IRC log for #asterisk on 20111030

00:57.15*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~dan@
00:57.24dandate2does agent queue weight penalties work in conjunction with auto-fill?
01:18.06*** join/#asterisk dijib (
01:18.38dijibhello all
01:37.28dijibj'y'all not around ou what?
01:38.12*** join/#asterisk deadpigeon (
01:44.44*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
02:26.29SeRi|afkdijib, you got the reseller stuff sort it out?
02:38.16*** join/#asterisk f2Knight (
02:39.39f2KnightQ: Just wondering how others have configured users... I am wondering how others assign usernames... do you assign them as there phone number? something else?
02:40.29f2KnightHow about your extension paterns? Do you prefix the number dialed with the users ID? or some other method to help prevent toll fraud for example.
02:44.15*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
02:46.11f2KnightQ: Another question... I already know that you can do a Dial... followed by another Dial... to supply a failover effect. But how does anyone here impliment this for say a more dynamic way.
02:46.41f2Knighte.g. Lets say you have 20 trunks, that you can all out over.. do you list them all one after another?
02:47.17f2Knightbetter yet.. lets say you keep a database of call costs, how do you perform your LCR logic?
02:48.42f2KnightI would think it best to run a query against your database to get the records then try each in the result. but the ael and .conf makes that a little hard to accomplish, and running your Dial from an AEL seems a resource waste
02:57.33p3nguinUser names?  I don't have user names.
02:57.44f2Knightp3nguin, when you have a sip phone...
02:57.57infobotDevices, extensions, and people should be entirely abstracted.  Extension numbers are applied to people, and people are applied to devices.  This means you should name your devices something unique to each device, such as an ID tag or asset tag number, or a MAC address.
02:58.28p3nguinMy phones are given peer names equal to the MAC address.
02:58.29f2Knightp3nguin, okay devicenames... when assigning devicenames.
02:58.53p3nguinIf it's a PC with a soft phone, I use the MAC address of the primary adapter.
02:59.08p3nguinMost devices only have one network device, though, so it's easy.
02:59.29f2Knightokay .. so ... when an outside caller calls in.. you map them to there mac address...
02:59.40p3nguinCalls go to extensions.
03:00.08p3nguinIf they dial 8005551212, the call goes to extension 8005551212.
03:00.14f2Knightp3nguin, okay call comes in it goes to extensions.conf or .ael, then there is a pattern that gets matched to do something with the call
03:01.04f2Knightso when the incoming call 8005551212 in your example needs to reach the 'device' 00:00:00:12:12:12
03:01.12p3nguinIf extension 8005551212 is a DID for a single person, then extension 8005551212 will eventually Dial() the device used by the person who uses that phone number.
03:01.33f2Knightp3nguin, what I am getting at is this
03:01.47p3nguinIf it's a SIP device, exten => 8005551212,1,Dial(SIP/000000121212,36)
03:01.57f2KnightI have noticed some sip providers require you to  'prefix' your number dialed with your 'account code'
03:02.29f2Knightso what you dial might actually be 0123456_5555551212
03:02.30p3nguinI've never heard such a thing.
03:02.42p3nguinBut even if that's the case, it's trivial to add it.
03:02.49f2KnightOh I know it is..
03:02.59f2KnightI am just trying to understand the logic behind it is all
03:03.12f2Knightand if it serves a good reason to do so.
03:03.37p3nguinI've never heard of any provider requiring that.
03:03.52f2Knightthe only reason I can see is to help prevent toll fraud, as if a remote attacker did gain access there would never be a patter match to make the call anyways
03:04.26p3nguinMy providers simply require me to be registered first, plus require every call to auth when it is made.
03:05.31f2KnightFlowroute will require a prefix if you use ser or have your account right on the phone.. it works normal with a register statement on asterisk
03:05.44f2Knightjust was wondering what the reason would be for was all.
03:10.46*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
03:25.13phixp3nguin: Should I ring that number?
03:25.53f2Knightphix, sure ring that number its toll free directory assistance :)
03:33.52phixWhat name should i ask for?
03:34.40phixProbably wont be toll free for me :(
04:07.47*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~dan@
04:07.55dandate2  does anyone know if this issue was ever resolved?
04:22.39phixNo idea, my Internets isn't working :(
04:22.51phixOnly SSH and IRC seem to operate correctly
04:22.58ChannelZI think the forums are a little hosed
04:29.19*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
04:30.42dijibsummers over kids
04:30.58dijibp3nguin, f2knite isnt talking asterisk i guess
04:31.58dijibSeRi, no i didnt get it sorted.
04:35.06phixIt is Spring now, Summer is comming up :D
04:35.08phixAnother month
04:35.18dijibdamn you
04:35.31phix40C days! wooo!
04:35.39dijibin a month i will br driving in snow and its your fault
04:35.39phixSomething to look forward to
04:40.58dijiboh i just opened a frothy guiness stout. and my livers starting to hurt
04:41.03phixMelbourne doesn't get to 40C, it rains too much for that to happen
04:41.09dijibi need some asterisk-tainment
04:41.22*** join/#asterisk nix8n82-phone (
04:41.40dijibive got a buddy in sydney, and biotch or three in toowoomba.
04:41.52phixdijib: 100,1,Dial(SIP/
04:42.18dijibanybody else in there?
04:42.31phixnope, not a valid address either :P
04:42.57dijiboh lol technically its valid.. just no dns resolution
04:43.11phixyup :)
04:43.18dijibhow do i do that with my asterisk. ive got dyndns
04:43.29phixand does meet your asterisk-tainment guideline :)
04:43.52dijibwhy can i have a dial(SIP/; ?
04:44.18phixyou can if you want to
04:44.22dijibi want to.
04:44.47dijibmakes it easy to talk, better then typing... and i dont give that much of a eff about my bandwidth using SIP
04:46.37*** join/#asterisk kerx_ (
04:46.45dijibphix, can i PM yuou?
04:47.04dijiband do you have an asterisk server available to dial me
04:47.47phixumm not atm
04:48.02phixpm is fine :)
04:49.24kerx_Hi all.  On an outbound SIP call I set the caller ID name and number, however only the number is set.  The name shows up as 'Unknown'.  Am I missing something that is required to do on outbound SIP calls for Caller ID name?
04:50.06phixsupport for caller id from your SIP provider?
04:51.43kerx_phix: Oh, I wasn't aware that a SIP provider needs support for outbound caller ID.
04:52.04phixThey can choose to support it or not
04:52.15phixthey dont have to forward on your callerid, they can get rid of it if they choose
04:52.21kerx_Well, they set the caller ID number, but the name comes back as Unknown
04:52.25dijibkerx_, the answer to this is a little complex. but the long and short of it is. The CallerID(num) is the only thing sent. Telco's use a database to whcih i cant recall the name to get the name info in reference to the number
04:53.03kerx_I see.  So, there is a whole process beyond my Asterisk's boxes control
04:53.07dijibbetween SIP providers you have a chance of the CallerID(name) attribute sent aswell but dont expect it against Ma'Bell
04:53.12phixkerx_: correct
04:53.38kerx_Ok, roger that.  I'm sending a call from my provider to AT&T, so I guess that's considered Ma'Bell.  Unfortunately.
04:53.43dijibnot attribute, variable.
04:53.47dijibright? ?
04:54.32kerx_I think that terminology depends on the context.
04:54.39dijibyes. now me and p3nguin had a conversation about this and he told me the DB name and i think there is a process you can follow to register with them.. possibly paid.
04:54.43kerx_Who cares though.  Attribute or Variable... Whatever
04:54.54dijibill look for it
04:58.17*** join/#asterisk radic (
04:58.40dijibnot sure if this is it.
