IRC log for #asterisk on 20110617

00:00.23DrDigital1.14. uhhh
00:01.40DrDigitalAsterisk built by root @ on a i686 running Linux on 2009-08-24 23:16:22 UTC
00:03.16WIMPyOk, so if it's due to a forged SIP packet, chances are, it has already been fixed :-)
00:04.38DrDigitalcan i upgrade asterisk easily?
00:04.46DrDigital1 word
00:05.29DrDigitalif i have to
00:05.40WIMPyBut maybe you can pinpoint the source with tcpdump.
00:05.54DrDigitali can start over, the biggest thing was my guy had a bitch of a time getting the hardware timer to work
00:06.08WIMPyOr find out what it actually is, you're receiving. But that's for the SIP experts.
00:07.30DrDigitali just see comcast and
00:08.31DrDigitalcvomcast is both companies isp's
00:08.43DrDigitalincluding the server
00:08.43DrDigitaland im assuming is
00:09.17DrDigital17:06:49.206769 IP > UDP, length 172
00:12.08*** join/#asterisk Gugge (~gugge@
00:17.52*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
00:24.22jc319exten => _07[5-9]XXXXXXX.,n,GotoIf(${OutPeer}=${INVALID_OUTPEER}?cant-call:);; if OutPeer variable is set to INVALID_OUTPEER, Hangup() by going to 'cant-call' label - otherwise just continue with the next priority
00:25.40jc319This does not compare as I intend. How can I compare if a variable (string text) is exactly what I expect?
00:26.36jc319Basically, if ${OutPeer} is set to "INVALID_OUTPEER" I want to jump to Hangup() otherwise continue with the next priority
00:27.48WiretapWork_jc319, you want gotoiff
00:27.49WIMPystrip the ${} from the literal string. It's only for variables.
00:28.12WIMPyAnd maybe you want to use contexts insted?
00:28.13WiretapWork_oh, I see you found it
00:29.13WIMPygoes to sleep
00:29.44DrDigitalWIMPy, i changed the ip
00:29.44DrDigitaland the load went away
00:29.58jc319I don't know what I want, p3nguin helped me with this code, it works with OutPeer which is defined in every peer definition and routes outbound calls using correct ITSP sub-account (mandatory for pre-paid credits & CDR). everything 'works' so far, I am trying to improve it now so that I don't need to calll 00<country code> all the time
00:29.59*** join/#asterisk Cesare (
00:33.52jc319WiretapWork_: OK I removed the ${}, so it's now:   exten => _07[5-9]XXXXXXX.,n,GotoIf(${OutPeer}=INVALID_OUTPEER?cant-call:);; if OutPeer variable is set to INVALID_OUTPEER, Hangup() by going to 'cant-call' label - otherwise just continue with the next priority
00:34.04jc319it still kills all calls
00:34.28WiretapWork_it should execute the gotoif
00:34.34WiretapWork_however it shouldn't evaluate to true
00:49.34DrDigitallook at this load!
00:49.35DrDigital2815 asterisk  15   0  142m 104m 8600 S  1.0  5.2  31:14.53 asterisk
00:49.51DrDigitallike usually is
00:50.04DrDigitalnow .7
00:50.44DrDigitalI would really like to know what was causing it
00:50.55DrDigitalguess if it makes it to the 24th it wont matter much
00:52.38jc319WiretapWork_: Fixed it thanks. It was about [] and this worked:
00:52.39jc319exten => _07[5-9]XXXXXXXX,n,GotoIf($[${OutPeer}=INVALID_OUTPEER]?cant-call:go-ahead-dial);; if OutPeer variable is set to INVALID_OUTPEER, Hangup() by going to 'cant-call' label - otherwise go-ahead-and-dial
00:52.39jc319exten => _07[5-9]XXXXXXXX,n(go-ahead-and-dial),Dial(SIP/${OutPeer}/0044${EXTEN:1}));
00:52.39jc319exten => _07[5-9]XXXXXXXX,n(cant-call),Hangup();
00:54.36*** part/#asterisk Cesare (
00:55.03DrDigitalelastix shows 46.41% used of 2,657.91 MHz however
00:55.26WiretapWork_ignore that
00:55.37WiretapWork_any cpu counter that tries to measure in mhz should be hit
00:56.30DrDigitaland people ask why i want to ditch elastix
00:56.31DrDigitali dont want to because im familure with it
00:56.58DrDigitali dont WANT to learn something new
00:57.22WiretapWork_DrDigital, the freepbx netinstall distro will play nice for you, and is ast 1.8
00:57.31WiretapWork_I've just deployed one here
00:57.32DrDigitalbut i want something more reliable and easier to update
00:57.42WiretapWork_and it will let you update :P
00:57.51DrDigitali was gonna play with asterisknow
00:58.02WiretapWork_asterisknow is a bit older I think
00:58.18DrDigitalI really wished i could have like a virtual systems
00:58.30DrDigitalso each company has there own area
00:58.41WiretapWork_you'll want to look at BlueBox for that
00:58.44WiretapWork_its FreeSwitch based
00:58.56WiretapWork_I didn't think it was mature enough for real use though
00:59.11DrDigitalyeah thats what everyone says
00:59.19DrDigitalnothing for what i want exsist
00:59.28DrDigitalthat i may as well put 1 new system up for each company
00:59.40DrDigitalthen one gets effected they all dont
00:59.54DrDigitallike the cms, vTiger
00:59.57WiretapWork_DrDigital, atom based machines
01:00.01DrDigitalit isnt made to run multiple companies
01:00.20DrDigitalin elastix at least
01:00.27DrDigitali made a slight hack
01:00.27DrDigitali made it have a pop up list
01:00.43WiretapWork_elastix is just freepbx + asterisk + a few little custom bits
01:00.45DrDigitalyou selected the company from the pop up list which just changed databases
01:00.45DrDigitalwhy couldnt elastix or whatever do this
01:00.50DrDigitalmake multiple tables/databases
01:00.56DrDigitaland let you change companies names
01:01.50DrDigitalwehen you access it have a pop up list ORRR because pbx-1 is M&S and pbx-2 the sub domain tells the php script which database we are using today
01:02.09DrDigitalassign a number to each company
01:02.17WiretapWork_because its not designed for multitennant?
01:02.55DrDigitalit wouldnt be hard to make them do it
01:02.55DrDigitali dont think
01:02.55DrDigitalstore each company in its own database
01:03.36WiretapWork_do it then?
01:03.40DrDigitalhardware timers would be needed for each atom system
01:04.23DrDigitaldont get why you have to have a hardware timer, its just software o nthe hardware no?
01:04.32WiretapWork_I don't use a hardware timer
01:04.40WiretapWork_hardware timers are only needed for conferencing
01:05.02WiretapWork_and even then, if your machine is decent you can usually get away without them
01:05.02DrDigitalbefore adding it
01:05.10DrDigitalwhen we got a lot of calls, the IVR played slow
01:05.23WiretapWork_that's what I mean about nice enough machine
01:05.32WiretapWork_your CPU load was too high for the timer to tick reliably
01:05.41DrDigital2.66ghz p4 2gb ram
01:05.48*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
01:05.48DrDigitaladding the hardware timer fixed it
01:06.10WiretapWork_2.66 P4 counts as 'not great'
01:06.59DrDigitali thought it was pretty good for the usage we have, not like we got a thousand calls at once,  i normal every day use the peak would be like 14
01:07.19DrDigitaltoday was 8 calls
01:07.37DrDigitalmost are below 5 calls
01:08.07DrDigitalis there a better way to see in the gui other then the graphic chart
01:08.12DrDigitallike actual numbers area
01:08.40DrDigitalso you think an atom processor is better then the 2.66ghz p4?
01:09.10DrDigitali wished you could buy a case and mount several motherboards into the case with atoms
01:10.54WiretapWork_you can, some special cases exist IIRC
01:12.40DrDigitalor buy 4 of those?
