IRC log for #asterisk on 20110603

00:35.10*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
00:40.08*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (~w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
00:48.32*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
00:54.46*** join/#asterisk Gteste (bb4131b7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:57.11GtesteHi! How can I set the expiry timeout per provider when registering them?
00:59.07*** join/#asterisk dlublink (
01:02.05GtesteAny idea?
01:14.55GtesteHi! How can I set the expiry timeout per provider when registering them?
01:15.29*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (~kumbang@
01:32.04*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
01:35.19*** join/#asterisk k-man (~k-man@unaffiliated/k-man)
01:35.25k-manmorning all
01:36.24k-manis there some way in asterisk to play a sound when when a call connection terminates, like when someone hangs up on the other end of the call
01:40.55WiretapWorkk-man, play a sound before running the Hangup() command
01:41.53k-manWiretapWork: ah, thanks
01:50.10rue_mohris there a make command for a debain system to get the boot init script for asterisk installed?
01:50.29rue_mohrREADME says nothing about it
01:50.46rue_mohror if they do, they manage to not use the word boot or init
01:50.52rue_mohror startup
01:51.06puzzledrue_mohr: check the main Makefile. iirc there is some init stuff in there
01:51.40rue_mohrI found the template, I dont know what triggers its install
01:51.58rue_mohrthe last system I did had dahdi in it, and its asterisk starts on boot
01:52.42puzzledrue_mohr: so are you on debian or centos?
01:52.54rue_mohrdebian, self compiled asterisk
01:54.30rue_mohrI'm just confused why the last install did it and this one didn't
01:54.58rue_mohrmaybe its dahdi-tools that actually sets up asterisk to start on boot?
01:55.01puzzledrue_mohr: looking at the main Makefile, make config will install the proper init depending on the distro
01:55.09pushpopanyone ever purchase a Snom phone?  Do they usually come with the power adapters?
01:55.10puzzledrue_mohr: no, dahdi does not do that
01:55.29rue_mohrsure I did that
01:55.47puzzledrue_mohr: check the main config from around line 744 or search for "config:"
01:55.55rue_mohr:) I guess I hadn't, thanks
01:56.04puzzledelif [ -f /etc/debian_version ] ; then \
01:56.15rue_mohrmake config worked, thankyou
01:56.15puzzledand then it installs the debian init stuff
01:56.30puzzledmy pleasure
01:57.32rue_mohr:) see if I can get mgcp working on this vog4000 again
01:57.44rue_mohr.. I should be able to, I wrote the book...
01:58.57puzzledrue_mohr: heh that sounds ancient
02:01.48puzzledlol 3cx whitepaper with 10 advantages of a Windows PBX: no need to learn how to update & troubleshoot black box, no need for linux updates and re-testing. as if winblos does not need updates. guess you need to come up with some serious marketing bs to sell that stuff
02:02.04*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
02:13.40*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
02:18.07xxiaowhen i make a SIP call, will the RTP packets go through SIP gateway or bypass it?
02:23.26*** join/#asterisk c|oneman (clon3man@
02:23.52c|onemanwhen you've got 2 devices logged in to a VOIP service, how are incoming calls typically handled?
02:29.03puzzledxxiao: that depends on how you have * configured. it can do either. search for canreinvite and something called rtpdirect or directrtp on the asterisk wiki
02:29.51xxiaopuzzled: thanks. i thought SIP is really only about signalling, but one peer is saying he saw all RTP packets originating from sip server
02:30.05xxiaoguess it can do both, but let RTP go throught sip can not scale
02:30.24xxiaosip is new to me, googling&learning
02:30.32puzzledxxiao: signalling and data is separate but an * box can handle both
02:31.09xxiaopuzzled: got it, for internal usage i guess it's fine, for public access it could be separated for scalability i think
02:31.35xxiaoclearly RTP path is separated from SIP
02:31.37puzzledxxiao: yes, for large scale stuff look at OpenSIPS and Kamailio
02:32.27xxiaopuzzled: thanks again, that's what i'm trying to figure out: opensips, kamailio, asterisknow, trixbox, pbx in a flash
02:32.42xxiaoi guess asterisk* is really for intranet?
02:32.52xxiaoas what PBX stands for, "private"
02:33.14puzzledyeah but that term is ancient
02:34.03puzzledopensips and kamailio are proxies. asterisk, asterisknow, trixbox and pbx in a flash are basically all a pbx
02:34.11xxiaoso, for intranet/enterprise internal usage, asterisk/trixbox fits, for public server setup opensips/kamailio are btter? does this make sense?
02:34.45ectospasmAsterisk can be a public server
02:34.52xxiaook, other than these famous names, did I miss any major player in sip/voip(oss)? depends on what your needs are
02:35.24ectospasmxxiao: FreeSwitch, OpenSER come to mind.
02:35.27puzzledxxiao: other players are yate and freeswitch
02:35.30xxiaoi played with asterisk a few years ago, which is hard to use, need re-try it now, this weekend actually
02:35.32ectospasmunless you've already mentioned them
02:35.42xxiaoneed set up a testing server for someone
02:35.49ectospasmxxiao: but none of them are drop in replacements for each other
02:36.10xxiaoectospasm: i was told freeswitch is totally different
02:36.15puzzledit is
02:36.17ectospasmwell, Asterisk-based stuff like AsteriskNOW, Trixbox, Elastix, etc. are drop-in replacements for each other
02:36.26ectospasmxxiao: it is, as are most of what you're talking about
02:36.30xxiaoopenser is nowadays opensips/kamailio i think
02:36.34ectospasmFreeSwitch is not a PBX
02:36.41ectospasmxxiao: yeah, I don't keep up with it
02:36.57ectospasmnor is OpenSIPS/Kamailio
02:37.03puzzledwell, it can be but basically it is a switch/framework
02:37.43ectospasmwell, in that respect Asterisk isn't a PBX either
02:37.46xxiaoif i want to set up a sip-video-chat network in public, which one will fit the best before i test all of them?
