IRC log for #asterisk on 20110615

00:05.24*** part/#asterisk Tech_Travis (
00:16.16p3nguinHmm.  That was easy.
00:19.59*** part/#asterisk Thedr (~Thedr@
00:21.22p3nguinIs there any difference if I use DumpChan() before the line is answered or after it's answered?
00:24.40*** join/#asterisk Rufus (Rufus@unaffiliated/rufus)
00:33.04Dovidp3nguin: Why don't you try it and see  ?
00:35.41*** join/#asterisk Canabinoide (~Fred@
00:35.44jc319kaldemar: I've been looking at this group functions - do you mean one can write their own bandwith check/channel switching program (or module if that's the correct terminology)? I've read that this feature is new to Lync, therefore I won't be surprised if there's no such packages for Asterisk yet...
00:39.04jc319hey p3nguin, got my first external call today using TCP/5060 with Windows SIP client connecting from a remote site. I also found a firewall check page on an ITSP site - TCP passes, UDP fails. This falls in line with my theory that something is wrong with UDP filtering on the router, I'll try to obtain another one just to test.
00:40.50pabelangerjc319: nothing inherent to asterisk, but you could write something via the Dialplan or FastAGI to handle this.  I'm not sure how dynamic it would be
00:41.25pabelangermaybe TimeOfDay routing, even FollowMe()
00:44.06pabelangerHowever, not sure why QoS would not be enough to ensure you have enough bandwidth; I guess another layer ontop of it
00:56.39luckman212can anyone tell me the difference between:  canreinvite=yes, directmedia=yes,  directrtpsetup=yes
00:59.58p3nguincanreinvite is the old option, directmedia is the new option.
01:00.28luckman212k.  so having them both in there would = BAD
01:00.46luckman212how about directrtpsetup?  is that still "experimental"? (using 1.8svn)
01:12.55jc319pabelanger: I have been looking into this tonight, from what I gather: QoS is good and it is all you need ONLY IF you can somehow guarantee that voip traffic from A to B will have enough WAN bandwith at all times including peak times. Should anybody start hogging bandwith, downloading heavy files FTP/HTTP/torrent etc. this normally would result in low quality of service for voip but QoS
01:12.55jc319policing kicks in and fixes the situation - actually prevents it from happening in the first place. However, if it is beyond your control -say the bandwith hogging is happening outside your network- then QoS cannot do anything to improve the service. If there's an additional CAC layer implemented, then the application became situation aware and reroutes the call to more expensive but butter
01:12.55jc319quality PSTN, resulting in higher cost, but less complaints.
01:15.18*** join/#asterisk el3slave (
01:17.34*** join/#asterisk citywok (
01:25.09*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
01:36.37*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
01:43.20*** join/#asterisk Cesare (
01:51.38*** join/#asterisk BugKhaM (
01:55.21BugKhaMI'm using the cmd Dial with the "L(7200000)" Option to dial the Local context and , within the local context, I am using the "L(10000)" option to dial through SIP channel.
01:55.51*** join/#asterisk sourcode (
01:55.55BugKhaMthe call isn't disconnected at 10th sec, is it normal?
02:22.09*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
02:29.27*** join/#asterisk tengulre (~tengulre@
02:29.56tengulrehow many request nubers per second in asterisk?
02:33.04tengulreSIP request
02:34.57tengulreanybody here?
02:35.58din3shwot do u mean?
02:37.40tengulredin3sh, I want to knonw. asterisk as sip proxyserver's performances.
02:38.30din3shthat would logically depend on ur hardware/processor i guess!?
02:40.52florzabout the same performance as asterisk as a lawn mower
02:49.02din3shtengulre:sorry man, I dont really have a clue
02:49.08coppicenice subtle reference to the grass cutting algorithms in the DSP code
02:54.45*** join/#asterisk lulzsec (mouse@2001:b18:4059:0:f890:613a:1502:dcd0)
02:55.13jc319Slow connection time issue - I had the same today. I made some test calls, Asterisk/SIP to mobile, it connected in 52 seconds. Some more tests, there was one or two ~10 seconds and others were in 44-52 seconds range. Apart from server's CPU load what else can cause this?
02:59.38tengulrejc319,tks for answer.   my question is , how many sip request number in asterisk per second,   in a same time, max request numbers.
03:09.51jc319tengulre: I have no idea but this post ( ) says Asterisk cannot cope with more than 15-20 per second.
03:12.09russellbthat is way off
03:12.38russellbit depends on a bunch of factors, but there is no inherit limit, i've seen plenty of tests doing hundreds of call setups per second in recent versions
03:13.03*** join/#asterisk lulzsec (mouse@2001:b18:4059:0:f890:613a:1502:dcd0)
03:13.40pabelangertengulre: Also, Asterisk is not a SIP proxy
03:13.52russellbhi pabelanger !
03:14.13pabelangerwaves at russellb
03:14.43pabelangerI foresee good times at astricon
03:15.36WiretapWork_jc319, dialplan setup issues?
03:15.39WiretapWork_i.e. timeouts
03:16.04WiretapWork_tengulre, 'how long is a piece of string'
03:17.55jc319WiretapSeven: This happened during my grand opening of external connection to home Asterisk. I wonder if it's about the extra network complexity or just a temp load on the server. Dialplan is fairly basic already, but before the next test, if I setup all timeouts to say 3 seconds (and there'll be only one or just a few extensions) then I should not see anything more than 20 seconds, right?
03:17.55jc319If it goes beyond that I'll think it's the network (bad setup).
03:18.29WiretapWork_gotta remember that you can have termination delays with mobile carriers while it finds the phone too
03:19.52*** join/#asterisk dorphalsig (c86ac9f2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:20.04infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
03:20.14dorphalsigI have a multi-tier asterisk cluster (about 5 server via IAX)
03:20.18jc319Is there any way to log termination delay on Asterisk? Like a basic script checking timestamps when request sent & reply received, calculating difference and logging (it won't be bad if emailed this too).
03:20.33dorphalsigand I need somebody to help me upgrade it and tweak it
03:20.39WiretapWork_jc319, you can hear it, and you can see it in the logs
03:20.45dorphalsigfor a price of course
03:21.31jc319How can I hear it? When I press 'dial' on softphone nothing happens until it finalizes the connection and produces the ring sound
03:21.32*** join/#asterisk gruvfunk (
03:22.27jc319(and there's so much flowing through logs, mostly in a different language so a simple time in > time out = difference calculation would help a lot...)
03:23.52WiretapWork_usually there's a change in sound at each handoff
03:24.04jc319I keep testing, I think 7 seconds is the standard connection time, maybe it was a one-off issue.
03:24.05WiretapWork_and the logs are not in that foreign a language
03:24.15WiretapWork_set verbose to 4, set debug to off
03:24.19WiretapWork_watch the logs
03:24.25WiretapWork_they'll stop whjile it waits for things
03:24.56jc319OK testing now
03:25.52dorphalsigHello. I need some help upgrading properly an asterisk system
03:26.09WiretapWork_dorphalsig, everyone heard you the firsttime
03:26.14WiretapWork_if you didn't get a response, wait patiently
03:27.09dorphalsigWiretapWork_: a strategic reinforcement is useful once in a while :) as long as it doesnt flood
03:30.39*** join/#asterisk linuxgecko (
03:31.12linuxgeckoif all goes well,  i may have solved my issue with @#$@#$@# iksemel
03:32.14jc319WiretapWork_: Thanks, sip debug off helped a lot, it produces this message when it connects >>     -- SIP/voipms_gbiz-00000033 is making progress passing it to SIP/001A6CA3696C-PB1-00000032
03:32.44WiretapWork_anything before that is local
03:33.10linuxgeckojc319:  sip set debug on is useful when it's needed,   and a hinderance when it's not :)
03:33.28jc319Is it possible to have timestamps on each CLI output line? At the moment it produces timestamps at the top of each group (e.g. calling this number 'group' consists of dialplan exten lines + sip rtp cos mark msg + 'called xxx' + made progress passing + ...)
03:34.48jc319If I can get timestamps maybe I can script it to do a test call every 15 minutes for 24 hours, then sit down and investigate the times when it takes 50 seconds to ring other party.
03:34.59linuxgeckoFIANLLY!!!!!!!   i have my connection connected :)
03:35.29jc319congrats! what connection BTW?
03:35.52din3shwhat was your issue?
03:36.06linuxgeckojc319:  jabber connection for gtalk /gvoice calling :)    everything except the jabber connection has worked for ages.
03:37.20linuxgeckodin3sh: %@#$%# distro package of iksemel didn't have gnutls and it was not obvious that i also didnt have the openssl headers either..   took a fine-toothed grep on a tee of the ./configures to find all the issues.
03:38.04din3shhow much time you spent trying to fix that?
03:41.48jc319I think I figured why SIP didn't work on UDP just not proven yet... My latest theory is this routers embedded voip features still run in the background passively, even if all voip stuff is turned off. Draytek voip integrated router...
03:42.20*** join/#asterisk mKn0wt (~Taisigue@
03:44.20dorphalsigHello. I need a consultant to help me  upgrade properly an asterisk system and dimension correctly the call queues associated with it
03:46.05linuxgeckodin3sh:  nearly 3 days,   most of it just not paying a close enough eye,  and expecting things to "Just Work (TM)"
03:48.25Doviddorphalsig: Try the asterisk biz list
03:48.31*** join/#asterisk CaptainPants (~CaptainPa@nat/digium/x-kipmaidfcwmekoto)
03:48.41DovidAlex Bashelov seems to know what he is doing
03:48.47*** join/#asterisk CaptainPants (~CaptainPa@nat/digium/x-tudpdvfjlldkcwrm)
03:49.51dorphalsigDovid: Yeah, it looks like I'll have to do that, but I'd really prefer to locate somebody here in IRC. You know to be able to have quick responses and stuff
03:53.01gruvfunkcan anyone here recommend a SIP provider with Toll Free numbers in Europe (Italy, Spain, France, Germany, UK)
03:54.26jc319gruvfunk is great, never had any down time or anything all my time with them.
03:54.30jc319Almost 72 hours now.
03:55.28*** join/#asterisk russellb (~russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
03:55.28*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
03:55.37p3nguinIn the few years that I have used them, I think I have had only one outage.
03:56.13gruvfunkjc319: I use for US and Canada DID's, but Europe??
03:56.15jc319prices are good & I have been stress testing support department they seem to be customer friendly.
03:59.34jc319gruvfunk: I'm in the UK, call quality is really good, made some test calls local & international and I'm happy with results. Here's is ping results:
03:59.42jc319--- ping statistics ---      7 packets transmitted, 7 received, 0% packet loss, time 5998ms       rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 14.275/14.603/14.804/0.218 ms
04:01.17gruvfunkjc319:  what kind of DID you do you have from
04:01.33jc319Among many features in my todo list I have one minor issue that when I call UK numbers my caller ID seems out of standard. It is being processed as a US number I think, I am hoping that is something fixable but didn't get to it yet. Don't know if that'll be a dealbreaker for you, if not fixable.
04:01.36gruvfunki'm seeking a Toll-Free or Freephone 800 in UK
04:02.03gruvfunk(among other countries)
04:03.36jc319I have two London local numbers for intended production use but they take 1 business day to provision ( orders from a 3rd party apparently) and being so excited I couldn't wait 2 days and got two other numbers to test 1 US # and 1 iNum which is tiring to type.
04:03.48linuxgeckojust did an utterly silly proof of concept test with my new asterisk-powered gogle-voice system :)
04:04.51linuxgeckoi called my cell # from my cellphone, using sipdroid, and my google voice acct :)
04:05.10WiretapWork_jc319, sign up for ISN
04:05.41WiretapWork_then dial 020995800*404
04:06.01WiretapWork_why the shit did I type 404
04:06.37*** join/#asterisk russellb (~russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
04:06.37*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
04:06.47p3nguinWhat's on that extension?
04:07.09p3nguinperson, recording?
04:07.38jc319WiretapSeven: Does ISN stand for ITAD Subscriber Number
04:07.52p3nguinI have to figure out how to make calls via ISN before I can call it, or I'd simply call it and find out.
04:09.05jc319hmm it appears so, found a cookbook here
04:12.22jc319gruvfunk: Last time I checked they provided 0808 - not 0800. However it's the same in terms of billing (free). Some people may not know this and refrain from calling your # though. The same thing with 020  / 0203 misconceptions
04:12.49WiretapWork_p3nguin, the it calls one of our queues, but essentially it is hold music and if you're lucky someone might answer :P
04:13.13gruvfunkjc319: thanks!
04:14.38p3nguinI guess I'll configure my system to call ISN eventually.
04:19.08*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
04:20.22linuxgeckoWiretapWork_: beacuse 404 is a common error number stuck in your hear??:)
04:21.19*** join/#asterisk pcrane (
04:21.25WiretapWork_linuxgecko, all my agents have extensions that are HTTP error codes :P
04:21.34WiretapWork_little bit of humour for the ISP industry
04:21.41WiretapWork_my partner chose 418 though
04:21.45WiretapWork_apparently he's a teapot
04:24.05pcraneI've got a question about DUNDi and SIP MESSAGEs. I've managed to get local delivery of messages using russell's messaging branch, but would like to get them routed via DUNDi. I have calls working via DUNDi (and SIP trunks). Does anyone know much about this? Or am I going to have to figure it out for myself?
04:28.12*** join/#asterisk g00gle (
04:35.06gruvfunkjc319:  thanks again, I never realized had so many International Toll Free DID's available
04:35.26gruvfunkNow I just need Toll Free DID's in Germany and Italy -- anyone ??
04:39.29tzangergruvfunk: yeah is really taking off nicely
04:39.33sawgoodtoll free in another country?
04:39.38sawgoodwell, outside the USA anyways?
04:39.45tzangerI just switched my international to them due to a policy change at unlimitel
04:40.01gruvfunksawgood: correct, toll free for callers in that country
04:40.14p3nguinwiretapwork_: That number is "not in service."
04:40.23sawgoodOh .. in that country ... not for a USA caller to call the toll free number in "Germany" for example
04:40.29p3nguinThat didn't take too long to set up ISN outbound calling.
04:40.30WiretapWork_you dialled 995, its 955 :P
04:40.39sawgoodnice ...
04:41.00p3nguinMe mistype a crazy phone number?!  NEVAR!
