IRC log for #asterisk on 20110814

00:02.03ChannelZthat's (not) useful
00:02.14ChannelZBut again what is the significance of 929
00:02.32SVLDi need dial 929 through gateway (my peer), depending on which account call provider
00:03.30SVLDall accounts have different username/pass, but one provider (ip)
00:04.11ChannelZso 929 is the account
00:04.52SVLDI need use of astersik like mobile gateway, which register at provider and provider can decide which port use for call
00:05.37ChannelZYou're talking about *outgoing* calls?
00:05.55ChannelZI don't know what the hell you're talking about.  Maybe someone else can help.
00:06.14SVLDi route calls from provider to mobile network
00:10.31SVLDprovider dial sip/1234/8979879, for example, 1234 - my first account in provider and I dial sip/gw1/8979879, if provider dial sip/1235/9879834, I have to dial sip/gw2/9879834
00:29.32*** part/#asterisk SVLD (4e1efcee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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01:05.18*** join/#asterisk kaushal (~kaushal@
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01:06.40kaushalis there a way to blast Outbound calls to 250 known numbers and play the sound file which is basically a campaign ?
01:06.53kaushalfrom Asterisk CLI ?
01:07.35*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
01:07.37kaushalBasically i need to use the entire 8 PRI Lines using 8 PRI Port Sangoma Card
01:07.59kaushalthe issue is that when i use 4 port it works perfectly fine
01:08.51kaushalwhen i start using PRI lines more than 5 nos , the call gets hung and i get error 101
01:09.16kaushalI have approached the telco and the Sangoma Card techsupport team.
01:09.26kaushalAny clue please ?
01:09.33*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
01:10.39kaushalPlease let me know if anyone needs configs or logs
01:12.04*** join/#asterisk djuhl30 (~quassel@
01:19.29pabelangerkaushal: PRI or BRI?
01:19.40pabelangereither way, sound like a problem with you dial groups
01:19.41kaushalpabelanger: PRI
01:19.55djuhl30Anyone live in South Korea?
01:20.18pabelangermy bad, 8 ports of PRI.
01:20.52kaushalpabelanger: shall i pastebin the configs ?
01:20.53pabelangerya, so if the first 4 ports work, which I assume is card 1, then I would look at the configuration of the next 4 ports, the next card
01:21.12kaushalpabelanger: nope
01:22.16pabelangerwell, pb your configs / dialplan and somebody will help.
01:22.23pabelangercan't right now, Pho awaits
01:22.36djuhl30Yum Pho
01:23.43kaushalso its a 4 port with dual mode
01:25.50kaushaldjuhl30: do you need my configs ?
01:26.19djuhl30I love free stuff.
01:26.49djuhl30But for right now I am trying to buy a voip locally.  Seems like South Koreans don't know what one is
01:28.16kaushalpabelanger: Pho awaits ?
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01:45.30WIMPykaushal: Use the latest libpri and dahdi.
01:58.55*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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02:35.33kaushalWIMPy: ok
02:36.23kaushalWIMPy: is there a way to know the version of dahdi ?
02:36.56WIMPykaushal: Actually thinking about it, I'm not sure if it wwas libpri, dahdi, or even chan_dahdi. So it could be the Asterisk Version as well.
02:38.57WIMPyI'm pretty sure, Asterisk should be ok.
02:41.47kaushalWIMPy: Any further clue ?
02:42.28*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
02:42.32brdudeI'm having trouble setting up an asterisk box, I can ping the box and I can ssh the box. I also have the clients set up under sip.conf, but no luck registering them. I'm folowing Asterisk: The deinitive guide 3rd edition. Any ideas where I can begin to track what the problem is? This is my first asterisk box so I'm completely lost.
02:42.51WIMPyI remember the last guy with that issue fixed it by upgrading.
02:43.15kaushalWIMPy: are you referring to me ?
02:43.20WIMPykaushal: yes
02:43.36kaushalWIMPy: i dont see yum list updates | grep libpri
02:43.42brdudeSorry didn't mean to but in guys.
02:44.17kaushalWIMPy: do i need to upgrade dahdi too ?
02:44.25WIMPykaushal: It is no the recent version. But libpri goes in to Asterisk, so maybe you should DIY.
02:44.48kaushalDIY ?
02:44.51WIMPykaushal: I honestly can't remember, but I thik it was libpri or dahdi.
02:45.05WIMPyCompile form source.
02:45.18kaushalDIY Full form ?
02:45.32kaushaldo it yourself ?
02:46.09kaushalso there is no reason to upgrade dahdi ?
02:46.27WIMPybrdude: Turn up verbose and debug on the *CLI and sii it it tells you something when you try to register or use the phones.
02:47.27WIMPykaushal: Sorry, I can't remember what exactely fixed it. But it must be mentioned somewhere. We had a few occasions of that one lately.
02:47.36kaushalWIMPy: np
02:51.01brdudeWIMPy what is sii?
02:51.08kaushalWIMPy: I would update you
02:51.41WIMPybrdude: Sorry. "sip"
02:52.04brdudeOk thanks,
02:52.48*** join/#asterisk jwiggins (~James@gateway/tor-sasl/jwiggins)
02:55.26WIMPybrdude: Sorry. Doing too many things for my age, apparently. I meant: See if it has anything to tell you.
02:56.03brdudeIt's all good.
02:57.01brdudeWIMPy, i set verbose to 5 and set debug on for sip but no information came trough.
02:58.05WIMPybrdude: then Asterisk is not receiving anything. Maybe you need to habe a taly to a firewall?
02:58.21WIMPybrdude: then Asterisk is not receiving anything. Maybe you need to have a talk to a firewall?
02:59.16*** join/#asterisk jwiggins (~James@gateway/tor-sasl/jwiggins)
02:59.25brdudeWIMPy no firewall in between, I'm in a local lan. I have also turned off selinux.
02:59.38kaushalWIMPy: when i run the command channel originate DAHDI/g0/xxxxxxxxxx Application MP3Player  /home/kaushal/obd-demo.mp3
03:00.06kaushal[Aug 14 08:28:43] NOTICE[2673]: app_mp3.c:127 timed_read: Poll timed out/errored out with 0
03:00.53WIMPybrdude: Did you configure the correct registrar/proxy on the phones?
03:01.23WIMPykaushal: Haven't seen that before. I usually use SayUnixTime for testing.
03:02.16WIMPyOk, so now it calls out, but mp3 is b0rked?
03:02.35brdudeWIMPy, no proxy setup and for the phone i just set the domain to the IP of the asterisk box.
03:04.07WIMPybrdude: That might be the wrong place. Usually the field(s) for the server are called registrar and proxy. But the naming and functionality differs quite a lot. Check the phones manual.
03:04.51brdudeWIMPy, I'm using X-lite 4 for the mac.
03:05.16*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
03:05.26brdudeI also tried media5 on the iPhone.
03:05.28WIMPyI never understood the configuration of X-Lite.
03:07.32brdudeI used it on with a test setup I did of asteriskNow box with freePBX and it worked fine with just putting the IP in the domain field.
03:12.26djuhl30polucom good?
03:12.38djuhl30Anyone use that phone?
03:13.07brdudedjuhl30 any specifig model or just the brand>
03:13.08WIMPyThere seem to be a lot of Polycom fans in here.
03:15.01*** join/#asterisk zonyl (
03:16.26zonylHi.  I am trying to register fring client to my asterisk box, and am getting an "unauthorized" response back to my client.  The user/password are seemingly correct, so I am thinking that this is a domain issue (all of my existing clients use IP address as server), fring needs an external dns name.
03:16.41djuhl305 SIP lines on a VOIP phone means you can register each line with asterisks right?
03:17.02djuhl30provided you configure asterisk
03:17.12zonylI tried putting a "domain=" in the client sip.conf but it would appear to not be working
03:17.21WIMPydjuhl30: It can mean anything. But hopefully it means 5 accounts.
03:17.54WIMPyBut I've also seen Phones supporting multiple accounts, but only on one server.
03:17.58*** join/#asterisk DrDigi (
03:18.45zonylWIMPy: I have gigaset that supports multiple lines (each has its own account)
03:19.47zonylI have always been a bit mystified over how asterisk decides what domain it is using for itself.
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03:23.48WIMPy1.5K of dialplan optimized away. Time for a flower watering break.
03:25.06zonylhrm.. magically it started working
03:25.46*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
03:25.51zonylI had been doing a "reload" all the while, which apparently didnt kick in the sip.conf change (until I did a "sip reload"?)
03:34.35WIMPyOk, and now make it bigger again, adding the (hopefully) last feature.
03:47.56*** join/#asterisk CryptixOverdrive (
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04:44.25brdudeWIMPy, so iptables turned out to be the problem.
04:44.47brdudeI turned of selinux but didn't know iptables was installed by default on centos
04:45.52p3nguinFirewall strikes again.
04:48.07*** join/#asterisk Howlader (
05:05.16WIMPyYes. Firewalls are evil. They keep things from working.
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05:33.54DrDigitalha! they trying to let 911 calls be done via txting
05:34.57p3nguinThat's an interesting idea.  Do you think it would work well?
05:36.45brdudeNot sure if it would work well, but it would be convenient for people who can't for waterver reason make any noise.
05:37.05p3nguinI hadn't thought of that angle.
05:45.59brdudeWould one of you guys mind looking at my sip.conf and extensions.conf and telling me why I'm only getting a busy signal when I try to dial.
05:46.28p3nguinPastebin it all.  Hide ONLY your passwords.
05:46.30brdudeActually it's not even a busy signal, the call just fails to connect
05:47.14brdudeThere we go, I had that ready just forgot to post it.
05:48.22p3nguinYou have no peers.
05:49.04WIMPyI think he has.
05:49.08p3nguinOh, maybe you do but in a really weird way.
05:49.18WIMPyBut shared passwords are innovative.
