IRC log for #asterisk on 20110911

00:12.08*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
00:14.22*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
00:15.23rotten777flowroute won't register sip :X
00:16.26p3nguinregister =>
00:16.48rotten777yeah i've got that
00:16.56rotten777their site actually generates the conf content for you
00:20.02rotten777what does insecure do ?
00:20.16rotten777does that work behind nat?
00:22.08*** join/#asterisk dijib (
00:22.30p3nguinport,invite tells asterisk to ignore the port that the request came from and don't require authentication on the initial invite.  Yes it works behind NAT.
00:25.33rotten777does this look good to you?
00:25.40rotten777I'm about ready to give up
00:25.44rotten777i dont know what is going on
00:27.50p3nguinDoes it register?
00:28.03rotten777request sent
00:28.07rotten777thats it
00:29.26WIMPyinsecure=port will obviousely not work with NAT. That requires explicit port forwarding.
00:30.14p3nguinMaybe it doesn't do any good with NAT, but using it does not make it not work.
00:30.32rotten777what ports do you want me to forward? 5060 already is on udp
00:30.33WIMPyThat's correct.
00:30.45p3nguinUDP 5060 and the UDP range in rtp.conf
00:30.50WIMPyThat's the one.
00:31.29WIMPyYou could try to use TCP to avoid NAT and insecure issues.
00:31.40WIMPyIf it's supported...
00:31.43p3nguinThe providers almost never support it.
00:32.37anonymouz666300 seats from 1.4 to 1.8 going on RIGHT NOW
00:33.40adeelthis would have come in handy the otherday for a few people who were trying to manipulate sensord data....
00:33.53adeelwhoops, wrong channel
00:33.58rotten777i'm 99% sure the ports are forwarded
00:34.35p3nguinWhat kind of router do you have?
00:34.41p3nguinI hope it's not a Belkin.
00:34.43rotten777mikrotik rb750g
00:34.45rotten777lol no way
00:34.55rotten777routing i'm good at
00:35.01rotten777i use routerboards
00:35.06rotten777voip... not so much
00:38.02rotten777just for giggles.. i'm rebooting the server.  i'm going to see if nmap will portscan on udp
00:38.17carrarnmap will portscan whatever you tell it
00:38.23carrarso yes
00:41.02p3nguinI can't think of any reason you could get successful registration to one provider but not another.  1234567  105 Registered  Sat, 10 Sep 2011 19:39:53
00:43.00p3nguinThey're working tonight.
00:43.03rotten777p3nguing are you on linux?
00:43.38rotten777i can't tell if my hairpin nat is setup right but i'm not getting the port showing as open
00:46.56rotten777the port shows open from here... not sure from the outside
00:47.49carrarPORT     STATE         SERVICE
00:47.49carrar5060/udp open|filtered sip
01:01.01*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
01:01.07rotten777well the softphone works fine
01:01.11rotten777the asterisk registration doesn't
01:01.29*** join/#asterisk cyford (
01:02.52*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
01:10.39*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
01:13.24*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
01:41.09p3nguinI don't understand that.  I can register to flowroute, so it's likely either your configuration or your networking giving issues.
02:01.33*** join/#asterisk brdude (
02:04.18carrarHow can that be possible!!
02:04.35p3nguinIt's not possible.  I made it all up.
02:07.18*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~Dovid@
02:07.20Dovidhi all
02:07.37Dovidis that needed of i have
02:08.28WIMPyat least not if you can use res_timing_dahdi.
02:08.35Dovidwhich one is better to use or is it 6 of one, half a dozen of the other?
02:09.01Dovidwhen i built asterisk it seems to have built both
02:09.26WIMPyIf you have dahdi hardware, that's definitely the choice.
02:10.06Dovidi have no dahdi hardware. in that case what's best to use?
02:11.17WIMPyThere have been issues with timerfd that can be cured with dahdi dummy timing.
02:11.36WIMPyI'm uding timerfd without issues since it is available.
02:12.19Dovidany where i can see what the difference's pro's/con's of each ?
02:12.52WIMPyIf you want meetme or page, you need dahdi anyway.
