IRC log for #asterisk on 20110913

00:09.13kaushalpaulc: i will update you in sometime
00:09.22kaushalpaulc: can i pvt message you ?
00:12.18paulckaushal: Sure. Not always at the PC but I'm usually logged in and not too far away..
00:12.28kaushalpaulc: sure
00:18.28p3nguinrotten777: What happens when the call comes "in" now?
00:19.31rotten777it rings my tele and rings like a standard phone on the caller
00:22.26p3nguinAnd you want a specific sound clip, or would music be okay?
00:22.51rotten777yeah i'm looking around right now for cc audio to use
00:23.07rotten777i have a yeti mic i'm going to use to make a clip and save in the correct format
00:23.31rotten777but just in general i wanted to know how to have the answer, play audio for 30s, then voicemail if no answer.
00:24.29p3nguinI would probably configure a musiconhold class with only that single sound file in it, then use that class to play musiconhold while the phone is ringing, and use a 30 second timeout on the Dial().
00:25.54p3nguinYou follow?
00:26.12rotten777yeah i'm not sure how to create classes
00:26.34p3nguinGive it an arbitrary name for the new class.
00:26.54p3nguinSpecify a directory for it, place your sound file in that directory by itself.
00:27.16p3nguinThen in the dial, you'll use option  m(your-new-class)
00:27.33p3nguinThe caller will hear the sound file, and the called phone will ring normally.
00:27.59p3nguinIf you are going to make it a wave file, it needs to be mono 8 kHz.
00:28.12rotten777mono 8khz ok i can do that with audacity
00:28.44p3nguin16 bit
00:28.49rotten777ok so i do NoOp(), m(class), dial(extension), voicemail(ext), Hangup()
00:29.04p3nguinno, m(class) is a dial option
00:29.28rotten777ahh ok gotcha
00:30.26p3nguinTry it will music just for testing.  Just omit the '(class)' part, using only the m.
00:30.41p3nguinI assume you have a default moh class.
00:30.52p3nguinerr, try it with music
00:31.17p3nguinThat's messed up.
00:31.17rotten777ok trying now
00:31.22p3nguinI'm watching Hell's Kitchen...
00:31.31p3nguinAnd they were yelling at the dude named Will.
00:31.38p3nguinand I typed will instead of with.
00:32.00rotten777exten => 18636584192,n,Dial(SIP/byrdits,30,m());
00:32.11p3nguinJust skip the () after the m.
00:32.11rotten777do i need the m() or just m?
00:32.34p3nguinIf you have a default moh, it should play music when you call it.
00:32.59p3nguinYou can check if you have it:  moh show classes
00:33.03p3nguinalso:  moh show files
00:33.16rotten777nothing after moh show files
00:33.21rotten777and no music but also no ringing lol
00:33.29rotten777silence on caller
00:33.36p3nguinSo there are no music files.  Do you have a default class listed?
00:33.46rotten777[Sep 12 20:33:37] WARNING[5788]: res_musiconhold.c:989 moh_scan_files: Cannot open dir /usr/share/asterisk/moh or dir does not exist
00:33.51rotten777thank you ubuntu package maintainers....
00:33.56p3nguinyeah, that's jacked.
00:33.59*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
00:34.11p3nguinThe normal path is /var/lib/asterisk/moh, I think.
00:34.40rotten777the  standard dir is empty
00:34.48rotten777i created the one it's looking for as a link to the standard
00:34.54p3nguinJust one moment.
00:35.32p3nguinDo you have the file manolo_camp-morning_coffee.wav on the system?
00:36.17p3nguinIs there a moh package that you didn't install?
00:37.26rotten777nope installing them now
00:39.57rotten777hmm same result
00:40.11p3nguinNow you have some moh files?
00:40.36rotten777i don't see a moh class
00:40.51p3nguinDo you have some moh files installed now?
00:41.22p3nguinIn musiconhold.conf, do you have a default class defined?
00:41.46rotten777default mode=files directory=moh
00:42.07p3nguinSpecify the full path to the files if they are non-standard for your build.
00:42.44p3nguinor just specify the path anyway.
00:42.58rotten777same result
00:43.25p3nguinAfter you do that, save the file and run moh reload in the ast cli.
00:43.31rotten777i did
00:43.47p3nguinmoh show classes says you have the default class?
00:44.02rotten777Class: default
00:44.02rotten777Mode: files
00:44.02rotten777Directory: /var/lib/asterisk/moh
00:44.21p3nguinAnd moh show files says nothing?
00:44.32rotten7775 files
00:44.39rotten777under class default
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00:45.05p3nguinNow if you call that extension, what happens?
00:45.42rotten777silence when calling in and ringing on the ip phone
00:45.52p3nguinNo errors?
00:46.10rotten777not in the asterisk console
00:46.19p3nguinYou might not get music because the line is not up.  Add an Answer() before the Dial().
00:46.32p3nguinI hate doing that, but that could be the cause of no music.
00:47.38p3nguinWhen I play music instead of ringing, I playback a file that says to please wait while the call is connected.
00:47.47rotten777well thats the goal
00:47.51rotten777i will mod the wav file
00:48.06p3nguinWhat is the exact goal?
00:48.24p3nguinYou can play a sound clip then play music instead of ringing.
00:48.29p3nguinNo mod necessary.
00:48.46rotten777the wav will have a voiceover on the music saying "please hold as we find someone to help you" or similar
00:49.21p3nguinOkay, change the Answer() to  Playback(silence/1&vm-dialout&silence/1)
00:49.46p3nguinThat'll suffice while you figure out what sound clip you want to record.
00:50.13p3nguinYou don't need the Answer if you have Playback, so just change it.l
00:51.19rotten777ok whats that function calling?
00:51.22p3nguinIf you're doing it for a more professional type of thing as opposed to a home number, there are other sound files that will fit as well.
00:51.31p3nguinThat's not a function, it's an application.
00:51.54rotten777there sound files built into the asterisk platform?
00:51.54p3nguinAnd Playback is playing two files: silence/1 and vm-dialout
00:52.00rotten777ahhhhh gotcha
00:52.05p3nguinThey are included.
00:52.54p3nguinGive it a try and let me know if it's satisfactory for the time being.
00:52.55rotten777are they all in moh?
00:52.59rotten777yeah it is good
00:53.20p3nguinThe sound files are typically under /var/lib/asterisk/sounds(/en)
00:54.31p3nguinIs this for a home number?
00:54.50rotten777bidness number
00:55.00p3nguinWill you have several phones?
00:55.16rotten777so far 1 did and 1 extension but will have 3 extensions soon
00:55.33p3nguinYou mean 3 phones, probably.
00:55.48p3nguinYou'll have LOTs of extensions.
00:55.51rotten777yeah sorry i gotta learn the lingo
00:56.12p3nguinWith a dozen phones, I have 399 extensions currently.
00:56.21rotten777lol jeebus
00:56.30p3nguin-= 399 extensions (1412 priorities) in 82 contexts. =-
00:56.38rotten777what kind of company is that?
00:56.42rotten777voip services i'm assuming
00:56.47p3nguingeneral IT
00:56.54rotten777ah where are you located?
00:57.02p3nguinI also hang my home phones off that box.
00:57.14p3nguinI'm in IL.
00:57.28rotten777ah I'm doing the same in FL
00:57.34rotten777managed IT services for government and small business
00:57.44rotten777not sure why I just now started to focus on voip
00:58.38p3nguinYou're probably going to want to build an attendant pretty soon.
00:58.57p3nguinAnd you'll probably want to use a queue when you get more phones online with people to answer them.
00:59.41rotten777piece at a time  :) doesn't have any did's here and i want to use them instead of flowroute long term
00:59.59rotten777i'm still buying up ip phones now though
01:00.44p3nguinDid voipms finally activate you?
01:01.03rotten777yeah they activated me and replied to my e-mail and said no DID's an no idea when they get here
01:01.28p3nguinYou could always do toll-free for now.
01:01.48p3nguinYou should be able to get one for $0.99/mo
01:02.05p3nguinand $0.025/minute
01:02.07rotten777yeah that's the goal. i'm meeting with my cpa soon to start another s-corp and my partner will be taking over operations of that.. i think it'll be a toll-free based op
01:02.28rotten777i don't want a toll free for my IT managed services company..
01:04.08rotten777i'm trying to keep it local because i'm basically maxed out until i can find more help to hire
01:04.59f2knightrotten777, what part of FL?
01:05.04f2knighthi p3nguin
01:05.09rotten777about an hour south of orlando
01:05.12p3nguinYou could go ahead and build your attendant and set up a front, and the callers won't know if you are alone or have hired more people.
