IRC log for #asterisk on 20110905

00:54.03carrarYou mean, Background(beep)
00:54.36carrarHows your holiday?
00:54.42WIMPyNo, I don't accept extensions.
00:55.00WIMPyWhat holiday do you have?
00:56.47carrarI have no bitcoinsm sorry
00:59.33carrarI have labor day for $20
00:59.59carrarWhat do you gots?
01:00.21carrarThe first big Labor Day in the United States was observed on September 5, 1882
01:00.50carrarOregon was the first state to make it a holiday in 1887
01:01.48WIMPyThat's on may 1st here.
01:02.32carrarin the land of beer?
01:03.00carrarlived in Berlin a year
01:03.11WIMPyHmm. I guess there are more of them.
01:03.24carrarnot nevessary more, just better
01:03.32WIMPyI think Belgium has a lot to offer for beer lovers.
01:06.03WIMPyIs that what is displayed on an Air Show?
01:06.27carrarjust something I wanted to display
01:06.56carrarback when you could ask someone for their gun and they would give it too you
01:07.08WIMPyI heard someone is collecting money to make Temelhof a big party area.
01:07.37carrarthats one hella large party area then
01:07.49carrarThat was a showcase airport in it'sday
01:07.59carrarvery impressive still
01:08.00p3nguinits day
01:08.12WIMPyI haven't seen it.
01:08.14carrarso much history there
01:08.55WIMPyNot sure there's much left since Berlin has been rebuilt quite massively the last 20 years.
01:09.15WIMPyThey called it Europes largest building site.
01:09.56carrarwell it was a major airport
01:09.59carrarlots of land
01:11.03*** join/#asterisk adeeln (~adeel@
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01:17.08*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
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02:00.22dijibp3nguin, found this finally..
02:00.37p3nguinTook you a long time.
02:00.48dijibyeh well .. took me some time to get around to
02:00.55dijiband ive been looking at your working dialplan
02:01.08dijibcallcentric & ipkall of any use to me?
02:01.22dijibi also still need to patch that COUNT thing
02:01.26dijibyou found
02:02.28p3nguinCallCentric has some services, but they kind of suck.  IPkall offers free DIDs (Washington state only).
02:03.15dijibLD services?
02:03.39*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
02:04.15dijibive got this dead air issue on dialout. 1 out of 4 calls the call connects but the call is silent on both ends. any idea?
02:05.00p3nguinDid you say you do see 180 Ringing in the sip messages?
02:07.28p3nguinShow me your incoming extension.
02:07.46dijibis there a password protected pastebin like site?
02:08.22ChannelZYes. it's called Your Asterisk Doesn't Work
02:08.24p3nguinYou can paste in and mark it as private, and use an expiration.
02:08.46dijibprivate oonly ppl who have the link can see?
02:09.02dijibk then im just going to give you the whole dialplan.
02:09.27dijibi really need to clean it up those, i have ; exten => all over the place
02:10.19p3nguinIt's probably okay for a new dialplan.  You'll clean up unused lines when you get it sorted.
02:11.15p3nguinYou could also remove all the lines starting with comments for the pasting, if you wanted.
02:11.55dijibincoming pvt msg p3nguin
02:12.12dijibtoo late also
02:12.34*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
02:14.07p3nguingrep -v ^\; /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf > extensions-no-comments.conf
02:16.19dijibwhat else done i know
02:18.35p3nguinI'm not sure why your phones context includes the fax-in context.  You don't plan to fax yourself from one of your phones, do you?
02:19.53dijibthats prolly why, it was in or around the same times i added that
02:21.32p3nguinAre you willing to make some changes to your inbound context/extension?
02:23.36dijibsure yeh whatever you suggest i bet would be better then not
02:23.42dijibare you talking about the 100's?
02:23.57p3nguinBefore we do that, I've got an automotive question to run past you.
02:24.38dijibsure i might not know ti though :s
02:26.14p3nguinI have a '98 Blazer 4x4, with rear disc brakes that are giving me a problem.  The driver side rear brake keeps wearing down the inner pad like the caliper isn't releasing.  I put a clamp on the caliper to compress it, and it seems to move freely but stiffly.  Do you think the hose could be collapsed inside, preventing the caliper from letting go, or do you think the caliper needs replaced?
02:28.01dijibi had a similar issue with my front passanger on that vehicle
02:28.26p3nguinThe slide pins move freely, and I cleaned them well and put new caliper lube on them to see if that helps any.
02:28.48dijibi usually excersise the piston when i have it off
02:29.05dijibuse the c-clamp and compress. then press break then repeat
02:29.32p3nguinThe pins don't have much travel on this model, so even when the pins get frozen the pads don't usually wear down because of it.
02:30.57p3nguinI guess they actually can move up to about half an inch, but there is never that much movement in them during normal operation.
02:31.19dijibtrue.. what are you calling slide pins though?
02:31.27dijibyes im a nuub with cars too
02:31.28p3nguinthe slide pins
02:31.53dijibi know the boot. the hydrolic line, the piston.....
02:32.03dijibwhats the slide pin?
02:32.20p3nguinI thought you were more mechanically inclined than asterisk inclined.  That's why I was giving you this question.
02:32.35dijibits like this  { O }_
02:34.13p3nguinThe caliper bracket bolts to the axle tube end, and the caliper bolts to the bracket.  The bolts actually attach to pins which slide in holes in the bracket rather than bolting solid, which allows side-to-side movement as the caliper compresses and releases.
02:34.22dijibahh k i know
02:34.29*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@
02:34.35dijibi broke one of those once on the jimmy and had to replace the caliper or something
02:34.48p3nguinI broke one just three hours ago.
02:35.09p3nguinThe pin on the passenger side was frozen up, and I used a big wrench trying to free it.
02:35.19dijib3/4inch drive :D
02:35.27dijibjohnson bar
02:35.29*** join/#asterisk raden (
02:35.29p3nguinI twisted off the slide pin in the bracket.
02:35.40p3nguinI just used a wrench to break it off.
02:36.05p3nguinSo I had to go get a new bracket and new pins.
02:36.28radenis there a particular linux os prefered for asterisk installs ?
02:36.36p3nguinNot really.
02:36.38dijibi need to fix my battery. the led terminal melton when i shorted it the other day
02:36.48dijibCentOS minimal
02:37.05p3nguinCentOS and Debian-related distros have official packages available.
02:37.35p3nguinSo we'll skip the car talk and get back to your dial plan.
02:37.53dijibi need a 3.43 tranny
02:38.05p3nguinNever heard of it.
02:38.23dijibthe 4l60e
02:38.26dijibwhatever thats called
02:38.33dijibdoesnt it have to match gear ratio?
02:38.56p3nguinThey don't work like that.
02:39.23dijibsee im a car nuub
02:40.05p3nguinIf you need a trans, and you're sure it's a 4L60E, just tell the people at the junk yard that you need a 4L60E for your '98 Suburban, or whatever year and vehicle you have.
02:40.27dijibso a trans is a trans across the board
02:40.40p3nguinIf they don't ask if it is 4x4, be sure to tell them.
02:40.53p3nguinFor the most part, a 4L60E is a 4L60E.
02:41.02dijibi didnt know that
02:41.12dijibi thought they were gear ratio specific
02:41.19p3nguinIt's the year and engine size that makes the difference.
02:41.43dijibye but 94-00 is good @ 5.7
02:42.16p3nguinA 700R4 that was put behind a small V6 will be built with lighter weight parts than one put behind a 5.7L V8 4x4 full size truck.
