IRC log for #asterisk on 20111026

00:30.09p3nguinI've experienced my first negative incident with today.
00:31.41*** join/#asterisk depressed (
00:34.17carrarair it out!
00:35.42p3nguinOne of my clients uses I managed the PBX, but I never had portal access -- I just configured the voipms peer with the information I was given.  Today I get a call asking if the PBX had been hacked.
00:35.59*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
00:36.28p3nguin"No, I haven't seen anything unusual going on.  What's up?"
00:36.48p3nguinTurns out, they've had over $140 in international calls made today.
00:37.47p3nguinThe person who has always dealt with the billing/payments had a chat with voipms, in my absence, to try to figure out what happened.
00:38.02*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:38.46p3nguinShe is told that an unusual pattern was detected; all the calls had been made from two IP addresses, once which is a Romania IP address and the other a China address.
00:39.44pdtpatrick1QUestion  ... queue show <queuename>  .. keeps should an agent is invalid.. i've tried running agent logoff Agent/number  ... but this particular agent just won't logoff
00:39.47p3nguinThey accuse us of having an insecure PBX, which might be a likely problem for someone who doesn't know anything, but I feel like I pay careful attention to things like that.
00:39.49pdtpatrick1how can i force them to log off ?
00:40.25[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick1: Show us the queue and your attempts
00:40.27infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
00:41.34p3nguinSo within the same chat where she was told it's the fault of the PBX admin, she's told the calls were made from Romania and China.  Our PBX is in the USA!  If our PBX was "hacked," the calls would have been from our USA IP address.... right?!
00:42.17p3nguinJust wait... you'll see where I'm going with this.
00:42.48p3nguinTypically you'd think the calls would go through the unsecured PBX, so the call would show up as coming from the PBX.
00:42.54[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Yes
00:43.04p3nguinSo we introduce this fact to the voipms person.
00:43.26pdtpatrick1any ideas regarding the Agent not being logged off or Invalid ?
00:43.47[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: "hacked" in the sense that yes the call may not have originated from your equipment... however they may have gotten into the box to steal the credentials
00:43.50p3nguinWell, now our system must have been compromised and the attacker simply took the account credentials from the conf and used it directly.
00:44.02p3nguinYeah, right, that's what he suggested.
00:44.32p3nguinSo I'm poking around trying to figure out just what the hell happened.  The account used to make the calls on voipms isn't even the account we use on the PBX!!
00:44.34[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick1: Logging off an agent doesn't stop them from being a member of a queue
00:44.45[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick1: Think on that a little...
00:44.48pdtpatrick1that Agent does not even exist
00:45.05pdtpatrick1there's nothing that references 2000 or 2001 in agents.conf
00:45.12[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Then that's a total "WTF".  Not your account = how is it your problem?
00:45.14*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
00:45.35[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick1: (dynamic) <---
00:45.47p3nguinIt's still there "account," but I'm talking about account numbers (aka username/defaultuser).
00:45.57p3nguinThink sub-accounts.
00:46.43p3nguinThe sub account used on the PBX is not the account used to make the calls.  So if someone broke in and stole the credentials, how are they making calls on an unrelated account?
00:47.08p3nguinSo apparently someone either gave out credentials to another account or voipms underwent a bruteforce and didn't know it.
00:47.34p3nguinEither way, they blame us for having an unsecured PBX, when there is no evidence of this being factual.
00:48.21pdtpatrick1[TK]D-Fender, what would u suggest
00:48.33[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: I believe the term is "slander".  If they put up too much of a fight, ask your lawyer about that term :)
00:48.59p3nguinThey offered to credit back their profit on the calls made.  I thought that was polite at least.
00:49.06[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick1: I suggest you think a little bit about where you dynamically added a queue member
00:49.26SeRip3nguin, hacked account maybe?
00:49.47p3nguinI think I would have done a little more checking to see what was going on before I accused a customer of something that seems very apparent to not have happened.
00:49.48[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: That's not bad.  See about having them restrict the ip reg range, etc and do see if you have any hardening to do
00:50.01carrarIf you have a idle account with a bad password thats your fault actually
00:50.05[TK]D-Fender(That's what SHE said..._
00:50.14*** join/#asterisk adolfomaltez (~taro@
00:51.02carrarany account that is not actively used should be disabled!
00:51.11p3nguinI wish they would have given me access to the portal months ago and I could have reduced (not necessary prevented) the chance of this happening.  I didn't get portal access until today AFTER this happened.
00:51.31p3nguinSo when I get in there, there's a huge list of sub accounts.
00:51.36p3nguinWe use ONE.
00:51.39carrarlessoned learned, move on! :)
00:52.04p3nguinNow I see why they hired me to take over... that other guy was a tool.
00:52.26p3nguinHe's the same one who demanded I give him root access to "his" server.
00:52.31carrarshould have requested portal access at the start?
00:52.35p3nguinI asked.
00:52.53p3nguinThey were confident that it wasn't needed.
00:53.09carrarI would have said, obviosuly
00:53.24carrarthats why you fired your last guy
00:54.04p3nguinOh, and since the idiot put in a callerID override on every sub-account in the portal, every one of those international calls appears to have come from his phone number.
00:54.47p3nguinIf that wouldn't have happened, there's a small chance that I could have captured at least one real caller id of a caller.
00:55.02carrarmaybe the previous guy did it
00:55.10p3nguinI actually thought about that.
00:55.20p3nguinBut when I saw the override, I figured he didn't.
00:56.08p3nguinHe just fouled up all kinds of settings, but I doubt he called Bulgaria and Estonia.
00:59.49p3nguinI wondered if there was any chance he sold or gave away credentials for an unused account.
01:00.25p3nguinI can't imagine he'd do that, though.  I think he still works there, just doesn't get to touch systems anymore.