02:37.47ectospasmit's a PBX toolkit
02:38.00ectospasmxxiao: I can't answer that
02:38.06ectospasmyou'd have to do your testing first
02:38.13puzzledheh good luck with video. not sure if any of them support that very well
02:38.51xxiaoall claimed so though :0
02:39.33puzzledsure, the F/OSS world has caught on and does marketing too these days :)
02:39.39xxiaoif SIP just sets up the path without doing transcoding/media-forwarding, should be fine i hope
02:41.12xxiaook, i now have : asterisknow.trixbox.elastix.yate.opensips.kamialio.freeswitch.freepbx to play, hope they all have liveUSB :)
02:41.21xxiaoactually vm should do it
02:41.37puzzledasterisk 1.4 had video support with patches from not sure how things are in asterisk 1.8
02:42.07puzzledxxiao: freepbx is a gui
02:42.30xxiaopuzzled: hmm...checking now
02:43.26puzzledxxiao: freepbx a gui for asterisk and available at the gui for freeswitch is bluebox available at
02:44.06puzzlednot sure if yate comes with a gui or needs some gui addon
02:45.22puzzledhave fun testing :)
02:45.29xxiaosounds like a crazy weekend project
02:53.19*** join/#asterisk ferdna (
03:04.52*** join/#asterisk digilink (~digilink@unaffiliated/digilink)
03:06.40*** join/#asterisk Korolev (
03:18.41*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
03:24.14xxiaoone more, astlinux
03:24.36xxiaoare all these distributions centos-based? anyone that is dist-agnostic or debian/ubuntu-based?
03:40.47*** join/#asterisk digilink (~digilink@unaffiliated/digilink)
03:46.59WiretapWorkxxiao, freedoh
03:52.06*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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05:01.32*** join/#asterisk rhollan (
05:01.40rhollanany siproxd gurus around?
05:02.04rhollanI want to use it to proxy external SIP clients to an internal asterisk
05:02.18rhollanand run it on the same box as the A* server.
05:02.39rhollanCAn I have A* and siproxd listen on different ports and have siproxd proxy between them?
05:02.52rhollanor am I limited to the same port on different interfaces
05:07.04*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
05:12.35rhollanany siproxd gurus around
05:12.41*** join/#asterisk irroot (
05:13.02rhollanpuuls his hair out w.r.t siproxd
05:16.42*** join/#asterisk ilj (~ilj@sourcemage/grimoire/apprentice/ilj)
05:26.16*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (~moi@
05:27.40*** join/#asterisk tris (tristan@2001:1868:a00a::4)
05:28.22*** join/#asterisk g00gle (
05:38.09*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
05:39.10*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
05:39.49sawgoodIs there any command available to 'convert' a dialplan from 1.4.x to 1.8.4?
05:40.21*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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05:43.01irrootsawgood convert how ??
05:43.10irrootto ael ??
05:43.19irrootor to modify it for changes ??
05:44.05sawgoodto make sip.conf and extensions.conf work under 1.8.4
05:44.20sawgoodI am getting an 'error' message saying, "did you convert your dialplan"
05:45.37irrootyou need to look at UPGRADE.txt
05:46.03irrootchage the delimiter from | to ,
05:47.49sawgoodthank you
05:48.11sawgoodwhere is UPGRADE.txt at?
05:48.23irrootin the root of the src directory
05:48.49*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
05:52.40sawgoodhmmm ... that is a very long file
05:57.07sawgoodgot it working ... thank you!
05:58.41*** join/#asterisk cerberus_za (
06:02.47sawgoodthings work ... from boot, but when an incoming call arrives, there are lots of warning and error messages ...
06:03.00sawgoodsip reload and/or dialplan reload will not generate any errors
06:03.46*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
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06:17.36*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
06:25.29*** join/#asterisk Karen_m (
06:26.01Karen_mhello, i'm currently using, but is there another provider that is similiar to them or better for canadians?  I'm looking to order a 403-310* custom number, and maybe order a few more dids
06:44.38*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-rhccrzawbdmpsjkl)
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06:59.30*** join/#asterisk FlaPer87 (~FlaPer87@unaffiliated/flaper87)
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08:05.54*** join/#asterisk Buklov (
08:08.08*** join/#asterisk gnuday (
08:08.55gnudayHi. I want to script the compilation
08:09.33ChannelZHave fun!
08:10.06gnudayHi. I want to script the compilation of asterisk via bash and would like to run make menuselect non-interactively. Any suggestions? Thanks.
08:13.28*** join/#asterisk Faustov (~fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:15.02wdoekes2look at the generated xml file after make menuselect
08:15.12wdoekes2(I think.. leifmadsen mentioned something like that a while ago)
08:16.15wdoekes2you could start by checking which files exist before/after every step (configure, make menuselect, ..) using find, sort and diff
08:17.35gnudaythanks wdoekes2
08:22.45*** join/#asterisk MariusAgon (~aa@
08:39.52*** join/#asterisk ruyo (
08:40.38*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
08:42.46*** join/#asterisk Denial (
08:57.03*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley_ (~quassel@
09:04.22*** join/#asterisk Sertys (~sertys@
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10:10.43stixGot this card if anyone's interested:
10:16.43*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
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12:31.29*** join/#asterisk Cadey (~x@
12:33.33CadeyHi guys, im seeing a lot of SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized in my sip debug trace. I think its in relation to INVITE. I have my sip.conf to canreinvite yes so im not sure what the issue is or is it safe to ignore etc
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12:34.40irrootit may well be fraud ??
12:34.44*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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12:34.58irrootcadey check the ips make sure its yours
12:35.09Cadeyyeah its our IP's
12:35.31Cadeyit seems to be at call startup, the PBX is sending the 401 back to the phone
12:36.31Cadeybut the call seems to work
12:36.44Cadeyso may be its nothing to worry about, ill post some of the trace incase
12:37.03irroot401 is bad password 407 is request for password
12:37.28irrootsee imeadiately after it
12:37.38irrootis there a copy with a password
12:38.06Cadeyits litraly just SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
12:38.25CadeyI think it may be when its working out which audio codec to use or somthing?