01:14.44DrDigitalim not seeing atom motherboards/processors
01:14.45WiretapWork_I do like mini-itx machines for PBXs
01:14.55DrDigitali got a lot of space here
01:15.00DrDigitaland a rack
01:15.01WiretapWork_atom motherboards are all mini-itx and generally the processors are soldered on
01:15.11DrDigitali know
01:15.20WiretapWork_3 or 4 IBM x336 do ya
01:15.27DrDigitali figured it be listed in with the motherboards
01:15.43DrDigitalfinally found one
01:15.54WiretapWork_336 are dual xeon, x64, handle up to 8GB of ram
01:16.13WiretapWork_if you'd mentioned you had a rack, I'd have never specced atoms :P
01:16.21WiretapWork_theyre really more for the space concious
01:16.45DrDigitali could put several 1u systems up
01:16.59DrDigitalmore or a price deal
01:17.12WiretapWork_I would go with a bunch of 1Us personally
01:17.19DrDigitalwould need to try to keep cost below 400 or so
01:17.25DrDigitalper system
01:17.30WiretapWork_what, are x336 expensive the?
01:17.49DrDigitaldont really need a hard drive
01:17.49DrDigitaldont even know what x335
01:17.53WiretapWork_theyre about NZ$300 each for a decent spec
01:17.56WiretapWork_335 = old
01:17.59WiretapWork_336 = newer
01:18.56*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~unknown@
01:19.01WiretapWork_available with both SAS/SATA and 3.5" SCA
01:19.40DrDigitalokay... how much new?
01:19.47WiretapWork_no longer available new
01:19.55DrDigitalx336 ?
01:19.56WiretapWork_a new 1U box of any sort will set you back at least 2K
01:20.06WiretapWork_the x336 was discontinued in 2008
01:20.20WiretapWork_doesn't make it a crap box for the job
01:20.40DrDigitali see
01:20.49DrDigitali do have 2 1u's i dont even use
01:20.53DrDigitalthey got some xeon processor
01:21.07WiretapWork_make sure theyre 800MHz FSB xeons or better
01:21.10WiretapWork_or you can forget about them
01:21.12DrDigitalone works fully, the other i dont have ram or a IDE hd for it
01:21.19WiretapWork_... okay
01:21.25WiretapWork_if it uses IDE HDDs, forget about it
01:21.37WiretapWork_IDE was only provided in very-low-end machines
01:22.46DrDigitali wonder how many of these this guy has
01:22.58DrDigitalthese are a few years old
01:23.11WiretapWork_new enough to be 64bit, and have SATA support though :)
01:23.23WiretapWork_trust me, people down here would kill to be able to get the SAS/SATA ones
01:23.26WiretapWork_we only get the SCA ones
01:23.32*** join/#asterisk MDesade (
01:23.38DrDigitalim checking his store
01:23.39MDesadehello all
01:40.29MDesadei could use some help figuring out why after a new install on kubuntu 11.04-64bit: ./etc/init.d/asterisk start fails
01:41.15MDesadespecifically after installing then after asterisk, and the dahdi driver is correct
01:42.06WiretapWork_MDesade, did you compile asterisk for that arch?
01:46.59MDesadei used the apt-get install
01:47.10MDesadeasterisk sox curl
01:47.26MDesadeso, no, i did not compile from source
01:48.03MDesadethe pastebin link i posted is what i see when i execute "./asterisk debug -v
01:48.48DrDigitalwhat sucks about macs
01:48.48DrDigitalcommand w and command q are to close together
01:48.53DrDigitalone closed the window, the other quits the app
01:49.24DrDigitalall apps should have to confirm before quiting
01:49.34WiretapWork_MDesade, make sure you're only loading one voicemail module
01:50.18MDesadeok, i see that, however i haven't configured anything yet, its a new install of freepbx that is generating that somehow
01:50.50MDesadeprolly from some module
01:51.24MDesadeafter installing freepbx and logging in, i did a "refresh modules" and "download all" for the updates or add-ons
01:51.30*** join/#asterisk alex5771_ (
01:52.58MDesadeim not a total asterisk newb, ive been running trixbox for a few years, but this is the first time i have installed asterisk, then freepbx as packages, instead of some jumpstart type install (trixbox)
01:53.48WiretapWork_MDesade, make sure you're only loading one voicemail module'
01:53.52WiretapWork_make good and properly sure
01:54.15MDesadeok, lemme take a look at that section
02:01.18MDesadeWiretapWork_ ok, i was looking through the freepbx modules, and unloaded 1 that pertained to "voicemail blasting" still no change
02:01.31WiretapWork_MDesade, freepbx modules are NOT what I was talking about
02:01.40WiretapWork_I was talking about asterisk modules, as this is #asterisk
02:01.56MDesadewhere can i find the .conf file, that asterisk is reading to load multiple Voicemail module
02:15.54MDesadeWiretapWork i understand that this is not Freepbx chat, however freepbx is running and asterisk is not as it fails on startup, and i was asking why that is
02:16.38MDesadeso, where is the conf file that asterisk is reading, that loads those 5 voicemail modules, so i can look at it using VI
02:17.42WiretapWork_MDesade, I know, and I'm telling you to remove the excess modules from /var/lib/asterisk/modules
02:17.52WiretapWork_the conf file is /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
02:18.12WiretapWork_but you won't have any specifics in there
02:18.27MDesadehere is the complete verbose output:
02:18.57MDesadeok, i will look at that
02:19.45WiretapWork_there is voicemail with imap, voicemail with odbc and voicemail with file storage
02:19.50WiretapWork_you probably only want the last one
02:20.21MDesadeyeah, i "think" this is a problem with the odbc module
02:20.48WiretapWork_remove it
02:20.52WiretapWork_and the imap one
02:20.55MDesadeok, under /var/lib/asterisk there is no file or sub-dir for "modules
02:20.56WiretapWork_since you likely want neither
02:21.05WiretapWork_try /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
02:22.44MDesadeunder /usr/lib/asterisk/modules, there is several hundred .SO files, no confs
02:23.26WiretapWork_nope, no confs in there
02:23.31WiretapWork_the .so files are the modules
02:23.38WiretapWork_pastebin an ls
02:24.01MDesadethe LS output?
02:24.04WiretapWork_do 'ls /usr/lib/asterisk/modules'
02:27.30*** join/#asterisk allan8904 (~allan@unaffiliated/allan8904)
02:27.47WiretapWork_MDesade, remove/move away and
02:27.51*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
02:28.21WiretapWork_if you compile asterisk
02:28.25WiretapWork_you only get one of those three
02:28.34WiretapWork_if you yum install, or apt-get install, you get all three
02:28.36WiretapWork_very annoying
02:29.56MDesadeok, done
02:30.01MDesaderestart asterisk?
02:30.03WiretapWork_now try
02:30.19MDesadehaot damn
02:30.27MDesadeer, hot damn, she flies now
02:30.36MDesadei knew it was something stupid
02:30.51WiretapWork_not your fault
02:30.54MDesadehehe, cause its a new install, i haven't messed anything up by hand (yet)
02:30.57WiretapWork_smack up your distro maintainer
02:31.11WiretapWork_it had me stuck for freakin hours until I worked it out
02:32.30MDesadeyeah, i asked some of the freepbx people the same question, and i got no answers... like i said, i installed asterisk, then freepbx, and hadn't configured anything beyond dahdi for my hardware
02:32.58MDesadewhich was reporting it was happy, sees my channels, my hardware... so? wtf would ./asterisk reload?
02:33.07MDesadeanyway? thank you very much for the help!
02:33.27WiretapWork_no problem
02:33.39MDesadenow i gotta figure out where the FOP went, which IS a freepbx question
02:33.52MDesadevery much appreciate the hlep
02:33.54MDesadeer, help
02:34.44WiretapWork_MDesade, amportal start_fop
02:36.21MDesadewhere is that? /etc/init.d?
02:37.13WiretapWork_in the path
02:37.16WiretapWork_part of freepbx
02:39.19MDesadei looked under my source, not there... i think i have to DL it separately? it doesnt come with freepbx?
02:39.30*** join/#asterisk thedavidfactor (
02:40.26MDesadei know the FOP is flaky, it was under trixbox also
02:41.25thedavidfactoranyone using chan_gtalk with asterisk 1.8.x? I'm trying to get it working having some issues
02:43.52*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
02:51.43*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
02:52.37*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (
02:54.35*** join/#asterisk emsLinux (~dave@
02:55.30MDesadehrmmm, installing FOP is not part of the freepbx install?
