IRC log for #asterisk on 20110719

00:00.16*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
00:13.01*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
00:15.35ideas1Is freepbx to asterisk what virtualmin is to apache?
00:22.18*** join/#asterisk ExpertOrBust (
00:32.14*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
00:33.27*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
00:56.02ChannelZmore or less
00:59.02ideas1Thanks ChannelZ, is there any advangtes to running asterisk without a panel like freepbx or elastixs?
00:59.46SunTsuyeah - you get support in this channel ;)
01:03.43ChannelZYeah and you're dialplan doesn't do 500 things just to make one phone ring
01:04.12WIMPyOr to confues you or anyone trying to help you.
01:05.59*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (~nightrid3@
01:13.41*** part/#asterisk nny1 (
01:46.48*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andres@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
01:50.08*** join/#asterisk allan8904 (~allan@unaffiliated/allan8904)
01:51.44*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
02:04.11*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
02:11.30*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
02:48.55*** join/#asterisk lkthomas (
02:48.57lkthomashey guys
02:49.07lkthomasdoes asterisk have dialplan generator ?
02:49.19lkthomasalso, does asterisk contain web GUI interface ?
02:50.11WIMPyWhat do you expect from a "dialplan generator"?
02:50.28WIMPyAnd, no, but you can get additional GUIs.
02:50.43lkthomaswhich gui is so call complete?
02:51.13WIMPydoes not understand that question.
02:51.43lkthomasthe dialplan generator, I am expecting I could do dialplan writing with auto function explain...etc like writing php code
02:52.11lkthomaswhich web gui is not in broken stage ?
02:52.37WIMPyYou can use AGI to use whatever language you want.
02:53.11lkthomasnot AGI
02:53.16WIMPyThey all have limitations. freepbs seems the most used.
02:53.25infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
02:54.09lkthomasdoes freepbx only contain the scripts or pack with asterisk ?
02:54.35WIMPyIf you want a distro, look at AsteriskNOW.
02:54.54WIMPyYou can chose between the Asterisk GUI, FreePBX or no GUI.
02:55.05lkthomaserrr, no, I just want to know if freepbx and asterisk is not pack together
02:55.28WIMPyTwo parts
02:55.40lkthomasare they integrate well ?
02:56.06WIMPyYou need to ask that in #freepbx.
02:56.38lkthomasfreepbx looks goo
02:56.53lkthomasI have a question
02:57.02lkthomaswhat is DAHDI ?
02:57.45WIMPyThe drivers for Digiums telephony hardware.
02:59.17lkthomasso is it a digital line or analog line device ?
02:59.48lkthomasdepends on card model right ?
03:00.04lkthomasbut why FXO and FXS card appear ?!
03:00.12lkthomasisn't DAHDI replace them all together ?
03:00.50WIMPyDAHDI is the software for FXS, FXO, BRI and PRI cards.
03:00.59WIMPyOr one of them.
03:01.41lkthomasI see, so it's a driver not a card name
03:02.24lkthomasstill confusing about PRI and FX_ card
03:02.43lkthomasPRI basically could do whatever FX_ card do right ?
03:03.09WIMPyPRI/BRI is digital, FXO/FXS is analog.
03:03.41lkthomasOH, I remember that mentioned in the book before :P
03:04.06lkthomasit's hard to play with real circuit at home
03:04.27lkthomasline card and the circuit cost a lot
03:04.48*** join/#asterisk hmmhesays (
03:04.54WIMPyDepends on your situation.
03:05.11WIMPyUsually you have a phone line, don't you.
03:05.20hmmhesaysanyone in the atlanta area that can check a cid number for me?
03:05.26lkthomasonly mobile phone
03:05.36WIMPyBut if it's analog, the card is costly.
03:05.53lkthomasdigital line card cost so much
03:06.01lkthomasis it like 1-2K USD ?
03:06.08WIMPyOnly if you live in the wrong area.
03:06.47WIMPyNFI. Here it starts at 20 EUR.
03:07.17lkthomasWIMPy: sorry to change topic a bit, is there have complex dialplan "template" which predefine everything for a standard PBX system such as 911 config, voice mail...etc
03:07.48WIMPyThere are many examples.
03:08.16WIMPyBut you will alwyas have to define your local own devices.
03:08.22lkthomasWIMPy: because writing from scratch would miss a lot of shit
03:08.44WIMPyYes, so do the examples :-)
03:11.00lkthomasvery funny that most of the things are hard coded in config file, but I try cisco phone system and it allow me to change voice mail password on fly, how is it done with asterisk then ?
03:11.30WIMPyEither via the voicemail menu or by editing the config file.
03:11.46lkthomashuh? what is "voice mail menu" ?
03:12.08WIMPyThe thing you call to listen to your messages.
03:12.25WIMPyThat will also allow you to configure your voicemail.
03:12.30lkthomasno wait, isn't password also hard coded in voicemail.conf ?
03:12.39lkthomasthe menu will change this config file ?
03:12.57lkthomasOH well, speechless
03:13.03WIMPyOr you do it.
03:13.05lkthomasisn't this will impose security risk ?
03:13.26lkthomasuser is actually accessing the core config file via menu
03:13.42WIMPyYes. So what?
03:13.51WIMPyYou cant dictate changes.
03:14.07lkthomasif bug happen..etc and change other user password, that will be in problem
03:14.25WIMPyShit happens.
03:14.44WIMPyYou can use a database instead, if you want. But that might explode as well, if it has a bug.
03:17.16lkthomasagain, except keep on google, any site you could suggest to obtain sample config ?
03:17.45WIMPyThere must be thousands.
03:20.06*** join/#asterisk lucasb (
03:20.55lkthomasI am going to join a new company which use asterisk, I think they must have a standard template and all functions should be included
03:21.05lkthomasI just need to call those functions
03:22.37*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
03:24.03*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
03:32.53*** join/#asterisk galaxywatcher (~galaxywat@pdpc/supporter/active/galaxywatcher)
03:36.36lkthomasWIMPy: you there ?
03:36.55lkthomasWIMPy: how big of your asterisk are running now ?
03:37.08lkthomasin terms of number of servers
03:37.08*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
03:37.59lkthomasdid you do function split between servers or just 3 branches of asterisk ?
03:38.21WIMPy3 locations
03:38.26lkthomasI see
03:38.43lkthomasconnecting using IAX2 ?
03:39.23lkthomasanything you need to tune in betweek ?
03:40.08lkthomaslatency tuning
03:40.41WIMPyI'm using 10ms frames. But you don't have to.
03:40.58lkthomashuh? you could adjust the time within frame ?
03:41.28lkthomashow to determine that number then?
03:41.42*** join/#asterisk ketas (
03:41.48WIMPyBy configuring it.
03:41.58lkthomasno, I mean, how do you judge ?
03:42.20WIMPyBandwidth or latency.
03:42.31lkthomasso you test before apply ?
03:43.02WIMPyJo. I just used the smallest latency, not caring about the extra bandwidth.
03:43.26lkthomasso smaller latency = higher bandwidth usage, am I correct ?
03:43.59lkthomasif the link is loosy, should I increase that ms number ?
03:44.07WIMPysmaller frames = less latency but more overhead.
03:44.29WIMPyIt it is lossy you shouldn't use it for voip.
03:44.41WIMPyAnd it depends on the pattern of losses.
03:47.51*** join/#asterisk ExpertOrBust (
03:48.20tymanHas anyone seen a stream of this error ( when on a confbridge?
03:49.03lkthomasWIMPy: to troubleshoot askterisk, I could enable detail debug log to analysis, right ?
03:49.47WIMPyYou are more likely to watch the debug output at its shell.
03:50.40lkthomaskind of, foreground output
03:51.13lkthomasWIMPy: how do you do HA and what's the plan for DR on asterisk ?!
03:51.18WIMPyNo. That will usually be another task connecting to the server.
03:51.20lkthomasnever heard anyone doing HA
03:51.32lkthomaswhat is another task ?
03:51.38WIMPyLook at Asterisk SCF.
03:51.43WIMPyWhat is DR?
03:51.56lkthomaswhat is asterisk fail ?
03:52.11lkthomasI see
03:52.22WIMPyMany are doing loadbalancing or failover.