02:14.19Dovidok. using dahdi
02:14.23Dovidthanks WIPMy
02:15.55WIMPyThere was something about migrating page to confbridge, but I'm not sure if that has been done or is being done.
02:32.48p3nguinIs contrib/scripts/ supposed to be run before make?
02:33.29p3nguinI guess it would make sense that the source needs to be there before make can build the modules, huh?
02:36.01*** join/#asterisk DarkStar851 (~DarkStar8@
02:36.15DarkStar851Heh, this channel seems much more lively than #trixbox.
02:36.41DarkStar851Wouldn't suppose any of you mates know how to forward a PBX extension to a remote SIP address?
02:37.01DarkStar851Like extension ### forwards to
02:37.39p3nguinThere's no forwarding involved... it's a simple Dial().
02:38.03DarkStar851So just configure a script for that extension?
02:38.08WIMPyp3nguin: That's what make tells you.
02:38.11DarkStar851We're using existing SIP phones.
02:38.18p3nguinexten => ###,1,Dial(SIP/
02:38.42DarkStar851Neat, I figured there'd be something more involved than that. Thanks p3nguin. I'm trying to figure out our systems for work.
02:39.25p3nguinwimpy: If make says to run the script, do you think it means to run the script and then run make again?  'Cause I'm pretty sure it does not say to run it again.
02:39.51DarkStar851We've been trying to delegate things off to other services ( so our servers don't flood (small business) and GV seems pretty good for it.
02:39.51p3nguinBut if make errors out because the script hasn't been run, it makes sense to run make again after downloading the mp3 source.
02:40.23WIMPyDoesn't it say you should have done so before make?
02:40.38p3nguinI'll try to catch the message when I get there.
02:42.14p3nguinIf the script was run before running make, do you think the message will still appear?
02:43.03p3nguinI'm creating a package, so I put in a line to run that script before running make.
03:08.09p3nguinIf I'm okay with using mpg123, is there any reason to build rawplayer?
03:08.34p3nguinIt's causing a problem, so if I don't need it, that would be great.
03:08.57WIMPyNever heard of rawplayer.
03:11.12WIMPyWouldn't that be the same as using a mono 8Ks/s wav?
03:11.46p3nguinIt's an alternative to using mpg123 for playing mp3s in moh.
03:12.12WIMPyAnd with all those wideband codecs around, do we really want to store the samples as 8ks/s?
03:12.47WIMPyI read about converting them with sox and play the converted file.
03:13.35p3nguinI have no concern about using mpg123 to play mp3, so I guess I'll skip rawplayer and eliminate the need to fix this problem.
03:14.03p3nguinI didn't have this problem when I built a package, so I don't know what the difference is now.
03:14.46p3nguinI don't remember if I installed format_mp3 or not in the package, but I did in this package.  Maybe that has something to do with it.
03:14.52p3nguinor maybe it doesn't.
03:19.30p3nguinOh, the package does not include rawplayer.  Not sure how it failed but continued when this build failed and exited.  Must be change in my PKGBUILD.
03:28.10*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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03:58.26*** join/#asterisk krish|wired-in (~krish|wir@
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06:54.10ChannelZquietly picks his nose
06:59.03*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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07:44.45*** join/#asterisk KNERD (
07:48.07KNERDI am not getting sound if connecting to the server from the public IP address
07:49.50mtbfLooks like a problem with RTP, check your firewall and port forwarding settings for used RTP ports range.
07:57.37KNERDdid that already
08:01.23KNERD5060  10000-20000
08:16.36*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
08:21.38*** join/#asterisk Fritz09 (
08:21.50mtbfKNERD: in my firewall i use range 5000-60000 (output porst, for client), previously it was also so tight and I continously experienced no voice from time to time, cause the VoIP providers were changing it so try it, unless you're sure this is the range used by your server, check the firewall logs.
08:22.14ChannelZwhich side isn't getting sound?  Neither?
08:22.32KNERDcorrect, neither
08:22.49ChannelZIs one behind NAT?
08:23.00KNERDmtbf: if I use below 10000 it starts affecting other services, such as video streaming
08:23.07KNERDChannelZ: yes, NAT
08:23.14ChannelZDoes Asterisk know that?
