IRC log for #asterisk on 20110912

00:13.36*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
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00:25.17*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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00:46.11*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
00:48.27*** join/#asterisk p3nguin (
00:48.38p3nguinThat sucked.
00:59.25*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
01:24.06*** join/#asterisk troyt (
01:26.58*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49)
01:36.19*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
01:51.37Kobazanything new and exciting
01:54.39WIMPyI don;t know since when, but overlap dialling from dahdi to dahdi seems to finally work.
01:56.38Kobazsince umm, since whenever i was last up to date on new and exciting things
01:58.05WIMPyThat reminds me that I should experiment with Incomplete() again. According to something I found on Jira a few days ago it seems it's supposed to do what I hoped for when I first found it.
01:58.19*** join/#asterisk samuelsapps (~samuel@
01:58.26WIMPyBut that was not at all what happened when I tried to use it.
02:00.28*** join/#asterisk Sakuranbo (~Sakuranbo@
02:11.37WIMPyNo, it seems to work like Hangup. Has anyone here ever used Incomplete successfully?
02:14.49WIMPyOh. It seems to work with SIP.
02:15.28WIMPyhates it when things only work for certain channeltypes.
02:17.30Kobaznever needed to use Incomplete
02:19.28WIMPyA senseless extension with the needed prefix does the trick, but that must be a bad practice.
02:34.57*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
02:45.27De_Monanyone successfully flashed a cisco phone and gotten it working with asterisk?
02:45.41De_MonI've been trying for a few weeks and have yet to locate a WORKING SIP rom and config...
02:45.53p3nguinI don't know about any flashing, but many people use Cisco phones with Asterisk.
02:45.57De_Moncisco says their sip rom's aren't even supported.
02:46.03p3nguinWhat phone do you have?
02:47.43p3nguinLet me look for 7945 firmware.
02:47.51p3nguinDo you already have any SIP firmware for it?
02:48.40*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
02:52.58p3nguinThere is at least SIP 8-5-3 firmware for the 7945/7965.
02:53.52De_Monthere are several firmwares from cisco but they have all had problems from what I've learned
02:53.54dijibp3nguin, what your google doesnt work either?
02:54.14p3nguindijib: WTF are you talking about?
02:54.22De_MonI haven't been working directly with the people trying to make them work but the latest firmware (that one?) calculates an invalid md5has of the password
02:55.10dijibsip firmware for the cisco 7945 phone
02:55.13p3nguinde_mon: I prefer to use SCCP on my Cisco phones, but SCCP channel driver support is kind of limited and sketchy.
02:55.18De_Monwe've talked to several vendors about getting help flashing the phones and making them work with asterisk and after they heard what we've tried so fa..
02:55.31De_Monr they declined to help ;p
02:55.36p3nguindijib: I'm not sure what you're trying to say or whatever.
02:55.54dijibim saying there is the sip firmware.
02:55.56p3nguinde_mon: There's not really any "flashing" that goes on.
02:56.02p3nguindijib: I know.  I already said that.
02:56.06p3nguin(2152.58) <p3nguin> There is at least SIP 8-5-3 firmware for the 7945/7965.
02:56.29p3nguinI know there is 8-5-3 because I'm looking at the file right now.
02:57.23p3nguinde_mon: It's as easy as getting the firmware files, putting them on a local tftpd, and starting the phone.
02:57.56p3nguinde_mon: The phone gets DHCP information, which includes the tftpd's address, and tries to load certain file names.
02:58.22De_Monhave you successfully used the sip firmware?
02:58.58p3nguinI have used SIP firmware on 7960/7940 and 7912 phones, but I've not used the 7965/7945.
02:59.12De_Monthe guys working on this project know how to flash the firmware or load the firmware, and have been screwing with multiple versions (each with it's own quirky config issues) and can't get them to work.
02:59.26p3nguinAnd it is because I have used SIP firmware on the 7960 and 7940 that I prefer SCCP over SIP.
02:59.55p3nguinYou just need to put the right files on the tftpd.
03:00.01p3nguinconfigured accordingly.
03:00.28De_Monwith the latest firmware, we have the right settings but the phone always fails authentication
03:00.41De_Monthe internet says it's because the phone calculates the md5hash wrong
03:00.43p3nguinAnd it's "its own" not "it's own"
03:01.18De_Monis there anything illegal about using sccp? do we need to buy any licenss or anything to be above board?
03:02.12p3nguinYou're supposed to have paid the licensing fees to Cisco to use the phones, but there's nothing preventing the phones from working if you have the firmware files.
03:03.21De_Monare you using chan_skinny or something else?
03:03.58De_Mon <-- good place to start?
03:04.07p3nguinI use chan_sccp-b on Asterisk 1.4.
03:04.18p3nguinchan_skinny is horrible.
03:05.10De_Monokay, I'll see if we've tried that route
03:05.40p3nguinThere's SIP firmware available if you can't use chan_sccp.
03:05.58p3nguinI'm sure other people use the 7965/7945 phones with SIP on Asterisk.
03:06.09p3nguinThey just aren't here right now, or they'd speak up.
03:06.16De_Monif you're referring to the cisco firmware, we haven't found anyone that's been successful.
03:06.47p3nguinIf I had a 7965 phone, I'd try SIP on it for you.
03:06.54De_MonI'll ask again some time next week and see if we find anyone
03:06.54p3nguinBut I don't have one, so I can't try it for you.
03:07.23p3nguinTry during USA working hours.
03:07.30p3nguinNot sure where you are.
03:07.33De_Monwe have a 2 line model too that you might have, not sure which one though. Hopefully I'll see you around later this week ;)
03:07.47De_Monwe're in florida
03:07.56p3nguinThe 7945 should be a 2 line phone.
03:08.47p3nguinHmm, I have SIP firmware for a bunch of different models.
03:10.00p3nguin7912, 7960, 7961, 7962, 7965, 7970/71, 7975...
03:10.05p3nguinAll have SIP available.
03:10.27De_Monwe have the firmwares, but can't get a phone to register using any of them
03:10.33p3nguinI could be mistaken, but if it has a SIP image for the phone, it should work with Asterisk.
03:11.00p3nguinDid you set all the correct information in the config files?
03:11.53p3nguinDo the phones even TRY to register?
03:12.03De_MonI don't have the configs we used handy but I can get to that stuff during the week
03:12.14De_Monyeah they try and fail saying not authorized
03:12.39De_Monthe credentials work on every other phone though
03:13.35p3nguinI don't remember all the Cisco phone users who hang around here, but I know at least one of them has mentioned using a 7945 or 7965.
03:35.16*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-hdjvwejuxoyicrcd)
03:44.42*** join/#asterisk nix8n82-phone (
03:54.58*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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05:22.34*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
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05:45.03*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
05:45.58atanSo I upgraded to 10.x but now it won't start. Where would I look to see what went wrong?
05:49.31atanHmm, Unable to open Asterisk database '/var/lib/asterisk/astdb.sqlite3': unable to open database file I see
05:54.02atanHmm, ownership seems to have fixed it all up :-)
06:03.15*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
06:03.19schmidtsgood morning
06:08.04*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
06:11.59*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
06:17.11*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
06:18.02FuriousGeorgehey all.  Does anyone have any thoughts on phones by grandstream?  I've been told Snoms are too expensive.
06:19.25wdoekes2many people will say that grandstream is not so good, but some disagree
06:19.28infoboti heard grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run...  Run away now.  Though, therealcircut says that they're not that bad.
06:19.36*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
06:20.06wdoekes2personally I prefer the linksys I have over the grandstream
06:20.32wdoekes2although the grandstream was more feature-rich
06:21.07*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
06:21.13wdoekes2good morning btw
06:21.53atanWhy is it when I add "sippeers => mysql,general,sip_devices" to my extconfig.conf and restart Asterisk it doesn't show me any commands.. I get stuff like "No such command 'sip'."
06:22.02atanno such command 'core' and such =\
06:23.18wdoekes2stop asterisk and run it in the foreground with asterisk -c
06:23.38wdoekes2you'll probably get some errors/warnings.. if not, increase verbosity with -v
06:24.39*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
06:25.21*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
06:29.22atanOkay sounds good. Now I must have something wrong in my SQL database it's not letting me keep my SIP peers in there :D
06:29.38atangoes to scout out what format Asterisk 10 expects the SIP peers table to be in
06:30.31FuriousGeorgewdoekes2: so if not grandstream, then what do you recommend?
06:32.04atanI don't suppose anyone would have sample data that I could use in sipfriends.sql? :D
06:32.13wdoekes2depends on which features you want probably. I'm perfectly content with my linksys spa942, except that it doesn't do cfwd on other lines than line1.
06:33.21wdoekes2atan: <-- see the sample inserts
06:33.57wdoekes2(at leak #3)
06:38.05FuriousGeorgewdoekes2: what about the cisco spa500 series?
06:38.18wdoekes2do I look like I own every phone? ;)
06:38.55FuriousGeorgemy understanding is that the spa500 by cisco replaces the 9xxx series by linksys/cisco
06:39.02FuriousGeorgewondering if you'd head any complaints
06:39.12FuriousGeorge*spa500 SERIES
06:41.56wdoekes2have not heard any complaints no
06:42.58atanHmm. Thank you, wdoekes2. I am using their example except with MySQL and it doesn't see my peers. Any idea why this could be?
06:43.28*** join/#asterisk chrisjunkie (~Chris@2001:4428:22d:2:208:2ff:fe7e:6312)
06:43.38schmidtsFuriosgeorge thats right, the spa5xx series is the new series produced directly from cisco itself but they still have some issues but only small things and everything i have found will be fixed in the next firmware
06:43.54*** part/#asterisk chrisjunkie (~Chris@2001:4428:22d:2:208:2ff:fe7e:6312)
06:45.18wdoekes2atan: sip show peers will not list your realtime peers
06:45.22wdoekes2sip show peer 200 will
06:45.32wdoekes2"sip show peer 200 load" will
06:46.17schmidtsis there a known issue with asterisk 1.8.5 and multiple sip peers?
06:46.34wdoekes2multiple sip peers? doesn't everyone use that?
06:46.46schmidtssorry i will show you what i mean ;)
06:46.56atanOh. Hmm.
06:47.11atanschmidts, do I need to load each one in?
06:47.19*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
06:47.27schmidtsi have 4105 sip peers in static config files, no realtime, and with sip show peers i only see these peers but with sip show objects i see a lot of objects for the same peer and with a refcounter of 258?
06:48.04*** join/#asterisk MariusAgon (
06:48.26atanMy peer is 1133 in the DB. Peer 1133 not found.
