IRC log for #asterisk on 20110926

00:00.03l1nuxmanwhen I look at commmand line it shows the callerid but in the body of email it only says from "FXOPort" . Why?
00:00.32p3nguinShow me your email command.
00:05.52l1nuxmanp3nguin, mailcmd=/usr/sbin/sendmail -f -t
00:06.11p3nguinWhere did you find that?
00:06.30l1nuxmanI wrote it in voicemail.conf
00:06.43p3nguinYou didn't need to.
00:07.12p3nguinUnless you're not using a sendmail compatible MTA, you can leave the mailcmd line commented out.
00:07.19p3nguinPut your email address on your voicemail entry down below.
00:08.07l1nuxmanI have to have that p3nguin because I'm using SmartHost
00:08.09p3nguinThe content of the email is configured in emailbody.
00:08.17p3nguinI doubt it.
00:08.22p3nguinBut suit yourself.
00:08.45l1nuxmanyea p3nguin in emailbody it has VM_CALLERID
00:09.08l1nuxmanbut it writes FXOPOrt in email instead of callerid like in command line
00:09.31p3nguinFXOPort must be the name of the device that left you voicemail.
00:09.45WIMPycallerid name?
00:10.09p3nguinI don't remember what VM_CALLERID is supposed to contain.
00:10.20p3nguinI'd have to go look at one of my emails from getting voicemail.
00:10.40p3nguinYes, I meant callerid name.
00:10.56l1nuxman- Executing [grandstream@in-pstn:2] Set("SIP/phoneline-fxo-00000001", "CALLERID(number)=ASZ DRAG" <sip:4165566740@>") in new stack
00:11.17p3nguinASZ DRAG is not a valid CALLERID(num).
00:11.20l1nuxmanbut not in email
00:11.29WIMPyWhy not?
00:11.45p3nguinMostly because it's not a number.
00:12.04WIMPyWho said that the number may only contain digits?
00:14.01p3nguinI'm sure someone with authority said it.  I don't have all the rules in writing, so I can't give you a name.
00:14.27WIMPyThat hasn't even been true in the PSTN.
00:14.59WIMPyJust that every known telco happens to filter any non-digit, but it's a ASCII string.
00:15.01p3nguinSince some carriers will reject or drop caller id numbers containing letters, it's never a good idea to even try it.
00:15.09WIMPyOr probably rather IA5 or something.
00:16.32*** join/#asterisk leftist (
00:16.48l1nuxmanyea I get callerid(all) like this  sip:4165566740@1921681115
00:17.21WIMPysipgate use customer numbers as caller id if not configured. And if you have multiple accounts the callerid consists of customer+"e"+subaccount. I don't see anything wrong with that.
00:22.21p3nguinSo ${CALLERID(all)} shows a SIP URI?
00:42.18l1nuxmanwow yea
00:42.40l1nuxmanwell I want to take off the 'sip:' and '@xxxxxxxxx' part
00:43.21p3nguinThat's not a typical caller id.  I'd try to find out why that's what is showing up instead of the normal Name <Number>.
00:43.39l1nuxmanits my IP address
00:53.10*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
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01:08.10*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
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01:21.00leftistwhen setting up the phone for the user does each user have to have their own designated phone #? or can they share the same one?
01:21.18leftistor am i thinking backwards?
01:21.24leftisti knnow what i am thinking anyway
01:21.29*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:21.39p3nguinOne extension can dial multiple phones.
01:22.55leftistwell p3nquin i am using goautodial for a call center and i was trying to avoid creating all the phones for each individual agent however i think i may have to. i am not sure to be honest.
01:23.15leftistit's all outbound at this facility
01:23.23p3nguinEvery single phone will have its own entry in sip.conf (if every phone is a SIP phone).
01:23.35p3nguinBut no phones are required to have extensions to be able to call them.
01:23.43leftistahh i see
01:24.01p3nguinYou could have one single extension to call 100 phones if you wanted.
01:24.18leftistahh  i see
01:24.21p3nguinBut each of the 100 phones will have a peer entry in sip.conf.
01:24.35leftistlet me look at this config
01:24.48p3nguinOf course for 100 phones, using a database might make more sense.
01:28.09leftistasterisk is truely remarkeble.  i remember when i had to work with rolm cbx's without a manual :D. boy was that a trip
01:40.30leftistwhen creating a new phone and lets say i am creating for a test 10. can i use the same park extension and conf extension for the phones?  just to do some testing? or is that not practical?
01:41.03p3nguinLike using extension 700 for parking and for a conference?
01:41.28leftistno say 700 for parking and 799 for conf for example
01:41.49p3nguinHow is that considered the same when it's different?
01:41.50leftistfor each phone i create using those 2 values as default
01:42.27p3nguinYou probably won't be creating extensions for every single phone to be able to call those things.  You'll have one instance of those extensions and all the phones will be able to call the numbers.
01:42.30leftistso each phone can use 700 and 799? i mean i have not done this type stuff in over 25 years i am way ignorant.
01:42.41leftistoh i see
01:43.08p3nguinIf every phone has a context of 'phones', then phones might have extension 799 in it.  Then all phones can call 799.
01:44.26leftisti am feeling my way thru this thru trial and error however i am taking my time and going slow. it works now but i am just beinng causious at this point.
01:44.34leftistspelling is bad at this hour
01:44.37infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
01:44.48p3nguinTake a break; read a book.
01:46.02leftistok thanks lol
01:46.56l1nuxmanthis is incorrect syntax?
01:46.59l1nuxmansame => n,Set(CALLERID(num)=${CUT(CUT((SIP_HEADER(P-Asserted-Identity):4),@,1),:,2)})
02:00.48l1nuxmanare you sure
02:00.50l1nuxmansame => n,Set(CALLERID(num)=${CUT(${CUT(${SIP_HEADER(P-Asserted-Identity):4},@,1)},:,2)})
02:01.11leftistcan multiple agents have the same phone number? every time i try to add a new phone i am basically cloning the 1st one i created yet it doesnt accept the values i use. it could be that the values have to be different for conf/vmx i cant get the book till tomorrow so i am just asking it for some thought.
02:04.44*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
02:11.18p3nguinSyntax looks good, but I can't guarantee you'll get the result you want.
02:11.54*** join/#asterisk dijib (
02:12.32l1nuxmansays I have a missing argument
02:15.18dijiblinuxman do you know linux?
02:17.00dijibfamiliar with linking .so's?
02:17.00l1nuxmanI can't find a missing argument
02:17.10dijiblet me see your dialplan
02:17.34dijibif its macro or c i probably cant help
02:18.31p3nguinI'd still be concentrating on why callerid is jacked up instead of worrying about hacking the broken callerid.
02:18.54dijibim having issues setting my cid aswell
02:19.00p3nguinDid you consider setting the callerid in the peer entry?
02:19.07dijibdid that already
02:19.25p3nguinWhat's the problem with yours?  I know what's wrong with the other guy's.
02:19.29WIMPyI should save that one for the ITSPs.
02:19.30dijibbut when you make a call does it rewrite that variable?
02:19.49p3nguinWhat variable?
02:19.59WIMPyWouldn't be bad if the P-asserted-identity stuff was used by default.
02:20.13dijibi have a missing dependency i cant find, linked it to the 4.1.1 i have install. didnt work
02:20.43p3nguinWhat is asking for libcurl?
02:21.26dijibfor lumenvox
02:21.42dijiband does that <tab> same thing work?
02:21.52p3nguintab same?
02:21.59dijibin his dialplan
02:22.15p3nguinI don't know if tabs work, but same does.  I didn't look at his paste.
02:22.17dijiband he doesnt have the extention defined
02:22.24dijibsame does?
02:22.36dijibhows it work? same => same
02:22.37p3nguinHe has an extension defined.
02:22.51dijibfor all actions?
02:23.03p3nguinIt works exactly as he wrote it, sans the tabs.
02:23.14p3nguinIf the tabs don't break it, then tabs work, too.
02:23.18WIMPytabs are ok
02:23.31p3nguinGood to know.
02:23.57dijibtabs to wort it out, but it works anyways
02:23.57WIMPy(at least in practice)
02:23.58p3nguinsame => was implemented in 1.6.2 I believe.
02:24.12dijibim running 1.8.5
02:24.17dijibso i should be good.
02:24.26p3nguinsame => works for you, too.
02:24.35p3nguinYou just probably don't use it.
02:25.29dijibso would yum check version of the libcurl library or would it have missing functions or something in 4.1.1 that were in 3?
02:26.46p3nguinUpdate it and see what happens.
02:27.52dijibits up to date
02:28.16p3nguinrebuild that other app against your new version.
02:28.31dijibi had to make a softlink from
02:33.36dijibi think i need a svn truck of the lumenvox software
02:33.43dijibtruck lol
02:33.47dijibchevy on my mind
02:41.20dijibcan i run multiple commands in a system command?
02:41.37p3nguinI don't see why not.
02:42.52dijibso like killall asterisk && /usr/sbin/asterisk
02:43.29p3nguinI'm not sure if you kill asterisk if System() will still execute the rest of the command.
02:43.55p3nguinTry it.
02:44.07dijiband it would be a killall asterisk ; /usb/sbin/asterisk
02:44.19p3nguinWhy wouldn't && work?
02:44.28dijibif killall has an error
02:44.33dijibasterisk wont be run
02:44.38p3nguinIf it had an error, you wouldn't need to run asterisk.
02:44.41dijibif it does with ; it still will
02:44.45p3nguin(it would be running already)
02:44.59dijibyeah but it would be a kill and reload
02:45.20p3nguinRunning asterisk when it is already running is not going to "reload" as you put it.
02:45.52dijibok how do i reinitiate moh? my streams die on me sometimes.
02:46.20p3nguinMaybe System(pkill asterisk && /usr/sbin/asterisk || asterisk -rx 'core restart now'); would be better.
02:46.42p3nguinmodule unload ; module load
02:47.25dijibhow do i run commands in asterisk?
02:47.39p3nguintype them, press enter.
02:48.01dijibhow do i do it offsite over asterisk?
02:48.13dijibi mean online in asterisk
02:48.33p3nguinDid you already connect to the CLI?
02:48.43dijibno assume i cannot connect to cli
02:48.46p3nguinasterisk -r
02:48.53dijibno ssh or telnet
02:48.54Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
02:49.03p3nguinIf you can't connect to the CLI, you can't run commands.
02:49.16dijibi can run system commands
02:49.30p3nguinIf you can't connect to the CLI, you can't run commands.
02:49.45p3nguinIf you can't connect to it with asterisk -r, then asterisk -rx will not run commands either.
02:49.48dijiboh know what your right.
02:49.56p3nguinImagine that.
02:50.08p3nguinMy right.
02:50.11p3nguinAnd my left, too.
02:50.21dijiband up and down
02:57.27*** join/#asterisk tm1000 (
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04:44.16p3nguinWell this is new in, and I am not a fan:  WARNING[24334]: res_jabber.c:1473 aji_send_raw: JABBER: Unable to send message to asterisk, we are not connected[Sep 25 23:43:46] WARNING[24334]: res_jabber.c:1737 aji_act_hook: Jabber didn't seem to handshake, failed to authenticate.
04:44.37p3nguinSo back to I go.
04:50.55*** join/#asterisk paec (
04:51.23dymive continuously had a strange jabber error too
04:51.48dymbut in
04:51.56dymoughtta upgrade i gutess
04:55.48p3nguinEvery 55 seconds, that warning would show up.
04:56.29p3nguinSystem uptime: 122
04:56.50p3nguinHasn't shown up once now that I'm back on
04:57.17p3nguinJust to be certain it's the version, I'll go back to again.
04:59.19drmessanoJabber is fine here on 1.8.7... I am still getting some XML errors, but I have had those since 1.8.0
04:59.33p3nguinThe one saying invalid XML?
04:59.40p3nguinfailure to parse
04:59.44p3nguinsome crap like that?