04:59.32*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
04:59.51kerx_yea, that looks right
05:00.03kerx_just ran a check on a number, and it comes back correct
05:00.33p3nguinCaller ID name is not something that is sent over the PSTN.
05:00.50p3nguinNumber is sent, name it looked up.
05:01.16kerx_is there a single registry that maintains this database?
05:01.26kerx_i remember hearing a lot of things about DIPs
05:01.58p3nguinThere isn't one single LiDB, no.
05:02.10p3nguinMany telcos have their own LiDB.
05:02.31p3nguinThere are some general ones that companies do use, though.
05:02.56kerx_So, for example, a CLEC gets a call from a number owned by AT&T.  How do they know they need to query AT&T's LiDB, and how do they query AT&T's LiDB?
05:03.16kerx_Also, is there a way to tap into this database in both a Read/Write method?
05:03.20p3nguinThey query their own LiDB, or whatever one they are subscribed to.
05:03.55p3nguinIt is possible to update the CNAM databases of some carriers.
05:04.08p3nguinAnd you can subscribe to some.
05:04.31p3nguinI'm not active in that level of operations, so I can't say just exactly how you'd update one.
05:05.21p3nguinMany ITSPs, for example, will offer the updating of CNAM information to the customer... if the carrier of the DID supports it.
05:05.39p3nguinI figured it's something that a CLEC or ILEC can do.
05:06.50dijibLiDB i was busy looking unsucecsfilly
05:08.15*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
05:08.37p3nguinYou may also be interested in SS7.
05:10.59p3nguinI guess the major databases may be networked together.  That would sure be useful if they are.
05:17.35p3nguinYou can get access to a CNAM database and pay per dip.  It isn't all that expensive unless you're doing a ton of lookups.
05:18.09p3nguinI think you'll pay like 0.8 cents per dip or something.
05:27.10*** join/#asterisk CaptWho (Capt@unaffiliated/captwho)
05:28.26CaptWhoi'm configuring a private phone system and i'd like to start all the numbers with a 2#nnnnnn.  does anyone have any suggestions for that?
05:30.56SeRiI think I pay 88 cents last time for a month worth of cnam look ups. its cheap.
05:31.40SeRip3nguin, I am hoping to get everything in place next week.
05:32.41*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-wriptwiwzxfudjbo)
05:33.22WIMPyCaptWho: The # may get you in trouble on many sip devices. Otherwise: Just do it.
05:33.49[TK]D-FenderCaptWho: Start them with 2#nnnnnn
05:53.16*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
06:08.56dijibim hoping to sober upp
06:09.40dijibhow do i make my own SIP/ using dyndns
06:13.04*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:44.21*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~dan@
06:44.34*** join/#asterisk Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
06:44.35*** mode/#asterisk [+o Qwell] by ChanServ
06:44.43dandate2where can i adjust the length of time a member is paused for by autopause=yes ? what is the default anyway or how do they become unpaused?
07:27.14*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
07:40.08*** join/#asterisk irroot (
07:41.31SparFuxhi irroot
07:42.07irrootSparFux hi there how the work on HFC bits coming ?
07:42.26SparFuxirroot: great. I renamed the project :-)
07:42.34SparFuxIt's dahdi-hfcs now.
07:42.36irrootcool you nailed it
07:42.48irrooti need to get the usb module in there ASAP
07:42.54SparFuxI just created a new project and put the git on.
07:43.13irrooti keep a mISDN v1 tree alive now running on linux 3.1
07:43.14SparFuxWhat does usb do with it?
07:43.34irrootthere is a USB hfc chipset we use extensivly
07:44.26irrootmISDN v2 does not seem to work with the b410 card so cant use that even though i ported lcr to v10 i dont use it
07:44.57irrootso if dhahdi_zap supports usb then it makes it easier
07:44.58SparFuxwhich cards does misdn support which dahdi doesn't?
07:45.12irrootjust the USB AFAIK
07:45.20SparFuxthere is a xpp_usb module for some digium stuff.
07:45.30irrootyeah that is xorcom
07:45.37irrootits a channel bank
07:46.14irrootbeen usb it should not be too complicated to port
07:46.26irrootbut have not got there yet
07:46.36SparFuxnope. not yet.
07:46.56SparFuxyou say it would be best to use xpp_usb to supppport hfc-s too?
07:48.19SparFuxperhaps better just put the usb stuff into dahdi_hfcs
07:54.24irrootyip :P in the dahdi hfs project big diff to xorcom
07:54.53irrootthe misdn driver should have all the good stuff
07:55.22SparFuxyou mean dahdi hfcs?
07:55.32irrootof course if you do it from the spec sheet you can contribute it to main dhahdi project it
07:55.55irrootis there a a hfcs driver ??
07:56.12irrootmmm i must double check last i looked there was not
07:57.19*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@
08:00.30SparFuxin the dahdi project there is not. that's the whole point of the dahdi_hfcs git tree I set up :-P
08:04.43*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:38.56*** join/#asterisk nafg (
08:39.31nafgHi, I just attempted to install app_swift. When I do module load I get:
08:39.44nafgError loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: swift_port_close
08:39.48nafgAny ideas?
08:56.43*** join/#asterisk hehol (~Adium@2a01:198:71d:0:21f:d0ff:fea1:568e)
09:01.04irrootswift libraries ??
09:13.54nafgirroot: What?
09:14.10irrootlibswift ?? only a guess
09:16.29irrootnafg ^^ may help
09:16.50*** join/#asterisk r33dtard (~r33dtard@gateway/tor-sasl/r33dtard)
09:18.27nafgThat's what I followed in the first place.
09:42.03*** join/#asterisk jacobkiers (
09:57.07*** join/#asterisk aglenday (~Impatient@
10:44.01*** part/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
11:16.27*** join/#asterisk WWGD (~WWGD@
11:18.47*** part/#asterisk WWGD (~WWGD@
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12:05.37*** part/#asterisk WWGD (~WWGD@
12:14.10*** join/#asterisk rethus (
12:14.32rethuscan i change actual moh song live in cli?
12:18.38rethushow can i increment channal volume in cli ?
12:22.40*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
12:23.26wonderworldhi, states, that asterisk 10 is released, but i can only find beta2 on the ftps?
12:32.47*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
12:39.32*** join/#asterisk Hanumaan (
12:42.47irrootwonderworld the svn ??
12:46.29irrootwonderworld nope not packaged yet
12:46.53wonderworldi see, thanks
12:53.50*** part/#asterisk rethus (
12:54.46irrootwonderworld i have been using it for a while now from branches/10 that will be it when packaged
13:03.06*** join/#asterisk krotos (
13:03.17krotoshi channel :)
13:07.29*** join/#asterisk fipu (
13:11.43*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
13:12.39wonderworldirroot: i will pull it now. did you have any unexpected problems?
13:13.26irrootnope not at this point i have not used it in heavy duty enviroments but the smaller sites < 20 extensions i have put in at are happy
13:13.44irrootsome of the features i have backported to 1.8
13:13.54irrootso have tested them well
13:14.36wonderworldnice, thanks. i will give it a try for a smaller site as well. really looking forward to test out confbridge
13:16.34*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
13:17.10irrootwonderworld hehe i have not played with all the toys yet
13:17.54irrootwonderworld if you have a ATA with T38 and a TDM line you will find faxing works better
13:18.24wonderworldi gave up on faxing a long time ago
13:18.34irrootlol dont blame you
13:18.56wonderworldi even stopped using pci hardware
13:19.00irrootwe have big demand for it still
13:19.01wonderworldi go for media gateways all the time
13:19.04wonderworldhassle free
13:19.16irrootif you have decent bandwidth
13:19.35irrootnot so here
13:19.55wonderworldnope. ISDN -> Meda Gateway -> SIP -> Asterisk
13:20.04wonderworldno need for decent bandwidth
13:20.05irrootah ok
13:20.18wonderworldjust a blackbox to get an always working SIP-channel
13:20.35irrootknow em
13:20.51wonderworldeuro-isdn drivers for most pci-hardware are horrible
13:21.39irrooti use mISDN v1 still keep it going for new kernels currently on 3.1
13:22.08irrootbig user of USB ISDN interfaces for small sites with 1/2 BRI
13:22.30*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
13:24.19wonderworldmaybe i'll retry misdn. pattons are a real cost raiser. but they provide peace of mind
13:26.08wonderworldnice -> Connected to Asterisk SVN-branch-10-r342715
13:26.16wonderworldhope it won't explode :)
13:27.54WIMPyThe old mISDN has been ok for me if used in TE mode only.
