IRC log for #asterisk on 20111017

00:11.09*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
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00:21.21x86anyone else having issues with outbound calls via google voice?
00:21.39x86inbound calls seem to work fine, and outbound calls were working up until today...
00:21.48x86no config changes on my side
00:21.52*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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00:31.36*** join/#asterisk CrossWired_ (
00:32.14*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
00:33.15CrossWired_[TK]D-Fender: you still around?
00:33.49[TK]D-Fenderfor 5 more min..
00:34.38CrossWired_for my local -> outbound context , i haven't the slightest clue where to start, is that just another context with a DIAL(...) in it?
00:36.00[TK]D-Fenderit'll have an extension to do the outward dial for you and you check the status, see if you want to loop, try another number, wait X, or whatever.
00:36.02[TK]D-FenderLogging, etc
00:36.56[TK]D-FenderChannel: <- local channel exten to do actual dialing. Context: Exten: Priority: <- where you dump the caller once you get an answer. (AGI_
00:37.43CrossWired_so i have a simple context, that has dial(...) next is dialstatus, thne push to my agi
00:38.25CrossWired_where do i setup the local extension?
00:38.49[TK]D-Fenderthere are 2 extension in play.
00:39.10[TK]D-Fenderyour Channel: points to one who's sole purpose is dialing and logging.  Your AGI end remains completely unchanged.
00:39.19[TK]D-Fenderwe are changing the dialing log, not the answering logic
00:40.04[TK]D-Fender2 completely separate ends
00:40.09CrossWired_so the first exten kicks to the 2nd?
00:41.04[TK]D-FenderCrossWiredwhen the Dial gets answered then it dumps the callee into wherever you pointed it to
00:41.31CrossWired_i think my problem is the local exten isn't set up properly, i'm not sure how they play together i guess
00:41.38CrossWired_Heres the one i have:
00:41.56[TK]D-Fenderok, that is ONE end
00:42.05[TK]D-Fenderthis takes 2 ends
00:42.11[TK]D-Fendercompletely different extensions.
00:42.20[TK]D-Fenderthis is where you send the call after it answer.s
00:42.23CrossWired_so that one works for the logic piece
00:42.33[TK]D-Fenderthe context,exten,priority you already set
00:42.36[TK]D-Fenderdo not change this.
00:42.45[TK]D-Fenderthat is the 2nd half of the equation
00:42.49CrossWired_but i do not dial that one
00:42.56CrossWired_i dial the missing first part
00:43.07[TK]D-Fenderbefore you probably had something like "channel: SIP/provider/number".
00:43.09[TK]D-FenderTHIS is what you change
00:43.22[TK]D-Fenderpoint that to a local channel exten in your dialplan and do Dial in there
00:43.44CrossWired_right i have it to LOCAL/100, but i don't think i have a local channel exten in my dialplan
00:43.57[TK]D-FenderPerhaps you should consider making it :)
00:43.59CrossWired_what i showed you is my entire dialplan :)
00:44.23[TK]D-Fendermake more
00:44.42CrossWired_ok, and that would be very simple as well right?
00:45.09[TK]D-FenderMake an exten that does the actual dial for you.  Check the dialstatus.  Decide if you want multiple retries.  Decide when you want to give up.  Decide if you want to make some kind of log entry when you give up.
00:45.26[TK]D-FenderIts as simple as the decisions you want to make around it.
00:45.59[TK]D-FenderAnd I jsut looked at the PB.. you don't put a DIAL on the processing end.
00:46.00[TK]D-Fenderjsut the AGI
00:46.04CrossWired_i get the logic inside the piece, its how the fit together, bu t i'm getting there
00:46.15*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:46.20[TK]D-FenderIt looks like you tried to mash 2 halves into one
00:46.37CrossWired_so split those, one sec another attempt
00:48.08CrossWired_how close is this?
00:48.28CrossWired_shit, how do i make the ffirstpart, call the star part?
00:49.38[TK]D-Fenderok, it doesn't seem to be registering, so here it is :
00:50.48CrossWired_ahhh @OrignateOut is the provier wher aretta is my orignal SIP, i get it
00:50.54[TK]D-FenderChannel = left half.  When that gets answered then it goes on the the right half.  Do not put any kind of "answer" in the left half or it will dump to your AGI immediately
00:51.08[TK]D-FenderNo, it is not a provider.
00:51.16[TK]D-FenderLocal points to your dialplan
00:51.43[TK]D-FenderDialplan on left, dialplan on right
00:51.53[TK]D-Fenderthe fact that is uses SIP to dial out is secondary
00:52.01CrossWired_got it
00:52.27CrossWired_i would have literally pulled my hair out over this tonight
00:52.39CrossWired_let me give it a shot now that it makes sense
00:54.01[TK]D-FenderOk, I'm off for a while...
00:54.22CrossWired_thank you very much
00:54.31CrossWired_btw do you consult?
00:54.44[TK]D-FenderI do
00:54.46sawgoodIf core set verbose 5 is the 'highest' level most Digium staff have told me to use (core set verbose 5) ... what else could show on the console with core set verbose 10?
00:54.58[TK]D-Fenderthe number "10"
00:55.28sawgoodwhat is a reason someone might use something higher than a 5 setting?
00:56.08[TK]D-FenderBecause they make or mod an app to output something higher.  Or use Verbose in their dialplan for special notices.
00:56.29sawgoodvery nice answer, sir ... thank you
00:57.05sawgoodIf I put a verbose command in my dialplan,  what level is the 'lowest' number it would show up using?
00:57.28[TK]D-Fendersawgood: Simple math
00:57.47[TK]D-Fenderif verbose is 3 and you do Verbose(5, blah) you won't see it
00:57.51sawgood[TK]D-Fender: are you in the USA?
00:57.55sawgoodI'm in California
00:58.02[TK]D-FenderMontreal, QC
00:58.22sawgoodnice!  I've wanted to get to Canada (near Nigraga falls_
00:58.25sawgoodsorry (sp
00:59.08[TK]D-Fenderok... out the door... BBL
01:20.45*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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05:54.25joobiehey guys.. is there a simple way to realtime monitor another call?
05:54.45joobiewhen a user receives an inbound call from their queue, i want it to be able to listen in on the call in realtime
05:55.00joobiecan have it dial out to anotehr extension or alternatively allow dial in to tap into it..
05:55.54kaldemarapp ChanSpy
05:58.28*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
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06:08.37schmidtsgood morning
06:09.05joobiekaldemar, that seems to work with agents only
06:09.14joobiehow can i do the same just on a standard sip call?
