IRC log for #asterisk on 20110620

00:01.19jc319Is there a particularly easy to use Windows SIP softphone that might work better than zoiper/x-lite? just a basic dialpad/quickdial pad and a voicemail button?
00:28.28*** join/#asterisk pdtpatrick__ (
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00:32.38voxterany of you ever work with ?
00:32.55voxtermy asterisk, (1.8) appears to attempt to parse the config file, then "hang" and never fully load it.
00:36.39Lantiziatzafrir_laptop, hey! guess what I've remembered by question like 2 days later! :P
00:37.02*** join/#asterisk fhmiv (
00:42.25MangoI just realized that the microphone for the handsfree portion of my Linksys SPA-921 is on the back of the phone.
00:42.29MangoWhat's it doing there!?
00:43.17voxteraastra did that too on the 31i, stupid as hell
00:43.38MangoI wonder if I can mod it.
00:44.19*** join/#asterisk Phlunk3 (~phlunk3@
00:52.59leifmadsencj: make sure you file an errata on the o'reilly site so I can look into it
00:53.38WiretapWorkyou know why they do that I assume?
00:57.05MangoWhy?  To make it farther away from the speaker?
00:57.32WiretapWorkto prevent feedback, wind noise and echo
01:04.34*** join/#asterisk ketas (
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01:19.10jc319Is anyone using some kind of basic heartbeat script/method to check if primary server is down and launch 2nd server?
01:19.27*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
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01:35.47leifmadsenjc319: yes I've done that with LinuxHA -- any of the basic scripts out there showing how to launch an application when a server falls over should be enough for you
01:44.08*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
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02:00.51*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
02:00.57shmaltzhi everyone
02:03.19shmaltz~anyone here?
02:03.19infobotNo, we're all bots :p
02:03.44infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
02:04.09shmaltzWiretapWork, no questions here, just bored. Want to talk?
02:04.21WiretapWorknope, I'm working
02:05.01shmaltzwhat are you working on?
02:06.08shmaltzanyway I can help you working now?
02:06.59shmaltzouch, would you at least join me with my beer?
02:18.04*** join/#asterisk PhoenixMage (
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02:19.39p3nguinIs there any reason to use an unusual extension for accepting ISN calls from the internet?  If my local extension number is 4321, would 4321*123 be a sensible numbering convention to reach 4321 on ISN domain 123?  Any reason to use a fancy "code" for inbound calling?
02:20.00gruvfunkpaulc: when you get a chance, can you ping me about that favor?
02:21.53WiretapWorkp3nguin, generally some obfuscation is desired
02:22.11WiretapWorkp3nguin, as publicising an internal extension could be considered a security risk
02:22.37WiretapWorkI just prefix 020955 for mine, but thereare probably better ways
02:23.10WiretapWorkit definitely makes sense, with ISN to dump calls if they don't match ISN inbound numbers, if they come in anonymous
02:23.45*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
02:25.12p3nguinHow did you arrive at that prefix?
02:26.16*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
02:27.11WiretapWorkstarted with an invalid area code for this locale (020) and added a 'bogon' sub-area prefix (955)
02:28.19p3nguinWhat is 955 actually used for?
02:28.21WiretapWorkbasically it makes it possible for people with stupid dialplans (no outbound dialling prefix) to call the number
02:28.24WiretapWorknothing at all
02:28.39PhoenixMagehmmm, why is my 7975G with SIP seeing "1" when I dial the 100 extension?
02:28.43*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
02:28.45p3nguinI was thinking it might be like our 555 prefix.
02:29.04infobotfrom memory, isn is ITAD Subscriber Number (see 'itad'). An ISN is a method of dialing SIP URI's via a standard keypad on a telephone. Because of the alphanumeric nature of SIP URIs, it is difficult to dial them via the keypad on your phone. The use of ISN numbers simplifies this by utilizing DNS lookups to map the ISN number to a domain. See for more information.
02:29.10WiretapWork0N955 is owned by an alternate PTSP who isn't using it yet
02:29.12p3nguinUsing extensions starting with 1 is usually a terrible idea.
02:29.23Grady2000sys.stdout.write('EXEC Dial(SIP/5665,20)\n')   anyone know why this is incorrect syntax? asterisk does not accept it and yes 5665 is a registered sip extension
02:29.25PhoenixMagep3nguin: Is more just me playing around
02:29.26WiretapWorkthere are no 'invalid' sub-area prefixes in NZ
02:29.47WiretapWorkbut '020' is an invalid area code, so it helps
02:30.03Grady2000that command works fine in extenstions.conf
02:30.12Grady2000but not in my agi script
02:30.26WiretapWork(all area codes in NZ are 2 digit except for 02x, which is 3 and normally used for cellphones or premium rate calls, 020 is unroutable)
02:30.29p3nguinphoenixmage: Look at your dialplan in the phone.  You'll probably understand what happened and why extensions starting with 1 is a bad idea.
02:31.33p3nguinHow would I go about finding out those area codes in North America?
02:32.10WiretapWorkno idea
02:32.25WiretapWorkI only know because I used to work in telco and have kept the spreadsheet with all the code allocations on it :P
02:32.28p3nguinI'll check NANP.
02:32.30shmaltzp3nguin, what area code do you want to findout?
02:32.39p3nguinany that are not able to be routed
02:32.56ectospasm^ that page has a more or less complete listing of NANP area codes.
02:32.59shmaltzp3nguin, for starters anything starting with 1 or 0 or x11
02:33.03p3nguinI'll check it.
02:33.38shmaltzbut you wouldn't want to use x11 or 1 anyhow
02:33.51shmaltzbut 0 looks good to me
02:33.57p3nguinI've got an idea, based on CallCentric's 777 area code.  I'll use that list to see if I can make it work.
02:33.58shmaltzso does 11
02:34.21WiretapWorkshmaltz, 011 could end up with accidental international routing
02:34.48shmaltzwirteapwork, thats why I said no x11 but 0 or 11
02:34.49WiretapWorkp3nguin, the main reason is that there WILL be pbx admins out there that won't do their dialplan matching for ISN based on the presence of a '*' in the number :P
02:35.13p3nguinI don't plan to accept * in the numbers.
02:35.20PhoenixMagep3nguin: I didnt think the phone had an inbuilt dialplan as I have no dialplan.xml on the tftp server
02:35.36*** join/#asterisk chrisjunkie (~Chris@2001:4428:22d:2:208:2ff:fe7e:6312)
02:36.01WiretapWorkp3nguin, no, I mean outbound matching
02:36.15WiretapWorksince the incoming number does not generally contain the '*'
02:36.35WiretapWork(you will want to set your callerID in some manner so that the calls appear to come from your full ISN number)
02:36.38p3nguinFor outbound, I use a special prefix and parse out just the extension portion of the number.
02:36.52WiretapWorkyep, that's correct
02:36.54p3nguinI still have to work on ISN caller ID.
02:37.38WiretapWorkI can dig up my dialplan if you want, its a modified version of the freepbx outbound, but it sets up the ISN correctly
02:38.27p3nguinIt might help to see what you're doing with caller ID.
02:38.52p3nguinOtherwise, my calls will send the configured callerid value from the phone's peer entry.
02:41.19WiretapWorkthis is the outbound route:
02:42.03WiretapWorkit takes the phone's peer entry and wraps it in the ISN DID
02:42.55WiretapWorkobviously I'm not ISN 1234, just an example :P
02:43.23p3nguinI know.
02:44.19WiretapWorkI did have to completely modify the way FreePBX handles outbound callerID to stop it sending 020955092823180*1410 :P
02:44.42WiretapWork(normal outbound CID, wrapped in ISN data)
02:46.55p3nguinI see where I went wrong in my outgoing CID.  I was using @ in it.
02:47.09p3nguin@domain rather than *ISN
02:47.21WiretapWorkI've also changed it so that inbound calls get the outbound dialling prefix prepended to them now
02:47.30p3nguinI must have done that pretty late at night.
02:47.35WiretapWorkand you don't want to do that p3nguin, as the idea behind CID is that people can call you back :P
02:47.44WiretapWorkmost people who use ISN don't have SIP URI dialling set up
02:48.16p3nguinYeah, now that I see what I did, it makes sense to NOT do that.  I know ISN is to aid in the calling of SIP URI from a standard phone keypad.
02:48.40WiretapWorkI personally feel that ISN holds great promise for the future of telecommunications
02:49.00WiretapWorkas it removes the ITSP from the mix
02:49.48p3nguinIt'll keep me from having to create an extension in my dial plan to call you@sip.your.domain.
02:51.18*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
02:51.59p3nguinI have a bunch of those for people that use SIP URIs but not ISN.
02:52.19p3nguinIt's really not practical, but it's my PBX so I basically do what I want.
02:52.25WiretapWorkthe two tend to be mutually exclusive
02:53.05p3nguinAs long as I don't break anything, no one has any right to scream at me over it.
03:02.44*** join/#asterisk citywok (
03:05.40p3nguinThere.  That should do it.
03:05.57*** join/#asterisk Micc (
03:06.24Miccanyone know how to setup a mitel phone?
03:07.22p3nguinI fixed the outbound ISN CID and also added the outgoing dial prefix to the inbound ISN CID.
03:07.49MiccI've got a mitel 5224 that seems to need a tftp server. Isn't there a web interface?
03:10.11*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
03:16.28*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
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03:39.20pabelangerMicc: no
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03:44.06WiretapWorkMicc, most commercial phones don't have webinterfaces
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04:10.10p3nguinHow many people actually use ISN for everyday phone calls?
04:10.42WiretapWorknot many yet, but I think we'll see it growing
04:13.06p3nguinI bet in a few years from now, I won't have had a single legitimate (not a test) call using it.
04:13.31p3nguinIt's going to be like IPv6... just a novelty for the geeks.
04:14.05WiretapWorkthere is a lot of pressure to move to IPv6 here
04:14.11p3nguinI can imagine.
04:14.21p3nguinThe pressure should have been on YEARS ago.
04:20.32*** join/#asterisk Ycarene (
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04:24.20PhoenixMageWiretapWork: Thanks for the tips on tcp sip on the 7975, all working now
04:24.28WiretapWorkno problem
04:24.46WiretapWorkPhoenixMage, do you need BLF pickup dialplan?
04:24.57PhoenixMageWiretapWork: Nah, more playing atm
04:25.07WiretapWorksweet, I have it at the ready if needed
04:25.10PhoenixMageI plan to compile 1.8 soon atm I am just using astlinux
04:25.27PhoenixMageWhen I compile I will use the patches you mentioned to enable
04:25.44WiretapWorkah, right, you don't even have BLF itself operational :P
04:29.17PhoenixMageWas not working for a while until I found something about using USECALLMANAGER in the lines <proxy> config
04:30.00WiretapWorkthe config on my page should have worked
04:30.09*** join/#asterisk joseph (~joe@unaffiliated/joseph)
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04:30.33WiretapWorkor are you using SIP/UDP (as I never got that working)
04:31.56PhoenixMageNah its SIP TCP
04:32.15PhoenixMageI need to put that in my cnf.xml
04:33.07WiretapWorkoh wow, I completely forgot to even put the config file on my page *embarrassed*
04:33.29PhoenixMageThinking of dropping back to 1.6 just for chan-sccp-b
04:33.37PhoenixMageFor my 7925
04:33.43WiretapWorktempting, it is
04:37.52YcareneWill asterisk work with winmodems?
