IRC log for #asterisk on 20111102

00:00.13idespinnerI would guess the suggestion is to specify the IP interface to use in sip.conf
00:00.13p3nguinseri: yes
00:00.28SeRid00d I am been so bash about this nanp shit
00:00.36rocksfrowidespinner, yeah i was going to say to avoid it is to simply listen on ONE ip
00:00.41rocksfrownot all.
00:00.45SeRipople say CC is right and I am wrong
00:00.57SeRiI am not sure what to say
00:01.02idespinnerSeRi, what people?
00:01.11idespinnerprepending a 1 doesnt sound right
00:03.08p3nguinI don't know what to say, really.
00:03.10SeRiI have yet to see a call come in my line that would have a 1 infront of it
00:03.16idespinnersame here
00:03.23idespinnerbut they sound legit
00:03.26idespinnerI would work around it
00:03.30SeRipeople claim its every where and that all POT carriers do it
00:03.40p3nguin+1 maybe, but +1 would make it E.164 caller ID.
00:03.53p3nguin1 on the front of it does not make it NANP nor E.164.
00:04.28p3nguin+12123234343 = valid (but not NANP)
00:04.49p3nguin12123234343 = invalid (not NANP and not E.164)
00:05.03SeRi^^ thats what it displays infornt of my cid
00:05.08SeRiyou saw it
00:05.44p3nguinI know what I saw, and it wasn't what I expected to see.
00:06.30SeRiwell not sure what to say. I satrted that thread with hopes that a CC would help me... instead I got bashed by a bunch of CC pussys...
00:06.40SeRiCC rep*
00:06.48SeRio well.
00:08.08p3nguinI've never before seen a caller ID come into my system with just the added 1 on the front of the otherwise valid caller ID number.
00:08.41pdtpatrick1Question .. here's my music on hold setup
00:08.43p3nguinNever on AT&T land line, never on any wireless carriers, never via other ITSPs...
00:08.49pdtpatrick1i keep getting error that the file is missing
00:09.04pdtpatrick1that is because i moved the file. However, i've added new files and i've reloaded moh
00:09.17pdtpatrick1but it keeps complaining/looking for the old files
00:09.21pdtpatrick1any suggestions ?
00:13.35navaismopdtpatrick1: exist an active channel using it?
00:14.01navaismocore show channels verbose or sip show channels show a stuck channel using that file?
00:14.07pdtpatrick1that's a possibility. Would issuing asterisk -rx "reload" fix that ?
00:14.35navaismono i think hangup request <channel>
00:15.31pdtpatrick1i don't see any anything in there with a file name
00:15.50navaismobut using the moh class?
00:16.07p3nguinseri: Make sure in your posts to differentiate between +1NXXNXXXXXX (E.164 format) and the broken 1NXXNXXXXXX format.  "E.164 numbers can have a maximum of fifteen digits and are usually written with a + prefix."
00:16.33p3nguinpdtpatrick1: module unload
00:16.36pdtpatrick1here's my moh class
00:17.04pdtpatrick1p3nguin, [Nov  1 17:16:48] WARNING[6338]: loader.c:505 ast_unload_resource: Soft unload failed, '' has use count 11
00:17.13p3nguinThere's your issue.
00:17.14navaismoany channel using moh application, follow the p3nguin suggest
00:17.31p3nguinRemove any channels using MoH, then you can reload the config and use new settings.
00:17.43pdtpatrick1issuing module reload wouldn't fix that ?
00:17.49p3nguinNot right now.
00:18.30p3nguinI have much issue with moh when it comes to this sort of thing.
00:18.47p3nguinIf you can get no channels using it, you can unload it fully, then load it again.
00:19.06pdtpatrick1but if channels are using it .. the best way is to restart the asterisk service itself?
00:19.31p3nguinI'd rather wait for the channels to not be using it and then fix the moh module.
00:20.57*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
00:21.13pdtpatrick1I see. Well that won't be for another couple of hours. Curious (forgive me, i'm still learning). It keeps looking for these files that were moved. Is it storing the file names in memory and just hanging onto them? I thought it was supposed to read the directory listing whenever someone is put on hold?
00:24.22pdtpatrick1p3nguin, or anyone - would u guys know the answer to that?
00:28.42p3nguinI'm really not sure.  But I do know how I would try to handle fixing it.
00:29.23p3nguinI would do "core restart gracefully" and wait.
00:29.52p3nguinMake sure the conf is set to correct values so it is loaded as desired on the restart.
00:31.00p3nguinOh, you said read the directory listing each time someone is put on hold.... no, that's not what happens.
00:31.15*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
00:31.27p3nguinThe conf is read when moh module is loaded.  Files in the provided directory are loaded into memory as being available for use.
00:31.32pdtpatrick1so it preloads all the files into memory .. and even if u delete or move those files - it thinks they are there and just keeps askign for them ?
00:31.40p3nguinmoh show files
00:32.25p3nguinI would do moh show files and then make sure the files it lists are available (at least temporarily).
00:32.40p3nguinThen I would configure it like it should be, like I want it.
00:32.47p3nguinThen core restart gracefully.  And wait.
00:32.49pdtpatrick1oh nice i didn't know about that .
00:32.58pdtpatrick1yeah i did core restart gracefull and now waiting
00:33.16pdtpatrick1basically that would wait for all the channels to clear and then it would restart the service im guessing?
00:33.20p3nguinYou can still work with the files and make sure your new settings are like they need to be.
00:34.04p3nguinrestart gracefully is going to not permit any new channels to be created; as existing channels go away, eventually no channels will remain; then asterisk restarts.
00:34.14pdtpatrick1oh nice!
00:34.49p3nguincore restart when convenient - this would allow new channels to still be created, but if at any time there are no existing channels, asterisk restarts.
00:35.18p3nguingracefully is a little more insistent for an admin to get his system restarted.
00:35.45p3nguinwhen convenient could be HOURS or even DAYS.
00:37.00pdtpatrick1i've noticed it not creating new channels
00:37.06pdtpatrick1now i've only got 5 remaining :)
00:37.57p3nguinDuring the period that existing calls are dying off, new calls will receive a temp fail (congestion tones).
00:37.59MiccIf I need to convert SIP to a plain T1 to work with an existing pbx with a T1, what kind of device would I get?
00:38.12Miccis that called a SIP T1 gateway?
00:38.14p3nguinmicc: You could get a gateway.
00:38.54Miccp3nguin, do you have any experience with them? I'd like to get one that I don't have to hope it will work.
00:38.55p3nguinI think you could also get a card to put in an asterisk system and let asterisk be the gateway.
00:39.11p3nguinAdtran is a common provider of such gateway.
00:41.30MiccI have an old PRI card that used to be used in an asterisk server, would that provide plain T1?
00:41.42p3nguinIf the T1 is a PRI, probably.
00:41.44MiccIt seemed like zaptel could be configured a bunch of different ways.
00:41.58MiccTheir pbx won't do PRI, they don't have the license.
00:42.16p3nguinBut if you have a PRI and you have a card for it, you can make asterisk into the gateway.
00:42.16Miccso its just plain T1, all 24 channels, no data channel.
00:43.06p3nguinCan you ask the carrier if that is a PRI and if your card is compatible?
00:43.08MiccI want to provide the T1 service, not the sip service. So I wouldn't need a PRI, just a cable.
00:43.31MiccYou see what I"m getting at now? :)
00:43.40p3nguinYou're trying to give a PRI to the PBX.
00:43.51Miccyeah, a T1 to the pbx.
00:44.06p3nguinThe PBX doesn't talk SIP?
00:44.06Miccwe already checked with the carrier/pbx vendor and it doesn't do PRI, just plain T1
00:44.14Miccit could for more money.
00:44.27Miccprobably 2k + some guy to come out and configure it.
00:44.36*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:45.09MiccIf I can do it for under 1k, I'd rather do that.
00:45.09p3nguinI'm really the wrong person to discuss analog technology with.  I'm a pure VoIP type of person.
00:45.43p3nguinGive me an ITSP, an Asterisk system, and some IP phones, and I'm happy.
00:46.51p3nguinI can't afford to buy that type of equipment to play with to learn it.  Cards and gateways are so expensive.
00:46.54MiccYeah, me too, which is why I've got to ask.
00:47.36Miccp3nguin, who do you work for? Can't they buy you some stuff to play with?
00:47.57MiccYou seem like you should be working for some big ITSP or something.
00:48.02p3nguinIf it were that simple, we'd have the equipment.
00:49.42[TK]D-FenderMicc: AudioCodes Mediant
00:50.13p3nguinIf I were fortunate enough to work for an ITSP, I'd probably have enough spare parts to set up a nice test environment and build out your idea for you.
00:50.32[TK]D-FenderMicc: Mediatrix has stuff but they are kinda bad.  Adtran has some rather competitive choices too, might be the best value.
00:50.42[TK]D-FenderMicc: Then there is Cisco, etc.'
00:52.06MiccAudioCodes Mediant 1000 MSBG?
00:52.29p3nguinWhile I have not had to configure/reconfigure the Adtran devices at the places I have worked, knowing that so many of them have Adtran equipment for their T1s does influence my choice to buy Adtran if I have to deploy my own.
00:52.40Micclooks like about 1200$ from voip supply. prices very a lot.
00:57.12[TK]D-FenderAdtran has a very respectable history.
00:57.46[TK]D-FenderMicc: T1 SIP gateways have a hefty premium normally.  $1200 is as cheap as I've ever seen one...
00:58.04[TK]D-FenderUsed to cost double 5 years ago
00:59.32coppicethey are quite complex boxes. they have to EC and transcode and so on
01:00.10*** join/#asterisk mil132 (
01:00.27MiccWould the Adtran Total Access 904 work?
01:00.36Miccseems like thats all I would need for under 1k
01:05.11[TK]D-FenderMicc: Call up their sales to confirm precise functioanlity.  I recall some models having certain limitations
01:05.17[TK]D-FenderYou'll wan to be precise on it
01:16.37*** join/#asterisk FainaUkraina (
01:19.07*** join/#asterisk adolfomaltez (~taro@
01:20.47SeRip3nguin, can I do a test?
01:21.18*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
01:27.18*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
01:33.13*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
01:39.44*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:47.10p3nguinseri: I guess.
01:48.33SeRicall your CC?
01:49.04p3nguinseri: Do you have any termination through CallCentric anymore?  I'm wondering if they are only sending invalid caller ID within their network, while calls to the PSTN will still terminate with valid caller ID.
01:49.12p3nguinIf that's what you're wanting to test, yes.
01:49.25SeRiyes thats fine.
01:52.16SeRinice IVR!
01:52.21SeRidev null!
01:52.31SeRibad ass!
01:53.56SeRican you msg me what displayed in the CID?
01:54.39SeRip3nguin, you mean termination as an did?
01:54.49SeRiI do have a dialing out plan with them
01:54.53SeRino inbound though
01:54.55SeRino did
01:54.57p3nguinNo, DID is inward, or origination.
01:55.08p3nguinTermination is dialout out to the PSTN.
01:55.21SeRiyes I do have one.
01:55.30SeRidid the cid came out correct?
01:55.32p3nguinLet me give you another number to dial.
01:55.50p3nguinNo, that call came from 1832.......
01:56.30SeRi832 is the correct CID
02:05.02mil132is there a SIP proverder that anyone can recomend for business use?
02:05.40carrarVerizon/Mci/Level 3
02:05.59mil132how are they on rates?
02:07.19carrarAnd you need to go through and pass about 80 interopability tests
02:08.23mil132I am looking to put the business that I work for on a SIP provider with a PBX that we have. no more of this analog phoneline crap that we have
02:08.38*** part/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
02:09.05*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
02:09.07p3nguinI'm quite satisfied with
02:09.16p3nguinThere's also Flowroute and Teliax.
02:09.36mil132think they will port Hawaii numbers?
02:10.12*** join/#asterisk jasonbassett (
02:10.30carrarHow do you want me to answer that?
02:11.01jasonbassettGood morning folks, I have a dial line with a macro executed on answer with the M(macroname) option
02:11.26jasonbassettThe macro is not reading any input dtmf for the Read() application though
02:11.29carrarMy Answer: If you offer them FREE 100% KONA Coffee I am sure they will do anythign for you
02:11.33jasonbassettAny ideas?
02:12.24carrarOr if you offer me FREE 100% KONA Coffee, I'll terminate your calls and provide local DID's
02:12.38mil132I could arrange that
02:12.56carrarI wan that $45 a pound stuff
02:13.01carrarI'm not cheap
02:13.12carrarKona Mountain Coffee, organic!
02:13.18mil132the stuff that is pooped out by some animal then roasted?
02:13.23carrarhaha yeah
02:13.30coppiceif you want pricy try civet coffee
02:13.30carrarpoop makes everything better
02:14.04carraractually last time I was in Kona, 7 weeks ago, I foudn a kona coffee supplier for cheaper coffee
02:14.36carrarhawaii is too damn hot
02:14.39mil132I am on Oahu, so I would have to get it from Longs/Times/SafeWay
02:14.57mil132meh... 72 degrees and resonable humidity right now
02:15.04carrarand it was freezign up at the observatories
02:15.14*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
02:16.17carrarYou need someone in Hawaii to terminate your calls
02:16.27carrarotherwise they have to come back to the mainland and then back
02:17.29carrarI bet the telco's rape everyone there
02:17.37mil132yea... they do
02:17.42mil132one telco
02:17.46mil132Hawaii Telecom
02:17.58carrarStart you own via sip over the internet
02:18.03carrarput a box on each island
02:19.37carraris it a LD call from one island to the next?
02:19.55carrarget a pri on each island
02:20.15carrarlink em together
02:20.45mil132honestly that is way above me
02:21.01carrarit's pretty easy/simple
02:21.53mil132well, lets start small
02:22.30mil132could I have you give me adivce on how to get us on to voip?
02:23.12carrarWhat do you have today?
02:23.34carrarYou can install Asterisk and some SIP phones and there you go
02:23.46carrarphones are all interconnectived via SIP
02:24.52mil132yea that is what I am thinking
02:25.09mil132but for the phone service, I want to use a SIP provider, rather than get a T1
02:25.29mil132unlimited domestic calling
02:25.46mil132but I need one that will port over our hawaii number
02:26.58carrarYou want your company to rely on internet connectivity to the US for calls?
02:27.09carrardoesn't seem like the best idea
02:27.21mil132well, a lot of other compnays here do that because of cost of a t1
02:27.36p3nguinTell me the area code and three-digit exchange of a number you wish to port, and I'll check it.
02:27.48*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
02:27.58mil132and 808-922
02:29.27p3nguinNot portable to
02:29.56carrarHawaii is probably a lot like Alaska
02:30.10mil132there was one that I was looking at that could do it, but I did not save them it was like grandvox or something
02:31.00carrarmil132, why not ask one of these "a lot of other compnays"
02:31.06carrarwhat they use
02:31.22carrarask them how they like it
02:34.27mil132BroadVoice sry
02:36.18mil132and Broadvox
02:36.20carrarYou could just keep a POTS line for local calls
02:36.27carrarand get a US did for calling the US
02:36.36carrarand don't send hawaii calls to the SIP carrier
02:37.25mil132well... If we could get interisland calling without the longdistance, then we would probibly not do a hybrid system like that
02:38.55mil132haha, hawaii is included, but not alaska
02:39.13carraruse google voice
02:39.16mil132I thought we had it bad out here, but alaska sounds worse
02:39.31mil132google voice does not have 808 numbers
02:39.42mil132and I need to be able to support ~20 users
02:43.17carrarShould start leaning how to use Asterisk now
02:43.37carrarthen when it's time to switch to SIP you will know how
02:43.40mil132I am going to start playing with a VM of freeSwitch soon
02:43.58carrarShould start leaning how to use Asterisk now
02:44.04carrarnot freeswitch
02:44.20mil132freeSwitch uses astersik right?
02:44.50carrarin their own mangled way
02:44.58carrarunsuported here
02:45.02carraror by the asterisk people
02:45.13mil132what about SwtichVox
02:45.19carrarThats supported by Digium
02:45.42mil132my manager wants something that comes with support
02:45.44carrarSwitchVox is nice
02:45.48carrarpretty gui
02:45.57carrarbut you pay licensing per phone
02:46.04carrarper SIP device
02:46.18mil132we have a Aastra system now, but it lacking in a few ways
02:46.40carrarlacking what?
