IRC log for #asterisk on 20111112

00:01.14Kobazanyone doing polycom blf using <attendent>
00:04.48*** join/#asterisk ruied_ (
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00:05.57*** join/#asterisk QbY (~kelvin@
00:15.54Naikroveknot with attendant, i don't think
00:16.05Naikrovekbut my receptionist uses blf extensively
00:19.09*** join/#asterisk kaushal (~kaushal@
00:19.40kaushalAnyone here have ever used ?
00:28.51QbYkaushal: Looks like it generates the call file and throws it in your outbound
00:29.16kaushalQbY: can i pastebin the pycall script ?
00:29.35QbYi'm not the boss of paste bin..  i'd assume so..
00:30.03kaushalQbY: i mean i have created pycall script
00:30.08QbYanyone here work with an outbound call center/dialer?
00:30.20kaushalp3nguin: hi
00:30.52*** join/#asterisk Ionic (
00:31.04p3nguinWhat's your question about dialers?
00:31.34QbYwe now provide service to dialers..  big change for us..  so i'm looking for dialers who need lower cost termination.
00:32.19carrari can dial pretty fast
00:32.27carrarI can even use both hands to dial
00:32.42QbYcarrar: well, we take slower dialers too
00:33.05p3nguinPeople give me funny looks when I use two hands to dial on my big ol' desk phone.
00:33.14kaushalcan someone please guide me about
00:33.22carrarturn left
00:33.57QbYkaushal: so what you wanna do?
00:34.09kaushalQbY: it does not dial out
00:34.16SeRicarrar, LOL
00:34.22SeRihola p3nguin
00:35.01QbYkaushal: well..  is this the entire program?  17 lines?
00:35.27QbYwell, i don't know python, but somehow you'd need to write the data into a .call file.
00:35.38QbYthen MOVE it mv to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
00:35.46kaushalyeah i have done it
00:35.55QbYasterisk isn't picking up the file?
00:36.13kaushalbut via pycall it does not work
00:36.25kaushalmanually it defintely works
00:36.39kaushalQbY: nevermind
00:36.51QbYif asterisk doesn't pick it up, then the file would have to be remaining in the spool.
00:36.52QbYexample in
00:36.56QbYpaste one of those
00:37.17kaushalQbY: is there a way to dial out 300 numbers using call files ?
00:37.28QbYhowever, i would caution you on that
00:37.31p3nguinseri: ¿cómo es?
00:37.45QbYfirst of all, Asteirsk is going to pick them all up at once..  messy.
00:37.53SeRip3nguin, ^^
00:37.59p3nguinlo siento
00:38.02SeRiwhats going on p3nguin!
00:38.05kaushalQbY: i need that behaviour
00:38.09QbYso, timestamp them..  only a few a minute..
00:38.19p3nguinI'm just watching some ghost story crap on tv.
00:38.23kaushalpick them all at once
00:38.25QbYmost asterisk installations which i have seen, will crap -- opening 300 channels at once
00:38.41kaushalQbY: Any working example please ?
00:38.43QbYmost providers wouldn't take 300 calls at once.  most limit you to 50 CPS..
00:38.50SeRip3nguin, I see. I just put in Three Amigos (Clasic) for the kids. They are laughing there ass off.
00:38.53p3nguinI typically don't do 300 channels at once, but I have a lot less system resources than many.
00:39.00kaushal50 CPS .... ?
00:39.05QbYCalls Per Second
00:39.12p3nguincalls ... what he said.
00:39.12QbYthe number of calls you can initiate at once.
00:39.36QbYtakes one for the team….
00:39.39QbYkaushal: PM me.
00:39.55SeRiyou go QbY!
00:40.04QbY… you guys better think of us when you need low cost termination..
00:40.40p3nguinWhat's the company name?
00:40.44carrarJust sent the change time to a future time
00:40.49carrarso they all don't go at once
00:40.49QbYAltus Carrier Services Company
00:40.50*** join/#asterisk garymc (
00:41.08p3nguinI'm sure you've told me before, but I have a tendency to forget things I don't use regularly.
00:41.17QbYso do i
00:41.37SeRiQbY, Thanks.
00:41.52p3nguinOh, I think you were just the person/company I was looking for a few days ago.
00:42.13QbYwhoo hoo..
00:42.14QbYhere i am
00:42.30p3nguinI couldn't remember the name, but I was going to go through logs to find it.  Now I don't have to.
00:42.58QbYsomething told me to come lurk today
00:43.00SeRione stone two birds ;)
00:43.26SeRiIt only took one shoot.
00:43.54QbY^^ Circle us
00:43.56p3nguinI think the last time you were on, the site wasn't really ready for production yet.
00:44.40SeRipizza is in
00:45.02carrarWhat, altus isn't on facebook?
00:45.05carraror twitters?
00:45.06QbYp3nguin: Ah..  For subscriber self sign up..  Nope, that goes live this weekend..
00:45.14carrarHow can you stay in biz!!
00:45.45QbYasterisk won't touch it until the time is reached
00:45.47QbYwrong win
00:45.48carrarThe page you requested was not found.
00:45.50p3nguinThat's why I was looking for the name a few days ago... I was wanting to see if that stuff was there yet.  Now I can watch for it.
00:45.59carraroh woops
00:46.21QbYp3nguin: PM Me
00:46.38QbYeverything you *need* we deliver.. FTP pulls of CDRs or SCP Pushes
00:46.44QbYwe have APIs for everything else.