02:56.47emsLinuxNight people, i got an issue with the hold option for call, everytime i try to use the hold option, the music sounds but can't get back to the call, if i press hold again the call hangs up, does anyone have an idea what is going on, cant find any info about it.
02:56.55WiretapWork_MDesade, should be
02:58.06russellbthedavidfactor: i think google keeps changing the protocol ...
02:58.55russellbFreePBX and FOP are separate projects
03:06.57thedavidfactorrussellb, you're up too late ;-) and I think I haven't gotten far enough to have protocol issues, I think I'm still missing some basic config stuff. I found a couple of guides online, but was hoping to talk to someone that had done it
03:14.29emsLinuxcan anyone help me with my notworking hold?
03:16.18WiretapWork_emsLinux, your level of supplied information is insufficient
03:22.43*** join/#asterisk radic (
03:26.22*** join/#asterisk lovetide (~lovetide@
03:33.48thedavidfactornight all
03:34.36*** join/#asterisk allan8904 (~allan@unaffiliated/allan8904)
03:39.00cjI'm having some problems with
03:39.15cjwhen I reload it, I don't see the rsa keys being loaded
03:39.40cjthere's nothing in the asterisk/messages log, either
03:48.09emsLinuxWiretapWork_ I know it is insufficient, but i have not idea what is happening, i dont even get an error from CLI, everytime i use the hold option can't go back to the call, it just hangup
03:49.59cj$ dpkg -l asterisk-1.8 | grep ast
03:50.00cjii  asterisk-1.8                        1:   Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX)
03:50.31WiretapWork_emsLinux, turn on sip debug
03:51.26*** join/#asterisk Maxxed (~Maxxed@
03:58.27cjWiretapWork_: is there a way to turn up the debug for the res_crypto module?
03:58.29emsLinuxWiretapWork_ gonna do it
03:58.48WiretapWork_cj, no idea sorry
03:58.54cjI'm going to dig in to res_crypto.c in that case :)
04:02.34emsLinuxWiretapWork_ sip debug command is not working in the CLI, how can i turn on the Sip Debug?
04:02.53WiretapWork_emsLinux, sip set debug on
04:09.29*** join/#asterisk ketas (
04:15.21emsLinuxHey WiretapWork_, here is the debug output, is quit large, couldn't find a problem yet
04:16.33WiretapWork_emsLinux, what lines does it go on hold and what lines does it try to come off
04:19.09emsLinuxWiretapWork_ line 1480 goes on hold, couldnt find the come off line yet
04:23.31WiretapWork_emsLinux, I thought you were using a 7960 not a PAP2T
04:27.14emsLinuxin fact, i'm using an iPod to call, and my friend is using Twinkle over Ubuntu Linux, the PAP2T is from another user
04:28.54emsLinuxWiretapWork_ you made me think, thats why theres no error, the problem is the iPod App, it work when i use another device...
04:29.33emsLinuxWiretapWork_ I'm so srry i made you waste your time, but thanks for your help, you are very kind
04:29.47WiretapWork_no problemo
04:30.27*** join/#asterisk devdvd (
04:31.45devdvdHi, I can still confirm this bug report at to still be an issue for me in  This is in regards to the DTMF "repeating/getting lost" issues when using SIP and rfc2833.  Thoughts?
04:33.18WiretapWork_devdvd, update your asterisk
04:33.58*** join/#asterisk golikwid|mac (~chrislees@
04:34.09DrDigitali want to update my asterisk
04:34.11*** join/#asterisk drmessano (~nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
04:34.15DrDigitalbreaks elastix
04:34.28DrDigitalyum upgrade asterisk
04:34.35DrDigitalor is it update
04:34.37devdvdWiretapWork_ I have tried it all the way up to the first version of 1.8, still have the issue
04:34.53WiretapWork_devdvd, you're not using 7911s by any chance are you?
04:35.09WiretapWork_ah, cause they have a problem in their SIP firmware that causes that
04:35.13DrDigitalso tomorrow ill have the money to buy at least 1 system
04:35.21DrDigitalor go with a weaker system and get 2
04:35.47DrDigitali could always continue using current server with reformat and reinstall of new system
04:35.59DrDigitalput all the small guys on it
04:36.14devdvdhard phone is a polycon soundpoint 331, i have also had this issue with 3cx phone and x-lite
04:36.38DrDigitalive had nothing but issues with x-lite and zoiper
04:36.56DrDigitalone minute the softphones ring
04:36.58DrDigitalanother they wont
04:37.00WiretapWork_DrDigital, I would really recommend something with at least two cores for even the small guys
04:37.03DrDigitalanother they dont want to register
04:37.20WiretapWork_devdvd, have you forced jitterbuffer on by chance?
04:37.32DrDigitalWiretapWork_,  small guys i mean the 800 toll free numbers that forward to a single cell phone
04:37.34devdvdi thought that was an iax2 thing?
04:37.39DrDigitalno SIP, IAX
04:37.52WiretapWork_oh, right
04:37.59WiretapWork_if you're using IAX you will need hardware timing
04:38.03devdvdim not
04:38.05devdvdsip only
04:38.12WiretapWork_devdvd, was talking to DrDigital
04:38.15devdvdah ok
04:38.19*** join/#asterisk kdmessano (~nonya@unaffiliated/kdmessano)
04:38.24WiretapWork_your issue unfortunately I don't know enough about
04:38.26DrDigitalim not using IAX yet, but id like to
04:38.43DrDigitalas i they say it uses less bandwidth server to server
04:38.50DrDigitalwith the small guys, id just use sip
04:38.57DrDigitalthey onlyt getting 1 call at a time
04:39.16DrDigitalthat usb hardware timer was like $50
04:39.24DrDigitali spent $80 to have it over night shipped
04:39.40DrDigitaland the girl in shipping department took it to fedex after work because they already picked up
04:39.49DrDigitali sent her a box of chocolates and flowers
04:40.18WiretapWork_DrDigital, what type is it?
04:41.19DrDigitalshit, i dont remember
04:41.22DrDigitalit was a year ago?
04:42.20DrDigitalhelp me find some and ill tell you which one
04:43.14DrDigitalor some way to probe it on the server
04:43.50*** join/#asterisk micols (
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04:44.10*** join/#asterisk russellb (~russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
04:44.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
04:44.57WiretapWork_DrDigital, lsusb?
04:45.33*** join/#asterisk digilink (~digilink@unaffiliated/digilink)
04:47.45DrDigitalBus 002 Device 002: ID 10c4:8460 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc.
04:48.39WiretapWork_ah, its a sangoma
04:48.42WiretapWork_no wonder it was a pain
04:48.48WiretapWork_great hardware, but can be a bitch to config
04:49.58DrDigitalthats it
04:50.34DrDigitali knew ztdummy had to do with it
04:50.39DrDigitali remembered that part
04:54.40*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
04:55.02*** join/#asterisk golikwid|mac (~chrislees@
04:57.02DrDigitallook at that top load
04:57.08DrDigitali dont see asterisk at all
04:57.37DrDigitalssh is so fast now too
04:57.49DrDigitaland im only one 22/3mbit at homer
04:57.59tonsofpcsrue_mohr: i figured out a way to test but it's through some poor sounding service.  gonna try to get a phone # approved
04:58.15DrDigitalbefore that was like 3.40 2.80 2.90
04:59.33tonsofpcshow do you get to >2?!??!
04:59.49WiretapWork_tonsofpcs, by being SIPDoSed
05:00.54rue_mohrtonsofpcs, so no need for me to set soemthing up for you on my system then eh? ok
05:01.49*** join/#asterisk liuyan (~lovetide@
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05:06.13DrDigitalwe assumed it was sipdosed, we just know changing the servers ip fixed the load issue
05:06.35tonsofpcsrue_mohr: nope, thanks though :)
05:06.41WiretapWork_changed the IP before you did a sip set debug on :P
05:06.42DrDigitali also updated the dns server
05:06.56WiretapWork_but I can't think of anything else that could do it
05:06.58DrDigitalso if it was, and they attacked via domain they would have the new address
05:07.11WiretapWork_it is unlikely it was attack by domain
05:07.18DrDigitali can change it back
05:07.21WiretapWork_probably your friend who you got in trouble just firing off at your IP
05:07.25DrDigitaleveryone that uses the system is closed now
05:07.33WiretapWork_nah, if it ain't broke don't fix it :P
05:07.54WiretapWork_when you replace all the gear, put the system out as a honeypot box :P
05:08.18DrDigitali use to have a windows system sitting at my spair desk in my office
05:08.23DrDigitali had windows xp on it
05:08.30WiretapWork_you did the old AVTest?