01:00.33p3nguinHe was hired as a sales person anyway.
01:00.53p3nguin(which explains why he's such a dumbass when it comes to this stuff)
01:02.55p3nguinI guess I need to see if voipms has any logs of any bruteforce attempts before those calls started.
01:03.56p3nguinIf the calls just suddenly started, the caller obviously knew the credentials ahead of time.  That would be a good bit of info to know.
01:04.29p3nguinI almost wish it would have been through the PBX so I could have tracked the process.  :/
01:06.09p3nguinAt 46 cents/minute, it doesn't take long to run up a phone bill.  Maybe I should call the number they called the most and try to get some info out of that person.
01:07.42p3nguinThe average call durations ranged from 15 to 30 minutes per call.
01:09.24p3nguinHmm.  Someone explain this to me... how are all these calls overlapping in duration?
01:10.06p3nguinOne call starts at 10:38 and lasts 18 minutes.  The next call starts at 10:40 and lasts 29 minutes.  The next call starts at 10:57.
01:10.26p3nguinThis makes me think the number being called is not the real destination.
01:10.50p3nguinIt must be forwarded somewhere else and is being controlled during the calling.
01:11.38*** join/#asterisk FainaUkraina (
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01:11.42p3nguinIt's a "Bulgaria Mobile" number.  The phone can't accept a dozen calls all at the same time.
01:14.08*** join/#asterisk dhorner_mb (~dhorner_m@
01:18.42p3nguinHmm, interesting.  I'm looking over old support tickets now, and I found one from Nov 8 2010 that indicates something similar happened back then.
01:19.04p3nguinWe have noticed an unusual pattern of calls coming from your sub account xxxxxxx ...
01:19.27kb3iencan asterisk generate a 484 error?
01:30.04*** join/#asterisk hovel (~hovel@unaffiliated/hovel)
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01:34.49SeRip3nguin, everything will fix in a large flat rate box. thats the cheap route
01:37.18wonderworldconfbridge 10 absolutely rocks. thanks guys.
01:43.48*** join/#asterisk nny (
01:43.56*** join/#asterisk dijib (
01:44.31nnyGetting:  chan_dahdi.c:5114 dahdi_confmute: DAHDI confmute(0) failed on channel 1: Invalid argument after doing an update (1.6 to 1.8 latest, dahdi, libpri and wanpipe drivers). Is this a sangoma issue or an asterisk issue (or both)? Not sure where to start
01:45.13nnynote this is when doing a simple Dial, nothing fancy
01:52.00p3nguinseri: $14.95 plus $0.70 for delivery confirmation?
01:54.00nnylooks like a bug between newer version of dahdi and sangoma driver, asking in that channel
01:55.14*** join/#asterisk TSM (
01:59.21SeRip3nguin, Yes
01:59.31SeRiflat rate comes with tracking all ready
01:59.43p3nguinActually it doesn't.
02:00.06SeRiall priority mail comes with tracking
02:00.21SeRihu? really?
02:00.32SeRiI all ways get tracking with my priority.
02:00.43p3nguinWhat tracking do you pay for?
02:00.45SeRiodd maybe I am getting charged and not know it...
02:01.01p3nguinThe light green delivery confirmation is $0.70 extra.
02:01.14SeRiI was not aware I was paying for it. The recipt all ways had a tracking number.
02:01.19p3nguinThat's the cheapest one.
02:01.22SeRiooo ye thats for signature confirmation
02:01.33p3nguinSignature is like 1.20 or something.
02:02.51SeRimhhh ok I guess I got it allc onfused.
02:02.58SeRibut yes thats the price.
02:03.00p3nguinSignature confirmation is $2.45
02:03.44p3nguinIt's the certificate of mailing that $1.15
02:03.49*** join/#asterisk gxdssoft (~gxdssoft@
02:04.35SeRicool. well you still want the stuff?
02:05.27SeRiok. than ill go by and drop it off sometime this week before sat. thats including the sim.
02:05.51p3nguinOkay, great.
02:06.05p3nguinIt'll only take 2-3 days to get priority mail.
02:06.10SeRionce I have a receipt than you can pay pal me.
02:06.17SeRiYes Sr.
02:07.08SeRiright now I am on the hunt for a sip phone
02:07.26SeRiI was told gigaset are good for home/office
02:08.05p3nguinAre you looking for a wireless phone or a desk phone?
02:08.18SeRiether or.
02:08.25SeRiI like desk phones best
02:08.34p3nguinI use Cisco, but Aastra makes good phones.
02:08.45SeRiyes I was told ether Astar or cisco.
02:09.01SeRibut cisco scares me because I have to buy extra licenses etc,.... or so i was told
02:09.14p3nguinTo use them "legally"
02:09.35SeRiah I see.
02:09.41carrarPolycom are awesome
02:09.43p3nguinNothing stops the phones from working if you don't buy the licenses.
02:10.15carrarCisco phones Look pretty and feel nice
02:10.17SeRicarrar, I have a 501 that just wont do crap. :( actually several of them
02:10.30carrar501 is old
02:10.39carrardump it
02:10.46p3nguinIf you can fit more in that box, feel free to include them.
02:10.48carraror learn how to configure it via ftp
02:11.06SeRip3nguin, LOL realx! LOL
02:11.08p3nguinI don't know too much about aastra phones other than they are nice phones.
02:11.17carrarAastra are nice also
02:11.31carrarthough I would probably pick Polycom over Aastra
02:11.38p3nguinI've never had an occasion to configure an Aastra.
02:11.52carrarI have
02:11.58p3nguinIs it a bother?
02:12.07carrari don't think so
02:12.17p3nguinPretty standard for an IP phone, then?