02:46.47carrar(that you ned)
02:46.54mil132well, voicemail, for eample,
02:47.07carrarthat is lame
02:47.15carrarthats basic stuff
02:47.16mil132the higher ups want to be able to have all thier voicemail be in thier email
02:47.35mil132and when they check the voicemail in the email, it removes the notification from thier phone
02:47.57mil132right now, it goes to email, but some people have ~600 voice messages
02:48.09mil132and to delete, you need to do it one by one
02:48.24dijibno you dont
02:48.37mil132pleas for the love of all that is holy how to do it
02:48.39dijibyou can do it by deleting them through WinSCP
02:50.07dijibnavigate to /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default (or whatever voicemail context you have set) and then the subdirectory of the extension
02:50.17carrarpay attention
02:50.46carrarscroll back so you have a clue what you are talking about
02:50.58*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
02:51.19mil132I have ans Aastralink Pro 160, its not a vanilla Astersk install
02:51.33*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
02:51.42carrar<mil132> we have a Aastra system now
02:51.46SeRidijib, is your chan up?
02:51.47carrarI assume a Aastra PBX
02:51.51[TK]D-Fendermil132: Go ask in their support channels then
02:51.57dijibbut i dont think anyones in it
02:51.59SeRiill be in soon
02:52.53[TK]D-Fendermil132: we have no idea what their codebase allows you to get away with
02:52.55carrarmil132, do you want to learn Asterisk or just a phone pbx working and forget it?
02:53.33*** join/#asterisk r33dtard (~r33dtard@gateway/tor-sasl/r33dtard)
02:53.47mil132basicly, I have 2 weeks to get something together to start implementing
02:54.04carrarOtherwise I would say switchvox will fit you jsut fine, but it's not free of course
02:54.18mil132spread across 3 locations... 2 in hawaii and one in oregon
02:54.36dijibok carrar i see he's talking about Aastra now
02:54.38carrarAll registering to the same server?
02:54.59dijibrun asterisk
02:54.59carrarSo your pbx should be in a datacenter?
02:55.34carrarand if you go with Asterisk you will probably need to outsource it
02:55.41carrarsince you haev a lot to learn
02:55.44carrarin 2 weeks :)
02:55.48mil132although we do have some rackspace and a 100mb fiber link to one of our buildings
02:56.06mil132I was thinking of putting it in there
02:56.08carrar100mb to another building doesn't do much good
02:56.22carrar100mb to the internet will
02:56.23mil132no it is a 100mb intertube connection
02:56.43mil132and we might upgade it soon to 300mb
02:57.12carrarDo you need local DID's at all 3 locations
02:57.46carrardefinately all very doable
02:57.54mil132no really, we only have maby 5 differant numbers that would need to be ported, then we would direct the call in the PBX
02:58.31mil132we also need to have some international calling, but we can take the hit on that
02:59.01carrarYour same SIP provider should be able to provide discounted internationall calling
02:59.15mil132lets put it this way, we have ~$700 a month right now in long distance
02:59.37mil132sometimes more if it is our sales season
02:59.48mil132I have seen it go up to $1200
03:00.40mil132so if I can beat that, then we can absorb the cost of equipment
03:01.39mil132my plan was to setup a centralised PBX, then get a SIP proider for that... then just distribute phones that connect back to the PBX
03:02.20*** join/#asterisk chalcedony (~llhull@unaffiliated/chalcedony)
03:02.30dijibyou said your in honolulu?
03:02.47dijibdo you have toll free?
03:02.59mil132no, but it would be a plus to have one
03:03.47dijibthey get expensive for incomming calls @ $1.95 an hour. but outgoing calls are only $0.75 an hour
03:04.04dijib1-800 for customers?
03:04.04mil132it would be more like a sales hotline
03:04.27*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
03:04.32carrarper hour?
03:04.37carrarwho bills per hour
03:04.55dijibits per minute i just do the math to show the cost of hours for easy figuring
03:05.03carrarhigh fives TK
03:05.14coppice[TK]D-Fender: I thought they billed per minute
03:05.16dijibwhy do you guys keep bringing my mother into this?
03:05.31mil132We can absorb the cost of a customer callin us
03:05.55dijibwhats the avg inbound customer call time?
03:05.57[TK]D-Fender"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch" - Jack Nicholson
03:06.00itbrokeHello, does anyone here use chan_mobile?
03:06.00dijiband how many calls per month
03:06.06mil132maby 10 min at the most
03:06.16mil132calls per month is a good question
03:06.23mil132let me see if I can find out
03:06.29dijibso $0.195 per 10min
03:06.37dijibwith the toll free
03:07.05dijibSeRi, let me know when your joinging the conf.
03:07.30dijibanybody else is welcome. Dial(;
03:07.37SeRiwill do dijib
03:08.14p3nguinmil132: If you don't know how to deploy Asterisk... I do.
03:08.18p3nguinJust sayin'
03:08.22carrarmil132, also check your IRC messages
03:08.26mil132jeez, I am going to have to guess at ~1200 calls a month, bay
03:09.41mil132scratch that, more like 6000
03:09.47dijibpay p3nguin !
03:11.07dijib6000 x 10min x $0.032 = $1920 for the toll free
03:11.12dijibdoes that make sense?
03:11.26*** join/#asterisk lovetide (~lovetide@
03:11.28dijibyour using 808's right now?
03:12.02dijibp3nguin, do you know if they have the availability to have more concurrent channels beyond the package with 2?
03:12.18p3nguindijib: Yes.  Don't pay for flat rate.
03:12.19*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
03:12.26p3nguindijib: With pay-per-minute, you get unlimited channels.
03:12.35*** join/#asterisk ks3 (
03:13.26mil132so question, with what you just said about pay-per-minuite... if I were to do that, we could theoreticly have 10 people calling that number and it would get routed all to the PBX?
03:13.37dijibyeah but thats expensive... even with the 808# he'ss be paying $894
03:13.46dijib@ $0.0149 a min
03:14.06dijibmil132, yes
03:14.36dijibwhat happends now? they get busy signal?
03:14.56mil132thanks for helping guys, I am so unknowlageable about all this... virtual beer for all of you
03:15.19dijibno thanks.. i had way too much of the real stuff last night
03:15.22carrarI'm virtually drunk
03:15.37mil132I have some PBR waiting at home for me
03:15.46carrarProfessional Bull Riding?
03:15.56mil132Papst Blue Ribbin
03:15.57carrarThey do that on the big island
03:16.57carrarQuite the extensive cowboy history on the big island
03:17.03carrarI never knew that before
03:17.19carrarCowboy's in Hawaii jsut didn't sound right
03:17.20mil132its where most of the meat here comes from, the big island
03:18.02*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
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03:18.54mil132so I dont think we will do the toll free number, sales would not be able to justify the cost
03:19.12carraror find a cheaper TF provider :)
03:19.24dijibis their cheaper than
03:23.00*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
03:23.31p3nguinIn theory, maybe.
03:24.14SeRiI found my self making to many outbound calls so metered outgoing calls does not work for me
03:24.33SeRithats why I am at CC... I cant find any thing else cheaper :/
03:24.40SeRifor out going calls
03:24.57SeRiI use for inbound
03:25.01SeRithey rock :)
03:25.14p3nguinWhat's the rate on unlimited termination via CallCentric?
03:25.59mil132I am out guys... thanks for the info!
03:26.15dijibyeah thats for residential use
03:27.47p3nguinWe're talking termination, not DIDs.
03:28.02SeRiI spent about 25 dollars last month with before I move move brother to
03:28.20SeRiI also need PR included
03:28.23dijibmove move brother?
03:28.31SeRimove my*
03:28.33carrartwice as fast as normal
03:28.33p3nguinI would just call SIP to SIP and forget the ITSP.
03:28.51SeRip3nguin, that would be hard with the whole fam :(
03:28.58carrarNow offering "MOVE MOVE SIP"
03:29.00p3nguinBut that's just me, and we all know no one listens to me.
03:29.05SeRihells yea!
03:29.24p3nguinIf they all have ATAs, it would be easy.
03:29.31SeRip3nguin, they dont :(
03:29.39carrarI interconnect our whole families via SIP
03:29.42p3nguinOr they could even use soft phones if they have computers.
03:29.47carraracross two continents
03:29.57carrarworks well
03:30.53p3nguinThat's how I'd do it.
03:31.10SeRicarrar, cool. eventually ill do the same. I had issues creating calls betwenn asterisk to asterisk before due to 5060 having issues with comcast
03:31.31carrartell comcast to stop blocking
03:31.35p3nguinEvery member would have hir own extension.  If a DID is needed, that could be added easily.
03:31.47carraror use a different port
03:32.04carraror put the traffic over openvpn
03:32.19SeRiI do that with mi otehr brother.
03:32.29SeRiworks well over iphone and wifi
03:32.47p3nguinThat brings up a question I'd like to understand:  How do you get two asterisks interconnected using a non-standard port while keeping asterisk listening on the standard port?
03:33.13SeRip3nguin, thats the issue we had when we where tryign to make mine work and it did not work.
03:33.23p3nguinSomeone recently was asking about something similar, and when he used iptables to forward the non-standard outside port to the normal inside port, things did not work correctly.
03:33.56p3nguinThere was someone trying it before I ever knew you.
03:33.56SeRiwell not recently it was about a month a go.
03:34.05SeRiI see.
03:34.52p3nguinThe problem was that even though iptables was forwarding, asterisk's ports in the packets were not coinciding and so not making the path between the two systems.
03:34.58dijibuse the port setting on the register line?
03:35.29p3nguinThat tells your system which port to register to, but if the other system isn't listening on that port, it does no good.
03:35.45dijibok then
03:37.01p3nguinTake this scenario as an example:  I run asterisk on a standard port because the entire world works correctly on the standard port, except for one system I want to interconnect with, which has a port 5060 blockage.
03:37.28p3nguinMy asterisk is not capable of listening on two ports.
03:37.52p3nguinSo how do I accommodate the other system which needs to use the other port?
03:38.10p3nguinI could use SER, but that seems like a really big hammer for a tiny nail.
03:38.12dijibcan you just register to your itsp on 5060 and the other system say 5080
03:38.49dijibredirect 5080 -> 5060 on your system?
03:39.03p3nguinI could register to the abnormal system on 5080 if I wanted to register to it.  The problem is that my system is on 5060, and its outbound 5060 is blocked.
03:39.04dijibyes im guessing and no i havent read the book
03:39.34p3nguins/its out/the abnormal system's out/
03:40.25dijibcant use port forwarding?
03:40.30p3nguinIf I had a SIP proxy, I could do it, but I don't really want to go to such extreme measure.
03:40.49SeRip3nguin, I use siproxd before
03:40.52SeRiand it works.
03:41.30p3nguinI just got done explaining how forwarding the non-standard port broke communication because it wasn't rewriting the port inside the packet...
03:41.42p3nguinSo forwarding does not work the way I had hoped.
03:42.35p3nguinsiproxd, huh?  I'll take a look.
03:42.54[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: minimalistic proxy.  might do you well
03:43.06p3nguinIt sounds like the right tool for the job.
03:43.33[TK]D-FenderSER w/o the psycho mess L(
03:43.49p3nguinI'll have to give it a try next time I encounter that scenario.
03:44.17SeRidijib, I am calling in now
03:44.49SeRip3nguin, yeap and this the job well. very simple to setup.
03:44.53*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
03:45.03SeRiI had several servers behind it before.
03:45.26p3nguinDoes it support a reasonable amount of traffic?
03:45.28*** join/#asterisk gajini (~root@
03:45.46*** part/#asterisk gajini (~root@
03:46.09SeRiI tested it at work for students.
03:46.39*** join/#asterisk dijib (
03:46.51SeRiabout 4  different server and 20 ata's behind each server
03:47.21SeRiI cant dial sipuri :(
03:47.22dijibim in conference.
03:47.27dijiband going for a smoke
03:47.46SeRiI am in
03:47.52SeRiit worked
03:51.32p3nguinchannel originate SIP/your-phone-id application Dial SIP/
03:51.46p3nguinI don't like having to add a line in dial plan for a conference.
03:51.52SeRiyea it worked I for got to make the dial plan for the ata
03:59.41*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
04:03.11SeRip3nguin, I am just testing :)
04:03.45SeRiwe need your expertise at the chan p3nguin
04:09.21SeRip3nguin, we are talking about loging who comes in to conf calls
04:09.23SeRijump in
04:09.43p3nguinTrying to get some food.
04:09.55p3nguinIt's well past my supper time!
04:10.10SeRiah! cool :) food is good :)
04:10.42*** join/#asterisk arnotixe (
04:11.31infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
04:11.43infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
04:12.01infobotit has been said that elastix is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes Elastix VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #Elastix or on their forums at
04:15.30tapouthey p3nguin, i enabled only ulaw ( g711u ) and premium bandwidth, no issues receiving faxes now.  Thanks man
04:15.54tapoutp3nguin, one thing I would like to know tho, is there a way to detect voice... "if no fax, send email saying, someone called on a voice call.. no fax detected, thus no issue with fax receiving?"
04:16.12p3nguinAre you not doing faxdetect on a shared phone number?
04:16.43p3nguinYes, there is a way to do that... it's very easy.
04:16.48tapoutno, it's dedicated to only voice
04:16.51tapoutonly to fax
04:16.55tapout800 number for faxes only
04:17.18*** join/#asterisk brunner (~chris@pdpc/supporter/gold/brunner)
04:17.48p3nguinI'd set up fax detect anyway, and make my dedicated fax number into a shared number -- shared between a Playback saying "this is a fax only number," and the fax extension.
04:19.11tapouthow tho?
04:19.12p3nguinYou could even go as far as, "This is fax only number.  Our voice line is 866-2-call-us.  Goodbye."
04:19.33tapoutwon't that screw up the fax receiving if it detects a voice?
04:19.46p3nguinNo, that's what faxdetect is for.
04:20.09carrarJust blast them with FAX TONES
04:20.21p3nguinYou'll basically be changing the number over to a voice number which only plays back that message... plus has a fax extension.
04:20.43p3nguinSo the primary purpose is still going to be fax only, but it will require the fax tones in order to be a fax number.
04:20.56p3nguinOr like carrar said, just blast them.  That's what I do.
04:21.24p3nguinIf you can't read "fax" next to my number before you dial, you're an idiot and deserve fax tones in your ear.
04:21.38tapouti blast them, but when my boss gets "failed fax from 1234567890, if you were expecting a fax...
04:22.12p3nguinYou could eliminate that part of the hangup extension.
04:22.22p3nguinThen you'll only get successful faxes in email.
04:22.23carrarplug your FAX machine into a POTS line
04:23.42SeRiblast away!
04:23.46carraror a t.38 enabled carrier & ata at 9600
04:24.23SeRidijib, wtf was that? did sombody blasted your line?
04:24.52SeRip3nguin? LOL
04:25.09p3nguinchannel originate SIP/ extension fax@fax-in ?
04:25.43p3nguinIf I were not nice, I might consider that.
04:26.24SeRihe does not have announcement turn on. the line kept clicking as if somebody keep coming in and out
04:27.10tapoutthanks so much for helping me p3nguin, I now have to try and figure out why my SSD (ocz failed... failed on my laptop, going to try and see if this bios picks it up)
04:27.17SeRidijib, you still there or did you go def?
04:27.27dijibi went def
04:27.37dijibmy portable analog died
04:27.43p3nguinI think all the clicking is his crappy phone.
04:27.44dijiband made a horrible noise
04:27.59SeRip3nguin, probably.
04:28.22dijibsome panasonic
04:29.09*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
04:29.14dijibwhats wrong with that and an ATA?
04:29.24dijibyou think everyone needs a wifi phone?
04:29.45p3nguinMost VoIP people do not recommend WiFi phones for VoIP.
04:29.45SeRiLOL I dont. I dont use wifi phones. they suck.
04:30.09dijibthen how to portable?
