IRC log for #asterisk on 20110927

00:02.50*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
00:06.41*** join/#asterisk tonsofpcs (
00:16.34corretico<[TK]D-Fender>hey. The problem was on the Cisco configuration. The traffic between the cisco and asterisk are OK
00:16.50p3nguinStill having problems with quoting, I see.
00:16.56p3nguinYou're surely not that dense.
00:24.23*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
00:32.02*** join/#asterisk kdmessano (~nonya@unaffiliated/kdmessano)
00:39.45[TK]D-FenderJunK-Y: Salut
00:40.27pdtpatrickQuestion .. is Asterisk moving towards AEL or LUA ?
00:40.34WIMPyHi [TK]D-Fender. did you feel homesick? :-)
00:40.47*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
00:41.12p3nguinpdtpatrick: I wouldn't think so.
00:41.22[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Tough question... felt a lot of things really, not sure I've processed them all yet.
00:41.27p3nguinYou may certainly use either or both of those if you wish, though.
00:41.52pdtpatrickright but i don't want to get very familiar with AEL and then they drop it in favor of LUA
00:42.51[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick: AEL is and always has been a intperted lay over basic dialplan offering less than you could do by yourself and making debugging a greater challenge in trade for a syntax that might feel more familiar to some
00:44.33[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick: As long as it's maintained it will probably have its small following, but they are a considerably smaller statistic
00:45.02[TK]D-FenderPBX_UA is a lot more integrated from little I recall and probably isn't on the same level as AEL
00:46.55pdtpatrickyou mean PBX_LUA ?
00:48.18pdtpatrick[TK]D-Fender, just so i understood what you said.. AEL is superb compared to the plain dialplan but inferior to lua?
00:49.11[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick: That is not what I said
00:49.41[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick: AEL compiles back to common dialplan logic, but in so doing can only offer you less that you could have done in standard dialplan logic yourself
00:50.19[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick:  One immediate key shortcoming was lack of presence support
00:51.11pdtpatrickpresence as in JabberStatus  ??
00:51.17pdtpatrickthat sucks
00:51.19[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick: as in basic hints.
00:51.47pdtpatrickokay how about lua from your experience?
00:51.49[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick: Like the magical "I wan't my phone to light up when my coworker is on a call"
00:51.49pdtpatrickthanks in advance btw
00:52.47[TK]D-FenderI am uncertain for LUA.  No direct experience with it.  It'd be something to look at, but * still revolves around certain key processing concepts so I'm not sure where its "catch" is at.
00:53.36[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick: before branching out, how has your own experience with the basics of * been going, and what leads you to look at these other two?
00:53.52pdtpatrickwell i want to do something like this
00:54.35pdtpatrickcurrently i'm using the gotoif
00:54.41d_preston215I know its late as hell, but I just want to say that trixbox royally sucks.
00:54.48pdtpatrickand getting information from jabberstatus
00:55.29pdtpatrickand thought it would make a lot more sense to use something like AEL with case (just like bash scripts)
00:55.49pdtpatrickor use LUA with if (like other languages: python etc)
00:56.04[TK]D-Fenderd_preston215: I'm sure others will have told you the same thing repeatedly already.
00:56.32[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick: do "dialplan show" at * CLI and see what that code of yours turned into.
00:57.07[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick: And I don't see this "gotoif" you were referring to in there
00:57.50[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick: I see a single "case" section which is functionally a GotoIF (especially when you look at how it gets parsed)
00:57.51pdtpatrick[TK]D-Fender, here's an exampleexten => s,1,jabberstatus(asterisk,${ARG2},STATUS)
00:57.58pdtpatrickthen i do
00:58.00pdtpatrickexten => s,2,gotoif($[$[${STATUS}]<3]?available:unavailable)
00:58.29pdtpatrickbut the other link ur using uses switch + case
00:59.05pdtpatrickcoming from a python/bash background .. the switch/case construct makes a lot more sense
00:59.11pdtpatrickand looks easier to read
00:59.18[TK]D-Fenderyes, well there are 3 cases in the PB, and you showed me 1 GotoIF.  So they cannot be considered equivalent just yet
00:59.46[TK]D-Fenderyes, in 1 little bit it can lok a little more natural, but you pay a price for it elsewhere
01:00.05pdtpatrickwhich is compiling back to basic dialplan ?
01:00.15[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick: Have you looked as I suggested?
01:00.20pdtpatrickchecking now
01:01.09*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
01:01.30[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick: Feel free to pastebin that as well.  good for reference
01:05.35*** join/#asterisk kdmessano (~nonya@unaffiliated/kdmessano)
01:11.46pdtpatrickugh ael already giving me problems
01:11.54pdtpatrick[Sep 26 18:11:29] ERROR[6548]: pbx_ael.c:197 pbx_load_module: Sorry, but 2 syntax errors and 0 semantic errors were detected. It doesn't make sense to compile.
01:17.09[TK]D-FenderJabberSend(asterisk-xmpp,,(Calling cellphone...); <- mismatched parenthesis
01:17.27[TK]D-Fenderas far as I could see right off the bat...
01:18.22[TK]D-FenderThose are the clearer syntax ones.  your Dial's also look wrong as far as specifying peers would appear (and your use of ${EXTEN} i suspect may not be what you were thinking of it for either)
01:18.33*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
01:20.24pdtpatrickfixed that .. now it is complaining about this
01:20.38pdtpatrick[Sep 26 18:19:40] ERROR[6636]: ael.y:840 ael_yyerror: ==== File: /etc/asterisk/extensions.ael, Line 4, Cols: 9-19: Error: syntax error, unexpected word, expecting ';' or '='
01:21.58*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
01:23.26sawgoodI can start Asterisk with option(s) to store all CLI output to a 'txt file (and this does serve as a very valuable method for some types of troubleshooting, but I would like know if someone can offer a suggestion for this ...(follows)
01:23.53[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick: You might want to pay attention to your variable and function references....
01:24.08sawgoodOnce Asterisk has started (and you are at the CLI), is there a tip you can offer to where I can start something like (sip set debug on), but have the output go to a txt file instead of the screen?
01:24.16pdtpatrickwill check again and update
01:24.49sawgoodSo, I can take the 'text' file, and open it with a SIP troubleshooting tool?
01:25.10p3nguinHow do you connect to the asterisk computer?
01:25.15sawgoodSSH only
01:25.23p3nguinWith what ssh client?
01:25.34sawgoodright now, I am running two SSH clients for various reasons
01:25.49p3nguinWith what ssh clients?
01:25.50sawgoodwell, I use putty from a Win X box and standard SSH from a Debian box
01:26.00p3nguinIf you use PuTTY, it does logging to file.  Use that.
01:26.18sawgoodthat is one choice ... thank you
01:26.35sawgoodat least with that option, the file is LOCAL to my client side
01:31.09[TK]D-Fenderkeep in mind how much random taffic goes on with qualify packets alone.  Your logging will be enormous very quickly
01:31.37[TK]D-FenderAnd if you are doing this remote from your server LAN that is also added traffic to keep in mind (if you're really tight on things)
01:33.31*** join/#asterisk jwiggins (~James@gateway/tor-sasl/jwiggins)
01:34.47*** join/#asterisk dijib (
01:37.13*** join/#asterisk brdude (
01:37.18sawgoodI decided to use a network TAP on another box with a Wireshark approach
01:37.38sawgood[TK]D-Fender: thank you so much as well
01:51.34*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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01:54.41*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
02:10.59*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
02:22.24*** join/#asterisk Bidik (~bidik@
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02:56.11*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
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03:50.33*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
03:59.42*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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04:21.03*** part/#asterisk jmordica (
04:28.56*** join/#asterisk nix8n82-phone (~AndChat@
04:38.39*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
04:42.43*** join/#asterisk irroot (
04:50.12Miccwhere can I find information on what ports to open in iptables for tcp transport?
04:57.13ChannelZtcp SIP is 5060 AFAIK
04:57.31ChannelZbut RTP is still UDP
04:59.17Miccis there any way to do rtp over tcp?
05:00.37ChannelZno TCP is shitty for realtime media
05:01.35Miccthat is true.
05:03.02kaldemarthe SIP port is what you configure it to be in sip.conf
05:04.21kaldemarby default it is 5060
05:07.33Miccif its just the sip port, thats easy. for some reason I thought it was rtp too.
05:07.55MiccI'm hoping the tcp connection open to the server will help this particular router that is doing funny things.
05:24.34*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (~freeman@
05:36.54*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:52.10*** join/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~RAMYT@
05:54.41*** join/#asterisk gokulnath (~gokulnath@
06:11.27*** join/#asterisk waschtl (
06:11.33*** join/#asterisk din3sh (29d4d142@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:11.54din3shHi all
06:12.49din3shCan anyone confirm if the CDR issue has been resolved in 1.8.x or the only way out is to use CEL?
06:31.46*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
06:32.12*** join/#asterisk irroot (
06:37.06*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49)
06:42.04*** join/#asterisk leftist (
06:43.18*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
06:45.24jkroonhas anyone ever seen "SIP/2.0 200 Auth Failed" in response to a REGISTER packet?
06:45.52jkroonnearly burst ot laughing and crying at the same time.
06:46.35jkroonreal live, curtessy of mweb in ZA.
06:46.53jkroonSip EXpress running on freebsd.
06:49.39jkroonapparently it works with a soft phone, so just wondering how I can work around it.
06:50.44ChannelZoh you're really asking?
06:53.19jkrooni'm afraid so.
06:53.44ChannelZoh.. well the simple answer is fix your peer/credentials
06:54.47jkroonuhrm, secret is correct ... as is the username (as far as I can tell), so I just don't know what more to look at ...
06:55.06ChannelZWhat does the console say?
06:56.06ChannelZits probably not matching the right peer
06:56.18jkroonregistered.  it is getting a SIP/2.0 200 response after all./
06:57.14jkrooni'll pastebin the registration exchange, perhaps you can spot something from that.
06:57.55ChannelZwell if it's working.....
06:58.40jkroonthat's the point.  provider systems says not registered :p
06:59.37ChannelZwho said "200 Auth failed"?
07:00.20jkroonthe provider.
07:00.57jkroonasterisk in that exchange is the client.
07:03.50wdoekes2jkroon: you do know that you're advertising .35 while it sees .34 ?
07:04.35jkroonwdoekes2, no i did not.
07:05.09jkroontries to see if he can get that fixed and if it helps.
07:07.00jkroonfixed with externip, no change.
07:08.46ChannelZwell they don't appear to like your auth, for reasons I don't know
07:10.06jkroonthen why don't they respond with a 403 ?!?  guess I'll have to ask them that.
07:10.49din3sh@jkroon works on softphone but not hard ones?
07:11.16din3shis the SIP port used same for both softphone and hard ones?
07:11.28din3shmight be a firewall issue
07:11.29kaldemarjkroon: grab a registration with a soft phone and compare it to the asterisk one.
07:11.43ChannelZhmm true are these all behind the same NAT?
07:12.06jkroondin3sh, pretty much any "IP Phone" according to MWeb.
07:12.18jkroonso soft phone was a misnomer on my side.
07:12.50jkroondin3sh, i don't think it's a firewall issue, at least not at the registration stage, port 5060 traffic is passing through and I am getting responses.
07:13.09jkroonI did alter it so that I advertize .34 as my public IP using externip instead of externhost ...
07:14.16*** join/#asterisk creativx (
07:16.12kaldemarjkroon: have you tried it with a phone?
07:17.18*** join/#asterisk Buklov (
07:17.26jkroonkaldemar, going to get that set up in a second.
07:17.48din3share these all behind the same NAT?
07:18.16jkroonthe phone won't be no
07:18.17*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:18.57jkroonok, where can I find the rfc on calculating the md5 hashes for the response to the auth challenge?
07:19.34din3shi think ure going too far there, the answer might be simpler
07:20.08din3shcompare the softphone and ip phone and see whats not constant
07:20.10jkroonplease explain ?
07:20.25*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:f49e:600a:82d3:b620)
07:20.50jkroonthe only access i've got behind that NAT is the asterisk server ... so can't set up a phone behind that particular nat.
07:22.02din3shthe router in front of the asterisk server allows all ports?
07:27.06*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
07:27.56din3shCan anyone confirm if the CDR issue has been resolved in 1.8.x or the only way out is to use CEL?
07:32.05kaldemardin3sh: IMO mnicholson quite clearly states that the issue is closed as won't fix. i wouldn't expect it to be fixed in any version until that issue says so. is a better place to follow that since mantis is not used anymore.
