IRC log for #asterisk on 20110901

00:01.13dijibthats no dinner
00:01.41ChannelZIt is if you're a bird
00:02.42dijibor a monarch butterfly
00:03.25ChannelZButterflies eat sunflower seeds?
00:04.53dijibonly monarchs i think
00:05.07dijibthats what someone who hunts them for photos told me
00:05.38p3nguinButterflies have no teeth, silly.
00:05.47dijibyeh i dont know dude
00:05.57dijibwhats that site for the logs of this channel?
00:06.10*** join/#asterisk chalcedony (~llhull@unaffiliated/chalcedony)
00:06.35p3nguinI'd guess your google works the same as mine.
00:07.47p3nguinButterflies only consume nectar.
00:08.05dijibyou consume nectar of the asterisk gods
00:08.14p3nguinIf you only had a straw attached to your face, you'd eat less solids, too.
00:28.49*** join/#asterisk droemel (
00:29.40dijibLogs from my ringing issue. whe the SIP/device ringing. the devices ring but caller had no indication of this event
00:30.57p3nguinDid you ever look for the 180 Ringing in the sip debug?
00:31.53dijiboh is that where i was to look.
00:32.13p3nguinIf it's SIP, that seems like the obvious place to look.
00:33.24dijibthere is no 180 in the sip debug logs
00:33.39dijibusing a search
00:34.17dijibive got 103's
00:39.15*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
00:40.56shmaltzhi every1
00:42.01dijibok p3nguin i do have 180 ringing evens afterall
00:45.27*** join/#asterisk tts626 (~tim@
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00:46.49tts626hey all, I'm trying out asterclick and I'm getting an error about a missing agents.conf, which I don't have. Running asterisk 1.6 on AsteriskNow.
00:47.12tts626anybody have any pointers?
00:47.36tekzillain my extensions.conf tehre are some contexts included from an autogenerated extensions.ael, i want to add a custom catchall hook. where should i put it and what should it look like
00:48.44tymanIs there asterisk config involved in getting a polycom phone's fwd feature to work?  My phones work fine while other phones running latest Polycom UCS software show their fwd'd on the display but don't fwd.
00:49.16*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
00:52.07shmaltztyman, it's part of the featurex in the polycom xml config files
00:52.14dan__tAsked a few days ago but unfortunately I had to bail - oops.  Is it legal to dynamically name a context?  Sure I could do it as a macro I guess, but I'm reading that macros can only go 7 levels deep.  I don't know if I'd ever get to that limit, but just to be "safe" (I guess?), I'd rather use a real context.
00:52.26dan__tLike [my_context_${CALLERID(num)}] etc etc
00:53.12shmaltzdan__t, should work as long as what ${var} translates to exists
00:53.31dan__tThat's kinda neat actually.
00:53.40dan__tI couldn't think of a reason why it wold *not* work
00:54.24ChannelZSeems a stretch to me, is that documented anywhere?
00:54.35*** part/#asterisk tts626 (~tim@
00:55.05tymanshmaltz: i'll google that then…looking for where… thanks
00:59.13shmaltzChannelZ, what? the ${var} context thingy?
01:00.22shmaltzI'd be surprised if it doesnt work
01:00.33shmaltzis testing it now on 1.2
01:02.26ChannelZI mean you could jump to a context name built from variables like Goto(test-${something},1,1) but how does a context with a variable name in it make any sense?
01:03.35shmaltzdone it works
01:03.48shmaltzChannelZ, i can think of some ideas, example
01:03.54shmaltzmulti tennanting based on DID
01:04.06shmaltzgive each DID a context with the DID as the name of the context
01:04.51ChannelZI'd be interested to see your test, I suspect you are interpreting the question differently than I
01:06.25*** join/#asterisk billmania (~bill@
01:07.46ChannelZIf I have a [test-123] context and I do  Set(something=123) and Goto(test-${something},1,1) of course that'll work
01:16.40shmaltzChannelZ, thats exactly what I did
01:18.56*** join/#asterisk BenC[UK] (
01:19.07BenC[UK]Evening guys
01:19.14BenC[UK]Any "queue" experts around?
01:20.11BenC[UK]I am trying to use leastrecent strategy, but its not working as I expected, and I am wondering if I can use penalties or something to help with this
01:20.52*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
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01:40.21VoipForcesHi all, got a strange problem. Calling a known busy number (on PRI or SIP trunk). I get "DAHDI/26-1 is busy" which is file. The dialplan then PlayTones("busy" but I get a translate.c: no samples for ulawtolin error… any ideas running asterisk 1.6
01:42.46*** join/#asterisk gxdssoft (~gxdssoft@
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01:47.46james_zhucore show translations?
01:54.29*** join/#asterisk penguin (
02:01.10penguinanyone familiar with Opensips? or OpenSer?
02:01.37*** join/#asterisk pdtpatrick (
02:01.48pdtpatrickQuestion .. what does a queue status of 4 mean ?
02:04.27pdtpatrickI'm see that when i run queue show
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02:20.16VoipForcespdtpatrick: I don't see status 4 on your pastebin.
02:21.09VoipForcesjames_zhu: Thanks, but it seems like a dialplan or playtones app issue. If I do a Playback before the Playtones it works...
02:21.20*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV (
02:21.44pdtpatrickVoipForces: would u know how to change the invalid in that paste bin to say something else?
02:22.43VoipForcespdtpatrick: Well it asterisk says it's invalid there most be a reason. What the diff between this agent and the  others?
02:23.04pdtpatrickthe only different is they are in a queue
02:23.17pdtpatrickwhen u call it .. it goes to voicemail based on the time of the day
02:23.30pdtpatrickthe problem started happening two ago out of no where
02:23.45pdtpatrickQuestion .. why does status on this page .. shows blank?
02:23.45pdtpatrick4 -
02:23.57pdtpatrickscroll to the bottom .. #4 is blank
02:28.40*** join/#asterisk voxter (
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02:29.20voxterAsterisk, it starts up, most things seem to be functioning, yet some commands (like core stop ?) do not register as available commands.  No idea where to begin debugging an asterisk startup, in terms of where the problem is being introduced. Ideas?
02:30.50voxterloading with asterisk -vvvvvvvgc the last "module load" output was from and specifically IAX2's stuff.
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02:36.57voxtermaybe strace will help me.
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06:46.37ChannelZIt's oh so quiet.. shhhh, shhhh..
06:51.37*** join/#asterisk ollii (~risker@2001:470:1f15:1384:f27b:cbff:fe9d:f3e4)
06:52.10singler... was until you spoken :)
06:53.18*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-wwiktiarfuqbfztq)
07:04.38*** join/#asterisk justdave_ (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
07:08.55*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
07:09.05Polysicsfurther on my originate hangup worlk
07:09.18Polysicshow do i know the real channel name of an originate?
07:09.50Polysicsthat is, i originate to SIP/10004, but the channel name needed to Hangup will be SIP/10004-000000f or something
07:10.15Polysicscan i hang up using only the peer name somehow? or know that channel in advance?
07:10.47Polysicssituation is: caller comes in, i start moh, then start originating out, on answer people get told who is calling and press 1 to accept
07:11.02Polysicsall is good and well until the caller hangs up while the remote end is ringing
07:11.14Polysicsdoes a channel even EXIST while it is ringing?
07:11.52*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
07:12.40kaldemara channel exists in ringing state. the SoftHangup app enables you to hang up all channels on a specified device. so you really don't even have to know the whole channel name but there might be consequences.
07:13.11Polysicskaldemar, the system only allows one call at a time, so that might work
07:13.22Polysicsbut why am i getting no events on caller hangup in that case?
07:13.39Polysicsjust four VarSets
07:13.48kaldemarno idea.
07:14.32Polysicsargh, SoftHangup is an AGI command/application
07:14.35*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:14.38Polysicsi need to run it via AMI
07:15.49Polysicscan I use Command?
07:16.01kaldemarCommand is for cli commands
07:16.23Polysicsisn't an Application available in both contexts?
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07:18.04kaldemarApplication? no, does not exist in AMI.
07:18.24Polysicsaside from the inherent complexity of the issues, am i doing anything wrong? i mean, i must not be the first person to want to hang up an originated call while it rings :-D
07:18.54kaldemarbut you can always execute a dialplan app from AMI via Originate.
07:19.40kaldemarhow are you originating the call again?
07:19.53kaldemarAGI? AMI? app Originate?
07:20.09kaldemarCLI command?
07:20.14PolysicsAMI command
07:20.39Polysicsi probably should have used the Originate app, but it did not exists when work on this was started
07:20.55Polysicsi am using AGI on Adhearsion and have a DB to store values if needed
07:21.14Polysicsso ican basically do "anything i want", it's a case of not knowing what i want :-)
07:21.15kaldemarand you're not getting any response or event that has the channel?
07:21.46Polysicsthere's a Newchannel, obviously, but i can't know for which originate it is
07:22.00Polysicsin the case of two calls at the same time, whose is which? :-D
07:22.40Polysicsoh lawdy
07:22.44*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
07:22.47Polysicsyou made me go eureka
07:22.55kaldemari thought there was only one call at the time to a peer. :)
07:23.12Polysicsthat is also true
07:23.20Polysicsbut there is an even easier way out, it seems
07:23.37Polysicsi set a variable called DESTCHANNEL to allow bridging on answer
07:23.37kaldemarso you take the newchannel event and parse for what you just originated to.