04:30.25carrarthey ok in low wifi usage areas
04:30.35p3nguinATA and a cordless phone, or a cordless phone with a SIP base
04:30.57carraruse a DECT cordless SIP Phone
04:31.02SeRiI use a simens gigaset IP phone
04:31.04dijibthen why chastsize me for my ata and cordless 6ghz?
04:31.32dijibwhat year is it?
04:31.35p3nguinI don't recall anyone performing that on you for using an ATA and a 6 GHz phone.
04:31.59p3nguinWhat we said was "crappy phone."
04:32.07p3nguinWell, I said it, and seri agreed.
04:32.26dijibyou were aware of the phone in question
04:32.43p3nguinIt may not have been so crappy before you bounced it off the concrete a couple times yesterday.
04:32.55SeRiI heard the storys
04:34.35*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
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04:35.03SeRicricket cricket....
04:36.01SeRidijib, if it makes you feel better panasonic phones and ata's are awesome.
04:36.27SeRi:) I still use an ata in the house. but no panasonic :)
04:36.34dijiboh yeh did it?
04:36.41dijibwell its a good real world test then
04:36.45dijiblike the iphone that hit the rock
04:36.48dijiband everything else
04:36.54dijibit finally died
04:37.23dijiblike the laptop that i put a couch on and then sat on it
04:37.31dijibstill trucking on
04:38.01*** join/#asterisk radic (
04:38.16dijibim thinking its batteries
04:40.06SeRido you leave the phone on monitoring the chan?
04:40.23dijibnot at all
04:40.39SeRijust asking :)
04:40.49dijibonly my hangup and DID's in and out use monitor. hangup checks callerID and emails the file to that person.
04:41.21dijibso i burn bandwidth right after a call.
04:41.53SeRiI meant like in the conf. are you in the conf monitoring who comes in?
04:42.06dijibno im not, i should
04:42.57arnotixehi all I have two servers that used to communicate via iax2. One server (remote) is registering to the main. Now, on the remote, "iax2 show peers" shows the ip of the main server. However, on the main, there's (unspecified) as IP. hints on why?
04:43.04SeRiI am out guys. g/n
04:43.16SeRiThanks for the help today p3nguin
04:43.36SeRidijib, thanks for the ideas. and yes I know you are white. lol
04:44.08dijibi think every american home needs a sip phone.
04:44.36dijibthink of the bandwidth not dedicated to pstn that could be opened up.
04:47.10[TK]D-Fenderarnotixe: It hasn't registered
04:48.18SeRir0m|u, go off line!
04:52.30*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
05:00.10dijibi thought you were goig to bed seri
05:01.42SeRistill here
05:01.48SeRiwaiting on a call
05:02.14SeRilooks like he is not going to call so I am about to really got to bed :)
05:02.25SeRigiving it a few more min
05:02.37SeRiyou guys up at the chan?
05:02.41dijibSeri CallerID is the SIP/IP
05:02.58dijibnobody else is
05:02.58SeRidijib, I figure. cool.
05:03.42dijibwhy doesnt ip show the configured callerID though?
05:03.59SeRiI am sure because is IP to IP
05:04.12dijibso they dont have those options?
05:04.23p3nguinIt might show it if it is sent and received correctly.
05:05.05SeRip3nguin, what do you mean?
05:05.07dijibit normally does over SIP
05:05.43p3nguinSend the caller ID number to the other side.  If the other side parses it and displays it, then there is no problem.
05:06.38dijibparses it out of the sip packet in the header or something?
05:06.40SeRiThats what I have
05:06.55dijibi dont even know the sip error codes
05:07.19p3nguinI still don't understand why you need to lines to set callerid name and number.
05:07.22dijibi dont see that
05:07.29dijibodly enough my internal is 2666
05:07.49p3nguinSet(CALLERID(all)=wtf <666>)
05:07.52SeRifor my own records p3nguin I record it on the cdr log
05:07.54dijibwe know.
05:07.58p3nguinDo we?
05:08.02SeRioo yea got cha
05:08.03dijibi did
05:08.43p3nguinBut seri clearly did not.
05:09.04dijibi use that way too
05:09.22SeRiI did I just keep forgetting p3nguin I am so use too using two lines
05:09.27SeRiSet(CALLERID(all)=wtf <666>)
05:09.46SeRiI will slap my face to use that
05:10.34radenKatty, ??? you around ???
05:10.44p3nguinShe's in bed.
05:10.54radenwell wtf :P
05:11.00SeRiI am out for sure now.
05:11.01p3nguinIt's night time.
05:11.02SeRig/n all
05:11.14SeRiand r0m|u fuck u!
05:12.26*** join/#asterisk eicto (
05:13.04dijiblater seri
05:13.29eictoHello, It is possible to initiate call to queue from command line ? (making alerting robot)
05:13.29dijibi think im going to call it to. meetings tomorrow
05:13.56p3nguineicto: originate (channel originate)
05:14.25p3nguinWhat do you want to connect into the queue?
05:14.47p3nguina SIP phone?  an extension?
05:15.02eictoextention with several sip phones
05:15.11eictomay be not use queue, i not sure
05:15.43p3nguinMaybe I don't understand what you are trying to do.
05:15.44eictoNeed to initiate call to several persons in round/robin style and play to 1st answered the message
05:16.03p3nguinI thought you wanted to originate a call from the CLI where one phone ends up in your queue.
05:17.05eictoI have several phones and need to be ensure that one of that phones will receive message
05:17.38eictoI also place question to stackoverflow
05:18.07eictonot that sorry :)
05:19.03p3nguinCalls do not originate from extensions.
05:19.08p3nguinCalls can originate from phones.
05:19.15p3nguinCalls can be originated from the CLI.
05:19.27eictobut if i do call file, I initiate call
05:19.46eictoi just need to call some "loop" phone
05:20.16eictothat will always answer, but can't find that it is possible
05:20.51*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:20.51carrarThat guy is a jerk though
05:21.08p3nguinCreate an extension that only does Answer() and Wait().
05:21.26p3nguinYou could call it extension "answerwait" for example.
05:21.26eictobut how to call it from cmdline ?
05:21.53p3nguinIf it is in a context named "crap" ...
05:22.05p3nguinchannel originate Local/answerwait@crap ...
05:22.15p3nguinWhat do you want it to connect to?
05:22.47eictoI can call extentions with Local/
05:22.56eictothanks, it looks what i need
05:23.12p3nguinYes, the local channel turns a regular extension in dialplan into a channel which can be called directly.
05:23.12eictoso I do:
05:23.44p3nguinYour context does not need to be named
05:23.47p3nguinYour context does not need to be named 'Local'
05:23.55p3nguinbut it can be if you want.
05:24.02eictooh, yeah
05:24.37p3nguinThat would be crap@answerwait
05:24.41eictowhat to place to extention.conf in that case
05:24.53p3nguinThe names will be completely arbitrary.
05:24.59eictoIt seems i missed something about naming namespaces and extentions
05:25.01p3nguinI just prefer to make things sensible.
05:25.16p3nguinChoose a context where you are going to make your new extension.
05:25.37p3nguinFor this, I would probably throw it into my misc context, since it is a miscellaneous item.
05:26.09eictowhat is context in two words, i though it like [context] in extentions.conf
05:26.35eictobut what is extention name (crap) in your example
05:26.51p3nguinThe example I used was extension named answerwait.
05:26.59p3nguinIn a context named crap.
05:27.03eictoah, ok
05:27.10p3nguinChoose a context.
05:27.17p3nguinIt can be any context, new or existing.
05:27.44p3nguinDecide what you will name the new extension.  answerwait seemed reasonable to me, since you are going to make it Answer() and then Wait().
05:28.26p3nguinexten => answerwait,1,Answer()
05:28.32p3nguinexten => answerwait,n,Wait()
05:28.46p3nguinsave, exit, "dialplan reload" from the CLI.
05:29.07p3nguinThen call Local/answerwait@whatever-context-you-selected
05:29.17eictoand in call file i using Context: read_text that will do the rest ?
05:29.44p3nguinIf the context name is in fact read_text, it's valid.
05:30.21eictoThatnk you, much more clean asterisk logic now, I deal with it 2nd day only :)
05:33.47*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
05:39.21eictop3nguin,  I tried, it not dial, may be i still do something wrong ?
05:40.10p3nguinYou duplicated priority 1 instead of copying what I typed.
05:40.47p3nguinline 3.  Change 1 to n
05:40.48eictonot helps :(
05:41.20p3nguinAnd line 7, change 2 to 1, then delete line 6.
05:42.00p3nguinIn other words, don't Answer() before Dial().
05:42.37arnotixehi all I've got the iax between two servers up again now. Don't get it completely, changed the password , iax reload, changed back and iax reload.. Whatever.
05:42.48arnotixeNow, can I make simultaneous IAX calls between the two servers? The first works, but the next simultaneous call fails on the originating server.. ?
05:43.15eictoIt dials now, but reset immediatle
05:46.20eictoupdated pastebin:
05:47.46p3nguinYou remembered to dialplan reload?
05:48.33p3nguinShow me a failure.  So far all I see if a valid dial plan and a call file.  If it fails, show me that it fails so I can see what went wrong.
05:52.27eictoI'll try, the hard thing that it is under freepbx control and I can't find logs, will try to do same on other installation of bare asterisk
05:52.37*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~RLACUMBA@
05:52.45carrarwho neds logs!
05:52.48p3nguinThat's why you should not be using FreePBX.
05:57.50eictoThat not me :)
05:58.08eictoIn my own asterisk i can't find any failur
05:58.09eictoIn my own asterisk i can't find any failure
05:59.04p3nguincore set verbose 3
05:59.07p3nguinTry again.
05:59.13p3nguinPaste the log.
06:01.18eictobtw on bare asterisk it telling me sometime        Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"Alerts"
06:01.26eictoso I can't test often
06:01.30eictoany tricks ?
06:03.18eictomay be i reading incorrect logs ?
06:05.00eictoI trying /var/log/asterisk/messages
06:05.18p3nguinLike I said, core set verbose 3, make the call.
06:05.30p3nguinDoesn't involve /var/log/asterisk/messages
06:07.29eictoI tried
06:07.32eictosame result
06:07.37eictono verbosity
06:08.27*** join/#asterisk singler (
06:10.17eictoi initiate call by copying call file to outbound
06:14.24eictowait() need argument :)
06:14.40*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (~kaldemar@unaffiliated/kaldemar)
06:14.53p3nguinNo it doesn't.
06:15.34p3nguinIt should just wait forever without specifying seconds to wait.
06:17.25eictobut when i add 500 there, it at least waited for my answer
06:17.37p3nguinOkay, that's good.
06:20.13eictoafter I answer it not doing next step, but redial me
06:28.03eictolooks like answerwait does not make calling state answered
06:28.12eictoit continues redial me
06:28.38p3nguinThe Answer() makes it be answered.
06:28.52eictoif I answer it wait several seconds and redial me again while i on line
06:30.25carrarcould cause a temporal rip in the time space continuum
06:30.50eictook, i fixed
06:31.03eictoI placed Dial to answerwait cotext
06:31.12eictoand my readtext without dial
06:31.15eictolooks working
06:58.32*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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07:18.42*** join/#asterisk irroot (
07:24.38*** join/#asterisk dom| (
07:25.12dom|has anyone here the german voiceprompts from amooma? they are currently not available for download
07:27.45irroottoday i think i may be arested
07:27.54irrootmorning folks
07:28.16WIMPyI do only have a old collection from different sites. You may try #asterisk-de later.
07:28.35WIMPyHi irroot. What's going on there?
07:28.46dom|WIMPy, useable for asterisk 1.8 with "eine"?
07:29.07irroothehe i may murder someone all i can offer in defence is they stupid and annoying
07:29.35WIMPyI'm pretty sure, VM says "eine neue Nachricht".
07:29.54WIMPyOh, that sort.
07:30.07dom|WIMPy, mhh cool, mine hooks up at "eine" ;)
07:32.48dom|asterisk-prompt-de is installed but  digits/1F is missing
07:33.26irroothehe dont scare me took german for 2 years at school
07:39.55dom|i took english some years at school ;)
07:40.12p3nguinHalf the people around here need some more.
07:42.19dom|my english is quite terrible...
07:46.34irrootlol well i failed english in the end :P
07:47.04WIMPyHow long ago was that?
07:47.38irrootdom| Namibia is still very german been there couple times finished school 21 years ago
07:48.51dom|ah cool, never been there
08:06.55*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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08:24.52*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
08:25.00schmidtsgood morning
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08:28.36WIMPyMoin SparFux
08:31.42SparFuxhi WIMPy
08:32.07SparFuxIs it advisable to use procfs in dahdi? AFAIK the /proc is for process info whereas dahdi is a driver. It uses /sys already.
08:33.10WIMPyIt uses both so far.
08:33.51SparFuxWIMPy: Yes it does. But it seems there is CONFIG_PROC_FS to enable / disable.
08:33.55Pegasus_RPGHello. I'm having problems with call quality due to crappy internet connections. I've described my scenario fully here: Can anyone offer any advice?
08:34.09SparFuxI shall use CONFIG_PROC_FS in dahdi_hfcs too.
08:34.14WIMPyPegasus_RPG: Get more internet?
08:34.29Pegasus_RPGWIMPy: My only other choices are cellular and satellite
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08:35.02Pegasus_RPGHas anyone tried running * over a HSDPA/UMTS connection?
08:35.24WIMPyDefinitely possible.
08:36.21SparFuxWIMPy: I understand now. Only if kernel has procfs, dahdi will use it.
08:36.33Pegasus_RPGPossible yes, but what about call quality? I currently have issues with call quality on the edge-of-service DSL connection
08:36.41WIMPyAnd 60ms packes are pretty bad for call quality as well.
08:37.21Pegasus_RPGOK, I can drop those down. I originally set them high to decrease bandwidth on ulaw
08:37.43WIMPyIf tour internet conection is'n good, don't try voip.
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08:38.12WIMPyWith ulaw you can only get one call through your line.
08:38.22WIMPyI hope that line isn;t used for anything else.
08:38.30Pegasus_RPGThat's why I moved * to the data center: so I could use a more efficient codec
08:39.05WIMPyWhere is the relation there?
08:41.32Pegasus_RPGThe VoIP provider onyl supports ulaw
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08:42.03Pegasus_RPGSo moved my * into the data center (with good internet) so I could use G.723/729 between my office phones and *
08:42.28Pegasus_RPGor gsm.. almost anything is better than G.722/ulaw/alaw
08:43.31carrarIf you are having issues with 88k for a phone call, you'll have problems with 30k
08:43.42carrarmost likely
08:44.00Pegasus_RPGcarrar: actually, the 88k is fine as long as the connection isn't used for anything else
08:44.17WIMPyGet a phone line to your Asterisk server and use teh PST to call it.
08:44.46WIMPyIf you use the line for other things as well, you need a router with good TC.
08:44.47Pegasus_RPG:P that's is in Germany, * is in the US
08:44.55carrarPegasus_RPG, thats true for any codec
08:45.05WIMPyOterhwise you don;t have any cahnce of acceptable voice quality.
08:45.13Pegasus_RPGYeah, so I was thinking of installing Tomato locally
08:45.17WIMPyPut a * in the next village.
08:45.18carrarYou need to use QoS on both ends of your wan link
08:45.32Pegasus_RPGWIMPy: haha that's a good idea...they get 7Mbps there
08:46.03WIMPyGet a phone flat and use that.
08:46.29Pegasus_RPGphone flat? you man flat rate phone plan?
08:47.00Pegasus_RPGhmm, interesting. That precludes doing two calls at once though
08:47.05WIMPyIf you haven't got one anyway.
08:47.29Pegasus_RPGOne analog PSTN channel is one call
08:47.46WIMPyDidn't you say Germany?
08:48.05WIMPySo the standard connection would be BRI.
08:48.23Pegasus_RPGReally? Seems mine is POTS
08:48.38carrarget two internet connections
08:48.40carraronce for voice
08:48.42carrarone for data
08:48.53carrarand never the two shall cross :)
08:49.01Pegasus_RPGthat's a good idea too
08:49.07WIMPyDepending on your provider you should be able to upgrade to BRI for 2-4 bucks.
