IRC log for #asterisk on 20110610

00:00.18paulcEitan: copy all of /etc/asterisk to the new box, after installing the same version?
00:11.15*** join/#asterisk n0tk (~n0tk@gateway/tor-sasl/n0tk)
00:22.53*** join/#asterisk Cain` (~Geek@unaffiliated/cain)
00:46.55titterOff the wall question ... anyone ever pipe the CLI into a database?
00:52.00*** join/#asterisk chalcedony (~llhull@unaffiliated/chalcedony)
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01:18.07*** join/#asterisk cj (~cjac@2607:ff08:f5:3a::3)
01:18.28cjis there anything I need to do in order to tell my sip clients to do peer-to-peer RTP rather than going through the asterisk box?
01:23.23*** join/#asterisk citywok (
01:30.56p3nguinConfigure the peer definitions in Asterisk to use directmedia (canreinvite).
01:35.39*** join/#asterisk jc319 (
01:37.48jc319If I am sure I will use only SIP do I need to compile libpri? (also dahdi but I think I need it in any case, right?)
01:38.08Kattyyou will need dahdi to make calls, most likely
01:38.35Kattyi would go ahead and compile everything, if i were you
01:39.41florzjc319: no, you don't
01:39.44Kattyi don't suppose you'd need libpri if you weren't going to use a pri/bri/isdn interface
01:41.25jc319I compiled asterisk once so far, yesterday, following the guide @ it seemed to be okay as an intro, the only problem is -comparing to the free book- my dialplan had tons of things like EAL. I am trying to start from scratch and this time I intend to make this the permanent box, at least for a while. I even updated CentOS from 4.8 to 5.6 apparently it
01:41.26jc319takes a lot of time on thin client.
01:41.40jc319ok including dahdi, but not libpri, thanks
01:43.39jc319I read the book offline a bit today, apparently I got device/extension/sip 'channel' confused. I have better hopes tonight, setup attempt version 0.2 in progress...
01:54.16jc319"DAHDI tools installed successfully. ### If you have not done so before, install init scripts with: make config" << is this necessary only if I have a telephony hardware?
02:00.31*** join/#asterisk Seeker2921 (
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02:01.34Seeker2921any one willing to asist a newbe on MOH not working? if so, heres the details. freepbx indicates that i have files there. im using the defualt class. cli set to verbose 7 says moh class requested but not loaded. and i have a mp3, gsm, and wav pcm all in the /var/lib/asterisk/moh folder. im at a loss all my conf files:
02:01.46Seeker2921moh show files also shows nothing
02:05.06*** join/#asterisk p_masho (~mash@
02:07.34jc319Seeker2921: I don't know anything about it but examples on do not have trailing slash
02:08.43p_mashonewbie questions.. I'm considering installing asterisk onto my dedicated server.. to use with the FlightGear flightsimulator .. for voice/atc ie the machine has no soundcard/etc for voip only... is it 1) gonna work and 2) does it use a lot of resource ?
02:08.47jc319official "musiconhold.conf" does not have it either... >> directory=/var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3
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02:09.58Seeker2921jc319: tried it. no dice. it would have figuared to be so simple.
02:16.42*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
02:16.48*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
02:20.25jc319I'm almost in make menuselect step, is there anything I should avoid in particular? so just to recap, for a sip-only deployment I want to keep it skinny by eliminating definitely unnecessary stuff, like ISDN/Hardware related packages). any ideas? [once I get the sip in/outbound working, I want to play with meetme, voicemail etc. so I want to keep feature specific extras]
02:20.51jc319Do I need EAL package(s) I can check and give the exact name in a few minutes
02:24.19ChannelZpretty much everything is built as dynamically loadable modules anyway, so rather than configuring out the stuff you think you don't need, just don't load them in your config.
02:27.31jc319will do thx. when I went with the defaults last time, the dialplan show command in the books shows a few lines, my dialplan show, displayed a lot of stuff, how can I remove them? where do they come from I didn't note exact names but I remember a lot of EALs. that's the reason I was trying to filter out stuff..
02:35.13ChannelZI think you mean AEL
02:37.00ChannelZjust don't have an extensions.ael in your config and/or put a noload for in your modules.conf
02:45.41*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
02:48.41jc319will do thanks again.
02:51.20*** join/#asterisk mclaro (
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04:02.23jc319okay I put "noload =>" in modules.conf and that pbx_ael's are gone from the dialplan show output. now there are many pbx_config lines, do I need them or can I disable them?
04:06.45*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
04:11.49ChannelZsorry I'm wandering in an out.  I'm not sure I understand your question
04:12.42ectospasmjc319: move all the extensions.* files to extensions.*.sample
04:12.54ectospasmalso, users.conf if you have it
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04:25.52jc319Just trying to start with zero extensions, I did with extensions.conf but still have more, ok renaming any other extension.* files now
04:27.51ChannelZyou will probably have a couple which are put in by other things, like if parking lots are turned on in features.conf
04:28.12*** join/#asterisk ihor (
04:28.33titterOff the wall question ... anyone ever pipe the CLI into a database?
04:28.50jc319ok most is gone but I still have 3 extensions, app_queue / app_dial / features. just noload'ed app_queue, I think I got it know, hunting the remaining two
04:28.58ectospasmtitter: I've piped it to a file, with tee
04:29.25titterI am thinking tee to a txt, then parse, and insert to a db every 5-10 minutes or so.
04:30.05ChannelZwell you need app_dial
04:30.05ectospasmtitter: what are you trying to capture?
04:30.57titterJust the CLI for things you can grab out of logs ... dialing errors, or call forwarding issues. Things users might do that won't show as a warning, but an error on their side.
04:30.58ChannelZtitter: do you need what the console outputs or are you trying to look at what other people might be doing IN the console?
04:31.25jc319is it safe to remove (rename) features.conf, extensions*.conf, followme.conf? sorry if this is obvious for you but I don't want to break something with this and then waste time trying to fix it later
04:32.00ChannelZjc319: yes.  "break" is a relative term
04:32.19titterIt would be interesting to see the CLI filtered as well
04:32.23jc319[ Context 'parkedcalls' created by 'features' ] << why doesn't this go away, I moved features.conf to a backup/ dir
04:32.35ChannelZdid you reload?
04:32.39titterBasically we are trying to give our support staff overseas access to viewing the CLI without giving them direct access.
04:33.07jc319I did 'core restart now' is it not greater than reload?
04:33.16ChannelZIt's not in the same format, but you can pretty much send everything to a log already via logger.conf
04:33.40titterWill it show everything similar to the CLI? Ringing, etc.
04:33.50ChannelZI think there's a means to have the verbosity turned up for it but I might be wrong.
04:34.26titterYa, this was kind of one of those "can" we do it, and I of course said ... it's not can we, but "how"
04:34.38ChannelZI think you just have to launch your root asterisk process with the appropriate -v's
04:35.14ChannelZor I think you can do it with asterisk.conf, setting the verbose to whatever in [options]
04:35.40jc319ok removed almost all, two more remaining, NoOp [app_dial] and Park() [features] these look dangerous so I'll  just leave them, it is blank enough for me now
04:35.47ectospasmtitter: use the full log in logger.con
04:35.52titterYa, I will mess with it a bit tomorrow.
04:36.07tittercool noted
04:37.48ChannelZI just tried it, seems to work
04:38.19ChannelZyou just get it in more of a log format obviously with timestamps on each line and what module each event came from
04:38.26titterAlso working on a CDR website similar to CDRstats that will include some other crap like loss and jitter data. Should be helpful to pull a call log easily from a user quality complaint and see if it was their connection, or if we pull a report for all calls around that time to see if multiple users had the same problems to pin the network issue. Centralized PBX crap is fun.
04:38.30ChannelZBut if you want to get trick you can parse it out however you want for display to the user
04:38.43ChannelZNo colors ;)
04:38.55titterI just need to get the data to a DB, then figure how it should look, and let the programmers to their thing lol
04:39.18jc319awesome, blank config to play with tomorrow. thanks
04:39.19ChannelZIn any event, just turn 'verbose' on for whatever logger.conf entry you want to use this for
04:39.56ChannelZ"it's already in there already!"
04:40.37titterrealtime for logger.conf ... challenge accepted.
04:41.42titterNo clue what type of load this will add
04:41.49titterShould be interesting
04:41.59titterThe server is overkill for an Asterisk instance
05:02.02*** join/#asterisk g00gle (
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05:21.06*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (~moi@
05:35.08*** join/#asterisk irroot (
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05:50.08*** join/#asterisk doolittlework (
05:50.42doolittleworksip providers in south africa sucks
05:51.31*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
05:53.52irrootdoolittlework indeed
05:54.02irrootcan i give you a account ??
05:54.19irrootor colo and you set up your own ??
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05:56.47doolittleworki have a box open to them with only the right ports open, someone logged on using my sip details and made a crap load of calls, now they say my server has been comppromised, i know they did not get access to my box
05:57.05*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (~freeman@
05:58.17irrootdoolittlework it happens
05:58.37irrootcheck the CDR's
05:58.48irrootthe provider may have been compromised
06:00.34*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
06:00.37schmidtsgood morning
06:03.25remxAre there any mobile based asterisk managers? I'd really like an app or mobile browser based that uses ajax
06:11.53*** join/#asterisk Ad-Hoc (~nimbus@
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06:18.25doolittleworkthere is no cdr's
06:18.57irrootah then insist the ITSP show you the calls and where they originated
06:19.06doolittleworkhad such a nice day planned now i have to go though system logs
06:19.14kaldemardoolittlework: how are you so sure that your box is not compromised?
06:19.23doolittleworksomeone from a 201 address registered
06:23.50*** join/#asterisk mandla (~mandla@
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06:53.04mandlaMorning Everyone...
06:53.59irroothey mandla coming right ??
06:54.15mandlaI came right my man.
06:54.29irrootawesome !!!
06:55.22mandlairroot, now im trying to configure so that calls can got outta office via PRI/BRI ports and PSTN, its so confusing.
06:55.54irrootyeah it gets confusing
06:56.02irrootbut you will figgure it out
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07:21.53mandlairroot, mmmh, tell me something where can i get a document that has a step by step guide of configuring outgoing call via BRI ports
07:22.19irrootalways check
07:22.34mandlairroot, i tried my friend Googly McGoogle, but he says nothing.
07:22.41irrootyou need to grasp the concept of contexts and extentions
07:23.07irrootin extensions.conf
07:23.17irrootin "asterisk -r"
07:23.25irrootset "verbose 3"
07:23.32irroot"set verbose 3"
07:31.44*** join/#asterisk dwayne (
07:41.28*** join/#asterisk Polysics (
07:42.41Polysicswhen calling SIP on SIP, shouldn't echo be impossible?
