IRC log for #asterisk on 20111013

00:01.53*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@
00:04.08seatherthank you, found a post online, in sangoma configuration needed to disable hardware fax detection
00:21.56*** join/#asterisk gxdssoft (~gxdssoft@
00:31.29*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (~Chris@
00:31.58dymwhere did the jabber support disappear to? :| ive upgraded to
00:32.48*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
00:36.19*** join/#asterisk roxdragon (~gianni@unaffiliated/roxdragon)
00:40.24*** join/#asterisk d-_-b- (~d-_-b-@
00:54.41*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-niafocptvztssuju)
01:03.27ghostmediapro1after viewing asterisk log file i keep seeing this link
01:08.06*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
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01:08.58*** join/#asterisk benklop (
01:09.13benklopdid chan_gtalk break again some time recently?
01:13.17*** join/#asterisk gxdssoft (~gxdssoft@
01:13.23puzzledbenklop: yes they changed something again. this patch should fix it:
01:26.39benkloppuzzled: ah, that one again.
01:27.03puzzledyup, the can't seem to make up their mind about that one
01:29.27benklopis there a reason the code is searching for redirect or sta:redirect, and not just "some text ending with/containing redirect" or something else slightly more intelligent than an exact match?
01:30.38benklopi don't know enough about the protocol to know what is actually allowed in the response here
01:30.47puzzledneither do I
01:32.20benklopdo you know how long it has been broken this time? last time they reverted the change a few hours after I applied the patch
01:35.14puzzledno idea
01:37.44*** join/#asterisk adolfomaltez (~taro@
01:46.01*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
01:48.13*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
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02:52.58*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
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03:39.06*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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03:56.19adeelsorry for being ignorant on the matter; but is there a reason why voicemail storage in a database must be through ODBC?
03:57.49adeelwhy can't it be stored directly to a mysql/psql db? i'm aware that not all databases handle their blobs the same way...but isn't that what the different res_ modules are for?
03:59.02[TK]D-Fenderadeel: They didn't want to code for just one engine.  Why waste non-recyclable code?  Just use MySQL via a DSN.
03:59.31adeel[TK]D-Fender: then why not just have all db communications via odbc?
03:59.51*** join/#asterisk samuelsapps (~samuel@
04:00.09[TK]D-FenderAlso direct integration is more necessary for run-time things for performance reasons.  VM wouldn't get hit as much as dialplan, cdr, etc
04:00.39adeelhmmm...fair enough
04:00.47[TK]D-Fender[23:59]adeel[TK]D-Fender: then why not just have all db communications via odbc? <- I agree.  Some things might deserve integration performance, and there is "established code"
04:01.13[TK]D-FenderWe've got what we already have... so I don't think they will be too eager to just pull it.
04:01.26adeeli assumed as much; but just wanted verification
04:01.39[TK]D-FenderHowever "agnostic" should be the goal of * where possible one would think.
04:02.16adeeli wonder what the performance penalty would be if you compared ODBC vs Direct
04:03.32[TK]D-Fenderadeel: CDR should be so bad; how fast would those collect?  Guess dialplan & SIP would be the big hits (imagine 1000 peers on qualify), lots of call processing, etc...
04:03.38[TK]D-Fenderadeel: that could add up
04:03.49[TK]D-Fenderoops CDR = no bad
04:04.21adeel[TK]D-Fender: but those could be cached or optimized
04:04.53[TK]D-FenderWell I don't know the fine points... anyway if you're more curious you could always post up on the ML's
04:05.01SeRi[TK]D-Fender, quick question. What usually generates this errors? pbx_load_config: Can't use 'next' priority on the first entry is it sip.conf or extensions.conf?
04:05.33adeelbesides, can a single instance handle 1000 peers or so? i haven't kept up with * performance since 1.4
04:05.42*** join/#asterisk radic (
04:06.14[TK]D-Fenderserjust like it sounds.. you have an "n" without a "1"
04:06.21SeRia shit
04:06.24SeRiyou are right
04:06.47[TK]D-FenderSeRi: You mean "it" is right.  Just like it is saying it is...
04:07.37[TK]D-Fenderadeel: They've managed to push a single box past 10000 calls (no media), so yes, 1000 isn't too bad depending on trancoding, recording, etc
04:08.05adeel[TK]D-Fender: must have been a pretty beefy box
04:08.50[TK]D-Fenderadeel: recording I never took as being a "real" load as you could mount an SSD or RAM disk as a drop-zone for the real-time dump, and hard-copy at the end.  since al sequential would be for storage even that wouldn't be a real "hit"
04:08.58[TK]D-Fenderadeel: that was 2-3 years ago
04:10.38adeel[TK]D-Fender: i'm still sure that number will drop once you add in media (even if there is no transcoding at all)...
04:11.27adeel[TK]D-Fender: and i agree with you're take on doesn't really require much
04:11.38adeeler, your, not you're
04:11.56Naikrovekodbc doesn't add much overhead at all.
04:11.58[TK]D-Fenderadeel: It could only drop, but how much for just media?  anything where added disk IO comes in the the big one (and trancode)
04:12.57adeel[TK]D-Fender: yeah, that's the interesting question..maybe i'll get some free time and setup a test environment and try testing it out in a few weeks
04:14.18adeelNaikrovek: i wouldn't expect it to add much; but you never really know
04:14.43Naikrovekwell it's easy to benchmark.  it doesn't add much overhead at all.
04:14.53Naikrovekat least not when I tested it a few years back.
04:16.28[TK]D-FenderMedia being repacked isn't a big deal...
04:16.51[TK]D-FenderStrip header, new header.  Transmit.
04:17.00*** join/#asterisk fIorz (nobody@2001:1a50:503c::1)
04:17.02Naikrovekthe bottleneck for asterisk server performance will be network IO and CPU use for mixing audio.
04:17.27Naikrovekboth can be mitigated to a degree
04:17.47Naikrovekheads to slumberland
04:21.18*** join/#asterisk Fritz09 (
04:31.20SeRi[TK]D-Fender, Is it possible to setup an extension to use a prefix to dial out using a different account? IE: primary account is but I want the user to dial *22 + local number and be able to use the secondary provider... Is it possible?
04:34.15[TK]D-FenderSeRi: Of course.  Your dialplan will do whatever you make it do
04:34.55SeRiMhhh ok I am ready and trying to figure out how too. Thanks for confirmation. Any pointers?