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08:50.24WIMPydoesn't know who uses POTS except for your granny :-)
08:51.05Pegasus_RPGWell, this is DSL which is delivered over POTS
08:51.32carrardelivered over copper
08:51.34WIMPyIn Germany we always use Annex B.
08:51.41WIMPyAnnex A does not exist here.
08:51.50Pegasus_RPGRight, my modem is Annex B (and M)
08:52.01Pegasus_RPGI never knew what that meant
08:52.55Pegasus_RPGSo how could I get a dial tone when I plugged my analog phone set into the same wire pair the DSL connection is coming on?
08:53.05WIMPySo even if you have POTS, it will be Annex B. All the same for everyone.
08:53.08Pegasus_RPGrather how _did_ I?
08:53.50WIMPyHow did you order that? :-)
08:54.06Pegasus_RPGVia Telekom's web site, using Google Translate :)
08:54.13Pegasus_RPGis from the US
08:54.27WIMPyObviousely you've got POTS. But you probably didn't want to :-)
08:54.46WIMPyTheir website is horrible.
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08:54.50Pegasus_RPGMy original intention was to get bare Internet service and use VoIP
08:54.54Pegasus_RPGyes... yes it is
08:55.01Pegasus_RPGno, T-com
08:55.34Pegasus_RPGI'd done the same in various US locations without a problem, but there I had a minimum of 384K upstream
08:55.46WIMPyThat's what you usually get these days anyway.
08:56.03Pegasus_RPGI'm paying for 2M down, 768K up but I'm too far from the CO
08:56.19carrarno cable?
08:56.26Pegasus_RPGthis is the country :)
08:56.28carrarmove out of the BFE
08:56.48WIMPyCable is usally a good option in the bush.
08:56.49Pegasus_RPGBeautiful scenery, crappy Internet
08:56.58WIMPyBut extremely unreliable here :-(
08:57.00carrarYou live in 15th century castle on the rhineriver or something?
08:57.08Pegasus_RPGIs there anyone other than Kabel Deutschland? They don't service my address
08:57.36WIMPyNo, there is only one cable provider per area.
08:57.45Pegasus_RPGcarrar: actually in a small scenic village. Makes the wife happy, but not when we need to make calls :P
08:57.58carrarbecome a provider
08:58.17Pegasus_RPGcarrar: I thought about that too...get a nice OC3 here huh?
08:58.25carrarwell you might not get that
08:58.32carrarbut might be able to get a E1
08:58.32Pegasus_RPGAll of my neighbors have sat TV, so I don't think cable is an option either
08:58.35carrarand resell it
08:58.36WIMPyWell, go upgrate to BRI ("universalanschluss") and use that.
08:58.38carrarvia wifi!
08:59.12carrarstring fiber over the clay rooftops
08:59.20Pegasus_RPGcarrar: I really thought about that!!
08:59.24carraronce you clean them of goats
08:59.29WIMPyCabel for TV is just too expensive. That's why everyone sets up their own dish.
08:59.54carraror cardshares
09:00.07Pegasus_RPGWIMPy: so how do I find out who services this area
09:00.23carrarask the telco erpair people
09:00.40Pegasus_RPGThey'll tell me who their competitors are??
09:00.49carrarprobably not
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09:00.55WIMPyMost probably Kabel Deutschland.
09:00.56carrarbut they will give you a start
09:01.04carrarprobably only one option anyways
09:01.36carrarsetup wifi links on the hilltops to the nearest city
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09:01.46WIMPyIt's pretty easy to persuade KDG to send out diggers.
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09:01.54carrargo with 400mbps links!
09:02.03WIMPyBut you seriousely don't want to use them for VOIP.
09:02.17Pegasus_RPGcarrar: If I had the capital to do that for all the villages around here, that could be very lucrative
09:02.31carrarget some funding
09:02.43carrarmake your dreams come true!
09:02.51WIMPyThere are many areas where that would make sense.
09:03.14Pegasus_RPGWIMPy: so to be clear, with a BRI, I would set up an * in my office, connect it to the BRI for two voice channels, then have it call the other * in the village with good internet, then call wherever from there?
09:03.37WIMPyThe trouble is that if the gig ones find out, someone is planning some alternative supplies thay are fast to connect that area themnselves. :-(
09:03.50carrarwin win
09:03.55WIMPyYes, that'd be my suggestion.
09:04.04Pegasus_RPGoh, so all I have to do is threaten to do it and they'll hook me up :)
09:04.07carrarstart the rumors
09:04.36WIMPyBut check prices. If you have a DTAG line you can use call-by-call which is often even cheaper than voip.
09:04.37Pegasus_RPGSounds like lots of dialplan fun
09:04.43WIMPyMight work.
09:04.45carrarget your farmer friends to dig some trenches for fiber
09:04.50Pegasus_RPGDTAG? I'll look that up
09:05.01WIMPyDeutsche Telekom AG
09:05.34Pegasus_RPGOh. yeah I'm on the per-minute plan now
09:05.59carrarWhat do you do in a small german town for work?
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09:06.10Pegasus_RPGIT support for US clients
09:06.10WIMPyAnd of you want to send calls via an external Asterisk, you could use an Asterisk at home as well, get the option to use subaddressing and route calls that way.
09:06.13carrarmake nut crackers?
09:06.34WIMPyWhat area are you in?
09:06.43WIMPyGeographical that is.
09:06.49carrarDid you tell your wife you need to live someplace that has high speed internet?
09:07.16carrarclearly in Germany, the women wear the pants!
09:07.28schmidtscarrar not only in germany :D
09:07.48Pegasus_RPGI'm in Rhineland-Pfalz, south of Koblenz
09:08.32carrarquite different here in Japan
09:08.36Pegasus_RPGcarrar: I understand I'm actually lucky to have DSL at all in this area. Frequently there are waiting lists for DSLAM ports so people have only dial-up
09:08.44Pegasus_RPGunless we lived in a city
09:09.07carrarask them if you can get bonded DSL
09:09.14carrarwe offer that in Seattle
09:09.39schmidtscarrar for bonded dsl you need even more cooper lines and dslam ports ;)
09:09.42carrareasy way to get 10, 20megs of internet on the cheap
09:09.46WIMPyIf the lines are too long, you probaly won't get much more speed from multiple lines.
09:09.58WIMPyThey might even get slower.
09:10.10carrartwo slow DSL's is better hten 1 slow DSL :)
09:10.17Pegasus_RPGI'm actually not so worried about speed. Just quality. If QoS actually worked, I'd be fine
09:10.18carrartwo slow bonded that is
09:10.31schmidtsWimpy it depends on how many lines you take :D we are testing a router from patton which can make upt to 45 mbit with 8 copperpairs on around 1,5 km
09:10.46WIMPyNot of two DSL on the same bundle of copper makes it fail all together.
09:11.19WIMPyschmidts: Sure. If the lines are ok.
09:11.31WIMPyBut that doesn't seem to be the case for Pegasus_RPG
09:11.34Pegasus_RPGschmidts: so if I picked up a pair of those, got a DSL connection in the next town at 7Mbps, and ran a bunch of copper across the fields, I'd be in good shape? :)
09:11.39schmidtsand if you loose all your luck, it could even happen that both copper lines are near together so they will disturb each other, in fact you will  have even more problems with bundeling then ;)
09:12.02carrarPegasus_RPG, run fiber
09:12.03WIMPyThat's what I suggested.
09:12.05carrarlonger distance
09:12.07carrarless loss
09:12.12schmidtsPegasus_RPG if you have the ability to run something across a field, take a fiber cable ;)
09:12.13carraruse LX Lasers
09:12.18Pegasus_RPGwell sure
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09:12.23carrardo it on the cheap with ebay cisco stuff
09:12.29WIMPyAsk the next farmer to burry some fiber.
09:12.39Pegasus_RPGI could probably do that..
09:12.42carrar& dinner, bbl
09:12.43schmidtsLasers are not a good idea if there will be snow or fog sometimes
09:12.54carrarunder the frost line
09:13.20Pegasus_RPGBut at that point, isn't that more expensive than just getting a second DSL connection at €30 per month?
09:13.21carrarneed to burryw it obviosuly :)
09:13.39WIMPyA simple wifi link can often be good enough.
09:14.12Pegasus_RPGas in 802.11g?
09:14.18Pegasus_RPGwith a big-ass antenna
09:14.27WIMPyI'd go for 11a.
09:14.41WIMPyDon't get cought with that :-)
09:15.14Pegasus_RPGYeah for the speeds we're taking, a would be fine
09:17.19Pegasus_RPGBut how much does long-distance wifi antenna & amplifier equipment cost?
09:17.52schmidtswhich long distance we are talking about?
09:18.34WIMPyYes, how far away is the nex acceptable connection?
09:18.52Pegasus_RPGschmidts: less than 1km, over a hill
09:19.04Pegasus_RPG(I'm in a valley)
09:19.22WIMPyBad situation for wifi.
09:19.23Pegasus_RPGgot a clear line of sight to the T-com cell tower though :P
09:19.38Pegasus_RPGI can actually see it clearly from my house
09:20.06Pegasus_RPGI guess cellular is more profitable than DSL
09:20.20Pegasus_RPGSince that tower was added in just the last couple years
09:20.25schmidtsmaybe you can think about a bundled GSM or EDGE or UMTS connection
09:21.21Pegasus_RPGI did. I haven't tested it though. Would the latency/quality be good for VoIP, running * behind it?
09:22.15WIMPyBut the mobile data plans are unfriendly.
09:22.24Pegasus_RPGThey have unlimited ones
09:22.29WIMPyYou only get limited volume.
09:22.36WIMPyNot really.
09:23.03WIMPyYes, it's unlimited, but after 3 or 5 G you get limited to 56kbps.
09:23.06schmidtsWimpy we also have some flat rates for mobil here in austria :P only germany is a little bit behind with these rates
09:23.17WIMPySo you won;t transfer much thereafter.
09:24.48WIMPyWhat about a direct sat uplink?
09:25.12Pegasus_RPGThat's possible I think. SkyDSL
09:25.22Pegasus_RPGThey say the latency is low
09:25.31Pegasus_RPGbut I have a hard time beliving that
09:25.48WIMPyThat's obviousely impossible.
09:26.27WIMPyEven if there is ongoing discussion about the speed of light not being the limit. For existing technology it is.
09:27.23Pegasus_RPGhaha right
09:29.19WIMPyOk, where's the catch?
09:35.13Pegasus_RPGAh ha... you need a secondary Internet connection
09:35.33Pegasus_RPGSo it's mainly for those who need speed. I just need quality
09:35.48WIMPySee th SkyDSL2+ products.
09:41.50Pegasus_RPGlooks like the 6000 plan is the minimum for VoIP...192kbps upstream cuts it too close
09:42.17WIMPyYou always need TC.
09:43.57Pegasus_RPGI guess I better try that before I do anything esle
09:44.09Pegasus_RPGThat's different from QoS?
09:44.31WIMPyNo, just a more generic term.
09:44.48WIMPythere are may approaches.
09:50.10carrarTC is more of a linux term
09:50.17carrarQOS is more of network term
09:52.05schmidtsyou dont need Qos if you use this for Voip only :D
09:52.25Pegasus_RPGschmidts: well, my first step is to optimize the heck out of what I currently have
09:52.37Pegasus_RPGIf it is still not sufficient, then i will look at changing the link
09:52.50schmidtsok ;)
09:53.11Pegasus_RPG(because any optimizations I do for a bad link will work even better on a good one, right?)
09:54.29Pegasus_RPGLet me just ask this: with a 10Mb connection in the data center (where * is currently) but no QoS on the firewalls there, is that a problem?
09:54.48carrar10mb isn't much
09:55.16Pegasus_RPGcarrar: but for four voice channels?
09:55.19WIMPyDepends on what else uses that link.
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09:55.35carrarnothing else but voice?
09:55.47Pegasus_RPGlots of other stuff, but the link usually hovers at around 512Kbps-768Kbps
09:56.03carrartry it
09:56.06carrarsee how it goes
09:56.25Pegasus_RPGI have tried it. That's what I'm currently using and the called parties hear me break up sometimes, other times its fine
09:56.34carrarlike you have any other choices?
09:56.43Pegasus_RPGI did just decrease the packet size on my phones though
09:56.52carrarthose breakups is other traffic clobbering your voice traffic
09:56.53Pegasus_RPGI do: I could replace the firewalls
09:57.04carrarwelcome to the internet
09:57.10Pegasus_RPGcarrar: but how can I tell where that's happening? in the DC or my office internet?
09:57.23carrargraph every port
09:57.42Pegasus_RPGport like UDP port?
09:57.49carrarphysical switch ports
09:58.19WIMPyMRTG is far too slow.
09:58.26carrarMRTG is jsut fine
09:58.37carrarhas nothign to do with speed
09:58.42carraryou are polling interface coutners
09:58.50Pegasus_RPGI have been thinking about replacing the switches and firewalls in the data center with all QoS/802.11q-capable equipment
09:58.53WIMPyWhat use is a 5 minute average is a burst of far less than a second will cause dropouts?
09:59.09Pegasus_RPGWIMPy: the breaking up happens over many seconds
09:59.14Pegasus_RPGit's quite irritating
09:59.16carrara 5 min burst will show up in counters
09:59.43WIMPyYes, but if you have 5 Minute bursts you alredy know you're screwed.
09:59.45carrarand for most practical evirments it will give him a clue as to what is using more traffic
10:00.07carrarassuming his switch supports SMTP
10:00.24WIMPyMaybe, but still no chance to see the evil short peaks.
10:00.34carrarok can't type
10:00.44Pegasus_RPGI know, they do
10:00.52Pegasus_RPGI haven't set it up, but they do
10:01.04carrarset it up
10:01.07carrargraph your ports
10:01.15carrarset it to poll every min if 5 min isn;t enough
10:01.41carrar1 switch is npt going take much processing power
10:02.49Pegasus_RPGyou know, now that you mention it... I bet I know what's causing it. The * server competes with the other servers in the DC LAN that talk to each other at 1Gbps
10:02.57Pegasus_RPGwith bursts of traffic
10:03.08Pegasus_RPGI'll set up MRTG to be sure
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10:03.42Pegasus_RPGDoes * automatically tag its packets with 802.11q? or is that the switch's job?
10:03.52Pegasus_RPGerr QoS flag I means
10:04.03WIMPySee sip.conf
10:04.59carrarswitches can look at COS
10:05.46carrarin the 802.1Q ethernet frame
10:14.02*** join/#asterisk DennisG (
10:14.29DennisGhi all
10:14.56DennisGis here someone with a large Asterisk setup?
10:15.36DennisGlarge is like 500+ registrations..
10:16.17infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
10:16.19carrarWhy would someone respond to that
10:16.29DennisGhehe carrar
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10:16.55wdoekes2is there someone drinking coffee at the moment?
10:17.24DennisGwell.. i have a question about it. i'm thinking about making a new platform with a minimum of 3 Asterisk boxes. Box A is the registration server and Box B + C is just for the calls
10:17.44DennisGbut i don't know if it's a good idea to have 1000+ simultanious
10:17.57carrarWhy not use opensips or kamilio
10:17.59DennisGregistrations on 1 asterisk box (sorry for the enter)
10:18.00kaldemarsounds like it's not asterisk you want.
10:18.43DennisGyeah i know. opensips looks great but i need the blf functions (presence) and opensips/openser have problems with it
10:19.58carrarHow is A not going to be handling all the calls?
10:20.07schmidtsdoes anyone of you use patton isdn voip atas? like the smartnode 4552
10:20.15schmidtsi have a problem with the daylight saving rule
10:20.20DennisGAsterisk have everything what i want. A lot of features and it's very stable. but if i use opensips for the registrations then i believe that i need opensips for the features.
10:20.35DennisGWith Dundi carrar
10:20.59schmidtsDennisG opensips is a proxy, asterisk is a b2bua which isnt really the same, normally you combine both so you have a proxy in front of an asterisk server
10:23.08DennisGoke. but i need asterisk for the cool features like blf (presence), queues, etc..
