IRC log for #asterisk on 20110823

00:00.28ChannelZpsykon: it's probably crashing because you've sort of created a loop
00:00.58brad_msswpabelanger: core show help pri: pri intense debug span <no description available>
00:01.03pabelangerbrad_mssw: *CLI> module show like dahdi
00:01.08brad_msswpabelanger: no pri show spans, etc ...
00:01.23brad_msswpabelanger: module show like dahdi
00:01.31brad_msswpabelanger: possibly didn't downgrade everything?
00:01.57pabelanger$ sudo apt-get install asterisk-dahdi
00:02.39ChannelZpsykon: oh maybe not these are two different numbers
00:05.05brad_msswpabelanger: ok, identified a few other packages too, voicemail, etc
00:05.29brad_msswpabelanger: ugh, why doesn't ubuntu provide an easy way to back off to packages actually in the repos currently subscribed
00:05.44ChannelZpsykon: hmm well I did it a slightly different way due to my setup but it worked.
00:05.55psykonChannelZ, what did you do?
00:06.00pabelangerbrad_mssw: not sure I understand
00:06.16ChannelZwell I mean I had to replace my phone numbers and extensions
00:06.45brad_msswpabelanger: eh, not your fault ... just saying when I removed the proposed repo, I should have been able to do an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade and it should have downgraded me ... but it doesn't
00:06.50brad_msswpabelanger: it's working now, thanks
00:07.01brad_msswpabelanger: pri show spans, etc
00:07.06pabelangerokay, cool
00:07.42ChannelZpsykon: does your thing crash when it hits a specific part of the dialplan (the Set?) if you watch the console on verbose when you send the AMI command?
00:07.43psykonChannelZ, Were both legs on one asterisk  box? In my case they were.
00:07.53ChannelZpsykon: yes
00:08.18ChannelZpsykon: well yes-ish, DAHDI dialing out to my cell phone and SIP to my desk phone
00:08.42psykonI am doing the originate from a php script so basically once I click the submit button asterisk crashes
00:09.23brad_msswpabelanger: thanks for your help, all appears good (well, except my voicemail duration stuff .... apparently it wasn't something newly introduced in
00:09.40ChannelZyes but asterisk -rvvv so you can watch the console, see what it's outputing and where specifically it's dying.  It might be telling you something
00:10.48psykonChannelZ, I watch it again.  I have verbosity set to 21. THat is usually where I keep it.
00:11.07pabelangerbrad_mssw: Ya, sorry I cannot help with vmail
00:12.18ChannelZI don't think it does much more above 5 IIRC but that's fine
00:13.02psykonChannelZ, I jus tried it from the CLI and it took a dump
00:13.42ChannelZwhat do you mean, with 'channel originate'?
00:15.33ChannelZsorry I have to dash off and do something.  BBL
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01:13.54Atriksgood night :)
01:20.44*** join/#asterisk ssfsdf (
01:21.42ssfsdfi can get into the web interface of my 550s  but how do i get into the web interface of a 501
01:21.42ssfsdfi typed in address of 501 and nothing came up
01:22.06ssfsdfdo i need a certain port?
01:22.20ssfsdfanyone here?
01:23.28*** join/#asterisk FainaUkraina (
01:23.29Maliutassfsdf: 501 whats? and have you tried nmaping the IP to see what ports are open?
01:23.45*** join/#asterisk dwmw2_gone__ (
01:23.57p3nguinCisco SPA-501?
01:24.13treborsuxgood point
01:24.21treborsuxjust though someone would now
01:24.48p3nguinWe'd have to know wtf you're talking about first?
01:24.57Maliutatreborsux: well to start with, fully describing the product would help
01:25.39treborsuxSoundPoint IP, SoundStation IP and Polycom VVX BootROM 4.1.4
01:25.40treborsuxis that the one i want to use for 501
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02:10.10*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
02:24.15treborsuxwhere the heck do i put secret in this 560
02:24.36treborsuxcant get it to register
02:24.43treborsuxit sees it as endpoint
02:25.18treborsuxis secret the same as the pasword for the web interface
02:26.45p3nguinsecret means password, if that's what you are asking.
02:30.03*** join/#asterisk kl4m (~kl4m@2001:5c0:1100:7f00:a00:27ff:fed3:3561)
02:33.13kl4mI have a question regarding VoiceMailMain: since the old syntax is VoiceMailMain([[s|p]mailbox][@context]), how can I escape a leading "p" in a mailbox name?
02:34.09p3nguinYou can't just use the new syntax?
02:34.24kl4mIt still "accepts" the old one
02:34.37p3nguineven with the new syntax being used?
02:35.27*** join/#asterisk tyman_ (
02:36.07p3nguinVoiceMailMain(paul@default,p)  <-- is this seen as aul's mailbox with two p options?
02:36.16kl4mOK, so putting empty options VoicemailMain(psomething@context,) fixed it. Thanks
02:57.17*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
02:58.51BuenGeniowe're currently facing a dillema - our partners use the Polycom HDX7000 video converencing solution, and want us to get it also (~$12000 US)
02:58.55BuenGeniowe think it's a waste of money
02:59.23BuenGeniois there a way to use off-the-shelf HD webcam and use Asterisk to connect with them?
02:59.53p3nguinI guess if the cam does h.323.  I think Asterisk can do video with h.323.
03:00.53BuenGeniohow do set it up?
03:07.15BuenGeniocan this work out of the box, or do I need to write some custom DialPlan rules to connect with the other side?
03:07.43p3nguinAsterisk does nothing out of the box -- you have to set it up to do what you want done.
03:08.04p3nguinAsterisk is a toolkit.
03:09.35p3nguinThere are some packaged platforms with Asterisk pre-installed and already built to do certain things.  Check out AsteriskNOW to see if it does what you want to do without having to do it starting from the ground up.
03:11.22BuenGenioalready have it set up...
03:11.27BuenGeniohas a nice web interface
03:11.50p3nguinDid you use the Asterisk GUI or FreePBX?
03:12.07*** join/#asterisk sunfone (
03:12.19BuenGenioCould be FreePBX
03:12.45BuenGenioall very new to me...
03:14.24p3nguinI'll set the stage for you: if you've installed FreePBX, we can't help you with very much stuff in this channel; you'll need to go to #freepbx for all questions pertaining to that interface.
03:14.47infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
03:17.33*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
03:17.37p3nguinBasic questions regarding asterisk and parts of asterisk which are not affected by freepbx may still get adequate attention here.
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03:52.04*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (~Dave@2001:1928:0:ffff::2)
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03:54.13Ast001Hello, I have agents in n queues with wrapup in each queue of 5 s. When my agent gets call in queue 1 and hangup he gets call from queue2 emidietely if thereis someone waiting there. I don't want that. I notices wrapuptime in ms in agents.conf . Should i enable that (set to 5000) to avoid this situation ?
03:54.54Ast001Is this some sort of bug in asterisk or my misconfiguration ?
03:56.40Ast001that wrapuptime in agents.conf is at the moment comented out. I wonder does it have some default value ?
03:56.59Ast001I meant it is commented.
04:05.54*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
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04:53.51Ast001I am sure someone knows is there default value for wrapuptime in agents.conf. Is it active or not if it is commented ?
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05:00.55rizwankHi there. I'm looking to set up some sort of NAT transversal for my already-installed SIP Servers; STUN works fine unless we're using 3g [symmetric NAT] -- can I use Asterisk's NAT transversal as a SIP/RTP proxy? Or can someone point me in the right direction; I've found so many different products claiming to help that haven't' so far.
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06:45.00f2KnightQuestion: Has anyone used StarPY or FastAGI in general? I am using netcat to view output of a fastagi call. However I am unable to hangup the channel from the AGI script.
06:45.00*** join/#asterisk gg0 (~gg0@unaffiliated/gg0)
06:45.16f2Knightor other wise return to allowing the Dialplan to run.
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06:47.26jacc0hi all
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06:47.36kaldemarf2Knight: exit the script to return to dialplan or use the agi hangup command.
06:48.08jacc0I have this memory leak in 1.8.6-rc1
06:48.09f2Knightkaldemar, I was thinking the HANGUP SIP/2000-00000000 would do just that.
06:48.43f2Knightkaldemar, of course I am testing over netcat, maybe this is the issue? but its a way for interactive use. I would hope thats not the issue
06:48.51*** join/#asterisk BugKhaM (~BugKhaM@
06:49.10BugKhaMAnyone has a link explaining how the parameters maxexpiry,defaultexpiry and minexpiry work?
06:49.15kaldemarf2Knight: enable agi debug in asterisk and see what the CLI says.
06:49.18BugKhaMand is defaultexpirey also valid for asterisk 1.2.x?
06:49.58jacc0how can I investegate the source of a memory leak in asterisk?
06:50.05kaldemarBugKhaM: and yes, 1.2 has the defaultexpiry option.
06:51.03jacc0someone told me I should do a "core show memory"
06:51.07jacc0but it doesn't work
06:51.35BugKhaMkaldemar: with the spelling "defaultexpirey" ?
06:51.41f2Knightkaldemar, I get a 200 result=1
06:51.43f2Knight*CLI> agi set debug on
06:51.43f2KnightAGI Debugging Enabled
06:51.43f2Knight*CLI> <SIP/2000-00000001>AGI Rx << HANGUP
06:51.43f2Knight<SIP/2000-00000001>AGI Tx >> 200 result=1
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06:52.22kaldemarBugKhaM: 1.2.X does not have the minexpiry option though. the default option may be spelled defaultexpiry or defaultexpirey in 1.2
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06:52.24jacc0I've it compiled with\ MALLOC_DEBUG flag
06:53.26BugKhaMkaldemar: i see, thanks
06:54.27f2Knightkaldemar, other things work find like I can use GET VARIABLE <var_name>
06:54.27kaldemarBugKhaM: actually all three of them may be spelled expiry or expirey, i checked 1.8.5 and 1.2.
06:55.19kaldemarf2Knight: does the channel not get hung up on hangup?
06:55.49*** join/#asterisk den512 (
06:56.15f2Knightkaldemar, no it does not. It still hangs open. But after a while (or after some commands) it says 511 something about dead channel but the softphone is still 'connected' and the CLI shows it is still active (core show channels)
06:57.26BugKhaMkaldemar: yeah, but what will aster do if I set "minexpiry=60" and the client registers every 30 secs
06:58.10BugKhaMkaldemar: reject the registration?
07:02.21*** join/#asterisk f2knight (
07:02.49f2knightkaldemar, sorry lost connection,
07:05.09*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
07:05.19Polysicsis it still recommended to run 1.8 as not root?
07:07.08Polysicsis there a list of things to do somewhere, pelase? i have one for 1.6
07:08.02jacc0I always use .deb package to get users/groups and all right
07:08.13Polysicsif it is a development only local machine, can i just leave it as root?
07:08.20Polysicsit's not even started automatically
07:08.34jacc0sure you can
07:08.36Polysicswhat do you mean? install deb first then source?
07:08.50olliiwhat is the best way to create a .deb package from source? i tried checkinstall ... its working good, but is there a better tool?
07:09.00olliiasterisk 1.8 source
07:09.11Polysicsjacc0, so you just apt-get install the package, then compile normally from latest?
07:09.22jacc0that will compile 1.6
07:09.47kaldemarBugKhaM: hmm. looks like registration is accepted but publishes and subscribes are responded to with 423 Interval too small.
07:10.29jacc0do this first :
07:10.43jacc0then apt-get install asterisk-1.8
07:10.48jacc0or just asterisk
07:10.49ChannelZhumm.  I think it's res_jabber not parsing the buddy list properly that is causing my angst
07:11.11Polysicsoh, there is an official repository? i never noticed :-)
07:11.16Polysicsthanks a lot
07:11.34Polysicswill try that, i just installed anyway
07:11.42Polysicsdoes it have mysql_config module?
07:11.50jacc0not sure
07:12.02Polysicswill poke around to find out, thanks
07:12.50jacc0anyone here that can help me with the memory leak? asterisk 1.8.6-rc1 is taking up 940mb in idle state
07:13.03jacc0after running for 2 days
07:13.13jacc0it started out using only 134mb
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07:16.31BugKhaMkaldemar: looks like asterisk replaces Re-Register Time with the value set in minexpiry
07:17.36kaldemarPolysics: the asterisk package has res_config_mysql.
07:17.46*** join/#asterisk chazzam (
07:17.47Polysicsis there a command to have init.d scripts installed when installing fro msource?
07:18.10Polysicsi am almost done on this machine with source, will do the next with package and play spot the difference
07:18.26kaldemarPolysics: make config
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07:37.20jacc0lock.h is the source of the mem leak
07:38.24jacc0110116980 bytes in 71135 allocations in file '/usr/src/asterisk-'
07:38.39jacc0why is it pointing to my source folder?
07:38.56jacc0is it becasue of the debuging flags ?
07:44.35*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
07:44.45Polysicssorry, i lost the link to the debian packages for 1.8
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07:46.13jacc0new issue :
07:47.04jacc0now adding debug info
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07:51.27kaldemarjacc0: do you have chan_iax2 loaded?
07:52.16kaldemarsee what happens to the allocations of lock.h when you unload it.
07:52.59jacc0let me first take some debug info
07:53.22*** join/#asterisk xnfinite (
07:53.49kaldemarmine drops from "102979152 bytes in 66524 allocations" to "1456668 bytes in 941 allocations" on a freshly started asterisk.
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08:08.45jacc0110273328 bytes in 71236 allocations in file '/usr/src/asterisk-'
08:10.27jacc08770968 bytes in 5666 allocations in file '/usr/src/asterisk-'
08:11.01jacc0the last one is after unload of
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08:14.12Polysicswhat do you use as realm on a local machine?
