IRC log for #asterisk on 20111012

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01:14.43michael-iSince I'm not coming up with anything on Le Google: Is it possible to initiate a Macro during a call via the AMI? I'd like to replace my applicationmap dtmf shortcut with an AMI call.
01:15.54*** join/#asterisk vbman2 (
01:16.08vbman2what kind of system would i need for 200 concurrent calls and 1,000 registrations
01:16.30*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
01:17.33WIMPymichael-i: You can redirect any call to any place in the dialplan at any time or event.
01:18.28michael-iWIMPy: and the Event name is? Maybe I'm missing something obvious...
01:19.27WIMPyI have never used "features". Just connect to ami and look what's coming in that case.
01:19.58michael-iI need to send an event though, not look for one coming in.
01:20.30WIMPyNo, you receive events. You send commands.
01:21.08WIMPyAnd if you don't wait for an event, but know when you want to do something, even easier. Just do it.
01:21.21michael-iargh…yes. Sorry, the thing I'm programming sends these as events.
01:21.21[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: How would you be calling AMI in the first place?
01:21.59WIMPyCall AMI?
01:22.27WIMPyLike ringing on its port?
01:22.41michael-iI'm just looking for the command(s) to send to the AMI to initiate recording on a bridged channel.
01:23.25[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: Any reason standard on-demand monitor doesn't cut it?
01:23.25michael-iIf I could just trigger the applicationmap entry I've already defined, that'd be cool.
01:24.02[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: IF you already have an applicationmap... why isn't that usable by itself?
01:24.14WIMPyYou don't have to. You can control that directly via AMI.
01:24.23rakerthere is a current bug for asterisk that prevents from passing callerid prefixes when using followme
01:24.33rakeris there any workarounds that people can suggest?
01:24.39WIMPy'manager show commands' - See *monitor.
01:24.47michael-i[TK]D-Fender: monitor will probably work, I'm just doing some extra stuff in the macro which would be nice (recording count, recording owner, etc)
01:25.17michael-ireason for AMI vs appmap: don't want to use dtmf combos at all
01:25.18WIMPyMight be easier from your script than in the dialplan.
01:25.46[TK]D-FenderI recall there being mention of some limitations on that
01:26.21michael-i[TK]D-Fender: I'm calling a Macro from the applicationmap which does all of these things. Works wonderfully, just can't have dtmf combos
01:26.43[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: Meaning?
01:28.38[TK]D-Fender"DTMF combos".  Not sure what you mean by this
01:28.59michael-ikey presses, I don't want anyone to have to memorize key combinations
01:29.18[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: Ok.. how would you be triggering this then?
01:29.34michael-i[TK]D-Fender: That's pretty much my question...
01:29.48f2knighthave a tricky nat issue that is stumping me
01:30.05WIMPymichael-i: You should have asked that.
01:30.09f2knight3 sip phones all on different networks and all behind nat
01:30.15WIMPyThat obviousely depends on your phones.
01:30.32f2knightpublic  asterisk box
01:30.40f2knightdid's sent to asterisk box rings
01:31.02f2knighthowever audio to 1 location does not work.
01:31.11[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: Ok, your beign unsure of how you want it to work differently doesn't help...
01:31.19f2knightaudio to the other locations do work
01:31.49f2knight1 device behind each router. all routers are SG580's and setup the same
01:32.15michael-i[TK]D-Fender: No, but that is my question which I asked initially: "Is it possible to initiate a Macro during a call via the AMI? I'd like to replace my applicationmap dtmf shortcut with an AMI call."
01:32.21f2knightdialing the users
01:32.31f2knightextension from any other works just find.
01:33.16WIMPymichael-i: No, you can't call a macro, but you can put a call into any placa of your dialplan, or for your task just start monitoring on a channel.
01:34.31michael-iWIMPy: …and that's where I asked you which command will do that jumping/goto?
01:35.26WIMPyBut if you do that you will break the bridge as you will terminate Dial().
01:35.50WIMPySo better look at 'monitor', possibly alongside other options.
01:36.18michael-iWIMPy: ah, ok. Yeah, that will mess things up. Thanks though
01:36.33*** join/#asterisk gxdssoft (~gxdssoft@
01:36.50WIMPyWell, I guess you could redirect both call legs and bridge them again after you're done without noticable interruption.
01:36.59michael-imonitor looks like the best bet…seems like a natural command for the AMI though: "execute this applicationmap entry on this channel"
01:37.13[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: And how would you be triggering the AMI to start this off?  You haven't quite claified the absolute initial trigger and what cascade you had in mind
01:37.14WIMPyBut I'd recomend 'monitor'.
01:38.05michael-i[TK]D-Fender: There's a user portal web interface that the phones are associated with. I want the user to be able to click 'record' in there while in a call.
01:40.16[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: Ok, so calls would be well identified.. then you could probably do it all via AMI withthe "Runn command against channel" option I believe I saw in the docs.
01:40.36[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: Call recording is a very simple direct separate AMI command as well.
01:41.57michael-i[TK]D-Fender: It looks like I can do 90% of what I want with 'monitor.' But, the filename generation is kind of complicated and I wouldn't have enough info in the user portal to accomplish that via the command. Really need to be "in" asterisk to generate that filename.
01:42.24michael-iCould just rethink some other things…this isn't a huge priority right now. Just fishing for info.
01:42.42[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: What parts would you need from *?
01:42.52[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: All the channel vars you can pull via AMI as it is...
01:44.04michael-i[TK]D-Fender: It is a bit more involved with that due to security concerns. This code runs in the browser via websockets. The user is then free to manipulate those variables. If they are read from * directly and never leave that scope, I'm golden.
01:44.21vbman2what specs do i need for 200 concurrent calls and 1,000 registrations
01:44.56[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: Ok, you have separation concerns.... Keep in mind if you're running AMI... that is already a complete red-flag as it is.  You can do jsut about anything anyway, and it's plain-text
01:44.57*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
01:45.33[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: But an idea might be to Oriignate a local channel, have that do the dirty work, and push back the result via a custom AMI event
01:46.15michael-i[TK]D-Fender: that sounds promising
01:46.39*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt (
01:46.50michael-i[TK]D-Fender: we're looking at how to lock down AMI access on a context level…it's the scary monster in the closet
01:47.54[TK]D-Fendermichael-i: I prefer the term "Free-agent Gremlin" :p
01:47.56*** join/#asterisk rainkid (
01:48.37michael-i[TK]D-Fender: :) it is VERY daunting but totally justifiable for the user experience it enables
01:51.29*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
01:51.35rainkidSomehow, I magically got automixmon to record in wav earlier. Now, it magically broke. TOUCH_MIXMONITOR_FORMAT and TOUCH_MONITOR_FORMAT both set to wav
01:53.35rainkidAnyone can help? Spending about 5 hours trying to figure out how to chang automixmon format isn't fun =(
01:57.30f2knightQ: Any one want to tackle a NAT audio issue? On site and able to replicate issue.
01:57.59f2knightinbound calls over DID do not transmit audio, if you put the caller on hold then pick up the calls connect.
02:00.21rainkidhow about outbound?
02:00.48f2knightoutbound works fine
02:00.59rainkiddoes the asterisk server have a public or private IP?
02:01.49rainkidis the no-audio both direction?
02:02.07f2knightrainkid, yes
02:03.13rainkidif NAT is set up properly, i'll say check your firewall(s)
02:03.42rainkidoh, but that wouldn't explain why it would work after Hold...
02:04.51f2knightand it wouldn't explain why when dialing the extension and not the did I can get audio..
02:05.07f2knightI am wondering if its possibly a dialplan flaw that I am overlooking.
02:05.32rainkidwhen you're dialing the extension you're internal. DID is external, correct?
02:05.41f2knightnot exactly..
02:06.19f2knightSIP Phones are all Natted on there own networks. they don not share the same network as each other.
02:07.33f2knightso if softphone1 dials the public DID and the dialplan routes it to where it is supposed to go , (softphone2) which is behind another nat
02:07.43f2knightnat -- public -- nat
02:08.00rainkidis this a new install?
02:08.02f2knightcell -- public -- nat does the same thing
02:08.08f2knightso its really any outside line.
02:08.47f2knighthowever if  softphone1 calls softphone2 by there privateexten, then it connects fine.. which is still nat -- public -- nat
02:09.14f2knightI can tear this down to a basic dialplan if needed. just prefered not too
02:09.20ChannelZso * is a public IP and not firewalled
02:10.57rainkidthe only similar issue i've had is a single softphone software not communicating with my hardphones through nat. i attributed that to crappy softphone.
02:11.09f2knight* is naked to the world so to speak
02:11.40ChannelZSo it seems like more of an endpoint issue.  is * aware of which peers are behind nat?  Have you looked at a SIP debug or RTP debug to see where it thinks it's sending media to?
02:11.41f2knightrainkid, these are all hardphones
02:12.12f2knightChannelZ, if you would be so kind as to tell me how to or what to look at I would love to do just that
02:12.56f2knightI have verbose and debug set to 10
02:13.05ChannelZsip set debug on
02:13.25f2knightis that why debug never displayed anything
02:14.12ChannelZsip debug is separate from "normal" debug (which in most people's cases is unnecessary)
02:14.39f2knightso core set debug 10 was not the right command
02:15.24ChannelZyes and no
02:15.55f2knightnot the right one for what I needed.. right now.. Okay so I got this running and lots of stuff is flying by.