10:23.43DennisGis it possible to use open sips just for registering + load balancing WITH memory and use Asterisk for all other features?
10:27.33DennisGfor load balancing i need to put all customers of 1 location on 1 asterisk box (for transferring calls).
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10:33.10schmidtsDennisG yes thats exactly whats a proxy is used for
10:33.10schmidtsblf might be possible only with a proxy but this feature is still very very untested and far away from real production state ;)
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10:59.09TSMis there any way to notify the user when he enables call recording?
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11:03.55DennisGsorry i'm back. problem with freenode
11:06.17DennisGanybody here? :P
11:09.43*** join/#asterisk DennisG (
11:10.12DennisGsplitbrained irc?
11:19.16eictoDebian irc had good intro - don't ask for ask - just ask, so better to ask instead of ask for ask
11:21.07*** join/#asterisk hetii (~hetii@
11:21.28DennisGdid i missed anything about my question btw? ^^
11:22.32hetiiI had a trouble with * and freepbx.  I set few trunk(just user type) for incoming trafic. I do it on PEER section cause it is mandatory, i also set the register string on form user:pass@voipProvider/DID. The problem is that when someone call to this trunk * start executing it like did@from-trunk (what is ok) but sometimes like did@from-sip-external.  What could be a reason that he put this incoming trafic to from-sip-external instead from-trunk
11:22.50arnotixeDennisG, no, you asked if anyone was around. You're answering your question. You are around.
11:23.34kaldemarhetii: someone at #freepbx probably knows.
11:23.38DennisGarnotixe, i asked a few other things ;)
11:24.07hetiibtw. on the register string as we know its possible to provide the DID but this is information for * or for provider? if its for * then is it a real did or some cumtom name of some context ?
11:25.35wdoekes2hetii: I'm assuming you're talking about the user-part of the Contact: header? a proper registrar shall accept anything you put there
11:26.09kaldemarhetii: it is for the other end to let them know what number they should use when calling asterisk.
11:27.13hetiiok thx, so then it means it could be a name of the trunk and by this the * should know with context should be used
11:27.33hetiibut thats the problem somtimes it works sometimes not.
11:28.09kaldemarhetii: no.
11:34.50*** join/#asterisk nicola_pav (~chatzilla@
11:36.35nicola_pavhello. on a busy asterisk server, its it essential to modify the rmem and wmem kernel default values? I am experiencing networks problems. there r disconnections with sip extensions
11:37.07nicola_pavi could find anything in google. is there a manual or guide how to setup those rmem and wmem, max and defaults? please advise
11:37.34nicola_pavi count not*
11:38.06DennisGnicola, what's the load of the asterisk box?
11:40.06nicola_pavDennisG: i have 748 sip ext
11:44.42DennisGnicola_pav, what's the cpu load? (i think that i can't use notice with colloquy haha)
11:47.29nicola_pavDennisG: it has 4 cores
11:47.53nicola_pavDennisG: u mean what i see in htop?
11:48.52schmidtsnicola_pav which asterisk version do you use?
11:49.10nicola_pavcpu seems fine, load average: 2.65
11:49.22nicola_pavshmidts: asterisk 1.4.36
11:49.28schmidtswith how many concurrent calls?
11:49.53nicola_pavshmidts: more than 50
11:50.24schmidtsimho a little bit high for this amount
11:50.28nicola_pavthe server has also 5 pris
11:50.45DennisGare the channels SIP or DAHDI?
11:50.54nicola_pavschmidts: what do u mean by high? which is high?
11:51.01DennisGdue network issues with switches or something like that..
11:51.02WIMPyAny transcoding going on?
11:51.43nicola_pavDennisG: calls are DAHDI and sip
11:51.47schmidtsnicola_pav the load is a little bit high for so less calls, i have this amount with around 130 or 150 concurrent calls but these calls are from sip to zap with 8 Pris
11:52.14nicola_pavWIMPy: transcoding would result in high CPU if there is a problem
11:52.15schmidtsbut this server runs 1.2 so it might be ok for you ;)
11:52.21nicola_pavbut cpu seems normal
11:52.34schmidtsnicola_pav transcoding allways cause high cpu even without a problem ;)
11:53.12nicola_pavschmidts: transcoding involve translating between codecs, right?
11:53.44DennisGyou can try to offload some calls to check if it will help :)
11:55.00nicola_pavi ran netstat -s and under Udp i have a lot of RecBufErr
11:55.04DennisGor test with a few calls.. if that solved the problem then check it with more calls
11:55.08nicola_pavis it a problem?
11:55.55schmidtsnicola_pav normal calls over a PRI are allways g711u/a if someone use gsm or g729 you have to transcode the audio to make it fit for the pstn world
11:56.49DennisGsorry have to go.. the Internet guy is here for a new connection.. -_-
11:56.50WIMPyThey can also use G.722 if any channel supported it.
11:56.54nicola_pavcan i run sth in asterisk cli to check for transcoding?
11:56.57DennisGgood luck nicola!
11:57.29nicola_pavDennisG: i think i dont have a choice but to unload calls, i will see
11:57.42nicola_pavi just want to makre sure its not the kernel or asterisk open files
11:58.52WIMPyIf you ran out of open files you would definitely see that.
11:59.25nicola_pavWIMPy: yeah i remember now, in log files, cannot open socket
11:59.36nicola_pavwhat about kernel buffer values? receive and send?
12:01.32*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
12:01.47WIMPyI've never seen RevBufErr, but I'm confident it's bad.
12:07.45*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
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12:21.51Blackvelhi all. got varius RTP floods past days (directip). is it enough to limit udp 5060 registers/invites or is there some more firewall protection (limit, recent, string, etc.) for rtp 5004+-x range required? found even a tool for rtp flooding
12:22.09*** part/#asterisk gajini (~root@
12:23.02DovidBlacklevel: You can ajust the ports used in rtp.conf
12:23.06Dovidand then block everything else
12:23.48*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
12:25.38Blackvelwell it happens that there are like 16+ channels open
12:26.06Blackvelas the flood script hammers my asterisk which also seem to answer / pickup the line
12:26.28Blackveli dont have any open rtp ports for internal phones / isdn gateway connections
12:27.08[TK]D-FenderRTP should be able to get it on it's own and get answered... unless SIP was negotiated to allow it.
12:27.25Blackveli am thinking about to check if the callerid is unknown and once not to answer the line (do do not to ivr)
12:27.29[TK]D-FenderNow getting flooded with SIP calls.. that is another matter
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12:27.48[TK]D-FenderBecause this looks like you're allowing un-authed calls through
12:28.01[TK]D-FenderWhich is something you shouldn't be doing anyway.
12:28.18Blackvelmy nat router firewall has no limits (for any protocol) and asterisk box fw was not setup for this :)
12:28.22Blackvel...not yet...
12:28.33Blackvelyes...for directip i seem to accept un-authed calls
12:28.38[TK]D-FenderSo far not a FW question though it's a likely solution
12:28.55[TK]D-FenderHave you considered NOT accepting unauthed calls? :)
12:29.10McBoingBoVOIP over VPN connections, anything special to take into consideration? I have users with call quality issues in a remote location, our Asterisk server here seems to be fine, so I have to start thinking that the users connection is at fault
12:29.47WIMPyDon't use the same vpn for anythign else.
12:31.01[TK]D-FenderMcBoingBo, VPN just shoves more wreapping around the same packets.  Don't expect them to get better for it
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12:33.02McBoingBo[TK]D-Fender, most definitely dont expect a better result, just making sure that it is not unheard of to use softphone on VPN for a regular home connection
12:33.56[TK]D-FenderMcBoingBo, Sure it's been done, but for completely different reasons.  Security & to bypass things like ISP filters on SIP at the primary ones
12:34.20*** join/#asterisk oej (
12:34.20McBoingBoI used tcpdump + wireshark to take a peak at the conversation we had, and it had loads of jitter/out of sequence but all was from the client to the Asterisk server not a hiccup going from Asterisk to user
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12:38.11[TK]D-FenderMcBoingBo, Legit client?
12:38.27McBoingBo[TK]D-Fender, Legit in what sense?
12:38.42[TK]D-Fenderactual real user or one of those un-authed calls?
12:38.52McBoingBo[TK]D-Fender, Real user
12:39.01[TK]D-FenderMcBoingBo, Ok, nothing you can do about that...
12:39.28McBoingBowell there is, like recommending a better upload at the remote office, etc
12:39.58[TK]D-FenderYeah, but those are things I suppose we shouldn't have to say :)  Like you can't "fix" the problem.. only replace the entire scenario
12:41.21McBoingBoyeah but sometimes we "have" to state the obvious
12:41.29McBoingBowell its starting to become obvious to me now
12:42.10McBoingBodo you think I should have a tcpdump at the Firewall machine AND Asterisk server to ensure that the issue is on their end?
12:42.49McBoingBoI doubt thats the issue because its going out through the same path just fine
12:43.52[TK]D-Fendersounds like outbound traffic on their side is just choked up....
12:44.48McBoingBo[TK]D-Fender, yeah I am getting them to run a simple and share that with me, I want to see how pathetic their upload is
12:45.18McBoingBoalso, not all remote users are on the G.729 codec, so..yeah
12:45.52McBoingBoso far X-Lite has been hit and miss with quality but overall I like it, would like to try Bria though
12:46.15*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
12:47.30Blackvelis inbound directip supported with a (somewhat guest) username and password? to set allowguest=no for disallowing unauthenticated calls (rtp flooding)
12:47.31McBoingBoany better softphones out there? and is there something I can configure on the softphone side to help the bandwidth choke?
12:49.08*** join/#asterisk bakermd (
12:50.10[TK]D-FenderMcBoingBo, It's not the softphone's fault.
12:50.26McBoingBo[TK]D-Fender, yeah I know..../kicks dirt
12:50.27[TK]D-Fendernetwork conditions start from the OS out through the rest of their routing
12:50.47[TK]D-FenderBlackvel, "somewhat guest" user = user
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13:01.34Blackvelno i mean this:
13:01.37BlackvelDial(IAX2/, 30,r)
13:01.43Blackvelthat works in the extensions.conf
13:02.29Blackveldoes that work for sip too? Dial(SIP/, 30,r). so when i giveout my directip number i would just add a special username and password, to be able to add allowguest=no for denying unauthenticated calls
13:04.28[TK]D-Fenderguestusr = a user
13:04.48[TK]D-FenderYou could call it "Fred" if yuo felt like.
13:04.54[TK]D-FenderIt's still an actual account name
13:06.16Blackvelof course
13:06.49*** join/#asterisk DennisG (
13:06.54Blackvelbut are even sip direct ip calls possible with a provided username?
13:07.16Blackveli have no problem to handout the username, if one can enter in his system or voip phone
13:07.34[TK]D-Fenderthat isn't un-authed.  It is simply without creating a peer.  Which is technically less secure on their end and means their [general] has to deal with codecs and other stuff better restricted to peers
13:08.24[TK]D-FenderBlackvel, You never needed to be registered to call.
13:09.01[TK]D-FenderBlackvel, So if they choose to make a peer (thy should if they know what's good for them) or just shove it in the Dial (ew), it's up to them
13:09.52Blackvelso either i go improve my FW or improving directip call context if i continue with allowguest=yes
13:10.45Blackvelwhat way do you guys go with 1-5 company systems? disallowing directip completely?
13:11.03Blackveli am really not sure right now if voip phone support adding username/password for direct ip calls :)
13:11.43Blackvelmost of the times i dont need it...makes only sense to be used for international / EU calls
13:12.17[TK]D-Fenderwhat way do you guys go with 1-5 company systems? disallowing directip completely? <_ ?
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13:13.34Kattyraden: i am now!
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13:27.39deeperrorI've blocked an IP from hitting the pbx, but for the past 2 days it's still hammering on the pbx even though all the packets are being dropped.  Is there a better way to stop these attacks or just have to wait until they decide it's no use?
13:28.12DennisGdeeperror: do you use iptables? if so, do you use deny or drop?
13:28.14*** join/#asterisk akiims (akiims@
13:28.32DennisGoke nice :)
13:28.54DennisGbut if you have problems with the current situation then the only solution is a dedicated firewall in front of your pbx
13:28.57deeperroriptables -I asterisk -s $IP -j DROP
13:29.02TSMis there any way to notify the user when he enables call recording?
13:29.07*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
13:29.15DennisGbecause now you still get packets from a blacklisted ip
13:29.29deeperrorok, yea i just see it on my switch charts.   I'll add it to the router
13:30.25*** join/#asterisk mmoebius (~mmoebius@
13:30.29DennisGblock it in your gateway :) that's the best solution
13:30.55DennisGnow your offloading your pbx (and other servers)
13:31.21mmoebiusHello. Is anybody aware of any simple LDAP server implementation that can serve a phonebook e.g. for SNOM or Ekliga phones e.g. from a file ?
13:32.18mmoebiusI don't want to run a full-blown LDAP-Server anymore but I'd rather have a more simple thing, even if it handles only name <--> phone number associations
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13:32.55WIMPyuses the browser
13:33.00irrootmmoebius we ship ours with it built in sorry
13:33.02hetiiif i will set on some trunk the argument will also be valid for subdomain like ?
13:33.33[TK]D-Fenderdeeperror, Well.. that'll stop them 1 layer higher.. but they'll still waste bandwidth.  Maybe ask if your ISP can block them
13:33.42mmoebiusirroot: asterisk has a "build-in" LDAP ?
13:33.46irrootrunning ldap with a lighter backend maybe sqllite ??
13:33.50*** join/#asterisk usc911 (
13:34.07hetiithe problem with my incoming call as i suppose is that i use srv lookup (my voip provider use few server to handle trafic) and as i see they send me some request sometime from some subdomian
13:34.10deeperror[TK]D-Fender: ok that's a good idea and what I was wondering.   I'll call them up now.
13:34.11irrootmmoebius its a prebuilt distro
13:34.44usc911Hey guys, I have been trying to find an IRC chanel for what im doing but was unable. I thoiught this being a phone related chanel that somebody may have experience with panasonic systems and I just need a very quick question?
13:34.45hetiiso the question is what i can put on host= value? or should i use for eg. the wildcard like * ?
13:34.45mmoebiusirroot: Currently, i have the berkeley db backent. That is pretty lightweight, from the server perspective. Unfortunately I have no sensible frontend for it to make some .... not too-bright staff people maintain the directory ...
13:35.25irrootmmoebius simple php page goes a long way
13:35.26mmoebiusirroot: Which distro is shiping a prebuild asterisk with LDAP ?
13:35.41deeperrorDennisG: I'm going to call ATT see what wonderful solutions they have
13:35.43irrootthe one we build
13:36.33*** join/#asterisk DennisG (
13:37.14mmoebiusirroot: I am sorry for not beeing in the context, but which asterisk-distro do you build ? afaik asterisk itself is only the VoIP/SIP software, no ?
13:38.25irrootmmoebius its a all in one with own gui
13:39.07irrootlinux 3.0 with all the bits needed ldap/sql/apache/samba/sendmail/dovecot/....
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13:39.37akiimshi, when Playback() function plays .alaw audiofile, in the beginning and at the end i can hear some kind of "click" sound. I use asterisk
13:41.22mmoebiusirroot: Ist is a buyable product ? Does it have a name and a website ?
13:42.56irrootsure is but more focused on south africa
13:43.53[TK]D-Fenderirroot, What's it called?
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13:45.01irroot[TK]D-Fender company is distrotech still need a decent name or distro though sell it preloaded on boxes from small atom box upto big servers
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13:51.54cuscoin dialplan how can I hangup a call (2nd call leg) and dial again keeping the channel active?
13:52.17[TK]D-Fendercusco, "core show application dial" <-
13:52.27cuscojust a sec
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13:54.30cuscook here is my scenario. call file dials pstn, if answered it goes to a certain exten@context. and I want to hangup that call and dial another number imediatly ?
13:54.31vader--does anyone in heer own a Polycom SoundStation 7000? I have one on an older firmware 4.2 bootrom and 3.2 App firmware and it takes forever to boot. Just trying to see if anyone else experiences this issue?
13:55.26WIMPycusco: What [TK]D-Fender said. Examine the L region.