02:42.33p3nguinThe gear ratio is the same, though.
02:43.16p3nguinThe rear end (or rear and front) ratio is where they make the differences for how the trans performs for a given car or truck.
02:43.52p3nguinLike for a Camaro, you'll often see a 3.23 rear end, but in a 4x4 full size truck, you might see 3.42, 3.73, or even 4.11 gears.
02:44.35p3nguinAnyway, back to your dial plan...
02:44.44p3nguinIf I call your number, do you want me to hear any ringing before your system answers?
02:45.09*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@
02:46.37dijibno, i want to to answer right away and ask to enter a responce
02:46.59dijibsorry just had to   the wife
02:49.44dijibyour not rewriting everythingon me again r ya
02:50.28p3nguinI'm going to help you build a dial plan rather than paste pieces together from the net.
02:50.31*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
02:51.15dijibi wrote some of that. other i got from you
02:52.15*** join/#asterisk moy (
02:52.56dijibhey with your brake, have you excersised that piston much? i found if i cleaned it up & wd40 it helped
02:52.57p3nguinI usually like my first line to be a NoOp() so I don't ever have to renumber my priorities ever.  I can change any single line after that and never have to worry about numbering the priorities.  So lets start with your first line in your inbound context.  I'll use s for my examples, but I expect you to use your actual phone number.
02:53.19p3nguinI didn't take it apart, but I worked it in and out a few times, and it didn't change the way it felt.
02:53.34p3nguinexten => s,1,NoOp()
02:53.50p3nguinNow you said you wanted it to answer and start playing your message right away...
02:54.00p3nguinexten => s,n,BackGround(IVR)
02:54.19p3nguinThen you'll want to have some time for someone to enter an extension...
02:54.27p3nguinexten => s,n,WaitExten(5)
02:54.30dijibyeah but i need an Answer() for fax detect
02:54.40dijibi said 15 in mine
02:54.52p3nguinHow does the fax detection work?
02:55.10p3nguinBackGround() answers the line, so you do not need an explicit Answer() before it.
02:55.10dijibany fax with be detected on answer()
02:55.46dijibbut i dont know if the fax detect needs an answer... i think thats what i read
02:55.48p3nguinWould the fax tones be detected while your message is playing?
02:56.18p3nguinIf so, you've got your first three lines of dial plan written right up there.
02:59.46p3nguinIf you need to set some variables or write to some functions, you can do it before the BackGround().  That's where the beauty of the NoOp() comes in.
03:00.23dijibit just detects and sends to f
03:02.00p3nguinIf you wanted to use the loop with limit, that can be incorporated here, too.
03:02.17p3nguinI'll put this in a pastebin.
03:02.32dijibi have your dialplan
03:02.36dijibdont worry about it
03:02.45dijibill get that in tonight or tomorrow
03:03.00*** join/#asterisk radic (
03:03.04radenUbuntu have a asterisk package ?
03:04.45carrarcompile from source
03:07.04dijibhey p3nguin change your dot4
03:07.23p3nguinI have no idea what that means.
03:07.30dijibbreak oil
03:07.41dijibhydrolic oil
03:07.42p3nguinOh, I probably have DOT3 break fluid.
03:07.54p3nguinIt isn't too bad, though.
03:08.01p3nguinI probably won't change it.
03:08.02dijibthought it was 4 4 that truck
03:08.23p3nguinI'd have to look at the cap for the reservoir.
03:08.42dijibya but could be crap in the lines
03:08.44p3nguinI'm thinking about taking the caliper apart.
03:08.56dijibbuy a repair kit with boot then
03:09.00dijibif you dot hat
03:10.37p3nguinI kind of need a new boot.  The heat from the break hanging has burned the one on it now, so it's a little brittle around the edge.
03:10.46p3nguinbrake, that is.
03:11.16dijibya ull rip if u try to repair]
03:12.54p3nguinWhen I call your number, and I get your outgoing message, what extensions do you want me to be able to dial?  Should I be able to dial all your phones if I know the extens?
03:14.59dijibany but outbound-voipms
03:15.28p3nguinWe won't include outbound in the internal context, so that shouldn't be a problem.
03:22.00p3nguindijib: This should be pretty good for your inbound for starters:
03:23.20p3nguinJust replace the s with your real number.
03:24.13p3nguinor add an  exten => your-real-number,1,Goto(s,1);
03:25.40p3nguinThat's actually how I handle inbound numbers.  I accept them and then send them off to their own contexts where 's' is used rather than the phone numbers.  That allows multiple phone numbers to all go to the same dialplan and do the same thing easily.
03:28.16p3nguinI need to get to work on my BBQ sauce for tomorrow.
03:28.28dijibJD man JD
03:28.43dijibalready :wq! it
03:29.04dijibgo do your thing, ill ask my questions later about this thing
03:29.08dijiblike i?
03:29.13p3nguinI don't think I'll put in any Jack into my sauce I'm making.  I might, though, now that you've given me the idea.
03:29.32dijibor guness ive had work well for me
03:29.34p3nguinGo ahead and ask.  The wife is taking up the counter space making slaw right now, anyway.
03:29.40dijibmmmm beer can chicken....
03:29.42ChannelZAnyone who says they don't do it is a liar
03:29.43dijibnow i wanna BBQ
03:30.34dijibk i think its time to smoe a doobie and then look at FAX
03:35.18infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
03:40.36p3nguinSo what part did you have trouble understanding?
03:45.30dijibnothing really ive just tested that bit and seems to be working well
03:45.39dijibi like the invalid
03:45.49dijibthinking that should also have a count eh?
03:46.51dijibhey back in 10m
03:47.46p3nguinexten i is included in the count.
03:53.50*** join/#asterisk IPNixon (~IPNixon@unaffiliated/ipnixon)
03:54.21IPNixonhey all. is there any way to specify that a Flash() in extensions_custom.conf be done on a zap channel rather than on sip?
03:59.25ChannelZIt operates on whatever channel it's called from
03:59.33ChannelZ(it actually makes no sense to use on a SIP channel)
04:01.14IPNixoni have two channels; 1 sip and 1 zap
04:01.40IPNixonand every time i try (calling the custom ext from a spa3102), it tries doing it on sip
04:04.47ChannelZwell if you were doing it from the zap/dahdi channel side it should work
04:05.30ChannelZdon't think there's a way to say "do a hook-flash on this other channel"
04:05.58radenwe went from asterisk 1.8 to 10 ?
04:07.13infobotAsterisk 10 --
04:07.15ChannelZYes.  Think if it like 1.10, but not as a decimal number, and stop worrying
04:07.50dijibare yo running *10?
04:08.25p3nguinWhom are you asking?
04:11.13p3nguinI run 1.4
04:11.37dijibi was thinking 10x
04:11.52dijibbut chickHENed out
04:17.01p3nguin10 times the fun, I guess.
04:20.52WIMPyThe good fun or the bad fun?
04:25.32*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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05:50.38dijibp3nguin, still up?
05:50.53dijibi hope not seeing its monday 2am.
05:50.59dijibi mean 12.
05:51.01dijibgo to bed.
05:51.12p3nguinYes, I'm up.
05:51.49dijibexten => i,n,waitexten(2) means XX = invalid do.
05:51.57dijibi think i need 3 characters
05:51.59*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
05:52.03dijibi mean digits
05:52.08p3nguinI have no idea what you're saying.
