IRC log for #asterisk on 20111109

00:00.47michael-ijust investing some time to see if I can be lazy
00:01.46*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (
00:10.42*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
00:14.58*** join/#asterisk MarcWeber (
00:15.19*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (
00:15.21beccaraanyone here know much about asterisk RTP bridging? I'm seeing my calls bridge in locally bridge but want to get the RTP out of the asterisk core so need to figure out why I can't get packet2packet bridging running
00:16.03MarcWeberIs someone interested in sending me an offerabout setting up a server which is put in between phonalite VOIP apps and sipgate recording all calls so that quality of a very small call center can be judged by its owner?
00:16.33MarcWeberWhich is the place looking for payed asterisk support?
00:16.50ruiedI'm trying two different set of dialplan rules using 2 blf keys. I've  changesd the state of the keys with: "Set(DEVICE_STATE(Custom:lamp1)=NOT_INUSE)". The problem is when I set one blf key state the other changes also. Is there a way to have this separated ?
00:17.09*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:22.39ruiednevermind... I've seen the problem...
00:22.48*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
00:25.22*** join/#asterisk batphone (~boo@unaffiliated/batphone)
00:25.31batphonehey fellas, check out my one liner
00:25.57batphonewhile true; do DATE=`date`; ping -c 3 | grep loss | cut -f 6 -d " " > results; RESULTS=`cat results`; if [[ "$RESULTS" == "100%" ]] ; then echo "$DATE - $RESULTS packet loss. Calling you now." ; cp /tmp/ /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/; chmod 777 /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/ ; RESULTS=0 ; break ; else echo "$DATE - $RESULTS packet loss."; fi ; done
00:26.44*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
00:26.55batphonethis saved my butt last night. we had some carrier maintenance and i didnt want to wait the full six hour window until our network was affected
00:27.08batphoneso i set this in motion and went to bed ;P
00:27.24batphoneit beat our monitoring systems by a few minutes
00:31.05*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
00:43.13*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
00:48.11*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
00:49.45*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
01:03.53*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
01:14.18p3nguinI have an SPA-3102 which typically communicates with asterisk for calling.  I'm trying to dial *86 to check voicemail... I pick up the phone and hear the stutter dial tone, dial *86 (which is the voicemail extension used on other IP phones), and I just get another stutter dial tone.  There is no call going to asterisk.  sip debug reveals no call at all comes in when I dial *86 via the SPA-3102.  Is this normal?  How does one ...
01:14.25p3nguin... usually check voicemail when using an ATA?
01:15.12batphonecheck that the ATA is not interpreting the * codes as something to interface with the device itself
01:15.31batphonesometimes you can configure the codes that the phone can dial that can be used to interact with the ATA
01:15.35batphonemake sense?
01:15.52p3nguinWhere would those be found?
01:15.56ChannelZremember the ATA has its own dialplan
01:16.46p3nguinFound 'em.  They are on the "Regional" tab.
01:16.54p3nguinNow to see if *86 is configured to do anything.
01:17.09hardwirebow chicka bow wow
01:17.23p3nguinCall Back Deact Code:    *86
01:18.01*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:18.45ChannelZI'm trying to rememebr if there was a global toggle to turn off all those vertical service codes, or if it was something in the dialplan that allows those to happen
01:19.21p3nguinI was looking for something to turn off all of those.  I really prefer asterisk to handle everything.
01:19.49p3nguinMaybe if I explicitly configure *86 in the dialplan it will override the VSC.
01:20.16ChannelZI think you just have to erase them all.
01:20.53ChannelZI use 500 for vm anyway.. but do have a *xxx in my dialplan for my own codes
01:20.53*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
01:21.43p3nguinI prefer *VM (*86) for voice mail just like Verizon.
01:22.50p3nguinI do have *xx in the dial plan, and the VSC was still hijacking my call to *86.
01:23.59ChannelZyeah I actually just tried some on my SPA922 here and they are being picked up
01:24.27ChannelZI swore I'd shut all this crap off but apparently not
01:25.00p3nguinOkay, I explicitly set *86 in the dial plan and it was still ignored.  The only thing I can see to do is change the matching VSC to something else.
01:26.19p3nguinbatphone: Good call on that.  I hadn't opened my eyes and looked at other tabs to find that crap.
01:27.44ChannelZI guess you can set all the 'Supplementary Services' to no on the appropriate Line tab rather than erasing all the codes (if you want to keep them in there for reference)
01:27.47*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
01:32.54autofsckknight everybody
01:33.21autofsckkif i upgrade the firmware of a spa3102, does that deletes configurations?
01:36.21autofsckkp3nguin: my asterisk box is working excelent now, thanks a lot again :D
01:37.21p3nguinGreat.  That's what I like to hear.
01:37.57autofsckki hope soon i can help people here too :D
01:38.31p3nguinI guess Call Back Serv: would be the setting pertaining to my *86.
01:39.30autofsckktomorrow im helping a friend configuring a spa3102 that is now working with freepbx in an unbuntu box, but the spa has an old firmware, has some echo problems too, an delay when receiving calls and dialing too, it takes too long to ring
01:39.48p3nguinI do not recommend upgrading it.
01:40.02p3nguinI use 3.3.6(GW) happily.
01:40.33autofsckkreally? i have read in some pages that the upgrades helps a lot with the echo problem
01:44.11coppicethere is no software which fixes the echo problem in an SPA3102. many people have simply dumped them because of it
01:46.44autofsckki've read that too
01:56.53*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
01:58.06coppicea lot of the second hand ones on e-bay are from ISPs who gave up and had to rip them out en-mass. they haven't updated the software in years, so I guess they never will. interestingly they still ship from the factory with the 3.3.6 code in them
01:58.52p3nguinI've heard various bad things about the v5 firmwares, so I don't bother updating.
02:00.23coppiceI have 5.whatever loaded in the one I use for test work. I haven't had any specific problems that 3.3.6 doesn't have, and the T.38 code is largely functional in 5.x.x
02:03.27autofsckkwell i really dont know somebody that works with asterisk, but what i have read about te firmare upgrade to 5.x is that it helps with the echo problem, cant really fix it but it improves a lot
02:12.17*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
02:13.36*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
02:22.04*** join/#asterisk eAndi_ (~eAndi_@
02:22.19autofsckkis there a way to put asterisk config into freepbx? my friend use freepbx, and iam going to edit the config files, but what about when i want to put the configuration files to his box? they wont work right?
02:25.52SeRiautofsckk, no
02:26.07SeRimost of freepbx is macrobase
02:27.07autofsckki was trying to see where the sip.conf info was on there, and i couldnt find it
02:28.42SeRiIts all different and unsupported here
02:28.51infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
02:30.41*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andres@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:33.59*** join/#asterisk F2Knight (
02:35.00F2KnightQ: As I recall , the call-limit does not work the same in 1.8... but I notice that the 1.8 realtime setups do not even have the field in the db for it.. has it been depreciated all together?
02:36.15WIMPyYes. YOu need to use the group functions.
02:36.54F2KnightAhh Group thats what it was..
02:37.07F2Knightthanks WIMPy forgot that.
02:37.47*** join/#asterisk JuanCri (
02:39.54p3nguinDepreciated, no.  Deprecated, yes.
02:40.07infobotfrom memory, oink is onomatopoeia for "Obviously you didn't calibrate the lateral phase stabilzers correctly because we're heading towards a giant bananna!", or a torrent site with an annoying habit of disabling accounts that haven't gone to the website in 6 weeks with no warning
02:40.35p3nguincall-limit should still work the same way, even though it is deprecated.
02:40.49F2KnightI am updating a script to import sip.conf to asteriskRT
02:41.19p3nguinautofsckk: If you're going to use FreePBX, use FreePBX.  If you're going to use Asterisk, don't even think about using FreePBX.
02:41.51F2Knightand walking through some  things that the digium folk did not put in the sipfriends.sql file... Preferd to double check on some of the ones I hardly seen in use..
02:42.13p3nguinautofsckk: Everything should be configured via FreePBX if that's the way you're going to choose to admin the system.
02:42.15F2Knightlike 'requirecalltoken', and t38pt_...
02:44.06*** join/#asterisk aot2002_ (
02:59.29*** join/#asterisk dijib (
02:59.41dijibcan anyone tell me why this wouldnt have been completed yet?
03:00.12dijibsecond column is LNP thrid is WNP
03:00.12dijibOwen Sound 2006-02-03 2007-03-14 owen.doc - 63KB
03:00.21dijibcompletion dates
03:04.36p3nguinFebruary 3, 2006
03:04.44p3nguinIt should have been done a LONG time ago.
03:05.32*** join/#asterisk sorressean (
03:05.53SeRiwaz up dijib
03:05.57sorresseanI have a quick question, Is there a way for me to just autoconfirence everyone that dials in? like pickup, then confirence them?
03:06.05dijibpissed that LNP isnt available
03:06.15sorresseanThe goal is just to let everyone talk back and forth
03:06.34p3nguinsorressean: You can dump all calls into a ConfBridge() or MeetMe().
03:07.16sorresseanGotcha. Is there an official list of all configuration values/extension functions? not sure what that one supports as args.
03:07.23dijibin ConfBridge and going for a smoke. join me guys
03:07.36p3nguincore show application ConfBridge
03:07.40p3nguincore show application MeetMe
03:08.11*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
03:08.32p3nguinRemember that ConfBridge does not auto-answer the channel, so make sure you either have a Playback(), a BackGround(), or an Answer() before it.
03:08.58p3nguinMeetMe() should answer the channel, though.
03:10.47sorresseanextin=>#,n,Answer() would work then? then I can bridge?
03:11.01p3nguinYou're close, but that would fail.
03:12.50dijibSeRi, u gunna join? p3nguin ? im stepping out now for a smoke
03:12.52p3nguinIf your extension is 123:   exten => 123,1,Answer()   exten => 123,n,ConfBridge(M1s)
03:13.07dijibget sorressean in here too
03:13.09p3nguinI might join after I go home.
03:13.45p3nguinActually, I probably will once I get home, just to see if anything is going on.
03:14.00sorresseanp3nguin:  I'm basically setting up asterisk to listen on a port and just let a few friends chat back and forth. I don't have an extension, it'll just be the incoming call gets answered, then confirenced.
03:14.20p3nguinYou certainly do have an extension.
03:14.31SeRidijib, ill join in a few minutes
03:14.32p3nguinAll calls to asterisk are processed by an extension.  That's what it does.
03:15.05SeRidijib, hopefully it does not crash or your phone dies :)
03:15.10p3nguinSo figure out what extension you're having people dial.  Use that extension instead of 123 like in my example.
03:15.16sorresseanp3nguin:  but there has to be a "default" extension, right?
03:15.23p3nguinThere is no default extension.
03:15.45p3nguinFigure out what extension people call to reach your conference.
03:16.42p3nguinIf you don't know what extensions are configured, "dialplan show" will list all of them.
03:16.48sorresseanp3nguin:  they just point their sip client at
03:17.02sorresseanah. gotcha. thanks.
03:17.11p3nguinBut there has to be an extension.  A SIP URI consists of an extension and a hostname.  ; extension here is 'jack'
03:17.36WIMPyDoes it have to?  ; extension here is '123'
03:18.29sorresseanp3nguin:  o, makes sense, thanks. so I need a dialplan to catch that, then pass it off to extensions.
03:18.46p3nguindialplan consists of extensions.
03:18.55p3nguinThere is no passing anything off to anywhere.
03:20.01p3nguinSo what extension are they entering?
03:20.29p3nguinPerhaps their phone is providing an extension if all they are putting in is the host.
03:20.32WIMPyTo answer to myself: Yes, a user is mandatory.
03:21.36p3nguinIf they are only entering the host name without an extension, either the call will fail, or you'll have to debug it to see what extension their phone added silently.
03:22.35sorresseanp3nguin:  sweet. I just set it to conf. so
03:23.02p3nguinYou configured your asterisk to listen on port 3000 instead of the normal port?
03:23.05*** join/#asterisk gajini (~root@
03:32.54*** join/#asterisk infobot (
03:32.54*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.0.0-beta2 (2011/09/27), (2011/10/17), dahdi-linux (2011/10/21), dahdi-tools (2011/10/21), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
03:36.57*** part/#asterisk gajini (~root@
03:41.14sorresseanThat's my sip.conf and extensions.conf. the port is still closed though, and it accepts no incoming calls
03:41.50p3nguinLines 12 and 13 are failure.
03:42.20p3nguinIt is exten, not extin... and your spaces are in the wrong places.
03:42.30p3nguin(2112.52) <p3nguin> If your extension is 123:   exten => 123,1,Answer()   exten => 123,n,ConfBridge(M1s)
03:43.26sorresseanp3nguin:  well, I feel retarded. Asterisk didn't print error swhen I started that my conf files were broken though. sorry, exten and extin sounds the same with my reader, should've guessed though. :p
03:44.12ChannelZReader? Are you blind/hard of sight?
03:44.17*** join/#asterisk Rholk (
03:44.48ChannelZor "partially blind", I'm making up terms now.
03:45.36sorresseanChannelZ:  yeah, I'm blind
03:45.40sorresseanChannelZ:  total
03:46.10ChannelZOk, just curious if that's what that meant
03:46.23p3nguinsorressean: I was thinking something more like this:
03:47.20p3nguinI don't remember if you indicated your asterisk version, so I assume you have ConfBridge().