13:55.47cuscoow, I was thinking about g
13:55.50cuscokk thanks
13:55.56[TK]D-Fendervader--, how long is "forever"?
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13:56.31irrootvader-- is it provisioning ?? it could be trying to dl a boot/sip file ?
13:58.19timholumdoes anyone know if there is a way to make a catchall voicemail box? so if I dial mailbox 302 ( which does not exsist ) it will go to a mailbox I chouse?
13:58.57[TK]D-Fendertimholum, It's your dialplan... do whatever you want
13:59.10[TK]D-Fendertimholum, And you don't "dial" a mailbox.
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14:00.41timholumfine :) if I Run VoiceMailBox( 302@mycontaxt ); it goes to a default mailbox if it doesnt exsist
14:01.03timholumor will I have to catch that in my dialplan
14:01.23[TK]D-Fendertimholum, Do it int he dialplan
14:01.59timholumis there a if mailbox exsists? command
14:02.13[TK]D-Fendertimholum, "core show functions" <-
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14:28.23Kattypokes eppigy
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14:31.18eppigytwirls Katty around clumsily
14:33.40Blackvelwhat is usually the calling id for directip calls? i got "", "asterisk", "sip" and "unknown"
14:35.13vader--it is taking about 5-10 minutes
14:35.30eictoBlackvel, callerid defined by Callerid: in call file
14:36.30Blackvelon inbound directip calls i mean. just thinking about to check for sip and unknown and let the call not answer
14:36.31[TK]D-FenderBlackvel, Whose?
14:36.48[TK]D-FenderBlackvel, Stop allowing them in the first palce
14:37.20Blackveljust checked grandstream directip feature: the phone will only allow you to enter the IP address. nothing more :)
14:41.46Blackveldoes it make sense that a linux FW box preroutes (nat) 5060 and 5004-x to the asterisk box and then the FW on the asterisk box checks some rules / blocks? dont want to recompile all the newer ip kernel modules on mipsel
14:42.13catphishwhat proportion of users are likely to run into problems by using consumer firewalls and no stun configuration? we're running into problems with the majority of our users at the moment
14:42.31catphishwith nat=yes and no nat on the server side
14:44.02*** join/#asterisk Sylnai (
14:44.55[TK]D-FenderBlackvel, OS does what you set it up to do.
14:45.15[TK]D-Fendercatphish, I have never seen any requirement for STUN before.
14:45.40[TK]D-Fendercatphish, And those settings are only a few of those required.
14:45.43infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
14:48.26*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
14:51.12catphishthanks [TK]D-Fender
14:51.43Blackvel[TK]D-Fender: i mean does it make sense e.g to block traffic on the * box instead of the FW before (as the router still forwards the traffic to * linux server)
14:52.25[TK]D-FenderBlackvel, Makes sense to block them from as far away as you can.
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14:53.13catphishall those docs seem to relate to asterisk behind a nat
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14:53.29catphishin my case asterisk is fully open and clients are natted
14:54.10TSMis there any way to notify the user when he enables call recording?
14:54.40catphishi set nat=yes directmedia=no, i don't set externhost or externip, and localnet
14:54.44[TK]D-Fendercatphish, And what are your clients?
14:55.12[TK]D-Fendercatphish, qualify=yes <-
14:55.24[TK]D-Fendercatphish, Something you left off.
14:56.52catphishyeah, i use qualify=yes
14:57.05catphishmy clients are hardware sip phones behind consumer nats
15:00.12jeffspeffcatphish, for nat to work properly you have to set localnet and your externip
15:02.24catphishcan't it determine its own IP?
15:03.57Blackvel[TK]D-Fender thanks
15:04.15[TK]D-Fendercatphish, You said your server is public, so it doesn't need those.
15:04.38[TK]D-Fendercatphish, Or technically "fully open".  Whatever that is supposed to meam
15:05.19jeffspeffcatphish, try setting the localnet and externip and see if it works
15:05.42catphishi may add those anyway to be safe
15:05.57p3nguinIf it's on a public IP address, it does not need externip/externaddr nor externhost.
15:05.58jeffspeffcatphish, and having your server just completely open to all public routes isn't the best security practice.
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15:06.16p3nguinThose are for asterisk behind NAT.
15:06.34catphishi thought they were
15:06.44p3nguinKeyword: behind
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15:06.54p3nguinIf it isn't natted, it already knows its address.
15:07.01catphishthats what i thought
15:07.07p3nguinYou were right.
15:07.28catphishi'm having endless trouble with nat'd clients at the moment, not sure if any of the problem is at my side or if i simple need to have everyone use stun
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15:07.47p3nguinAnd if it isn't a gateway system with a LAN attached to the backside, there is no locanet to set either.
15:08.09p3nguinlocalnet, rather
15:09.22jeffspeffunless you have the modem plugging straight into the server, and not to a router, switch or anything else, then you have to set localnet and externip don't you?
15:10.04p3nguinIf there is no RFC1918 addressing on the computer which asterisk is on, there is no localnet and there is no need for externip.
15:10.33p3nguinexternip/externaddr is to tell asterisk what external IP address to use when it does not have said external IP address on its interface.
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15:10.40catphishjeffspeff: yes it is, routing has no impact on security
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15:11.43p3nguinIf the asterisk system only has a LAN address, say, it has no clue what external address to put in packets when natting out to the world.  The externip/externaddr or externhost setting is used to tell it that information.
15:11.49jeffspeffcatphish, routing has a huge impact on security. that's why people use routing protocols to restrict/protect servers.
15:12.01catphishjeffspeff: they do?
15:12.05catphishi use a firewall
15:12.14p3nguinIf it has a public IP address on the interface, IT ALREADY KNOWS ITS OWN ADDRESS.  There is no nat and there is no reason to tell it to use a different address.
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15:12.27jeffspeffcatphish, a firewall is a common way of saying routing protocols.
15:12.35p3nguinRouting isn't to protect things, firewalls are.
15:12.43p3nguinRouting is to get shit to and from.
15:12.59p3nguinFirewall has nothing to do with routing.
15:13.13jeffspeffp3nguin, then how does a firewall work?
15:13.19p3nguinYou can route without a firewall.  And you can firewall without routing anything.
15:13.32p3nguinIt filters ports.
15:13.40catphisha firewall works by examining the inside of an ip packet
15:13.41jeffspeffbased on?
15:13.41mbrevda_trying to dump calls in to a meetme by doing a dial w/ G, but all except the last phone hangs up with "ANSWERED_ELSEWHERE", and I'm NOT using the c flag. What gives?
15:13.47p3nguinbased on ports
15:14.07catphishrouting simple redirects packets based on ip headers, it never blocks them as long as they have a valid route
15:14.27p3nguinRouting directs traffic.
15:14.40p3nguinFirewalls block and/or allow traffic.
15:15.01jeffspeffthe ports are also related to the ip addresses. if the firewall has no knowledge of routing protocols then it has no ability to block or allow traffic.
15:15.16p3nguinFirewalls have nothing to do with routing.
15:15.22catphishjeffspeff: wrong
15:15.42catphishfirewalls dont need to use the routing table to check the ip or port of a packet
15:15.44jeffspeffunless they lied to me during my CCNA and CCNP, then i think i'm right
15:15.54catphishthey likely did
15:15.56p3nguinThey either lied to you or you didn't understand it.
15:15.57kaldemarjeffspeff: sounds like they lied.
15:16.06catphishmore likely you misunderstood
15:16.24jeffspeffno, they don't use routing tables to check packets, but they use routing tables to block and deny the traffic based on the rules in place for the traffic
15:16.43SwKjeffspeff: if that statement about routing protocols were true then bridging firewalls would never work
15:16.47catphishno, routing tables are very rarely used to block traffic
15:17.07catphishand firewalls dont care about routing tables
15:17.10p3nguinRouting tables are used to know where to send a packet based on the address.
15:17.21jeffspeffi can use an old cisco 2500 series router and route traffic and do packet inspection on it.
15:17.35catphishsure, packet inspection = firewall
15:17.43irrootcatphish unless you set up a blackhole route and mark trafic in iptables to go via this route rule :P
15:17.44catphishACL = firewall
15:17.54p3nguinFirewalls can allow or deny based on the source address, the destination address, the source port, the destination port, the content of a packet, etc.  Nothing to do with routing.
15:17.55SwKACLs = ghetto firewall
15:17.57jeffspeffwhat i'm saying is they're one in the same.
15:17.58catphishi had that exception in mind when i said rarely ;)
15:18.20catphishi've seen a cow that could moo and walk
15:18.26*** join/#asterisk wcselby (~wcselby@pdpc/supporter/professional/wcselby)
15:18.29catphishdoesn't mean you have to moo to walk
15:18.49p3nguinNo matter how many ways you look at it, firewalls have no relation to routing.
15:19.21p3nguinNow firewalls do have the ability to mangle packets and send them where they weren't originally intended to go...
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15:19.30p3nguinbut the router has to get those packets to the place.
15:19.44irrootcatphish just stiring  >:-)
15:20.01catphishi'll fetch my troll spray
15:20.07SwKif you look at IPTables, it mangles the packets before it even gets to the routing part
15:20.17SwKthen hands it back into the stack as normal
15:20.54jeffspeffso, on our router we have it set to allow traffic over 5060 from our sip provider. if traffic tries to come in through any other source then it's denied. so then doesn't it use routing tables to determine how/what to do with traffic?
15:21.10p3nguinYour "router" is more than a router.
15:21.17irrootiptables has multiple tables and chains in predefined order and once you know where / what traffic does you can do some amazing things but dont attempt it until you understand it
15:21.19jeffspeffcatphish, i'm not trolling, we just got off-topic
15:21.41catphishjeffspeff: i walk talking about irroot not you :)
15:21.43irrootjeffspeff think the troll spray was for me
15:21.52[TK]D-FenderAll aboard the Crazy Train
15:21.54p3nguinThose store-bought plastic "routers" contain routers, switches, firewalls, often wireless access points.
15:21.55catphishjeffspeff: your router isn't using routing tables to block traffic, its using a firewall
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15:22.01McBoingBoTOOT TOOT!
15:22.10catphishjeffspeff: your router is in fact a multipurpose device with both a router and a firewall
15:22.22irrooti think i can i think i can i think i can ....
15:22.44jeffspeffok, well i'm done... we're not getting anywhere with this, lol
15:22.54catphishi have a feeling my firewall is breaking my natted sip clients, but i really can't work out why
15:23.01catphishit isn't doing any NAT (i hope)
15:23.15p3nguinWhat kind of firewall?
15:23.15[TK]D-Fenderirroot, I made a little statuette of "The Little Engine That Could" for someone ... it had a plaque at the bottom that read "We're not paying you to fucking think"
15:23.20schmidtscatphish which kind of firewall?
15:23.22catphishjuniper srx240
15:23.30r0m|uwaz up guys
15:23.31idespinnerdid you disable alg catphish ?
15:23.33McBoingBo[TK]D-Fender, lol nice
15:23.35catphishyes i did
15:23.45catphishi've had a lot more problem since upgrading its firmware
15:24.02idespinnerwe have sip running through SRX devices without issue
15:24.11idespinnerbut what firmware are you running?
15:24.22[TK]D-Fendercatphish, "Hope"?  Telephony & etworking aren't "Faith Based"
15:24.46idespinnera little older but not too old
15:24.50irroot[TK]D-Fender love it like the "intel" award we had to stop giving out it was a 386sx on safety pin the guy who stuffed up the most would have to wear it for a week HR did not like it much .... for the one who needed that extra processing power
15:24.58catphishthats the recommended version
15:25.07r0m|up3nguin, you in?
15:25.29idespinnercatphish, no nat right? pure routing?
15:26.00catphishthe router does some nat, but not between my asterisk server and the outside world
15:26.07catphishjust dumping some sip conversations now
15:26.11wcselbycatphish - after you upgraded your firmware, did you make sure that the SIP alg's didn't get 're-enabled'?
15:26.13catphishthink i've caught it failing
15:26.25catphishwcselby: actually sip alg wasnt disabled before
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15:26.31catphishi only disabled it since having these problems
15:27.07wcselbyso what is the extent of your problem?  i logged in during the catfight over the differences between routers, switches, and firewalls
15:27.45p3nguinr0m|u: sort of
15:28.08catphishi have asterisk behind an srx240 (not natted) and a lot of hardware sip phones behind consumer nats
15:28.37p3nguinOne way to find out if it's the Juniper would be to take it out of line.
15:28.54catphishp3nguin: that's much easier said that done sadly
15:29.02catphishafaik the juniper isn't mangling sip packets
15:29.15r0m|up3nguin, you posted yesterday about the differences about a compliant cid and a none compliant. do you have that log?
15:29.22wcselbyso you've described the topology to me, what's the issue?
15:29.53r0m|ucatphish, can you put a sniffer in front of the juniper?
15:30.02p3nguinr0m|u: I said many things about it.  Which thing specifically are you asking about?
15:30.07r0m|uand see if the sip packets are been mangled
15:30.07catphishsadly not, only behind it
15:30.19catphishmight give me some clues though
15:31.00p3nguinTHe SRX does do NAT, so you may want to examine how things are configured to make sure you really aren't NATing.
15:31.18r0m|up3nguin, I am looking for what its valid and was its not. you said something like +1NXXNXXXXXXX and none valid 1NXXNXXXXXX or something like that
15:31.29p3nguinr0m|u: Give me a minute.
15:31.49idespinnercatphish, my recommendation is to get a pcap before the SRX and after
15:31.56idespinnerthen you can compare the SIP traffic
15:32.32r0m|uidespinner, not sure about before as it shouldnt be mangled before
15:32.39r0m|ubut does not hurt ether :)
15:32.58catphishasterisk is definitely not natted
15:33.08r0m|ucatphish, dmz?
15:33.13Kattyeppigy: dude.
15:33.16Kattyeppigy: i need out of here tday
15:33.21catphishkind of, yes
15:33.30r0m|uyes or no?
15:34.21r0m|ucatphish, if you cant put it after the srx than setup an external peer you can call and have that peer setup with wireshark
15:34.53catphishdmz is just a word, it has no technical meaning
15:35.04*** join/#asterisk Cubber (~ronny@
15:35.44r0m|uIt matters though.
15:36.46p3nguinIt technically means people don't know what they're doing when they tell me they put their asterisk in DMZ.
15:36.52wcselbycatphish - when you say it's behind the srx but not natted, what do you mean?  is it assigned a public IP address directly on the asterisk box?
15:37.15CubberI need to setup a lab solution where one asterisk server is setup to handle sip extensions and act as a regular PBX, the other needs to be able to provide a SIP trunk to the previous server since it has an FXO card installed for outbound connection.  The idea is to have a student setup their asterisk server then connect to the other server to obtain an outbound/inbound trunk via SIP.  Is this possible?
15:37.24wcselbyor is it a private ip on the asterisk box but the srx does 1-to-1 nat (I think juniper calls this a VIP?)
15:37.26CubberAnd if so is there any good documentation that I could be pointed to?
15:37.27catphishthe asterisk server has an external ip, the SRX routes it
15:37.34r0m|up3nguin, thats what I am trying to get at.
15:37.45[TK]D-FenderCubber, ..
15:37.47infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
15:38.02[TK]D-FenderCubber, And yes you can use one * to call another.  And handle that call however you want.
15:38.06catphishsadly i'm not even sure what the problem is, or if there is one at all :(
15:38.19catphishso this conversation is mostly pointless at the moment
15:38.20Cubberthanks [TK]D-Fender I will check out the link
15:38.24wcselbycatphish - what is happening?
15:38.27wcselbyare calls not completing?
15:38.32[TK]D-FenderCubber, All users register and call through box#1. Box#1 sends all outbound calls to box#2 to actually get out.
15:38.32wcselbyare calls one-way audio?
15:38.37wcselbyare calls disconnecting?
15:38.42[TK]D-FenderCubber, All very simple.