06:09.21joobie.. this user is not setup as an agent
06:10.08kaldemarit works with any channel
06:12.06*** join/#asterisk ollii (~risker@2001:470:1f15:1384:62eb:69ff:fe31:b4) long as the audio is running through *
06:12.13joobiekaldemar, what do you specify?
06:12.22joobiei tried ChanSpy(Agent)
06:12.47joobieand then tried typing 1234# (where 1234 is the extension)
06:14.28kaldemarjoobie: why did you try Agent if you have no agents?
06:17.50*** join/#asterisk dandre (
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07:17.47devyllhello. any ideeas regarding "audiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory" ? (many debug messages during an active call)
07:25.18dymGood morning, telephony world!
07:28.03*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
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09:48.48jacc0Hmm, I have a serious problem with dahdi-linux-complete- + debian squeeze + asterisk
09:49.09jacc0Attempting to test a timer with 50 ticks per second.
09:49.09jacc0Failed to open timing fd
09:49.09jacc0Command 'timing test' failed.
09:49.53jacc0will post some more details about my installation procedure on pastebin; one moment
09:51.51*** join/#asterisk gaetronik (
09:52.08*** join/#asterisk FlashDeluxe (
09:52.42gaetroniki know i'm a bit off-topic but anyone has a good SIP provider to recommand in Poland?
09:55.37FlashDeluxehi @all! i am using asterisk 1.8.7 with dahdi, libpri 1.4.12 and dahdi-zaphfc (i got two cheap hfc cards installed and connceted to bri_cpe). But i cannot dial out, i got a few errors, i pasted them here Can somebody help me please?
09:56.02jacc0hi FlashDeluxe; it might be te same problem I just reported
09:56.17jacc0try : timing test
09:56.21jacc0in asterisk CLI
09:56.41FlashDeluxejacc0: It has been 1019 milliseconds, and we got 51 timer ticks
09:56.42*** join/#asterisk iggy_work (~iggy@2001:67c:21c4:1800:21c:23ff:fe18:a995)
09:57.00jacc0okay, then we have a differend problem I guess; tho it could be related somehow
09:57.17iggy_workhi there. Does anyone know if it's possible to VLAN a cisco 7940 into a voice vlan and still use the port on the back of the phone for untagged workstation traffic?
09:57.19FlashDeluxejacc0: mhh and is there a solution yet?
09:57.24jacc0here is my installation precedure:  has been 1019 milliseconds, and we got 51 timer ticks
09:57.32jacc0sorry , wrong past
09:58.55FlashDeluxejacc0: but you are not using zaphfc, right?
10:02.40FlashDeluxemhh i just looked into my syslog and found this ->"vzaphfc: card 0: chan B1 opened as ZTHFC1/0/1." But it didn`t install vzapfc and only zaphfc is loaded, how could this be related?
10:06.21jacc0no clue
10:09.56kaldemarjacc0: why did you reboot? you probably don't have the dahdi module loaded.
10:10.11*** join/#asterisk Falcon_1 (5354586b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:10.53Falcon_1question any one with experience with chan_mobile
10:12.16infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
10:16.09*** join/#asterisk bjornts (
10:16.16Falcon_1Sorry, Trying to use chan_mobile. Search shows the telephones, but asterisk does not connect. Altough sometimes when comming back from sleep mode it sometimes connect. No errors... no debug info... nothing
10:17.21*** join/#asterisk kladze (
10:19.14kaldemarFalcon_1: not much to say without any configs if you don't get any debug output.
10:27.06*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (
10:28.57kladzeHello, im having an issue with my asterisk... Im running Asterisk I want to change the language sound files to Danih... I have placed my downloaded gsm files into /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/da
10:29.28kladzechanged /etc/asterisk/asetisk.conf with languageprefix=yes
10:29.53kladzeand inside sip.conf i have language=da
10:30.17kladzebut it still keeps playing the english voice..
10:30.39kladzemy output from asterisk says this...
10:30.41kladze[Oct 17 11:26:02]     -- <IAX2/iaxdundi-2624> Playing 'vm-isunavail.gsm' (language 'en')
10:30.41kladze[Oct 17 11:26:04]     -- <IAX2/iaxdundi-2624> Playing 'vm-intro.gsm' (language 'en')
10:30.41kladze[Oct 17 11:26:09]     -- <IAX2/iaxdundi-2624> Playing 'beep.gsm' (language 'en')
10:30.48kladzeAnyone have a clue?
10:31.49jacc0kladze: did you restart asterisk after changing language?
10:32.27kladzei did a core restart
10:32.31kladzeso yes
10:32.57jacc0did you see sip.conf was loaded all right? maybe there is a typ0 in there
10:35.50kladzeit gives no error's other than a few places where i did a comment with # in front of a view lines
10:36.52jacc0you should replace the # with ;
10:37.10jacc0the entire file won't load if there is an error
10:37.50jacc0# is not the correct way to comment out a line in sip.conf, use ;
10:41.24kladzedone, corrected it
10:44.39kladzeStill using english voice artist
10:45.40kladzeand still gives me the output
10:45.40kladze[Oct 17 11:26:02]     -- <IAX2/iaxdundi-2624> Playing 'vm-isunavail.gsm' (language 'en')
10:45.40kladze[Oct 17 11:26:04]     -- <IAX2/iaxdundi-2624> Playing 'vm-intro.gsm' (language 'en')
10:45.40kladze[Oct 17 11:26:09]     -- <IAX2/iaxdundi-2624> Playing 'beep.gsm' (language 'en')
10:46.30*** join/#asterisk Poincare (~jefffnode@2001:470:cb24:4::2)
10:51.34jacc0Kladze: are you using asterisk realtime?
10:52.55jacc0if so; did you check the values in the langage collumn?
10:53.10jacc0could you post your sip.conf in ?
11:01.04kladzehere is my sip.conf
11:12.17jacc0kladze: I don't see any sip clients configured. are they in the database? or in users.conf? make sure they don't hav a client spesific language configuration
11:13.41kladzethey are in users.conf
11:15.06jacc0I fixed my timmer problem
11:15.30jacc0did a reinstall without adding the following lines to sources.list:
11:15.31jacc0deb squeeze main
11:15.31jacc0deb-src squeeze main
11:15.47jacc0then everything was okay
11:17.38kaldemarkladze: and no language defined in users.conf?