07:33.03*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
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07:33.41jkroonkaldemar, thanks.
07:34.39jkroonkaldemar, ChannelZ, din3sh, the SIP phone registration exchange:
07:35.58din3sh:S @kaldemar, i've tested and even 10, the CDR missing on transfer issue doesnt seem to have bee fixed :/
07:36.05*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
07:38.26jkroondin3sh, no it's not fixed.  and won't be.  the channel gets transferred so it really depends on which channel the cdr was initiated on.
07:38.45jkroontwo workarounds, work via Local/??/n channels and generate CDRs on those, or use CEL
07:39.23wdoekes2jkroon: do they have an IP-white-/blacklist?
07:39.32din3sh@jkroon Contact: <sip:27877008071@;
07:39.40din3shthe port isnt supposed to be 5060?
07:39.41jkroonwdoekes2, i'll ask.
07:39.44*** join/#asterisk irroot (
07:39.47jkroonthat's the phone side.
07:40.21din3shphone side 2048 nat to 5060 asterisk side?
07:40.25jkroonit seems they do the sane thing with NAT=auto and detect people that's behind NAT.
07:40.34*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
07:40.36schmidtsgood morning
07:40.42wdoekes2(and you could try removing externip= altogether.. seeing that the phone sends rfc1918)
07:41.50jkroonwdoekes2, still results in SIP/2.0 200 Auth Failed
07:42.07jkroonwithout externip.
07:43.05wdoekes2yea.. a blacklist is more plausible (e.g. when the auth matching does say 200, but they fail afterwards because of the unwanted IP)
07:43.20din3shcan u test without the nat configuration in between? then if the phone does register, u'd at least know that the prob is with ur nat config
07:43.31jkroonbp @
07:43.41irrootjkroon still having the fd problem
07:43.45jkrooni've been trying to eliminate that NAT with almost every second breath last week.
07:43.52jkroonirroot, yes i am.  even on
07:43.57jkroonirroot, yes i am.  even on even
07:44.19wdoekes2jkroon: that last one is odd: why don't you get a received= this time?
07:44.42jkroonwdoekes2, in one of my more unhelpful responses simply because i don't no:  green
07:44.59irrootthe fromdomain setting ??
07:45.25jkroonwdoekes2, the SNOM300 passes Supported: gruu ??
07:45.26irrootsee the realm= maybe need it ??
07:45.38jkroonnot sure if that could cause the different effect?
07:45.40wdoekes2no.. that's your realm
07:45.59jkroonfromdomain is currently set to the IP
07:46.14jkroontried with a horde of their various system names, all with the same result.
07:46.25jkroonalso, the SNOM phone works with the fromdomain equal to the IP.
07:47.15irrootnot fromdomain realm
07:47.29irrootmaybe need the realm set properly
07:47.32din3shdoes realm on phone config match realm on asterisk>
07:49.03din3shset realm=jkroon on both
07:51.58wdoekes2I cannot see any reason at all why received= is gone in that last dump. I think you'll have to contact them because something seems messed up in their rules
07:52.35wdoekes2there's one thing left I see: the name-addr "Jaco Kroon" which you don't get in the asterisk trace
07:55.20irrootwdoekes2 jkroon we know the morons who are running this :P
07:56.47jkroonwdoekes2, no blacklisting going on.
07:57.09jkroonirroot, MWeb.
07:57.17jkroonon the phone with them now - any questions?
07:57.18*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
07:57.39irroottell them i send my regards ... of course im been polite
08:02.45*** join/#asterisk hetii (~hetii@
08:05.42jkroonok, other ideas?
08:06.51jkroonVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-1ht4rz27a7be;rport <-- phone sends rport on the register request - how can I get asterisk to follow suit?
08:07.58wdoekes2so does asterisk (nat=something-with-yes) (see your first )
08:08.53wdoekes2and there went africa
08:10.52*** join/#asterisk irroot (
08:18.29*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
08:20.59*** join/#asterisk IsUp (5b8e8e8f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:21.21IsUpis that possible to remove '+' sign from CallerID in dialplan?
08:22.31kaldemarIsUp: of course. where is it in the caller id?
08:23.43IsUpkaldemar: ${CALLERID(num)} returns me: +165452200, i want to remove that '+' sign. but i telco sending me calls, sometimes they are not putting '+' on Caller IDs. so CUT function is not working correctly if theres no '+'
08:24.30*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
08:24.52irrootIsUp use gotoif($[${VAR:1:1} = +] ....
08:24.54IsUpkaldemar: i think its resolved now, ive tried 1-2 in CUT function
08:26.29kaldemarIsUp: Execif($["${CALLERID(num):0:1}" = "+"]?Set(CALLERID(num)=${CALLERID(num):1}))
08:26.40kaldemarsomething like that.
08:26.41irrootkaldemar +1
08:26.42*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:28.18*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:29.30IsUpkaldemar: is that wrong to use CUT? because that works for me now: Set(callerfilter=${CUT(${CALLERID(num)},'+',1-2)})
08:31.21kaldemarthere is more than one way to do it. here's one more: Set(CALLERID(num)=${REPLACE(CALLERID(num),+)})
08:33.37kaldemari'd like execif or replace better because there really are no fields but a single character. but you can be the judge of which you like the most.
08:34.10IsUpkaldemar: I dont have REPLACE function, and i dont know why. i am running 1.4. i cant see it in 'show functions'
08:38.26kaldemarREPLACE is 1.8 only.
08:39.39IsUpah okay
08:39.42IsUpthank you so much
08:40.30*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
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09:00.25IsUpkaldemar: it says " execif_exec: Invalid Syntax."
09:00.53kaldemarwhat exactly? my example?
09:01.01*** join/#asterisk Lipsum (~sengebret@
09:02.45IsUpkaldemar: yes, probaby ? was wrong, ive changed it "," also Set( was wrong, i set Set,params and its working i think :p
09:03.27*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
09:03.57IsUpkaldemar: thanks for the idea, CUT didnt worked well
09:04.50LipsumWhen working with XML objects (particularly CiscoIPPhoneInput) on SPA504, is it somehow possible to enable extended ascii support for the input fields? The SPA525 has support for them by default it appears.
09:05.28*** join/#asterisk linuxplatform (~centoslin@
09:09.27kaldemarIsUp: the execif i gave earlier works fine on 1.8.
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09:22.02Faustovfor the purpose of some filtering I'm looking at CIDs coming in to my asterisk box, some calls from Madrid come as "nian<number>" for some reason - anyone got any idea why this might be happening?
09:23.13kaldemarFaustov: the party that sends you the calls might.
09:28.48*** join/#asterisk Tribbers (
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09:41.02alfadirhi, connecting to a sip testnr with linphone. seems to work.. but no sound. I get message: bandwidth usage: audio=[d=0.0,u=81.4] video=[d=0.0,u=0.0] kbit/sec in the debug. any ideas? no audio downstream ? is there a better client ? other problems ?
09:41.44*** join/#asterisk irroot (
09:43.57Faustovkaldemar: sure, I'm trying to find out if this is a local misconfiguration or some standard, however google doesn't tell me much
09:44.38*** join/#asterisk black187 (5d67162a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:46.20black187Hello guys. Does anybody know what exactly asterisk needs for performance - CPU, RAM? We are trying to assemble a hardware for around 4000 users - do we use 64 bit proc.? Do we use Opteron?...
09:46.41black187The hardware would be for testing purposes -> stress testing.
09:48.06black187And regarding stress testing - we use sipp, but is there any other tool like sipp, but that it can make a call (RTP) and not play some file from disk?
09:48.55*** join/#asterisk r33dtard (~r33dtard@gateway/tor-sasl/r33dtard)
09:54.15kaldemarblack187: can sipp not make a call with RTP?
09:55.11black187We tried, but it didn't work -> maybe a dialplan issue.
09:58.22TribbersHi Asterisk has been configured to start on boot and when my server boots up I can make calls and everything works expect for voicemail. Voicemail only starts working when i call asterisk. Any reason why the voicemail wouldnt work even though asterisk is running?
09:59.47IsUpTribbers: Do you have any output? logs?
10:01.24TribbersI have looked at the logs and there are no obvious errors. Postfix is definitely started. Cannot really check if the CLI output is calling the voicemail, as soon as i go into the CLI it starts working
10:04.07*** join/#asterisk SteveWilliams (~SteveWill@
10:04.36SteveWilliamsHi All! Good Morning!
10:07.20SteveWilliamsPlease Help! When I type odbc show in the asterisk console, it says that no such function exists. How do I install / enable the odbc function? I am using Asterisk 1.4
10:08.19SteveWilliamsIs there a similar function available for my version
10:08.24irrootSteveWilliams you need to build asterisk with odbc drivers unixodbc also remember the header files are needed if you using some package
10:09.16SteveWilliamsirroot:Okay. Thanks!
10:20.08TribbersIsUp: I apoligise I do have errors. It appears to be that getting asterisk to start up on boot simply just allows phone calls to be made but teh dialpan is ignored as it just rings a panic group, voicemails don't work, voice recordings dont work. As soon as I run asterisk, everything runs as it should. Do I not understand what make config actually does?
10:21.38TribbersOr rather than ringing a panic group as it is definitely not touching the dialplan it just rings every registered phone
10:26.32*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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10:31.42kaldemarTribbers: make config just installs an init script.
10:37.01Tribberskaldemar: so does this not start asterisk then, sorry I am new to this game any help would be greatly appreciated. I may just need to go and read up some more
10:49.31*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
11:01.07IsUpTribbers: how you start asterisk? any parameters?
11:04.09_naomisorry was trying to leave
11:04.29*** part/#asterisk _naomi (~naomi@
11:04.47TribbersIsUp: I have run the make config and I also ran chkconfig asterisk on, which i am under the presumption will also start asterisk on boot. However at the moment to get asterisk working i simply type "asterisk" and everything starts working as it should.
11:07.07TribbersIf it is any help when i rebooted i checked the status of asterisk and it says it is running. But again it is not actually functional until I type "asterisk".
11:10.34IsUpTribbers: when you rebooted, just do 'asterisk -r' and then see if you are able to connect to console. if you can, do 'module show like'
11:11.09jkroonirroot, what do you think the chances are that mweb has a list of allowed user agent strings?
11:11.21jkroonie, to combat things like sipwich
11:11.59jkroonwdoekes2, ?
11:12.17wdoekes260% ;P
11:12.27irrootjkroon not sure i doubt they smart enough but they may be dumb enough to try and fuck it up
11:12.44jkroonproceeds to fake the user agent to what is being used by a SNOM300
11:13.14*** join/#asterisk as001 (~uros@
11:14.05black187Does anybody know what exactly asterisk needs for performance - CPU, RAM? We are trying to assemble a hardware for around 4000 users - do we use 64 bit proc.? Do we use Opteron?..
11:14.06jkroonperhaps something related to the Contact: header ?!?
11:14.23as001Hello, I am using Asterisk, my agents are in queues and Agent/XXX is paused, when I rewrite configuration and do reload on CLI paused agent gets call despite he is paused. How can i prevent that ?
11:14.33jkroonblack187, i've got around 500 users on about 200MB of RAM, CPU depends on call concurrency.
11:14.52jkroon2.5GHz (Xeon processor) per approximately 50 concurrent calls should be OK.
11:15.02jkroondon't underestimate your disks if you're doing call recording.
11:15.16TribbersIsUp: I dont believe it is just voicemail now, you may not have read my message earlier. However I have just done what you said and the message is "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)". yet making calls still work so asterisk is up in some way.
11:15.46black187@jkroon: Ok thanks - the procesor is mainly responsible for concurrent calls, RAM for SIP registration?
11:15.54alfadirhi, trying to call a testnr from nat to server. sending ok, but receiving registerd as zero. tried 2 clients on different os.. a firewall problem ?
11:16.11alfadirconnection, commands ok
11:16.21alfadirjust no sound from the other end..
11:16.30jkroonblack187, something to that effect yes.  there is per-call memory constructs too, obviously.
11:17.24*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
11:17.51IsUpTribbers: are you running your asterisk as root?
11:19.08black187@jkroon: Ok thanks...
11:19.22TribbersIsUp: yes, I am the only one working on the server and I have not not added any other users :D
11:28.16IsUpTribbers: its strange, i cant understand how you are making calls when you cant connect to console
11:29.17as001Hi why are my agents receive calls from queue after reload when they are paused ?
11:31.00TribbersIsUp: I know I just need to find out why asterisk is starting up properly. Thanks for your time anyway really appreciate it. Will carry on searching see if I can find anything.