03:49.52sorresseanp3nguin:  yeah, it shows up when I use asterisk -v to launch. Granted I don't see configuration errors, but it shows it loading that
03:50.36p3nguinsorressean: Make sure you allow UDP 5060 and the UDP range configured in rtp.conf through the firewall.
03:50.48sorresseanand for whatever reason 5060 is still closed. hrm
03:51.26p3nguinHow are you determining that it is closed?
03:52.31sorresseanp3nguin:  I nmap myself and my sip client doesn't connect.
03:52.41SeRidijib, you in?
03:54.37p3nguinsorressean: How are you using nmap?  Show me the exact command.  Feel free to omit your IP address if you wish; I am only interested in the options you are passing to nmap.
03:57.31sorresseanI'm using nmap -sU and nmap -P0
03:58.34p3nguinIs your asterisk on a public IP address, or is it behind a NAT?
04:00.54sorresseanp3nguin:  public IP
04:01.21p3nguinsorressean: Are you using a firewall, such as iptables?
04:02.27sorresseanp3nguin:  yeah. I've flushed and set input to accept just to test.
04:03.50p3nguinsorressean: Can you see if "lsof -i udp:5060" shows asterisk is listening?
04:05.01sorresseanp3nguin:  it's not.
04:05.40sorresseanI've got it running too. I've compiled asterisk from source, config files are in /etc/asterisk, I've tried doing asterisk -C /etc/asterisk/sip.conf to make sure.
04:09.51sorresseanman, this is going to take a lot of beer, but I'm going to make it work.
04:10.42*** join/#asterisk beccara (~beccara@
04:17.26*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
04:19.13p3nguinsorressean: I think -C would take the path to asterisk.conf, not sip.conf.
04:25.03autofsckkp3nguin: what firefox version do you have? its now 8? what is going on with ff :S
04:27.20sorresseanhaha. that's the best version to have. mozilla got into a e-penis versioning match with IE and chrome.
04:30.23sorresseanis there a way to see what dialplans I have? dialplan show just shows one registered
04:30.32*** join/#asterisk radic (
04:33.41sorresseanmeh. scrue this. it's still not binding, so I'm still dead in the water. I'll play with it tomorrow. :p peace
04:36.53*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
04:38.29ChannelZyou sure chan_sip is even loaded?
04:41.13*** join/#asterisk rdegges (QL8Hx7jfJT@
04:41.17rdeggesHey guys, quick question.
04:41.30rdeggesI'm running a teleconferencing server, and I've been getting this message a lot lately: "Unable to open DAHDI pseudo channel: Cannot allocate memory"
04:41.42rdeggesIt happens when a user attempts to join a conference via MeetMe
04:41.49p3nguinsorressean: dialplan show shows everything loaded.
04:41.58rdeggesI tried googling it, but didn't find much.
04:42.07rdeggesMy server has ~10g of free ram according to free -m
04:42.14rdeggesWhen this error occured.
04:42.19rdeggesAny idea what could be causing it?
04:42.35rdeggesI'm running Asterisk on ubuntu-server 11.04
04:42.40rdeggeswith the latest release of dahdi
04:46.23rdeggesFurthermore, I'm using dahdi_dummy, if that matters.
04:46.25rdeggesNot hardware timing.
04:46.56ChannelZis it really running?
04:47.14rdeggesyeah, i can see it via 'lsmod' output
04:47.25p3nguinThere is no dahdi_dummy.
04:47.40rdeggesdahdi                 216069  1021 xpp,dahdi_transcode,wcb4xxp,wctdm,wcfxo,wctdm24xxp,wcte11xp,wct1xxp,wcte12xp,dahdi_voicebus,wct4xxp
04:47.40rdeggescrc_ccitt              12667  2 wctdm24xxp,dahdi
04:47.40p3nguinIf you see it, you're doing something wrong.
04:48.25ChannelZYou should save yourself the pain and move over to ConfBridge if you can anyway
04:48.29rdeggesThe behavior isn't consistent. I've called in about 10 times in a row, and maybe 6 of the times I got the error--the other few times it worked alright.
04:48.52rdeggesYah--I'm in the process of porting some of our code to use it, but there's still a lot of work to be done.
04:49.37p3nguinIf you're going to go to that trouble, better develop for asterisk 10's confbridge.  It has to be better than the minimalistic confbridge we have in 1.8.
04:58.10*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
05:11.42*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:16.35rdeggesWell, if any of you happen to think of anything that could be causing the dahdi memory issues, let me know via PM. Thanks!
06:00.11*** join/#asterisk singler (
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06:10.21*** join/#asterisk WiretapSeven (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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06:31.22*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
06:32.18*** join/#asterisk depressed (
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06:33.00*** join/#asterisk irroot (
06:43.08leifmadsenanyone know why a D-Channel would continuously flap using TDMoE?
06:47.20ChannelZflap flap
06:47.57ChannelZUnhappy switch?
06:49.14irrootleifmadsen TDMoE bleg
06:49.33leifmadsenirroot: ya... new client, never used this before. RedFone device.
06:50.28irrootleifmadsen had endless problems with it in past it needs really stable enviroment and good switching before you have a chance
06:50.43irrootthere was some kit made locally called farsouth
06:50.48*** join/#asterisk depressed (
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06:53.46leifmadsenirroot: ya it seems to be fine on one of the servers, but not the other, so need to figure out what the difference in configuration is. Also, unloading dahdi causes a kernel panic
06:54.47irrootleifmadsen that is not good its not some custom hack ?
06:55.01leifmadsenirroot: no idea, only been lookin at this server for 4 hours
06:55.06leifmadsendidn't configure this server
06:56.31irrootleifmadsen need more red bull ??
06:56.40*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-afskucrqrdhjrdad)
06:56.41leifmadsenirroot: no I just want to go to bed soon
06:56.46leifmadsenI was already in bed, then they called back
06:57.25irrootleifmadsen bugger well its 9am here so some scarry hour your side if i can help buzz
06:57.52leifmadsenirroot: coolio, just got this flapping D channel on one of the boxes and no audio for some reason
06:57.59leifmadsenother side seems to be fine
07:04.47*** join/#asterisk brdude (
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07:26.32leifmadsenirroot: ok all working now -- you ever run into a kernel panic when unloading dahdi?
07:27.24irrootleifmadsen no not for long time and then it was the hacked version
07:27.44irrootpossibly a problem in tdmoe
07:27.55irrootglad its working grab some sleep
07:28.02leifmadsenhmmm interesting, this is a new checkout of dahdi ( and another box has it and doesn't do it
07:28.03leifmadsenjust this one
07:28.13leifmadsenya not quite, just the kernel panic
07:31.23*** join/#asterisk ollii (~risker@2001:470:1f15:1384:62eb:69ff:fe31:b4)
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08:30.36elliot98when a call is connected through a queue, what accountcode is set up for the agent?
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08:42.36*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
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08:52.18_N1xguys i have one strange problem , im testing my asterisk stress test with sipp , when i had 2000 active channel ( active call) everything is ok and after 30 mins later , i have this output , at 600 channels . why?...
08:52.26_N1xi have unlimited everything
08:52.34_N1xi think ...
08:54.03_N1xmy cpu loading isn't much , max 20 - 25 % and memory also...
08:54.58*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
08:57.49*** join/#asterisk Hanumaan (
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09:00.50irroot_N1x the packets are leaving but no response are the phones / network been kludged up
09:01.05*** join/#asterisk xpot (
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09:04.31*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
09:04.33schmidtsgood morning
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09:13.25*** part/#asterisk AmirBehzad (~behzad@
09:16.16*** join/#asterisk krotos (
09:16.20krotoshi :)
09:16.35*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
09:18.44krotosthere is a way to modify query for selecting data in asterisk realtime?
09:19.05krotosi'm only interested in sip_users, not peers
09:23.42schmidtskrotos you can change the source code but i think this is not what you want to do ;) why do you only have users and no peers?
09:26.37krotosgood question :) for peers, is only 3 or 4 (provider) but i can place all in mysql ( realtime)
09:27.04krotosso, for the users i've already got a table in my CRM with the data , and i want to use this table for doing realtime
09:29.09krotosat this time, i have a script that generate plain text file for sip.conf file
09:30.19irrootkrotos is there a need for all this ?? why not have a default context where calls come and handle it in the dialplan its for inbound only ??
09:33.49krotosthere is a global context where all inbound call come in
09:34.36krotosand i handle it in dialplan,
09:35.14*** join/#asterisk garymc (~chatzilla@
09:35.26krotosmy problem is that i have about 700 users ( type=friend) in plain text file (sip.conf) and if i type "reload" in asterisk about 50/60 of this users become unreachable
09:35.33krotosand after 1 minute come up again
09:37.27krotosand i want to try using realtime , for fixing this issue
09:47.17schmidtskrotos forget realtime this will become even worst with it
09:47.23schmidtskrotos which asterisk version do you use?
09:51.47schmidtshmm strange
09:52.00schmidtsdo you do a "sip reload" or just "reload"
09:52.11krotosif i do sip reload, nothing happen
09:52.19krotosbut with "reload"
09:52.20schmidtsah ok
09:52.34krotossometimes 50/60 peer become unreacheable,...somtimes only 20..
09:52.36krotosis randomly
09:52.47schmidtsbut why do you use reload and not sip reload? if there are any chances in the config file they will be used even with sip reload
09:57.49krotosi always use sip reload, but yesterday i've modify something in sip.conf, extension.conf , voicemail.conf
09:57.54krotosand i type reload
09:58.10krotos(and not sip reload, dialplan reload, voicemail ...)
09:58.21krotosand i've see this behavior
10:00.43*** join/#asterisk elliot98 (~elliot@unaffiliated/elliot98)
10:00.59elliot98gives a wave to all
10:01.02garymcright im trying to connect my soft phone to the new server the same way i do to my current setup. here is my pastebin. i dont know what is wrong
10:04.39kaldemargarymc: what you're showing is a trace of asterisk sending a registration message to a polycom phone. it should be the other way around.
10:05.59*** join/#asterisk _N1x (
10:06.30_N1xguys , for high performance i need more CPU or memory resources?
10:06.41_N1xi think CPU is important yes?
10:07.31garymcright i tried to conect my softphone
10:07.55garymci thought it was showing that too
10:09.21schmidts_N1x it depens on your asterisk version :D mostly you will not need more cpu if you just use the wrong version
10:09.57schmidtskrotos never noticed this but i guess this could happens when sip tries to ping the users before its completly loaded and so the response isnt handled right
10:10.02kaldemargarymc: fo to #freepbx and ask how to configure a phone with it.
10:11.18garymcyeah i know how to, its just not connecting
10:12.42garymcor I dont know how to. I do have a current PBX working fine. I m just replicating it and I cant get it to work
10:12.42krotosschmidts: ok :) and about realtime? there is a way to have only sip users ( type=friend) over mysql-realtime and type=peer on flat-file?and i think to modify query in source for adapt to my table already present
10:13.21_N1xschmidts: i use 1.6 version
10:13.29_N1xand when i'm starting sipp stress test
10:13.37_N1xcpu is loaded than memory
10:13.53_N1xfor more calls purpose i think i need more cpu yes?
10:13.56_N1xim right?...
10:14.11schmidtstype=friend is peer & user at the same time, so if you want to use realtime it will not make a difference but i think this reload stuff is a bug but if sip reload works without any problems i dont see a big need for you to change these things
10:15.38schmidts_N1x do you want to have concurrent calls or more calls per second? you may be interested in this graph ;)
10:16.00krotosyea, but i think realtime is better then flat-file. My script for generating flat-file it takes 5 minute
10:16.08schmidts_N1x imho you will need another asterisk version first not another cpu
10:16.48schmidtskrotos realtime is much slower than a flat-file cause you will have a database lookup on every sip dialog which would kill your performance
10:16.56krotosand for example, if i modyfi a password for a single friend, the script regenerate all file, including
10:17.01krotosouch :(
10:17.04schmidtsand btw krotos you should fix your sync script ;)
10:17.33schmidtsmy sync script generates a flat file for 4222 sip peers in 34 ms ;)
10:18.01krotosyou read data from mysql?
10:19.03schmidtswhat do you use for your sync file? a bash script or something like this?
10:19.09krotosmy script is written in php..
10:19.19schmidtsok :D
10:19.43krotosand run every 10 minutes if there is change ( i use a flag over mysql if there is something to re-sync)
10:20.01krotos(placed in crontab)
10:21.37krotosin my script i've got only a while and three if
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10:21.46krotosso the probelm for slow
10:21.48krotosis the if..