04:41.26p3nguinI just entered what you gave me.
04:41.30sawgoodI have this new laptop with a 17" screen and it is really neat (from my 13" old one)
04:41.32*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
04:41.33*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-caixybgtujchleyg)
04:41.42WiretapWork_I mistyped, oops
04:41.45sawgood1440x900 resolution is nice
04:41.53p3nguinI'll try again.
04:42.02WiretapWork_given that is going on my business cards I should probably make sure I have it right :P
04:42.59*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
04:43.25*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (~kaldemar@unaffiliated/kaldemar)
04:43.29WiretapWork_p3nguin, call reasonably clear?
04:43.49p3nguinYeah, your buddy must have a good quality phone.
04:44.29p3nguinI was going to listen to the music, and then Chris answered.
04:44.56sawgoodWhere in Asterisk ( would I setup what gets 'written' to /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv
04:45.01WiretapWork_erm, I don't have anything set up that is hold music only IIRC
04:45.21WiretapWork_I actually didn't think he was at his desk
04:45.32p3nguinWhen you said no one was likely to answer, that's sorta what I expected.
04:45.44p3nguinAh well, no harm done.
04:46.27drmessanoWhat sort of connector does the cloud use and where can I get a crimp tool?
04:46.59p3nguinsawgood: Perhaps /etc/asterisk/cdr_custom.conf
04:47.10sawgoodp3nguin: thank you ... reading now
04:47.58p3nguinwiretapwork_: I guess considering that was purely sip to sip, it should be pretty good quality.  We didn't have to pass through any telco switches or anything like that.
04:48.20WiretapWork_p3nguin, my PBX sits on the other end of a residential ADSL link
04:50.17*** join/#asterisk xofapcom (~chatzilla@
04:50.40p3nguinIt certainly wasn't mangling the media.
04:51.24WiretapWork_this is what happens when your ISP respects DSCP :P
04:51.34WiretapWork_I run another PBX for my dayjob here
04:51.37WiretapWork_also down an ADSL link
04:51.41WiretapWork_with similar levels of saturation
04:51.47WiretapWork_inbound voice sounds like you're under water
04:51.50WiretapWork_outbound is crystal
04:52.22*** join/#asterisk irroot (
04:53.01p3nguinMaybe that's why he didn't understand what I was saying at first.  Either that, or the idea was so strange that he couldn't figure it out.
04:53.23irroottop 'o the mornin
04:53.59WiretapWork_I'm asking him now
04:54.08WiretapWork_I think it was an unexpected accent :P
04:54.17p3nguinThat could do it, too.
04:54.44WiretapWork_he said the voice qual was perfect, which I'm glad about
05:00.19*** join/#asterisk chrisjunkie (~Chris@2001:4428:22d:2:208:2ff:fe7e:6312)
05:00.42chrisjunkieright, where's Rob :P
05:00.59chrisjunkiehaha twas me who answered your call
05:01.35p3nguinwiretapwork_ said no one would answer if I called to test the number.  :)
05:01.44WiretapWork_I said it was unlikely :P
05:01.44p3nguinHe underestimated you.
05:01.54WiretapWork_I think my exact words were 'if youre lucky maybe a person'
05:02.01p3nguinI was lucky!
05:02.21p3nguinThat was my first successful ISN call.
05:02.30p3nguinThe first actual call was to a wrong number.
05:02.45WiretapWork_I believe leifmadsen has a fun song you can hear if you call his ISN test number :P
05:02.45p3nguin(through no fault of my own, might I add)
05:02.56p3nguinIs it his Polycom song?
05:03.24p3nguinI called it through a regular SIP URI before.
05:04.24WiretapWork_I haven't got SIP URI dialling enabled, as I don't have SIP URI inbound allowed either
05:04.47*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
05:07.47*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (~freeman@
05:09.45*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
05:11.06*** join/#asterisk xofapcom (~xofap@
05:52.16*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
05:57.50*** join/#asterisk PhoenixMage (
05:58.29PhoenixMageHi guys, are there issues with the 7975G SIP 9.2 firmware and asterisk? I have had a search but cant find anything definitive
05:59.55sawgoodPhoenixMage: have you gotten one to register?
06:00.37WiretapSevenPhoenixMage, whats up
06:00.41WiretapSevenI can help you
06:00.54WiretapSevenbut you'll need to clarify your question
06:01.42sawgoodmy question is: "how do I add" fields to the Master.csv file in /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv
06:01.43PhoenixMageCant seem to get the phone to register... I am running astlinux 0.7.7-1.8.3
06:01.54PhoenixMageSoftphone works fine
06:02.00WiretapSevenPhoenixMage, you will need to enable TCP globally, and then enable TCP for the peer
06:02.13sawgoodTCP really neat ...
06:02.18WiretapSevenCisco UC phones require TCP to connect
06:02.28WiretapSevenPhoenixMage, also, you need to 'USECALLMANAGER' for all your lines
06:02.40PhoenixMageWiretapSeven: Thanks buddy will give it a go when I get home
06:02.48WiretapSevenPhoenixMage, incoming link
06:03.01WiretapSevenits incomplete
06:03.06WiretapSevenbut contains enough to get the phone up and running
06:03.17PhoenixMageWiretapSeven: Kiwi huh?
06:03.39PhoenixMagedo much in the security scene?
06:04.10WiretapSevenI'm more of a RS/V guy but I like my ASAs :P
06:04.56sawgoodI like building my own wire/cable tap boxes (passive ones)
06:04.58*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
06:05.55*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
06:05.57schmidtsgood morning
06:09.13irrootok who has been having problems with MWI notification on 1.8 ?? please see ASTERISK-18002 ASTERISK-17866
06:12.56*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
06:19.32PhoenixMageI wish the wireless 7925 had a SIP firmware :-/
06:21.50irroot <- Al-Gegra Agent arrested in Johannesburg
06:21.59p3nguinSeveral people wish that.
06:22.00irroot <- Al-Gebra Agent arrested in Johannesburg
06:22.55p3nguinIf you don't have to use Asterisk 1.8, chan_sccp-b works pretty well with the 7925.
06:24.40PhoenixMagep3nguin: 1.8 doesnt have sccp support?
06:24.50p3nguinNone that's worth a shit.
06:24.55WiretapSevenbut poor
06:24.58WiretapSevenchan_skinny is rubbish
06:25.07WiretapSevenchan_sccp-b is not supported yet cause the devs are lazy
06:25.16p3nguinchan_skinny barely works in it, and I can't get chan_sccp-b to build against it.
06:25.36WiretapSevenapparently there's a special non-released dev branch that compiles against it
06:25.40*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (~freeman@
06:26.04p3nguinI saw they added 1.8.0 to the supported versions, but the downloads page does not show it.
06:26.57WiretapSeventhat and we're up to now
06:26.58p3nguinI'll stick to what's working for as long as I can possibly stand it.
06:27.02PhoenixMagechan_sccp-b is more fuly featured?
06:27.14WiretapSevenchan_sccp-b supports nearly all the cisco features
06:27.35p3nguinI don't know what all chan_skinny is supposed to have, since it almost doesn't work.
06:28.00WiretapSevenbasically nothing
06:28.09WiretapSevenits only feature is that you can connect phones to it
06:28.27p3nguinThat's all I managed to get working.
06:29.07PhoenixMageI am using 1.8.3 as the astlinux site said there are issues with 1.8.4 and 79xx registration
06:29.39p3nguinI saw mention of that in here the other day.
06:29.47WiretapSevenPhoenixMage, applying Gareth's patch, as on my website, will fix any issues with 79xx and 1.8.4
06:30.01PhoenixMageFunny since I had issues with 79xx registration on 1.8.3 which I will hopefulyl resolve with WiretapSeven's page this evening
06:30.04WiretapSevenI have a couple of 7912s, and a 7970 registered to *
06:30.19WiretapSeventhe patch you definitely want btw
06:30.24WiretapSevenBLF is a great feature
06:30.45PhoenixMageNot even sure what that is, new to the voip world
06:30.47p3nguinThat's one of the things I like about my sccp.
06:31.00p3nguinindicates someone is "on the phone" or not.
06:31.01WiretapSevencome to think of it, I also have a bunch of 7911s registered to at $dayJob
06:31.30PhoenixMageah ok
06:31.32WiretapSevenp3nguin, I get ringing, outbound, inbound and offline notifications
06:31.36PhoenixMagesounds like a useful feature
06:31.52PhoenixMageCan you register an extension to multiple phones?
06:32.03WiretapSevena peer, you mean
06:32.08p3nguinNo, because that's not how things work.
06:32.10PhoenixMageyes sorry
06:32.10WiretapSevenno, SLA is not supported
06:32.25WiretapSevenif you have multiple peers assigned to the same user that will work
06:32.39WiretapSevenbut SLA is ancient stuff from the days of POTS PBX
06:32.46PhoenixMageWas just thinking it would be nice if someone tried to call my deskphone and my iphone would ring
06:32.49*** join/#asterisk hetii (~Grzegorz@
06:32.58PhoenixMageand I could answer on either
06:33.07WiretapSevenPhoenixMage, see above about multiple peers on same user
06:33.17PhoenixMagethanks again
06:33.17WiretapSevenyou could also use ringgroups
06:33.24p3nguinYou can always create a peer for both phones.
06:33.25PhoenixMageI miss helpful freenode chans :)
06:33.36WiretapSevenI think SCCP-B supports multiple registrations for one line though
06:33.44WiretapSevenin the SLA behaviour
06:33.48p3nguinIt does.
06:33.49PhoenixMageWill look into it, thanks guys
06:33.55kaldemarPhoenixMage: you can make an extension dial multiple devices, but the one that does not answer gets an unanswered call on it.
06:34.11WiretapSevenp3nguin, does it support multi-level priority presence?
06:34.39p3nguinI don't think so.  You'd have to use ring groups and build that into dial plan.
06:35.05WiretapSevenMLPP is differing call priorities
06:35.20WiretapSeveni.e standard, important, critical, etc
06:35.45p3nguinPerhaps I don't know what it does.  Based on the name of the technology, I would expect it can be built with dial plan.
06:36.09WiretapSevenit would, however its an SCCP feature supported by the colour phones
06:36.29WiretapSevenallows differing priority levels to be handled differently at the handset in terms of alerting/takeover
06:36.49WiretapSeven(the top priority level will disconnect lower priority calls to come through, its a military-intended feature)
06:38.30p3nguinI'm only running legacy phones, so if they don't support the feature, I haven't tried to get it working with the channel driver.
06:39.00*** join/#asterisk xofapcom (~xofap@
06:39.04PhoenixMageSo does chan_sccp-b have more features then sip?
06:39.13p3nguinmore than sip, yes
06:39.30p3nguinSIP on these phones, that is.
06:39.46p3nguinSIP on other phones, that's hard for me to say.  There are lots of SIP features.
06:40.06PhoenixMageI have 2 or 3 if I pickup the one on my desk 7975G's and one 7925
06:40.10*** join/#asterisk angryuser_laptop (
06:47.23WiretapSevenPhoenixMage, you must have deep pockets to afford a 7975 :P
06:47.28WiretapSeventhey cost as much as my bloody 1841
06:53.43irrootrenames channel to asterisk-cisco :P
06:55.59PhoenixMageWiretapSeven: It was a gift :)
06:56.38*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
06:56.57PhoenixMageanyway, better head off, thanks for everything guys, may drop in from home later
06:57.09*** part/#asterisk PhoenixMage (
06:57.58WiretapSevenirroot, cisco phones are popular for businesses
06:58.17irrootyeah it appears not so much here though
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07:41.23zknhi, is it possible to reload cli_permissions.conf through some module reload for example or is asterisk restart unavoidable there?
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08:05.48l2trace99anyone know how I can reset the inbound leg of a sip call ?
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08:29.53zknaah got it
08:34.39hetiiirroot, hi :)
08:34.49irroothi there
08:36.45hetiiirroot, i have such issue, when i send mail to my server that are transformed by faxmail application to fax, the endpoint recive it but when it is a mail with html tags, the result is a two page, the first one looks right and the secong page is a html content
08:37.13*** join/#asterisk MariusAgon (~aa@
08:37.16hetiiis it possible to set somehow to don`t attache the html content ?
08:38.24irrootthat is why i do not do mail to fax :P its always tricky
08:38.50irrootuse a script wrapper to pull and dump the html ??
08:44.51hetiiif its only way
08:45.10hetiiyou know i just test now what i can do with it :)
08:46.47hetiiother question is where can i set some flag thati will got mail about each attempts, no i just got only when all attempts was done.
08:52.17irrootyou can do that in the dialplan use a system command or agi script ??
08:56.00hetiiim talk about hylafax
09:01.18hetiiso * do call to my IAX modem on this case and hylafax start process it. Then when file try 12 time deliver fax to endpoint and after that send mail
09:02.10hetiiimho its more hylafax part then *
09:02.24irrootah the hylafax is bit beyond me simple support
09:02.33irrooti get it running and leave it
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09:07.10pecenipicekirroot, i've figured the problems i've had  few days ago with getting the distrotech-customers-1.8 stuff to compile. never ever copy stuff from windows when you're not sure your thrice damned scp client will convert the files properly.
09:07.15hetiiyep, i know what you mean some years ago i work with it set up and forgot that even exist, now i do everything from scrath and i realize that i almost forget everything :)
09:11.49irrootlol @ pecenipicek indeed
09:12.01irrootrule no 1 dont use windows :P
09:12.17pecenipicekwindows good for what i need.
09:12.37hetiiwindows is not good for anything expect games :)
09:12.43irrootrefrains from comment
09:13.21pecenipicekhetii, 3D work counts in a windows bonus as well.
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09:13.46pecenipicekbut yeah, if the stuff i do could be done proper on linux, i'd have switched 100% years ago.ž
09:13.56pecenipicekalas, it is not so.
09:14.30irrootwindows is good for facebook and patience :P improves receptionist retention
09:15.05pecenipicekuntil wine can run the apps i need properly, i'll be staying on windozer :p
09:16.45cneb3000irroot: lol :)
09:17.21jc319I think linux/*nix clones still take a lot of time to work with - probably not if all you need is 1 browser, 1 mail client, 1 office suit but if you need several new applications every day, it takes a lot of system administration time to keep things going. packaging systems help a lot but it's still not totally solved, yet.