07:23.56Polysicsthat VarSet has both channels, even more foolproof
07:24.04Polysicslet's see if it works
07:25.35Polysicsstill, having to catch a specific VarSet event to detect when the caller hangs up in that context is pretty strange
07:25.43*** join/#asterisk nicola_pav (~chatzilla@
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07:27.25nicola_pavhello. I want to use asterisk HA with redfone. I am trying to access the website but no luck. I am trying to find the fonulator package in order to set it up but i cannot. anyone has any idea?
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07:42.19Polysicseureka! it works!
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09:07.35joobiehey guys.. i have an m4a file that i want to conver to alaw / ulaw.. what's the easiest way to do this to retain quality?
09:10.10*** join/#asterisk krion (~seb@unaffiliated/krion)
09:10.15krionhey guys
09:10.27krioni'm having a strange behaviour relating astdb
09:10.58kriondatabase show only show registry, not the fwd-unc and stuff like that
09:11.08krionbut the astdb has fwd-unc and co
09:11.46BenC[UK]Hi, is there anyway to get a queue using the leastrecent strategy to automatically try the next member if theres no answer/
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09:23.07wdoekes2BenC[UK]: afaik, you can always try a next member, regardless of strategy
09:23.29BenC[UK]if I set the timeout to 3s, it tries the same member again
09:24.07wdoekes2I would consider that a bug
09:24.41wdoekes2but it's seems perfectly plausible that the "next" function returns the least-called one again
09:26.06wdoekes2do you see the same behaviour if you use "fewestcalls" ?
09:27.57wdoekes2.. looking at the code, I suspect the non-answering member should get a penalty
09:29.38wdoekes2or not
09:30.01wdoekes2the config mentions penalties as static
09:32.40wdoekes2autopause.. but then you would have to unpause them
09:33.36kaldemarkrion: what makes you think that astdb has content that database show does not list?
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09:43.23krionkaldemar: a cat on it show some info
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09:43.51krionkaldemar: and if, for example, i enable fwd-unc on on sip phone, the fwd is working fine, but not displaying when show database is done
09:49.58BenC[UK]wdoekes2: I havent tried fewest calls - I am using rrmemory at the moment - but because our calls are between 10 seconds (answer phone) and 10 minutes long, its not working too well
09:50.03BenC[UK]I will try fewest calls later today
09:50.47*** join/#asterisk killown (~geek@unaffiliated/killown)
09:51.07killownI can't make calls do anyone help me?
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09:53.57killownDial failed for some reason with DIALSTATUS = CHANUNAVAIL and HANGUPCAUSE
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09:58.04awkkillown  well is the trunk up
09:58.07awkis the link up
09:58.14awkwhat does dahdi state on the line
09:58.19awkhave you got a D channel
10:01.38awkoh its a sip trunk, get some sip debug info
10:02.11killownHttp:// ????
10:04.03killownTrunk Dial failed due to CHANUNAVAIL HANGUPCAUSE: 0 - failing through to other trunks :/
10:04.16awksip debug not verbose output of the CLI
10:04.27killownawk, How sip debug it?
10:04.51awksip set debug
10:04.57krionkaldemar: any clue ?
10:04.58awkeither on or ip of trunk you want to capture
10:10.50kaldemarkrion: forwarding on a phone says nothing at all. it doesn't even have to use the db.
10:11.04*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@unaffiliated/geekjuice)
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10:22.22krionkaldemar: but the info is in the db, i tough they use it
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10:44.00awkkillown I have no idea why you getting so many registry requests
10:44.11awkhave you phoned the VoIP company and asked them to see why its being rejected on their side?
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10:55.02kaldemarkillown: ask in #freepbx how to configure NAT settings.
10:56.35kaldemarkillown: altough you left the interesting part of sip debug out of your paste, it looks like you're sending a private ip address to intelbras and hence you never get the responses.
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11:53.15killownPlease, anyone help me? I can make calls but incoming calls doesnt work
11:57.19kaldemarkillown: what happens in CLI and sip debug when you try to make a call?
11:57.57kaldemarfirst a wild guess, have you forwarded ports to you asterisk box in your NAT router?
11:58.40killownkaldemar Aaaaaaa you right about the router, thank you
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12:04.59killownkaldemar, I had set up dmz to the asterisk server
12:05.10killownStill doesn work to incoming calls
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12:06.54dmzNAT & SIP don't always play well together
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12:42.03irrootjkroon yo there came accross your asterisk / dahdi for za blog nice thx
12:43.55jkroonirroot, pleasure.
12:44.18jkroonit's outdated though, digium added a patch that stops you from putting "global" suff in chan_dahdi.conf
12:44.36irrootyeah i have a automated approach to it
12:44.55irrootoh i was swearing at telkom eariler im sure that is not wrong :P
12:45.05jkroonso in users.conf in my [line](!) section I've just added all of that in, minor changes but it works equally well.
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12:55.28jkroonafter picking up on that and moving everything into users.conf everything worked again as expected.
12:55.53irrootjkroon me no like users.conf
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12:56.50jkroonirroot, horses for courses.  use whichever suits your needs :)
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12:58.20irrootjkroon indeed all my stuff is in realtime users.conf for new installs and provisioning and the like is a win .... i have all the scripts and bits in apache already
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13:19.18Jackehow do i reverse polarisation on an analog line from within an app, how do i do that?
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13:23.10KelltaHi, anyone awake? I've an issue I would like to resolve, if anyone can help. I have an asterisk that connects three channels in one app_konference conference room. Two channels is outbound cell phones via a SIP trunk and the third is a local channel with Playback application. The problem is that after a minute or so the volume of the users with phone gets lower and lower. If I skip the Playback channel the audio is perfect. Could there be some
13:23.10Kelltanoise reduction algorithm interfering or something like that?
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13:34.52killownkaldemar, Still there for help me?
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13:45.37irrootKatty hi there happy spring day
13:47.55Kattyit's not a happy day i'm afraid
13:50.03irrootwhat wrong
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13:58.47Kattyirroot: single again, as of about...12 hours ago
13:59.16beekwaves to Katty
13:59.41QwellKatty: boo.  or yay?
14:01.02Kattysome boo. mostly relief
14:01.06Kattyand a little bit of dread.
14:01.56KattyQwell: technically we are on A Break
14:02.02QwellI see
14:02.10KattyQwell: but i'm pretty sure that's just BS
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14:07.06KattyQwell: it other news, i found some new hobbies.
14:07.34KattyQwell: learning to knit, took up writing in a journal, and i found a new tv series to watch called Lost Girl
14:08.07beekwants a nice sweater.
14:08.46Kattyehn, i'm not gonna knit sweaters
14:08.57Kattyi'm going to knit awesome geeky things, like a Tardis, and star trek pot holders
14:09.23beekHow much pot will your star trek holders hold?
14:09.31beeknickel bag?  dime bag?
14:10.07Kattyit will hold pizza pants.
14:10.09irrooti hope mine grows :P
14:10.15Kattyand containers full of lovely casseroles
14:10.19Kattyoh and bacons.
14:10.37Katty...i totally just saw i wrote pizza pants
14:10.41QwellHow come I don't have any containers full of bacon?
14:10.48Kattycause you're not at my house.
14:11.05QwellAre you trying to bribe me?!
14:12.47Kattyi uhh
14:13.05Kattynot really?
14:13.13Kattyyou have an open invitation regardless tho
14:13.19Kattyjust watch out for the dog
14:13.34beekKatty: Still have the critter cam?
14:15.53*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
14:16.23Kattyi do not )=
14:16.33Kattyit is currently offline. mister you-know-who has borrowed the wireless adapter for it
14:18.27Kattyi'll get it back.
14:18.39Kattyi'm not worried about that
14:22.53*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
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14:27.20eduzimrshi there, im trying to edit cdr_custom.conf but doesn`t take effect at Master.csv anyone knows something im missing?
14:29.06Qwellcdr_custom doesn't use Master.csv..
14:31.04*** join/#asterisk blizzow (~jburns@
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14:33.16eduzimrsright but so where is the real cdr format that i see at Master.csv ?
14:34.32*** join/#asterisk bitbandit (
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14:39.16eduzimrswhere do i edit ...cdr-csv/Master.csv ??
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14:40.25navaismohi, good morning
14:42.21Kattygood morning
14:43.17*** join/#asterisk cguerrero (
14:43.43chuckfgreat morning, 4 day weekend coming up and get to work the Indy car race:)
14:44.26atheoschuckf you work for a team, or a venue?
14:44.52Qwellmaybe he's a racecar driver.
14:45.23chuckfI'm volunteering at the venue
14:45.29Qwellor maybe he sells hotdogs or something
14:45.54chuckfI'll be 'guarding' the cars as they go from the paddock to pit road
14:47.11atheoschuckf - when I retire, I plan to be a yellow shirt at IMS.   I love Indycar racing :)
14:47.14*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
14:47.36chuckfthat should be fun
14:48.22*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
14:48.24*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
14:49.06P-NuTHi everyone where can I look for details on doing video through asterisk?
14:49.57P-NuTinfo seems to be a bit thin on the ground.
14:50.15ChainsawWell it is fairly new functionality.
14:50.24Qwellit really isn't
14:50.28P-NuThow new?
14:50.32P-NuTI dont think it is
14:50.33QwellSIP has supported video for a very long time.
14:50.40QwellProbably even 1.0.
14:50.43P-NuTyeah that what I thought
14:50.56Qwellsip.conf, videosupport=yes
14:51.03P-NuTSo, would it be h.323 that does the video?
14:51.10*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (~SuPrSluG@
14:51.15QwellNobody uses h.323.