04:59.57p3nguinIt seems to parse it just fine.
05:00.58drmessanoFrom what I can gather, doing the "Read 10 google responses on the issue, average them out, separate the stupid appliance operator errors out" sort of reckoning, it appears to be a unicode issue with iksemel
05:01.04*** join/#asterisk mickecarlsson (
05:01.30p3nguin54-55 seconds on, that warning pops up.
05:01.38*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:01.46p3nguinI rolled back to, it's gone.  Back up to, it's back.
05:02.24p3nguin[Sep 26 00:02:04] WARNING[25183]: res_jabber.c:1473 aji_send_raw: JABBER: Unable to send message to asterisk, we are not connected[Sep 26 00:02:05] WARNING[25183]: res_jabber.c:1737 aji_act_hook: Jabber didn't seem to handshake, failed to authenticate.
05:02.36p3nguinNot connected to what?!
05:02.58drmessanoI am not seeing that here.. 2 Google accounts and 2 accounts connected to an Ejabberd server here.  Anything unique on your end?
05:03.01p3nguinjabber show connections says that all of them *ARE* connected.
05:03.44p3nguinI have four on GTalk and one jabber component.
05:04.14*** join/#asterisk singler (
05:04.30p3nguinDuring the load up of I see that warning from res_jabber.
05:04.34drmessanojabber component?  Like a devstate connection or something?
05:04.52p3nguinRather than asterisk being a client, it is a component.
05:05.39p3nguinOops, I thought it was doing it on but I forgot to change the package back.  :/
05:06.41drmessanoWhat is a case usage of connecting as a component?
05:06.45p3nguinOkay with, I don't see the res_jabber message during loading.
05:08.11p3nguinI just use my jabber to give users IMs with call information.  It could still do that as a client, but I had issues with TLS stuff.
05:08.20drmessanoAh ok
05:08.47p3nguinIt makes asterisk more like a peered jabber server.
05:08.57drmessanoWell, I am doing the same with one of my connections.  Let me switch that over to a component connection and see if I get the errors
05:09.12atan2Who has the best rate in inbound DIDs?
05:09.22p3nguinI guess I could drop that for a minute and just leave the gtalk stuff active.
05:12.32*** join/#asterisk Buklov (
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05:16.40p3nguinI disabled the component config for my jabberd, and the warning is not appearing after 137 seconds.
05:25.12p3nguinSo something changed to where now asterisk does not like being a component with my jabberd.
05:26.20*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
05:26.54p3nguinIt doesn't work with tls nor sasl.  Jabber didn't seem to handshake... so what could it be?
05:27.20*** join/#asterisk talntid (
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05:36.10p3nguinHmm, that really sucks.
05:36.31p3nguinI don't want to be locked in at for the rest of eternity.
05:48.02drmessanoI can't get it to connect at all
05:48.10drmessanoAs a component
05:48.30p3nguinDoes it give you that same warning that I get?
05:48.44drmessanoLemme check.. only got as far as it never connecting
05:48.52p3nguinIt tells me that crap and the status is always "Connecting."
05:49.26drmessanoJabber didn't seem to handshake, failed to authenticate.
05:49.36drmessano"Shits broke"
05:49.42*** join/#asterisk Takapa (
05:49.58*** join/#asterisk WiretapSeven (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
05:49.58drmessanoI guess we can fram 1.8.7 right in the dooker
05:50.12p3nguinI tried without tls and sasl, with one but not the other, with the other but not one, and with both.  Same message no matter what combination.
05:50.48*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
05:50.55p3nguinBack on, any combination of tls and sasl gives me no issues.
05:51.51p3nguinBut, on an unrelated issue, I do have a problem with musiconhold never playing mp3s unless I manually unload and load res_musiconhold after asterisk is up.
05:52.07p3nguinI even preload in modules.conf.
05:52.44drmessanoMoH has been a problem for some time, in one way or another.. Streaming MoH hasn't worked at all in 1.8 with the dahdi timer loaded
05:52.48p3nguinIf I restart asterisk and forget to fix the module, I might play silence.
05:53.16p3nguinAs long as I unload and load the module so mp3 files will play, I can play a stream.
05:54.43p3nguinpreload loads the module early... is there any way to wait until later to load a module?
05:55.09p3nguinI think if I can get res_musiconhold to wait until last it may work.
05:56.08p3nguinThat revision seems to be unrelated.  I'm not doing any devstate stuff with jabber.
05:56.19p3nguinAnd Asterisk isn't segfaulting.
05:56.27*** join/#asterisk bluregard (
05:57.11drmessanoSame here
05:57.53pabelangerp3nguin: that is the patch that introduces the WARNING message.  Something to start with
05:58.22p3nguinIf that patch puts it in, you're thinking I could unpatch it?
05:58.54p3nguinI guess I really need to file a bug on this moh problem.
05:59.10pabelangerIf you want, though I have no idea what you are doing or what the patch does. I just found the source of the WARNING
05:59.22bluregardanyone out there that might be able to point me in the right direction?  I need to create an auto-dialer that can grab numbers out of a mysql database, place a call and play a pre-recorded message.  I'm stuck on how to actually initiate the call.  Callfile or originate...
05:59.54p3nguinI originate with a shell script.
06:01.14bluregardthat's what I've been leaning towards.  My other problem is I'm not sure how to handle making multiple simultanious calls via a SIP channel.
06:01.44p3nguinI use a basic for loop in a shell script.
06:01.53drmessanoI don't think that patch is related.. I think the warning is being logged because we are indeed not connected.. which is a result of the real issue
06:02.28drmessanoI'm going back a bit
06:02.45kaldemarbluregard: by SIP channel you probably mean a device or a peer. you don't have to handle it in any way, just dial.
06:03.26p3nguinWhen I used asterisk 1.4, I could originate as many calls as I wanted right in a row and the calls would be concurrent.  Using the same script on 1.8, they would block and would run the calls consecutively.  The solution for that was to background the originates.  Now I can call as many concurrent as I want again.
06:04.19bluregardI mean peer.  By handle I mean limit the number of calls that are going out.  I need to keep the volume at a rough hourly rate.
06:05.12kaldemarbluregard: do it in the script that originates the calls.
06:05.35p3nguinBy looping through a list of numbers, I had to implement a marker in the list where to wait so the existing calls could die off.
06:05.55p3nguinOtherwise it would call every number in the list at once.
06:06.04bluregardyeah.  if I let it I'd be pushing out >1000 calls at a time which would then lead to an angry call from my sip provider.
06:06.12p3nguinI wanted to keep it limited to 15-ish.
06:06.56p3nguinDo you even have enough bandwidth for 1000 calls at once?
06:07.20bluregardprobably not
06:07.45*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
06:07.46schmidtsgood morning
06:08.24p3nguinMaybe I should stick with and find the patches to fix the voicemail times.
06:08.30drmessanowell ok then
06:08.30bluregardalthough I might end up putting the asterisk server in my provider's datacenter, we'll see.
06:09.31drmessanop3nguin: I reverted that patch and it went away..
06:09.53bluregardI like the marker in the list of numbers idea though.  I guess I could pepper those throughout the database.
06:10.12p3nguinYou could even implement a counter.
06:10.41bluregardthat's what I was orignially thinking
06:10.42p3nguinI just did the marker because it was an easy fix without changing the script too much.
06:11.01p3nguinBut now that I think about it, I'll probably add a counter.
06:11.19p3nguinI'll let it count N amount of numbers from the list, then wait, then restart.
06:13.38*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
06:20.32bluregardis your list of numbers a text file or are you using a db?
06:20.52p3nguinI'm just doing a text file right now, but I'm hoping to move to a db pretty soon.
06:22.11bluregardI have to be able to add information to the list of numbers, like call start/stop time, number of retries, reason for retry, etc.  So I might as well build it with a db from the start.
06:25.04p3nguinI'm having trouble getting that patch to revert.
06:25.29drmessanoGo to line 1468
06:25.44p3nguinpatch -Rp2 < patchfile
06:25.48p3nguinno worky
06:25.55drmessanoI did it by hand
06:25.58drmessanoWorked fine
06:26.05p3nguinI really need to do it automatic.
06:28.59p3nguinpatching file res/res_jabber.c
06:28.59p3nguinHunk #1 FAILED at 1465.
06:29.13p3nguinI had this same trouble with chan_sccp a while ago.
06:29.21drmessanoWhy don't you just fix the file and make your own patch
06:29.24p3nguinI had to recreate the patch locally.
06:29.38p3nguinI think it's a problem with copy/paste or something.
06:35.45*** join/#asterisk Buklov (
06:38.40p3nguinI guess my unpatch works -- no error.
06:41.26atanp3nguin, are you messing with 10.x?
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06:53.40joelsolankiis it possible that calls which are at 15 mins gets auto disconnect ? i just want any calls to go beyond 15 mins.
06:53.55p3nguinTake a look at session-timers.
06:54.03joelsolankii just dont want calls to go beyond 15 mins i mean
06:54.10joelsolankisession timers. ok let me see
06:54.55p3nguinThere is also an associated setting, but I'd have to go look to see the name.  Might be session-expire or something similar.
06:55.45*** join/#asterisk stix (~stix@
06:57.43joelsolankioh ok
07:01.22kaldemaror option L() in application Dial. session timers are just for SIP.
07:01.38p3nguinAlrighty, then.  Unpatched res_jabber.c and the problem seems to be gone.
07:01.55p3nguinAsterisk is connected to jabber and no warnings.
07:02.47kaldemaractually, the session timers are just for refreshing the session. they cannot necessarily be used to limit call duration.
07:03.21kaldemaronly if the other end doesn't support session timers.
07:04.41*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
07:06.05p3nguinThis moh problem is really annoying.  I've preloaded all 19 format_*.so modules, but still mp3 class will not play until I have run module unload and then module load on
07:06.46*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
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07:06.54p3nguinVerbose output says starting musiconhold class mp3, and lsof shows that mpg123 is playing files, but there's no sound from them.
07:07.05p3nguinunload, load, works fine.
07:10.02*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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09:20.32*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.0.0-beta1 (2011/07/22), (2011/08/31), dahdi-linux (2011/09/08), dahdi-tools (2011/09/08), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=-
09:26.44*** join/#asterisk ollii (
09:29.20joelsolankiok i checked session timer stuff i will test it.
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09:29.32joelsolankibut is it possible to disconnect calls at exact 15 mins ?
09:30.01kaldemarjoelsolanki: yes, but not with session timers as stated earlier.
09:31.02joelsolankiok then what can i use to disconnect calls at 15 mins ?
09:31.30kaldemari already told you...
09:33.23joelsolankilet me check it again
09:33.51joelsolankioption L() in application Dial
09:33.55joelsolankiyou mean right ?
09:34.19irrootjoelsolanki kaldemar yip it cuts the user off at this Limit
09:34.33joelsolankigreat. :)
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09:45.12WIMPyOr TIMEOUT(absolute)
09:52.16devil_evoxxxirroot: this, has significant value for dtmf not working trough quescom? Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event|), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event|)
09:52.23devil_evoxxxi'm debungging
09:54.47irrootthat seems normal too
09:55.18irrootits combined is 0x1 not 0x0
09:55.28irrootwhen you sip debug
09:55.39irrootand press a button on the phone while in a call
09:55.56irrootyou should see sip messages with the dtmf pressed
09:56.21irrootmake sure that the right ammount of messages and that the right messages are coming through
09:56.21devil_evoxxx..i not see sip message with dtmf
09:56.34devil_evoxxxcore debug
09:56.36irrootyou on sip phones ??
09:56.37devil_evoxxxi see
09:56.46devil_evoxxxdtmf start and dtmf end messages
09:56.52irrootsip set debug ip .....
09:57.00irrootthe ip of the quescom
09:57.26kaldemardtmf won't show up in sip debug unless dtmfmode is info.
