IRC log for #asterisk on 20110925

00:03.13*** join/#asterisk salz212 (~chatzilla@
00:03.36salz212Hi can someone tell how to get the DIALSTATUS like variables in Call file?
00:05.53salz212any one?
00:07.31WIMPyYou don't get anything in a call file. You set things.
00:09.27salz212yes, suppose I have a call file where I am setting things to be dialed.. and then I need to have the time or Status of the call in the call file.. how do I get it.. I know how to get it in dialplan ...
00:10.19WIMPyYes, that's how you do it.
00:12.52salz212but .. suppose I am dialing an outbound call from call file..
00:13.14salz212how do I get the Variables
00:13.31WIMPyFrom your dialplan.
00:13.44WIMPyDon't call out directly. Use a local channel.
00:14.30salz212hmm local.. so no choice with . direct IP call
00:14.32p3nguinDial plan has no concept of where your call is going.  It doesn't care of you're calling another phone on your LAN or a phone on the other side of the planet.  Variables are used in dial plan the same way as any other call.
00:24.55*** join/#asterisk sflemming (~stefan@
00:26.45sflemminghi all, i just switched from lua to del and wonder how i can have an individual h extension that is not global for a context but for an extension. can someone give me a hint?
00:27.22sflemmingsorry, from extensions.lua to extensions.ael (not del)
00:35.11*** part/#asterisk C4colo (
00:41.52*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
01:22.15SeRiguys I have callcentric setup to receive calls but I am unable to recive the calls. I get "Sending fake auth rejection for device"
01:22.17SeRiany ideas?
01:22.47p3nguinCallCentric sucks.
01:22.57SeRiyea I know
01:22.58p3nguinI'd drop 'em like a bad habit.
01:23.02SeRiI only use it for fax
01:23.10SeRimy main is
01:23.57SeRiany ideas why I am getting that error msg?
01:24.21p3nguinNot really.
01:24.57SeRimhhhhh..... does not incomming fax in there service :(
01:25.47p3nguinCan you repeat that, but in English this time?
01:27.15SeRisorry I am typing in so many places... does not support incoming fax calls in there service or outbound
01:28.10p3nguinHow do I fax through them, then?
01:28.35WIMPyI think, fake auth rej = username not found.
01:29.15SeRiI was told that from a tech support guy :/
01:29.28p3nguinTheir tech support doesn't know very much.
01:29.44SeRip3nguin, I can say that much :)
01:38.16SeRip3nguin, would exten = fax,1,Gosub(fax-rx,s,1)
01:38.16SeRiexten = fax,n,Hangup() go after my extension or before?
01:38.40p3nguinThat question does not make any sense.
01:39.50SeRiwell didnt meant to say extension but to my incoming context. for ex:
01:39.57SeRiexten = fax,1,Gosub(fax-rx,s,1)
01:39.57SeRiexten = fax,n,Hangup()
01:39.57SeRiexten => s,n,Dial(SIP/1004)
01:40.28p3nguinI still have no idea what you're trying to ask.
01:40.37SeRiI am trying to detect incoming fax. if it is not a fax to pass it to my ext.
01:41.18p3nguinYou have to have an extension to process the call.
01:41.30p3nguinIt's usually your phone number.
01:41.54p3nguinI don't know how you are doing fax detection, but when a fax is detected it should go to extension fax.
01:48.29*** join/#asterisk hippieua (~v.v.gura@
01:50.43SeRiwell because i am doing a tif convert and emailing it. I am not sending it to a real fax machine
01:50.59p3nguinYeah, so?
01:52.13SeRiok so I still need to send it to an ext? The context its in front if my incommign number.
01:52.26p3nguinCalls start at an extension.
01:52.59p3nguinCalls come into a context and match an extension.  The extension then runs an app or does something else useful.
01:54.49p3nguinSo yes, the call will go to an extension.  Otherwise, it's not a call.
01:55.09p3nguinThe type of call does not matter; it can be a fax or a voice call.
01:56.28SeRigot it so it should read like this:
01:56.31SeRiexten = XXXXXXXXX,fax,1,Gosub(fax-rx,s,1)
01:56.31SeRiexten = XXXXXXXXX,fax,n,Hangup()
01:56.31SeRiexten => XXXXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/1003,35) ;your DID
01:56.31SeRiexten => XXXXXXXXX,n,Voicemail(4222,u)
01:56.44SeRiwhere XXX is my number
01:57.01p3nguinexten = XXXXXXXXX,fax,1,Gosub(fax-rx,s,1)
01:57.06p3nguin^^ not valid.
01:58.00p3nguinexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Gosub(fax-rx,s,1);   <-- valid, matches NANP phone numbers.
01:59.14SeRiok I see.
02:02.28SeRitesting now :)
02:02.49p3nguinYou still didn't tell me how you're doing fax detection.
02:05.24SeRiok let me do a pastebin for you its pretty extensive.
02:10.10p3nguinThat's invalid, and there's no fax detection in there.
02:10.34p3nguinWhat that means is...
02:10.37p3nguinThat shit won't work.
02:11.04p3nguinexten = XXXXXXXXX,fax,1,Gosub(fax-rx,s,1)    <--- not valid
02:11.09p3nguin(2057.59) <p3nguin> exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Gosub(fax-rx,s,1);   <-- valid, matches NANP phone numbers.
02:12.31SeRiI know. if you looked in my note I left in the top I noted that I have my external number there. I only used XXX so I wont put my real number
02:12.50SeRi1. Please note that in the field XXXXXXXXX under Dial and Voicemail I have my real number I just put XXX to give you an example.
