IRC log for #asterisk on 20110618

00:18.30*** part/#asterisk rue_mohr (
00:23.39*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~justicia@
00:24.14carrarpeeps out
00:24.25carrarerr perhaps in
00:24.49carrarlooks at Katty
00:29.55*** part/#asterisk msuszczyn (
00:38.42*** join/#asterisk scalex000 (~chatzilla@
00:52.33*** join/#asterisk jasoncarter (5006fcbf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:53.44jasoncarterCan asterisk be made to load a file or send an email once a caller has disconnected from the server?
01:08.36jc319This is my first Asterisk dialplan experience, everthing was going great so far with loads of help from p3nguin & wiretap but when it came to voicemail I think I have either a minor design flaw or a lack of knowledge how to fix this >>  In my design there are two users (user1, user2), each have access to inbound (DID) and outbound (SIP) phone service. They can access the system on deskphone
01:08.36jc319& softphonePC & softphoneMobile. They might be 'online' at the same time on more than one device (e.g. @home therefore has access to deskphone in theory but at some moment can be in the living room/garden, therefore softphoneMobile in 'online' too). They have 2 DID #s each (say work# & personal#). to be able to distinguish different endpoints, each endpoint (desk/pc/mobile) is defined as a
01:08.36jc319different sip peer for both of them.
01:08.56jc319How can I give them access to the same mailbox? say user1 has 201 extension for deskphone, 202 for PC and 203 for mobile. the other user has 211,212 and 213 respectively for the same devices. their mailboxes are defined as device1=201@default , device2=201@default, device3=201@default (since they are the same user no matter what endpoint).
01:09.07*** join/#asterisk chuckf (~chuckf@ubuntu/member/chuckf)
01:09.18jc319First of all is this the correct method to define same person's different endpoint mailboxes? And if it is, my next issue is the deskphone peer has been named as [MAC], therefore it cannot jump direct into the VoiceMailMain() using num variable. Any solutions to this?
01:10.56*** join/#asterisk lanning (
01:10.57jc319"DID mailboxes" is a better term probably. (rather than "endpoint mailboxes" above)
01:30.07*** join/#asterisk cranium (
01:34.05*** join/#asterisk Linetux (
01:42.29*** join/#asterisk scalex000 (~chatzilla@
01:42.47scalex000hello, who have exp with swift, how to install
01:46.31*** join/#asterisk thedavidfactor (
01:47.36scalex000where I can download swift for asterisk 1.6.0
01:47.50scalex000I downloaded one but I get error when make
01:49.18cjhey carrar!
01:49.21cjhow's things?
01:49.55cjcarrar: I had lunch with Randy B. yesterday.  he's still a character :)
01:52.19*** join/#asterisk scalex000 (~chatzilla@
02:06.07scalex000anyone here
02:06.53cjnot unless there's a need
02:07.33Harakendoes anyone have a moment to help me trouble shoot my message waiting indicator?  I tried the common fixes found using google, such as setting pollmailboxes to yes, and setting my pollfreq however these do not seem to fix the problem
02:07.59cjHaraken: have you looked at ~thebook?
02:08.12Harakenwhich book?
02:08.19infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
02:08.43HarakenI read over the whole voicemail section, most I could tell is that it should work with the options I have set
02:08.47cjI don't have any experience with that topic, yet, so all I can do is recommend references I've found helpful :)
02:09.01cjare you running 1.8?
02:09.09Harakenyes, I'm wondering if I should try an older version
02:09.18cjI found that the instructions in the book didn't match up with my experiences... then I realized it was documenting 1.8 :)
02:09.33cjare you reading the 3rd edition or a previous edition?
02:10.19cjI guess you could fall back to 1.6 and find an older edition of the asterisk book.  *shrug*
02:10.24cjor you could read through the code
02:10.51cjI ended up stepping through the res_crypto.c code with gdb today to find out that the debian packages use /usr/share/asterisk/keys instead of /var/lib/asterisk/keys
02:11.01jc319Haraken: I'm new to Asterisk but as it happens, I have been reading about voicemail for the last 4 hours, if you share your config I can have a look
02:11.04Harakenweird thing is, message waiting indicator works partially.  problem is, it only updates when i restart asterisk
02:11.20Harakenjc319, voicemail.conf?