03:53.55lkthomasWIMPy: I think it's possible to do it with keepalived (IPVS)
03:54.47WIMPyThere are many possible scenarios.
03:54.49JuStIcIa_or using vrrpd
03:55.16JuStIcIa_is more easy
03:55.20lkthomashow do you guys implement it then ?
03:55.35lkthomasJuStIcIa_: how do you deal with presistance ?
03:56.37JuStIcIa_what do you mean ?
03:56.53lkthomasare you using vrrpd ?
03:56.58JuStIcIa_one time
03:57.07lkthomasis it work with UDP then ?
03:57.07JuStIcIa_wa snot good at all
03:57.54lkthomasIAX is running UDP
03:58.36JuStIcIa_every vrrp deploy most be create witn this rule
03:58.37WIMPyVOIP is usually UDP only.
03:58.46WIMPyUnless you're using TLS.
03:58.59JuStIcIa_yeah but vrrp is not, is just for redundancy
03:59.18JuStIcIa_he set one virtual IP for every equitment
03:59.32JuStIcIa_that virtual ip is your gateway
04:00.26JuStIcIa_but is not soo good because if you have some problem with your configuration the daemon dont act
04:00.49JuStIcIa_he works when you have one machine down
04:01.28*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
04:04.38*** join/#asterisk hovel (~hovel@unaffiliated/hovel)
04:05.33*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
04:07.20lkthomasdoes asterisk be able to utilize multiple core cpu ?
04:09.25WIMPyIt uses threads, yes.
04:09.45WiretapWorkyes, asterisking is being able to utilising multiple cpusing
04:10.06lkthomasany rule of thumb to do sizing ?
04:10.38lkthomashow many connection could be handle by core2dual processor ?
04:11.16WiretapWork50,000 connectings, sir
04:11.41lkthomasso it should be 25K phone calls
04:11.47lkthomasas SIP is p2p protocol
04:12.03lkthomasthat's a lot
04:12.18WiretapWorkyou are asking about connectings, sir. not about phonecallings
04:17.49*** join/#asterisk GreatSUN (~greatsun@
04:23.54dymFormal conversations on IRC :D
04:26.48*** join/#asterisk gxdssoft (~gxdssoft@
04:29.40WIMPyHmm. early media seems to be broken. Wasn't there some fix in the last verison? Seems to have gone wrong.
04:31.57*** join/#asterisk GreatSUN (~greatsun@
04:32.10lkthomashow do you guys config call transfer ?
04:32.33*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
04:33.09WIMPyThere's nothing to configure.
04:33.53lkthomasno wait, like I got call from third part and want to transfer to you, how to deal with it ?
04:34.04WIMPyI get early media while dialing, but as soon as it starts ringing it stops.
04:34.23WIMPyPress the transfer button on your phone?
04:34.48lkthomasdoes voip phone could communicate with asterisk without config ?
04:34.53*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
04:35.06lkthomaswhat if the phone isn't voip phone ?
04:35.09WIMPyFor that part: yes.
04:35.20WiretapWorkdym: fonejacker, internet service providings
04:35.38WIMPyThere is that DTMF feature hack.
04:35.51lkthomassay again ?
04:35.54WIMPyBut I'm pissed now and going to sleep.
04:36.53*** join/#asterisk galaxywatcher (~galaxywat@pdpc/supporter/active/galaxywatcher)
04:36.55lkthomasif the phone isn't voip phone
04:36.59lkthomashow does it handle call transfer ?
04:37.16WIMPyThere is that DTMF feature hack.
04:37.43lkthomasany docs show how to do that ?
04:37.50WIMPyOr you can do it via dahdi. It seems to work, but not tested in production.
04:39.01*** join/#asterisk gxdssoft (~gxdssoft@
04:39.17lkthomasok, brb
04:39.20lkthomaslunch :)
04:39.24lkthomasWIMPy: have a good rest
04:39.45WIMPyWill try
04:40.01WIMPyNeed to try that with other channels tomorrow.
04:41.51JuStIcIa_WIMPy: tomorow im will test the Ip phone Nortel 1212
04:42.15JuStIcIa_one person told me i just need upgrade the phone with the new firmware
04:42.34JuStIcIa_i just need the tftp server running and the unistim
04:42.48JuStIcIa_but well tomorow is another day
04:43.38*** join/#asterisk tyman_ (
04:53.18*** join/#asterisk tyman (
04:55.41*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
05:02.23*** join/#asterisk singler (
05:10.20*** join/#asterisk akke (
05:11.58akkeI'm evaluating Kerio Operator, which turns out to be running Asterisk internally. Everything seems to work straight but when I configure multiple SIP peers with the same provider asterisk seems to be doing things wrong?
05:12.25akkeFor example, when I receive a call on SIP account A asterisks debug messages look like the incomming call is coming from account B
05:12.37*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
05:12.42akkedoesn't asterisk support registering multiple SIP accounts with the same host?
05:13.35akkeas all SIP UDP messages are comming from the same host, maybe asterisks can't always figure out for with account the received message was sent?
05:16.57*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
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05:20.14kaldemarakke: it depends on how the provider works. see the sample sip.conf for how asterisk matches incoming calls to devices.
05:20.46*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (~freeman@
05:21.00akkekaldemar: well, calls are being routed correctly but in the debug messages it looks like the call is coming from the wrong sip account, so I was concerned about possible errors...
05:22.07akkethe main reason I'm going to debug mode is the folowing: I have an IVR menu configured but when I call it the first couple of seconds are missing and because of that I don't hear the first couple of words the IVR is talking...
05:22.22akkeany idea what could be the cause of that?
05:26.53kaldemarakke: if your peers are defined with a static ip and it happens to be the same for all of them, it all calls will match a single peer unless there are usernames that match first.
05:28.15kaldemarakke: enable rtp debug and see if there are packets going out of your asterisk as soon as the call starts. if so and the same silence occurs with all calls, there's little you can do about it but ask your ITSP.
05:29.24akkestranges thing is that doesn't seems to happen on all calls. When I call with my mobile (provider X) it doesn't happen. But when my gf calls with her mobile (prover Y) a couple of words are missing at the beginning
05:30.15akkewhen I reconfigure my IVR, in kerio connect, to only allow g729 pass-trough codec, the IVR works correctly on both our mobiles. But when I configure IVR2 with g729 pass-trough too, non of the IVR's work at all
05:30.21akkeso it's kind of a strange problem here...
05:31.49kaldemardoes it happen with all calls from provider Y? does it happen with all calls from your gf's mobile, be the destination asterisk or another mobile phone? i've seen that silence behavior on mobile networks and on some mobile phones.
05:31.52akkeI also noticed that IVR1 and IVR2 start with the same message but IVR2 is missing 4 words at the beginning while IVR1 is only missing 3
05:32.24akkekaldemar: it happens with calls from provider Y and provider Z (landline) too
05:32.28akkeprovider X doesn't seem to be a problem
05:33.04akkeit doesn't happen when she calls some other mobile or anything
05:33.24*** join/#asterisk coppice (
05:33.46kaldemarif it would be because of your asterisk box, one could assume it to happen on calls from every provider.
05:34.12akkekaldemar: yeah, that's what I thought too. That's why i'm scratching my head right now :(
05:35.04akkeI've been playing arround with my codec settings between my asterisk box and my SIP provider too, without success
05:36.56*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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06:12.28schmidtsgood morning
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07:46.21*** join/#asterisk Nasga (
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07:51.13*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
07:54.30Polysicsi need to hold an user in waiting while i find an operator for him, then connnect them - what's the best way?
07:54.43Polysicsi need to implement a ocmplicated queue system i can't do with queues
07:54.57Polysicsasterisk 1.8
07:56.13lkthomasI only know queues
07:56.28*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
07:56.32*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
07:56.38lkthomaswhat's the problem with queues ?
07:58.14NasgaPolysics: queue + agents pause/unpause should do this ?
07:58.32kaldemaror just an attended transfer...
07:58.43PolysicsNasga, i have a complex (do not ask me why) system for deciding who answers
07:59.02lkthomascan you do grouping ?
07:59.05lkthomasgroup queues ?
