IRC log for #asterisk on 20111015

00:00.56*** join/#asterisk chalcedony (~llhull@unaffiliated/chalcedony)
00:02.13*** join/#asterisk scubes13 (
00:02.31ChrisInSydneyStill no one else in the bridge
00:02.49WIMPyUnder the bridge?
00:03.21ChrisInSydneythat time of the night I guess
00:03.35ChrisInSydneyWIMPy: exten => 882,1,Dial(SIP/
00:03.40ChrisInSydneyVUC bridge
00:04.05WIMPyhates VOIP
00:27.30*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@
00:29.22ChrisInSydneyadeel: VUC bridge is still up
00:29.35ChrisInSydneyadeel: exten => 882,1,Dial(SIP/
00:35.25p3nguinchrisinsydney: CNAME
00:35.34p3nguinYou think that's suitable?
00:35.42ChrisInSydneyhe he he he
00:35.56ChrisInSydneyclassic :D
00:36.32p3nguinI was trying to find something of theirs that was a little more mission critical.
00:37.46p3nguinI'm still on the conf, but working on finishing supper now.
00:38.34ChrisInSydneyI'm just playing music at it
00:38.48ChrisInSydneystill hand editiing the database
00:52.49dymWhen using call screening, there is a DTFM option (3) to send the caller to the "torture" menu - but when this is called the call is simply terminated. how can i interfere with this DTFM press and send the caller to the context of my choice?
00:53.49p3nguinPressing 3 ends the Dial() with a DIALSTATUS of TORTURE.
00:54.49p3nguinSo you'd do something like Goto(${DIALSTATUS}) and make sure you have a priority of TORTURE in the current extension.
00:55.38dymactually ends like this:
00:55.38dymOct 15 02:54:49] WARNING[20924]: pbx.c:4088 pbx_extension_helper: No application '1,Goto' for extension (incoming, 4954XXXXXXXX, 7)
00:55.57ChrisInSydneydym, p3nguin, what is needed is to send the person into a conference bridge with bad music and a recording of someone saying" Who were you after again?...hang on I'll seei fI can get them for you"..back to hold music
00:56.09ChrisInSydneyWhen you get two calls thransferred, they can talk to eachother
00:56.38p3nguinI guess you don't have an application by the name of '1,Goto' like it says.
00:56.51p3nguinI.e. your dialplan is broken/wrong.
00:57.11ChrisInSydneydym: or needs some more attention
00:57.23p3nguinPastebin your dial plan.
00:58.27dymp3nguin: Is this ment to be priority 7 on the number?
00:58.32dymin context incoming?
00:58.54ChrisInSydneymaybe priority h for hangup ??
00:59.04dymChrisInSydney: no.
00:59.05p3nguinI'm not sure.  Just show me your dial plan and I'll tell you what's wrong.
00:59.19p3nguinThere's no priority h that I know of.
00:59.21ChrisInSydneyI'm just guessing as I haven't fone this before
00:59.22dymsec - ill try fixing it myself
00:59.47ChrisInSydneyso what does it do in the CLI, just hang up ??
01:00.02p3nguinI already addressed that issue.
01:00.49dymit was actually prio 7 in the context
01:01.01dymso i could kick it into the torture menu by Goto'ing
01:01.03ChrisInSydneysorry, h extension, not priority
01:01.07ChrisInSydneymy bad
01:01.15dymthanks anyways p3nguin
01:01.26dymmore fun fixing it myself than beeing spoonfed :P
01:01.33ChrisInSydneydym: Cool. SOmetimes you just have to type it to someone else and it makes sense
01:01.39ChrisInSydneyall of a sudden
01:01.59dymChrisInSydney: well - the output kinda said it all
01:02.03*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
01:02.05ChrisInSydneyThats OK I'm happy to take the credit though :D
01:02.17dymfor what?
01:02.55dymBrilliant :D Torture menu with voice prompts recorded by myself. Let total confusion commence! :D
01:02.56ChrisInSydneynever mind
01:03.26ChrisInSydneydym: why dont you jump on to the VUC conference bridge
01:03.36ChrisInSydneyexten => 882,1,Dial(SIP/
01:03.42ChrisInSydneyg711 / g722
01:03.50dymwhat would i do there?
01:03.59ChrisInSydneyp3nguin and I are still on
01:04.14ChrisInSydneyyou can talk
01:04.24ChrisInSydneyand we (i ?) will talk back
01:04.36*** join/#asterisk SwK (~SwK@freeswitch/developer/swk)
01:04.57ChrisInSydneythere is a confernce cal every Friday at 12:00pm eastern ?? check out do you get assimilated?
01:06.03dymseems so
01:06.05p3nguinDIALSTATUS priorities -
01:09.28p3nguinI think it's <your PIN>*929
01:09.37p3nguinBut when I call it, it never works for me.
01:10.46p3nguinAm I muted?
01:16.53*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
01:17.01p3nguinHTTP request failed: 404 File Not Found
01:17.03dym<-- Patrick btw.
01:17.17p3nguinStream is down.
01:18.46*** join/#asterisk jblack (
01:19.31ChrisInSydneyjetlag: VUC bridge is still up
01:19.41ChrisInSydneyexten => 882,1,Dial(SIP/
01:19.46ChrisInSydneycome join us
01:20.18p3nguinHe almost sounded like it used a lot of resources to have it open.
01:20.27p3nguinGriping about your typing.
01:20.48p3nguinI don't even know why it would have needed to be recorded.
