IRC log for #asterisk on 20110915

00:00.03nnyp3nguin: nah haha indeed
00:01.03nnymaybe it's De.. um.. MakeworkcauseIcan'tfigureoutportforwarding Zone
00:01.04p3nguinIn that implementation, DMZ should be called "Send all ports, except those which are not already explicitly forwarded somewhere else, to this address."
00:01.10nnyp3nguin: aye
00:02.54p3nguinYou don't happen to know anything about Vyatta, do you?
00:04.17nnyp3nguin: not much, have been called by them plenty of times to use their software, but never laid hands on it. I assumed it was some kind of linux implementation with a gui, may be presumptious of me
00:04.49beekuses Vyatta extensively... anything I can help you with?
00:04.51p3nguinI'm using the free one, so no GUI access for me.
00:06.14p3nguinbeek: Perhaps.  You know how you have to choose only a single ssh port on the router, right?  I want to use the regular port of 22 for the router's ssh access on the LAN interface, but I'd like to access the router's ssh from the outside on port 222.  The outside port 22 is forwarded in to a server on the LAN.
00:06.34p3nguinI can't figure out any way to redirect the external port 222 to the router's 22.
00:06.43beekp3nguin: How about private pm?
00:08.59p3nguinIf they just had some "redirect" features like iptables, maybe it would be easy to do.
00:13.44p3nguinEither you've not said anything, or my PM isn't working.
00:13.54beekWell crap.
00:13.59beekI just sent you a shitload of stuff.
00:14.17beekHang on... I'll pastebin it
00:14.53beekYes I can read your messages
00:16.27p3nguinSo basically forget about connecting to ssh "on" the router's outside interface, and just nat the connection to the inside interface?
00:16.59p3nguinI figured that would be bad, so I didn't try it that way.
00:18.08beekYour other option is proxy-arp but that's overkill for this purpose.
00:18.34p3nguinRight now, I have to ssh (on 22) through the router to the server, then turn around and ssh back into the router on the inside.  I figured allowing access to the router on a non-standard port would be convenient, but I couldn't figure out any way to forward the port without natting it.
00:18.40*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nsystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
00:19.17p3nguinI can create an ACL for it in either case, so I wasn't too worried about who would have access to it.
00:19.19beekThe combo of NAT and firewall rules makes this fairly safe.   Eliminate password authentication and go private keys only and you're there.
00:20.03nnyi have extensions defined as the range exten => [5,6]7XX,1,Something. This seems to fail, asterisk doesn't recognize 5701 unless I state it as exten => 5701,1. Any advice?
00:20.19p3nguinUse the underscore for pattern matching.
00:20.39p3nguinexten => _[56]7XX,1,Stuff()
00:20.57nnyyeah... I was tabbed and it hit me, look back, there you are. Sigh, thanks ha
00:21.11rdeggesYo, anyone know how to delete all keys in astdb at once?
00:21.19rdeggesI've got a bunch of old cruft I wanna get rid of.
00:21.41p3nguinrm /var/lib/asterisk/astdb
00:21.51rdeggeswill it get automatically re-created ?
00:22.28p3nguinYou may want to restart asterisk after you delete the file.
00:22.35rdeggesAlright, thanks =)
00:22.43p3nguinI don't think trying to access it will create it, I think it's created on start-up.
00:23.50*** part/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
00:23.55*** join/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
00:24.41rdeggesp3nguin: worked like a charm
00:24.42rdeggesthanks again =)
00:26.26*** join/#asterisk JasonL (~jason@
00:31.03p3nguinThis port thing just does not work for me.
00:31.12p3nguinI'm guessing there is something else that needs to be done.
00:31.17p3nguinThat seemed like a good idea, though.
00:33.09*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
00:39.02*** join/#asterisk hardwire (~spencersr@
00:43.55p3nguinI guess beek misunderstood what I was trying to accomplish, because that does not work.
01:05.17*** join/#asterisk Crowb4r (u1012@gateway/web/
01:09.58*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
01:11.02*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
01:11.30*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
01:13.07*** join/#asterisk User_CL (
01:13.39User_CLhi friend !!!
01:14.22p3nguinhai fren!
01:16.23User_CLwhich is best adapter rpt300 or pap2t-na ?
01:18.38p3nguinDo you need a router and switch, or do you only need an ATA?
01:18.54p3nguinThe PAP2T-NA is just an ATA, no router or switch.
01:19.48User_CLneed router...
01:20.14p3nguinIf you need a device that is a router and an ATA, the RPT300 is probably okay for you.
01:20.18User_CLbut work fine the rpt300 with asterisk ?
01:20.30User_CLok, thank friend
01:23.40p3nguinThe RPT300 is a router, 4-port switch, and has 2 phone ports.
01:24.01p3nguinThe PAP2T is just a 2-port ATA.
01:24.42p3nguinMake sure if you get a used RPT300 that it is not a Vonage adapter that is locked, or you may not be able to use it.
01:26.06*** join/#asterisk gxdssoft (~gxdssoft@
01:48.40*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
01:49.34*** join/#asterisk willwh (~willwh@unaffiliated/willskills)
01:54.13*** join/#asterisk arnotixe (~arnotixe@
01:55.17arnotixehi all I've set up asterisk with hand-made .conf files. Now, I have this curious problem: Whenever I do "sip reload" at the asterisk manager CLI interface, all registrations are lost and I have to reboot the boxes to get them working again. what could be causing that?
01:56.08*** join/#asterisk nsgn (
01:56.36p3nguinRegistrations from other devices to your asterisk?
01:56.40arnotixecorrection: the outbound "asterisk as a sip client" does show in "sip show peers" but the "incoming" peers don't. =?
01:56.48arnotixep3nguin, yes other registering to teh*
01:56.59ChannelZdoes 'database show' show them all?
01:57.15arnotixehm it says database unavailable
01:57.23ChannelZThat's part of it then
01:57.34nsgnhaving a frustrating issue. asterisk box in a business and working for years. had some reliability issues today and find out i'm getting targeted with bruteforce attempts against our passwords. i go in and narrow down the firewall at the business to reduce a huge number of possible IP addresses hitting us to just allow the few blocks of public IPs our phones out of the building are on. now the extensions just say "unreachable" in asteris
01:57.35ChannelZThey will probably re-register on their own after timing out
01:57.52arnotixeok is the database enabled by some config file?
01:57.56nsgni can see in my firewall's state table they're contacting the asterisk box and getting through NAT like they should..but..somehow they're now "unreachable" when they were always Ok before
01:58.13arnotixecause even if I try dialling something from the clients, they seem to not re-register =?
01:58.29p3nguinnsgn: Examine your firewall changes.
01:58.32ChannelZarnotixe: good question, I thought it was just sort of there.  Maybe the directory it normally lives in is not writeable
01:59.08ChannelZtypically it's /var/lib/asterisk
01:59.18nsgnp3nguin: i've done so with a fine tooth comb. they're pretty simple. allow to 5060
01:59.46nsgnone or two other entries like that. all other blocks of IPs are excluded and thus blocked
01:59.46p3nguinnsgn: Your phones are not on the same LAN as the Asterisk system?
01:59.55nsgnp3nguin: i have 3 phones out of the building on the internet
02:00.06nsgnthe 20 some other are in the building
02:00.17p3nguinAre they all on ?
02:00.18ChannelZso you blocked all LAN traffic too then
02:00.38nsgnp3nguin: two are on that one, one is on another. i added the other one too
02:00.52p3nguinIf you've only allowed, and you have phones that aren't on that subnet, that's why they don't work now.
02:00.54nsgndid it in blocks rather than static individual IP cause they are on an ISP that may change their address
02:01.09nsgntwo of them are on
02:01.20p3nguinI'd undo all changes.  Make it work again.
02:01.23nsgnthey try to register. i can see it. they make it through nat. then asterisk calls them "UNREACHABLE"
02:01.25ChannelZarnotixe: the device doesn't necessarily know it's registered or not
02:01.31arnotixeChannelZ, hmm on my other server there's a /var/lib/asterisk...
02:01.46*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
02:01.54ChannelZarnotixe: do a 'core show settings' and see what it lists for ASTDB at the bottom
02:01.56arnotixelet's see yes there's one on the troubleserver too
02:01.58nsgnp3nguin: i did that a moment ago. deleted all rules. set a wide open rule. wham; in came all the bruteforce attempts. reset my restrictive rules. away go the brutes and so do my phones
02:02.04p3nguinThen after it works again, I'd take small steps to lock it back down.
02:02.06nsgnthe 3 on the internet. all the in house ones always work
02:02.08*** join/#asterisk ajunge (~ajunge@
02:02.39p3nguinIf you're using iptables, I'd like to see all the rules.
02:02.55ChannelZnsgn: pastebin the output of  iptables -L -v -n
02:02.56arnotixe/var/lib/asterisk/astdb is 0 bytes.
02:03.05arnotixe(from core show settings)
02:03.11p3nguinIf iptables is on an edge device and asterisk on a server, I'm interested in iptables -t nat -L -nv as well.
02:03.28nsgnp3nguin: it's pfsense on the edge device, asterisk on a dedicated box
02:04.10arnotixeChannelZ, I discovered that clients not showing in "sip show peers" CAN call the ones that DO show up.
02:04.17p3nguinMaybe pfctl -s rules could show something helpful.
02:04.19arnotixesounds like some database issue right.