05:49.25p3nguinTemplated items only, I guess.
05:49.42p3nguinI've never seen anyone do it that way before.
05:50.16brdudeYeah, I've been folowing the asterisk book 3rd edition and that's how it told me to set it up.
05:51.12brdudeif I do a "sip show peers" the two phones show up and are registed.
05:51.15p3nguinWith a password in the template, and no parameters set in the actual peer definition?  WEIRD!
05:51.59p3nguinWhat does "dialplan show" show you?
05:52.00WIMPyThat's the work of a real haxx0r :-))
05:53.22brdude"dialplan show" gives me this
05:53.25p3nguinI'll be blown away if THAT is actually in the book.
05:53.46p3nguinOkay, that looks good.
05:53.58p3nguinIf you pick up MacRod and dial 100, what happens?
05:53.58WIMPyProbably not that minimalistic.
05:54.35p3nguinor if you pick up either phone and dial 200, what happens?
05:54.50brdudebusy signal, with message "Call failed to connect"
05:54.52p3nguinOh wait!
05:54.55p3nguinI see the problem.
05:55.04p3nguinline 13 of first paste.
05:55.05brdudesame thing for 200
05:55.41p3nguinChange, save, run sip reload, try again.
05:55.59p3nguinmaybe not THE problem, but A problem nevertheless.
05:57.15brdudejust tried 200 now that the typo is fixed and it worked.
05:58.01brdudeeverything works like a charm
05:58.09brdudep3nguin you the man
05:58.24p3nguinThen I would remove the secret from the template and add a secret in each peer, which is different.
05:58.56WIMPyDoing 'whaever reload' can give you warnings on invalid config options you usually miss when loading everything.
05:59.22WIMPyUnfortunatly you need to have an idea where there might be one hidden.
06:00.35brdudeWIMPy what verbosity level does it have to be at? I did a dialplan reload earlier when the typo was there and nothing poped up.
06:01.05WIMPyit should have been 'sip reload'.
06:01.05p3nguinI would expect serious errors to pop up at core verbose 0 and up.
06:01.28p3nguinA typo in dialplan isn't necessarily a serious error.
06:01.49WIMPyNo, but a syntax check would be nice.
06:02.01p3nguinYes, yes it would.
06:03.13p3nguinPerhaps we can get that in Asterisk 9000.
06:03.41WIMPyBut 9000 isn't binary.
06:03.50p3nguinWhy would it need to be?
06:03.57brdudeWIMPy I also did a sip reload and no errors either
06:04.36brdudelet me put the typo back in and retry that just to be sure.
06:05.04WIMPyHmm. I would have expected it at any debug/verbose level, but maybe it doesn't really car in sip.conf?
06:06.47brdudeyep verbose 1 and no errors
06:07.04WIMPyAnd debug 1?
06:07.44brdudelet me try
06:09.55brdudeVerbose 50 and debug 50 and still nothing
06:10.22WIMPyI'd say no cookies for Asterisk today.
06:10.24brdudeonly thing i see is == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/sip.conf':   == Found
06:11.12brdudeYep, asterisk no get cookie from me.
06:12.02WIMPyrenice it to -15 for an hour
06:12.50WIMPyman renice
06:13.20p3nguinThat's an awful penalty.
06:14.38WIMPyWhat do you call a loop in the dialplan then?
06:15.23p3nguinSay what?
06:15.45p3nguinA loop in the dial plan would be called... a ... loop ... I guess.
06:16.14DrDigitalthats what they said
06:16.28DrDigitalif your hiding in the closet as someone is breaking into your home
06:16.33DrDigitalyou could txt police
06:16.46DrDigitalor if your playing dead...
06:16.50p3nguinIt's not a bad idea when looking at it at face value.
06:17.04p3nguinI don't know if there are other implications or not.
06:17.25DrDigitalyou can also take pictures and txt them or videos
06:18.07WIMPyIf you attach a video the whole system will crash.
06:18.08p3nguin"Just text 'HELP' to POLICE"
06:21.42brdudeIt would also be helpfull if they integrated in gps.
06:22.19WIMPyMany phones have it.
06:22.35p3nguinAll modern phones have it.
06:22.41p3nguincellular, that is.
06:22.45WIMPyAnd there are various other ways to find the position of a phone, like wifi scans.
06:23.28p3nguinThat's one reason the wireless company doesn't like that I still use a StarTAC.  There is no GPS in something that old.
06:23.28WIMPySome if the non GPS one can do GPS with some external help.
06:25.21WIMPyBut that's only for the exact position anyway. You already get a pretty small area as a by product just from using the network.
06:27.01p3nguinThey could find me if they had enough time and I didn't shut off my phone or move around.
06:27.16p3nguinBut they won't get exact coordinates.
06:27.43WIMPyDepends on the effort they want to put in to it.
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07:17.38trumeeanybody know where should i create the user 'admin'
07:17.42trumeeauthenticate: failed to authenticate as 'admin'
07:17.51trumeei am getting the above error
07:18.10trumeemanager.c:2259 authenticate: tried to authenticate with nonexistent user 'admin'
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07:43.45blueany hints on how to compile AppKonference for asterisk 1.6.2 on debian squeeze?
07:44.08bluemakefile should point to the correct sources and includes, but make fails
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07:50.01nix8n82-phonetruemee manger.conf?
07:51.20p3nguinJust don't try to copy and paste it; use tab completion.
07:51.32*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
08:05.28nix8n82-phoneI don't know how to tab on my droid x
08:06.21p3nguinThe tab complete suggestion was for trumee, anyway.
08:07.58trumeenix8n82-phone: had to restart *. that problem is solved
08:10.13*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
08:10.17nix8n82-phoneCool glad it all worked out
08:16.18nix8n82-phoneAnyone use an android device to make sip calls and is there one that works with bluetooth?
08:17.46*** join/#asterisk x1user (
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08:27.39x1userHi, i have the following problem Call from 'tammari' to extension 'my_number' rejected because extension not found in context 'mycontext'.
08:27.40x1userCall from 'tammari' to extension '0883374478' rejected because extension not found in context ''.
08:28.01x1userMy conf file
08:29.39ChannelZYou have no extension 0883374478 in a context named ''.  It's pretty much telling you exactly what is wrong
08:29.55ChannelZthough I don't know where it's even getting that context based on what you pasted.
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08:32.34x1userisnot the context [mycontext] in extensions.conf
08:33.21ChannelZThat is a context yes.  "" is not the same as "mycontext"
08:33.31ChannelZWhere is this call coming from?
08:34.30x1userFrom a sip client. It is a test set up but i cant set correct dialplan.
08:35.05p3nguinCreate a peer for that client.  Set the appropriate context for the peer.  Put dial plan into that context.  Make calls.
08:35.32ChannelZok well you didn't show us your sip setup but the problem lies there
08:36.28p3nguinIt is beyond me how people cannot grasp the simple flow of a call.
08:36.52x1user here is sip.conf
08:37.19p3nguinCall comes from a peer.  If the peer is known, the call goes to the context as configured in the peer definition; otherwise, the call goes to the context defined in the general section.
08:38.17p3nguininsecure=very should be insecure=port,invite  IF you even need insecure at all.
08:38.51ChannelZEither you've changed something since pasting your error or something very bizarre is happening
08:39.10p3nguinfailure to reload confs between tests?
08:39.12x1userI think it is because of dialplan, super user seems okay to me
08:39.48x1usersip user i mean is ok to me, it should be because of dialplan
08:40.30p3nguinYour dial plan is usable.
08:40.31ChannelZThe errors you've pasted don't match the configs you pasted so I don't know what the error really is.
08:41.25p3nguinIt could be a case of secret sip.conf and extensions.conf again.
08:41.41p3nguinYou know... where we can't be trusted to see the entire thing.
08:41.57ChannelZThat too
08:44.07p3nguinThe super secret codes could leak out on the internets.
08:45.31ChannelZgoes to bed
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10:29.29usrbinfoobarhi guys
10:29.52usrbinfoobari have a question about g729 and the ipp librarys
10:30.06usrbinfoobari notice v7 supports g729, a,b and some others
10:30.22usrbinfoobaris it possible to compile these for asterisk?
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10:38.59usrbinfoobarnoone knows?
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12:56.18Guggeusrbinfoobar: first hit
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13:04.38catphish_any thoughts appreciated
13:11.29Guggeits slow :)
13:12.47Guggebut i agree, i would expect it to use _800.
13:13.14catphish_the docs i've read say it loads the whole context then uses the normal pattern matching algorithm
13:13.25catphish_but that doesn't appear to be the case
13:13.40catphish_it loads the whole context, but then seems to select the first matching pattern
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13:33.33x1userIf i have few mobile phone using chan_mobile, how does asterisk knows which one to answer on specific call? I think it is the dialplan but i cant uderstand it.
13:37.52catphish_you want asterisk to answer the mobiles?
13:43.15x1userI want when i make call from the sip client connected to asterisk, the phone that is connected to asterisk via chan_mobile to call the number i dial from the sip client.
13:54.15leifmadsenx1user: well you call out using something like Dial(Mobile/<identifier>/${EXTEN})
13:54.28leifmadsen(although I forget what the chan_mobile channel type is called in Dial())
13:57.41usrbinfoobarany idea where asterisk's ring file is?
13:57.49usrbinfoobari want to use the .wav in my channel driver
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15:10.46trumeeanybody on gentoo?
15:11.06trumeei cant seem to get AMI switch on, even though manager.conf has it enabled
15:11.24trumee'manager show settings' shows it is off
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15:47.35GreenWolfhello and good morning
15:47.46GreenWolfis there anyone available i am having call problems in asterisk
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16:01.30infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
16:02.07GreenWolfok im only experiencing this on incoming calls
16:02.27GreenWolfbut when i receive an incoming call into my asterisk system it will drop the call after 30 seconds
16:02.39GreenWolfi seem to not be able to hold the call without it dropping
16:02.59GreenWolfi have made that server DMZ thru the router and have allow anyomous sip requests
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16:06.35GreenWolfanyone have any ideas?