04:39.23WiretapWorkI am assuming you want to use a winmodem as an FXO
04:39.30WiretapWorkwinmodems are not designed to carry voice
04:39.47WiretapWorkyou CAN use an Intel 536EP as an X100P clone, but don't expect good performance
04:45.29*** join/#asterisk moy_ (~moy@
04:50.37*** join/#asterisk Scorp1us (
04:50.53Scorp1usHi I just installed AsteriskNow and it says to go to a web page
04:51.03Scorp1usbut there is no http server running
04:51.46DNDhi guys. i have this:  Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:21] i wanted to know what "trunk:21" means
04:52.05Scorp1uswhat do I need to do to get it running?
04:52.36*** join/#asterisk irroot (
04:52.44Scorp1usthere is no httpd
04:52.52DNDthats impossible
04:53.03DNDunless you setup asterisk without freepbx or asteriskgui
04:53.18Scorp1usah, i did the last one
04:53.26DNDnope no httpd there
04:53.41Scorp1usbut there is no gui... just a prompt
04:53.42|ance|ottthen i dont remenber that
04:54.02DNDasterisknow doesnt have gui
04:54.05DNDcommand line
04:54.11DNDyou access the web panel from another computer
04:54.17|ance|ottasterisknow has a freepbx
04:54.27Scorp1usbut there is no httd installed...
04:54.45Scorp1usso how do I access the web panel
04:54.54DNDaccess it from another computer
04:55.01DNDusing the ip address of the server
04:55.08Scorp1usthere is no httpd installed
04:55.16|ance|ottdo you hace ssh acces?
04:55.31Scorp1usi'm on it in a VM, I'm on the root console
04:55.52DNDtry: service httpd start
04:55.52|ance|ottmmm can you make ping from another computr?
04:56.13DND|ance|ott, the prob is he says it doesnt have httpd
04:56.28irroothttpd will most likely be apache
04:56.34|ance|ottbut you know, users
04:56.44DNDin my *now its called httpd
04:56.45Scorp1ushrm. I can't ping it but i have it set for NAT
04:57.02WiretapWorkScorp1us, you cannot access a web panel without a web server service
04:57.13WiretapWork|ance|ott, in english, it is 'hahaha'
04:57.23DNDbut if he installed *now with *gui, there should be one running
04:57.29Scorp1usi can't beleive he's typing his acent
04:57.30WiretapWorkScorp1us, if nothing is listening on port 80, how do you expect to talk to it?
04:57.30|ance|ottim from other country men but thank you
04:57.52Scorp1uswait. i'm saying there is nothing there listening
04:57.55WiretapWorkScorp1us, spanish/portuguese 'j' makes a similar sound to the english 'h', so is used for laughing instead
04:58.13|ance|ottthts right wire
04:59.09|ance|ottnetstat -putan | grep 80
04:59.25DNDhmmprobably a bad install?
04:59.36|ance|ottyeah i think that DND
04:59.59DNDbecause from the boot splash of *now, you will have to choose from 6 options
05:00.06Scorp1usyeah, there's soem weird thigns afoot
05:01.00DND* 1.6 with  freepbx, * 1.4 with  freepbx, * 1.6 with *gui, * 1.4 with *gui, * 1.6 without gui, * 1.4 without gui
05:01.53DNDScorp1us, try re-burning it using a slow burning speed then re-do the installation if its a fresh install
05:02.54Scorp1usso, which one do I want? I'm not reall trying to run a PBX
05:02.55|ance|ottjejeje xD
05:03.04Scorp1usI just need asterisk and some scripts
05:03.09Scorp1usfor IVR
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05:03.31|ance|ottso you dont need a freepbx interface
05:03.37|ance|ottwhats the problem?
05:04.01Scorp1usi was tryin to use the webgui to set it up
05:04.08DNDthen you need freepbx
05:04.12DNDor *gui
05:04.25Scorp1usi need to set it up for some viop stuff
05:04.39DNDifyou opt to use asterisk with webgui, you will have to use the webgui forever
05:05.01Scorp1ushrm. and i have commitment problems
05:05.20Scorp1uswhat is the the binding factor?
05:07.31WiretapWorkthe fact config is autogenerated
05:08.24Scorp1usah thanks
05:08.34|ance|ottmy god if you dont know fix it, just reinstall
05:08.54WiretapWorkdon't waste your time fucking around with something you don't understand
05:09.18Scorp1usif I did that, I'd never learn anything
05:09.59|ance|ottyou have to read asterisknow for dummies
05:10.09infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
05:10.29*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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05:10.39|ance|ottis available for reading online
05:10.53Scorp1usoh, i made progress my fucking around with it
05:11.02DNDi now have other things to worry now.
05:11.05Scorp1usnot it says file not found inmy web browser
05:11.17PhoenixMageAny recommendations for a softphone for windows?
05:11.36|ance|ottx-lite sure
05:11.47|ance|ottwich winndows version?
05:11.56DNDsometimes portgo has better audio quality
05:12.06|ance|ottxlite version 3
05:12.26DNDyeah i prefer that old version than the new one
05:12.27PhoenixMageI dont mind paying for something that has excellent features
05:12.50|ance|ottif you will have problems with x-lite softphonw, you can try with zoiper
05:12.57DNDthe new "free" one doesnt even have auto conference
05:13.40PhoenixMageI have 3cx atm doesnt seem too bad
05:14.22DNDPhoenixMage, seems much lighter than x-lite 4
05:14.39PhoenixMagedled it cos thats what I have my iphone and wanted to play rather then search for a client
05:14.55DNDwow it has transfer button for free?
05:15.25WiretapWorkPhoenixMage, the 3CX sipphone works on asterisk
05:15.37WiretapWorkand the 3CX iphone client sucks
05:15.58PhoenixMageWiretapWork: Yeah I have it wokring, just looking for something better
05:16.08Scorp1usso now it says:
05:16.21ChannelZuses Zoiper
05:16.28Scorp1usbutit says "Not Found"
05:17.05DNDwow thanks PhoenixMage, seems i can change our x-lite now
05:18.24PhoenixMageDND: Sorry?
05:18.42DNDyou mentioned 3cx
05:18.59DNDand seems it will solve our problem about call transfer
05:26.32*** join/#asterisk thumbs (1000@unaffiliated/thumbs)
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05:31.59DNDguys any idea why my softphone cannot make outgoing but if i do originate command it works?
05:32.29DNDhere's the call log:
05:37.50ChannelZwhat is the Originate line you are using?
05:37.57Scorp1usok, so i cna't seem to figure out how to fix this 404 error
05:41.45*** join/#asterisk mKn0wt (~Taisigue@
05:58.14Grady2000any know why my script won't accept: sys.stdout.write("EXEC Dial(SIP/3401,20)") ? and yes 3401 is a valid sip registered extension?
06:06.16Grady2000this works on extensions.conf but not in my script
06:14.10Grady2000how do i dial sip from an agi script?
06:14.28|ance|ottin php?
06:14.37Grady2000python and pyst
06:14.44Grady2000but sure whats the php command?
06:15.16*** join/#asterisk creativx (
06:15.31|ance|otti recommend to you a book asterisk gateway interface
06:15.36|ance|otthad you read it?
06:16.23Grady2000no where can i get the link?
06:16.46*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
06:16.46|ance|otti have it in my computer xD
06:17.01|ance|ottits so difficult to find
06:17.43|ance|ottcan i send file here?
06:18.39Grady2000irc file send yes
06:18.52ectospasmit's called DCC
06:19.12ectospasmalthough it might be easier to post it to some filesharing service, and provide a link
06:19.25ectospasmNot many folks accept DCC randomly
06:22.25|ance|ottarray, exec_dial (string $type, string $identifier, [integer $timeout = NULL], [string $options = NULL], [string $url = NULL])
06:22.33DNDguys im getting response 405 "method not allowed"
06:22.37DNDwhat does it mean?
06:22.59ectospasmDND: means you're sending a SIP message which the receiver doesn't allow
06:23.12DNDhmm i allowed nat
06:23.16DNDim disabling it now
06:23.23ectospasmNo, it's not a NAT issue
06:23.44|ance|ottyes maybe
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06:24.13ectospasmIn an OPTIONS message, an endpoint will respond with a list of messages that they allow, and I suppose you're not sending a message type in that list.
06:24.26ectospasm...see SIP debug for details.
06:24.26DNDdoes this affect something like not making outgoing call?
06:24.35ectospasmDND: not necessarily
06:24.48DNDits gone now i reverted it back
06:25.03DNDnow my biggest problem is x-lite cannot make outgoing calls
06:25.18DNDbut i can make calls using the originate command
06:25.34DNDectospasm,  here's the call log:
06:27.11ectospasmDND: that doesn't have SIP debug in it
06:28.04DNDectospasm, ok will enable
06:28.27ectospasmactually, SIP is easier to troubleshoot in tcpdump or wireshark
06:28.53ectospasmuse tcpdump or wireshark to capture, wireshark to analyze
06:29.36DNDectospasm, should i disable core verbose or enable it?
06:29.52ectospasmenable it
06:29.56*** join/#asterisk UnixDev (~UnixDev@unaffiliated/unixdev)
06:30.05ectospasm...although a packet capture would be easier to look through
06:31.01ectospasm...although, now that I look at it, this may be a problem with DAHDI, since it never quite connects
06:31.11UnixDevhi, im using asterisk 1.8 svn,  but it seems somewhere along the line in 1.8.x sendrpid started behaving differently...not just sending rpid on the initial invite, but continuing to try to reinvite when  a call is transferred or sent to another extension.... how can I revert to the old behavior of only sending it once?
06:31.33ectospasmUnixDev: when did you download your SVN version?
06:31.58UnixDevectospasm: recently...i dont remember what rev we were using before...we did not notice this
06:32.05UnixDevand upgraded hundreds of systems
06:32.16UnixDevnow they are all broken
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06:32.49ectospasmthere was a recent revision released for rpid stuff... like last week or so
06:33.17ectospasm...can't remember exactly what needed to be changed, or the revision that covers it...
06:33.28UnixDevdoes it have to do with rpid reinvites?
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06:34.00UnixDevmy issue is that...i just want it once...reinvites are taxing and not necessary
06:34.12UnixDevfor rpid update only
06:35.01ectospasmI can't seem to find it
06:35.52DNDectospasm, you think its the span configuration?
06:38.35ectospasmUnixDev: yeah, I don't see it.  Maybe your searching of might yield better results.
06:38.48ectospasmDND: I dunno, you said you can run the originate command that goes through that DAHDI trunk?
06:39.04DNDyes i can do originate
06:40.09ectospasm...through the DAHDI/g0 trunk?
06:40.13DNDectospasm, one question, what does 300 means in this:  Dial("SIP/1600-00000053", "DAHDI/g0/0502374530|300|") in new stack
06:40.41ectospasmDND: see "core show application Dial" in the Asterisk CLI
06:40.49ectospasmI can't remember what that field means offhand
06:40.53ectospasmProbably a timeout
06:40.59kaldemarit's the timeout.
06:41.13DNDthe command i use is: originate DAHDI/g0/0502222222 extension 1600@from-internal
06:41.49ectospasmdifferent number...
06:41.58ectospasmtry the same number
06:42.18Harakenjc319, finally got around to installing openxml.
06:44.16wdoekes2UnixDev: colp? update_connected... stuff?
06:44.24kaldemarDND: enable debug on the span
06:45.00ectospasmDND: what kind of DAHDI span is this?  Digital?  Analog?
06:45.05DNDnow it says Primary D-Channel on span 1 down
06:45.07DNDthen up
06:45.10DNDthen down again
06:45.12DNDits ISDN
06:45.12*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:45.23ectospasmDND: sounds like your D-channel is bouncing
06:45.41DNDim doing reboot it only happens today
06:45.51ectospasmwhat does that mean? started today after a reboot?