06:48.31*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
06:49.03wdoekes2atan: core set debug 20 chan_sip.c
06:49.28atanCore debug was 0 and has been set to 20 for 'chan_sip.c'
06:49.48atansip show peer 1133 load still says peer not found
06:50.10MariusAgonHello, guys. I wannt to ask, what module responds for communicating with outside scripts in asterisk? I have an outside predictive dialer script and today, he wasn't communicating with asterisk even if he was running, just server restart helped, any guesses, where problem was hiding?
06:50.12*** join/#asterisk jksM (jks@
06:50.25wdoekes2atan: if you didn't get a lot of stuff in the console, check out the 'full' log (see logger.conf)
06:50.38wdoekes2it will tell you what queries it did to find the peer
06:50.42*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
06:51.01atanI do not have a logger.conf currently =\
06:51.21wdoekes2then the debugging output should be in your console, I think
06:51.36schmidtsi see 256 objects for each peer...
06:51.49wdoekes2schmidts: I'm not aware of any static peer leakage
06:51.55*** join/#asterisk bjornts (
06:52.25schmidtswdoekes2 ok, i have found there is also a deadlock on this machine maybe this is way there is this problem :(
06:53.00atanwdoekes2, blarg I am so confused. I had someone set it up on a demo server but even when I copy + paste the configs and SQL tables it doesn't work.
06:53.14atanI know the MySQL bit is running since I use it for a ton of other stuff =\
06:55.17wdoekes2atan: it can be a pain to configure correctly if you're new to this. you'll have to take babysteps and look at lots of log output
06:56.03wdoekes2or sniff port 3306 to see if any queries come through
06:56.10*** join/#asterisk brdude (
06:59.37schmidtsok it really looks like it was the deadlock
07:00.00schmidtsOH OH it wasnt the deadlock DAMN
07:00.20schmidtswhen i do a sip reload i see multiples sip objects after it
07:03.31*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
07:04.05schmidtsit looks like this only happens when i use all my sip peers, with only 5 this doesnt happen, but with the full list it does, and the refcounter of every sip peer objects counts up by two with every sip reload :(
07:05.34*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~sgimeno@
07:06.34*** join/#asterisk donnib (~donnib@
07:07.21donnibi have a line that calls an agi in my dialplan. I can see the line get's called in the CLI log but what happens in the file does not work. How can i troubleshoot ?
07:07.29donnibcan i somehow enable more output ?
07:09.22*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
07:09.36donnibanyone ?
07:09.41*** join/#asterisk bjornts (
07:10.43ChannelZdoesn't work as in doesn't get called at all (do you have some debug in the script?)
07:10.53ChannelZMake sure it's executable, and by whatever user asterisk runs as
07:11.20donnibi have not made the script so i don't know if there is any debug output
07:11.29donnibi did chmod 755 on the script, is that enough ?
07:12.27*** join/#asterisk Freeaqingme (~dolf@
07:12.51donnibi tried renaming the file and i don't see any fail in the log so somehow it does not even see the file
07:13.53donnibi am just saying that i renamed the file from x.agi to x1.agi and i still see  -- Executing in the log but no error that the file cannot be found
07:14.06ChannelZWow, this is a new one for the haxx0rs:  Call from '' ( to extension '00123456789000`wget\x20-O\x20/dev/null\x20http://`' rejected because extension not found
07:14.33ChannelZdonnib: specify the whole path to the script. make sure it's executable.
07:15.26donnibhow do i make sure it is indeed executable ?
07:15.33*** join/#asterisk Boardy (
07:15.43ChannelZls -la
07:15.44donnibshould chmod 755 not be enough ?
07:16.09donnib-rwxr-xr-x  1 root     root       1482 Sep 10 22:57 prowlsend.agi
07:16.26ChannelZcan you run it from the shell just by typing its name?
07:17.16donnibi have not called AGI scripts from the shell before so i do not know. ./prowlsend.agi ?
07:17.42ChannelZwhat language is it written in
07:17.59donnibPerl i think
07:18.15ChannelZis the first line #!/bin/perl   or somesuch?
07:18.50donnibi just launched it from shell and it worked
07:19.15donnibmight it still be permissions ? i see that this script has user set root and not asterisk as all other scripts in the agi-bin folder ?
07:19.53ChannelZif your asterisk runs as the user asterisk, then yes, as I said earlier
07:20.11ChannelZ(or some other user other than root)
07:20.14donnibhow do i change it :) ? sorry for the noob question
07:20.32ChannelZchown asterisk ....
07:21.05donnibthat changed only one of the users to asterisk
07:21.16ChannelZthe other is the group and probably doesn't matter
07:21.21ChannelZbut you can do chown asterisk:asterisk ...
07:21.24donniblet me try again
07:27.32donnibseems there are some problems in the perl script i think
07:27.48donnibwhich makes it wait for a CR before continuing
07:28.26ChannelZwaits for a CR from whom
07:28.55donnibif i execute the script in the shell i need to press enter and i get some warnings but in the end the script works
07:29.05ChannelZwell yeah
07:29.12donnibi pressume that is why it does not work when called from the dialplan
07:29.23BoardyI have different providers with different expiration times, but whatever I specify in the register command (with ~<expiry>) is ignored and allways the defaultexpiry is used. What am I doing wrong? (Ast. v1.6.2.9)
07:29.36ChannelZwhen the AGI is run by Asterisk is spits a bunch of variables and stuff to the script via stdout followed by an empty line (so the script knows when it's done)
07:31.03ChannelZBoardy: barring a bug or something perhaps your register syntax is wrong and it's not being seen
07:31.23donnibyeah, something is wrong, i dunno know what. this is the script
07:32.21*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
07:32.21ChannelZI don't do perl much - what's it supposed to do?  It looks like it just spits out call info, nothing you can't get elsewhere
07:32.42donnibit get's the callinfo and sends and Push message to my iPhone
07:33.24ChannelZhmm.  Well no idea.  I assume you have this WebService::Prowl module installed
07:33.31ChannelZand you're passing it some "apikey"
07:33.40*** join/#asterisk BlackBishop (
07:33.47donniband it does work but i am getting some warnings/errors
07:33.57ChannelZfrom whom/what do they say
07:34.01donnibUse of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./prowlsend.agi line 47, <STDIN> line 1.
07:34.09donnibwhen i call it from the shell
07:34.23schmidtswdoekes2 i have found a bug and its the same for 1.8.5/1.8.6/1.8svn and also 10svn :(
07:34.25BlackBishoptrying to use realtime users ( mysql ) .. worked great when I had the passwords stored in clear text ( `secret` row )
07:34.39BoardyChannelZ: I can find so I'm wondering if switching to v 1.8 (Debian testing) will solve this problem
07:34.39BlackBishopnow changed everything to `md5secret` .. anything I should change in the asterisk confs !?
07:34.39ChannelZwell as I said when you call it from the shell manually it's going to not work very well because you're doing feeding it all the data Asterisk does when it runs it
07:35.19donnibbut it should work, i mean when i know it works from the shell as it suppose to do then i can move to the dialplan
07:35.27donnibnot a good strategy ?
07:36.23ChannelZBoardy: hmm that particular bug looks like it's never been fixed
07:36.45ChannelZdonnib: do you have verbose turned on in the console?
07:37.07wdoekes2BlackBishop: I don't think so.. does the md5secret show up in sip show peer xyz load?
07:37.11ChannelZTo like 3
07:37.24donnibi think i tried core set verbose 10
07:37.56ChannelZok.. so you see -- Executing [whatever@whatever] AG(/path/to/whatever.agi)
07:38.36ChannelZAnd then -- <something> Launched AGI Script /path/to/whatever
07:38.39BoardyChannelZ: I thought so myself. But I think my setup is not too exotic, is it? Are there specific settings I can check?
07:38.58BlackBishopwdoekes2: it kinda' does
07:39.07donnibi only get Executing
07:39.12donnibi do not get Launched
07:39.28ChannelZYou've specified the complete path correctly?
07:39.40donnibsince it's placed in the agi-bin
07:39.45donnibdefault agi place
07:39.45BlackBishopI get wrong password though, and I double checked the md5.
07:40.00donnibanywhere to check for the path if it is correct ?
07:40.04ChannelZdo the whole path
07:40.15ChannelZcore show settings
07:40.18donnib2 sec
07:40.42*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
07:41.02donnibbut i am trying the full path
07:42.35donnibnope it is not the path
07:42.50donnibi still believe there some kind of issue with the perl script i need to solve first
07:43.01donnibi want to see it running from the shell without issues
07:45.05*** join/#asterisk Verzuz (~Verzu@
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07:45.48wdoekes2BlackBishop: you did do: echo -n "<user>:<realm>:<secret>" | md5sum
07:47.40BlackBishopjust found that out
07:47.45BlackBishoptried it, works
07:48.19ChannelZdonnib: the behavior you're describing is what happens if you call an AGI that doesn't exist
07:48.48ChannelZOtherwise you will see -- Launched ....
07:55.44donnibso somehow it does not find the AGI script
07:55.51donniband that i do not understand
07:55.57donnibsince i did give it the full path
07:57.27*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
08:00.10*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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08:01.49irrootmorning ladies
08:02.04ChannelZhay hay hay sexay
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08:22.02mrw4Hi, I'm looking for some information on implementing call token support in an IAX2 client app, I have the IAX2 security PDF but is there any sample code or more information available?
08:22.40Verzuzhi, im trying to run active-active cluster for asterisk and i wanted to ask about the best configuration - will it run with pacemaker + ie. openSIPS? or maybe it's even possible to achieve with red hat's cluster manager? i believe it would be easier with rh one...
08:23.19*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (~wphill04@
08:26.29donnibChannelZ: do you have more ideas why my AGI script is not getting launched ?
08:26.57donnibChannelZ: i tried to look at permissions again, i set the correct full path but still i do not see Launched in the cli
08:27.17donnibso as u said if i don't see that then the AGI script does not get called
08:27.43kaldemarhow are you calling it?
08:28.14donnibexten => s,3,AGI(/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/prowlsend.agi|xxxx|${CALLERID(name)}|${CALLERID(num)})
08:28.46donnibin the CLI i see this -- Executing [s@custom-prowl:3] AGI("SIP/2440-0000002d", "/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/prowlsend.agi|xxxx|device|2440") in new stack
08:29.02donniband then i don't see Launched
08:29.08*** join/#asterisk dandre (
08:31.38donnibany ideas ?