05:08.31DrDigitaland steady state
05:08.54DrDigitali had an old CRT monitor that made a shit load of noise when it powered on
05:09.01DrDigitalpeople would gain access to it
05:09.06DrDigitaland id watch them use the system
05:09.14DrDigitalinstalling scripts
05:09.20DrDigitaldoing this, doing that
05:09.30DrDigitali took one of the programable keys on the keyboard
05:09.38DrDigitalmade it load a graphic
05:09.40DrDigitalFBI logo
05:09.47DrDigitalwith FBI terminal info
05:09.51DrDigitalid hit that button
05:09.52DrDigitalAND BAMB
05:09.55DrDigitalthey dropped
05:10.13WiretapWork_back in 30
05:10.17DrDigitalrebooted and back to normal
05:10.24DrDigitali think its video game time for me
05:10.28DrDigitalStarCraft II
05:10.55DrDigitali was forced to leark asterisk CLI today
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06:39.02Wiretap7DrDigital, ?
06:39.32DrDigitalwhat does COA mean
06:40.33DrDigital  does this need rails?
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06:53.05ChannelZDrDigital: Certificate of Authenticity?
06:59.57DrDigitalso windows
07:00.37DrDigitalits going to be an asterisk system so no biggy
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07:12.08schmidtsgood morning
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07:49.42mandlairroot, goeiemôre, did you get my email/
07:50.15irrootmandla possibly dude was holiday yesterday and im out the office today ill look in a bit
07:50.22irrootyou making some progress i hope
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07:58.09mandlaJust wanted to confirm something, i still cant dial outside.
07:58.27mandlaAnyway um going for tea.
07:58.34mandlaIl be back soon.
07:59.42Ryuho68is there any french peaople ?
08:04.40Ryuho68hum, does anyone can help me with a digium TDM card & trixbox config ? (sorry for my english, i am french)
08:06.10WIMPyThere should be many people familar with Digium cards, but for help with trixbox, you better ask in #trixbox. And generally
08:06.17infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
08:07.38Ryuho68ok WIMPy, i go look on #trixbox thanks
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08:08.23jacc0hi all
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08:13.32Lantiziatzafrir_laptop, don't suppose your about?
08:13.50teathschdid google voice do some weird crap with their signalling? i can't get inbound calls to work right half the time
08:17.13jacc0what about the bugs in the old bugtracking system? do I have to repost them in the new bugtracking system?
08:17.53irrootjacc0 they have been copied and you can get to them still they read only on old system
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08:28.37AdvoWorkim doing sip set debug peer (my peer that im using for registering remotely(sip) from a company we get ddis from), thats showing loads of things like:  but im struggling to work out what the problem could be, any ideas please?
08:29.12AdvoWorktheyre saying they are receiving no packets from us at all, so its not even getting to them, i can ping their ip, i can resolve their name to ip, i can trace that to them
08:32.52showmeis there a possiblity that your isp could be blocking it, or some filter on a firewall?
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08:40.17AdvoWorkshowme, it all goes through us, so it wouldnt be the isp if you get me, but ive opened the ports etc, it did originally work a week ago(but hasnt worked since).
08:40.43AdvoWorkalso, it keeps showing Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to  "no NAT" but ive got nat=yes&yes
08:40.53*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
08:41.37AdvoWorkand also, i do similar with another company, and do sip show registry, and it shows them registered..
08:42.53AdvoWorksip show registry for the one thats failing shows that its request sent, but they dont get it :/
08:52.56kaldemarAdvoWork: sounds much like your issue is not related to asterisk, but networking in general.
08:56.41kaldemarAdvoWork: do you have nat=yes under [general]? external address seems to be configured ok because asterisk picks it to the messages. also, do you have localnet configured?
08:57.30*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
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09:00.12kaldemarAdvoWork: do you see the registration packets going out of the asterisk box? "tcpdump -ni YOUR_INTERFACE_NAME host"
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09:12.43AdvoWorkkaldemar, these are my full settings:
09:12.54AdvoWorkjust going to test that tcpdump
09:14.03AdvoWorkand here are the packets from the dump:
09:14.08AdvoWorkwhat does that mean?
09:16.09kaldemarit means that the packets go out of your machine towards address and port 5060.
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09:17.46kaldemarwhich means that the problem is not in the asterisk box, but somewhere else in the path to
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09:19.29kaldemarAdvoWork: btw. your full settings pastebin makes no sense at all.
09:20.37kaldemarjust a mixed pile of settings with a load of syntax errors.
09:23.23AdvoWorkkaldemar, thats the settings that the give you to use
09:23.51kaldemarwell they are a load of crap.
09:24.02AdvoWorkso does that mean the problem is outside of my box between here and that ip, or could it be outside of asterisk and in my network some how?
09:24.39kaldemaroutside your asterisk box.
09:26.14kaldemarif you're pasting configs, do it properly. don't cut any [context]'s and tell from which file they are from.
09:31.39AdvoWorkkaldemar, thats literally what ive got, ive not removed anything though, they list it on their support page, im using trixbox and have pasted them into the PEER DETAILS, CONTEXT DETAILS etc on the trunk page
09:32.20AdvoWorkany suggestions how i can debug further to work out whats going on?
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09:36.57AdvoWorkor, could it be due to the settings im sending its not working? but as said, it did originally work last week
09:41.09AdvoWorkalso, i have a general purpose machine that everything goes through, so ive done a dump on that listening for the asterisk server which has produced:
09:43.43kaldemarAdvoWork: for further questions on asterisk configuration, go to #trixbox of #freepbx.
09:44.21kaldemarAdvoWork: there was no response messages in the tcpdump you pasted, you have a network problem. not an asterisk problem.
09:45.02*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (~puitpyitr@
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09:46.07kaldemarAdvoWork: define "everything goes through".
09:48.47*** part/#asterisk dandre (
09:50.17AdvoWorkkaldemar, well that machine controls dhcp and dns
09:52.23AdvoWorkyou know you said my settings were incorrect, which ones?  i keep seeing: etransmitting #5 (no NAT) to  but it differs, one time its no NAT, then its NAT etc
10:00.56*** part/#asterisk lovetide (~lovetide@
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10:47.57AdvoWorkargh, going to go insane
10:49.25dymInsanity is never a good choice.
10:50.23WIMPyBut it's funny.
10:53.00AdvoWorki just cant work out what it is, it seems like its out of asterisk, but still on my network, yet i do the same for other companies(registering sip) and they work fine.. this company are saying theyre not seeing any packets, so im struggling to work out what to do next
10:54.36AdvoWorkany ideas why it would be doing this? [Jun 17 11:53:41] WARNING[2048]: chan_sip.c:1950 retrans_pkt: Cancelling retransmit of OPTIONs (call id 124e0f0b2264ec9524c034a3549bdd8e@
10:58.05*** join/#asterisk Rholk (
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11:12.41pabelangerAdvoWork: Enable 'sip set debug on' and see what is happening. You can also go to your gateway and confirm the packets are being passed
11:12.50infobotfrom memory, collectdebug is a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
11:12.57pabelangerAdvoWork: ^pb
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11:25.31AdvoWorkpabelanger, im just trying that now
11:25.41AdvoWorkalso, how come: Retransmitting #2 (NAT) to Retransmitting #3 (no NAT) to    its doing one by Nat, one No nat?
11:25.57AdvoWorkpabelanger, ive got the sip set debug on, struggling to see anything relevant
11:26.02AdvoWorkshall i paste some of the output?
11:26.25pabelangerAdvoWork: yes. follow the steps on the wiki page
11:34.09tzafrir_laptopLantizia, I'm here now
11:36.10Lantiziatzafrir_laptop, I've forgotten the question lol :P thanks for getting back to me though!
11:40.41AdvoWorkpabelanger, ive followed the wiki, here are some logs:
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11:44.15iulhkhi using asterisk 1.6, how to get dtmf ?
