IRC log for #asterisk on 20110808

00:02.50singlermy issue is that I am filling my first bug, and I want to do it correctly :)
00:14.00Precognistp3nguin: can you tell me why my iphone cant make calls to the computers, but the computers can call the iphone?
00:14.24Precognistp3nguin: i mean, it can call, but there is not audio.
00:14.26p3nguinNot without more evidence, no.
00:14.46Precognistknow of anyway to troubleshoot?
00:14.47p3nguinOne-way audio is most typically caused by NAT.
00:14.58Precognistthats router 2?
00:15.21p3nguinDo you have a NAT between Asterisk and the iPhone?
00:15.48Precognista router, thats it
00:16.04p3nguinSo the iPhone is outside the NAT and Asterisk is inside?
00:16.35Precognistno, all inside on the network. via wifi
00:17.13p3nguinI'd have to see a sip debug and maybe even an rtp debug of a call with one-way audio to make a guess.
00:18.05Precognistok, wow. how do i do that?
00:18.12Precognistin asterisk or the sip
00:18.18Precognisti know how on the sip client
00:18.28p3nguinin asterisk
00:18.39p3nguinAsterisk CLI, sip set debug on shins.
00:19.29p3nguinIf the peer is working correctly, you might be able to filter by peer name to reduce some of the debug stuff.  sip set debug peer <phone's peer name>
00:20.27p3nguinWith debug enabled, make a call which has one-way audio.
00:20.39Precognistwhat if its set to friend not peer
00:20.53p3nguinCapture the entire call from the time you dial the number, to the time you have no audio, to the time you hang up.
00:21.09p3nguinA peer's type being set to friend isn't relevant at this point.
00:22.45p3nguinThe peer's type mainly dictates how peer matching is performed.
00:24.12Precognistok, enabled
00:24.22Precognist(had to re-connect sip on phone)
00:25.57singlerat issue creation time can files be uploaded?
00:27.22Precognistok, i think i did it.
00:34.05p3nguinDo you have any firewall rules loaded on the Ubunturd system?
00:34.47p3nguiniptables -L
00:35.29PrecognistChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
00:35.30Precognisttarget     prot opt source               destination
00:35.30PrecognistChain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
00:35.30Precognisttarget     prot opt source               destination
00:35.30PrecognistChain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
00:35.31Precognisttarget     prot opt source               destination
00:38.24ChannelZeveryone seems to be on the same LAN
00:39.33*** part/#asterisk Precognist (
00:41.34p3nguinYes, they do, but the INPUT chain blocks or allows things to the host, regardless of their proximity.  I was hoping to see something stupid in the firewall blocking those RTP ports, or other goofiness.
00:42.16*** join/#asterisk precognist (
00:42.21p3nguinSince the debug looks reasonable and there are no blocking firewall rules, I'd probably have to look at the client next.
00:42.52precognistI left for a second. Did I miss anything?
00:42.59p3nguinnothing important.
00:43.06ChannelZYour softphones are broken
00:43.20ChannelZ:)  or firewalls running on those machines are mucking up the traffic possibly
00:43.36p3nguinI thought the softphones were working but the iPhone wasn't.
00:44.15ChannelZHe said from iPhoney to his Mac
00:44.19ChannelZI think
00:44.40p3nguinI couldn't follow the long story, so it's possible that you're right.
00:45.22precognistI think it's the connection from the iPhone
00:45.23ChannelZor actually it's only one way?  Mac-calls-iPhone works but iPhone-calls-Mac doesn't
00:46.40*** join/#asterisk agnogenic (
00:47.56*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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00:50.32*** join/#asterisk precognist_ (~precognis@
00:50.45ChannelZYou seem to have connectivity problems in general
00:57.02precognistNo. Switched 2 iPhone
01:00.35*** join/#asterisk chazzam (
01:00.44*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
01:05.20*** join/#asterisk smeet2002 (~smeet2002@
01:05.56smeet2002hi everybody
01:06.10smeet2002any alive persons here?
01:06.10WIMPylo single one
01:06.27infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
01:07.25smeet2002I am trying to troubleshoot connection with my seems it doesn't receive my packets...or may be I can't receive his..
01:07.46smeet2002it's always in UNRECHABLE state
01:07.54smeet2002but I can ping it well
01:08.19smeet2002who can suggest anything where to dig?
01:08.20WIMPyOr they just don't like OPTIONS packets.
01:08.27smeet2002I turned on sip debugging
01:08.46smeet2002by the way I have a lot of OPTIONS packet written in my log
01:09.07smeet2002re-transmitting all the time...even if I don't make calls..WTF?
01:09.08singlersmeet2002: try using qualify=no
01:09.19smeet2002btu ti was working fine before
01:09.25smeet2002but it
01:09.59smeet2002I can receive calls from it but I can't place calls
01:10.33WIMPyYou shot yourself in the foot.
01:10.45smeet2002I am using configuration that they provided to me...
01:11.02WIMPyDo as singler said.
01:11.51smeet2002Ok...they want "qualify=yes" for incoming peer..why I need to turn it off?
01:12.10smeet2002I am little bit retarded...sorry for asking too much questions
01:12.26WIMPyBecause it obviousely doesn't work.
01:12.39*** join/#asterisk BuenGenio (
01:12.39WIMPyAnd that's why you can't call out.
01:13.03smeet2002interesting...where is the logic? ...I will try it right now anyway
01:13.24smeet2002but it worked before...worked fine...
01:13.58WIMPyThe logic is not even to try calling a peer that is known to be unreachable.
01:16.09smeet2002that makes sense WIMPy...
01:16.39smeet2002I put it "unmonitored" state and it doesn't work :-((
01:17.22*** join/#asterisk james_zhu (~Administr@
01:17.55smeet2002could anybody give me any advice how to dig it? I tried tcpdump, I can't see any packets coming from their side...
01:18.11smeet2002but I can ping them...that's weird...
01:24.10p3nguinWhat's so weird about that?  ping is ICMP, VoIP isn't.'re right p3nguin...I told you, I am slightly retarded...nevertheless...what can I do apart of turning sip debug on and writing everything into the log file?
01:32.03p3nguinWhat ITSP are you using?
01:34.30*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
01:34.30p3nguinAre you using a register statement?
01:35.37*** join/#asterisk jwiggins (~James@gateway/tor-sasl/jwiggins)
01:36.44smeet2002apparently no...but they don't want it...they give the whole config
01:36.47smeet2002they want
01:37.17p3nguinSo you have configured IP auth in the user portal?
01:37.56p3nguinDo your have a static IP address for your Asterisk system?
01:38.04smeet2002yes I have static ip
01:38.26smeet2002and I have this "secret=.."
01:38.27p3nguinThat was part B.  Don't skip part A.
01:39.01smeet2002sorry...I thought "secret=." is an authorization
01:39.13p3nguinsecret is the secret, aka password.
01:39.36p3nguinBut in the user portal on the ITSP, you either have to use IP auth or SIP registrations.
01:40.13smeet2002how can I see it on my side what I am using?
01:40.37p3nguinI don't use, so I don't know where it is in the user portal.
01:40.54smeet2002isn't this "secret=.." refer to sip authorization?
01:41.10p3nguinIt's related to it, but it is not what I am asking you about.
01:41.46smeet2002you mean it should be smth in web interface to input my ip ?
01:41.54smeet2002and authjorize it?
01:42.06p3nguinI don't know what smith is, but I'm talking about in the user portal of the ITSP.
01:42.42smeet2002yes I have portal acces...with all statistic and all this crap
01:43.17p3nguinOkay, now find out if you are supposed to use IP auth or SIP registration.
01:43.41p3nguinIf you don't know, I'm going to assume it is SIP registration.  And if so, that's probably why things aren't working for you.
01:44.35smeet2002hmm...what do you mean? wrong password?
01:45.35p3nguinDid I say ANYTHING about a friggin' password?
01:46.15smeet2002probably not...
01:46.28p3nguinJust read the words I'm typing.
01:46.37smeet2002I am trying
01:46.41smeet2002doing my best
01:46.45p3nguinStop trying to guess at an alternate meaning.  I mean what I'm saying.
01:47.40smeet2002but what really freaks me, it all worked before...
01:47.46smeet2002now it doesn't:-((
01:48.01p3nguinI guess you'd better figure out what you changed, then.
01:49.43*** join/#asterisk agnogenic (
01:49.48agnogenicI'm looking for provider like sipgate(They aren't accepting new registrations atm) who has free numbers for inbound calling. Any recommendations?
01:49.56smeet2002I set up firewall...but now if even I turn it off, it still doesn't I asume it's not the issue...
01:50.49p3nguinagnogenic: ipkall, ipcomms
01:51.18smeet2002OK..thanks anyway...I will contact them, send them my logs and they will probably find out
01:52.01p3nguinIt could be the firewall.
01:59.58*** join/#asterisk brdude (
02:02.35agnogenicty p3nguin
02:04.29smeet2002what could prevent provider to answer my packets? whether he can't receive mine, whether I can't receive there any possibility that my Internet provider cuts Voip packets? they have their own Voip telephones...may be they pushing people to use theirs?
02:05.03p3nguinIt's very possible they could block standard VoIP ports.
02:05.32p3nguinMany providers offer non-standard ports to bypass those blockages.
02:08.07smeet2002Probably the best way is just to ask VOip provider to see if they get my packets...and then we will see
02:08.31*** join/#asterisk Precognist (
02:08.49*** join/#asterisk moy_ (~moy@
02:17.00*** join/#asterisk james_zhu (~Administr@
02:17.12*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (~maxagaz@
02:18.30*** join/#asterisk diijiib (
02:18.54diijiibanybody in here thats free to lend a hand?
02:19.05infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
02:20.42diijiibok has my openwrt 10.03 asterisk16 box setup fresh today. had calls comming from voip provider, and able to call internal extensions.
02:20.51diijiibi started playing around with automixmon
02:21.08diijiiband specifically a symbolic link bug in 1.6
02:21.22diijiibwas missing
02:21.58diijiibanyways... ill try and make it short.. here is my dialplan debug
02:22.12diijiiband these are my sip & extension
02:22.15diijiibwhat do?
02:23.50diijiibthe link was made from /usr/lib/asterisk to /var/lib/asterisk
02:26.03diijiibam i in the wrong channel?
02:26.54WIMPyDid I miss the question?
02:27.17p3nguinI don't think so.
02:27.20diijiibdid you see the 11 lines previous?
02:27.45diijiibwas that a 'i dont think so tim'
02:27.52diijiibso the question was. what do?
02:28.29diijiibdo my configs look right, why is debug giving me errors and why have the phones stopped working
02:29.03WIMPyOh, you've got errors and issues with your phones?
02:29.19WIMPyI didn't see any mention of that before.
02:30.01diijiibok well then yes thats the case sit
02:32.28diijiibso.... anything wrong in those configs?
02:35.54diijiibor not interested
02:36.42WIMPyDid you not that part about being specific?
02:37.54WIMPyMu magical glass sphere is currently away for repair.
02:37.57diijiibok specifically there is an issue which is unknown to me in my configs
02:38.31WIMPyWhat is that?
02:38.40diijiibits a pastebin of my configs.
02:39.04WIMPyThat's not a kind of config, I've seen before.
02:39.25diijiibits sip.conf & extensions.conf on that site to make it east to see
02:39.35diijiibor would you like me to spam them in here?
02:39.48diijiibeasy not east
02:40.15*** join/#asterisk precognist_ (~precognis@
02:40.30p3nguinYou'd be flooding if you pasted it here.
02:40.39p3nguinSpam is what I get in my email every day.
02:40.41diijiibhey Precognist is in, maybe he has the magical glass sphere
02:41.06diijiibsee dude im not an irc guru, im just some guy with an asterisk problem
02:41.16diijiibi mean you no offence
02:41.16p3nguinAnd just so you know, that paste is neither sip.conf nor extensions.conf.
02:41.24diijiibits not?
02:41.29p3nguinNo, it's not.
02:41.53diijiibgrabbed the wrong one, that one is the dialplan debug
02:41.58diijiibthis is the confs
02:42.04p3nguinI have no flippin' clue what that other paste was.
02:42.12WIMPyAnd you couldn't be much more vague about what you're trying to fix.
02:42.16Precognistglass sphere?
02:42.24diijiibin asterisk console when you, 'dialplan debug' gives you that
02:43.01diijiibPrecognist, WIMPy was was making fun of me earlier cuz im new or something
02:43.28p3nguinAnd what was the problem again?  I see the confs now.
02:43.41diijiibnothing works. all are extension not found.
02:44.03p3nguinWhere is the call coming from which fails?
