IRC log for #asterisk on 20110909

00:01.07*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
00:04.26simplydrewp3nguin: in my tftpboot directory, can I create a separate directory for the 7965 firmware files without running into issues?
00:04.43simplydrewsince the sip firmware for the 7960's is in that directory itself, wasn't sure how I wanted to differentiate
00:04.45*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-eaamqxapfyrqyozj)
00:09.09*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
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00:16.26*** join/#asterisk atan (~atan@unaffiliated/atan)
00:16.52atanAnyone happen to have Polycom IP300 config files for ftp/network config?
00:20.23atanThat's where I'm at now actually ^_^ thanks :D
00:20.47atanHappen to know if you can somehow warm transfer on the IP300?
00:21.02carrarWhat is a warm trasnfer
00:21.09atanSay you have a customer on line and want to transfer to someone else. You call then, talk, link the calls, introduce and then exit your portion but leave them connected
00:21.43atanThe Cisco IP 7960 does it without any issue but I can't get the same thing to happen on the IP300
00:27.42p3nguinsimplydrew: There are some ways to use directories, like setting the directory in the phone itself, or setting it in the default file for loading the phone-specific files.
00:28.18simplydrewp3nguin: for the time being I just copied them into the root. created the config file for the phone, however it doesn't seem to be pulling an IP
00:28.35simplydrewit did the first time I plugged it in, but after I tried booting it again it seems like it's hung up
00:28.47p3nguinThat's not the responsibility of the tftpd.
00:29.11simplydrewI know that. I'm just trying to figure out what's wrong in general.
00:29.19simplydrewDon't seem to have that problem with the 7960
00:40.18*** join/#asterisk nix8n82-phone (~AndChat@
00:41.01*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~artur0@
00:54.13simplydrewp3nguin: any further insight?
00:58.43*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
01:17.01p3nguinsimplydrew: Check your dhcpd to make sure it can give out new leases; check your phone to make sure dhcp is enabled.
01:17.17p3nguin(not necessarily in that order)
01:22.23*** join/#asterisk delki8 (~delki8@
01:24.38simplydrewp3nguin: looks like both are fine. when I look in the settings, it's pulling the right information. however, it's not pointing to the asterisk IP for tftp
01:25.11p3nguinYou'll need to either override the tftp setting in the phone or set the right options in the dhcpd.
01:25.25p3nguinIf you have only one phone, I'd set the alternate tftp in the phone for now.
01:26.02simplydrewp3nguin: that's what I was trying to do. I hit the key sequence to unlock the phone to change the settings, but it wouldn't let me hit the "edit" key to actually modify it
01:26.28p3nguinDid you get the unlock icon on the display after entering the key sequence?
01:27.14p3nguinScroll way down the list to find Alternate tftp.  Change it to Enable.  Then scroll back up to tftp address and press Edit.
01:27.32simplydrewah okay, didn't see that setting. I'll give that a try in a minute
01:28.22p3nguinIt's tricky like that.
01:40.14*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
02:08.41p3nguinIs there a function that does the opposite of ISNULL?
02:09.38p3nguinI want to validate a variable.  If it has a value, the condition would be true; if it is null, it's false.  ISNULL makes a null value true, which is reverse of what I'm after.
02:13.19p3nguinISNOTNULL() would be perfect.
02:14.33*** join/#asterisk gravin (
02:17.27*** join/#asterisk penguin (
02:17.42simplydrewp3nguin: changed the tftp IP successfully. now I'm hung up at "registering". hmm
02:18.01p3nguinDid you install and load chan_sccp?
02:18.09p3nguinAnd configure, of course.
02:18.30simplydrewI followed your instructions with the svn, ./configure, make, make install
02:18.40simplydrewI can't seem to tell if it's running though
02:18.46p3nguinBut did you configure your sccp.conf and load the module?
02:18.56p3nguinIt's not magic -- it's just a channel driver.
02:19.45simplydrewyes, in sccp.conf I defined that it needed to load chan_sccp
02:19.53p3nguinUh, no.
02:20.23simplydrewactually, that was modules.conf
02:20.33p3nguinIn sccp.conf you define your devices and lines.
02:21.00p3nguinThere are some samples to see how that's done if you aren't familiar with it already.
02:21.36simplydrewI have a sample, I'm just not sure where sccp.conf is supposed to be
02:22.14p3nguinIt goes with all of the other confs in /etc/asterisk/
02:22.53p3nguinYou'll have a general section, a device section for each phone, and a line section for each line on each phone.
02:22.53simplydrewokay, that's where I had it
02:22.59simplydrewjust wanted to make sure
02:23.17simplydrewI did replace the sample information with the information for my particular phone that I'm trying to get working
02:23.22simplydrewand it's there
02:23.31p3nguinIf you've configured your file, and it is in /etc/asterisk, just run module load and see what happens.