13:29.01WIMPyWith the new one the only issue I see are the module usage counts, but they don't matter in use.
13:29.52wonderworldi remember an old setup of mine with mISDN which gave me downtimes at random once a month. i never really found out why.
13:29.56wonderworldguess i am just too lazy :)
13:43.39irrootwonderworld if it blows up shout we need to iorn out things ASAP
13:43.47*** join/#asterisk hehol (~Adium@2a01:198:71d:0:21f:d0ff:fea1:568e)
13:44.28irrootthe problem with any new release its mostly only develeopers running it and it sometimes needs to get some legs that said the testing and test "suite" has improved
13:53.10irrootWIMpy yeah noticed that moduse problem its a problem if you want to reload
13:57.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
13:57.29*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (
14:02.35WIMPyYes, replacing the modules will usually require a rmmod -f.
14:06.02*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
14:09.55*** join/#asterisk master_of_master (
14:25.21*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
14:30.37*** join/#asterisk Foxi352 (
14:55.01*** join/#asterisk devmikey (~irc@unaffiliated/devmikey)
15:01.32*** join/#asterisk Heishiro (~mitsurugi@
15:04.02HeishiroHello everyone. One quick question. If i have a TDM400P which one should i use? Zaptel or DAHDI? I'm very confused on this point. According to elastix without tears i have to modify zapata.conf, and other files, but when i look for those files in my asterisk now installation, everything is in dahdi. My problem is that i cannot dial from or receive calls in my FXO's. So not sure if the problem
15:04.02Heishirois the zaptel/dahdi thingy... Help anyone?
15:09.36WIMPyDahdi is the new name for zaptel.
15:09.39*** join/#asterisk oej (
15:14.08HeishiroSo it's the same at this point... Then i have a problem here configuring the pbx. I could create a sip trunk, and i can dial from it using a software sip phone, but there's no way to dial using my FXO.. Keep reading, i guess.. Thanks for your answer WIMPy
15:15.09WIMPyIf you're using Elastix, you should check #elastix.
15:15.51HeishiroNo, i'm not on Elastix. I'm on Asterisk Now with freepbx.
15:16.09WIMPyOk, then #freepbx.
15:16.31Heishirook. I'll try that one. Thanks a lot.
15:41.11*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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15:51.13*** join/#asterisk benlangfeld (~ben@unaffiliated/benlangfeld)
16:03.00depressedHello all
16:10.01*** join/#asterisk benlangfeld (~ben@unaffiliated/benlangfeld)
16:13.24depressedI have an account with and was wondering what options should I select to check the uptime through the SIP port?
16:21.38[TK]D-FenderThere is no "uptime" * SIP is UDP by default and is stateless
16:21.56[TK]D-FenderWhat you've got is qualify time on a peer and that's about it
16:26.38depressedI see. There are options for string to send and string to expect - is there nothing I can specify for this?
16:28.24WIMPyIf it's long enough, you might be able to put a whole SIP oprions message there.
16:28.47*** join/#asterisk coppice (
16:28.50depressedWIMPy ok I will try that, thank you
16:29.12WIMPyBut unless you know exactely what you're doing, you should use something that it up to your task.
16:40.50WIMPyebay is fascinating. 30,50 for an octobri and a minute later 36,09 for a quadbri.
16:52.55*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
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17:05.23*** join/#asterisk brdude (
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17:12.16*** join/#asterisk MiserySoft (
17:16.19p3nguinIs there any way to increase the amplitude of voice in a phone call (a SIP device, calling outbound).
17:19.15*** join/#asterisk oej (
17:20.19*** join/#asterisk dijib (
17:20.45dijibhey all... how do i make my own Dial(SIP/ ???
17:20.52dijibi want to make an IP Confrence line
17:22.20p3nguinYou want to accept calls via SIP URI.
17:22.29p3nguinAnd the call will go to a conference.
17:22.37WIMPyp3nguin: The phones settings? Or 'core show function VOLUME'.
17:23.02p3nguinI'll tell you how, and even write the dial plan... but you have to copy what I write and use it rather than fucking with it and then asking why it doesn't work.
17:23.27dijibyour too funny.
17:23.34p3nguinnot your
17:23.38dijibyou are
17:23.41WIMPyNe. He's got experience.
17:23.49p3nguinRight, you are... you're.
17:23.57dijibp3nguin, only if you join the confrence.
17:24.02p3nguinI might do that.
17:24.18dijibok then... see if we cant get something #asterisk -confrence happening.
17:24.27dijibhow much bandwidth could it potentially use?
17:24.33dijibif say 10ppl are in it?
17:24.39p3nguinPotentionally?  All of it.
17:24.48p3nguinerr, potentially
17:24.49dijibwould it kill my 700kbps upstream
17:25.10dijibcould i limit users to 6?
17:25.13p3nguinThere is always potential to destroy 700 kbps upstream.
17:25.26dijibwell lets see if we can mess it up
17:25.29p3nguinI think 6 would be good.
17:26.06p3nguinI need to gather a couple pieces of information from you.
17:26.22WIMPyI think 8 should fit IF 1. it is not used by anything else or 2. has working traffic control.
17:26.25dijibi might make a second that i can disconnect easily
17:26.25p3nguinIn sip.conf, you have a context in the general section.  What context is it?
17:26.39WIMPyOr better both.
17:26.50dijibyes has a working traffic controller, but is also used by other users on the home network
17:27.32WIMPyNot any more then.
17:27.47p3nguinI'm going to write the dial plan to incorporate a max count of 6.
17:27.48dijibwhat context? i have general voipms
17:28.06*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
17:28.28p3nguinI'll start over.  There is a section entitled [general], and there is a context in that section... before you ever get to your voipms peer entry.  What context is it?
17:28.46p3nguinOften 'default' or in my case, 'misc_calls'.
17:29.37dijibnone defined
17:29.59p3nguinSomebody still hasn't read the book.
17:30.12dijibdude... do u want ssh access?
17:31.28dijibunder this context its the user accounts then voipms context.
17:31.40p3nguinYou're missing the context.
17:31.46p3nguinYou should fix that soon.
17:31.56p3nguinI prefer to not use 'default' for the context.
17:32.23p3nguinI like something else that reflects what the calls are.  In my case, they are miscellaneous calls, so the context I use is misc_calls.
17:32.24dijibso what?
17:33.05dijibok now
17:33.08dijibin general
17:33.19p3nguinOkay, now we go to extensions.conf.
17:33.32WIMPyYes, you might need "default" to contain something else.
17:33.35dijibk find the mic_calls context.. i think i have you wrote.
17:33.58p3nguinCreate a context [default] if it does not exists, and create [misc_calls] which we will use.
17:34.29p3nguinYou crashed the pastebin.
17:34.44dijibthere is default context... add it?
17:34.53p3nguinIf there IS one, you don't need to ADD one.
17:35.16dijibok nevermind i do have both default and misc_calls context
17:35.19p3nguinIf there isn't one already, create it.
17:36.07p3nguinNow, in the misc_calls context, you'll create the extension to accept calls to the conf.  You want your conference SIP URI to be ''?