00:46.49carrarcompanies that have all those social pages need to get some real work to do
00:47.12QbYwe like social
00:49.19p3nguinI did it.
00:49.36carrarpaste tense?
00:49.49*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
00:51.08p3nguinYes.  I PMed him.  Past tense.
00:56.07*** join/#asterisk CoderForLife (~Miranda@unaffiliated/coderforlife)
00:59.30*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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01:15.01ruied_what is the best way to send fax from email?  ictfax ?
01:21.59*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
01:25.47sawgoodIs there a way to determine the DEVICE_STATE of a peer from the CLI?
01:27.16*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
01:35.02ruied_sawgood, core show channels  ???
01:39.04ruied_with that you can see if it's ringing / up,  or you can use hints in the dialpan and than 'core show hint <extension>'
01:40.48*** join/#asterisk [1]SnakeDoctor (
01:48.30*** join/#asterisk dijib (
01:49.14dijibSeRi, r0m|u you around?
01:49.30dijiband p3nguin is the Voip users confrence going on?
01:49.36dijibor anybody for that matter?
01:49.44dijibrest assured im not drinking tonight
01:49.53p3nguinIt starts at 12 EST and usually lasts 1-3 hours.
01:49.59dijiboh thats it?
01:50.00p3nguinSo no, it's not going on right now.
01:50.12dijibso it closes when the last man leaves?
01:50.39*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
01:50.45p3nguinThere's a silence timeout on the conference bridge.  When it has been silent for I think five minutes, it closes.
01:50.53dijibcrappy then
01:51.01dijib2 bad.. im having a good day
01:51.16*** join/#asterisk aglenday (~aglenday@
01:51.30dijibthis chan is dead eh
01:51.31p3nguinBut if a bunch of people want to talk, there's enough of us in here to set up a conference mesh to support a bunch of people.
01:51.41dijibthis is true
01:51.51dijibanybody down to conf?
01:52.03dijibanybody other than p3
02:09.46SeRidijib, I am in waz up
02:09.50SeRiyou at the chan?
02:09.56dijibyessum i am
02:10.01dijibp3nguin, you down?
02:20.53*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
02:24.33sawgoodruied: ty!
02:30.47*** join/#asterisk nobodyshome (
02:30.52justdaveso I see the userland dahdi stuff is in EPEL6....  do they have the kernel module somewhere, too?
02:31.49SeRip3nguin, you in?
02:47.14p3nguinI see you didn't take the section of dial plan that I spent my time on.
02:47.23p3nguinthe one with gsm and disa.
02:50.49p3nguinI suppose I have to write it again.
02:53.25SeRip3nguin, Yes is there not on that dial plan though
02:53.52SeRiwhat I posted thats  abckup of my original dialplan.
02:54.31p3nguinWhat was the purpose of pasting it?
02:54.41SeRijump in I all ways keep backup for every modyfication
02:54.51SeRio for dijib
02:54.57SeRidijib wanted to see it
02:55.21p3nguinMost people want to see current working dial plan rather than old backup stuff that could be broken.
02:56.28SeRihe does not need it to work. He just wanted to see it.
02:56.37p3nguinDoesn't need it to work.
02:56.38p3nguinThat's great!
02:56.47SeRicall in
02:56.54p3nguinMaybe later.
02:56.59p3nguinMaybe sooner.
02:58.01SeRiwe talking about dial plans. Your expertise is most need it.
02:58.16SeRiI told him about how you fix everything pretty much
02:59.36*** part/#asterisk mjordan (
03:00.03SeRip3nguin, is that you with the rave?
03:00.43p3nguinMaybe.  That's why I recommend having callers start out muted.
03:00.58p3nguinSo you'll have to mute me or kick me.
03:01.21p3nguin'Cause I'm not even on there.  I just connected my conf to your conf.
03:02.19SeRiHey fine with me I like the music
03:02.35SeRihe is trying hard to kick you!
03:02.55p3nguinYou'd be better off muting me.
03:03.16SeRihe cant. he is trying
03:03.21p3nguinAt least I won't hammer your bandwidth trying to reconnect if you just mute me and leave me.
03:03.39p3nguinHe needs to call his admin conf number instead of the regular conf number.
03:04.02SeRihe did and is not working
03:04.11SeRiyou p2wn3d hes conf
03:04.50SeRihe needs your help. I think
03:05.39nobodyshomei like the tunes
03:05.45nobodyshomebetter then my moh
03:05.50nobodyshomeyou can talk over it
03:08.12SeRidijib, mute it
03:09.00dijibmute his music
03:09.10dijibmy admin extension isnt working
03:09.44SeRip3nguin, you disconnected?
03:14.19SeRip3nguin, you in?
03:15.48SeRip3nguin, do you still have the pastebins from yesterday?
03:17.21p3nguinWhich one?
03:17.51SeRiall of the ones you did for me.
03:18.03SeRiI have the ones from your examples. I lost the ones you did for me.
03:18.34p3nguinI think they probably had expiration.
03:18.35SeRiI am sort of adding some of the stuff to secure it a bit more.
03:18.43p3nguinI can write it up again.
03:19.26SeRiI am more after the disa if you can. I am going to play with it again. to see if it works as "is suppose too" tech support email me thismorning
03:22.46p3nguinThere's your new gsm inbound context.
03:23.18dijib eat this.
03:23.57p3nguinline 20 is still wrong.