16:11.43pabelangerGreenWolf: sounds like a NAT issue, check session-timers
16:12.45GreenWolfbut im confused i put the asterisk server at DMZ on router
16:12.52GreenWolfshouldn't that allow all traffic?
16:13.41pabelangerGreenWolf: who knows, routers tend to do some stupid things with SIP.  Enable a SIP debug log and see what is happening
16:13.45infobotit has been said that collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
16:13.52pabelangerGreenWolf: ^ pb the results
16:15.42WIMPySession-timers can't be <300s. That smells like rtptimeout.
16:16.18WIMPyGreenWolf: Can you talk in both directions?
16:16.35GreenWolfwait i dont know
16:16.42GreenWolfbecause i send it to an IVR prompt
16:16.57GreenWolfduring the prompt roughly 30 seconds into the call it drops
16:17.33pabelangercheckout rtpkeepalive too
16:17.42GreenWolfbut here is there weird thing... when i use flowroute for my DID service
16:17.49GreenWolfthe call doesnt drop
16:17.57GreenWolfonly difference is that it registers
16:18.02GreenWolfand my ipkall doesnt register
16:18.56GreenWolfdo you think its something in my sip.conf file?
16:19.47*** part/#asterisk mjordan (
16:20.13pabelangerYou will know more if you look at the debug log, and see what Asterisk is doing
16:20.37GreenWolfok i will send the log is that the /var/lib/asterisk/logs?
16:20.59pabelangerread the wiki page above
16:21.13pabelangerit will explain everything
16:21.47GreenWolfok i will also post what my sip file looks like maybe you can see any errors?
16:21.47*** join/#asterisk mhaddog (
16:25.38GreenWolfbindport = 5079; Port to bind to (SIP is 5060)
16:25.38GreenWolfbindaddr =; Address to bind to (all addresses on machine)(use server external IP)
16:25.48infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:28.26GreenWolfok its in pastebin
16:28.26WIMPyThe combination of externip but no localnet is certainly not good.
16:29.39*** join/#asterisk Pimmetje (
16:30.43GreenWolfplease check at
16:30.49GreenWolfthats my exact copy of my sip.conf file
16:40.19GreenWolffixed it
16:40.22GreenWolfthanks guys
16:50.18*** join/#asterisk Faithful (~Faithful@
16:51.39p3nguinNetworking Rule #1: You don't know what DMZ is or how it works, so don't use it.  Just forward the necessary ports and stop screwing with it.
16:53.22p3nguinNetworking Rule #2: Use standard ports for services.  User Agents don't know that you think you know what you're doing when you change listening ports.
16:56.02GreenWolfthanks p3nguin
16:56.08GreenWolfi will keep that in mind
16:56.20p3nguinI need to make a list of these and put somewhere.
16:56.30GreenWolfyes plz if you do i want the web address
16:56.34GreenWolffor futher reference
16:56.49GreenWolfi have another issue im coming across everytime i setup a system
16:56.51WIMPyOr tell infobot aout DMZ
16:57.05GreenWolfi am using trixbox and when i install phpmyadmin i get this msg
16:57.14GreenWolfphpMyAdmin - Error
16:57.14GreenWolfCannot start session without errors, please check errors given in your PHP and/or webserver log file and configure your PHP installation properly.
16:57.19GreenWolfany ideas?
16:57.35p3nguinI think I'll buy a domain just for it.  It'll be something like "the silliness people do when they don't know what they're doing but think they can make it work correctly anyway .com"
17:00.16p3nguinwimpy: I think it already knows, but I forget to use it.
17:00.18infobot[~dmz] De-Militarized Zone, or usually a separate physical or logical network that has limited access to your internal systems and is accessible in limited ways from untrusted networks such as the Internet.  Putting Asterisk in the DMZ is not an acceptable alternative to properly forwarding the appropriate ports, so don't do it.
17:27.37dmznot knowing how to do something isn't acceptable; learn how & do it right; otherwise stop throwing around dmz and making my xchat keep beeping at me :)
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17:38.29p3nguinThat's great!
17:43.50catphish_having dmz as a nick does seem unwise where people discuss networks :)
17:46.01catphish_speaking on d-mz, can anyone point me to some info on configuring sensible firewall rules and port-related config-option for sip
17:46.26WIMPyThe manufacturer of your firewall.
17:48.29dmzcatphish i've been dmz since the day i was born, never give it up and it helps i do networking/security/...
17:48.53catphish_ :)
17:50.57*** join/#asterisk brdude (
17:51.46catphish_i assume each sip call requires a unique rtp port
17:52.09catphish_(by default 10000-20000)
17:52.21WIMPyAt least one.
17:57.02pabelangerI believe 3 ports are required for each call
17:57.50WIMPyAn odd number seems odd. How do you get to 3?
17:58.09catphish_why more than one?
17:58.48WIMPyRTP need not be symetric. So you might end up with one per direction.
17:58.57pabelanger1 rtp port for each leg of the call (inbound and outbound) = 2
17:59.19WIMPyAnd if I got it right things like vide open additional streams.
17:59.22catphish_i see, i assumed it was symmetric
17:59.49pabelangercannot remember what the 3rd was for.  I think, asterisk just holds it in preparation for using it or something.  Would have to ask kpfleming again
17:59.54p3nguincatphish_: You don't need to go anywhere to look at the info; forward or open UDP 5060 and the UDP range defined in rtp.conf, which is usually 10000-20000.
18:00.14catphish_p3nguin: i already got that, i posted a link :)
18:00.16catphish_but thanks
18:00.43WIMPyUnless you're using Linux. There you should use the sip conntrack module.
18:00.46p3nguinI saw that you were asking for a place with info, so I was just clearing it up here.
18:01.42catphish_and i found a place with the info, though all i needed was what you said :)
18:02.14catphish_using the conntrack module seems wise, but potentially a lot of stress on the conntrack table
18:03.07catphish_1,000 calls (assuming each is actually 2 sip channels bridged) will require 6,000 open ports :|
18:03.33WIMPyHmm. Wouldn't traffic on a forwarded port generate an entry anyway? So the might be no difference.
18:03.51p3nguinI would have thought 4000.
18:04.10catphish_someone said each channel opens 3 ports, but wasn't sure why
18:04.28p3nguinI should test that soon.
18:04.29catphish_and no, a simple ACL wouldn't need to use the conntrack table at all
18:05.03bbryantcatphish_: it might be that each call uses 3 ports: the one that you connect on to initiate the call, and the two rtp ports for media
18:05.30catphish_well you connect on 5060 so that wouldn't be an issue
18:05.47p3nguinBut in that case 5060 is common between them all.
18:05.58p3nguinSo 4001 ports.
18:06.23catphish_i'd just allow inbound udp 10000-20000 and disable conntrack, not sure if that introduces any potential security issues
18:06.32WIMPysticks with "at least 1001".
18:07.21WIMPyIt can, if you have nat enables and didn't specify strictrtp.
18:07.33*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
18:08.21catphish_i see no reason why 1000 calls would need more than 2001 ports
18:08.42catphish_but it may use a separate port for send vs receive for some odd reason
18:08.48p3nguin1000 calls bridged, 2000 RTP ports
18:08.57catphish_"Every call with two call legs consumes at least 4 RTP ports (RTP and RTCP in two directions)."
18:09.00catphish_there's the answer
18:09.09p3nguinerr... 2000 RTP ports per call, 4000 total
18:09.16p3nguindamned incompleteness
18:09.36p3nguinLet me start that over.
18:09.43WIMPy2000 per call. Wow!
18:09.51catphish_lol :)
18:10.14p3nguin1000 calls bridged, 2000 RTP ports per side (2 per leg), 4000 ports total.
18:10.21WIMPyOk, so it's 2, if symetric, otherwise 4. With video 3 or 6.
18:10.23p3nguinI THINK that's what I meant the first time.
18:10.38WIMPyPer cahnnel.
18:10.55p3nguinI'm full of fail right now.
18:11.04catphish_so the default 10,000 ports should be sufficient for the 2,000 call target i'm looking for
18:11.12WIMPyBut then we have directmedia which might save us.
18:11.14p3nguin10001 default
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18:11.58catphish_are there any security issues with not using connection tracking?
18:12.17WIMPy>> It can, if you have nat enabled and didn't specify strictrtp.
18:12.22catphish_i guess it depends whether asterisk validates the source ip of incoming rtp traffic
18:12.31WIMPyOtherwise I don;t see any harm.
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18:13.09WIMPyBy default, it doesn't.
18:13.29catphish_what does strictrtp do?
18:14.00WIMPyThat should validate the source of RTP packets.
18:15.34WIMPyThat is the important security setting, everybody seems to ignore.
18:15.55WIMPyEven tho exploits have been demonstrated last year.
18:16.11catphish_is there much you can exploit?
18:16.22catphish_i assume the best you can do it inject data into the call
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18:17.06catphish_ah i found a pdf about it
18:17.36WIMPyNo. Asterisk will send to the last received address.
18:18.14WIMPySo you can redirect the RTP stream, or rather part of it, depending on your timing.
18:18.36catphish_that's a good point
18:18.50catphish_i guess that's how nat=yes works
18:19.00WIMPyBut the interesing bit is if you have "features" enabled. In that case you can inject some DTMF info to transfer te call to your 0-900 number.
18:19.02catphish_i assumed it used the source ip of the sip request
18:19.34catphish_but i guess that would never know the port number to send to
18:19.40WIMPyThat wouldn't neccessarily work. There might be a proxy in between.
18:19.55WIMPyIt's easy to scan.
18:19.57catphish_yes i see
18:20.24catphish_what does strictrtp do then? prevent the changing of the source part-way through a call?