02:44.52diijiibeither 100 -> 200 fails, 200 -> 100 fails, 100or200 -> voipms fails, voipms -> all internal fail
02:45.07diijiibcant reach voicemailmain
02:45.10p3nguinSo basically you have nothing working.  Nothing at all.
02:45.37diijiibwas working 100 percent until i think that symbolic link
02:45.57diijiibdo the configs look ok context and syntax wise?
02:46.33diijiibsip show peers is good for 100 & 200
02:46.40p3nguinYour contexts are all jacked up, but the syntax seems okay.
02:46.52diijiibjacked up how?
02:47.00p3nguinThere should be one context for incoming calls, and it's not going to be the same as the phones use.
02:47.32p3nguinBut you have everything set to a context called "mycontext," which does not exist.
02:47.41diijiibso incoming outgoing internal
02:47.59p3nguinDo you want me to rewrite it correctly?
02:48.02diijiibmycontext doesnt exist?
02:48.20p3nguinIt's not in the paste you showed me.
02:48.23diijiibno just tell me what config (sip.conf ?)
02:48.38diijiibk let me check that, thanks p3nguin
02:48.41p3nguinboth sip.conf and extensions.conf need help.
02:49.40p3nguinInbound calls should never have access to the outbound context.
02:49.58p3nguinPhones need not include the inbound context, because they will never call from outside.
02:49.58diijiibsee this is my first attempt at asterisk today.
02:50.01diijiibso im learning
02:50.26diijiiblooked like ['my'context] my was missing from extensions
02:50.41p3nguinI'm going to show you how it should look.
02:52.16diijiibyour rewriting both configs?
02:52.29diijiibwhere can i cand you paypal moneys?
02:56.54diijiibpretty involved eh?
02:57.03*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
02:57.31WIMPyNo, because you make us guess what your're on about. But you need to tell us, if you expect help.
02:57.36WIMPySorry for the delay.
02:58.08diijiibhey man, fixing that conte of the system back.
02:58.18diijiibnow im back to the symbolic link issue.
02:58.31diijiibaside from my poor formatting and config building skills
03:00.53diijiibp3nguin, did you only change extensions or both?
03:01.28p3nguinI changed sip.conf and extensions.conf.
03:02.05diijiibgood to set dtmfmode?
03:02.10*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
03:02.11diijiibor i had auto?
03:02.17p3nguinYou had auto.
03:04.02p3nguinWhat I have changed will be closer to how it should be.  You had a lot of nonsense going on.
03:04.34diijiibyou changed everything eh
03:04.43p3nguinPretty much.
03:04.55diijiibsyntax with my 1,2,3,n actions
03:04.59diijiibyikes thanks man
03:05.48*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
03:05.59p3nguinLike I said, lots of nonsense.  :)
03:11.29*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
03:15.14*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
03:15.19diijiibthanks p3nguin that was great. * is back up to 110%
03:16.28p3nguinThat sounds like a good thing.
03:16.54diijiibif all my context nonsense is fixed YOU ARE THE MAN
03:17.19diijiibso now AutoMixMon, what do?
03:17.30p3nguinI haven't even heard of that before.
03:18.17diijiibits a more advance 'automon'
03:18.32diijiibmixes the two files into one apparently
03:18.43diijiiblike outgoing sound/incoming
03:18.46p3nguinI take it that it's an automon version of MixMonitor().
03:19.23diijiibi would presume you would be right with my limited background
03:19.59p3nguinautomon is to Monitor() as automixmon is to MixMonitor().
03:20.07diijiibapparently in your sytax you use ,x instead of ,w you would use for incall recording with automon
03:20.31diijiibwould i need to put that?
03:20.48p3nguinIs that a patch or is that someone available in newer Asterisk versions?
03:21.02diijiibits in 16
03:21.04p3nguinMixMonitor() is the app that you would use in dial plan.
03:21.29p3nguinIf there is an automixmon, that's a feature; see features.conf to configure it.
03:24.21diijiib;automixmon => *3               ; One Touch Record a.k.a. Touch MixMonitor -- Make sure to set the X and/or x option in the Dial() or Queue() app call!
03:24.52p3nguinnice.  Uncomment it to use it.
03:25.15p3nguinThen set x or X, depending on which side of the call you want to be able to start/stop the recording.
03:25.31diijiibso if caller as ,X and if callee plan use ,x?
03:26.04p3nguinWhere do you want the option to go?  I would put it in my internals and use x.
03:26.46p3nguinIn the outbound plan, I would use X.
03:27.16diijiibok so in voipms-outbound use X in voipms-inbound use x
03:27.16p3nguinThat way if someone calls you on 100, you can turn on recording; if you call outbound, you can turn on recording.
03:27.46diijiibok ok i hear you as, 100 is getting hit anyways.
03:28.18p3nguinIn the inbound, if you are doing Dial(SIP/100,20,x), then 100 would be able to enable recording when someone called in on the 877 number.
03:28.44diijiibinbound or internal?
03:28.55p3nguinOr you could change the Dial() to a Goto(internal,100,1).
03:28.59diijiibok nvmd inbound
03:29.11diijiibgoto does what?
03:29.19diijiibany quicker?
03:29.42diijiiband whats the 1 you have behind 100?
03:29.51p3nguinIt moves the dial plan execution to another place.  It's not going to be quicker, but it keeps the phones' Dials in one place instead of all over the place.
03:29.58p3nguinpriority 1
03:31.12diijiibso ? exten => 877XXXXXXX,1,Goto(internal,100,1,x)
03:31.31diijiibi fail
03:31.41diijiibwhere would the x option come in?
03:31.47p3nguinx is a Dial() option, not a Goto() option.
03:31.57p3nguinIn the internal context, where the phone is being dialed, of course.
03:32.29diijiibhow long have you been using asterisk?
03:32.47p3nguinExactly?  I don't know...
03:32.51p3nguinApproximately?  A while.
03:33.04diijiibi love it. very cool system
03:33.27james_zhuyes, asterisk is a new world
03:33.29diijiibso just use goto in internal
03:33.41p3nguinThat's certainly one way to do it.
03:33.49p3nguinThen you don't have Dial()s all over.
03:38.15*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:38.19diijiibhows this look?
03:38.48p3nguinscrewed up
03:39.15p3nguinIt looks like you completely guessed at how to use Goto() and Dial().
03:40.37diijiibi dont get it then
03:40.42diijiibnot tonight anyways
03:40.49*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~nate@
03:43.22p3nguincrap, error...
03:43.33*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
03:43.55p3nguinfixed, reload.
03:44.23p3nguinForgot the double comma in the outgoing, but I fixed it.
03:45.04diijiibcan i have multiple extensions in the goto command. before my troubleshooting i has it Dial(SIP/100&SIP/200,20)
03:45.15p3nguinThose aren't extensions.
03:45.26diijiib100 & 200 are though
03:45.33p3nguinno, they aren't.
03:45.53diijiiboh asterisk day one
03:46.15p3nguinExtensions start with exten in extensions.conf.
03:46.22p3nguinSIP/100 is a device.
03:46.35diijiibwhy double commas?
03:46.41p3nguin(or a phone, in your case)
03:47.11diijiibbehind a pap2t
03:47.12p3nguinIn the Dial, you have the tech, the peer, the extension, the timeout, then the options.
03:47.42p3nguinSIP/voipms/${EXTEN},120,X) for example
03:47.54p3nguinBut you aren't using a timeout, so you leave out the number 120.
03:48.53p3nguinAnd that's where I first made an error... I didn't leave the blank space for the timeout.
03:50.16diijiibso you need blank spaces where any ommited part is
03:50.20*** join/#asterisk tyman (
03:50.27*** part/#asterisk tyman (
03:50.50p3nguinIf you didn't leave the blank space for the timeout, it would parse X as the timeout value, and not parse any options.
03:50.57p3nguinBut we want no timeout and X as the option.
03:51.35diijiibby that how can this be right ? exten => 100,1,Dial(SIP/100,15,x)
03:51.40p3nguinIf you would have loaded it with the missing comma, you should have seen an error that basically said the same thing that I just said.
03:52.04diijiibyour the man, i bet im getting on your nerves by now eh
03:52.23diijiibcan i do goto(internal,100&200,1)
03:52.34p3nguinThat line says:  extension 100 will dial a device called 100 using the SIP channel driver, let it ring for 15 seconds before timing out, and it'll use x as the only option.
03:52.40p3nguinNo, you cannot.
03:52.58diijiibso i need to use dial()
03:53.03p3nguinBut you can create another extension in internal and have it Dial() both devices... then goto that extensions.
03:53.09p3nguinextension, I mean.
03:53.31p3nguinor just use Dial() in the extension directly rather than the Goto().
03:53.35p3nguineither way will be fine.
03:54.09diijiibthanks so much man
03:54.15diijiibi really appreciate this
03:58.25diijiibany idea where automixmon would output to?
03:58.51p3nguinThat's the typical place.
03:58.52diijiibnothing there, but asterisk/voicemail
03:59.08diijiibi can hear the option entered, and call continues
03:59.12diijiibbut no output
03:59.13p3nguinI'm sure it's different in a dd-wrt build.  Check asterisk.conf for the paths.
04:00.00diijiibthat location is defined
04:00.06diijiibas astspooldir
04:00.18p3nguinYou can watch core verbose output to make sure the monitor gets started.
04:00.35diijiibcore verbose ?
04:00.42p3nguincore set verbose 4
04:01.06p3nguinThen make a call and press *3 after the other side has answered.
04:05.13diijiibno errors on caller side, had an error on callee but that becuase of no option set i suppose
04:05.29p3nguinWhat error?
04:05.32diijiibfeatures.c:1115 builtin_automixmonitor: Cannot record the call. The mixmonitor application is disabled.
04:05.46diijiibthats when i did *3 from callee
04:05.59diijiibbut no error on caller when i did the *3
04:06.02diijiibno new files
04:06.11p3nguinAre you calling out from the SIP phone?
04:06.22diijiibno only internal
04:06.34p3nguinYou're calling from internal to internal?
04:06.36diijiib200 -> 100
04:06.49diijiibor that should work
04:06.53p3nguinThen only 100 can start the recording.
04:07.21p3nguinThat explains why there was no error when 200 pressed *3.
04:07.36p3nguinit was ignored.
04:09.18diijiibi just got this trying to get a call from outside
04:09.19diijiibNOTICE[556]: chan_sip.c:20059 handle_request_invite: Call from '128869' to extension 's' rejected because extension not found
04:09.45diijiibneed to defins 's'?
04:09.54p3nguinno, just wait a second.
04:10.36diijiibin voipms-inbound instead of 877XXXXXXX but 128869?
04:10.56p3nguinNo, stop guessing.
04:11.02ChannelZMaybe try 389472138
04:11.16diijiibi can dial out.
04:11.17p3nguinMight as well, since it's just as random.
04:12.12p3nguinOkay, you shouldn't need fromuser in the voipms entry in sip.conf, so take it out.
04:12.58diijiibline is gone
04:13.06p3nguinsave, then sip reload
04:14.52diijiibdid, still
04:14.56diijiibsame thing
04:14.57p3nguinI'm curious how they managed to send a call to s.
04:15.15p3nguinThey've never sent calls to s before that I've known.
04:16.03diijiibits been sending calls to s since i set it up using the voipms config examples
04:16.10diijiibwanna see those?
04:16.34p3nguinITSPs don't know how to configure Asterisk for end users.  It's silly.
04:17.22diijiibthats the basic config
04:17.52diijiibwhos's sip.conf is that?
04:18.23p3nguinI guess it's mine, since I wrote it.
04:18.41diijiibshould have omited that crazy password no?
04:18.44p3nguinIt's the one I give to everyone who has trouble configuring a peer for
04:18.55p3nguinIt's not real.
04:19.12diijiibshould the permit & deny lines be there?
04:19.20diijiibi have a dynamic addy
04:19.26p3nguinBut they don't.
04:19.34diijiibjust checking what side that is
04:19.54p3nguinIf you're not going to use chicago, you'll have to change the address in the permit.
04:20.58p3nguinI'd imagine you'll use montreal or toronto.
04:21.19diijiibfigured it would be less busy
04:21.38p3nguinI don't know why, but toronto2 is the same as toronto.
04:22.41p3nguinMake sure you use that IP address in the permit line if you use toronto{,2}.
04:23.20p3nguinI'm still puzzled as to what would make them send to extension s.  They've NEVER done that.
04:23.54diijiibsame submet on that permit?
04:24.10diijiibdid you see the last pastbin i sent of there sample configs?
04:24.17diijiibin that would have bearing
04:24.21p3nguinyes, means only the address listed rather than a range in a subnet.
04:24.56p3nguinI looked at it, but I didn't understand it.  They don't know how to configure your Asterisk.
04:25.16p3nguinI have yet to find an ITSP that gives a good sample config to an end user.