11:19.11kladzekaldemar yes there is a language in users.conf
11:19.32kladzein sip.conf
11:19.49kladzebut also in users.conf
11:20.37kladze users.conf
11:20.39kladzepart of it
11:21.27jacc0somehow, using the sources, breaks the timmer in asterisk 1.8.7 + dahdi maybe it installes some dependencies that ar incompatible with the new dahdi?
11:31.24*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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11:33.13e-fon_patrickHi Guys, quick question. I'm trying to implement app_fax in Asterisk with spandsp0.0.0.6pre17
11:33.31e-fon_patrickare there any known bugs?
11:33.57e-fon_patrickbecause after compiling spandsp there is still no app_fax in astrisk menu select
11:34.14e-fon_patrickany hint is welcome
11:59.29*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
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12:33.56doolittleworkhi all
12:35.17doolittleworki have 6 remote asterisk servers i want to monitor, can you guys suggest a monitoring tool where i can see remote system status(uptime, load, sip trunks(registered or not) any help welcome?
12:36.42e-fon_patrickhi doolittlework, we're using Nagios
12:37.07e-fon_patrickin combination with cacti
12:38.30doolittleworke-fon_patrick: is it easy to setup?
12:38.43*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
12:39.00doolittleworkhi [TK]D-Fender
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12:46.13kladzezabbix maybe ?
12:46.20kladzethats what we are using
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13:25.20pabelangerdoolittlework: opennms is another option
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13:29.10like_a_horsehi, anyone have a funky way of listening to recordings made by "automon" in the features.conf ?
13:31.59[TK]D-FenderI normally use my ears... but I can't speak for anyone else...
13:40.31dym[TK]D-Fender: agreed. I tend to use similar means
13:40.32FlashDeluxehi! i got a problem with asterisk 1.8 and dahdi 2.4. if i want to fax multiple sites via a handytone adaptor from grandstream, not all sites are transmitted or some sites are incomplete. Does anybody got an idea how i can debug it? i just get a few errors but i don`t think they are helpful:
13:41.44*** join/#asterisk SuperNull (
13:42.24[TK]D-FenderFlashDeluxe,  intern,4yyyyy6,1  <----------- doesn't exist as it says
13:42.35[TK]D-FenderFlashDeluxe, You are sending your DAHDI calls to a place that doesn't exist
13:43.42CrossWiredmorning all, how big is the upgrade from 1.6 to 1.8? big deal?
13:46.06CrossWiredkaldemar: gracias
13:47.10*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
13:49.02CrossWiredin the first note it indicates that SIP_CAUSE is not set by default as 1.6.2, page seems to indicate this function is only available in 1.8, hence my reason to upgrade
13:49.33CrossWiredif that is the case, what is the proper usage of HASH(SIP_CAUSE,<chan name>) in  dialplan?
13:49.39FlashDeluxe[TK]D-Fender ohhh now that you are saying it.. :) thanks!
13:49.57CrossWirednevermind, that example I gave gives the example
13:49.58[TK]D-FenderFlashDeluxe, chan_bigprint FTW :)
13:50.01CrossWiredthanks for listening :)
13:51.44*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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13:55.59*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (~BigAll@
13:58.15SuperNullhey TK .. have you heard of any reason why ast 1.8.6 would have an increasing number of unix sockets open to the point it hits the system limit ?
14:00.19jacc0@SuperNull: failing iax trunk?
14:00.41SuperNullhmmm... i dont believe so .. but maybe i have some old config
14:01.31SuperNullthe only real hint i have to it .. which makes no sense to me .. is that it started after i created a context with MYSQL calls.. everything appears to be getting freed tho.. so and i use tcp not unix socks
14:03.04SuperNulli will put it in pastebin .. its a rollover style dial using mysql tables for lookup
14:03.12*** join/#asterisk lcat (~lcat@
14:07.15[TK]D-FenderSuperNull, No idea... except that you are a version ebhind
14:07.58SuperNullbut but .. i just installed ! DAR!BMADFAS!
14:08.09*** join/#asterisk master_of_master (
14:09.59SuperNullsearches for release notes
14:12.25FlashDeluxe[TK]D-Fender hi! i still got the problem, this time without errors :( do you have any suggestions?
14:13.13jacc0@superNull: you have an error extension, so I asume you have been experiancing errors (that will stop the execution of the current dialplan)
14:14.08jacc0@superNull: you don't close the sql connection in case of an error
14:14.11SuperNullehhh i can probably remove it and see what happens.. no errors i know of .. honestly.. but it could be incase mysql is dead or something
14:14.15jacc0I guess there is your problem
14:14.28SuperNullalright.. let me add the close..
14:14.34SuperNullbut .. im using mysql tcp not sock .. so i dunno
14:14.53[TK]D-FenderFlashDeluxe, Add "/nj" to your Dial (No Jitterbuffer)
14:14.57StaRetjifolks, I know how to forward the call, but how to forward call after 3 rings. Call 9999 rings 9999, if not picked after 3 rings, forward to 5555. Any help would be highly appreciated, thx ;)
14:15.03jacc0that is why it is taking up maore and more tcp sockets
14:15.21[TK]D-FenderFlashDeluxe, You can't buffer faxes (and survive).  Also I don't think that your HT supports T.38 and well.. lets not go there...
14:15.54jacc0where did you tell asterisk to use tcp sockets?
14:16.00jacc0what config file?
14:16.48SuperNulljacc0 its using unix sockets tho it doesn't show them as tcp ..
14:17.14jacc0what config file did you set it to use unix sockets?
14:17.17SuperNulli didnt.. the mysql server isn't even local its remote.  im saying that the problem is unix sockets open .. but the only change i made dealt with ip based sockets
14:18.01jacc0in what config file did you make the change? I think you did it in te wrong place; there are 2 place where you can set socket
14:18.14kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: actually, /j means to use the generic jitterbuffer.
14:18.28SuperNulluhhhm. i didnt make any changes to existing functional config other than extensions
14:18.34[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar, Ahh, also only local
14:18.44[TK]D-FenderFlashDeluxe, ok, strike that...
14:19.18Dovidhello all
14:19.22[TK]D-FenderFlashDeluxe, Chalk it up to FoS & GS
14:19.26jacc0superNull: ' but the only change i made dealt with ip based sockets' where did you make the change so that it uses tcp sockets? please answer
14:19.42jacc0did you set it in extensions.conf?
14:20.03*** join/#asterisk ruied (
14:20.04SuperNullMYSQL(Connect) my friend..
14:20.16SuperNullno actual configuration change..