17:36.14dijibso then do i just define like asterisk extension so that
17:36.30dijiblets make it asterisk
17:36.42p3nguinI don't want to actually process the conference in that context.  We'll use a Goto().
17:37.17WIMPyI'ts worth noting, that "asterisk" is the default voicemail extension.
17:37.22p3nguinI personally don't recommend using asterisk.
17:37.36p3nguinI would use 2663 or conf, or both.
17:37.50p3nguinor something completely arbitrary.
17:38.03p3nguinor something you change periodically.
17:39.56dijibgo with 2663 then
17:40.07dijibim thinking the dyndns is going to be
17:40.29*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
17:40.56p3nguinIn the misc_calls context, create a new extension.  exten => 2663,1,Goto(conference,${EXTEN},1);
17:41.10p3nguinThen create a new context:  [conference]
17:42.24dijibthen define 2663 with a confbridge in the confrence context?
17:42.41dijiband also include confrence context in the misc_calls context?
17:43.35p3nguinOnly do what I said.  Don't add things like includes.
17:45.09p3nguinOnce you have the Goto in the misc_calls context, and your conference context looks like mine, save, exit.  Then sip reload and dialplan reload.
17:45.53p3nguinNow your conference SIP URI is the extension you created in misc_calls @ your host name.
17:46.09p3nguinsuch as
17:47.41p3nguinGive me the real host name and I'll call it to test. should work
17:48.19p3nguinYou already pointed it at your system?
17:48.52p3nguinI guess so.  It resolves.
17:49.12dijibyeah its working
17:49.36dijibyeah i have that dyndns pointing to my other dyndns.
17:49.44dijibboth url's work from my tests
17:50.08dijibhow do i directly dial 2663 from my phones context? include?
17:50.59p3nguinYou could either "include => conference" in your phones context, or make another goto in your phones context exactly the same as the one you put in misc_calls.
17:52.20dijibk so SIP/
17:52.28dijibshould get you in/
17:52.36p3nguinYour SIP URI is
17:52.44dijibyou going to test?
17:52.52p3nguinIt can also be expressed as
17:53.00p3nguinIn a minute I will.
17:53.26dijibso at 6 users this will show as congested to new users eh?
17:53.39p3nguinAdjust as needed.
17:53.53dijibthen #asterisk... use this as a conf
17:54.11dijibi see you in
17:54.59dijibim stepping out for a smoke
17:55.04dijibcrap you dropped eh
17:55.50p3nguinIt said I was the only person in the conference, then played music to me.  I pressed * to get the menu, but it didn't tell me my options.
17:56.27dijibi joined after i saw you in it... then i hear a dtmf tone
17:56.38dijibi just changed the default MOH class
17:57.09p3nguinI pressed *, and then I guess you pressed something too.
17:57.14dijibhow would i dial that sip uri from x-lite
17:57.32dijib# is for options, not *
17:57.44dijibi pressed 1.
17:57.47dijibbut yes i did
17:58.29*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
17:58.29dijibnope #
17:58.32dijibi just tried
17:58.49p3nguinSo you're saying the author is wrong?
17:58.58dijibor it was updated or something yes
17:59.08dijibmeet me in there and try it... .
17:59.12dijibtalk to me while i smoke
17:59.35dijibsee. #
17:59.51dijibk im joining
17:59.55*** join/#asterisk irroot (
18:00.15*** part/#asterisk irroot (
18:43.17dijibEVERYBODY put this is your dialplan and join US! Dial(SIP/;
18:44.03*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
19:02.17dijibEVERYBODY put this is your dialplan and join US! Dial(SIP/;
19:02.19dijibEVERYBODY put this is your dialplan and join US! Dial(SIP/;
19:02.38p3nguinI got config reload ... to actually show something.
19:03.20dijibmy liver hurts
19:03.28p3nguinI changed moh conf and reloaded it using config reload, and it spewed all sorts of stuff about sending SIGHUP to MOH processes.
19:03.30*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
19:03.53p3nguinirroot will join the conf.
19:04.22irrootwhat where when
19:04.28dijibEVERYBODY put this is your dialplan and join US! Dial(SIP/;
19:04.55irrootid love too but bw sux
19:05.04irrootcant call over this shitty 3G
19:05.36dijibshouldnt 3g have plenty of bandwidth?
19:05.44dijiband how to dial that through X-Lite?
19:06.25irrootyeah got 7.2Mbs to tower then i may have 9k6 to out the country
19:06.43irrootalso having a thunderstorm ATM could be 300bps :P
19:07.03*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
19:07.17irrootVOIP is actually shaped by the providers so its pissing into a hurricaine
19:08.20p3nguinIf doesn't work, prefix it with sip:
19:08.45dijibcant even do the
19:08.54dijibpart... only numbers in X-Lite
19:10.11p3nguinIf you enable the setting that allows you to call without being registered to anything, then will it work?
19:10.34irroothave changed the whole way locking works in app_queue
19:10.41dijibi dont even know of the setting but i would assume no, as there would be nothing to handle the call?
19:10.45irrootsplit queues / members
19:11.35irrootshould improve performance substantially the queues were been locked while the members were traversed no longer the case
19:12.21p3nguinThe user agent is all that is needed to handle the call.
19:12.27p3nguinThat's what user agents (phones) are for.
19:12.38p3nguinAnd that's the nice thing about a SIP URI.
19:13.49p3nguinI don't know where the setting is, but there is one that allows making calls without being registered.
19:14.12dijibEVERYBODY put this is your dialplan and join US! Dial(SIP/;
19:15.15p3nguinThere is also a work-around using the phone book.
19:16.21p3nguinBut if you're registered to your own asterisk, you don't need to change the setting for dialing while not registered.  Just enter the SIP URI -- toggle the alpha-numeric keypad instead of only numeric keypad.
19:16.39*** join/#asterisk nix8n82-phone (
19:16.41*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:17.11p3nguinDialing while not registered it normally used for someone like me who want to just dial some random SIP URI from any computer I can get my hands on without entering my own asterisk credentials.
19:17.26dijibi dont even see an alphanumeric dialpad
19:17.41p3nguinI think you just have to press the space bar.
19:18.07p3nguin(when your cursor is in the main input box)
19:20.35p3nguinBy the way, the method I used to call your conf was:  originate SCCP/001562FFFFFF-a application Dial SIP/
19:22.21p3nguinWhen my phone rang, I picked it up and it immediately called your SIP URI.
19:28.58*** join/#asterisk covici (
19:31.07dijibim going to be joining the confrence line, and going to have a smoke and talk to my neighbor guy
19:31.33p3nguinAsk about number portability?
19:31.37coviciHi.  I have a strange problem where sip has suddenly stopped working for asterisk.  I have tried fs and that works so my network is working, but I would like
19:32.45covicito get asterisk working again -- and as far as I can tell, no changes were made in the configs.   I am using freepbx also.
19:33.15dijibcovici, join SIP/ for assistance
19:33.29dijibnevermind your sip doesnt work
19:33.31dijibEVERYBODY put this is your dialplan and join US! Dial(SIP/;
19:33.36coviciall internal phones say they are unreachable
19:34.03p3nguinWhat does "module show like sip" say?
19:35.30covicihang on and let me see -- I had some problems loading chan_sip, but it is loaded, but not doing much.
19:35.57p3nguinIf it is loaded, unload it.  Then load it and copy the entire output, and put it in the pastebin.
19:36.30p3nguinyes, please
19:36.38coviciOK, hang on.
19:37.36coviciI am restarting asterisk.
19:38.27p3nguinI really just asked for you to unload and load chan_sip.
19:38.43coviciIts only two lines so here iit is.
19:38.46coviciModule                         Description                              Use Count                Asterisk ADSI Programming Application    0
19:38.56p3nguinOkay, chan sip is not loaded.                    Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)        0
19:39.02p3nguinnow it is.
