IRC log for #asterisk on 20110715

00:02.23*** join/#asterisk citywok (
00:09.08kaushalp3nguin: Can i update you here if i have tested it successfully ?
00:14.15WiretapWorktechknowlust: go to #freepbx
00:15.02techknowlustWiretapWork: yessri
00:27.19*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
00:36.14*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
00:39.15*** join/#asterisk tmrhmdv (
00:43.19tmrhmdvUmm, where can I get the latest of this package through apt?
01:05.07tmrhmdvare you guys alive or am I offline? :)
01:06.51WIMPyDoes that mean we can only live if you are offline?
01:12.06*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
01:14.36tmrhmdvNope, I was just making sure :) It's okay, Google already helped
01:16.13*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
01:18.10xpot-mobileQuestion: having the following issues; can call from inside network through server to sip provider connecting to POTS or Wireless phone with two way voice traffic... can call from one internal ext to another int ext and phone rings and answers... however, int ext cannot hear each other, it appears to be RTP related, just can't narrow down the reason... any ideas?
01:19.57ectospasmxpot-mobile: sounds like standard SIP/NAT issue
01:22.54xpot-mobileectospasm: I would agree... been banging my head against the server hoping it would fix it... server has an WAN nic and LAN nic... phones internal connect to internal LAN nic... so no firewall on that side ? (it is a Mikrotik though, so WAN is a bridge for some ports and LAN is a bridge for other ports) same device... thinking it might be in there somewhere
01:23.47ectospasmsounds like you're doing NAT between the LAN and the WAN, no?
01:24.58xpot-mobileyes, I have a similar setup at another location and it works very well... I have been trying to compare the two to see where the differences lie
01:25.14*** join/#asterisk viaov (~viaov@
01:26.54xpot-mobileif I understand asterisk correctly, the server is not performing a translation if two internal ext comes in over LAN card, would they be NAT?
01:26.54viaovHi after a recent upgrade to asterisk (through fonality) the system went down... the only thing I see is in the CLI there is this error every few seconds   "No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 24 as D-channel anyway!"
01:27.11*** join/#asterisk citywok (
01:27.29ectospasmviaov: your D-channel has gone down, meaning no PRI
01:27.39ectospasmcheck the cable, check the far end
01:27.54ectospasm...if everything else didn't change.
01:28.38viaovectospasm:  well this started as a result of a software upgrade, just to be safe let me check the connections
01:29.06ectospasmviaov: what kind of PRI card is this?
01:29.53xpot-mobileI imagine that a call comes in from 192.168.1.x ext to 192.168.1.xx ext... they should hear each other since no firewall exists between them??  still cannot fathom why they cannot hear each other... I could understand why if I was dealing with a WAN ext calling a LAN ext.
01:29.55ectospasmxpot-mobile: if two endpoints on the same LAN are communicating, it's not NAT.
01:30.26ectospasmxpot-mobile: I dunno, could be a codec issue, or you're erroneously setting NAT
01:30.40Maliutacan we use the term "network segment" and not "LAN" ... it's more accurate, 'specially in these days of VLAN and VPN
01:31.09xpot-mobileexctospasm: bizzare.. I will look into your suggestions, thank you.
01:31.28xpot-mobileMaliuta: I will try to comply ;)
01:31.50Maliutaxpot-mobile: have you pastebin'd your sip.conf?
01:32.06Maliutaxpot-mobile: it should hold the key
01:32.59viaovectospasm: do you know an easy way to tell from the shell?  The box they have here was all prebuilt and setup by a contractor.
01:33.17ectospasmviaov: dahdi_hardware
01:33.22viaovI did check the cables though and everything seems good there
01:33.39viaovpci:0000:0b:04.0     wanpipe-     1923:0040 Sangoma Technologies Corp. A200/Remora FXO/FXS Analog AFT card
01:34.04tmrhmdvFellas, I got stuck at installation: how can I fix that? :{
01:34.35tmrhmdvFollowed steps in Packages section of the new wiki
01:35.01ectospasmviaov: driver isn't loaded (it's what the '-' in wanpipe- means)
01:35.10*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
01:35.28viaovah...ha wouldnt that be done through /etc/init.d/dahdi start ?
01:37.13ectospasmviaov: maybe, I have ZERO familiarity with Sangoma hardware.
01:37.37Maliutatmrhmdv: what debian version? (stable? unstable? testing?)
01:37.57viaovectospasm: lol crap. Well I have more information than I did a few minutes ago at least. Thanks
01:38.41tmrhmdvMaliuta: Ubuntu Server 11.04 (natty)
01:39.33tmrhmdvIs it no good for asterisk?
01:39.34Maliutatmrhmdv: I know that the package you need (asterisk-core-sounds-en-gsm) is in the debian repos
01:39.47Maliutatmrhmdv: I just don't like baby Debian :)
01:40.50Maliutatmrhmdv: just get the package direct from a debian mirror, it should install from the command line using dpkg with no problems
01:41.35Maliutatmrhmdv: alternately
01:41.44tmrhmdvMaliuta: OK, thanks will do. I also did apt-get install asterisk-core-en-gsm and it installed but it was an old version
01:42.01Maliutatmrhmdv: next time use _real_ Debian GNU/linux ;P
01:42.17tmrhmdvhaha OK :)
01:42.31Maliutaahh, the natty is 1.4.19, and that requires .22
01:42.46Maliutatakes a .22 to Ubuntu :P
01:43.20Maliutatmrhmdv: from memory that package has no dependencies in Deb
01:44.11Maliutatmrhmdv: and "apt-cache show" holds me up on that one
01:44.34xpot-mobileMaliuta:   .... took me a minute to maintain my security, let me know what you think
01:46.47xpot-mobilethere are multiple sip includes that were all included appended into this pastebin
01:46.50Maliutatmrhmdv: the package should be under debian/pool/main/a/astersisk on any debian mirror
01:47.26Maliutaxpot-mobile: have you tried pulling the nat=yes entries and putting canreinvite=no in there?
01:48.04xpot-mobileMaliuta: no, I will try that now
01:48.47Maliutaxpot-mobile: I put canreinvite=no in my [general]
01:49.04tmrhmdvMaliuta: Found it! Thank you :)
01:49.14xpot-mobileMaliuta: ok, and strip out the nat=yes from each ext?
01:52.09Maliutaput Creedence on the turntable.
01:53.15Maliutaxpot-mobile: is the * box even behind a NAT?
01:54.46xpot-mobileMaliuta: negative, has a WAN static IP tables firewall allowing ports 5060, 10000-20000, and others.  LAN static IP no firewall (other than the iptables with chain of -j ACCEPT)
01:54.48*** join/#asterisk capt_cassimir (~arch@
01:55.03capt_cassimirGreetings, nerds
01:56.16Maliutaxpot-mobile: so setting "canreinvite" means that everything passes through * ... because unless you're properly letting RTP through the NAT to the handsets you're screwed :)
01:56.30Maliutaxpot-mobile: using * as the man in the middle for that makes more sense
01:58.09xpot-mobileMaliuta: I do indeed want asterisk to be the man in the middle to maintain call stats and handling... I have lowered all iptables with the same results, this is what led me to believe that my chains are the problem... (although I could try it again with the conreinvite added to general)
01:58.24xpot-mobile*chains are NOT the problem
01:59.35Maliutaxpot-mobile: no, if the box running * is also the firewall then you can't do both (i.e. run * on it and pass RTP through to handsets behind it)
02:00.49xpot-mobileMaliuta: I do this same thing with 5 other servers... it works just fine ??
02:01.02xpot-mobilejust not on this one apparently
02:01.22Maliutaxpot-mobile: basically the firewall should let SIP and RTP packets in (through the INPUT chain) to * and then the handsets should be talking to * and every thing should have "canreinvite" and "canredirect" set to no (so doing it in [general] applies it to all]
02:03.04*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
02:04.18xpot-mobileMaliuta: correct my INPUT chains do allow the above mentioned ports (and other requirements) through... i even turned off iptables (no firewall) and issue still exists, I will add "canredirect=no" to the general as well
02:06.29Maliutaxpot-mobile: try doing a sip debug on a call between the two handsets with that (since everything should now be passing through the * box)
02:07.25xpot-mobileMaliuta: rgr, performing the operation now
02:10.05Maliutacapt_cassimir: I'm a geek, not a nerd ... you complete twat :P
02:10.31capt_cassimirI'm not a twat, i'm a neckbeard
02:13.00LeddyExecuting [s@auto:1] Answer("SIP/", "") in new stack <-- whats the second arg used for? Is that for passing the did?
02:20.09*** part/#asterisk tmrhmdv (
02:22.39*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
02:24.11xpot-mobileMaliuta:   <--- sip debug for call from ext xxx to ext nnn and vice versa
02:40.34*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (
02:40.34*** mode/#asterisk [+o pabelanger] by ChanServ
02:43.10Maliutaxpot-mobile: about 1/2 way through that, looks like there might be some issues in your dialplan ... so far :)
02:44.00capt_cassimirso i'm reading The Book, and he has you create a new user for asterisk AND add the user to sudoers...
02:44.06techknowlustis there a simple way to know if a call is causing transcoding ?\
02:44.28capt_cassimiryou don't really get a security benefit of installing as a non-root user if the user has sudo... but i'll keep reading.
02:45.09Maliutaxpot-mobile: and you have an AGI script returning non-zero (i.e. bad)
02:45.21*** join/#asterisk lanning (
02:47.01Maliutaxpot-mobile: that was a call from one internal host to another?
02:47.45Maliutaxpot-mobile: I am also assuming you edited that to remove IP addresses. That makes it a little hard to follow. But I think you may need to look at the AGI and the dialplan
02:49.07xpot-mobileMaliuta: no, I am not on site now... that was two external phones behind the same NAT (ie: here at my house, which probably isn't helpful)
02:49.32xpot-mobileI will check out the AGI issue you mentioned
02:52.22techknowlustis it possible to see from the sip debug output whether a call has had to use transcoding ?
02:52.51capt_cassimirstarts compiling
02:53.40xpot-mobileMaliuta: I do appreciate you checking that out for me... kudos to you ;)
02:54.25Maliutatechknowlust: there was no transcode, it was a native bridge
02:54.47techknowlustMaliuta:  ?
02:56.30Maliutatechknowlust: it did look like there was an issue with the incoming call not being able to connect to anything (all lines busy from app Dial)
02:57.21capt_cassimirkicks off make for asterisk 1.8.5
02:57.22techknowlustis there a way though of monitoring what calls are transcribed ?