02:04.33ChannelZarnotixe: hmm.. astdb uses Berkely DB... did you compile Asterisk yourself?
02:04.48ChannelZAnd the calling thing is correct
02:05.01*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
02:05.06ChannelZAsterisk can't direct calls to devices it doesn't know the IP of, which is primarily what registration does
02:05.43ChannelZSo long as the peer authenticates correctly based on your config, an 'unregistered' device should still be able to _place_ a call so long as it knows the address of Asterisk
02:07.21ChannelZThe reason you lose all your peers when you reload is because the devices aren't aware anything interesting has happened and don't re-register.  When ASTDB is running, Asterisk caches all of the peers and their IPs
02:07.43ChannelZThe devices typically blindly attempt to re-register on a configurable schedule
02:07.59nsgnp3nguin: what's really frustrating now is that no matter what i do the 3 remote phones won't reconnect unless i open it wide up..and then the network gets destroyed by brute forces from about 20 different IP addresses. we're getting freaking targeted here or something
02:08.24nsgnbut of course even if we werent its not desirable to run with sip wide open on the firewall anyway
02:09.05ChannelZnsgn: regardless you know what your problem is, the firewall - you should go find a 'pfsense' person
02:09.47p3nguinWhile testing, you could always block drop in inet from <offending address> to any, I suppose.
02:09.56p3nguinIf you're only getting it from 20, that wouldn't take long.
02:10.17nsgnwell when i block one another seems to come onboard
02:10.22nsgnit's like opening flood gates
02:10.57p3nguinI think it's your rules.  I think you're not applying them correctly, and until you show me the rules, I may never know.
02:11.01arnotixeChannelZ, sounds logical. It's not my own compilation, but alpinelinux server.
02:11.07arnotixemaybe a bit experimental
02:11.17p3nguinEven if you show me, I may not know, but I'm at least interested to try to see what's wrong and solve it.
02:11.43ChannelZI have no idea how freebsd works or the particular firewall setup you're using but keep in mind that no matter what it is, order typically matters.  You should allow the things you want before blocking the ones you don't
02:12.06ChannelZarnotixe: so it was a prebuilt package?
02:12.09nsgnp3nguin: hang on, SSHing in for the rules
02:12.55arnotixeChannelZ, yes.
02:13.15arnotixethe /var/lib/asterisk is asterisk-writeable.
02:13.24arnotixecould config files turn the db on/off
02:13.32ChannelZWell it's the 'database unavailable' part that worries me
02:13.55ChannelZthere is no config for astdb that I am aware of besides the directory it lives in
02:14.08nsgnp3nguin: do you want a pastebin of the full output or just the changed lines today?
02:14.47ChannelZYou might look and see if you have any 'db' package installed
02:15.04ChannelZI'm not sure if that part can be built dynamically to be honest but it's worth a try
02:15.05arnotixeok astdb is apart from asterisk?
02:15.25p3nguinnsgn: the whole thing
02:15.32ChannelZno it's built in functionally, but it's using the BerkelyDB routines to do the actual storage
02:15.49ChannelZit's not like a database server, but a library of functions for reading/writing simple databases
02:16.20nsgnp3nguin: may I PM you?
02:16.44ChannelZarnotixe: actually... try this first;  on the console, do "module load app_db"
02:16.56nsgnjust the pastebin
02:17.07nsgni didn't modify it and it references my public IP
02:17.24ChannelZso what, the hackers already know your public IP
02:17.41ChannelZI know your roadrunner IP... :)
02:17.59nsgntrue. just used to being cautious with pastes of internal files.
02:18.19ChannelZmake the pastebin expire in a few minutes
02:18.52nsgni did. didn't mean to frustrate p3nguin. just learned in other channels it's polite to ask to PM such things instead of throwing them out in the channel or PMing without asking
02:21.52nsgndid i do something wrong?
02:22.46ChannelZno he's always frustrated.  (no sex)
02:23.10nsgnheh. well i have this output if anyone cares to read it/help. i'm really not sure what the hell is going on with this
02:23.16ChannelZI'll look
02:24.25ChannelZAnd you said all the LAN phones work but the external ones don't?
02:24.38nsgnyes the lan phones are fine
02:24.58nsgnthe external ones show up with their IP address in the peer list (which doesnt happen until they try to register) but they list as "UNREACHABLE"
02:25.23ChannelZand they're 88.x.x.x?
02:25.26nsgnand i can see in pfsense' state table they maintain a constant state on 5060 to the asterisk box but they never leave the unreachable state nor can they be called
02:25.35nsgnone is 88.x.x.x and the other two are 24.x.x.x
02:25.50nsgnall 3 are unreachable
02:25.58ChannelZwait a minute
02:26.30ChannelZ/31 can't be right
02:27.06ChannelZI think you mean /8 if you want to allow 24.*.*.*
02:27.18ChannelZ31 would only allow and
02:27.56nsgnhmm. i might be an idiot. hang on
02:28.35nsgni get confused because sometimes firewalls run that one way or the other. the masking, that is
02:28.39*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
02:28.40nsgni should try it on /1?
02:28.42nsgnor what
02:28.58ChannelZ24.0.0.0/8  and
02:29.15ChannelZIF you are intending to say "allow any IP 24.* and 80.*"
02:29.34nsgnah. durr
02:29.36nsgnstandby testing
02:29.37ChannelZ/8 is like a netmask of
02:29.40nsgnyeah yeah
02:29.44nsgnyou're right
02:30.28nsgnwhat scares me is a minute ago i took the full IP of the 88 phone and put it in place of the network/mask pair and it wouldnt connect
02:30.47nsgnjust like right now it doesnt seem to be..
02:31.12nsgnyou're dead right about changing that to /8 but they still aren't hopping on
02:31.31ChannelZwell there might be other issues, I'm still trying to figure out what all is happening with this firewall, as I said I'm not a BSD guy
02:31.53nsgnhitting the state table for kicks. standby
02:32.00nsgnwell, the state table for *.59.250
02:32.05nsgnelse we'd be gone :)
02:32.14ChannelZis em0 the external interface?
02:32.50nsgnhmm.2 of the 3 show ok now
02:32.54nsgnafter the state clearing
02:33.04nsgncalling the first one got me 1.5 rings then a cutoff
02:33.16nsgnbut she's in france and i dont know the time..maybe she ignored me? :)
02:33.48ChannelZI'll leave that for you to determine
02:33.55arnotixeChannelZ, "Unable to load module app_db"
02:33.56WIMPyAt 04:33 AM?
02:34.11arnotixensgn, french girl? maybe she's got ex-boyfriend logic
02:35.38arnotixe in case you haven't seen it :D
02:36.07ChannelZarnotixe: ok.. well I thinkit must be a dependency on DB then.  As I said you can try and see if installing DB will light it up
02:36.48nsgnok i got the third one up
02:37.01nsgnthere's nobody at these locations to answer except in france and she is apparently not willing to take the call at 4am
02:37.04nsgnso i think i'm clear
02:37.10nsgnthank you very much ChannelZ for your help
02:37.14nsgnmuch much appreciated
02:37.33ChannelZglad it was something easy I could figure out not entirely knowing what else I was really looking at :)
02:37.54nsgnChannelZ: annnd maybe not so fast. 2 of the 3 just dropped
02:38.03ChannelZyou said and such a long time ago and I just wasn't paying attention
02:38.21ChannelZAre you sure these failures aren't because your internet is getting hammered?
02:38.42nsgnwell when i have the firewall opened up it gets destroyed
02:38.55nsgnwith pfsense set to lock this stuff down i have wonderful low pings (below 20 or 30) and all is running smoothly
02:40.38ChannelZso I see your "USER_RULEs" that allow 5060 for those two IP blocks.. but are you specifically blocking 5060 elsewhere, or what else is it that you changed to cause everyone else to be blocked?
02:41.00nsgnnowhere else is 5060 being touched
02:41.07nsgnthats the only firewall we use
02:42.09ChannelZso how was it before?
02:42.45nsgnjust one rule with it pretty open. we have good passwords but a little foolish of me and then, surprise surprise, along came these attacks
02:42.50nsgnwhich caused me to clamp down
02:42.55nsgnwhich solved attacks instantly but harmed phones
02:43.06ChannelZoh so you built all of this, not just those last few rules
02:43.20nsgnyeah it's all mine
02:43.31nsgnalright this is just getting stupid. now they're going on and off at random. i think its time to kill the firewall and the modem for a moment
02:43.49nsgnget me a new dynamic ip (yippiee budget ISP) and get pfsense to clear itself up
02:43.54ChannelZIs it qualifies that are timing out? do i tell that?
02:44.26ChannelZwhat are you seeing on the console that you are determining they are dropping off?
02:44.36ChannelZis it 'XXX is UNREACHABLE!' ?
02:44.37nsgnlog says "unreachable: last qualify 0"
02:44.44*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
02:45.14nsgni need qualify because i need to place calls to these remote devices but maybe the time should be changed?
02:45.23nsgnbut i still come back to this wasnt a problem before :(
02:45.44ChannelZall I can guess, without really knowing how BSD's filtering works, is that these allow rules aren't complete..