11:31.35IsUpTribbers: no problem, i am kinda busy and sorry for delay. you should check your logs. good luck
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12:01.12Verzuzhi, does my voip phone need to support reinvite to properly work with directmedia=yes (or in older version canreinvite=) variable?
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12:05.45kaldemarVerzuz: properly? it needs to support pre-session re-invites.
12:07.30as001Do you know does reload of asterisk do something wrong with paused Queue members so they can receive calls despite they have been paused before reload ?
12:08.27*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
12:08.37Verzuzkaldemar, properly - im trying to set it up on some experimental simple-config asterisk, but got much problems with it, i will check pre-session then, thanks
12:14.47jkrooni am going to kill one of my tech staff!
12:15.05jkroonright, ok, got it up to one-way voice.  which is an issue with NAT itself.
12:15.27irrootjkroon you tube it ... can we help/watch
12:15.57jkrooni've now got to go explain to a client why it took me more than a week to track an incorrect password.
12:16.23jkroonI will blame it on the fact that MWeb gives me SIP/2.0 200 even on incorrect auth details, thus indicating to asterisk that authentication was successful.
12:16.52jkroonok, is there magic voodoo I can feed the remote peer to request it only start sending rtp once it starts receiving from me?
12:20.24*** part/#asterisk as001 (~uros@
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12:39.37jacc0hi all
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12:48.10Verzuzkaldemar, what do you mean by pre-session re-invite? it's rly hard tofind anything about it on the net...
12:48.55irrootjkroon they need to fix there proxy then
12:51.09*** join/#asterisk otwieracz (
12:51.23otwieraczIs available in Asterisk to automatically add some contacts to user roster?
12:52.28jkroonirroot, or i need to get gamco to get IS to get some udp port forwarding done :p
12:52.30*** join/#asterisk SteveWilliams (~SteveWill@
12:53.26[TK]D-Fenderotwieracz, Asterisk doesn't manage anything conceptually like "contacts"
12:56.23atanAnyone know if the Plantronics CS361N works well with the DA40/DA55/DA60?
12:57.40*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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13:09.52jkroonnormal call works, Echo() does not.
13:11.04[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, show us
13:12.38jkroon[TK]D-Fender, what do you need to see?  In the Echo() case I'm not receiving rtp from the provider, so not very unexpected to not receive anything back ...
13:13.04jkroonnot too phazed about that particular issue in the bigger scheme of things to be honest.
13:15.22[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, PB the call
13:15.48kaldemarVerzuz: by pre-session i mean that the call (SIP session) is not fully set up yet.
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13:16.55jkroon[TK]D-Fender, busy setting it up for a capture.
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13:27.11Kattydrags in
13:27.53irrootgives katty hugs and big wimpy mega coffee
13:29.35WIMPyis not a coffee
13:29.53*** part/#asterisk otwieracz (
13:30.03Kattyhugs irroot
13:30.09Kattyhugs WIMPy
13:30.16*** join/#asterisk gego (
13:30.22Kattywimpy needs 100mg caffeine STAT
13:30.49WIMPyThat's not going to wake me up.
13:30.50irrootKatty lol got you wimpy is a chain here that is known for coffee something like a wendys/burger king
13:31.37Kattyi think we used to have a wimps here long ago
13:31.40*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
13:31.44Kattylong before i was born tho
13:33.28Katty <- 1967
13:37.17Katty17 years before i was born tho
13:38.29tzangerthere's a Wimpy's diner just a few km from me
13:38.33tzangerdecent breakfast, although slow
13:39.09coppiceWimpy (named after the character in Popeye) was *the* burger bar long before McD were known at all. Anyone know what happened to them
13:39.12Kattymust have been pretty popular
13:39.29Kattythe home of popeye isn't too far from here
13:39.48coppiceyou do realise he is fictional, don't you?
13:40.10Kattybout an hour from here in Chester IL
13:42.17*** join/#asterisk Vilius_Invade (~Vilius_In@
13:42.33tzangercoppice: nonsense, it is totally possible to squeeze a tin can and have the spinach leap up in a perfect arc into your mouth
13:43.04mizticyeah thats the part i didn't buy either :)
13:43.07coppicetzanger: it probably is, but Popeye is still fictional
13:43.58WIMPyhas once had fish&chips at a Wimpy's in London.
13:44.26Kattywould you believe i don't like fish n chips?
13:44.46coppiceWimpy's restaurants in England used to be quite expensive
13:45.02irrootcoppice tzanger popeye was a sailor you try tell a sailor they not real and see how it works out
13:45.52[TK]D-Fendersenses great Venn failure...
13:48.17*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
13:49.19coppiceirroot: Popeye was a "sailor man", and not the don't ask don't tell kind. most unreal
13:49.52irrootcoppice the YMCA kind ??
13:50.17coppiceThe cop. The Indian brave. The Popeye
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13:58.16LemensTSI installed oslec into dahdi, and i was wondering in /etc/dahdi/system.conf do I need to change it to echocanceller=oslec    ?  I hadn't seen it say anything about doing that
13:59.25*** join/#asterisk micols (
14:02.34[TK]D-FenderLemensTS, You do
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14:13.23LemensTSTKD-Fender: figured so, thanks. ps nice to see ya back here
14:13.34mirko_brankovicDoes anyone know why i get 484 Address Incomplete back from 'IP' when using Dial(Local/xxxx) to extension that exists
14:14.20mirko_brankovicusing version on 2 servers, on test one it works, but on live one it doesn't
14:15.01[TK]D-Fendermirko_brankovic, Pastebin the call with SIP debug enabled along with your dialplan.
14:15.19[TK]D-Fendermirko_brankovic, And we'll be better able to show you where & why
14:16.26mirko_brankovici know :) but i need some time to get that log. I'll try to get it today, if not, thx for reply :)
14:17.41p3nguinmirko_brankovic: Is 'xxxx' a valid 'exten@context'?
14:18.09[TK]D-Fendermirko_brankovic, It certainly helps when we can see what's going on.  Do come back with all of that backup soon....
14:18.48p3nguinBy valid, I mean the context exists and the exten is within it.
14:18.50infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
14:20.04*** join/#asterisk merlin8282 (
14:21.28merlin8282Hi. I have the problem that GoSub(intern-${DIALSTATUS},1) does not work anymore, after upgrading from 1.6 to 1.8. It should go to _intern-.,1,Goto(intern-NOANSWER,1) but it doesn't. Is this a known issue, or is it me ?
14:21.57merlin8282I also saw following error : app_stack.c:420 gosub_exec: Attempt to reach a non-existent destination for gosub: (Context:default, Extension:intern-CHANUNAVAIL, Priority:1)
14:22.39merlin8282The [intern] context is included in [default] (where the calls come in).
14:23.25mirko_brankovicp3nguin yes
14:23.46merlin8282I also have [compat] pbx_realtime=1.6 res_agi=1.6 app_set=1.6 in asterisk.conf
14:23.53p3nguinmerlin8282: That's a terrible design.
14:23.56mirko_brankovicp3nguin, yes, it exists
14:24.02*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
14:24.30p3nguinmerlin8282: Regardless of design fault, it says the DIALSTATUS is CHANUNAVAIL.  It will never match NOANSWER.
14:25.03[TK]D-Fendermirko_brankovic, pastebin your dialplan at least.  Perhaps everything will be evident in there...
14:25.45merlin8282p3nguin: ok, so what do you recommend ? I simply took the example from voip-info and modified it to my needs. Also, it should match "_intern-.", no ?
14:26.26p3nguinmerlin8282: I don't know about matching that pattern, so I wouldn't use it.  I would define extensions for intern-CHANUNAVAIL and intern-NOANSWER.
14:27.04p3nguinI would also create intern-BUSY and intern-CONGESTION.
14:27.19[TK]D-Fenderin your use of "intern", "n" is a reserved letter for a numeric match.
14:27.22irrootp3nguin will be testing the mp3 bug soon have not had time but seems to work
14:27.30[TK]D-FenderYou have to be careful throwing alpha chars around like that.
14:28.06p3nguinirroot: You don't have the problem I've encountered?
14:28.11[TK]D-FenderSo a much safer and better alternative is to use priority labels instead.
14:28.22irrootno sorry but need to look at it more in depth
14:28.26p3nguinOr just use the extensions like I've defined.
14:28.40p3nguinThey aren't patterns, so n doesn't match anything but n.
14:28.55p3nguinHis way breaks because of patterns.
14:30.30mirko_brankovic[TK]D-Fender, p3nguin,
14:31.41[TK]D-Fendermirko_brankovic, we can't see what {QueueToEnter} will evaluate to...
14:32.39mirko_brankovic[TK]D-Fender it will be 4XXX any digit
14:32.54[TK]D-Fendermirko_brankovic, I also don't see why you didn't make that a macro/gosub instead of a sub-dialed
14:32.58mirko_brankovicdepends from service that queue uses
14:32.59merlin8282p3nguin: ok, I understand. I'll do it like this ;)
14:33.54*** join/#asterisk Fritz09 (
14:34.16mirko_brankovic[TK]D-Fender had to be dial cause of g option, so that callee can go back to AEL code
14:35.29[TK]D-Fendermirko_brankovic, if you just used a macro/gosub you wouldn't need to... it'd fall back anyway
14:35.44[TK]D-Fender<mirko_brankovic> [TK]D-Fender it will be 4XXX any digit <- BTW, this is why it fails
14:36.10[TK]D-Fendermirko_brankovic, exten => _Q4XXX.,1,PauseQueueMember(,Agent/${CALLERID(number)}) <-- this requires 4XXX and at least one more character
14:36.34[TK]D-Fendermirko_brankovic, "." means 1 or more.  Yuo put that at the end of something that was already 4 long, meaning 5+
14:37.24mirko_brankovic[TK]D-Fender aha so it won't accept 4 digits
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14:37.27merlin8282[TK]D-Fender: ah, so patterns are case insensitive, e.g. 'n' is equal to 'N' ?
14:37.46[TK]D-Fendermirko_brankovic, Correct
14:38.02mirko_brankovic[TK]D-Fender thank you very much :)
14:38.10[TK]D-Fendermirko_brankovic, You're welcome
14:38.54*** part/#asterisk mirko_brankovic (~mirko_bra@
14:41.49merlin8282Ok, now it works (I changed "intern-" to "dialstatus-").
14:42.24*** join/#asterisk charley (
14:42.40Qwellway to work around the problem
14:44.17[TK]D-FendermerlinI highly recommend you switch to using a basic exten and jumping based on named priority.
14:44.28[TK]D-Fendermerlin8282, ^
14:44.52merlin8282mmm, ok. I understand
14:44.55[TK]D-FenderEven within the same pattern
14:45.49p3nguinFor some reason, I don't think you do.
14:45.57*** join/#asterisk tonsofpcs (
14:46.02olliimaybe he needs an example
14:46.09Qwellollii: he was given like 3
14:46.35merlin8282so instead of having a pattern like "_dialstatus-.", it is better to use "dialstatus-CHANUNAVAIL", "dialstatus-BUSY", etc.
14:46.43p3nguinI gave him one method, and he only had to copy/paste it.
14:46.44merlin8282ok, ok
14:46.55*** join/#asterisk pdtpatrick1 (
14:47.05[TK]D-Fendermerlin8282, No, we're saying stop using named extens.
14:47.13p3nguinThe other method recommended is different from my way, but will yield the same results.
14:47.19[TK]D-Fendermerlin8282, and starrt using labels properly
14:47.27pdtpatrick1Question .. no longer works?
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14:47.43pdtpatrick1keeps asking for username and password but does not allow one in.. however i used ical
14:47.46pdtpatrick1which worked once
14:47.49pdtpatrick1and then stopped working
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14:48.44merlin8282[TK]D-Fender: you mean like "exten => 1234,n(BUSY)" for example ?
14:48.51p3nguinAre labels case sensitive?
14:48.55[TK]D-Fendermerlin8282, yes
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14:49.22QwellAEL would make that so much easier.
14:49.31Qwellswitch (${DIALSTATUS}) ...
14:54.24pdtpatrick1anyone -- google calendar? caldav or ics ? neither is working or does google kick you out if you refresh too often?
14:58.52[TK]D-Fenderpdtpatrick1,  Umm... you sure you're in the right channel?
14:59.13pdtpatrick1it pulled it before and then it just stopped
14:59.20pdtpatrick1i can even download the ICS file manually
14:59.34*** part/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~RAMYT@
15:00.05merlin8282 <-- did it like this, is this better ?