01:05.25rotten777p3nguin i plan on doing that as i learn more about asterisk
01:05.30f2knightrotten777, just moved from Fort Lauderdale to Portland OR. Got tired of the heat :)
01:05.33p3nguinI'm here to help you.
01:06.02f2knightrotten777, what area code are you looking for?
01:06.07rotten777f2knight i plan on moving also when i can sell my rental property and my house... probably wyoming or montana though to try to start a WISP
01:06.13rotten777f2knight 863
01:06.34rotten777p3nguin i appreciate the help man you've already got me understanding the functioning of asterisk and the conf files
01:06.42f2knightrotten777, I still manage my WISP/ITSP in boca from all the way over hear :)
01:07.18f2knightI know I am coming in late, but i take it rotten777 you are just getting started?
01:07.22rotten777i wish we could get some itsp's in our LEC
01:07.27rotten777yeah i'm on day #3
01:07.30rotten777and ITSP #2
01:07.58p3nguinrotten777: If you still have my example dialplan, it has a basic attendant configuration in it.
01:08.16rotten777yeah i've bookmarked it lol
01:08.42rotten777i've got to read piece at a time. i'm learning RouterOS and asterisk at the same time.
01:09.16f2knightWe started with the routerboards moved to Ubuquity.
01:09.50rotten777really? what are the advantages?
01:10.37rotten777oh oh oh sorry i didn't realize you said routerboards  yeah for the high performance core routers i'm doing x86 builds
01:10.58f2knightI am able to actually get 100+Mbs over the air with them ..
01:11.49f2knightare you using routeros for routing only?
01:11.56rotten777yes i don't do wireless yet
01:11.58f2knightif so I would suggest looking at vyatta,
01:12.06rotten777i'm setting up a 2km ptp shortly though
01:12.30f2knightMost of our clients are setup in point to multipoint
01:12.51rotten777the hardware appliances?
01:12.56f2knightbut our network is setup in more of a sonet mesh style.
01:13.10f2knightrotten777, actually if your doing x86 they have the os for download
01:13.26rotten777yeah i've got a lot to learn when it comes to WISP stuff.
01:13.34f2knightyou will get cisco quality out of the os. its actually been called the cisco killer.
01:13.49rotten777the last ISP i was at was 8 years ago and it was simply dial-up/adsl
01:13.53rotten777is it free?
01:13.55f2knightWe started our wisp very small 2 clients and radios.
01:14.03f2knightyes Vyatta is free.
01:14.08rotten777wow sweet thanks man
01:14.43f2knightI run a atom based box behind a few radios.
01:14.52f2knightand I do a neat trick for failover.
01:15.14rotten777"Test Drive Vyatta Network OS"
01:15.24rotten777you sure its free?
01:15.34f2knightif our main provider goes out, or the radio is down, I reroute everything over a ssh tunnel to another location that has a cable modem hooked up to it.
01:15.52rotten777oh nice
01:17.55rotten777oh wow did I miss that?
01:19.14f2knightlol because I took the links from distrowatch and not the site :)
01:19.25rotten777haha cool
01:20.03Kobazyeah vyatta is free unless you want the certified hardware or support
01:20.44Kobazf2knight: ssh tunnel? why not openvpn
01:20.54hardwireno tap interface access?
01:21.05Kobazcould use tun
01:23.32f2knightKobaz, I 'COULD' use openvpn but its a lot easier to just do SSH -L 80:localhost:80 remotebox
01:24.33f2knightKobaz, I suppose there is a few ways to have done it, this just worked quickly with no software to install of configure.
01:25.04Kobazi've done the ssh tunnel stuff before, it doesn't handle reconnections as gracefully as openvpn
01:27.58f2knightKobaz, Luckily I have not had to use it much, but it is awesome when you don't need to install a software or configure it just to route some stuff over. 30 min later issues resolved and your back to working normally customer has little lag sometimes but other wise. Good to go.
01:28.15f2knightKobaz, I might reconsider the VPN setup again though.
01:30.59Kobazit is simple
01:31.18Kobazcould easily write a little perl script to routinely check the connectivity and restart the tunnel if needed
01:40.39*** join/#asterisk beardy (~beardy@unaffiliated/beardy)
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02:58.09dlisenbyQuick Question about Phantom extensions.  I want to set up a voice mail box for a ring group.  I've setup an extension but don't want to allow SIP or IAX authentication since the VM will be emailed.  Any idea?
02:59.18carrarJust create a vmbox then
03:00.38carrarWhat extension is the "Phantom extensions"?
03:00.47carrarmaybe use the same number for the VM
03:01.30dlisenbyThat's the issue.  The GUI won't allow me to create an extension if I uncheck SIP and IAX.  It requires an analog extension.  I don't want any of them.
03:01.45carrarno gui in asterisk
03:01.58dlisenbyI'm using Digium's GUI
03:02.14carrarI'm sorry
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03:03.40carrarMight try #asterisk-gui
03:04.12carrarOr dump the gui for the real power
03:04.37dlisenbyI'm ok with the conf files.  Just not sure where to code that.  Point me to an example?
03:04.57carraradd a vmbox there
03:05.48carrarthen add Voicemail to the end of your phantom exten w ith whatever vmbox you creat
03:07.58carrarOr dump the gui for the real power
03:08.49dlisenbyok.. thanks
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03:50.42Dovidafter upgrading to 1.8 when my phone gets a call I get numbe@IP. I know it can be disabled in the phone however I wanted to know if there is any way of "fixing this" in asterisk
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03:58.17cstachrisDovid, you can Set(CALLERID(num)=NUMBER) in the dialplan
04:03.04Dovidcstachris: is there any general setting for sip.conf that can do it?
04:03.52cstachrisDovid, sorry I'm a little bit rusty with my asterisk config files - especially with the new stuff in 1.8
04:04.40cstachrisi don't konw
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04:57.07X-RobOK, so SIP Fax detection in 1.8 doesn't seem to actually work 8-\
04:57.21X-Robtime to RTFM some more
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05:14.08DovidWIMPy: where can I put that? Or are you saying to set it per peer ? (e.g. callerid=123456)
05:21.19*** join/#asterisk fattsammy (
05:21.54fattsammyHello all, rookie here with a quick question for anyone who has a moment.
05:23.32fattsammyOn the Definity G3 I used to admin, we had a thing called "cover paths."  What is the asterisk terminology for this?
05:27.22X-Robwhat does it do?
05:28.43fattsammyAn extension doesn't pick up in x seconds, rolls call to another extension, or to a message that can then roll to another ring group, etc.
05:33.01fattsammyThe end result desired is:  call hits a ring group, if no one answers, a message is played, at end of message, another ring group is hit, if no answer, then to a voice mailbox.
05:40.12kaldemarfattsammy: timeout option in Dial will determine when to move to the next priority in the exten.
05:42.26fattsammyI thought about sending the call to a virtual extension's voicemail, but I don't know how to make the call go to the ring group after playing the message.
05:43.48kaldemarjust put another priority after the message
05:50.12fattsammyok, thanks for the tip.  I will read up on that subject.
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06:13.51fattsammySo, I think what I will do is to set up multiple ring groups that contain the same extensions, let them ring through their timeouts, hit the virtual extension that initiates the playback of the gsm file, pass to the secondary ring group which finally (after its timeout) hands off to a preselected voice mail box.
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06:22.31fattsammyThanks all, good morning.
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06:29.36schmidtsgood morning
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07:19.54din3shis it possible to use asterisk as an E1 gateway for a polycom videoconferencing system?
07:21.43irrootdin3sh could be tricky i suspect they data calls ?? ISDN dial up
07:22.08din3shvideo calls
07:22.27din3shdata calls would be straight forward dialing a single channel
07:22.52*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
07:22.55din3shis there any way to make asterisk use multiple available isdn channels for 1 particular call?
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08:27.49itgurugreets the room
08:28.24itguruI had a rooted voip box dropped on my lap, and now I have to build my first asterisk box from scratch ... ouch
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08:34.29jacc0good morning all
08:45.05schmidtsmorning jacc0
08:51.38ChannelZcan't sleep. grrph
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09:04.14*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
09:04.16Rico29hi !
09:05.24Rico29I've got a problem with an asterisk behind NAT.
09:06.15*** join/#asterisk hetii (~Grzegorz@
09:06.18hetiiHello :)
09:06.33Rico29when a do a call, the INVITE which is going from my asterisk to my voisp contains the private IP of my asterisk in the SDP owner field
09:06.40Rico29hello hetii
09:07.13Rico29i'm using asterisk 1.8
09:07.41Rico29can somebody tell me how I can modify this address ? I've put externip=<public ip address> in my sip.conf
09:08.23Rico29should I add a "fromdomain" or something else ?