19:39.24p3nguinDoes "sip show peers" show all your peers?
19:39.39covicibut sip show peers says no such command
19:40.21p3nguinNow do what I asked you to do, and pastebin it.
19:41.58coviciYou mean unload and reload?
19:42.04p3nguinunload, then load.
19:42.11p3nguinmodule unload
19:42.15p3nguinmodule load
19:42.23p3nguinPastebin whatever it outputs.
19:42.33p3nguinIf nothing, pastebin nothing.
19:43.29p3nguinIf it only says loading, that also doesn't need pastebinned.
19:43.33coviciNo output from those.
19:43.47p3nguincore set verbose 3
19:43.50p3nguinDo it again.
19:43.53coviciIts 4 now.
19:44.00p3nguinThat's sufficient.
19:44.08p3nguinWhen you load it, it should show that it parsed sip.conf.
19:44.30coviciI think its in the logs, but not seeing in the console -- this is 1.8.
19:45.54coviciAfter a long time it said unloaded -- must have taken 3 minutes.
19:49.37coviciNow its actualling registering peers, so I am not sure what is happening.
19:49.49coviciBut it is slow as heck .
19:50.39coviciAnd sorry, I could only pastebin from the logs the load is off the screen.
19:52.52wdoekes2dns issues?
19:53.21coviciUnlikely, but I can check.
19:53.30coviciHang on -- phone call.
19:57.05p3nguinSorry, temporary network outage.
19:59.11p3nguinWhat do you mean by "slow" in this context?
20:07.28*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
20:09.50coviciI mean that the load took 2 or 3 minutes. and when I execute a command it takes quite a while.
20:10.13*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (bjarne@pdpc/supporter/active/bn-7bc)
20:10.32p3nguinMaybe the system is heavily loaded.
20:10.45p3nguinCan you check top/htop as well as iotop?
20:11.55coviciNothing else on the system -- load average is 0.
20:12.21p3nguiniotop -oPa
20:12.22p3nguinLet it run for a few minutes.
20:13.16*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (bjarne@pdpc/supporter/active/bn-7bc)
20:13.40covicidon't have iotop -- will try to install now.
20:15.15coviciOK its going now, but its getting 0's .
20:22.02p3nguinIt should have collected something by now.
20:22.13covicihang on.
20:22.39covicijust 31k/sec.
20:23.05p3nguinAt least one thing would have either written to disk or read from disk by now.
20:23.12*** join/#asterisk doug (
20:23.39p3nguin17879 be/4 asterisk      0.00 B      8.00 K  0.00 %  0.01 % asterisk
20:23.41p3nguinfor example.
20:23.50covicihang on.
20:25.58dougis there a variable that'll tell me which iax channel i'm coming in on?
20:26.18dougi'm using an iax client, loudhush, to connect up to asterisk.
20:26.22p3nguinNot a variable, no.  But you can use the CHANNEL() function.
20:26.54p3nguinIf you just need to see it now, you can use "core show channels verbose" on the CLI.
20:27.17dougah, channel(peername) seems like it'd do the trick...
20:27.43p3nguincore show channels  seems a lot easier if you just need to see it now rather than every time.
20:27.58coviciasterisk gets 16022 be/4 asterisk      0.00 B    380.00 K  0.00 %  0.00 % asterisk -f -U asterisk -G asterisk -vvvvg -c
20:28.36p3nguinOkay, so you've got at least that much disk activity.  Now I'm really more interested in the read/write at the top of the list.
20:28.56covicianother phone call.
20:31.24doug> Function channel not registered
20:31.32dougit's not case sensitive, is it?
20:31.34p3nguinIt's "CHANNEL"
20:31.43p3nguincore show function CHANNEL
20:31.55dougwow, it is.
20:32.01dougrock it like it's 1972
20:32.07p3nguinAll functions are in caps.
20:32.17*** join/#asterisk MDesade (
20:32.30p3nguinBut you can type core show function cha and hit Tab and it will complete and change case for you.
20:32.41*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
20:34.20*** join/#asterisk ruied (
20:36.13coviciOK, I am back -- I will try sip show peers again and see if it registered things.
20:36.29douglemme crank out a replacement punchcard...then it'll work.
20:37.12coviciMost of them say unspecified so they are not registering.  Its faster now, however.
20:37.28coviciAnd these are on the internal network!
20:38.15p3nguinGive them a few minutes and then check again.
20:38.55coviciBut the funny thing is another sip server is working.
20:39.05coviciI tried freeswitch just to see.
20:41.53*** join/#asterisk imox (
20:44.09p3nguinlsof -i udp:5060
20:44.15p3nguinShow me what that says.
20:45.20coviciHere is the output of sip show peers
20:53.34*** join/#asterisk francisvgarcia (~networker@
20:53.53coviciThe output is: asterisk 16022 asterisk   12u  IPv4 271943      0t0  UDP *:sip
20:54.27francisvgarciaHi Folks
20:54.38francisvgarciaI got a question for you
20:54.55[TK]D-Fendercovici: Actually connect to CLI and stay there, don't do this with -rx
20:55.14*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
20:55.16coviciOK, but I get a lot of dnsmgr output.
20:55.20*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
20:55.41WIMPyPatch that away :-)
20:56.47francisvgarciaAs the 2.6.28 kernel has the support for the OSLEC, If I have a CentOS version with this kernel, do I have to activate the OSLEC echo cancel algorithm in system.conf
20:57.57scubes13our phone system requires that we always dial a 1 before any outgoing phone call with the remaining 10 digits. what could I add to the dial plan (guessing that is where it goes) so that it would add the 1 if someone did not dial the full 11 digits?
20:58.12WIMPyfrancisvgarcia: How do those two things fit together?
20:59.32[TK]D-Fenderscubes13: put the 1 in your Dial
21:00.02francisvgarciaWIMPy: It is just a question
21:00.10*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
21:00.18scubes13[TK]D-Fender - such as 1+NXXNXXXXXX ?
21:00.39[TK]D-Fenderscubes13: No, in the DIAL()
21:00.42coviciYou would need to test the first digit and if not 1 then add the one before the extension variable.
21:01.44[TK]D-Fendercovici: He didn't say anything about 1 not being a valid first digits.  He said if they dial 10 digits, put a 1 in front
21:01.59francisvgarciasomething like this  _XXXXXXXXXX,1, Dial(CHANNEL/1+${EXTEN},120,tT)
21:02.06coviciBut probably people will do both.
21:02.13[TK]D-FenderNo "+"
21:02.29francisvgarciaExactly not with the +
21:02.41WIMPyfrancisvgarcia: system.conf sounds like dahdi, but dahdi is not in Linux.
21:02.42p3nguincovici: core set verbose 3
21:02.53p3nguincovici: That will get rid of the dnsmgr crap.
21:02.57coviciVerbose is 4 now.
21:03.46p3nguinYou should not be using tT in that dial command.  That allows both the caller and the callee to transfer the call.
21:03.52francisvgarciaWIMPy: Yes it is dahdi, I wonder if have to activate it in dahdi before asterisk can use it
21:04.04p3nguincovici: I'll tell you for a third time:  core set verbose 3
21:04.08p3nguinI won't say it again.
21:04.57francisvgarciaexten => _XXXXXXXXXX,1,DIAL(CHANNEL/1${EXTEN,120})
21:05.08[TK]D-Fenderfrancisvgarcia: Yes you have to specify teh EC to use in system.conf
21:05.15WIMPyfrancisvgarcia: Yes, but why did you mention the kernel?
21:05.40covicioutput of that is "verbosity was 4 and is now 3"
21:05.42p3nguinscubes13:  Scroll down and look at lines 118-124.
21:05.55p3nguincovici: Good.  Now you won't have dnsmgr filling the screen.
