IRC log for #asterisk on 20110716

00:14.02*** join/#asterisk fflush (~lrfurtado@unaffiliated/fflush)
00:19.54*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
00:31.39*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
00:33.50*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
00:34.48*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
00:37.02*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~irc@2001:470:1f07:1225:8048:3812:9d88:a161)
00:41.50*** join/#asterisk Rufus (Rufus@unaffiliated/rufus)
00:59.24*** join/#asterisk pdtpatrick (
00:59.32Miccdoes multitenant parking work in 1.8.5?
01:12.37*** join/#asterisk code (
01:23.02*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (~nighty@
01:53.31*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
01:57.04capt_cassimirwtf, asterisk docs need "doxygen"... i look at the dependencies, total disk space required 600MB?
01:57.53capt_cassimirAre man pages not installed without this, or are "progdocs" something else?
02:02.17capt_cassimiri really want those man pages. Okay, here we go...
02:05.03*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (~nightrid3@
02:14.42WIMPyYes, it is something else.
02:15.11WIMPyIt's the full source code made browsable.
02:16.54*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
03:49.59*** join/#asterisk infobot (
03:49.59*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2011/07/11), (2011/06/29), 1.4.42 (2011/06/29), *-Addons, 1.4.13 (2010/01/14), dahdi-linux (2011/04/11), dahdi-tools 2.4.1 (2011/03/03), libpri (2010/11/22) -=- Visit the new official Asterisk wiki: -=-
03:50.28WIMPyDoes it show somethign unter 'Extension', indicating the channels being in use?
03:51.29WIMPyIt could sound like some channel leak, eventually eating up all available channels.
03:52.07Linuturkwhile this is going on, i don't usually see anything under extension
03:52.15Linuturkafter a restart, that information shows up
03:52.57WIMPySo from that perspective it does not looke like no channels available?
03:53.50Linuturkyes, very weird
03:54.12Linuturknext time (if) it happens, I'll pull a pri debug at 2
03:55.18WIMPyI wonder if it will start to shuffle channels for inbound calls before it reaches a no go.
03:58.18WIMPyYou could try to add some special codes to your dialplan that enable you to dial out specific channels, instead if the group, for testing.
04:01.32Linuturkto see if certain channels are locking?
04:02.08WIMPyOr maybe you can still dial out certain chennels.
04:04.33Linuturkwell, here's hoping the issue goes away with
04:13.57*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
04:20.32*** join/#asterisk luckman212_ (
04:24.01ChannelZHmm.  Is it only possible to have one account with gtalk in asterisk?
04:25.29capt_cassimirChannelZ: Someone was saying yesterday they had an asterisk setup with multiple gtalk accounts
04:25.48capt_cassimirone gvoice number routed to one handset, another gvoice to another handset
04:32.30capt_cassimirahng on, he gave me a link
04:32.32capt_cassimirlemme see if i can find it
04:33.54capt_cassimiri haven't looked at it yet, i'm still working my way through initial configuration and adding devices
04:44.10ChannelZthanks, I'll take a look
04:45.22ChannelZI guess my brain block is the gtalk.conf and how it's handled.  From the dist sample it almost looks like sip peers matched with the 'username' but the docs are quite lite, so I'll just have to try it and see
04:49.50*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
04:49.59ChannelZinteresting.  My newly built * likes to core when I do a 'reload'
04:51.20capt_cassimirrevert whatever you changed. :D
04:52.33ChannelZheh not sure what is going on quite yet
04:53.12ChannelZI'm getting a missing symbol error when I try to load chan_gtalk so something goofy has happened.
04:53.34capt_cassimirAre you compiling from source or installing?
04:53.39capt_cassimir*installing from package?
04:53.48capt_cassimirDid you do "make uninstall"
04:53.56ChannelZre-configuring and making sure my build wasn't bunk
04:54.16capt_cassimirif you don't make uninstall, it leaves shit
04:54.24capt_cassimirand that old shit might be impacting the new shit
04:54.29capt_cassimirwhich causes a shit-mess
04:54.29qophey guys... question here... is it realatively easy to redirect all asterisk trafic into an Avaya pbx?
04:54.48ChannelZwell I have SFA which it whines about but otherwise this is just a point update
04:55.08capt_cassimirChannelZ: Sounds like you would just take the cable that goes into asterisk and plug it into the pbx instead. :D
04:55.19ChannelZpoints at qop
04:55.26qoppeep here is having a lot of problems with avaya, but currently have a running Asterisk, would it be so hard to redirect the existing Asterisk traffic into Avaya? o.o
04:55.39capt_cassimiroops, yeah. :D
04:55.48qoppokes ChannelZ
04:55.50ChannelZwhat is Avaya?
04:56.07ChannelZI mean is it hardware?
04:56.19qopoh, yes hardware ChannelZ
04:56.31capt_cassimirqop, sounds like a job for the dialplan, although i'm not sure since i'm a newb
04:56.33qopwell, both actually
04:56.38ChannelZso it's being fed T1 or something
04:57.09ChannelZSo you want it still to be the interface but basically just bridge every DID into Asterisk instead?
04:57.21qopChannelZ: Two E1's go directly to the Digium card
04:58.05qopChannelZ: Currently this Asterisk redirects into SIP's, I want it to redirect into an Avaya instead
04:59.35qopChannelZ: because the company we server require Avaya atm, we are servicing them using Asterisk currently. The DID that they have provided is traced as 0 in Avaya, and according to the Avaya guy, this trace is conflictting since the "dial" is 0
04:59.43ChannelZwell I guess it doesn't matter.  So are you saying your * is connected to the Avaya system via E1?
04:59.57qopChannelZ: nops
05:00.31qopChannelZ: Providers router feeds Asterisk through 2 E1's, then Asterisk redirects to sip extensions
05:00.45qopE1 > Asterisk > 20 sips
05:01.05qopand I want it t be: E1 > Asterisk > Avaya
05:01.17ChannelZok - but how do the two connect?
05:01.44qopChannelZ: I can use Brim, coaxial or EJ45
05:01.56qopAvaya has brims but I can use abny adappter
05:02.26qopChannelZ: for example, I could connect Avaya and Asterisk using an eth cable
05:02.30qopno problem
05:03.09ChannelZI guess what I don't get is via what protocol would they communicate.. or maybe that is your question
05:03.37qopChannelZ: ah ok... I dunno what Avaya uses :p
05:03.46ChannelZso that is the question
05:03.52ChannelZin which case I have no idea
05:04.01qopok :p
05:04.20ChannelZI mean if the Avaya is capable of connecting to an E1 under normal circumstances, yes?
05:04.41qopChannelZ: what if I want Asterisk to comunicate to Avaya as if it was a simple E1 router?
05:05.03qopChannelZ: all I need is Asterisk to be middleware for avaya
05:05.23ChannelZwell you'd need an E1 card for Asterisk to use, and essentially it just "dials out" connecting to the other end connected to your Avaya PBX
05:06.43qopChannelZ: well, I already have a digium with two empty ports in that card, I could just redirect the traffic from dahdi 1,2 into dahdi3,4
05:07.57ChannelZpretty much, yeah
05:08.25ChannelZYou just make your asterisk dialplan Dial() the appropriate channel(s) going to the Avaya
05:08.32qopChannelZ: cool! tell me...  do you have the link on the how to?
05:08.36ChannelZI guess you'd just throw them all into a group
05:08.43qopChannelZ: :)
05:08.56ChannelZNo but it shouldn't be much more complicated than the setup you already have
05:09.05qopChannelZ: ok, for the details, I'd have to know more, what can I read?
05:09.17*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
05:09.21ChannelZYou have a bunch of extensions for this customers DIDs that currently dial SIP peers yeah?
05:09.22qopor if you want to guide me through? :p
05:09.40qopChannelZ: customer has just 1 extension
05:09.51ChannelZonly one number?
05:10.06*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-plkcqlrqsabswpla)
05:10.45ChannelZIn any case you need to start by configuring another span in your chan_dahdi for the Asterisk <-> Avaya link and get that working (crossover cable between the two?)
05:10.59qopyes, provider has only one number
05:11.41ChannelZbut multiple rollovers I assume..?
05:11.50qopChannelZ: i dunno :|
05:12.00ChannelZIE you can call them more than once at a time
05:12.34qopChannelZ: ok let me explain... we serve the info number, we just take all calls and redirect them to agents who give info
05:12.59qopit is all incoming
05:13.02qopno output
05:13.13ChannelZso yes then
05:13.30ChannelZotherwise it'd be kind of pointless having an E1 with only 1 channel
05:14.18qopChannelZ: sadly I know a bunch of things but a newb in Asterisk :(
05:14.40qopChannelZ: what should I look for?
05:14.43ChannelZanyway like I said you need to config dahdi/system.conf to make a new span for the interconnect
05:14.54ChannelZand then config chan_dahdi.conf to use those channels
05:15.25qopah ok!