04:35.13[TK]D-FenderserYour 2nd dialplan pattern is almost no diffferent from your first.
04:35.37[TK]D-FenderSeRi: start the pattern with *22 and dial out the other provider.  That's all there is.
04:35.56SeRigot it. Thanks
05:03.01SeRi[TK]D-Fender, exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX
05:03.09SeRido I add *22 in front of it?
05:03.53SeRimhh myabe *22|
05:05.55p3nguinHow are you going to dial the vertical bar symbol?
05:06.51p3nguinDo you want to have to dial the *22 before the 1?
05:07.51SeRito define which route to use
05:07.59p3nguinThen put the *22 before the 1.
05:09.56*** join/#asterisk ajkaanbal (~ajkaanbal@
05:12.12*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
05:12.41SeRiI did that and it does not work exten => _*221NXXNXXXXXX
05:13.03SeRiIt ttrys to dial out and I get a "could not complete your call"
05:13.06p3nguinThat is the correct extension pattern.
05:13.18*** part/#asterisk R-Guy (
05:13.41p3nguinYou're probably trying to dial ${EXTEN}, which is the entire extension you just entered.
05:14.17p3nguinSo you need to offset your exten variable by 3 to not pass the *22 along to the provider.
05:14.38SeRiexten => _*221NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/sipbri/${EXTEN})
05:14.52p3nguinThat's why it doesn't work.
05:15.21p3nguinIf you dialed *223145551212 on your phone, ${EXTEN} is going to be *223145551212
05:15.28p3nguinAnd they won't like that phone number.]
05:15.42SeRiOk I see
05:15.48p3nguinOffset the variable.
05:19.03SeRip3nguin, exten => _*221NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/sipbri/${EXTEN}:0:3)
05:19.24p3nguinprobably :3 not :0:3
05:19.47*** join/#asterisk brdude (
05:19.59SeRiooo yes you are right
05:20.35p3nguin:0:3 would offset it 0 and use only 3.
05:22.54SeRiThats right
05:24.06SeRiok now all I get its a busy tone.
05:26.45SeRiMhhh something is not right
05:26.54SeRiis not striping the digits as told
05:27.19SeRiTo: <sip:*>
05:31.22[TK]D-Fenderseryou put the :3 after the } instead of inside
05:31.43SeRilol I just caught that!
05:31.47SeRiyou beat me to it :P
05:32.28SeRiI think I been told by you a few times to get some rest and not play around with stuff when tired lol
05:33.04SeRiok guys I am off to bed. Ill deal with this when rested
05:33.17SeRiThank you [TK]D-Fender and p3nguin
05:35.21*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
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05:51.48schmidtsgood morning
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07:28.45*** join/#asterisk sehh (
07:28.48sehhhey people
07:32.06sehhq: I'd appreciate some help. I'm using asterisk 1.6 on an old server. I'd like to create a feature code for sending a sequence of DTMF digits to the phone line. For example, when I pick up the phone, I'd like to dial "*90" which would send "*30*55555#" to the line and then hung up. Is this possible?
07:32.51tuxx-sehh: the dial() application has a parameter to send dtmf digits, if thats what you mean.
07:34.14WIMPySounds more like the quick dial thing to me. But it isn't exactely clear.
07:34.25sehhI also found the SendDTMF() which does the same, I believe the Dial() takes a "D" parameter for sending DTMF to the line
07:34.30kaldemarsehh: do you mean it should just dial *30*55555#? when should it hang up?
07:34.40sehhkaldemar, thats correct
07:34.54kaldemarsehh: when should it hang up?
07:35.05sehhonce its done dialing, it doesn't have to wait
07:35.40kaldemarset a timeout and hope it works.
07:36.00sehhunfortunately, I don't know how to do any of this
07:36.07kaldemarD() only sends DTMF once the channel receives an answer.
07:36.12sehhI'm looking for some newbie help please
07:36.38kaldemarsehh: what kind of a channel are you using? DAHDI?
07:37.09sehhI'm using an ISDN phone line, connected to a BeroNET ISDN card
07:37.18sehhso no DAHDI for me
07:37.30kaldemarwhat is it then?
07:37.36WIMPyOh, you will probably have to send that as keypad then.
07:37.42kaldemari.e. how do you use the card from asterisk?
07:37.55WIMPyBut I'm not sure that's possible with Asterisk.
07:37.56sehhmISDN is the interface for the card
07:39.09WIMPyCan you dial that code manually?
07:39.30*** join/#asterisk stix (~stix@
07:39.37sehhwell, only if I remove the server and hook up a normal phone, then yes
07:40.04sehhbut not via asterisk, because asterisk tries to interpret the DTMF and never sends anything to the line
07:40.29WIMPyIt's probaly exactely the opposite.
07:40.44sehhwhat do you mean?
07:41.00WIMPyOh, you will probably have to send that as keypad then.
07:42.13WIMPyOk, google says it might work.
07:42.52WIMPyYou set a varable _MISDN_KEYPAD and then dial nothing.
07:44.05WIMPyexten => *90,1,Set(_MISDN_KEYPAD=*30*55555#)
07:44.10WIMPyexten => *90,n,Dial(misdn/1/)
07:44.17sehhhmm I'm reading something like that in the FAQ section
07:45.11WIMPyOr on misdn2 you just dial with /k.
07:45.33WIMPyBut good to know. That never crossed my way.
07:45.39sehhlooks like this is exactly what I need
07:46.08sehhthe FAQ doesn't explain how to use this dialplan
07:46.23sehhsorry I'm a newbie and I am not sure what I need to do
07:46.49WIMPyI wrote it for what you asked in the beginning.
07:47.30sehhah sorry I missed that
07:48.46sehhthank you very much for the help, much appreciated
07:48.53sehhI'm going to test this right now
07:49.52sehhinterestingly, the FAQ uses {$TARGET}
07:49.53WIMPyWasn't it nice when there used to be a divertctl command?
07:50.34sehhI wouldn't even know, I setup this asterisk server several years ago and have't touched it since, I've forgotten all about it. Quite reliable!
07:50.38WIMPyThe example to for setting up forwarding to some {target}.
07:51.18sehhhow would it set/get the target variable? is there an extra step? the FAQ doesn't explain
07:53.34WIMPymakes a note to see if divertctrl could be ported to misdn.