14:51.23P-NuTSIP video then?
14:51.29chazzamhe just said SIP, and then you throw out H.323
14:51.30Qwelloh, good, may isn't here.  He would've yelled at me. :)
14:52.09P-NuTSo what would the best and easiest way of doing it?
14:52.10WIMPyYes, somebody should :-)
14:52.17Qwellsip.conf, videosupport=yes
14:52.28QwellIt's literally that easy.
14:52.41fileQwell, codec
14:52.45P-NuTso enable sip video suport,
14:52.45QwellIn fact, it's probably been enabled by default for some time.
14:52.50Qwellfile: pfft, allow=all
14:53.12P-NuTso enable video support, allow h264, anything else?
14:53.22leifmadsenplace a call :)
14:53.25P-NuThow is the client configured?
14:53.28Qwellhave a video phone
14:53.29anonymouz666anyone know what could cause a DTMF to be detect 22 secs after the digit was pressed? background() executes in 10:20:00, 10:20:22 the DTMF was detected _correctly_.
14:53.29Qwellthat might help
14:53.44leifmadsenP-NuT: make sure the client can understand and use h.264
14:53.54P-NuTI want to do all this using a softphone
14:53.58leifmadsenanonymouz666: jitter or latency?
14:54.06P-NuTfor video conferencing.
14:54.11leifmadsenP-NuT: ok, so get a softphone that supports the appropriate codecs then
14:54.15QwellP-NuT: people have had success using jitsi
14:54.24P-NuTjitsi you say
14:54.39P-NuTok then, well I think I have enough info to be pointed in the right dorection.
14:54.42P-NuTThanks guys!
14:54.47anonymouz666leifmadsen: of audio core? :)
14:54.47irrootanonymouz666 leifmadsen wait app queues frames and delivers them latter
14:55.02leifmadsenanonymouz666: perhaps? I don't know, throwing out random wild ideas
14:55.06anonymouz666the machine is under heavy load
14:55.25leifmadsensounds like processing delay perhaps then
14:55.39anonymouz666the load is about 6.00
14:55.44leifmadsenya that'd do it then
14:55.55leifmadsenlower the load, and I bet it works again
14:56.08leifmadsencpu's can't keep up with that much processing it sounds like
14:56.09WIMPyWhat kind of load?
14:56.21P-NuTthanks all!
14:56.32WIMPyYou can have a load of 6 at 90% idle. That doesn't mean much.
14:56.37*** part/#asterisk P-NuT (
14:56.47Chainsawanonymouz666: My rule of thumb is... the moment your load average is higher then the amount of cores in your box, you're in trouble.
14:56.57Chainsawanonymouz666: So unless you have more than 6 CPU cores in that box, it seems overloaded to me.
14:57.27anonymouz666yes, I have 8 cores
14:57.44anonymouz666and yes, it happens sometimes
14:57.48Chainsawanonymouz666: Then it's high but not unreasonably so.
14:57.52anonymouz666it sounds really a CPU bottleneck
14:57.58*** join/#asterisk delki8 (~delki8@
14:58.20irrootgreets Wimpy having a problem with only one channel per port on mISDN been used so on 4 ports only 4 calls not 8 you aware of this i have patched it <- when using round robin
14:58.20WIMPyWhy do you guys think the CPU has much to do?
14:58.47anonymouz666another bizarre thing... app_queue deliveres two different calls to the same user in the same second !
14:59.20WIMPyirroot: No, I can not remember having seen such a thing happen, but I've never used groups in the chan_misdn times.
14:59.24irrootanonymouz666 you have ringinuse on ?
14:59.35anonymouz666irroot: no sir.
14:59.56anonymouz666it is off.
14:59.59irrooti have seen this when the state change does not "register"
15:00.14Kattydances with Qwell
15:00.25Qwellstumbles about
15:00.34irrootKatty whats on the jukebox
15:00.39Kattymr saxobeat
15:00.46anonymouz666irroot: do you live with that or fixed somehow?
15:00.52ChainsawKatty: Good song :)
15:01.44anonymouz666irroot: but how that could be state change if two calls are delivered in the same sec?
15:02.01anonymouz666you mean the microsecs are different
15:02.02irrootanonymouz666 have put a ignorebusy option in you can look at one of the things it does is "double" checks the state
15:02.53irrootanonymouz666 had a customer that wanted only 1 call at time and had to be aggresive with it sometimes more than one would get handled
15:03.39anonymouz666in that customer, people are using x-lite if two calls are sent to the same agent, I'll have trouble :P
15:04.31anonymouz666they love AC button, but they love even more the DND button :D
15:05.07irrootall customers love the DND button
15:05.13anonymouz666put a manager event when ring no answer returns 0ms, and now they all are on my list :P
15:05.42anonymouz6661.8 already have that, i put that on 1.4 version
15:07.12*** join/#asterisk tyman (
15:10.26Jackehow do i reverse polarisation on a fxo interface from within a module?
15:15.52anonymouz666WIMPy: sorry, I read your message now. you are right, the load is 6, but the CPU has a high % idle
15:16.25anonymouz666I really don't understand this counters, never know when I am hitting a bottleneck
15:17.12WIMPyanonymouz666: That might be an I/O issue then, like the harddisk.
15:17.38WIMPyDo you have excessive logging enabled?
15:17.50anonymouz666excessive calls being recorded
15:18.47*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV (
15:18.48WIMPyIs your RAM eaten away by buffers?
15:19.14anonymouz666Mem:   8173292k total,  8109532k used
15:19.16anonymouz666it seems
15:19.53WIMPyMaybe you try to write data faster than possible. That can cause quite interesting issues.
15:20.14*** join/#asterisk dandre (
15:20.23anonymouz666I have seen many interesting issues in this machine
15:20.33WIMPyIncluding extreme delays in other places.
15:21.05*** join/#asterisk gxdssoft (~gxdssoft@
15:21.12WIMPyI guess you should rething your storage concept.
15:21.46*** join/#asterisk Gugge (~gugge@
15:21.47anonymouz666the bo (io) column from vmstat seems high
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15:39.26Qwellfile: and this!
15:40.28*** join/#asterisk Gugge (~gugge@
15:40.41fileQwell, C++!
15:40.52Qwellno, u
15:40.56LemensTSWhat cpu do ya think I should run on 6 incoming analog lines with 10 IP Phones. Probably 4 concurrent calls.
15:41.18LemensTSIntel for sure, but they have changed the chips so much lately im confused
15:41.41p3nguinI'd grab an old 1.8GHz P4 out of the discard pile.
15:41.54QwellLemensTS: anything
15:42.02Qwella P3 could handle that
15:42.43LemensTSAwesome. I can stick to 775 than.
15:42.53WIMPyP4s are good for heating the office.
15:43.12p3nguinI have a BRAND NEW 13-year-old Gateway with AMD Athlon 800 (Slot A) processor that I have been waiting to use for something.
15:43.55p3nguinI think it's 13 years old, anyway.  I'd have to go to the shed to double check the date.
15:45.30coppice11 to 13 years sounds about the right range
15:45.43p3nguinMaybe it's only 11 or 12 now that I think of it... it came with Windows Me on it.
15:45.50Qwellcoppice: context!
15:46.05coppiceQwell: protext!
15:46.35p3nguinWindows Me was released in '99, wasn't it?
15:47.08coppicewell, windows 98 and 98 second edition fitted in somewhere before it
15:47.35Qwellp3nguin: 2000
15:48.07p3nguinI couldn't believe that computer being that old was in mint condition when I got it just a few years ago.
15:48.15coppiceI bought a WinME notebook in early 2000. I put RedHat on it the day I bought it, but it came with WinME
15:48.49leifmadsenmy MacBook Pro has been operating with Ubuntu and Windows for the better part of 2 years :)
15:49.35p3nguinI think that's called a Double Barfer.
15:49.58p3nguincoppice: RH 6?
15:50.08coppice5.1 I think
15:50.50coppiceIt came on a stack of pressed CDs. that was pre broadband
15:51.34*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
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15:51.40*** mode/#asterisk [+o putnopvut] by ChanServ
15:53.06p3nguinI was thinking I used 6.0 back around 2000-1 or so, but I suppose it could have been 5.x.  I remember a guy downloading it on his cable modem for me, and I was really impressed by the speed he got.  I also felt like it was piracy because I didn't know it could be downloaded and used for free.
15:56.01*** join/#asterisk drzed (
15:56.06drzedhi there!
15:56.07coppice6.0 sucked. they kept screwing up anything with a 0 at the end. 6.2 was excellent
15:57.09drzedpickup problem: try to pickup w/ *8 works but not with *830 (extension 30)
15:57.11p3nguinIf I looked enough, I could probably find that CD he burned for me.
15:57.51drzedmy extensions.conf looks like this: exten => _*8XX,1,Set(nst=${EXTEN:2})
15:57.52drzedexten => _*8XX,n,Pickup(${nst})
15:59.12p3nguinI also remember before the guy downloaded and burned whatever version it was, a guy at the computer shop gave me an unopened RH box set of another version, but I'd have to look for that to find what version it was, as well.  Those times are kind of blurry for me today.
16:00.50p3nguindrzed: Is it possible that your features *8 is catching the dialed number before it gets to your extensions.conf entry?
16:02.48p3nguinAnd does extension 30 have someone calling it?
16:02.56drzedif i read the log corrently, yes:     -- Executing [*830@default:2] Verbose("SIP/34-084e9ee0", "1|34 will Anruf von 30 holen") in new stack
16:02.58p3nguinAnd is extension 30 in the same context?