05:15.45ChannelZthen it's just a matter of programming extensions.conf to dial the new channels instead of your SIP ones
05:15.59qopChannelZ: where do I find propper documentation on how to on those files?
05:16.05p3nguinI had to read back to see what happened after I left earlier.
05:16.11p3nguinThat's just too funny.
05:16.42ChannelZwell the dist versions of those files show every possible option
05:16.55ChannelZHow did it get configured this far?
05:17.27p3nguinI almost feel sick.  I went and had a crapload of shrimp for supper, and I'm stuffed.  Still.
05:17.57p3nguinI wanted to drink some beer tonight, but I don't have any room for it.
05:18.08ChannelZSounds like someone needs a potty break
05:18.17qopChannelZ: want the paste?
05:18.27ChannelZof what?
05:18.34qophands a glass of water to ChannelZ
05:18.46capt_cassimirp3nguin: The last time i overate was christmas. Prime rib. I went to bed full... and woke up full.
05:18.54qop<ChannelZ> How did it get configured this far? the config?
05:19.08qopdahdi/system.conf ?
05:19.27p3nguinIt's not that I need a potty break... I'm literally filled to the brim from supper, so there's no room for beer.  I typically don't overeat, but I sure did tonight.
05:19.38ChannelZit was more of a general question - who did it, if you know nothing of it how did it get running in the first place
05:20.17qopChannelZ: oh nope, it was setup by someone else
05:20.28qopChannelZ: and never had to deal with that server
05:20.35qopnor the Avaya stuff
05:20.58qopthere was some guy in charge but he was abducted by Aliens or something
05:21.04capt_cassimirDo i smell a recent promotion, qop?
05:21.13qopcapt_cassimir: haha
05:21.16ChannelZI guess what I'm really asking is why does Asterisk need to be involved in this?
05:21.30p3nguinIf you guys help him straighten out the crap, he'll be sure to get promoted!
05:21.34ChannelZYou are a service provider using Asterisk but don't know how?  (that sounds more rude than I mean it)
05:21.51p3nguinThat's typical.
05:21.55qopChannelZ: exact!!
05:21.58capt_cassimiryeah no surprises there
05:22.06capt_cassimiri've supported apps i don't have a clue about before
05:22.10p3nguinI've yet to meet an ITSP that knows how to configure Asterisk for the end user.
05:22.14qopI am systems guy yes... but I do not have to do with telephony and stuff
05:22.30capt_cassimirThe systems guy wears all hats. :)
05:22.45p3nguinEven the dirty brown ones?
05:22.55qopwhen you fall in the fang yes
05:23.11capt_cassimir*especially* the brown and dirty one
05:23.42capt_cassimirgrumbles something about solaris
05:23.47ChannelZwell I don't have any T1/E1 knowledge beyond the 10,000ft view so I don't thinK I can help terribly with the details of configuration
05:24.14qopChannelZ: maybe you dont need to at all
05:24.49qopChannelZ: all I need to know is how to redirect all traffic from the two first slots in my digium into the 3rd and 4th
05:24.50ChannelZIf it were me personally I'd just copy what I saw and bang on it till it worked :)  I guess pastebin your configs and we can look and maybe tell you something that'll work
05:25.11ChannelZWell it'll be a little higher level than that but yah
05:25.42ChannelZ(but again I ask, why don't you just plug the E1 into the Avaya in the first place, why is Asterisk getting involved?)
05:25.58p3nguinI was about to ask something similar.
05:26.05p3nguinIt doesn't sound like it's a job for Asterisk at all.
05:26.32capt_cassimiri'm assuming qop is in some sort of transition phase
05:26.42ChannelZIt could certainly do the job, I just don't know why it needs to if it's not providing any actual services
05:26.45capt_cassimirthat's when stupid configurations are necessary, usually
05:26.57qopChannelZ: all rite :D dahdi/system.conf , chan_dahdi.conf and what else?
05:27.09ChannelZthat'll do to start
05:27.14qopcapt_cassimir: you assume right little padawan
05:27.16p3nguinBut if it's just redirecting, which was the request, what's the point at all?
05:27.21qopChannelZ: brb
05:27.22p3nguinin -> out
05:27.31p3nguinNo nothing.  Just in and out.
05:27.35ChannelZYou're putting a box in the middle that is really doing nothing.
05:28.03p3nguinYou could skip that step and do something more productive.
05:29.52ChannelZdamnit what the hell
05:30.10ChannelZis busted-ass or what
05:30.28p3nguinNew release not working?
05:31.01ChannelZI get a goofy error when I try to load chan_gtalk
05:31.26ChannelZbut more worringly if I just do a 'reload' asterisk crashes
05:41.00ChannelZwell now I did it.
05:41.31ChannelZI rebooted it from home and now I can't ssh into it.
05:41.58capt_cassimirWoot, my base install and config is tight, i can start adding devices!
05:42.44p3nguinMaybe you could telnet it.
05:42.44capt_cassimirChannelZ: Sounds like you're ready to dispatch a datacenter tech. :D
05:42.59ChannelZtranslation: I get in my jeep and drive to work
05:43.16capt_cassimirnah, see if the janitor can power cycle it. :D
05:43.38ChannelZI am what you call a small business
05:43.51capt_cassimiralso, you should invest in a console over IP device like Annex or Cyclade
05:44.06capt_cassimirthings are fscking handy - ssh to the cyclade, open a serial connection to the device
05:44.11capt_cassimirwe've got em in all our racks
05:44.11ChannelZas in, I more or less write my own paychecks.  There is no janitor
05:44.43ChannelZWell I don't often bust things from home like this
05:44.50p3nguinThe last time I priced an IP KVM, they were outrageous.
05:44.50capt_cassimiryou can also do powere management with X11, saw an article on Hack A Day about it
05:45.01capt_cassimirnot x11, x10, the home automation system
05:45.06ChannelZI'm curious what it's doing though, I can ping it but nothing else is running
05:45.18capt_cassimirChannelZ: Probably hanging out at a root prompt
05:45.41p3nguinramfs death prompt
05:45.42capt_cassimirKVM is a waste for servers that can be adminstered via serial console
05:45.55ChannelZDunno.  Either it hung before it ever restarted or something horrible has happened on boot.
05:46.06ChannelZhorrible-ish anyway
05:47.19capt_cassimira dummied down way to do it would be to put a lightweight linux server at the top of the rack with a bunch of serial cards in it
05:47.21ChannelZwill BBL
05:47.32capt_cassimirrun serial lines to the various servers and enable getty on them
05:47.46capt_cassimirboom, you can now SSH to the terminal services box and open a console connection to the others
05:48.16capt_cassimirThis has limited application with linux servers since the console terminal is a service, not hardware based like Sun / Cisco systems.
05:48.38capt_cassimiri think he just paged himself to work
05:49.03p3nguinI wonder if he gets trouble pay for this.
05:49.13capt_cassimirx10 man, i'm telling you. Poor mans powere management. You use those lamp or appliance switches and HEYU in linux
05:49.17ChannelZwell the good news is (maybe) your spans are already configured
05:49.50capt_cassimiri had a script that would monitor the internet connection and power cycle the modem when it detected an outage.
05:49.57qopChannelZ: who? me?
05:50.13qopgood :p
05:50.13ChannelZguess we need to see dahdi-channels.conf and chan_dahdi_additional.conf too though
05:51.05ChannelZbut now I am walking away
05:51.10ChannelZfor real
05:51.26ChannelZas soon as I find my pants
05:51.47qophides ChannelZ's pants under bed
05:51.49ChannelZoh so that's all setup too
05:52.09qopChannelZ: wha? so I just connect 3 and 4 into Avaya then? o.O
05:52.26ChannelZwell, in theory
05:52.34qopgotta test it!
05:52.48ChannelZthen you modify your extensions.conf to take the incoming calls and dial the "outgoing" channel(s) instead
05:53.50ChannelZYou have 2 PRIs coming into your card already for these calls?
05:54.26qopChannelZ: into the Asterisk? nope, two e1's through an rj45 adapter
05:55.42qopChannelZ: two E1's are connected into an rj45 adapter that connects into the Asterisk's Digium card port 1 of 4
05:56.14ChannelZbut you said you're connecting to avaya '3 and 4'...?
05:56.37qopChannelZ: I was about to plug the digium's card port 4 into the avaya's brim port
05:57.32ChannelZhmm. blind leading the blind here
05:58.05qopChannelZ: so that means you've found your pants?
05:58.21ChannelZyes. back later
06:00.20qopok, what port does asterisk use to output dial?
06:00.25qopeth port
06:08.57*** part/#asterisk code (
06:10.00p3nguinWhichever one you're using.