02:16.16ChannelZdebug won't normally go to the console unless you configure it to;  It probably filled up one of the disk logfiles
02:16.59WIMPymichael-i: You can get channel variables via AMI if that helps.
02:17.09f2knightOkay I see an notice that says ...
02:17.13f2knightlet me pbin it
02:17.37*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
02:18.53f2knightthat just jumped out at me. the UDP Blocked ...
02:19.35ChannelZthat's something specific to the grandstream, no idea what it takes that to mean
02:20.26*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:20.32ChannelZis that peer set to nat=yes in your sip.conf ?
02:21.00ChannelZ(you said they were all actually behind NAT)
02:22.57f2knight15614477741103/1561447774 98.246.xx.xx                             D   N          A  5066     OK (136 ms)                                  Cached RT
02:23.52ChannelZok so chances are Asterisk is sending its audio to the right place, but it's getting stopped on that end.
02:24.13f2knightChannelZ, you think the router?
02:24.31f2knightbecause heres whats odd
02:24.40f2knightthe Grandstream phone has 4 lines.
02:24.57ChannelZIt's probably not mapping the incoming audio stream back to the phone through the firewall
02:24.59f2knightline 1 comes from another server but rings in fine
02:25.05f2knightand with audio
02:25.31f2knightthis account is registered to line 4
02:25.38*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
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02:26.33f2knightand yes the database has nat=yes.. though i didn't see it in sip show peer
02:27.15ChannelZIt could be port related if the router/firewall it's behind is stateful and actually noticing the SIP traffic to do the port mapping correctly.  It might not be seeing your line 4 because of the port 5066 (though I would think it'd be looking where the packet is going TO, not where it's coming from)
02:27.23SeRi[TK]D-Fender, You in?
02:28.25*** join/#asterisk SBTech (
02:30.11f2knightChannelZ, if that was so then I should not even get the sip signialing.
02:30.42f2knightbut I am. and remember if I put it on hold then pick it up audio works again
02:31.00ChannelZThe SIP and the audio are two different connections
02:31.11f2knightI am not saying its not a nat issue.. just how to isolate and resolve is what I am looking to find.
02:31.18f2knightright  audio is rtp stream
02:31.54ChannelZThe hold/pickup is an oddity but could be explained.  It's complicated.
02:32.09michael-itaking off. Thanks WIMPy and [TK]D-Fender for the feedback
02:32.20f2knightokay , oddity i agree.
02:32.25[TK]D-FenderNo, that's because it forces a reinvite which is a very telltale sign that you didn't prevent them in the first place likew you're supposed to
02:32.38[TK]D-FenderAnd sip show peers doesn't prove where the RTP was negotiated
02:33.03f2knightokay so how can we isolate it
02:33.11ChannelZWhen you make a call, Asterisk asks the phone to send its audio to its IP on a certain port.  The phone requests the same of Asterisk.  However in neither case is it guaranteed a connection can actually be made.
02:33.19[TK]D-FenderGo look at a call, go show configs
02:34.46ChannelZWhen you're behind NAT, the firewall/router has to be aware that you're going to receive an *incoming* connection so that it can send it to the right IP on the LAN side of the network.  This either has to be statically mapped, or can be mapped automatically by the router/firewall in a couple different ways (which is the part that is hard to know what your setup is or isn't doing.)
02:34.47f2knight[TK]D-Fender, that does not return anything, * 1.8 here
02:35.20[TK]D-Fender"What" doesn't retun anything?
02:35.49ChannelZYou can look at the SIP debug after placing a call and see what each side is telling the other, to verify that's all correct.  Assuming it is then you've got to figure out why the traffic isn't making it in or out of whatever side as the case may be
02:35.55f2knightvoice1*CLI> core show config
02:35.55f2knightNo such command 'core show config' (type 'core show help core show config' for other possible commands)
02:35.55f2knightvoice1*CLI> core show configs
02:35.55f2knightNo such command 'core show configs' (type 'core show help core show configs' for other possible commands)
02:35.55f2knightvoice1*CLI>  show configs
02:35.56f2knightNo such command ' show configs' (type 'core show help show configs' for other possible commands)
02:36.39rainkid(so, anyone know how to change automixmon file format?)
02:36.56rainkidis about to give up
02:37.34ChannelZrainkid: I have no idea, my guess is that it records in whatever the 'current' channel format is
02:37.38f2knightChannelZ, okay so before I go figure out how to capture the sip debug, if I have line 1 on the phone.. oport 5060 working with in bound calls audio the works.. then asuming I disable that line and reasign the issue line to the port 5060 , audio 'should' work.
02:37.53ChannelZNo, it "might" work
02:38.27rainkidChannelZ: Oooh maybe that's why it kinda worked earlier but now it doesn't.
02:38.33f2knightChannelZ, but it would be a good guess? inother words should I try it before digging in to all the sip headers.. (they confuse me)
02:39.02ChannelZIf the router the phone is behind is doing packet inspection and trying to setup the incoming NAT routing for certain protocols, it's possible it looks at SIP and is doing magic for you.. and that it's not working in this case because of the port number.  It's just one of 10 different possibilities
02:40.01f2knightChannelZ, okay so that sounds like its worth a quick try to find out. 2 of the locations have the same router,,, and both have the same issue
02:40.13f2knightonly one has it with port 5060... . umm
02:40.57ChannelZlike I said it's probably unlikely, only because I would expect the router to be paying attention to where the packet is going TO, not where it's coming FROM.  I'm only guessing.
02:41.21ChannelZ(IE it's still being sent TO 5060 on your Asterisk server)
02:41.29*** join/#asterisk dijib (
02:42.32ChannelZrainkid: actually I think there are some channel variables you can set... looking
02:43.06f2knightokay i just did tcpdump -s 2000 -w mycapp-.pcap port 5060 or portrange 10000-20000
02:43.24rainkidI tried setting TOUCH_MONITOR_FORMAT and TOUCH_MIXMONITOR_FORMAT to no avail.
02:43.31f2knightbut I really do not know what to do in wireshark to analyse it..
02:46.49ChannelZwell I think Wireshark recognizes SIP traffic and will break out the conversation
02:47.13ChannelZrainkid: hmm yeah those are the ones though I'm not sure where they are documented what you should set them to
02:48.03f2knightChannelZ, yes but I am not sure what I am looking at.
02:48.06rainkidYes. I've been looking for documentation as well, but it does not exist. I don't even know if TOUCH_MIXMONITOR_FORMAT is valid or not. And.. sadly, C code isn't my specialty.
02:48.59ChannelZwhat have you tried setting it to?
02:49.22ChannelZlooks like that should be default anyway
02:49.28rainkidit defaults to gsm.
02:49.42ChannelZwhat version of Asterisk?
02:49.43rainkidthought some documentation states that it defaults to g729
02:50.16ChannelZhmm is that what format the call is in?
02:51.04rainkid(shhhh.. how do I check?)
02:51.13ChannelZJust browsing through the source it seems to imply it defaults to wav if not specified but I'm not familiar with the source at all so something else might be going on I've just not seen yet the way things are stitched together
02:51.32dijibhow does my dialplan look to Dial() an iNum number
02:51.34rainkidi did see mention of TOUCH_MIXMONITOR_FORMAT in feature.c
02:51.42f2knightrainkid, did you look here
02:52.00ChannelZf2knight: they are listed there but not really defined
02:52.07f2knightits not TOUCH_MIXMONITOR_ it is TOUCH_MONITOR_
02:52.10*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV (
02:52.23rainkidTOUCH_MONITOR is for automon
02:52.25ChannelZIt's actually both.
02:52.26rainkidI'm using automixmon
02:52.37f2knightoh .. sorry . was trying :(
02:52.42rainkidThanks =)
02:52.54rainkidhas been trying to figure this out for 7 hours now
02:53.19f2knightso i have this pcap open in ws,,, just what am i looking for?
02:53.42ChannelZrainkid: you're doing this with a feature code right?
02:54.12f2knightWait... SIP/SDP?
02:55.17rainkidHow can I check what format a call is in from CLI?
02:55.21f2knightI am seeing it say SIP/SDP...what excatly is that ?
02:55.59rainkid"SDP is a description protocol, SDP messages can be transported by means of different protocols, for example SIP."
02:56.05ChannelZSDP is like a sub-protocol of describing the audio session
02:56.30f2knightokay but should it be being used? or could it be causing an issue?
02:56.47ChannelZif it wasn't being used you'd have no audio for sure
02:56.55f2knightoh ok
02:57.02ChannelZcuz neither side would know where to send it, what flavor to send it in...
02:58.14f2knighti am trying to go thorugh this .. so I know that my line is on 5066
02:58.48ChannelZwell, it's 'sending from' port 5066
03:00.10ChannelZrainkid: sorry from earlier -- while in a call, "sip show channels" should tell you the format
03:00.47dijibhow do i dial this number? +883 5100 0000 0093
03:00.49rainkidulaw format. automixmon saving as .raw file.
03:01.44ChannelZbut you say it's actually gsm data?