04:25.25p3nguinAnd I've used a bunch.
04:26.10p3nguinThey either don't work at all, or they have so much nonsensical crap that your system just accepts everything thrown at it.
04:27.01diijiibit definitly didnt work at all with the pap2t-na
04:27.37*** join/#asterisk cerienjean (
04:27.56p3nguinI don't understand why certain industries have companies operating within that industry and have no clue about the technologies they involve.
04:28.11p3nguinI don't get it.
04:28.21p3nguinI don't know how they can do it.
04:28.38p3nguinCall the cable company to fix a problem with the cable services... they have no clue what to do.
04:28.42WIMPyTechnical knowledge isn't neccessary. Every manager knows that.
04:28.42diijiibyou would think the market would reflect that
04:29.01diijiibso what about 's'
04:29.08diijiibshould i go back to my
04:29.10p3nguinUse my example.
04:29.31diijiibk brb let me grab phones.. im outside smoking
04:29.32p3nguinChange your username, password, host, and permit.
04:30.44p3nguinNow that doesn't make any sense.
04:31.19diijiibim thinking exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/100&SIP/200,15,x)
04:31.31diijiibhere let me bound my * box
04:31.41p3nguinWhile that will probably work, that doesn't fix the problem of them sending to extension s.
04:31.48diijiibno ill just restart the daemon.
04:32.11p3nguinYou're just providing a workaround for a problem that I don't understand.
04:32.11diijiibthey should be sending to my 877XXXXXXX
04:32.24diijiibok i follow you
04:33.02p3nguinI've set up a lot of systems with voipms, and never once do I remember any of them having calls sent to s.
04:33.41p3nguinI also do not remember any of them having call from <voipms username>.
04:35.43diijiibive definined exten => s in internal and it still not working
04:35.58p3nguinWhat's it saying now?
04:35.58diijiibi think im missing something context wise...?
04:36.04p3nguinYes, you are.
04:36.13ChannelZis that what your sip peer's context is set to?  internal?
04:36.15p3nguinThe calls from voipms don't go into internal.
04:36.35p3nguinThey go to the voipms inbound context, as configured on the voipms peer in sip.conf.
04:37.01p3nguinBut this still does not explain where the exten s came into play.
04:37.17diijiibk let me fix that.
04:37.23ChannelZhave to see a sip debug
04:37.24p3nguinI'm tempted to switch over to SIP and test a call from them.
04:37.37*** join/#asterisk cerienjean (
04:37.48diijiibyour ousing AIX?
04:37.58p3nguinIAX2, yes
04:38.06p3nguinAIX is a Unix.
04:38.25diijiibya. sry
04:38.45diijiibless bandwidth using IAX2
04:38.47diijiibi hear
04:39.09p3nguinYeah, I use the trunking feature.
04:39.42diijiibok that worked. voipms-inbound with s instead of 877xxxxxxx
04:39.53diijiibi dont even know.
04:42.00ChannelZYou know, I'm re-reading sip.conf.sample's 'Naming devices' section and its explanation of type=xx doesn't seem right
04:43.03diijiibk back to working.
04:43.07diijiibthan again p3
04:43.28p3nguinWell wtf... I can't figure out how to change from IAX2 to SIP on my DIDs.
04:43.48diijiibdont u just use the other configuration.
04:44.07p3nguinDID routing has to be set on the portal.  It has to use either IAX2 or SIP.
04:44.53p3nguinI see a setting for the main account, but I use a sub account.  I don't see any way to change the sub account.
04:45.41diijiibit would be DID Numbers > Manage DID(s) > edit > sip/iax dropdown... but i think it was a setup option
04:46.04diijiibuse a sub-account?
04:48.45wasanzysome one suggested last time I can only use digium card for ss7
04:48.45diijiibhow can there be 190 users in here and only 3 active
04:49.27ChannelZwasanzy: WHY DO YOU WANT TO USE SS7
04:49.40ChannelZThe questions you've been asking suggest you really don't know why
04:50.24WIMPywasanzy: You can use any of the PRI cards.
04:51.02WIMPyAt least any that end up using dahdi.
04:52.05wasanzybut the sangoma A200 analog, also useses dahdi but it is said not to support ss7
04:52.18p3nguinI guess I can't change a sub account from IAX2 to SIP or SIP to IAX2.  It looks like only the main account can switch back and forth.
04:52.44p3nguinSo I'll have to create another sub account for SIP.  Silly, but I'm going to do it so I can see what they are doing.
04:52.53wasanzyam trying to but some information together, that is why I came back with the questions
04:53.08WIMPyUnfortunately I don't have a log, but I told you several times, you need a digital connection, a PRI as the absolute minimum.
04:56.10diijiiblol @ p3nguin
04:58.10p3nguinOkay, it's working as it should.  The call goes to the exten matching my DID.
04:58.23p3nguinnot to 's'
04:58.24*** join/#asterisk brdude (
04:58.59diijiibthen whats with mine?
04:59.21p3nguinMy only guess is that you didn't use my config from the pastebin.
04:59.22diijiibshould i try doing it through the sub account?
04:59.28diijiibi so did
04:59.37p3nguinI have no other explanation.
04:59.40diijiibill show you if you want
05:00.02p3nguinIf you want to paste your entire sip.conf, that would be okay.  Hide only your passwords.
05:00.14*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (~freeman@
05:03.00diijiibat your command
05:03.10diijiibcallerid is ok to define now eh?
05:03.50p3nguinWell, yeah, you can if you want.
05:03.57p3nguinBut I typically do it in dial plan.
05:04.04p3nguinSo that's why I leave it out of sip.conf.
05:04.15diijiibwhere in dialplan do i put it?
05:04.33p3nguinI set it before the outbound Dial().
05:04.49p3nguinI set it based on the phone and "line" on the phone.
05:05.10p3nguinThat's why I don't hard-wire it in sip.conf.
05:05.22p3nguinIf you define it in the peer entry, you can't override it in dial plan.
05:05.37diijiibhow would you do it here?
05:05.42diijiibexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/voipms/${EXTEN}, ,X)
05:06.03p3nguinYou have an extraneous space.
05:06.20p3nguinBut it would go before that line, and you'd have to change that line's priority from 1 to n.
05:06.35diijiibbefore it how?
05:07.19p3nguinexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=whateveryourphonenumberis)
05:07.31p3nguinexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/voipms/${EXTEN},,X)
05:08.23p3nguinTo prevent having to renumber the priority 1 all the time, I usually use a NoOp() on line 1 which never gets changed, then all others use n.
05:08.29*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:08.39p3nguinexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,NoOp()
05:08.44p3nguinexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=whateveryourphonenumberis)
05:08.46p3nguinexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,n,Dial(SIP/voipms/${EXTEN},,X)
05:09.05p3nguinI feel like complexity is building.
05:09.22diijiiblol yeh my brain is about to explode
05:09.39p3nguinGet out the plastic to hang on the walls.
05:10.21diijiiband have the ammonium at the ready
05:12.46p3nguinSame concept, but not current.
05:13.29p3nguinAnd also goofy: the Answer() is not needed since Playback() is the first app and it performs an answer.
05:17.03diijiibk laddies.. im off for the evening. p3nguin thank you for all your efforts.. ill be back tomorrow i presume since this is a bravenew world i have entered and i need to gain some XP and MANA
05:17.09diijiibthanks again
05:17.28p3nguinGood luck.  See you the next time around.
05:26.12*** join/#asterisk singler (
05:28.10*** join/#asterisk dijib (
05:28.30dijibhey p3nguin did u ever figure out that s thing?
05:28.46dijiblooking at my sip.conf?
05:31.27p3nguinIn the past eleven minutes?  No.
05:31.57p3nguinYou showed me that you changed your config to what I gave you, and what I gave you works correctly on my system.
05:32.09p3nguinDid you run sip reload after putting in my config?
05:49.42ChannelZor show a sip debug?  if it's coming in with no extension, it's coming in with no extension.  Unless you told them to in your register line...
05:49.51*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
05:50.22p3nguinI never send an extension in the register statement, and they always send calls to the extension which is the DID.
05:52.37p3nguinWhen I only had one DID with them, they still sent the call to it without specifying it in the register.
05:53.58dijibyes i did reload
05:56.22WIMPyBTW: Does anyone know how the story ended with the guy not getting sync on the ports of the 2nd card?
05:56.47ChannelZnot me
05:57.23p3nguinI've configured many a system in the same way, and the calls always go to the DID as the extension.  This is the first time I have ever seen it go to s from voipms.
05:57.56p3nguinThis makes me think that maybe it could be a user-configurable option in the portal.
05:58.16p3nguinI have no idea what it would be called, but that's the only thing I can come up with.
05:59.26p3nguinHis call was also coming from his username on their side.  Calls to me are from my phone number (as a username) to my phone number (as an extension).
05:59.26ChannelZwell again if it pays attention to the exten given when you register, he could have messed that up
05:59.57p3nguinHe says he's using the config I provided, which does not include an extension.
06:00.18ChannelZpeople say things
06:00.26p3nguinHeh, I know.
06:01.00p3nguinI don't know how he can really prove it to me.  He showed me the config, edited with his username and pop...
06:01.15p3nguinI can only assume he saved it and loaded it.
06:01.15ChannelZWas he using a different regional hostname or something I thought?
06:01.54p3nguinYeah, using the toronto pop; I use the chicago one currently, but I've used the toronto one before and it didn't send to s.
06:02.34ChannelZwho knows
06:03.12*** join/#asterisk james_zhu (~Administr@
06:04.21p3nguinI sure don't, and I'm not going to fiddle with it anymore tonight.
06:21.26*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
06:41.16*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
06:41.18schmidtsgood morning
06:41.34ChannelZIt's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
06:43.07schmidtsChannelZ here its raining so the best weather for a productive monday :D
06:45.13*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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07:45.57hariomHow to play a prompt (.wav file) that is not located on the PC where asterisk is running.
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08:20.37schmidtshariom you have to have access through your filesystem like nfs
08:27.09*** join/#asterisk dexteruk (~kvirc@
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08:29.36hariomschmidts: and in case of record, is it possible to get the incoming audio on the system other than running asterisk. I am trying out fagi
08:30.13dexteruki want to dial group of sip phones but i need to do a dundi lookup on all the devices to find out where they are
08:30.38dexteruknormally you dial Dial(SIP/1000&SIP/1001)
08:31.02dexterukbut these devices are elsewhere not on the local machine
08:31.23*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
08:31.51dexterukAm i missing something simple
08:32.21singlerdexteruk: do a lookup before dial and construct dial string from variables
08:32.35dexterukcan you give me an example?
08:33.23singlerI did not use dundi, so no, but if you would pastebin your lookup dialplan, I could
08:42.59*** join/#asterisk jacc0 (
08:43.06jacc0hi all! good morning :)
08:43.17schmidtsmorning jacc0
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08:54.39*** join/#asterisk jits1998 (b75260e6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:56.25jits1998hi guys.. we are trying to setup asterisk to be used for training across our centers .. the system will be using softphones only... we are facing problem with echo .. any hints how we can resolve this.. the problem is increased as distance increases..
08:57.34jacc0@jits1998 : use headphones
08:57.39petern_do your softphones have any echo cancellation?
08:57.45petern_indeed, headsets :)
08:59.03*** join/#asterisk weinerk (~user@unaffiliated/weinerk)
08:59.04jits1998we are looking at using nate client.. that does not seem to have any echo cancellation
08:59.41jits1998jacc0: even headphones don't help ..
09:00.21jits1998i meant Yate client
09:00.53coppiceheadsets do help. they just aren't a 100% fix
09:01.51jits1998coppice: the trainer can use headsets... but on the other site it will be a large number of students.. so we want to use the classroom audio system .
09:02.40jacc0use a push-to-talk microphone
09:03.43jits1998jacc0: we get echo with all microphones switched off :-|
09:05.05jacc0maybe you have configured the soundcard to use mixed audio is your audio source
09:05.37jits1998client is on windows 7 machine .. can you tell me exactly what to look for ?
09:05.57jits1998btw when i am using skype, there is no echo at all ..
09:08.06jacc0what clients are you using ; x-lite?
09:09.04jits1998jacc0: yate client
09:09.28jacc0right click on the speaker icon in your taskbar and select "recording devices"
09:10.13jacc0and make sure you selected the microphone as default input device and not "sterio Mix"
09:10.43jacc0try x-lite from counterpath as a client
09:11.49jacc0btw it's a good idea talk about echo cancelation in class  :)
09:12.06jits1998don't have the option do to stereo mix ... let me check x-lite ..
09:13.11jits1998we tried x-lite but picked yate becuase it gives the option to have auto-answer configured as default option during startup ..
09:13.28jacc0Hmm, asterisk is takingup 83% mem on a 1gb machine
09:14.52jacc0what to do to findout what is taking up all the memory?