08:23.49KNERDif I remember correctly I had set it up in the settings...been a while
08:24.06ChannelZWell who is behind NAT?  Asterisk or the device trying to connect to it?
08:24.09KNERDextern -...bla bal
08:24.53ChannelZok.. so yes in sip.conf you need "externip" set correctly, and "localnet" so it's able to tell the inside network apart from the outside
08:25.33KNERDlet me take a peek
08:25.54ChannelZThen you need ports 5060 and some range (as specified in rtp.conf) open and port-forwarded to the Asterisk box if the NAT router isn't snooping in on SIP to do it its self
08:28.39KNERDI have dynamic IP. though it does not change unless I lose power to interner box
08:29.04ChannelZwell externip needs to be correct for whatever your IP is at the moment
08:29.25ChannelZBecause your Asterisk box has a fake IP address, it has to know how to lie to the other guy and tell them the correct IP to send their RTP to system has issues.."read on file system" for whatever reason
08:32.49ChannelZyou mean 'read only'?
08:32.59ChannelZThat's not good
08:33.21KNERDi guess time to wipe drive
08:33.49ChannelZDid it fail an fschk or something?
08:34.01KNERDyes, so I had to run it manually
08:34.09KNERDbeen having brownouts lately
08:34.30ChannelZhmm.  What filesystem is it running?
08:34.44KNERDdont kmow
08:36.31ChannelZhmm. Well if you do rebuild I'd use at least ext3 if your system is prone to having the plug pulled a lot like that
08:36.37ChannelZor some other journaled filesystem
08:36.46ChannelZbrb potty break
08:41.22*** part/#asterisk qjb (
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09:57.08*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (~wphill04@
09:57.17*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (~wphill04@
09:58.08Dovidhi all
09:59.28DovidI have two machines running 1.8.x when I do:  asterisk -rx "core show sysinfo"
09:59.46Dovidone machine i get the same as 1.6. on the other I get more info. i get two extra lines. any idea hwy?
10:02.16*** part/#asterisk krish|wired-in (~krish|wir@
10:17.53*** join/#asterisk gravin (
10:21.21*** join/#asterisk Infin1ty|work (~erez@pdpc/supporter/active/infin1ty)
10:30.17kaldemarDovid: by all means, tell what the lines are.
10:31.48*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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10:47.42*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
11:36.42*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
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12:27.09*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
13:07.35*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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13:59.58*** join/#asterisk Fritz09 (
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14:25.55*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
14:37.24rotten777anyone have any idea why i can make a call but no audio is coming through?
14:37.35rotten777is that the rtp forwarding to asterisk behind nat?
14:41.52*** join/#asterisk loconut (
14:43.18loconuthello- I have a question about the queue log format. I read voip-info's breakdown of the queue log, but it doesn't say whether calltime includes holdtime eg talk time = calltime - holdtime. I'd been assuming this, but today I had a report i generated with negative time since calltime was less than holdtime. So now I'm wondering.
14:44.07loconutthis would be for COMPLETE* events
14:49.45loconutcan any one tell me where this is properly documented without reading source code?
14:57.09*** join/#asterisk hehol (~Adium@2a01:198:71d:0:21f:d0ff:fea1:568e)
15:03.11loconutfound in source
15:07.36*** join/#asterisk Korolev (
15:09.43KorolevHi guys, I've been googling aroung but can't find an answer to this
15:10.22Korolevis there a way to make asterisk respond with circuit busy if it reaches a certain amount of calls per second?
15:13.15KorolevI have a server for USA termination, under very heavy load and asterisk seems to break around 30 cps. The idea is to have it return 503 so I can pass the call to another server
15:13.51WIMPyYou can set a load maximum.
15:14.05Korolevyeah, but max load is not really helping
15:14.24Korolevthe host is a dual quad core, 8 gb of ram
15:14.44Korolevso even though it is very heavy load for asterisk to handle
15:14.54Korolevthe cpu is not really sweating at all
15:15.44Korolevand the intention is to chroot asterisk and bind it to different ip addresses in the same server
15:16.13Korolevso I can run 4 asterisk in the same server, to handle all the calls. the limitation seems to be asterisk itself, not the hardware
15:19.33cyfordat that rate you should look into openser and loadbalance the asterisk servers
15:23.33KorolevI considered that, but I was hoping there was something I was missing in asterisk, so I could sove it without introducing another piece of software that I dont know anything about :)
15:23.57Korolevlooks like im out of options
15:32.39*** join/#asterisk tonsofpcs (
15:55.46cyfordare you using realtime?