02:12.03jc319BTW there is such a post which suggests it was a bug in software (in that case)
02:12.44jc319Haraken: voicemail.conf, voicemail section of exten, mailbox section of peer definition and if relevant phones voicemail section
02:13.26jc319What phones are you using?
02:13.38Harakencisco 7940
02:14.47scalex000can someone help me I try to found a swift application to install
02:14.54scalex000but I found app with error
02:15.14*** join/#asterisk mKn0wt (~Taisigue@
02:15.17jc319Did you try on a test peer leaving a message and when the MWI is on changing that peers mailbox to something else and sip reload, see if it clears the lamp instantly
02:18.35HarakenScorpio2007, I'm copying my config to a notepad for pastebin, noe sec
02:18.50Harakenthat was to you jc319
02:19.15Harakenjc319, could you decribe that in detail about the test peer?  I haven't tried that yet
02:20.26*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
02:21.41Harakenjc319, here is my voicemail.conf
02:22.27Harakenjc319, also did you mean my phone was a test peer or some other device I think that is where the confusion was for me.  I've been testing with my phone with different settings and situations
02:22.47*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (
02:24.29jc319I think this test might help to see if 7940 is really polling the voicemailbox as it should. Define two peers 201 & 202, both has 'mailbox=201@default' then leave a message to 201. Now 201 & 202 both should have MWI on. (if not due to your original issue, restart asterisk). When you have the lamp on, change 202s sip peer definition to 'mailbox=202@default' (ensure it does not have new voicemail
02:24.29jc319:)      now if you 'sip reload' it should clear the lamp instantly? Does it?
02:25.56jc319What do you have in peer definitions
02:26.17Harakenjc319, does it matter if 201 and 202 are connected to any devices?
02:26.55Harakenjc319, which file has the peer definitions?
02:28.37Harakenah I Think i got it
02:28.37Harakenone sec
02:29.30jc319If you like I can give you my config that works on 7960 so should work on 7940 if your Asterisk has no problems. At least you can narrow down the scope of your troubleshooting.
02:30.28*** part/#asterisk jasoncarter (5006fcbf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:30.58Harakenthat would be good too, I'm pasting my extension info only on pastebin now
02:31.34Harakenplease note that ext 204 is the only extension that is supposed to be getting voicemail right now
02:32.36Harakenoriginally mailbox was set to 204@device, but that wouldn't even get the MWI to light up.  at least now as 204@default it lights up when i reload
02:33.35Harakenjc319, as for your last suggestion about seeing if it is polling, I am testing that theory now
02:35.57HarakenI left a message on extension 200 which is not on my cisco 7940, reloaded sip the MWI did not come on
02:37.54jc319Haraken: What about after restart?
02:38.14Harakeni setup voicemail on the other extension to this phone
02:38.28Harakenleft a message and did sip reload.  the indicator does come on at that point
02:39.39Harakenrestarting asterisk doesn't make it show up
02:40.05jc319And here is the excerpts from my config, try copying your 3 files to backup. Then edit yours and remove all voicemail related stuff (voicemail exten) from extensions.conf. totally remove voicemail.conf and just paste in what you see. and also edit the new copy of sip.conf carefully  to remove any conflicting and non-existant stuff and just the keep ones from mine. If you also set IP/NAT
02:40.05jc319according to your setup (if necessary) it should work. If this does not work then your Asterisk must be somehow faulty..
02:42.16jc319OK a quicker test, rather than the one above >> I don't know if it's necessary but can you remove the extra options in your voicemail.conf, just use this >> 201 => 1234,Namey Surnamey,email@btld -- also add a new extension in the same context rather than having one of them in [other] the other one in [default]
02:42.32jc319Perhaps it's a context issue...
