IRC log for #asterisk on 20110918

00:12.00*** join/#asterisk elred_ (~elred_@unaffiliated/elred-/x-5010831)
00:19.05*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
00:22.55*** join/#asterisk dijib (
00:23.19*** join/#asterisk Gadu (
00:23.54dijibp3nguin, are you here?
00:25.04p3nguindijib: Yes.
00:25.22GaduIs asterisk my best bet if I want incoming calls to be forwarded to specific cell phone numbers based on the callers input?
00:25.26dijibok i have an issue with 2 out of 3 calls with no audio
00:25.35Gaduvia a menu or by typing an extension, doesn't matter
00:25.42dijibi believe after that fax script was put in
00:25.44p3nguingadu: I don't know about "best," but it certainly does that very well.
00:25.59Gadunow I just gotta go learn how to set that up XD
00:26.23Gaduany recommended links or should I continue to google about?
00:26.51p3nguingadu:  Refer to line 59-89.
00:28.40GaduI have plenty to learn about Asterisk it seems XD
00:30.32*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
00:33.52p3nguingadu: How are you getting calls and making calls?  ITSP, PRI, etc?
00:35.50GaduAsterisk won't need to make any calls, just receive them and forward them to the selected cell phone. I don't know what method I'll use for the calls to reach Asterisk yet though
00:36.13GaduI assume I just need a voip account of some kind with a phone number. yes?
00:36.33p3nguinWhat do you think forwarding a call to a phone is if it isn't making a call to the phone?
00:36.56Gaduoh, you mean that sorry
00:37.27Gaduwhat voip program do you recommend I use with Asterisk?
00:38.06p3nguinI guess that depends on your definition of voip program.
00:39.13Gadusomething like voipbuster but for linux? =P
00:39.21p3nguinSoft phone?
00:39.47p3nguinI like twinkle, but some people complain that it has a Qt3 dependency.
00:40.10Gaducan it be used without a gui?
00:40.24p3nguinI don't think so.
00:40.28*** join/#asterisk elred_ (~elred_@unaffiliated/elred-/x-5010831)
00:40.41Gaduhmm, trying to set this up on an ubuntu server that has no gui or even a monitor for that matter
00:40.42p3nguinI can't think of the names of CLI-based SIP soft phones.
00:40.56p3nguinYou wouldn't be installing a soft phone on that server anyway.
00:41.08GaduI wouldn't?
00:41.08p3nguinAsterisk yes.
00:41.26p3nguinIt wouldn't make much sense to do so.
00:41.42GaduI'm afraid I don't understand why that is
00:41.58p3nguinPut asterisk on that server and put the soft phone on your workstation computer.
00:42.36Gaduwouldn't that mean the workstation computer would need to be permanently on?
00:42.55p3nguinOnly if you want to be able to receive calls to that phone all the time.
00:43.14p3nguinYou don't even have to have a soft phone at all if you don't ever need to make or receive calls.
00:44.14GaduI only want the soft phone to receive calls for asterisk and for asterisk to be on and able to receive and forward calls at all times
00:44.27p3nguinThat doesn't even make sense.
00:44.44p3nguinAsterisk accepts calls all by itself.
00:45.03p3nguinAnd it'll do with those calls whatever you tell it to do.
00:45.03Gaduso it doesn't need a soft phone?
00:45.24p3nguinA phone is only an interface for you to make and receive calls.  If you don't need to do that, you don't need a phone.
00:48.51Gadudoes it have a method to obtain a phone number that will reach it or do I use a service like
00:50.36p3nguinYou'll need an ITSP or telco.
00:51.03p3nguinIPkall will give you a free DID, but the number is in Washington state.
00:51.12p3nguinIf that's okay with you, that'll work.
00:52.18Gaduworks for me. so I won't have to pay for an ITSP?
00:53.37p3nguinIPkall will give you the phone number for free, but you won't have any way to send the call to another phone on the PSTN.
00:54.12p3nguinIf you have SIP clients on those mobile phones, then you could do it without PSTN access.
00:55.43Gaduso that free phone number going to a soft phone couldn't be used with Asterisk to forward calls to the cell phones?
00:56.21p3nguinOnly if you have a SIP client on the cell phone or if you have PSTN access... but if you have that, there is no use to have the softphone at all.
00:57.13p3nguinA soft phone is just an IP phone, not magic.
00:59.21Gadufor some reason I imagined Asterisk would answer a call that goes to the IP phone on the same machine, then forward that call to a cell phone number
00:59.32p3nguinThat's ridiculous.