02:58.10Maliutathat seems to be the wrong term for anything * related ... unless you're doing speech to text
02:58.49techknowlustsorry I meant transcoded. I'm trying to figure out if all the calls I've made have had to use transcoding between codecs
02:59.18Maliutatechknowlust: short of using the cli during calls I can't think of a way
03:00.01p3nguintechknowlust: Yes, there is a way to know if a call is being transcoded.  Just look at the codecs in use for a call and see what apps are in use on said call.
03:00.58Maliutap3nguin: that's basically what I said ... I think he's after a way to log them though
03:01.03p3nguinFor past calls, I don't think you can see what codecs were used... not unless you thought of this in the past and set up something to document it so you can go back and read it.
03:01.44p3nguinIn my opinion, it's not really important to know if transcoding occurred in the past.
03:01.53Maliutashudders at the thought of an AGI that simply logs that stuff
03:05.38p3nguinDumpChan() contains that info.  There may be some other app that you could wrap around it to filter out just the codec info.  I'd imagine your idea of an AGI would be more reasonable, though.
03:06.16techknowlustp3nguin: I'm using two android phones at the moment.
03:07.57techknowlustp3nguin: the only line I think might be useful is this
03:08.28techknowlustseeing that there is an overlap of codecs, is that enough to say it wasn't transcoded
03:09.33p3nguinThat shows one leg of the call.
03:09.52p3nguin"us" means Asterisk.  "peer" means a phone.
03:10.06techknowlusthmm ok. I can post the whole config if you like
03:10.17p3nguinThere are two of those codec negotiations for a call between two phones.
03:13.48capt_cassimirWhat is an AGI?
03:14.11techknowlust p3nguin that's the full log
03:17.39p3nguinOne side is using ulaw, the other side has gsm and ulaw available.  It probably used gsm, and then transcoding would have occurred.
03:18.13p3nguinI don't see where is says what codec is used, just where it says what is available between "us" and the "peer."
03:18.25p3nguinMaybe maliuta can find it and tell us.
03:18.43infobotwell, agi is the Asterisk Gateway Interface...  similar to CGI for web applications AGI lets you script call control and access databases using your favorite language.  AGI wrappers are available for Python (pyst), Perl (astperl?) and other languages, or <reply> See also
03:18.47p3nguincapt_cassimir: ^^^
03:19.12capt_cassimirThat would have been my guss, thanks for clarifying
03:20.06techknowlustp3nguin: it would default to gsm even if ulaw were available on both ?
03:23.50*** join/#asterisk jmwpc (
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03:23.57p3nguinIt appears to me that gsm is the preferred codec on that one phone.
03:26.13techknowlustsurely there should be a way of detecting this. weird
03:30.57jmwpcQuestion regarding Google talk & Google voice integration... I have everything working fine, except that when I try to log into Google talk with my IM client, incoming calls are no longer picked up by asterisk. When logged in to the asterisk console, the jabber messages also cease. I'm sure it's a problem with being logged in at multiple locations, does anyone know a way around this? Or am I stuck using 2 different accounts?
03:31.57capt_cassimiroh that's shitty, i hope there's a fix
03:32.05*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
03:32.09p3nguinIt's because you're using two resources.
03:32.14*** join/#asterisk ccesario (~ccesario@
03:32.19p3nguinI don't personally know of a workaround for it.
03:33.12jmwpcp3nguin: That's what I was afraid of. Maybe some kind of jabber proxy on the asterisk box, but that sounds overly complex. I think the second account is the best bet.
03:35.12jmwpcAside from that problem, it's working great. I actually have it connected to 2 google accounts, my wife's and mine. With the Linksys ATA we now have 2 separate lines which is kind of handy at times (cell reception is bad).
03:37.08p3nguinYou're having bad quality when using both accounts?
03:38.18jmwpcNo, quality is fine. I was just saying that the cell phone reception at my house is spotty, so the 2 'land' lines come in handy now.
03:38.26p3nguinAh, got it.
03:38.50capt_cassimirjmwpc: that's awesome, i'm working on that type of setup now
03:39.34capt_cassimirGoogle voice routes to my cell phone, would be nice to route to a "landline" on occasion for better quality / reliability
03:39.51jmwpccapt_cassimir: Nice :) The quality is surprisingly good. I have only been working with asterisk for about 2 days now, so I'm sure my config isn't perfect, but it works. It's been a good learning experience.
03:40.32capt_cassimirDid you find a particular HOWTO?
03:41.10jmwpccapt_cassimir: This one ->
03:41.17capt_cassimirI'm working through the oreilly book now, trying to fortify my asterisk understanding
03:41.32capt_cassimirjmwpc: bookmarked, thanks
03:41.47linuxgeckojmwpc:  i just recently got a google-voice/asterisk setup working right :)
03:41.59*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
03:42.02jmwpccapt_cassimir: I even imported all of our google contacts into asterisk for caller id. That page links to the instructions.
03:42.11capt_cassimirwhoa, fancy
03:43.51jmwpclinuxgecko: Looks like a lot of people are going that way. I'll drop my regular land line after a couple of weeks if everything remains stable :)
03:50.34linuxgeckojmwpc:  it "Just Makes Sense" :) asterisk is free, g-voice is free, and finally, with 1.8, connecting the 2 is fairly simple.   for most people, you have one cost.  a one-time ATA purchase :)
03:51.08linuxgeckoand i got mine second-hand,  locked to vonage..    luckily there are great docs out there for unlocking them  :)
03:53.01linuxgeckojmwpc:  the big proble is up=time.   john-q public is not well versed in setting up a server for phone service,  with a 99.9% uptime situation
03:53.29linuxgeckoas it is,  my asterisk server is on a vobx :)
03:54.00jmwpcmy asterisk server is also a vbox server ;)
03:56.49*** join/#asterisk kaushal (~kaushal@
03:56.58kaushalHi p3nguin
03:57.04kaushalStill it doesnot work
03:57.14kaushalIs there a way to enable debug ?
04:03.00p3nguinWhat are you trying to do?
04:11.10*** join/#asterisk gravin (
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04:47.39kaushalp3nguin: please give me a moment
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06:24.24*** join/#asterisk joobie (~joobie@unaffiliated/moo0o0ooo00o0o0o)
06:24.33joobiehey guys.. polycom 321 phone - any idea why presence is not working on it?
06:34.58infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
06:44.18joobiewhen a voicemail is left fo rthe user
06:44.21joobiethe light doesnt light up
06:44.34joobieis there a setting that specifically controls this?
06:45.30kaldemarso you're not talking about presence but MWI. have you defined a mailbox for the device in sip.conf?
06:46.38joobieand i have [default] 3019 => 3019,User,
06:46.42joobie.. within voicemail.conf
06:47.19kaldemardoes the phone subscribe? do you see the notify message in sip debug when the box gets mail?
06:49.23*** join/#asterisk gravin (~gravin@
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07:17.34ChannelZthere might be a setting in the sphone its self to enable/disable MWI
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07:29.08*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
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07:29.14schmidtsgood morning
07:30.25irrootmorning shmidts
07:30.31irrootmorning schmidts
07:33.15schmidtsmore coffee?
07:42.46*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
07:43.28irrootstraight up in a IV tube please
07:47.48*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
07:49.20*** join/#asterisk f2Knight (
07:51.53f2KnightQ: using AGI is it possible to have your script return a set of variables to be used in the dialplan? e.g. I want to do a lookup in a database to see how many credits a caller has. Then assign that value to a channel Variable .. ${CALLERCREDITS} that I can use later to track when to disconnect the caller.
07:53.17*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
07:55.54irrootsure thing not hard do it here
07:56.20irrootjust set the chan vars
08:00.09*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
08:01.37f2Knightirroot, i am writing my AGI in python... but what would be the commands to send back from the AGI so I could read them in the dialplan?
08:02.39irrootnot sure with the python bits still using the older php
08:03.46f2Knightirroot, okay well how about a php example? maybe I can see what its doing and modify it to my needs
08:03.59f2Knightirroot, at least it might get me looking in the right direction.
08:05.52*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:06.09*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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08:18.55f2Knightirroot, i guess I need to tear open the phpagi app then to see just what -> set_variable is calling
08:21.47f2Knightirroot, awesome.. looks like pyst has a simiular function. Thanks! knowing what to look for was all I needed.
08:29.31kaldemarf2Knight: or just look at the documentation on the asterisk side. "agi show commands" in CLI.
08:30.58f2Knightkaldemar, that would have worked too ,  seems all I need is to do a SET VARIABLE "MY_VAR" "VALUE"
08:31.57*** join/#asterisk The_REV (
08:33.37kaldemarand there are also python libraries if you want to use such.
08:34.00f2KnightQ: Does anyone know which is faster? the internal Asterisk DB or using MySQL / Sqlite ? And if AstDB, is there an easy way to backit up or use information in it with external services...?
08:34.25f2Knightkaldemar, i am leaning towards pyst/
08:35.11Chainsawf2Knight: If the MySQL instance is local, I would expect it to be as fast or faster.
08:35.34Chainsawf2Knight: If it is several milliseconds of latency away on a different box, the astdb has an edge.
08:36.09f2KnightChainsaw, the DB will be local to start, but may move to a SANS unit on a private network at a later point.
08:37.28Chainsawf2Knight: Then it will win until you move it away, after which it will lose.
08:38.03Chainsawf2Knight: But since you can't move the AstDB out to an external unit, you may want to consider other factors than just raw latency/performance.
08:38.03f2KnightChainsaw, do you think it will be bad? performance wise?
08:38.28Chainsawf2Knight: Bad? No. But that isn't what you asked.
08:38.40f2KnightChainsaw, ahh okay . Thank you :)
08:39.12Chainsawf2Knight: It is possible to have read-only access to the AstDB (it is a standard database format), but writes would be problematic.
08:39.57f2KnightChainsaw, no I am content using MySQL, just didn't know if the over head of a AGI reading and writing to it would be that much of a performance hit...
08:40.01f2Knightheres what I am doing...
08:40.36f2Knightcaller calls in , I verify there callerid and search a db for available credits. (credits are used for talking time)
08:41.18f2KnightI am thinking to dump them to a call Queue, where I have agents registered to handle the calls.
08:41.49f2KnightIf there credit runs out they are disconnected from the queue... ( I think i can do that with queues)
08:42.52f2KnightI also want the caller to be able to press a digit to get out of the queue.. actually 2 keys 1 to skip to a random queue, and 1 to return to a menu. ( can you do that with queues?)
08:49.46*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
08:55.58kaldemarf2Knight: see context option in queues.conf for exiting a queue with a digit.
08:58.17*** join/#asterisk ketas-av (
08:58.26kaldemaryou really don't need agi for that, you can use func odbc from your dialplan directly.
09:12.04*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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09:29.48prash10xhow to execute commands in dialplan during a call
09:30.45kaldemarprash10x: see [applicationmap] in the sample features.conf.