01:25.21PhoenixMageanyone got an example dialplan.xml they can post?
01:26.56WIMPyIs this some gui stuff?
01:27.07p3nguinCisco phone file
01:27.49WIMPyLeave it empty? That' been the only sensible configuration I found so far for "dialplans".
01:28.19p3nguinIt just takes a while for the dialed number to actually send if you don't have one.
01:28.25PhoenixMagep3nguin: You said my prob wouldnt be related to it, any further theories on why I cant dial?
01:28.35p3nguinI couldn't think of anything.
01:29.14p3nguinIf you dial with the handset on-hook, then press Dial, and you still experience the problem, I don't know what else there is.
01:30.03*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
01:30.03WIMPyYes, you have to press send unless you can use overlap sending, but there's nothing to do about that anyway.
01:32.29dymReminded me of some Asterisk preset soundfile
01:32.31WIMPyloca people
01:34.57dym<-- just testing something i need the phone for.
01:40.17dymp3nguin: i wonder why this recording never actually reaches me:
01:40.27dymmail is send, as seen from mail.log too
01:42.40p3nguinI'm not even sure what you're trying to do.
01:42.46*** part/#asterisk PhoenixMage (
01:42.55ChrisInSydney<dym> Not that many people find their way there though, unfortunately.
01:42.55ChrisInSydney<dym> I wondered why there aint no permanent conference bridge for asterisk interested people.
01:42.55ChrisInSydney<dym> Maybe something like that should be instated.
01:43.35*** join/#asterisk Beave (
01:43.39p3nguinI had thought about creating a somewhat permanent conf for #asterisk people.
01:43.59p3nguinI don't know if it would be used or not.
01:44.07ChrisInSydneyit wouldbnt matetr
01:44.18dymp3nguin: i also have the resources.
01:44.24dymill see to it
01:44.27p3nguinIf I'm going to bother setting it up, I'd like for it to be used.
01:44.47dymI dont care if its used (: At least then there is some sort of "entry point"
01:44.59Beavep3nguin: tht's sorta what did.. for years now.
01:45.13p3nguinThere's one already running?
01:45.18Beaveand probably countless other people.
01:45.22dymBeave: point us towards it
01:45.25Beavep3nguin: just voip hobbyist stuff.
01:45.45*** join/#asterisk gogasca (~Adium@nat/cisco/x-srqurpqmegapuaer)
01:46.23dymDont see info to a permanent conference there tho
01:46.39Beaveoption # 2 in the conf.  "general conf".
01:46.43gogascahi ppl anyone has tested the *10 video bridge? im wondering if I place a conf call using 3 tandberg h264 720p quality will be preserved?
01:46.56Beavenot used as much as it use to be,  however.
01:47.25dymWell lets see how things deliver. Would be cool to have something dedicated with multiple bridges - language wise
01:48.09*** join/#asterisk PhoenixMage (
01:53.44*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
01:55.12p3nguinAnyone know if there is a way to make a Cisco 7960G ring on a second call rather than give a call-waiting tone on the speaker?
01:56.05*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
01:57.21*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
01:57.23gogascai think i know how
01:57.34gogascagimme a sec
01:57.41gogascalet me open up my config
01:58.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
02:03.35*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
02:15.36*** part/#asterisk mjordan (
02:16.53p3nguingogasca: Did you find anything useful?
02:20.22*** join/#asterisk snowbot1 (
02:20.28snowbot1hi all
02:21.14gogascaoh yeah
02:21.37gogascain cucm there is a setting called: Ring Setting (Phone Active)
02:21.47gogascajust need to find what is the xml under that line
02:22.27gogascathe options we have is:flash, ring once, beep only
02:22.33gogascasystem default
02:22.45gogascaso take a look at your xml and see if u find something similar
02:23.29gogascathat setting is at line level not device level
02:23.50gogascasorry man im in middle of some upgrade
02:24.23gogascau need to make sure ur Maximum Number of Calls is > 2 and busy trigger > 2 as well
02:26.03snowbot1is anyone free to ask questions here? :)
02:26.50infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
02:27.50WIMPyI think you wanted to say "yes".
02:28.30ChrisInSydneyHey all: exten => 882,1,Dial(SIP/
02:28.43ChrisInSydneyThe VUC conference bridge is still up !!!
02:41.51PhoenixMageI could have sworn that 7975 used to pull firmware from a subdir but now it wonts everything for a firmware upgrade in the tftp root
02:42.22p3nguingogasca: I can't seem to find much information about adding that setting to my asterisk system.
02:42.43gogascathat will be in your 7960 xml config file
02:43.45*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
02:43.53p3nguinMy XMLDefault.cnf.xml is pretty minimal, and my SEP<MAC>.cnf.xml is even smaller.  I guess I need a full list of all options.
02:55.30snowbot1wooo i got my first asterisk setup working :)  iax2 trunked
03:00.55*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
03:08.23*** join/#asterisk radic (
03:16.08*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
03:20.38dijibi like it better
03:21.18p3nguinI found the ringSettingActive parameter.
03:21.40p3nguinMaybe that's the one I need.
03:28.20dijibcrazy world i still dont think that you.
03:29.08*** join/#asterisk PhoenixMage (
03:34.47*** join/#asterisk tmrhmdv (
03:37.00tmrhmdvHi, folks! I'm trying to setup Asterisk and Ekiga (softphone), but getting "Could not register (Remote host party is offline)", but they are online, here's the info: what could it be from?