02:13.06p3nguinDoesn't matter, it's still invalid even if you replaced those Xs with a valid phone number.
02:13.32p3nguinTry it, you'll find out.
02:14.19SeRithats funny I have been reciving phone calls like that IE: 123456789,n,Dial(SIP/1003,35)
02:14.40SeRiThats what told me to put my number there
02:15.10p3nguin123456789,n,Dial(SIP/1003,35)  is valid, so I would expect it would work.
02:16.30SeRiok so I am lost. where do I have the XXX?
02:16.48p3nguinI don't understand your question.
02:18.25p3nguinI'll show you a valid extension one more time:  exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Gosub(fax-rx,s,1)
02:18.43p3nguinCompare it to your invalid extension:  exten = XXXXXXXXX,fax,1,Gosub(fax-rx,s,1)
02:19.03pabelangerSeRi: And exten => only take 3 arguments (EG: exten => 555,1,Answer())  You are trying to pass 4 (exten => 555,fax,1,Answer()), which is not valid
02:19.20p3nguinIf you're going to tell me again that you replaced your number with Xs, I'll tell you the same thing again.
02:19.39pabelangerso in your example it would be exten => fax,1,GoSub(fax-rx,s,1)
02:19.42p3nguinexten => EXTEN,PRIORITY,APP
02:23.54*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
02:24.24p3nguinEven if you define a fax extension, that does not provide fax detection.
02:24.38p3nguinHaving a fax extension just allows for processing a fax which has been detected.
02:24.49p3nguinI still want to know how you are detecting the fax.
02:24.52pabelangerright, you need to enable it in the channel driver
02:25.23p3nguinIt's automatic with no dialplan tricks required?
02:25.49SeRiexten = s,n,ReceiveFAX(${FAXFILE}.tiff)
02:25.57SeRiI thought that was what that context did?
02:25.58p3nguinThat's not fax detection.
02:26.04p3nguinThat's not a context.
02:26.05pabelangerif you are using SIP, you set faxdetect = yes in sip.confg
02:26.27SeRiI am using iax2
02:27.01pabelangerSeRi: fax detect is not support on IAX2
02:27.05pabelangerDAHDI or SIP
02:27.24SeRiahhhhh damn. ok so I have to fall back to call centric.
02:27.33SeRiI new there was a reason why i was using them.
02:27.46p3nguinYou can still receive a fax over IAX2 as long as you aren't trunking and you are using ulaw.
02:28.04p3nguinThere's just no detection of it using a shared phone number.
02:29.26SeRiok I see.
02:29.28p3nguinBut in the case of SIP, fax detection is automatic as long as it is enabled in sip.conf?
02:29.52pabelangersee faxdetect setting
02:29.58p3nguinA call comes to me, my attendant answers and begins playing back a message...
02:30.11p3nguinThat incoming call begins playing a fax tone...
02:30.22p3nguinIt will jump to exten fax all by itself?
02:30.49pabelangeras long as exten => fax,1,blah() exists in the same context
02:31.27pabelangerIt is documented in sip.conf.sample
02:31.37p3nguinThat's interesting.  I have a dedicated phone number for fax over sip over ip, so I never had to do detection.
02:32.22SeRipabelanger, thats what I am trying to do.
02:32.39pabelangerSeRi: well if you SIP or DAHDI, it should work
02:33.05SeRiok so I have the fax detection enabled now. but callcentric craper is giving me errors: Sending fake auth rejection for device
02:33.08p3nguinIf you aren't using IAX2 for the trunking, you could easily switch to SIP.
02:33.22SeRip3nguin, I am using both
02:33.45p3nguinWhy would you use both channel technologies for one ITSP?
02:33.46SeRiso I have switched just need to fix the callcentric issue
02:34.01SeRitwo providers
02:34.09SeRiand just because :)
02:34.16p3nguinWhy would you use both channel technologies for one ITSP?
02:34.23p3nguinkey word: one
02:35.05SeRiI would use IAX in callcentric if I could :)
02:35.11p3nguinSo if you want fax detection on your number from voipms, change to SIP.  If you aren't using IAX2 for the trunking ability, changing to SIP shouldn't be a problem.
02:36.34p3nguinI use IAX2 because of trunking.
02:36.45SeRiI will once I get call centric all settled. The only reason I am using IAX2 its because I have not been able to get sip reliably working behind my satanic firewall :)
02:36.54p3nguinI use SIP because of faxing, because I trunk my IAX2 account.
02:37.53p3nguinCallCentric sucks, and they send calls from unlisted IP addresses, so the calls never match the peer entries you've configured for CallCentric.
02:39.26SeRiwell for now is my test account I cant play with because I have 10 ext going in it and is the main line right now.
02:39.28p3nguinThat's interesting that the fax detect is magical like that.  I may have to play with that soon.
02:40.02SeRip3nguin, so what I posted should be right.
02:40.10p3nguinYou say you have 10 ext going in it, but do you mean you have 10 DIDs with them?
02:40.25p3nguinNo, what you posted was INFUCKINGVALID.
02:41.15SeRip3nguin, NO. This is right as per what pabelanger said... fax,1,Gosub(fax-rx,s,1)
02:41.26p3nguinThat part is okay.
02:41.33SeRithats what I meant :)
02:41.41p3nguinThat's where the call will go after SIP does fax detection.
02:41.43SeRinot the pastebin.
02:42.13SeRithe pastebin was the modifications I made after the confusion.