21:06.05p3nguinNow you can do whatever [tk]d-fender wanted you to do.
21:06.57francisvgarciaWIMPy: Because this kernel has the support for OSLEC and I don't have to compile it in dahdi apparently
21:07.21francisvgarciaall the starting  from the 2.6.28
21:08.14covicitk]d-fender: OK, now what do you want me to do in my cli?
21:08.29[TK]D-Fendercosip show peers
21:08.37[TK]D-Fendercovici: sip show peers
21:09.28coviciOK, now some of the peers are coming up as registered.
21:09.50covicilast line is 59 sip peers [Monitored: 28 online, 12 offline Unmonitored: 13 online, 6 offline]
21:10.01p3nguinIf you keep waiting, the others may come online, too.
21:10.17[TK]D-Fender-rx doesn't wait for a full response <-
21:10.34[TK]D-FenderIf you hit a delay, you get a partial response regardless of the proper output
21:10.55coviciBut its been up for 45 minutes why is it so slow?
21:11.23p3nguinThe user agents aren't trying to register every second of their existence.
21:11.55coviciBut I have them set to 5 minutes or less -- I can check, but its something like that.
21:12.25coviciAnd the module seemed to take a long time even  to load.
21:22.38coviciWell, thank you guys for all your help -- I wil monitor and see what happens.
21:23.01*** part/#asterisk covici (
21:24.50*** join/#asterisk thebitguru (
21:30.34thebitguruif I am using SIP/VOIP only to call normal phone lines can I still use dahdi for echo cancellation?  I am a litte confused about my echo cancellation options
21:30.50p3nguinThere's no echo on SIP.
21:31.14thebitgurup3nguin: SIP to a normal cell phone line results in echo on the other side
21:31.45thebitguruI am not sure what I am not doing right
21:32.01francisvgarciathebitguru: are you using a SIP Trunk?
21:32.10p3nguinIf you hear echo, it's either the handset having an issue with the volume, or the echo is introduced in the analog part of the call (which you don't have control over).
21:32.12infobotsiptrunk is probably something that doesn't exist -- there is no concept of a SIP trunk in Asterisk. You may be searching for iaxtrunk
21:32.30p3nguinThe SIP trunk is a lie.
21:32.34thebitguruI see
21:32.50thebitguruthe thing is the echo is heard on the other side, sound is good on my side
21:32.51WIMPyWhere on earth would you find analog cellphones?
21:33.06thebitguruWIMPy: I am not saying they are analog, just that they hear the echo
21:33.23p3nguinI also didn't say the cell phone are analog.
21:33.38francisvgarciaCould be an issue with the TELCO
21:33.41WIMPyNow fit the 3 together.
21:33.51WIMPythebitguru: What kind of phone are you using?
21:33.53francisvgarciathat can be using TDM for routing the Cell Phone Calls
21:34.21thebitguruWIMPy: softphone for now.  I have tried x-lite on windows, on mac and 3cx on android, all with similar results
21:34.34thebitguruI have tried two different SIP providers (sipstation and vitelity) with similar results
21:34.52[TK]D-FenderYou could be gettingacoustic echo from your headset speakers feeding into the mic... or your ITSP could suck
21:34.56francisvgarciathebitguru: Does it happen to regular phone numbers?
21:35.13WIMPyMaybe your internet connection has too much delay?
21:35.18thebitgurufrancisvgarcia: for sipstation it did, but not with vitelity
21:35.42thebitguruWIMPy: 52ms ping to vitelity's server, what else can I check to validate that connection isn't the problem?
21:35.42p3nguinCall some other numbers and see if they also hear echo.
21:36.32francisvgarciathebitguru: The Echo is only hear by the other end ?
21:36.43thebitgurufrancisvgarcia: correct
21:36.59*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
21:37.40francisvgarciathebitguru: and does it happen when anybody else call to the same cell phone or only when you call?
21:37.49thebitguruI have tried laptop speakers, a logitech headset with mic on the desktop, and my cellphone's mic/speakers with similar results so I don't think it echo is introduced by my equipment.
21:37.58thebitgurufrancisvgarcia: only me. when I call from my cell then they hear OK
21:38.20thebitgurutwo different cell phone numbers behaved similarly
21:38.53francisvgarciaecho is an issue only on TDM lines when using dahdi
21:39.24thebitguruwhat else could be the cause?
21:39.32francisvgarciatry using headseats and try again
21:39.56thebitguruI have tried asterisk on base ubuntu with freepbx, and with pbx in a flash with similar results
21:40.03WIMPyListen to p3nguin. Echo is always analog, unless you use a softphone and have set up a loop in your mixer.
21:40.27thebitguruWIMPy: so if they are hearing echo then it is probably something with my provider?
21:40.37francisvgarciacan be the speake feeding the mic
21:40.46francisvgarciaa feedback
21:40.53thebitgurufrancisvgarcia: even with headset?
21:40.57p3nguinYour digital equipment can have echo, but it's produced from the analog parts of it -- usually speaker-to-mic issues like [tk]d-fender mentioned.
21:40.58WIMPyI wouldn't know how they could produce echo.
21:41.14thebitgurumaybe I should confirm that my network isn't causing this
21:41.27thebitguruother than the ping time what else can I check?
21:41.29[TK]D-Fender[17:40]thebitgurufrancisvgarcia: even with headset? <- yes
21:41.44WIMPyYes, even headsets can produce echo. But if you've got one with the mic on the boom instead of just a tube, you should be safe.
21:41.45francisvgarciaanyway dahdi echo cancel is only applicable to TDM hardware
21:41.54thebitgurufrancisvgarcia: how about oslec?
21:41.55francisvgarciaand Digital Circuits
21:42.15WIMPyYou only get EC for hardware interfaces.
21:42.21thebitguruI see
21:42.25francisvgarciaoslec is only applicable to hardware
21:42.30p3nguinoslec is a type of echo cancellation for analog hardware.
21:42.31francisvgarciasuch as TDM
21:42.43thebitguruthe weird thing is that the other side hears their own voice, everything is OK on my side
21:42.45p3nguinAs I mentioned before, SIP does not echo.
21:43.11*** join/#asterisk pietro (
21:43.13WIMPySIP doesn't even transfer audio.
21:43.26[TK]D-Fenderthebitguru: Mute your mic.  Do they still hear themselves?
21:43.30p3nguinIf you want to get down to it, that's true.
21:43.35p3nguinNot what I meant, but true.
21:43.41thebitguru[TK]D-Fender: that's a good idea. let me try that
21:43.58WIMPyBut IP introduces delays and they regularly make EC fail.
21:44.02*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
21:47.02p3nguinI have a headset with a voice tube, and no one ever told me they hear any echo from it.
21:47.29p3nguinI thought about getting the other style (with the noise canceling boom mic), but never did it.
21:47.32*** join/#asterisk sparrW (~kvirc@pdpc/supporter/active/sparr)
21:47.35*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
21:47.47sparrWwhat linux distro is best suited for asterisk? packaged library versions, etc
21:47.49WIMPyMaybe your volume isn't high enoug or it has better quality.
21:48.02p3nguinsparrw: AsteriskNOW
21:48.23p3nguinI just use a Cisco phone with a Plantronics headset.
21:48.31*** join/#asterisk citywok (
21:48.36thebitguruI think it might just be the softphone/headset issue.  I will try a few other options
21:50.14francisvgarciathebitguru: Try using a hardphone
21:50.30francisvgarciaand let's see if the issue carries on
21:50.35WIMPyBut a digital one.
21:50.51p3nguina regular IP phone
21:50.56sparrWp3nguin: sorry, a mainstream distro. my virtual server provider doesn't allow custom images
21:51.06p3nguinsparrw: CentOS 5.5
21:51.45p3nguinDon't go with C6 because there haven't been any packages made as of the last time I looked.