09:17.38irrootpecenipicek give me couple seconds im commiting the MWI fixes to my branch will need em to have mwi work on 1.8
09:17.47pecenipicekdont need mwi.
09:17.56irrootah ok then
09:18.16pecenipicekbut there appears to be a problem with
09:18.27pecenipicekor my config files.
09:18.33irrootwas not me :P
09:19.37irrootim a bad bugger the MWI patch had techies scratching there heads on site yesterday had a fix in place over nifght so was all working this AM now they confused more
09:19.51irrootall they need to do is google / look at JIRA
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09:21.11pecenipiceklet us see now if these silly p
09:21.16pecenipicek*phones shall work.
09:21.22pecenipicekoh. damn. need to regen certs.
09:21.27pecenipicekderpity derp derp derp.
09:28.16jc319Someone is trying to register with my server with the wrong password every 10 minutes for the last 12 hours or so, initially it seemed cute and flattering to see someone trying to crack my little server but not any more. Is there a way to see what password they are trying?
09:29.44florzSIP? no
09:29.49WiretapSevenjc319, time for fail2ban
09:30.08florzfail2ban? wtf?
09:32.09jc319WiretapSeven: Thanks checking out
09:32.18WiretapSevenbe warned
09:32.21WiretapSevenfail2ban is a hack
09:32.21cneb3000jc319: You MIGHT be able to catch it in a sip trace?...
09:32.22WiretapSevenbut it does work
09:32.35florzcneb3000: no
09:32.54florzand fail2ban doesn't work and is completely pointless in this case in particular
09:33.08ectospasmNo, the password will be MD5 hashed
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09:33.36pecenipicekirroot, did you folks get anything of a similar in your logs?
09:33.37pecenipicek[Jun 15 11:33:13] WARNING[12439]: chan_sip.c:3346 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x24b4d00 (len 587) to returned -2: Success
09:33.43jc319"Asterisk is an open source VOIP PBX. If you have your asterisk exposed to the Internet, you may see people bruteforcing for usernames and passwords; apart from the obvious security risks, this often occurs at a high rate, causing high CPU and bandwidth usage." This must be software introduction standard - very clear.
09:33.58jc319florz: Why does it not work?
09:34.05*** part/#asterisk cneb3000 (~Ben@
09:34.15jc319(and yes it is SIP, Asterisk, CentOS altest)
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09:34.54florzjc319: because it uses authentication failures as a form of authentication
09:34.59ectospasmjc319: are all the connections coming from the same IP address (or block of addresses)?
09:37.39jc319ectospasm: same IP, seems like automated (or someone doesn't have anything else to do) attempts are precisely at hh:m4:48 (sometimes he's even early and comes at 47th second, but mostly 48th).
09:38.54*** join/#asterisk mechbangirc (
09:39.23ectospasmjc319: so create a firewall rule at your router to drop packets from that address.  Beware, that may become very much like whack-a-mole if you're not careful, as they hop to other addresses.
09:39.51florzwhy would you do that?
09:40.09mechbangircwhat is the difference between a sip extension and a sip trunk?
09:40.30pecenipicekextension is just a number/endpoint, trunk carries bulk traffic?
09:40.36florzit's completely pointless to spend any time on this--just let them do their "cracking"
09:40.37pecenipicekif i have my definitions right.
09:40.37ectospasmmechbangirc: yes.  An extension is typically an endpoint, and a trunk is a connection to a provider
09:40.59pecenipicekwhat ectospasm said.
09:41.20florzas long as it's not impacting performance, it's something between a waste of effort and dangerous to do anything about it
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09:41.42ectospasmflorz: until they succeed in cracking the password.  Making no assumptions about their relative strengths
09:42.12mechbangirccan I send multiple calls to an extension as it has an option something like call-limit?
09:43.05florzectospasm: Well ... just use proper passwords? It's pretty idiotic to build an unreliable and dangerous workaround for weak passwords, isn't it?
09:43.41ectospasmjc319: another, effective way to mitigate this problem is to change the port on which Asterisk is listening for SIP connections, from 5060 to something else.  That shouldn't be dangerous to set, but it will take work to configure all clients to use the new port.
09:43.49florzI mean, that's the point of passwords: Discerning who is allowed and who is not allowed to use a service
09:44.02florzand they are extremely good at that
09:44.12florzfail2ban is not
09:44.28ectospasmflorz: right, but if the password is only a four-digit numeric code, it's not strong enough. I said, I make no assumptions about the relative strengths of the passwords here.
09:44.58florzectospasm: well, that's why you don't use four-digit numeric codes as passwords?
09:45.21pecenipicekoh wth?
09:45.24mechbangircand how does asterisk differentiate b/w an extension and a provider
09:45.36jc319ectospasm: as an immediate solution I already did that now but as you know it is fairly easy to portscan and discover the service port so in the long run it will help only by keeping too-lazy-to-portscan bruteforcers away.
09:45.39ectospasmjc319: florz makes a good point, make sure your SIP passwords are strong
09:45.44pecenipicekokay, call from one phone to the other, when i hang up on the other, it doesnt kill the call.
09:46.12florzand just forget about firewalling or any of that
09:46.15ectospasmjc319: well, yes, but they won't be able to identify the SIP port unless they do a CONNECT scan, which should be blocked at the firewall
09:46.34ectospasm...unless they just happen to guess the correct new port
09:46.47florzports aren't passwords either
09:46.51florzpasswords are passwords
09:47.14ectospasmflorz: no, but they can remove most of the extraneous traffic
09:47.44florzwell, he said something about "every ten minutes" ... which extraneous traffic?!
09:48.10mechbangircok now i got it asterisk always send calls to provider and in case of extension it would send the call to itself (self domain) right?
09:48.53ectospasmmechbangirc: no, not necessarily.  It depends on how you've defined your dialplan
09:49.25ectospasmflorz: I used "extraneous" as a synonym for "unwanted"
09:50.18mechbangircectospasm: I am talking about internal working. does it make sense cause i am just guessing
09:51.04ectospasmmechbangirc: in either case, you use the Dial() application, the destination determines whether it's an internal or external call
09:51.32jc319Ok I will postpone looking into fail2ban (however I have some more questions coming next, trying to figure why do you think it won't work - it seems like it can work). I will use a non-standard port and see if this works with external clients well if it does I'll keep it that way. I will also increase password length and randomize them so one question:
09:52.03jc319Two quotes from web /random sources: "In fact, I have just used the data to recalculate the Digest response according to RFC 2617 (as used in RFC 3261), and I can confirm that the SPA-3201 truncates the password to the first 40 characters." && "An Aastra9133i can take at least a 36-character password, but the cisco craps out (can't authenticate)". So what is a safe length for SIP passwords
09:52.04jc319that won't cause device troubles but would 'just work'. 35-chars?
09:52.12ectospasmjc319: make sure you use alphanumeric and non-alphanumeric characters in the password (beware of using passwords with ';')
09:53.01jc319Will do. How long would work with 7960 and 'most of the devices out there'?
09:53.15ectospasmjc319: anything above 20 characters is probably overkill.  The difference in cracking time is thousands of years to hundreds of thousands... (-;
09:53.27ectospasm(or more)
09:53.38*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
09:53.39ectospasmassuming truly random passwords
09:53.50florzyeah, 20 characters random alphanumeric is probably a good length
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09:54.23florza bit shorter may be sufficient if you need to type them manually or something
09:54.32jc319OK then, since I am never gonna manually type them, 30 chars would be safe and good, cool.
09:55.45ectospasmjc319: you can even set md5secret to hash your passwords so it makes it even that much more unlikely that it can be cracked.
09:55.58ectospasmjc319: remember that no security is absolute, no security is foolproof
09:56.09ectospasm...and perfect is the enemy of good enough
09:56.31florz20 chars password is foolproof, as far as remote cracking is concerned
09:57.03florzand md5secret doesn't add any security at all when passwords aren't shared with other services
09:57.21mechbangircectospasm: why cant I give for an extension definition in sip.conf
09:57.38ectospasmmechbangirc: you should be able to, why do you say it can't?
09:58.00mechbangircI read host=dynamic for extensions
09:58.40mechbangircshould i try?
09:59.03ectospasmthat's for endpoints that get their IP address via DHCP and may not have the same IP from lease to lease
09:59.17ectospasmthat, or remote endpoints that may not always have the same IP address
09:59.39ectospasmmechbangirc: it never hurts to try anything out in Asterisk, within reason of course (-;
09:59.44jc319ectospasm: Yes that's sure, I just want to make it as secure as practical. I'll test 30 char passwords if it works, I'll keep it. The same with using a non-standard high port number. However I still think at some point in time someone might discover the port and start cracking, if they're lucky they will be successfull in the end. To help prevent that, I want to see if there is anything I
09:59.44jc319can do that takes 10-20 minutes to set up when I set up the server. I am willing to spend another say 20 minutes to increase security greatly.
10:00.56ectospasmjc319: don't expect open source Asterisk to be a turnkey solution.  It took me two weeks to get a dial tone, and then another week to make and receive phone calls.  That was pre-1.0 days
10:01.05florzjc319: a random 20-char password is impossible to crack
10:01.29pecenipicekjc319, you are using TLS+SRTP then for SIP phones, amirite?
10:01.29ectospasmI wouldn't expect to have a fully functioning Asterisk system within an hour, even though I'm pretty well versed in this stuff.
10:01.44florzjc319: just forget about adding any protection in addition, you can't get better than uncrackable
10:02.03irrootthere was a article on /. recently where GPU's are bruteforcing passwords in "record" times
10:02.03jc319How can you say that, it is 'random' what if they're lucky. This is like the 14 guys serving lifetime all over the world for falling into the 1% range in DNA tests.
10:02.21florzjc319: if you want to worry, worry about vulnerabilities in asterisk, not about cracked 20-char passwords
10:02.55pecenipicekor vulnerabilities in SIP.
10:03.10ectospasmirroot: can't bruteforce a password if you wait ten minutes between attempts.
10:03.18jc319pecenipicek: No it's not just a basic setup, but it's in my todo list once I finish my features wishlist. I only noticed this supposedly bruteforce attempt and focused on this now
10:03.37pecenipicekat the very least get TLS set up.
10:03.45jc319florz: Yeah that makes sense, okay maybe 30char pwd is all I need.....
10:03.46mechbangircectospasm: it works, so now no other IP can register with this username/secret to my server right?
10:04.06ectospasmmechbangirc: no, you want permit/deny, contactpermit/contactdeny
10:04.14ectospasmmechbangirc: see the annotated sip.conf.sample
10:04.54mechbangirclet me
10:05.09ectospasmjc319: you may be served well by permit/deny/|contactpermit/contactdeny as well.
10:05.21florzjc319: Yes, but it's so unlikely that in every other context you would call the same probability "impossible". And there are far greater risks that you don't do anything about (being run over by a car twice a day, for example)
10:06.23jc319florz: Yes yes got the point now, climbing out of my needless worry pit, cheers.
10:06.30florzgood! :-)
10:07.27ectospasmjc319: and join asterisk-announce so you can be notified of any security updates to Asterisk
10:07.44ectospasm...among regular, non-security updates and related announcements
10:07.55jc319ectospasm: Thanks noted that in my notes>security section, I will have a look along with fail2safe and buddies if my new long random passwd + non-std port security feels not enough :)
10:08.24mechbangircwhy contactpermit/contactdeny instead of permit/deny can a phone change its IP while still being in registered state?
10:09.11ectospasmmechbangirc: contact* stuff is for registration
10:09.15jc319ectospasm: would not bugtraq serve the same purpose, albeit with a little delay perhaps?
10:09.48ectospasmjc319: I dunno how delayed bugtraq/Mitre's CVE would be
10:10.09ectospasmit's a low traffic list
10:10.27jc319oh and before sealing the topic, I also found these on google before florz let me out :D        Additional solutions: 1) For those who may want a bit of additional security, this thread on iptables rate limiting. 2) You may also want to consider adding Asterisk security through geographic IP address restriction.
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10:11.30mechbangircectospasm: can you tell me a use case where some one wants to use different ip/mask for (contactpermit/contactdeny) and (permit/deny)?
10:11.52ectospasmmechbangirc: no
10:12.27ectospasmmechbangirc: permit/deny is for sending calls, contact* is for registering endpoints
10:13.01mechbangircectospasm: so which one you think I should use? or tell me should I use both
10:13.37mechbangircI am referring to extensions btw not trunks
10:14.06ectospasmmechbangirc: read the documentation and decide which one works best for your situation.  If you configure extensions to be able to send calls withouth registering, then permit/deny is your only option
10:14.53mechbangircectospasm: ok now I got it. thanks
10:16.09*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
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10:16.49jacc0hi all!!
10:17.22jkroonusing chan_dahdi, does the ISDN (PRI, E1 specifically) negotiate the companding, ie, ulaw vs alaw or is this something I need to configure on * ?
10:18.05ectospasmjkroon: usually you don't worry about the companding on PRI, it's configured in DAHDI or Asterisk (can't remember exactly which)
10:18.42ectospasmAsterisk will take the G.711 and convert it to signed linear for its internal processing, and perform transcoding to other codecs as necessary
10:19.13ectospasm...same as it does for analog
10:19.14jkroonectospasm, in three years this is the first time i've had to worry about.
10:19.39ectospasmwhy is it an issue now?
10:20.09jkroonnew installation.
10:20.41jkroonaudio sounds crap, and as a test I've done a recording from one of my SIP channels to ulaw, renamed the file to .alaw and the distortion effect sounds about similar.
10:21.21ectospasmwhat version of Asterisk?
10:21.46ectospasmso audio quality is poor, on both the PRI and the SIP side?
10:22.26jkroondon't know about the PRI side, but definitely on the SIP side.  (ie, on the SIP side you can definitely hear distortion, i haven't been on the other end of the link recently)
10:22.50WIMPyjkroon: It needs to be configured. But thinking about it, I've no clue, where it can be done.
10:25.15ectospasmWIMPy: jkroon:  there doesn't look like any options for companding in the DAHDI drivers, and I don't know of anywhere in Asterisk that it can be set.
10:26.00WIMPyI can't find anything, either.
10:26.09ectospasmjkroon: can you test the network link for noise?  Also, is there any resource contention on this system?