03:01.50dijibjust put the .ulaw extension in the mixmonitor filename
03:02.19rainkidthat was an assumption. i have a gsm autoplayer that can play the raw file.
03:03.24f2knightrainkid, if i remember right.. doesn't trixbox/freepbx call a shell script that uses sox to convert it ?
03:04.11rainkidf2knight: automon saves as two separate audio channels. automixmon saves as one - thus, the reason for me using it.
03:04.48f2knightrainkid, yes, but I do recall that freepbx saves as a single file with both legs.  and as a wav.
03:05.51ChannelZdijib: not sure if you have to dial extra country codes or how all that mess works.. is that what you're asking?
03:06.24dijibi figured it out, its covered by the _011.
03:06.52dijibits a iNum number... free IP to IP calling
03:07.39f2knightChannelZ, okay ... just tested and no moving the line to the 5060 does not solve the issue.
03:07.56f2knightI am thinking it is something with the way the account is set
03:08.25ChannelZso can you pastebin the sip debug showing the whole call?
03:08.44f2knightcan I get that out of the pcap?
03:08.50ChannelZ(hint: it will be half a dozen messages flying back and forth)
03:09.06ChannelZwell I'd assume wireshark parsed that for you...
03:09.17ChannelZthat's kind of its point..
03:09.22f2knightChannelZ, do you know how to use wireshark?
03:10.03ChannelZnot really, I haven't used it in some time
03:10.24f2knightokay because I do not knwo how to save the output lol
03:12.01*** join/#asterisk tyman (
03:14.01rainkidSo.. I finally figured out what's happening. Asterisk -> External, format is ulaw, saves as RAW. External -> Asterisk, format is ulaw, saves as WAV.
03:14.13*** join/#asterisk phix (
03:14.14rainkidYes, more data that makes no sense!
03:18.13ChannelZwhen you say "saves as raw" and "saves as wav" are you meaning the file is called xxx.raw or xxx.wav or how are you determining the actual data type?
03:18.29f2knightChannelZ, can i  do this just for the one extenision? the debug that is
03:18.38rainkidYes, they are saved with those extensions.
03:18.41ChannelZsip set debug ip x.x.x.x
03:19.04f2knightChannelZ, IP of the ... sip phone ?
03:19.13rainkidThe wav files play fine. Googling reveals that the raw files are probably headerless ulaw audio.
03:19.19f2knightChannelZ, the public ip of said sip phone i mean
03:20.39ChannelZrainkid: and if you Set(TOUCH_MIXMONITOR_FORMAT=wav) prior to your Dial, you still get a .raw file?
03:21.21rainkidChannelZ, I get it [globals]ly, and also tried in extensions.ael. Let me try it prio to the dial.
03:23.37f2knightChannelZ, okay want me to post the whole thing?
03:23.49rainkidexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,3,Set(TOUCH_MIXMONITOR_FORMAT=wav) before my Dial results in RAW file.
03:23.58ChannelZf2knight: I guess
03:25.53*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
03:26.41ChannelZrainkid: hmm I get .wav here
03:27.09rainkidFrom asterisk calling out?
03:27.19ChannelZyes, calling my cell from a softphone
03:27.48rainkidWhich version of Asterisk are you using?
03:28.19ChannelZand if I set it to ulaw, I get ulaw
03:28.58rainkidI just want to make sure I am not missing anything: features.conf:automixmon => **
03:29.16ChannelZI'm using *3 but it either starts or it doesn't
03:29.16rainkidand Set(TOUCH_MIXMONITOR_FORMAT=wav) prior to Dial line.
03:29.19ChannelZI assume you see it on the console
03:29.27rainkidYes. I tried the default of *3 too
03:29.53rainkidI am also running
03:30.04rainkid* hates me =(
03:30.26rainkidDoes it have anything to do with clearglobalvars?
03:30.29ChannelZAre you sure you're messing with the right extension?  Do you see it set the variable in the console and all that?
03:31.13rainkidYes. When I set it globally, and I do a reload in CLI, it TOUCH_MIXMONITOR_FORMAT appears in 'setting global variable'
03:31.17ChannelZnot that I could think of no
03:32.03rainkidI only use one SIP trunk for outbound calls. I set it in that context.
03:33.14rainkidDo I need DYNAMIC_FEATURES = automixmon in globals?
03:35.44f2knightChannelZ, I need a smoke break this is driving me buggy. be back in about 20., maybe you will see something I don't
03:36.59rainkidSetting "TOUCH_MIXMONITOR_FORMAT=wav" under [globals] should work too, right?
03:37.11ChannelZI would guess so but let me try
03:38.26ChannelZseems so
03:38.50rainkidCan you just test another format so that I know it works 100% for you?
03:39.49ChannelZyeah I've done both ulaw and wav
03:40.25ChannelZI'm trying to see how I can even get mine to make a .raw
03:40.38rainkidset to ulaw
03:40.50ChannelZwell you said it was making a file called whatever.raw
03:41.12ChannelZbut you haven't set that anywhere
03:41.14rainkidi think it's a headerless ulaw audio file, despite the .raw extension
03:41.18rainkidNope. I have not.
03:41.27ChannelZthat's what I"m trying to dupe cuz I've never seen that before
03:42.35ChannelZleft unset I get .wav as I'd though, judging by the source
03:42.52ChannelZI think you maybe have something else in your dialplan going on you're not seeing or...  I'm not really sure
03:43.34rainkidWell.. thanks for the help. At least you verified that it works for this version of *.
03:43.48rainkidI'll comb through everything slowly, perhaps try a new install
03:43.51rainkidand see what happens.
03:44.01ChannelZis this packaged or from source?
03:44.15ChannelZI can't imagine a bunk install would  cause this behavior
03:44.26ChannelZAnd it's plan Asterisk, not FreePBXmess ?
03:44.32rainkidPlain *.
03:44.43rainkidI have no experience with any * GUIs.
03:45.06rainkidI do have some modules noload-ing.
03:45.12rainkidI wonder if that affects it.
03:45.26ChannelZPut a NoOp(${TOUCH_MIXMONITOR_FORMAT}) prior to your Dial
03:45.39rainkidSure. Let me try that.
03:47.23rainkidNoOping TOUCH_MIXMONITOR_FORMAT still resulted in .raw file
03:47.41*** join/#asterisk Sakuranbo (~Sakuranbo@
03:48.16ChannelZyeah but what did it say on the console?
03:48.29SakuranboHi guys
03:48.56rainkidWhat am I suppose to look for? I just see the messages of MixMonitor beginning and ending
03:49.21ChannelZcore set verbose 3
03:49.27SakuranboI am back
03:49.50rainkidOh. I do see the "Executing [18002255288@outgoing-voicepulse:3] NoOp("SIP/100-00000000", "") in new stack"
03:50.13ChannelZSo that's not good.
03:50.22ChannelZ(I still don't know where it's getting "raw" from)
03:50.47ChannelZpastebin your extensions.conf
03:50.57rainkidHow did NoOp(${TOUCH_MIXMONITOR_FORMAT}) become NoOp("SIP/100-00000000", "")?
03:51.28rainkidOkay. Let me paste it. One moment
03:52.01ChannelZThe SIP/100-0000000 is the channel name it's executing on, "" is the contents
03:52.08ChannelZwhich should be "wav" or whatever you set that variable to
03:52.22ChannelZwhich means it's not set right.  Type-o, or something else, not sure.
03:53.06*** join/#asterisk troyt (
03:54.26Sakuranbojust wondering when would a call be "AUTO-destroyed" from the chan_sip.c script
03:54.36rainkidSorry. I had a typo. Now it's "Executing [18002255288@outgoing-voicepulse:4] NoOp("SIP/100-00000000", "wav")" but still saving as .raw
03:54.43rainkidLet me paste my extensions.conf
03:54.57dijibyour just trying to record outgoing calls?
03:55.33rainkidI'm trying to record calls on demand, and save as wave files for easy processing, instead of awkward ulaw files
03:56.12dijibon demand using *1 ?
03:56.25rainkidautomixmon *3
03:56.57dijibso u just put the r option in your dial command and make sure your feature.conf has it enabled
03:57.19dijiband make sure the application is installed
03:57.26*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
03:57.39ChannelZdijib: the problem isn't that it's not recording, it's that it's doing so in the undesired format
03:57.46ChannelZand 'r' isn't the right option
03:57.47SakuranboI am tracing and debugging the script written by my predecessor, a Macro "mobile" has been written for making quick dial for dialing mobile number from the office internally
03:58.46ChannelZrainkid: I see where 'raw' is coming from in the source now at least.  Pondering a reason why it's happening for you
03:59.34dijiblets see that dialplan rainkid
03:59.47Sakuranbothe entire handshake and info passing were exactly the same except for one number I got the "sip_autodestruct" funciton called up
04:00.22rainkidIt's not a very good dialplan =(
04:03.41ChannelZWhere are your recordings going to?
04:04.23rainkiddefault location /var/spool/asterisk/monitor
04:04.39ChannelZwait.. is your phone in the 'outgoing' context?
04:05.01rainkidWhen I dial out, yes.
04:05.26ChannelZI wonder if this is something screwy going on because of the goto
04:06.03rainkidI should rewrite without GoTos, right?