08:32.10*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (~james@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
08:33.12kaldemarenable agi debug
08:35.16donnibthat did not tell me anything :(
08:36.23donnibhere is my output from the CLI
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09:16.44aberriosWhen I do a "queue show queuename" why would some agent's names show and not others?
09:17.13irrootaberrios there is a membername field that needs to be set
09:18.16aberriosirroot, nope but the ones that are not showing are all VPN users (on a seperate subnet) so I guess its to do with that.
09:19.37*** join/#asterisk freeedrich| (
09:20.18aberriosirroot, ah I think I see what it might be. its not the VPN issue
09:25.34*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
09:26.11*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (~BigAll@
09:26.18StaRetjip3nguin: ping
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09:28.25*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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09:35.58jkroonhi guys, can anyone help me with getting T.38 (udptl) working with NAT?
09:41.46irrootjkroon yo dude try not use nat :P
09:44.12jkroonirroot, can't be avoided in this case :(
09:44.33jkroonbut i can know for a fact that I'm communicating with the end-point device and not some redirected device ...
09:45.01*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
09:45.31irrootjkroon VPN ??
09:45.32jkroonany plans on supporting udptl over iax that anybody knows of?
09:45.44*** join/#asterisk enoch (~enoch@unaffiliated/enoch)
09:45.46enochhi all
09:45.51jkroonirroot, my client is a WISP, they putting ATA devices on client network.  NAT on CPEs.
09:45.51enochi need a little help
09:46.05jkroonserver is on the WISPs backbone.
09:46.12irrootyeah prolly mikrotik's
09:46.19irrootso could be possible
09:46.22jkroonlol, ubnt actually.
09:46.28enochim using freepbx distro but im having problem configuring my x100p clone trunk/outgoing route
09:46.40jkroonenoch, #freepbx perhaps?
09:46.50enochhow can i troubleshoot? how can i test my x100p from asterisk cli?
09:46.59irrootjkroon when im back in jozi we can chat maybe make plabn
09:47.00jkroondahdi show channels ?
09:47.01enochjkroon no one answare me
09:47.04schmidtsstupid question but where can i set the ulimit for asterisk if i dont use safe_asterisk?
09:47.15*** join/#asterisk frawd (
09:47.23enochjkroon: command not found
09:47.26jkroonschmidts, wherever you are starting it from.
09:47.36jkroonenoch, version of asterisk? (not freepbx)
09:47.54jkroonsounds like your dahdi drivers isn't loading properly.
09:48.53enochthe dahdi module is started and it seems to work
09:49.48enochhow can i check it?
09:51.28jkroonmodules show like dahdi
09:52.14enochwhere can i get the asterisk logs?
09:52.25jkroonirroot, t38pt_usertpsource=yes
09:52.33jkroontotally undocumented option as far as I can tell.
09:53.06irrootif it is not documented ill add the documentation it works ??
09:53.09jkroonstill fails though, unless I do a port-forward of that port to the correct device (which is do-able)
09:53.23jkroonlet me just confirm the port-forward trick first.
09:54.17irrootjkroon the port forward may be a requirement as the router needs to know what to do and where to send it so that will be a given
09:54.24jkroonjust waiting for the ata side to fail proper.
09:55.26jkroonseems to be taking much longer now...
09:55.33enochjkroon: so? how can i check why my dahdi module isn't loaded properly?
09:55.55jkroonmodules show like dahdi
09:57.15enochjkroon: command not found
09:57.36*** join/#asterisk Poincare (~jefffnode@2001:470:cb24:4::2)
09:58.10jkroonmodule show like dahdi ???
09:59.01enochno such command
09:59.42enoch4 modules loaded
10:01.25*** join/#asterisk mrw4 (~jkl@
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10:02.52jkroonenoch, chan_dahdi isn't loaded.
10:03.07jkroonmodule load
10:03.32enochmissing a lib
10:03.40jkroonok, now you know what to fix.
10:03.41enoch[2011-09-12 12:03:21] WARNING[4130]: loader.c:387 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
10:03.52jkrooninstall libpri
10:04.13enochPackage libpri-1.4.12-1_centos5.i386 already installed and latest version
10:05.29enochsolving thanks guys
10:05.41jkrooncould be related to issue...
10:09.09irrootjkroon yeah im bit stuck till wed to help you out and i would like to smack this one down
10:09.53jkroonwill continue digging.
10:12.31enochjkroon: it is working no... but it seems to be strange. im taking the pst line from an access point
10:12.57enochthis access point has 2 fxs  voip ports and i have to use those lines with asterisk
10:13.06enochit is possible to have a good quality?
10:13.24jkroonx100p isn't a dahdi card?
10:13.44jkrooni often use fxs gateways, i don't like them, but they work well enough.
10:14.28enochi've bought TDM410
10:14.40enochnow im trying with an old modem
10:14.56enochbut i'll change it with the tdm410 as soon
10:15.08enochmaybe the problem now is the sip client
10:15.11*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
10:15.56irrootplease if anyone has deadlocks with app_queue on transfer/pickup shout
10:19.37*** join/#asterisk seanbright (~sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
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10:21.00enochthe best windows sip client??
10:29.43enochagain :D
10:30.32*** join/#asterisk irroot (
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10:38.14*** join/#asterisk donnib (~donnib@
10:38.45donnibis it true that one cannot get the CALLERID before one does an Answer in a dialplan ?
10:39.37schmidtsdonnib nope thats not true or generally not true ;) there is some kind of isdn stuff which transport the callerid after an answer but IMHO this is not very widespread
10:41.45donnibschmidts: so if i have this dialplan i can just go with only line 4 ?`
10:43.07schmidtsdonnib normally yes but you can test it easy with a Noop or Verbose command like this: exten => s,n,Verbose(Incoming Call from ${CALLERID(all)})
10:43.37donnibschmidts: thx, i will try that
10:43.44schmidtsyour welcome
10:43.48donnibmaybei should just say what i want to accomplish
10:44.52donnibi want to send an message when i get an incoming call so i wanted to create a extension let's say 777 so when somebody calls i call an group where i have that extension included. in the custom context for the extension i want to send an message but i don't want to pick up the call
10:45.01donnibdoes that make sense :) ?
10:45.25schmidtsdonnib which version do you use cause there are much better ways to do this ;)
10:45.47donnibi am using
10:46.13schmidtswhat message do you want to send? something like a mail or a sip text message?
10:46.23donnibi should mention that i use Freepbx :)
10:46.29donnibit's a Push message to Apple server
10:46.35schmidtsah ok
10:46.40donnibso it is a message to an iPhone
10:46.47donnibthat i have an incoming call
10:47.22schmidtsjust do it like this:
10:47.34schmidtsexten => xxx,1,Noop(incoming call)
10:47.44schmidtssame => n,Agi(xzy.....)(
10:47.49enochok now i can call but i can't recieve... i've set up my inbound roule and the ZAP DID too what i miss?
10:47.51schmidtssame => n,Dial(SIP/123)
10:48.10enochit says: "the number you have diled is not in service"
10:48.16schmidtssorry my fault, you need a Deadagi not a normal one
10:49.01schmidtsforget my last sentence, agi itself should be fine ;)
10:49.13schmidtsi dont use any agi stuff so i dont know this ;)
10:49.48donnibso what is different in the case u describe compared to mine ?
10:50.23schmidtsyou can start an external programm and the callflow will just go ahead after this, so you dont need an exten for it
10:51.29donnibnot sure i follow u
10:52.00schmidtswhy do you want to have your own extension for this?
10:52.42donnibi don't but that was the way i thought i could do it because i have different incoming routes from different trunks and i want them to send the same message.
10:53.04schmidtsthen take a look at gosub or macro
10:53.15donnibyour soultion is to change the dialplan that is there now and add a line which sends the message. is that what u are saying ?
10:53.23schmidtsyes ;)
10:53.55donnibyeah and i want to keep it separete. i could make an custom context and goto that from all dialplans
10:54.27schmidtsor something like this ;)
11:09.58*** join/#asterisk devil_evoxxx (~d3v1l@
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11:14.49qakhanhi all
11:16.06qakhanis there any possibilty in asterisk, can i setup shared company directory with 2 asterisk servers?
11:18.06schmidtsqakhan take a look at DUNDI this could be what you want
11:18.51qakhancan u give me an overview of DUNDI?
11:22.40jkroonqakhan, dundi uses a peering mechanism to find routes to numbers.
11:22.43jkroonpretty impressive.
11:22.58jkrooncan be used in interesting ways to distribute switches.
11:23.40jkroonfor mapping names/numbers i would suggest possibly rather looking at something like ldap though.
11:24.30qakhani have 2 severs, 1st in NY 2nd in WDC
11:25.18qakhanNY server has T1 line, when some one call in NY server and press * for company's directory
11:26.24qakhanServer should accecpt all users name in NY office as well as WDC office user's name
11:27.57jkroonast realtime.
11:28.42*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:cb:75ea:9af6:3e16)
11:29.54devil_evoxxxhi all :) I'm looking for t.38 fax in asterisk 1.8, i'm was thinking to use res_fax for receiving and sending to e-mail the incoming fax. Is there some way to make tone detection for fax?
11:31.50*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (~kaldemar@unaffiliated/kaldemar)
11:32.10jkroondevil_evoxxx, receivefax/sendfax?
11:32.34devil_evoxxxjkroon: yes
11:33.50devil_evoxxxbut for detect if is a call or a fax?
11:36.22*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
11:37.19jkroondevil_evoxxx, the person you want to speak with is irroot
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11:38.59devil_evoxxxthankyou jkron :)
11:43.27schmidtsdevil_evoxx and the version you want to use is 10 not 1.8 cause this fax detect and T.38 stuff is in there
11:43.38jkroonor will be :)
11:44.18schmidtsafaik is it allready in there
11:44.38*** join/#asterisk quintana (
11:45.56devil_evoxxxschmidts: i was trying something like this, but Wait(6) is too long
11:48.54devil_evoxxxast 1.8 can not detect fax? :(
11:49.34*** join/#asterisk madduck (~madduck@debian/developer/madduck)
11:50.27madduckhas anyone encountered cases where calls from an external sip provider, proxied by asterisk (no reinvite) to a handset are terminated after pretty much exactly 14:45 minutes?
11:51.01madduckI am going to try to narrow this down (which isn't easy at all), but so far it seems that it only happens on calls coming from to my asterisk, not if I use for outgoing calls.
11:51.05madduckweird, eh?
11:53.32devil_evoxxxare you sure that your provider have something like a limit
11:53.49madduckfor incoming calls?
