IRC log for #asterisk on 20110922

00:03.28radenNaikrovek, what u doing on so late ?
00:04.04Naikrovekhell i don't know
00:08.20SeRiNaikrovek, you know how I can rset the device?
00:08.42Naikrovekwhat do you mean reset it?
00:08.55SeRito factory
00:08.56Naikrovekpower cycle it?  format it?  reset something else?
00:09.15Naikrovekbest you can do is format it, as far as I know
00:09.30Naikrovekin the admin menu, you can do that
00:09.54*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (~eject_ck@
00:09.56SeRimhhh ok ill try that... If I can get in :)
00:19.11pdtpatrick1Question ... anyone here have experience with asterisk + exchange server? unified communications .. any idea?
00:28.59treborsux<treborsux> if one phone boots from tftp no issue
00:29.00treborsux<treborsux> but another doesnt what do i change?
00:34.49*** join/#asterisk JonasHB (
00:34.56JonasHBhey guys, any help here appreciated, im playing with Marcus Brown's awesome Google Voice module for FreePBX, ive got it all working, but incoming calls are not getting caught by DID incoming routes and are going through to my default inbound route... Any ideas how to catch these, I'd like send incoming goovle voice calls to a diffrent destination
00:38.38infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
00:39.04p3nguinIf you were using Asterisk, I'd probably tell you how.
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00:39.49JonasHBp3nguin: no disrespect and understood
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06:33.18*** join/#asterisk SteveWilliams (~SteveWill@
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06:35.08SteveWilliamsHi! I need some guidance on Setting up my asterisk server to make outbound ivr calls. Please help. I am a newcomer.
06:36.46jkroonhi guys, having a problem on ast server and client with realtime sip on server side.  can register, ut can't place calls.
06:37.08jkroonclient-side spits out Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"asterisk" <>;tag=as0831596b'
06:37.50irrootjkroon hi there pb a sip debug please
06:38.08irrootSteveWilliams hi outbound ivr calls ?? please elaborate
06:38.17jkroonINVITE, response, 401, ACK, error message.
06:38.34irrootyou get a 407 ??
06:39.55irrootyou should get a 407 [request auth]
06:40.03irrootbefore the 401
06:40.05jkroon407 is proxy auth
06:40.20jkroonno proxies involved, so straight 401 seems reasonable to me.
06:41.33SteveWilliams@irroot. I want my customers to be called up by our autodialer and listen to a voice recording. I was able to setup outbound campaign through VICIDial.
06:42.18SteveWilliamsThen they would press 1 for a specific recording to play
06:42.28SteveWilliamsand press 2 for another one
06:42.44kaldemarjkroon: have you set fromuser and/or defaultuser for the peer you use to dial out?
06:42.57irrootthere will be a request for auth first
06:43.09jkrooni have authuser .. but no, and *facepalm* doh
06:43.35jkroonactually, no, already had both fromuser and defaultuser
06:44.09irrootgot a secret or md5 bits on one side but not other ??
06:44.19jkroonsecret= on both sides.
06:44.30jkroonremote secret?
06:44.45jkroonserver-side sip show peer on pb.
06:44.53jkroonalso pasted the sip.conf from the client.
06:45.00irrootc3po nice :P
06:45.35SteveWilliamsIs there a way i can do that by configuring the dialplan?
06:45.35jkroonalso have r2d2 in production.
06:45.56jkroonSteveWilliams, sounds like a simple IVR type setup.
06:46.13SteveWilliams@jkroon, yep
06:46.19jkroonIIRC the application you're looking for is Background and WaitForExten
06:46.24SteveWilliamsbut i am a fresher
06:46.47*** join/#asterisk NourSs (
06:46.54SteveWilliamslemme give them a try
06:47.06SteveWilliams@jkroon, thank you for your help
06:47.22NourSsHi, i sell two Digium cards ( TE121P and TDM411B ), private me for more details :-)
06:47.27jkroonSteveWilliams, Background(recording) followed by WaitExten
06:47.38jkroonirroot, any ideas for me?
06:47.56irrootjkroon put a defaultuser in
06:48.26jkroonwhy does that make a difference?
06:48.36irrootsuspect it might
06:48.56jkroonit does!  from my reading of the code defaultuser only ever gets used for authuser and fromuser if those options aren't set.
06:49.43irrootyeah thats what it should be agreed
06:50.53irrootas long as it works dude ill put a beer on my account :P
06:54.13jkroonand thanks.
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07:11.08jkroonirroot, in a generic setup, fromuser and authuser may differ, to which of those should I set defaultuser?
07:12.02irrootill need to poke the code defaultuser seems to be one used in auth
07:12.51kaldemardefaultuser is used in digest unless authuser is defined.
07:14.01irrootjkroon kaldemar problem is that authuser seems to be ignored here
07:14.11*** join/#asterisk shtoom (~shtoom@
07:18.10jkroonkaldemar, so set to authuser.  kaldemar isn't that a bug ?
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07:21.31kaldemarbased on a brief glance, looks like authuser is used in subscriptions, registers and mwi.
07:23.15irrootbut not invites ??
07:23.21irrootthats where the problem is
07:23.33kaldemaryep, but i may be wrong.
07:25.01*** join/#asterisk nunne (
07:25.32nunneDoes anyone know where i can get "on hold tone" instead of moh? I guess i need a music file that plays "on hold tone"? :)
07:26.52irrootnunne intresting question not sure there should be a simple playtone on hold not music option i guess but dont recall seen it so may not exist
07:26.55*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
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07:31.46jkroonnunne, that would be the only solution I can think of yes.
07:34.22jkroonirroot, ever had to interface with MWeb's SIP Proxy thing?
07:34.36jkroonthey are killing my auths with SIP/2.0 500
07:34.43jkroonworked yesterday, today it fails ...
07:34.54irrootjkroon i avoid mweb as a rule they complete moronic muppets
07:38.23*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
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07:46.33mirko_brankovicdoes anyone know how to trim a string in Asterisk from right side to some delimiter, for example /?
07:51.22*** join/#asterisk ocx (4d2adb52@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:52.01kaldemarmirko_brankovic: see function CUT
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07:52.52mirko_brankovici look at it, but nothing about cut-ing from right side
07:54.33kaldemarmirko_brankovic: func FIELDQTY will help with that.
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07:55.54mirko_brankovicaha thx, i have to use both :)
07:57.21mirko_brankovickaldemar: thank you :)
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08:13.09NourSsHi, i sell two Digium cards ( TE121P and TDM411B ), private me for more details :-)
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08:51.09irrootjkroon ASTERISK-18223
08:53.39*** join/#asterisk jmls (
08:53.45jmlsmorning all
08:53.49jmlsis there a way of playing a sound file as a participant in a conference room ?
08:54.16jmlsso I dial in to the conference, and some dialplan magic or ami command plays a file to me
08:55.32kaldemarjmls: originate a call, other end to the conference and other and to playback application.
08:56.54*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
08:57.52jmlsoh, I see - don't use the dialplan
08:58.02jmlsmust get out of that habit
08:58.15jmlskaldemar: many thanks
09:02.38catphishis it possible to configure how asterisk responds to SIP redirect responses
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09:09.42NourSsHi, i sell two Digium cards ( TE121P and TDM411B ), private me for more details :-)
09:13.36cstachriscatphish, yeah - that billing thing is a problem!!!
09:14.39cstachrison that note, can anyone give me some details about a Notify message that is (queued) ??
09:14.51catphishthe problem is that when asterisk received a 302 it dials using a local channel, which is ideal, but it doesn't set "norelease"
09:16.22*** join/#asterisk WiretapSeven (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
09:17.03SteveWilliamsHi all, could you help me with my dial plan, please. I want to call up people and want them to listen to a .wav file. This is my incorrect dialplan: ( I am a newbie, please help )
09:17.11SteveWilliamsexten => _8X.,1,AGI(agi://
09:17.23SteveWilliamsexten => _8X.,n,Dial(${SIPD}/${EXTEN:2},,tToR)
09:17.30SteveWilliamsexten => _8X.,n,Playback(welcome)
09:17.36SteveWilliamsexten => _8X.,n,Hangup
09:23.54irrootSteveWilliams rather use the originate app
09:24.07jkroonon SIP, if the INITIATING end is behind nat, does it affect anything if I set nat=yes vs nat=no vs nat=auto?
09:24.58SteveWilliams@rroot, okay, sir. lemme check that out on google. Thanks
09:25.04jkroonSteveWilliams, one of the Dial() options also requests the answered channel be Gosub()ed into another context first before being bridged, you can probably abuse that too./
09:25.35irrootjkroon dont use nat and then question is answered :P
09:25.59irrootthe nat behaviour i dont understand properly but it seems inconsistant
09:26.24SteveWilliams@jkroon thanks! checking that too
09:27.16jkroonirroot, i am dealing with an IEC(N)S license holder here.  If you ever hear the names Talkworld or Rick Brits, take my advise:  find your closest illegal arms dealer .
09:27.28jkroonthe guy is an amateur.
09:27.47irrootjkroon or give them uls number :P
09:28.16*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
09:28.21kaldemarjkroon: if someone sends an invite with a private address in the SDP, asterisk will try to use it without nat=yes.
09:28.24jkroonirroot, i gave the guy's client a ULS number as proof that my stuff is working correctly.  now he's saying i'm purposefully sabotaging his crap.
09:28.24irrootmost them licence holders are clueless
09:29.04jkroonkaldemar, the other end is a "Server: Sip EXpress router (0.9.6 (i386/freebsd))", I'm the poor ass stuck behind NAT.
