IRC log for #asterisk on 20110812

00:05.37*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (
00:05.39pabelanger[1]sassyn: what are you changing in the build process?
00:10.25[1]sassynsome code and some addons
00:10.27[1]sassynlike mp3
00:10.35[1]sassynand some app like fax
00:11.00[1]sassynwhich binutils version u using?
00:14.06pabelanger[1]sassyn: pb the complete output of the configure script
00:18.39pdtpatrickQuestion .. im seeing this error. Has anyone come across such?
00:18.39pdtpatrick[Aug 11 17:17:49] ERROR[31346]: utils.c:1164 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Connection refused
00:18.40pdtpatrick[Aug 11 17:17:49] WARNING[31346]: res_agi.c:1506 launch_netscript: Connect to 'agi://localhost/html/ONP/index.vxml' failed: Connection refused
00:24.18*** join/#asterisk logicwrath (
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00:37.20*** join/#asterisk m_tadeu (~quassel@
01:03.19*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
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01:46.23jeffspeffi'm using a 7945g ip phone, and trying to edit the SEP<mac>.cnf.xml file to allow the second line button to use the same SIP user and extension as the first line button. I configured my spa504g's to do this, but it had a web interface. any suggestions?
02:02.01p3nguinLast I knew, SEP files weren't for SIP.
02:11.31*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
02:20.32*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
02:22.43*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
02:27.39*** join/#asterisk voiper (75c98a36@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:28.34voipercan anyone help me with the syntax for sending username and password as part of SIP dial command ?
02:29.15*** join/#asterisk bdfoster (~bdfoster@unaffiliated/bdfoster)
02:29.31voiperI tried using this syntax but doesn't seem to work. SIP/
02:31.13p3nguinDid you try Dial(SIP/ ?
02:31.26voiperyes i tried that
02:31.29voiperit didn't work either
02:32.46voiperi am trying to send a call from asteirsk 1.4 to trixbox
02:33.26*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
02:33.43voiperif i send that way in trixbox it is coming as Executing [username:password@from-sip-external:1]
02:33.49p3nguinAny reason you can't define a peer for the other side?  It's clear to me that it will be a static setup rather than something you'll be changing often.
02:34.21voiperi am writing an agi to send calls using multiple username and password
02:34.32voiperso a static setup wouldn't work for my scenario
02:39.52voiperthanks for responding p3nguin
02:43.54p3nguinWhat about Dial(SIP/ ?
02:45.09voiperi will try that
02:46.55voiperthat doesn't seem to work either
02:47.28p3nguinI can't think of anything else.  Google didn't have any ideas?
02:48.55voiperno i found few docs with the same syntax but those are failing
02:50.59p3nguinWait, I thought of one more thing.  Dial(SIP/
02:51.10p3nguinor Dial(SIP/
02:51.40voiperlet me try
02:53.43voiperno luck
02:54.07p3nguinI don't know what else to try.
02:55.36voiperthanks for your help
02:56.41p3nguinIf possible, ask during daytime business hours in the USA.  There are more active people with more experience.
02:57.11WIMPysip.conf clearly states SIP/user:password@host:port
02:57.48p3nguinWhere does the extension go?
02:58.40WIMPyNo extension mentioned.
02:59.13voiperyeah i saw that too but where will we send the exten
02:59.56WIMPyLooks like you can only have either user/pass or exten.
03:00.39voiperits very strange though as I could send the same call from a softphone like zoiper without registering
03:00.42voiperand it does work
03:02.53p3nguinThat reminds me... is it a feature of SER which requires a user agent to register before it can send calls?  Asterisk allows authorized calls without registration first.  Is that something asterisk can have configured, or is it the proxy that does it for several ITSPs?
03:03.25*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (~obnauticu@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
03:04.04WIMPyI don't think you can make Asterisk requite registration for calls.
03:04.15p3nguinMust be the proxy that does it, then.
03:04.49p3nguinI learned that with voipms, if I don't register first, they reject an otherwise authorized call.
03:05.03p3nguinSend the registration and then that same call succeeds.
03:05.20obnauticusAnyone here have any idea why Asterisk is not playing this sound file?
03:05.51obnauticusHowever, it does play this file:
03:06.14WIMPyobnauticus: Because there's mor than just a WAVE chunk in the file and you are using an older Asterisk, perhaps?
03:06.24p3nguinobnauticus: It's all wrong.  that file is 44100 Hz stereo, and asterisk require 8000 Hz mono.
03:06.46obnauticusAlright. I will convert it. Sox is not working for me locally right now, though...for whatever reason
03:06.54WIMPyAsterisk doesn't require that.
03:07.31p3nguinSo now we can throw random bitrate multi-channel wave files at it?  I don't think so, Tim.
03:07.49WIMPyAnd with Asterisk 10 it might make sense not to downsaple it. But mixing it to one channel should still make sense.
03:07.50p3nguinobnauticus: Compare line 20 of the first paste with line 19 of the second paste.
03:08.40WIMPyBut Asterisk didn't like any tags or so in wav files until recently.
03:09.16obnauticusp3nguin, do you know of any way to convert it with Sox? I have version 14.3.2, and I've tried looking online. Nothing I've found has worked.
03:11.16*** join/#asterisk voiper (75c98a36@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:11.28obnauticusp3nguin, it keeps saying the RIFF header was not found :(
03:11.49WIMPyLoos like the file is broken.
03:11.51p3nguinobnauticus: Something like sox TVCampaign.wav -r8000 -c1 -s -w TVCampaign-8k.wav, maybe.
03:12.04voipersorry got disconnected
03:12.12obnauticusp3nguin, did not work :(
03:12.40p3nguinAny error?
03:12.56obnauticusRIFF header not found.
03:13.03obnauticuswell, for your command the syntax was just wrong
03:13.17p3nguinI'll see about that.
03:13.25obnauticusI will upload the sound file somewher
03:13.40obnauticusp3nguin, can I notice the URL to you:
03:13.43WIMPyTry file to find out what kind of file it is.
03:14.13obnauticusWIMPy, AUDIO: 44100 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 96.0 kbit/6.80% (ratio: 12003->176400) Selected audio codec: [ffwmav2] afm: ffmpeg (DivX audio v2 (FFmpeg))
03:15.07*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:15.21WIMPyLooks like you should convert it with mplayer.
03:15.57p3nguinOkay, so I had an extraneous -w in my command.  Remove it, and it works.
03:16.32obnauticusp3nguin, it still says the RIFF Header was not found. I think sox is being fed the incorrect audio file
03:16.44p3nguinGive me the file and I'll try it.
03:16.49obnauticuslemme upload it somewhere
03:16.54WIMPyIt might be folled by the name.
03:17.23WIMPyIt obviousely isn;t a wav file. Try to give it the right extension or use mplayer.
03:17.40WIMPyNFI what would be correct there. Maybe .mp4?
03:17.41obnauticusThat's what I'm thinking.
03:17.52p3nguinOh, it's not even a wave?!
03:18.00p3nguinDivX audio that we're trying to read as PCM?
03:18.01obnauticusyeah, damn retards recorded this file. lol.
03:18.05obnauticusp3nguin, I didn't do it.
03:18.25p3nguinsighs in disgust
03:19.30p3nguinTVCampaign.wav: HTML document text
03:19.37obnauticusreally? lol
03:19.44p3nguinThat's going to be even harder to turn into a wave.
03:19.48WIMPyUse maplyer. It doesn't care.
03:19.58obnauticuslol p3nguin i set the wrong permissions
03:19.59obnauticusgive me a sec
03:20.06obnauticusWIMPy, what command did you use for mplayer?
03:20.26WIMPymplayer -ao pcm:file=out.wav thefile
03:20.50WIMPyYou can get it faster with extra options, but it will tell you.
03:21.07*** join/#asterisk neurosys (~neurosys@
03:22.20obnauticusWIMPy, how do I set mono and the rate?
03:22.26obnauticusi.e., mono/8k
03:22.53p3nguinIf you can't make mplayer output it correctly, just accept it as whatever it is, then use sox to change it.