02:42.33SeRiawesome. thats the way I wanted to work
02:43.11SeRiok so now.... I need to figure out wtf to do with callcentric issues...
02:43.31p3nguindr op
02:43.37p3nguinBye bye.
02:43.42p3nguinThey suck.
02:43.51SeRip3nguin, I have 3 did's and 10 extensions
02:43.58p3nguinThat doesn't make sense.
02:44.11SeRisorry the extensions are internal
02:44.18SeRijust 3 did's :)
02:44.19p3nguinalso doesn't make sense.
02:44.26p3nguinMaybe you have 10 phones.
02:44.34SeRifuck nothing makes since. lol
02:44.48p3nguinMost of what you've said doesn't.
02:44.53SeRiwell 10 phones that have one extension each.
02:45.01p3nguinI feel like this is your first day working on Asterisk.
02:45.57SeRip3nguin, some what. the problem here is between my none native language and communicating with you.
02:46.29SeRiYou are looking fro exact words I dont know :)
02:46.40SeRithat I dont know*
02:46.58p3nguinEven when I see some inexact words, I can sometimes make a sentence appear from them.
02:47.25p3nguinLike fro... I know if a typo of for.
02:48.05SeRiok those are every day typos that we are use to. but my sentences do not make since to you because I do not know how to express them correctly
02:48.23SeRiin English
02:48.25p3nguinThat's very possible.
02:49.07SeRiMost people would of have told me to f* off by now. Thank you for your patience :)
02:49.46p3nguinI rarely tell people to fuck off.  Most people do not deserve to fuck off just because they don't understand certain things.
02:50.10p3nguinThey just need to put some more time and effort into the topic and then they might understand those things.
02:50.41SeRithats awesome. I get rejected in IRC a lot because of my inability to type correct sentences.
02:51.22SeRip3nguin, I am trying. I bought a book called "Practical Asterisk"
02:51.40p3nguinDid you read The Book?
02:51.43infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
02:52.56SeRip3nguin, I am. Just takes time to process. Its in English :P
02:53.12SeRiI got that link booked marked :)
02:53.12p3nguinWhich language would you prefer?
02:53.31SeRiSpanish :)
02:53.58SeRiI have not found anything in Spanish for asterisk locally
02:54.25p3nguinI don't know if there was any discussion about translations of the book.
02:54.41p3nguinI know there are plenty of people that could use them in other langs.
02:55.18SeRi++++++1111111111 :)
02:56.53SeRiTrying to get sip working now.
02:57.12p3nguinWhat kind of firewall are you fighting?
02:58.25SeRiThe problem that pfsense in mangling the packet
02:58.32SeRithe problem is*
02:58.41SeRisip packets
02:58.56SeRiI think I have found the issue so I am working on it
03:07.24SeRiI think I know what you mean right now about callcentrics IP
03:08.07SeRiThat really blows. That deafeats the purpose of firewalls.
03:12.59*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
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03:16.50*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
03:31.05*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
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03:52.19SeRip3nguin, I had to disable allowguest = no to get CC working. I am open to the world now?
03:54.01p3nguinThat's not going to fix it.
03:54.13*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
03:54.31p3nguinBut yes, if allowguest=yes, now you allow everyone to call in.
03:54.40p3nguinThat's why CallCentric should not be used.
03:57.54SeRinot the firewall issue I fix that. But I was still unable to get calls in because of allowgesu = no.
03:58.11SeRiI disabled it and now it works I can get calls in.
03:58.15p3nguinI'm trying to explain it to you, but you don't seem to understand.
03:58.17SeRibut this is bad
03:58.56p3nguinSo I guess I'm done.  Good luck in your call ventures.
04:12.58SeRiI do understand. Get rid of callcentric :) and so I did. allowguest=yes its a big no no. so that is it for me and CC.
04:13.03SeRiThanks for the help p3nguin
04:13.38*** join/#asterisk dijib (
04:37.47*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
04:50.02p3nguinI can't figure out why anyone would accept that kind of service from CC.
04:50.20dijibwho is CC
04:50.58dijibwhats wrong with their service?
04:51.14p3nguinThey have a really jacked up way of doing things that requires you to allow anonymous calls and accept calls from them in your general context.
04:52.17dijibi dont know what you mean by anonymous calls how is this handles normally?
04:53.33p3nguinNormally, you'd create a peer entry in sip.conf which matches calls from hosts.
04:54.03p3nguinThen you can send the call to a context of your choice with extension of either your choice or the provider's choice.
04:55.36p3nguinAnonymous calls are those not matching a defined peer.
04:56.07p3nguinYou either allowguest or you don't.  If you do, anonymous calls will go to the context defined in the general section.
04:56.24p3nguinIf you don't, they will be rejected.
04:56.34*** join/#asterisk ajkaanbal (~ajkaanbal@
05:00.00*** join/#asterisk tonsofpcs (
05:01.16SeRicc sucks donkey balls!
05:03.16SeRip3nguin, does accept connections in any other port other than 5060?
05:03.31*** join/#asterisk paec (
05:04.11p3nguinThe alternate SIP ports are 5080 and 42872.
05:04.23p3nguinThey know some ISPs block SIP.
05:04.36SeRiI got it working under 5080 so switching from IAX to sip now :)
05:04.39p3nguins/SIP/SIP by port/
05:05.01SeRihehehehe lol
05:06.27p3nguinNow you're going to play with the fax detect in sip.conf?
05:23.31SeRip3nguin, I got it working and is awesome!