06:46.19DNDno i havent rebooted yet
06:46.26Grady2000anyone here know the correct syntax for "exec dial SIP"? i have a registered sip that works with extensions.conf but when i use this command in my python agi: "exec dial sip/5400" i get no luck and just a crash... 5400 is a sip extension
06:46.41DNDlet me try a restart
06:46.59Grady2000sys.stdout.write("EXEC DIAL SIP/5400")
06:47.02ectospasmnot sure if that will fix it DND...
06:47.26wdoekes2UnixDev: possibly r317670 in 1.8?
06:48.44kaldemarGrady2000: "manager show commands topic exec". enable agi debug and look at CLI when you make a call.
06:53.02*** join/#asterisk kwk (
06:53.51Grady2000how do i enable agi debug?
06:55.18kaldemarGrady2000: in the CLI, "agi set debug on". hitting tab will give you options in the CLI.
06:56.03kwkIn Asterisk 1.8.4 CLI I would like to execute this command: "odbc show status". But the command cannot be found. What do I need to compile with asterisk to enable ODBC?
06:56.35*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
06:56.36wdoekes2kwk: if you don't get res_odbc in make menuselect, you're missing deps, like unixodbc-dev
06:56.40schmidtsgood morning
06:56.47UnixDevwdoekes2: do you think that is the patch that broke it? its a pretty serious problem
06:57.11wdoekes2I have no idea.. I just grepped a bit through the source to find relevant changes
06:58.04Grady2000just turned it on and made a call and no output to cli
06:59.42Grady2000is anyone here using SIP dialing in an agi?
06:59.42kwkwdoekes2: I have "Resource Modules->res_odbc and res_config_odbc" enabled.
07:00.15DNDectospasm, seems its bouncing
07:00.28DNDis this a telco issue or hardware issue?
07:00.36ectospasmcould be either
07:00.53ectospasmtypically it's telco, unless you have bad hardware
07:01.03wdoekes2if res_* modules are built, then it's a configuration problem. start asterisk with -c and look for warnings about odbc
07:01.11kwkwdoekes2: But the installed executable doesn't link to any ODBC library as "ldd" reveals: ldd `which asterisk` | grep -i odbc
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07:01.28wdoekes2kwk: do ldd on the module
07:01.57kwkwdoekes2: Where the modules installed?
07:02.47wdoekes2grep mod /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
07:06.13kwkwdoekes2: ok, I think I've found the issue. in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf there's this line "noload =>".
07:06.28wdoekes2that would indeed cause it not to load ;P
07:09.50Wiretap7Grady2000, tried 'Dial(SIP/5400,20)' ?
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07:12.24kwkwdoekes2: wow, when I write  "load =>" in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf I get a crash (core dump).
07:12.56Grady2000will do
07:12.58wdoekes2that's not good ;) bp the bt
07:13.44wdoekes2but before that, you may want to ascertain that the modules are for the right version
07:13.57wdoekes2(e.g. by rm'ing all modules and re-doing make install)
07:16.08kwkwdoekes2: will do that but with "preload =>" and "preload =>" I don't get a core dump anymore. But the command isn't there neither
07:16.25kwkI mean the odbc command in CLI
07:16.34wdoekes2did you see any warnings with -c ?
07:16.45wdoekes2(or perhaps -c -v )
07:17.03wdoekes2(e.g. about missing or broken config files)
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07:20.37Grady2000nope on that syntax wiretap
07:20.42kwkwdoekes2: I didn't see any warning when opening the CLI with the parameters -c -v but "cat /var/log/asterisk/full | grep -i odbc" reveals this: Not looking good
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07:25.10kwkwdoekes2: the first line says that the symbol "ast_odbc_clear_cache" could not be found in "". I looked into this and found this:
07:25.22kwkwdoekes2: I hope this helps to find the problem
07:25.53*** join/#asterisk mha_ (~mha@
07:26.21kwkwdoekes2: It looks like "ast_odbc_clear_cache" is defined in and not in, right?
07:26.28Wiretap7Grady2000, are you terminating with a \n?
07:26.53wdoekes2yes.. which is like it should be.. res_config_odbc depends on res_odbc
07:27.20mha_any ftp site to download free asterisk with GUI ? in particular latest version available
07:27.40ectospasmmha_: AsteriskNOW:
07:27.44Wiretap7mha_, your google fu sucks
07:27.57infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
07:28.02wdoekes2kwk: do the rm and the make install before you continue
07:28.12kwk@wdoekes2: yes, but "" is not linking against ""
07:28.18irroot <- best site to get all you want
07:28.23kwk@wdoekes2: ok will do
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07:33.07kwk@wdoekes2: I did make install after renaming "/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/" to "modules.bak" Now all the modules are reinstalled but the error written to /var/log/asterisk/full are the same.
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07:37.04wdoekes2kwk: ok.. well it looks like the doesn't get loaded (properly).. so you would have to look into why that is.. I don't know why you don't get an earlier error
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07:38.08wdoekes2(as for ldd not showing res_odbc, that's correct too.. see compile-time vs run-time dynamic loading)
07:38.10kwk@wdoekes2: I will wait until later this day when I can install a precompiled asterisk 1.8.4 from which I know that ODBC works fine
07:39.59wdoekes2'strace -- asterisk -c 2>&1 | grep res_odbc -C10' might give some clues too, but other than that, I'm out of ideas
07:40.41kwk@wdoekes2: I will try this. Thank you for your help.
07:41.38kwk@wdoekes2: I usually start asterisk with "service asterisk start" that doesn't work with your command, right?
07:42.02wdoekes2you should service stop asterisk first
07:42.18wdoekes2-c runs asterisk in the foreground
07:43.35kwk@wdoekes2: this command runs like forever
07:45.06rshahhello, i have installed asterisk in a machine with 2 ips.
07:45.08rshahfirst is local ip e.g and other is public ip e.g
07:45.13rshahSo local client will register to local ip, and external client will register to public ip.
07:45.19rshahis it possible to call external account from local account?
07:45.31rshahor is that bad design?
07:45.56rshahi made asterisk to listen to all ips
07:46.44ectospasmshould work with the Dial application
07:48.02kwk@wdoekes2: "strace -- asterisk -c 2>&1 | grep res_odbc -C10" won't write anything. From another console I can login to the CLI already and asterisk is up and running
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07:48.24rshahi always get restransmitting INVITE in asterisk console.
07:48.49ectospasmneed more detail
07:49.16wdoekes2ok.. and grep odbc without res_ ?
07:50.13wdoekes2(it will indeed run forever as you're holding the main console)
07:51.05kwk@wdoekes: that did the trick:
07:51.58kwk@wdoekes2: that did the trick:
07:52.34wdoekes2well.. the trick says that it's not loading
07:52.40wdoekes2and without that, you're missing symbols
07:52.53wdoekes2the SQLFetch and ast_odbc_cache_thing
07:53.41wdoekes2go back to modules.conf and fix until it open()'s res_odbc
07:54.04kwk@wdoekes2: ok
07:55.13*** part/#asterisk Cesare (
07:56.34rshahectospasm: i'm running asterisk 1.6 on centos 5.5. I tried to install asterisk which need to listen to 2 ips. both external and local client are registered. i saw the status using sip show peers. I tried make a call from local account to external account.
07:56.54rshahIn asterisk console Retransmitting #6 (NAT) to INVITE sip:externalaccount@ SIP/2.0
07:58.06rshahin my sip.conf, i put nat=yes, externip=  set localnet to both ips
07:58.51kwk@wdoekes2: yeaha! I've  fixedit
07:59.58kwkI've uncommented the "preload =>" and "preload =>" but left "noload =>" in it's place. stupid me. Thank you for your help @wdoekes2.
08:00.08*** join/#asterisk cneb3000 (~Ben@
08:00.25wdoekes2np :)
08:00.37cneb3000how do fellow astrisk-teers
08:01.03*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
08:01.05cneb3000today we play with a SIP call generator :) -
08:02.19ectospasmrshah: shouldn't need NAT unless the phone connecting to the 213... address is behind a NAT
08:03.20ectospasmrshah: "Retransmitting #N..." means that Asterisk can't send a call to the endpoint connected to that interface
08:03.40rshahectospasm: if both register to external ip, and i removed the nat, everything run perfect
08:03.58rshahor if i make asterisk only listen to external ip
08:05.06ectospasmrshah: I'd need to see a tcpdump packet capture of the nonworking setup.
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08:14.52AdvoWorkyou know the localnet setting in asterisk, how can i make sure mines correct? i think its but want to make sure thats ok?
08:16.02Harakenwho do you guys use for your voip provider?
08:19.25rshahectospasm: i tried dump on eth1(public ip), but cannot get anything :( sorry.
08:20.04rshahonly eth0 give some packages
08:20.10kaldemarAdvoWork: that is a valid setting. you just need to know that is matches your network.
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08:22.50AdvoWorkkaldemar, i think it does, but ive got 2 ways of accessing it, phones are all on 1.* but i can acccess the freepbx gui on either 0... or 1....  ?
08:23.22AdvoWorkis it localip of the network or can i specify the ip of the asterisk server?
08:24.12AdvoWorkand i also keep getting loads of "Target address is not local, substituting externip"
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08:24.46kaldemarAdvoWork: locanet is meant for local telephony devices.
08:25.11kaldemarAdvoWork: you should get that.
08:27.30AdvoWorkyeah so that is correct then, i just cant work out whats going on with this, spent hours and hours trying to debug it, but still nothing
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08:37.45cneb3000Haraken: UK here. I use Gamma Telecom.
08:38.31ectospasmrshah: what's the tcpdump command you're using?
08:38.55cneb3000Quite an established carrier.. only ever had minor problems. They actually give you good support too, which is lacking in a lot of VoIP carriers I'd say
08:41.08rshahectospasm: i tried to tcpdump -i eth1
08:42.45ectospasmrshah: try tcpdump -s0 -i eth0 and eth1 -w output.pcap
08:44.58rshahectospasm: syntax error
08:45.15ectospasmrshah: man tcpdump then
08:48.21*** join/#asterisk mandla (~mandla@
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08:49.22Sheeplethi all
08:50.00irrootmorning mandla
08:50.32irrootmandla was in your cousins part of the world this weekend the pilanesburg
08:52.10mandlairroot, is it, how was your weekend though/
08:52.36irrootwas good thx maybe make some progress today
08:54.01mandlaYah, iv made some progress myself, but its not working as expected. il send you something in a minute.
09:02.28mandlairroot, check your private channel
09:05.22AdvoWorkim debugging a peer, and it shows: retransmitting #2 (no NAT) to  but the next time it will show NAT, then No Nat.. any idea please? ive got nat=yes set
09:08.49kaldemarAdvoWork: is the peer behind a NAT?
09:10.07kaldemarAdvoWork: is your issue still that your asterisk doesn't register to the provider?
09:12.18wdoekes2AdvoWork: the retransmits aren't switching between nat and no-nat, are they? it's a different transaction, right? is it on request or response? does the Via port correspond to the received port?
09:16.10AdvoWorkkaldemar, yeah behind a nat router, and yeah thats the same problem
09:18.19AdvoWorkwdoekes2, well, my settings specified are:  and it looks like they are switching, i just dont know how.. also it all seems to be on port 5060.
09:19.09AdvoWorkive also spotted: From: "Unknown" <sip:Unknown@myexternalip>;tag=as225d70f9 in the OPTIONS request.. when i do the REGISTER request, it does from sip:accountnumber@.... which is weird, i wonder if its the Unknown causing the problem?