08:14.43jacc0@kaldemar:any way to fix this leak?
08:14.55Polysicsin sip.conf
08:14.59jacc0I use "asterisk" as realm
08:17.51Sakuranbohey guys, a simple idiotic question to ask regarding the vm
08:17.58Polysicsi wonder why i am not seeing any SIP connection in the console
08:18.14jacc0Sakuranbo: bring it on!!
08:18.16Polysicsor anything at all, to be honest
08:18.36Polysicsi configured Blink to connect to 10001@
08:18.41Sakuranbomy end users are trying to access their vm but the after the ivr the predefined pwd don't work
08:18.47SakuranboI got " app_voicemail.c: Unable to read password"
08:18.52Polysicsshouldn't i at least get some sort of connection failed message in the asterisk console?
08:19.04Polysicsasterisk 1.8 installed from deb
08:19.26jacc0not sure
08:19.34ChannelZSakuranbo: you might have a dtmf problem - do your IVRs require other digit entries that work?
08:19.45SakuranboI ve checked up the
08:19.48jacc0see what is going on using:tshark -r "sip"
08:19.52Sakuranbonot much clues on it
08:20.19Sakuranbostraight into the vm box
08:20.24Polysicsmy sip.conf
08:20.53jacc0@polysics : apt-get install tshark
08:21.01Polysicsi am installing it :-D
08:21.05Sakuranboshould I enable my GXP2020 endpoint to use RFC2833 as well?
08:21.06jacc0or : nano /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
08:21.12jacc0and enable more info
08:21.42Polysicsi do not have the logger.conf, is it bad?
08:21.50Polysicsi installed my own set of configuration
08:21.56jacc0tshark -R sip
08:21.59ChannelZSakuranbo: yes you should generally be using rfc2833 in SIP almost universally
08:21.59Polysicswhich works on another server
08:22.01jacc0with capital R
08:22.05kaldemarjacc0: is it really a leak?
08:22.27jacc0it is growing over time
08:22.29Polysicsthere are no interfaces on which capture can be done? now what?
08:22.37Sakuranbothe current default is using "in-ausio"
08:23.18ChannelZUnless your * is setup for inband too then the DTMF is probably being thrown away
08:23.35Polysics8.165338 -> SIP Request: NOTIFY sip:
08:23.45Polysicswhere do those IPs come from? lol
08:23.50ChannelZBut you pretty much have to use rfc if you're using g.729 or gsm or other compressed codecs
08:23.56jacc0@polysics: make samples
08:24.02jacc0to create logger.conf
08:24.12Sakuranboas the internal network does not have QoS issue
08:24.27Sakuranboall I use is PCMU
08:24.43kaldemarPolysics: asterisk and blink are on the same machine? are they trying to use the same port?
08:25.09ChannelZThat's fine but rfc is still better as it's just transported around as data rather than asterisk having to listen for inband DTMF and decode it
08:25.39Sakuranbook, then I need to do it tonight remotely as the market is still open
08:26.06Polysicskaldemar, could it be that?
08:26.16Polysicsyes, it is the same machine
08:26.24Polysicsi need to test some adhearsion stuff, though to use that
08:26.28SakuranboThanks ChannelZ,
08:26.49Sakuranbobut I am not sure it could solve the issue as I check the voicemail.conf
08:26.54ChannelZyou can make a couple of test extensions just to verify that you're not reading dtmf properly.  Like make an exten 5555 that does a Background(silence/10) and then a exten 6666 that does a Playback(tt-monkeys) or something.  Then dial 5555, wait a sec, and dial 6666.
08:26.55Sakuranbosettings are clean
08:26.59ChannelZNo monkeys, no dtmf working
08:27.45ChannelZ(just to rule out something else odd happening specifically with your voicemail config)
08:27.54SakuranboI dont have a gummy hand, if need to do it, I have to go a few blocks away to the client site
08:28.35Polysicsgood, sorted out
08:28.37ChannelZno ssh!? how do you live!? :)
08:28.38*** join/#asterisk merlin8282 (
08:28.43Polysicskaldemar, can't thank you enough
08:28.44*** join/#asterisk gravin (~gravin@
08:28.54Sakuranboas it's already in production
08:29.03Polysicsenabling debug in the console allowed me to see what was wrong
08:29.11SakuranboI will be hung to death if anything goes wrong
08:29.37Polysicscan you get hung not to death?
08:29.43Polysicsi guess it would be even worse
08:30.05Sakuranbois there way to simulate a dial on a console without installing anything?
08:30.26SakuranboGXP default use *97 to access the VM
08:31.12kaldemarSakuranbo: if you have chan_oss or chan_alsa, see "core show help console dial".
08:31.30Sakuranbolet me try now
08:31.48kaldemaror chan_console, forgot about that one.
08:32.11Sakuranbotry ""core show help console dial"" right?
08:32.43ChannelZyou're not physically at the box right?
08:32.47Sakuranbomy asterisk is pretty old
08:32.55Sakuranbono such command
08:33.07Sakuranboyup, I am VPN-ing to the site
08:33.16ChannelZnone of that will help you then
08:33.28SakuranboAsterisk 1.4.24
08:33.59ChannelZyou need a device (softphone, phone) connected to the system to test
08:34.14*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~sgimeno@
08:34.17SakuranboOh I have X-lite!
08:34.47Sakuranbotry it out now
08:35.35ChannelZdo "sip show settings" on the console - down near the bottom it should say something like 'default settings' and then show you "DTMF:  something"
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08:36.54kaldemarSakuranbo: Usage: console dial [extension[@context]]
08:37.10ChannelZnoooo don't
08:37.54ChannelZOk so if all your phones are setup for inband ("in-audio" I assume is what they are calling it) then it's no wonder it doesn't work :)
08:38.07ChannelZYour x-lite is probably setup for rfc by default and will work
08:39.22Sakuranboyes that ext works !!
08:39.52ChannelZDo the phones in the office dial out to the world via SIP or PRI or something?
08:40.05SakuranboIDAP for external
08:40.05merlin8282Hi ! Any idea why parking does not work ? I have "parkcall => *7" in features.conf, and "include => parkedcalls" in my dialplan, in the context [intern], which is included by [default]. See here for a test call:
08:40.52Sakuranbothanks guys!
08:41.13ChannelZok.  Well you should be pretty safe changing all of your phones' configs to rfc.  Do one, test it with your VM, and then make a call to some other place and make sure DTMF works there too (call your cable company or something, they have lots of phone mazes to test on)
08:41.28f2knightQuestion: Does anyone know of a FastAGI python script that does not require twisted?
08:45.43*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (
08:45.55ChannelZmerlin8282: looks like it parked to me? "== Parked SIP/10-00000004 on 81 (lot default). Will timeout back to extension [default] 24, 4 in 120 seconds"
08:47.39SakuranboOne more thing is configuring the Digium TDM410 card for the fax
08:47.51SakuranboI changed the dahdi-channels.conf
08:48.01Sakuranboand do a dahdi_scan
08:48.32Sakuranbothe 3 FXS ports are not all open as I configured they should be
08:48.42Sakuranboany clues guys?
08:48.48*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
08:49.18ChannelZwhat do you mean not all open
08:49.55Sakuranbowait I give you the dump
08:49.56ChannelZas in they show 'port=1,none'?
08:50.04*** join/#asterisk gravin (~gravin@
08:51.12infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
08:53.05ChannelZmerlin8282: oh now that I read the rest of your paste, the pickup isn't working.  Does your dialplan have a pattern or exten that is picking up the 81 specifically?  It looks like it's doing a Goto(i,1) on purpose for some reason
08:53.35*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:53.44SakuranboChannelZ: [1]
08:53.45Sakuranbodescription=Wildcard TE122 Card 0
08:53.46Sakuranbodevicetype=Wildcard TE122
08:53.46Sakuranbolocation=PCI Bus 01 Slot 13
08:53.51infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
08:54.22ChannelZplease read above
08:54.37f2knightkaldemar, I figured out what it was... The AGI command HANGUP does not actually hangup the channel but rather "MARKS" it to be hungup.
08:54.42SakuranboSorry m(__)m
08:54.55Sakuranbomy 1st time in the channel
08:55.15ChannelZalso it doesn't seem great that your TE122 has red alarms...
08:55.35Sakuranboas there is no T1 plugged yet
08:55.49Sakuranboa lab without PRI
08:55.50ChannelZOh.  I thought you said this system was "live"
08:56.16Sakuranbothis is another one I need to swap the live one (highly likely)
08:56.47Sakuranboas the live one is a time bomb
08:56.48ChannelZWell anyway it looks like your FXS is channel 25.  What is the problem?
08:57.05*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (~maxagaz@
08:57.15Sakuranbofor 26,27 that it's not open for usage
08:58.00ChannelZwhat modules do you have on that TDM card?
08:58.15Sakuranboyes, there is no problem for the FXS but how to open 26 and 27 which I will connect 2 fax to modem to test the fax function
08:58.47Sakuranbo1FXO 3FXS
08:59.16ChannelZIE you actually do have 3 green cards and one red?
08:59.50Sakuranbo2 green, 25 and 28 are green
09:00.10Sakuranbo26 and 27 are out
09:00.15ChannelZwell that doesn't make sense
09:00.45ChannelZbut if you have only 2 modules plugged into the thing, I don't know how you expect there to be 3 FXS channels!?
09:00.58Sakuranboas port=26,none and port=27,none from dahdi scan
09:04.19SakuranboI didnt plug anything on port 28 but it's green
09:04.20ChannelZYou have a problem if you have 2 green cards plugged in but have one FXS and one FXO showing
09:04.20ChannelZdid you configure /etc/dahdi/system.conf correctly?
09:04.21ChannelZReally? Cause what you're saying and what you've shown don't agree
09:04.21Sakuranbodo u mean the framing, clocking, line code right?
09:04.21ChannelZno that has to do with your T1
09:04.21ChannelZYou should have something like "fxoks=25" for an FXS port
09:05.35ChannelZin any case dahdi_scan should be showing you really what the hardware sees
09:06.15Sakuranbothat's why I am puzzling, let me check first. Thanks Channelz
09:06.25ChannelZThe reason channels 26 and 27 are 'none' is because you just said all the modules aren't even plugged into the card.
09:07.07ChannelZalso make sure you've got the molex power connector connected or it won't work even if you sort the rest out
09:10.09ChannelZway past my bedtime. good luck
09:13.10Sakuranbosure, goodnite
09:13.59Sakuranbothe fax-to-modems are plugged but the LEDs are still out
09:14.09Sakuranboto 26,27 port
09:19.57*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
09:25.58Polysicscaller calls, i start MoH, then originate a call to the destination, if destination accepts i need to bridge them
09:26.15Polysicsis there an AGI command to bridge two cchannels? AGI, not AMI
09:26.16jacc0that is about what I made
09:26.26jacc0not an agi
09:26.33Polysicsor i can use an UserEvent
09:26.34jacc0just the dialplan bridge() command
09:26.50Polysicsyes, sorry, i mis-expressed myself
09:26.58Polysicsa dialplan application
09:27.21jacc0bridge() is what you are looking for
09:28.30jacc0also; the app_originate patch I've made might come in handy
09:28.42Polysicswhere can i see that, please?
09:28.52jacc0it enables you to set the timeout of the dialplan command originate()
09:34.40Polysicswhich variable holds the current channel full name? eg. SIP/10234-00000000f
09:50.28irroothaving fun with 2 digium b410p cards
09:50.50irroot4 in nt 4 in te seems to work
09:51.51irrootmake all cross connected make one call it loops till all lights go green
09:52.22WIMPywaits for the non working part.
09:52.33irrootstill dont like going inline with telco and legacy pbx with BRI
09:59.57*** join/#asterisk nunne (
10:01.00nunnei have configured isdn as te_ptp in misdn.conf.. but when doing "misdn show port 1" for example it comes up as TE PMP... and that L1 is UP but L2 is DOWN.. what gives? :( I have tried both a regular and crossover cable for it.
10:01.28nunneand yeah, i'm trying to connect it to a ISDN provider. not to another PBX etc.
10:02.03WIMPyStraight cable (e.g. network patch cable), but the L1 status schould already tell you.
10:02.45nunneyeah. i have tried that. but still L2 is down and it shows as PMP in asterisk. even though it's PTP in misdn.conf
10:02.57WIMPyDon;t you already specify ptp/ptmp on module load with the old misdn? I can't rally remember.
10:02.59nunne(not using latest misdn.. and asterisk 1.4.. embedded platform)
10:03.23nunneWIMPy, yes. you specify when you load the module.. which i do. but why does it come up as
10:03.51nunnebut shouldnt it come up as PP?
10:04.46WIMPyWhat does misdn_info say?
10:06.01*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
10:07.38nunnethe thing is this.. the ports only react with a straight cable when i have it in PTMP (misdn-init.conf) ... saying L1 activated, deactivated etc
10:07.42nunnemisdnportinfo shows
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10:09.17WIMPyThat means you only get L1 up on ports 3 and 4?
10:10.17WIMPyWell, it moans about a bad layermask.
10:11.21nunnelayermask is 0xf, which should be the correct one :/ but i shouldnt really use PTMP either way? why cant i get L1 up on my PTP?? or does this mean the NT is in PTMP-mode??
10:12.31WIMPyThe NT is nothing. And you are the only one her who could know how your line(s) are configured.
10:13.48WIMPywonders if TEI management falls into L1.