03:24.33p3nguinoptions *m* AND *r*
03:24.49SeRiThanks p3nguin!
03:25.02p3nguinRemove the r.  If you want ringing, remove the m also.
03:25.24p3nguinIf you want music instead of ringing, leave the m.
03:25.47dijibi think think this is reminence of a test
03:25.50dijibthat failed
03:26.22p3nguinTake out r.
03:26.38p3nguinWith the m, you'll have music.  If you want ringing, take out m also.
03:27.05p3nguinSame on line 37.
03:27.10p3nguinand 43.
03:27.22p3nguinand 56.
03:27.22p3nguinand 62.
03:27.27p3nguinand 68.
03:27.30p3nguinand 74.
03:27.34p3nguinand 80.
03:27.39p3nguinand 86.
03:27.45p3nguinand 92.
03:27.53p3nguinand 98.
03:28.05p3nguinAnd I'm tired of listing them all.
03:28.16p3nguinJust fix them all.
03:28.23SeRilol damn!
03:32.29SeRip3nguin, jump in!
03:40.06dijibp3nguin, are you accusing me of copy pasta?
03:40.07SeRip3nguin, is there a way to tunr announcement on in a conf?
03:40.10p3nguinI see they say to use # to access the menu.
03:40.22p3nguinBut core show application ConfBridge incorrectly says *
03:40.23dijibi do?
03:40.41dijibDTMF isnt being picked up
03:40.45p3nguinAnnouncement on?  Don't use option q.
03:41.31p3nguinI guess by announcement, you mean enter sound.
03:42.24dijibare you still listening?
03:42.35dijibim not using the q option.
03:43.22p3nguinMaybe it's just broken.
03:43.50p3nguinOr maybe you have to set the sound?
03:44.29p3nguinI don't know what the CONFBRIDGE_JOIN_SOUND actually controls.
03:44.37SeRip3nguin, I mean like when somebody joins to announce in the chann that somebody join in.
03:44.47p3nguinI would have thought there would be a default sound.
03:44.59*** join/#asterisk SwK (~SwK@freeswitch/developer/swk)
03:46.22*** join/#asterisk master_of_master (
03:47.31p3nguinTry putting this right before you run ConfBridge()...  Set(CONFBRIDGE_JOIN_SOUND=confbridge-join)
03:47.38p3nguinI don't know if that will do it or not.
03:48.16*** join/#asterisk Hanumaan (~Hanumaan@
03:56.17dijibhell - - o
03:57.41p3nguinDo you hear the sound?
03:57.52p3nguinThat's the Set(CONFBRIDGE_JOIN_SOUND=confbridge-join) thing
03:57.59p3nguinthe confbridge-join sound
03:58.15p3nguinI don't know if it plays to the callER or into the conf.
03:58.27p3nguinI just started using ConfBridge recently.
03:58.36SeRiI can hear a soft beep in
03:58.47p3nguinAlways used MeetMe until you started having problems and I suggested ConfBridge.
04:00.30p3nguinIf you've added the Set(), call in again or redirect one of the active channels, and see if it plays the sound.
04:00.57p3nguinYou can redirect your current channel back to 2663,1 and it will be like you dialed in again.
04:01.09p3nguinchannel redirect ...
04:02.25SeRibad ass!
04:04.40dijibdid i cut you off too?
04:05.39dijibchannel redirect SIP/ SIP/2663,1
04:06.22p3nguinchannel redirect SIP/the-phone-you-are-using conferences,2663,1
04:06.33p3nguinchannel redirect SIP/the-phone-you-are-using conference,2663,1
04:06.43p3nguinI don't know if you are using conference or conferences
04:08.10dijibI> channel redirect SIP/ SIP/2663,1
04:08.21dijibchannel redirect SIP/ SIP/conference/2663,1
04:08.26dijibchannel redirect SIP/ conference/2663,1
04:08.40p3nguin(2206.33) <p3nguin> channel redirect SIP/the-phone-you-are-using conference,2663,1
04:09.14*** join/#asterisk wepy (
04:10.12wepyare there any good sites that talk about setting up asterisk
04:10.29wepya lot of the google results i get are for sites that are cluttered with many many ads...
04:10.37dijibhow do i book?
04:10.40infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
04:10.49p3nguinchannel redirect <TAB>
04:11.01*** join/#asterisk hovel (~hovel@unaffiliated/hovel)
04:11.16p3nguinIf you press the tab key, it will show you all currently open channels.
04:11.25p3nguinChoose yours.
04:12.15dijibchannel redirect SIP/anonymous.invalid-0000002c conference/2663,1
04:12.23wepyalso, i've read that SIP supports TLS now (sometimes called SIPS?).  Are there any PTSN services that actually support this?
04:12.31p3nguinThat would have been mine, I'd guess.
04:12.32wepyi guess it's termination services
04:12.45p3nguinBut you sent it to an invalid location.
04:12.47dijibchannel redirect SIP/anonymous.invalid-0000002c conference,2663,1'
04:15.49*** join/#asterisk WiretapSeven (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
04:20.53infobot[awk] the unix hacker's first scripting language
04:20.58infobotsomebody said sed was the GNU Stream Editor. URL: MANPAGE:
04:21.13SeRiThank you boot
04:29.39*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
04:36.13ChannelZOMG Comcast's music on hold is going to make me kill myself
04:39.00SeRiChannelZ, comcast?