03:22.59obnauticusah ok
03:23.26p3nguinAs I said, I just threw in an extra -w in that sox command.
03:23.31WIMPyThat was the idea. You can use mencoder, but you have to find the options yourself.
03:43.27*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
03:52.07*** join/#asterisk voiper (75c98a36@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:00.09*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (~maxagaz@
04:00.27obnauticusHow do I manually clear a voicemail box of all of its recordings.
04:01.29p3nguinrm will take care of it for you.
04:01.49obnauticusThat's what I was thinking but I wanted to make sure. Do you know where they're stored?
04:06.45obnauticusThank you
04:43.14*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
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05:43.20schmidtsgood morning
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06:05.49*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
06:07.56ChannelZShould I put my SIP URI in an <a href...> ?  It really only means anything if someone had a softphone and it happened to hook into their browser I guess.
06:08.25*** join/#asterisk sunfone (
06:10.16WIMPyIt doesn't hurt.
06:10.47WIMPyBut it's quite bad that these kind of things aren't easily set up with modern OSs.
06:10.50*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
06:11.33ChannelZYeah.  Just trying to figure out the best way to put this on the footer of my site
06:12.15*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-bjhccfswuzikkgck)
06:14.57*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (~eject_ck@
06:15.05eject_ckHi all
06:15.19eject_ckI see tens of messages in console  -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected
06:15.30eject_ckwhy it appears ?
06:15.43WIMPyYou are using some GUI?
06:16.35WIMPySome other util?
06:16.47WIMPyOr did you allow the internet to connect?
06:16.59eject_ckhm, yes .. I have nagios checks :)
06:17.18eject_ckhow can I suppress this message in console ?
06:17.24*** join/#asterisk kleszcz (tick@
06:17.54WIMPyI think there's something in manager.conf
06:18.47WIMPydisplayconnects might be the one.
06:19.04ChannelZor turn off manager if you're not using it
06:19.47*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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06:21.05eject_ckmanager is disables
06:21.26eject_ckdisabled, I'm using console script to check status with nagios
06:25.42ChannelZoh, I see
06:26.04ChannelZI was thinking of the wrong message
06:27.39kaldemarthat is because of "asterisk -rx", it has nothing to do with manager.
06:28.36ChannelZIt's a verbose message, only way to get rid of it (besides hacking the source) would be to lower verbose to 2 or less
06:28.38kaldemareject_ck: your choices are to remove the verbosity from main/asterisk.c or live with it.
06:28.48eject_ckthank you!
06:29.01kaldemarChannelZ has a point, it is at level >=3.
06:29.14eject_ckverbose 2 is  too low for me :)
06:29.24eject_ckThank you guys!
06:29.35ChannelZAccording to the source it's 3 (I think? ast_verb(3,"blah")) but I still see it on 2.  Hmm.
06:30.10ChannelZoh.. nevermind, my test turned it back up to 3.  grrph
06:30.10kaldemarhmm.. it is inside an if (!ast_opt_hide_connect)...
06:30.33ChannelZYah hadn't looked that one up yet.
06:31.58ChannelZhideconnect in asterisk.conf
06:33.06ChannelZCookies for everyone!
06:39.47*** join/#asterisk irroot (
06:40.09eject_ckVilen Dank!
06:41.54*** join/#asterisk screenn (~screenn@
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06:57.23*** join/#asterisk den512 (
07:06.22*** join/#asterisk brdude (
07:16.06*** join/#asterisk syntaxx (~patvan@unaffiliated/syntaxx)
07:16.27syntaxxwhat application to use for presence? so it shows the status of the user on a sip client
07:17.45irrootsyntaxx device state and hints ...
07:23.15syntaxxirroot, ayt thanks
07:26.18syntaxxirroot, do you have any idea what is the default sip user after doing a make sample?
07:26.31syntaxxis it under users.conf?
07:27.09irrootsyntaxx no clue :P have not done that in years
07:27.40singlersyntaxx: by default SIP allows guest connections (no users at all)
07:28.01syntaxxsingler, guest? like what sip username should i use?
07:28.28singlerlike Dial(SIP/ip.address/extension)
07:28.37singlerno user at all
07:29.21syntaxxsingler, i cant seem to login
07:29.44singlerlogin where?
07:29.54syntaxxim using a sip client
07:30.28singleryou cannot register to server? you need to do configuration for that
07:31.19singlerbut if your client can place a call without registration, it should work. But of course it is not safe
07:31.19WIMPyHmm. What has happened to app_dial? I get a lot of warnings like "left shift count >= width of type". That sounds dangerous.
07:31.41syntaxxsingler, ayt
07:32.12syntaxxsingler, i wanted to know the default user so i can check which context should i use for testing
07:33.37singlerdefault context should be used, I think that you should look into configuration files (sip.conf and extensions.conf)
07:33.56syntaxxsingler, alright thanks
07:33.58singlerthere is some demo application by default
07:36.17*** join/#asterisk Buklov (
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08:08.50*** join/#asterisk weinerk (~user@unaffiliated/weinerk)
08:08.57*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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08:36.58*** join/#asterisk Tuju (
08:37.17Tujuany idea / examples how to use conntrack_sip in linux iptables?
08:38.00WIMPyJust load it.
08:38.23Tujubut how it's used in chains?
08:38.49WIMPyDo you understand what connection tracking is?
08:38.54Russpackets will show up as "RELATED"
08:39.29WIMPyThe RTP packets, that is.
08:40.41WIMPyOr even more exactely, the first RTP packet.
08:46.43Tujuno, i just knew that it will dig deeper inside the packet but not how it affects
08:47.05Tujumy problem is still that new-cisco-with-asterisk problem
08:47.41Tujucisco sends  packets with high src port number and asterisk responds into that port - which cisco does not listen, only 5060.
08:47.51WIMPyIt just adds it's findings to /proc/net/nf_conntrack
08:48.16Tujunow i changed that src port number in asterisk firewall end, with src SNAT rule
08:48.30Tujuand asterisk responds back to 5060 as it sees it as source port
08:49.12Tujubut for some reason that packet doesn't appear in cisco's end in firewall anymore - i guess it might screw up NAT state engine whent he portnumbers doesn't match anymore.
08:49.18WIMPySo that phone is behind nat?
08:49.58WIMPySure. That would make it a new connection.
08:50.01Tujucisco phones have a nat setting which i've set Yes.
08:50.20WIMPyYou probably shouldn't.
08:50.36Tujuin older models it has helped
08:50.48Tujubut those used src port number differently
08:50.53WIMPyUsually you should only set nat=yes in the peer definition and configure the client as if there was not NAT.
08:51.24Tujuah, in asterisk end
08:52.41Tujuyup, i've had that nat=yes in asterisk end whole time.
08:52.50Tujui now switched that off in cisco phone
08:53.52WIMPySure. Otherwise you wouldn't have that port issue.
08:56.32*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:3d:cee0:8ab2:782e)
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08:58.38*** join/#asterisk _omer (~omer@
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09:00.03_omerHello, Can I run any agi script when call is dialed ? actually I want to play User Balance parellal to dial function ...
09:00.08Tujuthat didn't help. even i'm able to change that high src port number in service end and able to get asterisk send responses back to 5060, client end fw still changes it back to high port.
09:00.26x1userHi, i have problem. NOTICE[10488]: chan_sip.c:20276 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '' rejected because extension not found in context 'default'.
09:02.09_omerx1user: use   's' extension in default context ...
09:03.24x1userlike exten => _X.,1,s,Answer()
09:05.58_omerwell try this one
09:06.25x1userit was _x.,1,Answer() actually
09:06.29x1userit doesnot works alsow with s
09:07.04_omeradd this one too   exten = > s,1,Answer
09:08.04x1userdoesnot work either
09:08.10_omerwhat number you are dialing ?
09:08.31x1usermy own number witohut prefixes
09:09.00_omerCall from '' to extension '' rejected  <----- there is no number
09:09.10x1useri've stripped the number
09:09.31x1usercall from 'usernamte to extension 'mynumber'
09:10.18_omer_x.,1,answer  should be .... no matters if you dial prefix or not ...