10:14.50nunnewell, i can see and touch the NT-modules. it's 2 little boxes on the wall :) and usually just plug them in and set to go.. but since it's an old installation i dont know if they used to have PTP or PTMP.. but seing as they had an old ISDN PBX her i would think it would be PTP
10:15.19WIMPyNot neccessarily.
10:16.59Polysicsok, i managed to get a caller in MoH, originate to the destination, if he accepts, they are bridged
10:17.31Polysicshow do i know if he accepts from the original call control in AGI? if he does not accept, i need to go over to the next in the list
10:18.55*** join/#asterisk Sakuranbo (~Sakuranbo@
10:19.15nunneWIMPy, but i can forget about using a crossover cable? correct? just so i dont dwell into that.. i should only use that when trying to emulate a NT-device i would guess?
10:19.40Polysicscan i return a response over AMI from an originate call by setting something in the dialed extension?
10:20.40WIMPynunne: I found a reference to layermask also being affected by ptp/ptmp, but I can't find values for that.
10:21.38WIMPyPolysics: Depends when/how you want to know. You can access variables, But you could also use a NoOp and parse it's data.
10:22.41PolysicsWIMPy, i am doing the following: caller enters AGI, an UserEvent is generated,  that is received and starts dialing using Originate
10:22.44nunneWIMPy, it's from switchfin firmware. should be okay. atleast it has worked for me in NT-mode.. but i can get the L1 up.. what could i possible do to tell what could be wrong? or maybe it's even wrong with the lines?
10:22.46*** join/#asterisk dwmw2_gone__ (
10:22.49Polysicsevery receiver can press 1 to accept or not
10:23.11Polysicsi basically need to know if the call went up in the Originate or not
10:23.36WIMPynunne: Hmm. Are you sure it doesn't work? Have you tried?
10:23.52*** join/#asterisk Ulrar (~quassel@2a01:e0b:1:136:62eb:69ff:fe8f:18a0)
10:24.02nunneWIMPy, you mean that the lines work even though L2 is down? trying by calling etc?
10:24.19UlrarHi. What happen to an AGI script when the channel is hang up ?
10:24.41WIMPyPolysics: If 1 was pressed you could just goto some special extension that you wait for on AMI.
10:25.00WIMPynunne: Yes.
10:25.36Polysicsi am finding references to an OriginateResponse on google but i can't tell where it is defined or what it is
10:25.43nunneWIMPy, i get this when trying to dial
10:26.53WIMPynunne: Better try the other way.
10:26.58*** join/#asterisk skrusty (~skrusty@
10:27.53WIMPyThere's a dialplan application to activate the line. Cant' remember the name checkl1l2 or something.
10:28.37nunneWIMPy, i dont see anything in the console and get a congestion-tone on my cell
10:31.14nunneWIMPy, no success with that either :(
10:31.34WIMPyIf you dial out on a group, I think it will never try a line that isn't up/up.
10:33.24WIMPyMight be a good idea to look in to misdn_log. Or did you have to do that via chan_misdn?
10:35.45nunnewhat do you mean? my loggin capabilites are a bit limited on this embedded system
10:36.14WIMPyTry to see if there is any communication going one.
10:38.48nunnehow do i see that the best way? turning misdn debug on just shows P[ 0] Got empty Msg..
10:39.44nunnegotta break for lunch! brb
10:40.57UlrarNo one can tell me what happen to an AGI script when the channel is hunp up ? Is it killed ?
10:45.33dwmw2_gone__hm, is it possible to register a 'filler frame' that will always be sent rather than letting the line go idle?
10:51.43*** join/#asterisk mandla (~mandla@
10:52.14merlin8282ChannelZ: I have this , but "include => parkedcalls" should provide the ability to pick up 81, no ?
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10:56.27mandlaHello, can anyone hook me up with the simpliest pattern to route ANY incoming call to my pbx
10:57.16mandlaA pattern that can allow ANY call.
10:58.18*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (
11:00.14jacc0exten = _X.,1,............................
11:00.26singlerexten =>
11:00.45jacc0allows al nummeric
11:00.49kaldemarX. only matches something starting with a digit and with length of at least two.
11:00.50singlerand in this case exten length should be at least 2
11:01.34singler"." could be used, but then special extens should be defined
11:01.39kaldemars matches when there is no extension. it is not a wildcard.
11:01.45mandlacant it be _X!
11:01.46singlerbecause it will match "i" and "t"
11:01.56singlermandla: _X will be one digit
11:02.27mandlaoh ok so what should i use??
11:02.45jacc0if you have no other extensions
11:02.47singlerexten => _.,1,<..>
11:02.59kaldemarmerlin8282: the XX extension wins any matching included extension.
11:03.22mandlaok thanx guys.
11:03.33kaldemars will only match s. it does not match 123 for example.
11:05.38mandlaexten => s,1,Goto(default,6000,1)
11:05.43mandlais that fine??
11:05.55merlin8282kaldemar: ok, so I should write into my dialplan something like "exten => _8Z,1,ParkedCall(${EXTEN})" for the parked calls to be able to be picked up ?
11:06.02singlermandla: read and
11:07.12merlin8282kaldemar: ok, with this it works.
11:07.15mandlasingler, is exten => s,1,Goto(default,6000,1) fine??
11:08.41singlerit is not fine if you want to match any extension, you should use "exten => _." but then special extensions will be matched too, but not sure if it will negative effect
11:12.18merlin8282kaldemar: I get the logic behind it : . So if I understand correctly, it's because the parking lots are not in the same context as "exten => _X.", and so the extensions for the parkinglots must be explicitly defined ?
11:14.27merlin8282mmm, it seems that then I don't need to include the parkedcalls at all...
11:15.00kaldemarmerlin8282: the order is extensions first, then includes. either you define an extension for the extensions or change the context structure of your dialplan. i'd do the latter.
11:16.41merlin8282kaldemar: ok. Would it be sufficient if I move only the _X extension to a context that I include ? In this context there would then be only this _X extension.
11:17.22merlin8282(this context would of course be included in the "default" context)
11:18.35kaldemarmerlin8282: yes.
11:19.08kaldemarmerlin8282: remember that included contexts get matched in the order they appear in extensions.conf.
11:19.23merlin8282ah ! ok.
11:19.43merlin8282So I put it after the context [intern]
11:20.38merlin8282Good ! It works now as expected ! Thank you for your help kaldemar :)
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11:34.31jacc0is there a simple cli command that shows if asterisk is in idle state?
11:35.09jacc0in the same way that "core stop gracefully" checks if its idle?
11:35.10WIMPyDefine idle
11:35.46WIMPy'core show calls' should be about it.
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12:26.08azv4Panasonic Digital Hybrid, are the cards hotswapable?
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12:35.43AdvoWorkis there a way I can check if a trunk is working or how many channels are working etc?
12:39.22kaldemarAdvoWork: make calls. what kind of a trunk you talking about?
12:46.02*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-orcnhxeodbezzaai)
12:47.06AdvoWorkkaldemar, an iax2 trunk, it should use the trunk unless congested or full, then use another service, but its using this other service more than it should, by a lot. now im trying to work out if theres a problem on the trunk, or the channels or?
12:50.40*** join/#asterisk gravin (
12:59.24kaldemarAdvoWork: you'd need to define full yourself, there are really no number of channels in VoIP connections. you could count the numbers of calls with GROUP and GROUP_COUNT for example.
13:00.03Kattydrags in
13:01.47beekhands Katty a cup of coffee and a donut
13:02.32Kattyhugs beek
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14:50.35ruben23hi guys troubleshooting for couple of days already still i can figure out this erro code flooding my asterisl console and also affecting my recordings--------->  <----------------------------any help guys..thanks you in advance
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15:08.48TobyRulezruben, looks like it might be related to large file size somewhere
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15:11.54ChannelZruben23: asked and unanswered before... what is the wav file(s) you're trying to play?  are they valid?
15:13.01ruben23ChannelZ: i cant track what file is generating this its hard to trace, where should i start..?
15:13.53*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
15:13.57ChannelZturn on verbose, *something* is playing it
15:14.20TobyRulezhave you checked the full log right before the errors?  anything suspicious?
15:14.40ChannelZDo you have your own system sounds or MOH you've made as wav?
15:15.20ruben23ChannelZ:i did not do MOH and also im running on verbose already the warning is really flooding the screen, can see a thing
15:15.50TobyRulezlook at the actual log file, see if there is anything right before the errors start
15:16.09navaismohi everuone
15:16.11TobyRuleznot sure what os, in CentOS it should be /var/log/asterisk/full
15:16.20*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
15:16.49ruben23TobyRulez: im suing ubuntu-server
15:17.15ChannelZyou might have to edit your logger.conf and make it log verbose, it might not be doing it
15:17.27p3nguinUbuntu?  There's yer problem.
15:17.50ChannelZNo, that seems to be YOUR problem.
15:18.37Kobaznothing wrong with ubuntu
15:18.48Kobazit's debian-based, so it's all good
15:19.32*** join/#asterisk AlecTaylor (AlecTaylor@unaffiliated/alectaylor)
15:19.34AlecTaylorDo you know of a locally-hostable project which allows for call-in radio-shows to be hosted (and interacted with) through a web-interface?
15:20.01Katty <-
15:20.46jayteeI like Ubuntu as a desktop, much prefer a Red Hat or derivative for servers but that's just my preference for managing a system. Ubuntu works fine as a server for a lot of people.
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15:21.18ruben23guys i see this setting up on verbose-------->
15:21.52ChannelZruben23: sip-silence isn't a standard file that I know of.  Find it and see what it is
15:21.58*** join/#asterisk mhaddog (
15:22.11ChannelZ(generally somewhere in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/)
15:22.52gnudayHi I'm looking for an open source load testing solution for asterisk to generate high call volumes between two asterisk servers. Any suggestions? Many thanks
15:22.54*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
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15:23.14TobyRulezruben23:  looks like it's trying to write a monitor file, have you checked write permissions for the directory?
15:23.52TobyRulezor if the directory exists
15:24.17ChannelZah yeah I didn't see that up top
15:26.03*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
15:27.35ruben23yes i have the directory exist ---> /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/
15:28.00Qwellgnuday: sipp
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15:28.26linusXtorvaldsim back bitches
15:28.26TobyRulezruben23: does /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/MIX exist?
15:28.34TobyRulezruben23: owner/group?
15:28.43*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*] by Qwell
15:28.44TobyRulezruben23: folder permissions?
15:28.48*** kick/#asterisk [linusXtorvalds!~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (No you aren't. Go away.)
15:29.12ruben23drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 196240 2011-08-23 08:28 MIX
15:29.32anonymouz666gnuday: be careful, sipp makes you think when you are about to upgrade the version ;)
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15:31.12anonymouz666Qwell: you kicked Linus !
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15:34.19TobyRulezruben23: hmmm, does asterisk run as the root user?
15:37.52gnudaySipp looks perfect for the task but involves a very severe learning curve. I'm really struggling against the clock at the moment. Is there anything quicker/easier or can somebody point me towards a good source of documentation for sipp with many examples? Thanks again
15:38.46AlecTaylorFreePBX maybe?
15:39.57navaismoThe warning in the pastebin is about the wav file maybe its corrupted the wav file
15:40.27navaismouse audacity to verify, resample or other thing
15:40.32navaismoor sox
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15:52.57f2KnightQ: Anyone using FastAGI?
15:54.13AlecTaylorDoes it make Algae grow really fast?
15:56.22*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!*@*] by Qwell
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15:57.51f2KnightAlecTaylor, no its for running processes on a different server then asterisk
15:58.45AlecTaylorI was excited
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15:59.48f2KnightAlecTaylor, sorry to burst your bubble.
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16:11.28ChannelZthe man loves his algae
16:12.56QwellAlecTaylor: but, you could use FastAGI to talk to a remove algae feeder on another box
16:13.18Kattyeyes Qwell
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16:13.41QwellKatty: what?  if someone can use AGI to feed a plant - why not algae?
16:17.23Kattyi uhmm
16:17.27TobyRulezi can see it now...oh man, i forgot to feed my fish.  let me make a quick phone call...
16:17.35QwellTobyRulez: it's been done
16:17.54TobyRulezoh i'm sure, can probably do a lot of home automation
16:18.08Kattyand more, with open ssh keys
16:19.54*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
16:20.05TobyRulezand here we've just been using asterisk for phone calls :P
16:20.31QwellTobyRulez: Speak for yourself. :)  Don't tell anyone, but Asterisk has been doing my job for me for the last 4 years.
16:22.32TobyRulezreminds me of "The IT Crowd" (british show about IT dept)...guy had a tape recording he would play for all incoming calls..."have you tried rebooting the computer? ..."
16:25.44p3nguinIt really pisses me off when I have to call an ISP over some sort of outage and that's what they ask me.
16:26.18p3nguinAs if rebooting a client on a LAN will fix the internet connection on the outside of the edge router.
16:26.32citywokp3nguin: it won't?
16:26.52citywokwhy, i did that yesterday and it worked just fine after the reboot!
16:26.53p3nguinDo you work for Verizon, AT&T, or Charter?
16:27.26citywokhaha, no :P
16:28.10aberriosheh, our carrier once said that I hadn't rebooted our NTE equipment, he said "our panel is showing its still on", to which I replied "Well there's zero power to it, I've unplugged it to the mains, so its definately a problem your end"... Turned out to be a major network outage, of which we were the first to report.
16:29.30f2KnightQ: Anyone using FastAGI?
16:29.38citywokmy worst was spending 3 hours trying to get to the right department to report that my private ds3 was down, b/c i didn't have my circuit id stamped on my forehead.
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16:30.00f2KnightEsp w/ Python or StarPY or some other python setup?