12:38.29irrootyip perfectly normal
12:38.37irrootsee line 90
12:38.56Cadeyoh yeah
12:38.58CadeyI missed that
12:39.04irrootinvite comes in phone rejects 401/407
12:39.07Cadeywhat is it trying to do ?
12:39.13irrootthe invite comes back with auth
12:39.21irrootits same way http auth works
12:39.40Cadeyok so what have I messed up?
12:40.02irrootnothing at all
12:40.07Cadeyso its normal?
12:40.32Cadeybegs the question, why :) ?
12:41.50WIMPySomeone designed it that way.
12:45.35CadeyOn an unrelated note, when we make a call (sip) the ringing tone sound is played, but then once the call is conected seems to reinitialise the ringing tone. My guess is it does that as per design but however when you ring a line that is engaged you can hear 2 rings before the PBX realises the call is engaged
12:45.47Cadeycan we stop that or is it a handset related thing?
12:47.05Cadeyits confusing some of our users because sometimes it takes a couple of seconds to initalise a call (say to a mobile network) and so they think the clients phone has been ringing to a lot longer than it has because in there ear they are hearing the ringing tone... does that make sense?
12:47.31*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
12:47.39WIMPyAsterisk can beconfigured to do it (see Dail option r), your telephones might be doing it and if you call out via an ITSP they might be doing it.
12:48.12Cadeyright ok ill check that WIMPy thanks
12:50.02irrootan answer playtones can do the same :P
12:52.20*** join/#asterisk nW44b (~Schnitzel@unaffiliated/benwa)
12:52.24Cadeywe dont pass the r option to Dial so im not sure if we can change it
12:53.24*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (
12:54.41Cadeyill check the phone see if its a handset setting
12:56.15wdoekes2Cadey: do you Answer() or Ringing() in the dialplan?
12:57.38wdoekes2the phone shouldn't get an 180, so it shouldn't play any ringing sound even it was configured to do so.. unless it's upstream (the itsp) that messes with it
13:01.55*** join/#asterisk gray_ (~Gray@unaffiliated/remnant13)
13:05.51Cadeywdoekes2 : this is for an outgoing call so we wouldnt use an Answer() ? also we dont have Ringing() in our dial plan
13:05.56*** join/#asterisk Tozz_ (
13:06.35asilvais best practice to use internal_timing=yes ?
13:08.30*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
13:09.20*** join/#asterisk sereal (~sereal@2001:4830:116e:1:1e6f:65ff:fec3:cd0d)
13:09.35serealWhats the format I need to convert .wav files to for asterisk playback?
13:09.58Cadeysereal : depends on which codec the media is using really
13:10.08Cadeysereal : but ulaw, alaw are most common
13:10.16irrootasilva id recomend it
13:10.21serealI'm converting from .wav - this is for a phone menu
13:10.25irrootand use it in all my installs
13:11.10serealthe asterisk ones are .gsm
13:11.13asilvairroot, ok!
13:11.32serealis there a linux tool to convert .wavs to .gsm ?
13:11.34WIMPysereal: 16 bit signed linear, 8k samples/s mono would be the generic solution. And if you don't use a very recent Asterisk version, make sure there anre't any other chumks in the file, like id3-style
13:11.38asilvairroot, load all timing modules? or just dahdi?
13:12.15irrootwell only one will ever be used
13:12.24WIMPyasilva: You can only use one. Dahdi would be the best, if available.
13:12.30irrootthe order is timingfd dahdi and then pthread
13:12.45irrootso noload timingfd !!!
13:12.57asilvagood to know
13:13.01irrootthen dahdi will be used
13:13.11irrootmodule show like timing
13:13.22irrootthe one with a res count will be the used one
13:14.41asilvaany thoughts on what modules i shouln't load ? only use sip here and iax2!
13:14.52serealOr a audacity plugin...
13:15.28irrootsox rox !!
13:17.36WIMPyasilva: Those you don't need.
13:18.08asilvaWIMPy, i'm trying to see here what i don't need, but afraid to disable something i might use and i don't know about it
13:18.47*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
13:18.53WIMPyYou will find out if something's missing.
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13:44.35Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix plz????
13:45.10WIMPyKatty: Use a bigger hammer!
13:45.36puzzledor some TLC and begging
13:46.46leifmadsenKatty: I suggest chocolate
13:46.57Kattyi can't even troll anymore
13:46.59Kattywhat is this nonsense
13:47.47tzangeryou're not much of a troll, Katty
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13:49.32irrootKatty "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda"
13:49.36irrootit will undo
13:49.49irroothappy friday to you too
13:50.08irrooton second beer here so not a bad day only 3pm
13:50.31WIMPyFraiday? Is it really that late again?
13:50.55MariusAgonLuckily yes.
13:51.55*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
13:52.00fullstopHappy Friday!
13:53.52Kattyhapppppppppppppppy friday indeed
13:53.57Kattycaffeine induced happy
13:54.10Kattywhat is the name of zeeek's channel
13:54.17Kattyi can never remember
13:54.27Kattyfor his friday thing
13:58.06irrootim off home taking 1/2 day friday 16h00 is coming up
13:59.15Kattydid you get to sleep in
14:00.52irrootKatty had a Braai/BBQ  couple of beers hard work i tell you  [middle of winter and all]
14:01.20fullstopHow is winter in South Africa?
14:02.53*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (~putnopvut@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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14:03.22irrootdepends where you are got to -2c so far east coast its pleasant can swim even cape its rainy season lowveld [game reserves are pleasant]
14:03.49Kattyis braai an english word?
14:04.17irrootwe dont see snow except in the mountains last snow in johannesburg [serious snow lasting more than 2 days on the ground] was in 1981
14:04.36irrootbraai is duch origin Braaivlies burnt meat
14:05.45*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
14:05.49Kattynow i iw ill never know how to pronounce braai
14:06.03Kattyhugs tzanger
14:06.12Kattywhere are my manners
14:06.14Kattyhugs leifmadsen
14:06.24Kattyhow you lovely gentlemen this friday
14:13.40*** join/#asterisk sereal (~sereal@
14:15.09wdoekes2braai probably sounds like bye, but with a slightly longer vowel and an 'r' crammed in there of course
14:15.21wdoekes2assuming it's not much different from dutch pronounciation
14:16.01*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (~vossel@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
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14:16.59puzzledKatty: fine, thank you. the br in braai you pronounce like the br in broad. the aa like aaaaaaaah and the i following the aa as the i in Monty Python's Knights who say Ni. now record your attempt and put it online so we can have a good friday laugh :)
14:18.26WIMPywants that in the asterisk sound package
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14:24.39rhollanany sip proxy gurus here (siproxd in particular)?