03:39.13PhoenixMagep3nguin: Seems it was a dialplan.xml problem
03:39.30p3nguinSo you had a dialplan.xml that was broken?
03:40.14PhoenixMageno I had no dialplan.xml at all
03:40.18WIMPytmrhmdv: Why do you use AMI instead of the *CLI?
03:40.23PhoenixMagethen I had an empty one
03:40.36PhoenixMagenow I have one I picked up from voip-info
03:41.32tmrhmdvWIMPy: I had actually found an easier software for Asterisk called "A2Billing" and followed a guide. But when I reach the Softphone part, it's giving me those errors
03:46.41WIMPytmrhmdv: If your phone tells you the server is offline, that must be a networking issue.
03:47.07tmrhmdvWIMPy: From my end or the server?
03:48.53dijibcall waiting behaviour
03:49.58tmrhmdvWhat should the "bindaddr" be set to in manager.conf? my server IP or
03:50.05tmrhmdvCurrently it is
03:50.30p3nguinlevel 1: start=2011-10-14 10:50:03
03:52.12p3nguinlevel 1: billsec=43323
03:53.09p3nguintmrhmdv: If you want other computers on the network to have access to it over IP, you'll have to set it to the address on the ethernet interface.
03:53.54dijibkylie menode?
03:54.26*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
03:55.43dijiband the wiki for who sponseres this cof
03:56.15ChrisInSydneyhe he
03:56.22ChrisInSydneyI'm outa here
03:56.26ChrisInSydneyoff to a wedding
03:56.36dijibtype type i hear
03:56.41ChrisInSydneyget some more people into the bridge so its up whe i get back
03:57.05ChrisInSydneyEverybody: exten => 882,1,Dial(SIP/
03:57.07p3nguinI'll be gone soon, too.
03:57.13ChrisInSydneyall cool
03:57.23dijibif i was ever allowed back in /g/tech......
03:57.30dijibbye chris thnx for the invite
03:58.30p3nguin882 is VUC on teh keypad.
04:13.27dijibp3nguin, are you using iNum or Virtual numbers?
04:13.38dijiband did that conf shut down with music?
04:14.50p3nguinIf you heard music, that was probably mine.
04:15.02dijiboh sounded like hold music
04:15.06p3nguinIt was.
04:15.20dijibtoo fluide to be your during the dos no?
04:15.23p3nguinSee if you hear it again.
04:15.31dijibi hung up
04:15.36dijibwife was about to kick my ass
04:15.53p3nguinIt says two other participants, so I figured it was the Chrises.
04:16.23p3nguiniNum or virtual numbers... for what?
04:18.58*** join/#asterisk r33dtard (~r33dtard@gateway/tor-sasl/r33dtard)
04:20.18*** join/#asterisk EugeneKay (
04:21.40EugeneKayHi, all. Looking into setting up an Asterisk server for my small business. Looking for a recommendation on a SIP provider who I can get a 1-800(or any of the other toll-free prefixes) from.
04:21.47*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
04:22.41infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
04:23.04*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
04:26.08*** join/#asterisk dym (~patrick@unaffiliated/dym)
04:26.11*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:26.20EugeneKayspams the bot in private
04:37.14p3nguinThere it went.
04:41.47dymThere it went!
04:42.50p3nguinWere you still on?
04:42.58dymOn what?
04:43.03dymThe conference?
04:43.13dymNah, left a couple of hours ago
04:43.52p3nguinI left it connected, but I guess I needed to make noise to keep it going.
04:47.24dijibdid it die?
04:47.39EugeneKayThey treat you good?
04:47.52dijibyes fair from what ive seen
04:48.01dijibimmediate attention when you open a ticket
04:48.04dijibwithin 6hours
04:51.01infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
04:59.50*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
05:03.39p3nguinseri: So what do you recommend for this phone?  Hunt for an appropriate SIM?
05:07.46SeRip3nguin, That would be hard.
05:07.52SeRiwell not impossible
05:08.03SeRibut very specific
05:08.13p3nguinThe way it seems, I only need one that was used to activate an iPhone.
05:08.15SeRiYou could buy a sim unlocker from china
05:08.25p3nguinIt's a 3G, so it does not require the original SIM for this phone.
05:08.28SeRiits cheap like 5 dollars
05:08.41SeRiI see.
05:08.42p3nguinThe 1 and 2 require the original SIM.
05:08.58SeRiGive me a few days.
05:09.06SeRilet me talk to some of my contacts in att
05:09.08p3nguinWhat would a SIM unlocker do for me?
05:09.36SeRip3nguin, allow you to use the phone without a sim
05:10.01p3nguindijib: I'm on the voipms echo test right now, and I'm not hearing any type of distortion or garbled sounds at all.  It must have been something between me and zipdx.
05:10.21p3nguinDoes it allow activation without a SIM?
05:10.40p3nguinThe problem is that iTunes won't activate the phone without it.
05:10.52SeRiwell never mind I keep thinking you have a 4
05:10.59SeRithe sim unlocker only works with 4
05:11.23p3nguinI'd gladly trade this one for a 4.
05:11.42SeRigive me a few dasy I can try and hunt an original sim card from an iphone 3GS from one of my contacts in att
05:12.57p3nguinI'd be surprised if there isn't an unused SIM from an iPhone floating around.