07:59.19Polysicsi will cross-post stuff even if i shouldn't
07:59.29Polysicsi have a list of people on the system that have one or more languages and specializations, and belong to different companies
07:59.35Polysicsa caller selects a language and specialization, then is put in waiting and the system finds him: someone that belongs to a company that has the "trusted" field set, with that lang and spec
07:59.41Polysicsif no one has the spec, only the lang
07:59.48Polysicsif no one from trusted companies has the lang, again with not trusted companies
07:59.55Polysicsif there is a match but he is already on the phone, the caller stays in waiting
08:00.12Polysicsadditionally, operators that are connected via SIP are preferred over cellphone calls
08:00.42Polysicsand all this logic is still subject to change
08:00.47Polysicsso ideally, i would put someone in waiting, decide who to dial, then dial him
08:01.40Nasgai have similar stuff in agi
08:01.58Polysicsi didn't mention i can do it all in Adhearsion
08:02.12Polysicswhich is AGI
08:02.29Polysicsmy problem is at a lower level: which "functions" do i need to build the above?
08:06.44Polysicsbreaking down the problem, i "simply" need to park a call, dial the destination, bridge the two if destination answers
08:06.53Polysicsthat's the easiest flow
08:07.06lkthomason CLI, when I do queue add member, does it means I could assign a caller to a specific agents to answer call ?
08:07.45Nasgaikthomas, you add an agent for the queue, not for a specific caller
08:08.12lkthomasNasga: isn't all agent already predefined on config file ? what situation need to execute this command ?
08:08.45Nasgayou can add sip line to queue directly
08:08.54Nasgathat's how i see this method
08:09.10Nasgaand you can build an interface to manage queue without reload every times
08:09.26lkthomasyou mean like GUI ?
08:09.45lkthomasbut when I reload, everything I did on CLI will be wipe away ?
08:10.31Nasgalast time i checked on ast 1.2, he keep my cli stuff
08:10.45Nasgaevent after a restart, but i need to check this
08:10.47Polysicsdepends on what yo udo
08:10.51*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
08:11.12Polysicsanyway, can anyone please point me to the basic building blocks for the above?
08:11.34Polysicspark a call, dial the destination (chosen by something * doesn't care about), bridge the two if destination answers
08:12.14*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
08:12.40wdoekes2Polysics: you can use a queue with Local members
08:13.23Polysicswdoekes2, and what logic would the local members have?
08:13.40wdoekes2a local channel is a piece of dialplan
08:14.40lkthomasin a large call center, is there have a monkey to monitor AST all the time and execute CLI according to need ?
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08:19.39Polysicsa monkey?
08:19.53Polysicswdoekes2, i forgot to mention i am doing this in adhearsion
08:20.02Polysicslogic will be handled there
08:20.29Polysicsi basically just can't figure out how to park an incoming call somewere, thenbridge it to a new channel if it answers
08:20.33lkthomasyeah, monkey
08:20.58Polysicsi suppose they use AGI/AMI :-D
08:21.09Polysicsless poop flying around, less bananas needed too
08:21.20Polysicsnotice i said "less poop", not "no poop"
08:21.35lkthomassomeone else please help Polysics, I am newbie on AST
08:22.06lkthomasPolysics: does something fuck up or what? US time should be midnight now
08:23.08Polysicsi don't get what your problem is
08:23.29Polysicsfor automating activities, i usually recommend AGI/AMI over AST
08:23.36Polysicsa real programming language is better
08:23.43Polysicsthough 1.8 has Lua support
08:23.50lkthomasI am not a programmer
08:24.17*** join/#asterisk MariusAgon (~MariusAgo@
08:24.34Polysicslua looks like JS and Ruby made out while drunk
08:24.38Polysicsi like it :-D
08:24.53lkthomasI am engineer, and I find it very hard to control AST
08:25.04Polysicsit will be a little difficult to build logic in any kind of way without coding
08:25.04lkthomasbecause it's not as simple as scripting
08:25.15lkthomasI know
08:26.50Nasgathe main issue is to fallow channels ids witch change at every actions...
08:27.25Polysicsagain, you can use some kind of DB as a "working memory"
08:27.27Polysicsi use Redis
08:29.42Polysicswould it be an improper applciation to just use confbridge for my problem?
08:31.55kaldemarPolysics: when you have determined the correct channel or extension, you could use the Originate app to connect the two.
08:32.22Polysicskaldemar, and about the parking part?
08:32.25*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
08:32.33Polysicsdoes originate require both channels to be already up?
08:34.09lkthomasI am reading book for AST, it's like reading programming book
08:34.32kaldemarPolysics: no, originate will dial one channel and connect it to an extension or application.
08:35.22Polysicskaldemar, depending on my logic, it might still be ok - but i would like to implement some sort of "FollowMe" on the callees too
08:35.39Polysicsisn't there an app that simply bridges two open channels?
08:37.43kaldemarPolysics: unless the current channel is one of the two, no.
08:38.06Polysicswell, the "current" channel should be the calling one
08:38.28Polysicsthe whole thing is initiated when A calls *, gets parked, B is chosen then dialed
08:38.31kaldemarand if it is parked, it won't execute any dialplan commands.
08:38.49Polysicswouldnt' that be an AMI command though?
08:39.07kaldemarwith origination, when B answers, A's parking lot could be dialed and the two would be connected.
08:39.30Polysicsparking lots work like that?
08:40.06Polysicsthen, couldn't i have a ghetto FollowMe where i originate a call between B and *, do my things, then if it is ok just dial the parking lot?
08:40.08kaldemarwhen you park a call, you get a parking extension. when that extension is dialed, the caller is connected to the parked channel.
08:40.28kaldemarPolysics: that's what the originate application would do for you.
08:40.28Polysicsin taht case, it would be * to dial the parking lot
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08:40.54Polysicsand i can put any logic i care for in the * leg of the call, BEFORE even dialing the parking lot
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08:41.20Polysicsi wonder how i can handle B not picking up and moving to C
08:43.30kaldemarthe extensions can handle situations where B wouldn't answer etc.
08:46.06Polysicsi just need to wrap my head around at how to make it work with AGI/AMI/Adhearsion
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09:35.04jacc0any news about when 1.8.6-RC is going to be released?
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09:37.53wasanzycomparing asterisk-gui and freepbx, which one has more futures?
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09:54.22kaldemarwasanzy: future or features?
09:54.58wasanzyoh sorry, I mean features
09:55.06wasanzyI want to use one of them
09:55.48wasanzyoh is my friend Kaldemar, how are you?
09:57.01kaldemarfreepbx probably has more features.
09:57.50wasanzyoh ok
09:58.30kaldemarpeople at #freepbx will know more.
09:58.39wasanzyoh ok
09:59.22wasanzyam installing vmware so I can run my test again since am still having trouble with the sound and every one here is busy with their machines
10:03.21kaldemarare all your machines virtual ones?
10:03.44wasanzynone of them is virtual yet
10:05.37kaldemarwasanzy: when you tested earlier, were they virtual machines?
10:06.08wasanzyno they were not
10:06.48kaldemarwasanzy: there was nothing unusual or wrong about your sip debug yesterday, if you saw RTP packets going in each direction with rtp debug enabled, the sound issue is probably not related to asterisk at all.
10:07.47wasanzyok let me enable rtp debug so we can debug with that and see
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10:48.37awkARG!@#%(*%@#!*%&@##@%*(!%*(!#@!@#%(* for you guys who are using centos, what is the 'package' addon for sox to convert mp3 to wav... asterisk all of a sudden can't understand what a mp3 file is when I use convert
10:50.46johnnyasteriskrecompile sox with lame support
10:51.32johnnyasteriskyou may need libmad and lame-devel installed and then recompile sox
10:51.44irrootor pipe the output of mpg123 to sox :P
10:53.37awkconverted with mpg123 thanks..
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11:18.49irroothi the buzy has me
11:23.16leifmadsenawk: ya on centos (redhat, fedora, etc...) they are pretty staunch about not supporting MP3 natively -- you'd need sox and mp3 support that was compiled in from something like rpmforge or something -- there are guides you can find on google for how to get it setup.