09:09.11kaldemarRico29: you must have nat=yes and localnet [under general].
09:10.59Rico29i already have nat=yes
09:10.59hetiiI have strange issue with last asterisk, sometime the existing call is hangup here is log:
09:11.54hetiiits look like when 100142 answer call from 100125 the hangupcall is executed for 100118
09:12.16hetiiline 11 and 12 on log
09:14.17kaldemarhetii: can you reproduce that? that paste doesn't really give any reason for the hangup. try to get a hangup with sip debug enabled.
09:15.10Rico29kaldemar > syntax for localnet is x.x.x.x/24 or x.x.x.x/ ?
09:15.18hetiii can try
09:15.23madduckhello, what causes Asterisk to send a SIP re-invite?
09:15.24madduckX-asterisk-Info: SIP re-invite (Session-Timers)
09:15.25ChannelZ/24 is fine
09:15.41madduckafter 15 mins, but the session expiry is set to 1800
09:15.42madduckSession-Expires: 1800;refresher=uas
09:16.05madduckis it like DHCP where SIP tries to renegotiate as it approaches half-time?
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09:18.28madduckI have this problem where on calls I receive (sipgate → asterisk → handset), after 14:45 Minutes, my asterisk sends a reinvite to sipgate
09:18.38madduckINVITE sip:017XCALLERX@ SIP/2.0
09:18.49madduckto which sipgate answers
09:18.50madduckSIP/2.0 100 Giving a try
09:18.54madduckSIP/2.0 420 Option Disabled
09:19.08madduckasterisk acknowledges that:
09:19.09madduckACK sip:017XCALLERX@ SIP/2.0
09:19.24madduckand sipgate terminates the call
09:19.24madduckBYE sip:incoming@ SIP/2.0
09:19.33madduckthis does not seem to happen on outgoing calls
09:20.00madduckoh, my asterisk responds to the BYE with
09:20.00madduckSIP/2.0 481 Call leg/transaction does not exist
09:21.45hetiican i set sip set debug on few peers on the same time ?
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09:22.08hetiior it will switch to last one that i put ?
09:22.14madducki think it switches
09:23.09madduckturn it on, and use a text editor. ;)
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09:32.53kaldemaror a little script to parse the wanted messages based on an ip address.
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09:44.57wdoekes2madduck: see the session-timers option in sip.conf, you can disable them for that particular peer
09:46.26hetiinow i got that: so its break again the connection
09:46.49madduckwdoekes2: yeah, I found that and I will try it, but also inform sipgate.
09:47.05madduckI would love to find the real cause, not just fight symptoms ;)
09:48.43hetiiso is its look like the trunk send bye sip message
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09:53.31madduckwdoekes2: so it does send at half-time, eh?
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09:56.19ocxhello, can someone point me to some documentation on integrating asteriskwith some analog pbx connected to analogue phones?
09:56.30ocxpurpose is to allow analog phones to use voip network provided by asterisk
09:56.35ocxis it a tedious work?
09:56.54ocxdoes the analogue pbx need to be compatible or it does work with any plain pbx?
10:00.36ChannelZdepends on how you want to connect the two
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10:01.46ChannelZIf you want to basically use the old PBX as the analog interface for all the phones, does it have a T1/E1 interface as well (which you could use to bridge it to Asterisk)?
10:02.04kaldemarocx: it doesn't matter what the pbx is, as long as it has an interface that can be used to connect it to asterisk.
10:03.36madduckwdoeskes2: I set session-timers=accept now and we'll see
10:03.43madducki am also telling sipgate with debug info though
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10:11.07enochhi all
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10:29.08joobiehey guys.. is it possible to register a softphone and share the extension at the same time as having a hardphone on the same extension?
10:29.15joobieso if you ring the extenion both ring
10:29.27joobieor if the softphone is on, the hardfone doesnt ring?
10:29.31joobiewhat's the standard way to do this?
10:29.47lanningboth have their separate channels
10:30.08lanningthen in the dial plan, the Dial() statement can take multiple channels
10:30.11kaldemartwo devices and some logic in dialplan.
10:30.38lanningfirst to answer, gets the call
10:31.28joobiei have an extension appear on the phone
10:31.33joobielike 4000 for example
10:31.40joobiethe user knows this extension as their own
10:31.56joobieim hoping i can make 4000 appear on the softphone so they think it's their own same extension
10:31.58joobiecan this be done?
10:32.29lanningthe "appearance" is just a label on the phone.
10:32.42DarksyreHow many channels can you set up for one extension, i.e. can I have a softphone, hardphone and cell phone all on the same extension?
10:32.57lanningthe hard phone will be a channel
10:33.12lanningthe SIP softphone will be a different channel
10:33.21kaldemardepends on the phone you use. with snom phones, it used to be possible (don't know the current status) to send a certain message that defined what the phone had in its display.
10:33.47lanningin the dial plan, when they dial 4000, you exec Dial(<channel1>&<channel2>)
10:34.10kaldemarDarksyre: no limit in extension usage, but if you mean a peer, a single peer per single phone.
10:35.19kaldemarDarksyre: let me correct that, there is a length limit in a dialplan command, around 250 characters IIRC.
10:36.21Darksyrekaldemar: I have a client who would like to have his cell and his hardphone both ring at the same time, similar to the scenario joobie was mentioning, is that possible as well?
10:37.12DarksyreAnd a different client mentioned wanting all 3
10:37.14kaldemarDarksyre: yes. the downfall is that when one answers, the other sees a missed call.
10:37.38kaldemarDarksyre: you can have as many as you want to.
10:37.50lanningand then there are the competing voicemail systems
10:38.16Darksyrekewl, thank you... still getting my feet wet with Asterisk
10:38.45kaldemarlanning: they can all be configured with the same mailbox.
10:39.03lanningnot your cell phone and the hard phone...
10:39.19lanningunless you are the cell carrier
10:40.04kaldemarcell phone voicemail is the problem. better deactivate it and use asterisk for voicemail.
10:40.05lanninginternal end points are easy.  it's when you forward outside of your system that you have to deal with stuff like that.
10:41.04lanningand if it is active and the cell phone is off or out of area, the call will go to the cell's voicemail before the user at the hard phone has time to pick up the call. :)
10:41.45DarksyreAhh, thank you very much... that would be a bad thing
10:42.49lanningin most of the scenarios, the voicemail on the cell can't be turned off, because this new number being forwarded is an additional number (ie. a business number being forwarded to a personal cell...)
10:43.32lanningpersonal calls would have no voicemail to go to...
10:44.07DarksyreI don't see it being a problem with this particular client, but down the road that can be a definate issue, so just tell them the cell phone is now a work phone... or get them to get a Cisco 7921
10:46.21DarksyreOne other question, as I know Asterisk handles both and I keep hearing things from both sides of the fence... would you recommend SIP or SCCP?
10:47.00*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
10:47.09Darksyrekaldemar: why?
10:47.38kaldemarmore features and support.
10:47.55DarksyreThank you
10:49.24DarksyreI am studying up on Asterisk as my company has been with a hosting client who has been pushing SCCP and when I started realizing when somethng went down, and clients called me upset that they had no phones, I couldn't fix it... so I'm trying to understand and build a system I can give my clients full support on
10:50.25*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (~Gene@
10:51.11DarksyreSo I'm reading the Second and Third Edition Asterisk books and trying to glean as much as I can hear as well
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11:00.03ocxhow can asterisk know about the extensions configured on an anlog pbx, how can it route an incoming call and know about the dialplan of the analog pbx?
11:00.22ocxPhone line > Asterisk > analog pbx
11:00.48ocxconsider this scenario where a call enters on the phone line and needs to be routed to extenion 500 defined on the analog pbx
11:00.57kaldemarocx: you configure it in asterisk's dialplan.
11:01.26ocxi only have 1 FXO/FXS connection from asterisk to analogue pbx
11:01.29ocxcan this be accomplished?
11:03.56kaldemarif the analog pbx side has the FXO.
11:04.50kaldemardialing out will be a pain in the ass tough, since you can't get a dialed number through to the FXS side.
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11:08.44ocxwhat if i connect the CO port of the analog directly into the FXS of the asterisk?
11:08.54ocxso ppl would should CO before dialing :/ ?>
11:09.01ocxi mean users*
11:10.43kaldemarthe CO port being what?
11:13.27ocxFXO of the analog
11:15.59kaldemarwhat's your point?
11:16.27ocxcan i pm you?