02:12.17carrarjsut different
02:12.44carrarTheir deskphone with cordless phone is a nice feature however
02:12.59SeRiI am looking for something with a webui... I want to stay away from cfg files and tftp stuff....
02:13.17carrarno phone as a "great" web ui
02:13.19*** join/#asterisk jblack (
02:13.28SeRiI know :( lol
02:13.42SeRiI guess I have no choice but to setup a tftp server
02:13.45p3nguinThat's what I need.  I've been wanting to install an IP phone near my couch, but I don't want to run new cabling.  A good quality wireless phone would be perfect.
02:13.50carrarIf you really want to do it right, take the time to learn config files
02:14.11carrarAastra makes some great DECT SIP phones
02:14.22carraras does polycom
02:14.37carrarstay away from wifi phones
02:14.49carrarunless you live miles from anyone
02:15.02SeRicarrar, Thanks for the advice. I almost bought a gigaset
02:15.10carrarnever heard of them
02:15.23carrarprobably crap!
02:15.32WIMPyMake sure it's CAT-ip, not DECT
02:15.52carraryou want DECT
02:15.58carrarfor cordless phones
02:16.01carrarSIP DECT
02:16.27WIMPyCAT-iq = DECT v2
02:16.33dijibp3nguin, why IP?
02:16.45SeRiI have panasonic 6ghz DECT phones... they work ok.... not the same though :)
02:16.47p3nguinWhy IP what?
02:16.59p3nguinBecause I use VoIP.
02:17.00dijiband i cant get cdr working
02:17.05p3nguinYou can't have VoIP without IP.
02:17.09dijibwhy not AtA -> wireless
02:17.10SeRicarrar, can you link me to a desk phone with dect?
02:17.27WIMPyCAT-iq will offer at least G.722 in addition to G.726. Many will also do G.729.
02:17.40carrarC7iT or something
02:17.47carrarhave to look it up
02:17.54carrarwe have a few deployed
02:18.27p3nguinI'd just rather have a SIP base as opposed to an analog base and an ATA.
02:19.05p3nguinI could spend $100 on a good cordless phone, then I still have to get a good ATA; or I could spend like $130 for a decent SIP cordless phone.
02:19.17SeRidijib, digital to digital will be best. analog to digital is overhead.
02:19.28carrarAastra 6757i CT
02:19.35carrarnewer model out
02:19.37dijibyeah but not for cheap smoes ike me\
02:19.37WIMPyErr, where fo you buy?
02:19.47carraractually thats the same one
02:19.54carraris what they call it
02:20.16SeRicarrar, Thanks!
02:20.16carrarYou can trasnfer from desk to cordless
02:20.20SeRilooking in to it now.
02:20.23carrarworks real nice
02:20.46carrarworked 3 houses away from my hosue when I tested it
02:21.47carrarHouse Base Distance (HBD) stats
02:22.21carrarThe DECT stuff is ncie for those places that are fooded with wifi
02:22.49WIMPyYou can even get a DECT PCI card and use cahn_dect. But I don't know how stable that is.
02:23.11carrarI'd go with a Aastra DECT solution
02:23.22SeRiis the 6x 0r 5x newer carrar?
02:23.44WIMPyThe AVM routers have very good DECT integration.
02:23.49carrarI would guess 6 is > 5
02:24.19carrarit's a about a year and ahalf since I tested it and put it into production
02:24.28carrarmaybe 2
02:24.42carrarzero complaints
02:24.52dijibi printed out the Asterisk Variable list but i cant find STRFTIME or similar.
02:24.55*** join/#asterisk adolfomaltez (~taro@
02:25.01dijibany direction?
02:25.22carrarI also have to say that the Aastra people are much friendly and easier to deal with the Polycom
02:25.47carrarwell they all are friend on the phone
02:25.49WIMPydijib: 'core show function strftime'
02:25.58carrarAastra seem to go out of it's way more for us
02:26.44SeRiI think any company that spends a sious ammount of money on a product directly with them sort of tend to make the compnay bend a bit for there customers...
02:26.54dijibtrunk*CLI> core show function strftime
02:26.54dijibNo function by that name registered.
02:26.54dijibCommand 'core show function strftime' failed.
02:27.11p3nguinSTRFTIME is a function not a variable.
02:27.21dijibah .
02:27.33p3nguincore show function STRFTIME
02:27.49p3nguinCapitalization is important.
02:28.16WIMPyyes. Sorry.
02:34.26*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
02:36.06WIMPyOh, I have to make an important correction. If a CAT-iq handset is advertised as being capable og G.722 it actually won't do G.722, but G.722.1 which makes it a lot less usefull.
02:36.11*** join/#asterisk nafg_ (
02:36.35nafg_What would be a good way to design an IVR menu that has a variable number of choices, possible more than 10 (maybe 30 sometimes)
02:36.39nafg_It's choosing an option out of choices in a database, which aren't categorized.
02:39.28WIMPyDECT is only 32kbps
03:08.30*** join/#asterisk FainaUkraina (~Gene@
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03:50.35samuelsappsI having trouble configuring asterisk with gxw4108, when dialing the pstn number it success but when I dial the extention number it's seem the gxw try to dial to pstn
03:51.46samuelsappshow do I differentiate the PSTN and extention
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04:23.55coppiceWIMPy: CAT-iq uses G.722, not G.722.1
04:26.55WIMPyG.722 has min 48kbps, DECT only transmits 32kbps.
04:27.19WIMPyIt's just that the manuals miss the .1
04:27.59WIMPyI mean there is the possibility to use multiple channels, but I'm not aware that this is done on any handsets.
04:28.07coppiceCAT-iq can send at 64k. It uses G.722. G.722 actually needs a full 64k to be of any use. at 48k its narrowband
04:29.21WIMPyWhen I dug further in to the specification of some system (can't remember which it was) it explicitly mentioned 722.1 somewhere.