02:23.44p3nguinIf you're using a sample, it's not going to be useful to you.
02:23.56p3nguinSample files are for reference, not for use.
02:24.32simplydrewload it how?
02:24.34simplydrewvia the cli?
02:25.04p3nguinI was under the impression that you'd used asterisk before today.
02:25.23simplydrewI have, but I haven't done specific cli intensive work
02:25.35simplydrewI'm mainly used to trixbox and freepbx
02:25.44p3nguinbarfs a little
02:25.59simplydrewyeah, I expected that
02:27.24p3nguinWhen I configure sccp.conf, I like to use the templates.  It makes adding devices and lines a lot easier.
02:27.40p3nguindefaultdevice, defaultline, etc.
02:32.22p3nguinHmm.  Anyone know if $[ ! ${ISNULL()} ] is a valid condition?
02:32.32*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
02:34.52simplydrewp3nguin: Unable to load module
02:34.53simplydrewCommand 'module load' failed.
02:34.54simplydrew[Sep  8 22:34:23] WARNING[8429]: loader.c:446 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: manager_event
02:34.55simplydrew[Sep  8 22:34:23] WARNING[8429]: loader.c:783 load_resource: Module '' could not be loaded.
02:36.11*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
02:43.54*** join/#asterisk dlisenby (4bb63d33@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:49.42*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
03:11.29*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:17.54*** join/#asterisk jwiggins (~James@gateway/tor-sasl/jwiggins)
03:18.30dlisenbyhello all.  quick question.  I'm testing callcentric.  In sip.conf do I need a section for calls coming inbound and outbound for the same SIP line?
03:19.15p3nguinOne single entry is enough, as long as you don't use type=user.
03:20.07dlisenbynah type = peer
03:20.58dlisenbyoutbounds are working fine.  Inbounds are giving me the "extension not found in context 'default'  when my sip.conf clearly calls it "DID_callcentric"
03:21.27dlisenbyI'd say I'm intermediate with Asterisk... not new but not a "conf" guy either.  This is my first go-round with sip
03:22.36p3nguinYour context for callcentric is set to DID_callcentric?
03:22.47p3nguinWhat is the host set to?
03:22.51*** join/#asterisk Supersaw_Hoover (
03:23.01*** part/#asterisk Supersaw_Hoover (
03:23.10dlisenbythe context=default does exist under the general section
03:23.45dlisenbybut further down in the sip.conf is the [callcentric] heading with context = DID_callcentric
03:24.02dlisenbyoutbound is working
03:27.24p3nguinMy concern is that they are sending your calls to you from an IP address which is not resolved via
03:27.24p3nguinI've seen this before.
03:27.24p3nguinYou can find out with a sip debug while a call is coming in.
03:27.24dlisenbyI see in the error line " instead of
03:27.24dlisenbymaybe I should change that?
03:27.34p3nguinI'm thinking it's a problem with SRV records.
03:27.41p3nguinThat IP address is alpha1.
03:28.00p3nguinIt's one of their hosts used in the sip SRV.
03:28.06dlisenbynot sure I know what you mean?  alpha1?
03:30.15dlisenbyjust changed it to the ip mentioned above.  tried it again,  now ip is
03:30.16p3nguinIf it is a problem with how asterisk is doing SRV lookups, the only way around it that I can think of is to define a peer for each server.  I'd use templates to do it cleanly.
03:30.34p3nguinIs that the only IP address in the call?
03:30.43p3nguinIs there ever a second IP address on any of these calls?
03:30.46dlisenbyhmm.. wonder if callcentric will show me all their potential server ips
07:59.39*** join/#asterisk infobot (
07:59.39*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.0.0-beta1 (2011/07/22), (2011/08/31), dahdi-linux (2011/09/08), dahdi-tools (2011/09/08), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki: -=-
08:15.07*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
08:20.55*** join/#asterisk mbrevda (~mbrevda@unaffiliated/mbrevda)
08:23.47*** join/#asterisk justdave_ (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
08:26.38*** join/#asterisk irroot (
08:40.00*** join/#asterisk DanFromUK (DanFromUK@
08:40.45DanFromUKhi, has anyone set up a Cisco 7945 to run through asterisk?
08:44.45*** join/#asterisk irroot (
08:47.00*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (~quassel@
08:54.19*** join/#asterisk garymc (
09:00.42*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (DanFromUK@
09:01.07danfromukis it difficult to get a cisco 7945g phone to connect to asterisk? is there anything i should be aware of?
09:01.33wdoekes2danfromuk: perhaps you should try and come back when you have a specific problem
09:08.14*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (~eject_ck@
09:08.18eject_ckHi all
09:08.20eject_ckjust get segfault at 7f1c11be94c4 ip 7f1c1196f6a2 sp 40f96228 error 7 in[7f1c1193f000+a2000]
09:08.27eject_ckres_fax ?