09:15.44hariomin response to agi command, if the response is 200 result=1     what does this '1' shows?
09:15.50*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-zjwqomggsrtrzedc)
09:16.36jacc0Action completed successfully
09:17.57jacc0@hariom: do you see anything in CLI at that moment?
09:18.20hariomjacc0: AGI Tx >> 200 result=1
09:18.46jacc0in "asterisk -rvvvv" does it show anything?
09:18.59jacc0like "broken pipe"
09:19.33*** join/#asterisk merlin8282 (
09:19.50merlin8282Hi. I've problems setting up a correct connection to sipgate...
09:20.10jits1998jacc0: will phone.conf help me ?
09:20.33merlin8282I have an * behind a full cone NAT, and I've one-way audio: only inward works.
09:20.45hariomjacc0: so when result=0 this means failed. result=-1 failed?
09:20.50merlin8282SIP port 5060 and RPT ports 10000:20000 are forwarded
09:24.04merlin8282it seems that the problem is, that the local IP is used in SDP, because asterisk sends SDP packets with "Audio is at 192.168.X.Y port 14878"
09:25.50jacc0@hariom: I'm not sure what the 1 means, but the 200 means "Action completed successfully"
09:25.51merlin8282I've already set "localnet=" (and the 3 other that are in the example, also they're all local nets), externip = [extern IP from NAT]:5060 and nat = yes
09:27.00tzafrirmerlin8282, 'nat=yes' helps when you're the external and the other party is behind nat
09:27.11merlin8282also, SIP seems to work fine (invite, 100 trying, 180 ringing, 200 ok, sending ack, etc.)
09:27.30hariomjacc0: not exactly. 200 means command processed but was that successful or not is known only using 'result'. If result=-1, that means though command is process successfully but may not result as intended.
09:28.08merlin8282tzafrir: ah, ok. But well; to be honest I tried also nat=route and nat=no, both with the same results.
09:28.33hariomjacc0: eg: playing file where file could not be read
09:29.06singlermerlin8282: by saying that inward works, do you mean that you receive audio from provider?
09:29.59merlin8282singler: yes
09:30.39singlercheck with tcpdump or simmilar program if your rtp packets are sent to correct destination
09:31.00merlin8282singler: they are. I ran tcpdump on the NAT gateway
09:31.21merlin8282it seems that the provider does not get the correct ip:port to send audio/RTP to
09:32.11singlerbut providers does send audio to you correctly
09:32.18jacc0? " do you mean that you receive audio from provider?" -> singler: yes
09:32.23merlin8282singler: right
09:33.13jacc0try setting qualify to 29 seconds; that way it will function as a kind of nat-keep-alive
09:35.14merlin8282jacc0: tried it: nok.
09:35.21merlin8282But sorry: inward audio does NOT work
09:35.27merlin8282it's outgoing that is working.
09:36.01*** join/#asterisk syntaxx (~patvan@unaffiliated/syntaxx)
09:36.38syntaxxhi can anyone suggest a good sip sotfphone client that supports video and have windows and linux compatibility?
09:36.53merlin8282syntaxx: ekiga ?
09:37.09syntaxxmerlin8282, does it runs on windows? i thinks its only on linux?
09:37.18merlin8282syntaxx: yes, it runs under windows
09:37.25merlin8282set it up last week on a test computer ;)
09:37.47merlin8282I didn't test video, but audio works fine on both OSes
09:37.56syntaxxmerlin8282, ok.. ill try to install ekiga on both
09:41.35merlin8282jacc0, singler, tzafrir no further idea why it's not working ?
09:42.43jacc0no clue; can you forward udp 5060 and 10000-20000 to the client behind nat?
09:42.44tzafrirmerlin8282, I guess that the gateway messes up the port numbers and such
09:42.58singlernot really.. you could try analyze rtp traffic with wireshark to check if audio is really in the packets, also setup some test "provider" and check if it works
09:44.31merlin8282jacc0: the asterisk and the clients are in a LAN, and the asterisk tries to connect through a NAT to sipgate.
09:45.05jacc0then set reinvite=no
09:45.06*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
09:46.19jacc0sorry: canreinvite=no for the clients and forward udp port 5060 and 10000-20000 to your asterisk box
09:49.00syntaxxmerlin8282, doesn't seem to work for me :(
09:52.30merlin8282syntaxx: what does not work exactly ?
09:52.37syntaxxmerlin8282, we cant hear each other
09:53.41*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
09:53.45jacc0what about my memory usage problem? any tips on how to locate the memory leak?
09:53.46syntaxxwe have this softphone client jitsi is the name but its under beta.. sometimes we can hear each other sometimes not =/
09:54.30jacc0when does it work?
09:54.40jacc0if you call both ways within the minute?
09:54.43*** join/#asterisk orn (
09:54.51syntaxxjacc0, yes
09:55.14syntaxxwe are on a local lan
09:55.24merlin8282jacc0: "canreinvite= was renamed to directmedia= in Asterisk 1.6.2 to more accurately describe what this setting does." --> I give it a try
09:56.12jacc0Hmm, I'll have to fix it in my asterisk install; I have 1.8.5 and still use canreinvite
09:57.36*** join/#asterisk derRichard (
09:57.45merlin8282jacc0: i've set both canreinvite and directmedia to no, doesn't change anything :-(
09:58.14kaiimerlin8282: please verify that it is really set by issuing a "sip show peer <name>"
09:59.04jacc0canreinvite=yes sets DirectMedia  : Yes
09:59.39derRichardi'm looking for asterisk based office communication solutions like microsoft lync. (with support). can you recommend something?
09:59.54kaiijacc0: actually, yes is just the default.
10:00.15jacc0canreinvite=no sets directmedia : no
10:00.37*** join/#asterisk catphish (
10:00.49merlin8282jacc0: it's set correctly: DirectMedia  : No
10:04.11catphishhow could i go about debugging a reproducible freeze in asterisk?
10:04.41catphishmy making a large number of calls i can reach a state where i can still connect to asterisk's console but it won't accept any calls, or log anything, or restart
10:05.30jacc0@catphish:use dahdi
10:05.33*** join/#asterisk Godfather_ (~estanteri@
10:05.49catphishjacc0: how?
10:06.37catphishi'm just upgrading to 1.8.5
10:07.21jacc0set noload =>
10:07.50catphishit's likely a timing deadlock?
10:08.03jacc0could be
10:08.09jacc0I'm still investegating it
10:08.10catphishthis is actually running on a kvm VM
10:08.18catphishi'll try your suggestion
10:08.22catphishand the upgrade to 1.8.5
10:08.33catphishotherwise i'll try to gather some more info
10:09.11jacc0yes; and add it to the bug report : (because I think it's the same thing)
10:09.55merlin8282mmm... we're going to give the asterisk server an external IP, so there should be no more problem :/
10:10.32jacc0that is the best thing to do
10:12.59catphish"set noload =>" made no difference
10:13.15catphishi have autoload=yes so a lot of other stuff could be loaded
10:13.21catphishi'll check the locks
10:13.59jacc0in CLI: core show locks
10:14.28catphishNo such command 'core show locks'
10:14.51*** join/#asterisk rutski (
10:14.54rutskiHey there guys
10:14.56schmidtscatphish you have to compile asterisk with some compiler flags to get the core show locks command
10:15.01rutskiI've got this machine, but I can't physically get to it
10:15.17rutskiIt has 8 PSTN lines going into it
10:15.26rutskiWhen SIP users use said machine to dial out, it uses a certain PSTN line by default
10:15.37rutski(I'm guessing it's just the first one plugged into the first port on the DAHDI card)
10:15.43rutskiBut I really need to make it use a different line by default
10:15.45*** part/#asterisk derRichard (
10:15.51rutskibut I can't physically get to the machine to plug different lines into the first port
10:15.52rutskiany ideas?
10:16.31jacc0dial(dahdi/2/${EXTEN}) to use line 2?
10:16.50rutskicurrently I have things like:
10:16.53catphishschmidts: do you know which flag?
10:16.54rutskiexten => _XXXXXXX,3,Dial(DAHDI/G0/1914${EXTEN}
10:16.59rutskiI thought you had to put a group number there
10:17.03rutskibut you can put a line number? Interesting.
10:17.07rutskiWhat if that line is in use?
10:17.08*** join/#asterisk obruT (
10:17.09jacc0not sure
10:17.15rutskiWell, worth a try
10:18.16schmidtscatphish i have to take a look
10:18.23schmidtscatphish which version?
10:18.23catphishi got iy
10:18.28schmidtsyes ;)
10:19.18schmidtsok then you should nee debug_threads and imho there should also be a debug locks flag
10:19.37jacc0there is
10:20.19obruThello everyone... i found out that call waiting in asterisk is enabled by dialing *70... what I dont know, how does the dialplan should look like to catch that special extension and how to trigger execution of it ?
10:22.39schmidtsobruT take a look at features.conf i guess you will find *70 in there
10:25.05catphishschmidts: jacc0:
10:25.14catphishany help would be appreciated
10:28.14jacc0catphish: are you using monitor?
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10:29.02Tujuwhere i should map sip accounts and line numbers?
10:29.28catphishjacc0: in places yes, for this call, no
10:29.40Tujuextensions.conf ?
10:30.45obruTschmidts: no reference to *70 or call waiting in that file... I just googled for features.conf and call waiting, nothing...
10:31.34jacc0catphish: do_monitor is waiting for a lock on channel 0x7fc1bc029e50 that is already locked by the pbx_thread
10:32.16catphishi see that, but i'm afraid that's the limit of my skill
10:32.30catphishi'm doing to disable res_monitor for now and see if it prevents the crash
10:33.00jacc0okay, let me know the result and file a bug report please
10:33.05Tujuexten => tuju,5551,Dial(SIP/tuju);    should that work?
10:33.09catphishbut i guess the pbx_thread lock would break other things
10:34.04*** join/#asterisk oktay (~oktay@
10:34.28oktayhi. anybody know how to do a firmware upgrade on a dlink DVG ? (2102-s)
10:35.41catphisherr, it seems that do_monitor has nothing to do with res_monitor
10:35.43catphishit's in sip
10:37.24jacc0I guess you will have to file a bug report
10:42.48schmidtsjacc0 do_monitor has nothing to do with the monitor app, its just the function in chan_sip.c which loops endless and handle incoming and scheduled messages
10:43.05schmidtscatphish which version do you use cause it looks like a know bug to me
10:43.23catphishit looks like a known bug
10:43.29catphishi'm using 1.8.5
10:43.46catphishlooks like this problem was fixed in 1.6.2
10:43.52schmidtsah ok, cause there will be a patch for this but imho it will be in 1.8.6
10:44.41catphishwhy would it be so much later? looks like it was fixed in 2009?
10:44.49schmidtscatphish you could try the svn checkout of 1.8 branch
10:45.05schmidtsyou are talking about another deadlock problem ;) there are many out there :D
10:45.10catphishmakes sense
10:45.15*** join/#asterisk jayson_r (
10:45.38catphishhopefully if there's a patch in svn i can apply it to 1.8.5
10:46.08schmidtsgive me a moment and i can say you the reviewboard url, there you can download the patch directly
10:46.30catphishthat would be awesome
10:51.31*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
10:52.45catphishthat diff doesn't seem happy to apply to 1.8.5 at all
10:53.27schmidtsmaybe you have to patch it by hand
10:53.41catphishperhaps, it's huge though
10:53.42schmidtsi guess there was some changes between 1.8.5 and the svn rev this base on
10:53.48catphishmakes sense
10:54.00catphishi might just test against trunk
10:55.29schmidtsjust use the svn checkout of 1.8 its allready in there ;)
10:55.45catphishi'm trying that now
10:57.09*** join/#asterisk ironm (
10:57.58catphishoops, i'm compiling trunk not 1.8
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10:58.33catphish :)
10:58.43catphishactually reading things helps
10:59.47Tujuhow do i redirect my call 5551 into ?
11:00.22schmidtsTuju exten => 5551,1,Dial(SIP/
11:00.26Tujui tried: exten => 5551,1,Dial(SIP/ but it whines about 0 being first number.
11:02.20schmidtstuju this looks more like a message when you do a goto but not a dial
11:02.42catphishapparantly i'm missing defaults.h
11:03.14Tujuschmidts: hmmm... that could be, i tried goto earlier.
11:03.29Tujuand now i get this one (more weird error) app_dial.c: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
11:04.26schmidtstuju that looks better for me ;) you should try to enable sip debug to see if you get something back from your other side
11:07.44catphishmake all helps
11:11.44singlerTuju: it whines that first number must be more than 0, connect to asterisk with -vvvvvvvvvv and pastebin output above your SIP channel error
11:12.13Tujuschmidts: ack, good to know. this is my first time in my life i'm hacking the asterisk (although waited for years, former ser & others user) and I'm very excited :)
11:12.39Tujusingler: schmidts was right, that came from goto which is now gone.