09:58.19devil_evoxxxis setted in rf2833 :(
09:58.58devil_evoxxxthe only message i can see is << [ TYPE: DTMF End (1) SUBCLASS: 1 (49) ] [SIP/voce-inc-000001dd]
09:59.01devil_evoxxx>> [ TYPE: DTMF End (1) SUBCLASS: 1 (49) ] [SIP/fromff-000001de]
09:59.25devil_evoxxxand before, the corresponding message , but with start
10:03.25*** join/#asterisk Diffen (
10:05.02irrootso it goes
10:05.13irrootthat is right then
10:05.31irrootthere is a start and end frame
10:05.49irrootdevil_evoxxx try change to sip info type
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10:10.12enochhi all
10:10.46enochguys i need a suggestion... a sip client with easy call-forward function...
10:11.17enochi mean that an user should be able to forward a call to another sip user by clicking it on the address book
10:11.53enochjitsi permits it but have a poor quality
10:22.55devil_evoxxxirroot: ok
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10:34.06devil_evoxxxirroot: if i set info in dtmf
10:34.12devil_evoxxxi can not seee anything in
10:34.24devil_evoxxxthe asterisk box where i'm debugging
10:38.48irrootyou need to reload the peer/sip to get it to updat4e
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10:50.07devil_evoxxxyes ..i've reloaded it..
10:50.34devil_evoxxxi can see only Null Frame
10:55.53devil_evoxxxand no DTMF
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11:52.00SeRiguys a "all circuits are busy" message its a carrier issue or a user issue?
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11:55.39SeRithis is happening to one number only but not the other number in the same carrier.  I get a few calls in and than I start getting a "all circuits are busy please try your call later"
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12:00.13cjkhi, my asterisk misses dtmf's for sip calls but dtmf work fine on dahdi. I played with dtmf mode without success. any idea on how to debug this?
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12:05.22wengoleSeRi: "all circuits are busy" is (unfortunately) a generic failure message played for any failure reason. Look in the logs for HANGUPCAUSE= to get the ISDN result code
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12:05.53Vilius_Invadecjk: have you tried playing with dtmfmode setting in sip.conf?
12:06.54cjkVilius_Invade, yes tried them all
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12:10.10Vilius_Invadecjk: i would do a packet traces and see if dtmf is coming in from your softphone or whatever you are using
12:10.25Guest60547hi, when i press #1 to transfer a call, and then start to type the digits, its only waits for 1 digit and says its invalid
12:10.50kaldemarcjk: enable core debug, then you'll see detected DTMF.
12:11.39kaldemarcjk: and what do you mean by asterisk missing DTMF?
12:14.36SeRiwengole, will do thanks for the help.
12:15.31wengoleSeRi: no problem :)
12:17.08*** join/#asterisk _naomi (~naomi@
12:17.33cjkkaldemar, exactly, on the cli I see that asterisk constantly misses one dtmf
12:17.45_naomihi, sorry didnt log in properly before. Having problem with #1 transfer - it only waits for 1 digit then says invalid ext
12:17.51cjkkaldemar, about the 5th or 6th digit I press does not appear on the cli
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12:22.26_naomitransferdigittimeout is set to 3 seconds
12:23.13SeRiwengole, I dont see anything related to HANGUPCAUSE in my logs.
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12:24.43azv4If I want to find a company that can offer support for our company's phone system, what would I search?  I search "Business Telephone Support" and I get listings for internet services and child support websites!
12:25.02SeRithis odd I have two numbers routed to the same system one works fine and the other one works sporadically...
12:30.20kaldemarcjk: are you experiencing packet loss?
12:36.02cjkkaldemar, no, not all all the network is perfect
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12:52.34cuscohi folks
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12:53.16cuscowhen using queue() can I specify that a peer has higer priority other than using removequeuemember() and addqueuemember() ?
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12:53.46Faustovhow often is the meetme.conf [rooms] context read? I thought every module app_meetme gets reloaded, but it seems it is being read on the fly - why?
12:54.36irrootcusco there is a option to set rules that after x time the the priority jumps
12:55.12*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~aoulton@
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13:02.33kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: welcome back
13:03.36kaldemarcjk: if you're using rfc2833, try rtp debug or dump the network interface to see if you actually get the packet.
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13:09.02[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar, mornin'
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13:14.24jayteemornin [TK]D-Fender
13:15.02[TK]D-Fenderjaytee, y0
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13:25.03SteveWilliamsI would like to know how to configure Sangoma UT51 hardware timer for my asterisk server?
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13:35.50olliiSteveWilliams: ask #sangoma
13:36.00olliithey have their own channel :)
13:36.06olliiwith sangoma employees
13:41.17Kattydrags in
13:41.30irrootKatty yo there
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13:42.11[TK]D-FenderKatty, Mew.
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13:45.55Kattyhugs irroot
13:46.18Katty[TK]D-Fender: hello
13:46.52Dovidwow. TK
13:46.55Dovidit's been a while
13:49.05clarkmilihi everybody
13:50.07clarkmilisomeone has compiled *1.6.2 with amr support?
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13:50.44Kattywhat's the word
13:52.46clarkmilior know how-to use a patch to 1.6.0 version on 1.6.2
13:53.33leifmadsenanything in 1.6.0 would be in 1.6.2
13:53.51leifmadsenif it's a third party module or change, then you'll need to port it yourself
13:54.31[TK]D-FenderKatty, Haven't you heard?
13:56.04clarkmiliyes, ok... I'll check the link
13:56.24clarkmililol... yes, I hear you
14:01.45Naikrovekohmygosh d-fender is back
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14:02.56leifmadsenfreak out!
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14:08.59p3nguinSo how do we get patches that have been implemented taken back out?  The one for res_jabber.c broke shit.
14:09.21p3nguinI don't want to have to unpatch every time I need to upgrade.
14:10.09pabelangerp3nguin: reopen the JIRA issue
14:10.20p3nguinLet me see if I can figure out how.
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14:11.59leifmadsenclikc the Reopen button :)
14:13.00*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (
14:14.21MarKsaitisif I am calling a number 212.45.345.23###452334, what kind of voip number is this?
14:14.28p3nguinI realize I am a littler jira-retarded, but will you tell me how to fix the reopen button?
14:14.32MarKsaitiswhat are all these # after the IP and numbers after that?
14:14.37MarKsaitiscould somebody please clarify
14:15.48p3nguinIt says issues which are closed can be reopened, but I don't see any button for that.
14:16.23MarKsaitispls help?
14:16.45Naikrovekthat's not a voip number.
14:16.55Naikroveka "voip number" is the same as a "regular number" most of the time
14:17.11leifmadsenp3nguin: you're logged in?
14:17.26leifmadsenwhat is the issue number? who knows with jira, permissions are wonky sometimes
14:17.35leifmadsenit'll just be easier for me to reopen it
14:17.42NaikrovekMarKsaitis: OR, it'll be something like "201@"
14:18.06MarKsaitisNaikrovek, do you know what my sample would be?
14:19.00MarKsaitisit actually has two ##
14:19.16p3nguinMaybe it's some goofy way of dialing a SIP URI.
14:19.21MarKsaitisis that sip in ur example?
14:19.23leifmadsenp3nguin: actually, while I reopened it, I think a new issue that I link as "Caused By" ASTERISK-18078 would be better to be honest
14:19.29leifmadsenreopening issues causes things to .... get stick
14:19.53p3nguinleifmadsen: This patch is the problem.
14:19.54leifmadsenp3nguin: yes....
14:20.07leifmadsenlet me know what the new issue is and I'll link them
14:20.09leifmadsenand get it triaged
14:21.12leifmadsenp3nguin: I reclosed ASTERISK-18078 and will link the new issue as a regression against ASTERISK-18078
14:21.46p3nguinRunning, no problems... upgrade to, and res_jabber spews this every 55 seconds:  [Sep 26 01:06:54] WARNING[7052]: res_jabber.c:1473 aji_send_raw: JABBER: Unable to send message to asterisk, we are not connected[Sep 26 01:06:55] WARNING[7052]: res_jabber.c:1737 aji_act_hook: Jabber didn't seem to handshake, failed to authenticate.
14:22.11leifmadsengrumbles something about testing RCs before releases are made
14:22.25p3nguinIt comes from having asterisk as a component for a peered jabber server.
14:22.45leifmadsenp3nguin: make sure you mark all that down in the issue you're going to open
14:22.59p3nguindrmessano and I both unpatched and the problem went away.
14:23.03leifmadsenI get that
14:23.10leifmadsenopen a new issue
14:23.11leifmadsenI'll triage it
14:23.29Kattypamples things
14:24.17pabelangerp3nguin: is that all it is doing?  Just writing a WARNING or is there an actual problem with the patch?
14:24.39pabelangereg: It was working in but stopped in
14:25.10p3nguinWhat the warning says is actually happening.  It says cannot handshake/authenticate, and it never connects to the jabber server.
14:25.36p3nguinStays in "Connecting" forever while giving the warning repeatedly.
14:25.47p3nguinUnpatch it, and problem is solved.
14:26.38p3nguinWeird. is listed as an unreleased version.
14:27.04leifmadsenp3nguin: because I haven't clicked the little button yet -- forgot to do that on Friday
14:28.01*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
14:28.19p3nguinIssue found by: ... am I customer (I usually don't think of myself as a customer unless I am buying something)?
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14:28.43pabelangerp3nguin: ignore it
14:28.59leifmadsenJust worry about Affects Version and Component
14:29.08leifmadsenand click Regression: Yes
14:29.11pabelangerIt should not be exposed for Asterisk users
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14:30.37Faustovhow often is the meetme.conf [rooms] context read? I thought every module app_meetme gets reloaded, but it seems it is being read on the fly - why?
14:31.02leifmadsenwhy not?
14:31.23leifmadsenif it's not per a manual reload, then that means it is read each time MeetMe() is called
14:32.09leifmadsenI don't use that meetme.conf file, so I don't know for certain if it's per reload or not
14:33.56clarkmiliI want to use * with AMR support, how-to upgrade a existing 1.6.0 AMR patch to 1.6.2 version
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14:34.58leifmadsenclarkmili: asked and answered
14:35.17leifmadsenclarkmili: if it's standard in 1.6.0, then it's already in 1.6.2. If that's a third party patch, then you will have to port it to 1.6.2
14:36.05Faustovleifmadsen: it is confusing for management. Configuration files should be read upon reload unless otherwise stated. When there are changes performed in a larger project involving config changes, everything is usng the old settings until a reload command is issued
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14:36.23Faustovto read one of all the files on the fly is just against common sense
14:36.43Faustovsorry if I sound a bit sour after a "fukup", trying to think objectively
14:36.51cjkkaldemar, sorry for the late reply, but on the network level (wireshark sniff) the dtmf is received correctly, it just does not appear on the asterisk cli.
14:38.02clarkmilihum... too complicated...
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14:38.56clarkmilianyway, thanks
14:39.42p3nguinDone.  ASTERISK-18626
14:42.01beekmornin' gang.
14:42.40leifmadsenp3nguin: thanks will triage shortly
14:43.23cjkI receive DTMF's over SIP (rfc 2833) , I see them all in the wireshark sniff, but asterisk slips one dtmf. It does not appear on the cli. any idea?
14:45.28clarkmiliwhich dtmf mode is used
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14:51.12irrootp3nguin  ASTERISK-18626 can you please put a ast_verb line in there to show the timeout ?? and status so we can see what is missing
14:51.44p3nguinI have no idea what that means.
14:52.02*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
14:52.06_naomihi everyone, im quite new here and new to irc in general
14:52.09irrootok if put a patch on the issue you can run it ??
14:52.31irrootlets see if there is feedback
14:53.08irrootthen we can add a debug line to see what that commit is missing
14:53.10p3nguinI filed the issue about my moh, too.  ASTERISK-18627
14:53.15_naominot sure of the ettiquette
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14:54.08p3nguinI have only tested two asterisk versions with the problem, so I hope readers of the issue don't think those are the only two versions where it happens... I'd imagine it happens on earlier 1.8 versions, but I didn't test them to know.