01:00.01p3nguinAsterisk will answer the call.  Or the call will go to the phone, and you can answer it.
01:00.27p3nguinBoth conditions together would be unnecessary.
01:01.08Gaduin this case, I need someone to be able to call 3 or more cell phones by calling a single number
01:01.29*** join/#asterisk brdude (
01:01.30p3nguinDo all three cell phones need to ring at the same time?
01:01.43p3nguinOne, then a second, then a third?
01:01.53Korolevor pick which to ring?
01:01.56Gaduonly the cell phone selected by the caller is to ring
01:02.00p3nguinIf number one answers, do the others need to ring?
01:02.15p3nguinI see.
01:02.20p3nguinThat's easy enough.
01:02.30p3nguinAsterisk does that quite well.
01:02.33Korolevit is, still looks like he needs a lot of reading
01:03.04Gadureading I can do, as long as asterisk can do what I want, I will learn ^_^
01:03.17p3nguinI'd use BackGround() to play a message that says something to the effect of, "For John, press 1.  For Alex, press 2."  And if you press 1, it dials John's cell number.
01:03.22Korolevyeah, what you need is really simple
01:03.41p3nguinIt's but a few lines of dial plan.
01:03.49GaduI'm incredibly excited now
01:03.55Korolevagain, you need some sort of service that will complete your calls into the pstn
01:04.04p3nguinIf you're interested in knowing everything there is to know, read The Book.
01:04.06infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
01:04.07Korolevor hardware to do so yourself
01:04.43p3nguinITSPs are pretty cheap, so I'd probably start with that.
01:05.14Gaduhow cheap?
01:05.33Korolevprobably about 1c/min for USA
01:05.37p3nguinYou can even use your free phone number from IPkall for incoming, and pay only for minutes to the cell phones.
01:05.44Korolevand Canada
01:05.59p3nguinI pay 1.05 cents per minute for outgoing calls to US numbers.  Less to Canada numbers.
01:06.09Korolevyeah, canada is far cheaper
01:07.15Gaduso basically, I'd be paying about 1c/min for the calls that asterisk would be forwarding/making?
01:07.39p3nguinIf you use your free number for the calls to asterisk, that is.
01:07.54KorolevGadu, thats pretty much what you pay right now
01:08.07Korolevfor your cellphone plans anyways
01:08.22p3nguinGet your free number from IPkall, and then refer to lines 67-79 here:
01:08.29Korolevunlimited usually means about 5000 minutes a month, x 0.01, thats about $50 a month
01:09.31p3nguinI think IPkall will limit you to only two concurrent calls... so if that's a problem, you may want to pay for incoming calls to get more call capacity.
01:09.48Gaduonly 1 person will be calling asterisk
01:09.58Gaduin general =P
01:09.59p3nguinThen IPkall should be fine.
01:10.11p3nguinI've used IPkall for several years for free phone numbers.
01:10.50Gaduthis is all being done to save money for calls made to a group of us by someone in jail lol
01:11.36KorolevGadu, dude, then whatever I can do to help, just ask away
01:11.46Korolevthat is the best use of asterisk i ever heard off
01:11.53p3nguinIf the person can call out to your phone number for cheap, this'll work.
01:12.36Korolevyou cant dial a cellphone from jail, mostly, there is credit that you can purchase
01:12.42Korolevits pretty complicated
01:13.03p3nguinIf you can only call collect, that's even worse.
01:13.05Korolevand I love speeding, so i know how bad it is to not be able to call anyone
01:13.14Korolevfrom jail
01:13.50Gaduthe person being called has to prepay for the calls and you are charged $6.25 to add money to this prepaid "account"
01:14.24Gaduso to add money to 3-7 phones would end up paying a lot in fees...
01:14.39*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (
01:14.42p3nguinIt's per number?
01:14.52Gadua service called PCS
01:15.06Korolevthey are making a buck
01:15.15Gaduthis will allow us to jointly load a single number
01:15.46Gaduand still allow him to call any of us, and we can add additional numbers at his request whenever
01:15.51Gaduwithout having to load another phone
01:16.10Korolevactually, well done, you dont even need to add numbers for him
01:16.14p3nguinFrom what you've said, it's a very simple setup.  Just sign up for your free number with IPkall, and register at and put $25 on your account for making outgoing calls.
01:16.14Korolevhe could do it himself
01:16.43Korolevyou need a database for that, but yeah
01:17.07p3nguinI think I'd just hard-code the cell phone numbers.  No sense in adding extra steps for every call.