11:13.56catphishschmidts: my bug is still present in 1.8-trunk
11:14.38catphishi'll try 2.10
11:18.12jacc0there is no 2.10
11:22.45catphishdon't worry, i know what i mean :)
11:23.30catphish10.0-trunk is what i mean :)
11:28.25catphish10.0 exhibits the same behaviour, wonder if it's the combination of my VM and the test i'm using
11:29.11*** join/#asterisk johnnyasterisk (~johnnyast@
11:31.34johnnyasteriskHi is there a way I can allow any registrations from a specific ip address. When any calls come from that ip address I then want to  specify that the calls from that ip address below to a specific extension
11:32.17catphishif you know the IP, the device doesn't need to register at all afaik
11:32.29catphishyou set up a peer for it, and specify a context for calls from that peer
11:34.08johnnyasteriskwell when a call comes from that ip address it will be from XXXX@
11:34.17johnnyasteriskthe XXXX can be any 4 digit extension
11:37.11*** join/#asterisk brezular (
11:37.53jacc0then do as catphish adviced and use execif($["CALLERID(num)" = 10]?whatever)
11:37.55catphishschmidts jacc0 I believe you were right about
11:38.13catphishtimerfd was being loaded despite my noload
11:38.18catphishdeleting it helped
11:38.33catphishasterisk is still failing heavily with my test, but not locking in the process :)
11:38.37*** join/#asterisk cerienjean (
11:38.58jacc0thank leifmadsen for it
11:40.06jacc0could you still add your output from core show locks to the bug report?
11:40.25jacc0and can you tell how you reproduced it?
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11:40.43jacc0dev. team will need it to fix the bug
11:41.08catphishi will get some info together
11:41.24catphishwhat timing should i be using?
11:41.45catphishi'll drop the other modules for now
11:43.32catphishwill try dahdi only for now
11:43.44*** join/#asterisk GreatSUN (
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11:44.40GreatSUNhi all
11:44.52GreatSUNshort feature question:
11:45.34GreatSUNis it possible to generate conferences (hold one party, dial another one and make a conference with those) on asterisk server side?
11:54.37jacc0@catphish: you should use dahdi
11:54.52catphishok i'm doing that now
11:55.29catphishi'm confused that my ram usage has suddenly increased enourmously
11:56.24jacc0:) I'm looking at something simular right now
11:57.44*** join/#asterisk cerienjean (~iper@
11:57.58catphishwould setting dahdi as my timing source have caused a large increase in ram usage?
11:58.17catphishi may just be going mad of course
12:00.03jacc0I have asterisk takingup 83% of mem on a 1gb machine :S
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12:01.26catphishmine's using 46% on a 512 VM
12:02.50catphishbut it was using < 10 before i started looking at the deadlock
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12:19.52jacc0inotify_daemon :  name = '\000' <repeats 2856 times>
12:20.11jacc0at stdtime/localtime.c:290
12:20.52*** join/#asterisk brah (be88a535@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:22.22jacc0that is 4 bytes repeated 2856times = 11424 bytes
12:25.06jacc0it seems to be amemory leak issue with the timing module
12:26.06singlerjacc0: it appears that I am also having issues mentioned in 181166 and 18142 (asterisk v1.8.5). I have backtraces, but debug log is not prepared yet, should I upload my backtraces?
12:27.10jacc0yes upload as much as you can; even if it's not usefull - just to let them know there are more people having the same issue - so they wont close it
12:27.36*** join/#asterisk EmbouNT (~DanteAggo@
12:27.45singlerto which bug I should upload them? :)
12:27.51singleror maybe both?
12:29.36EmbouNThello, i have a qestion, there are any repository of asterisk 1.8.5 for CentOS 6.0?
12:30.13singlerEmbouNT: why don't you compile it from source?
12:30.15EmbouNTin i only get 4 or 5, but centos 6.0 repo isn't listed
12:30.32EmbouNTi'm compiling from source, but i need mysql capabilities, and get me errors
12:30.48EmbouNTwithour res_mysql, cdr_mysql i can compile perfect
12:31.01EmbouNTbut making make menuconfig and selecting mysql, gave me errores
12:31.02singlerinstall mysqlclient-dev or simmilar package
12:31.44singleron debian I would tell you exact name, but not for centos..
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12:33.20EmbouNTok i'll try to install these packages
12:35.19Tujudoes anyone here have a 100% working cisco 7975G sip-configuration?
12:35.29TujuI've tried quite many of them and constantly have problems with getting it to start registration. I got it once working, but then changed config and that state has long gone.
12:35.51Tujucompared to the old 7960 those java based ones are real pita to get working
12:36.29tzafrirAnybody here uses a Sangoma BRI device with DAHDI drivers?
12:36.49tzafrirIf so: what's the output of: cat /proc/dahdi/* #?
12:40.06singlertzafrir: are you sure Sangoma BRI can be used with dahdi? Last time I used it, it used Woomera channel
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12:46.27jacc0tzafrir: what asterisk version are you using?
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12:48.37tzafrirjacc0, why should it matter?
12:48.39jacc01.8.X is not supported by sangoma
12:48.52tzafrirI care about the DAHDI version
12:49.06tzafrirBut why should the care?
12:49.35jacc0you n eed to use woomera ; woomera doesn't support 1.8.x
12:50.14singlerthen SMGv3 should be used I guess
12:50.24jacc0that is what they adviced me
12:50.39*** join/#asterisk oej (
12:50.44jacc0asterisk 1.8.x is no longer supported
12:51.11jacc0SO? why is it so hard to tell your version; I'm not helping you anymore
12:51.20singlertzafrir: soon Sangoma support should be online, you can try waiting in #sangoma
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12:51.50catphishjacc0: thanks for all your help
12:52.00catphishi will try to file a bug report regarding the timeing lock
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12:56.07Tujui've many clients, but i'm only one person. should i create more accounts or is there a way to keep me as person/account separate from devices and their lines?
12:59.24*** join/#asterisk billmania (~bill@
13:00.17GreatSUNshort feature question:
13:00.19GreatSUNis it possible to generate conferences (hold one party, dial another one and make a conference with those) on asterisk server side?
13:00.39jacc0@tuju: you need more accounts - FollowMe might do what you want
13:00.49schmidtsGreatSUN maybe take a look at local channels
13:01.58Tujujacc0: ack, i look into that FollowMe (sounds something presence related)
13:02.20GreatSUNschmidts: local channels?
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13:04.38jacc0GreatSUN: combining Conference/Meetme, bridge and local channels you should be able to make something you want
13:04.47*** join/#asterisk frawd (
13:05.28jacc0local channel is a channel you can bridge a channel to; it is not some externel line but a context in your extensions.conf
13:07.49schmidtsGreatSUN you can use a local channel to start a new call leg in your dialplan
13:09.27*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
13:10.14jacc0hi katty
13:14.24beekHi Katty
13:17.15schmidtsHi Katty
13:20.36*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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13:36.54fimhello. I'm having a weird issue with Asterisk When I start it using asterisk -c all modules are loaded successfully but if I start it using the init script, connect using -r and try to load a module (specifically chan_sip), I get "Unable to load module". Any ideas where to start looking?
13:39.07*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
13:44.25jacc0@fim: what command do you use to reload sip? sip reload?
13:44.51fimjacc0: module load chan_sip
13:45.08fimjacc0: sip  commands aren't available in the cli since the sip module isn't loaded in the first place
13:45.41jacc0ok, I have no experiance with not loading sip initialy
13:46.30jacc0you get the same error if the sip modul eis already loaded
13:47.30fimjacc0: in order to get sip autoloaded do you need to put it in modules.conf?
13:48.29jacc0by default it is configured to autoload=yes -> that will load all available modules
13:50.17fimjacc0: I get 0 modules :P
13:56.10*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
13:56.12EmbouNTtrying to start asterisk with /etc/init.d/asterisk start or service asterisk start give me <ASTERISK_ETC_DIR>/asterisk.conf not found. STOP, anyone knows why? In etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf all is OK
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14:01.26tzafrirEmbouNT, could you please pastebin your /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf ?
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14:08.16*** join/#asterisk BenC[UK] (
14:08.26BenC[UK]guys, anyone here know anything about phpagi ?
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14:08.46BenC[UK]or probably any agi script... I want to carry on in my code after a dial - is that possible?
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14:14.26jacc0@BenC[UK]: do you mean after pickup or after hangup?
14:15.00BenC[UK]after pickup would be good
14:15.09BenC[UK]just so Ican update the db and say it was answered
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14:16.32BenC[UK]actually, ignore that I can do it another way
14:17.26jacc0it is in the CDR records
14:18.03jacc0it is already the database if you enable cdr mysql
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14:23.11jacc0hi krion
14:23.26krioni'm having a trouble with voicemail recording
14:24.01krionmy rtp flux is fine (using wireshark for troubleshoot), but when the voicemail is recorder to wav, there is something wrong
14:24.13krionthe message is in a sort of fast "fast forward"
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14:24.43krionit's weird... try to reload with no luck
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14:26.48EmbouNThow i can test in the cli if the mysql module is up?
14:26.51krioni got some channel.c: Scheduling timer at 138 sample intervals and  channel.c: Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals
14:27.05krionbut not sure it's related
14:29.29schmidtskrion do you save your voicemails over an nfs link?
14:29.56schmidtsif yes you have to start asterisk with a special option, dont know which one now, to save the voicemail localy and then move it to the final directory
14:30.04schmidtsi also had this once when i save my voicemails over nfs
14:31.08schmidtskrion its the -t option: Record soundfiles in /var/tmp and move them where they belong after they are done.
14:32.54krionyes nfs links
14:33.08schmidtsstart asterisk with the -t option and everything will be fine
14:34.35krionschmidts: i already recording into a tmp but in nfs
14:35.17krionand the trouble didn't appear before (like first august) as the settings where the same
14:37.57schmidtskrion maybe your nfs is getting slower by some cause
14:39.41Tujuargh, this java phone is real pita.
14:39.48Tujureally hard to get the config right.
14:41.13krionschmidts: not sure... i've two other asterisk and they recording fine
14:41.30krioni'll try to rester the asterisk process tonight, hope this will fixe it
14:41.41schmidtskrion i can only tell you that i had just the same problem and with the -t option it was gone
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14:41.55Tujunow i get it into 'Registring...' state but sniffer doesn't show any traffic anyway.
14:42.15krionschmidts: ok thanks a lot for the hint i'll try
14:42.26schmidtsyour welcome ;)
14:42.53krionbut i have to wait tongiht, damn you user who's calling in august ! get holiday !
14:52.35*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
14:53.52catphishi'm impressed, asterisk on my core2quad can handle 1150 calls in a very simple test
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14:54.54aberriosJust to check I'm not going mad, or confirm that I am. I'm having a mini argument with a provider. I said I wanted a SIP Trunk with 10 channels. He said "you can't have 10 channels on a trunk, you can have 1 trunk with 10 extensions".... Would a provider call the channels on a trunk 'extensions'?
14:55.20catphishpeople use all kinds of words
14:55.21_Corey_catphish: What kind of test are you using to get that number?
14:55.24catphishwhy not keep it simple
14:55.45catphishuse 'concurrent calls (incoming / outgoing)' and 'numbers'
14:55.49_Corey_aberrios: Say "call paths", may help
14:56.24aberriosI'm just hoping they don't send me 10 different accounts to setup...