14:54.16leifmadsen_naomi: basically, don't be a douche, and just go ahead and ask your question :)
14:54.25*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~IceChat77@
14:54.32beek_naomi: Welcome!
14:54.48p3nguin_naomi: And don't flood us if you have something to share.  If you have something to paste, put it in the pastebin.
14:54.57irrootASTERISK-18078 p3nguin fyi thats the original issue
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15:06.08d_preston215Is work being done on dynamic spans (especially regarding redFONE devices) to fix the fact that DAHDI 2.5 crashes the server when I use it?
15:06.59leifmadsenI doubt it
15:07.08leifmadsenI don't even think a bug was opened for that
15:07.14leifmadsenat least from what I've seen
15:07.27d_preston215Any chance of that being worked on if I send in a bug report?
15:10.05leifmadsend_preston215: not sure, depends on what the priority ends up being for a developer
15:10.15leifmadsenthere is always a chance
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15:11.02_naomihi thanks i'll try not to be a douche!
15:11.27d_preston215I'll put in a bug report for this if the people at redFONE haven't.
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15:12.10_naomihaving prob with attended transfer feature in - it only waits for 1 digit then says invalid extension. transferdigittimeout is 3 secs
15:12.32_naomiwondering if should report it as bug or am i missing something
15:12.42d_preston215Which although they (people at redFONE) know that DAHDI 2.5 is broken for their products, probably haven't sent one in yet.
15:13.34infobotAsterisk versions and their support levels are documented at
15:13.38leifmadsen_naomi: ^^^
15:13.56leifmadsenyou'll have to reproduce on 1.8 or later as 1.6.2 is no longer receiving bug maintenance
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15:20.37_naomiany other config settings i should check first? AFAICS its just the transferdigittimeout
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15:30.35Miccnaomi, have you tried previous versions?
15:38.50_naomi1.6.2.19 is the same. im thinking my config must be wrong since no mention of this apparent bug online
15:38.50Qwellleifmadsen: ping!
15:38.56leifmadsenQwell: pong!
15:39.03Qwellleifmadsen: I was poked about the topic being out of date
15:39.31*** topic/#asterisk by leifmadsen -> #asterisk Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.0.0-beta1 (2011/07/22), (2011/09/26), dahdi-linux (2011/09/08), dahdi-tools (2011/09/08), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=-
15:39.38leifmadsenQwell: not sure what you're talking about -- looks right to me
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15:39.59coppicewe're out of dates too, and figs
15:41.16leifmadsenQwell: :)
15:43.04Micc_naomi, try
15:43.19Micc_naomi, then if its still the same its probably your config.
15:43.51_naomigreat thanks Micc, will do
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15:44.33Micc1.6.2.18 and have a lot of known issues. I haven't tried .20 but I think some of the issues were not fixed because it was already end of life by the time came out just to fix a major crash condition.
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15:54.00p3nguindrmessano: With what version of ejabberd did you test that authentication problem?
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16:03.27devcoderhey can anyone help me out with a cisco 7975 phone.  I want to put sip on it but can't download it from cisco.
16:03.57p3nguinThe problem is that you don't have SIP firmware for the phone?
16:04.07devcoderthat is correct
16:04.19p3nguinDo you have SCCP firmware on it now?
16:04.51devcoderyeah.  I know you can make a that work but it would just be nicer to have sip i think
16:04.58p3nguinI doubt it.
16:05.07infobotpri is, like, [~pri] Primary Rate Interface, often called T1 or E1 (European Standard). E1 offers 30 ISDN B-Channels a 64kBit/s + 1 D-Channel with 64kBit/s. The T1 has 23 B-Channels + 1 D-Channel. Cards to use with *: T100P, E100P, TE410P, R1T1,R2T1,R4T1, etc.
16:06.00p3nguinI don't have a 7975, but I do have a 7960 and 7940... and SIP on them sucks, so I use SCCP for my Cisco phones.
16:06.16_naomiyep its the same with
16:06.35_naomiany idea what could be the prob with the config?
16:07.00devcodermaybe i will try that then.  the phone is nice.  i have the 7940 and 7960 stuff also.
16:07.11[TK]D-Fender_naomi, look at the contexts things are pointing to
16:08.04_naomi[TK]D-Fender, do you mean in /etc/asterisk/features.conf?
16:08.10devcoderits been  a while since I ran asterisk, I am assuming the skinny support has been greatly improved?
16:08.27[TK]D-Fender_naomi, no, generally those of the device doing the transfer
16:08.48p3nguinHmm, when'd you slip in?
16:08.56[TK]D-Fender_naomi, if it cuts you off it's quite likely that it is because they can't dial the number you are starting to dial.
16:10.20_naomiyou can make an internal call to 100 without any issues. But you can't transfer a call to 100 or to any number at all
16:11.12p3nguinSeveral hours ago, it seems.
16:11.26[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, referring to me?  Yes, 8:55am EST
16:11.35p3nguinYep.  Didn't see you here.
16:11.42[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, and yes, first time since back then.
16:11.47Kattyit's good to see fender bender
16:11.56Kattynow i have someone to pester again
16:12.10p3nguinNow I won't always be the bad guy.
16:12.13[TK]D-FenderKatty, You'd found me elsewhere, I guess I just saved you a small trip ;)
16:12.30[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, Actually.. the odds have increased...
16:12.42Kattyyeah a whole alt+number
16:12.53p3nguinSlowing down in your old age, huh?
16:13.25Kattyis going to have a birthday soonish
16:13.38p3nguinchecks the calendar
16:14.08[TK]D-FenderKatty, Already?  But you had one last year....
16:14.39FaustovKatty: I figured out that birthdays can be disruptive or "not really", based on how many bits you need to change to write your new age... so which one is yours? ;)
16:15.03p3nguinless than two weeks to go!
16:16.23KattyFaustov: i'm livin the dream baby
16:16.33KattyFaustov: in my prime and enjoyin every minute of it
16:16.52_naomii'm on the right track now, i see its somehow configured to use a context that it should not be trying to use
16:16.58_naomithanks for all the help everyone
16:18.11FaustovKatty: which means you should be quite attractive, but if you were, you wouldn't be here. Does not compute
16:18.29Faustovis fooling around, don't pay attention pls
16:19.31Kattyi am a firm believer that someone's appearance has little to do with anything
16:19.45p3nguinexcept how nice they look.  :)
16:19.45Kattymaybe choice of eyeshadow color, but that's about it
16:20.06Kattyi can wear sweatpants with the best of them *hee*
16:20.16p3nguinOh man.
16:20.21[TK]D-FenderThe best of them.. don't wear sweatpants...
16:20.23p3nguinI haven't seen her in years.
16:20.36FaustovKatty: I'm a firm observer that people who find themselves not attractive are very annoying because they are always unhappy
16:21.07coppicerealism often makes you unhappy
16:21.19FaustovI'm not saying it is wrong
16:21.20Kattynot enough hugs often leads to unhappiness and low self esteem
16:21.36p3nguinAnd those who insist they are very attractive are usually rather ugly in other ways.
16:21.47Faustovthat's often true
16:22.03p3nguincoppice: I reject your reality and substitute my own.
16:22.12Kattythat's just because no one tells them they're crap.
16:22.22Kattythey don't know they need to grow as an individual
16:22.50Kattymaybe i should make this a life goal..hmm
16:22.51Faustovglad there are people that can tell others who they are and where they belong, world wouldn't be the same without them ;)
16:23.03Faustovperfect, Katty ;)
16:24.49KattyFaustov: are you joining the xmas card exchange this year?
16:25.10FaustovKatty: first time I hear about it
16:25.41FaustovI get to send you guys anthrax^Hxmas cards?
16:27.01*** join/#asterisk mateu (
16:29.15*** join/#asterisk drift- (ae3001a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:31.02KattyFaustov: it's just a list of people who have signed up. you don't have to send cards to everyone, just the people you know and talk to on a regular basis... i'll probably send cards to everyone on the list tho
16:31.10*** join/#asterisk InsektO (
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16:31.42Kattyquick! everyone hide!
16:32.29*** join/#asterisk as001 (~uros@
16:32.51as001Hello I want to set channel group but I get error ERROR[5581]: pbx.c:3401 ast_func_write: Function Group not registered I use
16:33.51irrootany idea why when dialing into a siemens i dont get ringing on the ip phone while proceeding even with a 180/183
16:34.12as001in dialplan I get this Set(Group()=9999) Is it ok ?
16:34.12Kattyirroot: did you try hugging it?
16:34.15irrootthe siemens is on PRI im net
16:34.20Kattyirroot: turning it off, and back on again?
16:34.42irrootits few 100 km away and not in a nice part of the country wild animals and tropical conditions :P
16:34.47p3nguinas001: Try GROUP instead.
16:34.58irrootmaybe the monkeys did katty ??
16:34.59*** join/#asterisk jerware (
16:35.00as001oh thanks
16:36.27jerwareSomone (a college kid) advised not to go with open source when it comes to VoIP but couldn't explain why.
16:36.31jerwareand recomended cisco.
16:36.45p3nguinHe must be a reseller.
16:38.20irrootjerware look how its going for cisco
16:38.59irrootcollege kids are there cause they know for sh1t if they were any good they would not go
16:40.03*** join/#asterisk imox (
16:40.35InsektOhi, i'm trying to figure out how 'rrmemory' strategy works if i have 3 or more agents logged in. what is the order agents are rung?
16:41.25[TK]D-FenderCirular from the last one called based on the order they were added to the queue
16:41.27irrootInsektO its random but once a pattern is established it remembers who was last
16:41.52[TK]D-FenderNo "last caller" = first in list goes first.  Circular thereafter
16:42.08coppice[TK]D-Fender: you've served your sentance?
16:42.11irroot[TK]D-Fender indeed
16:42.43InsektOahh, thanks irroot, thats precisely what i did not know (the random part)
16:43.13irrootround robin memory
16:43.24irrootso it remembers
16:43.39[TK]D-Fendercoppice, Something like that I guess
16:43.52[TK]D-FenderInsektO, isn't "random".
16:44.09[TK]D-FenderInsektO, Starts with the first and circular in order of add from the last one to take a call.
16:45.55InsektOmm, so its kinda similar to the 'linear' strategy? i dont get the difference (agents will be static)
16:49.16[TK]D-FenderInsektO, it's that it remembers who last took a call to ring for the next caller
16:49.24[TK]D-FenderInsektO, Ensures more even distribution
16:51.34Kattywants to live in tropical conditions.
16:51.42InsektOok, it remembers the last, but what criteria does it use to choose who's next? (if they are static agents) order in the list?
16:52.32[TK]D-FenderInsektO, As I told you, it continues in the order in which they were added to the queue
16:52.38InsektO(sorry for all the question, but im trying to understand which option is more convenient)
16:52.46InsektOok, thanks [TK]D-Fender
16:53.08[TK]D-FenderInsektO, You're welcome.
16:59.20Miccanyone have experience with aastra phones using tcp?
17:00.31MiccI'm having a bit of a problem even with a very recent firmware on the phone. Its saying it failed registration because its not a valid domain.
17:00.56Miccthe domain is the ip:port of the phone, not the server for some reason. seems like a phone problem to me, but I'm not sure.
17:01.29Kattyirroot: what does your country do with illegal aliens?
17:01.50irrootgives them ID's and passports then there is no problem right :P
17:02.10Kattyi can't believe your country does that
17:03.07Miccjerware, we steal customers from cisco all the time because they can't get their voip stuff to work right.
17:03.09irrootKatty seriously its not as easy as that but with millions of them its easier to tax em and get them legal
17:03.41irrootthe cost of deporting them is quite hi the ones that dont qualify get put on a train home
17:04.00Kattythey'd have a hard time getting me on a train home
17:04.06Kattyunless the train goes across the pond
17:04.46irrootKatty lol most are "refugees" from zimbabwe/mozambique
17:05.08Kattyi couldn't pass as a refugee
17:05.18jayteeso give 'em a free DVD of The Lion King and kick them the hell out!