09:10.29_omerit should answer all the calls with any number..
09:10.57*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
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09:19.27kaldemar_omer: only ones with one digit and one or more characters.
09:20.40kaldemar_omer: if you want to run the script when the dial command is executed, use Dial(Local/exten@scriptcontext&<tech>/...)
09:22.42_omerkaldemar: thanks...let me check
09:24.50_omerkaldemar: Dial(Local/12345@default&SIP/12125552121@trunk)  <--- correct ?
09:27.07_omerkaldemar: thanks... I will check it out ... logic looks fine...
09:28.17*** join/#asterisk cerienjean (~iper@
09:28.51*** join/#asterisk merlin8282 (
09:28.57merlin8282Hiho !
09:29.48merlin8282Anyone has an idea why the announcement is not played to the queue agent ? "announce = /path/to/wav/file" is set in queues.conf.
09:30.45*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (~BigAll@
09:31.02StaRetjifolks, I need to get did number from telekom provider
09:31.06merlin8282When the call is coming, it has music, etc. then before being connected the agent has: Playing 'queue-reporthold.slin', 'digits/4.g722' and 'queue-seconds.gsm', then it connects both call legs. The announce is simply ignored !
09:31.17StaRetjithey ask me if I can receive inband RTP
09:34.06kaldemarinband RTP? are you sure that's what they asked?
09:35.57StaRetjithey have to redirect real phone numbers to my Asterisk server
09:36.02StaRetjiand I told them okay
09:36.14StaRetjibut I still have chance to call them and tell them I can't
09:36.25StaRetjibtw, kaldemar, thx for reply
09:36.30kaldemarinband RTP doesn't make any sense.
09:36.40merlin8282knows "inband DTMF"...
09:36.47kaldemarare you sure they didn't mean inband DTMF in RTP?
09:36.51kaldemarthat asterisk does support.
09:37.07StaRetjiI will ask them now
09:37.34kaldemarbut RFC2833 of even SIP INFO would be considerably better.
09:39.59StaRetjithey said they can support rfc2833 but they prefer inband
09:40.06StaRetjiso, I guess it is only for DTMF
09:40.45StaRetjiin that case, shall I do'em a favor and accept inband
09:41.01StaRetjithose numbers are for IVR
09:41.16StaRetjiso, I don't know what is better for Asterisk
09:41.27*** part/#asterisk Russ (
09:41.38kaldemaryour choice. i'd prefer the better solution. which would be RFC2833.
09:41.43StaRetjigot it
09:41.52StaRetjiI will tell them I prefer RFC2833
09:41.57StaRetjithx :)
09:42.52merlin8282 ? :p
09:45.33StaRetjiThank You!!!
09:58.39*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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10:37.26x1userloader.c:814 load_resource: Module '' could not be loaded.
10:40.41kaldemarwhen do you get that and what do the lines before it say?
10:41.25x1userloader.c:730 inspect_module: Module '' was not compiled with the same compile-time options as this version of Asterisk.
10:41.39x1userit was working yeastarday and i didnot change anything since
10:43.39*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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10:43.44devil_evoxxxhi all
10:45.19kaldemarx1user: sure. recompile and re-install.
10:46.01*** join/#asterisk sohilg (~sohilg434@
10:46.10sohilgHi All...
10:46.21*** part/#asterisk didnot (~didnot@unaffiliated/didnot)
10:46.26devil_evoxxxi've got a problem with sip signaling. I'm using asterisk 1.4.37. The scenario is:  SIP phone A start the call to  SIP Phone B(receiver) and during the call, the PHONE B lost power, and in asterisk CLI i can see that the call is already UP.
10:46.30sohilgfacing problems with sip_rouge ...while relaying the calls
10:46.32sohilgpls help
10:46.35devil_evoxxxthere are some trick to solve this problema'
10:47.05kaldemardevil_evoxxx: what problem?
10:47.20devil_evoxxxthat if the phone b lost power, the call in asterisk is still UP
10:48.40kaldemardevil_evoxxx: use RTP timers, they are configured in sip.conf. rtptimeout and rtpholdtimeout.
10:51.53devil_evoxxxthankyou so much! Now i google on this features :)
10:52.23kaldemarjust take a look at the sample sip.conf
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11:45.00merlin8282Anyone has an idea about my problem (announce not played to agent) ?
11:49.08kaldemardid you configure it correctly? do you have an announceoverride in the Queue command?
11:49.32merlin8282kaldemar: Just tried it with announceoverride: this works. But without, nok.
11:49.50merlin8282kaldemar: with "announce = /path/to/file" it should work also, no ?
11:50.22*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (
11:50.39kaldemardon't know about the path, but it should if in the right place.
11:51.30merlin8282kaldemar: the strange thing is that it does not report any error, such as for example "file not found" or so...
11:51.41merlin8282anyway. With announceoverride it works, it's then ok.
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12:29.14lanmowerlo all
12:29.34lanmowermy asterisk-fu is a little rusty, can someone assist me with figuring out why I cant use my trunks channel?
12:30.23lanmoweri have a trunk and route configured, and its trying to dial as recommended by the provider.
12:30.33lanmowerusing the right numbers that is.
12:31.13*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
12:31.50lanmoweri'm receiving a congested message from asterisk while the call is being dialled.
12:33.09lanmowermy asterisk is behind a firewall, and I have udp and stun ports forwarded back to it, its configured to use nat settings with a dyndns setup to resolve the ip. The sip registrar on the trunk is receiving and allowing my login, based on what I can tell in sip show peers
12:33.12lanmowerand sip show registry
12:37.11lanmowershould I paste some debug output?
12:40.33dwayneQwell, pop quiz: what's the episode where Bart is enthusiastically singing with the church choir?
12:47.28lanmoweranyone alive here?
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13:01.19lanmoweranyway, can I have some advice on how to pinpoint the problem?                    N      XXXXXXXX         105 Registered           Fri, 12 Aug 2011 14:58:47
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13:39.48StaRetjiomg, lol app_swift is installed and now my asterisk 1.4.2 crashes when I call extension which loads app_swift
13:40.11StaRetjilooking at /var/log/asterisk/messages I don't see any error
13:41.20StaRetjican someone help me to debug please
13:43.19leifmadsenwow that's crazy old
13:43.33kaldemarStaRetji: is the app supposed to be compatible with your version?
13:44.02leifmadsen20-Mar-2007 09:22
13:44.09kaldemarif so,
13:44.16leifmadsenI'd be shocked if anything third-party worked with an asterisk version that old
13:46.10StaRetjikaldemar: yes
13:46.19robl^laptopleifmadsen: 1.4 .2 is old?  I ran across a vmware image where I was staging / testing a pre 1.0 install ;-)
13:46.34StaRetjisorry, it is in production with a2b
13:46.45StaRetjiI'm afraid to touch it :/
13:46.56StaRetjiI added app_swift
13:46.58StaRetjiand it works
13:47.09StaRetjibut it seems if I call extension 777777
13:47.16StaRetjiwhich starts Swift
13:47.22StaRetjieverything is okay, until I hangup
13:47.26StaRetjiasterisk crashes
13:47.36chazzamI thought you said it works
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13:48.17StaRetjiwell, I started asterisk and it works if I don't call 777777
13:48.30StaRetjiif I call 777777, I hear Cepstral voice
13:48.32chazzamso the module loads, but doesn't work?
13:48.40StaRetjiit works
13:48.46StaRetjibut when I hangup the line
13:48.51chazzambut it crashes, that isn't really working is it?
13:48.52StaRetjiasterisk crashes
13:49.02StaRetjiwell, yes :)
13:49.19StaRetjiI mean, app_swift does says what it has
13:49.26StaRetjibut it crashes asterisk
13:49.28chazzamhave you tried finding an older version of app_swift?
13:49.32agnogenicI have a question about the Asterisk yum repo. Is there a time line for adding Centos6 support?