02:43.15jc319I gotta go, in worst case try the config I've pasted, if it works you can build from there, testing often, checking when it breaks
02:43.31Harakenjc319, sounds good, thank you for all of your help
02:43.54HarakenI must got as well, about to get off work.  will try this when i get home
02:44.04jc319Good luck
02:49.57jc319Wow finally could think of renaming 201@default to 001A6CA3696C-PB1@default to jump in direct to the password prompt. VM is finally ready.
03:29.28*** join/#asterisk joe4node (4c5825d0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:29.39joe4nodehello guys
03:30.29*** join/#asterisk emsLinux (~dave@
03:30.37emsLinuxgood night everyone
03:31.39joe4nodeexcuse my question if it was too silly: How do I answer an incoming call using Asterisk Manager , I monitor events and get the incoming channel info from their. How can I answer that call and do things with it
03:32.25emsLinuxdoes anyone has some experience with Google Voice? cus i can't make work the inbound calls, this is the output i get when i try calling to the Google Voice number, i dont know what it means, any idea?
03:34.59joe4nodethere are more than 50 person in here, I do not see any activity. I am not sure if my IRC client is working . IS THERE ANY BODY HOME? does any one see this message
03:36.20emsLinuxi do
03:36.28joe4nodeemsLinux: can u see my messages ?
03:36.35joe4nodegood , Hi
03:36.53joe4nodeI am checking the paste bin to see if I can help
03:37.55emsLinuxjoe4node yes i do
03:38.21emsLinuxjoe4node thank you, i'm having a headache right now
03:38.25joe4nodein the mean while, Do you know how to answer a call using Asterisk Manager API ?
03:40.20russellbjoe4node: the AMI is probably not what you want
03:40.41russellbif you want to do direct call control like that, FastAGI is a more appropriate network interface for that
03:40.43emsLinuxnot really, i'm using FreePBX, and used this tutorial to set the Google Voice account
03:41.25emsLinuxI'm not that good yet...
03:43.09joe4node@russellb thank you. you mean i have to send the call to an address:port  then do the control from there? does it work like the old DeadAGI where i can still have control after the calling party hangs up ?
03:44.55emsLinuxCan anyone help me with the Google Voice problem pls?
03:45.25joe4nodeemslinux, i am testing it on my box
03:45.53russellbjoe4node: yes
03:55.55*** part/#asterisk joe4node (4c5825d0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:07.50*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
04:16.52*** join/#asterisk g00gle (
04:17.36gruvfunkemsLinux what's the problem?
04:17.40*** join/#asterisk sweni (
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04:27.48sweniDoes anyone know which unpatched FreePBX php script is exploited by vp_freepbx_exec1 (See voippack1.4)?
04:30.11*** join/#asterisk emsLinux (~dave@
04:33.06emsLinuxHello, does anyone here has any experience with Google Voice incoming calls? I got this problem, the call gets in and ring the extension, but when i try to answer i only hear silence, and the Google Voice call continue ringing until the Google Voice voicemail system answers. Here is the CLI output when i call to the Google Voice number..., Thank you for any help you can give me =)
04:40.36*** join/#asterisk turbobee (~android@
04:40.50sweniemsLinux. it looks like the call is being set up fine - the silence probably indicates a problem setting up the RTP stream.  To debug this, you may want to switch on sip debugging "sip set debug peer Gtalk"
04:41.19turbobeedo you guys prefer using asterisk with a web control panel such as freepbx or by itself?
04:42.32sweniturbobee - I really like FreePBX, and think that pure dialplan is best for dedicated small-function asterisk systems.  You can alsways customise FreePBX.
04:44.04turbobeeI see, I like freepbx as well but I'm going to be starting fresh again and was debating on not using it to get better acquanted with the config files
04:44.23emsLinuxsweni i thinking this could be the problem, what do you think?
04:44.56turbobeefreepbx was awesome for giving me an idea of how everything is supposed to come together
04:57.49sweniemsLinux - that looks like a workaround to avoid the problem.  It would be better to first look at the Sip exchange to see what the two endpoints try to set up.  Do you have any other external Sip proviers that are working successfully?
04:58.33emsLinuxno i don't
04:59.01emsLinuxi dont know if the extension counts, every extension in the server is conected by SIP throught Internet
04:59.07emsLinuxand everything is working fine
04:59.30sweniI presume your Asterisk system is behind a NAT?