09:31.05prash10xok tx
09:36.46jkroonhi guys, looking to understand the impact of using srtp on load and bandwidth.  are there any pointers I can look at?
09:42.40*** join/#asterisk e7e5 (~rudenko@
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09:45.46dymCan someone tell me why my asterisk still plays english voice prompts?
09:46.46*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
09:50.48f2Knightkaldemar, yes i know i could use func odbc.. but i need to keep the application logic away from prying eyes. I am being paid on commission from the system. and I do not want to have them just take the code and use it with out giving me my commission.
09:51.10kaldemardym: that doesn't show asterisk playing anything.
09:51.45dymkaldemar: i know, cause thats the dialplan part. Asterisk just doesnt play the correct files, even though they are in the right place, etc.
09:52.35f2Knightkaldemar, I can run a python scrip through cxfreese and it makes an executable that runs on the system.this way I can keep the code and they can have the "app" I put a hook back to my server to look for a product key at random intervals.
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09:59.49SunTsuf2Knight: so, when your customer is security minded and restricts outgoing connections he loses your work?
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10:01.25f2KnightSunTsu, he already knows there is a call back for the license model. this really is not all that uncommon. its an outbound port 80 request to a simple service that checks the key and returns a code
10:02.47SunTsuf2Knight: he better know, else you could be running into trust issues
10:03.10jkroonanti-trust ... gotta love the world of proprietary work ...
10:03.33f2KnightSunTsu, he totally knows and signed and agreement. before i started work
10:04.08SunTsuf2Knight: still I find it somehow strange to do such things based on open source software
10:05.00f2KnightI mean personally I don't care its python or php or bash or whatever, I just want to be able to keep track of how many calls come in and for how long so i know how much he owes me :) so he knows I keep a connection back for logging systistics and reporting and licensing.
10:05.45SunTsuwhich brings me to the question of AGI's license
10:06.33SunTsuand about the legality of the kind of data tracking you say you do
10:07.10SunTsubut I'm sure you had some lawyers check all this
10:08.51f2KnightSunTsu, yes I did, we are very careful what I am keeping track of .. call logs only really  ( and thats only a snapshot at night that is encrypted) but thats not the point. The point is this
10:09.31f2Knighthow else do you keep a customer honest when your being paid by commission on call volume. when the system is deployed on all there hardware.?
10:09.45f2Knightyou have to have some loop to verify the data
10:10.39f2Knightso I simply collect incoming callerID timestamp and durration, they keep all other billing information customer names cc info etc
10:11.16f2Knightthat way I can tabulate what my 25% is :)
10:12.36f2KnightSunTsu, on AGI .. agi simply calls any external process. if I wrote it in C++ and compiled it it would be just the same as me writing it in anyother language.
10:13.14f2Knightonly reason for compiling is to make sure that they just don't comment out the lic. check and billing code
10:15.22SunTsuf2Knight: I'm an open source advocate, so I'd prolly take a different licensing approach, and I don't believe in forcing customers to honesty, it's what music and film industry fail to do for years
10:16.43f2KnightSunTsu, how would you suggest it. ? I would be open to other models. but the customer is only paying a % on billable calls.
10:18.29SunTsuf2Knight: OK, if he wants it this way...
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10:20.13SunTsuI'd rather go with a fixed price
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10:55.56f2KnightSunTsu, so would I but he didnt want to and wanted to pay a commission (this project has an easy potential of making a 50kmin of billiable talk time a month.)
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11:09.25*** join/#asterisk Psi|4ward (
11:10.17Psi|4wardHi, is there a Problem with IAX2 Trunk between 1.6 and 1.8? My Trunk are always UNREACHABLE and Asterisk sends only POKE and RETRY packets
11:11.45Psi|4wardPOKE and REGREQ
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11:18.11kaldemarPsi|4ward: is there a problem with network connectivity?
11:18.37Psi|4wardnmap -sU -p 4569 says that the port is OPEN | Filtered
11:19.02Psi|4wardbut inbetween theres a NAT but the connect to outside should work?
11:21.41kaldemarPsi|4ward: nmap says open|filtered also when packets are dropped, so that really does not prove anything.
11:22.25Psi|4wardis there another way to test the connection?
11:25.15kaldemarnetcat is a quick way. shut down asterisk and do a "netcat -u -l 4569" in host1 and "netcat -u host1_address 4569" on host2. write text and hit enter, if it shows up on the other terminal then you have connectivity.
11:25.33Psi|4warduh cool, dont know natcat supports udp
11:25.42Psi|4wardill try it
11:26.36kaldemarthe NAT is probably not configured to forward the port to your asterisk box.
11:27.12Psi|4wardbut then the Asterisk-binhind-nat should be able to connect to asterisk-outside-nat
11:27.55kaldemarPsi|4ward: not necessarily.
11:30.21*** join/#asterisk wasanzy (~emmanuel@
11:30.37Psi|4wardokay seems i have an inbound problem, thanks for the netcat hint!
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11:41.09wasanzyhi guys
11:41.30wasanzyby default, does asterisk comes with some sound codecs?
11:41.50wasanzyor do I hv to install them manually?
11:44.05Psi|4wardi installed the dev-packages and switched the support in make menuconfig on
11:45.26Psi|4wardkaldemar: do you how to change the port iax2 tries to connec to? i switched the standard-port to a open-one (6000)
11:51.23kaldemarPsi|4ward: depends on how you connect, but bindport defines what port asterisk listens to, registration statements take a port with @host:port, device definitions use "port" option and dialstrings take a port aswell with @host:port.
11:51.58wasanzyno one to answer me?
11:52.48Psi|4wardwasanzy: i installed the dev-packages and switched the support in make menuconfig on
11:53.32kaldemarwasanzy: yes it does come with plenty of codecs.
11:55.07wasanzyand how do I know they are active because am having problem with sound, I can hear it ring when some one call me using twinkle but I can't hear the person talk,neither can the person hear me talk
11:55.16wasanzypls help me out
11:55.25Psi|4wardkaldemar: it works, many many much thanks ;)
11:56.11Psi|4wardoh it works only in one direction, but i think ill figure this out too
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11:58.01kaldemarwasanzy: did you configure codecs with allow and disallow lines in sip.conf?
11:58.30kaldemarwasanzy: is there a NAT involved in the network?
11:58.59wasanzyI did allow=all in the sip.conf when it was not working
11:59.07wasanzyno we are not using NAT
11:59.37wasanzywe have a wireless router we all use
12:00.50kaldemarchange that to disallow=all and then allow the codecs you want one by one with allow lines.
12:01.08kaldemarthen do a sip reload and dial away.
12:01.23wasanzywill get back to u
12:02.35wasanzygsm is one of the codecs right?
12:08.43wasanzyam trying to debug the sip and let u see the errors
12:12.14wasanzykaldemar: have a look at the sip debug:
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12:16.33Psi|4wardkaldemar: asterisk1 sends POKE on port 6000 but REGREQ on 4569? have u an idea why?
12:17.16kaldemarwasanzy: so you're running asterisk and two softphones on the same machine?
12:17.42kaldemarPsi|4ward: you haven't configured port 6000 to your registration statement in iax.conf.
12:17.55Psi|4wardi dont use register statements
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12:19.50wasanzy<kaldemar>: will that not work>
12:20.38kaldemarPsi|4ward: then it shouldn't even send REGREQ messages. check your iax.conf again for "register => ..." lines.
12:20.44wasanzyright now, it sound like, after I speak, it takes some time for the sound to come out, and is breaking too
12:21.45kaldemarwasanzy: the soft phones seem to be trying to use the same port for the RTP stream. try a scenario that is even remotely realistic.
12:22.04Psi|4wardkaldemar: youre right, there was a reg-string, killed it. now i get some POKE follwing an ACK and than it goes on with POKE
12:22.49kaldemarPsi|4ward: the POKE messages are because of "qualify" options in iax.conf.
12:22.56wasanzyso the two soft phone should be on a two different machines right?
12:23.41kaldemarwasanzy: sounds better.
12:24.12wasanzyok let me try that and see
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12:28.08wasanzyhmm I can't get a different machine, so have to find a way out using it all on the same machine
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12:30.52kaldemarwasanzy: force all three to use different ports then.
12:31.05Psi|4wardkaldemar: you u take a look to my config?
12:31.30kaldemarPsi|4ward: what should i look for?
12:31.34wasanzyhmmm, now the problem is how do I force all to use a different port?
12:31.57Psi|4wardperhaps ive some error in it
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12:32.47kaldemarwasanzy: asterisk in sip.conf and rtp.conf, the clients i don't know about.
12:33.38wasanzyI can do it for the client so no problem
12:34.08kaldemarPsi|4ward: is it working?
12:34.43Psi|4wardServer2 connects to server1, but server1 does onle POKE POKE POKE ACK POKE ....
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12:36.38wasanzyin rtp.conf, do I put this: rtpbindport=n ?
12:38.59kaldemarwasanzy: where did you come up with that?
12:39.50wasanzyam just guessing as I don't know, I want to force the rtp audio to use a particular port
12:41.08kaldemarwasanzy: you should look at the sample configs for your installed version when poking options in the files. there you will find rtpstart and rtpend.
12:41.34kaldemarPsi|4ward: what do you mean by connect?
12:41.58Psi|4wardIAX2 peer status OK
12:42.06wasanzyI found that, but it didn't mention any thing concerning port that is why
12:42.29wasanzyshould I change those values for the start and end?
12:42.36kaldemarPsi|4ward: are both boxes bound to port 6000?
12:42.39Psi|4wardperhaps its truly a problem with asterisk 1.6 and 1.8?
12:42.45Psi|4wardyes both on 6000
12:43.06kaldemarwhich 1.6?
12:43.25Psi|4wardtheone which says unreachable to 1.8
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12:43.45Psi|4wardive 1.6 with Gemeinschaft and 1.8 with FreePBX
12:43.55kaldemarwhich verson? there are three branches of 1.6.X, all of them different.
12:44.41Psi|4wardAsterisk and Asterisk
12:44.48kaldemarwasanzy: they define the range of ports that asterisk uses, change them as you wish.
12:45.01wasanzyoh ok
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12:47.19wasanzywhat of running one soft-phone on  the same machine as asterisk and another phone on a different machine, will that also conflict ports?
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12:48.20fulcandoes the asterisk api except instruction from port 5060?
12:48.32fulcanlike a peer?
12:48.57cuscoport 5060 is for sip
12:49.02cuscowhat do you mean by api?
12:49.41SuPrSluGami usese 5038
12:49.50fulcancusco it's got to get its instructions somehow if not localhost.?
12:50.08cuscohave you enabled it in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf ?