18:20.26WIMPyJust send RTP packets to all ports and see where you get one back.
18:20.30catphish_i can't find any info on it
18:21.01catphish_"Every received packet on a RTP port overwrites the return IP / port combination, so the next packet will be transmitted to this peer.
18:21.12WIMPyThe sample config says:
18:21.21WIMPyEnable strict RTP protection. This will drop RTP packets that do not come from the source of the RTP stream. This option is disabled by default.
18:21.38catphish_how is the source determined?
18:21.43catphish_the first packet received?
18:22.02catphish_well that makes a lot of sense
18:23.17catphish_despite what was said earlier, send and receive traffic must use the same ports
18:23.26catphish_otherwise return data would never pass through a nat
18:23.49WIMPyDid anyone say that always has to work?
18:24.24catphish_someone suggested that the traffic wasn't symmetric
18:24.39catphish_anyway i think i get it
18:24.43WIMPyNo, I said need not be.
18:24.57catphish_but if it wasn't, nat traversal wouldn't work
18:25.03WIMPyIt usually is, but it doesn't have to.
18:25.07catphish_so in most cases it will be
18:25.12catphish_makes sense :)
18:25.17catphish_strictrtp seems very sane anyway
18:25.21WIMPyNot unless the other end is using conntrack.
18:25.39catphish_of course, conntrack would be even better
18:25.47catphish_but seems expensive on the firewall
18:26.01catphish_my SRX240 couldn't handle more than about 500 calls
18:26.08catphish_not sure about iptables
18:26.16WIMPystrictrtp should be good enough.
18:26.56catphish_i'll try it
18:27.14catphish_right now i'm being annoyed by my realtime extensions problem
18:31.15p3nguinIs there ever a case where strictrtp would be bad to have enabled?
18:31.28catphish_i wouldn't think so
18:31.33WIMPyA multihomed peer.
18:34.05catphish_would an individual call ever hop between hosts?
18:34.14catphish_that seems like an odd situation but certainly possible
18:34.20WIMPyHighly unlikely, but possible.
18:34.37catphish_maybe if a customer had failover DSL connections
18:35.02WIMPyYes, a failover situation would kill your call.
18:35.35WIMPyBut _if_ you have session-timers enabled, that will happen anyway, just a little later.
18:35.46p3nguinIn which version (or branch) was strictrtp first available?
18:36.27p3nguinIt's not available in my version.
18:36.54p3nguinProbably something put into one of the 1.6 branched.
18:36.55WIMPySo that version should not be exposed to the internet?
18:37.39WIMPyI honestly wonder why that topic is always missing when it comes to Asterisk security.
18:38.06catphish_it seems reasonable obvious to me, hence why i asked
18:38.31catphish_but it seems odd that such a feature is disabled by default
18:38.51WIMPyAll security features are disabled by default.
18:39.03p3nguinThat was my reason for asking if there was a case where it would be bad.
18:39.07WIMPyThat's to make it easier to get something going.
18:39.23p3nguinThere was recently one that was turned on by default...
18:39.37WIMPyWhich means that you must never use the sample configs with an internet connection.
18:39.40p3nguin(I think that's how it's written)
18:40.13WIMPyYes, but there has also been discussion about allowguests.
18:40.43p3nguinThat one is still yes by default?
18:40.48catphish_allowguest is interesting
18:40.53catphish_it's enabled by default
18:41.08p3nguinI figured it would have been changed by now.
18:41.13WIMPyThe request to change that was rejected.
18:41.25catphish_i have a problem at the moment where providers send calls from multiple IPs so it's been necessary to allow guests
18:41.28catphish_but it's not idea
18:42.03WIMPyNo, you should configure on epeer per IP.
18:42.13p3nguinProviders have a limited number of addresses.
18:42.30catphish_yes, sadly peers don't let allow multiple IPs
18:42.38catphish_so the configs can get a little large
18:42.39WIMPyAnd wonder why the whole thing doesn;t work sometimes if they add another IP.
18:42.44p3nguinI can't think of any ITSPs that use more than a dozen IPs for calls.
18:42.54WIMPyUse templates.
18:43.22WIMPyUnited Internet have 16.
18:43.37catphish_hmm probably is a good idea to configure them all
18:43.37p3nguinOkay, I can't think of any that use more than 16.  :)
18:45.15WIMPyBut somehow you were right. They only use 12. The other 4 seem to be a hot standby.
18:50.09KavanSany suggested links for making polycoms use a different ringtone for internal extensions? - I don't think I have my google search terms right for this :\
18:50.52WIMPySipAddHeader with something like Alert-Info?
18:51.03KavanSk, googling
18:51.51*** join/#asterisk x86 (
18:53.21x86so for some reason now after I rebooted my * box, when I try to make outbound calls via Google Voice / XMPP, * segfaults... was working just fine before I rebooted, and inbound calls still work fine
18:54.12x86I'm not really able to get much information about why it's happening, just SIGSEGV's heh... logs are pretty non-helpful
18:54.40x86has anyone seen this kind of behavior with it before?
18:54.53*** join/#asterisk kdmessano (~nonya@unaffiliated/kdmessano)
18:55.50ChannelZNo.  Did some package updates get applied or something in between?  Something important like libc or similar
18:57.20catphish_did you build your own asterisk? what version is it?
19:00.25*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
19:05.49x86ChannelZ: it's certainly possible
19:07.40x86catphish_: yes I built it myself
19:08.15catphish_did you try recompiling it since the problem started?
19:08.22catphish_in case the libraries have changed
19:08.38x86hmm, I still have the source tree, I wonder if I do a make clean, make, make install again, if that will re-build against any potentially new libraries and solve all the world's problems  ;)
19:08.55x86catphish_: nope, but that's a great idea :P
19:08.56catphish_make clean and rerun configure too
19:09.16catphish_just to ensure there isn't an incompatibility in libc or similar
19:09.26x86ugh, I don't want to have to go through menuconfig again, can't I keep my existing .config's?
19:09.38catphish_i don't think configure clears the menuconfig
19:09.43catphish_though i may be wrong
19:09.52WIMPymake clean shouldn't be neccessary, but configure might be.
19:10.13catphish_i'd run both to be sure
19:10.13WIMPyIt shouldn't.
19:13.17catphish_will make recompile already build binaries just because the libraries have changed?
19:13.20catphish_without clean?
19:14.25WIMPyIf the makefiels are complete, yes.
19:14.35WIMPyBut you should run configure.
19:16.21x86I'll try that
19:20.40*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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19:28.34trumeeis it possible to have encrypted channel between two * boxes (running * 1.8)?
19:28.55catphish_trumee: can you really not be bothered to type the word asterisk?
19:28.56x86WIMPy: yeah it does appear that just doing a configure and then a make, it's re-building all of it without the need for a make clean :)
19:29.24trumeethis is what i want to do,   sip ATA <> asterisk<>Internet<>asterisk<>sip ATA
19:29.39WIMPytrumee: Use IAX or some VPN.
19:29.43catphish_i'd use ipsec
19:29.57x86openvpn is much simpler
19:30.07catphish_either way
19:30.12catphish_with iax2 on top
19:31.00trumeei usually ftp things between the two asterisk servers. Can i use openvpn just for iax?
19:31.29catphish_why not set up the vpn then transfer everything over it
19:31.36catphish_why would you want the ftp unenctypted?
19:31.43trumeecatphish_: because that will slow things down
19:31.54x86trumee: sure you can
19:32.09trumeex86: right that will be nice then
19:32.16catphish_it wouldn't be noticably slower
19:32.17WIMPyYou can do whatever you want.
19:32.42x86trumee: setup a dedicated subnet for the VPN between the two boxes, tell Asterisk to use those IPs for the peers on each side, then use FTP like normal
19:32.45trumeex86: so i can make one machine openvpn server and the other machine a client
19:32.54x86trumee: yep
19:32.55WIMPyDepends. But it's worth to note that any vpn will break TC.
19:33.15trumeeWIMPy: TC?
19:33.18x86trumee: make sure you do openvpn over TCP
19:33.26WIMPyTraffic Control.
19:33.36WIMPyOR QoS or whatever you name it.
19:33.46trumeeWIMPy: ah right. i dont use it at the moment
19:34.19WIMPyIf you're using VOIP, you better should.
19:34.32catphish_only if you run other traffic too :)
19:34.39trumeex86: The sip ATA is linksys spa3102. Can i configure asterisk so that the ATA doesnt have to register for oout going calls
19:34.58WIMPyIt never has to.
19:35.09catphish_you only have to register if you have a changing IP
19:35.24WIMPyRegistering is to tell Asterisk where to send calls if you have an dynamic IP.
19:35.33trumeecatphish_: no i dont have a changing ip. It is fixed ip ATA on the lan
19:35.41WIMPyAnd only for thst.
19:35.42catphish_thn you don't need to register
19:35.50catphish_just specify the ip in the peer configuration
19:36.17trumeenice, that means i can use the ATA to call out using multiple gateways
19:36.50catphish_you can?
19:37.14trumeei already have a openvpn running on a openwrt router.
19:37.32trumeecatphish_: with spa3102 i can use multiple gateways
19:37.44x86ok, asterisk is rebuilt, I'm restarting it now
19:38.09catphish_ah ok
19:38.32*** join/#asterisk cusco (
19:38.41p3nguinAsterisk never requires you to register before sending calls; you'll authenticate each and every call you make.
19:38.55p3nguinAnd that ATA allows sending calls without registering first.
19:39.56p3nguinAnd there's no need to specify the host address in the peer entry unless you need to receive calls on the ATA.  To get calls, either register or define the IP address.
19:40.22x86catphish_: works great now :)
19:40.29catphish_x86: great :)
19:40.41x86heh, can't believe I didn't think about updated system libs :p
19:41.05WIMPywonders what kind of update could cause that.
