IRC log for #asterisk on 20110720

00:03.11*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
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00:49.50*** join/#asterisk kdmessano (~nonya@unaffiliated/kdmessano)
00:56.15*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:02.10*** join/#asterisk jstapleton (
01:12.58*** part/#asterisk titter (
01:14.29*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
01:19.51*** join/#asterisk johnnyasterisk (~johnnyast@
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01:55.12*** join/#asterisk dms (~Adium@
01:55.33*** join/#asterisk lkthomas (
01:55.35lkthomashey guys
01:55.45lkthomasany free softphone you guys using to test asterisk ?
01:55.51lkthomasx-lite web site can't access now
01:56.39WIMPyOr any of the hundreds of others.
01:57.06lkthomasthanks, let me download it
02:07.16lkthomasWIMPy: first problem, when I setup softphone, it ask for domain username and password
02:07.23lkthomaswhere to set username and password on asterisk ?
02:08.22lkthomasOH, username = extension
02:17.18lkthomaselastix seems good
02:17.27WIMPyCreate a section in sip.conf or iax.conf
02:17.29lkthomasWIMPy: I could register if use username = extension number
02:18.27WIMPySo the evil cracker already knows your usernames and only needs to guess your passwords.
02:18.51lkthomasyou are right, so what should I create on sip.conf ?
02:19.15WIMPyUser some less obvious usernames.
02:40.03lkthomasWIMPy: do you suggest start to learn asterisk using freepbx interface or build from scratch ?
02:42.37*** join/#asterisk jstapleton (
02:43.52WIMPyIf you want to learn Asterisk, forget about the GUIs.
02:44.16WIMPyIf you just want something to do some basic stuff, you can try them.
02:46.18lkthomasI think GUI could give me basic idea on what asterisk could be done, and I have to drill from that
02:47.05*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
02:47.27*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
02:47.34WIMPyMaybe it can give you some hints on what is possible, but maybe not on how to do it. And beware of the diffeering terminology.
02:48.44*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
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02:55.07*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
03:05.41*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
03:05.49*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
03:19.13*** join/#asterisk TJNII (~TJNII@
03:23.41lkthomasWIMPy: I see this on applications.conf: Macro(user-callerid)
03:23.47lkthomaswhere is the Macro defined ?
03:24.31WIMPyOr anything included there.
03:26.39lkthomasI did grep and found out extension is calling macro
03:26.43lkthomasbut nothing define that macro
03:30.29lkthomasno wait
03:30.35lkthomasI seems found something
03:33.38DrDigitalis there a way for ip-pbx systems to work with cell phones? like in actually providing them service?
03:33.59DrDigitallike if i bought a radio and an antenna and put it on a building
03:34.07DrDigitalto service the building
03:39.53*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
03:41.11*** join/#asterisk emsLinux (
03:42.25emsLinuxGood night people, any of you guys know if there is any issue with Grandstream HandyTone 502 ATAs connecting to the last version of Asterisk, no matter what i do, can't make it register to my server.
03:45.16lkthomasemsLinux: I am sorry that I am a newbie on VOIP, but did you check asterisk log and ATA log as well ?
03:52.10lkthomasI am confused with Macro()
03:52.29lkthomasis it a subfunction to do decision making point if I send the user to a Macro() ?
03:57.53*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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04:02.05kaldemarlkthomas: Macro is a dialplan application that executes a block of dialplan code.
04:02.31kaldemaremsLinux: what does CLI say with verbosity and sip debug enabled?
04:02.34*** join/#asterisk jstapleton (
04:03.37lkthomasisn't include() already does what it suppose to do ?
04:04.09kaldemarlkthomas: Macro(foo) will execute "exten => s" in [macro-foo].
04:04.32lkthomassorry, what extern => s do ?
04:04.46kaldemarlkthomas: no. include, not include(). include doesn't execute anything, it just includes a context to another one.
04:05.04lkthomasI see
04:05.10lkthomasso it's like a subfunction
04:05.14kaldemarexten, not extern. it doesn't do anything, it is a part of an extension definition.
04:06.35*** join/#asterisk gxdssoft (~gxdssoft@
04:12.09*** join/#asterisk galaxywatcher (~galaxywat@pdpc/supporter/active/galaxywatcher)
04:23.02samandirielHullo there... quick question about variable scope.  If I use GOSUB to call a routine in a completely different context, and both contexts have a variable with the same name... can the GOSUB overwrite the value of the variable with the same name in the calling context?
04:23.24samandirielI thought the context variable scope stayed separate, but it looks like it doesn't...
04:26.20*** join/#asterisk Rufus (Rufus@unaffiliated/rufus)
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04:32.41kaldemarsamandiriel: yes, it can overwrite it. contexts do not separate variable spaces, channels do.
04:33.13samandirielooo, poop. now I know where some subtle bugs have been coming from. thanks kaldemar
04:34.38samandirielI think I will go back and namespace all my variables by tossing the context name on the end of them...
04:36.09lkthomasguys, when I dial *97, it goes to my voice mail, then ask for password
04:36.23lkthomasbut I can't find where in extension config asking for password
04:38.00lkthomasif I am not wrong, this should be core function when I call *97
04:38.23samandirielpossibly happening in one of the macros?
04:39.58*** join/#asterisk tyman_ (
04:42.19lkthomaswould it be in VoiceMailMain() ?
04:42.23lkthomasit seems a predefiend function
04:42.50*** join/#asterisk tyman (
04:43.15samandirielah, yes, that's likely it
04:43.31lkthomasI didn't know there is a voicemail function
04:43.31samandirielyou can pass an option to voicemail to suppress password I think
04:43.59lkthomasasterisk book tell me that need to be DIY instead
04:44.22samandirielif you put an 's' in front it will skipp asking for the password
04:44.44lkthomasyou mean like voicemailmain(s) ?
04:44.56samandirielyou have to have the mailbox number in front
04:45.01samandirielI mean after
04:45.02samandirielthe s
04:45.08lkthomasI am confused
04:45.14lkthomascurrent config is like this:
04:45.18lkthomasexten => *97,n,VoiceMailMain()
04:45.25lkthomasnothing in the bracket
04:45.33lkthomashow should I modify it ?
04:46.04samandirieltry exten => *97,n,VoiceMailMain(s${EXTEN})
04:48.01*** join/#asterisk therealjimcroce (~jorixYdSB@bugle01.orchestra.cse.unsw.EDU.AU)
04:52.08kaldemarmore like VoiceMailMain(5000,s)
04:52.59kaldemar*97,n,VoiceMailMain(s${EXTEN}) would expect the mailbox to be "s*97", and ask for a password.
04:53.10samandirielI think both would work... just was scrolling down, the first is the older version pre 1.2
04:53.20kaldemarcore show application VoiceMailMain
04:53.27lkthomasgod damn
04:53.34samandirielfie... well, serves me right for trying to helpful :P
04:53.41lkthomasI am not sure what I have done, but after I key in password, it disconnect
04:53.57kaldemarthat's why you shouldn't use voip-info as a command reference. it's the last place you should look for syntax.
04:54.33samandirielwhat's a better resource then?
04:54.53kaldemarquite a bit of the information there is outdated and written for some other version.
04:55.23kaldemarapplication documentation in asterisk itself is the best resource. you'll always get the syntax for the version you're currently using.
04:55.48kaldemarin CLI, "core show applications" and "core show application <application>"
04:56.15samandirielI find helpful, but lacking in examples. some of the stuff is obtuse without a working example
04:56.37samandirielI think that the wiki and core show have very similar / the same info?
04:56.57*** join/#asterisk c0dyhi11 (
05:00.51kaldemarsamandiriel: yes, but the wiki has the information for the newest version, which you might not use.
05:01.05lkthomasit still ask for password
05:01.05kaldemarsamandiriel: and the wiki also has mistakes.
05:01.33kaldemarlkthomas: what do you see in CLI when making a call?
05:01.41c0dyhi11Hello, I have an AEX808E equiped with the VPMADT032 echo cancellation module. I just installed AsteriskNow and when the system boots it throws quite a few errors when it comes to DAHDI
05:01.57*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
05:02.09lkthomasno, do I need to enable debug mode on cli or something ?
05:02.09c0dyhi11I did a yum update to get the lates versoin of everything but it is still throwing errors.
05:02.38kaldemarlkthomas: "core set verbose 10"
05:02.40samandirielkaldemar: thanks. I'm using 1.8, so it should be pretty congruent. as for mistakes, I can probably live with them... what's nice about the wiki is that it also shows them all in a nice list, which makes it easy to read and discover new functions.  I have definitely been taking EVERYTHING with a grain of salt, tho!!!
05:02.42c0dyhi11I looked at the card and it has 3 red LEDs light up on the echo canceller
05:03.10c0dyhi11does anyone know what those red LEDs mean?
05:05.25lkthomaskaldemar: it does not pass s into function
05:08.16kaldemarlkthomas: pastebin what you see in CLI.