02:46.05ChannelZlike what is the significance of 'reply-to'
02:46.18nsgndunno how familiar you are with pfsense but they're created in a GUI, pfsense, and their gui is pretty dang reliable
02:46.29ChannelZI know 0 about this
02:46.30nsgnuse it at many sites i do and have very little issue
02:46.39nsgni'm going to reboot it all. brb
02:46.41ChannelZonly familiar with the linux firewall
02:46.45nsgncause i really just wanna go home :)
02:47.24ChannelZgets on the phone to do Mom & Dad tech support
02:51.57*** join/#asterisk nsgn (
02:52.00nsgnok i'm back
02:52.10nsgnChannelZ: mom and dad support, eh?
02:52.37nsgnso this god dang thing still isnt working, by the way. rebooted and all was cleared out and the remote phones still wont function
03:00.06WIMPyOnly a non working phone is a good phone.
03:00.55nsgni'm about ready to send this box out the 4th story window and go home
03:01.00nsgni'd loose my job but i might get a life
03:01.18nsgni have spent way too many nights past midnight on this mother
03:02.34nsgnsomething like that
03:03.14WIMPyI chose not to choose life. I chose to sysadmin.
03:06.20leifmadsenI just call myself leif and be done with it
03:06.37leifmadsenthen whatever I do, at least I have that :)
03:06.50leifmadsenya I'm a big fan of cheating
03:07.04leifmadsenwelp, I guess I'm off to bed so I can wake up and do that work thing again tomorrow
03:14.51nsgn:( i'm about to slip into depression here
03:15.06nsgnthey're simply unable to connect
03:17.00*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
03:39.34*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
03:42.25*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-idydsrafziqexzmr)
03:42.40*** join/#asterisk tonsofpcs (
03:42.53arnotixeChannelZ, ok I think I got something installed on my * missing databases:
03:43.01arnotixedatabase show now says 0 results
03:43.07arnotixetried database put a b c
03:43.13arnotixeand database show now says a/b: c
03:43.48arnotixehowever, sip registrations aren't stored...
03:45.05arnotixewow now this actually seem to work: tried rebooting all the gadgets and now it's stored in the db :)
03:45.25arnotixemodule load app_db fails, but that seems to be independent
03:45.30arnotixe:D thanks ChannelZ
03:46.38*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:55.51*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
03:56.21*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (~kaldemar@unaffiliated/kaldemar)
04:07.47ChannelZarnotixe: sorry been on the phone.
04:08.07ChannelZarnotixe: 'database show' should show all your peers now if they have registered since making it work
04:08.43ChannelZ/SIP/Registry/blah etc
04:25.11*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
04:25.40*** join/#asterisk Beltechs (
04:28.19arnotixeChannelZ, yep that's true now.
04:29.01arnotixenot sure if it was a permissions or a database problem - i'll try on a fresh machine some day :)
04:29.36*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
04:29.59Beltechsquick question. Im using * 1.6 (*now) with the G.729 codec. When dialing out over a sip trunk the first ring doesnt sound good, the 2nd ring is good. Extension to Extension ring is good. Any ideas on why the first ring on the outbound call is subpar?
04:30.00*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
04:30.07BeltechsThank you
04:33.44ChannelZwell exten to exten should sound perfect because generally it's actually being generated internally by the devices
04:34.41ChannelZAs for dialing out, hard to say... I think that aught be generated by Asterisk until the channel actually reports back as being answered
04:35.40ChannelZbut it depends on how your dialplan is
04:36.40ChannelZAssuming the garbled ring is inband, I can only guess either Asterisk is screwing up the beginning of the encoding or the device is playing it back wrong.
04:37.12ChannelZDo you have another phone to test with for giggles?
04:37.18*** join/#asterisk salz212 (~chatzilla@
04:37.24Beltechsso the first ring is dependant of the dial plan?
04:37.30Beltechsfor outbound?
04:37.49ChannelZwell it's dependant in the sense that depending on how the dialplan is constructed, the ringing may or may not be inband
04:38.21ChannelZI think if you Answer and then Dial that would be inband
04:38.36p3nguinand bad.
04:38.40ChannelZWhich means Asterisk is actually generating a ringing sound as audio
04:39.07Beltechsshould it signal the device rather than send it inbanc?
04:39.10ChannelZwhich could just be a failing of g729 since it's a fairly smooth/regular waveform
04:40.18ChannelZideally yes but it might not be able to depending on how the whole call comes to be
04:41.27Beltechswould sip debug have some useful info for this?
04:42.48ChannelZyes-ish, it would show you the progression of the call and whether or not a media stream is active at the point it's ringing.  Though I'm confused why the first ring would be bad and then the rest be fine
04:43.27ChannelZbut I don't use g729 so I'm not really sure how it behaves
04:44.14Beltechsah Im gonna disable g729 and test see what it does... standby for result.
04:46.00Beltechsulaw does the same
04:46.27ChannelZhmm weird
04:46.30ChannelZwhose your ITSP?
04:46.44p3nguinWho's your dahdi?
04:47.04BeltechsI have 2 Teliax and Varphonex, both do the same
04:47.08ChannelZor actually.. what did you change to ulaw on?  The peer you're calling from, or your 'trunk' (or both)?
04:47.12BeltechsTime Warner BC PRI
04:47.56Beltechsim using freepbx so its sip settings
04:49.06ChannelZyeah but there's two halves to the call.. one from your phone to * and one from * to your ITSP
04:49.58*** join/#asterisk datarecall (
04:50.16Beltechscorrect the peer is set to use g729, ulaw, alaw. The pbx is set to the same order
04:50.31ChannelZit's going to prefer to keep using g729 then
04:50.39datarecalltrying to debug a problem here : Unable to open custom/intro_income (format 0x4 (ulaw)): No such file or directory, it says its not there but there is a .wav and a .gsm file in that directory /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom/
04:51.10BeltechsI will set both the peer and pbx to ulaw and test... standby
04:51.11ChannelZdatarecall: is there an 'en' directory in the 'sounds' directly?
04:51.29ChannelZerr directory
04:51.31datarecallyes there is a en and en_AU
04:51.44datarecallno custom dir though
04:51.55ChannelZmove your 'custom' folder into the 'en' directory (probably, unless your language dir is setup specifically to en_AU)
04:52.52datarecallsame error
04:54.00ChannelZdo 'core show settings' on the console, what does it say for 'Default language' and 'Language prefix'?
04:54.33ChannelZalso make sure your files have proper permissions so it can be read by whatever user your asterisk runs as if it's not root
04:54.53datarecallen / Enabled
04:55.39ChannelZok so 99% chance /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/custom/whatever should be where it's looking for the files
04:55.40Beltechspeer =ulaw pbx=ulaw same. first ring poor
04:56.05Beltechswill do sip debug and pastebin
04:56.12ChannelZBeltechs: Well assuming it 'stuck' and the calls were indeed using ulaw, I have no idea.
04:56.45*** join/#asterisk irroot (
04:57.52ChannelZhmm. And permissions?
04:58.49ChannelZfor the 'custom' folder?  and the files themselves?
04:59.35ChannelZSo what format is the .wav then?  (file intro_income.wav)
04:59.54*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
05:00.31datarecallit was exported from cubase
05:00.41datarecallthen i converted to gsm using sox
05:00.43ChannelZsamplerate, bitrate
05:01.06ChannelZwav needs to be 16-bit 8khz mono
05:01.30ChannelZThe conversion to gsm aught be working but I'm not positive if it sees the wav first that's bogus if it fails like that or not
05:02.03datarecallhmm that might be the problem
05:02.11datarecalli hate it at 32 / 64
05:02.22*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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05:03.07ChannelZwell assuming sox converted it to gsm correctly, you can try just moving the .wav out of that folder (and the one with no extension) and see if it at least plays that
05:03.07ChannelZverify that it's reading them from the right place at least
05:03.49ChannelZ(does sox even do floating point?  I guess it would have bitched if not..)
05:04.16*** join/#asterisk ean (ean@unaffiliated/ean)
05:06.46datarecalllol now its just dead silence no errors or anything
05:07.19ChannelZnice.  What kind of phone is this?
05:09.28datarecallmm something weird going on
05:10.24rdeggesThis may be a stupid question--but is there anyway to have Asterisk execute my AGI script asynchronously? I'm calling my agi script from dialplan, via AGI().
05:10.35rdeggesI'd essentially love it if I could have asterisk execute it and continue moving along in dialplan.
05:10.46rdeggesOr is that not possible? :o
05:12.30ChannelZdatarecall: yeah it's ignoring some OPTIONS (not necessarily bad maybe) but it's curious that there's two 'making progress' messages I think
05:12.38datarecallgot it handled
05:12.41datarecallit was the wav problem
05:12.57ChannelZoops sorry that was meant for Beltechs
05:13.45Beltechswhats that ChannelZ?
05:13.52ChannelZyour sip debug
05:14.22Beltechsyou mean you put datarecall instead of beltechs in teh response?
05:15.27ChannelZno I said him and meant you
05:16.07rdeggesChannelZ: I'm actually lookinag at that right now. I kept seeing stuff on google, but no reference to how to actually use it.
05:16.12rdeggesI'm gonnna give that a try right now
05:17.51irrootgreets folks
05:18.20Beltechsso you think it should not be making 2 call progress?
05:18.55ChannelZI don't know.. I don't think so though I'm not sure how that affects/matters to this issue you're having.
05:19.54ChannelZespecially even if this was inband audio, it shouldn't be being chewed up by ulaw
05:20.48Beltechsmaybe a freepbx hiccup...
05:22.05ChannelZnot sure how but anything is possible
05:22.42ChannelZare you calling another landline or a cell phone?