13:49.58StaRetjichazzam: good idea, I installed app_swift 2
13:50.08StaRetjimaybe I should try installing app_swift 1.4
13:50.33chazzamfind one released in about 2009 ?
13:51.00StaRetjiokay, will try
13:51.13chazzamor try upgrading
13:56.58StaRetjichazzam: and kaldemar thx folks, downgrading to app_swift 1.4 seems to fix the problem
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13:57.06StaRetjino crashes on hangup
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13:59.34treborsuxI am so excited
14:00.06chazzamheh, yay!
14:00.57*** join/#asterisk rdahlin_1 (~rdahlin_1@2001:16d8:cc97:1:7040:6e55:da9e:92ea)
14:01.07treborsuxI ordered 25 polycom 501s last night and 2 560s
14:01.21pabelangertreborsux: I see, you just can't hide it!
14:01.40lirakissup snizwidgets
14:02.25treborsuxyou know you know you know i just cant hide it
14:02.35treborsuxgood by merlin legends!!!
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14:11.14treborsuxmerlin legend processor SMASH SMASH
14:11.22treborsuxTHis is my first change of one.
14:11.37treborsuxI have 6 more to go
14:11.42treborsuxat our car dealerships
14:12.01treborsuxthe caps are getting so bad on cards i switch the procs monthly
14:12.07treborsuxso over it!
14:12.13treborsuxthank you asterisk!
14:12.38treborsuxfreepbx is kewl but what else do you guys recomend to use with asterisk?
14:12.53treborsuxwhat is easiest?
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14:13.38chazzamflat text + templates?
14:13.59chazzamand "same"
14:14.42treborsuxwhat is the diffrence between a ip 500 and ip 501 polycom
14:14.57chazzamTheir website doesn't say?
14:15.10treborsuxi bought 30 polycom 501s and he says he does not have enough and wants to give me 3 500s instead is that ok?
14:15.31treborsuxlooking on polycom now
14:16.15*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
14:20.25leifmadsentreborsux: no -- the 500 is not the same as the 501
14:20.36leifmadsen(it has significantly less memory and you can't use the latest bootroms)
14:21.04leifmadsentreborsux: tell him to either not send the extra 500's, or get a significant discount as you won't be able to upgrade them past a certain point
14:21.23defsworkwonders why polycoms
14:21.33leifmadsenbecause they are rock solid?
14:21.42kaldemartreborsux: 501 has more memory. both are discontinued though.
14:21.54leifmadsentreborsux: ^^^ what kaldemar said
14:22.08*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
14:22.26treborsuxHe has offered instaed of 30 501s to send 28 501s and 3 500s for total of 31
14:22.37leifmadsentreborsux: don't do it
14:22.39treborsuxi have svery simple setup I think i will be ok
14:22.45leifmadsenhonestly you should be using the 550's
14:22.59leifmadsentreborsux: I've heard that before until you want to do something and have to replace the phones :)
14:23.12treborsuxit will never change
14:23.53leifmadsenThat's what she said!
14:24.22*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (~SuPrSluG@
14:24.51coppicein business "it will never change" == "we're going out of business this month"
14:25.12leifmadsencoppice: :)
14:25.38treborsuxcant afford 550
14:25.45treborsux501 is the pricepoint
14:26.02treborsuxanswer calls transfer calls talk over vpn that is all i need
14:26.11chazzamask the guy sending them to you to give you a discount on the three and give you 550's instead of 500s
14:26.19chazzambecause you need at least equally capable, not less
14:26.29*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (~estanteri@
14:26.29chazzamand he can't fulfill your demand
14:28.15coppicetelephony never fulfills
14:29.36anonymouz666Mr. Corleone has joined this channel
14:29.40treborsuxtold him he could only substitue 550s
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14:38.49agnogenicI've set up a small asterisk server for testing, and am wondering if there are any voip providers that I could setup for around $5
14:39.31leifmadsenagnogenic: you might be able to try out as I think you can just pre-pay whatever amount you want
14:39.46leifmadsenusually the DID is going to be the thing that is the most "expensive"
14:40.00agnogenicDo they have any gotchas?
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14:40.19leifmadsenI don't know -- read the fine print
14:40.30leifmadsenI don't understand what "gotchas" are
14:41.37agnogenicIts an idiom.. for example.. "Our service is only $5 a month... with a onetime $50 setup fee"
14:42.08agnogenicusually stuff hidden in fine print. Thank you for the recommendation though. I will check them out.
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14:48.37Kobazleifmadsen: a gottcha is like, you think you have it right, but then you get swindled
14:48.43coppicefine print is similar to fine art - there's more con men than good guys
14:49.27Kobazthe 'gottcha' is a rewritten form of 'got-ya'.. but when you say 'got-ya' really fast, it sounds like gottcha
14:49.59coppicegotcha == "do you have any tea"
14:50.01leifmadsenKobaz: doesn't no matter how fast I say it :)
14:51.04Kobazand more mumbled
14:51.14Kobazand skip syllables
14:51.37chuckfthinking you have it right and then you get swindled, that's not a gottcha. That's you makeing an assumption and being wrong when there were fees you didn't see
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14:53.09ezanoI really need to know how to get the real caller id on a dialplan please ?
14:53.19KobazGotcha and I gotcha are relaxed pronunciations of "I've got you", usually referring to an unexpected capture or discovery. Gotcha is a common colloquialism meaning to understand or comprehend.
14:53.43Kobazfees you didn't see would fit that definition
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14:54.15Kobazexpected discovery
14:54.31chuckfKobaz: no they wouldn't, if they are spelled out in the contract and you didn't see them, that's your fault for not reading carefully
14:54.45Kobazit's still an unexpected discovery
14:54.53chuckfbut not a gottcha
14:56.11ezanohumpf, this is a troll chan or a support chan here
14:56.43infobotAsterisk is an open source telephony toolkit, or #asterisk on, or
14:57.35*** join/#asterisk prometheanfire (
14:57.44malcolmdcaller id is retrieved using the callerid function:
14:57.58malcolmd...or manipulated
14:58.06prometheanfirewhen is 1.4 not getting any fixes anymore?
14:58.25malcolmdprometheanfire: as of the current release; it's the last one
14:58.26leifmadsenprometheanfire: about a month ago
14:58.37infobotextra, extra, read all about it, asteriskversioning is
14:58.43prometheanfireah, thanks
14:58.45ezanono but
14:58.50prometheanfiresec too?
14:58.54ezanothis is not what I want
14:59.03leifmadsenprometheanfire: documented on the wiki per that link
14:59.05prometheanfirethe bot needs to be updated to the new url
14:59.07leifmadsenupdates infobot
14:59.13leifmadsenprometheanfire: yes I see that :)
14:59.32ezanoif I set a callerid on (a2billing) and I call a number with a softphone I want to get the number of the softphone
14:59.40ezanoand not the callerid define befor
14:59.45leifmadseninfobot: no, asteriskversioning is <reply> Asterisk versions and their support levels are documented at
14:59.45infobotleifmadsen: okay
15:00.36malcolmdi don't know how a2billing works.  if the softphone is tied to asterisk, you control its caller id.
15:01.09*** part/#asterisk prometheanfire (
15:02.08ezanoyes, but I want to get the softphone number into the dialplan
15:02.32ezanoI've not choice, but I don't know how to make that make the first thing you do be to copy the callerid from the caller id function to some other variable, and then use it as you see fit.
15:04.54*** join/#asterisk cerienjean (
15:04.54ezanohum that will doesn't work
15:05.54ezanoI want to use the softphone number to call VoiceMailMain($mybastardcallid@context) and so bypass the prompt to access voicemail
15:07.14ezanoI tried many variable but nothing works
15:08.01p3nguinAre you guessing randomly?
15:08.42ezanoobviously not
15:08.53p3nguinThere is no variable that is your callerid.
15:08.58p3nguinAt least not until you create it.
15:10.30ezanoyes but I know that => MAVAR=${CALLERID(num)} or other than num but don't work
15:11.04ezanothat return the callerid define into a2billing and not the softphone number
15:11.08p3nguinYou also can't set a global in the globals section to contain caller ID.