07:53.42WIMPyThat might be quite usefull.
08:00.59*** join/#asterisk xpot (
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08:48.16ironmgood  morning. Can you point me to asterisk- rpm packages for CentOS 5.7, please? Thank you in advance.
08:48.51ironmIf there are no such a .spec file for CentOS 5.7 would be also helpful.
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09:42.17eject_ckhi all, how it works if I have phone with 2 sip registrations on asterisk and want to make conference with 2 other peers but without using call to 900  ?
09:43.51*** join/#asterisk nW44b (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
09:43.52irrooteject_ck that is a 3 party conf
09:44.14irrootmany phones support this via the conf button on the phone/device
09:52.40*** join/#asterisk Uatec[work] (
09:52.42Uatec[work]hi there
09:53.03Uatec[work]i have a device in my asterisk server which lspci identifies as a Tiger Jet Inc, Tiger3xx
09:53.20Uatec[work]that, however is not the name of the device (maybe just the chipset)
09:53.34Uatec[work]how can i find, remotely, the name of the device i have?
10:07.00ironmHello. Can you point me to asterisk- rpm packages for CentOS 5.7, please? Thank you in advance.
10:08.44*** part/#asterisk nny (~SM@
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10:16.21puzzledironm: if you mean the Digium provided rpm packages, check If they are not there then they have not been created (yet)
10:17.28ironmthank you very much for your hint puzzled
10:22.05aberriosanyone know of a free softphone that has a attended-xfer button?
10:27.56*** join/#asterisk Freeaqingme (~dolf@
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10:51.38*** join/#asterisk din3sh (29d4d0ff@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:52.19din3shhi all
10:52.38din3shAm having call hangups with these messages
10:52.39din3sh[Oct 11 14:23:55] DEBUG[1159] chan_dahdi.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: ON(1) on Zap/2-1 [Oct 11 14:23:55] DEBUG[1159] chan_dahdi.c: Not yet hungup...  Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call [Oct 11 14:23:55] DEBUG[1159] chan_dahdi.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: OFF(0) on Zap/2-1
10:53.03din3shany idea why this occuring?
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11:49.38olliijust a question in asterisk 1.8 + dahdi 2.5 ... if i connect a dahdi bri card (like hfc) to a ntba with 2 ports... what happens to a call if it does not find an approriate extensions? will it get back to the second port or is there something like sangoma has :
11:54.04*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
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12:19.07din3shAnyone ever come across this? ----> chan_dahdi.c: Not yet hungup...  Calling hangup once with icause
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12:35.23_jdccdevelHello! I'm experiencing a strange intermittent problem with my asterisk voicemail. Every so often, a voicemail message gets stuck in the system. I have a user right now that has Two voicemails stuck in their mailbox, and I'm hoping someone here can help me figure out whats going on.
12:36.51_jdccdevelAsterisk version:  Voicemail is using on-disk storage. Users voicemail directory looks like this:
12:37.14_jdccdevelroot@zodiac:/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/XXXYYYZZZZ/INBOX# ls -l
12:37.16_jdccdeveltotal 1252
12:37.17_jdccdevel-rw------- 1 asterisk asterisk  59631 2011-10-09 10:17 msg0003.gsm
12:37.19_jdccdevel-rw------- 1 asterisk asterisk    283 2011-10-09 10:17 msg0003.txt
12:37.20_jdccdevel-rw------- 1 asterisk asterisk 578284 2011-10-09 10:17 msg0003.wav
12:37.22_jdccdevel-rw------- 1 asterisk asterisk  58755 2011-10-09 10:17 msg0003.WAV
12:37.23_jdccdevel-rw------- 1 asterisk asterisk  48246 2011-10-09 10:17 msg0004.gsm
12:37.25_jdccdevel-rw------- 1 asterisk asterisk    287 2011-10-09 10:17 msg0004.txt
12:37.26_jdccdevel-rw------- 1 asterisk asterisk 467884 2011-10-09 10:17 msg0004.wav
12:37.27*** kick/#asterisk [_jdccdevel!~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger] by pabelanger (_jdccdevel)
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12:37.56pabelanger_jdccdevel: please use pastebin
12:38.14_jdccdevelSorry, I didn't know my IRC client was going to do that.
12:38.29*** join/#asterisk miztic (
12:39.34ollii_jdccdevel: ~b
12:39.36infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
12:39.44olliisry to late
12:40.44_jdccdevelSorry for the flood. I've never had to paste anything to a IRC channel before.
12:41.44*** join/#asterisk sehh (
12:41.47sehhhey people
12:41.48sehhI'm back
12:42.04*** join/#asterisk Nasga (
12:42.11_jdccdevelI think the problem is that somehow the messages aren't being properly detected (i.e. they are named msg0003 and msg0004 when "comedian Mail" is expecting them to be msg0000 and msg0001 ?
12:43.46sehhearlier today, I was asking for help with sending DTMF to the phone line, in order to enable/disable various features provided by my phone provider. I'm using ISDN lines with mISDN (chan_misdn). We found that its possible to do that with _MISDN_KEYPAD. Unfortunately, while this seems to work for Germany, it doesn't for me. The phone provider says that I've sent an invalid command.
12:43.52sehhany help would be appreciated please
12:45.34[TK]D-Fender_jdccdevel, check the other folders.
12:48.20_jdccdevelAll the other folders have messages starting at 0000 (There aren't that many though, it's a small system)
12:49.10[TK]D-Fender_jdccdevel, Since you have 2 stuck... I'm betting its the OLD bmessages...
12:50.16_jdccdevel"OLD bmessages" ? If you mean the messages are old, they're from october 9th according to the timestamp.
12:52.46*** join/#asterisk joeflyde (
12:57.56[TK]D-Fender_jdccdevel, No, not the INBOX, the OLD folder
12:58.18[TK]D-Fender_jdccdevel, because * shouldn't renumber VM's IIRC
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13:08.00_jdccdevel[TK], the "Old" folder is empty.
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13:11.30_jdccdevelAnother thing I forgot to mention, I cannot hear either voicemail. it just skips over them like they're empty. When I do an asterisk trace, it doesn't even show it trying to play the voicemail.