17:05.26FaustovKatty: are the same people meeting at astricon?
17:05.49KattyFaustov: i'm not sure who all on the list is going to astricon, but you could probably ask
17:06.16FaustovKatty: I've been trying to get the company to send me there for a while now ;(
17:06.22Faustovsigh, one day
17:06.27Kattyhugs Faustov
17:06.27irrootjaytee Katty they regularly find eaten bodies in the bush there is no need for lion king DVD when you get met and eaten
17:06.33Faustovanyway, off work, time to go home
17:08.06irrootKatty but labor is cheap 200R per day thats 25$ for 8hrs thats 3$/hr
17:08.17*** part/#asterisk clintc (
17:08.24Kattyi guess the cost of living is a bit less than here tho
17:08.34Kattyi can't even buy lunch for 3 bucks
17:08.42Kattyi probably can't drive to work for 3 bucks
17:11.02*** join/#asterisk italorossi (
17:11.26citywokKatty: how far do you live? that's a little less than a gallon of gas, well, for me gas is still $4.10 so not just a little less, but yea.
17:11.42italorossihello, is it possible to use custom columns with cel odbc? asterisk 1.8.7
17:13.34*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
17:14.21leifmadsenitalorossi: check the CEL section here:
17:15.24leifmadsenitalorossi: I don't actually use CEL, but it looks like it isn't adaptive like CDR yet
17:15.29leifmadsencould be way off base
17:15.48irrootKatty the cost is similar the quality is lower big distinction they live 4/5 per room in a 3 bedroom
17:16.28Kattycitywok: i have a 15min drive to work
17:16.43Kattyon a side note, what's that anime with ang in it?
17:16.53Kattyhas that big blue arrow thingy on his head
17:17.12Kattyand that girl with the braids, and her older brother..
17:17.32p3nguinWhat does this mean?  Leif Madsen changed the Link to 'This issue is the original version of this clone: ASTERISK-18630' on ASTERISK-18627.  There is no ASTERISK-18630 that I can find.
17:17.37Kattyirroot: yeah i don't think i could do that. i have 1 person in a 2 bedroom
17:17.48italorossileifmadsen: Indeed, I'll use CELGenUserEvent as a workaround...
17:18.13leifmadsenp3nguin: that's because it was moved to another project
17:18.36italorossileifmadsen: is it possible to track transfers with cdr in 1.8.7?
17:18.46p3nguinWhat does the clone part mean?  I duplicated a report that I didn't know about?
17:19.09leifmadsenspecifically, I cloned and moved an issue so it could be used by the Digium swdev team for time tracking and assignment
17:19.13leifmadsenp3nguin: no you didn't do anything -- I ddi it
17:19.16irrootitalorossi leifmadsen linkedid in the cdr record is a win
17:19.33leifmadsenp3nguin: clone means duplicate
17:19.34p3nguinAs I mentioned earlier, I'm JIRA-retarded.
17:19.45leifmadsenya don't worry, jira is a bit retarded too sometimes
17:19.56*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~g0d@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
17:22.29italorossiirroot: How can you store linkedid in cdr? Set(CDR(linkeid)... ?
17:22.54irrootitalorossi no need its done internally
17:23.05*** join/#asterisk hdiogenes (
17:23.06irrootthe root call uniqueid = linkedid
17:23.19irrootthen all calls  after that the linkedid stays the same
17:23.53*** join/#asterisk jwiggins (~James@gateway/tor-sasl/jwiggins)
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17:37.11Kobazi like jirar
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18:07.20dijibp3nguin, im about to do an asterisk rebuild. its going to be done on CentOS5 as 6 doesnt have all dependencies i need atm. would you suggest anything?
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18:08.07p3nguindijib: Get the AsteriskNOW ISO.  Install it.  Choose the NO GUI OPTION.
18:08.38dijibi can manage it just the same as i do now?
18:08.47p3nguinHow do you manage it?
18:09.05p3nguinYes.  Using the NO GUI option give you that ability.
18:09.13dijibnot sure it works on this old laptop im using but ill try.
18:09.15dijibk thanks.
18:10.05QwellIf CentOS works, AsteriskNOW will work.
18:11.11p3nguin...Considering AsteriskNOW is CentOS, and all.
18:17.55Micc1.8 seems to treat domains differently. I don't see anything in the register packet that has the ip address, yet asterisk says registration failed for 'ip:port' - not a local domain. The ip is the external ip of the phone registering. Why would I have to put every IP address of each customer in my sip.conf.
18:18.33Miccis there some setting thats causing it to take the ip that the register is coming from and use it instead of whats in the register header?
18:19.04Miccwait, nevermind. I think I'm reading this wrong.
18:19.34Miccyeah, sorry disregard.
18:21.10*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
18:23.03irrootjkroon yo yo
18:25.54irrootreality tv idea 1 biscuit 3 kids ... weakest link come amazing race come survivor ....
18:26.04irrootits quite fun in a sadistic way
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18:52.08Kattydances with Qwell
18:52.25*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
18:52.25Qwelltrips over his feet repeatedly
18:55.58jaytee"One of my legs is longer than the other and both of my feets too long, got no natural rhythm.....I'm a dancing fool....."
18:57.00*** join/#asterisk miztic (
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19:11.27hovelfears deprecation
19:11.42p3nguintotally read that wrong.
19:12.11jayteeat first I thought it said "bowel fears defecation"
19:12.12p3nguinI thought you were talking about coprophobia.
19:12.50hovelthis is a constipation proclamation
19:13.12p3nguinOr maybe rhypophobia.
19:14.56p3nguinNope, Google tells me I was right the first time.
19:15.16hovelanyway thanks
19:16.06*** join/#asterisk NathanWheeler (4016ebcd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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19:25.01NathanWheelerI just set up a trixbox server to handle a handful of polycom phones, and I have a trunk provided by nexVortex. Outbound calls work fine, but inbound calls I receive a "The number you have called is not in service" message. Obviously, this has something to do with my inbound routes, but I'm not sure where to begin troubleshooting this
19:25.15*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
19:25.57NathanWheelerwhere can I find more detailed logs in trixbox other than just the reports?
19:26.10NaikrovekNathanWheeler: trixbox is a mistake.  /var/log/asterisk/full
19:26.16[TK]D-FenderAsterisk CLI will confirm where the call lands
19:26.30[TK]D-FenderAlways use live CLI, not logs.
19:26.34Naikroveklook to see that the caller ID sent to you matches what you ahve set up for inbound routes
19:26.44Naikrovekand what [TK]D-Fender said
19:27.05Naikroveki had to add a +1 to all my "inbound routes" recently when things broke.
19:27.14Naikrovekmy provider just decided to change things without notice...
19:28.00jayteeI just stripped the +1 and passed the call on using Goto
19:28.40p3nguinIf they send to the extension that is your phone number, then suddenly add +1 to the extension they are calling, that breaks things.
19:29.05p3nguinFirst you have to know they have done it.
19:29.43*** join/#asterisk tomaw (tom@freenode/staff/tomaw)
19:29.45[TK]D-FenderStep 1 : really look at the actually call ans see what is coming in.
19:29.50NathanWheelerjust out of curiousity why is trixbox a mistake? We were using a digium box and it exploded, my boss told me to set up 3CX (on Winblows... never ever ever again) and now we're going to trixbox...
19:30.08[TK]D-FenderSo go log into the Asterisk CLI, place a call and pastebin the complete output from beginning to end
19:30.11infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:30.25jayteelove that puke green color of Trixbox.
19:30.26p3nguinYou know what they say about closed-source patches to our open-source project...
19:30.55[TK]D-FenderNathanWheeler, Trixbox runs a forked version of FreePBX, and I believe a modded version of Asterisk as well.  Picture (no warranty support because of mods)
19:31.13[TK]D-FenderNathanWheeler, And they are dumping their free product as well last I heard
19:31.51NathanWheelerah, that makes sense...
19:32.04*** join/#asterisk pdtpatrick (
19:32.08jayteeWhat do you call a gay man with no sense of fashion? Kerry Garrison     :-)
19:32.19pdtpatrickQuestion .. 1.8 does not understand insecure mode = very ?
19:32.20pdtpatrick[Sep 26 12:31:30] WARNING[4309]: chan_sip.c:25897 set_insecure_flags: Unknown insecure mode 'very' on line 1363
19:32.56p3nguinIf you need to set insecure modes, you'll use insecure=port; insecure=invite; or insecure=port,invite.
19:32.57jayteevery was deprecated in 1.4
19:33.53jaytee? caffiene buzz?
19:34.04Kattyno that's the sound of happy
19:34.05*** join/#asterisk moos3 (
19:34.18Kattyjaytee: are you going to join the xmas card exchange this year?
19:34.29jayteeI thought there was a yip at the beginning of the sound of happy/
19:34.56jayteexmas? is that one of those pagan holidays?
19:35.00Kattyeven if you're not joining the xmas card exchange, i want to send you a card.
19:35.26jayteeI haven't even ordered my Cthulu cards yet for 2011
19:35.54Kattythat's ok
19:36.14Kattya cthulu card will be exciting!
19:36.41[TK]D-Fenderjaytee, I'm waiting for 2012's :
19:37.17Kattylol how cute
19:37.28Kattyi want to knit a cthulhu
19:38.14p3nguinIs that word able to be pronounced?
19:38.28jayteeKatty, one of my friends knitted a cthulu
19:38.29pdtpatrickQuestion .. has anyone used JabberReceive on asterisk 1.6 ?
19:38.35jayteeshe knits all the time
19:38.40_Corey_I'd go with the South park pronunciation..
19:38.45Kattyi'm still working on my tardis
19:38.45pdtpatrickfor some reason it does not know about that function .. JabberSend works fine
19:38.49jayteeshe knitted me a Jayne Cobb hat from Firefly
19:38.52Kattymaybe cthulu next
19:39.26Kattylol nice, is it orange?
19:39.57jayteeKatty, it looks just like the hat in the episode "The Message", orange and yellow.
19:40.07jaytee"Pretty cunning, doncha think?"
19:40.41jaytee"What'd y'all order a dead guy for, anyways?"
19:41.02d_preston215dahdi_dummy isn't needed anymore in any version of DAHDI, right?
19:41.29p3nguinThere is no dahdi_dummy in recent versions.
19:41.36p3nguinSo it's not a matter of need.
19:41.53d_preston215I'm running DAHDI for compatibility issues.
19:42.34p3nguinI don't feel like looking for which version the change happened.  If you have dahdi_dummy, use it.  If you don't have it, just use the regular dahdi module.
19:42.40NathanWheelerok, here's my pastebin of an incoming call
19:42.53jayteeso if you want to run MeetMe you need an earlier version? or does it still supply timing?
19:44.10[TK]D-FenderNathanWheeler, Your call is langing in [from-sip-external] which looks like you did not set the context to from-trunk as is the norm
19:44.14p3nguinnathanwheeler: What does the GotoIf at from-sip-external s,1 do?
19:44.38p3nguinjaytee: The recent versions of dahdi have timing in the dahdi module, and dahdi_dummy is gone.
19:45.43NathanWheeler[TK]D, it's set to from-trunk
19:46.04jayteep3nguin, thanks. I'd seen some other posts earlier and was wondering what was up.
19:46.05p3nguinGood old FreePBX troubleshooting.  Gotta love it.
19:46.20[TK]D-FenderNathanWheeler, "sip set debug on".  Enable this, and then pastebin another call.
19:46.35NathanWheelerp3nguin, I have no idea...?
19:46.56p3nguinI don't understand your question.
19:49.11p3nguinIf you're going to ask for support in #asterisk, you'd better learn how to answer questions about your asterisk.