11:53.56madduckanyway, this is rather new, didn't use to happen
11:54.33devil_evoxxxi'had same problem in italy..the provider terminate every call after 15 minutes
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11:54.41wdoekes2madduck: Session-Expires and reinvite stuff?
11:54.45devil_evoxxxincoming and outgoing..
11:54.53*** part/#asterisk billmania (~bill@
11:54.54madduckdevil_evoxxx: works outgoing though
11:55.01madduckwdoekes2: now sure what you mean…
11:55.23devil_evoxxxbut he say that is a "security reason" for append sip channels
11:55.43devil_evoxxxand not use rtpholditemout and rtptimeout
11:55.51devil_evoxxx..and next i've changed provider..
11:55.55wdoekes2do a sip debug for a call. my guess is that a re-invite takes place after 14:45 seconds, which doesn't get handled properly
11:57.22madduckwdoekes2: the handset is behind NAT and I set directmedia = nonat
11:57.26madduckso there should not be a reinvite
11:58.02wdoekes2not a reinvite for a new audio path
11:58.07wdoekes2but one to keep the session alive
11:58.28wdoekes2check the Session-Expires headers in the invite/200 packets
12:02.52madduckwdoekes2: I only see such a header in the Trying and Ringing packets:
12:02.53madduckSession-Expires: 1800;refresher=uas
12:02.58madduckthat is 30 minutes, not 14:45
12:03.18wdoekes2ok.. and which do packets arrive at 14:45?
12:03.20*** part/#asterisk donnib (~donnib@
12:03.27wdoekes2s/do packets/packets do
12:04.27madducki will have to check when I receive the next call
12:06.18*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
12:11.32madducki wish sip debugging would log timestamps!
12:11.49madduckah, it does, except on the console:
12:11.49madduck[Sep 12 14:11:37] VERBOSE[19011] chan_sip.c:
12:12.19madducknow waits for call
12:13.56anonymouz666irroot: ping
12:14.14*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
12:14.23Dovidhi. is there any way to get the codec used on a call ?
12:14.34anonymouz666irroot: could you please explain the patch? I am very confused right now
12:14.47anonymouz666you put the lock, remove the lock
12:14.55madduckDovid: sip show channels
12:14.59irrootbad hair day :P
12:15.05madduckor rtp show channels
12:15.08madduckor core show channels
12:15.11irrootthe lock is handled in ao2_xxxx
12:15.19irrootthere is no need to lock it in app_queues
12:15.23anonymouz666irroot: I understood
12:15.39anonymouz666what you send to reviewboard there's any diff to the original code?
12:16.20irrootthe problem is actually the holding of a chan lock while queues is locked
12:16.31irrooti went through the code more carefully and learnt more about ao2
12:16.40anonymouz666irroot: that happens with normal SIP/ members or Local/ members? or just when masquerade is involved?
12:17.11irrootanonymouz666 there are now no locks/unlocks in app_queue of queues container
12:17.28schmidtsnot a single one? ouch
12:17.34anonymouz666irroot: sorry to ask you many questions, because I think that this problem is happening right now
12:17.58irrootschmidts its fine as ao2_find / iterate and friends lock it
12:18.00anonymouz666irroot: the last patch is attached to the jira issue?
12:18.23irrootthe latest is on rb1402
12:18.25schmidtsah ok i see ;)
12:19.24mrw4Hi, I'm looking for some information on implementing call tokens in an IAX2 client application, I have read the IAX2 security PDF but I'm wondering if there is any sample code or mor information available?
12:19.47irrootschmidts there is a dead lock when a channel is locked in try_calling with the queues container held this will be on masq/transfer as the container is locked when its needed there is no need to lock it
12:20.21anonymouz666irroot: masq/transfer is done only on res_features, right?
12:20.46anonymouz666so just by the fact we are using Local/ members are a totally different stuff
12:20.57schmidtsirroot yes that was one thing we have changed lately
12:21.01irrootnot always it can be done in sip for example with a refer
12:21.30schmidtsanonymouz666 i am not sure if its really something different cause the masquerade will be the same, even with local channels
12:22.02anonymouz666irroot: but in this case no members do transfers
12:22.15anonymouz666when app_queue deadlocks, it stops to delivery calls, right?
12:22.36anonymouz666the sip channels are getting stuck, so I am guess that this is different issue
12:22.38irroot"core show locks" will help see if its a deadloc
12:22.50anonymouz666no debug mode, in 300 calls :(
12:23.07irrootyeah i know
12:23.20irrootwell you can unload the module ??
12:23.31irroot"core module unload"
12:23.36irrootand reload it
12:23.55irrootchances are if it reloads fine its not app_qurur
12:35.50*** join/#asterisk ocx (c27e0e65@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:36.28ocxhello, can asterisk be used as an smsc gateway if connected to a mobile FXO line for example
12:37.31ocxthe purpose is to send sms to gsm phones
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12:47.48wasanzydoes asterisk support: Outbound dialers  to make calls from an application?
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12:48.51hron85Hi! How can i reset extension hint? One extension stuck in InUse state... :s
12:48.54wasanzyor do I need a third party Outbound dialers to interface with asterisk before I can make calls from an application?
12:51.14wasanzyany help?
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12:54.21wasanzyguys any one to advice on above question?
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12:54.32enochhi guys
12:54.53enochis there an italian translation for the asterisk's audio files?
12:55.19*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
12:59.09schmidtswasanzy take a look at call files or AMI
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13:00.44kaldemarwasanzy: originate is the keyword for what you want.
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13:01.54wasanzyKaldemar? ok, so can it be configured in asterisk or I need a third party application?
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13:03.29kaldemarwasanzy: there is nothing to configure. your application can communicate with asterisk directly.
13:04.09wasanzyok thank you.
13:05.04otwieraczCan I define contacts list for clients in Asterisk
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13:05.15otwieraczTo see it, for example, in Ekiga.
13:07.53kaldemarotwieracz: no.
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13:36.54ocxhello, can asterisk be used as an smsc gateway to GSM if connected to a GSM FXO line for example
13:37.37jkroont.38 sucks.
13:37.47jkroonwhy oh why must faxing be such a struggle.
13:38.32coppiceit isn't. its works wonderfully well on the PSTN
13:38.42jkrooncoppice, that's my point.
13:38.48jkroonwhat do you do if you don't have pstn?
13:39.13coppicewell, most things that suck in VoIP work just fine in the PSTN
13:39.28jkroonthanks, you've been a great help :p
13:40.14WIMPyThat's the way it is. Nothing really works, but it's cool, man.
13:41.40jkroonyou clearly don't have my clients ...
13:41.41jkrooncan i have some of yours?  i'll give this one to you for free
13:42.45WIMPyOh, and roumors say it's cheaper.
13:43.06jkroonthose are rumours yet.
13:43.14WIMPyI'd suggest to change the batteries of your calculator.
13:43.44coppicebandwidth is really really cheap these days, and can you tell me how to get a bit rate lower than G.729?
13:43.49jkroonother than for fax though I reckon it is  better.
13:43.49Dovidhi. is there any way to get the codec used on a call by looking at a varible?
13:44.35jkroonDovid, CHANNEL(audionativeformat)
13:45.10WIMPyIP bandwidth is only cheap in very small amounts, i.e. ADSL.
13:45.28jkroonWIMPy, that you're allowed to say again.
13:46.15coppice1G symmetric is cheap too....... until you want it end to end
13:46.22WIMPyOr in sedicated facilities, off course.
13:46.38*** join/#asterisk asterisk-Tester (~RAMYT@
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13:50.03jkrooncoppice, bandwidth is in my experience NOT cheap, except if you're being provided a service that is so badly oversubscribed it's close to useless.
13:50.12jkroonbut I've also been told:  This is Africa, get used to it.
13:50.34ijpalmerHi all, can anyone tell me if it's possible to place one call into 2 different queues
13:50.50coppiceI think that's what I implied. The 1G symmetric I get for about $25 a month doesn't extend all that far
13:51.17jkroonijpalmer, Dial(Local/s@context&Local/s@otherqcontext)
13:51.21WIMPyjkroon: It's the same in Europe. PSTN bandwidth is much cheaper than IP bandwidth.
13:51.53WIMPyAnd PSTN bandwidth is guaranteed.
13:52.00jkroonok well, we have areas where there is no pstn, and getting some half-assed wireless isp to carry IP bandwidth is your only option.
13:52.31jkroonand at one of these WISPs I have a client that needs a Fax machine, and email2fax is not an option for some reason that I don't understand.
13:52.41WIMPySounds like Ireland.
13:52.52jkroonhartbeespoortdam actually :p
13:54.03ijpalmerjkroon: Thanks for your response.  i'm using queue() not dial, I have tried Queue(queue1&Queue2)
13:54.49jkroonijpalmer, yes, create a context with this [queues] exten => 1,1,Queue(queue1); exten => 2,1,Queue(queue2)
13:55.07jkroonthen send the call into Dial(Local/1@queues&Local/2@queues,m)
13:55.30ijpalmerjkroon: ok Thanks, I'll give it a try
13:57.36zambaanyone got an example of meetme conferencing with different admins and some nice features? i'm looking for a way to sudo into admin mode or even dialing a separate number, and then have access to muting/increasing/decreasing volume of individual members of the conference..
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14:18.16*** join/#asterisk whtsup (
14:18.36whtsupany one for help ?
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14:21.25infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
14:23.38*** join/#asterisk floh79 (~quassel@
14:25.27whtsupwhen i do sip show peerts
14:25.45whtsup193.104.107.1            N      5060     LAGGED (3249 ms)
14:25.50whtsupshowing lagged
14:26.01*** join/#asterisk irroot (
14:26.02whtsupbut when i normally ping this ip ping is on 5ms delay
14:26.23whtsupwhere is the problem i m not getting this
14:26.29schmidtshow many peers do you have on this system?
14:26.40whtsuparound 12
14:27.17schmidtsok thats not much, only this one makes problems or all of them?
14:27.20*** part/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
14:27.36whtsuponly 2 peers r making this problem
14:27.39whtsupothers fyne
14:28.18schmidtswhat kind of peers this are?
14:28.35schmidtssip phones, other asterisk ...? ;)
14:28.37whtsupthis is my carrier ip
14:28.47jkroonremote off-site?
14:29.00whtsupsending traffic from this ip
14:29.13whtsupusing some switch
14:29.55schmidtsah ok, cause asterisk sends an option packet and measure how long until it gets an answer, and some systems answers with very low priority to options messages, this could be the problem of this lag
14:30.11schmidtsdoes dialing this peers take also very long or is it fast?
