IRC log for #asterisk on 20110815

00:00.10ChannelZIt will probably reject the call for no auth though
00:00.36spckya getting SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
00:00.36spckon the production server now
00:01.01ChannelZMake a peer on your test box called [production] or something..
00:01.45ChannelZconfigure it similarly to the [asterisk-test] one you made on the production box but set the
00:02.09ChannelZthen Dial(SIP/production/810) instead
00:02.52dijibp3nguin, howcome this is dialing to '1' and not SIP/100
00:03.29ChannelZthere's no way it can be *dlaing* 1
00:03.41ChannelZYour Dial statement is hard-coded to SIP/100
00:04.03spckwhat is the value of ${OUTNUM}?
00:05.03spckok i give up, this isn't that important
00:05.10ChannelZThis is another annoyance of mine, using 'extension' numbers as SIP device names
00:06.33leifmadsendevices, extensions, and people should be entirely abstracted
00:07.02leifmadsenextension numbers are applied to people, and people are applied to a device
00:07.25leifmadsen(which means you should name your devices something unique to the device, such as an ID tag, or a MAC address)
00:08.45ChannelZIt's just a laziness to be able to do things like Dial(${EXTEN})
00:09.23ChannelZbut causes more trouble than it's worth for beginners who mix up an extension with a device because they called them both "100"
00:09.53leifmadsenit's hard enough to understand the logic in your head about an extension number and a device, than to call them the same thing
00:15.31p3nguinMost people still can't grasp that extensions are not phones.
00:15.59ChannelZBound by the chains of analog PBXes
00:17.00p3nguindijib: says:  if OUTNUM is 1, Dial SIP/100, else GOTO extension ${OUTNUM} priority 1, in the current context.
00:17.33p3nguinIf OUTNUM has no value, Goto() will choke and die.
00:18.09p3nguinIf it contains a value, there had better be an extension of the value in that context.
00:19.10ChannelZisn't it actually saying  if "OUTNUM" is 1  ?
00:21.16spckno real need for the GotoIf if you are doing it that way
00:21.16p3nguinIt's a string comparison, so shouldn't it be fine?
00:21.29spckjust set it up with Goto and have multiple labels
00:21.31p3nguinHow else would you make it conditional?
00:21.40p3nguinYou wouldn't.
00:21.49p3nguinSo you use the GotoIf().
00:22.57p3nguinI haven't seen an actual failure yet, so I don't know that there is actually any problem to fix.
00:23.55spckthen you don't have to chain a bunch of if's together
00:24.11spckmore like a switch statement then
00:24.14ChannelZ(Yes it's a string comparison, but is 1 is an int not a string)
00:25.21ChannelZs/but is 1/but 1 is/
00:26.11spckheh, i don't think voip-info gets updated because registering isn't working
00:26.17ChannelZ$["${OUTNUM}" =1] should never test true
00:26.56ChannelZspck: eh?
00:27.30spcki just tried registering on, doesn't look like it's sending out the emails
00:27.41spckmakes it kind of hard to edit the wiki
00:27.47ChannelZoh. You mean registering on the website
00:27.50leifmadsenspck: the double quote are literally checked
00:27.58p3nguinspck: Using Goto() like that sure would work, but how is it any different from using a GotoIf() the way I did it?
00:28.06leifmadsenso if ${OUTNUM} returned 1, then you're doing a comparison of "1" = 1
00:28.12leifmadsenwhich will always return false
00:28.13p3nguinuh oh
00:28.16spckp3nguin: it's scalable
00:28.17p3nguinThat was my mistake.
00:28.36p3nguinI didn't quote the 1.
00:28.37spckoriginally he was asking for an if/else if solution
00:28.43dijibi think im going to have to fix those numbered contexts, and 100,200 is a sandbox.
00:28.56p3nguinI provided the solution, but I didn't quote the 1 in the comparison.
00:29.04p3nguinAnd since I never saw any failure to debug, I had nothing to fix.
00:29.47spckit's like a switch statement instead of a hard coded if tree
00:32.22p3nguinI don't see any advantage.
00:32.29p3nguinnor disadvantage.
00:33.02spckyou can keep adding num-XXXX lines instead of having to write multiple if statements
00:35.25spckswitch vs if:
00:36.07spckthat's just psuedo javascript, but in an asterisk dialplan using GotoIf would be a lot harder to add stuff
00:37.15spcksince there is no else if in normal dialplan
00:37.20spckno ael on the other hand...
00:37.29p3nguinThe request was; if OUTNUM = 1, do something, else do something different.  I don't see what your problem is with GotoIf().
00:38.09spck<dijib> ok, have an gotoif or if-else or if-then-else
00:38.31spcki guess i read that as else if
00:39.12spcksounded like he wanted to chain multiple if's together
00:39.16*** join/#asterisk nix8n82-phone (
00:39.20p3nguinIf I didn't think GotoIf was capable of doing it, I wouldn't have tried to use it.
00:39.48p3nguinYou could even use more than one GotoIf if necessary.
00:39.57usrbinfoobarhmm wierd intel page seems messed up
00:40.07usrbinfoobarkeeps redirecting me in circles when trying to download the IPP
00:40.13spckya but then the context gets all messy with labels
00:40.36p3nguinSurprisingly, that's what labels are for.
00:40.36spcka lot easier and clearer just using the Goto with named extensions
00:41.09spckbut why write 3 lines when one will suffice?
00:41.40p3nguinI do it both ways, and I don't see one as being better or worse than the other.
00:41.59spckthe way i decide is if i'm going to have to add something to it in the future
00:44.24*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
00:46.10spckanyone got any idea why my phones don't ring when dialing out to another line sporadically?
00:47.47dijibcpu load?
00:48.11spckstarted happening after upgrading to 1.8 from 1.6
00:48.50*** join/#asterisk mistergibson (
00:50.13mistergibsonshameless plea for newb help : I'm hoping to setup a simple H.323 asterisk server for voip on Ubuntu/Debian.  Anyone have a favorite how-to url they want to toss at the Newb?  Thanks in advance. :)
00:51.02spckyou might try one of the turn key projects like freepbx or pbx in a flash
00:51.19mistergibsonspck: thanks, sniffing ...
00:53.55*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
00:54.57spckotherwise there's always apt-get install asterisk
00:55.03mistergibsonspck: hrm ... not looking to do a custom distro, but rather cobble a config procedure for my existing platform
00:55.17mistergibsonspck: yeah, but it is *after* that step is where it gets into the weeds a bit
00:55.59mistergibsonspck: Nerd Vittles looks promising
00:56.12spcktry "the asterisk book"
00:56.19spcki don't know how to make the bot link it
00:59.05dijibhey p3nguin should i make the switch to iax2?
00:59.28dijiband codec,s what should i use? ulaw good enough?
01:00.37mistergibsonspck: this looks good if others come asking :
01:01.21ChannelZdijib: ulaw is as good as it gets (*) if you've got the bandwidth
01:01.34ChannelZ* this is partly a lie
01:01.55dijib(*) in asterisk world?
01:02.14ChannelZ* as in disclaimer
01:02.15dijibwhats better on bandwidth?
01:02.33dijib729 was it?
01:02.46ChannelZYeah if you and your ITSP support it
01:03.31ChannelZThe public telephone system at large is 8-bit 8kHz which is ulaw/alaw so sound quality wise everything else is of little use.
01:03.55dijibahh now i see it.
01:04.00catphish_will asterisk attempt to negotiate the same codec on both sides of a bridged call where possible?