09:29.15irrootjkroon they using lots of mikrotik with masq on every router ?? if so you screwed
09:29.39jkroonirroot, there is a fix for that conntrack bug.  it applies to D-Link and Linux gateways too btw.
09:29.49irrootjkroon sounds like ECN's setup
09:30.16jkroonthat was my first reaction too.
09:30.34irrootjkroon but the muppets dont have upgrades or any idea how to do it
09:30.39jkrooninteresting capatilization on the Sip EXpress :p
09:31.07irrootthats what got me thinking also bsd
09:31.33jkroonsip trace gets me a 500 error after sending back the auth details.
09:32.01kaldemarjkroon: if your asterisk is behind a NAT, you need to define externaddr and localnet in addition to having nat=yes under [general].
09:32.02jkroonso sequence is now C:INVITE, S:401, C:ACK, C:INVITE (with WWW-Auth), S:500
09:32.22irroot500 eish dis no n poes klap wat eimand soek
09:32.32jkroonkaldemar, ok, let me try that.  but how do I deal with a dynamic externaddr?
09:32.48irroothost = dynamic
09:32.54irrootnat = force-rport
09:33.40irrootor nat = yes
09:33.45jkroonand also, can I have multiple subnets in localnet?  specifically, localnet=, and ?
09:34.53kaldemarjkroon: you define it as externhost and define lookup interval with externrefresh.
09:35.26*** join/#asterisk WiretapSeven (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
09:35.28jkroongoes off convincing the client he has to set up a dyndns or get me direct access to the pppoe connection to get rid of the NAT.
09:35.33kaldemarjkroon: yes, you can have multiple localnet definitions.
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09:36.57jkroonok, localnet on all local subnets, nat=yes globally, no joy.  on that peer, nat=force_rport ?
09:38.33jkroonexternrefresh in minutes or seconds?
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09:40.42irrootjkroon stun ??
09:40.42kaldemarjkroon: seconds. the sample config is very helpful with the options.
09:41.27jkroonirroot, would help if someone in ZA actually had a working stun server.
09:42.04jkrooni've just set up another hack, updating to /etc/hosts with a hack
09:42.42jkroonirroot, if 500 was a slap in the face, then putting the SIP trace up public must be a nuke up the rear-end.
09:43.02jkroonor enable someone to point out what I'm doing wrong.
09:43.28irrootjkroon mine
09:43.48jkrooni'll have to figure out how to use res_stun though :p
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09:45.05irroothint it has a config file with one option
09:45.24irrootwhen you think mweb will catch a clue ??
09:46.10irrootthere marketing gurus want to meet with us to discuss my rants re mweb on twitter want to join :P
09:46.13*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
09:53.21*** join/#asterisk p0r0h (
09:53.29p0r0hhi all
09:53.52jkroonirroot, sure, then we can meet as well.
09:54.01jkrooni need your services as well anyway.
09:54.17jkroonand the entire community might benifit from me throwing you some $$$
09:54.23p0r0hWhat is the best monitoring system for Asterisk
09:54.30irrootno prob we can do something i lean toward a braai
09:54.38*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
09:54.42catphishi assume nagios has plugins
09:54.47nunnei have a problem with asterisk i get chan_sip.c:1896 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x1daea28 (len 814) to returned -1: Operation not permitted when trying to send a call to 14-15+ SIP devices.. and sometimes asterisk crashes when doing this.
09:54.54jkroonirroot, always sounds good.
09:55.13catphishnunne: maybe a ulimit
09:55.52p0r0hdifficult to set up nagios to work with Asterisk?
09:56.34Dovidp0r0h: I tried and failed. i failed with Nagios in general
09:56.46irrootjkroon you see the bug i buzzed you with
09:56.54jkroonno i didn't.
09:56.55catphishnagios seeme unnecessarily complicated at first
09:57.08catphishbut its pretty powerful once you get used to it
09:57.20catphishstill a PITA to maintain though
09:57.26Dovidcatphish: Hard to learn. there are docs but for people like me....
09:57.31Dovidhow about Cacti ?
09:57.52*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
09:57.59catphishcacti is a different kind of monitoring really
09:58.09catphishdepends what you want to achieve
09:58.47jkroonis looking for a solution to try and determine if SIP and/or IAX/2 has locked up (ie, can calls be made out via an asterisk system yes or no)
09:59.05jkroonsimple script is good enough, can cron it to run every minute.
09:59.06Dovidcatphish: Meaning ?
09:59.15jkrooncacti monitors snmp.
09:59.33catphishi'd use nagios
09:59.36Dovidjkroon: You want to see if you can make a call out? If the peer is available? is the remote side your systems or some one else ?
09:59.57jkroonDovid, i want a way to ensure that I know before my clients do when an asterisk system goes down.
10:00.03Dovidjkroon: So cacti would be good for say Routers/Switches while Cacti would be better for Asterisk?
10:00.15Dovidi want to see Bandwdith graphs/ call amounts/ cpu usage etc.
10:00.22jkroondoing a pidof asterisk is not good enough, even doing asterisk -rx "core show uptime" isn't good enough.
10:00.31jkroonDovid, those I've already got.
10:00.34catphishDovid: err, is this 2 separate questions??
10:00.45jkrooncatphish, a sidetrack notion :)
10:00.55p0r0hFor example, if there was a problem in the system may indicate the status of "Work" and stop an alert about the problem at a time
10:01.27Dovidjkroon: So what are you looking for?
10:01.32catphishi'd use nagios to monitor for errors
10:01.39irrootjkroon a nagios script that does sip options will  be usefull
10:01.49catphishthen i'd use rrdtool to log call volume etc
10:01.56catphishwith some kind of wrapper
10:01.56Dovidi want to make sure that everything is in order. also to see graphs of usage over time
10:02.01irrootstarted doing one
10:02.15catphishif you want a system that does both, custom to asterisk, someone will need to write one
10:02.23catphishwouldn't really be hard
10:02.36irrooti use a script + rrdtool in php to log calls via sql query to CDR
10:02.39catphishmaking a sip call is easy, as is piping the call volume to rrdtool
10:03.36p0r0hI want to have a monitoring system that processed data from the team that gets the "sip show peers"
10:03.49nunnecatphish: i was thinking something like that.. buut it's an embedded platform running uClinux.. and i dont have the ulimit command.. nor a ulimit config file anywhere :( does anyone know where to set it? against /proc somewhere maybe?
10:04.06jkroonDovid, the usage over time i've got working on cpu, bandwidth etc .. (no call volumes yet, but relatively trivial to add)
10:04.11catphishnunne: not sure, sorry
10:04.39jkrooni'm just interested in knowing if/when things break.  notifications to my phone for critical infrastructure, email for client-perimiter equipment.
10:04.55catphishjkroon: probably want nagios
10:08.14*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
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10:13.05p0r0hbloody asterisk, he fell again)))
10:13.50jkroonp0r0h, version?
10:15.46*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
10:15.50p0r0hhow to see the version?
10:16.17jkrooncore show version
10:19.00jkroonuprade to at least, i recommend, i'll quickly check what stability patches is currently in our gentoo build so that you can pull them too.
10:19.07nunnedoes anyone know if changing /proc/sys/fs/file-max will change my ulimit "on the fly".. or am i needed to reboot etc?
10:19.28jkroonnunne, at a max you might need to restart the asterisk daemon.
10:20.14nunnejkroon: thanks :)
10:21.06p0r0hHe falls out of the ugly hardware
10:25.06jkroonp0r0h, the patch set we're using at the moment is available at
10:25.19jkroonyou're going to have to go through them manually, their names are mostly explanatory.
10:25.56jkroonall of those afaik has been submitted to, some has even been merged into trunk and will be in, some has not.
10:27.11eject_ckHi all
10:28.36eject_ckI'm trying to make call from my sip phone via asterisk to my new sip provider. SIP PHONE -> ASTERISK -> VoIP PROVIDER. I'm getting message: 2011-09-22 13:23:01] NOTICE[930]: chan_sip.c:21253 handle_request_invite: Sending fake auth rejection for device <1xxxxxxxx><>
10:28.48eject_ckwhat does it mean ?
10:30.57*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (
10:40.11catphishdoes anyone know what variables are set after a 302 redirect? i was under the impression that CALLERID(rdnis) was set, but this doesn't seem to be the case any more
10:50.12*** join/#asterisk blackcat73 (
10:50.18catphishi fixed it my setting my own variable before running the dial(sip/
10:50.36blackcat73Hi, need some help to use sipp-tester to stress asterisk
10:50.49blackcat73need 500+ registered phones
10:51.14blackcat73how can I config sipp to register all this without starting 500+ instances?
10:51.26catphishi didn't know sipp did registrations
10:51.35catphishi use it to test call volume
10:51.51blackcat73I believe it can register phones also
10:52.02blackcat73and then you can feed it to generate calls
10:52.09blackcat73but I might be mistaken
10:53.29kaldemareject_ck: it means that you have alwaysauthreject=yes (default value was changed from no to yes in 1.8.0). see sample config for an explanation.
10:54.51catphishi use: ./sipp -sn uac [asterisk ip] -s testtone -d 10000 -r 3 -l 4096 -i [local ip] -rtp_echo
10:55.08catphishto generate 10 second calls with rtp data
10:55.15catphishbut i don't know about registration
10:55.42catphishsince i use mysql realtime, registrations don't really cost me anything
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10:56.04catphishexcept the initial query to register them
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10:58.12blackcat73catphish, ok, but I believe there's a way to register N phones from a file and them I can generate calls from a csv file
10:58.57catphishthat makes a lot of sense
10:59.04catphishafraid my usage has never been that advanced
11:03.10blackcat73catphish, that's my problem also
11:03.16*** part/#asterisk p0r0h (
11:06.58cstachriscacti = pretty graphs but no event based alerts
11:07.42cstachrisoops, i was scrolled up
11:08.48cstachrisblackcat73, sipp with registrations - i did 20 with this script
11:10.22blackcat73cstachris, thx
11:10.29blackcat73gonnja give it a try
11:11.56eject_ckkaldemar: reason was that I was calling myself :)
11:13.09kaldemareject_ck: and the call didn't match any defined device.