04:44.46*** join/#asterisk radic (
04:46.32ChannelZcable/internet company
04:47.10ChannelZTheir MOH was one song, only like 20 seconds long.  Over and over and over and over
04:51.30*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
04:55.44p3nguindijib: You should also set CONFBRIDGE_LEAVE_SOUND to confbridge-leave
04:57.35*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
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05:02.14*** join/#asterisk LittleFool (~LittleFoo@
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05:15.00*** join/#asterisk dijib (
05:15.42*** join/#asterisk gray_ (~Gray@unaffiliated/remnant13)
05:17.27Kobazanyone have a download link for the 4.0.0 polycom firmware
05:18.03*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
05:35.51p3nguindijib: PoP = Point of Presence
05:40.57infobotsomebody said pop was (Point Of Presence) This is a local telephone number through which you can access your ISP. The largest national ISPs have POPs all over the country.
05:46.07*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
06:00.04p3nguin(2255.44) <p3nguin> dijib: You should also set CONFBRIDGE_LEAVE_SOUND to confbridge-leave
06:00.08dijibsame => n,Set(CONFBRIDGE_JOIN_SOUND=confbridge-join);
06:00.09dijibsame => n,Set(CONFBRIDGE_LEAVE_SOUND=confbridge-leave);
06:04.12p3nguinI have no idea where you sent me.
06:04.31p3nguinI'm gone.
06:04.36dijibi need to know anonymous.invalid
06:04.39SeRidial back in
06:04.40p3nguinYou must have had a typo.
06:05.25*** part/#asterisk hovel (~hovel@unaffiliated/hovel)
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06:17.38*** join/#asterisk AmirBehzad (~behzad@
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07:05.04nobodyshomeso how do you play that?
07:07.24p3nguinnobodyshome: channel originate Local/2663@conference application Playback silence/2&vm-goodbye
07:10.17p3nguinnobodyshome: channel originate Local/2663@conference application Playback silence/10&tt-allbusy
07:12.00p3nguinnobodyshome: channel originate Local/2663@conference application Congestion 10
07:49.16*** join/#asterisk Pio (
07:56.58SeRisip originate jelapanos
07:58.16p3nguinchannel originate tortillas/jalapenos application MixMonitor somefilename
08:06.14*** join/#asterisk AmirBehzad (~behzad@
08:12.07*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
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09:44.55*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
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11:18.12MadkissHi there!
11:19.23MadkissI have just developed an OCF resource agent for asterisk. It's available on and I'm looking for more comments on it :)
11:24.26irrootMadkiss you could put it on the asterisk reviewboard ??
11:26.14MadkissI was not sure that's the appropriate place for it because that resource agent is supposed to go into the resource-agents package, not into the asterisk source itself
11:31.27*** join/#asterisk brezular (
11:40.47irrootMadkiss ah you have a point
12:10.45*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
12:36.15*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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12:39.58[sr]update topic to 10.0.0-rc1
12:43.32irrootsr lol
12:44.42*** join/#asterisk francisvgarcia (~networker@
12:45.15francisvgarciaHi guys
12:46.04francisvgarciaout of the cisco ip phones
12:46.25francisvgarciawhich phones has the best sound quality, I mean speaker and handset
12:47.08francisvgarciaI have only worked with grandstream, which has a nice quality but not even compared with the cisco
12:47.29irrootfrancisvgarcia grandstream is shocking quality
12:47.59hefferwhat about snom? anyone used that brand before?
12:49.35WIMPyheffer: Like them the mos so far.
12:49.52WIMPyWhich does not mean I really like them.
12:50.03irrootsnom is really great the new v7/8 is best so far problems with <=6
12:50.09francisvgarciathere are many brands I have not used before like Aastra, Snom, Polycom. But I dont know how good the sound quality are
12:50.25irrootthey autoconfig easiest of all models i have used
12:50.27hefferfrom what i have seen on the web i think they seem quite nice. they are IPv6 capable and the design is quite nice
12:50.59irrootpolycom has the best sound quality i find but did not like there licence they introduced
12:51.26irrootheffer snom is a euro centric design and runs linux
12:51.44irrootpolycom / cisco are more a us centric design
12:51.46hefferfrom what i understood cisco devices are supposed to be used with other cisco telephony products. but as my presence here might suggest i prefer open source :D
12:52.05irrootyealink has is also available with HD audio
12:52.06francisvgarciaI got a Linksys SPA941, but the sound sucks
12:52.27irrootheffer CISCO phones are a BITCH to work with
12:52.29hefferirroot: i use Cisco phones(as a user) at work but i think i will recommend snom to my fathers business
12:52.37*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
12:53.04hefferat home i use a Siemens phone, which also is a bitch to work with :D
12:53.04[sr]howdy WIMPy
12:53.36irrootfrancisvgarcia heffer the SPA range are the Sipura phones Linksys bought out now Cisco too great phones and ATA's i recomend the ATA's not much experiance on the handsets
12:53.37francisvgarciasomeone got me a yealink phone one time, but speaker sound was sucking too
12:55.20irrooti support Yealink/Linksys/Snom/Polycom for provisioning and management from GUI
12:55.22francisvgarciathis is because, at least in my country, people prefer voice quality over features. And specially business managers prefer use the speaker that the handset
12:56.05irrootfrancisvgarcia polycom will be best option from my expereriance
12:56.56francisvgarciaand what about web auto provisioning? are they grandstream like?