07:43.00Polysicsboth of us have headphones and the phone client we have has echo cancellation
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07:45.33*** join/#asterisk cneb3000 (~Ben@
07:46.05*** join/#asterisk Cadey (~x@
07:46.38CadeyHi guys - any of you guys install or maintain asterisk in a windows end user enviroment?
07:46.56irrootpolsics echo is introduced on a Hybrid/Balun or as a feedback loop
07:47.06cneb3000Cadey: you mean the server on windows server? or like soft phones on windows machines?
07:47.21irrootif the design of the handset is bad echo is possible in the latter case
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07:48.22Cadeycneb3000 : SOrry, i mean mintain a linux asterisk install but where the clients end user enviroment is windows (AD's - Exchange - Windows)
07:50.22Polysicsirroot: i tried calling a machine that has no headset and volume is turned down to 0, yet there is echo on the other side
07:50.42CadeyCadey : Basicly we have built a suite of windows baised services that interact with AMI which means putting telco related features into win apps easy, it included a AMI proxy, Call stat generation, line monitoring (free, busy, receving) and single phone monitor for a more softphone type interface
07:50.57Cadeylol I put cadey : in my own message, doh
07:51.24cneb3000cadey: isn't that SORT OF what that switchbox thing does?
07:51.48Cadeycadey : kind of but this is way more abstract
07:51.56Cadeylol again!
07:52.24Cadeyim going to put them up on codeplex today
07:52.30Cadeyso ill give you a shout if your interested
07:52.44cneb3000i'm always interested in what you're up to!
07:53.22irrootstraw poll opensips vs kamalio
07:55.12*** join/#asterisk Polysics_ (
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08:14.38cneb3000irroot: i set up a bay to play wth kamalio.. but currently use openSIPS.. not sure if that counts as a vote :)
08:15.07irrootusing kamalio ATM busy building opensips
08:15.12Polysicswe have some sort of "bell" or "cymbal" sound on the line
08:15.21PolysicsSIP to SIP using headphones
08:15.29remxIn CLI, one trunk is showing "OK" under "Status" column, yet the rest are showing as Unmonitored. What is the difference between OK and Unmonitored?]
08:15.44Polysicscan i do ANYTHING on * to help?
08:15.51Polysicsor is it a client-only problem?
08:19.31kaldemarremx: one is monitored (qualify option in sip.conf is enabled) and responds, the rest are not monitored (qualify is not enabled).
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08:25.12remxkaldemar: thank you kindly
08:28.07*** part/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
08:35.06ectospasmPolysics: when does this unwanted sound play?
08:35.21Polysicsectospasm: at random during a call
08:35.35Polysicsit does sound like a byproduct of echo
08:35.41Polysicsit is probably the client's fault
08:35.50Polysicswe are using a web-based Java phone by Mizutech
08:35.54ectospasmthese are SIP users and trunks?
08:36.01Polysicsyes, only SIP
08:36.15ectospasmyeah, echo on VoIP-only is usually acoustic echo
08:36.35Polysicsif user A calls user B, and user A is on X-Lite while user B is on Webphone, only user A hears his own voice
08:36.41ectospasm...which means that the mic is picking up the sound from the speakers, or from sounds in the ambient room
08:37.47Polysicsto make things worse, if the above scenario is performed with user B having muted ALL sound, user A still hears echo
08:37.58ectospasmPolysics: in that case, it's probably the shoddy web phone that's retransmitting A's voice
08:37.59Polysicsi would say the Webphone is doing something strange with the audio channels
08:38.39ectospasmPolysics: what if A calls C, another X-lite phone?
08:39.11remxWould qualify=yes prevent asterisk from re-connecting to a trunk after no response from peer?
08:39.46ectospasmremx: it will usually reconnect automatically.  Qualify doesn't inhibit connection
08:40.38remxso it's just for information purposes?
08:41.03ectospasmit's so we don't try to send the endpoint a call when it's unreachable
08:41.12remxahh i see
08:41.15remxthank you
08:41.19ectospasmqualify ensures that we know it's unreachable when it becomes so
08:41.37ectospasmotherwise, you try to send the call, and you get no response
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08:41.57ectospasmpotentially retransmitting messages when the peer isn't available.
08:42.19Polysicsectospasm: X-Lite on X-Lite has totally zero problems
08:43.28ectospasmPolysics: then investigate (or ditch) Mizutech web phone.
08:44.10Polysicsectospasm: could you suggest an alternative, please?
08:44.20Polysicswe need a web-based phone we can embed in a web page
08:44.38Polysicsjava would be better, and it needs a tunneling service to work ove r HTTP proxy
08:44.38*** join/#asterisk Hanumaan (
08:45.04ectospasmPolysics: sorry, I have zero experience with many softphones, web-based or no
08:45.05Polysicswe are probably better off asking the Mizu people to solve the echo problem, but i would gladly accept an alternative
08:47.02*** part/#asterisk Polysics (
08:54.00remxI have a local extension that has qualify=yes but in CLI I see the following
08:54.10remx1001                       (Unspecified)    D       A  0        UNKNOWN
08:54.10remx29 sip peers [Monitored: 28 online, 1 offline Unmonitored: 0 online, 0 offline]
08:54.51schmidtsremx the UNKNOWN state is cause asterisk didnt know where to find this peer (Unspecified) and so it can not ping it
08:55.40remxschmidts: I haven't connected to it so is the "UNKNOWN" and "1 offline Unmonitored" correct?
08:55.47remxI was worried I configured it incorrectly
08:56.04remxThe extension is offline
08:56.31schmidtsremx yes its correct
08:57.41remxI got confused because there's no period after offline :P
09:00.05kaldemarremx: UNKNOWN is a state when asterisk does not yet know whether the peer is OK or UNREACHABLE.
09:00.17*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
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09:13.30mandlaHey guys i cant seem to get my analog phone call outside via PSTN, help.
09:13.59cneb3000mandla: what happens when you try to dial out on the phone?
09:15.03mandlacneb3000, There is nothing happening, when a press even 1 number it seems engaged.
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09:15.25cneb3000mandla: could you copy and paste the CLI output when you do this to
09:16.18mandlacneb3000, what should i do? run on CLI?
09:16.52cneb3000mandla: do you know how to access the Asterisk CLI?
09:17.26mandlaasterisk -r, right?
09:17.28cneb3000mandla: ok, so what you do is access the asterisk CLI (asterisk -r).
09:17.32cneb3000yep :)
09:17.44cneb3000then on the analog phone, push the 1 key or whatever
09:17.51cneb3000and a bunch of text should fly on the cli
09:18.10cneb3000(if it doesn't... it probably means you dont have logging on... type 'core set verbose 3' to turn it on when in the CLI
09:18.18cneb3000anyway, copy paste that output to
09:18.24cneb3000does that make sense?
09:18.48mandlayah, cant i paste it here/
09:19.01cneb3000it might be quite a few lines :D
09:19.15cneb3000i think the rule of thumb, is if it's longer than 3 lines, use
09:19.35cneb3000if asterisk for some reason only gives 1 line, then sure paste it here
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09:22.40mandlacneb3000, iv pasted, note that where it says Ringing, i was calling a FXS port on the Astribank.
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09:23.01cneb3000what's the link mandla?
09:23.08cneb3000to the pastebin paste
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09:24.49tzafrirmandla, DAHDI/13 and DAHDI/14 are FXS phones?
09:25.28mandlatzafrir, yah.
09:25.43tzafrirDAHDI/13 called DAHDI/14 . Did you pick up DAHDI/14 ?
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09:26.22tzafrirhmm... is DAHDI/14 connected to an analog phone?
09:27.27*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
09:28.03mandlatzafrir, nope, i was just calling a port, thats besides the point, the thing is i cant get DAHDI/13 to call outside the office.
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09:29.12tzafrirI'm confused. Where do you have a trace of DAHDI/13 calling outside?
09:29.12mandlatzafrir, like call other anolog phone at other companies.
09:30.36mandlatzafrir, thats the thing, it cnt call outside, because, when i try to dial on DAHDI/13 there is the tone, which does not allow me to even punch a number to dial.
09:31.32tzafrirSo the issue is not with calling outside
09:31.43tzafrirIt is with the local dialplan
09:31.55tzafrirCan you call anything else from that phone?
09:32.54*** join/#asterisk flyman_ (
09:33.17mandlaFrom DAHDI/13 i can call a x-lite softphone on my other laptop, and call a iphone hosting Bria.
09:34.38mandlaInternally it seem to work well, on my network, but i think um missing something in trying to route call out via PSTN
09:36.21mandlaLines 9-12 shows when i was trying to call with DAHDI/13.
09:40.16cneb3000to anyone thing of learning perl. spend some time going through this book, it's great --->
09:40.27cneb3000(good for those who have never coded before)
09:40.35cneb3000to anyone thinking of learning perl*
09:40.47mandlaAre there any settings i should be doing on Asterisk to ensure that call can go out?
09:41.37mandlaPerl, thats one thing i seem to know best.
09:43.21*** join/#asterisk catphish (
09:43.58catphishis there any way to use call parking on an asterisk instance shared by different organizations?
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09:46.37cneb3000mandla: sorry i cant help with your problem. but on the note of perl, it's great so far. what sort of stuff have you coded in the past?
09:50.07mandlaSome port knocking projects, for my thesis.
09:52.33cneb3000ooo interesting!
09:54.08cneb3000how did you learn mandla? from books/internet or school?
10:07.14*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@
10:09.52tzafrirmandla, what type of trunk? BRI?
10:10.46mandlaBRI yes.
10:13.46mandlatzafrir, you there?
10:15.01tzafrirso, on what DAHDI ports?
10:21.29mandlaI have one analog phone on DAHDI/13 (FXS port)
10:22.14mandlaAnd i line from the PSTN on BRI_TE port on the Astribank.
10:22.29mandlaAnd 1 line from the PSTN on BRI_TE port on the Astribank.
10:22.34tzafrirmandla, DAHDI ports 1 and 2?
10:23.55mandlaPort B1 for the analog phone and Port BRI-1 for the line from the PSTN
10:24.04catphishis there a method to detect if a call is parked in a space or not?
10:24.32mandlacatphish, I havent checked that.
10:24.49mandlaIm still trying to get calls to go outside.
10:26.21tzafrirmandla, if so, try running the following from the asterisk CLI:
10:26.47tzafriroriginate DAHDI/13 application Dial DAHDI/1/1234567890
10:27.01tzafrirreplace 1234567890 with the actual number you want to dial
10:30.17Rufusgreetings. How can one an external SIP user, if the user is using a dinamic IP?
10:30.56Rufus*how can one add ...
10:32.03mandlatzafrir, ok what it does, DAHDI/13 rings and when i pick it out it rings on my mobile phone, i replaced 1234567890 with my mobile phone number.