05:08.18infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
05:09.31ChannelZDoes Android support the 'gsm in wav' codec for voicemails?
05:09.52lkthomasthis is stupid
05:10.05lkthomasI comment out voicemailmain() and voicemail still working
05:10.15lkthomasso it does not seems to be that function I am modifing
05:10.22lkthomaskaldemar: let me pastebin it
05:13.11lkthomaswhat is 106 means
05:13.29kaldemarlkthomas: either you commented it out in the wrong place or did not reload dialplan after you did it.
05:13.38kaldemar106 is a priority.
05:13.42infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
05:13.56kaldemarlkthomas: ^ that will tell you more.
05:14.15samandirielI'll second that - that book has been VERY helpful to me
05:15.14lkthomasinclude => from-internal-xfer
05:15.14lkthomasinclude => bad-number
05:15.31lkthomasso I have to track down on from-internal-xfer ?
05:15.52lkthomasit doesn't seems to be there
05:16.58kaldemarlkthomas: what are you trying to do?
05:17.26kaldemarlkthomas: are you trying to learn asterisk or torture yourself with freepbx configs for the fun of it?
05:18.01lkthomasmy company said we are going to use freepbx and do modify on it
05:18.11lkthomasbefore I could modify, I want to understand logic of the core piece
05:18.59samandiriellkthomas: I feel your pain there... I'm doing much the same thing. While some of the stuff has been good examples, I've quickly come to the conclusion that if you need to mod stuff freepbx is more a hindrance than anything
05:19.12lkthomasI know
05:19.16lkthomasbut I don't make this decision
05:19.24lkthomashow could I do detail trace here
05:19.45lkthomaspirority is hard to chase as all using "n"
05:20.28samandirielwhen you're in the asterisk CLI, turn up the verbosity just like kaldemar said to
05:20.37lkthomasit's on 10 now
05:21.13samandirielI'm using putty and I capture it all to a file; I find it easier to go thru the debug in the file than in my terminal window
05:21.27lkthomassamandiriel: it's on pastebin now
05:22.54kaldemarlkthomas: you better hang around in #freepbx then. freepbx is not supported on this channel and people here tend to avoid tinkering with it.
05:23.34lkthomasI will ask on freepbx channel, but how do you do trace on such situation ?
05:23.39lkthomasit's generate asterisk question
05:24.31samandirielyou're already tracing if you're watching commands fly by in the CLI lkthomas
05:24.46kaldemarlkthomas: you already did. there is an extension *97 in the context from-internal with priority 106 that has the VoiceMailMain app.
05:25.10lkthomasnow if priority is using "n", how could you trace down what is 106 ?
05:26.34kaldemarthe 106 is most likely 106 and not "n". otherwise there would have to be at least 106 priorities in the extension, which would be idiotic. but, you would count up from the previous numbered priority, be it 1 or something else.
05:27.22lkthomasso if it call multiple macros, I have to follow the code as well ?!
05:28.16samandirielyup. thru oodles and oodles of files and loops
05:28.31lkthomasI found the core function
05:28.35lkthomasit's 3lines away
05:28.52lkthomasexten => *97,n,VoiceMailMain() <--- but I still don't understand what is it use for
05:28.58lkthomasit just call without variable
05:29.00*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (~freeman@
05:29.45samandirielhave you read the book? it really does help a lot: ~book
05:29.57infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
05:30.33lkthomasI am reading book and playing with asterisk
05:30.41lkthomasthrowing books to me doesn't help my friend
05:31.51samandirielyou can call a function without a variable, btw.  depends on the function
05:32.17lkthomasI know, my question is that when you call voicemailmain() without variable, what would happen
05:32.25lkthomasit seems hangup to me now because I just tested
05:32.48kaldemarlkthomas: you would know what VoiceMailMain() does if you read the application documentation. "core show application VoiceMailMain"
05:32.53samandirielwhen I do it, it asks me for a password.  providing of course that you have voicemail set up for that extension in freepbx
05:33.42samandirielkaldemar: I think freepbx is probably getting in the way, just like it does for me
05:33.52kaldemarsamandiriel: it does not ask for a password, it asks for a mailbox.
05:34.05samandirielall that crap it sets for you in the background, trying to be 'helpful'... much likes windows :P
05:34.07lkthomasfunny thing is that it doesn't
05:34.38samandirielkaldemar: I have mine set up to put the extension number in based on callerid :)
05:35.39samandirielhard to keep track of what I have fiddled and what I haven't....
05:35.41*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
05:36.35lkthomasexten => *97,check+101(mbexist),VoiceMailMain(${AMPUSER}@${VMCONTEXT},s) <--- on this function, priority is defined by current priority + 101 ?
05:36.58lkthomascheck+101(mbexist) <--- what is this means ?
05:37.14samandiriel"does the mailbox exist"
05:37.26samandirielwould be my guess
05:37.46lkthomaslet me think
05:37.53kaldemarmbexist is a label
05:38.15lkthomaswhat does it do this this line ?
05:38.26lkthomasadd more numbers to priority ?
05:41.40lkthomaskaldemar: is it possible to "Echo" mbexist value on CLI during execution ?
05:43.06kaldemarlkthomas: it is invalid syntax.
05:43.27lkthomaskaldemar: why invalid ?
05:43.32kaldemarlkthomas: mbexist is not a variable, it is just a label. it doesn't have a value.
05:43.53lkthomasok, so it does not have any useful meaning in the program right ?
05:43.59kaldemarlkthomas: a priority is a number or "n", with or without a label. other crap like that is invalid.
05:45.21kaldemarlkthomas: no, unless the version of asterisk is modified to interpret it in some way.
05:45.57lkthomasok, because I don't get what you mean as a "label"
05:49.11*** join/#asterisk dadad (
05:52.33wdoekes2lkthomas: you can jump to a number or to a label -- which is just an alias for that number
05:52.41kaldemarexten => <extension>,<priority[(<label>)]>,<application>
05:53.21lkthomasI see
05:54.37wdoekes2having said that.. normally, you don't use numbers, except for '1'.. you use 'n'.. and labels if you want to jump to anywhere else than 1
05:55.16lkthomasso it I have 1 -> n -> n(three), next time I could call three and will jump to number 3 of n ?
05:56.04wdoekes23 of n? if you jump to three or 3 you go to the same place
05:56.10lkthomasexten => *97,n,GotoIf($["${VMBOXEXISTSSTATUS}" = "SUCCESS"]?mbexist)
05:56.13lkthomasright on
05:56.30lkthomasso if vmboxexist  = success, jump to mbexist line
05:56.41lkthomaswhich is exten => *97,check+101(mbexist),VoiceMailMain(${AMPUSER}@${VMCONTEXT},s)
05:57.07lkthomasstart to understand the structure now :P
05:57.12wdoekes2if you remove the garbage, like kaldemar said
05:58.25lkthomashey, my boss also ask me to look into voice recording, what is this ?
05:58.57wdoekes2the Monitor app?
05:59.31wdoekes2or Record, depending on what your boss means ;)
05:59.38lkthomasOH, it record the conversation right ?
05:59.49wdoekes2CLI> core show applications
05:59.54wdoekes2CLI> core show application SomeApplication
06:02.42lkthomasI see
06:02.46lkthomasMonitor apps :P
06:02.57lkthomasso powerful my friend
06:14.53*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
06:17.34*** join/#asterisk irroot (
06:21.06irrootmorning trying something intresting with G+ posting my * changes to the company and digium circles lets see how it works
06:22.28*** join/#asterisk dmz (~dmz@
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06:40.09dadadHi. May I ask? When closed issue will be accepted to release?
06:40.49ChannelZthe next time usually
06:45.26wasanzyKaldemar: hello good morning
06:48.50*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
06:49.36kaldemarwasanzy: morning. i took a look at your interface dumps, and it did not look normal. there was only packets from .94 to .11. so there was no audio going from .11 to .94. see that the phone is not on mute and the microphone works and there is no silence suppression or something similar enabled.
06:50.13CobadolIts closed 8 July but not appear in 1.8.5. I need to wait 1.8.6 version, i guess? What date of 1.8.6 release (aproximately)?
06:51.05*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
06:53.00wasanzykaldemar:  thank you very much. but I will pastebin my sip.conf for you again while I wait for the other guys to come in so I can use their machine for the test
06:55.02wasanzyhere is my sip.conf:
06:55.34wasanzybut one thing is that, the two machines are able to talk on skype voip correctly
06:57.17kaldemarwasanzy: well, on skype you're using a different software and a totally different network scenario and protocols. so that really only proves that the machines have working audio input/output, nothing more.
06:58.27wasanzyok, can you look at my conf, maybe some thing might be wrong with it
06:58.29kaldemarwasanzy: no need to have both directmedia and canreinvite. canreinvite is an old name for the same option.