10:26.10jkroonchan_dahdi.c seems to refer to companding ... so i'll check.
10:26.24WIMPySo it must be implied by some other setting.
10:26.31jkroonectospasm, bringing in the PRI using either a epigy gw or a quintim gw solves the noise.
10:26.34ectospasmjkroon: it does, but it's not an option exposed by any driver parameters
10:26.37irrootjkroon there is a alaw overide options when loading the drivers
10:26.51ectospasmirroot: but not for PRI
10:27.01ectospasmirroot: wait, lemme look again
10:27.17ectospasmirroot: yeah, not for wct4xxp or wcte12xp
10:27.18jkroonno there is not, modinfo wcb4xxp agrees with you.
10:27.49irrootyeah indeed
10:27.54jkroonno, no companding option in chan_dahdi either.
10:28.28irrootis it maybe spermcount ??? aka telkom
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10:29.15ectospasmsnorts his milk
10:29.40irrootectospasm our local telco monopoly
10:29.46WIMPyGreat. Now I feel like I don;t know why dahdi ever worked.
10:30.05irroottel = count work out the reset :P
10:30.14jkroonWIMPy, as far as I can tell PRI actually notifies the remote peer of the companding in use.
10:30.35jkroonhas a nasty feeling telscum is telling me ulaw but is in fact sending me alaw. or the other way round ...
10:31.11ectospasmjkroon: you might be able to see that in the PRI debug (but I dunno, I've never looked for that there)
10:31.12WIMPyjkroon: There can be a LLC IE, but that's optional and probably  rare.
10:31.21WIMPyBut certainly only on a per call basis.
10:31.38jkroonectospasm, that's the plan, but I still need a way to override whatever is negotiated in order to test.
10:32.37ectospasmjkroon: you can try overriding it in the DAHDI source, but that is not supported (-;  It can't hurt, just make backups!
10:33.43irroot#define AST_LAW(p) (((p)->law == DAHDI_LAW_ALAW) ? AST_FORMAT_ALAW : AST_FORMAT_ULAW)
10:33.50WIMPyAccording to redfone samples, you can configure alaw=<channellis> in chan_dahdi.conf.
10:33.52irrootswap em arround in chan_dahdi
10:34.17irrootWIMPy seems to have more elegant solution
10:35.07WIMPyI don't see that documented in the chan_dahdi.conf sample, however.
10:35.29irrootWIMPy cant find it in the source search for "alaw"
10:36.21WIMPyThis is scary.
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10:37.39jkroondahdi show channel shows a default law option.
10:40.32ectospasmjkroon: try the alaw= option in chan_dahdi.conf like WIMPy suggested.  It won't hurt to try it
10:40.44*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
10:40.55jkroonthere is no alaw= option that I can find.
10:42.15ectospasmjkroon: if it's there, it's undocumented. worst chan_dahdi won't load with it set
10:42.42ectospasmjkroon: you are during a maintenance window now, right?
10:44.27jkroonectospasm, no, busy preparing for that window.
10:44.50irrootjkroon you have a multi port card ?? maybe do a back to back loopback test ??
10:45.15ectospasmirroot: no need to back to back, when a patlooptest can be performed
10:45.35ectospasmoh, wait, this is BRI, nevermind
10:45.45ectospasmback to back test is the only option right now.
10:48.25*** join/#asterisk Cadey (~x@
10:52.57CadeyHi guys, we have open sourced a project our c# dev team created for our asterisk box. Its a AMI proxy with features we needed as a business (call centre enviroment). It has 3 additional features which are tailored to a call centre (sales) enviroment. Extension Monitor, Line monitors and Call stats. Take a look if you run windows servers at your site which you could use to deploy this suite.
10:53.02Cadeyurl :
10:54.50jkroonectospasm, it's PRI (E1)
10:55.09WIMPyIt seems to go to dahdi/system.conf alaw=, ulaw= and deflaw=.
10:56.18ectospasmjkroon: oh, then a patlooptest is a viable test
10:56.54irrootthx wimpy filed in the memory bank can be usefull
10:57.52*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
10:57.54ectospasmirroot, WIMPy, jkroon:  yep, the alaw/mulaw settings are in the annotated system.conf that comes with DAHDI
10:58.15ectospasmit's rarely used here, which is why I didn't immediately think of it
11:00.07irrootcant remember see it
11:00.45irrooti use alawoveride for TDM so no need and ill be putting down a beer+ that telkom is screwing jkroon
11:02.51jkroonirroot, i won't take that bet.  because I firmly believe you're right.
11:03.47jkroonalawoverride is not on option on any ISDN links.
11:04.25jkroonit only applies to tdm kit, and it's been deprecated:  companding:Change the companding to "auto" or "alaw" or "ulaw". Auto (default) will set everything to ulaw unless a BRI module is installed. It will use alaw in that case (charp)
11:05.00WIMPyI've always wanted to know which options can be used with what interfaces.
11:05.12irrootjkroon im here in randburg can prolly scare up some resources ... yeah i have not seen your problem yet suspect i might had a BRI line the other day that was screwed
11:05.18jkroonWIMPy, use the "modinfo" command.
11:05.49jkroonhehe, it works perfectly against a Siemans PABX, an Epigy and a Quintim.
11:05.50ectospasmWIMPy: there's also the /sys/module/<driver>/parameters/* list, but the driver needs to be loaded
11:05.52WIMPyjkroon: For chan_dahdi.conf that is.
11:05.54jkroonproblem is likely on *
11:05.56irrootfor some reason they installed a nt-2 not nt-2a with S bus disabled
11:06.04jkroonectospasm, that requires you to have the module loaded already :p
11:06.14ectospasmjkroon: yep, I said that (-;
11:06.52ectospasmjkroon: just know that Asterisk 1.6.2 is deprecated, and will only receive security updates through April 21, 2012, at which point it reaches its end of life. if you've identified a bug in Asterisk, it won't be fixed unless it's considered a security vulnerability (not likely with DAHDI)
11:07.43ariel_I really hate that word deprecated,  When the product is still available till it's end of life date.
11:08.17irrootdeprecated = developers dont care or want to care about maintaining it ....
11:08.21ectospasmariel_: it means it's still available, but most problems with it will not be fixed.  What other word do you suggest?
11:08.35ectospasmthe version schedule is on the wiki
11:08.43ariel_I know what it means, I did not say that, I just said I don't like the word
11:09.10irrootyeah but its lot better than the alternative :P
11:09.11ectospasmariel_: why not?  Do you have a better word?
11:09.21irrootFUBAR ??
11:09.38*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-nbqdehdngrkzjyff)
11:10.12ectospasmirroot: I prefer SOL
11:10.34ariel_In the process of authoring computer software, its standards or documentation, deprecation is a status applied to software features to indicate that they should be avoided,
11:10.45jkroonectospasm, trust me - currently using * 1.6.2 is causing me fewer headaches than 1.8.  the less digium changes the better.  so security updates only is awesome news for me.
11:10.56ariel_this is not software that should be avoided yet
11:11.07ariel_so the term is not applicable
11:11.30ariel_and most of all our servers over 400 plus none are on 1.8 yet
11:11.48ariel_no plans on it moving for some time as we develop and test before any move
11:11.50ectospasmwon't be able to get support for it from Digium going forward.  But you may not find that necessary.
11:12.06ariel_actually we do
11:12.13ariel_but that is a complete other story
11:12.18ariel_it's not end of life yet
11:12.40ectospasmNo, but we're encouraging all of our customers to begin their migration plans if they haven't already.
11:13.27ariel_yes well encourage but it's not dropped
11:14.09ariel_there is a big difference we have contacts with digium for support and they have always supported us on the software side if we have issues.
11:14.10ectospasmat least, engineering support for earlier versions of Asterisk is totally gone
11:14.20ariel_1.4 is lts
11:14.25ectospasmyes, support will help as best we can
11:14.48ectospasmariel_: and 1.4 is deprecated as well.  Went into security-fix only same time Asterisk 1.6.2 did.
11:15.03ariel_I don't have issues with security fix only
11:15.13ectospasmNo engineering support is a big deal, if you uncover non-security-related bugs.
11:15.16ariel_it's a very bad word to be using on your own product
11:15.50ectospasmdo you suggest a better one?
11:16.14ariel_Like I said we have lots of asterisk setup and have no plan on any upgrade to them unless something comes up that we need to upgrade it
11:16.39irrooti self maintained 1.4 for a long time there is large community support opensource is a strange animal you welcome to fork it and run with it too
11:16.55ariel_You don't see Cisco, Microsoft say those terms even when they no longer support the product
11:17.07irrootariel_ beg to differ
11:17.23ariel_irroot: we still have our own version off the 1.09 setup
11:17.23irrootmicrosoft has EOL on all products
11:17.34ectospasmI think you're reading too much into the term "deprecated."  It's a succinct description of the versions' statuses
11:17.38irrootand they brutal with it
11:17.54irrootlook at things like frontpage people invested heavily in it
11:17.56ectospasmdeprecation is the phase between full support and EOL
11:18.09irrootwe not allowed to distribute  the apache mods any longer
11:18.17ariel_ectospasm: it's a word that sound negative it should not be in normal use.
11:19.39ectospasm...your opinion, but it wraps up the idea into one term.  Again, I've asked this at least three times, do you have a better suggestion for a term we should use?  It's not an offical term.  The official term is "Security Fix Only", but the versions page mentions deprecated too
11:20.03ariel_ectospasm: actually I don't but I will think of it and come up with one later.
11:21.53ariel_bbl heading to the office.  I will get back to you on that term.  I also think it was a very bad move when they switched to adding core to the front of most command, it's a really bad move.
11:22.47ectospasmariel_: all the core commands are those that exist when no other modules are loaded.  It was a way to preface those commands in Asterisk proper.  It would have been too unwieldy otherwise.
11:23.19WIMPythinks it's a cleaner layout indeed.
11:25.03irrooti use aliases :P avoids having to retrain techies / worse checking all scripts
11:26.33ectospasmheh, my living the past four years has been about adapting to all the changes
11:31.53*** join/#asterisk din3sh (~din3sh@
11:33.58DNDhi guys. im having problem loading
11:34.02DNDit just says failed
11:34.41DNDalso im not sure what are the requirements
11:35.14WIMPyAre you sure, you want to use OSS?
11:35.25DNDi wanted to dial from the cli
11:35.51DNDas of now the server is at another office and i wanted to test the calling capabilities
11:36.07WIMPychan_alsa or chan_console might be a better choice.
11:36.23DNDwhich do you recommend?
11:36.43WIMPyuses chan_alsa
11:38.14DNDseems i will need a recompile
11:38.40DNDbut im using *now
11:40.05DNDoohh its called asterisk-alsa
11:40.22irroothehe im still using chan_oss with alsa compat ... :-S
11:41.48DNDis there any tutorial on how to use alsa?
11:42.23DNDor right after loading, i can use the dial command?
11:43.56WIMPyYou only need to make sure, it's git the right devices.
11:44.17leifmadsenp3nguin: 7659*460
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11:49.48MariusAgonWhen someone calls in my queue, periodic announcment starts, but since it's playing the call isn't passed through the agents. How can i solve it?
12:03.37DNDWIMPy, it seems it still cannot load alsa
12:04.17WIMPyDo you have a working sound system then?
12:04.42DNDi have only the on board sound card :D
12:06.20irrootim using snd_dummy
12:06.30irrootcant hear anything but it works
12:06.39irrootmodprobe snd_dummy
12:06.49DNDi just need to dial to my mobile to make sure the line is working
12:08.01DNDanyway. i'll just have to resort to plan B
12:10.07irrootDND the 16lb hammer ?
12:10.25DNDno.. setting up vpn :D
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12:11.48pecenipicekgo-go minimalist asterisk!
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12:13.16pecenipicekbtw, irroot, thank you for linking me to your version, the SRTP compat stuff saved my ass.
12:15.27irrootawesome thx for the feedback ... perhaps go to and post there and
12:34.02luckman212anyone know how to make a polycom phone use a specific RTP port for media?
12:34.51luckman212i've tried tcpIpApp.port.rtp.forceSend=   as well as nat.mediaPortStart=     in my XML configs but neither one seems to do anything, phone still uses port 2222 (default)
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12:55.28psilikonluckman212, what about '.mediaPortRangeStart'? Maybe.
12:56.18luckman212psilikon: that's not defined
12:57.03psilikonluckman212, I've had issues with webgui configuration changes overriding my xml configs on polycoms...
12:57.26luckman212psilikon: yes me too, I have totally disabled the web interface on my phone
12:57.35luckman212& deleted the overrides
12:58.07psilikonluckman212, how do you delete the overrides?  By clearing local config?
12:58.53luckman212i deleted <macaddress>-phone.cfg from my config FTP server
12:59.07luckman212do I have to do more?
12:59.59*** join/#asterisk blee (
13:00.30bleeHi all, I was hoping someone could help me.  I am having strange issues with asterisk not responding to certain SIP packets, namely 200OKs
13:01.10psilikonluckman212, Try to: reset local config, reset devices settings and maybe even format file system from the advanced settings menu on the phone.  Then set the rtp directive in you <mac>.cfg file and reboot the phone.
13:01.52psilikonluckman212, actually I think the phone will reboot while performing each step from above.
13:02.04irrootblee why would asterisk respond to a valid response ?? other than turning retransmit off ??
13:02.25bleeit should ack the 200ok
13:02.28bleebut it doesnt
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13:02.32bleeso the call keeps ringing and goes to voicemail
13:02.50irrootpastebin a trace please blee
13:02.58bleeokay bear with me
13:03.11psilikonluckman212, I have some 601s and 650s... I love 'em but those web overrides have messed with my patience in the past.
13:04.01bleeirroot: i have a pcap, one sec
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13:05.21luckman212yeah I am tearing my hair out just trying to get the phone to use the right port range for RTP, which I *swear* I had working before
13:05.35mandlairroot, did you get my mail?
13:06.15irrootindeed thx today is a bad day people all over litrally durban and all ...
13:06.24irrootexpect a reply soonest
13:06.34psilikonluckman212, in my 601's sip.cfg  I have tcpIpApp.port.rtp.mediaPortRangeStart=""
13:06.52luckman212psilikon: that will cause it to just use the default (2222)
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13:13.02psilikonluckman212, The 601 admin manual says:          If set to Null, the value 2222 will be used for the first allo-cated RTP port, otherwise, the specified port will be used.