05:52.18p3nguinBut the dial plan I created for you is COPY AND PASTE.
05:52.48dijibthat line says if any 2 numbers dont match say invalid
05:53.07p3nguinUh, no.
05:53.09dijiboh nvmd is that wait time
05:53.32p3nguinThat says when you've entered an invalid extension, wait 2 more seconds for a valid one before going to the next line.
05:53.47p3nguinAnd the next line takes you back to the previous waitexten.
05:53.58*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:54.54dijibn(variable) is a neat way to move the call around eh.. im still wrapping my head around it
05:55.16irrootmorning good folk top 'o the morning ... .happy labor(less) day to the merkans
05:55.52p3nguinThose are priority labels, not variables.
05:55.57*** join/#asterisk james_zhu (~Administr@
05:56.06dijibwhats 't' extension
05:56.33dijibi should really read into it
05:56.42dijibwith your ~book
05:56.45infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
06:00.16dijibwhy would asterisk & safe_asterisk be running but im not able to log into console
06:00.31dijibsince sys build.
06:00.56dijibi need to run safe_asterisk to be able to connect
06:01.25irrootdijib did you edit safe_asterisk or run "asterisk -c"
06:01.29p3nguinI'm not going to help you run asterisk as root.
06:02.06dijibasterisk -c runs it.
06:02.17dijibwhere do i chmod that?
06:02.23dijibto run as? asterisk
06:02.34dijibor edit cfg/
06:02.42irrootyou then running it manually ?? rather use safe_asterisk
06:03.38dijibi would rather have safe_asterisk start it, as it monitors if asterisk is running and respawns if not
06:05.26dijibi have 2 instances of each running apparently
06:05.56ChannelZprobably not really, if you are using asterisk -r
06:07.30p3nguinWhat does "ps -C asterisk u" show you?
06:07.54dijibive got 2x safe asterisk & 2x asterisk -c
06:08.04dijibso how do i connect?
06:08.09dijibi use the -r switch
06:08.16p3nguinUse fire.
06:08.25p3nguinbig torch
06:08.26dijibtah hek is fire
06:08.29ChannelZoh. thats's probably a problem.
06:08.38dijibive only got a little canaster
06:09.24dijibwhere is /k when you need them
06:09.51p3nguinfire /k ?
06:09.57*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
06:12.45*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
06:12.48p3nguinThere I went.
06:15.17dijibyou went where?
06:15.34dijiband im vi'ing safe_asterisk now
06:15.38dijibdamn im slow
06:19.31dijibhow did the BBQ sauce turn out?
06:20.20*** join/#asterisk qjb (~qjb@2001:980:4cc7:1:2455:6c84:9a1:32d7)
06:20.59dijiband i was thinking about your break lines and you thinking they have callapsed. if front then i doubt it if back then trace line and look for kinks, could be a break in pressure, ive had the fittings go on me before
06:21.44dijib/usr/sbin/asterisk -f -U asterisk -vvvg -c
06:21.53dijibthats whats runnings now
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06:47.06dijibp3nguin, you are a beautiful man. fax is working
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07:58.19GreatSUNhi all
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08:16.36kwkHi. I have an asterisk with realtime queues. When I fire an AMI "queuestatus" event for say queue 1650, the AMI returns no info for the queue. When I do "queue show 1650" on the CLI and fire the same AMI event from before afterwards, I get the correct queue status. Here's the output:
08:16.51*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
08:17.40aberriosffs I beginning to really dislike ZoiPer
08:18.04kwkaberrios: I'm quite happy with jitsi btw.
08:18.30aberrioskwk, ta, might give it a go
08:18.44aberrioszoiper seems to be randomly crashing
08:18.45catphishkwk: asterisk doesn't know about realtime objects until they're used
08:18.49*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:20.17kwkcatphish: ok, but when what's the difference between "queue show 1650" and "action: queuestatus\n queues:1650" ? I mean, both want to know ("use") the queue. Why is one treated differently to the other?
08:20.59catphishqueuestatus probably lists all known queues then filters it (though that's just a guess)
08:21.10catphishqueue show 1650 obviously looks it up
08:21.38kwkcatphish: that's odd
08:21.43catphishhow so?
08:22.15catphishdid you actually give the queuestatus the id?
08:22.25irrootrealtime queues are only loaded when a event occurs
08:22.50kwkirroot: ok, can I create such an event via the AMI?
08:23.07irroota call is a event
08:23.27kwkirroot: one sec. want to try it out
08:23.31irrootso is logging in / out a memmber or setting member penalty / paused
08:23.31catphishcan't you just assume that if it's not listed, its not in use?
08:23.54irrootbut the latter is asterisk 10
08:24.10irrootthere been some changes i commited recently
08:24.45kwkirroot: i use 1.8.5
08:24.57irrootok then a call is best bet
08:25.08catphishi agree it would be nice if asterisk could do a "select all" on a realtime database when doing things like "sip show peers"
08:25.37catphishbut i'm happy to assume if something isn't listed, its never been used
08:27.47irrootcatphish the problem with that is it will load all the entries into ram and not have the bennifit of freeing it up when not needed
08:28.33kwkirroot: But there has to be a way to figure out what agents are logged in. An event is not enough by  the way. When I login to 1650 an event "Newstate" and "Hangup" is fired but the queue status is still empty. When I have a call event though, the queue is loaded via AMI correctly. And then it'll show all it's logged in agents.
08:28.37catphishirroot: why would it not free them? it would only need to load them when the request was made, they could be immediately dropped again
08:29.18catphishwouldn't a queue be loaded when someone is logged into it?
08:29.37kwkcatphish: no, not in my case
08:29.45irrootkwk i use realtime and look at the queue_members table to see who is in or out not via AMI i query the DB directly
08:30.04kwkirroot: i see.
08:30.21catphishthat's a much saner approach
08:30.36irrootyou could check the interface in ami to test there status
08:32.17kwkirroot: ok, this works. if there're callers waiting in the queue i get their status correctly. I'll query the agents via queue_members tables then.
08:32.51irrootkwk cool as long as it works for you
08:33.43GreatSUNirroot: hi
08:33.47kwkirroot: i mean, it would have been nice if the agents where available via the AMI though. I my opinion asterisk shouldn't differe in it's behaviour if queues are stored realtime or static.
08:33.59irroothi there greatsun
08:34.07GreatSUNirroot: do you think you could help me with asterisk + dahdi and cidtransfer?
08:34.17GreatSUNafaik asterisk seams to set cid correctly
08:34.40GreatSUNbut it doesnt seam to be set correctly to/from dahdi
08:34.41irrootkwk ill look into the ami issue and rework it want to open a bug for this and give me the id so i can work it
08:34.59kwkirroot: will open a bug
08:35.52irrootGreatSUN mmm not something i work with much what you expecting ?? the cid coming in on dahdi to go to sip ??
08:36.43irrootkwk i have a way in my mind on how to do it quite easy im working with app_queue code atm there is a deadlock im trying to kill
08:37.12GreatSUNirroot: sip -> asterisk -> dahdi-chan -> dial through isdn
08:37.45kwkirroot: cool
08:38.26catphishirroot: do you work on realtime mysql at all?
08:38.50irrootno use odbc with pgsql mostly
08:39.13kwkirroot: i use odbc with mysql. so it shouldn't be a problem :)
08:39.23catphishok, i'm looking for some feedback on a reasonably nasty hack i'm using
08:39.24irrootGreatSUN you want to set the number going out on dahdi ??