15:57.26cyfordstupid question,     does asterisk load the dialplan in memory,    or does it get it from the config every call?
15:59.02WIMPyWhat do you think 'dialplan reload' is there for? ;-)
15:59.20cyfordwell i said it was a stupid
15:59.39cyfordi thought about it once after i asked
16:00.22cyfordso having a faster hard drive would only improve reloding asterisk right?
16:00.40WIMPyHow big is your dialplan?
16:01.03cyfordpretty big
16:01.30cyfordbut its not for me
16:01.31WIMPyHow many MB/s will a slow HD read?
16:02.34cyfordmy asterisk is installed over a san....      with 4 gbs links...
16:02.42cyfordim not having any issues
16:03.03cyfordfishing for korolev
16:03.31WIMPydynamic realtime would certainly make a difference here.
16:03.31Korolevmy dialplan?
16:03.54Korolevnot really that big, the only costly function is curl to retreive routing info and to hangup
16:04.01WIMPyBut for a normal dialplan, a floppy disk should be good enough.
16:04.05Korolevlet me post it so you guys can see it
16:04.38cyfordim using freepbx
16:10.05Korolevthere, thats the whole thing
16:10.31Korolevthe ... between DIAL-CHANUNAVAIL and h is for every dialstatus
16:10.44Korolevthey are pretty much the same thing as whats in CHANUNAVAIL
16:11.03Korolevexcept for busy, noanswer, dontcall and cancel
16:11.51WIMPyHave you tried to time the CURL call?
16:12.19Korolevyes, I stress tested the webservices to 172 calls per second
16:12.27Korolevway above what I get from asterisk
16:13.38WIMPyHow? Maybe it's the call that takes time?
16:14.26Korolevthe call setup?
16:14.43Korolevsure, it takes second, sometimes up to a minute in ringing state
16:15.06WIMPyNo the CURL call.
16:15.30Korolevthe servers are next to each other, on a 100 mbps link
16:15.38Korolevping is < 1ms
16:16.21Korolevasterisk and the apache serving the webservices
16:16.24WIMPyI guess there's a fork involved. That may take some time.
16:17.31Korolevwhen I get too many calls per second, what I see is a lot of calls ringing, but the legs dont exist, either from the customer or the carrier
16:18.04Korolevthey begin to fill up until it hits 500 calls, which is the max I set asterisk to
16:18.39Korolevand a bit after that, asterisk stops responding to cli commands
16:19.07Korolevcpu load is negligible
16:19.19*** join/#asterisk olinux (~olinux@
16:20.06WIMPyThat somehow smells liek some sort of I/O issue. Do you have debug logging enabled or something?
16:21.04olinuxanyone have a recommended hosting provider to host my switchvox/asterisk box?
16:22.24Korolevno, i disabled loging and cdr
16:22.35cyfordsome of my clients are using
16:22.49cyford50 megs up an down
16:22.59cyford125 for 6 servers
16:23.12*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
16:23.45Korolevasterisk is running in highpriority
16:24.16Korolevmax files is huge, but it doesnt open more than 5 or 6 files per active call
16:24.32olinux125 megs?
16:25.11Korolevthats why I started using curl, I was doing agi and thought the problem might be in starting and tearing down a new php process per call
16:25.48*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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16:26.40Korolevcurl does seem to help a bit, but not much
16:30.06Koroleva P4, 1 Gb of ram
16:30.11Korolevseems to perform better
16:30.18Korolevwith the same OS and the same version of asterisk
16:30.46*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
16:31.00p3nguinOne gigabit of ram... that's a bunch!
16:31.15*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
16:32.32WIMPyByte is probably wrong anyway. Or are modern CPUs still able to address a set of 8 bits? I don't think so.