06:58.52wasanzyoh ok
06:58.59*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:58.59wasanzyI will change that then
06:59.56wasanzycould that be the problem?
07:00.06*** join/#asterisk MariusAgon (~MariusAgo@
07:00.23kaldemarthere is nothing wrong with config. you could try to set directmedia=no for the peers to have the audio go through asterisk.
07:00.35kaldemarhaving both directmedia and canreinvite is not the problem.
07:01.17kaldemarthe problem is not asterisk, it is twinkle, firewall on the machines or your network.
07:01.42wasanzyoh ok good
07:02.22wasanzyI will check the twinkle's codec or the machines to disable firewall then
07:05.26kaldemartwinkle's codec is not likely to be a problem since they both know the same codecs. but you should enable disallow and allow lines in sip.conf.
07:06.53wasanzydisallow and allow you mean the codecs part in the conf?
07:08.25lkthomasanyone using voicwmailmain() ?
07:10.43wasanzykaldemar: which  of the codecs is best to use?
07:13.09kaldemarwasanzy: yes, the codecs part. what is the best one depends on what you want. if you want low bandwidth usage, continue with gsm, if you want better audio quality, use alaw or ulaw.
07:13.30kaldemarlkthomas: what do you want to know?
07:16.08wasanzyKaldemar: thank you
07:16.26wasanzyI will try all this options can get back to you
07:19.16*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
07:24.25lkthomaskaldemar: what if I want to change the menu structure of voicemailmain(), how could I do that
07:25.08lkthomasreboot computer
07:26.09*** join/#asterisk lkthomas (
07:26.16Cobadollkthomas: may be wrong, but change structure of menu by changing source code only.
07:26.21kaldemarlkthomas: by changing the application source code (app_voicemail.c) and recompiling the module.
07:27.39lkthomasthat's complicated, LOL
07:28.18lkthomaslet's try to change apache source code if I want to add a word on web :P kidding :P
07:29.24kaldemarlkthomas: maybe minivm suits your needs better.
07:30.04kaldemarcore show applications like Minivm, core show functions like MINIVM
07:31.20kaldemarlkthomas: if you only want to change the voice prompts, you can record your own. :)
07:34.15CobadolI have to compile module pbx.c on virtual machine and copy compiled module to real similar (mean from same distrib - AsteriskNOW) computer. But it havn't work well. Asterisk starts, but dialplan is not loaded. Can you idvise me where search a problem?
07:41.07kaldemarCobadol: do you see any warnings or errors when starting asterisk with "asterisk -vvvc"?
07:46.23Cobadolkaldemar: Maybe, but not really matters. I mean where's no restrictions to change right compiled (with take in mind OS version, hardware) module with old one, right? No CRC, other checks for modules?
07:48.07kaldemarif it's built in the same architecture and against compatible headers, it should work.
07:48.39kaldemarasterisk will tell you if it doesn't like a module.
07:49.30lkthomasmost of the shit already in elastix
07:49.31Cobadolkaldemar: Ok. Thanks. I can't take any information now. Asterisk in work.
08:10.47*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
08:11.28*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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08:12.43lkthomasI have a question on DID
08:13.08lkthomasif I get DID number from third party provider
08:13.22lkthomasso when user dial from worldwide to my number, they have to pay long distance ?
08:15.03kaldemarlkthomas: depends on where they dial from and where the provider has their PSTN termination.
08:15.18lkthomasso there is no catch all DID provider right ?
08:15.40lkthomasI mean, is it possible to get a DID which call everywhere with same price as local phone call ?
08:15.59*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:16.33kaldemarnot possible. that's pretty much why you'd want to use VoIP over the internet in the first place.
08:16.34*** join/#asterisk Eye_Trust_No1 (~Eye_Trust@
08:17.48lkthomaskaldemar: ok, and also, is it the best thing to do is to put asterisk box which is same location as DID termination to lower down latency ?
08:18.38kaldemardepends on what you do with the box.
08:19.23lkthomasbut if I get DID with USA number then I put the asterisk box in china, user dial DID will route from USA to china and back to USA, am I correct ?
08:20.17lkthomas <--- what is extra channel means? same DID number with 2 channel which means two person could be on the same line?
08:20.35kaldemarit will go from USA to china, the rest is up to you.
08:21.23kaldemarlkthomas: read the lower part of the page.
08:21.56lkthomasso 2 simultanious call means two person could call and answer at the same time
08:22.05lkthomasextra channel cost a lot
08:22.31kaldemartwo simultaneous calls between the provider and what you use to connect to them.
08:24.10*** join/#asterisk bratner (~bratner@
08:24.30lkthomaskaldemar: are we talking about same number ?
08:25.55bratnerhi all! i have an incoming sip call and i want to dial back through the same SIP/channel<num> it came from. is there a dialplan variable that might help me?
08:26.03lkthomaskaldemar: how could I test my pbx if I got a US DID ?
08:26.08lkthomasI am not in USA :P
08:30.18kaldemarit doesn't matter where you are.
08:31.33lkthomasI just want to test pbx
08:31.55lkthomasI call will charge long distance fee
08:31.56*** join/#asterisk xSmurf (~MrSmurf@unaffiliated/mrsmurf)
08:32.13kaldemarbratner: func CHANNEL has a name field that will output the current channel. either parse ${CHANNEL(name)} or use SIP/${CHANNEL(peername)} or what suits you best.
08:33.13bratnerkaldemar, thanks!
08:33.16kaldemarlkthomas: you don't need a DID to test your PBX. use a voip phone to dial in it. if you want to test it with a DID, just connect to an ITSP with your asterisk.
08:33.39lkthomasITSP ?
08:34.15kaldemarinternet telephony service provider
08:34.28lkthomassuch as ?
08:34.29kaldemarsee and especially "Connecting an Asterisk system to a SIP provider"
08:34.38infobotitsp-list is, like, Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , , , ,
08:36.19lkthomasall are not free , haha
08:37.42tamiellkthomas: maybe try with IPKALL
08:38.09kaldemarlkthomas: you can't expect everything to be free.
08:38.46lkthomaskaldemar: one question, does anyone put their mobile phone sim act like a trunk ?
08:40.18lkthomasit's possible!
08:41.17kaldemaryes, by chan_mobile with a phone through bluetooth or chan_datacard with a USB-connected modem.
08:41.33lkthomasis it mature now? that post was couple years ago
08:44.49kaldemardon't know about maturity. i've tried chan_mobile briefly and it seemed to work.
08:45.18lkthomascool! did you ask cellular phone provider to do special configuration on this or just normal sim card would work ?
08:48.57kaldemarnothing special was needed, just used my cell phone.
08:49.04lkthomasheh, ok
08:50.49*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:52.17lkthomasany max participants on conference limit on asterisk ?
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08:56.34kaldemarlkthomas: nothing programmed in. resources determine that.
08:57.15lkthomasI start to love asterisk
08:57.27lkthomasfirst time I am able to setup my phone system in my life, haha
08:59.35lkthomaswhat is a call routing means ?!
09:00.27*** join/#asterisk ironm (
09:07.14Nasgalkthomas: like networking routing, you receive a call and you can forward it in différents dialplan/gateways...
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09:08.24bandittiare there any tricks to asterisk and a polycom IP4000?  I have been pissing with this turn for a day and a half
09:11.52bandittinevermind, just got it!
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09:48.26CadeyHi guys, anyone in the UK intrested in buying some used Aastra 57i's ? we have 65 potentialy being sold soon
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10:13.29CobadolDo anyone know when could be next asterisk release?
10:13.50irrootCobadol 1.8 or 1.10 ??
10:14.02irroot1.8.6 is in "sprint"
10:14.38CobadolWhat does it mean "sprint"?
10:14.59kaldemarRC of 1.8.6 comes next week, maybe.
10:15.01irrootmerging of outstanding patches and fixes
10:15.09irrootmaybe not :P
10:15.25jacc0irroot: is my patch going to be in there (the app_originate one)
10:15.26irrootCobadol why you ask
10:15.56irrootjacc0 possible what is the ref on it again
10:16.34Cobadol)) ok. thanks. Wait my patch (closed issue)
10:19.23irrootjacc0 yeah needs a "fixed" patch
10:19.36irrootonce the change to sscanf is made should be good to go
10:19.59irrootbut not for 1.8 as it introduces a new "feature"
10:20.16irrootwith 1.10 close 1.8 is getting more frozen
10:24.51irrootCobadol can use SVN ?? checkout /branches/1.8
10:25.23*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
10:25.52Polysicsi have a freshly installed machine where when i connect using asterisk -rvvvvvv i basically do not see anything in the console
10:25.55Polysicsasterisk 1.8
10:26.05Polysicsmy first 1.8 install, does it act different?
10:26.24Polysicsi have no links and need to start it through /usr/sbin/asterisk but that is probably correct
10:28.10Polysicsmight it be that this asterisk is running as root?