08:44.09*** join/#asterisk greenwolf (
08:45.23greenwolfgood morning anyone around ?
08:53.36*** join/#asterisk porche (~kursad@
08:54.22porcheI have got a question about AGI dial command,
08:55.10*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
08:57.43infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
08:58.38kwkirroot: thank you for working on this!!!
09:00.29irrootcatphish that hack is only for mysql i will need to see the code what is the motivation
09:00.51catphishirroot: please see the jira ticket linked to it
09:01.33porcheHi again sorry
09:01.45porcheI have got an AGI application
09:01.51porchethat dials a number,
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09:02.02porcheif I do AGI->exec(Dial
09:02.08porcheit loses callerid
09:02.21porcheI use asterisk 1.6
09:02.39porcheI tried setting caller id on dial plan
09:02.46porchewith a channel variable
09:06.21porche_1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(all)=${callername} <${caller}>);
09:08.03kaldemarporche: how did you verify that the caller id is lost? where are you setting variables callername and caller?
09:08.40porchefrom cdr
09:08.40*** join/#asterisk Gambith (
09:08.47porcheand the number I am getting the call
09:08.53porcheI mean
09:08.57porchephone I am getting the call
09:09.05ChannelZwell assuming those variables are right, it should work - though only the number matters.  It also assumes your ITSP allows you to set the CID to whatever you want
09:09.30kaldemarwhat phone is getting the call?
09:09.35porcheyes normally it's accepted
09:09.41ChannelZtry just Set(CALLERID(num)=${caller}) for fun
09:09.55porchethe issue is actually
09:10.06ChannelZ(again, assuming ${caller} is 1112223333 or whatever)
09:10.07porche1. a call is done to 1st number
09:10.23catphishirroot: that was what i was trying to address, i assume the same problem exists in ODBC though I haven't tested it
09:10.24porche2. when call is connected, another call is conducted, it's like call bridging
09:10.42porcheI have to do it over AGI as some actions required,
09:10.52porcheI set the caller and callername from AGI
09:10.54porcheand execute
09:11.13Gambiththat sounds like a callcenter process...
09:11.15kaldemarAGI is not the problem, your issue is elsewhere.
09:11.21porcheyes Gambith
09:11.31irrootcatphish yeah it will work the basic idea is there but i dont see it been adopted into asterisk as multiple possible matches in dialplan is not supported and discouraged
09:12.00porchetrue Kaldemar, it's interesting
09:12.09porcheI can set the accountcode
09:12.12porchefrom the same AGI
09:12.26catphishirroot: really? i was under the impression that there was an entire algorithm to select the correct match from in-memory dialplans
09:12.47Gambithporche, is vicidial in your solution ?
09:13.04porcheno Gambith, it's custom
09:13.08Gambithoh.. IC
09:13.14catphishoverlapping dialplan entries seem essential for anyone that wants to do cost-based routing
09:13.36irrootcatphish there is a algo to do it AFAIK and we can check how official it is
09:14.13porcheinteresting, seems like
09:14.13irrootcatphish i use wildcard / look up to do cost based routing in a DB
09:14.18porcheDial command on AGI
09:14.34porchewhich produces a new channel, does not copy existing variables
09:14.47catphishso you just match all outgoing numbers then odbc the route? that makes sense
09:15.36catphishthe main problem is that in the UK, we have 0[1-9]. for a national rate number and 00. for international
09:16.08catphishalthough actually they don't overlap, so ignore me
09:16.20kaldemarporche: you better describe the whole scenario properly if you want someone to help you.
09:17.39GambithHas anyone tried securing a line by implementing a code to allow calls to go out from an xt ? meaning.. the xt wil ring and accept calls, but in order to make a call to the pstn u need to key in a code
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09:19.40catphishGambith: sounds fairly easy, just let someone dial 9, then ask them for the code
09:19.48catphishthen allow them do dial a number
09:20.22kaldemarGambith: core show application Authenticate
09:20.30Gambithtnx.. will read
09:20.36catphisheven better :)
09:27.29Gambithgreat.. auth(file,options) in the file the structure is xt:md5hash
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11:45.41jkroonhi guys, i'm seeing a potential issue with and the http manager:  WARNING[1447] manager.c: HTTP Manager, fdopen failed: Bad file descriptor!
11:47.24jkroonthere only seems to be two locations in manager.c that performs an fdopen - how can i figure out which one is triggering the error, and more specifically, what's the cause?
11:51.49irrootjkroon either in auth_callback or generic_callback was it during auth ??
11:52.02jkroonirroot, very good question ...
11:52.18jkroonno, after auth, when request SIPPeers
11:52.40jkroonremember this is manager via http.
11:52.55jkroonnot sure how that interaction works.
11:52.57irrootthere you have your answer young padowin ... use the source luke :P and have a good week
11:54.35jkroonirroot, i know about the source :p.  what i don't know is where to start reading.
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11:59.09irrootjkroon yeah only teasing
11:59.36irrootis it hapening often ??
11:59.56irrootmaybe change the message to include auth in the one so you will know
12:03.07jkroonwell, a full backtrace would be useful.
12:03.20jkroonso can I make it dump core before continueing on it's merry?
12:06.11irrootdont think so unless you catch it while its breaking
12:06.47irrootneed a breakpoint
12:10.49jkroonso there is no way to ask glibc/the kernel to perform a coredump of the running process and then continue running?
12:10.52jkroonthat sucks.
12:12.05jkroonbacktrace + backtrace_symbols_fd() perhaps ...
12:14.01jkrooni would have preferred a core dump as I can load that into gdb yes, but I don't want to run production systems inside of gdb.
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12:31.31Dovidhow is fax deteciton done in Asterisk 1.8
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12:34.57wdoekes2jkroon: you can do a bt and detach
12:34.59wdoekes2see -ex
12:35.34jkroonwdoekes2, I want to add code inside asterisk to when it happens immediately generate a core dump, or what do you suggest?
12:35.49jkroonkeep in mind this is a production system where I am seeing this, I seem unable to reproduce elsewhere.
12:36.27wdoekes2I didn't read much backwards.. I simply wanted to say that you can get a backtrace without having to "stop" the process (prolonged)
12:36.40jkroonyea, that's the problem :(
12:37.46Dovidhow is fax deteciton done in Asterisk 1.8
12:38.17wdoekes2Dovid: if we don't answer in 6 minutes, does not mean that you need to spam
12:38.27Dovidspam ? wow. thats harsh
12:38.45wdoekes2no it's not.. your message hasn't even scrolled 10 lines yet
12:42.42Dovidlooking at the default confs nw
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13:02.01greenwolfasterisk is still hold the rtp media
13:03.30greenwolfasterisk is suppose to send a new INVITE and connected both callers with rtp media on their end
13:03.46greenwolfany reason why asterisk is hosting these rtp media streams still after the call is setup?
13:03.53greenwolfi did directmedia=yes
13:05.08kaldemargreenwolf: maybe you have some other option enabled that requires asterisk to stay on the media path, for example option t or T in app Dial.
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13:05.59greenwolfi cant tell because i send the calls directly to a2billing.php script
13:06.06greenwolfto process the calling card numbers
13:06.23kaldemarthen see what the script does.