16:30.00citywokwhat's your circuitid? no idea, but i have my business name and address!
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16:30.23Qwellstupid bip
16:31.18p3nguinI guess they can't do database queries to find it for you.
16:32.11f2Knightp3nguin, we spoke a while ago, was it you that was using starpy?
16:32.22anonymouz666anyone in here using 1.8.X under heavy load? I would like to know how realiable things are at this moment
16:32.37aberriosdefine heavy load?
16:32.38citywokanonymouz666: nope, only under low load (25 people or less)
16:32.40Qwellf2Knight: The Asterisk testsuite uses starpy
16:33.07f2KnightQwell, Ohh..?? is it in the source tree?
16:33.15anonymouz666aberrios: heavy load it's anything above 150 active calls
16:33.41citywokanonymouz666: why don't you test it using your usage patterns?
16:34.03anonymouz666just did. few deadlocks and 1 core dumped.
16:34.16aberriosanonymouz666, nope sorry, highest we get is stable at 46 concurrent calls.
16:34.33anonymouz666aberrios: 1.8?
16:34.44f2KnightQwell, I mostly am just having an issue retrieving channel variables. (it uses some odd coding)
16:35.08citywokaberrios: what kind of hardware do you do that on, and how many calls can you get in 1.6?
16:35.09anonymouz666hey, it sounds good !
16:35.59aberrioscitywok, Overkill, Quad Core Xeon 2.4ghz, 8GB RAM
16:36.09aberrioscitywok, callrecording started on a seperate machine
16:36.41aberrioscitywok, 1.6 same, updated to 1.8 for some issue regarding freepbx and device state
16:36.57anonymouz666aberrios: do you use distributed device state?
16:38.44aberriosanonymouz666, yes
16:38.50aberriosanonymouz666, for some extensions
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16:39.10aberriosanonymouz666, extensions = devices
16:40.36aberriosanonymouz666, sorry, no, ignore what i just said
16:40.51aberriosanonymouz666, Just device state within one server.
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16:41.10citywokaberrios: you can only get 46 calls out of that? yikes
16:41.25aberrioscitywok, we're only inbound,, limited by PSTN channels
16:41.52aberrioscitywok, I used to work at a bigger call center, they had 200 PSTN channels and mainly outbound predictive dialling.. now that was fun!
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16:52.09Kattyhi chuckf
16:53.47*** join/#asterisk sequencer (~something@
16:53.50sequencerhi all :)
16:54.12sequencerhow can i change the default behaviour of follow me ?
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16:54.40sequenceri want it to grab the call once a peer picks up the phone handle instead of dialing a number
16:55.38chuckfhow are ya today katty?
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16:58.40TobyRulezsequencer: could you elaborate a little more, not sure i follow you
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17:02.53sequencerTobyRulez yeah
17:03.19sequencerwith follow me, it requires tha the user picks up the phone and dials 1 to get a call from the hunt group
17:03.39sequenceri used to had it where the user gets the call immdiately once picking up the phone
17:03.46sequencerbut not sure ow to do it
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17:04.14TobyRulezyou using freepbx or anything?
17:04.41f2knightQwell, Thanks for the reference to testsuite, but none of the tests seem to be reading variables from the channels on the fastagi
17:07.16sequenceram using asterisk Now with diguim gui
17:07.24sequencerbut i won use that for configuration
17:07.57sequencerbecuase i made enormous chnges to the files and they will be overwritten if i did
17:14.44TobyRulezhmmm, i'm using FreePBX and you can turn it off in there, but it looks like they implement their own diaplan version of followme.  not sure if you can turn it off using asterisks followme app
17:15.10sequencerso it seems i have to do my own
17:16.13TobyRulezlooks that way.  i did see a couple of simple examples on how to do it on
17:16.38TobyRulezexample #3 at the bottom is one
17:17.44TobyRuleza few more
17:17.56TobyRulezprobably not exactly what your looking for but maybe will get you there
17:22.12sequencerok great
17:22.14p3nguinsequencer: If you just want the call to go to another phone after it tried a primary phone first, don't use FollowMe().
17:22.46sequencerp3nguin actually i want it to ring 3-4 different phones simultaneously
17:22.57p3nguinDial() does that.
17:23.06sequencerand once one of them picks the phone, it gets there.
17:23.12sequencerok great let me try that
17:23.17p3nguinIn my opinion, the main feature of FollowMe() is to seemlessly check if a person is willing to take a call at another number.
17:23.26sequenceroh i see
17:23.52p3nguinIf the call is rejected, FollowMe exits and the next line of dial plan is executed.
17:23.53sequencercan i dial multiple phones at the same time ?
17:24.18prgmrchrisp3nguin: the problem i always have with followme and cellphones is once the voicemail picks up the call goes to that
17:24.33sequencerjust by Dial(SIP/1234,SIP/2345,SIP/3456) ?
17:24.39KavanSprgmrchris, I found a "key sequence" to send to each provider to exit out of each voicemail by force
17:24.40p3nguin& not ,
17:24.46sequenceroh ok
17:24.48KavanSprgmrchris, it's a "hack" but it's reliable
17:24.51prgmrchrisKavanS: do tell, thats really good to know
17:24.58KavanSlemme find it...
17:25.01p3nguinprgmrchris: Make sure your outgoing mobile voicemail is longer than your FollowMe timeout value.
17:25.36p3nguinerr... outgoing mobile voicemail message
17:25.53p3nguinor mobile voicemail outgoing message
17:26.03sequencercan i set the ringing timeout on Dial ?
17:26.05TobyRulezwhile we're on the subject of followme, maybe some can help me...we have a problem of lines being left open when ringing out to cell phones.  seems like it happens if you are trying to pickup a call the same time someone else is (freepbx implementation of followme)
17:26.15p3nguinMy outgoing message is a full minute.  My followme timeout is 30 seconds.
17:26.31p3nguinsequencer: Yes.
17:26.36prgmrchrisimagine the poor souls who have to listen to a minute long message
17:26.44p3nguinsequencer: core show application Dial
17:27.01prgmrchrisKavanS: thanks ill try it out
17:27.02p3nguinprgmrchris: That's the point.  I don't want people to leave voicemail on my mobile.
17:27.11prgmrchrisKavanS: how did you stumble on that
17:27.16KavanSprgmrchris, for at&t - exten => s,n,SendDTMF(#3331w#3331)
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17:27.21KavanSI just came up with it...
17:27.27KavanSI figured it'd be a hack, but fuck it
17:27.41prgmrchrisif it works, it works
17:27.41KavanSjust found what keypresses for each provider would exit the voicemail
17:27.50KavanSour peeps got tired of "press 1 to accept call" on their voicemail
17:27.56KavanScauses a bunch of extra notifications/hassles
17:28.02p3nguinI think my logic makes enough sense.
17:28.05KavanSin IT, the less notifications/random shit/beeping, the better
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17:28.26sequencercan i have s then a pattern then another s in a dialplan ?
17:28.41prgmrchrisKavanS: agreed
17:28.42p3nguinIf your outgoing vm message is 30 seconds long, make the followme timeout less than 30 seconds.  Done.
17:29.02p3nguinsequencer: Yes, but why would you need to?
17:29.12sequencerlike, exten = s,3 something() then exten = _XXXX, something() then exten = s,6,something() ?
17:29.16KavanSyeah, but how do you determine each "length" of different providers/users voicemail length?
17:29.32p3nguinKnow your users.
17:29.35sequenceri need to define what phones to dial based on the dialed
17:29.45KavanSI just plugin the macro for each provider, and we've not had any voicemails the caller you do get to "hear" the dtmf when you pick up
17:29.49KavanSyeah yeah....know your users
17:30.11prgmrchrisi like KavanS it looks more badass, when you just tell people to have long voicemails you dont look like a matrix hacker
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17:30.52p3nguinsequencer: I don't understand what you're saying, but I'm sure it is possible.
17:31.22KavanSlol right on, well let me know how it works out
17:31.37sequenceri want, if the first(dialed) phone didnt anser, dial another 3 phones ( which are located next  to missed one )
17:31.41KavanSwe liked not getting additional voicemails on our mobiles...was definitely a nice 'feature'
17:31.47sequencerbut having 300 phones..
17:31.53sequencerwe can do the math
17:32.51p3nguinDial() one phone and then Dial() three phones... that's the easy part.  How will you know what devices to dial?
17:33.02sequencerlets say for instance
17:33.25sequencer1111 rings, no body answers, i want 1112 and 1113 and 1114 to ring
17:33.39sequencerif 1211 rings, i want 1212 , 1213 , 1214 to ring
17:33.42sequencerand so on
17:33.52sequenceri have  list of what should ring
17:34.00p3nguinYou have phones with these numbers as their names?
17:34.12sequenceryes, these are the phone extensions
17:35.38sequencercan i have it where exten = _3333331111,4,Dial(SIP/1112&SIP/1113&SIP/1114) ?
17:37.01ketas-avaberrios: did you actually meant "big spam center"?
17:41.42p3nguinsequencer: Well, you've mixed terms again.  They are either the phone names or the extensions used to dial the phones.  If you've named your phones with those numbers, you've made a mistake.  Phones should be named with something specific to the device.
17:42.17p3nguinIf the extension is 3333331111, you don't need _ on the front of it.  _ is for patterns.
17:42.46p3nguinBut extension 3333331111 certainly can Dial() three phones.
17:43.02p3nguinIt can even Dial() one first, and then three next.
17:43.06sequencerok thanks
17:43.17p3nguinJust so we're clear, phones are not extensions.
17:43.25*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
17:43.30p3nguinAnd extensions are not phones.
17:43.36p3nguinExtensions can Dial() phones, though.
17:43.55sequencermy question is , 33333331111 is the called number from an incoming call
17:44.02sequencerso i suppose this shoudl work ?
17:44.03p3nguinThat's the extension.
17:44.10p3nguinextention 3333331111.
17:44.13p3nguinextension, rather
17:44.41p3nguinexten => 3333331111,1,DoWhateverYouWantHere().
17:44.44sequencerlike 4-digit extension? or should i define the full number ?
17:45.00p3nguinYou need to define whatever number is being called.
17:45.13sequencerthen this should be correct
17:45.13p3nguinIf the number is 3333331111, extension 1111 won't match.
17:45.23TobyRulezhow about something like... exten => _XXX1,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:0:3}2&SIP${EXTEN:0:3}3&${EXTEN:0:3}4 ...)
17:45.30sequenceryeah , usually someone will call the DID
17:45.35TobyRulezso if they dial will dial 1112, 1113, etc
17:45.53TobyRulezsame if 1231, it dials 1232, 1233, etc
17:46.00sequencerthats a great plan
17:46.08sequencerbut o do have alot of outliers as well
17:46.42p3nguinUsing those 4-digit numbers as the device names is probably a terrible idea.  If the phones have those 4-digit numbers engraved into the plastic, then I'd say go for it.
17:46.59p3nguinPeer names should be based on some unique information from the hardware.
17:47.12p3nguinMost sane people use the MAC address.
17:47.38p3nguinWeird people and people without much experience tend to use arbitrary or even random numbers.
17:48.03sequenceram not using that though
17:48.08sequencerbecuase i have matching DIDs
17:48.20sequenceron the last 4 digits of all my phones
17:48.25p3nguinYou're not making sense again.
17:48.41sequenceram lost
17:48.56p3nguinPhones' sip names should be based on unique information FROM THE PHONES.
17:49.16p3nguinThe MAC addresses on the phones are unique pieces of information from the phones.
17:49.20p3nguin1111 is not.
17:49.47p3nguinPeople around here have a tendency to encourage bad practices.  I'm not one of those people.
17:50.40*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
17:51.24sequencerthanks :)
17:51.40sequenceri got an auto fallthrough :s
17:53.03p3nguin<@leifmadsen> devices, extensions, and people should be entirely abstracted
17:53.12p3nguin<@leifmadsen> extension numbers are applied to people, and people are applied to a device
17:53.22QwellHelp!  I'm stuck in a device!
17:53.24p3nguin<@leifmadsen> (which means you should name your devices something unique to the device, such as an ID tag, or a MAC address)
17:53.40p3nguinapplied to, not forced inside of
17:53.51Qwelloh, phew
17:53.54p3nguinGET BACK IN YOUR BOX
17:54.12QwellBut yes, I support his comments fully.
17:55.14p3nguinGrabbing a phone off the shelf and deciding to call it 1115 arbitrarily doesn't make a lot of sense.
17:55.53navaismowhy not?
17:55.56p3nguinBut looking at the tag that is permanently affixed to that phone and using the ID number from it as the name for the phone... well, that's using your brain.
17:56.22p3nguin<@leifmadsen> it's hard enough to understand the logic in your head about an extension number and a device, than to call them the same thing
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17:58.33p3nguinIf you put asset tags on phones, you're familiar with recording the MAC address anyway.
18:00.59p3nguinqwell: What's your opinion of using the asset tag number as the phone's peer name?  Too temporary?
18:01.09Qwellif it's short/unique, sure
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18:01.32Qwellpresumably they won't change if the sticker falls off (though, the sticker can fall off)
18:01.56p3nguinMy concern was people peeling off stickers and switching them around.
18:02.12QwellYou've got a whole other problem on your hands in that case.
18:02.27_Corey_Anyone else in the northeast?  We just felt an earthquake in Philly
18:02.33p3nguinWhile there would still be a permanent record somewhere else, it would cause confusion for an admin.
18:02.37beekHave it in South Central PA
18:02.51beek_Corey_ ^^^^^ (State College)
18:02.53_Corey_Looks like the epicenter was in Virginia
18:02.56Kobazfelt shakes in upper new york
18:03.05Qwell5.8 outside of CA?  Crazy.