14:30.29whtsupdialing is okay
14:31.07whtsupaverage call connecting  ratio i m getting is 22%
14:31.22jkroonthat feels low.
14:32.04schmidtswhtsup how do you ping this systems?
14:32.05whtsupbut when i ping normally delay is very low
14:32.18whtsupping ipadress
14:32.18jkroonok, any ideas why on a LAN fax without T.38 would work, and with T.38 it would fail?
14:32.22schmidtsplease try this: ping -c1000 -i0.02 -pff -Q0x86 -s1280
14:32.33irrootim off home
14:32.37schmidtsjkroon remote side doesnt support T38 ?
14:32.45jkroonhow can I make sure that I match the settings on the ast side to that of the remote end.
14:32.49jkroonit claims it does.
14:32.49schmidtsirroot do you have a filter for t.38? :D
14:32.56jkroonit even initiates the kick-over?
14:33.05jkroonirroot, :)
14:33.10jkroonjust the person that might be able to assist :p
14:33.13irrootno its jkroon i filter :P
14:33.21schmidtsok i see :D
14:33.27jkrooni'm that popular?
14:33.35irrootlift here
14:33.43jkroonkk, enjoy
14:33.47irrootping me l8r if i on
14:34.03whtsupping is constant
14:34.16whtsup1000 packets transmitted, 1000 received, 0% packet loss, time 21573ms
14:34.17whtsuprtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.000/6.092/37.350/5.156 ms, pipe 2
14:34.21jkroonirroot, i'm off to the squash courts in about 45 ...
14:34.34schmidtswhtsup looks ok
14:34.53whtsupbut y asterisk showing lagged
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14:35.58whtsupthis will make call quality worst if asterisk showing lagged ?
14:36.51schmidtsno this lagged is only for sip messages not for rtp
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14:39.29zambahow can i get better quality on the music on hold that's played from an icecast source?
14:39.44zambai'm currently using the following command: /usr/bin/wget -q -O - http://localhost:8001/128 | /usr/bin/madplay -Q -z -o raw:- --mono -R 8000 -a -12 -
14:39.49zambaand it sounds terrible
14:40.27p3nguinstaretji: yes?
14:43.50p3nguinzamba: Just use mpg123.
14:45.13zambap3nguin: have never gotten that to work
14:45.20zambap3nguin: got an example?
14:45.34malcolmdalso depends on what codec the phone that's listening to the MoH is using...g.729 is a terrible codec for transmitting music
14:46.06zambaalaw is the one i use
14:46.44coppiceterrible is a relative thing. at least many of many relatives are terrible
14:46.52p3nguinzamba: I run it from a script.  musiconhold.conf calls the script, and the script runs  /usr/bin/mpg123 -q -b 2048 --preload 0.2 -r 8000 -f 4096 -m -s http://mystream
14:47.10zambap3nguin: and that sounds fine?
14:47.17zambamy stream lags a lot as well
14:47.20p3nguinI wouldn't use it if it didn't work.
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14:49.28zambaif i dial pure sip it's terrible.. by the true meaning of the word.. it lags.. i hear half a second of music and then 2-3 seconds of silence
14:49.46p3nguinBut like malcolmd mentioned, if I use g.729, any hold music doesn't sound as good as it should.
14:50.15zambaalaw is the same as g.729?
14:50.19malcolmdcoppice: indeed
14:50.28p3nguinalaw is g.711a
14:50.28zambap3nguin: well, i'm not using g.729 then
14:50.40zambaand it still sounds crappy
14:50.42p3nguinIf you set up an moh extension, does it still sound bad?
14:50.52zambawhat do you mean by a moh extension?
14:51.29p3nguinLike extension 1000 runs musiconhold and nothing else.  Then you pick up your phone and call 1000.
14:52.59zambaah, ok
14:53.05p3nguinIf a phone on the same network as asterisk still have poor moh quality, it might not be the music that is the problem.
14:54.51zambanow i'm seeing this all of a sudden: [2011-09-12 16:54:13] WARNING[11678]: pbx.c:7465 add_pri_lockopt: Unable to register extension '_X.', priority 1 in 'meloyfs_ut', already in use
14:55.12Kobazyou have more than one of them
14:55.15p3nguinThen I guess you're trying to duplicate that extension and priority.
14:57.02*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
14:57.23zambasame problem if i create only a moh extension
14:58.09zambatoo low latency? ;) i have 0.665 ms to the asterisk server
14:58.16zambabut it's still over wan
14:59.03p3nguinI don't think you can have too low of latency.
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15:01.33mrw4Hi, I'm looking for some information on implementing call tokens in an IAX2 client application, I have read the IAX2 security PDF but I'm wondering if there is any sample code or mor information available?
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15:04.16WIMPymrw4: libiax?
15:05.43kaldemarno calltoken support there
15:07.18mrw4thanks WIMPy, but those files look rather old
15:07.59WIMPySo they need some care?
15:08.03mrw4I have looked through the iax2 part of the Asterisk source, but was looking for some examples of implementing for a client app
15:08.54Kobazmrw4: there are some open source linux iax2 clients you can check out
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15:09.15mrw4do you know of any with calltoken support?
15:09.28Kobaznot offhand
15:10.51mrw4thanks for the info, I'll have a look through those.
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15:33.11itguruI'm trying to fix a broken asterisk install -- It fails to start up asking for the asterisk.ctl file exists, I can see it being created on the server. I'd like some assistance in tracking down the problem please
15:37.10navaismowhat show the last 20 lines when you star asterisk with asterisk -vvvvvvvvcg
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15:42.07kannanhello, in Asterisk ; Will i be able to get the Answeredtime and full details in CDR (i use MySQL CDRs with userfield also) inside a DeadAGI priority (the calling party has already hang up)
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15:44.16kannanalso if i use M(macro-mymacro) option inside a Dial application , (i want to rset the CDR on answer, so as to be able to bill only from there onwards), will the macro exit back to the Dialplan as auto fallthrough , or do I have to set the MACRO_RESULT to use GOTO
15:45.05itgurunavaismo: I'm about to find out :)
15:47.23kannanwhen I already have a asterisk  running , can I unpack and build asterisk-addons , or is it needed to stop asterisk and unload dahdi before then
15:48.03itgurunavaismo: I kid you not, starting asterisk via asterisk -vvvvvvvvcg and all systems are working!? I am very confused, but at the saem time happy! hehe
15:48.55chazzamitguru: permissions problems?
15:49.25chazzamkannan: you should be able to compile and install with it running, but have to restart the software to start using the newly installed version
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16:03.45De_MonWe've got some Cisco phones we want to connect to asterisk, anyone had success using any of these models with asterisk that can help us figure out a working config? 7965, 7945, 7911
16:05.04navaismoi guees you need to dowload the sip firmware to the phones if they support it
16:05.35De_Monwe think there is something wrong with the firmware and are looking for someone that's actually gotten it working
16:06.07itguruchazzam: I guess I'm going to have to try and figure out what the permission issues are
16:08.13chazzamDe_Mon: have you tried multiple versions of asterisk as well?
16:08.31chazzamitguru: do your init scripts try to run Asterisk as a non-root user?
16:08.34navaismoI have some 7960 working with asterisk
16:08.38kannanchazzam, thanks
16:08.56De_Monchazzam yeah, we have a 1.4 and a 1.6 system
16:09.10De_Mon... or maybe it's 1.8 now I'm not sure
16:09.35navaismothe phones can register?
16:10.00kannanaby idea about the answeredtime , when we write from a DeadAGI is it the correct field for billing calculations?
16:10.06De_Monno, they try but fail with a 401 unauthorized. which is why we're thinking its a firmware bug
16:10.31De_Monthat or a config issue, which someone with a working config could tell us pretty quickly
16:12.14navaismocan you see in the cli when asterisk reject them? normally asterisk says wrong password, not peer defined etc
16:12.46kannanwhat is the difference between billsecs, dialedtime and answered time in CDR?
16:12.59kannanwhich is correct for use in billing calculations?
16:13.30De_Monyeah... where did I put that error
16:13.46De_Monkannan billsecs is time actually spent talking
16:13.49navaismothis is my SIPDefault.cnf
16:13.52De_Monkannan thats what you typically bill for
16:15.18kannanDe_Mon , thanks
16:16.41navaismoand this one for the phone
16:17.49De_MonI get a [Sep 12 12:17:01] NOTICE[1236]: chan_sip.c:15642 handle_request_register: Registration from '"mike" <sip:mike@>' failed for '' - Wrong password
16:18.10De_Monahh... curse you copy and paste!
16:18.40De_Monwhich phone/firmware are you using?
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16:18.46kannanDe_MOn , have you explicitly set the Nat options inside the sip
16:19.16kannanjust you can try to set nat-no or yes , inside the phone's settings explicitly
16:19.29De_Monno, but the phones are internal
16:20.12kannanright , but some model (cannot rmember which i had this issue , when i added nat=no inside the phone's sip  lines, it worked
16:20.22kannanin sip.conf i meant
16:21.09kannanbrb , i think i have the working files, i will search ..
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16:23.15De_Monnavaismo that version isn't available on cisco's site any longer
16:23.51p3nguinnavaismo: That's a 7960/7940 file, and it won't work on his 7965/7945.
16:23.53navaismoits ooold
16:24.33p3nguinAnd 8-12 has a callerid bug that I'm not a fan of, so I would suggest using 8-11 anyway.
16:24.54De_Monthe three models we've got are 7965, 7945, 7911
16:25.37p3nguin7965 and 7945 are the "same," so you only need two different images.
16:26.09p3nguinWhat firmware versions do you currently have for the phones?
16:26.43De_Mon8.3.4 or 8.4.3 will have to double check that
16:27.46p3nguinI have an 8-5-3 file, so maybe you should consider getting the newer firmware.
16:28.12p3nguinIf you can't find it in Cisco's site, I can give you the file name for you to find it somewhere else, if you know what I mean.
16:28.24De_Monwe tried 9.2.1 which is the latest too
16:29.22p3nguinI think _corey_ probably has some experience with the 7965/7945 and asterisk.  Maybe he'll be available soon.
16:29.33De_Moncan you send me the config your using?
16:29.38_Corey_I'm here, just dealing with an outage this morning
16:30.01p3nguinI'm not sure what config you're asking for.
16:30.13De_Monthe phone config for 8-5-3
16:30.18_Corey_I'll need to check on the 45s, I know we've used the 41s/61s/71s
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16:30.46p3nguinI don't have a 7965/7945, so I do not have any configs for them.  I only have the firmware file for them.