19:50.08p3nguinIf you can't answer questions about it because you use FreePBX/Trixbox/Elastix/other, then you're obviously in the wrong place.
19:52.54pdtpatrickQuestion .. is jabberreceive named something else in 1.6 ? [Sep 26 12:51:51] WARNING[10779]: pbx.c:3680 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'jabberreceive' for extension (ptjabber, s, 5)
19:52.58NathanWheelernew pastebin: (tried somewhat to sanitize it, but I got bored :P(
19:53.00pdtpatricki keep getting that warning
19:53.10pdtpatricki've tried JABBER_RECEIVE .. JabberReceive
19:53.13pdtpatricknone of which works
19:53.16p3nguinjonathanrose: Putting in that ast_verb stuff isn't changing the messages that res_jabber gives on the cli.
19:53.20*** join/#asterisk azv4 (
19:54.05JonathanRoseHmmm, maybe the segfault is happening before the verb statement is made.
19:54.25p3nguinThere is no visible segfault.
19:54.37JonathanRoseWhat are we talking about then?
19:54.55JonathanRoseI might be confusing what you are working on with another bug.
19:54.57p3nguinJust that "Jabber didn't seem to handshake, failed to authenticate." message every 55 seconds and never connecting to the jabber server.
19:55.10[TK]D-FenderNathanWheeler, No user '14172807622' in SIP users list <- * cannot match the incoming call to your trunk
19:55.24JonathanRoseI didn't expect that to change anything, I just wanted to know what it would show.
19:55.27[TK]D-FenderNathanWheeler, And it is being treated as an anonymous SIP call.
19:55.34[TK]D-FenderNathanWheeler, You need to fix your trunk.
19:55.39NathanWheelerthat's my cell number... the number I'm calling from
19:55.55p3nguinDo I need to turn up debug level or verbose level to see any messages from ast_verb?
19:56.09JonathanRoseverbosity needs to be whatever level was the first argument there.
19:56.09[TK]D-FenderNathanWheeler, Sorry... addendum followed : Found peer 'Nexvortex' for '14172807622' from
19:56.21JonathanRoseI think it was 3?
19:56.23[TK]D-FenderNathanWheeler, Looking for 8883683201 in from-sip-external (domain
19:56.26p3nguinOkay, I increased to 3.
19:56.44[TK]D-FenderNathanWheeler, Indeed your peer is either specifying the wrong context, or none at all
19:56.50*** join/#asterisk blizzow (~jburns@
19:58.15NathanWheelerso I need to find out what context the provider is using?
19:58.53[TK]D-FenderNathanWheeler, these are your trunk settings.
19:59.00p3nguinjonathanrose: Comment is posted with the results.
19:59.00[TK]D-FenderNothing on the provider side
19:59.10JonathanRosep3nguin: thanks
19:59.50pdtpatrickQuestion .. is jabberreceive named something else in 1.6 ? [Sep 26 12:51:51] WARNING[10779]: pbx.c:3680 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'jabberreceive' for extension (ptjabber, s, 5)
20:00.06p3nguincore show applications like jabber
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20:02.00p3nguinI don't even see anything related to jabber receive.
20:04.16blizzowThe business that set up our asterisk system just asked me if someone rebooted our asterisk server and we had a weird instance in the past where asterisk seemed to get restarted in the middle of the day.  I looked at ps -aef and saw this output:
20:04.17blizzowasterisk  4028 18769 99 Sep20 ?        7-22:05:59 /usr/sbin/asterisk -f -U asterisk -G asterisk -vvvg -c
20:04.17blizzowNobody was on the server on September 20.  Am I reading it right that Asterisk has only been running since Sep 20?  Is it typical for the asterisk process to give itself a HUP or somehow get refresh it's run time?
20:05.25p3nguincore show uptime
20:05.28*** join/#asterisk tamiel (
20:08.11JonathanRosep3nguin:  Here's an idea that... might be a bad one.  Try removing the client->timeout != 0 part of the condition.
20:10.45JonathanRoseActually, we should probably be talking about this in #asterisk-dev, so once you try that, tell me your results in there.
20:10.53p3nguintm1000_away: I wish you'd hurry up and fix that.  It is VERY annoying.
20:11.25tm1000_awayp3nguin:  yes I know :-(
20:11.31p3nguintm1000_away: Please.
20:11.33tm1000_awaysorry everyone
20:12.26*** join/#asterisk alan17532 (
20:13.28tm1000p3nguin:  fixed.sorry
20:13.34p3nguintm1000: Thank you!
20:14.14alan17532I replaced my old legasy pbx for asterisk, love it, what would you guys recommend for a call accounting system, to trace employees calls?
20:15.11alan17532Katty is that a application?
20:15.32alan17532i think not
20:15.34p3nguinI thought it, but I didn't say it.  ;)
20:16.32alan17532i googled it and came up with a few, but just thought i would ask the experts?
20:16.46smash-does anyone need a sangoma wanpipe?
20:16.51smash-like 150 bucks =P
20:16.57*** join/#asterisk dijib (
20:16.59smash-its just storage box pimping atm
20:17.10dijibcentos5 & asterisknow dont boot.
20:17.11[TK]D-Fendersmash-, a wanpipe what?
20:17.18dijibcentos6 boots.
20:17.30[TK]D-Fendersmash-, got model #'s?
20:17.49smash-AFT Series MODEL AFT BASE [2005]
20:17.54smash-rev 2.1
20:17.55[TK]D-Fendersmash-, helps when people know what you're actually offering :)
20:17.56alan17532looks like everybody is chatting in code
20:18.04*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
20:18.18mizticsmash-, does it have hw echo canceling ?
20:18.19alan17532can't beat them join them --> mISDN
20:18.36*** part/#asterisk tm1000 (
20:18.41[TK]D-Fendersmash-, then that would be an A102d
20:18.45smash-all sangoma tdm cards have them i believe
20:18.54[TK]D-FenderAbsolutely not
20:18.59miztici thought it was an option with mine
20:19.06smash-its 2 seperate cards.
20:19.14smash-the echo cancellation is on the second part i thought
20:19.22mizticits an addon board
20:19.22smash-kuz its like 2 cards put together 1xPCI slot
20:19.40smash-i know it has hardware echo cancellation because i would not have purchased it if not.
20:19.47[TK]D-Fendersmash-, sub-board, no HWEC.  this is their ealier gen build
20:19.58smash-yes it is earlier build
20:21.22smash-i think ur right [TK]D-Fender, i think i did the EC in the Cisco WIK
20:21.55smash-idk its old, i dont use any tdm voice though so I have 0 use for it.
20:22.15smash-we just moved offices and i found it.
20:22.26smash-figured someone in here might want it for a toy.
20:24.02[TK]D-Fenderthat would be a handy backup for sure
20:25.03*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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20:25.37alan17532I replaced my old legasy pbx for asterisk, love it, what would you guys recommend for a call accounting system, to trace employees calls?
20:27.26*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
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20:28.45alan17532thank you [TK]D-Fender
20:29.16[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:37.14*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
20:38.48smash-Fender shoot me a text if you want it
20:41.53*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
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20:47.25*** join/#asterisk JasonL (~jason@
20:49.31*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
20:55.13JasonLIs there a different between DTMF behaviour from and Since upgrading DTMF is failing when dialed quickly.  I went back to and DTMF works fine.
20:56.08*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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21:01.11Kattyguess who's goin home and chillaxin!
21:01.21KattyDIS GIRL. later gaters!
21:02.08*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
21:02.58oldhackafter while crocodile!
21:04.08wdoekes2JasonL: ?
21:04.44*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
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21:06.38*** join/#asterisk leftist (~dizzy@
21:06.53*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
21:08.40sflemmingHi all, I found a severe bug in the asterisk calendar integration and would like to ask if someone is out there that can reproduce the problem before submitting a bug
21:10.18*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
21:11.52*** join/#asterisk inluck2 (ae747e04@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:13.15*** join/#asterisk blizzow (~jburns@
21:13.39inluck2Does Asterisk, when configured with ODBC mysql voicemail storage, support two asterisk servers accessing the same mysql database for voicemail?
21:14.42d_preston215How to check to see if asterisk loaded dahdi?
21:14.44d_preston215In asterisk 1.8, would I have dahdi options at the cli?
21:14.46d_preston215If dahdi was loaded?
21:16.16pabelangerd_preston215: *CLI> module show like dahdi
21:17.02d_preston2154 modules.
21:17.16d_preston215Timing Interface
21:18.03pabelangerUse count?
21:18.13wdoekes2inluck2: yes
21:18.25pabelangerso you should see
21:18.32inluck2wdoekes2: thank you
21:18.36pabelangerthen you have chan_dahdi loaded
21:18.38d_preston215I don't see
21:18.51pabelangerso it is missing
21:19.05inluck2wdoekes2: hard to find much information, wanted some sort of confirmation before I head down the long road of configuration
21:19.32wdoekes2odbc voicemail is actually not that long a road.. but I see your point is there, but not loaded.
21:20.14*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
21:20.57inluck2wdoekes2: im just seeing everything doubled, two pbx
21:21.36rdeggesSup guys.
21:21.48rdeggesI was wondering if any of you are using ``extenpatternmatchnew`` in your dialplan?
21:21.53d_preston215Figured it out.
21:22.08rdeggesAnd if it makes a performance difference during call execution, or only during reload?
21:25.45*** join/#asterisk nobodyshome (
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21:30.56*** join/#asterisk LittleFool (~LittleFoo@
21:31.42d_preston215Can I use any version of libopenr2 with any version of DAHDI?
21:34.15*** join/#asterisk tm1000 (
21:37.20cuscohi folks
21:37.27cuscoany body using amr codec?
21:56.16*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
21:56.24*** join/#asterisk devcoder (~leemelnyk@
21:56.29devcoderhey everyone, wiped out the firmware on my phone totally now on my cisco 7975 grrrr... looking for either or if anyone could help
22:20.10p3nguinIf you aren't going to download it from Cisco, you'll have to google it.
22:20.31p3nguinYou obviously know the format of the filenames, so you're half way there.
22:20.45p3nguinI typically have to tell people the file names so they can search for them.
22:23.30*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
22:23.58correticoi need some assitance
22:24.22correticois possible to make a trunk sip between asterisk and cisco 2800
22:25.14correticowell, the real question is: how i can do, to tranfers a call from asterisk to this cisco (or any other) using the sip trunk
22:26.33correticoI see the sip trunk OK with i use sip show peers
22:27.35correticosorry 4 my english!!!
22:28.54devcoderp2ngin, yeah been googleing for hours now, best i have found is a cop.sgn file.
22:28.55[TK]D-Fenderdial the peer like you would any other SIP provider
22:29.10devcodertrying to download it waiting for cisco to get back with me
22:29.18devcoderjust the fastest people around
22:29.55p3nguinThe firmware files are available in multiple places online.  You could have already downloaded all of them by now.
22:30.29correticoi create a outbound rule to transfer internal call from asterisk to this other equipment...
22:31.19correticobut when i press the cisco extension, the bussy/congest appers
22:33.43*** join/#asterisk Kyosh (
22:33.44[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on"
22:33.55[TK]D-Fenderand then look at the actual call to see what the Cisco is saying.
22:34.03infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
22:34.13[TK]D-Fenderand pastebin it so we can also see and help you understand it
22:37.25nobodyshomehey p3nguin  around?
22:37.41nobodyshomefresh install of c-os6
22:37.48nobodyshomecant lspci?
22:37.55p3nguinWhy not?
22:38.06nobodyshomenothing in /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices ?
22:38.51p3nguinIf you don't have it, you must need to install the pciutils.
22:39.23correticothe cisco 2800 have one extension... 2899
22:39.26nobodyshomei think thats the case.
22:39.38nobodyshomethen i need to resolve my netowkring issues
22:40.00correticoin my outbound rule include this extension and use the sip trunk to the cisco
22:40.00p3nguinWhat does "whereis lspci" tell you?