04:06.13rainkidThis dialplan is from the 1.2 days, I think
04:06.53ChannelZjust for the hell of it, reset your sip peer to use the outgoing-voicepulse context directly and do the call again and see if it behaves any differently.  I'm not thinking why it would but something odd is going on here
04:07.10rainkidSure. Let me give it a shot
04:07.14dijibdont you want the ${TOUCH_MIXMONITOR_OUTPUT} variable?
04:07.37rainkidThe variable is set. Just not.. used.
04:07.46ChannelZIt's set afterwards to tell you what filename it invented was
04:09.40*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (~Chris@
04:09.41rainkidNo go.
04:10.05rainkidI changed out outgoing context to just the outgoing-voicepulse
04:10.13ChannelZand reloaded yes
04:10.17rainkidcontext directly
04:10.29rainkidYes. I restarted asterisk completely just to be sure.
04:10.45rainkidfile created is auto-1318392560-2129378997.raw
04:11.17ChannelZok.  No surprise really.
04:11.31rainkidI keep getting this warning, but I think it's unrelated: " WARNING[30381]: app_mixmonitor.c:506 mixmonitor_exec: No volume level was provided for the heard volume ('v') option."
04:11.43rainkidDefault volume is plenty loud for me.
04:13.30rainkidlet me give it a shot with all modules loaded.
04:14.06ChannelZSo from the source, here's what i can tell you;  When it actually starts the monitor, it looks for a / in the filename.  Then it looks for a . in the filename and whether or not its location is later than the /.  If it's not, then it sets the filename extension to .raw
04:16.09rainkidI wonder why the filename would be different for inbound and outbound calls.
04:16.23rainkidAssuming this is the reason why it's deciding to set it to raw.
04:20.20*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
04:21.16rainkidSo.. SIP2SIP is wav. External to SIP is wav. Asterisk to External is raw
04:24.05ChannelZdo you still have the same source you originally built it from?
04:24.33rainkidLet me guess.. manually put a / in there?
04:39.26f2knightChannelZ, back did you by chance peak at the sample?
04:43.56ChannelZyeah I didn't see anything odd except for a couple of re-transmits, but I think everything was reporting all the right IPs (didn't see any LAN ones) so all I can really say is it's probably the router on the phone's side.  Traffic isn't making it in.
04:44.25ChannelZWhy it does when you put it on hold and pick it back up I don't know, not sure I have a good theory on that one
04:45.22f2knightyea thats what I was afraid of
04:47.09ChannelZis the IP of the phone in question?
04:50.55*** join/#asterisk irroot (
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04:56.33f2knightChannelZ, thats the actuall public ip of the router but yes
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05:27.24f2knightChannelZ, you still here?
05:27.32f2knightI think i might have partly tracked it down
05:27.42f2knightbut need a little help defining it more
05:31.02f2knightI created a new account... and attached called it and it worked fine.
05:31.57f2knightso the only difference is that my accounts are in asterisk realtime. well the accounts I want are in asterisk realtime.
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06:51.00vassiluxhi alls, I have dahdi with B410 board, sometime my span 3 go down and I can see in the full log file [Oct 11 01:00:15] VERBOSE[7334] logger.c:   == Primary D-Channel on span 3 down
06:51.00vassilux[Oct 11 01:00:15] WARNING[7334] chan_dahdi.c: No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 9 as D-channel anyway! any idea ?
06:52.50*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:b023:fd18:771b:9c3b)
06:55.48vassiluxin my system.conf I have span=1,0,0,ccs,ami for span 1 is is correct for BRI ?
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07:09.06kaldemarvassilux: what is it connected to?
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07:21.23zambaanyone using a dinstar gsm gateway here?
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07:43.18vassiluxit is connected to telco side ansd signalig bri_cpe
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07:57.34*** join/#asterisk PARAG1 (~Administr@
07:57.56PARAG1Hi guys, I am unable to find in modules
07:58.11PARAG1I compiled by "make All"
07:59.14irrootPARAG1 make menuconfig and ensure res_odbc is selected
07:59.41PARAG1yes it is selected irroot
07:59.55irrootcheck modules.conf
08:00.11PARAG1it is showing res_odbc = xxx
08:00.13*** join/#asterisk oej (
08:00.21PARAG1yes modules.conf also
08:00.23PARAG1it is enabled
08:00.23kaldemarPARAG1: which means that it is not selected.
08:00.50kaldemarPARAG1: you need to install the dependencies for it and re-run configure and recompile.
08:00.53irrootPARAG1 you need to have the odbc libs unixodbc and headers
08:01.27PARAG1i already installed unixodbc and unixodbc-devel
08:01.51PARAG1for odbc libs which package do i need to install
08:02.01PARAG1mysql-odbc-connector i hv installed
08:04.21PARAG1irroot: help pls
08:05.39irrootPARAG1 when you run configure check the config.log and see there what the problem is
08:08.04PARAG1irroot: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -liodbc
08:08.59irrootPARAG1 what system you using iodbc and unixodbc are 2 options did it look for unixodbc also ??
08:10.23PARAG1i m using unixodbc
08:10.41PARAG1not sure
08:10.49irrootcheck in config.log
08:10.49PARAG1if it look for unixodbc or not -> in /usr/ib
08:12.44PARAG1all are empty
08:12.54PARAG1not sure if i need to specify during ./configure
08:13.47irrootlook for the options for odbc
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09:10.26*** join/#asterisk Poincare (~jefffnode@2001:470:cb24:4::2)
09:21.54WIMPyirroot: Looks like your version number check is missing a 0 in all cases in the chan_lcr patch.
09:22.20irrootWIMPy mmm ill double check i copy pasted it from version.h
09:22.46WIMPyCurrent 1.8 has 999999.
09:23.15WIMPyI just tried to compile with that and it did the 10 version.
09:23.16irrootok should have checked older versions
09:25.02irrootbangs head will fix
09:25.27WIMPy"Short copy"? ;-)
09:25.32irrootWIMPy have had a problem with lcr dying
09:25.42irrootbetter than a short something else :P
09:25.48PARAG1irroot: hi i tried everything ---with-unixodbc, --with-odbc but nothing worked......I require
09:26.14WIMPyirroot: Any idea, when/how?
09:26.51irrootcomes up on console spewing fire
09:26.57irrootill dig into it latter
09:27.33WIMPyI do get the odd message sometimes. But it doesn;t do any harm for me. (except for the optics)
09:27.51kaldemarPARAG1: how about the ltld dependency?
09:28.13irrootWIMPy in this case need to kill lcr and restart it
09:28.37PARAG1kaldemar: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -liodbc
09:28.49PARAG1which package do i need to install for  ltld ?
09:28.55*** part/#asterisk Poincare (~jefffnode@2001:470:cb24:4::2)
09:29.34kaldemarPARAG1: what system are you on?
09:29.55PARAG1redhat 6.1
09:31.10kaldemarPARAG1: maybe libtool-ltdl
09:32.20PARAG1kaldemar: Package libtool-ltdl-2.2.6-15.5.el6.i686 already installed and latest version
09:33.29*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
09:34.47kaldemarPARAG1: how about libtool-ltdl-devel?
09:38.59PARAG1its not present
09:39.01PARAG1let me install
09:41.40PARAG1kaldemar: still /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -liodbc
09:42.14*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (
09:43.01PARAG1kaldemar: it is installed libtool-ltdl-devel-2.2.6-15.5.el6.i686
09:43.58PARAG1all packages are their
09:45.25kaldemarmake distclean && ./configure
09:47.23irrootPARAG1 if it can be built configure will pick it up
09:47.32irrootthe errors are in config.log
09:48.51*** join/#asterisk mandla (~mandla@
09:49.05irrootmandla hi there long time
09:49.51mandlairroot, hey man, true, i managed to complete the Asterisk Testing, now im piloting it.
09:50.34mandlairroot, yah hey.
09:50.51mandlairroot, after so much straggle.
09:50.58*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
09:51.06mandlairroot, are you running linux??
09:51.10irrootbut you gained experiance
09:51.16irrootyip i do
09:51.37mandlairroot, gained a lot of experience my man.
10:05.49*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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10:13.39angryuserAny sangoma guys here ?
10:14.40mandlaangryuser, yah it me.
10:14.45mandlaangryuser, lol
10:15.03angryusermandla, Line Code Violation : 300 for E1
10:15.39angryusera101 E1 card, symptomps, when dialing out getting cause caode 28
10:15.55angryuserincoming calls are ok, and i am sure of my dialplan
10:16.25angryuserCause code means bad number format, however, i am sure it is a good one.
10:16.37angryusermandla, lastes sangoma drivers
10:16.40WIMPyobviousely not.
10:16.52WIMPyProbably a wrong number type.
10:17.21angryuserWIMPy, Same setup, before the upgrade on asterisk 1.2 = No problems = Same dialplan
10:17.41angryuserWIMPy, So i am sure of my numbers, i even called 911
10:17.55WIMPysame chan_dahdi.conf?
10:18.16angryuserWIMPy, zaptel > to dahdi changed, but pretty much the same
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10:18.35angryuserPRI CPE 31 channels, same group,
10:19.00WIMPyCheck the dialplan options.
10:19.03angryusermandla, your are not a tech i suppose ?