09:13.27*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
09:28.51wdoekes2which spandsp version?
09:31.19*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
09:37.00*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (~fuzzy@
09:48.41*** join/#asterisk Boardy (
09:50.22*** join/#asterisk Buklov (
09:50.33BoardyI have 3 "register =>" directives in my sip.conf. Is it possible to set a different expiry for one of them?
09:52.17*** join/#asterisk kaushal (~kaushal@
09:53.48kaushalis there a converter for converting mp3 to ulaw available on linux ?
09:55.07singlerkaushal: try sox
09:59.35*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
09:59.37wdoekes2Boardy: register => [peer?][transport://]user[@domain][:secret[:authuser]]@host[:port][/extension][~expiry]
09:59.55jkroonhi guys, i'm trying to get streaming audio working from moh.
10:00.30jkroonI'm not sure what it means if the moh process is in state T in top, looks like "stopped", which seems wrong, but would explain why I'm not getting any audio?
10:01.37wdoekes2jkroon: is it possibly writing to stderr too? (and hanging because no one reads its output?)
10:01.54*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
10:09.09*** join/#asterisk Buklov (
10:10.28jkroonwdoekes2, i guess.
10:10.45jkroonthat would make sense, although, with arecord passing -q typically makes it quiet.
10:11.05wdoekes2wrap a script around it with 2>/dev/null and see if it helps
10:13.08jkroonseems to work ... strange.
10:14.16jkroonyes thanks!
10:14.55*** join/#asterisk devil_evoxxx (~d3v1l@
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10:33.43*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
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10:45.58devil_evoxxxHi, i've got a Main asterisk Machine 1.4 that is connected with a provider.
10:45.58devil_evoxxxThis machine has got it's pubblic ip and is connected with an other asterisk ( machien via sip trunk. The second machine ( asterisk is natted 1:1 on a pubblic ip and the local ip of this machine is
10:46.02devil_evoxxxOk, now Let's call the main asterisk machine as "A" and the second machine (asterisk 1.8.6) as "B".
10:46.05devil_evoxxxThe configuration as A side for connecting B machine is here:
10:46.08devil_evoxxxThe Configuration as B side for connecting do A machine is here :
10:46.11devil_evoxxxOn the B machine i've setted  in the general section : bindaddr=  and externip=
10:46.14devil_evoxxxThe problem is that i still have a unidirectional audio. The call diagram is
10:46.16devil_evoxxxMobile Phone Call #number# the call comes from provider to machine "A" .    "A" forward call to B machine but the callee can hear , but the caller can't hear the callee
10:46.56devil_evoxxxi'm dumping udp packet and the rtp stream try to talk directoly with provider and not with machine A
10:47.29*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
10:54.08*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
11:00.42schmidtsdevil_evoxxx stupid question but have you configured machine B with nat=yes?
11:01.29schmidtsdevil_evoxxx sorry my fault on B you can see in the udp streams that B tries to talk directly with your provider, then you should try to disable directmedia
11:03.50devil_evoxxxyes on machine b is set to nat=yes
11:03.54devil_evoxxxnow i try directmedia
11:04.32schmidtsdevil_evoxxx on machine A you also have to set nat=yes for the B peer, but imho it sounds like directmedia
11:05.25*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (~bjarne-im@pdpc/supporter/active/bn-7bc)
11:05.53devil_evoxxxon machine A i set nat=yes for B peer, on the B machine i set nat=yes for A peer ( i'm not sure )
11:07.06devil_evoxxxis correct?
11:08.34devil_evoxxxschmidts i've to set directmedia in sip general section?
11:09.20*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (~bjarne-im@pdpc/supporter/active/bn-7bc)
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11:11.57devil_evoxxxschmidts i've to set directmedia on A machine or B machine?
11:16.16schmidtsyes the general section in your sip.conf
11:17.19Boardywdoekes2: When I list the registry, I still see the default, not the 60s I want (I'm using v1.6.2.9 (Debian squeeze))
11:24.41devil_evoxxxschmidts i've setted directmedia=no
11:26.55devil_evoxxxenabling rtp debug i still have
11:26.59devil_evoxxxthe same problem
11:27.36devil_evoxxxthe rtp stream try to talk directly with provider and not with other asterisk machine
11:31.43*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
11:31.54schmidtsdevil_evoxxx could you pastebin a sip debug of machine B
11:33.39schmidtsdevil_evoxx btw i am looking at your pastebin of the machine B sip config at you have directmedia=nonat in there
11:33.45schmidtshave you tried to replace it with no?