12:58.48irrootfrancisvgarcia it is auto mated via a config on server the grandstream does not auto provision its manually provisioned via access to device
12:59.23irrootthe polycom admin interface is shocking in this regard but the net provisioning is great
13:02.10francisvgarciairroot: at least in the new GS, the GXP1450,  you can define by DHCP a web url where the phone is going to download the config file from.
13:03.39irrootfrancisvgarcia its about time they woke up i started of with GS and ditched them ASAP when phones that could be provisioned came out
13:04.53irrootpuzzled o/
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14:31.52tm1000irroot: Is your provisioner freely available?
14:33.08irroottm1000 it is however its not so plug and play have some custom hacks we ship it as a distro on flash
14:33.30irrootyou can look at the scripts and bits its in PHP
14:33.52irrootall working off 1.8/10 asterisk realtime
14:34.11irrootthe db schema is bit non standard though
14:34.42irrootim working on making it standard
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14:38.38tm1000irroot: Website? Or place to look at it?
14:39.02irrootall me bits are there tm1000
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15:38.23mrtallhey everybody...
15:39.37mrtalli am new to asterisk, i installed it and it connects to my sipgate account. i can call any normal numbers but i can not get called.
15:40.06mrtallcan somebody help me with this topic?
15:40.26WIMPyWhat happens?
15:42.01mrtalli get "person you have called is temporarly not available"
15:42.14mrtalldo i have to open ports?
15:43.05WIMPyAt least 5060 udp
15:43.10mrtallok thx
15:43.15mrtalli'll try
15:45.54mrtall[Nov 12 16:45:19] NOTICE[14188]: chan_sip.c:20785 handle_request_invite: Call from '1294235' to extension '1294235' rejected because extension not found in context 'default'.
15:46.24mrtalli think i'm getting closer?
15:46.43carrarYou are
15:47.02WIMPyYes, just create that extension.
15:49.14mrtallwell... i dont really understand what to do
15:49.36WIMPyextensions go to extensions.conf.
15:50.12WIMPyFor general stuff try the
15:50.17infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
15:50.48WIMPyor But that's no as up to date
15:51.14mrtalli work with das-asterisk-buch...
15:51.19mrtallahh well
15:51.32mrtallmaybe i get it now...
15:52.47*** join/#asterisk kaushal (~kaushal@
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15:54.36mrtallit works... :) thank you! but there is no sound... in each direction
15:54.57*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
15:55.36WIMPyThat's probably a firewall or NAT issue. How / from where do you try to connect?
15:55.54*** join/#asterisk dailylinux (~test@
15:56.47mrtalli have a local server in my private house
15:56.51mrtallwith centos
15:56.54mrtalland shorewall
15:57.17mrtallthe hello world thing worked pretty well
15:57.24WIMPyIs your Asterisk behind te firewall?
15:57.43WIMPyThen see
15:57.48infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
15:58.37mrtallthx! gonna work it through :)
16:00.52*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:59d5:20ff:5785:3c14)
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17:25.19mrtallWIMPy do you speak german?
17:26.53WIMPyYes. And tehre's an #asterisk-de as well.
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18:22.09ruiedis there a wy so I can use BLF to check if a phone is not registered (having the light off) ?
18:23.27WIMPyThe device state will tell you if it's reachable.
18:23.54WIMPyMight work better if you have qualify on.
18:29.26ruiedWIMPy, I would like to check if the phone is registered by the BLF at phone's extension module, for instance, having the light of that extension off if phone not registered
18:30.31WIMPyI'm not sure what happens if registration times out. But you definitely get the stat if you have qualify enabled.
18:32.20*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
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18:35.14ruiedok, I'm looking at my sip.conf,  I have that in some peers, going to add in [general] and make some tests
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18:54.24rollo-bolorunning asterisk and needing fax for asterisk. I am getting undefined symbol: ast_fax_tech_unregister. is there a fix for this?
18:55.34Kobazanyone have a download link for the 4.0.0 polycom firmware?
18:56.08Kobazrollo-bolo: the fix would be to compile which ever module provides ast_fax_tech_unregister
18:57.12p3nguinHave you installed res_fax during build/install of Asterisk?  Did you then get the free fax for asterisk module, install it, and register it?
18:57.29p3nguinThe fax for asterisk module is res_fax_digium.
18:57.38rollo-boloyes i resistered
18:57.56rollo-bolorunning 1.8 so don't need res_fax just res_fax_digium
18:58.34p3nguinYou need res_fax to give you the fax applications SendFAX() and ReceiveFAX().
18:58.42p3nguinAnd then res_fax_digium to make it go.
18:58.53rollo-boloi think this is a bug because another use inthe digium forum has the same issue running the latest asterisk
18:59.11ChannelZYou don't have any old modules lying around do you?
18:59.14ChannelZIt kind of sounds familiar
18:59.20p3nguinThey're doing it wrong.  I use with res_fax and res_fax_digium with no problem.
18:59.24ChannelZEither that or a version mismatch
18:59.41p3nguinIt's very likely a version mismatch.
18:59.42rollo-bolowell the selector does not have res_fax. just rex_fax_digium
19:00.00p3nguinI said you have to install res_fax when you install asterisk.
19:00.13rollo-boloo so it does work p3nguin? ok good
19:00.17p3nguinIt's enabled or disabled in make menuselect.
19:00.39p3nguinAlternative to fax for asterisk, you can use app_fax and spandsp.