12:50.14cuscoalso you can set a specific port there
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12:52.22fulcancusco I was sure I was going to have to enable it, following enable, if I write a remote python script to say for instance 'forward calls to vm' and that script is sitting on a box that is 'not' asterisk, that chunk of code is going to have to get crammed down the asterisk gullet for digest somehow????
12:53.07fulcanwould that route be 5060 by chance?
12:53.20fulcanor could be used?
12:54.14SuPrSluGdefault port of ami
12:54.14fulcanSuPrSluG ty
12:55.04Psi|4wardkaldemar: du have another tip for me?
12:55.05SuPrSluGyou may want to create a different user and password
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12:55.47SuPrSluGyou can also permit/deny by ip/network address
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12:58.57Psi|4wardkaldemar: it now works in both directions, ive rebootet both machines
12:59.06Psi|4wardkaldemar: u probably have a wishlist?
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13:19.17kaldemarPsi|4ward: hmm.. did you reload or restart asterisk after making the port changes in configuration?
13:19.33Psi|4wardrestarted asterisk per init.d script
13:20.06kaldemarok. strange if a reboot made it work but a restart didn't.
13:20.37Psi|4wardamazon wishlist or smthg like that
13:20.47Psi|4wardi would thank u ;)
13:21.18kaldemaroh, i don't. it's all ok, help someone else if you can.
13:21.31Psi|4wardthanks ;)
13:21.47Psi|4wardperhaps uve a webdev-problem
13:24.10kaldemarthanks, i'm all good. :)
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13:28.09tzangergreetz from .ro
13:28.15tzangergod bless the internet and asterisk
13:28.16Kaminekocan someone help me with a trunk between asterisk and draytek 2820 ?
13:29.10fulcanwhere is the asterisk db?
13:29.58kaldemarfulcan: where astdbdir in asterisk.conf defines it to be. by default in /var/lib/asterisk.
13:31.11fulcankaldemar is there any way to show the contents of it?
13:31.51kaldemar"database show" in CLI.
13:31.52fulcankaldemar field parameters etc..?
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13:34.04fulcandoes the asterisk agi update the asterisk db or the runtime memory?
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13:36.10kaldemarfulcan: the database commands modify both.
13:37.16fulcanif I wanted to write a script to forward a call to vm, I am trying to figure out exactly what is updated. since the configuration for the vm is in extensions.conf, if a line gets forwarded but this command is not updated in extensions.conf, this could create some confuzion. I am trying to figure out 'what is the sheet of music' so that all parties can be on the same sheet...?
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13:58.07gavimobilein the list of libraries needed for installing asterisk "Kernel headers (for building DAHDI drivers)" package cannot seem to be found. any ideas?
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14:03.23Chainsawgavimobile: What linux distribution are you using?
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14:05.39kleszczgavimobile: apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
14:07.44m_tadeuhi...I'mgetting a warning at asterisk startup saying "res_musiconhold.c: Unable to create timer: Success"...whatdoes this mean exaclty?
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14:19.58p3nguinm_tadeu: Sounds like you could be missing a timing mechanism, such as Dahdi.
14:24.28m_tadeup3nguin: isn't dahdi just to contol fxo/fxs cards?
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14:25.44p3nguinIt also has the ability to provide a timing source.
14:26.47m_tadeuI'm only using sip channels....should I install dahdi also?
14:27.02dymm_tadeu: always good to have it.
14:27.10dymas a timing device, as p3nguin already mentioned.
14:27.14p3nguinIf you need a timing source, which you do, dahdi can provide it.
14:27.41m_tadeuI see....thanx for your help
14:36.13*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
14:37.22wasanzy<p3nguin>: am still having problem with my sound,  will you want to see "core show translation" output and see if that is good?
14:38.12m_tadeustill getting the same warning after installing dadhi
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14:41.12wasanzy<p3nguin>: my core show translation output:
14:41.37kaldemarm_tadeu: how did you install it?
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14:42.37m_tadeukaldemar: via package system...I'm using the repository
14:42.54wasanzy<kaldemar>: I though u are gone
14:43.07kaldemarwasanzy: i was for some time.
14:43.12wasanzyam still having the sound problem
14:43.49wasanzydo want to see  core show  translation output?
14:44.12wasanzyI don't understand any thing in there
14:44.39kaldemari saw it already. it won't offer anything.
14:44.47kaldemarstill no sound at all?
14:45.29wasanzyyes,u can hear the phone ring alright but you can't hear each other talk
14:46.44wasanzyam confuse as what is actually wrong
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14:49.56kaldemarare they using different ports?
14:50.26wasanzyyes, but this time not running on the same machine
14:50.48wasanzyshould I do the debug again?
14:53.14kaldemarby all means, do.
14:57.22p3nguinThis time you have three computers: one with asterisk, one with a softphone, and another with another softphone?
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14:58.02joker2uis there an asterisk dev channel?
14:58.44wasanzyno, is two computers, one with  asterisk and soft-phone, the other with soft phone only
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15:01.19wasanzydid you see any error?
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15:02.26p3nguinWhen you're no longer trying to run a phone on the same computer as asterisk, and you're still having problems, then get back to me.
15:03.22wasanzyoh ok
15:03.42wasanzyI think that is what I hv to do now
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15:06.57kaldemarwasanzy: asterisk is sending re-invites that have as address for "emma". set directmedia=no for it in sip.conf.
15:07.40p3nguinI told him to do that a day or two ago.
15:07.52wasanzyunder general?
15:08.04p3nguinIs that where we've both indicated to put it?
15:08.10kaldemarwasanzy: under [emma]
15:08.21p3nguinI specifically told you to put it in the phone's entry.
15:08.56wasanzy<p3nguin>: sorry if  I didn't get you right. I might skipped that point am doing it now
15:09.43p3nguinWhen you come here asking for help, and people take their time to offer that help by making suggestions or recommendations, you should really follow those suggestions.
15:09.57p3nguinthe first time.
15:10.02p3nguinwithout having to be told again.
15:10.09wasanzyok thx
15:10.59wasanzythat is done, trying to call again n see
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15:18.43wasanzyI did that, and now the other party can hear me a little and even with  that, my voice take time to reach him and there is a break in it.
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15:21.09wasanzymy sip debug:
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15:23.24mboylanhi guys... we're in the middle of a project trying to upgrade the uni's phone system from 1.2 to 1.8. We have a distributed asterisk system with multiple routing boxes and multiple "endpoint" server where phones are registgered. We're starting with the backup routing box. We're noticing an issue where the calls will pass fine from 1.2 --> 1.8 --> 1.2 but only for the duration of the ring timeout. The "answer" is never passed back to the first 1.2 box. Th
15:23.24mboylanbox releases the channel once the two 1.2 boxes are connected. But do you have any ideas why the answer wouldn't be passed back?
15:23.45ChannelZwasanzy: sounds more like a sketchy network connection
15:25.11wasanzywhat does that mean?
15:25.33*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
15:25.52ChannelZyour internet connection sucks
15:26.20wasanzythe two machines are in the same lan
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15:26.47ChannelZHmm. Bigger problem then.
15:27.15ChannelZthough you're using GSM which always sounds like crap
15:27.50wasanzyI want to use a third machine but is not in the same network  will that work?
15:27.55ChannelZDid you compile Asterisk yourself?
15:28.07ChannelZWhat version of gcc?
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15:30.35wasanzybut one thing, why I want to use third machine and as advice by  kaldemarn, one of the phone sit on the same  machine with asterisk
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15:31.43ChannelZworth a try
15:31.46fulcanmboylan sip or iax?
15:32.18mboylanfulcan: IAX between boxes. SIP to the phones. We tried doing this all SIP, but there's major reinvite differences between 1.2 and 1.8 that seemed to just not allow it to work
15:32.18ChannelZnothing in your SIP debug looks 'wrong' so not sure what you're experiencing
15:32.39fulcanmboylan can you 'telnet 5060' (for sip) clean from box to box bidirectional?
15:32.39Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
15:32.40wasanzyfulcan: are u asking me?
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15:33.19mboylanfulcan: The problem isn't sip related... it's iax
15:33.24fulcanmboylan why are you 'reinvite'ing?
15:33.47fulcanNugget most people are on winblows so I default to suggestion test that way.
15:33.50mboylanfulcan: Why do we? To allow the asterisk boxes to drop out of the middle of the calls.
15:34.30mboylanregardless we're not using SIP trunks for these... they're iax
15:34.33ChannelZSIP is UDP 99% of the time anyway, telnet isn't going to get you anywhere
15:34.50fulcanmboylan my understanding of reinvite = no is to drop the rtp stream.
15:35.04fulcanChannelZ it will let you know if you got firewall issues.
15:35.07ChannelZand it's "directmedia" now
15:35.42mboylanRight, it is. But it doesn't play well between versions... we've gone through this a bunch, even with Digium
15:36.33mboylanThe firewall was a nonissue as these were all on non-firwalled networks. We've since moved them to a firewalled network, yes. But the ports are allowed.
15:37.06mboylanthe originating box just says " -- Format for call is ulaw
15:37.07kaldemarmboylan: search for calltoken and iax. the protocol had a change since 1.2.
15:37.13ChannelZif you can call both ways it's not firewall, it's probably just something goofy with the versions
15:37.25mboylankaldemar: Yeah, we had to turn off calltoken support too
15:37.33mboylantrying to mix these 1.2 w/ 1.8 is a pain in the ass, clearly
15:37.37ChannelZI think my ITSP is running ancient chineese secret 1.2, and I am having DTMF issues
15:37.39mboylanbut we can't just do the whole system overnight
15:38.10mboylanon the middle box you see
15:38.12mboylan-- IAX2/asterisk5-18420 is ringing
15:38.27mboylanbut that answer status never makes it back to asterisk2, the originating box
15:38.57wasanzykaldemar: are u there?
15:39.27p3nguinfulcan: Disallowing a reinvite (by setting canreinvite or directmedia to "no") keeps asterisk in the media stream.  If you allow reinvites, asterisk will get out of the way and the phones can try to talk directly.
15:41.09mboylanp3nguin: Any thoughts? This sets the whole project back again. We were going w/ SIP trunks first but then that failed miserably. Engineers from digium basically said it probably won't work. Trying IAX now and now we see this :(
15:41.36mboylanif I have to tell my boss it's all or nothing he's not going to be pleased I don't think
15:41.55fulcanp3nguin thank you for clearing that up. I was always a little unsure which direction it went. looks like I was backwards.  :)
15:42.04wasanzy<p3nguin>: I am now using two machine which will connect to asterisk on other machine, but the other third machine is in a different network so am getting 503 service unavailable error in twinkle
15:42.53wasanzyhow can I other machines in a different network but in the same office, to be able to connect to the asterisk server?
15:43.32p3nguinDo you have NAT between the two networks?  If it's a WAN, you may just have a firewall problem.