06:18.06*** join/#asterisk qop (~H@
06:31.55ChannelZJust my luck.  The HD in this thing is flaking out.
06:35.33capt_cassimirback up your configs!
06:35.46ChannelZyeah they do automatically
06:35.53ChannelZis hunting for his copy of SpinRite
06:41.07*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
06:41.57*** join/#asterisk pdtpatr1ck (
06:49.20*** join/#asterisk vikapi (~quassel@
07:03.19*** join/#asterisk gravin (~gravin@
07:10.24*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
07:56.30*** join/#asterisk deltaflyer4747 (5ef24b32@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
07:58.01deltaflyer4747Hello there, may i ask for assistance / guidance / tips / howto / help? Well... Is there even a chance to create conference call, where one extension is "normal" sip phone and the other is "musiconhold" that way, that only one side of the confference hears the MOH ? Thanks in advance.
07:58.29*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
07:58.39capt_cassimirdelta, that sounds whack
07:58.52*** join/#asterisk sonstwo (~garland@unaffiliated/ffs)
07:59.42deltaflyer4747yea i know, but i need it for one IPcam that SHOULD use sip for duplex audio, but it uses it only on phone -> camera way, i "hacked" it using MOH < vlc decoding videostream containing audio
08:01.07*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
08:01.15capt_cassimirSo how many participants are there in the conference call?
08:01.39capt_cassimircause what you described sounds like someone picks up a hand set and gets music.
08:01.40deltaflyer47472 + one MOH.
08:02.29capt_cassimirokay lemme see if i understand
08:02.38deltaflyer4747situation is as follows: camera initiates call (backcall with scriptfile) that dials extension/function that creates a call to sip phone and that sip phone should receive call from that camera (SIP) + MOH together
08:02.50ChannelZBlech.  Blue Pixi Stix are the WORST.
08:06.03capt_cassimiri think i get it now
08:06.11deltaflyer4747great :)
08:06.53deltaflyer4747the thing is... if i play that "moh" to the sip phone and to the camera, camera gets its own sound delayed a bit and creating nasty loop
08:07.02capt_cassimirright right
08:07.06deltaflyer4747so i need to "route" the moh only to the other party
08:07.49deltaflyer4747btw... even THIS what i done is by camera's manufacturer impossible :]
08:08.03capt_cassimiryou fucking hacker
08:08.28*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
08:10.22deltaflyer4747well, i asked alot -censored- support (local, that asked directly manufacturer) and they gave me no-go... few days ago i sat onto that and got it working in ~1h :) The only thing i need is that one side MOH routing - which i hope is possible.
08:10.40deltaflyer4747whoops :) i won't do adverts here ;)
08:11.01deltaflyer4747but lets say its perhaps the only dome camera with > 100° wide image
08:13.03deltaflyer4747capt_cassimir: do you have any idea on how to do that?
08:13.23capt_cassimirI've been pondering it here, and i can't think of anything. But i'm no good with dialplans.
08:14.01capt_cassimirYou essentially want to have a conference call where there is an extra channel of input audio to ONE participant, if i understand correctly
08:14.43capt_cassimirand i'm not sure how to do that with asterisk, thinking in terms of "channels"
08:14.50deltaflyer4747i c
08:14.55capt_cassimirmy experience is exceedingly limited though
08:15.01capt_cassimiryou should hang out and ask some of the other guys.
08:15.32deltaflyer4747well, mine is definetly worse. And yes, i will wait, hoping someone will catch on
08:17.31capt_cassimiri've been trying to think of more traditional scenarios that might warrant such a setup, and i can't think of any
08:17.56*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@2001:470:1f15:d79:e414:3bbc:a82:ea51)
08:19.39deltaflyer4747yep, thats exactly my problem, its such an extraordinary problem i couldn't even google it :)
08:19.47deltaflyer4747this is my last hope.
08:31.47*** join/#asterisk Bipul (75d31983@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:37.06Bipulcapt_cassimir: hellow
08:41.14*** join/#asterisk radic (
08:41.59*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
08:50.19deltaflyer4747waiting and waiting... :)
08:51.08*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
08:56.53*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
09:18.19*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
09:20.24*** join/#asterisk Yabanize (79496fda@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:20.38YabanizeHello is anyone willing to help me?
09:27.53*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
09:38.51Yabanizeive got a iax2 trunk set up to a provider and i can call out but not recieve calls
09:39.32*** join/#asterisk vfabi (~fabi@
09:43.57deltaflyer4747Yabanize: if is it the same as sip trunk, you need to register yourself at the provider
09:44.26Yabanizei am registered
09:44.48Yabanizesip trunks are a little bit different to iax though
09:46.07deltaflyer4747so if you open console (asterisk -rvvvvvv) and dial-in, you see proper response?
09:46.16kaldemarYabanize: how can you not receive calls? do you see something in CLI?
09:46.34deltaflyer4747kaldemar: ^^
09:49.51ChannelZApparently he has some networking issues.
09:51.44deltaflyer4747seems alike :]
09:52.21*** join/#asterisk sulex (~sulex@pdpc/supporter/professional/sulex)
09:52.45deltaflyer4747and i will wait and wait if someone has any idea :)
09:53.53deltaflyer4747is looking towards a BIG time spent here...
09:54.53*** join/#asterisk madmac2501 (
09:55.14madmac2501hi, how can i download documentation from wiki for offline viewing?
09:55.28deltaflyer4747file -> save page as
09:56.22madmac2501that will download all?
09:56.33deltaflyer4747actual page
09:56.59madmac2501and something more automated to download all?
09:57.58deltaflyer4747well, you can always make some script and wget <a href>s
09:58.23madmac2501yes, that will do the trick
10:00.26deltaflyer4747well, there was some windows program that i cannot recall its name, but it was long time ago
10:01.52madmac2501don't worry, i think that with wget is enough
10:22.44*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
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10:35.35ahfeelHi all
10:35.49dymIm having trouble registering a SIP devive to my asterisk server. UDP 10000:20000 are allowed and so is tcp 5060, but still the sip phone fails to register sometimes.
10:41.43ahfeelI'm doing a streamFile action with escape digits, but I dont get any digit back when trying from a softphone
10:41.52ahfeeldoes anybody have an hint ? :/
10:47.13*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
10:54.38deltaflyer4747ahfeel: udp 5060
10:55.01deltaflyer4747wrong nick
10:55.14deltaflyer4747sorry about that
11:00.51*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
11:01.00deltaflyer4747dym: netstat -pant|grep asterisk
11:02.24*** join/#asterisk Rufus (Rufus@unaffiliated/rufus)
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11:06.42deltaflyer4747afk for ~2hrs, shopping
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12:02.15capt_cassimirhey bipul
12:02.38Bipulcapt_cassimir,  hy i got my ISP voip service
12:02.50Bipulnow how to configure it with my asterick
12:02.55capt_cassimiryeah, is it good for local calls?
12:04.02Bipulnops only ISD calls
12:04.23capt_cassimirah. So they gave you a username, password and stuff?
12:05.05Bipulbut it runs on windows platform
12:05.08Bipul.exe file
12:05.19*** join/#asterisk vikapi (~quassel@
12:05.55capt_cassimirSee, that doesn't help you! You gotta know they SIP level username, password, hostname, etc
12:06.57Bipuli have login alias and user name?
12:07.11Bipuluser pin *
12:09.13capt_cassimirSo, even if you want to TRY that in asterisk, you would still need to tell asterisk which internet server to talk to
12:09.21capt_cassimiri believe that's the proxy server
12:10.05Bipulso what shud i do now /
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12:13.17capt_cassimirlike i told you earlier, 1) get docs from your provider, 2) try to figure out the hostname for asterisk and hope that the username / pin you have works, or 3) do an asterisk project WITHOUT interfacing to PSTN
12:14.08capt_cassimirThe project i've picked for my first attempt is to create an asterisk server here with two handsets, and then to link it with an asterisk server at my friends house for a private phone network
12:14.14Bipulok i am ready to do an asterisk project
12:14.30capt_cassimirThis doesn't cost us anything other than the handsets and two PCs we had as surplus
12:14.45Bipulbut i have a singal computer that having Linux installed
12:14.56capt_cassimirOkay, so just set up two handsets
12:15.03deltaflyer4747or 4th option
12:15.04Bipuland i do have VOSystem
12:15.23deltaflyer4747as he has windows app, he may install Wireshark and capture the registrar string ;)
12:15.44capt_cassimirdelta, do you see what we're getting stuck on right now? Do you think we need to get into that? :D
12:15.46Bipuldeltaflyer4747,   ?
12:16.23deltaflyer4747true :)
12:16.27capt_cassimirBipul: Will there be internet access for you in the presentation hall?
12:16.35capt_cassimirWhat about wireless internet access for laptops?