10:34.31ectospasmRufus: host = dynamic in users.conf, also you'll probably want to set nat = yes, and in the [general] section put localnet and externip...
10:34.37ectospasmer, not users.conf
10:34.49ectospasm...well, it could go in users.conf, if you're using that
10:35.03Rufusthank you ectospasm. and except 5060, is there any other port I should allow in iptables?
10:35.24ectospasmRufus: all the ports defined in rtp.conf
10:35.34ectospasmby default, 10000-20000
10:36.04Rufusso all of those ?
10:38.06tzafrirmandla, right. So the devices work, and now you need to fix your dialplan
10:38.30*** join/#asterisk MariusAgon (~aa@
10:38.38ectospasmRufus: yes
10:40.01Rufusectospasm I'm using asterisk 1.4.40. Could it be I need smth different than host=dynamic ?
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10:40.14iulhkhi all
10:41.10ectospasmRufus: I dunno, what does SIP debug say when the external phone tries to connect?
10:42.24iulhkusing asterisk-1.4, call has been connected, how to disconnect the call after some specified time? anybody has any idea please ?
10:42.25CaptainPants[ASTERISK-1] [Status: Closed] SIP re-invites failing with certain proxies -
10:43.06Rufushmm moment ectospasm, iptables may be filtering me
10:43.16mandlatzafrir, you know what the problem is, the problem is that from DAHDI/13 i cant dial to make call, upon pressing a single digit, it gives back i engaged tone.
10:43.43ectospasmmandla: sounds like your dialplan doesn't have an extension that handles that digit.
10:44.01ectospasmmandla: does the CLI say anything about invalid number dialed, but no invalid handler?
10:44.51mandlaectospasm, i used the default dialplan, for Asterisk.
10:45.04ectospasmmandla: that means f' all to me
10:45.12ectospasmmandla: what does the CLI say when the call fails?
10:46.34kaldemarmandla: the sample dialplan is really just samples and unusable. remove it and make a working one instead.
10:46.37mandlaectospasm, From the CLI using this command originate DAHDI/13 application Dial DAHDI/1/1234567890, there is no invalid number error.
10:46.59ectospasmmandla: no, don't use the originate command, that's not testing your dialplan
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10:47.16ectospasmwhen you actually pick up an endpoint and try to call out, what does the CLI say?
10:47.40mandlaok let me try.
10:50.15mandla[Jun 10 12:48:01] WARNING[8059]: channel.c:2556 ast_waitfordigit_full: Unexpected control subclass '9'
10:50.15mandla[Jun 10 12:48:02] WARNING[8059]: channel.c:2556 ast_waitfordigit_full: Unexpected control subclass '9'
10:50.15mandla[Jun 10 12:48:04] WARNING[8059]: channel.c:2556 ast_waitfordigit_full: Unexpected control subclass '9'
10:50.17mandla[Jun 10 12:48:07] WARNING[8059]: channel.c:2556 ast_waitfordigit_full: Unexpected control subclass '9'
10:50.35ectospasmmandla: don't paste here
10:50.36mandlaThats what i get.
10:50.46mandlaSorry about that.
10:50.55mandlaBut thats what i get.
10:50.59Rufusok that seemed to work ectospasm. Thanks you
10:51.50ectospasmmandla: what kind of device is DAHDI/13?
10:52.13mandlaUm only able to make call to X-lite softphone in the network and iphone hosting Bria.
10:52.30mandlaDAHDI/13 is an analog phone.
10:52.55ectospasmso when the phone picks up, you get a dialtone, but nothing happens when you dial?
10:53.16ectospasmRufus: you're welcome.
10:54.36*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
10:54.40mandlaectospasm, when i pickup there is a dial tone, but when i try to call for example my mobile phone, when i click a 1 it produces an engaged tone.
10:55.22ectospasmmandla: are you able to make the call to the mobile phone?
10:56.07mandlaectospasm, no, but through that command i can.
10:56.47ectospasmmandla: and do you expect to be able to use that command in practice?
10:57.07ectospasmmandla: the originate command just tests to make sure the pieces are working OK
10:57.09mandlaectospasm, my mobile # is 71520005, but immediately upon pressing on 7, it produces the engaged tone.
10:57.28ectospasmmandla: right, look at the CLI when you press that 7
10:57.43ectospasmmandla: have you edited the default configuration at all?
10:58.06ectospasm(et. al)
10:58.33mandlaectospasm, i havent edited it at all.
10:58.42ectospasmmandla: then it's not going to work
10:58.58ectospasmmandla: what context is listed for that FXS channel in chan_dahdi.conf?
11:00.07Rufusare there any good iPhone SIP clients? preferably over both wifi and 3g?
11:01.36cneb3000Rufus: I've used 3cxphone from time to time.
11:01.44cneb3000Rufus: does the job!
11:01.53Rufusthank you cneb3000, I'll give it a shot
11:02.11Rufusi'm using the windows version so far of it ;)
11:02.23cneb3000ahhh ;)
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11:06.00ChainsawRufus: I use the Acrobits softphone.
11:06.06ChainsawRufus: Which appears to work.
11:06.26Rufuschecking... ty Chainsaw ;)
11:06.50Rufusuh... 6$... darn
11:06.50ChainsawRufus: Didn't work very well over 3G, but I suspect that's my provider O2 "accidentally" breaking it.
11:07.03ChainsawRufus: iPhone apps cost money. This is not news.
11:07.35RufusI hate apple for not allowing demos/trials
11:08.33cneb3000Rufus: it's up to app developer to allow demos/trials ;)
11:09.02cneb3000Rufus: silly example.. but only one i can think of. you can get a 'lite' version of the angry birds game for free. or buy the full version for money
11:09.23Rufuscneb3000 yeah, that'd be awsome with other aps to
11:09.36RufusI think developers hide behind apple stopre though, re the free trials
11:09.42cneb3000Rufus: Demos are certainly good idea i think.
11:09.45cneb3000Rufus: Demos are certainly good idea i think
11:09.50cneb3000^^ yea maybe
11:09.59Rufus<-- mails steve heh
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11:13.30Chainsawcneb3000: Angry Birds is worth the money though. Well, the original. Not the 25 themed ones.
11:14.12cneb3000Chainsaw: Pft!.. it's all about Fruit Ninja.
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11:14.34mandlaRufus, Bra is good.
11:14.54mandlaRufus, Brai is good.
11:15.02RufusHost 'xx.xx.xx.xx' does not implement 'NOTIFY' <-- what's than?
11:15.06mandlaRufus, Bria is good.
11:15.17Rufuslol mandla ;) I'll check it too
11:16.36mandlaectospasm, what exactly should i look for under context.
11:19.01ectospasmmandla: do you understand what context= means in chan_dahdi.conf?  It's basically where in the dialplan/extensions.conf a call originating from that endpoint will begin processing
11:19.50ectospasmso, if you have context=from-internal in chan_dahdi.conf, you should have a corresponding [from-internal] in extensions.conf.
11:20.18ectospasmmandla: have you read the book?
11:20.22infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at, or ~buybook
11:21.10Rufusmkay this is weird. any ideas why and external sip ( not from within the network) would only hear voice, but his doesn't go through? I checked mic
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11:21.36schmidtssorry for this stupid question, which doesnt belong to asterisk at all
11:21.44schmidtscan someone help me with a regex?
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11:23.36schmidtsi have this row in my log file (or more of this) and i want to get the DST and SRC ip: Jun 10 13:00:02 test-00 kernel: MYSQL IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=00:13:21:ae:68:8f:00:18:51:57:d0:3f:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=36203 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=47363 DPT=3306 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
11:23.47ectospasmRufus: did you set nat = yes for that SIP peer like I said?
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11:24.03ectospasmRufus: one-way audio is a common SIP/NAT problem.
11:27.56*** part/#asterisk jacobkiers (
11:28.00Rufusyes nat is set as yes. reading your article now ectospasm
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11:34.28kaldemarschmidts: DST=(.*?)\s and SRC=(.*?)\s
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11:45.21irrootanyone got opensips and MWI workin ??
11:59.35ornschmidts: What programming langugage?
12:00.43ornschmidts: You might want to consider using awk instead if the fields are always in the same place
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12:05.59wdoekes2schmidts: depends on the regex-type, for basic (e.g. sed): s/.* SRC=\([^ ]*\) DST=\([^ ]*\) .*/\1,\2/
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12:08.43wdoekes2irroot: one of our customers added a handle_publish() to the from_asterisk route block and was content with it (the users register and subscribe to the opensips)
12:09.12irrootcool thx
12:09.28irrootthis is project .next i need to set up a ITSP
12:09.43irrootwith centrix pbx functionality
12:10.20irrootopensips/kamalio will be doing the reg and inter domain stuff while asterisk will be doing the media bits
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12:53.24rikstaHi there, im trying to increment a variable in 1.6      exten => s,1,Set(BUSYCOUNT=$[1 + ${BUSYCOUNT}])         but I get an error   "syntax error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting '-' or '!' or '(' or '<token>'; Input: 1 + "  so it seems it doesn't parse out the variable when trying to add it. Can anyone assist please?
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12:54.48rikstamy bad .. i forgot to initialise it!
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12:56.17CadeyAny windows admin interested in a suite of tools to help intergrate your asterisk system into windows applications?
12:57.09*** join/#asterisk sereal (~sereal@2001:4830:116e:1:1e6f:65ff:fec3:cd0d)
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13:02.02serealCan someone point me to some information on programming the polycom 'softkeys' or explain to me a bit as to the process. I have been going threw the documentation but It seems like i'm missing something.
13:03.24Chainsawsereal: Ah, you're finding that your settings in sip.cfg are ignored?
13:03.38*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
13:03.39Chainsawsereal: I had that. There's a feature flag you need to set (change from 0 to 1).
13:03.43serealno, I just can't seem to figure out which buttons point to what.
13:03.47serealI have some soft keys working
13:03.59serealI have the feature flag, but it seems like i'm missing something where I figure out how to remap a key
13:04.09sereallike for instance I don't need a 'qsetup' on these phones
13:04.41serealor like a 'MyStat' button
13:05.29sereallike I seem to be missing something in either the documentation or maybe it's just not there
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13:06.02sereal<softkey softkey.3.enable="1" softkey.3.label="test3" softkey.3.action="blabla" softkey.3.use.idle="1"/>
13:06.10serealbut like what does softkey.3 refer to?
13:06.30serealand how do I program the keys in the context sensitive stuff
13:06.43ChainsawIt can refer to anything you like, it depends on what action you pick for it.
13:07.17Chainsawltns Katty :)
13:07.25Kattyhugs Chainsaw
13:07.33ChainsawKatty: *hug* How've you been?
13:07.34KattyChainsaw: what you been up to, trouble?
13:07.49serealso can I do something like softkey.qsetup or something similar?