14:20.19SuperNulljust extensions
14:20.20jacc0one moment
14:21.38FlashDeluxe[TK]D-Fender i sended some faxes to me an got a trace now  What do you mean by "chalk it up to FoS & GS"?
14:21.55[TK]D-FenderFax Over SIP and ... I'm sure you know what GS means...
14:22.13[TK]D-FenderThe smallest hiccup on your lan, etc and *poof*
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14:22.45FlashDeluxei didn`t know what chalk it up means :D but i looked it up ;)
14:23.03Dovidanyone here use voipmonitor?
14:24.36x86anyone else having issues with outbound calls via google voice?
14:24.45x86inbound calls seem to work fine, and outbound calls were working up until today...
14:24.53x86no config changes on my side
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14:26.11[TK]D-FenderFlashDeluxe, "write it off", "grab a drink and sulk", etc
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14:27.52SuperNulli gave it an ip address... not a hostname .. or anything else.
14:27.59jacc0@superNull: because it can not be done in extensions.conf
14:28.24SuperNullhow does MYSQL(Connect) work ?
14:28.33SuperNullim fairly certain only on tcp.
14:28.53jacc0correction: I'm not sure if it can beset in extensions.conf
14:28.57jacc0look at : res_config_mysql.conf
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14:29.35SuperNullehh i only have the older res_mysql.conf
14:29.58SuperNullbut it references tcp info not a socket .. the dbsock line is commented
14:29.59DovidSuperNull: Look in ur srcs folder
14:30.02Dovidfor the file
14:30.38SuperNullDovid what do you want me to look for ... anything unix socket creation ? that might take a bit
14:30.48x86no one is using google voice as an outbound trunk?
14:30.50SuperNulloh oh.. you mean the res_config_mysql.conf lol
14:32.14SuperNullnearly identical.. if not.
14:35.10jacc0take a look at your mysql server and see how many open connections it has
14:35.24like_a_horse[TK]D-Fender, " I normally use my ears... but I can't speak for anyone else..."
14:35.27like_a_horsesmart ass :P
14:36.13like_a_horsehow do i get to the point to use my ears to listen to the recordings? ;)
14:36.13n3hxs[TK]D-Fender, is a bit eerie.
14:36.48like_a_horseis there a feature code of sorts that someone has written
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14:37.39SuperNulljacc0 .. 1 single socket per server.. but it would require us to see what happens when that extension gets fired.
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14:41.03jacc0@SuperNull: increase allowed open sockets in mysql and try again? :)
14:42.26SuperNullone second.. oddly.. my clearing/disconnected of the mysql connect has reverted to before i changed it
14:42.33SuperNullmysql doesn't lock the extension file right?
14:42.54gaetronikhi again
14:43.04gaetronikis there any chan dedicated to sip providers?
14:43.37[TK]D-Fenderlike_a_horse, "core show application playback"
14:44.41[TK]D-Fendergaetronik, Doubt it highly..
14:45.41gaetroniknot good
14:46.03gaetronikfinding a good sip provider for european countries is quite hard
14:46.28gaetroniknot for, in
14:47.20Faustovcan I have a suggestion that asterisk reports errors with permissions to devices? Currently wrong permissions in /dev/dahdi devices give no error output at all, verbosity set to 10
14:47.31SunTsugaetronik: sipgate?
14:47.49gaetronikSunTsu: why not
14:47.51SuperNulljacc0 sorry for the delay i gotta type up an 'excuse' email to customers :-( .. why my shit is breaking.
14:48.32SunTsugaetronik: you can try them out for free, rates are OK, they offer iax if you want to..
14:48.45gaetronikSunTsu: hmm the idea is to have a sip provider for a sip trunk in the country
14:48.45wdoekes2Faustov: when opening which file/device exactly?
14:48.57gaetronikmy company is setting up an office in Poland
14:49.27gaetronikso i need 10 did in the country and a sip trunk
14:49.32Faustovwdoekes2: /dev/dahdi/pseudo
14:49.36like_a_horse[TK]D-Fender, an example file would be /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/auto-1318856696-1000-2002.wav
14:50.12SunTsugaetronik: OK, maybe some polish people can help you there. I'm not from poland, so I'm out
14:50.29like_a_horseI can setup a playback of that file but is there not a web tool or well known dialplan entry that can let you listen to/delete your recordings?
14:51.03gaetronikSunTsu: it's the issue with small countries it's hard to find information from outside
14:53.17*** join/#asterisk devil_evoxxx (
14:54.25[TK]D-Fenderlike_a_horse, GUI's, plenty.  Diallpan app?  No, that is for you to script.  * is a toolkit, not a "ready-to-fly" model.
14:54.35devil_evoxxxhi all guys
14:55.19like_a_horse[TK]D-Fender, ok. Any recommended GUI's that I should look out for ?
14:57.04wdoekes2Faustov: oddness.. in trunk I see lots of ast_log's wherever /pseudo is opened
14:58.48devil_evoxxxwhen you want to make a call in "unknown" mode
14:59.04Faustovwdoekes2: please feel free to try - make the device permissions unaccessible and try to use meetme - nothing.
14:59.16devil_evoxxxin wichm mode you configure your callerid(num) and callerid(name)?
14:59.16Faustovwe had to use strace to find it
14:59.31wdoekes2which asterisk version?
15:01.37wdoekes2sorry, my question was directed at Faustov
15:02.04Faustovwdoekes2: 1.8.6
15:02.44kaldemardevil_evoxxx: core show function CALLERID
15:02.46Faustovwdoekes2: sorry, 1.9.7
15:03.03FaustovI fial with typing today ;)
15:03.26kaldemardevil_evoxxx: core show function CALLERPRES
15:03.30devil_evoxxxkaldemar: thankyou for reply, but i'm having strange problem. Because if i leave it blank the call exit to my provider with unknown cid
15:03.48devil_evoxxxbut when call go out to a mobile phone...
15:04.19devil_evoxxxmy provider say's that when  i leave cid num/name blank in sip packet there is specified asterisk as num or name..
15:04.43kaldemardevil_evoxxx: set presentation with CALLERID function.
15:04.57kaldemardevil_evoxxx: if that doesn't work, keep asking your provider.
15:06.24devil_evoxxxmy actual dialplan for testin this issue with my provider is  this
15:06.43devil_evoxxxif i leave callerdi(num) and name as i specified in pastebin
15:06.52devil_evoxxxthe call to mobile network does not go out
15:07.35devil_evoxxxso, now i try to specify the presentation
15:08.41wdoekes2Faustov: which syscall failed then? the open()?