13:13.36irrootyo Katty what up
13:14.02Kattyear infection HURTS
13:15.38[TK]D-Fender_jdccdevel, PB the folders (all of them) and a call to VoiceMailMain.  Walk through everything
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13:16.42irrootKatty its what happens listening to users crap ...
13:27.37_jdccdevelThe mailbox with the stuck messages is "XXXYYY3427"
13:32.05_jdccdevel[TK], if * doesn't rename (renumber) voicemail messages, is there a "map" or something maintained somewhere that could have got out of sync?
13:34.46*** part/#asterisk StaRetji (~BigAll@
13:37.21_jdccdevelInteresting! I renamed one of sets of files in the voicemail, and it now lets me hear that voicemail.  The voicemail trace is here:]
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13:54.43as001exten => h,n,set(CDR(llp)=${CHANNEL(rtpqos,audio,local_lostpackets)})
13:54.54as001That I get from cli with asterisk
13:55.23as001do you know what is this all about ?
13:55.56[TK]D-Fenderas001, "core show function CHANNEL".  PB it
13:56.13*** join/#asterisk Orbixx (~Orbixx@freenode/sponsor/orbixx)
13:56.32OrbixxWhich version of Asterisk is asterisk-2.1.0-rc1 targeted to work with?
13:56.41Orbixxasterisk-gui-2.1.0-rc1 rather
13:58.17[TK]D-FenderOrbixx, 1.6.x & 1.8 I'm betting
13:58.19serafieOrbixx: it is tested with 1.4-1.8
13:58.39serafieit *should* work with 10, but I have not tested it.
13:59.15as001I read it it seems I used proper syntax
13:59.42OrbixxCurrently on and for the life of me I cannot get the SIP stack on Android to register with my Asterisk installation, despite my Linksys SPA941 being able to without issue.
14:00.07Orbixx(not using a GUI either, the prior question was mostly curiosity)
14:00.16*** join/#asterisk aberrios (~aberrios@
14:00.37OrbixxAnybody here tried using the Android SIP stack with Asterisk?
14:01.11OrbixxI'm betting on a no :<
14:01.40[TK]D-FenderOrbixx, before jumping to the conclusion that it is app related, how about pastebin-ing SIP debug for your register attempts and yoru peer to match masking only passwords...
14:01.42OrbixxHas the config syntax changed much since
14:01.51Orbixxwhat an idiot
14:01.55OrbixxI forgot about the sip debug option
14:01.56as001it says rtpqos takes 2 arguments i put audio and local_lostapckets don't see any mistake
14:02.05Orbixx[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for the reminder
14:02.12*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
14:02.18[TK]D-FenderOrbixx, "Oh wait, I should look, shouldn't I?" :)
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14:02.37Orbixx[TK]D-Fender: I was actually tcpdumping earlier
14:02.47[TK]D-FenderOrbixx, always work internal.
14:02.51OrbixxBut sip set debug seems more sensible
14:06.22WIMPyOoops. VoiceMail just told me I had 3 new messages, but played only 2 then saying "no more messages". MWI stayed on and on the next call I got the last message, which was in fact either the 1st or
14:07.43*** join/#asterisk master_of_master (
14:09.05as001[TK]D-Fender can you give me an example of CHANNEL rtpqos ? Is my syntax ok ?
14:09.29irrootWIMPy freaky ... ps you use mISDN in kernel or standalone looks like standalone is a winner ?
14:09.35[TK]D-Fenderas001, I'm not seeing a pastebin...
14:11.12Orbixx[TK]D-Fender: Layer 8 error
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14:11.38[TK]D-FenderOrbixx, OSI -> OIC
14:11.55Orbixx;) Thanks for the push in the right direction
14:12.16_jdccdevel[TK]D-Fender, Thanks for looking at my voicemail issue. unless you have any other suggestions, I'm going to try renaming the messages to 0000 and 0001 and let the user try to delete them
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14:14.25[TK]D-FenderOrbixx, You're welcome.
14:16.16[TK]D-Fenderas001, Yeah, it looks sane, but the syntax doesn't clearly show the format for delimiters, perhaps it isn't standard as we think it should be...
14:16.51as001do you suggest that I try with () for arguments ?
14:17.16as001like this ? exten => h,n,set(CDR(llp)=${CHANNEL(rtpqos(audio,local_lostpackets))}) ?
14:18.16[TK]D-Fenderas001, test other pars, and other multi-part parms
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15:12.51arnotixehi all I've got two asterisk servers set up, the main on a dyndns address. The other one mobile, and registering to the main with iax2. However, when I "iax2 show peers" on the main, it looks ok (remote ip, status OK 208ms). But on the mobile, it says (null) for host and UNKNOWN for status. Is this normal?
15:13.29*** join/#asterisk Poincare (~jefffnode@2001:470:cb24:4::2)
15:13.54[sr]hi WIMPy
15:15.55WIMPyarnotixe: Do yu have qualify enabled?
15:16.00WIMPyHi [sr]
15:18.17arnotixeyes, on both sides.
15:18.18arnotixehmm reading it seems IAX is kind of one-way, so that I will have to create incoming trunks for both servers?
15:19.30WIMPyNo, it's both ways.
15:19.46WIMPyOnly one peer needed.
15:19.55arnotixehmm ok here's pasted:
15:20.08arnotixeinterestingly, only one side thinks it's connected...
15:21.17WIMPyYou have different peers?
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15:21.50WIMPyI don;t find matching peer names in those two outputs.
15:22.44nephflis there a good opensource(free) way to check MOS score for an asterisk system?
15:29.37arnotixeWIMPy, hm I might have been confused on the peer names. But I corrected them now, however still only one side thinks the connection is up. New paste including config files: contains
15:30.57arnotixeiax2 set debug on on the REMOTE actually shows some traffic coming and going, though.
15:35.14WIMPyYou should put the host name instead of dynamic on REMOTE.
15:35.45WIMPyWith dynamic it can't know where to find MAIN.
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15:36.17WIMPyRegister and peer both need the correct information.
15:38.09arnotixeah so in the corresponding section of iax.conf it needs my host name on both places? I'll try that.
15:38.58arnotixenow that's different thank you!