16:03.46drzedyess it is beeing called && it is in the same context
16:03.48p3nguinYou have a phone by the name of 34?  And its extension is 30?  Crazy.
16:04.50drzedi've got 3 phones: 30, 34, 35; im calling 35->30 and try to pickup the call up with 34
16:05.08p3nguinThat's a terrible naming convention, just so you know.
16:05.59p3nguinNonetheless, if someone is calling extension 30, and you try to Pickup(30), I would expect good results.
16:07.04p3nguinI'm not good with German translation, so I don't know what the message above says, but I know it says you're trying to pickup extension 30.
16:07.38drzedhm entering Pinckup(30) in the * console does not work
16:07.52p3nguinOf course it doesn't.
16:08.03p3nguinPickup() is a dial plan application, not a console command.
16:08.53drzedah ok, i tought i should try to enter Pickup(30) somewhere ...
16:09.22p3nguinYou've written it correctly in extensions.conf, as far as I can tell.
16:10.07drzedsry about the german: translated "34 will Anruf von 30 holen" => "34 tries to catch call from 30"
16:10.44drzedwhat about the "No channel found ... " message?
16:10.49drzedis that ok?
16:11.21p3nguinNo, that's not a good thing.  I believe that you are doing it correctly.  Maybe someone else will help determine why the channel is not found.
16:11.33drzedthe next log line was:   == Spawn extension (default, *830, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/34-084e9ee0'
16:12.03p3nguinThat line is okay and normal when the extension ends.
16:12.29p3nguinOh, wait...
16:12.30drzedi would guess that "non-zero" is not ok ..
16:12.39p3nguinYou're using context default?
16:13.04p3nguinBad bad bad.  Your extension 30 is in context lokal (local).
16:13.07*** part/#asterisk ickmund (
16:14.04p3nguinSeeing the extension exit non-zero is okay when there is nothing else to do.  It is normal.
16:14.08drzedhow/wherer do i put this extension in the local context
16:14.49p3nguinI don't know how you do it.
16:15.05p3nguinI copy, paste, then delete the original.
16:16.20*** join/#asterisk CoffeeIV (
16:16.21p3nguinAre you using asterisk 1.0?
16:16.26drzednope 1.4
16:16.39p3nguinHow the heck...
16:17.01p3nguin1.4 accepts and runs Dial,SIP/${EXTEN}|55|Ttr ?
16:17.19p3nguinNot to mention, those are terrible dial options.
16:17.30drzedguess so ... hm maybe i read an old manual ..
16:17.33WIMPyYes, it's that old :-)
16:17.50drzedany suggenstion on that?
16:18.33p3nguinor Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},55,t) if your phone does not have a transfer button on it.
16:19.09*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
16:19.28drzedok, changed it but it did not help
16:19.42p3nguinDid you remember to run "dialplan reload" after you saved the changes?
16:20.04drzedi just ran "reload" is that also ok?
16:20.33p3nguinbig knife
16:21.30drzedim, would say that my 3X phones are in the local context and not in the default?
16:21.46p3nguinIt looks like they are in local, yes.
16:22.32p3nguinWhen you hear the phone ringing, run "core show channels" right before you dial *830 on your phone.
16:22.51p3nguinI'd like to see what channels are active when you are trying to pickup a call.
16:22.52WIMPyDon;t you need the context of the incomming call?
16:23.20p3nguinI think that might depend on where the call came from as to whether it is wrong or right.
16:23.41p3nguinIf the call comes from another phone with context=local, I would expect it to work.
16:24.12WIMPyYes, but that's most probably not the use case.
16:24.15drzedkChannel              Location             State   Application(Data)
16:24.18drzedSIP/30-084e5ef0      30@default:1         Ringing AppDial((Outgoing Line))
16:24.21drzedSIP/35-084e4960      30@default:2         Ring    Dial(SIP/30|55)
16:24.22p3nguinIf it comes from context from-pstn and has an include for local, then I'd guess you'd have to Pickup(30@from-pstn).
16:24.24drzed2 active channels
16:24.27drzed1 active cal
16:24.52p3nguinSo you need to fix the problem with using the default context, or Pickup(30@default) instead.
16:26.19p3nguingroßen Messer
16:27.06p3nguinBah, I'm ready for lunch.
16:27.11drzedim sounds like i messed something up?
16:28.04drzedchanged extension to: exten => _*8XX,n,Pickup(${nst}@default)
16:28.26drzeddoes not work either. is it ok to include all contexts in default?
16:40.37*** join/#asterisk Unbeerable (
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16:42.16Unbeerableis there any plans to add binary packages for centos6? still has rpms for 4 and 5 versions only :(
16:43.20p3nguindrzed: No, do not start including contexts all willy-nilly.
16:43.48leifmadsenpabelanger: ^^^
16:47.50anonymouz666Unbeerable: good question. I just started using CentOS 6 also
16:48.09anonymouz666CentOS 5 uses a kernel 5 years old only
16:48.13*** join/#asterisk bitbandit (
16:48.15p3nguinI think I hear some Bagel Bites calling my name.
16:48.17anonymouz666new devices loves that
16:49.05UnbeerableI know there are another repos with asterisk already built for el6, but I'd prefer to install this package directly from vendor site
16:49.35pabelangerUnbeerable: Unbeerable: nothing yet, I believe Qwell will create them eventually
16:49.48pabelangerpatches welcome
16:49.50WIMPydrzed: Preferrably you shouldn't use default.
16:50.36Unbeerablepabelanger, so I may contribute something to move things on?
16:50.58QwellThere's nothing to contribute, really.
16:51.10QwellIt's a matter of finding time to actually setup a build VM.
16:51.41*** join/#asterisk pdtpatr1ck (
16:51.58pabelangerdoes redhat have chroot or something similar?
16:54.18irrootpabelanger that is should have indeed used it often and cant remember needing to install it
16:55.21pdtpatr1ckQuestion .. all of a sudden my queues started showing this
16:55.46pdtpatr1ckthat's from the CLI when i run "queue show <queuename>"
16:55.49*** join/#asterisk Frem_ (~jamesgeck@
16:55.57pdtpatr1cki've looked at this page:
16:56.01p3nguinYou just started using Local channels as members, didn't you?
16:56.06irrootpdtpatr1ck that seems right
16:56.18pdtpatr1ckirroot, what seems right?
16:56.37irrootchannel penalty rt state / state
16:56.39pdtpatr1ckp3nguin, It has been working for two years and just yesterday crapped out
16:56.53irrootwhat is the problem you having
16:56.55p3nguinIn modules.conf, preload pbx_config and then preload chan_local, then restart asterisk.
16:57.14Qwellpabelanger: we actually build on the distro we make the builds for.
16:57.33pdtpatr1ckirroot, i was just trying to figure out why'd it go invalid so i'll understand the root cause.
16:57.54irrootah the invalid is the extension state
16:57.58pdtpatr1ckp3nguin, an reasons you've learned from experience? so i can know for future as well. Meanwhile I will do as you just mentioned above
16:58.02p3nguinI've experienced it and I solved it with the instructions given.
16:58.59irrootpdtpatr1ck or channel state you can use device states to manage it
16:59.30pabelangerQwell: ya, with the Debian and Ubuntu packages the base OS is ubuntu lucid, then we setup chroots for each other OS we want packages for.  pbuilder kinda kicks ass for that
17:00.52*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~mbluth@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
17:00.53pdtpatr1ckpenguin, so add: load => and then below it add load =>  .. then restart asterisk ?
17:02.17Unbeerablepabelanger, there are a lot of changes between el5 and el6, like between fedora core 6 and fedora core 11 or 12, including changes in rpm itself. So I think the chances to build el6 packages in el5 environment are very small/
17:02.42p3nguinpdtpatr1ck: preload, not load.
17:02.58p3nguinpreload =>
17:02.59p3nguinpreload =>
17:03.11pdtpatr1ckoh okay .. sorry. Thanks
17:03.29p3nguinpdtpatr1ck: If you don't want to restart asterisk now, you can unload and then load it again.
17:03.54pdtpatr1ckafter adding preload of course right ?
17:04.06p3nguinI think that will straiten it out for the currently running instance.
17:04.14p3nguinThey are already loaded this time.
17:04.30p3nguinDid I really just write straiten?
17:04.42p3nguinwtf is wrong with me?
17:05.44pabelangerUnbeerable: right, but with chroot you can specific any version of a OS to use.  So in the case of the Debian packages, the host OS is Ubuntu Lucid, then we build chroot for Debian squeeze and wheezy. We then build Asterisk with the binaries from the chroot.
17:06.07pabelangerSo when a new version of the OS does come out, we don't need to create a new VM, but just run chroot from the command line
17:06.17*** join/#asterisk devmikey (~irc@unaffiliated/devmikey)
17:06.48Qwellpabelanger: which gcc does it use to build?  The host gcc?
17:07.39*** join/#asterisk trumee (
17:07.42pabelangerQwell: the version from the chroot
17:08.49UnbeerableI suppose creating a VM is much easier than installing all required staff into the chroot :)
17:08.54*** join/#asterisk n4n4k1 (~n4n4k1@
17:09.49n4n4k1Have a question regarding calls dropping instantly when trasnferring directly to voicemail using I symphony latest and asterisk
17:10.46pabelangerIt might take longer, but the build will not be tied to a specific host computer.  Automation FTW :D
17:11.41UnbeerableQwell, well, I'd like to wish you to find a time and make some people happy :)
17:11.49QwellUnbeerable: noted
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17:25.33dijibp3nguin, hows your fax solution work? does it auto detect? will it work beside my press 1 for option?