01:17.09Gaduhave an sql database if that'll do
01:17.14p3nguinYou don't need that.
01:17.16Korolevany database will do
01:17.20p3nguinAsterisk has a built-in database.
01:17.24Gaduah ok
01:17.25p3nguinBut you don't need that either.
01:18.07Korolevor even
01:18.12Gaduif he could punch in a cell phone number for asterisk to call instead of just selecting one from a premade menu, that would give him more flexibility if possible
01:18.16Korolevwhy would you need to store any numbers?
01:18.16Gaduotherwise the menu style is fine
01:18.22p3nguinIt's as easy as "press 1 for John," and exten => 1,1,Dial(SIP/voipms/3145551212); where that is John's cell number.
01:18.29Korolevjust give him a prompt: enter th number you wish to call
01:18.40Korolevasterisk even comes with that voice already
01:18.46p3nguinYou can give him a password and use DISA.
01:18.47Gaduomg that's amazing
01:18.51Korolevand then read(somevar)
01:19.11p3nguinJust use DISA().
01:19.27p3nguinAfter you enter the pass code, it'll give you a dial tone.
01:19.38p3nguinAnd then you call whoever you want.
01:19.49GaduI seriously love you guys right niow
01:22.30p3nguinexten => 2065551212,1,Authenticate(34324); this is the password
01:23.07p3nguinexten => 2065551212,n,DISA(no-password,outgoing-calls); this is where calls go out
01:23.38p3nguinThat's an extremely basic implementation, but it'll do what you want.
01:25.46p3nguinOnce you have your number and an account with, I'll help you set up the rest if you want.
01:26.53Gaduthat would be awesome ^_^
01:29.02p3nguinIf you know the phone number(s) he'll call from, you can even tighten it down a bit so that only he can access the authentication prompt.
01:32.10GaduI do know the number he'll call from in fact
01:37.24*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
01:38.19hypknightAnone have any insight into skills based routing on Asterisk? I'm looking for insight into a package that's done it, or some idea as to how to successfully build it myself...
01:43.05KorolevI dont know of any packages, actually I had to google skills based routing
01:43.09Korolevbecause I had no idea
01:43.33Korolevand I tend to reinvent everything myself, but it shouldnt be hard to build
01:44.19Korolevsounds like a couple of tables to me. agents, agents_skillset, agent_cdr
01:44.31Korolevand agent_availability I guess
01:45.08Korolevand for every incoming call, you select against agents available with x skills sorted by last received call, ascending
01:50.18hypknightyea, so I'd have to SQL query in the dialplan or something...
01:50.42Korolevyou can use an agi to do that
01:52.06hypknightgonna have a non-asterisk-guru administering the system... looks like it's going to be a big build
01:52.42Korolevagis are really not a big deal, pretty much any programming language will do
01:53.02Korolevyou can have one to query a db in php in no time
01:53.23hypknightoh yea
01:53.30hypknightI mean for the agent skill administration, etc
01:53.55*** join/#asterisk i3inary (
01:55.07Korolevwell yeah, if you are going to make it look polished, then you probably need an admin interface, probably an agent interface too so they can update call status
01:55.34Korolevso yeah, you are right, you are probably better off finding a package that already does it :D
01:56.55*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
02:01.01*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (
02:06.57*** join/#asterisk beta2k (
02:07.01beta2kHello all
02:07.08beta2kAnyone around familliar with setting up a boot server for polycom phones?
02:07.15beta2kThere seem to be large holes in their docs :)
02:07.39beta2kEg, the FW package available on their website doesn't have the files their docs refer to, even the readme in the package! :)
02:11.38*** join/#asterisk theridge (
02:17.45*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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03:05.30*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
03:15.31*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
03:17.26dijibp3nguin, why would my c alls fail o raw
03:17.37dijibsvn trunk issues?
03:18.11p3nguinWhy would the calls fail... what?
03:18.20dijibdid you see my msg earlier?
03:18.34p3nguinMaybe.  Regarding what?
03:18.39dijib2 out of 3 outgoing calls have zero sound.
03:18.49p3nguinI saw that, but I wouldn't have any idea why.
03:18.52dijibwhat do, do you think?
03:18.58p3nguinAre you still trying to do fax detection?
03:19.17dijibyes sir... but this is outgoing calls only.. all incomming work 100%
03:20.17dijibwould you once over my dialplan?
03:20.24p3nguinThe last time we spoke, incoming calls had no audio until a phone picked up.  Did that ever get solved?