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14:29.13Kattybr ahh ee?
14:29.17puzzledheh skype got its nickers in a twist over the reverse engineering thing:
14:29.33puzzledKatty: try rye (the bread iirc) and prepend a "b"
14:29.35Kattythat sounds like some sort of tween underwear
14:29.41*** part/#asterisk jhmichelle352 (~jhmichell@
14:30.09Kattylike bi?
14:30.15*** join/#asterisk d-_-b- (~d-_-b-@2607:f370:9999:dead:5ab0:35ff:fef7:6be3)
14:30.25Kattythis is confusing
14:30.27puzzlednope, br, no sound in between
14:30.40Kattybry like bro
14:30.42Kattybut with a y
14:30.51Kattybry e?
14:30.58Katty2 syllabuls?
14:30.59puzzledyou got it
14:31.25Kattynow i can go to a dutch bbq
14:33.47*** join/#asterisk ManWithNoName (c8f21ce7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:33.56KattyManWithNoName: where's your horse.
14:33.57*** join/#asterisk FlaPer87 (~FlaPer87@unaffiliated/flaper87)
14:34.46puzzlednever seen a horse in an irc channel
14:34.55puzzledwonders what Katty has been smoking at the Dutch BBQ
14:35.14Kattymcdonalds iced tea
14:35.15ManWithNoNamethinks puzzled has a good point
14:35.33Kattyi'm just naturally this way on caffeine
14:35.45puzzledthat sounds reasonably safe :)
14:35.57Kattyprobably not
14:36.03Kattyit /is/ mcd after all
14:36.45ManWithNoNameHello! Anyone has any idea why I'm receiving that message: chan_dahdi.c:9062 dahdi_write: Cannot handle frames in g729 format
14:36.49puzzledthe great destroyer of the Amazon rainforrest
14:37.19puzzledManWithNoName: wild guess: you have no g729 codec?
14:37.29*** join/#asterisk Jasnejac (kvirc@
14:37.39Kattythat sounds like a reasonable guess
14:37.51ManWithNoNamepuzzled: I have it.
14:38.04puzzledoh ok. is it loaded?
14:38.08Kattyyou could eliminate that as the problem tho by using another codec
14:38.11ManWithNoNameyes. loaded and working
14:38.13Kattyor prove it is the problem
14:38.30Kattyprocess of elimination
14:38.48ManWithNoNameI don't understand why chan_dahdi is complaining about it
14:39.05Kattymaybe it hasn't had breakfast yet
14:39.11ManWithNoNameshouldn't it be transcoded by * before the call is passed to a dahdi channel
14:39.38Kattycan't say i know the answer to that one
14:40.02*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
14:40.06Kattyhi Juggie
14:40.50ManWithNoNameLet me elaborate a little on my problem. I have this setup: oldpbx -- <isdn> --- *A ------ iax trunk ------ *B --<isdn>-- oldpbx
14:41.40ManWithNoNameif I made a call from a sip peer connected to *A to a phone connected to oldpbx B everything works fine
14:41.41WIMPywhois ManWithNoName
14:42.21ManWithNoNameBut if I make a call from a phone connected to oldpbx A to a phone connected to oldpbx B I got that error message and the call is hanged up
14:42.51WIMPyI think I've seen that with G.722 before.
14:43.17WIMPyMight have been a bug in one version of chan_dahdi.
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14:45.53ManWithNoNamei'm only using g.729 at the iax trunk
14:46.10ManWithNoNameI'll go change it to gsm and see what happens
14:47.45ManWithNoNameas I suspected the message changed to: chan_dahdi.c:9062 dahdi_write: Cannot handle frames in gsm format
14:49.00WIMPyLooks to me as if cahn_dahdi accepts codecs it can't handle.
14:49.21ManWithNoNameChanged to ulaw and it works
14:49.45ManWithNoNameBut i rather not use ulaw in my iax trunk
14:51.03ManWithNoNameWhat I don't undestand is that when the call come from a sip phone it works. Looks like the call does not get translated to a codec dahdi can support when it cames from a phone connected to the pbx
14:51.41WIMPyYou're using g.729 on SIP as well?
14:52.24WIMPyAnd, yes, that's obviousely happening. I'd try to upgrade. I wouldn't expect that behaviour to have lasted for long.
14:52.37ManWithNoNameWIMPy: no
14:53.06ManWithNoNameWIMPy: I'm using the latest version of *
14:53.21ManWithNoNamelatest version on the B end
14:53.29WIMPyHmm. Let me try that.
14:53.34ManWithNoNameI'll upgrade the A end now and see
14:54.15WIMPyDid you get that problem in both directions?
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14:55.56ManWithNoNameWIMPy: I don't know. Gonna have to ask someone in the other end to test it. Might be a while
14:57.07WIMPyMy phone said "protocol error" :-(
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14:58.46ManWithNoNameWIMPy: you have the latest versions on booth ends?
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14:59.36WIMPyI think I need an IAX connection to the test box first.
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15:00.19WIMPyOr register the phone with it. I think that might be a good idea anyway.
15:01.03*** join/#asterisk irroot (~irroot@
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15:05.56*** join/#asterisk Aut0Exec (~Joe@
15:06.06Aut0Execwhat do i reload after changes to extension.conf
15:06.25fullstopAut0Exec: dialplan reload
15:06.33Aut0Execahh ok
15:07.22fullstopQuestion for all:  When it comes to fax, what do you use?  FFA, HylaFax + IAXModem ?