13:13.33psilikonluckman212, Then there is this: tcpIpApp.port.rtp.forceSend
13:15.22luckman212yes I have the same thing here, but for some reason its not using the parameters I set :(
13:15.58psilikonluckman212, try to erase the local config on the phone.
13:17.42jayteeif you've got ftp provisioning working, then do a file system format on the phone to wipe out any setting set in the web interface.
13:19.34psilikonluckman212, I am confident that what jaytee recommended will solve you issue.
13:19.54luckman212alright.. will try that, right now I'm cleaning up some formatting in my xml files
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13:26.13nettieHi guys, I'm looking into asterisk clustering solutions for an IVR application, from what I read on the web looks like the suggested and most used setup is load-balancer->openser->dundi->asterisk_boxes this coupled of course with a replciated DB with n+1 slaves depending on the read load and n+1 app servers to handle the application logic if unix_odbc is too limited for the application. All the information I gathered are pretty old so I would like to know
13:28.48leifmadsennettie: from what you've described it seems like you're on the right track
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13:29.09leifmadsendepending on how large, you may or may not need all of those components
13:32.03nettieleifmadsen I see thanks for the info, I'm just trying to figure out what could be feasible technically most of the components are already avaialble in our infrastructure, I just need to glue them together and of course as you suggest figure out the needs to avoid additional efforts in terms of architecture design and maintainance
13:33.47leifmadsenya, basically you'll want something like OpenSIPS for the distribution of the calls amongst the Asterisk boxes, then have your end points registered to OpenSIPS. After that, then the Asterisk boxes would be connected to a replicated database which would then access data via res_odbc and func_odbc to access the dynamic data. You make the dialplan as static as possible across the boxes.
13:34.31nettieloosk like the latest asterisk definitive guide has an interesting chapter on clustering I think I'll buy it
13:34.45leifmadsenif you need to get into things like voicemail MWI and things like that, you might need to look at scripts to trigger MWI to phones directly through the externnotify script in voicemail.conf, or make sure your OpenSIPS and Asterisk are all setup to play nice to pass those messages around.
13:34.46nettieleifmadsen thanks
13:34.53leifmadsennettie: I wrote that chapter :)
13:35.01leifmadsenit's more an overview with pictures of topologies
13:35.02nettieleifmadsen: ouch :)
13:35.36leifmadsencheck to check out if it does what you want, then buy a copy if you find it useful
13:35.49nettiethanks really.
13:35.56leifmadsenpositive reviews on Amazon's site are always welcome :)
13:36.59*** join/#asterisk Ruckman (~Ruckman@2001:470:7:e32::2)
13:38.22nettieThis is "just" an IVR so I don't play to play with physical phone I think the probable customer will simply forward calls to us, sorry for the lack of informations but I have not much project visibility at this time.
13:38.37leifmadsenya no worries have fun!
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13:38.59nettiethanks again!
13:44.11mandlairroot, alright then man, Dankie.
13:44.57*** join/#asterisk hc (~hc@pdpc/supporter/active/hc-e)
13:45.17hchi. is there a way to let asterisk pass SIP INFO messages between two bridged phones?
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13:46.12hcand/or has anyone successfully used cisco PAP2T's built in proprietary RTP cryptography together with asterisk?
13:46.26irroot:P Kena ka kgotso
13:50.08*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
13:51.14mandlairroot, you aint that bad.
13:51.35irroothehe got some help ill be honnest
13:55.49`mxwhen will asteriskNow have 1.8 code?
13:57.30mandlammmmh, irroot, the equivalent of zapata.conf is cha_dahdi.conf right?
13:57.46irrootchan_dahdi.conf indeed
13:59.03mandlairroot, now i have to configure channels in chan_dahdi.conf and make reference to it in extensions.conf, so i can be able to make out going calls?
13:59.40bleeirroot: sorry I got distracted, can i give you a pcap file to pull up in wireshark?
14:00.01irrootblee i bit busy this side post it to pastebin
14:00.08irrootmandla yeah indeed
14:00.38irrootgroup the outside lines all together
14:00.54irrootthen put the "extensions" in one by one
14:00.57mandlaok, will be in touch, let me do something.
14:01.13*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
14:01.25irrootso dialing DAHDI/g1/02711.... will call jozi
14:01.43irrootand DAHDI/20 calls exten 20
14:02.39pecenipicekokay, if anyone can help me, i'd be grateful. how do i set up stuff dialplanwise, when i want to use a IAX line to connect two boxes, with RSA auth involved? what should the dial line look like?
14:03.17*** join/#asterisk Naikrovek (~jjohnson@unaffiliated/naikrovek)
14:03.37pecenipiceki currently got Dial(IAX2/<user>:${SECRET}@<server ip>/${EXTEN},30) and it fails because i didnt provide a pass apparently.
14:03.38kaldemarpecenipicek: iirc, business as usual but with encryption=yes in iax.conf.
14:04.13bleeirroot: pm :D
14:05.07pecenipicekkaldemar, define business as usual, please :)
14:05.20kaldemarpecenipicek: Dial(IAX2/peer_defined_in_iaxconf/number)
14:06.24Kattygooooooooooooood morning!
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14:07.13pecenipicekforce encrypt should be dumped outta the window, amirite?
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14:09.42kaldemarpecenipicek: only if you want to enable unencrypted calls too.
14:10.25pecenipicekbrb anyhow
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14:13.57Kobazlooks like someone is trying to patent ip phone registration
14:14.29irrootkobaz a company who would love to patent a certain decidious fruit :P
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14:16.15timholum1I am wondering if there is a way to see if calls are encrypted? I am running Polycom SoundPoint 335 Using tcp for the connection, every once and a while I will see some things in my log's about tcp/tls which would be encryption I just dont know if it is about thoughts phones
14:16.42pecenipicekcapture them packets when stuff is going around?
14:17.30mandlairroot, are you buzy?
14:17.31timholum1so there is no "core show encrytion" or something of the sort
14:18.02irrootalways but we friends and neighbours want some milk
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14:21.25mandlairroot, i need to know exactly wat to put in chan_dahdi and in extensions.conf, so i could be able to call outside.
14:21.47ipc9what would be the easiest way to pass music from line in on the machine running asterisk, to a voip call?
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14:22.14sxpertipc9: there's the audio console
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14:23.34irrootwhat ports you got pri and ana what numbers are they ill do a config for you
14:23.45ipc9sxpert: ok, is that a web based config? or is there a command line/config file
14:24.32sxpertweb based config ?
14:24.53mandlairroot, iv got BRI
14:25.16irrootsame idea :P just need the ports
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14:25.43ipc9sxpert: what should i google to know what you are recommending?
14:25.55MariusAgonIs it possible to call another agent in queue when announcment is playing?
14:26.32mandlairroot, XBUS-00/XPD-00: BRI_TE   (3)   Span 1  DAHDI-SYNC
14:26.42ipc9sxpert: perfect, thank you.
14:26.51mandlairroot, does that help?
14:26.54irrootand analogue ?
14:27.07irrootlsdahdi ?? and email it perhaps
14:27.15*** join/#asterisk PhoenixMage (
14:27.30mandlail pastebin it.
14:27.51PhoenixMageHi guys, is there comprehensive documenation of the SEP<mac>.cnf.xml file?
14:28.21pecenipicekcisco phones?
14:28.27pecenipicekyou wish :p
14:28.39pecenipicektry cisco's site, but i seriously doubt you'll have much luck.
14:28.42pecenipiceki know i didnt. -.-
14:28.56PhoenixMageI have, didnt find anything
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14:31.18irrootmandla looking good
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14:31.32mandlairroot, is that all you needed?
14:31.47irrootso lines are 1/2
14:32.01irrootphones are 18-43
14:32.23irrootnot 26/35
14:32.27pecenipicekkaldemar, are register => blahblah@blah statements neccesary with that stuff for iax?
14:33.00mandlairroot, what do you mean?
14:33.10irrootsee the outptu
14:33.22irrootis a map of all lines
14:33.57irroot1-2 are a BRI active in asterisk
14:34.22irroot13-14 are extensions to phones
14:34.58mandlayah but iv only two analog phones connected, yah true true, i get wat you mean now. yah its like that.
14:35.18MariusAgonWhy everyone is ignoring me? :/
14:35.52mandlaMariusAgon, Yah i think its possible.
14:36.12irrootmandla now paste chan_dahdi.conf and extensions.conf
14:36.20irrootdo it step by step
14:36.36MariusAgonI'm trying to find something about that, but failing entire day :/
14:36.46mandlairroot, these are huge files.
14:37.23irrootmmm without the comments ??
14:37.55mandlaalmost everything is commented out.
14:38.09mandlaespecially in chan_dahdi.conf
14:38.58mandlaHow do i copy the entire file?
14:41.41Kobazis there a way to turn off the loop detection on dials?
14:42.03Kobazdial(sip/localhost)  Got SIP response 482 "Loop Detected" back from
14:42.10Kobazand it converts it into a local channel
14:43.32Kobazmaybe the 'i' option?
14:44.13Kobazhmm, that drops the call
14:46.32mandlairroot, you still there?
14:46.45irrootindeed emailing you
14:47.58irrootits a live config you can use as template
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14:50.23dorphalsigIf a call enters a queue and the agent who answers transfers it to another queue, how would that call appear in the CDR?
14:50.54mandlairroot, so i delete what i have in chan_dahdi.config and replace it with the one you sent?
14:51.26Kobazah, IAX2 allows loops
14:51.47irrootmandla look at it there extentions in there and a pri [group 1] change that to the correct signalling
14:52.05irrootalso the contexts used may differ
14:52.27WIMPyOh. Back to the first step again?
14:52.31justnulling2keep getting 'Bridge technology softmix failed to setup bridge structure' any reason as to why softmix fails like that?
14:52.37irrootwhat i want is you to have the right setup here so we can get ot going
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14:53.21dorphalsigHello If a call enters a queue and the agent who answers transfers it to another queue, how would that call appear in the CDR?
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14:55.50mandlairroot, oh i thought, you had edited it looking at the info iv given you on pastebin.
14:56.21irrootyeah was going too but then got stuck with something
14:57.18irrootchange the mailbox/context/channel and callerid to match your setup
14:57.25irrootfor the extensions
14:58.00PhoenixMageits got me why thisdamn 7975 wont register :(
14:58.09irrootfor the group change channels context and signalling
14:58.20irrootand check the other options against yours
14:58.54PhoenixMagecant even see anything in tcpdump
14:59.18PhoenixMagegets its SEP file from tftp gets the time from the ntp, then nothing :(
15:01.58*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:02.11mandlairroot, when a line starts with ; this means its commented out right?
15:03.39l2trace99anyone know of a way to reset the codec on an already established call leg  ?
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15:04.48dorphalsigHello If a call enters a queue and the agent who answers transfers it to another queue, how would that call appear in the CDR?
15:05.28dorphalsigI mean, I have about 4 queues, but I want agents to forward callers to the appropiate queue if they call the wrong one
15:05.35irrootdorphalsig intresting question indeed
15:05.47dorphalsighow can I know how many calls were redirected?
15:06.26irrootdorphalsig check
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15:30.03mandlairroot, now i think i understand
15:30.17irrootgreat once you get it its got
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15:56.50infobotFor more information about the Asterisk book, see ~thebook
15:57.08infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
15:57.52Faustovwhy not give the same info for ~book, but point to another alias
15:57.54Qwellwho changed that, and why is there like no info now? O.o
15:59.10russellbinfobot: forget book
15:59.23*** join/#asterisk paulc (~paulc@unaffiliated/paulc)
15:59.29infobotFor more information about the Asterisk book, see ~thebook
15:59.45russellbinfobot: no, book is <reply> Asterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
15:59.45infobotrussellb: okay
16:00.01Faustovhigh five
16:00.59*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
16:06.06*** join/#asterisk disasterisk (48edd5a2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:07.18disasteriskhow is everyone?
16:09.08disasteriskdoes anybody know how to prevent memory leaks in FastAGI?
16:09.28leifmadsenQwell: I changed it
16:09.37leifmadsenbecause it was wrong, and I hate having the same information in 100 places
16:10.04leifmadsenand, afaik you can't "alias" or "symlink" the same data with infobot
16:10.34leifmadsenrussellb: you just circumvented what I was trying to prevent though :)
16:11.37*** join/#asterisk mzb (
16:12.02Qwellinfobot: no, book is <reply> see thebook
16:12.02infobotQwell: okay
16:12.09Qwellinfobot: no, book is test
16:12.09infobotokay, Qwell
16:12.11infobotsomebody said book was test
16:12.12russellbheh, i was going to say that
16:12.13Qwellinfobot: no, book is <reply> see thebook
16:12.13infobotokay, Qwell
16:12.21russellbinfobot: no, book is
16:12.35infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
16:12.37Qwellthere we go
16:12.51leifmadsenwhat did you use?
16:12.53Qwell<reply> see symlinkgoeshere
16:13.04leifmadsenwell there we go then
16:13.16Qwell/msg infobot help redirection
16:13.28leifmadsenya I did a /msg infobot help but there was 100 commands replied back
16:13.34leifmadsengoes to shower, eat lunch, then return to work
16:15.28*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~jj@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
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16:17.30dont_taze_me_brohello everyone
16:18.11linuxgeckoif i wanted to run lots of low-powered opensuse server installs, what's the lowest ram i could get away with?
16:18.32*** join/#asterisk d-_-b- (~d-_-b-@2607:f370:9999:dead:5ab0:35ff:fef7:6be3)
16:18.50dont_taze_me_brolinuxgecko: 64MB
16:19.27otwieraczAre you jokeing?
16:19.33otwieraczIt will be not usable.
16:19.55carrarHow do you know?
16:19.55dont_taze_me_brolinuxgecko: how many concurrent calls?
16:20.42otwieraczIMO 64MB isn't enough for pure linux.