13:07.12*** join/#asterisk as001 (~uros@
13:07.14greenwolfso take both the r and R out of dial
13:09.02as001Hello does anyone know response codes of  Asterisk manager interface ? I have got 4 but sometimes 12 24 72 etc... I use perl module Asterisk::Manager and its sendcommand method on Asterisk
13:09.15Dovidif using T/t and INFO for DTMF shouldn't rtp go direct?
13:09.53greenwolfim having problems getting rtp to go direct from openser to asterisk to outbound
13:12.51as001I meant event is always the same and $ok from $ok = $astman->sendcommand ... is sometimes 4 sometimes 12 or 24 or 72 etc...
13:13.36as001Where can I found meaning of those codes
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13:20.03atanSilly question, but using a PAP2 type adapter (forget the correct name, but the one that you run into your regular POTS line not your phone) can you connect your SIP phone directly somehow or _must_ there be a middle man SIP proxy?
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13:28.52irrootatan its possible dpending on the devices
13:31.57atanirroot, it would be that linksys adapter, I think it says SPA something or order.
13:32.22irrootit will send calls to and from its self
13:32.33irrootor from it
13:32.56atanI'll need to hunt mine down to get the exact model. My interest in this would be to use a polycom VOIP phone without needed to put a small Asterisk box locally.
13:33.00irrootto a sip device as long as the sip device will accept calls it should be fine
13:33.03atanI will if I must, but... was totall just curious.
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13:33.43irrootsame would apply to a tennor but that has more intelegence and will deffinatly work
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13:36.10AviMarcusHi. Does anyone have any suggestions for reasonable quality, good priced a-z routes? With a low minimum commitment? I'm currently looking for australia, the price I have now is 1.3c/minute..
13:38.52*** join/#asterisk SirDekar (be22cebd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:39.38SirDekarhi, question, why voicemail fails sometime? it starts to say "you have..." then suddently hangup
13:47.17kaldemarSirDekar: what do you see in CLI with verbosity and core debug enabled? sounds like the problem is with digit sounds.
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13:57.05irrooti may be biased but t38gateway rox
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14:02.59Dovidiroot: Of course yo are ;) Where is it holding?
14:03.26DovidAviMarcus: You can't get cheap and quality. you get what you pay for ;)
14:03.50AviMarcusHey Dovid. I said reasonable :)
14:03.58AviMarcusand apparently I get 1.1c to the normal places.
14:04.01Dovidyou can try voipjet but you need a carriers liscence to use them. you can also try teliax but they arent the cheapest. no one will give you cheap and no commit. it's how we roll
14:04.07Dovidgood luck  1.1
14:04.10Dovidwith no commit
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14:19.50Dovidanyone here have luck with the digium fax driver?
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14:26.27atanDovid, how hard is it to get a carriers license?
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14:29.48atangoes to check out the website
14:29.59atanTheir price list causes firefox great pain.
14:30.00Maliutaatan: why do you want one? What country are you in?
14:30.27Maliutaatan: oh, and why are you still using FF?
14:30.29atanMaliuta, I don't? Oh who knows. I just resell voip to a few friends as a novelty service.
14:30.39atanMaliuta, you going to go all chrome on me?
14:31.09atanHmm... is Voipjet == value or == premium?
14:31.10Maliutaatan: there are several options, chrome is just one
14:31.37last1any of you compiled dahdi succesfully on virtual ( xen ) debian ?
14:31.56Maliutalast1: VM or not shouldn't matter
14:32.05last1I'm trying to do that but it fails with: error in zaphfc/base.c : error: 'modes' undeclared (first use in this function)
14:32.11Maliutalast1: you have your debian foo screwed up ;P
14:32.25WIMPyToo old version?
14:32.29Maliutalast1: looks like you have a missing .h
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14:32.43Dovidatan: It depends where
14:32.55last1I run debian 2.6.35-4
14:33.01last1and the error is in base.c:1687
14:33.04Maliutalast1: is this raw source? or are you using a source package
14:33.22Maliutalast1: that is a kernel version, not a debian version
14:33.32last1sorry, debian 6.0
14:33.52last1I am building the dahdi package manually
14:34.04Maliutalast1: from what source?
14:34.15marl_scotcan anyone tell me if the following should work to reset the device state (as shown by 'core show hints') : exten 5210 => Set(DEVICE_STATE(210@internal=NOT_INUSE))
14:34.17last1let me check. whichever apt-get install dahdi-source got me
14:34.34Maliutalast1: apt-get build depends
14:34.46Maliutaor build-depends
14:35.07Maliutaor build-dep
14:35.08atanInteresting. Why do voip providers not like "call center traffic" ?
14:35.24atanI'm looking at voipjet right now and they make it very clear they want nothing to do with a call center.
14:35.33last1514MB to be installed.. great
14:35.47atanAre they just trying to avoid the telemarketing scams or would inbound customer service not be allowed?
14:35.51Maliutaatan: because there is a smeg load of it and the bandwidth cost for them would outweigh the income it generated?
14:36.21atanMaliuta, if they bill per minute I don't understand why they would not want it though.
14:36.42Maliutaatan: see my above question
14:36.54Maliutabandwidth != free
14:37.36atanYes of course but voip is all sold per minute right, for the most part, so why would you not want more minutes being used =\
14:38.01Maliutaactually not all VoIP is sold per minute
14:38.21atanWell fair enough but their website shows termination rates per minute/second
14:38.22MaliutaI call my parents in .ca for $0.08 untimed
14:38.43atanWoah. Hold up. 8 cents and no call limit?
14:39.14*** join/#asterisk jblack (
14:39.18atanAny chance your provider is seeking new customers if this is the case? :)
14:40.41Maliutaatan: if you don't mind your packets coming all the way to .au and then back. $0.08AU untimed to US, UK, and a whole bunch more
14:40.52*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
14:41.04atanMaliuta I would love to know more. Please share!
14:42.37last1ok, I built all the deps
14:42.46last1and it's still failing on that line
14:42.50last1how can I see what is missing ?
14:43.38Maliutalast1: search on
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14:46.19Maliutalast1: I'd say, from a cursory look that you're not using debian packages (i.e. packages from the debian repositories, or that are in a debian release)
14:46.39Maliutalast1: in which case I'm going to say "you're up shit creek ..."
14:49.49Faustovatan: - it's run by a guy who often sits here, good quality and prices
14:50.48atantakes a look
14:51.43last1well, I did: apt-get install dahdi ( comes with dahdi-linux )
14:51.50last1then I installed dahdi-source
14:52.21last1the thing is that I run a Xen kernel and I have to run m-a with -k /usr/src/kernels/2.6.34-5.kernel
14:52.28last1which m-a does not like
14:52.29Maliutalast1: that all depends on what your apt sources are
14:52.52last1apt-get install dahdi-source puts a dahdi.tar.bz2 file in /usr/src
14:52.57last1so that's what I work with, doing it manually
14:53.05Maliutais going to bed before he becomes a pumpkin
15:13.31marl_scotanyone know how to reset * hints for an extension? i have a problem sometimes with one of my * boxes, where the hints get confused and an extension whos as inuse when it isnt, have tried using set device_state, but it doesnt seem to reset the state :(
15:22.05irrootits beer 'o clock
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15:33.19sunfonemmm beer
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15:33.43sunfoneanyone have a .cnf file for Cisco 7940 they might share?
15:34.42atansunfone, sure
15:35.33irroot~beer sunfone
15:35.33infobotACTION deftly decants a fine Piraat for sunfone
15:36.48sunfonecheers irroot!