05:23.41SeRiI get an email with a bash script I set
05:23.48SeRiit converts the tiff to a pdf :D
05:23.57SeRielegant ;)
05:23.59p3nguinYou don't need a script for that.
05:25.28SeRiooo mhhhh very interesting... let me thinker here for a sec
05:26.03SeRiooo wow it can all be done in asterisk. very nice
05:26.12SeRiis reading
05:29.04*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
05:31.18SeRiok I think I am going to tweak asterik now to do all this for me instaed of a secript
05:33.22*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:38.03*** join/#asterisk dijib (
05:38.48dijibi agree p3nguin thats rediculus\
05:39.44p3nguinI used to mess around with CallCentric a few years ago and I don't ever remember having any problems like people have reported in the last several months.
05:40.08dijibmaybe its user error
05:40.37p3nguinIt's possible, but I'm leaning more toward poor design changes.
05:41.45dijibi would gander you would most liely be right
05:41.46SeRiguys I am happy to say I am all SIP now :D is awesome :)
05:42.12dijibIAX2 is any better?
05:42.22dijibfor volume? less bandwidth?
05:43.19SeRino I just wanted fax over sip :)
05:43.29p3nguinWith high call volume and trunking enabled, IAX2 can provide significant bandwidth savings.
05:43.30SeRifaxdetect = yes :)
05:43.47dijibive got fax detect working thanks to P3
05:44.01p3nguinHow are you detecting fax?
05:44.08dijibemails to me and everything. was that your code right ?
05:44.30dijibive disabled it to test the silent calls and thats not it.
05:44.33SeRiI got it working just now with help of p3nguin and pabelanger
05:44.49p3nguinAll I did was write some fax extension stuff.
05:44.51dijibi want email with pdf attachment to FAXout
05:45.01SeRiThats how I have it
05:45.13SeRiit converts tiff to pdf and emailes out
05:45.22dijibno i want the other way around
05:45.39dijibalso i want ASR to email.
05:45.40SeRio fax out
05:46.00SeRinice. That would be next in my "to do" list
05:46.02dijibautomated speech recognition
05:46.13dijibto email.
05:46.20dijibmakes my salivate
06:01.02*** join/#asterisk slbdp (
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06:08.20dijibinstalling lumenvox now
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08:42.08*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
08:42.27Dovidhi all. when it says this was applied to trunk:
08:42.43Dovidwold that be in 1.8.X or 1.8.X is no longer going from trunk ?
08:55.49irrootDovid patches get applied to branches/x [as applicable oldest version first] then moved to all branches up to trunk or to where its needed ... periodically branches/x get tagged tags/x.y-rc1 then a new cycle starts until x.y is released
08:56.10irrootonce tagged/released there will be no changes to that tree further
08:56.58irrootif needed a x.y-rc[next] or x.y.z will be tagged/relleased
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09:29.43Dovidwow. that was confusing
09:29.59Dovidbasically. is: included in 1.8.X ?
09:37.00irrootif it is it will be in 1.8.x released after the commit date
10:17.27Dovidok. thanks
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13:35.02*** join/#asterisk DND (~ctcarino@
13:35.14DNDguys my asterisk machine is on 100% cpu usage
13:35.28DNDfrom the top command it says asterisk is the culprit
13:36.05DNDbut how can i get the details which part of asterisk is actually using high cpu?
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14:55.12cuscoDND: have you looked at the logs?
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15:03.51mtbfWhen i do exten => someext,n,Noop(/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/${CDR_FNAME}) current context stucks in the infinite loop,
15:04.32p3nguinWhat does that even mean?
15:04.47p3nguinContexts don't do anything but contain extensions.
15:04.47mtbfI'm trying to use that path as a parameter for mail sending program, when i use hardcoded path it works, when i use above path it doesn't, just like /var/spool/blabla caused the problem.
15:05.15mtbfDo i have to escape those slashes somehow?
15:05.19p3nguinContexts don't execute anything or read anything.
15:05.21*** join/#asterisk tonsofpcs (
15:05.31p3nguinWhat are you trying to do?
15:05.44mtbfSend an e-mail with CDR wave attached.
15:05.51p3nguinCDR wave?
15:05.59p3nguinDo you even know what CDR is?
15:06.15mtbfA wave file generated by the Monitor app, ok.
15:06.25p3nguinThat's not related to CDR.
15:06.44tonsofpcscdrwave is apparently a plus-size clothing outlet, per google
15:07.02kaldemaryou don't have to escape slashes. show the whole extension.
15:07.06p3nguinHow was the recording made?  When should it be emailed?
15:09.03mtbfIt should be emailed by the h extension, after hangup, but now I'm just trying to check whether the path is correct, and when i noop() that variable context gets looped.
15:09.10p3nguinWhen I record calls and need to email the file, I use the h extension and the MIXMONITOR_FILENAME variable.
15:09.40p3nguinmutt -a ${MIXMONITOR_FILENAME}
15:09.59kaldemarmtbf: show the extension and a CLI output.
15:10.10p3nguinSaying "context gets looped" does not make any sense.  Contexts don't do anything.
15:13.06*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
15:13.26p3nguinJust show us the entire extension so we can fix it.
15:15.02mtbfHere you go.
15:15.21mtbfThanks for that filename hint, I'll start to use it.
15:18.56*** join/#asterisk root52 (
15:21.48p3nguinAlthough I do not understand the whole Set() and SHELL() thing you're doing, I still recycled it for you.