05:13.05SeRiI can make any promises but ill try
05:13.27SeRiI am sure there is
05:15.43SeRip3nguin, I bought one of this for 130.00 dollars
05:16.38SeRilike new
05:16.53SeRifor my brother in PR.
05:17.12SeRiThe idea is for him not to lose calls at his home/office
05:17.23SeRiPR is bad about cell signal
05:18.13coppiceiphones with SIM lock? what a strange idea :-\
05:23.04p3nguinseri: What do you think about something like this?
05:25.09SeRip3nguin, They work very well. I use them in the v4. BUT the problem is that you have to make sure your iOS/Band version match
05:25.17SeRido you know what version is load it?
05:25.38p3nguinI can't find out that information until I have a good SIM to allow iTunes to activate.
05:26.56SeRiand thats the problem. but hey its only two dollars
05:27.05SeRiactually 3
05:27.11SeRi1.99 shipping
05:27.53SeRip3nguin, I trust this please more than ebay
05:28.09SeRiI buy from them all the time
05:28.16SeRicheck this one out
05:29.42SeRilets hope you dont have iOS4
05:30.24SeRiIf you do I can tell you how to downgrade.
05:31.02p3nguinI'd like to have iOS 4.  3 doesn't have near the features and lots of apps I like don't work on 3.
05:31.35SeRiwell get it unlocked first than you can move to iOS4
05:31.37SeRiIs what I did
05:31.42p3nguinThis universal activation card... you think that would do the trick for me?
05:31.54p3nguinOr should I just get an AT&T used card?
05:31.58SeRiIf you are under 4 yes
05:32.08SeRiether or.
05:32.23p3nguinLet's say I have an AT&T card that I can use to get iTunes to activate.
05:32.27p3nguinWhat's next?
05:32.27SeRiIf you want to wait for me than wait before you purchase
05:32.40SeRiNext is the phun stuff
05:32.42p3nguinDo I need any other card to unlock carrier/network?
05:33.00SeRithe rest is software base
05:33.07SeRiyou need a mac or a windows machine
05:33.10p3nguinI don't need a turbo unlocker?
05:33.14SeRia VM wont do.
05:33.35p3nguinI know how to jailbreak, it's the other stuff that I am not familiar with.
05:34.12p3nguinI don't know anything about unlocking carrier and whatnot.
05:34.30p3nguinI guess I just need to activate it and see what it will do.  I'll go from there.
05:34.45SeRiYou dont need no sim unlocker
05:34.56SeRiall you need is ultrasn0w for other sims to work
05:35.09p3nguinShould I prefer a used AT&T SIM or this universal activation SIM?
05:35.14SeRiyou install ultrasn0w via cidia
05:35.33p3nguinHow do you propose I'd get cydia on it?
05:35.56SeRiLet's say I have an AT&T card that I can use to get iTunes to activate
05:35.56p3nguinTypically you'd use something like ultrasn0w to put cydia on it.
05:36.22SeRihu? mhhh nope
05:36.31SeRiultrasn0w is an app IN cidia
05:36.43p3nguinSo how do you propose I get cydia on it?
05:36.54p3nguinSome kind of Magic?
05:37.03SeRid00d I am answering your questions
05:37.05SeRiLet's say I have an AT&T card that I can use to get iTunes to activate
05:37.11SeRijailbrake it
05:37.23SeRiload ultrasn01
05:37.37SeRinow you can use any carrier
05:37.56p3nguinThis will be the third time I ask this: how do you propose I get cydia on it?
05:39.16SeRifuck. LOL d00d I am answering the question you ask me "Let's say I have an AT&T card that I can use to get iTunes to activate" once you get your sim and have it activated it use the pawnage toold to jailbrake it and load cydia.
05:39.44p3nguinMaybe it's your lack of sleep or something, but cydia doesn't just magically appear.
05:39.57SeRino is your lack of knowladge
05:40.08SeRithe pawnage tool loads cydia for you
05:41.47SeRithe pawnage tool has options to load in to the os. you can tell it what to load while is jailbraking your iphone... including cydia, sshd, etc...
05:42.11SeRiUnless something has change since my last unlock than pawnage does everything for you
05:43.04p3nguinpwnage tool should take care of much of it.
05:43.30p3nguinWhen I said you'd use something like ultrasn0w to put cydia on it, I was thinking redsn0w.
05:43.51p3nguinredsn0w would provide the jailbreak and cydia.
05:44.00p3nguinThen you could install the ultrasn0w app.
05:44.02SeRiyes yes yes :)
05:44.34SeRimany tools out there that can do the job.
05:44.41*** join/#asterisk jblack (
05:44.59p3nguinBut the main thing is knowing if it makes a difference if I get the universal activation sim or a used at&t sim.
05:45.30p3nguinIf they will both be equally effective and useful, I'll probably go with the at&t used sim.
05:46.11SeRiwell with the ATT you have a better chance that it will work even with iOS4.... where the universal only works with 3.x and under....
05:50.01SeRip3nguin, Ill call my contact tomorrow and ill let you know probably by noon or so
05:56.35p3nguinI'm curious if it has to be a SIM from an iPhone, or could it simply by any AT&T phone.
05:58.34SeRiNot sure.
05:58.47SeRiI dont think is iphone specific
05:58.56SeRiwell sims at least
06:06.48*** join/#asterisk pdtpatrick (
06:25.57*** join/#asterisk sbk[1] (HydraIRC@
06:26.21sbk[1]any body there?
06:26.30sbk[1]i'm new to irc
06:26.40sbk[1]and i wanna join asterisk irc
06:30.58ChannelZtoo bad, you did.