04:29.47WIMPyIf it's real G.722 with 64kpbs that sounds nice. Where did you find that?
04:31.23coppicewhat do you mean by "real" G.722? G.722.1 is a totally unrelated codec
04:31.42*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
04:32.04WIMPyreal=no ammex
04:32.21WIMPyG.722.2 is yet aother totally different codec.
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04:37.44coppiceG.722.2 is AMR-WB by another name
04:37.46coppiceG.722.1 is mostly used by conferencing phones
04:37.48coppiceG.722 is what the vast majority of "HD voice" is using today
04:37.50coppiceThe three are totally unrelated to each other. Only G.722 is unencumered
04:38.16WIMPyI know.
04:38.40WIMPyBut where did you find that CAT-iq uses or should use G.722?
04:39.27coppicea) the documents
04:39.29coppiceb) the product descriptions of CAT-iq compatible phones
04:39.30WIMPyI used to believe that as well until I fund G.722.1 mentioned burried in some spec.
04:39.31coppicec) the SDP and RTP coming out of one
04:40.04WIMPyWhat brand are you using?
04:40.16coppicefor various reasons the industry has a huge reluctance to use G.722.1
04:41.02coppiceI don't use any, but I've helped other people integrate CATiq phones into their system
04:41.21WIMPySeeing that .1 and .2 require licenses that makes sense.
04:42.04WIMPyOTOH most hardware phones include G.729.
04:42.07coppiceit makes sense much more from the point of view of compatibility. hardly any VoIP kit can do .1 or .2
04:43.33WIMPyI'm still searching for any device that does G.722 over ISDN so that it would be possible to look into getting that done for Asterisk.
04:45.01coppicethere is very little kit that does proper ISDN G.722. Sangoma now support G.722 over ISDN (at least when used with FreeSwitch), but they don't seem to flag the codec as G.722. They flag it as a clear 64k bearer channel
04:45.03*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
04:45.52WIMPyI know it's only broadcasting equipment and that comes with quite a prive tag.
04:46.28WIMPyBut withour interoperability that's worth a lot less.
04:47.38coppicethey usually use it over private 64k circuits, so ISDN control doesn't really enter into it
04:49.28WIMPyBut it's not that unlikely today that two people both use G.722 capable IP phones but are connected via the PSTN. And there is no real reason that it shouldn't work in that scenario.
04:50.51coppiceI guess it depends on whether a high percentage of PSTN switch will actually negotiate the bearer channel
04:51.33WIMPyThe real one should do.
04:51.52WIMPyBut I'm pretty sure the modern SIP based lines won't.
04:52.04*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
04:52.05WIMPyInterestingly enough, my provider even seems to do transcoding.
04:53.04WIMPyBut it may be neccessary to make transfers work.
04:53.06coppicetranscoding of voice, and transcoding of bit to modem tones was supposed to be a cornerstone of ISDN. it rarely worked out, in practice
04:53.47WIMPyI heard about that idea for the first time in here.
04:53.55WIMPyBut it has been in use for GSM.
04:53.58*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
04:55.50WIMPyOur national ISDN supported BC change during a connection. AFAIK that's not possible any more.
04:56.11WIMPyMight be a reason why noone tries to support G.722.
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15:49.52*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.0.0-beta2 (2011/09/27), (2011/10/17), dahdi-linux (2011/09/08), dahdi-tools (2011/09/08), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
15:50.13anonymouz666this usually happens once a week
15:50.58*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
15:51.02anonymouz666I hate to do it, but it seems a restart now every day using crontab make things more stable
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15:53.35*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.0.0-beta2 (2011/09/27), (2011/10/17), dahdi-linux (2011/09/08), dahdi-tools (2011/09/08), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
15:53.59anonymouz666p3nguin: I use that heavily on distributed setups
15:55.18*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
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16:13.00r0m|up3nguin, you got a sec?
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16:16.02infinityplus1Can you tell me if I should continue to use the for
16:16.04infinityplus1Also can I use instead of for
16:16.07infinityplus1the inbound
16:16.24infinityplus1sorry about that
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16:22.24r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, you got a second?
16:22.38r0m|uill make it quick
16:22.49r0m|uI am gathering the sip debug now
16:22.50*** join/#asterisk _abc_ (~user@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
16:23.12r0m|uI am unable to make calls using sipbri....
16:23.13_abc_Has anyone succeeded to tunnel a iax2 connection over a ssh port forwarding channel?
16:23.20r0m|uOct 26 11:17:51 pbx local0.warn asterisk[2519]: WARNING[2552]: chan_sip.c:8740 in process_sdp: Unsupported SDP media type in offer: audio 0 RTP/AVP 0 101
16:23.21r0m|uOct 26 11:17:51 pbx local0.warn asterisk[2519]: WARNING[2552]: chan_sip.c:8827 in process_sdp: Failing due to no acceptable offer found
16:23.21r0m|uOct 26 11:18:01 pbx local0.warn asterisk[2519]: WARNING[2552]: chan_sip.c:8740 in process_sdp: Unsupported SDP media type in offer: audio 0 RTP/AVP 0 101
16:23.21r0m|uOct 26 11:18:01 pbx local0.warn asterisk[2519]: WARNING[2552]: chan_sip.c:8827 in process_sdp: Failing due to no acceptable offer found
16:23.27r0m|uops didnt meant that
16:23.34r0m|utring to pb
16:23.39_abc_Has anyone succeeded to tunnel a iax2 connection over a ssh port forwarding channel?
16:23.47_abc_oh r0m|u it's your fault :/
16:24.15[TK]D-Fenderr0m|u, Make it a complete call.