11:36.00schmidtsdevil_evoxx i mean a sip debug not rtp debug ;)
11:36.32devil_evoxxxi'm "melted" ..i'll do in a moment
11:40.40devil_evoxxxhere the sip debug
11:44.03BoardyIn sip.conf I register with "register => user:secret@host/extension~60, but the used expiry is still the same as the defaultexpiry.
11:44.17schmidtsdevil_evoxx is machine A or B? cause if its A then i guess the problem is this: c=IN IP4
11:45.29devil_evoxxxthe ip is the calleee
11:46.33*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
11:47.18schmidtsso this: is the invite from A to B right?
11:49.59devil_evoxxxthe dump was made on b machine and, yes is the invite from A to B
11:51.33schmidtsas i said the problem is A acts also like its behind NAT the rtp data is wrong from A
11:52.34*** join/#asterisk poison (
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11:53.52devil_evoxxxshit..A is not behind nat, it'has his own ip address
11:54.09devil_evoxxxdirectly configured on the eth interface
11:57.04devil_evoxxxso, it can be the dirty connection track table
11:57.11devil_evoxxxon the router that have behind B machine?
11:57.26*** join/#asterisk acidfoo (
11:58.25devil_evoxxxschmidt i've solved the problem
11:58.35devil_evoxxxcanreinvite=no on the asterisk 1.4 machine (A side)
11:58.38devil_evoxxxnow its ok..
12:00.12*** join/#asterisk ijpalmer (
12:03.03ijpalmerI'm using realtime queues and want to use hints for my device states.  When I add 'HINT:1641:devstate-test' to the state_interface column of the queue member table queue show shows that device as invalid and no calls get delivered.  If I remove that field all is ok.  Is the syntax wrong?
12:03.32ijpalmeroops sorry meant to be @ d
12:05.53poisonhi all, how can I rewrite numbers so if I call local numbers 0xxxxxxx that they map to the international variant: +33xxxxxxx ?
12:06.04aberrioshmm, I have a problem where a user logs into a queue, received one call, then after the call has ended the device is constantly in use and eh doesn't get another call from the queue
12:06.21aberriosremove them from the queue and add them again same happens. one call then constantly busy.
12:10.50*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
12:11.44devil_evoxxxpoision, you can rewrite ${EXTEN}
12:12.46poisondevil_evoxxx: any clue how?
12:16.35tuxx-hiya, whats the best way to let a call jump out of the queue after 15 seconds? I tried giving the timeout parameter to the Queue() application, but the caller stays in the queue even after the timeout has exceeded.
12:19.15tuxx-oh nvm
12:19.24tuxx-i forgot a , in the Queue() application ;-P
12:25.52devil_evoxxxsomething likes Set(${EXTEN}=+33${EXTEN:1}
12:26.23devil_evoxxxlook ${EXTEN:1} i not remember how work substring
12:27.03poisonok I'll try, tnx!
12:27.06kaldemardon't rewrite EXTEN, it causes a jump in the dialplan.
12:27.34kaldemarSet(${EXTEN}=+33${EXTEN:1}) won't work anyway, you'd have to use Set(EXTEN=+33${EXTEN:1})
12:28.59leifmadsensave the data to another channel variable first
12:29.04kaldemardo it in the dial command, e.g. exten => _0X.,1,Dial(tech/peerorchan/+33${EXTEN:1})
12:29.27kaldemaror use another variable, depends on the surrounding dialplan.
12:30.17leifmadsenor use a subroutine (GoSub()) and pass ${EXTEN} as an argument
12:38.08*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
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12:39.35ijpalmerwhat is the syntax for the state_interface using realtime queue members, I want it to be a hint using local/XXX@XXXXXX
12:41.41*** join/#asterisk adyn (~adyn@pdpc/supporter/active/adyn)
12:42.48infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
12:48.03*** join/#asterisk psilikon (
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13:00.57*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-rrgfkyirrkoazopm)
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13:21.10*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (~SuPrSluG@
13:28.20BoardyAny ideas? I register with a specific expiry (~60), but after a "sip reload" allways the default registry is used (and the provider uses 60s, so after that period I'm disconnected)
13:28.52Boardyshould be: default EXPIRY is used
13:29.06*** join/#asterisk GreatSUN (~greatsun@
13:29.27Kattyhellloooo my pretties!!!
13:31.51*** join/#asterisk Fritz09 (
13:34.23Kattywhere is everyone
13:34.29BoardyI'm here.
13:34.39leifmadsenKatty: I'm at home
13:37.35*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
13:38.32*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
13:38.48pabelangerBoardy: which setting are using is sip.conf?
13:38.55Kobazi'm home too
13:38.57Kobazmm, yard sales
13:43.47*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
13:43.55chuckfwas working
13:44.06*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-dsetazqbrcjdotgi)
13:45.27*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
13:46.26Boardypabelanger: defaultexpiry=7200 and register => user:pwd@host/ext~60
13:48.43Boardypabelanger: (the general section)
13:48.56luckman212what's the current consensus on fixing 'res_musiconhold.c:659 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!'