19:41.10catphish_i tend to use the IP to authenticate calls
19:41.35p3nguincontemplates changing asterisk 1.4.40something to today.
19:41.38x86WIMPy: yeah me too... maybe libxmpp or libjingle or something
19:41.43x86p3nguin: do it!
19:41.45catphish_though sending the auth with every invite seems wise really
19:41.59x86p3nguin: I made the jump about a month ago, love :)
19:42.08p3nguinThere's a development branch of chan_sccp-b for it now.
19:42.14catphish_1.8.5.0 works great for me, i moved last week from 1.4
19:42.17p3nguinSo if the channel driver works, I have no reason to stay on 1.4 that I know of.
19:42.29p3nguinThat has been my only holdback.
19:43.22WIMPyp3nguin: You don't like hijacked RTP?
19:43.34p3nguinIt hasn't even been a problem for me.
19:43.49p3nguinI built a couple days ago, but didn't switch over.
19:43.58trumeeis there any ATA which can do TLS/SRTP/ZRTP calls?
19:44.02p3nguinbuilt a package, that is.
19:44.49p3nguinI don't like changes during working hours, so today is the day I'll change it if I change it.
19:44.52trumeemoved from 1.6/Ubuntu to 1.8/Gentoo
19:45.48*** join/#asterisk adnc (~akif@unaffiliated/adnc)
19:46.08p3nguinI guess I should do it.
19:46.39adnchello, my incoming calls are interrupted exact after 15 minutes, has anyone got any ideas where I could search for that problem with asterisk 1.6.2?
19:46.59p3nguinDo you have an absolute timeout value defined?
19:47.11adncp3nguin, I wouldn't know how
19:47.16WIMPyadnc: session-timers
19:47.18adncis there something like this?
19:47.20adnclet me see
19:47.52adncit is set to default in sip.conf
19:48.41adncI remember I tried this setting after i read about a bug where someone was describing something similar
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19:56.33adncanything I could look after?
19:57.09WIMPyadnc: session-timers (still)
19:57.26adncWIMPy, what ‎could I do?
19:57.57WIMPySwitch them off, for example.
19:58.01catphish_is there a way to set the moh class for both channels in a bridged call?
19:58.12WIMPyOr find out why they're not working.
19:58.14catphish_ie set the "sent" musiconhold
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20:01.33p3nguinChange the moh class of a call already in progress?
20:01.57adncI just see that I had instead of session-timers session-timer set to default
20:02.13adncmaybe it helps if I set it to refuse
20:02.30catphish_p3nguin: when setting up a call, it's possible to set the moh class
20:02.34adncnow i would have to make an inbound call and wait 15 minutes, is there an other way testing this
20:02.41catphish_but i can only see how to set the moh that the caller hears
20:02.49adnccan I see this value from a cli session?
20:02.53catphish_not the moh that the receiving party hears
20:03.00WIMPyadnc: Set the time to 300s and wait for 5min.
20:03.38adncbut the session-timers only accepts 'accept, default, refuse'
20:03.51p3nguinIf I set moh class in an extension that is making a call to someone else, and then I put the call on hold, won't the called party hear the moh class that I just set?
20:05.09catphish_p3nguin: no
20:05.34p3nguinYou're going to make me test it, aren't you?
20:07.22catphish_SetMusicOnHold - This sets what music the perticular channel will hear
20:07.30catphish_meaning the channel that initiated the call
20:08.09WIMPyThat should be CHANNEL(moh) or something now.
20:08.37catphish_yeah it is
20:08.40p3nguinThe channels are bridged, so if my channel hears it, your channel would also hear it.  This is my interpretation.
20:09.01catphish_i don't think so
20:10.54p3nguinIf the last command I ran in vim needs to be ran again, but I don't want to retype the entire command, what is the shortcut to just do the last command again?  a single key to repeat it, not :, up, enter.
20:12.24p3nguinOH NO!  That deleted the line!
20:12.38p3nguinI need to be more careful what my last action was.
20:13.02WIMPyfamous last words?
20:13.13p3nguin.  seems to repeat my last action rather than the last command I ran.
20:13.39p3nguinSuch as dd was the last action, but the last command might have been :s/canreinvite/directmedia/
20:13.59WIMPyNot sure if there's something more specific.
20:14.27p3nguinI guess  ":  up arrow  enter"  will have to do.
20:14.27WIMPyWell, there surely is, but I don't know.
20:14.37WIMPyis still a !Zap user.
20:16.28GreenWolfslaps _Raptor_ around a bit with a large trout
20:16.38wdoekes2p3nguin: are you trying to replace something over a limited set of lines?
20:16.42_Raptor_GreenWolf: thx
20:16.59*** join/#asterisk nobodyshome (
20:17.03GreenWolf_raptor_: lol
20:17.21_Raptor_GreenWolf: should i know you?
20:17.27p3nguinwdoekes2: I'm just trying to find out if there is a single keypress to repeat the last command that I ran.
20:17.45wdoekes2but that's not your real goal, is it?
20:17.55p3nguinIt's not a goal.
20:18.00p3nguinI'm just trying to find it out.
20:18.09GreenWolf_Raptor_: we talked along time ago. Just waking u up
20:18.26p3nguinAn example is if I used dd to delete a line, then used :sh to go to a shell, then exited the shell to get back to vim...
20:18.39nobodyshomewould anybody be able to convert this to 1.4 dialplan? apparently this is pre v1.2
20:18.41p3nguinif I wanted to get to the shell again, I could again type in :sh <enter>
20:18.48_Raptor_GreenWolf: we did?
20:18.49p3nguinor I could use : <up> <enter>
20:18.56_Raptor_GreenWolf: well, can't remember
20:19.06p3nguinI'm just looking for a single keypress that would rerun the last command.
20:19.13p3nguinIf there isn't one, so be it.
20:19.24GreenWolf_Raptor_: i was using the nick IIHorrorII
20:19.40WIMPyp3nguin: If there isn;t one, it can certainly be defined.
20:19.52p3nguinwimpy's suggestion of . just did dd for me again rather than the :sh that was ran last.
20:20.10_Raptor_GreenWolf: so?
20:20.50GreenWolf_Raptor_: haven't been around the scene in awhile figuring I'd jump back into swing of things. Say whats up to some ppl who have helped me in the past. How are things?
20:21.17*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
20:22.11wdoekes2p3nguin: :map , ^V<ESC>:^V<UP>^V<ENTER>
20:22.37p3nguinneat.  I may do that if I get tired of : up enter
20:23.21wdoekes2(I didn't know either.. but google turned up the :map docs)
20:23.49_Raptor_GreenWolf: things are pretty fine
20:28.50p3nguinIf I specify a host in a sip template, and then create another peer referring to that template, and specify a host in the new one as well, there won't be any host address conflict, right?
20:29.14p3nguinI tested it, and the new peer using a previous as a template does show its own IP address.
20:29.20p3nguinBut I want to be sure.
20:29.43p3nguins/./ there will never be a problem doing it this way./
20:41.16*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
20:46.33*** join/#asterisk Karen_m (
20:46.54Karen_mi just setup my sip.conf, and sip reloaded, how do I know if it successfully connected?  how can I get the 'sip status' or .. 'sip show' ?
20:48.04*** part/#asterisk ahfeel (
20:48.43Karen_mmy goal is to answer the phone, record the conversation and call my cell.  Anyone ever set this up before and able to give me hints?
20:49.35ChannelZsip show peers   or   sip show registry   depending on what you've done
20:51.11Karen_mbeautiful :)
20:51.29Karen_mChannelZ, do you know anything about how to answer the call, record it, and call my cell ?
20:52.04WIMPyDon't answer, Use MixMonitor and Dial.
20:52.32dijibguys what do i use to Read input numbers?
20:52.44dijibi want to do something like Read(VARNAME)
20:52.44ChannelZRead(), ironically
20:53.00dijibthen how do i add it to asterisk, its not listed in core show applications
20:53.12leifmadsenthen you didn't compile it in
20:53.28dijibis there a seperate module for it?
20:53.30leifmadsenlisted as app_read in Applications within menuselect
20:53.40leifmadsenit should be enabled by default though
20:53.56dijibim using an openwrt compiled build of asterisk
20:54.05leifmadsenthen check with the build maintainer
20:54.08dijibopenwrt 10.03 asterisk 1.6
20:56.07Karen_mcan i setup asterisk to do a voip->fax->email setup?  where if someone sends me a fax, it will send it as an attachment in email?
20:58.08catphish_yes you can
20:58.24catphish_i recommend res_fax_spandsp
20:59.41Karen_mok thank you catphish_ , that gives me something to google
21:00.31leifmadsenKaren_m: or just use hylafax
21:00.54leifmadsenalthough with that you can't use voip really -- for the voip aspect the other end point has to call you using T.38
21:01.28Karen_mdoes hylafax use voip tho?
21:01.41Karen_mi'm not sure what t.38 is, voip?
21:01.58leifmadsenthat's what google is for :)
21:02.18Karen_mi see this mixmonitor, but how do I know if my asterisk has it already included?
21:02.27leifmadsen'core show application mixmonitor"
21:03.13WIMPymismatched quotes
21:03.32Karen_mgreat, i do have it :)
21:03.47leifmadsenWIMPy: yes missed shift key
21:04.07Karen_mwhen a call is incoming to asterisk, is there a way to see what extension is being called? is not triggering for me, so I'm not sure what they use
21:05.00leifmadsenit's probably based on how you register
21:05.05leifmadsenand you can see using a 'sip debug'
21:05.21WIMPyAh, US and UK have " and @ exchanges, haven't they?
21:05.22leifmadsenlook at the sip trace, then determine what the other end point is requesting
21:05.32p3nguinOh, that reminds me...
21:05.49leifmadsengoes back to writing SQL join statements for a dialplan
21:06.04p3nguinI'm using fax for asterisk on 1.4 now.  If I go to as planned, will res_fax that I built in be enough for faxing?