11:46.52AdvoWorkpabelanger, the problem is only related to trunk)
11:47.03pabelangerContact: <sip:Unknown@MYEXTERNALIP>
11:47.13pabelangerDid you scrub the pb?
11:47.45pabelangerAdvoWork: ^
11:52.22atheosiulhk - if you're trying to capture DTMF (if I read your question correctly) then:
11:53.34AdvoWorkpabelanger, pb? do you mean Unknown?  the only thing ive changed was MYEXTERNALIP if you get me
11:54.29pabelangerAdvoWork: can you pastebin(pb) an unchanged debug log.  Makes it hard to understand what is going on
11:54.41AdvoWorkok, sec
11:54.53*** join/#asterisk billmania (~bill@
11:55.50AdvoWorkpabelanger, pm'd the link
11:56.39AdvoWorkthats unchanged apart from the userid, a fair few request come from Unknown, but its specified and works for some requests..
11:58.04*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
11:59.05billmaniaI'm using the "leastrecent" strategy and "autopause" with asterisk When an incoming call is offered to the least recently used agent and that agent ignores the call, the call is then offered to the second least recently used agent, but not long enough for the agent to answer. The result is that both agents are then auto-paused.
11:59.26billmaniaHow do I increase the amount of time the call is offered to the second agent?
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12:19.51dandreI am trying to use connectedline function with no success.
12:20.58dandreIt is called in my dialplan and when I issue 'sip show history ...' I don't see any trace of the connectedline.
12:21.20dandreIs there some information on how to use this feature?
12:24.04WIMPyMaybe you should tell us what you try to do and what (doesn't) happen.
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12:31.35dandrein my dialplan, before the Dial(...) I have put Set(CONNECTEDLINE(name)=foo)
12:35.36*** part/#asterisk hc (~hc@pdpc/supporter/active/hc-e)
12:35.54WIMPyHmm. Won't Dial() overwrite that, if it can?
12:36.44dandreso How should I do?
12:38.13WIMPyIf you have the callerID of the destination set, it will happen automatically.
12:40.43dandrethe issue is that I have a shortcut system that define short numbers for frequently used destination numbers. When thos short numbers are dialed, I want to replace on the called device the real party information (name and number)
12:42.14WIMPyIt's taken from the called peers callerID.
12:42.54dandrenot in my test case
12:43.16WIMPyWorked for me out of the box.
12:43.29WIMPyAre you sure, your phone displays such information?
12:43.57WIMPyI don't thin there are that many, yet, that do.
12:45.45dandreI don't know
12:46.00dandreHow can I check that?
12:46.32WIMPyRead the output of sip debug and see if you find soem p-asserted-identity there.
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12:49.21dandreI don't have  p-asserted-identity
12:49.26dandrenor p-asserted
12:53.30WIMPyI guess you have to wait for someone who knows more about that then.
12:57.47Faustovwhat's a decent IT recruitment agency in London, specializing in networks? can anyone recommend anything based on experience?
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13:26.24billmaniaWhich medical or dietary condition shall we discuss this morning? :-D
13:28.48atheosback to soft drinks billmania.  How bad are the sugar free energy drinks? Inquiring minds want to know!
13:29.22billmaniaatheos: I am leery of all of the artificial sweeteners.
13:29.41billmaniaI have stopped using table sugar (sucrose) and militantly avoid high fructose corn syrup.
13:30.02billmaniaI've started baking and sweetening with agave syrup or brown rice syrup or maple syrup or molasses, depending upon the application.
13:30.27atheosI avoided sugar yesterday (based on what I was reading in the channel), and noticed that I felt full on less intake.  that's a good change.
13:32.11billmaniaBe sure to account for (or allow for) the psychosomatic effect of any recent change to your diet.
13:32.56billmaniaI do have an actual asterisk question. I'm still trying to understand the "leastrecent" queue strategy with asterisk
13:33.01billmaniaAnyone have any experience with that?
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14:19.44billmaniaHow do I list the current configuration and parameters for a running module in asterisk
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14:35.33dacquerieshi all does anyone know how to get music on hold mp3s to play in a particular order?
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14:48.48leifmadsendacqueries: sort=alpha and name the files to appear linearly (a.wav, b.wav, etc...)
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15:20.29dacqueriesleifmadsen: do you know how to reload the moh module?
15:24.34jayteewow! if you type help at the CLI it shows you all kinds of cool stuff!!! like moh reload
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15:33.48Kattyputs on a Free To Good Home sign.
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15:39.30breardoi'll take you in
15:39.35breardoBUT.. no pissing on the floor
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15:42.21leifmadsendacqueries: yes I do
15:46.40FaustovKatty: mortgage?
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16:00.40luckman212any polycom dudes in here?
16:01.49luckman212any polycom'ers in here?
16:03.24infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
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16:09.09brianjaritahey all ... when I try to build dahdi I get dahdi-linux- error: ‘SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED’ undeclared here (not in a function)    ... how do I fix that?
16:09.29brianjaritaI'm using kernel 2.6.39
16:16.00*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
16:16.46brianjaritanvm i solved it
16:17.24brianjaritadahdi-linux-  ... change static spinlock_t translock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;   to   static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(translock);
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16:41.06hardwireso bria3 for linux is basically crippled.
16:41.09hardwireI feel kinda ripped off
16:41.42paulchow so?
16:41.43linuxgeckoi just tried to google how to setup call-waiting for a line i have,  and i don't see anything so far..   can someone point me in the right direction?
16:41.46Qwellhardwire: "handicapped" is the P.C. term.
16:41.54Qwellor, "handicapable"
16:41.55hardwirepaulc: missing xmpp support.  Can't select an outbound line.
16:42.10hardwirecompletely stupid audio device selection
16:42.49paulchardwire: xmpp wouldn't bother me much but not being able to select the line/registration to use for an outbound call? That seems kinda dumb..  nothing you can change in configuration etc? (I haven't played with Bria)
16:43.02linuxgeckohardwire:  they have a pay version that doesn't duplicate windows-version capability?
16:43.06*** join/#asterisk gruvfunk (
16:43.15hardwirelinuxgecko: are you being sarcastic?
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16:44.51linuxgeckohardwire:  no. i think it's stupid for a company to release a linux version that's not as capable as the windows version (  which most companys put the greater effort into).   esppecially if you have to pay for it.      free version, i can see it being "acceptible" to leave broken.
16:45.15hardwirelinuxgecko: I'm learning as we speak.. but it appears the windows version shares most of this dumbness
16:45.26hardwireyou select the outbound line using a dialplan.
16:46.30hardwire#2777 would select your second account
16:46.33hardwireand dial 777
16:46.39gruvfunkanyone here in Australia at the moment, willing to run a test call to a Toll Free number for me?
16:46.42linuxgeckohardwire:  that's how I'd do it anyway.    select lines on the server,  or via exten "encoding"   ( dial *x for out on line one, and *y for out on line 2)
16:46.55hardwirelinuxgecko: I'd click on it.
16:47.00hardwireas well as show a status of it.
16:47.41hardwirecause I don't really want to prepend a bunch of #x to contact entries :)
16:47.51hardwireclick on line first.. select contact.. huzzah!
16:48.02linuxgeckoyeah, i hear you
16:48.06hardwireright click on contact.. set line.. huzzah!
16:48.24hardwirewe'll see how it ends up working out
16:48.44citywokg' mornin'
16:49.00linuxgeckoI'm trying to find a way to engineer a project for a friend who runs an office of agents.     but i can't find the call waiting docs for asterisk..   yes,  i know the phone has to support it.
16:49.27citywoklinuxgecko:  you mean call waiting as in a second call being able to come in?
16:49.42citywoklinuxgecko: there are no docs, b/c the phone simply needs to accept a second simultaneous call.
16:50.02linuxgeckocitywok:  yeah..     ...
16:50.43citywokif you have your call-limit set to 1 or whatever in * that would prevent it from sending the call to the phone, but that's about all i can think of in sip land.
16:50.45gruvfunklinuxgecko:  and your voip trunk should have at least 2 channels in order to do call waiting
16:50.59linuxgeckocitywok:  ok,  so as long as the phone supports accepting the second call being Dial()'d to it,   it works automagically??:)
16:51.02*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~justicia@
16:51.11citywoklinuxgecko: that's the idea
16:51.33gruvfunklinuxgecko:  are you using xlite softphone to test?  it has built in capability to take 2 calls
16:52.05linuxgeckocitywok: ...... how do i setup 2 channels for my google-voice? i only have one account.