05:01.53sweniturbobee - it is great to set up one small asterisk system with all your own dialplan, just for education - it will help you understand how you can extend FreePBX.
05:14.54emsLinuxsweni it is, i already reconfigure the nat options using FreePBX, everything work ok, but the problem with GV persist
05:17.26sweniemsLinux - try the Sip debug - I am not sure if I gave you the correct peer name - you can also "sip set debug ip x.x.x.x" with the GV ip address if you know it.
05:21.08emsLinuxill try
05:23.52MDesadehello all
05:24.20MDesadei could use some help with dahdi, if anyone here knows about the digium TDM410 cards?
05:28.59*** part/#asterisk emsLinux (~dave@
05:34.17*** join/#asterisk Wiretap7 (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
05:38.40MDesadedun dun dun!! ok, after reading my Dmesg | less, there is a blurb about "wcopenpci [00] Firmware revision 0 not supported by this driver contact voicetronix to have it updated...  has ANYBODY here ever flashed their TMD410 cards??? or do i have to contact digium, and get exchanged?
05:51.29MDesadereading digium's site, says the EOL'd the TDM400's and will exchange them for 410P's... guess ill be calling them monday morning?... good to know?
05:59.35MDesadehere is my Dmesg output at boot, regarding my firmware on my TDM cards
06:12.03*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:15.48*** join/#asterisk coppice (~chatzilla@
06:59.56*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (~moi@
07:17.22*** join/#asterisk g00gle (
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07:34.15*** join/#asterisk DND (
07:34.17DNDhi guys
07:34.38DNDanyone here has worked with cisco 2901 as the isdn modem?
07:35.37DNDwe are having problems making outgoing calls using this. we tried the asterisk machine on another office but with a different isdn modem (elcon is the brand) and its working
07:41.37WIMPys/modem/gateway/ ?
07:52.00*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
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08:45.19*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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09:14.25*** join/#asterisk mzb_ (
09:15.13Harakenmzb, something in the svn release of asterisk doesn't agree with mwi
09:15.42Harakeninstalled stable release and i now have an indicator light :D
09:18.35WIMPyI haven't really looked, but I don;t seem to see old messages any more.
09:23.23*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
09:23.50*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
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10:51.54*** part/#asterisk lupestro (
11:09.44ujjainHi, I can perfectly use X-liet with Astesrisk, but PAP2T stopped working since last week, I am not sure what changed
11:09.54ujjainPAP2T -> CRegistration state: Can't connect to login server
11:10.16ujjainThe Asterisk-server logs registrations for X-Lite, but PAP2T does not seem to reach it, but Hook state is On.
11:45.30*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
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12:36.28*** join/#asterisk felipe_ (~felipe@unaffiliated/felipe)
13:07.30*** join/#asterisk scalex000 (~chatzilla@
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13:17.24scalex000good morning I need a good app_swift to installl my Asterisk
13:23.54scalex000forget it
13:47.42*** join/#asterisk emsLinux (~dave@
13:49.28*** join/#asterisk drcode (
13:49.31drcodehi all
13:49.44drcodeany one know diastar by dialogic?
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14:38.24DNDhi guys, anyone knows why the number is ringing but asterisk is not logging it?
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14:51.27wdoekes2DND: logger.conf?
14:53.47DNDlet me check
15:03.34*** part/#asterisk emsLinux (~dave@
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15:18.03*** join/#asterisk sip123 (~sip123@
15:38.36*** join/#asterisk scalex000 (~chatzilla@
15:39.43scalex000leifmadsen, do you know another swift work with asterisk because the darren have errror when I compile
15:51.54scalex000hello, I need help with this
16:02.27*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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16:57.29*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
16:59.01irrootis glad to be back in civilization .... did have good time in bush ...
16:59.21Kobazi like bushes
16:59.23WIMPyprefers good time without bush.
17:00.38irrootwas in ancient volcano now game reserve ... did not feed the kids to the lions was tempted ...