10:28.54jacc0type: core show uptime
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10:29.07jacc0to see how long it has been running
10:29.41jacc0if there are no incomming calls you basicly see nothing in the CLI
10:30.31jacc0what does "basicly nothing" meen? what do you see if you do : asterisk -rvvvvvv
10:30.36jacc0(pastebin it pls)
10:30.56Polysicsjacc0, nothing at all, nothing to pastebin
10:31.04Polysicsif i write commands they do show though
10:31.11Polysicssuch as sip show peers, it does show them
10:31.41jacc0okay, then it is running
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10:32.12jacc0afet running asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv you should see something like : Asterisk, Copyright (C) 1999 - 2011 Digium, Inc. and others.
10:32.19jacc0at the first line
10:32.21Polysicsi do calls, echo tests, everything
10:32.55Polysicsat verbosity 46 i still do not see anything
10:32.57jacc0you don't even see a prompt?
10:33.07Polysicsjust the prompt
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10:33.21Polysicswhat's fun is that is i enable sip debug , which normally swamps me, i get no output
10:33.41jacc0use "tshark -R sip" if there is any incomming sip trafic at alll
10:33.59Polysicscalls work
10:34.21jacc0maybe the calls you make are going to some other server? you could be mistaking ; try tshark
10:34.24Polysicsso there has to be SIP traffic
10:34.51jacc0assumtion is the mother of....
10:36.08Cobadolirroot: yes. changes are there. I not yet familar with opensource code approving. :-[
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10:37.40irrootCobadol ah ok you using source build or package ?? it takes a while after the final release for packages to be put up by maintainers
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11:21.09Dovidhi. is there any way to have asterisk liste on two IP's ? i have 4 IP's on the box but want asterisk to only listen to 2
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11:21.56Dovidhello irroot
11:22.11irrootyo there connex problems
11:22.25leifmadsenDovid: no
11:22.38leifmadsenDovid: it's either listen on all 4 interfaces, or 1 interface
11:22.53leifmadsenalthough you could listen with UDP on one interface and TCP on another
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11:23.54DovidI have OpenSIPS on the same box. i need OpenSipS to take 2 and then Asterisk to take another 2
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11:25.46leifmadsenDovid: then you will need to modify the source of Asterisk
11:27.31Dovidleifmadsen: Any pointers on how to do it?
11:27.40leifmadsenno, because it's not possible without changing the source
11:27.50leifmadsen(and I have no idea what to change in the source)
11:28.17Dovidok. thanks a lot
11:29.11kaldemartry redirecting incoming traffic to ports 5060 to different interfaces to some other ports that asterisk and opensips listen to.
11:31.18Cobadolirroot: package. with 'yum' updating (asteriskNOW)
11:32.17wasanzykaldemar: I did the test once again and this time too. it didn't work. the tcpdump:
11:47.50*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
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11:51.34aberriosis "core show locks" removed in 1.8?
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11:51.46aberriostrying to find a reference
11:52.53aberriosah DEBUG_THREADS....
11:56.10Cobadolirroot: Now I think that if I had a free time, its better for me to solve problem with substituting module from virtual machine to real, than wait for package release ) thanks
11:59.10*** join/#asterisk kilgorex (
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12:14.32Cadeyanyone interested in some Aastra 57i hand sets?
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12:23.27chuckffor free?
12:23.30euphor][ahi guys, having trouble starting zaptel, I get "ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: Inappropriate ioctl for device (25)"
12:23.36euphor][atried googling but not found anything useful
12:23.47euphor][aany ideas please? :)
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12:38.02Cadeychuckf : no lol not for free :)
12:38.18Cadeychuckf : we are replacing 65 of them potentialy
12:38.46kaiieuphor][a: your config is wrong ;-)
12:42.05CadeyHumm quick question. I have set the language in general to en_gb so we heard the sounds with an english accent, however we receive all of our incomming calls over an open sip tunnel which isnt defined in sip.conf which means our custeomrs are hearing the default american accent
12:42.20Cadeyhow can we change what sounds are the default with out over ridding the actual sound files?
12:42.57Cadeyvoicemail sounds
12:44.01wasanzyKaldemar: are you there?
12:45.42kaldemarwasanzy: yes
12:46.10wasanzyhave you looked at my latest tcpdump?
12:46.22kaldemarnothing new there.
12:46.28wasanzyis the same thing though. I am right now confuse
12:47.20wasanzyam going to direct the audios through the asterisk when am done installing my virtualbox
12:47.27CobadolCadey: and where this incoming sip tunnel defined?
12:48.50Cadeyits not defined Coladol
12:49.01Cadeythey simply point calls to our IP and we accept them
12:49.21Cadeyits not a peer you see
12:50.57kaldemaris something preventing you from making a peer that matches those calls?
12:52.35Cadeyyeah, its how they do it as its a wholesale agreement
12:54.57Cadeymay be its a flag we can send to the Voicemail app in the dial plan
12:57.55Cadeyarr harrr
12:57.57Cadeythanks leig
12:58.07wasanzyKaldemar: Am trying to configure one of the account on a machine which is not in the same network with asterisk and for matter, a different ISP is providing Internet for that machine, and now, I am getting service unavailable or if I use the public IP, I get request timed out. How can I deal with this?
12:58.35wasanzyI already done port forwarding in the router pointing to the asterisk server
12:58.50infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the WIKI at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, canreinvite, externhost or externip, and localnet.
13:06.16aberrioswhen changing iaxmaxthreadcount and iaxthreadcount, after a reload cli says its ingoring the new settings. Is the change only applied after a restart?
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13:07.39leifmadsenaberrios: sounds like it -- module unload then module load
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13:39.06euphor][akaii: config looks sane, have auto-generated one too and that didn't work -- could I post config to channel? :)
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14:15.22asteriskATmarmuDwhat would be the easiest way to connect a inhouse sip phone to an external number from "outside" (via some kind of script)?
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14:24.56JonathanRoseI take it a call file doesn't meet your fancy.
14:25.40asteriskATmarmuDno, moving a call file isn't what I am looking for ;)
14:26.33asteriskATmarmuDmore an AGI script with parameter, e.g. 1. parameter = internal sip-phone to call, 2. parameter external phone to call...
14:26.35WIMPyasterisk -rx
14:26.44JonathanRoseI would have thought AMI as well, but I'm not sure what the problem is exactly.
14:26.57asteriskATmarmuDok, gotta look for the difference of AGI and AMI (Asterisk manager interface) as far as I remember
14:26.58filean AGI script requires a call to be in progress
14:27.02WIMPyAGIs are calld from the dialplan i.e. on an already existing call.
14:27.19asteriskATmarmuDa of course, forgot that
14:27.31asteriskATmarmuDusing a lot of AGI in the dialplan.. ok, so AMI
14:28.39asteriskATmarmuDok, how to call an internal sip phone and connect that to a given number... we want to trigger this process from another server
14:29.22JonathanRoseWell, you could originate the channel to an extension that calls the number.
14:29.30irrootfile AGI can be run from h exten after the call has ended ...
14:29.34JonathanRoseI'm not sure if that would do it at the same time or not though.
14:29.42fileirroot, the call is still active within Asterisk
14:29.48filea channel still exists
14:30.52JonathanRoseBut yeah, you could combine originate with the dialplan to make the call to the first phone, then once it picks up, you could dial out to the number you want.
14:31.55JonathanRoseAnd AMI works remotely as long as you can connect to the server you set it up on at the port you set it to use.
14:32.04WIMPyis not sure, what the exact scenatio is like.
14:32.29JonathanRoseI'm guessing he wants to call an inside line from Asterisk and then once inside line picks up, he wants Asterisk to connect it to something outside.
14:32.41asteriskATmarmuDok, I think it would be great not to use the dial plan. AMI would be great. any examples (online) on how to do what I mentioned
14:32.48asteriskATmarmuDJonathanRose: exactly
14:33.34JonathanRoseWhy don't you want to use the dialplan at all?  You can make it totally distinct from the rest of the dialplan just by throwing it in its own context and using that context as one of your arguments for originate.
14:33.45WIMPyOnce it picks up? I.e. put the caller, the callee and an external to a conference?
14:34.08JonathanRoseI don't think he mentioned anything about conferences.
14:34.26asteriskATmarmuDWIMPy: yes, meetme room would be nice
14:34.38WIMPyI know, but The "picks up" patr doesn't make sense to me.
14:34.59WIMPyYou can do that entirely from the dialplan, I think.
14:35.33WIMPyBut AMI might be easier, if you can do some socket communication.
14:35.39asteriskATmarmuDWIMPy: meetme is not needed, can't use the dialplan, since this should be triggered from the outside (another server in our network)
14:35.52asteriskATmarmuDWIMPy: sockets are great :)
14:36.10JonathanRoseThe fact that it's triggered from outside the network doesn't mean you can't use the dialplan at all.
14:36.18WIMPyOk, back to the original question: What's the exact scenatio?
14:36.31WIMPyNow I thought the internal phone being picked up is the trigger.