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15:39.00Cubber[TK]D-Fender I figured it had to be doable since that is what the internet SIP providers are probably doing
15:39.29catphishwcselby: one sided calls are happening, not i've had very mixed information about whether stun is required or not for 2-way audio to work with a sip phone behind a nat
15:40.32r0m|uThanks! :)
15:40.32catphishwhat's annoying me is that our customers seem to have had no problems until i upgraded our firewall
15:40.35wonderworldCubber: peer -> SIP -> Asterisk 1 -> IAX -> Asterisk 2 -> PSTN
15:40.39r0m|uexactly what I need it.
15:40.42wcselbycatphish - stun is an option for nat on the phones.  how do you have them setup in your sip.conf peer, if you've got them setup as "nat=yes", it should take care of it
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15:40.49catphishsince then they've all needed stun and to disable their own ALG
15:41.00catphishi do have nat=yes
15:41.01p3nguinSTUN is not *required* for for 2-way audio to work with a SIP phone behind NAT.
15:41.19wcselbySTUN is just an option for nat issues, but I've personally never needed it
15:41.31p3nguinI have asterisk behind a NAT.  I have phones behind other NATs.  There is no STUN in my life.
15:41.44catphishyeah, things worked well here until this router upgrade
15:41.47r0m|ume nether. and I am behind a pfsense. the worst monster you could ever have behind SIP!
15:41.48catphishso i'm rather puzzled
15:41.53wcselbysetup SIP debug on one of the peers on the asterisk box, make some test calls, and pastebin the results
15:42.11p3nguinALG should *always* under all circumstances be disabled.  Do not argue it, just disable it.
15:42.20[TK]D-Fendercatphish, If they have their own ALG then they are screwing themselves and you should not be using nat=no.  If their gatway is rewriting the rule, then you have to follow them
15:42.40[TK]D-Fender"should be nat=no"
15:43.03p3nguinALG breaks asterisk's ability to nat things by itself.
15:43.13wcselbynat=yes just means ignore the IP address in the SIP header and respond to the actual IP the packet came in from
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15:44.06wcselbynat=no means respond to the IP in the SIP header
15:44.30p3nguinUnder most circumstances, when using asterisk, all ALG should be disables, all phones need to not be configured for NAT traversal, and asterisk should deal with the NAT stuff internally.
15:45.31p3nguinSome plastic routers do not work with SIP/RTP, though, and there is no way to make them work.
15:45.33fremquestion: if there's an SPA device acting as a POTS trunk at a remote location, will people making calls from that location just have to go through asterisk for the number routing? or will the entire call need to pass through the PBX?
15:45.54catphishp3nguin: thats annoying :)
15:45.58p3nguinYes it is.
15:46.05p3nguinI sold my Cisco SOHO router because of it.
15:46.25p3nguinthe SIP part worked fine, but RTP would never use the public IP address.
15:46.58catphishpuzzling, i thought that was the purpose of nat=yes
15:47.26p3nguinMe too.
15:47.58p3nguinI tried and tried.  No one else had any ideas either, so I got rid of it and went back to a Linux router.
15:48.28[TK]D-Fenderfrem, In all likelyhood you won't be able to re-invite through their router so yes it wil have to pass throughthe PBX
15:49.25catphishwould nat=yes cause a problem if it wasn't required?
15:49.31catphishie when using stun
15:51.02frem[TK]D-Fender: So the sip audio stream would come from the trunk, travel 100 miles, go through asterisk, go 100 miles back, then down to the IP phone? Eww.
15:51.44vader--hmmm i upgraded the firmware on the polycom soundstation IP 7000 and now boot time is around 3 minutes... It stays on Processing Configuration... Is 3 minutes about normal for these phones to boot?
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15:52.04[TK]D-Fenderfrem, Might be workable if you have a SIP proxy on the public interface on the end that has the phones & SPA
15:52.18[TK]D-Fenderfrem, But that also opens them up to attacks more.
15:53.11[TK]D-Fendervader--, Sure
15:53.15p3nguincatphish: Usually it does not break things to have it set to yes when it doesn't need to be, but do not rely on this.
15:53.22vader--it was taking more like 10 minutes before
15:53.28[TK]D-Fendervader--, They also boot faster if you're not use the composite sip.ld
15:53.37frem[TK]D-Fender: ok, thanks.
15:54.00vader--TK, i downloaded the split firmware? did i download the wrong one?
15:54.43wcselbyfrem - you could try setting up a local asterisk box at the customer site that all the local phones register to, as well as the spa, and have that be the link back to the original asterisk, and then set directmedia=yes for the trunk between the asterisk boxes
15:54.56vader--on my server i have 3111-40000-001.bootrom.ld, 3111-40000-001.sip.ld, bootrom.ld
15:55.30fremwcselby: that's looking like what has to happen. thanks!
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15:56.38jasonbassettHello folks
15:57.17jasonbassettI asked this question last night but when I got up any pointers had scrolled away into the ether, so I will ask again,,,
15:57.18*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
15:57.24GreenlightHiya all. Just got a new TE410P Digium card though, and in the box is a small PCB with what looks like something between an RJ45 and an RJ11 connection on it - I've not seen one before and just wondered what this thing is?
15:57.58jasonbassettI have a Dial() line which executes a macro upon answer using the M(macroname) option
15:58.11[TK]D-Fendervader--, And what did you specify for use in the phone's provisioning?
15:58.47irrootGreenlight loopback ??
15:58.49jasonbassettAny DTMF digits pressed when in the macro are not being read, I am trying to use the Read() application.
15:58.51jasonbassettAny ideas?
15:58.57catphishwho invented sip and why do they hate their fellow man?
15:59.44wcselbyGreenlight- pics?
15:59.51wcselbycatphish- IETF
16:00.06wcselbyjasonbassett- does DTMF work on just a regular call?
16:00.10[TK]D-Fendercatphish, Don't go feelin' all special or nothin' ... but it's just YOU 8|
16:00.14wcselbyoutside of the macro?
16:00.33jasonbassettYeh, any call without a macro running on answer is fine.  I have never had to make use if macro on answer before.
16:00.34[TK]D-Fenderjasonbassett, show us the call & dialplan
16:00.36infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:01.06vader--tkd, not sure
16:01.07GreenlightWOuld a loopback not be RJ45 though?
16:01.18vader--it's been like 2-3 years since i setup the cfg files
16:02.03[TK]D-Fendervader--, Go be sure.
16:02.15GreenlightCan I paste images to pastebin?
16:02.34QwellGreenlight:, but it is indeed a loopback plug
16:03.06willzzz[Nov  2 12:02:40] NOTICE[27404]: pbx_spool.c:360 attempt_thread: Call failed to go through, reason (1) Hangup
16:03.09GreenlightAhh okay cool - so what sort of connection would I need or was it my eyes deceiving me that it wasn't RJ45?
16:03.13willzzzis there a way for asterisk to ignore the hang-up
16:03.39QwellGreenlight: It would be RJ45 (it's not *actually* called RJ45, but it's the same connector)
16:04.10jasonbassettSomething like that, changed slightly to hide my modesty :-)
16:04.23GreenlightAhh cool - thanks very much
16:04.23willzzzbasically i have a callback script
16:04.33willzzzits suppose to hang-up the user
16:04.38jasonbassettIt just site waiting at the Read line
16:04.40willzzzand then callback the user using a different extension
16:04.47jasonbassettand then timesout
16:07.32[TK]D-Fenderwillzzz, Your callout failed.  Why should it ignore it?
16:07.35GreenlightHmm - how can i check what timing source dahdi is using? It's not picking up my new card apparently, but its still giving timing under dahdi_test. Does dahdi_dummy now show under dahdi_scan?
16:07.52QwellGreenlight: If you have hardware, it's using that.
16:08.16GreenlightEven it it's not listing any under dahdi_tool or dahdi_scan?
16:08.34Qwellmaybe not
16:08.46Qwellsounds like the driver isn't loaded
16:09.09GreenlightThat's what I thought, but couldn't understand why its still giving timing
16:09.20Qwellbecause dahdi provides timing on its own
16:09.38GreenlightWouldn't that need dahdi_dummy?
16:09.48Qwellnot anymore
16:09.54GreenlightThat'll explain it!
16:09.55p3nguinThere's no dahdi_dummy now.
16:10.01p3nguinThere's only dahdi.
16:10.20tzangerthere is no dahdi. there is only zuul.
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16:16.06[TK]D-Fendermmmm... 80's Annie Potts....
16:20.34WIMPyWhy is it calles sip.conf and not chan_sip.conf?
16:21.15[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, backwards compatability
16:21.35p3nguinYou wouldn't want everything to have the same naming scheme, now would you?
16:21.37[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, DAHDI was new so it got a new looking name.
16:21.41WIMPyI think the official term is "historical reasons".
16:22.06p3nguinThe reasons aren't really historical, though.
16:22.29*** part/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~RAMYT@
16:23.17willzzzis there a way i can tell HangUp to NOT hang up until my .sh script has finished executing or exited on its own?
16:23.50p3nguinDon't run Hangup() until you are ready.
16:24.29p3nguinI'm pretty sure there is no Hangup(just-playing).
16:24.43[TK]D-Fenderwillzzz, And what is this script doing?
16:25.10WIMPyA hangupandplayback() would be a very good thing, however.
16:25.36p3nguinUse Playback() followed by Hangup() for that.
16:25.42willzzzd-fender, callback
16:26.03WIMPyNo, hangupandplayback() not playbackandhangup().
16:26.09vader--TKD, i have this line APP_FILE_PATH="sip.ld"
16:26.12WIMPyorder does matter.
16:26.36p3nguinYou can't playback something after the channel is gone.
16:27.01WIMPyYes, that's exactely the issue.
16:27.07p3nguinOnce I'm off the line, I won't hear anything you tried to play even if it would work.
16:27.20WIMPyUsually you play announcements after clearing the call.
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16:27.43WIMPyOnly one side can be first.
16:29.52wonderworldyou can put both callers transparently in a conference, kick the one who didn't hangup from the conf and let him go on in the dialplan
16:30.38wonderworldok, not really a "clean" way to do it :)
16:30.39p3nguinOr just use the correct option in Dial().
16:30.58WIMPyThat's not the point. The point is that I cannot end the connection (i.e. billsecs) befor playing an announcement.
16:31.44WIMPyOr if a connection cannot be established, I have to use early media instead which is not a clean solution.
16:35.39WIMPyAnd the last discussion on outgoing overlap on SIP seems to be 3.5 years ago.
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16:36.37[TK]D-Fender<willzzz> [Nov  2 12:02:40] NOTICE[27404]: pbx_spool.c:360 attempt_thread: Call failed to go through, reason (1) Hangup
16:36.55willzzzi want the first call to hang up
16:36.58willzzzi want to make a new call
16:37.01willzzzthe calls are seperate
16:37.03[TK]D-Fenderwillzzz, the outbound attempt fired off.. aand it failed.  This has nothing to do with your script not having done it's job from what I can tell.
16:37.46willzzzwell let me change trunks on the outbound
16:37.54[TK]D-Fenderwillzzz, we also don't see what it's calling, and I'm suspecting it shouldn't be dialing right away
16:38.07willzzzits waiting 30 seconds in the script
16:38.24willzzzthat script should be completely seperate from the 1st call
16:38.27[TK]D-Fenderwillzzz, You aer also forcing your caller to wait through that audio prompt in full for no good reason.  All sorts of unncessary delays before starting the outbound process
16:38.34willzzzwhose purpose is to get the CLI only
16:38.47[TK]D-Fenderwillzzz, taht script is not separate, its executed from the first call.
16:39.00[TK]D-Fenderwillzzz, the CALL FILE however is separate once it's moved over
16:39.23[TK]D-Fenderwillzzz, And we don't see the whole picture
16:41.09Blackvelhow many invites on a new call per second / minute would be just normal (same ip)? 1-2? 3+ would be more than one call, right?
16:42.42p3nguinFor a new call, one invite per call leg seems normal to me.
16:43.15p3nguinIf you're just calling to asterisk, one invite.  If you're calling through asterisk, one invite to asterisk and one invite to the other peer.
16:43.46WIMPySome ITSPs send multipel INVITEs.
16:44.08p3nguinWhat would be the purpose of multiple invites?
16:44.32WIMPyFail safe. They come from different networks.
16:48.35Blackvelbut for sip providers the ip is all the time the same? so if i get 5 different calls to * (over the same provider), i definitely got 5 invites per hour
16:48.47Blackvelfrom the same ip
16:49.25p3nguinInvites aren't typically measured over time.
16:49.32WIMPySome use only one IP, others use many.
16:49.38[TK]D-FenderBlackvel, What is the goal of this count?
16:50.32p3nguinIf you get five calls from any peer, expect five (or more) invites.
16:54.40*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
16:55.07vader--TKD, i have this line APP_FILE_PATH="sip.ld"
16:55.13vader--is that the line you were referencing?
16:55.21navaismoHi, I'm unable to use the originate application on the cli on asterisk
16:55.36[TK]D-Fendervader--, Yes
16:55.56[TK]D-Fendervader--, Go specify the model-specific version of your firmware
16:56.03p3nguinnavaismo: channel originate SIP/000011112222 extension 3145551212@phones
16:56.08p3nguinIs that how you are using it?
16:56.25[TK]D-Fendernavaismo, You don't use DIALPLAN APPS on the CLI
16:56.42navaismonope originate dahdi/1/ZXXXXX application musiconhold default
16:57.06[TK]D-Fendernavaismo, "Originate' is the old CLI command name.  It was renamed.
16:57.24vader--so it should read? APP_FILE_PATH="3111-40000-001.sip.ld"
16:57.27p3nguinnavaismo: Then you didn't enable cli aliases.  Use channel originate or enable aliases so you don't have to specify the channel prefix.
16:57.37[TK]D-Fendervader--, if that's the one, yes, that should do it.
16:58.16*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
16:58.24p3nguinnavaismo: cli_aliases.conf and
16:58.34navaismook let me try enable aliases, thx [TK]D-Fender and p3nguin
16:59.06p3nguinIt would be a good idea to get in the habit of "channel originate ..." anyway.
16:59.26navaismoyes i'll keep in mind that sintaxis
17:00.00*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
17:00.58mort_gibHi, has anyone had stability problems with
17:01.25navaismoja my mistake i dont execute the make samples grrrr
17:01.33mort_gibLike the cli works, and you can see "sip show peers" but no calls are passed onto the phones...
17:01.40p3nguinDon't do it now!
17:01.55Qwellmort_gib: 1.6.2 is no longer supported.  You should be upgrading to 1.8.
17:02.10p3nguinmort_gib: So are you really asking about stability?
17:02.17[TK]D-Fendermort_gib, that doesn't offer anything to go on
17:02.17mort_gibShould still work
17:02.19p3nguinIt sounds like you are asking, "Does it work at all?"
17:02.43mort_gibNo, that's not what I'm asking
17:02.54mort_gibProblem is I get nothing in the logs
17:03.02mort_gibJust stops
17:03.03[TK]D-Fendermort_gib, "not being passed on" <- show us
17:03.15mort_gibIt's very intermitted
17:03.17[TK]D-Fendermort_gib, What stops?  Details....
17:03.37mort_gibBut I suppose the answer to my question is -no we have never seen or heard anything like that
17:04.05p3nguinIf you're asking if works and allows calling, the answer is yes.
17:04.07mort_gibI use a sangoma card (A500)  with Dahdi support
17:04.21mort_gibp3nguin, no
17:04.26mort_gibNot what I'm asking
17:04.27Qwellmort_gib: The real answer is "we no longer care if there is such an issue with 1.6.2"
17:04.39mort_gibFair enough
17:04.51mort_gibI still have users on 1.4
17:05.09mort_gibNot happy about that but they don't want to update
17:05.39p3nguin1.4 didn't magically get less stable or reliable just because new branches were developed.
17:05.52navaismothx p3nguin [TK]D-Fender  now its working
17:06.43mort_gibTk, I can ssee the call coming in on Dahdi, but it then drops, without being passed onto the phones
17:06.57[TK]D-Fendermort_gib, Know what we see?
17:07.15mort_gibBut That's fine if nobody has seen that before, that answereed my question
17:07.40mort_gibNo, TK what do you see??
17:08.12WIMPyHi mort_gib. Long time no see.