09:20.46kaldemarAdvoWork: behind a NAT router, you or the peer?
09:21.29kaldemarAdvoWork: have you started to verify that the problem is not in your network?
09:26.36AdvoWorkkaldemar, basically, ive got a line/router for the phones, which is a nat router. everything on asterisk is configured to go through that. We do similar for another company, which works fine.. so i honestly dont know. ive tried to packet captures, and ive asked the company to do some, they say they are receiving nothing, so im struggling what to try next really
09:28.00AdvoWorkalso, sip show registry shows:           myaccountnnumber          120 Request Sent  but ive added defaultexpirey=90 maxexpirey=90  recently as a test, so is it not picking that up either?
09:29.29kaldemarAdvoWork: you can't configure anything in asterisk to go through some point in the network. that is the OS's job. do a traceroute from the asterisk box to see the hops in your network and see if one of them interferes with SIP traffic.
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09:30.48kaldemarAdvoWork: they are spelled "maxexpiry" and "defaultexpiry", not "-expirey".
09:31.03AdvoWorkso on my asterisk, do a traceroute to the sip provider?
09:31.13AdvoWorkahh, ok, thats a copy paste from their support page(worrying)..
09:33.40AdvoWorkthis is the result of the tracepath
09:33.59kaldemarAdvoWork: "qualify=3600&yes" <-- & can't be used there, either "yes" or a numeric value; "allow=alaw&ulaw&gsm&slinear&ilbc" <-- & can't be used there, have a single value per an allow line; a peer section should not have externip or localnet settings,
09:34.28kaldemarAdvoWork: from now on, if you pastebin settings, copy them from your sip.conf, not a GUI.
09:36.07kaldemarAdvoWork: now go through the path that you control and make sure that they don't interfere. start with also, have you made sure that your router does not have a SIP ALG (application level gateway) enabled?
09:38.35AdvoWorkkaldemar, ahh ok sorry, taken from sip.conf instead:
09:40.05AdvoWorkand there is no sip alg enabled, just checked
09:40.39AdvoWorkhow would i know if something is interfearing, what kind of things should i be checking for, doing a tracepath type thing from the asterisk server to 0.4(thats the router by the way) and so on?
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09:42.18jc319leifmadsen: thanks, I will have a look
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09:44.41jc319Haraken: Good news, how do you like it so far?
09:51.13wdoekes2AdvoWork: externip/localnet are not per-device settings, they should be in [general]
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09:56.44AdvoWorkwdoekes2, i have these: sip_general_custom.conf  sip_general_additional.conf  which one would it be?
09:56.58infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
10:02.46kaldemarAdvoWork: you already did a tracepath and there seems to be a single hop to the router, so tracepathing to is would be pointless. how would you know what is interfering? examine your network. that's about all one can answer without additional information. see if the packets go out of your network.
10:07.17AdvoWorkkaldemar, ive done a tcpdump on the ip of the sip provider, and from what i can see, its going out of that system(asterisk) would i then pretty much do the same on the server that controls dhcp/dns as well to see the same, and so on?
10:07.47*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
10:09.10AdvoWorkwdoekes2, actually, i know you say about freepbx, but ive just checked, sip_nat.conf contains: Externip = externalip localnet = anyway, so its already got that
10:16.35kaldemarAdvoWork: it's irrelevant what control dhcp/dns, router is what you should be looking at.
10:17.51AdvoWorkkaldemar, just one thing, ive done a tcpdump on the server that controls dhcp/dns etc, and its showing:  do you know if that means its using a different port? ie > 38013+ SRV? (44)  38013, should that not be 5060 as normal?
10:19.03kaldemarAdvoWork: those are DNS queries, not SIP traffic.
10:20.18kaldemarAdvoWork: do you know what a router is and what DNS and DHCP are?
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10:26.00AdvoWorkyeah i do kaldemar
10:27.11AdvoWorkim logging things on the router, or trying to, but seeing nothing, so i dont know if its actually getting to that, but the trace showed no problem
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11:56.44uk101manhi, anyone know how to get calendar support working in 1.8 when installed via yum?
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11:57.55Chainsawuk101man: The very first thing they're going to tell you to do here is install from source.
11:58.03Chainsawuk101man: So you may want to save yourself some time and do that first.
11:58.28leifmadsenyou'd have to make sure there are modules to even support calendaring from yum -- my guess is they don't exist
11:58.36leifmadsenso.... see above
11:58.48uk101manthats what i thought
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13:13.37emsLinuxGood morning people, i got a question, for you, whats the best way to record sounds for IVRs in Linux? I got a lot of problems with these files, also, i dont know how to create ulaw/alaw files.
13:14.49irrootemsLinux with a voice artist in a recording studio as a hi quality wav file
13:15.13irrootthen use sox to generate .alaw .ulaw .gsm .g722 as you wish
13:15.21WIMPySpeak into a phone. Use any recording software on your PC. And if you're using more that just the one codec, save them as wav with one channel and 8ksps rate.
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13:17.30leifmadsenemsLinux: I just record it with my Polycom and they sound quite good ( just need to be in a quiet room)
13:17.40emsLinuxirroot no money for the voice artist yet, so i need to do it in my PC, i'm not very good using sox yet, but im gonna try
13:17.49leifmadsenjust use Asterisk :)
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13:18.18WIMPyemsLinux: Use audacity and directly save the right format from there.
13:18.47emsLinuxfrom the phone could be an option, btw, any of you guys had any problem before with Google Voice incoming calls and IVRs?
13:20.40emsLinuxWIMPy I have beed using Audacity, saving the files as wav with 8KHz and 16 Bits, but FreePBX convert them to slin and sounds really crappy, also, theres a lot of times Google Voice can't complete the call and the IVR never answer, the CLI shows error with the format
13:21.28WIMPyThat must bee a FreePBX issue.
13:21.33infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
13:23.21emsLinuxWINPy hahaha, i know i won't find any FreePBX help here, but i hate the FreePBX channel, dont worry, im planning to implemente the IVR manually with .wav files or maybe change the files to uLaw/aLaw
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13:27.38gopal_any idea about to configure hearbeat server with E1 card
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13:32.50irrootmorning fair maiden
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13:35.09kchehabhi ppl
13:35.56kchehabi am using sipp to test asterisk performence ,but when i limit the calls to 150 ,only 100 active calls on asterisk found ?why
13:37.29tuxx-fair maiden?
13:40.15kchehabrussellb any ideas ,is there a limitation on asterisk 1.6 ?i should by asterisk business edition ?>
13:40.29irrootROFLMAO friend says she is preagnant i look at her congragulate her ask her if she knows who the mother is yet ... she had to think it through
13:40.39leifmadsenthere are no limitations
13:40.48sxpertirroot: hahaha
13:44.07kchehab@leifmadsen why i cant reach more than 100 active calls
13:45.12kchehabi already add my sip.conf [general] call-limit=250
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13:49.09kchehabrussellb any idea ?
13:49.33russellbwhy me?
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14:03.41Scorpio2007im using asterisk 1.8 and have configured sip realtime using mysql backend .. for some reason i get error msg no comptabile codec even though in my sipfriends table i have stated allow = ulaw
14:03.44Scorpio2007any ideas please?
14:04.01Scorpio2007the registeration and everything succeeds
14:08.15Scorpio2007Codecs       : 0x0 (nothing) but in my sipfriends table its allow = ulaw
14:08.34irrootmaybe ulaw is not what is compatible ??
14:08.54irrootyou connecting to a ulaw line ??
14:09.04Scorpio2007the other side states ulaw
14:09.12Scorpio2007here is a sip debug from the machine that is notw orking
14:09.13Scorpio2007Capabilities: us - 0x0 (nothing), peer - audio=0x4 (ulaw)/video=0x0 (nothing)/text=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing)
14:09.28*** part/#asterisk emsLinux (~dave@
14:10.53irroot"sip show peer" look for codecs
14:11.20Scorpio2007yah the codec states 0x0 nothing for all the peers
14:11.27Scorpio2007its almost like its not reading the allow from the database
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14:12.56epsolon77hello all
14:14.34epsolon77anyone used the Fonality version of asterisk?
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14:21.58Scorpio2007ok so heres my answer from the previsou question .
14:22.10Scorpio2007asterisk 1.8 you can no longer state disallow = all and allow = ulaw in the database ..
14:22.42Scorpio2007when you state disallow = all in sipfriends it does not load any codec no matter what you set the allow to be
14:23.06Scorpio2007so explicitly set what to be disallowed and allowed in sipfriends for the codecs
14:23.26*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~chatzilla@
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14:32.46*** join/#asterisk DanFromUK (DanFromUK@
14:34.33DanFromUKHi, I have a potential client that tells me, he is able to see which DID has been dialled when he receives a call. He uses Eyebeam. Is this possible if he has only one sip registration?
14:36.03beekDanFromUK: See it how, via CallerID?
14:36.47*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
14:36.55Kattyshugs some tea
14:37.16beekoffers the sugar bowl to Katty
14:37.34Kattywould rather have the caffeine bowl
14:37.50ChainsawMmm, yes. Sweet sweet caffeine. Replaces sleep.
14:37.54bobb_WUhello everybody
14:38.23KattyChainsaw: pff, doesn't replace sleep
14:38.28KattyChainsaw: just makes awake better
14:38.31irrootcaffine is nectar of the gods
14:38.37bobb_WUcan anybody help me with a question?  i'm trying to figure out how to manually busy-out a dahdi line and bring it back into service without having to restart dahdi (which destroys all active analog connections)
14:39.20DanFromUKbeek: maybe, but then they can't dial from the missed call list easily.
14:40.07beekDanFromUK: I think I misread your question... you said "he is able to see..." .  Did you mean to say "he wants to be able to see?"
14:40.43DanFromUKhe's currently with another company. they have set things up so he can see the DID that has been dialled.
14:40.55DanFromUKhe wants to switch to our service, and have the same feature
14:41.03beekPerhaps they did it via the callerid text?  That's how I do it at some of my client's.
14:41.04WIMPybobb_WU: exten => _X.,1,Busy()?
14:41.39DanFromUKbeek: so you change the CALLERID(name) = DIALLED_DID ?
14:41.55DanFromUKand the CALLERID(number) still shows the callers id?
14:42.16*** join/#asterisk gmaruzz (
14:42.19WIMPyDanFromUK: You can change it to whatever you want.
14:42.20beekYes...  I have one client in particular who runs multiple companies through the same people.  They just wanted to know what inbound caller dialed.
14:42.24bobb_WUWIMPY: will that busy out the circuit?  or just send a busy tone?
14:42.49bobb_WUwe're looking to reset a phone line from a webpage
14:42.52WIMPybobb_WU: It will signal a busy. It won;t send tones.
14:43.07WIMPybobb_WU: What does that mean?
14:43.07irrootFXO lines ?? unplug it drops voltage sees red alarm ??
14:43.26DanFromUKok, thanks. i'll give that a go.
14:44.11WIMPyDanFromUK: But you might have to ensure the presentation is set to allowed.
14:44.46bobb_WUwe need it so we can remotely disable (and then re-enable) phones
14:44.55engrxyzanyone have some suggestion for a cheapest GSM gateway?
14:45.02bobb_WUso we figured out how to disable the line: "dahdi destroy channel x"
14:45.23DanFromUKok, thanks
14:45.25bobb_WUbut to restore the channel, we have to do: "dahdi restart" which destroys all the lines.  is there another way
14:45.30*** join/#asterisk fullstop (
14:45.50WIMPyengrxyz: ebay
14:45.53bobb_WU-not destroys them all- rather it disconnects all analog calls
14:46.13engrxyzWIMPy, : what brand
14:46.38WIMPyengrxyz: I don;t know if they can afford brand names.