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15:01.48p3nguinmerlin8282: The concept looks right.  Now decide if you're going to do anything when the status is ANSWER, INVALIDARGS, etc.
15:02.38merlin8282p3nguin: yes, that's ok. For the moment it's only hangup :)
15:03.02merlin8282is already familiar with asterisk, but not with all best practices :/
15:03.05p3nguinThen the others go to voicemail?
15:03.07[TK]D-Fendermerlin8282, looks much better
15:03.17merlin8282p3nguin: right
15:03.19p3nguinYeah it does.  Looks real good.
15:03.46[TK]D-Fendermerlin8282, In your specific case you only care about "NOANSWER".  This would be better served with a single GotoIf
15:04.02[TK]D-Fendermerlin8282, Unless you are expecting to care abou all those others.
15:04.12merlin8282ah ok, i see
15:04.15p3nguinLet me just paste my exact dial plan using this method.
15:04.44*** join/#asterisk hobodave (~hobodave@pdpc/supporter/professional/hobodave)
15:04.48hobodavehey guys
15:05.14[TK]D-Fenderor "busy" actually
15:05.49Kattyspins in chair
15:05.59Qwellleans the chair way back
15:05.59hobodavewhat format should I be saving my recordings in for Asterisk to be able to read them? I'm using Audacity on OSX. I tried saving first as GSM, but I get a lot of static sound when listening via Asterisk. Now I tried 44.1 kHz WAV (Windows PCM) and I got this error: "Unexpected frequency mismatch 44100 (expecting 8000)"
15:06.03KattyQwell: :<
15:06.16QwellKatty: how is that :<?! :(
15:06.37KattyQwell: do not want to go flying
15:06.39hobodaveis 8K the best sample rate you can use? Is WAV the best format?
15:06.48Kattyp3nguin: are you going to go to any haunted house or halloween stuffs in stl this year?
15:07.06p3nguinI might.  I often do.
15:07.12[TK]D-Fenderhobodave, WAV is a container, not a specific bitrate, etc
15:07.27Kattyp3nguin: a few of us down here are thinking about going too
15:07.28hobodaveok, that makes sense
15:07.34Kattyp3nguin: fright fest, or perhaps lemp
15:07.34WIMPyWAV is not even a container
15:07.35[TK]D-Fenderhobodave, And *'s mixing core is 8khz 16bit mono.
15:07.40hobodaveI'm not very familiar with WAV
15:07.41merlin8282[TK]D-Fender: yes, that's how I did imagine it, thanks for all your advices :)
15:07.49WIMPyIt's a chunk in a RIFF container.
15:07.59[TK]D-Fenderhobodave, So best to have in the native formats of whatever kind of calls you'll be processing.
15:08.08[TK]D-Fenderhobodave, You don't want * doing any more work than it has to
15:08.53[TK]D-Fendermerlin8282, <- I got it backwards
15:10.12p3nguinkatty: I heard that the Lemp brewery was open again.  Like 10 or 11 years ago they did the "this is the last year, and the steel doors will be welded shut FOREVER" thing, so I had to go that year.
15:10.47Kattyp3nguin: i'm hoping the city museum will do something halloweenish
15:11.02Kattyp3nguin: might be more kid-friendly too. some of my friends have kids.
15:11.11p3nguinLike me?  :)
15:11.14Kattyp3nguin: not to mention i don't do horror well...but fright fest would be epic!
15:11.40merlin8282[TK]D-Fender: yes, hehe. But what now if the callee hangs up, but not the caller ? Does he go to voicemail or is he hung up also ?
15:11.55Kattyp3nguin: i'll let you know if any of us head north for halloween
15:12.11p3nguinI can't remember if fright fest was where they had the creature that we had to walk through.
15:12.12Kattyp3nguin: i've got a party at my house, but that's a bit of a haul
15:12.20Kattyfright fest is the six flags thing
15:12.29[TK]D-Fendermerlin8282, ... if you answered the call.... then whey would yuo hit voicemail afterwards?
15:12.35p3nguinWhat the heck am I thinking of, then?
15:12.39Kattyno idea
15:13.00merlin8282[TK]D-Fender: if ${DIALSTATUS} is ANSWER ?
15:13.29merlin8282the is *not* to reach voicemail, though
15:13.38[TK]D-Fendermerlin8282, If you didn't specify a special dial argument, then it will never land on that anyway.  And even if you did answer... what more would you want to do?
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15:15.37p3nguinMaybe it's Fear Fest.
15:15.54merlin8282I meant "the aim is *not* to reach voicemail". Anyway. I just try to think of all possibilities, in order to avoid strange reactions from asterisk.
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15:17.29[TK]D-Fendermerlin8282, unless you tell Dial otherwise, it will kill the call after a hangup.  So no need to worry about that dialstatus for this purpose
15:17.47p3nguinI've been to so many different ones over the past 15 years, I don't remember all the names and locations.
15:17.53merlin8282[TK]D-Fender: okay.
15:18.04Kattyp3nguin: i've never been to a haunted house
15:18.07Kobazwoah it's [TK]D-Fender
15:18.19coppiceKatty: nobody has
15:18.31Kattycoppice: well yes, despite that smalld etail
15:18.39Kobazit's like when Christopher Walken randomly shows up in a movie
15:19.00Katty<3 christopher walken
15:19.09coppicehe should do Sesame Street
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15:19.54coppicehe seems to have become a parody of his younger self
15:20.05Kobazit's like... holy $(*&#$!! it's Christopher Walken
15:20.18Kobazwe need a holy $(*&#$!! it's [TK]D-Fender t-shirt
15:20.28Kattyohh zombie safari!
15:20.34Kattypaintball sounds fun for halloween
15:20.55Kobazwhat about an airsoft sniper
15:20.59p3nguinI think that's the same location that had the hayride and stuff that I went to a few years ago.
15:21.08*** part/#asterisk charley (
15:21.26p3nguinLooks like they have changed the stuff a bit, but might be the same place.
15:22.19p3nguinHill House was pretty okay, but I think it's gone.  I took my brother there and some monster chased him with a chainsaw.
15:22.41[TK]D-FenderKobaz, No, that would lead to bad places...
15:23.01Kattyi'm pretty sure if someone chased me with a chainsaw i'd end up breaking their arm
15:23.26[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, If you haven't seen American Psycho then prepare to ruin your other chainsaw-related imagery.
15:23.45p3nguinThat movie was on the other night, but I didn't watch it.
15:23.59[TK]D-Fenderyou should have...
15:24.14[TK]D-FenderGo grab it when you get the chance
15:24.40coppicewho was the guy who used to juggle chainsaws?
15:24.50p3nguinThere are several of them.
15:25.01[TK]D-Fendercoppice, Dunno, but he was awesome.  Somebody should give him a hand...
15:25.13coppicethe one who also juggled margarine
15:25.36[TK]D-Fendercoppice, lol
15:25.44p3nguinBecause butter was bad for his health?
15:25.45QwellI watched Kobaz juggle chainsaws at astricon last year.  True story.
15:25.57QwellHe was pretty drunk though and probably doesn't remember that.
15:26.28coppicewell, a dollop of 3 or 4 litres of margarine, a squashed ball of bread, and a fresh chicken
15:28.41p3nguinThat's one hell of a dollop.
15:29.46coppicewell, he needed something roughly chicken sized. he called it juggling food groups - meat, carbohydrates, and petrochemicals
15:31.19*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (
15:39.07Kobazsounds about right
15:40.40*** join/#asterisk fecal (
15:41.01[TK]D-FenderAnd post-food groups....
15:41.12fecalwhat is the role of Asterisk?  Why can't one just buy an IP phone and plug it into the local switch?
15:41.24Qwellfecal: What is the "switch" going to talk to?
15:41.32fecalthe default gateway.
15:42.02olliifecal: asterisk is a ip phone not
15:42.18fecalIf I have an VoIP provider, will I still need a pbx ?
15:42.37*** join/#asterisk r33dtard (~r33dtard@gateway/tor-sasl/r33dtard)
15:43.07[TK]D-Fenderfecal, why do you need a trampoline?
15:43.55[TK]D-Fenderfecal, A "VoIP provider" (gneric enough as it is), is not a PBX.  They are not substitutes for one another.  They are completely different
15:45.17*** join/#asterisk epaphus (~Propietar@
15:45.43epaphushello. Asterisk is a Class 5 PBX right ?
15:45.51Qwellepaphus: it can be
15:46.10coppiceClass 5 != PBX
15:46.15Qwell(in the same way that a lego isn't a spaceship)
15:46.38epaphuswhat Class is a trunk ?
15:50.35[TK]D-Fender<epaphus> what Class is a trunk ? <- not a valid question.
15:50.57[TK]D-Fender"trunk" is too generic a term just for starters.
15:50.58epaphusWhere canI read more about Classes ? :P
15:51.07[TK]D-FenderSchool? :p
15:51.56[TK]D-Fenderepaphus, Google shows an amazingly suggestive pile of suggestions on 3 keywords...
15:52.40epaphusamazing :) thanks
15:55.03[TK]D-FenderClass 5 reads as "Class 5 exchanges were those to which subscribers and end-users telephone lines would connect.".
15:55.48[TK]D-FenderWhich on some scale can resemble what * does as a PBX toolkit.  You can connect phones to it.
15:56.24[TK]D-FenderHowever * does not implicitly blong in the chain going upward per-se
15:57.28*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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16:11.15*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (~ed@
16:11.39fecalWhich protocol is used for end points(phones) on the same side internal side of a pbx ?  And which protocol(s) is used from pbx to VoIP provider.
16:12.19*** join/#asterisk mocker (~mocker@
16:12.38[TK]D-Fenderfecal, there are MANY different protocols.  Asterisk speaks many of them
16:13.10Kattychuckf: run, forest, run!
16:13.28[TK]D-Fenderfecal, Here are jsut a few VoIP protocols : SIP, MGCP, IAX2, H.323, Skype, and more
16:14.00*** join/#asterisk brezular (
16:16.00chuckfKatty: what direction?
16:16.02[TK]D-Fenderfecal, * can speak any protocol to any kind of thing on the other side and pass calls between them
16:17.06Kattychuckf: did you get a shower?
16:18.07chuckfI'm going to say I showered this morning with the caveat that i've not been following the channel discussions today very close
16:18.14[TK]D-Fenderfecal, I recommend you download the book and get a basic understanding of VoIP & TDM telephony and understanding Asterisk's role in it.
16:18.17infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
16:19.05Kattychuckf: i was just poking at you since nike+ posted you ran for 8 miles
16:19.44[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen, is 3rd Ed released in a freely downloadable PDF format somewhere?
16:19.48chuckfah, okay. Now I get it
16:20.28chuckfKatty: that wasn't me. My wife has somehow gotten her nike+ account syncing through my fb account
16:21.01chuckfEvery time I see those posted I tell her to fix it, and you see how well she has done that
16:21.05d_preston215I'm getting this when trying to make a call:
16:21.38*** join/#asterisk singler (
16:21.40Kattychuckf: so then she needs a shower
16:21.44Kattychuckf: you should go help her with that
16:22.03chuckfI'd like to, but I'm a bit far to do that at the moment
16:22.20WIMPyd_preston215: {0x1B, "Destination out of order"},
16:39.43*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-rvmsytyilzmcrorg)
16:40.52leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: no, just HTML
16:47.13*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
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16:50.16[sr]hi WIMPy
16:50.32WIMPyhi [sr]
16:53.28[sr]whats up
16:57.11*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
17:02.01[sr]im tired
17:02.05[sr]going home
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17:07.35Naikrovekleifmadsen: why html this time?  is that because of planned changes/corrections?
17:07.36*** part/#asterisk imox (
17:07.47infobotVoice control for Gtk/GNOME applications. URL:
17:07.55[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek, I'd be betting to promote the ebook download sales
17:08.10Naikrovek[TK]D-Fender: that was my next question.
17:08.10*** join/#asterisk kdmessano (~nonya@unaffiliated/kdmessano)
17:08.15leifmadsenNaikrovek: yes, and because O'Reilly needed us to not provide the PDF for other reasons (other agreements they have with people like Safari etc)
17:08.25Naikrovekfair enough.
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17:08.40NaikrovekI did love the PDF though.  Browsers can't render text very well, compared to a PDF.
17:08.56leifmadsenyou're welcome to support the authors with a purchase of the PDF then :)
17:09.11Naikrovekleifmadsen: I can virtually guarantee it.
17:09.30leifmadsenmarks another nickel on his chalkboard
17:09.55Naikroveksince when does Safari offer PDFs anyway?  They only had weak HTML only layouts last I checked.