15:43.37fulcanwasanzy with a router.
15:43.41*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (kvirc@
15:44.37wasanzyhmmm, I realized that machine is even connecting to a different ISP
15:45.08fulcanwasanzy are you refering to the "routable www"?
15:45.46wasanzyno, I mean a different company providing internet for the third machine
15:46.29fulcanwasanzy different isp's not different networks. cause if you are on the www, all networks are connected by default. that's why it is called the www.
15:46.44fulcanwasanzy you may have a firewall issue.
15:47.12p3nguinIf it's not on the same subnet, which it apparently isn't, then it's on a different network.
15:47.36fulcanp3nguin doesn't mean anything on the www.
15:47.44p3nguinYes it does.
15:48.26wasanzythe thing is I can't even ping asterisk machine from the other machine
15:48.27fulcanp3nguin subnetmask means nothing on the www except to addressing.
15:49.10p3nguinMy point was that you tried to tell him that if he has a second ISP it's not on a different network, but it actually is.
15:49.29p3nguinBecause only something on the same subnet is on the same network.
15:49.48fulcanwasanzy can the host machine ping and can the target machine do the same?
15:50.11wasanzylet me try
15:50.52fulcanwww = the world routable network. all networks are routable to each other.
15:51.34wasanzyyes they can ping
15:51.56wasanzylet me tell u about the network here
15:51.57fulcannow, can any machine on the web ping target or host
15:52.06p3nguinJust because they are routABLE does not mean his two devices within separate networks WILL communicate with each other correctly.
15:52.42fulcanp3nguin if you are ON the www, you are connect by default.
15:52.44wasanzywe have two routers here
15:52.53p3nguinfulcan: That would be false.
15:53.21p3nguinYou're ON the www and I am ON the www, but you can't connect to my computer by default.
15:53.32p3nguinNAT prevents it.
15:53.52fulcanp3nguin I have configured WAY too many cisco and juniper routers for the www.
15:54.04p3nguinI'm impressed.
15:54.21fulcanp3nguin you are either on the routable www, or you are not.
15:54.39wasanzyfulcan: I can only be reach from the internet if am on the public network
15:54.59fulcanwasanzy yup, thats how it works.
15:55.13wasanzyu can do that bcos u do routing on your public IP in your router
15:55.22wasanzybut we don't have it that way
15:55.35wasanzywe are doing intranet sot of thing
15:55.40fulcanwasanzy what is the ip of your server?
15:55.56fulcanwasanzy so then you are using NAT
15:56.07fulcanforward the port.
15:56.39p3nguinIf I ping, I get replies!!!  I guess I really AM connected to your computer by the world routable network (www)!
15:57.12fulcanp3nguin 192.x is not routable
15:57.21wasanzythat is strange
15:58.18wasanzyam lost now
15:59.07fulcanwasanzy if your server has a 192. address, it's in a LAN and your router is using NAT to translate the routable info from the www to your LAN segment. you have to forward your port to the server from your router.
16:00.36wasanzyso what ports do I hv to forward?
16:00.49fulcanwasanzy are you using iax or sip?
16:01.30p3nguinUDP 5060 and whatever UDP range is in rtp.conf
16:01.38p3nguinusually UDP 10000-20000
16:02.12wasanzyok let me do that and get back to you guys
16:02.20wasanzythank you so much for the help
16:02.59wasanzybut one other question, will thins affect the sound even if we are in the same network?
16:03.03fulcanforward port 5060 from your router ip (both udp and tcp) to your server. also forward udp 10,000 thru 20,000 (as a gross over kill) to the server. That huge range should be closed later after it works to only a few ports but open her up wide for testing an provisioning.
16:03.55fulcanwasanzy what do you mean by 'effect sound'?
16:04.32p3nguinThe question was "will [this] affect the sound?"
16:04.32*** join/#asterisk jsemar (
16:04.43wasanzyI mean when the two parties can not hear each other despite you can hear the phone ring in the same network
16:04.55fulcanbecause I have a recording server in London that accepts calls from the US and then trows it BACK to the US and sounds crystal clear after traveling the world.
16:05.13*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-uvmigzkclkwazbxc)
16:05.26fulcanwasanzy that would be udp 10000-20000 issue usually.
16:06.06wasanzyI hv this 10001 - 20000
16:06.47p3nguinIf your rtp.conf has 10000-20000 listed, don't forward only 10001-20000 at the NAT.
16:06.54p3nguinYou need to use the same port range.
16:07.44fulcanwasanzy you might be getting screwed by that 1 port number different AND is it udp forward or tcp? I have seen that mistake.
16:07.47wasanzyI have this 10001-20000 in the rtp.conf
16:08.31fulcanAND do you have both udp and tcp forwarded for port 5060?
16:08.53p3nguinI doubt his asterisk is listening on TCP, so that's not relevant.
16:09.20wasanzyI haven't done the port forwarding yet
16:09.39wasanzyam seeking permision from my boss first
16:10.16wasanzyis listening on udp not tcp
16:10.38fulcanp3nguin back in the early days, 5060 was tcp only. I still forward it out of habit and there are a number of phones that require it.
16:11.06p3nguinThere are phones that use SIP over TCP, but that doesn't make his asterisk listen on TCP.
16:11.22p3nguinAnd if Asterisk isn't using TCP for SIP, it's worthless to forward it.
16:12.49*** join/#asterisk radic (
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16:27.25*** join/#asterisk okei (bc81c390@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:27.54okeihello guys. how to see my running extensions.conf? i have many same config but i dont know which is true config
16:28.02p3nguindialplan show
16:28.03okeican i debug this ?
16:28.13okeiyes i try this but nothing
16:28.27p3nguinIf it shows nothing, then you have no extensions configured.
16:28.56okeip3nguin: no nothing but no extensions, can i filter only extension string?
16:29.07p3nguinCheck your asterisk.conf for the path.  THen look in that path for extensions.conf.
16:29.37p3nguin"dialplan show" will show you ALL of the extensions that are configured and loaded.
16:30.26p3nguinIf you want to select only one extension to show, use dialplan show <extension>@<context>.
16:30.45p3nguinIf you want to see all the extensions in a context, use dialplan show <context>.
16:31.08okeiah okay 10x
16:31.20p3nguin43z to you!
16:31.47p3nguinone zero ex to you!
16:32.05p3nguinten x to you!
16:32.11okei: )
16:36.54*** join/#asterisk zorp75ck (~zorp75ck@
16:38.03*** part/#asterisk fulcan (
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16:47.04*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
16:48.02*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
16:48.46*** join/#asterisk tyman (
16:49.08okeip3nguin: can't find where is running extensions.conf file
16:49.11okei: /
16:49.45p3nguinWhat do you see when you run dialplan show in the asterisk cli?
16:49.47*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
16:51.40p3nguinThere are your extensions.
16:51.44p3nguinRight there on the screen.
16:51.46p3nguinI see 'em.
16:51.49p3nguinYou can't fool me!
16:52.21okeip3nguin: where is exts.conf?
16:52.21p3nguin28 extensions in 22 contexts!
16:52.29okeiyes but where is
16:52.39p3nguintypically, /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
16:52.45okeithis is not true conf
16:52.53p3nguinI'd say it is.
16:52.53okeii deleting this config but
16:52.59okeioutput is same
16:53.01okei: |
16:53.10p3nguinYou changed it, saved, it and forgot to run "dialplan reload" afterward.
16:53.28navaismoamm I think you are using ael
16:53.41okeii using default extension
16:53.58p3nguinThere is no default.
16:54.08okeii know : /
16:54.17p3nguinIf you have things "by default," you used the sample files.
16:54.22p3nguinAnd that was a mistake.
16:54.57p3nguinnavaismo mentioned that you use ael.  Check extensions.ael instead.
16:55.37tymanfrom the dialplan, how do I check the availability of a phone and, only if unavailable, redirect to another phone.?  When the primary phone IS online, dont want the 2nd phone to ring.  Is this a use queues scenario only?
16:56.43p3nguinYou'll need to Dial the first phone, then check the DIALSTATUS of it.  Then Goto the other phone if the first was UNAVAILABLE.
16:57.54okeip3nguin: fixd it 10x again : d
16:57.58p3nguinIt would be something like GotoIf($[ "${DIALSTATUS}" = "UNAVAILABLE" ]?unavailablelabel)
16:58.08p3nguinokei: 19b to you!
16:58.14tymanok perf
16:58.41p3nguinokei: 36d to you!
16:58.55p3nguin36 DD to you!
17:02.34*** join/#asterisk drynish (
17:02.37drynishI need help :)
17:02.55ChannelZMe too.  I haven't pooped for days.
17:03.04drynishI have a pretty precarious setup right now... I didn't realized it
17:03.08drynishoh new version available
17:03.35drynishlet me try the 1.8.5
17:04.03drynishI doubt it will be good
17:04.10drynishI'm on svn and it's not working
17:04.27drynishI have no sound... my asterisk seems to do only invite
17:04.46ChannelZwas this a previously working system or..?
17:05.03drynishbut I had to upgrade since I added a fxo card
17:05.14drynishand I had to make dahdi working
17:06.54drynishso the only way to be able tocompile it with my kernel was to use the latest svn fonction
17:06.56drynishoups svn version
17:07.09*** join/#asterisk fulcan (
17:07.12drynishand when dahdi works (was compiled) the only way to be detected was using svn asterisk
17:07.20drynishbut now my system is not working at all :( no sound
17:08.35wasanzy<p3nguin>: now, though I haven't done the port forwarding yet, but two machines can call each other on the same network
17:09.33wasanzyjust that, one party could hear the other one, but one could not hear other other person
17:10.19*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
17:11.06ChannelZdrynish: no sound from your FXO or SIP channels?
17:11.07fulcanwasanzy sounds like the correct behavior for 'ports not being forwarded'.
17:11.31wasanzybut they are on the same network
17:11.46fulcanwasanzy same LAN?
17:11.46p3nguinRight, because ports need forwared for clients on the same network.  Pfft.
17:12.07wasanzysame LAN
17:12.11ChannelZwasanzy: so?  An invidual machine might still be running a firewall.. Windows for instance
17:12.11drynish1 day ago everything was working
17:12.20drynishsame lan sure
17:12.24fulcanwasanzy like, pcs sitting next to each other with nothing inbetween them?
17:12.47fulcanChannelZ very true.
17:12.52ChannelZdrynish: sounds like you broke something else, I'd rebuild a fresh DAHDI from sources, configure/build a fresh asterisk from sources
17:13.01drynishoh sorry i was thinking you were talking to me
17:13.53drynishi think i will go with debian sid
17:14.26fulcanwasanzy one way audio is 99.997% of the time a port forwarding issue. .03% of the time (which is yet to happen to me personally) it is something else. Check your ports.