05:22.56ChannelZthat could be it
05:23.10Beltechslet me try landline
05:23.32ChannelZalthough your debug ended before I saw the channel got answered
05:23.42Beltechsyea i didnt anser
05:24.08ChannelZok so the ringing happened sometime during the debug you pasted
05:24.24Beltechscorrect I let the cell ring 3 times
05:27.06rdeggesJust checking back in:
05:27.13rdeggesThe AGI(async:agi) syntax works, crazy.
05:27.16rdeggesThis solves so many problems for me :)
05:27.37ChannelZcool.. I've never used it personally
05:27.46rdeggesYah, me either--pretty badass.
05:28.03rdeggesI can now bascially do more event-driven type stuff using that + astdb
05:28.16rdeggesTo process data and put it back into astdb for retrieval later
05:28.51ChannelZManager may or may not be a better option for that but it sounds like you're off to the races with what you have
05:29.15rdeggesHah yah. We have a pretty complex setup. We use manager for other stuff, but our core application kinda requires agi for what we're doine.
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05:39.19ChannelZBeltechs: I think the audio you are getting must be inband and coming from the telco.  What did your landline test reveal?
05:40.33Beltechssetting the peer to ulaw, alaw and the pbx to g729, ulaw, alaw sounds a little better
05:41.41ChannelZhmm. the g729 is the weak link for inband indications but ulaw all around shouldn't have sounded worse, at least as far as artifacts from the codec is concerned
05:42.14Beltechsthats what I would of thought although am no expert
05:43.00Beltechsinitial ring is clearer but it hics up
05:43.15Beltechsas does the latter rings
05:43.16ChannelZYour debug didn't show any Ringing messages so it definately seems like you're getting inband indications on the call
05:43.33ChannelZthat's more bandwidth related than anything.  Is your internet connection sketchy?  (slow, high latency)
05:44.05*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
05:44.15Beltechstwbc fiber virtual pri
05:45.58Beltechs15mbps up 15mbps dn
05:46.29ChannelZso you're using it as data not actually PRI
05:46.40Beltechspri for incoming
05:47.34ChannelZso it's like a fractional connection?
05:47.58Beltechswell at some point its split for the PRI
05:48.35*** join/#asterisk r33dtard (~r33dtard@gateway/tor-sasl/r33dtard)
05:48.50ChannelZinteresting.  well if the whole thing is 15mbit it shouldn't be a problem unless you've got some packet loss or bouncy latency, not sure why else you might be getting pops in the audio
05:49.21ChannelZin any case I'm out of suggestions :/
05:58.06Beltechsthats cool I appreciated the help. Im atleast finding what combinations work better or worst. Thank You for lending a hand.
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06:08.07schmidtsgood morning
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07:33.01hetiiHi :>
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07:42.12*** join/#asterisk Kalidarn (~unknown@unaffiliated/kalidarn)
07:43.42Kalidarnokay i've noticed something peculiar. I've got a couple of 7912 phones and one 7960. The 7960 isn't able to read my <directoryURL>http://address/directory.xml</directoryURL> but it works perfectly on the 7912 phones.
07:44.12hetiiQ: What to use under linux to have virtual printer that will be used to sending faxes to my hylafax server ?
07:44.16hetiisomething like WHFC ?
07:44.39schmidtshetii apple printers works well IMHO
07:44.52Kalidarnthe XML file has no formatting issues, and it seems if i put the same address in other places like <servicesURL></servicesURL> it does what is intended spits out raw XML
07:44.57Kalidarn(all phones are using SCCP-B
07:46.09Kalidarnjust can't seem to get that directory button on my 7960 to show the xml directory.
07:46.28irroothetii yeah can do im using wphf-reloaded-setup.exe + hylafax + t38modem + chan_ooh323 +  res_fax gateway
07:48.52hetiiwphf-reloaded-setup.exe ??
07:49.12hetiiis there not native software under linux to have such virtual printer?
07:49.15irroothetii its on the hylafax page
07:49.31irrootCLI use sendfax
07:49.51hetiibut it is still exec file for windows
07:50.08irrootyeah thought you wanted M$ winblows
07:50.22Kalidarnhmm and the directoryURL shows on the phone if i go into settings, i can see it's correct.
07:50.37Kalidarnbut there's no menu when i hit the directories key, only placed calls, missed calls etc.
07:50.42hetiino i want to have such printer under linux
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07:53.21Kalidarn i read that and there doesn't seem to be any particular reason why it would work with the 7912 and not the 7960 :S
08:03.15OldSmurfI am trying to setup Web-MeetMe and cdr_adaptive_odbc logging. However I get NULL in the example database provides, so I was wondering if there is a way to see what variables are available for logging?
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08:04.44Kalidarnso both phones show the correct URL under network configuration hmm
08:05.41*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
08:06.43Dovidwhen using sendrpid = yes and I am using + it sends the ex quivilant of +. is there any way to stop that?
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08:46.01ocxwhen issuing *CLI> sip reload  i am getting No such command 'sip reload'
08:46.33ocxhow can i reload the sip configuration?
08:49.10ocxihave and loaded as modules
08:49.18ocxshown in  module show like sip
08:49.27ocxdo i need other modules to be loaded too?
08:55.37kaldemarocx: chan_sip is what you need for the sip commands. it is not necessarily loaded even if module show lists it.
08:56.35kaldemarenable verbosity and try "module load" and see what it says.
08:56.39ocxmodule load chan_sip.
08:56.45ocxlet me try that
08:57.43ocxit seems module show like sip only shows content of modules.conf
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09:00.57kaldemarno, it shows available modules.
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09:02.27alexisvhi all
09:05.31alexisvis it possible to add the free tonality when you use ringall queue ?
09:05.45alexisvi tried with playtones/ringing etc... no success
09:05.55alexisvmaybe dial can do it without problem
09:06.48kaldemarfree tonality?
09:07.17kaldemaryou mean ring tone?
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09:12.40alexisvyep kaldemar
09:12.56alexisvthe default ring tone, not the busy one :D
09:13.02kaldemarsee options r and R for app queue
09:14.05alexisvi think it's min 'r' :D
09:16.32catphishcould anyone explain the mediapath in a T38 call bridged by asterisk between 2 sip peers?
09:16.47alexisvkaldemar: thank you, this option solve my problem
09:16.49catphishi am having trouble with it, but i don't fully understand what the reinvite does in that case
09:29.09kaldemarsip debug will most likely tell you.
09:39.35*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
09:45.46joobiehey guys
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09:45.59joobieanyone had much experiecne with the Openvox GSM cards
09:46.05joobieor with GSM integration to asterisk?
09:46.48devil_evoxxxhi all, i'v bouthg 10 Licence for Digium Fax, and now i want to upgrate asterisk 1.4 to asterisk 1.8. Can i save the licnece file and only change the module for new version
09:46.57devil_evoxxxor i have to re-register the product?
09:47.48kaldemardevil_evoxxx: probably not, you better ask digium directly.
09:48.28devil_evoxxxkaldemar: thankyou, i open a case on support :)
09:49.14irrootdevil_evoxxx you can try out the spandsp fax driver in 10 too
09:49.48catphishfax_spandsp works great in 1.8
09:51.59devil_evoxxxthe difference between fax_spandsp and res_fax_digium
09:52.05devil_evoxxxwhere is the difference?
09:53.05catphishat a guess i'd say one was free and the other wasnt
09:53.24devil_evoxxxcatphish:  :)
09:54.00devil_evoxxxin ast 1.8 there isn't some work-around for fax-detection
09:54.08devil_evoxxxtone during a call?
09:54.16catphishi believe that works
09:54.20catphishnever used it though
09:55.03catphishyes, spandsp is free (lgpl)
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09:58.40devil_evoxxxiv'e found only some example like this
09:59.09devil_evoxxxasterisk answer, and wait for some fax tone, but if the call wasn't a fax, the caller have to wait 6 second before the call was submitted to provider..
09:59.37catphishwell i don't know how else it could work
09:59.53catphishi guess it could interrupt during the connect process and renegotiate
10:00.00irrootdevil_evoxxx im working on a WaitFax app that will wait and if it does not get the faxtone it will fail if it detects voice
10:00.26devil_evoxxxirroot: available on 1.8 or 10?
10:00.37catphishirroot: do you know if asterisk can proxy t38 data between sip peers?
10:01.05devil_evoxxxbeautifull!!! there is something to test?
10:01.08irroott38 pass through works has since 1.4
10:01.34irroott38gateway i added to my 1.8 branch and is now in asterisk 10
10:02.08catphishim just trying to use passthrough but i seem to get timeouts
10:02.20catphishas if its trying to externally bridge the data instread of proxy it
10:03.28irroot <- 1.8 T38 Fax
10:03.49devil_evoxxxirroot: WatiFax application work both with fax_spandsp and res_fax_digium?
10:04.06irrootdevil_evoxxx yip its just a modified wait app
10:08.14devil_evoxxxnice, is there some way to test it in 1.8.6 ?
10:09.38Dovidhow do I debug a channel ? and is there a way to do this from the dial plan ?
10:15.59catphishoh yeah, passthrough does work fine and proxies the media stream, no idea why it appeared not to be working before
10:18.25kaldemarDovid: what do you want to debug?