21:06.07Karen_msip debug, no such command ' sip debug'
21:06.23p3nguinsip set debug on
21:08.55Karen_moh, sip:200
21:09.35Karen_mthat sip set debug on is awesome!
21:10.30WIMPyIs someone into S&M here?
21:11.12Karen_mrhianna here?
21:12.33Karen_mso i've got 2 numbers setup in my  They both call on extension 200, how do you control which one you want?
21:14.47p3nguinCalls from voipms should go to the extension that is the phone number which has been called.
21:15.00p3nguinIf I call your number 3145551212, you get a call to extension 3145551212.
21:15.10p3nguinAt least normally, that's what happens.
21:17.28*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
21:17.39Karen_mi'm going back to their config and going to see what the debug prints.. maybe it goes to the lowest extension found by default
21:18.15Karen_mwhy do the docs say 'extensions reload' but it gives me command not found?
21:19.34p3nguinThere's no such thing as a "lowest extension found."
21:19.38p3nguindialplan reload
21:19.48*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
21:21.16Karen_mit always does: Looking for 200 in mycontext (...
21:22.26p3nguinIf so, you configured it that way.
21:22.47p3nguinHave you pasted your sip.conf and extensions.conf yet?
21:24.13*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
21:28.40Karen_mregister =>
21:28.46Karen_mdoes that /200 mean extension by default?
21:29.14Karen_myes it does, why did it get in there?!?!  lol
21:29.37ChannelZvia your keyboard
21:30.08p3nguinRemove /200 from that line.  Don't do that.
21:30.45p3nguinCalls should go to the number of the DID.
21:31.17Karen_mnow with /200 removed, it wants to call    to: <sip:s@>
21:31.35p3nguinwth... you're now the second person to tell me that.
21:32.07p3nguinMy calls are sent to my phone numbers.
21:32.11p3nguinnever s.
21:32.38p3nguinYou have more than one DID routing to that host?
21:33.07Karen_mi have 2 dids routed to main
21:33.24Karen_m[SIP] main account
21:33.27Karen_mboth of them
21:36.35ChannelZSeems like there's got to be something in their control panel to control how that behaves
21:36.50ChannelZOr new customers are being setup with different settings
21:37.22Karen_mso in my [general], can i have multiple accounts listed there ?
21:37.32Karen_mi'm going to redirect the other number to a subaccount
21:37.40p3nguinHere is my peer entry:
21:37.53ChannelZ'general' isn't an 'account'
21:38.06p3nguinOh, I should have included the register statement.  One moment.
21:39.46p3nguinI have several DIDs with, and every call to any of the DIDs goes to an extension matching the DID that was called.
21:40.40p3nguinMy only thought is that they are doing something weird with new sign-ups.
21:41.07p3nguinI looked around in accounts and DID management and I don't see anything related to sending calls to any defined extensions.
21:41.33Karen_mis that regsiter line under [general] ?
21:42.07p3nguinRegister statements are required to be under the general section, before authentication section and before any peer definitions.
21:42.11p3nguinSo yes, it is.
21:42.29Karen_mthe only thing i really noticed so far is ... type=peer   where i had.. type=friend
21:42.40p3nguinAnd you also use fromuser.
21:44.24p3nguinI think it was dijib who was having the same issue with calls going to s.  He was supposed to contact support and report back to me, but I haven't heard anymore about it from him.
21:44.57dijibyeh i did, they found nothing wrong. told me to checkout my CDR i did, calls there are showing the correct CID
21:45.03dijibi said eff it
21:45.14ChannelZit's not the caller ID that is the problem
21:45.17p3nguinWhat does CID have to do with it?
21:45.21p3nguinwhat he said.
21:45.41p3nguinIt's the TO extension where lies the problem.
21:46.02p3nguinkaren_m: What version of asterisk are you using?
21:46.07p3nguinor at least the branch
21:46.11Karen_meven with your sip.conf matching, ... still going to sip:s
21:46.30Karen_mAsterisk built by pbuilder @ boomtime on a x86_64 running Linux on 2011-07-07 08:54:36 UTC
21:46.35p3nguinI'm using 1.4.  That's the only thing different that I can tell.
21:47.05p3nguinI'm working to upgrade to right this very moment.
21:47.18p3nguinOnce I get that changed over, I'll eliminate that as being part of the cause.
21:47.28ChannelZwell I assume the s (or lack of exten) is coming along in the SIP packet and shouldn't make any difference what * version
21:48.20p3nguinTo be fair, I feel like I need to eliminate it.
21:48.25p3nguinI do agree with you, though.
21:48.43ChannelZI mean if the DID isn't to be found in the INVITE packet... it's not there to be had
21:48.58ChannelZ*unless* Asterisk is registering with 's' behind your back
21:49.20dijibp3nguin, i dont know... im a nUUber
21:49.22ChannelZthat would be the thing to look at, unregister and then re-register with debug on and see what it's actually saying to
21:49.32dijibalthought im creating one heck of a dialplan.
21:51.33Karen_min one of the extension.conf sections.. i do see    /s
21:51.39Karen_mexten => 500,1,Playback(demo-abouttotry); Let them know what's going on
21:51.39Karen_mexten => 500,n,Dial(IAX2/        ; Call the Asterisk demo
21:51.47Karen_mdarn, meant to paste 1 line sorry
21:52.09Karen_mso [default] being set to s, maybe it's hardcoded that default = s
21:52.12ChannelZHAH check this out
21:52.18ChannelZContact: <sip:s@>
21:52.39Karen_mdefault has  include demo!
21:52.44leifmadsenplease do not use [default]
21:52.53p3nguinThe problem with ANY extension in the register statement is that calls go to that extension only.  When you have multiple DIDs on a single account, you'd have to way to distinguish one from another.
21:52.55ChannelZThat's with a normal register line to my ITSP (Vitelity) not specifying an exten.  (I don't normally register with them, they know me by static IP)
21:53.01leifmadsen[default] should only ever be used for untrusted connections
21:53.06*** join/#asterisk nix8n82-phone (
21:53.09Karen_m[default]  does have an ... include => demo, i'm removing EVERYTHING out of the extensions.conf
21:53.10ChannelZSoooo maybe this is a change?
21:53.19leifmadsenKaren_m: obviously you didn't :)
21:53.32leifmadsenread i'm as i've -- opps
21:53.34p3nguinYou shouldn't have anything in extensions.conf to begin with.
21:53.34leifmadsenoops too
21:53.49p3nguinThe sample file shouldn't be USED.
21:53.57leifmadsenI copy extensions.conf.sample into /etc/asterisk, then remove everything below [globals]
21:54.00p3nguinStart with a blank file and add what you need.
21:54.33leifmadsen^^^ also good advice
21:54.46Karen_m*crossing fingers* as I dial the number :)
21:55.13Karen_mit still is trying ... <sip:s@...>
21:55.16ChannelZp3nguin: for fun turn on sip debug and make your * re-register.  What does the Contact: header say
21:55.37p3nguinGive me a few minutes... I use IAX2, so I have to switch over to another sub account that's routing to SIP.
21:56.21p3nguinI set up one for SIP the other day when dijib was having the problem; I had to ensure my SIP calls still went to the right extensions.  And they did.
21:56.31Karen_mFOUND IT!
21:56.37p3nguindo tell
21:56.42Karen_mthe REGISTER block says...  Contact: <sip:s@....>
21:56.45Karen_mWHY IS THAT
21:56.53ChannelZthat's what I'm saying
21:56.57p3nguinbug in chan_sip's register?
21:57.09leifmadsen1.6.2.9 *is* pretty old
21:57.33Karen_mis there a newer one on backports or something? let me go see :)
21:57.53leifmadsenI just compile Asterisk
21:57.55p3nguinOkay, you want me to make asterisk sip register and check the contact in sip debug?
21:58.01leifmadsen1.6.2.20 is the latest 1.6.2
21:58.07ChannelZYou said you're on 1.4.x right?
21:59.10p3nguinContact: <sip:s@...
21:59.21p3nguinNow let me reroute the DID and make a call.
22:00.58p3nguinCall says   To: <sip:the-did-I-called@myIPaddress>
22:01.43p3nguinLooking for the-did-I-called in voipms-inbound
22:01.52Karen_mp3nguin, when i call it comes thru as to: <sip:s@myip>
22:02.01p3nguinI don't get it.
22:02.01Karen_mwhich version are you using p3nguin ?
22:02.20p3nguinAsterisk built by root @ cpe-448f on an i686 running Linux on 2011-04-12 07:54:20 UTC
22:02.56Karen_mi'm going to try this uupdate thing with debian :)
22:03.36p3nguinIn my register packet, even though the contact says s, the call goes to my phone number.
22:04.33p3nguinIn my register packet, I see both From and To say <>.  What does your From/To say in your register packets?
22:05.31Karen_mfrom: <sip:123456@chicago.>
22:05.38Karen_mto: <sip:123456@chicago>
22:05.53p3nguinso that's the same, too.
22:05.58p3nguinThis is beyond me.
22:06.08p3nguinI can't be that damn lucky.
22:06.12ChannelZso maybe it just is something on their end which is forcing it
22:06.33p3nguinIt has to be something with new accounts, like you suggested.
22:10.51*** join/#asterisk usrbinfoobar (~none@
22:11.03usrbinfoobarhey guys
22:11.14usrbinfoobardo you know if there's any way to use g729B with asterisk?
22:11.19usrbinfoobarthe intel IPP should support it
22:17.35leifmadsenp3nguin: what is your real name? (just msg me so I can add you into a circle :))
22:21.10*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
22:21.21*** join/#asterisk darkskiez (~darkskiez@2001:470:9278:5:2e0:4cff:fe68:1e29)
22:22.06Karen_meven with the 1.8.4 recompiled from debian, it still wants to contact   <sip:s@..>
22:25.58p3nguinAsterisk has been eliminated.  I've put in, and I'm still sending an s in the Contact, but calls are still coming to the DID number that I dial.  I've tried two numbers, just to be sure.