16:31.04BlackBishopwonders why his ht503 has a bootloader ver after upgrade when others report :|
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16:31.52De_Monany particular reason you have the firmware? did someone say it worked or something? =)
16:32.15p3nguinI just have it.  Not sure why you are concerned about that.
16:32.47De_Monbecause we suspect there are bugs in these firmware that make them completely unsable
16:32.55De_Moncuz we can't get them to work, or find anyone that has
16:34.49De_MonIf we don't get anywhere today my next approach is to email asterisk mailing list and see if we can find anyone there. Just knowing that someone has gotten it to work would make me feel a lot better
16:35.17De_Monand by work I mean knowing which firmware and phone they got it working on
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16:36.31p3nguinI'm sure if I had a 7965/7945, I'd get it to work.
16:37.25De_Monwe might just send you a phone and even some cash if you're interested
16:37.44navaismomm but the error show wrong password
16:38.28p3nguinI'd probably give it a shot if I had a phone.
16:38.44De_Monwe can send you a phone
16:40.06De_Moncan I pm you my email address?
16:40.25NuggetI'm running almost all 45/65s here
16:40.31p3nguinwith SIP?
16:40.51p3nguinDo you know which SIP version?
16:40.52Nuggetasterisk 1.6
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16:41.31Nuggetit's been a few months since I checked for updates.  currently running SIP45.9-2-1S
16:41.57De_Monsounds like we have config problems in that case
16:42.16NuggetI'm running sip/tcp patch to do BLF, but it has run fine without that.
16:42.41De_MonNugget can you send me the xml file for the 9.2.1s?
16:42.58Nuggetsure, msg me your email
16:47.21Nuggetdon't see a /msg
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16:47.42ChannelZI see your underpants!
16:52.27luke-jrWhat does it mean if extensions "got tired of being parked" immediately?
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16:55.37ChannelZLot full?  Haven't seen that one.
16:56.13ChannelZor your parking time is ridiculously low
16:56.32luke-jrneither :/
16:56.42luke-jrall parking fails this way
16:58.34ChannelZwhat version?  I haven't actually used parking in awhile
16:59.17p3nguinnugget: He /noticed me, so maybe it's in your status window instead of a msg window.
17:00.03ChannelZInteresting, it's acting crazy here too.  Hang on let me try again
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17:00.59De_Monthere's a msg for you now too
17:01.38De_Monif we get this working today you gus are our heros
17:01.38ChannelZnevermind parking worked here, I just screwed up the transfer.  Are you using feature code parking or transferring to 700 (or whatever)
17:02.03luke-jrChannelZ: 1.6
17:02.08De_Monthis is a digium box so using skinny or sccp would void the warranty i'm told
17:02.15De_Monerr switchvox i mean
17:02.44De_Mon(which is why i decliend participating in this project) bloody vendor lockin bs
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17:03.07ChannelZwell they can only support what they know
17:03.53jayteeif I want to upgrade from one asterisk- to do I have to remove all the binaries or will running make install just overwrite what's there. I'm thinking from past experience it does but just wanted to get verification.
17:03.55De_MonI prefer best effort support and letting me do whatever I want ;)
17:06.12ChannelZluke-jr: re: how are you parking
17:07.38luke-jrChannelZ: exten => s,n,ParkAndAnnounce(silence/1,150,Local/s@ignore_park_announcement,frompark,s,1)
17:08.01luke-jroriginally, the silence/1 and Local/… were blank, but those threw warnings so I wanted to clean them up first
17:09.49ChannelZSo this is like an automatic park from someone dialing in?
17:11.52luke-jrI think the receptionist transfers them to the extension, which calls the macro containing said line
17:12.59ChannelZso s@ignore_park_announcement does something interesting in the dialplan I assume
17:14.02p3nguinGah, some people are so weird.  Someone in India called me to ask my "opinion" about some questions.  The first question was about products I use.  The second was about sales of the products I indicated I use.
17:14.34p3nguinThe first I was okay with.  When they want to know my sales stats, that's no longer their concern, and it certainly is not an opinion.
17:14.43luke-jrp3nguin: that sounds like a scammer
17:14.57luke-jrChannelZ: it answers and hangs up
17:14.58p3nguinAnd they made me pay for the call.
17:16.34p3nguinAfter I told two guys that it wasn't a question where I'm giving my opinion, and he kept repeating the question, I finally had to tell him I was hanging up.
17:17.46ChannelZYou should have told him you make 150 million a day
17:18.28ChannelZluke-jr: hmm.  Well I just tried it here and it's working, albeit under 1.8.5
17:18.52ChannelZat least as a dial-in
17:19.27p3nguinI use parking from features, and it works just fine.
17:20.08p3nguinI just have to press the park key on the phone to park, and dial the extension that the parking attendant gives me to pick up the call again.
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17:20.53ChannelZluke-jr: without hosing up my configuration I can't easily test to see if misconfiguring the parking lots results in the behavior you describe
17:21.05ChannelZIs this something that was working and recently stopped?
17:21.43luke-jrChannelZ: yes, we had an Asterisk Biz Edition 1.6.2 hosed, and are replacing it with a normal Asterisk
17:22.06luke-jrI did notice all the call parking stuff in features.conf is commented out
17:25.17ChannelZI think you need parkpos and the context set at least, and then include => parkedcalls (or whatever context) in your dialplan unless you specifically Park() and ParkedCall() yourself
17:25.21ChannelZparking lots are screwy
17:26.53luke-jrit is doing ParkedCall itself
17:27.07luke-jrI wonder if Park() would be more appropriate than the ParkAndAnnounce
17:29.33p3nguinWhy can't you just use the parking from features?
17:30.25luke-jrdunno, I didn't write this
17:30.38Kobazbecause parking from features is limited and not useful in many cases
17:30.56Kobazi always use ParkAndAnnounce, usually skipping the announcement
17:31.13luke-jrKobaz: skipping it how?
17:31.55Kobazuse something like console/dsp as the announcement channel
17:32.20Kobazand a blank announcement file
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17:33.18luke-jrKobaz: any reason not to use Park()?
17:33.26Kobazyeah, if you want a specific lot
17:34.00Kobazie: park in spot 1000
17:34.21luke-jrhow is that any different with AndAnnounce?
17:34.42Kobazyou can specify the spot with ParkAndAnnounce
17:35.20luke-jrsame with Park() according to the docs
17:35.55Kobazhmm, yeah just noticed
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17:35.58Kobazit didn't used to
17:36.08kaushalpaulc: hi
17:36.15ChannelZluke-jr: does 'features show' from the console show your default lot?
17:36.17KobazI set it up that way for a reason a while ago
17:37.39luke-jrChannelZ: no
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17:39.33ChannelZcould be a problem
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17:42.26kaushalpaulc: you around ?
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17:43.08ChannelZalthough even with everything commented out in my features.conf I still get the default lot shown
17:43.52kaushalcan someone please guide me using callfiles to initiate outbound campaign for 240 phone numbers concurrently ?
17:44.53kaushalI have a single call file. so do i need to create 240 call files and move all to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/
17:45.02kaushalnot sure i understand that
17:45.05luke-jrif I do Park(), I get:   == Parked SIP/366-00000341 on 4402 (lot default). Will timeout back to extension [frompark] s, 1 in 0 seconds
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17:48.16ChannelZand there is no lot defined in the 4400s in your features or anything?
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17:52.02luke-jrthere never was, even when it worked
17:52.08luke-jradding it now didn't help
17:53.23ChannelZJust wondering where it's even getting the number from
17:53.45paulckaushal: I am now
17:54.38ChannelZWell at least it's coming from somewhere then :)  Just dunno why it's defaulting to 0 second ringback, the default seems to be 45
17:56.04ChannelZwhat version did you say you were running?  1.6.what?
17:58.33ChannelZI see a bug that might be what you're getting, but trying to figure out what version it got fixed in
18:00.28ChannelZhmm well it was closed in January 2010 and came out in June so I'd assume...
18:05.47ChannelZWhat timeout did you use for Park() ?  It seems to honor what I give it
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18:09.01luke-jrChannelZ: 150
18:09.20leroybuckinghamHey guys, is there a way I can disable music on hold for blindxfer ?
18:09.34ChannelZhmm.  Dunno what to say other than 'this feels like a bug' and to upgrade.
18:09.43luke-jrit's the latest version in Debian stable ;)
18:10.05ChannelZpackages... feh
18:10.33ChannelZ1.6.2 is up at .20 or something
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18:13.14ChannelZleroybuckingham: You could make a 'silent' MOH context set to a dir with no files in it, but it's a little hard to do that just for blind xfers and not other functions
18:13.51pabelangerluke-jr: FYI:
18:13.54ChannelZkicks infobot
18:14.16pabelangerinfobot: help packages
18:14.18luke-jrpabelanger: those are broken'
18:14.40pabelangerluke-jr: how so?
18:14.51ChannelZuse the source, luke  (AHAH!)
18:14.54luke-jrpabelanger: dunno, even Digium support guy couldn't get them to work, so he ended up building from source
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18:15.14luke-jrIIRC it was specific to DAHDI stuff
18:15.35leroybuckinghamMaybe I'm going about this the wrong way.  I have somebody who makes sales calls responding to leads, and gets voicemails a good portion of the time--so they're using blindxfer to transfer the callee to an announcement.  It's a speeddial on the phone but it's still not fast enough to avoid a very brief music on hold.
18:15.41pabelangerluke-jr: ticket number?  Who were you talking too?
18:15.49pabelangerI'd be interested in knowing the problem
18:16.10pabelangerbut if it is DAHDI, we don't package that and just use the version from Debian / Ubuntu
18:16.21thansenis there anything useful here to figure out what caused a crash?
18:16.30luke-jrpabelanger: not sure the ticket, but it led to RMA-10005779 (which didn't help either)
18:16.33thansenor do I need to recompile
18:17.08ChannelZleroybuckingham: as I said you can make a silent MOH contet and set the device/channel to use it, but that will also break if they intentionally want to put someone on hold with the hold button of their phone for isntance
18:17.10luke-jrpabelanger: the problem was/is, that the system randomly reboots after some NMI errors if DAHDI is loaded
18:17.17pabelangerthansen: ~backtrace
18:17.21infobotbacktrace is a debugging tool that is useful when trying to track down asterisk crashes (use -g with asterisk to generate a core, then read doc/backtrace.txt).  See also
18:17.31pabelangerthansen: ^ follow that
18:17.32luke-jrpabelanger: we finally found a BIOS option to disable reboots on NMI, which seems to allow the problem to be ignored
18:18.00pabelangerluke-jr: okay, but that does not mean the packages are broken
18:18.02thansenpabelanger: I think I did all that
18:18.06luke-jr(strangely enough, the problem did not exist at all with the older OS)
18:18.14pabelangerthansen: you are missing the debug symbols for Asterisk
18:18.25luke-jrpabelanger: sure, but the packages resulted in not having DAHDI module at all or something like that
18:18.57pabelangerluke-jr: $ sudo apt-get install asterisk-dahdi
18:19.06pabelangerthansen: but it looks like something is wrong in libsqlite
18:19.22pabelangerthansen: what version of Asterisk is this?