13:07.50ChainsawKatty: Oh yes. Patched a crasher bug though.
13:07.56KattyChainsaw: ok i spose. some good days, some bad days.
13:07.59ChainsawKatty: So at least I did something useful lately.
13:08.06KattyChainsaw: most excellent
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13:08.42ChainsawKatty: Turned my T38 support off, which seems to have stopped the "it just sits there" bug after a week.
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13:09.06KattyChainsaw: fascinating
13:09.40irroothey katty want a nother beer ?? zamalek this time ??
13:09.41ChainsawKatty: I can tell it's happened if "sip reload" just gives the prompt back.
13:10.21serealis the polycom documentation all I really need? I have been struggling to find any examples of people's phone configs where they remapped the softkeys to do stuff
13:10.58serealI only have a IP450 at the moment to test on, but from what I understand the configs are very similar for other phones like the 650
13:11.10Kattyirroot: i've never heard of zamalek, is it a lager or an ale?
13:11.33Kattyirroot: perhaps a better question is how bitter does it taste?
13:11.35irrootits the local name for carling black label
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13:11.50hetiiHello :)
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13:12.10hetiiplease check my last logs about t38modem:
13:12.29irrootdear customer please do not f**k with the lock or DND options
13:12.42hetiimaybe some of you will had some idea what i can do else to run it on correct way.
13:13.02Kattyso i'm going camping soon.
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13:15.55irrootKatty enjoy it ....
13:16.34irroot <- may be going here camp / music festival
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13:20.02irroothetii looks good
13:20.11irrootuse mincom or similar
13:20.18irroottry ATD.....
13:20.28irrootand see output
13:21.56neurosysatom vs celeron for *... hmm..
13:22.32hetiijust ATD or ATD with args ?
13:23.28irrootits the dial command
13:23.55irrootnuurosys i does favor atom
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13:26.06neurosysirroot:  any particular reason why
13:26.19irrootdeployed a few
13:26.45irrootthe celeron concept of "wartered" down architecture is a turn off
13:27.53hetiithis is what i got after type ATD100230
13:28.43hetiiOpalManCould not route a="modem:100600", b="100230@+/dev/ttyT38-0, call=Call[C73780eb87]
13:30.59irroothetii look line 11
13:31.12irrootit looks good
13:31.28irrootnow do a sip debug in asterisk and see what is happening there
13:33.04hetiifirst of all this message is before about those route information, second on * i dons see any sip debug information
13:33.35hetiiok maybe not nothign but just this
13:34.42hetiiand about * configuration i use freepbx and inside i configure extension for this modem and set some password
13:35.24hetiibut as you can see on my first pastebin log i don`t do any king of registration so on this stage i don`t belive that asterisk should do something with this call
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13:41.46nellybhi guys, anyone around yet? i need some paid help with asterisk 1.6 dialplan.
13:42.17nellybor even recomiling chan_sip.c
13:45.27nellybvery helpful, hetii!
13:51.51MariusAgonAre there in Asterisk any simple options to make a dialplan, who counts, how many times one number called and if it called more than six times a day it'll be blacklisted?
13:52.11Kattyi think you'd have to store a number in a database
13:52.17Kattyin then do a query
13:52.27Kattyso, as far as i know, i don't know of a Simple, Easy way
13:52.32Kattyunless you're good with that sort of thing
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13:54.41MariusAgonYou still have to clean a database every day
13:55.11Kattyyep. pretty messy.
13:55.17Kattyperhaps someone knows another way to do it tho.
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13:56.11nellybKatty: how many numbers are we talking?
13:56.26nellybSorry - MariusAgon
13:57.32MariusAgonIt's ok
13:57.33DeeewayneMariusAgon, its not exactly 'in Asterisk', but I like to let Asterisk do what Asterisk does well and put stuff like that in Java (use Asterisk-Java)
13:58.14MariusAgonDeeewayne: thank you
13:58.32sunfoneMariusAgnon - as far as a database goes to use from the dialplan, you could use the asterisk DB... just a simple key pair
13:58.54sunfoneshell scripts can access it from CRON to "clean" it nightly
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14:04.18Deeewaynebear hugs the Katty
14:04.27MariusAgoni know i just was wondering how scalable it would be
14:05.16sunfoneThe asterisk DB?
14:05.52MariusAgonand the problem is that in my situation nightly cron jobs to clean db wouldnt be suitable
14:06.15MariusAgonasterisk asterisk berkeley db
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14:07.26Deeewayneadd a 'dont call before' field; if the count is more than 6 update 'dont call before' w/ an epoch of 'tomorrow'; if you check a number that has a 'dont call before' less than 'now', clear it
14:07.57jonumtsHi, I'd like to talk about a feature request.
14:08.22jonumtsWho can I talk to?
14:08.30*** join/#asterisk cHarNe2 (
14:08.38infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
14:09.08Deeewaynejonumts, jira if you have a patch; #asterisk-consultants or the mailing list if you need a patch
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14:10.54sunfoneMariusAgnon: If you are really concerned with scalabilty you should exit the dialplan and have the whole thing controlled by a *compiled* AGI
14:11.25sunfoneBut I think that the AST DB is actually very efficient, since you really need only a single key and a counter, there is no need for the full relational DB
14:11.28jonumtsAsterisk is overwriting the User-Agent header field that a UAC has already set. Can I disable this "feature"?
14:12.22Guggeits making a new call, with all new headers, including the user-agent header
14:12.41Guggeand as far as i know you cant set the user-agent header yourself from the dialplan
14:13.24sunfoneI suppose you could do something kind a fancy with the storage of the counter, appending a timestamp for the call, and automatically "clean" the counter on the next call, if sufficient time has passed.  The storage is a string...
14:13.41sunfonethat would avoid a cron job
14:13.58jonumtsI'd like to see the user-agent field unchanged on the receiving side of the call.
14:14.18Guggejonumts: it isnt changed, its a new call, with a new user-agent header :)
14:14.34Guggeasterisk is not a proxy :)
14:15.13WIMPyjonumts: You shold read about what a B2BUA is. That's what Asterisk is.
14:15.52jonumtsb2bua = back-to-back user agent
14:17.21MariusAgonthanks and one more question. i noticed some diference in asterisk event depending on asterisk version, but thats what i could deel with. but what concerns me - is it possible that different channel drivers generates different event? in example is there difference in callerid in sip and dahdi(in asterisk 1.8 newchennel event theres calleridname and calleidnum)?
14:17.27jonumtsb2bua operates both endpoints of a communication. But why does it have to rewrite the user-agent header field as the call originally is not initiated by Asterisk, I think.
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14:18.22WIMPyjonumts: Gugge already explained that. Your question doesn't make sense for a B2BUA.
14:18.24sunfoneMariusAgnon: no, there should be no difference in callerid handling
14:18.40Kattyhugs Deeewayne
14:19.22Guggejonumts: its not rewriting anything, its creating something
14:21.37MariusAgonso if in sip there is calleidnum/calleridname all other channels would have same pair, no matter protocol(iax, pri etc) doesnt have two same values?
14:21.44jonumtsGugge: but it is not creating a call from nowhere. Basically, it's passing on a call.
14:21.58Guggejonumts: if you say so
14:22.37WIMPyjonumts: No. That's why I suggested, you read anout the operation of B2BUAs and do so again.
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14:23.25WIMPyYou're describing the operation of a SIP proxy, which Asterisk is not / does not and will not.
14:24.31JerJerthe problem is asterisk is not exactly a b2bua either
14:25.21JerJerasterisk is a unique hybrid between a proxy and b2bua
14:27.01JerJerjonumts: if you require a sip proxy, look into kamailio
14:27.03tuxxieIs their a way to check Caller-id name on phone numbers I own. I have found that these names seem to change without notice and I am unsure how to insure our numbers are using the proper Caller-id name.
14:27.37jonumtsBasically what I have is: 2 UAC connected to Asterisk. UAC1 is calling UAC2. UAC2 sees User-Agent field that was set from Asterisk. How can UAC2 find out "real" user-agent, i.e. user-agent that was set from UAC1?
14:28.15JerJerjonumts:  you could pass a custom sip header
14:28.50JerJeryou ~might~ be able to overwrite the asterisk set user-agent, header.... but i kinda doubt it
14:30.23puzzledJerJer: hi. did you find a solution to your question a while back (about some kind of proxy thing)?
14:31.07JerJerpuzzled:   heh - don't remember which question.  too many customers for that
14:31.07jonumtsIs it against any RFC to have the User-agent with peer-peer-semantics?
14:31.17puzzledJerJer: :)
14:31.23JerJeri have a new one though
14:31.55JerJeri have a multiple-VPN situation (meaning NAT), plus some not natted at all
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14:32.41jonumtsGugge:  do you think it is  against RFC3261
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14:34.00Guggejonumts: no idea, but its against the way asterisk works :)
14:35.01puzzledJerJer: that sounds like fun and makes my brain hurt. separate boxes for NAT and non-NAT?
14:35.11jonumtsGugge: what do you mean with "the way asterisk works"?
14:35.39JerJerkamailio+asterisk     -  kamailio is statefully forwarding requests (plus/record_route()) , but is generally transparent   (if asterisk fails will kamailio will send the call elsewhere)
14:35.53Guggejonumts: i mean the fact that asterisk makes new calls, and that asterisk is the user-agent, and that it creates the call with its own user-agent set
14:36.00JerJer'fixing' nat on kamailio, but NOT using rttproxy  (just making sure SDP is correct)
14:36.30JerJerRTP flows like it is supposed to, then out of the blue ~something~ causes RTP to start sending from the private ip
14:36.35JerJerhave not narrowed it down yet   :(
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14:37.34jonumtsGugge: I do not understand how that is different to a "forking sip proxy" that is doing call branching. Isn't this the same behaviour?
14:37.39puzzledJerJer: sorry, that kinda magic is not in my bag of tricks
14:37.48JerJerits a bitch :)
14:38.31Guggejonumts: a forking proxy forks the call and send _that_ call to multiple destinations. it does not make new calls
14:41.19hetiiirroot: any clue about my issue ?
14:41.37catphishis a specific module needed handle 'register' lines in sip.conf?
14:41.53catphishi have a sip setup but register lines are being ignored
14:42.17wdoekes2jonumts: asterisk is a b2bua, it's not a proxy
14:43.14jonumtsI am about to learn this :-)
14:43.38jonumtsI am not yet clear what exactly the difference is
14:43.54wdoekes2asterisk holds two legs of a call A->asterisk and asterisk->B
14:44.06JerJerwdoekes2:   more correctly:    asterisk is a b2bua that adds in relevant proxy features necessary to make everything work
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14:44.37wdoekes2a proxy would simply forward (or only set up) traffic between A and B
14:45.03JerJerand a proxy maintains only state information - has no concept of a 'call'
14:46.09JerJerasterisk bridges N channels together - keeping track of a lot more detail, including managing the RTP flow
14:46.19wdoekes2JerJer: it might, e.g. opensips with the dialog module.. but now we're complicating things
14:46.36JerJerhence why the dialog 'module'
14:46.51JerJerand kamailio / ser are proxies first - opensips wants to do their own thing
14:47.06JerJerthat is one of many problems in that community
14:48.37jonumtsI guess, however, RTP flow is between UAC peers - if possible
14:49.03WIMPyjonumts: UA1 calls Asterisk. That call ends there. Asterisk then sets up a 2nd call to UA2. -- They may be linked together. once answered, but so far it's two different calls.