01:04.13dijibsounds goood at 41000hz
01:04.20ChannelZCalling SIP-to-SIP there are much higher quality wideband codecs you can use, thus the disclaimer to my lying statement that ulaw was as good as it gets
01:04.20dijibi noticed
01:04.46catphish_ie if my local phones have g711 disabled, will asterisk try to use a lower bandwidth codec right through to my upstream provider?
01:04.47ChannelZcatphish_: yes
01:04.49dijibwider than ulaw?
01:05.00ChannelZcatphish_: both sides tell the other what codecs they can support
01:05.04catphish_i know
01:05.12catphish_what i mean is if the call has 2 legs
01:05.19*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
01:05.21catphish_will asterisk try to negotiate the same for both legs
01:05.24ChannelZIt only matters what happens between you and them
01:05.38catphish_to avoid transcoding
01:05.39ChannelZYou don't know/have control over what happens after that.
01:05.50ChannelZIdeally it would try to use the same one yes.
01:05.58catphish_well asterisk has control over both legs of the call
01:06.10ChannelZOh with that path yes
01:06.13catphish_so i was hoping it would negotiate them together rather than independently
01:06.17catphish_thats good
01:06.35catphish_if course i guess it's best to be explicit with what you want to use
01:06.43catphish_and know what's supported
01:09.13ChannelZWell either both sides support the same codec or they don't, so it kind of becomes an "it is what it is" sort of thing
01:10.34ChannelZYou can put the codecs in order of preference and Asterisk will try to pick the best it can
01:10.41*** join/#asterisk johnnyasterisk (~johnnyast@
01:10.55catphish_well i was just looking to avoid the situation where a local phone only supports a low bandwidth codes, but my upstream provider supports everything, in that case i wouldn't want to make asterisk tanscode, rather make my provider do it by negotiating the same low bandwidth codes on both sides of the bridged call
01:11.13catphish_codes negotiation is simple when it's only one leg
01:11.31catphish_but when it comes to bridging i want to prevent avoidable transcoding
01:11.52*** join/#asterisk johnnyasterisk (~johnnyast@
01:12.14ChannelZDepends if * is in the actual media stream or not
01:12.22catphish_it is
01:13.58ChannelZAFAIK it will not go out of its way to transcode anything unless forced to by configured codec restrictions
01:14.12catphish_that's good
01:14.15catphish_easily tested anyway
01:16.10usrbinfoobaranyone have any idea about g729b (no vad) support?
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01:21.49dijibhey p3nguin it just dawned on me an action i took in the console yesterday, regarding the 's' extension. I changed from softphone -> asterisk last night, thats why it wasnt routing.
01:22.05dijiband subsequitly switched back to my number
01:26.23*** part/#asterisk russellb (~russellb@asterisk/contributor-and-cool-guy/russellb)
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02:34.13dlynesJust curious if anyone knows why the numbering change from asterisk 2.0 to 10.0?
02:34.30dlynesThere's no mention of it in the changelog
02:35.08robl^dlynes: marketing thinks it "sounds better" ;-)
02:35.13dlynesrobl^, ah
02:35.37dlynesrobl^, Do you happen to know if 10.0 is iax2-compatible with the 1.6.2 series?
02:35.47robl^no technical reason… just a "name/number" change..
02:35.54dlynesrobl^, or sip-compatible for that matter?
02:36.30dlynesrobl^, Just asking, because certain 2.4 versions weren't iax2 compatible with the 1.6.1/1.6.2 series
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02:36.55dlynesrobl^, and I was wanting to test it on my home machine
02:37.05robl^dlynes: they are implementing a protocol.. should be compatible.. if not, I'd assume a bug..  just 10 should have more features/tweaks
02:38.06robl^keep in mind, 10.0 is a beta.  there is likely bugs don't use for production
02:40.37dlynesrobl^, yeah...wasn't planning on using it in any production systems
02:40.49dlynesrobl^, unless you count my home machine as being production :)
02:41.21dlynesrobl^, only person I'm likely to piss off with my home system is my wife, but she's used to it :0
02:42.09dlynesrobl^, I've been running 1.8 on it for a while, and I consider that to be beta level as well
02:43.18robl^well, 1.8 is at least LTS, so it will be around for a long while.  10 is kinda a playground of testing large architectural changes.  it looks promising. ;-)
02:43.51dlynesrobl^, so there's significant changes then, I'm guessing?
02:44.06dlynesrobl^, like maybe the completion of the sip v3 stack?
02:45.23robl^dlynes: honestly, I'm not sure what all has been changed, but skimming through some blog posts and change logs looks like its substantial.  I haven't tried using it yet
02:46.59dlynesrobl^, ah...yeah...I've tried 1.8 on a few machines, but had to roll them back to 1.6.2 series, all except for my home machine...they all needed pbx features, which had issues on 1.8 (transfers)
02:47.34dlynesrobl^, I'm guessing the problems have been fixed by now, but my boss on those machines has been once bitten, twice shy :o
02:53.32p3nguindijib: So putting the setting to softphone sends to s, while setting to IP PBX sends to the phone number?
02:53.55infobotAsterisk 10 --
02:54.01p3nguindlynes: ^^
02:54.40dijibp3nguin, YES
02:55.04dijibive almost perfected my current dialplan
02:55.11dijibof the day
02:55.30p3nguinkaren_m: See this?
02:55.41p3nguinThe problem is solved!
02:55.52p3nguinIt's user error, and this time it isn't mine!
02:56.25dijibyeah path to switch the toggle is Account Manager --> Inbound Settings --> Device Settings
02:56.33p3nguinI'm familiar with the option.
02:56.38dijibin customer ports
02:56.47p3nguinI've just never changed it off IP PBX because I use an IP PBX.
02:56.56dijibno guff eh
02:56.59p3nguinI didn't know what it changed.
02:57.06p3nguinNever had a reason to check it.
02:57.17dijibafter i do a few touchups here your going to have to see the whole dialplan
02:57.48p3nguinI hope you'll forgive me if I laugh.
02:58.12p3nguinI won't really laugh -- I'm just being mean.
02:58.25p3nguinBut you can be sure I'll point out things I would change.
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02:59.59p3nguinlike numbered priorities, for example.
03:04.10WIMPyOh, wow. Looks like a busy night.
03:19.25*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
03:25.22p3nguindijib: If you need the potential bandwidth savings of trunking, or if you need to get through bitchy firewalls, IAX2 certainly is an option.  I use it for the trunking, but I don't know how much bandwidth I'm really saving with my low call volume.
03:30.42ChannelZYay, my first haxx0r!
03:30.59ChannelZCall from '' ( to extension '011441214001365' rejected because extension not found
03:33.18p3nguinAt least they aren't doing it on mine this time.
03:33.22WIMPyOh, wow. A sensible prefix.
03:33.46p3nguinI started accepting all those calls and play Ringing() endlessly.
03:34.25WIMPyI've also seen quite some attempts to numbers containing 441214... The really interesting thing is to watch what they try in front of the 44.
03:34.54WIMPyDid it work?
03:34.58*** join/#asterisk brdude (
03:35.19WIMPyThey never waited for a reply here. Those calls all ended with retransmission timeouts.
03:35.21p3nguinIt works.  I've even listened to some of them.  They place the call, it rings, they wait for a bit, then hangup.
03:35.53p3nguinI think I need to redirect them somewhere else.
03:36.38WIMPyDial the police and use option A to ecplain the reason for the call *ggg*
03:41.32dijibso i need a third option on my Gotoif. :/ press 1, 2, or anything else
03:41.41dijibnot possible is it?