15:21.55mtbfMhm, looks like mutt just gives up in that testing case, cause file doesn't exist, but it'll work for hangup ext, now i got it working with some hardcoded filename.
15:21.58p3nguinI would do it with System().
15:22.42root52Hi All, So I am trying to record a conversation with the MixMonitor(). I now have a requirement to allow the users to pause and unpause the recording. I have been hacking away and can not figure out how to do that. I tried using the PauseMonitor and UnPauseMonitor as features code with the Monitor() and that work but it just combines the two files so it is not a real conversation just one leg talking and then the other. If I use those two fe
15:22.48mtbfThanks p3nguin, what are those -- before e-mail address for?
15:23.28p3nguinman mutt
15:23.32mtbfI just wanted to debug it somehow, cause mutt was not sending e-mail, that's why i switched from System to SHELL.
15:24.51p3nguinYou can debug it with System() just as easily.
15:26.38kaldemarwith func SHELL you get command output, app System only gives you the SYSTEMSTATUS channel variable.
15:26.38mtbfYou mean the SYSTEMSTATUS value or some another way too?
15:26.58p3nguinI meant something else.
15:27.32p3nguinVerbose output shows what is running in asterisk, and you can simply redirect the output of the command into a file and read it.
15:28.14p3nguinEither way, I've given you suggestions using both ways.
15:28.35p3nguinThere's no reason I can see that it won't work.
15:29.27*** join/#asterisk binbash_ (
15:29.40mtbfThank you p3nguin, by the way, I didn't and still don't see that -- parameter in the mutt man, but it's ok, I'll find it out, thanks again.
15:31.37p3nguinEven though my email address does not start with a dash, if I do not use -- before the address, mutt chokes.
15:47.23*** join/#asterisk hehol (~Adium@2a01:198:71d:0:21f:d0ff:fea1:568e)
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16:11.07root52Got it. The trick was using the Application Map to point to a Macro so I had access to the recording file name, then just call MixMonitor again with the "a" option and exit said macro. Thanks!!
16:14.34*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
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17:23.21*** join/#asterisk K3rmit (
17:23.45K3rmitMy Message length reported by voicemail always shows incorrect. Like half the actual message length...I dunno why
17:24.02p3nguinUpgrade your Asterisk.
17:24.18K3rmitwhy does that make a difference?
17:24.30pabelangerit was fixed?
17:24.36K3rmitit was a bug?
17:24.37p3nguinBecause the problem was said to be fixed.
17:24.45K3rmitah k
17:24.58p3nguinWhat version are you using?
17:26.05*** join/#asterisk dwayne (
17:26.07mtbfp3nguin: Now I'm trying to use h,1,System() in the ivr-3 context, but this one is generated automatically by freepbx, so I added it to ivr-3-custom, which is included by ivr-3, where the hangup occurs, but it doesn't seem to be catched, I mean 1,h,Noop(something) doesn't show.
17:27.03p3nguin*shrug*  Don't know anything about FreePBX.
17:27.03K3rmitp3nguin 1.8
17:27.11p3nguinThat's a branch.  I asked what version.
17:27.34p3nguincore show version
17:28.07mtbfOk, so if context a includes context b with h,1,Noop(something) and hangup occurs in the context a, 'something' should occur in the log, right?
17:28.51p3nguinOnly if you have verbose turned up enough to see it.
17:29.26mtbfIt is set to 12.
17:30.11p3nguinextension h will run in the context where the call begins, unless you Goto() another context.
17:30.36pabelangerK3rmit: I believe has the fix
17:30.57K3rmitp3nguin digium maverick
17:30.57pabelangerotherwise will
17:35.22p3nguinIs there any way to run one extension all by itself?  If I use originate to run an extension, I have to specify a channel to connect with first.
17:48.33*** join/#asterisk infobot (
17:48.33*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.0.0-beta1 (2011/07/22), (2011/08/31), dahdi-linux (2011/09/08), dahdi-tools (2011/09/08), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=-
17:48.53p3nguinThe current 1.8 version seems to be
17:54.49irrootl1nuxman "svn co asterisk-svn-1.8"
17:55.12irrootthat will have it but it wont be available in a package for at least a weeek
17:55.22irrootit will be
17:55.28p3nguinBut you can make a package out of it.
17:57.30irrootr337118 | mjordan | 2011-09-20 17:38:54 -0500 (Tue, 20 Sep 2011) | 21 lines ASTERISK-16981 ASTERISK-2234
17:57.32irrootFix for incorrect voicemail duration
17:57.38l1nuxmanhmm any clue the directory?
17:58.04p3nguinWhat do you mean?
17:58.07l1nuxmanhow do you know tjat version is higher than 1.8.33
17:58.24irrootits the latest not yet released
17:58.58l1nuxmanI just need the one that fixes the voicemail
17:59.06p3nguin(1254.48) <irroot> l1nuxman "svn co asterisk-svn-1.8"
17:59.15*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
17:59.16l1nuxmanhmm ok
18:00.27irrootl1nuxman its recomended you use a recent version as .3 has many known fixed bugs
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18:03.33l1nuxmanalright p3nguin looks like its all 1.8 version but doesn't say which one. I have already
18:03.46l1nuxmanirroot, only reason I want to upgrade is to fix voicemail
18:03.58p3nguinAre you having a problem understanding that you need to upgrade?
18:04.16l1nuxmanI'm not sure how exactly then
18:05.12p3nguin(1254.48) <irroot> l1nuxman "svn co asterisk-svn-1.8"
18:05.12l1nuxmanI mean usually I just did a package name
18:05.12p3nguinThere's no package.