15:09.26irrootill be bias and say OOH323/GNUGK/T38Modem/res_fax[+t38gw]
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15:11.36WIMPyManWithNoName: I don't know why I ended up on GSM, but that gets transcoded correctly.
15:11.59irrootfullstop what you want to do ??
15:12.05WIMPyProbably because I didn't really configure sip on that machine.
15:12.23fullstopirroot: I just want to receive faxes.
15:12.40irrootthen res_fax -> mail is a option
15:12.41fullstopirroot: right now I have dahdi hardware and a PRI.
15:12.52puzzledfullstop: I use * 1.4, chan_capi, iaxmodem and Hylafax+. Has been working great for years now
15:13.08fullstopbut, shortly, that will be replaced with SIP..
15:13.17fullstopAnd, supposedly, they support T.38
15:13.34WIMPypuzzled: If you're using capi, why are you using iaxmodem?
15:13.58puzzledWIMPy: cause I was too lazy to figure out how to do it with capi :)
15:14.01irrootT38 works with asterisk problem is 1.4 has not got good app_fax support 1.6/1.8 does
15:14.34WIMPypuzzled: I would have thought that would be easier. But then I haven't tried.
15:14.34irrootT38Gateway will be in 1.10 by looks of it
15:20.49*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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15:24.30bandittiPort question:  I know I need 5060 udp, and 10000-20000.  is the 10k-20k udp or tcp/udp?  Any others?
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15:25.29irroot5060 can be tcp or udp add 5061 for TLS 10000-20000 is udp depending on your settings in udp.conf
15:25.30ornbanditti: udp, and no others for phone functionality, unless you're using IAX or something
15:26.32bandittiThank you, I am writing my packet filter rules and I want it as secure as possible.  I appreciate your input
15:27.38irrootif its going to be live on interenet look at fail2ban geoip ratelimiting and the like
15:30.46bandittiThanks!  I will look at them no.  Ratelimiting/QOS I already have in place.
15:31.02bandittinow, not no
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15:31.54irrootbanditti  number of queries per ip to the server brute force attacks are not plesant
15:32.21bandittiirroot, I am not sure I understand
15:32.36WIMPybanditti: If you have contrack you don't need to forward the rtp ports.
15:33.11irrootgetting x num of auth querys per s from a ip its trying to crack passwords and steal calls
15:33.54bandittiThat part I get, I just wasn't sure of the context.
15:34.00ornbanditti: Also consider using alwaysauthreject=yes to make brute-force attacks less likely to succeed.
15:34.21ornbanditti: You'd put that in sip.conf. That way the brute-forcer can't see if he's guessed a correct username.
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15:48.07otwieraczCan anyone tell me possible reasons why my caller can't hear me?
15:50.10otwieraczME (Ekiga, ULAW) -- Asterisk (ULAW) -- SipGate (ULAW?) -- PSTN
15:52.28irroototwieracz prolly nat/firewall issue
15:53.02ornotwieracz: Seconded. That is usually the issue.
15:54.09otwieraczOutgoing and NAT problem?
15:57.30*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~r2d2@
16:01.11ruyootwieracz, if you call directly through SipGate from Ekiga does that happen?
16:01.24otwieraczNo credits to try this…
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16:30.11pushpopIs there a website where you can get free PBX audio ect
16:30.26pushpoplike moh queue announcements ?
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16:37.59CadeyBy default install which location would I find the core crash log when using -g is it in /usr/sbin becaue it says in the folder of the place it was executed?
16:38.12Kalaverahello , is there a code that I can use to pull a call that is ringing on other extension?
16:42.00Karen_mhello, i'm currently using, but is there another provider that is similiar to them or better for canadians?  I'm looking to order a 403-310* custom number, and maybe order a few more dids
16:42.18mickecarlssonany dev that can explain the "ast_string_field_set" usage?
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16:53.36p3nguinkaren_m: Since is a Canadian-based ITSP, it's going to be a good choice already.  You shouldn't need a different one. is great but they don't have a way to order  403-310* numbers
16:54.53Karen_mi'm looking for another provider in canada that is popular to checkout, maybe they do?
16:55.09*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
16:58.23infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
16:58.41infobotsomebody said itsplist-ca was Here are some popular Canadian ITSPs: , ,
16:59.29pabelangerinfobot: forget itsplist-ca
16:59.29infobotpabelanger: i forgot itsplist-ca
16:59.46Kalaverahello , is there a code that I can use to pull a call that is ringing on other extension?
16:59.58pabelangerinfobot: itsplist-ca is Here are some popular Canadian ITSPs: , ,,
16:59.58infobotpabelanger: okay
17:00.04infobotitsplist-ca is probably Here are some popular Canadian ITSPs: , ,,
17:00.52*** join/#asterisk jaskew (
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17:55.51rutskihey all
17:57.16rutskiSo, I'm very very new to asterisk, and to phone system technology in general. At work we have an asterisk machine at the moment with a 4-port phone card, connected to our cable modem. We just got a new 8-port card this week, along with a new tower, *and* a new modem, and I'm now tasked with cloning (to whatever degree I can) the asterisk configuration from the old system.
17:57.31*** join/#asterisk puzzled (
18:00.36*** join/#asterisk DrDigital (~mmurphy@gallery/DrDigital)
18:01.42bandittiloaded question, but who do you like for US orig/termination?
18:02.14bandittiI have been trying to get icall up and going, but support seems to have issues
18:05.09*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
18:07.34serealis there a way to define your own voice in the directory() application with out creating a language pack?
18:08.32serealI have a recorded file that I want to use instead of the default voice in the directory
18:11.12serealI would rather not rename the files the directory application uses.
18:11.23serealsince two companies have recorded different things for the directory
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18:13.14Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix plz????
18:14.39beekvigorously waves to Katty
18:15.07fullstopGet a bigger hammer.
18:15.15fullstopPound it into submission.
18:15.48serealyou need to warn your asterisk a couple of times and if it doesn't listen fire it
18:16.26fullstopWhich, conveniently, are available from Fullstop's Hammer Emporium.
18:17.02serealdo you have a hammer which won't leave a mark but will show my asterisk whos boss?