14:36.55WIMPyis being picked up in a few minutes as well, BTW.
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14:39.04c4rgyo, does anyone know what REASON channel variable = 0 means, when an outgoing call is generated by placing a file in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing?
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15:04.38ssureshotclarify this statement.... .Incoming Telephone Line or PABX Station is an FXO device ?
15:05.01ssureshoterr that sounds wrong... lol let me fix it
15:05.18Chainsawssureshot: I was about to say, that sets off the ambiguous input alarms everywhere.
15:06.49ssureshotthe manual for my  pa system States this for the phone port "Incoming Telephone Line or PABX Station"
15:07.06ssureshotso I believe that is an FXO
15:09.50ssureshotBasically I need to know what typ of device this is,, I believe its an fxo device... ...
15:10.14ssureshotlast two pages show the phone port
15:12.23asteriskATmarmuDthanks for your help guys, had to leave the desk... will try my best and come back for help if needed :)
15:13.12_Corey_ssureshot: Looks like that's designed to be plugged into an FXS port
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15:30.33malcolmdagree.  that's an fxo device, it accepts ring voltage.
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15:35.28spckDoes anyone know of any tools/solutions to make provisioning phones easier?
15:35.48valeraspck: dhcp :)
15:36.43Chainsawspck: I use a PHP script (my Polycoms provision over HTTP).
15:37.00valeraor just curl
15:37.05*** join/#asterisk raden (
15:37.30radenwhat would be the difference between a IP phone and SIP phone ?  aastra has them classified seperately on there website
15:38.03malcolmdmaybe one doesn't support SIP (MGCP, H.323?) while the other one does?
15:39.48valeraraden: whats in the specs ? short diff
15:40.04ssureshot_Corey_: got it,, then guess Ill make my purchase and cross my fingers lol
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15:40.36_Corey_ssureshot: Valcom and Bogen usually have pre-sales engineering support, so if you're still unsure you can probably call and ask
15:42.00ssureshotah good call, thank you
15:42.25spcki get the whole provisioning thing myself but i want to make easier for those working the help desk to use
15:48.31*** join/#asterisk TheJA (~johnnyast@
15:49.10MrTelephoneSome phones use IP but have a proprietary communication protocol or use MGCP/H323 only
15:49.22MrTelephoneIf cisco had their way SIP wouldn't even exist anymore :(
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15:53.53b0otin the voicemail.conf do you specify the number or username
15:54.12b0otfor the format
15:55.12wasanzyKaldemar: are you there please?
15:57.16wasanzyI set directmedia to no and got this error when calling from my vitualbox:
15:57.40wasanzythat is actually my rtp debug on the asterisk server
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16:12.32wasanzyKaldemar: are you there please?
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16:41.45ChannelZOH HAI!
16:41.54wasanzywhat is this error about in rtp debug?
16:42.09wasanzybecause my sound is still not working
16:42.38ChannelZwell your SIP probably isn't either
16:43.13ChannelZIt basically means it got no response to a message.. either because the response didn't make it back, or the original request never got to the other end in the first place
16:43.54MrTelephoneWhen you use asterisk realtime do the peers only show up 'sip show users/peers' when they register?
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16:44.41billmaniaIn asterisk, is it a separate module which parses logger.conf and writes to the queue_log file or is it part of the "main" functionality?
16:46.08wasanzyplease some body help me
16:47.30ChannelZwasanzy: you have networking problems
16:48.14ChannelZbillmania: logging in general I believe is in core
16:48.24ChannelZbillmania: what is your actual problem?
16:48.53billmaniaThe file /var/log/asterisk/queue_log never gets created and there is no entry in /var/log/asterisk/verbose stating "parsing logger.conf".
16:49.09billmaniaWhen the dialplan calls QueueLog(), there is no complaint however.
16:50.27*** join/#asterisk Ehsanfzali (5b62a1ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:50.45EhsanfzaliHi there,
16:51.00EhsanfzaliAnyone used any voicexml browser with asterisk?
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16:51.23EhsanfzaliI want to know which one should I use? Voxy, Voiceglue or VXI*
16:52.26irrootbillmania queue_log is in app_queue and can be realtime ...
16:53.14billmaniairroot: Is app_queue module still able to write to the file queue_log?
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16:53.43ChannelZbillmania: make sure /var/log/asterisk is accessable by whatever user your asterisk runs as
16:53.55irrootast_queue_log <- the heart is in main/logger
16:54.13billmaniaChannelZ: Way ahead of you. Permissions are wide open on that directory.
16:54.46ChannelZwhat does 'logger show channels' tell you?
16:55.40billmaniaLooking …
16:56.39EhsanfzaliHello!!! no one knows about VoiceXML support in asterisk?
16:56.59ChannelZEhsanfzali: Apparently no one whose currently listening, no
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16:58.31irrootbillmania in the general section of logger.conf set queue_log and queue_log_to_file and queue_log_name
16:58.37billmaniaChannelZ: The five files in /var/log/asterisk: debug, fax, dtmf, verbose and full.
16:58.41ChannelZand wasanzy's network problems grow
16:58.59irrootwasanzy has a  notwork
16:59.05ChannelZheh indeed
16:59.58ChannelZbillmania: assuming queue_log and queue_log_name is not commented out and/or set incorrectly such that they're not getting parsed, not sure.
17:00.03*** join/#asterisk wasanzy (~emmanuel@
17:00.13irrootChannelZ got contracted to fix a botched job about 100km away the installer created a Vlan with a duplicate ip/range of the default network ....
17:00.58ChannelZWhere do I route these packets?  Wherever!
17:01.01billmaniairroot: My /etc/asterisk/logger.conf has, in the [general] section:
17:01.01billmaniaqueue_log = yes
17:01.02billmaniaqueue_log_to_file = yes
17:01.02billmaniaqueue_log_name = queue_log
17:01.26billmaniaBut I have no indication that file (logger.conf) is even being parsed by asterisk. There's no mention of it in /var/log/asterisk/verbose.
17:01.32irrootand /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf
17:01.47ChannelZwell then I dunno where the rest of your logs are coming from :)
17:02.08ChannelZBut yes as irroot says make sure that's not realtime for some reason in extconfig
17:02.09billmaniaChannelZ: That makes two of us.
17:02.19wasanzyChannelZ: the three machines are in the same network, but one of them is virtualbox as you can see in the log. I did port forwarding and even set the nat parameters in the sip.conf, so what could be the usual problem with this kind of error?
17:02.27billmaniaFirst things first: should there be mention in /var/log/asterisk/verbose about logger.conf being parsed?
17:02.43ChannelZthere is on the console, not sure in the disk log
17:02.54ChannelZ(IE if you just do 'reload', it's pretty much the first thing said for me..)
17:03.17*** join/#asterisk Stormcrow (~Phydeaux@
17:03.33StormcrowIs there a way to cancel a "restart when convenient" or check to see if one is in place?
17:03.43billmaniaChannelZ: I'll give that a try and see what I see.
17:04.20irrootStormcrow core show threads should show a thread
17:04.49ChannelZbillmania: I just turned on my verbose log and no I don't see it.  BUt it depends on what your core asterisk process was run with
17:05.21ChannelZoh wait nevermind
17:05.30ChannelZI do see it in there for me
17:05.33irrootChannelZ i suspect with proper crafting with iptables and mark based routing on multiple route tables one could run a vlan and lan on same ip/net but why
17:05.34Stormcrowirroot: I see (Sorry. I had a live asterisk server dumped on me 10 minutes ago when I don't know the first thing). Is the thread I'm looking for obviously named?
17:06.11irrootstormcrow may be cant think of it now
17:06.29StormcrowIt's not sched_thread, is it?
17:07.02wasanzyguys please help me, I know am disturbing but I need your help
17:07.05ChannelZthough I'm not sure what verbose level those come out as, but I typically run vvv
17:07.18ChannelZwasanzy: your network is screwed up
17:07.54irrootStormcrow just tried it does not look like it
17:08.23irroot0xac661b70 cleanup              started at [  417] pbx_realtime.c load_module()
17:08.29irrootmight be it
17:08.49wasanzynow when I made the call with a different machine not the virtualbox, the error didn't appear again and the sound went through a little, but I can't hear the other partner whiles he could heard me
17:09.02StormcrowThat's not on my list. -nod- Odd, really. I was pretty sure I gave the command.
17:09.26irrootnope its there after restart too
17:09.36ChannelZwasanzy: you have network or firewall/nat problems
17:10.08wasanzylet me narrate the network a little
17:10.19StormcrowThanks, though. The situation is that I gave it that command to try to fix a problem, and now I'm hearing our best practices is to schedule any restart overnight, just in case. Makes sense. Of course, I already gave it that command, so... :D Not a big deal, but still.