03:43.04dijibwithout using that switch statement
03:43.11*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
03:45.41p3nguinGotoIf() only has two conditions: true and false.
03:45.48dijibi need 3
03:45.51dijibor more
03:46.01dijibswitch statement?
03:46.22dijibor if?
03:49.22WIMPyswitch is something completely different.
03:49.29dijibnevermind i think i know how to fix it.
03:49.33*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
03:49.52WIMPyYou might be able to Goto a variable.
03:50.25WIMPyGoto(option-${digit},1) or the like.
03:51.30*** join/#asterisk hesco_home (
03:52.21hesco_homeI just installed my first ever 1.8 asterisk.  How would I do what in 1.6 was accomplished with sip show registry?
03:52.35p3nguinsip show registry
03:53.09hesco_homeif sip is not available to me at the CLI> prompt, what is it I might be missing in my conifguration?
03:53.26hesco_homethanks, looking for that now
03:53.35p3nguinbusted or missing sip.conf
03:53.38p3nguinis the cause
03:55.39hesco_homemy /etc/asterisk/sip.conf looks fine.
03:56.08WIMPy'module load chan_sip'
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03:57.17p3nguinAnd then figure out why it wasn't auto-loaded.
03:57.45WIMPybecause of the errors that are displayed then.
03:57.52dijibnevermind, i fixed it with an include, in my inbound context
03:57.55WIMPyOr missing modules.conf.
03:58.29hesco_homethanks, the module load worked.  I checked make menuselect again and chan_sip was enabled.
03:59.03WIMPyThen take a look at your modules.conf.
03:59.28p3nguinautoload should probably be on, and there should not be a noload for
04:05.11dijibp3nguin, if you care to have a look. heres my current config. im sure theres a mistake or three
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04:14.21p3nguinI dislike that you've used numbers like that for the names of the devices.
04:15.44p3nguinline 122 has an extraneous space.
04:17.56p3nguinso does 133, 139, 145, 151, 157, 163, 203, 209. and lines 185, 187, 189, 191 have several extraneous spaces.
04:19.44p3nguindial1 isn't required in line 202.
04:20.02p3nguindial1 label therefore isn't required in line 203.
04:21.11p3nguinAnd I still don't see how line 205 has a destination.  What would be a possible value that the variable could contain if not 1?
04:21.32p3nguinFix up those things, and I'd put it into production.
04:21.41p3nguin20 minutes worth of work.
04:21.54WIMPyI like optimisation. Is the an automated version of yourself available? :-)
04:22.15p3nguinI wish.
04:25.10gladierhey guys - has anyone had a case where the default music on hold plays too fast (in ulaw format) - i haven't tried any other formats just yet
04:25.56WIMPygladier: Yes. But that was many years ago and I don't remember anything about it.
04:25.57p3nguinWhat do you mean by default?  Something included?
04:26.15p3nguinOr do you mean music you put into the default moh class?
04:26.29gladierdefault as in from asterisk. ie macroform-the_simplicity.ulaw
04:26.48p3nguinCould that be some sort of a timing issue?
04:26.55gladieryea trying to figure out from where
04:27.12WIMPyTry 'timing test'.
04:27.15p3nguinIf it plays too fast, I'd think whatever provides your timing could be set too high.
04:27.32gladierIt has been 1000 milliseconds, and we got 50 timer ticks
04:27.34gladierso right on the dot
04:28.12p3nguinThis might be a USA daytime question.
04:28.42WIMPyIs that a virtual machine?
04:28.42p3nguinNot too much activity this time of night.
04:28.54p3nguinDidn't even think about that.
04:28.55gladiernope :) i've learnt the hard way about asterisk in VMs
04:29.19gladierfigured it out ... had slin set in the musiconhold.conf and ulaw in the directory
04:30.14gladierno clue how that would even play since they're completely different formats
04:30.45gladiergoes hunting to find some music on hold that the customer wont complain about
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04:40.47dijib20 minutes of work.. hah that took me all day, with your handheld help #*
04:41.41*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
04:42.50hesco_homeOK, I managed to get my desk phone to register to the new server, but an outgoing call gets an immediate fast busy.
04:42.50hesco_homesip show peers says:
04:42.50hesco_home21/21                                       D   N   A  5060     UNREACHABLE
04:42.50hesco_homewhile on the legacy (working) server it shows, instead, this:
04:42.51hesco_home21/21               D   N   A  5060     OK (86 ms)
04:42.51hesco_homeany guidance on what might be missing here?
04:43.03*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
04:43.05gladierbehind nat?
04:43.34hesco_homeI'd imagine so.  There is a router in the other room.
04:43.53hesco_homeI got this dhcp lease from somewhere
04:44.39dijibhesco_home, lets see your extensions.conf
04:45.02hesco_homeany preferred paste bin you like to use?
04:45.05dijiband sip.conf dont forget to hide your passwords
04:45.26dijibwho is your ITSP?
04:52.04hesco_homeI think this one goes through Voicepulse.
04:52.13hesco_homeTry this to start with:
04:52.30hesco_homeits a freepbx set up, ergo all the includes in the sip.conf.
04:56.37p3nguinWe can't really support any FreePBX configurations at all here.
04:57.11p3nguinUsually someone will help in the more appropriate #freepbx channel, though.
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04:58.53hesco_homeunderstand about the division of labor, but given the symptoms I report, what would you be looking for in a vanilla install that is not provided by my pastebin?
05:03.34p3nguinI haven't seen a debug yet.
05:04.02p3nguinIf you're looking for nothing more than a guess, you probably don't have an appropriate extension for what you're calling.
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18:08.42*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.0.0-beta1 (2011/07/22), (2011/07/11), dahdi-linux (2011/04/11), dahdi-tools 2.4.1 (2011/03/03), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the new official Asterisk wiki: -=-
18:14.45tonsofpcsazv4: do you not own the equipment?
18:15.05azv4tonsofpcs: yes I own the equiptment
18:15.17azv4to panasonic that is irrelavant
18:15.26tonsofpcswhat was the model #?
18:16.04azv4opps lol
18:16.31azv4good luck if you think google will come up with software heh
18:16.53azv4Panasonic has done a great job forcing me to pay $75 an hour to have some moron make minor adjustments on our system
18:17.01tonsofpcserm.... that's just the cabinet model #
18:17.13azv4that is the phone system's model number
18:21.24p3nguinThe cabinet is the system, and then you add in cards as needed.
18:21.45tonsofpcsI keep coming up with some third-party "programmator" software
18:22.51tonsofpcsfound it.
18:23.04MrTelephoneCan you run asterisk for a facility based CLEC?
18:23.09tonsofpcs actually has a bunch more
18:23.14*** join/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
18:23.18tonsofpcsazv4: ^
18:23.39tonsofpcsMrTelephone: don't you have service level requirements as a CLEC?
18:23.47azv4tonsofpcs, those links are dead
18:24.04MrTelephoneI'm pretty sure I hit 5 nines on my asterisk system
18:24.06tonsofpcsazv4: they work perfectly fine.
18:24.17azv4tonsofpcs, I tried version 1, it was dead, trying version 6 now
18:24.29tonsofpcs1) "five nines" is nothing.  2) there's a lot more requirements than "uptime"
18:24.30SuperNullMost clecs stick to soft switches .. we as a cable company have reviewed some .. cheapest in the $200-$300k range
18:24.32azv4this isnt eht software
18:24.43azv4tonsofpcs, this isnt even the programming software
18:24.54tonsofpcs ?
18:25.09tonsofpcsclick the second link I pasted, it links to other things.