11:35.53*** join/#asterisk zewelor (
11:38.46zewelorhi i got some strange problem, there are connections sometimes that was done by noone, like yesterday at 5 am got connection in logs but noone did it and after anwsering it its only silence, any ideas what can be wrong or how to debug it ?
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11:51.01Guggezewelor: its magic
11:51.07Guggeor someone actually did it
11:51.32Guggefind out what IP did it, and what hardware is at that IP :)
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11:57.49zewelorin cdr logs i only got account
11:58.38zewelorbut that account is used by my voip gateway and its connected to my phone and i was sleeping or at least i hope i was sleeping :\
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12:01.42DelphiWorldsvn co dahdi
12:01.45DelphiWorldis not working for me
12:01.48DelphiWorldis frosen
12:01.56zeweloras i read at google i found some ppl wrote problems like that but without any solution
12:02.12zewelori read some about queue manager or some lost connections ?
12:02.27DelphiWorldhow do i checkout dahdi ?
12:04.48kaldemarDelphiWorld: works here. you can also get a specific release from
12:05.16DelphiWorldThank you kaldemar
12:08.34DelphiWorldhahahaha kaldemar IPV6!
12:09.38DelphiWorldkamdownload/svn was not working due to ipv6.
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12:40.10RZeroHi Guys I am after some Asterisk realtime help
12:41.29infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
12:41.44RZeroI have static sip.conf working great, inbound calls work, using switch in the extensions.conf, Im just having problems with Dialling
12:43.12zambacan someone recommend a mini-pci gsm card for asterisk?
12:43.17RZeroSIP/MyIP-00000004", "SIP/Ox8-Sip-Sw2/0121" does not work it I get the error  No such host: Ox8-Sip-Sw2
12:43.50p3nguinDid you create a peer for it?
12:44.04RZeroits in the db table
12:44.16p3nguinDoes "sip show peers" show it?
12:45.48RZerohmm no it does not gah brb :|
12:46.56leifmadsenRZero: rtcache=yes likely
12:47.27leifmadsensorry... rtcachefriends=yes
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12:48.15leifmadsenalthough honestly it should try and do a lookup in the database when you do the Dial(). Are you using ODBC? You should enable SQL statement logging on the DB and look at that log and see what is being passed over for the lookup (it should be a SELECT statement)
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12:58.27RZeroIm using mysql, working now.  few  things were incorrect in the db, is there a better way of using peers details rather than static sip.conf ? I  can not get sippeers work at all
12:58.46RZerorealtime static *
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13:21.04adnchello, since yesterday I can't get calls from some countries on my sipgate account. there has been no changes on my asterisk and I do get this error when someone calles in or out
13:21.10adncFailed to authenticate on INVITE to handle response invite sipgate
13:21.28adncthis only happens to foreign country calls
13:21.59wdoekes2adnc: sip set debug on
13:22.17wdoekes2and watch the differences between the INVITE packets (and the peer IP:port)
13:24.57adncwdoekes2, thank you very much. but what exactly do I look for?
13:25.59adnc[Sep 13 15:22:46] NOTICE[30962]: chan_sip.c:17863 handle_response_invite: Failed to authenticate on INVITE to '"Heybeli" <>;tag=as3569b6ef'
13:26.27adncX-Asterisk-HangupCause: Call Rejected
13:26.27adncX-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode: 21
13:26.27adncContent-Length: 0
13:26.30adncand this
13:27.24wdoekes2do they both get a 401/200? no.. one gets a 401 and then a 403, right? or?
13:27.52ocxi need some documentation to implement my traditional pbx with asterisk box, purpose is to keep extensions connected to traditional pbx and use asterisk for voip routing (incoming calls and outgoing calls to the internet)
13:27.57ocxplease advise
13:28.02RZerohow do I use sippeers in realtime, I can only get sip.conf working from the db but I have to reload asterisk if I made changes. When I enable sippeers in extconfig.conf and point it to the db. I make a test calls and nothing shows on the cli and phone just says calling
13:28.03ocxi cant find any resource on the internet
13:28.17adncwdoekes2, I need to find out how to look for this to answer your question
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13:30.47ocxany ebook
13:30.51ocxi need resources...
13:33.15*** join/#asterisk JustinCampbell (
13:34.18jayteeocx, what brand of traditional pbx do you have?
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13:34.25RZeroI have followed this guide yet I can not get it to work.
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13:34.57McBoingBoXlite has been dissapointing these days, what softphone clients do you guys use? free or not
13:35.02McBoingBoBTW, good morning!
13:35.20adncwdoekes2, yes one gets 401 and than 403
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13:38.58JustinCampbellMcBoingBo: i use Telephone on OSX
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13:41.06wdoekes2adnc: which direction? I assume your provider will send a 403 when you're not allowed to dial to foreignland (or when you're using the wrong international calling prefix)
13:41.41adncwdoekes2,  yes, but the caller has the same problem. and both numbers do belong to sipgate
13:41.49adncthis way we call for free to each other
13:41.50McBoingBoJustinCampbell: yeah I forgot to mention its for Winders
13:42.35wdoekes2you're not calling for free if your call is not coming through ;)
13:42.50adncwdoekes2, untill yesterday it was
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13:45.11wdoekes2you probably want to talk to sipgate, tell them you get a 403, and supply the request URI (INVITE <this>) that you're sending
13:50.23RZerowhen I type realtime load sippeers name "Ox8-Sip-gw1" it shows nothing also I get no errors
13:53.19adncwdoekes2, how can I dial a sip-id which is given to me by the provider?
13:53.53adncfor example my is 435959, how can someone call this sip id with his phone? the url would be
13:54.28WIMPySipgate stopped accepting external calls many years ago.
13:54.51adncno not external calls
13:54.54adncboth are on sipgate
13:56.14WIMPyYou can dial account numbers unless you have activated automatic area code,
13:56.35adncWIMPy, ok thank you
14:03.36*** join/#asterisk brdude (
14:15.33lucifurrI have an architecture/design question. My dialplan is written in lua and I've built an extension (in C++ using OCCI) for calling oracle stored procs and returning result in lua table to the dialplan. It works very well. The problem I have is that I need to create a connection pool (perhaps a resource module) and somehow share the connection pool with all of the call threads. Is this the proper way to create a connection pool or is there a better way? H
14:15.33lucifurrI share the global pool with the threads? Thread storage?
14:16.42adnchow can i show the current calls in the command line?
14:18.11p3nguincore show channels
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14:19.44p3nguin<WIMPy> Sipgate stopped accepting external calls many years ago.    <---- What is the meaning of this?
14:20.08WIMPyGuest calls.
14:20.36p3nguinI still don't understand what you're saying?  You mean anonymous SIP?
14:20.52p3nguinOh, okay.  Got it.
14:21.25p3nguinI thought you were talking about not accepting calls, period.  And I was really confused because I have a DID with sipgate and it's still taking calls.
14:22.36p3nguinI've never tried dialing any sipgate URIs, so I don't know anything about the acceptance or denial of that.
14:24.51adncI now dialed the account number at sipgate and it goes directly to the voicemailbox of sipgate
14:25.51adnci've someone whith an sipgate account in england and since two days i can't reach him anymore from his british number which i route in asterisk through my sipgate account
14:26.13adncthe same happens to the caler aswell
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14:32.24RZerois it possible to look up sip peers details with out using realtime static sip.conf ? sippeers does not seem to work.
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14:33.11RZerothe peers do not register as we trunk the calls directly to them
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14:38.03Rico29hi again
14:38.15Rico29I have a problem with sip channels not closed properly
14:38.23Rico29here's what I can see in my logs :
14:38.37Rico29has anyone ever met this problem ?
14:39.16kannanhello, when dialling a call thru a SIp service provider, i am using a simultaneous Dial option to call 4 PSTN number. How can find the number of the party that is the called party after the call is answered?
14:39.46p3nguinsip show channels
14:40.38p3nguinLook for any that have a codec listed under Format.
14:40.52kannanp3nguin , inside the priorities , so as to be able to pass it an AGI . The CDR(dstchannel) (and all SIP channels are having a format that does not show the number..
14:41.17kannanok one sec i will try this
14:41.34Rico29p3nguin >
14:41.37p3nguinMaybe the info in core show channels could also be useful.  Look for the one that says State is Up.
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14:42.07kannanok there is one that has User/ANi , the number shows up there..
14:42.28kannanuser ?ANR sorry
14:42.36kannanhow to get that as a Chanel variable?
14:42.56Rico29p3nguin > core show channels :
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14:45.54Rico29p3nguin > do you need any other informations ?