14:57.07catphish_Corey_: using sipp to dial Milliwatt, looping back the RTP data for 30 seconds
14:57.31leifmadsenaberrios: they might depending on how their accounts/system are setup
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14:57.43catphish1000 seems like a pretty standard number of calls people have reported on quad core systems
14:57.47leifmadsenaberrios: although ya, use the path of least resistance and say "concurrent calls"
14:58.05krionschmidts: but you're right anyway, i ln the tmp dir in my voicemail nfs share to the /tmp on my asterisk host and the problem is gone
14:58.17krionthe thing is it was working earlier... with the same setup
14:58.21catphishi'm about to provision a host with 2 x 6-core opterons, looking forward to seeing the call numbers on that
14:58.25krioni'll try to umount remount the nfs
14:58.47_Corey_catphish: Hmmm, in my experience there are other factors (i/o, etc.) but that's cool
14:59.19catphish_Corey_: i'd expect network interrupts to become an issue at that point
14:59.29catphishthat's 100Mbit in each direction
14:59.47catphishbut basically at 1150 calls, asterisk maxes out the core2quad
15:00.00catphishnetwork drivers will have an impact
15:00.11catphishdisk IO and RAM are totally unused
15:00.19_Corey_catphish: Usually we reach the upper limit on a system before that happens...  audio gets intermittently lost on the channels (asterisk bridging in this scenario) etc
15:01.08catphishwell i did a few tests, i discovered that my SRX240 firewall started dropping packets before asterisk did
15:01.14jacc0I think i've fond the source of a memory leak: inotify_daemon (data=0x0) at stdtime/localtime.c
15:01.29_Corey_catphish: Yeah, that's a lot of bandwidth :)
15:01.33catphishbut in the end CPU was the only limit
15:01.34jacc0see this gdb (part):
15:02.03jacc0it seems to be taking up more and more memory over time
15:02.04catphishwell 100Mbit * 2 isn't that much bandwidth really, but initiating 80 new UDP streams a second probably started to stress the firewall
15:02.48catphisheither that or the small UDP packets were just too much for it
15:03.01catphisheither way, i won't be using it behind a stateful firewall
15:03.06catphishjust a nice ACL
15:03.10*** join/#asterisk Yedidya (
15:05.23YedidyaHELP! need to have a call join a confbrige AND have some white noise played to the outbound leg of THIS call only. Any ideas? (I'm otherwise a pro with extentions.conf and can manage php (for agi)).
15:05.24jacc0don't use asterisk internel timer or you will run out of memory or end up in a deadlock!
15:05.55jacc0I'll report this tomorrow; office hours are over for today :)
15:06.00catphishjacc0: I think that's the moral of today's story, yes
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15:07.01Qwelljacc0: what makes you think that the inotify stuff is taking up memory?
15:07.15catphishi wonder how pthreads compares to dadhi timing
15:07.32catphishsince i only have dummy driver running
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15:08.47The_Boy_Wondercatphish: pthreads is not an efficient timing source.  it works, but is expensive
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15:09.01catphishi'll carry on using ztdummy then :)
15:09.07catphishworks nicely
15:09.24jacc0The_Boy_Wonder@ it takes up more and more memory over time
15:09.44The_Boy_Wonderreally?! umm. is there a bug report open for that?
15:10.10jacc0I will file a bug report tomorrow
15:10.15Kobazso there's a memory leak in timing pthreads?
15:10.22jacc0office hours are over for me
15:10.29catphishthe pthread timer causes a deadlock too?
15:10.47The_Boy_Wondercatphish: i have not heard of a deadlock occurring in pthread timing
15:10.59catphishi think that's what jacc is talking about
15:11.03The_Boy_Wonderthe timerfd one is well known
15:11.33catphishyeah, i ran into the timerfd one today, even in 10.0 trunk, but happy to use dadhi instead
15:11.42jacc0okay, pthreads is not part of timerfd?
15:12.00catphishno, there's 4 timer sources
15:12.10catphishdadhi, pthreads, fd and something else
15:12.20Kobazon a production system you shouldn't use anything other than dahdi
15:12.29catphishfd sadly seems to be the default and is hard not to load without deleting / not compiling it
15:12.46Kobaznoload =>
15:12.49Kobazin modules.conf
15:12.53catphishKobaz: that doesn't work
15:13.00catphishat least for me, it loaded anyway
15:13.01Kobazthen you typed it wrong
15:13.13catphish...testing again
15:13.15jacc0bye all
15:13.24Kobazor you have a conflicting option... like load =>  of the module, and then a noload
15:13.34catphishi have autoload on
15:13.36catphishthen noload
15:13.38Kobazyeah that's fine
15:13.41Kobazthat's what i do
15:13.50catphishlet me compile it and see
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15:17.33anonymouz666anything else to make realtime queue_log to work? odbc status OK (connected), table sourced from contrib, nothing being insert into queue_log table.
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15:21.06catphishKobaz: i can't reproduce the problem of not being able to disable the timerfd module now so maybe i was being stupid
15:21.20catphishi originally assumed that another module was calling it overriding my noload
15:22.58anonymouz666there was a class not defined
15:24.11anonymouz666leifmadsen: migrating a 400 seats callcenter from version 1.4 to 1.8 and hopping for the best ;)
15:24.35leifmadsenanonymouz666: I'd suggest hoping instead of hopping, but that's just me :)
15:25.16anonymouz666distributed device state is something that I can't live without it
15:25.23leifmadsenya it's pretty amazing
15:25.28aberrios"'faith, hop and charity and the greatest of these is 'hop'"
15:25.51anonymouz666leifmadsen: any problem running the XMPP even for low latency links?
15:26.03leifmadsenAIS works well (and is easier to get setup because it requires no external server) if you're using it in a LAN environment; XMPP works well too and allows WAN interconnectivity but is more difficult as you have to setup an external service
15:26.23leifmadsenanonymouz666: I think you have it inversed in your mind, as low latency is ideal
15:26.32leifmadsenthere would be no problems having better connectivity with XMPP :)
15:26.40Qwellleifmadsen: blasphemy
15:26.44leifmadsenQwell: nub
15:26.50Qwellpackets would arrive too early
15:27.01leifmadsenQwell: perhaps even in the past
15:27.07beekor before they were sent
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15:36.05p3nguinI'm sure this has been discussed over and over, and I'm not trying to beat a dead horse, but is Asterisk 10 the equivalent of 1.10 or 2.0?  I'm only looking for a simple authoritative answer, not a debate.
15:36.35beeksince there's not to be a 2.0
15:36.37QwellIt is equivalent to Asterisk 10.
15:36.46anonymouz666Qwell: you troll a lot :P
15:37.03beekWas there pot involved?
15:37.04QwellWho's trolling?  The premise of the question is flawed.
15:37.23p3nguinI'm sure it is, but I don't know any other way to word it to get the answer I'm trying to get.
15:37.27Guggeits equivelent to the version after 1.8 :)
15:37.34QwellGugge: Exactly.
15:37.43QwellThe point is, it really just doesn't matter.
15:37.44Guggenothing else
15:37.47p3nguingugge: That's kind of my point.  What's after 1.8?  1.10 or 2.0?
15:37.53Guggep3nguin: 10.0 is
15:37.54Qwell10 is after 1.8
15:37.55anonymouz666Asterisk 2.0 will be rewritten totally in PHP with hiphop from facebook. :P
15:37.59Guggein asterisk version numbers
15:38.31Guggein other software it could be 1.9, 1.81, 1.10, 2.0, or whatever they like :)
15:39.20*** join/#asterisk cerienjean (~iper@
15:40.12YedidyaPLease peeps, as you seem to be here, HELP! need to have a call join a confbrige AND have some white noise played to the outbound leg of THIS call only. Any ideas? (I'm otherwise a pro with extentions.conf and can manage php (for agi)).
15:41.40catphishdoes asterisk (sip channels) have any intelligence to end calls where the remote end simply disappears?
15:41.52Qwellcatphish: There's an RTP timeout option.
15:42.12catphishthat would be ideal
15:43.27*** join/#asterisk cerienjean (~iper@
15:43.41p3nguinSo, according to the blog post, 10 was going to be 1.10.  You could have just said that when I asked.
15:44.37catphish1.2 => 1.4 => 1.6 => 1.8 => 10.0
15:44.44catphishisn't that obvious?
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15:45.30chazzamexcept it isn't 1.6
15:45.51Qwell1.2 > 1.4 > 1.6.0 > 1.6.1 > 1.6.2 > 1.8 > 10
15:45.53chazzamit was 1.2 => 1.4 => 1.6.0 => 1.6.1 => 1.6.2 => 1.8 => 10
15:46.19catphishoh well, obviously!
15:46.29GuggeIt should have been AsteriskX
15:46.35Guggeno one would questien that :)
15:46.36irrootyou missed 0.99 1.0 :P
15:46.45p3nguinOr Asterisk X, like Mac OS X.
15:47.01chazzamas some have mention 10 is 2 in binary
15:47.13GuggeStupid names isnt a problem, number apparently are :)
15:47.19anonymouz666XMPP Tigase sux to setup. :~
15:47.31leifmadsenPuppet just went from 0.25.x to 2.6.x, so who cares about version numbers?
15:47.36catphish10 is 2 in binary, but since none of that other revisions are in binary i'm not buying it :)
15:47.42p3nguinIf you read the blog post, they've decided to drop the 1. prefix.  That makes 1.10 turn into 10.
15:47.45Guggeleifmadsen: a lot of people it seems :)
15:47.46leifmadsenanonymouz666: that's why I said AIS was easier :)
15:47.50Qwellleifmadsen: I bet they feel like idiots now that Linux is 3.0
15:47.55leifmadsenGugge: a lot of people have nothing better to do
15:48.09p3nguinSo all that needed to be said when I asked was that 10 is what 1.10 would have been.
15:48.28leifmadsenp3nguin: yes I didn't see the question :)
15:48.33leifmadsen10 == 1.10 with 1. missing
15:48.34catphishi'd have said that, but i wasn't listening, so meh
15:48.47leifmadsenit's really just that simple
15:48.50tzangerso that means we're going to see asterisk 10, 11, 12, 13?
15:48.59Guggeor 1.8 is what 1.6.3 whould have been, and 10 is what 1.6.4 would have been? :P
15:49.00leifmadsentzanger: exactly
15:49.01Qwelltzanger: yes
15:49.07leifmadsenGugge: yes :)
15:49.11leifmadsenGugge: someone who gets it :D
15:49.38p3nguinThe only reason I was asking was so I had an authoritative answer for when the question arises later, in the absence of the authority on the matter.  See: yesterday.
15:49.40Guggeits just a number :)
15:49.58tzangerhm, I'm still running
15:50.02aberriosIts not a number its a free software pbx!
15:50.05leifmadsenp3nguin: yep, more information / authoritative answer available in the Kevin P. Fleming post on
15:50.29leifmadsenp3nguin: you can point that to people who ask you about version numbers as then you don't have to keep repeating yourself :)
15:50.32infobotAsterisk 10 --
15:50.34_Corey_aberrios: Nice prisoner reference...
15:51.04p3nguinor insurance commercial reference.
15:51.07p3nguinNationwide is on your side.
15:51.18p3nguinNationPam is on your
15:51.44tzangerjesus 2004 was when asterisk 1.0 came out... it does not feel like that long ago
15:52.06QwellOnly 2004?  Feels like 1980.
15:54.23tzangerheh I like the comments... "Asterisk XP" haha
15:54.29tzangerlet's hope we don't see an Asterisk ME
15:54.44GuggeOr Asterisk Vista
15:57.37anonymouz666leifmadsen: did you install openais using the tarball?
15:57.58p3nguinHey, now... Asterisk Me would be awesome!
15:58.23anonymouz666res_ais is not being recognized by menu select after the make install
15:59.30anonymouz666needs to stop being so smart
15:59.42anonymouz666installed the server in one machine, and trying to find it in another
16:02.25leifmadsenanonymouz666: :)
16:02.57leifmadsenLearn Asterisk Me at Asterisk U!
16:02.59*** join/#asterisk frawd (
16:03.09leifmadsen(that is not a real tag line)
16:05.41p3nguinIt is now!  HAHAHAHA!!!!!!
16:06.54p3nguinis still looking for qwell on g+
16:07.02QwellYou'll never find me.
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16:07.35p3nguinDon't be skeerd of it.
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16:39.39kraptvI _love_ Asterisk and am looking forward to 10!
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16:41.52chazzamQwell: g+ has cookies...
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16:52.20YedidyaHow do i neject sound into 1 leg of a call?
16:52.37Yedidyatypo# How do i inject sound into 1 leg of a call?
16:52.47p3nguinChanSpy() will do it.
16:52.57p3nguinUse the whisper mode.
16:53.16WIMPyIf the sound comes from a channel.
16:54.15anonymouz666p3nguin: things start to become nice when you have to inject into callee and caller, make something periodic, etc.
16:54.47WIMPyanonymouz666: You found a way to do that?
16:55.11anonymouz666of course there is a way, but it's not a trivial task.
16:55.45anonymouz666russell made a proposal in devel list, but nobody ever implement the idea
16:56.04anonymouz666the cookbook has something in that way, did you see it?
16:56.28WIMPySo, not for "users".
16:57.04WIMPyWe tried here ast week and found out that you can't pair dilapan apps like Playback with ChanSpy.
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16:58.15bmintIs there an agi command to put all channel variables for a call into an array?
16:58.47kraptvDoes Asterisk still reply on DADHI for timing and other channel functions or is it redone with its own software timer? (i.e. no zaptel/dahdi drivers for OS X - what to do then)
16:58.58Kobazdumpchan just prints to the console
16:59.01bmintyes like dumpchan but how do I use that in phpagi
16:59.23WIMPyIt doesn't go to the script? Hmm. bad luck :-(
16:59.25Kobazbmint: there isn't one
16:59.44WIMPykraptv: Partially. You don;t need dahdi timing, but MeetMe() and Page() need it.