11:14.28SteveWilliamsHi all, is there an option within asterisk that Dials a number and when the phone is picked up, it starts playing a message stored in a .wav file. Please help me with an example.
11:15.09cstachrisSteveWilliams, who does it play the wav file to - the caller or the callee
11:15.12SteveWilliamsCan I implement that in my dialplan
11:15.29blackcat73cstachris, this only does the registration part, right?
11:15.29SteveWilliamsthe callee
11:15.45blackcat73cstachris, we can then feed more .csv files to generate calls, right?
11:15.54cstachrisblackcat73, yes - i didn't read your whole requirement
11:16.11cstachrisblackcat73, yeah you can script call stuff too - just need that pcap file
11:16.25SteveWilliams@ cstachris the callee
11:16.27kaldemarSteveWilliams: see option A() for app dial.
11:16.37blackcat73cstachris, I have to read more about sipp then
11:16.38SteveWilliamsok, thanks
11:17.12cstachrisblackcat73, use some of what catphish put above as well - in half a day you'll have a kickass load tester :)
11:17.42cstachrisblackcat73, there is a program called "sip inspector" for doing similar stuff - it's on - just google it
11:18.54cstachriscaller and callee  should be calling and called party for next time - it's not a cheque!
11:19.24blackcat73cstachris, thx so much
11:24.25eject_ckkaldemar: yes
11:24.30eject_ckthank you very much
11:25.03eject_ckCan I ask personal recommendations for best office SIP phone :) ~ 80$
11:25.37eject_ckI have number of dlink dph-150s
11:26.14eject_ckvoice quality is good but usability and comfort is not
11:28.00cstachriseject_ck, polycom 320 - no network port in the back for your PC though
11:34.36kaldemar320 is a discontinued model replaced by 321. 321 has more internal memory.
11:35.10eject_ckkaldemar: let me see,m how much it cost?
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11:48.04atanI have a device that shows as registered within sip show peer, can call out, but cannot rx a call. I switched devices out from an ATA to a polycom phone and the phone as the same issue with not ringing. It doesn't even see the inbound call. Did something change in * 10 with nat= and qualify= in sip.conf?
11:50.32kaldemaratan: is the phone behind a NAT? what address does sip show peers show for it?
11:51.13kaldemaratan: what does Status column say?
11:53.39atankaldemar, it is behind a dlink router on a cable modem
11:53.42atanStatus says OK (xxxms)
11:53.53atanI have qualify=yes nat=yes
11:55.31NourSsHi, i sell two Digium cards ( TE121P and TDM411B ), private me for more details :-)
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12:04.19leifmadsenNourSs: this is not #asterisk-biz
12:04.50kaldemaratan: what do you see in sip debug when making a call to the device?
12:06.02*** part/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~RAMYT@
12:07.57atanI didn't place a call just yet but right now I see this,
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12:16.47AviMarcusWhat does " retail traffic only (above 45 seg) " mean? or is that a typo?
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12:34.53leifmadsenAviMarcus: huh?
12:39.14AviMarcuson the asterisk-biz mailing list, leifmadsen
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12:41.17leifmadsenAviMarcus: could be a typo -- not everyone uses spell check :)
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12:49.11atanIf you see Retransmitting #6 (NAT) to 71.7.x.x:60050: in your SIP debug when you attempt to call an extension what could cause it?
12:49.32atanI can only assume this means it is on try #6 to contact the device but not getting an answer
12:49.41WIMPyNo answer.
12:50.06atanWIMPy, I have nat=yes in my sip.conf and qualify=yes in there also. Should I replace the router?
12:50.17kaldemaratan: it means you tried to contact 1-6 times without an answer. do you feel like answering the previous questions?
12:50.35atankaldemar: I'm sorry I went right past that
12:50.41WIMPyIf the device exists and is working, that's at networking issue, yes.
12:50.52atankaldemar: let me get something together for you, but sorry about skipping right past that
12:51.12atankaldemar, wait I did pastebin something for you
12:51.25atanIs that not what you were seeking?
12:51.30*** join/#asterisk WiretapSeven (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
12:51.34leifmadsenif asterisk keeps retransmitting, it's because the other end isn't responding
12:51.42leifmadsen(or asterisk isn't getting the response)
12:51.48*** join/#asterisk irroot (
12:51.59leifmadsenso as WIMPy said, it's a networking issue
12:52.03WIMPyOr the other end didn't receive the request.
12:52.23atanOkay... time to grab a new router for these people then. Anyone have a suggestion as to which cheaper brand router could work for this? :-)
12:52.51atanDoesn't need to be wireless. I'm thinking like a cheap little linkys or something.
12:53.00kaldemaratan: no.
12:53.43WIMPyIf the router has any features to do with SIP, disable them.
12:55.24atanThe router that is there now which isn't letting these requests through is a dlink wireless g thinger. Older style... black with silder around the sides, and I think one black antenna on the back side. WIMPy, I don't think it had any features within it to do with SIP.
12:57.05*** join/#asterisk WiretapSeven (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
12:57.42atanCould I turn off the NAT setting and forward ports to the device?
12:58.22WIMPyIs it only a single device behind that router?
12:58.28atanWIMPy, yep! :-)
12:58.54WIMPySp no need for a router.
12:59.18atanWell, there is a computer and a wireless client on there also...
12:59.33atanSorry, I was thinking phone. Only one phone.
13:00.15WIMPySon not just a single device.
13:00.29atanNo, sorry. I was thinking device == phone, but my bad ;)
13:00.38atanOne phone. More than one computer.
13:01.25WIMPyYou could forward the SIP port. Maybe you'd need to forward RTP ports as well. But you need to find out which ports the phone uses.
13:01.57irrootWIMPy maybe set the phone to only use 10 ports and forward only those
13:02.13WIMPyIf the phone can do that.
13:02.16atanirroot, it's a cable connection
13:02.34atanirroot, as far as I know there is no PPPoE going on.
13:03.01atanHow could I go about finding out which ports a phone uses for this? :-)
13:03.22WIMPyThe phones manual or it's configuration.
13:03.26atanI see Retransmitting #6 (NAT) to, does this mean it uses 60000- something?
13:04.33WIMPyYes, but as SIP port.
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13:05.31WIMPyAnd that's the router, not the phone.
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13:06.16atanWell color me confused then. So the phone always uses port 5060 then? It's the router which uses those funky high numbered ports?
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13:06.59WIMPyIt might be the phone as well.
13:07.02wdoekes2atan: what does the Via line in the request from your phone say?
13:07.04WIMPySome use random ports.
13:07.10irrootatan phone uses sip [5060] and rtp [assigned from a pool of ports or random]
13:07.19atanVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK56b0397e;rport
13:07.51irrootatan need to look at the sdp attachment at bottom of invite
13:07.53wdoekes2that IP is a bit odd if this phone is behind nat
13:09.45wdoekes2if your phone has special-nat-magic capabilities disabled, it should list its real IP (rfc1918) in there
13:09.47WIMPyDo you have NAT support enabled on the phone? Switch that off.
13:10.51irrootstun / ice settings
13:11.16atanI will need to look in the settings on the device but I don't recall seeing such an option on the IP300 menus
13:12.22*** part/#asterisk AviMarcus (
13:12.26atanWell I'll be there is a whole section with that stuff. Oh boy.
13:17.39atanOkay I am going to go take a better look at what settings are enabled on there and will come back if I run into trouble :-) Thank you guys again for pointing me in the right direction ;)
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13:24.36Kattyi had an awful dream last night :< dreamt i got bit by a snake, and had to go to ER for 3 shots.
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13:27.46squigwhat kind of shots? vodka or tequila ?
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13:31.31leifmadsensquig: yes
13:31.38Kattythe kind with a big needle
13:31.54irrootcaffine that way is my dream
13:33.45*** join/#asterisk urishk (
13:34.56urishkhi.... help with asterisk/freepbx & Dahdi is needed.... anyone?
13:35.36infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
13:35.52Kattyhugs irroot
13:36.32irroot{{{{}}} katty thx
13:36.52*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
13:38.11urishkfreepbx / asterisk, single trunk (sip), vast majority of extension are SIPs. system works fine for the last two years. Single FXS card (Single PCI/e card, 4 FXS ports - Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F Board 5 , DAHDI Version: 2.4.0 Echo Canceller: MG2)
13:40.05urishkWhen (outging) dialing from FXS which is a new fax machine, I get busy tone (both internal and external dialing). Incoming calls to these FXS extension are OK. Door keypad works ok (same PCI/e TDM400P)
13:40.20infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
13:40.53urishk10x I'll do that
13:41.24irrooturishk try turning off faxdetect on the fxs
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13:45.01Faustovfkn quotes do not match!
13:45.13Kattyhi Faustov
13:45.22Faustovhi Katty
13:46.10Kattyhugs Faustov
13:46.12Kattyhow're you dear
13:46.42Faustovhmm... I guess I'm high on tanine?
13:46.47Faustovwas that the thing in tea?
13:47.54Faustovadd that to being usually pedantic - makes me react to braces not matching as irroot wrote, and even name them quotes for some reason
13:47.57Faustovthanks for asking, you? ;)
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13:50.21Kattywhat's tanine supposed to do?