17:10.23irrootStormcrow sorry it does not look like seperate thread thougt it was
17:11.01ChannelZwith directmedia=no, you have 4 different network connections that all need to work, and that's just from Asterisk's point of view
17:12.16wasanzywe have one public IP from the ISP, and that IP is configured in a router. this router is also connected to another wireless router which assign lan IP automatically. now the  three machine, asterisk and the two phones are in the same network,
17:12.33StormcrowThere's no chance that 'abort halt' would kill it, I'm guessing. I'd rather not enter random commands. Sorrow. I thought I was doing the right thing, here. :)
17:12.50Stormcrow(And I probably DID do the right thing, but policy is policy)
17:12.52ChannelZwasanzy: the same LAN network?
17:13.21ChannelZAnd what are the 2 phones running?
17:13.45ChannelZAre they actual devices or softphones?
17:13.47irrootStormcrow you do know murphy will do it when the CEO wants to call the CTO
17:13.58wasanzythey are running twinkle
17:14.10StormcrowYes, I do. :)
17:14.19StormcrowAnd nevermind... I just saw in the console that it restarted. :D
17:14.27*** join/#asterisk johnnyasterisk (
17:14.31ChannelZand no firewalls on them?
17:14.34ChannelZor Asterisk?
17:15.16ChannelZAnd have you gotten one of them to work just between it and Asterisk?  IE make a test extension that plays a sound, and does an Echo test
17:15.34billmaniaChannelZ: irroot: I executed "logger reload" via the CLI and I DID get a message about '/etc/asterisk/logger.conf' being parsed. It also stated that the "Asterisk Queue Logger restarted".
17:15.39wasanzyhow do I do that?
17:15.44*** join/#asterisk elfelvin (
17:16.03billmaniaHowever, there is no Channel for queue_log in the output of "logger show channels".
17:16.04*** join/#asterisk johnnyasterisk (
17:16.10ChannelZwasanzy: uhm.. make an extension in extensions.conf that does a Playback and an Echo.....
17:16.35*** join/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
17:17.01ChannelZAnswer, Playback(hello-world), Echo
17:17.02wasanzywhen we made the call, one person could hear his partner talk he doesn't hear a respond back
17:17.08wasanzyoh ok
17:17.17wasanzylet me do that and see
17:17.41wasanzybut here is my sip.conf:
17:17.54irrootwasanzy also use monitor b4 any without b option
17:18.10irrootso you can listen to the servers perspective
17:19.01wasanzymonitor in sip.conf?
17:19.25irrootyeah as a line before playing hello-world
17:20.16ChannelZEcho will tell you what you need to know
17:20.53ChannelZIf you hear hello world, we know Asterisk can get sound to you.  If you can then hear yourself in the echo, we know your audio can get to Asterisk.
17:21.54wasanzyis it some thing like this?
17:22.35ChannelZwell that's the general syntax if that's what you're asking
17:22.53ChannelZbut not really what I said
17:23.12irroot~beer channelz
17:23.13infobotACTION pulls out a excellent Piraat for channelz
17:23.51wasanzyam really new, so if you can some thing sample in pastebin for me, I will appreciate it
17:24.54ChannelZassuming it's in the right context you should then be able to dial 555 (after reloading the dialplan)
17:25.35wasanzydon't I have to add it to the sip.conf as well?
17:25.37ChannelZwhich according to your last pastes, 'emma' and 'elarty' are in the 'phones' context so that's where they aught go
17:25.47Stormcrowirroot: Regardless of everything else, thanks for the assistance. :)
17:26.27ChannelZhmm does voicemail just call the 'sox' binary or is it compiled in?
17:26.35wasanzyso emma can dial 155 right?
17:26.38irrootStormcrow all good wondered for myself there ... never thought about it
17:27.11wasanzyoh  sorry, wrong typing, ok
17:29.25ChannelZoh, barf. I had libsox installed but not the actual CLI sox. Oops.
17:30.36wasanzynow my extension.conf:
17:31.09*** join/#asterisk johnnyasterisk (~johnnyast@
17:31.19ChannelZok well you have a problem but not with this test so we'll ignore it for now
17:31.43*** join/#asterisk moy_ (
17:32.01wasanzyok let me make the call and see
17:32.21billmaniaChannelZ: irroot: OK, I don't understand. After executing "logger reload" I now have the queue_log file and all appears to be working. It's still not listed in "logger show channels" however.
17:32.26irrootdialplan reload first if you have not
17:32.35billmaniaI'm going to stop and restart asterisk to see if this is just a fluke.
17:32.54wasanzyoh sure thanks
17:33.29ChannelZbillmania: did you ever check extconfig.conf and make sure you don't have the queue log in a database?  (I don't use realtime OR queues so I don't know if that would or wouldn't show up in the logger show config...stabbing in the dark here)
17:34.25ChannelZoh nevermind
17:34.37billmaniaChannelZ: I did. My entire extconfig.conf is commented out. Only the [settings] line isn't commented.
17:34.40ChannelZyou said you DO have the queue log file, my bad
17:35.11wasanzywow the test worked
17:35.26billmaniaThe only thing I'm aware of having done differently this time is the "logger reload". I had never done that before.
17:35.31ChannelZwasanzy: ok so you heard hello world and could year yourself echoed back?
17:35.48wasanzyI heard some sweet voice saying hello world
17:36.03ChannelZthen did you talk?
17:36.12wasanzyno I didn't talk
17:36.25ChannelZwell do talk.  You should hear your audio come back slightly delayed
17:36.35*** join/#asterisk kuku (
17:36.42wasanzythe machine is far from the asterisk so am going for it
17:37.35kukuI would like to play an announcement ( only to the caller ) after 15 and 30 seconds from the start of the call. Like a whisper. Any suggestions which command would make that happen ?
17:38.04irrootkuku possibly use app_queue it has that ability
17:38.20irrootmmm maybe not
17:38.42irrootkuku before its answerd ??
17:39.39*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
17:40.33wasanzyyes I could hear my self talk
17:40.51ChannelZok so now do the same thing on the other phone and make sure it works too
17:41.04wasanzyoh ok
17:42.07ChannelZpotty break
17:55.22wasanzyam still waiting for the guy so I can use the machine for the test, will get back when done
17:56.56wasanzywow, it also worked
17:57.28wasanzythe echo came and I talked back and it worked so what next?
17:58.44ChannelZbut if you use your 1000 or 1002 extensions (depending on which side is which, I don't know) you only get one-way audio?
17:59.12wasanzythat is how it is looking like and am confused
17:59.17*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
17:59.36ChannelZWhich way?
18:02.56wasanzyI mean one person could only heard the other person but he can no hear him
18:03.45wasanzyis like if I call you, you can hear me talk slowly but I can't hear you at all
18:04.45wasanzyis there any thing wrong in my extension.conf?
18:04.47ChannelZtalk slowly?
18:05.06wasanzythe sound delays I mean
18:05.49ChannelZwith everything setup the way it is now (the echo test was successful on both phones) is it still behaving this way if you call one another?
18:06.16wasanzylet me test it again
18:06.35ChannelZbecause what you were posting before does not match this, with the SIP packet timeouts and such
18:07.11*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
18:13.36wasanzyis unfortunate that, the guy is leaving the office so I can't do the test, thank you very much for your great help, and hope to talk to you tomorrow.
18:14.32ChannelZHmm.  I thought he said they were both on the same LAN...
18:14.55ChannelZGuess the guy must lock his office up.  <shrugs>
18:15.30*** join/#asterisk Jcook_5xData (~Jcook_5xD@
18:16.12*** join/#asterisk johnnyasterisk (~johnnyast@
18:16.34*** join/#asterisk screenn (~screenn@
18:16.37Jcook_5xDatastupid ? when watching the asterisk console. this message forever fill it up meetme.conf':   == Found is there a way to stop this
18:19.55pigpenHi all, I know this isn't relevant, but I have a new asterisk box in prep and after every command, I get a 1- - 15 second pause.  /etc/hosts and /etc/resolv.conf are setup correctly.  ideas?
18:20.14billmaniaChannelZ: irroot: If I restart asterisk, queue_log doesn't work. If I then "logger reload", all is well. Sound like a defect?
18:20.56irrootbillmania try look at loading order in modules.conf
18:20.56*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
18:20.57ChannelZbillmania: it sounds like a module is loading in the wrong order or something but I'm not sure what that would be
18:21.46irrootchannelz billmania perhaps preload app_queue
18:22.25Jcook_5xDatapigpen, what you commands like ls and ifconfig stuff like that
18:22.29WIMPypigpen: Is your hostname resolvable?
18:22.29billmaniaI'll give that a try.
18:23.08Jcook_5xDatapigpen, I am with WIMPy  check you host name
18:23.14pigpenyeah, any command...
18:23.58WIMPyAny is too much, really.
18:25.12*** join/#asterisk [ctrl][alt][del] (~Jabber@pdpc/supporter/active/ctrl-alt-del)
18:25.42Jcook_5xDatapigpen, check this link seem good
18:27.22pigpenThis image is a cookie cutter system, we have done about 20 now, about 400 to go.