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14:50.23kannanp3nguin, thanks is shows up under 'sip show peers' ; do i have to write into a file with System command and then retrieve ; or is the User / ANR for the called party available as a Channel System Var?
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14:55.17Rico29I'gve put many informations there :
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15:02.00kannanp3nguin, soory for the wrong statement prevoiusly, the USER / ANR shows up under the sip show channels. It truncates to 10 chars (but i need more , including the dialprefixes) . IS this value available as a system variable inside the diaplan ?
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15:04.57kannanok ,i get the dial pefixes from EXTEN itself, but the SIP show channels output truncates the 11th digit of the called party's phone number, how can i get the 10 digit into a channel variable when dialling thru a SIP provider
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15:07.09navaismogood morning
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15:11.00kannanare there any sip setting that will ask the Sip service to use the called number in the SIP channel ?
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15:11.56kannanactually the question is : how to specifically get Asterisk to include the Called Number inside the SIP channel
15:15.08navaismodont understand
15:15.27treborsuxWhat would cause this situation?  A user calls an outside number with a dahdi trunk.  SHe hears 2 rings the party on the other end answers but one of the rings continue.
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15:36.28irrootevening folks
15:36.53anonymouz666irroot: I am following the app_queue review board :-)
15:37.16irrootthx ill dbl check it now been in car for 6hrs
15:37.37irrootfound a problem last night with it
15:38.10anonymouz666lock stuff?
15:38.37irrootyeah there was one that was needed still ive added it back
15:40.54anonymouz666heh, that is a very sensible work. if I understand correctly, you need to take care to fix one part without broke another
15:41.31irrootthat is the theory do no evil
15:45.56kannanis the system variable BRIDGEPEER only for PRIs? it show up blank inside my sip calls (i am calling pstn number thru a voip service)
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16:03.56cuscohello folks
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16:06.47senatorhello all. using call files for the pbx_spool module, and an AEX400 series card with 1 usable FXO trunk. any time i place more than one call file at a time into the spool directory beginning with the line "Channel: DAHDI/1/NNNNNNN", asterisk tries to place calls _at the same time_ for each file
16:06.57senatorsurely that's not the expected behavior, is it?
16:08.09navaismoif you dont set the time in the future, the spool process inmediatly
16:09.19infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
16:10.56senatornavaismo: ok, so supposing you have fifty odd calls you want to make, and you have no idea how long each will take to complete, and you want to put them all into the spool at once, pbx_spool can't try them one after another?
16:11.36navaismoyou can set the retry time and maximuns retries
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16:15.07senatorand you'd have to set them pretty high? if fifty calls might take eight hours, each call file would have to be prepared with retry time and maximum retries that multiply to eight hours?
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16:18.00navaismoi think is better if you use an script for that
16:19.18senatorpbx_spool is a rotten misnomer then. spooling implies serialization. ok thanks.
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16:20.07cuscowhat is the url for that sip bandwidth calculator'
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16:21.40SuperNulli need help :-( with DTMF tones not working properly.. specifically i have inbound calls coming from a sip provider.. that we then transfer to other servers.. my ultimate question is.. how to make sure its all compatible all the way through.
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16:27.56Qwelldisk image?  dd.
16:28.22Eitanfigured something like that would work... any expereince using it?
16:28.32Qwellit's not difficult
16:28.47Eitanany specific one you like?
16:28.54Qwellany specific what?
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16:29.27paulcSuperNull: RFC2833 all the way! ;-)
16:29.48Eitanthanks navaismo
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16:46.37cuscowhat viable GSM interface would you recommend to use with asterisk? We are looking for something that can handle about 70 concurrent calls (70 SIM slots)
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16:47.39irrootused a orrion E1 channel bank and it was usefull mapping channel to sim
16:48.14infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
16:48.18irrootsome CB's dont they route the channels internally so depends on needs
16:48.37irrootFreeaqingme do the same with trixbox
16:49.50Freeaqingmeirroot, nah, my employer is asking me to fix the telephony
16:49.59Freeaqingmebut some moron decided to go for freepbx a long time ago
16:50.01Freeaqingmeso I'm completely lost
16:50.18irroot~trixbox <-
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16:50.30infobot[trixbox] SH1TB0X. Basically a CRAPPY, closed-source distro. STAY AWAY!
16:50.49irrootFreeaqingme dude format reinstall :P
16:50.59Freeaqingmeyeah, lets do it overnight
16:51.24irrooti got it down to 20min from CSV
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16:52.46irrootits a flash disk on a decent box fdisk / format /install < 10m then ready to go
16:55.08kraptvI'm a little troubled - upgraded from (using macports spec file as a basis) to ... pretty much everything works but am getting much less activity in rasterisk even when I set the verbosity high. (I used to see the applications being executed, SIP calls being received and dropped, etc..) - is there something I need to enable to bring that activity monitor back?
16:55.40*** join/#asterisk Devon_ (~chatzilla@
16:57.08kraptvcan't seem to find anything obvious to indicate this - Master.csv in the cdr-csv shows the active application at the time the call was dropped, and writes out accordingly...
16:58.50kraptvI would probably care less if it weren't for one of my SIP providers working flawlessly and another only working in half-duplex. (sounds like a classic SIP behind NAT problem, ehh?)
17:06.59*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
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17:13.17floh79I have a problem with extension.
17:13.40floh79I have entries like exten => _XXXX.,1,Playback(conf-placeintoconf)
17:14.06floh79But, if I call from a SIP-Client with 2000@IP-Address I always get such error:
17:14.23floh79[Sep 13 19:08:47] NOTICE[25443] chan_sip.c: Call from '' to extension '2000' rejected because extension not found.
17:14.28floh79Whats wrong here?
17:14.55WIMPy_XXXX. requires at leas 5 digits.
17:15.09WIMPyRemove the . or replace it byt a !.
17:15.47floh79I even tried with 5 digits.
17:15.51cuscowhat viable GSM interface would you recommend to use with asterisk? We are looking for something that can handle about 70 concurrent calls (70 SIM slots)
17:16.22floh79chan_sip.c: Call from '' to extension '20000' rejected because extension not found.
17:17.12WIMPyfloh79: Are you hitting the correct context?
17:17.26floh79WIMPy: How can I know that?
17:17.28WIMPycusco: 2N Stargate or Teles i.pbx
17:17.47*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
17:17.52floh79WIMPy: I heard I should use bbb-voip or bigbluebutton
17:18.33WIMPyfloh79: Check your configs or upgrade to a version that tells you in the error message.
17:18.45WIMPyfloh79: Err, what?
17:19.13floh79WIMPy: I'm using bigbluebutton on server this is a conference system.
17:19.34WIMPyNever heard of that.
17:19.38floh79WIMPy: Its possible to call a conference by VoIP. But How can I tell Linphone which Context to use?
17:19.57WIMPysip.conf context=
17:21.34floh79WIMPy: Great... now I hear somewhat. :)
17:21.39floh79WIMPy: Thank you very much!
17:22.12floh79WIMPy: So asterisk-server only use one context, right?
17:22.14*** join/#asterisk JustinCampbell (
17:22.22WIMPyhopefully not.
17:22.45WIMPycontexts are probably the most important security feature.
17:22.58floh79WIMPy: I see.
17:23.50WIMPyUnless you don't do anything else on that server, except for hsting conferences, you should have different contexts for different (types of) peers.
17:25.17floh79WIMPy: Ok. Just one remaining question before going further in documentations.
17:25.49floh79WIMPy: Who decided which context is used? Asterisk server or VoIP-Clients?
17:26.31WIMPyAsterisk with the exception of IAX clients, they can be able to provide a context.
17:27.02*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
17:27.14floh79WIMPy: Ok, thank you very much.
17:27.14WIMPySecurity features that are controlled by the user would be pretty pointless.
17:27.23floh79WIMPy: Sure. :)
17:29.19floh79Well... have a nice day! :)
17:52.24p3nguinWhat the heck... CentOS doesn't have mmv nor a package for it?
17:53.14*** join/#asterisk moy (
17:53.17navaismowhat is mmv?
17:53.56p3nguinmmv - move/copy/append/link multiple files by wildcard patterns
17:54.00cuscoWIMPy: what are the prices on those? they're not displayed on the website unless I register
17:54.13navaismooh thx
17:55.05*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (~quassel@
17:57.22p3nguinI guess it is in EPEL, but for some reason, that repo is not in CentOS by default.
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18:00.50leifmadsenthat's because it's not a CentOS repo
18:00.57leifmadsenjust like DagWieers isn't
18:01.26p3nguinBut it is an RHEL-related repo, so I would have expected it would be included, just like extras repo is.