10:22.04schmidtsgive me a minute to clean my c file of private data and i will paste it for you
10:22.05krotosbut 422 sip peers in 34 ms  is like a Lamborghini a php problem
10:23.14schmidts4222 not only 422 ;)
10:23.29krotosops..i lost a 2 :P
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10:30.16schmidtskrotos here you are:
10:31.39schmidtsyou only have to change the mail recipient, database credentials and the sql query itself and i use a file called sip.generated.conf which is just linked into the normal sip.conf
10:32.17krotosyes, i have sip_users.conf in my case linked into sip.conf
10:32.32schmidtsok ;)
10:32.37krotosthankyou a lot :)
10:33.09schmidtsyour welcome
10:33.14schmidtsi hope this works for you
10:35.50krotoswiht some change for my structure , i think it works better then php script :)
10:40.20*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
10:48.39_N1xschmidts: thanks for link , can you provide me asterisk stress examples and guides? thanks
10:51.47schmidtskrotos i really hope so, if ever a c binary is slower than a php script which does the same, something has gone completly wrong ;)
10:54.38schmidts_N1x just use sipp ;)
10:57.04_N1xschmidts: im using but need for examples how to test , call per second and concurrent calls
10:57.47schmidts_N1x i use this:
10:58.31schmidtswith a sipp command like this: sipp -sf sipload.xml -d 10000 -s 2002 destinationip -mp 5606 -i sourceip -m 12000 -r 300
10:58.42singlerdoes anyone know is Sangoma's NSG SS7 passes SIP header to asterisk with redirect reason?
10:59.13_N1xschmidts: what is mp , m  and r options?
10:59.59schmidts-r is the call per second rate, -m is the max amount of calls and mp is the local rtp echo port
11:00.48_N1xschmidts: amount of calls is maybe concurrent calls yes?
11:01.23schmidtsit depends on your scenario if you wait long enough this could be the value of concurrent calls yes
11:02.11_N1xschmidts: thanks :) i'll test using this xml file
11:02.17schmidtsok ;)
11:02.24schmidtshave fun :D
11:03.21_N1xschmidts: and which is sipp's directory to copy this xml?
11:03.52schmidtswhereever you want just use the -sf param to give the right path
11:04.03schmidtsso it could look like this: sipp -sf /tmp/testload.xml ....
11:04.14_N1xyes , 10x
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13:07.59olliischmidts: i tried your sipload xml scenario on asterisk 1.4 and asterisk 10...created 12000 calls in 5mins, successfull with 1.4 2500 and on asterisk 10 3300...are these "normal" results?
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13:12.33schmidtsollii yes looks very normal to me
13:12.49schmidts12000 calls needs some fine tuning on the system side and also for asterisk
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13:21.03saisomahey guys, having an issue with voicemail and a branch office:  any assistance is greatly appreciated.
13:25.36schmidtssaisoma i dont know the exact state of development for this, but AFAIK is asterisk allready able to subscribe itself to a MWI state of another asterisk.
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13:27.28saisomanot sure if this came through before (irc client crashed) so forgive me if you saw this just a few minutes ago
13:27.30saisomahey guys, having an issue with voicemail and a branch office:  any assistance is greatly appreciated
13:28.26olliischmidts: increasing open files to 32768 help in asterisk 10 (12000/12000 successful) ... asterisk 1.4.42 complains about sockets ("cannot create socket")
13:29.12schmidtsolliii maybe you have to check your rtp.conf file and there is also a limit for numothersock (sorry dont know how its called for your system)
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13:37.08olliiseems also good on asterisk 1.4.42 with the help of increasing open file limit...just forgot that i have to increase it per shell .. ;)
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13:47.24r0m|uso I did not know that some voip provider can make there number appear as they where land lines.... Is this true?
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13:48.50irrootr0m|u have done it myself for customers and pranking my family
13:50.08r0m|uirroot, how? I thought voip numbers can not be pass cid names or in any natured masked....?
13:51.26irrootr0m|u the interconnect needs to be CLI and you need to pass the number to them legislation may be a barrier
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13:52.08irrootwe request a affidavit that the numbers displayed are valid and assigned to them by the telco as a precaution
13:52.43r0m|uo wow! so it did took some work.
13:52.51r0m|ubut totally possible
13:53.39r0m|uinteresting. Thanks for the info.
13:54.41WIMPyHere almost all VOIP numbers are normal landline numbers.
13:55.00r0m|uWIMPy, where you at? US?
13:55.10WIMPyBut OTOH most landlines are VOIP accounts now.
13:55.19*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
13:55.22r0m|uah. I see.
13:55.53WIMPyThere was a plan to shut down the PSTN by 2012.
13:56.21r0m|uApparently there is a company called reducefraud that can determine if your line is voip or land line
13:56.25WIMPyBut the current version is if there are less tan 7M customers left.
13:56.44r0m|uWIMPy, wow seriously? Is that even a good idea?
13:57.10WIMPyNo. it's an extremely bad idea, but it's a cheap idea.
13:58.01r0m|uWell I guess its all geo base :) in PR if you shit PSTN down and everybody uses voip.... we will be fucked once a Hurricane comes :) we get one hurricane a year and pstn most of the time still work and we can at least communicate. :)
13:58.05WIMPyMakes one of the two networks redundant.
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13:58.17r0m|uah. I see.
13:58.33r0m|ushut* (rofl shit)
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14:00.56WIMPyYes, average down time has already increased dramatically.
14:01.04WIMPyAnd it will probably continue to do so.
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14:03.12r0m|uI see.
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14:18.55UlrarHi, is there a way for an AGI script to get the result of a command like "show dialplan number@context" ?
14:19.13UlrarWithout actualy forking and executing asterisk -rx ..
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14:28.33fireman_biffI have dundi peers with dynamic addresses and they don't update the addresses until I do "asterisk -rx reload". How can I fix this?
14:29.53fireman_biffasterisk 1.6
14:42.45p3nguinirroot: Care to explain the remark about making VoIP phone numbers appear as PSTN numbers?  Does not parse for me.
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14:43.42irrootp3nguin CLI presentation VOIP providers on a CLI route can pass any arbitary number to carriers to present to the end party
14:43.44jacc0hi all
14:45.04irrootso when i call from my voip interconnect my advertised CLI is that of my main telco "hardline"
14:45.47irrootalso falls into the category of CLI spoofing
14:45.55p3nguinStill doesn't make sense.  I just don't see how a call can say, "Hey, I'm a VoIP phone number!"
14:46.30p3nguinIf I pick up a phone and dial my neighbor, he has no idea how my call is delivered to him.
14:46.53irrootbut one step further is to display my assigned DDI
14:47.18p3nguinHe can even look up the switch information, and there's nothing to say how my number arrived at said switch.
14:47.18saisomaquestion regarding integrating a branch office.  is there a way to "share" hint status between * servers?
14:48.11irrootcould be on a PRI with a legacy telco so calls coming back will come in on the "normal" line and the call is displayed from the contacts as normal and not a "private number"
14:49.37[TK]D-FenderThere is no such thing as a "VoIP phone number".  PSTN is just that.  If one leg changes the signalling to a VoIP protocol along the way, that is irrelevant.  CallerID is not a "DID", nor a "VoIP number".  It is caller ID.  You can pretty much fake whatever you want into there including numbers that are not valid for dialing anywhere.
14:49.51p3nguinAs far as I can tell, the only person/place/thing that will know if a phone call is originating from VoIP or a real line would be the first carrier taking the call.  From there on out, it's staying on the PSTN, even if the PSTN is using VoIP.
14:50.45irrootp3nguin indeed [TK]D-Fender that said we have a range of NGN numbers +2787 that are VOIP numbers
14:51.10p3nguinThat must be something specific to your region.
14:51.26olliiin germany theres also a numbering block for voip
14:51.26[TK]D-Fenderirroot, not a VoIP number.  the fact that some telco (ITSP) converts protocols is irrelevant.  Nothing about the NUMBER is "VoIP"
14:51.33olliibut that is only a number..
14:51.34francisvgarciafireman_biff: are u using iax
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14:51.43francisvgarciafireman_biff: iax for the peering
14:52.01fireman_biffyes iax for the calls
14:52.57olliii dont know why such a thing exists...mostly our telcos provides us sip with a sip <-> bri/pri gateway ... so we think we use bri/pri
14:53.05p3nguinHere, phone numbers are just phone numbers.  I can port a phone number away from a landline carrier who is providing copper to the house and stick it on an ITSP.  When I call you using said phone number, you have no way to know if I'm connected with copper or if I'm talking to you via VoIP protocols.
14:53.09irroot[TK]D-Fender indeed a number is a number technically there is no distinction
14:53.12fireman_bifffrancisvgarcia: ^
14:53.18francisvgarciafireman_biff: and what abbout qualifing the peers
14:54.34francisvgarciaI actually have 2 dundi peers runing on dyndns and they are working fine
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14:55.18irrootp3nguin there is a possiblility here of porting the number to the ITSP for them to terminate but it can only be ported in geographical area so ITSP's have to install data centres in all areas now
14:55.42fireman_bifffrancisvgarcia: my dundi.conf has "qualify=yes", its supposed to be a number?
14:55.59p3nguinOkay... so how did you arrive at this distinction of "VoIP calls" vs. "landline calls?"
14:56.03schmidtsirroot i hope you mean all countries and not all areas?
14:56.37jacc0@fireman_biff: yes or a number is both proper
14:56.59francisvgarciafireman_biff: and under iax.conf
14:57.04irrootschmidts no locations and not provinces either its a mess some areas are several hundered km some are <100km
14:57.55francisvgarciafireman_biff: I looks to happen when one of your internet services disconnects and renew a new ip address?
14:57.56schmidtsirroot ok you are talking about to serve landlines
14:58.22p3nguinLet us assume that there is a data center in your location, and that you are using an ITSP as well as landline services.  How is anyone going to know the difference between a call you make via landline and a call you make via VoIP.
14:58.35fireman_bifffrancisvgarcia: would the iax config come into play? its the dundi peer that doesn't have the ip address update when the ISP gives a new one
14:59.21francisvgarciafireman_biff: that's what I am talking about
14:59.28irrootp3nguin the original question was can you display your legacy landline number on voip calls so the assumption is the landline is still inplace not ported and that there is a voip carrier ... the idea would be to dial from a unified number accross all carriers the answer is sure send the CLI down the voip link and i the carrier allows this and passes it on the called party will not know the difference between calls coming from legacy line and voip
14:59.31r0m|uwow I missed a lot. p3nguin how is that compnay's such as can tell you use voip vs pstn?
15:00.10r0m|uthis is why ask the question
15:00.16*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (
15:00.44r0m|uThan it was brought up that they can be differentiated....
15:00.56Kernel_Coreis there any hope for useing SILK codec and IAX2?
15:01.21p3nguinirroot: You're indicating that there is some way to know if a number has been ported to an ITSP or remains on a telco.
15:01.37p3nguinirroot: Explain to me how anyone would know that information.
15:01.44jacc0all blockers for are closed( ; will it be released today?
15:02.02irrootno not at all there is no way to determine this however legislation requires ported numbers to emit a tone on connect
15:02.07p3nguinI could call you from any of 50 phone numbers I have and you're not going to know if I dialed it over copper or VoIP.
15:02.33r0m|up3nguin, did you see my question?
15:05.26r0m|up3nguin, To what I understand thats the company the CL uses to verify users. If the systems detects the use of voip than it will flag it.
15:05.55olliimaybe you just ask them
15:06.35p3nguinr0m|u: I don't see any way they could determine if I have ported my landline number from AT&T over to
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15:07.35schmidtsp3nguin maybe they have just a list of known voip providers and if the call is routed over one of this know voip providers it wil be flaged
15:08.07p3nguinHow can they know the route of the call they are originating?
15:08.30p3nguinIf I dial a phone number, I can't see the route it takes.
15:08.56schmidtsare we talking about inbound or outbound calls?
15:09.07r0m|up3nguin, I see. A "anonymous" person approach me asking about acquiring 10,000 VoIP numbers for resale. I struck me as unusual I proceed to ask questions. Than he explain to me about CL, reducefraud and how numbers can be flagged. I knew the guys was up to no good. but indeed raced a question about how it all works.
15:10.27r0m|up3nguin, one way they where getting around it was by selling prepaid sim cards from low level wireless carriers.
15:10.35schmidtsif you have a lot of ss7 direct connections then you would be able to see where your call will be routed but normally its just going upwards to a real big provder which has this interconnections to mostly all other ss7 carriers
15:11.43schmidtsand btw in ss7 you will get a redirect if a number is ported to the target network, the call will not be routed by the anchor (sorry dont know if this is the real name for it) network, only redirected
15:12.04irrootr0m|u these folks congolese / nigerian by any chance ??
15:12.38schmidtsirroot or maybe palistine :D
15:12.59irrootschmidts yeah they active in europe
15:13.19irrootpart of johhannesburg is called little lagos
15:13.32r0m|urolf. Not sure. It was PM over a forum. the forum allows anon posting but it displays the isp your from. the guy "seems" local as the domain is
15:13.32schmidtsall of my fraud cases the last 5 months were coming from there
15:13.37p3nguinI guess I can buy the bit about SS7 and seeing a redirect.
15:14.30p3nguinBut if I make a call TO you, how are you going to see if I am a VoIP caller or landline caller?
15:16.06schmidtsp3nguin as i said, the only thing which comes to my mind would be the origin network, but i dont think this will really work, cause mostly voip providers use a bigger pstn carrier as an uplink provider so they dont have to make contracts with all other carriers
15:16.13r0m|up3nguin, I dont think your regular house hold/business can. Its more of 3r psrty service that has to be involve.
15:16.21schmidtsso you will only see the ss7 id of this carrier in front of the voip provider
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15:18.01r0m|uirroot, its funny you mention that... I was reading about this guy who apparently got hacked not to long ago...
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15:18.42timeshellHow to change your email address in JIRA?