16:26.15r0m|uwhen I make the call it rings just fine. as soon as the other party answers my call drops with the above error in the pb
16:27.12[TK]D-FenderSomething is missing...
16:27.42r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, I have only change what you told me to change two nights ago which was nat=
16:27.56r0m|uThats it... nothing has changed since than
16:28.02r0m|uvoipms works wonderfully
16:28.23*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
16:28.23r0m|uI am starting to suspect that sipbri is at fault
16:28.23[TK]D-FenderI'm not seeing standard verbose and I'm sensing that the debug is restricted somewhere...
16:28.24hardwiresurprisingly well.
16:28.30hardwireagrees with r0m|u
16:28.36hardwirethey have hawaii dids that don't suck
16:28.50hardwiregoing to move all my broadvoice traffic over to them.
16:29.02r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, want me to do another debug?
16:29.17r0m|uhardwire, sipbri whent down for two days and came back up yesterday
16:29.52r0m|uand I just decided to test the calls today to see if there was any issues with there google connection... and I found this cluster fuck...
16:30.18[TK]D-Fenderr0m|u, what is "sipbri"?
16:30.41r0m|usipbri offers free sip to google links
16:30.49hardwirewas hoping [TK]D-Fender would be at *con
16:31.23r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, I am unable to use jabber/gtalk in my system so I use sipbri to link my GV with sip
16:31.34[TK]D-Fenderhardwire, Don't have a passport, and the costs around such a trip are more than I could ever justify
16:33.17r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, you want me to do another debug?
16:33.30[TK]D-Fenderr0m|u, yes
16:33.36hardwireit's probably not 100% worth it if it costs you over a few grand to get here.
16:33.38r0m|uone sec
16:33.56hardwire[TK]D-Fender: maybe do a talk and see "what happens" if you haven't tried already :)
16:34.07hardwireTalk about "The problems with IRC communication when troubleshooting Open Source Software"
16:34.19[TK]D-Fenderlol... that couldn't possibly end well :)
16:34.36hardwireor "How to be snarky but helpful"
16:34.43hardwirewhich most people would enjoy.
16:35.30[TK]D-Fenderhardwire, for nostalgia's sake perhaps, but I've backpedeled accordingly since I came back.
16:35.54hardwire[TK]D-Fender: came back eh?  i've been out of the loop it seems.
16:36.19hardwireI think because freenode keeps sacking my connection.
16:36.29hardwireor nick
16:36.37hardwireI get booted from #asterisk a lot :|
16:36.37r0m|uHaraken, "How to be snarky but helpful" lol that seems to be a good topic around here :)
16:36.46snaxwhy bother doing a dialplan reload at the CLI>  instead of just restarted the asterisk daemon?  It's not like it has a syntax checker of extensions.conf.
16:39.54[TK]D-Fenderhardwire, I was gone for 3/4 year
16:40.08r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, I talk to some other sipbri users and they dont have this issue. so looks like it just me..... I also remember changing directmedia=no
16:40.23SunTsusnax: because that might interrupt other stuff in progress?
16:40.29r0m|ubut I know those are not the issues
16:42.02*** join/#asterisk jrad (
16:45.40p3nguinsnax: dialplan reload only reloads the extensions and does not interrupt anything; it only takes 0m0.090s for my system.  Restarting asterisk requires the daemon to shut down and start again, stopping phone calls for at least a full minute.
16:46.19p3nguinAnd besides that, why restart something that doesn't need restarted?  This isn't Windows.
16:46.55r0m|up3nguin, lol
16:47.15r0m|up3nguin, maybe you can help as well.... I am having some issues with sipbri
16:47.23r0m|uthats the debug ^^
16:47.46r0m|uprocess_sdp: Unsupported SDP media type in offer: audio 0 RTP/AVP 0 101
16:49.07r0m|uIts a carrier issue
16:49.09[TK]D-Fenderr0m|u, Still no verbose
16:49.20[TK]D-Fenderand I'm sensing a single direction of debug not global
16:49.31r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, I just got a report that other users are having the same issue
16:49.41jradLooking for any help on Asterisk Outbound DTMF signals. Using Asterisk 1.8.5 - Issue symptoms: When calling outbound to IVR's like ATT, Spring, Verison, and banks- Digits pressed quickly or swiftly are not read correclu resulting in IVR menu repeat. However, when DTMF buttons are pressed in for a longer period they are read correctly. I've tried many different settings on two different cisco phone models. We use SIP and AT
16:49.41jradV/RFC2833. More info available on request.
16:50.17anonymouz666anyone know why calling from sip to dahdi channel you pickup the fxs extension and after you hear the dtmfs dialed ?
16:50.26r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, ? I am using sip set debug on
16:51.25p3nguincore set verbose 3
16:51.29p3nguinsip set debug on
16:51.32p3nguinMake a call.
16:51.36p3nguinPaste the results.
16:52.25p3nguinWhen you have verbose AND sip debug on the same page, it makes it a lot nicer to figure out what is causing each of the actions in the debug.
16:56.12r0m|uworking on it
16:56.34*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
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17:01.36r0m|up3nguin and [TK]D-Fender
17:01.40*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
17:04.28p3nguinIt sure didn't add much stuff.
17:04.55[TK]D-FenderAll I see is a ton f "we don't like ULAW".  Show me where they list acceptable codecs.
17:05.08p3nguinI guess I need to set up the sipbri thing and make it work.
17:06.08r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, they dont have one. I assume they accept ulaw...
17:06.40r0m|uthere site suck and the tech support is never online
17:08.14p3nguinTheir site is broken.
17:08.39r0m|uthere face is broken.... God do they suck!
17:08.52r0m|uI am wasting no more of you guys time
17:09.03r0m|uI am not*
17:09.24r0m|uscrew it. there service just plain suck... its free anyways.