19:00.57rollo-boloi think it had XXX in the makemeun. i'll double check
19:01.19p3nguinYes, app_fax will be XXX until you satisfy the requirements of it.
19:01.53p3nguinI think you have to have spandsp before you can enable app_fax, but I'm not 100% on that... since I use fax for asterisk (res_fax and res_fax_digium).
19:03.49rollo-boloso again just compile in asterisk source (once i meet the requirements)
19:04.32ChannelZif you go the spandsp/app fax route
19:04.35p3nguinThere's probably a wiki page talking about how to use spandsp and app_fax.
19:04.54rollo-bolorather go the other route
19:04.56p3nguinI'm satisfied with the fax for asterisk solution.  It works well for me.
19:05.23p3nguinJust make sure you have the right module.  The module selector should give you the right one.
19:05.27ChannelZin that case you need to check that res_fax is built and then DL the correct version of res_fax_digium
19:06.04ChannelZ1.8.4 in your case
19:06.10rollo-bolowell looks like i need the correct ver of res_fax. at site only 1.4 and 1.6 was there
19:06.35p3nguinAgain, res_fax is part of your asterisk source, and it is enabled/disabled in make menuselect.
19:06.43p3nguinIt's not something you go get from some place.
19:07.36rollo-bolob back then
19:07.44p3nguinYou can find out if you already have it.  find /usr/lib/asterisk/modules -name \*fax\*
19:08.01p3nguinI do it, and I see:
19:08.07*** join/#asterisk garymc (    ---comes up
19:08.33ruiedrollo-bolo, module show like
19:08.34rollo-boloi know res_fax is missing. i now know i need it
19:08.46ChannelZcheck your build
19:08.46p3nguinSo you installed the ffa module from digium, but you don't have res_fax enabled in menuselect.
19:09.08p3nguinIf you haven't deleted your source tree, it will be an easy fix.
19:09.26p3nguinJust go back to the source directory, make menuselect, enable that one, save/exit, make.
19:09.35p3nguinIt should only build the new module.
19:09.46rollo-boloit had XXX the last i looked
19:09.47p3nguinThen you can either make install again, or you can copy the module manually.
19:10.02p3nguinapp_fax is usually the one that is marked out.
19:10.35p3nguinLook in the resource modules section, not the applications section.
19:12.11rollo-bolook recompiling
19:12.32rollo-boloyes it's *. but i think i deleted it originally
19:13.53rollo-boloi know what i did
19:14.32rollo-boloi deleted the module res_fax after having the wrong red_fax and res_fax_digium
19:14.56ChannelZI wondered, since it defaults to being built and has no dependencies that I know of
19:14.57rollo-bolothx p3nguin
19:16.02p3nguinAfter adding res_fax and restarting asterisk, "fax show capabilities" shows the right information?
19:21.32*** join/#asterisk dlublink (
19:21.48dlublinkCan I use a channel variable in the dynamic features.conf to choose the agi server ?
19:23.20infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
19:58.30*** join/#asterisk Ast001 (
19:59.24irroothi folks what up
19:59.41Ast001hello does Asterisk 1.4.42 support [mappings] in cdr_manager.conf ?
20:01.58irrootnope dont look like it
20:02.40irroot1.6.2 does
20:04.34Ast001oh NO... I can't register with 1.6.2. and I cant use mappings in manager in 1.4.42 ...
20:05.01irrootAst001 no help changing password ??
20:05.47Ast001I registered from 1 attempt with 1.4.42 with "userid@ims.blabla":password@domain
20:06.04p3nguinQuotes are not valid in register statements.
20:06.06Ast001They dont work until monday and i am sure they wont change my password..
20:06.29Ast001so how can I register as auth id
20:06.36irrootAst001 it can be fixed will need to see what issue is first
20:07.07Ast001issue is @ is problem for 1.6.2
20:07.17irrootp3nguin problem is the "@" in password
20:07.23irrootive had this before got password changed
20:07.37p3nguinI don't see an @ in the password.
20:07.47Ast001its in authid
20:07.49irrootAst001 is it resolved in 1.8 ?
20:08.01Ast001no I tried with and nothing wrong password in cli
20:08.24Ast001p3nguin I don't have @ in password i have @ in authid
20:08.36p3nguinIt looks like you don't.
20:08.39Ast001and with 1.4 I can register with "" and authid inside
20:08.54p3nguinIt looks like you have an authentication for a proxy.
20:08.56Ast001with 1.8 it is bad from field..
20:09.26Ast001yes I have outbound proxy
20:10.12p3nguinIt's valid in 1.8 to have
20:10.38p3nguinI may have the order of that mixed up...
20:11.22Ast001user@proxy :password:authuser:provider ?
20:11.34Ast001I can try that
20:11.35p3nguinuser@proxy:password:authuser@provider   <---- this
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20:11.55Ast001ok i will try that
20:12.33Ast001and write result here
20:12.47ruiedhow can I check the available variables from cli ???     like ${CALLERID(num)}
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20:13.37p3nguinI personally use a string like that.
20:13.42p3nguinIt's silly, but it works.
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20:14.21p3nguinYou can even specify a port for the proxy if necessary.
20:15.01Ast001ok i am recompiling asterisk with  I will try that. Thanks
20:15.12SeRiwow what a day.
20:15.17SeRiwaz up p3nguin!
20:15.25p3nguinYou stayed up too late, didn't you?!