21:52.53*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (
21:52.59francisvgarciaand IP Phone
21:58.01francisvgarciaI got a question for something that I haven't done yet, or if you know that it'll be included in future asterisk releases
21:58.27francisvgarciaExtension Mobility !!!
21:58.38p3nguinWhat does that phrase mean to you?
21:58.49francisvgarciawithout queues
22:00.03francisvgarciap3nguin: I mean, that an user can dial something like a code in the dialpad and his extension come to him wherever he logs in
22:00.27p3nguinYour knowledge of asterisk terminology could use some work.
22:00.46p3nguinAnd the mechanism you're looking for is known as "hot desking."
22:00.58francisvgarciaHot Desking
22:01.05francisvgarciathat is
22:01.14p3nguinExtensions don't change; only the device changes.
22:01.35sparrWp3nguin: thanks. i have a server set up, the asterisk packages installed via yum, and the asterisk service running... and i'm failing horribly at figuring out the next step, there aren't any links from the installation parts of the wiki to the usage parts. do i have to just dive in or can you recommend a getting started tutorial?
22:01.47p3nguinSo if I go to SIP phone 000011112222, my extension (762) will Dial(SIP/000011112222)...
22:02.07p3nguinor If I go to SIP phone 222233334444, now my extension (762) will Dial(SIP/222233334444).
22:02.11p3nguinhot desking
22:02.29infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
22:02.32francisvgarciayeap, that is
22:02.37p3nguinsparrw: Read the book.
22:03.12sparrWI'm not the person who is going to be administering the asterisk installation
22:03.15sparrWthat seems like overkill
22:03.28p3nguinWhat, specifically, do you want to know about?
22:03.33[TK]D-FendersparrW: Then hand your system over to that other person
22:04.36francisvgarciap3nguin: do you know if a Hot Desking application will be included in future asterisk releases?
22:04.59sparrWi think what i was looking for is that freepbx is the software i probably want to be dealing with
22:04.59[TK]D-Fenderfrancisvgarcia: Hot-desking is a concept.
22:05.00sparrWwill try that
22:05.04[TK]D-Fenderfrancisvgarcia: Not an "application"
22:05.53p3nguinIt's not an application, it's a concept.
22:05.58p3nguinYou just build it.
22:06.00francisvgarciathanks for the correction, but I mean If there is an easy way to do it
22:06.02p3nguinThe tools exist.
22:06.07sparrW[TK]D-Fender: i think he is using application in the engineering sense (ala "Application Note" as a form of documentation), not in the software package sense
22:06.28*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
22:07.02p3nguinAny admin worth a shit wouldn't rely on FreePBX.
22:07.51p3nguinFreePBX is for that manager who thinks he needs to run a phone system instead of pay a real admin.
22:08.25ChannelZAnd why would any manager want to run a phone system, unless he's an ubernerd - in which case he wouldn't care about FreePBX
22:08.37p3nguinThat's what they do.
22:08.42sparrWi have a server to which i am not giving root access to the person who wants to manage the pbx
22:08.49p3nguin"I'm in charge; I can run the phone system."
22:09.03p3nguinHe wouldn't need root access to run asterisk.
22:09.42p3nguinHe needs only a regular user account and enough sudo rights to admin asterisk.
22:09.44ChannelZOoooh, just got a big spat of anon SIP call attempts.  I don't get what these people think they are accomplishing if the replies don't even make it back to them.
22:09.53sparrWand I don't know that, because I'm too lazy to read an entire book explaining how asterisk works
22:09.55sparrWhence, freepbx
22:10.09p3nguinThat has nothing to do with Asterisk nor the book.
22:10.17p3nguinThat's SysAdmin 101.
22:10.18ChannelZIf you're too lazy to do that, you probably shouldn't be running a phone system
22:10.26sparrWChannelZ: I'm not. He is.
22:10.31sparrWthat's the problem. my server. his PBX.
22:10.37ChannelZHe, you, they, whatever
22:11.32sparrWp3nguin: do you not understand that I don't know how asterisk works? I don't know which, or how many, services it needs or wants to run. i don't know what binaries are used to admin it. i don't know what files the user adminning it needs access to.
22:11.46sparrWand, moreso, I don't WANT to know those things. i'm not the one adminning it.
22:11.49p3nguinSo you need to hire a sys admin, too.
22:12.05p3nguinOr just ask your questions already.
22:12.45[TK]D-FendersparrW: Go ask the person who you're doing it for what they want
22:12.53sparrWright now my question is... how do i find out the admin login and password for my freepbx installation, installed from the YUM repositories documented in the asterisk wiki?
22:13.05infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
22:13.13sparrWyep, already asking there
22:13.49sparrWthe default setup in the rpm packages for asterisk seem to want root to do the administration
22:14.07francisvgarciadoes anyone know how to correct the TDM400p issue that It rings two times before answering the call
22:14.17p3nguinAdd that to my list of reasons to not use FreePBX and instead learn how to admin Asterisk.
22:15.12p3nguinIf you use FreePBX to admin it, you have little choice of non-root controlling things.
22:16.06p3nguinIf you deal with it from a normal systems administrator perspective, you have all the control you want or all the control you want to delegate to someone else.
22:16.19sparrWi'd prefer the packages just install as a new user
22:16.22sparrWlike apache does
22:16.38[TK]D-Fenderfrancisvgarcia: It isn't an issue.  It's waiting for CALLERID
22:16.45sparrWinstead i'm left trying to figure out what my asterisk-admin user needs access to
22:16.54[TK]D-Fenderfrancisvgarcia: Feel free to lose callerid by disabling it.
22:17.17francisvgarciaI did it already
22:17.21francisvgarciaand It does not work
22:17.46[TK]D-Fenderfrancisvgarcia: Wouldn't bet on it being done right or applied...
22:17.55[TK]D-Fenderfrancisvgarcia: Would help if you showed us
22:17.58p3nguinCaller ID is received between the first and second rings.  If you don't wait for it, you won't get it.
22:18.16francisvgarciaThe customer don't care
22:18.21francisvgarciaabout caller id
22:18.24p3nguinThey don't want CID?
22:18.38francisvgarciahe wants to
22:18.39p3nguinReconfigure the thing to answer right away.
22:18.57francisvgarciahe wants the phone to ring automatically
22:19.09francisvgarciano matter if he loose the caller id
22:19.31francisvgarciasome of the strange things that we see over the time
22:19.44p3nguinSeems odd, but give him what he wants.
22:21.08thebitguruyup, the equipment seems to be the issue in my case.
22:21.36thebitgurufrancisvgarcia, [TK]D-Fender, p3nguin, WIMPy: thanks for guiding me in the right direction.  I appreciate your help!
22:26.00francisvgarciathebitguru: you welcome
22:39.24francisvgarciaIt still rings two times even if I place callerid=no
22:39.33dijibEVERYBODY put this is your dialplan and join US! Dial(SIP/;
22:39.34p3nguinCheck your dial plan.
22:39.35dijibthere you fo
22:39.45dijiboh man ive quite a few beers in now
22:39.50p3nguinYou probably have a Wait() in it where you're creating that pause.
22:39.57dijibEVERYBODY put this is your dialplan and join US! Dial(SIP/;
22:40.58[TK]D-Fender[18:39]francisvgarciaIt still rings two times even if I place callerid=no <- this isn't the right parameter at all
22:42.13francisvgarciait's usecallerid=no
22:42.26francisvgarciathinking sip
22:43.09[TK]D-Fenderfrancisvgarcia: And as I said before it'd help if you showed us.
22:43.24dijibEVERYBODY put this is your dialplan and join US! Dial(SIP/;
22:43.43dijibim going to spam as if spam hasent been invented
22:45.41p3nguinSpecial Ops, to be specific.