06:35.40*** join/#asterisk lanning (
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07:10.25*** join/#asterisk sbk[1] (~sazzadbin@
07:17.09*** join/#asterisk LiENUS (quake@
07:17.23LiENUSi was curious, has anyone used something like this as an analog interface for a fxo?
07:21.13*** join/#asterisk k3asd` (
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07:23.53*** part/#asterisk sbk[1] (~sazzadbin@
07:29.00*** join/#asterisk Korolev (
07:43.45*** join/#asterisk Nunners (
07:44.23*** join/#asterisk dym (~me@unaffiliated/dym)
07:45.56NunnersMorning all.... voicemail question. I've setup a php mail script as the mailcmd (mailcmd=php /etc/asterisk/voicemail.php) restarted, however when I verbose 5 the console, it's now calling the file - should it be this simple?!
07:50.14dymNunners: well if the file contains everything - then yeah
07:50.35dymNunners: Also see -
08:08.11*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
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08:59.56*** join/#asterisk AlecTaylor (~alec.tayl@unaffiliated/alectaylor)
09:00.31EmleyMoorWhen using ChanSpy's "barge" options, what is the difference between that and (a) spy (b) whisper)
09:00.38AlecTaylorIf I were to teach asterisk or freeswitch in a classroom environment, is there someway I can emulate and script emulation of users calling in/receiving calls, transfering calls &etc?
09:04.44*** join/#asterisk hehol (~Adium@2a01:198:71d:0:21f:d0ff:fea1:568e)
09:06.14ChannelZEmleyMoor: Wisper lets you talk to only one side
09:09.06EmleyMoorChannelZ: So spy = listen only, whisper = talk to my side, barge = effectively become part of a 3-way?
09:09.34ChannelZPretty much yes
09:10.29EmleyMoorThought so - will try it out next time the kind of call I listen to happens - have to be close to the originating phone to be heard other-side at present but they are actually meant to be for both of us
09:10.49EmleyMoor(or to the phone at my end, for a received call)
09:11.34*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
09:12.49AlecTaylorpfft, this channel is dead. Contacted mailing-list...
09:13.07ChannelZAlecTaylor: Use softphones
09:15.17ChannelZAnd people do sleep.
09:15.49AlecTaylorPeople don't sleep!
09:15.52AlecTaylorDon't be ridiculous :P
09:16.08AlecTaylorAre softphones scriptable?
09:16.24AlecTaylorAnyways, wrote a more detailed explanation on what I'm trying to accomplish on the mailing-list
09:16.35ChannelZI'm sure there are ones that are
09:18.24*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
09:20.28infobot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam , ~ekiga
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12:02.23devil_evoxxxhi all guys
12:18.14devil_evoxxxsomeone can explain me how cdr "rating" could work?
12:19.04devil_evoxxxi have an account associated with two, or three number
12:20.13devil_evoxxxand i need to calculate the effective cost, specially in case of two / three concurrent calls
12:20.17devil_evoxxxsome idea?
12:22.11*** part/#asterisk jsjc_ (5021ece2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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12:24.06jsjcI wonder if anybody could show me an example of an if condition on dialplan such us if this dahdi DIAL is not succesful for anyreason then do this other DIAL.
12:28.21EmleyMoorjsjc: The only reason I can think of that a DAHDI dial might actually fail is that there isn't a channel available... that doesn't need a condition and just presses on.
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13:23.57wonderworldhey, in conf bridge 10, is the config file reread before creating a new conf bridge instance, or is it read only at asterisk start?
13:30.11kaldemarwonderworld: at start/reload
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13:40.56wonderworldconf bridge 10 really looks nice. have there been reports already if it's stable with many users?
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13:49.33devil_evoxxxhi, someone use cdr over radius here?
13:50.25*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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14:06.24devil_evoxxxirroot: hi
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14:08.15cuscoI'm still having some nat issues
14:08.21cuscocan't find out why
14:12.54*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
14:13.55devil_evoxxxast version?
14:14.05devil_evoxxxsomeone say where is the log of radiusclient cdr using asterisk?
14:29.13*** join/#asterisk nedos (
14:30.26nedoshey guys, I'm trying to get my head around the TLS encryption in asterisk? Does it only support the TLS style auth that you get with OpenVPN where you have client and server certs? I wanted to encrypt my sip traffic originating from my iphone etc...
14:36.51*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (~linuturk@unaffiliated/linuturk)
14:38.51cusco[TK]D-Fender: seems that I still hae nat issues and I can't figure out why
14:38.58cuscoI see: Sending to (no NAT)
14:40.33cusco here is the full sip debug
14:40.53cuscoI can't figure what is wrong..
14:41.09cuscoin there I have 2 softphones at work, registering in asterisk at home
14:41.20cuscoif I'm at home, it works, other people can hear me
14:42.31devil_evoxxxconnection tracking
14:43.33cuscoI looked at wireshark
14:45.00cuscortp seems to gom from my local IP to asterisk external ip
15:08.56[TK]D-Fendercusco: Check your firewalls.  So far it looks OK
15:16.18cuscothat in there.. is it ok?
15:16.29cuscoat home I have DMZ set to asterisk box
15:16.50[TK]D-Fendercusco: Set your peers as nat=yes
15:16.55cuscothey are
15:17.05[TK]D-Fendercusco: even though they do seem to be posting the right Contact: header info.