13:50.51Kattyi'm doing ok, not the best of mornings...had a bad evening last night.
13:50.57leifmadsenI think I'm having a brain malfunction (more so than usual!) -- what is the function/application/setting for setting ring indications on a channel?
13:51.01Kattybut the day is young, and there is plenty of time for improvement
13:51.11Kattythe function is hugs.
13:51.15Kattyhugs leifmadsen
13:51.36Kattyhow're you dear, besides suffering from memory lapse
13:51.49leifmadsenKatty: I'm totally alive, so I'm going to count that :)
13:52.12kaldemarleifmadsen: PlayTones?
13:52.32leifmadsenkaldemar: probably not, as I want to set it for when calling another channel
13:52.47leifmadsenkaldemar: oh nevermind -- that might do it actually
13:52.56leifmadsenI assumed it worked differently ;)
13:53.30singlerr option on Dial() does not suit?
13:56.26irrootleifmadsen progress ??
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13:56.59leifmadsensingler: no, because that doesn't change the ringing indication
13:57.15leifmadsenI want different ringing indications in certain situations
13:59.33leifmadsengonna play with PlayTones() and see if that does what I want
13:59.37leifmadsenkaldemar: thanks for the suggestions
14:03.12kaldemarleifmadsen: i assume that you alreary remembered also StopPlayTones.
14:03.36leifmadsenkaldemar: not yet :)
14:03.51leifmadsenthis probably isn't going to do exactly what I want
14:03.58irroot~thebook leifmadsen
14:04.00leifmadsenit might work as a stop gap solution
14:04.07leifmadsenirroot: don't start with me!
14:06.23Kattyleifmadsen: horay for alive, that is always a lovely start to the morning
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14:06.34leifmadsenKatty: sometimes ;)
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14:07.21Qwellbeing alive in the morning would suck if you were a zombie or vampire or something
14:07.58WIMPywonders if he qualifies as zombie.
14:08.30KattyWIMPy: i often do pre-caffeine
14:08.34Kattyhugs Qwell
14:12.47*** join/#asterisk aberrios (~aberrios@
14:14.39catphishare there any apps that dial an extension then ask the user if they want to take the call?
14:14.46catphish*dial a channe
14:15.29QwellYou don't need an app for that.  It's simple dialplan.
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14:15.42catphishhow would you do it?
14:16.51_Corey_catphish: Look at Dial argument M
14:17.10_Corey_You can deal with that using MACRO_RESULT
14:17.12Kobazshould use U, which uses GoSub
14:17.26KobazMacro is oldschool
14:17.42_Corey_lol, I guess I'm oldschool :)
14:18.24Kattyhugs Kobaz
14:18.26Kattyhugs _Corey_
14:18.40Kobazhowdy howdy
14:18.49_Corey_good morning Katty
14:20.23catphishwhen using dial with U(), is it possible to connect the original channel with the dialed channel after the macro completes?
14:20.46Kattyhow goes?
14:20.59Kobazcatphish: dial does that for you
14:21.23catphishin which case? when no GOSUB_RESULT is specified
14:21.28Kobazcatphish: U/M are 'pickup handlers'. they run when the call gets picked up, and depending how they exit, you can either have the call accepted or hung up
14:21.59catphishis it possible to use U/M with multiple dialed channels?
14:22.09catphishand connect to the first that completed the macro
14:22.23Kobazit runs on which ever channel picked up the call
14:22.40catphishi hoped it would run on all of them
14:22.50WIMPyDoesn't it release all other calls as soon as one is connected?
14:22.59catphishwhat i'm actually looking to do it call several people and ask them all to accept the call
14:23.09catphishthen connect the first person to press yes
14:23.12Kobazyou can't do that with M/U
14:23.19WIMPyYou cold use a set of local channels, I guess.
14:23.24Kobazyou'll have to yeah... local channels
14:23.43catphishhow would that work?
14:23.48catphishexcuse my ignorance here
14:24.34WIMPyDefine a bunch of extensions that dial one peer, each with taht macro, then dial all those extensions via local channels.
14:24.47Kobazyou would have to get the call in asterisk, and then do an originate with a parameter of the calling channel
14:24.56Kobazand then who ever picks up the call. Bridge() to the calling channel
14:25.48KobazWIMPy: you just need one exten, you can do a _X. to match everything
14:26.12WIMPyRight. You could use the extension as parameter.
14:28.19catphishgoing to have to get my head around that
14:29.38leifmadsendarn, PlayTones() doesn't do what I want -- but the r([tone]) indication does (I'm running Asterisk 10) -- looks like I may have to backport that feature to 1.8
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14:30.14catphishWIMPy: Kobaz: do either of you have time to actually walk me through some dialplan for that?
14:30.50Kobazif you read up on using Originate() and local channels, you can figure it out
14:30.58Kobazotherwise I would wind up writing it for you
14:31.02WIMPycatphish: It really isn't more that what I wrote and Kobaz corrected.
14:31.06Kobazand I don't really have the time
14:31.22kaldemarleifmadsen: you don't, it is in 1.8.
14:31.27WIMPyIs it all sip peers or numbers to the same acount?
14:32.44catphishi want to dial several numbers at varying sip peers
14:33.36catphishthe purpose here is that if an emergency call comes in our of hours, we need to dial everyone's cell, and route the call to the first person who answers, with the caveat that answering services shouldn't count as an answer
14:33.43catphish*out of
14:33.43*** part/#asterisk dym (
14:33.48leifmadsenkaldemar: oh you're right -- I was looking at the xml docs in app_dial.c and I didn't read far enough :)
14:33.51WIMPyOk, so you can to an exten => _.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},,U(whatever)) in an extra context.
14:34.27*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
14:34.59WIMPyThen you can use Dial(local/peer@extracontext1&local/peer2~localcontext&local/itsp2/numerb@extracontext...)
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14:35.22catphishoh yeah, of course
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14:35.34catphishthat's simple enough
14:35.46catphishsorry for not getting that sooner
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14:44.40Qwellkdmessano: Did you lose your M.D.?
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15:12.27Katty3 rows of knitting and my hands hurt.
15:12.35Kattythis yarn is trolling me.
15:13.25irrootKatty know a knitting club here "bitches who stich"
15:13.27p3nguinIn Soviet Russia, yarn...  wait, you're in Soviet Russia?
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15:15.48Kattyirroot: yeah but i'm not a bitch.
15:15.52Katty..most of the time.
15:15.54p3nguinBitchin' and Stitchin'
15:16.03Kattynow that i might fit into
15:16.14irrootKatty lol
15:16.15Kattymaybe knit-wit is more me tho
15:17.45Kattywonders if thats danny
15:18.21p3nguinI figured it wasn't, but I never bothered to ask.
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15:22.41*** join/#asterisk devil_evoxxx (~d3v1l@
15:22.47devil_evoxxxhi all :)
15:22.52Kattyhi devil_evoxxx
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15:24.23devil_evoxxxi've got a 1.4.36 ast box wich have some "difficult" in t.38 passtrought
15:25.11devil_evoxxxi think is because is not compiled with decommenting
15:25.17devil_evoxxxt.38 directive..
15:25.19p3nguinAs far as I know, 1.4 does not do t.38 pass-through.
15:25.28leifmadsenthat'd do it :)
15:25.45devil_evoxxx1.4 have pass-trough
15:26.39leifmadsenp3nguin is saying it doesn't have pass-through for T.38 in 1.4
15:26.45leifmadsenhasn't used 1.4 in... years really
15:27.00devil_evoxxxis there a way to check if its compile with ?
15:27.27p3nguinAs far as I know, 1.4 does not even support the option of t.38 pass-through.
15:28.02p3nguinBut I've never tried to obtain or activate it, so at this point I'm only giving my opinion.
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15:29.14irrootp3nguin devil_evoxxx it has pass through its ugly but there 1.6 had T38 support iorned out
15:30.03p3nguinGrr.  Where do people get the "d" in "fridge" when they write it?
15:30.12p3nguinThere's no d in refrigerator.
15:31.36irrootwent to attic t38pt_udptl is in 1.4
15:32.03irrootbut cannot be used with agent/local must be SIP<->SIP
15:32.05p3nguinDoes it require a patch, or is it something that needs to be enabled?
15:33.14irrootp3nguin to fax from S/R fax is impossible
15:33.25irrootits pure pass through
15:33.35irroot1.6 added endpoint support
15:33.39p3nguinHe was looking for pass-through support.
15:35.47devil_evoxxxhi irroot !! it's all ok
15:36.15irrootdevil_evoxxx you got the problem solved on the quescom ?? and its working for you
15:36.39devil_evoxxxyes, i've upgraded from 5.00 to 5.22 (still on windows system) but now, it works!!
15:36.56devil_evoxxxthere is a quescom firmware version 6.20 based on the few days i provide to upgrade again
15:38.03devil_evoxxxnow faxes trought quescom work like a sharm! But i've got an old 1.4 boxes connected to sip providere ( sip2sip connection)
15:38.40devil_evoxxxthat provide fax in t.38..but 1.4 does not support it..
15:38.53devil_evoxxxand upgrading this this time is not possible  :(
15:40.20p3nguinirroot: How would he go about enabling t38pt?
15:40.35p3nguinI never knew 1.4 even recognized t38.
15:40.49irrootcheck the config file for t38 passthrough support
15:41.04irroott38pt_udptl = yes
15:41.19devil_evoxxxi've found this
15:41.40devil_evoxxxi think i've to recompile 1.4 with t38_version=1 and not 0..