18:25.15azv4I have no idea what you have linked, but it isnt the software I need
18:25.24azv4it is some 3rd party software
18:25.33p3nguinFreeSWITCH will cost you much less than $200,000.
18:25.35*** join/#asterisk file (~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
18:25.35*** mode/#asterisk [+o file] by ChanServ
18:25.40tonsofpcsazv4: those links are FROM PANASONIC.
18:25.55azv4the software you linked is not the Panasonic software
18:25.57azv4it is 3rd party
18:26.02Kobazanyone want an 8 port and 4 port grandstream fxo
18:26.21tonsofpcsI don't know how much clearer I can be:  That was on the Panasonic website until they took it down.
18:26.40p3nguinI'll give you the address for donation if you want to get rid of them.
18:26.59azv4I found a couple softwares from TD series, but not 500
18:27.20tonsofpcsazv4: how many lines/interfaces is your system populated with?
18:27.44azv4I think it has something like 8 cards with 8 lines each
18:27.57azv423 of which are using for ATA the rest for extensions
18:28.29WIMPyWhat does ATA mean in that case?
18:28.40azv4incoming lines from PRI
18:28.50azv4I might be using bad terminology
18:29.38WIMPyOh, you convert a pri to 23 analog and connect that to the PBX?
18:29.56azv4yes unfortunately
18:30.17WIMPyInteresting setup
18:30.17azv4I didn't do it heh, was like that when I got here, I guess they didn't want to buy the PRI card for the PBX
18:30.25tonsofpcsWIMPy: that's how the PBX here is set up.... nitsuko
18:30.27azv4would be nice if we had it so we could have caller ID and whatnot...
18:30.55p3nguin23 individual ATAs to turn PRI into 23 2P2Cs?
18:31.01azv4part of the reason why I want the programming software is so I can buy the card and set it up myself
18:31.31WIMPyp3nguin: They would need to be connected to something else again.
18:31.51azv4the other part is because I am buying a voip gateway and I want to install it myself and not pay some idiot $75 an hour
18:32.07WIMPy1st you need something that connects to the pri.
18:32.29WIMPyazv4: Replace the whole thing?
18:32.31tonsofpcsazv4: pm coming your way
18:32.32azv4I think we have an Adtran device, I might be spelling it wrong, I cant remember
18:32.58p3nguinSo the PRI can go to the Adtran, and that can turn it into SIP.
18:33.03azv4WiMPy, I would love to, but to goto an IP system would require a complete rewire of 3 facilities
18:33.23p3nguinThen you have 23 ATAs connected between the Adtran and your PBX?
18:33.34WIMPyazv4: Then keep the phones.
18:33.57WIMPyThat sounds even more interesting than I thought at first.
18:34.12WIMPywas thinking about some channelbank type thing.
18:34.12azv4define ATA please
18:34.22infoboti heard ata is Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
18:36.03azv4so I misused ATA
18:36.07p3nguinI'm just trying to get a mental image of the setup.
18:36.13azv4we have no ATA yet
18:36.28*** join/#asterisk hobodave (~hobodave@pdpc/supporter/professional/hobodave)
18:36.31p3nguinSo the Adtran connects right to the PBX with some type of cabling?
18:36.34azv4we have PRI into ADTRAN box, adtran is cross connected to PBX
18:36.44azv4with 23 seperate pairs
18:37.01*** join/#asterisk gnowen (
18:37.03azv4I assumed the adtran box converted to analog
18:37.07p3nguinThat PBX would accept 23 phone cables?
18:37.28azv4it accepts many more
18:37.43azv4I believe the cards support 8 each, with 8 cards
18:37.46p3nguinOkay, I can understand the physical configuration now.
18:37.53azv4but each port can be incoming line or extension
18:38.01azv4I THINK
18:38.07WIMPyInteresting again.
18:38.09p3nguinI wasn't trying to drag you off topic, just wanted to picture it.
18:38.12azv4I am not sure yet, I would love to get the software to understand for sure
18:38.17WIMPySounds rather unlikely.
18:38.25azv4but I can not see any cards that appear different than one another
18:38.29azv4they all look the same
18:39.02WIMPyFor analog, direction usually does matter.
18:39.12WIMPyFor digital, usually not.
18:39.16tonsofpcsp3nguin: my PBX accepts what appears to be 8x 66 blocks... (RJ21x)
18:39.50beekSounds like the Adtran is a channel bank to me.
18:39.59p3nguintonsofpcs: Which PBX are you running?
18:40.22tonsofpcsfrom what I could tell by glancing at the TD### manuals, the extensions can support analog or digital or digital with an analog behind it! (4-wire system maybe?)
18:40.41p3nguinI personally like to build IP PBXs and skip all the phone wiring stuff.  Where there's Ethernet, there's phone service.
18:40.45azv4tonsofpcs, that is correct, each phone has an analog port that can be used at the same time
18:40.52tonsofpcsp3nguin: Nitsuko Onyx
18:41.12azv4p3nguin, I would have to put a hub at every desk to go IP,
18:41.16SuperNullazv4 what series adtran ? i know some Adtran TA-900E series okay
18:41.24p3nguinazv4: Why?
18:41.37azv4I would have to take a 20 minute walk to get the Adtran model
18:41.51azv4p3nguin, becasue each desk in this company has only 1 ethernet
18:41.58*** join/#asterisk drift- (ae3001a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:42.03SuperNullazv no telnet/ssh access?
18:42.03Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
18:42.15azv4SuperNull, that is correct
18:42.19p3nguinazv4: I use Cisco phones, and I only need one wall jack per office and no hub/switch to feed a phone and PC.  The phones have a switch in them for that very reason.
18:42.46Qwellyeah nearly all phones have a switch port in them
18:42.49azv4p3nguin, thank you for that information!  I still doubt I can convince my CFO to upgrade phone systems at this time
18:42.52SuperNullis it a 1u with 1 centronix, 1 Ethernet and 1 T1 ?
18:43.10p3nguinIf you have the right switches, you can run two VLANs on each port and divide voice data based on MAC address.
18:43.19tonsofpcsp3nguin: do the cisco phones have both PoE and local PSU support or do you have to buy a different model for different powering or are they all PoE?
18:43.36azv4I would need a PoE switch also I guess...
18:43.57p3nguintonsofpcs: They have power jacks and also work with PoE switches or injectors.
18:44.37p3nguinfor example, I have PoE on mine, but the next one over has its own power cube.
18:44.40tonsofpcsp3nguin: nice.  that's one thing that's bothered me about some of the phones we've been pricing.  One or the other.  Want to have both? best keep spares of both   (and at that point, I'd buy all PoE and just buy a handful of local injectors)
18:44.41WIMPyWhich seems to be true for at least most phones, as well.
18:45.40azv4PoE switch isnt that expensive
18:45.41p3nguinIf my PoE goes out, I can go grab a cube and plug it in and be back in service within minutes.
18:45.54p3nguinNo, they aren't really that expensive if you need them.
18:45.58azv4is PoE not reliable?
18:46.08tonsofpcsif your PoE goes out, doesn't your switch go out too?
18:46.18p3nguinIt usually is reliable, but some things do go bad.
18:46.35p3nguinI'm using an injector rather than a PoE switch.
18:47.19*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
18:47.31tonsofpcsI've also been pricing Cisco PoE switches, trying to figure out the difference between a few different models.  SGE2010-[48 port gigabit poe] v 2960S-[whatever numbers mean 48 gigabit ports and PoE]
18:47.52p3nguinSo technically there is a power cube for my phone, but it happens to be on the other end of the ehternet cable rather than on my desk attached to the phone.