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15:40.35tzafrir_laptoplast1, don't you have a symlink from /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build to /usr/src/kernels/2.6.34-5.kernel ?
15:41.31tzafrir_laptopm-a a-i dahdi  # should work in that case
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15:46.39gnabnHi. Is there a way / function I can use to check RTP packets and detect when an IVR waiting ring stops and the call is answered with voice?
15:46.58navaismowith rtp set debug on
15:47.53p3nguindovid: Yes, many of us use fax for asterisk successfully.
15:48.20gnabnthanks navaismo, you are talking about production envirnment, not testing?
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15:52.40gnabnnavaismo: where you talking about production environment or just for debugging?
15:53.01dijibwho is a txfax pro?
15:53.10navaismognabn that command wil show you a flood of rtp packets received and send, it works in the asterisk cli, so yes for both enviroments can use it
15:53.10p3nguinI use SendFAX().
15:53.28p3nguinSince that's what fax for asterisk uses, and all.
15:53.32navaismobut it will show a lot information in the cli
15:54.12Dovidanyone use rxfax with Audiocodes?
15:54.28gnabnnavaismo: I see, I'll need to parse maybe, if I need it for production purposes. I'll try to dig from here. Thanks
15:55.04dijibok that script i have whats it using. ? im trying to get email2fax working
15:55.12dijiband in that script it calls for txfax
15:55.29p3nguinI don't know anything about such script.
15:55.38dijibso i tried to compile and install spandsp is it?
15:55.41p3nguinI've seen it mentioned, but I've never looked at it.
15:56.03dijibive almost got it working to the point where it calls for txfax
15:56.06dijibto transmit
15:56.36p3nguinI don't see any reason SendFAX wouldn't work just as well.
15:57.07dijibyou think>
15:57.09p3nguinWhere did you get email2fax?  I'll take a quick look at it.
15:57.24dijibim trying to have an email address i email and have it send a fax through that
15:57.30p3nguinI know.
15:57.34dijibim just about to pastbin it for you
15:57.51p3nguinYou could just give me the link to the page where you get email2fax.
15:59.00dijibnow ive got to find the link
16:01.36p3nguinMaybe it'll work.
16:01.52p3nguinFor now, I'll stick with my dail-a-fax method instead of email2fax.
16:02.02dijibive got it to the point where it reads the email, and tries to send the fax
16:02.12dijibi need email2fax
16:02.21dijibmakes things easy
16:02.25dijibwanna see the output?
16:02.33dijiband i smell leftover lobster in the garbage
16:03.13dijibyikes i need to skip to the lue ill be right back
16:03.24p3nguinI don't have any trouble picking up the phone and dialing some numbers to send a fax, but email2fax certainly isn't any more difficult.
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16:31.27dijibi can send to a list of numbers in a subject line with a pdf attached with the fax contents, or tiff.
16:31.57dijibi can edit the document on computer then save as pdf.
16:32.28*** join/#asterisk Bipul (~bipul@unaffiliated/bipul/x-4918593)
16:32.49p3nguinI need to see if SendFAX() can send a PDF or if it has to be a TIFF.
16:33.06Bipulp3nguin,  There is problem..
16:33.23dijibsendfax submits one or more facsimile transmission requests to a Hyla FAX facsimile server.
16:33.39dijibwhat if you dont want to run hyla?
16:33.42p3nguinNot here, it doesn't.
16:33.47p3nguinI don't use hylafax.
16:33.53BipulWhen i  have updated my system.... all old files vanish....
16:34.01p3nguinRestore them from backups.
16:34.09p3nguinThe backups you made before you upgraded.
16:34.29dijibasterfax is this then?
16:34.52p3nguinNo clue, I use res_fax and res_fax_digium, aka fax for asterisk.
16:34.58dijibbackups :)
16:36.20p3nguinI keep a thumb drive attached to my asterisk box and do a backup via cron every day, plus I do a periodic image of the entire thing to external hard drive.
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16:38.17dijibif your hardware has fire. how long do you need to restore?
16:38.22dijibhave ready built images?
16:38.36p3nguinIt would take me about 15 minutes to restore.
16:38.42dijibthats hot.
16:38.45irrootp3nguin you upgrading to 1.8/10 using the res_fax_spandsp.c
16:39.08Bipulnops  i have not made any backup
16:39.36p3nguinRunning an embedded appliance with only a 4G flash module greatly reduces the time of backup and restore via image.
16:40.13p3nguinIt would probably take me longer to dig out another appliance than it would to restore the image.
16:40.39p3nguinIn worst case, I could write the image to a hard drive and put in a regular PC.
16:40.54p3nguinor to a thumb drive.
16:40.58p3nguinor to CF card.
16:47.27dijibso i guess you need to run a light install, low mem?
17:00.41*** join/#asterisk garymc (
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17:15.21StaRetjifolks, I have problem with IVR, I press # but asterisk console says -- User entered nothing.
17:15.45WIMPyYou use Read()?
17:15.51StaRetjiI'm using exten => 1,4,Read(digits,,1) to move around contexts
17:16.07StaRetjiI have them many, but it seems only # doesn't work
17:16.12StaRetjiso far, any other number is okay
17:16.19WIMPyThat's the way Read() works.
17:16.29StaRetjiyou mean # wont work?
17:16.48WIMPyIt reads until the time is up, the maximum number of digits have been entered, or # is pressed.
17:17.21WIMPyYou could check READSTATUS, I guess.
17:17.24StaRetjiI have this command exten => 1,8,GotoIf($["${digits:0:1}" = "#"]?ivr777777,2,msgtaraba1)
17:17.48WIMPyOr you do it with extensions.
17:17.53StaRetjiso, I thought by pressing # it will take me to context ivr777777 to msg called msgtaraba1
17:18.04StaRetjias it does when I enter 0 to 9
17:18.15WIMPyOr *
17:18.19WIMPyBut not #
17:18.29WIMPy# terminates input.
17:18.36StaRetjiI understand
17:18.55StaRetjiso I'm mixing things here which can't be mixed
17:19.06StaRetjiso how do I do then? I need to give option, 1,2,3 or #
17:19.33StaRetji4 options all together
17:19.52WIMPyEither check READSTATUS or use extensions instead of read.
17:20.14StaRetjibtw, option 1 leads to contex1 , 2 context2 and so on
17:20.17WIMPyThe easiest would be to replace # with another digit, off course.
17:20.31StaRetjithey are all in different context except # is in mainmother context
17:20.44StaRetjiproblem is I have recorded voice saying #
17:21.14StaRetjiI mean, I received that voice
17:21.34*** join/#asterisk nix8n82-phone (~AndChat@
17:21.58WIMPyOr you add an option to Read to allow # to be read.
17:22.10StaRetjiis that possible? How?
17:22.25StaRetjisorry for so many question, I'm kinda in trouble if I don't fix it
17:22.52WIMPyYou'd have to do some programming.
17:23.22StaRetjioh, to way out of my league :)
17:23.53WIMPyThere's a good chance that wuld be really easy.
17:24.06WIMPyMaybe I should check that after lunch.
17:24.28StaRetjiI have old config where I'm sure it worked
17:24.32StaRetjiI will try to load it now
17:24.38StaRetjibtw, bon apetite :)
17:25.54WIMPyAlthough I never have trouble with my appetite...