17:03.01Kobazi was in west virginia doing some climbing over the weekend
17:03.28irrootkobaz that is epic
17:03.47irrootnice view
17:03.59Kobazthat's not me, but that's where we were
17:04.24Kobazit's cool that the cliff starts high above the valley, so you just go up maybe like 50 feet and get a nice view
17:05.50carraryeah I'm in seattle
17:06.01carrarbtw thats not me, but somewhere close too me
17:07.14Kobazcarrar: were you on the ground?
17:07.25irrootcarrar apparently newton was not 100% right its not the fall that kills but the bounce ... need to grab the grass and hold on tight so not to bounce ...
17:08.46scalex000i get this after i upgrade
17:09.53Kobazthat's the actual me
17:09.56Kobaznice butt-shot
17:10.10carrarKobaz, somewhere in the same state :)
17:10.12irrootscalex000 need to bt the core
17:10.23Kobazno, same formation as that guy in the picture
17:11.01KobazI don't carry around a camera crew with me that can get the ariel shots
17:11.03irrootscalex000 gdb
17:11.06*** join/#asterisk danboid (
17:13.12danboidWhat do people recommend for diagnosing SIP connection problems?
17:13.20Kobazsip debug
17:13.26Kobazand wireshark
17:13.35*** join/#asterisk digiv_ (~mlhess@
17:13.38irroot scalex000
17:14.18scalex000irroot, im unable to conect
17:14.36irrootthere should be a core file ??
17:14.49danboidKobaz, OK - just looking into SIP debug now. More granny-proof and windows friendly the better here
17:15.06Kobazsip debugging is not friendly
17:16.20danboidDoes mumble work peer-to-peer or use a technique that means it 'just works' in most cases ala Skype allegedly does?
17:17.12irrootit would be mean to point danboid to the RFC ...
17:17.21danboidif not, what am I looking for in my quest for a skype and audio conferencing app that is non-network admin friendly
17:17.44danboidie friendly to people who can't use wireshark and pals
17:17.54danboiddoes it exist yet?
17:18.33irrootskype have done a nasty recently and stoped asterisk support
17:18.46irrootthere still alternatives
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17:31.16scalex000irroot im so dumb
17:31.28irrootdont admit it here :P
17:32.54SunTsuif you are people will find out anyway :>
17:34.30scalex000i can start my asterik
17:34.40scalex000because safe_asterisk have error
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19:00.02mha_install asterisk in fedora, but cannot see it in KDE gui, any additional package for gui?
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19:05.19WIMPyWhat do you expect to see there?
19:12.57mha_WIMPy: question to me?
19:16.00ChannelZThere is no GUI
19:16.42ChannelZat least not in the traditional sense.  You could get FreePBX to run on top of Asterisk but even that is a web-based thing and personally I think it's kind of a mess
19:20.34jkroonChannelZ, kind of?
19:20.46jkroonyou're being very polite.
19:21.02*** join/#asterisk scalex000 (~chatzilla@
19:22.47scalex000i need help
19:22.56scalex000my asterisk not start
19:23.00scalex000I get error
19:23.54SunTsuscalex000: and you expect us to guess what error and how to fix it? ;)
19:24.01ChannelZjkroon: Well I'm trying to improve my attitude :)
19:24.14scalex000not fix it
19:24.26scalex000but I can find any help in forums
19:24.35SunTsuscalex000: well, best start would be putting the error message onto pastebin and show us
19:24.37scalex000I install again
19:24.42scalex000but its the same
19:24.55scalex000but is nobody answer why in eed to do
19:26.11SunTsuscalex000: it's your problem, you need to give enough information so people can make themsalves a picture and decide that they want to help you and in fact are able to
19:26.41SunTsuIf you don't put work into describing your error nobody will put work into helping you
19:26.47scalex000did you see the paste bin
19:27.10scalex000suntsu, I install the last version of asterisk
19:27.24SunTsuyeah, now. You might have gotten somebody to react if you had it done right from the start
19:27.55scalex000suntsu, I have this version working good
19:28.01SunTsuscalex000: well, segfault can be lots of different things. do you have gdb installed?