18:01.57p3nguinNo problem, though... I'll just install the repo and be on my way.
18:02.46anonymouz666leifmadsen: you will talk about inbound call centers at astricon?
18:03.17leifmadsenp3nguin: don't think EPEL is included in Fedora by default either
18:03.18anonymouz666and what was your presentation in 2010 astricon?
18:03.51p3nguinAs part of the fedora project, that actually surprises me.
18:04.45anonymouz666the most interesting stuff I saw from astricon so far was the Qwell presentation and yours about CC
18:09.37leifmadsenanonymouz666: although I ended up filling in for Jim
18:09.52leifmadsenanonymouz666: see here --
18:10.39anonymouz666oh nice webpage
18:12.25anonymouz666let me ask you a question, we hit some issues with ringinuse=no, that queues called a member more than once
18:12.43anonymouz666then, we had two options, let the channel driver controls it or through group group_count
18:13.15anonymouz666as local members, i didn't was able to put group_count to work, but the call-limit filled perfectly for our case.
18:13.43anonymouz666how does it work the group_count in this case, when you put a value into a category, that's visible only like any other channel variable?
18:13.45p3nguinIs there any problem with using a Gosub() and never Return()ing, from a RAM usage standpoint?
18:15.13leifmadsenp3nguin: nope, it's bascially the same thing as a Goto()
18:15.25anonymouz666very nice presentation called Distributed Call Center 2010 - we use everything that is there, except the xmpp that really sucks (using openais instead).
18:15.45leifmadsenp3nguin: I mean, it stores data like a channel variable, so I guess it is possible, but you'd have to call and not return from probably thousands of GoSub()s
18:16.25leifmadsenanonymouz666: I don't use call-limit (I use callcounter=yes) and I use real SIP device names for the interface_state data for Local channels and have zero problems
18:16.39leifmadsenyou have to tell the Local channel where to get its device state from
18:17.00anonymouz666oh yeah, that we already do.
18:17.03anonymouz666works fine
18:17.11anonymouz666callcounter we use it also
18:17.25anonymouz666and also call-limit.
18:17.53leifmadsencall-limit is deprecated so I don't use it
18:18.22beekleifmadsen: But so is Macro and you use it!
18:18.29leifmadsenbeek: barely :)
18:18.35leifmadsenonly when necessary
18:18.44leifmadsenactually Macro() isn't really deprecated
18:18.45anonymouz666that's the point. how do you limit without call-limit when you don't truste ringinuse=no ? using group and group_count...
18:19.00leifmadsenanonymouz666: I do trust ringinuse=no, that is the point. I don't have problems with it.
18:19.57anonymouz666I just realized that you are problems-free :-)
18:20.21leifmadsenotherwise, ya, you need to use GROUP() and GROUP_COUNT() to limit
18:20.40beekThis one is driving me NUTS:
18:21.11beekPRI -> * -> PRI -> LegacyPBX -> CHANNEL_BANK -> *  (for voicemail)
18:21.33beekOn * 1.6.0 and DAHDI 2.4, caller hangs up and voicemail terminates.
18:21.48beekOn * 1.8.5 and DAHDI 2.5.0 caller hangs up and voicemail app times out.
18:22.31beekI can see no reason why the hangup isn't passed along so the call (and vm message recording) doesn't terminate properly.
18:23.13beekAny ideas where I should next look?  I've compared the configurations of DAHDI on both systems and they're identical.
18:23.52beekI can't help think that there is some behaviour on DAHDI 2.5 or * 1.8 that has changed for which I need to use a switch to revert to the older behavior.
18:24.54p3nguinIf I have multiple peers all coming from the same host address, does sip set debug peer <peer> actually filter by peer name or by IP address?  It says SIP Debugging Enabled for IP: <the IP address>.
18:27.15*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
18:27.27p3nguinI'm just wondering if this could be rewritten to say "SIP Debugging Enabled for Peer: <peer>" if it doesn't really mean everything from the IP address.
18:34.29*** join/#asterisk talntid (
18:34.40talntidAnyone know of a viop provider, that can accept collect calls?
18:34.44leifmadsenp3nguin: peers are always matched via IP address
18:35.06p3nguinI guess you missed my point.
18:35.44*** join/#asterisk DanFromUK (DanFromUK@
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18:36.21eduzimrsanyone knows "[Sep 13 15:27:38] WARNING[12806] config.c: Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available" ???
18:36.49p3nguinWith a couple dozen phones coming from a single natted network, all phones come from the same IP address.  If I can debug by peer, and it says it is enabled for IP address, it seems like the wrong filter is applied.
18:37.09p3nguin(even if it isn't wrong)
18:38.06p3nguinIf I debug by IP address, I wouldn't expect it to say enabled for peer.
18:38.23beekWhat are the switches to use when Dialing a local channel?  I'm remembering seeing something about that but I'll be damned if I can find it.
18:38.40DanFromUKhi, has anyone managed to get cisco 7945g phones to connect to asterisk? my phone just says "Registering", but doesnt do anything else. asterisk debug doesnt show anything. can anyone suggest how i can sort this out?
18:38.48p3nguinYou don't necessarily need any.  Dial(Local/123@context)
18:38.58DanFromUKi dont have a managed switch, so i can't monitor the packets coming out of the phone.
18:39.02p3nguinBut there is /n which is pretty common.
18:39.29ChannelZDanFromUK: does it know the hostname or IP of your Asterisk box?
18:39.36beekp3nguin: What does the '/n' do?  Or better yet, where are these documented so that I can read about them.   "Googling" asterisk 1.8 dial local isn't cutting it.
18:40.03beekOr are these parameters generic to Dial?
18:40.08*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (~Gene@
18:40.30DanFromUKChannelZ: yes, i've set it in the provisioning files, and the settings are showing up on the device.
18:41.18p3nguindoc/localchannel.txt I think.
18:41.37ChannelZDo you have verbose set up a little (3 or so) and/or have turned on SIP debug to see if it's even saying anything?  (not "regular" debug which contains way too much crap for what you're trying to fix for now)
18:41.59beekp3nguin: Thanks.
18:42.26p3nguinI don't see localchannel.txt in my recent source tree... but it is in all my 1.4s.
18:42.38DanFromUKChannelZ: verbose was on 30, and ive got sip debug ip on.
18:42.58DanFromUKi can see the other phones from that network, just not the cisco phone.
18:43.35ChannelZwell.. it's either braindead or speaking on a different network or something
18:44.18leifmadsenp3nguin: it's on the Asterisk wiki now
18:44.23leifmadsenp3nguin: or in the AST.pdf file
18:44.25ChannelZis it being configged by DHCP, does it have a legit IP/can you ping it from the server at all?
18:45.10talntidAnyone know of a viop provider, that can accept collect calls?
18:45.54beekp3nguin: Thanks... found it.
18:47.55*** part/#asterisk m_tadeu (~quassel@
18:48.44*** join/#asterisk shadowapex (
18:49.08shadowapexHey, anyone have any experience with using "shell_exec" with PHPAGI?
18:49.28shadowapexAnd Asterisk AGI in general.
18:49.46shadowapexor Asterisk AGI in general*
18:51.57shadowapexFor some reason, whenever I run a particular command using shell_exec, the PHP script stops completely. This doesn't happen at all when executing directly from the command line, only when it is executed through Asterisk.
18:53.35eduzimrsanyone knows "[Sep 13 15:27:38] WARNING[12806] config.c: Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'mysql', but the engine is not available" ???
18:53.56*** part/#asterisk otwieracz (
18:55.26leifmadseneduzimrs: means the mysql engine isn't available (i.e. you don't have something configured correctly)
18:55.47leifmadseneduzimrs: you're trying to map to mysql in extconfig, but haven't configured how to connect to 'mysql'
18:56.42DanFromUKChannelZ: its got a legit IP via DHCP, and it successfully downloaded config files from a local TFTP server.
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19:13.18x86has anyone configured DHCP with Active Directory to support WDS (windows deployment services), but still pass FTP server info to Polycom phones?
19:13.31Naikrovek... yea
19:13.45Naikrovekin fact i don't recall any special configuration at all to make that happen
19:15.15Daejeois there any commercial SMS gateway that can be integrated with asterisk for two way SMS communication?
19:15.46x86I guess, is it possible to setup a "vendor class" or something to where the Polycom MAC address range gets IPs from its own scope?
19:15.53Naikrovekx86: how are you passing the ftp server to the phones?  option 66 is the way i'm doing it.