17:28.18*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
17:28.45StaRetjinice one ;)
17:35.18WIMPyI think I like the idea of modifying Read(). Have you already filed a feature request? :-)
17:40.08StaRetjinope, I'm about to get fired
17:40.23StaRetjibut seriously
17:40.44StaRetjiI was suppose to put in in production and now I can't because of damn#
17:40.49WIMPywas serious
17:41.15WIMPyYou can always use extensions instead of read.
17:42.07WIMPyBut I would also find it useful, if Read could return #.
17:47.23radenis there a way to terminate asterisk to the normal Phone company and send callerid ?
17:47.54WIMPyraden: Sounds unavoidable. Maybe you should rephrase the question.
17:48.47radenI need a normal phone line connected to my asterisk box, is there a type of connection I can get from a phone company that allows me to send callerid ?
17:49.02Kobazraden: pri
17:49.11*** join/#asterisk gokulnath (~gokulnath@
17:49.27Kobazraden: anywhere from 300 to 700 a month depending where you are
17:49.42*** join/#asterisk ack_syn (~Jedi@unaffiliated/ackz0r)
17:49.57Kobazmany sip providers will allow you to send callerid as well
17:50.14WIMPySo that starst at 24/month depending on where you are.
17:50.15KobazWIMPy: well yeah, bri will let you do it too
17:50.26radenKobaz, I need a hardline
17:50.38*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
17:50.58WIMPyProbably bad luck.
17:51.00Kobaznear any metro areas?
17:51.07radenmiddle of no where
17:51.14WIMPyCheck if you can get BRI there.
17:51.28Kobazexpect to pay way more than you should
17:51.40ack_synhi guys do you know a good solution for gsm gateway? I think asterisk isng a good idea, I am talking about 50 simultaneous channels. Sorry if it is not the right place do ask it, if you can help me it would be great
17:52.08*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
17:52.17WIMPyack_syn: 2N stargate or Teles i.pbx
17:52.44ack_synWIMPy: oh sorry, I mean an opensource solution
17:53.07WIMPyack_syn: How is that supposed to work without hardware?
17:53.48WIMPyYou could try 50 USB sticks or 50 mobile phones via Bluetooth. But I'm not sure how good that would work.
17:54.16ack_synWIMPy: some gsm cards, opensips + openbts for example
17:54.28ack_synbut I dont know if it's a well known solution
17:54.53WIMPyI haven't seen PCI GSM with more than 4 channels so you'd need 13 PCI slots.
17:55.34WIMPyYou can get cheap 4 channel SIP gateways.
17:55.54ack_synWIMPy: 4 channel is too low, I'd like to have at least 20 channels
17:56.01StaRetjiWIMPy: sorry mate, how can I give option to choose between 1,2,3 with read and # with extension?
17:56.02*** join/#asterisk jblack (
17:56.06WIMPyYou said 50.
17:56.10StaRetjireally need your help
17:56.15ack_synWIMPy: I said now /at least/
17:56.23ack_synWIMPy: the appliance solutions are usually too expensive
17:56.54WIMPyI think PCI would be more expensive.
17:57.20ack_synWIMPy: ok, you said stargate or teles, do you know any portal with the devices and their prices?
17:57.37WIMPyStaRetji: Change your dialplan to use extensions or (or and) file a feature request for Read().
17:58.34WIMPyack_syn: When I checked some years ago, both where in the region of 20-30k EUR.
17:58.46ack_synwow, as I said, too expensive
17:59.20WIMPyYou can find 4 channel SIP gateways for <200 on ebay.
17:59.27ack_synWIMPy: it seems in my country I can buy one by USD 10k
17:59.32WIMPyOr I think they also have 8 ch.
17:59.38ack_synWIMPy: ok, I will check them
18:07.03*** join/#asterisk jwiggins (~James@gateway/tor-sasl/jwiggins)
18:15.01StaRetjiWIMPy: easy said then done, I can mix Read 1,2,3 and Extension #?
18:15.42StaRetjiI could bet # was working with Read, meh, weird
18:15.55WIMPyI don't think so.
18:16.00WIMPyBut it might soon.
18:20.44anonymouz666irroot: that issue I talked to you last week is giving me lots of problems. the app_queues likes to delivery two different calls to same the same agent in the same second (as noticed by log full)!
18:20.45*** join/#asterisk kam187osx (
18:20.48kam187osxhey guys
18:21.19kam187osxis there an easy way to make sure users can only call a number once.. eg if 5 users dial 11111
18:21.20irrootanonymouz666 mmm
18:21.29irrootyou got the bug ref for it ??
18:21.51anonymouz666nope, because it's happening in version 1.4 under heavy load
18:22.02irrootah yes i remember
18:22.56irrootyou can change the code ??
18:23.16anonymouz666sure, I just need to know what to change
18:23.37*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
18:23.53p3nguindijib: No, I have 256M RAM in that box, and I have room to upgrade if needed.
18:24.15dijibthis email2fax is itching my brain
18:24.27*** join/#asterisk Janos (~cramos@
18:25.43dijibp3nguin, what ya think?
18:25.48p3nguinstaretji: If you're wanting callers to enter extensions, DON'T USE READ().  Read() is not really meant for that.
18:25.52WIMPyStaRetji: Is your request there?
18:25.53dijibi know SIP/voipms context wrong
18:26.55p3nguinYou also don't have Zap channels, but you're trying to use them.
18:27.12dijibline 362-370 in previous post... have it still?
18:27.21p3nguinno idea
18:27.23dijiband dont worry about that. i can get that to work.
18:27.30dijibthis post
18:27.39dijibit calls for tx-fax
18:27.50dijibshould i try to use fax-tx?
18:27.57dijibis that a part of SendFax?
18:28.16Janoshello, got a 4 port fxo digium card, it's a bit old, everything works but the problem is that when i call from the outside and hangup on the outside before anyone picks up, the call never hangs up on the asterisk, with a regular phone this does not happen, with i do with all incoming calls is send them to a queue and they stay there until somebody answers, is this a bug ? "feature" ? misconfiguration ?
18:28.48irrootanonymouz666 you want to try code it ?
18:28.51p3nguinNo, the txfax() application is not part of the SendFAX() application.
18:29.18dijibis it case sensetive? no right?
18:29.33p3nguinnah, I don't think it is.
18:29.52p3nguinBut if you don't have txfax, it will certainly be sensitive to that.
18:29.57dijibi should have sendfax right
18:30.04dijibfax show capabilities?
18:30.22*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
18:30.35dijibhow do i see the arguments Digium FAX Driver handles?
18:30.53p3nguinI don't understand your question.
18:31.18p3nguinThe fax driver does not support arguments.  Perhaps you mean that you want to see the usage of SendFAX()?
18:31.49*** join/#asterisk Diffen (
18:31.51dijibi change txfax in this script to sendfax
18:31.55p3nguinIf yes, core show application SendFAX
18:31.58dijiband i get this
18:32.10dijibsed: -e expression #1, char 2: unterminated `s' command
18:32.11dijibsendmail: No recipients specified although -t option used
18:32.17p3nguin(just like every other registered application)
18:32.20dijibthe script errors out
18:32.34dijibnevermind not *
18:32.36dijibits GM
18:32.41gokulnathhey, i am managing a server with huge number of incomings, the asterisk used to hang in that. Then someone told me about ulimit and i increased that value and it's working fine now. But what is this real issue
18:32.44p3nguinunterminated s command means someone forgot to close their sed expression.