20:15.28Ast001if it works you need to open paypal account :) so I can put some $ on it
20:15.36p3nguinAlready have one.
20:16.22irrootAst001 look at 1.8.8-rc3 its got some good fixes in there esp some deadlocks
20:16.23SeRip3nguin, LOL! Right when we finish the chat I hit the bed. kids woke me up right a 7AM for the park. lol
20:17.00Ast001ok irroot if I manage to register I will do it
20:17.27SeRijust got back about 1hr a go and finish the rest of the house chores... Now getting the bbq ready for the fight tonight :)
20:17.28p3nguinI went off to bed within 15 minutes of your departure, and was up by 9.
20:18.44SeRidamn. exhausting :) lol
20:18.57SeRiArch day tomorrow!
20:24.30Ast001-- Got SIP response 503 "CSCF Server Internal Error" back from
20:25.12SeRiwaz up ChannelZ
20:26.10ruiedis there any equivalent to  ${DIALEDPEERNAME}
20:26.10Ast001p3nguin do you have some idea about it ?
20:26.57p3nguinI'm not familiar with that response.
20:30.38ruied.... I meant ${DIALEDPEERNUMBER} , it seems not to be working...
20:30.59p3nguinWhat is a dialed peer number?
20:32.06*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
20:32.41ruiedp3nguin,  I want to store records with the name: ${CALLERID(num)}_TO_<dialed number>
20:33.13p3nguinThe dialed number has nothing to do with the peer you're attempting to reach.
20:33.24p3nguinThe dialed number is probably going to be ${EXTEN}
20:34.38ruiedp3nguin, hehe, you are right, I just have to pass that as an arg to the macro...
20:39.46p3nguinIs ${MACRO_EXTEN} no good?
20:40.37p3nguinIt would be ${ARG1} inside the macro context.
20:42.04Ast001this approach does not work.Does anyone know how can I pass @ in register statemant in sip.conf in situation where userid is pure number and authid is number @ domain ?
20:48.07ruiedp3nguin, I think so.  Is there a way to check the available variables from asterisk cli?
20:48.39*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks-laptop (
20:49.21rollo-bolohow can i correct ERROR[22679]: res_fax.c:1734 receivefax_exec: error initializing channel 'SIP/' in T.38 mode
20:50.10p3nguinTurn off t38 mode in sip.conf, since they apparently don't support it.
20:50.46p3nguinruied: I don't know of any way to show every variable that you're trying to use, no.
20:53.05ruiedok, I was searching for something like 'core show functions'
20:53.36p3nguinBut those are functions, not variables.
20:54.37p3nguinIf you want to see variables that a particular application sets, you can probably find the ones significant to such application with core show application <whatever application you're wanting to use>
20:59.53ruiedyes, but not always. I was working with MixMonitor() and having some problems finding the variables that I wanted...
21:00.54ruiedthey were not directed related to mixmonitor...
21:02.28p3nguinThen you don't understand what variables do.
21:05.11p3nguinAs far as I know, there are no variables FOR MixMonitor that it uses internally.  To my knowledge, it only sets the MIXMONITOR_FILENAME based on the file name provided as app data.
21:05.16[TK]D-Fender[15:39]p3nguinIs ${MACRO_EXTEN} no good? <- virtually worthless
21:05.50[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: May as well pass it as the 1st arg.  Otherwise you become dependand on where you call the macro from... and there goes the reusability
21:06.51p3nguinIt was my understanding that knowing where the macro was run from was his intention.
21:07.30[TK]D-FenderYes, and passing it as ARG1 is just as easy and you know the same answer... only you get to call it from places you want to fake, etc
21:07.36p3nguinHe wanted to know the dialed number.
21:07.52ruiedI do, what I was trying to get was variables from asterisk, and not from application, like ${CALLERID(num)} and so...
21:08.06[TK]D-FenderMaybe the exten you're on isn't it anyway... and if it is where you are.... doesn't stop you from passing it as a parm...
21:08.08[TK]D-Fenderm,akes assumptions.
21:08.16[TK]D-FenderBasically... no plus, only potential minus
21:08.37p3nguinCALLERID(num) is not a variable.  it's a function.
21:08.40p3nguin(like I said earlier)
21:09.29*** join/#asterisk kriegerod (~krieger@
21:10.39ruiedp3nguin, yes, you are right, now I understand what you have said...
21:11.24kriegerodis that normal that asterisk refuses to transcode .gsm audio file if remote side of call wants ulaw only?
21:12.43p3nguinI would have thought it would transcode just fine.  Always has for me.
21:15.33*** join/#asterisk JuanCri (
21:29.00kriegeroddamn, it does with Playback() app, but doesnt with Read()
21:29.15kriegerodi mean it transcodes, or not
21:38.00*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
21:45.20p3nguinYou're saying a ulaw call won't record in gsm?
21:48.20ruiedI'm trying to make a record on demand by pressing *1, but I would like to make it with BLF key switching RED when it's recording, can I use in features.conf  something like: 'automon => *1,1'  and 'automon*1,n,Set(DEVICE_STATE(Custom:lamp1)=INUSE)' like in extensions.conf?   Maybe it's just a stupid idea...
21:48.41rollo-bolop3nguin -> you say fax works do you have hardware or writing to a file?
21:49.01p3nguinIf I had hardware, I wouldn't be using fax for asterisk.
21:49.31rollo-boloi am having trouble writing to a file.