16:20.54Kobaz64KB is enough for everybody
16:21.08JonathanRoseports Asterisk to Commodore 64 Basic
16:22.53paulcsighs - Ah, Commodore 64.. with its funny floppy drive.. those were the days
16:22.55*** join/#asterisk gruvfunk (
16:23.00carrarotwieracz, setup a box with lots of memory, install everything you wanna run, and find out how much mem it's using
16:23.15gruvfunkgreetz all
16:23.47gruvfunkI'm looking for a SIP provider with Toll Free DID's in Germany and Italy - if anyone can recommend a provider, please let me know. TIA
16:23.51dont_taze_me_brogreetings gruvfunk
16:25.21linuxgeckodont_taze_me_bro: probably one per?  yeah i know,  one monolithic server would probably work more efficiently, but i am proposing a plan for a friend, who runs an office of independdent agents,   and i doubt they want me lumping all the credentials innto one file.
16:25.47dont_taze_me_brolinuxgecko: try the pogoplug
16:26.05dont_taze_me_broput debia squeeze on it
16:28.11p3nguinThere's no reason you need to have all the configs in a single file just because you only have one centralized asterisk system for several offices.  See #Include.
16:30.48*** join/#asterisk mclaro (~mclaro@
16:33.16pigpenSo, what is the general census on a CDR reporting web app these days?
16:33.36l2trace99will sip peers renegotiate codecs with re-INVITES   ?
16:33.54pigpenI have been using the old Asterisk CDR (from Belgium) but php is now unhappy with it.
16:34.06pigpenl2trace99, if necessary.
16:34.58l2trace99will dialplan vars persist  ?
16:35.46l2trace99I guess not
16:35.52pigpenyes as it is still part of the dialplan.
16:36.28pigpenwell, I would think it will.  To my understanding, asterisk is still in the loop, just the media stream is direct.
16:37.19l2trace99but if at exten => _5XX,1,Set(booger=$[${booger} +1])
16:37.19l2trace99exten => _5XX,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
16:37.32l2trace99booger would never increment would it
16:37.55l2trace99assuming syntax was correct
16:38.18pigpensorry, I am still thinking on the "booger" part.
16:38.33pigpenCongested today?
16:39.06pigpenthe re-invite does it on the dial, not the Set
16:40.23l2trace99can pass values on Dial() with out altering the exten ?
16:41.41pigpenin your example, the variable "booger" is not called, why why would it care?
16:41.53pigpenAnd, I think I am not following you.
16:42.05*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
16:42.27l2trace99here is what I am trying to do
16:43.25l2trace99I have to answer the call with 1 codec and then pass it to meetme with another
16:43.48l2trace99the call is answered via an IVR
16:44.19l2trace99transfer works awesome except the carrier will not support SIP REFER
16:45.00pigpenThen it sounds like your asterisk box will be in the middle doing the transcoding
16:45.24l2trace99my thinking is if I can send reinvite and reneg the codec I would be good
16:45.43l2trace99due to licensing I can't transcode
16:46.07pigpendepending on the codec.
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16:51.07linuxgeckol2trace99:  how do oyu accept one codec and pass it the call on as a different codec, w/o transcoding?
16:51.42l2trace99by resetting the first call leg
16:51.52l2trace99it can be done via TRANSFER()
16:52.14l2trace99but in this case I can't use TRANSFER
16:52.39*** join/#asterisk cVsup (~cVsup@
16:53.07linuxgeckol2trace99: so you want to actually give the call to the meetme,  but ti can't use the same codec as the originating call,  yes?
16:54.00l2trace99call comes in g729 needs to goto meetme g711
16:54.20linuxgeckodo you NEED to use the untranscodable codec on the originating call, or could you use the meetme-frieeendly codec to begine with?
16:54.44l2trace99g729 is required
16:54.49l2trace99so is the ivr
16:55.00l2trace99if i wasn't calling to answer()
16:55.11l2trace99then I could just set the SIP_CODEC var
16:55.55l2trace99I am wondering if reinvites will reneg codec selection
16:56.19l2trace99and then I would have to detect that it was re invited
16:56.37l2trace99( providing that the carrier will  play along  )
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17:04.08pigpeng729 is free as long as you don't have it transcoding to a different codec.
17:04.15pigpenbut, you need to buy it if you do.,
17:04.36pigpenNow, unless you have a ton of simultaneous calls, why not just buy it?
17:04.45p3nguinl2trace99: If you're going to do MeetMe, you cannot do reinvites to get asterisk out of the stream -- asterisk will always be in the stream providing the MeetMe conference.
17:05.33p3nguinpigpen: You're not going to legally obtain the codec and license without paying for it, regardless if you are going to use it to transcode or not.
17:06.13dont_taze_me_brop3nguin: aren't they just as good codecs for free?
17:06.29pigpenp3nguin, I thought I read in the license detail that you can use it for free, as long as you don't transcode it.
17:06.34p3nguindont_taze_me_bro: There is no free G.729 codec.
17:06.41*** join/#asterisk michael-i (
17:06.59pigpennow, it has been about a year ago, and I have slept since then...
17:07.05*** part/#asterisk ketema (
17:07.10dont_taze_me_brop3nguin: understood, but other codecs have better quality and can be transcoded for free
17:07.14pigpeneither way, if he has it in your example, he can transcode.
17:07.28p3nguinpigpen: I agree with you assessment, but Digium certainly isn't going to give it to you at no cost just because you tell them you promise not to transcode.
17:07.38gruvfunkwhat's the best codec to be using right now for free?
17:07.40p3nguin(1154.45) <l2trace99> g729 is required
17:07.56p3nguingruvfunk: What is your definition of best?
17:08.13gruvfunkvoice quality vs. used bandwidth (been using ulaw for ages)
17:08.43leifmadsengruvfunk: you could try ilbc or speex....
17:08.47leifmadsenI just use ulaw, g722, or g729
17:08.55leifmadsen(yes i know g729 isn't free)
17:09.03p3nguinG.729 is a good quality codec, saving a lot of bandwidth... but we're just discussing that it isn't free.
17:09.24gruvfunkleifmadsen:  how's g722 compared to ulaw in quality?
17:09.37gruvfunk(in your opinion)
17:10.31pigpenp3nguin, "Each Asterisk server that you want to perform G.729 transformations will require its own license key. "  Note the word, transformations
17:10.37pigpenI called digium about that.
17:11.38Kattysets up stand
17:11.41Kattyfree hugs.
17:11.48p3nguinIn the case where a person wishes to use g729 end to end and not transcode, while keeping Asterisk in the media path, will the g729 codec need to be present on Asterisk?
17:12.22pigpenp3nguin, yeah, passthrough.
17:12.35pigpenie: the call would not benefit from the features of I remember.
17:13.04pigpenSo I was not completely wrong, but not completely right either.  ;-)
17:13.10p3nguinHow does one obtain the codec from Digium for free?  The promise of not transcoding surely will not convince them.  Do they provide a free non-transcoding codec?  I doubt they do.
17:13.51pigpenyou can install the codec, but to use it with typical usage, it need to be licensed.
17:14.04sunfoneIf you aren't transcoding it, then the license is being paid for by the endpoints - that is why you don't have to give Digium any money if it is a passthru
17:14.17p3nguinHow will you legally obtain it?  You're not addressing what I am asking.
17:14.18pigpensunfone, exactly.
17:14.20sunfoneif asterisk is transcoding then it is an endpoint itself
17:15.02p3nguinI'm telling you that Digium is not going to give it to you if you don't pay for it.
17:15.02sunfoneand therefore needs a license
17:15.11leifmadsengruvfunk: night and day? g722 is significantly better sounding than ulaw
17:15.12pigpenp3nguin, on all the * boxes we compile from scratch has the g729 ready to go.
17:15.18sunfoneyou don't even need it loaded to pass through calls
17:15.19pigpenpart of the base I beleive.
17:15.27gruvfunkthx leifmadsen
17:15.28p3nguinI've never heard of such a thing.
17:15.46leifmadsenif everything is g729 ya you don't need the license unless you want to record audio
17:15.54leifmadsen(i.e voicemail)
17:15.56pigpenp3nguin, do:  core show codecs    you will seei it.
17:16.39p3nguinleifmadsen: My question was if the codec is required to be present (installed) on Asterisk if you're doing g729 end-to-end and never transcoding or recording.
17:16.58p3nguinI'm sure I'll see it, since I have the codec and license installed.
17:17.08pigpenI don't, and I see it.
17:17.38p3nguinDisclaimer: this command is for informational purposes only. It does not indicate anything about your configuration.
17:17.55p3nguinIt seems like that's a generic table.
17:18.04sunfoneya that just calculates transcode time
17:18.29sunfonealthough it will show a '-' if you don't have the module loaded
17:18.36sunfone(I think)
17:18.36p3nguinTry "core show translation recalc 10"
17:19.03p3nguincore show codecs doesn't show the translation time.
17:19.44p3nguincore show translation shows the times.  If g729 is all - - - - - , then the codec is not present.
17:19.56*** join/#asterisk golikwid|mac (~chrislees@
17:21.24sunfonethat probably changed in a later version - in 1.4 core show translation shows '-' if it isn't loaded
17:21.38sunfonebut it can still pass through G.729 calls
17:22.29p3nguinOkay, so you're saying that end-to-end g729 calling, without recording or transcoding, does not need to have the codec loaded at all.  Do I read you correctly?
17:22.53sunfonebecause the codec isn't being exercised
17:23.01sunfoneand the endpoints have already paid a royalty
17:23.10p3nguinThis is contradictory to what pigpen said when I asked before, so I'm just trying to get the right story.
17:23.31sunfoneI didn't read the whole thread... just sat down
17:23.45drmessanoAsterisk supports G.729 passthru
17:23.49p3nguinIt's hard for me to test things such as this when I do have the codec installed.
17:23.51drmessanoTranscoding requires a license
17:23.58sunfoneunload the module
17:24.20p3nguinEh... *headsmack*
17:24.27sunfoneI wonder if you can even record as long as it is saved in g.729 format?
17:24.50p3nguinYou'd have to transcode.
17:24.57drmessanoThe license isn't to USE G.729.. your endpoints have already paid for their licenses.  Asterisk just passes media as it would any codec, especially the video
17:25.17p3nguinI believe it goes through slin when recording, no matter what.
17:25.21drmessanoWhen you want to TRANSCODE is where Asterisk itself needs a license
17:25.25sunfoneah ya I think you are right
17:25.38sunfone(the slin bit)
17:26.48sunfoneI dumped g.729 a while back anyway... if you have the bandwidth there doesn't seem to be a reason not to use g.711u
17:26.53sunfonesure sounds better
17:27.17sunfoneare any of the ITSPs doing wideband yet?
17:27.21drmessanoI use G.729 over 3G.  ulaw is horrible
17:27.32sunfonethen you don't have the bandiwdth ;)
17:28.15p3nguinI doubt any ITSP cares about wideband.  It would only be useful for calls that never leave their systems.  Anything that hits the telco switch would be reduced back to ulaw anyway.
17:28.24drmessanoI don't see a big push for it
17:28.35sunfoneits one of those catch22 issues... like IPv6 :)
17:28.48drmessanoTranscoding G.722 down to tin can and string is a waste
17:28.52sunfoneno one will move to it until everyone is using it...
17:29.04drmessanoThat's irrelevant
17:29.13drmessanoIt won't make a difference on the PSTN
17:29.31sunfonewe have to imagine that the traditional PSTN's days are numbered though
17:29.38sunfonejust like IPv4
17:29.44sunfonethere will be some kind of tipping point
17:29.52p3nguinBut if the PSTN infrastructure ever changed, then we might have an opportunity to go HD on it.
17:29.55drmessanoNo, actually, the situation is worse
17:30.45drmessanoPeople are now using mobile handsets, which makes even less of a case for wideband
17:30.57sunfonenot for long!  LTE will change that
17:31.07sunfone3G is so last year :)
17:31.11p3nguinNot every company is going to adopt LTE.
17:31.31sunfonemaybe not LTE per se, but the bandwidth over whatever comes next is inevitable
17:31.52irrootLTE or 3G many providers here all of them are protectionist and block/shape/bar sip/rtp
17:31.53sunfoneI run VoIP over my EVO
17:31.55p3nguinJust look at AT&T: Long live GSM!
17:32.24drmessanoMore bandwidth is not going to give way to higher quality calls
17:32.37sunfonewhy not?
17:32.38p3nguinIt could provide the potential.
17:32.46drmessanoThere may be more room for Facebook and Youtube streaming, but carriers have NO reason to touch call quality
17:32.53p3nguinIt's not going to happen, but it would be more of a possibility.
17:32.59gruvfunkRepost: I need a Toll Free DID in Italy and one in Germany - can anyone recommend an ITSP?
17:33.08Dovidhi. i have 65 G729 liscences: No translator path from alaw to g723
17:33.12Dovidwhy would I ge tthat error ?
17:33.19Dovidi do not have G723 enabled
17:33.35sunfoneI wouldn't be so quick to say so - Sprint (Clearwire) is already shaping SIP
17:33.40drmessanoBecause call quality is NOT an issue for most users.. they don't complain or care.
17:33.52sunfoneOn cell phones?  I complain
17:34.09sunfoneI think the public has become apathetic
17:34.19Dovidanyone know what would cause this ?
17:34.33p3nguinI think the public are a pushover, and they'll use whatever The Man tells them they will use.
17:34.46drmessanoSeriously?  Do you really think the compressed audio on most mobile handsets is something that gets carriers swamped with complaints?  Hell no.  It's MECCA for AT&T
17:34.48sunfonebut if something shiny comes out, they will clamor for it
17:35.23p3nguinI think there's a term for that.
17:35.30sunfonedrm: right, because they have become apathetic about it
17:35.32kaldemarDovid: i think you just answered your own question.
17:35.46drmessanoIf you gave the average mobile user the option of 2 more MB of data a month or wideband calling.. They would take the measly 2MB of data
17:35.56sunfoneDovid - one of your endpoints is trying to use g.723
17:36.06p3nguinThe average user, yes.
17:36.25sunfonebut who says the plans will even stay that way?  Sprint's 4G plan is unlimited
17:36.31p3nguinWe in the minority don't make enough of a difference in wanting wideband for it to happen.
17:36.46sunfoneAll it will take is a new handset that is entirely SIP
17:36.53sunfoneover 4G of whatever kind
17:36.57drmessanoYou can sit here and wish on a SIP star, daydream about the day SIP URI calling bypasses PSTN numbers.. and G.722 or better is the default codec across the universe.. but it won't happen
17:37.02sunfoneWe will have the "pin drop" commercials again
17:37.26drmessanosunfone: What is the emoticon for a pin drop?  There's your market
17:37.44sunfonenot sure I get that :)
17:38.05p3nguinLook back and the days of the old pin drop commercials.  Use that same technology right now, compared to what some of us have grown accustom to, and you can't even tell the pin exists.