17:26.55p3nguinMy fax stuff does not do any detection at all.  It just requires a call to be sent to the fax extension.
17:27.19dijibthen i need to change it to detect... possible?
17:27.32p3nguinYou don't need to change anything of mine.
17:27.40p3nguinDetection would be done elsewhere.
17:27.48dijibok ok i follow
17:27.59dijibso if fax sent to fex extension.
17:28.52p3nguinIt doesn't matter how the fax ends up in the fax-in context on the fax extension, as long as it gets there.
17:29.09Kattycan someone tell me if is working?
17:29.14dijibcrap ive got to go to the grocery store.
17:29.17dijibback in 30min
17:29.17p3nguinIf you have some type of detector that sends it there, or if you use a Goto, or whatever.
17:29.42p3nguinWell, maybe that's wrong.
17:29.58p3nguinYeah, that's it.
17:34.54_Corey_Katty: I get someone's SugarCRM
17:36.18*** join/#asterisk wolf1161 (
17:36.31p3nguinDNS problems?
17:36.40*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
17:37.17Kattyjust internal dns fu-bared
17:37.23*** join/#asterisk tehrabbitt-1 (~ryana@unaffiliated/tehrabbitt)
17:37.25Kattyor... fu-barfed
17:37.31Kattyi like that, fu-barfed.
17:37.33Kattyi'mma keep that one
17:37.35p3nguinThe person that wrote the front page needs to learn some English and try writing it again.
17:37.45tehrabbitt-1hey everyone
17:37.49Kattythe front page for sugarcrm?
17:38.06p3nguinNo, the front page of
17:38.11Kattyoh ha
17:38.15Kattyyeah that website is a joke
17:38.16_Corey_Katty: Login page for their sugarcrm
17:38.24*** join/#asterisk singler (
17:38.25Kattybut whatever, not my problem ;)
17:38.26tehrabbitt-1got a new job working at a place that gets alot of recycled VoIP stuff...  cisco, avaya,etc...  if anyone is looking for stuff let me know
17:38.30fullstopwow, am I full.
17:38.33p3nguinAmong other mistakes, it says you only have one client.
17:38.54p3nguinwill meet or exceed all our client's conditions of satisfaction
17:38.56p3nguinone client
17:39.29Kattylol that's funny
17:39.56p3nguinOkay, maybe they can leave that and I'll adjust my interpretation to the meaning of each and every client's conditions.
17:39.57*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
17:41.10p3nguinI can go either way with it, I suppose.  No emails will be sent on the matter.  :)
17:42.21tehrabbitt-1i also came across one of these in the warehouse too that we're lookign to sell if anyone is interested:
17:42.54p3nguinHere's another good one:  Customized video surveillance and burglary systems to watch your business when your not there.
17:43.24p3nguinThat one deserves an email.
17:43.44p3nguinWho is in charge of that site?
17:43.53Kattyhehehehe i just found a definition in my CCNT book that i approve of
17:44.09QwellKatty: is the definition "Qwell: See; awesome"?
17:44.17DrDigitalwith the T22P is there a way when they pick the hand set up, it answers? auto answer seems to answer with them on speaker phone and never ringing
17:44.19KattyBursty - network traffic that is not constant, but requires a lot of bandwidth on demand.
17:44.32Kattynow that's MY kind of defintiion
17:44.48KattyQwell: i'll scribble that one down in the back of the book :>
17:44.58QwellIt should already be in the book. :(
17:45.01p3nguinAs in, "I must say, you are very bursty today?"
17:45.47p3nguinfullstop: What'd you have?
17:49.30p3nguinI guess trcole3 and/or laurencole might be the recipients of my rant.
17:49.47p3nguin(if I get around to sending it)
17:53.46fullstopbbq chicken sandwich
17:54.27p3nguinshredded chicken or whole chicken breast?
17:55.01fullstopfresh roll
17:55.04fullstopa salad
17:55.16fullstopand a slice of lemon pie.
17:55.20p3nguinSounds better than my bagel bites.  If they hadn't already been ingested, I'd trade.
17:56.02fullstopDue to hot weather one weekend over the summer, I lost my sourdough yeast culture.  :-/
17:56.23p3nguinOH NO!
17:56.41p3nguinMaybe you can find someone else and get a new starter.
17:57.04p3nguinSourdough is awesome.  It's bothersome, but it's so yummy!
17:57.25talntidI'll take some :P
17:58.16fullstopI need to start a new one, yes.
17:58.26fullstopI usually make english muffins with it.
17:59.42talntiddamnit, you guys are making me hungry
17:59.48*** join/#asterisk gmcharlt (~gmchart`@pdpc/support/active/gmcharlt)
18:00.28fullstoptalntid: Those have cranberries in them, too.
18:00.51fullstopbut my girls like them more when I put chocolate chips in them.
18:02.07talntidnot helping.....
18:02.43*** join/#asterisk citywok (
18:03.35leifmadsenfullstop: blueberry muffin ^^^
18:03.45*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
18:03.54fullstopleifmadsen: :-9
18:04.11fullstopHowever, blueberry muffins are quick to make compared to English muffins.
18:04.26leifmadsenthat makes them even better!
18:04.35p3nguinIs ilbc included in the latest 1.4s?  I don't see the script under contribs anymore.
18:04.39leifmadsenI buy my english muffins, then put egg, ham, and cheese on mine
18:04.51talntidmust....resist.....clicking.... picture....
18:04.53fullstopWhen you make them with sourdough yeast, you have to let them rise for ~10 hours before you even start working and cutting the dough.
18:04.57leifmadsenp3nguin: thought it was under a subdir of contrib
18:05.17*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
18:05.23p3nguinI thought it would be under contribs/scripts/codecs/ but the codecs dir does not exist for me.
18:05.38p3nguinBut I do have /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ already installed.
18:05.47leifmadsenformat_ilbc will build yes
18:05.48p3nguinSo it confused me.
18:05.53leifmadsenit's codec_ilbc that's the trick
18:06.04p3nguinI'll look a little harder.
18:06.04leifmadsenthat's what the script is for
18:06.29p3nguinGot it.  contrib/scripts/
18:07.36p3nguinToo many different paths got me confused as to what should be where.
18:08.13*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
18:09.00*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
18:11.01wolf1161hi everyone I am fairly new to asterisk. I am running freepbx and I am having an issue
18:11.10infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
18:11.17navaismogo to #freepbx
18:11.53wolf1161ok thank you
18:14.36*** join/#asterisk CaptWho (~Capt@unaffiliated/captwho)
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18:24.55Frem_I'm using asterisknow, and I have the asterisk16 package installed. Is there an upgrade procedure to the asterisk18 packages?
18:27.31KattyQwell: guess who's in a good mood :>>>>
18:27.41*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
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18:32.25*** join/#asterisk P-NuT (
18:32.55P-NuTHi all, does anyone know if video conferencing with more than 2 people is possible with asterisk?
18:33.41navaismoin some where i read with asterisk 10 beta it possible. im right?
18:34.39P-NuTasterisk is 1.8. version 10 you are talking about?
18:34.46dijibmeetme P-NuT
18:36.13p3nguinMeetMe does video?
18:36.20_Corey_P-NuT: It's been a while since I've used it myself but I know some people who use AppConference and are pretty happy with it.
18:36.22malcolmdconfbridge does video
18:36.42malcolmdmeetme does not
18:36.49malcolmdconfbridge in asterisk 10, that is
18:37.03dijibim using 1.8.5 P-NuT
18:37.17dijiboh video confrence... nevermind
18:37.24dijibaparenty i dont read too well p3nguin
18:37.29dijibor write.
18:37.54p3nguinI'd still love to know why a new voicemail is named msg0000 and the message that gets emailed to me shows msg0001.  All messages being emailed are real number +1.
18:42.42*** join/#asterisk hobodave (~hobodave@pdpc/supporter/professional/hobodave)
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18:46.59Kobazwhat's a good way to check for proper ground
18:48.49p3nguinground of what?
18:49.00carrarlook at it?
18:49.04p3nguinrack, chassis or something?
18:50.17QwellKatty: is it me?
18:50.26Kobaztelco ground
18:50.40Kobazlike a wire coming out the wall that's supposed to be the ground
18:50.40carrarmake sure you have 3 9' 1/2 inch steal poles in the ground about 3' apart in a triangle shape all wired together and then wired to your rack with heavy duity wire
18:50.54carrarthat should work
18:50.57Kobazhow do i make sure it's really a ground
18:51.05carrarhire a electrician
18:51.09Kobazbecause i keep getting fried ports on my fxos
18:51.21Kobazyeah i have a multimeter
18:51.28Kobazi;ve just never tested a ground
18:52.07p3nguinI don't think phone jacks have a ground.
18:52.15Kobazno they dont
18:52.40p3nguinSo what are you trying to find ground for?
18:53.06p3nguinThe NID should have a ground, but you said from the wall.
18:53.07Kobazconfirm that my telco secondary voltage protector is actually grounded
18:53.21p3nguinoh, lightning arrestors?
18:54.11carraruse both hands and start touching everything, if you feel something or it kills you, something is wrong
18:54.12Kobazoh, there's ground wires coming into the dmarcs
18:54.20Kobazbut i dont have a tool to open it
18:54.23Kobazmaybe i do
18:54.32p3nguinIf I wanted to test if a ground wire is doing its job, I'd use my Ohm meter and test between the device that is to be grouned and a known ground.  If there is any resistance, your ground is not good on that device.