17:10.37[TK]D-FenderGo get your money back.
17:11.00r0m|uno shit
17:13.42r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, others are having similar issues.
17:13.50r0m|uso to hell with them
17:13.54r0m|uI am out to lunch
17:13.57r0m|uThanks guys.
17:18.58p3nguinOne issue with sipbri: I'm not giving them my google voice account email address and password.
17:19.17p3nguinAnd I don't really feel like creating another new account just to test this.
17:21.20*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
17:22.15r0m|uThats what I did a test account
17:22.42r0m|uThey suck
17:24.09p3nguinIf you want to share your test accout with me, I'll set it up in sipbri and see what I can do.
17:24.22p3nguinIf not, I'll skip sipbri altogether.
17:25.36r0m|uskip it because I just dumped them. @dslr people are doing the same. the issue is at the carrier.
17:25.49p3nguinunregisters sipbri
17:25.53r0m|ueverybody that had working accounts just borked
17:26.13r0m|ulike I did so everybody is jumping ship
17:26.24p3nguinActually I can't unregister... that's for things registered to me.
17:26.29p3nguindeletes parts of sip.conf
17:26.55r0m|up3nguin, thanks for the help though
17:27.18p3nguinI was ready to go.
17:27.30r0m|up3nguin, sorry :(
17:27.33p3nguinI was registered to their system and everything.
17:27.42p3nguinJust needed to link my GV account.
17:28.11r0m|up3nguin, msg me.
17:28.14p3nguinAnd now I forgot what else I was working on.
17:29.05r0m|up3nguin, msg me.
17:30.19*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
17:32.42tzangerman app_dial is huge
17:34.04anonymouz666bizarre "deferred digit string" with the extension dialed upon fxs pickup
17:34.25anonymouz666don't know the meaning of that, i just hear the dtmf tones
17:34.33anonymouz666the callerid is sent when ringing
17:34.39anonymouz666not after pickup
17:34.50anonymouz666i don't have a clue why this happens
17:36.06[TK]D-FenderFXS CID is normally FSK not DTMF
17:36.29*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
17:36.38anonymouz666it's an internal call from sip to fxs.
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17:42.56gandhijee_hey, my asterisk started complaing about a PRI error - we think we're the CPE, but they think they're the CPE too, i can change to network mode, then i get We think we're the network, but they think they're the network, too msg
17:42.58gandhijee_any ideas?
17:43.19*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
17:43.46WIMPyYou have a loop
17:43.56WIMPyOr your telco.
17:44.10WIMPyTell them to pull the plug.
17:44.56gandhijee_you mean power cycle the box?
17:45.24*** part/#asterisk _abc_ (~user@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
17:47.17anonymouz666damn fixed.
17:47.44WIMPyNo your line is looped back to you.
17:50.12jradim having trouble sending DTMF digits properly, any suggestions on where to start? more details available.
17:57.20gandhijee_i already had them pull the line, didn't work, so i just had them power cycle the CISCO
17:57.26gandhijee_thanks WIMPy
17:57.46WIMPyNot pull the line, pull the loop plug.
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18:02.04WIMPyErr, and BTW: What Cisco?
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18:02.32WIMPyAFAIK Asterisk doesn't run on Ciscos.
18:03.08eppigyyou can run sccp or sip on cisco phones
18:03.25p3nguinBut you can't run Asterisk on a Cisco device.
18:03.44WIMPyAnd the phones don't have PRIs.
18:04.13eppigyi got ur pri
18:04.49p3nguinSo there's a Cisco PBX attached to a PRI?
18:04.58ew0xHi folks. Looking for some help: I'm trying to get asterisk to automatically pick-up the first non-busy trunk when placing a call via a .call file
18:05.15[TK]D-FenderWho's on first?
18:05.16p3nguinOr maybe a Cisco device converting the PRI to SIP?
18:05.25WIMPyMy PRI? Give it back!
18:05.33*** part/#asterisk Consolas (
18:05.45p3nguinew0x: Do you mean channel when you say trunk?
18:05.49WIMPyBut that's a dahdi or libpri message.
18:06.08*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
18:06.11ew0xp3nguin: Yes, that's what I meant
18:06.28p3nguinIf you are using groups of channels, that's how it should already work.
18:07.10gandhijee_the the cisco 2600 in my case provides me my T1 hand off from XO since they won't let me run a straight up asterisk with SIP
18:07.15ew0xp3nguin: I'm not, obviously. Thanks for the tip, I'll google through the rest.
18:07.22p3nguinE.g., g0 would use the next open channel going upward; G0 would use the next available channel going downward.
18:08.13WIMPygandhijee_: Then the interface is looped on the cisco.
18:08.45ew0xp3nguin: Okay, got the concept, I'll just setup channel groups then.
18:09.13p3nguinLet us know if you need more help making it work.
18:09.26p3nguinwimpy is our resident analog expert.
18:09.56p3nguinI know how much you dislike VoIP.
18:10.17WIMPyAnd analog.
18:10.25WIMPyI'm not THAT old.
18:10.31p3nguinYou're opposed to telephony as a whole?
18:10.34WIMPyI like things that simply work.
18:10.46WIMPyNo. It just has to work.
18:10.56WIMPyWhich is ok of analog.
18:11.03p3nguinYou can't get anything that just works anymore.
18:11.10WIMPyBut I also like features. That needs digital.
18:11.12*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
18:11.30WIMPyYou can, but it's getting harder.
18:11.32*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
18:11.56WIMPyWhich reminds me that I guess I should tell my telco that they broke their service even more.
18:12.49p3nguinUsed to, you'd get what you pay for.  Now, you can't even BUY anything that's worth a shit.
18:13.25WIMPyThe old stuff continues to work.
18:13.30p3nguinThat's true.