14:49.22WIMPyDepends on the configuration.
14:49.31jonumtsI think I am getting the image :-)
14:50.55jonumtsI am just having the following curious case: UAC2 is nosy and wants to know what type of UAC the originating peer is.
14:50.56MariusAgonWhat is "line" in new channel event? what is it for?
14:51.16jonumtsI now know, that asterisk has set up the call to UA2
14:51.41jonumtsHowever, this has not happend out of nowhere. Asterisk has done that because it has been called by UA1.
14:52.20WIMPyjonumts: That's why it will use UA1s caller ID.
14:52.46WIMPyBut UA2 is called by Asterisk, not by UA1.
14:52.58WIMPyJust on behalf of UA1.
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14:54.11jonumtsLet me summarize: Asterisk is calling UA2 on behalf of UA1 and as such is using UA1 caller ID.
14:54.20wdoekes2jonumts: but you can add extra headers if you want, before the Dial().. SIPAddHeader(X-Original-User-Agent: ${SIPHEADER(User-Agent)}) .. or similar
14:55.00WIMPyjonumts: yes
14:55.34jonumtsMy proposal is: Why not allow Asterisk use the User-Agent on behalf of UA1, too? This would be optional, of course.
14:56.56WIMPyjonumts: I wouldn't see anything wrong with your proposal, but I don't see what it could be good for, either.
14:57.10jonumtsWIMPy: It would get you a bounty :-)
14:57.56wdoekes2SIPAddHeader(User-Agent: ${SIPHEADER(User-Agent)})
14:58.12wdoekes2where's my bounty?
14:58.55jonumtswdoekes2: is this the solution? No code change involved, no patching?
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14:59.06wdoekes2I guess it works.. you probably get 2 headers
14:59.49jonumtswdoekes2: well, it would have to work, then you can write you bill.
15:01.00jonumtsWIMPy: It's for optimized on video overlay
15:01.49WIMPyjonumts: Sorry. I can't imagine the relation.
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15:03.16wdoekes2jonumts: it was SIPAddHeader(User-Agent: ${SIP_HEADER(User-Agent)}) and you get 2 User-Agent headers.. the latter one being the one from the other UA
15:03.18jonumtsWIMPy: It's for video telephony. UA2 overlays video image with graphical elements. Those are optimized depending on the type of UA1. This is already developed and working.
15:03.45wdoekes2you can probably kill the original header with a one line fix in the chan_sip.c
15:04.21catphishcan anyone tell me which module defines function HASH
15:04.41WIMPyjonumts: Ah, that way. Well, that doesn't seem a very good way of doing it by those UAs, as you just found out.
15:05.06jonumtsWIMPy: any better ideas are always welcome.
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15:06.11jonumtswdoekes2: we would need a way to overwrite existing headers.
15:06.46wdoekes2set global_useragent= empty in sip.conf
15:06.58WIMPyjonumts: Put opttions in the media stream.
15:07.07wdoekes2.. that would be the useragent= setting
15:07.55jonumtsWIMPy: I have no influence on what UA1 does. sorry.
15:08.47jonumtswdoekes2: thanks, that sounds promising.
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15:11.56skrustywhat's generally accepted to be the better conferencing solutions for * these days?
15:12.53ickmundhow can the kindle version of * the def. guide be more expensive then paper-back? That's just moronic
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15:19.11jonumtsthanks lads for the great help.
15:20.30Kattyis quick cooking oats (oatmeal) consider processed or unprocessed food?
15:22.51ChainsawKatty: I would consider that processed food. High in fibre though, so wouldn't class it as unhealthy.
15:23.15Kattyand what, specifically, makes you put it in the processed category?
15:23.21Kattythe fact that it's been somehow altered to cook faster?
15:23.53tzangerChainsaw: do you consider a steak processed as well?
15:23.54ChannelZAnything that doesn't have dirty on it when you put it in your mouth, apparently.
15:24.21Chainsawtzafrir: No, that's cut out of a cow and slung into a pan.
15:24.47KattyQwell: ty
15:25.31Chainsawtzafrir: Not been through a whole production line; no industrial process has been applied.
15:25.48DeeewayneKatty, I make my oatmeal w/ honey, cinnamon, raisins, and milk.  ...mmm....
15:26.01KattyDeeewayne: do you use regular oatmeal, or quick cooking oatmeal?
15:26.13tzangerKatty: it doesn't say how quick cook oats are different... are they "dry" par-boiled or something?
15:26.21Kattytzanger: i've no idea.
15:26.26DeeewayneI use the big tube of Quaker Oats
15:26.27Kattytzanger: in the container they are dry
15:26.28QwellDeeewayne: [Raisins] used to be fat and juicy and now they're twisted. They had their lives stolen. Well, they taste sweet, but really they're just humiliated grapes. I can't say I am a big supporter of the raisin council.
15:26.45ChainsawQwell: Humiliated grapes. LOL
15:26.48tzangerKatty: I know, that's why I said "dry" par-boiled, becuase oats expand like crazy when put in water
15:27.05Qwell  I 5-starred that movie, and now Netflix thinks I only want to watch chick flicks.
15:27.07Kattyi just don't know the process of making them Quick Cooking
15:27.17tzangermy oatmeal gets a touch of cream and brown sugar. I'm a purist.
15:27.58tzangerlast year when I was in detroit every week I'd have oatmeal for breakfast almost the entire winter
15:28.03ChainsawKatty: Steaming.
15:28.19tzangerbastards thought it a good idea to put walnuts in my oatmeal, I almost threw the bowl at him
15:28.29Kattyah yes, just read that Chainsaw
15:28.38Kattysteamed and then dehydrated is uppose
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15:28.44tzangersteam, really... I thought it would have caused them to become puffy
15:28.55tzangerso really the same process as parboiled rice
15:29.06Kattythat's the instant rice, right?
15:29.23Kattyi guess buying something pre-steamed isnt' /so/ bad
15:29.46_Corey_Qwell: I have to vigilantly watch my Netflix queue to make sure my fiance hasn't rated anything stupid.  Last night I unrated "Legally Blonde 2"...
15:30.28tzangerno, parboiled rice is different from instant
15:30.47tzanger_Corey_: hahaha, my wife doesn't bother, I am in control of the ratings
15:30.49Kattyoh ok
15:31.11tzangeralthough the 15yo watches a TON of anime garbage, I hope netflix rating system can weed that garbage out
15:31.16tzangerso far the recommendations haven't been too bad
15:31.16_Corey_We have it on the Tivo, so that damned thumbs up button is too easy for her
15:31.50_Corey_I think you can watch whatever nonsense without affecting the recommendations as long as you don't rate it
15:31.54_Corey_I could be wrong though
15:32.07tzangerhope so
15:32.36tzangerthe 2yo watches a ton of thomas the train and franklin, 15yo watches far not a single animated movie shows up in ratings
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15:33.14iamahamcan you have 1 sip phone monitor a call on another sip phone?
15:33.25iamahamif so how or recommend documentation on doing so
15:33.52_Corey_iamaham: "core show application ChanSpy" for documentation
15:35.20iamahamhrm so you have to specify if the channel can be spied on in the conf ahead of time?
15:35.45_Corey_not really, that's one way (but most common)
15:36.37iamahamsorry not great at this, basically learn as much as I need to kinda got dumped on me 2 years ago
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15:38.51luckman212anyone know an easy way to tell if a Cisco 7940 is SIP or SCCP?
15:39.12Qwellboot it
15:39.21_Corey_It'll say "Sip" in the upper right on the screen
15:39.31luckman212it will?
15:39.51_Corey_If it's SCCP it'll usually have a bunch of horizontal lines across the screen
15:40.51ChainsawYeah, SIP with a funky stylised S.
15:41.13_Corey_check google images, you should be able to see some examples
15:41.37_Corey_(There is always the menu too... ;)  )
15:42.52luckman212yea but Im not in front of the phone, is the problem... i need to tell someone what buttons to press in the menus to see that status
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15:45.01Chainsawluckman212: Get them to take a photo and e-mail it to you.
15:45.09Chainsawluckman212: The main screen of the photo will give all the info you need.
15:45.13luckman212k thanks guys
15:45.20Chainsawluckman212: Main screen of the phone, even. One day I'll learn to type.
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15:54.43minteehey all, i'm trying to log specific outbound calls by dialing a set a numbers before the actual phone number
15:55.03minteei thought I could do this with exten => _1628NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${OUTBOUNDTRUNK}/${EXTEN:1})
15:55.10minteebut it's not working
15:55.30Cadeywell that would dial 628NXXNXXXXXX
15:55.48Cadeydont you want EXTEN:4 to dial NXXNXXXXXX ?
15:55.53irrootadjust the :1 in ${EXTEN:1}
15:57.00Cadeycan I get a Dialplan reload :P
15:57.12CadeyBWRAPP! :D
15:57.19irrootgives Cady a dialplan reload
15:57.36CadeyNa na...
15:57.49mintee[Jun 10 11:57:24] NOTICE[29541]: chan_sip.c:15436 handle_request_invite: Call from 'linksysspa941' to extension '16282153708' rejected because extension not found.
15:58.28Cadeyminitee, that number isnt long enough for that pattern
15:58.28irrootmintee you match is not right somewhere
15:58.39Cadey_1628NXXNXXX would work for that number
15:58.49Cadeybut you may want to use this... _1628NXXNX.
15:58.53irrootdouble points for Cadey checking it :P
15:59.01minteei was trying to dial 16282153708888
15:59.09Cadeywith the . so it can be any lenght afte the NXXNX
15:59.17minteewhere the 215 is NXX
15:59.40irrootgot opensips built and installed lets compare to kamalio
15:59.49Cadeybut the error isnt showing you dialed the last 8's
16:00.05irrootseems similar but perhaps more features
16:00.07Cadeyis your phone cutting them off with some kind of max dial string setting?
16:00.10minteeya, the sip phone wouldn't allow me to
16:00.24minteeCadey: ya, that might be in
16:00.27irrootthere is a dialplan on the linksys
16:00.40irrootthat needs to match as well
16:00.44minteelet me check it's configuation
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16:02.50minteethat's the phones dialplan
16:03.14Cadeychange it to
16:03.20minteeI have no clue how to decypher that
16:03.31Cadeythe last one has a max of 11
16:03.37Cadeyyour number is 14 long
16:03.39minteeah, i see
16:04.18minteewhat is the 3469?