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10:22.27devil_evoxxxirroot: where can i find the patch for WaitFax application
10:22.36devil_evoxxxfor ast 1.8.6
10:24.05irrootdevil_evoxxx i have all of them in a patch file
10:24.48irrootthats a complete patch set
10:25.38*** part/#asterisk hron85 (
10:25.43irrootits in res_fax/res_fax_spandsp
10:29.12devil_evoxxxif i have understand all, i've to copy your patch and apply with patch -i distrotech-1.8.6.patch , right?
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10:32.08irrootdevil_evoxxx edit any bits out you dont wannt
10:32.48irrootfor one take out the Makefile change as i install modules in /modules<-branck>
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10:37.25enochhi guys
10:37.39enochwhat's the best free iax client on windows?
10:38.28catphishiax doesn't have clients does it?
10:38.36catphishit's just for asterisk to talk to asterisk
10:38.51enochi found an iax client that works... zoiper
10:39.11catphishwell that's kinda cool
10:39.22enochbut i don't like it's interface
10:39.23catphishthough you'd probably be better just using sip
10:39.32catphishsince that has plenty of clients
10:39.39enochi've red that iax is better
10:39.49enochbtw what's the best codec to use?
10:41.51catphishiax is better, but its not really designed for clients
10:41.55catphishsip is for that
10:41.57enochcatphish: what sip client are u using?
10:42.07catphishLinksys SPA942
10:42.22enochit is software?
10:42.31catphishi dont use softphones
10:42.34enochi need a software
10:42.43catphishjust google sip softphone
10:42.47catphishyou'll find lots of nice ones
10:42.56catphishwith codecs, it depends on your bandwidth requirement
10:43.00kaldemarIAX works just as well as SIP for a client, it's just not as used.
10:43.18enochim in a LAN so what the best codec?
10:43.19catphishi like iax, but its rarely implemented
10:43.45catphishulaw in the US alaw in Europe
10:44.07enochcatphish: g711 isn't in my list
10:44.16catphishwhat about alaw / ulaw
10:44.50enochso for clients sip = iax2?
10:45.00catphishthey're totally different protocols
10:45.08catphishbut they both carry voice
10:45.12catphishso you can use either
10:45.14enochi mean for quality
10:45.31catphishiax2 is more reliable, but sip is more widely used
10:45.44catphishquality is related to codecs, not protocol
10:46.08catphishi say 'reliable', sip is perfectly good, it just hates NAT
10:46.08enochsorry the last question
10:46.42enocha good way to forward calls?^
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10:49.01catphishread about dialpland
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10:49.59devil_evoxxxirroot: sorry, but i have not understand :(
10:50.15irrootdevil_evoxxx its not easy to explain
10:50.47irrootin that file there bits for lots of files
10:50.59devil_evoxxxi'have to update manually each one?
10:51.38enochim using qutecomm, and it works but i cant add sip contacts
10:51.58irrootno edit the file and take out the Makefile section and probably the app_queue as its a backport from trunk
10:55.52Dovidis there any way to agi debug a specific channel from the AMI, dial plan or CLI?
10:56.51tzafrirA while ago I asked about Yeastar MyPBX and whether or not it uses Asterisk.
10:57.29tzafrirIt turns out it does. It is actually built on a Blackfin CPU and runs Asterisk
10:58.37enochkaldemar: in your opinion what's the best sip softphone for windows?
10:59.33devil_evoxxxirroot: what i've got to modify in Makefile?
11:00.00irrootdevil_evoxxx edit the patch file search Makefile
11:00.03catphishhow do you make asterisk authenticate outgoing calls to a sip peer/
11:00.10catphishie respond to a 401
11:00.54kaldemarenoch: i haven't used one except for brief testing.
11:02.23enochkaldemar: ok thanks
11:03.23kaldemarcatphish: depends what the other end wants. defining secret/remotesecret/defaultuser/fromuser/fromdomain or a subset of those usually does it.
11:15.26devil_evoxxxirroot: found the section in patchfile where talk about Makefile
11:16.02irrootsee it installs the modules in /modules-1.8 you probably dont want that
11:17.23devil_evoxxxedited, and set in modules
11:21.11atanAnyone here super awesome with RealTime + SIP + MySQL + ODBC?
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11:25.13catphishkaldemar: thanks, defaultuser seemed to do it
11:25.22catphishalong with fromdomain
11:25.40catphishjust struggling with the correct way to send callerid and privacy setting
11:27.30catphishdo some providers use p-asserted-id and other remote-party-id?
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11:50.33rotten777is there anything i can do to fight dictionary attacks on my * server?
11:52.04kaldemarblock the attacking traffic. many people use fail2ban.
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11:55.37FlashDeluxehi! i am using dahdi 2.4.0 and asterisk 1.8.1 with a junghans quadro bri card. Everything works fine so far, but since a few weeks the connection drops from time to time. Does anybody got a suggestion why? I have an output of one call where it happened:
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12:35.24eduzimrsany can help with this error: WARNING[572]: config.c:2044 find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'queues' found to engine 'odbc', but the engine is not available ???
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12:45.31eduzimrsanyone pls?
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12:53.10ocxhow can i play mp3 in asterisk
12:53.17ocxit doest seem to work with MP3Player or Playback
12:53.28ocxis Audio file with ID3 version 23.0 tag, MP3 encoding supported?
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13:09.46ocxyoga time?
13:11.57cuscoocx I convert mp3 to wav or something else using sox
13:12.15ocxand you use playback?
13:13.09ocxis it heavier to load wav on the system?
13:13.13ocxwhat is the best
13:13.44cuscobest is to use the same codec that your channel is on
13:13.57cuscoI use PRI in europe, thus I use g711.a
13:14.04cuscothen I use sox to convert to .al
13:14.34cuscoif I use wav, then asterisk has to transcode
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13:16.26eduzimrsany can help with this error: WARNING[572]: config.c:2044 find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'queues' found to engine 'odbc', but the engine is not available ???
13:16.55cuscoodbc is not available
13:17.03cuscomodule show like odbc
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13:18.48ocxcusco you also use "lame" right?
13:18.53ocxwith sox
13:19.37hudonyQuestion about echo cancellation : I know that if you use pci cards, you can use hardware echo cancellation but what if I plan to use ip phone and a voip gateway.... Do i still need to worry about echo cancellation and is my only possibility soft echo cancellation from the asterisk server?
13:21.41eduzimrscusco: how to load it?
13:22.00irroothudony if you IP only there is no real point to echo cancel but it can be used echo cancel is rellay needed when there is a hybrid in the loop like FXO port
13:23.21hudonyok So if I only ordered sip trunking from my voip provider...there is no need to worry about it?
13:25.14irrootyeah if there is echo its there problem to fix :P
13:25.17pabelangerhudony: You don't usually need to worry about echo cancel on SIP, you'll likely experience jitter first
13:26.24hudonyok thanks!
13:27.24hudonyFinally... we have like 15 old analog phones (old but still in good shape) ... What do you guys recommend?  Keeping them and use pci cards or use ip phones ?
13:27.33hudonyI mean... are ip phones reliable for a small business
13:28.35WIMPywouldn't really recommend IP phones, but I'd certainly prefer them over Steamphones.
13:30.02hudonyIp phones are appealing but somehow... I'm still thinking old analogs phones combined with digium pci cards with onboard echo cancellation sound more robust
13:30.13hudonyMaybe I'm wrong :S
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13:41.47leifmadsenhudony: I've had amazing luck with IP phones -- I would never go back to an analog phone
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13:43.44hudonyThat confuses me more :S
13:44.27*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
13:44.45Rico29is there a way to re-open a ticket on JIRA ?
13:45.17Rico29my problem has been closed, but is not solved with the things people told me to do
13:46.21irrootwhat is the ticket number rico29
13:47.42malcolmdi like my ip phones in wideband :D
13:48.54irrootRico29 are you using version 1.8.7-rc1
13:49.06Rico29no, i'm using last stable
13:49.46Rico29is the 1.8.7-rc1 enough stable to put it in production environment ?
13:49.50irrootwell the problem is fixed in 1.8.7-RC1 so you can wait till 1.8.7 is released or try the RC
13:50.45irrootfixes get added to the repository and X-RC1 is all the fixes from last stable
13:51.22irrootso there will not be a fix for yours the fix will go into next RC in this case 1.8.7-RC1
13:52.14irrootmalcolmd wideband women ??
13:52.47malcolmdwhat are those? :D
13:53.23eduzimrsfunc_odbc.c WAS deprecated in * 1.8 ?
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13:54.17irrooteither those who talk to much or perhaps are wider in some areas sometimes anything more than a handful is a waste im told
13:54.21eduzimrsthe module is missing in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
13:54.53irrooteduzimrs you build it self ??
13:55.27malcolmdthere are some that don't talk too much?
13:55.42malcolmdmaybe that' falls into the "i'm told" category? :D
13:55.52eduzimrsirroot: yes
13:55.57irrootmalcolmd heard about this lost tribe ... but nat geo cant find them
13:56.17irrooteduzimrs check config.log and "make menuselect"
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13:58.53eduzimrsirroot i made menuselect and the func_odbc is unavailable to be marked
13:59.10eduzimrsthere is a XXX
13:59.23irrooteduzimrs that indicates your odbc libs are not available
14:01.45eduzimrsu mean in the linux?
14:02.04irrooteduzimrs unixodbc needs to be installed
14:02.36Kobazhmm, wasn't there a FaxDetect or something
14:02.41Kobazcan't seem to find it
14:03.26irrootKobaz i had a faxdetect app floating round redone it to WaitFax but its not in main code
14:03.37Rico29res_timing_timerfd depends of 'timerfd' (in menuselect). Where can I find it ? shoul I install posix libraries ?