18:27.40pigpenI am needing to experiment with some scripts, and naturally the guy (a kern dev) is on vacation.
18:27.46Bipulp3nguin,  ping
18:27.50pigpenso I have figured out the image processing, just having this delay.
18:28.06Qwellpigpen: What commands pause?
18:28.29pigpenls, ps, echo, sed, all.
18:28.37pigpenseems like hostname/reslove.
18:28.54QwellDo you have the hostname in your prompt or something weird?
18:29.01Qwellecho $PS1
18:29.48Qwellrun that
18:29.56QwellDoes it output both at the same time, or is there a delay between them?
18:29.58billmaniaChannelZ: irroot: I'm pre-loading in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf. Still have the same issue with queue_log.
18:31.56*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
18:32.00ChannelZbillmania: yeah but logging is in the core and should be started before preloads
18:33.05billmaniaChannelZ: Makes sense to me. The only way I can get queue_log to work, at present, is by manually executing "logger reload" after asterisk has started.
18:33.17pigpenQwell, ok, figured it out.  My business partner called.  He is setting a custom hostname.
18:33.22pigpenyou were right.
18:33.41ChannelZwhich is why it doesn't make sense.  You might be running into this:
18:35.58*** join/#asterisk tuxxie (
18:37.44tuxxieis it connect to astersk servers via iax2 if one server is running asterisk 1.4 and the other is running asterisk 1.6?
18:37.59Qwelltuxxie: I think you a word there.
18:39.56ChannelZbut if he asked what I think he asked, yes it should be OK
18:40.24billmaniaChannelZ: Yes, that sort of looks like my issue with queue_log, except queue_log doesn't work from startup until I "logger reload". I'll try that patch in my copy of the source.
18:41.07ChannelZRead down all the comments
18:41.39ChannelZthere was someone who said his didn't work until reload as well (though I don't think he ever replied back if the patch solved it for him specifically)
18:42.57tuxxieQwell: :( i so.
18:43.29tuxxiecan i link to asterisk servers via iax2 running different asterisk verisons?
18:43.53tuxxiei.e. asterisk 1.4 and asterisk 1.6
18:45.06Jcook_5xDataleifmadsen, I may have fix the ringing when on a call. under my sip user  I had 'busyallow=1' I remove it. So far today it seems good no ring when on call
18:48.17sunfoneLooking for a good method of collecting jitter information per peer, for purposes of graphing... anyone got any pointers?
18:49.54tuxxieQwell: would if you expected high call volume between the servers?
18:50.05QwellWould I what?
18:50.40*** join/#asterisk Netgeeks (
18:50.43tuxxielink 2 servers via iax on different asterisk versions
18:51.07Qwellsure, why not?
18:51.27ChannelZit's designed for it!
18:52.18tuxxieI was just making sure prior to rollowing out my network
18:55.02jayteethere's a parameter you have to set in iax.conf though on the 1.6 server IIRC to work with 1.4
18:59.36*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
18:59.51ChannelZrequirecalltoken you might be referring to
19:11.49jayteeat least it had to be set on 1.6 to work with 1.4 awhile but there may have been a backport to a later 1.4.x version that made that unneccessary.
19:19.09*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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19:30.38*** join/#asterisk fullstop (~fullstop@
19:30.58fullstopAnyone here built asterisk with clang?  How did it go for you?
19:32.00f2KnightQ: Asterisk Queues, I need a way to write information to a database AFTER a person in a queue has been picked up by an agent. Do Channel Variables pass through ?
19:34.28radenanyone have any input on polycom 321's ?
19:35.28leifmadsenit's too bad "busyallow" does't exist
19:35.57radenI need to get away from aastra phones :(
19:36.06leifmadsenI like the Polycom 335's
19:36.19leifmadsen(other than a ringing issue I have with a couple phones at one particular location)
19:40.23radenleifmadsen, none of my aastra phones ( over 300 in offices ) will work with asterisk 1.8.x properly
19:40.28radenno music on hold
19:40.31radencall transfer issues
19:40.55raden9133's 9143's 480i's 57i's
19:41.06radenand aastra just is like we dont know
19:41.30radenall newest firmware , backdated firmware , setup testing server... changed a bazzilion things have over 200 hours on issue
19:41.44radenended up rolling back our 4 main asterisk servers to 1.6.x
19:42.41*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
19:44.05radenJust wish I understood what was happening :(
19:44.12radenhad 3 other people work on the issue as well :(
19:44.51radenAnyone here use Asterisk2Billing ???
19:47.51*** join/#asterisk Nasga (
19:49.00f2Knightraden, I am glad you said something about the aastra and 1.8... i was just thinking of recommending them for a new server that is 1.8. (no option to go 1.6 as they want to use google voice trunks)
19:49.39radenf2Knight, have hundreds of hours on the issue with no resolve :(
19:49.43leifmadsenI suggest testing google voice trunks, and not relying on it, as Google keeps changing their interface.
19:49.59radenf2Knight, polycom 3xx series works nice\ly on it no issues
19:50.07radenand supports 722 codec
19:50.22f2Knightleifmadsen, I agree and have noticed that. They just want to use it as a cheap longdistance trunk when applicable.
19:51.01f2Knightraden, I just don't like Polycom / Cisco configs...
19:51.40*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
19:51.41f2Knightraden, I will get flamed here probably but I actually use a lot of Grandstream 2110's
19:55.13*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (~bjarne-im@pdpc/supporter/active/bn-7bc)
19:56.08QwellHow could anyone not like Polycoms?
19:56.48WIMPyWait a few years, and maybe voip phones will become usable.
19:57.37_Corey_Qwell: I have learned in the last 10 years doing this that some people are psychotic when it comes to phones
19:58.19_Corey_no knock at you f2Knight :-)
19:58.27radenhow are the cisco phones compared to polycom
19:58.50_Corey_raden: They're all pretty bad, in varying degrees
19:59.53f2Knight_Corey_, no offense taken.
20:01.01*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (~bjarne-im@pdpc/supporter/active/bn-7bc)
20:01.55leifmadsenf2Knight: I find polycom configs fine once you automate building them
20:02.07_Corey_f2Knight: I was referring more to customers' preferences and strange comments on phone sets...
20:03.02f2Knightraden, Qwell, My only real issue with Polycom/Cisco (which is made by Polycom) is the config process. Why should I have to have a TFTP server to configure the phones. No Phone UI to configure (polycoms I think do, but is ehh) I have used Snom, Grandstreams, and Aastra I like all of them each has some issue or another, but Feature per dollar, Grandstream packs a lot in. and has good sound clearity. G722 , and Ulaw are all i use.
20:03.12*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
20:03.32f2Knightleifmadsen, I agree if your deploying lots of them then automating it is not a big deal, but if your only deploying 5 or 6 phones... ugh
20:03.45leifmadsenI do that for 3 phones
20:03.55_Corey_Seriously, I'd do it for 1
20:03.55leifmadsenif I have ot do it more than 1-2 times, then automation is how to do it
20:04.02leifmadsenplus you only have to build the tools once
20:04.07*** join/#asterisk tamiel (
20:04.09f2Knightleifmadsen, then I want a copy of your deploy scripts lol
20:04.14_Corey_The whole idea of managing phones individually via a web interface is kind of repugnant
20:04.30leifmadsenI now use my Android phone to scan barcodes which writes to a text file, then the script builds the configus
20:04.47leifmadsenf2Knight: they aren't complicated... just something hacked together in php
20:05.10f2KnightI got 2 Polycoms 301's and a 2 7960, and 3 7940's (I think all reflashed sip) that I just don't care/want to config because its a night mere lol
20:05.18_Corey_leifmadsen: What's the andriod app?  I've got a couple guys here that would love to ditch our USB scanner... :)
20:05.57f2Knightleifmadsen, the android app sounds nice.. something you wrote yourself?
20:06.07leifmadsenit's just called...... barcode2file I think
20:06.22leifmadsenit just takes the data and saves it to a text file
20:06.36leifmadsenthen I send that file (email, scp, whatever) to the server
20:06.39f2KnightI see then your script runs and uses the file for mac addresses
20:06.44leifmadsenjust loop through mac addresses, build configs, done
20:07.12f2Knightso the magic is in leifmadsen, php script
20:07.31leifmadsenit's mostly just a php whle loop
20:08.10fullstopIf you had to take a 7 year old girl to the movies, would you take her to see Cars 2 or Winnie the Pooh?
20:08.13radenwhat operating system you use leifmadsen ?
20:08.18sunfoneI do something very similar with a bash script for Polycom builds
20:08.42sunfoneI have a text file that maps MAC to extensions numbers, and names
20:08.54sunfoneI update the text file and run the bash script which builds all the Polycom XML files
20:09.09leifmadsenraden: linux of course
20:09.18leifmadsensunfone: yep exactly -- same idea
20:09.25leifmadsenbtw: app is barcode2file
20:09.38leifmadsenfullstop: I'm not sure that is legal in my country
20:09.44_Corey_yeah, we found it :)
20:09.49radenleifmadsen, Sorry what distro is what I meant ?