18:19.16beeksereal: Use a cattle prod.
18:20.48serealhumm so I can make my own language directory, but I can only have one language per dialplan?
18:21.04sereallooks like language=lang has to go in general
18:21.12serealis there any way to specify this in the context?
18:21.24serealsay for a french context and a english context
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18:22.21serealshould kept reading :p  SetLanguage(language)
18:23.42fullstopsereal: Naturally.  It is an EMPORIUM.
18:24.07*** join/#asterisk pushmatrix (
18:24.43pushmatrixIs it normal that AMI queuestatus does not return any uniqueids for the queueentries?
18:24.50fullstopBut, please, don't go down the street to that place which sells "old phone books that don't leave a mark but can be used for beating."  What you REALLY want is a hammer.
18:27.18*** join/#asterisk billmania (~bill@
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18:39.06Kattyhugs beek to bits
18:39.17Kattyi think i need a new troll line
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18:39.44Qwelltackles Katty
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18:42.08tyrrexrrgjoin #astaro
18:42.44Qwellno thanks
18:44.59Kattyhuggiths the Qwellith
18:45.03KattyQwell: how did the date go? :>
18:46.05Kattyit went well?
18:46.13Kattymost excellent
18:48.36citywokooh, hot date?!?
18:51.36Qwellcitywok: with a librarian, yes.  Wrong channel though!
18:51.45citywokkatty asked about it right here! :P
18:51.51QwellYou aren't Katty. :p
18:52.09fullstopTis a shame.  She's SIP and Qwell is DAHDI.
18:52.24citywokyea... i'm citywok... but thinking of changing to citysushi after this weeks southpark.
18:52.31DeeewayneQwell, woot!
18:52.34fullstopHowever, with the power of Asterisk, they can be compatible.
18:52.37citywokfullstop: punny
18:52.39Kattykatty has no manners
18:52.40Kattywhat's up with that
18:52.47fullstopBlame your parents
18:52.52Kattythat's just rude
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18:52.59Kattyhai deeeeeewayners
18:53.09Kattyhugs Deeewayne
18:53.30Deeewaynehugs Katty
18:54.03fullstopTOO MUCH HUGGING
18:54.16DeeewayneKatty, I was looking for you the other day to say hi and offer a hug; but you were not thar
18:54.17Kattyhugs fullstop
18:54.17citywokit's not gay if it's a threeway
18:54.27KattyDeeewayne: no i have been gone :<
18:54.34Deeewayneme too
18:57.04DeeewayneKatty, my barrel of dry roasted peanuts appears to not be bottomless.  :-\
18:57.37Deeewaynelooks on Katty's squirrel feeders
18:58.00QwellDeeewayne: You have a barrel of peanuts?
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18:58.32irrootill raise you macadamias ...
18:58.34DeeewayneQwell, just a Sam's sized barrel which is smaller than a MegaloMart sized barrel
18:59.00Qwellquickiemart > sams > megalomart
18:59.41Deeewayneoh wait, megalomart is King of the Hill.  What's the simpson's super-sized store?
19:01.24Deeewayneyup, "The Monstromart is a very large supermarket located in Springfield."
19:01.38*** join/#asterisk kcore (
19:01.39Deeewaynethat was a stumper
19:02.35Deeewaynelol @ SprawlMart
19:02.55fullstopWhat was the one in Ogdenville which sold Sorny, Magnetbox and Panaphonics?
19:03.50KattyDeeewayne: i am sorry to hear about the lack of peanuts
19:04.14KattyDeeewayne: just went and got myself some protein too
19:04.43fullstoptrying not to joke about protein.. this is very difficult
19:04.53Kattyyeah i was just waiting for someone to say something
19:04.59Kattybut i figured it wouldn't be you
19:05.18fullstopI held back, too.
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19:05.31Kattyalso, where has eppigy been
19:05.35Kattyinfobot: seen eppigy
19:05.40infoboteppigy <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 305d 3h 20m 42s ago, saying: 'pretty much what i expected though i guess'.
19:05.58fullstopgetting close to a full year
19:06.05fullstopinfobot: fullstop?
19:06.06infobothmm... fullstop is awesome
19:11.40*** join/#asterisk dr0ck (~dr0ck@nat/digium/x-dtgzbojawutxctrs)
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19:15.50rhollancan siproxd run in the same box as asterisk to proxy externally NATed SIP clients TO asterisk?
19:16.20rhollanthat is inbound being eth0, and outbound being lo, with siproxd listening on inbound:5060 and asterisk on lo:5060?
19:16.23irrootrhollan indeed
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19:16.54rhollanI can't seem to make it work and all the docs refer to siproxd proxying Asterisk behind a NAT
19:16.57irroottricky but can be done
19:16.58*** join/#asterisk TheKernel[work] (~tcrowe@unaffiliated/the-kernel)
19:17.11irrootnot sure about using the lo
19:17.40TheKernel[work]hi, I have asterisk set up with a very simple extension, and for some reason it will not register the extension to the phone, I see the phone sending the register to asterisk, but asterisk never responds.
19:17.43rhollanwireshark shows me that siproxd is responding to register requests directly to the clients and using the IP addresses (pre-NAT) in the SDP messages, that is, not doing anuthing
19:18.33rhollanI really don't want to have to have a second machine for siproxd
19:18.56rhollanirroot: any pointers to docs showing this?
19:19.11irrootnope did it with ser
19:19.41rhollanHmm. I couldn't find any docs for ser, just an overview
19:19.51irrootit was while back
19:20.04irrooti run asterisk on ethA [internal]
19:20.21irrootnat to asterisk always
19:20.30irrootworks fine with the setup
19:20.38rhollanBut are your clients NATed?
19:20.56irrootall i do is replace the DNAT rule
19:20.57rhollanMy A* is not NATted, though it could be made to be.