15:09.27Faustovwdoekes2: correct
15:11.26wdoekes2Faustov: well.. I'm still of the opinion that you should've gotten a LOG_WARNING
15:12.27devil_evoxxxkaldemar: i try to specifu  name / num presentation, leaving callerdi(num) and name blank
15:12.34Faustovwdoekes2: ^
15:12.44devil_evoxxxand the call still not exit on mobile network
15:13.33wdoekes2and warnings do go to the console?
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15:14.35kaldemardevil_evoxxx: the idea is not to leave anything blank.
15:15.42Faustovwdoekes2: this is the CLI output
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15:17.03wdoekes2I meant: console => ... warning ... in logger.conf?
15:18.05kaldemardevil_evoxxx: also, feel free to show a CLI output of a call.
15:18.29devil_evoxxxwait a moment and i post it on pastebin
15:21.57Faustovwdoekes2: my bad! someone left it directed at syslog
15:24.10SuperNullomg jacc0 i think .. you da man.
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15:34.37devil_evoxxxkaldemar: here is the cli output of a call..that does not go out
15:34.43devil_evoxxxstill dial but never go to ringing..
15:35.38[TK]D-Fenderdevil_evoxxx, Enable SIP debug.  You aren't really looking at the call yet
15:37.01kaldemardevil_evoxxx: and CALLERID(name-pres)=0458538897 is invalid.
15:37.04*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
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15:42.16devil_evoxxxhere is the complete call flow with sip debug on
15:43.30devil_evoxxxkaldemar: with the setting shown i precedent pastebin log, the call to a mobile phone operator is ok, but to another operator still Dial but never ring
15:43.44[TK]D-Fenderdevil_evoxxx, global SIP debug.  You only got part of the call
15:43.51[TK]D-Fenderdevil_evoxxx, do not restrit to IP/peer
15:44.30devil_evoxxx[TK]D-Fender: is a little bit difficult, in this asterisk box there are 30/40 cocncurrent call
15:44.45kaldemardevil_evoxxx: irrelevant, it is still invalid.
15:45.04devil_evoxxxname-pres is character?
15:47.22kaldemardevil_evoxxx: does not compute. did you read the documentation and valid values from "core show function CALLERPRES"?
15:47.51[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar, he isn't even using that function.
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15:48.41kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: well he's not supposed to since it is deprecated and CALLERID is favored, but it happens to be the only one that lists the valid values for the presentation.
15:49.06devil_evoxxx...right kaldemar sorry
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15:49.42devil_evoxxxi've read that was deprecated..and i not proceed with reading
15:49.47kaldemarwhy the CALLERID documentation does not list those values, i don't know.
15:50.20EmleyMoorThank you for spotting another deprecated thing in my dialplan
15:52.46devil_evoxxxnow i correct the name-pres
15:53.23devil_evoxxx..same problem , i'm really thinking that is my provider
15:54.21devil_evoxxxi try with allowed_not_screened
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15:54.30[TK]D-Fenderdevil_evoxxx, I don't see a real complete call yet...
15:56.13devil_evoxxx[TK]D-Fender: i know, i'm still n00b, but filtering sip call trough 30 concurrent call
15:56.26devil_evoxxxif you have an idea how to filter this call
15:58.04albroCan anybody explain this error message: WARNING[5680]: chan_iax2.c:1071 iax_error_output: Information element length exceeds message size
15:58.27albroI have searched thru forums and such but no luck!
15:59.08albroAnd I only see this error message when the asterisk box is behind a 3G data connection.
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16:09.36SuperNull[TK]D-Fender my open sock problem .. seems to have ben resolved by autoclear in the app_mysql conf.. monitoring for new fails.
16:22.11devil_evoxxxkaldemar: ok, i've read the callingpres function, and trying those values..but still having same problem
16:22.37devil_evoxxxwhat's your hints about this?
16:23.08*** join/#asterisk pdtpatrick (~pdtpdt@
16:32.42dymdevil_evoxxx: what are you trying to achieve?
16:33.13p3nguinI noticed that the CALLERID func says the syntax is CALLERID(datatype[,CID]).  It says that CID is an optional caller ID.  What does optional caller ID mean in this case?
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16:36.30EmleyMoorp3nguin: Where are you getting that from?
16:36.52p3nguincore show function CALLERID
16:37.51EmleyMoorHmmm... I'm puzzled by it too...
16:38.10p3nguinThere's no explanation for it, and it isn't something I've ever seen anyone use.
16:39.01dymisnt that for CLIR?
16:39.04EmleyMoorI notice the CALLERID function is due more changes in 1.8
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16:39.24devil_evoxxxdym: i'm try to understand wich callepres work in 1.8
16:39.33p3nguinTypical uses of CALLERID often include Set(CALLERID(num)=123) and Verbose(${CALLERID(num)}).  I've never seen anything using the ,CID part.
16:39.36dymdevil_evoxxx: depends on your uses
16:39.59devil_evoxxxi'm having problem to send a call with unknown callerid
16:40.03devil_evoxxxtrough my provider
16:40.08dymp3nguin: looks like a syntax change
16:40.14dymdevil_evoxxx: SIP?
16:40.26devil_evoxxxspecifically to a mobile network work, to another operator no..
16:40.33devil_evoxxxdym, yes, SIP
16:40.34EmleyMoordevil_evoxxx: Try to set CALLERID(num-pres) to prohib
16:40.40dymdevil_evoxxx: maybe this needs to be done via a SIP header setting.
16:40.48dymYou'll have to check with your provider
16:40.52p3nguinThe fact of it being a syntax change was never in question.
16:40.55devil_evoxxxalready done, num-pres and name-pres to prohib
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16:41.09dymdevil_evoxxx: where tho?
16:41.10devil_evoxxxto a mobile operator work, to another operator no..
16:41.18p3nguinThe question was regarding the usage of the syntax, and why there is no explanation as to the usage.
16:41.26dymdevil_evoxxx: no. where the setting needs to be done.
16:41.44devil_evoxxxdym, what?
16:41.49devil_evoxxxdym: what?
16:42.05dymWell - As I said - maybe this needs to be set in the header - "SIPAddHeader" wise.
16:42.51dymSIPAddHeader(Privacy: id)
16:43.00dymis a common thing
16:43.32dymIs that even valid within the header?
16:43.38devil_evoxxxso, using callerpress add this in sip header?
16:43.49dymdevil_evoxxx: well - try it?