18:32.54p3nguins/old/new  <--- fail
18:33.02p3nguins/old/new/  <--- win
18:34.18anonymouz666irroot: yes ! I want to test the code
18:36.03irroot <- look here for the ignorebusy stuff you can do something similar
18:37.26*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (~dan@
18:37.43dandate2is there a cli command to see what inbound route an active caller had dialed?
18:37.55p3nguincore show channels
18:41.55DiffenEvning. I have just connected to my Asteriskserver via: telnet address 5038. I wonder if its possible to save all the info thats floating by to a mysql database so I can build a web interface to view the data. Its nice to be able to see if a phone are lagged and so on.
18:41.55Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
18:44.25WIMPyDiffen: You should take a look at AMI for that.
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18:47.13DiffenWimpy: Yes, i am connected now just to see how it looks, and it looks good... But I guess i need some program to save it all to a db?
18:47.37irrootim shuting down ....
18:49.39dandate2is there a simple way to bypass banned voip ports in those ghetto 3rd world countries that block sip
18:49.50p3nguinYes.  Use different ports.
18:50.10anonymouz666irroot: hey
18:50.12p3nguinSome ITSPs even offer non-standard ports for exactly that reason.
18:50.12dandate2does that have to be configured on the server end or can the end user in say bangladesh on xlite do that themselves?
18:50.23anonymouz666irroot: bad crash from app_queue :/
18:50.37irrootyou got some info on it ??
18:50.43p3nguinYou'll have to configure asterisk to use a different port for the phone in question, as well as configure the phone to use that port.
18:50.50irrootid really move to SVN 1.8
18:51.05p3nguinIt should be as easy as adding port=5080 to the phone's entry to change it to 5080.
18:51.10irrootim running backported app_queue from trunk
18:51.52WIMPyDiffen: Yes, you have to do that part yourself.
18:52.27anonymouz666irroot: but from version 1.4?
18:52.35anonymouz666I mean, in version 1.4 ?
18:53.06irrootanonymouz666 yeah i know makes it hard to support been about a year sunce we used it
18:53.24anonymouz666377 active channels 217 active calls
18:54.12anonymouz666that's too much to asterisk
18:54.17anonymouz666very weird things happens
18:54.18Diffenwimpy no problems :) my plan is to save all the peerstatus info and then be able to ask eventquestions from a web interface. i guess that should be doable?
18:55.19irrootanonymouz666 ok got a full bt ??
18:55.31anonymouz666irroot: yes
18:55.37anonymouz666but the value is optimized
18:55.51anonymouz666even optimized will help you ?
18:56.04irrootno not much
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18:56.53irrootcould be a double free
18:57.08irrootits libc barf ing
18:57.21anonymouz666double free bad things happens
18:57.38anonymouz666never seen this behaviour before, except when load is high
18:57.52anonymouz666and i have many many setup using this version
18:58.43kam187osxhmm i'm using a channel driver eg oh323 to dial out, how do i perform an operation when that driver hangs up?
18:58.55kam187osxit doesnt seem to move onto the next line in extensions
18:59.06irrootunfortunately we have moved on im running 10 beta and will be rolling it out to customers when rc hits optionally
18:59.28irrootkam187osx dial option g and h extension
18:59.52kam187osxgreat :)
19:00.19anonymouz666irroot: do you think that running the latest 1.8 will be more stable regarding queues than this 1.4.42 version?
19:01.13irrootanonymouz666 indeed the SVN version has some important fixes for pickup leaving orphan channels
19:01.46irroot1.8.7 will be best 1.8 yet and will ensure we can help you
19:01.56kam187osxhmm g: When the called party hangs up, continue to execute commands in the current context at the next priority.
19:02.05kam187osxthats perfect, but what about if the caller hangs up?
19:02.14irrootthe h extension
19:02.24irrootthe call goes to the h exten
19:02.28kam187osxah h is an extension?
19:02.41anonymouz666irroot: you know, if I update to the 1.8, running 250 active calls, any problem will be impossible to solve
19:02.48irrootexten h,1,NoOp(im hung up)
19:03.40irrootanonymouz666 one option is to use a backup server or install modules into modules-1.8
19:04.05irrootthis is what i have done have a dir for all versions
19:04.09anonymouz666that's the only thing I can do
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19:13.54WIMPyStaRetji: Where is your feature request?
19:14.49WIMPyThe patch is ready.
19:17.51*** join/#asterisk jwiggins (~James@gateway/tor-sasl/jwiggins)
19:18.47StaRetjiWIMPy: sorry mate, I'm having some problem with my boss
19:18.55StaRetjicalling me every 5 minutes
19:19.05StaRetjiI hate that guy
19:19.29StaRetjiBtw, is patch requiring upgrading of asterisk?
19:19.45StaRetjiI will post feature request asap
19:20.09WIMPyAsk him if he wnats you to get something done or if you're cheaper than his psychologist.
19:20.26WIMPyI did it for 1.8 SVN.
19:21.03StaRetjilol good idea
19:21.37StaRetjigreat job, I will have to upgrade, but I have to be careful, have a2billing and lots of stuff, now on 1.4
19:21.58StaRetjithx WIMPy, you're good man
19:30.35*** join/#asterisk cyford (
19:46.01kam187osxfinally, that did it
19:46.09kam187osxthanks guys
19:46.33kam187osxgot this wierd issue where the customer starts flooding me with calls to the same number :/
19:49.30*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
19:51.07kam187osxhopefully i got the right approach... on incoming call, check DB for test/$EXTEN if it exists, hangup as a call to that number already exists... if not, store key $EXTEN in the db and dial
19:51.14kam187osxon hangup (either direction) delete the key
19:51.27dijibanybody have a working email to fax solution?
19:54.07eduzimrsdijib have u listened about iaxmodem?
19:54.23dijibnope what about it?
19:54.51dijibdoesnt it use hylafax?
19:55.07eduzimrsit probably does what u want
19:57.33eduzimrsthere`s a problem if u are using redfone, caue it doesnt support iax protocol
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20:23.45Janoslooks like busydetect=yes does the trick when you don't have cpc on the land line
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20:34.33Janosnow for another question, one of my pbx is giving me problems, sometimes the asterisk process starts sucking up my cpu and at least all sip communications die, sip show channels show calls that are not actually taking place, asterisk cli does work as long as i don't use autocomplete since this freeze the session, restarting the asterisk process solves the problem but i would like to find a more permanent solution, i'm using asterisk which comes wi
20:34.33Janosth current debian stable 'squeeze', any idea on how to diagnose this further ?
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21:30.27p3nguinnavaismo: What is your definition of secure in that context?
21:31.22navaismohumm ...
21:31.58p3nguinClick to call should only do one thing: call you and another party.
21:32.31*** join/#asterisk Micc (
21:32.34navaismoyep via webpage, maybe the correct name is clicktocallback
21:32.44navaismobut remember the hacked server?
21:32.59navaismoi think im not secure  that button
21:33.12navaismopermission in the manager
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22:14.10CaptWhowhat is the name of the configuration file that I tell asterisk where the location of the mysql database is?
22:14.37navaismores_config_mysql I think
22:14.49CaptWhothanks navaismo
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23:55.56gushiHey there all.  Is there anyone that could help me with a codec issue?  I get no audio on calls with an error logged (constantly) about a dropped frame because the native format has changed.
23:56.33*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
23:57.16navaismowhat codecs do you enable for the involved peers??
23:58.38gushiAlthough I don't have g723 or 729 support enabled in asterisk.
23:59.36navaismoand the log what codec show?

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