19:16.22x86Naikrovek: right, that's the way you should do it... but with WDS, option 66 and 150 (and others) are already used
19:16.41Naikrovekx86: i don't know about that... my default scope has option 66 configured, and WDS did whatever it needed to do when I installed it.  I didn't have to change anything.
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19:20.33r33dtardcan anyone point me as to where I could find documentation on setting up an IAX listener for warvox
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19:54.16r33dtardhow would I setup an outgoing default route to a sip connection?
19:57.12chazzamr33dtard: what are you setting this up in?
19:57.23infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
19:57.32*** join/#asterisk andresm (~Andres@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
19:58.08r33dtardchazzam: just plain asterisk
19:58.13r33dtardnot using freepbx
19:59.51andresmHello asterisk fellows, I'm having a hard time with a perl AGI script...  When I invoke the script the get_data or wait_for_digit functions don't work at all... any AGI expert who can give some tips?
20:00.48chazzamr33dtard: then yeah, check ~thebook's chapter on setting up SIP and basic dialplan examples for placing calls using it
20:05.19saisomahey guys, question regarding a specific situation involving call files, meetme rooms and ringing outside lines:
20:11.07chazzamr33dtard: it looks like chapters 5-7 will be related to your question, but 7 will probably have the most direct examples. 5 and 6 will be more background information and such
20:11.31r33dtardall right thanks
20:11.50chazzamand remember, you can view it for free online
20:12.21p3nguinIf a call dials some phones and the call dies as soon as someone answers one of them, should extension h run or not?
20:12.34treborsuxa call came in and it was transfered to extesion by ivr.  She could see caller id.  When she picked it up it was just ringing like she was making a call?????
20:12.43r33dtardcool thanks chazzam
20:13.23*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
20:15.18treborsuxwhat directory is master.csv in
20:15.23treborsuxwhere are the logs
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20:17.08pabelangertreborsux: /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv
20:22.27f2knighttreborsux, has a similar problem a while ago. Look at your cus, cas timing.
20:23.24f2knighttreborsux, flowroute actually debuged it for me on a client, they would be in a call and all of a sudden the call directions would switch, turns out its a timing issue with asterisk and the timing server.
20:23.26*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (
20:24.02f2knighttreborsux, you can do a few things, one is make sure you have ntpd running to keep time syncs up. In our case it was and the problem was an upstream vendor had a bad timing
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20:24.43f2knighttreborsux, the solution was to make a compromise. and set our time outs a little higher then we would other wise. forcing asterisk to wait a little longer .
20:25.00KNERDWhy does GV and chan_jabber keep screwing up? ahhhhgggggg!
20:25.38f2knighttreborsux, the result is that when the timing comes back from the client asterisk waits a little longer before assuming a new role.
20:27.00f2knighttreborsux, this COULD have the bad result of if a hangup was not received from the caller that asterisk might keep the channel open until this timeout happens. we set ours for 3 min as 3 min was an acceptable time we were willing to pay for if this happened. It has not happened yet, so no big deal
20:27.54f2knightKNERD, What is your issue?
20:28.10KNERDfake ringing
20:28.23KNERDwhen dialing out
20:28.43f2knightKNERD, what exactly do you mean by 'fake ringing?'
20:28.58chazzamKNERD: you are aware of google changing the api for google voice constantly making it so chan_gvoice doesn't work properly anymore right?
20:29.09KNERDwell, you know...when you pick up phone....dial a number...and it gives a ringing sound
20:29.19chazzamso that you pretty much have to always run SVN, and even then its often broken?
20:29.25KNERDit was working yesterday
20:29.36f2knightKNERD,  what is your dial string?
20:29.38KNERDbut on and off functioniality
20:30.16KNERDone day it works great for a while, then back to not functioning again
20:30.27KNERDthis is a known bug, but
20:30.33KNERDit keeps appearing
20:30.58chazzam ?
20:32.13KNERDchazzam: yeah I saw that. I don't want Astricon tickets..maybe a soda fountain
20:33.11f2knightI run Gvoice on a box, and have had good luck so far. I do keep it uptodate with svn every week, and have about 20 GV numbers on it. (do some locking and checking on it to make sure I only use  one channel at a time)
20:33.42f2knightKNERD, do you have a 'r' in your dial string?
20:35.33*** join/#asterisk mateu (
20:38.43f2knightguess it might be off topic but did Google Publish an API for Google Voice?
20:39.03KNERDf2knight: looking for s
20:39.28KNERDi mean r
20:39.59KNERDf2knight: actually they did for HTTP, but I do not know for other protocols
20:42.09f2knightKNERD, if you have an r or R in your dial string it would create a 'ringing' no matter what the other side is doing.
20:42.50KNERDi see..but that false ringing is a known documented bug, but I will look
20:42.52f2knightKNERD, so DIAL(gtalk/account/,45,rRTw)
20:43.48f2knightKNERD, would cause the ringing. I only suggest looking there because I have seen lots of people using rR on there dial strings, with out reallizing that they prob. shouldnt use it.
20:44.27f2knightKNERD, when things are 'working' you wouldn't really notice but when they are not working, well a different ball of wax is born
20:49.29*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
20:51.07KNERDactually I do..when you call and noboy anwers
20:52.49KNERDstill looking..i never screw around with those conf file, so I forget where everything is
20:57.16p3nguinIf a call dials some phones and the call dies as soon as someone answers one of them, should extension h run or not?
21:00.11p3nguinAlso, are there any Asterisk decals for purchase, or can I have my own made for personal usage (not for resale)?
21:01.13Qwellp3nguin: decals, like case badges, or like stickers?
21:01.23Qwellthere are stickers on the digium store
21:02.08p3nguinI wanted some stickers to put on my Asterisk appliances that I assemble.
21:02.27p3nguinI'll check the store now.
21:02.49Qwellbuy some coffee while you're there
21:02.55f2knightp3nguin, I would think the h should run
21:03.29f2knightp3nguin, set a noon(${DIALSTATUS}) and see what the status is you could at least catch it then.
21:04.01p3nguinThese stickers are too large for my application.
21:04.20f2knightp3nguin, as for decals, I am not sure, but my Father is a sign maker and does custom vinyl letters logos and stuff
21:04.22Qwellp3nguin: yeah I figured.  I know I've seen smaller ones in the past, but no clue where they came from.  Might be a marketing custom order.
21:04.23p3nguinI need something like 1.5 x 2 inches or 1 x 1.5 inches.
21:04.33*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
21:04.44f2knightp3nguin, how many are you needing?
21:05.17f2knightp3nguin, do you have / want your own logo on them?
21:05.25p3nguinIf I had a Cricut, I'd do it myself.
21:06.52p3nguinI could probably use like five or so Asterisk stickers.
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21:10.34p3nguinIt needs to fit in a spot that is 1.125 inch wide, so it would probably be less than 1 inch tall.
21:11.13Qwellp3nguin: you'd have to be careful about trademark stuff
21:12.00QwellI am a little surprised there isn't more demand for stickers that size though.
21:12.30*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
21:13.09p3nguinI think as long as I don't sell the stickers nor sell the equipment with the stickers affixed, I'm probably not going to get into too much of a problem.
21:13.19p3nguinI could be wrong, though, since I'm not a trademark attorney.
21:13.55QwellI don't know, and I'm not willing to offer advice. :)
21:14.00p3nguinAnd if I would ever sell either, I'll be sure to send in my royalties check.  :)
21:14.15p3nguinI know, I couldn't ask you to advise me on something that specific.
21:15.21p3nguinIt's always good when someone just happens to know that kind of information, though.
21:19.25f2knightp3nguin, not sure if you would be 'legally' able to use the digium or asterisk logo, but you could use your own logo with out issues.
21:19.56p3nguinMaybe I could use the Asterisk logo if I pay the royalties.
21:20.14f2knightp3nguin,  maybe you could use it if you just ask for permission.
21:20.45f2knightp3nguin,  might have to have some refine ments like Built with asterisk(tm)
21:21.07f2knightof course I have an 'asterisk inside' logo :)
21:21.46p3nguinIt's not really important enough for me to ask a qualified legal advisor, so maybe asking the right person within Digium could be adequate.
21:25.37f2knightp3nguin, but if you have your own company logo, you could just use that ;) or put a simple "IP PBX" and a model number "X14r"
21:26.39leifmadsenp3nguin: ya just ask malcolmd
21:26.49leifmadsenp3nguin: he can direct you to the right person if he is not it
21:27.00Qwellpretty sure there's a trademarks@ email address
21:27.17Qwellyes, there is
21:27.34p3nguinI see that it states I may use the logo with consent.
21:27.46ChannelZHow does that go?  It's better to ask forgiveness than permission? :P
21:27.47anonymouz666kram still contribute with code to asterisk?