12:16.43deltaflyer4747Bipul: wireshark is software that captures all data that passes through your network card and allows you to see it as text
12:17.15Bipulthere will i got wirless internet connection
12:17.30Bipulyes i have wireshark install
12:17.36Bipulbut i dont know how to use it
12:17.52capt_cassimirdon't worry about that
12:18.11capt_cassimirreading packet dumps takes some serious finesse
12:18.15deltaflyer4747yet its not so hard :)
12:18.36capt_cassimirSo do you have a laptop and a server to run asterisk on?
12:18.45Bipulettercap i think i have
12:18.52deltaflyer4747capt_cassimir: he just needs to create proper filter... or run wireshark, login to the voip, stop wireshark, save data and send it to you :D
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12:19.19Bipulwell i can use putty to connect my windows laptop to my peronal computer via SSH
12:19.30capt_cassimirfuck that, i can't even get my handsets configured properly, let alone his janky VOIProvider
12:19.37Bipuland on my personal computer Asterisk is installed
12:19.48capt_cassimirok ok, that's what i'm getting at
12:19.50capt_cassimirhere's what you do
12:20.00capt_cassimirset up asterisk with a profile for two softphones
12:20.15capt_cassimirassuming that the softphones are on two laptops with static IPs
12:20.22capt_cassimirthis will be easy to replicate in the lecture hall
12:20.31BipulStatic Ip? Why not dynamic
12:20.43capt_cassimirYou can use your laptop with the softphone to test both user accounts that you'll create in asterisk
12:20.57capt_cassimironce you crack open the asterisk conf, you'll see what you want static
12:21.15capt_cassimirCome test day, you fire up your asterisk server on a 4-port ethernet switch / router, whatever
12:21.19capt_cassimirput it on a small lan
12:21.28capt_cassimirwith your laptop, logged into the first account you created
12:21.46capt_cassimirInvite one of the other students with a laptop to download and install the software,
12:21.56capt_cassimirthen put that laptop on the lan with your asterisk server and assign it an IP
12:22.17capt_cassimirDemonstrate a call between the two laptops using softphones.
12:22.45WIMPyYou can do that without Asterisk :-)
12:22.49BipulTHats a Pure VOIP
12:23.20capt_cassimirWIMPy: Class project
12:23.34deltaflyer4747still noone can help me with my ... whacky problem? :)
12:23.53capt_cassimirright bipul, that's the point: your voip provider didn't give you an asterisk friendly configuration, and may not support asterisk
12:24.28capt_cassimirmeanwhile, you can still demonstrate your voip, sip, and asterisk skills without spending money
12:24.28WIMPydeltaflyer4747: The only chance I see for you is to use ChanSpy.
12:24.43deltaflyer4747WIMPy: will google for that word :)
12:24.57Bipulis there any one who can sponser me for my project ?
12:24.58capt_cassimirOh, i saw that module! Good call!
12:25.02WIMPy'core show application chanspy'
12:25.09deltaflyer4747WIMPy: or google :)
12:25.28deltaflyer4747WIMPy: might do the trick, ie create call to SIP and then add chanspy for the phone
12:26.03capt_cassimiri think that's the gist, you'd chanspy the MOH
12:26.26deltaflyer4747great :)
12:26.30WIMPyI'm not sure yet, hou you get MOH in there. That probably involves some Bridge()ing.
12:26.40WIMPyAnd Originate()ing.
12:27.05deltaflyer4747atleast i have some ground i can stand on
12:27.12deltaflyer4747thanks alot!
12:28.53WIMPyOk, read the full story now. Just an Originate of an MOH extension to Chanspy should work, I think.
12:29.15deltaflyer4747great :)
12:29.18deltaflyer4747thanks alot :)
12:29.41deltaflyer4747you know, doing something the author of the product said is impossible is kinda fun :)
12:33.24WIMPyWho said so?
12:39.03deltaflyer4747manufacturer of that IP camera - they stated, that its impossible to get full duplex audio of that camera
12:39.11deltaflyer4747yet i did it :)
12:40.51deltaflyer4747i mean to the sip phone
12:43.45*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
12:55.05capt_cassimirregistration fron [phone] failed for [ip] - no matching peer found
12:59.52deltaflyer4747wishes to know asterisk atleast a bit :)
13:01.51capt_cassimirHey, there we go.
13:02.13capt_cassimirand hello world works
13:02.15infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
13:02.18WIMPyTry that
13:02.50capt_cassimirLOL wish i had known it was CC before i paid $35 in the nook store...
13:04.38*** join/#asterisk Bipul (~bipul@unaffiliated/bipul/x-4918593)
13:04.45deltaflyer4747is there PDF of that? :D
13:09.13WIMPyNo free PDF of the current edition, AKAIK.
13:09.38capt_cassimirWHere in the world does it say it's CC?
13:10.19WIMPyinfobot just told you.
13:10.29capt_cassimirinfobot lies
13:10.30infobotthe cake is a lie!
13:10.38capt_cassimirthe links all say copyright leif madson
13:12.04deltaflyer4747well, i think i need to study it, i don't even know how to create exten that listens to that chanspy and then dials the sip chan :)
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13:18.44deltaflyer4747yea, i know, lame :)
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14:13.07deltaflyer4747WIMPy: any hint on that chanspy/extenspy for the MOH? because i am too lame to find out how to get the moh to the chanspy:(
14:15.17WIMPyYou have to create an extension for one of them (I suggest the MOH) and then Originate to that via a local channel and call application chanspy.
14:16.05WIMPyHow is the call set up?
14:21.36deltaflyer4747well. just testing so far as i am really lame at asterisk
14:22.26WIMPyYou mentioned a script being involved?
14:23.05deltaflyer4747thats the plan
14:23.25deltaflyer4747i know of a "scriptfile" being copied to particular directory initiating a call.
14:23.49deltaflyer4747i really cant remember details, it was year ago i played with it ...
14:24.40WIMPyYou can probably extend that to set up the 2nd call as well.
14:25.18deltaflyer4747i need it because the camera itself has no button to dial, so i will "hack" the external button via HW interface to the server, launching the script copying the call file ...
14:25.58WIMPyIt's your doorphone?
14:26.47deltaflyer4747security camera for the lift, audio is needed in case of the breakdown of the lift
14:27.12deltaflyer4747to dial serviceman etc...
14:27.31WIMPyBut What is the music good for?
14:27.42deltaflyer4747okay, from the begining.
14:29.48deltaflyer4747that IPcam have 2way audio. TO camera you use SIP (just dial the camera extension and speaker connected to the camera will produce sound from SIP chan). FROM camera is more difficult - i had to rig the VLC to convert the streaming video from the camera to the MOH channel. Thats the only way i know how to get audio from the camera to the *
14:30.29WIMPyI see
14:31.06deltaflyer4747application=/usr/local/bin/vlc rtsp:// -I dummy -q --sout "#transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=s16l,ab=8,channels=1,samplerate=8000}:std{access=file,mux=raw,dst=-}" 2>/dev/null
14:31.17deltaflyer4747(if anyone needs that ;) )
14:31.24WIMPyYou should only use chanspy, no conference then.
14:32.21deltaflyer4747the thing is i need to dial(sip/cam1) + chanspy(musiconhold) - dial is outbound only, musiconhold is inbound only.
14:32.43Bipulso no one going to sponser my project :(
14:32.44WIMPyJust place a call from the cam to the phone and let the MOH channel whisper to the phone via ChanSpy.
14:33.17WIMPyIt will be two calls.
14:33.32deltaflyer4747as i said, i don't know how to chanspy musiconhold :)
14:34.12WIMPyLike I already said: Vreate an extension for it and dial that extension via a local channel.
14:35.01WIMPyYou should have used a doorphone thing.
14:35.43deltaflyer4747wimpy: that would be another hardware that needs to be bought with 0 budget :-(
14:36.32WIMPyBecause work is worthless.
14:37.10deltaflyer4747WIMPy: wouldn't dialing that moh extension add its audio to existing call ? (just asking, keep that i-beam down please)
14:37.52WIMPyThat's why you should use ChanSpy in whisper mode instead of a conference.
14:38.25deltaflyer4747now i am lost :-/
14:38.41deltaflyer4747nevermind... i'll get it... somehow...
14:38.55WIMPyYou set up the call between the cam and the phone.
14:39.31deltaflyer4747exten => 81,1,Dial(sip/cam1)
14:39.36WIMPyThen you call Chanspy on the channel going to the phone from the moh extension.
14:41.36deltaflyer4747i am not sure how to create that virtual channel
14:42.03WIMPyThe same way you create the first call.
14:43.16WIMPyYou could do it via the dialplan when the 1st call is answered if you want the advanced version.
14:43.57deltaflyer4747exten => 81,n,Dial(sip/1002) #1002 = exten for moh
14:44.04deltaflyer4747thats gonna be the next line?