15:17.22[TK]D-Fender<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to --->
15:17.25[TK]D-FenderApparently not
15:17.47[TK]D-Fendereliably Transmitting (no NAT) to
15:18.13cuscoyes that is what I find weird
15:18.28cuscodoes it need some order on the peer flags?
15:18.33[TK]D-Fendernat=yes" <-
15:18.54[TK]D-Fendergo fix this.  From what * is reporting your assertion seem incorrect
15:19.30[TK]D-Fendernat=route <- doesn't say "no"
15:19.41cuscoyes I changed it just to try
15:19.58cuscobut still.. allow me to set it to yes, and reproduce
15:21.22cuscook I set it to nat=yes on both peers, and sip reload on cli
15:21.47[TK]D-Fendercusco: Srtill no audio?
15:22.13cuscobut if doing it at home (home network) it works
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16:51.17*** join/#asterisk budman_mtl (~you@
16:51.52budman_mtlhello all
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16:53.23budman_mtli'm new here, and i wonder i asterix is the tool i need to accomplish a job... i want to make a personal anac for my technician, they would have to dial in, enter a passcode, and then get all the info for the line they calling from, i'm i looking at the right place ??
17:05.30[TK]D-Fenderbudman_mtl: "all info" is the grey area.  There is caller ID.  What more are you expecting?
17:05.42[TK]D-Fenderbudman_mtl: because that's generally all a phone system knows
17:06.07[TK]D-Fenderbudman_mtl: Everything else that could possibly be looked up is an external lookup into some other database.  This is up to you
17:10.57budman_mtli got database allready, thxs for the answer so going with asterix i will be able to do my job
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17:11.27budman_mtli guess i have long hours of learning the ael
17:12.49WIMPybudman_mtl: If what you described is all you need, I think a single line will be enough. But you should look at AGI.
17:13.21budman_mtlwill do thxs, i,m totl neebee w asterix
17:14.20WIMPyMore detailed questins lead to better answers.
17:14.37irrootyo there WIMPy
17:15.10irrootfound the problem with the timeouts some sort of race condition on starting lcr
17:15.10WIMPyHi irroot. Did you get any feedback on the version number issue, yet?
17:15.30budman_mtli will start by doing my homework, and trust me i will come back with tons of Q lol;)
17:15.40p3nguinbudman_mtl: It's asteriSK.
17:15.56infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
17:16.00irrootWIMPy the version number is a problem only on the 1.8 branch and i did raise a discusion ill put forward a patch
17:16.03WIMPybudman_mtl: Start there ^^
17:16.18irrootWIMPy if you have .version set then there is no problem
17:16.23budman_mtlBIG THANX !
17:17.20WIMPyirroot: Well, it more of a general issue. With SVN versions you dan't have any relation to the release versions. That's suboptimal.
17:17.39WIMPyWhat kind of race condition did you find? I don't think I cam across that.
17:18.08irrooti run my own distro to start with so that 1/2 problem
17:18.10WIMPyBut I think I saw an issue with multiple terminals on one port. Need to investigate.
17:18.28*** join/#asterisk flyman_ (
17:18.33[TK]D-FenderbugI recommend against AEL
17:18.35irrooton boot up the USB/PCI is probed and drivers loaded
17:18.37WIMPyI Don't use any distro-specific stuff.
17:18.47irrootreal early on
17:18.50[TK]D-Fenderbudman_mtl: *
17:19.06irrootthen DSP is loaded if it sees /dev/mISDNtimer
17:19.59budman_mtlok TK
17:20.09irrootstarting lcr early or even at the end of the rc.xxxx files after a call to the line ie out / in it would time out and loop forever
17:20.24irrootunloading / loading port would resolve all ills
17:21.11WIMPyirroot: Strange I have used my netbook for testing and I heve even started LCR before plugging in the adaptors without issues.
17:21.41WIMPyJust plug it is and type interface in the admin console.
17:21.42irrootbut starting it after init completes all is well have a few sites running it now live
17:22.30irrootit had me stumped
17:23.02WIMPyMaybe it's because you have to reload interfaces that it works.
17:23.33irrooti have a cron job that runs periodically to check services its starts from there no issues no reload and rock solid
17:23.49WIMPyHowever I've been told by Andreas that you don't need to do that when you name the interfaces.
17:24.15irrootso you think puting a name on iterface could help in the config ?
17:24.57irrootill test it sometime
17:25.03WIMPyI haven't tried that.
17:25.13WIMPyBut it might be related.
17:25.27irrootthx really appreciate your input
17:26.22WIMPyAnd I heven't trieD to configure Asterisk as interface, either.
17:27.09irrooti need NT and TE mode and the digium drivers dont seem to support NT mode for ptmp i want to be "inline" passing calls via asterisk to existing PBX for recording  / queue / ivr / .... featutres
17:28.00WIMPydahdi does support NT-ptmp
17:28.56WIMPyAnd dahdi has one big advantage: It supports ECT. But otherwise I prefer LCR, especially because of the screening options.
17:29.32WIMPyWith dahdi you have no way to check CallerID. It always uses whatever the user supplied.
17:29.50irroot# NOTE: When using BRI channels in asterisk, use the bri_cpe, bri_net, or
17:29.52irroot# bri_cpe_ptmp (for point to multipoint mode). libpri does not currently
17:29.55irroot# support point to multipoint when in NT mode. Otherwise, the bearer channel
17:29.56irroot# are configured identically to other DAHDI channels.