20:09.56leifmadsenraden: Ubuntu and CentOS
20:10.10fullstopleifmadsen: I'm sure that you can do that in Canada.. ;-)
20:11.11radenI started using Ubuntu other night and only thing driving me nuts is the unity thingy staying on the left of screen :( Been using suse for 9 years now and just starting to feel broken in ways ) maybe its more KDE is feeling broken not sure ....
20:11.32leifmadsenraden: well it depends if you're talking about desktop or server -- those are totally different
20:11.59McBoingTrying to figure out why my Polycom phone is showing the time as EPOCH and the display is blinking, I know it has to be my sip_325.cfg file I created for it because when I go back to the legacy cfg file and reboot, the time is ok, isnt it only the SNTP paramaters that I need to setup, because they are the same for both cfg files, any ideas?
20:12.06leifmadsenI'm currently using Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop and Fedora 15 (F15 primary), and then I use Ubuntu Server 10.04 for servers, or CentOS 5.x sometimes
20:12.19leifmadsenMcBoing: because it didnt' get connected to an NTP server
20:12.50radenleifmadsen, as a server SUSE has been solid , desktop ( lots of quirks ) whats your experiance ?
20:12.52McBoingleifmadsen: but the SNTP server IP is the same in both cfg files, and I dont see any errors in the boot log
20:13.19leifmadsenraden: with SuSE? Zero.
20:13.27leifmadsenand I don't plan on trying it ever
20:13.38leifmadsenI don't believe in learning 5 tools that do the same thing
20:15.18radenleifmadsen, I do agree , What do you use ? I'm trying to simplify things when it comes to technology ....
20:15.28leifmadsenraden: asked and answered
20:15.49radenUbuntu  pretty good all around ? Server and Desktop ?
20:16.57radenI'm getting sick of having to run 5 different operating systems and Ubuntu does seem to be the future
20:17.06radenI could totally be wrong though .
20:17.13leifmadsenso stop using many distros
20:17.30leifmadsenif you want to stop losing money in stocks, stop losing money in stocks
20:17.30radengetting everything to work on one is a PITA
20:17.41radenI agree
20:17.48xbphello beautifuls
20:18.02leifmadsenhumps the air
20:18.26jayteeCentOS is great. Once Russell starts kickin ass at Red Hat the code in CentOS can only get better.
20:18.46leifmadsenI'm not sure he'll be working in that area :)
20:18.52leifmadsenhe's doing clustering stuffz
20:19.16jayteehis influence will rub off, it will be a cascading effect of code awesomeness :-)
20:19.18_Corey_I hear Fedora has some good people... ;)
20:19.30leifmadsenI hear Linux has good people
20:19.50fullstopRussell is with redhat now?
20:19.57jayteewill be soon
20:20.05fullstopNo longer with digium?
20:20.12leifmadsensee link above
20:20.14jayteehis last day is the 29th
20:20.15leifmadsenthat's why I typed it
20:20.53fullstopWell, that is bittersweet, I suppose.
20:21.14McBoingmake time work on my phone
20:22.50*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
20:22.54McBoinglol just being a PITA, my polycom soundpoint IP 6000 display is flashing with Jan 1 2007 or some nonsense, if I point the device to the old cfg file and reboot the time is ok, checking the SNTP section they are the same, must be some other parameters to ensure the phone gets an ntp server?
20:23.20xbpit gets it from the pbx i think
20:23.23xbpis it in the cfg?
20:23.31xbpwhat is different between the stock cfg and that one
20:23.41fullstopdhcp option type differences.
20:23.47_Corey_Check your DHCP override setting, in the SNTP area...  maybe getting something bogus from elsewhere
20:23.48xbpi used to know the unix command for checking differences between files
20:23.55McBoingwell diff shows tons of crap
20:23.58xbpwas it ds for delete spaces
20:24.04xbplol lost
20:24.06McBoingthats why its easier to ask, if SNTP is the only section I need to worry about
20:27.12McBoinggdi "Uploading boot log, time is Mon Jan  1 00:00:16 2007" lol
20:28.27*** part/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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20:50.32f2Knightmy 2cents on CentOS... why use any distro that is based off another , that is that has to wait for the primary distro to release before it can update. That just seems stupid to me. Same feeling about using LinuxMint for a desktop as opposed to just using Ubuntu which its built from.
20:51.17*** join/#asterisk galaxywatcher (~galaxywat@pdpc/supporter/active/galaxywatcher)
20:51.23f2Knightthat being said.. production servers, Ubuntu LTS, RedHAT Enterprise (if you can afford it), SuSE Server (If you can afford it) that really leaves only one option I know
20:52.31f2KnightDesktops, play explore use what you like but stability... security updates etc... above rule applies. Why wait for someone else to update so someone else can repackage the same stuff.
20:53.50f2KnightThat being said I think its fun to play with desktops, I was a long time Suse user, and swtitch to Ubuntu only about 5 years ago. I have only 2 CentOS boxes left in the wild.. one is a Trixbox server the other runs asterisk and is the T1 interface.
21:03.47*** join/#asterisk SpiderMon (~SpiderMon@
21:04.07SpiderMoncan i get some help with a multi location setup
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21:06.05timeshellI have started to have issues as per ^^^^ with some of my users on occasional/regular daily basis.
21:06.26timeshellSeems to have come up since I upgraded away from 1.6.0.x to 1.6.2.x or
21:06.39timeshellPhones are all Polycom IP phones.
21:06.42*** join/#asterisk Wiretap_Work (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
21:06.49timeshellOnly happens on PSTN incoming calls.
21:06.59timeshellOccasionally, not every call.
21:07.10timeshellAny idea on how to deal with it?
21:07.19SpiderMoncan i get some help with a multi server/location setup
21:07.20malcolmdwhat's an aak?
21:12.51*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
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21:24.23jeffspeffon a fresh install on centos, i ran "make config" after all was compiled... i then ran "service asterisk start" it started fine and i was able to console into it. i rebooted the machine without stopping asterisk first... now when i run "service asterisk start" it only starts "safe_asterisk" as evident with a "ps aux | grep asterisk"... how do i fix this?
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21:46.31Bipulp3nguin,  ping
21:46.51*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
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22:10.36f2Knightguess spiderman doesn't know to how to keep the window open in the back ground
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22:42.41prologicAnyone know of a good resource of ringtones suitable for use by asterisk/freepbx ?
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22:54.13ChannelZThat has more to do with your phones than Asterisk
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23:06.01datarecalli am trying to figure out why asterisk wont make outgoing calls i have the follow me settings setup properly which log would it be in
23:08.35datarecallIt's not our turn (SIP/1962941342-0000002a). is what shows up in asterisk -vvvvvrd but the follow me settings are setup to make outgoing calls
23:12.52*** join/#asterisk Cesare (
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23:41.18f2KnightQ: Okay so Channel variables do not pass through the Queue command.. Does anyone have any idea how to extract exactly how long a caller spends talking to an Agent?
23:41.33f2KnightPerferably access able from the dialplan
23:43.13p3nguinIf your variables are not inheriting as new channels get created, you could try setting the variable using an underscore or two underscores.  Set(_myVar=foo) or Set(__myVar=foo)
23:51.18*** join/#asterisk kaushal (~kaushal@
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23:51.44kaushalcan i have detail explanation of error codes reported by Asterisk are 101 (for 448 calls) and 16 (for 239 calls)
23:52.18titterI have a dynamic app in features.conf use a goto it seems not to do anything. It just says goto the context, and doesn't go any further. Nothing is executed.
23:54.09johnnyasterisktitter: what does the feature dial? have you tried using extension 's' in that context?
23:54.23f2Knightp3nguin, what does the _ and __ do?
23:55.11f2Knightkaushal, I think what you are looking for is SIP response codes.
23:55.13titterjohnnyasterisk: It's for recording a call. If I use a macro it works, however I need to be able to play a beep every 15 seconds.
23:56.07f2Knighttitter, if you find a solution to this let me know please, it sounds like one that will pop up now and then and would be good to add to the ticks book
23:56.25*** join/#asterisk saxa (~sasa@
23:57.12titterYa I thought I had it, did a Macro and tried to do a goto to jump out of the Macro ... same thing, just stalls.
23:57.37kaushalf2Knight: it does not detail
23:58.19kaushalError code 101 actually
23:58.28f2Knightkaushal, sure what you mean I am not,
23:58.46kaushalwhere can i seek info ?
23:59.08kaushalCan someone please guide me
23:59.29f2Knightkaushal, Not sure what your referreing too . Are you getting this error on the asterisk CLI? or on your SIP phone?
23:59.42kaushalasterisk CLI
23:59.48f2Knightpastebin it

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