14:44.47*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
14:45.18WIMPyNo. That's not a SIP channel. You need a local channel.
14:45.50WIMPyVou can any any extension in your dialplan like a device via a local channel.
14:47.07deltaflyer4747ok, s/sip/local
14:48.30WIMPyBut you don't Dial, you have to Originate.
14:48.45WIMPyIt will be two calls.
14:51.46deltaflyer4747so... exten => 81,n,originate(sip/1002,extension,11@default)
14:53.34WIMPyTake the easy one first. Create the 1st call via your .call file.
14:54.19deltaflyer4747for testing purposses i am dialing directly from phone (exten 11) to the camera (exten 81)
14:55.50WIMPyThen try it manually from *CLI. Originate local/mohext application chanspy sip/1002,Eqw
14:57.00WIMPyYou need to have that moh exten.
14:57.25WIMPyAFK, BBL
14:57.27deltaflyer47471002 is MOH, 11 is deskphone, 81 is sip to cam
14:58.10WIMPyOriginate local/1002 application chanspy sip/11,Eqw
15:00.19deltaflyer4747while dialing the 81 from 11, right ?
15:03.00deltaflyer4747when i do, call fails.
15:11.37LinuturkWIMPy: I got lucky this weekend. someone is at the office making calls, so it will be under some sort of load today. I hope I won't see a lockup
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16:24.45deltaflyer4747WIMPy: when you come back, please ping me, i think i got it with those 2 calls, but ...
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16:46.58deltaflyer4747DARN i hate myself :-/
16:47.42p3nguinbipul: What kind of sponsorship are you looking for?
16:48.02baviHey there, an ilbc question; what is the current status of ilbc in asterisk ? not supported ?
16:48.36p3nguinIt should be supported just fine.  Remember to select the codec in menuconfig when you're building asterisk.
16:49.02bavisupported in what way? currently the codec is half broken
16:49.07bavinot doing 20ms
16:49.17baviand i am not even 100% sure that it does 30ms correctly
16:49.36bavimaybe there is a 3rd party codec ?
16:49.45p3nguinI wasn't aware it was broken; I just know it is available in the codec list in the menu.
16:50.52baviI see... What is asterisk's policy with external development ? what If i'd like to fix it? is it possible ?
16:51.39baviheck i am not even sure whats the project's status, is it developed by the community or just open source ?
16:51.49p3nguinIf you want to fix something that can be fully implemented into Asterisk for everyone, you can simply submit your patches and if it's good enough, it'll probably get added.
16:52.10baviwho do i commit my patches to ?
16:52.23baviw0z 'the dude' ;-)
16:52.36p3nguinThis might be a question better asked in #asterisk-dev.
16:52.45p3nguinor here, but on a weekday.
16:52.51bavioutch!! there is asterisk-dev
16:53.04baviThank you my lord.
16:53.09Bipulp3nguin,  i need voip account for my asterik so that i can make a call
16:53.26p3nguinbipul: Whom do you intend to call?
16:53.41Bipuli can show peoples at presentation hall about this asterisk and in return i will  put the name s of that provider
16:53.53Bipulto my freinds at presentation hall
16:54.05Bipuli just make hardly 15 calls
16:54.08p3nguinto mobile phones?
16:54.42Bipulyes but voip provider shud be no-indian
16:55.07Bipulyes mobile phone may be i can call ISD Calls
16:55.12p3nguinLet me look at my rates for calls to India mobile phones.
16:55.24Bipul:) thanks :)
16:55.52Bipulsir p3nguin  in india there is restiction to voip provider to hit the local PSTN server
16:56.08Bipulonly ISD calls are allowed
16:58.07p3nguinPhone numbers starting with 9192, 9193, 9194, 9197, 9198, and 9199?
16:58.48Bipul91 is india code
16:59.08p3nguinAre you demonstrating VoIP to PSTN/Mobile... or are you demonstrating Asterisk?
16:59.50Bipulyes sir that's what i want to do :)
17:00.03BipulVoip TO pstn
17:00.17p3nguinYou aren't trying to demonstrate Asterisk?
17:01.41p3nguinIf you are not trying to demonstrate Asterisk, I can get you a VoIP account where you will connect your SIP phone and make VoIP calls to the PSTN and mobile phones.
17:01.58p3nguinI can't give you Asterisk access, though.
17:02.26Bipulno i want's to do it through Asterisk
17:02.49p3nguinYou'll do it through Asterisk, but you won't have login access to Asterisk.
17:02.50Bipulno sir my aim is dig asterisk
17:03.14p3nguinAre you going to set up Asterisk on your site?
17:03.25Bipulnot mine site mine website
17:03.38Bipulsory on  my computer
17:04.17p3nguinIf you set up Asterisk on your computer, you can configure your asterisk to use me as a provider.  That sounds like it should work for you.
17:04.30Bipulalright :)
17:05.08p3nguinWhat is the date you will do the demonstration?
17:05.33Bipulit is in between 29 to 2 august
17:06.08Bipulin between 29 jul to 2 august
17:07.19p3nguinOkay, I will be your VoIP service provider (ITSP), and you will be able to call India mobile phones.  Do you have Asterisk set up already so you can test it today?
17:07.49Bipulyes i do have asterisk installed
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17:30.30p3nguinbipul: Still here?
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17:49.32p3nguinbipul: PM me.
17:50.18deltaflyer4747is there somebody willing to help me with setting up chanspy via .call file?
18:00.17*** join/#asterisk GuySoft (~guysoft@
18:00.46GuySofthi all, - I have a radio plugged in to a sound card - I there a way to make it record only when it passes a certain DB level?
18:01.45irrootGuySoft on asterisk ??
18:01.59irrootlook at the silence/noise functions in main/dsp
18:02.21GuySoftirroot, any software will do, but I thought i might start here . on #hamradio no one knows how to do this..
18:02.44GuySoftirroot, asterisk is mostly more up to date than most audio software around
18:02.46irrootlol those old farts ... /me ZR6OLG
18:03.18GuySoftirroot, 4Z7GAI :) .. Im new to the hobby and keep bumping in to OMs
18:04.06irrootnot sure asterisk is ideal for it but there some decent DSP bits also look at spandsp and the linux ham radio cook book ive been silent for many years though
18:06.27GuySoftirroot, spandsp - is that a program?
18:07.01irrootnah more a lib you can make programs from it
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18:45.06deltaflyer4747damn :(
18:51.01fulcanwhat is the easiest method to write to the agi/ami/api? I am getting my butt handed to me with pyst and StartPy because of lack-o-documentation just trying to laund a piece of test code. Haven't tried py-asterisk yet. I guess I could write it in C++, php looks like a pain to setup. Can't someone refer me to a good doc/method of write my first piece of code to the ami/agi/api?
18:52.00*** join/#asterisk ttyS1 (
18:57.04seraphiefulcan: checkout the asterisk test suite. there are reams of tests written using StarPy.
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19:03.11deltaflyer4747Anyone able and willing to guide me through setup of (exten) + (chanspy on MOH) + exten  ?
19:03.22deltaflyer4747please, i'm going crazy of that :(
19:03.43p3nguinI really have no idea what you're trying to do.  Your question makes very little sense to me.
19:03.54p3nguinCan you try to clarify what your intention is?
19:04.07deltaflyer4747p3nguin: well, i was asking for that since morning... i can repeat... sec, writing, its a bit long-ish
19:04.23p3nguinJust give me the short of it.
19:04.42p3nguinYou're trying to connect something to something else.  I know that much.
19:04.59p3nguinI briefly read what you were talking about earlier, but I couldn't follow it.
19:10.21p3nguinSo exten 1001 runs MusicOnHold(camera) ?
19:11.32p3nguinWhat does exten 81 run?  Dial(SIP/camera) ?
19:11.47p3nguinAnd exten 11 runs Dial(SIP/deskphone) ?
19:12.02deltaflyer4747you can say that, yes
19:12.34deltaflyer4747+ i'd need that through the .call file :]
19:12.54p3nguinI don't know about need.  call file could do it, though.
19:14.48deltaflyer4747i mean - the camera will be the initiator, yet the camera has no buttons to "dial" so i will rig HW button to server calling a script creating an asterisk .call file
19:17.13deltaflyer4747ofc it can create more than one file :)
19:18.52deltaflyer4747so... any help will be appreciated
19:22.54deltaflyer4747p3nguin: still there with me please?
19:25.42p3nguinThis process is started by pressing a button near the camera?
19:26.04*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
19:26.14gavimobilewhat does it mean when I restart amportal and it says Asterisk ended with exit status 0
19:26.31deltaflyer4747yes, it does. That calls the script producing the .call file
19:26.49deltaflyer4747or files
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19:27.50p3nguinWhen the button is pressed, what happens?
19:28.02p3nguinYes, I know the call file is produced.
19:28.09p3nguinBut what happens?