15:19.43r0m|up3nguin, can I ask you a quick question regarding
15:19.52dymtouches p3nguin
15:20.10p3nguinSure, but I can't promise I know the answer.
15:20.11dymthrows p3nguin a lustful look
15:20.49p3nguinJust keep your hands off my penis.
15:21.01timeshellThis IS a public forum.
15:22.45r0m|ucool. Here is what I want to do. I want to take the disa function away from my gsm gateway and use it sole for cell calls and as back up gateway just in case internet fails. the same goes for incoming calls I just want to use it to be able to recive calls and make calls as backup. Is it possible I can create a sub account in and make it route internally to my primary number and gain access to my asterisk server to be able to dial out extensions?
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15:23.10r0m|urofl! hahahaha!
15:23.30p3nguinYou lost me at sub account.
15:24.08r0m|up3nguin, I can call my gsm gateway and get a tone and I am able to dial internal extensions inside my pbx.
15:24.27zambar0m|u: which gsm gateway?
15:24.30p3nguinThat's what DISA does.
15:24.37p3nguinsecondary dial tone
15:25.02r0m|uI want to dom something similar with I want to call it via a sub account and be able to reach my asterisk server and get a tone via disa.
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15:25.21r0m|uzamba, PorTech MV-370
15:26.11zambar0m|u: aight, ok.. i'm using a dinstar myself
15:26.39p3nguinYou can set up internal extensions in, and then you can put your gateway on a sub account... and then dial Asterisk's voipms extension.  Is that what you mean?
15:26.50r0m|up3nguin, the more I talk about it the more I realize is not possible without been charged.
15:27.03p3nguinCalls between accounts are always free.
15:27.22r0m|uzamba, how is it working out for you?
15:28.27r0m|up3nguin, thats not a bad idea. I guess I could do it that way. though Is it possible to activate disa base on the cid calling in?
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15:29.07r0m|uall other cid's go over there. one specific cid gets disa.
15:29.15p3nguinI'm not sure if you can do it on voipms, but you can certainly do it on asterisk.
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15:29.49zambar0m|u: terrible sound quality
15:29.55zambar0m|u: but i haven't done very much testing
15:30.22r0m|uYes I want to do it in asterisk. Ill look in to it. I took your advice about all cell call threw the gsm gateway and now I want to do it inwards as well. since is all free
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15:30.38r0m|uzamba, the portech sound quality is superb!
15:31.15zambar0m|u: interesting.. but that's the price?
15:32.03r0m|uzamba, well its a bit on the high price. some where around 250.00+ dollars
15:32.19zambayeah, i see now.. £ 182
15:32.24r0m|uIt can also do mass sms which is a plus.
15:32.41zambahow's the configuration?
15:33.02r0m|uI have it all scripted and all incoming sms route to my email as well as txt.
15:33.12r0m|uzamba, very simple. not complicated at all.
15:33.15*** join/#asterisk Katty (
15:33.18KattyHAI LOVABLES
15:33.45r0m|uzamba, I had more of a hard time making the dial plan that I did configuring the box :)
15:35.39r0m|uI can create acl's base on cid's on the gateway which is a plus. in top of that I added secure disa for incoming calls that way I can dial out long distance at voip prices.
15:36.03r0m|uI also have set as a backup trunk
15:36.22r0m|uno internet. all call goe out threw the gsm gateway.
15:37.48wcselbyo/ Katty
15:38.36*** join/#asterisk DanFromUK (~DanFromUK@
15:38.42DanFromUKhi all.
15:38.57Kattyhugs on wcselby
15:39.00Kattyhai dan!
15:39.08DanFromUKis there any way to reload without restarting asterisk?
15:39.51wcselbymodule reload ?
15:40.15DanFromUKill give it a try. it didnt come up when i hit tab.
15:40.33DanFromUKModule '' does not support reload
15:40.37*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
15:40.42DanFromUKnever mind. i'll have to wait till this evening.
15:46.30*** join/#asterisk umay (
15:48.53*** join/#asterisk devmikey (~irc@unaffiliated/devmikey)
15:54.39r0m|utoday comcast phone stop working with a "this number is no longer in service" I call CC support and I was told that there is an issue and that engineers are working on it. I wonder wtf is going on.
15:54.58r0m|uthey dont want to release information.
15:57.54Qwellmy guess?  there's an issue, and they're working on it
15:58.27Kobazusually you can ask the tech what was wrong
15:58.31Kobazand they will tell you something
15:58.36wcselbyr0m|u the issue is that you're using Comcast
15:58.41Qwellit won't be correct, but it'll be something. :p
15:58.47Kobazhah, yeah sometimes
16:00.00r0m|uwcselby, I dont use it as my primary number. Its my alarm system
16:00.56r0m|ulol Qwell
16:01.16r0m|uI only wonder because they are a big provider and is unusual for this to happen.
16:01.29wcselbyr0m|u I was being silly.  i have had bad experiences with comcast over the past few weeks
16:01.37wcselbybut for cable tv service, not phone
16:02.09r0m|uwcselby, fuck my internet just went out!
16:02.10wcselbyin fact, you reminded me I had to follow up with someone over at Comcast, so thanks :)
16:02.23r0m|uyour welcome? lol :P
16:02.28wcselbyafk a few
16:02.41r0m|uMy internet at home just went out and this sucks.
16:02.51r0m|uAll my remote sessions died
16:03.58*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
16:07.30r0m|up3nguin, do you have problems with re registering when your internet goes out?
16:09.54r0m|uI just lost internet and cant register. All of the other provider did except
16:10.03r0m|uIs all ways that way
16:10.10p3nguincan't, or just hasn't done it yet?
16:10.12r0m|uIs there  a way that I can fprce it?
16:10.32r0m|uis in attempt #67
16:10.55r0m|uIt looks like it cant.
16:11.05r0m|u"time out"
16:12.02*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
16:12.22p3nguinSee what sip show registry says about it.
16:12.27r0m|uwell I forced it with a port change.
16:12.38r0m|u"Request Sent"
16:12.44r0m|uNow is registered
16:13.30*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
16:14.41r0m|uROFL!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAAH!!!!!! my forwarding number that I set in comcast to forward to got switch as my primary number and my comcast number was given away to somebody else!!!!!!!!!! How in the hell? that number belongs to!
16:16.02p3nguinYou ported it from Comcast to  Then Comcast just gave it to someone else?
16:17.02r0m|uno. nether. all I did was go to the comcast voip portal and set it to forward all calls to my Than comcast used the forward number that I put that belongs to as my primary number and gave away my comcast number to somebody else.
16:17.50r0m|uso when you call my comcast number you get an error because the account does not exist.
16:18.10p3nguinTell them to give it back.
16:18.12*** join/#asterisk eAndi_ (eAndi_@
16:18.12r0m|uThats what the eng told me just now.
16:18.41r0m|uI did. I just cant explain how in the world this happen.
16:19.09QwellThey gave away your number?
16:19.15QwellThat is fantastic.
16:19.23p3nguinsounds more like took away rather than gave away.
16:19.44p3nguinI think giving to someone else kind of implies that someone else has it and can use it.
16:20.47p3nguinI don't quite understand why they would do either, though.
16:21.47Kattystarving :<
16:21.52r0m|up3nguin, The eng told me that the number was been populated to another account :/
16:22.15p3nguinTell him to put it back.
16:22.22wcselbyr0m|u tell them you never authorized that, and you want it back.  if they won't, ask to speak with a supervisor
16:22.54wcselbythere are actualy legal terms about this sort of thing
16:23.06wcselbyi don't recall off the top of my head, but "slamming" may be close
16:23.41*** join/#asterisk lhfnet (
16:24.05r0m|uwcselby, excuse my ignorance but what is "slamming"?
16:24.24r0m|udamn my internet went out again
16:25.13lhfnetHi, I am having problems with the stdexten macro in Asterisk 1.8, I can put it to work, if I do an dial plan show (exten)@(context) i get Dial(${HINT})  instead of the macro stdexten activation
16:25.38wcselbylhfnet please show us your dialplan using pastebin
16:25.40infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:25.44r0m|uwow. thanks for the info. I doubt I can mention to comcast "legal" I am just another customer :(
16:25.58wcselbysure you can
16:26.16wcselbytell them what they've done is illegal and sounds a lot like slamming, and if they don't return your number you'll report them to the FCC
16:26.35wcselbythe FCC takes those kinds of complaints seriously and will come down on Comcast hard, and they want to avoid that
16:27.06wcselbywell let me rephrase, the FCC *could* come down hard on Comcast based on your complaint, if they find it has merit
16:27.44r0m|uMhhhh interesting....
16:28.02wcselbydon't bring it up unless they won't return the number
16:29.15wcselbylhfnet which context are your phones in?  Or which context are you expecting to call the std-exten macro from?
16:29.50wcselbybecause you never call it in the dialplan you pasted
16:29.59lhfnetwcselby international, mobile, national, local, internal depending on the privileges of the user
16:30.26r0m|ugot it wcselby. Thanks for the info.
16:31.20lhfnetwcselby if I deactivate the default context they can't call each other, but I don't know where I set for a normal call to use stdexten instead of Dial(${HINT})
16:31.20Qwellwcselby: slamming is more like adding services to an account, like switching long distance providers
16:31.39dymThen again - Qwell has been known to lie.
16:31.55Qwelldym: I lie all the time.
16:32.17wcselbylhfnet you've never called the Macro() anywhere in your dialplan
16:32.20*** join/#asterisk alemos (~Adium@
16:32.29wcselbyso it's never going to know to execute the stdexten macro
16:32.48p3nguinlhfnet: Contexts are assigned PER PEER.
16:33.00p3nguinIf you want a peer to use a different context, change the context you have set for that peer.
16:33.12alemosis there a diagram with the workflow of the manager events when a ZAP call is inbound?
16:33.14wcselbyQwell I realize that, but it's close.  it's about switching things on your account, which this loosely falls under.  the point is, it should freak out a supervisor enough to look into the issue a little more
16:33.50lhfnetwcselby: I did that also but I got the Dial(${HINT}) in first priority than the macro
16:33.58QwellHere's the problem.  If it's illegal to take a number from a customer and give it to somebody else...  What is the appropriate solution for a number that has already been given to somebody else?  Take it from them?  Illegally?
16:34.03wcselbyDial(${HINT}) is not a call to the macro
16:34.33wcselbyQwell if you buy something that was stolen, it was still stolen, and you have no legal claim ove rit
16:34.56QwellHe didn't own the number.  Comcast did.
16:35.23QwellNow, I'm not saying that they should be raked over coals by the FCC.  They absolutely should.
16:35.33Qwellerr, that they shouldn't be*
16:35.34wcselbyso the other customer that was inappropriately assigned the number doesn't own it either
16:36.38QwellMy point is...  make sure you manage your expectations.
16:36.48*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
16:36.52lhfnetwcselby: I understand, what I trying to say is that if I call the stdexten macro in the default context in extensions.conf like exten => _XXXX,1,Macro(stdexten,${MACRO_EXTEN}) and then I use the command show dialplan (EXTENSION)@(CONTEXT) it shows the Dial(${HINT}) in the first priority and the Macro in the second, so the macro does not start
16:37.41lhfnetwcselby: My problem is that I don't know where the Dial(${HINT}) comes from
16:37.44wcselbylhfnet then fix your dialplan. you're doing it wrong
16:38.13*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
16:38.19Kattypokes Qwell
16:38.47wcselbylhfnet so what extension are you doing "dialplan show EXTEN@CONTEXST", i.e show us a copy / paste from the CLI of you doing just that
16:39.00wcselbyand the output of th ecommand
16:39.25p3nguinlhfnet: Don't use the default context for anything.
16:39.31wcselbyQwell obviously :)  I'm saying he should have an expectation of getting the number back going into the call
16:39.48p3nguinlhfnet: Set up appropriate contexts, then assign contexts to peers.
16:40.10wcselbyif comcast fails to do that, he needs to elevate the issue to a super, if the super doesn't want to do that, mention the fcc and slamming.  if the super still doesn't care, contact the fcc and file a complaint
16:40.58wcselbyp3nguin the thing is, he has appropriate contexts setup in his dialplan, but he keeps talking about the default context, so I'm not sure what he's doing
16:41.24p3nguin<wcselby> lhfnet then fix your dialplan. you're doing it wrong    <--- he's doing more than just dialplan wrong.
16:43.04lhfnethere the dialplan show result
16:43.10lhfnetof the extension 1010
16:43.36lhfnetas you can see, the Dial(${HINT}) is first, and I didn't set this anywhere
16:44.40wcselbythe dialplan you pasted doesn't match what your dialplan show is revealing
16:44.57wcselbyhave you reloaded your dialplan since you last made changes?
16:45.05lhfnetyo told me to add the call to the stdexten and I did it
16:45.53r0m|uwcselby, They are giving back mynumber in 24 to 72hrs and a tech has to come to my house to provision my modem. They fucked up.
16:46.02lhfnetI add this line to the default context section in extensions.conf: exten => _XXXX,1,Macro(stdexten,${MACRO_EXTEN})
16:46.03*** join/#asterisk Hanumaan (~Hanumaan@
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16:46.20wcselbywhat you showed me of your dialplan, your default context has two extens and no pattern matching.  what you showed me of your dialplan show output, there's hint definitions and pattern matching going on, so I'm not sure......