19:21.06irrootwith the ser
19:21.17irrootbinding to outside
19:21.40irrootsome clients are natted some are not
19:21.41rhollanso, you are using SER as an outbound SIP proxy for A*? I'm not sure I understand
19:22.03irrootthe remote agents can route to SER [kamalio]
19:22.17irrootinternal is direct
19:22.23irrootits a mess
19:23.10rhollanHere's my problem: I have WLAN clients when at home NATed throught the WLAN router, and when away they connect over 3G, also NATted by the telco
19:23.35rhollanA* can deal with this using na=yes, but then reINVITEs don't work to get the RTP paths direct
19:24.02rhollanIIf A* thinks the clients are not NATted, directmedia works fine sending the reINVITE.
19:24.12rhollanButm, then A* must think the clients are not NATted
19:24.29rhollanSo, I need an outbound SIP proxy for them, but I'd like to place it close to A*.
19:41.02p3nguinI don't know what "A-star" is, but Asterisk should be able to handle the media connections without a reinvite.
19:42.27rhollanA* == Asterisk, sorry. Asterisk CAN handle them, but once the call is established I want Asterisk to drop out of the RTP flow.
19:42.45rhollanit can do that with directmedia=yes, but that only works if nat=no.
19:43.16rhollanSo, I need to not have Asterisk handle remote clients behind NAT, and use an outbound sip proxy for them instead.
19:43.34rhollanThing is, I want to host that outbound sip proxy on the same machine that hosts Asterisk
19:44.00p3nguinWhat is going to be the effective difference between allowing Asterisk to handle the media on NATted devices as opposed to letting a SIP proxy stay in the middle and let Asterisk get out of the media path?
19:44.41rhollanAsterisk is out of the media path.
19:45.01p3nguinYou're trying to keep that physical computer in the path, so why not let Asterisk handle the media?
19:45.16rhollanonly for SIP, not RTP
19:46.00rhollanonce Asterisk knows the NATed RTP ports, it can stitch the media paths together with a REINVite, no?
19:46.17p3nguinThe SIP proxy is going to have to stay in the media path as opposed to Asterisk, right?  Just because you offload the media stream to another mechanism does not magically fix the inherent NAT problem.
19:47.51rhollanHmm, why? Won't the sip proxy simply map the media ports in the SDP messages? If I am mistaken, then yes, might as well leave Asterisk in the middle.
19:49.03p3nguinI don't know what the proxy's capability is with regard to the media.  I assume it needs to stay in the path just like Asterisk does when dealing with devices behind NAT.
19:49.28rhollanI was thinking of siproxd, specifically
19:56.41*** join/#asterisk Lantizia (
20:01.20rhollanI need to think about this some more.
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20:21.18xxiaohow is elastix
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20:23.55Qwellxxiao: Save yourself the trouble and use AsteriskNOW.
20:24.49xxiaofrom the read i had since yesterday, it seems asterisknow has all the bells and whistles, while trixbox is more conservative for prouduction
20:25.25xxiaomean not pulling in all the newest stuff for the sake of upgrade
20:25.50xxiaosome hardware cards are still 2.6.18 might be different now
20:25.51QwellThat's code for "can't be bothered to be up to date with security fixes."
20:27.33xxiaoasterisknow, opensips(or kamailio), freeswitch are probably the three I'm to play with this weekend
20:27.46Qwellnone of those things are like the other.
20:27.49xxiaothe former two can be integrated
20:28.48xxiaoQwell: i want to see who can do some video chat actually, i hope for not-too-complicated-audio they're all fine
20:29.18QwellAs I said yesterday...  Asterisk can do one-to-one.  None of them can do multiplexed.
20:31.50xxiaoit's possible for sip client to handle 3-way video calling without a media-control-unit
20:32.23xxiaoeach client will have to handle two video downstream and one(its own) video unstream, same for audio, downstream has enough bandwidth anyway
20:39.43*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~VoipTech@
20:39.46DelphiWorldhey DUDES!
20:40.00fauxalliancehappy friday
20:40.08DelphiWorldfauxalliance: you too :D
20:40.14DelphiWorldanyone with a tMobile line?
20:40.47DelphiWorldWIMPy: mobile
20:40.51DelphiWorldWIMPy: sim
20:41.00fauxallianceGSM rather
20:41.15DelphiWorldfauxalliance: right
20:41.34WIMPyJust like vodafone used the slogan "It's my line" to sell their mobile services? Never understood that.
20:41.50WIMPyDelphiWorld: Not ATM.
20:44.14xxiaosterisk and OpenSIPS are different systems designed for different tasks. OpenSIPS is a Carrier Class SIP Proxy used primarily by VoIP providers. It is designed to handle large volumes of calls, load balance SIP communication, solve advanced NAT scenarios, and to deal with SIP signalling as no other. Asterisk is a B2BUA and is very popular in the small to medium PBX market. Asterisk is simpler to configure and can be used as a "black box does it
20:45.22WIMPyThat "black box" statement is interesting, to say the least.
20:45.23xxiaoPut another way, OpenSIPS does no media at all, Asterisk does both signalling and media
20:45.47p3nguinwimpy: not to mention truncated.
20:45.50*** join/#asterisk zsasz (~zsasz@unaffiliated/zsasz)
20:46.34*** part/#asterisk TheKernel[work] (~tcrowe@unaffiliated/the-kernel)
20:51.05DelphiWorldxxiao: doe asterisk do SLB?
20:54.00p3nguinIf you'll tell me what SLB is, maybe I can answer you.
20:54.54p3nguinWell, disregard that.  You were addressing xxiao specifically.
20:55.23xxiaoi have absolutely no idea about SLB
20:55.30xxiaoOpenSER is more of a proxy/router and FreeSWITCH is... well.... a switch. OpenSER is definitely better at dealing with broken devices (i.e. most linksys phones/ATAs on the market) behind nat. You might consider using OpenSER as a registrar/proxy and using FreeSWITCH to do the call accounting and routing to/from carriers.
20:56.19DelphiWorldp3nguin: SLB===sip load balancer
20:56.23xxiaolooks like freeswitch is alternative to asterisk, opensips/openser/kamailio are for proxy and registras without any media processing
20:58.06xxiaoWith Asterisk you have low level access to the IAX protocol. This makes it possible to transfer Header signal and Media in same packet and same port!