19:29.18gavimobilewhat does it mean when I restart amportal and it says Asterisk ended with exit status 0
19:29.24p3nguinYou already said that.
19:29.36p3nguinNo one new has joined.
19:29.46gavimobilemy bad
19:29.56p3nguinAnd there hasn't been any significant scroll.
19:31.04deltaflyer4747p3nguin: well, thats what i need to figure.
19:31.27deltaflyer4747i need to call 11 -> 81 and enabling chanspy on 1001 for 11
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19:32.44seraphiegavimobile: exit status 0 means Asterisk shut down normally
19:33.04deltaflyer4747btw sorry for my bad english, but i am quite tired after whole day trying to get it done :(
19:33.42gavimobileseraphie: so its normal?
19:33.45*** part/#asterisk jsman (~jsman@unaffiliated/jsman)
19:33.51p3nguindeltaflyer4747: When someone presses the button at the camera, you want your phone to call the camera?
19:33.54gavimobileI don't remember seeing it previously
19:34.03gavimobileseraphie: ok, great thanks
19:34.54deltaflyer4747p3nguin: or the other way... doesn't matter, problem is that routing. But basically yes.
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19:36.23p3nguindeltaflyer4747: Are you wanting help building the call file to establish the call between the camera and the phone?
19:37.58deltaflyer4747thats easy.
19:38.10p3nguinThen what part are you having trouble with?
19:38.12deltaflyer4747i need a help on routing extensions (dialplan)
19:38.24p3nguinWell, extensions aren't something that gets routed.
19:39.11p3nguinSo let's start with the button being pressed and work inward.  Tell me where you're stuck.
19:39.26p3nguinSomeone presses the button.  It activates a script, which generates a call file.
19:39.30deltaflyer4747you see, i can easily create a call between 11 and 81 thus person at the camera will be able to hear me at deskphone. But the problem is that i need to route chanspy on the same channel as this call (11-81) listening to 1001
19:40.00p3nguinThe call file causes two devices to ultimately be connected.
19:40.20deltaflyer4747yes, i could create conf. call calling 81 and 1001 together, but then the 81 will get audio from 1001 as well, which is something i must avoid.
19:40.30deltaflyer4747p3nguin: true
19:40.55p3nguinNow that SIP/camera has been connected to SIP/deskphone, you have one-way audio?
19:41.20deltaflyer4747only from deskphone to camera.
19:41.23p3nguinSIP/camera can hear SIP/deskphone, but SIP/deskphone hears nothing?
19:41.40p3nguinWhere is the audio from SIP/camera?
19:41.42deltaflyer4747to be able to hear camera, you have to launch music on hold
19:41.52deltaflyer4747moh(camera) - exten 1001
19:42.07p3nguinOkay, so SIP/camera's audio has already been inserted into the MoH at this point?
19:42.25deltaflyer4747took me awhile rigging that VLC for that
19:42.29p3nguinAnd now you just need to get SIP/deskphone to listen to the stream.
19:43.23p3nguinIf you try to make a second call from SIP/deskphone, SIP/camera isn't going to be able to hear the deskphone anymore.
19:43.44deltaflyer4747unless i join them on the deskphone
19:43.49p3nguinnot without some type of conference, since the deskphone can only have one active call at a time.
19:43.55deltaflyer4747but then the 81 will "hear" the MOH as well.
19:44.00deltaflyer4747which i have to avoid.
19:44.03p3nguinand you don't want that.
19:44.42deltaflyer4747imagine placing a mic connected to amplifier near the speaker of the same amplifier.
19:44.46deltaflyer4747that would be the result.
19:44.55deltaflyer4747sound loop.
19:45.44p3nguinWhere does the feedback come from?
19:45.53p3nguincamera speaker and mic together?
19:45.55deltaflyer4747thats why i need to route the audio from MOH(camera) only to the deskphone (11). WIMPy suggested Chanspy / Extenspy, but that made me totally silly.
19:46.17deltaflyer4747well, i need to use it as another "phone"
19:46.24p3nguinYou could use ChanSpy() from SIP/camera to listen to a channel without SIP/camera being heard.  I don't know if that would work for you or not.
19:46.41deltaflyer4747(security cam inside elevator cabin used in case of emergency to call for service)
19:46.58p3nguinChanSpy() would allow a caller to spy on another channel, and have one-way audio.
19:47.06deltaflyer4747p3nguin: yes. But thats what i don't know why.
19:47.13deltaflyer4747how to put it all together.
19:47.56p3nguinNow that I think about it, that won't work either.
19:48.09deltaflyer4747why not?
19:48.09p3nguinBecause the cam will still hear audio and the mic would still pick it up.
19:48.30deltaflyer4747chanspy gives the audio only to one party, right?
19:48.55deltaflyer4747chanspy output is "routed" to 11
19:49.20p3nguinThere's no routing going on.  This isn't networking.
19:49.23deltaflyer4747let me check that, fortunatelly i can do that checking
19:49.37p3nguinChanSpy() connects to a channel that is active.
19:50.15p3nguinIf I pick up my phone and call an extension that runs ChanSpy() on a channel, I hear that channel on my phone.
19:51.03deltaflyer4747i see the problem now
19:52.11p3nguinI still can't quite figure out how your deskphone is going to send its audio to SIP/camera AND also listen to MoH at the same time unless they are conferenced toghether.
19:52.25deltaflyer4747they can be
19:52.33deltaflyer4747but the audio from MOH cannot go to camera.
19:52.43deltaflyer4747thats the only problem i'm facing.
19:53.47p3nguinMeetMe() can do that, I guess.
19:54.03p3nguinYou can make SIP/camera join a MeetMe conf using the t option.
19:54.22p3nguinBut I'm not sure if that helps.
19:54.52deltaflyer4747it won't
19:55.06p3nguinThat might be the wrong thing to use... since you actually want SIP/camera to hear the deskphone.
19:57.04deltaflyer4747but what about option m
19:57.14deltaflyer4747'm' - The conference is in so called monitor mode ( Only listen, no talking)
19:57.28*** join/#asterisk elfelvin (
19:57.36deltaflyer4747is there an option for manager of the conference to listen to only one person?
19:57.38p3nguinThat will allow everyone to listen to ... what?
19:57.48deltaflyer4747to manager
19:57.56p3nguinYou could probably allow one device to talk.
19:58.02deltaflyer4747to everybody
19:58.15p3nguinBut I'm not sure if that will help either.
19:58.29deltaflyer4747manager = deskphone
19:58.46deltaflyer4747other two parties = 1001 (moh) and 81 (sip to camera)
19:58.56deltaflyer4747everybody will listen to the manager
19:59.04deltaflyer4747= audio from deskphone to camera
19:59.09p3nguinIf you allow the deskphone to talk in the conf, the camera will hear it and the deskphone will hear nothing.
19:59.31deltaflyer4747is there an option that the manager can hear to ONE participant ?
19:59.32p3nguinAnd you don't have the MoH stream available to anyone
19:59.41p3nguinI don't know.
20:00.17p3nguinI have another idea.
20:00.27deltaflyer4747hit me
20:00.39p3nguinIt requires creating a channel where MoH is playing.
20:00.50deltaflyer4747can do
20:01.07p3nguinThen you have to use ChanSpy() on that MoH channel to connect to the channel where the deskphone is...
20:01.12p3nguinusing the w option.
20:01.13deltaflyer4747ie calling from 1001 to another MOH(silent) on 1101
20:01.39p3nguinPretend that MoH is a phone for a minute.
20:01.45deltaflyer4747thats the original idea
20:01.46p3nguinSIP/deskphone is on a call to SIP/camera.
20:02.04deltaflyer4747not w
20:02.05deltaflyer4747but W
20:02.16deltaflyer4747pushing the audio TO the extension 11
20:02.29deltaflyer4747that MIGHT work !
20:02.32*** join/#asterisk okei (bc81c390@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:02.42okeihello guyys, i have some question
20:02.53deltaflyer4747will try it in a few
20:03.02okeiin my extension when i write special extension < i > this is match any invalid extension yes?
20:03.05p3nguinYou want SIP/deskphone to listen to moh, so option w.
20:03.19deltaflyer4747what i meant is opposite direction
20:03.19p3nguinIf SIP/moh uses ChanSpy, it can listen to the call, and using w talk to SIP/deskphone only.
20:03.25deltaflyer474711 calls 81
20:03.38deltaflyer47471001 connects to 1101 (MOH(silent) )
20:04.22deltaflyer4747scratch that, i don't know how to connect two channels
20:04.28p3nguinWhen the button is pressed, SIP/camera is joined with SIP/deskphone in a call.
20:04.40p3nguinCamera's audio is on MoH.
