLDER's MoH class is what gets used
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21:10.15vader--hmmm i wish had another payment method... Paying through amazon is kinda weird
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21:21.41p3nguinPay them with your credit card or PayPal.
21:24.10*** join/#asterisk cj (~cjac@2607:ff08:f5:3a::3)
21:24.35cjhave any of you trunked google voice calls with 1.8?
21:25.09p3nguinTrunked?  No.  Used Google Voice with 1.8?  Yes.
21:27.39*** join/#asterisk beccara (
21:29.20p3nguinIs fail2ban really so stupid that it insists on banning my local network devices, even though I have ignoreip for my correct localnet?
21:29.43tompawHi, what's the current approach to dynamic peers/friends (preferably in pgsql/mysql)?
21:29.49tompawStill have to recompile * to enable?
21:33.18tompaw << this is dated 2005
21:35.51*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
21:36.32Qwelland this is why we suggest not using voip-info anymore.
21:36.55tompawok, what do you suggest using?
21:37.07tompawthe official wiki?
21:37.23QwellThat would be a good start.
21:37.24p3nguinIs there a way to have asterisk use a phone's auth name rather than its user name for registrations?  For example, I'd like the user name to be the extension number, but the auth name is the MAC address.  This config on the phone causes asterisk to reject due to no matching peer.
21:37.50*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
21:38.17tompawQwell: ok, so this: ?
21:39.33tompawok, sounds like an up-to-date stuff :P
21:40.22cjp3nguin: that should be good enough to start :)
21:40.31r0m|up3nguin, how can I enable asterisk to spill out everything to a log file?
21:41.07p3nguincj: There's a wiki page for it.  It's somewhere on
21:41.20p3nguinr0m|u: see logger.conf
21:41.27r0m|uThanks p3nguin
21:48.20*** join/#asterisk tenex (~tenex@unaffiliated/tenex)
21:53.41r0m|up3nguin, I got a gui going for my brother with arch... but is sort of buggy so I abandon it. Looks like is going to be freepbx for him.
21:54.25r0m|uI was trying to keep it minimal but with gui you have to pay the price :P
21:55.20p3nguin"a gui"
21:55.44r0m|usorry. more specific. an asteric webui
21:55.53p3nguinThere's a FreePBX package for Arch, too.
21:56.09p3nguinOr you could dump Arch altogether and use AsteriskNOW.
21:56.44r0m|uwell I was trying to keep it very low on mem foot print. I like the fact that arch uses only 40Mb
21:57.29r0m|usince I am the one who is doing it for him I rather stic with the same thing I am using
22:02.19r0m|uill keep at it with arch. he is not going to touch it any way.
22:02.38tompawA couple of questions about ARA - I want to use realtime sipusers. 1) Will the existing users from sip.conf be ignored or added to the realtime ones? 2) Are all columns in a table needed? 3) Can a table have EXTRA columns - not related to ARA?
22:04.21*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
22:06.31tompawThis is like the worst-documented feature ever :D I'm gonna try and create a Django object for sipfriends.
22:09.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:13.34p3nguinr0m|u: I guess you've discovered why I'm using Arch for my tiny Asterisk system.
22:19.23tompawWhy is a configuration for res_config_pgsql in res_pgsql.conf?
22:19.32tompawfor mysql there is a _config_ in the file name
22:20.27tompawAlso, it would be cool if it was possible to pick an IP which * should use when connecting to pgsql.
22:20.33p3nguinIt's probably something similar to how chan_sip is configured in sip.conf, but chan_dahdi is configured in chan_dahdi.conf.
22:37.05tompawHow do I debug ARA? Have set verbosity to 99, no errors.
22:37.11tompawCan't tell if it even tries to touch my database.
22:37.23tompawYet registration doesn't work.
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22:47.33tompawNo, seriously, how do I debug it? Not a single error message anywhere, yet core show configuration shows that ARA iss enabled.
22:48.44[TK]D-FenderI'd start by looking at all of this....
22:49.50tompawRealtime mapping for 'sipusers' found to engine 'pgsql', but the engine is not available
22:50.43[TK]D-FenderThat looks like a pretty clear message
22:51.10tompawBut I had to trigger it with my clever digging into "realtime" cli command ;)
22:56.52*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
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23:02.43tompawHm... now when I do "realtime load sipusers name 771" it shows me the stuff from the database.
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23:04.21tompawBut it doesn't seem to want to actually use it for SIP authentication:
23:10.16[TK]D-FenderYou should have a type field.
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23:20.57blizzowOnce in a while one of my users will complain that they dial out to a customer and hear no ring tone.  I called our PRI provider, they monitored the circuit for two hours and saw nothing.  Is there something I can look for in asterisk that will tell me WTF is going on?
23:21.33*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-bbvdqogkyuexbdwl)
23:21.34blizzowA user who is suffering the problem usually gets the symptom for a few minutes, and then it goes away.
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23:25.16p3nguinWhat does this mean?
23:25.22p3nguinWARNING[32072]: chan_sip.c:6433 sip_write: Can't send 10 type frames with SIP write
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23:39.22tompaw[TK]D-Fender: working fine, thanks!
23:39.59[TK]D-Fendertompaw: You're welcome
23:40.33p3nguinIt floods the console when calling from one phone.  I'd really like to stop it.
23:40.58tompawI wonder if anyone has any suggestions on recording confbridge calls.
23:52.03*** join/#asterisk Jupe (

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