15:39.26[TK]D-Fenderarnotixe, the side that registeres knows where the other side is.  it needs that host in its peer
15:39.54[TK]D-Fenderarnotixe, the side that you are registering to needs to know where the other side is and does so because they register
15:40.04arnotixe[TK]D-Fender, yep. I thought host=was to specify the IP, and register was to specify host name
15:40.17arnotixeNow I get on the main "Rejected connect attempt from". But it's progress :D
15:40.34[TK]D-Fenderarnotixe, No, register means tell the other side's peer where you are so they can call you
15:42.05WIMPyNo, on MAIN you keep the host=dynamic.
15:42.14WIMPyOtherwise it won't accept registrations.
15:42.15arnotixeah that makes sense if I thought like a computer :D
15:42.35arnotixeyes, on main it's host=dynamic.
15:42.35WIMPyregistering is there to tell the other side where to reach you.
15:42.43WIMPySo either you configure the host or you register.
15:42.54arnotixeI think the reject is some dialplan problem: "[Oct 13 17:39:20] NOTICE[31050]: chan_iax2.c:10062 socket_process: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '9190509507@'"
15:43.04arnotixeI see there's nothing after the @..
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15:43.31WIMPyOr you configure a context in the peer definition.
15:44.40arnotixegood idea. For now I'm receiving in the debug on the remote: REJECTED: No authority. Both sides now display OK for iax2 show peers
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15:58.06arnotixeok the iax trunk seems to be connected. However I get rejected calls, IAX reject cause 50 (No authority found). Does both servers need to know about each other's peers?
15:59.36arnotixe is what debug looks like on the remote server
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16:29.40MiccIs thre a character my customers can program into a speed dial key on a polycom to pause for a bit?
16:30.10MiccGoogle seems to be only showing things to put into the config file.
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17:12.39docidhello, trying to figgure out how to catch calls with no callerid and replace it with something generic, while leaving the calls with proper callerid intact
17:13.14docidasterisk 1.4.42
17:13.17[TK]D-FenderCheck if callerid is blank.  if not, skip ahead.
17:13.24[TK]D-Fenderif so, change it
17:13.36*** join/#asterisk xSmurf (~MrSmurf@unaffiliated/mrsmurf)
17:13.46[TK]D-Fender"show function CALLERID"
17:13.49docidyes, thats what i want to do
17:13.51[TK]D-Fender"show application GOTOIF"
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17:17.45docidthanks, should help
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17:25.12mhaddogI'm having issues playing custom recordings and MOH under asterisk
17:25.30mhaddogI know the recordings are in the correct format... and the MOH I'm using the default ones....
17:26.13mhaddogthe file seems to be played, thus no error is showed, and the caller just hear silence....
17:26.18mhaddogany ideas?
17:26.58mhaddogbesides ticked number 18262 i haven't foudn something more relevant refering to this...
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17:44.00docid[TK]D-Fender,  ok, so heres the problem, how do i detect its blank? i know how to match data there, but so like,   GOTOIF(${CALLERID}=""                 for blank?
17:44.28dociderr, ${CALLERID(num)}
17:45.10[TK]D-Fenderdocid, every character on either side of the = counts.  " chars are literal and need to wrap on both sides.  Also... read CHANNELVARIABLES.TEX and learn how to use expressions.
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17:48.00timholumIs it possible to set up chan_unistim to work with multiple ports?
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18:12.34*** join/#asterisk BenC[UK] (
18:12.43BenC[UK]Evening guys
18:13.17BenC[UK]Got a really weird issue... we just lost a carrier.. so I changed our config to take them out of the loop, but for some reason - my failover code to try multiple carriers one after another has stopped working
18:13.40BenC[UK]it appears that the variables I set in extensions.conf in [global] section aren't available in my dialplan
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18:15.51BenC[UK]extensions.conf:       dialplan:
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18:21.22[TK]D-FenderBenC[UK], those are constants, not "variables" and are parsed out on dialplan load, not on execution.
18:21.35[TK]D-FenderBenC[UK], Use AstDB or some other means to storing and retrieving those
18:21.59BenC[UK]they have been working fine for months
18:22.15BenC[UK]im happy for them to be done on load
18:22.19BenC[UK]they dont change on the fly
18:25.49[TK]D-Fenderexten => s,2,Set(CARRIER=${EVAL(${CARRIER${CALL_ATTEMPT}})}) <--- on the fly
18:25.57[TK]D-FenderYou're trying to reverse-parse a constant
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18:27.18BenC[UK]its sorted
18:27.24BenC[UK]I had [global] and not [globals]
18:27.39BenC[UK]yes sorry, I meant the values fo CARRIER1,2,3,4 didnt change
18:27.44mikemkinglooking for some help doing IP based authentication for peers/users
18:27.46BenC[UK]the eval works fine
18:28.00mikemkingspecifically, I'm populating permit/deny and it seems to have no effect
18:31.29p3nguinr0m|u, seri: Still didn't show up.
18:32.05p3nguinHow did you send it this time?  First class again, or priority?
18:32.09r0m|uare you serious?
18:32.43p3nguinIs there any way to track it?
18:33.14r0m|ufirst class. As priority was going to be a bit over kill as you stated. I talked to the damn Post Office here at school about it
18:33.38r0m|uthey said that sims should not be held up any post office
18:34.00r0m|uthey are nether dangerous or suspicious items
18:34.10p3nguinI would expect it to take not less than three days for first class.
18:34.19p3nguinThis is only the third day.
18:34.48p3nguinOf it you don't count Tuesday, this is the second day.
18:35.16p3nguinMaybe tomorrow or Saturday I'll get it.
18:35.23r0m|uIf the sim is not there by tomorrow I will request an investigation at the PO here at school because that is BS! Not damn possible!
18:35.40p3nguinDid you send two of them through the school?
18:35.57r0m|uyes both. the tmobile and the generic sim
18:36.16p3nguinAny chance they got misplaced instead of being mailed out?
18:36.44r0m|uI doubt it. Maybe missed placed in somebodys damn pocket
18:36.58r0m|uI went my self to the PO and handed it to the post office lady
18:37.16r0m|uI than continue to talk to her about my issues with sims
18:37.32r0m|ushe explain to me what I said earlier.
18:37.37p3nguinI can't imagine someone would steal two random envelopes from you.
18:38.06p3nguinI'd guess the chances of even one being stolen would be low.
18:38.32r0m|uwell I dont know... I am mad though. I hope that it makes it tomorrow
18:38.47r0m|uthe other part is that this would be th 4th sim lost
18:39.02p3nguinWere the other two both to the same person?