14:47.52WIMPyengrxyz: You could also use a BT capable phone or an USB stick.
14:48.26engrxyzWIMPy,: BT what do GSM gateway?
14:48.44engrxyzI am not sure if you understand what is a GSM gateway
14:56.50*** join/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
14:58.18fireman_biffMy PBX doesn't seem to be getting DID information and the CLI has a line which includes " Set("DAHDI/5-1", "__FROM_DID=s") ". Is there anyway to determine definitively whether the problem is with the PBX or the provider? (its analog lines)
14:58.26*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
14:59.14irrootthat line will do squat fireman_biff
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14:59.45fireman_biffirroot: oh, i thought that was showing that it didnt know the DID
15:00.06fireman_biffbut in any case, inbound calls can't route based on the DID at the moment
15:00.11irrootor in somcases need to use ${CALLERID(dnid)}
15:00.22fireman_biffi had to set up a catch all to send all calls to the same destination
15:00.32irroothave you got a exten match on inbound
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15:00.56irrootthe context in dialplan where calls begin
15:01.08irrootexten => _XXXX,1,.....
15:01.10fireman_biffits not a hand-coded dial plan, the system is running elastix
15:01.19irrootif your inbound is 4 digit
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15:01.43irrootdoes not like gui's .... eish
15:02.15fireman_biffI dont know the dialplan well enough to answer your question
15:02.31fireman_biffi know the line i pasted is the first to appear when i call
15:02.37fireman_biffat least with verbose=3
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15:03.06fireman_biffwell, second after " Starting simple switch on 'DAHDI/5-1' "
15:03.40fireman_biffis there a way to tell if the DID info is being received by the PBX at all?
15:04.31irrootsee where the call routes and check if immeadiate is set or not
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15:05.30WIMPyThere's no "simple switch" with immediate.
15:06.00fireman_biffthe call only routes somewhere if I have an inbound route set that doesn't check the DID. If all the inbound routes check the DID then the cli says something like, no DID or CLID matches
15:06.05irrootah true that
15:06.11fireman_biffwhat do you mean by immediate?
15:06.49irrootnm fireman_biff its a setting in the system that does not apply as you have simple switch on
15:06.50WIMPyI didn't get the beginning. Waht kind of line and what's happening after that "simple switch" thing?
15:07.13*** join/#asterisk cneb3000 (~Ben@
15:09.08fireman_biffWIMPy: here's the first few lines of logs:
15:09.14fireman_biffthe problem is that I dont seem to be getting DID info
15:09.21fireman_biffso the inbound routes aren't working
15:09.39fireman_biffI had to set up a catch all to send all calls to a single destination as a workaround
15:10.02fireman_biffbtw in paste bin I replaced my CLID with XXX... but the CLID showed properly
15:10.16fireman_biffall the lines are analog
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15:10.33WIMPyAnalog is evil.
15:10.53fireman_biffWIMPy: I agree with that one
15:11.04WIMPyBut I wonder about "simple switch" and s. Whouldn't you get to t if nothing happens?
15:11.22fireman_biffwell right now I have the catch all set up
15:11.28timholum1Is there a way to exicute an agi script without waiting for a result back to go on to the next process?
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15:11.37fireman_biffbefore i was getting a message like, no did or clid match
15:11.47fireman_biffbut i cant remember what else appeared
15:11.51fireman_biffthere were only like 4 lines
15:11.58infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there, or fpbx
15:11.59fireman_biffand i heard an error message
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15:14.35fireman_biffso is there a way for asterisk to tell me definitively if the DID info is being seen anywhere or not?
15:17.24kchehab@russellb becuase you helped me before :)
15:17.59kchehabguys any idea: i am using sipp to test asterisk performence ,but when i limit the calls to 150 ,only 100 active calls on asterisk found ?why
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15:21.03kaldemarkchehab: is sipp trying to make more calls?
15:22.33kaldemarkchehab: what does asterisk do when it gets a call from sipp? what's your SIP configuration like? what does your dialplan do? what do you see in CLI?
15:22.34*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
15:24.14Harakenjc319, honestly I can't find much use for openxml.  it's better than anything I had on the services button before (nothing) but it's mostly for the ooo ahh affect.  I might find some real uses for it if/when i setup a voip for a small business
15:25.12Harakenjc319, if you add a contact to openxml, are you able to choose which line it uses to dial?  so far I've only been able to get contacts to dial the primary line
15:25.24Harakendial from
15:29.25jameswfOT: Do you think the white house uses Asterisk. I know the military does.
15:32.46kchehabkaldemar yes sipp is generating calls
15:33.39kchehabkaldemar but i configured sipp to send 250 calls and sipp is sending 250 ,asterisk only answer 100 concurent call
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15:52.55scalex000good morning
15:53.15scalex000which is the command in astersik 1.6.2 to reload all
15:53.37russellb*CLI> core reload
15:53.41russellbif that's not there, then *CLI> module reload
15:54.33scalex000its there a option to pause
15:54.44scalex000i need to check if I get error
15:56.36scalex000russellb, this error its important
15:56.56scalex000russellb, I never setup clialias
15:57.09russellbyou can ignore it then
16:01.09*** part/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
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16:48.51*** join/#asterisk leroybuckingham (43350083@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:52.07leroybuckinghamhey I'm trying to send a fax with "channel originate" and based on the fax-tx dialplan in the FFA manual, but it seems to be failing as soon as the SendFax app is hit.   turning on fax debug doesn't seem to be telling me anything about SendFax.  Console output is here
16:52.36leroybuckinghami know the fax module is installed right, all the commands are there and i can get it to beep in my ear.
16:53.35leroybuckinghamIs there anything I can do to get a more verbose error message?  Could it have something to do with the way the file is formatted?
16:56.38*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
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17:03.27leroybuckinghamah, it was the formatting.  nevermind. cheers.
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17:08.56tzafrir_laptopAnybody here uses chan_capi?
17:09.01tzafrir_laptopWith asterisk 1.8?
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17:15.09WIMPyI didn't dare to try it, yet.
17:17.10leroybuckinghamokay now onto my bad noob question... I'll likely be doing something in AJAM instead of the CLI to originate this fax transmission, but how can my external system set the filename?  In the context I have the line exten =>s,n,Set(FAXFILE=/tmp/test.fax), but I obviously won't be able to hardcode a filename in there
17:19.40*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
17:20.46leifmadsenAsterisk 1.4.42-rc2 is now available:
17:22.10irrootliefmadsen it served us well RIP 1.4 :P
17:23.11WIMPyhas just upgraded to Linux 3. Now waiting for Asterisk 2. :-)
17:24.58irrootWIMPy will be doing v3 soon myself
17:25.15irrootyou cant edit .version make it 2.0 :P
17:26.10_Corey_3.0rc3...  man I feel old now
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17:34.06cVsupsomebody can say about sruffel?
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17:49.27fullstopMeh.. 3.0 == 2.6.4X
17:49.54*** join/#asterisk CaptainPants (~CaptainPa@nat/digium/x-nvihhhywclgmajgw)
17:50.07fullstopMy first kernel, after freebsd, was something early in the 2.0 line.  Slackware with the root and boot floppies.
17:52.57irrootfullstop slackware was first distro i used with a 1.x kernel upgrading to 2.0 was pain
17:53.08irrootsupporting elf and a.out
17:56.00fullstopirroot: I jumped on shortly after that change.  My system had support for both formats.
17:56.12leifmadsenredoing the kernel numbering just because "2.6.x where x has gotten too large" is s stupid reason
17:56.34fullstopTo be fair, 2.6.40 is vastly different from, say, 2.6.9.
17:56.45irrootliefmadsen i believe the true reason is the 3decade of linux
17:56.56leifmadsenstill a rediculous reason :)
17:57.26fish-bulb3.0 sounds cooler too
17:57.36fullstopI mean, come on.. Windows is up to version 7 now.  And linux, still back at 2?
17:57.48irrootfish-bulb did not do much for windows :P
17:57.55fullstopBy this logic, clearly Windows is superior.
17:57.57fish-bulbyeah, there is some major catching up to do
17:58.18leifmadsenreleases Asterisk XX
17:58.21fish-bulbfullstop: yep, and OS X still more so
17:58.28*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
17:58.59fullstopI learned something about OS X the other day..
17:59.20fullstop10.6 for a 2010 iMac != 10.6 for a 2011 iMac.
17:59.39fullstopDespite the version number being the same, there is an additional build number...
17:59.45irrootforks asterisk realeases iCall XX
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18:00.05fullstopand, a disk with 10.6 from an older computer will not boot on a newer mac.
18:00.36fullstopforks iCall and releases iCall XXX, which is vastly more successful in certain markets.
18:02.35irrootand fullstop draw the jobs card and get sent to siberia to hard labor camp
18:05.08*** join/#asterisk contrabanda (contraband@
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18:05.23dlublinkCan I read variables from another channel than the current channel in my dialplan ?
18:05.56leifmadsendlublink: see SHARE()
18:06.02leifmadsenSHARED() rather
18:06.17*** part/#asterisk contrabanda (contraband@
18:07.20dlublinkok, so the way to read the variables is I have to set all the variables I want shared twice ? Once using SHARED and once using the normal Set function. ?
18:08.03dlublinkI'll look through the doc for SHARED
18:13.56*** join/#asterisk moodyy (
18:14.54cjleifmadsen: I couldn't get DUNDi working with the SIP transport, but IAX2 seems to work alright
18:16.23cjI so tired.
18:16.35leifmadsencj: ok
18:17.08cjit could be a bug in 1.8 rather than the docs.  I followed the docs but s/SIP/IAX2/ and things seem to be okay
18:17.45leifmadsenI'm not sure what part is wrong or not working :)
18:18.43cjleifmadsen: it seems to match this:
18:18.44cj11:15 < cj>
18:20.05WIMPyLooks like it recognises the username as extension.
18:23.04cjmy next step is to have asterisk not return 'unavailable' for extensions which are registered on a DUNDi peer... I'm guessing this has something to do with the regcontext/regexten settings
18:23.14*** join/#asterisk whit_ (
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18:24.49dlublinkI read the page about SHARED() which refered me to IMPORT(). Import seems to do what I need, it seems to be read only, but I don't need to write variables, just read them. So IMPORT is what I needed
18:25.26bobb_WUhow do you show all the active calls on an asterisk instance
18:25.42whit_bobb_WU: core show channels
18:25.46WIMPycore show channels
18:26.50moodyyhi, all, how can i send user-to-user info (used in isdn) in sip
18:27.11moodyythanks in advance :)
18:27.26WIMPymoodyy: As a text. Or not.
18:28.48WIMPyBut do you get the data somewhere at all?
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18:30.51moodyyi want to send this info in the initial invite, that info is read by the other party, but the other party has an isdn connection
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18:33.20moodyyok, i think that's it, thanks
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18:49.42KattyAHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee /sob
18:52.57jayteewhat's wrong?
18:56.10scalex000russellb, hello
18:56.23scalex000russellb, are you there?
18:57.29Kattyit's monday
18:57.29scalex000festival can use different voice
18:57.32Kattythat's what's wrong :<
18:58.08tzangermondays aren't bad
18:58.08tzangerthey lead to fridays.