17:30.15WIMPyThat's outdated.
17:30.21irrootah ok thx
17:30.34*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
17:31.04irrooti prefer LCR myself as it allows me to mix USB and PCI have a few customers with USB+HFCMulti
17:31.29WIMPyYes, no USB support in dahdi.
17:32.59WIMPyBut ECT really is a huge point.
17:35.30*** join/#asterisk rdahlin_1 (
17:35.43WIMPyOuch. My X crashed :-(
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17:37.25irrootthat is a bummer
17:38.48WIMPyYes, especially when you are about to place a bid on ebay.
18:03.11irrootWIMPy you could add Sangoma Wanpipe SMG and native DAHDI ISDN drivers
18:07.05WIMPyDoesn't the Sangoma stuff interface to dahdi?
18:07.12WIMPyAnd what are you missing about dahdi?
18:08.22WIMPyI should probably add more about capi. But the trouble there is that it doesn't only depend on chan_capi but the specific capi implementation as well.
18:11.48irrootWIMPy the sangoma stuff only in latest release interfaces BRI there was there own stack previously
18:12.39WIMPyI was under the impression that the wanpipe stuff acted like a hadrware driver to dahdi.
18:13.12WIMPyBut I didn't come across any Sangoma hardware, yet.
18:13.47WIMPyAnd there isn't much hope that any will appear at a "nice for testing" price, I guess.
18:13.48irrootthey had a HFC card A500 that needed a seperate BRI stack and chan_woomera
18:14.18irrootits very expensive but did have hands on one for a while
18:14.43irrootgot a good rep with the importers they let me play with it for feedback and training them
18:15.51WIMPyOh, that's a VOIP thing? Interesting.
18:17.45WIMPyDo I get that right? The Card comes with a H.323 gateway that then converts to woomera and goes in to Asterisk via chan_woomera???
18:19.43WIMPyOr maybe better s/converts/tunnels/
18:22.21*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:22.41irrootWIMPy womera is like chan_lcr in many ways its a socket system that uses rtp
18:23.20irrootso it sends "messages" to the "media" gateway to establish the call
18:24.22WIMPyYes, but I read UDP there. And it seems to tunnel existing VOIP protocols like H.323 or SIP.
18:25.46irrootWIMPy yeah in a real watered down way
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18:29.42WIMPyThere doesn't seem to be much information about woomera available.
18:30.19irrootno there is not but with the latest bits the BRI is native
18:30.42WIMPynative = dahdi?
18:30.42irrootthere SMG [sangoma media gateway] is still available
18:30.57irrootyip Sangoma+DAHDI+libpri
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18:31.35WIMPyOk, so it kust falls under dahdi now
18:32.13irrootbut requires the wanrouter configured first ...
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20:25.03GreenlightHiya, I'm having some issues with jitterbuffer over an IAX2 trunk. Whenever I enable the jb I get garbled and choppy audio, without the jb it's much better but there are still times when it's choppy. The is plenty bandwidth and I've tried using gsm and g729. Could it be that the remote end is transcoding to alaw and this causes issues with the jb?
20:26.02WIMPyWhat tech are the endpoints using?
20:26.29WIMPyYou should only enable jb for the endpints, not for trunks, usually.
20:27.12GreenlightWell the calls will be going into a confbridge on the remote asterisk box, which is why i've been trying to enable jb as we were getting some choppy audio
20:27.17GreenlightThe setup is:
20:28.00GreenlightSIP softphone <--LAN--> Asterisk 1 <--IAX Trunk WAN--> Asterisk 2 <--IAX Trunk WAN --> ITSP
20:29.19GreenlightThe calls where we were having issues were going into a ConfBridge on Asterisk 2
20:29.21WIMPyIn that setup I'd recommend to only enable JB on the SIP part and not for any of the IAX connections.
20:29.56GreenlightSo for the SIP part, you mean just the jitterbuffer built into the softphone?
20:29.57WIMPyWhat timer do you use? 'timer test'
20:30.24GreenlightAsterisk 2:
20:30.25GreenlightAttempting to test a timer with 50 ticks per second.
20:30.26GreenlightUsing the 'timerfd' timing module for this test.
20:30.26GreenlightIt has been 1000 milliseconds, and we got 50 timer ticks
20:30.34WIMPyNo, you can enable it on Asterisk as well.
20:30.40GreenlightAttempting to test a timer with 50 ticks per second.
20:30.40GreenlightUsing the 'DAHDI' timing module for this test.
20:30.40GreenlightIt has been 1019 milliseconds, and we got 51 timer ticks
20:30.57WIMPyYou might want to try to install dahdi and use that as timing source.
20:31.19WIMPyAnd I've never seen it overshoot before.
20:31.30WIMPyAre you using virtualisation?
20:31.32GreenlightAll my DAHDI installs do that
20:31.42GreenlightAnd mosts pastes i'v seen on forums
20:31.48Greenlight1019ms - though it was just standard
20:31.54GreenlightIt's using a sagmoa usb timer
20:32.37WIMPyYou just pased 'timerfd'. That has caused issues for some.
20:33.14GreenlightThink pthreads may be safer?
20:33.54WIMPyThe best option is dahdi. pthreads should be last choice.
20:35.21GreenlightHave got a 1000hz kernal, HPET clock source - and other things all seem okay on that server, its just when I enable jb that I have issues
20:36.05GreenlightI used to use DADHI timer and MeetMe conf, but am running a custom kernel now and I've not got the sources for it so can't compile dahdi
20:36.22WIMPyI once forcedenable JB for IAX to get statistics, but that definitely made things worse.