03:21.17dijibyeh i just added the m option to the incomming call so its getting the MOH on line
03:21.21dijibdurring that time
03:21.36dijibthis issu has still been an issue at that time
03:21.44p3nguinThat's not a fix, that's a workaround.
03:21.58dijibive since got dial by directoryu working. and drank 12 beers tonight
03:22.15dijibok then. workaround is moh and is good enough
03:23.36p3nguinWhat happens if you pick up your phone and dial my number?  Does it ring while it is calling me?  When I answer, can I hear you if you make sounds?  Can you hear me if I make sounds?
03:24.09dijib1 out of 2 times it rings and you can hear me. but 2 out of 3, i dont hear ringing answer or anything
03:24.29p3nguinNo audio whatsoever, huh?
03:24.35p3nguinBut only sometimes.
03:24.38p3nguinThat's very weird.
03:24.45p3nguinIs that box behind NAT?
03:25.00dijibyes surrr
03:25.28p3nguinYou've configured all the settings related to proper NAT configuration?
03:25.35dijiband off topic for that transmission are you sure a 4l60e is universal to the gear ratio
03:25.39dijibyes sur
03:25.55dijibill give you /etc/firewall if you want
03:26.17dijiband i need more beer. and more joints. and fuck you all reading this on the web.
03:27.18dijibis suicide my only option
03:29.15p3nguinTo my knowledge, every factory 4L60 has the same gear ratios.
03:29.37p3nguinBut even if it doesn't, so what?
03:30.21dijibword up
03:30.47dijibhey penguin can i hear you voice and talk shop since this is an asterisk channel?
03:32.23p3nguin4L60E gear ratios - 1st 3.059:1, 2nd 1.625:1, 3rd 1.000:1, 4th 0.0696:1, Reverse 2.294:1.
03:32.23dijibok well hope so. call me on extension 500. just dial as soon as you get menu.
03:32.32p3nguinNot right now.
03:32.47dijibthen im going to smoke a j and grab another beer
03:33.07dijiboh not ext500, join the confrence im in at ext 8888
03:33.22dijibbe a neighbor
03:33.27dijibback in ten
03:33.39dijibwtf is up with this silence
03:34.53p3nguinHmm, I see an error in that list of gear ratios.
03:35.14p3nguin4th is not 0.07, but 0.70
03:35.32p3nguin4L60E gear ratios - 1st 3.059:1, 2nd 1.625:1, 3rd 1.000:1, 4th 0.696:1, Reverse 2.294:1.
03:42.25p3nguinAnd of course there is no contact information on that site and the feedback form is jacked.
03:42.40p3nguinYay for misinformation on the internet.
03:56.25dijibthis is not the 4l60e irc channel sir.
03:56.43dijibjust as an fyi, but score on the unlimited 4l60e pawahhhh
03:57.19dijibso if i playtunes a 2600mhz tone sound file, what happends
03:57.39dijibholy shit i think im drinking rat poison
04:02.53p3nguinI guess if you can play a 2600 MHz tone, it would melt your speaker coil.
04:07.24dijibmelt my speaker coil ...... i doubt that, im thinking tandul and a possible disconnect? i dont know. im fucking wasted and im going to bed. gnite all. see you another day
04:10.37*** join/#asterisk radic (
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04:19.23*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
04:20.11Defrazhas anyone seen this error before "tcptls.c: Unable to launch helper thread: Cannot allocate memory"
04:21.11Defrazasterisk just crashes
04:21.16Defrazand then I can't start it
04:21.20Defrazuntil I kill apache
04:21.21dijibyour system full of mem?
04:21.23Defrazon the same server
04:23.01DefrazI wonder if it has something to do with it being on a vm
04:23.16p3nguinMost likely, yes.
04:23.17Defrazbut my other vm server hasn't crashed and it is a copy of the same vm
04:24.01Defrazwierd how it is tied into apache
04:24.11DefrazI have apache patched to the latest version
04:29.11dijibhow is it tied into apache?
04:29.16dijibi see no mention of this
04:31.00DefrazWell, I try to restart asterisk and it fails until I do a service apache restart
04:31.06Defrazthen it will start right up again
04:40.58*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
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07:26.16leftistmorning. does anyone know if there is a vicidial channel anywhere?
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07:52.36*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
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11:39.16devil_evoxxxhi all guys
11:39.37devil_evoxxxsomething use a PRI CARD ( digium ) on a rack server  with esx / esxi ?