18:58.08*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
18:58.09jayteeyeah..... mondays suck
18:58.49jayteeunless it's a 3 day weekend with monday off
19:00.18Kattytoo much anxiety today
19:00.28carrarKatty's got a case of the moondays
19:00.33Kattybut i did get on the scale this morning
19:00.36Kattyand i've dropped 10lbs
19:00.41carrarwoo hoo! PICS!!
19:00.58Kattyi've not had a new one taken since 10lbs ago
19:10.34*** join/#asterisk rutski (~rutski@
19:10.47rutskiafter running "make install" on the asterisk source I get this warning: "YOU MUST READ THE SECURITY DOCUMENT"
19:10.59rutskibut they don't mention where or what that document is :-p
19:14.37serafieshould be in your source root.
19:15.11rutskinice file name :)
19:17.36KattyWHY I OUTTA
19:17.38WIMPyrm -srsly
19:17.38KattyHUG YOU TO BITS
19:17.47Kattyhugs leifmadsen to bits.
19:18.33tzanger1.6.2.9 seems to be an asterisk version I'm stuck using... besides being 1.6, is there anything that I should be ZOMGOHNOES about with this version?
19:19.10Kattymake sure you have cookie offersings.
19:19.17leifmadsentzanger: probably just security releases if it works for oyu :)
19:20.03tzangernot sure if it's gonna work for me yet. people are asking me if they really need to move off of it or if it is okay, given that later versions apparently want later versions of libs that the vendor refuses to update
19:20.46*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
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19:24.46tzangerleifmadsen: is there a cooler way to browse the changelog than just looking at the textfile? it's kind of difficult to parse out
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19:28.17leifmadsennot really
19:28.19leifmadsensvn log?
19:28.28leifmadsenbasically the same thing
19:28.46Chainsawtzanger: You could pay leifmadsen to read it to you as a bedtime story.
19:28.53Chainsawtzanger: I think that would be the coolest way.
19:32.04tzangerI don't like his bedtime stories
19:37.23serafietzanger: use JIRA's issue navigator to find issues in Asterisk for which status is closed, resolution is fixed, and choose a "fix version"
19:38.01serafiethere is a good number of results for 1.8.5 and going forward
19:38.08serafiethough past versions will be sparse.
19:39.33scalex000hello, I need to know how can I use another voice using swift that is not default voice
19:40.33_Corey_scalex000: "swift -n Allison" where "Allison" is the name of the voice you want
19:41.04scalex000but I need to use in dialplan its that possible
19:42.27Kattymaybe i should record some voice overs for asterisk
19:45.33_Corey_scalex000: I use it primarily w/AGIs and external to the dialplan...  If you post an example of what you have now I will look
19:46.20scalex000_Corey_, I want to make sure, I can use 2 voices in different option,
19:46.40scalex000_Corey_, but now I only can use 1
19:46.43_Corey_You should be able to use as many as you have licensed
19:47.18scalex000_Corey_, ok
19:47.47scalex000_Corey_, but do you know how to change in dial plan, I try to test like they said using xmpp
19:47.50scalex000but not work
19:51.35scalex000_Corey_, what do you think?
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19:52.52_Corey_I don't use it that way, so I don't know unless you post more detail
19:53.30*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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19:53.40DrDigitalWiretap7, you around?
19:54.36scalex000_Corey_, let me tell you what I want, I want to use 2 voices, in sometime I want to use female and sometime male, but Im not sure swift application can do it
19:54.57scalex000_Corey_, on 1 extension
19:55.24_Corey_Yeah, the application can support multiple voices.  Maybe contact Cepstral for help
19:55.32JParrim trying to prevent chan_ooh323 from marking its calls as data calls in the information element, is there a way to do this?
19:59.26*** join/#asterisk b0ot (~Jinxed---@
19:59.51b0otHas anyone ever gotten a Grandstream GXV 6000 to work with CME
20:01.32*** join/#asterisk lanning (
20:11.02cjwould like to try out a Grandstream
20:11.18cjin case Grandstream is listening and in the helping out a new clec mood
20:12.33scalex000_Corey_ Thank you work with license
20:16.37*** join/#asterisk devmikey (
20:17.48devmikeyQuestion: I have a SIP account with a 3rd party provider and unfortunately frequently when I place calls to PSTNs it disconnects me after like 10 seconds.  Is there a typical reason why?
20:21.40p3nguindevmikey: Enable sip debug, make a call, wait for the disconnect, copy the full debug output, paste it in the pastebin.
20:22.14infoboti guess grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run...  Run away now.  Though, therealcircut says that they're not that bad.
20:22.20infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
20:22.32p3nguinlooks at cj
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20:25.28devmikeyI don't have the logs I don't think
20:25.38devmikey*3rd party provider*
20:27.51*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
20:28.21jnix_I'm trying to use an SPA8000 to bring pots lines into an asterisk server.  Even though the SPA seems to be registering, and I've got a very basic monkey noise dial plan, the system doesn't seem to pick up.  can anyone point me back in the right direction?  I'm very new to Asterisk--this is my first install.
20:29.16*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork_ (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
20:30.05p3nguindevmikey: You don't have access to your own Asterisk system?
20:30.30devmikeyI'm paying a 3rd party for the PSTN access
20:31.10p3nguindevmikey: So you don't have access to your own Asterisk system?
20:31.25devmikeyI guess not
20:32.02p3nguindevmikey: The only thing that I can think of is a problem with NAT closing down the connection when it shouldn't.
20:32.17devmikeylet me see if i'm using NAT
20:32.54devmikeyYes I am
20:33.40*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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20:34.45p3nguindevmikey: Are you using more than one phone?
20:35.08devmikeyMaybe I'll try STUN
20:35.24p3nguinSounds like it's worth a try.
20:35.44jayteeon the SPA-8000 I had to have nat=yes for the sip accounts for the SPA-8000
20:35.56WIMPyCan you hear the other end in those 10s?
20:41.15*** join/#asterisk nny (~SM@
20:41.41jnix_jaytee: perhaps I'm trying to do this backwards.  What I want is for the SPA to pass an incoming call on the pots line to the asterisk system (eventually so that it rings on a registered sip phone)
20:42.31jnix_currently it reads "registered", but nothing ever answers, and eventually my telco voicemail picks up
20:42.45WiretapWork_jnix_, sounds like a dialplan issue
20:43.02scalex000_Corey_, hi its too difficult to install AGI
20:43.05WiretapWork_well, that depends if the SPA is actually noticing the line ringing
20:44.06jnix_the status page says "idle" while I know it to be ringing
20:44.24jnix_so perhaps it isn't noticing the line ringing
20:45.08nnytrying to work with sangoma to install a transcoder card, getting Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_rtp_set_peer -------> WARNING[9901] loader.c: Module '' could not be loaded.
20:45.31p3nguininstall AGI?
20:45.36nnythis is from digium repo fwiw
20:46.19nnyp3nguin: AGI? not being used if you mean the gui thing for asterisk
20:46.45nnyp3nguin: er AGI is gateway interface, is it needed?
20:46.48p3nguin<scalex000> _Corey_, hi its too difficult to install AGI   <--- curious about this
20:46.59nnyp3nguin: oh sorry wrong person, thanks
20:47.18scalex000p3nguin, yes
20:47.42scalex000p3nguin, how to install, very difficult or is easier
20:47.44jayteejnix, the SPA8000 as I recall is an 8 port FXS ATA adapter. it has 8 FXS ports, not FXO ports for POTS lines. This would not work with POTS lines plugged into it. It is only for plugging in analog phones
20:47.54p3nguinThat doesn't make any sense to me.  AGI isn't something you "install," as far as I know.
20:48.11_Corey_p3nguin: He was asking about playing different voices with Cepstral
20:48.49jnix_ug.  I thought it could do either.  Can someone recommend a straightforward standalone FXO device?
20:48.51p3nguinThat doesn't make the statement make any more sense to me than before you said it.
20:49.09_Corey_Yeah, I think there's a translation issue
20:49.36jnix_I'm running asterisk on a Mac mini, so I can't use an internal card for the FXO
20:49.52_Corey_Seems he's trying to do it within the dialplan, confused about the command argument I supplied and I replied that I usually use AGI and that Cepstral may be more help
20:49.55p3nguinThe SPA-3102 has one FXO and one FXS.  Would that be of any use?
20:49.57_Corey_now you're up to speed :)
20:50.29scalex000_corey_, forget this
20:50.47scalex000_corey_, I registered the voice and work
20:51.01jnix_perhaps.  I have 2 lines, but they are both carried on one of the jacks.  can the spa-3102 handle 2 lines on a single fxo port?
20:51.31_Corey_scalex000: Glad to hear :)
20:52.00p3nguinOn a different topic, chan_sccp-b is reported to be "close" to having Asterisk 1.8 support.
20:52.28_Corey_Glad to hear it :)
20:52.54scalex000_corey_, they need to put on website to use more than 1 voice
20:53.11p3nguinIf you're interested in testing it, they will provide the development build's source if you request it.
20:53.28p3nguinI'd rather just use it when it's ready.
20:53.47_Corey_:) me too
20:54.29p3nguinI can test it and say that it doesn't work, but that's not going to be very helpful.
20:54.42WiretapWork_p3nguin, how close is close?
20:54.46scalex000hey, how to make a beep
20:54.52p3nguinI wish I could say how close.
20:55.02scalex000I try to find all command I can use on dialplan
20:55.04scalex000but :(
20:55.19p3nguinThey just mentioned that they've had it working but then it wasn't working.
20:55.40WiretapWork_p3nguin, the 'research' branch is available in svn, it doesn't compile against 1.8.4
20:55.54WiretapWork_I think it compiles against 1.8.0
20:56.02p3nguinyeah, probably
20:56.04WiretapWork_they still regard 1.8.x as 'unstable'
20:56.11WiretapWork_so that's why theyre so slack about it
20:56.11p3nguinI have no reason to use 1.8.0, though.
20:59.57WiretapWork_I think I need to get in more of a flap, so people don't load me with more and more and more work
21:00.05WiretapWork_because I look like I have it under control
21:01.34p3nguinStart talking to yourself, mumbling how there's so much work to do and that you'll "never get all of this stuff done."
21:01.45nnydoes anyone know if the digium repo for asterisk includes the headers?
21:02.16nnyrephrase, if asterisk18-core.x86_64 includes the headers needed to compile third party modules*
21:02.31WiretapWork_nny, the undefined symbol error you're getting pertains to asterisk versions >1.8.2
21:02.39WiretapWork_as RTP was re-engineered afaik
21:02.47WiretapWork_same reason chan_sccp-b won't compile
21:03.13nnyWiretapWork_: oh, thanks, so the vendor needs to update to match > 1.8.2?
21:03.32nny(er rather the changes re-engineered since 1.8.2)
21:03.46WiretapWork_it would seem that way
21:03.56nnyWiretapWork_:  ok will inform them ,thanks
21:04.55*** join/#asterisk ketas- (
21:06.16devmikeyIs it possible for SIP to use SSL?
21:06.48WiretapWork_fantastic, my head is now spinning
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21:09.15russellbdevmikey: yes.
21:09.16*** part/#asterisk jnix_ (
21:10.31devmikeyI presume your client would have to support it
21:10.37russellbinfobot: securecalls is <reply> For a tutorial on setting up secure calls with Asterisk, see this page on the Asterisk project wiki:
21:10.37infobotokay, russellb
21:10.47russellbdevmikey: yep.
21:10.56devmikeyI doubt mine does
21:12.12devmikeyDoes xlite support ssl?