16:35.03*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
16:36.15florzif you consider current x86 a "modern CPU" ... well, it's called x86 for a reason ;-)
16:37.22WIMPyI'm pretty sure it's only emulation.
16:38.26florzwell, that obviously depends on what you mean by "emulation"
16:38.39Korolevthese are very large bits
16:39.12florzat the ISA level, you can address bytes, and as the ISA is implemented by the CPU, the CPU can address bytes
16:39.20WIMPyIf I store an 8-bit value, that's probably translated to a read-modify-write of at least 32 bits, or probably even more.
16:40.17florzwell, that depends on the level you are looking at
16:40.18WIMPyThat's I/O. I'm just on to RAM.
16:40.35florzno, ISA is also the Instruction Set Architecture
16:41.06Korolevchrist, my gigabits contain 256 milibits each
16:41.09*** join/#asterisk gravin (
16:41.17Korolevcan we get back to my calls per second? :D
16:41.22florzthe ISA bus isn't implemented by the CPU anymore these days (and actually not at all on current mainboards any more)
16:41.53WIMPyKorolev: IT usual uint it call attpempts per second :-)
16:43.07florzand at the RAM interface, accesses usually happen in cache lines, so that would be 32 or 64 bytes(!) naturally aligned
16:43.09Korolevuint seems like a waste of space for such a small number
16:43.54WIMPyflorz: That's what I thought, but the cache could be disabled.
16:44.13p3nguinHmm.  I wonder...
16:44.18WIMPyKorolev: Äh, "unit"
16:44.21p3nguinI did it right.
16:44.42p3nguinNope, doesn't work.
16:45.37Korolevcomma maybe?
16:48.33florzWIMPy: in that case I think the RAM accesses should still be byte accesses - after all, all higher layers need to be able to do uncached byte accesses anyhow, as most I/O nowadays happens through memory mapped I/O, so as far as the computation core is concerned, there is no difference between a write to a PCI card's mmapped I/O register and a RAM write, and in the former case, read-modify-write cannot be used, as writes (and even reads) can have side effe
16:49.50WIMPyYes, but I wouldn't have exprected that to still work for RAM.
16:51.15florzwell, if it doesn't, then the memory controller would have to implement some read-modify-write buffer (you can operate on RAM with cache disabled, after all)
16:52.24florzand even then it's questionable if you really want to consider the memory controller part of the CPU in that context, even though it nowadays tends to be on the CPU die ;-)
16:52.52WIMPyThat's definitely debatable.
16:53.18WIMPyCarappy compatibility stuff :-(
16:53.28florzheh :-)
17:01.48florzplus, given that SDRAM chips have to have a buffer at their sense amplifier anyhow, and that DIMMs tend not to have (DRAM) rows the same size as the platform's cache line, the only real advantage of not implementing byte writes there would be saving a few lines at the DIMM interface
17:03.18florzI just looked it up: DDR3 still has data mask lines for selecting bytes to be read/written
17:03.48florzso I guess read/modify write in uncached operation indeed does happen inside the DRAM chip
17:04.12WIMPyOk, so on x86 the bytes haven't grown, yet.
17:04.39florzso it seems :-)
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18:44.42simplydrewp3nguin: are you around?
18:45.38simplydrewp3nguin: was wondering if you could assist me a little further with chan_sccp. I'm still hitting a brick wall with this error
18:45.58p3nguinThere's nothing I can really do about a build error.
18:46.04simplydrewthe asterisk header files are there in the correct directory, so I don't believe that's the source of the problem
18:48.53*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
18:51.12p3nguinI use asterisk 1.4, and I don't have any problems building chan_sccp 2, 3.0, or 3.1 on it.
18:52.06p3nguinI use 3.0 on it.
18:53.06p3nguinI built an asterisk package last night that I may or may not install later today.  If chan_sccp 4.0 will build against it, I may start using that pair.
18:53.46p3nguinThe big thing is that it has to be a completely seamless change-over.  If there is anything different, that'll be a problem.
18:55.13WIMPyIs that made for 1.8 then?
18:55.41p3nguinThe 4.0 dev branch is supposed to now include support for asterisk 1.8.