17:00.14bmintSo the only variables I can use are variables from the return array?
17:01.38kraptvWell, does ChanSpy work? I imagine not as it is very zap* focused.
17:02.10bmintSorry request array?
17:02.17WIMPykraptv: Yes, that works.
17:02.30kraptvWow, cool. thanks, WIMPy!
17:02.40Bipulp3nguin,  hi
17:07.35*** join/#asterisk navaismo (
17:07.52p3nguinbipul: Hi.
17:08.30Bipulp3nguin,  yes i win the presentation ;)
17:08.43p3nguinGrr, did it again!
17:08.44Bipulthat's what i want's to say :D
17:09.15catphishis there any advantage to using digium hardware on a purely aip asterisk host
17:09.19p3nguinI thought it was just a presentation, not a competition.
17:09.23BipulBut i having issue with outgoing voice
17:09.33Bipulyes i got the best presentation
17:09.50Bipuland my  faculty told me to dig more on Asterisk
17:10.00Bipulit will helpful for you career alot.
17:10.03p3nguinAre you in secondary school?
17:10.19BipulNops Engineering college.
17:10.28p3nguinOh, post-secondary.
17:10.45p3nguinI didn't know.
17:10.52BipulEngineering ( University").
17:11.22Bipulp3nguin,  so Thank's once again..
17:11.41p3nguinI'm happy that you did well in the presentation.
17:12.34BipulYes Now every one know about
17:12.56Bipuland also Asterisk technology specially our profesors he would like to work with me
17:13.03p3nguinI guess that's good.
17:13.22BipulIt's not Good it's awsome.
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17:25.36Tuju I cannot begin to stress how picky these phones are with their configuration files.
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17:26.27Kobazoh, yes
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17:31.22leifmadsenTuju: I sold my 7970 years ago because of how picky the configuration was
17:31.37Tujuwell, i've four of them here. :-(
17:31.49Tujuand i already got rid of those 7960's
17:31.52p3nguinI'll stick to my 7960 for now.
17:32.11Tujuyou can even telnet inside those and hack them like ios.
17:32.40Tujuwe should make python class for this config and serialize it.
17:39.21Tujuleifmadsen: did you ever get it working, at least once?
17:39.38Tujuand if you did, do you have any configs laying around somewhere?
17:39.42leifmadsenTuju: kind of, but that was a long time ago
17:39.49leifmadsenI definitely don't :)
17:40.07TujuI got it working once, but then changed the config and - well, here I am now.
17:40.20leifmadsenyep, it's so incredibly picky I gave up after days of trying
17:40.44leifmadsensold the phone, bought polycoms, and decided I saved $1000 doing that (assuming my time was worth > $0)
17:41.24Tujuone huge issue was that they changed protocol from udp to tcp in one release upgrade
17:41.46coppicecisco phones are great for their intended use - land fill.
17:41.49Tujuyou could have gone around it by adding <transportLayerProtocol>4</transportLayerProtocol> into config - just not sure does it have to be 2 or 4 for udp
17:42.36Tujui kind of got bit chill feelings once noticed that it has java inside it
17:42.52Tujuas i typically stay *far* away that crap.
17:43.07Tujuthen again, having same VM and code it should run, right+
17:43.33Tujubut i guess java's problems are more associated with the reasons why it got selected, not as a technology.
17:44.02Tujuyou got bunch of idiots coding so you need easier language, hence this is so picky with config files.
17:44.36Tujuthey could have dropped the X from xml, as it certainly is not eXtensible. :)
17:45.03radenKatty, :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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17:51.51leifmadsenTuju: generally the reason those phones don't have configuration files that are well documented is, as I understand it anyways, that the configurations in those phones are now generated from CCM directly and not created by the administrator by hand
17:52.40Tujuleifmadsen: i missed your point
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17:52.50leifmadsenpoint is, good luck!
17:53.06Tujui'm afraid that's not enough this time.
17:53.23leifmadsenthen you'll probably want to find someone who has a CCM who can generate you some configs for those phones
17:53.40leifmadsenI literally spent 3 days trying to make a 7970 work and failed
17:53.45Tujuthat doesn't sound like me :)
17:53.59Tujui got it register once already.
17:54.15Tujujust was stupid enough to change the config until i took a copy of it
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18:01.45jpcansais there any way that Monitor() will remove non-accepted chararcters when creating a .wav file??
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18:03.45sunfoneDoes anyone know if Polycom (or any 802.3af phone) will work with an SMI POE switch?
18:08.28Tujuha! i can see sip traffic now!
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18:13.34stevekstevekHola Asterisk Room.
18:14.19stevekstevekI haven't been here in a _very_ long time -- and I haven't been involved with asterisk development for a really long time..
18:15.38stevekstevekAnyway, my question is:  I need to build a pretty scalable conference bridge, and if I were to do that these days, which conference app would be the best in terms of scalability:  app_meetme, app_confbridge (using new conference infrastructure), or app_conference (which I actually did help develop ages ago).
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18:18.08jeffspeffhas anybody tried setting up a polycom cx600 to work with asterisk?
18:19.08_Corey_jeffspeff: That's the Microsoft model
18:19.19pabelangerstevekstevek: confbridge was rewritten for Asterisk 10
18:19.49jeffspeff_Corey_, i was hoping to be able to use some of the lync features, but still use * as the pbx backend
18:19.51stevekstevekpabelanger:  yeah, I read that -- but I think that was more the front-end and configuration stuff rather than the core bridging code.
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18:22.43pabelangerstevekstevek: no, it was a rewrite of the code. New media, better performance, etc.
18:22.48pabelangerconfbridge > meetme
18:23.20stevekstevekpabelanger: hmm, I though that was for 1.8, and for 10.0 the configuration stuff was changed.
18:23.35pabelangernope, 10
18:24.05stevekstevekbasically, that app_confbridge was a thin/configuration front end to enhanced bridging capabilities, in more-or-less the same way that app_meetme was a front-end to the conferencing engine inside of zaptel/dahdi..
18:24.42leifmadsenstevekstevek: ConfBridge in 1.8 vs 10 is very different. In 1.8 it's only a front-end to the bridging interface basically
18:24.53leifmadsenConfBridge() in 10 is significantly enhanced
18:25.00leifmadsen(not even really the same thing at all anymore)
18:25.10stevekstevekright -- but does it still uses the internal bridging engine?
18:25.24leifmadsenit uses the bridging modules
18:25.34leifmadsenwhich are also relatively new
18:26.01stevekstevekso -- have people benchmarked these things anywhere?
18:26.56stevekstevekway back when I wrote app_conference, I did it because app_meetme has O(n^2) algorithms, and scaled really poorly.  I see that, at some point there was a thing added they called "talker optimization", which probably improved things a bit.
18:27.29leifmadsenstevekstevek: ya ConfBridge() and MeetMe() are not built in the same way a all
18:27.47stevekstevekI know I can build a bridge for hundreds of callers in a single conference with app_conference -- I assume that the internal bridging modules are at least as efficient..
18:27.51leifmadsenI've done some testing and gotten about 10x better performance with ConfBridge() over MeetMe()
18:28.24leifmadsenwell I wouldn't refer to them as "internal" because the bridging modules are exposed as modules under the Bridging Modules section of menuselect
18:28.26stevekstevekawesome:  what kinds of numbers have you been able to test to?
18:28.32leifmadsen(to me, internals seems to mean "hidden")
18:28.45leifmadsenstevekstevek: I was doing something like 200 channels or something I think
18:28.52leifmadsenand the box wasn't super powerful
18:28.59stevekstevekand it broke at those numbers?
18:29.06stevekstevekor you stopped testing more.
18:29.14leifmadsenI stopped testing
18:29.26stevekstevek'cause I know I've tested to 800 or so, with app_conference, 5 years ago..
18:29.37stevekstevekso, you'd definitely recommend starting that way..
18:30.21pabelangerstevekstevek: yes, I would test with Asterisk 10 beta1, and report results.  I'm sure the developers would be interested in seeing them
18:30.29leifmadsenoh ya for sure, it's not at all the same thing as MeetMe() or done in the same way at all
18:30.42leifmadsendefinitely look at Asterisk 10 though, that's where we were doing all our testing
18:30.51leifmadsenwe spent a good 2-3 weeks testing it internally
18:31.05stevekstevekI will.
18:31.13stevekstevekIt will probably work into my schedule if I do that.
18:31.15leifmadsen(well longer than that, but 2-3 weeks intensely)
18:31.21beekleifmadsen: You're going to need to do another revision of the book for 10!
18:31.31leifmadsenwe'll see how well it sells for now
18:31.33stevekstevekBTW:  I'm really glad to see what y'all have done with the bridging interfaces, and now reading the conference apps.
18:31.36leifmadsenwe tend to focus on LTS
18:32.00stevekstevekThis is all stuff I remember talking about at the first astricon, and even before that..
18:32.15stevekstevekfrom way-back before the different asterisk forks forked off :)
18:32.22anonymouz666leifmadsen: between two boxes, do you use IAX2 or SIP?
18:32.30leifmadsenSIP always
18:32.32leifmadsenI never use IAX2
18:32.38anonymouz666distributed device state working fine
18:32.40anonymouz666it is amazing
18:32.51anonymouz666openais it is really EASY
18:33.11voxterI may just convert all my IAX peers to SIP this year
18:33.20voxterfor no other reason other than to be able to use 3rd party call reporting tools
18:33.36voxterand to avoid transcoding when handing off to non IAX peers.
18:33.37leifmadsenanonymouz666: yep :)
18:33.42voxterits worked gloriously for me internally
18:34.11stevekstevekleifmadsen: pabelanger:  Thanks, gentlemen!
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18:34.34anonymouz666my problem is I have in both machines the SIP peers
18:34.42anonymouz666so I can register in one box and in another
18:34.54anonymouz666that makes impossible to dial using sip from one to another
18:35.08anonymouz666cause the nature of chan_sip it matches the friend first
18:35.36leifmadsenthat's why you need to split the friends into peers and users
18:36.48anonymouz666gonna test this now
18:44.16voxterleifmadsen: thats actually suggested? Using peers and users?
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18:44.32voxterI have a perfectly working friend setup, maybe i have some unknown limitation?
18:44.33leifmadsenit is if you need to carefully control matching
18:44.44leifmadsenif you don't have issue with matching, then using friends is fine
18:44.54leifmadsenit's only if you have specific issues with matching on specific peers
18:45.11leifmadsenbreaking out to users and peers seems to be necessary to match on username vs IP
18:45.27JokerMxnecesito ayuda con asterisk
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18:45.30voxterIve had issues with that in the past
18:45.41voxterspecifically when i have two peers to one place, and one is locked to ulaw only, and one is locked to g729 only
18:45.53leifmadsenJokerMx: English please, or see #asterisk-br
18:46.05voxtersince codec 'selection' amongst a list of multiple available codecs doesn't exactly "work" in asterisk
18:46.14voxterat least it didn't in the version of 1.4 i was running when i did that.
18:46.37leifmadsenand it probably still doesn't -- that's a long standing issue that requires some core changes
18:46.51voxteryeah. transcoded to the first in the list regardless of if you wanted to use it not
18:46.55voxterthat was a surprise on my cpu. :)
18:46.57*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
18:48.55JokerMxI need to handle messages that I deliver advertising (E1/PRI)
18:49.16anonymouz666leifmadsen: sounds like spanish not portuguese for #asterisk-br :)
18:49.27leifmadsenanonymouz666: ya I think that's what I meant to point at ;)
18:51.37*** join/#asterisk dwayne (
18:53.57JokerMxI need to handle messages that I deliver advertising (E1/PRI)
18:54.31WIMPyJokerMx: Maybe you should try to re-phrase that.
18:55.16Kattyi have a scenario i need help with.
18:55.24Kattylocation a has an asterisk server.
18:55.31Kattylocation b, is a remote home.
18:55.42Kattyusually opening ports and forwarding stuff works fine
18:55.43WIMPyOne that doesn't work at all?
18:56.00Kattyso location a to locationb is super.
18:56.09Kattynow location c wants in
18:56.13Kattylocation c has 2 phones.
18:56.33Kattyand you can't forward a single port to two internal LAN devices.
18:56.48Kattyassuming they won't pay for a vpn...
18:57.03Kattyhow do you get two remote phones on a single lan, back to the main location
18:58.09WIMPyThat obviousely depends on the router at loc c.
18:58.45Kattyyou cannot forward a single port to two individual, internal, ip addresses
18:59.04Kattyso how do you do it
18:59.12WIMPyBut maybe you don't have to.
18:59.21WIMPyThat obviousely depends on the router at loc c.
18:59.40WIMPyAnd in the worst case on the phones as well.