14:03.49eduzimrsirroot its already installed
14:03.52Kobazirroot: i would like to block fax calls to this number
14:03.54Manu18Il y a des Francais ?
14:03.58irrootRico29 rather dont use res_timing_timerfd
14:04.04Rico29Manu18, oui
14:04.20Kobazun peut
14:04.51Rico29irroot, didn't understood. I may not use timerfd ?
14:05.25irrootRico29 its not recomended there have been problems of late with it
14:05.33Kobaztimerfd has had some fixes
14:05.37Kobazfeel free to test it
14:06.09irrootKobaz indeed ;)
14:06.14Manu18Rico29 est ce que tu connais asterisk-gui ?
14:06.36Rico29so I should use res_timing_dahdi and 1.8.7-rc1 ? No other way to solve my problem ?
14:06.40Rico29Manu18, non
14:06.52Manu18et toi Kobaz?
14:07.39Rico29I'm a bit rather dont use
14:07.59Rico29i'm a bit reluctant to the idea to use a rc version in a prod environment
14:08.16irrootRico29 what timing you been using ??
14:08.18irrootstick with it
14:08.57Rico29irroot > I've tried two different ones, but have the problem with both
14:09.46irrootRico29 the timingfd has improved so will be better now
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14:10.13Rico29ok, but it's not available in my menuselect. Do I have to install the posix libraries ?
14:10.18Rico29or any other package ?
14:10.31Kobazmangala: un petit
14:11.11Kobazc'est #asterisk pour asterisk
14:11.18Kobazpas asterisk-gui
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14:17.47Manu18hein Kobaz? pas pgé
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14:18.03QwellManu18: English, please.
14:18.08*** part/#asterisk Manu18 (
14:18.10Rico29Manu18, si tu as des questions sur asterisk-gui, va sur #asterisk-gui
14:19.05Rico29which libraries should I install to compiler res_timing_timerfd ? just libcap ?
14:20.19Rico29   <- is this problem solved ?
14:21.15tbachi, i'm trying to configure fail-over dialing in a context: dial a remote sip server, if there's no answer after a timeout or an error was returned, try the next destination
14:22.33KattyGUESS WHO"S BACK
14:22.39Rico29tbac, check for {DIALSTATUS} = CHANUNAVAIL
14:22.40tbaca Dial() with the timout parameter works to a certain extent, but it also times out if the call is being set up (ringing)
14:22.50irrootKatty hey there ...
14:23.07irroottosses katty a doggy bite scooby snax FTW
14:23.27tbacRico29: i tried that approach as well, if a server is unavailable DIALSTATUS is still NOANSWER
14:24.18navaismogood morning!
14:25.54Rico29can you please help me ...? just answer my last question, about timerfd compilation... or anybody else...
14:26.12Kattywhy do i want a dog treat?
14:27.08irrootKatty hehe my daughter was teethed on doggy treats [Biltong/Jerky] less salt in the dog version
14:31.09Kobazmangala: nous aidons seulement avec un asterisk
14:31.32Kobazer... -> manu18
14:31.39Kobazoh, he's gone
14:33.59cuscohey folks...
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14:46.18Rico29irroot ?
14:46.21Kattythat's awful
14:46.25Kattywho would give their daughter dog treats
14:46.34irrootKatty i did :P
14:48.28p3nguinI remember eating dog jerky when I was young.
14:48.52p3nguinI don't know what brand it was, but it was very thin meat product.
14:50.07Rico29yes irroot, I'm always trying to solve my res_timing problems... reading changelogs, i understood that installing res_timing_timerfd in 1.8.6 was not a good idea
14:50.16Rico29am I right ?
14:50.37*** part/#asterisk Alric (~alric@
14:51.38irrootcommit 332324 fixes this
14:51.58Rico29but each time I fix a problem, a new one appears ;)
14:52.22irrootthe fix for 1.8 was reverted
14:52.46Rico29in this rev ?
14:53.02leifmadsen1.8.6.0 does not have a working res_timing_timerfd
14:53.06leifmadsenyou need to use or later
14:53.31Rico29ok, but as I said sooner, i'm a bit reluctant to the idea to use a rc version in a prod environment
14:53.51Rico29is thare any reasons tu be as reluctant as I am ?
14:54.02Rico29(sorry if my inglish is not really good)
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14:55.45anonymouz6661.8.7.0-rc1 is the best 1.8 you can use in a production enviroment.
14:55.54anonymouz666it is -rc
14:56.14irrootRico29 i appreciate this indeed and understand but unfortunately the 2 issues you reported are fixed there
14:56.52irrootit will be about a month for official release i personally run 1.8.7-RC1 in production at customers and 10 at the office
14:57.28Rico29I will talk about it to my boss and see his reaction ;)
14:59.48Rico29just a last question (if you can answer it) : what packages should I install to be able to compile res_timing_timerfd ? I've read that it bas based on posix, so do I only need libcap(-devel).x86_64 ?
14:59.55Rico29running centos
15:01.22p3nguinSince you always install these things in a test environment before moving to production, it should be easy enough for you to figure out what goes where.
15:02.23Rico29not really the answer I was waiting for...
15:02.31Rico29but thanks anyway...
15:02.57tzangeris there a mechanism where I can get periodic updates of RTP statistics (loss,jitter,lag) of SIP calls that are in progress? I know of ${RTPQOS} but that's only around at the end of a call
15:03.21QwellI imagine they're sent out over manager
15:03.30QwellI would be rather shocked if that weren't the case.
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15:08.10anonymouz666yes, manager do that all the time.
15:10.56tzangerI didn't realize that that stuff came over the manager periodically
15:10.59tzangerthat works great then
15:11.52tzangeranother question... is there a way to "nudge" asterisk to re-invite (I think that's the right term) an in-progress call from one SIP gateway to another, assuming the gateways are capable of doing this?
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15:33.09tbaci'm trying to use SIP_CAUSE after a Dial in a dialplan, but i can't figure out how, does anybody have an example of its use?
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15:35.22ChannelZtbac: not sure what that is
15:36.18tbacapparently it was introduced with asterisk 1.8: it allows to access the sip response code
15:36.43ChannelZhmm.. well if it's just a channel variable, Noop(${SIP_CAUSE}) would show it
15:37.16tbacthat unfortunately doesn't work (empty)
15:38.25tbacoh, wait, i probably misunderstood this whole thing.  the documentation says: Slave SIP channels now set HASH(SIP_CAUSE,<slave-channel-name>) on each response.
15:38.49tbacso i guess the information about the SIP_CAUSE is lost (due to hashing)
15:51.55*** join/#asterisk zoidberg- (zoidberg@gateway/shell/
15:52.14zoidberg-Hey guys, I wanna play with Asterisk, is there a way to set it up without have to pay for a service to make it all function?
15:52.28Qwellsure, download a softphone
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15:53.37p3nguinIt'll function all by itself without paying for any services.
15:53.46p3nguinBut it might not be very useful.
15:53.59p3nguinWhat do you want it to do?
15:54.47*** join/#asterisk bipolar (
15:55.34zoidberg-I don't know yet, i'd like to play with it, set it up maybe have it as a system where i can chat with friends, conf call with friends, then once i have something simple working like that, i can research and see what else i can do with it
15:55.47zoidberg-i just like to learn about voip and asterisk looks really cool
15:55.58zoidberg-but i dont have money for a sip provider or anything like that at the moment
15:56.03zoidberg-wondered what i could do with it until i do
15:56.25zoidberg-It would be kinda cool to integrate at a later date into my home for a geek style telephone system rather than moy boring bt
15:56.33p3nguinIf you and your friends have IP phones (either hardware or software phones), you can make calls to each other.
15:57.21p3nguinYou can also get phone numbers for free from various ITSPs.
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16:08.13zoidberg-p3nguin: By phone numbers you mean real PSTN numbers?
16:08.31zoidberg-Well yeah, me and my friends can download a softphone, I have some cisco and avaya phones somewhere
16:08.41zoidberg-p3nguin: can you name a place that offer free numbers?
16:09.53zoidberg-ok so i can setup my asterisk box to accept calls using a number i get from them? then have it do fancy stuff like menu/options, conf calls, etc all for free?
16:10.22zoidberg-wow ok
16:10.31zoidberg-So I just set it up as a regular PBX
16:10.43zoidberg-time to do some reading, thanks for your advice
16:10.48p3nguinWith the free phone numbers, you'll be limited to the number of concurrent calls, though.
16:11.06zoidberg-is that incomming calls?
16:11.12zoidberg-how many do they limit it to generally?
16:11.13p3nguinLike ipcomms, for example, I think limits to two calls at once.
16:11.28zoidberg-thats enough for testing and seeing what i can do with it :(
16:11.46p3nguinIf you pay for services with an ITSP such as, they don't have a limit.
16:12.21p3nguinI'm not sure how many concurrent calls sipgate and ipkall will allow.  I should test that soon.
16:12.54zoidberg-ok so say i setup this pbx, and assign it a number from ipkall, i can recive numbers on that but can i make calls from my software phone, through the asterisk pbx and out from the number from ipkall?
16:13.00zoidberg-to normal phone lines?
16:13.24p3nguinThose free providers only offer DIDs for free.
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16:13.41zoidberg-whats that called then?
16:13.51p3nguinWhat is what called?