20:58.34xxiaooops. sorry. meant to copy some SLB on Asterisk, it can do it
20:59.04xxiaoAsterisk can be configured to load balance by the "username", "ruri", "callid", and other properties and also failover.
21:01.25carrarSounds like a WINNER!
21:01.59carrar- xxiao []
21:01.59carrar-  channels : #asterisk #WINNING
21:02.31xxiaocarrar: ?
21:02.57carrarwatches that fly 2 miles over xxiao head
21:04.06carrarYou got Asterisk installed yet?
21:04.24*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~VoipTech@
21:04.31xxiaohope to have enough time this weekend to play with it
21:04.51carrarBefore it's gone!
21:05.01xxiaocarrar: thanks. r u ok?
21:05.24carrarI'm never OK!!!
21:06.35carrarLooks like you want asterisk- anyways
21:13.03xxiaothanks. downloading asterisknow
21:18.34*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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22:12.40*** join/#asterisk gray_ (~Gray@unaffiliated/remnant13)
22:17.59bandittirecommendations for term/orig in us?
22:29.48bandittiwholesale that is
22:32.18*** part/#asterisk gray_ (~Gray@unaffiliated/remnant13)
22:34.53infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
22:34.56infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
22:46.32*** join/#asterisk bchia (~chatzilla@
22:55.28*** join/#asterisk eugeneoden (
23:07.31*** join/#asterisk fagiani (bb3d8a62@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:08.42fagianii am getting a error and machine crash after upgrading to latest wanpipe version. can anyone help along?
23:13.22xxiaothe link for asterisk 32bit is dead
23:13.29xxiaoi mean asterisknow
23:13.49xxiaotorrent did not work either, had to try trixbox first
23:13.53Qwellworks for me
23:14.21p3nguinI think someone is just looking for an excuse to use Trixbox instead of AsteriskNOW.
23:15.08p3nguinI'm not sure we should care... it's not our responsibility to support Trixbox when it gets fouled up.
23:16.24xxiaoi intend to use asteriskNow, could not grab the 32bit iso
23:16.44xxiaotorrent is working now though, at 30kbps
23:17.17p3nguin is certainly goofed up.
23:20.45p3nguinIt appears that they don't even have an asterisk mirror.  That's a problem.
23:22.20xxiaoit is, i planned this weekend for it, now am downloading it at 40kbps which will take 3 hours
23:22.24xxiaovia torrent that is
23:22.45xxiaomaybe someone replaced my cablemodem with a dialup!
23:25.34*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (~chatzilla@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
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23:26.14*** join/#asterisk Valen (
23:27.42p3nguinIf you want to get it from me, I can send it quite a bit faster than that.
23:29.13p3nguinYou can get it from me in under 30 minutes.
23:29.44Valeni *think* this is the right place for this question, its about customizing the dialplan freepbx uses. I want to get it to run an external command when a user logs in or out. The freepbx extensions_additional.conf has a nice context [app-userlogonoff] and the first line there is include => app-userlogonoff-custom, so am i right in thinking if i open say extensions_custom.conf and create an [app-userlogonoff-custom] I could just
23:30.02Valenits more of an asterisk dialplan question than a freepbx question
23:30.28p3nguinI'm averaging 480 KB/s upstream.
23:30.50Valenp3nguin: lol i hate you, my best upstream is 36kb/sec
23:32.05p3nguinThen I'm sure you'll hate me worse when I tell you that I average 6 MB/s downloads.
23:32.32Valenwith a fiery passion
23:32.49Valen.6 on a good day
23:33.22xxiaop3nguin: hi 8mb download speed here
23:33.37xxiaop3nguin: do you have a ftp or http url for me to grab?
23:33.46xxiaoor never mind
23:33.53p3nguinxxiao: See /notice
23:33.56xxiaowill go shopping now then it should be ready then
23:37.01*** part/#asterisk Nat_RH (
23:37.06p3nguinThat 480 KB/s upload was with a torrent running.  I throttled that upload and then I was averaging more like 630 KB/s when I tested the ftp download from a remote system.
23:38.11Valenso any ideas on my dialplan?
23:38.37Valeni've never done hacking on a dialplan before at all so this is kinda the deep end lol
23:38.54p3nguinYour question got truncated.
23:40.03Valenfreepbx has a context [app-userlogonoff]
23:40.06p3nguinYou were cut off at: I could just ...
23:40.18Valenits first line include => app-userlogonoff-custom
23:40.33Valenthen it has the bit that does the work
23:40.37Valenexten => *12,1,Macro(user-logoff,)
23:40.38Valenexten => *12,n(hook_off),Hangup
23:40.48p3nguinIf this is FreePBX-specific, it might be better to ask in the appropriate FreePBX channel.
23:40.55Valenits more a dialplan thing
23:41.06p3nguinThen you can probably accomplish whatever you want.
23:41.21Valenafter the hangup i want it to run a command
23:41.44Valeni believe along these lines exten => h,n,System(/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "sip notify grandstream-idle-screen-refresh ${CALLERID(num)}")
23:42.05p3nguinUnder normal circumstances, after a hangup, extension 'h' executes.
23:43.00Valengiven that i cant edit the file that has all that other stuff in it i could create a context [app-userlogonoff-custom] in say the custom file with that line in it and it'd get run?
23:43.26Valenin theory ;->
23:43.43p3nguinThat's a FreePBX-specific question.  I don't know the order in which included files will be read and used in FreePBX.
23:43.58Valenpresume its sane ;->
23:44.30p3nguinIf you use a different extension, or if I make the assumption that the custom file is included first, then you can basically do whatever you want.
23:45.10Valenkeep in mind i have nfi about how dialplans work which is the reason i'm asking in here lol
23:45.23Valenbasically i want it to run that line after any hangup in the origional context
23:46.05p3nguinI would use the h extension in my context and test it out.  exten => h,1,Verbose(call just hung up)
23:55.04Valeni tried sticking that line in the origional context with no joy
23:56.42Valenshows the context and the result of asterisk -rvvvvv
23:59.04*** join/#asterisk moy_ (

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