15:11.23leifmadsenya that
15:11.31p3nguinI can't understand what you're actually trying to accomplish.
15:11.35leifmadsenbecause ${CALLERID(num)} is a channel level function
15:11.38leifmadsennot a global function
15:12.02ezanookay leifmadsen,
15:12.14leifmadsenyou can't know what the callerid is until you know what it is
15:12.26leifmadsenasterisk doesn't have res_prediction yet :)
15:13.24ezanobut a softphone which call a number ?
15:13.44ezanoit not send any data ? like his number ?
15:13.48*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
15:14.09p3nguinSet it to a variable in dial plan and then use that variable later.  Put into an extension Set(myCID=${CALLERID(num)})
15:15.00malcolmdor see p3nguin ^ :D
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15:15.32ezanoI tried that yet :)
15:15.45ezanodon't work :D
15:16.11p3nguinIf you don't need to carry that data around, there's not really any reason to put it into a variable in the first place; just call the function directly within the app like leifmadsen pointed out in his example.
15:16.31ezanooh malcolmd I don't use voicemail.conf, I developped entirly a system to support voicemail in realtime
15:16.36leifmadsenI think malcolmd pointed it out, but ya that :)
15:16.54p3nguinI'll reitterate: I still have no flippin' idea what you're trying to accomplish.
15:16.59leifmadsenezano: you developed it instead of using the existing developed voicemail in realtime"? :)
15:17.02leifmadsenp3nguin: +1
15:17.41ezanothe existing voicemail in realtime is not implemented correctly with a2billing
15:17.47p3nguinleifmadsen: I thought malcolmd said to put it into a variable, and then you used it directly.
15:17.57p3nguinbut it doesn't matter, really.
15:17.59ezano(this is a2billing that I modify not asterisk ^^)
15:18.05leifmadsenI dont' think I used it directly I just wrote out the function name :)
15:18.19p3nguinThat's what I mean by using directly.
15:18.24leifmadsenthen continue on :)
15:19.00p3nguinI often catch myself setting variables to the data output by a function, only to use the variable within the next few lines of dial plan...
15:19.14ezano<p3nguin> I'll reitterate: I still have no flippin' idea what you're trying to accomplish. // ok example is more easy
15:19.30ezanoimagine this dialplan
15:19.30p3nguinI smack myself, and then delete the setting of the variable, to put the function where I was previously using the variable value.
15:19.33*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
15:20.20ezanoexten => 5555,1,VoiceMailMain(${CALLERID(name)}@default)
15:20.48ezanoif inside a2billing I set the callerid of an account at 1337
15:21.06ezanoand I call 5555, callerid will be 1337
15:21.32ezanoand not the softphone number which is the username of account sip/iax
15:21.52ezanoit's better ? (my english is very limited so ...)
15:22.03p3nguinsuch as in exten => s,n,Set(myVar=${CALLERID(num)})  exten => s,n,VoiceMailMain(${myVar}@context) ... setting the variable was a waste of time and creates an unncessary line in dialplan.
15:22.19Guggeso you want the loginname of the sip-device, and not the callerid ?
15:22.42Guggewhy do you ask about callerid stuff then? :)
15:23.18ezanobecause I developped a2billing, not asterisk it's confuse sometimes ^^
15:24.22ezanoso it's possible to get that ? :)
15:25.09Guggeno idea :)
15:25.25Guggeyou could use setvar to set it to some var in sip.conf / realtime
15:25.36Guggebut i assume there is a way to read it without too :)
15:26.48ezanoyeah I tried to use setvar without success
15:26.54Guggemaybe CHANNEL(peername)
15:27.42p3nguinIf setvar didn't work, you did it wrong.
15:27.49ezanoyes I know
15:28.31ezanobut I don't understand how to use setvar
15:28.56p3nguinIn the peer entry in sip.conf:  setvar=someVar=value
15:29.34p3nguinIn the dialplan, use ${someVar} to find out value.
15:29.46ezanoyes but this is the same problem no ?
15:29.55ezanohow get value now ?
15:30.20p3nguinYou'll need to set the value when you write the setvar line.
15:30.37leifmadsenthen just access it from the dialplan like any other channel variable
15:31.10ezanoyes but I'll need one line by sip account ?
15:31.31Guggeyes, each peer needs its own setvar entry
15:31.35p3nguinYou'll need to ADD it to every account that you want to use the variable and have a value.
15:31.41ezanobecause value is hardcoded into sip.conf
15:31.45leifmadsenthe variable you set in sip.conf with setvar will be set with the value you configured in sip.conf, and will be available when the peer creates a channel
15:32.09Guggebut if you need the peername, as far as i can tell, CHANNEL(peername) gives you that
15:32.23leifmadsenoutput would be "this_is_awesome"
15:33.31sunfonegood morning all...
15:33.33ezanobut I can't make that, I want a system which works entirly whith database, so one line by person is not possible. thanks
15:33.45ezanobut I'll find another way I hope
15:34.07ezanoGugge: don't work ^^
15:34.12p3nguinsetvar can't be used with realtime?
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15:34.28sunfoneoff topic... but still kind of telephony... :)  My mother in law is taking a trip to Paris next week, and wonders if she will be able to get a pay-as-you-go cell phone at the airport or very nearby... any advice?
15:34.35Guggesetvar works fine with realtime
15:35.13p3nguinThat's what I thought.
15:35.42Guggejust set the field "setvar" to "somevar=value1;somevar2=value2"
15:36.55ezanoyes but I don't want anything hardcoded into sip.conf or others file
15:37.01Guggethen dont
15:37.04Guggeput a setvar in the db
15:37.25Guggeyou can even make a view that automatically makes the setvar from the username field
15:39.13Guggewhat output does ${CHANNEL(peername)} give you?
15:40.04Guggeand which asterisk version do you use?
15:40.47ezanothe last
15:40.51Gugge10 beta?
15:41.19Guggethat is some kind of strange version, as the one before 10 is 1.8
15:41.30p3nguinThis is some freaky Twilight Zone shit right here.
15:41.37ezanowait ^^
15:41.58*** join/#asterisk CryptixOverdrive (
15:42.06ezanoyes 1.8 ^^ (a2billing -> 1.9)
15:42.37*** join/#asterisk BenC[UK] (
15:43.19BenC[UK]hi guys - I am getting "no samples for g729tolin" loads in the console when using the g729 plugin with official licences... any ideas how to stop it?
15:43.26Guggestrange, peername is shown in core show function CHANNEL on both my 1.6.2 and 10 beta
15:43.33Guggei would assume it is in 1.8 too
15:43.43Guggebut i guess you are stuck with setvar then
15:44.15p3nguinI bet it's there in the 1.8 branch too.
15:45.05Guggep3nguin: but apparently not in the version ezano is running :)
15:45.20p3nguinHe's a special case.
15:47.12Guggemaybe :)
15:52.22ezanopeerip and channeltype send nothing too
15:52.46ezanoyes I reload my dialplan ^^
15:53.17ezanomust be leave o/
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17:58.41AlecTaylorI want my website to show a call-in button for connecting directly into a conference call (via Flex/Flash or Javascript/JQuery or Java). Backend must require username auth and moderation capabilities. Which Asterisk and/or other packages do I need for this?
18:00.16_Corey_AlecTaylor: You may want to look at Zoiper.  They have a web-based embeddable softphone.
18:02.04AlecTaylorHmm, they don't seem to be free. I have seen various free open-source SIP clients, but I'm confused at how to setup the Asterisk backend. Also, moderation and authentication seem to be equally confusing...
18:02.34_Corey_I haven't seen a free embeddable one...
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18:10.26sunfoneAnyone know if this is valid:
18:10.30sunfoneinclude => night|20:00-8:59|mon-fri|*|*
18:10.45sunfonei.e., can the time wrap around to the next morning and do what you would expect?
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18:14.41Guggesunfone: if i had the need, i would just try :)
18:15.13sunfonekind of hard to test ;)
18:15.35Guggeset the time
18:15.36Guggemake a call
18:15.53sunfoneproduction system...