16:14.29zoidberg-what kinda service do i need to be able to do what i just described?
16:14.36p3nguinFor free termination services, you'll probably have to do some research.
16:14.55p3nguinI can't think of any right off the top of my head.
16:15.38p3nguinBut the cost is so bloody cheap, I'd probably just pay the penny per minute and be happy.
16:16.25p3nguinWith, you can make as little as $25 deposit to start out.  If you don't like their service, ask for a refund of the unused portion.
16:18.48p3nguinDIDs with them are as cheap as $0.99 per month, plus the per minute usage fee.
16:19.23irroothome time latter folks
16:23.10KavanSare there asterisk addons for version 1.8?
16:23.48QwellKavanS: no, it's in the Asterisk tree now
16:23.59KavanSoh, so the add-ons are built into 1.8 now?
16:27.39p3nguinEnjoy the convenience.
16:30.08*** join/#asterisk dms (~dms@nat/digium/x-lconxckiocaqsjxm)
16:36.50Defrazhow can I specify a range in my dialplan? Is this correct ? exten=> 20823903[20-59],1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}
16:37.09Defrazthat should accept any 2082390320-59 DID correct?
16:37.22*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (~SuPrSluG@
16:37.41p3nguinIt will be a pattern, so you have to put an underscore on the front of the extension.
16:38.13Defrazoh yes yes
16:38.25p3nguinBut you should define a peer in sip.conf for and then use Dial(SIP/mypeer/${EXTEN}).
16:38.26Defrazsorry forgot that but then will the [20-59] work?
16:38.32kaldemarbut no, that will not match a range
16:38.55Defrazoh I see
16:39.20Defrazhmmm I guess I am not following the range things.
16:39.25DefrazI will keep looking
16:39.42p3nguinI guess you could do [2-5][0-9].
16:40.10kaldemar[] matches a single digit or character, what's inside it defines which ones match
16:40.15Defrazhmmm true
16:40.22Defrazoh yea okay I got it
16:40.32p3nguinexten => _20823903[2-5][0-9],1,Dial(SIP/mypeer/${EXTEN}); maybe?
16:41.34p3nguinor actually, I would probably do ...
16:41.41p3nguinwhat he said.
16:42.14p3nguinSince X matches 0-9, that's a better pattern character in my opinion.
16:42.50Defrazyea but if I had to split a did out of that range can I put that before in the extensions.conf
16:43.00Defrazor do I need to divide it up
16:43.19p3nguinAny extension with an explicit match will be used before a pattern.
16:43.25Defrazso if I  have 23090330 routing to some other peer then do I need to write a dial plan not to look for that number.
16:43.29Defrazokay got it
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16:44.35p3nguinThat's how I define my used DIDs on a system... Define all of the ones I use and use a pattern of _X. for all of them not explicitly configured which plays the ss-noservice message.
16:45.00*** join/#asterisk Eitan (
16:45.11Eitanhey guys... anybody deal with any issues using *45 to log in and out of queues?
16:45.19rotten777p3nguin how's the faxing with
16:45.36p3nguinIf I have 10 DIDs and use 7, the other three match the pattern and play the not in service messsage.
16:45.43p3nguinrotten777: It works.
16:46.32kaldemarEitan: you're going to have to tell what *45 does in your system and what kind of problems you're experiencing before anyone can answer.
16:46.47p3nguinIt works as well as any Fax over Voice over IP should be expected to work.  I don't have a high fax volume, but I don't know of any failures when I've sent faxes.
16:47.04kaldemarp3nguin: you could use i for that.
16:47.19p3nguinI... don't think so.
16:47.57EitanKaldemar: my bad, its not streight asterisk, freepbx actually... supposed to log in and out of queues
16:48.03Eitanworks most of the times, sometimes just starts looping
16:48.04p3nguinSince there is no active call where a caller enters an extension, i doesn't seem to be used for non-existent extensions.
16:48.19kaldemarEitan: then you're better off asking in #freepbx
16:48.31p3nguinIf the extension isn't there, it fails with a "no extension in this context" error.
16:51.54Eitanyeah, realised it was afreepbx issue after asking
16:52.17kaldemarp3nguin: hmm.. seems you're right, looks like i has changed a bit since... 2005. :P
16:53.36kaldemarnow it matches invalid extensions that come from apps Background and WaitExten.
16:54.17p3nguinThose are the only two apps I can think of right now that send to i for invalid.  There may be others, though.
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16:57.27Defrazif I match a direct DID do I need the _ or is that redundant
16:57.37p3nguin_ is only for patterns.
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16:57.50p3nguinIf you have an explicit extension, don't use the _
16:57.57Defrazgot it
16:58.25Defrazcan I still use the ${EXTEN} variable though?
16:58.49p3nguinEXTEN will always be whatever extension is defined, be it a pattern or explicit.
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17:25.36eduzimrshi, my is missing at * how can i install?
17:25.51anonymouz666irroot: nice to see the ship it to app_queue issue
17:26.19anonymouz666irroot: will that fix be present in -rc2?
17:27.25eduzimrsi`ve already tryied menu select but its not available
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17:29.07eduzimrsmy odbc libs are installed too
17:29.12eduzimrscan anyone help?
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17:52.47irrooteduzimrs check config.log for clue as to why its not working search for odbc
17:56.06eduzimrsirroot ok
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17:57.13irrootodbc will be enabled if it can compile a skel program linking it to lib
17:57.47irrootthe output and errors will be in config.log
17:58.34doolittleworkhi there coul dosme please nudge me in the right direction please, I need to change the ${CDR(src)} and $CDR(dst} using the Set(CDR(src)=test) but in my master.csv file it remains unchanged, how does one do this?
17:59.16doolittleworksorry that makes no sence, trying again,,hi there could someone please nudge me in the right direction please, I need to change the ${CDR(src)} and $CDR(dst} using the Set(CDR(src)=test) but in my master.csv file it remains unchanged, how does one do this?
17:59.26eduzimrsirroot im running ./configure again
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18:01.33irrootdoolittlework "core show function CDR" those are read only
18:01.54doolittleworkirroot: is there no way to change them?
18:03.16eduzimrsirroot: u know this : /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -liodbc (config.log)
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18:04.09irrooteduzimrs where is on your server
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18:04.55eduzimrsirroot /usr/lib64/
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18:07.39eduzimrsirroot where it should be?
18:08.18irrooteduzimrs mmm there are some options you using 32 bit tool chain ?? or you somehow your ldpath is not right
18:17.29eduzimrsteh path is ok, i think its not founding the lib
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18:20.10eduzimrsirroot, take a look, asterisk is using the modules in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules instead /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules
18:20.32eduzimrsthats why the func_odbc is not appearing
18:20.35irrootits using 32bit
18:20.46eduzimrsyeap, ideas to fix?
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18:25.39irrootits not easy you need to install 64bit tool chain
18:26.56eduzimrsi even dont know what is that.
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18:28.44eduzimrswhat do u suggest?
18:35.44irrootbinutils / gcc and friends need to be 64bit
18:37.52eduzimrsbinutils and gcc already in 64bit version, what u mean friends?
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18:44.40irrooteduzimrs need to get configure to use 64bit maybe try a cross compile
18:45.01irrootset the target to be 64bit
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19:04.59JustinCampbellhi all
19:05.15JustinCampbellwe have an Avaya/Nortel CS1000 connecting to us via SIP
19:05.23JustinCampbellrunning latest Asterisk (1.8.6?)
19:05.41JustinCampbellthe trunk stays up for about a day, then disconnects, usually overnight
19:05.56JustinCampbellmaybe due to no traffic being passed?
19:06.05JustinCampbelltheyre sending OPTIONS keepalive messages
19:06.11JustinCampbellto which Asterisk responds back 404
19:06.31JustinCampbelli think even without a keepalive, their system should reconnect after a disconnection anyway
19:07.04JustinCampbellafter they restart their system, the first login in Asterisk console says the password is invalid
19:07.17JustinCampbellthey don't change anything and reconnect and everything works well for another day
19:07.42JustinCampbellso my question is, has anyone heard of this or have any suggestions on where to look on our end?
19:07.47JustinCampbellor is there a way I can prove that it's not an issue on our end?
19:09.50pabelangerwall of text
19:10.34pabelangerJustinCampbell: qualify=yes in sip.conf set?
19:10.41JustinCampbellpabelanger: yes
19:10.49JustinCampbellpabelanger: was yes, now is 5000
19:11.08JustinCampbellmost of our clients are cell phones, so we needed to bump the timeout up a bit for that
19:11.14JustinCampbellshould i not qualify the trunk?
19:11.24*** join/#asterisk ocx (5ebb3951@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:11.31pabelangerwell, you can set it up per peer not just globally
19:12.09ocxi have 24 FXO lines conected to an analog pbx, i would like to use these 24 channels from another geo-seperated location, what is the best and cheapest way of achieving this
19:12.22JustinCampbellpabelanger: yeah, but we're using realtime so I'd need to add a db column
19:12.44ocxi dont want to buy any 24 fxs/fxo pci cards on my asterisk
19:13.06ocxis there a way to connect analog pbx -> asterisk -> internet <  clients
19:13.43KavanScan you remove config files that aren't relevant to your config? - i.e. cdr_pgsql.conf
19:14.10JustinCampbellKavanS: yes, and you should also remove those modules from being loaded
19:14.11pabelangerKavanS: yes
19:14.59KavanSok, right on...thank you
19:15.15KavanSconverting from 1.4 to 1.8 :) - going to learn a lot I have a feeling...