10:19.17angryuserWIMPy, What ?
10:19.20mandlaangryuser, im not.
10:20.57angryuserWIMPy, classics
10:21.07angryuserI repeat calls come in fine
10:21.24WIMPyIt doesn't affect incumming calls.
10:21.56WIMPyAdd pridialplan=unknown. I guess that's it.
10:22.32angryuserWIMPy, pri intense debug does show the return of cause code 28 however i am can real all the Qsiq 931 ;(
10:22.34WIMPyThat should default to unknown, but I think it doesn't.
10:22.37angryuserWIMPy, lets try
10:23.31WIMPyor is it prilocaldialplan?
10:23.55WIMPyThe documentation could definitely be better.
10:24.55WIMPyWell, best to set both.
10:25.23angryuserWIMPy, pridialplan=unknown worked, nice catch
10:25.46WIMPySo far for sensible defaults.
10:25.53angryuserWIMPy, i completely forgot about it
10:26.22WIMPyI guess you shouldn't have to think about that.
10:26.26angryuserWIMPy, i admin lately i was using a lot of patton gateways, lost my hands on exp a bit
10:26.45WIMPyUnless you explicitly want to set it to something else.
10:27.12angryuserWIMPy, in this case the latest sangoma driver do not generate the file as it should
10:27.49WIMPyThe real issue is that chan_dahdi has a bad default.
10:28.10WIMPyIf you don't configure it, it should default to unknown, obviousely.
10:28.22angryuserWIMPy, not sure to understand you. about bad default
10:28.56angryuserWIMPy, i will report to sangoma tech's
10:29.02WIMPyWell, you didn't set the value at all, did you?
10:29.16WIMPySo why does it default to anything else than unknown?
10:29.42WIMPyUnknown should work most of the times.
10:29.56angryuserWIMPy, right
10:30.10angryuserWIMPy, by defaut it is set to what ?
10:30.45WIMPyI think national. You could have seen it in your debug :-)
10:31.17angryuserWIMPy, hmmmmmm, yes, national something
10:31.44angryuserWIMPy, was too much focused on 28 cause code
10:32.06angryuserWIMPy, thank you very much
10:32.09WIMPyWell, that was actually quite specific, I think.
10:32.25WIMPyThe type of number is part of the number.
10:32.43angryuserWIMPy, just want that you know that you repaired a PBX on Reunion Island in Indian Ocean
10:33.04angryuserNext to madagascart
10:33.51WIMPyHmm. that rings a bell.
10:34.22WIMPyDid we have exchange students from Reunion here?
10:34.41angryuserI am working on remote, i am not there
10:35.06angryuserITs a beatifull volcanic island
10:35.28WIMPyGoogle doen't know anything about that. So either it's dumb or I have no idea, what it was :-)
10:36.10angryuserShow madagascar
10:36.23angryuserAnd it is at right of madagascar
10:36.29angryuseron the middle
10:37.49WIMPyIf I win the lottery, I'll take a look :-))
10:38.36irrootWIMPy lots of south africans holiday there always specials
10:39.56angryuserirroot, WIMPy i wish i go there one day
10:50.18*** part/#asterisk pietro (
11:13.00cuscohey folks
11:13.03cuscousing ael
11:13.06cuscois this wrong?
11:13.07cuscoif("${DIALSTATUS}"=!"ANSWER" && ${EPOCH}<${endDialOut}){
11:13.22cuscothe smaller than
11:13.33cuscoim not gettin in the if
11:35.15*** join/#asterisk file (~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
11:35.15*** mode/#asterisk [+o file] by ChanServ
11:40.51kaldemarcusco: is "${DIALSTATUS}"=!"ANSWER" working?
11:43.14cuscokaldemar: i was just looking at it, and it is not
11:43.20cuscoI misplaced the != =!
11:45.56cuscoyea,.. thanks
11:46.08*** join/#asterisk mandla (~mandla@
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12:00.25jkrooncan anybody please look at what's wrong there?
12:00.40jkroonqualify=yes on the yealink phone in question does NOT work.
12:01.16jkroonif I need to guess the OK response isn't recognized by asterisk due to the From: line being different?
12:01.20jkroonthis is asterisk
12:03.51*** join/#asterisk zooz (
12:03.54zoozhi people
12:04.00zoozdoes asterisk support SIP over TCP?
12:04.28WIMPyAt least since 1.8 IIRC.
12:04.38*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
12:04.46zoozchecks what version he runs
12:05.17zooztoo old
12:05.42*** join/#asterisk roxdragon (~gianni@unaffiliated/roxdragon)
12:05.44roxdragonhi all
12:05.49roxdragonexten => *000,3,System(/usr/bin/curl it's possible?
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12:09.04kaldemarroxdragon: sure, but there's also func CURL.
12:10.47roxdragonWARNING[1529]: app_system.c:134 system_exec_helper: Unable to execute '/usr/bin/curl
12:11.37jkroondoes someone happen to have firmware for a yealink t10p lying around?
12:13.50irrootjkroon lol nah i need to get the firmwares
12:14.09irrootthey not bad phones when you get em working but PITA to get usable
12:15.14jkroonwell, this one keels over with qualify=yes
12:17.06jkroonis there any way to request asterisk to use _ANY_ response it receives back in response to OPTIONS request going out as a response?
12:18.26kaldemarroxdragon: do you have /usr/bin/curl in the system?
12:20.21roxdragon:/usr/bin# curl
12:20.21roxdragoncurl: try 'curl --help' or 'curl --manual' for more information
12:21.04kaldemarthat's not proof of having /usr/bin/curl. that's proof of having curl somewhere in path.
12:21.30kaldemarwhat does CLI say before that warning?
12:22.21irrootroxdragon ./curl in that path or /usr/bin/curl
12:22.43irrootmy guess is that its in /usr/local/bin/curl perhaps
12:22.45roxdragon./curl work
12:23.03roxdragonDialplan reloaded.
12:23.04roxdragon[Oct 12 14:13:16] WARNING[1562]: app_system.c:134 system_exec_helper: Unable to execute 'curl'
12:23.19kaldemarthat's the only output you see?
12:23.36kaldemar"core set verbose 10" and try again
12:24.05roxdragon-rwxr-xr-x  1 root   root     116632 26 giu 19.36 curl
12:24.34WIMPyLooks like it tries to start the whole thing including parameter.
12:24.44WIMPyI think I had that issue before.
12:24.51roxdragon*CLI> core set verbose 10
12:24.51roxdragonVerbosity was 0 and is now 10
12:27.20kaldemartry again
12:27.58kaldemarbut i think WIMPy got it.
12:28.33roxdragonrestart asterisk?
12:28.43kaldemarno, dial again.
12:29.16kaldemartry System(/usr/bin/curl http:\/\/\/?L=1)
12:30.03kaldemarlooks like System does not like /'s in an argument.
12:30.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
12:31.21roxdragonthis? exten => *000,3,System(curl
12:31.21*** join/#asterisk atan (atan@unaffiliated/atan)
12:31.39WIMPyquote the parameter?
12:31.44jkroonshould chan_sip honestly use all of the call-id, from, to and cseq headers to find a specific call?
12:32.01jkroonand never mind answering that - yes, it's the right thing to do :(
12:32.06jkroonscrew you yealink!!
12:32.41jkroonthey change the From: header in response to OPTIONS packets (on the returnnig 200 OK packet), in at least the firmware for the T10p (discontinued phone)
12:34.01[TK]D-Fenderroxdragon, specify the full path to curl.
12:35.30roxdragon[TK]D-Fender, exten => *000,3,System(/usr/bin/curl
12:35.34roxdragondon't work
12:36.41roxdragonif I digit curl ,
12:36.43roxdragonthis work
12:36.48roxdragonbut on asterisk no
12:41.40[TK]D-Fenderroxdragon, Show me
12:41.54roxdragonok [TK]D-Fender
12:42.04WIMPyWhat about (curl "")
12:42.51roxdragonthis is arduino... led on or led off L=2
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13:17.06radenNaikrovek, Morning
13:17.22radenhugs Katty
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13:20.49Naikrovekraden: morning
13:22.00radenNaikrovek, configs please :D
13:22.16Naikrovekoh yeah the phone things.
13:22.25Naikrovekgimme a few minutes to assemble them.
13:22.49radenlol, you were right you would not have remembered lol :) no problem I'm up way early compared to normal
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13:30.27Naikrovekraden: this will take a few moments.  i'll email you when it's ready.
13:30.58radenno prob bro, dont need it for a good hour
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14:01.44Naikrovekraden: sent.
14:07.37*** join/#asterisk master_of_master (
14:09.36radenmy email must be on vacation lol
14:10.34Naikroveki sent it to your gmail
14:13.29*** join/#asterisk jorhaze (
14:14.13jorhazehi, anyone have any idea why asterisk turns my console text to light grey? I do not like light grey.
14:14.55Naikrovekso white text stands out?  i dunno.
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14:17.23luckman212any Polycom dudes in here
14:17.43NaikrovekMaybe.  Ask your question.