21:27.52anonymouz666that's one curiosity
21:28.23malcolmdyop, if you've got a question about the Trademark Policy (, then is what you want
21:28.26leifmadsenanonymouz666: not in quite some time
21:28.28ChannelZor the other way around.  sheesh my brain is jello today
21:28.38ChannelZI've been battling dspam all day
21:28.53leifmadsenChannelZ: that is how it goes, but when it comes to legal stuff, that is not the ideal solution :)
21:29.00ChannelZheh I know
21:29.16ChannelZJust ask Apple/Motorola/Google/Samsung/et al
21:29.29anonymouz666leifmadsen: it's been a long time since I don't see him on IRC
21:29.44leifmadsenanonymouz666: he flys planes now
21:30.03anonymouz666hehe I saw it on twitter
21:30.10f2knightp3nguin, exactly. Send off an email, you might be shocked.
21:30.15anonymouz666is better than stay here, right?
21:31.41*** join/#asterisk i3inary (
21:36.02p3nguinmalcolmd: Thank you.  I may send off an email about it at some point.
21:36.08f2knightp3nguin, (d) A project is being sold or developed which incorporates a version of Asterisk which has not been modified from the form in which it was distributed by Digium and is described as being "Powered by Asterisk" or "Based on Asterisk".
21:38.59*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
21:39.04f2knightp3nguin, Trademark in any manner that may be interpreted to be a logo by the public (such as with a stylized typeface for formatting), because the use of the Trademarks in logos of Digium is strictly limited to those licensed under the Digium Partner Program.
21:39.30f2knightp3nguin, Therefore, to ensure your use is in compliance with the Policy, you are encouraged to use only the "Word Form" (which means use of the words only, in a standard Arial font, without a design or stylization element) to avoid any use that may look like a logo.
21:40.44f2knightp3nguin, sounds like you can not use the 'LOGO' with out being a Digium Partner, but that you may use the "WORD" Asterisk. or "Powered by Asterisk" with no logo with out a problem.
21:41.36p3nguinUntil I send that email, I'll just leave the box without any sticker on it.  It's not like it can be seen, anyway.
21:41.51p3nguinI was just going to dress it up a little.
21:43.16f2knightp3nguin, thats a safe bet. But you could like I said always put YOUR logo or company name etc on it. Brand it yourself.
21:43.31p3nguinI could if I wanted to.
21:44.59p3nguinHuh.  I think my monitor just gave up and quit.
21:45.16p3nguinDamn.  That'll be two this year.
21:45.39p3nguinI was able to repair the last one by replacing capacitors in it.
21:47.15*** join/#asterisk tonsofpcs (
21:48.36*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
21:51.51rotten777good afternoon
21:57.22hardwireooh.. is nice
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22:02.08*** join/#asterisk BladeMcCool (
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22:03.29BladeMcCoolhow do i turn on some general debugging info for applications? for example i am struggling with issues in getting Festival tts to work from within an AGI script and was wondering if there is any way to get some insight into where things are going wrong (Festival seems to work for me only from normal dialplan)
22:03.34*** join/#asterisk DanFromUK (DanFromUK@
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22:03.58DanFromUKhi, is there an option to get asterisk to add the date/time to the register header?
22:04.43f2knightBladeMcCool, agi debug
22:04.48navaismoBladeMcCool use gai set verbose on
22:05.03BladeMcCooltyvm for infos
22:05.15f2knightBladeMcCool, or agi set debug on if your on 1.8
22:05.46f2knightyou wil basiclly see the send and recieve lines
22:06.51f2knightif you are using fastAGI you could also use netcat to listen on the 'server' side and manually send commands back. ... nc -l <port you want to listen on >
22:07.30f2knightDanFromUK,  what do you mean by a register header? you mean a sip header?
22:07.35*** join/#asterisk granola (
22:08.13f2knightnavaismo, you mean agi set debug on  :P
22:09.56granolado you guys know how npanxx's are resolved to location? or how accurate it can be?
22:12.55*** join/#asterisk cstachris (~chrismylo@
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22:15.16DanFromUKf2knight: yes, i'm trying to configure a cisco phone to connect to asterisk. someone on says that the phone will set its date/time automatically using the date from the register header. (his words, not mine)
22:15.42rotten777sntp server?
22:15.52DanFromUK"the phone will set its clock based on the Date header returned as part of the SIP proxy's registration response (200 OK)"
22:16.15rotten777i don't know about ciscos but my polycom has a sntp server address
22:16.28DanFromUKi know. polycom are great!
22:16.47f2knightDanFromUK, can't speak for cisco phones I hate them personally, but most SIP phones get time from the DHCP server or an external NTPd service.
22:17.09*** part/#asterisk granola (
22:17.27DanFromUKcan the device date/time affect registration? the cisco phone keeps coming up as unauthorised, even though ive tested the same account on xlite and its fine.
22:17.43f2knightOkay do as rotten777 pointed out set up an NTP server
22:17.43rotten777i've never seen it effect the auth
22:17.55BladeMcCoolso yeah i think i'm gonna give up on trying to make Festival work within AGI on 1.8 .. not sure what is up bit it aint talking . i guess i should be happy that i even got espeak to work! haha .. it just does not sound awesome. i wish Allison was free LOL
22:18.19f2knightBladeMcCool, I tried getting festival up period it was a pain.
22:18.39DanFromUKis someone free to help me compare two SIP dialogs and see why one is unauthorized, and the other is OK?
22:18.48f2knightBladeMcCool, fiestival should not be used for any production work just for mock ups
22:18.56p3nguinIt wasn't hard to make festival work, but the sound quality isn't very desirable.
22:19.27f2knightp3nguin, I kept getting dependency issues on my 10.04 LTs box
22:19.37BladeMcCooli got the festival software installed, and stuff seems like it should work .. festival logs the connect and disconnect, and there doesnt appear to be an error .. but it just doesnt speak. maybe i _have_ to enable the caching or something i'm not sure. there is a perl kludge to output the text to a file, generate the .wav and then have asterisk play that back but i'd rather not get into that if i dont have to lol
22:20.13BladeMcCooli'm on 10.04LTS as well. espeak is ok, i may just stick with that too.
22:20.22f2knightBladeMcCool, sounds like festival is not working at all if its not playing audio :)
22:20.59p3nguinMy only problem making festival work the first time was that I didn't have an appropriate alsa.conf, so it could not play where it needed to play.
22:21.13f2knightfor mock ups I will sometimes use SayALpha(what I want to say) (usually an 'error code' and keep a reference that way.
22:21.18BladeMcCoolthe funny thing is i did get it to output a sound ONCE .. via regular dialplan only but it actually worked. ... i mean i can tell the festival server process is running and watch it log communications at any rate :/ text2wave works as well (wait is that part of festival??)
22:21.29f2knightp3nguin,  umm maybe thats my issue.
22:22.08BladeMcCoolf2knight: i tryied the sayalpha stuff. espeak is reasonably intelligible TTS so i'll stick with that for now b/c it works. was hoping to get something that sounds a little nicer. and maybe one day if/when there is a budget I can hire Allison to talk into a mic for me haha
22:23.23f2knightBladeMcCool, you could also use
22:23.42f2knightI used it a few times type it out , download the file put it on your box.
22:24.11f2knightif you ware being funky you could do an quick agi script to take your text do an html post and download or stream the file back :=)
22:25.09*** join/#asterisk DanFromUk (DanFromUK@
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22:31.54BladeMcCoolf2knight hehe i like the way you think
22:32.19BladeMcCooli may end up diong this when it comes time for some real polish
22:34.45BladeMcCoolouch pain at&t tells me that my text violated their policy b/c it sounds too commercially. i lol'd ah well i guess beggars like me cannot be chusers.
22:35.50f2knightBladeMcCool,  and its for personal/non-commerical use :)
22:36.49f2knightBladeMcCool, if your developing something that your selling you charge the client for the prompts :-) if its for your own business, you grab a microphone and record them yourself, or write it all out and take your friend to lunch in exchange for reading them off for you.
22:37.30BladeMcCooli suppose a bitcoin e-wallet ivr interface thing would probably fall under 'commercial', even though I do plan to give it away! hehe
22:38.19*** join/#asterisk johnnyasterisk (~johnnyast@
22:38.25BladeMcCoolits all good. i have more features to implement before i get my panties too much in a bunch over how the voice prompts sound. haha
22:41.06p3nguinfinds it interesting that blademccool wears panties.
22:54.52*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~artur0@
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23:18.32p3nguinf2knight: Did you say you use Vyatta?
23:39.58*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (

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