15:43.32devil_evoxxxirroot: setting t38pt_udptl=yes i got this on cli   rtp.c:1377 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 90 received from ..
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16:01.42brad_msswany plans of providing binary packages for libpri-1.4.12 for ubuntu lucid/10.04 amd64?  looks like is currently what asterisk is distributing :
16:02.28luke-jrare the people handling Asterisk bugs volunteers?
16:02.43Qwellluke-jr: Asterisk doesn't pay anyone.
16:02.50QwellEven Digium employees should be considered volunteers.
16:03.15Faustovi hope you do pay for allthe redbull you mention in articles
16:03.16p3nguinDigium doesn't pay employees for work on Asterisk?
16:03.28Qwellp3nguin: Asterisk != Digium :)
16:04.23p3nguinbrad_mssw: If you have the source available, it shouldn't be too hard to build your own package and distribute it to all of your systems which require it.
16:05.02luke-jrQwell: Asterisk is a Digium product
16:05.10Qwellno, no, no, no, no
16:05.23brad_msswp3nguin: that's not a very helpful reply ... we use the asterisk-provided package repo explicitly so we don't have to build from source ourselves
16:05.47p3nguinI felt like it was a very helpful answer.
16:05.48brad_msswp3nguin: kind of the reason for its existence, no?
16:06.10luke-jrQwell: if it isn't, then Digium has no business asking for special treatment in licensing
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16:07.14Qwellluke-jr: You are extremely confused on the relationship.
16:07.43QwellDigium sponsors and maintains the Asterisk project.  It's as simple as that.
16:08.18luke-jrthen they shouldn't be getting special license treatment to produce proprietary versions
16:09.04luke-jranyhow, I'm being asked to provide a test case for a bug where I pointed out exactly where in the code the bug is, and the nature of it, before it will get fixed..
16:09.13luke-jrI'll get around to it eventually I guess
16:10.01Qwellrolls his eyes
16:12.00*** join/#asterisk adyn (~adyn@pdpc/supporter/active/adyn)
16:12.41p3nguinI fail to see the problem.  If a company produces a proprietary version of ANYTHING, the company can do whatever they choose with the product.
16:13.44p3nguinIncluding, but not limited to, sell it to you, refuse to sell it to you, or give it away to you.
16:13.51*** join/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
16:14.26adynfully working virtual FreePBX server in 5 minutes... yay for templates!
16:14.32catphishasterisk is dual licence right?
16:14.42adynoops wrong channel
16:14.42Qwelladyn: But you're stuck with that awful distro.
16:14.43p3nguinAnd if you want free support on a free product, you'd better be willing to do your part to get that support.
16:15.00catphishi assume digium own the base copyright and can therefore make it dual licence
16:15.07SunTsup3nguin: luke-jr is asking what's so special about Digium that asterisk licensing allows them to sell a proprietary version of asterisk if it's not their product in the first place
16:15.12Qwellcatphish: It's not about copyright
16:15.28catphishwhich harms nobody as long as the gpl aspects remain gpl compliant
16:15.40p3nguinIf Digium owns all the rights to the project, they can do with it anything they wish to do.
16:15.59catphishcorrect, and since it's LGPL basically anyone else can do the same
16:16.10catphishbut digium own the copyright so they are special
16:16.18Qwellcatphish: again - it's not about copyright
16:16.22catphishhow so?
16:16.25p3nguinAs long as they don't call it Asterisk, they can.
16:16.28QwellIt's a licensing agreement.
16:16.34catphishwith who?
16:16.42luke-jrp3nguin: I see it more of, I'm doing Digium a favour by not only reporting the bug, but finding exactly what the cause of the bug is. ;)
16:16.43QwellWith individual contributors.
16:16.45catphishyou can't licence a gpl product, except from the copyright holder
16:17.11QwellIndividual contributors retain the copyright on their code.
16:17.23catphishi didn't know that
16:17.31catphishi assumed that had to hand it over for the dual licence to work
16:17.39luke-jrDigium *effectively* gets copyright
16:17.51Qwellnope.  in fact, we're less restrictive than GNU in that regard
16:18.02luke-jrtechncially speaking, the license Digium *insists on* is the *same* thing as "copyright assignment" under German law, at least
16:18.05QwellYou have to assign copyright to them to get patches into gcc and other GNU projects.
16:18.18p3nguinluke-jr: They appreciate your efforts.  If, however, you don't want to do such work, you are not required to do it.
16:18.22luke-jr(Germany doesn't have *actual* "copyright assignment" as other jurisdictions)
16:18.24catphishbut... can't anyone make a proprietary closed source app from an LGPL project?
16:18.33Qwellcatphish: It isn't LGPL
16:18.42catphishoh yeah sorry
16:18.53luke-jrQwell: GCC and GNU projects *are* products of GNU
16:19.07catphishso how is it not based on digium's copyright ownership?
16:19.17Qwellcatphish: how is what?
16:19.34catphishif it were purely gpl they couldn't distribute a closed proprietary copy could they?
16:19.51QwellIndividual contributors allow us to relicense it.
16:20.03catphishand that's my point
16:20.13Qwellcopyright != license
16:20.29catphishit's all based on digium holding the copyright, or asking those who do to licence it
16:20.38luke-jrQwell: individual contributors have no choice but to allow it
16:20.49catphishi assume patches are not accepted without turning over those rights
16:20.51Qwellcatphish: when you include the latter half of your sentence, it is true, yes
16:20.58luke-jrat least under German law, there is *no* distinction between what Digium is doing and what GNU is doing
16:21.03catphishthat makes perfect sense
16:21.05luke-jranyhow, this isn't worth arguing over
16:21.13luke-jrI'll make a test case when I get time
16:21.13Qwellcatphish: That doesn't mean you can't distribute them on your own though.
16:21.14catphishnobody's arguing are they?
16:21.26catphishi was just confirming my understanding
16:21.36Qwelland fwiw,
16:21.48catphishpersonally i don't like contributors having to give up some rights to digium
16:21.55catphishbut the project has good results
16:21.58catphishso i wouldn't argue
16:22.02Qwellthey don't give up any rights whatsoever
16:22.07catphishif it were a problem it would have been forked, and nobody wants that
16:22.12QwellThey retain all rights to the code that they've written.
16:22.54QwellSomebody that has contributed code to Asterisk can *also* license their patch (separately) under whatever they'd like.
16:23.20catphishso it must be licenced under gpl and under digium's licence
16:23.27WIMPyOr revoke their licence. That would be fun, I guess.
16:23.30catphishbut no rights are given up to publish in other ways
16:24.09catphishi've never fully understood how the GPL is compatible with dual licencing
16:24.15catphishbut obviously it works
16:24.18Qwellcatphish: it's a separate issue
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16:24.42SunTsucatphish: as a copyright holder you are able to distribute your stuff under different licenses
16:24.45malcolmdWIMPy: irrevocable.  that kind of fun wouldn't be good for asterisk. :D
16:25.02Qwellmalcolmd: fortunately that's included in the license :p
16:25.20WIMPymalcolmd: It is alwyas revokable. At least under german law, possibly the whole EU.
16:25.35WIMPyWhich would make the licence void, legally.
16:25.38catphishso the copyright holder of a work is allowed to sell it under both the gpl and a restrictive licence, but users who obtain it under the GPL are not?
16:25.41luke-jrWIMPy: srsly?
16:25.46Qwellcatphish: correct.
16:25.48SunTsucatphish: you can give one person license a and anotherone license b - both need to adhere to the license they accepted, they can't switch to the other one on their own
16:25.58QwellSunTsu: also correct
16:26.06catphishwell that all seems sensible :)
16:29.46QwellWIMPy: I can't see that being correct.  It would be easy to force people to give you tons of money by revoking a license to use something.
16:30.18Qwell"Here you go.  Have some free software to control your $100,000,000,000 hardware." "Oh, nevermind.  Give us money."
16:30.32*** join/#asterisk Assuero (~Assuero@
16:31.27WIMPyUsually you can revoke anything that doesn't include limits.
16:31.49WIMPyIf you give a licence for a certain amount for a certain time, that's it.
16:32.04WIMPyBut unlimited stuff is usually revokable.
16:32.41malcolmdis there a practical qualifier on that?   "i give you a license for 1 billion years"   vs.   "i give you a license for an unlimited time period."
16:33.15WIMPyYou need to discuss that with a lawyer.
16:33.28malcolmd"i give you a license for one billion years, after there you, and only you, not your descendants, nor heirs, nor estate holders might revoke it."  ;)
16:33.35WIMPyLegal stuff isn't always logical.
16:33.42malcolmdare you a lawyer?
16:34.06WIMPyActually I think it usually isn't logical.
16:40.36WIMPyMaybe I should point out that we don't have such a thing as copyright. We have an authors right, which is inalienable.
16:41.47WIMPyWhat the media industry is about is utilization rights.
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16:50.11JonathanRoseI would imagine that an unlimited free use license would only be revocable if it was stated in the original license that it was revocable.  I'm no lawyer though.  It just seems to me that once you've made an agreement, you can't undo it unless you specifically said you can undo it and under what (if any) terms.
16:51.28mtbfHey, how can i enable failed login attempts to appear in the console? verb is 15 but they still don't appear.
16:52.05JonathanRoseJust now in Asterisk 10, you can make failed SIP login attempts appear by adding 'security' to your console logs in logger.conf
16:52.12JonathanRoseI think there are other ways too.
16:52.27mtbfThanks. What about 1.8?
16:52.44JonathanRoseI think they might display with 'notice', but I'm not 100% sure on that at the moment.
16:52.52JonathanRosepastebin your logger.conf and I'll compare.