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14:22.16jorhazeI compiled asterisk on debian squeeze and when I run it: /usr/sbin/asterisk - it turns the console text light grey
14:22.37jorhazethe latest,
14:23.16jorhazeon squeeze 6.0.2
14:24.10luckman212I just wanted to play with UCS 4.0 that was released about a week ago.  But Polycom isn't posting the download publicly, they told me to "get it from my Polycom Reseller"
14:24.23luckman212was wondering if anyone in here had access to the polycom portal
14:24.43Naikrovekluckman212: ah.  there are resellers in here but i don't remember who they are.
14:24.44radenNaikrovek, Still nada
14:24.47Naikrovekthey'll contact you.
14:24.49Naikrovekstill nada what
14:25.19radenluckman212, call VOIPSUPPLY ask for john
14:25.23luckman212Naikrovek: yep that's why I was asking..  I figured someone in here might have access to those
14:25.42luckman212I bought my polycoms from Voiplink but I have no luck reaching them
14:25.59radenluckman212, typical reseller
14:26.11radenI need to start reselling polycom have not had time to get setup with them
14:26.12luckman212raden:   ok will try that, but not sure if they'd want to help me since I didn't buy the phones from there.  maybe if I buy one hehe
14:26.26radenIm a aastra resseller but abandoned them after the asterisk 1.8 BS
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14:27.19radenluckman212, buy one and they will help u
14:27.22luckman212raden:  I'm just using them at home with my little asterisk server here, but I really like the polycoms.  I have used Aastra too and the poly's  just sound better and "feel" better
14:27.50radenluckman212, I like aastra but music on hold and a few things dont work in 1.8 and it only aastra phones
14:28.32luckman212raden: how could moh not working be a function of the phone?  is it a problem with the sip reinvite or something?
14:29.28radenluckman212, something to do with the sip header on aastra phones
14:29.41radenI have had 5-6 people work on it and converted 3 companies back to 1.6
14:29.50radenswitched to polycom
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14:38.54radenNaikrovek, Wanna resend I got nothing :( brb
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14:59.54r0m|up3nguin, you avail?
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15:18.19jeffspeffi'm having a problem when people are calling in to my * system from outside, they randomly get a busy/congested tone. when looking at the cli the call appears to be coming through fine and actually progresses through the dial plan until it hits a Hangup(). I've contacted my sip provider who then identified a "network loop" on their end which they resolved and requested that i restart my asterisk service. i did th
15:18.20jeffspeffis and i'm still having the problem. they continue to maintain that they only see congestion on my end. however i don't see any errors or warnings about a call being congested. how can i check this, and is there anything else that i can look at to resolve this issue?
15:19.37[TK]D-FenderNo.  * CLI is is.  Look at calls.  If you can't see it, show us.
15:20.40radenjeffspeff, rtp ports forwarded  ?
15:20.48r1ppaCan I add a second email address to voicemail addys in voicemail.conf?
15:21.07radenr1ppa, try it and see what happens
15:21.16r1ppaI know a distribution group or a simple alias should do, but curious if voicemail.conf can allow for multiple email addys
15:21.26Kobazare there settings for which asterisk will start rejecting sip calls
15:21.48Kobazunder medium load i'll sometimes get busy/congestion when the call should have gone through
15:21.50jeffspeffraden, yes they're forwarded. this * box has been in service at this location for almost 2 months now and we are just starting to have this issue
15:22.00radenKobaz, there is a max call per ext but not set by default to my knowledge should bump to voicemail
15:22.14radenjeffspeff, you running out of channels ?
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15:22.22[TK]D-Fenderr1ppa, There is the primary, and the pager adderss.  Anything more you will have to configure your MTA to handle
15:22.28Kobazraden: well it's not going to go to voicemail unless I send it to voicemail
15:22.35Kobazraden: but the call never makes it to dialplan
15:22.45radenKobaz, what does console say
15:22.49Kobazsip will complain about some max retries
15:23.00r1ppa[TK]D-Fender: ok thanks, aliases it is then!
15:23.01Kobazi don't have the log item in front of me right now
15:23.03radenIm about ready to make a page where people fill out there system information before we help them LOL
15:23.07[TK]D-Fender<Kobaz> are there settings for which asterisk will start rejecting sip calls
15:23.18[TK]D-FenderKobaz, Answer too slow for the other side's liking perhaps
15:23.27Kobaztwo asterisk'es
15:23.36jeffspeffraden, i didn't think that my box would max out on channels itself. i have 50 channels through my provider and only 15 users on my system. i don't believe it's a channels thing. is there a way i can check that?
15:23.42Kobazyeah i'm thinking the answer winds up being too slow
15:23.49Kobazany way to lengthen the timeout?
15:23.55[TK]D-FenderKobaz, and that is * complainign about the other side being too slow (or never getting a response for any other reason)
15:23.55Kobazwithout some hacking
15:23.59radenjeffspeff, what kinda router u have ?
15:24.08radenjeffspeff, enough rtp ports forwarded
15:24.34[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, Go look at the failure
15:24.45Kobazasterisk is about 10-20% cpu and will sometimes not accept calls
15:24.58jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, i'm not showing any type of failure on my box though.
15:25.08[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, Show us the call fail
15:25.19[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, it dies.  You've said so.  Show us
15:25.30radenjeffspeff, increase verbose
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15:25.49radenKobaz, whats console say when it wont accept calls  ?
15:26.20Kobaz[10 12 11:22] <Kobaz> sip will complain about some max retries[10 12 11:23] <Kobaz> i don't have the log item in front of me right now
15:26.22jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, i'll have to wait for somebody else to report it. and try to grab it. i can't replicate the issue either. there's just enough people complaining about it to make it probable.
15:26.41raden[TK]D-Fender, you ever mess with  CIsco voip ? like running off a switch or however they do it ?
15:27.05Naikroveki have
15:27.05[TK]D-Fenderraden, No
15:27.10radenjeffspeff, what is there complaint
15:27.16jeffspeffraden, using sonic wall routers, and we have 10 thousand rtp ports forwarded
15:27.35radenjeffspeff, WTF do you have 10,000 ports forwarded ?
15:28.04jeffspeffraden, the complaint is that when they call our DID # it either instantly hangs up on them or they get a busy signal. they have to try 5 or 6 times to get through.
15:28.15radenNaikrovek, just curious how do them setups work is everything done on a switch or router for call routing ?
15:28.25jeffspeffraden, this is a quote from our sip provider "Please open ports 10K to 20K, UDP for SIP RTP traffic. Thank you. "
15:28.40radenNaikrovek, went and looked at a place they have old cisco stuff and its all just plugged into a network rack and a T1
15:28.56Naikrovekraden: yep, switches and routers.  the configuration is done by software running on a PC.  Cisco Call Manager, it's called.
15:29.24radenjeffspeff, if there is a busy signal annd your box is not showing anything on the console its more than likely 95% of the time the SIP provider
15:29.32jeffspeffNaikrovek, CCM is not fun. are you integrating that with asterisk or something?
15:29.35Naikrovekthe routers have to be ISR routers (since they require hardware support for voip phones) and there has to be certain switches as well.
15:29.39radenCALL-Centric and Gafachi are notorious for this
15:29.51Naikrovekjeffspeff: no, raden was asking about cisco voip.  I've played with it a tiny wee bit but not much.
15:30.08radenNaikrovek, Im going to setup a cisco phone lab in a few months  in that case
15:30.37jeffspeffraden, thats what i was thinking, but they say the congestion is on my end. we have more than enough bandwidth, established static routes between our box and their servers, done all we can think of to make it work as best as possible.
15:30.40Naikrovekof course #cisco will offer more help to you than I can.
15:31.31radenjeffspeff, upgrade your router firmware
15:31.50jeffspeffraden, already done, we keep this network updated
15:31.52radenin asterisk re define rtp port range to about 100 ports
15:31.58Naikrovekthat's an odd thing to suggest given that we have no actual evidence of the problem yet
15:32.00radenthat will support 50 calls
15:32.09radenNaikrovek, have had similar issues
15:33.21radeni hate sonicwalls for VOIP nothing but issues as bad as the netgears i have used that were for VOIP
15:34.30radenjeffspeff, and get some pastes if u need anymore help cause we really just don't know whats wrong as Naikrovek stated
15:35.05Naikrovekyeah.  sonicwalls are murder for some reason
15:35.15jeffspeffraden, will try to do. i don't have much info either. just thought i'd ask the audience for any suggestions.
15:36.16radenjeffspeff, you have a old cisco router laying around 2951 or something ? try throwing that in place for a while
15:36.43radenjeffspeff, id say almost 3/4 of the time I have had issues like this has been router issues
15:37.04QwellI need somebody with an AsteriskNOW install that's willing to do a little test for me.  Any takers?
15:37.58jeffspeffraden, lol, not an option. too many routes, vpn's etc. this is not a large network, but good sized. also the sonicwalls do our high availability fail over. tossing a different router in just isn't feasible.
15:38.28*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
15:38.28radenjeffspeff, DMZ the asterisk box
15:38.47radenor get a dedicated ip and a solid static router
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16:04.34r0m|up3nguin, you avail?
16:06.14r0m|up3nguin, your sim should have arrived by now. the sime didnt make it out till monday due to issues at the campus post office. but it should have been there by now. please let me know.
16:09.14p3nguinI'll check today.