16:53.28*** join/#asterisk xSmurf (~MrSmurf@unaffiliated/mrsmurf)
16:53.34linuxgeckogruvfunk: I'm using ekiga and sipdroid ATM for my personal phone,  but I'm trying to  set this up as easy and scalable as i can,   for a variable number of agents, also,   using my own line as a guinea pig :)
16:56.21gruvfunklinuxgecko:  I just tested my google voice setup and it automagically supports call waiting
16:56.51gruvfunk(2 channels are very common for most DID's)
16:58.21gruvfunkanyone here in Australia at the moment?  and still awake?
16:58.57linuxgeckos/anyone here/ anyome ELSE here/      i assume :)
17:00.03gruvfunkno I'm in the US
17:00.25gruvfunkI need an Australian friendly to run a telephone test (at no cost to them)
17:00.43citywokgruvfunk: what do you need, i'm not in the U.S. but will spend 10 cents calling you :)
17:01.35gruvfunkI need somebody who can dial Australian Toll Free numbers - I ordered one from (several actually, all tested working but this one) - I can't seem to dial this number
17:01.58gruvfunkseveral = 1 toll free DID in each country, all working except Australia
17:03.57gruvfunktried from my att mobile, from my verizon pstn, and also from a callcentric voip trunk known to work internationally - mixed results
17:06.00gruvfunkeither I get a busy/congested dial tone (from Verizon), or I get an Australian accent " this number is not connected, please check the number before trying again" from AT&T mobile, and I get continuous ring when calling from callcentric
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17:17.26e7e5Hey! Can anybody help me with "DEBUG[3817] cdr_radius.c: Unable to create RADIUS record. CDR not recorded!" ?
17:17.26e7e5I want use accounting.
17:17.26e7e5FreeRADIUS 1.1.3 and radiusclient-ng 0.5.6 from yum.
17:17.26e7e5CentOS 5.6.
17:18.39paulcgruvfunk: if you can wait a few hours, I can get my buddy in Australia to make a call for you
17:18.53gruvfunkthanks paulc
17:19.19gruvfunki'm guessing this Australian Toll Free is limited to only being called from within Australia
17:23.08gruvfunkyep,  just confirmed it..
17:23.27gruvfunkworst part is, we need to issue this number out to our customers, but can't issue it without knowing the line is quality assured
17:23.40gruvfunkand can't send a test call to the line either, strange
17:24.20gruvfunkpaulc:  so yes, if you can get a pal to run a test, please send me a PM for the number - it's just a simple IVR at the moment ,hear it and hang up
17:26.20paulcgruvfunk: Sure - PM'd you.. buddy should be online in a few hours. Got a meeting to go to - back in 30 or less
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17:58.25thedavidfactorI'm playing around with chan_gtalk on asterisk 1.8 branch. jabber show connections is showing my google account, but when I attempt to dial out I get "chan_gtalk.c:1863 gtalk_request: Could not find recipient" I'm not seeing any packets getting sent over the wire so I'm assuming I'm missing some part of the config can anyone point me in the right direction? google hasn't been much help
18:00.20leifmadsenthedavidfactor: there should be stuff on the asterisk wiki...
18:00.28leifmadsenI know malcolm did a lot of documenting
18:03.27Kobazwiki wiki
18:06.27*** join/#asterisk suzie_needs_help (48edd5a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:06.33suzie_needs_helphi asterisk
18:07.01suzie_needs_helpis there anyway for a voicemail message to automatically be distributed among other mailboxes once it has been left in it?
18:07.29*** join/#asterisk michael-i (
18:07.31WIMPyBut you can share mailboxes, off course.
18:08.31suzie_needs_helpwhat about copying the message to other mailboxes using ${VM_MESSAGEFILE} ?
18:09.30suzie_needs_helpor is there a way to send a "soundfile" to a mailboxe's INBOX ?
18:09.36WIMPySure, but you need to enable the old polling thing to make MWI work then.
18:09.51suzie_needs_helpnot interested in MWI
18:10.17thedavidfactorleifmadsen, thanks is the wiki spidered by google?
18:10.20suzie_needs_helpWIMPy, how does one enable "POLLING" ?
18:10.24WIMPyIn that case a simple copy should do, I think.
18:10.50leifmadsenthedavidfactor: not too sure
18:10.55WIMPyI think it's a parameter in sip.conf.
18:10.58suzie_needs_helpWIMPy: I'm using voicemail ODBC though
18:11.08michael-iI'm trying to timestamp some recordings with the current call time. Using ANSWEREDTIME and DIALEDTIME returned nothing.That is still the way to accomplish this, right?
18:11.19WIMPyOk, I've got no clue then.
18:12.16suzie_needs_helpdoes polling work with voicemail ODBC ?
18:12.58WIMPyIt you're not interested in MWI, you don;t have to care.
18:13.04pabelangermichael-i: ${EPOCH}
18:14.15suzie_needs_helpWIMPy: i'm interested using the notify in voicemail.conf though, it needs to work
18:14.21michael-ipabelanger: that doesn't really accomplish my goal though. I want to eventually be able to lay these out on a timeline, so I need elapsed call seconds. (or to record an additional epoch at call begin)
18:15.39pabelangermichael-i: so you want both the start and stop time in the filename?
18:16.12michael-ipabelanger: just start, I can compute stop from the recording itself
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18:16.57michael-i(but a relative start, not the absolute epoch start since this can change depending on timezone, ntp adjusts, etc...)
18:18.03pabelangermichael-i: well, you could use it with ${STRFTIME}
18:18.10pabelangerand format it however you like
18:18.10*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-hrgqtqagligskfdt)
18:18.53Kattyi don't spose theres anyone in the st. louis area
18:19.29e7e5can somebody tell me, how to troubleshoot radiusclient-ng?
18:19.45michael-ipabelanger: true again...I was just looking for something as simple as "callseconds" which would stamp "15" for a recording that started at the 15 second mark
18:22.07suzie_needs_helpis there anyway to send a sound recording to a voicemailbox's inbox?
18:23.21pabelangermichael-i: Don't think it exists on the current channel running, but you have the write solution.  Store the EPOCH once your channel starts, then subtract the current EPOCH when start recording; there is your "callseconds"
18:23.28pabelangerwow, fail
18:24.15michael-ipabelanger: this seems to be my only way forward...short of rewriting app_dial to constantly update ANSWEREDTIME
18:25.29WIMPyWhere does 'core show channels verbose' get the information from? Does it also subtract from now?
18:26.09pabelangerYa, ANSWEREDTIME and DIALED time only get set once Dial() has returned, on the originating channel.  I assume you are trying to access the values on the dialled channel
18:26.50michael-ieither one...but was going to use MASTER_CHANNEL to keep things consistent with the cdr
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18:26.57DrDigitalWIMPy, you see how i 'fixed' my issue yesterday?
18:27.14suzie_needs_helpis there anyway to cancel leaving a message in a voicemail?
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18:27.23WIMPyDrDigital: No. Did you find the cause?
18:27.33DrDigitalI changed the IP of the server
18:27.34suzie_needs_helpor a key to verify you want to send the voicemail?
18:27.45DrDigitaland the load went away as SOON as i service network restart
18:28.00DrDigitalit went from 99.9% to not even registering on top
18:28.05WIMPyDrDigital: So you didn't find out, what was going on?
18:28.23DrDigitalsomeone had to been slamming asterisk with that IP
18:28.39DrDigitalsystem has 10 calls right now it says
18:28.45DrDigitaland asterisk still isnt showing in top
18:28.56WIMPySomeone might do it again.
18:28.59DrDigitaltop and init are at the top for loads
18:29.00pabelangermichael-i: Another option might be to use CEL, it may have more detailed information
18:29.19DrDigitalyeah Im trying to order some HP xeon G5's today
18:30.02WIMPyDrDigital: You won't fix that with hardware.