22:40.13nobodyshomewhere do i statically set eth0 /etc/sysconfig/networking/ ...?
22:40.46nobodyshomedidnt know whereis
22:40.55p3nguinAnd /usr/sbin/lspci said not found?
22:41.14p3nguinI guess you need to install some things.
22:41.36nobodyshomei think i need to fix this networking issue
22:41.44[TK]D-Fendercorretico: You have not enabled SIP debug like I told you was necessary for this.  Please do so and pastebin a new call
22:41.46nobodyshomecant get away from the computer....
22:41.49p3nguinMaybe you need to install networking stuff.
22:42.00nobodyshomehow with no network?
22:42.19nobodyshomeand centos5 wont run on this thing. which is what asterisknow uses......whiich is less
22:42.22nobodyshomeor less
22:42.22p3nguinfrom the CD, of course
22:42.37nobodyshomeits a 300mb iso
22:42.43nobodyshomei dont even think it has it
22:43.16p3nguinWhat was your reason for not using AsteriskNOW?  Wanted to have to force it to work rather than just installing it and using it right away?
22:43.30nobodyshomeit wouldnt boot
22:43.39nobodyshomenor cEntos6
22:43.41nobodyshomei mean 5
22:43.42Kyoshusing trixbox 2.8 (asterisk 1.6), i have a sangoma A200D 8 port POTS card.  the first 4 ports i want to use solely for incoming calls while the last 4, for outbound.  i installed the sangoma drivers, ran the configs and everything is almost fine.  the system sees the entire card, all 8 ports as 'Zap/g0'.  I was hoping to separate them as 'Zap/g0-1(through 4)' and 'Zap/g1-1(through 4)'.  Is this possible and if so, how?
22:43.57p3nguinDid you verify your checksum of the iso image before you burned the CD?
22:44.18nobodyshomenope. you think its a corrupted extraction?
22:44.25p3nguinThere's no extraction.
22:44.26citywokKyosh: yes, in the zaptel/dahdi config you can create groups of channels
22:44.31nobodyshomedid say it had any failiers
22:44.35*** join/#asterisk leftist (
22:44.39p3nguinYou just download hte image, verify it, and burn it.
22:44.42nobodyshomeyikes. you need a perfect disk then?
22:44.48p3nguinWell yeah.
22:44.53Kyoshcitywok, anything more specific?  that doesn't give me much to go on.
22:45.03p3nguinVerify your image.
22:45.03nobodyshometcp isnt reliable enough?
22:45.08nobodyshomei rarely md5
22:45.09citywoki haven't messed with the configs in a very long time, but the docs should explain it.
22:45.20citywoki run pure sip now, no more dealing with zaptel
22:45.25p3nguinCheck your md5sum.
22:45.39nobodyshomeive had the image work before, if anything its the shady dvdrw i grabbed
22:45.47Kyoshcitywok, sorry to say, i've been through the docs and 3 reinstalls after botching everything up.  i would need something a bit more specific to achieve my goals :(
22:46.03navaismothat was very specific
22:46.35citywokKyosh: i'm not going to write your config for you, i told you where to look to do it, and the keyword group should be a pretty obvious hint.
22:46.43p3nguinYou used it before and still you're trying to install another OS?
22:47.01Kyoshcitywok, there is zapata.conf and chan_dahdi.conf and neither give me much insight
22:47.12citywokuse a flash drive, it's much easier :P -- although i haven't tried it with asterisknow i do it for debian all the time
22:47.31p3nguinI'm not so sure the AsteriskNOW image is built for USB.
22:47.42citywokchan_dahdi is for dahdi, not zaptel.
22:47.58citywok[TK]D-Fender: mean, you should have made him open the wiki doc which showed that in it. lol.
22:48.06Kyoshi never asked for you to write anything, only if anyone had any ideas to help pout, maybe point to a resource online, its not like is up to date and maybe someone recently worked through this matter themselves
22:48.31citywokKyosh: the doc i gave you is up to date as far as zaptel goes, considering zaptel has been renamed to dahdi...
22:48.38[TK]D-FenderKyosh: core config for this hasn't changed in a decade
22:48.52[TK]D-FenderKyosh: ... and I just handed it to you
22:48.53citywokand it had the answers you needed, if you combined looking at the doc with the directions i gave you shuold be able to connect the dots
22:49.18[TK]D-FenderKyosh: make settings.  asign channels.  change some settings.  Assign more channels
22:49.19citywokor you could use [TK]D-Fender's answer which he so gratefully wrote for you
22:49.27Kyoshi read that ZAP was renamed to DAHDI for trademark reasons
22:49.34Kyoshhence the reason i was lead to DAHDI
22:49.52p3nguins/hence the reason/hence/
22:50.00[TK]D-FenderCorrect.  the contents of chan_dahdi.conf are 99% zapata.conf <-
22:50.04p3nguinCan't stand that.
22:50.22[TK]D-Fenderif it was renamed, then that alone does not imply that the actual contents are differen, just the brand on ht e surface
22:51.20citywokyea, in all actuality it makes it easier :P
22:52.22Kyoshsadly i feel that its always a struggle to get help in here.  yes you are all knowledgable but only after having to put up a defensive shield against the onslaught of initial pokes and stabs about being a newb or lazy or something like that, then maybe i get put in the right direction.  its almost like efnet in a sad way.  no insult intended, just the way it seems much of the time.
22:52.40correticothis is the pastebin with debug mode on
22:52.59citywokKyosh: when you ask a question and you get an answer, especially if it includes a link you should read the document
22:53.03p3nguinI guess I missed where anyone said anyone else was lazy.
22:53.37citywokp3nguin: i said i wasn't going to write the config for him (which tk then did). i guess he took that as me calling him lazy.
22:54.11*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
22:54.24p3nguinI tell people all the time that I'm not going to do something for them.
22:54.51p3nguinDoesn't mean I'm saying they are lazy, just saying do it yourself with the tools I give you.
22:55.09citywokand i thought i gave pretty good direction on where he could do what he wanted
22:55.33citywokbut apparently that means he needs a defensive shield and we're calling him lazy :-\
22:55.36citywokoh well. so how are you sir p3nguin?
22:57.08moyd_preston215: pretty much, yes
22:57.10citywokthat good eh?
22:57.12Kyosh<citywok> Kyosh: yes, in the zaptel/dahdi config you can create groups of channels, kinda vague as i already explained that i tried to make changes there but ended up screwing the install therefore i had 3 installs later to try again and this time, ask someone who may be able to tell me a bit more than what you said, which is what i guessed, but exactly "where" and "what" are the important parts
22:57.49[TK]D-Fendercorretico: SIP debug is still not enabled in there
22:57.54citywokKyosh: there are only a couple config files, only one of which defines groups.  i'd suggest following the wiki article that explains how to do it.
22:57.56Kyoshim no idiot, but i dont live this stuff and every year or so i come here to the people who know best, but its becoming increasingly hostile in here
22:58.31citywokKyosh: we never called you an idiot. we gave you docs, tk wrote the actual config for you.  what more do you want?
22:58.31p3nguinTry getting help with apache httpd over in #httpd... you'll LOVE it here!
22:58.36*** join/#asterisk f2knight (
22:58.38Kyoshas [TK]D was pretty specific and led me in a direction i will certainly try.  thank you for the assist
22:59.14Kyoshp3nguin, i have an apache guy to mess with for that.  sadly im the go to person in my company for voip and i wish i weren't since im a cisco person
22:59.28[TK]D-Fendercitywok: defacto answer "Would you like fires with that, sir?" :)
22:59.45[TK]D-Fenderfries even :p
22:59.56citywoki was like wtf fires? lol.
23:00.11citywokthat makes a lot more sense -- my brain didn't fix that typo for me.
23:02.39Kyoshok sadly this is trixbox and apparently they screwed with which file handles ZAP cause inside /etc/asterisk and /etc there is NO zapata.conf, just a zapata_additional.conf and it's empty
23:02.44beekGood evening [TK]D-Fender
23:04.53Kyoshand citywok, im sure i could use that config he wrote, if i knew where to put it.  up my ass wont fix the pbx tho :p
23:05.58citywokKyosh: if you'd like the awesome support you aren't getting here the #trixbox channel should be able to help (i've never been able to get help in there)
23:06.09p3nguinThird time's a charm, I guess.
23:06.14citywokKyosh: if a config doesn't exist... and you need it... make it...
23:06.49correticoi think that the call is not on the cisco sip trunk
23:07.00citywokKyosh: seriously, have you not read this document? it explains every question you've asked...
23:07.13Kyoshi went over that page 5 times
23:07.17*** part/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
23:07.36Kyoshit doesnt explain breaking up the trunk ports in a way thats clicking in my dense head
23:07.52Kyoshits 1, 8 port sangoma POTS
23:08.01citywokreally? because tk gave you the code
23:08.03Kyoshi know regardless sangoma or not
23:08.11citywokand in the example config files in that link, it shows code that looks VERY similar...
23:08.19citywok1 + 1 = 3
23:08.21Kyoshto put in zapata.conf which after rebooting the system its still not working
23:08.54Kyoshand as i said, zapata.conf did not exist before i created it.
23:09.15Kyoshso its possible that since its shitbox, its looking for a different file
23:09.53nobodyshomek all good now
23:09.56nobodyshomebrain fart
23:10.06nobodyshomeinstalling sshd
23:10.10p3nguinI doubt it, but I don't know about that since it's not asterisk.
23:10.22Kyoshoh its asterisk, on some nasty roids
23:10.36p3nguinBy asterisk, I mean just asterisk.
23:11.00Kyoshvery true
23:11.36[TK]D-Fendercorretico: that only has SIP debug, and not even the entire call.  we need the full CLI (dialplan).  We need both
23:12.31citywokKyosh: i assumed you already had it working and just wanted to create the 4/4 grouping
23:12.38citywoknow it sounds like it doesn't work at all
23:12.45[TK]D-FenderKyosh: if you're running DAHDI, then kill the zaptel & zapata configs.  You risk clashing the two
23:13.07p3nguinTo find out what file my dahdi is looking for, I use something like ''strings /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ |grep "\.conf"''
23:13.13p3nguinI'd assume the same would work for zap.
23:13.46nobodyshomek what asterisk packages do i need? asterisk asterisk-voicemail asterisk-core-sounds asterisk-extra?-sounds asterisk-meetme asterisk-dahdi ?
23:13.47Kyoshcitywok, i have the sangoma working fine, i only wanted to divide it into 2 groups of 4 ports each.
23:14.12p3nguinnobodyshome: Using AsteriskNOW?
23:14.32dijibno, centos6
23:14.36p3nguindijib: Did you configure the Digium repositories?
23:14.39dijibonly thing that runs on this EVO
23:14.41citywokKyosh: then find the part of your config that makes it work in the first place, and defines group0
23:14.47citywokKyosh: that's where you need to define both groups
23:14.51dijibnot yet ... waiting for a yum update to finish
23:14.57p3nguindijib: If CentOS 6 will run on it, AsteriskNOW will run on it.
23:15.04dijibit wont.
23:15.09p3nguinYes it will.
23:15.13dijibthe cd doesnt boot, nor does centos5
23:15.17dijibno it wont.
23:15.29p3nguinI'm not going to argue with you over it.
23:15.31dijibnothing runs on this thing.
23:15.44citywokdijib: then maybe you shouldn't use it to run your pbx
23:15.49dijibi tries asterisk now with 1.7.1
23:16.09dijibits got a battery backup built into it.
23:16.30dijibi ghost the hdd
23:17.00citywokand your point?
23:17.09citywokif the hardware is unstable it's not going to make a good pbx
23:18.26Kyoshi only changedd the group from 0 to 1 in channels 5 through 8 and the pbx took a dump on me
23:18.43citywokKyosh: where in the example do you see group = 0 being defined 8 times?