16:46.23r0m|uthey fucked up I say. God...... what a cluster fuck.
16:46.34[TK]D-Fenderlhfnet, Stop showing 1 little line at a time and pastebin your entire dialplan
16:46.45wcselbyr0m|u that's good to hear, sorry about the fuckup
16:47.29*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
16:47.51r0m|uwcselby, mentioning a supervisor was the key. things got moving a bit quicker.
16:48.11wcselbyr0m|u lol that's dealing with customer service 101 - always mention the super :)
16:48.39pigpenHi all.  Anyone know if you can reflash a Allworx 9112 with the Aastra 9112 to work successfully with asterisk?  I prefer Polycom, but I believe funding is an issue
16:49.45Qwellreflash to work with Asterisk?  SIP is SIP is SIP (except when it's Cisco SIP)
16:50.02pigpenheh, tks.
16:50.03wcselbylol @ Qwell
16:50.29QwellThe Cisco/Linksys dude at Astricon told me that the 79xx series phones no longer officially support SIP.
16:50.34wcselbyand really only cisco 79xx sip isn't sip....the spa 5xx sip line works great!
16:50.45Qwellwcselby: yeah, those aren't legit Cisco though
16:50.56Qwellthose guys aren't bloody idiots.  They're just regular idiots.
16:51.42wcselbylhfnet give me the output of dialplan show in a pastebin please
16:52.41wcselbyjust dialplan show
16:53.27QwellHow does ${HINT} get set? O.o
16:53.47wcselbyQwell that's what I'm wondering, hence why I've asked to see the entire dialplan show output
16:54.05*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-yvvuatuvzlpafyjf)
16:54.21*** join/#asterisk azv4 (
16:54.27lhfnetQwell: that is my question
16:54.32azv4any phone system sales people out there?  I need a quote!
16:54.39Qwelllhfnet: If you don't know, why are you trying to use it?
16:54.42*** join/#asterisk azv4 (
16:54.51Qwellazv4: $0.
16:54.56wcselbyazv4 lol do you need some contact info?
16:55.05[TK]D-Fenderlhfnet, Now PB "dialplan show"  All of it.
16:55.09wcselbylhfnet please just type "dialplan show" on the cli, then pastebin the output
16:55.24*** part/#asterisk lhfnet (
16:55.29azv4I just need a general idea how much it will cost to buy an IP based phone system
16:55.40wcselby500 bucks
16:55.50wcselbythat's one server and one small phone
16:55.50[TK]D-Fenderazv4, The price of whatever computer you install * on.
16:55.53Qwellazv4: $0.
16:56.01wcselbygive us some details :)
16:56.03[TK]D-Fender3 easy payments of $49.95
16:56.12azv45 users, Avaya IP Office please
16:56.15azv455 users
16:56.29QwellWhy would we know the pricing of Avaya?  Why would you even ask about that here?
16:56.37[TK]D-Fenderazv4, ... This isn't #avaya
16:56.38azv4only phone channel around
16:56.39*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
16:56.45[TK]D-Fenderazv4, Go call a local reseller
16:57.05shido6I have coupons for that $10,000 /mo service contract somewhere
16:57.08[TK]D-Fenderazv4, We laugh at Avaya's crap
16:57.14QwellI love people that enjoy throwing money at proprietary garbage.
16:57.38QwellWe should start charging for app_voicemail.  We'd make millions.
16:57.40azv4Our company needs something that works without bugs and random crap where you wait 3 days to never for support
16:57.56*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*azv4@*] by Qwell
16:57.56*** kick/#asterisk [azv4!~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (bye)
16:58.03wcselbyazv4 contact digium and look for switchvox
16:58.09wcselbywell, nevermind then
16:58.24wcselbyi suppose he wont' be looking at any digium solutions then
16:59.05Qwellhe was only here to troll *shrug*
16:59.41*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!*azv4@*] by Qwell
17:01.56r0m|urofl! kicked in tha face!
17:02.07r0m|uiiiinnnn thhhhhaaaa ffffaaaaccccceee!
17:02.10irrootgets a troll grenade
17:04.39wcselbydid lhfnet leave after we asked him for more info or did he give a reason?
17:04.51Qwell* lhfnet ( has left #asterisk
17:05.19[TK]D-Fenderwcselby, Yeah he just quit.
17:05.28wcselbyah well
17:06.07[TK]D-Fenderwcselby,Probably "I realize I made a dumb mistake and don't even want to own up to it"
17:07.37wcselby nice warni9ng
17:08.50*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
17:12.04umayhowdy y'all
17:12.18umayanybody get sonicwall to not kill IAX ?
17:12.45Qwellkill it how?  I can't imagine it being any more difficult than opening the single port..
17:13.19umayseems to time out IAX connections, regardless of qualify settings
17:13.39umayactually regardless of active call or not
17:14.03umayin one instance, getting 10-20 seconds dropped audio, then comes back
17:14.11shido6boost your timeout to something more than the registration refresh period.
17:14.21umayon active call tho ?
17:14.27shido6Firewall > Advanced : Default udp conenction timeout
17:19.00*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (~SuPrSluG@
17:20.24*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
17:23.09r0m|uwcselby, Another call from comcast eng. They said that my was in pool to be ported over.
17:25.55Qwell*that* would have been slamming.
17:26.42*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-xketpkglpazwnjcc)
17:28.04r0m|uQwell, i GOT A CASE?
17:28.10r0m|usorr for the caps
17:28.30r0m|uI am about to mention "slamming" I want to see how far I can go
17:28.35Qwellr0m|u: Only if they had successfully taken your number from your ITSP.
17:28.47*** join/#asterisk rdahlin_1 (
17:28.54r0m|uso I sort of caught it on time?
17:29.01*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (
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17:29.11*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
17:29.51r0m|uah... I see.
17:30.40*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
17:30.42wcselbyyou sound so diappointed
17:33.51r0m|uI am. I wanted to shout... You practice slamming! Very illegal in the US! Do you know what that means?!?
17:34.32r0m|uand that I would of waited for the supervisor to shit on hes pants and escalate the call to corporate
17:35.04wcselbyyou mean then*
17:35.30r0m|uI been escalated to corporate before. They get things done quick and professionally :)
17:35.34r0m|uooo yea that
17:36.05*** join/#asterisk xpot (
17:36.15wcselbyheh :)
17:36.17*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
17:46.31sorresseanSomeone mind taking a look at this? These are the three files in /etc/asterisk, I'm trying to just get it to bind and confirence anyone that calls in, but it doesn't bind at all. I'm not sure if I have an error or what's up:
17:46.43Qwellr0m|u: You probably aught to call your ITSP and tell them not to release the number.  Explain the issue.
17:47.16Qwellsorressean: I suspect you need a modules.conf
17:47.18Qwellr0m|u: yes
17:47.21wcselbyif the itsp isn't a lec of some sort, they will have no control over if the number gets ported
17:47.30wcselbyit will happen above their heads
17:47.35Qwellwcselby: fun
17:47.44wcselbyi know this from personal experience, btw
17:47.53QwellI had a number taken from me once.  My ITSP couldn't do a thing about it. :(
17:47.59r0m|uok you guys are freaking me out.... so who do I call?
17:48.05Qwell800-4latimes >.>
17:48.25wcselbycall your lec and ask them to notify you if they receive a port out request, but they don't always receive those, depending on who the upper level lec is
17:48.31Qwellit was in the list of available numbers, so I had them reg it for me.  It worked for about 2 days.
17:49.24wcselbywe're a small hosting company and we've got roughly 900 tn's spread out over multiple carriers.  i was auditing our numbers and noticed that several of the ones we're paying for monthly, are no longer routed through our carriers.
17:49.48r0m|uok let me call and see where I can go with this....
17:49.51wcselbywe're actually not a hosting company (not our primary business), but a side of the business they started a while back included hosted pbx type stuff
17:50.10paulcLooking for a recommendation on SIP DECT phones.. Panasonic vs Gigaset S675 IP.. leaning towards the latter, perhaps.. anyone got any thumbs up or down for either?
17:50.25wcselbythe panasonic phones looked cool at astricon
17:50.32wcselbythat's about my only experience though
17:55.00sorresseansweet. so it's actually listening now. so like, is there something I need to do to load my extensions?
17:55.05*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (~SuPrSluG@
17:55.12paulcwcselby: thanks - I half think the Gigaset's have more functionality and look nicer.. but at the same time Panasonic are well known for decent cordless.. their PBXs aren't bad either..
17:55.15sorresseanit's just extensions.conf, there's not an extensions.eel
17:59.25r0m|ujust got of the phone with I was instructed to email there lnp department
18:01.10*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
18:01.27p3nguin... and we're back.
18:02.06r0m|uguys I have been improving my dial plan as I keep learning more and more.... I wanted to see if you guys can tell me if this a good practice dial plan:
18:02.47*** join/#asterisk batphone (~boo@unaffiliated/batphone)
18:03.13r0m|up3nguin, you missed the part where comcast had my number in for port over....
18:03.24p3nguinWhat were they doing?
18:03.26*** join/#asterisk fiz- (
18:03.28r0m|uwithout my request
18:04.05r0m|uThey said "that some how" my forwarding number was requested to be port over to them
18:04.31wcselbyr0m|u it's good, but there are things you could be doing to make it smaller
18:04.37KattyQwell: :>
18:04.37r0m|uany who.... now I have to write to to make sure they stop just in case they still try
18:04.39Kattyglomps Qwell
18:04.44Qwellis glomped
18:04.51r0m|uwcselby, Please advise me :)
18:04.52paulcwonders what glomping is
18:05.01Qwellpaulc: it's hot, is what it is
18:05.08p3nguinI thought you said you had NOT ported that number into voipms.
18:05.15paulc..because it's Katty - of course! ;-)
18:05.20Qwellp3nguin: other way around
18:05.26Qwellp3nguin: Comcast is trying to take his number *from*
18:05.35Qwell(a second number)
18:05.38p3nguinThat wasn't what he told me originally.
18:05.44Qwellwhich is what caused the release of the first number
18:05.58QwellI'm surprised one was done before the other...
18:06.07r0m|up3nguin, I guess I didnt expressed it correctly but yes Qwell is right
18:06.31Kattypaulc: a glomp is a running jump/pounce
18:06.32*** join/#asterisk lowtek (~grandpapa@
18:06.41Kattypaulc: i am PRO at the glomp
18:06.52Kattypaulc: i think helps that i'm short. maximum glompness
18:07.08wcselbyr0m|u this line in your outbound context - "exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(TRUNKCHECK=0)" could just be rewritten to be "exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(1${EXTEN})" and you don't need to repeat all the same stuff.  pattern matching in your internal context.  also, you need to rework your inbound fax detection, you've got NUMBER,1,... twice in the same context, and it's because you're trying to do fax detection.
18:07.32paulcKatty: haha fair play :-)
18:07.56wcselbythat was just from a quick glance :)
18:08.24r0m|uthanks wcselby! Ill oook in to it. I do intend to shorten it out... its massive :/
18:08.34*** join/#asterisk michael-i (
18:09.33lowtekHey guys, what's the best way to keep track of a loop in a 1.8.x dialplan?  Just increment ${X}?
18:09.53Qwelllowtek: pretty much.  see While()
18:10.24lowtekQwell - oooh, while, missed that one ... tnx! ;)
18:11.19michael-iHi all. I'm having trouble with vm2email suddenly. I'm using msmtp and Asterisk v10. I can send mail on the command line using the same config but sending via Asterisk fails. debug==10000 shows the sendmail function in app_voicemail reporting mail sent correctly
18:11.47michael-iAny other debug tips? I'm in low-sleep frustration mode, apologies if I've missed something.
18:12.22wcselbyanything in /var/log/maillog or whatever the log file is for msmtp?
18:12.59michael-iGotta check the source for a length limit to the mailcmd string. Just realized this is a monster command I'm constructing.
18:13.09michael-iwcselby: nothing…very frustrating
18:13.18wcselbyas in, nothing at all?
18:13.23wcselbyor just no errors?
18:14.03michael-iwcselby: an empty, mocking file
18:14.28michael-ijust saw mailcmd[160] :) this HAS to be it
18:14.42michael-isorry for the typed inner-monologue
18:15.01wcselbyr0m|u also, you've got a lot of instances of pattern matching without any regex patterns (e.g _311 or _411).  You don't need to use the _ option unless you're actually going to match against a regex pattern (i.e you could do _[34]11)
18:15.33wcselbymichael-i is there anything in the mail log from when you manually send the mail from the command line?\
18:15.52p3nguinIf you have only explicit extensions, do not use an _ on the front.
18:16.05wcselbyr0m|u otherwise just use 311 or 411, since that's the entireity of the extensions
18:16.11michael-iwcselby: yes, that works perfectly. I just looked at my msmtp mailcmd in voicemail.conf and it's 280 chars long
18:16.17wcselbyyeah, p3nguin said it much better than I just did :)
18:16.21michael-itime to write a quick patch
18:16.32wcselbymichael-i cool
18:16.49Kattygets her dance on
18:17.04Kattyneed moar caffeines!
18:17.09Kattygrooves over to soda machine
18:17.10lowteklol, will $[${X}++] work?
18:17.45Kattycrap i need a dime :<
18:17.58Kattysooo not cool soda machine.