20:04.56deltaflyer4747Channel:Local/11 context:default extension:81
20:05.12p3nguinMoH needs to ChanSpy(SIP/deskphone,w)
20:05.17deltaflyer4747p3nguin: yes
20:05.39p3nguinIf MoH will ChanSpy(SIP/deskphone,w), then deskphone will hear moh, but camera will not.
20:05.55*** join/#asterisk okei (~n1x@
20:06.02deltaflyer4747btw W is send audio only
20:06.05okeip3nguin: can u help me? :)
20:06.11deltaflyer4747ie no listening, but that won't bother me
20:06.19p3nguinOkay, W could be better.
20:06.21deltaflyer4747okei: yes, i is standard extension name for invalid
20:06.39p3nguinSince moh doesn't need to listen to SIP/deskphone, W is probably the right option.
20:06.40okeiyes but dont working and need help :P
20:06.53deltaflyer4747okei: what are you trying?
20:07.09okeii'll show u ext.conf
20:07.28p3nguinSo ChanSpy(SIP/deskphone,W)
20:07.38deltaflyer4747p3nguin: just thinking how to chanspy that moh
20:07.43deltaflyer4747that call
20:07.47p3nguinYeah, it seems like a problem.
20:07.59p3nguinIf moh is a real device, it's no problem.
20:08.25deltaflyer4747really? how can i listen to inactive device?
20:08.29deltaflyer4747only by calling it.
20:08.31p3nguinoriginate it
20:08.42deltaflyer4747you can originate MOH too
20:09.34p3nguinIf it were a real device, you could originate SIP/moh application ChanSpy SIP/deskphone,W
20:09.52deltaflyer4747let me test it ... will got result in a while
20:10.12okeiwhen i trying to call number 123
20:10.35okeioutput is rejected because extension is not found in context test
20:11.37deltaflyer4747pls include output from CLI
20:12.34*** join/#asterisk KavanS (~KavanS@LINBIT/KavanS)
20:13.08p3nguinOh!  We can easily make MoH into a device.  I just realized.
20:13.12deltaflyer4747i meant a bit longer part ;)
20:13.17deltaflyer4747p3nguin: hit me
20:13.23p3nguinextension 1001 is the moh?
20:13.51p3nguinWhat context is 1001 in?
20:14.09okeip3nguin: test
20:14.45*** join/#asterisk jenna (~jjones@unaffiliated/jenna)
20:14.49p3nguindeltaflyer4747: ^^
20:14.57deltaflyer4747p3nguin: okei same as all of them
20:15.05deltaflyer4747ie default
20:15.05jennaHi, anyone with pbxinaflash experience while trying out asterisk ?
20:15.16p3nguindeltaflyer4747: originate Local/1001@default application ChanSpy SIP/deskphone,W
20:15.21deltaflyer4747okei: send me bit longer part of CLI output
20:15.33deltaflyer4747p3nguin: let me test the first way pls :)
20:15.44p3nguinWhat first way?
20:15.55okeideltaflyer4747: what output?
20:16.01p3nguinThis is the first idea where I reached the end.
20:16.10deltaflyer4747okei: LONGER ;)
20:16.36okeideltaflyer4747: exactly?
20:16.42p3nguinGet SIP/deskphone and SIP/camera on a call toghether.
20:16.58okeisry i'm newbie in *
20:17.02p3nguinThen, on the CLI:  originate Local/1001@default application ChanSpy SIP/deskphone,W
20:17.15p3nguinThat will test if it works.
20:17.21deltaflyer4747okei: just login to CLI, clear it, dial 123 and copypaste everything there is
20:17.23p3nguinTo automate it, I'd probably use a macro.
20:17.29deltaflyer4747p3nguin: w8 pls :)
20:17.47okeiwait : )
20:17.52okei: d
20:17.55p3nguin8 = eight
20:17.57okeiokay wait both
20:18.03p3nguinw8 = weight
20:18.40p3nguinWhat the hell... my mouse isn't working anymore.
20:19.05okeip3nguin: dont use mouse
20:19.06okeiwell wait
20:19.20p3nguinIt's kind of important at some times.
20:19.30deltaflyer4747pls a moment :)
20:20.17okeii have same message
20:20.53p3nguinWhen the environment is designed around the fact that a mouse is available, it's a key piece of hardware.
20:21.08p3nguinI've never had this happen before.
20:21.45okeianyone help me?
20:22.39deltaflyer4747okei: for the 3rd time. WAIT A SEC ;)
20:22.54p3nguindeltaflyer4747: Did you want okei to wait a second?
20:23.00deltaflyer4747you too :))
20:23.02deltaflyer4747both of you :D
20:23.30okeip3nguin: if u have answer no
20:23.39okeiif u have't meh
20:23.42p3nguinI haven't been paying attention to you.
20:24.05p3nguinThat's the nice thing about IRC... I can choose what to read and not to read.
20:24.33okeip3nguin: okay and wait :) deltaflyer4747 is working :)
20:24.34p3nguinAnd since I was trying to help deltaflyer4747 solve a problem, I wasn't paying attention to other stuff.
20:24.56deltaflyer4747i am testing it...
20:25.02deltaflyer4747so far no luck, but ...
20:25.07deltaflyer4747this is the right course i hope
20:25.13okei: d
20:25.15p3nguinMy idea will work.
20:25.18deltaflyer4747not chanspy but extenspy
20:25.19p3nguinI'm sure.
20:25.26p3nguinChanSpy() is just fine.
20:25.37okeideltaflyer4747: if you testing my conf please test
20:25.41deltaflyer4747what i did is
20:25.47p3nguinExtenSpy() might also work, but I'd rather use ChanSpy() I think.  I'll reconsider.
20:25.48deltaflyer4747call from 11 to 81
20:26.03deltaflyer4747then use containing this
20:26.08deltaflyer4747Channel:Local/1001 Application: Extenspy Data: 11,qW
20:26.21p3nguinThat's not valid.
20:26.38deltaflyer4747how come
20:26.50okeivalid ext to invalid ext
20:27.03p3nguinExtenSpy() requires that you spy an extension.
20:27.13deltaflyer474711 is and extension
20:27.32p3nguinI guess your lack of context threw me off.
20:27.34p3nguinCarry on.
20:27.42deltaflyer474711 is extension
20:27.47deltaflyer4747i spy on extension 11
20:28.04p3nguinIf you wrote ExtenSpy 11@default, I would have considered it valid.
20:28.09deltaflyer4747but on reverse  - ie pushing audio from caller through spy to spied extension
20:28.19p3nguinI guess leaving off @default means @default.
20:28.30p3nguinCarry on.
20:28.51deltaflyer4747but i cannot hear a thing.
20:29.05p3nguinI would have used ChanSpy(SIP/deskphone,W)
20:29.12okeip3nguin: do u know any forum to write my problem?
20:29.34deltaflyer4747okay, i can try.
20:29.43p3nguinokei: No.  Like I already told you, I haven't paid any attention to what you've been saying.
20:29.44*** part/#asterisk GuySoft (~guysoft@
20:29.52deltaflyer4747okei: please wait, i will try to help you atm i get my problem done
20:30.03deltaflyer4747i feel i am close now
20:30.18okeideltaflyer4747: no i need only p3nguin's help
20:30.20okei: d
20:30.48deltaflyer4747p3nguin: that dropped the 11-81 call
20:31.06p3nguindeltaflyer4747: This is a two-step process.  It requires only one call file to test.  Create your call file for the camera to call the deskphone.
20:31.51p3nguinWhen the camera can hear the deskphone, then use your CLI and run: originate Local/1001@default application ChanSpy SIP/deskphone,W
20:31.56p3nguinAnd tell me what happens.
20:32.11deltaflyer4747Channel:SIP/11 Context:default Extension:81
20:33.19deltaflyer4747don't hear a thing.
20:37.28p3nguinDid you make sure your moh class was working?  Try calling 1001 from another phone.
20:37.39deltaflyer4747works of course
20:38.03p3nguinSo you did check it after the chanspy failed?
20:38.10deltaflyer4747just now
20:38.27p3nguinI'm going to have to replicate your scenario.
20:38.36deltaflyer4747poor guy :)
20:38.37p3nguinjust to make sure.
20:39.08deltaflyer4747[ahfm] mode=custom application=/usr/bin/mpg123 -q -s -r 8000 -f 8192 -mono --ignore-mime
20:39.16deltaflyer4747use this as moh :))
20:39.22deltaflyer4747or any other MP3 stream ;)
20:39.45deltaflyer4747btw - way how to listen to live stream as MOH ;)
20:40.05deltaflyer4747okei: now i have time. Please... paste the long CLI output and your config again.
20:41.46deltaflyer4747long one ;)
20:41.58okeideltaflyer4747: wtF? what is long output
20:42.02okeiher eis one error
20:42.19deltaflyer4747okei: asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvv
20:42.21deltaflyer4747okei: ctrl+l
20:42.27deltaflyer4747okei: dial 123
20:42.33deltaflyer4747wait second or two
20:42.43okeideltaflyer4747: and you have output
20:43.29deltaflyer4747okay okay
20:43.50deltaflyer4747keep the I-beam down
20:44.15okeiso tired
20:44.19okeip3nguin: can u help me right now?