19:28.15scalex000suntsu, I decide to install the last one because i can install the swift application
19:28.30scalex000suntsu, yeah
19:28.54scalex000suntsu, this automatic service start I not create by my self
19:29.57SunTsuscalex000: then look for the core. should be asterisk.core, and run gdb asterisk <path to core>/asterisk.core, enter "bt" in gdb and pastebin that
19:30.27SunTsuwith you substituting <path to core> with the actual path, of course and "bt" without the wuotation marks
19:30.43SunTsuquotation even
19:32.33scalex000suntsu, Im noob
19:32.47scalex000maybe I dont know where is the path
19:32.49jkroonChannelZ, i hear you.  but with at least two potential new clients per week asking me to support their "asterisk" (aka freepbx install) I tend to get rather ... uhrm, well, negative about it.  so the official company policy is now "is it freepbx based?", "no, sorry, we will happily re-install ast for you from scratch but we won't take over your freepbx", "but it's asterisk", "no sir, sorry, we used to use freepbx but no longer" (imho it's
19:32.58SunTsuscalex000: if you don't understand something in specific ask about it
19:33.30scalex000suntsu, core
19:33.41scalex000suntsu, where i get the path
19:34.01scalex000suntsu, its not asterisk -rx "show core"
19:34.07SunTsuscalex000: use find, like find / -name asterisk.core
19:34.43jkroonthat could take a while ...
19:35.11SunTsua core (dump) is what certain errors yield, it's a memory dump of the program at the point of the error
19:35.56SunTsuit's written to a file and gdb can use it to do a bt, a backtrace, which should show in what chain of function calls the program was
19:36.23scalex000suntsu, not found nothing
19:36.41jkroonooh crap.  i just realized my one ast install is popping in (something called from ast_bridge_call)
19:37.50SunTsuscalex000: damn, the name depends, is asterisk a symbolic link to a differently named binary, like asterisk-1.6.andsoon
19:38.44SunTsumaybe the file is just calles core. you could do find / -name asterisk\*.core -o -name core
19:38.50SunTsucalled even
19:39.24SunTsuthat should find all files simply calles core or beginning with asterisk and ending in .core
19:40.10scalex000suntsu, ok, i dont put .core etc
19:40.56SunTsuscalex000: er, sorry, what?
19:41.05scalex000suntsu, hold on
19:41.38SunTsuunfortunately I must be going now, but somebody else sure can help
19:41.50scalex000suntsu, i get a lot of asterisk
19:42.15SunTsuscalex000: that's why I wrote "asterisk\*.core"
19:42.43scalex000suntsu, with core not found nothing
19:42.51scalex000I remove .core
19:45.42SunTsuthen your ulimit probably does not allow cores. do ulimit -c $((8096*1024)) and try again
19:45.59SunTsurun ulimit on itself and look what it says about corefiles
19:46.16SunTsuanyway, must be going, cu later
19:51.40jkroonanybody with ast development experience here?
19:52.48jkrooni've got a segfault on line 189 of chan_local.c, which references a write_info variable, and this segfaults, so either write_info is NULL, or the write_fn field is incorrectly populated.
19:53.53jkroonok, the fact that write_info is dereferenced earlier in the function it has to be the latter.
19:54.01scalex000suntsu, unlimited
20:06.42jkroonhmm, could a gcc-bug be causing my issues?  if I do a print write_chan->write_fn on the core it actually tells me cannot access memory at 0x8, however the frame indicates that the "data" parameter does have a value.  which means that 0x8 is not even in the memory structure, when trying to print the raw value of write_info it tells me the value is optimized out ?!?
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20:18.41jkroonor not ... chan_local is getting something passed to local_setoption that is def not a write_info structure.
20:19.14jkrooncontains the raw string "IAX2", which probably indicates that there is some problem with bridging local and iax2 channels under some circumstances.