18:18.05Kattywhy can't they take debit cards?
18:18.14rdeggesHrm, I'm getting a weird error: "asterisk.c:1337 listener: Unable to create pipe: Too many open files".
18:18.20wcselbyKatty i've seen machines that do that
18:18.23rdeggesAnd I've only got ~100 calls on this box :o
18:18.29wcselbyKatty they charge like 1.25 for a soda though
18:18.31QwellKatty: I stayed in a hotel once that had those.
18:18.32lowtekrdegges: ulimit
18:18.50Qwellthey put a hold of like $50 on my account to buy a damn soda, every time I used it.
18:18.51Kattyokay well why can't they be here in this itty bitty city in missouri?! pbbbffft
18:19.03rdeggeslowtek: cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max shows 1604167
18:19.07wcselbyQwell - OUCH!  I never thought to check that
18:19.10rdeggesThat's enormous--I'm not using that many files.
18:19.22lowtekrdegges: it's prolly set less for the user running asterisk
18:19.30rdeggeslsof | grep asterisk | wc -l  outputs 1211
18:19.38rdeggesHow do I set it on a per-user basis? :o
18:19.59r0m|uwcselby, good catch. Thanks
18:20.14umayrdegges: are you using the FILE() function ?
18:20.19lowtekrdegges: what distro?
18:20.23rdeggesumay: let me look really quick
18:20.41rdeggesumay: yah I am, actualy :o
18:20.44Kattyeppigy: buy me a soda!
18:21.01rdeggeslowtek: ubuntu-server, 11.04
18:21.05umayi think theres a bug in that function
18:21.10rdeggesumay: :ooooooo
18:21.12Kattyi bet i'd ask eppigy for a soda and he'd buy me a whole cube
18:21.13umayprolly should go up on the issue tracker
18:21.21Kattyhe seems like that kinda guy
18:22.26Qwelllowtek: ${INC(X)}
18:22.45rdeggesumay: dude, thanks for that. I never would have thought of that as a possible issue.
18:22.45wcselbyso, there's been a "management" meeting going on in the next room over all morning (I'm the only non-mgmt employee).  it's suddenly very quiet....I think they went ot lunch without me.  :/
18:22.52rdeggesbut I just realized that there is no FCLOSE() or anything
18:22.57lowtekQwell ... just as good and thanks again ;)
18:23.01rdeggesSo that makes sense that asterisk would keep the file descriptor open
18:23.04rdeggesmaybe that's fucking this up :(
18:23.16Qwelllowtek: next time there will be a small* fee
18:23.19Qwell(*not small)
18:23.50wcselbyQwell small is a relative term.  compared to 1,000,000,000 dollars, 100,000 is actually quite small
18:24.17wcselbyso you should say : next time there will be a relatively small fee
18:24.48umayrdegges: i am going to try to add a test for this to the asterisk test suite in #asterisk-testing
18:24.53wcselby(actual example I've seen used)
18:25.01rdeggesumay: awesome :o
18:42.12michael-iWell, the patch to app_voicemail.c to expand the mailcmd field to 640 chars works. Debug output reports the entire msmtp monster-command. But, no dice… Still no e-mails sent or logged.
18:48.57sorresseanI'm watching in the Asterisk console when I call in and I see MeetMe exited with non error code 1, how do I see why it failed? My exten looks something like: exten => conf,3,MeetMe(1|cdp)
18:49.09sorresseanI use d so it'll create the confirence if noone is in it
18:51.02batphonemp3player app does not render sound when i dial into that extension
18:51.07batphonei have logging on verbose/debug
18:51.12batphonenothing indicating a reason why
18:51.13p3nguinsorressean: | should be ,
18:51.48batphoneshould resample mp3 into 8khz?
18:52.11sorresseanweird. I seen | in an example, thanks
18:54.53sorresseanit still fails though. is there a way to show why?
18:55.00p3nguincore set verbose 3
18:55.03p3nguinmake another call
18:55.09p3nguinPastebin the output.
18:58.13sorresseanit doesn't give any indication as to why it failed, just exits
18:58.50lowtekhmm.. here's a fun one.. I need to evaluate a string to determine if it's 0123456789*#, is there a fast way to do this or should I just gotoif(x|x|x)?
18:59.03lowtek.. rather .. 0 or 1 or 2 ..... or * or #
19:01.10*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
19:02.03p3nguinsorressean: Do you have dahdi installed and loaded?  MeetMe uses the dahdi pseudo channel.
19:02.15p3nguinAlso, what was wrong with ConfBridge?
19:02.53eppigyhands Katty a soda
19:03.28*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
19:05.21Kattyhugs on eppigy
19:05.34eppigysquinty eye smiles
19:05.37Kattyeppigy: i'm not feeling so perky tday
19:05.42ChannelZsorressean: does the channel exit immediately after the MeetMe executes?
19:05.45eppigyaww thats no good
19:05.49Kattyi know :<
19:06.14eppigyi am a little sleepy myself for some reason
19:06.49Kattybut i didn't keep you awake all night.
19:06.52Kattyso not my fault. this time.
19:07.58eppigylol sadly
19:12.35lowteklol, is there an easier way to do this: exten => s,n,GotoIf($[${YESNO}=yes | ${YESNO}=0 | ${YESNO}=1 | ${YESNO}=2 | ${YESNO}=3 | ${YESNO}=4 | ${YESNO}=5 | ${YESNO}=6 | ${YESNO}=7 | ${YESNO}=8 | ${YESNO}=9 | ${YESNO}=* | ${YESNO}=#]?s,yes)
19:12.41*** join/#asterisk sbrath (~sbrath@unaffiliated/sbrath)
19:13.15sbrathdoes anyone know how to setup a BLF hint to monitor a queue, IE: flash a blf light when a queue has members?  ( Other than write a script )
19:13.25Qwelllowtek: Goto(${YESNO})
19:13.43Qwellexten => _[0-9*#],1,DoStuff()
19:13.49lowtekQwell: Thought of that, but this is in a macro ...
19:14.12lowtekIt's dtmf coming back from SpeechBackground()
19:14.19lowtektrying to catch "any key"
19:14.29ChannelZWhat else could someone possibly hit on a keypad that wouldn't match that whole thing?
19:14.32Qwellso then why not just do something if it's empty?
19:14.39QwellChannelZ: timeout
19:15.10ChannelZyeah turn it around and do something if it's empty
19:15.34lowtekQwell: "so then why not just do something if it's empty?" to me?  Well, I'm doing something else if there is no response ...
19:15.36Qwellaren't there vars it sets based on success/fail?
19:15.57lowtekBasically "accept this call" -> yes/no or any dtmf key
19:16.25QwellYou just described an else clause.  I don't see how this is difficult. O.o
19:16.28ChannelZyour 'if' has an 'else' regardless of which way you look at it
19:17.05ChannelZif they didn't enter nothing, the else must be that they hit something.
19:17.22lowtekhmm... processing that ...
19:18.29irrootlowtek i put FUNC DIALPLAN_EXISTS together for this purpose
19:19.01irrootcreate a context with all th bits in it and check it with this func
19:21.04lowtekguess I could just check the length of the returned bit
19:21.15lowtekirroot: ahh!
19:21.18lowtekinteresting ...
19:21.22lowtekthanks guys, let me rework this
19:21.51michael-iFinally found my problem. Both the mailcmd buffer and the tmp2 buffer in sendmail() in app_voicemail.c need widening. Now everything's fine. It failed silently before this :) Glad to check this one off!!!
19:22.05[TK]D-Fendersbrath, Use a DEVICE_STATE and add it in your login/out extensions
19:22.35[TK]D-Fendersbrath, And run a counter.  Or perhaps just a monitoring scrip that will execute a flag update at a polling frequency
19:24.40sbrathI already have a BLF for queue members, I want to make a light flash when there are people waiting... I think I can just add a macro to the inbound and to the "mambermacro" that will check the QUEUECALLS and set a DEVICE_STATE
19:27.10sorresseanp3nguin:  I was just trying to see if something else works. ConfBridge wouldn't work for some reason. well, it may ahve just been a client issue, I'll have to have them check.
19:27.55lowtekOk, easy fix, LEN(${YESNO})=1
19:28.10lowtek.. and clean
19:28.41sorresseanIt also never played any sounds. the console said it was playing the onlyoneuser.gsm or whatever that is, but I never heard anything when I tested, either.
19:29.58p3nguinsorressean: Sounds like you didn't configure it for NAT.
19:30.10p3nguinI see you called it from a phone behind a NAT.
19:31.29sorresseanweird. ok, I'll look into that. thanks
19:37.24*** join/#asterisk Russ (~russ@
19:38.08*** join/#asterisk beccara (
19:44.23*** join/#asterisk simNIX (
19:45.54[TK]D-Fendersbrath, if there are people waiting?  Then you'll have to poll the queues...
19:46.30Qwellsbrath: You can use custom hints on the meetme itself.
19:46.51[TK]D-FenderQwell, Queue, not meetme..
19:47.05Qwellerr, yeah, I totally read queue too.
19:47.17QwellI wonder if queue provides a devstate
19:47.46Qwellguess not.  weird.
19:48.02Qwellit wouldn't be that hard to add
19:52.04*** join/#asterisk nix8n82-phone (
19:57.50r0m|uwcselby, you till around?
20:01.35*** join/#asterisk b2 (~ion@pdpc/supporter/active/beckb)
20:05.16*** join/#asterisk oej (
20:10.18p3nguinWell that's annoying...
20:11.04p3nguinIn my vyatta system, I thought RTP would be considered "related" to SIP, so the NAT rule was disabled for the RTP ports.  It was blocking audio from remote phones.
20:11.23p3nguinAt least that appears to be the cause.
20:11.34p3nguinI enabled the rule and audio worked.
20:11.39p3nguinI guess I should disable it again and make sure it doesn't work.
20:12.14*** join/#asterisk lystra (
20:13.28p3nguinThat seems to be the problem.  Disabled it, no audio again.
20:14.57wcselbyr0m|u i'm arond now
20:15.20wcselbyi'm around*
20:15.21r0m|uwcselby, I implemented some of your advices.... I am trying to understand one part....
20:15.46r0m|u_NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(TRUNKCHECK=0)" could just be rewritten to be "exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(1${EXTEN})" and you don't need to repeat all the same stuff.
20:16.22r0m|uHow is that going to help me if I am trying to set a virable as 0 before the context start to be able to determin if I fail over or not
20:17.08wcselbythink of it this way
20:17.17wcselbyare you doing the same thing if it starts with a 1 or without a 1?
20:18.04wcselbyif so, then you don't need to duplicate the entire stanza of code
20:18.24wcselbyjust use a goto on the first line to point it to the section of code you want it to use
20:18.36p3nguinThat's what I told him.
20:19.11p3nguin  see lines 118-124
20:19.33r0m|uwcselby, I think thats the problem the putput is nether a 0 or a 1 so I have to cut set it to do a 0 as default an in "OK" a 1
20:19.34p3nguinBut who the fuck ever listens to me?!
20:19.39*** join/#asterisk Cubber (~ronny@
20:19.53wcselbyp3nguin lol
20:19.55r0m|up3nguin, when did you tell me?
20:19.56wcselbyr0m|u like this -
20:20.32CubberI am trying to add custom files for the default moh in asterik now, however when I remove the default moh files and add my own they do not play, I just get silence.  If I add back in the default .ulaw files it works again, but my custom moh files do not play.
20:20.36p3nguinI even include one feor 7-digit dialing.
20:20.38r0m|uwcselby, ah!!!!
20:20.47r0m|uI understand what you mean now
20:20.56wcselbyr0m|u it's the same thing that p3nguin does :)
20:21.10r0m|up3nguin, sorry I never caught your reply?
20:21.16wcselbyCubber how are you adding them?
20:21.17p3nguinIt was WEEKS ago.
20:21.23wcselbyare you using freepbx or asterisk-gui?
20:21.24Cubbervia freepbx
20:21.32infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
20:21.46wcselbyI've done this once or twice before in freepbx, trying to remember
20:21.48r0m|up3nguin, sorry!!!!!! :(
20:21.59r0m|udidnt catch it. I am sometimes lost in limbo
20:22.06r0m|uwel most of the time.
20:22.50r0m|up3nguin, your help is much appreciated and I am sure people do listen to masta p3nguin
20:22.53wcselbyCubber are you reloading asterisk / freepbx between when you load the files and when you don't?
20:23.13r0m|uI do for once!
20:23.15wcselbyand when you say you delete them and re-add them, do you mean you're doing this all through the gui, or are you messing around on the box itself, as in command line?
20:23.25r0m|uwcselby, Thanks.
20:23.32wcselbyr0m|u np
20:23.43Cubberwcselby yes sir
20:23.53p3nguinI give lots of examples and they get ignored.
20:23.54wcselbyi didn't ask a yes or no question....
20:24.07Cubberwcselby the first one was the second one wasnt
20:24.07wcselbyor well I guess my first question was
20:24.10r0m|uI was not following. I though you where talking about the initial context
20:24.12wcselbylol sorry
20:24.28wcselbyr0m|u nope - and you've got that repeated somewhere down the file too
20:24.48wcselbyin to [to-callcentric] context
20:24.54Cubberwcselby as for the second I am adding and removing through the gui.  However I did move the default files in the CLI and then did /etc/init.d/asterisk reload
20:25.05r0m|uwcselby, yes sr. fixing it now.