18:13.53WIMPyAnd in fact it does so very well.
18:14.02p3nguinI think that's why you can't buy things that are worth a shit now.  Ensure repeat customers by making junk products that don't last.
18:14.03WIMPyAnd with relatively small effort.
18:14.35serafiein dialplan world, can you access variables of unknown name, like ${${NAME}}?
18:14.38p3nguinA lot of old stuff I have that still works, the companies are no longer around.
18:14.56WIMPyserafie: Yes
18:15.13serafieOoh, yay. That will make this macro prettier.
18:15.23p3nguinHow can you get a value from a variable without knowing what variable you're checking?
18:15.56WIMPyBy knowing later.
18:16.02serafieARG1, ARG2, ARG3, ARG4....
18:16.47p3nguinSo you'd literally use ${${ARG1}} to refer to what ARG1 might be later?
18:17.21p3nguinPeculiar.  I'm interested to see a snippet of dial plan where this is used... and works.
18:17.30WIMPyNo it's about passing variables by reference.
18:17.43snaxDo trunks use the SIP protocol?
18:17.59infobotsomebody said siptrunk was something that doesn't exist -- there is no concept of a SIP trunk in Asterisk. You may be searching for iaxtrunk
18:18.10WIMPyBut to be more precise, the question doesn't make much sense.
18:18.12snaxso trunks use AIX
18:18.49WIMPyNo, trunk is a bad word. Better use something more meaningful.
18:19.01infobot[trunk] a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term. the nose of an elephant
18:19.17wdoekes2snax: the difference between a "trunk" and a regular account in SIP is usually whether you send/get a DID or not
18:19.48p3nguinThat's not right.  There is no trunk in SIP.
18:19.58p3nguinAnd DIDs cannot be sent.
18:20.01infobotdid is, like, Direct Inward Dialing, or just a phone number
18:20.39WIMPyAnd a SIP account doesn't have to hade a directory number, even if used as a trunk.
18:20.59r0m|up3nguin, msg.
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18:53.49jradATV/RFC2833. More info available on request.
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19:03.49SuperNullanyone play with opensips/openser.. ?
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19:11.48bipulCAN ANY ONE HELP ME WHEN i configure my asterisk for voip i got this message at  then end is it a error
19:11.55*** part/#asterisk ew0x (
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19:14.40kaldemarbipul: it says it to be an error and even says what the error is. yoou're missing the context for the configurations in indications.conf.
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19:18.51bipulkaldemar,  for example
19:21.01kaldemar[general]. take a look at the sample config.
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19:45.23bipulcheck this
19:45.43bipuldo i need to add [general] at the bottom
19:57.01kaldemarthe top
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20:12.00sogihey guys
20:12.04sogiudptl.c: No UDPTL ports remaining
20:12.14sogichan_sip.c: UDPTL creation failed
20:12.17sogiast 1.8.X
20:12.24sogiany idea? :)
20:12.40sogia bunch of opened UDP ports of course
20:12.44sogiin netstat -a -p -n
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20:16.10zyphlarhave you ever seen a MeetMe session go on forever thinking it has one caller even though everyone's hung up?
20:16.28zyphlarand/or how would i manually close a MeetMe
20:18.58p3nguinI would use channel request hangup ...
20:19.01*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
20:20.01zyphlarhmm i'm thinking of setting a max conference time of like 8 hours
20:20.09zyphlarcuz this happens almost daily
20:21.10zyphlarstill, you'd think it'd be able to better detect when nobody's in the conference anymore
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20:40.11devil_evoxxxhi all
20:40.51devil_evoxxxsomeone of  you have connected asterisk with a nortel cs200_NGss 8.0?
20:50.40devil_evoxxxthere is someone?
20:52.48*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
20:52.59devil_evoxxxmy problem is similar to
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20:56.04bipul stil having issue
21:03.43devil_evoxxxnow, i can say that is the same problem, my prov send OPTIONS  with empty username, and ip matching ( context) does not work
21:03.55devil_evoxxxthere is some work-around?
21:04.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:06.23devil_evoxxx[TK]D-Fender: good morning / evening :)
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21:23.57bochhi all
21:25.28eppigyi am dave
21:25.48bochi have a problem, im bridging two channels using Bridge() and i want to unbridge them pressing *, for that i manage to Dial() a Local channel with H option, but now, the Bridged channel does not continues with dialplan execution, without dialing local channel it does...
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21:34.09bipul some one please help me
21:44.24puzzledbipul: fix what is causing your warning/error
21:44.55[TK]D-Fenderbipul: go look at all of the app_voicemail modules in usr/src and then do "noload" for all the ones you don't need
21:44.59bipulthere is no mail box
21:45.13[TK]D-FenderDisable the conflicting modules
21:46.03*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
21:47.29bipulthis is mine voice mail.conf
21:48.00puzzledbipul: you may want to remove your passwords next time...
21:48.14[TK]D-Fenderbipul: Forget voicemail.conf
21:48.20[TK]D-Fenderdisable to modules from loading
21:48.23[TK]D-Fendermodules.conf <----
21:51.02*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
21:51.21sogihaha awesome passwords on pastebin
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21:52.57eppigyhacked by chinese
21:53.32[TK]D-FenderWith security holes like PB-ing configs with PW's exposed.. it's more like hacked by cheese
21:53.45[TK]D-FenderJust like his security
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22:49.47ruiedHi, I have one computer per classroom in a Windows AD network, each professor has it's own user/pass and profile. For each computer I would like to have a unique sip account. I.E. Is there a way to have a sip extension per computer and not per user? every time a user logs in it normally has to configure a sip account, and that's a big problem....