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16:23.55p3nguinHmm, wait... the P.O. was closed on Monday, so it couldn't have gone out until yesterday.
16:24.36p3nguinI'll still check today anyway.
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16:30.34r0m|ucool. Thanks!
16:32.09Guggecan i use Dial to dial a sip endpoint that requires a password, without adding the endpoint in sip.conf?
16:34.48[TK]D-FenderGugge, Dial(SIP/user:pass@host/extension)
16:36.04Guggei thought that worked too, but maybe it doesnt in 10 beta
16:36.26Guggeill have to try in another version :)
16:36.46[TK]D-FenderIt does
16:37.15[TK]D-Fender"think" and "maybe" should be upgraded to "try" and "here's debug from an attempt"
16:37.31[TK]D-FenderYou get a lot more with that upgrade....
16:37.34Guggesec :)
16:40.21GuggeDial(SIP/ - but its inviting 12345678 and not 87654321
16:40.52Guggeand never trying again after unauth
16:41.06tuxx-hey guys. I'm doing an attended transfer of a channel, and that channel comes into the Park() application. But somehow the musiconhold quits on the transfered channel... I'll post a log in a short time.
16:41.17p3nguinI would have thought inviting the user at the host would make sense.
16:41.42Guggep3nguin: the extension should show up somewhere in the invite pkg though :)
16:42.19[TK]D-FenderGugge, swap for Dial(SIP/user:pass:exten@host)
16:42.35[TK]D-FenderGugge, the first should be valid, but I have heard of cases where it didn't functionas it should...
16:44.01p3nguinHow many devices should the single FXS port on the SPA-3102 handle?
16:45.12*** join/#asterisk kamikazemicrowav (
16:46.53p3nguinIs it good for the whole house, or do I need something more powerful?
16:46.54[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, 7 REN IIRC
16:47.18Qwellp3nguin: Are they powered phones?
16:47.25QwellThose are like 0.0000000001 REN
16:47.33*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
16:48.19p3nguinThere's at least one not powered, one cordless with TAD (which is obviously powered), and a couple caller ID boxes.
16:48.20Qwellmost phones are going to be like 0.5 REN at most
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16:48.34Gugge[TK]D-Fender: think i should try a 1.8 release?
16:48.48[TK]D-FenderGugge, I don't believe this is a bug, its just a syntax question
16:49.07Guggei would hope so :)
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16:53.13tuxx-hey guys. I'm doing an attended transfer of a channel, and that channel comes into the Park() application. But somehow the musiconhold quits on the transfered channel... Log right here:
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17:38.57pdtpatrickQuestion .. regarding voicemail recordings.. in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail -- is this where the recordings are kept? For instance, when you call and there's a custom voicemail setup, would that be the 0000.wav file ?
17:41.34pdtpatrickahh nvm i  found it
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17:51.52cuscoISP offers a voip service... I am registered with them sucessfully, but when I place a call, I get a Forbidden...
17:51.58cuscohere is the sip debug:
17:53.07cuscowhat would be a common cause for this?
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17:55.12[TK]D-Fendercusco, Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to <- your provider is not behind NAT. . Also, they use 5070 for SIP?  Highly irregular.
17:55.35cusco[TK]D-Fender: they do, its their proxy
17:55.42cuscoyes im seeing: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK569f6f09;rport
17:55.45[TK]D-Fendercusco, Contact: <sip:%2B351302031844@> <-- you also didn't configure your * to work properly from behind NAT.  You are passing them an unreachable private IP to contact you
17:56.00infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
17:56.08cuscoI have nat=yes on he peer
17:56.13cuscoand externaladdr
17:56.17cuscoin general
17:56.37[TK]D-Fenderit has been done wrong or it would not be showing what it is.
17:56.49[TK]D-Fenderreview your work a few more times
17:57.12cuscook, waht is the difference between externaladdr and externip?
17:58.01[TK]D-Fenderfirst.. there is no such thing as "externaladdr"
17:58.35[TK]D-FenderThis is not a valid parameter name
17:58.38cuscoyou're right, I meant externaddr
17:58.45[TK]D-FenderThat also is invalid
17:59.05cusco";   a. "externaddr = hostname[:port]" specifies a static address[:port] to
17:59.10[TK]D-Fender"externhost" or "externip".
17:59.48[TK]D-Fendercusco, Also these parameters all need to be in the right place.  review the guide, and check your configs
18:01.59cuscoalso, I can register a peer from outside nat.. so I guess it can be the peer specifics?
18:02.48cuscowich is:
18:04.03[TK]D-Fenderregistername <- also not valid.  peers have no relationships to how you register.
18:04.21[TK]D-Fendercusco, pastebin your sip.conf masking only passwords
18:04.27cuscohmm I wondered about it but I saw no warnig
18:04.47cuscook will do but lots of ;comments
18:04.51WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: Actually there ist that 'callbackextension' thing. So it can have.
18:05.01[TK]D-Fender"Asterisk sip auth=+351302031844" <- also invalid.
18:05.57[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, no seeting in a peer on your server will affect how you register.  that is just the REGISTER statement itself
18:06.28WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: Wrong
18:06.40WIMPyYou don;t need a register statement to register.
18:08.45*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
18:09.13cuscothe register string seems to be ok, sip show registry show my peer as registered
18:09.48cuscoAsterisk sip auth=+351302031844 is invalid ?
18:10.05cuscohow do I specify the auth username?
18:15.06cuscosomehow it worked before I messed arround I guess
18:15.25cuscoand I didn't have externip/externhost set then !
18:15.31cuscoand I could dial out via voip
18:15.43cuscovia ISP Voip service I mean
18:18.19[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, How so, and since when?
18:19.03cuscoah yes.. ok
18:19.19cuscowell why am I sending my internal IP?
18:19.44WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: 'callbackextension' and I don't know since when that exists. But I don't know it for long either.
18:19.47[TK]D-Fendercusco, You have not followed the guide.  You failed to specify your localnets.
18:20.14*** join/#asterisk jcook_5xdata (~jcook_5xd@
18:20.18[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, REGISTER has it's own...
18:20.31[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, thats after the host
18:20.51WIMPyYes, but the idea is that you don;t need seperate register lines any more,
18:21.11[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, must be 1.8 thing
18:21.20WIMPyMost probably.
18:21.22jcook_5xdatais it possible in asterisk 1.6 to have the called party get a feedback beep when they place the calling party n hold?
18:21.38[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, Which is a hybrid version of something I suggested repeatedly over the past 5+ years :)
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18:21.56[TK]D-Fenderjcook_5xdata, that is up to your phone
18:22.04WIMPySo you're responsible yourself? :-)
18:22.34jcook_5xdatahhmmm, I am using polycom 650 I will look in sip.cfg thanks
18:22.37*** join/#asterisk michael-i (~anonymous@
18:23.21[TK]D-Fenderjcook_5xdata, there is a stock reminder after a minute or two
18:23.41[TK]D-Fenderjcook_5xdata, You control the sound and frequency
18:24.49jcook_5xdata[TK]D-Fender, ? this in asterisk or polycom if it in sip.cfg I must not have configure thanks again
18:27.21*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
18:29.26[TK]D-Fenderjcook_5xdata, the phone.  Not Asterisk
18:35.11jcook_5xdata[TK]D-Fender, yup I think I found it <call.hold.localReminder.enabled="1">
18:36.19cusco[TK]D-Fender: I'm still getting forbidden, I set the localnet and externip
18:36.26cusco - still has
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18:38.12cuscomy sip.conf is now smaller:
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18:55.02cuscook solved it...
18:55.14cuscocore restart now somehow made a difference instead of sipreload
18:55.32[TK]D-Fenderdarn caps...
18:55.59[TK]D-Fendercusco, Ok, so by "solved it" do you mean jsut the IP is right now?  Or does that also mean that you are succeeding at the overall call?
18:57.32cuscoim succeeding
18:57.44cuscothank you [TK]D-Fender
18:57.51[TK]D-Fendercusco, You're welcome.
18:58.21cuscoI have another question now...
18:58.41cuscoI registered twinkle from work to home's asterisk.... that [100] in the sip.conf
18:58.52cusconow and I can dial out etc
18:58.58cuscobut the dtmf isn't working
18:59.29cuscoI have dtmfmode=rfc2833
18:59.54[TK]D-Fendercusco, if that is what twinkle is using then that should be fine.  I presume you are testing this with VoiceMailMain... right?
19:00.17cuscoactually no, im calling our workline (provided by asterisk too)
19:00.33cuscowich works from regular phone (pstn)
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19:01.13cuscoat work, all our peers use rfc2833
19:01.18[TK]D-Fendercusco, How does "calling your work line" relate to "twinkle"?  You have too many things involved in your test to isolate a breakage
19:01.28[TK]D-Fendercusco, Test each leg independently
19:01.45mountainm2kHi all--  is there a CLI command I can run to see which, or at least how many, channels of a PRI are actually in use?  I had some users report fast-busy, and when I checked, I got it too...
19:02.12[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k, "dahdi show channels" should
19:02.22mountainm2kah, but I'm still on zap
19:02.42[TK]D-Fenderthen "core show channels concise" will give you numbered channels
19:03.33mountainm2kno such command...  I'm *also* on really old ABE, which is like 1.2 I think...