16:04.23Cadeydoes not use dialplans on his phones, set them to (.*) and lets asterisk work it out
16:04.46minteeya, i think that's a good idea
16:04.47Cadey[3469]11 means 311, 411, 611 and 911 - amergency numbers
16:04.53_Corey_you make your users hit Dial?
16:05.13minteeno, but i could
16:05.45_Corey_in my experience, they complain a lot when you do that
16:05.52irrootmintee there is a post dial delay to dial that is 5s ie after pause of 5s it dials
16:06.23_Corey_"why does this phone system take so long to dial?"...  "my old phone system dialed faster" etc
16:06.27Cadey_Coryey_ : what making them hit dial, I agree :) timeouts are how 99% of home phones work so its what they want
16:07.10minteethe extra xxx's didn't work
16:07.41minteetries clearing the dialplan
16:07.41sunfoneCadey: I wouldn't agree - I would say 99% of home phones are subject to dial matching patterns, which were around far before VoIP
16:08.01sunfoneIf you don't want the complaints, I would use a dialplan.  They aren't that hard to parse.
16:08.01_Corey_did you remove: 1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0 ?
16:08.14Cadeysunfone : true I guess
16:08.28_Corey_Well, you're probably matching that
16:08.49irrootmintee there better ways to do this
16:08.53minteeya, cause of the 1
16:08.55_Corey_just remove everything that doesn't fit your situation and rebuild it
16:08.57minteeirroot: i'm all earys
16:09.10irrootprompt for a code is one
16:09.29irrootthe other is to process the CDR's
16:09.47minteei will be processing the CDR's.
16:09.48irrootim all beers
16:09.58minteebut we need to bill clients for outbound calls
16:10.03Cadeyis thinking its nearly beer time here in the UK :D
16:10.08_Corey_i'm about to be all beers...  we're doing a cookout at the office today ;)
16:10.11minteeit's always beer time!
16:10.22_Corey_in fact, they started the grill..  adios
16:10.25minteeso we have 2 clients we make random outbound calls for
16:10.41irrootmintee then SET(CDR(accountcode)=)
16:10.43minteeso we were going to dial a string+phonenumber
16:10.51minteeit's that easy
16:11.13irrootcan use the callerid perhaps
16:11.27minteebut how do we tell the difference in which client we made the call for?
16:11.49minteeoh, like set the CALLID before the outbound dial?
16:11.58minteegood idea too...
16:15.05minteebut i still don't know how to show the difference between who we're calling for
16:15.19minteesay client 1 wants use to call 2155551234
16:15.33minteeand then 10 minutes later, client 2 wants us to call the same number
16:15.34irrootthe account code in the CDR
16:15.54irrootif you set the accountcode it shows in cdr
16:16.08minteeya, i get that
16:16.26irrootthen you can filter the CDR's
16:16.36minteeya, but CALLERID isn't going to help
16:16.52minteefor arguement sake, let's say we only have 1 sip phone to dial out of
16:17.10irrootyou could prompt for pin code ??
16:17.23minteei have _91NXXNXXXXXX as a default outbound
16:17.45minteeya, but then they'd have to enter a pin for all outbound calls
16:17.52minteeand that's a pain
16:18.28irrootjust options ...
16:19.00irrootneed to see what best suits the l.user
16:22.09irroothave a extensions.conf that has bloated to near ridiculous ... trying to cater for them
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16:46.11sunfoneFor anyone who cares, my lab testing of LXC is going very well... adding a container adds a whopping 50M of RAM use with asterisk running inside... I've been on a conference call via the container now for over an hour on a Polycom IP650 with perfect audio quality.
16:47.08*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-vimobizsgavxkryx)
16:47.56sunfoneArchitecture is very clean - the host runs asterisk and provides access to all the containers to/from the PSTN.  The containers have no direct Internet access, so very secure.
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17:11.58tzafrirhas been fighting with lxc today (regardless of Asterisk) and finds it under-documented
17:12.29sunfonetzafrir: you got that right
17:14.10tzafrirYeah, Linux-VServer will not get merged. No idea about OpenVZ
17:14.21tzafrirSo I'm moving to LXC
17:14.36tzafrirI suppose that by Debian Wheezy it will be fine
17:15.12sunfoneAt least on Debian/Ubuntu I understand OpenVZ will not get integrated
17:15.26sunfoneI'm using Ubuntu Natty - 11.04
17:16.10sunfoneI'm still struggling with sharing dahdi to the containers though
17:17.08tzafrirDid you see what I wrote on the asterisk-users mailing list?
17:17.22sunfonehmm, no I must have missed it
17:18.56sunfoneExcellent, thanks!  I'll give that a shot.
17:19.23sunfoneNot sure how I missed that... though I get in a hurry some days and most of the posts get the delete key without too much perusal
17:19.28sunfoneLot of noise there
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17:59.58jc319wow this is a breakthrough, finally managed to get something from outside my room communicate with Asterisk
18:00.10Qwelllong cable?
18:00.22jc319[Jun 10 17:58:33] NOTICE[2903]: chan_sip.c:21619 handle_request_invite: Call from 'itsp_coms_home' to extension 's' rejected because extension not found in context 'incoming_calls'.
18:00.53jc319does this not mean, direct all incoming calls to extension 201? [incoming_calls]     exten => _X.,1.NoOp()       exten => _X.,n,Dial(SIP/201)
18:01.09QwellIt does not.
18:01.25Qwell_X. does not match 's'.
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18:02.12irrootjc319 need to have a s extenstion and possibly look at the to header for the exten it is routed too
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18:28.24p3nguinNot to mention _X.,1.NoOp() contains a typo that would likely prevent it from working if the extension matched the pattern.
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18:38.22jc319just copied that from the * book, probably from the wrong section though. anyway I found a better one >> _.
18:40.25jc319it worked - I got my first ring tone using my own server, a moment to remember
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18:40.40jeremy_gyo babies
18:40.48jeremy_gwhere are the chickens
18:41.15jc319now I need to create the proper dialplan, I am reading a lot but I don't know how to do this, can anyone please tell me how to implement what I want? I will type the long story if anyone is willing to have a look
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18:41.41jeremy_gjc319:sure my friend. i can help as much as i know which is little
18:42.05jc319how little, I am a true * user for the last 18 minutes
18:42.11jc319you must be more experienced :D
18:43.17jeremy_gi am waiting...
18:43.39jc319ok here's the case. this is a SOHO deployment, the only two users is me and my gf. we have 3 SIP DiDs, 1 for each and a 3rd one (shared-home #). I want to have on our 7960 phones homeline for each user in addition to their ownline
18:45.09jc319I think I also need extensions in the traditional sense, like 201, 202 etc, so that we can talk for free using iPhone or PC SIP software when one of us is away
18:46.06sunfonetzafir: thanks for the tip - got the dahdi devices to show up in the LXC containers now ;)
18:46.09jc319so if I get this correct, I need 3 hardphones (2 7960 deskphones and 1 home wireless SIP), 4 softphones (2x iphone softphones, 2x PC softphones)
18:46.50jc319is this correct? do I create and assign an extension number to each device? and assign cisco's line buttons to different outbound lines?
18:46.50jeremy_gjc319:this sounds quite advanced stuff for me
18:47.16jc319well this being my first config I get lost too. I was hoping someone tell me how to do this
18:47.20jeremy_gjc319:i am an old man living in a village and so religious that i only support married couples when it comes to providing services.
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18:47.52jc319too bad
18:47.58jc319thanks anyway
18:47.58jeremy_gfor you
18:48.20jeremy_gyeah get married and then come back. :)
18:48.38jc319but you improve your * skills too ok
18:48.42jc319don't want to get married for nothing
18:49.04jc319anyway I'll create about 10 extensions and see how it goes
18:49.32n3hxsjc319, create an extension for each phone.
18:50.10n3hxsThough I am more of a FreePBX user. ;)
18:50.41n3hxsand not a Cisco phone user....
18:52.40jc319I like the handsfree voice quality of this 7940-7960s. I have seen and used one or two other phones in some temp offices but didn't do an extensive research on the subject
18:54.00jeremy_gis there any web based voip client that asterisk is known to work well with?
18:54.50jeremy_gsecondly, any reports on how well asterisk works on amazon ec2 instances - any reading or recommendations
18:56.11jeremy_gthird question, which web based provision client is recommended for production systems
19:00.17jeremy_gfourth question, can asterisk bring world peace
19:00.58sunfonejeremy_g: I'm curious to hear people's experience running on EC2 - I have heard that it can work well, but I would be very concerned about bandwidth costs.  My asterisk instances get heavily attacked ALL the time, and though we use iptables to thwart them, the bandwidth is used anyway.  On EC2 I think you would be charged for that over some threshold.
19:03.13n3hxssunfone, seems to me that the billing for EC2 would be for call time, not for unsuccessful attempts.
19:04.22sunfonen3hxs: EC2 is just a virtual machine provider - they know nothing about what you are doing with the bandwidth.  If a dedicated attacker consumes 10Mbps continuously for days, you can bet you will be over your bandwidth allowance for your VM instance.
19:05.44n3hxsBut without authentication, there would be no way to bill your account. There are others on that service using the same IP address.  Unless your user/pw is so simple that they are actually using your account.
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19:06.52sunfoneTotally not following you.  With EC2 you get a virtual machine and an IP for yourself - it would certainly not be shared.
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19:20.41p3nguinjc319: While _. may work, it isn't often the right choice.  I would encourage you to learn and understand pattern matching and why _. matches extensions that you shouldn't match with patterns.
19:21.27p3nguinjc319: You'll want to create peers for the phones to use.  You'll also have to create extensions which will dial the phones.
19:23.44p3nguinjc319: Depending on how you want to dial the phones in what many people call "internally," you may or may not want to have shortened extension numbers to call between phones.  You can use the entire 10-digit extension to call from one phone to the other if that's how you choose to do it.  I wouldn't do it that way, but you can if you want.  I would use 3- or 4-digit extension numbers for calling between phones and use the ...
19:23.49*** join/#asterisk scalex000 (~chatzilla@
19:23.51p3nguin... 10-digit extension for calling inbound from the ITSP.