18:16.05Guggewhy would you test on a production system?
18:16.17Guggevirtual machines are easy to setup
18:16.20sunfonewant to know that it works
18:17.24sunfoneof course I can do that... was hoping someone just knew, so I didn't have to spend an hour doing it
18:18.06atheossunfone, just add two includes back to back, one 8pm to midnight, one midnight to 9am
18:18.37sunfoneya, that was my fallback, but voipinfo has that as an example
18:18.39atheosstill good to test things before production though
18:19.16sunfoneit isn't the end of the world if this particular include doesn't work tonight, so I'll probably just through it in and see what happens
18:24.24p3nguinsunfone: No, that won't work.  include wouldn't have any clue what that line of data means.
18:24.36*** join/#asterisk caveat- (
18:25.45sunfonekind of leaves saturday mornings undefined too :)
18:26.01sunfoneI just split it up into morning and evening... two lines instead of one
18:26.07p3nguinI'll share mine with you.  One moment.
18:26.42sunfoneI think "TheBook" has an error on this topoc
18:29.57sunfonehrmm, well that isn't really conditional contexts
18:30.57p3nguinThat's actually exactly what I do.  If it falls on the days and hours defined, the call would go to a specified context.
18:31.35*** join/#asterisk Bipul (~bipul@unaffiliated/bipul/x-4918593)
18:31.50sunfoneit seems you are making it more complicated this way... include is supposed to work as above
18:32.03sunfone(at least with times that don't wrap)
18:32.18p3nguinI'm not complicating it; this is how it works.
18:32.25p3nguinYou were just trying to do something that isn't possible.
18:33.10*** join/#asterisk Hanumaan (
18:33.13sunfoneHmm, lots of examples posted of include having time conditional capabilities - its even in "TheBook"
18:33.32sunfoneI was merely wondering if I could wrap the times, as one of the examples I saw on voipinfo did that
18:33.36sunfoneand it looked fishy
18:33.44p3nguinI've never seen  include => night|20:00-8:59|mon-fri|*|*  work.
18:34.26p3nguinIf it does, GREAT!  I'll modify my notes accordingly.
18:35.05sunfonealthough I just noticed this is labeled "unstable" :):)
18:35.39sunfonewoops that wasn't the right URL for the book
18:36.08sunfonescroll to the bottom
18:36.42sunfonebut my problem with this bit is that it includes "night" always, so if it is daytime you end up with two extension "2000" in the same context
18:36.51sunfoneSurely the behaviour there is undefined
18:37.02*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
18:38.07p3nguinI would say that, if this type of inclusion does work, you've found a method of poor practice.
18:38.32sunfonefor the wrapping I would agree
18:49.20*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
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18:54.31sunfonesigh, all that said, I can't seem to make it work at all
18:54.35sunfoneI wonder if it is 1.6+
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18:58.17leifmadsensunfone: that "the book" is not ~thebook :)
18:58.24techknowlusthey guys. I'm trying to split some sip configs over a few files so I can give servers default files and define their extensions individually
18:58.34techknowlustis it possible to define a template twice ?
18:58.34leifmadsentechknowlust: #include
18:58.45leifmadsenit will read in the file as many times as you #include it
18:59.12Kobazi'm really happy with 1.8 so far
18:59.12techknowlustleifmadsen: I'm already using includes, they're very handy
18:59.15leifmadsentechknowlust: then what is your real question?
18:59.20leifmadsenKobaz: +1
18:59.26techknowlustleifmadsen: if a template is defined twice will all the variables in both be applied to anything that uses that template
18:59.48Kobazi have one more feature to write and then i'll be really happy
18:59.56leifmadsentechknowlust: I doubt defining it twice will work -- Asterisk would complain -- you should split it into separate templates
19:00.21techknowlustleifmadsen: and presumably you can't have an extension defined by two templates
19:00.32techknowlustoh you can ?
19:00.32leifmadsensure you can
19:00.34leifmadsenheck ya you can
19:00.39sunfoneleifmadsen: ahh!  I didn't know there was an impostor out there!
19:00.42techknowlustthat's awesome. thanks!
19:00.52techknowlustmakes my life much easier now
19:01.07techknowlustmany thanks :)
19:01.21sunfoneleifmadsen: so do you cover time conditional includes in ~thebook?
19:01.30sunfoneis it a 1.6 only feature?
19:01.36sunfone(or 1.6+)
19:01.54leifmadsensunfone: well the book is 1.8 (latest book)
19:02.04leifmadsenI've never heard of time based include => though
19:02.14sunfoneit doesn't seem to work in 1.4 :)
19:02.26*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
19:02.30sunfoneI don't have any 1.6 or 1.8 loaded... keep meaning to
19:02.58hardwireyou should.. it's fun :)
19:03.06leifmadsenskip 1.6.x
19:03.08hardwire1.8 and CEL are my faaavoooriiiites
19:03.09leifmadsen1.8 is the bomb
19:03.17leifmadsenI'm excited for Asterisk 10 though :)
19:03.23sunfoneya.. I've heard about some of the wreckage ;)
19:03.28p3nguinI've never heard of it working.
19:03.36leifmadsenp3nguin: troll
19:03.43infobotAsterisk 10 --
19:04.16leifmadsenAsterisk 10 == Asterisk 1.10 s/1.//
19:04.17sunfonestuff about call pickup crashing things has me frightened
19:04.29leifmadsensunfone: that was fixed for me in
19:04.34hardwireno.. p3nguin .. you haven't heard of 10 working?
19:04.42leifmadsenI have several clients using it -- there was some edge case that I think was fixed recently though
19:04.54Kobazvery nice
19:05.07leifmadsenI've used Asterisk 10 for video conferencing and HD voice in ConfBridge()
19:05.11leifmadsenworks quite well there
19:05.15Kobaz1.8 running for two weeks and only using 227megs of ram
19:05.17hardwireI'm interested in ConfBridge
19:05.23hardwireNeed to test out 10 soon.
19:05.30Kobazand 215982 calls processed
19:05.43hardwireWaiting on tzafrir to make deb packages of dailys.. he never will :)
19:05.55kn0xwhy inflate the versioning numbers
19:06.12hardwirekn0x: change pisses people off.. makes them more productive.
19:06.13Kobazbecause they can
19:07.26kn0xhardwire: lost you on that one
19:08.12hardwirekn0x: not really.
19:09.11sunfonepenguin: used your pastebin do do what I needed, thanks ;)
19:09.46leifmadsensunfone: welp, jsmith seems to say that include functionality should work and does exist
19:09.54leifmadsen<jsmith> leifmadsen: Absolutely!
19:09.55leifmadsen<jsmith> leifmadsen: One of the great (unknown) features of the dialplan :-)
19:09.55leifmadsen<jsmith> leifmadsen: Except that you probably now need commas instead of pipes between the fields
19:10.49sunfoneleifmadsen: I tried pipes and commas... no worky
19:10.57leifmadsenjust might not work anymore?
19:11.10sunfonedoes he think it should work in 1.4?
19:11.51sunfoneI agree it is fantastic if it works
19:12.45leifmadsenhe does think it should work
19:13.10leifmadsencould be a bug, hard to say -- not well known or used
19:14.24p3nguinI might try testing it later.
19:15.57sunfoneIts nice if you want to conditionally include some call forwards (in my case) without messing with other extensions in the current context
19:16.21sunfoneseemed elegant to me, anyway ;)
19:18.19p3nguinCall forwarding is done on my phones, so I don't know.
19:19.41WIMPyIsn't that the main use for AstDB?
19:23.21*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
19:23.52qakhanhi everyone
19:24.39qakhancan anyone tell me how i enable call forwarding on asterisk i am use asterisk 1.4.38 version
19:25.26WIMPyqakhan: Buid your dilplan
19:25.37p3nguinPress the Fwd key on your phone.
19:25.47Kobazthe dillyplan
19:25.57p3nguinIt's not something asterisk does.
19:26.19qakhancan u plz send the code
19:26.20p3nguinThe phone provides a deflection of the call.