18:39.19r0m|uNo. two different people
18:39.30p3nguinThe second try on each of them made it?
18:39.37r0m|usame post office
18:39.47r0m|uYes they did.
18:39.50p3nguinSounds like a conspiracy.
18:40.23p3nguinSomewhere there's a phone geek sitting there rolling in sims.
18:40.30r0m|uwhat ever it is is not fun. I loose money :(
18:40.55r0m|uwell not on you since they are gifts but the other two where since they where sold threw gsm forums
18:41.17p3nguinI'd be pretty upset it it happened to me more than zero times.  Really upset if it happened more than once.  I don't know how I'd react if it happened four times.
18:41.51p3nguinThey'd probably ask me to leave.
18:42.14r0m|uwell I am hoping this is not the fourth time. Ill wait till tomorrow before I bring hell to them
18:42.57p3nguinI'll call the PO here and ask how long it should take.  What city is it being mailed from?
18:43.30r0m|uactually Houston
18:44.45p3nguinDo you happen to know the last two digits on the zip code?
18:44.50p3nguinThey have a bunch.
18:45.11p3nguinI'm going to call right now.
18:45.25r0m|ulet me know what they say.
18:46.18r0m|up3nguin, are this module safe to unload as per the guide?
18:46.52r0m|uI am trying to strip shit down to a minimum.... Only what I need.
18:50.09p3nguinShe looked it up, and said for a first class letter if it was mailed today, it should be here on Monday, which would mean three days.  She said it could take more or less, but that's the general estimate.
18:50.56p3nguinWhat module are you asking about?
18:51.02r0m|uwell If it was mailed out on Tuesday since Monday there was no post office working than means it should be there tomorrow?
18:51.36p3nguinThat's my calculation.
18:52.00r0m|uon the link I gave you the author explain how you should unload unneeded modules and proceeds to give you a list.
18:52.11r0m|up3nguin, are this module safe to unload as per the guide?
18:52.20p3nguinWhat module are you asking about?
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18:53.50p3nguinI still can't answer your question accurately.
18:54.04p3nguinIf you mean all the modules listed, my answer would be no it is not okay.
18:54.06r0m|uis it safe to use that list?
18:54.19r0m|uI see.
18:54.25p3nguinIf you want to know about a single module, I can probably determine if it's okay or not.
18:54.54p3nguinYou have to determine if you need any of the things that you are trying to prevent from loading.
18:55.08p3nguinIf you plan to use it, don't "noload" it.
18:55.29p3nguinIf you don't want to use it, you probably don't need to load it, so noload would be okay.
18:55.31r0m|uYeap thats what I have done so far.
18:55.38r0m|uhere is what I have in my modules.conf
18:57.29p3nguinThat looks like a reasonable list of things to not load.
18:57.38*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
19:00.27p3nguinIn some systems, it is easier to figure out what modules you need and load only those.  In other systems, it's easier to use autoload to load everything you have a conf for and noload only the ones you don't want.
19:01.11r0m|uI think in my case would be easire to just load what I need since is not a complex system
19:06.00[TK]D-Fenderr0m|u, The real key items are DB and channel-drivers
19:06.08[TK]D-Fenderr0Do you need IAX2?
19:06.23[TK]D-FenderIf not that's one more thing..
19:06.42p3nguinI guess I'm going to go to the butcher and get something for supper.  There's really nothing else going on today, so I might as well.
19:06.49r0m|u[TK]D-Fender, Thanks for the pointer.
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19:34.46Bob_PierceWe have a customer who uses a Ground Start connection with their current PBX. We'd like to mock up some tests in our lab. Does anyone have any suggestions how to build and Asterisk Box with a Ground Start FXO port? What can I use for hardware for the FXO Port?
19:35.58*** join/#asterisk azv4 (
19:36.28azv4would ride a bike on water for a copy of TD-500 Maintence Console 2.4 software
19:38.26navaismoBob_Pierce TDM404EF
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19:47.01arnotixehi all I have some issues ("not working :D") with IAX between two asterisk. "iax2 show peers" shows status OK at both servers. but all calls on the trunk are rejected =? verbose:
19:47.38[TK]D-FenderpB your configs
19:48.02Bob_PierceI have a TDM11B   Would that work?
19:49.52navaismowith one fxo yes
19:54.48arnotixeok this is config on both sides:
19:56.21[TK]D-Fenderarnotixe, Your clien has no "secret", the other side does
19:56.54arnotixeok in iax.conf on the client, definition section, secret is necessary?
19:57.04arnotixeeven if it is registered above?
19:57.09arnotixelet me try
19:58.12[TK]D-Fenderarnotixe, registration has nothing to do with authing calls
19:58.42arnotixehm ok if I remember your hints from earlier today: registration is just saying to the other end: "I'm here"
20:00.16Bob_Piercenavaismo thanks! I wasn't sure that would do ground start.
20:01.08[TK]D-Fenderarnotixe, Funny thing ... I thought I was the one who said that...
20:01.17[TK]D-FenderBob_Pierce, I don't believe it does
20:01.42arnotixeI just didn't get this:
20:01.42arnotixe[TK]D-Fender, Isn't the ":password" part of 'register => user:password@host' really redundant then?
20:01.54arnotixeI mean, the password could be read from iax.conf
20:01.55[TK]D-Fenderarnotixe, No, it is separate.
20:02.20timholumIs it possible to set up chan_unistim to work with multiple ports?
20:02.22arnotixeok I don't want to fight something that works anyway...
20:02.32[TK]D-FenderIf you register it tells them the IP to call you at.  What if someone hijacks your IP?
20:03.01[TK]D-FenderSo no, it has no impact on the fact that all call attempts will be authed
20:03.13[TK]D-Fenderunless you disable that... which is not smart
20:03.29arnotixeah. I guess it's enabled by default? hehe
20:03.34navaismoFender the ground start loop  start or kewl start is relative to the configuration or hardware?
20:03.49arnotixeabout fraud: some guy in africa loaded off a$1000 from me recently...
20:03.56arnotixehijacking :(
20:04.02[TK]D-Fendertimholum, You will have far more luck on the ML's for your request.  We get about 3 people a year in here asking about UNISTIM.  With you that only leaves 2.