18:48.24WIMPyp3nguin: So you get additional cable heating for the winter?
18:48.35azv4I managed a PoE switch with a wireless network, and it was troublesome
18:48.42*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (~godmachin@unaffiliated/godmachine-x6)
18:48.44p3nguinHeh, yeah, don't want those cables freezing up.
18:48.54azv4I never could figure out the exact point of failure, but I never ruled out PoE failure
18:49.12*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
18:49.19p3nguinPoE access points?
18:49.30azv4it was 6 access points, Bountiful hardware (TRASH), and the access points were powered over ethernet
18:49.41p3nguinThat's not uncommon.
18:50.10azv4it was a headache, it was in a shipping warehouse, with 3 shifts, and if wireless went down, the whole warehouse stopped functioning
18:50.27azv4so at 3am I am remoting in to reset switch, accesspoints, and so on
18:50.37p3nguinI think most admins prefer that so they don't have to get an electrician to put a power receptacle at each location they intend to deploy an AP.
18:51.37azv4WIMPy, I believe he was referring to freezing up as in stop functioning, not literally freezing from tempature
18:51.59p3nguinI was talking about freezing as in ice.
18:52.28p3nguinHe said the PoE heated the wiring, so I said it would keep them from freezing.
18:53.24p3nguinIn the winter, we get water pipes freezing, so I'm familiar with applying heat to the conduits.
18:57.30WIMPyYes, you don't want your data to freeze in the cable.
18:57.36chuckfThe first job a buddy of mine got for wiring ethernet back in the late 90's was in an old house converted for a business. The first cold day the network went down. Turns out he ran all the cables under/behind a radiator and they melted into a big mess.
18:57.50p3nguinoh no!
18:58.20chuckfyeah, it was a good lauch
18:58.53p3nguinmmm, lunch.
18:59.53WIMPyMelting data is definitely worse.
19:00.24p3nguinI can call a plumber if mine gets stuck in the tubes, but when it's melted, that's the end.
19:00.47*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
19:09.04p3nguinJust so you know, the setvar=_myVar=value thing works fine in the conf file.
19:09.21p3nguinAt least so far that I have been testing it, it does.
19:10.05WIMPyGood to know. I might want that soon.
19:11.01p3nguinI kept losting a variable as channels were created, and I couldn't figure out what the heck was going on.
19:11.41p3nguinEasy fix.
19:12.16*** part/#asterisk root52 (
19:16.03tzangerhm, are there standard sip bruteforcing tools around?
19:16.14tzangerI have a client who wants me to prove that fail2ban works
19:16.17WIMPyCheck your logs :-)
19:16.21Qwelltzanger: use sipp
19:17.46WIMPyDoesn't look like a technikal issue, but rather the definition of "works".
19:17.48tzangerQwell: danke
19:20.03*** join/#asterisk gogasca (~Adium@nat/cisco/x-nnlcovgqxsyrzyzb)
19:20.57gogascahi ppl, upgrading from asterisk 2.8.1) to, after upgrade is complete cannot place internal calls, nor internal to external calls…but endpoints and trunk do register
19:21.17gogascai just do in install folder of .configure, make, make install and reboot
19:21.29infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
19:22.41gogascaok…im not looking for freepbx support now…some commands are missing after upgrade:
19:22.46gogascacore show version
19:23.34WIMPyAs far as I know it's impossible for 'core' commands to be missing. That's the idea of the core commands.
19:23.53gogascamaradona*CLI> core show version
19:23.54gogascaNo such command 'core show version' (type 'core show help core' for other possible commands)
19:24.03QwellWhat does core show help core show?
19:24.08Qwellgiggles quietly to himself
19:24.11gogasca[root@maradona ~]# asterisk -V
19:24.16QwellThat was a serious question though.
19:25.08QwellDoes it stop after 'f'?
19:25.26gogascaahh looks like irc throttle the output
19:25.44leifmadsenwell you shouldn't be pasting more than 2-3 lines anyways
19:25.46infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:26.30gogascapoint i sthat core show version is missing
19:26.37gogascajust wanted to check if im running right procedure
19:26.43gogascai stop my asterisk servic ein
19:26.49gogascathen go to my folder
19:26.56gogascamake install
19:27.10WIMPyDid you install it to the same place as it was before?
19:27.27leifmadsen./configure && make && rm -f /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/* && make install && /etc/init.d/asterisk restart
19:27.43leifmadsenthat's how I do it
19:27.52gogascain fact cat /etc/asterisk/version
19:27.52gogascaAsterisk 1.8.2-rc1
19:27.56gogascashows old version
19:28.07leifmadsenwell that file is certainly not installed by asterisk
19:28.15leifmadsenthat's a freepbx thing I suspect
19:28.17WIMPyThat file is not generated by Asterisk.
19:28.21leifmadsen^^ :)
19:28.30*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
19:28.31gogascain the full log
19:29.04Qwellyou broke something, and Asterisk isn't completely starting.
19:29.37gogascaI see this in full log
19:29.38gogasca[2011-08-15 12:28:59] WARNING[3638] pbx.c: No application 'Macro' for extension (ext-local, 101, 1)
19:29.39gogasca[2011-08-15 12:28:59] DEBUG[3638] pbx.c: Spawn extension (ext-local,101,1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/105-00000000'
19:29.47gogascaim calling from 105 to 101
19:30.22gogascawill be talking to freepbx ppl
19:30.22WIMPyAre you 100% sure, you didn;t end up with more than one Asterisk installation? Like one and a holf or something?
19:30.42gogascathis is what i basically did
19:31.01gogascai dowloaded the tar file un tar in /usr/local/src
19:31.06gogascarun ./configrue make and make install
19:31.10gogascaall good for 3 months
19:31.27gogascai had some hold/resume issues and want to be in the latest 1.8.X train
19:31.38gogascaso i downloaded the tar file of 1.8.5 and un tar
19:31.46gogascaunder /usr/local/src have 2 folder
19:31.49gogasca1.8.2.2 and 1.8.5
19:31.54gogascathen stop asterisk
19:32.05gogascarun ./conigure, make and make install from my 1.8.5
19:32.08gogascaand reboot
19:32.14gogascareally straight forward
19:33.48gogascawill be upgrading to freepbx  2.9
19:33.55gogascaim running 2.8.1
19:34.00gogascawill let u know
19:34.03gogascathanks guys
19:34.12jayteegood luck!
19:35.32[sr]anyone using video phones?
19:36.47gogascai do
19:36.56gogascai have tandberg e20s
19:37.02[sr]which codec do you use?
19:37.29gogascabut…there is an issue in pre asterisk 10
19:37.38gogascaasterisk dont support fmtp in SDP
19:37.46gogascahence the quality negotiated in basic CIF
19:37.49gogascanot HD
19:38.34[sr]i'm just testing for now
19:39.03gogascayeah u should go to asterisk 10
19:39.08gogascafor better experience
19:44.22*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@
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19:55.24*** part/#asterisk Poincare (~jefffnode@2001:470:cb24:4::2)
19:55.57gogascahi guys
19:56.02gogascajust installed freepbx 2.9.1
19:56.06gogascaand reinstall 1.8.5
19:56.09gogascausing ./configure && make && rm -f /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/* && make install && /etc/init.d/asterisk restart
19:56.12gogascaand working now
20:01.19*** join/#asterisk catphish_ (~charlie@2001:9d8:2005:2::3)
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20:06.41leifmadsenheh, left behind and incompatible modules is almost always the reason for failed upgrade (in my experience)
20:08.00WIMPyYes. It might be a good idea to clean the modules directory on install.