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12:56.25devil_evoxxxehm, something have an idea why with asterisk 1.4 and quescom q401 gateway
12:56.43devil_evoxxxi can call, and upgrading asterisk to 1.8, quescom still saying "Error 503 service unavailable"?
12:56.47devil_evoxxxany idea, suggestion'
13:12.03*** join/#asterisk elred_ (~elred_@unaffiliated/elred-/x-5010831)
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15:01.43nutnutshi there! has anyone a clue why lcr in the MT_SETUP INDICATION dont get any called_pn? i dont find anything at google or in any config...
15:06.12*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
15:13.24*** join/#asterisk imox (
15:13.57imoxhello I need a calling card add-on for asterisk. what is god?
15:14.16imoxI want only a add-on not a full software
15:15.34*** join/#asterisk elred_ (~elred_@unaffiliated/elred-/x-5010831)
15:26.55*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~VoIpGuy@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
15:26.58DelphiWorldhello all
15:27.11DelphiWorldcan someone tel me where can i found a firmware for my ST2030?
15:27.13DelphiWorldMGCP no Sip
15:30.26ChannelZOT: Anyone know if Home Depot sells blue lightbulbs?
15:30.46rotten777ChannelZ: yessir. LED or CFL?
15:31.09ChannelZI don't care, it's just for one night
15:31.20rotten777I believe so
15:31.22rotten777mine does
15:31.28rotten777and I live in BFE
15:31.41ChannelZCool.  I will go look.  Figured I'd ask before wasting a trip :)
15:50.43imoxsomeone use a calling card for asterisk?
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16:05.20*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~VoIpGuy@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
16:18.49punxosI have a shevaplug, I can do calls to ext using SPA and GoIP but I can't call other internal extension ??? any idea ???
16:19.14punxosI installed plugpbx
16:19.16p3nguinFix the extensions.
16:20.06punxosp3nguin: could are you more accurate ?
16:20.48punxosI am seeing the conf files
16:21.25p3nguinExtensions are configured in extensions.conf.  Start by putting the contents of it in so I can see it.
16:21.36punxosok thanks
16:21.52punxosbut maybe I have any wrong in default prefix ...
16:22.07punxosbecause I can do external calls
16:22.11*** join/#asterisk brdude (
16:22.24p3nguinLet me see your extensions.conf and I'll try to determine why.
16:24.17irrootgreets folks
16:25.13p3nguinDon't ever cat into grep again.
16:26.12punxosI just removed ";" start lines, do you want without grep ?
16:26.33p3nguinNo, I just don't want you to ever cat into grep again.
16:27.10p3nguingrep works just fine by itself.
16:27.28punxosgrep -v ";" extensions.conf xD
16:27.30punxosmaybe ?
16:27.44punxosyes you are rigth
16:28.13punxospast bad habits
16:28.15p3nguinWhat is the context assigned to your phone which can make some calls?
16:28.44punxosI don't understand your question
16:28.50punxosI not asterisk expert
16:29.07p3nguinWhen you configure a phone, which is done in sip.conf, you have to give it a context.  What context is given to the phone?
16:32.59punxosI think
16:33.15p3nguinSIP/505 is the phone that you were having problems with?
16:33.24punxosI have proble with all
16:33.42p3nguinDo they ALL have context=from-internal?
16:33.48punxosAny phone can call to a external number (using a TRUNK)
16:34.01p3nguinYou mean using an ITSP.
16:34.10punxosyes all have from-internal
16:34.20p3nguinOkay, let me look at your dial plan now.
16:34.27p3nguinone moment.
16:34.52punxosI'm using spa3102 gateway and any phone can use it perfectly
16:35.30Korolevpunxos, where is from-internal-custom?
16:35.48p3nguinGive me one example number that you can call which is successful, and one which fails.
16:37.50punxos91XXXXXXX is ok , 600 is not ok
16:38.00punxosKorolev: mmm
16:38.35punxosKorolev: in extension.conf is defined I think
16:40.45p3nguinIt's not in that paste.
16:41.14*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (
16:41.21punxosis commented with ";"
16:42.15Korolevpunxos, madrid?
16:42.17punxosI  have a "from-internal-custom.sample" I should to add ?
16:42.27Korolevyeah, add it
16:42.31p3nguinAnother way we could go about this is with the dialplan show command on the CLI.  Do you want to check things that way?
16:42.44p3nguinYou shouldn't use sample files.