13:50.05Kattyhugs leifmadsen
13:50.08Kattyhugs chuckf
14:00.20*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
14:00.47tuxx-hiya, does the queuemember penalty also work with the strategy 'rrmemory'?
14:04.33leifmadsenhugs on Katty
14:04.50Qwelltells Mr. Roberts
14:04.57Qwellinnocent typo
14:05.13leifmadsenQwell: Mr. Roberts would be my father-in-law :)
14:05.43Qwell"leifmadsen *hugged* someone.  On the *Internet*!"
14:05.55leifmadsenQwell: that reminds me of the time I took Bill out to lunch to ask if it would be ok for me to marry his daughter -- he thought I was going to ask him how to break up with her...
14:06.22leifmadsens/interwebs/the tubes!
14:06.51*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
14:10.12tuxx-ah well, penalties for queuemembers dont work with rrmemory, it just keeps calling the person with the lowest priority ;-(
14:11.05p3nguinPenalties work fine, but you have to understand them.
14:11.59luckman212res_musiconhold.c:659 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?!    ........ any thoughts?
14:12.11Qwellmusic is deprecated
14:13.54p3nguinIs ringing the new moh?
14:14.00p3nguinor silence?
14:14.37p3nguinOh, maybe talk radio is the new moh.
14:16.26luckman212Milliwatt() is the new MOH
14:16.35luckman212didn't u hear?
14:17.26Qwellplaytones, man
14:18.32luckman212nah, I'm 'bout to go all ZapATeller() on you mo-fo's
14:18.37*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~Adium@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
14:18.37*** mode/#asterisk [+o sruffell] by ChanServ
14:18.49p3nguinAny specific tones you prefer playing, or should it be randomized?
14:19.01Qwellp3nguin: ^^
14:20.05p3nguinYou didn't write that, right?
14:20.38Qwellsure I did
14:20.43p3nguinI don't know what jira's terms of reporter and participant mean.
14:21.08p3nguinI thought you knew English better thAn that.
14:21.32Qwelloh burn
14:22.05Qwellthat was like 6 years ago.  I didn't care much then.
14:23.17chuckfand you do care now?
14:23.49QwellI care more now then I did than.
14:24.11p3nguinYou're going to confuse people.
14:24.46p3nguinThey're already wrong enough as it is, so we don't need to encourage them.
14:25.21*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@
14:30.09BoardyYour right their, p3nguin.
14:30.31QwellNo, his not right at all.
14:30.55p3nguinI can feel a brain explosion coming on.
14:30.57QwellHe could of been right, but he wasn't.
14:31.03Qwellthere you go
14:31.12*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
14:35.10*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
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14:50.01titterCan someone see why when calling into a Queue from my cell phone the dahdi channel doesn't hangup if I stay on the line with my cell phone? It repeats the call 3 times before it finally hangs up?
14:50.27*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
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14:57.46*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
14:58.21Kattylooks in
14:58.22KattyQwell: YOU
14:58.41Kattywhy i outta...
14:58.46KattyHUG YOU TO BITS!
14:58.49Kattyhugs Qwell to bits
14:58.52QwellNO!  Anything but that!
14:59.13dwaynesweeps up the Qwell-bits
14:59.48dwaynepackages them and sends them to Antarctica
15:13.32*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
15:13.38*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:17.44*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
15:23.40*** join/#asterisk d_preston215 (
15:23.48d_preston215Is there a way to import annoucements into Asterisk?
15:24.10p3nguinWhat do you mean?
15:24.19Kattydefine 'annoucement'
15:24.29p3nguinDefine import.
15:25.22Kattydefine asterisk
15:25.35*** join/#asterisk skrusty (~skrusty@
15:25.48p3nguinDefine is.
15:25.57Kattydefine into.
15:26.18p3nguinDefine dead horse.
15:27.27p3nguinBut seriously, what do you mean by import and announcements?
15:28.07Kattyhugs file
15:28.17filehugs Katty
15:29.33d_preston215recordings that asterisk plays as annoucements.
15:29.46d_preston215Like a default IVR message.
15:30.49Kattywell if they are the right format
15:30.58Kattyyou can dump them into a folder, and have asterisk Background() them
15:32.31p3nguinOkay, so now I know what announcments are, but what do you mean by import?
15:32.44luke-jrI don't see how one can use GROUP_COUNT to replace call-limit-- won't there be race conditions?
15:33.03d_preston215Take them from one asterisk setup and put them in another asterisk setup.
15:33.16p3nguinI'd use rsync.
15:33.34p3nguinif both are still online, it'll do exactly what you need.