22:27.09p3nguinchan_skinny sucks, by the way.  I can't even make a call out.
22:31.08p3nguinAnd... I won't be using today.
22:31.38p3nguinWell, maybe I can.  There seems to be something wrong with the chan_sccp-b svn that I pulled in.
22:31.49p3nguinIt says  This version of chan-sccp-b only has support for Asterisk 1.6.x and below.
22:33.01Karen_mwhen I run mixmonitor, is there a way to make it save as a *.mp3 or something?  it writes out as a ulaw
22:33.38p3nguinNot to mp3, but to other non-patented formats.
22:33.46p3nguinI use WAV.
22:33.57Karen_mhow can I make it save as *.wav ?
22:34.57p3nguinUse wav as the file extension.
22:36.10p3nguinoops, that's what I use for WAV.  If you want wav instead, change it to wav.
22:36.19p3nguinYes, they are different.
22:36.32Karen_mwav and WAV are different?  hrmm
22:36.38Karen_mwhich one will play on most computers?
22:37.49*** join/#asterisk spck (
22:38.19Karen_mgreat!  I have it recording the call, now how do I get the dialplan to call my cell and record now?
22:38.19spckhey guys i got a production server and a test server and i'm trying to create a sip trunk between them
22:38.54p3nguinafter the mixmonitor line.
22:39.02spckwhen i call from the test server the production server tries to connect to <sip:820@sip>
22:39.03p3nguinDo not use Answer() in the dial plan.
22:39.30spckwhat does the @sip part mean?
22:40.26Karen_mp3nguin, should there be a wait or a hangup in there after?     I'm thinking of using just... 200,1,MixMonitor(),    200,n,Dial(SIP,voipms/mycellnumber)
22:40.31Karen_mis that all I should have?
22:41.01p3nguinThat's enough.  MixMonitor() first, then Dial() second.
22:41.13p3nguinI always end my extension with Hangup(), too.
22:41.31p3nguinYou don't have any SIP phone that needs the call first?
22:41.45*** join/#asterisk mr_ian (
22:42.06Karen_mwhat I am doing is, running a friends business for 3 weeks while she is gone.  I need to record the phone calls for any cash deals, so there is transparency for me.  I am honest but i want to provide these logs as well
22:43.07p3nguinThat'll do it.  Not sure why you're using extension 200, though.
22:44.05Karen_mi'm forcing 200 instead of s
22:44.08p3nguinThose two lines, plus an optional hangup after, should do what you're wanting to do.  MixMonitor will run, but will not start recording until there is an answer on the phone.
22:44.25Karen_mthe /200 was added on my part
22:44.27p3nguinAs soon as the call is bridged, it'll begin recording.
22:44.41Karen_mthe weird thing is, my skype phone declines any invite?
22:44.44Karen_mit won't chain the call for me
22:44.48spckmake sure you are a one-party state
22:46.47Karen_mwhen someone calls, it just hangs up?
22:46.58Karen_mhow do you poll the extension to wait for the cell line to hangup?
22:48.03Karen_mcan someone look at that and see ?
22:48.42p3nguinIt looks fine.  Is something wrong?
22:49.02Karen_mi'm getting SIP/2.0 403 forbidden
22:49.51p3nguinYou're sending the right number format.
22:49.56p3nguinYou've registered, right?
22:50.03Karen_myes, it registers
22:50.09p3nguinThat's how it sends calls to /200.
22:50.10Karen_msip show peers, shows registered
22:50.27Karen_mcan I somehow test outbound dialing from   asterisk -r ?
22:50.32Karen_mmaybe it's my outbound config messed up
22:50.42p3nguinWell, no, sip show peers shows that you know where the peer is.  sip show registry shows if it is registered or not.
22:51.00Karen_myes, both are registered (i have 2)
22:51.07Karen_mxxxxxx and  xxxxxx_1
22:51.22p3nguinoriginate SIP/voipms/14033331212 application playback tt-weasels
22:51.28p3nguinfrom the Asterisk CLI
22:51.47Karen_mmaybe it's this: permit=
22:51.52Karen_mi don't know if that's  their ip, or my ip?
22:52.00p3nguinIt's supposed to be theirs.
22:52.06p3nguinIt needs to match the host address.
22:52.19Karen_myes it does, sec
22:52.30p3nguinHow many peer entries do you have for voipms?
22:53.19Karen_mthat originate line does nothing
22:53.23Karen_mdoesn't even show any debugging
22:54.39Karen_moh  .. i think i may need .. .chicago.voip.s
22:54.53p3nguinWhat you need to do is use the conf I pasted for you.
22:55.00p3nguinusing your username and secret.
22:55.08Karen_mi did
22:55.38Karen_mcanreinvite=no ?
22:55.40Karen_mdoes that block it?
22:55.51p3nguinThen your peer name is voipms, and you call numbers through it with Dial(SIP/voipms/SOMEnumber).
22:56.09p3nguinThat's for reinvites.  If you need them, change it to yes.
22:57.44Karen_mthat is what was blocking it, seems like
22:57.51Karen_mi called it, it went to my voice mail now lol
22:57.52Karen_mthis is fun
22:58.42Karen_mi love you p3nguin
22:58.46Karen_mamazing :)
22:58.54Karen_mamazing grace, how sweet the sounds
22:59.03p3nguincanreinvite doesn't block anything, so that's not what made it work.
22:59.03Karen_mthat ... something something something or other .. the somethingggggg
22:59.19Karen_mthat canreinvite=no was making the outbound calls to be forbidden
22:59.28Karen_mit would be .. INVITE ... forbidden.. 403
22:59.36Karen_mchanged it to =yes, and now no more INVITE 403's
22:59.43Karen_mnot sure why it want's to invite vs just call out or something
22:59.53p3nguinI don't see how that's possible.  It just allows or disallows reinvites between the phone and the provider to occur.
23:00.27p3nguinIf it is set to no, it will keep asterisk in the media path of the call.
23:01.03p3nguinIf set to yes, and nothing else is forcing it to stay in the path, it'll get out of the way and the media stream will go directly between the two end points.
23:02.07Karen_mok, that was not it, i changed it back to canreinvite=no and it's working now
23:02.10Karen_mnot sure what was wrong
23:02.22Karen_mi think it was because i had multiple  [general] register's
23:02.27Karen_mi don't know how to associate them or something
23:02.42Karen_mlike, if you have 2 register lines under [general], how does it pickup [voipms] ..
23:02.45p3nguinYou can have several register statements.
23:03.01p3nguinGo on down the file.  Look for [voipms].
23:03.08ChannelZugh. Spent the last 45 mins doing parental tech support.  Did you make any determinations on the differences with the whole s-vs-DID exten?
23:03.15p3nguinRegister statements tell THEM how to reach your device.
23:03.51Karen_mp3nguin, but i mean..  what if i called  it .. [voipms] and [heyimslow]
23:04.05Karen_mdo all those blocks get available to each register?
23:04.19p3nguinThen you'd have to go change the dial plan to Dial(SIP/heyimslow/numberhere)
23:04.38Karen_mhow does it know which account to call out on tho?
23:04.46*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
23:04.46p3nguinsee above
23:04.55p3nguinI switched over to, my Contact was still s@... and the To/From was still myUserID@chicago.  Calls still go to my phone numbers as the extension.
23:05.01Karen_mheyimslow will use which of the register lines i meant
23:05.10ChannelZSo it's something on their end then.
23:05.26ChannelZKaren_m: Registering has almost nothing to do with calling
23:05.38p3nguinThere is no association between register statements and the peer definition.
23:05.44Karen_moh the username is the associate
23:05.47Karen_mi see
23:05.48ChannelZRegisteringj ust tells the other end who you are, what IP you're at, and what extension you want them to send you things.
23:05.53p3nguinThere is no association between register statements and the peer definition.
23:06.00p3nguinzero, zilch does require you to be registered before you can make calls, though.
23:06.29p3nguinThat is apparently a feature of SER.
23:06.30dijibok, have an gotoif or if-else or if-then-else
23:07.00dijibissue, how do i do an if VAR = 1, then, goto. if-else Dial(VAR)
23:07.06dijibdoes that make any sense?
23:07.59spckdijib you have to stack them up
23:08.14dijibgot any guides on this?
23:08.27Karen_mthis is awesome!
23:08.34spcklike GotoIf($[${VAR}=1]?first:second)
23:08.36Karen_mso, the *.WAV file sounds terrible, is there a better sounding codec?
23:08.51p3nguinGotoIf($["${VAR}" = 1]?:labeliffalse)
23:09.24dijibi think i need a gotoif guide
23:09.33p3nguinI'll write it for you.
23:10.44p3nguinWhat do you want it to do if true?
23:11.10p3nguinGoto() some other place in the dial plan?
23:11.25dijibif VAR=1 then dial(100) ifelse dial VAR
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23:15.03p3nguintake your pick, the logic is the same.
23:15.18spcki can't get this sip trunk to register between my two boxes and it's driving me batty
23:16.43spckit honestly looks like one of the boxes is trying to register to itself, but i'm not sure how
23:17.19Karen_mdoes anyone know the config you would setup for res_fax_spandsp ... what would the exten look like?
23:17.29Karen_mpls and thanks
23:17.37p3nguinkaren_m: core show applications like fax
23:18.20Karen_mreceiveFAX and SendFax
23:18.33p3nguincore show application SendFax
23:18.38p3nguincore show application ReceiveFAX
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23:19.15Karen_mthat is brilliant!
23:19.16Karen_mthank you
23:19.22Karen_mto me, it looks like 1 line
23:19.25Karen_mis that it?
23:19.31spckany ideas what i'm doing wrong with this sip trunk?