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20:35.45jc319silence... what's happening
20:39.14scalex000in this version how to reload all module
20:48.17olinuxany ideas why call connects but i have no audio
20:48.33olinuxwhen dialing in i do hear main ivr greeting
20:50.12*** join/#asterisk emsLinux (~dave@
20:53.51emsLinuxHello, there's someone who can help me with a Google Voice issue in my Asterisk Server, I think the problem is with the [googlein] context in extensions_custom.conf, are the configuration files related to the service and the problem explanaition
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21:09.49*** join/#asterisk WiretapMac (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
21:18.27scalex000who have used swift for text to speech
21:18.38scalex000I would like to know how to choose the voice I want
21:20.13jkroonolinux, dead phone?  wrong routing?  could be any of a few things.
21:20.19jkroonwatch the CLI carefully.
21:20.40jkroonscalex000, swift vs festival ?
21:21.05scalex000jkroon, no
21:21.15jkroonhave you used both?
21:21.21scalex000jkroon, nop
21:21.52scalex000jkroon, I've installed swift
21:21.54jkroonkk, just wondering about performance and ease of use :)
21:22.18scalex000jkroon, no, I want know how I can choose which voice in dialplan
21:22.26olinuxthanks jkroon, i have switchvox system so interface is limitted, seems to affect all phones
21:22.48scalex000jkroon, on voip.og show this syntax swift([voice],text)
21:23.08jkroonscalex000, there you go then :)
21:23.13scalex000jkroon, but the app I've installed do not have
21:23.26jkroonolinux, tell it to not redirect audo to go direct and check again.
21:24.39olinuxthanks jkroon will try to find that :)
21:25.09jkroonolinux, let's ask it this way - does internal calls work?
21:25.13emsLinuxjkroon i don't think is something about routing, the CLI shows me nothing but "exited non-zero on 'Gtalk/+17607058888-9ff2'", everything seems to be ok, i dont know what to do, everything is working fine except incoming calls from Google Voice
21:25.20emsLinuxyes, they are
21:25.23olinuxjkroon, no
21:25.37olinuxthey connect but no audio on either end
21:26.01jkroonolinux, and switchvox doesn't give you access to the CLI either :p
21:26.17olinuxit's actually here in version 5
21:26.34jkroonemsLinux, up the verbosity and debug levels and check again?
21:26.35olinuxbut the "Start Debugging Session" dont seemt o work
21:28.04scalex000jkroon, this syntax not exist
21:28.24scalex000jkroon, I can only use default voice
21:28.34jkroonscalex000, do you have additional voices installed?
21:28.46scalex000jkroon, yes
21:29.08jkrooncan't help you then, switch(voicename,test here) should then work.
21:29.45*** part/#asterisk emsLinux (~dave@
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21:34.54networkuserin 1.8 I for blind transfer only I can press one digit !!??
21:35.18p3nguinCan you please repeat that in English?
21:36.55moniker326hello everyone. Installed asterisk/freepbx in debian and when I bring up the browser localhost/admin I just get the directories page no GUI
21:36.58moniker326what am I missing?
21:44.43DNDen moniker326 ty installing php
21:45.35moniker326it says it's install
21:46.06DNDthen in httpd.conf/ add the php module
21:47.08DNDalso this: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
21:47.08DNDAddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
21:48.08DNDadd also in DirectoryIndex .php
21:48.41DNDthen restart apache
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21:49.29moniker326just a min
21:50.41moniker326I'm using apache2
21:50.45moniker326change it any?
21:51.35moniker326or should it be httpd installed instead?
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21:53.58moniker326in otherwords there's nothing in httpd.conf to add php module
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22:26.24Wiretap7moniker326, I think DND is barking up the wrong tree
22:26.50Wiretap7moniker326, however, if you're getting a directory listing, is index.php anywhere to be seen?
22:27.08moniker326like where?
22:27.16Wiretap7in the listing
22:27.32moniker326listing of directories?
22:27.37Wiretap7oh ffs
22:27.49Wiretap7IS INDEX.PHP THERE?
22:28.04moniker326just index.html
22:28.10Wiretap7click that
22:28.17moniker326I did
22:28.23moniker326just come up it works
22:28.23Wiretap7and what is on it?