18:56.48WIMPyAnd for 10 it needs some rewrites again.
18:57.10p3nguinI'm not sure where they plan to go next.
18:57.51WIMPyThat goes for a handfull of channels. :-(
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19:29.39zambai want to define one user as an admin for a meetme conference room.. how do i do this?
19:29.52zambadoes the user have to call a specific number for that to work?
19:30.14zambaor can it be a pin code or something to ident yourself as an admin?
19:31.54*** join/#asterisk garymc (
19:42.30blitzragezamba: it can be anything you want -- you'll need to define something like a separate extension, and then add a pin (if you want), and once authenticated, call MeetMe() with the appropriate flag for administrator
19:43.16blitzragethe 'a' option to MeetMe() is 'admin'
19:43.16*** join/#asterisk cyford (
19:43.25zambayeah, but then everyone became admins :)
19:43.35blitzrageonly if they call that extension and authentication with the pin
19:43.38blitzragehave a separate extension for users
19:43.59zambaah, ok
19:44.05blitzragealternatively, allow someone while in the conference to dial a DTMF digit, exit to another menu which requires the correct pin, then rejoin the conference as the admin
19:44.27zambahm, i'm not fluent enough in dialplan hacking to accomplish that :)
19:44.41blitzragezamba: look at the p() option to meetme
19:44.48blitzrageit'd be pretty easy
19:45.57zambanah, giving that up.. i understand nothing of this and it makes my brain hurt :)
19:46.14blitzrageanyways, make 2 separate extensions then
19:46.24zambai see that example
19:46.32blitzrageput authentication on one, and have that authenticated user join as the admin
19:46.34zambabut that has [conf]
19:46.44WIMPyStay away from doctors then. They will remove anything that hurts.
19:46.47zambaa separate context
19:46.58blitzragethere are many ways to accomplish the same thing :)
20:14.31*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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20:16.09BladeMcCooli have ubuntu 10.04LTS, installed askterisk via apt-get (works) but cannot find package asterisk-respeak .. what am i doing wrong? apt-get install asterisk-respeak -> Couldn't find package asterisk-respeak ... i dont know what repo i need to add or how to add it? (or how to see what repos I have ??)
20:16.24BladeMcCool*asterisk-espeak i meant to put.
20:16.53BladeMcCoolthis site shows it for ubuntu: but i dunno if that is relevant
20:30.35BladeMcCooli tried apt-get source asterisk-espeak and same error basically, 'Unable to find a source package for asterisk-espeak' ... what am i doing wrong? how do i make it find the right repo or whatever?
20:49.43blitzrageno idea what asterisk-espeak is
20:49.57blitzragesounds like a third party package, so likely you're missing the apt source
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21:07.48BladeMcCoolright. ... well any text to speech i guess i need. something easy to install on lucid. lol. dont really care what it sounds like just need quick voice menus
21:15.14BladeMcCoollool sorry for cluttering your channel. step 1) recognizing that there is no prebuilt for lucid, step 2) finding source and actually installing all dependencies (yay). 3) realizing that source is out of date and finding newsest one .. 4) win :D
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21:38.48simplydrewp3nguin: ah gotcha. I was curious as to if you had tried the package yet or not
21:38.57simplydrewjust not sure where I'm going wrong with this. very strange.
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22:28.12ChannelZBladeMcCool: A mic/phone and Record() are your friend
22:29.29ChannelZOr go to and type in demo text and save off the wav files it makes :P
22:31.10*** join/#asterisk sequencer (~something@
22:31.18sequencerhi all :)
22:32.03sequenceram trying to run asterisk behind NAT but am having some trouble with that, am trying to register to an external SIP provider with no hope :s
22:33.50ChannelZyou need to set externip and localnet in sip.conf
22:34.17ChannelZAnd probably need to port-forward 5060 and whatever port range you use from rtp.conf to your asterisk box
22:34.18sequencerhmm.. lets try , thanks
22:38.10rotten777anyone know why my caller-id isn't working when i call out?
22:39.13sequenceram still having 0 registration :s
22:39.35rotten777sequencer are you in the terminal for asterisk?
22:39.46rotten777sip show registry
22:39.51rotten777does it say reg sent?