18:59.58Kattycould you be more specific
19:00.03*** join/#asterisk REdOG (~REdOG@gentoo/user/redog)
19:00.19WIMPyWith routers that have connection tracking (e.g. linux) you shouldn't need to forward anything.
19:00.45WIMPyIf you need to do static forwarding, you have to use different ports. But not only for SIP, but also for RTP.
19:00.55WIMPyThat's where the phones config comes in.
19:01.14WIMPyAnd then there is everything in between, off course.
19:01.16Kattyi imagine i will have to use the equipment that the client already has.
19:01.20Kattycheap, linksys routers
19:01.30Kattythe kind you buy from staples for 100 bucks
19:01.57WIMPyThat probably means Linux, so I'd try to do nothing and hope that it just works.
19:02.19Tujunow i get this:  Registration from '<>' failed for '213.219.
19:02.26WIMPyWith nat=yes on the Asterisk side.
19:02.32Kattythe routers are appliances
19:02.33p3nguinYou should be able to have multiple devices on the same LAN connecting out to a remote Asterisk system, and no ports need to be forwarded on the LAN where those devices are.
19:02.35Kattynot linux boxes.
19:02.50Tujumy account username is 'tuju', if i change that 'mato' --> 'tuju', i don't get anything into asterisk side anymore.
19:03.00WIMPyMost plastic routers are Linux.
19:03.07Kattyp3nguin: how do you not forward 5060 and rtp ports, from the client location, through the firewall, to the IP?
19:03.14Tujuam i supposed to use some phone number instead of my registering username?
19:03.16Kattyp3nguin: and expect it to work properly
19:03.20p3nguinJust don't forward them.
19:03.37p3nguinI have phones in remote LANs without ports being forwarded.  They work fine.
19:03.38Kattyand then ...the rtp ports won't get forwarded through the firewall to the internal devices
19:03.49Kattywhich means no audio
19:03.50WIMPyKatty: Because the phone will send out packets and the connection tracking will take care of the replies.
19:04.10Kattyhow do you initiate a call from the asterisk server, to the phone at the remote location, if there are no ports opened
19:04.14p3nguinThis is typical "phone behind NAT with asterisk in another network" configuration.
19:04.21Tujunow i get this:  Registration from '<>' failed for '213.219.................  - No matching peer found
19:04.21WIMPyJust try it. It probably just works without having to do anything.
19:05.13p3nguinYou'll just have to make sure you use type=friend for the devices in that single LAN, and make sure you configure all the NAT stuff appropriately.
19:09.31Tujuthis is weird - if i put 'wrong' settings there, it just doesn't register. if i put those i think are correct, i get ICMP destination port unreachable
19:12.06radenKatty, :D :D :D :D :D  :D
19:12.14radengives Katty huge hugs
19:13.17radenKatty, you trying to setup some SIP phones at a remote location with crappy routers ?
19:21.53radenIm out
19:23.24*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
19:25.59*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
19:26.02*** join/#asterisk Tuju (
19:30.29Kattyraden: i do whatever my company tells me.
19:32.10*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
19:32.32anonymouz666anyone has a script to convert all old ExecIf syntax to the new one? ;)
19:33.18*** join/#asterisk johnnyasterisk (~johnnyast@
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19:36.13p3nguinHow many ExecIfs do you have that need to be changed?
19:36.48x1userHi, i have the following problen when loading module [Aug  9 01:34:38] WARNING[3535]: chan_mobile.c:2756 sdp_register: Failed to connect sdp and create session.
19:37.59anonymouz666p3nguin: TONS
19:44.56p3nguinChanging the ,Set, to ?Set( would be easy, but I'm not sure how to go about adding the closing ) after the app data.
19:45.19p3nguinor whatever your app is
19:45.38p3nguin(Set is what I most often use with ExecIf)
19:46.30p3nguinIf you know awk, I'm sure you'll be able to handle the task with ease.
19:50.45*** join/#asterisk mykhyggz (
19:51.36anonymouz666241 active channels
19:51.37anonymouz666202 active calls
19:51.47anonymouz666nice, isn't ?
19:53.52p3nguinHow much RAM and CPU is asterisk using with those calls active?
19:54.26anonymouz6668 GB RAM
19:54.32anonymouz666about 50% in use
19:54.42p3nguinHoly crap.  I typically use 40 MB.
19:55.14anonymouz666load 3.04
19:55.18anonymouz6668 cores
19:55.21p3nguinHow does asterisk use 8G memory?!
19:55.30anonymouz666memory is cheap.
19:55.38anonymouz666it's there
19:55.41anonymouz666for OS to use.
19:55.43p3nguinYour response does not make sense.
19:56.06anonymouz666another thing, I make use of query cache.
19:57.15anonymouz666sip, iax2 and dahdi channels all together
19:57.30anonymouz666with my last talk with leifmadsen, iax2 is gonna away
19:57.41leifmadsenanonymouz666: that's not at all what I just said
19:57.51leifmadsenor was implying
19:57.52_Corey_anonymouz666: Just curious if you have a moment, can you do a "cat /proc/YOURASTERISKPID/status" and pastebin the output?
19:58.06leifmadsenWhat I said, is I never use IAX2
19:59.12anonymouz666yeap, I don't need to use it either, there's no benefit
19:59.20anonymouz666it makes things more complicated in case of debugging etc.
19:59.25p3nguinSure there's benefit.
19:59.29p3nguinSIP can't do trunking.
19:59.47anonymouz666I don't need trunking :-)
19:59.58anonymouz666sorry I was speaking on my setup only.
20:00.05p3nguinJust because you don't need it doesn't mean there's no benefit of it.
20:00.23p3nguinBut I'll accept your addendum.
20:01.29anonymouz666_Corey_: do you wanna see some line specifically?
20:02.17*** join/#asterisk drift- (ae3001a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:03.26*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
20:05.44_Corey_anonymouz666: SleepAVG. VMsize, Threads, etc.  just curious w/your concurrent calls
20:08.54*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
20:09.52anonymouz666SleepAVG:       98% VmSize:  1034072 kB Threads:        256 - the calls down to 175 calls
20:10.53*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
20:11.15*** part/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
20:11.38p3nguinHmm, you told me asterisk was using 8G, but it's only using 1G.
20:12.32anonymouz666ahh I told you the result of top command
20:13.04p3nguinEven top wouldn't say asterisk is using 8G if it is only using 1G.
20:13.11*** join/#asterisk afink (~afink@
20:13.25anonymouz666I told you the O.S. usage
20:14.06drift-the man i need to see :D
20:14.18_Corey_anonymouz666: Cool, interesting thx
20:25.49*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
20:29.55anonymouz666_Corey_: I think these indicators will improve, because I have to update this system from 1.4 to 1.8.
20:34.05*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
21:57.32*** join/#asterisk infobot (
21:57.32*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 10.0.0-beta1 (2011/07/22), (2011/07/11), dahdi-linux (2011/04/11), dahdi-tools 2.4.1 (2011/03/03), libpri 1.4.12 (2011/07/06) -=- Visit the new official Asterisk wiki: -=-
21:58.45*** join/#asterisk Tuju (
22:03.28*** join/#asterisk tully` (~tully@
22:04.06tully`is there a way to make asterisk start an EAGI() function but not wait for completion of the script?
22:09.20*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
22:38.54*** join/#asterisk damageless (~damageles@
22:47.16nnyshouldn't Gotoif($[${count}!=1]?trap) mean If number doesn't =1 go to trap?
22:50.15leifmadsennny: yes, unless ${count} is null
22:50.28leifmadsennny: which would make that an invalid statement
22:51.22nnyleifmadsen: ok gotcha
22:52.14leifmadsenGotoIf($["${count}" != 1]?trap) is better, or alternatively if you're counting or comparing using > or <, then you could do something like GotoIf($[0${count} >= 1]?trap)
22:52.50leifmadsen(or check on the preceding line using ISNULL() or EXISTS())
22:53.02nnyleifmadsen: thanks, engineering a doosy here. Have 2 users in a conference, when user B connects, I want to play a sound file only to User A. I am using an originate command and trying to figure out what the channel value is for the meetme room. Heh
22:53.17nnyleifmadsen: yeah just confirming my meetme room has 1 participant
22:56.29nnyany way to see the channel name of a meetme room?
22:58.11leifmadsenmeetme isn't a channel
22:58.18leifmadsenit's just the end point for a channel
22:59.52nnysorry what I mean to ask is see what channel(s) are specifically connected to meetme room X
23:00.00nnyit's a long shot.
23:00.32nnymayeb can just call the app directly from originate
23:00.42nnylet me read up on how originate works
23:00.52nnyit's changed since 1.4
23:01.35*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
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23:03.06nnyleifmadsen: thanks think I have it figured out, some hackery needed
23:09.22*** join/#asterisk shine (
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23:14.19nnyleifmadsen: so GotoIf($[0${count} >= 1]?trap) means if 0 (or 00) or 02 then ? trap else continue?
23:14.39leifmadsennot 02
23:14.39nnyk thanks, i see how that fixes null
23:14.43leifmadsen02 >= 1
23:15.01leifmadsenin that case it returns trap
23:15.05nnywhat about GotoIf($[0${count} != 1]?trap)
23:15.17nny01 != 1?
23:15.23leifmadsenif 01 isn't returns, then true
23:15.24nnyis it literal or case matching?
23:15.29leifmadsenwhat case?
23:15.43leifmadsen01 == 1
23:16.07leifmadsen02 is greater than or equal to 1
23:16.17leifmadsen00 or 02 != 1
23:16.18nnyhmm. yeah but 01 isn't 1
23:16.23leifmadsen01 does equal 1
23:16.25leifmadsenyes it is
23:16.29leifmadsenyou're comparing numbers
23:16.32nnyahh ok
23:16.33leifmadsennot strings
23:16.34nnythat's what I mean
23:16.47leifmadsen000000001 still equals 1
23:16.58nnyyes, that's what I meant by literal
23:17.08leifmadsenyour use of "literal" is incorrect
23:17.12nnyyeah heh
23:17.29nnyI figured that, should have said, is it comparing the string or the number
23:18.11nnyi'll re-read the gotoif section again. Always messes with me (or me with it)
23:25.18*** join/#asterisk Yudaisrael1984 (
23:25.37Yudaisrael1984guys is there anyone who can helkp me with basic linux commands i messed up and i need a fix
23:25.55Yudaisrael1984i wrote by mistake mv /* /var/www/html/test/*
23:26.08Yudaisrael1984and now i cant do anything
23:26.19Yudaisrael1984yet im still in the system
23:26.27Yudaisrael1984is there anyway to mv it back????
23:28.41p3nguinI wish you good luck.
23:28.54Yudaisrael1984damn it
23:29.20p3nguinYou can probably do it using a rescue CD, but I doubt you'll do it on the current session.
23:29.20nnydo this
23:30.01nnyhah maybe /var/www/html/test/bin/mv /var/www/html/test/* /
23:30.03p3nguinYou could try /var/www/html/test/bin/mv /var/www/html/test/* /
23:30.07nnyas in call mv from it's new location
23:30.16nnylol indeed
23:30.19nnyHERE COMES AN S!
23:30.30nnyp3nguin: nice mirrored response, I beat ya though :D
23:30.55Yudaisrael1984tried i get an error
23:31.03p3nguinIf that fails or doesn't work as expected, the rescue CD can certainly help.
23:31.49Yudaisrael1984i get  lib/
23:32.21*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
23:32.25Yudaisrael1984bad elf interpreter
23:33.16drudge`damn keelber elfs
23:33.31drudge`pequnio keebleros, no beuno
23:33.41nnyYudaisrael1984: better to mount a cd and move it with a non toasted os
23:34.39Tujuhow do i force asterisk to send the SIP responses to 5060, instead of return port?
23:40.27*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
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23:49.46p3nguinI would expect it will always send to the standard SIP port of 5060 unless you explicitly tell it to go somewhere else.
23:52.19brdudeI want to get a sip trunk and DID for brazil any idea where I should go. Was looking it up on but the site is down.
23:53.23jeffspeffI'm having a pretty bad brainfart why won't this following line work?  -->  exten=200,n,Dial(201&202&203&204&205&206)   <-- the numbers are extensions defined in another context, and did an include=phone context to make sure the link was there between the two contexts
23:53.23Tujup3nguin: it doesn't
23:53.50Tujurfc says that replys must come back to 5060, but asterisk sends them into UDP src port.
23:54.21Tujuthere is plenty of similar cases in net and something related to this was fixed in asterisk around 1.4
23:55.01*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
23:55.04Tujui found this <voipControlPort>5060</voipControlPort> and set it but it still sends using src port +40k
23:55.14Tujuand asterisk uses those for responses.
23:55.20Tujuwhich are not open in cisco

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