15:34.34p3nguinluke-jr: If you mean that one person can make a call and another person cannot, yes.  That's what it does.
15:35.28luke-jrp3nguin: … I don't know how you get that from what I said :|
15:35.39Kattywinscp is nice if you're transfering from linux to windows
15:35.41p3nguinWhat other race condition is there?
15:35.41Kattyand then back again
15:35.46Kattyjust remember to transfer binary
15:36.26luke-jrp3nguin: ChannelA sets its group to FOO at the same time as ChannelB sets its group to FOO, and both of them get 2 channel count
15:58.51*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (~bjarne-im@pdpc/supporter/active/bn-7bc)
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16:25.48dobby156I am running asterisk 1.6
16:26.06dobby156and using sip notify command on the server is cause a memory leak
16:27.48*** join/#asterisk dobby156 (~joe@
16:27.58dobby156sorry acidentally disconnected
16:28.10dobby156so anyway there seems to be a leak
16:28.19*** part/#asterisk ijpalmer (
16:28.29dobby156cause by a sip_alloc in chan_sip.c
16:29.23dobby156it seem to originate from sip_cli_notify
16:29.59*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
16:30.48dobby156is there a way to fix this, because of the deployment of this system I am unable upgrade to 1.8 or 10b
16:31.15dobby156I have tried recompiling multiple times and the problem is the same
16:31.45luke-jryay, Digium just wasted 2 days and $86 … :|
16:34.22*** join/#asterisk thedavidfactor (
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16:39.46luckman212luke-jr: ?
16:40.56*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
16:42.50luke-jrluckman212: they diagnosed our problem as a hardware failure, so we paid the overnight shipping costs for a replacement, and it's still crashing with that
16:43.01luke-jr(and they didn't have any in stock, so it took a day + overnight)
16:55.18*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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17:02.08*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
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17:03.11p3nguinDid they diagnose the problem for you, and then wasted time and money?
17:18.09*** join/#asterisk thehar (
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17:36.05*** join/#asterisk _omer (~omer@
17:37.24_omerwhen I run asterisk it get crashed. asterisk -cvvvvg   doesn't show error ...
17:37.52p3nguinWhat causes it to crash?
17:37.59p3nguinWhat channel drivers are you using?
17:39.15_omeryes I want to know the cause .... I have copy pasted my old asterisk configuration files
17:39.27_omerI am using SIP
17:39.57_omerthe main thing is ... it get crashed as soon as I run it
17:39.58Micc_Looks like 1.8.7 will support multi-tenant parking again, eh?
17:40.01p3nguinWhat are you doing when it crashes?  Is it crashing while idle?
17:40.24_omerlinux# asterisk
17:40.43_omerI am unable to run it
17:40.51p3nguinShow me.
17:41.03p3nguinUse a pastebin.
17:41.05infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:46.27_omerp3nguin: ??
17:46.30*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
17:46.45p3nguinRun it with:  asterisk -G asterisk -U asterisk -vvvvddddddddg
17:46.53p3nguinShow me everything it outputs.
17:50.57_omerthis time It popup error msg...and I have fixed it ...
17:51.05_omerthanks p3nguin
17:55.34*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
17:57.28anonymouz666anyone know where I can find the queue_members SQL for use in realtime?
17:57.35anonymouz666there's none in contrib/
17:57.49anonymouz666and res_config_odbc is complaning about some columns
17:57.57p3nguin_omer: What was the problem?
18:01.56anonymouz666I expected to find the SQL anywhere but not in voip-info ;)
18:06.40carrardid you look in the contrib directory?
18:07.08p3nguin(1257.35) <anonymouz666> there's none in contrib/
18:07.36carrarI see several there
18:07.59carrarwell at leas 1
18:08.18carrarCREATE TABLE queue_member_table
18:09.02anonymouz666carrar: where?
18:09.14anonymouz666contrib? what's the file name?
18:09.27anonymouz666grep queue_member_table *  - shows nothing
18:09.29carrardownload lastest source?
18:09.38anonymouz666latest than
18:09.52anonymouz666I find it anyway, thanks.
18:10.35*** join/#asterisk Crowb4r (u1012@gateway/web/
18:32.59*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
18:43.45LuytAnybody ever heard of "PortaUM"<sip:PortaUM@> ?
18:52.43*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:52.52anonymouz666PortaUM sounds a portuguese word
18:53.38*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@2001:470:1f15:d79:1426:b5c4:b598:4131)
18:54.22Luythmmm yes lemme geoip that IP
18:55.10Luythmmm, that IP is from Breezz, Netherlands. A large voip provider.
18:55.17*** join/#asterisk oej_ (
18:56.36LuytProbably some keepalive messages or so
18:57.22*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
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19:15.20StaRetjiehm folks, how can I make extension hangup if now answered after 15 seconds?