17:14.29drynishmy setup for compiling is really bizarrre
17:14.49wasanzyam using ubuntu
17:15.07wasanzylet me just do the port forwarding and see
17:15.13p3nguinThere is nothing to forward.
17:15.20p3nguinYou have two computers on the same LAN.
17:15.30p3nguinForwarding is not a part of that topology.
17:16.05p3nguinIf you're running a firewall on either of the computers where the phones are, TURN THAT SHIT OFF.
17:16.07McBoingbop3nguin: wassaaap, got my Asterisk 1.8 installed now, gonna try to couple it with the old server
17:16.12fulcanwasanzy keep in mind what ChannelZ said, if you are doing a test call from a PC and you are experiencing 1 way audio, then that machine has a firewall on it and the ports need to be forwarded there too!
17:16.15ChannelZwasanzy: "your end" asks "the other end" what IP and port they should send their audio to you.  "the other end" needs sufficient network access to get that traffic out to "your end".  You must have sufficient network access to receive that traffic.
17:16.31p3nguinYou don't forward ports on a machine.
17:16.43p3nguinYou can stop blocking them.
17:16.45ChannelZThe reverse is also true.  With that in mind you need to verify your network is allowing all this traffic... whether by firewalls, routers...
17:16.47p3nguinBut forwarding sends them somewhere else.
17:17.08p3nguinAnd since it's a LAN that you are on, forwarding is not a part of the scenario.
17:18.11fulcanp3nguin a firewall is a firewall and most use NAT. NAT translates eathier one port at a time or all. but it's the exact same thing.
17:18.38p3nguinFor a single machine?  That's not accurate at all.
17:18.41*** join/#asterisk vikapi (~quassel@
17:18.42*** join/#asterisk batfastad (
17:18.44p3nguinI would have expected someone that has configured WAY too many Cisco and Juniper routers on the world routable network (the www) to know that.
17:18.58fulcanp3nguin nat is nat.
17:19.36p3nguinNAT masquerades between on address space and another address space.  A single machine does not fall into that category.
17:19.49fulcanp3nguin no such thing a NAT for pc vs. NAT for a router. it's still nat
17:20.06p3nguinANd you don't have NAT on a single host machine that isn't a gateway.
17:20.27atheosunless your pc is a router (i.e. pfsense), it's not doing NAT
17:20.30p3nguinWhy, you ask?  There's nothing to masquerade.
17:20.36p3nguinatheos: exactly
17:20.42*** part/#asterisk batfastad (
17:20.51McBoingboWe have a wiener!!
17:20.53McBoingboding ding!
17:20.58p3nguinIt's a single host.  It can have a firewall, but it's not NAT.
17:21.08p3nguinNo NAT, no ports to forward.
17:21.17fulcanp3nguin almost every firewall in the world is based on either iptable or ipforward BOTH use NATing.
17:21.18p3nguinFirewalls just block ports.
17:21.22p3nguinfulcan: You're wrong.
17:21.31wasanzydoes ubuntu comes with a default firewall?
17:21.49p3nguinOn a single host, you use the INPUT and OUTPUT chain.  Neither involve NAT>
17:22.04p3nguinwasanzy: Yes, it does.
17:22.12wasanzywhich is?
17:22.12p3nguinwasanzy: but not using NAT, because it's not a router.
17:22.13McBoingboinfobot stay out of this! ;)
17:22.37p3nguinwasanzy: "iptables -L -nv" will show you if the firewall is doing anything.
17:22.40wasanzyI want to stop the firewall on  if there is
17:22.44fulcanp3nguin thats what NATing is, a translation from INPUT to OUTPUT or FORWARD.
17:22.52p3nguinfulcan: Wrong again.
17:23.17*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
17:23.18p3nguin"iptables -L INPUT -nv" will show you if your firewall in blocking things going into that host.
17:23.35ChannelZnot even the FORWARD table is NAT
17:24.00p3nguinFUCK YOU infobot
17:24.06McBoingboI know right?
17:24.17p3nguin"iptables -L OUTPUT -nv" will show you if your firewall in blocking things going out of that host which originated on that host.
17:24.44p3nguinI was trying to correct channelz's use of table there, and infobot thought I was trying to correct myself.
17:24.56p3nguinfulcan: If you aren't using -t nat, it's not NAT.  Period.
17:24.58McBoingbowell then stop using that form lol
17:25.04McBoingboyou know you are just teasing the infobot
17:25.17p3nguinand neither INPUT, OUTPUT, nor FORWARD are in the nat table.  They are not NAT.
17:25.46p3nguinIf you want to NAT, you'll use the nat table and you'll do PREROUTING and POSTROUTING.  That creates a NAT in iptables.
17:26.09p3nguinAgain, someone who knows so God damned much about the world routable network (the www) should know this.
17:26.19McBoingbocalm down tiger
17:26.30McBoingboquick gimme a Rib steak
17:27.14wasanzyChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 505 packets, 110K bytes)
17:27.16ChannelZand a bedpan
17:27.31wasanzyoh sorry 4 that, I should have pastebin
17:27.44p3nguintwo lines, it's okay.
17:27.53wasanzythe port is not blocking any thing on the asterisk server
17:27.53ChannelZno blockage there, and if OUTPUT looks similar.  But what about the other machine?
17:28.01fulcanwasanzy drop your firewall, run a test call, listen to it work and then forward your ports and watch it work again.
17:28.05p3nguinwasanzy: If there is no other rule listed there, nothing is being blocked going into that host.
17:28.25p3nguinSince the default policy is ACCEPT, and there are no rules, everything is allowed in.
17:28.54*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
17:29.26fulcanwasanzy 'iptables stop'    is what you need.
17:29.45p3nguinOn the other hand, if you ARE actually doing NAT, which you aren't by default, the nat table and PREROUTING chain can "take over" ports and forward them somewhere else.  If you are concerned that something configured NAT erroneously, you can check with "iptables -t nat -L -nv" to see all the NAT chains.
17:29.50*** join/#asterisk diatonic (
17:30.29p3nguinBut again, there is no NAT for a single machine, so unless you configured it for a gateway, nothing is supposed to be in the nat table.
17:30.56p3nguinDid you check the OUTPUT chain like channelz said?
17:32.24ChannelZand I keep not hearing about the _other_ machine.  Or is that not involved again?  I can't keep up.
17:32.34p3nguinThe OUTPUT chain allows or blocks traffic from going out of the machine.
17:32.51ChannelZI don't think it's been mentioned which way the one-way audio even is...
17:32.58p3nguinI think he still has only two hosts: one with asterisk and a soft phone, and one with a soft phone.
17:33.15fulcanp3nguin what if he has two firewalls up and doesn't know it OR another device in the chain that he has not accounted for?
17:34.04p3nguinYour suggestion of stopping iptables (flushing all chains) would solve it.  That's what he SHOULD do most of the time.  Firewalls just get in the way.
17:34.08ChannelZright.. and the other with a softphone, what OS is it, what's the status if its firewall...
17:34.57p3nguinBut if he verifies all the chains are set to ACCEPT and there are no rules, effectively it would be the same as shutting down the service.
17:35.47p3nguinsince that's what stopping the services does, anyway.
17:36.03fulcanwasanzy unplug any and all firwalls, kill them dead. then use telnet to 'step' your way to and from the server. Telnet is a great tool because if it kills your attempt to access a port immediately, then you have a 'firewall' somewhere blocking it. if it just hangs, then that is a protocol conflict which is a good thing because comm CAN get through. But a quick connection kill means you were dropped.
17:36.32p3nguinYou'll need some TCP daemon on the computer to be able to telnet to it.
17:36.49p3nguinSince SIP is UDP and he hasn't configured asterisk to use TCP, he can't telnet 5060.
17:37.03fulcanapt-get install telnet
17:37.26p3nguinIf that particular telnet supports UDP, make sure you use the appropriate option to use UDP.
17:37.34p3nguinOtherwise, use netcat and its UDP option.
17:37.49fulcanp3nguin it doesn't have to suppot udp at all.
17:38.11ChannelZit's a false test that proves little
17:38.11p3nguintelnet does not connect to UDP.
17:38.13fulcanall he is looking for is either a 'quick drop' or a hang.
17:38.28p3nguinAnd since SIP is UDP, you can't telnet it.
17:38.54p3nguinUntil he configures his asterisk to use TCP for SIP, his SIP is just UDP.
17:39.42fulcanp3nguin it will 'hang' on a protocol conflict. He does care about whether asterisk speaks the lang at all, he is trying to diagnose whether something is inbetween it.
17:40.06ChannelZWhat are you even talking about
17:40.17p3nguinIf asterisk is listening on UDP 5060, and you telnet to 5060 (which is TCP), what do you THINK is going to happen?
17:40.19fulcanp3nguin quit putting the poor guy on another mission.
17:40.38p3nguinI'm not putting him on any mission.  I don't want his asterisk to listen on TCP.
17:41.12*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (nightrid3r@
17:41.19fulcanp3nguin asterisk isn't even confirmed the problem at all @ this point.
17:41.27ChannelZTelnet is a worthless tool in this scenario.
17:41.33p3nguinit sure is!
17:41.56p3nguinBut you can't tell fulcan that.  He knows way too much about configuring cisco and juniper routers on the world routable network (the www).
17:42.10fulcanChannelZ damn, all those times I was wrong, I just guessed that telnet was telling me something. wow, my imagination.
17:42.54p3nguinNow telnet could be used for testing connectivity if the host has a service listening on TCP, or if your telnet supports UDP and you use the UDP telnet option.
17:43.00ChannelZTelnet can tell you things.  Here, no so much.  We already know there is traffic moving around partially.
17:43.21fulcanyou use telnet to test for drops.
17:43.33ChannelZp3nguin: I think his assertion is that if a firewall is set to 'DROP' all traffic, telnet is going to sit there waiting for an ACK it will never get.
17:43.59p3nguinWhile that may happen, it wouldn't be definitive for testing Asterisk.
17:44.02fulcanthose drops come from firewalls and closed ports. everything else is trivials when you are looking for WHAT is blocking your path.
17:44.06ChannelZBut it only tells 1% of the story
17:44.21fulcanChannelZ that all he needs at this point
17:44.25p3nguinIt assumes you have a rule that drops TCP and does something silly to UDP.
17:44.27fulcanChannelZ not another mission
17:44.30ChannelZNo, we're past that.
17:44.48ChannelZThe call is being setup, how do you think that's happening?
17:44.55p3nguinI block all sorts of TCP and allow UDP.  You telnet to me, you'll see dropped packets, but if you use an appropriate UDP test, you'll succeed.
17:45.04fulcanChannelZ he's got a one way audio issue. something is blocking.