23:19.41ChannelZOne simple line, yet a world of pain making it work
23:19.51Karen_mexten => 200,1, ReceiveFAX(/home/karen/faxes/blah)
23:20.09Karen_mChannelZ, the pain for who?  the people that setup the ReceiveFAX line? lol
23:20.13ChannelZspck: let's see some config
23:20.32spckchannelz: what would you like to see?
23:20.36ChannelZKaren_m: depends.  If you're doing ulaw/alaw and have a good stable connection between you and your ITSP, it might be fine.
23:20.48p3nguinI use fax for asterisk, but I'll give you my dialplan for it.
23:20.51ChannelZKaren_m: if you're trying to do t.38 that's where things get nice and complicated
23:20.54dijibp3nguin, or anyone. how did i mess this up?
23:21.15ChannelZspck: sip.conf and some console output or better explanation other than 'it doesn't work'
23:21.18p3nguinnumbered priorities = first mistake
23:21.42ChannelZyou have priority 7 like 5 times
23:21.51spckdijib: i would say this line: exten => 600,11(labeliffalse),Goto(${OUTNUM},60)
23:22.39p3nguinSee comment about numbered priorities.
23:26.11p3nguinAnd then you HAVE TO HAVE an extension in that same context that matches the value of ${OUTNUM}.
23:26.19p3nguinOtherwise, the Goto() has nothing to do.
23:27.46p3nguinI think I like the other form of the GotoIf() now that I've written both and looked at them side by side.
23:28.11p3nguinBut this version makes more sense to me.
23:28.31p3nguinIf true, continue to the next line.  If false, jump somewhere else.
23:28.48p3nguinI'M SO CONFUSED
23:28.57*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (
23:30.30spckhmm, working on a pastebin, but something changed
23:30.49luckman212dear lord can someone for the love of god please tell me how to FACTORY erase a polycom IP335?  i had one that i wasn't using, it was provisioned on my internal asterisk server that had a tftp server... so that was all great, but now I'm over at his house trying to set it up for him and the thing just _wants_ to still provision on my old server which is of course not accessible.  been working on this phone for 2+ hours now
23:30.55dijibim confused
23:31.03ChannelZluckman212: hammer
23:31.10luckman212i know there is a "format file system" but that will leave me with a phone that won't even boot
23:31.17luckman212hehe ChannelZ yeah I am at that point now
23:31.19spckluckman212: hold 1357 i think
23:31.50luckman212spck: christ I think that might be working
23:32.05spcki've had to do it a few times
23:32.10p3nguindijib: about what?
23:32.40catphish_yes, hold 1357
23:32.43dijibjust what im trying to do here. when i put in '1' as OUTNUM. it tris to dail 1 and not 100
23:32.46catphish_then it'll ask for a password
23:33.03catphish_By default, this password is 456
23:33.11dijibhey my 's' extension fixed itself somehow.
23:33.16luckman212yep I do know about 45t6
23:33.21luckman212er 456
23:33.38p3nguindijib: Now calls are going to ${DID}?
23:33.42luckman212it's stuck / locked up now on that "enter password" screen... i guess it's wiping itself (hopefully)
23:33.52p3nguinDid you email them?
23:33.53catphish_luckman212: is your ability to enter "polycom IP335 factory reset" into google failing? :)
23:33.53dijibweird eh. i didnt do a thing
23:34.03dijibyeh but they left it with me. let me check the ticket
23:34.16luckman212catphish_:  no but my patience for this f------g phone is
23:34.54spckalso you can use the mac address of the phone as the password
23:35.06luckman212what was i thinking offering to help my friend set up an asterisk box in his house... been here since sat afternoon working on this crap
23:35.13p3nguinI use the MAC as the peer name and generate a password.
23:35.20p3nguinapg = win
23:35.37p3nguinalias apg='apg -a1 -m13 -n33 -p6'
23:36.00spckwhat is apg?
23:36.08catphish_i assume asterisk password generator?
23:36.09p3nguina passwd generator
23:36.12ChannelZApple Pig Groomer
23:36.33catphish_not sure why a password generator would be asterisk specific :)
23:36.38p3nguinIt's not.
23:36.56p3nguinIt makes awesome passwords usable in asterisk, though.
23:37.34p3nguinOh, here's the one I had to use for my Cisco phones when I used SIP with them:  apg -a1 -n1 -m13 -x26 -MSNCL -E^[]{}\"?
23:37.59p3nguinI was not able to enter those special characters on the phone display via keypad.
23:38.12p3nguinSo I had to exclude them.
23:38.53spcki was getting a 403 before, but now i'm getting: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
23:39.08luckman212man this f--------g phone is just sitting there saying "Uploading log file"
23:39.35spckdid you set the server in setup before the phone booted?
23:40.00luckman212yes I did, used the LAN ip of the * server
23:40.07catphish_luckman212: please mind your language a little
23:40.21spckdo you have an ftp server running on it?
23:40.25p3nguinLooks censored to me.
23:40.28spckcheck the transfer log
23:40.29ChannelZYes I find ----- highly offensive
23:40.33catphish_think of the (very technically advanced) children
23:40.38luckman212catphish_:   i used '----'s  thats not enough? sorry i was frustrated
23:40.45spckfuck that
23:41.06catphish_censoring spear words is pointless, they still read as swearwords
23:41.11luckman212anyway these kids today know more curses than I do... YAY internet
23:41.22ChannelZcatphish_: so? they obviously already know the swear words then
23:41.52catphish_i was joking about the children, it was just getting on my nerves a little, not to worry though, there's no actual rules against it
23:42.00catphish_it just makes me less inclined to help
23:42.21p3nguinThat is your prerogative.
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23:43.09catphish_maybe i'm just getting grumpy in my old age
23:43.29ChannelZF--K   PU-S-   S-X   P-N-S   BOO-S  --NDOM
23:45.15spckChannelz: here's what i got:
23:46.14spckthat one actually
23:46.34catphish_is anyone really knowledgeable about realtime around?
23:46.36ChannelZwhy /sip on the end of your register line?
23:46.58ChannelZand you are referring to dialing SIP/sip but your peer is really called 'asterisk-test'
23:47.04p3nguinHe apparently wants calls going to SIP/sip.
23:47.16p3nguinWait, no.
23:47.23p3nguinHe apparently wants calls going to exten => sip
23:47.31p3nguinyou screwed me up.
23:47.33catphish_i worry that the majority of asterisk users only configure by copy/paste from the web
23:47.39catphish_i know i did for a while
23:47.46ChannelZhas to get back to writing his primer
23:47.51p3nguinthey do
23:48.25p3nguinA huge percentage of the people who come here asking for help never bothered to read the asterisk books.
23:48.30catphish_maybe asterisk should include some plagiarism detection algorithms
23:48.35p3nguinIf they had, they wouldn't be asking for the same help.
23:48.43catphish_i just read the wiki
23:48.54p3nguinthe old, outdated one?
23:48.59catphish_it's mostly inaccurate and ancient
23:49.10catphish_but the deprecation messages help with that
23:49.18ChannelZIt still gets updated, it's just a mess.
23:49.25catphish_it is a mess
23:49.29p3nguinPeople who rely on voip-info without having read any of the books need to be beaten within inches of their lives.
23:49.43catphish_lol, i do as far as its right
23:50.01p3nguinWithout reading something good, how will you know if it is right or wrong?
23:50.23catphish_because it works as it describes or it doesn't
23:50.37spcki was confused on what that should be myself
23:50.43catphish_in many cases it doesn't
23:50.46spcksip is the name of the production server
23:51.11spckis peername the server i'm trying to connect to?
23:51.15ChannelZ"asterisk-test" is the name of your peer as I see it, and you're trying to dial exten 810 on it.
23:51.22p3nguinIt's the peer name as you have configured it in sip.conf.
23:51.24ChannelZ(well you're not, you're trying to dial the peer 'sip' which doesn't exist)
23:51.38p3nguinThe Book would have told you ALL about this.
23:51.51spcki read the book and set it up that way
23:51.56spckapparently not i guess
23:52.02p3nguinThey have a peer called "sip" in sip.conf?
23:52.14spckproduction or test?
23:52.36spcki'll try switching it
23:53.19catphish_it'd be nice if someone read the 10.0 source code and replaced every page of the voip-info wiki with the correct information
23:53.32catphish_but i somehow doubt anyone has time
23:53.51ChannelZthere's wrong things in sip.conf.sample
23:53.52p3nguinThat sounds like a huge an impractical undertaking.
23:54.28catphish_that bot is cool
23:55.04ChannelZand literal
23:55.12catphish_i tried to be funny
23:55.14catphish_it backfired
23:55.50spckso my test box registers to the production box via: register =>
23:56.09spckshould that be: ?
23:56.18p3nguinSo the other side can send calls to extension "sip"
23:56.23ChannelZremove /sip off the first one
23:56.38spckoff the register?
23:57.01catphish_otherwise you're forcing it to send a specific number with each call
23:57.01p3nguinThe /sip tells the OTHER side to send all calls for you to extension 'sip'
23:57.19catphish_rather than the number that was actually dialed
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23:57.51ChannelZNow on your test box your exten 8001 is doing a Dial(SIP/sip/810) which is also wrong
23:57.52p3nguinAnd unless you have exten => sip,1,Stuff(), you won't be getting any calls to extension 'sip'
23:58.15spckok, what should it be?
23:58.20ChannelZMake it Dial(SIP/asterisk-test/810) -- assuming 810 even exists
23:58.30spckit does on the production server
23:58.34ChannelZor rather.. we haven't seen the sip.conf on your test box
23:58.43p3nguinThat's 810 on the server called asterisk-test.
23:59.04ChannelZyour paste is confusing because part of it was from one server and part of it from another.
23:59.14spcki'm trying to call an extension on the other server tho
23:59.37ChannelZWithout having an 'outgoing' peer setup from your test box, you could try Dial(SIP/ instead

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