18:54.47Kobazmm, k
18:55.26p3nguinIt should show 0.000 to indicate a dead short, which is provided by the ground wire.
18:55.51carrareverything has resistance
18:56.06p3nguinA good ground wire won't have any to be shown on a meter.
18:56.10navaismoP-NuT i say asterisk 10 beta
18:56.19carrarwill have a very tiny amount
18:56.20p3nguinIt would have to be extremely long.
18:56.34carrardepending on the sensitivyt of the meter
18:57.08dijibyou will have the resistance of the wire to the ground water.
18:57.17p3nguinA good ground wire, of, say, 12 awg, which is maybe six feet long... I would expect to see a dead short.
18:57.22*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
18:58.01dijibnow how are you guys with automotive issues, ie gm with a starter problem
18:58.05p3nguinIf you are measuring in zillionths of an Ohm, you might show some resistance.
18:58.11p3nguinDescribe the problem.
18:58.12dijibor am i in the wrong channel
18:58.20carrarno this is the r ight channel
18:58.41p3nguin#asterisk: telephony, food, and cars
18:58.56carrar.. and Katty
18:59.01Kobazokay, opened the dmarc, testing the ground
18:59.38carrar(sigh)... waiting for news of death by accidental electric shock
19:00.03*** join/#asterisk luke-jr (~luke-jr@2001:470:5:265:222:4dff:fe50:4c49)
19:00.19dijibnew starter installed yesterday. no shims in old one for mounting. new starter trys to start but just clicks as if its not pushing the gear all the way out and its hitting the flywheel
19:00.22luke-jrwhat's the standard way to run a script at the end of all calls?
19:00.51Qwelldijib: Show us the starter dialplan.
19:00.56*** join/#asterisk singler (
19:01.07p3nguindijib: Did you use the gage provided to check the distance between the starter drive and the ring gear?
19:01.28dijibexten => battery,n,start()
19:01.31p3nguinDoes it "whir" or just click?
19:01.32dijibno guage provided?
19:01.44p3nguinSounds like a bad connection.
19:02.01carrartry a different codec
19:02.20dijibwell could be a low battery. when i turn ignition it tries to start but then headlights go off,
19:02.26dijibim thinking codec issue also
19:02.31p3nguinCheck your cables on the battery, and also check the positive where it attaches on the starter.
19:02.41Kobaz.6 ohms
19:02.45dijibp3nguin, what distance guage?
19:03.11Kobazthat seems high
19:03.50p3nguindijib: It's a little piece of metal rod.  It is used to verify the right distance for the starter drive to engage the ring gear correctly.  Too little space and it'll grind against the ring gear; too much space and it'll grind the teeth off.
19:04.18p3nguin.6 Ohms... the ground wire had better be 22 gage and 20 feet long.
19:04.33p3nguinIf it's a proper ground, there should be much less than .6 Ohms.
19:05.42p3nguindijib: If it was a spacing problem, you'd hear either grinding or a whir.  Just a clicking indicates to me there is a lack of power -- low battery or bad connection.
19:06.00KobazIt's probably not a proper ground
19:06.19dijibok p3nguin your in line with my fathers answer... and the battery has been on the charger for 2 hours now
19:06.27Kobazi was here when the verizon guy put in the dmarcs forever ago
19:06.30dijibgood old suburban
19:06.36p3nguinWhat year?
19:06.43Kobazhe just found some wire in the ceiling and said "I think this is the ground"
19:06.47dijibshe's a beast
19:07.20p3nguin305 Vortec?
19:07.28p3nguineven better.
19:07.43dijibbetter on gas then my old 98 jimmy 4.3 if you believe that
19:07.47dijibyes 4x4
19:07.59dijibbut the 1:3.43 hear ratio
19:08.07p3nguinI believe it.  The 4.3 is a gas hog.
19:08.13dijibthey have 343, 373, 410
19:08.18dijibyes it was
19:08.32p3nguinShould be a 3.42.
19:08.33dijibis that it? maybe... somewhere in or around there
19:08.50dijibonly the 1500
19:09.21dijiblove the truck though still... its like a limo/bus
19:09.21p3nguinI have 3.42 in my S-10 and in my Blazer.
19:09.28p3nguinI had 3.73 in my Camaro and my Cutlass.
19:09.29dijibi sold my jimmy for $200cad 5months ago.
19:09.40dijibp3nguin, your pimped out by the sounds of it
19:10.09dijibi think my blazer has a 3.23
19:10.27dijibso how do i mcgiver a distance guage?
19:10.47p3nguinI had a lot of fun with my Cutlass.  I put my 350 in it with a 700-R4 trans and 3.73 rear end.  It came off the line like a rocket, and when it shifted into 2nd didn't just get a little scratch, but may as well have been a full burnout.
19:11.20dijibi believe it with the 3.73
19:11.20Kobazi'll test the two dmarc grounds against each other
19:11.53p3nguinJust look to make sure there is about 1/8" to 5/32"  between the ring gear and the shaft for the starter drive.
19:12.01dijibdo they make a dually rear end in a 3.73?
19:12.22dijibbut how can i see that?
19:12.37p3nguinThe 14-bolt came in 3.73, I believe.
19:13.02dijibthis is now #asterisk/GM
19:13.26p3nguinDoes your bell housing cover the nose of the starter so you can't see between the flexplate and the starter drive?
19:14.08p3nguinI thought that would have the 4L60 or 4L65 trans and have a removable cover.
19:14.35dijibit does then.. i didnt know it was removable.
19:14.39dijiblooks heavy
19:14.54dijibill get under her in an hour after i think the batt should be charged.
19:15.12p3nguinBeing a 4x4, it may be cast aluminum instead of the plastic or tin used on 4x2.
19:15.49p3nguinIf it has a removable cast cover, it'll have bolts holding it on rather than sheet metal screws.
19:16.21p3nguinI don't have a lot of experience with the newer transmissions to know if they have removable covers or not.  You'd have to look.
19:16.32dijibyesterday after installing the starter the night before & testing without issue i took the truck to get some gas. ($180 worth (150L)) pulling into the gas station... my truck dies! smell burning plastic... roll into gas lane... lift the hood to find my + battery terminal GONE, melted away. turnes out the + wire on the starter was touching the header and grounded out.. killing my #1 battery of 2
19:16.41p3nguinI pretty much know a TH-350 inside and out, though.
19:16.43Kobazi bumped up the sensitivity of my multimeter, changed the range down, i'm seeing .001 to .002
19:16.47Kobazsometimes drops to 0
19:16.52*** join/#asterisk DanFromUK (DanFromUK@
19:17.19dijibp3nguin, mines the 4l60e
19:17.38p3nguinThat's just a newer TH 700R4
19:17.55dijibwith electronic shifting?
19:18.02p3nguinIt really should have a cover, but I just don't know how they changed after about '95.
19:18.12p3nguinYes, that's what the e means.
19:18.17Kobazp3nguin: so that should be good, right?
19:18.29dijiband im sure it has a cover.. i just am lazy.
19:18.43dijibso 1/8th to 5/32's eh
19:18.48dijibill check her out in a bit
19:19.02dijibKobaz, sounds good to me.
19:19.08p3nguinkobaz: If you have an accurate reading of 0.002 Ohms, that's a reasonable ground for smaller ground wire.
19:19.24p3nguinIf you had like 0/1 or something, I'd expect 0.0000 Ohms.
19:20.19Kobazactually my port isn't fried
19:20.29Kobaza week ago when i was here there was a horrible humming
19:20.31Kobaznow it's clean
19:21.34Kobaztime to head out
19:24.44dijibok so fax detect before i head outside to crawl under this burban.
19:24.48dijibhow do?
19:24.55dijib* 1.8.5
19:25.05dijibNVFaxDetect is no longer needed
19:25.05*** part/#asterisk tehrabbitt-1 (~ryana@unaffiliated/tehrabbitt)
19:25.12dijibas i understand
19:25.48*** join/#asterisk brettnem (
19:25.57brettnemhey all
19:26.18luke-jrwhat's the standard way to run a script at the end of all calls?
19:26.50*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
19:26.53DanFromUKhi, is it possible to retrieve the extension that triggers a macro feature? is there a variable that stores the extension name?
19:28.23p3nguinluke-jr: Use the h extension, and either System() or SHELL().
19:28.48p3nguindanfromuk: ${EXTEN} doesn't do it for you?
19:30.12p3nguindijib: I use a dedicated fax number over SIP, so I don't worry with detection.  Let me know if you figure out how to do detection on a voice/fax line.
19:32.17dijibi will
19:33.26p3nguinPewp.  My g722 build failed.
19:34.22carrarPeople still use g722?
19:34.31p3nguinOf course they do.
19:34.56p3nguinWhat did you think they'd use in place of it?
19:35.29WIMPyInstead of G.722???
19:36.22p3nguinIs there no newer g722 patch for 1.4?  These things are several years old.
19:36.41*** join/#asterisk adyn (~adyn@pdpc/supporter/active/adyn)
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19:37.08brettnemhey all.. I've got an analog line (DAHDI FXS) plugged into an old fashioned overhead paging unit.. Everything works fine, but when the person paging hangs up (SIP phone) there is a fast busy disconnect tone that plays overhead for about 15 seconds.. Anyone know what causes this? Before I upgraded from ZAP to DAHDI it didn't do this.