19:18.22singleruse timeout parameter in Dial()
19:20.08StaRetjisingler: thx, it actually extension in queue
19:20.31navaismouse timeout in queue
19:20.33singleruse timeout parameter in queue config
19:20.37navaismonext step hangup
19:20.59StaRetjinavaismo: timeout is 15
19:21.03StaRetjibut I use ringall
19:21.18StaRetjiand after 15 it just continues to ring
19:21.21StaRetjiis this okay>
19:21.36*** join/#asterisk cerienjean (~iper@
19:21.46StaRetjiis 15 seconds or 15 rings?
19:21.49singlerdid you set it calling queue() or in config file? you need both to work correctly
19:22.12StaRetjiexten => 900000,1,Queue(custsrv_queue|tTr|||300)
19:22.19p3nguinsingler: Queue is run from an extension, it doesn't run an extension.
19:22.35p3nguinunless your member is a Local channel, then it does.
19:22.48StaRetjiyes, from ivr, i run queue
19:23.20cerienjeanHi - I have a nat issue
19:23.28infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
19:23.39cerienjeanI have two identicals setup: server (nat) internet (nat) client
19:23.42cerienjeansame settinfs
19:23.55cerienjeanin once case, the audio works fine, not in the other
19:24.00StaRetjiI gotta go now, but when I return I demand solution
19:24.07StaRetjijoking ofc
19:24.10StaRetjisee ya folks
19:24.30cerienjeanin the faulty case, sip set debug shows that the phone is nated (on the sip exchange) bu the RTP flow is sent to the local private address of the clienbt
19:24.58p3nguinJoking officer?
19:25.14StaRetjistill here
19:25.27StaRetjiI think I better stay and fix this
19:25.29StaRetjiexten => 300000,1,Queue(custsrv_queue|tTr|||300)
19:25.32StaRetjiwhat is 300?
19:25.49p3nguinBut you've done it all wrong.
19:25.50StaRetji300 seconds?
19:26.07cerienjeanYes, I've seen the article, I am option #4
19:26.09StaRetjiwell, it was not me who done it
19:26.34cerienjeanBut how can I debug more finely ?
19:26.48p3nguinYou shouldn't be using t and T in your queue options.  t maybe, but I can't imagine that you want the callers to be able to transfer calls.
19:27.03p3nguinAnd you have pipes where you should have commas.
19:30.46*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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19:42.00luckman212does anyone in here know where the code is in the src that Asterisk uses to form the body of the SDP in its SIP INVITEs?
19:42.17*** join/#asterisk garymc (
19:45.25anonymouz666luckman212: what you are trying to do is a mistery
19:47.03*** join/#asterisk oej (
19:47.07luckman212its not that mysterious.   I have a context that I created that just plays MusicOnHold.  I dont want to waste bandwidth by having all phones that dial in to this context sending audio when they dont need to.  so I want to set the INVITE for that call to a=sendonly
19:49.24p3nguintreborsux: crontab
19:51.03p3nguinperhaps something like:   0 23 * * * asterisk -rx 'core restart when convenient' &>/dev/null
19:55.34anonymouz666luckman212: and when your phone hits the MusicOnHold what are the INVITE content?
19:56.32anonymouz666whe MOH answer the reply is sendrecv?
19:56.57luckman212the dialplan is :  Answer() and then MusicOnHold()
19:57.06luckman212so the Answer() yes, sets a=sendrecv
19:57.28luckman212If I don't Answer() first, then calling MusicOnHold() doesn't work
19:58.05anonymouz666Answer sets sendrecv and MOH should REINVITE changing this attribute
19:58.06*** join/#asterisk scolson (
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19:59.18luckman212well when I do 'rtp set debug on' i can see the RTP still flowing 2-way from the device<->asterisk
20:01.05scolsonhere is one I am sure everyone sees every day. I have a hardphone that can't receive audio when making calls outbound and a softphone using the exact same extension that works just fine. both are behind the same NAT router. The hardphone is an aastra 6757i and I've tried toggling upnp and report to no avail
20:01.14scolsonrport not report
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20:19.03anymemmhello everybody, greetings from sofia/bulgaria
20:20.23anymemmi am trying to register an asterisk 1.2.15 to a german fritzbox 7270 in order to receive inbound call via isdn
20:20.43anymemmis there anybody out there with experience on this?
20:20.56*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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20:24.08anymemmregistration of the fritzbox is succeeding althogh on inbound call i get an Sep  9 22:23:26 NOTICE[20761]: chan_sip.c:10629 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user <sip:[NUMBER CALLING FROM]>;tag=298C87F8441893F4
20:24.31anymemmany ideas?
20:25.19navaismothe sip user doesnt exist or wrong password
20:25.27*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
20:26.03navaismoso you are connecting both via sip?