11:24.28jacc0MP3 encoding is NON-FREE i believe
11:25.05leifmadsenwhich I think is the issue redhat et al have with it :)
11:25.42coppicemp3 decoding is not really free either
11:27.28leifmadsennothing is free
11:27.57irrootfreedom even comes at a price
11:29.14coppicecan you get a good discount on it?
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11:33.15irroothehe coppice you got any spare ??
11:33.20jacc0leifmadsen: ny clue when 1.8.6-RC is going to be released?
11:33.30leifmadsenprobably next week
11:33.34leifmadsenwhenever the sprint ends
11:35.06irrooti have 2 possible blockers im working on and should have ready too go ... 4 1.8.6
11:35.33jacc0keep up the good work !
11:35.49irroothehe that is if the busy will release me :P
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11:36.46irrootbeen abducted
11:51.05MrTelephoneWhat kind of mainboard/processor combos do you poeple usually use for small office installations?
11:51.52irrootMrTelephone how small
11:52.06MrTelephone12 phones
11:52.08irrootuse a HT-425 Atom 1.8 for <10
11:52.16irrootits tiny
11:52.23irrootintegrated system
11:52.38irrootbut no slots
11:52.49irrootyeah suprisingly
11:52.56MrTelephoneYeah I think im going to buy an adtran unit to do the sip -> fxo conversion
11:53.05irrooti use USB ISDN mostly
11:53.28MrTelephoneI want to fire this up and not have to worry about it for 3 years
11:53.34MrTelephonesolid state drive?
11:54.10irrootusing 250Gb 2.5''
11:54.17WIMPyHi irroot. Did you see my qestion yesterday regarding you misdn1 git?
11:54.25irrootbut SSD should be possible
11:54.37irrootnah sorry abducted by the busy
11:54.46irrootWIMpy shoot
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11:55.36WIMPyI wanted to publish a link where you gould git clone that, in case someone wants to try it, but I didn't find the correct url.
11:55.44MrTelephonei5 mini-itx looks alright
11:55.50MrTelephonemore expensive though
11:56.20coppicei5 mini itx is usually noisy
11:56.34MrTelephonefan noise?
11:57.39MrTelephoneI didn't even know they still made celerons.
12:00.11MrTelephoneDoesn't have to be super tiny but wall mountable.
12:04.15irrootWIMPy i put it on me SVN
12:04.58irrootWIMPy i put it on me SVN
12:05.07irrootpushed it there after chat
12:05.37irrootit requires change to in *
12:09.48E-bolalook at the fit-pc2
12:09.57E-bolaits super small power efficient and quiet
12:10.04E-bolaand has dual ethernet so can be a router as well
12:10.10MrTelephoneChenbro makes a really nice ITX case but doesn't have wall mount brackets :(
12:10.21E-bolaIt comes with mounting brackets as well :)
12:11.10*** join/#asterisk valera (~valera@
12:11.17MrTelephonethat is pretty kick ass. The website graphics are not the best though
12:11.36valerahello, anyone got success using asterisk 1.8 with vonage softphone lines ?
12:12.06MrTelephonevonage doesn't work with asterisk at all :(
12:12.11MrTelephoneas far as I know
12:13.05valeraMrTelephone: well it does :) e.g. there's no problem to connect asterisk as a client to their softphone lines, however after upgrade from 1.6 to 1.8 I am experiencing some issues
12:13.42valeraparticularly with incoming calls
12:14.23kaldemarvalera: what kind of issues?
12:15.17valerakaldemar: I cant figure out why incoming calls are stopped working while they used to work fine with 1.6
12:16.52irrootvalera sip trace / verbose output on pb will help
12:16.56infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
12:17.17kaldemarmaybe it's the pedantic setting in sip.conf. its default value was changed from no to yes between 1.6.2 and 1.8.0.
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12:17.47valerakaldemar: could be hmmm, where it would be listed in changelog ?
12:18.08irrootUPGRADE / CHANGES
12:19.38kaldemarUPGRADE.txt for 1.8.X mentions it.
12:22.53WIMPyirroot: That doesn't seem to allow an anonymous checkout.
12:23.29irrootoh maybe i need to check that out :P
12:23.49irrootor you want the admin pw ??
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12:24.13dlu_hi @all
12:24.29WIMPyirroot: No. I wanted to put up a link for others.
12:24.52irrootim kidding ... ill work on it sorry
12:25.33MrTelephonevalera: does vonage offer business trunk lines?
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12:32.49valeraMrTelephone: not in UK afaik, but prior to 1.8 upgrade - I've been using ~20 softphone lines + 6 over FXO using their boxes without big problems
12:33.20valeraMrTelephone: trick was to switch everything to g729 - so its not being recoded and just forwarded
12:33.34valeraafter that for a few months it worked as a machinegun
12:34.53valerabut I was stupid/tempted to upgrade to 1.8 :)
12:34.59valeranow its time to pay for that
12:41.06MrTelephoneJust be patient it will be fixed I'm sure. Is it something to do with the sip messaging changes?
12:41.17MrTelephoneDid you sip debug your connections?
12:41.25valeraMrTelephone: yes
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13:00.03thecardsmithwhat kind of gear do you need from the telco to send/recieve TXT messages to/from an asterisk box? ...currently i'm all PRI, and in the USA, and I'm guessing that dog won't hunt
13:00.30thecardsmithcan you do it with SS7 or SIP, or... *shrugs* I am mentally polluted from working with PRIs :)
13:01.58E-bolawith asterisk or just from the box?
13:02.14E-bolaYuo can get a gsm modem
13:02.24E-bolawe use it for alarms etc.
13:03.07thecardsmithso if i have existing numbers, i'd have to port them to a mobile provider to receive texts on them, right? ...cause i'd still want voice to go over them, as well
13:03.22thecardsmithi could do it just from the machine, and outside asterisk, just was assuming... maybe asterisk could do it
13:03.38thecardsmithport them to a mobile provider if I use a GSM modem* (correction to above, sorry)
13:04.02E-bolaYes you'd have to port them
13:04.06puzzledthecardsmith: iirc with something like a box from you can send & receive sms
13:04.14E-bolaYou could in theory get the voice via the modem as well but then it becomes a bit more complex
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13:08.02MrTelephoneHow do you get asterisk to match a peer based on the called number. Do you set type=peer or type=friend?
13:08.38ssureshotI was hoping for some insight / explanation .. this was in my old zapata.conf and I'm moving to dahdi,,, asterisk,,, .. what channels are these refering to? I have a t1 so it's only channels 1-23.. I have a paging extension that uses zap/97 and need to recreate this
13:11.33kaldemarssureshot: looks like 4 analog channels, 2 FXS and 2 FXO.
13:12.29kaldemarthere's really nothing to recreate without any further scenarios or configuration.
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13:14.27WIMPyssureshot: Apart from added features, the dahdi config should be the same as for zap.
13:16.36ssureshotI'm lacking in understanding,, if I add this config to my new dahdi install the channels don't work.. What keywords can I google or what portion of the manual will explain this to help me understand
13:17.35WIMPyIf you say you've got a T1, that config won't work with zap, either.
13:19.03WIMPyAnd if you are looking for channel 97, that's likely to be the 1st channel after 4 T1s.
13:19.36kaldemarsignalling is also wrong unless you have a channel bank.
13:22.33ssureshotlet me post a few portions of the config,,, this is the internal paging system so It shouldn't really use a t1 portion of the channel I assume. but like I said I don't understand this portion yet....
13:24.21ssureshotand zaptel.conf
13:24.59WIMPyWhere are the T1s?
13:25.30WIMPyThe config for channels 1-96 is missing.
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13:27.48ssureshotI only have 1 T1,, is it possible to create a channel using the fxoks ? this is the whole zaptel.conf
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13:29.11WIMPyYou must have a 4 port card with only 1 port configured.
13:29.28ssureshotyou are correct sir
13:29.54kaldemarlooks like there was a phone connected to what was zap/97.
13:29.56WIMPySo the 4 FXOs are on 97-100.
13:30.20kaldemar2 FXS's and 2 FXO's.
13:30.55kaldemarssureshot: what is the T1 connected to?
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13:31.24ssureshotnew config is an astribank
13:31.43ssureshotold server has a 4 port digium card
13:32.04WIMPydidn't get the part with new hardware.