20:25.15wcselbyCubber do a complete amportal restart
20:25.22wcselbyfrom the command line
20:25.28Cubberwcselby ok
20:25.33wcselbyyou should never just restart asterisk itself if you're on a freepbx box
20:25.35r0m|up3nguin, never have I ignore you! :D
20:25.35wcselbyweird things happen
20:25.51r0m|ulol you are masta
20:26.07r0m|uyour kung fu is strong!
20:26.11p3nguinslams down his iron fist and upsets the channel
20:26.15Cubberamportal restart did not work
20:26.26wcselbyCubber you've at least got the default music now, right?
20:26.28r0m|ubows to the masta!
20:26.35p3nguinNow clean yourselves up!
20:26.46Cubberwcselby no that is in a backup folder right now
20:26.57Cubberwcselby it works if I just restore it then reload asterisk, I get it back that way
20:27.08Cubberwcselby just custom mp3 or wav files do not play
20:27.12p3nguinWhy isn't RTP considered to be related to SIP in mv Vyatta router?
20:27.27wcselbywhat are the names of the custom mp3 files?  do they have any brackets or parens?
20:27.38Cubberorig_Back In Black.mp3
20:27.47Cubberis how it was named when uploaded from freepbx
20:28.02Cubberwas originally Back In Black.mp3 before I uploaded
20:28.14wcselbyCubber version of asterisk / freepbx ?
20:28.18r0m|up3nguin, I dont think they are related? are they?
20:28.26p3nguinI was told they are.
20:28.27r0m|uRTP is a general media transport
20:28.32Cubberwcselby asterisknow 1.6 with freepbx
20:28.35p3nguinBut I don't think they are.
20:28.41r0m|uso lots of applicatins use it
20:28.46p3nguinThat's why I created the rule... but when I was told they ARE related, I set the rule to disabled.
20:29.01Cubberto be specific
20:29.02wcselbywhat happens in the cli / /var/log/asterisk/full when you try to play the musiconhold (put someone on hold, etc)
20:29.21Cubberwcselby cli reports that it is playing the default moh
20:29.28r0m|uI think who ever told you si wrong. RTP and SIP are not married
20:29.48p3nguinI think they are wrong, too, considering I had no audio when I had the rule disabled.
20:29.50r0m|unether divorced.... just two different transport one which uses the other
20:29.59p3nguinI enabled it again, and audio is restored.
20:30.08Cubberthat is /var/log/asterisk/full
20:30.26Cubberres_musiconhold.c: Unable to open file '/var/lib/asterisk/moh//orig_Back In Black': No such file or directory
20:30.42*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-wudfjsspxziykpil)
20:30.51r0m|up3nguin, I think you found your answer :)
20:31.05p3nguinSometimes that happens.
20:31.24r0m|ulol I think it happens more than just "sometimes"
20:31.46r0m|uI tend to find things that way too
20:31.49p3nguinYou're right.  People are wrong much more often than just "sometimes."
20:31.50r0m|ujust by trying it.
20:32.41wcselbyCubber that shoudln't be an issue
20:32.42Cubberwcselby: i just renamed the file with no spaces and get the same error in logs
20:32.46r0m|ud00d is cold here in Texas..... ugh cold... ahte it
20:32.51*** join/#asterisk afink (
20:32.57wcselbywhat part of texas are you in?
20:33.19wcselbyaren't you in spring?
20:33.32wcselbyit's like 67-70 degrees in houston right now, that's perfect weather
20:33.42r0m|uI am freezing. LOL
20:33.56wcselbyokay so my iphone says 63 degrees
20:34.13wcselbylol, not freezing, but it's still nice
20:34.13r0m|uI am from PR. 70 is cold!
20:34.17p3nguin45 F over here today.
20:34.17r0m|ulol :P
20:34.21wcselbyand it's better than 100+
20:34.30wcselbysorry Cubber , r0m|u distracted me
20:34.34*** join/#asterisk shido6_ (~shido6@
20:34.46Cubberwcselby no problem so for some reason the file is not being found?
20:34.49r0m|udamn p3nguin!
20:35.11p3nguinIt was in the 60s for the past several days.
20:35.23r0m|uwcselby, you in Houston?
20:35.24wcselbyit snowed at astricon
20:35.32wcselbyr0m|u yeah, live in friendswood, work out by katy
20:35.51r0m|uah! My old Friend is from Friendswood.
20:36.01r0m|uMy old Supervisor too :)
20:36.01Cubberwcselby this looks like my issue:
20:36.08r0m|unice are
20:36.23r0m|unice area*
20:36.39r0m|up3nguin, man thats just to cold for me.
20:36.48wcselbyyou said you're on
20:36.51p3nguinI'm not real fond of it right now, either.
20:37.09p3nguin60s was nice, 45 is rather chilly.
20:37.18r0m|uI can concur.
20:37.29*** part/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
20:37.30wcselbyCubber that issue was resolved back in 1.6.0
20:37.52*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-sblijqgitsgmkwba)
20:39.09Cubberwcselby the error is saying the filname without the .mp3 extension in the error: '/var/lib/asterisk/moh//orig_bbb
20:39.18Cubberwcselby but the file is orig_bbb.mp3
20:39.22Cubbermay be the issue
20:39.28wcselbyCubber yeah I realize that, that's not the issue I don't think
20:39.30wcselbycan you get to the cli?
20:39.36Cubberbeen there
20:39.42wcselbytype moh show files
20:40.17CubberClass: default File: /var/lib/asterisk/moh//orig_bbb
20:40.28wcselbyit's the extra slash I think
20:40.42Cubberhmm so how to get rid of it
20:40.43wcselbyin freepbx, is there somewhere to define the path for moh?
20:40.50wcselbyor for that class?
20:41.28r0m|uI know who would know Cubber
20:41.49p3nguinsomeone in a channel that isn't #asterisk?
20:42.31wcselbylol Cubber ask around in the #asterisk-now and #freepbx channels, I'll continue to try and help where I can
20:43.59wcselbyi guess also the question should be asked - do you have a directory and file named /var/lib/asterisk/moh/orig_bbb if you check on the command line?
20:44.00Cubberwcselby freepbx channel is telling me to re encode the file to 8000hz
20:44.14p3nguinI wasn't paying attention... but are you using mode mp3 or mode files?
20:44.20wcselbyls -lh /var/lib/asterisk/moh/
20:46.05r0m|uwcselby, I dont have to  same => n,Hangup() because with the GoTo I am telling it to jum to the same dial plan as 1NXXN right?
20:46.06wcselbyokay, disappear then
20:46.19wcselbyjust like I showed it
20:46.40wcselbyassuming we're talking about the same thing
20:46.50p3nguinNothing runs after a Goto() unless the Goto() fails and the call doesn't actually go anyhwere else.
20:46.54r0m|uits all clear now. like boobs slaping you in the face!
20:47.18p3nguinSo what you're saying is that sometimes you have to motorboat your dialplan?
20:47.21r0m|uclearness has struck me
20:48.02wcselbyp3nguin LOL!
20:48.43r0m|uI am lost. but ill laugh! LOL
20:48.45*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
20:49.59r0m|uthe bot is drunk. probably at the strip joint... is not even friday
20:50.00wcselbylol, I think that should just be a link to r0m|u description of "<r0m|u> its all clear now. like boobs slaping you in the face!"
20:50.06*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (~grandpapa@
20:50.41p3nguininfobot: motorboat is <reply> <r0m|u> its all clear now. like  boobs slaping you in the face!
20:50.41infobotp3nguin: okay
20:50.55grandpapadotHey guys, trying to evaluate with precedence the following without luck, any help would be mucho appreciated as I'm in my second hour and brain fried -> GotoIf($[ $[$["${A}"="yes"] | $["${A}"="1"]] & $["${V}">"800"] ]?s,connect:s,abort)
20:51.15infobot<r0m|u> its all clear now. like  boobs slaping you in the face!
20:51.18grandpapadotTried $[(...)..] assuming () would work like math, lol
20:52.01r0m|umy nick is embedded in to a bot in irc. wtf! LOL
20:52.02wcselbygrandpapadot I don't think you can use the & in precedence evaluation in asterisk
20:52.12wcselbybut I could be incorrect on that, which versino of asterisk are you using?
20:52.36p3nguinFor future reference, that's a branch not a version.
20:52.41grandpapadotBasically I just want GotoIf((a=yes|a=1) & b>800)
20:53.13*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (
20:53.38wcselbygrandpapadot - check this link
20:54.06wcselbyalso, be careful with quotes
20:54.09wcselbyjust saying
20:54.14grandpapadotYea, I read that, what gets me is the statement: Parentheses are used for grouping in the usual manner
20:54.22grandpapadot.. but it's not working ..
20:54.33grandpapadotI have the quotes in there in case the var comes back with nothing
20:55.12wcselbygrandpapadot what does the CLI show?
20:55.23wcselbyit should show you the evaluation as a 1 or 0
20:55.27grandpapadotevals to "0"
20:55.42grandpapadotRight... but it's the OR that's jacking it up, lol ...
20:56.00grandpapadotI need the A=yes | A=1 to be evaulated before and against B>800
20:56.18grandpapadot(a=yes | a=1) & b>800
20:56.30autofsckkwhen dialing through spa3102 it dial right but hangs up at the first ring
20:56.54wcselbygrandpapadot I take it you've tried to manually set the evaluations ?
20:56.58grandpapadotso if a is "yes" or "1" that should eval to "1" and then if b > 800 that should eval to "1" so the result should be true or "1"
20:57.08p3nguinautofsckk: A phone on the ATA or a call coming in from the PSTN?
20:57.25grandpapadotI could break it up but I was trying to be "clean" and learn something new ...
20:57.30grandpapadotoh well, lol
20:58.07autofsckkp3nguin: a call from the ATA, havent test yet a call coming
20:58.33wcselbygrandpapadot I meant, have you manually set the values of a and b prior to the execution of the gotoif in the dialplan, for testing purposes?
20:59.09grandpapadotwcselby: oh, yea, I'm showing them the line before with NoOp( ** ${thevar} ** ) and they are setting right
20:59.21p3nguinautofsckk: I assume you mean a phone attached to Line 1.  Can you show me the dial plan on Line1 of the ATA?
20:59.30grandpapadot.. so my eval is getting the stuff
20:59.51autofsckkp3nguin: it only rings once and it imediatly hangs up
21:00.05grandpapadotBasically, I'm just trying to find a clean answer on how to do precedence with asterisk and a pattern like: (a=yes | a=1) & b>800
21:00.07autofsckkp3nguin: of course, gimme a minute
21:01.11pigpenHi all, having an annoying issue here with dtmf.  Polycom 650, Asterisk, Audiocodes FXO, PSTN lines:  calling into, lets say a bank.  DTMF works fine for the "press 1 for?" part, but when you go to punch in the account number, it screws up.
21:01.37grandpapadotpigpen: if you type the dtmf slower does it work?
21:01.38pigpenasterisk sip.conf is set with dtmfmode=inband
21:01.47wcselbygrandpapadot check with leifmadsen or Qwell , they may have some ideas about nifty ways to do what you're talking about
21:01.51pigpenyeah, but not too slow.  but not too fast.
21:01.53p3nguininband sucks.
21:02.01pigpen;-)  you know a woman is involved on the description.
21:02.30pigpenp3nguin, everything sucks at the moment.  I swear.
21:02.53r0m|uI agree with p3nguin inband is problematic
21:03.06pigpenexample:  Day 1:  "Yeah, everything is great!!!"    Day 2:  Everything is HELL and has been for weeks!!!"
21:03.10r0m|uI had to go away from it on my setup
21:03.24p3nguinrfc2833 is preferred most of the time.
21:03.49pigpenyeah, i had the dtmfmode=rfc2833 set for every other deployment I have done, but it wasn't working with it either.
21:03.57pigpenany chance the audiocodes is mucking it up?
21:04.38p3nguinThere are DTMF settings for your card.
21:04.38pigpenyeah, now just to figure out where.
21:05.02p3nguinI'd imagine in the dahdi config file.
21:05.10pigpenAudiocodes is a sip device.
21:05.18pigpenI wish it was DAHDI.
21:05.29p3nguinOh, it's a SIP/FXO appliance?
21:05.39pigpencomplication x 20
21:05.58r0m|uAs much as I like them sometimes Audiocodecs can be chaotic
21:06.16p3nguinSurely there is some DTMF tuning options in that device.
21:06.25pigpenyeah, they are much easier to deal with on a ini file level.  but man, you get into that dam web interface?.
21:07.06pigpenI am seeing someone referring to "Declare RFC 2833 in DSP = Yes"  1st TX DTMF Option = RFC 2833   and RFC 2833 Payload Type - 101
21:07.16pigpenbut I think the polycom has a payload of 127
21:07.20pigpenI wonder what the diff is.
21:07.52pigpenI knew it!
21:08.15pigpenI needed that.
21:08.24p3nguinI couldn't decide if I was going to do it or not.
21:08.49pigpenYou ultimately had no choice.
21:09.49r0m|upigpen, tone it down to 120
21:10.00r0m|uat least that what Ihave mine setup at
21:10.04pigpensniff?was already set to 96
21:10.07r0m|uI use a polycom 501 though
21:10.20r0m|uover a different appliance.