20:08.03pdtpatrickQuestion .. im trying to load a module but keep seeing undefined symbol: ast_speech_write
20:08.27WIMPyEither just warn about ones that won;t be replaced or maybe have an extra 3rd party directory.
20:09.47catphish_the install script warns you anyway
20:10.34WIMPyYes, but why always do it by hand? The chances that things go wrong if you don't are high.
20:19.10*** join/#asterisk tully` (~tully@
20:21.45tully`Is there any way to kill an agi script from asterisk without using signals?
20:22.41tully`because in all of my testing the dialplan will hang on an agi script and refust to run the hangup section of the dialplan
20:23.31*** join/#asterisk chasing`Sol (
20:28.11leifmadsenWIMPy: well that already happens (the warning)
20:28.46WIMPyYes, but you always have to do it manually.
20:29.00leifmadsenthe reason to do it by hand is that if you just implictly wipe out the directory, there is a not-zero chance of removing a third party module or precompiled module (like codec_g729)
20:29.18leifmadsenadding "rm -f /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/*" to my list of ocmmands to run is not difficult
20:29.31WIMPyAnd the chance that that will keep Asterisk from working.
20:29.34leifmadsenand adding it to "make install" has a high chance of hurting rather than helping
20:30.31WIMPyI'd rather have a missing module than an Asterisk installation that doesn't work.
20:31.18leifmadsenI'd rather people learn how to help themselves
20:31.42leifmadsenplus you can't know where the actual modules live anyways
20:31.51leifmadsenit's possible someone previously installed asterisk into a different location
20:31.58leifmadsenonly the administrator can know where the modules actually live
20:32.12WIMPyYes, that can be a lot of fun.
20:32.20leifmadsenI doubt you'll ever get the developers to permit such a change to the Makefile
20:33.46WIMPyI fuess it would be best if asterisk reliably refused to load modules that weren;t made for the current version.
20:33.58*** join/#asterisk bpgoldsb (
20:34.47bpgoldsbDoes anyone know if there's publicly available testing numbers that I can use that will 1) Do nothing 2) Echo back what I say?  I'm trying to troubleshoot some long distance related Echo
20:35.04*** join/#asterisk navaismo (
20:35.17WIMPyYou want to troubleshoot echo with echo?
20:35.59bpgoldsbPossibly.  I guess MoH or general noise will work too.
20:36.47catphish_i'd provide a public echo server, but i don't have anything production secured in place right now
20:37.34bpgoldsbOr, option #2, does anyone know of a place that will give me a trial account for free?
20:37.36navaismoI have a problem with long distance calls using asterisk 1.8.5 the call is dropped after 5 seconds
20:37.47bpgoldsbI can host my own asterisk instance in a vm to trunk that number to
20:38.02navaismoand the cli show me  "Re-invite to non-existing call leg on other UA"
20:38.21catphish_there are voip providers you can sign up to without depositing anything i think
20:38.44*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@
20:38.54catphish_i think voiptalk in the uk provide free numbers like echo, time
20:39.02catphish_not sure though
20:39.14*** join/#asterisk gogasca (~Adium@nat/cisco/x-ndryvpkctmiokqvu)
20:42.07navaismoany tips?
20:44.31catphish_reinvite is nothing more than an evil curse sent to upset people with NAT :)
20:44.43catphish_but unfortunately i don't know anything useful about it
20:44.49*** part/#asterisk captiancrash (
20:48.14[sr]going to sleep
20:48.40navaismoits a weird problem because with local numbers we dont have problems
20:54.52*** join/#asterisk nix8n82-phone (~AndChat@
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21:00.44*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
21:01.10gogascasorry naviamso can u repaste ur question just joined
21:03.17*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
21:04.34*** join/#asterisk nix8n82-phone (
21:05.59gogascau have sip trunk to pstn or analog cards?
21:06.47navaismosip trunk
21:07.31gogascaat some point call connects ?
21:07.36gogascaor just rings for 5 secs ?
21:07.41navaismothis is only for long distnace local and cellphones work great
21:08.04navaismoyes, ring then answer hear voice about 5 secs and dropped
21:09.33*** join/#asterisk rneese (
21:09.50gogascaI c, do u have any nat in the middle, i had something similar with hold/resume
21:09.53rneesewhat lang is the digium asterisk gui 2.0 written in
21:10.11gogascathe internal IP was announced in reinvite
21:10.15gogascaand remote end disconnected the call
21:10.27gogascaonly during initial setup ip was rewritten properly
21:11.04gogascaI had javascript:void(null) configured
21:11.13gogascaunder sip_general_custom.conf
21:11.21navaismoYes i have a Nat but in the sip debug the Contact IP is written with my public IP
21:11.38gogascawhat about the SDP info ?
21:12.28gogascafor the working call what is the difference? if u have both sip debugs i can take a look
21:13.08navaismothis is the hangupcause in the debug '-Asterisk-HangupCause: No user responding'
21:13.22navaismoi only have the long distance
21:13.26*** part/#asterisk rneese (
21:14.58WIMPyYou get 'no user responding' after it is already ringing? Or is that self generated fake ringing?
21:15.34WIMPyOh, even after connect. That doesn't make sense.
21:16.56navaismoafter connect
21:17.20navaismoi can hear at least 3 or 5 seconds of remote voice then the call is dropped
21:22.31*** join/#asterisk mozart_ar (
21:23.47navaismohere is the log
21:25.29*** join/#asterisk BenC[UK] (
21:26.25mozart_arHello, is there a way to restart the busy mode ?
21:26.55mozart_army extension is rejecting calls with the busy message
21:27.35mozart_arand I have hang down my extension, is not busy
21:27.50mozart_arsome clue to try ?
21:28.30mozart_arI have try to search in CLI , but I dont sure wich key I should to see
21:30.11*** join/#asterisk Hanumaan (
21:33.51BenC[UK]mozart_ar:  sip show channels - you should be able to see any calls
21:34.33mozart_arlet me see
21:35.01mozart_ar0 active SIP dialogs
21:35.55*** join/#asterisk penguin (
21:36.25BenC[UK]channel request hangup all
21:36.47BenC[UK]are you sure its busy though, not an error..
21:36.52BenC[UK]if you check the cli
21:36.54BenC[UK]and make a call
21:36.58*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
21:36.59BenC[UK]you should see any errors
21:37.48penguindoes anyone know how how to set a time for the sip registry
21:38.14penguinso its not registering with my provider every 5 seconds?
21:38.58*** join/#asterisk nix8n82-phone (~AndChat@
21:39.05mozart_arI got this in a verbose CLI: "Got SIP response 486 "Busy Here" back from"
21:39.26*** join/#asterisk ClintGoudie-Nice (
21:39.27mozart_ar"" is IP from is registered my extension
21:39.44ClintGoudie-Niceheya all, is there any way to disable SDP for a given sip trunk?
21:40.00BenC[UK]mozart_ar:  I am not sure then :(
21:40.04BenC[UK]what SIP device is it?
21:40.17ClintGoudie-Niceor even all sip? this is just a jimmy rig to duplicate an issue we're having with a switch
21:40.40mozart_arthanks anyway BenC[UK]
21:42.10BenC[UK]penguin: registertimeout=X
21:43.36BenC[UK]penguin:  goes in global section
21:45.46*** join/#asterisk mygfiscontradict (
21:46.00mygfiscontradicti'm running ubuntu server
21:46.11mygfiscontradictand asterisk installed on it
21:46.27mygfiscontradictbut each time i try to make a call, it ends
21:49.12penguinBenC[UK]: thanks so much
21:49.32BenC[UK]mygfiscontradict: check the asterisk logs/cli
21:49.57mygfiscontradictlooking, can i show you my log?