13:32.22ssureshotlol ok explanation.
13:32.40WIMPyWell, if that is only 1 T1, you fxo/fxs channels will become 25-28.
13:33.39ssureshotUpgrading old asterisk box that that had a 4port digium card, with new server that has an astribank,, gong from version 1.2 to big jump multiple hurdles I learned a crap load
13:33.40tzafrirssureshot, just use dahdi_genconf
13:33.40kaldemarAFAIK astribank is connected to an asterisk box with USB, not a PRI or T1 CAS.
13:33.44WIMPyThat's annoying, but just the way it is with zap/dahdi.
13:33.58kaldemartzafrir: or am i wrong?
13:34.17tzafrirRemove from chan_dahdi.conf / dahdi-channels.conf stuff you don't need. But having them in system.conf is harmless
13:34.18WIMPykaldemar: correct
13:34.44tzafrirkaldemar, correct
13:35.45tzafrirSo it's configured like an analog PCI card
13:35.51ssureshothow do I get the paging channel then with the new system config... let me go check if there is something plugged into that 4th port on the current box,, I can't seem to remember
13:36.31MrTelephoneI have this problem where an endpoint connects with the same source IP:PORT.  When the endpoint is triggered for anonymous/caller id block asterisk does not know which peer to authenticate too.  What kind of means do other sip servers have to know which endpoint is what?
13:36.33ssureshottzafrir: thats what I'm coming to believe Ill be right back
13:36.47WIMPyssureshot: You need to replace zap/97 with dahdi/25.
13:36.55MrTelephoneIt would be against the privacy rfc to put anything in the sip message indicating the from user..
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13:37.46MrTelephoneYou can't expect a sip server to hash up every users secret with the current nonce in test. If you had 1000 users that would nail the processing load.
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13:38.38MrTelephoneleifmadson, have you run into this issue anywhere?
13:39.24jwendellhi, folks. I have a queue, and have calls logged into cdr (mysql). my question is: what's the difference between 'NO ANSWER' and 'BUSY' incoming calls? all of them have duration > 0
13:39.47jwendell(these values are in the disposition column)
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13:40.06kaldemarjwendell: they are self explanatory.
13:40.22jwendellI wish they were...
13:41.04jwendellI have lots and lots of BUSY (more than ANSWERED and NO ANSWER together)
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13:41.25ssureshotWIMPy: would I still need the fxoks entries in config files ?
13:41.36jwendellwhen an incoming call is considered 'BUSY'?
13:42.06WIMPyssureshot: Sure. But with channel 25-28.
13:42.28ssureshotand there is actually a second card in this box that has the paging system hooked up,, I need to do some more research on the hardware ... I wonder if this is a different type of card
13:42.32WIMPyssureshot: It will be the same, just with cahnnels 25-96 removed.
13:42.40MrTelephoneFrom: "Alice" <sip:6551156d569c4b7d945f310ff10943c5@anonymous.invalid>;   When my endpoint is anonymous it blanks out the "Alice" part as well
13:43.15WIMPyssureshot: Ok, so you don't have that hardware for the new system, yet?
13:44.00MrTelephoneSo there should be a user= field in the proxy-authorization header. Proxy-Authorization: .... realm="" user="fluffy"
13:44.09kaldemarjwendell: when the outgoing (from asterisk's point of view) leg is busy.
13:44.47ssureshotWIMPY: well I thought we were all set ,, I'm looking into this card right now.. if it's just a second 4 port t1 then I don't see why the astribank can't handle everything
13:45.10tzafrirSubdolus, what Astribank, exactly?
13:45.13WIMPyssureshot: No, it's a 4 port analog card.
13:45.13tzafrirdahdi_hardware -v
13:46.17ssureshotusb:001/002          xpp_usb+     e4e4:1162 Astribank-modular FPGA-firmware
13:46.17ssureshotXBUS-00/XPD-00: T1       (24)  Span 1  DAHDI-SYNC
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13:47.15ssureshotanalog,, got ya,, I have one in my current backup server .. crap I thought this was all complete
13:48.59ssureshotall good information thank you guys,,, let me do some research and I'm sure Ill be back
13:49.47WIMPyI was trying to find out what is wrong with early media since yesterday night.
13:50.01WIMPyJust to find out it's my provider that's broken.
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13:54.22ssureshotyeah,, my experience with all telco is that it usually ins't the hardware,, the lines usually effed up.. once I verify the hardware I just request a loopback .. they jump up then after the crap about possibly being billable
13:55.23WIMPyThe "line" is FUBAR anyway. It's NGN SIP shit.
13:56.34luminforcehas anyone seen a problem where a mid-call invitte from a remote sip provider (user on hold) causes asterisk to record the cdr as ended (without sending BYE), and then the call continues for several minutes?
14:00.00ssureshottzafrir: once I connect my paging system to the astribank will it auto create the fxo/fxs ports when it sees the hardware?
14:00.25ssureshotthis particualr astribank is an XR-0000 which supports analog also
14:01.08tzafrirssureshot, from your paste there it has a single E1/T1 port, right?
14:01.15tzafrirAnd no analog modules
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14:05.00ssureshotok nm, I have to order the proper ports good deal
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14:19.28valeraany patches online to build dahdi with recent linux kernels ?
14:19.37valera3.0.0 rc6 or something
14:20.08irrootvalera you welcome to do it :P
14:20.44valerairroot: hahaha, thanks ok, I hope its only about macros...declarations style change
14:21.25WIMPyAre there changes again?
14:21.51valerawell, on debian wheezy was not able to build it
14:21.56valeraso postponed a bit
14:22.01valerawill be back to it later today
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14:25.34WIMPyirroot: What's the latest linux, you tried with your misdn1 branch BTW?
14:25.49irrootWIMpy using
14:26.46jacc0are there duch voices for festival? and where can I find them?
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14:34.15spckhi guys, I found a bug, it was "fixed" in trunk, but not fixed correctly. I have the proper solution, but I'm not sure where to go from here.
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14:38.32WIMPyspck: Upload your patch to
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14:39.59radenKatty, !!! :) :)
14:43.54spckif i do a patch do I need to sign the code release?
14:44.27carrarin cursive
14:44.42spckmy signature is the only time i use cursive
14:45.46irrootdo you need a pen for that ??
14:46.12carrarhas to be old school ink
14:46.22spckfountain pen?
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14:47.09carrarpreferably with a feather coming out one end
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14:47.21carraror just using a feather
14:48.44wasanzyhi guys
14:49.05wasanzyto help me resolve my ongoing problem with calls, I have some questions
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14:51.30wasanzywhen two people uses twinkle  to call each other, first of all, does the call passes through the astrisk server  and how is the sound or audio transmitted? will the sound be transmitted through the asterisk server as well?
14:52.20kaldemarwasanzy: depends on your configuration and network setup.
14:53.01wasanzyok,let say am in a NAT setup
14:54.01kaldemarif directmedia/canreinvite is yes the audio stream won't go through asterisk.
14:54.41kaldemarwhat kind of a NAT setup? everything on the same side of a single NAT?
14:55.08wasanzyso which option is best now? because I have directmedia=no under one account
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14:55.35wasanzyyes every thing is the same
14:56.21wasanzywe have public IP assign to a router and the router assign lan IPs automatically to the client machines
14:56.50wasanzyand the test am doing, the three machines are in the same network
14:57.28kaldemarthen they should work whatever the setting is.
14:57.39wasanzyso doyou think I should have directmedia/canreinvite to yes?
14:58.42kaldemarif you want the audio to not go through asterisk. your choice.
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15:00.27wasanzyyes, I guess the audios going through the asterisk is why am having the problem, so I will change the settings and see
15:02.42wasanzycan I set those parameters under the [general] so it affect all the accounts  at once?
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15:15.10Jcook_5xDataI am running with DAHDI Version: I have has a few reports of user have a phone ring in their ear when talking to a outside line. anyone else have this problem
15:15.45Qwellleifmadsen was talking about something similar to that the other day.  Are you using Polycom phones?
15:15.58Jcook_5xDatayes 301 & 501
15:16.17Qwellmaybe he'll pipe up when he returns
15:17.13Jcook_5xDatasip version  with is the oldest they will support
15:19.40carrartry different ploycom firmwares?