19:26.41p3nguinplz send the code?  What is this, high school?
19:27.19qakhansorry buddy but i m like a school boy in asterisk
19:27.34qakhani need ur help
19:27.44*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
19:28.01QwellPlease use proper English.  If you can't be bothered to spell out words, we can't be bothered to help you.
19:28.07WIMPyGoogle will show you a lot of exaples.
19:28.51qakhani tried but cloudnt found any help on google
19:29.14qakhanthen i came here in a hope someone will help me
19:30.12p3nguinqakhan: Call forwarding is something your phone does.  If you just want to send calls somewhere else, you'll be using Dial() in an extension.
19:31.08qakhanlet me tell you what i want to do
19:32.05qakhanif someone call ext 2321 and ext doesnt answer in then call forwarding to user cell phone
19:32.35p3nguinOkay, so exten => 2321,1,...
19:32.48p3nguinThat's how extension 2321 starts out.
19:32.57p3nguinWe don't need to Answer() it.
19:33.25p3nguinTo forward the call to a cell phone, press the Call Forward button on the phone and enter the cell phone number.
19:33.41space1nvaderI think what he wants is
19:33.54p3nguinIf I say "call forward button" a few more times, will that help you?
19:34.02space1nvaderexten => 2321,1,Dial(SIP/2321, 10)
19:34.09p3nguinspace fail
19:34.23space1nvaderexten => 2321,2,Dial(IAX/trunk/<mobile-number>)
19:35.04qakhanya right i know that
19:35.09WIMPyIf I press the call forward button on my phone it just says Error when it's connected to Asterisk.
19:35.27qakhanbut i want it to do dynamic
19:36.27qakhani have 100 users, some user are required to forward their calls to their cell phone if they are not available on their ext
19:37.20qakhanthey dial an ext like 2300 and enter their cell number to be call forward
19:37.26p3nguinwimpy: What kind of broken phone do you use?
19:38.03WIMPyAny standard phone.
19:38.11qakhandid anyone get me?
19:38.55p3nguinWhat defines it as being a "standard" phone?
19:39.21*** join/#asterisk mykhyggz (
19:39.32WIMPyStuff you can buy in a local consumer electronics store.
19:39.45WIMPyI haven't seen SIP phones there, yet.
19:40.28p3nguinSo you use an ATA or a card with an FXS module, I guess.
19:41.09p3nguinThe ATA might have a key sequence for call forwarding, but obviously the phone itself can't send a SIP deflection message.
19:41.39*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-kxmntoncwiwnlmrv)
19:41.52qakhani am using SJphone
19:42.13p3nguinIf it's a SIP phone, it probably has a call forwarding option.
19:43.28qakhani found this on web
19:43.45p3nguinNow... do you have any clue what it means?
19:43.47qakhanand didnt understand y we have to use DB
19:44.07qakhanno dear
19:45.09*** join/#asterisk CryptixOverdrive (
19:50.40qakhanu there?
20:03.17*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (
20:03.18jeffspeffon the spa504g you can have the same extension on multiple line keys; which is easily configured via the web gui... however the 7945g has to be configured for sip using .cnf.xml files; how do i accomplish he same feature of the same extension on multiple line keys?
20:11.36cerienjeanHi all...
20:11.56cerienjeanI've been doing a load test on asterisk using sipp. I could not really exceed 140 calls
20:12.04cerienjeanwhile I exepect more
20:12.30cerienjeanThe calls were failing on the cli with: rtcp too many open files
20:12.46cerienjeanI've tried to increase the ulimit, no luck
20:13.05cerienjeanany suggestion as to articles / pages / info on how to increase the asterisk / linux performances ?
20:15.27*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
20:17.48malcolmdwhat does "ulimit -a" return?
20:19.54cerienjeanhi malcom - unfortunately, the access to the server is complicated and I dont have access right now. I was searching 'offline' ideas
20:19.56leifmadsenmalcolmd: awesomesauce
20:20.21cerienjeanI did a ulimit -n 32768
20:20.35cerienjeando I need to restart asterisk after such command ?
20:20.44cerienjeanie core stop / asterisk
20:20.51QwellThe terminal from which Asterisk is run needs to have that set.
20:20.57cerienjeanok - got it
20:21.13malcolmdalso, if you're starting asterisk from an init script, you need to make sure your init script sets the ulimit before it starts asterisk.
20:21.14cerienjeanhence, it did not improve anything !
20:21.22cerienjeanmanually for the time being
20:23.16cerienjeanare there any other type of optimizations, (I now linux, but not to optimize the kernel)
20:25.43malcolmdyou can run asterisk with a higher priority; you can renice it.  don't put it ahead of your ssh or console process though or else logging into the machine remotely could become problematic ;)
20:26.04cerienjeanok - I vaguely know about nice
20:26.26cerienjeanbut the cpu didnt seem to be the issue, according to top
20:26.42malcolmdhere's a great post from Matthew Roth about file limits:
20:27.33cerienjeanthanks ! :-)
20:27.42malcolmdsomething else is probably amiss then; normally, asterisk goes south when your CPU is otherwise occupied, e.g. you're doing tons of calls and the cpu can't keep up between asterisk and other system tasks
20:27.52*** join/#asterisk sustav (~alfa@nat/digium/x-pkynewepxhnmzfom)
20:29.04cerienjeanyeah... first tests were doing gsm/g729 transcoding, and that was seriously limiting the number of calls.... by loading appropriate message files, we doubled the number of calls
20:29.09cerienjeanand the CPU is not maxed out
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20:52.08p3nguinI don't really know my way around jira... is there any serious problem with right now?
20:52.37p3nguinThinking of upgrading a package to if it's good to go.
20:53.01leifmadsenp3nguin: I'm using in production on at least.... 3-4 systems (customers) where was not stable for me
20:53.16p3nguinAny special patches that you used?
20:53.24leifmadsenI try to avoid anything custom
20:53.32*** join/#asterisk sustav (~alfa@nat/digium/x-tvnigquraamcxrmn)
20:53.33p3nguinSounds good.  I'll go for
20:53.40leifmadsenymmv :)
20:53.56p3nguinAnd when it does, YOU'LL HEAR ABOUT IT!
20:54.21p3nguinI'll post it on your g+ home page.
20:54.28leifmadsenp3nguin: sure! :)
20:54.32leifmadsenrarely checks that
20:54.44leifmadsenbut then again I only check my facebook about once a week
20:54.49p3nguinOr maybe I won't be able to, since you never put me into your circle.
20:55.11leifmadsenp3nguin: you probably don't show up as p3nguin on my G+ stuff
20:55.47p3nguinI do have that listed under "other names," but I don't know who can see that.
20:56.08leifmadsenI didn't look that closely from my phone :)
20:56.25p3nguinI'd imagine you'd have to actually take the time to view my profile before you'd see it, anyway.
20:56.31robl^laptopleifmadsen: you should have a slightly larger royalty check from O'Reilly next time.   I now have a print edition 3rd Ed. sitting next to my 1st and 2nd  ;-)
20:56.38p3nguinI don't expect people to check me out just because I add them to a circle.
20:57.01*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
20:57.06leifmadsenrobl^laptop: w00t another nickle! :)
20:57.27leifmadsenrobl^laptop: I'm hoping it'll be OK this time around because the book wasn't released in time to hit the last cheque round
20:57.41leifmadsenwhich means it'll have the maximum amount of time to accumulate royalties :D
20:58.16p3nguinTwo words...
20:58.19p3nguincha ching
20:58.24robl^laptopleifmadsen: nickel!?!?  should have been at least 25 cents -- considering it has more pages now. ;-)
20:59.01p3nguinehhh, okay that was weird.
20:59.06leifmadsenrobl^laptop: you'd think so eh?! :)
20:59.16leifmadsenhonestly has no idea how much he makes per book....
20:59.20leifmadsennow I'm curious lol
20:59.30p3nguinRight after I said cha ching, a Rally's commercial said "CHA-CHING."
20:59.35chazzamlol, do you get less if we buy it at a discount?