17:39.09drmessanoPeople walk into a mobile phone outlet and they want "iPhones" "Androids" "Apps"  "3G" and "Angry Birds".. the only pin they care about dropping is part of some new Zynga game
17:39.12sunfonewell the original pin drop commercials were touting Sprint's new fiber infrastructure
17:40.01sunfonedrm: I totally disagree - people complain about call drops and bad audio... I switch conference calls to landlines frequently because of it
17:40.14sunfonebut there is no relief from it right now, because the bandwidth isn't there
17:40.36sunfonein fact the call drops on AT&T's network were caused IMO by the flood of new iphone users
17:40.38*** join/#asterisk Lipsum (~sengebret@
17:41.32p3nguinand because AT&T wireless sucks.
17:41.37drmessanoI completely disagree.. If someone like AT&T wanted to beef up the call quality with existing hardware, they could.. but there's no motivation to do so, and that B/W is better allocated to data
17:42.22Dovidsunfone: It keeps scrolling on the screen over and over. It's not just once. it seems very strange. how would i see who is trying that ?
17:42.25sunfoneNot on cell phones - they are hampered by density and spectrum, because the current protocols don't make good use of it
17:42.45jc319Is there a (semi-) standard key for voicemail, because I have *97 or *99 in two different configs, would like to keep the more std one if there's such a thing?
17:43.02sunfoneDovid: maybe tcpdump?
17:43.19p3nguinjc319: I prefer *86.  *VM, that is.
17:44.00jc319p3nguin: That's clever, it is also a very nice finger move * > 8 > 6 on the keypad, I'll go for it.
17:44.05p3nguinVM, VoiceMail... makes sense to me.
17:44.14p3nguinand to Verizon.
17:44.37irrootthere is a asterisk company here in za
17:44.37Dovidsunfone: I am also getting: Unable to translate to format gsm, source format g729
17:44.49leifmadsenI use 8500 because that's what my old Cisco phone used to use :)
17:45.11irrooti use 100 thats the vmail access code for largest cell provider
17:45.26sunfoneDovid: better make sure you don't have people registered you aren't expecting :)
17:45.58jc319* 8 6 also sounds very nice, almost like do-re-mi. I don't know if it's me or is it really a beatiful sound. I love changing things with this pbx but perhaps I need to find some other hobbies..
17:45.58p3nguinI use *86 to go to your own mailbox, use 9000 to go to VoiceMailMain, and use 9XXX to reach a mailbox of anyone (where XXX is their normal 3-digit exten).
17:46.07*** join/#asterisk wwgd (~wwgd@
17:46.10p3nguinirroot: Which provider?
17:46.31irrootvodacom now got vodaphone branding
17:47.40p3nguin*VM still makes the most sense to me.
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17:48.59errris there a way to show what version of zaptel I have (asterisk 1.2.x)?
17:49.21p3nguinI would check my package manager.
17:49.43errrits from source and there are dozens of version in /usr/local/src/zaptel
17:49.52p3nguinThat's what you get when you refuse to use your package manager.
17:49.57errrno way to show whats running currently?
17:51.16errrp3nguin: and fwiw that would be a silly way to look anyway becuase that wouldnt tell you if someone installed a version from source or tossed up some binaries in its place.
17:51.36p3nguinThat's why I don't let noobs manage my systems.
17:51.47sunfoneerrr: do a 'strings' on the binary module
17:51.53Kattythrows things at Qwell
17:52.07p3nguinYou could put his eye out!
17:52.19Kattywhat if they're 1s?
17:52.21sunfonedoes he only have one eye?
17:52.27Kattyyes. he is a cyclops.
17:52.34sunfoneI thought so.
17:52.55jc319p3nguin: Do you even use the on-device directory for 79x0s (SIP)? I've found this one >> "Open 79XX XML Directory". I will try that but would love to benefit from experience rather than trying one by one (there is several listed in web site)
17:53.24p3nguinjc319: When I used SIP, I did use the directory file.
17:53.55*** part/#asterisk errr (~errr@fedora/errr)
17:53.55jc319Is it limited to 32 entries
17:54.19p3nguinI didn't have 32 or try to add more, so I couldn't say.
17:55.42Dovidsunfone: I know I don't
17:55.49Dovidi restarted asterisk and the error went away
17:59.55sunfoneDovid: when you restarted asterisk you "disconnected" whoever was trying to place those calls
18:00.21sunfonethey might come back!
18:05.54irrootgot a eclipse happening  soon
18:05.57l2trace99p3nguin: I am not actually trying to get asterisk out of the stream as much as change the codec
18:09.09Dovidsunfone: they did not
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18:15.37bobb_WUhey is there anyone who has experience with modems and asterisk?
18:15.45bobb_WUi have an atm on campus that isn't working and would like some advice
18:16.11*** part/#asterisk l2trace99 (~jr@
18:16.22jc319Is this command supposed to restart 7960? I found this in a post from 2006, is it depreciated? "sip notify cisco-check-cfg <peer>" [CLI responds sending NOTIFY of type 'cisco-check-cfg' to 'MAC' but nothing happens]
18:16.55p3nguinDepriciated?  Like it lost all its monetary value?
18:17.23*** join/#asterisk digilink (~digilink@unaffiliated/digilink)
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18:19.55p3nguinPerhaps deprecated rather than depreciated... but I don't know why it would restart the phone.  cisco-check-cfg doesn't indicate to me that it needs to restart anything.
18:22.29*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
18:22.53hardwireanybody have a preference on a windows sip/iax phone for a call center that needs to answer multiple lines and do simple holds/transfers?
18:23.32hardwireI'll probably start off with counterpath products.
18:23.47citywokWhat are teh chances i'll be able to restore a backup from my AA50 to AsteriskNOW?
18:24.02p3nguinZoiper Classic doesn't fit the bill?
18:24.20citywokhardwire: we use zoiper web and it works fairly well
18:24.30hardwirecitywok: don't you work for zoiper?
18:24.32citywokwe just bought one license for it and embedded it in our agent interface
18:24.39citywokhardwire: no i work for a call center
18:24.40hardwireah ok :)
18:24.42hardwirethats right
18:24.47hardwirewe've butt heads before
18:24.55citywokthe zoiper guys?
18:24.59hardwireyou and I
18:25.04hardwirejust had to remember
18:25.07citywokoh haha
18:25.14citywoki don't even remember it :P
18:25.51citywokbut yea, for zoiper web our experience has been pretty good, and the zoiper guys are generally pretty good at helping fix bugs in their software.
18:26.17citywokwe helped them find and fix quite a few bugs in it and they ended up giving us the licenses for 3 way calling and some other feature we needed for free b/c of it
18:26.23dont_taze_me_brois there any way to prevent UA registration? i constantly see these bots trying to register thousands of times
18:26.25hardwireI'm guessing zoiper web is easy to provision.
18:26.42citywokyea i use a php script to generate it per extension
18:26.42dont_taze_me_broi dont even use the server for UAs
18:26.53WIMPyalso likes zoiper, but zoiper doesn;t seem to like 10ms paket size.
18:26.59hardwirecitywok: I was thinking something along that line.
18:27.10hardwireWIMPy: too cool for 20ms?
18:27.20citywokif you want my javascript provisioning i'll send it to you, but it was pretty much a rip off of their example with a few flags added in.
18:27.27hardwireah ok
18:27.29WIMPyjepp ;-)
18:27.31citywoknot all the flags i needed were in their docs so i had to ask (auto-answer)
18:28.02citywokoh, also it can not QoS the SIP stream, only the RTP stream via the javascript autoprovisioning.
18:28.05hardwirezoiper web is kinda spensive.
18:28.09citywokyou have to set that in the gui
18:28.10hardwireI'll have to try it out
18:28.24citywoki think we paid a grand for it, which is really cheap /100 agents
18:28.32jc319p3nguin: Yes depreciated or abandoned would be a better word maybe. I was looking into this reboot, apparently it is a bit more difficult than I thought, still possible with some 3rd party code though I'll try later it might be useful for remote sites one day
18:28.36hardwireit's more expensive than free.. but yeh.
18:28.56citywokhow many seats do you have?
18:28.58hardwirecitywok: can you have local clients prioritize an audio device?
18:29.07hardwirecitywok: 6 for the site I'm working on.
18:29.14citywokwe went the web way b/c it was so cheap, otherwise clients with autoprovisinoing are like $50/ea
18:29.22citywokautoprovisioning* and autoanswer
18:29.34citywokyea, you can open the options and set the audio device
18:29.39hardwireyeh.. autoanswer won't be key thankfully.
18:30.05hardwirecitywok: Will it remember it?
18:30.41citywoknot sure
18:30.44hardwireit looks like a neat product.
18:31.11hardwirelooks like we need a doze ISS server
18:31.27hardwireor maybe not.. you just need to put the cab somewhere
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18:31.56hardwireerr IIS :)
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18:46.19gandhijeeanyone have any with RingCentral?
18:47.42linuxgeckoWIMPy: ...  10ms??  how is a time measurement a packet size?
18:48.13*** part/#asterisk hdiogenes (
18:49.50carrarit's codec sample size
18:49.54carrarwhich is time
18:51.03linuxgeckoi use sipdroid or ekiga for now
18:51.06irroot <- what is happening outside but its too cold ... so watching the stream
18:52.49carrarread that
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19:01.02irrootcool im going outside soon to see the eclipse
19:01.41*** join/#asterisk nny (~SM@
19:01.54nnywell, i feel stupid
19:02.44nnyso normally say i have 20 phones, i do exten => 1,1,Macro(something,1,SIP/1) exten => 2,1,Macro(something,2,SIP/2) etc etc
19:03.23nnycan't i just do exten => [1-20],1,Macro(something,$EXTEN,SIP/{$EXTEN}) *syntax off* or something like that?
19:03.53WIMPyWhat's that 2nd parameter?
19:03.54nnylol i've been wastin valuable bits and time for 4 years now
19:04.10*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
19:04.31WIMPyBut it's ${EXTEN} in both cases, off course.
19:04.51nnyWIMPy: for the dial macro (Dial($ARG2},20) etc
19:05.15nnyyeah, was just guessing it out a bit, let me correct the syntax
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19:05.23nnyi also do the 1,2,3 etc for hints :S
19:05.24WIMPyWll, the first argument if you don;t count the macro name.
19:06.09nnyoh the first argument is for voicemail, but I could just do Dial(SIP/$ARG1,20)
19:06.33nnyand remove arg2 all together
19:06.36WIMPyAh, yes.
19:06.52nnyWIMPy: exten => 11,hint,SIP/11
19:07.02nnyWIMPy: essentially just a hint context for the sidecar etc
19:07.29WIMPyJa, bit the hints aren't related to the macro. Tha's why I was asking.
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19:07.53WIMPyAnd I think in theory you should be able to use a wildcard hint as well.
19:08.13nnyWIMPy: oh no, yeah i am thinking seperate context changes for hints to avoid making 20 lines for 20 phones etc
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19:13.49psilikoncitywok, Do you use Vicidial?
19:14.03citywokpsilikon: no, we don't predictive dial
19:14.22citywokwe're not that kind of call center
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19:25.41irrootthe eclipse is pretty freaky
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19:31.43gruvfunklittle help people (i'm in the USA) - how do you dial a UK toll free from within the UK?  do you prefix a 0 to the 808 #?
19:32.13gruvfunkthx, can I have the same response for France ?
19:32.39WIMPyNot sure there, but most probably the same.
19:33.32jc319I'm in the UK but my phone thinks it's in the US I need to dial 0044 first :D
19:33.43hardwiregruvfunk: helps me quite a bit.
19:34.03WIMPyWhy do I think, it's not the phone?
19:34.04gruvfunkhardwire: thx
19:36.53sunfoneYou might not be able to dial a toll free UK number (or France or any other country for that matter) from a US line... the scope of the toll free probably doesn't reach that far
19:37.03jc319When I place calls, the caller ID comes up in the US format (1-xxx number), is this formatting/digits something I can change using asterisk or is it something that's configured from the ITSP? ITSP is and says "you provide us your caller ID" in every web config screen but it does not show what I typed in in the config files.
19:37.36breardotrying to compile asterisk with latest dahdi and libpri, and I get the error:  "The PRI_MWI installation appears to be missing or broken, Either correct the installation or run confiure with --without-pri"
19:37.36WIMPyIt parobably works, but might not be free.
19:37.38jc319yeah I tried to call siemens today, an 0845 number, it does not connect with 0044845<no>.
19:37.46nnyi am changing my dialplan to play a recording if a variable is set via key combo, then carry on. What's the proper way to do If, then, return? Does gotoif return to the dialplan after it's step?
19:37.49breardolibpri and dahdi/dahdi-tools installed fine
19:38.04nnyer return to the line in the context it jumped from*
19:40.46breardook..  well, switching to libpri-1.4.12-beta3 corrected the errors
19:40.47CaptainPants[PRI-1] [Status: Closed] Incorrect "user information layer 1" representation -
19:42.35Qwellrussellb: You broke it.
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19:43.25gruvfunkanyone here currently in Spain?
19:43.46russellbQwell: nice
19:44.03russellbi bet it's also broken if you talk about asterisk-
19:44.04CaptainPants[ASTERISK-1] [Status: Closed] SIP re-invites failing with certain proxies -
19:44.10russellbsure enough.
19:48.54*** join/#asterisk Cain (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
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19:51.29breardoim trying to build astersk with --with-dahdhi, and ./configure executes fine but there is no being built...  I dont see it come up when I run 'make' either... any clues?
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19:51.53breardoyet, everything that I see in config.log shows DAHDI as being successfully found/probed
19:52.21breardoerr with --with-dahdi  that is to say
19:53.19breardoi run 'make clean' and then 'make channels' and no chan_dahdi gets built or even attempted.. :/
19:55.07sunfonebreardo: does "make menuselect" show it?
19:57.31breardono, its's XXX'd out
19:57.54breardocant enable it either...
20:01.53wdoekes2breardo: doesn't it show a "Depends on: ..." at the bottom?