18:30.06michael-ipabelanger: the more I dig into different things I'll need to access in the's looking like the way to go :)
18:30.08DrDigitalgoing to put them on the rack and asterisknow and put each company on there own box with the ones whos spending over $200 a month everyone else is usually less then $50 they will go onto a single system
18:30.21DrDigitalno, it will be new software
18:30.30DrDigitalto me the box was hacked/comprimised
18:30.41DrDigitalchanging the ip they lost there way to the server
18:30.56DrDigitalits only 1 ip up, but lost still
18:31.06DrDigitaland i changed the root password and the web gui
18:31.36DrDigitalthe idea with new yard ware is if 1 system does get hacked everyone isnt effected
18:31.37WIMPyUsually a owned box connects to the outside, polling for commands.
18:32.05DrDigitalits been up for 18 hours i believe no load yet
18:32.23DrDigitali can keep changing the IP each time it happens till the new systems arrive
18:32.32WIMPyIt might be better to find out, how to prevent that from happening again.
18:32.56DrDigitalwe spent awhile trying to figure it out
18:33.03DrDigitali was up till 2am working on it
18:33.08DrDigitaland you left around 6pm my time
18:33.26DrDigitali had the issue patched right when you left
18:33.38DrDigitali said patched because i know its not really fixed
18:34.58lupestroDoes an integration question around settings using a SIP toolkit from code belong here or in -dev?
18:35.19lupestro'Cuz its about the sip.conf but its also around the right SIP calls.
18:36.17lupestroTrying to SUBSCRIBE but getting auth errors - supplying credentials isn't helping.
18:37.43lupestroNot sure if subscribers need to register and provide a known SIP FROM address.
18:38.23lupestroDon't want to bend-over the settings to get past this
18:38.48WIMPylupestro: I think that depends on your configuration. If you allow guests ans also set a subscribecontext for them, II'd expect it to work without.
18:39.16lupestroYeah, but that would be the ben-dover option, wouldn't it :)
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18:39.47WIMPyYou started to question if credentials are neccessary :-)
18:40.18lupestroSo if I get the 401 and supply valid credentials for a user, even if I'm letting my toolkit generate the FROM with my IP, should that work?
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18:41.06lupestroOr do the user/pass need to match the FROM value? I started out with a user and ended up making it a friend but I'm trying to avoid the peer side.
18:41.07WIMPyI think so. But I have to add that I'm not the SIP expert.
18:41.44WIMPyI think type=user needs the corresponding from:.
18:42.09timholum1My asterisk server just froze on me, when I restarted it everything came up fine, but when I looked in the log, I noticed about 1500 lines like [Jun 17 13:16:15] WARNING[25839] chan_sip.c: sip_xmit of 0x57781c0 (len 646) to returned -2: Success all just befor it froze and all within a minute
18:42.51gruvfunkcan somebody enlighten me on Asterisk redundancy - High Availability options, Active-Active vs. Active-Passive?
18:43.05lupestroWIMPy: Which means the corresponding from: will need a REGISTER to know what it means, huh?
18:43.17Qwellgruvfunk: Sure!  Get a ticket to Astricon, and see my talk in October.  You can wait, right?
18:43.51WIMPylupestro: No, a register is something else.
18:44.11breardoanyone know any good resources for troubleshooting CRC4 errors on a PRI?
18:44.20WIMPyRegistering is only done to tell Asterisk, where to send calls to dynamic peers.
18:44.27breardo"dahdhi show status" is showing CRC4 errors on my PRI span..
18:44.32WIMPybreardo: CRC 60
18:44.41gruvfunklol Qwell
18:44.50lupestroAh, good.
18:45.14breardowhat do you mean WIMPy?
18:45.23*** part/#asterisk ketema (
18:45.25WIMPyCRC indusries cantact cleaner 60 that is, not related to cyclic redundancy checks.
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18:45.41breardooh :)
18:46.22gruvfunkQwell:  Link me up to some reads?
18:47.00WIMPybreardo: Or your box isn't able to process the read IRQs.
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18:47.48Qwellgruvfunk: I would be interested in hearing what types of things you'd want to do (for my talk).
18:47.54scalex000hi Guys, I need to unistall some modules how to do it
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18:48.20_Corey_Qwell: Which is your talk?
18:48.41Qwell_Corey_: Asterisk redundancy: Handling the inevitable
18:48.49gruvfunkQwell:  Looking to support a new "provider" who insists on redundancy.. serious about the quality of service and uptime to his clients
18:49.13gruvfunki'm sure this topic has been covered before, but I'm new to
18:50.01michael-iscalex000 : quick&brutal, rm -f /path/to/your/; asterisk-rx "core restart now"
18:50.12_Corey_Looks like a good program for Astricon
18:50.22Qwell_Corey_: I would hope so
18:51.25gruvfunkQwell:  ahh, so it's not Asterisk HA.. it's really OS HA?
18:51.49Qwellgruvfunk: there are lots of ways to do it
18:51.53scalex000and that it
18:54.31citywokQwell: i signed us up for astricon... but james never got his receipt and they only charged my CC for one... lol, fail.
18:55.30leifmadsenQwell has nothing to do with that
18:55.37Qwellyes he does
18:55.45QwellPM me your CC, and I'll charge it for another.
18:55.46citywoki figured as much, but a couple lines up he said go to astricon :P
18:55.56citywokjust saying we tried, they wouldn't let us! :P
18:55.58leifmadsenyes but he doesn't charge the CC :)
18:56.05Qwellleifmadsen: no but I could!
18:56.05leifmadsenmaybe you aren't wanted?
18:56.08leifmadsenQwell: totally could
18:56.09citywokQwell: sure, it's 41475551212121212
18:56.10Qwellhe might not get a ticket, but...
18:56.33citywokhaha but what?
18:56.40Qwellbut I'd have moneys?
18:57.07citywokhaha, fair 'nuf
18:57.36lupestroWIMPy: I must be getting further - I've gone from a 401 to a 404 now :)
18:58.35lupestroi.e. now instead of getting 401, supplying creds, getting another 401, I'm getting 401, supplying creds, getting 404.
18:58.44citywokleifmadsen: in all seriousness who do i bug that it failed? lol
18:59.20leifmadsensomeone in marketing I'm sure
18:59.26WIMPylupestro: At this point, the console might give you a hint.
18:59.31leifmadsenor maybe BMJ?
18:59.49_Corey_Lisa King I think
18:59.59leifmadsenya probably LK
19:00.01_Corey_she fixed me up last year when I was doing some registrations
19:00.16lupestroWIMPy: Yeah, I was just headed there...
19:00.28citywokleifmadsen: yea i don't know who those people are :)
19:00.29QwellI should just start emailing Lisa with all my problems
19:00.45lupestroJust the usual received SIP subscribed for peer without mailbox: fifi"
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19:01.35citywoki'll just reply to the expo@tmcnet email addy
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19:02.05citywokmaybe that'll work, lol
19:03.44lupestroWIMPy: I suppose I can get more detailed console output. Probably time to dig into starfish book agn.
19:05.59lupestroWIMPy: Can I crank the verbosity level without hitting asterisk.conf and cycling the server?
19:06.26WIMPylupestro: core set [verbose|debug] <level>
19:17.00lupestroWIMPy: Did sip set debug on - helped some - It appears it is looking for fifi in the "subscribers" context where my "from" user lives.
19:18.25lupestrobut the phone I'm trying to subscribe to presence on is set up in the LocalSets context.
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19:23.28lupestroBack to the books...
19:30.07ChannelZBooks are for squars!
19:30.37ChannelZblew that one.
19:32.23lupestroChannelZ: Ah but such a lovely starfish :)
19:33.16ChannelZIs the new one the same cover?
19:33.58lupestroChannelZ, s'pose so... didn't have the old one...
19:34.17ChannelZmust be then
19:34.21leifmadsenyes same cover
19:34.30leifmadsenbut has a different corner that says 3rd edition :)
19:34.37ChannelZI guess it's just a new edition so yeah
19:34.37lupestroChannelZ: Leif aughta know :)
19:34.51leifmadsen1st and 2nd editions have mirrored covers
19:35.07leifmadsen(flipped horizontally)
19:35.23ChannelZHmm.  I can't remember which I have.. 2nd I think (1.4?)
19:35.35leifmadsenya 2nd is 1.4
19:35.37leifmadsen1st is 1.2
19:35.43leifmadsen3rd is 1.8
19:35.52leifmadsen(basically all the LTS releases)
19:36.17ChannelZOh, there's a Cookbook too.