21:49.37p3nguinFax call comes in, ReceiveFAX() writes a TIFF, which I convert to a PDF and email to my email address.
21:50.01*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
21:50.13SeRip3nguin, would it be better to route 911 calls threw my gsm gateway or threw
21:50.36rollo-boloim having trouble receiving. using broadvoice. i turned T.38 off
21:50.49p3nguinseri: That would be your decision.  Which one do you feel is more reliable?
21:51.08p3nguinseri: If the internet is down, you can't use voipms to send a 911 call out...
21:51.20SeRiexcellent point.
21:51.24p3nguinbut can you send out a 911 call over gsm if the internet is down?
21:51.54SeRiI tested the fail over and all cals go out ok if there is no internet
21:52.02p3nguinYou could use voipms as the primary and the gateway as secondary.
21:52.09SeRithrew the gsm gateway
21:54.05rollo-boloi have the receive faxed in home dir. should i mode to like /var/spool/asterisk? i'm getting permssion denied issued but i have 777 on all...
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22:04.07p3nguinThat's just how I handle my faxes.
22:04.52rollo-bolook. im trying
22:06.51*** join/#asterisk Ast001 (
22:07.16Ast001Can you explain me this ? The thing that saved me is the fact the last part of the register string  can be a context. In that context you can define all kinds of things  like fromdomain. It can give you the same registration SIP packet as in  1.4.
22:07.41Ast001it is from this forum and it seems some people had same problem like i have
22:08.56Ast001I really need registration SIP packet as in 1.4 on 1.8. asterisk
22:09.09p3nguinWhat you just said makes no sense to me.
22:09.55Ast001One customer says he put context in registration string and in context put fromdomain and he got registration packet as in 1.4
22:10.32p3nguinSounds like a ridiculously uninformed statement on his part, then.
22:10.33WIMPyMaybe you need to set your system name/domain?
22:11.55Ast001you can read that link to see what is the problem.
22:12.21Ast001set system name to what ?
22:12.42WIMPyYour IP if you want that to be sent.
22:13.03WIMPyBut it's just a guess. I'm not the SIP guy.
22:13.35WIMPyI'm just reading about OpenHorst. Extremely interesting.
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22:30.23ChannelZI have no idea if this works but did you change the @ in the username to %40  and try that?  I thought parts of the SIP RFC state certain characters must be encoded in SIP URIs
22:40.20SeRip3nguin, you in?
22:41.49*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
22:41.58SeRip3nguin, pb coming up.
22:42.23p3nguinIf it doesn't work, then how am I able to authenticate to my proxy using the string I listed earlier?
22:43.11Ast001it does not work i just saw in sip debug what it sends as username
22:43.14SeRip3nguin, I did as instructed last night about the qualify which is now disable and for fail over I change it like this:
22:43.38Ast001and it is just number without @domain
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22:44.01SeRifor got SIP in line 11 :)
22:44.59p3nguinYou can also check if a channel can be estabished before dialing each peer.
22:46.46ChannelZAst001: What is it you want the From: line to look like?
22:48.42Ast001i want to be able to send registration like asterisk 1.4 can in maner "username" : secret @ domain . com (without spaces of course where username is number @
22:49.15Ast001to send all of that as username not just number like 1.6 and 1.8 do
22:49.33Ast001and I can not put " in 1.6 and 1.8
22:49.48p3nguinIf I use  my From: in a REGISTER looks like From:<>
22:50.15Ast001your is not your username it is username@proxy
22:51.05p3nguinMy user ID is only 3145551212.
22:51.21Ast001yes and mine is number@domain
22:51.23SeRiThanks p3nguin ill do that.
22:51.26SeRiworking on it
22:52.35ChannelZin 1.8 if I do register =>   I get From: <sip:Bob@foo>;taqg=xxxxx
22:53.02p3nguinThat's exactly what I said.
22:53.02Ast001and on 1.4 i can put that in " " and it can register while on 1.6 and 1.8 i get error...
22:54.34Ast001I believe this is problem Authorization: Digest username="381117152550", realm="", algorithm=MD5, ...
22:54.49Ast001username should be number@domain not just number.
22:56.13Ast001from and to are ok I believe but username is not
22:58.23Ast001you can see comunication here
23:02.22ChannelZchange your syntax up:
23:03.05ChannelZregister => username@domain:secret:authuser@sipdomain
23:03.43ChannelZIE add :authusername  after your secret with whatever you want it to be
23:04.14ChannelZregister =>
23:05.09ChannelZI think that seems to give the right results;  Digest username="Bob@testy"
23:05.58Ast001ChannelZ you are the king
23:06.04Ast001it registered...
23:06.19ChannelZHurray!  More ale, serving wench!
23:06.29SeRip3nguin, I ran in to some issues but I have to go to start the bbq. people are starting to arrive. I put everything back. Ill hit you up tonight if you are still around.
23:06.40SeRicya guys!
23:06.53ChannelZBring me back a chicken wing
23:07.03SeRino ribs?
23:07.12SeRisome beer? or whiskey?
23:07.17Ast001chicken ? you deserve more
23:07.24ChannelZDry maybe.. I'm not actually a fan of BBQ sauce
23:07.38SeRicya guys!
23:27.29*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
23:37.28*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
23:46.27Ast001good night and thanks for help especially to ChannelZ
23:51.24p3nguinI tell him the syntax for the register statement, and he thanks someone else.  Interesting.
23:51.58WIMPyUse coulours next time ;-)

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