17:08.46mort_gibHi WIMPy -Yes have had a rough time
17:08.59[TK]D-Fendermort_gib, Nothing :)
17:09.03WIMPyWhat happened?
17:09.17mort_gibJust a lot of work and a lot of sad meetings
17:09.29mort_gibThough going solo would get me out of that, but no sir
17:10.09mort_gib<[TK]D-Fender> :-) THere is not much to show you
17:10.18*** join/#asterisk citywok (
17:10.23[TK]D-Fendermort_gib, i hear it.. and never believe it
17:10.36WIMPyThe main use for meetings is not to work, isn't it?
17:10.38mort_gibThat's fine
17:10.43pdtpatrick1Question this usually caused by agi script not exiting properly? I've searched google for a while and everyone seems to have different opinions. Maybe it is one of those that can be anything. So i thought i'd ask in here
17:10.44pdtpatrick1[Nov  2 10:09:34] ERROR[28884]: utils.c:1175 ast_careful_fwrite: fwrite() returned error: Broken pipe
17:11.13mort_gibWIMPy Yes, or so sad people that are NOT working can feel important and hear their own voice
17:11.26Faustovleifmadsen: ping
17:11.44WIMPyAnd keep others from working as well.
17:12.04[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick1, Oftn by outputting to interface when you shouldn't excess script noise, etc
17:13.18mort_gib<[TK]D-Fender> I haven't tried to up debugging yet, but there is nothing that even looks like a problem, but I'm happy with nobody else having seen the issue
17:14.29pdtpatrick1[TK]D-Fender, thanks
17:23.14*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
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17:31.21vader--TKD that line didn't help the boot speed of the phone
17:31.24vader--still kinda long
17:31.46catphishis 10000-20000 the default rtp port range?
17:32.40catphishi don't have one
17:33.18WIMPyDo you have peers with nat=yes?
17:33.39wcselbypdtpatrick1 - check if your script is properly following all the AGI rules.  if it's not correctly parsing the AGI environment and sending back the expected responses, or if it's not sending back the expected responses after requesting data, it's very likely to get the error message you got.
17:33.39catphishi do
17:33.57WIMPyThe default configuration is 10000-20000, yes, NFI what you get if not configured.
17:34.06WIMPyThen you have a security issue.
17:34.10[TK]D-Fendervader--, How long exactly?  2 Minutes is perfectly normal
17:34.29catphishsorry what do you mean?
17:35.24wcselbycatphish i think he means that if you have 10000 UDP ports open in your firewall to allow UDP traffic, you've very likely created a security issue.
17:35.33WIMPyYou should set strictrpt=yes, unless you know exactely what you're doin.
17:35.33wcselbyi mean to allow rtp traffic
17:35.38WIMPySo get out an rtp.conf.
17:35.57catphishwhat's the problem with opening 10,000 ports?
17:36.05catphishthe only thing that would listen on those is asterisk
17:36.09WIMPyNo. I don't see a problem there.
17:36.17*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
17:36.36catphishstrictrtp is wise, though we're not using it for now until we're happy with everything else
17:36.47WIMPyOk, there's one more condition. Do you have feature transfers enabled?
17:41.15*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
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17:42.32vader--tkd, ya it's like 3 minutes exactly... it was around 10 minutes before
17:42.45vader--the firmware upgrade helped
17:46.13[TK]D-Fendervader--, then you're done.
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18:05.17freezerAnyone can recommend a good conference voip phone?
18:05.44freezerfor up to 10people to use in a room about 20sqm in size
18:06.21TangoElectroHI i have installed asterisk on a 8gb box, but it only seems to be using 32mb of RAM, any idea what could be restricting it
18:06.40willzzzis there a asterisk command to prevent hangup
18:06.50willzzzuntil the caller intiates it
18:07.14WIMPy'core show application Dial' see operator mode.
18:07.39willzzzno i'm talking extensions programming
18:07.57WIMPyThen please explain.
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18:18.59F2KnightQ: Stopping sip scans.... Is it even possible? I have a few clients with SIP phone out in the wild... (remote extensions). Lately they have been getting calls in the middle of the night by wild array of numbers... (calls meaning just ringing) I noticed I can run svwar on a local phone and make it ring just by sending it an -m INVITE packet... so the question now is this... How do I prevent the device from ringing from any old person th
18:18.59F2Knightat happens to be running a sip attack on a public node?
18:20.34eppigyKatty: lets leave then
18:22.13*** join/#asterisk benlangfeld (~ben@unaffiliated/benlangfeld)
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18:23.23WIMPyUse phones that require a correct (possibly random) URI.
18:23.38*** part/#asterisk tc (
18:27.32[TK]D-Fenderwillzzz, -- Attempting call on SIP/000@zayo-trunk-1 for s@callback:1 (Retry 1) <--- 000 = no good
18:27.43[TK]D-Fenderwillzzz, -- Got SIP response 604 "Does not exist anywhere" back from 000:5060
18:28.35[TK]D-Fenderwillzzz, -- Executing [5069@incomingall:4] System("SIP/zayo-trunk-1-00001045", "echo 'Channel: SIP/000@zayo-trunk-1' >> /var/spool/asterisk/") in new stack <-  you're also ttrying to creaet the spool file directly in SPOOL *live*.  This is a forbidden
18:29.17*** join/#asterisk devmikey (~irc@unaffiliated/devmikey)
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18:29.26[TK]D-Fenderwillzzz, And as I told you yesterday you have no need for call files for this at all.
18:29.35[TK]D-Fenderwillzzz, Originate() the new channel
18:31.47willzzzok i will replace with originate()
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18:41.13r0m|uguys is it safe to disable dahdi if I dont have an interface card?
18:45.43[TK]D-Fenderr0m|u, Do you need it for anything?
18:46.14p3nguinIf you want to use MeetMe, you'll consider keeping it.
18:46.57r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, not that I know off. MeetMe?
18:47.31[TK]D-Fenderthat's one
18:47.40*** join/#asterisk bipul (~h4x0r@unaffiliated/bipul/x-4918593)
18:47.59WIMPyAnd Page uses MeetMe.
18:48.25WIMPyOr has that been changed, yet?
18:48.27r0m|uok so dahdi is not just for hardware?
18:49.55*** join/#asterisk oliver1 (
18:50.00p3nguin"Dahdi: It's Not Just for Hardware"
18:51.22r0m|uThanks p3nguin
18:51.48Qwellnobody uses meetme anymore
18:52.12r0m|uI see
18:52.38p3nguinUnless ConfBridge from 10 is fabulous and can be backported into 1.8, I'd imagine a bunch of people use MeetMe still.
18:52.51mjordanhalf of your statement is true
18:52.56r0m|uI am just trying to unload what I dont need to gain a bit more mem.
18:53.31WIMPyQwell: including Page?
18:53.43*** join/#asterisk JD411 (~JD411@nat/digium/x-fzdxfrqpcipettat)
18:54.25Qwellpfft, who pages phones?
18:54.50WIMPyIt can be handy.
18:54.52Qwellbut really, multicast RTP
18:55.31WIMPyThat makes most sense.
18:56.29*** join/#asterisk bakermd (
19:00.36*** join/#asterisk wcselby (~wcselby@pdpc/supporter/professional/wcselby)
19:01.08r0m|uguys I am trying to disable things that have error in my system IE: ERROR[2708]: chan_misdn.c:11176 in load_module: Unable to initiali
19:01.09r0m|uze mISDN
19:01.42r0m|uERROR[2708]: codec_dahdi.c:578 in find_transcoders: Failed to open
19:01.49wcselbyso do you use misdn?
19:01.54r0m|uno sr.
19:02.00r0m|uJust want to make sure is safe
19:02.07r0m|uto disable
19:02.22wcselbythen in modules.conf do a noload, or whatever is the appropriate module name
19:02.33wcselbydo you get the dahdi transcode error more than once/
19:02.35WIMPyYou can disable everything you don't need. That's the idea.
19:02.51r0m|uwcselby, no. just at boot up
19:03.00wcselbyi've always gotten that, but let it ride.  i think it just means there's no hardware installed, but I've honestly never investigated it
19:03.10wcselbydahdi is important for other functions too, so I've always left it
19:03.19r0m|uWIMPy, I am trying to get there :)
19:03.29wcselbybut yeah, I noload all the unneeded modules that got compiled.
19:03.45wcselbyyou can opt to not compile those modules in the future by unchecking them in the make menuselect menu
19:04.23r0m|uyea I knew that one. but it was my first time at asterisk :)
19:04.39r0m|uso wanted to see what works and what does not.
19:05.20wcselbyso yeah, i usually noload chan_mgcp, chan_iax2, config_ael, config_lua, etc, and then a few other items that I may have compiled but ended up not using.  i intentionally leave out compiling things I know I won't use, like misdn, etc, so I don't have to even noload those.
19:05.36wcselbyi don't remember if those are the proper names or not
19:06.52p3nguinIf you are using autoload=yes and you don't have configs for the modules, they shouldn't be loaded anyway.
19:07.28r0m|uI see
19:08.31WIMPyAt least most of them.
19:09.02WIMPySo removing vonf files can be a good idea as well.
19:09.15r0m|uI see
19:09.30r0m|uthanks for the info guys
19:10.38*** join/#asterisk moy_ (~moy@
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19:13.16radenhugs Katty
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19:15.54wcselbywhat is this "new look" tomfoolery that gmail is throwing at me
19:21.03r0m|uI am using it
19:21.07r0m|udont like it much
19:21.19r0m|uits a bit block likr
19:29.10*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
19:33.32wcselbyyeah I'm not liking it much either
19:33.34wcselbybut meh
19:36.28[TK]D-FenderYuo can change the view size back towrds the traditional styling however the text-labels dfor buttons is gone.
19:36.48*** join/#asterisk jjohnson911 (
19:37.09r0m|uI guess we just have to get use to it
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20:21.45jayteeanyone here use
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20:31.31r0m|ujaytee, not me but I have heard good things.
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21:07.08willzzzwho here has done automated callback /w asterisk
21:07.30hardwireany other questions?
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21:34.01dschuettdoes anyone know how to get a DND soft button on the cisco 7940 using SIP?
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21:46.51paulcdschuett: I haven't played with one of those for AGES but I'm sure I had one.. (it just makes the phone return "Busy here" when a call arrives)
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22:02.15beccarawell this is a first, an error google can't find ANYTHING on
22:02.17beccara[Nov  3 11:00:55] ERROR[16553]: pbx.c:3385 ast_func_write: Function FILE cannot be written to
22:02.32beccaraThe file is -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2011-11-03 10:52 /tmp/foo.txt
22:03.48beccaraany ideas?
22:05.43*** part/#asterisk dschuett (
22:06.53[TK]D-Fenderbeccara: it is only for reading, not writing.
22:07.25beccaraah so the manual is wrong
22:07.27wdoekes2indeed.. asterisk 1.6.x and lower
22:07.45wdoekes2which manual? .. the 1.8 manual?
22:08.52infobotsomebody said voip-info was the Voice Over IP wiki.  It is a community resource which will answer all of your questions, from Asterisk to ZTDummy.  You can find it over at - well worth bookmarking
22:09.14wdoekes2hm.. that was not the message I was expecting ;)
22:09.30beccaraI know it's not the beall and endall of info but it'
22:09.33beccaras a good place to start
22:09.50beccaraso you can only write files in * 1.8+?
22:09.52*** join/#asterisk hovel (~hovel@unaffiliated/hovel)
22:10.00wdoekes2using the FILE function, yes
22:10.35beccaraokie dokie have to goto sql then :)
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22:27.05jeffspeffhow do i set the option to go forward or backward through the moh? i've set it before, i just can't find it or remember. like if you're listening to moh and you press 9 it goes to the next song.
22:32.42wdoekes2beccara: you can use System (or Exec, or whatever it's called)
22:47.41beccaracheers wdoekes2
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23:10.56shadowapexHello everyone. I am currently configuring "media bypass" in Microsoft Lync with our current Asterisk server. In Asterisk terminology "media bypass" appears to be the same thing as "canreinvite" (or "directmedia"), but there is currently an option in the Lync configuration asking how many early dialogs the PSTN gateway (our Asterisk server) can support.
23:12.35shadowapexI've scoured the internet and haven't been able to find how many early dialogs Asterisk can support, and if it is even an adjustable option. From what I've read, early dialogs are the number of forked responses to an INVITE message. Anyone know how many forked responses Asterisk supports?
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23:20.34garryfreI am tasked with making a voice mail system. My boss is demanding that it does flash hook transfers and that my code checks the result of the transfer - was it answered, busy on other end or no answer. I've tried all kinds of tricks to test. Is it even possible to find out what happened from code at all after a flash hook transfer?
23:22.10garryfreI NEED to know if this is even possible,b/c if not, I'm going to have to look for another job or suffer from more months of this torture of being forced to create something I know too little about.
23:22.20garryfreanyone? anyone at all please?!!?
23:25.08garryfreasterisk 1.6 code is flash(), Background(silence/1) SendDTMF(${EXTEN},background(silence/1)
23:25.19SeRip3nguin, Thanks for the info!
23:25.21garryfrebeauler .... beautler?
23:26.22garryfreI repeat, is it possible to get the success or failure of a flash hook attempt done with code in a custom dialplan? asterisk 1.6 code is flash(), Background(silence/1) SendDTMF(${EXTEN},background(silence/1)
23:26.58garryfreI'm not asking how I'm asking if it's possible. Anyone, Charles Manson? Marylyn Monroe? Obama? Beauler? Anyone?
23:27.26navaismo~book @ garryfre
23:27.39navaismo~ book @garryfre
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23:28.53paulcgarryfre: I don't understand the question.. why are you hook flashing?
23:28.58garryfreOh yes, the lost book I once knew of. Online and for free yet. I've been in such agony I forgot about this book.
23:29.39garryfrebecause the boss demands it. we got four lines into the asterisk server and I wanted to use dial, he demands I use flash hook to save line usage and congestion.
23:30.17navaismoi dont understan the " he demands I use flash hook to save line usage and congestion."
23:31.25garryfrehe wants to get it transfered via our telco  instead of connecting through asterisk - I didn't say I fully understand it. He - boss, me peon, do or be fired
23:31.41navaismoactually i dont understand anything
23:32.16garryfrewhen we do a transfer with hook flash the two can talk after asterisk hangs up and not be going through the asterisk server after that.
23:33.20navaismook, i can't help you, sorry.
23:33.53garryfreI'm sorry if I don't know enough to ask a question that makes sense. I'm forced to do this. yes I'm sorry too plus every day I'm reminded how I'm not equal to this task and I don't know squat
23:34.32shadowapexLooks like Flash() returns 0 or -1 whether or not it was successful.
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23:36.04shadowapexFor my question, does anyone happen to know how many forked outbound INVITE requests Asterisk can handle?
23:37.44garryfrething is if you look at the code it does a flash ... ok, that sets the caller to wating, then the senddtmf(ext) sends it to the other extension. The flash has already returned before the destination ext is even processed. My problem is I need to know if the destination ext answered or not.
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23:39.41navaismo(I think) you cant if asterisk is not handle the call
23:40.06garryfreYep, that's what I suspect and keep trying to tell him.
23:40.16shadowapexYeah, you'll only be able to check if flash() and senddtmf() executed correctly.
23:40.28navaismoyou only know if succes like shadowapex say:  Looks like Flash() returns 0 or -1 whether or not it was successful.
23:47.02garryfrelooks like time to try to find another job. ... I hate to do it. I tend to be loyal, but I like my head in a round shape instead of pulverizing it against an impassible brick wall. Been at this since july and every time I think I've got something that will work its rejected
23:47.52navaismosome people cant understand that some cars cant fly
23:47.53garryfreHe want it to act exactly like the old system. Sort of like expecting to switch from mac to linux and expecting everything to be exactly the same.
23:48.05garryfreI think I did see a pig fly once.
23:48.33garryfreI like that bout car's can't fly
23:51.33garryfreI think his congestion issue could be solved by using sip phones. It was sinfully easy for me to set a few up. I can call a sip from my digital office phone and talk, but if my sip tries to call it, the phone rings, but asterisk can't see that I picked the receiver up.
23:53.39*** join/#asterisk eharris (

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