18:03.05TobyRulez_Corey_ we just felt it in south carolina
18:03.15_Corey_Seriously, wild stuff
18:03.45Qwellhuh.  there've been a bunch of note all over the US today.
18:04.00p3nguinI've got the maintenance man running a power washer on the other side of the wall, so I haven't noticed anything like that.
18:04.08_Corey_Yeah, I guess there was a pretty big one in CO yesterday
18:04.12Kobazbeek: ah. you're in state college?
18:04.15Qwell_Corey_: repeated today
18:04.19beekKobaz: Just SW of it.
18:04.25_Corey_hmm, wild
18:04.28Qwell_Corey_: todays was bigger, even.  same place.
18:04.33KobazI used to live in bellwood (near tyrone)
18:04.41beekWow... I'm in Huntingdon.
18:04.50Kobazyeah, i used to paddle in huntingdon
18:04.58beekSmall world.
18:05.10beekKobaz: How long ago?
18:05.12_Corey_Yeah, I'm kind-of wondering if the VA thing is going to repeat...
18:05.16Kobazmoved in may
18:06.36Qwell_Corey_: if so, it'll be ~6.5
18:07.09voipguynumber1_Corey_: just felt it in Buffalo
18:07.16voipguynumber1around 10 minutes ago
18:07.39QwellAnyways, offtopic.  Carry on!
18:08.23_Corey_It certainly traveled..  :)  Looks like we have some PRI problems calling in
18:08.43_Corey_goes back to work
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18:14.56TobyRulezp3nguin: still unclear of why the need for abstraction of device and extension number like you were talking about.  example?
18:15.43p3nguinI don't know how else to say it.
18:16.42TobyRulezi guess in our case (application), extensions aren't mapped to people, they remain in the same spot
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18:16.51TobyRulezpharmacy enviroment
18:16.56TobyRuleznot a typical office
18:17.15TobyRulezi can see how that applies in that case
18:17.39p3nguinThe main focus of the topic was that the phones should not have arbitrary numbers given to them as their peer names, and then using that same number as the extension used to dial that phone.
18:19.09leroybuckinghamI have a packet capture where I'm seeing DTMF being sent over rfc2833 both from the endpoint to asterisk, and from asterisk to the SIP provider, but the capture is showing pretty clearly that about a third of the DTMF signals are not being sent to the provider.  Could this be a configuration issue or is it a problem with my asterisk version
18:21.18leroybuckinghamThe same problem occurs when the endpoint transmits DTMF with sip info.  The provider only accepts rfc2833.
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18:22.54jkroonhi guys, is anybody aware of issues with "sip reload" in ??
18:23.08Qwelljkroon: issues such as?
18:23.19jkroonlockup of chan_sip
18:23.44jkroonand bunch of lines being output re register lines not containing = signs on lines in files that doesn't exist.
18:23.54p3nguinDoes same => not work in 1.4.39?  The README-bestpractices file suggests that it does, but I'm not having luck with it.
18:24.00voipguynumber1leroybuckingham: are the endpoints are sending rtpmap:101
18:24.07Qwellp3nguin: I want to say that's 1.6.0+
18:24.11Qwellmaybe even higher
18:24.51p3nguinI was reading in src/asterisk-
18:24.56p3nguinand saw a reference to it.
18:25.14QwellHow are you using it?
18:25.39p3nguinexten => 3149691077,1,NoOp()
18:25.40p3nguinsame => n,DoStuff()
18:26.46p3nguinI've used it in 1.8.something before, and I was pretty sure that was the syntax I used.
18:27.25p3nguincore verbosity indicated to me that there was no second priority to run when I used it in this 1.4 version.
18:27.38p3nguinThe call eventually timed out and ran h.
18:28.44p3nguinI always thought that it did not work in 1.4, but when I saw it in that text file, I had to try it.
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18:32.05leroybuckinghamvoipguynumber1: rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000   is in the INVITE message from the endpoint
18:32.52eXcAliBuRi'm trying to get my asterisk box to accept calls from pstn, I got the card in and did the configs on pages 140- of the 3rd edition of asterisk book
18:33.01eXcAliBuRwhen i call it says that my extension is busy...
18:33.43eXcAliBuRthe cable i plugged into the digium card comes from a toshiba pbx, so i'm not sure if it needs something fancy to realize asterisk is there
18:34.08eXcAliBuRhow can i test to see if my card is properly configured and recongized?
18:34.33jkroondahdi show channels?
18:35.18eXcAliBuRno such command
18:35.40jkroondo you have dahdi installed?
18:35.48eXcAliBuRdon't know
18:35.57jkroonlsmod ?
18:36.03eXcAliBuRi can do /etc/init.d/dahdi restart
18:36.45eXcAliBuRlooks like it's loaded
18:36.51eXcAliBuRit shows when i type lsmod
18:38.04leroybuckinghameXcAliBuR: what about "module load" from the asterisk console?
18:39.01eXcAliBuRcomplains that it can't load channel 1 not found or no device
18:40.00navaismolsdahdi from root console?
18:40.56eXcAliBuRi think i don't have the mod for my card being loaded
18:41.08eXcAliBuRi'll try adding something in /etc/dahdi/modules
18:41.31navaismowhat card is?
18:41.44leroybuckinghamls -l /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
18:42.08eXcAliBuRi have a digitum 1x100MF FXO single module and a digium 1TDM410PLF 4 port PCI card
18:43.56eXcAliBuRi added wctdm24xxp
18:44.52eXcAliBuR[Aug 23 14:44:29] ERROR[7319]: chan_dahdi.c:16522 build_channels: Unable to register channel '1-4'
18:45.11eXcAliBuRi only have 1 channel so should I just put 1 and not 1-4
18:46.07malcolmdeXcAliBuR: contact our  Support department (  they provide complimentary installation assistance
18:46.14jkroonQwell, [Aug 13 13:08:26] WARNING[7590] config.c: No '=' (equal sign) in line 3598 of /etc/asterisk/sip-register.conf
18:46.49jkroonhowever, sip-register.conf in this case contains a single line of the format: register => user:pass@host/cli
18:47.44ChannelZdoes it exist under [general]?
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18:57.27f2knightQ: Anyone have experience with fastagi?
18:59.17pabelangerA: yes.  It is a common way to write asterisk applications
19:00.21eXcAliBuRi wish i was smart... then i could be intelligent too :)
19:02.37navaismoi wish i have money a lot money...
19:11.30p3nguinNot me.
19:11.39p3nguinI wish stuff didn't cost money.
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19:12.12p3nguinIf everything was free, I wouldn't need money.
19:12.49navaismobut we are in a capitalist world so i need money :(
19:13.07atheosI wish I was a little bit taller
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19:30.38voipguynumber1did everyone survive the earthquake?
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19:45.03f2knightFastAGI with starpy anyone?
19:45.47p3nguinWhat causes a call to land on the 'fax' or 'failed' extension?
19:46.58TobyRulezfax - if fax tones are heard...failed - if extension doesnt exist?
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19:48.40JonathanRoseAnyone familiar with Openfire?  More specifically, I was hoping someone could get me pointed in the direction of how to get started with pubsub in OpenFire.
19:48.58p3nguinAssume a fax call comes to me... if my ITSP sends my calls to 4154499909, the call will end up on my extension 4154499909.  From there, how does it get to extension 'fax'?
19:49.07voipguynumber1JonathanRose: i prefer red5, haven't used openfire
19:49.45pabelangerf2knight: yes, we use it alot in the Asterisk testsuite
19:49.53p3nguinI use openfire for a simple messaging platform.  I'm not sure about pubsub, though.
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19:50.08TobyRulezfrom what i gather, as long as you have a fax extension in your context, asterisk does the rest
19:50.17f2knightpabelanger, Could you spare a moment to walk me through something?
19:50.42p3nguinIt will magically change extensions after the call has gone to 4154499909?
19:50.48*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
19:50.53p3nguinThat doesn't sound right.
19:51.14TobyRuleztry it and see
19:51.35p3nguinSome fax machines don't send their tones before I answer, so how will it work?
19:51.44anonymouz666JonathanRose: I talked to you in another channel, but it is EXACTLY what I am testing right now
19:51.57p3nguinThere's nothing for me to try.  I accept fax on the numbered extension just fine.
19:51.59anonymouz666OPENFIRE + PUBSUB
19:52.05TobyRulezsure they do...if faxed properly
19:52.18TobyRulezsending machine should send ced and terminating machine send cng
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19:52.21pabelangerf2knight: infact, we now maintain it on github:
19:52.23TobyRulezor vice versa
19:52.28pabelangerf2knight: sure, whats up
19:52.34p3nguinI might answer before the person sending the fax pressed SEND, so no, they don't.
19:52.47f2knightpabelanger, Some of the coding styles that are used in the examples have me confused, but the biggest thing is I am trying to do is read and write channel variables.
19:53.07f2knightpabelanger, but for the life of me I can not seem to get it working.
19:53.08TobyRulezyeah, we have that problem.  basically we tell them to put the paper in and hit send
19:53.16TobyRulezdon't pick up the handset
19:53.30pabelangerf2knight: ya, the examples need some work.
19:53.43f2knightpabelanger, It also kinda seems that I need to build my own class objects to even make use of it. I hope thats not so.
19:53.44p3nguinNot everyone has a dedicated fax number, so using the handset is reasonable.
19:53.45pabelangerlet me see if we have something in the testsuite
19:54.12f2knightpabelanger, What I was hopping for was something like var1 = agi.getVariable('MYCHANVAR')
19:54.12p3nguinSo how does a call get from extension 4154499909 to extension fax all by itself?
19:54.13TobyRulezright, but when you actually speak to them, you can let them know
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19:54.29JonathanRoseanonymouz666: Well that's exciting.  I personally am just getting started with both for an issue I'm working on, but I really have no idea how to start setting up pubsub.
19:54.53p3nguinI would have thought some application would have to send a call to extension fax.
19:55.03f2knightpabelanger, the getVariable example doesnt even read the Channel variables it parses the doc string.
19:55.58TobyRulezapp_rxfax and app_txfax...unless you go with a third party
19:56.50f2knightpabelanger, I have a working pyst local AGI that I am needing to convert to FastAGI, and well .. starpy looks like the only one really.
19:56.52TobyRulezalso need to be sure faxdetect is setup properly in dahdi/zaptel conf
19:56.54p3nguinSo exten 4154499909 need to run rxfax() to branch it over to exten 'fax'?
19:57.20p3nguinWhat if it isn't a fax call?  Will rxfax() exit cleanly, allowing dialplan to progress?
19:57.26TobyRulezno, use "fax" exactly like you would use i or T or t, etc
19:57.30TobyRulezits automagic
19:57.33*** part/#asterisk JonathanRose (~jonathan@nat/digium/x-lyorxqfhzamrjnnb)
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19:58.02iamahamI keep getting dropped calls so I started monitoring and this is what I'm getting, any ideas?
19:58.03iamahamWARNING[14794]: chan_iax2.c:2289 __attempt_transmit: Max retries exceeded to host ipaddress on IAX2/hostname2-7973 (type = 6, subclass = 2, ts=105021, seqno=37)
19:58.04pabelangerf2knight: checkout the fastagi/execute test in the testsuite, it uses the getVariable() function in starpy
19:58.32f2knightpabelanger, if I call AGI(agi:// I would think that the 'myscript' part should be the default function to be called.
19:59.08f2knightpabelanger, I did look in there, I see calls to it, but its all in a custom class object. Do I have to build my own class object just to use Staypy?
19:59.26TobyRulezp3nguin: set faxdetect=incoming (or outgoing, both, no).  add fax => 1,rxfax(/path/to/fax) to context
19:59.32iamahamany tips is appreciated
19:59.42iamahamare appreciated rather :)
19:59.44TobyRulezwhen asterisk hears the cng, it will automatically route to fax extension
19:59.55jayteeiamaham, what do you get when you type "iax2 show peers"
19:59.57p3nguinSo exten 'fax' is only relevant when using analog?
20:00.25pabelangerf2knight: no, you don't need a class.  You can simply add the logic to your main() function
20:00.28p3nguinAssume sip.  Assume the phone number is not dedicated to fax.  How how's it going to work?
20:00.29TobyRulezwe've got it on PRI and T1's setup exactly the same as POTS if thats what you mean
20:00.42anonymouz666JonathanRose: you need to download the, and then extract the jar file that is inside the smack. after that you need to upload it through the web interface - basically that is.
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20:00.59iamahamsorry client crashed what was the command?
20:01.02pabelangerhowever, you'll need to create a fastagi object and define callbacks for it
20:01.05TobyRulezi wouldn't do sip
20:01.06jayteeiax2 show peers
20:01.11p3nguinBut I do.
20:01.13iamahamok one sec checking
20:01.23TobyRulezyou will have quality/reliability problems
20:01.29p3nguinI rarely do.
20:01.32TobyRulezfor fax?
20:01.34anonymouz666JonathanRose: I am trying the OPENFIRE just because the res_ais is not working here (deadlock suspect), but is million times easier
20:01.56TobyRulezsip is great for voice, but not fax
20:01.57p3nguinI'm not asking for commentary on the ability to fax over sip successfully.
20:01.58navaismoimaham the calls droped are natted or with external(outside lan) extension?
20:01.58iamahamit lists my 2 other asterisk servers
20:02.11JonathanRoseanoymouz666 thanks
20:02.27jayteeiamaham, can you pastebin the output of the command?