19:15.36ocxin case i connect asterisk to the analog pbx on an extension defined on the pbx, will i be able to choose one of the 24 fxo  defined on the analog pbx?
19:15.48ocxwhen dialing out from asterisk
19:21.23p3nguinkavans: It feels the same to me.
19:21.39KavanSp3nguin, ok...most configs I can just "drop into place" ?
19:21.51KavanSstupid question - what replaces the "reload" command for reloading all configs?
19:22.11p3nguinkavans: Depends on what you have, but many will be the same but with a few deprecations to update.
19:22.15ocxdo you recommend any book for learning asterisk?
19:22.25p3nguinkavans: Don't reload all configs, just reload what you need to reload.
19:22.43infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
19:22.47KavanSok...reloading all configs was nice.
19:22.48p3nguinocx: This  ^^^
19:23.15ocxasterisk the future of telephony second edition , is this one good?
19:23.21p3nguinkavans: I doubt that you change all the configs, so just reload what you've changed.
19:23.24Nuggetany UK folks around?
19:23.40KavanSp3nguin, when I make a change to extensions.conf what should I type - sip reload ?
19:23.42rdeggesocx, the definitive guide is a great book
19:23.43p3nguinocx: See above.
19:23.49p3nguinkavans: dialplan reload
19:23.52rdeggesocx: It's extremely well written, and covers all you need to know.
19:24.33p3nguinsip reload is for when you change sip stuff, which is done in sip.conf.
19:24.34KavanSp3nguin, ok, thank you sir...
19:24.44KavanSall sip related stuff, including trunks should reside in sip.conf?
19:24.57p3nguiniax2 trunks are in iax.conf
19:24.58KavanS(I'm asking because we have some asterisk-gui leftovers...users.conf)
19:25.12infobot[~users.conf] users.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable asterisk config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
19:25.12KavanSgoing to ditch the users.conf and consolidate to sip.conf
19:25.22KavanSagrees :)
19:26.36p3nguinDon't forget you'll want to put voice mail boxes in voicemail.conf.
19:26.53p3nguinand extensions in extensions.conf.
19:27.15p3nguinand please don't name the sip devices the same as the extension number.
19:28.03KavanSwhat would you suggest naming them?
19:28.10KavanS(re: sip devices/extension number)
19:28.31p3nguinsomething unique for the phone, usually the MAC address or ID number from the asset tag is a good choice.
19:28.40KavanSso my existing extensions.conf in 1.4 format, *should* work on 1.8? - not too many deprecated commands?
19:28.49KavanSre: sip devices/extension, ok...roger that.
19:28.53p3nguinusername is now defaultuser
19:29.03p3nguincanreinvite is now directmedia
19:29.15p3nguinexternip is now externaddr
19:29.24p3nguinThose are the ones I can think of right off.
19:29.52KavanSok roger that
19:29.56KavanSI will make those changes...
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19:40.17infobotDevices, extensions, and people should be entirely abstracted.  Extension numbers are applied to people, and people are applied to devices.  This means you should name your devices something unique to each device, such as an ID tag or asset tag number, or a MAC address.
19:40.22p3nguinkavans: ^^
19:41.22p3nguinMaybe more people will refer to that so leifmadsen doesn't have to say it as often.  :)
19:42.00p3nguinAlright, break's over... back to work for a while.
19:46.18KavanSp3nguin, ok roger that :) will use this as a guideline, thank you for the push in the right direction
19:47.21ocxwhat is the maximum number of channel that can be assigned to a context?
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19:48.30leifmadseninfobot: p3nguin++
19:48.45leifmadsenocx: you don't assign channels to contexts....
19:48.56leifmadsenchannels may execute dialplan within a context....
19:49.53ocxwhen you define a channel you map it to a context :/
19:49.58leifmadsenno you don't
19:50.06leifmadsena channel only exists for periods of time
19:50.13leifmadsendo you mean when you define a peer?
19:50.41ocxno i am actually reading the book you guys pointed me to
19:50.44ocxand it says that
19:50.50leifmadsenocx: please reference
19:50.57irrootocx leifmadsen wrote it :P
19:51.03leifmadsenirroot: only parts of it
19:51.46ocxabove figure 6.1
19:51.53leifmadsenI need to fix that
19:51.57leifmadsenit should not say "channel"
19:52.02leifmadsenanyways, the limit is infinite
19:52.43ocxi am a bit confused now :)
19:52.45leifmadsenasterisk will not place a limit on the number of configured peers that can be assigned to a context
19:54.30leifmadsenchannels are what execute the dialplan -- they are the thing that are created when you place a call
19:55.06ocxwhat do you call the connection that goes from an analog phone into asterisk via the fxs card?
19:55.27leifmadsena cable?
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20:06.18leifmadsenocx: when you read it, s/channel/device/
20:06.41ocxlike physical device?
20:06.56leifmadsenno, a device has a configuration section
20:07.06leifmadsena configuration section is defined to execute dialplan within a context
20:08.15ocxcan you give me an example?
20:08.22leifmadsenLook at the picture
20:10.02furiaanyone knows howto get rid of  a lot of missing xmldoc messages  during startup without rebuilding asterisk - but via disabling in e.g. modules.conf ?
20:11.00ocxso mainly a call hits a device , protocol is matched , then a channel is created with a context pointing to the dialplan.. then call enters the dialplan logic
20:13.01*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@
20:13.05ocxquestion, an external pstn line needs to be defined in 2 contexts? [incoming] and [outgoing] ?
20:13.18ocxin case we want to dial and receive calls on that line?
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20:21.33irrootocx not quite the context is where calls come in
20:21.49irrootthe outbound can be made from any context
20:22.03pabelangerfuria: hi
20:24.34BMJAsterisk SCF developer call starting at 5:00 PM EDT.  Info here:
20:26.10pabelangerfuria: I'm actually heading offline now, but will be back in the morning
20:26.21pabelangerWill try and help you out then
20:26.46furiaok - cu tomorrow !
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20:40.29brummel444hi. i want to authenticate via disa from an isdn call >with passcode<. but when the call gets answered, i immediatly hear the dial tone. i use this line after answer: exten => _X.,n,DISA(1234,my-phones), why dont i get the password promt before?
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20:41.23trumeeanybody tried 'TLS' on a grandstream ATA?
20:41.45trumeei am getting an error, Problem setting up ssl connection: error:14094410:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:sslv3 alert handshake failure
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22:26.43locojayhi i keep on geeing "The GUI does not have necessary privileges". did a chow -R asterisk:asterisk to /var/lib/asterisk really no idea
22:28.15locojaythese are my http.conf and manager.conf
22:28.32WIMPyWhat GUI?
22:29.33WIMPyTry #asterisk-gui
22:29.37locojaythis is my fabric formula
22:29.47locojaysvn co asterisk-gui
22:29.54locojayah k
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23:24.32HolosAnyone access DB Keys through a web interface? I've tried Asterisk::AMI and It doesn't seem to work through apache's perl process, and python can't open the astdb directly..
23:24.52HolosI just need to make a micro site for polycom phones to toggle a dbkey through a visual interface
23:25.40WIMPyTo answer the question: yes
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23:33.37HolosWIMPy: my question? If so, what are you using to access the asterisk DB?
23:34.11HolosAsterisk::AMI in perl? or did you just use a direct socket?
23:34.36WIMPyNo perl. Just a socket.
23:35.08HolosHmm.. ok.. any chance you can share some code for that? I had snippit, but don't think I have it any more
23:36.18WIMPyThe keys are partially hardcoded, but I can give you the part that reads or writes the AstDB.
23:37.15Holosactually I just found my code.. :)
23:37.52HolosMy code from my last job.. We used it at a large call centre to show agent status and call volume.. I had one of the inf. guys I worked with program it..
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23:43.19^Kenny^Will Asterisk work on a Windows based system?
23:43.58pabelanger^Kenny^: maybe
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23:44.10pabelangerI wouldn't run it in production though
23:44.14WIMPyIt has been done, but I think it's quite some time, since someone tried.
23:44.32Merlinwhat's the approximate size per minute of recorded WAV files from Asterisk? and what's the approximate conversion ratio when you compress to MP3?
23:45.34^Kenny^what programming language is it written it?
23:45.44WIMPy16KB/s, Depends on your encoder options.
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23:46.39^Kenny^thank you.
23:46.39MerlinWIMPy: for the WAV file or for the MP3?
23:46.55*** part/#asterisk ^Kenny^ (
23:47.02WIMPyMerlin: In that order
23:47.10Merlinoh i get it
23:47.46Merlinbytes, not bits, right?
23:51.41xpot-mobileQuestion: Getting one way voice over a VPN to Asterisk server, what is the best way to troubleshoot RTP packets?
23:52.09rotten777console version of wireshark
23:52.25rotten777tshark i think
23:52.50Merlinxpot: it's a firewall issue
23:52.53Merlinusually is
23:53.00xpot-mobileMerlin: I know that much ;)
23:53.03Merlinok :)
23:53.09rotten777it's a tcp/ip issue
23:53.09WIMPyOr routing
23:53.13rotten777something to do with the osi model
23:53.15WIMPyOr Asterisk configuration.
23:53.20rotten777possibly voip related
23:53.39xpot-mobilethank you WIMPy and rotten777
23:54.04rotten777tshark host ipofphone
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