21:00.00jayteep3nguin, quick! what's tonight's megamillions numbers?
21:00.00leifmadsenwe get a percentage of what o'reilly gets
21:00.02chazzamwell, you do know something about it then
21:00.11*** join/#asterisk Brixius (
21:00.26chazzamwell... you got a smaller percentage from me then, but I did buy both digital and print
21:00.52leifmadsenlol... I think it's like $1 per book
21:00.53p3nguinjaytee: I wish I knew!  I'd take everyone to Rally's or Checkers for lunch tomorrow.
21:01.19p3nguinor Monday
21:01.22leifmadsen(ya, no one is getting rich writing technical books here)
21:01.47chazzamexcept o'reilly, because they do it in bulk?
21:03.06robl^laptopleifmadsen: so for every 6 books you can go buy a coffee at Starbucks ;-)
21:03.15leifmadsenrobl^laptop: yep.....
21:03.35leifmadsenpretty much the hours spent writing books amounts to a new toy every few months
21:04.54p3nguinI'd like to get an outdated iPod touch, if you're looking to get yourself a new 4th gen model.
21:05.00p3nguinJust sayin'.
21:05.35leifmadsenwhatever money I get this time around will likely be going directly on the credit card I used to pay for chunks of my wedding :)
21:05.47robl^laptopleifmadsen: any idea on the number of copies sold per edition?  it would be intersting metrics to see the trend
21:06.02p3nguinYou actually went through with it?!  I thought it was a joke.
21:06.21leifmadsenrobl^laptop: ya I think I entered all the data into a spreadsheet once.... I'm not sure where I put it now
21:07.43*** join/#asterisk albertoandrade (~albertoan@
21:08.31leifmadsenrobl^laptop: sorry, not sure where I put that spreadsheet :(
21:08.45leifmadsenbasically it does this:    \
21:09.10leifmadsenif we get lucky it does this....
21:13.04*** join/#asterisk raden (
21:13.12radenKatty, :D :D :D :D
21:17.53Kobazwhat should i work on now
21:21.33Kobaz(A) safe ael loading  (C) upgrading customers to 1.8  (D) setting up xen  (E) put bigger drives in the backup sever  (F) write more unit testing     or (G)  work on one of my 'new' snowblowers
21:21.51Kobazoh, i missed an option B
21:22.51leifmadsenvotes for {F}
21:23.03Kobazyeah but F wouldn't benefit you guys
21:23.12leifmadsenWHY NOT?!
21:23.15KobazIt's my own unit testing for apps
21:23.25Kobazindirectly it does... i've found lots of bugs in 1.8 with my tests
21:23.27leifmadsenI guess {A} then
21:23.34leifmadsenI still like {F} more
21:23.39leifmadsenwrites more dialplan
21:23.42leifmadsendoesn't care about AEL
21:23.46Kobazsafe ael loading would be really good for me
21:24.19Kobazon successful ael load, i want to have asterisk copy it to a seperate spot to be the 'known working good version'
21:24.38Kobazso if you have a syntax error in your ael, and you restart asterisk, you wont have a totally broken system
21:24.49Kobazit'll load the last know good files
21:25.04Kobazmaybe put it in sqlite
21:25.59leifmadsenKobaz: do that for dialplan too :)
21:26.34*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
21:27.18Kobazdoes asterisk do syntax checking on extensions.conf?
21:27.37anonymouz666anyone in here already tried to use FUNC_CURL accessing self created cert for HTTPS ?
21:27.41anonymouz666it just does not work
21:27.53Kobazi haven't worked with extensions.conf in forever
21:27.54anonymouz666even with CURLOPT(ssl_verifypeer)=off
21:32.55p3nguinHow little system memory is the LOW_MEMORY asterisk compile option intended to accommodate?
21:33.39anonymouz6661 MB like my first computer... 286
21:34.38anonymouz666with a game called "Test drive" and sound coming from PC speaker
21:38.55*** join/#asterisk tris (tristan@2001:1868:a00a::4)
21:46.19JonathanRoseThe Commodore 64 had great sound for what it was.  It always amazed me how crappy my first PC sounded coming up from that.
21:46.37JonathanRoseThen I got my first sound card and things got better.
21:46.55anonymouz666Sound Blaster 16?
21:47.03JonathanRoseNo idea.  I was probably 6.
21:47.38JonathanRoseBy the time I was actually buying my own stuff, sound cards had basically become a thing of the past.
21:47.59anonymouz666oh yes
21:48.22JonathanRoseAt the time though, they'd bundle games with pretty much any piece of hardware.
21:48.31JonathanRoseSo you get a CD Rom drive, it came with a bunch of games.
21:48.34JonathanRoseDitto for sound cards.
21:48.48JonathanRoseI think mine came with Jurassic Park.
21:49.22JonathanRoseI guess the sound card companies wanted to demonstrate what a pain in the butt it was to actually get the thing working with DOS programs.
21:50.17anonymouz666magic tree in MSX
21:50.59anonymouz666MS-DOS 5.0 with xtreegold
21:58.56*** part/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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22:15.56leifmadsen<3 MS-DOS 5.0
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22:36.35cerienjeanmalcomd / qwell: managed to get access to the box
22:36.57cerienjeanI am now handling 400 simultaneous calls (200 in, bridged to 200 out)
22:37.11cerienjeanand then no more bandwith on my machine....
22:37.20cerienjeanso it s good.... i was targetting 150 !
22:37.35cerienjeanmany thanks
22:51.41*** join/#asterisk cj (~cjac@2607:ff08:f5:3a::3)
22:51.45cjhey folks
22:51.51cjcarrar: I got a tour of the WA EOC yesterday
22:52.16cjpabelanger: have you folks built 1.8.x on sparc64 yet?
22:52.30cjx1user: are you running 1.8.x?
22:52.40cjgot an x1 the other day
22:53.00x1usercj: nope
22:53.14cjx1user: what version have you found works best?
22:55.46x1usercj: i am asterisk noob, really.
22:56.00cjand is it still nebs if I run debian on it?
22:56.12cjx1user: yeah, me too. :)
22:56.46p3nguinIs there a good place on IRC to find someone (not a n00b) to build a simple web site?  (for pay, of course)
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22:59.36cjp3nguin: #perl on prolly
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23:03.04cjhi, Tim_Toady!
23:03.52cjsorry I missed your talk this year.  I told Gloria I'd give you a copy of the one from 2006, but I've misplaced it.  When I find it, I'll take a copy and send it to the address in your whois entry :)
23:06.49*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
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23:17.35ferdnacan you tell asterisk to listen for RTP at 5004 and 10000 - 20000?
23:27.17leifmadsenjust start and end ranges
23:27.38leifmadsentell asterisk to listen in a larger range then filter with iptables
23:28.17hardwirewell.. allocate.
23:28.35hardwirethats sort of a problem.
23:28.47hardwireit has no idea a port it allocated is blocked until it's too late.
23:30.27*** join/#asterisk eja (~user@
23:31.31ferdnaleifmadsen, hardwire thank you guys...
23:31.44ferdnaleifmadsen, i will try that... thanks =)
23:31.59hardwirebest of luck then :)
23:32.13ejahi guys... just wondering about the output of "sip show peers".  what constitutes an unmonitored device vs monitored?  and online vs offline?
23:32.33cjeja: option=yes, I think
23:32.41cjer, qualify=yes
23:32.46cjand whether the option request comes back
23:32.50cjor ICMP
23:33.05cjopen tcpdump and unplug the 8p8c
23:33.07cjwatch the result
23:33.19ejadoes offline mean more like inactive?  b/c if it shows up in "sip show peers" it's connected right?
23:33.39ejalol right on cj.  first time i've seen someone refer to it as 8p8c instead of rj45 :)
23:35.50*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
23:43.38hardwirewow.. so that made me look at how rtp ports are selected.
23:44.00hardwireaaand I'll be submitting a patch that reduces the context switching.
23:45.34hardwireapparently rtp port selection gets slower as more ports are in use.. so thats no good.
23:51.31*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
23:53.46*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (

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