18:05.12irrootyou can try check out the commit and merge it but it may not work so far out and you need to be able to mod it
18:05.12l1nuxmanhmmm then which of those do I need?
18:05.12l1nuxmanthere's so many
18:05.12p3nguin(1254.48) <irroot> l1nuxman "svn co asterisk-svn-1.8"
18:05.12l1nuxmanI did that
18:05.24irrootok so you have a new directory
18:07.00p3nguinthen go into the directory, ./configure, make, make menuselect, checkinstall.
18:07.00irrootcd into it
18:07.00p3nguinThen you have your package.
18:07.00irrootthen run configure ;make menuconfig;make ;make install
18:07.10irrootwhen you want to up date it go into the directory and type "svn up"
18:07.31p3nguinused to drink 7up
18:07.32irrootif you want to use a release you can switch to it
18:08.12irrootim not sure i should go into to much detail on svn
18:08.14l1nuxmancool thanks I"ll try
18:11.58pabelangerl1nuxman: if is released this will, we'll be rolling new packages for it
18:12.38p3nguinOh, so close!
18:12.58p3nguins/close/far away/
18:13.14irroothow long is a piece of string :P
18:13.49p3nguinI have a string several feet long.
18:14.19irrooti only have one foot :P snap
18:27.21p3nguinCan settings like astvarrundir be used in dialplan?  If yes, are there variables for the settings?
18:28.52pabelangerp3nguin: yes, but only in Aserisk 10.0+
18:29.12pabelangerheh, batteries dying in keyboard
18:30.52pabelangerYou could also try AST_CONFIG
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19:12.26SeRiguys I setup a sub account in its up and register. but when I try to call in I get a bust tone. any ideas?
19:12.55p3nguinDid you assign a DID to the account?
19:13.04SeRip3nguin, yes sr.
19:13.32SeRiDoes it need a different port than the main account?
19:13.54SeRiI thought so since is registered
19:14.01p3nguinBut you have to define the extension in the context you set for it.
19:14.31SeRiI did. I did the same thing I did for the main account.
19:14.52SeRiit shouldnt be any different except it goes to a different extension.
19:14.56p3nguinShow me the relevant configs.
19:15.01SeRiyes sr
19:15.38SeRione sec. using pastebin now
19:21.31p3nguinThe phone number you are calling is 123456789?
19:21.51SeRino sir.
19:21.58SeRithats an example number
19:22.01p3nguinThen how do you expect this to work?
19:22.12p3nguinHow many phone numbers do you have with voipms?
19:22.33SeRiI have my real number in the config. I just didnt want to post my number for the whole world to know :)
19:22.58p3nguinDoes each number do something different?
19:23.49p3nguinDo you have a purpose for each number, or will all three numbers be used for the same thing?
19:24.19SeRiThe main number rings my office. the second number rings my fax. my thrird number is off site at work.
19:24.42p3nguinWhich one are you trying to configure now?  All three?
19:24.55SeRiin this case is the second number which go to the same place as my office at home.
19:25.19SeRino. I have my office all ready working just fine. now I want to route my second number to fax to email
19:25.32p3nguinYou don't need a new account on for that.
19:25.44p3nguinOne asterisk system, one account.
19:26.09SeRiso I can link the same number to the same account?
19:26.12p3nguinAssign your DIDs to your one account.
19:26.20SeRiah! ok
19:26.30p3nguinIf you have three DIDs that all go to the same place, put all three DIDs on the same account.
19:26.34p3nguinConfigure the account in sip.conf.
19:26.41p3nguinAdd an extension for each DID.
19:26.47p3nguinDo something with each number.
19:26.54p3nguinI'll show you an example.
19:27.12SeRihahaha d00d it went right over my head. lol Thanks let me change all this!
19:27.20p3nguinLine 29...
19:27.59p3nguinLook at line 37 for my fax number.
19:28.12SeRiah yes nice! ok ok one sec.
19:29.53p3nguinAnd with a dedicated fax number, you do not need faxdetect.
19:30.14p3nguinFaxdetect is for a shared number, shared fax/voice.
19:30.37p3nguinI have a dedicated fax number, so I don't know too much about faxdetect.
19:30.43p3nguinBut I'm going to play with it soon.
19:31.12*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
19:31.55irrootme is working on new faxdetect for res_fax
19:32.14irrootmake it more flexi
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19:39.14SeRip3nguin, I dont think the issue is on my end. I am getting a busy signal right away. and my logs do not show an attempt to reach the number in my system...
19:39.36SeRiis like is not been routed properly.
19:39.51p3nguinIt probably isn't.
19:40.01p3nguinYou probably don't have it configured right.
19:40.14p3nguinAre you using the main account or a sub account?
19:40.33SeRithe main account. I deleted the sub account since is not need it.
19:40.50p3nguinDid you go to DID management and put your new number on the main account?
19:41.22SeRiyes sr.
19:44.10SeRiall most the same settings here :)
19:44.18SeRimain account works just fine.
19:44.48SeRimhhh I think I found my issue one sec
19:44.48p3nguinWhat is the context assigned to your voipms peer?
19:47.30SeRione sec
19:48.10p3nguinDo you understand call flow?
19:50.49p3nguinThen my help is not needed.
19:52.02p3nguinNow, I have a question.  On 1.4, I could originate say 20 calls from a shell script and they would all be concurrent.  Now that I am using 1.8, if I do the same thing using the same script, calls are consecutive.  Why?
20:00.34bipulhow are you p3nguin
20:00.42Miccp3nguin, are you using .call files?