19:37.32brettnemCLI shows that a hangup on DAHDI, THEN we hear the tone overhead
19:38.12drzedi fixed the context stuff, now my phones (30,34,35) are in context lokal, now my log looks like this: - Executing [*830@lokal:2] Verbose("SIP/34-084f4200", "1|34 wants to pickup from extension 30") in new stack
19:38.38drzedhowever the (direct) pickup still does not work
19:39.14*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
19:40.47brettnemanyone? :/
19:41.46luke-jrp3nguin: the wiki says the 'h' extension doesn't work right (eg, with Macros)
19:42.14QwellWhat wiki?
19:42.23WIMPybrettnem: You have late media enabled? But I can't remember what the parameter is.
19:42.31p3nguinluke-jr: I didn't know anything about any macros.  You asked how to run a script, and I told you how.
19:42.41brettnemWIMPy: late media? I've never heard of that...
19:42.54luke-jrp3nguin: the problem is getting it to run no matter how a call ends
19:42.54WIMPybrettnem: Analog is evil. Use a sound card.
19:43.08luke-jrQwell: the one with the docs for Asterisk… voip-info or smth
19:43.13brettnemWIMPy: yeah, this is an old fashioned paging system built for analog lines.. :/
19:43.15p3nguinluke-jr: How many ways are there?
19:43.21brettnemWIMPy: is it actually called "late media" ?
19:43.21WIMPybrettnem: You said, you hear it for 15s.
19:43.29QwellThat wiki is often wrong.
19:43.34p3nguinvoip-info or smith?  don't rely on smith nor voip-info for accurate information.
19:43.48brettnemWIMPy: also, the CLI shows it's hung up, so it seems that the dahdi drivers are providing the tone
19:43.54WIMPybrettnem: No. I can;t remember what it's called.
19:44.26WIMPybrettnem: Yes, they are. You need that to be able to listen to announcements.
19:44.33luke-jrp3nguin: well, if the user hanging up during a macro doesn't work…
19:45.01brettnemQwell: actually, in older version of ast, the "h" extension didn't work so well.. I know there were a lot of variables that were missing..
19:45.06brettnemI don't think that's the case anymore..
19:45.16WIMPybrettnem: 'inbanddisconnect'
19:45.25Qwellbrettnem: Which is why we don't recommend using that wiki.
19:45.50p3nguinI use h all the time without trouble.
19:46.03luke-jrQwell: is there actual documentation somewhere then? Google only ever finds the wiki
19:46.21brettnemYeah, I think I've used "h" quite a bit without issue too.. I think you have to go back to 1.2 or so for it to be broken
19:46.37brettnemWIMPy: ++ you're my hero
19:46.39Qwell1.2 was released 5 years ago. has a link to the Asterisk book, and there is
19:46.42fullstopI'm looking to upgrade a test server from 1.6 to the latest 1.8 revision.  I build from source.
19:46.46Qwellmaybe even 6.
19:46.55fullstopWhat's the best way to upgrade and not leave 1.6 cruft around?
19:47.03Qwellfullstop: make uninstall install
19:47.23luke-jrso 'h' should execute in the main context even if the hangup occurs inside a macro?
19:47.29fullstopQwell: will that remove anything in /var/lib/asterisk ?
19:47.40QwellIt will remove everything that make install installs.
19:48.16fullstopI only ask because I did that once in 1.4 and it removed all of /var/lib/asterisk/sounds...
19:48.24fullstopincluding the files that I had added.
19:48.27QwellWhich is something that make install installs.
19:48.29dijibwhats a charged voltage for a 12v car battery?
19:48.38QwellYou're putting stuff in the wrong place. :)
19:48.52dijibk im at like 13.4 now
19:48.59dijiband going up
19:49.06blizzowI've just received a complaint that asterisk has dropped a call.  I went into /var/log/asterisk/full and looked at the timestamp and found my caller.   Here is the pastebin:    Line 3 and 4 are errors, can someone explain what I should be looking for in the log to explain the cause of the dropped call?
19:49.13fullstopQwell: where should I be putting my sound files, then?
19:49.13p3nguinAnything less than 12 might give you a slow crank-over.
19:49.30dijibi was at 12.4 earlier and it wouldnt crank
19:49.45p3nguinYou never checked the cables like I told you, did you?
19:49.54p3nguinat the battery, and at the starter.
19:49.59dijibyes i did
19:50.19p3nguinAlso, there is always a chance that your ground cable has a bad ground at the engine.
19:50.29dijibshouldnt be
19:50.35dijiblooks like its intact
19:50.39p3nguinShouldn't be, but there's a chance.
19:51.16WIMPyWho installed Asterisk on a car?
19:51.32*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
19:51.58fullstopQwell: From what I quickly read, most people would be expected to put their audio files in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
19:52.01DanFromUKp3nguin: sorry for the delay in replying. no ${EXTEN} only returns 's'
19:52.17p3nguinHow did your call arrive at extension s?
19:52.54p3nguinor is that s only in the macro?
19:52.56DanFromUKthe call was connected between a sip peer and an external caller. then using a feature, a macro is started by dialing *1
19:53.12DanFromUKs is only in the macro
19:53.13p3nguinSo the original extension was *1 every time?
19:53.17DanFromUKi need the sip peer name
19:53.25p3nguinOh.  you said you wanted the extension.  Sigh.
19:53.55DanFromUKsorry. old pbx days
19:54.16WIMPyBetter days
19:54.37p3nguinHow about ${CHANNEL:0:-9} ?
19:56.12DanFromUKthats almost perfect!
19:56.20DanFromUKhow can i remove the SIP/ part
19:56.34*** join/#asterisk billmania (~bill@
19:56.41p3nguinHow about ${CHANNEL:4:-9} ?
19:56.52*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
19:56.56DanFromUKwhats the -9 part do?
19:57.14p3nguinremoves the last 9 characters from the channel name
19:57.35p3nguinchanges to SIP/000011112222
19:58.04DanFromUKah, thats great!
19:58.11brettnemWIMPy: inbanddisconnect=no didn't do anything :(
19:58.25brettnemthese are analog lines, I'm not sure if that setting affects FXS
19:58.29brettnemany other ideas? :(
19:59.41DanFromUKp3nguin: thanks for your help
20:02.25p3nguinI'm using to get g722 on 1.4.42, but it fails.  Any idea what's wrong?
20:04.36WIMPybrettnem: I would have thought it does the same, but unfortunately you never know exactely what happens where. Did you reload chan_dahdi?
20:04.53brettnemI stopped asterisk, restarted dahdi and started asterisk
20:04.55brettnemjust to be save
20:05.10brettnembut from the docs, it appears to be a PRI setting
20:05.25brettnem"; Allow inband audio (progress) when a call is DISCONNECTed by the far end of a PRI"
20:05.46brettnemit's almost like the signaling is wrong
20:06.16WIMPyreads that as 'if the other end is a pri'. which ist certainly wrong as well.
20:07.20brettnemwish I knew if the cadence is coming from the server or the paging device.. could this possibly be something in indicatiosn?
20:19.10*** join/#asterisk devmikey (~irc@unaffiliated/devmikey)
20:24.13*** join/#asterisk otwieracz (
20:24.32otwieraczI can use queues to pass incoming call to four SIP clients?
20:24.39otwieraczWith strategy=ringall
20:25.37navaismoring all but only one can answer
20:25.43otwieraczBUt exten => s,1,Queue(noc_cell) doesn't seem to work.
20:25.50otwieraczYes, one answer and other phones stop ringing.
20:26.28navaismoyou added the sip peers as agents in that queue?
20:26.58otwieraczmember => SIP/00PHONENUMBER
20:27.37navaismoin the cli the command queue show show your agents as not in use
20:28.15otwieraczThats my queues.conf part.
20:28.31p3nguinI really don't like that way unless you need to queue the calls.
20:28.41p3nguinIf you just want to call several phones, Dial() can do it.
20:29.03navaismoyes dial(sip/phione1&Sip/phone2&....)
20:29.03otwieraczYes, but there will be about 15 numbers.
20:29.24otwieraczI want to do it more user-friendly.
20:29.42p3nguinThe user shouldn't be administering your asterisk.
20:29.43citywokotwieracz: how is a queue more user friendly?
20:30.01citywokit's actually more work in the long run. &SIP/2&SIP/3 isn't very hard to do
20:30.23otwieraczYes, but with eight-digit numbers it's not easy to read this.
20:30.29otwieraczAnd manage, delete numbers.
20:30.35navaismoanayway what show the cli when call go into the queue
20:31.14otwieraczAnd that's all.
20:31.23citywokdoes it not ring anybody?
20:31.23otwieraczNo calls are performed.
20:31.27p3nguinHow is it going to be any easier to write the peers in queue.conf as opposed to extensions.conf?  It sounds like you're just making excuses.
20:31.29citywokqueue show noc_cell in the cli
20:31.31navaismommm i think tyour agents are not logged in
20:31.57otwieraczThey are cellular phones.
20:32.03citywokwait... are you trying to call people's cellphones, or active sip pers?
20:32.22navaismocell phones with sip client?
20:32.23p3nguinIf you don't have cell phones registered to the system, how will you call them on the system?
20:32.28citywokwhat you are trying to do is a disaster :P
20:32.42p3nguincitywok: Meet brick wall.
20:32.50citywoklol no kidding
20:32.55citywokthe lack of comprehension is funny
20:33.05p3nguinand sad at the same time.
20:33.17citywokotwieracz: you need to dial the cellphone like you would dial a cellphone in any other dial statement....
20:33.34p3nguinIf you insist on doing it with a queue, at least use local channels as the members.
20:33.44otwieraczYes, I already find the fail.