20:02.29iamahamyeah have 3 asterisk servers all connected via iaxy2 protocol
20:02.31infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
20:02.32p3nguinI want to know how will a call to my DID which ends up on a specific extension arrive at either a phone or to the fax extension.
20:02.44iamahamone sec
20:03.13TobyRulezexten => fax,1,rxfax(/path/to/faxfile)
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20:03.26p3nguinnope, not going to happen.
20:03.35TobyRulezok, then you're on your own
20:03.44p3nguinThe call is sent to extension 4154499909, not fax.
20:04.01jayteeiamaham, good, gimme a sec to look at it
20:04.19p3nguinYou already suggested that page, and my answer is not on it.
20:04.25navaismoimaham does the connection with the other servers are alive
20:04.26f2knightpabelanger, no chance you have a working example would you.? Because I don't really understand twisted. ANd what totally gets me confused with starpy is this assignment of the Factory and that just confuses me more because the examples majicly have an 'agi' reference and I can not find anywhere it gets assigned at.
20:05.02TobyRulezsure it is
20:05.06iamahamyeah they all have static IP's. It's been working for years, so this is just a recent event (no system changes)
20:05.08p3nguinNo, it isn't.
20:05.25jayteeiamaham, did you mask the actual IP addresses or is that the actual output?
20:05.26iamahamit's sip->asterisk ->iaxy2 over the internet ->asterisk2->sip phone
20:05.34iamahamI changed the name and IP addresses
20:05.34pabelangerf2knight: nothing more then the testsuite.
20:05.39TobyRulezabout halfway down, "Emailing a faxe based on DID", not exactly what you are looking for, but example of how its done
20:05.51iamahamdidn't want to give production IP addys out :)
20:06.08jayteeok, but can you ping the WAN IP address for the server the call to failed on?
20:06.15pabelangerf2knight: you might want to start with using starpy to log into the AMI.  Then built it up from there.  Once you understand twisted, things will become cleared.
20:06.30pabelangerthe manager/login test is pretty basic
20:06.36iamahamyup, line is up... I can make calls it just auto hangs up after a minute or so
20:06.36JonathanRosewonders how long a "short time for the plugin to appear in the list of installed plugins" is.
20:06.49TobyRulezIf you are trying to detect faxes over IAX, SIP, or for that matter any type of channels, Newman has created NVFaxDetect and updated BackgroundDetect as NVBackgroundDetect for that purpose. We have had near perfect results on decent IAX connections using ULAW/ALAW. Fax detection utilizes Asterisk DSP and works in the same way. Once detected, faxes are sent to the fax extension — look at
20:06.50TobyRulezZap fax detection abov
20:07.14anonymouz666JonathanRose: it doesn't show
20:07.32navaismoasterisk hangup because dont fnd the oath to your other asterisk
20:07.39JonathanRoseOh blimey.
20:07.49anonymouz666at least in here.
20:07.55leroybuckinghamwhat could cause asterisk not to queue DTMF?
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20:08.13anonymouz666leroybuckingham: native bridge
20:08.43iamahamwhen it hangs up I get this error
20:08.47iamahamchan_iax2.c:2289 __attempt_transmit: Max retries exceeded to host
20:09.02navaismoyep asterisk cant find the host
20:09.03iamahammaybe just instability in the net in general? routing issue, etc
20:09.18jayteeiamaham, latency most likely
20:09.37iamahamit's a DSL line (feel free to laugh, 1meg down 1 meg up)
20:09.44iamahambut only service offered to that site
20:10.13leroybuckinghamanonymouz666: I'm seeing this issue when I use but not
20:10.19leroybuckinghamdoes that make sense?
20:10.23leroybuckinghamall configs are being left alone
20:10.32iamahamhrm ok so pretty much what I was thinking network issue.  those dsl lines are flaky as hell
20:10.36pabelangerf2knight: what is that suppose to do?
20:10.38p3nguinI've never heard of anyone using this NVFaxDetect app to get calls to the fax extension before.
20:10.51iamahamappreciate your help jaytee and navaismo
20:10.54jayteeiamaham, I understand. Alot of my clients are in Bugtussell and Hooterville and they only  get dialup
20:10.56p3nguiniamaham: Gotta watch out for those digital subscriber line lines.
20:11.14p3nguinAlso have to watch out for the alots.
20:11.19p3nguinThey might eat you!
20:11.41iamahamwell have a good one
20:11.49jayteeiamaham, you might want to add qualify=yes for your iax peers so you can observe the latency and get notices if a peer goes "unreachable"
20:12.22f2knightpabelanger, well it DOES nothing, but what it is wanted to do was read the Channel Variable LICENSE and assign it to a variable, print that variable, and disconnect the connection.
20:12.51f2knightpabelanger, but what it does is prints out <Deferred at 0x2342440>
20:14.15pabelangerf2knight: right, because you need to first create a FastAGIFactory()
20:15.00TobyRulezp3nguin: which version of asterisk are you running?
20:15.32p3nguinI'm currently using ffa successfully.
20:15.59TobyRulezhmmm, nvfaxdetect says may not work on versions > 1.4 ...doesn't say exactly where the line is drawn
20:16.01p3nguinA call comes in to my fax number, I answer it, and run ReceiveFAX() to accept a fax.
20:16.21p3nguinAnd my setup has absolutely nothing to do with my original question.
20:16.36pabelangerf2knight: the best example to follow is fastagi/execute in the testsuite.  It will create a fastagi.FastAGIFactory on port 4574, then launch the do_test() function when your dialplan connects to it.  You can then follow along who the callback events are processed as the application moves forward
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20:17.31TobyRulezyou asked how to route a fax to the fax extension in a sip environment.  my original response was wrong.  you would need something like nvfaxdetect for that.  nvfaxdetect doesn't work on versions > 1.4, however 1.8 has built in fax detection.  seems relevant
20:18.29p3nguinI just wanted to know what makes a call to my DID number, which arrives in asterisk at the extension that is my DID number, somehow branch off to either a phone or to exten 'fax'.
20:18.34f2knightpabelanger, I keep looking at it. I see that do_test, but where is it getting the agi from? (def do_test(self, agi): because the calling line is passing no arguments to it.
20:19.38TobyRulezand my response still stands.  you need fax detection (in this case nvfaxdetect might work for you).  and then you include a fax extension in the same context as your regular extension (same as i, t, T, fail, etc)
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20:19.55f2knightpabelanger, self.agi_factory = fastagi.FastAGIFactory(self.do_test) what is more is following from there half the functions never have a call from the d0_test.
20:20.32f2knightpabelanger, and that is making me confused.
20:21.16p3nguinIf a fax detection application is required for it to happen, that takes out the magic that had my puzzled.  Having an app rather than magic making the determination makes more sense.
20:21.56TobyRulezyes, fax detection occurs in either dahdi/zaptel drivers OR in your case, a third party app such as nvfaxdetect
20:22.04p3nguinBut with a fax detection app standing in the way, a late fax tone would cause phones to ring rather than going to exten fax.
20:22.38TobyRulezyes, you would probably want to add an extra ring or two before you actually ring the extension to give it a few seconds to detect
20:22.57TobyRulezin our case, we have an ivr that adds that extra time
20:23.11pabelangerf2knight: you need to go read up on how the twisted protocol works.  By registering do_test() as the callback function in fastagi.FastAGIFactory(), starpy will then pass the 'agi' arguments into do_test(self, agi).
20:23.47pabelangerdo_test() is the callback function you want starpy to use
20:28.17pabelangerf2knight: I recommend reading:
20:28.51pabelangerOne of the best, and easiest, tutorials to follow on twised
20:30.31f2knightpabelanger, guess I will get started reading. Quick Quesiton about starpy ... if its using twisted for all the service interfacing, how many connections can be dumped in to it at once?
20:32.12pabelangerf2knight: not sure, you'd have to test and see.  How many are you looking to do?
20:32.55f2knightpabelanger, about 80 lookups a second.
20:33.54pabelangergive it a try and see.  Like you said, starpy is built on twisted, and it has been around for a while
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20:57.51JasonLI'm seeing high send-q/recv-q on UDP 5060 when i do a netstat -an at peak times and people report system problems like dropped calls... any ideas?
21:04.15navaismoand  what show the cli when the call is dropped
21:06.34*** join/#asterisk nmjnb (
21:06.58nmjnbhow can I see what the different trunk statuses mean?
21:08.03navaismonmjnb excuse me?
21:08.39navaismodon't understand
21:08.44nmjnbnavaismo: I'm logged on to my asterisk, and I added 2 trunks, and I'd like to understand their statuses as they're not working.
21:09.07navaismoits a sip trunk?
21:09.11WIMPyWhat statuses?
21:09.14nmjnbmeaning I can call within the asterisk users but not reach the "normal" phones
21:09.16infobotrumour has it, siptrunk is something that doesn't exist -- there is no concept of a SIP trunk in Asterisk. You may be searching for iaxtrunk
21:09.55navaismounreachable, ok, or Registered, failed, request sent?
21:10.09nmjnbthe trunk status is a number
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21:10.40WIMPyAre you talking about Asterisk?
21:10.58nmjnbWIMPy: I could choose between SIP or IAX when setting the trunks
21:11.18WIMPyAnd where are you seeing those numbers?
21:11.29navaismomm in asterisk sip show peers or sip show registry the state column is a word
21:11.53nmjnbWIMPy: under System Status
21:11.54navaismofor sip show peers states: Unreachable, unknow, ok, unmonitored
21:12.28WIMPyWhat System status? Are you talking about some GUI thing _for_ Asterisk?
21:12.30navaismofor sip show registry: Registered, Failed and REquest sent
21:13.04nmjnbWIMPy: yes
21:13.23WIMPyThen you should ask in the appropriate channel.
21:13.31p3nguinWe probably don't know what your GUI crap does and what the terms mean.
21:13.44p3nguinWe might, but do not expect that we do.
21:13.45navaismowhat gui?
21:13.57nmjnbcame with Asterisknow
21:14.27p3nguinI suppose #asterisk-gui is still just as dead as always.
21:15.00nmjnbI don't mind doing it the CLI way, but I'd like some guides to read for that
21:15.08nmjnbAsterisknow 1.7.1
21:15.08serafiep3nguin: it's dead because it's better than it used to be. :P
21:15.21nmjnbor perhaps I'm better off installing 1.8 or 10?
21:15.35navaismoi can help you i never used
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21:17.29nmjnbanyone know of any good guides to learning asterisk the CLI way?
21:18.21navaismothe book of asterisk the future of telephony
21:18.35infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
21:19.16WIMPyThere are others, but that's probably the most up-to-date one ATM.
21:19.32nmjnbgreat, the pdf version of that book that I have is for 1.4
21:21.19TobyRulezstill plenty of good reading in there
21:24.28nmjnbperhaps, but I've had some bad experiences of guides from another version being wrong so..
21:24.57*** join/#asterisk sequencer (~something@
21:25.01sequencerhi again :)
21:27.25TobyRuleznmjnb: no doubt. looks like the link above is for 1.8 so you should be good
21:27.41sequencerif a call comes in , how can i enable someone to pickup the call by dialing *8 ?
21:27.53navaismoedit features.conf
21:28.03navaismobut that its the default
21:28.09sequencerit is ? :s
21:28.13navaismoso you may check the callgroup
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21:29.52sequencerall are callgroup=1
21:29.55navaismotype in the cli features show to see the actual dtmf combination
21:30.05sequencerbut i want to change it to 8
21:30.25navaismook, edit the features.conf
21:30.31navaismoand set it
21:30.33leroybuckinghamThe change in SVN Revision 301505 breaks DTMF Queuing in asterisk 1.6
21:30.50navaismothenin the cli type features reload
21:30.57leroybuckinghamIt's still broken in, is the last good release.
21:31.28f2knightpabelanger, thank you for your guidance.. but I am still lost. All I need to do is know how to access the agi model.
21:33.58sequencerit worked!
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21:34.15sequencernow to the fun part ;)
21:35.18sequencerhow can i set up an automated call recording ?
21:37.02navaismomaybe using mixmonitor()
21:37.41navaismobefore the dial
21:38.04navaismocommand, and use the option b, for record only bridged calls
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21:40.12p3nguinIf you want all calls to a specific extension to be recorded, MixMonitor() is certainly the way to go.  If you want to choose which calls are recorded, you can use automon, which is configurable in features.conf.
21:40.45sequenceri would like all of incoming & outoging calls to be recorded, regardless of the extension
21:41.06sequencerof course i will setup an announcement before the recording
21:42.12p3nguinI can't see how you'll record the calls without MixMonitor (or another recording app) being executing it in an extension.
21:42.54p3nguinTypically, decide what extension(s) will need to be recorded, and then put MixMonitor() on the extension.
21:43.28sequencercant i just put MixMonitor() in incoming context ?
21:43.36sequencerand outgoing context
21:43.42p3nguinIt has to be run IN AN EXTENSION.
21:43.50p3nguinExtensions go in contexts.
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21:44.00p3nguinSo the choice of context and extension will be yours.
21:44.41p3nguinIn the case of extension s:
21:44.44p3nguinexten => s,n,MixMonitor(${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%Y%m%d)}-${CALLERID(num)}.WAV,a);
21:44.47p3nguinexten => s,n,Playback(silence/1&this-call-may-be-monitored-or-recorded);
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21:46.00p3nguinThat's how I do it.
21:46.31p3nguinBut you can't just throw it into a context; it has to be run in an extension.
21:47.12WIMPyIt would solve endless problems if you could, however.
21:47.36p3nguinIt might save some redundancy.
21:48.40WIMPyA pseudo extension that is alwaus executed before any real extension would make things possible that are currently hard to impossible.