21:11.04r0m|ulol p3nguin
21:11.15grandpapadotlol, man I just simplified that down to half of what I had with ISNULL, awesome
21:13.45sorresseanp3nguin told me to use dnat, I had to afk so I didn't get to ask about this. I was connecting to a friends confirence and I didn't have to mess with dnat, can I make asterisk do that? when I connect the IP is like 192.168.blah, but I'm connecting across the internet to a linode.
21:14.14p3nguinI never mentioned dnat.
21:14.36lystraNewbie question. If I move off our local phone company and set up an Asterisk server with some Digium analog cards, what type of company do I look for to transfer our phone numbers to and route calls to our Asterisk server?
21:14.42p3nguinWhat I said was: Configure your asterisk to correctly work with your NAT.  I saw you were making a call from a phone behind a NAT, so NAT in clearly involved.
21:14.45sorresseanYou did I think when you seen that the connecting ip  was a 192.x
21:15.08p3nguinI did not say "dnat."  I said configure asterisk to work with your NAT.
21:15.33wcselbylystra you can keep your analog phone company if you get an analog digium card
21:15.47p3nguindnat is a term in routing -- I'm focusing on your asterisk configuration.
21:15.55wcselbyif you want to transfer your number to another provider, you should look at SIP providers, which would save you the expense of the digium analog card
21:16.32lystrawcselby: Ok. But then how do I use the existing analog phones?
21:16.42p3nguinlystra: If you're going pure VoIP and no more telco lines, you'll want an ITSP.
21:16.45infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
21:17.19lystrap3nguin: Ok, thanks.
21:17.30infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
21:17.35p3nguinlystra: To use existing analog phones, you'll either use ATAs or an FXS card.
21:17.38infobotextra, extra, read all about it, ata is Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
21:17.41infobot[fxs] foreign exchange station - type of port you need to connect an analog device (phone, fax machine) to a pbx.  This is the type of port found in your wall jack.
21:19.48p3nguinsorressean: On your asterisk system, I'm interested in "ifconfig -a" and "iptables -L -nv"
21:21.47pigpenOk, trying a few things
21:21.58pigpeneverywhere dtmf was listed, I set to rfc2833
21:22.16pigpenrevered asterisk back to 2833
21:29.27pigpenWell, I think they have line problems.
21:29.51pigpenthey are getting a mess of cross-talk on the lines too.
21:34.40r0m|upigpen, I think your pbx got hacked and is now serving "adult chat lines"
21:35.18pigpensweet, maybe now I can make some money
21:35.35*** join/#asterisk willzzz (
21:35.41pigpenI should have enough lines.  only lave like 92
21:36.52r0m|up3nguin, can help you get thise lines going pretty quick. :P
21:38.00pigpenI am now trying to setup a number off of my pbx (the one severed with the 4 pri's) to test dtmf function
21:38.03pigpenie: a test number.
21:38.16pigpenie: punch in a number, and it plays it back to you.
21:38.50pigpenthanks, I knew I have seen those before.
21:42.55ruiedI have asterisk, I want to receive a fax and convert it to tiff or pdf with ReceiveFAX() and getting an error that asterisk could not locate a FA tecnologie. does spandsp comes with asterisk or do I have to install it?
21:44.07willzzzi have a unique problem
21:44.24willzzzi have a associate with a gsm mobile phone + active SIM + carrier and when they call us
21:44.33willzzzwe get DTMF digits from their GSM Mobile carrier
21:44.39willzzzrepeated exactly twice
21:44.48r0m|uexten => 69,1,Answer same => n,BackGround(extra/booty-talk) same => n,NoOp(${~motorboat})
21:45.15p3nguinYou have an extraneous Answer() there.
21:45.38p3nguini.e. BackGround() performs an answer by itself.
21:45.38r0m|uLOL nothing escapes tha masta!
21:46.20wcselbyruied you have to manually install spandsp, then compile the appropriate modules into asterisk
21:46.31wcselbyappropriate modules being app_fax and res_fax, I think
21:49.41pigpenpacket loss is driving me nuts today
21:50.01eppigyi would address your network issues
21:50.36*** join/#asterisk WiretapSeven (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
21:51.26pigpenI wish I could.  because, I could fix it.  but my dam sip has different ideas.
21:51.46eppigyPUNCH THEM IN THE FACE
21:51.52Kattyor not.
21:51.59Kattyhug their face, instead.
21:52.01r0m|uiiiiiinnnnnnn tttthhhhhaaaa ffffaaaaccccceeee!!!!
21:52.02Kattywhat are we talking about?
21:52.16eppigyur face is nice i would like to hug it
21:52.16ruiedwcselby, going to try
21:52.22Kattyaww ty eppigy
21:52.43pigpenyeah, it is nuts.  I got 2 GB fiber across two providers 20 miles away?and I am too dam lazy to go there.
21:56.05*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
21:56.10r0m|uyay! its going home time. :)
21:56.27r0m|uoff from work.... cya!
21:57.27*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
21:57.32*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
22:03.32*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (~wphill04@
22:03.36wcselbylater r0m|u
22:03.56willzzzso has anyone else had a legacy dtmf=auto
22:03.58willzzzremoved that
22:04.04willzzznow there's only dtmfmode=auto
22:04.09willzzzand in the trunks dtmfmode=auto's
22:04.25willzzzand there's ulaw and alaw in both since the dtmf repeat is coming from overseas from alaw to ulaw
22:12.43p3nguinI don't understand the question.
22:13.34WIMPyDid you see a question mark, yet?
22:14.52*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
22:20.40willzzzi have a user
22:20.44willzzzon a gsm mobile phone
22:20.48willzzzthat calls our SIP trunks
22:20.57willzzzin which in our SIP trunk upstream we have dtmfmode=auto
22:21.35willzzzwe get DTMF data (entered digits into our internal system)
22:21.41willzzzthe digits our asterisk is receieving is CORRECT
22:21.44willzzzbut the digits are repeated twice
22:21.52willzzzI want 123, my system is receieving 112233
22:22.00willzzzand domestically it works fine
22:22.11willzzzsomeone is abroad and they call in and it's 112233
22:29.08WIMPywhy do you use auto?
22:29.25WIMPyDoes your ITSp detect DTMF for you or not?
22:35.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:41.26willzzzITSp? I don't know.
22:41.27*** join/#asterisk nny (~Scott@
22:41.31willzzzI use auto because rfc1833 works fine.
22:42.33WIMPyIf RFC2833, configure that.
22:42.38nnydiagnosing and issue with freepbx/asterisk. Entry in additional.conf is exten => s,n(record),MixMonitor(${EVAL(${MIXMON_DIR})}${CALLFILENAME}.${MIXMON_FORMAT},,${MIXMON_POST}), results are . This is *pretty* much gonna come down to a freepbx issue, but trying to figure out how EVAL is being used improperly. Any eyes who see something lemme know
22:42.40WIMPyIf RFC2833 works, configure that.
22:42.47willzzzwhat does that mean
22:42.49*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
22:42.50willzzzi use just rf2833
22:43.13nnysorry exten => s,n(record),MixMonitor(${EVAL(${MIXMON_DIR})}${CALLFILENAME}.${MIXMON_FORMAT},,${MIXMON_POST}) is the entry, the comma is from sentence formatting
23:05.27*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-sblijqgitsgmkwba)
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23:09.22*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
23:11.23nnybtw ignore me, freepbx missing some variables, fixing now. Mmmm
23:22.49*** join/#asterisk talntid (
23:23.06talntidWho do you guys recommend for SIP voip providers? Flowroute, Vitelity... ? or Flowroute
23:25.16talntidhmm, Hadn't heard of them. Thanks. I'll look into them :)
23:25.26SeRip3nguin, after I made the change to my dial plan I am now gettin:  Timeout, but no rule 't' or 'e' in context 'phones'
23:25.36SeRiThats the error
23:25.53[TK]D-FenderSeRi: Have you considered making one of those extrensions?
23:26.30SeRi[TK]D-Fender, why is it doing that though? Why is it looking for t or e?
23:26.45p3nguint is the timeout extension, e is the everything else extension.
23:27.11p3nguinSo if you want me to tell you why you are getting a timeout, I need to see the entire dialplan.
23:27.32sorresseanI'm trying to set up my confirence onhold music to stream. some places I've seen say to use: /usr/bin/mpg123 -q -r 8000 -f 8192 -s --mono that just distorts the stream all to hell though. Is htere a better way to do that? preferably so I can get the mp3?
23:28.14*** join/#asterisk happylife (~happylife@
23:28.14[TK]D-FenderSeRi: becuase you timed out <-
23:28.37p3nguinThere's no phones context in that pastebin.
23:28.53p3nguinWhen I say "entire," I don't mean "partial."
23:29.27SeRiok one sec
23:29.39p3nguinsorressean: I use mode=custom and application=/usr/bin/mpg123 -q -b 4096 --preload 0.2 -r 8000 -f 4096 -m -s http://some-stream
23:30.08*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
23:30.43sorresseanp3nguin:  I'll give it a shot. thanks.
23:33.33talntidp3nguin, I just tried live chat twice with, and waited 5 minutes for a response each time.. nothing. do'h :(
23:33.37p3nguinHow's line 58 working out for you?
23:33.46p3nguintalntid: What are you trying to find out?
23:34.21p3nguinseri: Now, what extension are you calling that ends up giving you the warning?
23:34.27SeRip3nguin, not at all. I was just testing :) I know I need a ,fax,1 there :)
23:34.50SeRipenguni I am trying to dial out 10 digit number _NXXN
23:34.51talntidhow easy they are to get ahold of, in the case of needing support, for one. secondly, I would be terminating 190k minutes each month through them... bulk discount? multiple servers in different locations, that I can backup to?
23:35.26sorresseanp3nguin:  weird. it still juat makes really weird noises. like it can't stream right.
23:36.37p3nguinseri: line 143 will match a 10-digit NANP number, but when it gets there, it will fail.
23:37.05p3nguinseri: You're trying to go to a priority of 1+whatever 10 digit number you've entered.  Never gonna work.
23:38.06p3nguinYou can Goto(priority) or Goto(extension,priority) or Goto(context,extension,priority).  Goto(extension) will not work.
23:39.03p3nguinThis is why I give people EXACT, WORKING examples.
23:39.18SeRip3nguin, I wanted to go back to exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(TRUNKCHECK=0)
23:39.37p3nguinThen you should have used Goto(extension,priority)
23:39.47SeRiso I have to do exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(1${EXTEN},1)?
23:39.58p3nguinmumbles something about people not following his fucking examples.
23:40.35SeRip3nguin, sorry I just dont remember I think I got some fucked up amnesia or something.... :(
23:40.55SeRistaying up too late and getting little to no slee is fucking me up I guess
23:42.00p3nguinTake a day off and sleep.
23:42.19p3nguinIt may not help your memory any, but it will make you feel better for a while.
23:42.35SeRiby the way your stuff went out today. I hope the sim works out for you and the ata's as well.. Is not much but is a way of saying thank you for your help.
23:43.37p3nguinI'll check for it in a couple days.
23:43.59SeRip3nguin, you are right. I am off to bed. again thanks for the help... Ill probable wake up in the middle of the night... ok let me know when it gets there.
23:44.07SeRiooo I have tracking. its in the car.
23:44.24SeRiill be back later. time for some rest
23:44.46sorresseanwtf. wonder if just recompiling asterisk would work. every example I find just kills the sound. it sounds horrible.
23:45.16p3nguinDid you remember to enable mp3 support?
23:45.30sorresseanp3nguin:  I did. I have the mp3 modules loaded.
23:46.13sorresseanp3nguin:  load =>  and load =>
23:46.30p3nguinI've never had a problem with mp3s not playing correctly... I've had problems with them not playing at all.
23:46.41sorresseanp3nguin:  do I need to do something else to get it to detect that it's mp3?
23:46.56p3nguinNothing that I know of.
23:47.04p3nguinYou've got mpg123 installed?
23:47.51sorresseanp3nguin:  yeah. it plays sound. it's just a lot of distorted hissing.
23:47.54p3nguinWhat version is it?
23:49.20sorresseanp3nguin:  mpg123? 0.2.11
23:49.24autofsckkp3nguin: sorry im back, i have upload the configs, could you check your notice please?
23:49.42p3nguinautofsckk: I just want to see the dialplan for line1 on the ATA.
23:50.56p3nguin(but I'll save this pastebin for the next step)
23:52.17autofsckkyou'll make changes there and save it?
23:53.05p3nguinIf necessary, yes, but I just want to see the dial plan from Line 1 of the ATA.
23:53.39autofsckkoh i see, sorries, let me c&p
23:54.51p3nguinCan you give me an example number that you would be dialing?
23:56.45p3nguinAs best I can tell, that doesn't match any of your ATA's dial plan.
23:57.26p3nguinBut I may not completely understand what the dot is doing there.  If it's the same as it is in asterisk, your number does not match.
23:57.40p3nguinIf it means 0 or more digits, then it matches.
23:58.58autofsckkp3nguin: i didnt configure the spa, it was already configured
23:59.03p3nguinI know.
23:59.27p3nguinThat appears to be a default from-the-factory dial plan.
23:59.37p3nguinfor USA
23:59.41p3nguins/USA/North America/

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