16:43.27Korolevput from-internal-custom.sample in a pastebin
16:43.28p3nguindialplan show 600@from-internal
16:43.34Korolevso we can look at it, too
16:45.08p3nguinHow about from-internal-additional?
16:45.16Korolevthat one too, yeah
16:45.22p3nguinfrom-internal-custom.sample is incomplete and broken.
16:45.45punxosI'm confused right now
16:45.46p3nguindialplan show 600@from-internal    <---- also this
16:45.56Korolevit will only match 1234 though
16:46.13Korolevyou should be, that extensions.conf is confusing :D
16:46.23p3nguinThis is why we don't use sample files.
16:46.59punxosI don't used any sample file. I just tell you what files maybe could help me
16:47.21p3nguinIf you didn't use a sample file, where did all that macro bullshit come from?
16:47.32p3nguinYou certainly did not write it yourself.
16:47.51punxosI used freepbx
16:48.05p3nguinBut then you stopped using it?
16:49.04p3nguindialplan show 600@from-internal    <--- still waiting to see this.
16:49.18punxosok i'm comming
16:53.21p3nguindialplan show 600@from-internal    <--- this.
16:55.49*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
16:56.02punxos"I'm sorry that number is not valid"
16:56.14punxos600 to 505 or 505 to 600
16:56.28ChannelZIf you feel you have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try again.
16:57.37p3nguinI can't follow that dial plan.
16:57.40punxosI get this message in log
16:57.53p3nguinIt takes me through at least three macros, and I still didn't find where it dials the device.
16:57.54*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
16:59.57p3nguinMaybe it happens in macro-dial, but I can't see what it's doing to find the huntmember, huntgroup, and huntloop.
17:00.15KorolevIm still trying to figure out if RT = ringtimer or empty
17:00.30p3nguinThere's a dial to the huntmember, but since I don't know what the huntmember is, I can't know if it's the phone or not.
17:00.33*** join/#asterisk Nasga (
17:00.49p3nguinThis is a big part of the reason we don't support FreePBX stuff here.
17:04.03infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
17:04.11Korolevalso, we probably need dialparties.agi too
17:05.03p3nguinWrite your own dialplan and then I'll tell you why it doesn't work.
17:08.25Korolevpunxos, did you comment out whatever was inside all those empty ifs?
17:08.55punxosmm I think not
17:09.37punxosnot sure
17:09.39Korolevall of a sudden im so glad i never thought of using freepbx :)
17:09.49p3nguinAmen, brother.
17:14.40Korolevseriously, punxos
17:14.51Korolevscratch all that and do as p3nguin said
17:15.16Korolevwrite your own dialplan, im sure it wont be so hard, given what you need to do
17:15.19p3nguinIt doesn't seem like you need a lot of special extensions anyway, so it would take only a short time to write a dial plan.
17:16.01punxosokis thanks you
17:16.07Korolevde nada tio
17:16.20punxosare you spanish ?
17:16.26Korolevno, cuban
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18:17.10ChannelZrotten777: Blue lightbulbs procured
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18:32.34Lag2hello everyone - I am wondering if directmedia is possible with a pap2t behind a dd-wrt router?  thank you.
18:33.09p3nguinIf you're trying to go through the NAT, don't count on directmedia working.
18:35.07Lag2ok that is what I thought thank you
18:36.23p3nguinIf your call is staying behind the NAT, you can use directmedia.
19:04.54*** part/#asterisk mjordan (
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19:26.38saxahi , a question about where to start figureing out, why my phone doesn't hang up the call ? I have a grandstream gxp285 phone which i use with asterisk. When I connect my laptop in the socket of the phone, to use also this possibility of the phone, when I receive a call and I put the handle down, it rings gain advising that the call has not been hanged up, I need to push the EndCall function button on the phone to hang it up.
19:27.01saxanow when the laptop is not connected the phone works ok.
19:27.18saxaany ideas where to start looking ?
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20:47.32vezultgood $TIMEOFDAY all.
20:48.16vezultI'm attempting to figure out asterisk by reading through the "getting started" guide for asterisk 1.8.
20:48.31infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
20:48.53vezultunfortunately, I can't seem to register my phone.
20:49.14p3nguinWhat kind of phone, and what have you done so far to make it register?
20:49.37vezultsorry...I'm working on that :)
20:49.43vezultmy sip.conf is here
20:49.55vezultI've tried using ekiga, and sofsip
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20:50.21vezultekiga results in an error that I'll post in a sec..
20:50.36vezultsofsip tells me that the domain is non-local
20:50.42vezultI'll post that as well
20:51.35p3nguinAre you on the LAN with Asterisk?