23:18.51Kyoshso i changed it back and all was well in Oz
23:18.56citywokmy guess is your group = 0 is comprised of one chanenl. being 8.
23:19.16Kyoshthe paste i just showed you is my chan_dahdi.conf
23:19.42citywokno kidding
23:20.09Kyoshno really :-p
23:20.20citywokabout 3/4 of the way down this page lies the answer you are looking for
23:20.28citywokwhich is the same answer that tk gave you earlier
23:20.28*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
23:20.58citywokit's time for me to go drink, so gl. you have the tools needed to succeed.
23:21.09Kyoshoh yes i know and i tried that yesterday and it killed the pbx
23:21.25navaismojust change the number group for desired channels, now all is set to 0
23:21.58Kyoshimma gonna install a previous version of shitbox and see if it still has the same problem.  i hate shitbox for this very reason
23:22.16p3nguinIf you're going to go to that trouble, why wouldn't you install the current asterisk?
23:22.35citywokKyosh: the problem is the config... not the install. rtfm, do what tk said.
23:24.12citywokif you need somebody to do it for you there are lots of people that would be happy to consult for you (i'll do it for 125/hr)
23:25.11Kyoshi have a bunch of asterisk boxes i am test clustering for fun to see how well it works and it does.  but my father in law's company wants trixbox cause of all the open source pbx' out there, he was told its the easiest to work with.  some truth to some degree.
23:25.51Kyoshive made my asterisk do flips and really nice things, but again, throwing the whole gui thing in there kinda throws me off, especially with their custom scripts
23:26.09p3nguinI'm not sure what Trixbox has to do with open source.
23:26.16Kyoshim just hoping i dont have to reinstall again during the week
23:26.17citywokthat's why this channel hates trixbox... b/c it sucks.
23:26.32citywokand we're all really confused why you need to keep reinstalling it.
23:26.37Kyoshtrixbox is based on asterisk, thats the only thing that connects the 2
23:26.46p3nguinI know what trixbox is.
23:27.03Kyoshbecause its only 5 mins to reinstall instead of figuring what got screwed when making a change that prevents the system from working at all
23:27.06citywoklol trixbox IS asterisk, and we all know that. it's just a gui to asterisk. and mostly it's just freepbx that is usfeul.
23:27.19p3nguinIt's not "just a gui to asterisk."
23:27.24infobotrumour has it, trixbox is unable to be supported here. It is a closed source distribution of Asterisk which its users don't have access to, making it difficult to support.  Trying joining #tribox and asking your questions there.
23:27.37citywokyea, it's a distribution. i always think of trixbox as freepbx.
23:27.39p3nguinCLOSED SOURCE SHIT on top of a perfectly good asterisk.
23:27.53p3nguinTrixbox uses FreePBX just like it uses Asterisk.
23:27.54KyoshAAH was better i think
23:27.57citywokoh, do they actually mod the asterisk source themselves / fork off of it?
23:28.11p3nguinThey patch asterisk, they patch freepbx.
23:28.15p3nguinAnd they don't share.
23:28.31citywokinteresting, i didn't know that. i've installed asterisk+freepbx for small businesses
23:28.44p3nguinThat's better than trixbox.
23:28.45Kyoshthey have custom scripts, that i know for sure, but not much else about it.  as i said, wasnt my choice.  but the pappy inlaw wants it so he can mess around with the gui
23:28.52citywokalthough at my call center we use vanilla asterisk & lots of custom work
23:29.03citywokbut for an 8 person law firm freepbx is much easier :P
23:29.12citywokeven if it's annoying as hell to work with
23:29.17Kyosh8 person law firm?
23:29.17p3nguinI'd recommend AsteriskNOX if you insist on FreePBX; it's certainly better than Trixbox.
23:29.30p3nguinIf that's all he cares about, he'll love it.
23:29.47citywokKyosh: yes, 8 person law firm
23:29.53p3nguinAsteriskNOW, even.
23:29.56citywokor 25 person not for profit
23:30.06Kyoshp3nguin, again, he insisted that he wanted asterisk
23:30.16citywokKyosh: all of them are asterisk
23:30.20p3nguinSo instead you gave him Trixbox.  Way to go.
23:30.32citywokasterisknow being rolled and distributed by digium, the company that "makes" asterisk so to speak
23:30.53p3nguinI'll say it again: If all he cares about is asterisk and a fancy gui, AsteriskNOW is better than Trixbox.
23:30.53citywokif you have questions about asterisknow i believe qwell is the one that packages it?
23:30.58dijibis this a good enough list for my asterisk package needs ?
23:31.09corretico<[TK]D-Fender>i'm using trixbox. i'm not sure where the dialplan is locate
23:31.15Kyoshhe wants it, he gets it.  too much to stress over his ass being a stubborn fool
23:31.22dijibor are a lot handles but asteris18-core or something
23:31.30p3nguincorretico: I doubt he said that, so don't quote him as saying that.
23:31.54citywokonly if it was satirical
23:32.03p3nguinI'll say it again again: If all he cares about is asterisk and a fancy gui, AsteriskNOW is better than Trixbox.  You should give him what he asked for instead of Trixbox.
23:32.04Kyoshthink of an old-school hong kong style chinese business man who is not questioned, just given what he asks for.
23:32.23citywokhe asked for asterisk. he didn't ask for trixbox.
23:32.29Kyoshno, he cares about trixbox cause he read it in a fukin magazine. i never mentioned asterisk to him or stated that he mentioned it
23:32.35p3nguinTrixbox IS NOT Asterisk.
23:32.36citywokhe's too stupid to know what he's getting anyways
23:32.44p3nguinIt's fucking trixbox for crying out loud.
23:32.45Kyoshhe asked for trixbox, not asterisk
23:32.46citywokyou could give him mud and tell him it was asterisk
23:32.57p3nguin(1830.08) <Kyosh> p3nguin, again, he insisted that he wanted asterisk
23:33.02p3nguinMake up your mind.
23:33.04[TK]D-Fendercorretico: I'm talking about your CLI output
23:33.06pabelangerlanguage please
23:33.12Kyoshoh no, i threw asterisknow on a server for him and he saw it didnt have the trixbox logo and flipped on me
23:33.31citywokfind a new job :)
23:33.35[TK]D-Fendercorretico: in the first 2 we could see what was being exectued.  But no SIP debug.  When you enabled that you seemed to have gone and lowered the verbose level so it hid the other half.
23:33.37citywokworking for stupid people sucks lol
23:33.46p3nguinAMEN, BROTHER!
23:33.51[TK]D-Fendercorretico: thus you are only showing half at a time.  we need the whole thing at once.
23:34.01Kyosh[19:20] <Kyosh> i have a bunch of asterisk boxes i am test clustering for fun to see how well it works and it does.  but my father in law's company wants trixbox cause of all the open source pbx' out there, he was told its the easiest to work with.
23:34.04citywokokay FINALLY going to go get that beer, and laugh about your boss.
23:34.20citywokKyosh: clearly you've proven it isn't easy to work with, now haven't you?
23:34.30p3nguinI didn't understand that statement hte first time you said it.
23:34.33Kyoshi rather work with trixbox than my father in law
23:34.42p3nguinfather in law's company wants trixbox cause of all the open source pbx out there... does not compute.
23:34.52Kyoshhis words, not mine
23:34.53citywoklol no kidding
23:34.57citywoknew job :P
23:34.58p3nguinDoes not compute.
23:35.18p3nguinI'd like to have Windows because of all the open source OSs out there.
23:35.22Kyoshcitywok, im a consultant for him, not his bitch employee.  he fired the bitch cause the bitch kept using pirated software
23:35.34Kyoshwell he thinks free == OSS
23:35.37Kyoshdunno why
23:35.48p3nguinYou should have informed him otherwise.
23:35.57rdeggesAnyone know what (DAHDI ISDN Remote Access Server) is for? :o
23:36.09p3nguinAnd told him at the first mention of wanting open source that Trixbox isn't.
23:36.33Kyoshp3nguin, to him, a magazine is a more credible source than the inventor of the invention
23:37.05corretico<[TK]D-Fender>thanks. now I have sip set debug enable
23:37.15p3nguinAnother quote of something he didn't say?
23:37.23correticolet me try to get a complete copy of the CLI
23:38.17dijibwhy is the digium asterisk repo giving me a 404?
23:40.07p3nguinWhat did you use for it?
23:40.43cuscocisco will ask for money/contract
23:40.54cuscosorry buffer was high
23:40.54p3nguinThere's no releasever 6, so that's probably where you went wrong.
23:41.26dijibim using
23:41.39p3nguinThat's a file, not a URL.
23:41.52p3nguinI mean...
23:41.55p3nguinThat's a file, not a repo URL.
23:43.01dijibthats what im using as my centos-asteerisk.repo
23:43.11p3nguinI'll rephrase.
23:43.36p3nguinWhen you have used that repo file, and you try to install something, what URL does it indicate has failed?
23:44.38dijibwhats the utility that includes wget? wget?
23:44.42p3nguinPerhaps something like
23:44.51[TK]D-Fendercorretico: 2899 is what you are sending to the Cisco
23:45.06[TK]D-Fendercorretico: as we see here :   -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:19] Dial("SIP/3214-08b41230", "SIP/to_ivr_alepo/2899|300|") in new stack
23:45.11dijibim trying to use yum as my package handler
23:45.14correticoextension 2899
23:45.17[TK]D-Fendercorretico: And here : INVITE sip:2899@ SIP/2.0
23:45.32[TK]D-Fendercorretico: the Cisco responds : SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
23:45.36p3nguinyum is a perfectly good package manager front-end, but you have to give it valid information.
23:45.37correticothe cisco ip address is
23:45.45[TK]D-Fendercorretico: which means it doesn't like that number and doesn't know what to do with it
23:46.06corretico<[TK]D-Fender>ohhhh great...
23:46.14p3nguinanother quote.
23:46.23correticopossible a Cisco Configuratioin problem
23:47.03p3nguindijib: Since you don't seem to pick up on it, I'll just tell you in plain English.  If you are using $releasever in your repo URL and you are using CentOS 6, IT WILL FAIL.  Do you understand now?
23:47.41p3nguinThere is no releasever 6 in the asterisk repo.
23:48.59p3nguinUsing 5 now?
23:49.01dijibim just hungry and not thinking perfectly.
23:49.10dijibit was the $releaserver variable\
23:49.13dijibsorry to trouble you
23:49.32p3nguinDo you read the stuff I type for you?
23:49.37p3nguinI don't type it for my enjoyment.
23:49.42dijibyes, when im not in vi.
23:49.57dijibi only have a 12" screen on this laptop
23:50.03dijiblimited realestate
23:50.20p3nguinI would have put my editor on another virtual desktop.
23:50.41p3nguinIRC on 1, editor on 2, browser on 3, etc.
23:50.43dijibim in 7....
23:50.51p3nguinVirtual desktop 7?
23:50.55dijibdont want to install more windows crap
23:51.09p3nguinNow you've really lost me.
23:51.38dijibdont worry about it.. im not running linux. and i dont like things running as i play games and like to keep ram & cpu low.
23:52.26dijibya so whats a good yum install asterisk line look like... what packages do i need
23:52.39corretico<[TK]D-Fender>i gonna check with the cisco guy
23:52.55corretico<[TK]D-Fender>thanks a lot 4 your time
23:52.58p3nguinyum install asterisk18 asterisk18-configs
23:53.16p3nguincorretico: Why do you keep quoting him as saying things he has not said?
23:54.07dijibnothing else?
23:54.14dijibim going to make dinner, ill be back
23:54.28p3nguinyum install dahdi-linux
23:55.01p3nguincorretico: If you're copying and pasting his nick including the angled brackets, stop it.  If you want to address him, type in tk and press the tab key to complete his nick automatically.
23:55.07*** join/#asterisk kerx (
23:55.20p3nguincorretico: It's like magic or something.
23:58.29[TK]D-Fendercorretico: You're welcome

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