17:10.02Naikroveklooked awful
17:10.17leifmadsenNaikrovek: that was just an example, not the definitive list of reasons
17:10.25Naikrovekthe example is fine
17:10.31Naikroveki don't need to see your contract, heh
17:10.34Naikrovekjust curious
17:10.38leifmadsenregardless, O'Reilly wanted to sell electronic copies, and we weren't opposed to that
17:12.54JonathanRosep3nguin:  Had an opportunity to try out elguero's new patch for Asterisk-18626 yet?
17:14.07russellbleifmadsen: for me it was more about wanting to ensure that people got the newest content, and also promoting the feedback loop with ofps
17:14.39leifmadsenrussellb: yep that was definitely an advantage. We can now push the resolved errata to the web right away, which reminds me I should go push that button :)
17:14.43leifmadsenI fixed some errata this morning
17:15.57Naikrovekthe instantness of that must be nice
17:16.52leifmadsenwhen it works ya :)
17:16.54*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
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17:25.24leifmadsenNaikrovek: ya we just make the changes in SVN, then merge to the trunk, and then hit a button the dashboard
17:27.46*** join/#asterisk r1ppa (
17:29.20dijibanybody know how to install ?
17:29.41r1ppaBeen getting some complaints lately about audio quality with softphones, using X-Lite, as a sysadmin I know that it is most likely that they are pushing VOIP traffic over large distances and on VPN...but I need to get some conclusive data, can someone help troubleshoot Asterisk quality problems, there must be some tools or methods to use that make it more obvious
17:30.51r1ppaalso, I dont know if it is simply because X-Lite is free garbage, but trying the audio test, it is telling me audio quality poor/limited data sent/received/possible codec mismatch...
17:34.22[TK]D-FenderMeetMe is a "res" now, and not an "app"?
17:34.45dijibok but where do i get the .so
17:35.03[TK]D-Fenderdijib, Should be right in there with all the other apps
17:35.04dijibi installed from yum and its not in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
17:35.37[TK]D-Fenderdijib,  Perhaps you were missing having installed DAHDi first as that is a pre-requisite for that specific app...
17:35.56*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
17:36.02dijibahhh that must be it then
17:36.18dijibwhen i do that i get a kmod dependency error i cant seem to resolve
17:36.45[TK]D-FenderKeep working on it..
17:37.08dijibare we talking dahdi-linux or asterisk18-dahdi
17:37.09*** join/#asterisk leftist (
17:37.11dijibor both?
17:40.01r1ppaIs it a bad idea VPN + VOIP with a softphone?
17:40.18*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (
17:41.22[TK]D-Fenderr1ppa, Doesn't matter as long as packets arrive when they should
17:42.17r1ppahow do I determine a problem if there are any?
17:42.34[TK]D-Fenderr1ppa, You'll hear it
17:42.52[TK]D-Fenderr1ppa, If you can't hear the difference, then there isn't enough of one to make one :)
17:43.26r1ppaI just dont know where to start, I am fairly certain the real issue is lack of bandwidth, but I want some evidence, and to understand how to troubleshoot potential audio call problems
17:44.00[TK]D-Fenderr1ppa, You seem to have "actual "problems more than just "potential ones".
17:44.13[TK]D-Fenderr1ppa, And your first test would be to pass that call off outside of the VPN
17:44.14*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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17:44.17r1ppafor instance, there was a conference several days ago where audio was terrible at times and callers were getting dropped, I had no reason for them, Asterisk was happy
17:44.37[TK]D-Fenderif using the same link you get the same result then that removes VPN as a layer at fault
17:44.53[TK]D-FenderBandwidth is certainly important.
17:44.59r1ppabut without VPN there is NO way to the VOIP server
17:45.02[TK]D-Fenderand being choked will kill calls, etc
17:45.14r1ppawe didnt poke a hole to the outside world from the Asterisk server
17:45.22[TK]D-Fenderr1ppa, then I supposed you'd better set up an alternative if you want to rule it out.
17:45.33r1ppatrue enough
17:45.51[TK]D-FenderDidn't poke a hole?  Well go do it.
17:45.54r1ppaI guess I am doing what users do to me, not getting to the point lol
17:45.59[TK]D-FenderIt what you've got to do..
17:46.20[TK]D-Fenderr1ppa, The funny thing is you alrady know most of all these things you should be doing...
17:46.35r1ppaI really just want best practices on what to monitor to catch audio problems
17:47.10[TK]D-Fenderr1ppa, best practice = strip out all the variables one by one examining closely as you do to see what the weights are to each of the factors in play
17:47.21[TK]D-Fenderr1ppa, Basic scientific process.
17:48.24*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
17:48.26r1ppa"why did calls get dropped"....I dont know, bandwidth was fine, load was fine, ping to VOIP provider and ISP was fine...Asterisk log was only complaining about the channels getting full, as we only have like 8-10 channels
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17:50.10citywokr1ppa: i find taking a packet capture on the asterisk box and then listening to the RTP streams using wireshark is a good place ot start for identifying audio problems.
17:50.34citywokit helps me identify which leg of the call is the problem at the source, and since my saterisk box is in a datacenter and all my phones are in other offices it makes quite a difference.
17:50.50Kattyi sneezed.
17:50.56citywokbless you
17:50.58Kattyand it hurt.
17:51.10Kattydon't you hate it when sneezes hurt
17:51.20Kattyfine one second, the next... OHGODMYABS
17:51.25citywoki've only had them hurt when i did an ab day
17:51.46*** join/#asterisk hovel (~hovel@unaffiliated/hovel)
17:51.48citywokand then it's holy crap i hurt for a minute.  same for coughing, or laughing after a brutal ab day
17:52.11irrootKatty reminds me i need to clean my screen .... hate it wih it had windscreen wipers
17:52.16Kattyevery day is ab day!
17:52.18r1ppaany preference of softphone for Asterisk guys? Using X-lite, but more recently EyeBeam (because of the G729 codec of course)
17:52.50citywokKatty: my abs can't handle that. today was the first day at the gym in a month (2 week vacation of backpacking & wakeboarding was good enough).  chest day, and it was pathetic.
17:53.07citywokahh, there isn't one
17:53.21Kattyi don't have a Chest Day
17:53.26Kattyunless pushups count
17:53.30citywoki'm afraid for back & shoulders day. deadlifts are going to be awful.
17:53.36citywokpushups do count, but pushups don't make a day :
17:53.43Kattybut you're a boy
17:53.47Kattyyou have boy parts.
17:53.52Kattythey work differently
17:53.55citywokhow do you know that?!?!?!?
17:54.07Kattycause you're talking about chest, back, and shoulders day
17:54.16Kattythese are not days women have.
17:54.37citywokhahaha, okay, for a second i thought i was going to have to look for a hidden camera. *phew*
17:54.47citywokthere's also arms day, and legs day!
17:54.48tzanger... abs?
17:54.56tzangerI've hurt my ribs sneezing but never my ribs
17:54.58citywoktzanger: those things behind the beer belly
17:55.05tzangerI've hurt my ribs sneezing but never my abs
17:55.23leifmadsenwhat's an abs?
17:55.26citywokreally? after a really good ab day, think when it's hard to sit up when you're in bed, it can be brutal
17:55.40Kattyleifmadsen: it's that thing you do when someone acts like they're going to punch you in the gut
17:55.54[TK]D-Fender<Katty> i don't have a Chest Day <- you're female.  EVERY day is "chest day" ;)
17:55.56leifmadsenKatty: I work from home alone -- that doesn't happen to me
17:56.11tzangerchesty laroux?
17:56.24Kattyleifmadsen: it's that thing you do when you're sitting in a chair, and a 20lb cat jumps up and threatens to knock you balance out of wack
17:57.02Katty[TK]D-Fender: dont' be redonkulious.
17:57.13leifmadsenKatty: I dont' have any cats :)
17:57.26leifmadsentzanger: Hooty McBoob?
17:57.26citywokleifmadsen: it's what the beer belly insulates :P
17:57.33leifmadsencitywok: oh got it
17:58.04Kattyi don't think leif has one of those
17:58.25citywokeverybody has a beer belly. it's a question of full keg, quarter barrel, pony keg
17:58.33citywoki on the other hand only have a six pack ;)
17:58.43leifmadsencitywok: I will beat you up at AstriCon regardless
17:58.52leifmadsenwho said that?!
17:59.05citywokbut i dun wanna get beat up :(
17:59.41_Corey_"Fight Club" at Astricon? Nice
18:00.09Kattywe don't talk about fight club
18:00.15citywokbut how will you and russell have a rematch this year if russell isn't there?!?
18:00.27Kattyi'll take his place
18:00.33Kattyi'd like to see leif try to beat me up
18:00.38Qwellme too
18:00.41Kattythat'd be a hilarious sight
18:00.43*** join/#asterisk r33dtard (~r33dtard@gateway/tor-sasl/r33dtard)
18:00.46Qwellleifmadsen'd get his ass kicked.
18:00.58*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
18:01.33Kattyi havin knittin needles and i know how to use em
18:02.05Kattythat sweater has NO CHANCE
18:02.22citywokknit that thing to pieces!
18:03.39Kattyheaven help me if i ever get into a real fight.
18:03.58Kattymy scream might break all the windows.
18:04.00citywokyea... i'd like to avoid it if at all possible.
18:04.34Kattytis a good thing to avoid.
18:04.40Kattymuch better things to be doing. like drinking.
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18:04.50Kattyand pestering the crap out of Qwell
18:04.55Qwellhuh what?
18:05.03citywokYes, drinking. and not working. and maybe working out sometimes so if i do get in a fight i don't get murdered.
18:05.04Kattyexactly, see!
18:05.07Qwellis "pestering" code for something?
18:05.13citywokyes. poking.
18:05.29Kattyi've been known to poke people.
18:06.42Kattyi'd like to buy a vowel.
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18:06.54citywokfu isn't a vowel
18:07.30Kattydepends on how you say it.
18:11.34dijibif i have installed asterisk through a package manager, and then reinstall through a sroucefile would it just overwrite the existing?
18:11.59dijibi cant get these dependencies resolved
18:12.20*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
18:12.47Kattysomewhere around here i have a list of dependencies i apt-get before the tarballs
18:12.56Kattywould you like me to pastebin it?
18:13.05dijibwould love you too
18:13.48irrootKatty glibc on that list :P
18:15.13Kattydijib: not all of them are dependencies.. it's just Katty's-List-O-Stuff
18:15.55dijibthanks katty
18:16.46*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (~BigAll@
18:20.49citywokKatty: your list looks similar to mine although i pipe the current uname in to the kernel-headers so i don't have to worry about it.
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18:22.56dijibKatty, a lot on that list i dont need
18:22.58dijibbut thanks
18:23.32*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (
18:23.46Kattyno problemo
18:25.41irrootnice job Kattu
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18:32.08p3nguindijib: No, it will not overwrite.
18:33.08p3nguindijib: Source install should go to a different prefix than the location of package install.
18:34.02p3nguinPipe the current uname in to the kernel-headers?  Huh?
18:34.30p3nguinDoes not compute.
18:35.21p3nguinYou know what would be neat was if there were some way for dependencies to be solved automatically when you install a package.
18:35.22*** join/#asterisk resno (~resno@unaffiliated/resno)
18:35.47resnoi want to setup asterisk, but the conf files are a bit confusing for me. any suggestions on a web frontend that works well?
18:35.56infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
18:36.18p3nguinBut you're going to give up the power for the convenience.
18:36.42resnop3nguin: let me throw in one more gotcha. i trying to virualize it
18:36.43[TK]D-FenderGUI's are also a poor basis to learn * from after.
18:36.47resnoi nkow timing issues
18:36.54resnoi know* timing issues
18:37.11citywokp3nguin: dev linux-headers-`uname -r`
18:37.13[TK]D-Fenderresno, don't worry so much about those.
18:37.17p3nguinThat's not a pipe.
18:37.24citywokp3nguin: yea, my bad :P
18:37.31citywokso sue me
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18:37.35citywokokay, thanks!
18:37.37p3nguinI SAID FORGIVEN.
18:37.38[TK]D-Fenderresno, Go download AsteriskNOW and pump up an image using FreePBX as your GUI and you'll haev something to start with.
18:37.43citywokyea, i hit enter at the same time you did :P
18:37.49p3nguinForgiven again.
18:37.57resno[TK]D-Fender: can it be installed in centos?
18:38.08p3nguinNo.  It IS CentOS.