19:39.36lupestroDoes SIP subscribe require any particular .conf file setup? It looked like it would be on by default...and it didn't seem like something relevant to dialplan...
19:39.55suzie_needs_helpis creating distrubtion capabilites in app_voicemail.c
19:40.10WIMPysip.conf and hits in extensions.conf.
19:40.48lupestroAh, it does hit extensions.conf! OK, commencing digging - any hints appreciated...
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19:42.55lupestroWIMPy: Ah - ok. I'll step away from the keyboard for a bit and really read the chapter covering hints, etc. Many thanks.
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19:47.41Cadeyanyone in here c# devs by any chance?
19:50.00gruvfunkAnyone in here use Ubuntu repos? When shall we see a ?
19:51.05Qwellreal soon now
19:51.13gruvfunkI see lots of packages updating to 1.8.4, but "core show version" stlil says
19:51.23gruvfunkcool deal
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19:51.46Qwellpabelanger: ^^
19:52.09infobotsomebody said asterisk-packages was Asterisk is available for automated binary installation using APT for Debian and Ubuntu or YUM utility on CentOS 5 Linux and for RedHat Enterprise Linux 5:
19:52.19pabelangergruvfunk: ^ did you follow that?
19:53.15gruvfunkpabelanger: yes that's how I installed several systems
19:53.51pabelangergruvfunk: did you restart asterisk?
19:53.57pabelangerHmm, wait
19:54.20gruvfunkI have yes.  I did not install the proposed/optional branch
19:54.47pabelangerpb the output of *CLI> core show version
19:56.56cjpabelanger: have you tried using on these .deb packages?
19:58.37pabelangercj: using it how?
19:58.58gruvfunkAsterisk built by pbuilder @ nighthawk on a x86_64 running Linux on 2011-04-22 00:43:36 UTC
20:00.00cjit doesn't seem to be loading the keypairs I've got in /var/lib/asterisk/keys
20:01.14cjpabelanger: also, did the deb-src repository get pulled, too?  I was going to apt-get source asterisk-1.8 and build with debugging symbols so I could step through
20:03.10pabelangergruvfunk: $ dpkg -l | grep asterisk
20:03.48pabelangercj: no, it should be there
20:04.52pabelangercj: DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="debug" apt-get -b source asterisk-1.8
20:05.30cj$ grep asterisk /etc/apt/sources.list
20:05.30cjdeb squeeze main
20:05.30cjdeb-src squeeze main
20:05.34cjE: Unable to find a source package for asterisk-1.8
20:05.54*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
20:06.20pabelangergruvfunk: Hmm, looks like a result of some changes I made. You may need to back up your configs and purge asterisk, then install
20:06.27pabelangercj: DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="debug" apt-get -b source asterisk
20:06.33pabelangerdrop -1.8
20:06.39cjalright.  thanks.
20:06.45cjcool.  looks good.
20:07.04*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
20:07.09pabelangercj: but will fix it
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20:07.10irrootevening folks from the bush just got back from mid winter open veichle 2hr game drive through the pilanesberg was awesome
20:07.52gruvfunkpabelanger:  so a fresh install should lay down ?
20:08.12pabelangergruvfunk: do you care about your existing configs?
20:08.34pabelangerIf not...
20:08.44pabelanger$ sudo apt-get purge asterisk*
20:08.53pabelanger$ apt-get update
20:09.06pabelanger$ sudo apt-get install asterisk
20:10.06gruvfunkof course I do :)
20:10.14cjhurm.  debug uses both -g and -O2... is this known to work?
20:10.32pabelangergruvfunk: then copy your /etc/asterisk dir somewhere safe
20:11.23gruvfunkya, in addition to custom sound files, yada yada
20:11.32*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
20:11.48pabelangercj: unknown honestly, I just added debug support recently. So, there maybe some issues with compiler flags that need to be removed
20:12.40cjok.  I'll let you know if I run into weird optimization problems
20:14.44cjpabelanger: btw, /etc/init.d/asterisk-1.8 restart fails if a client console is connected and paused.  should I file this with reportbug?
20:15.23cjand by paused, I mean sent to terminal background with SIGSTOP/^z
20:15.56pabelangercj: not reportbug, but you can use JIRA
20:16.04cjsounds good.  thanks.
20:34.24DrDigitalI cant seem to find the default login/pass for an Aastra 6739i
20:35.21DrDigitaleh just found it
20:35.27DrDigitaladmin 22222
20:36.00DrDigitalanyone here happen to be familure with this phone?
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20:53.17cjpabelanger: do you have a link to the debian package component?
20:53.32cjcan't find it, but I've become unfamiliar with JIRA since last I used it
20:54.43cjah.  maybe filed under AsteriskNOW?
20:55.17pabelangercj: AsteriskNOW is fine
20:57.24lupestroI think I gotta check my facts here - SIP subscriptions - URL and To: should both be the URL of the phone whose dialogs or presence I'm watching? (e.g.
20:57.42lupestroOr should it be some extension hint or something?
20:58.13lupestroA little confused as to what Asterisk is looking for.
20:58.46lupestro"Looking for fifi in LocalSets (domain"
20:58.55lupestro"SIP/2.0 404 Not Found"
21:05.16*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
21:05.44Wiretap7DrDigital, I'm not generaly awake at 4am on a saturday :P
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21:26.09scalex000how to create a configuration to ring back a call when ext noanswer
21:26.20scalex000to the origin ext
21:34.34doolittleworkscalex000: catch the callerid then pass call back to user
21:41.08scalex000thank you
21:41.18scalex000I need callback too
21:41.26scalex000but I mean i another system
21:41.45scalex000when u call an extention but he user not reach after some ring
21:41.51scalex000the call ring back
21:42.45DrDigitali tried to find out what time zone you are in
21:42.45WIMPyYou mean when doing a blind transfer?
21:43.45WIMPyctcp time?
21:45.08russellbscalex000: that's what the example does that i showed you
21:45.48DrDigitalhow do you upgrade the firmware on a PAP2T
21:46.35DrDigitali got 3.1.15 as the firmware and they are at like 5.1.6
21:46.56scalex000russellb, thank you
21:50.13scalex000russellb, let me ask you something, I have a nortel connect with my asterisk pbx, in my country to dial a mobile phone u need to dial 1 first and the number
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21:51.02scalex000russellb, for some reason when dial throught asterisk I can hear the message from nortel, its only ring and ring
21:52.36scalex000russellb, I connect both using SIP protocol
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22:30.46scalex000asterisk 1.6.2.... its compatible with
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23:01.52*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
23:10.02*** join/#asterisk msuszczyn (
23:11.54jc319Hey just adding voicemail feature (and send-to-email works, cool!) I'm using this code from the free book:
23:11.54jc319exten => 101,1,Dial(${JOHN},10)
23:11.54jc319exten => 101,n,VoiceMail(101@default,u)
23:12.37jc319when user calls on cisco phone, the setting *86 from SIP<MAC>.cnf works and it reachs voicemail prompt. However needs to enter mailbox ID, is there no way to bypass this?
23:13.02jc319whatever extension it calls from (101@default) should be the mailbox we will be entering, so why does it prompt?
23:15.52*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
23:16.20paulcjc319: do a "core show application voicemailmain" - it will show you how to pass in the mailbox number, and skip the password.
23:16.45paulcjc319: You can do some clever stuff with "if mailbox exists", based on the caller ID, to drop them straight into their mailbox if they have one, or prompt for one if not.
23:17.55jc319OK sorry I got confused, added (hardcoded number 201@default to extension 201) but missed adding ${EXTEN} to *86 exten's definition
23:19.15jc319paulc: Thanks for replying. I am testing the plain mailbox now, there's no doubt it will work but still want to see first, then I will try this script: it seems to improve default voicemailbox-to-email feature a bit.
23:20.09paulcah.. that's cool.. hadn't seen that page before - thanks for that :)
23:20.34jc319Also I have got this code from book which seems to be a more efficient way of adding voicemail to user extensions because it looks more tidy.
23:20.58jc319Only 1 line per user rather than minimum 2.
23:52.09cjprotip: cert dir is /usr/share/asterisk/keys on debian, not /var/lib/asterik/keys

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