20:28.00anymemmyes, sip is what i'm using
20:28.34navaismocan you show us your sip registrations just remove ips and passwords
20:29.12*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
20:30.20anymemmyes, just a moment
20:32.33anymemmas the ip and password are generic, i am not removing them: [fritzbox]
20:33.08anymemmregister => 624:000624@ (this line i above the [fritzbox] block)
20:33.45navaismouse pastebin instead
20:35.06navaismotry to copy both peers registrations and the entire output when call arrive in the Pastebin
20:36.22anymemmsorry, you're right,
20:37.12anymemmthe entire outbug of sip debug peer follows in a second post
20:41.45anymemmthat's the debug trace when i try to make an inbound call:
20:50.47navaismothe registration string from the other pbx?
20:51.11*** join/#asterisk luckman212_ (~irc@2001:470:1f07:1225:5880:fdc2:20d7:fcf6)
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20:54.42anymemmwell, the other pbx is a kind of cheap consumer device which only shows a "09.09.1122:37:36Internettelefonie mit 623 über war nicht erfolgreich. Ursache: Forbidden (403)" in its log
20:55.50navaismohow do you set the connection in thata pbx?
20:56.52anymemmthere are three fields: registrar:, username: 623, password: 000623
20:58.53*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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21:00.31navaismothat asterisk version support the sendrpid and trustrpid? is at, asterisk is as, asterisk registers at fritzbox (which "converts" a 2 channel isdn to voip) successfully; as an inbound call arrives at fritzbox asterisk fails authenticating it for some reason
21:02.13*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
21:02.21anymemmi have no idea about sendrpid and trustrpid, it is an older version 1.2.15
21:03.58navaismook when you regiter from asterisk to germanpbx you send user:pass@germanpbxIP, but when you register from germanpbx to asterisk you send user:pass@germanpbxip<--- this should be user:pass@asteriskip or im wrong?
21:09.15anymemmwell, registering fritz to asterisk is working well, without any problem, and i'm sure that i'm not mixing up id addresses (i'm using this to send faxes from a fax server which only supports isdn cards)
21:10.05navaismoare you tried with diferent pass?
21:11.31anymemmno yet, but as fritzbox is somehow not easy to debug (although it's good hardware running on linux) i'll try to recreate the sip accounts and try again
21:17.56anymemmok, recreated the sip account on the fritzbox, but still getting "SIP/2.0 407 Proxy Authentication Required"
21:18.25anymemmand then: "SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden"
21:18.49anymemmi'll now try to register a softphone with that account
21:22.18*** join/#asterisk lanning (
21:24.16anymemmwell, i as assumed, both directions work using jitsi (former sip-communucator) when registered to fritzbox
21:25.01anymemmthere is some parameter which has to be set within sip.conf when registering asterisk to fritz...
21:26.20anonymouz666malcolmd: please document what dahdi_maint -s <spannum> output means
21:27.48navaismommm the problem i think is the digest i guess is wrong
21:28.10malcolmdanonymouz666: -> Pete Engler:
21:31.00anonymouz666who is pete?
21:31.50*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
21:34.20navaismoguys the md5 challenge for sip can be obtained with echo -n "user:realm:pass:nonce" | md5sum ???
21:37.50*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
21:38.06pabelangernavaismo: not sure :nonce is needed
21:39.11navaismoim triyng to get the digest for the anymemm pastebin log using the user, real pass and the nonce in the log
21:46.02*** join/#asterisk caveat- (~false@gateway/shell/
21:46.41malcolmdanonymouz666: product manager telephony cards (dahdi)
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21:50.29kinkoquestion: get one way audio or null audio if not monitor(g729,/dev/null) before Dial , I guess some codec issue here , any idea ?
21:51.17ChannelZsounds more like firewall/NAT issues
21:51.23kinkoI get a call SIP from peer, and Dial SIP to another peer, if no any fake monitor in the middle, no audio
21:51.39kinkoChannelZ, I full removed iptables , and same, seems not fw related
21:52.01kinkoChannelZ, also there no NAT
21:52.40kinkoChannelZ incomming leg SIP peer and outgoing leg SIP peer are both public IP, no NAT here
21:53.38anonymouz666malcolmd: thank you
21:54.42*** join/#asterisk willwh (~willwh@unaffiliated/willskills)
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22:01.44navaismoarrggg anymemm i cant obtain the digest
22:08.30*** join/#asterisk nW44b (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
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22:11.28anymemmnavaismo: i also don't know how it is generated, the whole issue is completely strange as it simply stopped working suddenly without changning anything... neverthelsee, i thank you very much for your efforts to help me!
22:15.41*** part/#asterisk droemel (
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23:42.24leifmadsenwow quiet night
23:42.49p3nguinNow you ruined it.  Way to go!

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.