19:23.58scalex000good afternoon
19:24.35scalex000I have problem with my skype for asterisk behind iptables
19:24.52scalex000which port I need to open
19:27.28jc319p3nguin: I just wanted a quick method to match any and all incoming numbers just to ring once. I have this ip phones for months but due to several reasons was not able to set up this system, so just wanted to see it 'work', once, before I go in detailed configuration. I am doing that now. thanks for your assistance. I have already created 8 extensios ('phones'). the way I did is person1.deskphone,
19:27.29jc319person1.iphone, person1.PC >> extensions 201,202,203. person2 the same for 211,212,213. and finally 221,222,223 (shared home line physical wireless phone, iphone softphone, PC softphone). so we have 3 different views to all lines using different extensions
19:27.56jc319I have no idea how can say person1, on iphone, select outbound line-A or the other outbound line
19:28.34jc319perhaps each extension should have a default outbound line, I will check sample configs to figure out
19:28.55p3nguinjc319: I know you want to match any and all incoming numbers, but don't do that.
19:29.59jc319no I don't want to match any and all incoming numbers. I did wish that half an hour ago. now I want to inspect incoming calls, and if it belongs to person 1, ring their deskphone+softphone(iphone)+softphone(PC).
19:30.10jc319the same for person2 or shared homeline.
19:30.14p3nguinjc319: Either explicitly define the DID numbers as the extensions, or use a better pattern that doesn't match EVERYTHING.  _X. is a better pattern to match all incoming calls to real phone numbers.  I don't recommend it, but it's effective.
19:32.14p3nguinjc319: You've used the term "inspect."  If you use the DID number as the extension, you don't have to inspect anything; you simply accept the calls to their respective extensions and in turn Dial() your devices.
19:32.37jc319[incoming_calls_home]      exten => s,1,Answer        exten => s,2,NoOp(${CALLERID})   exten => _.,n,Dial(SIP/221&SIP/222)
19:32.56jc319would thisk work
19:33.18p3nguinWork, yes.  Work in a way I would recommend, no.
19:33.43p3nguinYou have no reason to Answer() the call only to Dial() a couple devices later.
19:33.53p3nguinAnd the extensions s and _. are very poorly used here.
19:34.15jc319p3nguin: so there is one DiD number and there are 3 'locations' that I want this number to ring (desk+sofphone1+softphone2). what should I do then?
19:34.40jc319maybe a better term for 'locations' is 'devices'?
19:35.02p3nguinLet us say that your DIDs are 3149691077, 3149691078, and 3149691079...
19:35.17p3nguindevices or phones, yes.
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19:35.55p3nguinexten => 3149691077,1,NoOp(shared phone number);
19:36.22p3nguinexten => 3149691077,n,Dial(SIP/phone1&SIP/phone2,30);
19:36.52p3nguinNow when a call comes in to your first (shared) phone number, it dials two devices at the same time.
19:37.16jc319of course this can be three devices without any problems, just another &SIP/phone3, right?
19:37.36p3nguincorrect, just add another device in the dial string.
19:37.58p3nguinexten => 3149691078,1,NoOp(my phone number);
19:38.16p3nguinexten => 3149691078,n,Dial(SIP/phone1,30);
19:38.36p3nguinexten => 3149691079,1,NoOp(wife phone number);
19:38.44p3nguinexten => 3149691079,n,Dial(SIP/phone2,30);
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19:39.22jc319so rather than 's' use the DiD, and rather than answer, just dial. got it thanks
19:39.31p3nguinYou can even make each of your individual numbers ring that shared wireless phone by again adding &SIP/phone3 in the dial strings accordingly.
19:39.34jc319what about the other way around, internal to external calls?
19:40.08jc319more specifically, on 7960 phone, using the 'line buttons' can we call outbound from any of the 2 lines available to each person?
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19:40.19p3nguinLet me pastebin my outgoing extensions for you.
19:40.26jc319great thanks
19:40.40kaldemarjc319: unless it is only s that you get in from your provider. but that is usually handled by register => user:secret@host/yourDID in sip.conf.
19:41.23jc319one last thing I have on mind is the contexts, do I need simple incoming / outgoing or do I need to use contexts to divide them to logical units for any reason
19:44.58p3nguinjc319: I have incoming, outgoing, and internal contexts with extensions appropriately placed within each.
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19:45.41jc319would it be greedy to ask for that file too
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19:46.22jc319thanks for this one, I will use this
19:46.45p3nguinI can't really provide you with my extensions.conf easily.  I can tell you how to create extensions, though.
19:47.06jc319do you still have a [default] section in your extensions? is it to be deleted when one starts writing his own config?
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19:49.38[sr]hi WIMPy
19:55.29p3nguinjc319: Asterisk seems to expect the default context to be present, so leave it, but leave it blank.  Create your own new context to send anonymous calls into.
19:56.20p3nguinjc319: By "send anonymous calls into," I mean the context that you'll define in the general section of sip.conf.
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19:58.55p3nguinLet me see if I can find the old example extensions.conf I used to share.
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20:03.48wwalkerI've got a voip provider using the acronym ULC, anyone know that one?  He's using it in a context where LEC or CLEC might make sense.
20:04.22wwalkerI think it's his term for upstream provider, but don't want to look like an idiot.
20:05.38malcolmdULEC?  unbundled local exchange carrier?
20:10.04jc319p3nguin: thanks, appreciated. I keep typing and testing.
20:10.18wwalkermalcolmd: thank you, sounds like he just left the E out, but he used the acronym multiple times...
20:10.44malcolmdcould be a new one, but i've never heard of it, and google didn't help either
20:11.09p3nguinjc319: Here's a sample of how a fairly basic extensions.conf could look:
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20:11.27jc319I remember reading something like "last registered sip end point will ring, others will not receive any notifications" is that right? If so, for a single shared home DiD phone line, I will need to create many 'entry points' (internal extensions - one for physical wireless phone to access this DiD, 3 more points (internal extensions) for person1s use in 3 devices: deskphone,mobile,PC, and
20:11.27jc319finally the same for person 2. is this unnecessary or the correct way to do it?
20:12.11p3nguinjc319: Every "line" on every device needs to have its own peer definition in sip.conf.
20:12.33p3nguinjc319: If you use the same peer name for several devices, the last registered device will get the call.
20:13.58jc319cheers, I'm on the right track then
20:14.19p3nguinjc319: For a multi-line phone, I use the MAC address of the device and append -a, -b, -c, -d and so on for each line key that needs to have its own peer definition.
20:14.44p3nguinSo 00001234FFFF-a would be the first line key on the device.
20:15.05p3nguinThen you dial it using Dial(SIP/00001234FFFF-a)
20:16.55p3nguinNot everyone agrees on device naming schemes, but this one seems to make sense to me.
20:17.49p3nguinSome people use the name of the person who uses the phone, others use the numeric matching the extension number.  There are many naming schemes -- pick something that makes sense.
20:18.38jc319yes I used extension numbers so far, but your style seems shorter to type due to copy paste factor
20:19.34p3nguinSome people don't like the MAC address scheme because they think it's harder to create the extension-to-device association.  I think they're just being lazy.
20:20.56p3nguinDepending on how you handle the association (I use the AstDB), it doesn't have to be any harder than using an ID which happens to be the extension number.
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20:33.00ideamanCan anyone help tell me how on a single PRI card, set one span FXS so I can take it to a channel bank, and the other span, PRI. I know how to do one or the other, but in chan_dahdi, what about both?
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20:37.12_Corey_uh, you have a single PRI card (i.e. one port) ?
20:37.19ideamanno sorry, dual span
20:37.50_Corey_Well, you can't "set the span FXS" because it's a T1 port
20:38.01_Corey_what's the channel bank's capability?
20:38.12ideamansignalling is what I'm having the problem with on the asterisk box
20:38.21ideamanI can get fxs to the channel bank ok
20:38.29ideamanand I can get pri to my PBX ok
20:38.44ideamanI just don't know how to do both signallings on a dual span card
20:38.58ideamanin chan_dahdi
20:39.05_Corey_so, you're just asking how to configure two ports with different signaling?
20:39.09ideamanyes sir
20:39.49_Corey_well, just set your signaling and such, then define your channels and do it again and define the other channels
20:40.24_Corey_i'll give you an example
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20:46.05ideamanso is it just in the sequence of doing signalling, then group, then channel, and you can have whatever you want mixed in?
20:47.30_Corey_yeah, so pretty much what happens is you set a value and it's applied to whatever you specify at the end
20:47.44_Corey_if you don't want it applied, you need to set it to something else
20:48.10_Corey_you could do:
20:48.11ideamanI know I should I know this, but where does the group number come from ? system.conf? 2,2,1 lines?
20:48.25_Corey_the group number is arbitrary
20:48.39_Corey_that stuff in system.conf is signaling and such
20:48.48_Corey_(see the samples file for explanations)
20:49.58ideamanlet me see if I can get these to work really quick
20:55.28ideamanCOREY!!! You saved me!!
20:55.33ideamanThanks a million, works like a charm
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20:59.48_Corey_yeah, no problem really
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22:02.37jc319p3nguin: are you still here?
22:03.49jc319no luck, I am on my sixth config set (sip.conf & extensions.conf) and I think I will start from scratch
22:06.31jc319in your 2nd (detailed) example, you have voipms in & outbound, also call-centric outbound. what is from-ipkall
22:08.14p3nguinIt's another ITSP which sends calls inbound.
22:08.46p3nguinI would have liked to provide a better, more updated extensions.conf sample for you, but I was short on time.  Maybe I can work on that pretty soon.
22:10.27p3nguinjc319: Who is your ITSP?
22:10.49p3nguinOkay, so you've configured a peer in sip.conf for it already?
22:11.15jc3192 minutes ago started from scratch, using your config, editing as I go
22:11.23p3nguinet cetera
22:11.32jc319I'll finish this and show you in a few mins
22:12.34p3nguinHere's a sample sip definition:
22:13.01p3nguina sample for, that is.
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22:15.21jc319'username' should be 'fromuser' in the new * versions, right?
22:15.41p3nguinNo, defaultuser, I believe.
22:16.03p3nguinfromuser is something different, and you'll only use it if your ITSP needs the value to be passed.
22:16.44p3nguinIf you use "username" instead, you should get a verbose warning on the CLI that shows the new parameter's name.
22:19.02jc319Note: This option is deprecated on Asterisk 1.6 which uses "defaultuser"
22:19.08jc319ok using this
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22:23.21pdtpatrick___is it possible to send information to a bash file from asterisk or a python file? lets say a number is dial, can agi send the input to a file?
22:23.50pdtpatrick___currently we have it sending to a .agi file which is perl
22:24.34sunfonepdtpatrick: are you asking if you can code AGI in something other than perl?
22:24.38sunfonethen yes
22:25.01sunfonebut it would be best to make sure you have an AGI library for whatever language you choose
22:25.19sunfoneIMO 'C' is good ;)
22:27.07WIMPyAGI library? What's that for?
22:28.26p3nguinThat's where all the AGI books are kept.
22:29.21WIMPyThere are AGI books?
22:29.33p3nguinI don't really know since I can't read.
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22:30.29WIMPyThat's ok. I can't read either. But if you have books it looks like you could.