20:44.51deltaflyer4747okei: testing your problem now
20:45.25okeii'm here since 12:00 am nad haven't answer one little problem
20:45.27okeiwtf : /
20:48.43deltaflyer4747okei: okay, got it .
20:49.05deltaflyer4747the problem is well known, just tested the working scenario, pasting right now
20:50.39deltaflyer4747there you go
20:50.45deltaflyer4747tested & working
20:52.09okeideltaflyer4747: and it's working?
20:52.12deltaflyer4747(btw thanks, i just put it in my config)
20:52.16deltaflyer4747okei: yes, it is :)
20:52.29okeiwell thanks but why my conf is not true
20:52.50deltaflyer4747because you need to call that i by something ...
20:53.04deltaflyer4747like "menu"
20:53.30*** join/#asterisk dfamorato (
20:53.46deltaflyer4747np :) thanks to you, got nice message of nonexistant number
20:54.30deltaflyer4747extension "123" - i am sorry, but thats not valid extension. Please try again.
20:54.52*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
20:55.14deltaflyer4747taken from
20:55.20p3nguinWhen I use originate Local/moh@misc extension 762@phones, my phone rings and I hear the moh when I pick up.  If I am on the phone already and I use originate Local/moh@misc application ChanSpy SCCP/myphone, I hear nothing.
20:55.36deltaflyer4747p3nguin: yep, thats it
20:55.43deltaflyer4747same as here
20:57.00p3nguinI guess I will see if ExtenSpy does anything.
20:58.02okeideltaflyer4747: but i think _X. this is true string :P
20:58.52deltaflyer4747okei: isnt _. listing all other numbers not mentioned exclusively?
20:58.58deltaflyer4747(real question, i don't know)
21:00.48p3nguinno, it isn't.
21:00.57p3nguin_. is a terrible pattern to use.
21:01.21p3nguinIt matches EVERYTHING, including extensions that you shouldn't be matching.
21:01.45deltaflyer4747thats the reason it should be in separate context :)
21:02.08deltaflyer4747it searches local context firts then goes to included :)
21:02.15p3nguin_X. is better if you want to match most numbers.  One digit followed by at least one more character.
21:02.36deltaflyer4747will not work if you dial "1"
21:02.49deltaflyer4747this does ;)
21:02.51p3nguinYou're not telling me anything I don't already know.
21:03.04deltaflyer4747i know :) just stating the obvious for okei :)
21:03.13deltaflyer4747but... do as you wish :)
21:03.27deltaflyer4747i tested it and works for local & outbound calls
21:03.28p3nguin_. shouldn't be used.  It matches extensions s, h, i, and t, as well as everything else.
21:03.47deltaflyer4747but only in that context, right?
21:04.08*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (~nightrid3@
21:06.22deltaflyer4747nevermind, important thing is that it works :)
21:06.29deltaflyer4747hopefully i will get the same result
21:10.11deltaflyer4747p3nguin: any news for me?
21:10.33p3nguinExtenSpy also didn't inject any sound.  I'm trying to figure out why.
21:11.34okeihow i can play music instead tone when calling one phone to another
21:11.58p3nguinDial's m option.
21:12.18p3nguinm = musiconhold instead of ringing
21:12.46okeip3nguin: example please
21:13.06p3nguinexten => 54321,1,Dial(SIP/jack,30,m)
21:13.22deltaflyer4747Dial(type/identifier, timeout, options, URL)
21:13.54deltaflyer4747so that 30 is timeout on how long will the phone be jumping on the desk
21:14.13p3nguinWhat version introduced URL as a dial option?
21:14.23p3nguindial parameter, rather
21:16.25deltaflyer4747idk, copypaste from
21:17.28*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
21:17.41p3nguinNevermind, it doesn't matter.  It's available in my version, but I have no reason to use it.
21:18.35deltaflyer4747yet my deskphone would probably understand it
21:29.10deltaflyer4747p3nguin: still no luck, right
21:30.11*** join/#asterisk The_REV (
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21:38.37*** part/#asterisk weinerk (~user@unaffiliated/weinerk)
21:39.46okeip3nguin: can u play mp3 files?
21:39.53okeican I*
21:40.06*** join/#asterisk dfamorato (
21:40.26deltaflyer4747you can in MOH
21:40.39okeideltaflyer4747: only in moh?
21:40.41deltaflyer4747you can actually play anything you want in MOH :)
21:41.04deltaflyer4747i am affraid that playback is limited to PCM WAV
21:41.26deltaflyer4747but you know what i mean
21:41.31okeiyep :)
21:44.26okeibut i did't understand why i extension is not working
21:44.27okei: /
21:45.30deltaflyer4747read that
21:45.46p3nguinExtension i will be used when you've used BackGround() or WaitExten() and inputted an extension that isn't valid.
21:47.02deltaflyer4747or that ^^
21:55.07*** join/#asterisk Micc_ (
21:55.30Micc_I'm getting a not a local domain when registering to when the domain is in the domain list.
21:55.36deltaflyer4747p3nguin: and any good news for me?
21:56.19*** join/#asterisk ffs (~garland@unaffiliated/ffs)
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22:04.36esperantohey fellas, I am trying to generate a sip packet that would take down
22:05.01esperantodoes anybody know how exactly sip packet should look like?
22:06.09deltaflyer4747for i in range (10,0): print i
22:10.10esperantoI don't think I get it, I am using sipp utility to generate sip packet
22:10.47esperantocould u please elaborate a bit?
22:13.11*** join/#asterisk digilink (~digilink@unaffiliated/digilink)
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22:26.48Micc_I've got an aastra 57iCT and a mitel both registering to the same server. When the aastra registers I get an error that its not a local domain, but the mitel registers fine. Asterisk version is, and it registers fine to
22:28.00Micc_anyone want me to paste the sip debug to take a look at what the difference could be?
22:33.40*** part/#asterisk fulcan (
22:40.14p3nguindeltaflyer4747: I cannot get the local moh channel to spy correctly, playing the music on the spy channel.  It just will not play, and I can't see any reason.
22:40.52p3nguinI can make it spy.  The spy channel goes up.  moh starts.  But there is no sound from moh to the spied channel or exten.
22:50.03Micc_that seems really odd that I would have to add to get aastra phones to register now. That should be in the upgrade docs at least if its supposed to be that way, or its a major bug in
22:50.29Micc_I never had to put the port on the end before.
22:51.49*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
23:17.53dymWhy cant I grab the Phone Number of an external caller with ${CALLERID(num)} but only internal SIP Lines, etc.?
23:25.03*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
23:30.51ChannelZmaybe the channel has no callerID info associated with it
23:32.50dymChannelZ: well, the call is from outside the PBX, and it has a CallerID
23:33.00dymcause when i call my regular phone with my mobile, i do see the number.
23:33.19ChannelZSo perhaps your DAHDI is misconfigured and is not getting the caller ID
23:33.25ChannelZWhat kind of interface are you using
23:33.34dymSIP only
23:33.38dymSIP Trunk
23:33.55ChannelZcheck the SIP debug and see if your provider is even sending the right thing
23:34.39dymit arrives as anonymous via the Trunk
23:34.46ChannelZand/or make sure you aren't hot-wiring caller ID in your sip.conf for the peer your calls come in on
23:34.52dymFrom: "anonymous" <sip:anonymous@>;tag=as14c104cc
23:35.26p3nguinDid you trustrpid?
23:36.36dymno, but will try now.
23:37.23dymstill anonymous
23:37.27ChannelZmaybe they charge extra
23:37.43dymwell, if i use my landline to call, the ID is transferred
23:37.50ChannelZor it's an option to turn on and off on their control panel for some unknown reason
23:37.51dymjust my mobile thats causing problems
23:37.57dymdoubt it
23:38.15ChannelZoh.. then that's something with your mobile
23:38.28ChannelZblocking there, or for some reason they have difficulty with your itsp
23:39.14dymbut then again - if i call my landline with my mobile - i can see the number.
23:40.04ChannelZshrugs - ask call your ITSP
23:40.35ChannelZArgh.  Finally got my own * back up.  PITA
23:41.58dymeven if i pass the call straight on with Dial() its "unknown".
23:44.14ChannelZif you're not getting it from them, it's not going to magically appear
23:52.29ChannelZdamnit why aren't my cli aliases working
23:53.11Micc_Is there any way to tell asterisk 1.8 to handle quotes in Set the same way as before? It seems like now when I do Set(var="something") it actually keeps the quotes as part of the assignment.
23:53.30p3nguinDon't use the quotes.

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