21:50.29mygfiscontradictBenC[UK], can i show you my logs*
21:52.45mygfiscontradictif anyone else is interested
21:52.45*** join/#asterisk Alric (~alric@
21:52.46ChannelZAsterisk ends, or the call ends?
21:53.09mygfiscontradictfrom what the logs say ChannelZ
21:53.18mygfiscontradictchan_sip.c: Registration from '"tinu" <sip:tinu@>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
21:53.19ChannelZDid you configure this at ALL?
21:53.51mygfiscontradicti did so
21:54.02mygfiscontradicti followed these steps
21:54.43mygfiscontradictam I missing anything?
21:55.31AlricRegarding SIP messaging, does anyone know where Asterisk gets the extension to call from?  It seems to be using the request line instead of the To header, but that seems odd to me.
21:56.28ChannelZmygfiscontradict: yeah a lot it seems like
21:56.43mygfiscontradictmind pointing me in the right direction?
21:56.58ChannelZmygfiscontradict: You're trying to register as "tinu" but the instructions sure don't have a peer named that, and apparently you don't either
21:57.54mygfiscontradictso let me understand this
21:58.00p3nguinPlease do.
21:58.16ChannelZAlso they only setup 2 test extensions, 1001 and 1002 so the attempts to dial real numbers I see won't work even once you fix your SIP peers
21:58.47mygfiscontradicti see my mistake
21:58.55mygfiscontradicti changed the 1001 to tinu
21:58.58*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-hqoccdooyhrtolof)
21:59.02ChannelZmygfiscontradict: in sip.conf they setup 2 peers called [1001] and [1002] (which is a "mistake" in and of its self but we'll ignore that for now)
22:00.56mygfiscontradictgo on
22:01.05ChannelZI'm done
22:02.04ChannelZAlmost.  Now you have them as 101 and 102, but the rest of the example you (presumably) used from the website is going to try and dial 1001 and 1002
22:02.29ChannelZ(see the Dial statements in extensions.conf)
22:02.33mygfiscontradicti'll change that too
22:03.21mygfiscontradictbtw, thank you
22:03.26mygfiscontradictbig time, this is saving my job!
22:03.35mygfiscontradictfixed :)
22:03.38mygfiscontradictlets try it now
22:04.39*** join/#asterisk grantm (~grant@
22:13.03mygfiscontradictChannelZ: why is call heading to
22:13.12mygfiscontradictwhen my server's ip is
22:15.35mygfiscontradictor anyone else please
22:15.57BenC[UK]1.6 is the sip phone I guess?
22:16.08BenC[UK]the one thats calling
22:19.48ChannelZHow do you think the call is "heading to"
22:21.24*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
22:31.47*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
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22:50.34mygfiscontradictBenC[UK]: good point
22:50.36mygfiscontradictthanks ChannelZ
22:52.18*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
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22:56.03*** join/#asterisk Suikwan (~administr@
22:56.51SuikwanCan anyone tell me if a timing device is required when using SIP trunks?
22:57.31*** join/#asterisk caveat- (
23:00.50ChannelZnot generally no
23:01.29SuikwanI thought so, but had my doubts...only when using E1, T1, etc, right?
23:01.48WIMPyDevice as in hardware: no. Device as in external software: In theory no, because of some bug, maybe yes.
23:02.22WIMPyDigital interfaces will provide timing.
23:03.13Suikwanthanks ChannelZ, WIMPy
23:11.18*** join/#asterisk TenJack (
23:11.42*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
23:12.29TenJackHey, Im trying to setup Adhearsion in production and I need to open port 5038.  I added the line "-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 5038 -j ACCEPT" to my iptables.up.rules file, but this does not seem to do the trick.
23:12.53TenJackanyone know what rule will open this port up for adhearsion to connect to asterisk?
23:13.17*** join/#asterisk SantiamTech (
23:13.32mygfiscontradictcan i use google voice + AsteriskNOW together?
23:13.37WIMPyYou need to put the rule at the right position.
23:13.50mygfiscontradictwould it work as good as 1.8?
23:14.17mygfiscontradictBenC[UK]: plus, do i need a sip service to use google voice?
23:14.31TenJackWIMPy: it's after other rules just like it, like: "-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT"
23:15.00TenJackbut when i do "netstat -atn | grep 5038" nothing happens
23:15.08ChannelZGoogle Voice is its own thing so you don't need an ITSP if that's what you mean
23:15.11WIMPyIf you have some reject or drop rule before, that won;t do anything.
23:15.17mygfiscontradictChannelZ: thank you
23:15.31ChannelZTenJack: Did you reload your firewall?
23:15.42mygfiscontradictChannelZ: do you know if google voice is dependable for long term uses?
23:15.56mygfiscontradict2 years*
23:16.13ChannelZno idea
23:16.21mygfiscontradictif not, which sip provider would you recommend for the us
23:16.34ChannelZI'm using it more as an amusement (for Google Talk, not Voice specifically)
23:16.46TenJackChannelZ: I believe so, i did "/sbin/iptables -F" then "/sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.up.rules"
23:17.03ChannelZGoogle Voice is a little bit of a PITA because of how it works, you have to program Asterisk to answer the call and send DTMF to accept the call...
23:17.15mygfiscontradicti see
23:17.26mygfiscontradictmhmmm, i think its best then to go with sip provider
23:17.34infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
23:17.41mygfiscontradictthanks infobot
23:18.25TenJackChannelZ: is that the right way to write the rule?
23:18.27p3nguintenjack: Allowing connection through the firewall does not make the service listen.  netstat shows port status.
23:18.35ChannelZAlso Google is still fiddling with the protocol it seems (Talk behaves differently than Voice) so if it was your primary means of communication it's entirely possible it might get broken at some point for days/weeks until fixed on the Asterisk side
23:19.14TenJackp3nguin: what do you mean by service exactly?
23:19.22p3nguintenjack: a daemon
23:19.26ChannelZTenJack: I dunno sorry, I don't use the scripts you use.  In general the syntax is right AFAIK
23:19.27p3nguintenjack: something listening
23:19.52TenJackp3nguin: like Adhearsion?
23:20.01ChannelZAre you sure it's the firewall and not Manager not being configured on Asterisk?
23:20.08p3nguintenjack: Like if you start httpd, it listens on port 80.  Just because you allow port 80 through the firewall does not start an httpd for you.
23:21.20TenJackp3nguin: yea, i know.  ive tried starting Adhearsion and it won't connect to Asterisk.  I get a connection refused error.
23:21.42ChannelZRE: is Manager setup on Asterisk in the first place?
23:21.43TenJackso I thought it was b/c the port that it was trying to connect through wasn't open
23:21.43p3nguintenjack: Is it on the same host as asterisk?
23:22.00TenJackp3nguin: yes
23:22.07p3nguinHow does it connect to asterisk?
23:22.10TenJackChannelZ: yes
23:22.18TenJackI have it connected and working in development
23:23.07ChannelZthat seems contradictory?
23:23.11TenJacktheres a adhearsion.yml file and it has ami: host:
23:23.32TenJackChannelZ: its working on my local development machine but not on my production slice
23:24.00p3nguinI don't know how it connects to asterisk, so I can't tell you what to look for.
23:24.05TenJackChannelZ: I have iptables configured on my production slice so I was assuming it was something to do w that
23:24.18ChannelZOn your production machine can you "telnet localhost 5038" and get something?