15:19.58irrootQwell you a smart chap ... what happens if a channel is created and linked to the channels list but autoservice/pbx is never started on it
15:21.03Jcook_5xDatanot yet. but I can give it a try
15:23.08Jcook_5xDatacorrection  with is the newest they will support
15:23.13leifmadsenJcook_5xData: I have that problem, but it's not from Asterisk
15:23.32leifmadsenJcook_5xData: the phone appears to be generating the ringing (this system is also SIP only) -- placing the call on Hold and then Unhold causes the ringing to stop
15:23.40leifmadsenif that doesn't happen, then it's a different issue
15:23.52Jcook_5xDatanope that what happening
15:23.56carraroh thats a feature :)
15:25.03Jcook_5xDatawell the phone are all sip. we have a pri use digium card
15:25.12*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
15:25.52Jcook_5xDataleifmadsen, where you able to fix it?
15:25.59leifmadsenno that's as far as I got
15:26.04leifmadsenI think it's a polycom firmware bug
15:26.26Jcook_5xDatahmmmm, what firmware are you running
15:26.32leifmadsenif I had fixed it, I would have just told you the fix instead of the work around
15:26.36leifmadsen3.3.1 Rev F
15:27.29Jcook_5xDatawow if it is a bug that long standing
15:28.14leifmadsenhard to say, I've only run into it at one location
15:30.20*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
15:30.21Jcook_5xDataJust crop up here yesterday. before that no one reported a problem like that.
15:33.30Jcook_5xDatahey... I don't know. The only thing I remember changing was adding was "busy-limit = 1" to the user.conf
15:35.13_Corey_Jcook_5xData: What's your server load like?
15:36.08Jcook_5xDatahtop states Load avarage 0.88 0.82 0.72
15:36.31Jcook_5xDatausing 161/1000mb
15:36.52*** part/#asterisk irroot (
15:39.42luminforcecan someone help me confirm a bad message on a sip trace...
15:40.42luminforceat line 122 our vendor sends a mid-call re-invite (on hold i think), but at line 188 when they ACK our OK (do they need to?) they send a 5060=5060 for the port number, so OpenSIPS never relays the ACK to Asterisk (it's an invalid formatted message).
15:41.35luminforceasterisk times out after 3 seconds, and thinks the call ends, however the vendor bills the call for another few hundred seconds (until a session timer fires and it's not found0.
15:42.13maxgohello... anyone that has realtime sip users, has ever seen the invite messages going out from one phone to another, with the destination number in the From: header instead of the reall caller id number?
15:48.43*** join/#asterisk seraphie (~erin@
15:53.32mateuI'd like to call UnpauseQueueMember in a distributed manner, i.e. for a set of queues spread across multiple asterisk instances (cluster).
15:53.48mateuwhat might be a design approach to doing that from the dialplan of any giving instance?
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15:56.32serafiemateu: FastAGI
15:56.53mateuI'm aware of fastcgi
15:59.41mateupardon, fastagi
16:02.54wasanzyI have some error again when two people tried to call each other : please what is it about?
16:03.54mateuisn't sure yet how 'EXEC UnpauseQueueMember' would get called remotely from an agi.
16:04.25Qwellmateu: Forget that it's "remote".  That isn't relevant.
16:04.58mateuhow does the Unpause get the remote aterisk instance?
16:05.03mateuget to*
16:05.28Qwellagain, forget that it's remote.  How would an unpause get to an asterisk instance that called a local script?
16:05.29wasanzyany help please?
16:05.31QwellThe answer is no different.
16:05.41QwellIt's just stdin/stdout.
16:07.26*** join/#asterisk esupports (
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16:08.42wasanzyso who should own that file? asterisk or the system user?
16:08.44esupportsCan someone help me with a "your call cannot be completed as dialed" problem?
16:09.53*** join/#asterisk binilivi (
16:09.55Qwellesupports: freepbx?
16:10.01samandirielI have a quick question.  with READ(), if someone hits pound, what is the value of the READ variable?  Is it #, or blank, or something else?
16:10.11esupportsyes; ver 1.6.0
16:10.15serafiemateu: there are FastAGI modules and libraries. python has a good one, StarPy, which the Asterisk testsuite uses. You could check the test suite out of subversion and have many examples to look at.
16:10.49mateuQwell, serafie thanks for the advice/suggestions
16:10.50*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
16:11.55wasanzykaldemar: are you there?
16:12.14serafiesamandiriel: I would venture to guess that the variable would be blank.
16:12.51*** join/#asterisk tyman (
16:13.12samandirielserafie:  that's what I think too, but wanted to see if anyone knew or had tested
16:14.35esupportsQwell. incoming calls to the trixbox are fine. internal transfers are fine. It won't make external calls
16:14.35serafieYou could test it by printing the value to logs (Verbose() or NoOp())
16:14.54infobotwell, trixbox is SH1TB0X. Basically a CRAPPY, closed-source distro. STAY AWAY!
16:15.02*** join/#asterisk becca_r (~IceChat77@
16:15.14becca_rmorning all
16:15.35wasanzyis it a good message?  Remotely bridging SIP/emma-00000000 and SIP/elartey-0000000, this is rtp debug when a call is made
16:16.23esupportsThanks Qwell
16:16.47wasanzybecause the call went through but no one could be heard over the call
16:18.06*** join/#asterisk seelen (~seelen@
16:18.50kaldemarwasanzy: that means rtp is going (or should be going) directly between the peers.
16:19.09wasanzyoh ok
16:19.25wasanzybut why are they not hearing each other talk?
16:19.58wasanzyshould I change the type from "friend" to "peer"?
16:20.36kaldemarno idea. dump network traffic on the peer machines and see if the packets are going.
16:20.50kaldemarno, leave it as is.
16:25.11samandirielYah, I figured I would ask first to see if anyone just knew before going thru the bother of t esting
16:25.19seelenHello, I have a big problem with 4 different servers with asterisk 1.8.5
16:25.37seelenthe asterisk SIP crash
16:26.00seelenwhen I look netstat -anp | grep 5060
16:26.14kaldemarwasanzy: yes. also check that there is no firewall blocking the traffic on the machines.
16:26.17seelenthe number of packages grow but the estensions don't work
16:26.24*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
16:27.00seelenno any information on the logs, no errors in the system
16:27.00kaldemarseelen: look at asterisk CLI instead.
16:27.16seelen2 different OS (debian and centos)
16:27.29seelenkaldemar, no relevant info in the CLI
16:27.48seelenkaldemar, the extensions looks well with sip show peers
16:28.00wasanzythe port to be allow on the two machine is 5060 for the rtp right?
16:28.15seelenkaldemar, but no data processed by the asterisk in SIP protocol
16:28.22kaldemarseelen: nothing with verbosity and sip debug enabled?
16:29.17seelenkaldemar, nothing with verbosity no test with debug because all system are in production machines and has large number of calls
16:29.45kaldemarwasanzy: no, 5060 is for the SIP. in your pastebins the twinkles use 8000. and it's UDP.
16:31.10wasanzyhmmm, am confuse because in the twinkle port 5060 was specified , then I have to reconfigure the twinkle again
16:31.52kaldemarwasanzy: don't screw it up, you're mixing SIP and RTP.
16:32.35esupportsQwell,  all asleep at #trixbox. r u able to help me with some basics?
16:32.49wasanzyI didn't actually specified the port for twinkle, but it asigned automatically
16:32.56kaldemarwasanzy: 5060 is the SIP port as it should be. RTP is a different protocol and twinkle already uses port 8000 for it.
16:33.22kaldemar5060 is the default port for SIP.
16:33.52wasanzyso I should dump trafics for port 8000 on the two machines?
16:34.49seelenkaldemar, that is the core show locks
16:35.30*** join/#asterisk binilivi (
16:35.49seelenkaldemar, and this the backtrace threads
16:36.40seelenkaldemar,  the problem is randmo, but occurs every day
16:37.48seelenkaldemar, to solve i need to kill the process becaus the asterisk don't respond any reload, stop command
16:38.05Qwellesupports: nope
16:38.39*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
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16:43.24seelenplease i need any clue of this, but I know that the info is not sufficient, how can I know  if is a asterisk 1.8 bug?