20:53.30vezultThe errors I get are here:
20:53.36p3nguinI see that your phone's entry has an ACL to only allow from
20:53.38vezultp3nguin yes, I'm on the same network
20:53.52vezultthe registration attempt is from
20:54.50vezultI'm sure I'm just doing something silly...but I can't seem to spot it yet.
20:54.53p3nguinJust remove the domain line in sip.conf.  comment it out or delete it.  Then sip reload and try again.
20:56.20*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
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20:56.42vezultok, without the domain= line, I get the same error for ekiga as I did for sofsip
20:58.15vezultwell, not quite. sofsip says: from is <sip:>, while for ekiga the error says <sip:test1@>
20:58.33p3nguinWhat is asterisk's IP address?
20:59.01vezultboth registration attempts are being made from the a host with the IP
20:59.09p3nguinAnd you have both ekiga and sofsip on
20:59.20vezultp3nguin: yes
20:59.33p3nguinI expect you aren't trying to run them both at the same time.
20:59.57p3nguinI know ekiga works with Asterisk because I've used it, but I am not familiar with sofsip.
21:01.14vezultp3nguin: yeah, I'm not very familiar with sofsip either...I just found that to use as an alternative to ekiga
21:01.18vezultsince that wasn't working
21:02.10vezultp3nguin: I am running them both, so sofsip is attempting to register from a different local port
21:02.16p3nguinYou removed the domain line in sip.conf, saved the file, and then ran sip reload?
21:02.29vezultif I shut one down and use the other, the behavior doesn't change
21:02.32p3nguinTurn off sofsip.  Ekiga will be fine.
21:03.01vezultp3nguin: yes, I removed that line, restarted asterisk
21:03.10p3nguinThat's a bit much, but okay.
21:03.55p3nguinAnd the new error is the same as the old error?
21:04.27vezultI'm pretty sure, but let me try again to be certain.
21:07.37p3nguinIn the account settings of ekiga, make sure you filled in the fields correctly.  Name is any arbitrary display name.  Registrar is the host name or probably the IP address of asterisk.  User and Authentication User are both going to be test1 in this case.  You know what password is... and timeout of 3600 should be sufficient.  Checkmark Enable Account, and press OK.
21:08.08vezultthe sip from is different, as I mentioned earlier: sofsip <sip:>, ekiga <sip:test1@>
21:08.17vezultotherwise the error is the same
21:09.06vezultI have user/auth user = test1, the registrar is, timeout 3600, and password 1234
21:09.56p3nguinWhat does %LIMITED mean in that error?
21:10.18p3nguinI'm not familiar with it.
21:10.54vezultp3nguin: I have no idea. I can't find anywhere where that string exists either in the asterisk config files...
21:11.11p3nguinDid you say what asterisk version you're using?
21:11.18vezultand google didn't bring up any hits on asterisk or ekiga source code, that I saw
21:11.25vezultp3nguin: 1.8
21:11.34p3nguinThat's a branch, not a version.
21:11.56vezulthowever, I don't get that %LIMITED bit now that I removed the domain= line, as you suggested
21:11.58p3nguincore show version
21:12.50p3nguinSo what is the new error?  Be precise.
21:13.27vezultthe new error is quite like the sofsip error except for the difference I described: [Jan  2 18:10:42] NOTICE[2607] chan_sip.c: Registration from '<sip:test1@>' failed for '' - Not a local domain
21:14.58*** join/#asterisk Nasga (
21:15.35p3nguinChange autodomain to no.  save, sip reload.
21:16.40p3nguinAfter you change that, you may end up putting the domain line back in.  :(
21:17.45p3nguinI'd first test it without domain and with autodomain set to no.
21:18.25vezultok, well I got that %LIMITED thing again:
21:18.28vezultwith autodomain off
21:18.47vezultI'll try with that off, and domain= again
21:19.51vezultsame :(
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21:20.31vezultI suppose autodomain=yes should just add the local IP to the domains list, so they should be essentially the same thing, right?
21:20.44p3nguinI really don't know what else could cause it.  I only manage one 1.8 box, and it is using without autodomain or domain configured in sip.conf.
21:21.09p3nguinI'm a big fan of the 1.4 branch.
21:21.37p3nguinI would think that's what it would do, yes.
21:21.45vezultp3nguin: ok. well, thanks for looking it over for me.
21:21.58p3nguinStick around a while and maybe more people will be active.