22:40.09sequencer0 SIP registrations.
22:40.14sequencerthats what i have :s
22:40.14rotten777sip show peers
22:40.33sequencer1 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 1 online, 0 offline]
22:40.47rotten777the 1 peer is what
22:41.04sequencerits the sip provider am tring to peer with
22:41.24sequencerbasically my SIP trunk that i use to make calls through
22:41.39rotten777whats your register statement in the sip.conf
22:41.48rotten777sans the password obviously
22:41.56sequencerthe register is correct
22:42.07sequencerbecause i took it from the other server am using
22:42.13sequencerbut this one is behind NAT
22:42.19rotten777you have nat=yes below it
22:42.21rotten777in general
22:43.26rotten777do you have ? or an outside ip?
22:43.34sequenceri had it with the peer definition
22:43.40sequencerlet em check
22:44.08sequencerI have these externip=  localnet=
22:44.09rotten777general section defines the asterisk server... if it is behind nat then you put nat=yes there
22:44.30rotten777the peer isn't behind nat i'm assuming
22:44.49sequencerthe per am trying to connect with isnt behind nat
22:45.02rotten777ok then in the context for that peer, do not have nat=yes
22:45.12sequenceroh ok
22:45.32rotten777i'm an expert. i've been successfully using my asterisk server for about 10 hours now lol
22:45.43rotten777i went through the same thing you're doing though
22:45.51sequenceri have nat=auto in the context
22:45.57rotten777for the peer?
22:46.19rotten777nat=yes ;goes under general
22:46.33sequencerheres what i did
22:46.33rotten777once those changes are made sip reload
22:46.43sequencerasterisk is set to the DMZ
22:46.59sequenceri made port forwarding for 10000 - 20000 to * box
22:47.24rotten777i would turn off the dmz, just port forward UDP 5060 and UDP 10000 - 20000
22:48.00*** join/#asterisk DarkStar851 (~DarkStar8@
22:48.02rotten777make sure it is UDP and not TCP
22:48.15sequencercant i set to Both ?
22:48.27DarkStar851*bangs head loudly against wall* Can anyone complete a sip call to
22:48.30sequenceras i have that opyon
22:48.43rotten777darkstar851: i can try
22:48.55DarkStar851That would be awesome rotten777, I think it's my settings.
22:49.01DarkStar851That or PBXes is blocking something.
22:49.09sequencer<--- SIP read from UDP: --->  SIP/2.0 404 Not Found   Am getting this :s <
22:50.26rotten777404 not found for sip? :X
22:50.44sequencer:s is it that bad ? :s
22:51.01rotten777darkstar i can't dial that for some reason
22:51.07rotten777my softphone isn't happy
22:51.12DarkStar851Nor is mine.
22:51.16DarkStar851Stupid PBXes. :\
22:51.20rotten777sequencer that is bad
22:51.30rotten777sequencer: what kind of router is it
22:51.38sequenceroh god
22:51.53sequencerits a sagem router+DSL Modem
22:52.03sequencercomes from my phone telco
22:52.15rotten777do you run windows or linux?
22:52.32sequencermy box is winxp , * is on CENTOS
22:53.15sequencerthe router is configured to forward many ports to different servers in the office
22:53.34sequencerso i cant replace the router, i know that my settings were correct when i had a box without NAT
22:53.53ChannelZlooks like your ITSP is rejecting you
22:53.59rotten777ok so basically you're getting a 404 when you're dialing out?
22:54.11sequencerthis is not when am dialing
22:54.23sequencerthis is whenam registering with 102 NOTIFY
22:54.59rotten777yeah if you're registering then the itsp is saying that user isn't there
22:55.10rotten777so it sounds like your register statement
22:55.12rotten777which itsp?
22:55.50sequencerone sec.. i found sth weird
22:55.52rotten777do they give you a  peer sample in your profile?
22:56.02sequencerFrom: "asterisk" <>
22:56.21sequencerthis should be my actual username :s
22:56.57sequencerusername = is deprecated ?