20:01.22p3nguinNo, I am using a shell script that runs originate.
20:01.45Miccasterisk -rx 'originate ...' ?
20:01.58Miccwhere is it blocking?
20:02.05p3nguinWell, technically it's channel originate now, but still the same thing.
20:02.37Miccare you running multiple asterisk -rx at the same time?
20:02.38p3nguinIn 1.4, it would run as many originates as I had numbers in the list.  I actually had to limit the numbers in blocks to keep it from calling them ALL at once.
20:02.50bipulp3nguin,  can   i pm you
20:03.00p3nguinNow that I am using 1.8, I expected the same behavior, but it runs one at a time.
20:03.31Micccan you do multiople channel originate from the cli?
20:03.43p3nguinI don't know.  I don't think so.
20:03.53p3nguinI think the CLI "sticks" when I run one.
20:04.04p3nguinI can't run anything else until it clears the originate.
20:04.14*** join/#asterisk Fritz09 (
20:04.30p3nguinI'll test that in a minute.
20:04.41Miccso that must be where its blocking, so maybe you can get around that by running multiple asterisk -rx at the same time.
20:05.43Miccsomething probably changed in channel originate cli command
20:05.50p3nguinWell the shell script runs a loop, reading numbers from a list, running originate with each number.  Asterisk CANNOT block that from happening.
20:06.03p3nguinSo it must be queueing up the originates or something.
20:06.28Miccif the cli is blocking then it would block the asterisk -rx command and you'll only get to execute one at a time.
20:06.34Miccunless your putting it in the background.
20:06.38infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
20:06.40p3nguinbipul: ^^^
20:06.41Miccwhich is what I would do.
20:07.12p3nguinYou think asterisk -rx is sticking?
20:07.20p3nguinI'll try backgrounding it.
20:07.27Miccwell it would have to if it is sticking in the cli
20:07.45Miccrunning asterisk -rx will wait until the command is completed before returning.
20:08.03p3nguinIt didn't in 1.4.
20:08.09p3nguinThat must be what is different.
20:08.26Miccyeah, they must have changed something in the channel originate cli command.
20:08.29*** part/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
20:08.57Miccmaybe they did it for a good reason and by going around it, you might cause some other problem.
20:09.01Miccbut its worth a try.
20:10.46p3nguinIt worked!
20:11.09p3nguinI just background the command in the script, and now it calls concurrently rather than consecutively.
20:12.37p3nguinThe reason I wanted to make the calls at the same time is because of the possibility of failure being increased over a longer period of time.
20:13.27p3nguinIf I have 60 numbers to call, and each message takes approx 30 seconds, it'll take half an hour to make all the times one by one.
20:13.28MiccI would watch it to be sure it doesn't deadlock or something. It seems strange that they would change that functionality on accident.
20:14.09p3nguinIf I can make the calls in 20-number blocks, I'll only be making three blocks of calls.  Now the time is reduced to just 1.5 minutes.
20:14.39*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
20:15.21p3nguinI'm not worried about system resources nor bandwidth.
20:17.52KorolevI am so tempted to sell you the termination for that dialer traffic! :P
20:18.06p3nguinYou mean try.
20:18.19p3nguinI already have service.
20:19.10*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
20:19.27p3nguinI've been using asterisk 1.8 for a week, after having used 1.4 for years.  Some things are slightly different... this problem with originate was one of those things.
20:19.30MiccKorolev, I'm always interested in looking at pricing for that kind of thing.
20:20.31Miccp3nguin, I used 1.8.5 for a day and had to revert back to 1.6 because it didn't support parking the same way yet.
20:20.53MiccI think 1.8.7 may work correctly. I hacked 1.8.5 but it was still hanging every 30 minutes.
20:21.59KorolevMicc, if its USA or Canada, its very very flexible depending on coverage
20:22.38Korolevgoes from way below half a cent to nearly one cent
20:22.48p3nguinWhat company?
20:22.59KorolevMe Inc. :D
20:28.57l1nuxmandoes the sip.conf [name] have to be the same for exten => name,1 extensions.conf?
20:29.22l1nuxmanwhere do you use exten => name
20:29.26l1nuxmanlike the name
20:29.27infobotDevices, extensions, and people should be entirely abstracted.  Extension numbers are applied to people, and people are applied to devices.  This means you should name your devices something unique to each device, such as an ID tag or asset tag number, or a MAC address.
20:29.59p3nguinIt's extremely hard to dial 'name' from my phone, so I don't use a name for an extension.
20:30.37p3nguinName the phones accordingly.  Then determine an extension for dialing the phone.
20:30.59p3nguinFor example, my phone is named 000011112222.  My extension is 762.
20:31.31p3nguin000011112222 is my phone's MAC address.  762 is "rob" on a keypad.
20:32.31p3nguinexten => 762,1,Dial(SCCP/000011112222,30)
20:32.44l1nuxmanso my fxo device has a name that logs in to sip.conf listed [name]
20:33.28p3nguinIf 'name' is a reasonable name for the device, I'd do it.
20:34.05p3nguinA distinguishable name or the MAC address would be reasonable names for it.
20:35.19*** join/#asterisk ImTheBitch (
20:35.28ImTheBitchHi. I have an issue w/ calls ending after 15 minutes.
20:35.35ImTheBitchIs anyone familiar w/ that problem?
20:37.35Korolevexactly 15 minutes?
20:37.59p3nguinCheck your session timer.
20:39.07ImTheBitchExactly 15 minutes, yeh.