20:36.47GreenlightYea - thats what I mean it just seems to increase the jitter if anything
20:37.17WIMPyI don't think it can be a good thing to have multiple jitterbuffers anyway.
20:37.38WIMPyIt can only add delay.
20:37.44WIMPyAnd that's not a good thing at all.
20:37.50GreenlightTrue - but it shouldn't add jitter
20:38.06WIMPyNo, it shouldn't.
20:38.10GreenlightIf i have jb disabled on all iax trunks can i still use the JITTERBUFFER dialplan appliaction ?
20:38.38GreenlightMy thinking is that I can't, and thats why im no able to dejitter audio into ConfBridge
20:39.33WIMPyI've never tried that one, but I don;t see what use it would be if it wasn't independant of the channel it uses.
20:39.42Greenlightaudio from the istp is perfect when into the confbridge (4ms ping, no jitter), but audio from the other asterisk box  is quite choppy.
20:39.51GreenlightYea, good point
20:40.21GreenlightI read somewhere about transcoding and jitterbuffering having some issues but couldn't see an absolute answer to it
20:41.16WIMPyTranscoding can also involve different paketisation times.
20:41.35WIMPyIf the timing is the same, there shouldn't be any effect.
20:41.54Greenlightiirc alaw and g729 are both 20ms frames?
20:41.55WIMPyBut having different timing might be worth avoiding.
20:42.16WIMPyG.729 defaults to 30ms, IIRC.
20:42.32GreenlightAH - what about GSM?
20:43.36WIMPyThe low bandwidth codecs tend to use larger frames as the RTP overhead would make the lower codec bitrate pretty pointless otherwise.
20:44.04WIMPyNo, gsm defaults to 20.
20:44.24WIMPyAnd so does G.729.
20:44.42WIMPyBut Phones might have a different default.
20:44.42GreenlightYea - thats what makes IAX trunks so attractive an option in low bandwidth enviroments
20:45.32GreenlightJust can't for the life of me work out what's causing this choppy audio
20:46.23WIMPyIt might even be related to the version. Are you using the old or the new jitterbuffer?
20:47.02WIMPyI read the adaptive one took some time to become really stable.
20:47.12GreenlightWhatever the default is on iax trunks in 1.8.7 and SVN-trunk-r337855M
20:48.17GreenlightYea - I did read some info but most of it was years ago, and newer info suggested that it was all nice and working now
20:48.46WIMPyNo idea what the default is, but chances are the adaptive version is working correctly on 1.8.7.
20:48.55GreenlightYea that's what I presumed
20:49.57GreenlightAnyone else had any issues (good or bad) using IAX jitterbuffer?
20:51.05*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
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21:04.04GreenlightI think I've found a solution which seems to work, or at least vastly improve, the issues I was having with jitter
21:04.50GreenlightI've left jb disabled in all the conf files, but when I connect the user into the conference if I use local/XXXX@YYY/nj it seems to clear things up
21:05.18GreenlightMy only guess is that it's dejittering prior to transcoding and that must help in some way
21:06.05WIMPyI was about to sugest a local channel, but I thought that the JITTERBUFFER function would do the same, even if only in one direction.
21:06.45WIMPyWhich would be exactely right, but maybe someone will enlighten us some time, what it really does.
21:08.23GreenlightIndeed - thats why my thinking is that it's to do with when the dejitter happens - before or after the transcode, what must be effecting it
21:09.56GreenlightWell time for some more testing then got to recode the local channel stuff into my dialler application when it originates calls out of the confbridge
21:11.17*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~JuStIcIa_@
21:37.12LiENUSanyone know how hp multi function print scan fax machines handle networked faxing?
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23:17.34SeRi|afkguys whats the equivalent for insecure=very in 1.8?
23:28.21dymBTW: Fixed the permanent conference bridge: exten => 334,1,Dial(SIP/
23:28.25dymfor those interested
23:28.52LiENUSis it possible to integrate asterisk with a cups based fax machine?
23:29.10LiENUSthe faxes are sent by printing to cups
23:32.02LiENUSwas wondering if theres some way to have asterisk accept t.38 faxes and print them to the fax machine so they fax out
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23:38.49SeRi|afkThanks [TK]D-Fender
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23:48.03ldiamondAnyone know a good sip trunk provider that provide DID with incoming and outgoing SMS? does it but it's complete junk.
23:50.09ChannelZI think Vitelity does
23:51.38Korolevand you really need incoming sms
23:51.47Korolevoutgoing sms is pointless in the US and Canada
23:51.57ldiamondsadly everyone relies on it
23:51.59Korolevevery mobile carrier has email gateways
23:52.12ldiamondbut I have to receive.
23:52.16Korolevi meant you really only need*
23:52.30ldiamondwell, outgoing is a given if a voip provider has incoming
23:52.35ldiamondusually they have an sms gateway
23:52.42Korolevsure, but they will charge your for them
23:52.55ldiamondbut it will show up as my number on the target
23:54.29ldiamondI'm in Canada though, they say "US" not "Canada". I'll give it a shot though
23:54.43ldiamonderr 35$ minimum to try... will be adding SMS support... they're taking forever!
23:57.57ldiamondor Google voice should be available in canada
23:58.57ldiamondany other alternatives?
23:59.41*** join/#asterisk scubes13 (~scubes13@

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