18:38.12citywokresno: asterisknow is centos
18:38.13resnoas in, insdie of of centos
18:38.13[TK]D-Fenderresno, Yes if you want to do it by hand :
18:38.38p3nguinAsteriskNOW is a CentOS-based full distro containing asterisk and your choice of Digium GUI, FreePBX, or no GUI.
18:38.38[TK]D-Fenderresno, You'll have to install Asterisk, FreePBX, prep up MySQL, etc
18:38.44[TK]D-Fenderresno, Apache, etc
18:39.20resnowell, do youll know of a container that hasasterisknow?
18:39.28resnowow, that ran togeher
18:39.33[TK]D-Fenderresno, Also normally you run apache as user "asterisk" which means don't do this on a machine hosting web pages, etc
18:40.06resnoright, which is why im trying to viruzliate it
18:40.10p3nguinJust grab the AsteriskNOW iso.
18:40.12resnovirutalize it
18:40.14p3nguinThen install it.
18:40.33resnoyou're sending me down a street i dont want to go down
18:40.40p3nguinIt'll install in a virtual machine the same as any other OS.
18:40.50p3nguinIt's a 15-minute procedure.
18:40.54resnoi am using containers
18:41.04p3nguinYou've spent almost that much time asking questions about how to not install it.
18:41.09resnomy machine wont accept isos
18:41.25[TK]D-Fenderresno, Go to their page.  Follow the instructions.
18:41.29p3nguinThere's a tool out there somewhere to make your container from a CD image.
18:41.53resnoreturns to google
18:42.00resnoheh, that was fun
18:42.23[TK]D-Fenderresno, not "google"
18:43.34resnok thanks
18:43.42resnosips coffee
18:45.06dijibRequires: kernel-i686 = 2.6.18-274.3.1.el5
18:45.19dijibharry carry
18:46.38*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
18:50.13Qwelldijib: What did you try to install?
18:50.32dijibdahdi-linux and asterisk18-dahdi
18:50.43[TK]D-FenderQwell, he wants to install MeetME but got some dep issues for DAHDI
18:50.46Qwelland it's failing, or what?
18:50.53[TK]D-FenderQwell, which is what he's trying to iron out
18:51.24dijibit says that there is installed kernels, that are newer
18:51.25p3nguinI would have expected "yum -y install dahdi-linux" to take care of the problem.
18:51.27QwellI haven't seen anything useful yet.
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18:51.44Qwelldijib: pastebin the output
18:53.35QwellCentOS 6?
18:53.38Qwellwalks away
18:53.50citywokit wants an older kernel than is available
18:53.50dijibusing the centos5 repo for asterisk
18:53.59dijibthats what i see
18:54.00citywokit wants 2.6.18 whereas all it has avail is 2.6.32
18:54.09citywokthen i guess you'll be compiling it from source ;)
18:54.10dijibso i need to install old kernel ?
18:54.27dijibbut if i do that it didnt run when set with chkconfig asterisk on
18:54.28QwellYou need to not use CentOS 6 if you want to use "the centos5 repo for asterisk"
18:55.11citywoklol, but qwell, why!??!?
18:55.13dijibp3nguin, what do you think?
18:55.14[TK]D-Fenderdijib, You really, really shouldn't be trying to insist on pouring diesel fuel into a gasoline car....
18:55.28dijibyeh but it should work!
18:55.35citywokno, no it really shouldn't...
18:55.39*** mode/#asterisk [-o Qwell] by Qwell
18:55.42citywok6 != 5
18:55.44Qwellfor your safety.
18:55.59dijiband i have no choice... it was the only thing that would run on this old p4 laptop. Centos4&5 dont run, asterisk now doesnt. so on.
18:56.02dijibcentos6 does
18:56.38Qwellthen you can't use
18:56.39dijibso if i build from source, how do i have it overwrite the copy install from package manager?
18:56.55dijibthen i need to find an el6 repo.
18:56.57dijibi suppose
18:57.12[TK]D-Fenderdijib, remove them via RPM, trash the modules folder, then steamroll your source right over it
18:57.58citywokdidnot: remove the old install.
18:58.31citywokrussellb: thanks for the present!
18:58.37dijiblast time i did the source install it would not boot as much as i kicked it at startup
18:58.55dijibor im just a useless nuub
18:59.04dijibwhich is more likely, ask p3nguin
19:02.06[TK]D-FenderI would love to know how Asterisk installed by source would kill your abiilty to boto the OS you had in place and installed it on...
19:02.49citywok[TK]D-Fender: yea... that sounds like bad terminology or a "useless nuub"
19:03.34[TK]D-FenderI don't know.  It was his box in a state, in a point in time.  I suppose noone will ever really know.
19:04.33[TK]D-Fenderdijib, anyway this appears to be the option you've got.  You've layed out what your strict requirements were and have ben given the options that should work with it.  Go give it a whirl and we'll see what comes out of it.
19:05.34dijibim eraseing now
19:05.42dijibthen kill modules
19:05.45p3nguinI've given up on trying to help him.  He always does whatever he wants regardless of the best efforts of others to steer him in the right direction.
19:06.04dijibi beg to differ entirely p3nguin
19:06.13p3nguinYou would.
19:06.22dijibnope. incorrect sir
19:06.36dijibim presently on a path to install from source
19:06.45citywoklol.  p3nguin at some point you have to cut your losses and run. like the guy last night that couldn't get his groupings to work even after tk wrote the code for him.
19:06.56p3nguinYep, exactly like that.
19:07.42[TK]D-Fendercitywok, He came back with it having failed?
19:08.08citywok[TK]D-Fender: he never tried it b/c he couldn't figure out what config it went in. apparently the wiki article telling you, and just looking at the two config files was too hard.
19:08.25citywokthat and he used zaptel/dahdi so interchangeably i really have no idea which one he was using
19:08.37citywoki gave up and went to the bar
19:08.52[TK]D-FenderI told him to kill off the zapata and where to put them.... oh well.
19:09.02*** join/#asterisk deadpigeon (
19:09.26citywokyea he wasn't interested in doing it. i offered to consult and charge him $125/hr to do it for him.
19:09.55citywokmy highlight from yesterday was the trixbox is asterisk and my boss wants trixbox b/c it's open source and peole tell him asterisk is good.
19:13.04dijibp3nguin, i am greatful for all the help you have given. without it i wouldnt have a basic understanding of asterisk that i do
19:13.10dijibthank you.
19:13.37infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
19:14.03dijibi saw that one.
19:14.11citywoki just got my copy today :P
19:14.24citywokty russell heh
19:14.38dijibi need to learn linux i think before i hardcore digin to asterisk.
19:15.01dijibyum erase asterisk18 asterisk18-addons asterisk18-addons-bluetooth asterisk18-addons-core asterisk18-addons-mysql asterisk18-addons-ooh323 asterisk18-alsa asterisk18-codec_g729a asterisk18-codec_siren14 asterisk18-codec_siren7 asterisk18-configs asterisk18-core asterisk18-curl asterisk18-dahdi asterisk18-devel asterisk18-doc asterisk18-misdn asterisk18-odbc asterisk18-ogg asterisk18-pgsql asterisk18-res_fax_digium asterisk18-r
19:15.01dijibesample asterisk18-skypeforasterisk asterisk18-snmp asterisk18-sqlite3 asterisk18-tds asterisk18-voicemail asterisk18-voicemail-imapstorage asterisk18-voicemail-odbcstorage
19:15.02JonathanRosep3nguin: ping
19:19.47pabelangerQwell: haxored?
19:20.29dijibk building
19:20.45dijibgarsh darn need a confrence line for thursday.
19:20.52dijib20min p3nguin
19:21.12citywokdijib: use confbridge instead of meetme which doesn't need dahdi
19:21.34dijibwhich has more options ?
19:21.42dijibive already removed all asterisk packages.
19:21.44dijibdont stop me now
19:22.13dijibcan you manage attendies the same as in meetme?
19:22.42citywokmeetme has more options
19:22.49malcolmd Asterisk 1.8, confbridge doesn't have a lot of features, that's true
19:24.04dijibim not going to run asterisk 10, too bleeding edge
19:24.29citywokhmm, dang i dont think i ever finished a couple of the commits for confbridge that i was porting from meetme, forgot about them on reviewboard. lol.
19:25.24malcolmdcitywok: d'oh :(
19:25.51citywoki think i had written code to do the announce join/leave or at least started it
19:26.22*** join/#asterisk kerx (
19:26.25citywokthat was in december or january though, so i don't really remember. but i got the feature i needed in meetme. that should make 10
19:31.11*** join/#asterisk devil_evoxxx (~d3v1l@
19:31.16devil_evoxxxhi all
19:32.16*** join/#asterisk zamba (
19:32.45zambawhen you have several different devices, smart phones, wired phones and soft phones.. how do you handle it in sip.conf?
19:32.49zambaone entry per defice?
19:32.56zambaand then parallell ringing?
19:32.59citywokalways one entry per device
19:33.09citywoksimultaneous ring you handle in your dial plan (extensions.conf)
19:33.29zambaso you do it that way?
19:33.36zambasimultaneous ringing?
19:33.45WIMPyIt's the only way
19:33.46zambaok, cool
19:33.55WIMPyin Asterisk
19:33.56zambagot it
19:34.04zamba@carrier? what does that mean?
19:34.17zambanever seen that before
19:34.27[TK]D-Fenderzamba, was a sample of dialing  a PSTN number via an ITSP
19:34.29citywokif you want to simulatenous ring your cellphone for example
19:34.41infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
19:34.42citywokSIP provider
19:34.54zambaah, ok
19:34.57[TK]D-Fendercitywok, Aim agnostic :)
19:35.00citywokwell, SIP is so misused (including by me)
19:35.33zambathat's basically the same as SIP/carrier/number?
19:35.45zambaSIP/number@carrier == SIP/carrier/number?
19:35.55zambaok, cool
19:36.19zambahave you guys used gsm gateways with asterisk
19:36.24[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Your formatting is the more solid one (SIP/peer/numbertodial)
19:36.47citywokyea, i don't know why i do it the way i do, old habits die hard.
19:37.01citywokmaybe b/c i think of local/exten@context
19:37.21zambai'm looking at that
19:37.42irrootpabelanger doing some awesome work on configs thx
19:38.03[TK]D-Fenderzamba, google up chan_mobile <----
19:38.18citywokcool, i didn't know they had such a little device. fortunately i've never needed it :P
19:38.22[TK]D-Fenderzamba, With a BlueTooth adapter you might be able to use an el-cheapo cellphone
19:38.27zamba[TK]D-Fender: that's a better solution?
19:38.30zamba[TK]D-Fender: ah
19:38.50zambaat least cheaper :)
19:38.53[TK]D-Fenderzamba, quite viable, considerably less costly
19:38.58WIMPyOr you use an el cheapo phone via USB cable or an USB data stick.
19:39.12citywokwith zamba's thing you could just buy disposable SIM's and have fun heh
19:39.28zambayeah, using cables for connecting sounds more stable
19:39.47zambacitywok: hehe, yeah.. and you treat it as just another sip peer, as far as i've understood.. so it's much easier
19:40.53zamba[TK]D-Fender: well, i'm looking for something that's production ready and that works totally out of the box without needing compilation
19:42.02devil_evoxxxhi irroot !!
19:42.29[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Well a device like that sould do it..
19:42.32irroothi there devil_evoxxx
19:43.06devil_evoxxxsolved the problem with quescom!
19:43.07[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Not terribly over-priced all things considered
19:43.11*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
19:43.18zamba[TK]D-Fender: chan_mobile is not an official part of asterisk, so you need to build that in manually, right?
19:43.18devil_evoxxx...i've replaced it with a beautiful pri card
19:43.41[TK]D-Fenderzamba, It is last I checked...
19:44.00irrootdevil_evoxxx pri card will give better service and monitoring
19:44.11irrootglad its working for you
19:44.17devil_evoxxxyea..and better debug..
19:44.32devil_evoxxxwhen something not work i can see why
19:44.45irrootyou can guess :P
19:44.47devil_evoxxxis like playing with fire..
19:45.08zamba[TK]D-Fender: not in the ubuntu package of asterisk, at least
19:45.11devil_evoxxxso i've got this when i reload asterisk..(your svn trunk)
19:45.14devil_evoxxx[Sep 27 21:43:51] ERROR[2667]: chan_sip.c:29039 peer_iphash_cb: Empty address
19:45.15devil_evoxxx[Sep 27 21:43:51] ERROR[2667]: netsock2.c:440 ast_sockaddr_hash: Unknown address family '0'.
19:45.39[TK]D-Fenderzamba, oh don't even start on those....