21:48.43sequenceryeah, i agree
21:49.04p3nguinThat's a great idea.  You should file a feature request.
21:49.38WIMPyIt's not really new.
21:50.17*** join/#asterisk treborsux (
21:50.38treborsuxwhy does the soundpoint 560 and the 501 take 20 minutes to reboot and run sip app
21:50.43WIMPyI thought about requesting a BOB feature for Dial.
21:51.07p3nguintreborsux: Because you don't have the appropriate server supplying the files the phones want, I presume.
21:51.32treborsuxi have no server supplying any files
21:51.36*** join/#asterisk IsUp (IsUp@unaffiliated/isup)
21:51.46p3nguinWhen you have it, the phones will load the files rather quickly and be ready to go.
21:51.49treborsuxjust asterisk server looking for sip
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21:52.20treborsuxso just by themselves they are very slow i can still register sip though right just for little test for now
21:52.45p3nguinMy Cisco phones, for example, when using SIP take about 15 seconds with a tftp server supplying the files or 5 minutes without the server giving files.
21:53.36p3nguinThey are built to try and try and try before finally falling back to what they already know internally.
21:53.53treborsuxI know how to make a ftp I just need to read and find out what files need to be in in for my 501s and my 560
21:54.15p3nguinThe Polycom admin guide can surely help with that.
21:54.16treborsuxwell that makes sense
21:55.14p3nguinI don't use Polycom, so I can't saw if it is possible or not... but maybe you can change a setting in the phone to not look for a server for so long.
21:55.22p3nguincan't say, rather.
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21:56.00IsUpmaybe a DNS resolution problem?
21:56.16p3nguinWhat would it be trying to resolve?
21:56.17IsUpit happens on Grandstream phones
21:56.59p3nguinasterisk's hostname, or something else?
21:57.21IsUpmaybe, i dont know the case i am just telling my experience :p
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22:01.43treborsuxi cant get the 560 to register nor the 501
22:02.07treborsuxi guess i need to make ftp server
22:02.07p3nguinAre you configuring them from their web interfaces?
22:02.15p3nguinYou don't really need to.
22:02.15treborsuxyes from web
22:02.27treborsuxactually i never got into the 501
22:02.45treborsuxi must not know the port because its address brings up nothing
22:02.46p3nguinThere are a couple settings that you should do on the phone display and a few more on the web interface.
22:02.52treborsuxthe 560 does though
22:04.24treborsuxwhat i dont get is what is the default secret to out in the asterisk setting
22:04.27p3nguinGo into the phone menu on the phone display.
22:04.47treborsuxi did on the 501 pointed it at the asterisk server
22:05.09treborsuxline and sip
22:05.34treborsuxon pbx the endpoint configurator sees them and i can say what extension
22:05.35p3nguinGo to admin settings, and reset to default and reset local config.
22:05.39treborsuxthey never register
22:07.34p3nguinAfter it reboots, then go back into Menu, Settings, Advanced.
22:07.45treborsuxresetting local config now then default
22:08.30p3nguinI don't know if the order is important, but if it is, you're doing it backward.
22:09.08treborsuxthen ill do local again after
22:11.04treborsuxasterisk specific firware for polycom phones would be kewl
22:12.17p3nguinAfter the reboot and you've gone back to the advanced menu, you'll need to go to the admin settings, and set the appropriate values in network configuration and sip configuration.
22:12.39treborsuxi gues i dont know where
22:13.01treborsuxi know where to put in address from this
22:13.03p3nguinI don't have a phone on me, or I'd poke through it with you.
22:13.17treborsuxbut what value in the phone is the secret value in asterisk???
22:13.25treborsuxthe password 456?
22:13.31treborsuxof the username Polycom
22:13.36treborsuxI dont get it
22:14.08p3nguinWhen you press Menu, then 3, then 2... the admin password should be 456.
22:14.25p3nguinThen choose Admin Settings.
22:14.29treborsuxright but in asterisk is that the value for secret
22:14.45p3nguinNo, that has nothing to do with asterisk.
22:14.57p3nguinJust follow with me, doing the steps.
22:15.34p3nguinSo you've made it to admin settings?
22:17.00p3nguinFirst, go into network configuration and fill any any pertinent values.  Then go into sip configuration and put in asterisk's IP address in server address, and 5060 in server port.
22:17.54treborsuxstill waiting for either one to reboot
22:18.11treborsuxprocessing configuration.......
22:18.18p3nguinNeither came back up yet?
22:18.30treborsuxok 560 is up
22:19.00treborsuxnet config is dhcp i have the mac assigned
22:19.26treborsuxthere is not a sip configuration listed
22:19.29p3nguinIf there are any other values in there that you need to set, go ahead and do that before moving on to sip configuration.
22:19.41p3nguinuh, that's not a good sign.
22:19.41treborsuxline coniguration
22:19.52treborsuxcall server configuration
22:20.21p3nguinOh, the admin settings contains network as well as sip, register, line, display, etc, right?
22:21.17treborsuxon 560
22:22.06treborsuxadmin is 1 network config 2 line configuration 3 call server configuration
22:22.08p3nguinI guess call server configuration is the same thing.
22:23.58treborsuxtransport naptr?
22:24.24p3nguinYou'll need to fill in the line configuration with what each line key on the side of the phone is supposed to do.
22:24.27treborsuxi did call sever
22:24.50p3nguinIf you find one that allows you to set Register to yes or no, set it to no.
22:25.30sequencerwhat would be the default directory to place a recording to be played by Play() ?
22:26.13p3nguinPlayback()?  /var/lib/asterisk/sounds or /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en probably.
22:26.52*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
22:27.08p3nguinJust look for the directory that has all the sound files in it.  ;)
22:27.34treborsuxwhy no to register?
22:27.57treborsuxi dared change something so restarting 10 minutes
22:28.20treborsuxmaybe i should statrt witth ftp so this is quicker
22:28.45p3nguinAfter you set the other stuff in the phone menu, you'll go to the web interface and turn on which line should register to asterisk.
22:29.50p3nguinYou'll also configure the voice mail stuff in the web interface.
22:30.03treborsuxcant keep making a setting and waiting 10 minuteses
22:30.14treborsuxwhen i make ftp is there separate folder for each phone
22:30.19treborsuxor one for each kind
22:30.21p3nguinWhy does it restart after you fill in settings?
22:30.33treborsuxanytime i save a setting
22:30.49p3nguinYou can't fill in the settings before hitting save?
22:31.04p3nguinOne setting, move to next setting, etc, then save?
22:31.07*** join/#asterisk trelane` (trelane@funtoo/staff/trelane)
22:31.28treborsuxwhen i go back if i dont save it wipes out
22:31.43p3nguinI'm glad I don't deal with that stuff.
22:31.53treborsuxI think I need to set up ftp first to boot these things right
22:31.54trelane`I'm attempting to send data to a peer which does not allow registering.
22:31.54trelane`From: "Unknown" <sip:Unknown@>;tag=as56c07ed9
22:32.25p3nguinIf you don't want to continue doing it in the phone, ftp is probably the best option.
22:32.26*** join/#asterisk weinerk (~user@unaffiliated/weinerk)
22:33.01p3nguinFor just one or two phones, I'd continue in the phones then do the two settings in the web interface, then use my phones.
22:33.09sequenceris this correct: exten => s,1,Playback("cal_mon.wav")
22:33.29p3nguinIf the file name is cal_mon.wav
22:33.32sequencerwithout .wav
22:33.37trelane`no quotes either
22:33.54treborsuxwhat do i set transport for sip setting to
22:33.58p3nguinI'd let Allison do her thing.
22:34.20p3nguinthis-call-may-be-monitored-or-recorded is an Allison file.
22:34.37treborsuxnaptr in sip setting?
22:34.45trelane`because-we-are-paranoid is good too! :)
22:34.57treborsuxon 501 it finally reset after and it has sip setting
22:35.04p3nguinDo you have other choices besides naptr?
22:35.06treborsuxwhat transport in the sip setting
22:35.24treborsuxtcp udp tls
22:35.30treborsuxtcp preferred
22:35.38*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
22:35.51p3nguinI'd use UDP, since that's what asterisk uses.
22:36.08p3nguinIf those were the only choices, that is.
22:36.17treborsuxoutbound proxy?
22:36.40treborsuxis that the asterisk server?
22:37.24p3nguinIf you already put in the asterisk IP address in another field, I'd leave outbound proxy blank.
22:38.39treborsuxline 1
22:38.59treborsuxname got it what i ma  i made ext in asterisk
22:39.10treborsuxis address under line one the ext number?
22:39.35p3nguinI believe it is the phone's name as you configured it in asterisk sip.conf.
22:39.59p3nguinprobably the MAC address of the phone.
22:40.40sequencerwhats the difference between exten=  and exten =>   ?
22:40.58p3nguinThe former is wrong, the latter is right.
22:41.28treborsuxusing freepbx
22:41.31*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
22:41.39treborsuxso ididnt make any thing in a file
22:41.44p3nguinI don't support FreePBX.
22:41.55p3nguinDecide what the phone's name is.
22:41.58treborsuxso i guess that is the file freepbx edits when i add extension
22:43.34carrarguessing is good
22:43.41carrarthat will surely fix it
22:43.46sequencerexten => s,1,Playback(cal_mon)    Still cant get it work.. loosing my mind here
22:43.47p3nguinThat's what I'd be doing if I said yes.
22:43.54trelane`I'm attempting to send data to a peer which does not allow registering.  I need to replace From: "Unknown" <sip:Unknown@  with a real phone number.  I've tried callerid and FromUser.  What am I missing?
22:43.56treborsuxnot broke just new and setting
22:44.30treborsuxthe 2 soft phones work fine one sip and one iax
22:44.42treborsuxtrying to get a 501 to register
22:45.24p3nguinWhatever auth name you used on the softphone is the auth name you'd use for the hardphone.  If you're using the same account, that is.
22:45.43p3nguinsequencer: Do calls go to extension s?
22:46.00sequencerp3nguin good catch ! :s
22:46.01p3nguinsequencer: If calls are going to a different extension, don't expect extension s to do you any good.
22:46.07sequenceri thought is is start
22:46.22p3nguinit's literally 's'
22:46.42p3nguinSometimes calls go to extension s.  Most of the time they don't.
22:46.58treborsux501 reboot
22:47.00sequencerin my case they always dont
22:47.06treborsuxall settings are in
22:47.16treborsuxhow do i get it to register?
22:47.23p3nguinFor SIP, they rarely go to s; if they do, you've misconfigured something.
22:47.53sequencerhere's a new one
22:47.54sequencerformat_wav.c:153 check_header: Can only handle 16bits per sample: 1
22:48.17treborsuxendpoint configurator sees the phone
22:48.25treborsuxsays configured without incident
22:48.34treborsuxbut phone never registers
22:48.35p3nguinOnce you have the settings in the phone, including auth user id and auth password, and it has restarted, then go to the web interface and turn on which lines you want to register to asterisk.
22:48.55navaismosequencer the wav needs to be mono 16pcm 8Khz
22:49.05sequencerlets do it..
22:49.23p3nguinOh, trying to use the wrong format of wav.
22:49.31sequencertreborsux that would be in the "extensions" menu
22:49.40treborsuxdont know how to get into web interface of 501
22:50.11sequencertreborsux i have 560's and they go by http://ipaddress
22:50.22sequenceripaddress is the ip for you polycom
22:50.25treborsux560s do but 501s dont
22:50.39sequenceroh, i have 560s and 610s
22:51.22p3nguinThe 501 is supposed to.  Did you reset to defaults and reset local config?
22:51.57p3nguinIf that fails, I'd probably go for the big daddy reset.
22:52.29p3nguin(the "format file system" option)
22:52.30treborsuxyes i did
22:52.43treborsuxbut there is no web interface
22:52.54p3nguinSounds broken to me.
22:53.05treborsuxok ill hook up diffent one
22:54.06treborsuxI have a 560
22:54.15treborsuxcant get that to register either
22:54.49p3nguinOnce you filled in the values appropriately and used the web interface to register the line(s), it should register.
22:54.57treborsuxunder line configuator it says siplay name
22:55.13treborsuxthen it says address is that the extension it is?
22:55.14p3nguinThat's the name to put on the phone, such as your name.
22:55.39p3nguinAddress should be the name of the phone, probably the MAC address, as configured in asterisk.
22:55.43treborsuxso display name and address are the same?
22:55.52p3nguinDisplay name is YOUR NAME
22:56.04p3nguinAddress is the phone's name as configured in asterisk.
22:56.30p3nguinAuth user ID is also the phone's name as configured in asterisk.
22:56.42treborsuxso its the phones name in extensions?
22:56.51p3nguinNot really, no.
22:57.00p3nguinAuth password is the phone's password as configured in asterisk.
22:57.33p3nguinThe Auth password in the phone is the secret as configured in asterisk.
22:57.48treborsuxSo where in the phone do i tell it what extension it is?
22:57.57p3nguinThe phone doesn't care what extension is used to reach it.
22:58.01p3nguinThat's a human concept.
22:58.06*** join/#asterisk Crowb4r (u1012@gateway/web/
22:58.16p3nguinThe phone does care what its name is, though.
22:58.50treborsuxWhere in freepbx am i putting the phones name
22:59.15p3nguinLet me give you an example.  My phone's name is 0000AAAABBBB, which is configured in sip.conf.
22:59.27p3nguinThe extension used to call my phone from other phones is 762.
22:59.42p3nguinThe phone doesn't care what extension 762 does.  It doesn't need to know it.
22:59.51p3nguinI don't support FreePBX.