22:51.56*** join/#asterisk hovel (~hovel@unaffiliated/hovel)
22:52.14ruiedI would like to have one sip account per classroom so a professor can make internal call asking for something, and that call being identified like "Classroom 23"
22:52.58ruiedThe natural way seems to have one phone per classroom but that's a budget problem...
22:54.21navaismoconfigure the same peer in each windows session, im guessing there are only one logged session per computer
22:58.15ruiednavaismo, each classroom has a rotation of about 15 or more professors along the five working days of the week, and a professor can log in the next hour at another classroom. There are around 90 classrooms...
22:59.19navaismothe same peer cant be used at the same time in different locations
22:59.43*** join/#asterisk Maxxed (~Maxxed@
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23:01.32p3nguinMany soft phones are free to use.  No budget required, since almost every classroom has at least one computer.
23:02.34ruiednavaismo, not at the same time, but if he goes to another classroom, the profile roams with him to the other classroom and the sip account goes with him... I would like to have a classroom extension and not a user extension...
23:02.54p3nguinExtensions have nothing to do with it.
23:03.06p3nguinYou're dealing with the SIP peer at this point.
23:03.35infobotDevices, extensions, and people should be entirely abstracted.  Extension numbers are applied to people, and people are applied to devices.  This means you should name your devices something unique to each device, such as an ID tag or asset tag number, or a MAC address.
23:04.30p3nguinIf the PC in classroom 23 has a MAC address of 00001111ffff, that's going to be the SIP peer name of the soft phone you install on that PC.
23:05.00p3nguinTo call that phone, you'd create extension 23, and extension 23 dials SIP/00001111ffff.
23:10.14ruiedp3nguin, my problem is to configure the softphone, since the computer 23 is being used by several professors with several profiles... and one professor can go to classroom24 at the next hour roaming the sip configuration with him
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23:11.00p3nguinDon't install the soft phone for the person -- install it for the computer.
23:11.04blitzragethat sounds like hot-desking
23:11.34p3nguinThe extensions do not need to be tied to the people.
23:11.37blitzragethat's why you use the mac address to indentify the device -- you then use a logical layer to abstract the person and extension from the device so that extension/person can move freely
23:11.44p3nguinThey need to be tied to the phone configured in each classroom.
23:11.48p3nguinNo hot-desk about it.
23:12.16blitzrageoh nevermind I read back -- not quite working the way I was thinking
23:12.24p3nguinYou could additionally configure an extension per person, and hot desk that.
23:12.47p3nguinBut the phone will still stay tied to the classroom and the PC in it, not to the person.
23:14.14p3nguinHmm, there's no asterisk-extra-sounds-es?
23:14.32p3nguinI see fr and en only.
23:15.23ruiedp3nguin, I would like to configure per computer, but it seems when a user logs in the software is expecting the sip configuration for that user... Is there a software that can be configured per computer, and all users can us it without messing with the confs?
23:15.51p3nguinI was going to go multi-lingual, but with only core es and no extra es, that may be difficult to do.
23:16.53navaismothat remember me one post on the asterisk forums for someone complaining about racism
23:16.54p3nguinTry using zoiper classic soft phone and drop the configuration into a profile that is default on the computer rather than in a user profile which is a roaming profile.
23:18.00navaismowe always generate  all 'es' files
23:18.29ruiedp3nguin, tomorrow morning I'll go trying  it...
23:21.07p3nguinruied: You can install the phone and configure it on your development system, then copy the configs from your profile to put into a default profile on all computers.  You'll probably want a script to provision each one after you install on each computer.  I'd make my script parse the MAC address of the primary Ethernet interface and rewrite the SIP user ID in the config file.
23:21.48p3nguinI'd probably have a single script to unpack the re-packaged softphone and change the user ID all in one go.
23:22.44justdavehow do I purge stale entries from a registration context?
23:23.00p3nguinI don't even know what a registration context is.
23:23.36justdaveit's a config option for sip.conf on each device, that makes it create a phony extension in the named context when the device registers
23:24.17justdaveprimary use is for dundi lookups so you can have devices configured in multiple locations and it'll automatically figure out which location it's in without having to change the server config every time you move it
23:24.21p3nguinAre they written to a file or just stored in RAM?
23:24.31justdavejust stored in RAM as far as I know
23:24.55p3nguinCan you use "dialplan remove ..." for that?
23:25.33*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
23:25.39justdavethat was my first thought, too
23:25.41justdaveCommand 'dialplan remove extension 283@registered-extensions' failed.
23:26.11ruiedp3nguin, it seems logic... going to try it
23:26.49justdavewhat I appear to be seeing is if the phone specifically logs out, it gets removed automatically.
23:27.05justdaveif the user just unplugs it, it's stuck there.  forever (or until asterisk restarts)
23:27.24justdaveyou'd think it would go away when the registration timed out or something at least
23:27.44*** join/#asterisk SeRi (
23:28.44p3nguinruied: There used to be a zoiper distribution in zip format that works beautifully for this.  Using the installer type would be silly.  If it's still available in zip, that's the way to go.
23:30.14*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
23:30.15ruiedp3nguin, ok :)
23:32.27p3nguinnavaismo: Do you have a "Para EspaƱol, oprime uno.  For English, press two." type of prompt for callers?
23:36.01p3nguinNow I'm confused.  I got the French sounds, and it has continue-in-english, but no continue-in-french!
23:37.04*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~dan@
23:37.24dandate2what is the difference between Skip Busy Agents: Yes + ringinuse=no   and QueueCallsOnly +ringinuse=no
23:37.38dandate2the only difference i can understand is one detects if the agent makes an outbound call and the other doesnt
23:39.20dandate2does QueueMemberStatus need to be enabled?
23:43.24ruiedgoing to sleep. Thanks p3nguin!
23:59.37*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (~jeffgus@2001:470:f2eb:1::4)

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