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16:54.55mtbf here, it's rather default.
16:55.43mtbfI was just curious if threre's a way to start seeing them by calling some CLI command.
16:55.47p3nguinWhen you say failed logins, do you mean failed registration or failed to authenticate an invite?
16:55.56mtbfFailed registration attempts.
16:56.24JonathanRoseAlright, yeah.  You just need to add a console logging profile thing.
16:56.45p3nguinconsole => notice,warning,error
16:56.45mtbfIn the logger.conf?
16:56.45JonathanRoseconsole => notice
16:56.47JonathanRoseadd that
16:56.48p3nguinThat hsould be enough.
16:56.52JonathanRoseand you'll get failed logins
16:57.00JonathanRosewarnings and errors are nice too.
16:57.00p3nguinYes, logger.conf.
16:57.01mtbfThanks guys .
16:57.07JonathanRoseNo problem.
16:58.10p3nguinDon't forget to run "logger reload" after you save the changes to logger.conf.
16:58.36mtbfYup, i figured it out :)
16:58.41JonathanRoseJust a small warning though, you will be getting a lot of unrelated messages with notice, even more with warnings/errors.  The new logging level in 10 pertains strictly to security warnings like failed logins and such.
16:58.51JonathanRoseShould be fine though.
16:59.14JonathanRoseBesides, that feature hasn't even gone into a release version yet :P
16:59.44*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
17:00.29mtbfThanks for the hint, I'll keep it in mind, now I'm just using my local 1.8 for learning purposes ;)
17:13.54azv4Any Panasonic Digital Hybrid system PROs out there?!?!
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17:21.53rampage73ok have an intermittent issue that i can not pin down , sometimes incoming calls are getting "the number you have dialed is not in service check the number and try again"  it is like one out of 5 and it is on a production box.
17:22.06rampage73i notice when the caller gets the above message that where it normally says "SIP/trunk-name/extension,60" that instead it says "SIP/trunk-name/,60" leaving out the extension but why? if I call from the same # 10 times in a row at least once i get the number i dialed is not in service.
17:22.21rampage73the version of asterisk is "Asterisk"
17:23.15*** join/#asterisk jits (b7521711@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:23.39jitsHi .. looking for a one to many asterisk video calling solution. Can someone please help me.. thanks.
17:25.37rampage73jits, sorry no experience with that here.
17:26.12jitsrampage73: any idea where i can look for help on this ?
17:27.00rampage73jits, sorry i was unclear there i mean I have no idea how to help you but you are in the right place, i just did not want you to feel ignored
17:27.03navaismojits asterisk 10 beta support videoconference
17:27.15navaismocheck it in the wiki
17:28.11navaismorampage73 maybe the sip line is not registered in that time, when the incoming call arrives
17:28.38p3nguinThat wouldn't really make sense.
17:29.14navaismomy sip lines when isnt registered the telco sayme that
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17:30.03p3nguinBut how would that affect the extension being called?
17:30.04rampage73navaismo, i thought something like that also but not the case
17:30.13navaismomaybe in your country not happen like this but keep in mind that asterisk is used inmany other countries than EU
17:30.53p3nguinWhat does the Dial command look like?
17:32.02pabelangerjits: Better info in here ^
17:32.15rampage73p3nguin, exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/trunkname/${DID},60,r)
17:32.38p3nguinWhere is the DID variable being set?
17:32.45p3nguinWhere is the call coming FROM?
17:32.47rampage73p3nguin, i put trunkname there it is not actually called that
17:32.52p3nguinThat's fine.
17:33.52rampage73p3nguin, call is from our provider broadvox I am not sure where the DID variable is set myself as i am not the sole person working on the phone system and the other person is unavailable to ask at the moment
17:34.03jitspabelanger: thanks .. looking into it..
17:34.47p3nguinSo a call is coming in from broadvox and then going back out another provider?
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17:35.50rampage73p3nguin, sorry not familiar with all the terms call comes from pstn -> broadvox -> main asterisk/trixbox -> secondary trixbox at our office
17:38.12Kattyguess who got a free shirt from charlotte rousse!!!
17:38.20Kattynot that you guys are shoppers
17:38.27WIMPyWho's that?
17:38.33Kattybut hey, free stuff right?
17:38.42irrootkatty who is charlotte rousse
17:39.11Kattyirroot: it's a store in the mall.
17:39.15Kattyirroot: lots of sexy women's stuff
17:39.19Kattyirroot: like clubbing tops and what not
17:39.24irrootim now intrested ....
17:39.28WIMPy<AOL>send pix!</AOL>
17:39.29jitspabelanger: it appears to be transmitting only one way video. from the description. Is it so ?
17:40.10Kattythe shirt might be on the website
17:40.41pabelangerjits: depending on how you configure the bridge, yes.  EG: the video broadcast can change to who ever is talking, or focus on 1 specific talker
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17:41.45jitspabelanger: humm.. that won't do. We would like the trainer to see all the other participants. Though the participants may see only the trainer
17:41.57jkroonhi guys, does anybody know of a way to execute an external command (ala System()) and grab the output in your dialplan?
17:42.11Kattynope not on the website
17:43.08irrootjkroon agi not good for you ?
17:44.03pabelangerjits: Right, asterisk does not support that
17:44.21pabelangerso, Sales was correct that coding would need to be done
17:44.50jitspabelanger: :-( .. but i think it does support multiple one-to-one video calling.. right ?
17:45.09rampage73p3nguin, are you rofl at me or did i lose you? :
17:45.10pabelangeryou can have multiple rooms
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17:45.28jitspabelanger: then can we have a client do multiple one-to-one video calls ?
17:45.40p3nguinrampage73: We don't support trixbox here.
17:46.21p3nguinBut if I knew where DID variable was being set, I might be able to understand why it is sometimes null.
17:46.23rampage73p3nguin, k sorry and thank you
17:46.47rampage73p3nguin, I will look and see if I can find it
17:46.52pabelangerAt the same time, no.  They would need to switch from room to room.  Remember, asterisk does not do any transcoding of the video, so if you phone supported multiple video interfaces it _might_ be possible
17:47.01rampage73p3nguin, again thank you for helping
17:47.27pabelangerBut most phone screens are only big enough for a single video source
17:47.41jitspabelanger: it is going to be a softphone, so it should be possible to tweak a client to do that .. isn't it ?
17:47.55pabelangerIf you have source, sure
17:48.17jitspabelanger: can you recommend someone here who can help me .. ?
17:49.14jkroonirroot, no.  hate agi.
17:49.18pabelangerI don't think may people have done work with video support and asterisk, aside from the people inside Digium.
17:49.27jkroonanyway, SHELL() is what I was looking for.
17:49.42pabelangerYou could ask on asterisk-biz mailing list
17:49.55jitspabelanger: okay .. let me give it a shot..
17:50.23*** join/#asterisk libryder (
17:50.28libryderjust learning asterisk :D
17:50.37pabelangerjits: You are basically looking to do the same thing as google hangouts, but viewers only see the talker, not other viewers
17:50.40jkroonirroot, when would suit you for that braai?  you can pick almost any weekend in oct, just not the 1st or 15th.
17:51.01jitspabelanger: yes. exactly.
17:51.09irrootwill get back to you on that one
17:51.28jitspabelanger: actually, viewers only see one person, not switch based on who is talking.
17:51.39pabelangerjits: Describe it like that in your post and see if you get any hits
17:52.00jitsyeah .. sent in add request to mailing list
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17:55.18jitspabelanger: just did.. lets see .. :-)
17:55.25jitspabelanger: thanks for your help
18:01.22jitspabelanger: it seems to be putting me under wrong thread, hope thats not a problem.
18:02.30brad_msswany know if the asterisk binary maintainers (ubuntu packages) plan on updating the binary libpri packages to 1.4.12 for ubuntu lucid/10.04 amd64?  looks like is currently what asterisk is distributing :
18:02.56pabelangerbrad_mssw: no
18:03.10pabelangerwhat the issue?
18:04.15brad_msswpabelanger: having an odd issue where my PRI starts reporting [Sep 19 19:17:56] ERROR[14624]: chan_dahdi.c:13941 dahdi_pri_error: PRI Span: 1 PTP MDL can't handle error of type F   and   [Sep 19 19:17:56] ERROR[14624]: chan_dahdi.c:13941 dahdi_pri_error: PRI Span: 1 MDL-ERROR (F), SABME in state 7
18:05.14brad_msswpabelanger: seems to be happening daily ... calling out doesn't work, but as soon as an incoming call is made ... it fixes the issue ... googling, the only thing I found was a reference to this :  and thought it could be related
18:05.26pabelangerbrad_mssw: And upgrading libpri fixes?
18:05.47brad_msswpabelanger: oh, I'm in the process of testing that ... I'll know in a couple of days ;)
18:07.31pabelangerWe only backported libpri for ubuntu lucid because asterisk 1.8 requires as a minimum version. So, if this is a bug in libpri, we should have Ubuntu Lucid backports team actually backport it, rather then us
18:07.52pabelangerHowever, that may take some time to do
18:08.42brad_msswpabelanger: we're just making our own private libpri-1.4.12 deb and upgrading the ... you don't see any issue with that, right?  Should be ABI compatible without needing to recompile asterisk-dahdi, right?