16:45.12EmleyMoorIs there an easy way to see the full headers of an incoming call? (SIP or IAX2)
16:45.19p3nguindevil_evoxxx: What happens if you simply set your CALLERID(num) to nothing?  Set(CALLERID(num)=)
16:45.21dymsip set debug on
16:45.24dym@ EmleyMoor
16:45.39dymEmleyMoor: on the CLI that is's working if i call a Vodafone mobile cell..
16:46.43EmleyMoordym: Right - well, familiar with that anyway but may have a tinker and see what's what - to help me understand
16:46.58devil_evoxxxbut if i call a H3G mobile network does not work
16:47.02devil_evoxxxi think is my provider too
16:47.07dymshould work anyways
16:47.11p3nguindevil_evoxxx: What happens if you simply set your CALLERID(num) to nothing?  Set(CALLERID(num)=)
16:47.31dymEmleyMoor: excuse me?
16:48.25EmleyMoordym: I'm interested in seeing what information might be lurking in the headers for various calls... so I will see what I get sometime with the debug on
16:48.40dymthat i understood
16:49.01devil_evoxxxp3nguin: ..same behavior..if i call a vodafone mobile tel work with unknown cid
16:49.17dymthen obviously you need to have a chat with your provider
16:49.20p3nguinDidn't you want to restrict your number?
16:49.21dymand dont need the extra header setting
16:49.31devil_evoxxxbut the calls to h3g mobile network does not work
16:49.52EmleyMoorp3nguin: I think he's saying that his number gets presented regardless when calling H3G
16:49.59devil_evoxxxdym: my provider say that it's all ok
16:50.10dymdevil_evoxxx: obviously cant be (:
16:50.25dymthey shoudl be able to give you some in-depth information, since its their network...
16:50.31[TK]D-FenderI think it's now been an entire hour and still no proper complete call with SIP debug
16:50.38EmleyMoordevil_evoxxx: Which country are you in?
16:50.55devil_evoxxxi think that my provider as finished the minutes over a gsmbox
16:51.01devil_evoxxxEmleyMoor: it
16:51.40devil_evoxxx[TK]D-Fender: it's coming..i'm setup a machine only for making this test
16:52.03[TK]D-Fenderdevil_evoxxx, If you are using another machine then you are polluting the test and wasting time
16:52.04dym[TK]D-Fender: did you request one of him?
16:52.10[TK]D-Fenderdym, repeatedly
16:52.30dymdevil_evoxxx: why do you not provide the desired output?
16:52.57devil_evoxxxbecause if i set sip debug on this machine, where is present 30/40 concurrent call
16:53.09devil_evoxxxi can not filter only the desidered call..
16:53.13dymits gonne be some effort on your side.
16:53.24dymus guessing in the dark wont make things better.
16:53.32dymso man up!
16:55.41[TK]D-Fenderdevil_evoxxx, just because a call is in progress doesn't mean it is spewing out SIP debug constantly.
16:55.52[TK]D-Fenderdevil_evoxxx, And we're more than competant to grab the part we need
16:56.03[TK]D-Fenderdevil_evoxxx, This whoe process should ahve taken < 1 minute
16:56.05dym[TK]D-Fender: im not gonna ask again (:
16:56.35[TK]D-FenderEnable debug.  Place call.  Stop debug.  10 seconds. that's 50 left to pastebin.
16:57.33devil_evoxxx[TK]D-Fender: in wich mode i've to set num-pres and name-pres?
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16:58.37p3nguinWhere can I read about the changes in CALLERID()?
16:58.47dymp3nguin: changelog i'd assume
17:02.54devil_evoxxxthe number i've try to call is 3926997438
17:03.08[TK]D-Fenderdevil_evoxxx, Why don't we also have full verbose in there?
17:03.40devil_evoxxxcore set debug 1?
17:05.08p3nguinI can't find any information pertinent to the "CID" part of the syntax.
17:05.31p3nguin"[,CID]" to be more exact.
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17:12.26irrootp3nguin you can use svn blame perhaps and work back from then
17:15.56p3nguinI don't know what that means.
17:18.42irrootp3nguin ah its a bit to get used to it
17:21.17devil_evoxxxhere is a complete sip debug , core verbose, of the call that go out correctly:     , and here there is the debug  of the call that don't go out
17:21.34devil_evoxxx[TK]D-Fender: here is a complete sip debug , core verbose, of the call that go out correctly:     , and here there is the debug  of the call that don't go out
17:22.52irrootp3nguin allows you to work back through the code and see how it fits / fitted in
17:23.55EmleyMoorAnyone here heard of Got spammed twice by them
17:24.36navaismoEmleyMoor they sell crappy analog cards
17:24.39[TK]D-Fenderdevil_evoxxx, in your peer do "sendrpid=yes" , "trustrpid=yes", "fromuser=yourusernamehere".  Apply chanegs.  Retest
17:25.59devil_evoxxxon the peer of my phone, or the peer where i connect to my provider
17:26.53[TK]D-Fenderdevil_evoxxx, provider
17:26.59[TK]D-Fenderdevil_evoxxx, Your phone does not matter.
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17:28.42devil_evoxxxok. fromuser on my provider..
17:30.12devil_evoxxxi've never set..trought this provider
17:30.25devil_evoxxxi can send every call with every i try
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17:38.32devil_evoxxxsame problem to H3G, work on Vodafone
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17:40.16[TK]D-Fenderdevil_evoxxx, Ok, looking at the call that did work VS the ones that failed I'm not seeing any critical difference.  Contact your provider ASAP
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17:55.14p3nguinirroot: I really just want to know what [,CID] means in the current CALLERID function.  There's no explanation of what it does and no example of how to use it.
17:55.58irrootsorry been hectic here and am not near my source
17:56.41irrootbusy making plan
17:58.04[TK]D-FenderCareful.. life will happen
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17:59.50irroot[TK]D-Fender heard and experiaced the converse of that :P .... hi there
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18:07.44SuperNullsooo the milliwatt app .. are there test tools that work with this ?
18:07.49irrootok p3nguin the ${CALLERID(....,CID)} will return CID formated as specified
18:09.48p3nguinI still don't get it.
18:09.58p3nguinWhat do you mean "as specified?"
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18:10.39p3nguinIf I echo ${CALLERID(num,123)}, it only shows me 123 even if I have valid callerid.
18:12.46irroot p3nguin
18:16.07p3nguinWhat's the purpose of this?