16:46.47seelenthis is the core show locks in other server
16:51.43*** join/#asterisk Praise- (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
16:53.08seelenwith debug enable i have this on the log
16:53.09seelenaudiohook.c: Failed to get 160 samples from read factory 0x8ae44b0
16:54.05seelenfull log exit
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17:02.40Bipulhellow  my zoiper account says Fals registeration when i am fixing my asterisk IP
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17:10.14wasanzykaldemar: you are right, and when I did the dump so many packet passed but no sound could be heard
17:10.34*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
17:12.08wasanzyyou can see the dump for one machine here:
17:15.21wasanzyand the second machine's dump is also here:
17:15.52wasanzyevery thing looks ok to me, so I don't know what else should be wrong
17:16.14*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
17:22.09pabelangerseelen: try timerfd or dahdi for timing.  pthreads is kinda a pig
17:27.20seelenpabelanger, how can I change it ?
17:28.02pabelangerseelen: download install DAHDI, then recompile asterisk
17:28.09*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
17:28.35seelenpabelanger, how can I use timerfd and not dahdi ?
17:29.48seelenpabelanger, the xtrange thing is that I already have a server with DAHDI, with the same problem
17:29.49pabelangerseelen: The information is listed in CHANGES, basically kernel 2.6.25+ and glibc 2.8
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17:37.57drynishI have an issue with a digium card fcfxo a x100p compatible card. When I run dahdi_test the result are only 99.93% but asterisk team says taht good result are around 99.975% result and we can expect errors when we are in that situation
17:44.34drynishI don't have any clue right now ;(
17:44.43*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
17:45.11seelenpabelanger, how can I change the timinig order of,, or i just disable pthread
17:45.16seelenpabelanger, ?
17:45.28wasanzykaldemar: are you there?
17:45.50*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
17:47.58DeetzI've got a stuck channel and when I do channel request hangup nothing happens like it has in the past. Anything I can do other than restarting the server?
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18:13.28WIMPyDeetz: You should at least mention the channeltype.
18:14.43DeetzSIP sorry
18:15.33WIMPyOk. And now you could tell us where it is stuck.
18:15.34DeetzWIMPy: sip unregister be about the only option I saw
18:15.40DeetzDialing into voicemail
18:16.14WIMPyShouldn't do anything.
18:16.38WIMPyHmm. Voicemail should timeout by itself.
18:16.55Deetzyeah it looks like there was some issue
18:17.01Deetzas there were .lock files in the inbox and old messages
18:17.15Deetzwhich looks like a problem that was patched ~7 years ago
18:17.21WIMPyIf you have thread debugging enabled, put the output of 'core show locks' on a pastebin.
18:19.46*** join/#asterisk JonathanRose (~jonathan@nat/digium/x-nrvfquzofqiewjod)
18:21.15Bipul16505239916<-- can any one find the location and what kind of number is this ?
18:22.03Deetzmm doesn't look like I do as don't even have command core show locks.  Thread debugging is option you'd add before compiling?
18:22.14WIMPyMight be in missisipi if the number is complete.
18:22.40WIMPyIt's an option in menuselect.
18:23.36*** join/#asterisk bjhaid (~abejide@
18:23.37Deetzusing yee old freepbx so blah blah.  But seems useful as well as menuselect.  Mmm deadlocks
18:25.06bjhaidI just configured an asterisk box and I keep getting errors while trying to call into the box through an e1 line, when i check the logs, i see Channel unacceptable 6
18:25.10bjhaidany suggestions please
18:26.42WIMPyIs it a full E1 or some fractional thing?
18:27.06*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
18:27.06WIMPyDoes it have directional channels?
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18:47.13pabelangerseelen: You cannot change the order, it is defined within asterisk.  Your best to noload => in modules.conf
18:47.51seelenpabelanger, ok tkns
18:48.26seelenpabelanger, any way to see what is using at this time ?
18:54.20pabelangerseelen: *CLI> timing test
18:57.42brainiacdoes anyone know how I can get a sip invite to go out on 5070?
18:58.38pabelangerbrainiac: set port=5070 for your peer in sip.conf
18:59.26seelenpabelanger, tnks!
19:00.08brainiacI still need to receive on port 5060.  Will port=5070 cause a problem with that?
19:06.24*** join/#asterisk screenn (~screenn@
19:15.24pabelangerbrainiac: no, they are 2 different setting.
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19:21.55brainiacpabelanger: I got it working.  Thank You.
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19:29.25ssureshotI've installed my backup analog digium card and have the modules loaded ect..... when I run dahdi_genconf it finds the fxs ports but not the fxo ports.... any reason off the top of your head
19:30.22malcolmdwhen the driver for the card is loaded does it report the fxo modules?  (check your dmesg output)
19:30.23WIMPyAnalog is evil.
19:31.01ChannelZis broken?
19:32.41ChannelZdoes dahdi_scan show anything interesting
19:35.21seelenI have many logs like this audiohook.c: Read factory 0x8c12d38 was pretty quick last time, waiting for them.
19:35.30seelennay clue?, how can I solve this
19:38.39ssureshotChannelZ: malcolmd: I see exactly whats happening now.... Power (molex) isn't plugged into the card (This is ok as I only need the FXO port) but.... dahdi_genconf is labeling the FXO port as an FXS port... dmesg sees the FXS as module 0, 1 and FXO as module 2,3 ... genconf is seeing module 3,4 as the fxs
19:39.18ssureshotwonder if I just need to manually correct it
19:40.09*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
19:42.23dymDoes anyone have a stable Asterisk HA environment running? Would Asterisk, DRDB, Corosync and heartbeat play well together?
19:45.57ChannelZssureshot: no... and FXO port uses FXS signalling, and vice-versa
19:46.09ChannelZan FXO even
19:46.38ssureshotChannelZ: so either way I need to have the extra power to the card then?
19:46.48ChannelZno if all you're using is the FXO ports
19:47.23*** join/#asterisk becca_r (~IceChat77@
19:47.28ChannelZThe FXS needs the extra juice to power phones
19:47.59ssureshotChannelZ: let me post some out put and see if you can point me in the right direction with the config..
19:48.15ChannelZWhat I'm saying is your config is probably right, it's just you that are confused
19:48.45ChannelZdahdi_scan should show what the ports actually are
19:50.18ChannelZHowever in your DAHDI config, an FXO port will be "fxsks" and an FXS port will be "fxoks" for instance
19:51.11seelenany advance with this bug, same simptoms  in 4 servers with asterisk 1.8.5
19:51.37ssureshotChannelZ: so what looks like an FXO port is actually an FXS port in dahdi ?
19:52.00ChannelZNo.  An FXO port is an FXO port, but it uses FXS signalling.
19:52.15ChannelZAn FXS port is an FXS port, but uses FXO signalling.
19:58.12ssureshotChannelz: IC,, I'm kinda confused I guess,,, in this old zap config,,,, ... is channel 97 FXO or FXS
20:01.39*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
20:02.49ssureshotChannelZ: so it's opposite what the configuration states then
20:03.13ChannelZwell OK if that's what you want to say :)
20:03.40ChannelZIt's more so that the configuration is looking at it from a different point of view, but yes essentially it's opposite
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20:05.52ssureshotChannelZ: I read this all wrong then,,  and was hoping I could use this card in this server but since it's using FXS I can't use it.. I have to purchase the proper module from xorcom for the astribank I am going to use..
20:06.07ssureshotSo I need to understand this better so I don't order the wrong crap
20:06.54jorenHey, does anyone know if it's possible to force asterisk to contact an iax server through a specific interface instead of the default route?  I guess that might not make allot of sense, and I'm probably go about it wrong, but my isp split a chunk of bandwidth to a spare IP that I want to dedicate to voip communication.
20:07.06ssureshot<----- goes to RTFM
20:07.21irrootjoren "ip route help"
20:08.02ssureshotoh and thanks for the help ChannelZ
20:08.10jorenI was imaging it could be done with that, I'll mess around with that for a bit
20:08.54WIMPyssureshot: Did I get something wrong, or aren't both of your cards 2fxs+2fxo?