19:46.15zamba[TK]D-Fender: hehe
19:46.38zamba[TK]D-Fender: what's the best distro to be running asterisk then?
19:46.47zambai'm not too comfortable with building asterisk from source
19:46.49citywokzamba: the one you are familiar with and like -- i personally use debian
19:47.17zambacitywok: do you use debian's apt source for asterisk or do you build it yourself?
19:47.28citywoki compile it, it's very easy
19:47.42[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Its not just a question of distro.  Ubuntu repacges things themselves.  Often sub-standard
19:47.57zambacitywok: well, i was a slackware user in my early days.. there's a reason i've turned from that :)
19:48.26zambacitywok: couldn't trust myself to keep everything patched.. and sources and binaries were laying around all over the place
19:48.29[TK]D-Fenderzamba, Same here.  I moved to CentOS for servers.  I'm happy with Ubuntu for desktops however
19:48.32zambajust a bastard system
19:48.32citywoki use debian only b/c i've been using it ever since i quit using slack / gentoo
19:48.58zamba[TK]D-Fender: you build asterisk from source?
19:49.05[TK]D-Fenderzamba, yes
19:49.14citywokand i've found bugs in different versions of asterisk that prevented me from using them, so now i stick to the exact version i've found works best for my needs.
19:49.31zamba[TK]D-Fender: and how do you keep yourself patched?
19:49.34citywoki used packages a long time ago and had a couple issues with the zaptel packages at the time that were unresolved until i installed from source
19:49.37[TK]D-Fenderzamba, recompiling.
19:49.52citywokzamba: you compile the new version. but really i just lvae well enough alone. if * is playing nice i avoid upgrading it
19:49.53[TK]D-Fenderzamba, 5 mins when the time comes.
19:49.54zamba[TK]D-Fender: yeah, but i mean, you have to watch for bugs and patch manually..
19:50.30[TK]D-Fendercitywok, And then watch a port vulnerability open up and your sever ends up with more holes in it than a  #9 sponge :p
19:50.52zambathat's the one i'm running
19:50.54[TK]D-Fenderzamba, OMG... that sounds like responsibility!
19:50.57citywokyea, gotta keep that shit locked down.
19:50.59[TK]D-Fenderruns in circles
19:51.25[TK]D-Fenderissues a royalty check to file
19:51.33zambacitywok: do you have the sip port open? 5060?
19:51.56citywokunfortunately, yes
19:52.01zambasame here
19:52.08citywoki use fail2ban to watch for auth failures / brute for attacks
19:52.13zambayup, same here
19:52.22citywokif i wasn't lazy i would use the phone web browser and the polling interval to lock it down
19:52.36citywokhave the phone grab a web page, auth that, and then add a firewall rule for the requesting IP
19:53.00citywokalas, i have only thought about doing it, i've never actually implemented it
19:53.01zambayeah, kind of like knocking
19:53.08Kattyhellllllllllllllloooooo nurse.
19:53.12zambaknockd and its corresponding clients
19:53.40zambawhat version of asterisk are you running? and what kind of features am i missing out on?
19:53.46zambawhich version do you recommend i build from source?
19:54.09[TK]D-Fenderzamba, latest 1.8 as per the topic
19:54.43zamba[TK]D-Fender: ok
19:54.56zambahow can i get rid of the "doing dnsmgr_lookup for" messages in the console and in the logs?
19:55.14citywokzamba: i use, b/c the times i attempted to upgrdae after that something broke, so i've decided to leave well enough alone
19:55.15*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
19:55.25zambacitywok: hehe, wise move :)
19:55.34citywokfor the installations i've done for small businesses i've been installing 1.8.whatever was current
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19:56.39Kattyhas carrot cake
19:57.30leifmadsenp3nguin: ping
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19:57.46leifmadsenp3nguin: sounds like there is something ready to be tested on
20:01.29*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (kvirc@
20:04.24Katty <- the cake is not a lie!
20:04.49mizticwhat kinda cake is that
20:04.57Kattycarrot cake
20:05.05_Corey_hmm, i want cake
20:05.09miztici knew it!!! vegetables do not belong in cake!
20:05.16mizticthat's just wrong
20:05.57Kattyit's my cake and i'll nom it if i want to
20:06.08miztichaha fair enough
20:06.15mizticcake does sound good
20:06.16JonathanRosep3nguin:  We (elguero and I) are waiting on you to test the latest patch for ASTERISK-18626.  Once you've tried it, let us know how it works in the issue.
20:06.31zambais it possible to transmit sound through usb cable?
20:06.55zambai'm talking about the chan_mobile solution with usb-connected mobile phone
20:07.29WIMPyzamba: AFAIK no.
20:07.46WIMPyBut you can use osmocombb+LCR via USB cable.
20:08.01*** join/#asterisk gxdssoft (~gxdssoft@
20:10.10zambaWIMPy: what's that?
20:10.48WIMPyit's an alternative firmware for handsets with calypso chipset.
20:11.13*** join/#asterisk SpiderMon (~SpiderMon@
20:11.20zambaWIMPy: i see - i think :)
20:11.56dijibwow compiling asterisk takes a long time
20:12.03WIMPyWhich reminds me that I wanted to look out for such a thing to do exactely that.
20:12.13dijibi just had a 20min shower and she's still not done
20:12.19WIMPydijib: I used to have such a PC as well.
20:12.28Kattygirls always take longer
20:12.29WIMPyOk, no. Not that bad.
20:12.29jayteea long time to compile on what kind of system?
20:12.41WIMPyAre you sure you need all the stuff you enabled?
20:12.48dijibheh. its an old p4 laptop i pulled outof a trashbin.
20:12.57jayteeah, that explains it
20:13.05WIMPyKatty: Don;t believe everything you read in the papers.
20:13.09dijibim absolutly sure i dont need everything installed but ... .migh taswell
20:13.20Kattyi don't have to.
20:13.25Kattyi know from personal sperience
20:13.55jayteeyeah, older P4s and really old Xeons tend to be slow. Even a D510 Atom takes over 10 minutes to compile.
20:14.21WIMPyMy test system is PIII, but that's not THAT bad.
20:14.41*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
20:15.13_Corey_I'm impatient... i always check on how many cpu cores I have and then do a 'make -jX' where X=cores ...  :)
20:15.19Kattyhi tony
20:15.49WIMPy_Corey_: Are you sure that checking doesn't take too long?
20:16.25_Corey_WIMPy: checking...?  as in 'cat /proc/cpuinfo'
20:16.45WIMPyAnd what if one of the threads has to wait for the harddisc? It will be idle then.
20:17.43_Corey_ah... it seems to work out ok.  don't ask me how :)
20:18.12*** join/#asterisk nix8n82-phone (~AndChat@
20:18.36WIMPyIf I am impatient I'd start N+1 to 2*N threads.
20:18.51Kattythen i drag you away from your computer
20:18.54Kattyand make you drink bear
20:19.16thehargoes back to lurking
20:19.25_Corey_lol, If I have beer I don't care about it going fast :)
20:20.44Kattythehar: you had schafly pumpkin ale yet?
20:20.48Kattythehar: 8% ^________________^
20:20.53theharsounds taassttty
20:21.08Kattywhy wasn't THAT my derby name
20:21.10KattyVera Nomable
20:22.05*** join/#asterisk trumee (
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20:22.13kinkohello guys :)
20:22.17dijibmake[2]: *** No rule to make target `anaFilter.o', needed by `libilbc.a'.  Stop.
20:22.17dijibmake[1]: *** [ilbc/libilbc.a] Error 2
20:22.20Kattyhi kinko
20:22.23trumeehello everybody
20:22.33Kattyhi trumee
20:22.36kinkoKatty hello girls too :)
20:22.48*** join/#asterisk talntid (
20:22.55trumeedoes anybody have experience of setting up TLS/SRTP on grandstream ATA HT 503?
20:23.30*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
20:23.51trumeeI tried to put certificate/private key in grandstream,  but it didnt register
20:24.00trumeewondering what i might have done wrong
20:24.07Kattyhave you tried turning it off and on again
20:24.22dijibneed to disable codec
20:24.31kinkoI have an easy question today, I would like to add many host=fixed_ip to sip.conf for many peers, and avoid to add one by one, would be fine host=,1.2.3,5.., ? or may be and setup /etc/hosts for many IP's for same domain name ?
20:24.49trumeeKatty: yes, i did do that. Let me post the error message
20:25.01Kattytrumee: that's a quote from the IT Crowd
20:25.08[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBL
20:25.08Kattytrumee: it was meant to be funny
20:25.16*** join/#asterisk kdmessano (~nonya@unaffiliated/kdmessano)
20:25.17trumeeKatty: ah right
20:26.14nix8n82-phoneAnyone with a cent os 5.5 box know what repository git and jack audio connection kit are in?
20:27.05Qwellwtf.  CentOS doesn't have git?
20:27.31WIMPyQwell: That seems to be the new trend.
20:27.41Qwellit sure doesn't..  I'll be damned.
20:27.50WIMPyThe mainstream distributions don't even include the neccessary stuff any more.
20:27.59KattyQwell: what's git?
20:28.31WIMPyKatty doesn't like fresh meat?
20:28.53Kattyare we talking about rollerderby?
20:28.56Kattyor something else?
20:29.21WIMPyBut that tends to stink after some time as well.
20:34.00trumeeThe error is, "Problem setting up ssl connection: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure"
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20:43.09*** join/#asterisk JustinCampbell (
20:44.00JustinCampbellCan someone help me with an issue? We have an inbound SIP trunk from an Avaya CS1K, and the trunk goes down randomly and gets into a state where Asterisk rejects all registration attempts with a 401.
20:44.07JustinCampbell[2011-09-27 20:40:05.876] DEBUG[8968] chan_sip.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
20:44.08JustinCampbell[2011-09-27 20:40:05.876] DEBUG[8968] chan_sip.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot set port.
20:44.09JustinCampbellWe see this in the logs:
20:45.16JustinCampbellAlso: Unable to find key 'cs1k-peer-name' in family 'SIP/Registry'
20:49.09MiccJustinCampbell, how many calls per second?
20:49.36JustinCampbellMicc: actual phone calls? Just a few an hour.
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20:50.03JustinCampbellMicc: it seems to actually disconnect during lower usage periods, maybe a timeout of some sort
20:51.15*** join/#asterisk kdmessano (~nonya@unaffiliated/kdmessano)
20:53.39pabelangerJustinCampbell: what version of Asterisk?
20:53.47JustinCampbellpabelanger: 1.8.6
20:54.11infoboti guess collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
20:54.31pabelangerJustinCampbell: ^ collect a SIP debug trace an open a new issue on the tracker
20:54.33pabelangerlooks like a bug
20:54.44JustinCampbellpabelanger: ok will do thanks
20:57.49*** join/#asterisk JD411 (~JD411@nat/digium/x-ubwhfylugtrjgfgp)
20:58.17JustinCampbellpabelanger: i actually have a full debug where the issues was recreated, but minus the sip packets
20:58.24JustinCampbellpabelanger: but ill redo with sip debug on
20:59.01pabelangerJustinCampbell: yup, that's the stuff we'd need to see
20:59.24*** join/#asterisk Marquis42 (
21:00.45*** join/#asterisk BenC[UK] (
21:01.01BenC[UK]Hi Guys
21:01.05BenC[UK]I've had some users log out of sip
21:01.08BenC[UK]but they're still pinging
21:01.15BenC[UK]they've rebooted their machiens they tell me
21:01.21BenC[UK]and not restartd the sip clients
21:01.30BenC[UK]but still the asterisk servers shows them as being online
21:01.53Marquis42JustinCampbell: I saw your post over on #asterisk-dev that redirected you here. Want to talk about your CS1k issue?
21:02.35BenC[UK]gcollins is one of them
21:02.48JustinCampbellMarquis42: yes please :)
21:03.04JustinCampbellpabelanger: the other side has a wireshark capture for the same time frame
21:03.06pabelangerBenC[UK]: enable sip debug for the peer and see what happens
21:03.29Marquis42OK, well the first question is yes about sip captures.  Also, what version of the software are you running?
21:03.59JustinCampbellCS1K i think is the latest
21:04.03JustinCampbellits the Avaya test lab
21:04.17Marquis42Sorry, I mean tthe CS1K.  But I suppose the Asterisk version is important as well. :)
21:04.57Marquis42OK, well if you don't have direct control over it then a sip trace of a call attempt would be extremely helpful.