20:01.57sunfoneIt should be telling you what is required
20:02.33breardoyes, it does.. i have those things installed already
20:02.46breardoi dont understand why it depends on SS7 though.. i dont have that installed
20:03.34breardosays it depends on dahdi(E), tonezone(E), res_smdi(M), pri(E), ss7(E)
20:03.47breardoi built with --with-pri --with-dahdi --with-tonezone
20:04.43wdoekes2and what does it say there if you rerun ./configure without any --options?
20:04.49breardoone sec
20:05.33breardosame exact stuff
20:05.40breardostill cant enable it
20:06.30wdoekes2odd that ss7 is in the depends list.. over here with 1.8-svn it's in "Can use:"
20:06.54breardoi thought so as well
20:07.00breardoim gonna install the ss7 lib just to see
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20:09.16breardoeven with libss7 installed.. same stuff
20:10.58Qwellbreardo: pastebin your config.log
20:11.08breardookay.. it'll take a sec
20:21.07*** join/#asterisk WiretapWork_ (~Wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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20:22.49Qwelland what does menuselect say about it?
20:25.47breardoit says that it cant be installed
20:25.51breardojust has XXX and nothing else
20:28.46Qwellbleh.  just make dist-clean
20:30.16breardothis is a fresh install
20:30.28Qwelldo it anyways
20:30.44Qwellnow configure, make menuselect
20:30.52breardoconfig with no options?
20:31.53breardowant a fresh config.log ?
20:32.43breardoresults are the same btw... no chan_dahdi available
20:33.10QwellWhat versions of things did you install?
20:33.33breardolatest everything, except I had to install libpri-1.4.12-beta3 because would give me errors during ./configure of asterisk
20:33.35CaptainPants[PRI-1] [Status: Closed] Incorrect "user information layer 1" representation -
20:34.24breardoyeah it would complain about PRI_MWI (and others) not being available, and to install with --without-pri
20:35.17breardowant a config.log from that build?
20:35.25Qwellwhat other versions of what?
20:36.09breardoi installed dahdi from the dahdi-complete
20:36.30breardoand i threw in the latest libss7 just to check
20:36.55QwellThere are a lot of people that use all of those versions of things together, and it works just fine...
20:37.08breardonot working here... this is on Debian Squeeze
20:37.24breardoi installed libpri first, then dahdi, then compiled asterisk..
20:38.02WIMPybreardo: Do you have old versions of anything, perhaps installed as packet?
20:38.29breardono.. this was a clean install of Debian Squeeze with only these packages downloaded as source and installed
20:40.49breardoi guess i'll reinstall and try again :|
20:41.23mickecarlssonbreardo do you have kernel-headers installed?
20:41.33breardoyes and kernel-source
20:41.40breardocouldnt compile without :)
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20:42.41mickecarlssonwhen you do make menuselect and go to channel drivers and the XXX for dahdi, what does it say on the bottom of the screen?
20:43.10breardosays it depends on dahdi(E), tonezone(E), res_smdi(M), pri(E), ss7(E)
20:44.10mickecarlssonI have a suggestion, but you probably wont like it
20:44.15mickecarlssonuse centos
20:44.21mickecarlssonis running and ducking
20:44.21breardoi shouldnt have to
20:44.43breardoheh... yeah im not going to use CentOS.
20:45.01mickecarlssonWell, I said you would not like it :-)
20:45.25breardoit should work fine here is all....  im not a centOS hater or anything
20:45.26*** join/#asterisk UnixDev (~UnixDev@unaffiliated/unixdev)
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20:46.23mickecarlssonWell, check your packages: #define HAVE_DAHDI_VERSION 230
20:46.36mickecarlssonShould that not be 241?
20:46.40*** part/#asterisk nny (~SM@
20:46.51mickecarlssonis looking at the pastebin
20:47.22UnixDevHi, I'm using asterisk 1.8, which we upgraded to from 1.6... but for some reason, inbound calls are being re-invited when I specifically have canreinvite=no and directmedia=no  on the peer, this only seems to be a problem for inbound calls that get transferred, asterisk wants to re-invite every time it transfers and/or hold's the can I stop this behavior? it did not happen in 1.6 or 1.4
20:48.35breardoyeah thats weird eh
20:49.22mickecarlssonis looking at one of his config.logs
20:50.02QwellThat isn't how it works..
20:50.02mickecarlssonHmm, I have the same here: 230
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20:50.10breardooh well
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20:50.15breardothought you were onto something :) haha
20:51.19mickecarlssonand you did make make install on dahdi?
20:51.37breardoi have /usr/include/dahdi and kernel modules installed appropriately
20:51.43mickecarlssonbefore you run configure for asterisk?
20:52.04breardoyes.. libpri and dahdi were installed prior to the asterisk configuration
20:52.14mickecarlssonblames debian
20:52.39breardofriggin linux :)    you guys need to say screw this and move to FreeBSD exclusively :)
20:53.18breardoi'll probably try a fresh install of everything again tomorrow..
20:53.53mickecarlssonDoes is say depends on all the above or just depend on dahdi and tonezone?
20:53.55*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
20:54.03breardofunny how when i run ./configure with --with-dahdi, it doenst have any problems at all..
20:54.32breardosays: Depends on: dahdi(E), tonezone(E), res_smdi(M), pri(E), ss7(E)
20:54.34breardothats all
20:54.49mickecarlssonMine say:
20:55.01mickecarlssonCan use: res_smdi(M), pri(E), ss7(E), openr2(E)
20:55.12breardonone of my options have a "can use" field.. anywhere
20:55.16breardoi looked
20:55.25breardowhat the fsck..
20:55.28mickecarlssonWell, then you need all depends installed
20:55.32QwellHow exactly did you download Asterisk?
20:55.42breardofrom  on the website
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20:55.52breardoor, whatever it is..
20:56.57*** part/#asterisk wesphillips (
20:57.08Qwellwait, you used --prefix?
20:57.20breardooriginally yeah.. not during these tests though
20:57.47QwellThen you didn't pastebin the correct config.log
20:57.59QwellReinstall everything.  Don't use --prefix garbage. on any of it.
20:58.11Qwell./configure; make; make install
20:58.11breardoi only used prefix in asterisk.. not anywhere else
20:59.00breardoadding or removing --prefix did not have any impact on this issue
21:00.17mickecarlssonQwell what does the letters, in this case E, mean after the depends? (Depends on: dahdi(E), tonezone(E))
21:00.28mickecarlssonAnd the M?
21:00.31breardoi presumed External vs Modules
21:00.51breardoExternal depends are outside the typical asterisk package... while M's are included..?
21:00.51mickecarlssonAh, learned something new today
21:00.56breardoi presume anyways
21:01.23QwellWhen you do the above, run make dist-clean in everything first.
21:01.27breardoi did
21:02.00breardothis time its downloading sounds.. didnt do that before
21:04.15breardono chan_dahdi
21:04.29QwellI somehow doubt you reinstalled everything that quickly.
21:04.33mickecarlssonAnd it says depends on all items?
21:04.38breardoi did... i have a fast box
21:04.55breardoi only reinstalled asterisk...   i didnt use --prefix or anything on dahdi or libpri
21:05.26breardothose were built with straight 'make; make install'
21:06.43mickecarlssonbedtime in Sweden, goodnight.
21:07.29UnixDevanyone familiar with asterisk 1.8?
21:08.12*** join/#asterisk dym (
21:08.56dymHey all. Would it be possible to just rent a dedicated server, install asterisk on it and then use it for hold lines and call redirection using some random sip provider?
21:09.20dymAm i thinking totally out of phase? This should be easily doable, right?
21:14.34UnixDevdym: yes
21:14.47*** join/#asterisk sam555 (
21:14.51sam555hello all!
21:14.51UnixDevyou could also do it with a cheap(er) vps
21:15.21sam555trying to set up an asterisk pbx and I wanted to buy a panel to plug a bunch of phone lines into
21:15.34sam555i wanted to do this without having to wire them in with a BIC panel
21:15.41sam555i just wanted to plug the rj11 directly in
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21:15.49sam555anyone know of such a panel and what it would be called?
21:16.23breardoa shitload of ATAs?  I guess..
21:17.34sunfoneYou want an RJ11 patch panel with an amphenol connector to a block, correct?
21:17.52sunfoneI have one here gathering dust I could sell you :)
21:18.01sunfoneI'll even through in the block ;)
21:19.57sam555sunfone: sounds like it!  Just didn't know the name
21:20.23sam555sunfone: we were looking for 2, do you have a a image I could look at?
21:24.46dymUnixDev: awesome. thanks
21:26.44WiretapWork_sam555, we use standard RJ45 patch panels and only connect pins 4 and 5
21:26.51WiretapWork_works fine with RJ11 jacks
21:30.17sam555Wiretap k: I'm trying to get an image of this so I can purchase such
21:30.39sam555the front of this panel excepts rj11 jacks and the back we wire the pires directly to the back of the panel (the non exposed side)
21:30.56gruvfunkHelp: Anyone know an ITSP with Toll Free DID numbers in Italy and/or Germany?
21:31.23WIMPyWhat kind of toll free?
21:31.25*** join/#asterisk Hanumaan (
21:31.58gruvfunkNumero Verde (a number Italian citizens can call free of charge, billed back to the toll free number's owner)
21:32.07WiretapWork_sam555, the front accepts modular jacks, from RJ11 through to RJ45
21:32.17WiretapWork_sam555, the back is a punchdown connect
21:32.24WiretapWork_standard datacentre patch panel
21:32.31WiretapWork_available from 16 to 48 port
21:32.38sam555Wiretap gotcha!
21:32.56WiretapWork_if you order an 'rj45 patch panel' you will recieve exactly that
21:33.01gruvfunkor in Germany: "Null-achthunderter Nummern"
21:33.02sam555ok, wasn't sure if I could use the standard patch panel for rj45 when dealing with punching down phone lines and using rj11
21:33.51WIMPygruvfunk: Usually you get the 800 number for some service provider that just forwards it to some normal number.
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21:34.29gruvfunkWIMPy:  looking to avoid forwarding, would like true trunk to *
21:35.49WIMPygruvfunk: I don;t remember the other one ATM.
21:37.05gruvfunkthx WIMPy
21:40.15WIMPyThinking about that, I might have seen something abot SIP at corazon as well.
21:41.19jc319Any ideas why do I receive this warning? >> [Jun 15 22:40:22] WARNING[11211]: app_dial.c:2041 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
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21:49.32UnixDevHi, I'm using asterisk 1.8, which we upgraded to from 1.6... but for some reason, inbound calls are being re-invited when I specifically have canreinvite=no and directmedia=no  on the peer, this only seems to be a problem for inbound calls that get transferred, asterisk wants to re-invite every time it transfers and/or hold's the can I stop this behavior? it did not happen in 1.6 or 1.4
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21:51.20lulzsecgood evening
21:52.25WiretapWork_sam555, yep, standard panel will be absolutely fine
21:52.38WiretapWork_sam555, we have one panel here that is half phonelines, half ethernet
21:53.40sam555WiretapWork_: question:  We have a sangoma card in our PBX box that has 24 wires for 12 pairs.
21:54.09sam555We are trying to figure out how we should wire the 12 pairs so that it's "clean" and then connect that to the patch panel.
21:54.30sam555The wires that come from the card are only like 1 foot long and we need the wires to go further
21:54.31WiretapWork_does it terminate in 12 RJ45 or?
21:54.35WiretapWork_ah, right
21:54.44sam555they are just look wires right now
21:54.45WiretapWork_you have two options I guess
21:55.11WiretapWork_you can punch them into a block and then run a 12 pair feeder or a bunch of cat5 away from that
21:55.25WiretapWork_or you can use scotchlok connectors to extend the cable
21:55.32WiretapWork_I personally would go with the block
21:55.39WiretapWork_mount it to the back or side of the PBX
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21:56.19sam555would the 12 pair feeder be like an amphenol connector?
21:57.01sam555let me show you
21:57.04WiretapWork_12pair feeder is just going to be a teletrunk cable
21:57.09WiretapWork_with 12 pairs in it
21:57.18sam555i see
21:57.41gruvfunkthanks WIMPy
21:58.47WiretapWork_ <-- block
21:58.49WIMPygruvfunk: That's still not the one, I was thinking about, but even with google, I can't recall the name :-(
21:58.50WiretapWork_ <-- cable
21:58.56WiretapWork_that's a 25 pair cable
21:59.00WiretapWork_aka 'feeder'
22:01.20*** join/#asterisk sondrove (~mclaro@
22:05.53sam555Wiretap we want to take something like this
22:06.02sam555and plug it into possibly this
22:06.28WiretapWork_sam555, is that the connector the sangoma card has?
22:07.12WiretapWork_what you will want, in that case, is something that starts with one of those and terminates in bare wire at your patch panel
22:08.04sam555no the sangoma card is a db 25 cable with a male end on the card and loose wires on the other end
22:08.27WiretapWork_ah, I see
22:08.50WiretapWork_so you want something that has a DB25 on one end and bare wires on the other, but is long enough to reach
22:08.59WiretapWork_I'd suggest you may find yourself making that yourself
22:18.41sam555WiretapWork_: yes, that's what were trying to figure out
22:20.48*** join/#asterisk fhmiv (
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22:25.26cjhey folks
22:26.12cjasterisk is using its own address as the SDP / Connection Address.  I would have expected it to use the calling phone's address.
22:26.44cjthis is with direct rtp set to on
22:27.22cjdirectmedia=yes , directrtpsetup=yes
22:27.36cjare my expectations off?
22:29.09dymWhat are the strongest GUI's to asterisk nowadays? I remember back in the days there was FreePBX and stuff like that
22:36.06sam555Wiretap thanks for the input!!!
22:36.13sam555we have to go to lunch, but we'll look for you later
22:36.31cjlooks like that was just the initial invite.  the re-invite included the correct address.
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22:45.52linuxgeckodym: there are other channels that focus on gui interfaces to asterisk, but IIRC,  this channel sticks pretty rigidly to raw .conf file editing and the like.
22:46.17dymi just wanted to know whats new
22:46.20dymnothing specific
22:52.33linuxgeckoi think there might be some things, but i think frepbx might be among the widest used gui's
22:59.31*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
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23:18.15infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
23:21.22WiretapWork_I've never met a guy who likes to refer to himself in first person plural like sam555 does before
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