22:31.31p3nguinI usually use my books to hold up the end of my bed or to adjust the legs of tables.
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22:35.20jc319p3nguin: do you not normally receive inbound calls from voipms-inbound?
22:35.28jc319in other words are you DiDs elsewhere
22:35.42p3nguinjc319: I receive calls via DIDs from multiple providers.
22:36.22p3nguinEach ITSP will have its own sip.conf peer definition.
22:37.20p3nguinAlso, in my configurations, ITSPs which have more than one IP address which calls could originate will have more than one peer definition.
22:37.45jc319p3nguin: in this code ( ), section beginning on 29... does it mean you do not 'expect' incoming calls from this inbound connection?
22:39.17p3nguinjc319: In this particular pasting, the voipms-inbound context does not have any explicitly configured phone numbers.  What happens in this case is that any DIDs I purchase from and route to my computer will end up on the "this number is not in service" recorded message.
22:39.43*** part/#asterisk Deetz (
22:39.45p3nguinjc319: You can see in the from-ipkall context how I configure a phone number in a context.
22:40.43p3nguinjc319: For example, if I have four phone numbers with ipkall, only 2065237757 does anything useful, and any other phone number from ipkall will also end up on the not in service message.
22:40.44jc319ok I think I got it now, please correct me if I'm misreading, but what I understand is... section beginning on line 37 is (one of the places) where you 'expect' inbound calls, you check if it matches the number if not with the next subsection (line42) you drop it
22:41.18p3nguinLine 37 begins the from-ipkall context.
22:41.36jc319I didn't know how to do this before, I'll do the same then. but I will enter all my three DiDs in succession, the 4th section will be the not in service bit. I have high hopes now
22:42.05p3nguinAny call which matches the SIP peer definition in sip.conf will obey the context=from-ipkall parameter in the peer entry, sending the call into the from-ipkall context in extensions.conf.
22:42.37p3nguinIf there is a matching extension, that extension will execute.
22:42.38linuxgeckoi really might just be overlooking something obvious, but this is my first 1.8.x install.  I'm trying to follow the howto on the wiki for using gooogle voice to make/take calls.  all i have in my /etc/asterisk/ dir is the snippets on the wiki.  i compiled my asterisk with chan_gtalk and res_jabber.   what am i missing? i don't see any channels, or sip options, and nothing in the dialplan except parking,
22:43.18p3nguinThe extension 2065237757 is explicit, and you can see that it dials a SIP phone.  Any other phone number not matching that extension will be matched by the _X. pattern, which plays the not in service message.
22:44.03p3nguinWhen matching extensions, inclusing patterns, the most specific match wins.
22:44.29p3nguinSo an exact match of 10 digits wins despite the presence of the pattern which also matches.
22:44.52p3nguinTake out the explicit match and the pattern will win.
22:46.20p3nguinThis is just my way (and I assume that other people use very similar if not identical method) of being able to send all my DID numbers to my PBX and handle them all accordingly, even if the numbers have no purpose at the current time.  This is often useful when you buy blocks of phone numbers but only require a few of them.
22:47.04p3nguinSuch as when you can buy a block of 20 numbers for the same price and 12 individual numbers...
22:47.15jc319p3nguin: Thanks, this is very clear now. It should work now or at leats I will have a better config to paste now. many thanks
22:47.22p3nguinYou'd want those 8 numbers for free, just in case you decide to use them for something later.
22:48.32p3nguinjc319: Feel free to paste your sip.conf and extensions.conf if you have any doubts.  Mask your passwords before submitting the pastes.
22:50.27jc319Shall do after I finish editing & testing. cheers
22:51.29linuxgeckoam i missing something so big noone will even tel me RTFM?
22:52.45p3nguinlinuxgecko: Did you create a dial plan to accept calls?  Did you make the connection via jabber and gtalk?  Is anything doing anything?
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22:55.02p3nguinThe last time I used the wiki to configure google voice calling, it worked exactly as expected.
23:03.20linuxgeckop3nguin: i thought so, i  thought setting up the files as listed in the wiki would do that,   and it looks like nothing is.   in that order.
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23:05.06linuxgeckop3nguin:  i only have the files listed in the wiki,  and they are blank, except for the snippets in the wiki.
23:05.22jc319p3nguin: I tried the modified code and of course it did not work :D here are the pastes, thanks. extensions @  && sip @
23:05.58jc319and this is the notice msg   [Jun 10 23:02:03] NOTICE[3861]: chan_sip.c:21619 handle_request_invite: Call from '02071486267' to extension 's' rejected because extension not found in context 'comscom_home_inbound'.
23:06.58p3nguinjc319: They are incorrectly sending calls to extension s rather than to your phone numbers.
23:07.29p3nguinAlso, they are not behind nat, so change nat=yes to nat=no in the peer definition.
23:08.20jc319asterisk is behind not, phones and asterisk in the same lan. should it be no?
23:08.41jc319actually it is not behind nat, it has all the ports it needs open/redirected
23:08.48jc319ok changing to no..
23:08.58p3nguinI would also change all those type=friend values to type=peer.
23:09.22p3nguinThe nat value in each peer definition is for that peer.  The ITSP is not behind NAT, so nat=no is appropriate.
23:09.48p3nguinAnd if you have a private IP address on Asterisk, it _is_ behind NAT.
23:10.13jc319ok. 1x nat changed to no. 3x friends changed to peer.
23:10.13p3nguinYou'll need to configure the rest of sip.conf soon.
23:13.31jc319when a call comes in through the only registered sip channel, it enters the dial plan in 'comscom_home_inbound' context, and that has this >> [comscom_home_inbound];      exten => 02071486267,1,Dial(SIP/201,30);       exten => 02071486267,n,Hangup();
23:13.45jc319so does this not mean directly call local extension 201?
23:13.51jc319that's what I intend at least
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23:19.24p3nguinIt means that a call to extension 02071486267 should dial that SIP phone.
23:19.32p3nguinIt does not mean call local extension 201.
23:20.15p3nguinAsterisk has no concept of "local" or not local.  That is a human concept.
23:20.52p3nguinBut Dial(SIP/201,30) says to Dial() the SIP peer by the name of 201, and ring it for 30 seconds before giving up.
23:22.12jc319Is that not the correct way of re-routing calls once they land in to Asterisk? And I did nat=no & friend>peer modifications, what else should I change?
23:22.56p3nguinThat's not "re-routing" a call.  That is properly accepting a call to an extension and dialing the device.
23:23.59jc319OK I will check the pasted config, modify & test
23:28.09jc319Can you clarify this ITSP static/dynamic setting? My IP is static, ITSP is presumably static, so is my setting going to be static? Is this something else?
23:31.57p3nguinAre you supposed to register to your ITSP, or do you configure IP authentication in their user panel?
23:33.46jc319I see. I'll do dynamic for all for the time being, if possible I can change it to static later.
23:35.08p3nguinThat's the difference between dynamic and static.  To Asterisk, devices sending and/or receiving REGISTER (SIP registration) is known as dynamic, even if the IP address of the device does not change.  If the IP address of a device is statically configured within Asterisk, regardless of the device's IP configuration mechanism, that's when it is known as a static configuration.
23:35.47p3nguinFor example, I might configure my phone with a static IP address, but it still registers to Asterisk.  The peer must be set to host=dynamic if the phone sends registration.
23:36.50p3nguinOn the other hand, I might turn off the registrations in the phone, and then I would have to set host= if the phone's IP address was because Asterisk would have no other way to know how to reach the device.
23:37.16p3nguinSIP registration is used to tell a "server" how to reach a "client."
23:37.36p3nguinI quote those terms because they are really just user agents with slightly different roles.
23:38.49p3nguinAsterisk is a Back-to-Back User Agent (B2BUA), and functions as both a client and a server.
23:40.47jc319I believe I did all the modifications according to sip.conf. is my extensions.conf still missing something? I still have that 's' problem.
23:40.58p3nguinThat's the fault of hte ITSP.
23:41.27p3nguinThey are sending your phone calls to the 's' extension rather than a sensible phone number.
23:42.11p3nguinWhen a person has only one phone number, you usually can rectify that problem by adjusting the register statement.
23:42.36p3nguinsuch as:  register =>
23:42.51p3nguinThe /8885551212 tells the remote side what extension to send calls to.
23:43.27p3nguinThe problem that I see with this method shows up when you have more than one phone number with that provider under the same user name.
23:44.19p3nguinI, for example, have multiple DID numbers with voipms, and I have no reason to tack on a /extension on my register... they send my calls to whatever number the call arrived on.
23:45.10jc319So nothing can be done on my side to fix this? No workarounds? Current configs: sip @       &&          extensions @
23:45.38p3nguinYou may need to ask your ITSP technical support how you they expect you to distinguish between phone numbers.
23:46.43p3nguinexternaddr should not have a port number (as far as I know).
23:47.49jc319externaddr fixed now. I will contact them tomorrow and ask then. Their web site suggests they support Asterisk on customer side [ ]
23:48.36p3nguinAre you not in USA?
23:48.51jc319No, I'm in the UK
23:49.50p3nguinI didn't realize that when I was providing the inbound/outbound dialing examples.  :/
23:50.29p3nguinYou'll need to redesign the extension used for outbound calling.  I doubt you want _1NXXNXXXXXX for a pattern.
23:51.25*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
23:51.58*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~justicia@
23:51.59p3nguinIf you want to temporarily accept calls on the s extension just so you can get calls going, add extension s and make it do something useful.   exten => s,1,Goto(02071486267,1);
23:52.24jc319Oups, I changed it in the previous edits, but this one is still in _1NXX format. Changing now, thanks for heads up. So at least I can call people. Damn just noticed it's the weekend so can't get this fixed for another week
23:52.27*** join/#asterisk citywok (
23:52.43p3nguinThat will get your calls, which are incorrectly being delivered to you, into your actual DID number as you have it configured.
23:53.41*** join/#asterisk dhartman (~dhartman@wilug/newlug/ricko73)
23:54.19jc319I have 3 DiDs, with this method I can start using only one. Basically all 3 of them will be delivered to 'default destination' and no way to seperate them, right?
23:54.23p3nguinDepending on the UK's numbering plan, you may end up with an outbound extension pattern of _XXX. to simply accept calls which are at least four digits in length.  I don't know the UK's numbering plan.
23:54.49p3nguinUntil we can learn why they are sending your calls to 's'
23:54.56p3nguinand/or get them to fix it...
23:55.39jc319I have some plans saved here I'll have a look. I hope they can fix this. I read some ISPs intentionally don't deliver all the flexibility to push clients to buy 'answering machines' and such great rocket science services
23:56.30p3nguinThat's the point where the service provider and I part ways. has a PoP in London.
23:56.43p3nguinJust sayin'.
23:57.55*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)

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