21:12.49infobotmethinks google is
21:13.19devmikeyIf you have to google it, the info is badly organized
21:13.32WiretapWork_not really
21:13.36devmikeyYes really
21:13.48WiretapWork_if you have to google it, it means you're not too lazy to find it for yourself
21:14.06WiretapWork_instead of expecting everyone to run around and find the answers for you
21:14.19russellbWiretapWork_: you have been counter-trolled.
21:14.26russellbeveryone calm down now.
21:14.43WiretapWork_russellb, telling someone to calm down, is about the least effective way to get them to do so
21:15.01WiretapWork_regardless, despite my stress levels, I'm not actually raging at devmikey
21:17.17WiretapWork_I wouldn't mind a troll to bitch out right now actually, it might help my stress levels, or maybe one of those scam phonecalls
21:18.19E-bolaI love irc :)
21:18.49*** join/#asterisk dailylinux (~test@
21:19.01devmikeyWell I'm raging at my DID provider
21:19.12_Corey_rages against the machine
21:19.17*** join/#asterisk lwizardl (
21:20.25*** join/#asterisk Wiretap_Work (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
21:22.17lwizardlI am planning to use Broadvoice for my VOIP provider and was trying to figure out what type of hardware card would be best used to allow me to connect a standard business/house phone to the system.
21:22.52lwizardlis that a FXO or a FXS?
21:23.07russellba phone or phone line?
21:23.27russellbphone, FXS
21:23.43*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork_ (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
21:23.51lwizardlphone I would think. The only phone service will be the VOIP line
21:24.07russellbk, FXS then.
21:27.21lwizardland fxo are used for ?
21:27.45beeklwizardl: I remember as FX[central]OFFICE,  and FX-STATION (deskset)
21:27.49lwizardlreason why is I am looking at a card that has 2x fxo & 2x fxs
21:28.20lwizardlok this was further down the auction
21:28.20beekfxo points to the central Office,  fxs points toward the station
21:28.21lwizardlFXO modules are used to plug existing analog telephone lines into your phone system and FXS modules are used to plug existing analog telephone.
21:28.24*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
21:28.29Qwellauction?  as in ebay?
21:28.35QwellIt's a crap clone card.  Buy elsewhere.
21:28.35lwizardlQwell, yes
21:28.59russellbshakes his fist at China
21:29.08Qwell(otherwise, we're going to laugh at you when you come back later and try to get it working)
21:29.10lwizardlthis was what I was looking at, ebay is always my starting point then i look for other sellers and prefer authorized sellers
21:29.11beekflips them the bird.
21:29.49beeklwizardl: Here's a novel idea:  buy a Digium card.
21:29.57QwellNOT from ebay.
21:30.17Qwellalso 100% positive feedback != reputable
21:30.59lwizardlyeah already had that page up
21:32.07lwizardlman does broadvoice ever answer their phones lol been waiting for 20 mins already to their music breaking up all the time
21:32.25beeklwizardl: How many phones are you talking about?
21:32.55lwizardlbeek, was looking at 2 separate numbers, and maybe 2 phones per line
21:33.23p3nguinYou could just get IP phones and forget the card.
21:33.41p3nguinall VoIP all the way
21:34.10p3nguinI think you'll spend more on a card than you'll spend on two IP phones.
21:34.21lwizardlyeah I was using a SIP based service and kinda trying to remove windows from my business life like my home life. and so now looking to get a real service and not just the MJ
21:34.24citywokyea. unless you already have the phones and you really want to use them...
21:34.27p3nguinAnd the IP phones will have far better VoIP features.
21:34.54citywokpure sip is the way to go, you can do so much more
21:34.56lwizardlcitywok, yeah I have some cordless phones I was wanting to use
21:35.17citywoklwizardl: if you want to use your old dect cordless phones or something it may be easier to use an ATA
21:35.18Chainsawlwizardl: You can get SIP-enabled DECT phones these days. Siemens make them.
21:35.33lwizardlcitywok, well being a magicjack user kinda want to move away from anything like that
21:35.34citywokor as Chainsaw suggested, you can get sip-dect phones
21:35.49p3nguinTwo phones for around $120 total or a card for like $250... for me it is a no-brainer.
21:35.52citywoklwizardl: we use ATA's for our polycom conference systems that are pre-voip
21:35.52WIMPyA sip dect base that is.
21:36.10citywokif they are good enough for that, i'm pretty sure they're good enough for your dect phone :)
21:36.38Chainsawcitywok: Ah yeah, they make nice boardroom phones.
21:36.40p3nguinDo you really expect to get better service and/or quality from a card as opposed to a couple ATAs?
21:36.44Chainsawcitywok: Mine's behind a Patton 4118.
21:37.12citywokChainsaw: we've got a polycom 4 channel sound processor with all 4 mic's, the thing was like 6grand or something.
21:37.29p3nguinIf you've got the money to blow on a card, then you've got the money to spend on nice IP phones and you can afford to throw out the old cordless phones.
21:37.37citywoka year later we put in our asterisk solution. whoops. it would have been nicer to get the SIP version :P
21:37.56citywoklwizardl: p3nguin speaks good advice. a new set of sip dect phones is cheaper than the card you are trying to buy to salvage them.
21:38.42WIMPyGuys, a dect phone is a dect phone. None of them know anything about sip. You want a sip dect _base_.
21:39.28p3nguinI have two modes of thought: how much does it cost, and how fantastic is the product?
21:39.46p3nguinSomething that costs a bunch of money and provides no features is not something I would buy.
21:40.52citywokWIMPy: sorry, i keep mis-speaking.  s/dectphone/dectbasestation/
21:41.29p3nguinYou could get a couple Polycom phones and get virtually all the necessary (and usually desired) features that a good IP phone should offer and that no analog phone could pretend to offer.
21:41.50WIMPycitywok: you're not the only one. But it's worth noting that you can use any dect phone (except the really early models) with a sip base.
21:42.17Chainsawp3nguin: The SoundPoint IP670 is downright sexy, yes.
21:42.21WIMPyEspecially if you already got the phones.
21:42.23p3nguinOr the new like of Cisco SIP phones, if that's the sort of thing you prefer.  I don't have any experience with the new 500 series phones, so I don't know what they do.
21:42.50citywokfor polycom I only have an IP650 and it's pretty nice.  annoying to configure automatically, the aastra's are much easier for that.
21:43.15citywokbut the polycom web browser is so much nicer using xhtml rather than a custom xml format.
21:43.48Chainsawp3nguin: I have had the 7960. As far Cisco phones go... I'm cured.
21:43.55p3nguinDon't most people have a computer on their desk with their phone?  I don't see the need for a browser on the phone when there's a computer right there.
21:44.05p3nguinchainsaw: You don't like the legacy phones?
21:44.16Chainsawp3nguin: Provisioning over TFTP, UDP-only SIP...
21:44.18citywokp3nguin: i use it for provisioning, voicemail app, company direcotry
21:44.39WIMPyp3nguin: Don't those computers all have sound I/O or USB? So why do you need a phone in the first place?
21:44.54Chainsawp3nguin: Not to mention having to telnet in to virtually push buttons for some features. The SIP firmware is just hateful.
21:44.54Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
21:44.55citywokplug in a brand new phone at my company and it presents you a list of available extensions. select one and the phone reboots and instantly becomes that extension.
21:45.18p3nguinI currently use 7960, 7940, and 7912 with Asterisk.  I'm not dissatisfied.
21:45.43Chainsawp3nguin: Unless you want to do something like automatic provisioning.
21:45.44p3nguinI used to use SIP, but now I use SCCP on them.
21:46.02Chainsawp3nguin: My ISDN & analog gateways speak SIP.
21:46.05Chainsawp3nguin: Can't do that.
21:46.26Chainsawp3nguin: (Well unless Asterisk ever becomes stable enough to always have it in the media path as a translator)
21:46.33p3nguinI used SIP until I found out that I get a much better feature set with SCCP.
21:46.46Chainsawp3nguin: That hardware was constructed for SCCP, yes. And it shows.
21:47.09p3nguinBut SIP wasn't _that_ bad on the phones.
21:47.17p3nguinI used SIP for quite some time, actually.
21:47.25Chainsawp3nguin: 3.12 broke caller ID.
21:47.36p3nguinI used 8.11
21:47.36Chainsawp3nguin: As you wish. The .12
21:47.44Chainsawp3nguin: Every release had a new surprise.
21:48.02beekrussellb: Tell your sales guys that there's a broken link on  The broken link is:
21:48.19p3nguinI don't recall what version I started out using, but once I got 8.11 I didn't change it again.
21:48.30WIMPyWell, if you buy a CUCM, your problems will magically vanish.
21:48.39Chainsawp3nguin: That's the one that is least broken, correct.
21:48.41citywokbut then you wouldn't be in #asterisk
21:48.45WIMPyOr at least that's waht they'll tell you :-)
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21:54.31jeffspeffi'm having an issue trying to compile my asterisk build. i've downloaded the latest source, i ran configure and make menuselect, but it errors after a bit of ./make   saying     "../res/res_adsi.o:/asterisk- first defined here  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[1]: *** [asterisk] Error 1 make: *** [main] Error 2"
21:55.42WiretapWork_jeffspeff, that is not sufficient data, pastebin the entire falllover
21:55.44infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few: , , , , , , ; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
21:56.32*** join/#asterisk aberrios (~aberrios@
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21:57.23jeffspeffthat's as much as my putty screen will show
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21:57.56citywokjeffspeff: if you click the top left icon, click change settings, and you can change the putty scrollback from 200 to say 2000 lines. or enable putty logging to file.
21:58.15WiretapWork_jeffspeff, you have fucked something up spectacularly, just sayin
21:58.26QwellWhat he said. ^
21:58.29jeffspefflol, delete the directory and try again?
21:58.40WiretapWork_untar a fresh copy of the tar.gz
21:58.55WiretapWork_./configure && make menuselect, then make
22:00.20jeffspeffok, thanks for the confirmation, i'll try again later.
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22:04.56scalex000I try to create a IVR, how can I get the number user dial
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22:06.02WIMPyscalex000: Read() or use extensiond with Background() or WaitExten().
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22:30.11lwizardlfor a single fxo card like the 1TDM410PELF using it for 2 phone lines would I need a very strong system to work as a pbx. or would just about any fairly recent machine handle it great
22:31.40Qwella pentium 2 would handle that many calls just fine
22:32.35lwizardlthats what I thought. so just about any machine you could buy today would work great. so I could in theory just go to bestbuy and get a generic emachines and be fine
22:33.11WIMPyJust make sure it has a slot for the card(s) you want to put in.
22:33.35lwizardlyeah as long as it has either pci or pcie 1/8x
22:33.44lwizardlit should be fine
22:39.11*** join/#asterisk ketas (
22:43.28jc319Finally found a way to override N. American ITSP's enforced +1 prefix
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22:51.06JParrok, this is odd, default install of 1.6 on a plain vanilla ubuntu install, install the chan_h323 module, start asterisk, and it hangs at 99% cpu
22:51.12JParrnoload the h323 module, and its happy
22:55.56*** join/#asterisk skirmisha (
22:56.30skirmishaguys how can i make multiply match in gotoif function
22:56.35WiretapWork_JParr, ensure you are compiling it correctly, prepackaged installs do not work properly
22:56.46WiretapWork_skirmisha, your question is too vague to answer
22:56.52skirmishacan i use ${a} = "a|b|c"
22:57.42skirmishacan i have that in one condition
22:58.07*** join/#asterisk simplydrew (~simplydre@unaffiliated/simplydrew)
22:58.34WiretapWork_please wait for someone to respond who knows the answer to your question
22:58.56skirmishai hope so
22:59.08skirmishai tested it, but looks like not working as i want it
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23:02.35skirmishacome on guys
23:02.46skirmishacan someone confirm it
23:03.39WIMPyskirmisha: That won't work. But there is a regex function that might be useful.