20:04.15arnotixebut that wasn't asterisk's problem, it was one of the softphones
20:04.26arnotixeeh GSM/SIP
20:09.15[TK]D-FenderBob_Pierce, Digium HW supports Loop & Kewl.  Groundstat is only one direction IIRC.  I'd call tech support before buying
20:09.30[TK]D-FenderBob_Pierce, And their compatability chart doesn't cover this well.
20:17.31Bob_PierceThank You - It didn't seem clear from what I had read and tried if I should be able to make Groundstart work with a TDM11B
20:19.40navaismomaybe digium need to place a note in the DCAP manual where they explain the 3 signaling supported by asterisk
20:20.45[TK]D-FenderNot everything is in a manual.  Welcome to open source :)
20:23.35navaismoi know but even in the manual of the card not say anything about that so I guess it support the 3 types of signalling
20:24.33navaismoAs reseller we expect that kind of information.
20:26.38[TK]D-Fender"Get used to disappointment" - Westley (Cary Elwes), The Princess Bride (1987)
20:29.48[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
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20:49.01EmleyMoorIs there a third edition of the book?
20:50.57infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
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21:04.46pigpenHi all.  I don't get in here often, but when I do, it is normally a good one.
21:05.51pigpenI am running, tried on 1.8.5 as well:  when we enable call parking, the call is transferred into the lot and it recognized by it responding with the park number
21:06.14pigpenthen it immediately reports that the caller got tired of waiting and the call is disconnected.
21:06.27pigpenThe wait time is 45 seconds
21:06.36pigpencontext is the same as the phones
21:07.15pigpenI brought this up the other day and p3nguin noted that I should upgrade from to to make sure it wasn't a known bug/fix.
21:07.52pigpenIt was working on the same system on, however, we had sip segfaults on 1.8.4.x and moved to for the fix.
21:08.29pigpenSo I am just checking again to see if anybody has any great ideas.  If so, I'll try them.  If not, I'll file a bug.
21:08.54_Corey_pigpen: I can confirm that isn't doing that for me w/Park if that's of any help :(
21:09.20pigpen32 or 64 bit?
21:09.37*** part/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
21:09.40_Corey_32 for me
21:09.48pigpenk. All 64bit here.
21:09.57_Corey_are you explicitly setting 'parkingtime' in features.conf?
21:10.09_Corey_(45 sounds like the default to me)
21:10.24pigpenyou know?I'll make sure.  I am am like 99% sure.
21:10.33_Corey_Mine is set to 600sec
21:10.42pigpenbecause I like values defined, not "defaulted"
21:11.08pigpenyeah, defined.
21:11.34_Corey_Have you experimented with that?
21:11.43_Corey_(increasing/decreasing that is)
21:11.45pigpenThis is also happening on several systems at several locations.  Now, that being said, they are all imaged from the same image, all on the same hardware.
21:12.15pigpenno.  I certainly can, but that would be really odd.  But?I don't seem to get the easy problems.
21:12.55pigpenI have played with parkeddynamic yes/no/nonexistant
21:12.58pigpenbut no dice.
21:13.16*** part/#asterisk Bob_Pierce (~WESTMAN\p@
21:13.32_Corey_I'm not familiar with that code, so I don't know if it's going to yield much but you may want to crank up your debugging
21:13.51pigpenyeah, default is yes.
21:14.08pigpenand yeah, recursive is at like 12, but I may have to get some extras turned on.
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21:15.12pigpenI guess I can try moving it to a different parking "log"
21:15.30pigpenfrom 70  71-99   to 700   700 - 799
21:15.41pigpenwho knows, maybe I have something goofy in my dialplan.
21:16.07pigpenwell, that being said, yes, I do.  But that is just being creative.
21:16.33_Corey_I'm using the standard 700 ad 701-720
21:17.34*** part/#asterisk joeflyde (
21:17.44pigpenyeah, the gentoo builds are
21:18.12_Corey_I'd try a stock features.conf from the samples under 1.8 to rule out anything "different"
21:19.45pigpen70 -   71-99
21:21.50pigpenfunny enough, if you pickup the call real quick ( I mean real quick) you can grab it.
21:22.03pigpenbut, yeah, changing it from 45 sec to 100 sec no change.
21:22.28pigpenanother goofy thing is I see  "    == SIP/pstn-0000001a got tired of being parked"
21:23.25pigpenCould blind transfer cause an issue?
21:23.29_Corey_Well, that's what you'd see when the timeout is reached under normal circumstances
21:23.31pigpenjust thought about it.
21:23.55pigpenif it was transferred blind, it wouldn't know (or would it) where to call back to.
21:24.54_Corey_no, I just tried a blind xfer
21:26.49*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-woslijrjwxhkotna)
21:27.33pigpenwell, I'll try changing it from my "default" of 70 to 700 and the park from 71 - 99 to 701 - 799
21:27.47pigpenwho knows.  dumb luck can be a good thing sometimes.
21:27.51pigpenthanks for the help bty
21:28.09_Corey_yah, no prob... sometimes it's easier to know what "works" elsewhere
21:30.32pigpennope, didn't work.  Right after it says the digits, it  says "Spawn extension (dial-phones, s, 83) exited non-zero on 'Parked/SIP/pstn-00000005<ZOMBIE>'"
21:30.36navaismopigpen Asterisk 1.8.7 here, I change the values for 70/ 71-99 and still works already one call in hold
21:30.46pigpenk.  tks.
21:30.48navaismotesting with zoiper
21:31.01pigpenI remember seeing the ZOMBIE before now that I think of it.
21:31.44pigpennavaismo, are you 32bit or 64bit
21:31.57navaismo64 bit Centos 6
21:32.57pigpenI can't imagine a dial plan feature that would cause this, as the parking feature is just that?a feature.
21:33.02pigpenno real setting for it in the dial plan.
21:33.52navaismojust include the parkedcalls context into your context phones or wahtever you called the context
21:34.22pigpenyeah, all is good there.
21:34.40pigpenthat is mostly for where to exit to.
21:35.34pigpenHere is my box:
21:35.35pigpenLinux exivoice 2.6.38-hardened-atom-r2 #1 SMP Wed May 4 16:21:47 CDT 2011 x86_64 Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU D525 @ 1.80GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
21:35.59pigpenWe have 10 deployed like this, will have another 380 or so to go.
21:36.24pigpenthe 64bit atoms have been pretty sweet.