18:09.00pabelangerI don't know
18:09.18pabelangerI'd have to check out it out and see
18:09.23pabelangerhopefully not
18:10.32brad_msswguess we'll find out tonight when we do the package upgrade and restart asterisk
18:13.02brad_msswpabelanger: I'm assuming it is probably related to this too
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18:23.00brad_msswboth fixed in later libpri releases
18:27.04pabelangerbrad_mssw: Ya, I'm trying to figure out with release fixed them
18:27.23pabelangertalking with rmudgett now
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18:36.30pabelangerbrad_mssw: Yes, there will be ABI changes between 1.4.11 and 1.4.12.  You should be safe with
18:38.41brad_msswpabelanger: ok, thanks, we'll try then
18:46.11jkroonirroot, how easy will it be to implement a Monitor() for faxing?
18:46.28jkrooni've got a client that would be more than happy to hand you some $$$ for that.
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18:47.12irrootjkroon its not so simple really thats the problem can look into it
18:48.08jkroonyou've got my email - send me a quote please?
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19:04.30rampage73p3nguin, i found it in extensions_additional.conf here is the first "exten => _X.,1,Set(DID=${EXTEN})" excluding quotes and the second "exten => s,n,Set(DID=${IF($["${DID}"= ""]?s:${DID})})" does that help?
19:07.06p3nguinMaybe.  Set DID to the extension called... then, if ${DID} is null, Set DID to s, else leave it as what it currently is.
19:07.37p3nguinSo if a call comes in from the provider, it has to have at least two characters to even match that extension.
19:08.15p3nguinSo ${EXTEN} would _always_ be at least one number 0-9 and at least one more character.
19:08.26jkroonrampage73, in my experience you probably actually want _X! not _X.
19:08.54p3nguinTherefore, DID will always have a value, and the second check would always be false.
19:09.40p3nguinFuthermore, ${DID} would always have a value when dialing out in that other Dial() you showed me.
19:10.09p3nguinWhich means I need to see some verbosity/debug to know what went wrong.
19:11.48rampage73p3nguin, in case no one has told you lately you are worth Gold! thank you for the explanation
19:12.16rampage73jkroon, sorry I am a newb to asterisk what is the difference?
19:13.08p3nguin. requires one or more characters in order to match; ! matches zero or more characters.
19:13.51rampage73p3nguin, in case you are willing to take a look at it how much verbosity are we talking? our default is on 3 but I do know how to set it higher if needed
19:13.54p3nguinMeaning _X! would accept 1 number, or 1 number and additional characters.
19:13.56rampage73p3nguin, thanks again
19:14.19p3nguin3 is high enough -- it won't increase usefulness above that.
19:15.21p3nguinAlso, since you're never going to need to match only a single digit number from the provider. _X! isn't going to really be beneficial, and could actually cause a problem.
19:15.36p3nguin_X. will be fine.
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19:28.56_abc_Hello. Is someone here who knows about unistim support? There seems to be a button on Nortel/Avaya 1150e which does not work on unistim. The green right bottom one, which switches between handset and speakerphone. Does anyone know if this is supported in newer unistims?
19:40.47*** join/#asterisk dym (
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19:42.18dymHey - Any hints? The file is in place.
19:43.00p3nguinShow me that it exists.
19:44.48dymmy locate db was old
19:44.50dymits actually gone
19:45.13WIMPyThen not only your locate db, but your locate is out of date.
19:47.29dymlocate uses the locatedb
19:47.49p3nguinI didn't understand the statement, either.
19:48.07p3nguinMaybe he's suggesting that you should be using something like mlocate.
19:48.24dymis what i used to locate the file
19:48.35dymbut the index of the filedb that the tool uses was outdated
19:48.38WIMPyor slocate.
19:48.39p3nguinNo sense in going over it time after time.
19:48.41dymso it showed files where there were none
19:48.59WIMPyIt won't show files that have gone.
19:49.27p3nguinReally?  I didn't know that.
19:50.00WIMPyThat's because it checks permissions for all hits before displaying them.
19:50.10p3nguinI had no idea.
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20:07.23Dovidhello Y'all
20:12.37azv4Anyone here very familiar with Panasonic Digital Hybrid phone systems?  I am having a terrible time getting support for ours, and I am hoping to find someone who can offer some suggestions or point me in the right direction on getting support
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20:34.38atanWell I just had the strangest thing happen to me. Upgraded to the newer * 10 and when you leave a voicemail it detects it as being under 3 seconds and deletes the voicemail. I had to set the voicemail min time limit thing to 0 before it will accept voicemails.
20:35.39dymDoes anyone have a complete set of german voiceprompts, including all call screening options?
20:35.47*** join/#asterisk Wiretap7 (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
20:35.51atanThe voicemails it does save are indeed longer than 3 seconds but it's reading them wrong. Watching the console thinger (asterisk -r) shows it as saving it but then checks length and throws it in the trash :)
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20:54.42eject_ckHi all
20:56.48eject_ckI'm using connection to internetcalls voip provider and it works fine for a long time, today I've noticed strange Unauthorized headers during sip debug. I have registration via register  =>  and I'm able to make calls without any issues.
20:57.02eject_ckHow can I understand this log
20:57.02*** join/#asterisk mocker (~mocker@
20:57.27mockerDooes 1.8.7-rc2 contain the following patch: ?
20:57.32eject_ckmany thanks in advance
20:58.13mockerOr is that something I'll have to use SVN to get?
20:58.24Qwellmocker: It does not.
20:58.55eject_ckI have active registration:              N      eject          3585 Registered           Thu, 22 Sep 2011 23:47:09
21:00.31mockerQwell: Think I'm hitting that bug, would you suggest just doing a trunk svn checkout and running on that?
21:04.42anonymouz666mocker: get the diff and apply the patch
21:04.54anonymouz666then you don't have to wait
21:05.51*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~Dovid@
21:07.34mockeranonymouz666: But the trunk version would also have that patch and potentially other patches, so I'm considering running that.
21:07.48mockerAlthought I've never run trunk in production before. :(
21:09.38*** join/#asterisk evan458 (
21:10.21evan458I have questions about setting up 5 VOIP lines for a new company/office, can someone PM me to help?
21:10.47infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
21:11.02evan458okay okay
21:12.10evan458I want to setup an office with 5 VOIP lines. I want each line to connect through a computer. Each line will be used to continually call out all day. What is the required hardware and software, and what service do I have to pay for?
21:12.12p3nguinYour questions can be answered here, unless you're wanting to hire a consultant to do it for you.
21:12.31p3nguinVoIP lines... this is a contradiction.
21:12.35Qwelldon't ever use the word "lines" when referring to VoIP
21:12.45p3nguinDo you want lines, or do you want to use VoIP?
21:13.10evan458I want to be able to call people from a computer with an assigned phone number, which i think is VOIP.
21:13.21QwellIt doesn't have to be.
21:13.22evan458I want to use a high speed internet connection to support the traffic
21:13.25p3nguinSo you're going to have an ITSP?
21:13.28infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
21:13.30kc8pxyp3nguin: voIP == channels?
21:13.51Qwellkc8pxy: lines carry channels.  channels is a valid term with VoIP.
21:14.09kc8pxykk..  though so
21:14.37evan458okay, so i think i need ITSP with 5 'channels' that have unlimited minutes
21:14.45p3nguinUsing a computer to make phone calls via ITSP is an extremely common concept.
21:15.08dymWhich is the call screening option that always queries for the name, regardless if a callee has already been recorded?
21:15.24evan458yea, i'm trying to make sense of these sites that offer services and they have so many acronyms it's hard to grasp off the bat for me
21:16.01p3nguinSome ITSPs will happily give you more than five channels, where others will limit you to two channels unless you beg them and pay them a ridiculous fee for each additional channel.
21:16.20p3nguinWhat site are you talking about?
21:16.41mockeranonymouz666: trunk will contain that patch, right?
21:16.58evan458lemme find it
21:17.03*** join/#asterisk DanFromUK (DanFromUK@
21:17.10Qwellmocker: You don't want to run trunk.
21:17.34mockerQwell: Ok, so 1.8.7rc2 + diff?
21:17.38DanFromUKHello. Does anyone have access to Cyprus DIDs that can support fax2email? or T38?
21:17.58anonymouz666mocker: you could do that or wait the
21:18.52evan458okay, so i was just trying to find the cheapest way, and i found and it looked like I would want to go with 'nextiva' which offered 4 unlimited lines for 100$
21:19.21infobotwell, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
21:19.31p3nguinIf they say lines, they probably aren't worth it anyway.
21:19.40*** join/#asterisk heffer (~felix@fedora/heffer)
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21:19.42infobot<Gremlin> It's okay, but I was hoping to save some money with a soldering iron and a bunch of sound cards.
21:20.21p3nguinHow many minutes do you project will be used in a month?
21:20.27p3nguinin total, of course.
21:20.27Qwellhe left
21:20.29_Corey_did someone actually say that once?
21:20.48Qwell_Corey_: surely you aren't surprised?
21:20.50p3nguinWell hell.  Talking to myself again.
21:21.00_Corey_no, not really just really amused
21:21.29*** join/#asterisk evan574 (
21:21.38p3nguinHow many minutes do you project will be used in a month in total?
21:21.38evan574woops, using web client, tried to drag tab out of window
21:22.22evan574the lines will be used by people calling businesses constantly to sell them on web services (like a call center)
21:22.33p3nguinSo you're back to line again.
21:22.34_Corey_Never underestimate the power of the word "unlimited" to prompt someone who makes almost no phone calls to use a different provider
21:22.44evan574so i figure i will want unlimited minutes
21:23.08evan574lol yea, i think i actually qualify as needing it
21:23.10_Corey_I've got a client who has an analog line from Verizon on his desk next to his Polycom because it is "unlimited"
21:23.24p3nguinI realize you think unlimited means unlimited, but there's always a limit.  How many minutes do YOU think YOUR staff will use in a month?
21:23.38evan574well,, lemme calculate
21:24.37eject_ckIs that register => related ?