19:03.43mountainm2kwhich is maybe starting to become more of a problem
19:03.53mountainm2kbut the upgrade sounds like a lot of work...
19:04.42Qwelldo I dare ask what version of ABE?
19:05.09mountainm2kYou dare you dare -- its old tho
19:05.30*** join/#asterisk tamiel (
19:05.32QwellYOU ARE A BAD MAN.
19:05.32Qwellruns to the corner and rolls up into a ball
19:06.24mountainm2kI still don't have hardware I can build up a new / test machine, and since its production, I don't really want to just dive into the upgrade some night and hope I get it all working
19:06.39mountainm2kBut i'd still like to see how many Zap channels are in use :-P
19:06.47Qwellzap show channels
19:07.02mountainm2kSo on that, its saying chan 1 and 2 have extensions listed
19:07.26mountainm2kHmmm, well, maybe that could be right for this time of day -- lotsa ppl on lunch
19:07.46[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k, "show channels concise
19:07.51[TK]D-Fenderno "core"
19:07.59cusco[TK]D-Fender: ok so I tested it only with Read()
19:08.08cusco-- User entered nothing.
19:08.24[TK]D-Fendercusco, then your client isn't using what you think it is
19:09.03cuscotwinkle is set to auto
19:09.13cuscolet me force it to frc
19:09.34cusconothing still
19:09.57cuscosip show peer 100 shows: DTMFmode     : rfc2833
19:10.30cuscomy twinkle is also behind another nat
19:10.35cuscomay this be related?
19:10.49cuscotho sip show peer also shows: Addr->IP     :
19:13.00mountainm2kTK -- thanks much, that worked...
19:13.16mountainm2kWhile I'm here, any way from the CLI to show if a ZAP span is in alarm?
19:13.25mountainm2kor do I need to look at zttool for that
19:13.34mountainm2kthinking about nagios-ing that
19:13.41[TK]D-Fendercusco, shouldn't be
19:14.00[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k, "pri show span 1"
19:14.05[TK]D-Fendermountainm2k, grep-able
19:14.15WIMPymountainm2k: Today we have 'pri show ...'. Try 'zap show ...'
19:14.37mountainm2ktk -- thanks, I can grep on Status, thanks that'll work
19:14.47*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
19:14.49cuscoI'll lookt at it at home...
19:15.11mountainm2kWIMPy, that might be even easier...  I'll look at that too...
19:17.13p3nguincusco: Depending on what version of Asterisk you have, externaddr is the new externip... just in case no one told you earlier.
19:18.39p3nguinseri, r0m|u: It's still not here.
19:18.46p3nguinMaybe tomorrow.
19:23.43*** join/#asterisk nighty- (
19:24.22cuscop3nguin: ok thanks
19:31.01*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
19:34.14r0m|up3nguin, Like you said monday was no mail running "in campus it was for picking up" but It should be there no longer than tomorrow.
19:37.47*** part/#asterisk mountainm2k (
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19:55.50nnyanyone one proficient with the vmail.cgi interface know why the "forward" button would not work? (It just clicks). Looked in apache error logs etc so far nothing useful. Maybe perl or other dependency I am missing?
19:56.03*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
19:56.28nnywait sorry
19:56.36nnycarry on
19:57.06WIMPyI always wonder if ool use the keyboard on their backs.
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20:29.39[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
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20:32.05Kobazso how does connected line work when doing an attended transfer
20:32.34KobazA calls B, B calls C, B transfers it's call to C...   but C sees the callerid of B, not the original caller A
20:32.35WIMPyThat's not a connected line thing. That's a transfer thing.
20:32.39Kobazwould connected line fix that?
20:33.22Kobazwell when you do an attended transfer, asterisk doesn't know it's a transfer
20:33.32Kobazi would think you could update the callerid after the transfer with connected line
20:33.51WIMPyYes, that's the problem, as usual.
20:34.02Kobazcisco supports that apparently
20:34.11WIMPyConnected line is on connect only.
20:34.12Kobazwhen doing an attended transfer it keeps the callerid
20:34.42WIMPyEvery PBX does it.
20:34.49Kobazexcept for asterisk
20:35.11WIMPyAnd connected line is the wrong direction in your question anyway.
20:35.20WIMPyYou're asking about callerid.
20:35.34Kobazdoesn't connected line update the callerid?
20:35.49WIMPyYes, but on the caller side.
20:36.37WIMPySo that the number you dialled is replaced by the number that actually answered.
20:37.38Kobaznever knew really what that did
20:38.24WIMPyWell, in te PSTN or a PBX a single call can involve a lot of numbers being transferred.
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20:48.51p3nguin[Oct 12 15:48:21] WARNING[31591]: chan_gtalk.c:1606 gtalk_write: Asked to transmit frame type slin, while native formats is 0x4 (ulaw) (read/write = ulaw/ulaw)
20:49.10*** join/#asterisk Fritz09 (~Adium@
20:49.14p3nguinI get a flood of that warning when dialing out through gtalk.
20:49.40p3nguinProbably more than 50 repeats per second.
20:50.08p3nguinAnyone seen it before and/or fixed it?
20:50.47p3nguinShould I switch to codec slin?
20:51.34cuscotalking on gtalk... i was testing it
20:51.52cuscoi need a externip too in gtalk.conf rigt?
20:52.07p3nguinThe call still seems to proceed as usual, but that warning floods the console until I disconnect.
20:52.11cuscoor would tha be externaddr too?
20:52.21*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
20:52.32p3nguinexternaddr or externhost, depending on if you have a static public IP address or not.
20:53.11p3nguinexternip has been changed to externaddr.  If you use externip, you should see a notice in the console that externip has been deprecated.
20:53.27cuscoin gtqlk.conf too?
20:53.48p3nguinI would think so.
20:53.59cuscogtalk.conf? because with jabber de ug i noticed the same pro lem
20:54.04p3nguinI wouldn't know why it would be deprecated in one channel but not in another.
20:54.09cuscosending my nat'ed ip out
20:54.39cuscothe conf sample had externaddr insip.conf and externip in gtalk.conf
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20:55.02cuscook will look at that
20:55.26cuscoalso in jabber debug i noticed that google was sending me alaw
20:56.53p3nguinI switched gtalk to slin to stop the flooding of the warning, but now when I call it just rings and rings, never reaching the phone I'm calling.
20:57.50cuscoi read somethig about that in voip info
20:58.05cuscodon't remember was it was regarding tho
20:58.25cuscobut that issue was described near the bottom of the page
21:00.45*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
21:03.38cuscocan gtalk do dtmf's?
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21:13.08p3nguinIf I use slin, it just rings and rings.  If I use ulaw, the call makes it to the other phone, but I get that flood.
21:13.55*** join/#asterisk Fritz09 (
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21:16.23ideamanCan anyone tell me in 1.6 what directory all the sounds like tt-monkeys are?
21:18.22QwellDidn't you ask this the other day?  You were given 2 correct answers.
21:18.35ideamanI got /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
21:18.39QwellYou need to install extra-sounds
21:18.41ideamanbut they aren't there
21:18.44ideamanI did that too
21:19.25ideamanNot sure, because before I install anything, tt-monkeys was already there
21:19.48ideamanI was just looking for the directory so I could find the whole list of sounds that are apparently already installed
21:19.51QwellYou installed something, and you aren't sure how you did it?
21:20.17ideamanNo, I installed the extra sound package, but that didn't put any sounds in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
21:20.30QwellHow did you install it?
21:21.00ideamanapt-get install asterisk-sounds-extra
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21:30.45ideamanany further suggestions?
21:32.20Qwellask dpkg where it put them
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21:36.49p3nguinIs it not possible to not load
21:37.13p3nguinnoload =>  certainly doesn't stop it from being loaded.
21:37.48*** join/#asterisk Russ (~russ@
21:38.05Qwellit's possible that some dep is pulling it in
21:38.05Qwellapp_adsiprog and...something else both use it
21:38.22p3nguinI'll see if I can track it down.
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21:45.49p3nguinI'm not seeing anything else that depends on res_adsi.
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21:47.20Qwellyour best bet would be to just not build it
21:48.39p3nguinI had a feeling I was going to be recompiling today.
21:49.16p3nguinmenuselect tree doesn't indicate to me that voicemail needs adsi.  How did you determine that?
21:49.18*** join/#asterisk wannknowwhy (
21:50.10wannknowwhyevening gents ans ladies
21:51.18wannknowwhyi need some help with a t38 passtrough, i have a sip trunk from a provider that supports t38
21:51.24wannknowwhyhere is my setup
21:53.24wannknowwhySIP trunk(provider)----ulaw---->(asterisk serverA)------ulaw------>(asterisk serverB)-----ulaw------>(ata)----->Fax amchine
21:54.00wannknowwhycan not get this to work, fax call gets answered on fxs(ata) but just fails after a few seconds
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23:15.09wonderworldhi, i am trying to compile app_konference but the make fails. any ideas?
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23:55.37seatherHaving a problem with incoming faxes, app_fax.c says: Error transmitting fax. result=49 the call dropped preamturely. This is an FXO port on a Sangoma A200 with latest wanpipe, asterisk 1.6 (trixbox) anyone know how I can diagnopse?
23:56.20*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (~Chris@

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