17:45.10p3nguinThat's UDP.
17:45.13p3nguinRTP is UDP.
17:45.14ChannelZYes and telnet isn't going to help him figure out what!
17:45.17p3nguinTelnet won't test that.
17:45.38fulcanChannelZ you DON't need a connection. I am trying to tell you this.
17:45.45p3nguinThe SIP part works -- there is traffic flow between hosts.
17:45.48ChannelZI give up
17:45.58p3nguinI'll try.
17:46.23ChannelZIt's like saying I know definitiely my car is 100% functional because my garage door works.
17:46.33ChannelZThey're simply unrelated
17:46.45p3nguinor because the window rolls up and down.
17:47.15fulcanChannelZ doing it right now to my asterisk box. telnet 10000 to asterisk give me a hung black screen.
17:47.19ChannelZor whatever the heck it was I typed
17:47.43ChannelZfulcan: Congradulations, you proved you're blocking one TCP port.
17:47.53fulcanChannelZ telnet is 'half assed' connected to udp port 10000 using tcp
17:48.02p3nguinI doubt that.
17:48.27fulcanChannelZ no, I just proved I have access to port 10000 and nothing is in the way.
17:48.43fulcanp3nguin I'll send you a screen shot.
17:48.45ChannelZjust shrugs
17:48.56*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
17:49.10p3nguinYour screenshot will only show me what you think you've seen.
17:49.19p3nguinThe fact is that if you telnet to 5060, it's TCP.
17:49.23fulcanp3nguin your a moron
17:49.33p3nguinpoints and laughs
17:50.12p3nguinIs now the appropriate time to point out that it's "you're a moron" or should I wait?
17:50.34ChannelZI'd say misguided and leave it at that
17:50.48fulcanp3nguin try it yourself. i used winblows telnet
17:51.01fulcanp3nguin telnet to 10000
17:51.06p3nguintelnet asterisk.local 5060
17:51.07p3nguintelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
17:51.18p3nguin$ telnet asterisk.local 10000
17:51.18p3nguintelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
17:51.23p3nguinYou know why it's refused?
17:51.31p3nguin'CAUSE IT'S NOT TCP!
17:51.33ChannelZbecause no means no!
17:51.37fulcanp3nguin cause your not going to the right port!
17:51.51ChannelZOhhh, all this time!  Which one is the right one?
17:51.58fulcanp3nguin telnet pot IS closed, not 10000
17:51.58p3nguinRight, because my asterisk.local doesn't listen on 5060 and 10000.  Got it.
17:52.17p3nguinTCP 10000 is also closed.
17:52.20p3nguinI'll show you.
17:52.41fulcanp3nguin congrat, you can read. no shit, but udp is wide open
17:52.47p3nguin[root@cpe-e650 ~]# lsof -i tcp:10000
17:52.47p3nguin[root@cpe-e650 ~]# lsof -i tcp:5060
17:52.47p3nguin[root@cpe-e650 ~]#
17:52.57p3nguinNothing listening; they are closed.
17:53.16ChannelZplease tell me the ice cream shop is still open though
17:53.21p3nguintelnet doesn't know about udp, and I just showed you.
17:53.47p3nguintelnet asterisk.local 80
17:53.51p3nguinConnected to asterisk.local.
17:53.53p3nguinEscape character is '^]'.
17:53.57p3nguinIt sure does know about my TCP daemon, though.
17:53.58fulcanwinblows does, and telnetd on linux does to
17:53.59p3nguinimagine that.
17:54.06p3nguinI'm not using telnetd.
17:54.11p3nguinWe're talking about asterisk.
17:54.22ChannelZWHo the heck even runs a telnet daemon anymore?
17:54.27p3nguinonly fools
17:54.38p3nguinAs nugget once said, telnet is evil.
17:54.53p3nguinOh, wait, my cable modem runs telnet.
17:55.15ChannelZThus your cable modem is a fool.
17:55.21p3nguinISP, rather
17:55.35atheosmy cisco router runs telnet. damn cisco fool!
17:56.02p3nguinMost people using Cisco these days don't allow telnet to them and use ssh.
17:56.21fulcantelnet 10000 produces blank screen telnet 22 hangs, telnet 25 'connection refused" because the port is blocked.
17:56.26p3nguinMaybe on a LAN it's still common, but not from the public side.
17:57.03ChannelZfulcan: and what do you have running on port 22 and 10000?
17:57.04atheosmy cisco hardware is completely locked from the public, but it's still using telnet.
17:57.06fulcanp3nguin I am very much aware of this, its a testing tool that finds firewall screwups in a hurry because of it's bevavior.
17:57.12p3nguin25 has a reject because telnetd is not running.
17:57.19ChannelZ25 is smtpd
17:57.32p3nguin25 has a reject because smtpd is not running.
17:57.53fulcanp3nguin I block all ports. especially 25
17:58.01p3nguinhence the reject
17:58.32fulcanp3nguin yup telnet told me that one is blocked. did it's job.
17:58.47p3nguinits job
17:58.48p3nguinnot it is job.
17:59.09fulcanp3nguin you enjoys C0Rrectig speliong?
17:59.23fulcanp3nguin Is dis beter?
17:59.29ChannelZMOAR BETAR!
17:59.36ssureshotok, finally back to my long distance issue,
18:01.01ChannelZis that all?
18:01.15fulcanChannelZ I hope so.
18:02.16ChannelZI meant ssureshot.  The comma gave me hope, but the following silence crushed it
18:02.47fulcanChannelZ  :)
18:02.51p3nguinThat's great!
18:04.41ssureshotChannelZ: lol sorry,, I can't figure out why I can make local and long distance calls but I can't call any toll free numbers
18:05.13Psi|4wardi would like to route SIP-Trunk->Asterisk#1->IAX2-Trunk->Asterisk#2 but the called-incomming numbers is dropped so Asterisk#2 dosnt know what extension to ring - any ideas?
18:05.15*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
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18:06.42ssureshotI'd kill for any input on why It doen'st work lol
18:07.28ssureshotor even just a tip
18:07.41ssureshotconcerning the issue not just any tip
18:07.54_Corey_ssureshot: Could be a few things... make sure you're presenting caller-id
18:08.04*** part/#asterisk fulcan (
18:08.16*** join/#asterisk wesphillips (
18:08.25_Corey_make sure you're not using some "toll free" inbound trunk or something that's not capable of completing toll-free calls
18:08.25*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
18:09.27wasanzyam done with the port forwarding so going to try now
18:10.03ssureshot_Corey_: I have added num and name to the callerid,,, and the second item,,, Am I wrong in thinking since I can make long distance calls I should be able to make tollfree?
18:10.17McBoingbop3nguin: any docs you can point me to that would be relevant to my Asterisk 1.2 talking to 1.8.5 setup?
18:10.44*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
18:11.14wasanzyp3nguin: should I remove the directmedia=no in the sip.conf, since the soft phones are no more on the same machine with asterisk?
18:11.22ssureshotThis line is supposed to be setup just like my primary T1 that works ,, it's a secondary line incase of failure,, I'm just upgrading asterisk
18:11.26_Corey_ssureshot: Maybe, I see it a lot when customers who have dedicated toll-free inbound circuits.  Their carrier doesn't allow toll-free outbound
18:11.29McBoingbochecking now
18:13.03ssureshot_Corey_: ah it's not dedicated toll free,, it should be fully functional,, this line doesn't have a tollfree incomming number just did's
18:13.06_Corey_ssureshot: When you say "line" ...  what kind of line?
18:14.12ssureshot_Corey_:Full T1 for voice,,,
18:14.41_Corey_Call your carrier...  they should know why they're blocking your calls :)
18:15.42ssureshotlol I just did but I didn't use that phrase,, maybe Ill play dumb this time... or well I guess it wouldn't be playing dumb haha
18:17.02_Corey_I've had carriers reject calls because of some obscurity before, best to call them before wasting your time
18:19.14wasanzythe port forwarding is done but still, we can't hear each other. is only one partner that can hear
18:27.33*** join/#asterisk douglas_carmicha (
18:27.44McBoingbothere seems to be many ways to peer 2 Asterisk servers, but because 1 server is 1.8.5 and the main production server is 1.2.12, I need to be a little more careful, can anyone help get some communication going in between them?
18:28.10douglas_carmichais there much of a functionality difference between chan_h323 and chan_ooh323? I'm trying to resolve a port conflict on FreeBSD between asterisk and ekiga, and the libraries used by ekiga (ptlib) conflict with what is used by chan_h323 (pwlib.)
18:28.36wasanzypls some body help me out
18:28.55*** join/#asterisk fulcan (
18:29.36wasanzyfulcan: welcome back
18:29.58fulcanwasanzy hey my friend. how the old testing going?
18:30.51wasanzyI did the port forwarding in the router, but still only one person can hear his partner, and the other person can't hear him
18:31.48fulcanwasanzy are you on a winblows box right now or nix?
18:31.48wasanzymy latest sip debug is:
18:32.16*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
18:32.29wasanzyboth asterisk server and the two softphone machine are on ubuntu
18:33.20fulcanwasanzy I am actually asking about the box you are typing on right now.
18:33.42wasanzyis the same machine running asterisk
18:34.16fulcanwasanzy kk, is there a telnet client on it like utelnetd or just telnet?
18:35.19fulcanwasanzy do you have a second box you can connect too?
18:35.53wasanzylike connect from that machine to the asterisk box?
18:36.17fulcanwasanzy a laptop or or something on the side? hopefully on the same network?
18:36.47wasanzythe three machines are actually in the same network
18:38.35wasanzyI have this under the user who can not hear his partner: directmedia=no but one who can hear his partner doesn't have that
18:38.41*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
18:39.17wasanzydo I have to add it for all the two?
18:39.32fulcantelnet to all the machine on port 5060 and 10000 , you are interested in the behavior of 'how it doesn't work'. if it 'refuses' then you are block because of firewall or service is turned off. if it hangs, or 'delays' before it drops, then you are golden. can you check this from the different machines?
18:41.01wasanzyshould I try it from the two machine having the phone to the asterisk server?
18:41.19russellbtelnet is TCP though, and the traffic you're concerned with is UDP
18:41.39fulcanyou want to do 'server -> client and then client -> server
18:42.17fulcanrussellb it doesn't matter, we already had this discussion earlier with someone else.
18:43.08russellbunless you forwarded both, then it does matter, but ok, *goes back to work*
18:43.25*** join/#asterisk dmz (
18:43.55wasanzycheck pout nmap result first:
18:44.30fulcanwasanzy not nmap, telnet!
18:45.20wasanzyconnection refuse on port 10000 from server to client 1
18:45.20Qwellfulcan: umm, then you were wrong in the previous discussion too.