20:39.40p3nguinCalls over Dahdi?
20:40.04*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
20:40.23p3nguinWhat channel technology are you using?
20:41.09ImTheBitchI have no idea. I just run an asterisk server on my edge router for my hardware sip phone.
20:41.14ImTheBitchI make calls w/ sipgate+google evoice.
20:41.56ImTheBitchI don't know an awful lot about asterisk, tbh.
20:42.42ImTheBitchIs this what I'd like to change? ;session-expires=600
20:44.13p3nguinTry session-timers=refuse
20:44.36ImTheBitchI guess this is the same problem.
20:45.38p3nguinI've made a suggestion.  The rest is up to you.
20:47.08*** part/#asterisk ImTheBitch (
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20:47.24ImTheBitchAlright, thanks.
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21:55.08Miccp3nguin, refuse doesn't work with some providers, they will refuse the call without timers.
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22:04.04MiccThere is an easy hack to fix the problem.
22:04.29MiccI think it may be a problem with timers and sonus equiopment.
22:04.51MiccI know google voice uses 360, and they have sonus equiopment.
22:04.55Miccnot sure about sipgate.
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22:52.37l1nuxmanI'm confused. If I have an FXO device and it looks like this. Asterisk <->HT503 -> Phone line, & also HT503 -> Phone. Which are the FXO and FXS?
22:55.18p3nguinDo the ATAs have multiple jacks?
22:55.33p3nguinAre they labeled?
22:56.05p3nguinYou don't know what plugs into each of those things?
22:56.33l1nuxmanno I have them hooked up physically, but the configuration in extensions and sip conf are confusing me
22:56.53p3nguinDid you create a peer entry in sip.conf for the device already?
22:57.17l1nuxmanhow does it work when I want to call an extension 101 internally on my phone to ASterisk. And how does it differ when someone calls from outside analog line to Asterisk
22:57.32l1nuxmanlet me show you
22:57.41p3nguinThe Line will have one peer entry, and the Phone will have another.
22:57.56*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
22:58.13p3nguinIf a call comes in on the line, it will go to the extension you've configured in the Line section of the device.
22:58.14l1nuxmanthe labels might be wrong and the names are being changed constantly.
22:58.50l1nuxmanLine Section the FXO?
22:59.10p3nguinPhone section is FXS.
22:59.22l1nuxmanor Unconditional Call Forward to VOIP:    
22:59.48p3nguinIf you want all calls coming in on the phone line to go to Asterisk, I'd enable that.
23:00.47l1nuxman p3nguin
23:01.55p3nguinThat doesn't look to be unreasonable.
23:04.27p3nguinIn that style of device, you have to determine which calls will go through asterisk and which ones will go direct to the phone line.
23:04.42p3nguinThere is a dial plan in the device to control it, based on the dialed number.
23:11.50*** join/#asterisk tm1000 (
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23:26.52l1nuxmanok I'm getting a username mismatch, authenticate error but everything looks ok...
23:29.08p3nguinYou've configured the device to have a username of 'myhousephones'?
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23:35.33drynishI need an idea
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23:36.23drynishMy sound is not working in DISA
23:36.30l1nuxmanoh I see I think lol
23:36.33drynishI don't know why I have no idea
23:36.48p3nguinWhat are you doing with DISA?
23:37.18drynishMy ATA is really bad, I need to use DISA to make outgoing calls
23:37.36drynishMy ATA is dialing in my asterisk box as soon as I take the line
23:37.42p3nguinIt sounds to me that you're doing it wrong.
23:38.19p3nguinMisconfiguration in the ATA, I guess.  That's not what DISA is for.
23:38.39drynishThe ATA is configured the right way, it was working before, when I was on debian.
23:38.44drynishI took the same config, put in gentoo
23:38.48drynishand right now it's not working
23:38.56drynishcore and extra sounds are installed
23:39.04drynishI'm just wonedering what I could be missing
23:39.24p3nguinYour operating system on your computer has nothing to do with the ATA.  If your ATA is working like you've described, it is configured wrong.
23:41.14drynishit is a really bad ATA
23:41.18drynishbut that's the one I have
23:42.30p3nguinEven thw WORST ATA can work correctly.
23:43.18drynishWhat are you insinuate?
23:43.25p3nguinIt's configured wrong.
23:43.28drynishPlease read this page
23:43.33drynishif you don't believe me
23:43.34p3nguinI really don't want to.
23:44.10p3nguinI know how ATAs work, and I know how they work with Asterisk.
23:44.38drynishWow !
23:44.47drynishAre you sitting next to god or what?
23:44.58p3nguinNext to?
23:45.10drynishon ? :P
23:45.17p3nguinYou're confused.
23:45.20p3nguinI am God.
23:46.17drynishHaving an FXO port makes you want to use it for Asterisk! Well it can to a point. You can have the ATA act as a single line SIP FXO port (in and out) or an ATA, but not concurrently - at this time
23:46.21p3nguinUnless you can cite where this ATA is said to be hotline only, I'm going to assume it works like any other ATA.
23:46.41p3nguinFXO ports are not for phones.
23:47.28p3nguinFXO ports are to have your line connected to them.
23:48.06drynishI know what are fxo
23:48.38p3nguinSo you didn't plug your phone into it?
23:50.41drynishI'm plugging my phone on the FXS port of my ATA
23:51.13p3nguinOkay, great.
23:51.32p3nguinNow where's the setting for dialing from the phone?
23:56.39*** join/#asterisk tm1000 (

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