21:22.08vezultwill do. thanks!
21:23.56p3nguinI built a package for my own system, which I may test out later today to see if I'm ready to put it into production.
21:24.21p3nguinIf I do, I'll look into the autodomain and domain combinations.
21:25.42p3nguinI will say that in my 1.4 systems, I do not configure a domain nor do I set autodomain.  I don't know if either has a default value if not configured.
21:27.05p3nguinsip show domains says: SIP Domain support not enabled.
21:27.44p3nguin(on my 1.4.42 system and on the system)
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22:08.36rotten777ChannelZ: feeling blue?
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22:23.41vezultp3nguin: ok, so registration works now, without specifying a domain or anything.
22:24.24vezultp3nguin: I had a sip proxy set up in ekiga when I was using it with sipxecs
22:24.27p3nguinWhat else did you have to change to make that work?
22:24.53vezultso I had changed it to point to the asterisk box, then forgot about it.
22:25.05vezultwhen I removed the sip proxy, registration worked
22:25.15p3nguinI see.
22:27.12vezultother than that, I just got rid of any of the domain, autodomain, etc that I had set in sip.conf
22:27.37p3nguinYou can probably go back and add those settings again and it would still work.
22:28.06p3nguinNot that they are really necessary, since I don't use them and everything works fine.
22:29.00vezultAnyway, thanks again for the help. I thought I would just clear up the mystery ;)
22:29.13p3nguinI appreciate the update.
22:44.38*** part/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
22:52.42p3nguinI just found a typo in asterisk-
22:52.52p3nguin"Stoping Asterisk..."
22:53.08p3nguinI've never seen something get stoped before.
22:58.24*** join/#asterisk lyroy (4a3b7917@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:00.58lyroyI have an asterisk server and I would like to use it with my family members that already have ata. In my dialout context of my extension.conf i will like to the dial my local users before getting out to pstn. (,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})) But the missing part is in my sip.conf . How to be able to create a sip context ( where all of my family members will login?
23:01.42p3nguinCreate a peer entry in sip.conf for every user who has his own ATA.
23:01.55p3nguinThen Dial(SIP/some-user)
23:03.35lyroywell i would like to be more generic in my dialout context. How a service provider will do it? A peer for every ata and then how do they adress local network dialing?
23:04.07p3nguinIf they have ATAs and you have Asterisk, why do you need a service provider?
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23:06.35lyroyI would like to be the service provider of those ATA. They will be registered with my asterisk server, that way local calls will stay in my asterisk network and other calls will be routed to pstn via my pstn lines
23:07.13p3nguinRepeat: Create a peer entry in sip.conf for every user who has his own ATA.
23:09.39p3nguinYAY!  I'm running chan_sccp-b and asterisk together!
23:10.09Maliutap3nguin: why?
23:10.45Maliutap3nguin: there are better things than sccp :)
23:11.30p3nguinWhy?  Because I use SCCP phones.  I think that's a pretty good reason to use chan_sccp.
23:11.40lyroyand how do you handle local network in dial plan? I know SIP/123456789 will work but is there something more global. Let say I have 2 sip peer (SIP/1112223333 and SIP/1112224444) in my dial out context before trying to get out via my PSTN how can I add only one line to dial those 2 peers? Is there a way to register them in the same context so I will use DIAL(SIP/
23:12.03*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@
23:12.06p3nguinYou won't use DIAL(SIP/
23:12.08p3nguinat all.
23:12.33p3nguinYou'll use Dial(SIP/person1-ata) or Dial(SIP/person2-ata)
23:13.11p3nguinCreate an extension for each person you wish to call.
23:13.28p3nguinPut them in a context called "internal" for example.
23:13.46p3nguinThen you will include internal in your phones' context.
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23:16.42scatterpcan any one help me to solve one way calling problems with sipgate?
23:16.54lyroywell i know I can do it that way but i thought I was able to use something like that 1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}))... Maybe I was draming when I thought it was possible thaat way. Thank you for your time and patience ;)
23:17.20p3nguinNo, that's not how you call devices registered to your asterisk.
23:18.10p3nguinThat Dial() command dials EXTEN on a host by the name of using username users.  Completely unnecessary for you case.
23:18.37lyroylets say you have 100 registered users to your asterisk, in your dialout plan you will dial each of them?
23:19.04p3nguinI'd use an extension pattern.
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23:44.01salz212need to know a little bit about .. AMI.. can I use it without telnet. I mean by just connecting a socket to the host..having 5038?
23:44.01Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!

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