21:05.04BenC[UK]pabelanger:  typically, as soon as I went to do that the users droppd offline
21:05.28BenC[UK]what do I need to change to adjust the "wait" time after a user signs out
21:05.51JustinCampbellMarquis42: The issue is that the registration disconnects. The CS1K connects to Asterisk as a client, so if the registration drops, Asterisk cannot send calls to the CS1K.
21:06.06JustinCampbellMarquis42: they say the CS1K is 7.5 GA
21:06.49Marquis42Ah, so they're actually having the system register to Asterisk?
21:07.04Marquis42I definitely have never had to get that working before.
21:07.10JustinCampbelli think theres a SIP gateway in between
21:08.17Marquis42Well I'm flying a little blind on the newer version because that's not what we run here, but in the system here there is a SIP redirect server (they call it the NRS) as well as one or more signalling servers with the SIP endpoint role running on it/them.
21:08.38JustinCampbellMarquis42: CS1000 SIP Signaling Gateway
21:11.10Marquis42Right, that's what I meant by the SIP endpoint role.
21:11.51Marquis42So, explain in detail what happens.  It attempts to register and fails?  Or it successfully registers and then falls off at re-registration?
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21:17.40JustinCampbellMarquis42: The registration is successful initially. After some time, usually overnight when the load is lower, the registration disconnects. There are some errors returned in SIP traces such as 401 unauthorized I think. The CS1K engineers are only able to re-register after rebooting the system.
21:18.00JustinCampbellMarquis42: I should also mention that all of our peers are realtime
21:18.49*** join/#asterisk Lars_G (~Lars@unaffiliated/lars-g/x-000001)
21:18.52Lars_GGreetings all.
21:20.05Lars_GQuestion, is there any doable, budgetarly soft manner in which old hybrid (panasonic) KSUs can be integrated with asterisk, to perform a gradual voip migration?
21:21.10*** join/#asterisk blizzow (~jburns@
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21:21.35blizzowIs it possible to enable the http (AJAM?) interface without restarting the entire asterisk instance?
21:26.12ruiedHi! lets say I have a phone with two BLF's keys blinking EXT_A and EXT_B (they are ringing at remote phones made by EXT_B and EXT_C), is there a way so I can pickup a specific ringing phone (EXT_A or EXT_B) on my phone ?
21:28.01*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
21:28.04Lars_GOk, I see/guess, I could use e1 for this. hmmm
21:29.56Marquis42JustinCampbell: Have you tried making the one peer that they are using static (i.e., defined in the config file)?
21:30.19JustinCampbellMarquis42: I have not, but it crossed my mind today after looking through the debug logs
21:30.35Marquis42I'll be honest and say at this point I'm just generally troubleshooting.  I've got a working CS1K setup here that takes several hundred calls a day without issue, but we don't do registration with Asterisk at all.
21:30.53JustinCampbellMarquis42: it just sends calls to the CS1K?
21:31.11Marquis42Well, and receives calls from the CS1K.
21:32.12JustinCampbellWe were trying to avoid static hosts for the CS1K, as theyre connecting to a DNS round-robin of Asterisk servers, and their IP could change
21:32.48JustinCampbellMarquis42: I'm heading home for the night, thanks for your help. You too pabelanger
21:33.05Marquis42Not a problem
21:34.07*** part/#asterisk Marquis42 (
21:45.21ruiedIs there a way so I can direct pickup a blinking BLF key ?
21:47.18*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
21:47.18*** mode/#asterisk [+o malcolmd] by ChanServ
21:47.44ruiedI can use meetme rooms or pickup group, but my problem is if I have 2 or more ringing extensions, I don't know howto distinguish the one I want to pickup up...
21:47.45*** join/#asterisk lanning (
21:50.34*** join/#asterisk Buklov (
21:57.20Lars_GOk, if anyone here has worked with panasonic PBXs. with a kx-td1232 is there any way in which using the E1 expansion (if I find the thing here), that the panasonic treats asterisk as extensions and not as the pstn?
21:57.23*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
21:57.50Lars_GSince we receive FXS via the fxb from the telco, and getting the lines into an E1 would be a real hassle.
21:59.09Lars_GSo, the COs are received directly on the panasonic and I wouldn't really want to move them to an FXO card on the asterisk pbx, since then routing extensions from the analogs on the panasonic to the voip extensions on the asterisk would be hell, woudln't it?
22:00.18pdtpatrickQuestion .. I'm using jabber on asterisk 1.8 but each time i use JABBER_RECEIVE .. asterisk crashes. .. here's my dialplan
22:00.35pdtpatrickso when u get the text message asking u to type back a response
22:00.39pdtpatrickwhatever you send back .. asterisk crashes
22:01.05pdtpatrickhowever without making the call -- u can send something in the same text to asterisk and jabber picks it up fine
22:01.13pdtpatrickjust whenever u use JABBER_RECEIVE it crashes
22:02.06*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
22:03.51*** join/#asterisk sflemming (~stefan@
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22:05.13sflemmingHelp, my asterisk creates approx. 14GB coredumps per hour. Can someone please help me?
22:06.40infobotbacktrace is a debugging tool that is useful when trying to track down asterisk crashes (use -g with asterisk to generate a core, then read doc/backtrace.txt).  See also
22:06.45pabelangersflemming: ^
22:08.12sflemmingpabelanger: Thank you, I will try this. Creating core dumps is no problem. Asterisk is writing several hundred per hour
22:08.33*** join/#asterisk leftist (
22:09.01pabelangersflemming: we just need 1 core dump for a back trace
22:09.49sflemmingpabelanger: yes, I'm just figuring out if backtrace is in portage (I'm using gentoo) then I will try it
22:15.23pdtpatrickI take it no one here knows has toyed with JABBER_RECEIVED :(
22:15.26sflemmingpabelanger: When I understand what is written in your link, I shall submit the coredump to your bug tracker? Or should I get more information with gdb? It's a bit unclear. Is it sufficient to submit a dump from /var/lib/asterisk/coredump or do I need to recompile everything? I use asterisk from portage.
22:16.28pabelangersflemming: no, don't post the coredump.  It is useless for anybody else, run it through gdb and attach the output
22:17.42sflemmingpabelanger: Okay, I understand. Will need to install gdb...
22:19.14sflemmingis there maybe a bug known with the calendar integration? I have 12 google caldav calendar ins calendar.conf and when I load it asterisk crashes regularly. I searched the issue tracker but found nothing about that.
22:19.55citywoksflemming: i had found a bug using exchange, but it was the library (libneon) * was using tha was actually crashing.
22:20.06citywokwhich then caused * to seg
22:21.44pabelangersflemming: possible, I have not see anything recently
22:21.52sflemmingI think it might be a synchronization bug when many google calendar instances are generated. When there is only one it works. Tested with asterisk from 1.8.5 to 1.8.7 and all the same. It crashes with same mutex error
22:24.42*** join/#asterisk umay (~chris@
22:25.37sflemmingis there maybe someone who is using caldav with the google calendar and can reproduce it?
22:29.29*** part/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
22:30.01sflemminghm, it does not seem to work with gdb. I tried db -se "asterisk" -ex "bt full" -ex "thread apply all bt" --batch -c /var/lib/asterisk/coredump/core-20110927-23555542 > /tmp/backtrace.txt but it gives me /var/lib/asterisk/coredump/core-20110927-23555542: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.
22:30.01sflemmingNo stack.
22:33.39*** join/#asterisk nix8n82-phone (~AndChat@
22:34.25sflemmingWhen I start asterisk in gdb I get a asterisk: ath.c:193: _gcry_ath_mutex_lock: Assertion `*lock == ((ath_mutex_t) 0)' failed., is this helpful?
22:36.01blizzowone of my users is complaining that he keeps getting left voicemails every few minutes, sometimes even faster.  I can see a bunch of debug info regarding the call  (  but how can I tell where the VM is originating.   Is it possible to tell if it was some IVR route, if people are dialing his number directly, if someone is transferring people straight into his VMbox?
22:43.52sflemminghave to reset my network...
22:46.30*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
22:47.05darkbasichi, is there a t38 gateway patch against 1.8.7?
22:48.39*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
23:00.38pabelangerdarkbasic: talk to irrot
23:11.41*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
23:24.55dijibsilent calls are fixed.
23:25.05dijibconfrence is back
23:25.07dijibmoh is back
23:25.10dijibvm to email is back
23:25.21dijibfax detect to email is back
23:25.44dijibno lumenvox.....
23:27.27*** join/#asterisk cstachris (~chrismylo@
23:32.51*** join/#asterisk BBM (
23:36.35*** join/#asterisk kdmessano (~nonya@unaffiliated/kdmessano)
23:37.42p3nguinDId you ever figure out why there was silence on many calls?
23:43.36dijibdidnt figure out why.
23:43.43dijibdidnt change the dialplan at all.
23:43.48dijibreinstalled and fixed it
23:44.00dijibalso it starts automatically now
23:44.09dijibwhich is very nice
23:44.10p3nguinIt's bad that it wasn't figured out why, but it's good that it's fixed.
23:44.31dijibit must have been a bauched install or something i dont know
23:44.39dijibi want lumenvox asr now
23:44.46dijibneed to find an expers
23:44.50*** join/#asterisk f2knight (
23:44.56dijibor figure out that dependency
23:45.44f2knightQ: Seems Google and Asterisk are at it again... anyone figure out how to 'Answer' the google voice call this time around?
23:46.19p3nguinSomething changed?
23:46.31p3nguinI guess I better call myself to make sure it's working.
23:46.52dijibnothing changed in the .confs
23:46.52dymor whatever
23:46.55dymwherever you're from
23:46.57dijibcheck pm p3nguin
23:47.06*** join/#asterisk leftist (
23:48.05dijibget the pm?
23:48.15dijibi even have directory working brother.
23:48.21f2knightp3nguin, well that depends on how you look at it lol. Outbound seems to be working fine but it no longer is accepting the answer.. answer, wait(1), senddtmf(1)
23:48.22p3nguinGoogle Voice works here for me.
23:48.33p3nguininbound for me, that is.
23:48.53p3nguindijib: Yes, I see it.
23:49.07f2knightp3nguin, was working last week for me too. but not now. It rings... just doesnt accept my answer commands.
23:49.41p3nguinBetween the time I said I'd better call myself and the time I said it's working for me, I called myself and it's working for me.
23:49.48p3nguinToday.  Now.
23:50.51p3nguindijib: If that's a DID on, and if I called your number via, it shouldn't count against your minutes and it won't cost me anything per minute.
23:51.29dijibit is on voipms
23:51.38p3nguinFree calls between accounts.
23:51.57dijibwell good, im getting my family to all make wrt54g asterisk boxes and get voipms accounts
23:52.26*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
23:52.28p3nguinThey say "between DIDs," but anyone with a brain knows you can't call between two inbound articles.
23:52.46dijibanyone with a brain eh
23:53.04p3nguinPeople who run ITSPs are often not very bright.
23:53.30p3nguins/who run ITSPs //
23:53.48dymtoo late to correct.
23:54.23dijibespecially the french
23:54.24p3nguinAnyway, I can call you for free on voipms even if I don't have any DIDs with them at all.
23:54.44p3nguinSo they should reword their thing.
23:55.05p3nguinBy dialing, of course.
23:55.20dijibstill costs me if you call the 877
23:55.23p3nguinWe're talking about within voipms... where goes GV come into it?
23:55.36dijibthought you were speaking of it earlier
23:55.44p3nguinIt won't cost you anything if I call from my voipms account.
23:56.03p3nguinEven if I don't have any DIDs.
23:56.12dijibhey what were the res_fax_digium install procedures?
23:56.12p3nguinBecause DIDs have nothing to do with me calling out.
23:56.19dyminter itsp calling only requires an accurate * config
23:56.19p3nguinInstall it.
23:56.34p3nguins/inter itsp//
23:56.50p3nguinJust calling.  Not inter itsp calling.
23:56.59p3nguinCalling just requires working configs.
23:57.33p3nguinI guess what I'm trying to say without being understood is that you don't need to have a DID to call outbound.
23:57.41p3nguinDIDs have nothing to do with outbound calling.
23:58.01dijibbut you need an account with voipms
23:58.10dijibfax is failing now.
23:58.11p3nguinBut I don't need to buy any phone numbers.
23:58.40dymdijib: depends
23:58.44dymif you have an online asterisk
23:58.45dymyou dont
23:58.54p3nguinI can call you all day long on one of your phone numbers, and it won't cost you or me anything.
23:59.29p3nguin(1855.04) <p3nguin> By dialing, of course.
23:59.50dijibyeh but we would have to have asterisk boxes connected to eachother
23:59.55p3nguinNo. does that for us.

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