23:06.18skirmishaWIMPy, i understand. Any idea how to use it with regexp + gotoif
23:08.07*** join/#asterisk Scorp1us (
23:08.25WIMPyNo, I'm not even sure it works. Haven't looked into that.
23:08.37Scorp1usis it possible to run a asterisk machine and a nother VIOP device behind a firewall if both have their own DID?
23:08.55WiretapWork_Scorp1us, no
23:09.03WiretapWork_if they both have their own IPs, sure
23:09.15WiretapWork_if they share one, no, not really
23:09.38Scorp1ushrm ok. looks like I'm getting another IP
23:09.48WiretapWork_why do you even need to though?
23:09.54WIMPyAs long as they don't use the same port, that should work.
23:10.06WiretapWork_register the 'other device' to asterisk, and let asterisk handle the routing
23:10.18JParryeah, you should be fine with two devices behind one nat firewall
23:10.25Scorp1uswell I have a Linksys viop adapter for my home phone, and I'm starting a project with askterisk
23:10.27JParrassuming both aren't trying to be servers on the same port
23:10.47Scorp1usI've got a number and the registration working ok, but everything goes to my linksys
23:10.48WiretapWork_WIMPy, I tend to deal with non-registering trunks mostly, i.e. static peers
23:11.01WiretapWork_WIMPy, so my views are somewhat tainted toward the enterprise :P
23:11.21WiretapWork_Scorp1us, your explaining skills seem to be impaired right now
23:11.28WIMPyWiretapWork_: How does that matter?
23:11.56WiretapWork_WIMPy, they tend not to support anything but port 5060
23:12.32WIMPyThat's a (senseless) limitation of your suppliers then.
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23:13.09WiretapWork_of course, it doesn't neccessarily make it a good idea :P
23:13.49WIMPySIP is not a good idea, to start with, so what?
23:14.02WiretapWork_really, why do you feel that?
23:14.17Scorp1usmy explaining skills are impared?
23:14.24WIMPyIt's a mess.
23:14.45WiretapWork_you said all calls go to your linksys, are you implying that your asterisk is up but call routing is messed, or that you want this to happen ,etc, etc ,etc ,etc
23:15.59Scorp1uswell the asterisk system registered itself it seems because when I call the number I put into the registration for it, it rings back to me, but rather than asterisk picking it up, the linksys rinks
23:16.20WiretapWork_because you're not doing nat properly
23:16.29WiretapWork_and you have them both registering with the same port
23:16.33WiretapWork_which the linksys has control over
23:16.43Scorp1usyeah, I gotta figure out how to configure that.
23:19.37*** join/#asterisk jc319 (
23:23.49timholum1for some reason Asterisk is telling me that "sip show peers" no such command?
23:24.11jc319what version do you have?
23:24.15WiretapWork_make sure yo uhave the module logo
23:24.19WiretapWork_wtf logo?
23:24.22timholum1I know I did it earlyer today? could it be due to a misconfigured sip.conf?  ( asterisk 1.8.3
23:24.23WiretapWork_<-- braindead
23:24.39WiretapWork_core show modules
23:24.40WIMPytimholum1: Possible, yes
23:24.42WiretapWork_make sure sip is in there
23:25.02p3nguinmodule show like sip
23:26.09timholum1it tels me loaded
23:26.12timholum1use count 0
23:26.49timholum1reload gives me an error
23:27.15p3nguinmodule reload chan_sip
23:27.24jc319how about core stop now and re starting asterisk
23:27.55jc319p3nguin: Thanks for all the help, everything works now and about 2 hours ago I've fixed the +1 issue
23:28.02jc319(prefix problem due to carrier)
23:28.05p3nguinI need to provide wireless service to a network device.  Would anyone recommend a simple wireless bridge instead of a regular access point?
23:28.44p3nguinjc319: I'm glad you're up and going.  What was the +1 issue?
23:29.51jc319Whatever I put into caller id field did not matter, ITSP enforced a +1 prefix, so it would end up +1<my_callerID_variable> on the other party's screen which practically limited scope of this voip to family and friends
23:29.52WiretapWork_p3nguin, I like to use the old reliable WRT54GL
23:30.07p3nguinI'm trying to go as cheap as possible.
23:30.12WiretapWork_jc319, that's positively retarded
23:30.25WiretapWork_p3nguin, they're not pricy
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23:30.41scalex000how to run a ODBC function
23:30.42WiretapWork_and damnfuckit, I'm going to get lunch before I beat someone up :P
23:30.52p3nguinI just need a basic 802.11 b/g with whatever security implementation that's available.
23:30.55scalex000I need to check if I write sql syntax
23:31.05jc319WiretapWork_: I guess it does not matter if your number starts with +1 anyway, however it is unusable in the UK...
23:32.34p3nguinWe in North America have 10-digit phone numbers, and +1 isn't part of it.
23:32.56p3nguinBut we often need to dial the 1 before the 10-digit number to make a call.
23:32.59jc319Yeah but you can call the same number with +1 <10dig> right?
23:33.05WIMPyIt is. You just don't have to dial it, if you're already there.
23:33.36jc319Yeah because it is in your scope (I'm sure 'scope' is not the right word but gives an idea). or context perhaps
23:33.39timholum1Ok I think I got it fixed, at least its loaded anyway :)
23:33.45p3nguin1 isn't part of the phone number any more than 011 is part of jc319's phone number.
23:33.52*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
23:34.20WIMPyOff course 1 is part of north american phone numbers.
23:34.20jc319it's nation/area/town whatever code, so it is part of the number if you are outside that context
23:35.08WIMPyIt's always a coutry code, optionally an area code, the subscriber number and optionally an extension.
23:35.24jc319For example say my mobile is 9940 8977 in my mobile operator's network. If you're in the same mobile operator, it is 9940 8977 for you, if you've another mobile operator it is 075 9940 8977 (same nation/area) and 44 75 9940 8977 in another country etc.
23:35.58p3nguinBut I would have to dial 011 44 75 9940 8977.  That doesn't make 011 part of your phone number.
23:36.00jc319But as WIMPy said full number is always there, some people never dial so they don't know but it's still there..
23:36.10jc319011 is specific to you
23:36.25WIMPyno. 011 is your international access.
23:36.28p3nguinMe as in the entire North America, I guess.
23:36.29jc31944 is global (ie it is standard for any network except mine)
23:36.44jc319yes it is a big context indeed, still not as big as the world.
23:36.51lwizardlis there a good source for addons to asterisk addons, and sounds
23:36.59paulcjc319: YOu can't dial 1+10 for a local call though..  In the UK, I can dial 888222 as my local number, or 01534 888222 and the call will complete.  In North America 604 257 5757 will work, but 1-604 257 5757 won't
23:37.37WIMPy011-1-.......... might work.
23:37.40paulc(which has always irked me - why not allow full national dialing all the time?  "Because the customer won't know if it's a toll call or not" apparently)
23:37.56*** join/#asterisk niekie (~niek@CAcert/Assurer/niekie)
23:38.00paulcWIMPy: you reckon? Dial out then in again, internationally? *grins* lemme see here..
23:38.20paulcnope.. "The call you made cannot be completed as dialed..."
23:38.33WIMPyIt might not even be a national thing, but operator specific
23:38.45jc319In a country it may be different than standard but with my vast experience (of three countries that I call frequently) my theory works. Need more input to see if it is global though. I always assumed this was a global rule or something.
23:38.48paulcooh - interestnigly, I jsut dialed 1604 2575757 and it worked.. never used to..
23:39.05WIMPyBut you sure can do it with a mobile, even an US one and dial +1..........
23:39.21paulcjc319: I think most civilised countries allow dialing of full national numbers when it's a local call.
23:39.39paulcWIMPy: Ah yes - mobile networks tend to be a bit more "consistent"
23:39.43jc319so it is always [00-or your international dialing code-set by your operator-whateveritis]  + [country code] + [regional code] + [local number]
23:40.13WIMPyNot all countries have area codes.
23:40.25WIMPyIt's always a coutry code, optionally an area code, the subscriber number and optionally an extension.
23:40.44jc319So for a London number >> (00) + 44 + 20 + 84441111
23:41.58WIMPyA closed number plan like NANP doesn't allow you to manage your extensions yoursef, for example. While e.g. Denmark has all national numbers.
23:42.15WIMPyAnd it's closed as well.
23:42.58jc319Can you explain 'manage your extensions' bit?
23:43.20WIMPyOn the other side, Germany has an open number plan with area codes of different langt.
23:43.54WIMPyBig cities have short area codes and long subscriber numbers while small cities have long area codes and short subscriber numbers.
23:44.49p3nguinThe only way we can manage our extensions is by getting a block of numbers assigned to the organization.  But we can't manage them outside of the block.
23:44.50WIMPyIn some places you only get a base number that's routed to you and you can just configure your extensions locally. Being totally free in choic if the length of those extensions.
23:45.51WIMPyYou set of numbers is clearly defined.
23:45.56paulcWIMPy: like in Germany.. where the main number is xxxxxx-0 but your direct dial extension might be xxxxxx-201 for example, right?
23:46.05jc319For example if the 'normal' # is 604 345 5757, you take the whole '604 257 57xx' and manage the last 2 digits?
23:46.22jc319It sounds expensive
23:46.38jc319Do this numbers not run out, like IPv4
23:46.54WIMPyIn germany there's a tradition of wasting 10% of your numbers for the attendant.
23:47.20WIMPyBut that's personal choice.
23:47.33paulcjc319: They don't do it that way in North America. If you want 100 numbers, you buy 100 numbers.. and they're all routed to your PRI or whatever.. whereas in Germany you get a "prefix" and what you have after that is more down to you and your routing
23:48.08WIMPyIf you need mor numbers, you just make them longer.
23:48.09paulcWIMPy: In Germany, do you have to tell the telco how many digits follow the prefix? Or is it just on timeout? (how do they deal with "0" vs "201" for example - a delay/timeout to complete the call to xxxxxx-0?)
23:48.25jc319In the same example if you have '604 257 57xx' assigned to you, can you make '604 257 57xxZZZZZ' a valid number?
23:48.51WIMPyHowever it's no longer guaranteed they can be reached from abroad then. But adding two extra digits works from most countries.
23:49.00paulcno, because all north american numbers are 10 digits.. but if you were talking in Germany, your "assignment" would be "604 25757" and you take whatever comes next
23:49.44WIMPypaulc: No, if you have a match, the call is connected.
23:50.06WIMPyThe timeout thing is used in Switzerland, IIRC.
23:50.22WIMPySo for the attendant you just dial the base number without any extension.
23:50.36paulcis that overlap dialing vs en-bloc dialing then?
23:51.01WIMPyThere's not neccessarily a relation.
23:51.39WIMPyYou will receive it the same way it's sent.
23:52.17WIMPySo if the caller uses en-block dialling, you don't need a timeout, even if you have overlapping extensions.
23:52.33WIMPyIf the caller uses overlap dialling, you need the timenout in that case.
23:53.46WIMPyAnd if you're on ISDN you can extend it much further by using subadresses :-)
23:54.21paulc..provided the user can set the subaddress :-)
23:54.25paulcThe joys of ISDN :)
23:54.47WIMPyThere was an "if"...
23:58.44WIMPyWhat is more common is service based routing.
23:59.29jc319is anyone using iNum?
23:59.31WIMPyThat's what ppl often experience when trying to send faxes via iaxmodem, as they will be sent as speech but default.

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