21:36.35pigpenRunning Gentoo.
21:37.01pigpenBusiness partner is a Gentoo Kernel dev (along with strongswan and others)
21:37.16pigpenbut this doesn't seem like a system issue.
21:37.24pigpenSo verdict?  keep trying shit or bug?
21:38.11pigpenOne last idea:  I'll ditch the dial plan.  Make it virgin.  Just enough to get a call parked and unparked.
21:38.30pigpenif it happens with that, there is an issue.  If not, I must be mucking it up with something.
21:38.35pigpensound logical?
21:48.49navaismono idea
21:51.49pigpenI am trying another approach at the moment.  Calling phone to phone and trying the park.
21:52.07pigpenThis way it keeps it from jumping context.
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22:32.40SeRip3nguin, you avail?
22:33.22SeRidoes any body use any type of backup provider?
22:33.29SeRifor fail over that is..
22:34.42*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~Dovid@
22:34.59Dovidhellp all
22:35.49Dovidred !!!
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23:05.20citywoki :heart: the idiots at 3 years of hell with them, we cancelled, they screwed it up and kept billing.  also they kept giving us service for 5 weeks after our cutoff date (they refunded us the overbilling)
23:05.43citywokthanks for the 100,000 free minutes! lol
23:08.01p3nguinseri: Yes.
23:08.47SeRip3nguin, what do you use? do you an sub account in .ms?
23:10.30p3nguin(1733.25) <SeRi> p3nguin, you avail?
23:10.33p3nguin(1808.00) <p3nguin> seri: Yes.
23:11.17SeRip3nguin, do you use any type of fail over account?
23:13.18citywokSeRi: it's a good idea to have a second provider to make calls if your primary goes down.  we use flowroute as our backup.
23:15.59SeRip3nguin, you never had any issue to have to resort to a backup?
23:16.00p3nguinI can't think of a time where voipms wasn't able to send my calls out.
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23:16.11SeRiThats what I was looking for.
23:16.37citywokif you are using then you should have a backup :P
23:17.10p3nguinPerhaps in extremely high call volume cases, you'd be more likely to see an outage.  My usage is pretty low, so there could have been tiny outages in between my calls and I would never know it.
23:18.39SeRiThanks for the info
23:21.22p3nguinAnyone familiar with handling DoS from an organization where the abuse contact for the org won't respond to voice messages left?
23:21.56citywokp3nguin: i had that happen, i got blasted 40 or 50gb worth of traffic trying to scan for a valid extension/password
23:22.15citywokafter no response i ended up having the NOC at the datacenter block it for us
23:22.21p3nguinI should do more calling through flowroute and see if I like the service quality.  I send only a low percentage of my calls through them, but those calls seem to be good.
23:22.35citywoki haven't had a single call quality issue with flowroute
23:23.00citywoki really hate their stupid software that tries to determine if you are making unusual calls and blocks you though (for international)
23:23.13citywokevery time we start calling a new country we get blocked. lol.
23:24.24p3nguinThis DoS is just a UDP flood with no distinct purpose other than to deny me of service.  I've made several calls, left a couple messages.  What's next?
23:24.38citywokdo you have an ISP that will help?
23:24.43p3nguinNot mine.
23:24.50citywokour datacenter NOC was able to block traffic for us
23:24.58p3nguinI mean my ISP wouldn't do anything.
23:25.03citywokyea, i figured
23:25.12p3nguinThey just null the IP address after a while and give me a new one.
23:25.35citywokthe same person hammering you? is it so bad even iptables dropping them isn't enough?
23:26.00p3nguinIt's one IP address, and it's pf rather than iptables.
23:26.19p3nguinDropping the packets still uses my bandwidth and CPU.
23:26.29p3nguin(which I'm sure is their goal)
23:26.46citywokyea that's annoying as hell. digium's solution for the AA50 to this problem was to put a device in front of the AA50 and block it there.
23:26.57p3nguinSomeone is pissed off that I won't give him root access to a server, so now I get a UDP flood.  Today is the second time I noticed it.
23:27.18p3nguinI'm sure I know who it is.  The timing is too coincidental to not be the person who I think it is.
23:27.19citywokon a bigger connection, flood him back. lol
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23:27.59citywokfigure out who his host is and complain to his host directly (not necessarily the abuse on the whois)
23:28.02p3nguinIt's coming from University of Toronto.
23:28.18citywokoooh universities are generally pretty good about handling complaints. interesting.
23:28.23*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
23:28.40citywoki'd just call their student tech support line and raise hell :P
23:28.51citywoki'm sure they ahve a phone# for students/staff to call that can be found
23:29.09citywok(i used to work at the University of Washington's IT department)
23:29.14p3nguinIf I can get cooperation from the Uni to find out if it is the person I think it is, I'll give the info to his boss and I'd imagine he'll be fired.
23:29.37citywokif you know what department they are in it's even better. lol.
23:30.00p3nguinThe person I think is responsible for it does not work there.
23:30.03citywokbut if you call and say John XXX has been flooding me with traffic burning up my bandwidth AND yours and complain enough they should get you the right person
23:30.40p3nguinI just need to build the case to find out if it can be traced back to him somehow.
23:30.41citywokis it a student or an employee?
23:30.52citywokif you have the ip it's ocming from that's all they need
23:30.59citywokthey should know what port that IP is on and whose office/dorm that is.
23:31.10p3nguinNo clue, the person I think is responsible has no relation to the Uni that I know of.
23:31.11citywokat the UW they would simply shut off the port until the person called in to say wtf
23:31.24p3nguinI have the IP address.  I have gigs of firewall log to show.
23:31.55p3nguinYou think I should call again tonight or wait until business hours?
23:32.19citywokat the UW biz hours was the only time we were open. my guess is it's the same.
23:32.31citywoknoc was 24x7 but finding their number may be more difficult
23:33.10p3nguinI haven't tried to find any other numbers yet.  I was hoping the abuse contact would be good enough, but it hasn't so far.
23:35.38p3nguinIt's still going on right now.
23:36.06p3nguinI've determined that it's better to just accept the useless packets and block any responses that my system may try to give back.
23:37.24p3nguinOdd.  The source port is static, but my target port appears to be completely randomized.
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23:43.18p3nguinBlocking it seems to do more harm than good.
23:53.43*** join/#asterisk tyman (

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