23:25.30TenJackChannelZ: I'm not sure what you mean exactly.  Somewhat new to this...
23:25.39ChannelZin a shell
23:25.41TenJackChannelZ: if I do "netstat -atn | grep 5038" nothing happens
23:26.04TenJackChannelZ: i dont have telnet installed
23:26.07ChannelZthen Asterisk isn't even listening on port 5038
23:26.20p3nguinIt's supposed to listen on TCP 5038?
23:26.22*** join/#asterisk mozart_ar (
23:26.22ChannelZso manager isn't configured
23:26.32ChannelZ(or loaded)
23:26.45ChannelZp3nguin: AMI
23:26.59p3nguino i c
23:27.01ChannelZAt least that's what I assume Adhearsion is trying to talk to
23:27.18*** join/#asterisk Cesare (
23:27.19TenJackyes thats true
23:27.22TenJackit uses AMI
23:27.23p3nguinI've tried to find out a couple times, but he doesn't want to tell me.
23:27.34p3nguinFINALLY AN ANSWER!
23:27.52TenJackp3nguin: oh sorry! i didnt understand what you were asking exactly
23:28.18ChannelZWell again TenJack if nothing is listening on port 5038 then Manager is misconfigured/not running
23:28.28p3nguinBetter go fix that.
23:29.10TenJackYea, you're right. ok thanks
23:35.09p3nguinchannelz: Did you happen to pick up on where the problem with voipms and that pesky s extension turned out to be?
23:35.23ChannelZNot me, no.
23:35.43ChannelZI don't use them.  I thought maybe it was that Contact: string but that seemed not to be the case last I saw
23:36.36p3nguinThere's a setting in the portal for the end user to select if he is using:  ATA device, IP Phone or Softphone   or   Asterisk, IP PBX, Gateway or VoIP Switch
23:36.48p3nguinI use Asterisk, so I've always had it set as such.
23:37.07ChannelZAh.  Figured it had to be something on their end
23:37.10p3nguinChange it to ATA/softphone, and apparently all calls go to 's'.
23:37.48ChannelZWhen set to Asterisk, does it pay attention to the registration extension also?
23:38.16ChannelZI'm sort of assuming not
23:38.16p3nguinI'd have to try it.  I don't register with an extension because I have multiple DIDs.
23:38.48p3nguinThe first guy that told me about the problem is the one who figured it out.  He said calls magically started going to his phone number instead of s, and he realized he had changed that setting.
23:39.01p3nguindijib or whatever
23:40.10p3nguinI'd guess if I registered with /exten it would ignore that and send to the DID number, since it ignores the s (lack of /exten in registration).
23:40.13ChannelZwell that's cool.  Was the other one around to see the solution?
23:40.23ChannelZ(I forget who it even was)
23:40.36p3nguinI told karen_m, but got no response.
23:41.10p3nguinI'm happy to know they didn't screw up something so simple and necessary.
23:41.31p3nguinI'm wondering if the default setting is to ATA/softphone, though.
23:42.33p3nguinNow if I could only figure out why chan_sccp-b breaks the caller ID on a forwarded call, I'd be a happy guy for a while.
23:42.47ChannelZshrugs on that one
23:43.44p3nguinWhen using SIP on my phone, if I enabled CFwdAll and a call came in, it would "bounce" off the phone and go back out to the number specified.  The caller ID number would make it from end to end without being altered, so I would know who was actually calling.
23:44.15p3nguinUsing SCCP, the call is somehow deflected and it takes on the caller id value of the phone.
23:44.23BenC[UK]Guys, I am trying to use the AMI to originate a call, send it into a dialplan, which then calls a number, and if its answered, send the call into a queue..
23:44.37p3nguinScrews me right up, thinking someone is calling from the office when it's really someone calling through.
23:44.42ChannelZHas the channel been Answer()ed yet?
23:45.13*** join/#asterisk saxa (~sasa@
23:45.29p3nguinLet me look.  I don't think so, but I need to check.
23:45.40pdtpatrickQuestion .. if im seeing stub_ast_key_get: Crypto support not loaded.. what module do i need to load in asterisk ?
23:45.54ChannelZalthough that shouldn't matter, if the phone actually issues a redirect...
23:46.21p3nguinNope, no answer and no apps that answer.
23:46.29ChannelZif you call forward it to another SIP extension does it show the right or wrong CID?
23:47.03p3nguinI'd imagine it will show the internal cid number just like if I picked up the handset and called the other phone.
23:47.21p3nguinI can test it.
23:48.14ChannelZMine gives me the original CID
23:48.15p3nguinIt shows that the IP phone called the other IP phone.
23:48.24p3nguinYeah, when I used SIP it worked fine.
23:48.45ChannelZSo it's something with the sccp channel then I guess
23:48.56p3nguinThere was a redirect and the original caller CID stayed attached.
23:49.18p3nguinBut SCCP breaks it somehow, and I don't know where to look.
23:49.36p3nguinDo you happen to have any hard-wired callerid value on your sip peer?
23:50.03ChannelZwell... I mean the peer in sip.conf has CID associated with it, my name and local extension
23:50.05p3nguinI guess it's just the difference between SIP and SCCP.
23:50.11p3nguinoh, hmm.
23:50.22p3nguinI'm talking about callerid=something <number>
23:50.29ChannelZyeah.. that
23:50.35p3nguinOkay, that's good.
23:50.48ChannelZIt's  Bob <210>  which is my exten
23:50.54p3nguinThat means the redirect doesn't care about that setting and still retains the original CID anyway.
23:51.34ChannelZBecause it's not actually originating a call.  That's what I was wondering, if your particular phone was maybe doing something goofy other than a redirect, but it seems not
23:52.02ChannelZSo it's the sccp channel picking up the info elsewhere, it seems
23:52.23p3nguinI'm removing the cid_num line in my sccp.conf on that phone and I'll try again.
23:52.27ChannelZ(I haven't actually ever looked at what the SIP redirect even looks like..)
23:52.48p3nguinMaybe in sccp, that setting is absolute, where in sip it is almost absolute.
23:54.06p3nguinHmph.  Without cid_num, the callerID num field is empty.  Empty!
23:54.18p3nguinSo it's just chan_sccp being screwy.
23:54.51p3nguinI can't believe no one ever complained to the devs about that.
23:55.02*** join/#asterisk Korolev (~SPKorolev@
23:55.09ChannelZYeah they're just not paying attention to the channel CID it sounds like.  If you specifically set CallerID(num) to something and then dial out your sccp channel, does it get the CID you set?
23:55.44p3nguinlike... where?
23:56.05*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
23:56.42ChannelZlike make an extension 5555 that does a Set(CALLERID(num)=5555) and then Dial through sccp wherever it is you're dialing to.  Then call 5555 from your SIP phone (which presumably has different callerid= set in sip.conf)
23:57.58ChannelZDoes the CID come up then as 5555 or the CID of your SIP phone?  (just wondering if it's somehow looking up the peer and getting the information on its own, or if it's getting passed through the channel like normal)
23:58.52p3nguinI guess I wasn't clear with what I'm doing.  I have only SCCP phones on Asterisk.  If I set callfwd on my phone to my cell number, and then you call me at 762 from anywhere, my SCCP phone forwards your call to my cell number with the cid_num value I have set for the SCCP phone.
23:59.30p3nguinSo it my SCCP phone's cid_num is 8004444444, and you call me from 3145551212, when the call is forwarded to my cell phone, I see a call from 8004444444.

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