18:16.31p3nguinAnd why isn't it explained appropriately in core show function CALLERID?
18:16.48irrootp3nguin correct it works on the supplied CID not the actual CID its a function as far as i can tell to process result from a DB query as example to a usable value
18:17.09irrootp3nguin cause programers suck and documenting code !!!!
18:17.13p3nguinThe description needs to reflect that.
18:17.28irrootedit it and post it as a patch on JIRA ??
18:17.36p3nguinI might.
18:17.50p3nguinI can do that.
18:17.53irrootsorry i did not help earlier
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18:20.25navaismo~ book
18:20.25infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
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18:29.29anonymouz666if we have distributed device state, we also need distributed wrap uptime
18:32.38anonymouz666shared_lastcall is fine, but when you have the same queue in two machines... then you got a problem
18:33.42[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, Bring it back a step.. it'd be nice if 2 queues ont he SAME machine shared wrap-up time for the same agent ;)
18:33.47irrootlol yeah can see that been a pain
18:34.11irroot[TK]D-Fender 2 queues on diff machines :P
18:35.00irrootok same queue on 2 servers ...
18:35.02irrootthat is not possible really as the internal bits are not exposed in dB
18:35.39anonymouz666irroot: yeap no easy solution
18:35.48anonymouz666but the agents are about to kill me hehe
18:36.11anonymouz666they don't have time to put pause to go to the bathroom :`
18:36.36irrootthe problem is a "Queue" / ACD is made up of various elements members are only one the call list and then the actual call
18:37.23irrootthe queue and members are realtime of sorts as they get read only on a event
18:38.00anonymouz666irroot: so if I put this queue in a realtime enviroment won't help at all
18:38.15irrootyou will need a full realtime system where most importantly the calls will be shared to queue it properly
18:38.48anonymouz666that sounds... a lot of new code
18:39.07*** topic/#asterisk by Qwell -> #asterisk Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.0.0-beta2 (2011/09/27), (2011/10/17), dahdi-linux (2011/09/08), dahdi-tools (2011/09/08), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=-
18:39.11QwellNew security release,
18:39.15irrootso the caller last on server 2 could be answerd before someone waiting 5min on server 1
18:41.00anonymouz666irroot: can you think on hack or some workaround that can help on this?
18:41.00irrootQwell +1 a rc2 due with this also perhaps ??
18:41.07Qwellirroot: soon
18:41.10anonymouz666you know, with asterisk, you have to use imagination, sometimes...
18:41.11irrootwhy use 2 servers ??
18:41.33anonymouz666there are too much calls into this queue.
18:41.43anonymouz666a think that 200 calls is a lot for asterisk to handle.
18:41.55anonymouz666that I can keep things safe if I spread this
18:41.58irrootwell strip the transcoding and telco interface ??
18:42.19anonymouz666lots of db queries, recording, no transcoding...
18:43.00anonymouz666it's about 200 calls from 9am to 6pm.
18:43.01anonymouz666all the time
18:43.10anonymouz666just in that queue. there are more.
18:43.25irrootwell have seperate agents on each server ?
18:43.33irrootpool A  / pool B
18:44.07irrootif you controling the calls to them it can be more fair
18:44.31anonymouz666the telco does a round robin between the e1s
18:45.13anonymouz666sometimes the member is local registered
18:45.20anonymouz666sometimes the members is "remote"
18:45.39anonymouz666then you spread the queue() between the machines and also the main load
18:47.27anonymouz666but the "distributed wrap uptime" got me.
18:47.36irrootthe problem you will have is io load "wait state" this is from annoucenments and recording
18:48.32irrootthe distributed wrapuptime could add lots of procesing / db queries
18:49.46irrootneed some form of network IPC built into app_queue
18:50.15anonymouz666or a device state wrapuptime :D
18:50.38anonymouz666that could be used exactly the way distributed device state is used
18:51.24irrootor delayed devicestate
18:51.57irrooti haz to run intresting concepts
18:59.02*** join/#asterisk cj (~cjac@
18:59.21cjcarrar: so, I just bought an ATA
19:00.19SuperNullwhat ata did ya get ? We have about 6-7k SPA-2102s deployed.
19:04.27*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
19:14.09pigpenIf I were having issues with call parking.  What debug should I turn on?
19:14.42pigpeni.e.; call comes in, via a sip trunk, gets parked, immediately call gets disconnected.
19:14.54*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (~moi@
19:14.57[TK]D-Fenderpigpen, verbose, core, SIP, all maxxed
19:15.23pigpenSo I am planning on stripping the dial plan way back to nothing.  Do the test, grab the output, then put the box back in product.
19:15.29*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
19:15.33pigpen[TK]D-Fender, tks.
19:15.42pigpenI'll get it going.
19:16.31pigpenit is working fine on my box with my shit dial plan.  But I have 6 in the field, in production that is not.
19:34.13p3nguinI'd LOVE to know why I get this on certain calls.  It happens as soon as the ringing sound starts and ends when the callee answers the phone:
19:35.50p3nguinThe phone I am calling uses ulaw.  The phone I call from is using ulaw.
19:36.07*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
19:36.52p3nguinI see it when I call a SIP phone and I saw it the other day when calling via google.
19:38.52anonymouz666I don't know how to solve this, but I already saw this. I had an idea to set transcode_via_sln = no in asterisk.conf. I don't know if it is a good idea or no. Not even know if that will help at all
19:39.14p3nguinWhen trying to call otu google, I see a similar message:  [Oct 17 14:38:36] WARNING[11208]: chan_gtalk.c:1606 gtalk_write: Asked to transmit frame type slin, while native formats is 0x4 (ulaw) (read/write = ulaw/ulaw)
19:40.22p3nguinI tried calling my mobile via google voice.  That floods the console, and my mobile never rings.
19:40.41p3nguinAt least when I see it on SIP I can still get an answer on the other end.
19:42.27p3nguinI changed that setting.  I'll see what it does in a minute.
19:42.50*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:43.42p3nguinSame thing when calling via google.
19:43.55p3nguinFlood, and never reaches the mobile phone.
19:51.08*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
19:57.54*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
20:15.14zambaanyone got a dinstar gsm gateway here?
20:15.29pigpen[TK]D-Fender, Ok, I got the output.  I stripped down the dialplan then set the debug levels, tested, grabbed the output and put back into production.
20:15.52pigpen[TK]D-Fender, should I post the issue again here, using pastebin wisely, or go straight to bug?
20:16.13pigpendunno if you saw any of my previous conversations or not about this issue.