23:00.03*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
23:00.11sequencertreborsux that would be in the extensions menu
23:00.17sequencerto your left
23:00.45sequencerclick on the extension an type the Display Name
23:01.05sequencerand in the SIP Alias
23:02.12p3nguinJust out of curiosity, what is the purpose of SIP alias?
23:02.18p3nguinWhat's it do?
23:02.30p3nguinI'll try to translate it to what it does in asterisk.
23:02.43sequencerit would provide a different CID number/name
23:02.53sequencerwhen making local calls ( calls to local extensions )
23:03.04sequencerthat are not using DID trunks
23:03.16p3nguinWeird.  I would have called that something completely different.  Maybe something like CallerID or something.
23:03.45sequencercaller ID is what appears on the other party's phone when making an outside call
23:03.46p3nguinI guess that's why we don't support FreePBX or its configuration here.
23:04.08treborsuxwaiting for reboot
23:04.21sequencerbut for local extensions, you can use SIP alias to show your actual extension number
23:04.31sequencerinstead of your corporate DID
23:04.37sequencerfor instance..
23:04.43p3nguinI use callerid for that.
23:04.52treborsuxso use ext number for sip alias?
23:04.54p3nguincallerid=Rob <762>
23:05.08treborsuxso under address on phone under line use ext number?
23:05.11sequencerbut wehn you call to outside the box ?
23:05.26*** join/#asterisk Cesare (
23:05.31treborsuxI am so lost
23:05.38p3nguinFor external calling, I use a variable.  setvar=externalCID=3149691077
23:06.03sequencerso thats how you do it, its almost same concept with fpbx
23:06.05p3nguinThen the extension that calls out sets the callerid number to the value of that variable.
23:06.21sequencertreborsux whats that you need ?
23:07.19treborsuxsequencer are you in #freepbx also
23:07.31p3nguinBy using the callerid setting in my peer, I don't have to fiddle around with the caller id for calls to other phones on the system.
23:07.41sequencertreborsuxnope am just here
23:08.00p3nguinBut it does require that every phone has an externalCID value set.
23:08.03treborsuxi need to start with freepbx first
23:08.12carraruse a db
23:08.26treborsuxi think i dont have that right in the first place to see this pohone
23:08.28sequencerwhat you need to start with ?
23:08.50sequencerdid add an extension in the extensions ?
23:08.51p3nguinWhat do you want to put in the DB?
23:08.52carrarsimple agi to to see if the extension has a external DID mapped to it
23:09.01sequenceryou need to define the extension number and secret
23:09.04carrarif not, use a 'default'
23:09.10p3nguinI just use basic dialplan.  ExecIf() works just fine.
23:09.11sequencerp3nguin alot of stuff
23:09.24p3nguinDon't feed the alot.
23:09.38treborsuxok i put Dorothy in as display name ext is 356 and sip alias is 356
23:09.49treborsuxthen secret is 456
23:09.57sequencerp3nguin mixMonitor isnt working for me :s
23:09.57sequencerfile.c:750 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
23:10.08sequencertreborsux ok good
23:10.10p3nguinDon't use the admin password for your secret.
23:10.12sequencernow click save
23:10.42p3nguinHang on a minute, I have to go make some calls on treborsux's box.
23:10.45sequencerand on the top you'll see reload orange button
23:11.19sequencerp3nguin well..
23:11.29treborsuxlol this is just a test
23:11.43sequencertreborsux you can allow/deny certain IP's or subnets also in the same page ;)
23:11.44treborsuxi wont leave it this way it is on closed network right now
23:12.08treborsuxi saved the ext
23:12.25sequencerok good, noe reload
23:12.35sequencerp3nguin have you seen this before :s file.c:750 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
23:12.53treborsuxi did reload
23:13.07sequencerdid it register treborsux ?
23:13.28treborsuxno idea what to set the phone to
23:13.29sequenceron top go to status
23:13.41p3nguinI'd guess that you don't have permission to write to the monitor directory.  Make sure asterisk is running as user asterisk group asterisk, and that /var/spool/asterisk/monitor is owned appropriately.
23:13.56treborsuxits a 560
23:14.25sequencerwhy would monitor be owned to root :s
23:14.54treborsuxline configuratipon
23:15.10treborsuxdisplay name Dorothy
23:15.11sequencerserver is you fpbx box
23:15.17treborsuxis the address the sip alias?
23:15.21sequencerusername is your extension
23:15.30sequencerpassword is your secret
23:15.46p3nguinI often have to chown -R asterisk:asterisk /etc/asterisk /var/lib/asterisk /var/log/asterisk /var/spool/asterisk /var/run/asterisk
23:15.57sequencerp3nguin still same issue even after chowning
23:16.17p3nguinWithout more details, I don't know what's wrong.
23:16.32sequencerone sec..
23:16.45treborsuxwhat is address?
23:16.49treborsuxis that the sip alias?
23:16.57sequenceraddress is the server ip address
23:17.02sequencerof your fpbx
23:17.12treborsuxbut down a bit it says server
23:17.18p3nguinAddress should be the phone's name.
23:17.27p3nguin(as I said three times before)
23:17.32treborsuxphones display name or sip alias??
23:17.46p3nguinThe peer name that you use to Dial() the damn phone, of course.
23:18.14sequencerp3nguin i messed sth up in the dialplan :s
23:18.26p3nguinWhat was smith doing in the dial plan to begin with?
23:18.43treborsuxpeer name???
23:18.49treborsuxI dont understand
23:18.57sequencerpeer name is extension number
23:18.58p3nguinYou're in #asterisk and don't know what a peer name is?
23:19.07p3nguinHave you read the book yet?
23:19.09infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or ~buybook
23:19.26sequencermany people wont read the book
23:19.31sequencerthats whywe use GUi
23:19.47sequenceri understand that
23:19.51p3nguinLearn some stuff, then we can help you.
23:19.54treborsuxI get that
23:20.03sequencerbut also you need to look at other people's POV
23:20.14treborsuxill ask in Freepbx if it is a problem I appriaciate the help and thank you either way
23:20.32p3nguinI do?  I don't get paid enough to look at it from other people's points of view.
23:20.53sequencernobody's getting paid enough ;)
23:21.04sequencerbut everyone appreciates the help of others :)
23:21.19p3nguinI help where I can.  I help within the scope of this channel.
23:21.39sequencerwell.. i dont know much of bare-asterisk
23:21.45p3nguinI even deviate outside the scope where I am capable.
23:21.48sequencerbut i operated fpbx for 8 months
23:22.02sequencerso i know some terms.. thats all
23:22.28treborsuxi think i am close
23:22.34treborsuxphone is rebooting
23:22.34sequencerand i know how it feels , just like how i do now with a non-working diguim gui and ( do it yourself asterisk )
23:22.41sequencertreborsux good :)
23:22.49sequenceryou should see it in system status
23:23.12sequencerin IP Phones online it shuold say 1
23:23.18navaismotreborsux you need to read the Admin guide of polycom
23:23.43treborsuxWill it relate terms to asterisk or freepbx?
23:24.00p3nguinMy guess would be neither.
23:24.28sequenceryep.. just generic SIP - IP Phone
23:25.04sequenceri usually use x-lite and eyebeam to test pbx
23:25.18sequencersaes you alot of headache
23:25.39*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-fuyzhgskxonophso)
23:25.41treborsuxi ahve zoiper working i can recieve and make calls with the fxo card i setup with 8 lines
23:25.57treborsuxill really send you through the roof when i tell you it is an elastix system
23:26.09p3nguinI don't get it.  You'll make a correction to "save" but not to "alot."
23:26.26p3nguinerr, "saes"
23:26.49p3nguinPeople are so strange sometimes.
23:26.49treborsuxwhat is x-lite and eybeam
23:26.55sequenceralot is understandable
23:27.01sequencersaes could mean says
23:27.11sequencerthese are soft phones
23:27.13p3nguinTo make an allocation?
23:27.25navaismojeje i think some is very sensible today
23:27.31sequencerslot = a lot
23:27.31navaismosome one*
23:27.35sequencererr, alot
23:28.10sequencertreborsux you can downalod x-lite from counterpath
23:28.20p3nguinNow why would I have used IF() inside of ExecIf()?  I must have been on the crack when I wrote that.
23:28.50sequenceris on crack always :D
23:28.56treborsuxoso it is like zoiper
23:29.04sequenceri just messed up my dial plan lol
23:29.33p3nguinI have no idea how I arrived at this:  ExecIf($[${IF($["${externalCID}" != ""]?1)}]...)
23:29.43p3nguinI guess it was a change to something else.
23:29.56sequencerp3nguin cant you ,... undo ?
23:30.07navaismoim so bored
23:30.08p3nguinIt should have been ExecIf($["${externalCID}" != ""]...)
23:30.26p3nguinI'm going to fix it.  I just found it in dial plan.
23:30.35p3nguinTrying to understand how I arrived at it.
23:30.43p3nguinI blame the crack.
23:31.03sequenceri dont know how i arrived to this also .. :s
23:31.30sequencerAuto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/trunk_1-00000050' status is 'UNKNOWN'
23:31.55navaismoi need to go, the way to my home take at least 2:30hrs
23:31.55*** join/#asterisk jwiggins (~James@gateway/tor-sasl/jwiggins)
23:31.56p3nguinI guess you don't have another priority after that one.
23:31.58treborsuxyay it registered!!!!!!
23:32.05sequencertreborsux congrats!
23:32.58sequenceram still having this file.c:750 ast_readaudio_callback: Failed to write frame
23:33.07sequencerafter all of the chowns i did :s
23:33.20p3nguinAre the permissions set correctly?
23:33.32sequencerthey should.. ill check one more time
23:34.24treborsuxcalled wife and it works
23:34.54sequencertreborsux if its wife it has to work :|
23:37.37sequencermy namei doesnt have -l :s
23:37.44*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
23:37.44*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
23:37.48sequenceronly m and x
23:37.53p3nguinUse whatever it has.  -mo maybe
23:38.06p3nguinuse m at least
23:40.41treborsuxthanks guys
23:40.58treborsuxtomorow i need to make ftp and figure that out so these things boot quick
23:40.59sequencertreborsux all set with you ?
23:41.09treborsuxthen on to incoming
23:41.19sequencerthose are simple ;)
23:41.23treborsuxpyched i can make a call
23:41.32treborsuxgoing home now
23:41.45p3nguinThe reason you get the Failed to write frame message is because you're trying to play a file to a channel which cannot exist in the h extension.
23:41.45treborsuxthanks guys very much
23:41.52sequenceryou welcome :)
23:42.17p3nguinh is the hangup extension.  You can't playback nor record in it.
23:42.17sequencerits not supposed to be in h
23:42.33p3nguinGood ole GUI fucked up something else, huh?
23:42.35sequencerafter i added the mixmonitor my call went into h
23:42.46p3nguinShow me the dialplan.
23:42.46sequenceram not using the gui anyways
23:42.58sequencerthats a party now lol
23:43.02*** join/#asterisk weinerk (~user@unaffiliated/weinerk)
23:43.28p3nguinI guess your GUI set autofallthrough to yes.
23:43.29p3nguinI would have set it to no.
23:43.53sequenceri thought that was a nice way to say "an error just happened "
23:44.06*** join/#asterisk kaushal (~kaushal@
23:44.25sequencerhow do you want me to give you the dial paln, do you want it all or just the needed parts ?
23:44.40p3nguinI just want to see the extension where you're running mixmonitor.
23:45.09kaushalcan someone please help me understand what is VICIDIAL and astguiclient ?
23:45.35sequenceru wanna see the mess ?
23:45.54sequencerthis is incoming
23:46.02p3nguinThere's yer problem.
23:46.41sequenceryep me know
23:46.46p3nguinI thought I told you to never use _. as the pattern.
23:46.59p3nguinThat's why it's running in the h extension.
23:47.01sequenceri didnt know about this one
23:47.07p3nguinI'll check the log.
23:48.43sequenceri removed the _.
23:48.49sequencerchanged to my DID
23:48.53sequencerbut still same issue
23:49.44p3nguinOkay, it wasn't you.  I guess you wouldn't be surprised at how many people insist on using _. thinking it's a good pattern.
23:50.18sequencerof course i wouldnt
23:50.19p3nguin_. is not a good pattern because it matches the standard extensions of s, h, i, and t.
23:50.21sequenceram a programmer
23:50.39sequencerit matches everything and thats what am looking for ;)
23:50.49p3nguinNo you aren't.
23:50.54p3nguinYou think you are, but you aren't.
23:51.02sequencerlol wanna bet ?
23:51.09p3nguinI've already explained why.
23:51.30p3nguinSo what is the new problem now that you have fixed the extension?
23:51.46sequencerthe call is going correctly
23:51.49p3nguinIt's not the failed to write frame thing anymore, because that was in h.
23:51.51sequencerlet me check
23:53.56sequencerwhen i removed the mixmonitor the call went fine
23:54.13p3nguinI need to see some more logging if you want me to guess.
23:54.28sequenceryeah sure
23:55.34kaushalchecking in again for the query ?
23:55.50kaushalcan someone please help me understand what is VICIDIAL and astguiclient ?
23:55.52sequencerstill not really going fine , i dont recieve the call on my phone
23:56.29p3nguinIt's still doing stupid shit in h.
23:56.37p3nguinThat tells me that you still have _. as a pattern.
23:57.42sequencermaybe somewhere else..
23:57.45sequencerlet me see
23:58.05p3nguinUnless you really have an h with a Goto in it.
23:58.35p3nguinBut to me it looks like h is still trying to process a call.
23:58.38p3nguinAnd that's bad.

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