22:57.02sequencerin the context
22:57.54sequencerlooks better
22:57.59sequencerrom: "asterisk" <>;tag=as26ad30e3
22:58.38sequencerstill doesnt regsiter though :s
22:58.39rotten777sip show registry
22:58.46sequencer0 SIP registrations.
22:58.55rotten777sip set debug on
22:59.09rotten777does it show registration sent?
22:59.09sequencernothing shows up
22:59.15sequencerno activity
22:59.25rotten777can you pastebin your sip.conf (removing passwd)
22:59.39DarkStar851:\ After adding an inbound for my SIP address it's giving me a GTFO signal when I call.
23:00.14sequencerregister =>
23:00.18rotten777DarkStar851, you're calling out gives you a go away?
23:00.33DarkStar851I'm calling to a SIP address,
23:00.38DarkStar851that one at PBXes.
23:00.50DarkStar851I added an inbound route for it on PBXes service and now it's giving me a go away.
23:01.00infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:01.17sequencerrotten777 i know pastebin
23:01.19rotten777sequencer use and post your whole sip.conf without passwords there's something else going on
23:01.21sequencerits just one line
23:01.52sequencerthat would be sip.conf and users.conf
23:01.52rotten777no just sip.conf now
23:02.00sequenceralright one sec
23:02.00rotten777dialplan and etc. shouldn't matter for just initial sip registration
23:02.11sequencerdialplan is
23:02.14sequencerdialplan is extensions.conf*
23:02.28sequencerbut users.conf has my sip cotnext
23:02.41rotten777what is in sip.conf
23:02.55sequencerjust the [general] and the regsiter string
23:03.10sequencerregister =>
23:03.51rotten777i've never seen that before ... it doesn't have the [general] with a ton of other lines?
23:04.07sequencermostly are commented out
23:04.11sequencerone sec ill pate em
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23:06.04sequencerthis is my sip.conf
23:06.11sequencerwithout the commented text
23:06.58rotten777your register statement needs to be on line 10 after localnet
23:07.03rotten777you've got it outside of the general context
23:07.21sequenceroh does it matter ? :s
23:07.31rotten777yes it does ;)
23:08.03sequencerit does!
23:08.13sequencer105 Registered!
23:08.26sequencerlets try to make a call
23:08.39sequenceroh wait..
23:08.44sequencerno users :s
23:08.46sequencerone sec ;)
23:12.17sequenceri changed my username in sip.conf tho the actual one i want to use
23:12.40sequencerbut it just says  120 Request Sent
23:13.55rotten777you're sure is the sip server?
23:14.16sequenceron the older username it worked
23:14.21sequenceri just changed it to the new one
23:16.57rotten777sip show peers
23:18.58sequenceri used the old username and it worked fine
23:19.03sequencernow am trying to make a call
23:19.27sequencerCall from '001' ( to extension '7043156026' rejected because extension not found in context 'defaultOut'.
23:19.48sequencerdefaultOut is defined in extensions.conf
23:20.21sequencerit worked now..
23:20.31sequencersilly, forgot to have _ befroe XXX's :s
23:22.10rotten777ahh ok cool so you're all working?
23:22.20rotten777incomgin outgoing?
23:22.38sequenceram not sure if i want to setup incoming yet
23:23.20sequenceri need to see if i can register from an outside peer
23:23.45rotten777registering is just port 5060 udp being forwarded
23:24.12rotten777getting audio and making sip sessions activate are 2 separate things
23:24.19rotten777you have the 10000-20000 setup?
23:24.23rotten777the forward?
23:29.49sequenceram getting 408 request tmeout on the external phone
23:30.00sequencereven though its registered
23:30.18rotten777hmm... registration is hitting your asterisk but the ack isn't getting back?
23:30.58sequencer001/001                    (Unspecified)                            D   N      0        Unmonitored
23:31.29rotten777yeah it isn't registering
23:32.02rotten777going for a cigar.. i will return if you still need help
23:32.11sequencerthanks man
23:32.54sequencersays unauthorized :
23:34.45sequencerit registered
23:34.54sequencerbut when making a call its unauthorized :s
23:41.51sequencerrotten777 you there ?
23:45.13sequenceri set the box as a DMZ and it worked :s
23:51.24*** join/#asterisk mindCrime_ (
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