20:16.31[TK]D-FenderGeneric parking issue
20:16.38[TK]D-Fenderpastebin.  Be complete.
20:16.44[TK]D-FenderTher previous desciption wasn't
20:16.57pigpensure.  I have typed it so many times, you can imagine.
20:25.15*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
20:28.36pigpenThis is my Generic Parking Issue.  Asterisk (64bit)(also on 1.8.5) call come in via sip from an Audiocodes FXO, Call is passed directly to a sip client (Polycom 335 HD), Transfer is initiated (using ##, normal xfer attempted, no change), to exten 70 (parking).  Parking answers and notes "71", then the call transferee call is dropped.  The caller then is dropped shortly after that.  Please see config and debug here:
20:30.15[TK]D-FenderHeading home, BBIAB
20:30.23[TK]D-Fenderpigpen, save up to PB me in a bit
20:30.43pigpenpb you in a bit?
20:34.37*** join/#asterisk mKn0wt (~mtv@
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20:37.25dandate2this /proc/kcore takes up a whole 1 gigabyte of space, is it ok to delete this much like /var/log/asterisk/full ?
20:39.09pigpenyou can.  I would stop asterisk, move it, touch a new one, make sure permissions are the same, then start it back up.
20:39.17pigpenthen you can gzip the old, just in case.
20:39.27Tim_Toadydandate2 halt ur pc and remove all ram, that will make kcore vanish
20:40.22Tim_Toadyyou cant move kcore, you cant delete it and anyway its not taking anyspace in ur disk or ram
20:40.36Tim_Toadyits an 'alias' for ur systems memory
20:40.44pigpenhaha, wait, I was referring to the /var/log/asterisk/full
20:40.48pigpenhaha, not kcore
20:40.58pigpenhaha, thats' what I get for not reading it all...
20:41.04*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
20:41.50dandate2is /var/log/asterisk/queue_log is another massive, ok to delete?
20:42.19navaismouse logrotate
20:42.33pigpensure, any log fine is ok to move to the side.  there may be a easier way than I noted, but it will work, and yes, logrotate.
20:42.55dandate2ah the log rotate is broken on my flash install, i have to delete it manually every few days
20:43.36pigpenoh then you=logrotate
20:45.58Tim_Toadydandate2 in that case write a cron job that runs asterisk -rx 'logger roate'
20:46.10Tim_Toadypoor mans lograotate :P
20:57.08*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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21:49.30pigpenQuiet day in asterisk land
21:50.23*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-xnvzkqmecbtktsnh)
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22:05.47infinity_can someone provide a few pointers. i have an asterisk box connecting to a sip phone on the lan. there is a long delay 15-25 seconds before the phone connects. any ideas why that might be?
22:06.43dymwhat do you mean before the phone connects?
22:06.46dymfrom bootup?
22:06.55infinity_no. when it calls another extension.
22:08.07infinity_after a call is placed, once its answered and the ringing stops, it takes about 15 seconds for it to work
22:08.42infinity_er 15 seconds for the call to work correctly (two way audio instead of one way) after the call is answered
22:32.32*** join/#asterisk jstapleton (
22:34.32jstapletonanybody having problems with google voice outbound?  inbound is working fine?  did google change the protocol AGAIN?
22:38.08*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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22:44.01r0m|ujstapleton, yes they made c ahcnge
22:44.09r0m|ua change*
22:44.36r0m|uoubound works for me. inbound does not.
22:45.11jstapletonr0m|u: any idea when they mad the change?
22:45.27jstapletonr0m|u: as far as you know, is there a patch/fix yet?
22:45.57r0m|uyes there is
22:46.04r0m|uand it has been quite a few days
22:47.03jstapletonr0m|u: thanks!
22:47.04*** join/#asterisk neurosys (~neurosys@
22:47.16r0m|ujstapleton, your welcome
22:47.43r0m|uThats why I dont use beta services :P
22:48.07r0m|uI use GV just for outgoing with a CID set to my main number.
22:48.32r0m|uif people call me back they call my voipms account :)
22:50.13blizzowDoes anyone have recommendations on getting a browser based click to call plugin to work with PBX in a flash (and queuemetrics)?
22:52.20r0m|ublizzow, /join #pbxinaflash maybe they can help better?
22:52.40blizzowI didn't realize there was a pbxinaflash room.
22:53.16blizzowIt's still based on asterisk, though.  I figured I could ask in here and see if anyone had some ideas.
22:53.39r0m|uI think this rooms only supports asterisk and asterisk only :)
22:53.39blizzowespecially considering #pbxinaflash has 6 people (including me).
22:53.52infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
22:54.12r0m|uI think pbx in a flash goes along those lines
22:54.31r0m|uthough I might be wrong
22:54.48r0m|ustick around and see if any of the gurus can help
22:55.42infobothmm... pbxinaflash is Ward Mundy's toy assembled by joe roper visit or #pbxinaflash
22:56.05r0m|ublizzow, ^^ :)
23:06.32pabelangerjstapleton: r0m|u: Confirm the patch in works and I'll commit it
23:08.26r0m|upabelanger, I cant I am on an embedded system with ro to the fs.
23:08.46r0m|uas soon as I get a chance ill bring up a vm
23:10.18jstapletonpabelanger: worked for me.
23:12.14navaismoevening people, anyone has used the appkonference module with asterisk10 to swap in video conferences?
23:13.57pabelangerNaikrovek: Have you tried ConfBridge in asterisk 10?  It now has support for video conferences
23:14.17pabelangerNaikrovek: sorry
23:14.19pabelangernavaismo: ^
23:14.30jstapletonpabelanger: i am on  Is patch need on Asterisk 10 as well?  I assume so.
23:14.37navaismoaah excelent i just dont know that, let me try thx pabelanger
23:15.00pabelangerjstapleton: yes, all branches will need to be patched
23:15.51pabelangernavaismo: Ya, it was basically rewritten so any existing configuration files will not work.  But the video support is very cool
23:16.39navaismo\o/ thx again pabelanger
23:20.31phixany suggestions on VoIP / SIP phones?
23:20.54phixI have a snome 300 atm, it works great but it lacks more user defined buttons
23:21.42*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
23:21.53phixand the LCD is too small, doesn't fit everything in when using directory / address book
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23:45.19pabelangerCan't go wrong with Polycoms
23:46.41dymOr Linksys SPA
23:48.30Naikrovekhow does the video support work in confbridge in 10?  does it tile the other participants?  are there any screenshots?
23:52.57*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
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