18:19.34thansenI've had chronic 'random' crashes for quite some time :(
18:20.59pabelangerthansen: does sqlite have an ODBC connector?  If so you can try using cdr_odbc
18:21.18anonymouz666thansen: in what part?
18:22.04leifmadsenya I'd suggest using ODBC stuff over any of the "native" modules
18:22.09thansenpabelanger: lemme do some research to see exactly what the sqlite setup is and get back with you in a minute...thanks so much for the help
18:22.48thansenanonymouz666: I'm not really sure, I've always just had a silly little monitor script to restart the damn thing but it's time I figure out what's really going on
18:23.21anonymouz666thansen: something like gdb -se "asterisk" -c <corefile>
18:23.25thansenI'll update to
18:23.40thansenwith debugging sybols
18:23.51anonymouz666and you'll see in what part it crashes
18:24.09thansenwell, that's what I pasted above I believe, but I don't have debug stuff
18:24.28thansensymbols that is
18:24.37thansenstuff isn't really descriptive :)
18:24.51anonymouz666let me see
18:25.44anonymouz666that's why people are talking about ODBC and SQLite
18:26.43anonymouz666I don't use SQLite, but you can try to change that
18:27.30thansenyou using mysql or something
18:27.42anonymouz666ODBC always
18:27.51anonymouz666ODBC with MYSQL driver
18:28.08thansendoes some relative decent traffic, but phone is auxiliary to my business
18:28.26thansenso I don't do much with cdr anyhow
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18:29.03thansenmaybe it's time to kick it up though and start pumping cdr data into mysql
18:33.26thansenreinstalls with debug and odbc support
18:36.23pabelangerthansen: if you have time, check out recent commits to Asterisk trunk.  There is some work with sqlite3 going on, not sure if that affects what you are having problems with
18:37.08thansenwell, if everyone suggests going odbc -> sqlite I think I'll just configure that and see if I have the issue again
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18:45.05thansenpabelanger: it looks like it's using the old sqlite2 stuff, should I just try native sqlite3 suport before moving to odbc into sqlite (if that's even an option)
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18:55.23thansenit appears cdr data is getting written to 3 places for me..cdr.db, master.db, and Master.csv
18:55.51Naikrovekare there any windows sip clients that are generally recommended
18:55.54thansenhow can I disable cdr.db (sqlite2)?  I don't see in my configs where I have it explicitly enabled
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19:03.28ChannelZNaikrovek: I like Zoiper (classic)
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19:04.45NaikrovekChannelZ: thanks.
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19:14.14pabelangerthansen: modules.conf, noload =>
19:14.28pabelangerUmm, wait
19:14.46pabelangerYa, that looks right
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19:17.22thansenpabelanger: ok, thanks..I just rebuilt it again without support for that completely :)
19:18.00pabelangerThat will work
19:18.52thansenadds it for good measure anyhow in case I ever forget to remove it in a future build
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19:25.53thansenpabelanger, anonymouz666: ok, I've updated to the latest with debugging symbols and disabled sqlite cdr logging.  I'll keep an eye on it for the next couple week and hope that fixes the issue :)
19:26.00thansenthanks both for the help!
19:26.50anonymouz666I hope it fixes for you
19:26.57thansenout of curiosity, will debugging symbols affect performance much?
19:27.25anonymouz666in my case, for example, I can't enable that for 200 active calls
19:28.24thansenok, my volume is usually not much more than 10 active calls with maybe 25 channels
19:29.02anonymouz666at this volume, lots of problems does not occur :-)
19:29.30thansenyeah, didn't think I'd have an issue
19:29.46thansenbut the server is doing other stuff aside from just asterisk
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19:42.22Dovidanyone know how hard it would be to create patch for asterisk that will re-invite a call with a specific codec. For instance say a call is using G729 and I want to re-invite if I want the call to use G711U
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20:29.45miamisebHi all. I'm having an odd problem with some cisco spa525g's trying to subscribe to me like every 2 seconds. Relevant debug is at
20:30.15rotten777is it your cisco
20:30.28miamisebAdditionally, it seems that one of my peers is not being matched, although he is coming in from the IP specified in sip.conf. I've also tried insecure=port,invite but no go.
20:30.37miamisebIt's the customers equipment, but I can configure it.
20:30.50rotten777404 means it is trying to register at the wrong user
20:32.09miamisebno defaultuser under the sip entry.
20:32.17miamisebshould I add one that leads to the extension name?
20:32.48rotten777it has to be registering to a peer configured
20:32.54rotten777if it doesn't match, you get 404's ;)
20:34.21miamisebit is registering to a peer configured, registration is successful, it's only during the subscribe that I get 404's no invite's.
20:34.26miamisebdefaultuser didn't help.
20:36.33rotten777sip show peers
20:36.34rotten777it shows up?
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20:39.34miamisebYup and I can deliver and receive calls from it. The phone is working perfectly, the only problem is that amount of traffic it's sending me. It sends the subscribe, I give it 401 and ask it to auth with a nonce, it auths with the nonce successfully but the extension it is trying to subscribe to is 404 not found
20:40.13rotten777wow... hmm
20:40.16rotten777let me read the pastebin more
20:40.17miamisebif I go in and add the extension it's looking for 204-XXX instead of 204 into the subscribecontext, instead I send a 489 bad event in response to the subscribe, but I'm in the same boat.
20:40.29miamisebI didn't include much of it, but I can include a full transaction.
20:40.56rotten777it is appending the -xxx
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20:42.58miamisebno, that's the phone's userid 201-<something>
20:43.34miamisebthe username within sip.conf
20:44.33rotten777Found peer '201-TenantName' for '201-TenantName' from
20:44.33rotten777Looking for 201-TenantName in local-extensions-TenantName (domain
20:44.59miamiseband 201-TenantName is NOT in local-extensions-TenantName, but if I add it, then instead of 404 I get 489 bad event.
20:45.32rotten777it finds the entry but not in the domain.. and when you add it to the domain it rejects it anyway
20:45.38rotten777sound about right?
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20:47.55rotten777miamiseb do you have a domain in your sip.conf?
20:48.28miamisebIt find the peer but not the exten, and if I add the exten to the context in which it is looking for it, then it still rejects it but with a different error code (489)
20:49.37rotten777it is really beyond me... which version are you using of asterisk?
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20:52.53miamisebpulls out some of his hair.
20:54.16rotten777whats the extension context contents?
20:56.07p3nguinmiamiseb: What do you mean by "extension it is trying to subscribe to"?  That doesn't make sense to me.
20:56.47miamisebUsually you subscribe to an extension so you either get notify'd when state changes or if you subscribe to yourself, you get MWI alerts when a new VM comes in.
20:56.55miamisebAt least that is my understanding.
20:57.31miamisebrotten777: I'm not sure I understand, you want the contents of the context the extension has or the subscribecontext it has?
20:57.44p3nguinIf you're subscribing to the state of another phone, you're going to be using hints.  Is that what you're talking about?
20:57.55hardwireteliax just went POOP for me
20:58.02hardwirechecking to see if anybody else had POOP
20:58.08hardwireI can't even reach their sales/support lines
20:58.10hardwirevia cell
20:58.15miamisebyes, but it's actually only subscribing to itself, I don't care about blf.
20:58.42p3nguinWhy would you subscribe to yourself?  What sense does that make?
20:58.53miamisebMWI for new VMs
20:59.12p3nguinWhere/how are you configuring these subscriptions?
20:59.26p3nguinIt sounds like you're doing something the wrong way, but I'm not sure yet.
20:59.47miamisebI'm not, I wish I was, I'd rather just take and disable that damn thing. The cisco 525g is the one that is trying to subscribe to whatever it has setup in line 1.
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21:01.28p3nguinI'm not so sure any type of configuration is necessary for MWI.  If you have defined mailbox in the peer entry, phones usually check unless you have some setting to disable it.
21:01.35fremI'm using the latest version of AsteriskNOW, and music on hold isn't working. It'll only play the default ulaw files, not an MP3, nor the wav i made by putting the MP3 through audacity, nor the ulaw file i made by putting the wav through Sox.
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21:05.07miamisebGenerally, you are right, they do it all on their own. In this case however, the 'auto-configuration' of MWI is causing the phone to try to register to a extension that doesn't exist in the subscribe context, if I add a hint to the proper extension in the subscribecontext, instead if still fails with a 489 bad event.
21:06.15p3nguinhints are not related to MWI.
21:06.27p3nguinAnd you don't "register to a extension," either.
21:06.49ChannelZBut you do "register as a sex offender"
21:06.56p3nguinI don't.
21:07.09p3nguinAnd I'm not supposed to, either.
21:08.50p3nguinI think I'd be deleting the references to subscribe context.  It doesn't seem necessary.
21:10.15miamisebI can do that, but it won't stop the phone from sending me an asinine amount of subscribe packets asking for it anyway. Since I can't seem to stop it on the phone, I just want asterisk to say. FINE! your subscribed, now leave me alone until your "subscription expires" timer runs out.
21:10.31miamisebs/register to/subscribe to
21:10.43ChannelZfrem: the wavs need to be 8khz 16bit.  ulaw 8khz 8-bit.  Make sure you reloaded MOH if you added them while * was running, it only scans the directory when the module loads
21:11.12ChannelZ('moh show files' will reveal what it knowsl)
21:11.43ChannelZor knows, even.
21:11.56p3nguinI'd rather just set allowsubscriptions to no, since you indicated you're not trying to do BLF anyway.
21:12.35p3nguinIt's not for MWI.
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21:14.47p3nguinI'd turn that off and disable subscriptions to other extensions in every phone's config.
21:15.34p3nguinOf course disabling it properly in the phones would eliminate the need to disable it in asterisk.
21:15.46miamisebnice, now I return a 403 forbidden instead of a 404, but the phone still keeps trying
21:16.44p3nguinAsterisk doesn't just do it all by itself -- the phones are initiating it.