22:45.42francisvgarciaHere we go
22:45.42francisvgarciausecallerid = no
22:45.42francisvgarciahidecallerid = no
22:45.43francisvgarcialoadzone = uk
22:45.45p3nguinDon't do that.
22:45.46francisvgarciadefaultzone = uk
22:45.47francisvgarcialanguage = es
22:45.53francisvgarciacallwaiting = yes
22:45.55francisvgarciathreewaycalling = yes
22:45.57francisvgarciatransfer = yes
22:45.59francisvgarciaechocancel = 64
22:46.01francisvgarciaechotraining= no
22:46.02p3nguinNo one ever taught you not to flood a channel?
22:46.03francisvgarciaechocancelwhenbridged = no
22:46.05francisvgarciarxgain= 0.0
22:46.07francisvgarciatxgain = -4.5
22:46.12dijibstop flooding francisvgarcia for that shit
22:46.17dijibEVERYBODY put this is your dialplan and join US! Dial(SIP/;
22:46.18p3nguinAre people really this silly?
22:46.19dijibEVERYBODY put this is your dialplan and join US! Dial(SIP/;
22:46.26dijibyes we are
22:46.26p3nguinOr do they just play this silly on IRC?
22:46.52[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Welcome to "Full-Retard" Weekend
22:46.56francisvgarciaI didn't know
22:47.04p3nguinIt's not just today.
22:47.33p3nguinYou didn't KNOW we didn't want that flood?
22:47.51p3nguinYou thought we wanted our screen to be filled with stuff we don't care about?
22:49.18dijibwell irregardless Dial(SIP/;
22:49.59p3nguinir = without.  regardless = lack of regard.  irregardless = without the lack of regard = having much regard.
22:50.20dijibi know, dont worry its proper american
22:50.25[TK]D-Fenderirregardless = Not an actual word because of how redundent it is.
22:50.49p3nguin<dijib> i know, dont worry its proper american   <--- does not compute
22:50.51dijibits a double negative
22:51.06p3nguindouble negative is affirmative
22:51.09dijibbut americans use it because they thing their always right
22:51.31[TK]D-Fender[18:50]dijibi know, dont worry its proper american <- "I" , "don't", "it's", "American", and  lack of a period at the end.  Almost every single word in that sentence was wrong.
22:51.53dijibEVERYBODY put this is your dialplan and join US! Dial(SIP/;
22:51.55p3nguinNot all Americans are that uneducated.  I'm an American, for instance.
22:51.59francisvgarciadijib I am in
22:52.36dijibgive me one second
22:53.15francisvgarciaIt is a conference bridge
22:53.27dijibyou hear me?
22:53.34p3nguinAnd if I've ever used the term "irregardless," it was due to negative influence from places where people say "irregardless."
22:53.36francisvgarciano I don't hear you
22:53.50p3nguinDon't forget to unmute.
22:53.57dijibyou should be able to hear me francis
22:53.58francisvgarciaI was hearing the music on hold
22:54.03dijibnow nothing?
22:54.14francisvgarciayes, nothing
22:54.28dijibnow music on hold?
22:54.29francisvgarciabut you hear me?
22:54.33dijibno not at all
22:54.39francisvgarciacheck ur mic
22:54.43dijibi did
22:54.52francisvgarciabut do u hear me?
22:55.01dijibno i didnt
22:55.06dijibim rejoining
22:55.20dijibim in again
22:55.26francisvgarciaIt stopped
22:55.28dijibi cant hear you at all.
22:55.30[TK]D-FenderThat's what SHE said
22:55.40francisvgarciathe music stoped
22:55.46dijib[TK]D-Fender, join the conference
22:55.54dijibEVERYBODY put this is your dialplan and join US! Dial(SIP/;
22:56.02dijibim in here
22:56.02[TK]D-Fenderdijib: You're annoying enough here...
22:56.09dijibyou know it
22:56.17[TK]D-Fenderdijib: Speaking of which stop spamming that junk around.
22:56.21dijibp3nguin, why is this broken would you summize?
22:56.29p3nguinWhat's broken?
22:56.50francisvgarciato avoid nat issues
22:56.55dijibi cant hear francisvgarcia
22:57.08dijibi didnt know IAX2 was the answer to that
22:57.24p3nguinIAX2 does not get affected by NAT like SIP/RTP does.
22:57.42dijibany why dont i rebuild my server to use IAX
22:57.47[TK]D-FenderWhich is not to say "completely unaffected"
22:57.59[TK]D-FenderHowever far friendlier at face value
22:58.06dijibfrancisvgarcia, you dropped?
22:58.06p3nguinThere is no "rebuilding" to use IAX2.  You just turn on IAX2.
22:58.14francisvgarciaI did it
22:58.14dijibi would rebuild
22:58.21dijibi have MOH in my ear now
22:58.22francisvgarciaI'll be back in a while
22:58.23[TK]D-FenderYou don't turn it on.. you configure devices for it.
22:58.24p3nguinYou're an idiot, then.
22:58.40dijibp3nguin, why so rude? is it because ive been drinking
22:58.56p3nguinConfigure iax.conf, module load = turn on IAX2
22:59.40dijibwhoever is in the confrence bridge dial # for options not *
22:59.49p3nguinThat's so weird.
22:59.58*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
23:00.01p3nguin#1 to unmute.
23:00.01dijibis that you in there p3nguin ?
23:00.15francisvgarciato be somethink like Dial(IAX2/
23:00.18dijiboh shit yeh i keep forgetting whats the option to not have the mutted option
23:00.25p3nguinI have to figure out why it's # instead of *.
23:00.35dijiboh ok
23:00.51p3nguinDo you really want people to come in unmuted?
23:01.52p3nguinIf yes, remove the m from ConfBridge().
23:01.55*** join/#asterisk wooster (
23:02.13woosteri upgraded to 10.0.0, now all of my SIP clients are getting 401 unauthorized
23:02.47p3nguinI'm connected, but not talking right now.
23:05.57p3nguinWhat was the question?
23:06.00dijibp3nguin, did you hear his question?
23:06.28woosterdid something change with SIP friend authentication in 10.0?
23:07.35p3nguinI'm still saying it's dial plan.  There is probably a Wait().
23:08.04p3nguinIf there is Wait before Answer, it will ring before it answers.
23:09.11p3nguinPASTEBIN IT
23:09.13infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:13.51p3nguinI'll have to see the dial plan to be convinced it isn't the dial plan.
23:16.02dijibi think i want to keep spamming
23:16.14dijibthis is slowely starting to get fun
23:21.18*** join/#asterisk tyman (
23:22.48[TK]D-Fenderfrancisvgarcia: According to your /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf  you have NO channels whatsoever
23:23.09[TK]D-Fenderinmediate=yes <- Misspelled and wrong to have as yes once corrected
23:23.10francisvgarciaI have just paste
23:23.22francisvgarciaonly the relevant information
23:23.41p3nguinYou pasted some of the relevant information.
23:24.29[TK]D-Fenderfrancisvgarcia: Why on Earth would we believe that?
23:24.55[TK]D-Fenderfrancisvgarcia: Things aren't working and you're deliberately not showing us important bits.
23:32.43francisvgarciaOk here we go
23:33.48[TK]D-Fenderfrancisvgarcia: Show us the call
23:38.55*** part/#asterisk ChannelZ (
23:38.58*** join/#asterisk CoderForLife (~Miranda@unaffiliated/coderforlife)
23:39.00*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
23:39.07p3nguinSpecial Price Analysis and Marketing = SPAM
23:45.45[TK]D-FenderAnd there goes the last of the evidence...
23:57.37carraradios amigo
23:59.13p3nguinSo is there a setting for the card that causes it to wait for two rings?  I would have thought that is all dial plan.

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