20:33.49otwieraczAnd it work now :)
20:33.51citywokyea, or use local/number@outbound-context
20:34.41citywokif this is a notification for an alarm or something we dial all the cellphones in a local context and then join all of them that ansewr to a meetme bridge
20:34.59citywokso all our techs can chat about it and figure out who is near a PC to fix it
20:35.08p3nguinGreat idea.
20:35.33jayteeyeah, that's pretty cool
20:35.34citywokp3nguin: just remember cellphones have voicemail, i have to press 1 on my phone to get dumped in to the confbridge
20:35.42citywokotherwise it just leaves a voicemail on my phone
20:36.01citywokinstead of an voicemail_max_length voicemail of the conference bridge lol
20:36.41otwieraczNow I have other problem.
20:37.42otwieraczQueue phones rang only for… 0.5s?
20:39.11otwieraczOh, nvm.
20:50.37*** join/#asterisk avb (~avb@
20:50.42avb[Sep  1 16:48:42] WARNING[3380]: sig_ss7.c:904 ss7_linkset: REL on channel (CIC 61) without owner!
20:50.52avbguys what can cause that?
20:51.40avbthats ss7 connection
20:51.48WIMPyA bug?
20:52.10*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
20:52.19avbafter its appears, then lines sending 'all cirquits are busy now'
20:52.30avbWIMPy: :) i hope not
21:12.01*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
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21:37.51ejais it possible to reset a cisco sip phone from asterisk like you can with CME?
21:39.49_Corey_eja: What model phone?
21:40.26ejai believe it's a 7960
21:41.03_Corey_I'm pretty sure they don't respond to SIP NOTIFIES, so you'd have to telnet to the phone and tell it to reboot
21:41.05Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
21:41.27_Corey_There are some scripts out there if you google a bit
21:41.44ejaok thanks corey
21:41.54_Corey_yeah no problem
21:54.06penguinreal voip engineers use openSer
21:54.14penguinwith media relay servers
21:54.23penguinnot asterisk
21:55.18*** join/#asterisk lanning (
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21:59.51p3nguinHuh?  I would think that a real VoIP engineer could use SER and Asterisk together just fine.  I mean, we do, after all.
22:00.35penguinp3enguin: yea but i've been hearing alot of ppl trying to run a service off asterisk pbx alone
22:00.39*** part/#asterisk otwieracz (
22:00.42penguini was just commenting on that topic
22:01.16*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
22:02.22blizzowDoes anyone have a suggestion for a windows free softphone client (preferably open source)?
22:02.39p3nguinZoiper is a good soft phone, but I'm pretty sure it isn't open.
22:02.53p3nguinIt's free to use, though.
22:03.27*** part/#asterisk Frem_ (~jamesgeck@
22:06.18penguinp3nguin: do u run a voip service with ur setup?
22:06.27penguinopenser and asterisk
22:07.56blizzowp3nguin: I'm having a terrible time with Zoiper.
22:07.59blizzowIt keeps crashing.
22:08.20blizzowAll of our sales guys want IT's head on a stick.
22:08.44*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-mqefqykdngoejcun)
22:08.59anonymouz666crash is ugly
22:10.35p3nguinI personally only use Asterisk for business phone systems, with a side of home phones.  No commercial services from me.
22:12.06greenwolfp3nguin: so do you design these systems for companies or do you just use for your local office
22:13.14p3nguinI typically don't do large-scale deployments.  I prefer small to medium businesses because it's so easy.
22:13.30anonymouz666I like large-scale
22:13.47dijibp3nguin, you wont believe what it was
22:13.52greenwolfyea i agree. I just setup a medium system for a local collections agency around here..nice system and easy deployment
22:13.52anonymouz666it's a challenge
22:14.04dijibknow how i said it shorted out on the manifold?
22:14.28dijibwell the wire from batt --> starter was fried, wouldnt carry and current
22:14.55p3nguinYeah, that makes sense.
22:14.58dijibwas the issue. luckely i had some 1 guage around, flux, saulder, and ends laying around and fixed er right up
22:15.18dijibstarts like a dream now. without any shims
22:15.36p3nguinI guess the distance was good, then.
22:15.43p3nguinOtherwise, you'd get some noise from it.
22:15.53dijibno its starts stong and short.
22:17.39dijibive got an issue with asterisk making calls. almost all the time now when i make a call, i get dead air. the callee gets dead air, but call goes through. then i remake the call and we can both hear eachother.
22:18.07dijibany idea
22:18.19*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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22:33.47p3nguinanonymouz666: I wouldn't mind doing some larger deployments in a single facility or a facility with a few satellite offices.
22:34.06p3nguinThe problem seems to be time and cost.  People have no patience nor money.
22:36.13WIMPyShit. I think my printer has died. It spews out solid back paper. :-(
22:36.21p3nguinOh no!
22:36.29p3nguinlaser or ink jet?
22:36.56WIMPyHow would an inkjet do that?
22:37.15p3nguinIt's bad enough wasting toner like that, but that would be a LOT of ink to spray on paper.
22:37.22WIMPyThat was a good old one that really could do black.
22:37.28p3nguinI have no idea how any printer would do it.
22:38.08WIMPyNFI. I guess high voltage or laser malfunction. Both seem fatal :-(
22:46.44ChannelZpostscript error?
22:51.00*** join/#asterisk beta2k (
22:51.04beta2khello all
22:51.22beta2kAnyone around know how to setup a sip/iax trunk between two pbx's for internal extension calls?
22:51.28beta2kBasically i have site A and site B, each with a trunk to our provider and a trunk between themfor internal calls
22:51.55WIMPyChannelZ: That would be nice, but the power-up test page looks the same.
22:52.25p3nguinOkay, so if you have an IAX2 trunk between two asterisk systems, where does SIP come into the equation?
22:53.05*** join/#asterisk FreezingCold (~Frozen@unaffiliated/freezingcold)
22:53.07FreezingColdHey guys!
22:53.08beta2keither one, not both :)
22:53.54FreezingColdI'm sorry to ask this, but could anybody spend the time to baby me along with my first asterisk setup?  I normally like to take my time but I have a sister leaving the country tomorrow and I need to get it setup for her =(
22:54.29beta2kI'd be happy with a doc, I don't need step by step over IRC :)
22:54.53FreezingColdWell, somewhat on topic, what are some good SIP providers in the UK?
22:55.17infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
22:55.19p3nguinfreezingcold: ^^^
22:55.20FreezingColdshe needs a incoming DID.  Unlimited is always better
22:55.35FreezingColdehhhh, as I said I only have until tonight to get everything running
22:55.42p3nguinRead quickly.
22:55.45FreezingColdNot sure I really have time to go through the whole book right now
22:57.07p3nguinbeta2k: I'll at least send you in the right direction to get started.  Configure a peer entry for system1 on system2; configure a peer entry for system2 on system1.
22:57.21FreezingColdDraytel seems like the cheapest/best
22:57.31FreezingColdUnlimited incoming DID
22:57.40FreezingCold10 GBP start up top up
22:58.04*** part/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
22:58.11beta2kp3nguin: No user context?  Just peer?
22:58.43p3nguinYou could use type=friend if that's what you feel like doing.
23:03.32FreezingColdany tips?
23:03.35*** join/#asterisk Bidik (~bidik@
23:03.47FreezingColdHow hard is getting asterisk up with two SIP devices and two providers?
23:03.53dijibFreezingCold, i could help
23:03.54FreezingColdCan I get done in an hour or two?
23:04.00dijibim an * nuub aswell
23:04.06FreezingColdHaha, thanks :)
23:05.49*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
23:06.40FreezingColdHow good is
23:10.28p3nguincodec_ilbc.c:50:30: fatal error: ilbc/iLBC_encode.h: No such file or directory
23:10.28p3nguincompilation terminated.
23:10.34p3nguinNot Good.
23:21.04*** join/#asterisk Cesare (
23:25.23carrarOh My
23:27.12p3nguinI of course have no way to know how to fix it, since someone else is responsible for writing asterisk's code.
23:28.35carrarbecause you can't google?
23:28.48anonymouz666this fix seems easy
23:28.56anonymouz666you just have to put this header in the correct place
23:29.21carrarDid you run contrib/scripts/
23:31.00Maliutaor you could just use an option to tell gcc where your libs actually live
23:31.11Maliutaor there is even an environment variable
23:34.45*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
23:47.51p3nguinI haven't done anything to debug it.  I was working on something else and just happened to see that it stopped.
23:52.20p3nguinanonymouz666: Where do you propose I get iLBC_encode.h?  It does not exist on my system.
23:53.59p3nguinIf I hadn't run contrib/scripts/, I'm not so sure it would have gotten this far.
23:54.26*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
23:55.18anonymouz666this script should download the source for you
23:55.42anonymouz666if doesn't then you don't have the header file needed to compile codec_ilbc
23:56.09p3nguinYeah, that's the problem.  The file is missing.  Why is it missing and where am I expected to get it?
23:56.35anonymouz666it is missing because this script connects somewhere and get the file, you know, remote things can change :)
23:57.07p3nguinI'll go check out the files that get downloaded.
23:57.57carrarNo iLBC 4U!! :)
23:59.09anonymouz666I don't miss ilbc, but speex I make sure that every new installation has support to
23:59.28p3nguinI guess the site can't be reached.
23:59.30blizzowIs there a good echo test service that just stays up and running for an unlimited amount of time?  I want to debug calls that are dropping seemingly at random.
23:59.48anonymouz666p3nguin: that could explain why the script does not work

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