21:18.59miamisebI know they are, but the phones would stop is asterisk just said okay to them. I'm kind of missing kamailio and being able to just send it a 200 OK and tell it  to shut up ;)
21:19.48p3nguinThat's where you differ from most people... they'd rather fix the problem, where you're asking to accept it silently.
21:20.03p3nguinJust fix the phones.  Done.
21:20.05miamisebYeah, I'm a lazy programmer, what can I say.
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21:27.01fremthanks ChannelZ; got it
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21:37.12*** join/#asterisk itguru (~itguru@unaffiliated/itguru)
21:37.29itguruI have two extensions connection to my voip instance, and when I try to dial between them, I get the error message, "All circuits are busy now" ?? huh?
21:38.25ChannelZwould need to see more output then that.
21:38.41leifmadsenitguru: well look at your console and see what it is doing -- the other end could be generating that, or your end could be generating that if you programmed the dialplan to do that
21:38.48leifmadsenas ChannelZ said, not enough info
21:42.38itguruleifmadsen: I'm trying to call another internal extension .. but I'll fire up my console
21:44.32leifmadsenok that doesn't help :)
21:44.38leifmadsenthe console output would help though
21:44.38itguruI'm sorry, this is my first asterisk instance, and I didn't install it, and it's broken, so I'm flying blind here ... but I'm going to try
21:47.27p3nguinAll circuits are busy?  Isn't that like a FreePBX thing?
21:48.00ChannelZitguru: core set verbose 3
21:48.22itguruChannelZ: I set it to 7, and I got a bucket load of text!
21:48.37ChannelZProbably is FreePBX then
21:49.16itguruIt's a trixbox install - is that diffrent from asterisk?
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21:49.43itguruOh - I thought it was just a web interface designed to go on top of asterisk
21:50.08itgurusays darn ...
21:50.15p3nguinIt may use Asterisks underneath, but because it's not just asterisk, it's a bother.
21:50.23miamisebIt is, but it is convoluted enough where many people won't support it.
21:50.34ChannelZIt's like 'Maths'
21:50.55p3nguinand Internets
21:51.16itguruI guess I'll get back to google. .....
21:51.44miamisebitguru: just pastebin the output from the console when you call from one phone to the other.
21:51.50p3nguinI'm still waiting to see some useful output with core verbose set to 3.
21:51.50miamiseband core set verbose 3 is plenty.
21:52.29ChannelZI have pretty much only ever run at 3 and it's enough to see what's going on
21:52.53p3nguinThat's a new one.
21:53.07miamisebTalking to a web server? LOL
21:53.27*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-eknenhabzhuvpeiq)
21:54.12titterlol I have done that before (silly AD DNS)
21:54.51itgurumiamiseb: - That's the output of a call from 153, to 154
21:55.04miamisebit's port 5060 and presumably UDP, so prolly not a web server, but I've only seen that error when talking to web services.
21:56.15miamisebThe dial command looks a bit odd. Can you post your sip.conf with the secret= part redacted
21:56.26miamisebDial("SIP/153-00000047", "SIP/Easyvoip/return,300,")
21:56.34miamiseb'sip show peers' would also be useful
21:56.58p3nguinIt's trying to call outbound rather than direct to another phone.
21:58.44miamisebyeah, it thinks the number you are trying to dial via the easyvoip trunk is "return" although from what I see you tried to dial 154...
21:59.26p3nguinAll that crap is why we can't support FreePBX and/or Trixbox here.
21:59.41miamisebI use thirdlane :P
21:59.53miamisebbut it's the same crap. Non-custom framework built dialplans
22:00.00p3nguinWhen you write your own dial plan, it's usually not THAT complicated.
22:00.34itgurumiamiseb: p3nguin So, it's a fubard dialplan huh
22:00.47p3nguinI wouldn't have any idea.
22:01.00miamisebYeah, but it's a lot harder to read through the asterisk book and build up the knowledge from scratch that plug and play with a nice gui. Usually I don't mention I'm running a framework though, and make sure to reproduce my problem in a custom dialplan for testing
22:01.27miamisebitguru: are you sure you copied it all? It doesn't seem reasonable that it would be sending 154 to voicemail right away.
22:01.35miamisebWere you able to get me a "sip show peers" and your sip.conf?
22:03.17itgurumiamiseb: Sorry, google gave me lots of links ...!
22:04.04miamisebI keep getting [Sep 12 18:03:43] WARNING[22743]: rtp.c:1632 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short anyone have any ideas?
22:04.27miamisebShould I even worry? Basically it means it read less than what the specified size of the packet was right?
22:04.49itguruThe devices are all connected, and can all services, such as speaking clock, tell me my extension etc
22:05.10miamisebI don't know what you mean.
22:05.55miamisebWere you able to get me a "sip show peers" and your sip.conf? Also, I believe there is more to the call log than what you pasted, is it possible you left some lines out at the top?
22:05.55p3nguinI think he means one phone can call a bunch of on-box extensions that do things, but not extensions that dial phones.
22:06.58miamisebMy guess it that it's a context issue, so the extension is in a context other than the one his outbound calls look for extensions in.
22:08.59itguruCan I make an extension ring from the cli?
22:09.08p3nguinFailed to execute '/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/dialparties.agi': Permission denied
22:09.12p3nguinThere's the problem.
22:09.22p3nguinitguru: Extensions don't ring, phones do.
22:09.23miamisebhe's got another too.
22:09.31miamiseb== recordingcheck,20110912-175225,1315864345.155: Failed to execute '/var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/recordingcheck': Permission denied
22:09.57p3nguinThe dialparties.agi not working is why the phone never rings...
22:10.13p3nguin"Returned from dialparties with no extensions to call and DIALSTATUS: "
22:10.34miamisebyou'll have to check that the user asterisk is running as (viewable via a 'ps') and then set permissions accordingly either by chown 'ing it to the asterisk user/group or chmod 'ing it so the world can do what it needs
22:10.52itgurup3nguin: that file belongs to asterisk and group asterisk
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22:10.57p3nguinIn your shell, what does "ps -C asterisk u" say?
22:11.53itgurup3nguin: ARRRRGHHHH!H!!!! Your terminal-fu is impressive, and I am wondering who the hell the user phonosystem is!
22:12.09itguruis going to kill a certain techie when he gets to work tomorrow
22:13.03p3nguinI guess you could check all the other files/directories that asterisk normally accesses, and see if it is better to change the ownership on the agi stuff or change the user/group that asterisk runs as.
22:13.43p3nguinalso run "getent passwd phonosystem" for me.
22:13.44carrarYou should lock your servers down
22:14.01carrarcompromised from within
22:14.41miamisebchanging asterisk's user and group is done from /etc/init.d/asterisk for me. AST_USER and AST_GROUP
22:14.59miamisebcould try changing those two to asterisk, restarting asterisk, and attempting the call again.
22:15.15p3nguinI'm still interested in that user.
22:18.13lucifurrI'm looking for help creating a connection pool (oracle) within asterisk. I have a dialplan written in lua and I've written a lua extension (in C++ using OCCI) which allows me to call oracle stored procedures and return the results in a lua table. Does anybody have experience with this or is my question too open-ended?
22:23.52*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
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22:37.00itgurumiamiseb: It was a permission issue, once that was resolved, everything kicked in, but this system was recently hacked, so I'm going to grab the config, and rebuild on a safer system.
22:42.38miamisebsounds like a good idea. Rootkits are getting better every day.
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22:45.17pdtpatrick1Question.. my asterisk console here and there would just SPIT a BUNCH of these out
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22:56.59treborsuxwhere are the wav files for where it says that extension is invalid
22:57.22p3nguinWhere are all the other sound files?
22:57.28treborsuxmy people are too stupid to get that means it did not hear the extension right type it again
22:58.09treborsuxi need to change that wav to something softer like I did not quit get that please type the extension again
22:58.33treborsuxwhat wav file is that and what directory are they in?
22:58.52p3nguinIt seems like the correct approach to that is to change the file name that is played rather than the change the file.
23:00.14p3nguinYou'd have to look at your dial plan to see what file is being used, and you can then find the location of the file after you know its name.
23:00.52p3nguinIt could be something like pbx-invalid, or could be something that I don't know about.
23:02.02p3nguinI'd look to see what file name extension 'i' is playing.
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23:12.44navaismopdtpatrick1 maybe some manager connection
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23:14.11kaushalpaulc: hi
23:15.51paulckaushal: hello :)
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23:27.44kaushalpaulc: when i do sox obd-demo.mp3 -e stat
23:27.53kaushalsox: Failed reading obd-demo.mp3: Do not understand format type: mp3
23:28.19kaushalbasically i am trying to convert .mp3 to .ulaw as per your suggestion on CentOS 5.6
23:28.30kaushalI am unable to do it
23:29.09kaushalpaulc: Any other utility which can take care ?
23:29.26paulckaushal: I usually use CoolEdit for that sort of thing. Or you can use Audacity, should work just as well.
23:31.44kaushalpaulc: Any example using Audacity ?
23:32.01kaushalconvert .mp3 to .ulaw (8 bit, 8KHz, headerless PCM/ulaw)
23:32.06kaushalas suggested by you
23:32.29kaushalI mean using cli method
23:37.43lucifurrFound this in sox man page on my CentOS 5.2 sys:        .mp3      MP3 Compressed Audio
23:37.59rotten777is it possible to play a looped audio file to the caller while an extension is ringing?
23:39.16lucifurr@kaushal - so maybe look for RPM for libmad and/or libmp3lame?
23:39.18navaismorotten777 use the m option in your dial app
23:39.50rotten777navasimo i want incoming calls to be greeted with the audio instead of ringing
23:41.00kaushallucifurr: ok
23:41.26lucifurr@kaushal - good luck
23:42.29paulckaushal: The alternative would be record the announcements in native ulaw via Asterisk, but that may not be practical, depending on the content of the audio files right now (music etc)
23:42.50paulcrotten777: see the r (or maybe R?) option for the Dial command
23:42.57paulcor.. M even..
23:43.03paulcr forces ringing - M is for music I think
23:43.35rotten777hmm so it isn't something in extensions under the context for the inbound?
23:44.51navaismoyou can set an IVR: answer() then playback or background and finally ring the extensions
23:48.20paulcIf you want music while the destination is ringing, use the m(class) parameter for Dial
23:48.38paulcIf you want to play music after answering the inbound call, before doing anything else, or as part of your IVR menu, use Background and WaitExten
23:52.29navaismotime to go bye

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