20:10.42ssureshotWIMPy: yes and no.... I have an Astribank for the main T1 Interface but I also have need of one analog card that communicates with our PA system
20:11.06ssureshotthats where the Digium card comes in
20:11.16WIMPyssureshot: Understood. I was under the impression you were trying a card from your backup?
20:11.58ssureshotWIMPy: yes it is the exact same card as the primary... but my server has no molex power adapter so I'm kinda screwed
20:12.33WIMPyOr just missing an adapter?
20:13.41ssureshotIt doens't have standard molex at all.. it's not missing it just never had lol.. dell poweredge 1750..
20:14.22ssureshotI called dell and asked if they had some type of converter but no luck
20:14.38WIMPyI'd be surprised if it doesn't have 12V somewhere.
20:14.54*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
20:15.15ssureshotyeah I'd have to tap the power supply and would rather not rig a production server if tyou know what I mena
20:16.03WIMPySometimes you have to correct some mistakes the manufacturer made :-)
20:16.23ssureshotbut I might still look into it .. as I don't feel like spending 1k on these parts I need
20:16.55ssureshotha .. I hear ya
20:17.08WIMPyHow many analog ports do you need? Only one for a tlephone?
20:17.23WIMPyWell, "telephone".
20:20.46*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
20:24.51nmjnbI tried changing the password for the Asterisk manager but it still accepts the old password. I changed pass in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf and /etc/amportal.conf
20:25.11nmjnbaccording to the documentation on freepbx
20:25.15atheosnmjnb did you do manager reload ?
20:25.34nmjnbbut I rebooted
20:25.51atheosthat should have done the trick
20:26.07nmjnbwell, I'm still able to log in with freepbx/fpbx
20:28.31*** join/#asterisk lusty (
20:28.34mickecarlssonnmjnb that user/password is for FreePBX not manager
20:28.35ssureshotWIMPy: yes I only need one line
20:29.04*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
20:29.17mickecarlssonnmjnb: that backdoor was removed in FreePBX 2.9
20:29.19nmjnbmickecarlsson: ok, so what is the manager, and how do I change freepbx password?
20:29.42mickecarlssonPlease swith to #freepbx and as the question there
20:29.59WIMPyssureshot: A BRI card and a POTS adapter should be a lot cheaper than a direct solution.
20:30.06dymDoes anyone have a stable Asterisk HA environment running? Would Asterisk, DRDB, Corosync and heartbeat play well together?
20:30.30nmjnbmickecarlsson: ok, thanks
20:33.07*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
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20:46.47ferdnai need a directory... when ever someone calls me asterisk sends name stored in a phone directory... is this possible?
20:47.33WIMPySure. Call an AGI or do a database query or whatever.
20:48.35ssureshotferdna: you can use the built in directory that reads the vm file I believe that app is Directory
20:48.59WIMPyFor local extensions.
20:49.31*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
20:49.45ssureshottrue,,I assumed thats what was meant..
20:49.45ferdnaWIMPy, yeah i dont need local extensions...
20:50.15ssureshotha! I'm too new to help
20:50.23WIMPyLocal extension should have their caller ID set.
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20:56.11ferdnaWIMPy, where do i set them? in extensions.conf?
20:56.30WIMPySet what?
20:56.43ferdna[14:49] <WIMPy> Local extension should have their caller ID set.
20:57.04WIMPyIn the peers definitions.
20:57.17ferdnacallerid="caller id info"
20:57.18WIMPysip.conf, iax.conf, etc.
20:57.20ferdnaright there?
20:58.01ferdnaWIMPy, i have this format in there:
20:58.14ferdnacallerid="Ext XXXXX" <XXXX>
20:58.18ferdnais that correct?
20:59.11ferdnaok thanks =)
21:00.00dymIs there some sort of Hybrid phone, that can use a SIP and some ISDN line and negotiate between them? (as in maybe relay calls, etc?)
21:00.13dymThe phone directly has to support both
21:00.37WIMPyI think the was a Samsung thing.
21:01.01dymalso call redirection? as in i get a call via the sip line and redirect it to another isdn phone?
21:01.23WIMPyi don;t think a phone will do that.
21:01.40WIMPyBut some plastic router could.
21:02.30WIMPyWhy not let Asterisk do that?
21:02.34dymOkay, following scenario:
21:02.57dymI have a phone infrastructure based on isdn
21:03.01dymnumber 123-0 - 123-5
21:03.10dymnow i port out 1230 to an online sip trunk
21:03.27dymand the phone that used to be 123-0 needs to be reachable from the outside
21:03.43dymi thought of maybe having a sip account on it and connecting it to the online asterisk
21:03.54dymbut then again it wont be able to relay calls to the other internal phones
21:04.01WIMPyAh, no Asterisk at that location?
21:04.07dymnah, online online
21:04.22dymany idea?
21:04.47dymcalls from the 123-0, which is now "outside" have to be redirected to the former 123-0 which is now inside.
21:04.49WIMPyI don't see how you could connect a local ISDN PBX and a remote SIP PBX, unless the ISDN PBX supports SIP itself.
21:05.13dymso only way would be assigning former 123-0 123-5 or sth
21:05.25WIMPyOr you have a spare port that could be connected to a gateway.
21:05.25dymso the outside 123-0 can be relayed to 123-5
21:05.39dymon the isdn pbx?
21:05.47WIMPyWhere's the point in that?
21:06.10dymis there gateways for that?
21:06.15dymin which form?
21:06.27dymgot an example?
21:06.28WIMPyPlastic routers.
21:06.33WIMPyAKA IADs.
21:06.52dymDo you have a link?
21:07.04WIMPyAVM, SMC, Sphairon, Siemens, Draytek, D-Link, ... you name it :-)
21:08.01WIMPyBut make sure it can do that without being used as router.
21:08.33WIMPySome models won't even try to do SIP when the uplink isn't up.
21:08.57WIMPyIt's often called ATA mode.
21:11.46ferdnaWIMPy, one more thing... type=friend... what should i have in there? peer or friend?
21:12.16WIMPyFor what?
21:12.27ferdnafor the extensions
21:13.06WIMPyUnless you authenticate them via their IP, you need friend.
21:13.29ferdnaoh ok =)... thanks
21:15.10WiretapWorkI just gave the new guy 'the keys' to the PBX
21:15.22WiretapWorkwonder how long before I get the phonecall 'I broke it, halp'
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21:15.57WIMPyWiretapWork: Did you already announce your price?
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21:16.51dymWIMPy: Could you link me to a product that suites your description? Cant really find one ad hoc
21:17.05beekWiretapWork: ... or your favorite brands of brew?
21:17.21WIMPydym: Just something that converts SIP to S0?
21:17.36WiretapWorkWIMPy: not yet, but I will be charging standard sysadmin rates of NZ$125/hr
21:17.48dymWell yeah. I need to be able to negotiate calls inbetween with an external sip account
21:17.51WiretapWorkjust set up a weekly backup sched
21:17.51dym@ WIMPy
21:18.11WIMPygoes to xe
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21:21.22WiretapWorkI didn't give him the root login
21:21.27WiretapWorkonly the login to the asterisk console user :P
21:22.50WIMPydym: I can tell you things that are too big (expensive) for that purpose. Where can you buy?
21:23.37dymshouldnt be too expensive and compatible with a simple ISDN port
21:23.45dymbuy - well... online?
21:24.33WIMPydym: But where? I gouess the chance to find such a thing in an US shop are rather slim.
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21:25.52WIMPyOk. Then search for some Fritz!Box. The 7270 will do, but a smaller model would be more appropriate.
21:26.10dymthats an entire router/dialup/etc appliance
21:26.19WIMPyYou can also watch the local electronic store for bargains.
21:26.37dymBut also thats not quite what im looking for i guess.
21:26.45WIMPyReichelt had Samsung things for 12EUR some month ago.
21:26.47dymSay I had an ISDN pbx locally
21:27.13dymand i needed to be able to connect the pbx to an external sip account
21:27.19WIMPyThe FBs will convert from SIP to ISDN and vice versa.
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21:27.50WIMPyThat's what happens if you order an ISDN "line" from KDG or 1&1.
21:28.18dymim aware of that, but i'd be able to negotiate calles inbetween both technologies
21:28.47dymcan i pm? maybe its more clear in german
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