22:28.29Wiretap7in that case
22:28.36Wiretap7you have fucked up your apache config royally
22:28.43Wiretap7go back to square one and start again :)
22:29.07moniker326used freedoh :(
22:29.13moniker326for debian
22:29.24Wiretap7in that case... try localhost/freepbx/ I think it is
22:29.29Wiretap7also, this isn't #freepbx
22:29.42moniker326can't find it today......
22:29.57Wiretap7you're pretty hopeless at supplying the information people need to help you troubleshoot
22:31.47moniker326yeah well I've tried a few tutorials online to try to install this on debian and each one is pretty lacking in information after initial script install
22:31.57moniker326all act like it 'should work' as is
22:32.05moniker326not talking about bugs
22:32.30moniker326guess I'll go to the preinstall centos.....
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23:03.51jc319moniker326 just a suggestion -  start with asterisk (no GUI) once you have the basics working, build on that (extended config or GUI whatever you wish).
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23:08.30Wiretap7jc319, that doesn't really work
23:08.37Wiretap7you can't make a GUI work with your existing config
23:10.34jc319Too bad for people who need GUI. What GUI are you using, if any?
23:11.52Wiretap7I've been deploying FreePBX just because its easy to maintain
23:12.13Wiretap7I apply a lot of customisations to support the Cisco phones I use
23:12.31Wiretap7at some point I should probably start writing my asterisk configs from scratch
23:14.02*** join/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
23:14.45jc319What kind of customizations do you use?
23:21.29Wiretap7just a bunch of extra dialplan to support the features on the cisco phones
23:22.50jc319I have Cisco phones but I think I can't use the extra features because I don't have SCCP, I just use SIP now - with a plan to use IAX at some point once I sort out my dial plan and fix my SIP issues
23:23.12jc319Can I have an example config from you to see what's possible and what am I missing?
23:27.47Harakenjc319, hey man
23:27.59jkroonWiretap7, come again?  freepbx easy to maintain?  wtf am I missing?!?
23:28.01Harakenjc319, I used a different distro and got my voicemail light to work :)
23:29.03Harakenany of you guys using cisco phones know any project that assists with setting up a services url?
23:30.05jc319Haraken: Fantastic news
23:30.36Harakenit's nice having a voice mail light xD
23:31.04HarakenI've pretty much completed all of my initial goals for setting up a voip system in my house... now I am just going at it to see what else I can do
23:32.09jc319This is one detailed page about XML features of 7960s
23:34.28HarakenI found a neat project called asteristickies but it looks like it hasn't been updated in a couple years and the latest version doesn't seem to install properly... shame too because the youtube video I saw of it was pretty neat
23:37.03jc319Is there a particular reason that you want to reflect some data into that tiny screen? There's some potential to develop cool stuff there but I can't concentrate on it due to the fact that I have 2 huge screens 10 inches away from that monochrome screen. If you have a good reason I might be interested
23:38.08HarakenI mainly just want to put a list of feature codes in there, that's about it
23:38.34Harakenbut while searching for how to do that I found asteristickies which seemed like it would be fun to implement
23:38.57Harakenonly other thing I want to do beyond that is make some ring tones :)
23:39.12Harakenor find some
23:39.18Harakenseems mine only has two ringtones at the moment xD
23:49.02jc319  and you can make your own tunes using this
23:50.44*** join/#asterisk sarthor (~sarthor@unaffiliated/sarthor)
23:53.33sarthorHi, I did install asterisk on my ubuntu-server 11.04 with apt-get install asterisk, and installed successfully, now i can not browse from client pc, as i am doing, i defined same ip and port in /etc/asterisk/http.conf file, Any help please,
23:55.59ChannelZasterisk has no GUI
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23:56.53sarthorChannelZ, but can we not browse asterisk as a webpage?
23:57.05ChannelZnot by default
23:57.30ChannelZThere are 3rd party things like FreePBX if you really want such things
23:58.50sarthorHmm. i actually want to learn how to configure/run asterisk server, and i have ubuntu server 11.04 installed, So i am compell to install on that machine.
23:59.56sarthorChannelZ, I removed that asterisk, that was 1.6 version, Can you please look here, , is it good to follow?

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