21:24.51evan5746160 minutes a month per person, and so at least 3 people right off the bat are going to be using that much, so 18000 minutes a month for them
21:25.52p3nguinWith that much volume, you'll probably want unmetered service.
21:26.32mockerOk, downloaded the diff from and applied it with patch <diff_file to asterisk-1.8.7-rc2
21:26.35p3nguinDid Nextiva give you a quote for five unmetered channels, or was that number a guess?
21:26.45mockerThat sound correct?
21:27.33evan574i haven't talked to sales reps from any company because i figure they just want to sell me their products.
21:28.27evan574according to it says 29.95/mo. per 'seat' (whatever seat means)
21:28.42p3nguinI'd guess per seat probably means per channel.
21:30.32evan574and i've never setup things like this before, so am i right to assume that if i paid for 3 seats/channels, then I could download a softphone like ekiga and input some form of user/pass or credentials that i got from nextiva and it would be operational? or is there more equipment i'm missing
21:30.42p3nguinThat would assume they aren't allowing a single person to make two calls (one on hold, make a second call).
21:31.05p3nguinI don't know how they would make that limitation, though, since Asterisk would be the only peer they would ever see.
21:31.28p3nguinSo... I'd have to ask them what the heck they mean by per seat.
21:32.34evan574and i should specify, i don't necessarily know that I need asterisk, but it was the only place i found that had an IRC channel and i figured people here could answer questions about VOIP setups.
21:33.23p3nguinI doubt you'd want to make that kind of call volume without something such as Asterisk, even if it's not necessarily Asterisk that you decide to use.
21:33.55evan574somehow i imagined that VOIP could be cheap even with unlimited calling, (like 10$ a line), since i've always used googlevoice until now.
21:34.06p3nguinWithout something, you won't have the option of recording calls for quality assurance, nor have the ability to spy on the agents' calls, etc.
21:34.22p3nguinBut since VoIP doesn't have lines, I guess you were wrong.
21:34.24evan574ooh, good point, i'm def going to want those features
21:35.43p3nguinIf you will have incoming calls, you'd want a queue system as well.
21:35.46*** join/#asterisk tyman (
21:37.55evan574yea, we won't really have incoming calls except directly back to the person who made an outgoing call. For example, Joe is calling all realtors in Cali to offer them advertising, he really only needs one line to call out on, and sometimes people who missed his call will call back, but they will need to get back to Joe (not another agent)
21:38.12brad_msswpabelanger: just deployed libpri to see if it corrects the issue, should know in a couple of days.  So far tested out ok.
21:38.18*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
21:38.31p3nguinWill you have a DID for every agent who is calling out?
21:39.16p3nguinphone number for someone to call inward
21:42.37evan574(i'm calling nextiva to see what they say)
21:43.09atanthinks he might be right behind evan574 in nextivia queue
21:43.17p3nguinMake sure you tell them that you are doing telemarketing.
21:43.24atanevan574, while you have them on the line ask if the $29.95 unmetered includes calls to Aussie land for me :P
21:43.29p3nguinMany providers do not allow telemarketing.
21:43.35evan574lol, i am caller number 3
21:43.37atanevan574: ask my question before asking that question
21:43.46evan574rofl, ok
21:43.51atanevan574, I'm #2 so neener neener neener :D but I'll be quick I swear :-)
21:44.12atanFollow up the telemarketing thing by "and I was told to come here from IRC"
21:44.28atanTell then p3nguin sent you.
21:44.45p3nguinThat might get you hung up on.
21:44.58atanWell actually I just got hung up on.
21:45.10evan574OOOH ME TOO
21:45.17atanFsck. I had a good line about 2600hz to tell them
21:45.19evan574but i called back and i'm caller number 3 again
21:45.40atanevan574: okay you hold on there and ask about Aussie land I need to go rotate stuff I have on the stove
21:45.44*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
21:45.54evan574does their robot glitch out on you too, "You are currently caller number /glitch/ you are currently/ glitch/ 3."
21:46.28p3nguinI'd be skeptical of a VoIP company that can't even provide reasonable services to callers.
21:46.31atanYes. It does.
21:47.09KavanSevan574, what does the 574 stand for may I ask?
21:50.57QwellKavanS: You're on to him
21:52.03atan seems interesting... 0.00143... hmm.
21:52.19_Corey_I know those guys, would recommend
21:52.30infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
21:53.45atan_Corey_ do they do international term?
21:53.48dymIm trying to send a MixMonitor recorded file after its been recorded in the dialplan priority. Any idea why this fails?
21:54.47_Corey_atan: Yeah, I think so.  They actually sell bulk termination to a few of the guys on the itsplist-us list, surprisingly...
21:55.21atan_Corey_, well at those prices they beat
21:55.46_Corey_They had a booth at ITEXPO last week in Austin... seem to be getting bigger
21:56.02_Corey_they were new to the wholesale market last year when I first ran into them
21:56.37p3nguindym: What's the error?
21:56.56p3nguindym: Does asterisk run as user asterisk rather than root?
21:57.21dymp3nguin: runs as root
21:57.27p3nguinCarry on.
21:57.37atan_Corey_ interesting.
21:57.54atan_Corey_ they don't have a form to register on their website. Is it prepaid or invoiced at the end of the month?
21:58.03dymp3nguin: how was that helpful?
21:58.32_Corey_atan: I think they offer both.
21:59.18p3nguindym: How was what I said helpful?  It wasn't.  You didn't tell me the information I asked for to try to help you, but then you told me you were running as root, which eliminated the concern I had anyway.
21:59.41dymthere is no error at all
21:59.49dymon CLI in debug mode
21:59.50dymno err
21:59.50p3nguinI'm sure there's something.
22:00.02_Corey_atan: I think you need to e-mail them or call and they'll set you up with a trunk
22:00.29dymp3nguin: where would that be?
22:00.31p3nguinEither in the sent file or stdout/stderr, which you won't be seeing by looking at the asterisk CLI.
22:00.49p3nguinRedirect the output into a file, then read the file.
22:01.07p3nguinmutt &> mutt.log
22:04.52p3nguinOn another note, I'd consider using ${MIXMONITOR_FILENAME} as the attachment.
22:05.19dymdoes that grab the current recording filenameß
22:05.41dymincluding path, or just filename?
22:05.43p3nguinThe variable contains the name of the file that MixMonitor() has recorded on the current channel.
22:06.18dymWith its path, or just the filename?
22:06.24evan574i didn't get a chance to ask about aussie
22:06.36p3nguinI just use mutt -a ${MIXMONITOR_FILENAME}, so I guess it's the full path.
22:06.45p3nguinI never expanded it to see the data.
22:07.12evan574they provide 4-7 unlimited calling lines/channels at 24.97$/ea. + 6$ in taxes, so 5 lines came to 153$ a month
22:07.22evan574thank you guys for the help!
22:07.30evan574i'm off to buy usb headsets on newegg
22:07.40evan574and btw, 574 was randomly generated by my webIRC client
22:08.31dymp3nguin: could i see your dialplan line for comparison?
22:11.13p3nguinexten => h,n,System(/bin/echo "Please see attachment."|/usr/bin/sudo -u asterisk /usr/bin/mutt -a ${MIXMONITOR_FILENAME} -s "Recording" -- me@email);
22:12.33dymwhats with the trailing ; =
22:12.38p3nguinend of line
22:12.53p3nguinIt's not required in .conf, but I have them anyway.
22:14.01*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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22:16.18dymi checked my line and seems similar - still no errors
22:16.47p3nguinWhen you redirected the output to a file, the file was empty?
22:17.14p3nguinThat sucks.  Do you have an MTA configured and running?
22:17.19*** join/#asterisk CrossWired (
22:17.30p3nguinDo you have mutt compiled with debug support?
22:17.46dymdebian package
22:17.50dymsuppose so
22:18.09dymah -d
22:18.10p3nguinThrow in a -d 5 and see what you get in the file.
22:18.12dymyes :D
22:21.10atanWell I'll be. With these prices one could give a run for their money and still maintain a nice profit margin...
22:21.15atanputs on a big grin
22:21.28*** join/#asterisk bchia (
22:21.31p3nguinWhich company are you considering?
22:21.41atanp3nguin, alkazara
22:21.49atanAlcazara even.
22:24.43dymthis is a pain
22:24.48dymnow it refuses to write debug
22:25.02p3nguinStill redirecting output?
22:25.15dymas of -d not anymore
22:25.25p3nguinBut the debug file isn't created?
22:25.41dymno ~/.muttdebug0
22:25.49p3nguinDid you redirect with the -d 5 even once?
22:26.04dymtrying now
22:26.25p3nguinWhen I use -d, it doesn't help.  When I redirect, I see why: mutt is not compiled with debug support.
22:27.52dymthis is so annoying
22:28.00*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
22:29.41dymKinda getting the feeling my System() is not even executed.
22:30.09p3nguinSystem(echo hi > testfile)
22:31.35dymno testfile
22:31.37dymthought so
22:31.45p3nguinWhere are you looking for it?
22:32.06p3nguinRunning as asterisk, it should end up in /var/lib/asterisk.
22:32.17p3nguinAs root, it probably ends up in /root.
22:33.20dymretrying with limited access now
22:34.42dymsticking with root for now.
22:34.45dymbut still - no file
22:35.10dymthis is odd
22:35.20dymmutt does create a "sent" file, containing all the mails and wav attachments
22:36.06p3nguinWhat's your reason for running it as root?
22:36.21*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
22:36.27dymno particular reason for now. its a non-productive env
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22:44.37dymCant think straight - probably easy reason its not working
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