18:46.03fulcanQwell no i am not.
18:47.23wasanzyconnection refuse again to the other client as well
18:47.34QwellDon't use telnet to test UDP.  It will not work.  Ever.
18:48.22wasanzyso what should I use?
18:48.35fulcanwasanzy telnet to port 10000
18:48.37Qwellif you're trying to test Asterisk - test Asterisk.
18:48.56Qwellfulcan: Stop helping people with networking stuff.  You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
18:49.19fulcanQwell I am doing it right now to my own server.
18:49.30QwellYou are simply wrong.
18:49.45fulcanQwell my commandline must be different from yours.
18:49.59QwellTelnet does not use UDP.  Period.
18:50.07fulcanQwell try it! telnet 10000
18:50.24Qwellnetstat -plan | grep 10000
18:50.38QwellI will wager $500 that you are listening on TCP.
18:50.42fulcanQwell your using the wrong damn command!
18:50.57wasanzyok guys, pls will this affect some  thing  when place in the si: directmedia=no
18:51.03fulcanQwell its REALLY easy to do!  telnet 10000
18:51.12Qwellgo away
18:51.23*** join/#asterisk lanning (
18:52.00wasanzyand if it is port issue, why will one hear other but the ohter can't hear him back?
18:52.12*** join/#asterisk Nasga (
18:52.15Qwellwasanzy: That would be a NAT issue.
18:52.22infobotit has been said that nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
18:52.57fulcanwasanzy because your blocked somewhere and you don't even know whom/what is blocking you. telnet is an easy tool to use the will tell you whom, not what.
18:53.19*** mode/#asterisk [+q fulcan!*@*] by Qwell
18:53.23Qwellgo. away.
18:54.43_Corey_uses telnet to make coffee
18:54.44wasanzythen the other person also shouldn't hear his partner if is a blocking issue
18:55.04Qwellwasanzy: It is a NAT issue, like I said.  That is called one-way audio.  It's incredibly common.
18:55.05*** join/#asterisk joker2u (
18:55.15wasanzy<Qwell> I did port forwarding already
18:55.22*** mode/#asterisk [+q *!*] by Qwell
18:55.27Qwellwasanzy: It's more than port forwarding.
18:55.34wasanzyoh ok
18:55.36QwellYou need to configure Asterisk properly..
18:55.37infobotsomebody said nat was Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
18:56.20*** mode/#asterisk [-q fulcan!*@*] by Qwell
18:57.24*** mode/#asterisk [-q *!*] by Qwell
18:58.03jayteeinteresting, I use externip and localnet but I hadn't seen localmask nor do I have it set.
18:58.30wasanzyQwell: so how do I solve the NAT issuse so that they can both hear each other?
18:58.46Qwelljaytee: yeah I don't know what localmask is
18:58.50*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
18:59.47*** join/#asterisk fulcan (
19:00.28wasanzyQwell: are there?
19:00.43Qwellwasanzy: Look at the settings the bot gave you.  Set those properly.
19:01.19wasanzywhich settings?
19:02.27*** join/#asterisk ChUbB (
19:02.30SuPrSluGyes. ie. your public ip.
19:02.45SuPrSluGlocalnet= your lan
19:03.21wasanzyin sip_nat.conf?
19:05.30SuPrSluGfrom the bot message -> "Usable in Asterisk sip.conf "
19:06.17*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
19:06.54wasanzyok, under general?
19:07.42wasanzyam doing that
19:08.17*** join/#asterisk radic (
19:08.35wasanzylocalnet= right?
19:10.11wasanzyexternip=mypublic ip right?
19:10.57wasanzy<SuPrSluG>: are you there?
19:11.34wasanzyare my setting right now?
19:12.47wasanzy my sip.conf
19:15.31*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
19:15.39wasanzypls check and tell me if is ok
19:16.26wasanzy<SuPrSluG>: hmmm
19:18.10SuPrSluGlocalnet is the network address not the ip of the server. localmask in cidr
19:18.58SuPrSluGis is the NETWORK addresss
19:20.14wasanzyand don't you think this directmedia=no will afftect some thing?
19:20.17SuPrSluGyou can make network as large or small as you want using the subnet mask
19:20.20*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@nat/digium/x-qolszrxirtnddczt)
19:20.21*** mode/#asterisk [+o pabelanger] by ChanServ
19:20.59wasanzyI have this now: localnet=
19:24.10fulcanwasanzy did you turn the firewall off on your client yet?
19:24.59wasanzythey don't have firewall running
19:26.12okeiguys, how to restart asterisk daemon from
19:26.14okeiasterisk cli?
19:26.22okeistop now not working * 1.8
19:26.43Qwellcore restart now
19:27.47fulcanwasanzy what is the client software you are using?
19:28.31*** join/#asterisk sulex (~sulex@pdpc/supporter/professional/sulex)
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19:31.13wasanzythe same network
19:33.20wasanzy<SuPrSluG> are u there?
19:34.33*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
19:37.26*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
19:42.54Psi|4wardcan anyone help me with a dail-rule, i want forward all incomming calls to an iax2 trunk connected to a second asterisk
19:44.28*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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19:45.53wasanzy<SuPrSluG> are you back?
19:47.40SuPrSluGPsi|4ward, IAX2/<number>@ip:port
19:48.07Psi|4warddont really know how to start right now
19:48.37Psi|4wardiave a FreePBX box and tried to set up incomming rule with destination "iax trunk" but this strips the called number
19:52.12*** join/#asterisk tomaw_ (tom@freenode/staff/tomaw)
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19:56.41SuPrSluGPsi|4ward, possibly use a misc destination and dial like the example i gave
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20:03.31Psi|4wardhmm wont work, im to stupid right know
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20:17.27Psi|4wardcreated an custom extension and added a dial-rule to extensions_custom.conf but now i get "number not in service"
20:18.11Psi|4wardexten => ._,1,Dial(IAX2, ....
20:22.48*** join/#asterisk godmachine-x6 (
20:24.07leifmadsenpsilikon: uhhhh.... ._ is wrong
20:24.13leifmadsenunderscore first, not last
20:24.30leifmadsenPsi|4ward: ^^^^
20:24.37leifmadsenpsilikon: sorry, wrong tab completion :)
20:25.06Psi|4warddosent matter, hightlight is set to psi ;)
20:26.57*** part/#asterisk fulcan (
20:27.14Psi|4wardokay, the Dial command works now, but on asterisk#2 ill dont see the called number
20:27.46Psi|4wardis there any variable for the diald number?
20:28.14Psi|4wardDial(..../${DID}) isnt it
20:29.24*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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20:31.49SuPrSluGit would be an inbound route
20:32.26SuPrSluGmatch what you're sending from server a
20:32.43thegoatis there a variable for the number that was dialed?
20:33.41thegoatpsil|ward looks like we want the same thing ;-)
20:36.06leifmadsen${EXTEN} ?
20:37.08Psi|4wardshould there not be a debug-message like "Set("myvar","value") ?
20:38.01serafiePsi|4ward: look at Verbose() and Noop()
20:38.57Psi|4wardhmm ok but this works only in these agi scripts dosnt it?
20:39.14Psi|4wardwhoa asterisk is really hard stuff
20:39.20serafieIt says Dialplan applications right there in the title. :)
20:39.23leifmadsenlearning curve can be high
20:39.27leifmadsenthat's why there is a good
20:40.45Qwellgood ;)
20:41.10*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
20:42.59Psi|4wardthegoat: look at ${CALLERID(dnid)}
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20:46.49Psi|4wardwhoa HOST xxx failed to authenticate with user bb_user :\
20:46.53Psi|4wardon the remote machine
20:47.47Psi|4wardmy dial-rule looks like exten => _.,1,Dial(IAX2/benutzer:passwort@${CALLERID(dnid)})
20:51.49Psi|4wardbut the trunk peer-name works ;)
20:54.26*** join/#asterisk jonmasters (
20:54.52thegoathas anyone done any integration with google voice
20:55.32*** join/#asterisk Bob_Pierce (~WESTMAN\p@
20:56.32thegoati need asterisk to find my google voice number as the number dialed when a call comes in, not the number google voice is calling
20:58.39*** join/#asterisk lanning (
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21:01.16rgagnonQuestion for anyone regarding cdr.conf and "endbeforehexten".....  The values for CDR(start), CDR(answer), CDR(end), CDR(duration), CDR(disposition), and CDR(billsec) don't seem to be available during the "h" extension, yet they appear correct in the Master.csv CDR File.... any thoughts?
21:02.30rgagnon"start" and "end" come up, but they are both equal to eachother, and equal to the end of the call only
21:03.13rgagnonand "disposition" shows "NO ANSWER" although the Master.csv shows "ANSWER", and the call completed with asterisk logs showing the channel answered
21:09.13*** part/#asterisk bobb_WU (~bobb_WU@
21:13.25*** join/#asterisk file (
21:19.53ChannelZthegoat: do you mean the extension?  Doesn't it come in with no exten and thus goes to 's'?
21:20.19*** join/#asterisk gravin (
21:22.28thegoatwhat happens is that when someone calls my gv number the dnid is the number that gv dials and not my google voice number), so say my gv number is 8005551212 and my did is 8005551213, the dnid variable shows 8005551213 and not 8005551212
21:26.32Qwellthegoat: If it's going through Google Voice, and Google doesn't send that, I'm not sure how you'd change it.
21:28.50*** join/#asterisk garymc (
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21:32.09timeshellIs OSLEC still the best echo canceller to use?
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21:53.49LinuturkI recently updated to and now my pri stops receiving incoming calls after a bit
21:54.00Linuturkdahdi restart corrects the issue for a bit
21:54.02*** join/#asterisk Micc (
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21:54.15Linuturkbut, it isn't stable like it used to be with
21:54.39MiccI need help with a lock problem on, I've got the core show locks when it happens, is anyone qualified to take a look at it?
22:09.13*** part/#asterisk Bob_Pierce (~WESTMAN\p@
22:10.10Psi|4wardwhoa if i hungup a forwarded call from asterisk#1 to #asterisk#2, asterisk#1 calls again :\
22:10.18Psi|4wardcan i hangup on asterisk#1 too?
22:12.20*** join/#asterisk Rufus (Rufus@unaffiliated/rufus)
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22:18.29ShaunRAnybody recommend a good SIP to phone adapter
22:18.38ShaunRjust for home use, nothing special
22:18.56ShaunRwas looking at the PAP2T-NA
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22:33.03timeshellThat should be suitable
22:41.40MiccIs 1.8 more stable than 1.6?
22:42.04MiccI know some versions might be less stable than others, but in general is 1.8 more stable because its a LTS release?
22:52.38*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (~nighty@
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22:59.45timeshellIs there anyway to use a flash stream for MOH?
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